#he lets him get his stress out but also make sure he doesn’t go overboard
voltrixz · 4 months
ELECTRO. SHOCKER. ELECTRO SHOCKER. AGRHHRHH. electroshocker and their contrasting personalities and how it affects their relationship……. (I would ramble here but I got shy so rambling in tags )
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ayylovley · 3 months
Hello! if it's not a bother for you can you please write part 2 of boyfriend and jealousy headcanons for Johan Seong, Vin Jin and Seonji Yuk?
yee part 2 with Johan, Vin jin, and Seonji, and feel free to ask for a part 3👍🏼(slight nsfw)
𝔹𝕠𝕪𝕗𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕕 𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤 𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕥 2
⋆˚✿˖°Johan Seong
❤️Johan would not know how to be a good boyfriend, at first
❤️once he learns it goes 180 and he’s such a good boyfriend that you wonder what happened to the old Johan…
❤️I feel in order to date him you’d have to be friends with him. He got trust issues (every issue)
❤️how you met in the first place would be you did something kind for him.
❤️he seems stand offish and cold but when he gives you those sweet smiles is when you fell for him first
❤️once he trusts you he’d be clingy. In his head. Trying not to be a bother but he wants to be with you every single day
❤️as a boyfriend, he would want to be with you while he lives more comfortably or at least if he has money finally
❤️he wouldn’t want you going through the poor life with him because he wants to give everything
❤️he gets in a bad mood easily but with some soft kisses and comforting touch a lot of it goes away
❤️he’s definitely a virgin
❤️but a fast learner
❤️amazing kisser
⋆˚✿˖° Vin Jin
❤️you’re gonna be stuck listening to his raps more often…
❤️not that they’re bad, just that most of them are about him.
❤️and you’ll listen anyway cuz you honestly like his over confidence
❤️however he doesn’t actually think that he’s the most handsome guy in school, he said he hates handsome guys and that part of his personality is just not to let people make fun of him.
❤️you’re the one who said he’s very attractive and meant it
❤️you got him blushing. That’s actually a hint of what got him asking you out
❤️even when you say it to him a lot he’s blushing and pretends to be mad at you for it
❤️”damnit (y/n) shut up with the sappy shit.”
❤️you’re raising his ego about his looks that wasn’t even there before he met you.
❤️still though he’s an asshole
❤️he’s confident about how he is in bed…
❤️honestly for good reason because he’s got a little experience and the rest is just natural talent
❤️and since you’re not a fling he will want to be better for you
❤️he’s an idiot goof and that’s why you love him
❤️like how Mary needs to control him you’d also have to otherwise he will think that he can act up around you
❤️and since he’s around you almost everyday he slowly dials down his prick side to other people
(I went a little overboard with Vin Jin hey he’s my second favorite in Lookism ok…?)
⋆˚✿˖°Seongji Yuk
❤️if you remind him how handsome he is and how you love every part of him he turns flustered as hell
❤️not very affectionate in public but times you’re hanging out with The Cheongliang Fam he’s more talkative with you and would touch you a little more
❤️but once you’re alone that’s when he can’t have his hands off of you and smothers you with kisses
❤️would teach you how to make tanghulu
❤️he doesn’t know much about sex stuff, just the basics
❤️he’s got 6 fingers tho so once he learns more about it he’s suddenly skilled (knows how to use every single one)🫣
❤️wouldn’t know how to kiss at first, he’d feel embarrassed and needs a little guidance
❤️once he gets the hang of it his kisses leave you wanting more
❤️would make sure everyone in the fam gets along well with you, you’ll become best friends with Mary!!
❤️your biggest protector and if there’s a situation where he can’t, he orders Cheongliang to do it
❤️best nights is when you’re all together by a fire telling stories or joking with each other and then once you’re alone with Seongji again he holds you, no worries or stress just good vibes
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ctitan98official · 4 months
Anonymous: sub Miranda priestly? 👀🙏❤
Fuck yeah! I’ve always had a head canon that she’s a sub. She’s just incredibly stressed and definitely needs to be taken care of. Reader, as usual, is gender neutral. Let’s get into it!
You had been Miranda’s assistant for much longer than most. You attribute your staying power to the fact that you just don’t really care about wearing expensive clothing and the latest styles. You want to be true to yourself. You don’t care if you fit in with everyone else’s expectations. Of course you dress professionally, but you don’t go overboard. You’ve done your research and understand the business, however, you’re not getting discouraged and drained by it. You’re confident in yourself and don’t feel the need to put up a facade.
Sure. Nigel and Emily tease you. But slowly, they’ve come to accept you for who you are. You three often go out for drinks after work.
Miranda, however, has apparently not warmed up to you as much. (That’s actually not true, though. She’s just really good at hiding her attraction to you.) She still won’t call you by your actual name and sends you on ridiculous errands. But, she has also started asking for you to bring the book by the house. She only sends people she trusts with the book. You’re honored.
Today, Miranda is in a much worse mood than usual.
You, Emily, and Nigel are chatting and making each other laugh when Miranda arrives. She’s half an hour later than she typically is and that’s seemingly contributing to her frustration.
She storms in and flings her jacket on your desk, unintentionally knocking Nigel’s scalding hot cup of coffee all over the front of your shirt and in your lap.
If Miranda noticed what she did, she didn’t acknowledge it. She goes right into her office and closes the door.
You hiss in agony as you bite back some cuss words.
Nigel gasps and immediately grabs some tissues to try and soak up the spill on your desk. “Are you okay, Y/N?” He asks, horrified.
“Yeah, Nigel. I’m fine… But, I can’t walk around like this all day.” You say and grimace at your stained clothes. “What the hell am I going to do? I don’t have the time to run home and change.” You ask.
Nigel looks at Miranda’s closed office door. He can tell she’s going to be a while. He turns back and grins at you. “Where do you think you are, Y/N?” He says… And immediately decides to make you his next project.
Nigel gives you tons of clothes to try on. You tell him he’s going overboard, but he just glares at you and you shut up.
By the time you’re done, Nigel has picked out the perfect sleek suit for you to wear. He helps you style your hair and tells you to go look at yourself in the mirror.
“Wow… That’s me?” You ask in shock. You look like a completely different person.
Nigel nods with a pleased smile. “It’s certainly an improvement.” He says jokingly. “Keep up that usual confidence and people are going to think you own Runway.” He winks.
“Thanks, Nigel. I really appreciate it.” You tell him.
“Don’t thank me, I was just tired of seeing you dress like an accountant.” He says, crinkling his nose.
You roll your eyes and get back to the office. As you walk in, Emily almost spits out the tea she was drinking before she starts coughing violently.
You raise a perplexed eyebrow. Emily’s cheeks are burning. “What is it, Em?” You ask.
Emily composes herself and clears her throat. “So, you actually look decent for once. Hell must have just frozen over.” She says, trying to seem disinterested in how great you look in your new outfit.
“Haha, very funny.” You say and go to sit back at your desk.
Before long, you hear Miranda’s voice from her office. “Emily.” She says. You huff. She said it in the tone she uses when she means you.
You quickly get up and walk in with a notepad and pen. “Yes, Miranda?” You ask and look down at the paper to get ready to jot some stuff down.
Miranda doesn’t speak immediately.
The silence makes you look up at her in confusion.
Miranda’s face can’t hide the shock she clearly feels. Damn. You look really hot. She can’t help but wonder how much better it would look off of you, though… With your hands exploring her body… Shit! Pull yourself together, Miranda! She thinks harshly to herself and tries to snap out of the trance you’ve put her in.
She knows what a heartthrob you are (She’s not dumb), but this… This is just not fair to suddenly spring on her.
You clear your throat after Miranda’s been staring at you for a while.
The editor slightly shakes her head before her brain gets the message to start working once again. “Get Marc on the phone and make a reservation at that place I like. And Patricia needs to be picked up from the groomers.” She says in her calm, but demanding voice. Her momentary internal freak out has finally passed.
You nod. “I’m on it.” You say quickly and leave.
Miranda clenches her jaw. This is Nigel’s doing, she’s sure of it.
The rest of the day goes by routinely. Impossible demands are met and you take great pleasure in your efficiency. Later on, Miranda leaves for the day and you finish up some work before going to take the book over.
You get to the townhouse and enter… However, there is an immediate and noticeable tension. Something is wrong. You hear a man’s furious voice and… Miranda’s. You can tell she’s trying to placate whoever she’s talking to, but the man’s voice only grows louder. You’ve never heard Miranda so… Shaken up. You look up at the stairway balcony and see two frightened little redheads peeking their faces out at you. They are silently pleading with you to do something.
Your vision goes red. You stomp up the stairway and make your way to the sound of Miranda’s voice. She sounds… Scared. You turn the corner and see a man, about Miranda’s age, yelling and berating her. You’re almost positive that this is her husband. You and Miranda’s eyes meet. She is so relieved to see you.
The man reaches out to grab Miranda’s arm roughly, but you immediately pull him back by his collar before he can lay his disgusting hand on her. You shove him hard up against the wall, seething. “Alright, you’re done, asshole! Let’s go!” You tell him and drag him harshly down the stairs with your arm tightly around his neck.
“Who the fuck are you?!” He shouts, grunting in pain from your iron grip.
“Your worst fucking nightmare if you continue to make bad choices.” You say darkly. “If I see you back here again we’re going to have a problem. Get it?” You ask and violently shove him down the townhouse’s front steps.
The man stumbles and trips over himself. He splutters as he gets up and looks at you stupidly.
“Beat it!” You yell at him.
The man sees the rage in your eyes and decides to get going. He’s not going to mess with you.
You watch as he leaves like a pathetic idiot. You make sure that he’s gone before closing the front door, locking it, and sighing. You turn around and see Miranda at the top of the stairs.
Her eyes are red from crying and she looks so… Vulnerable.
Cassidy and Caroline begin to sob as they hurry over to hug their mother.
“It’s okay, bobbseys. Mommy’s here.” She assures. Wow. Her voice is so soft and warm right now. You… Love the sound of it like this. It’s comforting.
You quietly make your way up the stairs. “Are you all okay?” You ask gently.
Miranda sees you approaching and begins bawling herself. She reaches out to pull you into a group hug with the girls. “Thank you, Y/N. Thank you.” She says.
Your eyes grow wide. You’ve never heard her say thank you before. You enjoy the feeling of them all in your arms. You could certainly get used to this.
You four finally pull away from each other, but Cassidy immediately clings to your side. She feels safe with you. Not to be outdone, Caroline quickly grabs onto your other side. You look to Miranda in astonishment and she can’t help but chuckle tearily as she looks at the shock on your face.
“I would say that you have won these two over.” She says with a smile and looks at her precious daughters.
You decide that you rather like the idea of the girls approving of you.
Miranda leads you all to the girls’ bedroom and Caroline and Cassidy immediately hop in the same bed and cuddle with each other. Miranda tucks them in and sits on the edge next to them. “Now, bobbseys. I know that was very scary.” She says. “But Y/N protected us.” She says and looks at you in gratitude.
“Thank you, Y/N.” Caroline says.
“Yeah, thanks, Y/N!” Cassidy eagerly adds.
You blush intensely. “My pleasure.” You mumble out, embarrassed.
“Stephen will not be a problem any longer.” Miranda says, looking back at the girls. First thing in the morning, she’s filing divorce papers against that son of a bitch. A restraining order too.
“So, Stephen’s not going to live here anymore?” Caroline asks.
Miranda cups her face. “No, he won’t, bobbsey.” Miranda promises.
Caroline nods, feeling relieved.
“Now, would you like a song to help you fall asleep?” Miranda entices.
The girls eagerly nod.
Miranda turns to you and pats the bed next to her. You quickly take a seat and can feel her lightly leaning against you. She’s so warm. She gently holds your hand and squeezes it.
Miranda sings a beautiful Yiddish lullaby. You are once again falling in love with her voice. You could listen to it constantly.
The girls are soothed by their mother’s singing. They quickly fall asleep.
Miranda ends the song and kisses each daughter on the head before standing up and guiding you out of the room. She turns off the lights and closes the door.
Miranda grabs your hand and leads you to her bedroom. “Y/N, I… I can’t thank you enough.” Miranda says, breaking down once again.
You wrap her in a hug. “Hey, it’s all going to be okay.” You tell her and rub her back.
Miranda lets herself cry for a minute and you calmly whisper soft reassurances in her ear. You will never let anything harm her or the girls again. Something about your dynamic with them has completely changed. You will protect them with your life from here on out.
After Miranda has allowed herself some time to cry, she suddenly pulls back and looks at you closely.
You look back at her. “Miranda?” You ask.
“I… Feel safe… With you, Y/N.” Miranda reveals. She’s just pinpointed why she loves being around you. Every time at work when Miranda has forgotten something or made a tiny mistake, you swoop in and fix it… And now… This. You’re like her own personal superhero.
Miranda’s statement makes your heart rate pick up. You love that you make her feel secure.
“I think that… I haven’t felt truly safe and protected like this since I lost my father.” Miranda realizes and looks you in the eye. “I… Want you here with me, Y/N. Please, will you stay tonight?” She pleads.
You had no intentions of leaving anyway. You wanted to make sure Stephen was really gone. You smile. “Absolutely. I’ll go sleep on the couch.” You tell her. “Good night, Mi-”
“No!” Miranda all but shrieks.
Your posture becomes rigid. Miranda’s never raised her voice before. It’s quite startling. You turn to look at her but Miranda suddenly cups your face.
“Please… Stay in here with me.” She begs.
You can’t say no to her. You nod. “Okay.” You agree.
Then… Something happens that totally changes you for good. Miranda leans forward and places a gentle kiss to your lips. Your brain short-circuits for a second before you kiss her back. Her lips are so velvety. You need more.
Miranda moans softly and it’s the most tantalizing thing you’ve ever heard. She pulls away and looks critically at you. “Nigel knew what he was doing when he dressed you.” She says with a small smirk. “What an evil way to torture me all day.” She whispers.
You laugh and wink. “You can blame yourself for that. You spilled coffee all over me.” You tell her.
Miranda is mortified. She doesn’t remember that. “I… What?” She asks, confused.
“Forget it. I’ll tell you later.” You grin and start to trail kisses down to the base of her throat.
Miranda whines as she grips your hair, wanting you to keep going. You carefully pick her up and lie her on the bed before positioning yourself on top of her. “Let me take your shirt off, doll baby.” You tell her and begin unbuttoning her fancy blouse.
Miranda all but melts as she sees the feral look in your eyes. This is what she needs. To be taken care of and… Completely worshipped.
Note: Haha, so no smut, but the unexpected dom/sub dynamics were really fun to work with on a more emotional level. Depending on if y'all like this one, I may write some smut for it. Hope you enjoyed this!
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missywritesfor7 · 3 months
❤️‍🩹Lifeline | MYG❤️‍🩹
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Synopsis: It’s long been controversial for idols to date, but idols dating each other can be really beautiful or a complete nightmare. When Yoongi's relationship with another idol is discovered, he decides maybe it’s time to break the taboo and show people it’s ok for idols to date. Instead, they find themselves caught in the midst of one media frenzy after another and struggle to keep their relationship as strong as it had been the past 2 years. Yoongi finds a self destructive way to cope, and it causes even more problems than it solves. As they fight for their relationship and their careers, they discover that sometimes, the only way to truly be free is to let go.
Pairing: idol!Yoongi x idol!OC
Warnings: nsfw, alcoholism, cheating, depression, anxiety, Yoongi goes through a bisexy ho phase, Yoongi is also in his alcoholic phase, post-military BTS
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Ch. 12: Guilty
Hyeri began shooting for her new miniseries with lots of enthusiasm. She’s determined to blow everyone away and make JJS see that she doesn’t need fake relationships and other gimmicks to gain viewers. She simply wants to act and be great at it.
Yoongi is still working on his group and solo music, but he also took on a big project for an interactive music exhibit. It’s something he hadn’t done before and he liked the idea of a challenge. However, he didn’t realize how much of a challenge it really would be. It’s more than producing and writing a song. It’s also breaking down every single element of the music in ways he’d never done before. Every instrument, beat, reverb, etc. has to be finely dissected for this exhibit. It’s taking more out of him each day and the looming deadline isn’t much help.
Yoongi and Hyeri have seen less of each other lately. It’s not something new for them, but as usual it’s not exactly easy either. While they’ve been making progress in rebuilding their relationship, it’s still nowhere near 100%, and that only makes these extended times apart even harder.
Hyeri still doesn’t trust Yoongi. She’s happy that they’ve been getting closer again, but she still doesn’t trust him. The less she sees of him the more she worries that he’ll slip back into drinking. She knows he likes to have a glass or two when he’s working, she just hopes that if he does have a drink he doesn’t go overboard.
She’s constantly checking for any signs that he may have slipped up. When he’s not home she’s checking all of his hiding places for new bottles. When he is home she stays close to see if she can smell alcohol on his breath or smell his attempt the cover it up. So far she’s found nothing but she still wants to stay vigilant.
Yoongi knows Hyeri has been working extra hard on this drama. After her falling out with JJS over her unauthorized statement, she’s felt like she has to prove herself even more as an actress. Yoongi can tell she’s been more stressed than ever and he wants to make sure he doesn’t do anything to make it worse.
He hasn’t drank a thing since he’s been back working in the studio. He knows the guys are still trying to keep an eye on him and he knows Hyeri has been digging through his things looking for hidden drinks. He doesn’t blame anyone for it, he put this on himself.
None of that changes the fact that he’s under a lot of stress though. His solo work isn’t so much an issue because he can work on that for as long as he wants and release it whenever he wants. His group work and the special project he took on however have deadlines and it’s weighing him down.
He submitted the songs he had for the group, but there were a lot of changes that were suggested he make on nearly every one of them. Each song had something that wasn’t quite right, or something one of the guys felt was either too much or not enough. He’s starting to feel like he can’t get anything right.
The deadline for his exhibition project is coming closer and that isn’t helping. He’s worked tirelessly on the project but still can’t seem to see the end in sight. He had no idea it would be so labor intensive.
Everyday he leaves the studio to go home he hears the faint whisper of the hidden bottle of whiskey in his car. Everyday he has to use every bit of power in him to ignore the temptation. If Hyeri smells it that could be the end for him.
Then he has a particularly rough day. He can’t take any more. Nothing is going right. His computer crashed before he could save his work and he had to start over. His melodies weren’t flowing right, and his beats were falling flat. He finally walked out of his studio to get some air.
His legs carried him out to his car in the parking garage. He considered going home for the day. Maybe calling it a day early will give him time to relax a little and maybe he’ll feel more refreshed in the morning.
The moment he sits in the driver’s seat he can only sigh, groan, curse, then sigh again. Going home now would just leave more work for him to have to rush through later. He leans his head back and takes a deep breath. He just needs a moment to clear his mind before he jumps back into work.
It’s a long moment. A frustrating moment. He feels so on edge and the only thing he can think to ease his anxiety is a sip from the whiskey in his car. A small sip, nothing crazy. Although a small sip is crazy for him, so he takes more than a sip.
It’s like he lost control of himself for a brief moment. His hands were moving but he wasn’t the one moving them. The moment the dark beverage touched his tongue he felt like an electric current shot through his entire body. It invigorates him so much he can’t help but take another gulp.
“Fuck,” he exhales. That drink shouldn’t feel so good.
He sits a little longer fighting with his better judgement before he finally gets out of his car and heads back to his studio. With the bottle of whiskey tucked into his pocket. He knows he fucked up. The bottle is small, it can’t be that bad.
He gets in the studio and takes another drink. The small bottle is half empty now. He knows he should stop. It’s the only bottle he has so he should save it. It’s too bad that the worst part of him has come out and forced his hand to put the bottle to his lips and finish the rest off.
He immediately throws himself back into his work. It’s strange how he feels more productive now. Maybe it’s the whiskey or maybe it’s the guilt trying to mask itself as productivity. Either way, he’s able to power through and make good progress. By the time he leaves later that night he feels like he’s actually accomplished something.
He gets home, cleans himself up, and slips into bed next to Hyeri who’s already asleep. He makes sure his breath doesn’t have a hint of alcohol smell then allows himself to drift off to sleep.
Yoongi wakes up the next morning to an empty bed. Hyeri has been starting her days extra early for her scheduled shoots. Yoongi typically tries to wake up with her just to see her off, but he’s not always able to do so like today. He slept so hard he didn’t even hear her leave which he typically does. He gets out of bed to get his day started. He makes himself a quick breakfast and gets ready for another day in the studio.
On his way there he’s hit with that sneaky voice telling him he should stop and pick up something to drink along the way. It’s tempting. He feels like he got so much more work done yesterday once he had a drink. He knows its a slippery slope though, and yesterday was only a mistake he made in a moment of weakness. He goes straight to the studio without giving in to the temptation.
Getting himself started is rough. He stares into space for about 20 minutes before he finally snaps out of it and begins working. It’s frustrating. Nothing is flowing. That spark of life he had yesterday is nowhere to be found.
He sits in annoyance a moment before his body falls under the control of some outside force and he taps a message out to one of their managers. He’s not proud of himself. He knows he fucked up. He knows it’s so damn hard for him to stop. He’s so ashamed of himself.
Though he only requested a single bottle of whiskey, his manager returned with that plus a gift with a bottle of cognac from one of the brands the guys represent. They get gifts like that all of the time from sponsors, prospective sponsors, and various companies just trying to get their name out there. The timing of this gift couldn’t have been worse though.
Yoongi knows that if he got the gift, so did the rest of the guys. If the rest of the guys got it then they know he did too. If they discover he had even the smallest sip from the bottle they would notice and probably cause a scene. So he puts the bottle up on his shelf to replace one of the decorative bottles that Namjoon had gotten rid of. If anyone were to come and question him they would see that the unopened bottle is on the shelf untouched.
Instead, he cracks open the bottle of whiskey the manager brought him and takes a big drink. That electric feeling comes back and he feels empowered. He gets back to work feeling the boost of productivity running through him.
Yoongi tends to work long periods of time without a break. He only pulls himself away from work to take a breath and another sip of whiskey when he feels the effects of the last one had already worn off. That’s how his day goes.
The next day isn’t much different. The only change is that he stops by the liquor store on his way to the studio to get himself a new bottle of whiskey to take the place of the one he finished off the day before.
The day after that, he does it again. This time he just buys a bigger bottle so that it will last him a bit longer. However that didn’t work the way he thought it would, so the following day he buys two big bottles. By the end of the week he’s downing at least a big bottle and a half a day.
Then one day, just a week shy of the deadline for his special project, he drinks two bottles of whiskey because he’s so stressed. In his mind it will give him a boost. In reality, he’s practically useless. The additional bottles of tequila and gin he asked a manager to get for him certainly hasn’t helped either.
That night he gets little done. He can’t concentrate and he can hardly see straight. He’s only able to sober up slightly when he gets a text from Hyeri asking when he’d be home. He knows he can’t go home in this state. She’ll no doubt smell it on him and get upset.
“Fuck,” he groans trying to type out a message to her.
The guilt sets in almost immediately after he tells her he’ll stay the night in his studio because he still has much to do. He didn’t want to fuck up again and give her a reason to leave. He felt like he got so lucky with the second chance she gave him, but now he’s realizing that he’s already fucked up that second chance the moment he drank the whiskey he had in his car.
He knows he can’t face her when he’s like this so he tries avoiding her. He stays that night in his studio. He goes home late the next evening knowing she’ll be asleep when he gets there. He washes up and gets in the bed next to her as if he hadn’t spent the majority of the day drinking. When he wakes the next morning she’s already gone. It’s almost as if he doesn’t have to face her at all. He doesn’t have to face the guilt.
Except when she calls him during her breaks and constantly texts him whenever she gets a moment. She may not be able to see him, but the guilt beats him down more and more every time he sees her name show up on his phone. He thought he could stop on his own or at least cut back, but every time he fails.
Hyeri is no fool. She was suspicious of Yoongi before he even gave her a reason to be suspicious. She knew he had a bottle of whiskey in his car. She found it when she was leaving for her shoot one morning and thought she had left her sunglasses in his car. At that time the bottle was still unopened. When she checked a few days later, the bottle was gone.
At the very least she knows he drank the whiskey. His behavior since then has led her to believe that he’s definitely drinking more while he’s in the studio. She knows he’ll shut down if she tries to confront him about it. Even if he admits it to her, she knows he’ll get defensive. Not only that, but she knows he likes to have a drink while he works. While she would prefer if he didn’t drink at all right now, she doesn’t want to seem like she’s attacking him if a small drink at work is all he’s having. Too bad that’s not all he’s having while he’s working.
He’s drowning in another bottle in a desperate attempt to find the motivation to get through his work. Instead he spends much too much time scrolling his phone. He goes from unmotivated to terribly guilty when he comes across an article about Hyeri.
The article talks about Hyeri working on a new drama and how she’s recovered from her car accident. Actually it talks a lot about her accident. It’s not a very long article, but the pictures included are what hit Yoongi the hardest. The first picture is just her smiling face from a red carpet event she attended a year ago. Her sweet smile that he’s fallen head over heels in love with. Then the next picture is one that was taken of her car after her accident. Until now, Yoongi hasn’t seen any photos related to her accident. He had no desire to see the carnage he felt he created. But now that carnage is staring right back at him.
He knew her car had been totaled but he never saw how the front of her car had been completely smashed in. He had no idea she hit the pole so hard that it was left tilted, having to later be replaced. The crushed metal and shattered glass feels like it’s choking him as his eyes remain glued to the photo.
“I should have been with her,” he softly cries to himself. “I’m no good for her.”
The guilt comes pouring out of his eyes and he can’t stop it. He feels so guilty for everything. He wishes he was there for her. He wishes he could have comforted her while she was hurting. He wishes he could have stopped her from going out that night. He wishes he wasn’t such a drunken piece of shit.
Through his tears he searches the internet for a solution to ease his guilt. He feels he needs to do something to make up for everything and more. He wants to give Hyeri something big enough to make up for his infidelity and his excessive drinking that he’s still partaking in behind her back. He hates himself so much.
The next day he can’t bring himself to go into the studio. Hyeri has an evening call time for once so he wants to stay home with her while he can. His guilt is soul crushing so he’d rather stay with her to stay away from temptation than go to the studio and keep making things worse. Because he knows he won’t be able to resist a drink the moment he gets there.
He starts the day making her breakfast. He showers her with love and does everything to make sure she doesn’t have to lift a finger. Hyeri relishes in the princess treatment that he’s giving her. She mentioned being a bit sore in the shoulders from yesterday’s shoot so Yoongi gave her a massage when she was done with breakfast.
Throughout the day he tells her how much he loves her and how lucky he is to have her. He mentions feeling like he’s still not enough, but she scolded him as she always does when he says those things. She knows he’s not without faults, and neither is she, but she wouldn’t still be there if she didn’t feel so strongly for him. She has hope that they can survive anything if they can survive all they’ve gone through during his tour. She knows she’s probably being naive as usual, but she’s always felt Yoongi had something special. Something she’d never experienced before. A love she never knew existed.
He caters to her every need. Makes her the most delicious food while keeping her diet in mind. He never makes eye contact with people when he’s speaking to them, but he’ll always make eye contact with her. He makes sure she has everything she needs to get through her shoot and throws in a couple of snacks that she can munch on if she gets a little hungry. He offers to drive her to set where he’ll pick her up later once she’s done. She tries to tell him there’s no need for him to go out of his way, but he insisted.
After he gets her dropped off for her shoot he begins putting his plan in motion. He heads home to switch cars. He takes Hyeri’s rental back to the rental lot. From there he gets a manager to take him to a luxury dealership where the 4-door navy blue luxury sedan he bought for Hyeri is waiting for him.
She told him not to buy her a car. She told him a few times. To Hyeri it’s too much and she would feel bad accepting something so extravagant. To Yoongi, it’s only a small piece of a larger operation to show her how much he loves her and definitely not to try masking his own guilt for slipping into his addiction again.
Yoongi makes a few more stops before he gets home. He starts by setting up the large flower arrangement near the front door. It will be the first thing she sees when she walks inside. From there he has an assortment of Hyeri’s favorite cuts of meat. She enjoys having her own bbq experience at home so Yoongi made it happen with a table grill set up on their balcony outside. In the bathroom is a full spa set equipped with face masks, bath bombs, body scrub, and moisturizers. Laying across the bed is a cozy robe and fuzzy slippers for her to slip into after her relaxing bath. Along with that is the necklace he bought for her in New York. He never sent it with the other gifts he got her because he wanted to give it to her when he got back. Of course things didn’t quite go to plan so he had it tucked away in one of his bags where he’d forgotten about it. Now he’ll finally give her the lavish necklace that he knows she’ll love.
Yoongi set up what he thought would be the perfect evening for Hyeri. He set up everything she loves and bought her a car that he knows she’s had on her wishlist. The final touch before he left later that night to pick her up, was the trail of rose petals he left going from the front door to the bedroom. She always loves that extra romantic touch.
Yoongi drove Hyeri’s new car to pick her up from her set. Since she wouldn’t know to look for that car, he parked and stood outside waiting for her to emerge from her trailer. He’s nervous and he isn’t sure why. Would she be upset with him for buying her a car when she told him not to? Would she immediately realize that he’s doing this because he feels guilty for relapsing?
“Hey!” Hyeri says approaching him. She has a big smile that lets Yoongi know she had a good day. “What’s this?” She asks looking at the shiny new car she hasn’t seen before.
“Your ride,” Yoongi says opening the passenger side door for her.
“What?” She asks while getting in anyway.
Yoongi runs around the car and hops into the driver side. He’s been sober all day and he’s proud of himself. He flashes his big gummy smile at Hyeri then pulls off to head home. He feels invigorated. Sure his guilt is the reason why he’s doing this, but the anticipation to see how she’ll react to it all makes him ecstatic.
When they arrive home Yoongi opens the door for her so she can enter first. She immediately gasps at the trail of rose petals across the floor and the large floral arrangement in front of her.
“Yoongi,” she says admiring the flowers. “What is all of this?”
“There’s more,” he smiles gesturing for her to follow the trail to the bedroom.
Hyeri walks along the fallen petals to the bedroom where she’s greeted by her new robe and spa set. She’s in awe at everything Yoongi has put together, and even more impressed when she feels how soft and cozy the robe is.
“Yoongi,” she says turning to look at his smiling face standing in the bedroom doorway. “You did all of this?”
“Yes,” he says stepping towards her. “It’s all for you, babe. The flowers, the dinner I prepared, the robe, the car. It’s all yours.”
“The….car?” She thinks a moment at the car he brought her home in. The one that did look suspiciously like the car she had been wanting for a while. “Yoongi, no.”
“It’s yours,” he says handing her the key.
“Yoongi,” she says trying to hold back tears. “How? I mean, why? For me? Why?”
“Why not?” He smiles. “You deserve all of it and more.”
He interrupts her by placing his lips on hers. She leans in wanting to savor this feeling of him being so warm and affectionate. He hasn’t kissed her like this in so long that she almost forgot what it feels like. He’s so delicate. So gentle with her.
“I love you,” he says pulling her into him tighter. “I know I’m a fuck up, but I love you more than anything in this world.”
“Yoongi,” she says softly as she wraps her arms around his neck.
“I’m sorry for everything I’ve done,” he continues. “I know this isn’t enough to make up for all the shit I’ve done, but I will make it up to you forever, Hyeri. I love you.”
“Baby, this is all so…” she pauses unsure of the word she’s looking for to describe how full her heart feels right now. Instead she leans in and kisses him gently. “I love you so much.”
She kisses him again lingering against his soft lips. Everything she’s feeling is so overwhelming that all she can do is press her body into him harder. She continues kissing and pressing him until he falls back onto the bed with her still attached to his lips.
Hyeri can’t help herself. She hasn’t felt Yoongi like this in too long. Certainly not since before he went on tour. She straddles him and pushes his back flat on the bed. She goes in for another kiss, then slides her tongue into his mouth. Not tasting alcohol on him only fuels her more. He did all of this for her and he’s sober. This is the Yoongi she fell in love with.
Yoongi can’t even comprehend how good he feels right now. He’s missed her taste and her touch. He’d been so guilt ridden that he tried to avoid intimacy with Hyeri. He craved her touch but felt like a shitty person when he thought of how much he hurt her. But now that guilt is taking a backseat to the feeling of her removing his shirt and kissing a trail from his chest all the way down to his belly button.
Hyeri is eager and assertive in a way she’s never been before. She’s usually the submissive one. The one who simply lays back and lets Yoongi take control and send her around the world. Not this time. She’s overwhelmed with so much feeling that she hardly even gives him a chance to take a breath. She has a new drive and motivation that’s powering her to remove Yoongi’s pants and begin massaging his growing hardness with just the amount of pressure she knows drives him wild.
All Yoongi can do is let out a breathy groan at the sensation he gets from her touch. This is the side of her he’s not used to. This confidence and control she’s showing as she removes her own clothes and makes herself comfortable straddling his lap again. She goes in for another kiss and he can feel her grinding her wet pussy against him. He’s about to go feral.
His hands trace every part of her body while she’s still attached to his lips. Once she feels he’s reached the pinnacle of longing, she lifts herself then slowly, gently, and delicately slides down his shaft taking every part of him in. The mewl she unleashes gives him chills.
Her love is incredible. The way she has full control as she bounces up and down is insatiable. He reaches for her breasts and teases her nipples pulling a heavy moan out of her. Her breaths increase and all he can do is marvel at the way she starts to unravel on top of him.
She leans into him while still bouncing her hips up and down on him. Her mouth finds his neck and she bites him like she never has before. While it isn’t unusual for her to nip at his skin, this time was much different. She was still gentle as ever, but he could tell she wanted to leave a mark with that bite.
That’s exactly what she did. That was her goal. He’s hers and she’s his and she wants it to be known. For the first time, after the fighting and heartache, she doesn’t give a damn who knows about her and Yoongi. She wants the world to know.
Yoongi hisses when she slides her tongue over the mark she left. It stings so good to him. He tightens his grip around her body bracing for his impending explosion. He can tell she’s close to her end too.
She keeps her rhythm until she can’t will her body to go any longer. She’s trying to find stability when Yoongi pulls her even closer into his body and begins picking up where she left off. His hips piston into her until she lets out a loud whine and goes limp into him.
He chases his undoing with the sound of her trying to catch her breath in his ear. She means everything to him. More than he can even describe. He can’t believe he had ever been so stupid to get so drunk on tour that he let complete strangers give him blow jobs without a second thought.
No one could ever love him the way Hyeri loves him. No one could ever make him feel as good as she does when he hits his climax and cums to the sound of her moaning in his ear. She’s the best thing that ever happened to him and he did the dumbest, most unforgivable things in his mind while on tour.
He holds her tight, cradling her head and holding her against his body. He tries to catch his breath but he suddenly finds himself trying to hold back tears. He’s never loved someone like this in his life and no one has ever shown him the level of unconditional love that Hyeri shows him.
He slowly pulls out of her but keeps his hold on her body. She softly kisses his neck giving him a warm yet guilty feeling.
“I love you,” Yoongi says. He wishes he could say more but if he opens his mouth again he may lose the fight against his guilty tears. All he can do is continue holding on to her as if she would disappear forever if he let go. She means the world to him but he’s convinced he’s a piece of shit. He knows he’s a piece of shit.
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kurooblossom · 1 year
Diabetic!Reader Headcanons (Tears of Themis Edition)
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♡ Characters: Artem, Luke, Marius, and Vyn
♡ Warnings: gender-neutral, mentions of alcohol, blood, dieting for health, needles, and other medical supplies, not proof read
♡ A/N: Okay. So this has been sitting in my drafts for awhile. Full disclosure, I have not touched this since I first started playing the game and I didn’t bother going back and edit it. So I do apologize for any possible ooc-ness. I wrote this shortly after my original post  and before the second post for the Obey Me cast so... yeah. 😅 Like last time, I did write this with type-1 in mind, but this should also work with type-2 as well. Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong about anything!
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Artem’s reaction to your diabetes depends on how long you’ve had your official diagnosis.
Diabetic or not, Artem naturally slips into an caretaker role when it comes you. He wants you to be at your best and he will do everything within his power to get you there.
Artem sometimes goes overboard, especially early on in your relationship. He does relax some the longer he spends time with you. He still worries, but definitely becomes more rational about it. 
He personally sees that both his office and the firm’s pantry stays fully stocked of foods that you like and that are good for stabilizing your blood sugar.
He keeps an eye on you when you work, making sure you don’t over do it and put yourself in danger.
He keeps spare alcohol wipes, napkins, and more in his car just for you.
Artem will reassure you anytime you go to an some type of party that it is okay to refuse drinks. Drinking too much alcohol will effect your blood sugar dangerously after awhile after all.
If you don’t listen, drinking out of an sense of obligation, he will swoop in and lighten the load... if not completely. Please take care of him. Artem is an lightweight.
He may overdo it at times, but he has your best intentions at heart and you really appreciate it. Just be gentle if you need to tell him to dial it back. 
Luke worries about you a lot in general, but especially your health. So naturally, he is on top of everything in regards to your diabetes.
Low blood sugar? He’s got snacks.
High blood sugar? He’s got the spare insulin you keep at his place.
Need someone to help you change your insulin pump? He’s got you. He’s practically a pro at it.
You’re passed out and need your glucagon pen? He’s got you.
Luke keeps an emergency kit just for you at his apartment and regularly renews items within the kit if they’ve expired. So if you were to ever leave your home accidentally without grabbing your necessities, he can quickly bring you the supplies he has.
He always asks you if you’d like to join him for his jogs and other regular exercises. When you go out with him, he slips some snacks into his pocket or bag just in case. While you don’t want your blood sugar to be high, definitely don’t want it to be too low.
Luke is prepared for the worst case scenario and it has helped you out on a few occasions. 
♕ MARIUS (cw: possibly suggestive scenario?? I don’t think it is, but just in case)
Marius is one of the more relaxed about your condition. He knows you know more about, not only diabetes, but your body than he does. So he lets you take charge 99% of the time. You’re probably nearly about to pass out or something during that 1%. 
He asks Vincent to keep an decent size supply of any of the products you will need while you are with him both in the office and at his home. He doesn’t want you to stress out about it when you’re with him. 
If you are self conscious of the light bruising that is sometimes left over from all the times you’ve had to prick your skin, he will pepper kisses in those areas and tell you how beautiful/handsome you look, bruises and all.
He tries his best to learn as much as he can so if the occasion arise to where he does need to step in, or someone else, can get you the help you need.
Much like Artem, his reactions are based on how long you’ve had your diagnosis.
Vyn is mostly hands off when it comes to you, only stepping in to help when you ask or things seem to be going into an dangerous territory.
Along with Luke, Vyn does well with all the needle work you have to deal with. So any help you need with changing your insulin pump, for example, is no problem. 
Much like the others, he will keep various of supplies you might need around his place. You guys spend most of your free time going out, but there are occasions when you either go to your apartment or come to his. So it’s good to be prepared just in case.
He brushes up on his diabetic knowledge when he started to get closer to you, wanting to be able to care for you if an emergency came up. 
He quickly picked up on the physical signs you give when you are either high or low. If you haven’t checked in awhile and you are showing those signs, he gently asks if you have checked in awhile. 9 times out of 10 he has been right. 
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Ghost Death Theory Time!
I have basically no proof for any of this, it’s just for fun and I’m sure there’s going to be a line or detail I’ve missed as most of my Ghosts knowledge comes from Tumblr because I’m English and episodes are hard to find here.
Note: Trying to work out the cause of death for any of the ghosts (in either series) is difficult because by nature of being family-friendly(ish) shows they can’t go overboard on the body horror and also whatever makeup they do has to be cheap and efficient enough to do every day exactly the same, particularly for our main cast. So it’s not surprising that most of these theories centre on the idea of internal injuries. All that being said, I believe Hetty and Sass are the only true mysteries left so let’s get into it!
Pushed: Much like her BBC counterpart I think it’s possible Hetty was murdered by someone she knew. However, if she were pushed out of a window like Lady Button I don’t see why they wouldn’t also carry over the joke about noisily reenacting her death every day. For some reason, my brain latched onto the idea that she was pushed out of a moving carriage. There was just something about everyone’s reactions when she got exorcised out of the car, I don’t know. For many reasons (clothes and hair in perfect order, no broken bones, it wouldn’t really make sense) I don’t think this is it. But I like it so it’s on the list.
Hoity toitied to death: Maybe something stressed her out so much, something was so contemptuous, someone so impertinent, that she had an aneurysm. Obviously, if she had had a stroke or something they couldn’t keep giving half her face muscle relaxant for shooting (yeah I don’t like that image either), so it would make sense if they were choosing to exercise creative license and have all the damage be out of sight. All that cocaine she took in life probably wouldn’t have helped, either. Speaking of…
Drug overdose: I think this is a popular theory but not one I particularly like because that would bring our count of drug-induced deaths up to three, and given that a house full of dead people is the perfect opportunity to get creative why wouldn’t the writers take it? However, I do think that their mutual love of drugs has probably been the topic of a pillow talk or two between her and Trevor- and who knows, maybe dying from the same thing is one of the reasons they bonded in the first place?
There isn’t really any one cause of death I’d bet on with Hetty, although the fact that we got the beheading, lightning strike, and mass disease deaths carried over from the original show makes me think a Grey Lady-style end is a very real possibility.
It is possible that Sass has a fatal injury somewhere under all his layers, though I’m not sure what the most prominent offensive weapons were in his lifetime so I can’t say how likely that is. I’m not sure whether that would be something he’d have disclosed by now either, albeit everyone else who died by another’s hand doesn’t half go on about it. Two things we do know about him are that he is very defensive and hates being embarrassed, so this leads me to think that perhaps his life was cut short by something comparatively pedestrian (and dare I say Isaac-like?). How about these:
Foodie misadventure: This tracks, right? He saw an unfamiliar berry or type of plant during his travels, it looked/smelt good, he ate it without due diligence and died either immediately or a short while after. Explains no physical indications for his death, his love of food, and why he might not want to advertise that he got taken out by a berry he should have known better not to eat. My money’s on this one.
Illness: Boring, but effective. He got sick with something only antibiotics could cure and he died young and unfulfilled *sad face*.
The elements: To be honest if one of the ghosts had frozen to death I like to think they'd be our Mary equivalent but with icicles clinging to them instead of smoke. That would be cool. I don’t have a lot to say about this one but it’s a possibility so it’s on the list.
I think that’s pretty much it for Sass theories- unless he’s got a stab wound hidden somewhere I do think that given his lifestyle and times he died of literal natural causes.
So what do you think, anything you agree with/disagree with? I honestly loved considering all these theories and I’m dying to hear everyone else’s ideas!
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theyscreamjade · 1 year
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It’s Giving Christmas 
「 Y’all, how could you all not tell me I don’t have a Christmas headcanon? I swore I made one..but eh! If you want more with a Christmas, hit me up! I’ll do another! ~ෆ」
⊰ Safe For The Kiddiesও
↬ word count ᱺ 1.4kෆ
↬ Disclaimer: Christmas Cheerও
Taglist ➸ @janshu , @namjoonswifeyy
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Izuku Midoriya
⧽ Deku is the one person you’d love to spend Christmas with. 
⧽ Besides him working, he had every single gift on everyone’s lists set and ready. 
⧽ He got your gifts while he was between his patrols and hid them all at his mother’s house. 
⧽ But everyone else’s? They’re all brought, wrapped, and prepared with pretty bows. Some are wrapped, some are in those bags and some gift cards are hanging on the tree.
⧽ Your families here from America, crashing at a hotel until the day of Christmas. 
⧽ He knows how much Christmas means to you, so he makes sure to take a week off. Besides, much isn’t happening because of the cold.
⧽ You both listen to Christmas music while preparing Christmas dinner, making you and his favorites along with a few others. 
⧽ (To my people, you know those chitterlings are on the stove.)
⧽ He likes the traditional festive dinner, turkey, and everything because there are a bunch of people coming over.
⧽ Ever since he first rescued Eri, he devoted himself to ensuring that she gets a gift every single year. From the stuffed animals she once wanted to the newest phones since she’s reaching her teenage years. 
⧽ The night before Christmas, you bake some cookies and let him bite one off to act as if Santa was here. 
⧽ When you’re asleep, he sneaks out and bounced over to his mother’s home. She helps him sneak the gifts for you over and underneath the tree. 
⧽ Deku is one of those types to remember any item you mentioned you’d needed. 
⧽ For example, if you said you wanted a laptop lap desk so you can sit on the couch and do work without being in pain from your back.
⧽ Boom, brought it that night. 
⧽ He knows you like the back of his hand, so he buys you certain items like bras and more. 
⧽ A true topper for him is getting you a car or a new phone, laptop, or something. 
⧽ You’re massively surprised when you wake up and see the pile of gifts and presents underneath your tree
⧽ The minute everyone’s over and everyone opening gifts, you can’t help but smile at how much he listened to you. 
⧽ Once the gifts are opened and everyone had their fill of dinner. While cleaning up, he’d walk over with the wishbone. 
⧽ You washed your hands off quickly before taking the other piece and pulling with all your might. This time, he collected the majority. 
⧽ “What did you wish for?” You’d ask, looking up at him as he smiled. 
⧽ “What more can I wish for? All my wishes can true when I met you.” He’d reply.
⧽ A very merry Christmas
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Katsuki Bakugou
⧽ Lemme just say this, Mister Boom Boom brought all your gifts throughout the year. 
⧽ He had that shit the minute you’d point it out. But he knows you, just because you point at it, doesn’t mean you need it. 
⧽ He also tries not to go overboard with the gifts, your ass is spoiled enough. 
⧽ So, The week of Christmas? He uses his PTO (Paid Time Off) and helps you decorate the house. 
⧽ He’s a perfectionist so….he’s decorating the entire house. He wants the best home on the block, trust and believe. He’s gonna achieve it
⧽ He’s got a reputation to protect and a one-sided rivalry with the neighbors. 
⧽ Candy canes lead up the driveway and walkway. 
⧽ Christmas lights are placed perfectly around the house. 
⧽ It’s not basic, to say the least..but he also doesn’t want to cause a power outage like the people down the street. 
⧽ While getting a few last-minute gifts like gift cards and candy, you’d go around and see the other homes with him. 
⧽ He talks mad shit about them but..honestly, he loves how your eyes light up at the homes that look beautiful to you. 
⧽ Gift wrapping with him is…whew, stressful. He’s like a drill Sargent. Too much paper, Not enough paper, too much tape, did your mother teach you this shit? 
⧽ He doesn’t like messy wrapping, he likes hard work and dedication. So he might kick you out if you can’t do it right.
⧽ When it comes to food, he tends to change it every year. He likes to incorporate where you are from with his and your family so everyone’s comfortable. 
⧽ For example, if you’re from the south in the US and the fam’s coming? They’re coming the night before and they’re cooking all night.
⧽ You’ll have southern food in Japan..bomb. 
⧽ When everyone heads home and you’re getting ready for bed, he’ll lie and say that Kirishima needed some help…but he’s getting your gifts.
⧽ That’s where he hid them, at Kirishima’s place. 
⧽ Zap Zap and Stupid hair help him place all your stuff down while you’re in the shower, and they were out the second you were out.
⧽ Christmas Day comes around, and your family is having fun with his parents. It’s beyond adorable. His mother and your mother were best buddies while your dad and uncle talked with his father. 
⧽ Bakugou’s gifts to you consisted of gift cards to your favorite places to eat and shop. 
⧽ The ultimate gift was him getting you one of those necklaces that would send your heartbeat to you. 
⧽ His was black and yours was white. It was one of his ways of ensuring that you know he’s alive when he’s doing his hero work. He knows his job makes you worried.
⧽ With every gift opened, every belly full, you guys watch Christmas movies on his tv while cuddling. 
⧽ “So…what do you want next year?” You’d asked, curiously as his crimson eyes looked towards you. 
⧽ “I already got it.” He replied, confusing you.
⧽ “What was it?” You asked as he turned his head towards you and smirked.
⧽ “I got to see that pretty smile on your face..that’s all I could ever ask for.”
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Shoto Todoroki
⧽ I can’t say this enough.
⧽ Don’t go window shopping with Shoto, he’ll buy everyone you point at. 
⧽ He doesn’t know better and he means well when he does…
⧽ Cause due to you two window shopping, you’ve got a damn mountain of gifts that even makes Fuyumi worried. 
⧽ Oh! You guys don’t celebrate Christmas at home, you guys travel to Endeavor’s many vacation homes. This time, it was in the mountains. 
⧽ You were able to patch up things between Shoto and Endeavor since everything that’s happened. 
⧽ He trusts you when you say that Endeavor is changing and it kinda made him feel a bit better. 
⧽ So! An entire week and a half with Endeavor can be endured with you. 
⧽ For starters, They don’t wrap gifts. Shoto doesn’t know how..and Fuyumi usually suggests placing it in a bag to save time. 
⧽ You spend A LOT of time as a family, from Christmas movies to games and more. Fuyumi is practically bouncing with excitement at the fact they’re all together. 
⧽ The night before Christmas, Shoto does tell Fuyumi that you two will be busy. He takes you by your hand and covers your eyes, taking you outside the door.
⧽ He soon revealed a horse on a sleigh, surprising you with this every year. 
⧽ The ride is cold but made better due to the fact Shoto’s left side is like a personal heater. It keeps you warm while you enjoy the beautiful scenery and the northern lights. The sky’s so clear and beautiful.
⧽ Once back home, you two immediately head to the bathroom and then to bed to rest before the next day. 
⧽ You’re basically drowning with gifts, from items he noticed you looked at, showed him and more. He’s extremely observant.  
⧽ When I mean by this is like this, you show Shoto a picture of a rice cooker you thought would be cool on Amazon.
⧽ Shoto: Immediately buys it. 
⧽ Unlike other dinners, you two head to Deku’s place. 
⧽ With Bakugou and others all over, it’s a massive gift exchange and a delicious meal in which you all share. 
⧽ During the drive home, you smiled and looked toward him. “Do you ever get bored of doing this every year?” You asked as he shook his head.
⧽ “Why not?” You questioned as his hand slid into yours. He pulled with him towards his lips and smiled. 
⧽ “Because every year…I get to spend Christmas with you.”
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jongbross · 6 months
I rly like your analysis of Minseok. Tbh I think Sehun is similar (I mean, he’s an Aries just like Minseok). Obviously, he would love his partner to try out the things he likes and vice versa, but wouldn’t force himself to like if he doesn’t, ya know? (Tho how he communicates this may lead to some issues). And he expects his partner to be similar in that regard.
What makes him and Min different is how they express themselves with their partner. Minseok would definitely be more vocal about his affection while Sehun wouldn’t. I think it extends further into him being the youngest in his family and in exo. Again, being quite overloaded on love and affection, makes him a bit hesitant about opening up as he’s concerned he won’t be able to match the effort his partner gives. That’s why I believe he would be the embodiment of “actions speak louder than words”. He would show how much he cares for his partner rather than say it. Obviously, he’ll say “I love you” or “thank you” every once in a while, but not often. I don’t think he’ll go overboard by spoiling his partner to death but maybe a nice gift here or there to show his appreciation.
But another aspect where they differ is spontaneity. Minseok seems like the person to plan out a date or event weeks or months in advance while Sehun would be like “hey, let’s go on a drive around Seoul?” or “let’s take a walk by the Han river” randomly at like 10:00 pm on Tuesday night where he and his s/o end up at random street bar by the end of the night.
I have no idea if this makes sense or not lol 😂. It’s just something that came to mind. You can totally ignore this if u want.
thank you so much! <3
yeah, i absolutely think they're different. minseok can talk about his feelings better than sehun can, you're right on that one. i think i've mentioned one time, that i think sehun has some trouble telling people how he feels because he was raised receiving love, so he doesn't "know" how to give it back.
sehun is also a lot more "loose" than minseok? in the sense that he doesn't take things too seriously or don't worry too much about the future as minseok does. maybe it's his age too, the way they were both raised, i don't know. but sehun can be way more easygoing than minseok.
another point: minseok seems to be a lot more stressed than sehun. not the sehun doesn't get angry or stand for what he believes is right (we all saw how he acted when that rumor that he was gonna be a father happened, how he stood up for himself and didn't take no shit from anyone), but it takes a lot more to get under sehun's skin than under minseok's.
they're different types of aries, that's for sure.
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tokyoghoulnurse · 2 years
Hello! I was curious if you could do some Tsukiyama Shuu headcannons with a female reader who has a tendency to bottle up all of her stress and anger? If not, then that's okay. Thank you.
“Allow for cracks”
Thank you for requesting! I can’t believe it’s July, that’s mad. Have you been watching any good show lately? I’ve applied for another job phew..
While at times he may seem ignorant, Shuu is very observant and considerate of his partners feelings. He will notice quickly when she’s starting to get ticked off, tired or upset since he can spot even the slightest changes in her demeanour or replies.
He will make sure to take his partner away from whatever is stressing them out if possible, be it through taking her for a walk in the gardens, having some coffee together or let out her anger through breaking spare plates and cups. Shuu also wouldn’t be against having a sparring match if his significant other wanted, he will cater to whatever helps them.
If she’s a human, he’s willing to have whatever food she likes made. Her favourite food is foreign and not readily available in any shops? Next day delivery on spot. Best cakes in the country and sitting down together talking about what’s been bothering her - silence is fine with him too if that’s preferred.
He would prefer if his partner told him what’s wrong, and if they want to rant for ages, huff and puff about their problems and hit the table occasionally in heat of conversation then he would lend an ear. Equally if his partner didn’t want to tell him what’s up, he would find alternatives to relieving her stress and anger without talking. He can be surprisingly respectful with personal space. Shuu trusts his partner to come to him if anything is too overwhelming.
If someone is the cause of her frustration he will deal with them accordingly. Nobody should be bothering his beloved and he may have to be stopped from going overboard. He means well really!
Shuu won’t ever judge his lover if she find herself incapable of saying anything and instead crying. Crying is perfectly healthy and he will remind you of that, as he often cries too. He will gather her into his arms and soothe as much as he can, lightly running hands down your back and sitting perfectly still.
Because of his own outbursts of emotion, if his partner ever has one as a result of constant bottling up he will definitely be prepared for it. He will let her yell out whatever she wants until the quiet phase comes and he can deescalate the situation gently. Shuu won’t be angry and will even encourage his partner to yell about what made her worried or angry if it helps. After all it doesn’t hurt him nor her, and it works.
If his lover has other ways of venting pent up emotions, such as music, art, dance or sport then he will enable her to vent that way. Shuu will provide any supplies, space or even his time if you want or need it. He will happily dance with her or participate in any sports together if it makes her happy.
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morganlefaye79 · 11 months
20, 35, and 43 for Joris? Thank you!
Thank you very much for the ask! 💛💜
20. Do they have a strong connection to their culture?
From age 2 Joris grew up in The Netherlands where his parents fled from. He didn’t know that until his uncle had died. 
He loved it. Especially sitting at the canals, watching the water. And from time to time jump off a high bridge into it. (in a I think this is fun way)
He knew the “Dutch culture” only from pictures because most of it was gone by the time Joris was a young adult. The beautiful windmills from the pictures were torn down long ago to make space for modern constructions. Joris loves the pictures he saw about the tulip fields, but they also had to go, mostly because of environmental issues. Tulips could now only be grown in big greenhouses to shield them from outside. Which made them so expensive that you could only have them on special occasions, and only if you were rich. The cheeses which were a delight were now just as good as the artificial ones because there was not enough space to let cattle roam on grass fields. All in all there was not much culture left to connect to.
35. Do they believe in fate or do they believe they are in charge of their own destiny?
Joris is not really sure what to believe, he rejects any form of religion because they are man made and in his opinion just a tool to control people. Which doesn’t mean that he thinks that there is nothing out there. He does believe in fate and that things happen for a reason BUT he also thinks that you can change things yourself at certain points in your life, every choice you make, changes the outcome. 
43. Can they handle stressful situations?
Joris is good at managing stressful situations. He goes on some sort of autopilot until the situation is over. Most of the time he however doesn’t remember anything that he did or said during the time. Did he kill someone, or many? 
One time he killed a whole squad of Arasaka goons, and he couldn’t remember afterwards. He heard the next day in the news that someone killed them and he was like “Oh, that guy made a real mess there.” When Vicco told him that he was the one that made the mess, he was like: “What?” 
It happened shortly after Joris arrived in NC and they visited Vik to check Joris. As it turned out, Arasaka (or more likely his uncle) had tempered with his sandevistan. He always felt that something was wrong with it but since he only went to Arasaka doctors no one ever found something.
Vik is not able to deactivate it and says he would kill Joris if he would switch out the sandevistan for a different one, so he has to live with it until they find a solution. Nix later on tells him that every Arasaka Netrunner has this feature implemented, himself as well. The only solution is to not get into stressful situations.
I guess I went a bit overboard here 😆 Oh, well some extra lore as a treat.
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waveblazer · 1 year
dares you to do johnwes and hanktodd
Here's JohnWes, but hanktodd is gonna take a minute
Rate the Ship -  Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs
How long will they last? - Until Death Do They Part
How quickly did/will they fall in love? - For John it was love at first sight/very quick, for Wes it took a little while because mourning
How was their first kiss? - spontaneous, tender, intimate
Who proposed? - Wes
Who is the best man/men? - For Wes: Sandy, for John: idk maybe Johnny Quick because I like their dynamic
Who did the most planning? - Both
Who stressed the most? - Neither
How fancy was the ceremony? - Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big.
Was a small and intimate affair at the Dodds Brownstone with their closest friends
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? - unfortunately John’s parents because they got “married” in the 40’s and it would not have gone over well. By the time they were able to marry legally, his parents were dead. 
Who is on top? - Wes
Who is the one to instigate things? - John
How healthy is their sex life? - Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now
How kinky are they? - Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head
How long do they normally last? - You don’t find success as a mystery man without building up stamina
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? - Usually, yes
How rough are they in bed? - Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it.
Honestly all of the above but it depends
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? - No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory.
How many children will they have naturally? - 0
How many children will they adopt? - Wes already adopted Sandy when they got together so at least 1
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? - N/A
Who is the stricter parent? - Honestly they both spoiled Sandy quite a bit, but maybe Wes because John doesn’t wanna overstep as Stepdad, so if he was unsure he deferred to Wes’ call. But neither of them let him run wild.
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? - Sandy was a preteen sidekick to his adoptive father. Most stunts were encouraged. But for the more dangerous stuff, I guess whichever one was there. 
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? - When Sandy was in school, Olga and Mr. Humphries still worked for his parents, so them. But if they were to adopt another child, John simply because John cooks more often.
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? Wes
Who cried the most at graduation? - Wes
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? - N/A
Who does the most cooking? - in the 40’s Olga was the main cook in their house but after she retired John took over.
Who is the most picky in their food choice? - Neither
Who does the grocery shopping? - Both
How often do they bake desserts? - 
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? - 
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? - Wes because John cooks more often normally so he likes to take over and cook for his husband for the occasion.
Who is more likely to suggest going out? - 
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidently while cooking? - Neither, but Wes is less skilled than John in the kitchen so if it were to happen it was probably when Wes was trying to teach himself how to cook
Who cleans the room? - Wes? 
Who is really against chores? - Neither
Who cleans up after the pets? - The only pets they have are John’s spiders so I guess John
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? - Neither
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? - John because he’s cooking
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? - Sandy
Who takes the longer showers/baths? - John, but they do shower/bathe together relatively often so there’s that.
Who takes the dog out for a walk? - If they had a dog, idk Wes maybe. More likely Sandy would be the one walking the dog.
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? - Major holidays only. And they keep it relatively simple, but when Sandy was a kid they used to do more. 
What are their goals for the relationship? - They just wanna spend the rest of their lives together with mutual love, respect, and support.
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? - John
Who plays the most pranks? - Neither
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creepyschoolgirl · 1 year
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Just some stuff of Johan x my self insert that deals with us being a couple. Trigger warning for mental illness, talking about personal issues, relationship problems.
Johan’s and i relationship is far from perfect! We do have our differences and we do fight like most couples do. Also, when I started getting paranoid about him going find someone better then me and those thoughts of jealousy over someone or something doesn’t exist we started go to couples Therapy together work on things.
Johan sometimes gets bit overprotective and gets bit much but he trying get better hints why we in couples therapy. I know people some people get disbursed by this ship maybe they not used seeing Johan getting better and having Healthy Relationship that has it flaws. All relationships has it flaws and it’s normal for us fight but it started get bumpy sometimes that’s why we going to therapy.
I think Johan dose have depression but he good at masking it. But, sometimes he just breaks down sometimes when he can’t take the stress anymore and I let him lay on me to vent out his feelings. Definitely has ptsd from when in the anime he blacked out when he saw the book. I try not talk about things that trigger him and he dose same thing for me.
I usually sleep a lot when I am depressed so Johan tries keep me company when that happens. Also I get a lot of migraines at times so Johan always dims the lights in our apartment and keeps it dark in our bedroom when it happens. Also he makes sure I am eating enough as well and also lets me keep our bedroom cool because I hate overheating.
Johan is the best person talk to because he just listens and talks about the situation with me if needed. I always give him advice if he needs it and sometimes he chuckles at me because I am way too honest sometimes! But, he usually tells me when I am going overboard with my honesty.
Also Johan and I usually have moments where we eat dinner together but when I am less talkative he usually asks if I am okay. We have small conversation then he good at getting me talk about whatever bothering me also he pats my head when I feel down.
When Johan is depressed I try my hardest make him feel better but I tell him it’s ok not be okay. He sweetly smiles at me and reaches his arms out to hug me if he in our bed I give him big hug him then we end up cuddling each other. Also he tries to vent but he not used talking about his emotions so I just give him kisses and hugs.
I play with my hair awhile nervous so I can see Johan playing with it too when he sees me playing with it. “ my little camellia is so anxious isn’t she?” He asks me awhile kissing my cheek then I just melt into him awhile he continues playing with my hair.
Johan and I both very happy when we have time together but sometimes we like being alone sometimes as well bunt we end up getting lonely. We end up together in bed just talking or cuddling he doesn’t want me on phone during those times because this Julia and Johan time only!
Also, we tend bicker about me being fidgety sometimes in the bed when we are about go bed. “ Julia you keep moving around you just kicked me in the stomach.” “ I am sorry honey I can’t relax!” Johan just tries to make sure I can relax before we go straight to bed.
I get overheated sometimes at night so I run a mini fan Johan ends up freezing his ass off throughout the night. The poor man gets cold easily and he just sighs loudly I know he getting cranky because he cold. “ honey just grab a other blanket.” “ Julia my little camellia you can’t be possibly that hot!” He ends up buried in three heavy blankets and I am in booty shorts and crop top because I am hot as hell sweating my ass off lol.
I can see me and Johan wanting look cute together like, sometimes he steals my chokers and then we take cute sometimes sexy photos together. Johan learned embrace his feminine side with me around and we almost had open relationship with Jan Suk but kinda flopped but we might give Jan other chance lol the J polyamorous relationship was thing once @muzumi-san I still remember us laughing about Jan is so into it and Johan and I are like, “ ehhhhhh”
Last one for now!, speaking of our open relationship with Jan Suk once Jan used be very affection towards the both of us! Jan just a very hyper active puppy I mean man lol he would take me and Johan out to dinner and then try move in with us or he wanted us live with him. It didn’t work very well the poly thing because jealousy started happened and Johan and I might try it again with him but this time we have set boundaries.
Thank you so much for reading!💕 please if you don’t like it just be respectful and if you do like it feel free tell me what you think! Also I am open to constructive criticism!💕🥰
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elentarial · 11 months
Celegorm/orome for the relationship meme :)
Thanks for the ask @curumeaningwitch
Rate the Ship -   Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs
How long will they last? - Until Celegorm swears the Oath to retrieve the Silmarils
How quickly did/will they fall in love? - Celegorm was pretty instantly obsessed with Orome the first time he saw him as an elfling
How was their first kiss? - literally earth shaking; Orome is a Vala
Who proposed? - no proposal, Celegorm willing gave himself to Orome after a hunt
Who is the best man/men? - N/A
Who is the bride’s maid(s)? - N/A
Who did the most planning? - N/A
Who stressed the most? - Orome
How fancy was the ceremony? - Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big.
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? - Fëanor
Who is on top? - Orome
Who is the one to instigate things? - Celegorm
How healthy is their sex life? - Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now
How kinky are they? - Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head
How long do they normally last? - Orome is a god, they go until he gets bored or Celegorm can’t physically take it anymore (though he says he can)
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? - no, Orome gets his and doesn’t really care what incarnates want. He’s a vala after all.
How rough are they in bed? - Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it.
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? - No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory.
How many children will they have naturally? - 
How many children will they adopt? -
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? - 
Who is the stricter parent? -
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? -
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? -
Who is the more loved parent? -
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings?
Who cried the most at graduation? - 
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? - 
Who does the most cooking? - Celegorm
Who is the most picky in their food choice? - Neither, eat what you kill
Who does the grocery shopping? - Orome, Yavanna’s gardens and all
How often do they bake desserts? - Celegorm can make a pretty fair cake over a campfire
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? - They both pretty carnivorous
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? - Orome
Who is more likely to suggest going out? - Celegorm
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidently while cooking? - neither, fire safety is important
Who cleans the room? - Orome’s Maiar
Who is really against chores? - Celegorm
Who cleans up after the pets? - Celegorm
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? - Celegorm
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? - Celegorm
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? - Celegorm
Who takes the longer showers/baths? - Orome
Who takes the dog out for a walk? - Celegorm, duh 🤪
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? - they celebrate the changing of the seasons
What are their goals for the relationship? - show complete devotion for Orome
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? - Celegorm
Who plays the most pranks? - Celegorm
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ssvperboy · 2 years
Ultimate Ship Meme Christmas Edition - Florence & Kyran
Ultimate Ship Meme Christmas Edition || accepting
Which one of them:
Spikes the eggnog? We all know the only right answer is Kyran lmaoooo
Hangs the stockings? Florence, but Kyran might helpppp
Leaves cookies and milk out to keep up with the Santa tradition? Florence and Kyran 300% thinks it is equal parts dumb and cute lmao
“Accidentally” throws away the fruitcake: Kyran. Florence is too niceeee to lmaooooo
Goes overboard on the whipped cream? Fleur, yessss lmaooo I think even if Kyran was making her a drink, she would ask for more whipped cream
Is the inevitable Christmas Grinch? Kyran. Florence LOVES christmas!
Wakes up first on Christmas? Florence, especially to make sure everything is perfect for the rest of the day 😌
Rolls their eyes as the same cheesy carol plays in the stores for the millionth time? Kyran, 100%! Fleur would have a balllll with all the christmas carolssss
Starts playing Christmas music the day after Halloween? Florence. Novemeber means Christmas time and Kyran would probably be annoyed with all the holiday music she plays lmaooooo
Decorates the Christmas tree? Florence, but she wouldn’t even ask Kyran for help, she’d just force him to help lmaooooo 😂😂
Who wears the ugly Christmas sweaters: Florence, I think Kyran would think they’re a lil tacky lmaoooo (but he’s wear one if Fleur got it for him 🥹)
Picks out the holiday movies and who makes the hot cocoa: We all know Kyran makes the drinks, so Florence would pick the movie 😌
Starts the snowball fight: 300% Kyran. And he’d probably do it knowing it would piss Florence off (and she WOULD be pissed, but it wouldn’t last long bc she can’t be angry at him, we all know that)
Drags the other under the mistletoe: Kyran. It’s an excuse to kiss Florence in front of people, but also alone. 😌🥹
Decorates the house: Florence. Like I said, she love Christmas.
Hangs up the ornaments on the tree: Florence again, but I think she’d get him to hang some too or at least give his opinion on how it looks while he fixes them up something to drink while she decorates the tree. 🥰🥰
Cooks Christmas dinner: Not exactly sure if EITHER of them can be trusted to cook, but I have a feeling they would both try 😅
Invites the other to sing a Christmas duet: Oh, dude, Kyran. I think he’d see it as a fun lil thing and Florence would see it as embarrassing, but she’d do it anyway because he asked 🥹😭
Has any holiday traditions: Florence, and she’s ready to share ‘em all with him (even if they’re not supposed to do that bc they’re ‘friends’ or whatever 😌)
Who would start a food fight during baking: Kyran! Might even do it to lighten up a stressful situation or with the intention of letting Florence take her anger out on him/the situation 🥹🥹🥺🥺
Would get drunk off of eggnog: I think we all know the answer to this, but Kyran bc Florence HATES eggnog and won’t go near it. Also, Kyran spiked it so 😌
Who starts putting up decorations in October? NO ONE. Florence observes Halloween like it’s the pope’s bIRTHDAY okay?? If she saw Christmas decorations up at Kyran’s place in OCTOBER?? She would take them down, I’m sorry.
Buys the advent calendars? Florence, but only to open them up with Kyran 🥰
Places mistletoes all around the house? Kyran, because then he has ultiple excuses to kiss Florence 😌
Wraps the presents for other people? Florence probably, but I imagine Kyran doesn’t COMPLETELY suck at wrapping giftssss
Puts the final star/angel on the top of the Christmas tree? If they were together: Florence would be insistent on them doing it together. If not: she does.
Is the one that hates eggnog? I wanna say both here, but Kyran would drink it if it was spiked lmaoooo Florence would not. Ever 😂
Is the one that bakes Christmas cookies for guests? Fleur, but she’s make Kyran help her even if he gets on her nerves 😅
Sends out the Christmas cards? Florence. Kyran MIGHT send like, ONE card but it would be to her 😂🥹🥰
Knows all the words to Twelve Days of Christmas? Florence, and she would teach Kyran if he didn’t know ‘em so he’d get them eventually 😂😂
Is the better snowman builder? Kyran, and it would really piss Florence off that his snowman looks better than hers.
Starts snowball fights? I said Kyran earlier, but if his snowman looks better, Florence might throw the first snowball 😂😂
Is the one that wakes the other on Christmas morning by playing Christmas songs really loudly? Okay, this HAS to be Kyran because I don’t know why it wouldn’t be??? He wouldn’t even consider waking Florence up kindly, he would just go straight to this as his first option 😂😂😂
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smallestapplin · 2 years
This might be a boring request but Ingo and Emmet with a pregnant s/o? Have you written something like that before, if not I’d love to see you take on it. I love your writing it makes me happy to read them
Yeah sure I can do this.
Asks are open
- Ingo is over joyed!
- His stoic face breaks once you tell him the news.
- His face is in pain he is smiling so hard.
- Tears are shared and even though you have nine months to prepare he is already decking out the house.
- Ingo baby proofs everything.
- He buys safety locks to place on certain doors (one of which is his home office just for when he is not in there.)
- Calls his parents and Emmet who are screaming with him.
- Emmet comes over to help (he lives next door come on-)
- Watching these two put together a nursery bed is the more hilarious thing you will ever see.
- Cause Ingo went all out and bought the best one he could find that had plenty of storage and space.
- Well, Ingo refused to let you help put it together and called Emmet.
- Emmet who HATES putting things together.
- What should’ve been an hour turned into three and lots of yelling.
- Emmet got a small screw driver thrown at him several times.
- The bigger your stomach gets the more often Ingo is home.
- Sure half the week he still works his normal hours, coming to see you for lunch before going back.
- But the other half he comes home earlier.
- “I can do paper work at home, at least I’m here if anything happens and not at the station.”
- He slowly takes over household chores.
- He still lets you do a few things but he doesn’t want you stressing yourself out.
- “But you work all day.”
- “And YOU work 24/7 none stop carrying and housing our child, so go sit down, I do not mind.”
- Seriously this man instantly takes over as breadwinner and househusband.
- You try helping him but he just picks you up and sits you on the couch.
- Packs up a hospital bag just in case.
- He bought a litwick plushie to be given to y’all’s child.
- Anything you want or need you will get.
- Ingo likes having a hand on your belly and starts tearing up when he feels movement.
- he screams, he cries, he trips over his own feet smacking against the ground only to practically spring back up and run over to you.
- Hugging you and kissing you. He is losing his mind.
- Immediate family knows within two hours of you telling him because he spent that time showering you in twice the affection and was so happy.
- Gets baby names at the ready! He goes through several hundred lists, selects the ones he likes, puts those on a separate list, and runs them by you.
- Emmet is already buying anything with a baby in mind.
- Like his brother he goes a bit overboard.
- If being a subway boss had an at home option he’d be signing up.
- But unfortunately it doesn’t, so he comes home early every chance he gets.
- Ingo is very happy though so he doesn’t mind and helps set stuff up.
- Emmet is moving things and turning a spare room into a nursery and he is already getting paint and things to fill it with.
- Feet hurt? Don’t worry he’s got you, back hurts? Don’t worry he’s got you.
- Buys a pregnancy pillow to support your sore body in body.
- He understands this is traumatizing and very taxing on your body so he is trying to give ‘ingo’ level care, as he calls it.
- Buys anything you ask him.
- Yes he is at the store at two in the morning buying ice cream and bacon cause you wanted it.
- He will buy those odd combos for you.
- Though he knows your hormones are out of whack he still can’t help but laugh thinking back to the time you started crying cause he didn’t say ‘I love you too’ fast enough and you thought he was mad at you.
- Yes he panicked at that moment, but in hindsight? Hilarious.
- You surprised him with a baby blanket with your child’s name on it but it also came attached to it is a shiny joltik plushie and he sobs.
- He is so happy.
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plushienanami · 2 years
Happy holidays! Can I request yandere! jonathan, jotaro, Bruno and Giorno having a s/o that is also a yandere for them but even more worst?
awww happy holidays!! sorry i haven’t posted a lot in the past week, holiday week and family business. i hope that you like this anon! 💕
Yandere Jonathan, Jotaro, Giorno, Bucciarati x Yandere!Reader
Darling is just as much as a yandere as them…yet tenfold.
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Being a yandere would just make the whole “getting together” process easier.
Jonathan would be so happy you return his feelings, he is so ecstatic that he is blind to the reality of the situation.
You’ve already known his tendencies for you and reciprocate them back…but worst.
He is so easy to manipulate if you play your cards right.
Jonathan is so head over heels for you that he just listens to you and would do anything to make his dear darling happy.
Once he was the head of the Joestar family and fortune, now he is reduced to someone who stays cooped up in a room because his darling believes so.
Him being a big beefcake and literally made of 100% muscle, I doubt (know) that there really is no way into physically beating this man.
So you would have to result in some manipulation.
It would start by subliminal throwing in hints of how upset you are when he leaves you all alone. Maybe throwing in a few temper tantrums and mental breakdowns.
This would start cracking his walls because his one and only is crying because he is gone. They love him so much that they are physically and mentally distressed by his absence!
Sooner or later Jonathan would be wrapped around your finger permanently, like he always has.
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Stalking is really weird.
Since Jotaro is more of a stalker type, it would be crazy when you and him try to stalk each other.
Of course you would obviously be better at it because of your undenying love for him, it would be bizarre when you have a quiet lurky stalker man up against someone who is determined just as he is.
There would be a few close calls, but I’m sure Jotaro would get the memo.
After a while of this, you would make your move and of course end up with the one and only stoic man in love.
Jotaro would honestly be immune to mental manipulation, or more like he would notice it because sometimes he does end up going through with what you want.
As with him physically, he would be just like Jonathan. He also has an over-powered stand just like him.
Jotaro wouldn’t really care if you're just like him, he would just be a little taken back a bit but not too much.
He just wouldn’t want you taking advantage of him and would easily point it out if you go too far.
After a while he would see your tendencies to be a bit of a hassle especially when you do start to go overboard.
Lets just say he would start to bend you to his will.
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Giorno would really be a sucker for it. Literally.
With everything he has been through throughout his past and during Vento Aureo, he would be so happy that you feel the same.
All he wants is your love and yet here you are serving it up on a platter for him.
It could go different ways depending on how you really wanted to act although I could see this being another Jonathan situation.
You can’t limit him to staying in all the time due to him being a mafia boss, but you can obviously increase the time he spends with you. As I mean deciding he could have you by his side all the time. Which could actually turn out with him working from home.
Then after a while of making him stay, it could start with the classic “It’s to dangerous for you”.
Over time it could and most likely would get to his head.
Physically you can’t really do much as in kidnapping him because of GER and him again being a mafia boss.
He could let Mista do all the work, raising his paycheck and practically making him like a puppet boss.
Giorno doesn’t want to upset his precious cara nor does he want them to ever stress and cry over his well-being.
He can’t risk the love he worked so hard to attain.
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Things get really tricky with Bucciarati.
He is a mafioso and pours himself into his line of work.
You most likely joined Passione in order to gain his attention.
Once you do gain it and he later becomes yandere for you, it’s like a spiral for both of you. A never-ending one too.
Bucciarati is overjoyed at the fact his lovely bella joined this dangerous job in order to be with him.
He was blinded by that bliss and that led you into slowly taking over his life.
You being in love with him would initially save him from his fated death being the first traitor of the group when you go in for him.
Again, this adds up with the first fact of joining.
By the end of Vento Aureo you two are inseparable.
You could argue with him that it's too dangerous out in the world using the many examples of saving him throughout the series.
Bucciarati would take it into consideration and soon you would have him zipped up by your side.
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