#harry potter x Jaemin
imnotjaesblog · 27 days
Part Two: The Slytherin
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Starring: Na Jaemin
Mood: "I'll move the Heavens and the Earth just for her to desire me the way I crave her,"
Warnings: Fighting, Smut, Oral (F. receiving). Y/n is lowkey a dom but only if you squint, Jaemin is an ass, Use of pet names, and Cursing.
You had placed the paper away. Inside the pages between your Spells textbook. You fixed your posture as the professor spoke. Paying full attention to the lesson he discussed showing how to make Amortentia and explaining why it was so dangerous.
"The most powerful love potion in existence," he said with a wave of his finger and a sly smirk on his lips. He stood in front of the class walking around and speaking to every student.
"Smelling differently to each person according to what they find attractive, the potion was considered dangerous as it could induce obsessive infatuation in the unsuspecting drinker," he said, returning down the aisle and to the old wooden table.
He cleared his throat. "Now," he began walking behind the desk where the cauldron sat. "I will allow you to come up to the cauldron. I am curious to hear what you smell," he said interesting smile on his lips.
"I shall call you one by one and you can choose to let the class know what is it that you smell," he said scanning the room.
"Lee Jeno why don't you come up first," he said motioning to come forward. Everyone turned to Jeno. Jeno's stern look fell looking around the room. He sighed standing up. Renjun's shoulders finally fell feeling much more relaxed away from Jeno.
Jeno walked down the aisle. He barely spared you a glance as he walked past your seat. Jaemin chuckled next to you. Lifting his head from his chin. He leaned close to you.
"This shall be interesting, huh?" he asked sniggering. You rolled your eyes brushing Jaemin away. You turned to your textbook studying different spells. Ones that didn't involve love.
"You know. Darling," he began gliding his finger to yours. Throwing in the much-hated nickname. Tapping it on your busy index finger. You pulled away with a huff. Turning your body to the side. Jaemin chuckled deeply. He stared at the back of your head. He leaned in closer peering over your shoulder. His lips are drawn closer to your ear.
"If you stay stuck in that book, darling, you'll miss this," he whispered, smirking. You looked up curious to see Jeno standing in front of the class. Eyes closed and nostrils flared. A soft smile formed on his lips. He hummed at the smell of a pink aura leaving the cauldron. The professor stood beside him just as interested as the class. "Well what do you smell?" he asked. Jeno opened his eyes shaking the smell away from his nose. He flicked the end of his nose to avoid eye contact with the class.
"What do you think he smelled darling?" Jaemin asked you gentle whisper on the skin of your neck. You shuddered goosebumps from Jaemin's warm breath and curiosity from the scent Jeno smelled. Jeno cleared his throat shifting his robe.
"I didn't smell anything. All could smell was something sweet, like candy," he said briefly meeting your eyes. You sighed rolling your eyes as you turned away only to be met with Jaemin's big eyes. He smirked head leaning on his hand. He waved to you. You sneered.
"Y/n I think that girl over there," he said motioning to the same girl from before sitting right behind where Jeno sat. She smiled at him as he sat back down gently touching his back. You turned away back to Jaemin.
"What about her?" you asked scanning through the pages of your textbook. He chuckled licking his lips and turning from the girl to you. "She smells sweet," he said. You attempted to ignore him. Jaemin noticed your change in attitude and felt the tension rise between the two of you. He could feel the annoyance radiate from your body and loved it.
"But," he flicked his tongue. "I bet you don't taste as good as she does," he said. You went to argue back but the professor called Jaemin's name up next to smell the potion. You glared at him as he walked away proud smirk on his lips.
However, you'd be lying if his comments didn't get to you in ways they shouldn't.
Jaemin smugly walked up to the table. Everyone watching, is way whole lot more interested in Jaemin than they were in Jeno. Even you were a bit more interested to see if Jaemin could smell anything from the cauldron. He walked up to the black cauldron smoke stirring around the rim. The professor motioned him closer. He sniffed the pot but shrugged.
"I don't smell anything," he said. The professor frowned nodding his head. He patted Jaemin's back. "That's quite alright," he said motioning Jaemin to sit back down.
He sat down beside you this time looking away. For the rest of the class, he didn't make any sly comments to you. He kept to himself until the professor neared the end of his class.
"Alright," he began. "Even though Amortentia is quite dangerous I have paired each of you with a witch or wizard cable enough to reject its obsession with power and smell to create the spell on your own, in pairs," he said. Everyone feeling excited about finally being able to use magic looked around at one another. Whispering to each other. Couples giggling along with one another and students eye their crushed with their friends.
You peered back eyes meeting with Renjun in hopes of getting him as your pairing. He smiled back at you.
"As I read out the pairings you may leave with your partner and grab the materials you will need to be successful. You will have two days to perfect the potion," he said cheerful smile on his face in a sea full of frowns. He cleared his throat pulling his wand out. He used his wand to make a piece of paper from his desk float to him. Satisfied with his list he began to read it out.
"Caroline and Giselle," he read out loud. The two girls sat at opposite ends of the classroom. They stood reaching each other. They shared greetings and traveled to the table full of materials. They grabbed what they needed and then left. You turned away from Renjun waiting to hear your name with his.
"Nathaniel and Elenia," he said watching as the two stood up. Everyone sat eagerly waiting for their name to be called. The professor crossed out their names.
"Samnatha and Jeno," he spoke. Everyone's eyes turned to two. Jeno stood up and the girl behind him stood up as well. You didn't even realize you were watching them until you heard Jaemin's voice behind you.
"Darling," he teased gently fanning your neck. "Your staring," he whispered eyes following where yours were. You looked away once your eyes had met with Jeno. Jaemin smiled leaning back in his chair. "It seems like she is gonna enjoy being his partner," he said watching you attempt to not watch the pair. They gathered their materials.
He looked back at the two. "Just look at the smile on her face," he joked.
"Can you shut it," you bit back irritated by his stupid side comments. His eyes moved to yours. Your neck peering over your shoulder and your face warm from both frustration and embarrassment. Jaemin was reading you like a book. He leaned forward, "Am I wrong?" he asked. You turned to the two deciding to ignore him.
Once Renjun was paired with Chenle you quickly realized you were never going to get paired with Renjun. Giselle, Nathaniel, Samantha, and Renjun were all smarter and more experienced than their partners. You looked around the room eyes meeting Yeji's. She smiled at you and you prayed that she was your partner. But when her name was called with Haechan's you began to lose hope.
That left you, a few other students, and Jaemin. You looked over at Jaemin who was just waiting for the moment your name was called. He sent you a smirk big eyes wide and staring deep into yours. You huffed turning away. Hoping you'd get anyone else but him.
"And finally,"
"No," you said to yourself frown on your lips.
"Y/n and Jaemin," he said looking at both of you. Jaemin smiled standing up. You remained in your seat arms crossed over your chest. You turned to your professor. "There must be a mistake," you spoke freely being that only you and Jaemin were left.
The professor turned away waving his finger. "No, no, no," he said shaking his head. "I make no mistakes," he said returning to his desk. He gathered his things placing them into a draw. You rushed to his desk. Your hands fall onto the wooden table. "Professor you can't be serious," you pleaded. Jaemin remained at the desk leaning against arms crossed over his chest. He stood smugly watching finding it assuming as you attempted to get rid of him.
"Professor forgive me but he is incompetent," you whined. The professor sighed having enough of your complaints. He rubbed his temples placing a hand on his hip.
"Ms. Y/L I already told you, like I told the class. I placed an incredible witch with a, well," he motioned to Jaemin who had only been half listening. He only perked up his ears when he heard you whining.
"You Y/n are an incredible witch. I'm sure you'll be able to work with Mr.Na," he ushered you back to him handing you a few veils you would need. He placed them in a brown bag. He handed the bag to you and sent the two of you away.
You walked out of the classroom holding the bag close to you.
"You know darling," Jaemin began from behind you. You huffed stopping causing the front of him to hit your back. "Yes?" you asked. He circled you wrapping around to face your front. Cocky smirk on his lips. He glanced down at the bag. He reached for it but you pulled away.
"It would be better if I held onto the bag," he suggested. You let a loud laughter causing some of the students to stare. You raised a brow as your laughter died down. "Trust you with holding onto this?" you motioned with your head to the brown bag. You scoffed seeing him nod.
"I wouldn't even trust you to care for a fish," you teased moving around him. His jaw dropped for a moment, offended. He turned to follow you again. He placed his hand on his chest. "I think that is the most hurtful thing you ever said to me," he said pretending you had upset him.
"I can be very trustworthy," he said with a proud smile.
"That's exactly what untrustworthy people say Jaemin," you said deadpan look on your face. His smile dropped. He shrugged, "Whatever," he said remaining by your side. You walked into the library. People eyeing the two of you, mainly you, seeing you were with Na Jaemin walking into the library together. Everyone knew this was one of the spots he'd bring girls to fuck.
People were just surprised to see you with him.
"There starring," he whispered. His chin is close to your shoulder. You looked around. "At you," you said, walking away to an empty chair. People still stared at the two of you. Jaemin shook his head. He pulled out the wooden seat beside you. "Not at me," he said leaning back in his seat. Smug smirk on his lips exposing his teeth.
"At you darling," he said cheeky smile on his lips.
You brushed him off but you'd be lying if you didn't say the eyes around you weren't making you uncomfortable. You're trying to focus on the book in front of you. Reading through the spells attempting to explain to Jaemin what it was you needed to do. Jaemin, who could care less, sat back tapping his thumbs waiting for you to finish. But you couldn't focus.
The whispers around you got louder. You could feel the heat in your body rise. Jaemin still unnoticed to the overwhelming amount of breaths that escaped your lips. It felt like everyone was watching you. Waiting to see you stand up fingers locked with Jaemin as he guided you to the last bookcase at the end of the library. Students eager to lean to their friends and say, "I told you so,"
It was too much. You stood up, abruptly, catching Jaemin's attention. He raised his brow leaning forward in his seat. He eyed you, up and down. "Y/n, darling are you alright?" he asked. His hand hovered over your back. You nodded placing a hand on your chest calming yourself. Jaemin's hand ghosted over the small of your back. You brushed him away taking the brown bag and textbook in your hands.
"I'm fine," you spoke quickly. You fled the library raising more concerns and questions from students. Once the library doors closed behind you you felt relieved. You let out a breath. The moment was short-lived when the doors opened again. You sighed lips pursing as you turned ready to be faced with Jaemin but instead met Renjun's eyes.
"Oh," you said surprised. "It's only you," you said.
"You say that like it is unpleasant," he joked. The gentle smile on his lips calmed you.
"I apologize. The room just felt suffocating," you spoke freely. Renjun nodded understandingly.
"No worries. I saw you with Jaemin," he said adjusting the frames on his face. "I heard others talking as well. Are you alright?" he asked. You nodded thankful you ran into Renjun. "I'm fine. It was just too much. Once Jaemin pointed out that everyone was staring at us it made me insecure," you said. Renjun nodded along giving you the space to share your feelings.
"I hate that people assume I was one of his "girls", you huffed annoyed. You looked away for a moment shaking your head. Letting out a small shrug followed by a sigh. "I could and would never be with someone so beneath me," you scoffed now feeling the same rise in you again. "The same boy who's toyed with with me since year one is the reason I'm standing outside the library while he sits inside acting as if everything is normal," you said readjusting the brown bag in your arms that began to feel heavy sitting in your hands.
Just as Renjun went to speak the doors opened and Jaemin came out the doors. You looked up at his face expecting to see a smirk or dark gleam in his eyes but instead, you found a stone-cold stare and flexed jaw. He moved past Renjun completely acting as if the smaller man was not standing there. He looked down into your eyes darkly. A forced smile on his pink lips.
"Let's go. We have a project to finish my darling," he said sweetly masking the coldness in his voice. He sent a look at Renjun, a small smile. Renjun went to say something but Jaemin had already grabbed onto your arm and made his way quickly down the hallway. Jaemin pushed past some people as you tried to pry him off. Most students glanced finding the situation odd.
"Jaemin where are we going?" you asked but failed to receive a response.
"Let go," you tried to pull away again but to no avail.
Jaemin stopped for a moment looking around. "There," he said nudging his head to the courtyard. Confused you pulled your arm away when he grabbed onto it again. He huffed a piece of his hair falling forward. "Darling don't be difficult," he spoke casually. You grimaced at him yanking your arm away. He successfully grabbed onto you again moving to the courtyard.
"Jaemin!" you shouted. Catching a certain friend group's attention. Jaemin stopped rolling his eyes at your dramatics. "What," he huffed. You yanked your arm away. "Where are you taking me?" You asked. He sighed placing a hand on his hip. "To a certain spot of mine," he said.
"What kind of spot?" you asked taking a step back. Jaemin noting your reaction shook his head. "Not that kind of spot. I would never take you to that spot," he said.
"Ew Jaemin," you said back disgusted. He shrugged once again not understanding your reaction. "What? You should be happy I'm not taking you there," he said.
"Oh trust me I'm more than grateful I'm not one of your many girls chosen to be in, what I'm assuming, one of your many spots," you said back trying to fix the breaking cheap brown bag in your hand. Jaemin lent his hand out to take the bag but you pulled away brows furrowed. He shrugged.
"I would never take you to any of those spots," he said a little more seriously. You fixed the sleeve of your robe that Jaemin had grabbed onto. "Oh yeah?" you raised your brow. "Not that I care but why is that?" you asked.
"You don't fuck guys who are beneath you," he responded. You went to respond cursing at him for eavesdropping on your conversation with Renjun but Jaemin turned and his front was met with Jeno's.
Jaemin had hit Jeno’s chest hard. Forced to take a step back. Jeno’s eyes pierced into Jaemin’s. His jaw tightens and his eyes briefly flick to you. He readjusted himself back to Jaemin who now stood straight in front of Jeno smirk on his lips.
If he wasn’t bothering you he was pissing off Jeno.
“Is there a problem?” Jeno asked. The question was for you but he directed it to Jaemin. Jaemin shrugged peering over at you and then back at the darker-haired man. He shook his head.
“I don’t think so,” he responded. Jeno let out a huff tongue poking the inside of his mouth. He normally wasn’t like this. Chest buffed up to anyone who crossed him. He preferred to ignore immature people and comments in his life. But Jaemin was different. From year one to now no one has ever hated Na Jaemin more than Jeno. He just always found a way to crawl under his skin. A true talent on Jaemin’s part. Have everyone hate you and still have people who want to fuck you.
Jeno couldn’t stand Jaemin. He was a hard problem to ignore.
“I wasn’t asking you,” he spoke darkly jaw flexing. His eyes shifted to you. You stood half your body covered by Jaemin’s. The scene between them is tense. It made you cautious to speak. If the two of them started fighting you wouldn’t get involved. You aren’t a fool. Which is why you turned to walk away. But Jaemin, quick, grabbed your arm.
“Let her go,” Jeno said placing his hand on Jaemin’s arm. Gripping hard on his skin. Jaemin pulled back his face scrunched in pain. Jeno ignored him. His hand replaced Jaemin’s. His eyes softened.
“Are you okay?” He asked.
You pulled away. “I’m fine,” you said flicking the end of your robe. “I don’t need you to fight for me,” you said back. Jeno sighed shaking his head. He turned back to Jaemin sending him one last look before walking away.
Jaemin incapable of not knowing when to stop laughed. Your eyes moved from Jeno’s back to Jaemin. Eyes wide staring at him laugh at Jeno. You shook your head reaching out to grab his arm. Motioning for him to stop. His laughter died down as Jeno stopped. The smug smirk still on his lips. He pulled his arm away from you.
Now everyone was watching.
"You ruined everything for her haven't you captain? And now what? Trying to make peace?" he questioned seeing how far he could push Jeno. He chuckled seeing Jeno pause turning around. His friends tried to calm him down but Jeno only saw red.
"Jaemin stop," you whispered yelled. He brushed you off. "Don't worry darling. He's a coward," he spat. Jaemin just never knew when to shut the fuck up.
Jeno turned back around marching to Jaemin. His face is bright red and his cheeks flushed to the tips of his ears. He tugged onto Jaemin’s collar gritting his teeth. He shot daggers into his eyes. Looking for any change in Jaemin, fear or regret. But instead, he just found the same stupid smile he so badly wanted to rip right off his face.
You stood back frozen. There was no way you were getting in the middle of this fight. You’d call for them to stop. But they didn’t listen. They ignored your call and a few others. Everyone else just wanted to see a fight. A fight they had been waiting a long time for.
“I’m tired of your shit Jaemin,” Jeno cursed yanking Jaemin’s collar. Jaemin didn’t fight back he just stood there unable to move away.
“What are you gonna do about it then? Hit me?” He said back light chuckle leaving his lips. He dropped his eyes but kept his smile. Wicked expression on his face. He shrugged.
“Go ahead. But just know…,” he said ushering his head to you. “She’ll never forgive you,” he whispered licking his tongue against his teeth. Jeno grunted lifting him off the ground and slamming Jaemin, hard onto the grass. Everyone gasped watching Jaemin’s body on the floor. He grabbed into the grass lifting himself back up.
“Oh, what nothing to say now?” Jeno taunted flicking his head to the side. His chest rose and fell. Jaemin didn’t respond. Instead just lifts himself back up from the wet ground. Your jaw had dropped hand reaching to cover your mouth. Jeno lifted his foot pushing Jaemin back down causing him to land on his stomach. Jaemin groaned.
Jeno bent down to Jaemin’s level.
“This is your last chance. Walk away Jaemin and leave me and her alone,” he warned. He spoke sternly eyes finding Jaemin’s. Jaemin turned his head to Jeno a small smirk forming on his lips. Jaemin once again let out a dark chuckle. Jeno’s head tilted confused.
“Where is the fun in that?” He asked slowly lifting himself from the ground.
“Besides,” he said pressing his hand onto his knee to help him stand straight up. He dusted his hands and fixed his robe.
“If I leave her alone how else will she be able to smell me in the caldron?” He teased. He turned to you eyes glowing. “Come darling we have a project to start,” he said this time extending his arm to you. To be stunned by the entire situation you remained speechless. Giving Jeno enough time to spin Jaemin around by the shoulder and lay his fist on his mouth.
Jaemin’s head flew back. Jeno hadn’t even flinched but he could feel the pain in his knuckles. Jaemin brought his head back blood forming at the bottom of his lip. He licked it proud smile on his face.
“Do you think that will shut me up?” He asked Jeno. Jaemin ready to fight back was fortunately stopped by one of the professors. The two were forced to be pulled apart and taken away from the eyes of the students.
You were left alone standing in the middle of the wet courtyard confused.
Yeji appeared slushing through the wet grass to your side. Her eyes are wide matching your level of confusion. She touched your shoulder. You peered your head over at her.
"What just happened?" she asked. You shrugged the confusion turning into frustration. "I don't know," you said upset frown forming on your lips.
You marched down the empty hallway. All the students had returned to their dorms for the night. Jaemin hadn't returned since the courtyard scene yesterday. Around dinner time you became worried. Your leg bounces underneath the table. Both Yeji and Renjun sitting across from you concerned.
All of the dinner Jaemin had been the only thing on your mind.
"What if he got expelled?" you asked. Your food sat untouched in front of you. Renjun didn't answer getting annoyed with your concerns for Jaemin. A man you didn't even like was finally gone and yet you sat here worried like his lover.
Yeji shrugged also confused by the new worries for Jaemin. She would have assumed some part of you would be curious enough to ask about Jeno. But you didn't.
"I don't think so. He's got into trouble but never a fight. I'm sure they'' let him off easy," she said trying to calm your nerves. You nodded the brown bag beside you slightly falling to the side. You looked at it. The holes were getting bigger from the rain. You took out your wand but Renjun stopped you. Doing it for you he fixed the bag.
"Thank you," you said to him. He nodded, "No worries," he slipped his wand back into his sleeve.
"I promise my worries about Jaemin are for the simple fact that I need to pick up my grades and if I don't do this project I'll fail," you pleaded. Your brows furrowed as your head met your palm.
Yeji sighed lifting the fork to her lips. "Maybe you can do it without him?" she asked. You shook your head pouting.
"She can't. The directions say you have to complete it with your partner," Renjun responded speaking for you. You were too busy pouting thinking about everyone in your life who'd be so disappointed in you if you returned home a failure. You wouldn't be able to continue your research and travel the world searching for new spells to create. You'd just be a failure, especially after making it so far.
You three sat quietly. Thinking about what to say next. Just as Yeji went to speak, the dining room doors had opened. You all turned to see both Jeno and Jaemin walking down the hall. Serious features are written on both their faces. Jeno's arm flexed hands forming a fist. Jaemin kept his hands in his robe.
Jeno was the first to sit down, finding his friend group and sitting beside them on the bench. Samantha kindly rubbed circles on his back. Jaemin kept walking down the dining hall. Everyone's eyes now solely turned on him. His friend group of Slytherin boys waiting for him to return.
But he didn't. He walked right past them. He made his way to the area you sat at. Even though he wasn't supposed to, he did. He slid across from you. Frown turning into a small smirk. Yeji scooted over from him both confused and disgusted. Renjun rolled his eyes sitting an inch closer to you. Jaemin had caught the look in his eyes but didn't care. He wasn't here for them. He was here for you.
"Hi," he said with a small wave. You dropped the fork in your hand. You hadn't realized how tight you were holding onto it. Yeji and Renjun both watching you concerned. You stood up from the table. Walking down the hall and away from Jaemin. Who was just as quick to rise from the table and follow you?
"Stop," Jaemin demanded from behind you. You continued marching through the empty hallways. "I will stop when I have reached where I need to be," you responded. Quick on your feet you swiftly turned the corner. Your black robe swayed side to side flowing through the dark hallways. The moon illuminated through the pillars of the courtyard.
Jaemin huffed but remained on your tail.
You turned once more to the stairs. Climbing up the dark spiral staircase. "Darling while I wouldn't mind following you to a spot alone," He waited a bit for you to react to the stupid pet name. When you ignored him he shrugged. "I'm sure I won't enjoy this very much so please tell me where we are going?" Jaemin asked holding onto the railing. Pausing for a breath.
You continued, face serious. The brown bag floated beside you. "To finish our project," you said not sparing him a second of rest. You reached a brown wooden door. Opening it and not holding it. Jaemin caught up to the door sliding through the small space between barely making it.
Your eyes had spotted the potions classroom. You waved your hand, the same hand with your wand hidden inside your sleeve, and the door opened. The classroom is dark and empty. A few drips fell from the sink. You walked inside the room and Jaemin peered behind you and peeked into the classroom.
"Darling we can't be in here," he states behind you. You scoffed dropping your bag down on a nearby table.
"Since when do you care for the rules?" you asked. You settled down on a chair. Pulling out your textbook and opening it to the page you left your bookmark.
"The project is due tomorrow Jaemin," you called to the dark-haired boy who was roaming around the wooden cases of potions. He perked his head up looking in your direction. You looked over at him. You motioned your hand towards yourself. "And since you decided you wanted to fight with Jeno. We are stuck pulling an all-nighter. Luckily this isn't my first time," you said setting up at the desk you sat at during class.
Jaemin appeared behind you. "But it's my first time and I'm very nervous darling so please be gentle," he said. You brushed him off and he chuckled darkly walking off to where a bunch of cabinets sat.
"No time for games. Get over here before you get us caught," you whisper yelled. Jaemin placed a purple vile down and made his way to you. Bored expression on his face as he sat down swaying in his stool. "Darling can't you just do it all?" he asked. You sighed. "There is a reason we are paired together," you began. You sighed eyeing each material you needed trying to plan out in your head how everything would work.
Jaemin acting as if he was uninterested looks over your shoulder watching you place everything in order. You could feel his eyes on you but it didn't feel important to deal with. Right now you just need to complete the assignment. You waved him off.
"Grab me a stir," you demanded. Jaemin lets out a huff. Leaving his seat heading in the direction you sent him. Annoyed at the fact he was spending his Thursday night here doing a project for a class he didn't care about versus finding some Hufflepuff to make a float to the clouds he took his time searching for the stir. Once he returned you sent him a look.
"What?" he asked confused. You placed a hand on your hip. By this point, you had already removed your robe. Wearing your white blouse, dark skirt and your red and gold tie. Your sleeves rolled up to your elbow and brows furrowed. You mixed potions having Jaemin occasionally hand you some.
You took the stir from his hands with a huff. You placed it into the cauldron stirring it around.
"Darling this better work," he said getting annoyed from how bored he was. "Or what?" you asked. "So I can leave," he pleaded.
"Then why'd you follow me?" you asked him. He bit his lip. "Darling you may not realize but I need this just as much as you do," he said truthfully. You glanced over at him. Continuing to stir the cauldron. Raising a brow.
"All of a sudden?" you asked. He sighed plopping down the stool beside you. Letting his back rest against the desk behind him.
"I just need to pass," he responded shutting his eyes for a brief moment.
"Okay. It's done," you said. Jaemin lifted his head leaning over the smoking touching his nostrils. He looked over at you seeing a different color of smoke, nothing like the green he had seen earlier, this was more of a pink.
"Go ahead," you ushered him. "Take a whiff," you said feeling proud of yourself for succeeding all on your own. "I hate to disappoint you but it won't work," he said. You furrowed your brows. "Why?" you asked him. What kind of game was he playing?
"It didn't work earlier," he said shifting in his seat. Your eyes scanned him tongue poking the inside of your mouth. You scoffed and Jaemin sat back. "What?" he asked stupidly.
"You're telling me you smelled nothing?" you asked. You pointed to his whole body. "Because it doesn't seem like it," you stated. Jaemin shifted his stool away from both you and the cauldron. He shook his head turning away.
"Darling you might be delusional," he spoke annoyed. You chuckled. "I'm not delusional, your disavowal," you threw back. Jaemin sneered turning away but didn't respond. You clapped your hands together small smack echoing in the classroom. "I knew it," you said. "Who is the girl? Or rather unlucky girl," you spat back.
Jaemin barely looked at you. Instead, he brushed you away. Tension began to rise in the room. You feel him shutting you out and the question you had asked. You cleared your throat smile fading from your lips. "I'm sorry," you said now fiddling with the tips of your fingers. "I didn't mean to pry," you apologized. He shook his head.
"Darling," he gushed. "Don't worry about it. Unless you want it to be you?" he said lifting his brow. You sneered turning away from him and his extremely punchable face. He leaned over smelling the cauldron. He had smelled nothing. He shrugged, "Nothing like I said," he turned away standing up from the stool and making his way back to the shelf with colorful viles. You sighed deciding to take a whiff of the Amortentia. You shut your eyes and inhaled but quickly opened them being you had also not smelled anything.
Your face turned confused. You stood up from your stool and grabbed onto your textbook flipping through the pages. "No this can't be," you flipped through the pages like a mad woman. Almost dropping the book you placed it on the desk. Catching Jaemin's attention. He placed the vile he was holding onto into his pocket and rushed to your side.
"What happened?" he asked. You, panicking, flipped to the page where your bookmark was. You scanned the writing with your fingers. You shook your head. "I don't understand," you said quickly. Your chest raised up and down. "I did everything right," you said. Jaemin unsure what to do just stood by your side. You looked over at him.
"I didn't smell anything," you said. "Which is impossible because I know I should have smelled something," you said nervously. Jaemin stared at you not knowing what to do. Your fingers tapped on the desk. Thinking about what you would have to do from here.
You huffed turning back to the textbook. This time not frantically flipping through the pages. Instead, you tried your best to read the lines written down. You shook your head. Rereading the same instructions paragraph. You whined tips of your fingers grazing your forehead. You were so close to passing and now you’d have to stay up all night trying to fix your failure.
You shut your eyes for a moment. Fighting back a growing yawn.
“I did everything right,” you said restlessly.
“Maybe you’re just stressed,” Jaemin suggested brows dancing. He nudged your shoulder. Your hand fell from your head landing on your lap. Jaemin sent you a smirk.
“Maybe I can help?” He offered a teasing smile on his lips. You scoffed pushing him away.
“Gross,” you replied. You did think about what he said.
“You might be right,” you said head shooting up. Jaemin smirked again raising his brows and testing you. You shook your head. “No. Not about that,” you spat. He shrugged eyes still glowing. You nodded tips of your fingers touching your chin.
“Then darling what am I right about?” He asked eyes watching you closely taking pleasure in being correct.
“I have been pretty stressed,” you sighed small frown on your lips. “Maybe that’s why it’s not working,” you concluded.
His eyes scanned you. He did that often. It felt like every time his eyes were on you he watched it. Observing every reaction, every sound, and every detail on your face. Sometimes it felt like he could see beyond the things you showed the world. It felt like he could read you in seconds from the amount of time he just spent eyeing you. Paying so close attention to you.
“What do you have to be stressed about?” He asked. Jaemin wasn’t one for conversations. He tended to ignore certain feelings or questions that didn’t benefit him in some way. But with you, he felt an interest to know more. The same girl who had aced every exam, project, and spell with ease since year one was sweating and panicking in her seat because she couldn’t get a certain love potion to work.
Something bigger had to be going on in your life. It couldn’t be Jeno though. You had seemed just fine without the athlete in your life. Surrounding yourself with friends you aesthetically matched with and even keeping company with your enemies. Which was another question that was tossed around in his mind.
Since when did you and Renjun get so close?
“I’m stressed about my grades,” you quietly admitted. The shame flooded your chest. You couldn’t look him in the eyes as you spoke. It felt like the reputation you had created for yourself was all one big lie. All because after a stupid party and drunk nights with your friends you decided to be different. Now you were playing catch up and stuck in projects with Na Jaemin.
He tilted his head. “But darling aren’t you supposed to be super smart?” He asked. You shook your head in response. Which was complete bullshit to him. Everyone knows you were the top student at Hogwarts. He made a lot of money off you. Betting off your test scores against Renjun’s. For one of your first exams, he bet you’d pass Renjun by just a few points which you did. That was also one of his first-ever fights with Jeno.
“Lately I’m not so sure,” you respond honestly. Jaemin didn’t know how to respond. Helping others through their troubles wasn’t something he was necessarily good at. When his friends were upset he’d tell them. “Let’s get a drink,” or “Let’s turn Haechan’s owl into a rat,”
But this was different. He knew it. He just didn’t know how to help you.
He wanted to though.
So he tried.
Which for Jaemin was unheard of.
“Why do you say?” He asked leading in with a much gentler tone. He sank beside your sulking frame. You wanted to question his sudden interest but figured he of all people couldn’t judge you. Jaemin was not only a giant warning sign for bad behavior but also the poster child for trouble.
“I’ve been failing everything,” you began. You looked over at him laughing a little. Jaemin was now even more confused about. You were stressed a few minutes ago from a failed attempt at a love potion and now you’re giggling.
“I’m sorry,” you said covering your mouth. “I just can’t believe I’m sitting here telling you my problems,” you confessed. Jaemin felt the tension fall a little between you two. You did as well. Jaemin chuckled alongside you. Assuming that’s what you needed to feel better.
“You don’t have to tell me,” he started but you stopped him waving your hand.
“It’s okay. I know you won’t judge me,” you smiled. It was true. Jaemin was an ass but he wasn’t cruel. He didn’t judge others simply because he didn’t care too much for himself. He never pictured a life after Hogwarts. Just assumed he’d return home, take over his father’s business, and probably get married.
But he’d never admit deep down seeing you succeed gave him hope for himself.
“Judgment-free zone,” he joked putting his hands up. You paused watching him for a moment. Jaemin had a smile that could break a million hearts. A smile you never truly knew how much you admired. He raised a brow catching you in your moment of admiration. You snapped and returned your focus to your story.
You cleared your throat. Jaemin decided not to tease this time. But he’d bring it up again later.
“Ever since I stopped being friends with Jeno I kind of just changed,” you began. Jaemin’s expression becomes more focused. He didn’t want to miss a single detail. “I realized when I was with Jeno I did a lot of things for him and not myself,” you said. You could feel the pushed emotions rising back up. The feelings you kept repressed for a while now boiling to the top. You tried to conceal them but for certain parts, you just couldn’t help it. Jaemin could tell the topic was still touchy but he didn’t stop you. He too, like others, was curious as to why you’d stop being friends with the captain.
“I followed him around, picked him up when he fell, I went to every quidditch match and celebrated every win with him,” your voice shuddered towards the end of your sentence. You let out a tired sigh.
“And he did nothing for me,” you felt the weight of Jeno slightly lift from your chest. You had never talked about what happened before. Not even with Yeji. Somehow talking with Jaemin felt easier.
“He never came to any of my presentations for my Hippogriff Club. He constantly ditched me for his other friends. It just seemed like me and him were in two different worlds,” you could feel more of the weight you carried from Jeno's lift. But you decided that was where you wished to leave off. You still had a project to finish.
You readjusted yourself. Jaemin leaving his thoughts and mimicking you without question. He eyed you carefully seeing you return to the textbook.
“Let’s try and finish this. Together,” you said half smile on your lips. All he could do was nod. No funny comment or remark is to be made. He wanted to help you. Work with you to finish the project.
“What can I do?” He asked. You smiled liking this new side of Jaemin. “You can grab this,” you showed him the book. He nodded taking a mental photo of the vile drawn on the pape. When he returned with it you poured it inside the cauldron. You stirred the cauldron. Once you finished you set the stir aside.
“You can go first,” you said. Jaemin agreed. He wouldn’t mind smelling your scent for the third time today.
He leaned over sniffing the aura that left the pot. He hummed at the scent briefly closing his eyes. He could get lost in the glorious scent. Then he remembered you were waiting behind him. You stood there fidgeting.
“Well?” You asked nervously. You hoped it worked this time.
“I can smell something,” he said soft smile on his lips.
You clapped quietly. His smile widened seeing your joy. You walked over to the cauldron excitedly not even acknowledging the fact Jaemin had smelled something. Instead, you leaned over trying yourself. You hummed at the scent.
“What do you smell?” He asked.
You felt your heart fill with warmth. “Flowers,” you said. “And honey,” you followed. “My mom’s perfume,” you finished. Jaemin stared fondly at you. He could feel his chest fill with warmth. He couldn’t understand how anyone, especially Jeno, could ever lose you. He questioned what fool would hurt you.
His thoughts were the same reasons why he couldn’t tell you what you smelled. Even after you had asked him.
“Jaemin what did you smell?” You asked innocently.
He couldn’t tell you the answer. He was the biggest fool in the entire school. So instead he turned his smile. “Darling, I bet you’d really wanna know,” he said time shifting to the Jaemin you knew all too well. You frowned turning away in annoyance. You should have known it was too good to be true. Jaemin walked over to grab his stuff.
“If we’re finished here. Can I go?” He asked but he wasn’t asking. He was going to leave anyway even if you said no. But you waved your hand wanting to get rid of him. “Whatever,” you muttered not sparing him a glance. You only turned to look at the door when it closed shut.
When Jaemin stepped outside the classroom he stopped. His head fell as he thought about you standing in that classroom right now feeling disappointed. He just couldn’t be that guy for you. It made him feel guilty for letting you tell him your problems and then leaving.
This must be how all those girls felt after being with him.
Like shit.
You deserved someone who could give you everything you wanted. Make your dreams come true and provide you with a happy life. He couldn’t be that man for you.
You remained in the classroom angrily cleaning up the mess you had made. Cursing Jaemin out in your head and shoving the potions textbook in your bag. Feeling exhausted from the day you checked the time. Thirty minutes past one o’clock in the morning. Almost every student at Hogwarts was asleep right now. Accept you.
You sighed placing the last vile away. You weren’t mad anymore. You expected this behavior from Jaemin. He probably just wanted something to tease you about later on. Just manipulating you like he did to every girl in this school. There wasn’t anything you could do about it but forget.
No matter how real it felt. With Jaemin you’d never be able to tell.
That was until the door opened. The door closing catches your attention. You emerged from behind the shelf slowly. You pulled your wand out quietly whispering a “Lumos” and checking the path. You saw nothing assuming whatever came in left. Probably some students come and get nervous when they see your bag. Assuming a teacher was here.
But when you stepped back your back hit someone’s front. You turned around quickly eyes meeting with Jaemin’s.
“What are you doing here?” You asked both surprised and pissed. Still holding the wand near his face. He covered his eyes with his hand from the bright light. You lowered it a little. Jaemin blinked a few. You lowered your head waiting for his response.
“Darling, I’m sorry I left,” he stated lips falling heavy. You scoffed turning to leave but Jaemin followed stopping you. You jerked back from him. He put his hands up. “Wait,” he breathed out desperately. This was his final chance.
"Darling," he called. The degrading pet name finally got to me. Just pushing you off your limit.
"Stop fucking calling me that! Do you know how much I despise that name," you argued back gritting your teeth. You could feel years of torment boil to the surface.
“I’m sorry,” he said head falling. He only lifted his head again when he realized he needed to make things right. Looking deeply into your eyes searching for any ounce of forgiveness. You shook your head turning to leave. You began making your way to the door when his voice called.
“You asked me what I smelled,” he asserted. You stopped but didn’t turn to him. Instead, your hand gripped the door handle. Jaemin felt the panic rush through his body at the very thought of you leaving without hearing him.
“I could smell flowers,” he said. You shut your eyes for a moment leg bouncing. Your robe falls from in between your arm and your hip. You tried to fix it. Using it to ignore him.
“I don’t want to hear it,” you said back wishing he’d just go away.
“I need to say this to you. Even if you do not listen,” he confessed desperation and pain in his tone. He gently stepped forward so he wouldn’t scare you off. You wanted to ignore him so badly. But your body betrayed you. Your hand couldn’t push the door open. Your legs didn’t want to move.
“I could smell honey too,” he said with each word taking a step further. He stopped in the middle of the classroom allowing some distance between you two. He’d let you be the one to close it if you wished to. You bit your lip trying your best not to look at him but your eyes felt tortured the more you refused to give in to his confessions.
“I could smell dirty textbooks and a dusty wand,” he went on. Feeling a little more hopeful when your finger slipped from the handle and to your side. You readjusted the robe from falling only turning your head to see the robe. Your eyes still doing their best to avoid his.
“I could smell mint toothpaste and those muffins you always take for breakfast because you’re rushing to get to class on time every morning,” he said trying to fit every detail into words. He was even shocked by how much he paid attention to everything about you. But he brushed it off with a small chuckle.
“Y/n every time I leaned over and smelled the “Amortentia” I could only smell you,” he confessed the words effortlessly slipping past his tongue but his heart thumping through his chest.
The year one student in you felt excited. Happy the boy she crushed on like her back. But the year seven you were mad. You marched over to him but not to confess your love. Your eyes met his but with ease, since they were filled with anger and frustration. Your hands hit your side robe falling to the ground.
“So what is it Jaemin? You hate me or love me?” You rambled. The questions fall from your lips. Your hands smacked your side. You shook from both confusion and lack of understanding.
“All this time you teased me and treated me like shit because your in love with me?” You asked feeling lost. It upset you even more when you thought about every interaction shared between you two over the last seven years. You pushed his chest. Stepping closer to him. He stepped back taken by your sudden change in attitude. He’d never seen you react to anything like this before.
“You’ve pushed my buttons and hit every nerve because you care for me so deeply?” You questioned him. Poking his chest watching as he stepped back. Back hitting an empty desk. The desk slid a little creating a scratch in the wooden floor. You both ignored it.
“Darling you are the reason I breathe” is all he could say. You wanted to cringe at the pet name again but after his confessions and all your questions, you assumed it meant the opposite of what you thought. Your tongue poked the inside of your mouth. You wanted to hate him. You shook your head. You wanted to hit him. You wanted to scream at him for being so shitty to you and making every day of your life difficult when deep down he didn’t even want to. Masking his feelings for you by being the biggest shit in your life.
You wanted to kill him.
But instead, you kissed him. You grabbed him tightly by the collar of his robe pulled him forward and met his lips with your own. Your hands reached behind his head. Fingers grazing past his dark locks and gripping on his strains. His hands cupped the sides of your face. Gently holding onto your neck.
Only for the kiss to be broken by Jaemin.
Both of you panting staring into each other's eyes. The only sounds heard in the potions classroom were the unsteadiness of your breaths. Jaemin licked his lips. You kept your hold on him. Holding the back of his neck. Your lips are both still inches apart. His eyes flicked from yours, then to your lips.
“Darling, are you sure you want to do this?” He asked. Your hands reached up dancing through the hair that rested on the back of his neck. You nodded eyes moving to his lips. Watering at the sight of his lips, glistening and red.
“I’m sure,” you said. Jaemin smiled quickly pulling you into a kiss. Only this time with more passion. His hands slid from your neck and down to your waist holding you against his large frame. You could feel the bulk of his body through his robe. Wanting more of him you pulled the robe down his shoulders letting it hit the ground. Your back arched in his hold hands gliding from your waist to your ass. Squeezing it before he tapped onto your thigh.
You jumped wrapping your legs around him. He spun you around and placed you on the desk. He broke the kiss quickly undoing his green and black tie. You motioned him undoing your golden and red and sending it flying across the dark room. Noting how it began to become difficult to see as the night appeared he pulled his wand out.
“Lumos” he hushed placing the wand down. It lit up almost the entire room. Illuminating the features on your face. Jaemin stared at you for a moment. Taking in your sight. You were still fully clothed and he was already twitching in his slacks. You’d be the death of him he thought watching as you spread your legs apart. Black tights covered your skin. Giving only an illusion as to what Jaemin could have if he just went for it and stopped acting like a pussy.
This time he did.
He wrapped his arm around you yanking you forward and bringing you to the edge of the desk. He spread your legs out further standing in between them. Bringing his lips to yours he placed a kiss on your lips. His hand is busy rubbing circles on your clothed clit. Both of you feeling frustrated by the lack of contact he pulled away from your lips. Taking both his hands he ripped the tights starting at where clit was and destroying them to your ankle.
You gasped seeing the flimsy fabric get tossed away and discarded like your tie. Jaemin wasted no time eyeing in and settling to his knees. He lifted your pleased skirt pulling your panties down. You lifted your ass making it easy. He took them stuffing the blue panties in his pocket. He’d keep those for later.
Your hand reached up to his hair. He smirked up at you refusing to move his head. Instead, he laid his head on your inner right thigh. Big eyes looking up into yours. His finger danced on your plushie skin.
“Tell me what you want and I’ll give it to you,” he teased. Eyes dark and smile bright. No matter what he still enjoyed making you squirm. You shifted taking his chin under your finger. He let you control his head this time seeing you bring it closer to your pussy. He tried his best to keep his eyes trained on yours but he couldn’t. Stealing a glance that went straight to his cock. Seeing your pussy on full display wet and hole clenching everyone the breeze past her. He licked his lips.
“I want you to eat me,” you said eyes lowering at him.
He smirked. “I’ll do anything you ask me,” he said diving it. This time you believed him. He spread your folds apart with his finger. Index finger pressing down on your clit. You moan mouth falling open as you watched in awe. Jaemin circling your clit slowly. Amorously staring up into your heavy eyes.
"I like the sounds you make when I touch you," he spoke softly dark undertones ending each word. His words hissed making you fall further in his trance. His eyebrow cocked upwards and his bottom lip caught between his teeth watching a gush of your wetness drip out of your tight hole and pool onto the wooden desk. His cock twitched and he bit back a powerful moan.
"I'm curious to hear you while you rest in my mouth, darling," he said removing his finger and engulfing your clit between his lips. You moaned loudly no longer caring about getting caught. Jaemin like a hungry man spread your thighs apart and used his fingers to spread your folds giving him full access to your clit. Sucking hard and swirling his tongue around the bundle of nerves.
Your hands reached down grabbing onto his hair. The harder he sucker the tighter you grabbed onto him. Using his hair to control his head. Bringing him as close as he could get to you. He could suffocate in your pussy at this point and die happily. He flexed his hips upwards into the nothing at the very thought of him passing between your legs.
A deep, earthy groan erupted from his chest sending shocks to your clit. The buzzing flows throughout your entire body. Nipples perked up from the sounds Jaemin made below you. He took the hand that held you down in place and brought it to your abandoned hole. He outlined your entrance with his cold finger.
"Please Jaemin," you cried. He chuckled pulling his mouth from your pussy causing you to whine. "You taste so good, baby. You want me to give you more?" he asked, a teasing smirk on his lips. You looked down at him to send him a glare but instead, the moan got stuck in your throat.
His eyes were big looking up into yours. Dark locks disheveled pointing in every direction from your hands. His lips and chin glistened underneath the light from your juice. Wearing a smile on his lips proudly. Like he finally earned it.
He wanted to watch your face perfectly. Seeing your features tense and brows furrow. His finger slowly enters you. His knees were sore, screaming in pain but the look on your face from just his fingers alone was enough to make it worth it. Your mouth fell open at his first thrust and he couldn't help but match the groan that left your lips with his own. He picked up his pace adding a second finger inside your hole.
You tried to close your legs but Jaemin was having none of that. He forced them back open thrusting his fingers hard and fast inside you. Your wetness slipped out from his speed. Hitting his shirt and mouth from how close he was. Curling them upwards searching for your spot inside you. You moaned loudly head falling back. You had tried to keep contact with him but he hit that spot inside you that made you see stars. He smirked leaning forward again mouth engulfing your clit. He placed his hand on top of your stomach pushing you down and rutting his hips into the air.
"Jaemin I'm so close," you screamed. His head nodded up and down licking your clit fast. Matching the speed of his fingers that curled so deep inside you.
"Come on darling, come in my mouth. Let me taste all of you," he coaxed. You couldn't hold it anymore releasing it into his mouth. So much of you spilling out it spilled onto his shirt. Jaemin didn't care, he licked around his mouth collecting whatever was left. He zoned back in on your pussy. Going to dive it again but your finger pressed against his forward. He huffed in defeat.
"I'm sensitive," you responded.
You picked yourself up. Unable to wipe the smile off your lips. You leaned up kissing him. But unlike the last, he kissed you softly. Kissing you like he'd lose you if he didn't savor it. You both pulled away. Jaemin stared into your eyes. He searched for any regret in your eyes and when he found none he finally relaxed. You were in a completely different world.
You went for the belt that loped around his slacks trying to undo it but he stopped you. He gripped onto your hands, softly. He sighed head facing down. He let them slip for a moment but seeing the confused look on your face he held onto them again.
"Jaemin?" you questioned but he stopped you.
He sighed. "Y/n I want to, I do. But not here," he said sincerely. You were still lost but the sudden rejection. But didn't fight him. It felt different with him this time. He didn't feel the same as earlier when he left. This time it felt, right.
"But Jaemin I want to," you tried to change the mood but you were rejected again. He shook his head a small smile forming on his lips. He looked down at your hands in his. Fingers swiping over your knuckles. He picked up your hand placing a kiss on them. He picked up his wand doing a quick spell to clean you up. He helped you off the table. He readjusted himself and you got dressed.
Jaemin glanced over at you. He felt content with the night. He didn't mind just pleasing you. He knew he'd have his time with you eventually. Where he could love you and give you everything he had to offer you. When he could take his time with you. The potions classroom on a random Friday night was the place he imagined for the two of you.
He was willing to wait, even if you wanted to. He wanted to treat you with love.
You weren't some Hufflepuff girl he'd fuck in the library and forget about. You were you, the girl he loved.
It didn't click in your head that's what he was doing until he walked you to your dorm. He didn't even kiss you goodnight. Unless you count the gentle kiss he placed on your cheek. His hand falls from the small of your waist.
"Goodnight Y/n, my darling," he said walking away with the brown bag you finally let him hold onto.
"Goodnight Jaemin," you responded watching him walk away. You couldn't help the smile on your face. When you entered the living quarters the smile quickly faded when you were greeted with an angry Jeno.
"I think it's time we talked about this," he said eyes zeroing in on yours. You felt your heart skip a beat. Had he been waiting for you the whole time? Feeling exhausted and not wanting to deal with you you turned to leave up the stairs. But Jeno called out to you. This time, less threatening.
"Please," he begged. You sighed letting your hand fall from the railing and footstep off the first step. You turned to him feeling your happiness burst.
"What do you want to talk about?" you asked placing a hand on your hip.
"Everything," he released the word like he was inhaling it for so long it hurt.
To Be Continued...
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Guys, I know this one took so long. I was busy with work and school but I'm back and I can't wait to write the next part.
Tags: @kodasity @girlwholoveslpreppyattire
109 notes · View notes
jenosbigtoe · 8 months
park jisung x bimbo!reader (M)
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minors dni
summary: maybe the quiet boy isn’t as naive or innocent as you initially thought.
warnings: reader is kinda slutty but ji secretly loves it, dom!jisung, big dick jisung, fingering, size kink, creampie, fellatio, unprotected sex, college au!
word count: 3.1k
a/n: i’m a jeno girlie but ji has been hitting sooo different. ESP THE BAT JISUNG OOOH
god you wanted him so bad. park jisung, the quiet compsci major that sat in the front of every lecture you’ve had together since freshman year. the park jisung that walked around with his clunky black headphones around his head at all times. the one who had his head down and eyes averted wherever he went. the one who rarely raised his hand in class but when he did, god he sounded so sexy explaining topics you could never begin to understand. the park jisung you’ve never spoken more than 10 words to in the 3 years you’ve known him at uni.
you just wanted to corrupt him so bad. with those baggy clothes he always wore and those harry potter circular lenses you thought looked so so cute on his face, you’ve never seen him interact with the opposite sex. like ever. and with your senior year in uni, you knew you had to make a move on him.
operation seduce park jisung is a go.
you had your first lecture of the day together. it was a 9 am, one you barely showed up to but you knew he had perfect attendance to. and today you were going to make his knees weak when he saw you.
popping your sparkly pink lip gloss, you gave yourself another look over in the reflection of the window before stepping into the lecture hall. today, you wore a light pink mini skirt, a white crop top and lacy hot pink push up bra that peaked through, and a cardigan with strappy gold sandals. you walked in 5 minutes late, smacking your bubblegum, and scanned the room for your target.
there he sat in the front row, in his oversized black hoodie and khaki cargo pants, his laptop open and signature black headphones around his neck. he was chewing on the end of a pen cap as he typed, eyebrows slightly furrowed in concentration. you smirked to yourself and sauntered over to the seat next to him, making sure to scoot behind him in order to accidentally rub your ass against his head.
“sorry, excuse me,” you whispered.
jisung scooted up to let you pass and gave you a tight lipped smile as you sat next to him.
you didn’t even bother taking anything out to write notes. as you pretended to focus on the lecture, your eyes drifted over to jisung periodically. the way his hands were so big and veiny. when his hoodie sleeve would lift up and tease you with the image of his slim muscular arms. the faint smell of his masculine scent—smoky cedarwood? you could feel your pussy throbbing.
after the lecture was over and jisung got up to leave, you stopped him. “hey, what’s your name again? my name is y/n i don’t think we’ve introduced ourselves before.”
“it’s park jisung,” he said curtly.
it was hard for you to decipher how he felt talking to you but you didn’t want to burn this bridge before it even took off. “okay, nice to meet you, jisung. see you around!” you gave him a bright grin and turned on your heels to saunter out of class, leaving him to stare at your turned back.
and the next few weeks it was rinse and repeat. you would show up wearing your cutest little outfits, showing the most amount of skin appropriate in an “academic setting”, and trying to strike up a conversation with the quiet sexy compsci boy you had a crush on. to be fair, it didn’t seem like your plan was working all that well though. you barely knew anymore about jisung than you did a month ago and you thought by now you would’ve had him melting in your palm. with all the curt responses he gave to your questions, you should’ve been discouraged by now. but no, you were more determined than ever to get this boy underneath you.
so today you decided to alter your plan a little bit. you found jisung in the same seat as always. you were wearing the cutest white sandals and a short mini sundress with a pink ribbon in your hair. you took extra care in your makeup today too, wearing just a little more blush, sparkly silver glitter eyeshadow, and frosty pink lipstick.
“hi ji,” you walked up to him and smiled, actually 10 minutes early this time.
he gave you a small smile and looked back down at his laptop. you puffed your cheeks and pouted a bit. you sat in your designated seat next to him in a huff and pulled at his hoodie sleeve.
“ji, you like me right?” you started to draw circles on his arm and leaned in closer so he could smell your cherry perfume.
jisung looked up at you and tensed up with hesistant look about his face. “what do you mean, y/n?”
you pouted your lip. “you know.”
jisung fidgeted in his seat a bit and looked every where but your tits that were spilling out your bra. “i don’t know what you mean.”
“well we’re friends, right?” you leaned ever so slightly over. god he looked so cute and delicious you could just eat him up.
“um,” jisung started.
you interrupted him. “well i like you ji. and you’re my friend. friends help each other, right?”
jisung stared blankly at you. “y/n we've barely talked except the past couple weeks.”
you ignored his last statement.“this is really embarrassing but,” you leaned over and whispered softly in his ear, “i’m failing this stupid econ class. it’s required for my major but i just don’t understand any of it.”
you leaned back and stared jisung directly in his eyes, close enough to count the eyelashes on his eyes. “help me, ji? please? i know you’re just so smart and i only need some tutoring.” you gave his arm a tight squeeze for reassurance.
poor jisung was so flustered and shifted around at the proximity. “w-well uh o-okay-“
you stood up gave him a tight hug, conveniently shoving his face into your juicy tits, and squealed excitedly. mission success. “thank you so much, ji! let me treat you out to lunch a few days a week to make up for your help!”
jisung’s face was so red and the hug left his glasses slightly askew on his face. adjusting his glasses, he fumbled out a “yeah no problem.”
after the lecture, you slid jisung a piece of paper with your number with a “text me :) <3” and practically skipped out of class.
later that evening you got a text from an unknown number.
unknown: This is y/n right?
unknown: It’s Park Jisung.
you squealed and kicked your feet around on your bed.
you: yup :)) this is y/n
jisungie <3: Okay. I’m free Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Sundays after 2pm. Every other day I have work. Let me know when you want to meet up.
you: yayyyy!! perfect <3
you: let’s meet up at the library tomorrow at 2:30pm. my place is right by it
jisungie <3: Okay.
you: your so awesome ji 😎
jisungie <3: You’re*
jisungie <3: You’re welcome, y/n. And just so you know, I do like you. You are my friend.
you had to run laps around your room after that one.
the next day was a sunday. you told jisung to meet you at the library but you knew better. the library wasn’t open on sundays. so that meant your study date had to move somewhere. and with your place being so close, that somewhere would hopefully be your apartment.
so you arrived at the library 30 minutes early, knowing jisung’s little quirk of needing to be 15 minutes early to everywhere he goes. today you decided to wear black yoga pants that accentuated your ass and a cute crop with a teddy bear print on it. and you made sure your makeup was waterproof because you hoped jisung would make you cry it all off later.
when jisung arrived, you faked a pout and pretended to be upset. you ran up to him and grabbed his arm, big fake tears welling up in your eyes. “ji, the library is closed. i was so excited to hang out with you outside of class but we can’t even have our study date because the stupid library doesn’t open on sundays.”
jisung looked panicked at the sight of your tears. “uh, um, uh don’t cry.”
you let a few tears roll and rubbed them on the back of your hands. “sorry ji. i’m just so disappointed. sure i want my grade in econ to be better but i also just wanted to hang out with you.”
jisung grabbed a napkin out of his bag and handed it to you. he rubbed your hand in a reassuring way that secretly had your pussy throbbing from his big hand grabbing your small one. “uh it’s okay, y/n. i can probably make time tomorrow. i have work but uh-“
you suddenly interrupted him. “wait, i don’t want you to have to miss work for me. i have an idea. my place is just a 3 minute walk from here. how about we head over there instead?”
your tears suddenly dried up as you pouted up at him, puffed up cheeks and big doe eyes with a hopeful look on your face.
jisung seemed to look relieved that you stopped crying. “okay. if that’s what you want then i’m down.”
you squealed and jumped up and down, hugging his body close to yours. “yayy! thank you thank you thank you ji!!!” you grabbed his big hand in yours and practically dragged him all the way to your apartment.
your apartment looked exactly how jisung imagined it. so pink and girly, flowers and ribbons and stuffies everywhere. and it smelled so strongly of you, he was about to lose his mind. your fluffy white cat purred and rubbed herself affectionately on jisung’s leg as soon as he entered.
“sweet girl, he smells so good right?” you lifted her up and snuggled her into your arms, giving her kisses all over her fur. “ji, you can set your stuff down by the couch. let me change into some lounge clothes.”
jisung felt so awkward being in your apartment but when you came out, he knew he was really in trouble. you were wearing a lacy silk pink victoria’s secret pj set that looked so flimsy.
“ji, do you want anything to eat? drink?” you walked past him, underwear peaking from beneath your shorts as you walked to the small kitchen.
jisung stuttered. “n-no. i’m good”
you walked over with a glass of water and a pack of cookies. “okay just let me know if you need anything.”
after an hour of jisung trying to lecture topics of micro and macro economics into your head, you just about had enough. slamming the book shut, you felt your brain about to fry.
“ji, i know i’m a business admin major but this is so stupid,” you whined. “why can’t i be as smart as you? i just wanna marry rich and be a stay at home wife.”
“well y/n-“ jisung started but you cut him off.
“no. i’m sick of this.” suddenly you pushed him back on the couch and straddled his waisted, using your legs to lock him underneath you. suddenly you leaned close to his ear and whispered softly.
“baby, i think you are just so sexy when you explain this stuff to me. you are so smart and i want you so bad.” you nibbled on his ear.
and jisung snapped. he was tired of your teasing for the past few weeks. what, did you really think he was so naive and stupid to notice your seduction tactics? you’re quite literally the girl of his dreams and you’ve been the object of his fantasies since he first saw you freshman year. you were always so bubbly and sweet and outgoing, the exact opposite of him, how could he ever stand a chance with you? but now that you’ve finally made a move on him, that was it.
using his strength, he flipped you over and pinned you on your back, gripping your hands above your head. “fuck. you have no idea what you do to me. you think you can just tease me like this, dangling yourself in front of me like a piece of meat, and expect me to not snap? you have too much faith in me.”
your heart was racing and every word he said went straight to your pussy, growing wetter by the second. jisung started leaving wet kisses down your jaw, once hand still pinning your hands above your head and the other gripping your waist.
“jisung you are so sexy. you have no idea how much i have wanted this,” you looked him into his eyes and smashed your lips against his.
3 years of unresolved feelings went into that kiss. he was a much better kisser than you expected, which had you moaning into his mouth and grinding up into his thigh.
he ripped off your pj set, leaving you in just your lacy white bra and panties. “fucking slut. you planned this huh? wanted to bring me to your apartment so you could fuck me huh?”
you whined and started taking his clothes off too. and holy shit was he hiding a beautiful body underneath those baggy clothes. you could always kinda tell he was toned underneath those clothes but nothing compared to this. his body was so well built and chiseled, arms so veiny and thick, you were foaming at the mouth.
he went to take his glasses off but you stopped him. “the glasses stay on while we fuck,” you told him seriously.
he bit back a giggle and ripped your underwear off. your pussy was glistening with arousal. he wrapped his lips around one of your juicy tits and traveled his hands down your body until his fingers rested on your cunt. “does my baby want to be touched here? does her slutty pussy want to be touched?”
you whined and bucked your hips into his hand. “yes! yes please ji i need you to touch me.”
he smirked and started teasing your pussy with his fingers, rubbing them up and down your slit and ghosting over your clit.
“stop teasing me. need more ji,” you sniffled.
he shoved two fingers into your sopping cunt and started pumping them. you moaned loudly, wriggling your body around and clenching on his fingers. with his other hand, he continued to grope at your chest, leaving you needier than ever. god his hands were so hot and they felt so good. so long and big and veiny and the perfect size for touching your cunt.
suddenly, you shoved him off of you and pushed him back on his back. “your turn.”
jisung looked shocked at first but let you take control. you pulled down his boxers and let out a small gasp. “no fucking way.”
jisung smirked at you and tilted his head back, shutting his eyes with a knowing look on his face. his glasses were crooked and falling off his nose but he never looked sexier to you.
“ji, why did you never tell me you were hiding a horse in there?” you asked, completely serious.
jisung stifled a giggle. “never asked.”
“if i had known you were this fucking hung down here i would’ve jumped your bones so much sooner.” you were seriously concerned for your little pussy the next day but at this point you didn’t care.
you gave his massive cock a few pumps with your manicured nails, wondering just how you would be able to fit all of it inside. even his balls were massive and heavy.
you alternating between licking the base of his cock and lightly sucking on his balls. god it was so hot and heavy and smelled so good, so musky and masculine. jisung let out the sexiest groans as you did this, snaking his hands into your hair and gripping your head. “fuck baby that feels so good.”
you gave a small kiss to the tip of his cock and then started sucking, putting more and more of it down your throat as you went. tears pricked your eyes as it went further and further. jisung’s moans got even louder and he started to buck his hips slightly against your face.
you gave licks to the underside as his dick was deep in your throat. with one final push, you bottomed out on his cock and deepthroated him fully, leaving jisung’s mind hazy and body shaking. fat tears welled up in your eyes and fell down your face. good call on the waterproof mascara.
“fuck m gonna cum. you’re doing so good baby, so so so good,” he groaned as you kept going up and down on his cock, sucking and licking his shaft with every bob of your head.
without warning, he suddenly ripped his cock from your face and stood up, leaving you whining and tears staining your face.
“what a cock hungry slut. can’t even go a second without cock ruining her. well don’t worry baby, i’m about to fuck you so good. wanna cum inside your pussy for the first time.”
he reached into his bag for a condom but you stopped him. “no condom. want you in my pussy raw.”
jisung smirked. “naughty girl.” he pushed you on all fours on the couch and positioned himself behind you. “you’re already so wet baby, won’t even need to prep.”
he rubbed his massive cock on the outside of your pussy, teasing your hole and sticking the tip in before taking it out and rubbing it some more.
“ugh fuck me ji! stop teasing just fuck me right now!” you whined out, arching your back and shoving your cute ass in his face.
and without warning, he bottomed out inside you. you screamed at the sudden feeling, his balls pressing up against your clit. your arms gave out from beneath you, leaving his hands to gripping your hips for support.
“m gonna move now, m’kay sweetheart?” jisung groaned. your little pussy was just sucking him so tightly and it was driving him crazy.
his hips drove into your cunt, his big cock absolutely bullying your little pussy. you were a screaming and moaning and crying mess. “yes yes ji! oh my god feels so good yes!”
you felt your orgasm building up, leaving your pussy to clench and drip more around his cock.
“fuck baby. this pussy was made for me. you’re so perfect and gorgeous and i can’t believe i get to fuck this pussy,” jisung was going absolutely feral above you, thrusting hard and fast and deep into your pussy. he was bottoming out with each thrust, balls slapping against your clit.
“m close. where do you want me to cum baby?” ji groaned out.
“inside. cum inside my pussy. please ji, i need it, need it so much,” you cried.
your words sent jisung over the edge. he released his hot load into your cunt, giving a few last hard thrusts.
the feeling of hot cum inside you triggered your orgasm. you cried out in pleasure, feeling absolute bliss.
after you both got down from your highs, still panting heavily, jisung collapsed onto the couch with you on his lap. his head rested in the crook of your neck as you laid your head on his.
“this is a little late but be my boyfriend ji?”
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neochan · 6 months
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before i leave this site completely, i want us to have one more year of nct fics & filth. if my happiness for writing returns while doing this, i may keep my presence on here longer.
regardless, below are the fics that i have planned / half written / outlined / thought up. over the course of the next year, i will be posting the ones you vote on.
once you read over the fics, please use the link at the bottom of this post to vote for your favorites.
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no synopsis, but i can offer: toxic exes au, street racing, using his rival as a means to make him jealous, he is insanely possessive.
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okay, so maybe hooking up with a masked stranger wasn't the brightest idea. but you didn't expect him to actually blow your mind. unfortunately, the only clue as to who he is lies in the jacket he left behind. now, with the worn leather that still faintly smelled liked him in tow, you're on the hunt to find your prince charming...but you know what they say: if the jacket fits.
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no synopsis, but i can offer: christmas au! flirty hyuck, friends to lovers, comedy(?)
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after seven years, haechan still has a crush on you, but you seem to only have eyes for jeno, and haechan isn’t good at controlling his jealousy. (harry potter au)
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no synopsis, but i can offer: incubus!jaemin
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according to your parents, it's all for the business. get married to the competitions son so the companies can merge, and business will be fruitful, and you'll be rich. easy, right? wrong. it'd be easier if the person you were marrying was someone you didn't know, but you knew jung jaehyun, in fact, you knew him a little too well, and you didn't particularly like him. though his bestfriend peaked your interest the first time you met... and the second time... and the third. (can change the pairing to dream members)
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spend a summer at camp with nct dream as demigods, captured within five different stories
son of hermes!hyuck x daughter of athena!reader
son of ares!jeno x daughter of eros!reader
son of posiedon!renjun x daughter of aphrodite!reader
son of aphrodite!jaemin x daughter of hermes!reader
son of apollo!mark x daughter of hades!reader
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THIS IS MY FAVORITE WIP!! after the tragic death of punk rock band PARASOCIALs leader, lee minhyung, the label is desperate to piece the teenage dream back together again. in an attempt to revive their chart breaking success, they've reached out to you - a rising star already signed to their sister label. but what happens when you realize they're nothing like the press paints them to be? has the band slipped too far out of the limelight for you to save them? GENRE ▸ angst, smut, rockstar!nct dream, band au, vocalist!renjun, guitarist!jeno, drummer!jaemin, vocalist & bassist!haechan
my one shot 'rule breaker' is a prequel to this series.
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no synopsis, but i can offer: dysfunctional family vibes.
illegal street fighter jeno
graffiti artist renjun
street racer & addict haechan
thief mark
drug dealer jaemin
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!!!!! VOTE HERE !!!!!
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134 notes · View notes
agustdiv1ne · 11 months
3k event: “love like the movies”
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think of a movie, now throw an idol into its universe and make it an x reader fic <3 thank you for 3k!!
f — fluff ; a — angst ; m — smut ; s — suggestive ; c — comedy
ones marked with ? have not had genres assigned to them yet
reqs are closed!!
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✰ — soobin
the avengers — f ; s
princess diaries 2 — f ; s
your name — f ; a
kate & leopold — f
everything everywhere all at once — f ; a
harry potter — f ; m
cruella — a ; m
✰ — yeonjun
howl's moving castle — f ; m
wish dragon — f
tangled — f ; m
pride and prejudice — f
work it — m ; f
a cinderella story — f
percy jackson — f ; a
✰ — beomgyu
titanic — f ; m
the devil wears prada — m
night at the museum — f ; c
twilight — s
hunger games — ?
made of honor — f ; a
little women — f ; a
✰ — taehyun
twilight — f ; m
the proposal — m
set it up — f ; a
to all the boys i've loved before — f ; m
pride & prejudice — a ; m
beauty and the beast — f ; a
a whisker away — ?
✰ — hueningkai
enchanted — f
rise of the guardians — f
how to lose a guy in 10 days — a ; f
love and leashes — f ; m
the batman — m
mulan — f ; m
✰ — ot5
harry potter — f ; c
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✰ — seokjin
fools rush in — a ; f ; m
✰ — jungkook
the maze runner — a ; m
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✰ — hongjoong
twilight — m
✰ — seonghwa
dorian gray — s
ratatouille — f
✰ — yeosang
kiki's delivery service — f
✰ — san
pirates of the carribean — m
howl's moving castle — a ; f
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✰ — doyoung
crazy rich asians — f ; m
✰ — jaehyun
dirty dancing — f ; s
✰ — jaemin
alice in wonderland — f ; m
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✰ — chan
twilight — f
✰ — minho
the lake house — f ; a
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© to agustdiv1ne. do not copy, repost, steal, and/or translate.
95 notes · View notes
injoontz · 7 months
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pairing. lee haechan/donghyuck x fem!oc starring. lee donghyuck, hong sumi (oc) featuring.  huang renjun, na jaemin, zhong chenle, park jisung genre. harry potter au, fluff warnings. none word count. 2.7k
synopsis. in which hong sumi loses a bet to lee donghyuck ↳ haechan!slytherin x oc!hufflepuff
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His loud scream was the first thing that Sumi heard that morning. Sumi grumbled a long string of curses to herself before she lifted her head off of the table. Looking around the Great Hall with groggy eyes, Sumi found the source of the disturbance.
Lee Donghyuck.
Sumi was never fond of him. Or at least, she liked to convince herself she wasn’t. Whenever he was with his friends, he was loud and energetic, causing more disturbances in the span of ten minutes than Sumi ever did in her entire lifetime. Arguably, he was one of the most obnoxious people she had ever met. Yet she somehow kept finding herself watching him, noticing little things he did and the little bits and pieces that others might miss.
Under his bubbly personality, Donghyuck was really a gentle soul. When he’s without his friends, Donghyuck actually seemed to be tolerable to Sumi. She liked it when he was quiet and thoughtful and she appreciated how approachable he was to everyone.
Unfortunately for Sumi, today was one of those moments where she couldn’t necessarily appreciate Donghyuck’s presence. His howling screams and loud laugh cut through the Great Hall and greatly disturbed Sumi’s peace and quiet. 
Sumi gave a tired look at the energetic brunette before putting her head back on the table. The Great Hall was filled with chatter and the clatter of utensils against plates that morning. All the students were excited for the day since it would be the first quidditch match of the season. Slytherin vs Hufflepuff. 
All around the Great Hall, students dressed in black robes were eating happily with their Hogwarts Houses. From across the hall, Slytherins and Gryffindors glared at each other while Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws talked amongst themselves, occasionally waving hello to their friends outside of the house.
“Is she really sleeping?”
“Seems like it,”
“Should we wake her up? All the food will be gone,”
Sumi let out a groan and tried to hide her face further into her arms when she felt someone start to shake her. She lifted her hand and swatted away the person’s hand. Her friends laughed before going back to their food and chatting. Jisung sighed and poked Sumi in the face with his free hand.
“Will you please eat,” he said more than asked.
“I’m not hungry,” Sumi replied, “Let me sleep,” she heard Jisung sigh before he began to eat his food. Sumi exhaled gently before opening her eyes and sitting up.
She was greeted with a bright smiling face and she could already hear his teasing tone before he even opened his mouth.
“Good morning,” Chenle smiled.
Sumi gave him a bored look and picked up a piece of toast and put some eggs on her plate. Chenle and Jisung both glanced at her before they went on eating their breakfast. Occasionally they would slip some more food onto Sumi’s plate without her noticing and she would eat it without realizing.
“Today is the first match of the year,” Jisung said, “Are you nervous?”
Sumi shrugged.
Chenle and Jisung gave her a look, “Sumi, today is the first match of the year. You’re the captain.”
Sumi shrugged again and Chenle and Jisung both let out exasperated sighs. Before the two of them could scold and badger Sumi about being more enthusiastic, Sumi put her utensils down and downed her entire water.
“There’s no way I lose to Lee Donghyuck this year,” Sumi said.
By noon time, the whole school seemed to be out in the stands around the Quidditch pitch, it was the first match of the year. The seats might be raised high in the air, but it was still difficult to see what was going on sometimes, so many students had binoculars to get a better view. Chenle sat in the announcer’s box while Jisung and Sumi got ready in the locker rooms.
Sumi was quiet as Jisung went around checking up on the team. She kept staring at the chalkboard with their defensive and offensive plans. A loud snap caused the other Hufflepuffs to turn their attention to Sumi. She had her wand out, pointing straight at offensive plan number 4. The rest of the team seemed to understand and a wide smirk emerged on all of their faces.
A booming cheer rose from the stands as the emerald robes of the Slytherin Quidditch team emerged onto the pitch. An equally loud cheer shook the pitch when the amber robes of the Hufflepuffs appeared.
Madam Hooch was refereeing today and the Hufflepuffs and Slytherins flew towards the ground when she blew her whistle. She stood in the middle of the field waiting for the two teams, her broom in her hand. “Now, I want a nice fair game, all of you,” she said, once they were all gathered around her. “Mount your brooms, please.”
Sumi mounted her broom and gave a dull look at Donghyuck. He returned with a blazing smile. She rolled her eyes at him which only seemed to make him smile bigger.
“Hey, Susu,” Donghyuck said with a teasing smile.
Sumi ignored him.
“If I win, will you go on a date with me?”
Sumi nearly choked on her own spit when she heard his proposal. It was no secret to the school that Donghyuck liked Sumi, but she always had her doubts. She was sure that Donghyuck just liked to joke and tease her. She gave him an incredulous look but he just shrugged. “It was worth asking,” he smiled.
“It seems like you’ve lost a few brain cells, Lee,” Sumi rolled her eyes, “One too many bludgers to the head?”
“And here I thought Hufflepuffs were supposed to be nice,” Jaemin mumbled to Donghyuck.
“And who said that?” Sumi rolled her eyes, some of the other Hufflepuffs snickered and laughed at her snide remarks. Despite her dismissiveness, Sumi didn’t fail to notice the disappointment in Donghyuck’s eyes
Madam Hooch sighed and shook her head as she gave a loud blast on her silver whistle and fifteen brooms rose up straight into the air.
Sumi let out a long huff, watching as the air around her fogged up and then disappeared into the cold. Even though they had played their best, Donghyuck was still able to get the snitch before her team. She wasn’t surprised, nor that upset at this point. Donghyuck was one of the best seekers at Hogwarts, his skills were only rivaled by Mark Lee from Gryffindor house.
“Why the long face?” Chenle asked as he sat down with Sumi in the courtyard.
Sumi shrugged. “Just thinking,”
“It’s never a good thing when you do that,” Chenle joked and Sumi shoved him gently. He laughed and leaned back on his hands. “You know, even though Jisung didn’t get the snitch, Hufflepuff only lost by thirty points.”
Sumi nodded but that wasn’t why she was thinking so much. The two of them sat in silence for a bit, the cold hair swirling around their heads. Sumi continued to let out little puffs of air to watch it fog up in front of her. As she was about to do it again, when a familiar brunette appeared across the courtyard.
Donghyuck smiled gently at his friend as they made their way back into the building. Sumi jumped to her feet and Chenle gave her a startled look. Before he could ask her what was wrong, Sumi grabbed her bag and started to hurry off towards Donghyuck.
“Sumi, where are you going?” Chenle called.
“I’m cold! I’ll see you later!” she replied without looking back.
When Sumi got back inside she found Donghyuck walking towards the library with his friend. She quickly rushed over and gently grabbed his robes to stop him. He paused and turned around with a confused expression. Donghyuck’s Ravenclaw friend, Huang Renjun, gave the two of them a look before smirking.
“I’ll leave you two to talk for a moment,” he said before rushing away to the library. Donghyuck turned around to try and get Renjun to stay but his friend was already long gone.
“Um,” Sumi hesitated and Donghyuck turned his gaze back to her. “You won,”
“What?” Donghyuck asked in confusion.
“The match,” Sumi repeated, “You won, so I- ,” Sumi looked away, she regretted even bringing it up to Donghyuck. It was obvious he wasn’t actually being serious when he mentioned it on the pitch, he was just teasing her.
“I owe you a date,” Sumi finally managed to get out. 
Donghyuck stared at her for a moment before his eyes widened, “Wait seriously?” Donghyuck grabbed her hand and forced Sumi to look at him. The look in his eyes desperately begged Sumi to tell him that she wasn’t joking. There was so much genuinity in his eyes that Sumi for a moment believed that maybe Donghyuck could have feelings for her.
Sumi nodded.
Donghyuck’s face broke into a bright smile and he let out a small laugh. “Well, then I’ll make sure to bring you on a great one!” he said.
Sumi nodded as Donghyuck said his goodbyes and rushed off to tell Renjun the news. He stopped halfway to Renjun and turned around to wave at Sumi before rushing off again. 
That night, Sumi was jolted from her sleep when she felt someone shake her awake. She had fallen asleep in the Hufflepuff Common Room while studying for potions. Her books were scattered across the table and a paper stuck to her face when she lifted her head up.
Sumi immediately recognized the voice and opened her eyes a little wider as Donghyuck pulled her worksheet off her face. She lifted a hand to her cheek where it was before and felt her face go hot at the realization that Donghyuck had just caught her in an embarrassing situation.
Then it hit Sumi…
“How did you get in here?” she exclaimed, 
Donghyuck smiled widely, “It took a few tries, trust me. The boys and I have gotten our fair share of vinegar showers.” He remembered vividly the first three years at Hogwarts.
The 00’Liners had learned where the Hufflepuff dorms were in their first year but despite their efforts, they never learned which barrel to tap or the rhythm of the tapping to be able to enter. It was by miracle in their fourth year that Jaemin was able to figure out the passcode inside. Only some time later did Renjun realize that Jaemin had somehow used a morse code rhythm to spell ‘Helga Hufflepuff’.
“What are you doing here?” Sumi asked as she started to clean her things. “If you don’t leave, I’ll have to report you,”
“You won’t do that,” Donghyuck smiled.
“You don’t know that-” Sumi’s words died on her lips when she realized that Donghyuck had started to lean in and trap her between himself and the table. “What are you doing?”
Donghyuck smiled and leaned back, “Our date, let’s go,” he stood up and held a hand out for Sumi to take.
Sumi gave him an incredulous look and shook her head, “It’s midnight, Donghyuck, we can’t go anywhere past curfew–”
“Come on,” Donghyuck chuckled, “Just this once,”
Sumi stared at Donghyuck’s hand before looking up at his face. His eyes were pleading as he waited for her to take his hand. She lifted her hand and it hovered over his hesitating for a moment before she ultimately decided to ignore her fears of getting caught and taking his hand.
Donghyuck pulled her to her feet and the two of them hurried out of the Hufflepuff Common Room. Sneaking through the corridors, Donghyuck took an elaborate path to their date rendezvous. Sumi was keenly aware of how his hand engulfed hers as he led her around the school. Sumi started to recognize the corridors around her as Donghyuck started to lead her up a staircase.
“This is-”
“The Astronomy Tower,” Donghyuck finished her words.
Donghyuck stopped Sumi just before the top of the Astronomy Tower. She gave him a confused expression but Donghyuck ignored it and moved so that he stood behind her. His hand slipped out of hers leaving it cold in the chilly November air.
He placed his hands over her eyes and Sumi quickly reached up to grab his in turn. Donghyuck let out a chuckle and leaned down to speak into her ear.
“Do you trust me?” he asked, his breath tickling her ear.
“No,” Sumi’s voice shook as she answered him.
Donghyuck laughed but started to lead Sumi onto the roof of the Astronomy Tower. Sumi felt the cold air hit her skin and she shivered a bit. Donghyuck stopped somewhere on the tower and Sumi gripped onto his hands tightly.
“Ready?” he asked before removing his hands and revealing a beautiful set up of blankets and candles. There were candles lighting the way towards the center of the tower where Donghyuck had set up some blankets and what looked like a basket of snacks. The sky was lit up with stars and the moon shone brightly in a crescent, smiling down upon the two of them.
“Donghyuck,” Sumi’s voice sounded breathless to herself. “This is beautiful,” she turned and smiled at him.
Donghyuck felt his face go hot and he coughed gently before pointing to the blanket. “I remember you mentioned that you really liked stars during Transfiguration. There’s supposed to be a meteor shower tonight, I heard that we might be able to see it from the castle,”
Sumi walked to the edge of the Astronomy tower and stared out at the forest. Leaning out over the edge a little, Sumi closed her eyes and let the wind brush her hair out of her face. A smile pushed onto her face and she let out a light giggle. There was a giddily feeling in her chest, something about sneaking out and being in her happy place made Sumi feel some kind of euphoria that she wasn’t used to.
She spun around and smiled at Donghyuck. Her smile had his heart fluttering and Donghyuck could hear his heart pounding in his ears. He was sure that his face was bright red but if it was, Sumi made no move to tease him about it.
He walked over to her and leaned against the edge as well. The wind pushed his hair back and forth and as he went to push his hair out of his eyes, Sumi’s hand reached over and moved it for him. His eyes widened when he felt her delicate fingers graze against his forehead.
“I think I like you,” Sumi whispered.
“What?” Donghyuck leaned back in surprise.
“I-” It sunk in what Sumi had said, “Oh my god! Wait-”
“What did you just say?” Donghyuck panicked as well.
“Nothing! I didn’t say anything!” Sumi started to walk away from Donghyuck but was quickly spun back around. She crashed into his chest and felt Donghyuck’s arm holding her tightly to him. Sumi gripped onto his shirt and could feel Donghyuck’s heart going crazy underneath her hand.
“I like you too,” his voice was barely over a whisper.
A jolt went through Sumi’s body and she froze before pushing off of Donghyuck. He stared down at her and Sumi could still feel his heart beating a mile a minute. Looking into his eyes though, Sumi could tell that this confession was different than all the other times. The usually joking smile from his past confessions had been completely replaced by a desperation and genuinity that reminded Sumi why she even agreed to go on a date with him in the first place.
Carefully, Sumi stood a bit taller on her toes, tilting her head until her lips gently met his. She felt him freeze under her touch for just a moment. Then as she started to lean away, Sumi felt Donghyuck’s lips kiss her back. Before Sumi could do anything, Donghyuck moved back, his eyes big and puppy-like.
“I really like you, Sumi,” Donghyuck said again, “Will you please be my girlfriend?”
Sumi’s mouth opened and closed, fighting to find the right words to say to him. It was obvious to her by the way her heart clenched tightly at his words. She was certain of it now. She had completely fallen for Lee Donghyuck.
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©𝐢𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐳, 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑
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rrxnjun · 2 years
since i saw vienna ;; njm
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pairing: na jaemin x fem!reader genre: strangers to friends to not-really-lovers | angst, a hint of fluff, hurt-comfort, coming of age, slice of life wc: 8.7k (8.754) warnings: mention of alcohol abuse, underge drinking, drinking and driving, swearing playlist: since i saw vienna - wilbur soot ; i wish you were sober - conan gray ; footnote - conan gray ; worst - waterparks ; 505 - arctic monkeys ; love is a laserquest - arctic monkeys ; memories - conan gray a/n: i'm fully aware that they would sell alcohol to a 17-year old in vienna but please for the sake of this story, ignore this<3 also i quote the song memories by conan gray (which this fic was pretty much inspired by) a lot in the last part, i hope you don't mind :)
it's been a few weeks since na jaemin last saw vienna. escaping the city for a while didn't mean escaping you completely, though. you show up at his doorstep in the middle of the night, making him feel the worst he ever has, because nothing hurts him more than to only be wanted when you're drunk.
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September 15th, 2018, 6:21pm – I’ll put down my roots when I’m dead
His eyes travel across the town center, all historical and beautiful, just like he’d seen on the internet. He’d just left the St. Peter’s church, amazed by the Harry Potter-like interior, when the sunlight hits his eyes and makes him squint into the distance. 
Na Jaemin is often alone on these trips. No wonder, he’s an introvert– weighing his words and only choosing to speak when he’s with the right people. Only a few really know him, for the sound of his voice is reserved only for the chosen ones, the joyful melody of his laugh only heard when he’s completely relaxed, in the presence of his friends. He doesn’t have many friends, but he finds that he doesn’t even mind that his circle is so small. Small doesn’t always mean that it’s bad– in this instance, he’s glad for the fact that he doesn’t have to keep track of any more unnecessary drama.
He turned 18 a little over a month ago. It was on a hot, august day, and he had a small party with his friends, in the backyard of his house back at home, in Jeonju. Now, it’s September, and even though the sun in Vienna is only a few degrees colder than it was on his birthday, he couldn’t find a better way to start the new school year. 
A school trip to Austria is a big deal for a traveler like Jaemin. At night, he dreams of seeing the wonders of the whole world some day. It’s a wild dream, and he knows that, but as long as he is able to, he’s set on doing the most he can, only to make this dream come true. 
He’s walking the streets of Vienna alone. Their teachers let all of the students roam around freely for a few hours before they have to come back to the hotel, but Na Jaemin doesn’t have any friends with him right now, because most of them are from different schools and Huang Renjun, the only friend of his that he knows from school, forgot to pay for the trip in time, so the opportunity to enjoy Vienna together was pretty much wasted. Jaemin doesn’t mind, for the most part. He imagines it would be more fun in a pair, but he’s okay with settling for this. He doesn’t mind being alone, after all. The beauty of the city overtakes him enough to not pay attention to anything else.
Suddenly, there’s a voice calling his name from somewhere behind him, making him stop in his tracks and look around.
“Na Jaemin! Na Jaemin!” there’s a shriek, followed by a fit of laughter. 
The sight he has in front of him is one that shocks him, for he’s certain that he’s awake, but the person calling his name makes him believe he must be dreaming. In a cute, baby pink bomber jacket, there is you– with pins and patches decorating the fabric of your coat, all of the places you’ve been. Na Jaemin knows you only briefly– again, his circle is small– all he knows is that he adores the pins and patches on your jacket just as much as he adores you. 
Somehow, you’ve caught his eye. You’re in the grade below him– only a year younger, but he’s seen you in the halls on most days. Walking around with confidence and some sense of admirable charisma, it’s hard not to notice you and feel pulled towards your presence. You’re loud, cheerful, life of the party. Your smile is contagious and your hair is messy on most days, looking as if you forgot to brush it when you left the house in the morning. Still, when Na Jaemin saw the pin board about the countries of Asia you’ve been to in the school halls, he feels pulled towards your carefree persona. You seem like you’ve got no roots– a wind, dashing through the place and leaving everyone breathless.
Your body marches towards him, seemingly ignoring the shock on his face. A smile decorating your features, a rather innocent one, to be said, you open your mouth and propose a daring request to the boy.
“Na Jaemin. You’re 18 now, right?” you ask, hands firmly clasped behind your back. You look like the class president who speaks about the issues in the class to the teacher– you look reliable and tactful. Your intentions are far from reliable and dandy– Na Jaemin is only about to find out, though.
“Yeah,” he nods, short for words. His responses are often short, but they’re always understandable. That’s what’s admirable about Na Jaemin– he’s a man of few words, but he chooses them carefully, always speaking clearly and straight to the point. He’s well-spoken, for the most part.
“So… me and my friends were wondering…” you start off, trailing at the end of your sentences, “we’ll have to come back to the hotel in a few, since the curfew is at nine, but that’s no fun. And we thought about a better way to spend our evening, but we need your help!” you say, smiling at him with innocence.
Furrowing his brows, Na Jaemin squints at you through the afternoon sun. “What?”
“Well!” you chirp, quite proud of your idea. “We wanted to have a little fun in our hotel room! Me, Ryujin, Jisu, and our mate Hyunjin. You know Hyunjin, right?” you ask, but don’t leave him space to reply as you ramble on and on about your masterplan, “so, we wanted to get some booze and hang out in our room.”
Blinking slowly at you, Jaemin tries hard to regain his composure. He’s not sure if he’s a bit slow, or something, or if it’s your magnetic presence that is keeping his head too busy to understand basic sentences, but he can’t quite comprehend your point.
“Yeah… and?” he asks, not getting it.
“And… neither of us is 18 yet, so we kind of need your help,” you mumble, “would you maybe… buy some alcohol for us? They won’t sell us any of the harder stuff, so we really need a reliable adult by our side,” you giggle, winking at him.
Redness fills his cheeks, but he tries to convince himself it’s the hot sun shining down at his head the whole day that’s making him a little over-heated at this point. “U-uh… I don’t know about that…”
“Come ooon!” you mourn out, a pout now sitting at your lips. It’s an expression you pull whenever you really want something, and Na Jaemin has figured it out by innocently eavesdropping on your conversations in the halls (not his fault you’re so loud when you talk), but still, he can’t find himself being the first one to not do what you desire. It’s you, after all– you have everyone and everything under your spell, wrapped tightly around your finger. It’s inevitable.
“You really shouldn’t be drinking. You’re underage, after all, and this is a school trip-”
“Jaemin, don’t be a party popper! Loosen up a bit! Besides, you’re invited to hang out with us. You’ve been alone the whole time, it looks like you need some company,” you say. Now, to Jaemin, this does sound a bit like manipulation. He recognises that. 
Still, again, he’s not God’s strongest soldier. And with how you’re batting your eyelashes at him, with that adorable puppy-like expression, he doesn’t seem to find it in himself to say no to you. Because, the true question is; has anyone ever said no to you?
“O-Okay then,” he mutters, mentally slapping himself for nervously stuttering. 
This might be the first time Na Jaemin has ever broken the rules. Walking into the closest supermarket with you and your friends, he realizes one crucial thing–
he doesn’t even like alcohol in the first place.
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September 15th, 2018, 9:21pm – It was me or whiskey, now you're pissed I wasn't bluffing
Walking along the hotel halls, taking the quietest steps he physically can, he moves closer to room number 505. You scribbled the number on the back of his hand with black sharpie, insisting, so he ‘doesn’t forget’. Like he could ever forget a single word that ever came out of your mouth…
The doors are all closed, professors already tucked in their room at the very end of the hall. It must be hard to look after so many kids on a school trip, so he can only imagine how tired they are after the whole day. Surely, they’ll be too tired to come and check if everyone’s in their rooms, right? He has nothing to be afraid of…
Standing in front of the door with the number corresponding to the one on the back of his hand, he scratches the back of his neck and takes a deep breath in. Does he really want to do this? He did what you asked him for– bought you three bottles of the finest whiskey in the small supermarket, all with your money. Your friends were loud, giggling and laughing as he got ID’d, but the whole operation went successfully. Now, he can just let it all go and go back to his room and sleep. You’re leaving tomorrow at noon, so it’s not a good idea to be tired and hungover the next morning… 
Chewing on the inside of his cheek, he thinks that it would be embarrassing to go back to his room now. Nobody saw him, but still. His mind would probably be ashamed of its own actions. And when he thinks of your face, so cheerful and thankful when he pressed the bottles into your hands when you left the store, he once again finds it hard to say no to you. It might have just been a pity invitation, only done for the sake of him being your supplier, but still. He might as well have some exciting stories to tell to his friends when he gets back. 
Lifting his hand, he knocks at the door. Everything goes silent for a second– the low mumbling and laughter coming from the inside of the room stilling, all of you now probably cautious about the visitor, before the door opens with a swing and you’re standing in the door frame in gray pajama bottoms and a white, oversized t-shirt. 
“It’s Na Jaemin!” you squeak out, eyes already a little glossy and your persona more speedy and excited than ever before. Jaemin doesn’t think he’s ever heard his name being called with more excitement, and it flatters him a bit, but he figures that you must have already drank some alcohol, and it’s only the effect the liquor has on you, and not himself.
Tugging him into the room by a swift swing of his hand, Na Jaemin finds himself in a small room, identical to the one he abandoned only a few minutes ago. The only difference is the amount of beds and the amount of people in the small space– he only has one bed, but you have three. He stays in his hotel room alone, but there’s five of you there right now. Hyunjin clearly doesn’t share a room with you and your girlfriends– and neither does Jaemin– for it’s kind of prohibited on school trips, and understandably so.
Looking around the room, he’s met with an unusual sight: your friends Ryujin and Jisu dancing on one of the beds, the music so loud Jaemin wonders how he didn’t hear it through the door, and your other friend Hyunjin sprawled out on the other bed, seemingly half-asleep. 
Eyes finding you, standing in front of him with a different kind of glint in your eyes, you offer him a bottle of the whiskey he bought for you just a few hours ago, a grin flashing at him with much excitement that you’re failing to hide. 
“Have some,” you say, hips swinging to the music. Jaemin recognises the tunes of the 2011 hits he used to listen to on the radio with his friend Jeno when they were little and his mum was driving them to football practice every other afternoon. It’s a weird sense of nostalgia, the fact that his childhood is now long gone, and the sight of you offering him alcohol only makes the fact more prominent in his mind.
“No, thanks,” he shakes his head, “I don’t drink.”
“Come ooon! Do I really have to convince you into everything?” you giggle, pouting. It seems like you know that this expression is your strongest weapon, and Jaemin is left with no way to fight back.
Staring at the bottle in your hand, he wonders– what’s the worst thing that could really happen, right? He’s 18 now. He’s allowed to drink. 
Taking it from your hands, he puts it against his lips and takes a swig. The liquor stings in his throat, the taste so unfamiliar and strange that it makes him scrunch up his whole face in disgust, yet, it doesn’t hold you back from smiling at him and putting your thumbs up in approval.
“See? Not that bad,” you say, walking over to the bluetooth speaker sitting on your bedside table, turning the volume up on the familiar latin song he’s sure he’s heard at least a thousand times now. 
Taking long steps towards him, your hands find their way around his neck, your hips swinging to the rhythm. “Dance with me!”
His body is kind of stiff, his mind kind of hazy and the yellow light shining in his eyes makes his head hurt just the tiniest bit, but again, Na Jaemin doesn’t seem to find it in him to disagree with anything you have to say to him. You have that effect on him. It’s not his fault he can’t battle it.
And to numb his running mind just a bit, he takes another sip of the alcohol, and another one, and… another one. On a trip to Vienna, freshly 18 and a little lonely, Na Jaemin gets drunk for the first time, dancing with you in your hotel room. And after a few sips, he even finds the courage to put the bottle down on the floor next to your bed and set his hands onto your waist, pulling you a little closer with each song playing from your thoughtfully crafted party playlist.
Na Jaemin is only 18 when he falls from you. Who knows if he would’ve stepped inside your hotel room if he knew what was coming next with you and him.
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October 31st, 2020, 11:36pm – real sweet, but I wish you were sober
“Oooh, Jaemin!!” the teasing voice of a certain black-haired girl flows into his ears, making him roll his eyes and chuckle. The catwoman costume Shin Ryujin is wearing is definitely getting to her, with how she slyly walks around the place and ironically growls at her friends with that teasing smirk of hers. “Didn’t know you’d go all out on Halloween!”
Looking down at his costume, Jaemin furrows his brows. He really didn’t put much effort into what he’s wearing– he’s in all black and the only thing distinguishing his ordinary party outfits from the one he’s wearing today is the red cloak he borrowed from his friend Jisung and the fake blood he bought with Jeno on sale last year, three weeks after Halloween, now dripping from the corners of his mouth. He doesn’t even have fangs– they were sold out everywhere when he tried to look for them last minute.
“I didn’t,” he mutters, following the girl with his eyes as she shrugs and escapes the kitchen, happy giggles following her departure.
Parties aren’t really Jaemin’s favorite places to be. The music is too loud, the place is too crowded, and his friends are much more sociable than he is, so he’s mostly left alone, in the corners of the rooms. He got an exclusive invitation from you, though, promising you’d drive him to the party on your new car you got for your nineteenth birthday– a white Range Rover with comfortable seats and too much room in the back. And even after two years of knowing you, he still can’t say no to whatever you ask him for. 
That’s why he’s here, in Lee Donghyuck’s rented house, roaming the kitchen for something non-alcoholic to drink. Much hasn’t changed in two years, to be honest– he still absolutely despises the taste of alcohol, and it still makes him too touchy and sleepy to function normally. He doesn’t like the change in his personality when he drinks, so he mostly chooses not to do so for the sake of his own comfort.
The electronic party music is resonating all through the walls of the house, making his ears ring with the intensity of decibels. You told him you’re only going to the bathroom and that you’ll be back in a few seconds, but as far as he’s concerned, it’s been an hour and a half of him waiting for you in the spot you left him in, and you’re still nowhere to be seen. That’s the typical you– promises are rarely kept with you. He doesn’t blame you for this one, though– you’re at a party, after all, and you have plenty of friends. He can only imagine that you met some on your way back and decided to catch up with them, too busy to come back to your boring introvert. 
Taking a sip of the Coca-cola from one of the red cups, he feels momentarily at ease. The sugar makes him feel better, for he thought he was going to pass out any minute from how bad the air is in the crowded house. Looking around, he wonders if he can take a seat at the dining table, because he doesn’t really feel like joining the crowd, when his train of thought is cut off by a scream of his name.
“Jaemin!” he hears, the voice of Hwang Hyunjin piercing through his eardrums. “Jaemin!”
“Yeah?” he asks, coming closer to the tall boy, raising his eyebrows in question. “What’s up?” 
The tone Hyunjin used to look for his friend is a hurried one. It makes Jaemin feel alert– it seems like something went wrong and he’s now called to fix everything. It happens a lot with his new friend group (not that he abandoned his old one, no. He just adapted himself into a new one as well), since they’re quite the wild crowd. He’s always the caring and responsible adult that makes everything okay again when shit goes down.
Heart thumping at the mention of your name, Jaemin is set into a three-second-long panic attack. He’s quite sensitive when it comes to you, and he gets teased about it often, but he figures that there’s nothing he can really do about it now, after two years. A silly crush is a silly crush, but however hard he tries, he can’t seem to get over it even after all this time of being your friend and knowing you all and throughout. It’s quite weird, from a stranger’s perspective, but to him, it makes perfect sense.
“What happened?”
“She got too drunk again. Think you can take her home?” he asks, chewing on his bottom lip. “I’d do it, but I had beer a minute ago, so I can’t drive right now.”
Sighing, Jaemin’s heart sinks into his stomach. Shrugging, he admits the disappointment in his insides, because this is how it always ends– with you drunk off your face and him taking care of you, because you’re like a baby, and even though he’d do anything for you, it’s starting to tire him out. Nonetheless, he nods. 
“Yeah, okay.”
“Good. She’s sitting at the front porch with Ryujin, she has the keys. Thanks, man.”
“Yeah,” Jaemin chuckles, “it’s alright.”
Downing the last drop of the Cola he had in his cup, he moves to the front door, ready to take his role of a caregiver. Opening it and dragging his feet across the porch, he’s met with the sight worthy of a comic– a catwoman and Hulk sitting at the front porch, the green figure with their head on their knees and hands in their hair. You insisted on being Hulk for Halloween this year, and even though Jaemin has never seen a Marvel movie in his life, he thinks it’s quite fitting, yet, he doesn’t even know why.
“Everything alright?” he asks, locking eyes with Ryujin.
“Yeah! Thanks for taking her home, she was getting insufferable,” the black-haired girl laughs, offering him the keys to your car. “Drive safely!”
“Yeah,” he nods, “have fun…” he trails off as he watches the girl get back into the house, ready to enjoy Halloween. 
Why can’t Jaemin enjoy the party too? Why is he always the one taking care of you?
Sighing, he taps you on your shoulder, waking you up from your slumber. When your eyes meet his, you smile at him with a very well known spark in your eyes. “Time to go home?”
Nodding, Jaemin supports your weight as you slide into his side, walking you to the passenger seat of your own car. He doesn’t know why he expected you to stay sober the whole night, considering that you were the one driving you two there, but he thinks it’s a valid expectation to have, isn’t it? What a shame he’s let down every single time.
“Why do you always have to get so drunk?” he asks, genuinely curious.
Humming, seemingly thinking about it, you shrug. “Guess it’s in my genes.”
He doesn’t ask more. Maybe it’s not his place to talk, after all. You’re just his friend, and that’s all you two will ever be. So he will just do his friend duty and drive you home. After, he’ll walk to his place, because he doesn’t think it’s fitting of him to borrow your car, and then, he’ll try to sleep without a single thought in his head about you. Might be a hard plan, but he’s set on achieving it.
When he stops in front of your house, turning off the engine and pulling the hand brake so the car doesn’t ride off the small hill you live on, you turn to him with stars in your eyes and weird haziness in your mind. 
“Yes, Y/N?” he asks, pulling the key out of the starting. 
You stay quiet, making him concerned. Looking at you, he finds you staring somewhere off into the distance, seemingly lost in thought. Worried because of the solemn look on your face, Jaemin gently taps your knee, getting your attention. 
“What did you want to say?” he asks.
Flattering your eyelashes at him, as if to clear your head and get your thoughts straight, you shake your head and giggle. “Nothing.”
And in a swift motion, so fast he misses it, so quick he has no time to stop you, you lean in and kiss him. Your lips taste of cheap liquor mixed with beer and your hair smells of cigarette smoke He doesn’t pull away, but he doesn’t kiss you back either. He’s frozen in his place, too shocked to do anything else.
Pulling away from him, you grin wider. “I really like you.” 
And with that, you escape the car, feet stumbling into the house. He watches you for a while, making sure you get inside safely, sitting in the car until the light in your room turns on and you plop your head into the window with dark circles under your eyes. You wave at him, your motions so big and over-exaggerated he worries you’ll make something fall over with your arm.
Staring at you, he feels his heart swell, a feeling so strong and foreign he almost starts to hate it. With hazy thoughts and hesitant feelings, the only thing he can think of is how sweet you look, how pretty and lovable you look in that window. 
Walking out of the car, locking it and keeping the keys in the pocket of his army-green jacket he’s had since sixteen, he figures he’ll take the long way home to clear his head.
Sometimes, and in moments like these, twice as much, he wishes you were sober.
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November 11th, 2021, 9:11pm – knees weak, but you talk pretty proud, wow
Na Jaemin is 21 years old when he gets his first apartment. Living alone is not much different to living with his parents, if he’s being completely honest, since he always used to help around the house and even do his laundry (Ryujin and Jisu always told him they can’t believe he doesn’t have an older sister, with how well he was raised), and he’s an only child, so the house always used to be quiet anyway, but he adores having his own space.
He decorated the flat with what was most dear to his heart– posters from his favorite movies, CD’s of his favorite bands stacked into tall shelves and pictures he’s taken of his friends and while traveling stuck to the wall in his bedroom. The whole apartment feels like him; there are hints of his presence everywhere, easy to be seen by even a stranger’s eye.
Opening the door for you after the doorbell rings, Jaemin is met with your smiling face. He’s grown familiar with the way your lips tug upwards by now, the expression already making him feel all mushy on his insides. It’s not something he got used to, since seeing you in his life is not something he likes to take for granted, but it’s something that he knows, something he involuntarily ties to home, to a feeling of safety and love.
“Hi!” you greet, the loudness of your voice still the same as when you were seventeen. Hugging you around the waist, Jaemin brings you inside and closes the door after you, a tight smile, a rather proud one, to say the least, decorating his face. 
“Welcome to my home!” he says, excitement shining through every crack of his body, an aura so bright around him you’d think he was living his happiest moment of his life. 
Squealing together in unison, joy seeping through your bodies, Jaemin walks you around the flat. You’re the first of his friends that he’s invited to his new home– his guy friends were all busy this week and he thought it would only be right to let you be the first one of your friend group, since he’s closest to you, after all. Besides, he hasn’t been alone with you in a while, and he quite misses the way time flies when he’s by your side, so Hyunjin, Ryujin and Jisu can wait a few more days before they see the beauty of his sunny apartment for the first time in person.
“It’s so pretty here! I love it so much, oh my god!” you squeal, hands flying around your head in a winning motion, too excited to keep your emotions in and control your body. 
“Isn’t it? The view is awesome when it gets dark outside, since you can see all the lights from the apartments outside,” Jaemin says, surprised by the way his flat stays illuminated even in the darkest nights, not used to the center of the city, since he’s always lived in the suburbs with his parents. The small flat he lives in right now is different from the cozy house he grew up in, but he welcomes the change with open arms. It’s nice to have something new in your life from time to time.
“That’s so great,” you get out in awe, mouth open agape and amazement written all over your features. It seems like you’re at a loss for words, speechless from seeing your friend’s life move forward with such force into adulting. 
Jaemin finds himself imagining you in his flat, moving in. Somehow, that’s what’s running through his mind when you twirl around in the place in front of the full-length window, a happy giggle escaping your lips. He finds himself wondering if you’ll ever be his, truly his, after all these years– if he can start leaving space for your clothes in his closet and a spare toothbrush for you in his bathroom. It’s not like you two are together, though.
It’s not like that at all, and Jaemin should stop imagining such things, because these moments, the seconds he spends thinking of you moving in, staying in his arms, only lead to heartbreak.
You only see him as a friend. And so what if you kiss him every time you’re drunk? So what if you hold him close, let him truly in whenever you’re intoxicated? Those moments mean nothing to you, so it seems, even though to Jaemin, they mean everything. It’s a sad realization, one that always brings him down to his knees, but it’s the one he had to accept and learn to live with. He can never have you. Not fully.
“Wanna see my bedroom?” Jaemin perks up, breaking himself out of his thoughts. When you give him a nod, he only turns around and enters the small place, expecting you to follow him. The room is bright white, with dark wooden floor and a big window on the wall opposite of the bed. There’s not much space for anything else, but there’s also a big closet and a table, a place where Jaemin does most of his homework for university. It’s not much, but it’s enough for him.
As soon as your eyes meet the big bed in the corner of the room, you do the expected– you run up to it and jump, testing if it’s as comfy as the one he had in his parents’ house. With the grunt you get out of your throat, he assumes that you like the softness of the mattress and the smell of the bedsheets he only put on this morning, smiling to himself.
Laying next to you, he joins you in the comfortable silence. After a while, there’s a shuffling from the right side of his body, and he looks at you from the corner of his eye to see your figure sprawled out on your side, eyes locking with his.
Following your actions, you two are now staring at each other. Sometimes, when Jaemin stares hard enough, he can see specks swirling in your eyes, a whole galaxy of thoughts and emotions mirroring in your magical orbs. He knows your face by memory now, the placement of your freckles on your nose and the curve of your nose imprinted into his mind forever, a sight he always likes to see and study so hard he can never get it out of his head. 
“What are you staring at?” he teases, grinning.
Shrugging, you slightly squint your eyes at him, a smile glazing your soft lips. “You.”
Eyes a little glossy now, you scan his features for a heartbeat, a while that feels twice as long as it is in its true reality. Na Jaemin learned long ago not to rush anything, and not to rush you either. He gives you space to collect your thoughts, not pushing for an answer, however hard he wants to hear it. He’s a patient man. Many admire this quality.
“Because I like you,” you say, a grin following, brightening up your whole face. 
He feels heat in his cheeks, a stupid smile slowly inching towards his lips. Shaking his head in disbelief, he snickers. “No, you don’t.”
And he believes his words. Because in reality, this is how the story always goes. You don’t like him. You never once hinted at it when you’re sober, instead ignoring his words every time he tries to talk to you about what happened when you were under the influence again. Some days, he tries to stop you. Some days, he can't help himself. He used to blame himself for not controlling his urges, but he soon realized he can’t blame himself for your choices. You were the one drinking, even when he repeatedly asked you not to. 
It never went further than a kiss, maybe a love bite carefully crafted on his neck. Not once did it turn sexual, and that’s the only thing he keeps holding on to so he doesn’t lose his mind. You don’t like him– you’re just bored.
“I do,” you say, though, firm and sure.
“No,” he shakes his head again, “you don’t, Y/N. And we both know that,” he smiles, a gesture meant to show you that it’s okay to come clear right now, to tell him it was only a sentence said in the heat of the moment, an idyllic scene cut-out from a coming-of-age movie. 
Pouting, you glare at him. If he didn’t know you better, he could even believe you in this very moment. Your expressions are clear and for all he knows, you seem to be genuine. Something inside of him is telling him to not get happy too soon– call it an intuition, if you might. 
“I do,” you say, “I like you, Na Jaemin.” you smile, giggling to yourself. 
Inching closer to him, a sight he’s familiar with over the past year, your noses almost touch as you test the waters and slightly brush your lips against his, eyelashes fluttering against his cheekbones. The closeness of your body never fails to make him heaten, just the sheer fact that you’re alive and in his personal space making the relaxed boy panic on the inside. 
You kiss his lips, sealing your confession, the motion slow and still. Jaemin would almost call it tender, the happiest moment of his life, even– the moment he’s been waiting for his whole teenage years. The way you move against him is like magic to him, numbing his senses, yet, there’s still something that wakes him up from the lovesick slumber, a pang in his chest, a disappointment growing from somewhere deep within his gut.
Breaking away from you, he stares at you, lips swollen, but eyes glossy with disappointment.
“You drove here, right?” he asks, seeing you furrow your brows in confusion.
“I did.”
���Like this?” he asks, just to seal his interrogation.
“Yeah,” you say, eyes searching his face, trying to find what’s wrong.
He suddenly feels stupid, oh so stupid when he backs away from you, sitting on the bed and putting his head into his hands. The truth is, he should have known when you got so close to him, for kissing him is something he only gets to experience when you’re at your lowest, but from how long he’s known you, he should’ve seen it when he first opened the door for you a few minutes ago. 
“What’s wrong?” you ask, concerned.
Still feeling the taste of liquor on his tongue, Jaemin doesn’t find it in him to battle you, to try to teach you the lesson he’s been trying to get into your head since you were seventeen. 
“You’re ridiculous,” he snaps.
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December 21st, 2021, 8:24pm – it’s been sixty weeks since I saw Vienna
Snow slowly falls to the ground, snowflakes silently melting into the pavement. When the ground is finally cold enough to keep the snow afloat, the whole center turns into a white, beautiful sight. It’s winter in Austria, and it’s a cold one as well. Na Jaemin can hardly feel his toes in the thin shoes he brought with himself, naively thinking it won’t snow on his trip to Vienna.
It’s his last day before he has to fly back to Korea for Christmas. He last saw this town three years ago, and just like back then, he walks the streets of the historical beauty, captivated and amazed with the architecture and the feelings it makes him feel. The first time he visited, it was only in the early stages of autumn– the heated sun glazed his features and let him go home at least a little sunkissed from how exposed he was to it in his daily walks around the town. Now, it’s winter, and it all has a different mood to it. 
The Christmas decorations hung around the city make him feel strangely lonely. It’s not like he’s spending his Christmas alone, he has his family, after all, but something about the joy and carelessness of this holiday always makes his stomach twist in anxiety. He never liked it, and somehow, he thinks he never will. The magic of it all has gone away a long time ago.
Taking out his camera from his backpack, he takes a few pictures of the city. He only has a few from when he went for the first time, but they can never get close to the ones he took just a minute ago, with snow falling off in the distance and lights glimmering around the town. 
He thinks that this is what he was called to do– to explore everything, even though this is his second time, to travel the world and see everything it has to offer. He’s somewhat disappointed in himself that he’s not following his dream anymore, but life has different plans and Jaemin had to grow up and think of things realistically. 
You can’t travel the world when you’re only a mere university student. The part-time job he’s been hidden in, working every hour he could, doesn’t make him even remotely enough to have the funds to end his old life in Korea and start exploring the other continents. It took him months to save enough money to come to Vienna again– money he will never get back, but he’s sure it was worth it, for he thinks his soul called for this town over and over again, reminiscing of all the years he’s lost and all the pain he could’ve saved himself from, only if he acted differently the first time he went.
Sadly smiling to himself, his feet take him back to his hotel. The walk is long, because the hotel is not in the center of the town– to no one’s surprise, since the ones further away are cheaper. The evening is slowly coming to a halt, the day coming to an end, reminding him of the flight he has to take tomorrow and the town he has to leave now. Paying his last goodbye, he lets a stray snowflake fall onto the palm of his outstretched hand, observing the small miracle, promising himself to come back when he can.
Opening the glass door of the small hotel, hearing the ring of the door, the nice lady at the reception greets him with a melodic “Guten Abend” he can only bow to with a polite smile before he disappears into the familiar red halls, searching for the room he will sleep in for the last time this trip.
The white walls of his small hotel room greet him, the smell of laundry detergent flowing around the air reminding him of home. He wonders if the people working here think he’s lonely, but he battles the thought away before it eats him up too much. He’s always been content alone– and he won’t start feeling bad about himself after this many years.
Taking off his shoes and slipping into pajamas, promising himself that he’ll shower the first thing in the morning, he falls into the cheap bed and watches the room in front of him. 
It’s been three years since he slept inside of this hotel room, and nothing much has changed.
Falling asleep, he wonders if he’ll ever escape you. Even a thousand miles away, in the city he decided to visit just so he won’t have to see your face for a while, Jaemin sees the ghosts of you two right in front of him, swaying to the 2011 music blasting through your cheap bluetooth speaker. 
And the last thought he has before he drifts away, besides the image of your smiling face, is the thought that maybe, he shouldn’t have bought you alcohol back then, all those years ago. Maybe things would’ve been different. Maybe you wouldn’t go down your father’s path, drinking away your problems and sitting behind the wheel a few minutes after, maybe you would’ve spent your life without Na Jaemin in it and kissing him when your mind is hazy, but you’d be more safe nevertheless. And that’s what he wants for you, after all, so it would be okay for him in the end.
It’s not his fault, but he still feels guilty. Knowing what he knows now would’ve definitely stopped him back then.
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February 2nd, 2021, 11:45pm – you're all drunk in my kitchen, curled in the fetal position, too busy playing the victim to be listening to me 
Raindrops falling onto the window of his living room, Jaemin watches the world from his position on the sofa. The flat he’s been living in has become ordinary for him. Nothing really excites him about it anymore, for he knows each and every crevice of it, his nose is used to the smell of it when he comes inside after a long day and his eyes are no longer needed when he travels through it in the late hours of the night– he knows it all and throughout, every square inch of it, from top to bottom, engraved into his mind.
The day slowly seeks into the night, and he doesn’t remember when the last time he moved was. Everything feels like it’s sped up, life flowing around him and he’s only watching it, sitting still, as if it wasn’t even real. He doesn’t know when and why he started to feel like this. Perhaps the lack of you in his life, the one constant thing flowing around him and making him breathe in oxygen, is the reason why now, he feels like nothing really matters in the first place.
What wakes him up from his slumber is a knock on the door, followed by a loud strike of thunder illuminating his living room for just a mere second. Startled, he searches through his mind, trying to remember if he invited someone over. With confusion spiraling through his fingertips, he reaches for the door handle and opens it, allowing the visitor to see him in his full glory.
Standing there, he sees your figure. For just a minute, he thinks he’s hallucinating. He hasn’t seen you in forever– his trip to Vienna was like the last goodbye to you, trying to take you out of his mind forever. The thing is, he wishes you would stay in his memories. Tucked away from his mind, forever forgotten. You are the only thing that always makes him weak, a person that always makes him cave in and beg for them again and again, fulfilled with promises that are always bound to be broken and leaving him feeling emptier than before. Maybe it’s not even your fault. Maybe it’s the way it’s fixed in your brain, a thing he can’t change, a thing you can’t change either. 
But at the end of the day, you don’t fit in to what he wanted– to what he needed. You always left him wanting more, but you never really acted on the things you said you wanted when you were drunk. And that hurt him twice as much as anything else ever could.
He can’t turn down a wet dog, though. Your face looks broken, resembling a shattered porcelain vase, eyes sad and water dripping from the tip of your nose. Chewing on the inside of his cheek, not saying a word, Jaemin steps aside and allows you to enter his apartment.
“Are you okay?” he asks when he closes the door behind you and follows you. Seeing you stumble over your own legs, he breathes in heavily, already knowing where this evening is going to lead. 
“I’m fine,” you mutter, sinking into the fabric of his coach. He almost scolds you and tells you that your clothes are wet and that he doesn’t want you to damage the furniture, but he stops himself and just shakes his head in disappointment, cracking his knuckles in both nervousness and hopelessness.
“Do you want a glass of water?” he asks, seeing your big eyes glance up at him and nod. You look almost innocent in this position, but he knows you better. Nodding to himself, he takes the few steps that are between him and the kitchen and reaches for a glass from the cupboard, turning the tap on and filling it for you.
Turning around to escape the small room, he finds you behind him, your body swinging just the slightest in its place, trying to keep balance. Your fingers softly grip around his when he offers you the glass, and Jaemin hates to realize it still brings him the same emotions as the touch of your hand on his did all those months, hell, years ago.
Your hand trembles as you put the glass against your lips and sip on the liquid, the silence in the room providing a lingering shadow of intimacy over the two of you.
“Is everything okay?” he repeats his question.
“I miss you,” you mourn, putting the glass back into his hand. 
As soon as he turns around and puts the glass onto the kitchen counter, glancing back at you, he sees you slide down the furniture and put your head onto your knees; as soon as he sees you sitting on his kitchen floor, a scowl sitting on your face, he knows that this is exactly how the story between the two of you always goes, and this time, it will, again, stay the same and there’s no reason in make believing that you two could ever exist together.
“Do you want to sleep it out at my place? I can drive you home in the morning when the weather’s nicer,” Jaemin says, looking at you from above.
Shaking your head, urgency slipping down your tongue, you talk to him. “I wanna talk it out. I miss you and I don’t wanna see you leave me alone again.”
Watching you, hearing the tone of your voice, Jaemin feels like every word is a stab into his stomach, a twist of a knife in his gut, cutting him open. He’s been hurt, countless times, even, but to hear that you were the one hurt by his words as well, was a shock that made him weak in his knees and sick to his stomach. 
“That’s the best for us, though, Y/N,” he explains.
“No,” you refuse, shaking your head again.
Sighing, he moves to the kitchen table, sliding the chair closer to your body sitting on the floor and nestling in the place opposite of you. His heart urges him to hold your hand, to pet your head and make you feel okay again, but his brain wins and tells him it’s the best to stay away. 
“It’s not good for us to be around each other.”
“Why? We used to be friends,” you mumble, confused. It’s not clear to Jaemin if you realize the weight of your words. The alcohol he can smell from your breath is very clearly messing with the way you think, but it’s still unclear to him if you know just how much the acts of affection meant to him. 
“Yeah, but…” he mumbles, “friends don’t do the things you do when you’re drunk.”
You glance up to him, batting your eyelashes. A look settles onto your face, one that is full of realization, maybe even a silent understatement, you nod. “Oh,” you mumble, “I… I didn’t realize you didn’t like it.”
Chuckling to himself, Jaemin curses in his mind. Shaking his head in disapproval, he sighs. “It’s not that. I did like it, it’s just…” words don’t come easy to him in a situation like this, “we can’t be friends if you keep doing that, you know. Screw it- we can’t be friends at all, actually. Because- because I want to be more and you don’t, and that hurts me, because then, we can’t be friends,” he says, counting on his fingers, “we can’t be lovers,” he adds his middle finger, “and I for sure don’t want neither of us to be the reason we hold back each other from moving on,” completing, he adds the last finger, counting all the reasons why you two don’t seem to work with each other.
Watching him, you scrunch up your eyebrows, pointing a dumbfounded look at him. “But I want you.”
Jaemin sighs, once again– because he can’t seem to stop feeling the tiniest bit disappointed whenever you show up intoxicated, chuckling to himself. “It doesn’t count when you’re drunk.”
“You can’t decide to want me only when you’re drunk, Y/N. Life doesn’t work that way. You either love me, or you don’t. You either want me, all of me, at all times, or you don’t. It’s as simple as that, and if you’re not willing to see that, then I really don’t understand why you’re wasting your time here.”
“You don’t understand!” you mourn out, face scrunching up with despair. 
Seeing you cry is a sight Na Jaemin hates the most of them all. The image of your eyes filling with water and your breathing catching in your throat feels like torture, every single tear falling from your eyes just threathening to make him change his mind and cave in again.
“You don’t understand that- that I can’t help it. I- I tried, but it’s just- I can’t help it, Jaemin!” you stumble over your words, cries erupting from your insides. 
He doesn’t know how, but you’re suddenly the victim, and he wants to protect you, make you feel safe. He curses at the way he’s caught up in you. Nothing you say or do is able to make him hate you– and that’s the funny thing about it all, isn’t it? He knows it’s pointless, but somehow, he’s still willing to try over and over again, give you hope and watch you crumble it in between your fingers, the way you crush him every single time he thinks it’s going somewhere else than where it always does.
“You have to stop drinking, Y/N,” he says, “you have to stop.”
Wiping your tears to the sleeve of your hoodie, you don’t reply to him verbally, 
but when his figure moves and he picks you up from the ground, carrying you to his bedroom just to settle you into his bed and make you sleep it out so you two can talk it out in the morning, you body replies instead; it crawls into him, arms tugging around his neck, nose muffled into the fabric of his shirt. 
The way he handles you with care, the way he never fails to make you feel safe in his arms, the way your heart always feels at peace whenever he’s the one holding it in the palms of his hands, all of this always reminds you of the feeling you always read about in the books you were given as a child. 
Perhaps Na Jaemin is your knight in shining armor, always keeping you safe. 
“Sleep it out, okay? We’ll talk in the morning.”
This time, you don’t do anything dumb. You don’t throw yourself at him, you don’t beg him to stay with you when he escapes the room and goes to sleep on the sofa. You patiently wait for sleep to get you, closing your eyes and promising yourself to be more smart about everything in the morning.
And as Jaemin sighs to himself and throws the spare blanket over his tired body, he thinks that perhaps, he can never escape you. Perhaps, the pain is worth it in the end.
Because at the end of the day, you said you were trying– and he can see it in your eyes, in the tired orbs examining his stern face, he can see it in the way you talk with hurriedness, as if you were scared he’s not gonna be there for you to lean on, too afraid of falling on your own and shattering completely. 
Everyone needs someone to help them up when things get hard. 
And even though it hurts him sometimes, Jaemin promises himself to stay by your side until you’re better,
and after that, maybe even forever.
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ppoppokari · 5 months
about me
hello to anybody who stumbles across this blog, i realised that i still have mystery surrounding who i actually am and while i prefer to spur on the mystery its about time that you know some things about me.
contrary to popular belief i am not a bot, i just write sometimes.
🌹online i'm wren but my name is ty🌹i'm 24 and from australia
🌹i'm an astrology buff so i'm a libra sun, aries rising and scorpio moon
🌹 entj-t
🌹harry potter buff and apparently i'm a slytherin
🌹i'm a student at 2 universities at the same time, i'm a music student and producer and all around musician and dancer. and i'm also a language student studying chinese
🌹some people on here know i'm an ex-film student but film isn't music saur
🌹even though i'm taking chinese classes i know many more languages: 2 indigenous australian languages, french, german, korean, japanese, italian, minimal arabic and i'm learning chinese and dutch
🌹i was a choir kid and i'm technically a radio trainee but i don't do that often since i'm focusing on being a pop musician and dancer
🌹i also love photography, fashion, sfx and film editing, watercolour art and spray painting
🌹fitness buff
🌹and when i can i volunteer as a community leader and working with kids
🌹i'm honestly just a perfectionist and i love doing everything so i don't even think this is impressive i just like working
🌹i love animals and currently have 3 cats and 4 rabbits, it used to be 9 rabbits and a rat as well
🌹a fun fact that sounds made up is that i am technically a type of royalty- dm me for more info lol
🌹i've been writing since i knew how to write
🌹i love videogames, comics and anime which is what it is
🌹it's no surprise that i live and breathe music so onto my kpop biases, bias wreckers and favourite musicians all around~
stray kids~
bias... felix
bias wrecker... han
a special mention because he haunts me every day... hyunjin
bias wrecker... seonghwa
special mentions because they haunt me every day... mingi and wooyoung
bias... soobin
bias wrecker...beomgyu
bias wrecker... jungwon and heeseung
biases... sungcheol, jun, joshua and mingyu
bias wreckers... minghao, vernon and seokmin
bias... soyeon
bias wreckers... minnie and yuqi
biases... haechan,chenle, yangyang and jisung
bias wreckers...yuta, jaehyun, jaemin and doyoung
bias... momo
bias wreckers.... sana and jeongyeon
bias... gaeul
bias wrecker... liz
monsta x~
bias wrecker... shownu
bias wrecker... haerin
bias wrecker...taemin
bias wrecker...wheein
bias... jin
bias wrecker...namjoon
🌹other musicians i adore... sabrina carpenter, dawn, atarashii gakko!, mika, david bowie, prince, michael jackson, conan gray, belle sisoski, troye sivan, miley cyrus, jaden, g-dragon, one direction, akmu and many others
🌹and i really don't know how to talk about myself for an extended period of time so goodbye for now.
if you made it to the end know you're loved by me and many others ❤️❤️❤️
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chaeyeon25 · 1 year
About Me
Nickname: Alex
Age: 23 years old
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Languages: German(first) and English(second)
Pets: a Syrian Hamster called Gimli (inspired by Lord of the Rings)
Hobbies: writing stories, reading, listening to K-Pop and watching YouTube
Favourite Franchises:
Harry Potter /Hogwarts Legacy
Lord of the Rings/ The Hobbit
Pirates of the Caribbean
The Chronicles of Narnia
Xena: The Warriorprincess
Hercules: The Legendary Journeys
Shadow Hunters
Current Fictional Crushes:
Ominis Gaunt & Sebastian Sallow (HL)
Draco Malfoy(HP)
Ultimate Biases:
Ultimate Groups:
Monsta X
Groups & Biases:
ATEEZ (Wooyoung/San/Yeosang)
Monsta X (Kihyun/Changkyun)
NCT Dream (Jaemin/Jeno/Renjun/Jisung)
NCT 127 (Jaehyun/Jungwoo/Doyoung)
WayV (Xiaojun/YangYang)
Dreamcatcher (SuA/Siyeon/Gahyeon)
EXO (Baekhyun/Chanyeol/Xiumin/Kai)
GOT7 (Jackson/Mark/Yugyeom)
Blackpink (Lisa/Rosé)
MAVE (no bias yet)
ONEUS (Seoho/Leedo)
Purple Kiss (Dosie)
TXT (Huening Kai)
0 notes
imnotjaesblog · 3 months
Hogwarts Dreams at Night
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Part 1: An Owl Appears
Warnings: None
Words: 4k
At eleven years old you sat by the bay window in your living room. You tapped boredly on the glass watching as two raindrops raced to the bottom. Your head resting on your palm. You sighed the right raindrop splashing onto the bottom of the window. It was another boring Sunday.
Your parents were out working. Your parents owned a flower shop in London. Your mother's dream was to have her own shop to grow and sell flowers. When an order came in for a bouquet of flowers for a wedding or Valentine's Day she always cheered. Your father followed her to London, his wish was to be with her, to always make her happy.
He did just that when they had you.
Now at eleven, you sat by the bay window waiting for them to come home. It was too wet and cold to play outside. All of your friends were home probably finishing their homework. You had completed your school work the day it was given and handed it in the same day.
You loved reading but you'd already read every book in your collection including your mother's, twice. So there was nothing left for you to do but sit and wait for them to return.
at three o'clock your parents were still out working. The nanny they left you with was asleep on the couch placed in front of the TV. The only thing that separated the two was a brown coffee table your father made.
At four o'clock you got hungry. You went into the kitchen and poured yourself a bowl of cereal, you hadn't learned how to use the stove yet but you were sure you could figure it out.
At five o'clock you laid on your bed reading again. An encyclopedia all about frogs. You had just learned about amphibians and reptiles in school. Just as you reached your favorite part, there was a tap on your window. You perked your head eyes zooming in the glass. A branch large enough to fit a bird's nest blew back and forth in the strong wind. You ignored it until you heard another tap. This time when you looked at the glass there was an owl. A white owl perched on the long branch a white envelope in its hand.
Curious you lifted from your bed leaving the book behind. You slowly walked to the window unable to wipe the smile from your lips. You'd never seen an owl so close before, let alone during this time of day. Maybe the owl was sick or perhaps blind? You thought seeing the sun barely peak over the dark clouds.
The owl shuffled side to side before it flew to the window tapping on it with its beak. You smiled eyes wide as you flicked the lock opening the window wide. The rain poured into your room landing on your white carpet. Soaking the fabric of your socks. The owl flew inside flying around your room. Creating chaos as it knocked down books and flew past your candle darkening the room. You held onto your head ducking to avoid its claws.
Once the envelope fell from its mouth and onto your bed it flew out the window. You quickly ran to shut it stopping the rain from coming inside and strong cold winds from hitting your face.
You let out a huff as you locked your window seeing the owl was gone. You turned back to your bed. The envelope sitting on the mattress. You walked over climbing onto the sheets and picking up the letter. You flipped it over seeing a red stamp holding the paper closed.
The front was addressed to you.
You had never received mail before. Well once before when your best friend Jeno invited you to his eleventh birthday party last Spring. But you had never received mail and didn't know what was inside. Nor were ever able to open up the envelopes you received anyway. When you receive your grades or tests your parents always open them.
You excitedly open the envelope pulling the folded cream colored paper out.
Dear Y/n
We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.
Term begins on September 1st. We await your owl by no later than July 31st.
Yours sincerely,
Minerva McGonagall
Deputy Headmistress
You held the letter in your hands eyes gliding across the page. "Hogwarts?" you thought out loud. Every time your eyes flashed over the words witch and wizard your heart skipped a beat. An owl had come to you and delivered a letter for a magic school. To any other child, it would spark a whole new world of imagination. An escape perhaps from your boredom.
But was it true? A school is full of magic. The keys at the front door caught your attention. Your parents were finally home. Maybe they could answer all your questions.
Your tiny feet ran down the stairs. Both your parents step inside removing their shoes. Confused expression on their faces when you ran to them. Normally they'd find you deep into a book or your studies. They usually found you reading a book about whatever animal you had learned about or a piece of ancient history.
You rarely ever ran to greet them. They didn't mind it. They understood the powers a good book can hold.
"Hello darling," your mother said bending down and kissing your forehead. She squinted her eyes at the letter in your hand. Your father noticed it too. "What do you have there?" he asked pointing at the letter. You held up the cream-colored brownish letter.
"A letter from a witch school," you said eyes glowing. Your mother gasped and your father scoffed. He looked over at the nanny who was now awake. He walked over to her, paying her and quickly ushering her out. Your mother took you into the living room. You sat down on the couch. You sat in the same spot the nanny once sat in. It was still warm.
Your father sat on your left. You still held the letter between your small fingers. Your mother walked in with a sigh. She wiped her hands on her pants as she sat down on your right. A small smile formed on her lips. "May I see the letter?" she asked. You handed it to her with a small nod, as well as the envelope.
She expanded the letter reading the rest.
First-year students will require:
Three sets of plain work robes (black)
One plain pointed hat (black) for daywear
One pair of protective gloves (dragon hide or similar)
One winter cloak (black, with silver fastenings) Please note that all pupils' clothes should carry name tags. COURSE BOOKS All students should have a copy of each of the following: The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1) by Miranda Goshawk A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot Magical Theory by Adalbert Waffling A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration by Emeric Switch One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi by Phyllida Spore Magical Drafts and Potions by Arsenius Jigger Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection by Quentin Trimble OTHER EQUIPMENT 1 wand 1 cauldron (pewter, standard size 2) 1 set of glass or crystal vials 1 telescope 1 set of brass scales Students may also bring an owl a cat OR a toad. PARENTS ARE REMINDED THAT FIRST YEARS ARE NOT ALLOWED THEIR OWN BROOMSTICKS
She nodded off chewing her lip. "Still the same," she said. She handed the letter off to your father.
He motioned her placing it down on the coffee table.
"What is it?" you asked the both of them. "What is Hogwarts?" you asked. Many questions flooded your mind. What did your mother mean by 'still the same'?
"Hogwarts is a school for wizards and witches," she said. You raised your bow confused. "But I'm not a witch or wizard," you responded. "They don't even exist," you said. Your mother chuckled. She gripped onto your hands looking deep into your eyes. Her warm smile calmed you. "There are many things that exist out there. Far beyond things you can imagine," she said. Your wide eyes and mind started to wonder. Surely your mother was either crazy or telling the truth.
You chose to believe she was telling the truth.
"So vampires exist?" you asked nervously. Your father chimed in. "Hogwarts isn't a school for creatures or monsters," he said touching your shoulder. You looked over at him with curious eyes. "It's a school for people like you," he said. You sat back his hand slipping off your shoulder. Your heart thumped skipping a beat. "For me?' you questioned. Your mother nodded.
"You're a witch Y/n," she said a hint of excitement in her voice.
"And a damn good one. Once they train you!" your father said charged. "Being that your mom was one of the best witches that ever existed," he said. Your mother looked away shly. While your parents egarly celebrated the letter you sat there on the brown couch still confused but intrigued.
At 11 you had arrived at the train station. You stepped onto platform 9 3/4 after running through the wall of the station saying goodbye to your parents. You were pleased to discover Jeno had also received a letter in the mail awaiting his arrival at Hogwarts. You had both gone to the station together. You both sat beside each other on the train. Looking outside the window. Wandering eyes glowing as kids much older than you walked around looking as if they knew exactly where they were going.
Once everyone boarded you and Jeno sat back on the chairs of the train sitting right across from each other.
"My father told me of a sport called Quidditch. He said he used to play during his time at Hogwarts," Jeno began excitedly feet barely touching the floor of the train. They swung back and forth as he spoke. A proud smile on his lips.
"I'm thinking of trying out for the team," he said. You nodded mimicking his smile. "I'm sure you'll make it. You were our school's best football player," you said. Jeno went to speak but a smaller boy with glasses walked by. He looked into your cart eyeing the book beside you. He scoffed pointing at it.
"Frogs? Seriously? Are you nine?" he asked cocky smile on his lips. You looked over at the book and then at him with a shrug. "I like reading it. Why do you care?" you asked a scrunch in your nose in annoyance. He scoffed arms crossing over his chest. "Frogs are boring and slimy," he said stepping into your cart. He moved the book to the side but it ended up falling on the ground.
You went to get it but Jeno grabbed it for you. "Thank you," you said with a smile. Jeno smiled at you and sent the stranger a dirty look. There was a small beat of awkward silence.
"Are you two some sort of couple?" he asked. Both you and Jeno frowned facing morphing into disgust. You shook your head. "No. He's my best friend," you said. Jeno nodded, "Besides I have a girlfriend," he said. The boy with the glasses chuckled. "Relax," he said. He turned back to you. He opened the bag he held handing you a book.
"Read this instead. It's way more interesting than that boring book of yours," he said handing the brown old book to you. You dusted it off.
1,000 Magical Herbs and Fungi
You looked up seeing the boy still next to you. "Why are you still here?" you asked. He opened his mouth surprised. Then closed it. He opened it again to speak but didn't. Instead, he stood up readying to exit the cart. Before he could exit an older lady with a cart of sweets stopped in front of him. She offered him some but he refused shaking his hand.
Jeno's eyes twinkled at the sweets. He had only seen hundreds of different candies once in London at a sweet shop. He stood up pushing the boy to the side. He huffed dusting off his brown vest. He fixed his glasses.
"Excuse me," he said to the lady. She moved her cart to the side for him to exit. Once he stepped out he turned to you.
"Make sure you return that book!" he said with a point of his finger. You went to ask him his name but he walked away. You huffed sitting back into the seat. He reminded you of a girl in your class. Always acting like she knew more than you. She constantly reminded you when she scored higher than you did. Especially on days you missed class because you were fighting her friends behind the school for stealing your books and homework. Samantha hated you were smarter than her.
Jeno sat down across from you. Many different colored sweets in his hand. He offered you a bright pink cotton-shaped candy but you shook your head. He shrugged moving closer to the window eating his sweets and watching each tree pass by. You turned to the book, eyeing the book of frogs. Maybe if you were going to Hogwarts it was time to leave the children's books behind and start focusing on things you'd need to know.
Like magic plants and their purposes. You opened the book to the first page. You noticed the book came from a library. You scanned the list of names. The last and most recent name reading was Huang Renjun.
At 11 years old you arrived at Hogwarts. At dusk, you traveled on a boat to reach the school. It was dark when you finally entered the school. You couldn't help but look and gawk at every piece of art, staircase, candle in the school. It was like something out of a storybook. The castle expanded the further you walked in. Feeling like the halls never ended.
You and the rest of the students were ushered into the dining hall. The tables quickly filled with kids just around your age. You stood close to Jeno. You both sat down at the same table. From where you sat you could see the kid from the train sitting beside a plumber boy with puffy pink lips. The two started talking becoming quick friends.
You looked away observing the rest of the room. Everything looked perfect, magical. Candles lit from the ceiling, floating over everyone. You could see stars from thousands of miles away. The table in front of you was filled with delicious full-course meals. The room was loud everyone excitedly getting to know one another and breathless taking in the large dining room.
You looked around the room eyes meeting with a brown-haired boy. He looked in your direction. Your eyes went big seeing him look back at you. A small smile formed on his lips. He waved at you. You raised your hand slowly waving back. Jeno leaned over your shoulder eyeing the direction you stared in. He zoomed in on the boy squinting his eyes. Once he realized you were making googly eyes to the boy he laughed.
You huffed rolling your eyes. "Ooo Y/n has a crush," he teased poking your shoulder repeatedly. You shrugged him off crossing your arms in front of you. "Shut up," you spat back annoyed. You looked away from him and at the new boy. He was laughing with a few boys next to him. Your hand rested on your palm eyes resting in his direction.
You were 11 when the sorting hat placed you in Gryffindor just after it placed Jeno there. You happily went to Jeno's side. Happy to remain close to your best friend.
You were 11 when the sorting hat placed that strange annoying boy with the glasses into Ravenclaw.
You were 11 years old when the boy with the brown hair and pink lips who you discovered was named Na Jaemin was placed into Slytherin. Your mother warned you of Slytherin's. But at that moment you had forgotten and were just happy to be with your best friend.
You looked at each boy and back at the room with a smile. You were ready to begin this new journey of your life.
Little did you know that these three boys would create such chaos in your life.
You were in your second year at Hogwarts. Just twelve years old when your professor had to pair up with another student for a project in your Spells class. You went to choose Jeno, but your professor stopped you.
"Y/n," he called while everyone else found their partners.
You approached his desk Jeno waiting for you at your shared desk. "Yes?" you asked. He flicked away an inch on his nose. He motioned to the other students in the room. "You're a smart girl. Jeno doesn't need your help. I'm going to pair you up with a different student," he said. You weren't too worried about finding another partner. In your first year, you and Jeno made a new group of friends.
Still didn't mean you didn't want to pick your partner like everyone else.
"Who?" you asked. He pointed at a boy behind you. You turned and any worry about who it might be left your mind. It was the same brown-haired boy from the dining hall. The one with the big eyes and wide smile. He was leaning on his desk talking to a few of his friends. His head fell back in laughter.
"Jaemin," he said. You smiled a part of you excited. This was your chance to talk to him, get close to him. However, you had never really talked to a boy you liked before. Not without Jeno in your ear teasing you. This time it would be normal.
You made your way to him, a pep in your step. You tapped him on his shoulder. His friends, all Slytherin, eyed you. Their laughter dying down including Jaemin's. He turned his head over his shoulder tongue poking the inside of his mouth.
"Can I help you?" he said rather rudely. You brushed it off. Ignoring his bothered tone. "We're partners on the Spells project," you said. He scoffed leaning his body to you. "No we're not," he said. His friends started to chuckle. You could feel your cheeks heating up. You bit the inside of your mouth. It was getting harder to dismiss his tone.
You let out a sigh. "Look I don't want to be your partner either. Let's just get the project over with and I'll never speak to you again," you said annoyed. His laughter died down. He raised a brow pretending to think. He tapped his finger on his chin and then snapped his two fingers together.
"How about you do the entire project on your own and never speak to me again?" he said in the form of a question, a wide grin on his face. Just as you went to speak a book went flying to his head. Everyone turned to see who did it. Jeno had his arms crossed over his chest suspiciously looking the other way. You chuckled looking back at Jaemin who rubbed the back of his head.
He was the shortest crush you'd ever have.
In year three you and Huang Renjun began to compete. You spent most of your time studying. Jeno being on the Quidditch team allowed you that extra time alone to study. You'd sometimes see Renjun in the library studying. You'd send glares to each other muttering under your breath.
In the classes you shared you'd always make sure your hand was up before his to answer the question the professor asked. At one point many students placed bets to see which of them would score higher on an exam.
You won almost every time.
By year four you and Jeno started to grow slightly distant. He was still always there for you and vice versa but things became more complicated when he started to become more curious about dating.
It seemed every week he had a new girl he liked. With a new girl in his life, he was crushing on.
You never paid too much attention to Jeno's dating life. Jeno for some reason loved to be involved in yours. You had a few crushes here and there but nothing ever too serious. He seemed to always want to know about them. If they were good enough for his best friend. If they treated you right.
But that's only for crushes he knew about. Most times he was playing Quidditch or with a girl.
You tended to focus more on your books anyway.
By year five you had officially hated Na Jaemin.
Jaemin seemed to pick you as his next victim. He teased you, but in the way Jeno did. When Jeno annoyed you it was out of friendship love. You knew deep down Jeno was harmless. But Jaemin was completely different. The boy was nutritiously known for playing around with girls before they slept with them, and then ghosted them.
You were not going to be one of those girls.
Jeno never really liked Jaemin either. Ever since he dissed you in front of the entire class during year two. However, there was not much he could say or do. The two of you in the Gryffindor common room had shared a moment togther.
He kissed you in the middle of the night. You kissed him back. He then asked you to the Yule ball. You said yes and when the night approached you saw him with another girl, laughing and dancing together. Then you saw them kiss later that night. Jaemin who saw the whole thing happened left you alone.
You weren't together but it still hurt.
That night you had your first argument with Jeno. Jeno was tired of you ignoring him. He just wanted to know what he did wrong. You told him and he became even more upset by your reasoning. He tried to explain the girl was his friend and he only danced with her because Jaemin stood her up.
He said "One Dance. I danced with her once because she was upset about Jaemin," he said.
"You still kissed her," you'd fight back. Jeno stunned and with a chest full of pain would ask. "You saw that?" to which you have replied with.
"Are you more upset that you hurt my feelings or that you got caught?"
You stopped being friends with him after that. It was too weird.
Renjun didn't bother you much during this time. You still competed but in silence.
Jaemin loved the fact you weren't friends anymore. It meant he could talk to you without Jeno getting in the way.
By year six you had gotten a boyfriend named Jaehyun. He was older than you and a Gryffindor as well. He was also captain of the Quidditch team. Jaehyun was a great guy. He treated you with respect and was very kind to you.
Jaemin and Jeno both didn't like him.
Jaemin still wouldn't leave you alone. Using magic to distract you during class.
Renjun became somewhat of your friend. He'd talk to you in the halls but it was really only to gloat about his accomplishments in and outside of Hogwarts. Any chance he got he would approach you. Reminding you that not only did he have rich parents but that he was smarter than you.
That same day would be the first time you got in serious trouble.
In the library, you used a spell to erase all his notes from year one to six. He failed his exam because of you. Your professors were disappointed. Word got out of what you did. Some people said you cheated. Others said he deserved it.
All you remember is that it made you feel good.
Now you'd start year seven. Much older and mature now. You and Jaehyun had broken up due to distance. You and Jeno were still not friends, Jaemin still enjoyed bothering you, and Renjun still hated you.
You still cared about Hogwarts, deeply. But not in the same way you had felt during year one. The same spark you had felt in the beginning began to fade. You started to imagine a world outside of Witchcraft. Maybe a normal job like your mom?
She was a witch and owned a flower shop in the muggle world. Maybe you could do something like that too.
So you thought.
To Be Continued...
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Hope you enjoy my new series, Hogwarts Dreams at Night.
I'm excited for you all to read it!
See you soon ;)
Tag: @girlwholovesIpreppyattire
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nctinhogwarts · 3 years
oh dude , i like how you make the dreamies , they would definitely be like the marauders
HELLO 👋 thankyou for liking my edits ! hehe~ the dreamies are honestly so fun to do because its somehow so easy to picture them in hogwarts 😆 and yes ! they would 100% be like the marauders esp '00 line hyuck and nana would do so many shenanigans together but renjun is the mastermind behind it all. jeno (sometimes nana) would be the ones who distracts the professors or other students with their charms and innocent facade. lele is always so pumped everytime they invite him to join in their pranks and would also give great ideas. jisung would tag along if chenle joins but he's super clumsy especially when he's excited😔✌️whilst mark is just always roped into their mischief plans somehow.
they would most definitely also invent something like the marauders map but i dont have anything in mind 😆 do share if you have any ideas, tho. i would love to hear it!
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dreamsafterhours · 4 years
based off this interrogation scene from the order of the phoenix!
7:59pm: “caught this one trying to help zhong,” a member of the inquisitorial squad shoves hufflepuff!jaemin into professor umbridge’s office, and gryffindor!jeno cranes his neck from his seat to watch his fellow member of dumbledore’s army be dragged alongside the rest of his friends.
what kind of mad person ties their student to a chair? he thinks, forearms tied down so tightly he could barely feel the tips of his fingers.
umbridge leans forward, way too close for his liking, and coos in that sickly sweet voice; “you were going to dumbledore, weren’t you?”
jeno technically isn’t lying when he replies no, but the sudden and harsh sting across his cheek renders him speechless. ravenclaw!renjun and hufflepuff!chenle visibly flinch at the crack, and jeno hears one of the inquisitorial squad snigger at their reactions.
“you sent for me, headmistress?”
jeno has never imagined he could ever be so hopeful to hear that drawling voice in his life. snape’s shadowy figure stands looming in the doorway, and umbridge straightens up to acknowledge him. if only jeno could warn him somehow—sirius, he was in danger—
jeno’s whirlwind thoughts come to a halting stop when a word in their conversation stands out—veritaserum?
“i’m afraid you’ve used up all my stores, interrogating students—the last of it on y/l/n.”
jeno feels his face loosen in shock as he glances at gryffindor!donghyuk and ravenclaw!jisung, the former’s expression faltering as he registers snape’s words.
you had never betrayed them—umbridge had forced it out of you.
jeno sees instant regret in donghyuk’s eyes—remembers the bitterly cold shoulders and silent treatment the gryffindor had given you after their secret meetings were upturned following your supposed ‘betrayal’. jeno has to admit—donghyuk had taken it hard, possibly even harder than he had.
“unless you wish to poison him, and i assure you, i would have the greatest sympathy if you did...” clenching his jaw in frustration, jeno thinks desperately of a way to get help, even if it had to be through snape—“i cannot help you.”
he’s got sirius... he’s got padfoot. padfoot!
finding his voice, jeno manages to cry out after snape as he turns to leave. “h-he’s got padfoot!”
miraculously, snape stops at the doorway—and so does jeno’s heart for a moment. “he... he’s got padfoot, at the place where it’s hidden.” please, please help us.
“padfoot? what is padfoot? where what is hidden? what is he talking about, snape?”
the man turns back at him with an unreadable expression, and jeno doesn’t know whether to feel a glimmer of hope or if he should have felt that hope dying out instantly. please.
“no idea,” the professor shrugs, and stalks down the corridor, each step of his shoes stamping down at jeno’s heart.
“very well,” he barely hears umbridge mutter under her breath, “you give me no choice, mr lee.”
he watches his friends’ faces harden at umbridge’s words—what was she planning?
“as this is an issue of ministry security, you leave me with... no alternative.” a beat that seemed to last an hour. “the cruciatus curse ought to loosen your tongue.”
“that’s illegal,” renjun counters, even as the inquisitorial squad member shoves their wand in his back harder.
“what cornelius doesn’t know won’t hurt him,” umbridge replies, almost to herself as she tips the picture frame of the minister for magic facedown onto her desk.
jeno can barely think as the pink-clad headmistress of hogwarts raises her wand at him with her stubbly fingers, her deadset mind showing on her twisted toad of a face. the cats on the walls start yowling even louder as she prepares to cast the curse, and jeno’s breath hitches in his throat—he is about to be tortured—actually tortured—
“tell her, jeno!” renjun shouts just as donghyuk opens his mouth to protest. 
umbridge looks shocked to have been interrupted. “tell me what?”
renjun takes almost no notice of her, and glares straight at jeno. “well, if you don’t tell her where it is—i will.”
what are you doing? jeno wants to ask, still frozen in his spot.
“where what is?”
“dumbledore’s secret weapon,” renjun screws his eyes shut like he had just announced their ultimate surrender.
jeno makes eye contact with donghyuk, and seemingly shares a telepathic connection for a split second.
he’s buying us time.
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butterbeeryuta · 5 years
Transfiguration not Transaction
crack and fluff hogwarts au; hufflepuff!reader x gryffindor!jaemin
characters involved: na jaemin, lee jeno, park jisung, zhong chenle, huang renjun, lee donghyuck, and mark lee
Summary: NEWTs are on their way to mentally destroy 7th year students, and of course, everyone is panicking— except for Na Jaemin who is probably still drinking his coffee. With his relaxed state and unwillingness to study, McGonagall begs you to tutor Jaemin before it's too late, and boy, are you something.
character intro 1.0
character intro 1.1
part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 6
part 7
part 8
part 9
part 10
part 11
part 12
part 13
part 14
part 15
part 16
part 17
part 18 (written)
part 19
part 20
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tyongxnct · 3 years
𝑹𝒆𝒄𝒌𝒍𝒆𝒔𝒔 - 𝑴𝒂𝒓𝒌 𝑳𝒆𝒆
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pairing: Mark Lee x fem!reader ft. Lee Jeno
special guests: Haechan, Jaemin
summary: you and your boyfriend are deeply in love with each other. After highschool, you move in together and you get pregnant. Mark is the best boyfriend ever, until he breaks up with you. But once Mark realizes that you’re moving on, he also realized what a huge mistake he made.
genre: babydaddy!Mark, bestfriends-to-lovers-to-exes-to-lovers!au, angst, smut, fluff
warnings: smut just one scene, i’ll mark it as smut so you can skip it if you are a minor, swearing, alcohol consumption, rollercoaster of emotions, jealousy (sorry if i forgot anything)
wc: 18.7k
song rec: reckless - madison beer
IMPORTANT NOTE: hi, i am going to cry, i accidently deleted reckless because stupid tumblr didn’t let me post my newest fic, it wasn’t showing in the tags, and i made a huge mistake and deleted reckless instead of another post. i almost had 1k notes, but it’s alright. I’m just so sad i lost so many nice and kind comments. I’ll post my new Jeno fic a couple days later, i am so sorry. Well, at least i can post this on Mark’s birthday, i love you Mark Lee.
taglist: @jenosdaemi  @ahgastayzen @chitaphrrrr @cosmiclatte28​ @daftsuh @aesthetichrj @bitchenderyy​ (i think that’s it?)
this is fiction!
© tyongxnct on all platforms
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You watched your boyfriend and your daughter Yoona sleep peacefully with a smile on your face. You came home later than usual, your shift at the restaurant took longer than excepted, but coming home to this helped you forgot about your problems at work. You tried to be as quiet as possible, you didn’t want to wake them. After changing your clothes, you slowly got under the blanket. Your daughter was between you and Mark and Mark’s arm was wrapped around her. You couldn’t stop yourself from taking a picture of this cute moment. No matter how hard and exhausting your day was, in the end nothing mattered. You had Mark and your beautiful daughter and that was all you needed.  
You met Mark on your first day of middle school. The poor boy was so lost and didn’t know how to interact with others. You noticed the Harry Potter shirt he was wearing so you got extremely excited about the fact that there was another kid who liked Harry Potter. You approached him at lunch break, the boy was sitting all alone and eating his sandwich.
“Hey! I’m Y/n. I love your shirt.” You smiled softly.  
“You like my shirt?” he asked shyly.  
“Yes, I love Harry Potter! My favorite is actually Hagrid, but I also like Hermione. It changes every time.” You giggled.  
“I think H-Harry is cool.”  
You giggled again, “You kind of look like him,” you pointed at his round glasses, “Can I draw his scar on your forehead?”
Mark didn’t know why but he nodded and let you draw Harry’s scar on his forehead.  
“Perfect! Do you want to play Harry Potter? I’ll be Voldemort and we can fight!” Mark thought you were cute. It was so cute how excited you got.
“But we don’t have any wands.”  
“You are right.” You thought for a second, “Let’s use this stick! We could also paint them and design cool wands!”  
And that was how you started spending every lunch break with Mark Lee, the boy who was shy and cute. The boy who just wanted to eat his sandwich, the boy who loved Harry Potter as much as you did.
Your parents also got close, Mark always came over to play with you or watch movies, which was your favorite thing to do. Watch movies and act like you were a part of it. It didn’t matter if it was Narnia, Charlie and the chocolate factory or the lion king. You also celebrated Halloween every year together. The first time you dressed as Harry and Hermione, the second time as Spiderman and Thor (he let you be spiderman because he knew how much you loved him and he was Thor, and he looked so funny with his blond wig that you made fun of him for two years). You became best friends and your promised each other to stay best friends no matter what.
It was also a Halloween party when you two shared your first kiss. You were sixteen and you went as Tinkerbell and Mark was Peter Pan. You looked so pretty dressed as a fairy, Mark couldn’t keep his eyes to himself. He didn’t know why he was feeling that way about you, why his eyes were glued to you and he got so nervous around you.  
“I- uh, I’ll get something to drink” Mark actually didn’t want to leave your side, he wasn’t the only one staring at you. He entered the kitchen to fill two glasses with ice tea, but Haechan came and stopped him from doing so. “Drink a beer or something, man, you gotta loosen up a little. She’ll notice.”  
“Notice what?” Mark asked his friend.  
“I don’t know. Maybe your big fat crush on her?” Haechan said sarcastically.
“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about. W-What crush?” Mark blushed hard. Was he that obvious?  
“Dude, come on. I can see right through you. And you should stop staring at her,” Haechan gestured at his chest, “She’ll think you’re a creep like the other 10 guys in the room.”
Mark blushed even harder, “I-I wasn’t staring at her,” he pointed at Haechan’s chest. “I-I was just- s-she had some fairy dust and-“  
“My brain hurts listening to you. Just go and tell her. It’s also obvious that she has a thing for you, I also don’t know why don’t look at me like that.” Haechan was about to take a sip of his beer, but Mark was faster and gulped the last bits of the beer down. He scrunched his face in disgust, “This tastes like piss.”  
“How do you know that?” Haechan teased.  
Mark ignored his comment and opened another can of beer, gulping down. “Dude, slow down.”  
Another beer can later, Mark finally found you. You were talking to one of your friends, Mark couldn’t remember her name, he couldn’t even remember when he walked up to you.  
“Mark? Hello? Dude, are you okay?” you asked him worriedly. You excused yourself and took Mark’s hand to bring him upstairs. You entered the bathroom and helped him wash his face. “You’re scaring me. Wait- d-did you drink? You smell like beer.” You looked at him and Mark couldn’t stop himself and leaned in to press his lips on yours but he bumped his forehead against yours.  
“Ouch, what are you doing?” you laughed at him as you rubbed your forehead.  
“I just- I don’t know how, but I want to-“ he stopped talking.
“What? Tell me.”  
“I want to kiss you so bad.” He blurred out, he was slightly red from the alcohol but after saying that he blushed and became even redder.
“You want to kiss me? Me?” you pointed at yourself. Mark nodded, “Why?” you asked.  
“Why? You are seriously asking me why I want to kiss you?”  
You nodded, “Yeah, I mean, there are so many girls downstairs. Mina just asked me to give you her number. You can have every girl you want Mark, so, why do you want to kiss me?”  
“I don’t want any of them, I don’t care about them. I want you.” He said softly, wrapping his arms around your waist.  
Your heartbeat increased, you could feel the tears forming, were you dreaming?  
“I think I’m gonna cry.”  
“Me too.” Mark chuckled.
You’ve been staring at each other’s lips for a couple seconds, “Mark?”
“I’m waiting for my kiss.”
“Oh shit, right. I just got lost in your eyes.”  
“You got lost in my eyes?” He nodded. “Since when are you so romantic?”  
“Come on bro, don’t make fun of me.”
“I’m not making fun of you bro.” you emphasized on the word bro, did he seriously call you bro?
“Don’t call me bro!” he complained, “You called me bro first!” you pouted.
“Don’t do that.” He said, his eyes on your lips, “What?”  
“Don’t pout.”  
“You mean like this?” you pouted again, looking at him with puppy eyes.
“I said don’t do that.”  
“Yeah? What are you going to do about that?” you challenged him.  
Mark softly squeezed your hip with his one hand and the other hand found your cheek, softly caressing with his thumb. He leaned down and pressed his lips against yours. Your hands found his neck, pulling him closer to you. Your eyes were closed and you thought that was it, just a kiss on the lips, but you felt his tongue asking to enter your mouth and when you let him, the soft and gentle kiss became messy and wet. Mark sucked on your lips and played with your tongue, and the way his hands roamed your body felt so good, you accidently moaned in his mouth. He was about to lose his mind, he was finally kissing you and you were kissing him back. Before you realized, Mark placed you on top of the sink.
“M-Mark-“ you moaned again, his lips on his way to your neck. You titled your head to give him more access. You felt him suck and lick your soft skin. He also left little kisses on your neck, down to your breasts. His lips found your again, and he kissed you with so much passion.  
“Oh shit dudes- use protection!” Haechan just wanted to pee. But he caught you and Mark making out and it was so embarrassing and he literally destroyed your moment. Mark was breathing heavily, lips bruised and cheeks red.  
Haechan closed the door again and you stared at Mark with the same look on your face as his. Your lips also bruised from kissing and chest going up and down.  
Not even a second later, you both started laughing and hugging each other. That night changed everything. Best friends who fell in love with each other. After you told everyone about your relationship, you were surprised that nobody was surprised. Everyone excepted you and Mark to get together one day, even your parents.  
You smiled at the memory, falling in love was a beautiful adventure with so much love and passion. After graduation, you decided to move in together. Mark applied to a college to study architecture and you still didn’t know what you wanted to study, so you took a year off and worked to gain some experience.  
“Baby? You need help?” Mark giggled as he entered your kitchen. You were sitting on the floor and eating some cookies. All of your guests left half an hour go. The party was fun but cleaning up was not.  
“Sit with me!” you smiled drunkenly at your boyfriend, who was also really drunk.  
Mark plopped down next to you and stole one of your cookies. “Don’t eat my cookies!” you took your cookie back and accidently cracked it in the middle. “Your cracked my cookie.” Mark whined.  
“I’m sorry, can I give you a kiss instead?”  
Mark nodded and you kissed his cheek. “Just on the cheek?!” he pouted.  
“I’ll give you a kiss on the lips If you carry me to the bedroom. Deal?”  
Mark nodded and carried you to your bedroom, softly throwing you on the bed. “You know baby, we still didn’t use this bed.” Mark wiggled his eyebrows. “What do you mean? We slept here last night?”  
“Babe, I mean the other way to use a bed.”  
“What do you- oh, oh! You mean sex!” you grinned at him.  
“Don’t say that word!” he said as he took off his shirt. “Mark you fucked me dumb so many times, you still get shy when I say sex?!”  
“It’s just weird, let me be.”  
“Fine, can I use the word fuck instead?” Mark struggled to take off his jeans but you saw him nod. “Okay baby, let’s fuck!” you said as you jumped on your bed.
Mark climbed on the bed, pulling your shorts down while you were standing on the bed and stopping you from jumping around. He softly kissed your thighs up and pulled you down to your knees. He connected your lips and he didn’t want to waste any more time. He pulled away for a second to get rid of your clothes, leaving you completely naked in front of him. He was just in his boxers and you could see his boner.  
Mark spread your legs and stroked your entrance with his finger, slowly going up and down. “Babe, you’re so wet.” He said amazed, he barely touched you and you were this wet.  
You felt his tongue on your entrance licking up and down, his finger slowly entering you. You closed your eyes and enjoyed the moment. Mark loved teasing you, but he was so impatient, he ate you out like there was no tomorrow and he fingered you so good, you were close. “Mark- baby, I’m so, so close. Fuck.” You moaned out, trying to keep your legs wide open but every time his tongue came in contact with your clit, you clenched around his fingers.
“Taste so fucking good. Cum for me baby.” Mark added a third finger, and when he hit your sweet spot, you couldn’t stop yourself and came all over his fingers, his chin glistening in your wetness as he looked up at your face.  
Mark didn’t waste any time and took off his boxers. He leaned in and pressed his lips on yours, playing with your tongue and leaving wet kisses on your face, neck, and breasts. His lips found your nipples, pinching them and licking them with his tongue. “Fuck me please, Mark please fuck me.” You cried out in pleasure.  
Without thinking twice Mark entered you, ramming his cock deep inside your pussy, your legs wrapped around him to have him deeper inside of you. Mark’s grip around your waist was so tight, he was going to leave bruises, you knew it, but you also loved it. Your hand wrapped around his forearm, holding him tightly, “Feel so good, you fuck me so good.” You moaned out. Mark felt you clench around him, making him moan and let his head fall into the crook of your neck. Leaving love bites and kisses.  
Not even a second later, Mark switched positions and fucked you from behind. You arched your back as he gripped your hips to fuck into you. “Fuck, you’re so perfect. Feel so perfect around me.” His hand found your ass, softly squeezing it. You clenched around his length, leaving him breathless. “I’m c-close Markie.” You moaned out, motivating him to go faster and harder. Your walls clenching around his length pushed him to his climax. Not even seconds later, you came at the same time.  
Mark collapsed on top of you. He kissed your bare shoulder and slowly pulled out. “I love you so much.” He whispered. With a soft smile you replied, “I love you too.”
That night changed your lives. Too drunk to think of protection, but you never regretted  that night, you never regretted having a baby.
“It’s positive.” You looked at the pregnancy test in your hand, your other hand between Mark’s.
“Okay, okay. Okay. Let’s breathe first.” Mark said nervously, but you couldn’t stop yourself from crying. “Do you hate me now?”
Mark’s jaw dropped. He wrapped his arms around you and held you tightly, “I love you, I will always love you. I could never hate you, especially not because of this. I was also a part of this. I’m with you, no matter what happens now. Everything is going to be alright. We are a team, remember?”  
You nodded as you tried to hide your sobs. Mark was right, you’re a team and everything is going to be alright.  
“B-but we’re still so young and you just started college and I don’t know what to do.”  
“It doesn’t matter if we have a baby now or in a couple years. I always wanted you to be the mother of my kids, it’s just a little earlier than we excepted, but we’ll make it. You trust me right?”
You looked up at him, “Yes.”  
“Then you have to trust me when I say that we’ll make it work.”
And Mark never left your side, after you found out about your pregnancy. It took you a while to get used to change, but you were thankful that you had Mark by your side and even both of your parents were supportive. You never thought you’d become a mother at the age of nineteen, but Mark was right, you made it work and now, five years later, you had your daughter and your boyfriend by your side and you were happy.
You started working as a waitress three years after giving birth. For the first three years, Mark worked day and night to pay the bills and your parents were also a big help at that time. When Yoona was old enough to go to kindergarten, you decided to start working and go to nursing school. Mark supported your decision to start studying nursing and you were more than happy when you got a part time job at the restaurant. You hated staying home and doing nothing while Mark was at work and Yoona was in Kindergarten, so you worked while your daughter was in Kindergarten, even though you had a late-night shift sometimes. You were almost done with college and you couldn’t wait to start working in a hospital.  
You were really happy. Your daughter was the best thing that happened to you and Mark. She’s like a little star who always shines brightly and lifts your moods up. Mark always says that she looks like you, but she definitely has his big head and his love for watermelons.  
“Mommy Daddy wake up!”  
You couldn’t remember falling asleep, but it felt like you had your best sleep- in months.  
“Mommy! Daddy! Why are guys still sleeping the sun is already shining! Wake up!”  
And not even a second later, she jumped on Mark, scaring him, but successfully waking him up.  
“Did you just jump on me?” he looked at his daughter, eyes squinted.  
“I’m sorry daddy but you wouldn’t wake up and I want a cross ant.” She said with a pout.  
Mark laughed at the way she said ‘croissant’. Mark turned to you. “Why didn’t you wake me up when you came?” you both leaned in for a kiss and Yoona let out a disgusted sound as she saw her parents kiss.  
“You were sleeping so tightly with her in your arms, I couldn’t wake you. But today is Sunday and we have the whole day for us.” You said happily, pulling Yoona back between you and Mark and attacking her with kisses.
“Stop! I want a cross ant.” She said between giggles.  
“Okay, let’s go get you a cross ant.”  
The three of you got ready to spend the day outside. The sun was shining brightly and it was really warm outside.  
“Babe?” you said as you helped Yoona wear her shoes.  
“Markie?” no answer.
You entered your bedroom with Yoona in your arms and saw Mark still half-dressed playing with his phone. “Why aren’t you dressed?” you asked him, but again, no response.  
You snaped your finger right in front of him and he realized that you were talking to him. “What did you say?”
“Hurry up, your daughter is hungry.” You told him. “Yes daddy, my stomach is rolling.”
“You mean growling?” he giggled and kissed Yoona’s cheeks. “I said that too. Rolling!”  
While you tried to pronounce growling with Yoona, Mark got dressed, but his eyes were still glued to his phone.  
“Daddy, hold my hand.” Mark immediately put his phone away and held Yoona’s hand.  
The entire time in the bakery, Mark was on his phone, ignoring you whenever you talked to him. You didn’t say anything about it, you focused on Yoona and helped her eat her croissant. The entire day was tiring but you were happy to spend some time with your family. Yoona fell asleep and Mark carried her back home and tucked her in her bed after changing her clothes.  
When you were finally in bed with Mark, he was back on his phone, sometimes laughing out loud. “What’s so funny?” you asked him with a smile. You loved your boyfriends laugh.  
“Oh it’s nothing, you wouldn’t understand.” He said and you were taken aback.  
“Why wouldn’t I understand?” you asked, trying not to show him that you were a little hurt.  
“It’s just an inside joke from work. I can’t explain it, you know.”  
“Oh. Okay.” You smiled at him and an idea popped in your head. It’s been a couple of weeks since Mark and you did it and you had to admit, he looked so good today and you were horny.
So you leaned in and kissed his cheek, his jaw and down to his neck. “Babe, what are you doing?” he asked you.  
You looked up, “Isn’t it obvious?”  
Not a second later, you sat on his lap, your hands on his abs, slowly going up and down.  
“I’m not really in the mood, is that okay?” he said, shocking you. It was usually Mark who did the first step when it came to sex, but you missed him so much that you took the first step this time.  
“Oh, yeah sure.” You crawled back under the blanket.
“Good night.” He switched his bedside lamp off and so did you.  
You noticed a change in Mark’s behavior the following weeks. Well, he was still the same when it came to Yoona, but the way he was so distant to you was new. Yes, you were really busy the last couple of weeks due to your assignments and work, but Mark understood and was there for you. Now that your busy season was over, he was always on his phone and staying longer at work.  
“Sorry, I’m really busy here. Tell Yoona I love her. Don’t wait for me.” And before you could say anything back, he hung up.  
That was the fifth time in two weeks that he came later home than usual. You missed one of your late shifts at the restaurant because you couldn’t find a babysitter, but thanks to Haechan who helped you out last minute, you rushed to work and got an earful.  
“If this happens again, we’ll have to fire you.” The manager said.
“Yes, sir. I’m sorry, it won’t happen again.”  
You came home and instead of seeing Mark, you saw Haechan still sitting on your couch.
“I’m really sorry it took me so long. I owe you big time.”
“Nah, I love that little monster and we had fun. Where’s Mark? I thought he was coming home earlier today?” Haechan asked.  
“What? Are you sure? He didn’t tell me anything. Let me call him.”  
“Hello?” Mark yelled.  
“Mark? Where are you? Why is it so loud there?”
“Oh, I forgot to tell you. I’m with a couple colleagues, we went out to eat something together.” You could hear a couple voices in the background.  
“When are you-“
“I’ll text you later I gotta go.” And he hung up.
“He said he is with a couple colleagues. They went out to eat together, I guess he forgot to tell me.”
Haechan looked at you suspiciously. “Is everything alright between you two?” he asked.  
“What? Of course. I mean, yeah it’s been a couple weeks since we spent some time together, but I was busy with college and then he was busy with work, you know.”
“Okay. Uhm, are you going to be alright alone?” he asked you. You nodded, “Yeah don’t worry. Thank you so much for babysitting her.”
“I told you before and I’ll tell you again. I’m always here, I’m just a call away.”
That night, you wanted to wait until Mark came home, but your body was exhausted and you fell asleep at three a.m.
The following weeks were the same, and today everything fell apart and you lost everything at once. Yoona got sick and you had to pick her up from kindergarten. It wasn’t anything bad, the doctor said, she had to rest a couple day and she’d be fit again. You cooked her favorite soup and while she was napping, you called and texted Mark to tell him about Yoona’s condition, but he never replied.
Mark was still distant. You can’t remember the last time he kissed or touched you. The last time he said I love you or the last time you spend time with him. He came home late and he spend all of his free time with Yoona. You were glad that he was spending so much time with Yoona, but it felt like he came home just to play a couple rounds with her and then leave again.  
You tried many things to make him look at you, touch you and just talk to you, but it was like talking to a wall. One time you were alone while Yoona left the living room to bring her favorite toy, you asked him how his day was, why he was working so late and if he was alright, but Mark got mad and ignored your questions.
“What do you want me to do? Quit my job and stay home 24/7? I’m working in a big company and they need me. Am I also not allowed to spend some time with my friends? Jesus.” He said annoyed.  
“No, Mark. Of course you can spend time with your friends, but what about me? Do you remember the last time we spend some time together? Just us?”
“I’ve spent my whole life with you, is that not enough? Can’t you let me breathe for one fucking time?”  
“Don’t curse. Your daughter is going to hear it.” You reminded him.
You were hurt, but you had to hide your tears now that you daughter came back running to her dad with her favorite toy in her hand.  
That conversation died that day and you never bought it up.
You called at the restaurant and asked for someone else to take your shift since your daughter was sick and she needed you, but your manager was heartless and fired you on the phone. “You don’t have to come back anymore. You’re fired.”  
“But Mr.-“
“I told you one more time and you’re fired.”  
You tried to hold in your tears, you tried to stay strong but everything fell apart when Mark came home.  
Mark rushed to your daughter and kissed her cheeks, “My baby.” He was so close to tears. Yoona rarely got sick, but every time she was sick, your hearts broke and you tried everything to ease her pain.  
Mark slowly closed her door and let her sleep peacefully. He saw you on the couch, but he avoided eye contact. “She’s going to be alright, don’t worry.” You smiled softly.  
Mark sat down on the other couch, playing with his hands nervously.  
“I need to tell you something.” You said at the same time.  
“C-Can I go first? I don’t think I can hold it in any longer.” He said, bouncing his leg up and down.  
“Sure.” You looked at him with curious eyes. Those eyes Mark had lost himself in, those eyes he had loved so much.
“I-I don’t think I can do this anymore.” He blurred out and looked at the floor.  
“What do you mean? Is it work? I knew you were working too hard-“
“It’s not work. I mean… I mean us. I can’t do this anymore.”
You felt your heart getting ripped out of your chest. Your heart was crushed and broken into million pieces. Maybe you were imagining things, but why would you imagine Mark saying those horrible words to you?
You looked at him and he didn’t dare to look at you. “What?” was all you could say.
“I-It’s just, fuck, couples grow apart- t-that’s normal. And we grew apart, we’re not the same anymore, we changed in the last couple months and I don’t want to continue this, whatever this is. We’re just together for Yoona, you know it too. I’m not happy with you. I-I didn’t come home early b-because you were here and I didn’t want to see you. I don’t want to be with you anymore.”
Thousand tiny needles stabbed your chest,  
I’m not happy with you
I’m not happy with you
I’m not happy with you
Kept replaying in your head. The love of your life wasn’t happy with you anymore. He didn’t want to be with you anymore. He was just with you for the sake of your daughter, but that wasn’t enough for him to stay.  
“I-I think I just don’t love you anymore.”
You thought your day couldn’t get worse. You thought, it was just a phase you were living in, a stupid, painful phase but you loved each other so much, you could also fight this phase. Together. Just like he had promised you. Mark promised you that you could fight everything together. Together. What an ugly word now if you think about it.  
“I’ll move out as soon as Yoona feels better. I found an apartment a couple weeks ago. T-That’s also where I’ve been.”  
I think I just don’t love you anymore
I think I just don’t love you anymore
I think I just don’t love you anymore
“S-say something.” Mark was scared and nervous.  
You breathed in and out and closed your eyes. Every moment of your life with Mark replaying in your head. Your first Halloween, your first kiss, your first time, your first I love you’s. When you found out about your pregnancy. Giving birth to Yoona with Mark right next to you.
It was too good to be true. You were a fool, you believed his words every damn time. You fell even harder every time he said I love you, you felt stronger every time you were going through something together, you needed him now more than ever but he didn’t need you anymore.
“What do you want me to say? It’s not like you’re going to stay. It’s not like I can force you to love me. I just have one question.”
You opened your eyes and looked him straight in the eyes.  
“Is there someone else?”
You were scared of the answer but you needed to know.
“I promise you, I never cheated on you. I was faithful to you, trust me. B-But…”
You balled your hands to fists and your nails dug into your skin, the pain you felt was the worst pain ever. Your heart was broken. The person who promised to love you forever, to make you happy forever and to stay by your side forever, broke all of his promises.
“She’s a new colleague and we instantly clicked,”
You thought your heart couldn’t break more but it did.
“She’s just a friend, we never crossed any lines, but I found myself enjoying her company. I found myself looking forward to work, I was happy when I had to work longer and could stay there with her. She’s like a fresh breeze of air, she makes me laugh and I can’t remember the last time I felt this alive. She makes me feel alive.”
He confessed, without any shame.  
“We’ve been dating for so many years, I bet you feel like this too. It’s boring and so plain and every day is the same and I am sick of it.”
Is he doing this on purpose? Does he want to kill you with his words? Did he let you suffer the last couple months because he hated you? Why was he doing this to you? What did you do to deserve such pain?
You stood up, making your way to your bedroom. You even forgot what you wanted to tell him before he started talking.
“Where are you going?” he asked as he watched you stand up.  
“I’m going to sleep. You can take the couch or just go home, I’ll text you if Yoona feels better.” You talked with so much venom in your voice, so much hate and pain. The light in your eyes was gone, you looked like a soulless, broken girl and it was all Mark’s fault.  
Yes, maybe you could’ve done things differently, but Mark was a blind man and falling for his colleague was definitely not your fault. Your love for him never changed, he was the one who chose to be with her and not you, he was the one who ignored you and focused on her. Mark was the one who fell for her teasing words, her sexy aura, and her young and free mindset. Mark was blinded and it would take him a long time to see the mistakes he made.  
Mark stayed that night. He slept on the couch and you were wide awake balling your eyes out and blaming yourself. Mark took care of Yoona the next morning, you just checked her temperature and cooked her another soup. She was feeling better but you felt worse every passing second, especially after seeing that Mark was still there.
He saw your puffy and broken eyes, he saw how distracted you were and he saw how you tried your best to hide your pain when you were with Yoona.
Mark thought he made the right decision, telling you sooner is better than later. Breaking up with you was the right decision, he wasn’t a cheater, he would never cheat on you. But after kissing Yoona goodbye and looking at you one last time, he found himself in his new apartment, calling Areum over.
He didn’t waste any second when she entered his apartment, he pulled her in and pressed his lips on hers. Now that he finally broke up with you, he was ready to open his arms for her. When he kissed her, a little voice in his head told him that he was making the biggest mistake in his life, but he ignored that voice and deepened that kiss.
It’s been a year since your breakup and even though it took you months to get back on feet, you tried your best to stay strong for Yoona. Yoona didn’t really understand why her daddy wasn’t sleeping next to her mommy anymore. She didn’t understand why she had to sleep in another bedroom whenever she stayed with her dad. Yoona didn’t understand why her mommy was crying silently. Yoona also didn’t understand who that other woman next to her daddy was. But after a year, she got used to everything and you and Yoona graduated at the same time. Well, you graduated from nursing school and she graduated from kindergarten, now she was going to elementary school and you found a job as a nurse in a hospital, which you loved. You never told Mark that you got fired from the restaurant, you only told Haechan who helped you find a job in the hotel he was working at and your best friend Byul who was always on your side. Haechan and Byul were always there for you and helped you go through that horrible time.
After getting the job in the hospital, you left the hotel which you started to love after spending a year there. Haechan was really mad at his best friend. He tried everything to help Mark realize that he was making a big mistake and that he was going to regret leaving you. Also Haechan hated Areum, it was like Mark was wearing rose colored glasses. He was blind and didn’t see how much she manipulated and used him. But Mark told Haechan he was happy so Haechan gave up and let him be.  
Whenever you picked Yoona up from Mark, you saw Areum watching you with a look you couldn’t really describe. She looked like she wanted to punch you right across the face, rip your hair off and dig her fake nails into your skin, but you never bothered to make conversation or look at her any longer. Your relationship with Mark, well if you could call that a relationship, was weird. You said your hellos and goodbyes, you talked about Yoona and that’s it. He never asked you about your wellbeing and you never asked about his.  
Yoona secretly told Haechan when he was babysitting (she was staying at Mark’s but Areum wanted to go to the movies so bad that he called Haechan to babysit her), that she was kind of scared of Areum and that she rather spend her time with you and not her daddy and Areum. Haechan loved Yoona, he wanted to be happy and when he talked to Mark about it, he was too stubborn to see that Areum wasn’t very fond of Yoona.
Today was Yoona’s first day in elementary school and you and Mark decided to go there together as her parents, to support her and be by her side.  
Yoona was very scared at first and shy, but after she found one friend, she was happy and excited. You promised her to pick her up after he first day and when you came back (Mark had to work, but he promised Yoona to pick her up tomorrow) you saw her playing happily with a couple kids.  
“Yoona baby, it’s time to go home.” You called for your daughter.  
“You must be Yoona’s sister. Nice to mee you, I’m Na Jaemin, her teacher.” A guy, your age walked up to you with a one-million-dollar smile.  
“Actually, I’m her mother, Y/n. It’s nice to meet you too.” You smiled. Did you really look like her sister?
“Her mother, wow, you just look so young, I’m sorry.” He apologized.  
“No need to say sorry. I was nineteen when I had her, so I guess I am young.” Yoona run up to you, “Mommy can I stay longer? Please?” she pouted.  
“Baby, you’re coming back tomorrow, you can play tomorrow okay?” you took her hand.  
“Okay, mommy. Oh, hi Nana.” She smiled at her teacher. “Nana?” you asked confused. “That’s my nickname, kids love to call me nana.” He smiled softly and patted Yoona’s head.
“That’s cute.” You blurred out, “I-I mean that the kids call you that. Anyways, it was nice meeting you Mr. Na.”  
“You can call me Jaemin and also, I hope to see you and Yoona at our summer school festival next weekend.” He handed you a little flyer.  
“We’ll be there, Jaemin.” You smiled.
The next day, Mark picked Yoona up and Jaemin was confused. “Who’s that Yoona?” he asked the little girl. “That’s my daddy.”
“Daddy!” Yoona run up to her dad and jumped in his arms. “Daddy this is Nana.”  
Mark laughed at his little daughter and shook Jaemin’s hand. “Nana?”  
“That my nickname. My name is Na Jaemin, but Jaemin is fine.” He smiled at Mark and pinched Yoona’s cheek softly. “She was really active today, I think she’ll sleep really good tonight.”
“Daddy can we go to McDonald’s” Yoona asked as she put her head on Mark’s shoulder, “Okay but don’t tell your mother. It was nice meeting you. Say bye Yoona.”
“Bye nana.”
“Bye Yoona.” Jaemin chuckled.
Today was your first official day at the hospital. You didn’t meet many colleagues, there was just this one woman, Nari, who was a couple years older than you and she was super sweet and welcoming. She showed your around the hospital and invited you to have lunch with a couple other nurses.  
“And this is the cafeteria-“  
When you turned to your left, you bumped into someone and this someone was holding a cup of coffee in his hand, which of course landed on your fresh and new uniform.  
“Oh my god I am so sorry.”
You looked down on your shirt, it was stained with coffee but it didn’t burn, it was an iced coffee but it was still a big stain and you had to remove it.  
“It’s okay.” You looked up and your eyes met this black-haired guy with glasses.  
“I am really sorry, uhm, i-is there anything I can do?” he asked you, eyes going back from you to Nari.  
“Oh no, it’s alright. Uhm, I think I should change.” You said awkwardly.  
“Oh right, don’t worry Y/N, we have extra clothes in the lockers. Do you remember where it was? I should look for a place to sit for us.” She said looking through the filled cafeteria.  
“Yeah, I remember. I’ll be right back.”  
That guy was still standing there and listening to your conversation.  
“I can accompany you,” He blurred out, “I-I mean to the locker room, not like inside the locker room.”
Nari was long gone and since you actually didn’t remember your way back you nodded with an awkward smile.  
He let you enter the elevator first and you thanked him.
“I’m Lee Jeno by the way. I’ve never seen you here before, I guess you’re new.”  
“Yes, today is my first day. I’m y/n.” you looked at him and saw the white coat he was wearing and the nametag. Dr. Lee Jeno. So he was a doctor but he looked so young?  
“I’m sorry I had to ruin your first day, I really didn’t see you coming in.” he apologized again. “Don’t worry, it’s alright. I also didn’t see you.” You smiled at him to assure him that it was alright.
An awkward silence took over and you didn’t know what to say next. On your way to the locker room, Jeno tried to say something, but he was so shy, he didn’t know what to say and before he could realize you arrived at the locker rooms.  
“Do you want me to wait for you?” he asked with a soft smile.  
“Yeah sure. I’ll be right back.” You smiled back. You were scared that you couldn’t find your way back to the cafeteria.
You changed your shirt and looked at yourself on the full body mirror.  
“Oh my god, what’s wrong with my hair.” You cursed at yourself for looking like that in front of Jeno. Well, your hair looked not that bad, you just had to redo your ponytail.  
Jeno smiled when he saw you, he thought about ways to start a conversation with you while you were changing.
“I still feel really bad to ruin your first day. Let me treat you for lunch today.”  
“Oh don’t worry. It’s really fine, you don’t need to treat me for lunch.” You said shyly smiling at him.  
“I insist. That’s the least I could do.”
And that’s how you found yourself sitting right in front of Jeno and eating your lunch. You don’t know how, but suddenly you talked about everything. The awkward tension was gone and you enjoyed your lunch with him.  
You got to know him a little bit better. He was the same age as you and it was his second year working in the hospital. Jeno loved helping people and it was his dream to become a doctor and save lives. You told him a little bit about yourself, that you worked at a hotel before you started working in the hospital, that you have the cutest daughter on this planet.
“How old is she?” he asked with a smile.
“She’s five but her birthday is soon.”  
“Hold up how old are you?” he asked your curiously.  
“I’m 24. I got pregnant with nineteen. I know, I was really young but I don’t regret it. She’s the best thing that happened to me.”  
“She can be happy to have a mother like you. I can’t imagine how hard it was. What about her dad?” he asked you, “Oh no, wait I’m sorry. I’m sorry- it’s your private life.” He apologized.  
“Don’t worry, it’s alright. Her dad was there for me, but he broke up with me almost a year ago. H-he found someone else.” You smiled at him but Jeno saw the pain in your eyes.  
“I’m sorry I shouldn’t have asked.” He wanted to punch himself.  
“It’s okay. I just need my daughter, you know.” You assured him that it was alright that he asked you about Mark. You talked with Jeno until your lunch times were over and you were happy that you made a new friend on your first day.  
Today was the summer school festival at your daughters school and you were getting ready with Yoona. “Mommy do you know when daddy’s coming?”  
“Daddy is coming?” you asked her. You didn’t think he’d come or that he knew about the festival at all.
“Yeah, didn’t he tell you?” she said as she changed to her cute purple dress, “Look mommy! I dressed myself!” she said happily.  
“Good job baby!” you kissed your daughter on her cheeks, but you mind was wandering. You didn’t want to go there alone so you called Byul.
“Mommy can I go and play with my friends?” Yoona tugged at your dress.
“Sure baby, have fun.”  
“Holy shi-“
“Language.” You whispered to her.  
“Holy macaroni. Who’s that?” she pointed at Jaemin.
“That’s Na Jaemin, Yoona’s teacher.”
“Oh my god he is so hot- oh my god he’s coming over.” Byul said as she tried to look somewhere else.  
“Hello ladies, I hope you’re having fun. Y/n who’s this beautiful lady next to you.” He flirted with Byul.  
Byul smiled shyly at him and giggled like a little schoolgirl. “That’s my best friend Byul, Byul this is-”
“Na Jaemin, nice to meet you.” He smiled at Byul and before you knew it, they stared talking and you were third wheeling.
Jaemin and Byul got to know each other better and even exchanged phone numbers.
You looked through the crowd and when your eyes stopped at the familiar face, you wanted to run away and hide under your bed. Mark was there and he wasn’t alone. Next to him Areum, busy with her phone while Mark greeted your daughter.  
It wasn’t your first time seeing Areum, but you would never get used to her face.
Suddenly Yoona pointed at your direction and Mark looked to you, meeting your eyes. You looked away, ignoring his gaze on your even though he caught you looking.  
Mark walked over to you and you actually didn’t want to talk to him.
“Hey guys.” He greeted, but Yoona was ready to cut his throat.
“Lee.” She said coldly.  
“Hey Byul, how’s it going.”
“None of your motherfu-“
“Language!” you and Jaemin said at the same time.  
“So your husband is finally here! If you want to I can take a couple family photos-“
“Babe, my feet are killing me, when are we going home?” at the same moment, Areum pressed herself against Mark and intertwined her fingers with his.  
Jaemin looked at Byul, then at you, then at Mark and then at Mark’s and Areum’s hands.  
“We just arrived. Look there’s a chair-“
“Babe. I can’t sit in this dress.” She said again, looking him in the eyes. She was wearing a tight red dress, as if she tried to capture everyone’s attention. “Okay, you can go to the car, I’ll say bye to Yoona and we can go home.”
Without saying anything else, she left and Mark looked at you awkwardly before he excused himself to go to his daughter.  
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know that you are, you know, not together.” Jaemin apologized.  
“It’s alright, don’t worry about it, you didn’t know.”  
“So you’re single?” he asked you and you looked at Byul. “Oh no no, I’m not asking for me, I have a friend who’s also single and he needs to go on a couple dates you know, maybe we can go on a double date, what do you say?” he looked at you and then at Byul.
“That’s such a good idea! It’s been ages since she went on a date, wait no, she never went on a date, right y/n?” Byul asked.
“I went on dates with Mark.”
“Yeah but like, you were dating already. That doesn’t count.”
“But daddy you promised!” you heard your daughter as she walked up to you.
“I know, I’m sorry, but Areum doesn’t feel good. I have to take her home.”
“I don’t care! You said we would play and then we would go to McDonald’s!” Yoona was about to cry but you squat down and hug her. “Baby, you are here to have fun, right? You can go to McDonald’s with your daddy another time. I can play with you.” You smiled softly at her.  
She nodded and looked at her dad, “I want two happy meals next time!” she told him and he promised her.  
“I love you so much.” He hugged your daughter tightly, looked at you, silently thanking you and excused himself to leave.  
You and Byul played with your daughter until her tiny feet hurt. She fell asleep in your arms as you carried her to Byul’s car.  
“So you and Jaemin huh.” You teased Byul.
“Oh my god, I never believed in love at first sight, but damn y/n, I think I’m in love.”
You giggled, “You looked cute together.”  
“I’ll tell you about the details for out double date and don’t you even dare to say no.”  
“I really don’t know. Isn’t it a little too early to go on a date? I mean, it’s not even a full year since we broke up and Yoona has another person in her life already.”
“You mean that bit- I mean, witch. Oh come on, Yoona loves you and wants your happiness, and you are allowed to fall in love, you are allowed to be happy and feel loved.”
You thought about it for a couple days and you decided to go on that double date. You were excited and scared, your heart told you to do whatever you want but your brain told you to stay at home and watch how I met your mother for the nth time.  
“Hey what’s up? Is Yoona alright?” you called Mark to ask him if Yoona could stay at his place. Yoona was actually staying with you today but there was no other way to go on that date.  
“Yeah she’s alright don’t worry. I just wanted to ask you if you’re free tonight?”
Mark gulped, he was laying on the couch, watching some tv. He sat up and got nervous all of a sudden.
“Y-Yeah I’m free. Why?”
“Can Yoona stay at your place tonight?” you asked.  
“Oh, uhm, yeah sure. Why though I thought she’s with you today?”
“I’m busy tonight. Could you come and pick her up?”
“Right now?”
“I’ll have to leave at 6:30, so could you come and pick her up at 6?”
“Okay, I’ll be there.” He wanted to ask you where you were going, but he didn’t.
Byul came over to help you get ready for your double date, she helped you with your make up and choose your dress. Byul chose a simple white with little flowers off shoulder dress that reached your mid thighs. Byul straightened your hair and you couldn’t remember the last time you dressed up. Jaemin told Yoona that they’d go to a restaurant at the Han river and then they’d take you to a fair. It’s a little cliché, but it’s been years since you’ve been to the fair so you were happy about it.
“Mommy you look like a princess!” Yoona said as she saw you dressed up.
“Thank you baby.”  
“Byulie you look like a princess too! I also want to look like a princess!”  
You helped her change to her favorite princess dress and she giggled happily as Byul took pictures of you and Yoona. The doorbell rang and interrupted your little photo shooting.
You opened the door and Yoona jumped into Mark’s arms, stopping him from looking at you for a second, but when his eyes finally landed on you, his heart stopped beating. Where were you going looking… looking this beautiful and breathtaking.  
“Hey, thank you, I hope you weren’t busy.” You handed him Byul’s bag.
“Huh? Oh, no I wasn’t busy.”
Mark just stared at you and you stared back, you didn’t know why he was standing there and looking at you.
“Come on y/n, our dates are waiting.” Byul said that to provoke Mark.
Mark looked at you, “Dates?”  
“Yeah I’m going on a date and I’m going to be late so-“ you said harshly, you didn’t really mean to be harsh but he started to annoy you.
“Oh. Cool, I guess. Uhm, do you know when you’re going to be home? I mean for Yoona, she wants to facetime with you every time before she falls asleep.” he just wanted to know how long you’re going to be out.  
“No facetime tonight, he’ll probably stay the night anyway. Right y/n?” Byul’s words shocked Mark. “Byul.” You warned her. “What? I’m just saying.”
“Daddy you promised me two happy meals.” Yoona said suddenly.  
“Yeah right, let’s go get some McDonald’s.” he pressed his lips on Yoona’s forehead.  
“Bye baby, I love you.” You kissed your daughters cheek, accidently getting really close to Mark’s lips with your cheek.  
“Love you too mommy.”
Mark walked to his car with his daughter in his arms, still in shock and feelings slightly… annoyed?  
“Daddy, mommy looks like a princess right?” Mark looked at Yoona and smiled softly before he said, “Yeah. A beautiful princess.”
“How do I look?” you asked Byul for the nth time. You were about to enter the restaurant, but you got extremely nervous.
“Perfect. Can we go inside now?”  
You breathed in and out as you entered the restaurant, this was your first official date ever, what if he won’t like you? What if he is an asshole? What if he-
“You guys know each other?” Jaemin asked.  
Your eyes widened as you looked at Jaemin and Jeno. What a small world.
“Yeah we work at the same hospital. She’s the girl I accidently bumped into.”
“Wait- you mean y/n is the ‘cute girl with the pretty smile’ you were talking about?!” Jaemin spilled and you looked at Jeno shyly, who was as red as a tomato.  
“I think we should take a seat and order.” Jeno ignored Jaemin’s comment but Byul highfived Jaemin.  
After ordering Jaemin and Byul started talking with each other and completely forgetting about you and Jeno.  
“So, what a small world right?” Jeno said shyly. You’ve become friends, but he never thought he had a chance to go on a date with you.
“Yes, did you work today?” you asked him.
“Yeah I had an early shift this morning, just a couple patients-“
“No talking about work, you can talk about work at work.” Byul interrupted Jeno.  
After that you and Jeno talked about different things. “How’s Yoona?” Jeno asked.  
“She’s really excited these days, she loves going to school -thank you for that Jaemin- and she’s happy to spend the day with her dad.” You told him.
While you were having a nice dinner with Jeno, Mark was acting really weird at home.
“You know I don’t eat fast food.” Areum said as she looked at the hamburger in disgust.  
“Come on babe, it’s just a tiny burger.” Yoona was chewing on her fries as Mark tried to make Areum eat something.  
“Do you know unhealthy that is- and she’s going to get fat if you keep buying her McDonald’s.” Areum looked at Yoona and back at Mark before she walked into the kitchen to make herself a tea.  
“Is it yummy?” Mark asked his daughter and she nodded happily.
Areum came back with her tea and at the same moment, Yoona dropped her apple juice on the carpet.
“What did you do?! Do you know how expensive this carpet was?!” Areum placed her tea on the coffee table and ripped the bottle out of Yoona’s hands, startling her and making her cry after she also scared her when she started yelling.
“Calm down Areum, it’s just a carpet.” Mark said as he lifted Yoona up. “Shh, it’s okay. Don’t worry about the carpet baby.”
Areum hysterically tried to clean the stain on the carpet with a couple tissues. “Just a carpet?! I told you to eat in the kitchen and you two didn’t listened to me! What am I supposed to do with that now?!”  
“Areum stop yelling, you’re scaring her.” Mark said as he tried to calm Yoona down.  
“You’re unbelievable Mark.“ Areum left the living room and entered the bathroom angrily, she needed to take a hot bath to calm herself down.
“I-I’m sorry daddy.” Yoona sobbed.  
“Shh, it’s okay, it’s just a carpet. It was really boring and plain anyways, it looks prettier now. Come on, let’s finish our fries.”
It wasn’t the first time Areum yelled at Yoona for no reason. A couple months ago accidently dropped her pen, and there was a light red line on the table. Areum scolded Yoona, making her cry and it didn’t even take Mark two minutes to clean the table. And a couple weeks ago, Yoona didn’t want to take a bath and hid herself in the apartment, making Areum loose her mind. Mark left that day to buy a couple things from the grocery store and when he came back, Areum yelled at Mark for having an undisciplined daughter who never listens.
“She’s just five, don’t be so harsh on her.”
“I wasn’t like her when I was five. My parents did a great job raising me.” Areum yelled again.  
“Are you trying to say that I’m not a good dad?” Mark got mad.  
“I didn’t say that. And also, I think y/n’s doing a couple things wrong.” Areum hates you, and she would insult you whenever she could.
“Y/n’s a great mother!” Mark was really mad, but he stopped yelling as soon as he saw the look on Areum’s face, “I’m sorry I didn’t want to yell.”  
“Go and find your daughter, I’m done playing hide and seek.”
Areum was under the covers, texting as Mark entered their bedroom, Yoona was sleeping already.  
Areum ignored Mark and Mark knew that he had to step back before he said something wrong. He also got under the covers and turned his back to her. He scrolled through Instagram and stopped when he saw Byul’s story. Yes, he was still following her. Just in case.  
Byul took a selfie with- Jaemin? He asked himself what Jaemin was doing with Byul, but he stopped thinking about that as soon as he saw you looking up to a guy he had never met before. He zoomed in, you were a little far away so you looked a little blurry, but you still looked amazing. You were holding onto a big stuffed animal panda and smiling and there was a big Ferris wheel behind you, you were at the fair and you looked happy. Were you happy?
The next picture was a selfie of you and Byul, you looked so pretty and you were smiling brightly. Mark smiled unknowingly, but his smile dropped when he saw the next picture. It was a picture of you all, Jeno on your left right, his arm wrapped around your waist, his hand resting on your hip. Your head was on his shoulder as you smiled.  
Isn’t this your first date? When did you get so close? Do you like him-
“I want to sleep, turn the lights off.” Areum said before she closed her eyes with her blindfold.
Mark turned his phone and the lights off. He closed his eyes and all he saw is your face smiling brightly.  
No answer.  
“Daddy, wake up.”
Again, no answer.
“Daddy!” Yoona yelled now, waking Mark and Areum.
“Princess? Why are you awake?” Mark switched the lights back on, making Areum growl angrily.  
“I had a bad dream but I can’t remember, can I sleep with you?”  
“Of course baby.” Mark scoots to the middle as Areum stood up annoyed.  
“I’m sleeping in the guest room.” She mumbled before she left Mark and Yoona. Mark didn’t care and wrapped his arms around his daughter.  
“Does she hate me?”
Mark’s heart broke. How could his little girl think that someone on this planet was able to hate her. But then again, Areum doesn’t have the best relationship with Yoona. It hurt Mark that his daughter thought something like that, that she felt hated.  
“Of course not, you’re an angel, nobody could hate you. Everyone loves you, don’t ever think that someone hates you.”
“But she hates mommy.”
“Why would you think that?” Mark asked curiously.
“She said that mommy is alone because nobody loves her, because everyone hates mommy. Daddy do you hate mommy too?”  
Mark didn’t know what to say. He was shocked, how could Areum tell his daughter something as cruel as that. Mark felt guilty. It was his fault that you were alone but everyone loves you, how could anyone hate you? You have the most beautiful and caring heart.  
“That’s also not true. Your mommy has you, she has Haechan and Byul and your grandparents. S-She has… me.” Mark felt himself tear up. Were you lonely? Is that why you went on that date?
There was no way he’d let Areum get away with that.  
Yoona fell asleep but Mark was awake the whole night, thinking about Areum, Yoona and you.
Your date went great. You had so much fun and you couldn’t even remember the last time you had that much fun. Hanging out with Jeno outside of work was great and you were excited to see him again- outside of work.
Jaemin offered to take Byul home and Jeno took you home.  
“Thank you for tonight and thank you for taking me home.” You smiled at him as you stood in front of the building.  
“Thank you for coming- Jaemin told me you weren’t really sure but I’m glad you decided to come. I hope we can do this again, maybe just the two of us.” He smiled shyly.  
“I’d love that.”
Jeno watched you enter the building before he went back to his car.
You were really happy and you smiled like a fool when you closed your eyes in bed and thought about the date.  
After a couple more dates with Jeno, you introduced him to Yoona. It was amazing how good they got along, Yoona loved playing with Jeno and Jeno adored her so much. You were scared, scared that she wouldn’t like him, scared that it would be too much for her, but Yoona liked Jeno the second she met him. He was funny and a dork and he even played hide and seek with her, even after an exhausting day at the hospital.  
Today was date night and Jeno picked you and Yoona up. Yoona was staying with Mark tonight and she was so excited to show her dad her new toy Jeno bought her.  
Jeno parked in front of Mark’s apartment and you helped Yoona to the door. Mark opened the door with a soft smile, but his smile dropped when he saw you dressed prettily with your cute dress. You looked like you were going out and when he saw the car, Jeno’s windows rolled down a little showing his face, his heart dropped.  
“Hey.” He said as he lifted his daughter up.  
“Hi, she ate dinner already, you can give her a couple snacks but not too many and she’s a little bit moody today so just let her watch frozen. ” You told him and he just nodded.  
“I’ll see you tomorrow baby.” You kissed your daughters cheeks and left. Mark watched you enter Jeno’s car and he didn’t like it. He didn’t like seeing you with someone else. He didn’t like seeing you dressed prettily for another guy.
Not even three hours later, your phone rang. You just finished the movie and walked to Jeno’s car. Mark called you and you started to panic. It’s almost midnight, why would he call you that late?
“Is everything alright?” you asked Mark nervously.
“Yeah, no, I mean it is but like, Yoona won’t sleep. She doesn’t’ stop crying and I- I don’t know what to do, she says she wants you.” Mark rambled.  
You looked at Jeno who smiled at you softly, “I’ll be there in twenty.”  
“Thank you.” Mark  
Yoona was crying and running away from Mark and Areum.  
“Princess, come here it’s really late, do you want me to read you a bedtime story?” Mark asked his daughter as he looked for her behind the couch.  
“No I want mommy!”
“Mommy is on her way.”  
Areum wasn’t having it, she was so close to explode.  
“Make her stop Mark.”
“I’m trying, she won’t listen to me.” Mark was also annoyed, but not because of Yoona, he was annoyed because of Areum. Areum should know that things like that can happen with five years old and after months of being together, she should know that the changes in Yoona’s life were too much for a child.
Not even five minutes later, the doorbell rang and Yoona ran to the door in excitement. Mark opened the door and Yoona hugged your legs. As soon as she saw Jeno, leaning against his car, she ran to him.  
Jeno lifted her up with a smile, “Hey princess, shouldn’t you be asleep?”  
Mark watched his daughter interact with that… with that guy and he got jealous before he realized Areum stormed to the door.  
“Something is clearly wrong with your daughter! It’s 12 am and she’s not sleeping like normal kids would and here you are going out at night and not caring about her!” Areum said harshly, shocking you and Mark.
“Excuse me? What did you just say?” you asked shocked, eyes wide.
“You’re clearly doing something wrong, she never listens and is naughty! You can’t even raise your own child!”  
“Areum stop it-“
“No let her Mark, seems like she knows how to raise a kid. You don’t get to talk about my daughter like that, your parents clearly did something wrong with you.” You bite back.  
“Something wrong with me? Look at you, you are the problem, I know that it’s not Yoona’s fault that you’re her mother, but have you ever asked yourself why Mark never married you? Because you are a stupid weird bitch who looks like a bag of potatoes. Mark was only with you because he felt sorry, he would’ve left your ass earlier if it wasn’t for Yoona-“
“Areum I said stop it!” Mark yelled one more time, “Yoona is also my child and I won’t let you talk shit about her or her mother, get the fuck inside. Now.” Mark was furious, he harshly grabbed her wrist and signaled her to get inside with his eyes.  
Jeno was already in the car with Yoona, trying to distract her from the mess going on outside.  
Mark looked back at you with sorry eyes, but as soon as he saw your broken eyes, he wanted to punch a wall, he wanted to do everything to turn back in time, he wanted to stop your heart from breaking but every time your heart broke a little more, it was his fault.
“Y-Y/n-“ he stepped forward but you took a step back, making him stop. “T-That’s not true, you know that right?” his voice trembled.
You looked at him with so much disgust and pain, but maybe Areum was right, you thought, maybe he was with you because he felt sorry, not because he loved you once.
You slowly shook your head, a tear rolling down your cheek as you blinked, “I don’t want to see her near my daughter ever again.”
And with that you turned around and left.  
Mark wanted to wipe your tears away, he wanted to take your pain away but he was useless and watching how Jeno smiled at you when you entered the car, he watched helplessly as Jeno intertwined your hands and pressed his lips on your hand.
After that fight, Areum avoided Mark. She locked herself in the guest room and left earlier than she should. It took him three days to finally talk to her.
“What were you thinking, Areum?” he said.  
“I don’t want to talk to you, Mark.” She said as she took a sip from her tea.  
“You think I’ll just let you talk like that about y/n and Yoona? Do you really think you have the right to judge her parenting skills? Let me tell you this, you have no right to judge her, you are the one who treats my daughter like shit, no matter how many times I told you to act like a fucking decent human!”
“I’m treating her perfectly, you guys raised her wrong! It’s not my fault she never listens.” Areum scoffed. Mark breathed in and out, trying to calm down but it didn’t work, Areum was fucking with his patience.
“Why did you tell Yoona that everyone hates y/n?”  
“What are you talking about?” she looked away.  
“Yoona told me that you told her that. That y/n’s alone because nobody loves her. Why would you say that to a five-year-old kid?” Mark was getting angrier every passing second.
“She lied to you.”
“Fine! Yeah I said that but it’s the truth, isn’t it?! She should know that her mother is problematic!” she yelled back.
“What is wrong with you?! How could you?! Problematic? Y/n’s not any of your fucking business, you don’t know anything about her and stop telling my daughter stupid lies just because you’re fucking jealous!”
“Jealous? Me?! Of what?! Y/n’s lonely, ugly and a bad mother, Yoona should be happy that she has me or she’s going to end like her mother!”
“What the fuck did you just say?!”
“It’s the truth! You left y/n because you don’t love her, because you started to hate her, she’s weird and she doesn’t know how to raise her own child!”  
“I didn’t leave y/n because I hate her! She’s an amazing mother, she deserves the world and unlike you, she knows how to raise her child. I’m not stupid, Areum, I know that it makes you mad that I have a child with someone else, I know that you hate me, y/n, and Yoona for that. I told you about that before we started dating and you said you were going to treat Yoona like your own daughter, and I really thought you would. I really believed you. I thought you’d get along with Yoona and be nice to her, but you are horrible to her, to a child who didn’t do anything wrong!”
Mark felt relieve. He finally had the guts to say what he really thought.  
“You think I need you or your stupid daughter?!” Areum screamed at Mark, she was furious.
“Watch your fucking mouth! Don’t you fucking dare to talk about my daughter ever again. Get the fuck out of my apartment and take you fucking shit with you. I don’t want to see you near me or my daughter ever again.”
Areum scoffed, “You think you can break up with me and kick me out? Me?”
“I should’ve done it earlier.”
Mark turned around and stopped in his tracks before he left, “I don’t want to see any of your things here when I come back.”
And with that, Mark slammed the door shut and let out a breath of relieve, it felt so good to break up with Areum, the weight he carried around was gone now, and now he needed a drink with Haechan.
“You’re a fucking idiot, I told you that she’s a fucking bitch, it was about time you broke up.” Haechan said as he took a shot.  
“I’m sorry.” Mark mumbled after he took a shot.
“Better late than never I guess. Can’t believe you were with her for almost a year. What were you thinking?”  
“That’s the problem. I wasn’t thinking.” Mark closed his eyes, “I wasn’t fucking thinking.”
Suddenly Haechan’s phone buzzed.
“Who is it?” Mark asked curiously. “Just y/n.”  
“What did she say?”  
“She asked me which dress she should wear for her date.” Haechan said casually.  
Mark’s heart stopped beating. You were going on another date?  
“Show me.”
At first Haechan didn’t notice how Mark’s leg bounced up and down, something he did when he was nervous. Haechan showed the three pictures you sent, “I told her to wear this one. It’s the shortest and that means, easier access-“
“Why the fuck would you do that? Access? Access for fucking what?” Mark blurred out angrily.  
“Do I really have to explain how to fing-“
“Shut the fuck up Haechan.” Mark grabbed Haechan’s phone and typed.  
Haechan: Wear the blue one, it looks better on you.
The blue dress was the longest.
Y/n: are you sure? I look like a grandma lol
Haechan: no you don’t, trust me y/n. The blue one is the one. Where are you going?
Y/n: I told you already that I was going on a date with Jeno
So Jeno was his name.
Haechan: it’s raining, maybe you should stay at home.  
Y/N: yeah you’re actually right, maybe I should invite him over to my place and order some food, what do you think? Yoona is with her grandparents anyway
To your house? No fucking way.
Haechan: I just checked the forecast, the rain is going to stop any minute, you can go out. Don’t have too much fun
“What the fuck?” Haechan asked Mark, even though he knew what Mark was doing.
“What do you mean?” Mark sipped on his beer.  
“What was all of that about?”
“I don’t know what you mean.”
“She’s not yours anymore, Mark, you can’t interfere in her life like that.” Haechan reminded him.  
“I-I know, okay?! It’s just-“
“Just what?”  
“Forget it, I just wanna get drunk.”
Haechan knew exactly what Mark was feeling. Mark started to regret what he did to you, he is jealous and there’s nothing he could do. Mark couldn’t go back in time and stop himself from doing a big mistake.  
Today was Yoona’s birthday and you organized a big party for her. You invited all of her friends from school and their parents, Jaemin and Byul (they started dating and they’re madly in love with each other), Haechan, Jeno and of course Mark.
It was awkward after what happened with Areum to stand next to Mark. You never talked about that night again, it’s been almost three weeks already. Mark was acting weirder than he normally did though.
Mark only talked to Haechan the whole time and sometimes with Jaemin whenever he wasn’t with Jeno. Mark watched Jeno secretly helping you with the cake and he was about to jump from his seat but Haechan stopped him.  
Yoona dipped her finger into the cream and put it on Jeno’s nose. She giggled and Jeno gasped jokingly. He also put a little bit of cream on Yoona’s nose and took pictures with her.
“I hate him.” Mark mumbled.
“He’s a nice guy, he’s good to y/n and he gets along with Yoona.”
“Yeah, well, I don’t care. She’s my daughter.”  
“You’re acting like a bitch, shut up and enjoy your daughters party.” Haechan said as he punched Mark on the shoulder.  
“That hurt.”  
“You deserve even more you idiot.”  
“Could you stop- hey princess do you enjoy your party?” Yoona interrupted him as she walked up to him.  
“Yes daddy. We want to listen to music now!”
When the music started playing, the kids started jumping around and giggling cutely. You were busy with the parents, talking to them and offering them some food. Mark watched you, how you smiled cutely and how you and Yoona were wearing dresses in the same color. He was interrupted by a tissue which Byul threw on his face as she caught him starring.
He looked away shyly and decided to go to the kitchen to get something to drink.  
Nothing changed, he noticed. It’s been a year since he walked through this apartment, but everything was the same and he smiled softly as he remembered how he helped you bake cakes for Yoona’s and his birthdays. One time he tried to bake a cake with Yoona for your birthday, but that was a total disaster.  
But at least he made you happy, he still remembers the way you cried because you were thankful and touched, even though they failed. He remembers how you wrapped your arms around him, pressing your body against his and kissing his neck.
“best boyfriend ever.” You whispered.  
Boyfriend, not husband.
Maybe that was Mark’s first mistake. The first mistake of many to push you away and lose you.
Mark gulped his water down as Jeno entered. That was actually first time they were that close, and alone.  
“Hey, I never had the chance to introduce myself properly. I’m Lee Jeno.” Jeno extended his hand towards Mark.  
Mark looked at his hand and then back up to Jeno and slowly shook his hand. “Mark, but I guess you know that already.”
Jeno looked at Mark and wanted to start a decent conversation with him, but Mark had other plans.  
“Look, Jeno. Yoona’s my daughter and she is the most important person in my life. I just want you to know if you ever hurt her or y/n I’ll-“
“Everything alright here?” you interrupted the two.
“Yeah, we were just talking about sports you know, football and stuff.” Jeno smiled at you softly.  
“Since when do you like football?” you asked Mark.  
“I, uhm, started watching recently.” Mark lied.  
You looked at them suspiciously but decided to ignore whatever was going on. “The guests are leaving, come with me to the door.” You told Mark who just nodded and followed you.  
Yoona’s school friends were all gone and Haechan also left since he had a date. Jaemin and Byul were in their own world, cuddling and giggling like teenagers. Jeno started to help you clean but Yoona asked you to bring her to bed with Mark. Yoona hugged Jeno, Jaemin and Byul goodbye and thanked them for the presents she got before she got under the covers.
“Mommy and daddy can you tell me a bedtime story?”  
You looked at Mark and Mark at you.  
“Which story do you want to hear? Snow-white? Cinderella?” you asked.
“How did princess mommy and prince daddy meet.” Yoona giggled as she called her parents princess and prince.  
Mark looked at you awkwardly, you smiled at your daughter and started telling her the story how you and Mark met. Mark listened to you and smiled but you were close to tears.  
“That’s so cool! When can I watch harry potter?” she asked, interrupting your thoughts.  
“When you’re a little bit older, baby. Go to sleep now, you had a long day.” you kissed her forehead.  
“Daddy can you stay with me until I fall asleep” Yoona asked Mark before he could stand up from the floor. He looked at you and then back at Yoona. “Sure princess, now close your eyes.”
You quietly left the room and entered the kitchen. Jeno was cleaning the mess already and you couldn’t stop yourself from smiling. “You don’t have to do that.” You said as you leaned against the counter.  
“It’s nothing, I’m almost done.” He showed you his cute eye smile. “Did you have fun today?” he asked you.
“Yes, thank you for helping me out and being here. She really likes you.” You told him.  
“I like her too. I also really like her mother but don’t tell her that.” He said, making you laugh.  
“What if her mother likes you too?”  
Jeno dried his hands and also leaned against the counter, looking straight into your eyes. “Then she would kiss me back right?”
Before you could realize what he just said, Jeno slowly leaned in and pressed his lips against yours. He kissed you slowly and you kissed him back, carefully. It’s been so long since you kissed someone and you weren’t sure if you were doing a good job.  
Jeno pulled back just to look at your pretty face one time and then he kissed you again, his hands on your waist now, pulling you closer and deepening the kiss. After weeks of dating and getting closer to each other, you finally kissed and it felt good but there was something deep inside of you telling you to stop kissing him.  
Not only something deep inside of you, but Mark was also asking you to stop kissing him in his head as he accidently caught you kissing Jeno. Mark’s heart clenched at the sight, there was another man kissing you, kissing the mother of his daughter, his girlfriend. His ex-girlfriend, his brain corrected him. Mark formed his hands to fists and tried everything to stop himself from jumping on Jeno and punching him on the lips. The lips that were kissing you right now.
Before he could do something he might regret, he stormed out of the apartment, surprising Jaemin and Byul who were still on the couch.
You heard the door slam shut and pulled away, breathing heavily.  
“Mark just left are you guys alright?” Byul entered the kitchen right after you pulled away.  
“Yeah he was in Yoona’s room.” You told her.  
“Uhm no, he said Yoona’s is asleep and he came from this direction.”
You knew that Mark saw you and Jeno, but you obviously didn’t do it on purpose. You didn’t know how to feel. Why was he mad? He has no reason to be mad that you and Jeno kissed, you weren’t together.
Mark slammed his car door shut and grabbed the steering wheel tightly as he tried to calm his heart down.  
“Fuck! Fuck what is wrong with me?! What the fuck is wrong with me?!”
Mark knew what was wrong but he wasn’t ready to admit that. He couldn’t sleep that night, or the next days. Whenever he closed his eyes, he saw you and Jeno, being happy and kissing each other. His hand on your waist and lips on yours. It was driving him crazy.  
Mark scrolled through his phone, looking at old pictures and videos of you. He knew he shouldn’t be doing this, but he couldn’t stop.  
“Stop filming me.” You giggled as you tried to hide from the camera.
“But you look beautiful.”
“I look like a mess, don’t film me.”  
“A real hot mess, baby. Come on, pose for the camera.” Mark said.
You posed funnily for the camera and you looked absolutely adorable. “you’re looking amazing, so sexy.”  
“Stop making fun of me!” you warned him. “Making fun of you? Me? I’m telling you the truth, babe. You’re hot whatever you’re wearing or doing.”  
“Mark, I’m six months pregnant, I’m not sexy, I’m round.”
“You’re perfect, the most beautiful girl on this world and I love you to death. You carrying our baby makes you even more beautiful.”  
“I love you too.” You said shyly, “Now turn the camera off and kiss me until I can’t breathe.”
Mark was silently crying as he watched that video. You looked stunning, you were glowing and you looked so happy. He can’t remember the last time you looked this happy. Mark started sobbing and he hid his face with his hands and cried his heart out. “I love her, fuck. I love her so much what the fuck did I do?!” he asked himself as he kept crying.
A couple nights later, Mark was so drunk, he knew it was a fucking mistake, but he still called you at 3am.
“Hello?” you mumbled still half-asleep.
“Is everything alright? Who’s that?” Mark heard Jeno’s sleepy voice and his grip on his phone tightened.
“It’s Mark,” you told him, “Mark is everything alright? Why are you calling at this hour?” you asked him, your voice filled with worry.  
“Are you sleeping with him in our bed?” Mark blurred out angrily.  
“What? Mark where are you? Are you drunk?”
“No, I mean yeah I think I’m drunk.” He admitted.  
“Do you want me to call Areum?”
“I broke up with her. I don’t love her and she’s mean, she’s not good. She’s not nice to you or H-Yoona. She’s not you,” he stopped for a second, “I don’t love her.” He said again.  
“Okay Mark, I’ll call Haechan-“
“No! Not Haechan, h-he’s angry with me.”
Mark and Haechan had a little fight earlier that day because Mark complained about your relationship with Jeno.
“Mark, tell me where you are. Are you at home?”
“No I’m not home. This apartment isn’t my home. You and Yoona are my home.” He started crying.  
You didn’t know what to do or to say, you were shocked.
“Do you want to sleep here on the couch in the living room?” you asked him after a couple seconds.  
“No! I don’t want to be there when he’s also there,” he wiped his tears away, “I’ll just sleep here in this apartment until I’m back home. Good night y/n. I’m sorry.” And with that he hung up, leaving you overwhelmed and shocked.  
“Everything alright?” Jeno asked again, pulling you closer.
“Yeah everything’s alright.” You snuggled up to him.
Nothing’s alright.
Mark cried until he fell asleep and you couldn’t fall asleep anymore.  
You decided to ignore the call, he’d probably never remember it, he sounded too drunk. You called Haechan the next day and asked him about Mark and Areum.
“Yeah he broke up with her after the whole fiasco. I told him he’s too late but better late than never, right?”  
“I guess. I-It’s just, why now? Why not a couple months ago, she was always like that, why did he break up with her now.”
“The answer is simple, y/n and I think you know the answer. He realized that everything he did was a mistake. He realized that it’s you and it’s always going to be you after seeing you with someone else.”  
You tried to hide your sobs but you couldn’t stop and let everything out. “It’s okay, it’s not your fault. You didn’t do anything wrong, y/n. Focus on yourself, he fucked up.”
“Y-You guys shouldn’t fight because of m-me. You’re best friends.”  
“You’re my best friend too and you suffered for months, I just want the two of you to be happy.”
After you calmed down with Haechan’s help, you changed the topic. He invited you to a Halloween party at his apartment in two weeks and you asked Jeno if he wanted to go with you and he said yes and kissed you. It was weird kissing someone else, someone who wasn’t Mark. After Yoona’s birthday you and Jeno grew closer and that night Mark called, he slept over for the first time, but nothing more than sleeping happened. You weren’t ready for more and that was okay for Jeno.
Haechan’s Halloween parties were always fun. You and Mark loved your Halloween tradition to dress as a couple ever since you went to your first Halloween party together. Halloween had a special place in your heart, but Mark broke your tradition and now you were dressed as Harley Quinn and Jeno was dressed as Joker. It was weird to wear a couple costume with someone who wasn’t Mark, but Jeno looked really good with his green hair and the tattoos.  
Yoona was with her grandparents and you didn’t know if Mark was going to the party. When you entered the apartment, you could smell the alcohol and Haechan, dressed as the devil greeted you and Jeno.  
“Now let’s get you guys something to drink!”  
Jaemin and Byul were also there, dressed as Mickey and Minnie Mouse. You didn’t notice that one person in the room, who’s eyes were burning with jealousy as he watched you and Jeno wearing a couple costume. You didn’t notice Mark standing there in the other corner of the room since he wasn’t really wearing a costume. He was dressed in all black, a black shirt, black jeans, and black converse. Mark thought there was no point in dressing up when his partner wasn’t with him but seeing you with Jeno hurt him. He wanted to leave, he wanted to ruin Jeno’s costume with the cup of vodka coke in his hand. He gulped down his drink before he could do that though.  
Jeno pulled you closer by your waist as Byul took a picture of you two.  
“You guys look so good!” Byul said, “Look there’s batman!” Byul pulled that random guy to the picture and he just posed with you and Jeno.
Mark remembered how much fun you had whenever you went to a Halloween party, how good you two looked as a couple and how much everyone loved you together. It was his own fault, he left his partner in crime, his soulmate, the love of his life. Mark regretted letting go of you so much and every time he saw you and Jeno, he hated himself even more.
Mark needed another drink.
You danced with Byul and Jeno and you had so much fun, it’s been so long since you just danced and had fun with your friends, months of crying and crying were over and you were finally having fun and being happy. But of course there was something going to happen tonight.  
Jeno was busy talking to Jaemin as you danced with Byul, but you drank so much that you needed to pee, so you told Byul that you’d be back.  
Mark, of course, saw you leaving the dance floor and then he followed you. You closed the door and did what you had to do in the bathroom and when you were done and about to leave, Mark entered, closed the door and locked it.  
“What are you doing?” you asked him.
Mark looked at you and he suddenly couldn’t remember what he wanted to tell you.  
“Mark, open the door.” You said softly, you didn’t want to fight.
“That was our thing.” He blurred out.  
“What are you talking about?”
“I-It’s our tradition- Halloween, I mean. I-I should be Joker and you should be my Harley Quinn.” He mumbled as he looked anywhere but at you.  
“Mark, come on, you can’t say things like that-“
“Why not? You know it’s true! Y-You shouldn’t be here with him, you should be here with me!” he was drunk enough to raise his voice a little even though he tried to stay calm.  
“Why?! You are not my boyfriend, Jeno is my-“
“Don’t finish that sentence y/n!” Mark stopped you from saying anything that could hurt him. His eyes were teary and he was about to cry. “I- I know you still love me.” He whispered.  
You scoffed, “What if I do? Do you really think I’ll forgive you just like that. Do you think I forgot everything you did to me? How much I suffered because of you?!” you pressed your hands on his chest to push him away.  
“I- I did a mistake.”
Mark was crying now, the last time Mark cried in front of you was when Yoona had her first birthday. His eyes were red and the tears didn’t stop rolling down his cheek.  
“I miss you so much, I miss us, I miss our family. I love you, I love you so much y/n, you k-know that I love you. I always loved you, just you. You’re my everything, please tell me you know that.” He sobbed.  
“S-seeing you with him- it breaks my heart. That should b-be me, I should be the one next to you, holding your hand and fucking kissing you. W-when I saw him kiss you, I just lost it.” He admits, “It hurt so fucking much and it still hurts.” He wiped his tears away but they kept on rolling down.
“You have no right to say all of this! Do you know how much you hurt me?! How much my heart hurt?! Mark, you left me for another woman, you left me! You told me that you don’t love me, you told me you weren’t happy anymore and that you’re just with me for Yoona! Do you know how much I suffered when you just pushed me away l-like, like I didn’t mean anything to you, like I was never important to you, like you never loved me? You left me like I was just a piece of shit! You don’t know anything about pain or suffering, when you were happily fucking around with Areum, I was all alone and now that I try to move on, you have to destroy that too.” You yelled angrily, you didn’t care about your make up anymore, you just let the tears roll down.  
Mark looked at you with apologetic eyes, he knew that you were right and hearing all the things that he did coming from your mouth, stabbed his heart with thousand knives, he would never forgive himself for making you feel that way.
“I’m sorry, y/n, I-I am so fucking sorry, you mean the world t-to me, please believe me. I-I did a big mistake and I’ll never forgive myself, I’m so sorry.” He cried out.  
“I was alone when you were with her, I-I had to watch the love of my life with s-someone else because I wasn’t enough. Even Areum knew that you didn’t love me, you didn’t even want to marry me, because you didn’t love me.” You whispered, looking him finally in the eyes, “I wasn’t enough for you Mark.”
Mark hid his face behind his hands, “No, no, no! I wanted to marry you, Areum doesn’t know a thing! Believe me, please! That’s not t-true. ” Mark cried out and shook his head, he was crying hysterically now, he couldn’t breathe and his eyes burnt. “That’s not true.” He kept on saying.  
“You’re unfair, Mark. I let you be with Areum, now you should let me be with Jeno.”  
“No, no, I can’t. I can’t let you go again, please. Please don’t leave me.” Mark wrapped his hand around your wrist and pulled you closer as he fell on his knees. “I’m begging you, y/n, don’t leave me please, stay with me. Please come back to me, be mine again, please.” He sobbed as he wrapped his arms around you. “Please.”
You looked down to him, Mark cried and cried and begged you to go back to him but when you heard Byul’s voice at the other side of the door, you thanked her for her perfect timing.
“I think Mark’s in there Haechan.” You heard her, “Y/n are you guys alright?” she asked.  
You were close enough to unlock the door since Mark was still on his knee, “Don’t go to him y/n, please stay with me.”  
Byul and Haechan looked at the scenery with wide eyes.
“Come on, dude, let her go.” Haechan helped you to unwrap Mark’s arms around you and pull him to the side.  
“No, Haechan, p-please no, I can’t let her go.”  
Byul wrapped her arm around you and walked out of the bathroom, you couldn’t handle the party and Mark crying, everything was so loud and you vision was blurry, you can’t remember Jeno looking at you in concern and helping you to the car, all you could remember was crying until you fell asleep.
“H-Haechan bring her back, please I need her.” Mark sobbed as he held onto his best friend.  
Haechan who was overwhelmed with the situation, just hugged Mark, and let him cry everything out.
“I can’t lose her. I love her, I really love her Haechan. You believe me right? You- you know that I love her right?”
“Yes, I know.” He patted Mark’s back until Mark fell asleep, eyes heavy and red.  
Jeno knew about your history with Mark and he also knew how much he hurt you and how much means to you. Seeing you cry like that hurt him but he tried his best to help you.  
A week later, on a Sunday when the sun was shining brightly, your doorbell rang.  
“Yes- Mark?” you didn’t expect him to stand in front of you with his hair styled back and a white button up shirt and your favorite flowers in his hands.
You didn’t talk to Mark since the incident at Haechan’s party.
“Daddy!” Yoona saw her dad at the door and ran towards him to jump in his arms. Mark lifted her up with a big smile on his face.  
“Hey princess.”
“Are we having a sleepover today?” Yoona asked you and Mark.  
“No baby, I-uhm, I thought we could go to the Zoo today. You, me, and your mom. You know, as a family.”
“Yes! Please mommy! Let’s go to the Zoo!” Yoona said happily but you actually thought that it was a bad idea.  
“I don’t know-“
“Mommy, please, I was too little the last time we went to the zoo, I can’t remember anymore.” She protested. Mark prayed that you’d say yes, and when you gave in, he kissed Yoona’s cheeks happily. Mark had a plan. He had to win your heart back and he’d do anything to do that.
You called Jeno to ask him what he’d do.  
“He’s still Yoona’s dad, I think it’s good for her to see her parents get along. I think you should give him a chance to become your friend.”
Jeno has the biggest heart on this planet and you thanked him for everything. He was currently busier in the hospital and it was hard to spend time together even though you worked at the same place, but he was always there for you and you for him.  
“Look daddy a Lion!”  
You held Yoona’s left hand and Mark her right hand, you looked like the perfect family from the outside.  
“I want some cake daddy!”
“Do you want some too?” he asked you. You nodded softly. Mark ordered one piece of cake for the three of you and you sat down at a little table, waiting for your cakes to arrive.  
“One chocolate cake, one cheesecake and one strawberry cheesecake for this lovely family.” The waiter said as he placed your orders on the table.
Mark smiled brightly and you just looked away awkwardly.  
“Thank you. Say thank you Yoona.”
“Thank you!”
And after that Sunday you spend almost every Sunday with Yoona and Mark. He’d organize trips for the three of you, and after a month, you started to enjoy spending time with him and Yoona. Jeno often cancelled your plans, but that was alright, you knew that he was busy at the hospital.  
Today Mark invited you and Mark to his apartment to bake a cake and watch movies. You watched every Shrek movie together and had fun baking a cake, which was a success.  
Yoona fell asleep while watching the last part, and your eyes were also about to fall asleep. “Just stay over, I’ll tuck Yoona in. You can take my bed.”
“N-No I’ll just sleep on the couch.” You insisted, you’d never sleep in the same bed as Areum. Mark knew pushing you was wrong so he just nodded and gave you a pillow and a blanket. Mark tucked Yoona in and came back, you were asleep already. Mark decided to take the other couch, because that was the closest he’d get to sleep next to you.  
You woke up the next morning and saw Mark sleeping on the other couch, without any blanket. He looked like he was freezing, it was November already, of course he was freezing. You gave him your blanket and when he felt your presence above him, he opened his eyes.  
“I can’t remember the last time I woke up and saw your face. I missed it so much. Just let me look at you a little longer.” Mark whispered. It was awkward to stand there like that, so when he scooted over, you didn’t think about it and laid down next to him, looking him in the eyes.
Mark hesitated but he couldn’t stop himself from stroking your cheek with his thumb.  
You stopped breathing and you could feel your heart racing against your chest.
Mark came closer, and you thought that he was going to kiss you, you didn’t know why, but something deep inside you wanted him to kiss you. But Mark was scared to push you away and just pressed his forehead against yours and closed his eyes. You also closed your eyes, but your little moment was disturbed by your little daughter.  
“Hey! You guys can’t cuddle without me!” she pouted as she jumped on top of you, “Now we can cuddle.”
You loved this moment. Being close to Mark and having your daughter between you, seeing her happy and smiling, this means the world to you and you’d do anything to make your daughter happy.
You felt guilty.  
So fucking guilty.  
Whenever Jeno cancelled plans, you just asked Mark if he was free and spend time with him instead. You didn’t do anything with him, but your heart jumped around every time he came over or whenever you saw him.  
“Hey Jeno, I know you’re really busy right now, but can we meet up whenever you’re free? Please don’t forget to drink and sleep, good night.”  
You sent him that message, you knew that sooner or later the day would come. Being with Jeno was great so far, but there was something missing and the days you spent apart pushed you more into Mark’s arms even though you didn’t really notice that.  
“Hey you good?” Mark asked you as he paused the movie.  
“Yeah, everything’s good.” You assured him with a smile and continued the movie. Mark was sitting so close to you, his arm was around your shoulder and you tried to ignore that feeling.
Finally, after three days, Jeno was free and you met up at a little café.  
“I know what you’re going to say, and it’s alright y/n.” Jeno said softly.  
“I’m sorry.”
“You don’t need to feel sorry, our schedules aren’t working out and we work better as friends. And I know how your heart still belongs to him, and I get that, I really do. I just hope you had great time when you were with me.”
“Of course! You’re a great person, and a great friend. And you’ll meet the perfect girl one day. Thank you for everything.”
Breaking up with Jeno was simple, just like his personality, and you didn’t know if you should tell Mark that you broke up with Jeno. What would change? Breaking up with Jeno doesn’t mean you were going to jump back into Mark’s arms. You heart was still broken and it would take you a long time until you could trust and forgive Mark again.
“Do you want to spend Christmas with us?” you asked Mark.  
Mark smiled brightly and you looked at you with his big deer eyes. “Are you sure?”  
You nodded, “Yeah I think it would be nice for Yoona to spend Christmas with her parents. Last year, uhm, wasn’t that fun for her.”  
Yoona spend last year with you and your family for a couple hours and the rest of the day  with Mark, it was her first Christmas without the two of you and she didn’t understand why.  
Mark’s memory of his last Christmas was horrible. His parents were mad at him for leaving you and they didn’t like Areum, they actually hated her, she was disrespectful and seemed like she was manipulating Mark whenever she could. That’s why Mark spent Christmas with an annoyed Areum who wasn’t a fan of snow and the cold and Yoona who cried because she was bored and hated the food Areum cooked, she also couldn’t watch Home Alone, her favorite Christmas movie because Areum wasn’t in the mood.
“Yeah, I’d love to spend Christmas with you.” Mark’s cheek hurt from smiling, he was so happy.
In the past months, Mark tried his best to be better for you. He knew he wasn’t going to win your heart back that fast but spending time with you and your daughter meant the world to him. He loves you and he would do anything, no matter how long it’ll take, to gain your trust back.
Christmas Eve.  
You’ve been in the kitchen the whole day. After cooking dinner, you, Mark, and Yoona baked cookies and decorated them. It was so much fun and Yoona was happier than ever.  
“Daddy do you like my snowman?” Yoona pointed at her snowman shaped cookie.
Mark was busy with Yoona as the doorbell rang. You weren’t expecting any visitors though and when you opened the door, you couldn’t stop yourself from laughing.  
Haechan was dressed in a sweater with blinking red lights and Santa’s face on it. “I have a couple presents for my favorite humans.” He said as he entered, ignoring your laugh.  
“Uncle Haechan are these presents for me?!” Yoona asked excited.  
“Yes, of course princess. Y/n, Mark put the presents under the tree.” Haechan ordered.  
Haechan had a plan. He wanted to hang up a mistletoe and when you helped Mark with the presents, he took the opportunity to hang it up.
“No come closer.” He told Mark and you as you entered the kitchen, “Stop right there!” he yelled suddenly. You looked at Mark in confusion.
“I think you guys are standing under a mistletoe and I think you guys know what that means.” Haechan teased.  
You looked up and then your eyes met Marks. It was so awkward and you could feel Mark tensing up.  
“I don’t think-“ you interrupted Mark as you kissed him on his cheek. Mark’s face burned and he was blushing so hard.  
“Well I hoped to see a little more action but I think that also counts as a kiss. Yo dude are you still breathing?” Haechan teased Mark, who was as red as a tomato. His heart was racing and he just wanted to press his lips on yours.
Haechan left after dinner, he had other plans for Christmas and he wanted to leave you alone and have a family Christmas.
Yoona fell asleep while watching the second Home Alone movie and you helped Mark as he carried her to her bed and tucked her in. It was almost eleven and Mark thought it was time to go to his apartment.  
“Thank you for dinner and for letting me spend Christmas with you. I should go now.” Mark said awkwardly.
“You’re going home? I thought you were going to stay the night?” you said in confusion.
“S-Stay the night?” he stuttered. “Yeah, I don’t want you to go home this late and it’s still snowing, it’s not safe to go. I also thought you’d stay so Yoona could spend Christmas morning with you.”
“Okay I’ll stay.” Mark blurred out, he was trying to hide his excitement, but you could see right through him.
“I still have your clothes in the closet. You can change into them.”  
“Y-You didn’t throw my stuff away?” he asked you as he followed you to his old bedroom.  
“No, I couldn’t.” you mumbled.  
Mark looked for his pajamas and he was about to cry. You didn’t even touch any of his clothes. He suddenly took off his sweater as you stood next to him awkwardly. Mark changed right in front of you and you just watched him, you couldn’t even look away for a second. He caught you staring and couldn’t hide his smile but his smile dropped as he saw you walking to the bathroom. “I-I’ll get changed. I’ll be right back.” You said.
Yes, you felt uncomfortable. Mark saw every inch of your body already, but after everything that happened, you became insecure and you didn’t want him to see your body. You didn’t want to disappoint him.
You came back and Mark was sitting on your bed, you could hear him sniffle.  
“Mark? Are you alright?”
“You’re uncomfortable around me aren’t you?” he asked you without looking up.
“Mark- y-yeah I am. It’s just, fuck. I don’t wanna disappoint you.” You admitted.
“Disappoint me? How?”  
“I couldn’t stop myself from thinking that you left me because… because I look like this. I don’t like my body and I don’t want to disappoint you because I’m not… not sexy anymore.”
Mark’s head shot up in disbelieve. His suffering would never end.  
“What? I made you i-insecure about your own body?” his bottom lip trembled, “You think that I’ll be d-disappointed? That I left you because of that?”  
You just nodded and looked down.  
“I left because I’m stupid, because I’m blind and I don’t deserve you. Y/n you’re perfect, inside, and out. You’re the most beautiful woman on this planet and just an idiot like me could do something as dumb as that.” Mark cried again, “Fuck I don’t fucking deserve you, I can’t b-believe I made you doubt yourself.”
“I’m so sorry. I don’t deserve you.”  
“I-It’s okay.” You tried to stop him from crying.  
“No it’s not. It’s not okay. What I did, what you had to go through is not okay and I’ll spend my entire life suffering. Your beautiful face is forever going to remind me of how fucking stupid I am. Please don’t ever doubt yourself, you did nothing wrong.” Mark stood up and walked up to you. He cupped your cheeks and wiped your tears away and you did the same with him.
“I love you y/n. I know I hurt you, I know I broke your heart, but I’m ready to do anything to get you back. I’ll do anything to gain your trust again. I’ll do anything to make you happy and smile, your happiness is my happiness.” Mark looked you deep in the eyes. You could see that he was genuine and that he regrets leaving you and hurting you. You saw the pain in his eyes and the desperation.  
You waited months for Mark now and you took the opportunity to press your lips on his. It was a desperate kiss with so much longing and desire to finally feel each other close again. He pulled you closer by your waist and you could taste your and his tears while you kissed. When you pulled away to catch your breath, you pressed your foreheads against each other.  
“I love you and I’ll wait for you.”
You found yourself in your bed with Mark’s head on your chest, slightly in the crook of your neck. He wrapped his arm around you and tangled his legs with yours, he hugged you and inhaled your scent he had missed so much.  
Mark couldn’t believe that this moment was real and he couldn’t stop his tears from falling. He cried as he hugged you tightly and you stroked his head and tried to calm him down.
“I-I just can’t stop crying. I can’t believe I’m here with you again. I can’t believe I’m holding you like this again. I will never let go of you again. I’m so sorry y/n. I hope you can forgive me one day and love me like you did before I broke your heart.”
One year later, Mark asked you to marry him.  
Everything changed after Christmas. Mark organized dates, just for you and him and with every passing day, you got closer and closer. Mark did everything to make you happy and Yoona was also happier than before. She was so happy to see her parents together again, even though she never understood what was happening and why you and Mark were apart. You even went on vacation with Mark and Yoona. Everything was going perfectly fine, your heart was happy, and you were surrounded by so much love.
When Mark asked you to marry him, you said yes before you even realized. You knew you wanted to spend the rest of your life with Mark. It was always Mark for you. You two cried that night after his proposal and fell asleep in each other’s arms. Mark apologized for the things he did once again and hugged you tightly as he fell asleep.  
Your wedding was six months later and Mark never stopped crying. He cried when you organized your wedding, when you bought the wedding cake, when he got dressed, when he saw you walk down the aisle and when you said yes.  
When you were alone after the wedding, Mark cried once again.  
“I-I can’t believe I didn’t marry you earlier. I’m so stupid.” He said as he looked at you. You were in your wedding dress and you looked like an angel to him.
You kissed his tears away. “Stop crying baby. It’s in the past, we’re married now. I love you Mark.”
“I love you, I love you so much you have no idea how much I love you.” Mark’s bottom lip trembled again, as he tried to hide his sobs. You pressed your lips against his to help him.  
“There’s something I need to tell you.” You whispered as you pulled away.  
Mark looked at you curiously.
“I’m pregnant.”  
And Mark started crying again. He was the luckiest man on this planet.
“I love you so much.” Mark said as he hugged you tightly.  
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domjaehyun · 3 years
crybaby → l.mk, l.dh, n.jm
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PAIRING: hyuck x mark x jaemin x fem!reader
GENRE: smuuut, it’s smut, seriously stop reading this line it’s smut that’s all there is to it, jk a bit of fluff surprise!
CONTENTS: dacryphilia, sadistic doms, choking, manhandling, brat taming, light daddy kink, overstimulation, oral (receiving & giving), foursome, degradation, some praise kink, reader’s kind of a lil hoe but it’s okay because we love her anyway, hyuck favoritism (because...come on...it’s hyuck), uh...the 00 line has been aged up one year (or Mark’s been aged down) so they’re all the same class year!
SUMMARY: When Donghyuck, Jaemin, and Mark find out they aren’t the only ones you’ve been talking to, they decide to take matters into their own hands.
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AUTHOR’S NOTE: JK Rowling is a pathetic excuse for a human being, so we’re gonna pretend she didn’t write this series. It’s also totally fine if you don’t know Harry Potter stuff; I do my best to explain everything for you!! If you still have questions, you can always Google them or send a message to my inbox! This is also...kind of...a (late) birthday present for Raya @gohyuck​ 🥰 I hope you like it, Raya! Happy birthday; I hope your day was filled with love and light and happiness like you deserve! I love you! Also, everyone: please leave feedback if you liked it! It really means a lot to me when I check reblogs and see things in the tags or I get messages about my works!
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You roll your eyes and focus on stirring the liquid in your cauldron. Your potion is supposed to be a lovely scarlet shade, but right now it’s a murky grey. You sigh and pour in the suggested amount of dittany, a pleased smile forming on your face when the potion bubbles and fizzes and turns the appropriate shade of red.
“Hm. Well done.” Professor Snape says with an air of reluctance in his tone as he walks by your desk and peers into your cauldron. A proud smile takes over your face, and you keep stirring your cauldron, humming softly to yourself. The sun filters through the foggy windows–you can’t recall the last time you or anyone else saw Filch cleaning them, honestly–and brightens up the dreary classroom, made all the drearier by Professor Snape and his no-nonsense, downright hostile ambiance. 
“Pretty girl, are you sure you want me to raise my voice and have everyone hear what I’m about to say to you?”
Sucking your teeth, you shoot the offending intruder a glare.
“Donghyuck, shut up.”
“I just need something from you!” 
“What do you need?” You whisper, annoyed, and he doesn’t reply. You turn to look at him, and he’s holding out an empty vial with a smug grin on his face.
“What supplies could you possibly need that you don’t have at your desk, Donghyuck?” Your voice is laced with disdain as you rake your eyes over his frame. Standing tall and proud, the golden-skinned male smirks at you, poking his tongue into the inside of his cheek as he wiggles the vial in his hand expectantly.
“I need a lock of your hair.” He explains, and you shoot him a mortified glance.
“Why?” You whisper back, and his grin widens. “What potion could you possibly be making that needs my hair?”
“Making Polyjuice Potion.” He answers simply, shaking the vial again.
“What?!” You hiss incredulously, and he gestures to his cauldron as if to say, “Don’t believe me?” You look up and around suspiciously to see Snape attending to a struggling fifth-year girl from Slytherin as she slaves over her cauldron, and let your gaze drift back to Donghyuck, whose eyes are twinkling playfully. You sigh heavily and move closer, peering in his cauldron. Sure enough, a mixture looking dangerously like wet cement rolls and bubbles in his cauldron, and you gasp in surprise, looking at him. “How did you get all those supplies?”
“Swiped ‘em from Snape’s closet.” He replies proudly, reaching a hand up to twirl a lock of your hair around his finger. You eye him suspiciously, half-expecting him to yank and literally rip the hair out of your head to achieve his goal, but he eventually releases the strand of hair, his hand returning to his wooden spoon as he stirs the thick liquid created to transform the drinker into the person whose hair, nails, or other DNA remnant has been dropped into the mixture. “Are you gonna give me your hair or not?”
“Not.” You reply with a teasing smile, playing with a lock of your own hair. “Why do you want to become me, anyway? I don’t even want to be me some days.”
“You really wanna know?��� His voice is lower than it was before, an alluring lilt to his voice that has a small tremor running through your body. 
“Yeah, duh.” You reply, clearing your throat in an attempt to clear the thickness of desire that managed to build up alarmingly quickly. You and Donghyuck have always had this sort of flirtatious relationship that built slowly from your fifth year when he was in your Defense Against the Dark Arts class; Donghyuck liked watching the concentration in your face when you cast your spells, and you had to admit that the fire in his eyes when he performs spells was–well, if you’re being honest...is–more than a little enticing.
Now, you two are in your final year of Hogwarts, and the tension has built up to an all-time high ever since he convinced you to kiss him in the hallway during the Yule Ball in your fourth year. You remember the day so very clearly; the cologne he was practically drowned in, the way his clammy hands left damp imprints on your dress, and the way he looked at you; it was like you had hung every star in the endless black of the night sky; like you were his Patronus memory; his happiest, most vibrant recollection from his past that issues forth a spectral form to protect from Dementors. 
Time has passed since then, and Lee Donghyuck has more than grown into himself. Stunningly handsome with beautiful bronze skin and a wickedly dazzling smile, the seventh-year male has managed to charm his way up the social ladder, smooth-talking girls into practically dropping their robes for him with a flick of his eyebrows. 
Yet, this whole time, his sights have been set on you. You, the sassy little Ravenclaw born to a witch mother and Muggle father; you, the girl who, when sorted into Ravenclaw, cried because you didn’t want to be labeled as a nerd. You, the silver-tongued Ravenclaw who rose to the top of your class and stayed there as early as your second year. You, the girl with the quick wand and the even quicker mouth, who casted a Bat Bogey Hex on the unsuspecting Hufflepuff from your year, Lee Jeno, when he tried to enter the Ravenclaw dorms in the middle of the night without permission in your fourth year. Donghyuck has been pursuing you for the past three years, all to virtually no avail. You give him the time of day, entertain his flirting, but never let him get any farther than that, always making an excuse to slip away with a wry smile. 
So imagine his surprise and excitement when you two got placed in the same Potions class in your final year at Hogwarts. He was over the moon, excitedly talking Renjun’s ear off about how this was his chance, his opportunity to get to know you better. 
“Donghyuck?” Your voice cuts through his reverie, and he startles slightly, his gaze refocusing on you. “Thought I lost you for a minute there.” You chuckle, and his dazed, slightly lost expression is replaced slowly with his familiar smirk.
“Aww…did you miss me?” He coos, his voice sickeningly sweet, and you look around innocently before blinking at him with a blank expression.
“Nope,” You chirp, popping the p, and he clutches his chest tightly just over his heart, as if he’s been wounded. “I just want to know why you’re even entertaining the idea of turning into me.”
“You want me to be honest?” His voice is lower, a teasing lilt to it, and you raise your brows suspiciously. 
“Then honestly, I want a chance to see you naked.” He wiggles his eyebrows, and you gasp, smacking his arm with your ladle. He snickers mischievously, and you glare at him, quickly maintaining a neutral expression when Professor Snape looks your way. You offer a small smile, but the notoriously grim professor just blinks impassively before sliding his gaze elsewhere. 
“You’re such a–”
“Handsome, charming individual who you definitely want to hop in bed with?”
“Weirdo. You’re a weirdo.” You hiss, and he smirks.
“That may be,” He muses, leaning closer to you to murmur in your ear. “I think you like it, though.”
“Why do you say that?”
“You’re smiling.” He points out, fingers tapping the corner of your mouth, and you realize with an inward curse that you are smiling, a bashful little quirk of the lips alerting Donghyuck to your true feelings.
“Start to clean up your cauldrons, because class is about to be dismissed.” Professor Snape drawls, and you lean away from the frustratingly charming Slytherin next to you to start pouring your potion down the steel basin. You keep a small vial of your potion, a devious plan forming in your head. 
“Need that lock of your hair, pretty girl,” Donghyuck reminds you, and you raise an eyebrow.
“Too bad,” You sing-song, and he huffs, pouting at you petulantly. “Also,” You hum, turning fully to face him and resting your hip against the table, “if you want to see me naked…”
He leans closer, intrigued, and you mirror his movements, bringing your lips to his ear. 
“All you have to do is ask.” You whisper, and his eyes blow wide, a derisive snort leaving your lips.
“Oh, yeah?” He murmurs, his tone far more seductive than you’d expected. “Can I–”
“Gotta go!” You chirp, picking up your bag and breezing past him. His awkward spluttering and floundering in your wake is just enough distraction for you to slip a couple of drops of Babbling Potion into his water bottle. The red clouds briefly, but fades into clear, and you smirk as you wait outside of the classroom, easily blending in with the throngs of students migrating to their next classes. Just as Donghyuck walks out with Renjun, who’d been regrettably separated from him during class by Professor Snape, he takes a swig from his bottle mid-sentence and shudders slightly before continuing to talk. 
“So I was saying–buh, b-buh ba, ba boo, buh. W-wuh? Buh buh-bah?” Donghyuck’s face of confusion and Renjun’s cackle of amusement are completely and totally priceless, and, satisfied with the temporary mayhem you’ve caused, you sneak away in an approaching crowd of fourth-years with a bounce in your step.
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“Now, I want you to firmly grasp right at the base of the stem and quickly pull your Mandrake out. Try your best to soothe it before you re-pot it, as it will prosper when its temperament is good.” Professor Sprout instructs loudly, and you all heed her orders, your hand wrapping around the stem of the plant and getting ready to tug it free from the soil. On her call, you pull your heavy root baby from the soil of its previous pot, and the room is filled with wails and cries as the earthy toned babies cry in distress. You cradle it in your arms, shushing it gently and stroking it carefully, the Mandrake’s cries dying down quickly. You continue to rock it almost fondly, and sneak a glance over to the ever-flirtatious Hufflepuff in your year, Na Jaemin.
He is, to put it lightly, struggling. His silver hair looks a bit all over the place as he tries to calm his extremely grumpy Mandrake down so he can re-pot it. The earth baby wails and flails and cries and even snaps at his finger when he attempts to touch its face. You barely hide your giggle, and he shoots a playful glare over at you, his expression slightly anguished.
“Angel,” He purrs, and you raise an eyebrow at him. “Wanna help me out?”
“Not really.” You reply simply, and his face falls as he looks at you helplessly.
“Please? Mine might wake yours up if it keeps crying.” He points out, and you sigh in defeat, knowing he has a point. 
“Fine. Pass the Mandrake.” You say, and he stops cradling it like a baby, holding it instead by the base of the stem. The baby’s wails increase, and you glare at him. 
“You dolt, you’re supposed to hold it like a baby! Would you hold a baby by its hair?” You hiss incredulously, swooping forward to scoop up the extremely fussy baby in your arms. You make room in your other arm for the previously rooted infant and start to rock it from side to side, shushing it gently. Its mood change is immediate, the baby promptly calming down and even cooing affectionately at your fingers as you dangle them over its head. 
“Cute little baby,” You hum sweetly to the small soil-covered infant, and you could swear it smiles at you. “See?” You turn to look at Jaemin to prove your point, only to find that he’s staring at you adoringly. “What’s that look for?”
“You’re so good at taking care of them,” He sighs dreamily, and you snort in amusement. “Wonder how you’d take care of me…”
“...Do you want to be cradled like a baby and cooed at affectionately?” You reply with a small, amused smirk, and he narrows his eyes at you.
“No...but I was thinking you could take care of me in other ways.” He smiles dazzlingly at you, and you roll your eyes before gently handing him his now sleeping Mandrake. He takes it in his arms and re-pots it carefully, covering it in soil and tapping the dirt down snugly. You follow suit when you’ve had enough of cuddling the surprisingly endearing Mandrake and dust your hands off, heading to the sink to wash your hands off. Jaemin follows after you and sidles up next to you in front of the sink, your hips and inner arms brushing against each other. As you two wash your hands, you peer up at him curiously.
“Why are you pretty much on top of me?” 
Smiling wickedly with an upwards flick of his eyebrows, Jaemin answers, “Trust me, angel; if I were really on top of you...you’d know.” 
“Oh, get away from me,” You laugh, spraying his face with water. He gasps and sprays you right back, making you gasp and glare at him. 
“What’s wrong? Are you all wet now?” He asks, the glint in his eyes hinting to his double entendre. 
“You’re insufferable.” You scoff, and he just chuckles, rinsing his hands free of the lathered-up soap and drying them on a paper towel. He hands you one, and you take it gratefully, patting your face dry before tending to your hands. “Go kiss Professor Sprout’s ass so she won’t dock Hufflepuff points because you were being a disturbance in class.”
“I’d much rather kiss your ass,” He murmurs in your ear, darting away with a cackle as you turn to swat at him. Jaemin has been pestering you ever since your sixth year, flirting shamelessly in every class you two happened to share. From lingering touches, intense staring competitions with you and your lips, and flirtatious remarks slipping from his lips with ease, you can’t honestly say that you’re opposed to the attention; sometimes, if you’re being very honest, you’ll return the flirtatious banter, never failing to make his eyes light up with glee. As you look around the room, you catch Jaemin’s eye once more, the platinum-haired male chatting with Professor Sprout. His gaze lingers for a moment, drops down to take in your figure, then drags back up to shoot you a surreptitious wink that happens so quickly you think you may have imagined it.
His following smirk tells you that you didn’t, and you sigh in faux annoyance, a small smile tugging at the corners of your lips as you go to check on your Mandrake.
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“Today, class, we will be practicing the Patronus spell,” Professor McGonagall announces to the room full of sixth and seventh year students, and a wave of excited, hushed whispers fills the room. “Silence.” She orders calmly, and her authority is so elegant yet powerful that the class obeys, immediately quieting themselves down. “I want you to pair up with someone and take turns attempting to conjure a Patronus. It may come as a silver wisp at first, and that’s quite alright; it is a difficult spell, and you may struggle to find a happy enough memory to trigger it. Just keep trying, and your efforts will be rewarded.” At the end of her announcement, the class starts to buzz with excitement as everyone stands up and gravitates towards their preferred partner. 
You stand up as well, making your way to the front of the class, and tap your target on the shoulder. Mark Lee–Head Boy, Gryffindor legend at this point–stares up at you curiously before his face breaks out into a wide smile.
“Partners?” You ask, and he nods eagerly, standing up and following you to an unoccupied spot in the room. You pull out your wand and twirl it between your fingers as you think of your happiest memory. After thinking for about ten minutes, you’re startled out of your deep thinking by Mark waving his wand excitedly.
“I got it!” He chirps, and he waves his wand purposefully, saying the incantation, “Expecto Patronum!” A strong burst of silver issues forth from his wand, but doesn’t take any sort of shape, instead just remains floating around him in a protective mist. His disappointment is adorable, his face falling and a small pout forming on his very cute lips. “Why didn’t it work?” He whines, and you snicker at how very cute he is.
“What was your memory?” You ask curiously, and he shifts from foot to foot awkwardly.
“When I got appointed Head Boy,” He mumbles, and you raise an eyebrow.
“If that’s your happiest memory, that’s kinda sad, don’t you think? Dig a little deeper, Lee.” You chuckle, and he rubs the back of his neck as he smiles bashfully.
“You’re right. Okay, you give it a try, then!” He suggests, and you shake your head.
“Mm-mm! Haven’t found my memory yet.” You dodge the invitation, and he rolls his eyes jokingly before he enters deep thought again. 
“Okay, I think I got it,” Mark says after another moment of silence, brandishing his wand again. You step back and he recites the spell once more, a strong gust of silver wisps issuing forth from his wand and swirling around until it takes the shape of–
“A lion. Dope,” You gasp in awe, suddenly inspired. You wave your wand and recite the incantation, beaming when a silver tiger bursts forth from the tip of your wand and lands in a crouching position, its tail swishing from side to side playfully. You stare at it, enraptured, as it eyes Mark’s Patronus, its bottom wiggling before it pounces at the unsuspecting lion, who topples under the sheer force. You and Mark watch in amazement as the two fierce felines tumble around and wrestle like playful kittens, and barely notice when Professor McGonagall comes up behind you two.
“Spectacular job, both of you,” She says proudly, smiling in approval. Her praise means the absolute world to you, your eyes lighting up as you look at Mark excitedly. You both thank her eagerly, and she nods before walking away to check on other students.
“So,” Mark breaks the comfortable silence with a gentle, playful nudge to your side, and you turn your head to look at him curiously. “What was your memory?”
“Mm...what was yours?” You dodge the question, and he gets a playful, secretive glint in his eyes.
“That’s top secret.” He murmurs to you, and you snort in amusement. “Tell me yours and maybe I’ll tell you mine.” 
“Mm...no, mine is even more top secret.” You hum, shrugging nonchalantly, and he rolls his eyes.
“Fine.” You chirp.
“Good,” You muse, inspecting your nails, and he narrows his eyes.
“Are you done, Lee?” You chuckle, and he huffs in response, his gaze turning back to your Patronuses which are still playing with each other.
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“Call me crazy, but I think Lee Donghyuck is looking at you…” Doyeon whispers in your ear. It’s almost hard to hear her, what with the wind whipping around your frames as you sit in the stands on the Quidditch field. The vast majority of the student body is packed into the stands as they watch Slytherin and Gryffindor compete, and as you squint up into the bright sky at the players zooming around, you lock eyes with Donghyuck who is, in fact, staring directly at you with a frustratingly attractive smirk on his face. 
You blink impassively at him before looking away with a small smile you failed to hide, and you can practically hear his chuckle of amusement.
“He is! He is staring at you!” Doyeon’s voice screeches in your ear, and you wince, jolting away and clapping a hand over your ear protectively. “Wait a minute...why is he staring at you?”
“He’s in my Potions class,” You answer smoothly. “He probably just recognized me in the crowd.”
“No...no, that can’t be it. Recognizing you in the crowd is entirely different from staring at you until you meet his eyes and look away with a smile that you thought I didn’t notice.” She replies sharply, and you raise your eyebrows. 
Damn, she’s more observant than you thought.
“Okay, so maybe he’s the guy I kissed at the Yule Ball…” You trail off, and Doyeon jumps up and down excitedly, whacking your arm violently and repeatedly. “Fucking ouch, Doyeon!”
“Sorry! I just—oh, my God, he’s flying this way.” She squeals excitedly, and you drag your eyes up skyward to lock once more on Donghyuck’s playful gaze.
“Can I help you?” You mouth, fully aware of all the eyes on you; it’s not hard to track where his gaze is pointed towards, and you’re starting to feel very small in your skin.
“Just enjoying the view,” He calls out, and your eyes widen before you burst into slightly nervous laughter, mildly embarrassed by your impromptu audience. “You gonna cheer me on?”
“I don’t know,” You reply slowly, and he rolls his eyes. “What? I have friends on the other team, too!”
“So we’re friends now?” His eyes light up with mirth, and you narrow your own eyes at him. “I didn’t expect a promotion so suddenly.”
“Will you shut up and pay attention to the game? I can’t cheer for a losing team, you know.” You huff, and he grins, poking his tongue inside his cheek.
“You got it,” He chuckles, steering his broomstick back to the main area of the playing field. After the announcers are done explaining the rules that you’ve heard for the umpteenth time, the players start to move around the open space, the ever so violent Bludgers and the Quaffle flying through the air. You try your best to watch all the members you care about; there’s fifth year Park Jisung who you’ve somewhat adopted as your younger sibling or son, who flits around the field quickly as he fulfills his role as a Chaser for Gryffindor, waiting to catch the Quaffle and throw it through one of the hoops. There’s Mark Lee, the charming and handsome Gryffindor from your year and your usual partner in your Defense Against the Dark Arts class who’s calling out orders as team captain as he flies around, catching the Quaffle and sending it hurtling through Slytherin’s center hoop. 
And then there’s Lee Donghyuck, the Seeker from Slytherin who has been living in your mind rent-fucking-free lately. No matter how hard you try to ignore him, your gaze keeps sliding back over to how gracefully his form glides across the field on his broomstick, his dark eyes canvassing the sky for the evasive golden Snitch. You watch his eyes narrow at something in the distance and feel excitement tingling at the base of your neck. He looks so determined, so intense—like nothing can get in his way of what he wants, and you can’t shake the niggling feeling that you want him to be looking at you like that. 
It takes you a second too long to register that his gaze has flicked over to yours briefly, the male shooting you a sly wink once your eyes refocus on him before he flies off quickly. You watch him with stars in your eyes, and unbeknownst to you, Jaemin watches you from across the stands, more than a bit disgruntled by your blatant adoration of Donghyuck.
There’s screaming, a rush of wind, a flash of dark green and scarlet, and the two Seekers emerge, fruitless and empty-handed. There are groans of disappointment from everyone around you, but your sharp eyes are trained on something glinting nearby. 
“DONGHYUCK!” You whisper-shriek, and, among your fellow audience members, he turns to face you immediately, eyes panicked until he sees what you’re seeing. He whizzes by you, the resulting wind blowing your hair back, and snatches up the golden Snitch, less than five feet away from you. The sea of dark green consisting of Slytherin students erupts into cheers, and you find yourself standing to cheer with them, most of the audience on your side joining you. 
As the announcers announce that Lee Donghyuck has caught the golden Snitch and therefore ended the game with a victory for Slytherin, he beams at the crowds of people before locking eyes with you and licking his lips slowly. Your face heats up embarrassingly quickly, and you look down, fiddling with your robes. 
“Okay, something is definitely up between you two,” Doyeon mutters, intrigued, and you scoff, unconvincing in your feigned nonchalance. You look up finally, avoiding Donghyuck’s gaze, and notice Jaemin staring particularly hard at you from across the stands. You beam at him and wave excitedly, and his brows raise in surprise, the male pointing to himself in confusion. You nod, waving harder, and his face lights up before he’s returning your gesture.
Unseen by either of you, Donghyuck zeroes in on your wordless exchange and furrows his brows in mild annoyance, before shaking it off and flying down to the ground so he can change out of his Quidditch gear.
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Sookyung nudges you surreptitiously and you look up from your mouthful of scrambled eggs with a puzzled look on your face. “Mark is staring at you.”
“Wha?” You mumble around your food, and she scowls disapprovingly. “Sorry,” You mutter shamefully, chewing and swallowing your food before looking back at her. “What did you say?”
“Mark? Mark Lee, Gryffindor, Head Boy? He’s staring at you.” Sookyung repeats, and your eyes widen slightly as you lift your head to look around. Sure enough, past Hufflepuff’s table, you spot Mark Lee sitting with his fellow Gryffindor, staring intently at you. When you two make eye contact, his eyes widen and he chokes on his food, sending him into a spluttering, coughing fit. Your eyes go even wider as he struggles with the food lodged in his windpipe, and his friends frantically thump him on the back. You can’t help but stifle a giggle as you wait for him to recollect himself. 
When he’s recovered, he looks up at you bashfully, cheeks blazing red, and you smile sweetly, wiggling your fingers at him in greeting. You can practically hear the squeak he emits from across the room, his eyes widening in shock before he ducks his head down. You chuckle and return to your food, completely unaware of Jaemin’s watchful eyes on you once again.
“What are you staring at?” Jeno asks Jaemin, curiously moving his head to get a better glimpse of where Jaemin’s gaze is directed.
“Not what. Who.” Jaemin mumbles, fitfully pushing around the sausage links on his plate. 
“My bad, my bad. Who are you staring at?” Jeno asks, but Jaemin doesn’t give him a response, too lost in his thoughts about what all these glances and interactions could mean.
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“Donghyuck, will you pay attention?” A gangly boy, most likely a seventh-year, hisses to Donghyuck as he stares off into space with bright eyes and a dreamy expression. 
“Sorry,” Donghyuck mumbles in a daze, snapping out of his reverie about you and your smile and your laugh and your–
“What were you thinking about anyway?” His friend asks, and, heaving a heavy, wistful sigh, Donghyuck almost slips back into his thoughts, sighing your name as an answer with a warmth to it that could flutter anyone’s insides.
At the sound of your name, Jaemin’s head perks up from the table over, and he decides that enough is enough and that he’s going to get to the bottom of this mess concerning you, him, Mark Lee, and Lee Donghyuck. Stuffing his quill in his book like a bookmark, he closes it and strides over to Donghyuck’s table, tapping him on the shoulder. 
Donghyuck turns slowly and raises an expectant eyebrow. “Yes?”
“I heard you mention a girl’s name.” At Donghyuck’s unblinking stare, Jaemin clears his throat and continues on. “Who are you to her to be sitting here sighing and swooning over the thought of her?”
“Who are you to her to ask me that?” Donghyuck counters smoothly, both eyebrows arched now. “Because if you’re her boyfriend...well, then I have some bad news for you.”
“I’m not her boyfriend,” Jaemin is quick to correct him, and Donghyuck’s expression morphs into a startlingly impassive one. “We’ve been...talking.”
“You’ve been talking?” Donghyuck asks incredulously, and Jaemin nods, suddenly feeling defensive. “We’ve been talking.”
“Well, if you’ve been talking…” Jaemin starts, brows furrowed, “and we’ve been talking…”
“She’s talking to both of us, then.” Donghyuck finishes his sentence for him, and both males have a peeved expression on their faces.
“I can’t believe this!” Jaemin grunts in frustration, and it seems like Mark Lee materializes out of nowhere beside him.
“Can you keep it down? You’re getting noisy, and people are trying to study,” Mark whispers loudly, and Jaemin almost jabs an accusing finger into Mark’s chest before remembering that he doesn’t know Mark all that well.
“And you!” Jaemin settles for pointing at Mark dramatically, the older male just staring at him in confusion. “You’re talking to her, too! I saw the looks you two were giving each other in the Great Hall the other day.”
“Wha—who are you talking about?” Mark splutters in confusion, and when Jaemin and Donghyuck say your name in unison, Mark’s eyes go wide. “...I mean, I wouldn’t say we’re talking, but there’s definitely something going on there.”
“God, so she’s been flirting with all three of us.” Donghyuck scoffs incredulously, and Jaemin and Mark nod slowly. A devilish smile takes over Donghyuck’s face, and both Mark and Jaemin look at him, alarmed, then at each other in confusion, then back at him curiously. “I have an idea.”
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You probably should have suspected something when Donghyuck smiles a bit too sweetly at you as you two walk into your Potions class. 
You definitely should have suspected something when he hesitates to see where you’re sitting before taking the seat right next to you.
You absolutely, 100%, should have suspected something when he scoots even closer so your thighs are brushing against each other.
But you didn’t catch on to any of the glaringly obvious signs, and now Donghyuck’s hand is sneaking up your leg as Professor Snape drones on about Amortentia, the most powerful love potion there is. 
“What the hell are you doing?” You whisper frantically, glaring at Donghyuck out of the side of your eye. 
“Touching you,” He breathes in response, his fingers splaying out over your thigh—you curse yourself inwardly for not wearing trousers today and instead opting for a pleated skirt—and squeezing the flesh indulgently. “Duh.”
“I know that, Donghyuck—”
“Then why are you asking stupid questions?” He counters quickly, and you shoot him a venomous look. “Just relax and enjoy it.” He purrs in your ear just as his fingers bunch up your skirt and slip under it.
“This is—oh, my God,” You shudder as his cool fingers make contact with the seat of your underwear, the pads of his index and middle finger trailing up and down your clothed core slowly. “What if someone sees?”
“We’re in the back of the classroom, and you’re covered by a whole table which, last time I checked, wasn’t see-through. We’ll be fine.” He assures you, now rubbing quick circles around your clit. He makes an embarrassingly quick job of getting you wet, your abdomen clenching as he stimulates your sensitive bundle of nerves.
“This is such a bad idea.”
“You won’t be saying that in a couple of seconds,” He hums teasingly, pushing your underwear to the side with ease.
“What’s gonna happen in a couple of seconds?” You ask, simultaneously nervous and tense, yet also excited and more than a bit curious. He doesn’t answer you, just pokes his tongue into his cheek as he grins and shoots you a wink before pushing two fingers into you slowly. You grip your textbook and suck in a sharp breath that, thankfully, no one seems to notice, and Donghyuck chuckles as he starts to pump his fingers in and out of you slowly.
“Doesn’t that feel good?” He breathes in your ear, nipping at the lobe lightly, and you whimper into your fist, nodding vigorously.
“So good,” You whisper, and he chuckles, speeding up and curling his fingers as best as he can, given the slightly awkward positioning of his hand between your legs.
Your face is on fire at this point, cheeks blazing with heat as you whimper and huff into your palm, your teeth sinking down into the flesh in an attempt to ground yourself. Donghyuck’s hand busies itself in your underwear purposefully as his lips dance over your neck, pressing soft, teasing kisses to your jaw before dragging his teeth down your neck lightly. At your broken moan, he sinks his teeth in deeper, biting down on your collarbone before his tongue darts out to soothe the dull ache of the bite mark.
Professor Snape is still talking, going on about how Amortentia smells like what you find most attractive, and you can’t find it in you to care about a word he’s saying; not when Donghyuck’s slender, sinful fingers are bringing you so painfully close to your climax. 
“You gonna come for me, pretty girl?” He purrs sweetly, and you nod, the sensations so damn good that tears almost spring to your eyes. “Good. Come on my fingers in class like the naughty little thing you are.” Your expression is nothing short of bliss and ecstasy as you tumble over the edge, shuddering into your hand as his fingers drive into your core rapidly and unrelentingly. You clench around his fingers, Donghyuck hissing at the feeling, and your head tips back involuntarily, the pleasure sending warmth flooding from your head down to your toes. When he’s sure he’s milked your orgasm for all it’s worth, he retracts his fingers, making sure to meet your gaze before taking his fingers into his mouth and sucking them clean. 
“Oh, fuck.” You whisper, and his jaw clenches before it relaxes and he turns his attention to the front of the class. The rest of class passes without a hitch, Donghyuck drawing small patterns into your leg with his fingers absentmindedly, and before you know it, class is over, your fellow students quickly jumping up and filtering out of the room to their, hopefully, far more interesting classes. Donghyuck leaves before you do, grazing his fingers across your leg in a lingering, searing touch combined with an intense, smug smolder that has your heart pounding. 
As you stand up, a piece of ripped paper flutters to the floor, and you stoop to pick it up, recognizing Donghyuck’s handwriting.
Meet me in the Room of Requirement tonight at 10:00pm. - DH
You roll your eyes and crumple the paper in your fist, stuffing it into your skirt pocket—yes, it has pockets—and heading out of the classroom to your next class.
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“Are you sure you’ll be okay going out in the castle at night?” Doyeon asks worriedly as you double check your hair and brush imaginary dust off the cute skirt you borrowed from Doyeon—being friends with Muggle-born witches has its perks, truly.
“I’ll be fine! What’s Donghyuck gonna do—eat me?” You snicker, and Sookyung snorts from her spot on the chaise in the Ravenclaw dormitory.
“If you’re lucky,” She sing-songs, just barely dodging when you chuck a hair clip at her. “What, like I’m wrong?” She retorts, cackling with laughter before she yelps in shock as the pillow you threw makes contact with her face.
“Listen. I’ll be fine, don’t worry about me. If I’m not back in the morning...start a search.” You say seriously, and Doyeon looks absolutely horrified.
“What?!” She shrieks, and you chuckle.
“You’re evil,” Doyeon mutters, and you smile sweetly at her before bidding them goodbye and slipping out of the dormitory.
“Sneaking out after hours?” The painting at the entrance says with a sly grin, and you jump in shock, clutching your chest in fright.
“Yes, and please don’t make a fuss about it.” You whisper pleadingly, and she pauses to think, her hand on her chin.
“Okay. Have fun, little witch.” She teases in a sing-song voice that reminds you far too much of Sookyung’s line she just uttered. You shudder at the uncanny resemblance and make your way up the staircase to the seventh floor, taking the path you remember to the Room of Requirement. When you reach it, you take a deep breath and pace back and forth in front of it three times, thinking about the same thing the whole time. 
I need to meet with Lee Donghyuck. 
On your third pass by the door, there’s a soft creaking sound, and a wooden, mahogany door has appeared in the previously empty wall. You take a couple of calming breaths to quell your nerves before opening the door and stepping inside, shutting it behind you.
The room is spacious and completely empty, the walls made with white brick that matches the two white pillars standing near the center of the room. The floor is carpeted with a dark grey fabric, moonlight streams in from the windows to your left, and for a moment, you think you’re alone.
“Donghyuck?” You ask, your voice smaller than you’d like it to be.
“Over here,” His voice calls, and he appears from behind one of the two pillars, inspecting his hand casually. You could almost swear you saw a shadow move long after Donghyuck had vacated his spot behind the pillar, but you chalk it up to your nerves and overactive imagination.
“You had me worried I’d entered the wrong room or something,” You chuckle nervously, and he pouts at you, shaking his head.
“No, no, no, don’t worry about that. You’re exactly where you need to be.” He circles you, pausing behind you, his fingers trailing down your arms as he exhales softly on your neck, marveling at the goosebumps that appear in the wake of his warm breath. “Hope you don’t mind—I brought some friends.”
“F-Friends?” You splutter in confusion, your whole body going still when Mark and Jaemin emerge from two separate columns, both males making their way over to you. 
“Hi,” All three males chorus in unison.
“Oh, shit.” You mutter to yourself. 
“I’m sure you remember them, right?” You turn to look at Donghyuck, and his expression is downright evil, mischief glinting in his eyes as a smirk curls his lips. “We had a good little talk the other day.” He remarks offhandedly, and your blood runs cold.
“A...About what?” You ask nervously, and he raises an eyebrow as if the answer were obvious–and, honestly, you suppose it is, the answer you’re dreading on the tip of his tongue.
“You.” The answer is instantaneous and, even worse, comes from all three of the males standing in front of you.
“Well, fuck.” You mumble, and Jaemin snickers, stepping closer to you and trailing an hand down your arm.
“See, we figured out that you’ve been talking to all three of us.” He hums, his fingers trailing back up your arm to twirl a lock of your hair around his finger. “Which must mean–”
“You want all three of us,” Mark finishes, stepping closer to you and pinning you in place with his intense gaze. “So we figured–”
“Why not have you take all three of us at once?” Donghyuck finishes for Mark, his hand reaching out to grasp your hip, fingers curling around it as he tugs you closer. “Unless you can’t handle it,” He remarks offhandedly, and you frown.
“I can handle it.” You counter, and his eyebrows lift up in intrigue.
“Oh, yeah?” He breathes, tugging you closer. Jaemin’s hand falls from your hair as Donghyuck pulls you into a searing kiss, his other hand dropping to grab your hip and yank you closer until you’re flush against his body. You can feel every inch of him, every ridge, and you’re alerted to his length pressing insistently against your thigh. A small moan slips from your lips that seems to propel him forward, his hands sliding down to cup your ass, squeezing and kneading the flesh. 
His kiss is hot and heavy, the male pushing you back and into Jaemin’s arms as he presses his body up against yours. Jaemin serves as a wall for a moment until his hands move to replace where Donghyuck’s hands were on your hips, his head dipping down so he can kiss your neck. Another sound of pleasure leaves you as the two males touch you, Donghyuck’s teeth nipping at your lower lip and tugging before he moves lower and kisses down the other side of your neck, both sides now being covered with slow, open-mouthed kisses. 
Your head tips back in ecstasy and you manage to open your eyes to see Mark watching with a fire in his eyes, one hand shamelessly palming himself. When your eyes connect, Jaemin rakes his teeth over your collarbone, eliciting a soft gasp from you that seems to cause something in Mark to snap as he steps closer and turns your head to face him, capturing your lips in a slow, passionate kiss. Donghyuck kisses down your front, sinking to his knees and flipping your skirt up, and hooks his fingers into your underwear before tugging them down your legs slowly.
“Step out,” He murmurs, and you oblige, holding onto his shoulders so you don’t fall. He and Mark switch places, Mark breaking the kiss to drop down in front of you and pull you closer. He lifts your skirt up over his head and starts peppering kisses along your thighs, sucking and licking as he nears your core. Finally reaching the apex of your thighs, he licks a hot, wet stripe up your slit, parting your folds with two fingers to trace little circles around your clit. A sharp gasp leaves you and your head tips back as your knees buckle.
“C’mere,” Mark murmurs, lying down on the floor on his back and blinking up at you expectantly. “Sit.” He orders firmly, pointing at his chin, and your brows practically fly up into your hairline in surprise.
“You heard him.” Donghyuck coos in your ear, placing his hands on your shoulders and pushing you down onto your knees. You land abruptly, shuffling up Mark’s body until you’re hovering over Mark’s mouth. He loops his arms around your thighs and pulls you down lower so he can lap at your folds. You cry out and he just amps up the actions, groaning as he takes your folds into his mouth and sucks roughly. Two fingers are tucked under your chin and your head is turned to face Donghyuck’s hips, his hand gripping his length. It hits you a moment later, as he’s pulling down his pants, that his hand was gripping something particularly large; your thoughts are confirmed when his cock is freed from his pants and its size just about takes your breath away. 
“Oh, God,” You moan, and you can’t tell if you’re moaning because of how Mark’s tongue teases at your entrance or because of the sheer anticipation of taking in Donghyuck’s length. You look up at him and let your tongue hang out, the underside of his cock thudding heavy on your tongue.
“Take it in your mouth, baby.” He purrs sweetly, pushing his cock between your lips and up until you physically can’t take anymore. “That’s it,” He grunts, his head falling back. He looks utterly beautiful, his tanned skin somehow glowing in the moonlight and his jawline prominent as he clenches it, and you’re so mesmerized you forget your surroundings, only brought back to reality when Mark grazes his teeth against your clit. You snap out of it with a yelp, your hips starting to slowly roll against Mark’s face as he licks and sucks at your folds.
“You having fun, Mark?” Jaemin chuckles when the male under you moans for what feels like the millionth time as he ruts his hips up against nothing, Mark’s actions speeding up as your entrance leaks more and more arousal for him to taste. 
“Tastes so good,” Mark grunts, and you whimper at the compliment, the sound coming out muffled from around Donghyuck’s cock. You focus as much of your attention on him as you can manage, bobbing your head up and down his length and letting your tongue drag along the underside of his cock. 
“Feels good, pretty girl,” Donghyuck mutters breathlessly, and you’re getting so wound up, so overwhelmed, that you whine when Jaemin brings your hand to his length, wrapping your fingers around the base. “C’mon, baby; you wanted all of us, you’re getting all of us.” 
“I don’t think she can even handle it,” Jaemin snickers derisively, and you pull off Donghyuck’s cock to turn and shoot him a glare which he responds to with raised eyebrows, his expression amused and intrigued. “You think you can?”
“Yes,” You snap, still staring him down, and Jaemin smirks. 
“Greedy little slut,” He hisses, pushing his cock against your lips. You stare up at him challengingly, and he chuckles darkly, gripping your jaw. “Stop being a brat. Take it in,” He groans, pushing his cock past your lips as you finally yield and open your mouth. “Knew you were greedy for cock, just look at you; sucking my cock with that pretty little mouth like that’s all you were made for.” 
“That pretty little head of yours is just begging to get fucked stupid, isn’t it?” Jaemin taunts, and Donghyuck snickers as he pulls your mouth off of Jaemin and guides you back onto his length.
“She’s too smart to get fucked stupid. We can fuck her senseless,” Donghyuck suggests, and you nod eagerly before you even know you’re doing it. “God, she’s so fucking pretty but a slutty little thing.”
“Hey!” You protest, but you’re muffled by Donghyuck thrusting his hips forward, his cock hitting the back of your throat and making you gag. 
“Can’t even take all of my cock and you think you can handle three?” He teases, and you bristle at his words, the sentence sparking your defiance. You open your mouth to retort, moving to pull off of his length, but he pushes your head back down onto his cock abruptly, sighing in relief as you choke unceremoniously around his girth. “Choke on it, baby,” He coos, and you glower up at him before your face contorts in ecstasy as Mark’s lips and tongue bring you painfully close to your climax.
All you can manage is a muffled moan of encouragement, and Mark seems to get the message as he sucks on your clit harder, running his tongue over and around the bundle of nerves quickly, not stopping until you’re pulling off of Donghyuck’s length and almost falling forward as your body curls in on itself tightly, a loud moan leaving your lips. “Oh, fuck—shit, oh, my God.” You whine, the sound cutting off with a strangled cry as Mark pulls you lower down and closer to his mouth, now absolutely ravaging your core with his tongue. The wet muscle glides through your folds expertly and you’re quivering on top of him, barely able to focus on the two cocks waiting not-so-patiently to feel your mouth around them again.
As you let Jaemin slide into your mouth, the male pulls out to the tip and thrusts in suddenly, smiling when you gag around him. You suck on his cock eagerly, trying to stifle your overwhelmed moans as Mark teases the tip of his tongue at your entrance. Your attempts to silence yourself are thwarted as Mark pushes two fingers into your slick heat, a broken cry leaving your lips as you pull off of Jaemin, focusing on pumping both males’ lengths up and down in your hands. Your thighs are quivering as you hover over Mark’s face, and the male beneath you pumps his fingers in and out of your hole relentlessly, curling them experimentally and keeping them curled when you hiss in satisfaction, another climax quickly approaching.
“Gonna come for me?” Mark rasps, and you nod vigorously. “Look at me when you do; I wanna see those pretty eyes glaze over.” You’re so overwhelmed from the feeling of Mark’s fingers moving quickly inside of you that you barely even notice you’re close until you’re climaxing with a cry of his name, a sob leaving your lips as you ride out your high for as long as you can handle. “You can take another one, right?” 
“What?” You ask incredulously, breathless as he doesn’t let up in fucking your entrance with his fingers. “No—you—oh, fuck, I can’t,” You whimper, and he smirks up at you, his round eyes alight with mischief.
“So she can’t handle the attention,” Jaemin mutters to Donghyuck, and you glare up at him once more, only for him to stare you down, his gaze dark.
“Pathetic,” Donghyuck chuckles sinisterly, fingers cupping your aching jaw and using his free hand to pry your mouth open and pinch your tongue between his fingers, pulling it out until it’s hanging out of your mouth. Both males standing over you shuffle closer and rub the heads of their cocks against your tongue, occasionally slapping your cheek lightly with their length before pushing into your mouth quickly. 
You’re experiencing so much, everything so much that your eyes fill up with unshed tears, and Jaemin coos at you when the first teardrop falls.
“Aw, angel,” He pouts mockingly, swiping the tear away with his thumb. “Why are you crying?”
“Feels—so good,” You cry, and Donghyuck smirks down at you before stepping back, pumping his cock languidly. 
“So pretty when you cry,” Donghyuck growls, leaning against a nearby pillar in the spacious room and watching as Jaemin fucks your mouth slowly, teasing himself, and Mark brings you to a third, tear-inducing climax, your body going almost completely limp. Mark taps your thighs as a sign that he’s done, and you climb off weakly, your legs feeling like jelly as Jaemin pulls out of your mouth and Mark lies you down on your back, the coldness of the floor seeping through the carpeted surface to send chills down your spine.
“Geez, you couldn’t dream up a bed or something?” You joke, your voice now raspy from the abused state of your throat. Donghyuck sneers mockingly at your words and gestures towards Mark.
“I think you should focus on Mark,” He chuckles, and you’re about to ask why when Mark positions himself in between your legs, the thick head of his cock pressing against your entrance teasingly. You gasp and shy away from his length, simultaneously tense and buzzing with anticipation. 
“Don’t run from it,” Mark murmurs, half soothing, half teasing as he pushes into you slowly. A slow, shaky exhale sounds out from your lips as he bottoms out, your walls gripping him so tightly that you can feel every ridge of his cock as he pulls out and thrusts into you. “Fuck, you’re so tight,” He groans, starting to build up a pace that has you whimpering and groaning weakly. “And wet, fuck, your tight little pussy is sucking my cock right in.”
“Mark–feels–so good,” You stammer, your eyelids fluttering shut, and Donghyuck taps your cheek, smiling sweetly down at you once you’ve opened your eyes. 
“Watch him,” He urges, lowering his head down to your level and kissing down your neck. He lifts you up, your body feeling weak from all the stimulation, and lets your back rest against his chest, his hands slipping under your shirt to cup and squeeze your breasts. “Watch how he disappears inside of you,” Donghyuck whispers in your ear, and you mewl softly, your fingers curling on his upper thighs as he presses wet kisses to your neck. His tongue traces circles and patterns on your heated skin while his fingers tweak your nipples, rolling the hardened buds between his index finger and thumb. 
“Doesn’t that feel good, angel?” Jaemin wheedles from his spot beside you, one hand lazily stroking his cock. Mark’s brows are furrowed in concentration as he focuses on delivering powerful stroke after powerful stroke into you, and you’re doing your best to keep your eyes open and watch as your core takes his length in and out, but it feels so good that you can’t help but shut your eyes, screwing them tight in your overwhelmed state.
“So good, holy fuck,” You gasp, crying out when Jaemin uses his free hand and reaches over to start rubbing quick circles into your clit. Your hips jolt back in surprise, but Donghyuck just keeps you in place, rendering you helpless to the onslaught of pleasure brought to you by all three males.
“Gonna–” You moan, and your climax hits you before you can even finish your sentence, the fourth orgasm of the night even more overwhelming than the ones before it. Your body trembling, a series of whines and moans leave you as Mark keeps driving his hips into yours, leaning in to kiss you fervently. Your lips mold together sloppily as he grunts with every thrust, gradually coming to a stop before he spills his release inside of you with a low groan of your name. His warmth fills your walls, his cock throbbing inside of you deliciously as it releases spurt after spurt of his cum. “Fuck,” You shudder as Mark pulls out of you, your muscles screaming in protest as Donghyuck positions you on Jaemin’s lap none too gently, Jaemin aligning his tip with your entrance and guiding you down onto him with a breathy groan of relief. 
“Angel’s so tight,” Jaemin marvels with a grunt of appreciation as he guides your hips up and down before he stops abruptly when he’s only as deep as the head of his cock in you and leans back on his hands, watching you with a smirk.
“Why’d you stop?” You whine, and his grin widens as he gestures to where you two are connected, his eyes bright.
“Ride me.” He orders, and you whine and huff and grumble under your breath at the prospect of putting your muscles through any more torture, but Jaemin raises an eyebrow and tsks in disapproval before moving to lift you off of him completely.
“No!” You complain instantly, sitting down firmly and tensing slightly when he’s once again buried inside of you to the hilt.
“Does the little brat want to be fucked or not?” Jaemin asks, and you frown slightly before answering.
“I do.” You mumble, and he beams at you, the smile on his face dazzling. 
“Then ride me,” He insists, and you whine briefly before lifting your body up and starting to bounce up and down on his cock, shaky breaths leaving you as the arousal builds in your system. “That’s a good girl,” He purrs, pulling you closer for a kiss. “Knew you were a greedy little slut.” When you huff in protest, he moves one hand from behind him to pinch your thigh, causing you to yelp in shock and glower at him. “Stop talking back and maybe I’ll let you come.” 
You begrudgingly oblige, soon letting out a choked squeak as his cock hits a spot just right along your inner walls and you feel your next climax hurtling towards you. Moans can’t seem to stop spilling from your lips, and Jaemin stuffs his fingers in your mouth, smiling in satisfaction when you suck on them instantly and swirl your tongue around the digits.
“Good girl,” He praises you, and you can’t help but preen under the compliment. “That pretty mouth just needs something in it, doesn’t it? You talk back and huff but you turn into the sweetest little angel when there’s something occupying your mouth.” You would protest normally, but something about the way his fingers press against your tongue has you holding back and you think for a second that he might be right.
“Close,” You whimper around his fingers, and he sits up so he doesn’t need to brace himself anymore, moving his hand previously on the carpet to lift up your shirt and push the cups of your bra down. With a lingering look at your lips wrapped around his fingers, he lowers his head and sucks one of your nipples into his mouth, sucking and licking eagerly. The dam inside of you breaks with a sharp gasp and you can’t even believe you’re climaxing again, stars exploding behind your eyelids before you get more than a little lightheaded and sway on top of Jaemin momentarily, his fingers slipping from your mouth with a trail of saliva connecting your lower lip to the tip of his middle finger. 
“Oh, shit,” You pant, your chest heaving as you try to catch your breath. Jaemin dots lazy, slow kisses up your chest and neck until he’s capturing your lips in a languid kiss, his tongue tracing the seam of your lips before they part to allow him access into your mouth.
“Okay, enough of the soft shit,” Donghyuck interjects abruptly, curling his fingers around your hips and lifting you up and off of Jaemin’s cock, ignoring your slight wince of discomfort as you’re left feeling empty, your walls clenching around nothing. None too gently, Donghyuck sets you down on your knees, pushing between your shoulder blades until you’re falling forward, barely managing to catch yourself on your forearms in time to stop your face from hitting the carpet. You’re about to turn and glare at him, but he pushes into you without so much as a warning, causing your head to drop down to rest on your clenched fists. “Don’t go passing out on me,” He says teasingly, kneading your asscheeks as he pistons his hips in and out of your fluttering entrance.
“Oh, my God,” You sob, tears spilling past the brim of your lower eyelids and dripping down your cheeks. As you sniffle and whimper, every sound coming out staccato with the force of Donghyuck’s thrusts, the male relentlessly pounding into you lets out a dark chuckle.
“You sound so fucking pretty right now,” Donghyuck hisses in satisfaction, sliding his hand up your back and gripping the base of your neck. “My pretty little crybaby.” You don’t even have it in you to argue as he pulls you up so your back is pressed right up against his chest, and he bites down on your earlobe as his fingers wind around your throat, squeezing tightly until you gasp out loudly, your hand reflexively flying to rest on top of his.
With every thrust, you’re driven positively more insane for his cock, his name leaving your lips in breathless whimpers of pleasure, and it’s right when you’re about to climax for the, unbelievably, sixth time tonight that Donghyuck brings his lips right up to your ear and hums so nonchalantly you could almost–almost–forget that he’s balls-deep inside of you right now.
“You love the way I fuck you, don’t you, baby?” He practically snarls, and you nod desperately, your vision clouding over as your breath supply dwindles. “Yeah, I know you do. This greedy little pussy is gonna take all my cum, isn’t it?” 
“Yes,” You cry, and he chuckles. “Yes, Hyuck–”
“Oh, Hyuck?” He teases, and you whimper feebly. “Who said you could call me that?”
“S-Sorry,” You choke out, and he presses a deceptively soft kiss to your cheek before he speaks next.
“That’s Daddy to you.” 
“Sorry, Daddy,” You gasp, tears pouring freely down your face at this point.
“That’s okay, baby. I bet you want Daddy’s cum nice and deep in your pussy, don’t you?” He purrs, and you can barely speak, your mind and body completely drained of energy as he fucks you closer and closer to your release, your body practically collapsing in on itself as you nod vigorously.
“Yes, Daddy, fill me up, fill me up, please–” You beg, and he makes a sound somewhere between a moan and an appreciative grunt as his hips speed up, your walls flexing around him and bringing him closer to his own release.
“Anything for you, baby,” He groans, his movements erratically coming to a halt as he spills the third load of cum of the night into your eager entrance. When he releases your neck, the rush of cool, fresh air coupled with the pleasure of his warmth filling you is enough to send you toppling over the edge, freefalling into the abyss of ecstasy. He hisses your name through gritted teeth, and you marvel at how beautiful and sinful he’s managed to make your name sound. After his cock has stopped spilling into you, he pulls out of you gently, helping you lie down on the carpeted floor gently. 
Utterly spent, none of you say anything, and once you’ve collected yourself, you open your eyes (which you hadn’t realized were closed) and peer around at the tired but satisfied males surrounding you. Jaemin meets your gaze and smirks softly before sitting forward slightly.
“So…” He starts off, and you manage to summon just enough energy to sass him as you raise your brow expectantly. 
“What is it now?” You mumble tiredly, and he frowns, a look of fake hurt taking over his lovely features.
“Who are you choosing?” He asks curiously, and you scoff once, twice, and a third time before laughter bubbles up from your chest. “What’s funny?” His expression is beyond confused as you laugh for what feels like ages, laugh until your sides ache almost as much as your jaw and your thighs do.
“I’m not picking anyone.” You say simply, and Donghyuck and Mark practically break their necks when they turn to you in shock. “Why would I pick one of you when all three of you gave me the best sex I’ve ever had?” 
“Well, you can’t date all three of us!” Mark points out, and you shoot him a funny look.
“Who said anything about dating?” You reply slowly, and he frowns deeply, his brows furrowed in disapproval. You look over at Donghyuck, who’s staring at you with a knowing smile on his lips, something very clearly on the tip of his tongue. “Got something to say?” You ask, and he shakes his head as his smile widens.
“Nope.” He answers easily, and you can’t help but wonder what he’s thinking about. It seems as if you won’t find out tonight, as he suddenly climbs to his feet, reaching out a hand to help you up. You take it gratefully and he pulls you to your feet, helping you put your clothing back in place. Mark rises next, tucking himself back into his pants, then Jaemin, who does the same. Mark and Jaemin say their, albeit reluctant, goodbyes as you’re pulling your underwear back on and leave the Room of Requirement, leaving you alone with Donghyuck.
You fix your hair blindly, fluffing it up in the hopes that it doesn’t look too crazy, and head for the door, already anticipating the hot shower you’re about to take to relieve your aching muscles and rid yourself of the incredibly dirty feeling covering you. You barely manage to breeze past Donghyuck before he catches your wrist and whirls you around so you’re facing him. You don’t even get a yelp of surprise out before he’s backing you up against the nearest wall, which happens to be right up against the door, and kissing you heatedly.
“Please tell me you’re not still turned on.” You manage to exhale when he breaks the kiss, and he chuckles softly, tilting his head forward until his forehead is resting against yours lightly. 
“I just wanted to say...choose me.” He says softly, sincerely, and you’re surprised by the rush of warm affection that floods your body.
“I mean…” You trail off, pretending to think, and he nibbles at his lower lip anxiously as he awaits the rest of your sentence. “...I guess you’re not all that bad.”
“Yeah?” He starts to smile, and you can’t help but mirror his expression, a somewhat secretive glee lighting up both of your faces.
“And you’re pretty good in bed,” You continue. “Daddy.” He chuckles, clearly amused, and you tap your chin thoughtfully. “Okay.”
“Okay?” He says excitedly, and you nod, trying (and failing) to hide the extremely fond smile that breaks out on your face.
“Okay. You can take me on a date, I guess.” You hum as nonchalantly as possible, and he beams at you, his smile lighting up your insides and sending butterflies swarming around in your stomach.
“Cool. We’re going to Hogsmeade this weekend,” He announces proudly, and you smile enthusiastically.
“Can’t wait, Daddy.” You tease, pushing him off gently and opening the door. 
“Don’t call me that when we’re not having sex,” He groans, and you snicker.
“What should I call you, then?” 
“Besides yours? Hyuck works, too.” He answers, draping his arm around your shoulders and pulling you in closer. 
“God, that’s so cheesy.” You scoff, and he shrugs shamelessly.
“Whatever. Come on, I’ll walk you to your dorm.” He offers, and you take his offer gratefully, the two of you walking to the staircases with a light, warm feeling in your hearts.
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(“I knew she was gonna pick him,” Jaemin complains to Mark in a hushed whisper as the two of them watch you and Donghyuck walk past their concealed figures around the corner from the Room of Requirement.
“Will you shut up? They’re gonna hear us.” Mark snips back, and Jaemin huffs petulantly, crossing his arms as he slumps against the wall nearest him. 
“...What are the chances he’d let us do that again if they’re dating now?” Jaemin asks, and Mark just stares at him blankly. “What?”
“You’re something else, Jaemin,” Mark sighs in a mix of defeat and disbelief. “You’re really something else.”)
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tada!!!! i hope you liked it!! raya, i especially hope you liked it 🥺 i worked very hard on this fic omg.. but yes, pleeeease leave feedback i love feedback it’s my lifeblood :’) okay bye have a great rest of your day or night!!
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sooyoungl0vr · 3 years
when they catch you crying | nct dream
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genre! fluff :D, boyfriend!au warnings! none <3 pairing! nct dream x gn!reader author’s note! i wrote this for my friend to cheer her up but hopefully you all enjoy it too!  dedication! @sugawarush​​ heyyy bestie <3, and nina wherever you are
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꒰ mark lee! ꒱
he’d be so shocked, he would forget to comfort you
but he remembers and immediately rushes to your side, shushing you and cooing sweet nothings into your ear
“please don’t cry! what’s up, hmm? i’m here for you.”
he’d let you cry for however long you need to
his arms would squish you impossibly close to him
he’d sing a song to help you calm down (maybe horribly to make you laugh)
he’d smile so softly once you start to feel better
“there’s that gorgeous smile i fell in love with.”
꒰ huang renjun! ꒱
he’d probably leave immediately
kinda like he doesn’t care
but, right as another reason is added to why you’re crying
he comes back with an array of your favorite things
snacks, plushies, stickers, movies anything
he has it with him.
“i didn’t know what you wanted right now, so i just got everything...”
he’d be so shy, it was almost like you had to reassure him
but that doesn’t happen and you smile, feeling grateful for his effort
his heart softens as he sees you smile
puffy eyes, red nose and all
“you’re too precious. what happened, angel?”
꒰ lee jeno! ꒱
big pouts.
he immediately rushes over, wrapping his arms around you
he would shush you, whispering sweet nothings into your ear
he’d stroke your hair
hoping it was enough to provide you the comfort you needed
he knew how uncomfortable it was to talk while crying as hard as you were,
so he’d sit waiting for you to calm down
his presence would be all you need
“i love you my baby.”
꒰ lee donghyuck! ꒱
he’d be upset as well, threatening anything/anyone who hurt you
“who was it huh?! who hurt my baby?!”
he’d cup your cheeks in his hands, assuring you with the sweetest words anyone’s ever said to you
he’d hold your hand, urging you to rest your head on his shoulder
would offer to watch your favorite movie with you
strokes your hair as he feels you slowly calm down
“sleep, pretty girl. you deserve the rest.”
꒰ na jaemin!꒱
“my baby!!!”
two things could happen with na jaemin
he would make a fuss, loudly trying to figure out what happened with you
or he would be much like jeno, sitting calmly and waiting for you to calm down enough
seeing you cry would absolutely shatter his heart
you’d be wrapped up in his arms, face buried in his neck
“baby, please don’t cry.”
it would piss him off thinking someone might’ve said something to make you bawl like this
he’d be ready for anything you want
“what do you want to watch?” “where do you want to go?”
“your wish is my command baby.”
꒰ zhong chenle! ꒱
he was your goofy boyfriend
and it wasn’t about to stop now
“BABY! what’s wrong, hmm?”
he’d sit right in front of you, a big smile on his face contrary to what his heart was feeling, his thumbs caressing the sides of your hands
he’d try his best to make you laugh
because he loves your smile so much, seeing anything but saddened him
his heart would clench as your cries begin to get louder
he’d immediately open his arms for you, letting you find comfort against him
“shh, my baby. i’ve got you, hmm?”
꒰ park jisung! ꒱
it was a little hard for him to digest, seeing as you try your best not to cry in front of him
so seeing you in that state would crush him
but watching you try and cover up your cries would break him even more
“no no no, baby. it’s okay. what’s wrong?”
he wouldn’t really initiate any skinship, thinking that wasn’t what you needed at the moment
until you wrapped your arms around him, hiding yourself from the world
his heart would coo, the warmth on his neck would rise to his cheeks
“let’s watch harry potter, yeah?”
he hated harry potter, but you loved it so this once, he’d let you watch the british films
your heart would warm at his offer, tightening your arms around him
“you’re okay, my love. let’s watch now okay?”
AGHFSHGA i miss the dreamies so much:( 
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centrumlumina · 4 years
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As part of the AO3 Ship Stats project, this list shows the 100 most-posted pairing tags on Archive Of Our Own in the period 24 July 2019 - 2 August 2020. This list was created by comparing the current number of fics with data gathered for the 2019 AO3 Ship Stats.
There are 71 M/M pairings on the list, 15 F/M, 3 F/F, 8 Gen and 3 Other. (Please note that on AO3, ‘Name & Name’ indicates platonic or familial ‘Gen’ relationships, while ‘Name/Name’ is used for romantic and sexual pairings.)
Of the 200 names on the list, 23 are women and 3 are characters of ambiguous gender, down from 28 and 3 in the 2019 list. 92 are POC, and 7 are racially ambiguous, compared with 64 and 11 two years ago.
For more information about the AO3 Ship Stats project, please check out the accompanying FAQs. You might also be interested in the All-Time Top 100 Pairings and the Femslash Top 100 list. These stats are also available on AO3.
ETA: Fixed the Change value for Merlin/Arthur Pendragon.
ETA 2: Fixed Race categorisation for Michael Guerin/Alex Manes.
A text-only version of this data is given below the cut.
Rank   Change   Pairing   Fandom   New Works   Total   Type   Race 1   15   Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens)   Good Omens (TV)   20298   28726   M/M   White 2   72   Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī/Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn   魔道祖师 - 墨香铜臭 | Módào Zǔshī - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù   10671   13130   M/M   POC 3   8   Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren   Star Wars Sequel Trilogy   9076   21306   F/M   White 4   28   Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier   IT (Movies – Muschietti)   8441   12227   M/M   White 5   N   Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion   The Witcher (TV)   7573   7573   M/M   White 6   1   Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter   Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling   7239   40312   M/M   White 7   5   Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku   Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia   7070   16824   M/M   POC 8   0   Peter Parker & Tony Stark   Marvel Cinematic Universe   6807   17366   Gen   White 9   -7   James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers   Captain America (Movies)   6262   49659   M/M   White 10   4   Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou   Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia   6141   15375   M/M   POC 11   -5   Steve Rogers/Tony Stark   The Avengers (Marvel Movies)   5613   36264   M/M   White 12   68   Aziraphale & Crowley (Good Omens)   Good Omens (TV)   5503   7928   Gen   White 13   -8   Jeon Jungkook/Kim Taehyung | V   Bangtan Boys | BTS   5254   23339   M/M   POC 14   5   Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug   Miraculous Ladybug   5183   19631   F/M   Whi/POC 15   5   Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto   Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia   5001   14073   M/M   POC 16   -13   Castiel/Dean Winchester   Supernatural   4927   84563   M/M   White 17   1   Jeon Jungkook/Park Jimin   Bangtan Boys | BTS   4596   17867   M/M   POC 18   N   Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV)   9-1-1 (TV)   3716   3716   M/M   Whi/POC 19   5   Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor   Supergirl (TV 2015)   3614   13048   F/F   White 20   -16   Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood   Shadowhunters (TV)   3599   24787   M/M   Whi/POC 21   2   Pepper Potts/Tony Stark   Marvel Cinematic Universe   3569   17384   F/M   White 22   14   Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic   Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia   3565   7325   M/M   POC 23   N   Adora/Catra (She-Ra)   She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018)   3538   4919   F/F   Whi/POC 24   15   Dazai Osamu/Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs)   文豪ストレイドッグス | Bungou Stray Dogs   3512   8768   M/M   POC 25   N   Wang Yi Bo/Xiao Zhan   陈情令 | The Untamed (TV) RPF   3446   3446   M/M   POC 26   -12   Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski   Teen Wolf (TV)   3249   59286   M/M   White 27   10   Merlin/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)   Merlin (TV)   3157   18688   M/M   White 28   -11   Kim Namjoon | RM/Kim Seokjin | Jin   Bangtan Boys | BTS   3155   16682   M/M   POC 29   66   Ayanga/Zhèng Yúnlóng   声入人心 | Super-Vocal (TV)   3111   5285   M/M   POC 30   -21   Min Yoongi | Suga/Park Jimin   Bangtan Boys | BTS   3026   19851   M/M   POC 31   -3   Sirius Black/Remus Lupin   Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling   2958   17686   M/M   White 32   N   Martin Blackwood/Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist   The Magnus Archives (Podcast)   2917   3367   M/M   Ambig 33   60   Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku   Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia   2672   5023   Gen   POC 34   12   Peter Parker/Tony Stark   Marvel Cinematic Universe   2623   6160   M/M   White 35   N   Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio   Haikyuu!!   2601   10485   M/M   POC 36   22   Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy   Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling   2583   10171   F/M   Whi/Amb 37   -8   Kim Taehyung | V/Park Jimin   Bangtan Boys | BTS   2507   9891   M/M   POC 38   -37   Keith/Lance (Voltron)   Voltron: Legendary Defender   2480   30317   M/M   Amb/POC 39   20   Billy Hargrove/Steve Harrington   Stranger Things (TV 2016)   2438   5338   M/M   White 40   N   Akaashi Keiji/Bokuto Koutarou   Haikyuu!!   2387   7629   M/M   POC 41   N   Patrick Brewer/David Rose   Schitt's Creek   2363   3150   M/M   White 42   5   Lee Donghyuck | Haechan/Mark Lee   NCT (Band)   2331   5854   M/M   POC 43   8   Rey & Ben Solo | Kylo Ren   Star Wars Sequel Trilogy   2304   6506   Gen   White 44   N   Dabi/Takami Keigo | Hawks   Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia   2294   2930   M/M   POC 45   N   Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru   Haikyuu!!   2272   11155   M/M   POC 46   -24   Jung Hoseok | J-Hope/Min Yoongi | Suga   Bangtan Boys | BTS   2259   12668   M/M   POC 47   N   Felix Hugo Fraldarius/Sylvain Jose Gautier   Fire Emblem: Three Houses   2218   2218   M/M   White 48   28   Jaime Lannister/Brienne of Tarth   Game of Thrones (TV)   2186   7063   F/M   White 49   19   Bakugou Katsuki/Todoroki Shouto   Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia   2169   4991   M/M   POC 50   N   Ben Hanscom/Beverly Marsh   IT (Movies – Muschietti)   2163   3116   F/M   White 51   3   Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley   Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling   2128   11699   F/M   Whi/Amb 52   -31   Sherlock Holmes/John Watson   Sherlock (TV)   2121   61544   M/M   White 53   -5   James Potter/Lily Evans Potter   Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling   2110   10125   F/M   White 54   -28   Jeon Jungkook/Min Yoongi | Suga   Bangtan Boys | BTS   2074   9498   M/M   POC 55   N   Jiāng Chéng | Jiāng Wǎnyín/Lán Huàn | Lán Xīchén   魔道祖师 - 墨香铜臭 | Módào Zǔshī - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù   2073   2494   M/M   POC 56   -25   Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter   Hannibal (TV)   2064   17257   M/M   White 57   N   Kakyoin Noriaki/Kujo Jotaro   JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken | JoJo's Bizarre Adventure   1964   3580   M/M   POC 58   N   Midoriya Izuku/Uraraka Ochako   Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia   1896   3983   F/M   POC 59   -46   Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov   Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime)   1843   24332   M/M   Whi/POC 60   15   Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley   Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling   1838   9269   F/M   White 61   N   Poe Dameron/Finn   Star Wars Sequel Trilogy   1806   7238   M/M   POC 62   N   Kaminari Denki/Shinsou Hitoshi   Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia   1791   2732   M/M   POC 63   -38   Dan Howell/Phil Lester   Phandom/The Fantastic Foursome (YouTube RPF)   1782   17316   M/M   White 64   -54   Keith/Shiro (Voltron)   Voltron: Legendary Defender   1764   13925   M/M   Amb/POC 65   31   Anxiety | Virgil Sanders/Creativity | Roman "Princey" Sanders   Sanders Sides (Web Series)   1720   3917   M/M   White 66   N   Tyrannus Basilton "Baz" Pitch/Simon Snow   Carry On Series - Rainbow Rowell   1707   4803   M/M   Whi/POC 67=   -33   Kim Taehyung | V/Min Yoongi | Suga   Bangtan Boys | BTS   1651   7176   M/M   POC 67=   N   Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd/My Unit | Byleth   Fire Emblem: Three Houses   1651   1651   Other   White 69   N   Michelle Jones/Peter Parker   Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies)   1639   3692   F/M   Whi/POC 70   N   Michael Guerin/Alex Manes   Roswell New Mexico (TV 2019)   1635   2746   M/M   Whi/POC 71   28   Uchiha Sasuke/Uzumaki Naruto   Naruto   1625   7705   M/M   POC 72   N   Bakugou Katsuki/Uraraka Ochako   Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia   1617   3776   F/M   POC 73   -30   James "Bucky" Barnes/Tony Stark   Marvel Cinematic Universe   1559   7456   M/M   White 74   -39   James "Bucky" Barnes/Reader   Marvel Cinematic Universe   1544   7724   Other   Whi/Amb 75   9   Upgraded Connor | RK900/Gavin Reed   Detroit: Become Human (Video Game)   1534   3921   M/M   White 76   N   Harry Potter/Tom Riddle | Voldemort   Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling   1511   6308   M/M   White 77   N   Jeon Jungkook/Kim Namjoon | RM   Bangtan Boys | BTS   1505   3911   M/M   POC 78   N   Annabeth Chase/Percy Jackson   Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan   1501   6017   F/M   White 79   N   Edelgard von Hresvelg/My Unit | Byleth   Fire Emblem: Three Houses   1495   1495   Other   White 80   N   Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester   Supernatural   1493   8791   Gen   White 81   N   Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Midoriya Izuku   Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia   1487   2200   Gen   POC 82   -37   Tony Stark/Stephen Strange   Marvel Cinematic Universe   1460   4912   M/M   White 83   N   Akechi Goro/Persona 5 Protagonist   Persona 5   1447   3285   M/M   POC 84   N   Kozume Kenma/Kuroo Tetsurou   Haikyuu!!   1444   4932   M/M   POC 85   N   Han Jisung | Han/Lee Minho | Lee Know   Stray Kids (Band)   1440   3091   M/M   POC 86   -33   Byun Baekhyun/Park Chanyeol   EXO (Band)   1431   6629   M/M   POC 87   -45   Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester   Supernatural   1416   27696   M/M   White 88   N   Leone Abbacchio/Bruno Buccellati   JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken | JoJo's Bizarre Adventure   1415   2237   M/M   White 89   N   Chloe Decker/Lucifer Morningstar   Lucifer (TV)   1413   4165   F/M   White 90   N   Eddie Kaspbrak & Richie Tozier   IT - Stephen King   1396   2268   Gen   White 91   N   Neil Josten/Andrew Minyard   All For The Game - Nora Sakavic   1392   4681   M/M   White 92   N   Blake Belladonna/Yang Xiao Long   RWBY   1390   4358   F/F   POC 93   N   Midoriya Izuku & Todoroki Shouto   Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia   1378   2887   Gen   POC 94   N   Padmé Amidala/Anakin Skywalker | Darth Vader   Star Wars - All Media Types   1369   4112   F/M   White 95=   -8   Kim Namjoon | RM/Park Jimin   Bangtan Boys | BTS   1365   4728   M/M   POC 95=   N   Sokka/Zuko (Avatar)   Avatar: The Last Airbender   1365   1828   M/M   POC 97   N   Lee Jeno/Na Jaemin   NCT (Band)   1360   3266   M/M   POC 98   N   Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier   X-Men (Alternate Timeline Movies)   1333   14736   M/M   White 99   -72   Loki/Thor (Marvel)   Thor (Movies)   1330   12863   M/M   White 100   N   Logic | Logan Sanders/Morality | Patton Sanders   Sanders Sides (Web Series)   1327   3132   M/M   White
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