#he needs to start being on the level of his game counterpart
chelsiegeorgia · 15 days
Allow me to rant a second if you please 🙏 been sitting on this for a while now but the thing i need most for sonic movie 3 is for Sonic to grow into his game self a lil more, give me that unrelenting confidence and cockiness, I don't want Shadow constantly beating him into the ground (which i feel like is gonna happen anyways T-T) like what happened with knuckles, I don't want them all teaming up to fight Shadow coz he's too powerful or whatever, Sonic has never had trouble going one on one with Shadow before, Shadow very rarely beats Sonic in a fight, or it's at least a draw, it's also one of the big reasons Shadow has such an issue with Sonic, coz he can never properly beat him when he's supposed to be 'the ultimate lifeform' and it's honestly one of my fave things about their dynamic. I know movie Sonic is very different from game Sonic, he's a lot less experienced and all that and I love him dearly he's my precious bby boi but I think it's time for him to really start growing into that confident, super sure of himself, unrelenting hero that we all know and love. They really need to stop nerfing my boy, let him grow a little, it's His World after all ;)
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partycatty · 3 months
anon dm requested: "The request would be: Relationship hcs with Liu Kang? Can be just fluff, but if you wanna add nsfw *wink wink*. I think after so many years of celibacy his rizz would be lower than sea level, but I'd love to read your take on it!"
liu kang > love again
what it's like dating the god of thunder and fire - and the keeper of time
warnings: pretty angsty ngl, can't write for this lover boy without profound sadness, mentions of sex
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• promising your love to an immortal god was a huge responsibility - you were uncertain if you promised your forever, or his forever. two vastly different connotations to the word.
• it took a lot of time and effort to get him to see you like that. liu kang made a vow to his existence to never fall in love again, after losing everything. no mortal would be able to stand by his side for as long as he'd like, for one life was merely a grain of sand in his beach of a lifetime.
• but once he's in, he's in all the way - or so, he tries to be. as silly as it may sound, the man is charming but rusty. he has that natural tendency to draw people in with his words and spirit, but when it comes to real flirting you've got him with rusty cogs in his head.
• he warms up to you little by little, his casual praises lacing with compliments to your physique or mental strength, something he admires in a mortal. but then, you'd cloud his mind with your enchanting form while he is tucked away in his personal quarters, meditating. like a frosted screen blocking his vision, your presence started to eat away at him.
• liu kang tried hard to push it away - he can't do it again. love. he can't love again, when he knows just how quickly it can be taken away. he recalls the life being sucked from him by his revenant counterpart, being by thunder god raiden's side after his mortal death, clinging hopelessly onto a backwards moving kitana.
• and yet, when he'd watch you beam with pride after learning a new combo, or hold eye contact for just a moment longer than the other chosen ones, liu kang would force himself to break his usually solid eye contact. you just broke something in him - the side that he thought died when he lost everything he knew.
• even after fighting the urge to confess any sort of attraction, liu kang feels viscerally angry seeing anyone else show interest in you. his fists clench and his tattoos flicker a frustratingly blinding shade as he silently cooks himself in the distance. he partially hates himself for being so jealous, and partially because he know he could just stop being jealous by having you all to himself, something he couldn't bring himself to do.
• so much gentle encouragement gives him the strength to say you're his, and it rolls off of his tongue far too easily. why hadn't he tried it sooner? you were so perfect, and he felt like he couldn't pat himself on the back for it. he created you, but never expected your true colors to shine so vividly.
• most nights are spent comforting your new godly boyfriend. your hands tangle themselves in his hair as you massage his scalp thoroughly. he's very still as he absorbs every touch you give him. he may not need to sleep, but he'd lay there for hours if it meant he was your pillow.
• just as you savor calling him your lord, he savors calling you his. "my love, my dear, my beloved, my flower," any romantic nickname is game if it opens with a "my." once he starts getting comfortable enough to use them, it's never ending.
• sex with him is always tender and passionate, where he is entirely focused on your pleasure rather than his own. he has no need for such release anymore, but he can't deny your warmth encapsulating him as a sign of your devotion to him. you also make a great stress relief toy!
• liu kang remains professional in front of the others, but his glowing eyes are so strikingly obvious, especially when they're transfixed on you. when he is speaking of behalf of earthrealm to the outworld royalty, his hand falls on the small of your back as he speaks, as if to say "i am a god, but she is my equal."
• demands respect for you. isn't usually the type to cause a scene but will actively call anyone out that disrespects your feelings. will call you his lady in public, just as he is your lord. in his effortlessly neutral tone, he'll squeeze his fingers into your side as he suppresses his godly anger.
• you don't carry the burden of the knowledge he possesses with every waking moment, he can't even begin to explain it to you. he withholds plenty of information, calling it a "spoiler" or "surprise." the timeline is his to know, and yours to find out. he doesn't want to give you the same burden of truth.
• the only truth liu kang wants you to hold onto is that he chose you in this timeline. did he choose you in others? no, but what matters is that he sees you this time around.
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Another go at,
"This was originally a reply to something someone said on one of my posts but I liked it so much it spawned into it's own thing, so I deleted the original reply and here we are"
og post, reply to @emmys-grimoire :
Oh, I absolutely don't think there's going to be a war arc and I've said so in a previous post - that's (at the end of the day) NOT the kind of game OM! is
When I say the War is "inevitable" I mean it in the context of the characters who are "living through" this situation, not in the context of us, the readers, from our outside perspective.
Characters like Solomon, Michael and even MC have expressed that they think this will all crash down into another war.
In other words, while characters in the game may see it as an inevitability, the people reading it who have outside knowledge about everything going on, knows that's complete bullshit
and both the original post and this are definitely NOT meant to be a bad faith reading of Michael either
I think he's a morally grey character, in that he's done equally good and bad things, but ultimately, even the bad things are done for the greater good
• Luke obviously cares about him
• Mammon says that he probably sent Luke to the human world in the og timeline, so that Luke can move past his narrow minded view of demons
• He clearly still cares for Lucifer and even the others
• Even after he turns Simeon human, Simeon still has faith in him and says that even when others can't understand why he does something he usually does it because he has a plan/for the greater good
• Despite initially thinking MC was "wicked" and also complaining about MC the last time, he still helps them even when he doesn't need to
• I also see Michael as being a pretty obvious counterpart to Diavolo, from the jovial almost childish excitement/personality to the ulterior motives to the long-suffering attendant trying to reign him in
1.) That being said, you can't deny that the racism between The Celestial Realm and The Devildom is a pretty big thing (literally one of the biggest parts of the plot is about trying to move past that).
We've seen it from both sides, and it's definitely something they all have to unlearn
We saw what Lucifer was like as an angel, how he treated the Devildom and Diavolo, and how even over the course of the glory days devilgram, by interacting with Diavolo he started unlearning some of those prejudices
Og timeline Michael has clearly already gone through this process, as he is actively encouraging Luke to go through it as well
Nightbringer timeline Michael has not. We see it in how desperately he tries to get Luke & Simeon back home and obviously because this is his first time in the Devildom and, presumably, his first time interacting with demons in a friendly/neutral context
When you have prejudices like this you never know it's something that's bad or untrue (and om shows this as well) until they start getting challenged. RAD is the perfect opportunity for this to happen to Michael
And he really isn't going to see it coming until he's already started to change
2.) When Michael says "balance" he's saying that he wants the brothers back in the Celestial Realm to restore balance. Because with them acting as leaders in the Devildom, it makes the Devildom stronger than the Celestial Realm.
I'm not saying he wants to start a war, or to subjugate anyone, he very much wants there to be peace/or at least no fighting.
But he also wants that to be by the Celestial Realm and Devildom being at an equal power level again aka the brothers going back
He also straight up says he wants MC to tell them to come back because without balance the war could start up again (specially because he said the celestial realm would then consider the devildom as a hostile party again) and the human world would get destroyed.
Like you said, he's most probably right that the human world will get destroyed in the case of a war but what he said to MC is still very much a threat.
He says, "do this for me because if not the actions my realm has promised to take will lead to your world being destroyed"
You could say that he does not truly mean it when he says he'll consider the Celestial Realm a hostile party again should the brothers not return BUT even if that were true
that is not a statement you can just lightly say, specially not to the people you have just come out of a war with, specially not to the leader of those people when you're acting as a political representative of your people
That is also very much a threat
3.) About how angels vs demons see humans,
Solomon said they both saw humans as something to be protected, while angels still kept away from humans and demons still ate them, but that they also didn't see humans as their equals
And I basically made a long post about how,
Angels probably saw humans; the way we see endangered animals, that must be loved and protected but not interacted with
While demons saw humans; the way we see domenstic, farm animals that can be loved and protected but also taken for food
Since humans are obviously sentient and intelligent beings (eh...) neither of these two views are good
4.) Personally the way I see it:
Michael, like Solomon and Lucifer, is a complex character, who has done bad/shady things for what they believe is the greater good
To get the full effect of him (and others like him...and really any of them) as a character:
You can't colour them only in shades of black and white
The same way you can't say that Michael is a character who has done only ""evil"" things you also can't turn a blind eye to the implications and consequences of what he has said and done
5.) He's done good things, he's done shitty things - the thing he did lately, about demanding the brothers come home and leveraging the continuned peace between the two realms, only a year after they left, after their sister was killed by the angels, after their sister was threatened with being banished for loving/helping a human was a shitty thing (in my perspective)
And, unlike og timeline Michael, nightbringer timeline Michael probably still has a lot of growing to do
And so the original post came frome a place of:
"Haha he's going to be hit by the same fucking train that got Lucifer and Luke and he's going to be just as bamboozled by it"
Overall, Michael's a character I'm very excited to meet (let him have long hair pls solmare you have no idea how much this means to me), I don't dislike him and (like with all my posts) every point I bring up as evidence and every point I use to build up a theory is picked up straight from canon (because I'm too lazy to come up with my own shit🫠), I genuinely like every character in om (yes even Mephisto despite clowning on him at any given opportunity) and so try to be objective when forming theories about them or trying to discern their thought processes and actions (and I'm not always successful because mammon exists and I'm an idiot🤡)
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sonicjustbecause · 5 months
Sonic and Shadow prime - sadness and serenity swapped...
Shadow is known to be always sad. In videogames, whathever it is, everytime Shadow is involved, you always see this aura of sadness aroung him, it doesn't matter what... Except few rare moments...
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Sonic and Mario at the olympic games. A rare happy smile.
On the contrary Sonic was always the happy one. If something was upsetting Sonic never allowed negative feelings to take him down. He fought, always certain to be able to solve al the issues. Only recently he started to be characterized with also few lining of melancholy here and there (Movie, Frontiers and Prime. in the latter well hidden under his antics and exuberance).
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Sonic is going to show those expression more and more
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Even the cruel Chaos Sonic said that
We can also watch the trailers of Sonic prime, from the first to the last.
In the first trailer Sonic was all smiles. I excepted Sonic prime being a silly show, like Sonic Boom but more on the game universe.
In the second trailer Sonic seemed dejected at times, but overall optimistic.
In the latest trailers Sonic is always serious, seldom smiling.
At the start Sonic is quite happy and carefree. But after he breaks the prism, he experience all kind of torture somebody can experience. Hadred, loneliness, being stabbed on the back, being abused and so on. And this affects him.
Then Shadow. he always hold this... uh, pocker face...
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Earlier Sonic describled Shadow as being sulking. At the start of prime, Shadow doesn't seems level headed at all... Something bad happens? Screaming, brawling and destroying are his anwers. He is reckless too. But he also needs to grow up, just like Sonic. So he tooks one (better say more) deep breath and found all the calmness and serenity he and Sonic need to save all the shatterspace, assisting sonic like the older twin brother. Overall, that's me but Shadow seems the calming presence to Sonic, he helps him to not give up. At the same time he lacks of all the power Sonic has to save the worlds and needs to rely on him just like the other inhabitants of the shatterspace and of course their main counterparts.
I'm looking forward to the third season, this time, I want to see the full serie in my language, Italian. I like most voices of our actors and the understanding of what they say would be more immediate for me (I can read English just fine, most of the time. I somewhat can listen but i need to adjust to it first, it takes some time and i will miss something anyway. Writing? Uh?
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scaryspears · 9 months
Cassie and Jacqui: Opinions and Thoughts
These are my thoughts and opinions on Mortal Kombat that a bunch of people probably won't care about, but I thought I should post them here. Now I will be using past games as reference, even though every character's interpretation/counterpart is different, they still play part to the canon storyline.
Okay, so these two are besties. Now before I get into any details, this is just theories and opinions. I just want to quickly say that I like Jacqui's character, and not just because I was able to play as a black female character, but I found her interesting and liked her romance with Takeda.
I'll start with Cassie. She is a nice enough blend of Sonya and Johnny, I guess. I found her a little annoying in mkx but only because of her intros, and to be fair a lot of character dialogue kind of sucked in that game. I found her very relatable when I was younger though, because I said a lot of cringey things when it came out. Other than that she was pretty cool, and was a different kind of case where a character voices out what everyone else is thinking. To be fair, Johnny has that as well but Cassie is Gen Z levels of voice (or an everyman). I also appreciate that they made her more girly, although I do miss the tomboyish Cassie from mkx.
Thing is, I don't like how they made it into a thing where they made Cassie feel like a main character, and while I understand that's how it must be done with next generation games, I get the impression that she was treated better than her teammates. That impression was solidified in the mk11 storyline where Cassie was chosen to be the new general with the addition of Takeda and Kung Jin being cut from the game. I get that she defeated Shinnok and whatever, but seriously? It was also a situation where Sonya was choosing randomly, so I think she should've chosen Jacqui simply because Jacqui is genuinely into being a soldier. For a moment the audience is shown the pain on Jacqui's face, and I was honestly anticipating some kind of rivalry to take place where Cassie and Jacqui end up fighting about something within the story mode.
I wrote in another post that I think Cassie joined the special forces because she wanted to impress Sonya. We know that from mkx Sonya was neglective, and if Cassie is much closer to Johnny then I don't think it would make sense for her to not have some appreciation for the creative arts. Meaning, Cassie yearns for Sonya's approval. It was also hinted that Sonya may have been abusive, randomly attacking Cassie and Jacqui with arm bars. Even while Cassie is an adult Sonya is still neglective, as noted in the last game, not even caring about Cassie's love life. It's very clear the two of them have problems with each other. One thing for sure, Cassie has inherited Sonya's cruelty which makes her snark different from Johnny's. A nice blend of seriousness and un-serious = obvious sarcasm. I'm also calling back to the 'Johnny pee pants' incident that she was told about.
"So how are things between you and Bob?" - Sonya
"For the last time his name is Dylan." - Cassie
"Why learn his name if he's not sticking around?" - Sonya
"I'm the new improved you." - Cassie
"(Scoff) Improved how?" - Sonya
Well for one thing, she's got powers.
"Jacqui says as kids you were scared of me." - Sonya
"You'd randomly attack us with arm bars." - Cassie
"And you learned to always be ready." - Sonya
The fact that she says this with a smug smile shows she sees nothing wrong with the fact that she went out of her way to scare and hurt children. Characters have been drilling in on Johnny but had nothing to say to Sonya about her parenting. Johnny made it his mission to change into a better person, even in his ending he didn't need people to tell him that he was doing something wrong because he realised it by himself. Sonya for whatever reason lacks that same awareness.
"Growing up I always wanted a sister." - Sonya
"To exchange style tips and dish on boys?" - Cassie
"No! To spar with." - Sonya
You can do that too, Sonya. Jeez.
"You are Johnny Cage's daughter." - Robocop
"Ha! Shocked I'm not some Beverly Hills brat?" - Cassie
Beverly Hills kids: Well... that hurts. I think it's somehow been engraved in Cassie that being any old normal girl is a terrible thing, and I don't support that "I'm not like other girls" nonsense. I think it was Sonya's influence, and potentially Jax.
"I am honoured to fight you." - Liu Kang
"I'm no chosen one, Li Kang." - Cassie
"You fought shinnok and won." - Liu Kang
Oh he's mad. He is so mad. Bro died because of Raiden.
Now with Jacqui.
I think Jacqui is in Cassie's shadow, hell they even erased her from her own ending. Even when she was given screen time it still felt like she was brushed to the side. Cassie was chosen to be the leader of the friend group, and in hindsight that was a bit predictable. In comparison to her Jacqui is rational and doesn't turn things into a joke. I know Cassie is serious as well, but Jacqui is more passionate about fighting for Earthrealm and being in the special forces while Cassie is more of a show off.
"Leave dad in peace." - Jacqui (mkx)
"There's things only Jax can do." - Sonya (mkx)
"What do you see when you look at me?" - Frost
"A cheap second gen knock off." - Jacqui
"I said look at me, not you." - Frost
These two are love and hate, two sides of the same coin. Frost wants recognition and goes against the Lin Kuei to have that, while Jacqui wants to make people proud and carry on a legacy. Both have a male counterpart of some kind. Frost disappointed Sub Zero for not being patient and she became a villain, while Jax doesn't want Jacqui to even be involved in anything kombat related. Jacqui follows, Frost demands command.
"Cassandra Cage overshadows you." - Cetrion
"In her own mind maybe." - Jacqui
"Do not deny your jealousy." - Cetrion
"It's time to pass on your mantel." - Nightwolf
"Baby girl's good, but she's not me yet." - Jax
"Don't underestimate your daughter, Jax." - Nightwolf
Notice the edge in Nightwolf's voice? Also, Jacqui doesn't have to be Jax. Not to mention she was trained by Johnny and not Jax, so it's weird of him to say that. I think she should be trained by Scorpion as a wedding gift and have a few Shirai Ryu inspired outfits if she's introduced to the franchise in future games. Anything that distances her from Jax.
Jacqui is called "unproven" and a "knock off" when she has in fact proven herself, she just hasn't beaten an elder God- oh wait, what is this? Jacqui defeated Cetrion? (Do not bring jax into this, I chose Jacqui). In mkx she beat Reptile and Ermac, the very same Ermac that Jax lost his arms to because he was caught lacking, and held her own against the revenants.
The characters constantly compare her to Jax, which is problematic in my opinion. As a person who was constantly compared to my older siblings growing up it felt like my identity as my own person was being stripped away from me, and I think it's the same case with Jacqui. Jacqui should be recognised more for who she is rather than who her father is, because Jacqui is just as good if not better.
"Such beauty in Kombat is rare." - Shang Tsung. Oh Shang Tsung, you pervert.
Now onto her friendship with Cassie. It's very obvious that these two grew up together and even went to the same school, which must've meant that they lived close to one another, like the same town or city. I don't think the two have always been buddy buddy, in terms of problems coming up. If it weren't for circumstances I think these two wouldn't even be close or in the same vicinity. Cassie went and dated Jacqui's love interest for prom knowing Jacqui liked him. I'm surprised these two are even friends.
Moving onto her relationship with Jax, I liked Jacqui bonding with the younger version of her dad during story mode, and seeing the differences between older Jax and young Jax.
I always saw Jax as an a-hole, but jeez. I understand being a protective father but he needed to accept that he couldn't breathe down her neck for too long. What ticks me off even more is his disapproval of Takeda. I think one of the reasons Jax isn't very fond of Takeda is because he mildly reminds him of Johnny. Takeda has that charisma about him and makes jokes as well and overall has this easy going air about him. Even after Johnny and Sonya got married, meaning Jax saw Johnny a lot more, I don't think Jax grew a liking to Johnny. I'm not sure if Jax truly had feelings for Sonya, but I do think it's a possibility if Johnny not only did not want to get between them under the suspicion that they were together, but also because he thought they would end up together.
I have a bunch of stuff to say. I believe Cassie should've done MMA fighting or something around there, that way Cassie wouldn't just be another copy of her parents.
If Jax and Sonya did end up together then I think the turn out would be more extreme. An overprotective father and a neglectful mother.
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zairas-realm-gateway · 9 months
OFF ramblings: Batter's Purpose
Content warnings for discussion of canon and speculated canon content: violence, medical trauma, abuse, child neglect, terminal illness, child death.
This post is a basic layout of the general conversations I had with my sister when I showed her the game OFF recently. These are just our speculations, observations, and headcanons.
This post will discuss our deductions behind Batter's in game creation and his opposition to the other characters.
As we all know, Batter (in universe) is created at the start of the game. He has never before existed in the lonely, tormented world of the Zones before. My sister and I discussed why he never existed in the world before that point. We think we have deduced why from the information given in The Room level.
First, we have to note the importance of Batter, Hugo, and Queen. Hugo has manifested representations of his parents in his fucked up world. His father is Batter and his mother is Queen.
Now, my mother is chronically ill, so I've spent a lot of time in hospitals. So, when Batter enters a new location at the end of the hallway when you enter the Room level, my sister and i immediately recognized it as a hospital. It reminded us of many we've been in before and left us uneasy.
In the Room, Batter goes to the small room on the left. This room is returned to many times. It paints a painfully vivid picture:
There is a sick child (Hugo) in the hospital. Probably between the age of 10-17 because they can talk in complete sentences but are still referred to as "the boy". This child is terminally ill and immuno-compromised. You can tell when the note says that his father (Batter's human counterpart) says they can go outside tomorrow but that trip outside never comes. The notes say that his father comes regularly to play with him but he doesn't like his father and wants his mother instead but she never comes to pick him up or visit.
This tells me a lot. It says that Hugo's father (we'll keep calling him Batter) is cold but holds deep affection for Hugo. Based on Spectral Batter's personality, Human Batter probably has difficulty with emoting. Meaning he has trouble displaying and expressing emotion both physically and vocally. To a sick and distressed child, this would appear as if his father doesn't love him despite Batter visiting constantly and playing with Hugo.
This could explain why he wants his mother over his father. Affection and emotional support are needed for comfort when sick. It seems like Queen can probably express emotions in a way that would be comforting.
Or, she would, if she ever showed up.
It's speculated that Human Queen has a job that makes her a lot of money but forces her to work/travel a lot. Spectral Queen's later argument with Batter makes it clear that's she's pretty much phoning it in as a mom. The cadence of Queen and Batter's conversation is that of a divorced couple. If this is true, it sounds like Queen has primary custody but just is never around.
Batter is his most emotional during his argument with Queen right before their battle. He is still flat in dialogue tone but it is clear he is passionate about the subject. He accuses her of taking all the steps of being a mother with none of the emotion, care, or memory for who her actions are for (Hugo). Rather than defend herself, Queen just deflects until Batter gets angry.
To argue the point of Queen doing the right moves with none of the personal touch, I want to talk about the three guardians. It is said the Queen appointed them and I think this really happened.
My sister and I speculate that the three guardians represent the specialists that Queen hired for Hugo while she was away on business. Dedan is speculated to be a surgeon based on his temper and excessive need for total order and demand everyone be efficient at their job. Japhet being a bird, dove, and loving books is probably a priest. Enoch would be a private chef. These three were left with explicit orders to keep an eye on Hugo, which is why they're called his friends in the notes. This would also make them opposing forces to Hugo's father and the hard decisions he has to make. One of those decisions is massive and we believe it is what manifests Batter for the first time.
It's the decision to unplug his terminally ill child from life support.
Now, I see a lot of speculation that Hugo bases Batter on Ballman. But I think that Batter is a dual manifestation of Ballman and Boxxer. This would make Batter both the hero and the villain, hence the choice at the end of the game.
This is what brings Judge into the mix. We speculate that Judge is Human Hugo's high consciousness, the one aware of the pain and suffering of the world. Judge thought Batter was a savior but after Hugo's death, he calls Batter a monster. If Batter is both hero and villain, it makes sense that Judge trusted him to help but was unaware this is the action that would taken. He had no clue that this was the only solution that Batter could see.
If Judge is Hugo and Batter is Hugo's father, then the truth that his father is taking him off life support would paint his father as a monster. A villain that is murdering him.
Meanwhile, Hugo's father had to live with that truth and the reality that it is his duty to keep his child from suffering. And the end stages of terminal illnesses are only suffering.
I feel this is why Hugo takes the form of an infant. Because a child, no matter how old, is always their parent's baby...
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silver-wield · 9 months
Hello, i was just curious about something & id like to hear your opinion of it. About the wolf rings, we knw that Cloud gave one to Tifa, Marlene (also to Barret?). Did he also have one for himself? Or it is just his wolf earring? Did he gave one to Denzel? B'coz in ACC Denzel was seen wearing necklace with wolf ring, i read somewhere that it was Cloud's ring that he left to Denzel when he ran away at the end of CoT but idk if its true. Id like to knw more about this since it was not mentioned in OTWTAS but somehow we knew even from before that Cloud gave it to them & the reason Marlene is not wearing her's is b'coz it too manly for her.
I became a fan of FF7 after watching AC back in 2005, back then i didn't know anything about the game OG, KH & Ltd. I didn't even knew who Aerith was since her name was never mentioned in AC. But i knew back then that Cloud & Tifa were a couple. After I read CoT it was very clear from the start that Cloud was already considering Tifa as her gf, and since he's given her a ring then that should further solidify the level of relationship they have to each other (engaged/married couple). That's explains why Tifa was described as someone's sweetheart & a woman who was left by a man when Cloud ran off. Why do you think Nojima did not include this in CoT? This would've cleared the Ltd & maybe make the other ship to shut up once & for all.. just musing 😄
Cloud didn't give a ring to Barret. There's literally no info about Barret's ring, where he got it or anything behind who gave it to him or whether it's his or Marlene's. None of his costume information in any AC ultis mention it, so the only thing we can say is he's wearing the same type of ring as the others. He wears it on his middle finger.
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Denzel is wearing Cloud's ring. This is the only note about the ring, so we don't know when Cloud took it off, but the typical narrative for a ring being removed is when someone leaves the partner they take off their ring and leave it behind.
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The only other person wearing a cloudy wolf ring is Tifa. It's visible in every scene where her right hand is shown.
I started the comp with AC too, so I never thought of Aerith as anything but someone who died. She's Zack's counterpart in the film and they both have an equal number of scenes with Cloud, so I didn't give it any thought beyond them being people he knew who died and he blamed himself for it. When I saw the scenes of Cloud waking up in the bed beside Tifa I was like oooooh they're a thing! And then seeing their conversation it was clear they were having marital problems and needed to work through some shit. Although I also thought Cloud was a miserable git and Tifa deserves better so I didn't understand everything happening in the film, but the main points were simple.
I wish Nojima had done a scene between Cloud and Tifa where he gave her the ring or there was more romance between them, but I guess that wasn't a priority at the time. Since then Nomura and Ayumi Ito have received death threats and all sorts, so Nojima has probably decided to sledgehammer people with Cloud's feelings for Tifa so idiots finally stfu.
Ever Crisis will have episodes from AC so it's possible otwtas will feature too and we'll finally get that romantic scene between them in chibi form 😁❤️
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alcamcat · 1 year
First encounters with humans
After meeting Harold and receiving a crash course in how to behave in the human world, they will inevitably meet humans.
-I don't own the game or the characters-
The first time he talks to a human almost ends in disaster for him. It starts with James, even though he already has a solid basic knowledge, feels inferior in the course of the conversation because the other person seems to have more knowledge in the area. Of course, he didn't have that much time to deal with everything that could be interesting, but he hasn't felt so uninformed in a long time. And then he is also interrupted and corrected by his counterpart. In the middle of a sentence! As if it were perfectly fine to interrupt the heir to the throne and the future ruler of a vast army... Damien has to put a soothing hand on James' arm to snap him out of his vortex of thoughts and bring him back to the present. And James? He feels ashamed. He will definitely work to be a perfect gentleman. Never again will a person upset him so much that his little brother has to stop him. The very next time he has a conversation, he takes over the conversation in a natural way, without feeling the slightest hint of discomfort. Just as it should be for him.
Erik's first impression as he meets humans is that this world seems to be full of people bursting with energy. They subtly radiate it in their auras. A real feast should they get hungry, he thinks to himself, until he addresses the first person with his usual mask. The prompt reply "I'm in a relationship" confuses him so much that he is thrown off balance. Why is this information he needed to receive and why does they seem so utterly uninterested? Erik quickly realizes that he and his brothers still have a lot to learn about human relationship and sexual behaviors, and if his energy levels are anything to go by, they'd better start tackling it today rather than tomorrow. At least, it seems like it's actually feasible for him to maybe drop his mask. Not always, but little by little he should really think about what kind of person he really wants to be behind his facade. He now has the freedom to do so. And he will use it.
As expected, his first conversation with a human is rather uncomfortably taciturn. Of course, James had warned him not to show of his strength before they hit the road. But what exactly is it supposed to do for him to talk to a human? What could this creature have to discuss with him? These are the questions he asks himself while suspiciously scrutinizing the person in front of him before answering the questions to himself. Nothing! In his eyes, he has absolutely nothing to discuss with this person, so he doesn't even bother to show a reasonable answer or a reaction to the speech. He came into this world with his brothers to be with them. In the beginning, talking to a human seems completely unnecessary to him, which quickly builds up the image of the impolite, rude guy. The swearing, which he shows quite quickly as a reaction to being spoken to, doesn't exactly help. In time, he may learn to enjoy being with humans after all. But at the beginning of their journey? No chance.
When the first human literally crashes into him because, instead of looking ahead, he's staring at a small black thing he's holding that's making sounds, Matthew's interest is immediately piqued. He accepts the apologies of his opponent benevolently, after all it was not a matter of course in the Abyssal Plains that one apologizes for such a collision with him. The fact that the person he is talking to is willing to give him information about his cell phone and the game he is playing on it makes it even better. So people have the freedom to play games with these small devices even though they are adults? Unbelievable for him and at the same time very tempting. If he could get his hands on something like that, he'd do exactly the same thing. And neither James nor the others could accuse him of being childish, after all these games were made for adults, right? That there are people who devote their time to making games and toys and even get paid for it? Even better. His enthusiastic nature doesn't seem to bother the person opposite and it takes one of his brothers to interrupt the conversation at a certain point, Matthew could have talked for hours.
Damien's first human encounter, other than Harold, is like a dream come true. That's what he wanted! He's just overwhelmed. The peaceful and happy thoughts of those around him bring him to a complete standstill. No one thinks about the need for energy, no war scenarios are played out in their heads and it seems as if the other person is not afraid to wake up the next morning. Instead, thoughts are dominated by friends, family, work that people have chosen, relationships and leisure activities. Freedoms he has never known or heard spread out before him and it takes a long moment before he can collect himself. When a human finally approaches him and is neither condescending nor hostile towards him, he can hardly believe his luck. He wants so badly to be a part of them and he will do everything to become as human as possible.
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I never intended to make a VC4 log. I never intended to start playing VC4 until I finished VC2. I wanted to just get through it to see how it was because you apparently didn't need to play VC2-3 to play this one.
But dear GOD.
The gameplay is much more challenging, and there's WAY more things to do here. I've had to look at guides for most of the levels, just like VC1 except I wasn't running around screaming. Siegval Line is the only level where I got a B... God that chapter was an absolute nightmare.
But the story and characters are much MUCH WORSE, and I thought VC2 was bad. VC1's mains were mostly pleasant but boring, and the most annoying ones - Largo and Rosie, wise up at the end (plus Rosie's anime incarnation is MUCH better than her game counterpart). VC2 took place in cadet school, so you knew with those mains not to expect too much.
VC4's mains however, with the exception of Leela, range from mildly annoying to straight up making me want to throw my joycons across the room.
Riley blames Claude for running away from the fire that killed her family... when they were literally both TWELVE. TF was Claude supposed to do?! Apparently he's a coward for... *checks notes* behaving like how any 12 year old would in a deadly situation.
Raz should have gotten court marshaled a LONG time ago but he's able to get away with all this shit because he's besties with the commander. But apparently shit like this actually happens in the real military, so... points for accuracy?
The OG Kai is so obviously working with the Imps they may as well have hung a signboard over his head saying "I'M EVIL." I'm shocked that the writing team thought that they could fool us about why he deserted when even a five year old can figure out why.
Claude gets blamed for literally every fucking thing but you can't even feel too bad for him because of how much of a Gary Stu he is. Characters can be shit talking him to his face and our uwu golden boi just takes it in stride and gets promoted just for breathing. Even Welkin had moments where his emotions got the best of him and had to LEARN shit throughout the story. Claude gets NONE of that.
Even the VILLAINS are less interesting this time around. The only one we have seen so far is a cheap copy of General Jaeger. In VC1 by this time, we already saw the main villains, but it's Chapter 7 and they still haven't shown up.
But the worst character of all, and the one who prompted me to make this post, is Minerva. At first, she just hated Claude for petty middle school BS reasons, and I hoped to GOD she would get some character development.
But the moment she blamed Claude for her girlfriend's death was the point when she crossed over from "annoying bitch" territory to "joycons flying across the room" territory.
My dude, my guy, YOU sent him on that mission. YOU gave the go-ahead for him to ambush a supply base. And you fault him for not being at his post when your squad got decimated... when you TOLD him to do so?! And why do I have the feeling that if your pwecious cwystal made it out unscathed, no fucks would be given from you?
Your pretty speech about how you want to set aside your pride and fight with Squad E means JACK SHIT if you continue to blame Claude when he was JUST FOLLOWING ORDERS. As though he wasn't fighting, as though he was just sitting around having tea while tanks were crushing you. I know it's still early in the game, but I have ZERO hopes for you if you continue to be this bad.
Congratulations, Minerva. You just dethroned Maxie for worst character in the VC universe. I hope you're happy.
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neppednep · 1 month
So, why *would* Serafall solo all of Dragon Ball?
Damn, didn't think anyone would actually ask that. I'm going to try summarize this instead of going on a massive yapfest like before and finding out there's only a ten picture limit on Tumblr.
Also, slight spoilers for the DxD novels if you care about those things.
This is for fun and Serafall propaganda, so don't take the Serafall wank too seriously.
It still turned into a massive yapfest. So much for summarizing. It was fun enough to write, at least.
In any case, as the leader of the Cult of Serafall, almost 68 members strong, some of which may or may not be Discord bots, I approve this message.
Serafall doesn't solo the DBZ anime though, just the manga. You also can't really use guide statements as mixing/matching guides and taking them at their highest possible interpretation can get real wonky real fast. Looking at you immeasurable speed multiversal Frieza.
We will also be taking Serafall statements at their highest interpretation because I love her and she deserves the best.
TL;DR: Manga Goku is only multi-solar system and MFTL at best. Skip to the next bold text if you want to see what best girl can do.
Anyways, using only the manga Goku is surprisingly weak compared to his anime counterpart. The problem with the manga is, we don't really get many statements or filler that helps Goku, or really any character for that matter.
The best solid statement in the manga that I know of is about Cell who was going to destroy the universe. You have things like Frieza and Cell also being a threat to the universe, but taking the context of their lifespans and the fact they're very powerful with no one to really stop them, it becomes a matter of if they can do it in one attack or if they're going to threaten it overtime. Going with consistency and context, it's most likely the second.
If we do use guides at their highest possible interpretation, that's how we get the macrocosm destroying Frieza who is fast enough to move where time doesn't exist which is less than realistic, to say the least.
Going back to Buu and Goku, we don't even have one galaxy level statement or feat in the manga. In the anime it shows Buu destroying a galaxy and everything, but in the manga the best we get is Supreme Kai yapping about how he destroyed hundreds of planets.
This isn't a particularly good look on its own, so we'd have to scale them off Cell and Supreme Kai, as weird as that sounds.
Starting out, we have Cell as a solar system buster. We all know SS2 Gohan is stronger than that, as he pushed back Cell's blast and killed him. We have that infamous statement about how SS2 Goku is as strong as Gohan was in the Cell Games, but we'll go beyond that and give Goku the benefit of the doubt to give him a boost.
First, Supreme Kai did state he can one shot Frieza, he sensed SS2 Gohan's energy, and he knew the saiyans beat Frieza.
Fast forward to Babidi's ship, he saw Pui Pui and was spooked to the point where he thought himself, Goku, Vegeta, and Gohan would need to jump him. Keep in mind, four bare minimum Frieza level fighters to jump Pui Pui.
Vegeta then managed to completely dominate Pui Pui in his base.
Once again, giving Goku the benefit of the doubt, let's assume Gohan did not get any weaker over the seven years and say his SS2 form was the same power as in the Cell Games, meaning the Supreme Kai thought even SS2 Gohan wouldn't be enough for Pui Pui and base Vegeta would be at that level.
So after all that, base Goku should be a solar system buster.
The problem is even our milky way galaxy is approximately 800 million times larger than our solar system.
Using the x400 SS3 multiplier isn't really reaching that threshold.
Even if want to go off the rails and give mastered super saiyan something like a x5,000 multiplier because screw it, it's stronger than grade 3, it would still only be 40,000 which is far off from galaxy level.
Just quickly calculating speed with power levels assuming they're linear, Goku dodged the solar flare in DB with a power level of 180. We'll make that the baseline for light speed. Namek Goku has a power level of 150,000,000 which is a difference of 833,333 times, that's the last power level we have and I don't really want to speculate but we can safely place Goku above one million times light speed.
Even if you don't accept that and use the special beam canon used against Raditz which is light speed, it wouldn't make much of a difference. Trust me, it won't matter in the end anyway.
TL;DR: Serafall is bare minimum universal and immeasurable speed.
Totally no cope or bias, 100% legit. Trust me, bro.
In volume 18, life 1, Griselda states the third level of Heaven is so vast you can't tell where the end is. Obviously, we all know you can't see the end of it because there is no end. It's an infinite realm. Sure will be convenient for what's coming up.
What's coming up you ask?
Trihexa takes a casual stroll through Heaven in volume 21 and destroys that infinite dimension. In order to destroy an infinite 3D space, you'd need infinite 3D power, which Trihexa did.
I know you may be thinking:
'Hey, bozo. That's not consistent with anything in DxD at all. What drugs are you on?'
You may have forgotten about the 'Loli of the Week #2, 05/25/2022' (Yes, that's a real thing.) the Infinite Dragon God Ophis who has infinite power, and shares the spot for strongest in the world with Great Red and Trihexa which should also mean they have infinite power too.
Before anyone claims she got her power cut in half so she can't be infinite, shut up. Go to school and learn about set theory or alephs.
Great Red and Trihexa also can destroy the universe, as Azazel stated they would in their fight. Fan translations say it's world, but it can also be translated to universe. Plus, the two can really be used interchangeably.
Not gonna go into Trihexa wrecking other mythologies though as that gets wacky.
Now is the fun part where Serafall comes in.
Serafall is one of the people chosen to fight Trihexa for the next couple thousand years, being sealed away with it in a constant battle. Considering she can damage Trihexa and take attacks from it, using the AP = Durability rule we can safely put her on or around his level.
Obviously it's only still alive because it's regeneration. Serafall would have drop kicked that bozo otherwise. Universal Serafall confirmed.
She gets immeasurable speed through Gasper as he freezes time and she can still frolic around and talk about magical girls like nothing happened. She's just that powerful.
She should also be able to move in the dimensional gap which may not contain time as Gasper can't use his sacred gear that, as there isn't really any time to stop.
100% immeasurable speed.
If we really go want to go further, we can argue the Biblical God and all the Gods Trihexa defeated were as strong as they are in their real mythologies, but that's just bullying at that point.
You ain't ready for omnipotent Serafall.
Sorry to all you Goku fanboys but Serafall > Goku.
I'm also sorry to everyone who actually read to the end of this. Not really.
Next time omnipotent Serafall is coming to solo all of fiction. Trihexa was possibly the cause of the Biblical Gods' death, who is stated to be omnipotent in the Bible, making them strong enough to destroy omnipotence.
If anyone has any counter arguments, that's cool but look at this cat.
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Here is some of the previous post I discarded because it got a bit boring and the 10 image limit. Behind the scenes content. This was using a hyperliteral Goku. Please do not use these arguments. Ever.
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pico-digital-studios · 5 months
Into, Across and Beyond! Cast: Nitro/Christopher Smith
Replaces: Insomniac Spider-Man
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(Art by BroadwayBash123)
"Since I'm following in my hero's footsteps, I know there's still a lot to learn, even after I've gotten past my depression and fought off all sorts of multiversal-threatening creeps. But one thing's for sure; no matter what happens, I'll always have my friends there by my side!"
Nitro the Hedgehog/Christopher Smith is my own original character based within his own Sonic universe. However, his journey didn't solely start there.
In his youth, he was an actual human, just like you and me. He had a great life going for him; a great education, a loving family, fun friends to hang out with, and even a girlfriend! However, after he got separated from his family in a heartless attack, he ended up in Mobius, where he was found and taken in by Tails and Cosmo.
As the days went on, he aspired to be a hero of his own to help others where he couldn't help his family, which was helped with training from both Sonic and Honey. During this time, he also fell in love with Amy Rose, who reciprocated his feelings sometime after that universe's War for Mobius.
One monster that gave him the worst trouble, though, was Toxinfect, who terrorised Nitro at every opportunity and tried everything to make his life a living hell, even causing a two-month-long apocalypse with him as one of the remaining survivors.
He did manage to turn things around, though, when he discovered a special artefact known as the Sacred Ring, which was way more powerful than Toxinfect and reversed all the damage he did, therefore kickstarting the monster's downfall and descent into pure insanity.
As the next years went on, Nitro met other heroes from a variety of universes and made good friends with them. His siblings, Evo and Rosie, alongside his human girlfriend, Amelia Walten, and mother, Susan, even returned to him over that amount of time. He even gained the ability to switch between his hedgehog and human selves at any time following his first trip outside of Mobius in a while.
But during that time, Nitro was hiding the fact he was suffering from long-term depression, which he finally revealed when a smaller "version" of him from another universe pressed him about the matter. It took a lot of therapy and support for him to overcome it, but he was able to do so in time for a surprise birthday party his friends and family had prepared for him, which he was overjoyed about.
Come More than One Universe, and he, alongside his Errorverse companions (including those from Sonic, Freedom Planet, Undertale, FNF and DDLC), were brought in to help put a stop to the madness going on within the OMT universe.
During his time there, Nitro got to know more about the Blur Gang, even offering to teach CU!Sonia some tricks on how to save the day without getting her hurt. He even got to meet his D-Sides counterpart, Hefty the Armadillo. Alongside them, he helped with curing the high level of multiversal threats that were flocking in.
After everything was said and done, he joined the Blur Gang as its official twelfth member, and even outside of it, he, OMT!Tails and OMT!Mina have since been known to work in a three-member team of their own whenever they can.
I'd say it's a pretty ironic inversion of Insomniac, in a way. While Insomniac Spidey came from a video game and knows it, Nitro's self-awareness comes from being a part-human within the Sonic world.
He's also one of those to have made it through the Errorverse's rewrite with all of his memories intact, allowing him and Amelia to change things up when the times were right. And because of it, their universe became better than it once did, while they continued to lend their support to the Blur Gang as needed.
In terms of romantic relationships, he's got Amy, Amelia Walten and his version of Mina, though he's also found a preference for women older than him to actively avoid any squicky stuff, hence why he's comfortable being around ladies such as Milly in the stories.
Oh, yeah! You guys are welcome to ask me anything you'd like about Nitro, even if it's unrelated to Into, Across and Beyond!. Be it his childhood friends, about his family and other original character companions, etc.
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m-s-justice · 2 years
Once again, I show up to the Cod:z tag with a fucking essay. Once again it's about Dempsey. Sorry for Demposting :'(
The whole point of this is just to focus exclusively on a point made very briefly in my previous one. The whole Dempsey-Player dynamic (and a little bit of Treyarch mixed in for spice) is just so strange.
Three main questions I’ll try my best to answer, and a few more open-ended ones to chew on.
What are the lines?
What causes the lines?
Player control and the extent of it?
what the fuck is up with the lampshading seriously is this gag a joke or an actual part of his character now???
The first question is easy. Pretty much all of his lines referring to the Player are, to put it lightly, incredibly rude. He frequently insults and even outright threatens us. In Shangri La, he says that he’ll appear in your living room and that he’ll have “words with you”. The most polite is when he’s being passive-aggressive. “Why do my guns feel so light? HINT. HINT.”
So what causes him to speak up? That’s also pretty easy: anytime his ability to kill is threatened, when the Player isn't doing well,  or when they make him do something he doesn’t want to(though the last is much more rare). The majority of his lines are ‘out of ammo’ lines but he does have a few of him demanding headshots or blaming you for his lack of points(which he’s right for doing but also fuck him he’s a rude bitch and I’m going to force him to walk into a horde). In Classified, he’s particularly sassy: “Wait, this isn’t the secret song. What the hell do I need this for?” “I suppose you want me to comment on this thing, right? Hey you made me pick it up, pal! Well guess what! Fuck this thing in partiular.”
He’s clearly not enthused about the whole “being controlled by an untouchable entity”, but he also is strangely flippant about it. Fatuous, almost. It’s actually kind of concerning how nonchalant he is about it. But that could have a little something to do with the next point
How much control does the Player really have? In the grand scheme of things? Not very. In cutscenes, Dempsey is in full control, we have no input over what he does. In game, we only have control over his body, and even then, not complete control. Dempsey can talk all he wants and he can still have minor control over himself with idle animations and the like. This is compounded by the linear story-telling. There is only one major story EE in every map and the outcome never changes. This is pretty much expected as COD is a FPS, not a choice driven game. The most Player influence we ever got was in BO2 with Maxis vs Richtofen, but even then Treyarch said "Fuck Richtofen" and made the Maxis route canon. So no matter what, Dempsey will still so the only thing he can(progress the story via the EE)
Despite this, one would imagine that he’d be more concerned about his total lack of autonomy while in a combat zone, yeah?
But this could be dismissed as a running joke; Treyarch giving Dempsey a neat, ultimately harmless and insignificant quirk. Except.
Except there’s an in-universe explanation for it. It’s a side effect from the 115 testing for Ultimis and after getting his soul extracted, Primis starts acting similar to his Ultimis counterpart with the same happening to his teammates. But you know, maybe that’s just a one-off thing. "Oh, Dempsey is just insane in canon now. The 115 fucked him up and now he thinks he’s the Player Character."
Except. It’s fucking acknowledged. Characters on the level of gods know that he’s doing it. And try to manipulate him with it. Only two do it, but they are the Shadowman in Revelations and Samantha in Classified.(ok, both Toffens make fun of Demp in Alpha Omega, but he clearly has no idea that it’s rude to talk about someone who is listening.)
“Oh… oh Dempsey… another big tough man without a brain… always a good soldier… always the American savage… and always so eager to kill my puppets! Who are you always talking to? I always hear you doing it. Even when the others aren’t around. You are like a talking doll! Speaking to people who aren’t there! Maybe Teddy DID break you! But you can stop him! It could be so easy! Just pull the trigger, and… POP! No more Teddy! What is it you want? Do you want to stop fighting? Do you want to go home? Do you want your memories back? What he took from you? Kill him for me, and I can give you EVERYTHING!”
Wow that’s a lot to unpack, but for now I’ll only focus on what’s actually relevant to my point. Samantha fucking knows that Dempsey is talking to ‘someone’. Comparing him to a doll and contemplating that Richtofen actually managed to ‘break’ him. The latter bit of the statement lines up with the in canon reason, but still. (the doll bit is an admittedly apt comparison, considering that’s exactly what we’re doing with him, but I feel like that was unintentional on Treyarch’s behalf.) Of course to others he comes off as absolutely insane, but to us who are there, it’s a really odd thing to point out. Samantha could’ve easily utilized Dempsey’s lack of memory and his unrelenting hatred of Richtofen to manipulate him, but instead she mentions ‘people who aren’t there’.
And the Shadowman. He’s kind of a bitch and is very manipulative, but to be manipulative you have to know your audience, so here.
“ ‘Tank’ Dempsey. Do you even have a first name? You know so little about yourself. You used to talk to imaginary forces all the time! Forces you thought controlled your destiny. Or have you forgotten that? Of course you have! It’s all Monty’s fault!”
A lot shorter than Samantha’s schtick, but still telling enough. For Primis, who hadn’t even been experimented on, by sheer virtue of being Dempsey the Player(and probably Treyarch, too, considering the whole ‘controlled your destiny’ bit) is immediately brought up in an attempt to exploit him. Which is so strange. It implies something much deeper than what is really there.
But above all, the one link between every line regarding Dempsey and his connections is the fact that the Player(and Treyarch) are either fake or just ignore him.(though, considering his treatment over the series, yeah kinda.)
“Speaking to people who aren’t there”
“You used to talk to imaginary forces all the time!”
“Dempsey, whoever you’re talking to I don’t think they are listening.”
Which is so strange. Why bring it up in the first place, if his calling is responded to with only silence? Why try to manipulate him with it, if Dempsey is so clearly unaffected by his circumstances regarding his lack of control? The important-non importance this facet of his character is given just confuses me. Maybe they were going to do something with it, eventually, but y’know. He just gets killed off.(I’m entirely bitter about this)
End of Post(me complaining)
The whole thing is just sitting in between being a joke given justification and a Chekhov's Gun. And I really wish Treyarch let Dempsey pick it up. If not for some serious plot point or justification, then just to do something with it. It’s been given the spotlight from characters of great importance and knowledge, so why not do something with it?
I hope I don't come across as someone ungrateful or unnessecarily scrutinizing, but the vibes are off man. Takeo's obsession with honor and the Emperor got utilized and made into character development, as did Nikolai's drinking and nth Wife gag. Richtofen got his madness explained and could be viewed as perhaps not redeemable, but definitely pitiable.
Dempsey is just ruthlessly mocked at ever convenience and while thrown into focus few times by some big names, it's nevery really made into anything more. I dunno where they were going with this, but man. Dempsey as a character was so underutilized. For a fan favorite, he gets a whole lot of nothing.
Ah, but that's for another post. This one is already far too long.
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Sonic Prime Theory: The Chaos Council Are Clones Of Original Eggman
[Note: Don’t Reblog Without Permission.] 
it might be possible that The Chaos Council, aren’t just “fragments” of the Original Eggman, but might be creations of his, in other words his clones. 
Doctor Done-It, Is That Cranky Grandpa that makes you laugh...
Doctor Babble, is a dangerous small bean....who is really cranky...
and probably needs a nap....the reason why he might be really cranky, is because someone keeps avoiding his nap time...
Doctor Don’t, well he does seem like he rather just play video games all day and well that’s okay....but if Maria was alive in that world that has New Yoke in it, would he be mistaken as Maria’s Son...?
(but if he is one of Eggman Sr.’s clones, he wouldn’t really be Maria’s son...)
Mister Doctor Eggman, well he ain’t fooling anyone with that wig he wears...
and might take a bit more after the original Eggman, only the original Eggman never had on a wig, maybe because he wasn’t ashamed of his beautiful baldness...?
plus I’m pretty sure there are some women who are attracted to some guys with bald head, and I guess shaved as well.
so maybe it’s just the Original Eggman that knows this, but Mister Doctor Eggman does not know this information.  
Doctor Deep, I am gonna view as being a Egg-Himbo (much like how Eggman from Sonic Boom, is a bit of a Egg-Himbo.).....and it might be just me, but Doctor Deep just seems to fit that whole meme that goes “Oh, No....He’s Hot!!!”
it might be possible that Sonic and Shadow weren’t the only Original Survivors of the original world they came from and Eggman, the Original, Not “Mister Doctor Eggman”....
was close enough to the paradox prism, which may have allowed Eggman, even Orbot and Cubot.
Eggman Sr., might of ended up creating clones of himself which would then later become The Chaos Council...
reasons as to why he felt the need to clone himself, is perhaps unknown.
Sonic might of been in some form of coma for sometime in the shatterverse, so this would give time for Eggman Sr. to make clones of himself and make the chaos council, and he could be send back to way before the counterparts of Sonic’s friends were born, and Eggman Sr. had to put himself in cryogenic sleep, as well as his clones....
but some of them ended up waking up way too early, like Doctor Done-It.
who stays awake for YEARS, and then when it is maybe a few years before Rebel Rouge and Renegade Knuckles lose their home...
he ends up waking up Mister Doctor Eggman and Doctor Deep.
and they start to take over, and some time after Nine is born and being bullied, the current three of the council, end up waking up Doctor Don’t next....
and then before Sonic fell into that world, Doctor Babble was woken up like a few months ago.
and Eggman Sr. is still in cryogenic sleep, but at a lower level and not in the same room that his clones were in. 
and if it is true that the chaos council are in fact Eggman Sr.’s Clones, that would technically make them a family.
also, is it weird I want to call Mister Doctor Eggman by the nickname “Eggman Jr.”.......if I can call Doctor Deep by the nickname “Egg-Himbo” (which he has to share with the Eggman from Sonic Boom), then I’m gonna call Mister Doctor Eggman by the nickname Eggman Jr.
not everyone has to agree about the whole clone theory...
but I’m fan headcanoning it, and I will wait for it to be proven true or debunked, and it doesn’t matter which, I be fine if it turns out it will be debunked, that just means it will end up in a fanon timeline.
plus I can’t help but think that the Eggman Shadow, that was talking to Rusty, might of not been Mister Doctor Eggman, and might of been some other member that could be like someone who knows they are all clones, and was program with this info, but make sure to keep a eye on the others until the original wakes up....
or it might of been Mister Doctor Eggman after all, it’s just he sounds a little different when you just see his shadow at first even if he is talking to Rusty.
also because of that scene that has to do with a Robotnik’s shadow only showing and the whole talking to Rusty is in a scene, that is why the tag for “sonic prime spoilers” is there.
I wonder if the clone theory will turn out to be true...?
maybe Doctor Deep could be from Eggman’s “Casanova Days” lol.
maybe I should call him “Egg-Casanova” as well, I know I had a dream what I called him “Eggy” something.....I know I had posted about it, which once again weird dream that had a bit of FNAF and Sonic Prime in it.....
I went to check the post, and it says “Eggy-Deep”, so in the dream that is what I called him.....
maybe the reason why I had that weird crossover type dream, is because I was just being weird, my dreams sometimes make no sense and can be weird.
but my dreams just being weird and making no sense, might be normal for me.
me calling Doctor Deep by the nickname “Eggy-Deep” is just really weird.
maybe even more weird than my theory about him and the rest of the chaos council being clones of Eggman that he made when he survived what happen to his, Sonic and Shadow’s original home dimension.          
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vulpixen · 1 year
Week One: Mystery
Summary: This story takes place in the Mystery Dungeon AU I’ve been working on for a while and hold dear to my heart.  For this first, it takes place in the Mystery Dungeon AU where everyone is a pokemon. Stan and Ford are Alolan and Kantoian Meowth's respectively and their parents Filbrick and Caryn are a Perserker and Kantoian Persian, and Shermie is a Perserker. How I interpret it as what kind of pokemon they are is determined by genetics and not by game mechanics. Depending on a pokemon's ancestry can determine what pokemon will be born. Other characters such as my ocs Andrea Pereira and Lucina Evergreen are here, too, and they are an Eevee and Shiny Kanotian Vulpixen respectively. Hope this explains things and enjoy this for Week One of @stanuary and onwards! Chapter 1 is here on AO3, too.
Team Mystery
Stan, a young Alolan Meowth, awoke early in the morning and would nudge his twin to wake from his sleep, eager to get up and go for this particular day. The day they start a new adventure.
“Sixer, wake up!” the young Alolan Meowth urged his Kantoian counterpart.
“Mrow!” Ford yowled. “What, Stanley?” He rubbed his tired eyes with a six-toed paw.
“Today’s the day we’re gonna start our explorers team! Team Mystery!” Despite knowing him and his brother aren’t old enough to become a professional, recognized adventure team by the Explorer’s Guild standard’s, yet, that wasn’t going to stop Stan and his brother from getting a start at it. Ford’s lips formed a bright smile as he put on his glasses and leaped down from his bed. Stan hoped one day to meet the founder and leader himself to work with. Stan pulls out the carrying case from under the bed that contains the items they think they’ll need for this adventure they have planned. Once they find something to do, that is.
The two have their breakfast and leave a note for their parents to find, taking some berries and other food for later before heading out the door and outside into the streets. The beach town was bustling with pokemon going about their own business, most of them being water types given the town is by the ocean on the east coast.
Stan and Ford were making their way to the local bulletin board just outside of the Peliper Postal Office when a thought occurred with Stan.
“Oh wait! We forgot to invite Andy and Lucy!” Stan just remembered their Eevee and Shiny Vulpix friends who make their team complete. Stan was over the moon when the girls accepted his and Ford’s offer to become part of their unofficial team. And since it was summer, Lucy would be around for their summer adventures. He’d hate to leave the two out of their adventures in exploring, rescuing and seeking out treasure.
Thankfully, Ford seemed to find the two ahead of them when he pointed at them.
“Seems like they got a head start.” Stan and Ford go up to the two who were looking at the bulletin board, scanning for the tasks they’re able to do and succeed in. Each job ranked from letters E to S, S being the highest and way beyond what the four are capable of.
“Hey, girls!” Stan greeted.
“Stan! Ford!” Andrea greeted the two meowths, her tail wagging in eagerness. “Me and Lucy managed to get here first! Think we can solve some mysteries around here.” Lucy pointing at the jobs listed. This piques the twin’s interests as they scan the board and see which ones seem more interesting and can get them more rewards. Stan slapped at the C level job that’s within their area.
“We can do this one!” Stan pulled the entry down that reads: ‘ Can someone find my basket? I lost it somewhere in Question Mark Cove. Will reward 400 coins. ’ Ford gave an affirming nod.
“Question Mark Cove? I think we can manage a trip there. I believe it's only ten levels down.”
“Perfect! We find this basket and get my – I mean our money. Split it evenly.” Andrea giggled, figuring Stan may take more of the share. Lucina rolled her eyes, but she was looking forward to exploring a cove.
“Ascot, look what we have here!” directed a Minun named Dicky to his Plusle brother as they approached the board. “New jobs! And a couple of wannabe adventurers who don’t even have official badges!” The Sibling brothers were still sore about how Stan and Ford and Andrea got the better of them last summer.
“Hey! We’ll get ours one day.” pouted Andrea.  
“Yeah, go get your own jobs and shove off, sparkplugs.” Stan stuck his tongue out and pulled down his lower eyelid to mock them. The Sibling Brothers look at the group and let out a haughty laugh.
“Oh, we will. We’re going for something more… rewarding.” Dicky would leap up the bulletin board and retrieve a wanted poster of a criminal pokemon that appears to be a rough-looking Carrascosta. Ascot finished.
“Such as apprehending a criminal and collecting the bounty in Question Mark Cove.” The two leave laughing at the four dumbstruck pokemon behind to go off to fulfill the job. Stan was fuming as he couldn’t let this slide. He wasn’t going to let those jerks discourage him, his brother and friends.
“How ‘bout we go get that basket and get that bounty.” Ford, Lucina and Andrea gasped.
“Wait, what? We can’t do that. It’s something adults do, not us kids.” Lucina reasoned, scared about confronting a bigger and stronger pokemon they’re not prepared to face.
“Those two have no idea what they’re up against.” Ford watched the twins go towards the cove. They too were children as well. Stan mustered up the confidence to give the three and himself the morale they needed.
“Come on! With the four of us working together and using our moves, there’s nothing we can’t do. We’ll face whatever is down there and come back here to complete the job!” The three young pokemon looked between each other and smiled at Stan.
“We can give it a shot.” Ford approved, having a backup plan should things go south in having packed an escape orb.
Later down the Question Mark Cove…
The four pokemon managed to handle themselves against the opposing pokemon in the cove during their escapade down into the levels. They even managed to find the missing basket intact. However, they hadn’t seen the Sibling brothers since entering inside. Which Ford would point out.
“Do you think they’re in trouble? Wouldn’t hurt to check.”
“If the criminal got them, good riddance.” dismissed Stan. Something Lucina didn’t like.
“It would be wrong to just leave them alone down here to die.” Andrea sighed, seeing her friend speak true.
“Yeah, even if they are stupid jerks, they’re still kids like us.”
“Fine, let’s go find them.”
The four proceed down into the tenth and final floor of the cove and find what looks to be a makeshift hideout, no doubt belonging to the criminal, but no sign of the Sibling brothers. Stan and Ford call out for them.
“Hey! Dick and Asshole! Call out if you hear us!” Andrea giggled in response to Stan swearing.
“Did you catch the crook?”
They hear nothing for a second under loud, thundering footprints could be heard. It was the wanted Carracosta that goes by the name Crush the Undertow. His shell and maw riddled with visible scars from previous confrontations. He let out an uproar of laughter.
“Ye friends yer lookin’ fer are here no longer!” Crush lumbered over. “They turned their tails and ran off in fear of I, Crush the Undertow!” Stan and Ford growled, figuring the brothers would do something like this.
“Well we’re going to beat you ourselves!” challenged Stan and unsheathed his claws.
“Yeah, we’re not scared of you!” Andrea braced herself and her fur bristled. Ford and Lucina preparing for a fight.
Crush slapped his hard chest and bellowed.
“Then have at the, children! Give me a challenge! ”
It would be a challenging battle for the four young pokemon. Crush wasn’t holding back against the four, using his rock and water moves to get the upper hand. Stan, Ford, Lucina and Andrea have to act quick to try to dodge the attacks, and give it their all in turn. Ford didn’t have enough left to use against Crush, having used much of what they had and found throughout the cove. Ford could see they’re no match for this beast of a pokemon. Lucina having gotten knocked out upon getting hit against the wall, and Andrea getting her out to safety.
“We have to retreat!”
Crush targeted Ford and taunted.
“Ye not gonna run away like cowards are ye?!” Crush opened his mouth and released a high pressure amount of water at Ford. Stan would bound and leap to use his claws to deliver a strong swipe of his claws, aiming for the mouth and was successful, leading Crush to be off his aim. But it left Stan open to be attacked by Crush using his flipper to slam Stan against the wall and pin him there.
“Ya nicked me good, boy, but this ends now.”
Ford brought out the blast seed to use as a last resort to eat it, and unleashed a strong enough force to hit Crush and knock him down, releasing the injured Stan. Ford rushed over to help Stan up and give him an oran berry.
“Come on, Stan, get up.” Stan chewed and swallowed the rejuvenating berry that helped a little. “We need to go help the girls and tell the Magezone Chief about this.” Stan nodded at his brother, a lot ringing in his mind and thinking this could have gone better.
They hear steps coming towards them and it was none other than the Sibling Brothers, never having left. The plusle and minun clapping their paws.
“Well done!”
“Yes, very good! You defeated the crook in our place.” Stan and Ford glared at the two.
“You… you cowards! You got us to fight your battle so you can claim credit! You two could have taken him down with being electric types.” Dickie and Ascot would scoff, not having shame in it.
“And you did a fine job.”
“Saved us the trouble without using up our own resources to do it. Let us offer a deal.” Ascot presents. “You let us have this and we’ll put in a good word to have you and your team become a recognized rescue team with badges and everything from the Explorer’s Guild.”
“That is not what being an explorer is about, Sibling Brothers.” A strong voice spoke from behind them. The four boys turned to see a stoic Lucario and two of his teammates, a Pidgeot and Blissey, tending to Andrea and Lucina’s injuries. They heard everything admitted. “I’m immensely disappointed in you two for using others to fight your battles and perform your tasks, taking credit for their efforts while you’ve done none.” The plusle and minun cowered, fearing the worst was going to happen. And it does. “As the leader and founder of the Explorer’s Guild, I hereby strip you of your rank and badges, banished from the Explorer’s Guild henceforth.” He reached and opened his paw to take the badges away. Reluctantly, Dicky and Ascot relinquished their badges and carrying case and took a walk of shame out of the cove.
Stan and Ford were astonished by what just happened. The founder and leader himself, Ryland, along with his team to rescue them. Stan was relieved to see things were going to be okay, but feels guilty he got the girls and his brother into this mess.
Ryland turned to Stan and Ford. “We’ll take care of this, you and your friends need to be treated.” Stan and Ford nodded up and took their leave to get treated by the Blissey named Belle.
“Your friends sent out an SOS and we were the first to receive it,” Belle smiled as she bandaged up Lucina. “Good thing we did. You four were very brave.” Hearing that made Stan feel a bit better, but he felt guilt over endangering his brother and friends.
“I’m sorry, guys, we should have retreated sooner,” Stan lowered his head. Ford, Andrea and Lucina showed weak smiles.
“Don’t be down, Stan, things got messy and we turned out alive,” reassured Andrea. “And we found the basket to take back to the client looking for it.” The pidgeot named Soarin would offer.
“If I may, I can help deliver it swiftly and without delay. I assure you that I will give you four full credit for your efforts. What should I call your group?”
“Team Mystery,” the four young pokemon agreed.
The next day…
Stan and Ford are called from downstairs by their mom as they got a letter.
“Hey, boys! You have mail!” Their mother Caryn the Kantoian Persian smiled. “And from the Explorer’s Guild no less.”
“Wait, what?” Stan and Ford questioned. The two read the letter, and from what they determined, they are offered to join the Explorer’s Guild. In addition, some of the reward money that came from not only returning the basket to the client looking for it, but part of the bounty from apprehending the criminal carracosta. Stan couldn’t believe it. His dream was coming true.
“We can be official explorers! Badges and everything!” Stan beamed ear to ear. Ford liked the sound of that. “Team Mystery is in business!”
“I like the sound of that, Stan, but let’s stick with what we can handle before we aim for higher jobs.”
“It’s a deal, Sixer.” It was the beginning of a new adventure.
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idontdanceisit · 11 months
So uhhh… I made this. No I’m not making a fnaf fan game idk how to code, I only know how to draw. (Barely.)
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The summary is that Withered Freddy finds out that most of the animatronics are missing and looks at the console where he saw Toy Freddy. Toy Freddy found it from a dumpster so of course it’s cursed and so Withered Freddy gets sucked into the survival horror game console. There are multiple worlds like a haunted house, abandoned hotel, a lost ship, a totally not dangerous carnival and some glitchy world idk. Fighting some animatronic monsters 👺 I guess. So this is my first out of 8 playable characters in the game (characters are Withered Freddy, Toy Freddy, Toy Bonnie, Toy Chica, Withered Bonnie, Withered Chica, and Withered Foxy. Some of them which you have to save in certain worlds and levels). Withered Freddy finds Toy Freddy, later Withered Freddy goes missing and Toy Freddy has to save him. Okay. Now I summarized the story I will explain the pictures too. Ouch.
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This is Withered Freddy’s character selection picture. The brighter one represents him being unlocked and still alive. The darker represents him not being unlocked yet or he ended up dying.
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Now I will explain whatever this image means. And No it is not a Game Over. (I’m not making the game over screen till I have done all the playable characters.) You See the characters act as lives. If your character dies (unless u only got one) you have to continue the level you’re on with a different character. The game over is when all your playable characters die. Then you lose all of your items /(Including collectibles hehe yes I am evil.) and you Have to start the level you’re on all over again, so just don’t die. (Unless you got a game over and you only had one playable character, you can keep your items I'm not that evil :)) The only way to get the character back is to complete the level your on, find a very rare item that brings them back, or you know, get a game over.
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Heavily inspired by this lol. (I tried okay?)
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This is Withered Freddy’s character description. If you can’t read this don’t worry I’ll re write it here. Sigh.
“Withered Freddy-‘The Broken Bear’
Withered Freddy, the once beloved stage singer of Freddy Fazbear was now replaced his Toy counterpart. Despite being a Worn-out looking animatronic, he has lot’s of strength and is great at hiding in the shadows. However…sometimes his almost constant stress gets the best of him. It doesn’t get any better when he has to fight back to survive…”
Yea there is another version where it explicitly shows his strengths and weaknesses. I’m thinking that for my none existing fnaf fan game there would be an explicit description that you could turn off and on. When it’s off you must figure what they do in game and maybe description. When it’s on, it tells you straightforward what their weaknesses and strengths are. This is the explicit description turned on,
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I hope y’all can read it cause I don’t wanna re write it rn. I literally am going to repost this because I didn’t like the time where I posted it. Aka at ONE AM IN THE FREAKING MORNING. So yea…
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Well I hope y’all didn’t cringe that badly. Anyways congrats on making it to the end I heavily appreciate it. If you have questions, ideas, and criticisms I would appreciate it in the comment section! I’m gonna need it lol. Thank you all and have a good day/night.
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driftwoodmfb · 2 years
This is basically just what I think Morpho Knight’s appearances in Kirby games are going to go:
Morpho Knight will show up quite a bit in upcoming Kirby games where they will keep absorbing powerful characters and getting their powers. Most fights will be post game, but they will occasionally show up mid game. Morpho Knight in their butterfly form will appear in the background of some cutscenes (like in the opening cutscene of KatFL) of the games they appear in. 
There will then be a game centered around Morpho Knight where they are the main antagonist of the game. Since it was something being built up to for a long time it would be around one of the big anniversaries so let’s say the 50th anniversary so there’s more than enough time to properly build it up.
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This change in look is because their minds basically have been taken over by Morpho Knight/ Morpho’s world. This is partially pointed out by Kirby’s game over screen, where Kirby is lying on the floor with a pair of butterfly wings on his back. (maybe) Instead of health there will be a control meter where when it runs out, Kirby will get his mind taken over; gameplay wise it works just like the normal health bar.
So, in this game Kirby himself gets absorbed by Morpho Knight near the beginning of the game. This transports Kirby into this strange world. There is this tall tower looking thing and something at the top; Kirby decides that will be his goal to reach. We find out that this world is where all the characters Morpho absorbed are, so after some typical (in design) levels, Kirby will have to fight a boss.
Each boss will be the characters we saw Morpho Knight absorbed and will be fought in the order they were absorbed. There might even be some characters you’ve never seen before that Morpho absorbed offscreen. The bosses will have a bit of a different moveset because of Morpho Knight’s influence and the bosses would be weaker because Morpho Knight has taken a good portion of their power. They will look different as well. They all will all have wings very similar to Morpho Knight’s and white eyes. They might have the mask and as well, idk.
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I’m not sure what the enemies are going to look like in this game, but I’m picturing either mainly bugs/insects (to fit Morpho Knight being a butterfly) or fake/distorted versions of enemies from the games the bosses originated from. Most of the enemies will still have the white eyes/foggy eyes. Most probably won’t have the butterfly wings because one, they are from Morpho’s world and don’t need to be controlled and two, design wise that would be way too many butterfly wings for the game.
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Towards the end of the game, Kirby reaches the top where he could get out, but he gets stopped by a Morpho version of himself. (note: all the boss names were like: “Morpho-Fused Galacta Knight, but this fake Kirby’s name is “Morpho Kirby”. This is because they were all already fused with their Morpho counterpart). This Morpho Kirby battle will be a tough one where it uses the same kind of attacks as Kirby and even uses different copy abilities. When they finish using one of its copy abilities it drops it like how Kirby does and Kirby can actually pick it up himself before it disappears.
When Morpho Kirby is defeated it actually still has a little health left of the health bar and it then uses its final attack. Functioning like Kirby’s Hypernova move, Morpho Kirby tries to suck up Kirby, and basically everything around it. To survive you would have to mash whatever button is prompted so Kirby doesn’t get pulled in. Kirby is then saved by Galacta Knight who swoops in from behind and attacks Morpho Kirby to stop its attack. Both Kirbys get their health back and one more phase of fighting happens, but this time Galacta Knight is helping you.
Morpho Kirby is defeated and disappears leaving only yellow and orange a sparkle effect. Kirby then starts to leave, but Galacta Knight is unable to go with, which distresses Kirby. Galacta Knight then explains how after Kirby beat him he was able to regain most of his control for a while but, since he’s already fused with his Morpho counterpart, he is bound to Morpho’s world and is physically unable to leave. After some convincing Kirby eventually leaves, but is unhappy. Kirby then returns to town where everyone is happy to see him since they saw Kirby get absorbed by Morpho Knight and feared the worst. The credits roll, and the “The End” screen plays, but there is a post game.
Post game: Kirby basically goes back to Morpho’s world determined to put an end to this. Gameplay wise it would probably be a boss rush, minus Galacta Knight and Morpho Kirby, where the bosses are harder, but have less HP (like how colosseums work in video games… I think). Kirby reaches the top again, where instead of Morpho Kirby it’s Morpho Knight themself! The battle has a fully powered Morpho Knight, but they don’t have Kirby’s ability since he is not fused with his Morpho counterpart. After Kirby wins the battle the world gets unstable and there’s an escape level where you have to reach the end before the timer runs out. For the finishing part there’s a few thing I think might happen:
1. Kirby has beaten Morpho Knight once and for all and leaves the collapsing world. He couldn’t save any of them there, but he has prevented others from being trapped in that world in the future.
2. Kirby is able to save all (or most) of the captured characters and they all escape the collapsing world, leaving Morpho Knight behind. Through friendship or just repaying Kirby for saving them, the characters don’t want to take over the world anymore.
3. Kirby is able to save Morpho Knight, but all the other captured characters are still bound to the collapsing world and are unable to leave. Morpho Knight, now only called Morpho, has lost most of their abilities, but decides to try and protect Popstar alongside Kirby from now on.
4. Basically a mix between 2 and 3. Kirby saves them all. The previously captured characters won’t harm the world and Morpho wants to help Kirby despite Morpho losing most of their powers.
Some side notes:
I think Morpho Knight is kind of an emotionless being trying to serve judgment on those who tried to take over the world/universe. Although, it seems like they were only really born or awakened around Star Allies’ timeline, so I think they would act closer to Kirby’s age, or even younger, but appears fully grown in the Morpho Knight form because it’s partially based on Galacta Knight since he was Morpho’s first absorption. So in the post game (if one of the save Morpho endings is true) I think Kirby would come across a smaller Morpho that is basically Kirby shaped, including the stubby arms, that still has Morpho’s color scheme and wings and no armor nor mask. This is the true Morpho Knight who actually is full of emotions, but was unconsciously or not locked away so their emotions wouldn’t sway their judgment. This is the Morpho that Kirby saves.
I think that throughout the games with Morpho Knight appearing in them, Morpho Knight starts to get either power crazy, too harsh with their judgment, or gets a side effect from one of the characters they absorbed and starts attacking/absorbing things they shouldn’t, like Kirby.
The Morpho versions of characters only appear when said character is in Morpho’s world. It takes a bit for the Morpho version to form, usually the stronger the original character is the longer it takes for their Morpho version to form; this is why Morpho Kirby only showed up at the very end. When the Morpho version is fully formed they head straight to their original counterpart, a lot of times the original character is already incapacitated by the other “residents” of Morpho’s world. And even if they defeat their Morpho counterpart, they will reform pretty quickly; Kirby was only able to escape it because he was already at the exit and was able to leave pretty quickly.
Galacta Knight thinks Morpho made the right decision in capturing him because he thinks he really would have gotten innocent people hurt and perhaps even endanger the world if Morpho didn’t stop him. Although Galacta Knight was pretty upset at the time of his initial capture.
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