#gay people can never be normal about thier love
gyllenhaux · 4 months
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this scene makes me so sad because i genuinely believe that will wholeheartedly thought hannibal was going to kiss him. look at the way he starts trembling looking at hanni like that he was so afraid but he trusted hannibal so much and that trust was so misplaced 😭😭😭
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why0should0i · 10 months
I love blue lock but i would have really like it if blue lock was about girls instead of boys... They keep the premise and characters same but they are girls... All the girls are crazy and obsessed with soccer... They talk about egos and they steal the ball from their teammates... Girl Raichi is still as agressive... Girl Bachira is still as crazy... Girl Shidou and Girl Rin are the same and they fight each other by punching and kicking and pulling hair... Girl Reo and Girl Nagi are the same and they still are gay and Girl Reo braids Girls Nagi's hair and does her mackup and picks out dresses for when they go out cause is still a lazy slacker and those entire interactions are so queer coded that the subject becomes text... The homoerotic tension and rivalries and undertones are all there... They are girls... No, they don't have an eposide dedicated where the talk about boys... Yes the matches are still as intense... No there aren't any wierd boob and ass and panties undershots... Why can't people be normal about teenage girls and their bodies... Why do they always have to sexualized in media... Every time I take a bath i don't bathe in this uncomfortable sexy way... Ego jinpachi is a woman who is crazy... Anri chan can be a man for once... The characters have different body types... Not all of them are slim or curvy and whatever thier body type they are not sexualized...
In fact having girls in a sports manga can mean more drama added to the plot and no i don't mean boys and fighting over crushes🙄🙄... The women's team isn't being taken seriously even though they won more than the men's team on a national and international level... The funding is low... Parents hesitate to send their daughters because "playing pro is a boy's thing... Girls should have more realistic dream"🙄🙄... Yes that is a widely prevalent attitude in more conservative countries...
Just imagine a character who was routinely berated by her parents for playing soccer because it was too masculine and a woman becoming pro would be a) bad face for the family for stupid patriarchy reason b) becoming a pro as a woman is harder due to funding reasons and such so the character is forced to drop soccer and she drops her dreams into the trashcan and just when she loses all hope she finds a letter for her from blue lock she rans away from home into blue lock and bows to never return home and when the other characters find out and say where will she go back if she loses in blue lock she says she will live and die for soccer but she makes it as a regular member in the u 20 match where she plays with such a smile on her face and she is so amazing and happy that her parents realise how shitty they are and then the manga panes the the character where she says that even if she has to make an enemy of the entire world she will play soccer and that is her ego and we all wait for three years for the scene to be animated and when it does we lose our minds because it is so amazing and everything is better because it is girls and there is so much lesbian fruity vibes coming from the character and another character who is like I've always believed in you and she says to the character play soccer all you want I'll never be your enemy only your friend... And the hug each other and look lovingly into each other eyes and there are no guys and it's amazing...
And also you can go a bit darker where you can touch on the topic of how old sleazy men are often in positions of power in women's sports and they coerce the young aspiring teenage girl players into sexual relations and maybe the reason girl sae wanted girl rin to quit was because something terrible happened in Spain and she wants to protect her sister... And there can be discussions of body issues and eating disorders not that boys don't suffer them either but teenage girls are statistically more affected by them...
But anyways i think it would be amazing if there was a sports manga where there are all the traditional tropes of popular sports manga like haikyuu and kuroko no baske and prince of tennis... All the extensive sports analysis and commentary and insane matches and skill that borders on Naruto powers and the hype and rivalries and the underdog defeating powerful opponents and a huge cast of different various players where some are nice some are mean some are arrogant and they all have thier own insecurities and feelings that they are not enough...but instead of teenage boys it's teenage girls and i would really like to see crazy ass teenage girls play soccer like in blue lock... It would be so much better... Thank you...
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realhankmccoy · 3 months
never ever occurs to the cucks of Trump
that while they preach and preach strength, violence combat and bloodshed all day
they are what is called phonies. hypocrities. idiots. absolute frauds.
but it's quite simple -- people with rotten values who are relentlessly selfish, scornful, disdainful, racist and homophobic should be pushed out and attacked and scorned and condemned.
we're not gonna sit around and hug a plantation master and shower him with balloons and kisses until he decides to voluntarily give up his ways
because he won't. that's been tried. they choose the greater power and the greater wealth like the pieces of living shit they are.
i know exactly what these idiots aren't capable of -- and they've never once surprised me by being capable of unexpected generosity. they've been cucked by a clockwork orange.
there was never a chance that they could have been generous kind and loving to you, for they were always takers, just as they were programmed to be by the American system -- and they won't give up their programming, you can trust that. a lifetime of laziness and hatred in typicals leads to, actually, even more entitlement and hatred and bullshit as they get older. just look at what happened to Trump, Sean Hannity, all sorts of people. as males age they become some real shitpiles, generally speaking. when they started out bad, they get worse. a lot of em even brag about it. clockwork orange, kids, trust.
trust that they will bitch and bitch about women and smear women all day like thier government asks them to, too. fundamentally, these people are manufactured by the US government, and when Jordan Peterson starts talking like Ronald Reagan or Donald Trump, they scream their jeans and start acting exactly like the American government does in demonising women and belittling women and ... it's always been this way. These people cannot even find a purpose except as a cuck of the American government's way.
that's by far and away the difference between us:
they cucked themselves for their government I chose to try to liberate people of the status quo and i don't give a FUCK if it hurts their cucked feelings they don't give a fuck if they hurt me, and a $20 t-shirt is worth more than me, so they're just entitled. they will never be normal noncucks until they learn to care about other people, and it's not my problem if they chose the $20 t-shirt over my feelings.
i mean, disgusting. i've been way too kind to them, really, considering the way they acted and the reprehensible Christopher Columbus way they still maintain their behaviour and worldview with.
i don't have to worry about Columbus' feelings. He's not here to be nice and if you do nice things for him, he won't trust ya because he himself is the only untrustworthy, disappointing one. OH BUT HOW HE'LL HOWL THAT HE'S DISAPPOINTED IN THE NATIVES and he really feels that, too. These people with the Stay Puft mind fool even themselves because they will always be no more than useful idiots unless they unexpectedly have a brain cell, which -- I've never seen them grow one, and they won't grow one just to prove me wrong either. They will remain The Status Quo... they will maybe look for an alternate route of defiance and aversion to the status quo, but fundamentally hating the values of
common people who happen to be gay or black and such and such they're not going to become anything i want to be around or envy in any way that's for fucking sure.
those are some of their cucked values tho ENVY ME -- they want to be able to have that effect on people FIGHT TO DESERVE ME -- they want to be able to have that effect on people
just like the Presidents of the United States did. just like any number of eminently forgettable Congressmen did.
fuckin' cucks. cuck yourself for your government -- go right ahead ya turds.
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nightswithkookmin · 3 years
Goldy I never thought I would reach out to any Jikook blog but after your last post I have to. I am an east asian american and trans. I have never spoken on this issue, commented or posted about this. I am a Jikook supporter but sometimes Jikook supporting blogs don't feel like the friendliest place. I want to thank you for changing my opinion on that. It is an insult to BTS to say Jikook don't know they seem gay or that they don't know what gay looks like. It is an insult to fans like me to say it would be OK to do the things they do if they were cisgendered straight men. I personally saw a few people say or dance around this and they got intimidated by big blogs for it. I would never name names because I beleive in free speech and the right of people to express themselves, as long as it isn't hate speech. Supporting lgbt people and making sure they don't feel endangered is MORE IMPORTANT THAN STANNING A KPOP BAND and I say this as a 4 year long bts and Jikook stan. So many people don't want to touch this issue and I understand why.
But thank you for supporting ACTUAL lgbt people as well as bts and showing stubborn people that BTS mean gay rights when they say gay rights.
I don't know why but this Ask made me cry...
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I've been reading it over and over for the past two days and each time I feel humbled by it. Thanks so much for sharing this with me.
I think the era of the obsessed 'kids' and '13 year old shippers' in this space is coming to an end. I think it's time for a more nuanced mature conversation on what it means to ship and stan our faves in today's sociopolitical climate.
Let's intellectualize shipping and use it as a vehicle for social change not just pleasure. Sabotaging political hashtags is a start. Trending and donating to BLM is equally important. Fighting for gay rights and recognition is the next step and a natural progression from here- and about damn time!
Gone are the days where celebrities and idols were immune to accountability and personal responsibility. We live in a world where everyone is required to be converstant in and sensitive to social issues. Awareness is woven into our collective consciousness and for some of us we cannot divorce that from our pleasure receptors.
Hate to quote my pastor but, 'As a kid, I spoke, thought and reasoned like a kid. As I grew up, chilee darling, I put my ghetto ways aside. You feel me?' Lol. Yea, my pastor hood like that. Lol.
The fact of the matter is, BTS has a higher mature demographics now. Majority of us grew with them, if not past them. They are not seventeen anymore, Jin is almost thirty, the youngest in the group is past twenty three and majority of their fanbase are breaching Young Adult well into Adulthood and beyond.
We simply cannot view them with the same lens anymore. If we did, we would be infantilizing them if not enabling them.
We ought to be able to have certain conversations that reflect our age, hearts, backgrounds, experience, values and beliefs.
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We can't sit behind our television sets and smart phone screens in this day and age and assume BTS sat through a performance like this and did not for a second think about what it meant, why the crowd cheered at certain moments or even understand the impact, message and intent behind it- especially not when Halsey, an openly bisexual woman and advocate for LGBTG rights is an acquaintance of thiers.
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I don't know how a fraction of this fandom can assume BTS would have a collaboration of this nature and not know anything about the gay rights discourse or what queer baiting is or not consider how their actions may or may not be contributing to the marginalization of persons as these- to not have agency and personal responsibility or empathy.
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JK cannot stan a gay artist such as Troye Sivan and divorce his music from his sexuality because it flows from it. Not when Troye has openly spoken about the struggles he went through as a closeted gay man, coming out and how that affected his mental health.
JK knows what gay is, he is aware of the struggles queer people face on a daily. His decision to cover, license and recommend songs by this artist is a deliberate act coming from a place of being informed on the matter.
Jimin knows. RM knows. Suga knows.
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BTS cannot prepare a speech like this while oblivious to the plight of the LGBTQ plus community. I refuse to believe that simply because it's not true. Anyone who says otherwise is a scammer. Lol.
And I think they are intelligent enough to have cognisance of the fact majority of the world view certain aspects of their home culture as problematic and non-progressive and that this same world is watching them and what they do in this space matters.
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They are part of the conversation. And it's in their interest to present themselves as queer a queer friendly band and company by distinctifying themselves from these 'traditional' Kpop bands.
I believe they know that being woke gives them a competitive advantage as MCs and advocates for the youth in today's world.
I believe they are aware certain things in their 'fan service culture' doesn't fly in the space they compete in and want to compete in. They are competing and rubbing shoulders with top LGBTQ plus advocates, sharing seats with them at awards, standing next to them- they best to look sharp.
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It's obtuse for anyone to fall on the 'culture' rhetoric to excuse certain behaviors of their idols when actual queer people from and within that same culture fight against it.
Most S. koreans I know and have come across complain about their 'culture' and some even harbor strong resentments against this whole fanservice culture.
Holland, an openly gay Idol from South Korea, has equally spoken out against the 'fan service' culture prevalent within Kpop on several occasions and laments how it depoliticizes queerness and affects actual queer people within S.K.
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And isn't it funny that the same conservative Christian population who strongly oppose homosexuality in S.K often lead online campaigns against Jikook for 'promoting homosexuality' because of certain fanservice and skinship they do?
If skinship is normal and fanservice is culture, why does conservative S.K keep pushing back against it? It's their culture uno?! Lmho.
Queer south Koreans and conservative Christians hate fanservice culture and yet here we are using their culture to defend it as if it's all black and white. Lmho.
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Did they or did they not see South Korean's reactions to this performance by Jikook? The mixed feelings most had about it?
Men can nibble on men's ear but God forbid they toss them in the air and catch em💀
South Koreans are not a monolith. Their culture is nuanced like any culture. It's not static and not clear cut black and white either.
It's one thing to respect other's culture, it's another to perpetuate it in ignorance. Perpetuating their culture and being religious about it does not allow for the dynamism inherent in their culture.
Troye Sivan talked about how he'd stop in the middle of his concerts and performances upon seeing the hyper fangirls in the front row and then think to himself, 'I know they know I'm gay, so why are they still here...'
And this was before he came out.
Jikook know we know they are queer or that we think of them as queer. When Jimin talks about 'those that love me for me' he knows exactly what he is talking about or rather who he is talking to- it's not these hets I'm afraid.
Troye also talked about being privileged because he lived in a rather queer friendly neighborhood where everyone is gay and so he'd always felt safe coming out.
Isn't that what JK is doing?
Now this is a person who's without a doubt had a lot of influence on JK in his early formative years as an Idol right down to his decision to move into a much queer friendly neighborhood of Itaewon.
They know we know. Jikook is gay.
Thankfully, there are reports of a rising number of LGBTQ plus in South Korea, a lot of allies, a lot of queer folks coming out and a lot of companies opening up to working with gay idols and aspiring idols.
It's such a relief but a lot of work still needs to be done and I stand with them on behalf of Jikook and any queer folk in SK.
My sister is helping me reach out to an LGBTQ plus advocate from Seoul for an interview for my blog. If everything goes well, I'd love for her to share her thoughts on queer passing, queer baiting and fan service within Kpop and how that affects LGBTQ youth in South K.
It's a conversation I'm really passionate about and interested in.
I love me some ships, but I also love me some queer advocacy and human rights uno? Lol.
Thing is, I may quit BTS one day, but I can never quit being me. Being human. Always put the human first is my motto.
Oh and I hear people are plotting to cancel me? Chilee. Y'all do that but:
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Let it echo.
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badbookopinions · 2 years
Chain of Iron - The Last Hours #2, Cassandra Clare
B: Shadowhunters is my favourite hate-read series, so imagine my surprise when I ended up genuinely liking many aspects of this book. I think Clare has improved as a writer by incredible amounts since City of Bone came out, and it’s really amazing to see sometimes. That doesn’t mean I didn’t still occasionally want to throw the book across the room.
Recently fake-married to the love of her life, Cordelia Carstairs is dealing with her alcoholic father, looking for a mysterious murder of Shadowhunters, and is trying to become the hero she knows she can be. Her husband James is trying to figure out why the so-called love of his life is actually not treating him that well and whether his status as the grandson of a demon is going to cause problems for him in the future. His sister Lucie is trying to marry a ghost. And, of course, Magnus Bane is there, so the Shadowhunters can profit off his unpaid labour.
I want to take a second to shoutout James and Cordelia, the best protagonists of all these series. I will freely admit to wanting to drop Jace down a well and every time I read a Julian-Emma interaction I’m going ‘you said she was your SISTER do NOT kiss her’, but like. James is literally just some guy! He’s normal and emotionally stable and I love it. And he and Cordelia are so good to each other!
And, of course, Cordelia and Alistair Carstairs supremacy. Even when they’re miscommunicating with the world and jumping to terrible conclusions, they’re both wonderful and I love them. Cordelia goes through life like ‘I’m here to make friends and fuck shit up and I’ve already made friends with every person in this city.’ As another mean gay brown person I’d be constitutionally obliged to like Alistair, but the way he has this capacity for gentleness he hasn’t been allowed to use gets to me.
Unfortunately, this time the side characters don’t shine as much - normally for me they steal the show. Like, Lucie is fine but I enjoy her hanging out with her brother and Cordelia so much more than her trying to marry a ghost, and the rest of the Merry Thieves have great banter with each other but don’t stand up as well to me when they’re doing solo scenes.
Also, as anyone could tell, this is a Kamala Joshi appreciation blog and an Anna Lightwood hate blog. Kamala, babe, you have nothing to apologize for, leave this girl who treats you terribly and reconnect to your culture, it’ll make your life better. Maybe talk to Alistair, I think you could both use some company.
Regarding race in this book, I have my opinions. Firstly, though, I do want to mention that while I don’t always think Clare sticks the landing, I have to recognize the role she’s played in increasing mainstream diversity. She and Rick Riordan had nothing to gain and everything to lose by making thier books as diverse as they did, but they chose to anyways. So whenever I’m frustrated by the way Magnus Bane is treated, I’m still remembering these books have the highest concentration of queer people of colour you can find.
But, like I said. It doesn’t always stick the landing. While I was very pleasantly surprised at the amount of research Clare put into her character’s Persian heritage - the stories they grew up on, the food they eat - something felt like it was missing. I realized it was the fact that no one in Shadowhunters ever thinks about race or empire. This book is set in 1903, the apex of High Imperialism, and living in London they’re all profiting off of that, but it’s never mentioned. Nor do Cordelia and Alistair ever seem to realize they’re the only people of colour in a room. It seems like a small thing, but the fact that race didn’t seem to matter to them pulled me right out of the world.
Plot: I’m not going to lie to you, I skimmed this for the character interactions. Something about demons, something about murders. I will say that I loved Cordelia’s arc over this book, as her searching for a way to be a hero gives her a job as a paladin and then it all comes crashing down around her.
Characters: Cordelia and Alistair supremacy. Magnus Bane I am begging you to start ignoring these teenagers’ calls. Or at least charge them.
Setting: London was wonderfully realized. Again, though - the London of 1903 was not ignoring the empire it sat on top of. Even the culturally isolationist Shadowhunters had to have opinions on it, and I can’t believe they weren’t perpetuating colonial dynamics in the Shadowhunter world itself. Like. You can’t tell me for 15 books that the Clave are committed fantasy racists and expect me to believe you when you tell me they aren’t real-life racists.
Prose: nice. Wish people would stop quoting the Bible, though. Mostly just because I’m not from an Abrahamic faith and don’t recognize all these references so I think they’ve just started speaking strangely.
Diversity report: queer characters, characters of colour. I’m going to classify this as West Asian representation, but not as South Asian representation.
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deafmanscharade · 3 years
As an add on to my previous post because I’m feeling talkative...
People found out I was abused (some of which was very recent but not familial)
And they want to know how. What form? How old was I? Why didn’t I say anything?
None of that is the point, but I’ll tell you some stories because ... maybe they’ll appease societal need to ask survivors what they went through before they’re ready to talk.
I’ll also say, I hate therapy. I’ve tried all kinds of mental health therapy because I want to be normal (whatever that is). I hate all of it. Rehashing trauma, for me, doesn’t help it. And I, as you see, can never stick to one thing.
SO, I’ll start at my roots.
My mother didn’t want me. She aborted a baby before me and when she got pregnant during a bender she went to my grandmother to take her to get aborted again. My grandmother refused and said that it was time for my mother to have a baby.
The other one was when my mother was 15. She had me when she was 30. My grandfather still doesn’t know he should have 2 grandchildren on my mom’s side.
I found out my mother didn’t want me when I was 31 and so many pieces that were slightly shaped wrong fell into place.
I was born a month premature, with Cerebral Palsy. I came home on Mother’s Day.
My mother and father were both addicts. My father once left me in a mall. Literally forgot about me. I was 3. My father loved drugs, my mother loves alcohol.
My grandfather found out about my mother’s habits and demanded we move in with my grandmother (they divorced in the 70s but lived down the street from each other). We did. I turned 4 and my mom forgot so my Ute (step grandmother) went out snd bought me a sheet cake and balloons after a five hour shift at the hair salon.
And two years later my mom moved us three hours away from the only family members I had any kinship with. She met my step dad. Who meant well but had problems of his own. We have since reconciled to the best of our ability but my childhood was literal hellfire on all sides.
When people ask me I say “ever heard Hell is for Children By Pat Benatar? That. I was bought off instead of parented. I was never taught basics.
It was the 90s and kids were mean. Forrest Gump is a personal attack when it comes out because for years it was the biggest joke to scream “Run Kira Run!” And throw things that would get stuck in my AFOs at me.
My only knowledge of childhood and teenage rites of passage is through teenage rom coms, WB, and TGIF. Practical application of things like driving a car, first dated, big games? No. I spent all of my time devouring pop culture and breathing musical theatre.
There was physical abuse, intimidation, verbal and mental abuse everywhere. At home, at school, on the street.
When i finally figured out it’s because I was different I’m being mean to myself because I can’t do I foutee if my ass is on fire.
I’m what I refer to as a human yellow line. I’m directly in the middle. Not disabled enough to be considered disabled or be in different classes or hang with the other disabled kids. Not able-bodied enough to make it to broadway, which is literally all I have ever wanted.
Ever tried to injure yourself to either fix your disability or make yourself disabled enough? No? I have. Don’t do it. I was desperate, alone, confused and stupid.
When I was 16 my mom and I were sitting in the basement of my grandmothers house. I’m pretty sure it was Christmas time. A Covergirl commercial starring Ellen came on. My mother says “what does she need to wear makeup for? It’s not like she needs to impress men.
My bisexual ass got her back up and somehow an argument about gay rights turned into her telling me how she made fun of all the disabled kids she went to school with. Had I not been her daughter she’d have no association with me.
I can’t remember how old I was but at some point in my teens my mom got drunk with my aunt and was a mess. I was dutiful and trying to put her to bed. She fell and as I was trying to get her up again, she told me I was a burden and she wished I was never born. I thought it was the drink talking. At 17 I got the courage to ask her how often I’d seen her sober and she looked me in the eyes, shrugged, said probably never, and left the room.
Girls always date thier fathers right? I developed intimacy issues because when I refused to have sec with a partner, he threw me through a glass table. I called the ambulance myself. I have sworn off dating because nearly every partner I’ve had has been physically abusive. To use a term I despise, because of how I was raised, it’s what I gravitate to because it’s what I know and understand. I don’t have alarms. I have “please love me no ones ever loved me before”
I do have physical reactions now, to bring it back to Dean, Jess, and the solace that is GG. The sweet after a fight, the straight path to violence and intimidation with the excuse being he’s a “good ol’ boy”, the inviting himself in or over, the fight with Lindsay over the phone. If you see that as Love or perfect boyfriend I’m scared.
When Jess said “tell me these things so I don’t have to find out from telephone polls” I cried for 2 hours. Because I’d never seen a male NOT haul off
I’m not here to tell anyone anything about doing anything. I just wish we were more aware of what we were consuming while consuming it
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thoughtfulpaperback · 3 years
Issues with SPN as someone who has struggled with depression, PTSD, and childhood trauma, and who identifies as as asexual/queer.
1. The idea that a character who is emotionally dependant on another (family) because of childhood trauma:
Despite making friends and adding people into thier family,
Despite being shown to truly love living and having fhe free will to decide what to do with that life, and
Despite the fact that the character has always been shown to want more than what they have (not necessarily a nuclear family or hunt free life, but a longing for more) despite this character always fighting for the things he loves.
His "happy" end is dying.
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It's disgusting. It's disgusting especially when people with mental health issues and members of the LGBTQ+ community are more likely to complete suicide and struggle with suicidal ideations.
Does Dean deserve a heaven where he can be with all his friends and ride around in the impala with his brother. OF👏 FREAK👏ING👏 COURSE 👏
But he also deserves a chance to explore his free will and purpose outside of saving the world. He deserved more than a couple of days to celebrate his win. He deserved to explore the feelings and situations he already stated he was longing to explore. Dean deserved to be happy in life, not just in death. To reduce Dean to the person who had to die for the other person to be able to live the life they wanted.....utterly disgusting.
The show could have ended with just the boys in heaven riding around in the impala at without that trash they peddled. Let Dean live his version of a good life and die on a hunt years later. Let him see that heaven has changed and its place worthy of him now.
To die so close to just winning against GOD and then never getting to do those things, to show that Sam could not have what he really wanted with his brother around and paint that as real love is toxic af.
2. Why do people think happy ends are boring? Why are "bittersweet" or tragic ends supposably more beautiful and seemingly mostly reserved for lgbtq+, poc, and traumatized characters?
We can all complain about the queer baiting and the bury your gay issues, but even more so, why is it that the straight guy is the only one who gets to live out a long life and accomplish what he wants?!?!
Why is it that shows often torture thier lgbtq+,lgbtq+ coded characters, or characters with trauma more so than thier other characters?
Why are tragic death endings more popular and used for these characters than the heteronormative or less traumatized?
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Ah yes the internalized homophobia and glorification of trauma. Don't get me wrong, I love a good tragedy. I love angst and bittersweet endings. And I don't have a problem with "art imitating life". But I am tired of people torturing and killing poc and lgbtq+ characters and calling it poetic and realistic.
Maybe (but not really) that is life, but it's the life many people are trying to escape and make a non-reality. There is no satisfaction or emotional catharsis in treating it as a determined and unavoidable fact of life.
Also, I am tired of the idea that these things are the product of straight writers or homophobic studio executives. While they are definitely (a large) part of the problem, we have to face the fact that for years all people were fed the idea that traumatizing characters was deep and poetic. Happy families, found or blood, are not okay, they have to be dysfunctional to be "normal". I've read fics written by women, poc, and lgbtq+ members that had me like.....
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And every emotion invetween those reactions, because they played into all the same tropes and themes we had all been ingesting our entire lives.
Yes diversity in the writers room and among the executives would help, but it doesn't mean anything if these people still have these internalized ideas about happy and tragic ends.
For all the people who don't fit the heteronormative, white, and abled mold. Even with trauma and whatever emotional/behavioral/mental issues came out of it, you deserve a happy life. Death is not the only why for you to get what you want or deserve. You are not destined for a "bittersweet" end. You can have romance, a family (blood or found), self-love, self-care, a content single life, good health, or whatever the heck you long for in life. You dont need to disappear for the people around you to be happy.
The show, like others, did you dirty but don't let it play into any feeling or suicidal ideations you have or may have had in the past.
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pompadorkery · 4 years
What do you mean you find it hard to relate to female characters. It's a fictional universe, you can make them anyway you want. Lucy is pretty feminine and Anglo too. I realize almost all the moms of your ocs are bad or thier children hate them. I understand that you have an abusive mom but do you really have to projected on every character you have. Do you have something against women or your just not attracted to them. Probably the latter because all of your ocs are sex dolls.
Wow. Where to even start with this one.
Why do you think the majority of Hollywood action heroes or video game protagonists are cis white males?
It's because it's the easiest to relate to for the biggest demographic of their audience.
Many anime have just a boring plain normie male protag for the same reason. They're supposed to be easily relatable, and like a blank slate that you can project on.
For me, female characters are hard to relate to.
Growing up, I never cared for female protags or love interest characters. And usually actively disliked them. (Much of this is because female characters are generally poorly written in alot of media, but that's besides the point)
I have never felt "in touch" with womanhood. I could never relate to female characters because none of them were like me, or had the same thoughts or struggles I had.
The female characters I like now are generally mold breaking. They don't fit in the typical box. And they give me something I can relate to.
For example:
Mako Mankanshoku from Kill la Kill. She's an absolute idiot and a total bimbo. She eats alot, she's loud, she's kinda useless at times, and she cares alot about her friends.
Satya "Symmetra" Vaswani from Overwatch. First of all, she's on the autism spectrum. She's rigid, stubborn, and can often come across as mean- but in reality she's just very goal oriented and likes things to be orderly.
While these are very different characters, I find alot of things in them that I can relate to and identify with. Not every aspect is true at all times, and there are plenty of things in their characters that I can't relate with, but regardless, there are aspects of myself that I can see in characters like them.
I've always related better to male characters. And like I said, much of the time female characters aren't written well, while the male characters are. I just always found them cooler. I liked their designs more, and they had more interesting stories. Whereas many female characters entire plot revolves around getting with the protag.
I've struggled with gender my entire life. I never felt like a girl. Even the people around me would say that I was such a "tomboy". I would often get told to dress more feminine, or that my haircut made me look like a boy, etc. One of my happiest moments as a teenager was when I got to play a male character in my high school's spring musical and during that entire time everyone referred to me in character, as a boy. I had a great time playing this character, and it really showed through in my performance. I was comfortable for once.
I identify as non-binary now, and I still have alot of questions about my own gender, and I'm still figuring alot of things out. But what I know for sure is that I'm not a girl.
Now, getting into my OCs.
You claim that all my OCs have troubled relationships with their moms, because I have a troubled relationship with my own mother.
2 of OCs.
2 of my OCs have mommy issues.
Out of all the characters I have, only 2 have issues with their mothers. So like, are you just pulling things out of your ass, or?
Lucy was abandoned by his mom at a young age and has alot of bitterness towards her because of this. Which is perfectly reasonable given the situation.
Sanka is just a brat. He still loves and cares about his mom, their relationship is just strained due to his own insecurities and self-loathing.
All my other characters either have no mother in the picture at all, or have perfectly fine and normal relationships with their moms.
Neither Sanka nor Lucy's moms are abusive. So it's pretty yikes of you to bring up my own abusive mother in this conversation. What are you trying to prove? In your concocted narrative, I'm writing characters with abusive moms because my mom was abusive and that's the only mother figure I know. So.... I'd be writing from experience.... in what world is that a bad thing?
You also mentioned Lucy and Angelo being feminine. "Feminine male" does not equal "woman". Those are two very different things. Just as a butch woman is not the same as a man. Experiences are completely different. Equating them is extremely sexist, and could be incredibly transphobic if you also think this way about real people.
And claiming I'm not attracted to women because my OCs are 'sex dolls'. Literally what are you even trying to get at? You do realize that real women and fictional characters are different, correct? Plenty of lesbians create stories or art about mlm characters. Plenty of lesbians draw gay porn. Are they not attracted to women because they draw men getting fucked?
I am bi. I also fall somewhere in the ace spectrum, due to alot of my own dysphoria. Of course I'm attracted to women. Real women are so incredibly sexy and beautiful and interesting. What isn't there to like? Just because I like making male characters doesn't somehow mean I hate women. I just haven't been able to create a fictional woman I find as interesting and captivating as real women are.
Also. I just enjoy drawing men. So a majority of my characters are gonna be men. Sue me. Sorry for enjoying myself.
And the whole "sex doll" comment. I answer the questions people ask. Which happens to be alot about sex. What can I say? People have cumbrain.
I'm also an nsfw artist. So obviously alot of the art I create is gonna be porn.
Is that the entire story of the characters? No, of course not! Do you think me and Ren would have enough storyline for an entire book if all the characters did was fuck? There's so much more to it than that. There's so much more that people don't see.
I mean, what's more interesting to see a drawing of:
Two characters in the heated embrace of love making
Or two characters sitting on the couch doing completely different mundane activities
There's a time and a place for everything, and sometimes drawing something simple and mundane is a fun look into a characters life.... But also I just like drawing dicks and the faces of people who are thoroughly wrecked.
Tl;dr- It's not that deep, fam.
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clownhara · 4 years
I've been following you for a while but I dont know all that much about your OCs so how about a big resume of them all?? :DDD
I haven't really posted much about them on this account until recently so that doesn't really suprise me 😅 but yeah I absolutely can! Warning though this is going to be unbelievably long
I guess I should start off with Zensuke because he is THE gay purple cat. I named this blog after this guy. I made him when I was probably like 12-13 or around there so he had all the things you'd expect a repressed edgy kid's of to have. He was basically a demon who managed to get out of thier world's equivalent of hell and instead of doing anything evil he just made cake and got married to the guard who was supposed to kill him. I don't really do much with him anymore but I still love him very much.
Corbinian is probably the character I talk most about and he's the one I edit to fit into different worlds the most. He was a normal doctor but he got his memory wiped by robots and ended up working as an executioner for the robotic mafia, but eventually got caught and had to hide out in Lobotomy (he was originally a Lobotomy Corp oc) where he discovered he can extract abnormality dna and with some altering the dna can be injected into humans causing a variety of different mutations and effects. He's usually very heartless and manipulative, but does have a soft spot, usually for anxious, soft spoken people, who subconsciously remind him of his brother (who is a friends if so I can't really get into him). He also was given a variety of nicknames by the higher ups, like Corb, Corn chip, Corb on the Orb, or just Corn. Je
Corble is the result of Corb trying out human cloning. He has the same general appearance as Corbinian, but with purple hair (hence the name, because he's porble corb) that's styled differently. Since the experiment was technically a failure Corb was going to kill him, but Corble was really sweet and innocent and Corb basically went "well great guess I adopted my clone then". Corb stopped messing with cloning but adores Corble.
Might as well get all of my Lobotomy ocs out of the way. Oliver is the first Lobotomy oc I ever made, which is funny because I may or may not constantly forget that he exists. Oliver is basically a five year old kid in an adults body, and I mean that literally, because his parents basically locked him in a room and ignored him so his mental age is basically that of a kids. He's very mischievous and loves pulling pranks on people, most of which are harmless. Unless it's Corb, whom Oliver gates with a passion. Then it's thinly veiled murder attempts disgusted as pranks. He loves Fairy tales, and only works with fairy tale abnormalities because he panics with any other kind. Only one person in the entire facility can even put up with him, and that's Mabel.
Mabel is trans lesbian who can find the good in almost anyone. She's optimistic, bubbly, and has a great sense of humor. She tends to get really flustered around women though. Is it obvious I kinda projected onto her a bit? Because I did. If she wasn't in Lobotomy she'd definitely be a streamer. I'm just now realizing I basically made snapcube before I knew who that was. Whoops.
Up next is Adam! Adam is quiet, nervous, and honestly just prefers to not be noticed. Their ability to almost seamlessly blend into thier surroundings is astounding. Most people (me included) tend to just forget they exist. Which honestly is funny because they end up dating the loudest, most cocky person in the entire facility. Adam loves horror movies and spicy food.
Kieth is the loudest, most cocky person in the entire facility. He's the adopted son of a sephirah and the leader of the Rabbit team so that much is unavoidable. He's quick to anger, blunt, and tends to underestimate other people. However, he's also loyal to a fault, and willing to back his friends up no matter what. He feels like his mom's are expecting him to live up to expectations that he can't (and that they don't have but he doesn't realize that), so he's constantly throwing himself in harm's way to desperately try to prove to them that they made a good investment by adopting him or die trying. His two passions in life are collecting weapons and tending to rabbits, two of which he managed to train to sit on his shoulders and attack people. Despite being total opposites he loves Adam very much and will endure any horror movie with them, even if he's a huge scaredy cat.
Damien doesn't gave that much development, unfortunately. He came from a very religious household, moved out, and frequently gets possessed by an abnormality who makes him act like a cryptid. Totally normal stuff. He also went to law school.
Zephyr is a very, very serious individual. They've got a completely monotone color palette, speak either in short, blunt sentences or long, fanciful paragraphs with no in between, and tend to come off as cold and stiff. They're completely devoted to work, which is how they managed to become a captain. Despite this, they're very kind and caring, but unfortunately rarely get to show that side of themselves unless it's with Jamison, thier partner, both in crime and in the romantic sense. They also have a love/hate relationship with Owen, basically openly hating his guts but also enjoys thier banter and would hate if anything genuinely awful happened to them or his family.
Jamison is the complete opposite of Zephyr. He's an open book, very colorful, and tends to slack of when Zephyr isn't looking. Not on purpose, he just tends to get distracted most of the time. He's quite popular because he's very cheerful, which is rare in the higher ranks of Lobotomy. He'd absolutely die for Zephyr, and us usually the one who patches thier wounds. He really doesn't like Owen and thinks thier a pain in the ass, but keeps that to himself most of the time.
Owen is..... Interesting. I kinda went buck wild with him not gonna lie. He's one of the oldest son's of the God of Nightmares and Fire, an absolute agent of choas, and a campy fashion nightmare. But... I love them. They're both unbelievably obnoxious and also very caring. He's the kind of character you'd love but also hate at the same time. He also ended up becoming the God of Death in one timeline. If he wasn't God they'd probably run makeup guru/cursed amsr YouTube channel. Honestly he'd still run those as a God though. Also gender is a toy store and Owen is a kid who broke in after dark and is running along pushing all of the assorted genders into a cart while laughing maniacally (they use any pronouns but I stuck to just he/him they/them for this little snippet)
Alright, Lobotomy ocs done. Up next is.... Ugh... Octavious. He's originally a Danganronpa oc, the shsl gossip, and he was made to be a villian and by God does it show. He's the most fake, back stabbing, two faced character I've ever made. He's also the most one dimensional, which was actually intensional. He has no personality beyond being a petty, lying bitch, so when he runs out of lies and rumors to spread he goes into an existential crisis about how he has virtually no identity until he makes some new lie up about some random person. He's also abusive towards his younger sibling Aspyn, whom he has both physically and emotionally scarred. And, the icing on the "fuck this guy" cake, he's incredibly obsessive over his "wife" Melissa, who wants nothing to do with him and never even dated him, let alone married him. Basically he's a horrible, lying, abusive stalker. He also dresses exclusively in eye burn pink since the most poisonous bugs are usually brightly colored. Fuck Octavious, all my homies hate Octavious.
Next is Melissa, who honestly wasn't much better before her arc. She was raised to believe that in order to truely succeed in life, you have to ensure others fail. She, unfortunately, took that advice to heart. Get arc consisted of learning that we all can succeed together and that actively fucking other people over just made her an awful person, so she changed her behavior and tried to help people from then on out. She's incredibly meticulous, organized, and really smart. She still has issues trusting, but she's getting better. She has a crush on Octavious's younger sibling, but absolutely despises Octavious.
Aspyn is a quiet, caring individual who has no confidence both due to Octavious and just how they were raised. They are an incredibly skilled doctor, however, managing to perform amazingly in several different fields. They are, however, very defensive about thier passions, quick to insult anyone who questions them, mainly due to Octavious. They have a huge crush Melissa, but is to afraid to ask her out. Also they wear an eye patch because Octavious messed up one of thier eyes.
Hooo boy where to start with Edward. He's really inconsistent between universes, but the main constants are his power (he can trade bodies with people), him and Max getting together, him being a huge bookworm, and somehow he usually ends up being my self inserts dad???? Hos other aspects tend to change. Sometimes he's a power hungry megalomaniac who's trying to take over the world and will crush anyone and everyone who gets in his way or isn't useful to him, using his power evily to stay young forever by trading bodies with his kids and killing them when they're in his body. Other times, he's a fairly calm, if not a little cold, man whos biggest crime is the occasional tax evasion, who's power is more of a curse, causing him to stay alive forever through a series of unfortunate coincidences. Either way he's fun to write
Max is one of my favorite characters. He loves baking, his friends and family, he isn't too bright but no one holds that against him. Unfortunately, no matter which side of Edward it is, he's hopelessly in love with him, which can lead to his downfall. He's very protective of his cousin Heron, and tries to protect the innocent, which he usually doesn't end up doing thanks to evil Edwards manipulation. I also somehow failed to mention he's a plant man and flowers sprout wherever he walks and he can control plants but I couldn't find a good way to fit that in naturally.
Heron is half a plant man, in the worst possible way. He has rose vines instead of blood, which feels exactly how you think it would. Magic keeps his alive luckily, but it's unbelievably painful. Most of him and Max's family died when they were young, and unlike Mac who ended up on the streets, Heron ended up in an orphanage, where he learned at a young age that he shouldn't get close to anyone because if he does, they'd die. He genuinely believes that, and the only person he thinks is immune, is his cousin Max, who he even still expects to drop dead. Heron mainly fights by breaking his skin so his vines will grow rapidly and trap and kill his attacker, which looking back is uh. Kinda symbolic. I didn't do that on purpose but it fits
Eden is an angel, who was outcasted from heaven after being framed for a crime they didn't commit. They don't understand how humans work, but is trying thier best to fit in. He's one of the few beings Heron trusts, and even still Heron doesn't trust them much because of Eden's ability, being able to control holy flames. Eden is stoic and aloof, with an odd sense of humor. He insists that him baking using his holy flames is a form of training. Despite them claiming to be above human emotions, they very much are not above them and he is actually quite emotional.
Avocado is one of Herons old friends, who fell victim to Herons "luck" (aka they died). They are a drider (basically spider centaur) who came from a large family of drider thieves. They are very quiet and kind, which they use to thier advantage, since one would thing they'd steal small objects from people's houses or pickpocket them, which Avocado very much does. While they're fairly weak in combat thier thieving skills are not to be underestimated.
Grape is Avocados older sibling, and they are very serious and quite rude. Grape wants to kill Heron to avenge thier sibling, but ends up getting caught robbing the wrong person and ends up having to join the person's kids adventuring party.
Apple is the oldest drider sibling, and ends up taking a motherly role for all of the younger kids. They had to grow up incredibly fast, and has to make all of the hard decisions in place of thier dying father. Desperately needs a break.
There's more spider siblings but there isn't much info on them
Both Sherry and Theodore Poser are mainly just there because I have them really fun designs and don't really have a personality. Sherry's kinda hard to draw though
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So I'm sorry but im not sorry also --
Trigger warning
You don't have to show your hyper-aggressive support to me because at the end of the day I'm just trying to be a normal-ass person and if you're the person who did it seeing this, it's not just you, it's multiple occurrences stacked on top of each other.
I feel like I'm a normal person. I'm not walking outside thinking yass queen as I get in my car to go to my job or having fun at the bar or what have you. You don't have to tell me I'm "brave" for being here or assume any dude I'm sitting next to that's just my friend is my "partner" or "boyfriend" or that you have to walk up to me and tell us that we are "cute" or “awesome for being outside". Youre making it hard for me to make male friends. You're low-key just showing your ignorance and it's fucking annoying that whether or not you're in the wrong or in the right with your intentions, I still have to feel like I'm "other" and I constantly have to feel like I'm in the wrong. I just want to be the same as you and you people make me want to hide away and it's not fair. Why is it that whenever I go anywhere you people, yes YOU people always have to give me your personal social commentary on my actions? I spent a lot of time trying to physically build up my energy field against this. Trying to crystalize a barrier in my mind against this -- and most of you will never understand this. It is literally painful having to explain to someone that even though thier heart was in the right place they could have just been a good person from a distance because that's the bare fucking minimum to me (because I've always been me and that's what I expect) and I don't see myself as an icon but you do because you live in a bubble. I'm not your soundboard to have a coming-of-age teen TV drama moment. It is painful to tell someone who may have spent time trying to learn about a community and being supportive that they are still wrong because they feel they need to point out to the other that they are indeed the other. It is painful to me to have to explain to my friends the nuances of my anger and sadness because I can't truly be angry -- because the person that shoved me into an "other" category by walking up to me and exclaiming random support, and whoever I was talking to, came from a "good place" and my friends' first reaction was to protect me because they also expect me to experience degrading experiences? What am I supposed to do with this? How am I supposed to feel? Am I supposed to pat you on the back for loving gay people even though I'm just trying to have a normal conversation in a public place? Do you want a cookie? I feel it constantly. I'm just wearing sweats walking up to the grocery store and a random person I've never met says "yes queen" and instantly I feel unsafe and uncomfortable and like some of the most private parts of me are being seen -- and not that it's even private but that's it's mine and no one is telling you "yes darky" or "yes whitey" as you buy some bread at Kroger. What am I supposed to feel if I'm having a random conversation with a stranger and someone grabs both of us because I'm there and exclaims "you two are in love, huh?" How do I justify to the other person what just happened, and if the other person involved exhibits disgust, what do I feel then? Y'all go ahead and tell me wtf the normal reaction is because apparently any reaction I've had isn't right either to me or anyone else -- just understandable because it's soooo outside anyone's normal experience. I would rather honestly most of you do what the hell you normally do and mind your own fucking business instead of reminding me that I'm different than you and that you can see it instead of ruining my day because thank you I already know. 🤘🏽 I've been here for decades without you telling me how brave I am so I don't need you now just sit down.
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gyllenhaux · 2 months
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im going crazy
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cowboyjen68 · 5 years
You sound like an incredible parent. I hope Lori continues to stay true to herself. It's a shame her peers are pressuring her to place herself in a box. I'm happy for her that you provide such a great support system. Ps, I really like her hair!
It is so odd.. when I was her age THE LAST thing anyone would want was to be be gay or lesbian. Or even different. Now it seems straight is “boring”  and you can’t be your owns special person because you don’t belong in the LGBT space. It is a sign of how things have changed BUT those that mess around with LGBT and try to make it fit everyone just so we all feel we can be a part of the club do a GREAT diservice to those kids really struggling with their same sex attraction. 
The greater public image says “Gay is Cool” but we all know the underlying culture says lesbians are ugly and worth less than others and gay men are dirty and perverted and bi people are greedy or can’t decide. Trying to encompass every one is the “queer” community is not fair to the young LGBT people who NEED to be around their people to feel truly safe. 
Gender Play is totally a normal part of growing up. We ALL challenge the roles society places on us. Exploring sexuality is also normal and common as young people figure out thier bodies and heart. BUT the fact is MOST kids are goind to grow up to be MOSTLY straight and most kids are going to grow up to align perfectly fine with their biologial sex. Out side misogyny is a thing and we must educate our boys and girs that you can be straight and be okay with your body without being thrilled about gender rolls. The best way to prove ridged boxes wrong is to be who you are and be proud. 
We have got to stop acting like LGBT kids are MORE special, DO they require a little extra support and attention YEAH for sure. it is why I do what I do.. but ALL kids need and should have love and support to grow into who they are.  KIDs are allowed to be straight. Boys should not be ashamed for liking girls and girls should never be ostersized for liking boys. If it is their natural orientation and it is beautiful and will bring them joy if they are supported and taught to form healthy and happy relationships.  
*climbs of soap box*  I like Lori’s hair cut too. She left is a little long in the front so she can style in differently sometimes.   Also... how do I convince here to wear a helmet when she rides her skateboard even if it messes up her do?
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rillaofexile · 5 years
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The intrest (2 people) in this is amazing thank you all!
Obs Rilla is Donna, we’ve knew! I feel like I can get away with only 2 dads, since I am making them all together in the end, since it’s an AU, I can do what I want.
Damien takes the Harry role (I know Harry is gay, but also like you know what I mean. Dramatic mlm) He was a dramatic singer, though ‘headbanger’ Damien isn’t a good name. Eventually had to leave due to his job, probably something that’s demanding (maybe military? I’m thinking what a knight role might translate too, probably military for or to get away from his dad). I feel like he would have that Stage Version Harry nostalgia for it all.
Arum takes the Bill and Sam roles, an architect who was with Rilla for a while but left without a word to take care of his sick mom (the Keep), who eventually takes a trip to where Rilla is and sees ‘oh this is the girl Arum likes’ and gives her a ton of money. He’s still VERY a lizard. Monsters exist, and everyone sings Abba, it’s amazing
However, uh oh, before they met Rilla, Damien and Arum, both on vacation, are like fencing partners or whatever, and there’s... something there. They like to hang out with eachother. Following the mood they 100% slept with eachother.
Ok so she has a daughter and there’s still the whole “whose the dad??” even if the daughter has a massive row of sharp teeth and a face covered in miscalaious scales. But nobody brings it up. Nobody cares.
Damien and Arum meet and realize oh my god it’s him??? He knows Rilla??? It’s super awkward seeing them walk around the major thing with eachother to be normal for the wedding, but they still love hanging around each other.
Rilla is PISSED. She knows these guys, and has been mad for the past 20 years why are they here???? What??? Who has done this. She looks right at her daughter, she’s no idiot. Who else, she has audio recordings of so much that went on.
Also, on the audio note, Rilla and Damien have a flashback there where they sing Honey, Honey to each other. Or it’s played and they sing like the diary part. I think that’s just Thier Song
Also they all sing “Mamma Mia” in a montage separately, it all plays together. Because that’s so good, my brain is the best.
Marc and Talfryn are the friends whose names are escaping me. I like to imagine Marc doing a whole bunch of wheelies during the bad performances they do.
OK IM TORN!!! I love the scene where Harry and Donna sing “Our Last Summer” to eachother!! BUT THE MONTAGE IN THE MOVIE WITH SOPHIE!! I’m saying they both happen since the original Abba song is longer. I LOVE the nostalgic feeling of the performance in the stage version that I think would suit Rilla and Damien well, but the montage.... it would be soooo good. They both happen that’s my final statement on this (except THAT SONG IS SO GOOD!!!)
So the daughter is loving her new dads but they aren’t stupid and just as fast as Rilla figured it out, they are like “OH MY GOD IM YOU DAD????” (People everywhere, the sound of expectation hanging the the air...)
This causes Drama cause they both wanna support her during the wedding, but also they dont tell the other they know, cause they think that they “have the daughter”
Ok Damien sings “Angel Eyes” that isn’t in the first movie. “Under Attack” is sung by Sophie in the stage version. But I think they fit him so well. This isn’t on topic. I am just talking aboyt Abba songs
So the wedding comes, the daughter and the fiancée is like... this isn’t right... we probably won’t get married (idk I’ve only watched the stage version but have seen like the songs and some clips in the movie, grrr) and it turns into the whole “i love you all and I don’t know who my dad is and that’s ok!!”
(Talfryn brings it up that the daughter has scales, Marc yells at him for being rude, and he can’t just say that)
I don’t like the amount of arguing between all of them so while I think there’s some strain between them, I feel like there is also a lot of reliving the old days and want to start new. I’m saying Sam and Donna don’t have a lot going for them. Anyway I will change this here. I feel like Arum would be upset he never was told about the daughter, he would have wanted to know. Damien would have been guilty, they should talk I think.
They get “married” to Rilla, while singing “I do I do I do” though who knows how valid that is, but what about Damien and Arum?? Damien gets cold feet, he doesn’t wanna bother Arum, it’s strange we bring it up (it’s not good after our victory)
They fence to “Take a Chance on Me” after the wedding, probably with unconventional tools. There’s like part dancing, Rilla is there watching and freaking out. It’s great.
That’s all folks
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9lph9tr0n5s · 6 years
Meet Rohan and Valkyrie (aka my take a stand au)
So, everyone in the zootopia fandom has seen all sorts of OC’s, fanships, stories, fanarts and other stuff that would be too much to remember. But, i’ve never seen someone create a fusion OC (even though they exist in other fandoms). So, without further addo, may I present you zootopia’s FIRST fusion character…
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This beauty is the merged character of Robyn and Hannah by @crewefox . After eight months of wait i’m finally glad and proud to introduce you all to my OC. what follows will be a bio of her charachter. Then I’ll put a link to her backstory and the whole series of events that led to her birth. Beware that the read more option may not work, both in the app and in the computer
Full name: Rohan Marheather Wildesavage
Species: fusion, fox/rabbit hybrid
Fusion components: Robyn Heather Wilde and Hannah Marian Savage
Date of first fusion: 28th of june 20344, Canary Islands
-Robyn: mechanic
-Hannah: radio host and ballet dancer
-Rohan: fitness and MMA trainer
-common jobs: superhero leader, dimensional traveller and peacekeeper
Physical description
-Age: same as Robyn and Hannah
-sex: female
-gender: bisexual with more intrest in females due to Hannah being lesbian
-height: 8.2 feet (around 2.5 meters)
-fur density: soft and smoother than silk, can get winter coats
-fur color: overall ginger with darker spots on the fingertips and the eartips, black eyebrows and tail tip and black and white stripes following hannah’s pattern. Rohan can change her fur color in any possible color scheme: from plain tan, to cream with red spots or patches, to black with yellow stripes (as a chevron) to even purple or shining blue silver
-paws: all have paw pads like a fox, the feet are as long as a rabbit and can stand up digitigrade and both hands and feet posses retractable, sharp claws
-tail: long, wavy, poofy, soft and capable of moving as a third arm thanks to more muscles in it. Rohan usually likes to smack unsuspecting targets to prank them
-Body shape: slender like Hannah with wider hips and strong muscles taken from Robyn
-eyes: right one teal and left one turquoise normally, can be changed in any color like the fur in any combination possible: red, green, pitch black, blue with orange shard… the eyes can also assume a plain colorization
-ears: longer than Robyn’s, slighty wider and capable of hearing further than any other mammal.
-muzzle and mouth: the muzzle lenght is between Robyn and Hannah’s and the nose has a very sharp smell range. The mouth is composed by sharp teeth and a razor buck tooth
-other peculiarities: Rohan can assume a feral form, standing on four legs, or just with her hind paws digitigrade; unlike most hybrids she’s fertile and this fertility has been transmitted to the components; her body is very flexible, but it can’t stretch like plastic
Robyn’s side:
-rash: Rohan can trip into dangerous situations without thinking twice, but always manages to get out alright, mostly
-crass: when Rohan is angry or really pissed, she can swear as instant reaction to an insult or a bad comment
-loyal and trustworthy: like Robyn, Rohan is loyal to her friends and, in no case, she can be corrupted or turn with the bad guys. She’s also extremely careful in respecting a promise or keeping a secret
-respectful: despite having the habit to center herself in rare situations, Rohan knows who’s in charge or is the most experienced on something. Many times, she asks for constructive criticism or honest thoughts about a certain subject and acknoweldges when she’s wrong
-hot tempered: strictly related to having a coarse tongue, Rohan has robyn’s short fuse when being pestered, mocked or scolded. This can occasionally lead to a fight when it happens and the one who insulted her heavily won’t go back home without a bruise… or a broken bone
-gold heart: deep inside, she cares about who she loves and is always willing to help for any problem
-energetic: Rohan as a carefree and upbeat personality just like robyn
Hannah’s side:
-empathetic: Rohan, like Hannah, instantly recognizes what somebody else feels and either joins someone in their happy moments or comfort sad mammals
-polite: from Hannah, Rohan has inherited her calm and collected demeanor, which strangely enough, doesn’t clash with Robyn’s short fuse
-focused: Hannah’s focused mind is another trait that distinguishes rohan: she can elaborate a good startegy, study someone from the outside and guessing the inside and never lose track of an individual or lose control of the situation
-clingy: when Rohan gets attached to someone, it’s hard to take said attachment away, and this can lead to rohan putting first him/her than her team if he/she’s in danger, just like Hannah with Robyn
-emotional: while this is mostly a trait taken from Hannah, Robyn has also a tender side: when sad, Rohan can easily burst into tears while trying to keep herself collected and this leads many people to believe she’s a crybaby
-romantic: Hannah’s romantic side shows up in Rohan when being courted by someone; this unfortunately has led to episodes of boys and girls chasing her for a date because they found Rohan “lovable as hell”
Common traits:
-dorky: both Robyn and Hannah are dorky af, so it’s normal to see Rohan being silly in a playful way
-adaptive: wheter the situation is a long wedding or a hard strike againts a crime lord gone wrong, Rohan quickly adapts to the situation and keeps up, just like Robyn and Hannah
-smart: although many see Robyn as a normal C student and Hannah as a top A mammal, both girls are extremely intelligent. Just don’t overestimate her
-loving: is there much to say about this? Rohan deeply cares about anyone and is always available for comforting or cuddling someone
Unique traits:
-tricking: Rohan seems dumb from shallow and small-minded individuals, but 75% of the time she’s just faking; she’s a cunning mammal and this shows in her ability to pull of tricks or turn the tide of a situation in a way neither robyn or hannah are capable of. This seems to be a recessive trait taken from Robyn’s father Nick.
-charismatic: this charismatic side the wildesavage couple has doesn’t show up very often; things change when rohan is in the game: thanks to her charisma, Rohan is a natural born leader, and everybody follows her or ask for her advice; this trait seems taken by both Nick and hannah’s father Jack
Favorite things in groups
-Favorite foods and drinks: everything KFC cooks, turkey meatballs, spaghetti with tomato sauce, masala cod, fried ginger crickets, pepperoni pizza, crispy mcbacon, oven pasta
-favorite movies and TV shows: Enter the dragon, the princess bride, Star Wars: the last jedi, black panther, karate kid, the big bang theory, steven universe, every disney princess movie, fantasia, the incredibles
-favorite games: the uncharted series, the last of us, overwatch, call of duty black ops 3, rise of the tomb raider, destiny 1, Star Wars battlefront 2 (the old and the new one), titanfall 2, horizon zero dawn, GTA 5, team fortress 2, god of war (the 2018 version)
-fandoms: disney princesses, Star Wars (the sequels side mostly), MCU, love stories, Overwatch (not the porn, nor the toxic side)
-favorite music: punk rock music, dancable music, Green Day, Ed Sheeran, Queen, the Pirates of The Caribbean, Star Wars, star trek, back to the future and the incredibles themes, Cole Rolland, Imagine Dragons
General Likes and dislikes:
-being petted, cuddled or having her fur stroked
-crude humor
-being a dork
-topping herself
-being nurturing and kind to everyone
-friends and family
-protecting zootopia for good
-comfortable clothes
-being pressured
-having a fight with a loved one
-being harassed just because of who she is
-small minded mammals
-corrupt people
-whoever threatens her city
-heavy junk food
-strobo lights
-nudity in public
-toxic mammals and fans
Robyn’s side:
-father: Nick Wilde
Occupation: mayor of zootopia
Status: alive
-mother: Judy Hopps
Occupation: police chief of the first precinct
Status: alive
-grandmother: Marian Wilde;
Occupation: former vigilante known as “the maid”, now hero trainer and supporter, mostly for hacking and I.T. professor at the zootopia university
Status: formerly dead, currently reanimated and alive
-grandfather: Robin Loxley Wilde
Occupation: former vigilante known as “hood”, now hero trainer and couple advisor
Status: formerly dead, currently reanimated and alive too
-Grandparents (Judy’s side): Bonnie and Stu Hopps
Occupation: carrot farmers
Status: alive
-Ryan, Ronan and Reginald (reggie) Wilde: Robyn’s triplet brothers; Ryan is a laid-back lover of yoga, Ronan is a pro gamer and Reggie is a panmusical mammal
Status: stillborn at the beginning, now brought back to life
-Luna Wilde (Robyn’s half sister)
Occupation: surgeon at the zootopia hospital by day and patroling zootopia by night as the vigilante Andraste
Status: alive
Hannah’s side:
-father: Jack Savage
Occupation: MCB agent (major crimes bureau)
Status: alive
-mother: Skye Winter
Occupation: MCB agent, works with Jack
Status: alive
-known grandparents:
Hannah Savage
occupation: pensionate
Status: deceased then brought back to life
-siblings: none
-Victoria Todd (luna’s mother)
status: dead, then reanimated
-Alice Kirabito-Wilde (Robyn’s sister in law)
Occupation: videogame and anime reactions youtuber, superhero, quartermaster and weapons assistant
Status: alive
After a year Robyn and Hannah adopted their first son Aaron, he wished to have siblings like her moms (who also wanted biological kids on thier own); this was possible through a pregnancy pen: a device invented by olivia dawson and crafted by her and luna which allows two blood drops and a drop of seed of each couple member (gay or hetero) to mix and create full embryoes and literaly plant them into the one who wants to be pregnant, but the “carrier” has to be female; from this union, five kits were concieved and born from robyn as aaron’s birthday gift, who decided to carry on the pregnancy and aaron welcomed to the family his new siblings. Also, after a foster home was shut down due to cruel personnel and heavy mistreating of the orphans, robyn and hannah decided also to adopt two mammals who were unwanted and left without a family. Needless to say: all those children made judy go on cloud nine… and it gave nick a heart attack.
-Ash, Sarah, Iris, Dylan and Mitchel Wildesavage (respectively M,F,F,M,M)
Species: fox/ rabbit hybrids
Date of birth: 8th of december 2039
-Aaron Wildesavage (this character is also by crewefox, he was so adorable i decided to keep him in my AU too)
Species: male koala
Date of birth: 31st of december 2033
Adoption date: 21st of december 2038
-Skylar Wildesavage
Species: non-binary otter
Date of birth: 24th of august 2033
-Penny Wildesavage
Species: female black labrador
Date of birth: 15th of february 2032
Both skylar and penny were adopted the 27th of october 2040
Side notes:
-i know dogs shouldn’t exist in the zootopia universe, but in mine they do
-Robyn and Hannah originally wanted one or two kits, but Robyn’s bunny genes let her have five kits in the end 
Since Robyn and Hannah are both superheroes, there had to be Rohan’s superheroine alter ego so, i present you VALKYRIE 
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 Now it’s time for the superhero part
Alias name: Valkyrie
Alligned to: team Ceartais, ZPD, MCB, Camelot
Role: leader
Hero suit: red carbon fiber jumpsuit with white parts, a dark red hood and cape made for gliding and flying when necessary, a dark turquoise chestplate, blue and white shin and forearm guards, a blue and white checked mask and a gem storage in the middle of the chest for the infinity fragments protected by a small sheild. The suit itself has tron-like lines as an attire choice. The suit, the cape, the armor plates, tthe mask, the lines and the weapons can change colors into everything and every pattern. The suit itself is resistant to fire, shocks, electricity, cuts and explosives; the problem is that some parts are left exposed and rohan has to be careful to those weak spots
Power level: supermammalian to god-like
Steel blood powers: Robyn and Hannah’s originary power both originate from some nanomachines called “steel blood” which helped them survive a severe case of sepsis and other damages occured during a tsunami that nearly killed them
-healing factor: Robyn’s primary power consists in a powerful healing factor which repairs and wound or damage instantly. This also renders her, and by proxy Rohan, immune to poisoning of any kind, by simple alchol and cigarettes to vast amounts of cyanide in her body. Unfortunately, the more poison enters her body, the more it takes to rohan to process it. Also, the healing process takes more time if Robyn or Rohan are shot to the head. Another good side though is that Robyn and Rohan can survive being grinded, having their head chopped off, being squashed by two walls and being liquefied
-super strength: the steel blood also strengthened Robyn’s muscles, giving rohan an immense physical force, at the point of being five times stronger than robyn normally is
-high jumping: strong muscles and an energic, athletic attitude is the perfect match to jump high. Rohan can jump about
-high stamina: the nanites powered up her whole skeleton and inner system, which means that rohan, and robyn in the first place, can fight for a long time, running over 100 miles, training in a gym for 24 hours straight without getting tired if put under pressure. Eventually in the aftermath of one of those things, Robyn (or Rohan’s) body feel and become more tired than usual and require more amount of sleep to return in shape
-faster reflexes and speed: since hannah was blind when she received the steel blood nanites, those should have supposedly healed her sight; instead they went on powering up her reflexes and speed. This makes rohan agile and fast on the battlefield
-ability to become blind and go back to full sight on command: this power was mastered during a time when Robyn and Hannah were left stranded. Hannah managed to get her sight back, but also practiced between shifting in full sight and blind. While seemingly useless, this power can come very handy if someone generates a strong light and rohan can still fight without necessarily closing her eyes, especially if she doesn’t have a protection
-super senses: when Hannah or Rohan go blind, all the other reflexes (hearing, taste, contact and smell) heighten up to compensate the lack of sight. Those senses can become handful depending on the situation
-pulse field generation: Hannah’s trademark power consists in “seeing” while blind. While tecnically what hannah sees is a blank world with no writings or images but just the primitive shapes of her surroundings, the nanomachines allow her heart to generate a pulse everytime it beats that detects all surfaces and objects in five miles. Rohan’s area is wider and can arrive up to 20 miles
-healing factor: Hannah also has a healing factor, but it works slower than Robyn’s. Rohan partially compensates this with a faster regeneration in case of sight or hearing loss
-memory link: Rohan’s memory is made up of all memories from robyn and hannah and her own, which are all stored into a neural, indestructible cloud. If one member loses all memories, just one tap on the body or fusing can make the lost memories come back. By proxy, the wildesavages share rohan’s memories and their own, this means no secrets between the couple in normal life
-feral state: if robyn is shot to the head, all her strenght and speed multiply by nine, but, as the name suggests, the nanomachines while healing the damage awaken her feral instincts, making her a savage beast. If this should happen to rohan, she would turn savage for a shorter time than robyn. Only few mammals and beings know how to tame while savage
infinity gems powers (they’re much more than the listed ones and some must be discovered): after being found out by Robyn and Hannah, six fragments of the infinity gems linked with them and grant more powers. while these powers are mostly used by rohah, robyn and hannah also use them separatly, abeit with less efficiency than their fusion. The fragments after rohan unlocked the infinity state, transformed into full gems
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power (red):
-energy control and manipulation: the power gem allows rohan to manipulate all sorts of energy in any form, from kinetic to nuclear, and any way: force fields, power sharing, recharge, power overload…
-laser, maser wave or pulse energy blast: most importantly, rohan can use that enery to mimic and use a certain energy primarly for a laser blast; said power can manifest in a powerful shockwave or a presence that burns and slowls incapacitates everyone near her. Rohan could kill someone with her powers, but she chooses not to unless there’s no other choice, or her foe is unpowered and defenceless. In that case, she uses the power for knockback
-energy and power share: Rohan can gift some of her power to anybody else who needs it to strenghent him or her. This also applies to electronic devices
-maximum power state: when rohan unleashes the full power of the power fragment her body becomes glowing red in color and physically a pure manifestation of energy. In this form rohan is surrounded by energy vamps like a sun and is totally invincible. This form consumes a tremendous amout of energy, leaving her helpless when she stops, so rohan must use this as a last resort
Time (orange):
-time manipulation and travel: thanks to the time gem, Rohan can control time around her and with others. She can freeze a single moment, create a loop, rewind her own time or a recent situation and even age or de-age every living being. With the right amount of focus rohan can also travel through time
-time mastress state: at full strenght, the time fragment turns Rohan’s body orange and magical gears appear. In this form rohan’s time powers are amped up to ridiculous heights at the point rohan BECOMES time itself and is able of creating or erasing some events or a complete timeline. In the aftermath Rohan dissociates temporarly for three hours before her molecules line up
Reality (yellow):
-reality manipulation: the reality gem allows Rohan to bend the primary shape of everything around her at her will, always turning the situation to herself, like a wizard using magic. But if the power is used without limits, rohan could alter reality for a long time before fixing it, thus she has to be very careful when using the reality related powers
-creation of everything: this superpower allows Rohan to do everything she imagines: she can materialize a toy in front of her, turn water to fire of give herself new powers; the only things she can’t do are: copying powers related to the other gems (unless she temporarely gives new powers to other beings) and bring people back from the dead
-illusion and hologram control: rohan can create multiple copies of herself or turn temporarily a place in what she wants to with hard light
-reality bender state: this state renders rohan yellow and the surroundings in an area of 10 meters constantly shape. All the afromentioned powers are strengthened at the point rohan can create multiple universes at once. This state doesn’t consume much energy and it’s currnetly rohan’s most used super form
Soul (green):
-soul dislocation: with the power of the soul gem Rohan can either exit her body becoming a green ghost or force the enemy’s soul to exit the body, leaving both, rohan or the foe, numb and defenseless
-control and power over life: the soul power can also heal wounds, physical and broken morales, temporarely take back the dead as zombies or trap other souls into the fragment
-soul detector: Rohan can discover and make visible all ghosts (souls of dead beings), talk to the and even command them if necessary
-ability to travel to the soul realm: the soul gem hosts a pocket dimension called soul world; here all the souls of the dead live a neverending life of joy. Rohan can enter this world and take whoever she wants without turning them into ghosts and her soul powers within the world increase even more
-soul guardian state: in this state Rohan gets engulfed by green light and has total control over the spirits: she can evoke hordes of ghosts againts her foes, catch easily all souls within a certain range and gradually weaken everbody. The aftermath leaves Rohan internally weakened and unable to move, though she still can see everything happening around her with the same perception as someone in a dream
Mind (blue):
-mind control and other abilities: Rohan’s most basic abilities with the mind gem include: controlling the mind of the weak, shutting their mind down leaving them open for attacks, creating false memories, breaking brainwash and telepathic control on others and reading memories. Rohan is also immune to all mind-based powers; for example, she can’t be brainwashed
-mind link: Rohan can connect minds withan ally and see through its eyes. She can also talk to them in their mind by giving them advices and makes them immune to mind control. Usually though, Rohan uses this tecnique to calm down scared mammals since she can also alter emotions
-memory share: just by touching on the head somebody, Rohan can share her memories to other mammals
-brainstormer state: Rohan becomes all blue by entering this form and becomes able to access all the minds of a single planet she can go into. The aftermath isn’t as bad as the other, but it does leave her with a huge headache that lasts for five minutes after she exits this form
Space (purple):
-teleportation: Rohan can teleport herself in any place she wants. Where she goes depends on her memories of the place, or where she looks at. She can also teleport enemies or teammates away or where she wants too
-ability to control space and movements around: the space gem also allows Rohan to speed up, slow down or stop movements in a maximum area of three miles, usually by bloking foes in mid air or speeding her time up becoming faster from the eyes of the spectators. Rohan has also total control over gravity: she can increase it or decrease it to the point of nullification in a certain spot
-molecular dislocation: Rohan can phase out her molecules becoming intangible; while dislocated phisically, she can’t be hit or touched and can pass through any solid object. She can also phase out her opponents and stick them into solid objects, but she doesn’t use that power very often on normal, powerless criminals since she finds it brutal
-traveller state: Rohan’s last normal final state covers her body in purple light and nullifies gravity in an area of 50 miles. Rohan’s space powers heighten up exponetially at the point of teleporting an entire population on another planet or move planets herself. Rohan can also create gravity wells or black holes and dislocate entire armies. The aftermath leaves rohan intangible for one hour
-immortality: since the infinity gems are part of the universe itself, Rohan and by proxy Robyn and Hannah can’t die in any way. If they should be disintegrated, their bodies would simply regenerate and their aging becomes stuck at the age of 25
-self awareness: this doesn’t mean rohan has total control over her senses, instead, rohan is fully aware she is an original invented fusion character by me, that their components were born from the mind of an irish, bisexual assistant surgeon and that their parents come from a very beloved disney classic movie. In few words, she can break the fourth wall
-SECR (acronysm for supreme energy coalescence ray): rohan can channel the power of the six fragments into a powerful, multi colored beam which can totally erase existance where it hits; she swore to use this power only if the enemy outranks her or in apocalyptic, near failure scenarios as her goal isn’t to cancel life. Rohan doesn’t need to enter the infinity state to use the SECR
-the snap: Rohan’s most powerful move definitively constist into the snap, where rohan uses all six gems and snaps her fingers to make every wish of hers come true. This time the aftermath is a mix of all the other aftermaths of the singular powered state of the fragments: namely, rohan becomes intangible, dislocated in time and soul, physicaly and mentally weakened for eight hours. The only way to carry her to safety is trapping her into an electrostatic box. When the “hangover” effects vanish, rohan wakes up with a giant headache. The snap has a cooldown of a year
-infinity state: even if the snap is indeed powerful, Rohan can enter the ultimate state by unlocking all the ultimate power states of the fragments and combing them. In this form, Rohan becomes totally white in color with gold shades. her powers heighten up to god-like levels and she’s able to use any power, steel blood or infinity based, heightened up, while accessing to every mind in the universe, bending all matter and reality at her own will, moving entire galaxies, controlling time while also having vision of future and past events and powering up every ally, no matter where they are or which species they are, temporarely gifting her powers to them. The aftermath effects are the same of the snap, but the time for the relocation lowers to two hours, and there’s no headache
weaponry, gadgets and arsenal:
-mega nightstick: Robyn uses a titanuim telescopic baton 1 meter long in combat, formed by two nightsticks and two handles which can simply split in two or also form two tonfas with the two handles. When Rohan plays the baton (which becomes 2 meters long with her) and it’s subweapons become harder than diamond. Each stick also has a hidden blade made out damascus steel with a diamond tip in case of tougher opponents
-constructo guns: Hannah’s primary weapons are two guns which can combine into other weapons after their upgrade: for example, a simple machine gun, a shotgun, a grenade launcher, a minigun and a small crossbow. They can also fire traquilizing pellets, laser shots or normal bullets
thanks to the realty fragment both weapons can combine into five other weapons, which also have powered up forms
- a baton with guns on each end; this doesn’t have a powered form, but it can still split and form two tonfa guns
- a javelin with a ninjato-like blade and a double barrel gun where the blade is placed. When powered, the guns spin in a circle and fire faster than a minigun while the blade knocks back enemies up to three miles
-a double sword with the central handle curved, a blade with an axe tip (like megatron’s sword on TF5) and a long barrel for sniping as long as the blade on each sword; normally it can also split up into two blades with curved handles, turn into a hi-tech bow or a giant boomerang. Powered up the guns shoot bullets and laser that pierce through everything, the blades cut even more (but not everything), the bow shoots further, its arrows strike harder and the boomerang locks onto the enemies until it gets them
-a halberd with a giant blade and a grenade barrel on top; this could be considered as a more brute version of the javelin since Rohan uses it for larger opponents. The powered form grants two additionals grenade launcher barrels and allows every strike to cut enemies or generate slices of pure red energy
-a baton that turns into a whip with a flick of the wrist and a double gun separated from the melee weapon unlike the previous four; the baton can let the tip and the rings of it’s whip form exit and let a yellow energy blade come out of the handle while the rings and the tip form a small shield. Powered up, the whip can generate small quakes where it lands, the shield assumes the aspect of a circual saw and the energy blade becomes able to slice through everything
(if you are confused and don’t know what the weapons look like, i can say that for some i got inspired from the weapons the praetorian guard from The Last Jedi wields)
volcano comet: while the nightstick, the guns and their combo forms are more than a match for any enemy, rohan wields a red, double bowed crossbow which can shoot tranq darts, arrows and laser beams at ligthspeed, for sniping attacks
concussion grenades: these grenades developed by Robyn and Hannah’s friend Olivia Dawson, create a shockwave that pushes everyone meters away from the explosion point
hacker spine: in honour of Marian Wilde “the Maid”, Robyn asked to graft into her suit a short-range hacking device which activates only whey she and hannah fuse and allows her to enter the enemies’ computers and devices, thus controlling them or shutting everything down
hyper goggles: Rohan’s domino mask contains many options into her lenses: x-rays, heat vision and ray beams
-fighting styles: boxing, MMA (mixed martial arts), blood ballet (a style invented by hannah which mixes dance styles and MMA), cloak and dagger strikes, teräs-kasi, shien, djem so and yuvo
small side notes:
-when dressed in civilian clothes, rohan sports her gems combined into a single rainbow gem embedded into a jade bracelet
 As for her backstory, the link is here
And there she is; after months of working on her bio i’m finally proud to welcome the first zootopian fusion to the fandom. I hope you like her and if you wish to use her for a story or a fanart, message me first. I may add extra info later.
And to finish, here are the credits:
thanks to @crewefox for allowing me to use robyn, hannah, scarlet, bullet, aaron and other characters (too many to name) and helping me with the correction of the post
thanks to @jafethortiz who made the arts and the coloring
special thanks to  @chickwithdreads and this post for giving me inspiration about the charater sheet
And last but not least, thanks to the whole zootopia fandom, who dedicate a bit of their time to admire the first zootopian fusion character
thank you and see you soon 
the infinity gems, iron man, namor, mister fantastic, black bolt, doctor strange, professor x, the skrulls, the super skrull, the kree and ronan belong to Marvel®
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missjackil · 7 years
Why Wincest? : An Honest Answer.
Like most Wincest shippers, I get asked a lot of different questions about why it is so appealing to me. Fortunately, I havent received any hate regarding it (yet) just mostly curiosity, and to be honest, I ask myself all the same questions. To be clear, I am only answering for myself, since everyone’s experience is different, but I know there are people who feel the same way. I’ll start by saying, I don’t have a brother kink, or any interest in m/m sex, but something about Sam and Dean specifically, intrigued me very early on. I’d say somewhere around “Woooaaah easy tiger” (Dean grins) “Dean!?” (Sam answers breathlessly) I thought, “Oh yeah, these 2 wanna bang each other!” and that was literally the first scene we ever saw of Sam and Dean together.  There is a reason why the writers/producers gave us a scene like this as our first introduction to the brothers’s relationship, it’s because they want us to sense sexual tension between them. This is the type of scene that TV shows and movies use to plant such thoughts between characters. For whatever reason 2 characters suddenly have physical contact, or maybe just long eye contact. The trope we’ve seen a million times, the “oops our bodies are touching and we made eye contact” that has started almost every love story ever. Since this is the very first scene between the brothers, the writers wanted to establish this immediately.  So, like so many people, I noticed this, and then thought “well thats kinda gross, they’re brothers” and moved on. However, it didnt stop there. The writers threw in text mixed with subtext to keep it going. From standing/sitting too close together, unnecessary touching, grabbing, pinning each other against the wall, and so on, mixed with spoken text about how much one needs the other, or how theres nothing they wouldnt do for each other, established in concrete, that these 2 are not normal brothers. 
Of course canonically, the boys don’t have a sexual relationship, and they never will, and Im absolutely fine with that, and honestly wouldn’t like if it was canon that they do. What I love is the level of love they have, and wondering how far they do go for each other, behind fictional closed doors of course. And is it really the worst thing they can do, or have done? Sam and Dean’s love to me, though toxic at times, is absolutely beautiful, and J2 convey it perfectly! They know all about wincest, and how it appeals to many of us, and not only does it not offend them, they play right along with it in the gag reels and at conventions. Even in the episodes that it is mentioned, The Monster at the End of This Book, Sympathy for the Devil, and Fan Fiction, the show acknowledges that many fans see and fantasize about wincest, and realize we really dont care that theyre brothers. Also the fact that they never allow the brothers to be romantically involved with anyone else for any significant length of time, shows that they don’t want us to stop thinking about it. And in the end, I am sure, the brothers will end up together forever. Whether it be in death or retirement, they are going to be with each other and not with romantic interests. 
Incest is a very taboo subject, no one will argue that, but sex between 2 consenting adults, no matter their relation, doesn’t have to be as taboo as we make it. I saw hate sent to a fellow wincest shipper via anonymous ask, claiming that if we accept the idea in fiction, than we accept the idea in real life, and that we say to children that its ok if their big brother, or dad or uncle touch them inappropriately. The fellow shipper answered defensively, and failed to actually answer the accusations. If it had been sent to me, I would have answered differently.  For one, no, accepting something in fiction means nothing in the real world. We accept all kinds of murder and infidelity in fiction, so why would this be different? Sam and Dean have a relationship that no one in the real world has. They don’t lust for each other, but they LOVE each other more than any of us have loved anyone. Most of us have someone we would die for, but none of us have someone we would sell our souls for. Not just sell your soul, but willingly set yourself up for eternal torment, in 1 years time, just so the other doesn’t die yet. Or, risk the fate of the entire world and everyone in it, just so the one we love doesn’t become evil, and those are only two things, in a long laundry list of things the Winchesters have done for each other. And if you did, and you and this person are consenting adults and wish to have sex? Go for it! I wont stop you. To the other part of the accusation, that this tells children its ok if brother, father, uncle etc touches them, I say “what?” This no more tells children such a thing, anymore than shipping a normal relationship tells children its ok to be touched so long as you’re not related. Seriously.  Another misconception is that if Sam and Dean have had a sexual relationship, it would mean they are bisexual, which canonically neither of them are. But that’s not true. To me, neither of them have sexual or romantic interest in men in general. It can be argued that subtextually they have, but that’s another thread. Canonically, Sam and Dean are straight, so how would they have sexual attraction to each other? Because it’s not the attraction at all, but a by product of a love so strong and deep that they’re literally exhausted every way to express it.  It seems like any wincest fan fic I read, portrays one or both as being at least bisexual, and sometimes full on gay, but that’s not necessary if you imagine the deep abiding love came long before the sex, not the deep abiding love developing from the sex. When some shippers see their sexual relationship develop or be experimented with when they were teenagers, usually they are showing that the epic love the brothers share developed out of curious, experimental sex in adolescence. For me, in my mind and in my fan fic, the sex always comes about the first time when they’re in thier 30s and have already done every other thing imaginable for each other, except for sex. And then for me it becomes beautiful, acceptable, and maybe kind of necessary. Not so much kinky, dirty, or taboo.  At SDCC Jared said “Sam and Dean love each other as much as two human beings can love each other” and to me, he accepts all the ways one can love another in that statement. Not saying he thinks they have, or wants them to have sex, but acknowledges romantic love is in there along with every other way.  This essay isnt to try to convert anyone, but so everyone can understand that there is more than one way to see this epic love, and explore its possibilities without hurting anyone.
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harlotvonquinn · 7 years
“#nygmobblepotseason4 bc I had to watch a “gay man ruins a straight guy’s chance at a normal heterosexual life” plot in season 3” -some person on twitter “
I have been thinking alot about this tweet. Part of me feels this way due to how isebella was presented.
I dont think it was the shows intention but it does feel that way and i dont completely believe this. I am not sure of i truly believe at all but at the same time i may believe a little bit of this deep down bit i dont think i should feel or think this way.
In all honesty its not that i really hate isebella she had good pontential but its the concept of isebella i dont like. All isebella is ; is a woman in the fridge troupe created for the sole purpose of plot device, to break apart a friendship so they can be enemies. I get that it needed to happen and i will admit some good things came out of thier fallout strange enough to say. I just wish it happen diffrently or at least explain or reveal who isebella really was. When isebella was introduced i though two things there is alot of pontential to do something interesting with isebella or they will go the cliche love triangle and liar revealed cliche which is the one i was worrying about happening and yet it came true it happen which i am so disappointed because i though gotham was better than that. I honestly cant accept that she was just an innocent librarian who happen to look like kirsten but better in every way for ed such as loving riddles all is somehow just a sheer coindence? I mean really we are suppose to accept that? Maybe some can but i sure can’t. Am i really suppose to believe that this woman who looks like ed dead girlfriend, who is the perfect dream girl for ed, who also so happen to love riddles, a woman that he only met in one day is immediately in love? Sure ed only loved her because she looks like kirsren but new and improved. She the girl ed wish kirsten could be which could lead to a very deep interesting and psychological but got spolied when they killed off. Whats her reason for failling for him in one day? How does she know he liked riddles when meeting at the liquor store? What really baffles me is that gotham is a place where you have clones,resurrection, villians with super powers and yet the writers did nothing with that didn't take an advantage? So many interesting avenes and interesting directions they could have done with isebella yet they went with most cliche plot line with crappy troups involved. This is why i just cant take isebella seriously as a character or take her relationship seriously with ed. Even when she died i had a hard time feeling bad for him and i do feel bad for feeling that way its just everything about isebella and that surrounds her feels so fake. It just feels obvious that she is a plot device character and thats her only purpose. How am i suppose to believe it when it all feels rushed and fake. Worst of all they get the queer character to ruin the hetro relashtionship. I know that this isnt the writers intention or at least i hope not because that how it feels in my perspective.i dont know maybe thier is something wrong with me a, maybe i am delusional. I get that gotham is a place where love ends in heartbreak and tradegy but the problem is despite that all the hetro relashtionship gets all the attention even couples who are not even couples like batcat they may never actaully hook up but they kissed more that 2-5 since gotham started. Jim relashtionship always get attention even the rushed one. Babs and tabs gets some attention and so did montaya and babs but thats it. Gotham had a chance to do the same with two men and they threw it away on a crappy plotline on love triangles and revenge.( ok i will admit oswald revenge was fantastic) i just wish the show a had more lgbt reputation and i wish the lgbt relashtionship had more attention. I wish gotham handle the isebella thing much better. I do hate to tell the writers how to do thier job but i feel really disappointed in thier choices this season how ever if they explain isebella purpose better , give her a better purpose, reveal who she actaully is becuase i feel that she needs more closer. Inmean hell shes practically a referance to vertigo why not use that to thier advantage.
Keep this in mind these are just my thoughs and feelings on this subject matter so none has to agree with me. I dont think they were queerbaiting since penguin is a queer character and i do like how they handled his sexaulity and not making a big deal of him lo ving a man and oswald seems comfortable with his sexaulity and his feelings for ed. I love how oswald doesnt nessarily have a label for his sexaulity because he is attracted to emotional connection and personality which is considered to be demi if you want to label it i guess. That part was done beautifully. I also like how oswald gets his revenge and out smarts es at every turn. I also love how ed battles his guilt for killing oswald and shows that he really did deeply care about him and how he handles life without oswald. Despite robin and cory claimimg that ed has no romantic feelings for ed i still question that espeacilly after the sexy hallucination of oswald sining amy whine house. I am sorry robin and cory but ed seemed pretty aroused in that scene plis he imaged oswald like that and thier was alot of sexaul tenstion and it seems like ed was trying to fight amd deni thoes feelsings. I hope what cory and robin said was just thier interepreation on what they see so far and dont want to createa potential spoliers or give false hopes. Who knows. Over all i loved the season mostly the second half. I just hope season 4 will fix thier past mistakes and i hope to see ed and oswald to be friends again.
Sorry if i often people with this message these are just my thoughs and feelings and that qoute up above only part of me believes that. It is my automantic thought doesnt mean thats what it actaully is however sometimes i feel very unsure of my self and thier are two sides of me that are battling eachother. Part of me think that tweet is true and another part of me thinks its just an irrational thought and i am just really upset how it was all handled.
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