#haven’t used that old tag in a while lol
I personally am moving away from the term nonbinary and more towards transandrogynous. I feel like the term ‘nonbinary’ doesn’t truly fit who I am as much anymore, altho irs still very useful and important as a term.
But as someone who is actively taking HRT to become more androgynous, as someone who’s gender is tied to being femme presenting but physical androgyny, i feel like actively centering the word “androgyny” in my language works better for me.
I also want to step away from the idea that there’s only one type of androgyny. Because the idea of this white grey tan ‘clothes that are really just masculine but baggy’ type of idea of androgyny that is centered in mainstream is not the only type of androgyny out there. There are so many ways to be ‘between’ genders, so many ways to blur the gender binary in both presentation and physical body, and if folks start taking the word androgyny and androgynous and use it while they all present and exist in all these wildly different ways I feel like that’s… better. For all of us.
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fandom · 6 months
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Top 23 of 2023
Have you been aching to get your hot little hands on 52 weeks of data around original posts, likes, reblogs, and searches, all weighted and ranked and tied up into categories with a nice little bow on top? Well, today’s your day! It should come as no surprise that Artists on Tumblr reign supreme: from stunning traditional art, jaw-dropping digital art, fanart, sculptures, textile art—you name it, basically—this year’s list shows that Tumblr truly is the home for art and artists. Thank you, Artists on Tumblr, for enriching our dashboards day after day. 
Rounding out the top three, we have two iconic shows: Good Omens is live-action, and The Owl House is animated, but both have a heck of a love story at their core. The second season of Good Omens blessed us with not one but two ineffably exquisite ships, while the final season of The Owl House broke and then healed fans’ hearts in equal measure. Thanks, @danaterrace! Actually, come to think of it, the Good Omens finale kinda did the same in reverse. Thanks to you, too, @neil-gaiman! We can’t wait for season 3. 
Speaking of heartbreak and healing, Our Flag Means Death’s second season offered both in droves. The entire cast gave stellar performances, and fans couldn’t have been happier to see the kinds of representation the show displayed. Last year’s #1 topic, Stranger Things, may have dropped a bit, but trust us, you wouldn’t know it from the amount of meta, fanart, and fics in the tag. And did you hear about the live-action adaptations of both The Last of Us and One Piece? They were a preeeetty big deal this year, too. Check ‘em out if you haven’t yet (lol, of course you have). And we’d be remiss not to mention the hugely dedicated fans, fanartists, and fic writers devoting their time to all things Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Y’all deserve a little pizza, as a treat.
2023 was also a year for blockbuster movies, which of course hasn’t escaped anybody’s notice here on Tumblr. Barbie smashed box offices worldwide and left us reeling with every re-watch. How can one describe Greta Gerwig’s pink-filled opus? It certainly is one of the movies of all time. Meanwhile, with its incredible animation and soundtrack, Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse introduced us to a whole new multiverse of Spider-People, opening the portal to a veritable flood of incredible OCs. And then, of course, we got a fresh perspective on an old classic when cinephiles introduced Martin Scorscese’s cinematic masterpiece, Goncharov (1973), to a new generation of film aficionados who resoundingly agree that it is, in fact, the greatest mafia movie ever made. We’re so glad this underrated film finally got the acclaim it has long deserved.
In the realms of gaming and tech, the long-anticipated Baldur’s Gate 3 has basically become everyone’s new favorite D&D/dating sim combination. Of course, the Pokémon franchise, games, shows, and Hatsune Miku collabs remain perennial favorites. Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter, sorry, we mean of course X, made waves across the internet. Similarly, the Reddit blackout drove Redditors to new venues, and Tumblr users welcomed the folks from r/196 with open arms—we’re huge fans of your memes, y’all, and you fit right in. Welcome, we’re glad you enjoy the chaos. Here’s a fun fact: if we included post metadata in Year in Review rankings, #polls, introduced in January of 2023, would have been the #5 topic on Tumblr this year. Phenomenal. 
And, oh right. Taylor Swift had kind of a big year, what with the albums, the epic global tour, and the movie and stuff. Fantastic work, @taylorswift, the Swifties on Tumblr thank you for everything.
This is Tumblr’s Year in Review.
Artists on Tumblr
Good Omens
The Owl House
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
Critical Role
Taylor Swift
Genshin Impact
Stranger Things
The Last of Us
Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Elon Musk
Star Wars
Our Flag Means Death
Crowley | Good Omens
Baldur's Gate 3
One Piece
Aziraphale | Good Omens
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aritamargarita · 11 months
Hey bestie, it’s been a while!! I hope your well💗 I saw requests were open and this idea came to me after watching some old segments. Could you do a love triangle between reader, trish stratus, and Jeff Hardy?☺️
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hey bestieee im doing well!!! it's been a while indeed :). hope you're doing well too! so sorry this took a while! BUT THIS REQUEST...i can't explain how good this sounds LMAO I WAS LIKE “AHHHH—“...i may have gotten a little out of hand with the sadness on this one? i also kinda based it off this chart , with jeff as A, reader as B, trish as C. reader’s feelings for trish are conflicting and she kinda doesn’t think they’re real, therefore this is very jeff centered. and also kayfabe compliant lol
you guys can have an imagine..as a treat :3 alexa, pls set the tone for us *lights dim dramatically*
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YOU FELT SUFFOCATED whenever they were around. You hate Jeff. You hate Trish. You hate both of them. You hate how close they are and you wish they could never see each other again....but sometimes wishes can’t be granted.
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"Trish Stratus..she's just horrible, isn't she?"
Victoria’s voice comes from behind you. She sets a neatly manicured hand onto your right shoulder and leans into your ear. “I mean, just look at them.”
You didn’t want to look and she realizes this. Her hand reaches over to grab your face to forcefully turn it in their direction.
They’re standing there, holding hands and talking to each other with the biggest smiles in the world.
“Doesn’t it just make you sick? They’re rubbing it in your face, [Name].” Victoria says. “If I were you, I’d take that pretty little face….and smash it right against the mat.”
You sigh.
Her words were clearly fueled by hate. This wasn’t advice, this was just because she hated Trish. You don’t think you’ll ever get the reason as to why. Even when you accidentally walked in on one of her meltdowns and she babbled to you about how horrible she was, you were still at a loss.
“Just because you have a vendetta against her doesn’t mean that I do. She’s my—“
“We can see it in your eyes!” Stevie Richards appears from out nowhere, startling you. You’re trying to do your makeup, goddamn it. Why’d they have to come and bother you?
You whip your head around to your right. Stevie’s staring at you with nothing but a grin. He sets his hand on your left shoulder and shakes it lightly.
“C’mon. Everyone, and I mean everyone, knows you have a thing for that Hardy guy! Flower is right. I’m sure they make you sick!
Tch. Yeah, right. The only thing that everyone knows is that him and Trish were madly in love all of a sudden. And now that you think about it, the only thing that makes you sick was Stevie always calling Victoria that cheesy nickname.
“Hardy boy,” You correct. “And I don’t have a thing for him.”
You can see the reflection of the other two in the mirror. They’re not very convinced.
It’s not a thing. It never was a thing, you just think Jeff is pretty neat.
To put it in perspective, Jeff Hardy is someone you can rely on. Jeff Hardy is someone you can consider a hero. You really just think he’s neat for saving your neck a few times when it came to people ganging up on you.
And somehow, you feel like you owe him something in return. Him being with Trish only stalled your returning favor even further.
It’s driving you crazy. You haven’t talked to Jeff in days. All you do is avoid him. In other words, you’ve quit him, gone cold turkey.
Those two were getting closer and closer day by day and you just didn’t understand why.
Trish was your friend, best friend, and hadn’t even told you what was going on. The moment you heard the she kissed him right in the middle of the ring had made you really confused, to say the least.
Somehow, you felt yourself harboring some feelings for her as well. It was strange. You don’t really know why, but when Trish had started to tag with you, save you, (stating that she didn't want to see her friend in trouble), and hung around with you backstage, you started to think about her more often.
Things are difficult with her around. Things are difficult with the both of them around.
It’s the reason why you stopped talking to him and limited your interactions with her. This was for your own sanity, even if it wasn’t working out so well.
It truly is hard to believe you could find yourself in this situation.
Lita would constantly tell you how much Jeff missed you. For someone who was supposed to be “resting“and “healing up” because of her injury, she sure was hanging out backstage a lot more lately.
What makes matters worse is that her and Trish were best friends as well, so you’d occasionally hear her pass along messages. Ugh, you really wish she would stop telling you these things. It only makes you feel worse.
“I think you’re lying, [Name].” Victoria outright says. “You like him, no, love him. And seeing that plastic, fake, no good…” She has to stop herself from getting too wound up, taking a breath. “Seeing her makes you angry, doesn’t it?”
She’s right. You hate that she’s right. It does make you angry, but it makes you more sad than anything. You won’t admit it. You refuse.
“What makes me angry is the both of you trying to wind me up.” You throw your lip gloss to the ground. “Let me clarify. I do not and never will have a thing for Jeff Hardy!”
Perhaps your voice was louder than anticipated because suddenly, the hallway had gotten quiet. You had attracted unwanted attention, including looks from Trish and Jeff.
You take a deep breath. Victoria didn’t even know the whole story, so there’s no reason for you to act like this. As long as she hasn’t caught on about your thoughts about Trish, everything is fine and dandy.
Victoria only lets out a cackle, as does Stevie. They just couldn’t help it! The look on your face was just hilarious and you couldn’t have been anymore obvious with your true intentions about him.
Though you want to ask them what the hell was so funny, you realize there’s nothing you can do to save face, so you just storm off. You don’t think you can ever show your face backstage again after that.
The sound of footsteps behind you cause you to stop. “If the both of you are following me, I swear to god, I’ll—“
“It’s neither.” It’s Trish, all dressed up in her red ring gear. Her and Jeff were both dressed up, actually. “Were they bothering you? I can deal with them if you need.”
You wave your hand. “No, it’s no big deal.” In response, she gives you a smile, one that genuinely makes you feel sick.
There’s suddenly a strange tension in the room as Trish lifts up her hand to bite on her index fingernail. There are little details that you feel like you hadn’t noticed about her before in that moment, irrelevant as it was.
The way she curled her hair was different. Maybe it was the amount of lipgloss she applied, which seemed significantly noticeable.
The look on her face gives you the impression she’s not nervous at all, if anything, she seems a bit gleeful. “…So,” You feel like you already know what’s coming as she speaks up. “…I didn’t know you had a thing for Jeff…?”
There’s a teasing tone behind her voice, which makes you just want to quite literally leave the country and change your name. Dramatic, yes, but you feel like this is too much.
“Jeff is,” You have to pause for a minute, trying to phrase things carefully. “He’s cool. What brought you to that conclusion? I don’t have a thing for him..”
Trish probably couldn’t tell that you were in denial. “For one, your obvious yelling in the hallway. But if you say you don’t, I believe you.”
And speak of the devil, because he starts to come over to you two without a care in the world. He reaches out to hold Trish’s hand and you have to turn your attention anywhere but there.
“Hey, [Name].” Jeff greets. Honestly, he’s happy to see you. It’s been too long since you’ve spoken to him.
“Hi.” You come off bitter, but you do your best to mask any of it with a forced smile.
For some reason, Jeff feels like he’s over the moon, even if you had only greeted him. “How are you doing? Lita told me that you weren’t doing so well.“
“She’s not?” Trish turns over to look at you with a frown. “You aren’t? What’s wrong?”
Fucking Lita, again with this! This is exactly why you wish she’d just be quiet. You found yourself in a really awkward place because of her. “She’s wrong. I’m fine, like way fine.”
Jeff nods. On another note, he smelt like so much paint. If you looked closely enough, it was almost like it was fresh. You point this out in attempt to shift the topic. “You painted yourself again, huh? The colors are nice,”
The compliment you had given him about the colors had made him feel as if he was getting somewhere.
“Yeah. Sooner or later, I’ve gotta paint something on you. Pick any color and I’ll do it. Wherever you want.” He says. “You’re the canvas.”
Trish smiles. “He’s really good at it. But he’s also really good at getting it all over me..” She giggles, looking down at her hand.
There was definitely chemistry and you feel like you don’t belong. It pains you. “Hey, I just noticed. Do you two have a match tonight or something?”
“We do!” Trish chimes. “It’s funny you say that. It’s against Victoria and Stevie Richards. Don’t worry, we’ll kick their butt for you. Speaking of which, I think we have to go to gorilla. Let's go, Jeff.”
“Have a good match.” You wave. They both thank you and leave you be, but you can see them talking on their own as they head down the corridor.
You’re alone with your thoughts once more, that is until a sickeningly sweet voice had made you groan.
“Oh sweet, sweet [Name].” Victoria coos, reaching over to caress your cheek. You swipe her hand away and she laughs. “I think that was so rude. The audacity of him, right? Just showing up with her like that in front of you.”
You just stare at her.
She continues on, knowing that she’s got you right where she wants. “Now that you know we have a match against them...come with us.”
It sounds more like a command than a request and she’s smiling all the while. “Having them lose would make them feel like they’ve lost everything."
Is that really true? No, is that what you really want? You're hesitant. “I don’t know, it seems a little—“
She quickly cuts you off. “You can trust me, [Name]. We’re friends.”
Friends. You’ve heard that word a lot lately. But you feel as if you had no other choice, you had to trust Victoria. So, you end up following her to gorilla in hopes of getting what you want.
When it was your turn, commentary referred to you as something akin to a lost puppy. You were clearly hesitating, taking painfully slow steps down the ramp.
Stevie has to rush back to grab you by the arm and pull you down the ramp a bit faster, which makes you yelp. “Ow, ow, ow! You’re grabbing me too tight—!” He pays no mind to your complaint, instead presenting you to the duo in the ring as if you were a trophy.
Trish and Jeff were confused. Really confused. Why were you out here with them? The two pass whispers amongst each other while Stevie joins Victoria in the ring.
You can’t look them in the eye, so you try and focus on Stevie as he’s the one to start the match with Jeff. As soon as they lock up, you let out a shrill for Stevie.
It almost makes Jeff break it up, so Stevie quickly takes advantage and stiffs him a bit. You lean your head onto the apron. It's going to be a long one..
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So far, Victoria and Stevie weren’t doing too well. Trish and Jeff were completely dominating them and it makes you irritated. You want to help them out a bit. It’s Victoria and Trish in the ring while Jeff and Stevie were going at it outside.
Trish irish whips Victoria into the corner, and the latter brings up her knee to slam right into Trish’s face. As a rebound, Trish decides to hit the Stratusphere once Victoria starts to climb onto the top rope.
Alright, you can’t keep watching anymore. You absolutely have to interfere! Once she grabs her from off of the ground and starts heading towards the rope, you already know she’s about to do Stratusfaction.
In an attempt to stop her, you hop up onto the apron. The referee tries to stop you from getting in in the meanwhile. It’s clear that she hesitates coming towards your side, which gives Victoria enough time to try and reverse it into a Widow’s Peak.
Trish is able to maneuver her way back out of it though, much to your surprise. And instead of hesitating any further, she grabs Victoria by the back of her hair and uses you as leverage for her finisher. It hurt like hell once you hit the ground.
…Actually, you may have landed wrong. Almost immediately, a shot of pain had shot up your right leg, making you curl up and grab onto it. The crowd to let out a gasp.
‘[Name] falling off the apron, by god, that was a nasty fall!’ JR calls. ‘This may be bad news!’
On the other side of him, Jerry cries out. ‘Oh no! Come over here, [Name]! I’ll nurse it better!’
You don’t know what sucks more, the sound of the bell ringing along with Trish’s theme music or the fact you may have been injured. What if you’re taken off of TV? You feel like you’ll have to share your time off with Lita, who would probably drive you insane the entire time.
This is really bad. What starts to make it worse is that Stevie starts to stomp over to you. You can barely stand, which makes him yank you up harshly. He guided you over to the ring and pushed you in.
Now, you’ll have to answer to Victoria. As you try and use the ropes to get up, she stands over you, jabbing a finger in your face. “What the hell was that, [Name]?!”
“I was trying to help you!” It’s safe to say you’re afraid of Victoria right now. She's so unstable, you hated to be on her bad side. "I was!"
"We LOST!" She screams. "That bitch won! And it's all because of you! Guess what?! You're going to pay!"
Shit. Stevie grabs you and lifts you up, keeping you in a hold so that he’s got your arms hooked behind you. Victoria felt that she had no other choice but to punish you.
She reels her arm back in preparation. On instinct, you close your eyes.
…But nothing ever comes. You hear the crowd begin to cheer louder and you open your eyes to see that Trish had slid back into the ring and knocked her down. They move out of the ring, giving the other two enough space.
Of course, Jeff came back, easily maneuvering over to you and Stevie. He lets you go and you crash onto the ground, only able to watch them go at it.
Your leg was definitely busted. You can barely move! Luckily, the fight between the boys in the ring hadn’t last too long. Stevie rolls out of the ring to escape, while Jeff quickly comes over to you.
“Ya’ alright?”
"Besides my leg feeling like it's broken, sure, I'm alright." You sarcastically remark. He starts to walk and you try to hop along with him. “Dude, you’re going to have to slow down.”
“Sorry.” He quickly apologizes, slowing his speed so that you’re comfortable. You note that he’s not as harsh as Stevie was. He’s trying to guide you to the very edge of the ring.
…But he suddenly stops halfway before you get there. “What’re you doing?” You ask.
Jeff doesn’t reply.
Will he’ll regret this later? It didn’t matter. Before you can question him again, he reaches over to grab your face and brings you in for a quick kiss.
You don’t even know what to do. It was so fast, you didn’t even get the opportunity to decide whether you wanted to kiss back or not.
Perhaps it’s a random act of kindness. Maybe even an act of sympathy? You’re not even sure. You just look dumbfounded.
That’s the first time he’s ever done that. He goes back to helping you out of the ring without a word and you feel like it’s for the best.
Somehow, you have to fight the growing smile on your face, despite how much guilt may lie beneath.
Jeff Hardy is a strange individual, that’s for sure. But you know that he’ll always be a hero at the end of the day.
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lenniereadsalot · 8 days
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let's spread the self-love 💞
Ooo thanks!
1) https://archiveofourown.org/works/55865695
In Which Atsumu’s Intelligence Turns Kiyoomi On - E - Haikyuu - SakuAtsu - 1,685 words
Anytime Atsumu said something that made him think, he always made sure he knew how smart he was in one way or another. Whether that was just telling him he was smart, holding a genuine conversation with him about whatever the topic was, or just simply pulling him in for a quick kiss that he always pulled away from with an adoring smile.
I wrote this one for @mniqqss! I struggled a little writing it due to the concept and due to it being my first ever published smut fic, but I really like how it turned out! If you like Kiyoomi-adores-Atsumu-but-is-bad-at-feelings-Sakusa and some sexy SakuAtsu time, you should go read! One of these days I’ll write a companion with adoring Atsumu and bottomi.
2) https://archiveofourown.org/works/46009780
Kitchen Confessions - T - 911 - Buddie - 1,369 words
Eddie was expecting Buck to ask questions, but it was still unexpected when the other man looks at him and asks, “Hey what do you remember about getting shot?”
He stands there and thinks for a moment. Should he tell Buck he remembers waking up in the ambulance scared beyond belief when he saw Buck covered in blood?
I watched 6x12, immediately decided they should’ve had a deeper conversation in the kitchen, and stayed up until 2am writing and rewriting it lol. I do adore this fic though! I don’t often enjoy my own writing, but this fic has always been one I enjoy :)
3) https://archiveofourown.org/works/40050939
Accidental Daughter - G - My Hero Academia - platonic KiriBaku - 1,225 words
Katsuki is patrolling late one night when he becomes the victim of a quirk accident.
Katsuki ends up with a daughter and Eijirou is more than willing to help a bro out.
This was a fic I wrote for an exchange in an old discord server! I don’t normally write non-romance stories but the person I was paired with didn’t care for romance, so it definitely expanded my writing style a bit! I also just adore the concept to this day
4) https://archiveofourown.org/works/54750349
Stories - G - Haikyuu - SakuAtsu - 1,029 words
In all honesty he was used to it, he had spent his entire life being compared to his twin by everyone after all. His first ever girlfriend, Suna, Kita, heck even their parents had compared them with some remark or another.
He just never expected Sakusa to do it too.
This fic is a lot less angsty than the summary makes it sound I swear- It’s actually very fluffy! I love writing kid fic so this was a treat to write :)
5) https://archiveofourown.org/works/37831144
My Mom Thinks We’re Dating - G - My Hero Academia - KiriKami - 1,088 words
“My mom thinks we’re dating”
I wanted to write a fluffy rare pair while I was still heavily into MHA and this was born <3
Unfinished but Honorable mentions:
Jealousy - E - 911 - BuckTommyEddie - 1,299 words so far
Writing this one for @librarianafterdark <3 I’m far from finished but I have absolutely loved writing this so far and am sure I will continue to :D
Raising Megumi - Not rated yet - Jujutsu Kaisen - SatoSugu - 344 words so far
This was an idea I had, but TJ who is tagged above, @a-bi-cat-with-books , and @fabled-lady-twilla have all encouraged it and I am thankful for that <3 I haven’t written much of it yet, but I know I’m gonna have a lot of fun with it!
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jungle-angel · 2 years
Out in the Middle: Part 1 (Rhett Abbott x Reader)
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Summary: You and Rhett decide to spend some time with some old family friends and let the kids run loose. The trip turns out to be some of the best memories you ever make
Tags: @fanboygarcia @nobody7102​ I know you guys probably haven’t seen Yellowstone yet but I couldn’t help myself and this is only part one (lol)
Bozeman, MT
8:30 am
October 2022
You and Rhett could hardly wait to see the looks on the kids faces when you finally reached your destination. You had all gotten up at the crack of ass, loaded the kids all up into the truck and schlepped it on off to Bozeman to beat the rush of traffic on the highways.
But you knew the trip would be worth it in the end. 
Three of the kids rode with you while the other three rode with Royal and Cecelia and Amy with her dad. You were grateful that the littler ones would sleep the whole way through, but you pitied Royal when Tatum and Tanner would start playing the “stop-hitting-yourself” game. The first time around, Rhett had almost dislocated his shoulder trying to discipline the two little monsters.
“We almost there?” you yawned. 
“Almost there darlin,” Rhett told you. “One more turn off and we’re there.” 
“Oh thank God,” you sighed. 
One more turn off and the destination began to approach. As soon as you saw the sign that read: Dutton Ranch, 5 Miles, a heat of excitement began to well up inside you. “God, the kids are gonna freak when they see their cousins,” you remarked. 
“Which oughtta be good seeing as they’ve been locked in a car for six hours,” Rhett chuckled. “But I hear you. It’ll be good to see John and the others again.” 
You couldn’t have agreed more. Even just the thought of the kids running around on that vast expanse of property, completely free of all the problems of the world made you happier than you had ever been. 
When at last the land came into view, you and Rhett let the others follow behind you as the trucks made their way up the drive to that imposing log house at the top of the hill. God, Bozeman was gorgeous in the fall, the trees burned bright shades of orange, red, yellow, green and brown, the pines looming and towering into the bright blue field of sky. The mists of early morning rolled over the hills and mountains like the tails of ghosts wisping their way across the crests. 
At last you pulled to a stop, waking Hannah and your second set of twins, Franklin and Harvey. God, they were getting big, already two and a half and getting into everything. Hannah of course jumped from the truck when she saw John, Beth and Rip all making their way over. 
“PAPA JOHNNY!!!!!!!!” she screamed. 
John laughed as he scooped her right off the ground. “How’s my favorite grandniece?” he laughed. “You and your brothers and sisters up to no good?” 
“I solemnly swear I’m up to no good!” Hannah answered. 
“That’s what I wanna hear!” John said proudly, high-fiving her and shooing her off to the barn before the other kids nearly football tackled him. The other cousins came charging up from the stables, eager to see everyone and cause as much mischief as they could. 
“You two thought you’d get away without me coming to see you?” John joked. 
“Hi John,” you chuckled as he caught you in a tight hug, the smell of leather, hay and horses lingering in his jacket. 
“Uncle John, good to see you,” Rhett said before he too was caught by his uncle.
“Heard you had a hell of a rodeo before comin up here,” John remarked. “How’s the shoulder?” 
“A little bruised but I’ll live,” Rhett laughed half-heartedly. “How’s everybody else?” 
“Can’t complain,” Beth answered. “Kids are all driving us up the wall. I went to go and get Evie and Joey after work from school and all their teacher did was complain that they were covered in mud.” 
“Oh c’mon, let the kids be kids,” Rhett scoffed. 
“Oh! Oh-ho now, do we hear a Rhett and (y/n)?” a woman’s voice asked, coming from the porch. 
You screamed when you saw Monica running to you with her arms open and Kayce holding a four month old baby girl in his arms. “You told us you were gonna call before you got here!” Monica exclaimed.
“I promised no such thing!” 
“Yes you did!” 
“No I didn’t!” 
You and Monica bantered back and forth before Kayce came over to greet Rhett while John did the same for Royal and Cecelia, the two of them shooing Amy and the other kids off to the stables to play with their cousins. “You slimy little son of a bitch,” John chuckled. “How are ya?” 
“Not a complaint in the world,” Royal answered. “Still fightin with that bitch, Carline Warner?” 
“Yeah, Beth had it out with her about two days ago,” John answered. “Thomas did too but he kept it a little quieter.” 
“Is he here?” 
“Comin by with the grandkids around eleven,” John told him. “We’ll have more midgets on the property than we’ll know what to do with.” 
Royal laughed as everyone made their way into the house to catch up, yourself brimming with excitement at the fact that you, Rhett and the kids would get to spend an entire year here. 
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wareagleofthemountain · 7 months
Thanks for tagging me @elithilanor (I tag you back!)
Blorbo ask game!
Pick your favorite blorbo and answer the questions below, then pass it on. Just a little fun and games here and/or can be used for character building:
Prince Nuada (cause I haven’t written about him in a while)
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What is your blorbo's:
1. Favorite season?
Winter. He just strikes me as an elf who likes the cold and the rain. He did live under New York City for decades, in all conditions, so he must not have minded the chill.
2. Favorite food?
Oo! This one took me a minute. He works up quite an appetite with all the training he does, so I’m sure he appreciates a nice home cooked meal at the end of the day. Like a thick stew with meat, veggies, potatoes, and biscuits on the side.
3. Favorite plant or herb?
The golden flowers that grew in Bethmora, which he greatly misses when his kingdom is overtaken by men.
4. Favorite person/being?
His troll companion Mr. Wink of course! Though he has a soft spot for all magical beings.
5. Favorite place?
6. Favorite animal?
Haha! I was talking about this with a fellow fan a while ago, and we both agreed he’s a dog person.
7. Favorite drink?
Apple cider (don’t ask, it just happened lol)
8. Favorite hobby/activity?
Nuada seeks mastery over his passions and thus practices them until he’s got them down. Two major skills come to mind: sword play and tinkering with elven technology. At birth he was gifted an innate prowess in battle and honed those skills as he grew.
9. Do they like to read? If so, favorite genre?
Oh yes! He’s a huge literature buff, particularly history and old English romance novels.
10. Do they like to dance?
Yelp! All the ladies of his father’s court would beg him to spare them a dance at parties. He’s very graceful and light on his feet.
11. What is their favorite room in the house?
The library.
12. Favorite place to travel to?
Hmm. I’d say the troll market since a lot of his friends have stalls there and he never fails to find something interesting.
13. Who is their best friend?
He and his sister Nuala used to be super close when they were younger, but grew apart when Nuada became bent on revenge.
14. Favorite bioregion?
Anywhere away from humans lol.
15. Choose one for them: wine, beer, cider, hard liquor, or none?
No pressure tags: @coopsgirl @scarlettsaboredbitch @lady-of-imladris
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cyncerity · 2 months
The lore you dropped on the karlnapity (avian Q and borrower Karl) au!? You were really just gonna hide that in the TAGS!?
Now I have to know more 👀
And as always, beautiful work on your art! They look amazing!
AAAHHHH TY!! This is an au i’ve had for longer than i’ve had tumblr so i love talking about it lol
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^(these are the tags mentioned btw)
there’s actually a post that’s now over two years old that goes into a little more angst linked here >:)
anyway two years ago i was trying to be all cryptic and stuff but i’ve had this in the back of my head for a while now so here’s Q’s story:
He was part of a borrower colony when [REDACTED] happened (if you scroll through the first tag under this post you’ll see “[redacted]” mentioned a lot because it’s the catalyst for this au, so i’m not willing to give that one up yet ;] ). He and his sister (his only family) were kidnapped by humans. He was separated from her and sold because his wings were pretty. He was handled poorly and mistreated by his human owners as they tried to force him to learn aerial tricks and make him a show bird of sorts. Humans in this au don’t know about borrowers (borrowers in this world are all tiny hybrids except for like one really weird exception but we can talk about him later) so the humans who bought Q found him on the dark web and we’re planning to show him off to the world and get rich and famous and shit off of him. However, Q found out he was a shifter, which is just a magic trait that some people pick up (i’m thinking of giving it a correlation to something but i haven’t decided yet). Q didn’t really know what was happening, one moment he was in his cage and the next he was free, but he took advantage of it.
The family that owned him wasn’t home. He ransacked their house, looking for anything that he’s noticed was important to human society. He grabbed bags full of clothes, valuables, food; anything he could sell or use in a human society and took off. Eventually he found a town far away and managed to find a cheap apartment that he could pay the first few month’s rent for only by selling the valuables he’d stolen. He bound his wings and found a job, beginning a normal human life.
how he met Schlatt and how Schlatt became his other “human” roommate, however, is a much longer story than I can’t fit onto this post.
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ralphlanyon · 2 months
TC tag game
Tagged by @spudodell!
Rules: Answer the questions and tag other TC fans!
1. "He would not fucking say that" only they did and it's canon. When/who?
Not that they're necessarily out of character, but whenever Renault is clearly projecting her own internalized misogyny onto the characters (e.g. Laurie calling Nurse Adrian a "silly little dumbbell" at one point or the narrative voice commenting on Aunt Olive's lack of makeup), I am like
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(Granted, her other contemporary novels that actually feature female protagonists are even worse about this… 🫠)
2. Did they kiss in the study? Yes/no + why you are 100% correct about this.
Yes, absolutely! I previously wrote this meta about why I think so here. But here are a few more reasons:
"Over and over, during those first months, Laurie had relived the scene in the study, guarding it with fierce secrecy as a savage guards a magic word." It would be quite odd for Laurie to constantly relive that last meeting with Ralph and guard it with "fierce secrecy," if Ralph had done nothing more than chastise him, give him an old book, and turn him out of his study. So something intimate must have happened there that Laurie still obsessively thinks about.
The infamous ellipsis after "Come here a moment" was deliberately added to the 1959 edition (one of the only additions Renault makes, rather than subtractions), which I think is probably to help clarify the significance of that pause.
Laurie's proprietary behavior towards Ralph at the party, especially him staking claim of Ralph in front of Bim (and frankly a lot of about Laurie's behavior towards Ralph in general), makes a lot more sense if they had a "moment" together in the past and both of them never got over it or each other. It would help explain why Laurie instinctively feels he does have a claim over Ralph (as the Odysseus to Ralph's Penelope, to use Bim's analogy), as well as why Ralph continues to carry a torch for him after seven years and countless other relationships.
3. Mandatory question about Ralph's alleged tattoos.
To be honest I don't think he has any tattoos yet (or at least any in areas that would be normally exposed to the public), or else Laurie would have commented on them like he comments on just about everything else about Ralph's appearance. I could see him getting some in the future though, maybe some nautical-themed ones and probably at least one related to Laurie because he's sentimental like that.
4. 53 vs 59 edition: quote a line or paragraph that is better in the edition you like the least.
I generally prefer reading the '53 edition mainly for the extra bits, but there are several stylistic writing choices I do prefer in the '59 edition. One of them is Ralph telling Laurie, "I didn't think you had that much bitchery in you." He says "cattiness" in the '53 edition, but Laurie is very bitchy (and Ralph likes that about him!).
5. Which TC character would feel right at home here on tumblr dot com?
Bim or Sandy! They would be bringing the tea. ☕️
6. Tag yourself at Alec's birthday party.
Probably part of the couple holding hands in dead silence, lol.
7. Post a TC meme.
I have a lot of memes in my TC tag, but here's one I made a while ago:
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8. Easy to talk about who deserved better. Who deserved worse?
Dave because he bores me (the worst thing a literary character can do). Also Ralph's parents and Jeepers.
9. You can break the fourth wall (at any point in the novel) and say a single sentence to our protagonist, Laurie Odell. What do you say?
"You are intensely afraid of abandonment which is why you keep trying to leave people before they can leave you. (Please go to therapy.)"
10. What's a question you have about TC? One you haven't found an answer for yet.
What do Laurie and Ralph do for their post-war careers? There have been several excellent ideas in post-canon fics, but I haven’t quite settled on my own headcanon for them.
Tagging: not sure who hasn’t been tagged yet, but feel free to nab if you see this!
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tracybirds · 1 year
Listen they can't genderbend a character from TOS for TAG and expect me to not believe she's trans lol so happy trans Colonel Casey Day!!!
Written for @thunder-pride <3
When Jeff stepped onboard the Zero-XL, the first thing he noticed was the bright lights that seemed to shine from all directions. Brilliant and blinding and perfectly mirroring the leap in his heart and the smiles on his boys’ faces.
His boys.
He couldn’t stop staring, hardly listening as they filled the atmosphere with hope and joy and laughter. Not even the Hood could bring the mood down as he glared daggers at them all.
Virgil and Gordon had strapped him down to a medical stretcher, preferring to keep him in sight while Alan ran through the pre-flight checks, Scott murmuring in his ear while John frowned at the navigational display beside him.
There was none of the friction he recalled from their younger years, each of his sons safe and secure and slipping past one another as though they rescued men from the stars every day.
Perhaps they did, he mused. They’d obviously not allowed the beautiful machines that he and Brains had built together sit idle.
He tried to ignore the way his knees buckled as he lowered himself into his seat, fingers trembling as he strapped himself in and trying to ignore his sons’ stares.
Adrenaline was one hell of a drug and he was coming down at last.
“Maybe you should get some rest instead, Dad,” said Virgil.
Jeff waved him off. “I’ve been waiting a long time to come home and I’ll do it on my own terms or not at all.”
“We won’t think less of you, if that’s what you’re worried about,” argued Virgil. “There’s no need to be proud.”
Jeff clenched his hands into fists, lips thinning as he furiously tried to control the tremor. “It’s not pride, son,” he said against gritted teeth.
He’d pay the price later, he was sure. But he couldn’t bring himself to leave, aware that he had walked the line between exhaustion and delirium before and that the presence of his boys – real and alive and so much more than his poor imagined imitations could hope to be – was the only evidence that this wasn’t a hallucination.
Information would keep the creeping tendrils of fear that this was the product of some fever dream out of his mind and so Jeff turned instead to Scott.
“How long?”
Scott straightened imperceptibly as he turned back to Jeff, radiating a surety he’d barely begun to grow into the last time they’d been together.
“Eight years,” he said.
Eight years!
Jeff exhaled slowly, trying to calm his racing mind. His reckoning had been off by more than three years, unable to mark the passage of time with the sun and stars above him. No wonder Alan looked so much like a young man. No wonder Gordon moved like someone recovered from old injuries that Jeff couldn’t recall. No wonder his older sons were starting to bear the finest marks of age, despite their youth.
So much could happen in eight years.
“And your grandma?” Jeff trailed off, not sure of what he wanted to know, remembering all the times he’d woken in the eternal night, sure that this time his mother was dead, that the thudding in his chest signified something worse than nightmares.
“She’s fine,” said Scott quickly. “More than fine. Still trying to bake us cookies.”
“She actually gave us some for when we found you,” said Gordon with a grin. “I incinerated them before we left.”
Jeff barked a laugh and leant back in his chair.
“And Kyrano? Kayo?”
“We haven’t seen Kyrano much,” said Scott. “He took it pretty hard when you… vanished.”
“He’s okay,” cut in Virgil. “Semi-retired and spent some time with family in Malaysia before Lady Penelope invited him to consult for Kew Gardens. Kayo says he’s enjoying it but he hates the weather.”
Jeff chuckled. “He did always despise feeling cold. Got into his bones, he said. What about Uncle Tim? I assume he’s stuck pretty close to you. We always said if something happened to either of us in the field that we’d look out for each other’s families.”
 There was a pause, a silence that gaped between them as his sons looked at one another. Jeff’s heart pounded, a cold sweat breaking out across his brow. His lips tingled, turning numb as he read what must have happened in his sons’ careful expressions.
“He’s not dead,” he asked, already knowing with an awful certainty that loomed over him. “He can’t be, I… I wasn’t there. How’s Lesley and the kids doing? When did it happen? Oh God, how–”
“Dad, breathe!”
He didn’t know who said it but he obeyed instantly. The air caught in his chest and he tried again, and again, losing himself to the slow count as his vision returned.
“What–” he began, but Scott held up a hand to prevent further questions.
“Dad, Lesley is fine. And T-tim…” He stumbled over the name as though it were foreign, looking over at his brothers for help.
“She’s Aunt Val now,” said Gordon, cheerfully. He shrugged at Scott’s glare. “No sense wasting time.”
He turned back to Jeff and grinned widely. “She’s not dead, but she’s a lot happier as far as I can tell. She told us a few months after you left.”
Jeff sat frozen, his fears vanishing so quickly that he felt a sense of vertigo.
Then he smiled.
“Well then, she finally told everyone, thank goodness for that!”
Scott blinked.
“You already knew?”
“I’m one of her best friends, of course I knew,” said Jeff, sill grinning broadly. “She told us years ago, didn’t want to make a fuss until she’d achieved her career goals because she didn’t want anyone to say they only gave it to her for a political statement. I always said that was ridiculous, but then she’d know better than me, I guess. I’m only sorry I missed the party.”
The atmosphere relaxed around him, the uncertain defensive wall dropping in an instant.
“She didn’t have one in the end,” said Virgil. “Said it didn’t feel right without you.”
Jeff frowned.
“First thing we do when we get home then,” he said. “Throw her a party.”
“After we’ve checked you out.”
Jeff waved a hand.
“I’m fine. I already told you.”
Virgil glared at Scott. “He’s as bad as you.”
Scott laughed. “Let’s go home.”
Jeff looked around the room one more time as they all steadied themselves for the countdown.
Five. John’s eyes darted back and forth across the navigational controls with a steel focus, wordlessly whispering unknown calculations.
Four. Gordon grimaced in anticipation of the jump ahead and glared at the Hood as he made sure he was still secure.
Three. Alan breathed carefully, and Jeff could practically see the checklist scrolling in his mind as he lay his hands on the thrusters.
 Two. Virgil was watching him, searching for any final sign of injury.
One. Scott looked out across the stars, his eyes settling on the far-off sun as he drew himself up to his full height.
The jump blurred against his mind, the memory of the Zero-X launch achingly familiar against his bones.
And then, Jeff saw her with a hitching breath, blue and white and brown and green.
He was home.
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wishtale-blogs · 10 months
📣Wish Announcements📣
Ello!! So, since I don’t have an introduction/master post, I will have an announcement post instead!! It’ll work just like an introduction post but with more! It’ll be separated into three sections: events, Q&A, and tags!
Events works pretty simply, if I’m doing an event or challenge of some sort it’ll be put here so y’all can see what’s happening!
I’m currently hosting a DTIYS!!
Q&A also works pretty simply, if I notice a question is being asked a lot, no shame at all for asking, it’s just being put here so others will know before they ask and I don’t have to repeat myself 10 times lol. (not including in ask games lol)
(Also, while I don’t have any real questions rn as I’m writing this, I will answer some basic questions so y’all can get to know me!)
1). What do you do? I make art a lot and hope to work on animations soon!
2). Do you take art requests? Yes!! Unless I make an announcement otherwise, my art requests are always open!! If you have a request send an ask to my side blog @wishtale-art-requests Tho it might take a little bit to finish, especially if there is an event going on, it will be finished as soon as possible!!
3). Are you open to asks? Also yes!! Asks will be answered as soon as I’m available to answer them!!!
4). What characters have you made? I’m the creator of Wishtale that I currently only have an old ref sheet of Wish! sans (which I haven’t Wishtale worked on in a long while), and Monarch! Sans in the utmv community! And I also have my persona that ironically is also named Wish until I figure out a better name lol!
5). What fandom/s are you a part of? I’m a part of a lot of different fandoms, but the one I post the most about is utmv, although I do occasionally talk about fnaf and vocaloids!
6). Do you have any other blogs I should be aware about? Yes!! I have a second blog @wishtale-art!! This is where I post my final drawings, tho wips and other things I don’t want on my art blog will be posted on this blog! I also have a art request blog @wishtale-art-requests
7). What is your sexuality and gender? I’m lesbian and agender!!
8). What pronouns do you go by? I go by any pronouns!!
9). When is your birthday? My birthday is on December 14th!!:3
10). Is there any triggers I should be aware of? Cigarettes and vapes are something I don’t really like to be mentioned because they generally make me upset, also really suggestive stuff makes me feel really icky so don’t talk to me about those things please
Tags are where I’m going to put tags I use often and explain what they are used for!!
#📣wish announcements!📣- used for this post any updates on this post
#wish zoomies- for any post I reblog
#wish rambles- for posts I post that I talk about stuff!
#wish answers- for any asks I answer
#wish vents- for vent posts
#wish’s art- for any reblogs from @wishtale-art or any of my wips or drawings I post on this blog
#wish does polls!!- for any polls I do
#wish is real???- for any posts that have to do with me irl
#important stuff👆- for any reblog/post that has an important topic!
Please know that everything on this post is bound to change and be updated with time but I’ll do my best to let y’all know whenever any major changes happen!
Also, I made this as a very late thank you for 284 followers!!! I’m extremely grateful for each and every one of y’all that’s following me!!!
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the-void-writes · 3 months
OC in 15 or Less
Thank you @sergeantnarwhalwrites for the tag! Anyone is welcome to hop on, and I’ll tag @bloodlessheirbyjacques @tryingtimi @magefaery just in case you guys would like to join, no pressure 💖
The rules are to use 15 lines of dialogue or less that capture the vibes or personality of your character. Bonus points for being able to do it with one line, but it’s okay if you need more than one for context.
For this one, we’re doing Will from Freaks Of Preston. I tried to capture both his dramatic and funnier moments, but I’ve come to the realization that this kid is in desperate need of a personality lol
1. “What for?! He doesn’t even love me!” Will rolled up his sleeve, revealing the pale scars that ran across his arm. “I’m his little burden, the curse on his family— Why does he insist on keeping me?!”
2. “I just got you back. I’m not losing you, never again.”
3. He hopped off the bed in a flash, ignoring the pain that shot through his legs, and the spinning in his head.
“Where is he,” Will said, “did he make it—”
“Will, you can’t get up yet!” Sarah pulled him back. “You have to rest.”
4. “You can call me anything, really— except William.” He scrunched his face up. “Or Willy. That just sounds like an old man.”
5. “How can you stand it?!” The boy waved his arms wildly. “They talk all sweet and act like they’re sorry, but they never even liked Jason to begin with. They’re glad he’s dead!”
6. Will grinned. “Is that… disco? The cheesy, seventies disco music that you rolled your eyes at six years ago?”
Jason shoved the CD back onto the shelf, clearing his throat excessively. “You didn’t see that.”
“No, I think I did.”
7. “Pay them no mind,” Vesely said. “They’re going to be bitter. You’re not to blame for it.”
Oh, I know, Will thought, an unamused frown flickering across his face, believe me.
8. Jin poked his shoulder. “So when’s the wedding, huh?”
Will huffed. “I just found out that people can be attractive, I don’t think we’ll get to ‘marriage’ levels for a while.”
9. “Yeah, it sucks to be sick all the time. On the other hand, I haven’t slept this easily in years.”
10. “I only started fighting because you made me. I wasn’t trying to be a hero or a god… I just wanted my family back.”
11. “There they are, the triumphant heroes!” Henry hugged them both over the side of the couch. “You survived your day with that old devil and his family. How do you feel?”
Jason and Will let out a simultaneous “ehhhh” of fatigue.
12. “I know a lot of you are hurt, but we need to get you out of this car in case it collapses. If you can move, I want you to head towards the door in the back. I’ll help any of you who are injured.”
13. “I get it, okay? I’m a filthy fucking Freak with no place in your world, and nothing I do will ever be enough for any of you. I’m sorry you have problems with us, but I really— really— don’t care! There are people up there waiting for us, and I’m gonna make sure they get to see their families again. Can we at least come together on that?!”
14. “I spent so long trying to pretend I was Human, and I hated it. There’s so many amazing things I can do, if I just stop hiding who I am.” Will stared at his hands. “I want to be proud of myself, for once.”
15. “Take whatever you need from me, just leave them alone.”
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deedee-sims · 1 year
Sims Tag
I was tagged by @kaluxsims thank you! ❤
1. What’s your favourite sims death?
Dunno? Old age?
2. Alpha CC or Maxis Match?
Maxis match, although my aesthetic is more of maxis mix
3. Do you cheat when your sims gain weight?
No? Why would I?
4. Do you use move objects?
5. Favorite mod?
Community time
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got?
7. Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing?
Alive mode 😂
8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made?
Velma 😂
9. Have you made a simself?
Yeah, but I only used it once for a project.
10. What sim traits do you give yourself?
Perfectionist, Loner, Computer Whiz, Animal Lover, Good Sense of Humor I think
11. Which is your favorite EA hair color?
Dunno. Brown? What a question.
12. Favorite EA hair?
Store Bun Glam
13. Favorite life stage?
Toddlers, they’re so cute 🥺
14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay?
Gameplay, sometimes I struggle so much with building 😩
15. Are you a CC creator?
... yes?
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad?
I do 🤗
17. What’s your favorite game? (1, 2, 3, or 4)
Sims 2
18. Do you have any sims merch?
Well, not anything official, but one of my friends made our friend group sims themed tees for christmas, so now I have a green tee with a freezer bunny on it 😊
19. Do you have a YouTube for sims?
I mean, I uploaded some building videos to the simetriasims channel, but it’s been a while
20. How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing?
It got more consistent lol. But it really haven’t changed much in the past 10 years so 🤷‍♀️
21. What’s your Origin ID?
I haven’t logged into origin in the past like, 5 years, no clue
22. Who’s your favorite CC creator?
There are so many great creators, I can’t chooooooose 😩
23. How long have you had a simblr?
More than 9 years!
24. How do you edit your pictures?
I crop them and run an action on them in Photoshop 🤷‍♀️
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next?
I mean, I wouldn’t say no to more business-related stuff
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far?
I tag @episims, @katatty, @esotheria-sims, @tvickiesims, @themeasureofasim, feel free to ignore 😊
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sushisempai · 2 years
ACOTAR Head canons and short fic/fluff prompts I would love to see. I've been messaging with my bff about this stuff for weeks and finally am just going for it. Feel free to steal but please tag me so I can read them!!
I want to see that one menstrual cycle they had after they started trying to get pregnant because we know it was about 9 months between ACOFAS and ACOSF and I love that Rhys had already worked out permission to be a mother hen but now there was even more pressure on it.
I would love to see more of the stuff we didn't get to see about the pregnancy because we (the readers) were with Nesta, the baby kicking, Feyre being emotional. You know Nuala and Cerridwen knew before anyone else. Did they dote? Were they sneaking her treats? What was the story with Rhys's old sweater? How did the conversation with Elain go when she figures it out?
I really want to see more of the art studio and what it was like while she was pregnant. Did the kids say things? Ask to paint her belly? What was all that like with Ressina? Does Ressina become friends with Rhys? Does Feyre go back to teaching with her baby strapped to her chest? Does Ressina help with Nyx? Do the kids? Do the families of the kids start to get comfortable around Rhys?
I feel like it’s basically canon that Rhys is bi. My Mom is bi and she likes to point out girls with nice racks to my dad just to make him, and their daughters tbh, uncomfortable but he does it back. Family inside joke lol. I totally picture this for Feysand. As Rhys is like always trying to get another male in their bed, I also can see Feyre turning this on him like “He’s nice, what about him?”
Cassian would want all the kids and be like a *devoted* dad and despite her attitude I think Nesta would be an awesome mom. Cassian wants a huge family but Nesta will put a limit on it, so like that conversation in itself would be fun to see. I'm also thinking about how long lived they are, so Cassian will be like, "if there aren't at least 3 at a time it won't be enough chaos." Besides you know the house will be in on it. Forget childproofing.
Use this or don’t but basically my head canon is, I decided that Cassian and Nesta have the same spread of kids as the Carpenters in Dresden files. Oldest to youngest girl, boy, boy, girl, girl, girl, boy. I like this spread for them because I just love the idea of them having a big family.
Nessian Family stuff that is extra and emotional
I could also see Cassian just bringing home orphans, once they're established, like he hasn't felt competent to do so before but once he and Nesta are established he would be like "What's one more? Especially if you don't have to carry it!" "He's ready potty trained and the house will help!"
Up until now we haven't heard anything about the women who come to the library having kids. What if that is something Nesta and Cassian change?
If it helps you understand why this Nessian part went off the rails, I do trauma work with kids and teens and that has included a fair number of foster kids. So I think at a certain point this head canon got personal for me, so keep that in mind if you are like “Why does this crazy lady have so many specifics about bringing home kids.” But we also see how freaking relevent this is the Az and Cass! So I really feel this head canon.
I can completely picture Valkery training with adopted and traumatized teens, a baby strapped to Nesta's front as she teaches, a toddler on Cassian's shoulder as he teaches, Emorie tossing a kid to work her arms. Feyre and Nyx even joining sometimes.
Kids in general
I know a lot of people like the idea of Az as a Dad and I could get behind that (so please don’t blast me I enjoy those fics too!) But I can see Az being totally fine without kids. I can see him really enjoying hanging out with the madness of Cassian and Nesta's brood, or hanging with Rhys and Feyre and Nyx, and then enjoying some peace and quiet as well. Not everyone wants kids and there is no reason why he wouldn’t be an awesome and devoted uncle. I would love seeing his special relationships with all the kids.
At what age are the kids old enough to participate in the snowball fight and how does that work? I can’t imagine them telling the kids “no girls.” That is maddness. Not from our fae feminist bat boys! But especially if they all had different numbers of kids or Az didn’t have his own they would want to split everyone up and be fair! Though Az is of course super competative. I could see him calling dibs on older adopted kids or sweet talking some of Cassiens boys. He would sweet talk all the kids into being on his team, except Nyx who'd be stupid loyal. And I'm just gonna go with Cassian's daughters in specific would be always on his team because I love the idea of Cass having like 4 daddy’s girls.
Crackship Elain/Ruhn (hear me out) Cresent City crossover
There are a lot of possible ships out there that go against established mating bonds and it has been established that there is now ownership or inherent “right” to a person just because of the bond. Right?
Ok, if we're gonna undo mating bonds to troll the fandom, and the books are crossing over anyways, then my ideal crackship would be Ruhn and Elain. Have Elain come over to Cresent City to get a break from the maddness at home only to find new and different maddness!
It would be all of the precious cinnamon roll anyone can handle it any given time. They would take care of eachother, dote on eachother.
She would look at all of his tattoos and scars and talk about how beautiful they were. And he would just tell her over and over again how sexy she is without making her self conscious or objectified.
Right now she's like a toy the boys are fighting over. Ruhn would make her feel seen. And she would make him feel whole and special and valid.
Declan and Fynn would also dote on her!
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drawnaghht · 10 months
About the ship tags poll... Ah, sorry for not specifying ^^; I did post that the poll was about Yuichi x Rise!Leo specifically.
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I actually want to do a separate one for Leosagi, but this one was specifially just for Leoichi/Leochi! (or, me using mostly my own made-up tag, YuiNardo)
TL;DR - Leosagi and Leoichi/Yuinardo are separate ships :D technically we don't have this problem with other fandoms with newer versions of characters, or even with other ships like Donsagi, but since Yuichi Usagi is a separate character from his ancestor, Miyamoto Usagi, it would make sense to have separate ship tags as well. Especially since the tags already exist anyway, so why not use them per ship? It is also more respectful to both older and newer Leosagi fans and fans of both Usagi characters. I am all of these myself, so hah, this is all silly fanstuff, but I'd just prefer the separation bc the ships are too different to share a tag + it's easier to sort and find fanart/fic later if there are separate tags. So Leosagi poll will go up later!
Longer explain: there was discussion around it a year or more ago, + posts here and there on tumblr mostly, about how technically Yuichi Usagi x Leo is a whole new ship bc Yuichi Usagi is a whole new character from the Samurai Rabbit show... and how maybe it's good to use just the one tag for it? So the oldest unique name/tag for them seems to be Leochi/Leoichi. Since Miyamoto Usagi x Leonardo is an older ship that's been around for 19 years since the '03 turtles show and Leosagi has been the tag/ship name that stuck with that, it's a separate ship. So are the tags associated with it, such as Katanashipping and older tags (which I haven't seen people use anymore.) But people saw the similiarities of the two Usagi's (family after all, lol, but I wonder if there's something else simmering under there), and started tagging the newer ship as Leosagi too, almost as an umbrella term, since we'd briefly had 12!Leosagi as a ship, and people just like the dynamic that the 03 show introduced, but people liked the new TMNT cartoon too.
ROTTMNT didn't have any Usagi eps tho, so - some Rise fans had started making their own Rise versions of Miyamoto Usagi as well, well before the Samurai Rabbit show. And this new ship clashed with that a bit, because people were either taking the character of Usagi from the show and just giving him book/2003 Usagi's personality (so continuing what Rise!Leosagi shippers were already doing, but confusing the pool of thoughts there bc it's a new character w a new name). So the fans who use tumblr and draw/write for the ship got upset that this new ship was taking over the tags and clogging the tags with just Yuichi x Leo content. There’s also the distinction that og Leosagi in 2004 is a ship where they’ve interacted in canon - Usagi exists next to the TMNT in the cartoon, and I consider 03 Usagi a whole separate version of him because they seemed to have changed his backstory a bit + made him younger to match the turtles. There’s also history of the characters interacting in the comics, because their creators Peter Laird and Stan Sakai were friends and Leo is Stan Sakai’s favourite character of the TMNT. Yuichi x Leo is a crossover ship however. so the new ship was a surprise.
Perhaps at first, it was kinda fun to see new art or fic, but then I guess people started getting annoyed for how many fans were using multiple tags and including Leosagi in their posts too, even when Miyamoto Usagi is not there.  A lot of people treated the two ships as the same or made the name an umbrella  tag, which I sorta did too at first bc what, it’s not like there’s guidelines pinned to the start of a tag page on tumblr, are there? So imo, it’ll just sort itself out eventually the more people start using the unique tags exclusively vs the old tag. Sliderbunny was the Miyamoto Usagi x Rise!Leo tag for a while, but that's also become mainly used for the newer ship. I’m not sure if tumblr shows the contents of tags from over a year ago anymore, but there are most likely blogs still active which jave those older posts with tagging prior to Samurai Rabbit coming out on Netflix.
I'm more annoyed personally that people also mis-tag the characters and the book/show. They are not interchangeable! So yeah, it's been a whole many-posts-long discussion over this ^^;;
I also made longer posts thinking abt these myself but I'm not gonna link them here cuz these are just general polls of curiosity. But you can find them under "ship tags" tag on my blog if you get curious. RABNerd28 on youtube made a very succinct (imo) video about this topic as well, which summarizes many of the issues the older shippers find when going online to see content for their favourite ship.
I actually have no idea where Leoichi or Leochi came from as ship tags or why there are two spellings of it (almost like "two pronunciations" lol), but so far, it's a pretty popular tag. So there seems to be no need to double-tag it with Leosagi, when it's 2 different ships. I find it also that whatever the fan content for 2003 Leosagi or just Leosagi is in general, it would be nice to just respect fans who made the ship popular at first, when TMNT03 aired their Usagi eps in 2004. I actually shipped this too back in the day and still do, so for me personally, it's nice to have separate tags just so I can find things better on my blog + so if people who don't like one ship, they can always block the tag and not see those posts from me. Or just general consideration ^^ I think we don't have this discussion around the other usagi ship tags bc well, there are a lot less posts about these other ships both on tumblr and elsewhere, maybe the fans don't have the energy to argue about this?
Another result of earlier discussions and the general tag-clogging, lots of people also dislike the show and the character of Yuichi Usagi. I as a fan of both show and comic, really don't like that, so that's one more reason why using separate tags is better - so at the least: Leosagi and Leoichi separately.
i still prefer my own made-up tag bc it's more unique + sounds fun. also reasons why I made my own unique ship tag: fans make Yuichi really OOC in their art/fic, or they haven't seen the show or the flat-out hate the show.... which is all fine, ordinary stuff even, as far as bigger fandoms and fanworks go. folks make Rise Leo OOC often too, but no one bats an eye. But hey, it's just other fans having fun with concepts and ideas. That's what fanworks are. Transformative fiction. People can change anything they want. But I personally like the show and character, and I like the Usagi Yojimbo books too. So reading/watching and making theories and in-character or just plain meme/funny stuff is how I have fun.
whatever the reasons for the tag names, for this poll I just piled all the reasonable ship tags I could find for it (i.e. used in at least 2 posts) just to see what people use the most. seems that Leoichi is winning so far, which makes sense as it is easier to pronounce.
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sparklepocalypse · 5 months
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Fic Writer Interview
@energievie tagged me in this, and it looks like a fun way to pass the time... so while I'm waiting for it to be midnight so I can post my New Year's exchange fic -- here we gooo!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?  98 (as of January 1st, 2024. I'm counting tomorrow's fic today because by the time most people on my dash see it, it'll be next year. 😂)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?  396,868 words (as of midnight; 386,482 prior to midnight tonight).
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? They're all RWRB, sooooo:
What's Symbiotic Will Always Be [E, 2.6k words; 1.2k kudos]
Take it Down Low / Make Me Get High [E, 2.1k words; 1k kudos]
In the Low Lamp Light, I Was Free [E, 3.1k words; 798 kudos]
I'd Wanna Be Felled By You, Held By You [E, 2.3k words; 766 kudos]
On My Mind (Let's Go) [E, 10.7k words; 704 kudos]
More questions (there are 20 total!) and a blank version of them below the jump!
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I try to at least reply with an emoji if I can! But generally, I try to match the energy of the commenter. I really enjoy hearing from people about my work and want to make sure they know I appreciate them for taking the time to leave their feedback.
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? Oh jeeze, we'll have to harken back to pre-therapy Mags, well before 2023, for this question. (Current Mags has had a ton of therapy.) Probably I Stole Away and Cried [Supernatural RPF, M, 5.7k words]?
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending? I am a lady who loves a happy ending. I'm going to nominate So I Will Weather the Storm [Red, White & Royal Blue, E, 9.8k words] for Happiest Ending in a Mags Fic.
7. Do you write crossovers? I used to write fics with elements of both Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel the Series, but I feel like that... doesn't really count. I also cross canons in the Red, White & Royal Blue fandom... but again it feels like it doesn't count.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic? Absolutely. The early 2000s were a volatile time on the internets, as we fandom olds say.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? AHAHAHAHA wait, you're serious. Um... M/M, with a pocketful of kinks thrown in for flavor? My Kinktober 2023 [Red, White & Royal Blue, E, 92k words] series is a good place to get an idea of what sort of smut I write.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not to my knowledge, but I haven't been on Fanfiction.Net in approximately 15 years, and don't have a Wattpad account, so... who knows!
11. Have you ever had a fic translated? I don't believe so? But that might be fun.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Many moons ago, I used to co-write fic in the Glee fandom. I was one of the authors of the Kurtofsky IMs, for those of you who are in the know.
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship? Don't do this to me, fic writer interview! Umm... probably either Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes or Jim Kirk/Spock. And no, I've never written anything for either of them. But I've read both voraciously.
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? No comment. Because I don't wanna jinx it. Seriously. I haven't even started posting it because I don't want to jinx it.
15. What are your writing strengths? Smut, lol. Quirky, bantery dialogue. Making @hgejfmw-hgejhsf cry (complimentary, I think??).
16. What are your writing weaknesses? Finishing multichapter WIPs. 😐 Outlining -- I'm very much a "do what the characters want to do" sort of writer.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? I'm generally down if I have a reputable source for any translation! I speak English and German fluently, but when it comes to Alex's Spanish in my RWRB fic, for example, I rely heavily on online lexicons and people who actually speak the language natively.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for? Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to? Nope, not even thinking about other fandoms because I go where the dopamine goes, and I don't want to redirect the dopamine before I finish the fics on my Big Giant List.
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written? Written and published? Be Worthy Love, and Love Will Come [Red, White & Royal Blue, rated E, 30.8k words]. Written and not published? The Big Giant AU [Red, White & Royal Blue, rated E, wordcount still growing].
Want to play along? Blank version below!
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
7. Do you write crossovers?
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
15. What are your writing strengths?
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
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111forgiveness · 4 months
Thank you to my wonderful Hel @holedyke for the tag!!! Mwah mwah xxx 🐇
I tag @dreamweavers @flamejob and anyone else who wants to partake !
1. are you named after anyone?
My first name was after an old song, however my middle name, Rita was also my grandmas name, and she was named after the old actress Rita Hayworth because my great grandma loved her lol
2. When was the last time you cried?
Like two nights ago… I was watching Caroline Polachek perform fly to you live and that song makes me emo
3. Do you have kids?
Naur 💋 one day though
4. What sports do you play/have played?
I’ve played a good amount but Ive never been athletic ever but I wished so badly I was growing up. I played soccer, softball, gymnastics, dance and in high school I had a short roller derby career and rugby but I got badly injured and couldn’t play again
5. Do you use sarcasm?
6. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
I would probably say just their overall appearance… like how they’re dressed etc. if they smell I notice that too immediately
7. What’s your eye colour?
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
I like scary movies better and I love a good terrible hopeless ending
9. Any talents?
Erm… I don’t know I think I’m an okay singer, and I have been told I’m a good writer. Im pretty creative which I would say is probably my biggest strength
10. Where were you born?
Ontario Canada near Toronto
11. What are your hobbies?
I like to read and write when I’m not super depressed. Im on the middle of writing something big and I haven’t worked on it in a minute. It seems like I’ll never finish it but I’m determined to. I also watch a lot of movies and crochet and collect trinkets and physical media
12. Do you have any pets?
A bunny! He just turned five. I had another bunny but he passed away a few years ago
13. How tall are you?
175-178 cm
14. Favourite subject in school?
I LOVED biology. I was so good at it I had like a 97%. I wasn’t good at chem though so I had to drop in grade 12 because I couldn’t do biochem, but ask me anything about the body lol
15. Dream job?
Something in film. I’d love to one day be a filmmaker. I love production work so I’m happy for a while to just be a crew member doing whatever. I’d eventually love to write and direct.
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