#had a dream i was planning a surprise party for my brother and i wanted to make a Custom Cake after the storebought one
midifighter · 11 months
girls will literally have the scariest dreams and then wake up atfucking 7 AM
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maidragoste · 9 months
The Parent Trap: Chapter One
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Aegon Targaryen x Velaryon!Reader x Aemond Targaryen
Summary: After the disastrous divorce between Aemond Targaryen and Y/n Velaryon the twins Baelon and Aemon were separated. Each was raised by one of their parents. Baelon was raised by his father while Aemon was raised by his mother. Years later they both meet at a summer camp and discover the existence of the other. The twins realize that there are many secrets in their family, eager to discover their past, they put together a plan to deceive their parents.
Thanks for all the support, it always makes me happy to answer your questions and comments. REBLOGS and likes are always appreciated 🥰🥰💕💕💕
Disclaimer: English is not my first language so I apologize for any mistakes. and this does not follow 100% the movie.
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Daeron tapped his fingers on the steering wheel, glancing sideways at his nephew. Since he started the trip, Baelon had not said a word, revealing his bad mood. Daeron knew he wasn't the reason for the boy's anger but he still couldn't help but feel bad for him. Aemond was supposed to be the one to take Baelon to summer camp but at the last moment a work meeting came up that he had to attend, although Daeron doubted it because it's not like it was a secret that Aemond is addicted to work, so now he is in charge of being his nephew's driver.
“I'm sure your father is as angry as you are that he can't come with you,” he said in an attempt to start a conversation. "He told me that he will do everything possible to come look for you when the camp is over," he added, hoping that would calm the boy's annoyance a bit.
“He is a liar. He won't do it ”said the boy without taking his eyes off the window” He had already promised to take me. ”
Baelon was upset. Just days before he was excited because his dad had said that they would have a road trip like in the movies and that he would take him to an amusement park where he was on the way to camp before dropping him off. It was supposed to be their last outing together because they wouldn't see each other for weeks. Sometimes Baelon couldn't help but think that his dad didn't really mind spending time with him, that he only did it because it was his obligation. Every time he thought that he ended up thinking about his mom. He knew she was alive—not because of his dad, he never talked about her—thanks to his uncle Aegon. It's a secret but when he came to visit for his birthday he always brought gifts from his mother. The first time his uncle cut him off from the rest of the party and gave him a gift from his mom was on his fifth birthday. He had been so excited that he wanted to run and tell everyone, but before he could, his uncle stopped him and told him that he couldn't tell anyone, not his friends, not his family, not even his dad. that it had to be a secret between them or her mom would never be able to send her a present again. Baelon had never seen his uncle so serious so he complied. He kept the secret and he looked forward to each new birthday waiting to see what his mom got him. Lately, he had been wondering what it would be like to live with her. Sometimes he dreamed that the next time his uncle came he would bring his mother with him. Other times he imagined that his uncle would show up as a surprise while his dad was away and tell him to pack everything for him to take with her. But deep down he knew it wouldn't happen. His uncle never told him what his mom's job was but Baelon supposed her job was busier than his dad's and that's why he stayed with him instead of her.
“It was a last-minute thing,” Daeron said.
"It's always something," Baelon grumbled, crossing his arms and this time Daeron couldn't come up with any excuse to defend his brother. In his opinion, Aemond wasn't the best father but he wasn't the worst either… At least he was better than his father. Viserys barely remembered the existence of him and his brothers. He was sure the man couldn't remember any of his birthdays or say anything he liked to his children. Aemond knew his son's hobbies and despite not spending much time at home whenever he was there he gave Baelon his full attention. But that wasn't enough to reward the canceled plans or his lack of presence at some school events.
"Open the glove box" he requested and Baelon glared at him before reluctantly opening it. Baelon's frown was left behind and a smile appeared in his place when he saw that his favorite snacks and sweets were there. “Your father couldn't take you but he had already bought things for the trip. He also gave me the address of the park where he wanted to take you so we can still go there ”Daeron took advantage of a red light to ruffle the boy's hair
"Your dad loves you, kid, don't forget that"
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Normally you wouldn't let Aemon ride up front with you, in the passenger seat, but this was an exception because you wouldn't be seeing your baby for weeks so you wanted to get him as close as possible before you had to say goodbye. You'd think you'd be used to this after all this was Aemon's third year going to summer camp but even so, you always had a hard time saying goodbye. You would miss him immensely. But he liked to go and you were not going to deprive him of experiences just because it was difficult for you to have him away.
"Promise you won't continue reading Harry Potter without me," Aemon asked and you looked through the mirror to find that Aegon, who was sitting in the back next to Joffrey, just like you was smiling. You two were happy that your son was growing up and wanting to have his own things but it was sweet to the heart to know that he still wanted to spend time with the two of you and the three share moments like family readings every night.
"Don't worry, we won't read a single chapter without you," Aegon said as he picked up the stuffed dragon Joffrey dropped again. The baby seemed amused to see his dad bend down to retrieve his toy "But we'll probably watch the movies."
Aegon had never really been in the habit of reading. He hated every time at school they forced him to read a book. He preferred a thousand times to see a movie before reading the book. That took less time. But he became interested in reading after the first time Aemon asked him to join you in reading to him before going to sleep. Books were something his godson liked—which Aegon wasn't surprised knowing you and Aemond were total nerds—and he really wanted to bond with him so he started reading the books Aemon liked only to have more topics to talk about with him. Aemon's excitement when he understood what he was talking about made him more than satisfied. It didn't take long for him to stop seeing reading as homework and he began to really enjoy it thanks to Aemon and you.
"You can only see the first two" Aemon reminded him turning to face him seriously. The three have the tradition of first reading the book and once finished it would watching their movie. You hadn't finished reading The Prisoner of Azkaban yet so you were forbidden to watch the movies that follow Chamber of Secrets.
"Aemon, those movies have existed since before you were born and we saw them all when we were teenagers," Aegon said and he and baby Joffrey laughed at the boy's annoyed grimace.
"Don't worry, Aemon. I'm sure he doesn't remember anything. He barely paid attention when I made him watch the movies with me. He's just trying to annoy you" you said.
"In my defense, I was distracted by your beauty," Aegon said making you laugh.
Perhaps another child would be disgusted or uncomfortable that his parents were flirting in front of him but Aemon just looked at them curiously. He knew that they had known each other since they were very young, but he had no idea that Aegon seemed to have feelings for you since he was a teenager. He sometimes saw you and Aegon so in love and happy that he couldn't help but wonder how you ended up with his biological father before. It's not like you never talked about his father. He didn't know his name, you never called him by his name when you talked about him, but he knew some things like his father also liked to read a lot like him, that like him he practiced fencing when he was young, that he also had the light sleep. Baelon knew trivial things about his father but he didn't know anything about how your relationship with him was. Perhaps you had broken up with his father to be with his godfather? But that didn't make much sense to him because if it did he would have met Aegon sooner. He met his godfather when he was four years old, although he knew that Aegon had been a part of his life when he was a baby from the pictures in the family album that you showed him but something had happened in the middle so that you and Aegon stopped seeing each other.
"So what do you and Rickon plan to do this year?" you asked, snapping Aemon out of his thoughts. Wasting no time Aemon started talking excitedly about how this time he and his best friend would go hiking in the mountains.
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Daeron parked in front of the camp cabins. There were already a lot of boys and girls. You could feel the excitement of everyone from the big smiles, the laughs, and the shouts. He hoped that Baelon's experience would be good and that he would be able to make friends. That something good would come of having him away from home. It would be weird these weeks without his nephew at home, surely it would be quieter. Vhagar would surely be depressed by Baelon's absence. He would miss it too. He had gotten into the habit of going to the park every afternoon to take the dogs out together and play ball—sometimes Adam and Nettes would come over too—then they would come home and watch silly reality shows while criticizing the contestants.
"Don't get in trouble, Baelon" he reminded his nephew and ruffled his hair again to the boy's annoyance "I love you"
"Dude, don't be weird. I had enough of grandma crying as if I were going to live on the other continent. I'll be fine” Baelon said before opening the door not wanting to see his uncle's face. He sighed and turned around again. "I love you too and I'm going to miss you," he said quickly before leaving to find his luggage. He barely got out of the car and grimaced when he began to hear the screams get louder.
Daeron hurried down to help him as he tried to ignore a boy's scream of “Aemon”. When he was removing the suitcase from the trunk of the car, a boy with dark hair and gray eyes appeared behind his nephew. He was tall though he didn't seem to be older than Baelon.
“Hey, Aemon, are you deaf? I was calling you” he said pouting. He didn't even give Baelon time to tell him that he was getting the wrong person when he took one of his platinum locks between his fingers. "Oh, you cut it off, I knew you were upset because Joffrey kept pulling your hair but I didn't think you'd do anything so drastic”
Baelon took the stranger's hand and pulled it away from his hair. He wasn't obsessed with taking care of his hair like his dad but it was rare for a stranger to feel free to touch him “I'm not Aemon. My name is Baelon"
"But you look just like Aemon" said the other boy with clear confusion "Why do you look just like Aemon?"
Baelon looked to his uncle for help, wanting Daeron to get him out of this situation, but Daeron seemed to be in a trance. For a moment he thought that his eyes were shiny but he dismissed it as a sun effect.
Daeron couldn't believe it. Aemon was going to be in the same camp as Baelon. At any moment he would arrive. He should be in a panic. He should be telling Baelon to get in the car to drive away because that's what Aemond would do. He should call his older brother. But he wouldn't do that. After years the twins had the opportunity to meet and he was not going to stop it. Baelon deserved to meet the rest of his family… But if he was there when you arrived with Aemon then you would be the one to leave. This couldn't happen. This was a unique opportunity. This one meeting could make life better for everyone.
“I have to go,” Daeron announced, slamming the trunk shut.
Baelon eyed daggers at him. He had just told him that he loved him and now he was leaving him with a complete freak, didn't he care about him? Definitely from now on Daeron was no longer his favorite uncle and when he returned home he would tell his grandma so that she would scold him.
"What's your name kid?" asked the adult looking at the boy with dark hair.
"Rickon" he replied, still without taking his eyes off Baelon. He wanted to touch his face to make sure it was real but he had a feeling that if he did then he would get hit.
"Baelon, you will stay with Rickon," Daeron ordered.
"What?!" Shouted his nephew with a mixture of surprise and indignation.
"Rickon, you will take Baelon to your cabin and wait until Aemon's mother leaves or whoever she brings him to introduce him to Baelon"
"Wait, do you know Aemon?" Baelon asked trying to understand what the hell was going on.
Daeron didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He wanted to tell him that of course, he knew Aemon. He remembered how scared he was the first time he picked him up, he remembered how little Aemon used to fall asleep in his arms, how when he learned to walk he used to follow him everywhere, and how he loved to give Tessarion kisses. On his phone, he has a folder with all of Aemon's photos. Every time he saw them he felt like he finished seeing them so fast. He wished he had taken more photos… Maybe after this camp, he could get new photos.
"Rickon, don't let Aemon's family see Baelon" he asked ignoring his nephew's question "Enjoy the camp," he said and got into the car ignoring Baelon's protests.
Daeron felt bad when he started the car, if he had time he might have stayed to explain to Baelon or try to prepare him for this surprise but you could show up at any moment. He couldn't risk you seeing him and deciding to leave.
When he thought he was far enough from the camp, he waited for the next red light to take his phone and call Aegon. He had to ask his brother if he knew that Aemon was going to the camp and that was why he had told Aemond that he should take Baelon there or was it just a fluke.
Aegon never responded.
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coolprettyleo · 3 months
know its for the better - begin again au ☆
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wc: 1.8k
tw: drinking. angst. family angst. kinda fluff. slut shaming. I think I got them all
ryan leonard x hughes sister au
ryan and frankie walked down one of the busiest streets in boston; frankie hoping to find inspiration and ryan trying the make sure she doesn't kill her self doing so.
he couldn't understand why she was so reckless with her life? she was very loved and important to so many people. i mean he knew he loved her when he first met her. why couldn't she see how amazing she was?
"I have my fake with me, plus the bouncer adores me so i think i can so get you in" she says acting annoyed but secretly happy. even though she wanted to act like ryan coming along with her was a drag, it wasn't. she liked having him here. it made her feel seen.
"frankie, i still dont think this is the way to solve things" he says to her as they get in line to go into frankies favorite bar.
"not everything has to be solved it just has to be dealt with, and this is how im dealing with it" she said with an eye roll.
ryan opened his mouth to say something but stopped when her phone when off. he sees her screen light up with a Group FaceTime call; her brothers. but to his surprise she declines?
"spam call" she waves him off after she sees ryan eye her skeptically.
"you didn't tell them yet?" he said after a moment.
ryan knew her too well.
"nope" she says popping the 'p'. "and I dont plan on it anytime soon" she adds.
"so you just plan to lie to them for the rest of your life?"
"its not lying, its avoiding. I dont lie" she said not looking at him.
"I think you’re scared to tell them because you know once you tell them. It’ll be real" he says looking at her with a challenging look.
"ryan. this is real life right now, your not dreaming" she says sarcastically, wiggling her fingers in his face.
she was so cute. even if she was being a pain in the ass.
they got to the front of the line, where the bouncer was and frankie was quick to whisper something into the bouncers ear. the bouncer eyes running up and down ryan, before ultimately deciding to lift the rope and letting them through.
"I dont think I want to know what you told him" he said to her as she pulled him by his shirt collar. something that he found to drive him crazy.
"dont be dirty, I just told him you were my gay friend. so dont get with any girls tonight please. he'll know im lying"
your the only girl I want.
"im here to watch you, not to get with girls and party" he says seriously as she orders them drinks.
"no. if im going to let you follow me around like a puppy tonight your going to party with me mr. leonard." she says handing him the drink throwing him these eyes. eyes that have gotten her everything she's ever wanted. those eyes. eyes that made ryan want to complete every wish she's ever wished.
"if I take this shot with you, you have to listen to me, tonight. I know you like to run away. so dont"
"okay! yay!" she says as she pinky promises him.
frankies hallway filled with giggles as ryan said another dad joke. she kept her promise and didn’t run away. it was one a.m. and it had honestly been the earliest she came back from a night out. and to her surprise she was only tipsy. ryan had actually kept her good company all night.
"did you hear the rumor about butter" he says while leaning against the wall as she looks for her keys in her purse.
"ryan shutup please" she said laughing.
"okay. I wouldn't want to spread it anyways!"
"oh god" she said as she looked at him with so much adoration. she didn’t realize how much she needed someone to care and to show they cared. the way ryan did.
“thank you ryan” she said seriously. and a thought couldn’t help but bloom over her mood as she realized what was most likely going to happen.
“anytime pretty” he said as starred into the eyes that make him want to do flips off rooftops.
“I know drew is your teammate and everything, but like please dont be a stranger”
“im sorry?” ryan was confused to what she was trying to say.
is she drunk?
“like im saying since i won’t be around as much anymore and you guys are probably going to wanna be respectful to drew and stuff, just dont be a stranger. so please if you, will, and gabe ever see me just dont be afraid to talk to me. i’ll always be nice.”
ryan couldn’t belive his ears. she thought they were all just going to stop talking to her?
“franks. just because my teammate is an asshole doesn’t mean we dont care about you. you are a person who is easy to love and unbelievably smart. and im sorry drew couldn’t see that. you dont deserve that at all” he said looking into her eyes as Frankie’s eyes couldn’t help but water.
this was the nicest thing a guy has ever told her.
“you really think so” she whispered just realizing how close they were standing next to one another. he smelt like what frankie would call a comfort smell. and as she looked at him she just wanted to trace every one of his freckles while he told her everything that’s ever happened to him.
“I do” he said. luckily for ryan. this wouldn’t be the only time in years to come he would say this to frankie. they both leaned in as frankie stood on her tiptoes and kissed him. a kiss that made her stomach do flips. a kiss that made his stomach do flips.
ryan couldn’t help but wrap his arms around her waist as she wrapped her arms around her shoulders and bring him closer. the kiss felt like they’ve searched for one another their whole lives. it felt right. time stood still.
ryan pulled away first as he realized they were both tipsy and she was probably more tipsy then him. the insecurity of she was going to act like nothing happened tomorrow creeped up on him.
“what’s wrong” she said with a hand on his cheek. her heart dropping when he pulled away.
“im sorry, i shouldn’t. we shouldn’t. we’ll talk tomorrow, go inside frankie” he said stepping away from her.
“did I do something?” she said feeling her heart drop.
“no- its just- i don’t want you to wake up tmrw and regret this, i want it to actually mean something and I dont want to be just another guy to add to your roster” he says not knowing that made frankie feel like shit.
I mean she knows herself she's the type of person to have a good time. but the fact he just thought she was going to play him? is that what drew thought when she was getting with him.
maybe thats the reason he never opened up to me
“dont worry your far from it now ryan!. have a good life” she said opening her door.
“frankie i didn’t mean it like that-“
he couldn’t even explain himself because the door had already slammed in his face.
frankie didn’t know why ryan saying that hurt her so much but it did. he basically just called her a whore in her mind and she wanted to run into her room and scream into pillow. but of course her life never went her way.
standing inside were two out of her three brothers looking like they wanted to strangle her.
“where the hell have you been” luke yelled. as jack got off the phone with whoever he was talking to. mumbling something about how frankie just walked in.
frankie was actually speechless. she never thought her brothers would make the trip to boston to see why the hell she was ignoring them.
“out of all the irresponsible things you’ve done in your life , this has to be the worst. mom was so close to calling the cops. she’s on her way with dad. we thought you were dead!” jack scolds her as she takes off her coat.
"thats a little dramatic"
"no! it isn't. we gave you space but then imagine our surprise when your coach calls and says you quit!" luke counters back. "if your having a manic episode or whatever they call it, tell us. we'll help you" Luke adds in a gentler tone.
frankie wanted to do nothing but run away as she just starred at them. the fear she had been running away since she quit was standing in her living room and they were standing their angry.
"does mom and dad know" she said after a long silence.
"yes. we all have. we've been waiting for you to own up to it and tell us though" jack answered.
"is everyone mad at me" she said as her eyes filled up with tears.
"im mad that you've had us worried sick. I mean I had to resort to asking rutger and gavin to ask their world jrs teammates if they've seen my own sister" Luke said with a scolding look. one that looked scarily similar to her mothers.
"dont listen to him, I dont know why you were s scared to just tell us. its not going to change anything between us" jack said as he walked over to his little sister and gave her a hug.
frankie didn't like hugs. she felt so awkward with them but in that moment she wanted nothing but to sob into her older brothers arms like she once did when the other girls at school were making fun of her because she played hockey and didn't do dance or cheer like the rest of them. she needed her family.
"cmon Luke" she said opening her arm out to her brother who stood of to the side. Luke accepting because he could never stay mad at his little sister.
"just dont ever do this again. if you want attention go find yourself a lover or something" Luke said laughing as they pulled away.
"hey! none of that" jack said not thinking anyone was ever going to be good enough for his sister.
"dont worry jack, I need a break from boys" she said with a sigh as she remembered what happened with ryan about ten minutes ago.
"dont talk to us about your boy problems thats why you have Quinn" jack said gagging.
"quinn also wants you to call him" jack said as he started walking to her guest bedroom.
"you good?" Luke said as he started settling into her couch and noticed her sister looked as if her mind was far else where.
how do I tell him I ruined my reputation. everyone thinks im a slut.
"I dont know"
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corazondebeskar-reads · 6 months
you know you never stood a chance - chapter eight
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you know you never stood a chance series
eight: in this world, it's just us
series masterlist | prev chapter | epilogue
Joel Miller x f!reader
Words: 4.8k
Summary: Joel and Ellie return to Jackson.
Warnings: vaginal sex, oral (f receiving), like one spank, cum eating, Joel is mean/bad with feelings (but he gets a little better!), this is not canon compliant, no use of y/n, description of injury, two idiots at the end of the world learn to communicate, author is ugly crying because this is the end
also on ao3
dividers by @saradika-graphics
They’d told you last night, of course, when Joel and Ellie showed up at the gates. Tommy had come to your door himself. When he knocked in the middle of the night, you had assumed the worst. Not that the real news made you any less anxious.
They were planning on having a little welcome home dinner, nothing fancy, but something fun for the kids. Maria thought maybe it was a good time to take Alice up on her offer to babysit, since she’d have to get used to it sooner or later.
But then Alice volunteered to help do the cooking, and Maria wasn’t sure who else to ask.
“I’ll do it,” you said immediately.
She raised an eyebrow at you, which made you squirm. “Don’t you think you should be there?”
“Nah, I’m sure I’ll see Ellie around,” you said, giving her an overly-fake smile that clearly said, “don’t.”
“Uh-huh. That’s your call. But if you want to volunteer for diaper duty…”
“I’d love to. You should go, have some fun.”
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“You sure you don’t want to come? Ellie was askin’ if you’d be there,” Tommy says.
“No, I’m sure. Y’all go on and have a good night. I promise we’ll be okay here,” you say, with little baby Alé cradled in your arms.
Tommy sighs and pinches his forehead in a way horribly reminiscent of his brother. And, of course, “It’s just—” he says, “I know y’all didn’t exactly part on good terms, but my brother, he’s got a weird way of showin’ he cares and—”
“Tommy,” your tone is warning. “For the last time, it wasn’t like that.”
“I saw y’all kissing,” he blurts.
You’re honestly surprised he kept his mouth shut for the last six months.
“No, you saw him try to make himself feel better after I got mad. Ain’t the same thing. Now y’all go on, go do whatever old married couples in the apocalypse do for a good time. And don’t tell me about any of it.”
They each kissed the baby’s forehead before they left, Tommy promising one of them would be back soon.
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It’s heading toward summer, the nights not quite so chilly anymore, so you swaddle Alé and go to the rocking chair on the porch. The street is dark, though you can see the soft glow of the mess hall in the distance.
It’s not so dark that you don’t see him walking. His gait is off, not quite a limp, but you’d know that shadow anywhere—the broad shoulders, the puff of hair, the way he seems to hunch into himself to hide away.
“You’re going the wrong way,” you say before he can set off with whatever stupid thing he was about to say.
“Nah, I’m not.”
“Dunno if you heard, but they’re throwing you a party. You’re kind of supposed to be there.”
“So’re you.”
“Nope, I’m babysitting. Got better things to do tonight than look at your ugly mug.”
He shakes his head, standing now at the bottom of the porch steps. The single lamp flickers across his face, drawing shadows where the stress and age eat away at him.
You look away, down to the baby and the peace over her tiny face, softly breathing through dreamless sleep. Or whatever it was that babies dream about.
“Joel, if I wanted to talk to you, I would have shown up.”
“I’ll just keep comin’ back.”
“I’ll tell Tommy.”
“You can’t threaten me with my own brother.”
“Ok, I’ll tell Maria.”
“Damn,” he shakes his head. “You got me there.”
“Go away, Joel. Go enjoy your party.” It’s softer than you meant it to be, and when his eyes catch yours, you know he didn’t miss that.
He gives you a nod, jaw ticking, and walks away. You want to feel victorious, and you do; it just stings all the same.
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Maria comes home after an hour and a half. She’s got impeccable timing, as Alé has just begun to stir and realize that you are, unfortunately, not her mother. Nor do you have milk to offer her. Her little face rubs against your shirt while she begins to wail.
“You got a sixth sense about that,” you tell Maria.
She laughs. “Guess I do.”
“It’s kind of neat,” you say. “Like even after decades of technology and convenience, our bodies still know what to do.”
“It is,” she says absentmindedly, and she’s looking at you in a way you do not want to be looked at right now, so you gather up your jacket and your book.
“Okay, cool, hope you had fun, good night!” You make it as far as opening the screen door before she stops you.
“He come by?”
Your mouth drops open. “You betrayed me!”
“Of course I didn’t. Seriously? It was Tommy.”
“That little rat.”
“You wanna go tell him off? He’s still down at the hall.” She’s got a glint in her eye again, the one that makes you feel both laughed at and cared about.
“You’re not funny,” you say, shaking your head and rolling your eyes.
“It was an accident. He did good when Joel asked about you, but then he asked about Alé.”
You laugh, something warm and fond in your chest, even if your heart keeps ticking up a notch. You turn the knob of the front door.
“They liked your gift.”
Damn it, how does she keep doing that? You pause your escape and look up at her, finding honesty there.
“Ellie liked it?”
“They both did,” Maria says, and tells you how several of the townsfolk had, in fact, not liked it, but Joel and Ellie sure did.
You weren’t sure you were actually going to give it to him, time and irritation having grown into anxiety over it. But other people were giving housewarming gifts, and to be fair, you had made it for Joel.
The quilt was folded neatly and tied with twine. Most of it was an array of colors, working with what scraps could be spared. Maria had assured you that keeping folks warm was always a good use.
He hadn’t noticed, at first. She thought maybe he was having some kind of attack, actually, when Tommy told him it was from you. He had gone oddly blank and frozen for a minute. After he came back to himself, he had run his fingers over the worn, soft fabric, and then cleared his throat and moved on.
Ellie didn’t. She was chilly and pleased as punch to have a blanket. When she unfolded it to spread across her lap, she burst out laughing.
“The hell’s the matter with you?” Joel asked her.
She was laughing too hard to breathe, let alone answer him, so he stomped over.
You had saved all the white squares to spell “fuck you” in block letters across the middle of the quilt.
For a moment, he stood there, just staring at it. But between the way it made his chest feel like it was full of bubbles and the way Ellie was now pointing at his dumbfounded expression and laughing so hard she was crying, he couldn’t help it. He joined her, absolutely fucking falling apart in hysterics.
“No way,” you scoffed at Maria when she reached that part of her retelling.
“Yeah. He lost it. Scared some of the kids.”
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It doesn’t take him long to notice. He figures he still had an internal sensor wired to be aware of your presence. A safety feature turned bug.
You’re leaning against the wall across the room, just watching. Taking them in from a safe distance. Ellie sees where he’s looking and jumps up, running over.
She throws her arms around your neck and hugs you. You hug her back, the rush of relief at her well-being overtaking you.
“I’m glad you’re still here,” she says
“I’m glad you’re back. And you’re okay?”
She nods and opens her mouth, then looks around at the hall full of people.
“S’ok, you can tell me everything tomorrow.”
“Sure thing, kiddo. I’m on patrol in the morning, but I’ll find you after.”
“No, you’re not,” Tommy says, coming up behind you and clapping a hand on each shoulder. He’s looking over Ellie’s shoulder, where Joel hovers on the other side of the room, hands shoved in his pockets.
“Ain’t this your party? Go have fun,” he says to Ellie.
You watch as she bounds over to Joel and points to you, like he hadn’t seen you first.
Tommy gives your shoulders a squeeze and leans in close. “Look, I know ya said you weren’t scared, but you look it. You don’t gotta tell me anything, but if you need me to keep him away from you, just say the word.”
Not for the first time, your heart clenches with fondness, and you duck out of his grasp so you can turn to face him.
“Don’t worry about me,” you say, trying to put as much earnestness into the words and your eyes as you can.
“M’serious. He’s my brother, and I love him, but I know he’s not always done the best things and—“
“Hey.” The sharp tone of your voice stops his rambling. “Thank you, Tommy, seriously. But I promise it’s fine.”
Joel wasn’t going to bother you again. He wasn’t. But then he caught Tommy shooting him a suspicious look over your shoulder, and he can’t stop himself from making his way over.
Tommy’s telling you about your shift change tomorrow, something about having to swap someone to cover for Sam, which turned into a whole mess of scheduling. You’ve been bumped to dinner duty, which is fine by you anyway.
You don’t get to tell him that, though. Something flickers across his face, a wrangled mess of hurt and happiness. It’s the only warning you got.
“Y’ain’t over here botherin’ her, right?” Joel says gruffly.
You roll your eyes. “You two are somethin’ else.”
Tommy rubs the back of his neck, but Joel says, “What’s that supposed to mean?”
You spin around to stare him down, arms crossed over your chest. “It means I don’t need either of you playin’ bodyguard, but especially not you.”
“If ya came here just to yell at me, let’s go outside.”
“Fine,” you snap. You hadn’t, actually, but then again, he’s always done this, crawled up under your skin like a tick.
And so you find yourself in a sick copy of six months past, standing and glaring at Joel outside the mess hall, arms folded across your chest.
“Well, go on then,” he says.
You open your mouth to say something mean, anything really, but what comes out is, “Is Ellie really okay?”
He opens and shuts his mouth. “Uh, yeah,” he says, and rubs the back of his neck. “She will be. She’ll be pissed if I tell you everything without her, but we had a real rough go of it, coupla close calls.”
You squeeze your eyes shut, seeing their mangled bodies from your nightmares. You take a deep breath and find him watching you with a pinched brow and a deep-set frown.
“And you? You’re okay too?” you say.
“Yeah, a’course. I’m fine.” He pauses and scratches his beard. “Look, m’not sorry.”
“Fine.” You turn to walk away, to go back and grab your things and get out of there before Tommy can see that you’re upset.
“Now, just hold on a minute,” Joel says, jogging to follow after you. “You hear me out.”
“No thanks. I don’t need an excuse, Joel. We don’t owe each other a damn thing.”
“Can you just stop bein’ a stubborn brat for two goddamn minutes? I’m tryin’ to tell you something.”
You spin around to face him with a nasty sneer you hadn’t worn the whole time Joel was gone. “Maybe I don’t want to hear anything you have to say to me.”
He pushes you up against the wall. It’s not rough, but he’s got a firm grip on your shoulders, and for one fleeting moment, you think about yelling for help. He must see something in your eyes because he drops his arms to his sides and steps back.
“Wasn’t gonna—I wasn’t gonna hurt you.” He mumbles the last bit to the ground, can’t look you in the eye, can’t see fear on your face for the first time.
“Wait,” you say as he turns to leave. “I know you weren’t, Joel.” You can’t look at him either, voice quiet. “I’m just not used to people touching me like that anymore.”
“I’m not—I swear—”
“I know. Joel,” you sigh and look up at the stars, wishing you believed in any higher power to ask for a little guidance. But you don’t; you’ve seen enough that all you trust is your own two feet on the ground and the whole damn Miller clan.
You scuff the toe of your boot in the dirt. “Why’re y’all like this?” you grumble.
Whoops. You hadn’t actually meant to say that out loud. You sigh again and look up at him. “We can’t fight. I don’t want Alé to think her uncle and auntie can’t get along.”
“Yeah. Your dumb ass left me here with your brother as a watchdog. What did you think was gonna happen?”
Truth be told, he didn’t know. Didn’t really know Tommy anymore. “That’s good,” he says after a moment. “I’m glad ya weren’t alone.”
“Oh, I tried. He’s a persistent little fucker.”
He looks up at you and sighs, shaking his head. “I’m still not sorry,” the words come out fast, like he knows he’s got thirty seconds before you run away again. “Nearly died too many damn times. Don’t think I could’ve gotten us all out alive.”
You’ve thought about this moment more than you’d like to admit. Thought about the things you were going to say, the cruel ways you could dig between his ribs and pry. Thought about slapping him in the face, even. But in the end, you’re too tired of it all to consider any of it.
“If you wanna talk, let’s go someplace and talk.”
It catches him off guard. You feel spitefully pleased that he doesn’t know what to expect from you. But it stings a little, too.
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You end up going back to his place. Tommy had wasted no time helping get things set up for them to have a home, hopeful that it would keep them there.
You make tea in his kitchen, using the things he didn’t know he had. He accepts a mug of it, even though it’s decaf.
“Too late for you to be having caffeine anyway,” you scold when he grumbles.
He sits down across from you at the dining table, mug wrapped in both hands. You take a moment to look at him. He looks more than six months older. He’s gone grayer, and there are new scars, new marks on him that you don’t recognize.
He looks away from your scrutinizing, tapping fingers against his mug, and shakes his head. “I ain’t got a thing to say for myself. I’m not sorry I left you here, but I am sorry I hurt you.”
Your mouth runs off without you. “Holy shit. Who are you, and what’ve you done with Joel Miller? An apology?”
But he doesn’t laugh. He doesn’t roll his eyes and call you a brat. Instead, he looks down at the table and purses his lips.
It makes you shift in your seat, legs turning automatically to angle for a better escape route. “Hey,” you say, swallowing hard. You wait until he looks up. “It is what it is. I didn’t have any delusions about what this was.” You gesture loosely between you.
“I mighta.”
You feel a lot like the time your sister pushed you off the diving board at the neighborhood pool, limbs flailing until you landed flat on your stomach in the water. “Run that by me again?”
“I got it in my head that you were mine. And then I didn’t like that much, so I told myself I was doin’ what was best for both of us.”
It’s your turn to purse your lips, but you don’t look away, afraid that if you do, he’ll stop talking.
He sighs again. “Look, I ain’t good at this. But I care about ya, okay?”
“I know you’ve got a life here, now. Don’t know if you’ve got any room in it for me. But Ellie knows it’s my fault you didn’t come, so don’t go pushin’ her away, okay?”
“And I know you got close with Tommy. I’ll just meet up with him somewhere you’re not, tell him he’s gotta warn you if I’m comin’ over or something.”
He shuts his mouth, eyes wide.
“God, when you get going, you get going. I don’t think you’ve ever said so many words to me in a day, let alone one sitting.” It’s not what you meant to say. It’s never what you mean to say, and usually, you don’t care about your runaway tongue, but right now, you really want to say the right thing.
You’re not so far. He’s shutting down quick, you can see the walls going back up as he works his jaw back and forth.
“Joel,” you try again, softer. “You don’t have to do all that. I care about you, too. I spent so long trying not to that when you gave me an excuse to hate you, I jumped on it. I’m not any good at this, either.”
He watches your face carefully, peeling his fingers away from his mug and reaching the hand across the table. His warm hand slides between your own and your mug. He cradles it, your right hand in his left. Your breath catches.
You stare at where you connect, his broad palm covering yours. There are fucking butterflies in your stomach, like you’re a fucking teenager. Your ears and the back of your neck burn as you have to bite your lip to keep from grinning.
“What’s so funny?” He starts to pull back.
You tighten your grip and hold on, giving in to the urge to smile. “Not laughin’, Miller. Just,” and you shake your head. “We’re too damn old to be so stupid about this.”
He shakes his head, jaw twitching, before his own smile peeks through. “Y’ain’t wrong.”
You sit there for a few minutes, the silence warmed by your still-steaming tea and clasped hands.
“I know you said we don’t owe each other anything,” he says slowly. “But I was thinkin’ maybe I owe you a better kind of apology.”
“Oh yeah? You gonna get on your knees and grovel for me?”
His smile curls into a dangerous smirk. “I’m gonna get on my knees, but you’re gonna be the one beggin’, sweetheart.”
“Don’t make promises you aren’t going to keep.”
He pulls his hand from yours and takes both mugs, dumping them down the sink while you protest. But you don’t whine about it for long, because he turns and quirks an eyebrow at you. “If you’d hurry up, I was plannin’ on making good on that promise right now.”
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You let him pull you up the stairs, trying to leave your anxieties behind on the landing. He’s kissing you before the bedroom door is shut, sliding his hands up your shirt to hold onto your bare waist.
“This okay, darlin’?”
You nod, bumping your nose against his in your eagerness to recapture his lips. You think he meant to go slow, but it doesn’t work out. Neither of you really know how, anyway, though you think maybe you’d like to learn.
Once he has you peeled out of your jeans and tee, he sits you on the edge of the bed and goes to make good on his promise.
“Wait,” you say, even though the last thing you want him to do is stop.
He freezes, worry written in the lines of his face.
“You can’t really be on your knees like that, Joel; they’ll be so swollen tomorrow.”
“S’worth it,” he grunts, trying to bat off your hands where they’ve wrapped their concern in his shirt.
“Nah, get up here,” you say, tugging until he eases himself back up.
“Fine, I got a better idea anyway,” he says, laying back on the pillows and pulling until you straddle him. “Get up here, sweetheart.”
You feel like you’ve come down with a fever, body gone hot but shivering from the cold. “Um, what?”
He shakes his head, mostly at himself. Of course you don’t know what he wants; he’s the only person in this godforsaken world that’s eaten your cunt.
“Come sit on my face, baby. Let me taste you. And no, y’ain’t gonna hurt me, just get up here.”
You shuffle forward until he loses his patience and yanks on your hips, jerking you forward so you have to catch yourself on the headboard. It works out anyway since he doesn’t give you any time to settle before he’s pulling you down. He licks right into your cunt, not wasting any time, before licking up to suck at your clit.
You cry out and apologize as your hips jerk forward.
“S’good, baby, take what you need,” he says, hot breath against your cunt before he gets back to work. He has you falling apart in no time, greedily lapping at everything you offer.
“Anyone touch you while I was gone?” he growls, nipping at your clit.
You cry out and grind down into his mouth, but he pulls back a little and slaps your ass.
“I asked you a question.”
“No, no one,” you gasp, trying again to reach his mouth.
He rewards you with his tongue, licking and sucking and biting until you give him another orgasm.
“Why’s that, pretty girl? Surely you could have fucked your way through this town by now.”
“Don’t—ahh—didn’t want anyone else.” His mouth has you confessing like your mama used to insist on when you were little. Admitting your most shameful secrets in the dark room. “Never did.”
He leans back to talk again, and you whine, a truly desperate, pathetic enough sound that he forgets what he had to say and gives you what you want.
He doesn’t quit until your thighs are shaking with the effort. He taps your leg to get you to slide off and immediately flips your positions so you’re caged under his body.
You bring your hands up to his biceps, gliding them over his broad shoulders, and cup his face. He leans down, pressing his lips to your forehead as he slides into your warm, welcoming cunt. He pulls his head back a little to watch as he presses inside, drinking up the way your mouth falls open in a silent gasp, muscles tightening against the stretch.
“Shh, baby, just relax. You can take it,” he kisses down your neck as he whispers. “I know it’s been a while, but that pretty little pussy can fuckin’ take it.”
You’re trembling under him, twitching and writhing as he kisses and bites across your collarbone and down to your breasts. He works himself deeper, sucking on your nipples until you cum again, muscles loosening just enough until his cock is buried to the base.
“Fuck,” he bites out, gritting his teeth and grinding into you. “Fuckin’ hell, I missed you.”
He catches the look in your eye and cuts you off. “And not just your cunt, either, smartass.”
You grin, and he kisses you, licking inside like he can wipe away your smugness.
You break away and kiss his neck up to bite his earlobe. “You fuckin’ like it.”
The look he gives you is overwhelmingly fond. It feels like something cracks inside your sternum.
“Yeah, I do,” he says.
You bury your face in his neck, biting down on the tendon on a particularly rough thrust. “You can’t just say shit like that, Joel. You’re gonna make me think you like me.”
“I don’t know how else I gotta say it, baby. I like you.”
You whimper, and he doesn’t press you to respond. Doesn’t need to. Instead, he brings his hand down to worry at your sore clit, brushing gently as you arch up, squirming both toward and away from the overstimulation.
“One more, gimmie one more,” he demands, pace increasing. Your body, as always, listens, and as your cunt grips him, he pulls out to spill on your pussy, coating your coarse curls in his spend.
He doesn’t leave you time to wonder if he’ll go back to cleaning you up now that there’s running water. He slides down, crouching, and licks your combined mess before climbing back up to kiss you and share the salty tang of your pleasures.
He doesn’t leave you time to wonder if he’ll kick you out, either. “Stay,” he murmurs against your lips. “Please.”
You nod, letting him melt you into the mattress with his soft touches.
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He gives you his shirt to sleep in, his possessive post-orgasm brain demanding to mark you further. Unfortunately, he didn’t think it through, because that’s when you see it.
“What the fuck is that?” you ask, pointing at the still-pinkish scarring.
“Oh, that’s nothin’,” he says, arms dropping to lay across it in maybe the least casual way you’ve ever seen.
But you’ve got something sharp behind your eyes, something calculating. “You said you were fine.”
“I am fine. Quit your worryin’.”
“Fine, don’t tell me. I’ll hear it from Ellie tomorrow. Unless you want a chance to give me your version of the story.”
He groans and covers his face with both hands. “Fine. I fell and had a run-in with a bit of rebar. But I’m fine now.”
“You keep sayin’ that, making it sound like you definitely were not fine at one point.”
He thinks you’re going to be mad all over again, that you’ll say there was something you could have done, had you been there.
“I was fine until I wasn’t. We got it out, Ellie stitched me up, and we rested until I was better.”
“And the part you don’t want to tell me?”
“It got infected. Sepsis or some kind of bacteria. It wasn’t… it didn’t look good. Honestly, I don’t remember much of it.” He chances a look at you, and the tight feeling in his chest starts to creep in.
“Joel,” you whisper. You purse your lips, eyes scrunching, and take a shaky breath through your nose.
“Darlin’, please. I don’t—I can’t do this right now. Ya can’t cry like this right now.”
You close your eyes and take a few breaths. “Okay. But promise you’ll tell me everything another day?”
“I promise. C’mon, lay down.” He tugs at your wrist, and you let your body follow, curling up to his bare chest.
“It doesn’t hurt?”
“Nah, I’m tellin’ you. It’s fine now.” He presses a kiss to the top of your head and then helps himself to another at your lips. “Stop that,” he says when your eyes well up again.
“M’sorry. It’s just been a helluva fuckin’ day.”
“I know, baby. But you can rest now, okay? I got you.”
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You don’t have to look far to find Ellie in the morning. She’s sitting at the kitchen table when you come down in just Joel’s shirt and your panties. Luckily, it’s long enough to cover everything, but you both freeze for a moment, staring at the other’s wide eyes.
“Come on,” she groans. “Are you fuckin’ kidding me? One night. You couldn’t go one night?” She’s thrown a hand over her eyes.
“I’m not naked, you drama queen,” you say, setting the kettle on.
“It’s so gross; he’s so old,” she groans.
“I’m not that much younger,” you remind her.
“Yeah, but you’re like, cool and stuff.”
“Sorry, honey,” you say, wrapping an arm around her shoulder and pressing a kiss to her hair. “I’m not that cool, either.”
She lets her head fall against the table. “Nope, can’t do it. I’m going to the mess for breakfast. Please, both of you be dressed, and like, six feet apart when I get back.”
You just laugh, digging through the cabinet for clean mugs as she grabs her bag and flees.
“What’s all the ruckus?” Joel asks, coming up behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist while you pour the tea.
“Oh, just traumatizing the teenager all over again.” You crane your neck to press a kiss to his cheek, but he catches you and steals it from your mouth instead.
“Be careful,” you murmur. “I could get used to this.”
“I fuckin’ hope so,” he says, “‘Cause I could get used to this. Pretty girl in my shirt makin’ me a drink.”
You roll your eyes. “Yeah, exactly like every day when I lived in your apartment.”
“Well,” he holds you a little tighter, kissing up your neck before resting his chin on your shoulder. “Maybe not exactly like that.”
This is the end, y'all. I love you, and thank you so so much.
*title from "As It Was" by Harry Styles
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nicoleheichou · 5 months
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Girl Of My Dreams - Chapter 78: SURPRISE!
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Synopsis: Sakusa was the type to always get things done on his own, but now that he's forced to juggle between his successful pro-volleyball career and being a single dad, what happens when he enrolls his daughter in a new preschool and meets his daughter's new teacher? Will their relationship remain professional or will it evolve into something more?
"Why are you in such a rush Darling?" You can hear the slight hint of amusement in his voice. "Stop asking questions and just walk faster!" You tug on his hand and lead him towards the direction of the restaurant. Unbeknownst to Sakusa, Kenma had rented out the whole bottom floor along with the gardens so that you'd all be free to enjoy yourselves without worrying about others.
You eye the entrance of the restaurant, one of the doors propped open. "Hurry up baby. I wasn't kidding when I said I was starving." You practically yell, hoping your friends could hear you and were getting ready to surprise your now boyfriend. He chuckles and gently tugs on your hand. "Darling, slow down, the food isn't going to run away." You turn to shoot him a glare. "Says you!" You hear him sigh before he's nodding and picking up the pace, practically dragging you towards the entrance. He could tell you were starting to get hangry and he did not want you to be upset.
"Um, Darling...are you sure the restaurant is open? It's dark in here." He turns to you before the lights flicker on and everyone jumps out and they all scream, "SURPRISE!" You can't help but chuckle at the dumbfounded expression on his face. "Happy birthday my love." You plant a kiss on his cheek before Kimi is asking him to lift her so she can do the same. You watch as he lifts Kimi up, a big grin on her face. "Happy birthday daddy!" She plants a kiss on his cheek before everyone else gathers around to greet him.
"Did you plan all this?" He asks once he's had the chance to greet everyone. You smile at him and nod your head, "I wouldn't have been able to pull it off without the help of the guys. Looks like we kept them busy. " You joke. He pulls you into a hug, burying his face in your hair. "Thank you for everything. You didn't have to do this. But now I'll be looking forward to every birthday now." He teases and you can't help but chuckle. "You better bring the same energy for my birthday!"
Before you can get into a who loves who and is willing to prove it more argument you're interrupted by Bokuto asking if you guys can start eating. You grin and nod your head. "Thank you guys for coming and joining me in celebrating Omi's birthday. It means a lot not just to him but to me as well for you all to make time out of your day to be here with us. So let's get this party started!" Your little speech is met with cheers and shouts before people start making a beeline to the food and others to the open bar that Kenma had hired.
You glance around the room and spot Kimi playing with her cousins so you decide to finally greet his family, wanting to be a good host. "Mom! Dad! Yoko!" Their smiles grow as they spot you, pulling you into hugs as soon as you're in arms reach. "Thank you for coming down on such short notice. I know it means a lot to Omi that you're here to celebrate his birthday." His mom waves you off. "We wouldn't miss it for the world! It's been so long since he last had a birthday party. He never wanted us to throw him one, so we're happy to be here." His mom says as she glances over at her son who is excitedly talking to Ushijima.
"Enough about my boring brother. I heard he finally grew some balls and asked you to be his girlfriend!" Kiyoko says and you can't help but laugh and cover your face, trying to hide the heat that is slowly making its way onto your face. "You're pretty much part of the family now." She grins as she pulls you into a side hug. You smile and nod your head, "That's the plan, I'm not going anywhere." Kiyoko squeals and hugs you tight.
Before she can go on a tangent of all the things she wants to do now that you and her brother are official you're interrupted by your sweet brat. "Mommy! Look!" Kimi holds up a a drawing she had made. You smile as you see what looks to be the scenery of the gardens outside and two people sitting on a bench. "Did you draw me and daddy?" She nods her head, a big smile on her face. "Were you watching us?" You raise a brow while waiting for an answer. You notice the way she looks off to the side before looking at Kenma who's pretending he can't hear the conversation you're having with Kimi right now.
"Uncle Ken said I'm not supposed to tell you that we were hiding behind a bush and we were watching daddy ask you to be his girlfriend...but I got excited and forgot." She says with a shrug. You can't help but smile at her honesty. "I love your drawing baby. Let's hang it up when we get home, okay?" You watch the smile grow on her face. You feel a pair of arms snake around your waist, before a kiss is being pressed to your temple. "Come on, my girls need to eat too." You can't help but lean into him if only for a few moments. "Alright. Let's go!" You say excitedly as you take Kimi's hand and hook your arm around Sakusa's.
We're so close to the end! Are y'all ready to say goodbye to our little family?
Kimi really did forget she was supposed to keep it a secret but she was so happy for her daddy and mommy. Lol.
I'm a day late. I was so exhausted yesterday lol. My bad y'all.
As usual, let me know what you thought either in the comments or through ask!
Taglist: @taelia15 @dorkange @sexyandcringe @szeonn @natriae @whore-for-anime @diestheticu @strawberrymatchatae @youraggedybitch @mikk-o @erenisms @akisrandom @confusion-lord @trashy-simp @somniari-94 @pillboxmb @astrrnmy @all-in-the-fandoms @mattsunnn @kunikame @daninaninani @juniorhooter @crayonwriting @sosiegate @grassbutneo @saaraunicorn @lalalemon101 @sunahyejin @sugusshi @roselleviennesstuff @queen-aria-things @hello0i @oopskashish @wolffmaiden @shakesqueer444 @julia-1901 @blkladyelle @marinarihearts @oikawas-toris @carlgrimm @zekeslefttit @rory-cakes @nomnom21 @noayuusukki @yukimaniac @the-jester-calamity @everytimeswift @morpheus-rex @buns-inhiding @rntrsuna
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rainsoakedphoenix · 10 months
sincere gestures
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pairing: f!reader x matt sturniolo - turned - f!reader x chris sturniolo
wc: ~1k
summary: matt makes no real effort to celebrate his girlfriend's birthday, so chris comes along and shows her she deserves better
warnings: little angst; matt is kind of an ass; lil fluff at the end; very little swearing
note: i'm writing this as a matt girl so please don't come for me; i don't usually care at all for the "leave him and go after his brother" trope but this is based on a dream i had a few nights ago and i just thought it would be interesting; if it makes anyone uncomfortable though i will certainly delete it---and for anyone reading my matt fic on wattpad and have been patiently waiting for an update IM GOING THERE NEXT
part 1 // part 2
Today is your birthday.
You were hanging out with your boyfriend Matt, who had texted you that morning to tell you he had a few things planned for your special day. Only once you arrived at his house, it didn't feel like your special day; it felt more like his.
You had tried not to let it show that you were disappointed; after all, you were glad to just be spending time with him and it was the thought that counted, right? But if he even noticed the way you masked your discomfort, he made no attempt to ask about your feelings.
You were currently sitting on the floor of his living room while Matt and two of his friends were sitting on the couch, eyes trained on the TV in front of them. He had invited two of his friends over as a surprise to you, knowing that they weren't really your friends. You barely even knew them, had only met them once or twice at a party. You brushed off the thought of not being able to spend any time alone together or at least with mutual friends, not wanting to make a fuss as you kept reminding yourself it's the thought that counts.
He had asked them to bring food over for dinner, and you tried to keep a thankful smile on your face as you realized it was one of your least favorite meals.
Matt knew that. Or at least you thought he did. But you tried your best to keep a positive attitude. You wouldn't let your day be ruined by such seemingly small things; at least he remembered your birthday at all, you told yourself.
Your relationship with Matt hasn't always been like this. When you first got together, he was as sweet and attentive as can be. Recently though, things had changed and you weren't sure why, or when. What you did know though was that you cried yourself to sleep some nights over him. Each attempt on your part to talk through things was met with rolled eyes, annoyed sighs, and cold shoulders.
Trying your best to focus on the TV, you felt your phone vibrate. You looked at your screen to be met with a few texts from Chris.
happy birthday i'm on my way back home to see you
You smiled at your phone, sending him a quick "thank you <3, see you soon" text.
Your loss of attention and care from Matt had you thinking of his brother on one of your sleepless nights. You felt guilty for feeling this way, what with the fact you're taken and the guy you're not crushing on is your boyfriend's brother. But you couldn't help it; you weren't sure what was going on with Matt, but he refuses to talk to you about it. You had decided you would break up with him today as soon as you could get him alone, whether he wanted to talk or not.
It wasn't too much longer after that when Chris burst through the front door. You heard feet pounding up the stairs and you all turned your attention in the direction of them as Chris came into view. His eyes immediately found yours and he took a few steps over to where you were before tackling you to the ground in a hug, causing you to giggle as you attempted to hug him back, however it proved difficult since you were pinned to the floor.
"Chris," Matt spoke lowly, "get off of her." Chris looked up at the sound of his name, his smile slowly fading as he finally noticed the seating arrangements. He spared another glance at you, before looking back at his brother.
"Why is she sitting on the floor?"
"It's where she wanted to sit, I guess." Matt shrugged his shoulders with a slight shake of his head.
"You guess?" Chris questioned, eyebrows raised. "She's your girlfriend Matt, and it's her birthday. Kinda rude you couldn't make space for her to at least sit with you."
"Chris, it's okay-" you started, but he shook his head, staring disappointingly at Matthew before taking a breath and crinkling his face.
"And what the fuck did you guys eat? It smells terrible." He turned to make his way into the kitchen, inspecting the leftovers that were still sitting on the stove. You awkwardly sat on the floor, sparing a quick glance with Matt and his friends, the former of which looked confused while Matt just glared in his brother's direction.
Chris stomped back into the living room, stopping next to you long enough to hold his hand out for you. You hesitantly reached your hand out to grab his and stood up, and Chris gently started leading you to the stairs.
"I'm taking her out." Chris started down the stairs, not even glancing at his brother.
"Whatever," Matt finally spoke up again with a roll of his eyes.
Even though you should've expected his reaction, and did, you felt your heart break further as you walked out of the house with Chris.
But the curly haired boy easily made you forget. For the rest of the day, he made sure your smile never left your face. He brought you to your favorite clothing store and let you pick out an outfit you've had your eye on for a while. He took you out to your favorite restaurant so you could eat something you actually enjoyed, dressed in your new clothes. He shared jokes with you to make you laugh, and took photos with you in a photo booth with the brightest smile on his face when you dragged him in.
He showed you your birthday is supposed to be special. He showed you that you're special; and you should know it.
He knew your relationship with Matt was over; he knew you haven't been able to talk to him about it yet. Which is why when he took you back to his house, he gave you a gentle kiss on the cheek and reassured you he was right there if you needed him.
"Thank you for today, Chris." You smiled at him, placing your hand on his over the center console. "Best day I've ever had."
His face flushed, but he smiled back at you with the same smile he looked at you with all day.
"You deserve the best."
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sparkbeast20 · 1 year
Silent Treatment
This one is going to be long
House of Lamentation (New) (8)
Leviathan: Please! I'm sorry MC!
Asmodeus: Darling please!
Beelzebub: We didn't know that it brought back bad memories.
Beelzebub: We're sorry
Beelzebub: 😥😥😥
67 (2) Beel's POV
Belphegor: Beel I don't know if I have the right to say something in chat right now.
Belphegor: I hate it, but I think it's best that you talk for the two of us right now.
House of Lamentation (New) (8)
Beelzebub: MC please.
Leviathan: Mammon say something!
Leviathan: Beg, cry. Anything!
Leviathan: They have a soft spot for you, so please do anything!
Asmodeus: Levi try calling them on computer!
25(2) Asmo's POV
Mammon: Shit! I tried their door, but they locked it with a spell!
Mammon: Keep talkin' while I try the window!
House of Lamentation (New) (8)
Satan: I understand that your angry, I would be too.
Satan: We made a mistake.
Satan's chat with you: Satan's POV
Satan: Kitten.
Satan: MC.
Satan: I... I don't feel your anger.
Satan: Please say something.
Satan: Yell from your room.
Satan: So I know that your angry!
House of Lamentation (New) (8)
Lucifer: This silent treatment has gone long enough.
Leviathan: You're just making things worse!!!
Beelzebub: Please Lucifer.
Asmodeus' chat with you: Asmo's POV
Asmodeus: I get it.
Asmodeus: Moving past from an old relationship is painful.
Asmodeus: I'm sorry that we brought back painful memories.
Asmodeus: You know that we'll never hurt you like that.
Asmodeus: And we don't see you like that!
Asmodeus: I understand that you needed space after what happened.
Asmodeus: But you been silent for 2 days.
Asmodeus: And none of us have seen or heard from you.
Asmodeus: MC...
Asmodeus: Please.
Asmodeus: It's torture and I'm getting scared
Asmodeus: It kills me when I don't hear anything from you.
Asmodeus: Please... Darling.
House of Lamentation (New) (8)
Beelzebub: MC.
Beelzebub: All of us just want to hear from you.
Beelzebub: Belphie is getting worried.
Beelzebub: He can't find his way into your dream.
Leviathan: Belphie is trying to do what?!?!
Satan: Belphegor.
Satan: I'm warning you.
Beelzebub: It's nothing like that!!!
Beelzebub: He just wanted to make sure that he can still sense MC's mind in the dreamscape.
Beelzebub: But he found out that MC lock their mind with a hex.
Beelzebub: He just wanted to know that there is still an option to communicate with MC.
Mammon's chat with you: Mammon's POV
Mammon: Babe, talk to me!!
Mammon: You locked your door and windows with a spell.
Mammon: Even your windows are blocked by the curtains that me and my crows can't look inside your room.
Mammon: Yeah! I had one of my crows keep an eye on ya.
Mammon: Cuz' I'm worried when did leave yer room after that stupid surprise party.
Mammon: Treasure, please
Mammon: I'm leaning on your window right now and I don't hear anything.
Where's My Money Levi's POV
Leviathan: Mammon!!!!
Mammon: Workin' on it!
12 (2) Lucifer's POV
Mammon: This is bad!!
Mammon: Lucifer!
Mammon: I need ya to come here and break this spell!!
Mammon: I can sense something in the room!!
Mammon: Lucifer!
Mammon: LUCIFER!?!?!
Tea Demons Lucifer's POV
Barbatos: Lucifer.
Barbatos: Whatever is happening in HOL, you need to step in.
Barbatos: I can sense someone teleporting from that area.
Lucifer: I know.
Lucifer's chat with you: Lucifer's POV
Lucifer: Love.
Lucifer: Whatever your planning.
Lucifer: Please. Reconsider.
Lucifer: You know that I'm here, and so as my brothers.
Lucifer: Diavolo, Barbatos, Simeon and Solomon.
Lucifer: But we can't help you, if you don't say something.
Lucifer: If you wanted space from this place for a couple of days, then I'll give you that.
Barbatos' chat with you: Barbatos' POV
Barbatos: Darling.
Barbatos: This silence from you is worrisome.
Barbatos: You know I can read you well and can tell that something is bothering you.
Barbatos: But this.
Barbatos: I can't read you at all.
Invocatio (3) Solomon's POV
Asmodeus: SOLOMON!!!
Asmodeus: Please!!!
Asmodeus: You can talk to them.
Asmodeus: I'm not ashamed to say that.
Asmodeus: You and MC haver this connection that we'll never have.
Barbatos: Solomon.
Barbatos: He's right.
Solomon's chat with you: Solomon's POV
Solomon: Well, it seem that you really have your ways to these demons that I couldn't have.
Solomon: 😅
Solomon: ...
Solomon: In all seriousness.
Solomon: You and I both know, that giving them the silent treatment and not showing your face to them is giving them ideas.
Solomon: Now, granted. Most of the time they always underestimate us for being human...
Solomon: More so you, because well. I'm Immortal.
Solomon: ...
Solomon: The one thing that we should've in common.
Solomon: The lingering threat of everything has an end for humans.
Solomon: But not me.
Solomon: So I doubt is to why Asmodeus and Barbatos think of that I can talk to you.
Solomon: Never the less, even if there is or isn't something that connect us.
Solomon: What I do understand is this.
Solomon: Traumatic event and loss stick with us.
Solomon: Even so far is to change how our way of thinking and behavior.
Solomon: I know that all too well.
Solomon: So, please.
Solomon: Share your pain with me. Love.
Simeon's chat with you: Simeon's POV
Simeon: MC.
Simeon: I haven't heard from you in a couple of days now.
Simeon: I manage to tell Luke that you're just not feeling well.
Simeon: However, that made things more complicated since he want to see you.
Simeon: If you read this, please send Luke a quick chat.
Simeon: Just to ease his worries. My Lamb
Diavolo's chat with you: Diavolo's POV
Diavolo: My dear?
Diavolo: Love?
Diavolo: MC?
Diavolo: If you read this. Please.
Diavolo: Let me know, if your feeling talk about what happened.
Diavolo: Is perfectly understandable if you need some space.
Diavolo: But it will ease our worries if heard something from you.
Diavolo: Just one sound.
Belphegor's chat with you: Belphie's POV
Belphegor: MC.
Belphegor: Please.
Belphegor: Say something. Anything!
Belphegor: 😥
Belphegor: I hate when you go quiet.
Belphegor: I hate it.
Belphegor: I reminds me too much about-
Belphegor: ...
Belphegor: MC, please. I just want to know that you're still there.
Beelzebub's chat with you: Beel's POV
Beelzebub: MC...
Beelzebub: MC...
Beelzebub: ...
Beelzebub: Don't be mad.
Leviathan's chat with you: Levi's POV
Leviathan: Henry?
Leviathan: Whatever you're thinking-
Leviathan: We don't see you any different!
Leviathan: We still love you!!
Leviathan: ...
Leviathan: I still love you.
After an Hour...
The Fantastic Three (3) Diavolo's POV
Barbatos: I want to inform the two of you that I sense someone leaving Devildom by teleportation from the House of Lamentation.
Barbatos: They're gone back.
Luke's chat with you: Luke's POV
MC: Hey Luke!
MC: Just to let you know that went back to the human world for a couple of weeks.
MC: Don't worry your silly little head.
MC: Its a family thing.
MC: I'll be back before you know it!
MC: Talk to you when I get back.
You and Me with the thing called Love (12) Your POV
MC: Hi.
MC: ...
MC: Sorry.
MC: For everything.
MC: For not replying.
MC: For not showing my face...
MC: For the Silent.
MC: I hated what they done to me.
MC: And what I have done to them.
MC: The pain I went through.
MC: And the guilt for my action.
MC: I was too much for me to go through again.
MC: And made me think...
MC: How I don't deserve any of you.
MC: How I hate that you don't see me as a broke person.
MC: ...
MC: But seeing all these chats...
MC: All these words...
MC: Is somewhat... Uplifting.
MC: When I was with them.
MC: They never once try and reach out when I get like this.
MC: No text, no coming to my house to see if I'm feeling alright.
MC: Nothing.
MC: ...
MC: And that. Gave me the impression that I was in the wrong and I was being dramatic.
MC: So. I caved in and push myself to apologies and say I was at fault.
MC: Since then, I always kneel and ask for forgiveness.
MC: ...
MC: It gotten to a point that I can't handle it and just snap.
MC: Like what I did at the surprise party.
MC: Especially when I didn't have a reason to snap!
MC: I just heard that stupid song and all I saw was red...
MC: And their face.
MC: I'm so sorry.
MC: I couldn't have the guts to face any of you, so I hid and stayed silent for these past two days.
MC: Until now I can't...
MC: Which is why I went back to the human world to cool down a bit.
MC: And if any of you are worried that I might do something reckless.
MC: Don't!
MC: I use this curse to connect my soul with a link to one of you.
MC: That way you'll know if my soul left my body.
MC: Sorry if I sound morbid, but I couldn't of way to say it less harsh?
MC: Then again, I think I can get a pass on having a dark sense of humor every now and then
MC: 😅
MC: Still, I think I okay chatting and calling you guys again.
MC: I just can't face any of you right now.
MC: Don't worry.
MC: I'll be back before any of you knows it.
MC: ...
MC: Thanks.
MC: For still loving me even if I snapped like that.
MC: And that you don't think less of me.
MC: Seeing these chat made me realize.
MC: That I have something great in my life.
MC: And I ain't going to let that go.
MC: Believe that.
MC: See you all when I get back!
MC: Love you all
MC: 😚
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wardenparker · 1 year
Down the Rabbit Hole - ch 10
Jack ‘Whiskey’ Daniels x female reader Co-written with @absurdthirst​
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When Jack accidentally shoots a civilian on a mission he takes on not only the guilt of the man’s death, but inherits his soulmate as well. To you, it’s a dream job with more perks than you can imagine - but for Jack it’s a nightmarish complication. Even more so when he starts to develop feelings.    
Rating: E for Explicit! 18+ Word Count: 17.9k Warnings: *Blanket warnings - mentions of deceased spouse, a lot of food and alcohol consumption, family recipes, age gap, cursing.* Fluffy Jack being old fashioned, low key voice kink, reference to food play, panty ripping because we are shameless, fingering, vaginal sex, unprotected sex, unexpected exhibitionist/voyeur kink Summary: You and Jack take a step forward on the last night of your family’s stay in Louisville, and Tex returns home with his newly minted soulmate just in time for Bobby’s going away party. Notes: I love getting to a sex scene and being surprised to find a character has a kink that I didn’t expect 😂 As always, the chosen gif has no reflection on the reader’s appearance. It’s the emotion that counts.
Ch 1 ~ Ch 2 ~ Ch 3 ~ Ch 4 ~ Ch 5 ~ Ch 6 ~ Ch 7 ~ Ch 8 ~ Ch 9 ~ Ch 10 ~ Ch 11 ~ Ch 12 ~ Ch 13 ~ Ch 14 ~ Ch 15 ~ Epilogue
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On the last day of your family's stay in Louisville, an adventure to the Louisville Slugger factory and museum ended with personalized souvenir bats for everyone and extremely good moods all around. Tomorrow morning your siblings will go their respective ways to return home and your parents will go on to spend a few days at Dollywood, and you and Jack will take another step toward your new normal. The first therapy session went well, and you have another scheduled for next week, so really...it's remarkable how settled you feel considering it was only a few days ago that you were a literal captive in an abattoir in New York City. It seems an entire lifetime away, except for the nightmares, which even seem to dissipate when you wake up from them in Jack's arms in Jack's bed.
“How about we grill tonight?” Jack suggests to you, scratching his head. It’s been a trial trying to keep you from working too hard to play hostess to your family. He can see how much you love it, but you are still recovering.
"Are you thinking burgers, or something more elaborate?" Hanging out in the backyard has been everyone's favorite place to be anyway. A little backyard barbecue for their last night in Louisville might be a fun idea. You won't point out - this time - that he's chosen a method of cooking that he excels at instead of you.
“Maybe a little bit of both?” Jack offers. “Hamburgers for the kiddos and I can introduce your family to Kentucky barbecue. Just gotta start the smoker.”
"We can do that." Sitting on the porch swing with him while your brother-in-law plays with the kids, you tip your head back to lean on his shoulder. "I can get my sister to help me with cornbread and coleslaw. Since I know you'll watch me like a hawk if I try to do it myself."
“You are supposed to be resting and I caught you in the kitchen first thing this morning.” Jack huffs at you, narrowing his eyes playfully. He doesn’t want you to feel smothered but this time is good for you to rest.
"I am resting, honey." The mere minutes of time it took you to put together a tray of things for bagels and some fruit salad compared to what you would normally do is laughable, but you know Jack is just trying to take care of you. "I didn't even start baking for Bobby’s party tomorrow. I had like six different things planned but I promise I’ve narrowed it down to only things I can do tomorrow morning."
“I swear, you don’t know the meaning of rest.” Jack grumbles. “I’m going to have to whisk you away to a private island where the only thing you can do is drink whiskey and lay in the sun.”
"Sounds like a very nice vacation." You grin, having grown to love the difference in Jack's affectionate grumbles versus when he is actually upset. When it's affectionate, it means you can tease him. "I don't think I've taken a vacation since I was still in high school."
“That’s a damn shame.” He huffs at you, watching you stick your tongue out at him. He reaches out and taps the tip of your tongue with his finger.
"Never had the time or the money." Shrugging makes it seem like it's not a big deal, especially because you don't want to get bogged down in anything too serious when Jack has been in such a good mood today. "No rest - or vacations - for the wicked."
“Then once you get the restaurant rollin’ we’ll have to go somewhere.” Jack decides. “You’ll tell me where you’ve always wanted to go and that’s what we’ll do.”
There are so many places you've dreamed of going. Places you've dreamed of seeing and food you've dreamed of eating, that you shrug your shoulders and sigh wistfully. "Japan, Australia, Morocco, France, Scotland, Thailand, Mexico, Egypt... we could go anywhere and I'd enjoy it. Just...as long as we do it together."
Jack chuckles, opening his arms and inviting you in for a hug. Those have become second nature for the two of you now. “So one big world tour.”
"Maybe." The sound and vibration of his laugh warms through you like summer sun. "Maybe we'll choose a different place every year for as long as we want."
“I like that.” He knows you would want to try the food. Spend time in each location and really learn them. “We could do that easily.”
"Then that's what we'll do." Curled into his arms, with your head on his shoulder and breath mingling together, it's easy to think of the future in such wide open terms. Like anything is possible. With him, it really feels like it is. "Maybe one day we'll find a favorite, but we'll try as many different places as we want."
“So you okay with me cookin’ tonight?” Jack asks you softly. “Catering to you for once?”
"As long as you don't stop me from helping just a little." When he frowns you put on a pronounced pout, being playful if nothing else. "I hate having nothing to do Jack, you know that. I promise to have help and to keep it to a minimum."
“Just the sides.” He tells you pointedly. “You won’t touch the grill or the smoker.”
"Deal." One hand held out to him to seal the deal, the other is twined through his at your shoulder. Anyone who could see the two of you now would be astonished to hear that you were ever at odds - all they would see is a couple that is completely enchanted with each other.
He grins and winks at you. “Now you get to experience some of my cookin’ and I expect you to be truthful.” He warns you. “No tryin’ to baby my feelin’s.”
"I promise to be honest." You give him a mock salute with a very serious face. "But I believe in you. You have too good of a palette to be a terrible cook."
“I make my own sauce and rubs.” He boasts, smirking slightly and winking at you.
"Oh yeah?" He's like a peacock almost instantly, chest puffed up and chin tilted to put his nose proudly in the air, and you can't help but giggle when he's playful like this. "You planning on showing off for me? Give me a run for my money so we're the ones all our friends want a dinner invitation from?"
"Absolutely." Jack teases. "They will want to come over when I'm cookin' for free and come to haunt your restaurant and pay dearly."
"Just think of what we'll be able to achieve when we join forces." Placing a kiss on both of his cheeks, you drop one more on his forehead before sitting back in his arms again. "This house seems made for summer parties. It's going to be fun."
"I think that was the point." Jack admits as he looks around the house that had quickly come to feel more like a home with you and your family invading every nook and cranny.
"If summer comes and I haven't driven you totally crazy, we'll have to throw a party." Even though you know he has a summer birthday, you would never bring it up now that you know why he doesn't celebrate the day. It would just be a nice summer get together for friends, nowhere near that day in August.
"Whenever you want, sugar." Jack drops a kiss on your nose and smirks. "Now....let me go get everything ready for you to have the best barbecue you've ever had." He promises.
"Yes, sir." You shift away from him and stretch, tossing him a wink before you skip down the porch steps to join your siblings in sunbathing near what will soon be the vegetable garden. As soon as you have the time and the supplies to make it one. "You guys sick of me yet?" You laugh, knowing that the three of you rarely got tired of each other's company. "Ready to go home tomorrow?"
"I've decided I'm going to move here." Your sister is kidding, but she smiles lazily over at you as she lounges in the deck chair that she has claimed as her own for the entire trip. "There is something about this place that I can't quite clock, but it's the safest I've ever felt anywhere."
"Now you see why I fell in love with it so fast." Nothing would be happier than for Eliza and Ed and the kids to move down to Louisville, but you know they're happy where they are. Only a new job would get them to even consider it, and Statesman isn't exactly hiring doctors at the moment. "One day here and I knew it was going to be the right decision."
Your parents are down at the distillery again, your father falling in love with Statesman all over again and your mother shamelessly indulging him while you are here. Eliza looks around and then stares at you seriously. "Is that why you came running to New York looking heartbroken?"
"It's..." You blow out a breath, falling back on the lawn chair beside her. "It's a complicated story."
"And?" She senses that it's not exactly something that you want to talk about right now, so she decides not to press. "You're sure you are happy here?"
“Jack and I had trouble in the beginning, you know that.” Your sister, above anyone else, knows that you struggled with where your heart lay when you first arrived at Statesman. She was on the receiving end of every phone call. “We…we had a fight. That’s why I went to the city. We had a screaming match and I got overwhelmed. It was just supposed to be a couple of days fucking around New York with Matt to take my mind off things and…” When you shrug, it’s half so you can avoid talking about being kidnapped and half to keep up the front that what you were involved in is an ongoing investigation. “Things got out of hand. But we’re talking now. And Jack and I are making things work. So…I actually am happy. It just took a little while to get here.”
“I still don’t understand why he was so resistant to another soulmate.” Eliza huffs, still not completely trusting that this is the whole story. More like your mother than she’s ever willing to admit.
“He loved Abigail a lot. Isn’t that understandable?” Since Jack had said he was okay with giving your family the old story of what happened to his first wife and unborn child - what he had thought was the truth for so long - so don’t worry about talking to them about it. Your brother and sister do their best to be understanding and sympathetic people in general. “He felt like it was being disloyal to her memory to have another. And considering second soulmates are supposed to be a myth anyway? I get it.”
“I guess.” She frowns and sighs. “I just love you, you know that right? That’s the only reason I’m worrying.”
“I know.” You loop your arm around her and hug her tight. “I love you too. And you’re entitled to kick his ass if he ever makes me sad again, how about that?”
“You know I will.” That is a promise. You are too loving to have your heart stomped on by some – albeit hot – cowboy.
“But either way, he’s making dinner for us tonight.” The promise of good food will perk up anyone in your family, and you laugh when both of your siblings immediately sit up. “I’m taking volunteers to help with sides.”
“I’ll help you.” Your brother and sister both immediately volunteer. The way you have been napping has them both aware that something has happened to cause their normally tireless sister to be a little slower.
“With three sets of hands we might even manage to make some dessert without Jack worrying.” You flash them both a smile. “I know you’ll be back for the opening in barely a couple of weeks, but I’m so glad you guys came to visit.”
“Of course we were coming.” Eliza looks almost offended that you would even think that they wouldn’t come. “We were worried sick until your co-worker called us to tell us you were okay. Mom almost came through the phone at her.”
“I’m sorry you were worried.” It sits like a lump in your throat, the heaviness of what really happened, but for once you’re glad you can’t tell them the truth. If they knew what had really happened to you last weekend they would never let you out of their sight again. Just like Jack is doing. “Everything is okay now. That’s what matters.”
“Yeah but you know them.” Your brother rolls his eyes like he wasn’t the one who had filed the report. “They like to worry.”
“Sure, Matty. It was all them.” You shake your head and pinch his side. “I’ll thank mom and dad for contacting the police, then.”
“Shut up.” He grumbles at you, giving you a pout of brotherly affection. Of course he had been worried. You had come to him so upset and on the verge of shutting down and then disappeared.
"Love you too, big brother." It might be said with teasing, but you reach over to give him a hug and pull your siblings up with you to head into the kitchen.
Jack, for his part, takes the role of providing your meal very seriously. He had Champ keep the brisket over at his house to marinate last night and it’s not too long before it’s put on the smoker to fill the back yard with its mouth watering scent.
When your parents eventually wander back from their last distillery tour and tasting, the sides are ready, dessert is done, and Jack very nearly has the brisket finished. Better timing couldn't have been achieved if he had timed it all out with care.
"I don't know what to tell you, kiddo," your mother grins, pressing a kiss to the top of your head when she hugs you. "But it smells like your soulmate has a talent for the only cooking skill you never worked on."
“She doesn’t know how to grill?” Jack asks as he pops back into the kitchen to get a pan. “I’m surprised about that.”
“It’s less doesn’t know how and more that the work never went into mastering it.” Your father shrugs, leaning back against the counter when Jack comes in. “Not a lot of barbecue in classical French cuisine, I guess.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure that she isn’t lacking for barbecue when she’s got a hankerin’ for it.” Jack tells him, knowing that he would keep the smoker running if you wanted him to.
“There was…maybe a year or so? When she was a teenager.” He looks to your mother for clarification, who nods. “Where she would always request it. Dinners, special occasions, everything. Any time we were eating as a family she wanted to go for barbecue.” Your father chuckles at the memory, obviously a fond one now. “Turned out she had a crush on one of the people who owned the one barbecue place in our little town.”
Jack chuckles and shakes his head, totally able to see it. “I don’t blame her if that’s the case. I’d eat a lot of anything she makes to spend more time with her.”
“I think,” your father intones, crossing his arms and glancing at his wife - his own soulmate - before turning back to Jack. “That maybe it’s prudent for all of us to have a chat before we leave?”
For a moment, the small, indulgent smile on Jack’s face slips. Worried that your parents might not approve of the relationship after all. Despite being polite, that doesn’t mean that they had any intention of allowing Jack with their daughter. “Why don’t you follow me outside.” He glances towards the kitchen where you and your siblings are laughing. “More privacy.”
The smack on the arm your mother gives her husband before he turns to follow Jack outside is pointed, and she hangs back to sit with her grandchildren before they need their nap. This conversation is not her idea, and she doesn’t think it’s necessary.
When Jack finds just your father following him, he turns back towards the outdoor kitchen. “Beer? Or does the conversation warrant something stronger?” He asks over his shoulder.
“Beer is good.” He’s not trying to scare the younger man, after all. Not trying, but if Jack does happen to shake in his boots a little, Jeff won’t be upset about that.
“Sounds good.” Jack moves over to the small fridge and pulls out two beers. Popping the cap off the tops and handing one to your father. Waiting for the other man to start the conversation as he takes a pull of the beer.
A sip of his drink comes first, but Jeff doesn't get in Jack's way as he moves around the grill area to tend to dinner. "Look," he leans back against the porch railing. "You're not kids. I'm not trying to intimidate you or dictate your actions, or anything like that. But she's my little girl and I'd be remiss if I didn't at least talk to you about her."
“I understand where you are coming from.” Jack does, he really does. He probably would have the same conversation if he was the father of a daughter. “What would you like to know?”
"It's less what I want to know and more of what I want to make sure that you know." He admits, taking another sip of his beer before he puts the bottle down beside him. "She was never the little girl that played princess first, or wrote her boyfriend's name out on her notebooks, or planned out her wedding with her friends. Not that we ever saw. But her baby sister...when Eliza wanted to do those things, it would make her sister just light up. It was like..." he sighs, taking another sip and looking for the words. "Like she was waiting for permission to dream. I know we raised her to be quick and smart and self-sufficient, but I'd hate to think that she's gone into adulthood with that same hesitancy. Just...just make sure she talks to you, Jack. That she opens up about what she wants. Because the only answer she ever used to give was that she wanted her own restaurant, and I know there's got to be more than that."
“I will.” Jack nods, frowning slightly as he stares at his bottle, the heat already making the condensation slide down the sides. “I’ve not been a good soulmate so far.” It might not be the best idea to be this honest, but he feels like he needs to be. “I was a pretty rotten one, and I hurt her. But–” he sighs. “I want nothing more than to make her happy. To give her the world if I can. To travel to all the places she wants to go, do the things that she wants to do. I want to make a life with her.”
"You'll make it up to her." Your father doesn't even make it a suggestion, it's more like an order. "Or else she won't have anything to do with you. I learned that when she was a teenager."
“Everyday.” Jack promises easily, taking another swig of his beer as he tries to dispel the image of your limp body in the back of that SUV. “Lucky for me, she’s got an amazing capacity for forgiveness.”
"Gets that from her mother." He huffs an awkward kind of chuckle in return. "I hold a grudge like a motherfucker. But those women? Angels. Who knows how they manage it." Both men are silent for a moment, letting the thought linger between them. "Are there plans?" He asks after the quiet lingers a little too long and becomes awkward. "You and her, have you made plans for that life you want to build?"
“I imagine there will be soon.” Jack frowns slightly, not sure how much you’ve told your father. “I’ve been married before. My soulmate. She was– she was killed while pregnant.” Jack explains quietly. “But I do remember asking her daddy for permission to marry her.” His eyes met your father’s. “When we are ready for that, I expect I’ll be makin’ a trip up to see you.”
“Honestly a little surprised you’re not asking right now,” your father admits, holding Jack’s gaze. “But I’m not going to rush you.”
“I want her to be comfortable with the idea.” Jack admits softly. “And I want to make sure that my past doesn’t haunt her.”
“Most people wouldn’t wait for the adjustment period.” As much as Jeff thinks of it as his job to protect his three kids, he knows you and your siblings are all grown. The oldest has been married and divorced and the youngest has a husband and two kids of her own. You have always been the question mark in the family, right up until he saw you with Jack. There’s no question in his mind now that this is the person you’ve been waiting for - second soulmate or otherwise. “I tell you what, Jack.” He sighs, glancing back over his shoulder at the house to make sure you’re not nearby. “When you’re ready, I have her grandmother’s ring in the safe at home. It’s nothing too flashy, but her grandma Jane meant the world to her and I know she’d be happy to wear it.”
“Thank you.” Jack flashes your father a grin and sighs in relief. “I have a feeling that time will come sooner than I imagine, but we’ll see.” He chuckles.
“Whenever the two of you decide is best.” Is it the life he imagined for you from the time you were just a little peanut in his arms? Maybe not. But you’re not the woman he imagined all those years ago, either. You’re better — you’re you.
Jack nods, grateful that it’s not a different kind of conversation but that’s not a bad thing. “I have talked to her about moving in.” He offers your father. “So maybe I should ask you for your permission.” He ponders.
The other man chuckles quietly, feeling like he’s listening to Jack ponder out loud. “Should I bring the ring down when we come back for the opening?”
“I think that would be very appropriate.” Jack agrees, frowning slightly as he wonders if you would feel overwhelmed if he proposed to you after the opening of your restaurant or if it would just add happiness to the occasion. “So let me formally ask you.” Jack sets his bottle down and straightens his shoulders. “Your daughter is my soulmate, and I love her. I want to protect her and cherish her with everything that I am. May I have your blessing to ask her to marry me?”
“Keep making her happy. And keep her talking to you.” Your father puts down his own bottle and straightens up, putting his hand out to Jack. “And for the love of god, don’t elope. Her mother would be broken-hearted.”
“Never.” Jack can promise that. He didn’t do it with Abigail and he wouldn’t take that away from you. Even if it was something small and intimate, he wants you to have the wedding you want.
“Then you have my blessing, for whatever kind of life you want to build together.” You would huff and call them both old-fashioned for this, but the truth is that this is just two people trying their best to take care of you. “Be good to her, Jack.”
He hadn’t been. He knows this. However, he planned on making sure that you were never distressed or upset because of him again. “Yes sir.” He nods solemnly, the seriousness of the moment not lost on him. “Thank you.”
“There you two are.” It hadn’t taken an extreme amount of effort to find them, but the table is set and everything is ready except for the meat. “Do you need another set of hands to help, babe?”
“Nawww, I should have it.” Jack immediately turns towards you with a slow, sugary smile. A little emotional from the conversation and he pulls you close for a quick kiss. “About to pull everything off.”
“Whatever you two were talking about, keep it up,” you tease, not the least bit embarrassed to steal a second kiss with your father right there. Jack is so soft right now that you wouldn’t sacrifice it for anything.
Dinner turned out to be a complete success, everyone raving over Jack’s barbecue. Making him smirk at you and volunteering his services whenever you wanted some for a special at your restaurant when it opens. Now with everyone’s bellies full and the evening winding down, Jack sends you ahead to bed to get ready while he finishes cleaning up the kitchen, figuring you might like to shower or soak in a bath.
Sometimes you swear you would have accepted the invitation to move in with Jack based on the master bathroom alone. The powerful shower with seemingly unlimited hot water is the best you’ve ever experienced, and the tub is definitely big enough for two people to lounge in. He had insisted that you bring over your bathrobe when you brought a few things from your house for the week, so now it’s hanging from the rack beside the marble countertop for when you step out. Smelling like him is a small bonus, considering Jack’s soap and shampoo smell like they were made for a lumberjack who stands on top of mountains in the crisp, cold morning to watch sunrise, and you end up just luxuriating in the hot water until you hear him come into the bedroom. That’s when you shut off the water and step out, wrapping yourself up in the terry cloth robe like a warm hug.
Walking into the bedroom finds it empty and Jack smirks as he looks towards the bathroom, knowing you are in there. He needs to shower, since he smells like a smoker, but he can wait until you are out. Instead, he's standing around looking at the small changes that you have made to his once cold bedroom. Things that are almost overlooked but it's very obvious to a man who has been a bachelor for nearly twenty years. The small notebook on the side of the bed you had claimed, where you write recipe ideas when they come to you. The way your general items are scattered on the dresser. He likes it.
“Hey handsome.” It doesn’t matter how ridiculous you look, dripping wet in a bath towel and fuzzy slippers, you open the bathroom door to let him in if he wants to share some while you brush your hair and teeth. “I know I’ve already said it, but dinner was amazing.”
"I'm glad you enjoyed it." He smirks at you and comes up to hold onto your waist, wrapping around you to kiss your ear. You hum as you load your toothbrush up and tilt your head to allow him more access to you. "You’re lookin' fresh faced and pretty tonight."
“And smelling very manly,” you joke, turning your head to kiss him properly in between his exploration of your neck and before you start brushing your teeth. Before or after is fine. During would be a bit messy.
“I like the way you smell.” His scent on your body drives him crazy and there has been more than one time where he’s had to take care of the nagging lust that always lives right under the surface since he's given into being near you.
You smile coyly at him in the mirror, raising one eyebrow. “I smell like you,” you point out before starting to brush your teeth. Not that you mind at all. Not even a little, actually.
“Yeah, sugar.” Jack’s voice dips down and he brushes another kiss over your skin. “Like I’ve wrapped myself around you and rubbed myself all over your body.”
The most articulate sound you can manage right now is a groan as you process that image - the therapist had said you were both clear headed enough for sex if it was what you both wanted, but you haven’t taken that step. So far you’ve been too tired from your recovery, so it’s been slow nights of drowning in each other’s kisses in bed - with Jack’s hands down your panties if things got rambunctious.
He chuckles against your skin, feeling himself start to harden. “But right now sugar? I need to clean up. Get the smell of smoke off me.”
"What if I like the smell of smoke?" You pose, spitting out excess toothpaste long enough to pout at him and then grin when he meets your eyes in the mirror. "Go clean up, baby. I'm going to get in bed and read."
Jack grunts, aware that his cock is twitching against your ass and he pulls his hips back. He doesn’t want to push you even if he knows you want to.
You've lost track of time, by the time Jack comes out of the bathroom, and look up over the top of your book when you spy him striding into the room. Squeaky clean but still damp from just toweling off, that towel is now wrapped around his waist when he comes into the bedroom to fish for a pair of boxers to sleep in. Fuck he looks good like that...you might be staring, but you don't care.
Jack knows you are looking and it feeds into his ego like nothing else. No one night stand cooing and lovin’ on him has the effect of his soulmate staring discreetly. He smirks at himself as he turns towards the drawer and ‘accidentally’ drops his towel.
"Whoops." It comes with a half-snort because you know damn well that he didn't do it by accident, and you set your bookmark back in your book to put it on the side table. "I'm sure that was very clumsy of you. And fully unintentional."
Jack throws a look over his shoulder with a grin. “I don’t know what you are talking about.” He draws playfully. “Ain’t you supposed to be makin’ recipes? Or readin’?”
“Nice try.” Even if you hadn’t read it before, no book is more interesting than your bare assed naked soulmate. Especially when he’s previously been very careful about modesty to keep the both of you under control.
His chuckle accompanies him reaching into the drawer to pull out a pair of boxers. “Something you like on display, sugar? Didn’t think you liked tiny asses.”
It earns him another little laugh, and you pull the blankets back on his side of the bed. “I don’t keep my hand in your back pocket when we walk around because my fingers are cold, baby.”
“And here I was thinkin’ that you were trying to warm ‘em up.” Jack puts on a thicker accent for you right now, knowing how much it seems to affect you.
“Get in bed, cowboy.” It’s practically an order, but edged with enough begging to stroke Jack’s ego like he’s stroking your voice kink by playing with his accent.
“Yes ma’am.” Jack pretends to tilt an imaginary hat as he closes the drawer and turns around to stride cockily towards the bed.
There’s something to be said for the domesticity of such a moment. The easy way he slides into bed beside you and bundles you up in his arms, and the comfort of clean bodies cuddled up in the light of your bedside lamps like you had been doing this your whole lives. Now that you’re letting yourselves, it’s so easy to be together. “So…” you hum, snuggling up to him. “I saw my dad pull you outside tonight.”
“Yes.” Jack won’t deny that. Especially because you saw it. “He did.” He rubs his hand up and down your back.
“Anything I should know about?” It’s hard to imagine they needed to have a private conversation about whiskey or the grill, but who knows.
“Your father wanted to know my intentions.” Jack admits easily. “To tell me that I need to listen to you, help you dream.”
“He worries too much.” An exasperated sigh passes your lips and you place a kiss on Jack’s chest. “I already have my dreams.”
“I know.” Jack says teasingly. “Your tea room.” He knows you mean more than that, but he’s grinning as he needles you.
“And my soulmate.” There might be other things that you bluster about, but the love of the person you’re meant to be with and your dream job are the two things you’ve always been honest about wanting.
“And your soulmate.” Jack quietly repeats. He knows how important it is to you. To him honestly, now that he’s opened that possibility up again. Your happiness is the most important thing to him.
“So there’s nothing else to worry about.” The questions of marriage or kids or anything else are all secondary to just having him in your life.
He hums and thinks about things for a moment. "Would you...want to go home with me?" He asks softly. "To Montana? See the ranch. You don't have to."
“I absolutely will if you want me to.” At dinner, your parents had invited him to come up to New Hampshire with you any time, and this seemed like a natural extension of that invitation to you. But you do lean back a little to look him in the eye. “I would love to see where you’re from, honey. But if it’s going to hurt too much…reminding you of Abigail and the baby and all that…then we don’t have to.”
"It's been a long time since I've been home." Since he had left, if he were honest, but he wasn't going to bring that up. "Might be good to go see it...introduce you to 'em." He ventures, wondering if you will think it macabre or ghoulish to visit his former soulmate's grave.
“Do you still have family out there?” It’s not hard to tell when Jack has his mind set to something, and this seems like it’s quickly becoming an important idea to him. “Or is there maybe an event that you used to like going to? That we could go back for?”
"No family left." His father had died the year before Abigail. Heart attack, or he would wonder if Rollins had any hand in it now. "Just me."
“No cousins or anything?” That surprises you, but you smooth your furrowed brow so he doesn’t get the impression that you’re judging him for something he has no control over. “Who’s running the ranch?”
"I hired a board of directors to handle things for me." Jack huffs. "Or....Champ did." Champ had taken care of that task to where Jack only had to handle the yearly reports and even then it was more of a cursory glance. He had honestly anticipated the fuckin' thing going to the Statesman conglomerate when he died.
“We should go.” There’s a wistfulness and a worry in his expression that is begging to be soothed, and you run your hand gently up and down his side. “We can see the ranch, you can show me where you grew up, and we can visit Abigail and your son. Would that…would that be a good trip for you?” Of course you’re curious to see where he came from, but the last thing you want to do is hurt him with memories.
Jack bites his lip, swallowing harshly when you are the one that brings up his wife. "I– I would l-like that." He manages, his voice cracking slightly in surprise and so much gratitude. His hold on you tightens. "I would like that a lot." It feels like Jack has a sense of closure now that Abigail's death has been explained. It wasn't some random act of violence that he couldn't rationalize. It was targeted. She was targeted. It had helped to know that more than he ever thought it would.
“We’ll bring flowers.” That’s what you do whenever you visit your own family’s graves, and in some ways you suppose Jack’s lost loved ones are a part of your family now. In an extended and loving memory sort of way. “Whenever you want to go, honey.”
“We need to get through your opening and at least the first few months, I think.” Jack looks to you. “Right?”
“Maybe we could go at the end of the summer or beginning of fall?” The land would still be in bloom and going during the heat of summer might be too close to their death date for him. Considering he doesn’t celebrate his birthday you doubt he wants that big of a reminder. “I would think that…earlier in August might be…a lot harder.”
"That would work." Jack nods, considering it. "There's nothing like fall on the ranch." He admits wistfully. "Especially when the trees start changing colors up in the mountains."
“Fall, then.” Placing a kiss over his heart, you offer Jack a soft smile. “I’m honored that you want to share that part of yourself with me.”
"Just...." Jack picks up your hand and kisses it softly. "Be patient with me when we go?" He asks, knowing that he might have to go quite a few therapy sessions before taking you, so he doesn't lash out or do something stupid.
“Honey, of course.” It seems like you shouldn’t be able to get any closer, but you nudge that much nearer to him and brush some damp hair from his forehead. “And if you decide to put the trip off until spring or even next fall, that’s just fine. The ranch isn’t going anywhere and neither am I.”
"Hmmm, thank you." He squeezes your back gently and his hand starts to drift down towards your ass as a natural progression. Having you in his bed has made it hard to keep his hands to himself on the best days and he was still in a playful mood.
“Serious conversation and then an ass grab, huh?” Sure you might be teasing him a little less, but you’re still you. It’s still fun. “Still in a good mood, Mr. Daniels?”
"Sugar, I'm finding that I've been in a good mood since that first nap with you." He tells you seriously. "Especially when I get to see that gorgeous smile on your face."
“Hmm…” He’s being so damn sweet and sincere tonight, and you’re just soaking it all in like sunbeams. “I wonder why that could be?”
"I don't know." He teases back. "Might be because your parents and siblings haven't strung me up for makin' you cry. Or because I'm currently in bed with a very sexy woman."
“If anybody would’ve gotten out the noose it would have been my sister, and it would have been immediate.” And since you would have done the same to defend her if she needed it, you can’t blame her in the least. But your little sister had listened when you told her that Jack was actively fixing things and making an effort. “I’m thinking it probably has a tiny bit more to do with having a half-undressed woman in your bed.”
"Yes." Jack's voice dips slightly, taking on a smokier sound. "That. That is a big reason why I've been in such a good mood." Despite not having sex, he's more relaxed with you here and he doesn't want you to leave when your family goes home tomorrow.
“I’ve been thinking…” Some might not consider three days a whole lot of time to think, but getting to spend so much uninterrupted time with him has been good for you. When Jack doesn’t have his guard up, he is as sweet and as appealing as apple pie with all the charm of the most attentive Southern gentleman. “And I think…” Finding his eyes in you, you fluster a little and bury your face in his shoulder. “It’d be a shame to go back to my own place.”
"I think you're right." Jack agrees softly, relieved that you seem to be on the same page as he is. "Wasted opportunities to hold you. When you go back to work, I know you aren't going to be able to be under my wing the entire day."
“I’ll text you when I get downtime,” you promise him, stretching to kiss the nearest bit of his skin you can manage - which right now is the slope of his chest just below his neck. “So you don’t worry.”
“Just wear your bracelet for me, sugar.” He requests, remembering how his heart had dropped when he had seen it on your counter.
“Always.” You pick up your hand that had been tucked in beside him to show the delicate chain with its innocent looking charm to show him that you’re wearing it even now. “I only take it off to shower now.”
“Okay.” He knows it’s a little bit of paranoia, since you will be on Statesman property, but Ginger is still going through all the personnel files to make sure another intruder hasn’t slipped through the cracks.
“It’s okay.” It’s an understatement to say that you understand now. “From now, I’m coming home to you at night.”
"Yeah?" Jack smirks slightly and bites his lips at the prospect of having you in his bed every single night. "I like the sound of that, sugar. Hand to God, I do."
“I do, too.” There’s barely any more space to move in, but you reach up and place a kiss on his lips and sigh softly. The kiss starts off soft, but need and hunger makes Jack reach up and grip the back of your neck as he deeps it with the slide of his tongue against your lips. Groaning when you eagerly open for him.
Every night has been like this. Sliding into bed together and having a little pillow talk before you indulge a little in each other without ever pushing the boundary that you’ve set for yourselves. It’s been a blissful few days, if you’re honest, and even though you know the second he signals being ready you’ll be throwing your own clothes off the side of the bed in a big goddamn rush.
That need, the underlying hunger that seems to invade every single touch and kiss is working overtime tonight. Making Jack grip your hips and urge you on top of him, wanting to feel your warmth and weight. The heat of your damp panties pressing against the rapidly expanding tent in his boxers.
The heat grows faster tonight than it usually does, something in the breath you share feeling more addictive or maybe just hungrier. You find yourself grinding your hips down on him without thinking and moaning when his hands slip under your shirt. “Fuck sugar.” Jack groans, kissing down your throat as you roll your hips back and make him choke on his own breath. “You’re so fucking…sweet.”
“Sweet?” You might giggle if you weren’t busy moaning, but you tilt your head completely out of the way to let him lick and nip and suck every bit of skin he wants. “Tonight feels—” you gasp when he swipes his thumbs across your pebbled nipples in unison. “Fuck— definitely hotter.”
“Never eaten melted chocolate?” Jack groans, smirking slightly as you push your tits against his fingers a little more. Begging for him to repeat the move. “Sweet and hot.”
“I will go get the fudge sauce out of your kitchen so fucking fast.” It would be a nice follow up to yesterday when you had caramel sauce all over your hands making yourself a fancy latte before your family woke up and Jack had very carefully licked it off every digit.
Jack chuckles quietly and shakes his head. “No food play with your parents here.” He chides playfully.
Your pout is playful and your circle your hips in his lap again before reaching to pull your t-shirt over your head. There’s been enough modesty this week for two people planning on living together - you’re itching to take a bigger step forward. Jack has seen you naked. You’ve changed in front of him with no modesty, a move that made him grin. Now he groans, eyes feasting on your tits and he drags you down to his chest to feel them pressed against his chest.
He’s throbbing hard beneath you and the barriers of his boxers and your panties are performative at best. At this point you know damn well that he can feel how soaked your panties are, he can feel the difference in the neediness of every kiss.
Diving back into your mouth is like the anchor he needs to keep himself from keeling over. Groaning your name quietly, he manages to break away to look into your eyes. “What do you want, sugar?” He demands roughly.
“I—” You know the answer. What you’re aching for. But if he isn’t ready you won’t push him. “I want you,” you admit, looking everywhere but his eyes to avoid seeing disappointment. “But not if you’re not ready.”
Jack inhales roughly, expecting that answer but still being shocked when he hears it. “With your family here?” He asks, sliding his hands down your sides to grip your hips. “Tonight, sugar?”
“I can keep my voice down.” Another roll of your hips is a figure eight this time, and your eyes nearly roll back in your head when you feel him pulse underneath you. “Can you?”
It takes Jack a moment to be able to remember what you are talking about, let alone his own name when you grind against him like that. His fingers digging into your flesh and pulling you against him again. "I- y-yeah." He groans out brokenly. "Y-you sure?" He closes his eyes and tries to control himself before he looks back up at you seriously. This is a big step for the two of you and he wants you to not regret it.
“I’m sure, baby.” The seriousness of the moment isn’t lost on you, and you stop moving to leave a soft, sincere kiss on his lips. “I love you, Jack.”
He knows you are ready, the two of you have been ready physically since the day you met. It's the mental and emotional barriers that he had created that caused this delay. Now, Jack rolls you onto your back and smirks down at you, his eyes dark and flashing with need. "I love you too, sugar. Now I'm gonna show you how you ride a real cowboy."
If you were feeling pedantic, you might quibble about position and how you had just been in the perfect place to ride him - but honestly you’re too foggy from desire and the burning in your blood to do anything more than surge up to kiss him. The measly barriers of underwear were symbols of restraint more than anything, and you are extremely ready to pull his away so you can experience every inch of him.
Jack groans, enjoying the pure desire that is fueled by your kiss, his hands sliding down to the band of your panties and he smirks into your mouth before he shreds them easily.
Oh that should not make you moan so wantonly, but it’s a good thing you were kissing him when he did it otherwise your promise to keep the volume down would have been shot to hell immediately. “Fuck, baby.”
He chuckles quietly and moves the material away so he can slide his fingers against your wet slit. "You like that, sugar?"
“Show off,” you accuse him playfully, knowing that you’ve told him in the past that shows of physical strength are a turn on for you. “I’m already always soaking wet around you.”
He hums, sliding his fingers down to press into you. Something that he has done before but now he knows that you are going to feel more than just his fingers inside you. Wanting to make sure that you cum before he slides inside you.
“Fu—fuck.” One hand shoots out to clutch his shoulder and the other twines into the soft bed sheets as your hips roll down to meet his hand as deeply as you possibly can. Yes, you’ve enjoyed exploring with him, but you’ve wanted him since the day you met and you’re aching for him now that the chance is here.
Jack's hands are clever, quick. They have to be with the type of rope and pistol work that he does. Now, his trigger finger curls up inside you. seeking the spongy spot that makes your back arch and your gasps turn desperate. Ready to drink down the sounds like a man dying of thirst while he kisses you and pushes you towards the edge.
You squirm but open up for him like a spring flower, legs spread open as wide as you can manage to give him ample room to explore. All you’ve wanted for months is to drown in him and now you’re clinging to him like a life preserver as he rockets you out over an ocean of pleasure.
“That’s it, sugar.” Jack coos in your ear, butterflying kisses along your jaw while the wet heat of your cunt surrounds his fingers. “Give it to me. Let me feel your sweetness.”
He’s well practiced at this - with plenty of partners before you, yes, but also just from the last few days together. He knows exactly the right way to quirk his wrist and exactly the right way to curl his fingers, making you gasp and chase the sensation of his fingers filling you every time he pulls them out only to thrust them back into you with more dexterity than before. He plays you like an instrument until you bow and threaten to break, with one hand clamped over your mouth so you don’t cry his name for the whole house to hear as you fall apart at the seams and flood his hand with your sticky release.
It is only because of your family down the hall that he doesn't let you cry out. When they leave, he will. Letting your sweet sounds fill the bedroom, hell, the house. Wanting to hear it. Now he just groans, his lips pressed against your hand, as if trying to kiss you through the barrier. "Good girl." He murmurs. "Good girl, sugar."
The way he coos at you is borderline criminal but combines somewhere in the back of your head with riding him and you swear you’d let this unhinged cowboy put a damn bit and bridle on you if it turned out to be some wild kink of his. The thought flies out of your head as soon as it enters, blissfully blanking out with white hot pleasure. Only when you’re sure you won’t shout do you move your hand away, pouring a moan into his mouth instead.
Only when your body can't give him any more does he still his fingers. Watching as you relax into the bed and the sugary smile of pleasure graces your face. "Was it good for you?" He asks, smug in your eventual response when you can catch your breath.
“You’re so fucking cocky,” you drawl in reply, giggling under your breath when you surge up to kiss him. “I’d be shoving you on your back to stroke your cock except I need you to fuck me.”
"Confident, sugar." Jack chuckles, kissing your lips again before he shuffles off of you so he can push his boxers down. "Confident."
“Because you know I’ve been ready to jump you since the day we met.” It’s not even judgmental or self-deprecating, just a fact as you smirk up at him. He’s so fucking handsome and the butterflies in your stomach erupt all over again. This is actually happening.
Jack peels down his boxers and stands straight, showing off the hard length that is heavily bobbing as he lets you peruse his body. "You should know I've been havin' to hide this since the day we met." He growls.
“Don’t know how you hide it anywhere.” With as tight as he wears his jeans, it should be impossible to keep the thickest cock you’ve ever seen in your life under wraps, but somehow he manages it.
He smirks and waggles his brows at you playfully. "It's all in the way you keep your jacket buttoned."
“Show off.” Though you roll your eyes dramatically, you lean forward to snag his arm and urge him to come back to you. “Get back in bed and show off here instead.”
It's the easiest order that he will probably ever receive as he kneels on the bed. "With pleasure, sugar."
As easily as you ever fit together in any other part of life, the way your bodies seem to move and mold together is instinctive. There’s no guiding or nudging, just fluid motion as he finds the cradle of your thighs and slides one arm underneath your back to keep you as close to him as possible as he devours you in a burning kiss. Jack has never been shy about sex. Not even that first time with Abigail where he was worried that he would last all of ten seconds, only to be surprised and pleased he had lasted thirty. His cock pulses against your mound and he hums into your mouth, enjoying the way you fit against him, soft in all the right places and welcoming him to slide into you.
This tension that’s been building for months has somehow intensified during the last week. No touch has been enough, although you’ve pretended it was, and every moment of intimacy has just made you burn for more. Now, with his weight bearing down on you and the heat of him threatening to consume you, you’re squirming for any kind of friction. The easy roll of his hips comes natural, grinding against your and feeling the way your gasp presses into his throat when the head of his cock catches on your swollen, soaked lips. "Easy girl," he coos gently, keeping his hips angled so that when he shifts down, it presses against your entrance. "Nice and easy."
The smirk drawn tight across your face curls at the edges when you look up at him. “If you have a horse fetish, Jack Daniels, now would be the time to tell me.”
He chuckles and shakes his head. “Nah, sugar.” He reaches down to grip your hip. “No horse fetish, but I do want you to hang on.”
Even the smallest moment of laughter seems to break the spell of apprehension that had been blanketing the two of you, and when you giggle along with him it’s like music. “Good,” you tease, hitching your leg high up on his hip. “Because I’m feeling more like save a horse, ride a cowboy tonight.”
Once you say that, Jack leans in and presses his lips to yours and slowly starts to push forward. Breaking you open with a smooth roll of his hips and a groan when he slips inside you.
Your mouth drops open as his hips roll forward, that deep moan that originates somewhere in your toes barely stifled when you clamp your mouth shut and bite your lip to keep it contained. Instead Jack gets an enthusiastic whimper while he fills your needy pussy slowly but surely. Every shuddering breath is encouragement, and you are definitely not here to discourage him.
Jack's own moan is quietly, barely breathed out but it's there. Mouth dropping open and his eyes fluttering closed at the tight, hot clutch of your cunt surrounds him. Stealing his ability to make a pithy comment, every thought of how fucking good you feel, how perfect you are, is all that he can manage until his hips nudge yours and he is buried to the hilt in your body.
All the space in your mind seems to be gone along with that space that he filled up in your body, leaving you dumbstruck in a way you’ve never felt before as your body adjusts to the weight and girth of him inside you. It isn’t like the two of you to be speechless, but the moment is consumed in drowning kisses rather than witty barbs and you can’t even say that you care. He doesn't know exactly when your fingers became entwined, curled together as your leg shifts higher on his hip and your lips tilt away from his. Breaking to give you both the space to pant softly. "Shit, sugar." He groans quietly.
“Jack—” You gasp his name softly, rolling your hips against his to seek out even the smallest movements. “You—you’re so fuckin perfect. Fuck.”
“You know how good you feel?” He groans quietly, twitching inside you when your walls contract around him.
The huff that earns him is only because your mind is too wound up in pleasure to be clever, and you draw your nails up his back to urge him on. “Might go crazy if you don’t move, baby.”
“So impatient.” He chides, leaning in and biting your chin before he draws his hips back.
“Maybe.” You might have snarked back at him if he hadn’t snapped his hips forward at that exact moment, pushing the air out of your lungs and making you have to bite back a sharp cry of his name to a bare whimper. He’s a menace and he knows what the hell he’s doing.
His grin borders on devilish and he wraps his arms around your shoulders. “You were sayin’, sugar?” He grunts as he thrusts into you again. Making sure that he forces more air out of your lungs.
“Fuck.” He said he wanted you to hold on - and he truly seems to have meant it. You cling to him as he sets a deep, steady pace that has both of you groaning into each other’s skin. The rest of the world has dissolved away so quickly that you can’t even focus on the room beyond him, eyes half-shut and fluttering every time his cock pulses inside your tight channel.
“I am, sugar.” Jack pants. “But you want it harder, I’m guessin’.” He’s teasing, but he wants to make sure you know exactly what he’s capable of in bed so he sets his knees and his pace speeds up.
It’s a miracle you don’t cry out. One hand leaves its safe place on his shoulder to dive into his hair to let your fingers scrape his scalp and pull on his hair just enough to add that hint of pain to the pleasure. “Shit.” Jack’s pace fumbles for half a thrust before he is slamming into you. Grateful for the solid poster bed to keep the headboard from banging through the wall and alerting everyone in the house to what you are doing.
“We can both play rough, cowboy.” You promise him, nipping at the sensitive skin beneath his ear and moaning vocally in his ear when he bottoms out inside you again.
If it weren’t for your experience being so fresh, Jack would have you tied to the bed. Instead he grabs your hip, hitching it up higher and groaning as he shuffles to his knees. The shift has you bouncing, head nearly hitting the headboard of the bed, and you reach up to brace yourself. The effect is that you’re stretched out in the bed below him, tits bouncing with every thrust and mouth alternately hanging open on a silent cry or pressed tightly shut to stifle the need to call his name into the night.
Huffing and puffing as he rides you hard, Jack grins down at you. Moving so he can lick his thumb and press it to your clit.
"Jesus–fuck!" You yelp when he presses his thumb to your swollen nub, eyes shooting open from where they had fallen blissfully shut to let the moment wash over you. There's a line of sweat rolling down Jack's neck that you don't hesitate to lick away, discovering tonight to be delightfully needy when you had unfoundedly assumed that things would tend toward lovemaking.
“Shhhhhh sugar.” Jack teases as he makes tight, sure circles over your clit. “Don’t want your daddy busting’ in here, do ya?” He smirks and snaps his hips a little harder.
"Fuck why is that sexier?" The pout on your lips at enjoying the idea of enjoying the forbidden or taboo is temporary, taken over by the shaking shivering pleasure from Jack knowing exactly how you like your clit rubbed.
Chucking, Jack decides to change the pace, keeping his fingers moving over your clit but his cock draaaaaags through your walls slowly. “Don’t know, you tell me.”
Biting your lip yet again to keep from moaning too loudly, the abrupt change in rhythm means you feel every ridge and vein of his cock as he rocks backward. The slow feeling of emptiness is torture that almost makes you sob with pleasure. “Might hav—have to fuck you in a bunch of different —fuck — places to see who catches us.”
“Hmmm.” Jack ducks his head down and nips at your ear, breathing heavily. “Maybe I’ll fuck you in your kitchen. Let your staff walk in on us.”
“Shit.” That thought rockets through you like wildfire and has you grasping at his skin for any kind of mark or impression you could possibly leave on his perpetually tan skin. “Or your office.”
“My office.” Jack groans, pushing deep and grinding into you. “Spread out on my desk, my tongue buried in your cunt when someone walks in?”
Every image seems better than the last, building you up steadily along with his thrusts and the tight circles he's drawing on your clit so that you're on the edge of bursting. "Fuck yes," you're panting and swallowing your own whines beneath him. "So fucking good, baby, h–holy shit." With as tight as your body is clamping down on him in every way, your nails in his arms just might draw blood as you fall apart on a pitiful moan. It's too fast and too sharp to warn him, but the pleasure comes in wave after wave.
Watching your orgasm rip through you might be the sexiest thing that he has ever seen. Eyes clouding over and back arching up when your broken moan fills his ears. The hot grip of your walls making his already throbbing cock ache and he grits his teeth to keep from cumming as he rocks his hips to work you through the peak.
It's almost ruthless, the way he doesn't let up and just pushes you through to the other side without hesitation, but at the same time you love the seemingly endless aftershocks of such a powerful orgasm. "Come on, baby." You gasp out, holding onto his gaze with hazy eyes. "Cum for me."
“Gunna.” Jack hisses through his teeth, jaw stretched out and the muscles in his neck straining as he pushes towards his own pleasure. The way you tremble around him has him groaning your name, hips stuttering as his pace becomes sloppy and thrusts uneven.
His whole body tenses just a second before you feel it - his hips slamming forward to grind into you as deeply as he can before hot jets of his seed fill you with every pulse of his cock. It has you whimpering even as you slip your arms around him to offer him that place of comfort to come down to.
When he’s emptied himself into you, an experience that nears nirvana, he slides down into your embrace. Tucking his head against your neck and groaning your name quietly. “That..” he pants quietly. “Was worth the wait.”
Your breathing evens a little and you press a kiss to the top of his head, wrapping your arms around him tightly to just savor the moment for everything it's worth. "You were worth the wait."
His hold on you flexes, tightens as if he is afraid you would slip out of his grasp. As if you aren’t pinned beneath the bulk of his weight and still impaled on his softening cock. “Soulmates.” He murmurs softly.
“Soulmates.” You hum, quietly agreeing to what you know was not always the easiest thing for him to grasp or accept. Your hands journey up and down his back, soothing his overheated skin. “I love you.”
“I love you.” He sighs, kissing along your neck and across your shoulder gently. Not ready to move unless you need him to. It’s been a long time since Jack felt like he was home and that’s exactly what you feel like to him right now.
“Can we sleep like this?” Having him wrapped in your arms and pressing you down into the mattress might be the most comfortable you’ve ever been and you would hate to give it up too soon.
His chuckle is quiet and he settles so that he’s not just dead weight on you. “Comfortable, sugar?” He murmurs softly. “I don’t know if I can move right now.” He’s joking and he knows you know that from your huff.
There’s something to be said for feeling both safe and cherished, and your arms tighten around him briefly. “I think this is the most comfortable I’ve ever been.”
“Then go to sleep, sugar.” He nudges his hips forward slightly to make sure he doesn’t slip out of you. “I’ve gotcha.”
“Sweet dreams, love.” A soft kiss lingers between you before you close your eyes, happy to let blissful sleep take over.
“Sugar, I think four desserts is enough, don’t you?” It’s amusing to watch you rush around your kitchens and fret, but he knows that you only want to make your contribution to the going away party perfect. “You’ve made the kid’s favorites.”
“Everything has to be perfect.” Without knowing that you’re echoing his thought, you do register the affectionate grin on his face and pause in your movements to shrug sheepishly. “Bobby’s my friend, and so is his mother. This is a big day and I want them to be happy with it.”
“I know.” Jack had come by to peel you out of the kitchen, knowing if he left you for too long, you’d think of another dessert to whip up quickly. “Do we need to pack coolers or can everything go in the back of the Bronco?”
"Everything can go in the Bronco." He had let you out of his sight this morning long enough to bring your family back to the airstrip and get some clean clothes from your cabin, and you had gone into a sort of baking tizzy immediately after. Oatmeal chocolate chip cookies, red berry scones, pecan pie squares, and a huge batch of coconut cupcakes are all ready to go.
“Okay,” he grunts as he picks up the two large bakery boxes with the cookies and scones. “I’ve got the backseat laid down, so we should have plenty of room.”
"Thank you, baby." You follow him out with the rest of the pastries in your arms, setting them in the back of the Bronco before hopping into the front seat to snuggle up to Jack. "And...thank you for this week. Getting to spend the time with my family was...pretty perfect."
“Recovering from something like that is always better when you have people who love you around.” Jack turns and kisses your forehead. “When we are officially livin’ together, they are welcome anytime, sugar.”
"Only two more weeks until the opening." And that, in and of itself, is as terrifying as it is exciting. "Maybe tomorrow I'll come back here and pack up some of my stuff? It's not like I have a lot to do. The furniture all came with the cabin and I haven't gotten that many new things since moving down here."
“Whenever you want to do that, sugar.” Jack isn’t trying to rush you into any moves until you are ready for that. “You let me know and I’ll be your work mule for any heavy liftin’.”
"First thing's first." You lean over and snag another kiss, giddy to be beside him again after only a couple of hours apart. "Bobby's party."
“Bobby’s party.” Jack agrees, smirking over at you softly and reaching for your hand. The word about you being Jack’s soulmate has spread like wildfire amongst all the Statesman employees and this is the first official outing as a couple. “Word has it, Champ’s opened more than a few bottles of Reserve and Diana’s got all the ingredients for a full cocktail bar set up. Including some bubbly.”
"I expect nothing less of her." If it were your son being sent overseas like this without you knowing when you were going to see him again, you would definitely be sending him off in a big way as well. "Good thing we live right next door so we can just crash when we get tired."
His lips curl into a grin when he hears ‘we’. Proudly straightening up slightly as he marvels over how much his thinking has changed over the past two weeks. “I can see you gigglin’ drunkenly in the bathtub.” He teases.
"It would not be the first time at all." The grin you flash at him when he turns the engine over is unabashed. "My brother's thirtieth birthday was a hell of a party."
“Oh lord.” Jack rolls his eyes playfully and snorts. “I have a feelin’ I’m gunna be carryin’ you home over my shoulder.”
"Nooooo." Although the mental image does make you giggle. "I wouldn't embarrass you like that."
“Who says it’s because you’ve embarrassed me?” He grins lecherously and waggles his eyebrows. It’s not a long drive from your kitchen to the house, so he doesn’t have long to flirt before you will switch back into chef mode.
"You gonna throw me over your shoulder and carry me into the house to have your wicked way with me?" The two of you had woken up this morning still tangled in each other and shared a shower - which made it take far longer than if you had gotten ready separately. It was a beautiful way to spend the earliest hours of the day.
“Might.” Jack admits, reaching over and sliding his hand up your pretty sundress. “Too pretty to keep my hands off of.”
"Mmm, I think we might have unleashed the beast," you joke, not bothering for one second to stop his hand from wandering. The entire reason for wearing a little sundress today instead of a simple pair of shorts and a shirt is so that he would want to touch you.
Chuckling, he makes sure his fingers brush your panties. “Don’t think you’re complainin’.”
"Not even a little." There isn't enough time to make the car ride playful, but you relish the feeling of his fingers against your core for even just a second.
“That’s what I thought.” A small, playful pinch to your thigh is quickly smoothed over with his fingers and he grins at you. “Don’t have to be quiet tonight.”
"Thank god." You huff dramatically, like it was the biggest effort in the world to keep quiet last night. Which, in some ways, it was. At least it wasn't easy. It doesn't matter though, all that matters is that you're taking steps forward at a pace that is good for both of you. Jack parks in his driveway so he doesn't take up any room at Champ and Diana's house, and the two of you easily carry all the treats you made across the yard to the tables that Diana has left bare for your contributions. She had predicted you would overdo it after not being allowed to cook for the better part of a week, and she was right.
“Whole damn table for your desserts.” Jack sounds like he is grumbling but the grin on his face shows that he completely belies that. He’s already planning on stealing one of the cupcakes.
"Might be just enough room." There are all sorts of serving platters out for you to choose from, and you start arranging them carefully to put things at different heights and with different shapes beside each other to make the table interesting and easy to grab from. "But only because I stopped short of making the key lime tarts..."
“Now you’re just bein’ mean.” Jack groans quietly. “I ever tell you Key Lime is one of my favorites?”
"You did not." The pout on his lips is adorable, and you grin before kissing it away. "I'll make one for us this week. How about that?"
“Yessssss.” Jack pumps his fist, grinning as he imagines the tangy tartness of the dessert. It was the perfect balance of nearly too sweet and sour.
"What are we celebratin' out here?" Diana had seen you walking up to the house but was in the middle of taking something out of the oven. Now that she can come and say hello, she's ready to throw a second party altogether for how damn happy you and Jack seem.
“Key lime pie.” Jack doesn’t explain any further than that. Aware that Diana is familiar with his love of anything Key Lime. The only thing that truly beats it is chocolate.
"You're gonna love having a chef for a soulmate," she laughs lightly, embracing both of you in turn. "How are you feelin', sweetheart? Better?"
"I'm good, Di." You hug her back fiercely. "A couple of days of rest with my family is what I needed."
“We’ve got another session with the doc and then she’s got some solo meetings.” Jack hadn’t backed down on his insistence you see the staff therapist. Wanting you to cope with things better than he ever has.
"Good." That meets Diana's approval, and she nods as she looks the two of you over. "Positively glowing," she pronounces, having a feeling that she knows why. "Happiness suits you both."
Jack knows that it is mainly his fault, all his fault really. He ducks his head slightly and wraps his arm around your back to pull you into his side. “She’s gorgeous, isn’t she?”
"I always thought so." Diana gives you a playful wink before squeezing Jack's shoulder, glad to see him looking proud instead of apprehensive. "Come inside when you're done setting up here. Bar's set up in the kitchen and people should be arriving any minute."
"Do you need anything else, sugar?" Jack asks as he takes the last box from you. He has to admit that all your desserts look amazing and he hums. "Are you plannin' on having a display case in your tea room? Desserts to take home?"
"We're going to do a case for cakes." With the menu nailed down, you know that the only thing that still might expand is the take-away aspect of the bakery, but you're starting small. "The case was put in yesterday, actually. It was the last thing to go in."
"That case is going to be bare by the end of the first night." Jack predicts, knowing that plenty of people will want to take your goods home. Your kitchen staff will have to make sure to keep the cases full.
"You have such faith in me." You lean back in his arms and press a kiss to his cheek, satisfied with the way the table works and basking in the earnest compliment. "Let's go grab a drink, honey. Before the kitchen gets swamped."
Jack follows you willingly, carrying the discarded boxes from the goods as he trails after you. Admiring the way your hips sway in that dress and he smirks to himself.
"Di, I think you might have overdone it just a little bit," you laugh to yourself when you see the way the kitchen is laid out. The enormous tray of her son's favorite mac and cheese that she just took out of the oven is off to one side but a whole half of the counter is devoted to being a self-serve bar.
"Never." Diana huffs, grinning as he whips off the oven mitts and looks over the array of food. "Okay, maybe a little." She admits with a slight shrug of her shoulders. "But my Bobby is leavin' and we are going to celebrate." She swallows. "And then I'll cry tonight when he's on that plane."
"He's not leaving forever, Di." She knows that, of course, but you feel like it's your duty as her friend to remind her. "And you know he'll come home for every holiday he can. Bobby would never stay away that long."
"Shit." Diana rolls her eyes and tosses you a knowing look. "You know as well as I do that boy is itching to get out from under his daddy's watchful eye and gallivant."
"Sure." You nod, stepping up with Jack to pour yourself drinks when she motions to the counter. "But Christmas without his momma? Even a boy Bobby's age isn't eager for that."
"That's just because the darn fool still likes to see what's in his stocking." Diana jokes, laughing with you and relaxing slightly. She's nervous and excited for him, knowing that he will do good things. "How are you anticipating Tex's arrival?" She asks, glancing over at Jack.
"Honestly?" The two of you have your heads bowed as she makes you matching bright pink cocktails. "I hope it will be okay. I miss my friend, ya know? And I know Jack does, too. But...what do we know about this girl? His soulmate?" You're happy for him. You really are. But you also want to make sure that he's actually happy.
"She's a Kingsman agent. One of the few women that they have accepted, so she has to be a damn fine spy." Diana had been told what Champ knows and has no issue with passing it along. "Tall, feisty and mouthier than most Brits."
"Oh." You nearly cackle at the description, shooting Diana an amused grin. "So she'll fit right in here."
"I have a feelin' it's gonna be real interesting around here." Champ adds as he walks into the kitchen and makes a beeline for his wife to steal a kiss.
"We like interesting." You give Champ a hug when he tears himself away from Diana's side, glad to see him relaxed and smiling and not in his suit jacket for once. "Interesting keeps us on our toes."
"When's Tex comin' in again?" Jack asks, not sure how the boy will act when he gets back.
"Plane's landing in about an hour." Champ reports, snagging a beer from the fridge beside his wife. "Said he wanted to come straight over when I mentioned it to him, but I expect Sophia - that's his lady - will want to at least drop their things at the house first."
"Speakin' of houses." Jack glances over at you quickly before he looks back at his friend and boss. "Sugar's gonna be movin' in with me. Should have it empty pretty quick."
"Well look at that." Champ smirks, chuckling with a pleased note in it. "Didn't take you two long at all once you stopped trying to tear each other's throats out. Fantastic."
"Fuck off." Jack's huff is purely bluster and he rolls his eyes to accompany his sentiment before he grins at Champ.
"Charming." You smirk at your soulmate and hug him tight. "You survived five days with my entire family, babe. You deserve to have a live-in cook as a reward."
Chuckling, he can't deny that. He tugs you closer and kisses your forehead. "I will love every second of it too."
"Uncle Jack!" Bobby swings down the main staircase with a broad smile on his face and lights up at the sight of his father's closest friend. "Did you get a load of the smoker yet? Dad's outdone himself."
"Both of your parents have pulled out all stops on this shindig, kid." He lets go of you to stride forward and pull the kid into a bone crushing hug.
"I'm glad you're here." The younger man admits quietly. The idea of leaving without being able to say goodbye had made his stomach turn.
"Wouldn't miss it for the world." Jack murmurs back, always thinking of the kid like his own. A lot of times he had wondered if his little boy and Bobby would have been best friends.
"Sucks that we never got to run a mission together." There's a hint of regret in Bobby's voice but he smiles, glancing back over at you as you talk to his parents. "You'll be back in the field soon though, right? Never know what can happen."
"As soon as I can get my guns polished." Jack promises with a grin, slapping his back fondly. "I'll make my way over to merry 'ol England and remind you how to use your ropes."
The first flood of guests to arrive includes Ginger and Gabriella and their kids, and before you know it there is music pumping through the outdoor speakers and drinks flowing, with people playing lawn games and dancing and enjoying the sunny spring day for everything it's worth.
Jack stands with Champ over at the smoker, a place of pride as the two men share a drink. His eyes straying over to you as you laugh with Diana and he smiles softly at the scene. Unsure of why he had felt like you wouldn't fit in. That you wouldn't work here in this part of his life, or in his life at all. You've taken to Statesman and everyone he cares about like a duck to water.
“Having fun, love?” When your drink ran dry you headed across the lawn to refresh and stopped on the deck to give Jack a kiss.
"Of course." Jack smirks and lifts his glass up. "I've got some of the best Kentucky mash in existence, a smoker working overtime and the prettiest gal at the party comin' to kiss me."
“Suck up,” you tease, but there’s no bite in it. Instead it just earns him another kiss and a flustered smile from you. “Diana makes dangerous cocktails, I might have to mix something slightly less potent for myself otherwise you’re actually going to have to carry me home like you threatened.”
Champ chuckles and shakes his head. "My girl always did have a heavy hand when pouring drinks." His own eyes find his soulmate and he softens, smiling gently at the older woman across the way as she bullies Astrid into taking another scoop of the mac and cheese, knowing how much the Statesman tech loves it.
“Astrid and Gabi invited us over for dinner tomorrow,” you tell Jack, stealing one more squeeze of a hug before you remind yourself that you’re too old to be hanging all over your soulmate like a groupie. “Is it okay if I tell them yes?”
"If you are wanting to go, sugar, you tell 'em." Jack agrees, knowing that if you want to go to dinner with your friends, he will show up with a smile. "As long as you don't work too hard tomorrow since it will be your first full day back."
“My first day back is the perfect day to have someone else cook dinner, don’t you think?” It’s certainly not a bad idea by any means, and you shoot him a grin. “I’ll be good. I promise.”
"What if I don't want you to be good?" Jack poses playfully. "Go tell them that you will only bring one dessert." He orders, smirking at your immediate pout.
“Only bringing one dessert is being good!” His teasing earns him a stuck-out tongue and you hustle into the house to get another drink before he can retaliate. You’re still giggling to yourself happily just seconds later as you pour yourself a slightly less powerful cocktail, but the sound of the front door opening and boots in the foyer drags your mind to the present. “Come on back!” You call to the new arrival, having heard Diana greet guests the same way an hour ago. “Party’s outside but the bar’s in here.”
"Well hey." Tex rushes up to hug you before he stops short, unsure of how exactly to approach you now that the truth is out there and Sophia is right beside him. He gives you a sheepish smile when you turn around to face him. "Looks like you are right at home, knew you would be."
“You’re home!” The way you both flinch when you obviously want to be excited to see friends makes you shove your hands in your pockets for just a moment before you decide not to care. Friends can hug each other, dammit. If this Kingsman agent soulmate of his has a problem with it, she’s never going to be comfortable at Statesman. “It’s so good to see you,” you tell him honestly, reaching forward to offer him that hug.
As soon as you open your arms, Tex breaths out a sigh of relief and Sophia knocks into him from behind. "Hug her, you ass!" She hisses at her soulmate in reproach before she shoves him again. Rolling her eyes at the hesitancy he's displaying when she knows exactly who you are and what you have done with Tex.
The laugh you let out in surprise becomes a snort, and you hug the life out of the 6’1” Texan before turning to the statuesque woman beside him - stunningly gorgeous even in her jeans and sweater. “You must be Sophia.”
Sophia can't help but grin, immediately liking you. "That I am." She isn't like most British, she's a hugger and she comes in to greet you as if you were an old friend. Which, in a twisted kind of way, you are. "You're the heartbreaker." She teases as she squeezes you and pulls back and looks over at Tex when he huffs and shuffles beside her. "Ohhhh piss off." She huffs at him goodnaturedly. "Not everyday you get to have a friend who's seen your soulmate's cock." Her grin is wicked when she turns back to you and winks. "And she and I are going to be best mates, ay?"
“You really have no choice in the matter.” You inform Tex, grinning like a mad woman when Sophia keeps one arm around you and you can’t help but feel like this woman glows from the inside out. “I love her. I’m keeping her. You and Jack need to have a good gruff grumble at each other so we can all get back to normal around here.” Turning to Sophia, you flash her a grin and nod toward the counter. “Fix you a drink?”
"God yes." Sophia huffs, rolling her eyes. "We had to fly commercial, dealt with an absolute cunt of a ticket agent." She groans, "they didn't even have a proper cuppa on that trash heap they called a jet!" She tends to be told that she's abrasive and mouthy, but she doesn't care. Thrilled to be here with her soulmate and eager to make friends with those that know him best.
“Come by the kitchen any time. I had some of our teas imported so the real thing is just a short walk from your office.” The bottle of rum is already in your hand when you look back at her. “Did Tex tell you what I do when he told you…the other stuff?”
"He said you were the best damn baker on this side of the ocean." She tilts her head and leans in conspiratorially. "Which isn't hard when you compare it to British pastries." She giggles before she reaches out and touches your arm. "Don't worry, Tex might have told me about the incident between you, but that was before we even knew we were soulmates. And I don't care who was wrapped around his cock before me. All that matters is now."
“British pastries are amazing, don’t you dare test me on that. My tea room is opening in just a couple of weeks and you’ll have access to as much tea as you can manage.” Eyeballing the right amount of each liquor for the daiquiri you had started making her, you grin when Tex just shakes his head and steps around you to grab an ice cold beer from the fridge. Warm beer just never sat well with him in any of the pubs he tried out. “What happened between us is in the past, but I’ve really missed my friend.” You tell her honestly. “I’m really glad that you’re not the type to judge before you meet someone.”
"Though I want to punch that soulmate of yours." Sophia's grin turns into a frown and she looks you over curiously. "But it seems like you are doing surprisingly well, considering Tex said you were grieving when he left." There's a question in her comment, one that would be easily ignored if you didn't want to talk about it and the opening if you did.
“Jack and I are doing a lot better.” You hold a fixed glass out to her when you turn around. “Actually? We’re doing great. It was a bumpy ride but we’re on track now. Just like…it seems like you and Tex are doing well?”
"We are." Sophia can't stop the grin if she tries as she lifts the cocktail up to take a drink. "We both have always wanted to find our soulmates and it's just– it's exhilarating. You know?" She asks, making a face of delight when she tastes the drink you had mixed up. "Ohhhh this is good." She moans. "I'm going to love it here."
“I hope you like whiskey because around here it’s a religion.” Looping your arm through hers, you tap your glass against hers and grin. “Come outside and meet everyone.”
Jack looks up to find you and another woman with your arms intertwined and your heads pressed together, a cheery grin on both of your faces. Tilting his head and wondering who the woman is, his question is answered a second later when Tequila follows you and her out of the house, a very uncomfortable set to the boy's shoulders that immediately has Jack grinning out of spite. "Hot damn." He chuckles. "Trouble's blown back into town." He calls out over the yard.
"Tex!" Diana's delighted gasp from halfway across the yard is echoed almost immediately by a wave of other cheers and greetings, and you pull Sophia to the side with you just a few inches so you don't get run over by the ever-boisterous Bobby Rogers who comes careening up to the porch to say hello with an aggressive hug.
"Is everyone as enthusiastic around here?" Sophia bursts out laughing as the obviously grown man nearly tackles her soulmate in a hug that might have killed a lesser man.
"Pretty much," you laugh, nodding a little as Tex and Bobby share something that can only be classified as a bear hug. "I give it until the end of the party until you're getting hugs that big, too. Part of it is just...everybody loves Tex. And they're so excited to meet you."
"I heard he was something of a partier while he was here." Sophia finds it vastly amusing that the stereotypical cowboys around here act like they are all one big group of teddy bears. Most of them wrapped around their soulmates or coming over to greet Tex.
"Just a little." Throwing her a conspiratorial wink, you take it on yourself to introduce the newest arrival to Jack, since her soulmate is currently in the center of a group hug that would put any sorority to shame. "Honey," you reach out to touch Jack's shoulder and get his attention. "This is Sophia. Soph– this is Jack." The grin that unfurls on your face is unstoppable. "My soulmate."
"Well, fuck me." Sophia grins, shaking her head and reaching out to shake his hand. Unsure if this one was a hugger and she wants to needle him some. "Do they breed them all like fucking Gods here?"
You snort again, louder this time, and almost double over laughing at the comment. "Holy shit." It's going to take you a lot longer than just one or two seconds to regain your composure, especially with how amused Jack looks. "I fucking love this girl," you pronounce absolutely to anyone who could possibly be listening. "And yes. They do. At least, Statesman recruits all the godlike ones."
"I should have come over to America sooner." Sophia huffs, grinning towards her soulmate. "Tried a few of these cowboys on for size before I found Tex."
"Naw, you already got the second best the country has to offer." Your eyes slide over to Jack and you smile again, feeling that familiar fluttering in your chest that you always get when you look at him. "I'm afraid I already nabbed the best for myself."
Jack chuckles and reaches for you, relieved that the entire situation isn't awkward. Sophia looks like she is a woman who will keep Tex on his toes. "All yours, sugar." He promises. "All yours."
When Tex finally manages to extricate himself from the mountain of greetings, you ambles back over to Sophia with a sheepish grin on his face. "Didn't I tell ya we liked big hellos around here, baby?" He practically blushes, running his hand down her arm to thread their fingers together before looking up at you and his best friend. Or, at least, the man who had been his best friend. He's just hoping that he didn't fuck that up too badly. "Jack." He flusters before holding out his hand to say hello.
Jack stares at the boy's hand for a moment before he slaps it away. The sharp inhale of the entire group barely able to register before Jack busts out into a chuckle and grabs Tex, pulling him in for another rib bustin' hug. "Son of a bitch!" He growls. "The fuck took you so long? I've been miserable with just Champ for company."
The air goes out of all of you all at once, and Tex practically crumples into hugging his best fucking friend. "Jackass," he huffs, though the relief is clear in his voice. "You know that's why your daddy named you Jack, right? Knew from birth that you'd be a jackass."
"Better than Tex." Jack huffs, slapping the taller man's back harshly. It would sound like he's hitting. him, but it's just the affection being pounded back into him like men do. "Can't hit for shit, Tex." Jack's own relief at Tex's return and forgiveness for his actions are palpable. A weight off his shoulders.
"Gonna have to get back in the practice ring." Tex chuckles, shaking his head at Jack before he wraps his arm around Sophia and flashes the softest smile in the world at her. "It's good to be home." He has to admit that. Fully and wholeheartedly.
It's satisfying, seeing the boy wear a besotted smile that he's only seen one other time. This time he's got an even bigger sparkle in his eyes and it's reserved for Sophia. "Good to have you home." Jack promises, nodding at the other agent meaningfully. "You made it in time for the grand openin' too."
"I heard!" And he's not going to lie and claim that he didn't hurry back to be here in time. "Gotta admit I'm a little bummed to have missed out on all the menu tastings, but..." he clears his throat and looks down at Sophia who gives him an encouraging nod. "Champ says...y'all are gonna be doing weddings soon?"
"Oh my god..." You're wide-eyed when you realize what he's asking, and immediately look down at Sophia's hand to see a meteor-sized emerald on her finger. It's unique and bold, exactly like she is. "Are you serious? That's so exciting!"
"Goddamn." Jack whistles, not missing the split second flash of something on your face. It wasn't necessarily envy but it's more like a yearning. He thinks about the conversation he had with your father and knows that he will be sliding that ring on your finger just as soon as he can get you alone after the opening. He'll have to text your dad for a picture of the ring, get another band to compliment it. Something specifically from him for his soulmate. "Congratulations." He offers seriously.
"He wanted to wait until we got over here to have the thing." Sophia absolutely beams, looking between you and Jack. "Something utterly unEnglish. No little village church, no dour aunties over breakfast, no pall mall on the lawn." She snorts as though the idea of it is completely ridiculous.
"You'll both help, won't you?" Tex had talked about you both constantly once he was more comfortable doing so. They had opened up to each other so quickly that his hesitancy to talk about you and Jack had been the biggest clue that the two of you are important to him.
"Whatever you need from me." Jack agrees instantly, knowing that he will do anything to help the couple have the event they are dreaming of. Wanting them to be happy here, he wants Tex to be happy. Wants him to be happy with his soulmate. Just like he is now with you.
"Absolutely anything." And if you happen to have a few stray thoughts about your own wedding, it won't be your fault. But you would never bring it up to Jack.
"So you mean to tell me that the first weddin' you and Diana are gunna plan is Tex's?" Jack can't help but chuckle at the irony of it.
"Looks like it." You have a sip of your drink and note with a clear conscience that the only jealousy you feel is for being able to get married, not for the specific man. That would have been a whole extra therapy session right there.
"Looks like I owe my wife twenty bucks and a spa day," Champ chuckles from a few feet away, eyeing his two agents with amusement. "I'd sworn it woulda been Jack and his Sugar, here."
Tex’s eyes widen and he glances at you and then Jack. Just now realizing that things are a bit more friendly than when he left. “Seriously?” He asks, a slow grin breaking out on his face. “You two?”
"We're not engaged or anything," you quickly throw that conversation off the rails before it can get traction, not wanting to make Jack uncomfortable. Instead you choose to focus on the very real and very positive step toward a solid relationship that you actually are taking. "But, um...I'm moving...to Jack's place." For Sophia's benefit, you point at the side of the large house across two yards. "Right next door."
“Really?” Sophia hums and her calculating gaze turns towards Jack. “That’s a mighty big house to not be married in and fill with babies.” She points out practically.
"Ain't it, though?" Tex adjusts his arm around Sophia and grins. "Seems an awful shame not to have that place full of life."
"Oookay." Too nervous to even look at Jack, you give his hand a squeeze and remind yourself to smile. "I'm gonna go tell Gabi that we're on for dinner tomorrow before I forget," you murmur, excusing yourself as fast as gracefully possible.
Jack huffs, narrowing his eyes at the happy couple, although he isn’t upset. “Let me propose to the girl before you have her knocked up and pushin’ out babies.” His heart skips a beat at that thought but he closes his eyes and reminds himself that he diced Rollins into easy to handle pieces.
"Well she's not running because she's afraid of it." Sophia observes, sipping her drink. "She looks at you like you...what's the phrase?" One glance up at Tex and she remembers it. "Like you hung the stars in the sky."
“She’s gotta– gotta heal first.” Jack murmurs quietly. Taking another sip of his drink and watching you talk with Gabi and Astrid.
"Heal?" Tex's face flashes anger immediately but since Jack looks upset rather than angry it dissipates immediately. "What the hell happened? She looks fine."
“She– uh, she was kidnapped a week ago.” Jack tells Tequila brokenly. “Someone– it was… the same person who killed my Abigail and baby boy. Took her and tortured her.”
The way Tequila absorbs that information is the instant and yet simultaneously thorough turning of gears that marks him as an intelligence agent. Has he heard the words and absorbed their meaning? Absolutely. But is he still processing their full implication? That could take an extra moment. "Tell me you took care of it," he hisses, trying to even imagine half of what he would do to someone who hurt Sophia, let alone two of his soulmates. "Tell me you took care of it or we're leaving in the Silver Pony right now."
“They are in tiny pieces.” Jack confirms. “Never gunna hurt her again. I made sure of it.” His satisfaction is grim and he’s never told you that he’s got a video file of what he had done to Rollins, captured through his glasses, on his phone for when he needs a reminder the bastard is dead.
"Good." Both the agents in front of him - Tequila and Isolde - nod seriously. "So what she needs is to take her mind off things?" Sophia raises an eyebrow at both men. "Or should I be aiming her right at wedding thoughts to have her giddy to be proposed to?"
“I’m gunna propose after her grand openin’.” He admits quietly. “Her daddy’s bringing me her grandmother's ring. Gonna give her that and a ring to go with it from me.”
"So get her excited, then." That seems to delight Sophia, who has a mischievous streak several kilometers long. "Cheers."
“She’ll try to ignore being excited.” Jack predicts. “But remind her that it’s okay to dream. To want things.” A lot of this is because of the way he treated you, and he knows it will take time to completely fix things.
“Consider it done.” An intrigue, her mother would have called it, and Sophia has always loved a good intrigue.
“But, doesn’t mean I don’t want her to focus on your weddin’.” Jack promises. “Ain’t lookin’ to steal your thunder.”
“Jack, I, uh—” Readjusting his stance and wiping his palms on his jeans, Tex is the very picture of nerves. “I wanted to ask you to be my best man, if you weren’t still pissed at me.”
Jack looks seriously at Tex, knowing that the boy is still unsure of their standing despite the greeting. He swallows, emotional and soft at the idea. “I’d be honored.” He answers honestly, reaching out and pulling him in for another hug. “Fuckin’ honored.”
“Good.” It’s as heartfelt a moment as could be between the two men, and Sophia smiles as she rubs a hand gently on her soulmate’s back. “He was bloody terrified to ask on the way over in case you were still mad.”
“Why would I be mad?” Jack asks, making sure that the boy holds his gaze. “I was wrong.” He admits. “I owe you an apology. I shoulda made sure you knew the score. I’m sorry.”
“And I shouldn’t’ve overreacted.” Tex isn’t fool enough to think he didn’t go overboard by hauling off and laying Jack out flat. But clearing the air is what they both need. “I’m glad it’s behind us.”
“Water under the bridge.” Jack waves it away, aware that he shouldn’t have hit him, but Jack was being a jackass. “Let’s just leave that in the past.”
“Right.” Tex nods, glad to have it all aired out, and looks over at Sophia with a grin. “I’m gonna go show off my lady,” he announces unrepentantly. “Can we sit and eat with you guys later on? Catch up?”
“Go on.” Jack nods and waves them away. “Gotta make sure Champ doesn’t ruin the brisket.”
“I would not!” Champ looks scandalized at that the way only a Texas man can, and all three men laugh before Tex bundles Sophia up against him and goes out into the yard to say hello to old friends.
Jack chuckles and nudges Champ with his shoulder. “Guess things are lookin’ good. ‘Cept I know you’ll miss the kid.”
“I will.” Champ is not too proud a man to admit that he’ll miss his only child. “But every boy’s gotta leave home to grow, don’t they?”
“They do.” Jack admits, knowing his life would have been much different if he hadn’t left the ranch. Even under those circumstances. He honestly wonders what the world would be like if Jack Daniels had never become Agent Whiskey. It’s a sobering thought. “Good thing the kid knows that he’s welcome home whenever he needs a soft place to land.”
“Yeah.” Champ huffs a laugh as he inspects the progress the meat is making in the smoker. “Your house.” He doesn’t grouse about it, though, he only chuckles. “I know he’ll do well. It’s just hard to see him go.”
“I know, but the kid is a helluva agent.” Jack beams with pride, since he had helped train the kid. “You and Di did a fine job.”
“Give it a little time, Jack.” There’s confidence in Champ’s tone. It’s soft, but it’s there. “Yours will be just as headstrong and determined as you and their mama.”
“It scares the hell out of me.” Jack confesses, looking over at where you are talking with Rye, flown in from New York. You had given him a hug and there were some tears, but you had waved him off from coming over. “What if I lose her? Another baby?” He chokes out. “It’ll kill me.”
“The man who took your family - who tried to take this one - is dead.” Champ reminds him quietly, abandoning the smoker to focus entirely on his friend. “I know it’s hard to remember, but I’ll remind ya every day if you’re needin’ it. What else could hurt her - birth? Not with Ginger hoverin’ over her the whole time. Ain’t no disease we can’t tackle. No danger that Statesman can’t pull her back from. And shit,” Champ clicks his tongue. “With how well she did under pressure? Leavin’ you her bracelet as a clue an all? Keepin’ her secrets like she did? Even if there were other people out there who might wanna make a target out of a Statesman agent’s wife, I’d be more afraid for them then I am for her.”
“She’s a goddamn goddess, isn’t she?” Quiet pride fills him as he stares at you in a way that has his eyes watering slightly. Just drinking in the sight of his soulmate happy and healthy. “I never believed in second soulmates, never wanted one.” He knows that Champ is completely aware of that. “But I’m goddamn proud that this is who the universe chose for me.”
“She loves the hell out of you.” The older man claps Jack on the back in a friendly, playful gesture. “Can’t for the life of me figure out why, but you’re goddamn lucky.”
“Don’t I know it.” It’s a far cry from his viewpoint a month ago, but it’s amazing what can happen when you let the fear go.
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My Masterlist!
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godsfavoritescientist · 9 months
AITA for throwing a party for my best friend?
I (NB, 1 trillion) recently befriended someone (M, 60+) for the first time in ages. At first I only spent time with him because I felt sorry for him (he had no other friends), but after I got to know him, I realized he was really smart and fun to talk to.
Early on in our friendship, he asked me for help with an important project he was stuck on, and I agreed right away. I dedicated several years to helping him out, doing everything from giving him an idea that would solve all his problems once completed to walking him through complex math to encouraging him to keep going when he hit roadblocks. Every single time I helped with the project for all those years, I stayed up all through the night working on it with him.
A year before things started to fall apart between us, he invited a different friend to help with the project too, who I’ll call “F.” This guy hated the local wildlife (which my friend loved and dedicated his life to studying), and my friend insisted on keeping me a secret from F out of fear that F would hate me too. My friend also insisted on delaying his own project (which he had to finish so that he could keep getting funded to do his dream job) in order to keep F happy by building side-projects that F suggested.
Throughout his time “helping” with the project, F kept criticizing my friend and his project. Eventually, F finished a secret side-project of his own, to build a weapon that erases memories, and used it on my friend multiple times without his consent. I tried to warn my friend that F wasn’t trustworthy, but my friend didn’t do anything with my advice.
When the project was almost complete, F saw me for a few seconds and threw a fit. He used some choice words to describe my friend’s life’s work, told him he should destroy his project, and then abandoned my friend.
My friend was really upset about this, and tried to get in contact with me to reassure him. Unfortunately, I was spending time with my other friends for a couple of days at the time, and didn’t get his messages. He responded by barging into my own home, running up behind me, and accusing me of giving him a bad idea for the project we worked on together for years up until that point, probably because he was doubting his own reasoning skills after finding out that his choice to let F stick around had been a bad decision. I reassured him that he is smart (he is insecure about that) and revealed that I was planning to throw him a huge surprise party too, once his project was finished. He got really angry about this, and announced that he wanted to shut down his life’s work just to stop the party from happening.
I didn’t understand why he wouldn’t want me to throw him a party, and assumed that the stress of losing a friend (even a bad friend like F) was making him not think clearly. I also got a little bit annoyed that he could ever throw all our hard work down the drain so impulsively like that. I diligently stopped him from ruining his own creation, and waited for him to get over his moment of irrational feelings so we could get back to finishing his work, but it never happened.
He kept trying to shut down the project, and ended up losing everything because of it. When he invited yet another bad influence into his home (his brother, who had been a criminal for over ten years at that point), his brother used his diabolical mind to come up with a way to use our project against him, in a way that trapped my friend in a really dangerous situation for several decades.
I looked for my friend for the entire time he was lost in a dangerous situation, but I had no luck. And right when my friend miraculously found me, his brother separated us again. But there was a silver lining to this situation: my friend’s brother accidentally created a way for me to finally reunite with my friend and throw him the surprise party I had been planning.
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fandom-girls-stuff · 3 months
If you got anymore abo acesan im not opposed to hearing it
YES, I DO! (I'm extremely excited to receive an ask)
One particular that is on my mind is a Modern Werewolf au inspired by the fic Heavy on my mind.
Here, werewolfs have secondary genders,  and some of these folsk are living in separate communities or some live in society. The Strawhats formed their own pack, which is mixed because some of them are human.
Luffy has a birthday party with his crew/pack, and of course, his brothers are there as well. Long story short, Ace and Sanji drunkenly hook up. Morning after they just decide this not going to affect their relationship. (Which a little bit sucks because Sanji has a crush on Ace) They go their separated way, but fate brings them back together when Sanji shows signs of pregnancy a few weeks later.
But that's impossible. Sanji thoughs. It should be impossible because Sanji is a werewolf, and Ace is a human. He tells the crew/pack, and they support him, but they still ask who the other parent is. Anxiously, but he confesses that it's Ace. What surprises him is that Luffy is not mad. Luffy is not mad because then, as the pack leader, he doesn't have to accept some rando into the pack (he would accept the rando too. They just have to be a nice person)
A few days later, Sanji builds up the courage to tell Ace. Which also has to come with him telling Ace he is a werewolf and that Luffy is the leader of a mixed pack. (And maybe he tells him he has a little crush on him) At first Ace is confused but not angry and pretty quickly accepts the responsibilities (mostly because he doesn't want to be like his own dad) After they discuss what exactly Sanji needs for a more bearable pregnancy, one which is the scent of the other parent, Ace decides to move in with Sanji.
One day they have a cuddle session which calms Sanji's omega so much he almost doesn't notice Ace shoveing his nose in the back of his neck, licking the scent glands, and almost biting it. Sanji quickly comes to his senses to yank Ace's head from his neck. The other just yelps in confusion being forcefully woken up from his nap.
"What's wrong?" asks Ace
"You were licking my neck and tried to bite it!"
"I did? Sorry, I probably had a very vivid dream about food or something. Huh, but I did smelled something good. Is that bad?"
Bad? That's strange! It's peak alpha behavior, my guy. Which you shouldn't be!
This goes to the point that one day, while the Strawhats hang out, he out of nowhere growls at Zoro while he bickered with Sanji. Zoro, of course, instinctively feels treathened, and a fight almost breaks out, but Luffy and Jinbe stop them. Now everbody confused and Ace is even more. He has these thoughts and urges he can't put his hands on. As the senior Alpha Jinbe suggests that Zoro goes home to cool off, they cut their hang out short, and he stays to talk to Ace. This leads Ace to tell his new experiences since he lives with Sanji.
So Jinbe finally asks the question, "Are you sure you are a human? Because a while ago you were acting like you were protecting your mate from another Alpha." And Sanji, being there the whole time, understands what older means. Ace might not be what he thinks he is. It turns out, after some investigation (as in Ace telling the name of his bio parents), he is actually a half werewolf and an Alpha none the less.
I actually planned to write a fanfiction out of this. I want it to focus on Sanji's pregnancy and Ace learning to be a werewolf as well.
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thenerdyfanwriter · 2 years
Ya know how the Gallaghers have a piano in their house? Could you please write a request where Gallagher sister oc/reader taught herself to play piano over the years and eventually gets into the Chicago Symphony Orchestra? Thank you✌️
Word Count: 828
Pairings: OC!Gallagher! Reader x Gallaghers 
Synopsis: As the fourth oldest Gallagher, Joanna thought she wouldn’t get anywhere in life after graduating. That is until a special letter comes.
Warnings: None
A/N: Wasn’t sure how to end this one. It’s kinda a short one. Hope you enjoy!
I’ve always loved music. Since I was tall enough to reach the piano, I would try to play it. Not many people in my family know how to play the piano. Fiona and Lip know a small bit, but Frank is the one who knows it the best.
I’ve played the piano in the school orchestra since 5th grade. In those years, I’ve participated in competitions and won many of them as well. With it being the middle of senior year, I decided to apply to some orchestras and universities. 
Ever since I was young, it has been my dream to join the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. They were the first Orchestra I auditioned for.  I also applied to the University of Chicago. I’m not very smart like my brother, Lip, but I thought it would be a better chance at doing something with my life if I applied to colleges instead of only orchestras.
I’ve always felt like an outcast in my family of outcasts. I didn’t tell anyone I auditioned and applied to stuff because I don’t want to get their hopes up. 
It’s been almost 5 months since I auditioned for the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. I’ve already gotten rejection letters from the colleges and smaller orchestras, so I’m not going to be surprised when I get rejected from this one too.
With it being the middle of June, my high school graduation is coming up in a few days. I still haven’t told anyone about what I’m doing after I graduate because I’m still not sure myself.
While sitting on the couch, Fiona gets home from work and sits next to me. “Graduation is two days away. What are you planning to do after?” She asks me. I knew this conversation was coming. She had the same one with Lip and Ian.
“I already have a job lined up. I start in a week.” I told her. I decided to get a job since I don’t know what I’m going to do.
“OK, that's good.” Fiona gets up and goes upstairs.
Two days Later
Today is the day I’m finally graduating. All my family is here, except for Frank of course. I’m standing in line waiting for my name to be called. There's only a few people in front of me. I’m getting nervous as I approach the stage. Only two people are in front of me now. I don’t know why I’m so nervous.
One person is in front of me. I feel like throwing up. “Joanna Gallagher.” My name gets called. I walk on the stage with my eyes wide. The principal hands me my diploma and I walk away. I don’t bother sticking around for the end, I just run to my family.
“I’m so proud of you.” Fiona whispers in my ear as she hugs me. I can feel the rest of them hugging me as well. “ Let’s go home and celebrate!” Fiona says to everyone.
When we get home, I go up to Debbie and I’s room to change. With the room being so small, we have to sleep on bunk beds.
After changing, I go back downstairs and notice Fiona and Lip on the couch looking at something. I don’t see anyone else, so I assume they went to get party supplies. 
“What are you guys doing?” I ask them. They jump off the couch and Lip puts something behind his back. “What are you two hiding?” I step closer to them.
“We should be asking what you’re hiding Jo.” Lip says. I freeze. Did they find out about the colleges I didn’t get into? Did they find out about my audition for the orchestra?
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” They can tell when I’m hiding something. My face gets all red and my eyes go wide when I am hiding something.
“We’re not mad at you.” Fiona takes a paper that Lip had behind his back. “ You should probably read this.” She hands the paper to me and they both go to the kitchen.
As I read the paper, I start to tear up.
Dear Ms. Joanna Gallagher,
We are pleased to say you have been accepted to the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. We were very pleased by your audition. If possible, we would love to have you play as our main pianist.
I didn’t bother to read any further. Tears were streaming down my face as I got up and started jumping around. “I got in! I got in!” I was screaming. Fiona and Lip walked back into the living room and watched me. When I stopped, I noticed Fiona was crying too.
“Fi, why are you crying?” I asked.
“It’s just happy tears. We finally got a Gallagher to achieve something great.”
“It’s about time, too.” Lip said, joining the conversation. 
I laugh as I hug both of them. ”Thank you guys for everything.” I tell them. “Without you two, I wouldn’t have gotten anywhere.” 
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jjsmaybank20 · 1 year
Family Plans
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Wanda Maximoff x GN!Reader
Summary: Wanda has never had a big family. You promise to make up for that lack by inviting her into your own.
Warnings: all fluffy family shit, mentions of loved ones passing away
Word Count: 1.6k
navigation  marvel masterlist
Wanda never thought that she would ever be truly happy again after everything that she had been through. She had lost her parents, her brother, her country. She thought that her childhood dream of a big wonderful family was completely gone. That was, until she met you. 
You were there for her when Pietro passed away, and you supported her when she needed a shoulder to cry on. Every step of the way, there you were. You were the first person she fully trusted, and she was the first person that you fully opened up to. It was clear as day to anyone that the two of you were in love, so no one was surprised when you started dating.
A couple months later, you asked her to marry you. She didn’t hesitate to say yes. Sometimes she couldn’t help but think that this was all a dream, and that she was going to wake up and alone, or worse, in HYDRA’s grasp once again. Somehow you always knew when she was feeling like this, and you reassured her that all of it was real and that you were right there for her, no matter what.
Now you were in the car, on the way to your hometown for Thanksgiving so that Wanda could meet your family for the first time. She had met your parents and siblings, sure, but she had yet to meet your loads and loads of cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents. 
Wanda looks over at you from the passenger seat, watching you turn up the country radio station that you were listening to. You start to sing along to a song that comes on, bopping your head and tapping the steering wheel to the beat. “You're all alone at a party, You want to dance with somebody, But you ain't got a clue how to ask, You and your girl had a fight, And now she's saying goodbye, She ran upstairs and packed her bags.”
As you sing, Wanda can hear your country accent come out, just like it does when you get worked up or excited about something. You glance over at her, making sure to catch her eye before you dance sporadically in your seat while singing the pre-chorus. “It could be raining' on your perfect vacation, You could be stressed about your work situation, Ain't gotta listen to me but all I'm sayin'.” You pause for a second before jumping into the chorus and clenching your hand pretending that you are holding a microphone.
“Ain't nothin' that a beer can't fix, Ain't no pain it can't wash away, From the moment that it hits your lips, Makes those clouds look a little less grey! Oh you could be lonely, or heartbroken, Or hungover from the night before, Turn that frown into a smile real quick, There ain't nothin' that a beer can't fix.” Wanda laughs out loud at the sight of you bouncing around. She then just stares at you, wondering how she got so lucky.
You catch her looking, taking your eyes off of the road for a second. “What? You don’t like my dancing?” Still catching her breath, Wanda shakes her head in disagreement. “No, no, I love your dancing. I love you.” You smile at her while grabbing her hand and placing a kiss on it. “I love you too, baby.”
As you pull into your parent’s driveway, you give Wanda’s hand a comforting squeeze. She can’t help but feel nervous, knowing how people have reacted to her and her powers in the past. But knowing you, she should have known not to worry.
As soon as you step onto the porch, the door swings open and a horde of kids come running out, closely followed by multiple dogs. The children immediately attach themselves to your legs, and you have to quickly grab onto something so that they don’t knock you over. Your frazzled brother runs to the door, trying to get the kids to let go while apologizing, but you wave him off.
You take the kids off of you and herd them inside with an amused Wanda following closely behind. As you get further into the house, the sound of multiple conversations and children screaming gets louder. You finally get into the kitchen and spot your mother. 
“Hey, Mom! Happy Thanksgiving. Sorry we’re late, traffic was a mess on the way out of New York.” You pull her into a hug before turning around to say something to Wanda, but she isn’t behind you anymore. You look around the kitchen before glancing into the living room. There you spot her talking to your favorite uncle. 
As you approach them, you can hear him say, “Hey. You make Y/N so damn happy, which puts you in a great place in my books. If you’re their family, then you’re our family.” You can see Wanda tear up slightly and excuse herself out onto the back deck. You follow her out and sit down next to her on a bench.
“What’s up, Wands?” She glances up at you, shrugging her shoulders. “It’s stupid.” You kneel down in front of her and grab both of her hands while shaking your head. “No, no it’s not. What is it?” She looks up at the sky, sighing. “I’ve just- I’ve just never had a big family before. Honestly, for a long time it was just me and Pietro. Then it was just me. But now I have you, and your family. I never thought that I would get this.”
You smile up at her. “You will never have to experience that ever again. I will always be your family, and even if my family isn’t always there, we can start our own. Whatever you want, I’m here for you.” She pulls you up and into a hug and you quickly reciprocate. 
Suddenly, you hear the glass sliding door open and the quiet footsteps of a small child on the deck floor. You turn around and spot your youngest nephew, James, shyly making his way towards the two of you. You wave him over, and he quickly comes and hugs your leg. You lift him up so that he is at eye level with both you and Wanda, and he hides his face in your neck when Wanda waves at him.
You tickle his sides which makes him giggle and squirm in your arms. Wanda watches the whole interaction, realizing that she really does want to start a family with you. James then glances over at Wanda before quietly asking, “Are you really an Avenger?” Wanda nods, and it’s like James becomes a whole new person.
His face lights up, and he quickly climbs over to Wanda, who is slightly shocked at how fast he got into her arms. He doesn’t even notice her surprise as he enthusiastically rants about how impressed his friends are going to be that he met an actual Avenger. You look at him, playfully hurt. “You do know that I’m also an Avenger, right?” 
James nods before saying, “But like, she’s one of the super powerful ones that all of my friends love.” You gap at the boy, slightly wounded by his words, but as soon as you see the elated look on your fianceè’s face, any of the offense that you had taken melted away. 
Instead of teasing him for basically saying that you're not a cool Avenger, you tell him, “You know that she’s going to be your Auntie soon, right?” James gasps in excitement before wrapping his little arms around Wanda’s neck and squealing, “I can’t wait!” He then hops out of her arms and runs inside, wanting to tell all the other kids about their cool soon-to-be aunt.
You look at Wanda’s happy face, pulling her into your arms. She looks like she is thinking about something before she blurts out, “I want kids.” She pauses for a second before processing what she had said, and she immediately starts apologizing. You quickly interrupt her with a short, “Me too.” She pauses, slightly thrown off. “You do?” You nod, grinning down at her. “I do. I want a boy. I think he should be named Thomas.”
Wanda shakes her head, quickly rebutting, “I like William more.” You laugh, starting to walk the two of you back inside. “Well, whatever their name is, they’ll be ours, and that’s all that matters.” Wanda rests her head on your shoulder, silently agreeing with you, and imagining your own little family.
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cuttergauthier · 1 year
New Jersey Three
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Jack Hughes x Female Reader
This is chapter Three of Four
Can read chapter 1 | 2 here
Warning: Ex, fluff, cursing, Non supportive parents? Let me know if i missed any.
This has been in my draft for a while, I finally finished it.
word count: 1.7k
let me know what you guys think🤍
Today was New Year’s Eve, it’s always been a big celebration in Time Square except I didn’t want to go alone. This will be my first New Year’s Eve I’ve spent alone, ever since I was a kid, I was either with my parents and brother celebrating or in my teenage years I was partying with my friends.
This year was going to be different I just didn’t know exactly how. I talked to Luke earlier this morning and I had told him that I saw Jack yesterday, he was happy that we talk, he started jumping up and down which made me laugh, he even ran to tell his parents. I was happy that we finally talked again, I never should have waited a year to talk to him, but I guess running into him yesterday was meant to be.
I got ready for the day and decided to hang out on my couch and watch some movies. It was around 12 p.m. when I got a text from Jack asking if he could come over, I gave him my addressed and he said he would be right over.
I’m guessing he might want to talk more, we didn’t have a lot of time catching up yesterday, I just thought since it was New Year’s Eve he would have plans but I guess not.
About an hour later there was a knock on the door, it was Jack standing there smiling with two coffees.
“I brought you a coffee, do you still like cold brews?” he asked as he handed me the coffee
“I do, thank you” I replied smiling
We made our way to my living room and sat down on the couch.
“What brings you here? It’s New Year’s Eve I would have thought you’d have plans” I asked curiously
“I only have a team party tonight, I had time, thought I’d come over and we could catch up some more.” He said smiling
I’ve missed seeing that big smile of his.
“I’m okay with that”
“Did you still like going to Michigan? or did it make you want to leave even more?
“It wasn’t bad… but I was miserable, my friends were there but I still was following my dreams”
He nodded smiling
“well I am happy you’re in New York now”
“same here, how’s life been for you since you’ve been in Jersey?”
“pretty great, the team hasn’t been doing well but we’ve got some pretty great guys on the team”
“as long as you guys have a good group, I’m sure you could turn the season around”
“true, I still don’t think we’ll make the playoff’s this year though”
“There’s always next year Jack” I reassured him which made him smile.
“Do you have any plans for tonight?”
“Does drinking wine and watching movies count?” I ask making him laugh
“I guess it does but I was wondering if you wanted to come with me to the teams New Year’s Eve party”
I was surprise, this is only the second time seeing him in over a year, I didn’t expect him to invite me to meet his team already.
“are you serious?”
“Yeah why not, I’d love to have you there plus the guys that saw you yesterday… well more like PK wanted me to invite you”
“well we haven’t really been close in over a year and I don’t want to impose”
“trust me y/n you wouldn’t be imposing, plus everyone will love you, you’ve always been a social butterfly” he said making me chuckle
“Okay then… I’m in” I agreed smiling
“good, I can pick you up before, or you can bring your stuff to my apartment and get ready there if you want? It’s only going be Ty and I. we also have a guest bedroom if you want to spend the night.”
“if you and Ty really don’t mind me getting ready and staying the night it would be great actually, I’m guessing it’ll be hell trying to get an uber on New Year’s Eve” I said laughing
“probably” he chuckled
We spend the next 2 hours talking about our lives, what we’ve been up to since the last time we had seen each other, at around 5 p.m. I grabbed some my clothes for the party and to sleep in along with my makeup stuff, I put everything in a bag and grabbed my keys. Jack droves us his and Ty’s apartment after he picked us up some food.
Once we got there, he let himself in, you could tell this apartment building was new it looked modern. once we got in his apartment it was big, I was not surprise I mean two hockey players live here, there was no way I could ever afford a place like this.
“Y/n this is Ty, Ty this is Y/n” Jack introduced me to Ty
“Hey, it’s nice to meet you” I greeted Ty
“Hey, it’s nice to meet you too, I’ve heard a lot about you” Ty said smiling
I talked with both of them as we ate our food, once I was done Jack showed me where the bathroom was so I could start getting ready.
I did my makeup natural I didn’t want to go all out, since I was going to be meeting Jack’s team along with their families. I also decided to wear Black leather pants with a sparkly silver thank top that I would pair with some black boots along with a black crop blazer. It took me about an hour and a half before I was ready.
I made my way back to the living room with Jack and Ty, I saw Jack staring at me.
“what?” I asked chuckling
“Nothing, you look beautiful” he said making me blush
“Thank you” I smiled
“I ordered an Uber it should be here in 10 minutes” Ty told us
Jack and I both nodded as I joined them sitting on the couch.
Once the uber got here we made our way to the party.
I was still nervous to meeting everyone, but I knew Jack would have my back. Even after all these years I knew he’d always have my back no matter what.
Once we got there PK saw us and came over.
“Glad you guys could make it. You must be Y/n I’ve heard a lot about you” PK said
“It’s nice to meet you too” I said smiling.
“Make yourselves at home, drinks are in the kitchen” he said before leaving us there.
Jack introduced me to his teammates and their other half’s everyone was so sweet. Nico’s girlfriend Jenna (made up name) dragged me with her and the other girls.
“How long have you and Jack been dating?” Clare, Ryan graves girlfriend asked.
“Oh were not dating… I mean we used to when we were teenagers, but we broke up when he moved to Jersey” I said
“Oh sorry, it’s just Jack never brings any so we just thought maybe you were dating” she said embaressed.
“It’s fine don’t worry, were just friends” I said smiling. The girls nodded.
“Well from the way he looked at you, I can tell he really cares about you” Jenna said smiling.
I continued talking with the girl before they all went to find their better half’s since it was a few minutes before midnight.
“Hey” Jack said smiling when I made my way to him.
“You having fun?” he asked
“I really am, thanks for inviting me” I said smiling.
“I’m glad you said yes”
The countdown started
“Can I kiss you?” Jack asked I looked at him
“yes” I said smiling
Jack leaned in a kissed me. Our lips moved in sync. Everyone was cheering
“Happy new years y/n” Jack said smiling when we pulled away.
“Happy new years Jack”
We ended up making our way back to Jack’s apartment
We were just cuddling in his bed, both of us were smiling.
“This is a big city and we still happen to find each other again” I said smiling
“Maybe it was meant to be?” he said smiling before kissing me again.
“Maybe it was” I said smiling when he pulled away.
“I love you so much Y/n” he said nervously.
“I love you to Jack”
“Can we try this again?” he asked
“I’d love that” I said smiling, he smiled back.
“Can I take you on a date tomorrow night?”
“Yes, you can”
“Are families are going to be so happy” he said making me laugh.
“Oh definitely, Luke was begging me to tell you I moved here”
Jack chuckled.
“That does not surprise me one bit”
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runningfrom2am · 11 months
achilles heel - V: red jetta
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Grace is the very opposite of her brother in every way. when she finally moves onto campus at UNC Chapel Hill, she feels like she gets to be her own person, make her own friends, and hopefully start a promising career in the museum industry, and maybe, one day, get married to her high school sweetheart and live the American dream for herself. Rafe Cameron however, upon their very first meeting, throws a wrench in her very perfect plan.
rafe cameron x fem!oc, rafe is giving very much homewrecker, fanon!rafe (kinda), college!au, friends to lovers, slow-burn (maybe?), minimal oc description, drug and alcohol use, mostly unedited, (these tags are not exhaustive, lmk if i should add anything!)
wc: 1.8k
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January 25th, 2019
Grace dropped off the face of the earth for the two weeks that followed. Rotting away in her room, keeping up with readings as best as she could, but she truly struggled to even get out of bed. Her roommates would bring her food from the caf, and despite her not being extremely close with them they were so supportive. They'd all been through it before in a way that Grace never had. 
Ben had tried reaching out, and so did Rafe, a couple of times, but Grace would quickly delete them out of embarrassment that they even had to find out. That Rafe had to see her like that- he witnessed the whole thing, and she cringes at the idea of even having to look at him again. He was so sweet, though; he helped her get home, listened to her, and let her cry on his shoulder for what must have been hours. She ruined that party for him.
But enough is enough, and she has to get back into her classes. She can't sacrifice her GPA over Nate, and on some level she knows it will be healing for her if she does well despite him believing that he is so much smarter. She can rub a spot on the Dean's List in his face from a distance, if she must.
She'll go to class the next day. It's settled. She's making an effort to clean the mess that her room became, so unlike herself, when her roommate knocks on her door. "Grace? Can I come in?"
"Yeah." Grace answers, quickly throwing the trash in her hands into the bin next to her desk and facing the door as her friend walks in.
"Hey." She smiles sympathetically. "Woah, it looks great in here!" She says, looking around. 
Grace laughs a little bit, looking at the piles of clothes on the floor she's yet to clean up. "Well, not exactly.. I'm just trying to organize a bit before classes this week."
"Oh, you're going? That's great." She smiles. "Uh, there's some guy here to see you- not Nate." She quickly assures her and Grace furrows her brows, thinking on it for a second. 
"He didn't tell me his name." She shrugs. "Should I tell them you're busy?'
"No, no. It's fine. Lord knows I need to socialize a little bit. It's just my brother, anyway." Grace chuckles, putting her slippers on to walk out to their shared living room as her friend leaves, laughing with her.
"She's coming." She hears her roommate say before returning to her own room.
Grace takes a deep breath before leaving her room, closing the door, and walking out towards their entryway. She freezes when she sees it's not her brother, but Rafe standing there instead. He looks at her and smiles a little awkwardly. "Hey. Just thought I'd come check on you, it's been a while." 
"Oh, hi." Grace says, returning the smile, her whole body flooding with the rush of embarrassment as she gets flashbacks to what happened weeks before. "Thank you, I'm doing alright." She says, resisting the urge to look down and face the state of her pyjamas that she's been wearing for at least a week consecutively. 
"Want to go for a walk, or something? Get some fresh air?" Rafe asks after a moment. It surprises him how good she looks, not physically, but despite the bags around her eyes, she looks polished. Her hair is brushed, and her skin is still as clear as ever. If he didn't know what had been going on, he wouldn't have guessed.
Grace looks out the window behind her, seeing that it does look like a nice day, and the sun is about to set. With some warm clothes, a walk might be really nice. "Yeah, actually. That sounds nice. I'll just get dressed." She agrees, quickly turning and retreating back to her room. She dug through her closet to find something warm (and clean) to wear, throwing it on with a beanie before rushing back out. "So sorry to keep you waiting, I think I'm good."
"All good." Rafe smiles at her, opening the door for her as they walk out. "So, have you left your dorm at all the last couple weeks?" He asks, raising an eyebrow at her.
"Uh, not really, no." Grace admits, cheeks turning red as she looks down. 
"I don't blame you. Breakups are shit." Rafe says, trying to make her feel comfortable. "Once, after my ex left me, I locked myself in my room for a week. I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep, couldn't do anything but smoke the pain away. Ask Kelce, it was hard to watch."
"Oh, I'm sorry you went through that..." Grace replies honestly. It makes Rafe nauseous, almost, how she's so instantly empathizing with him when she is actively going through the same thing. And having been a first-hand witness to her breakup, he is comfortable in the assumption that she is much worse off than he was. He just wanted her to see she wasn't truly alone.
"It's fine, I'm better for it." Rafe shrugs as they walk out of the building. "That was a couple years ago, so being sixteen, I was probably overreacting anyways, even if that was my first relationship."
"I don't think so." Grace shakes her head as she speaks quietly, Rafe having to lower his head to hear her properly. "It's scary, and sad... and lonely, a little bit."
"I agree, and I'm glad you mention that," Rafe nods, poking her arm gently with a smile. "Because I actually lied to you."
Grace looks up at him, confused now as they walk down the sidewalk. "I have a surprise for you, and we're not actually going on a walk." Rafe admits, smiling smugly at her as they continue walking.
"What is it?" Grace asks.
"You'll see." He smirks, and they continue down towards student parking.
When they get there, Rafe stops her by standing in front of her. "Stay here, I'll be right back." He grins and she nods still thoroughly confused as she watches him run into the bushes behind a few cars, coming back with a couple of plastic grocery bags.
"Now, which car is Nate's?" Rafe grins, holding the bags at his side and looking around the parking lot as he stands directly next to her.
"Uh, why?" Grace asks, leaning over to peek in the bags.
"We're gonna wreck it." Rafe answers proudly, smiling down at her now. "So which car is his?"
Grace thinks on it for a second, unsure if that's a good idea. She's never been one for revenge, but she would be lying to herself if she didn't admit she'd love to know Nate is facing some kind of karma. "Nothing like.. permanent, right?" She asks, just to clarify they can't get in any real trouble.
"No, 'course not." Rafe shakes his head, knowing full well he's got a bag of sugar with its final destination being Nate's gas tank, but he'll wait until Grace goes back inside for that. "Just thought we could vent our frustrations a little, it'll be totally harmless."
"Okay..." Grace agrees hesitantly, looking over to Nate's parking spot. "It's that one. The Jetta."
"Jeez," Rafe laughs, shaking his head. "Driving that ugly thing around is a crime in itself. He deserves this, honestly, he can’t get away with treating you like that. He’s a jerk, and you deserve better." He says, starting to make his way over to it and Grace is following close behind.
They approach the car and Rafe places the bags down, crouching down to dig out all the supplies he bought. Eggs, honey, peanut butter, grease paint, molasses, paint stripper, if Target had it, he bought it. "Pick your poison, Gracie. All you." He smiles, standing up and placing his hands on his hips, looking over at her. 
"Uh..." She looks back at the building they came from, silently assessing the odds that they'll be seen as she blushes from the nickname.
"You want me to go first? I don't mind." Rafe offers and she nods.
"Yeah, yeah sounds good." She whispers, watching him as he grabs the bottle of honey and opens it, squeezing its contents all over the windshield, a smile falling over his lips. She gasps and covers her mouth with her hands, but his smile is contagious, and she ends up giggling as she watches.
"C'mon." Rafe encourages her, nodding his head towards the bags. "It'll feel good."
Grace smiles and grabs a bag of flour, ripping it open and hesitating a bit before throwing a handful overtop of the honey coating the windshield.
"Grace, c'mon. You can do better than that." He insists, chuckling a little at her hesitation. "That asshole deserves worse than that."
Grace nods a little, more determined this time as she grabs more, throwing it all over the honey that Rafe coated the glass with. "He fucking loves this car, it's so ugly. I hate it. I've always hated it!" She's laughing as she continues.
"Yeah! Atta girl, fuck this shitty old car." Rafe laughs, smiling as he watches her loosen up. When he notices she's almost out of flour, he quickly returns to where everything was piled up on the ground, grabbing her the box of eggs. He doesn't want her to lose this momentum she's just picking up. He joins her side, holding the box open for her.
Grace breathes heavily, smiling and looking over her handiwork. "Here, don't stop now." Rafe smiles, and she takes one out of the box, taking a couple of steps back before throwing it at the front of the car. The egg's fragile shell breaks open and sprays its contents over the red paint of the vehicle, making Grace jump up and down a little bit with excitement. She's quick to grab another, and another, and another, effectively coating all sides of the car in raw egg.
By the time they think they're done, both of them are covered in the evidence of their crimes. They stand side by side in front of the mess-covered car, chests heaving with the energy they spent on the task as well as the adrenaline rushing through their veins. Particularly Grace. She's never done anything like this before, something bad. It felt so good. "I think it's missing something, hey?" Rafe asks, tilting his head as he examines the vehicle, now covered mostly in darkness after the sunset.
"What?" Grace asks, turning her head to look up at him. He's got flour and molasses stuck to his face, and she smiles a little to herself. He looks so much more relaxed than the Rafe she's used to, but she first saw this side of him at that party. Suddenly it's not such an embarrassing memory anymore.
"Write something on it." He suggests, his eyes returning to hers as he looks at her expectantly. 
"What do I write?" She giggles, looking between him and the car. Rafe just shrugs, gesturing for her to do it. 
Grace walks up to the car, leaning over to write across the windshield with her finger. When she's done, she steps back and looks up at Rafe for his approval.
"Oh, that'll piss him off. I like it." He laughs, giving her a high five.
'Worlds Dumbest Engineering Student'
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this part was SO cute and so fun to write omg
taglist: @newbooksmell777, @tahliac11, @slut4drudy, @madelynie, @angelw33dz, @mutual-mendes, @winterrrnight, @sadfury, @totalswag, @peachprairie (as always reply or message me to be added or removed!)
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melanieph321 · 27 days
Ruben Dias x Reader - Set Me Free Part 10/15
Part 11 and more is already out on my Patreon!
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Ruben and Carla have grown apart. With Rubens career taking off he leaves Portugal to live the life of his dreams, breaking Carla's heart doing so. Years later, upon his return home, Ruben learns that Carla has moved on, happily engaged to another man, but not any man, Ruben's childhood bully João Mendes.
"Carla, will you marry me?"
"No." She snorted.
Carla was on her bed, going through her notes from class and hadn't noticed Ruben kneeling down before her, a black box in his hand.
"Oh my God, you were serious!"
She raised her head from her notebook, wondering why he had fallen so silent. Her eyes widened in surprise at the sight of  Ruben and his lost expression as he stood frozen, kneeling on one knee.
"W....why wouldn't I be?" He stammered.
"Ruben, you can't be serious?" Carla threw her books aside and climbed out of bed. 
"Of course I am, I love you."
Carla glanced at her door in panic. If her mother were to burst into her room right now, her life would be over. If her dad were the one to walk in, well.....Ruben's life would be over.
"Ruben, baby, what's this about?" Carla grabbed his hands and pulled him back to his feet. Ruben's untamed hair fell over his eyes. Carla removed a few hair strands so that he could see, since his hands refused to let go of the black jewelry box. He looked defeated. On the verge of tears.
"Whose ring is that?" Carla pointed.
Ruben looked to his hands, to his family's only heirloom. "It was my grandmother's." He mumbled. "It would be yours if you'd say yes."
"Oh, Ruben."
He looked up, red heat patches on his cheeks. Carla felt slightly guilty for embarrassing him. But it was all absurd. "I want to marry you, I really do." She said,
"You do?" He perked up, eyes laced with hope.
She nodded. "Someday."
Ruben put away the jewelry box, stuffing it back into his pocket.
"I don't understand?" Carla said. "What made you want to..."
"I turn eighteen next week."
"I thought that you would want to...." Ruben shook his head in frustration. He couldn't find the right words to tell her. "I thought that you and I could..." It was unusual for him to be shy around Carla. Around the rest of the world, yes. But not her.
"....could get married when we both turn eighteen?" Carla said, helping him fill out the blanks.
"Yes." Ruben sighed, although her words did not do him justice.
"Ruben." She stepped forward, grabbing a hold of his hand. "We have plenty of time to get married. Why rush just because we'll both be eighteen soon?"
Ruben stared blankly at her.
"Now, let's get back to doing homework, shall we?"
Carla tried leading him back to her bed, but Ruben was unmoveable.
"Baby, what's wrong?"
Ruben looked pale, his eyes a bit distant. "I have to go." He said, fighting for Carla to let go of his arm. She did and watched Ruben run out of her room, down the stairs and out of her house.
Carla decided to give him the space he needed the following days. If Ruben had indeed been serious about getting married, Carla could only imagine the heartache he felt when she said no. The two of them had been a couple for years now, longer than most people in their grades. People encouraged dating in high school, but Carla and Ruben only had eyes for each other. Or so Ruben had thought.
After a week of being given the cold shoulder, Carla went over to Ruben's house to deliver his birthday gift.
"Boa tarde senhora Dias, o Rúben está em casa?" (Good afternoon Mrs Dias, is Ruben home?)
"Carla?" His mother looked surprised to see her. Behind her stood Ruben's brother Ivan, leaning against a wall with crossed arms. He always wore tank tops nowadays. Carla was convinced that he did it to show off his new tattoos.
"I'm afraid that Ruben isn't home today, or this week for that matter."
"No, where has he gone?"
It was strange, the two had made plans. Carla knew that Ruben wasn't much for birthday parties so she bought two tickets to go see his favorite football team Benfica play. Ruben would want to go with his brother of course, but Carla didn't mind. However, she did mind that Ruben had forgotten about their plans to spend the day together. How else was she supposed to give him his gift?
"Carla, honey..." His mother said, her voice cautious and gentle. "Ruben won't be coming back for a while. You see, he got an offer to play for one of Portugal's biggest football clubs. They were just waiting for him to turn eighteen so that Ruben could make the move to Lisbon permanent. His father has taken him to sign the contract as we speak."
"What?" All Carla heard was Lisbon and Move.
"Ruben wanted to tell you." She nodded. "The task was just too difficult for him. I'm sorry."
And with that Carla got the door closed in her face, with Ruben's mother and brother looking at her remorsefully.
They had all known about Ruben's offer to play professional football and his plans to move. His family had known and didn't have the decency to tell her, not even Ruben.
Carla gave her parents a fright as she returned home with mascara running down her cheeks.
"Carla, o que houve?" (Carla what has happened?)
She fell right into her parents arms, ballin her eyes out. Carla spent the next few days going through five stages of grief. She had gotten through denial and anger like a champ, those emotions came easy to her since she simply felt betrayed by Ruben. But when it came to bargaining, something hit her....."I've made a mistake!"
Carla hadn't attended school during her stages of grief. The minute she realized her mistake she popped out of bed and ran out of her house, crossing the street.
"It's Carla, please open up!" She said, banging her fists against the Dias family's door.
Ruben's brother opened it with a smirk on his face. "Took you long enough."
Carla had been such an idiot. Ruben had proposed to her, knowing he would be signing a professional contract once he turned eighteen. He had proposed to her perhaps unsure of what would become of them as life moved on. They were graduating this year and Ruben was obviously planning on following his dreams of becoming a professional football player. Carla had always known that. She on the other hand was set to go to university but she never doubted that her relationship with Ruben would end because of that. He was her forever.
"We're here." Ivan said, after about forty minutes on the road. He pulled his car up to a magnificent campus adjacent to the city of Lisbon. Carla hadn't seen anything like it before.
"Benfica" She read off a sign, stepping out of the car. "Ruben got an offer to play for Benfica?"
"They've had their eyes on him for quite some time." Ivan shrugged. "Come on, let's find him. He'll be more than happy to see you."
Carla felt a twinge of nervousness in the pit of her stomach. They could only go as far as to the fence surrounding the campus and they weren't the only ones.
"There he is." Ivan said, pointing out his brother amongst the young players running across the field.
Carla squinted her eyes, letting out a low gasp. It was Ruben, but he looked different, more mature somehow. He was running with such poise, like a soldier preparing for war. He looked so serious, so professional. Like a man, not a boy.
"Ey Ruby!" Ivan whistled.
Ruben had been running close enough to the fence to hear him and upon turning his head he spotted her.
"Carla?" She read of his lips. He crossed the field, running towards them.
People around her became hysterical. They were trying to get his attention, to hand over jerseys for him to sign. Carla thought it was an odd sight but Ruben didn't seem to notice them. He only had eyes for her.
"Carla?" He said, like her name was one of an ancient goddess. "You came?"
"I shouldn't have let you go." She said, reaching out to grab the fence.
Ruben eyes traveled to her hands,  particularly her left one. She was wearing it, she was wearing his grandmother's ring.
"Carla, you're..."
"Yes Ruben, she smiled. "I'll marry you."
His eyes widened, with the people around cheering him on.
"Carla, but...."
"You should have told me about your contract."
"I know. I'm sorry."
"I would've come with you."
Ruben raised his fallen head. "You would?"
She smiled. "Of course Ruben. I would've followed you anywhere. I am yours and you are mine, remember?"
He nodded. "I am yours and you are mine."
Ruben held Carla's hand through the fence, their foreheads knocking against each other.
"Just kiss her and get on with it." Ivan sighed, ruining their moment.
Carla threw him an evil glance.
"What? I haven't got all day."
"Do you guys want to come inside and watch me play?" Ruben asked.
"No." Carla said, turning back to him.
"No." She smiled. "You finish training. Your brother and I are going to see if the City Hall is still open at this hour."
"The City Hall?"
Carla leaned forward, planting a soft kiss on Ruben's lips. "We're getting married aren't we?"
"Ai meu Deus, Carla?"
She returned home, the rain still pouring outside. Her mother had been worried sick, calling over João to help her find out what had happened to her daughter. Like Carla's mother, he looked appalled. "What happened?"
"We need to talk." Carla said, grabbing João's hand and leading him into the living room.
"Carla, do you need me to get you a towel or something? You're bringing in water." João was looking down at her muddy shoes and the puddle surrounding them.
"I'll hop in the shower later. I just need you to listen to me."
"Erm....okay." João settled down on the couch, ready to hear her out.
Carla took a deep breath, shutting her eyes. "I can't marry you." She exhaled and somewhere I'm the distance Carla's mother was heard slapping a hand against her mouth. João Mendes, however, did not seem too upset. "Right now, you mean?"
"No. I mean ever."
"I don't get it?" He frowned. "I thought we agreed to work things out, to take it slow?"
"I know what I said." Carla nodded. "But I can't marry you, not while I....."
"While you what?"
He had asked her to pretend. In the car, Ruben had asked Carla to pretend not to know his soul. Pretend not to know the sound of his heartbeat and the kindness that it bore. Ruben had asked her to pretend not to know his many imperfections. To pretend that the man she fell in love with was a transparent ghost and not a man, a human, whom she could not live without.
Carla drew another deep breath, knowing how words could cut deeper than the blades of a sword. "I can't marry you João, because I'm already married to Ruben Dias."
Her mother's scream shook the walls like the howl of a wolf. Carla's words had cut like a sword, killing a man in order to set him free.
João stood, clearly not happy. "What the hell are you saying, Carla?"
"We did it a long time ago. " She explained, "Promising to stay together even though we were apart."
"B...but what about us?" 
"What we had was real." Carla assured me. "You were there for me when I needed you the most, however I was always promised to someone else, Ruben and I never divorced."
"I can't with this...."
"But Carla....." Her mother said, rushing into the living room in hopes of saving the day. "You can always file for divorce now, can't you?"
The question lingered in the air like the smell of rain.
"I can." Carla nodded, her fingers nipping at her charm bracelet. Ruben's grandmother's ring dangled from her arm. "But I won't." She said, to which João found no reason to stick around. He stormed out of the room and out of the house, despite the rain still pouring outside.
"Carla, querida." Her mother held out her hands in a hopeless gesture. "What reason is there for you to break your poor mothers heart like this? João is a good man."
"He is." Carla nodded. "But so is Ruben."
Part 11 and more is already out on my Patreon!
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dirtybitfic · 5 months
Road trip
Matt sturniolo fan fiction
-smutttttt,kinda long story might be a couple parts lols
(Contains- touching,teasing , gas station fight , dirty talk etc.and I think the rest of the dirty nasty will be in part 2)
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Y/n pov-
Me and Matt have been dreaming of taking a road trip to Vail Colorado for years. Ever since we were about 14 me and Matt have just understood each other in a way that non of our other friends did . We have the same interests and music taste and we also both struggle with mental health and throughout the years we’ve helped each other through it a lot .
When Matt got his license we started talking about all the places we’d love to go to and Colorado was always our biggest dream especially during Christmas time since we both love Christmas and they always decorate their city’s and towns so perfectly that they look like the perfect hallmark Christmas movie towns.
As we got older we started to get more serious about planning a get away for a couple weeks but our parents didn’t think that it would be a good idea until we were at least out of high school which we understood and respected. This past year we all turned 20 and me and matt, Chris and nicks birthdays are only two months apart we decided to do a big conjoined party .
Chris and Nick said they had a big surprise for me and Matt and that they wanted us to open their presents after everyone had left the party . We were both slightly confused but we were excited to see what it would be.
After everyone had left Chris and Nick had us sit down on the couch as they placed bags in our hands .
Me and Matt opened them at the same time and at first we were both confused and laughing because the first thing in the bags were matching beanies .
“Chris why did you make us wait for matching beanies” I asked laughing .
“Y/n you gotta keep opening then it will make sense in a second” Nick said giving me a big smile.
We both looked at each other and reached into the bottom of the bag finding envelopes .
I opened mine first and it was a printed out picture of a gorgeous cabin in the mountains of Colorado.
“Okayyy a cabin ? What did y’all buy a mountain or something” I ask still slightly confused.
“Nooo y/n god turn it over “ Chris says lightly smacking my head.
I laughed and turned it over .
“OMG YOU DID NOT” I said excitedly realizing it was and air bnb in vail Colorado.
“SURE FUCKIN DID KID” Chris yelled back at me smiling.
“We’ll Matt you gotta open yours now” Nick says smiling at him clapping his hands.
“Okay okay give me a second “ Matt says as he opens the envelope.
“YOU RENTED MY DREAM CAR WTF GUYS” he says looking up smiling adorably.
“We sure fucking did dude. We rented you guys the car for 4 weeks . You guys have the air bnb for three weeks in December . We wanted you guys to have the perfect trip you’ve always dreamed of “ Nick says .
I immediately got up and ran at Nick giving him the biggest hug then Chris .
“Guyyyys thank you so much I love it and I love you” I said getting a little teary eyed feeling so overwhelmed.
“Really guys thank you this is better than we could have imagined “ Matt says giving his brothers a hug.
“How did you guys afford this like Jesus this couldn’t have been cheap” I say a little worried for their bank accounts.
“ eh you know we have just been saving for a while but thank our fans for that cause no way would we be able to afford this if our YouTube wasn’t doing so good” Chris says .
“We’ll thank you again this means the world to me i don’t know how I’ll ever repay you guys” I say as tears stream down my face.
“Y/n don’t cry “ Nick says bringing me in for a hug .
“I’m sorry I’m just so happy “ I say laughing a little bit wiping my tears away.
“ we’ll we’re glad you like our present “
“LOVE IT” I corrected Chris.
We all laughed and went to bed .
Now it’s a week away from December and I’m starting to get super excited our trip starts at the begging of December and I need to start packing since we’ll be gone for so mf long.
I decided to FaceTime Matt to see if he would go shopping with me for some more outfits I’ll need .
*ft Matt
(Matt picks up- Matt’s blue , y/n is pink)
Hey what’s up
Hey I just wanted to see if you were up to do a little shopping with me I need to get some more winter outfits for the trip
Yeah of course you want me to come get you
Yeah either way I can get you or you can get me doesn’t matter to me
Okay I’ll come get you In say 10 minutes I know you just love to be a passenger princess
Yeah your right sounds good
Okay I’ll text you when I’m outside
Okay see you in a bit love you
Love you too bye
(Call ends)
After about 15 minutes Matt texted me that he was outside so I put my shoes on and ran down stairs. I locked my door behind me and hopped into the car.
“Hey so where you thinkin the mall” Matt asks
“Sadly yes that’s where all the good stores are” I said sadly he knows I hate the mall.
“Alright let’s go then” Matt says as he starts to put in directions to the mall .
He tells me to connect to aux and play some music .
As come here was ending we were pulling into a spot and Matt turned off the car .
We got out and started walking in after we did a little shopping we ended up grabbing some food and parked to eat.
I cant believe our dream trip is only 4 days way
I know I literally can’t wait I don’t know how I’m gonna sleep I’m getting to excited
No seriously god we’ve been dreaming of this for so long I just can’t believe we’re finally getting to go. But what are you telling the fans since you’ll be gone for so long
Oh we pre filled a good amount of our videos for the next couple weeks but I thought it would be fun to do at-least one vlog with you while we’re on our trip you know most of the fans like you
Awww well that actually could be really fun
Yeah they can see us running around in the snow being fucking stupid that’ll be really fun
Oh yeah can’t wait for them to see me snipe you with a snow ball
Oh really
Oh yeah just wait you’ll never know when I’ll get you I’m really sneaky you know
Yeah yeah whatever
We both laughed and after we finished our food we threw away our trash and he dropped me off at home.
Fast forward 4days——
I finally fished packing last night thank god and I just woke up to my alarm it’s currently 4 am me and Matt decided to get and early start since we’ll be driving pretty far to get to Vail and we want as much day driving time as we can get.
Vail Colorado is about 30 hours from Boston so it’s gonna a loooong drive.
-incoming call from Matt
Hey what’s up
Hey I just picked up the car and holy fuck it’s amazing but I’m otw to get you now I’ll be there in a bout 15.
Okay see you then I’ll make sure to have all my shit down stairs by the time you get here
Okay see you in a bit
Yep byeeee
Call ends
I started bringing all my stuff down and grabbed a blanket for the car just in case one of us gets cold and filled up my water bottle and then put on my shoes .
Matt just texted me he was here and I started to grab some of my bags to take them out to the car.
When I opened the door I audible gasped the car was … gorgeous.
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Matt got out and helped me grab my bags .
Omg Matt the car is so prefect
I know right I can’t believe we get to drive this for 4 weeks
Yeah good thing you make good money cause gas isn’t gonna be cheap
True true
We got my stuff into the back after I locked the door .
Hey my mom made you a breakfast sandwich and that matcha shit you love I set it on the back seat
Awww she is so sweet she didn’t have to do that
I know but she wanted to she always says “y/n is the daughter I never had” you know sometimes we think she loves you more than us
Hey you know that’s not true but seriously I’m gonna text her and tell her thank you
After we hit the road we’ve been sitting in comfortable silence listening to my playlist I made .
Was playing as I started to get hot a little bit surprisingly I thought I’d be cold but my dumbass did what every girl does and wore nothing under my sweatshirt. I started to get uncomfortable and shift around in my seat which Matt noticed pretty easily .
Hey you good you keep shifting around
Yeah just getting a little hot
Well take of your sweatshirt then
I… can’t (I say awkwardly)
Why not?
Because I have nothing underneath
Y/n I don’t care if your just in your bra I don’t want you to be uncomfortable
No Matt I mean I have … nothing on underneath
Ohh ohh shit ummm well you could always just take your pants off unless that’s weird then idk what to tell ya
I mean ig as long as it’s not weird for you
No not at all get comfortable
I started to take my pants off and caught Matt glancing over making my face go red . It’s not like he hasn’t seen me in a bikini but I’m wearing a thong which for some reason feels a bit more intimate to see me in .
Matt clears his throat as I look over at him after I finally get my pants off and throw them in the back seat.
I decide to tease him a little bit cause I think it’s funny
What’s the matter Matt
What oh um nothing just getting a bit hot myself
Here I’ll help you get your sweatshirt off
Oh okay (he says as I help him pull his arms out and pull it over his head )
I gasp quickly realizing he had nothing on under his either. I don’t think he heard me though but god his tattood arm gripping that steering wheel and his big veiny hands . NO WTF AM I THINKING THATS MY BEST FRIEND.
I snap out of my trans to look away but he glanced over at me smirking a little bit.
Why were you staring at my hands y/n
What I wasn’t I don’t know what your talking about
Okay so what were you starring at then hmm
God I have to think fast I’m just gonna sayyyy
Yo-your tattoos I was just like looking at them
Oh well alright
Their just really cool
I moved my hand to trance over his key tattoo
I love this one
Oh really why?
I don’t know I just do
He suddenly moves his hand off the steering wheel I didn’t understand why at first but he moved it so I could trace over his other ones.
I really like this one too -I say tracing over his dog one with its mouth open
And why do you like that one or are you just gonna say . He tries to mock my voice “idk I just do”
First of all I do not sound like that you asshole and no I was actually gonna say I like it because it has a dark vibe and I love tattoos like that it reminds me of this hellhound tattoo I wanna get
Oh really well that’s cool . You gotta show me that Pinterest board you have all your inspiration on cause your tattoos are pretty cool
He says as he moved his hand to my thigh racing the dark moth I got for my first tattoo . The way he’s tracing it has my breathing becoming uneven and my heart starts to race. Idk why I’m feeling this way but Jesus I’m getting wet . It feel wrong but it feels so good.
I cant believe you got your first one on your thigh and it’s big too
Yeah idk I just felt like it was the right place for it
It didn’t hurt?
No it felt good to be honest
Ohh your one of those people huh?
What the Fuck does that mean
You just like pain that’s all
Oh ummm ye-yeah I guess I like the feeling of tattoos a lot honestly I almost fell asleep getting all of mine
Mmm interesting
Why is that interesting
No reason
Yeah okay whatever
God if only he knew . Me and Matt have never really talked about our sex lives with each other I mean sure we talked about when we both lost our virginity but other than that it’s not really our typical conversation.
Their was one time he was on my phone looking for a picture and he almost went into my notes app and I screamed at him so fast to not read anything In there . He obviously got scared and threw my phone at me and apologized but the reason I didn’t want him going in there is because my top note is my kink list .
YEAH MY FUCKING KINK LIST . That’s the last thing you want your best friend of like 15 years to read . He tries to ask me why I got so defensive over it sometimes but I’m to awkward to tell him why. Honestly if he read them I’m scared he’d think I was a freak which I mean I’m a freak in the bed but not as a person u mean you know what I mean.
As I’m deep in my thoughts Matt starts to move his hand further up my thigh which causes me to gasp and snap my thighs shut.
Sorry sorry
N-no your fine it just caught me by surprise is all
I’m sorry I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable
He try’s pulling his hand back down but my thighs have his hand locked in
No your fine you didn’t I just ummm I mean you know I have no pants on sooo
Oh trust me I know
He says looking at me with a sly smirk I didn’t know what he meant but my thighs slowly opened back up letting his hand free.
AHHH SHIT BITCH I yelled out this is one of our favorite songs to sing in the car we always goof off and it just puts us in a good mood.
And just when it hit me
He sung as he gently smacked my thigh jokingly causing me to jolt and laugh a little .
Yesss Matt
I said as I laughed a little and we kept singing along until the song ended I started to get a little thirsty .
Hey do you got any drinks in the back
Oh yeah I packed you a couple doctor peppers in the little cooler can you grab me one of the Pepsis he says pointing to the little black cooler behind my seat.
Yeah one sec .
I unbuckling and turned in my seat trying to reach back to the cooler but the car was a lot bigger than I realized so I kinda had to bend over the middle console to reach as I was reaching over I could feel his eyes on me and as a joke I giggled my hips a little making my ass move . But what Matt did next shocked me .
I felt his hand smack down on my ass hard causing me to scream out from shock and the sting since it was straight skin to skin contact.
He says putting his hand up in defense . I sat back down and handed him his Pepsi .
You know I know I shouldn’t say this but… you have a nice ass
Oh I…th-thank you
I tried to hide the blush that was creeping on my face .
I’m sorry I shouldn’t have said that
No no It’s fine you just made blush
I said laughing a little bit
Oh cute he said smirking at me
Oh shut up
I said shoving his arm playfully .
Do you mind if I take a little nap
No not at all we got a long while to go to so get some sleep I’ll wake you up when I stop for gas in a bit so you can pee and stuff
I got comfortable and dozed off .
I started to have a wet dream about Matt . He was touching me in places that felt so good and he was making me call him daddy and all this crazy shit and I was just getting to the good party when I got woken up by Matt shaking me telling me we were at the gas station.
Hey I’m stopping for gas you wanna wait her while I pump the gas and then we can go inside to pee and grab some snacks
Huh oh yeah yeah let me put my pants on
I reached back still half asleep trying to find my pants and I grabbed them and slid them back on.
I waited while he pumped the gas then we went inside. I didn’t relize I had to pee so bad until I got to bathroom and Jesus Christ I felt a lot better after I finished I walked back out looking for Matt seeing he was over by the drink section I started to walk over when I bumped into someone.
Oh my god I’m so sorry I said to whoever I bumped into
Yeah you should be fucking sorry princess
The guy says raising his voice at me causing me to take a step back kinda shocked
You don’t have to be a dick it was an accident
Don’t raise your voice at me sweetheart that’s not gonna end well for you he says getting In my face.
I started to get anxious and tears started to well up in my eyes I tried to keep them in to not show this guy I was scared of him.
Awwww you gonna fucking cry
I started looking back to find Matt but I didn’t see him anymore . Fuck he probably thinks I just went back to the car.
I …
You what bitch he spit the words out in my face as he towered over me . My fight or flight kicked in and I started to run away to the door to get to the car.
I opened the door and got half way across the parking lot before I got yanked back by my hair.
Where you going sweetheart. What did I scare you huh he said in my ear making me feel sick.
God where is Matt I started to say in my head as the tears started to stream down my face and I reached back to get the guy to let go of my hair .
That made him pull harder causing me to wine from the pain.
He kept saying mean ass shit in my ear but I was starting to have a panic attack which caused my hearing to go out all the sudden I saw Matt running at the guy and shoving him off me . Matt picked me up like I was nothing speed walking back to the car I was shaking in his arms .
He opened the door and set me down before closing the door and running to his side I’ve never seen him move so fast in my life I just curled into a ball crying from shock of what the actual Fuck just happened .
I’m so sorry y/n I thought you came back to the car or where still in the bathroom I would have never left you in there alone
I… I k-know you wou-wouldn’t I’m okay I - pr-promise I’m just sh-shaken up a b-bit
I know sweet girl I’m so sorry really come here
He said as he pulled me into him engulfing me in a big hug instinctively I crawled over the middle and sat on his lap sideways just wanting him to hold me for a second .
Shhhh it’s okay I got you
Matt says as he rubs my hair and holds me close
I smilled a little as I felt my body stop shaking and my nerves starting to calm weirdly Matt just has that effect on me he always knows how to calm me down.
After a bit I start to laugh a little .
What why are you laughing he said with a small chuckle
I’m a 20 year old woman sitting in your lap crying like your my dad and I’m a little girl having a nightmare it’s just kinda funny
I mean yeah when you put it like that
Okay I think I’ve calmed down thank you Matt
Of course pumpkin he says squishing my cheeks
MATT WHAT THE FUCK I say bursting out laughing
What I was just acting like a dad as a joke from what you said
Okay I mean it was funny and it cheered me up so
Good now get your cute little ass back in your seat so we can get going
Okay okay I’m goingggg
I said with a big smile and blushing checks. Did he just call me CUTE. Omfg he is gonna be the death of me . First my wet dream now this Fuck me this is gonna be a longggg trip.
I qued up some music and layed back in my seat and started getting hot again so I took off my pants. I guess the ac doesn’t work to well in here cause Jesus the heat gets hotter than a mother fucker and unless we wanna roll down the windows we aren’t cooling off anytime soon.
Started playing and I was just shaking my head along reading a couple text from some friends I had missed during my nap.
So uhh can I ask you something
Yeah ofc
What exactly made that guy grab you like that
Well um I had just come out of the bathroom and I was heading over to you by the drinks where you were and I accidentally bumped into him and then he started to get mad and all up in my face so I ran out the door and then he kinda I just chased me
damn all over you bumping into him
Yep I guess so
What a psycho
Yeah cause wtf I even said sorry like 5 times
Well at-least your okay
Yeah thank god you came to the rescue
Also uhhhh what we’re you dreaming about earlier
Oh uhhh why I shifted awkwardly in my chair wandering why he’d wanna know
Well you were kinda sleep talking a little bit
Uh oh what um what did I say
I was getting really fucking nervous now
Well um you said my name a couple times and then well you said daddy a couple times too
Ahahah ohhhh um weirdddddd yeah idk why I said that
Yeah hmmmmm what we’re you dreaming
He said more in a demanding tone
You really wanna know I asked nervously
Yeah I do
Okay I was uhh kind of having a wet dream
Ohhh I see was it about me
Maaaatt stooop
What come on just tell me now I really wanna know
Okay yeah you were in it
Damn well was it good
Mhm yeah sure ig can we move on
No no I wanna know the details
Keep your eyes on the road Mathew
Okay okay if I keep my eyes in the road will you tell me what happened
Yes I’ll tell you
Okay my eyes are glued to this rode now speak
Okay um well you were you know telling me how hot I was and you were asking me if I liked being fucked like a slut and you know I was like yes and you said yes what and I was like yes matt cause I didn’t know what you wanted me to say and you said nope try again and I said yes daddy and you know you started touching me and then you asked me to read my list of kinks to you and so I did and then yeah the dream ended .
Well uhhh I- um
I looked over and saw his face was a little red and he was shifting in his seat.
Yeah well you just begged me to tell you sooo
Yeah well your right I did. Was it at-least a good dream
Yeah yeah it was uh good
Oh yeah . So uhh is that kink list in your notes app
I- uh — ye-yeah
Read it to me
What Matt no that’s so embarrassing
What no it’s not
Why do you wanna know my kinks Matthew
I just do okay
Okay okay fine but you can’t judge me
I would never judge you y/n
Okay let me open it up real quick okay ummm god this is so embarrassing
Oh come on they can’t be that bad
Okay um
Humiliation, dominant x submissive , role play, whips, sadism,exhibitionism,dirty talk, auralism, orgasm control, impact play, consensual non consensual, praise kink, degradation by words, knife play, blood kink and uhh yeah that’s it .
Oh wow ummm alright
So uhhh the dominant one do you like to be the dominant or like
Oh god no I’m absolutely the submissive
Okay good
Good what do you mean good
Oh nothing nothing . So uh what’s consensual non consensual?
Well um I don’t know how to explain it well let me look up the definition, okay well it says it’s a style of bdsm where both people agree but one person acts in non consensual behaviors.
Oh so like if I held you down and told you to take it while you struggle and try to get away would that be that
Oh I uh y-yeah that seems pretty on point yep
At this point I could feel how wet I had become from that sentence coming out of him mouth just imagining him do that made me wanna scream.
I didn’t realize I had been squeezing my thighs together but he did.
Aww is someone getting a little worked up
No Matt shut up
Really then show me proof that you are or aren’t
What do you mean
Spread your legs
Spread you fucking legs
He said as he put his hand on my thigh prying them apart.
My breathe hitched as I looked down at his hand moving slowly up my leg.
His fingers hit the lace of the thong over my soaking wet core causing a small wine to escape my lips.
Now why would you lie to me hmm your so wet
I didn’t lie I just didn’t tell you the truth I said then realized that’s the exact definition of fucking lying
So you fucking lied sweetheart he said smirking over at me
Yeah I guess I lied
If I touch you will you be a good girl and stay quite for me
Okay PART 2 coming soooooon…
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