#heart go sicko mode moment
ab-arts · 8 months
My day be so fine and then boom
Heart palpitations
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pancreasman · 11 months
Hey!! Do you mind sharing with us your Shadamy headcannons for both the in game universe and your AU?
There’s a lot of overlap between my au and general headcannons in terms of the ship itself so I’m just lumping it into all one category
I never enjoyed the idea of Sonic being jealous or made as a bad guy or something in order for Shadamy to happen. Sonic is a G, he is the third wheel, he’s the best man at the wedding. They’re all cool.
Shadow doesn’t like sweets at all. He likes his coffee sickeningly bitter and rarely eats anything sugary. However, the second he meets Amy it’s as if sweetness starts seeping it’s way into everything Shadow eats or makes. He doesn’t even realize at first until his friends remark on how much better the coffee he makes tastes. This was a detail in the au and those who noticed get extra points.
Amy is absolutely floored everytime shadow gets a new outfit. (Or I guess any outfit in general) Every. Single. Time. Shadow is too, but is way better at hiding it. But that doesn’t mean he isn’t screaming internally everytime Amy gets a costume change.
Shadow does absolutely nothing to try and calm Amy down during her bursts of fury. He thinks it’s cute and would rather watch her beat some guy to a pulp in admiration.
Rouge was the first to realize Shadow liked Amy after Omega pointed out his heart rate increasing. Rouge was surprisingly oblivious beforehand but very proud after.
Silver was the last to be told about them because he cannot keep a secret to save his life.
Amy is one of the few to make Shadow laugh. Usually not on purpose. And Shadow has a very loud evil supervillain laugh that is intimidating to most but Amy finds absolutely charming.
Shadow still will not let Amy live up the time she mistook Shadow for Sonic. Perhaps in the early days this moment annoyed or bothered him, but now he just finds it hilarious.
Shadow would definitely give someone a death glare for messing with Amy, but only when she’s not looking as to not embarrass her. Amy, however, will go full sicko mode on your ass in front of the entire Walmart.
Shadows favorite features about Amy are her smile and hair.
Amy’s favorite features about Shadow are his height and the tired lines around his eyes that I imagine are there.
Shadow is an early bird who helps drag Amy out of bed and also the night owl that helps her wobble her way back.
Shadow doesn’t believe in Tarot but endures it for Amy’s sake. This annoys her until she realizes that means he doesn’t actually know how it works and totally uses that to lie to him.
Shadow taught her to ride a motorcycle and once she starts riding it on her own he thinks it’s the most amazing thing he has ever seen
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silverpelt3600 · 3 months
Halo 2x7 Spoilers!
What’s up y’all we’re back with another series of my irrelevant and incomprehensible thoughts on this weeks episode!
- OOH! “There’s a difference, you’re human!” “Am I? Are you?” Woah! Easy there tiger that hurt his feelings.
- also the jump to seeing him not bloody feels so jarring, and then immediately back to him being beat up lol.
- YO! Didn’t expect Cortana to pop up immediately.
- good grief the whole “you train them I choose what to do with them”, careful girly you’ll show your true colors to your partner in crime!
- KAI! All my homies love Kai, shout out Kai. And lmao John “I didn’t ask for your help” like DUDE be so fr right now you’re not doing so hot.
- wow the condors getting taken out so fast, the look on Ackerman’s face. Like, it totally just set in for him how deep in shit he is with this whole operation.
- Soren’s flashbacks mixed in between scenes of the new Spartans. Great show of how nothings changed for the spartan program. And jeez, he wants to go back? Some real Stockholm shit.
- WHAT THE HELL KAI! “I made a mistake. Maybe you don’t know that but that’s what humans do.” Can everyone just take a CHILL with bullying John?! Good grief it’s like everyone’s go to when they’re upset with him is saying he’s not human.
- live laugh love John going sicko mode fr
- Also woah! Surprise with the spike! Not surprised that the crazy lady is crazy though! And “those Spartans are my life’s work” “I’ve heard that before” LMAOO bad word choice when talking to the angry spartan with trauma.
- THE ARMOR YEAHHHHHH!!!! Aw Vannak’s armor nooo
- “he wasn’t scared, just didn’t understand.” What if I cried. What if I started sobbing.
- also John’s “I’m the proof” hell yeah you are buddy what a power move
- starmap moment was cool. Halsey as usual charging head first and the two science brains just not having the perspective needed.
- Kai’s “they’re mine”, I love her she cares so much about both of her teams.
- good grief Halsey drives me NUTS with how tunnel visioned she is.
- damn Makee, alright girly that was maybe a bit much but I get it.
- alright Soren’s situation just got a lot more complicated!
- THE SUIT! HES IN THE SUIT! He’s so cool I love him. Also “what it would mean to me” from Perez just breaks my heart. And her humanizing him! When literally this episode has had multiple of the opposite!
- oh FUCK YEAH John just walking through the building like a badass. All those people stopping and looking at him! He knows how awesome he is
- Holy shit the Halo!
- and that’s it?? Omg the writers are killing me.
Alright y’all I hope that was somewhat coherent. This show drives me nuts with the cliff hangers but John truly has skyrocketed to the top of my list of favorite characters. Also he’s attractive, so that helps too lmao. Anyways season finale next week will probably kill me! :)
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jjngkook7 · 1 year
Choices (3)
Werewolf Au! Jungkook x Reader / Enemies to Lovers [Angst and mature content. Not smut but almost smut.]
Summary: Jungkook finally found her. His mate. His lifelong partner. But she's a human. Does he have to stay with her or can he stick it to whatever and whoever binds mates together and make his own decision?
Chapter 1 Chapter 2
She winced and shut her eyes as Jin pulled out the last piece of glass in her leg.
“And you’re done!” Jin chimed, “Now all we have left is to clean you up and put some ointment on you and you should be good as new.”
“Thanks.” was all she could muster. It was still hard to find her voice after everything her and Jennie had been through. Being in a room with six real life werewolves didn’t help either.
Taehyung had taken Jennie back to his house behind the cabin wanting nothing else to do but stay by her side. Jin and Mina came home right after the chaos, the brand new groceries they bought forgotten outside in the cold. Jin had reassured her that Mina would take the best care of Jennie as she vehemently opposed having Jennie out of her sight. She finally let Jennie go when Taehyung promised that he'd keep her safe.
The pain from Jin tending to her wounds made her want to pass out numerous times but her body fought the need to, afraid to be unconscious during such an unpredictable moment. Fortunately, the pack was very kind and comforting, except for one member who hadn’t said a word to her yet.
“You’re quite the fighter. I heard your kicks from up the hill.” Hoseok, the one with the bright smile complimented.
She could only smile back and shrug. She had met the pack once at Jennie’s birthday but never got to know them on a personal level. Everyone was too busy partying and attempting to tame Taehyung when he went sicko mode to have a conversation. In all the fairytales she read, none of the stories ever talked about how beautiful werewolves were and surprisingly hospitable too.
“Yeah, what you saw are called rogue werewolves. They’re incredibly disgusting and dangerous. They take pleasure in playing with their hunt often ripping their prey-“
“Jimin,” Namjoon turned to him with a forced smile, “I don’t think now is the right time. In fact, let’s give her some space guys.”
Jimin scratched the back of his head and offered her a quiet apology accompanied by a meek smile. One by one, the members followed Namjoon, offering a sympathetic look as they left. Jungkook was the last in the line, his footsteps heavy and his mind cloudy.
“Actually Jungkook, could you stay for just a few minutes. I have to go prepare some cream for these two.” Jin said, face still facing towards her.
“I-uh, sure.” Jungkook stammered.
“I’ll be right back,” Jin placed a hand on her head, “you’re in good hands.”
She felt the emptiness of his presence immediately. Jin was so warm and gentle, making sure to soothe her with words whenever she whimpered or flinched. Jungkook on the other hand had dark eyes complimented with a piercing gaze. He seemed uncomfortable and almost annoyed. She tried not to look at him because every time she did, that foreign feeling that she had when she first met him would fill her entire body.
She heard Jungkook take a seat on Jin’s stool, the legs squeaking against the floorboard.
“H-how are you feeling?” he asked.
Her eyes fluttered closed at the sound of his voice. If looking at him proved to be difficult, the sound of his voice was almost unbearable.
“You um..you did a good job,” he continued, “those things are sometimes hard for us to fight.”
She pushed back the sigh wanting to escape from her chest. His voice was soft and coated in honey. Realizing that she might look even more crazy than she already did trying to drown in his voice while covered in blood and cuts, she opened her eyes to face him making sure to look at his nose.
Jungkook saw her lips move but he couldn’t hear a thing. He was too hyper fixated on the details of her face to hear a thing. The drumming of his heart and the pulses of electricity shooting up and down his spine was quite the distraction as well. When Taehyung and him were racing down the hill, he could hear every sound she made but not Jennie, he only heard her. He soon realized that the adrenaline coursing through his body was because she was in danger. Jungkook had known for a long time how strong the bond between two mates was but now he was experiencing it first hand and he hated it. Having a human mate that was chosen for him was already irritating but now he had the ability to feel what she felt. Jungkook was losing control of his own life bit by bit and it’s all because of her. He turned his attention to her hands that were clasped tightly against her lap and felt his muscles relax slightly. She didn’t know what was going on and he wasn’t sure if she felt what he felt whenever they looked at each other. No one knew Jungkook’s secret and he was going to keep it that way.
“Um Jungkook.” He hated how much he liked the way his name sounded coming from her.
He looked at her with a raised brow, ignoring the pulsating energy going through him when he did.
“You’re bleeding.” she whispered pointing at his hands.
Jungkook furrowed his brows in confusion and looked down at his hands. It was then he realized that he had been digging his nails into his palm so hard that each one had drawn blood. She flinched when he got up with a jolt, the stool almost toppling over in the process.
“I’m going to check on Jin.” Jungkook murmurs, keeping his head down.
“Wait before you leave!” she suddenly called, both of them surprised by how quickly she found her voice.
Jungkook kept his hand on the doorknob, body still turned away from her.
“Why were you at my house a few days ago?”
Neither of them dared to move or breathe. Jungkook felt the doorknob growing warm by how hard he was gripping it. His mind was loud trying to run through believable lies.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Jungkook lied, “try to get some rest.”
With that, he left not glancing back at all.
Tired eyes stared at Namjoon waiting for the leader to dismiss the pack. It was nearing three in the morning and many questions were still left unanswered. Where did the rogue wolf come from? Is there more coming? Why did it appear in public so comfortably? Namjoon was particularly stressed because he felt like he was letting his pack down. He was the one that was supposed to have all the answers but this situation perplexed him as much as the other member.
“I think we should just be happy that the girls are okay,” Yoongi spoke out, exhausted and wanting nothing but to sleep, “we should all get some rest and figure it out tomorrow.”
Namjoon nodded at Yoongi as a thank you to which Yoongi replied with a slight tug of his lips. The members all got up grumbling in response to show their dissatisfaction with how the meeting left them with more concerns. Jungkook remained seated watching as Namjoon carefully approached Taehyung whose eyes had yet to shift back to their normal brown hue. He heard Namjoon tell Taehyung not to worry too much before patting him on the back and retreating to his room. There was so much noise around Jungkook of footsteps, doors being closed, goodnights being exchanged yet for some reason, he could hear her breaths she was taking as she was sleeping loud and clear. Soon it was just Jungkook and Taehyung left in the living room, both tired but unable to sleep. Taehyung let out a deep breath as he let his body drop onto their sofa, hands tucked behind his head and eyes staring at the ceiling. Jungkook leaned against the armchair he was situated in and dropped his head over the headrest, eyes closed trying to block out her breathing.
“How’s Jennie holding up?” Jungkook asked.
“She’ll be okay.” Taehyung replied.
“That’s good to hear.” Jungkook said, reciprocating Taehyung's flat tone.
No matter how hard Jungkook tried, his mind kept wandering over to her. He wondered what she was dreaming about or if she was dreaming at all. He wondered if she felt the way he did whenever they were near each other. At the end of the day it didn’t matter what he wondered because he knew that most of the things he felt about her was not his own doing. As long as he didn’t act on his primal instincts, wondering should be okay.
“It just doesn’t make sense.” Taehyung suddenly said.
Jungkook chuckled. The older one had a habit of talking to himself out loud and conjuring sentences that didn’t make sense.
“You and I were the only ones who knew that something was wrong.” Taehyung continued.
Jungkook didn’t reply, instead, let the older boy ramble. They were all used to Taehyung spewing nonsense. On some rare occasions however, they had gotten themselves out of some pretty sticky situations after translating some of Taehyung’s babbles.
“I know why I knew something was up but I wonder how you knew.” Taehyung pushed on.
Jungkook’s breath hitched in his throat. Taehyung was now upright, resting on his elbows looking at the youngest member with a sly smile.
“Jungkookie,” Taehyung sang and felt his smile grow bigger at the younger one’s irritation, “you found your mate.”
Taehyung didn’t flinch at all when Jungkook threw the closest thing near him across the room, not caring who it woke up. There was now a hole at the wall and the pack would give him an earful for destroying the tv remote tomorrow.
“Why are you hiding it? And why are you acting like such a piss baby?” Taehyung hammered on.
“I’m not hiding anything. I heard them from miles away.” Jungkook answered between gritted teeth.
Taehyung rolled his eyes and laughed, “You’re such a bad fucking liar.”
“Why don’t you shut the fuck up, Taehyung?” Jungkook growled, ready to rip out Taehyung’s throat.
The sound of something hitting the wall was heard from Yoongi’s room followed by him screaming, “Shut the fuck up!” Taehyung sighed and got up, shaking his head in the process. He approached the younger member not caring about Jungkook’s clenched fists or threatening demeanor.
“Don’t forget what happened to Namjoon before he knew it was too late.” Taehyung whispered, afraid that the leader could hear.
Jungkook lowered his gaze to the oak floors and watched Taehyung’s feet disappear from the living room going back to Jennie.
It had been a few days since the attack. She was slowly gaining her strength back and all her wounds were healing in a miraculous pace thanks to all of Jin’s herbal creams. Jin had told her that the forest nearby was full of magical plant life that could cure any ailment. She was still debating whether or not she believed him because she heard him tell Jimin earlier to go eat a mouthful of mushrooms from the forest and die after he had teased Jin about something very miniscule.
She watched the pack and Jennie laugh through her bedroom window. They were all outside enjoying the fresh air. Jungkook and Hoseok were playing their own version of football while the rest were sitting on lawn chairs watching. Jennie was bundled up in multiple layers of clothing to keep warm while the boys were comfortable lounging in tshirts and shorts. She felt a small ache of jealousy in her heart. Jennie looked so at home and the pack seemed to regard her as one of their own. She wondered what it felt like to belong to a group and fully loved by so many people. She also felt silly for feeling jealous about Jennie’s Twilight life but damn what an exciting life Jennie had secretly been living. Once she was all healed up, she would return back to her mundane life and pretend like nothing from this week had ever happened. There was so much about this world she wanted to learn about now that she knew it was real. She found her eyes drifting over to Jungkook who was standing with his hands on his waist bullying Hoseok. His long black hair slightly sticking to his forehead from sweat and his eyes turning into crescent moons as he laughed made her stomach flip upside down. Jungkook was very easy to stare at and that was as close as she could get to him. She could never talk to him because he was never around and being too close to him made her body feel like it was on fire. Jungkook had some sort of effect on her that she had never felt before in her life. She had had boyfriends in the past but they had never made her skin flush and her stomach turn the way Jungkook did. She didn’t realize that the corners of her lips had turned up while admiring his features and her body leaned in closer to the window as if to take in as much as she possibly could meters away.
“How are you doing?” a voice behind her asks.
She tore her eyes away from Jungkook and turned around to see Mina standing by her door. Mina was so beautiful in every way. Her physical traits, her personality, her aura, everything. Like Jin, she was so comforting and soothing to be around.
“I’m doing a lot better thanks to you guys.” she answered, leaving the window and making her way around her bed.
Mina gave her a smile and entered her room. She watched Mina’s eyes go towards the window.
“Why aren’t you out there with them?” Mina asked, sitting next to her.
“Why aren’t you?” she asked back laughing when Mina sucked her teeth and nudged her ribcage.
They sat in a comfortable silence for a minute as she pondered how to answer Mina’s question.
“Honestly I just feel like an intruder,” she finally replies with a forced chuckle, “once I’m all healed up I will be out of all your guys’ hair!”
Mina shook her head and sighed.
“For the millionth time, you are not an intruder,” Mina calming voice filled her chest with a warm reassurance, “besides, I think there is someone who is very glad you’re here although it may not seem like it.”
She looked over at Mina who was staring at the wall in front of them. Although Mina didn’t say his name, she felt the butterflies in her stomach swarm. She felt like she was back in high school crushing on some boy she had never spoken to but had only seen glimpses of as he walked past her in the hallway.
“Who?” she asked curiously.
Mina got up, smoothing her skirt in the process before tousling the human’s hair.
“Whoever flashed in your brain just now is the one I’m talking about and the one you’ve been watching silently by your window over there.” Mina winked.
As the week passed, her relationship with the pack grew stronger but her relationship with Jungkook grew stranger. She was now able to opnely joke with everyone else and felt at ease eating at the dinner table with the whole pack. With Jungkook however, their relationship was at the stage of seeing each other at the end of a hallway and then going the other way. Whenever she did have to come into contact with Jungkook, she noticed that Namjoon and Mina would watch them with a knowing look. Tonight, she volunteered to clean up after dinner and Nmajoon volunteered Jungkook who protested but was immediately shut down by the leader. The kitchen that was bustling with noise and laughter a few minutes ago was now quiet; the sound of dishes clanking together filling the awkward silence between them.
“You don’t have to help if you really don’t want to.” she said, keeping her eyes on the dishes she was washing.
“I really don’t want to but Namjoon would kill me.” Jungkook mumbled.
Jungkook was in charge of cleaning up the table which didn’t take too much time. He watched her wash the dishes and felt guilty when he saw how much she was struggling just lifting up plates with her arms that had only begun to heal. Jungkook may resent her but he wasn’t cruel. Watching her hands slightly shake as she picked up a pan further proved his point that humans get nothing in return with this whole mate thing. He would get stronger, his senses sharper and his instincts better while she would just remain…human.
“Why don’t you just dry the dishes and I wash them.” Jungkook sighed, finally making his way next to her.
She didn’t respond, only scooting over to make room for him. There was a strict boundary between the few centimetres separating the two of them. It would only take one of them turning around to cross the border that the both of them had silently set up. Jungkook filled his side of the sink up with warm water and poured as much dish detergent in there to mask her scent as much as possible. It took every inch of strength within his muscles to not brush his fingers against her hand. He felt like one of those weird high school boys who had just hit puberty and wanted nothing more but a hug from any female that would look his way. Jungkook’s body ached for any kind of physical contact with her but he wouldn’t allow it. As the days went by, Jungkook felt more and more drained. It was mentally and physically taxing fighting against his instincts when she was living under the same roof as him. It didn’t help that his heat was nearing either. There were times when he would give in and allow himself some sort of gratification through a quick glimpse of her or lingering in a spot that she had left to allow her scent to embed into his skin. With his heat just a week away, Jungkook’s fill of stares and smells turned into a sick hunger. He would go to bed and imagine the things he would do to her during his heat. He’d wonder what she tasted like and if she’d get sweeter and sweeter the longer he went down on her. He’d try to think of what she would sound like taking his full length and how pretty she’d look dripping his load down her thighs after he was done with her. Jungkook would wake up with a raging boner that wouldn’t go away for hours and then he would get angry. Angry at how his body was reacting to some bullshit fate and angry at her. As his body grew more weak and his mind more chaotic, he almost started to hate her.
She cleared her throat in attempts to get Jungkook’s attention and to break the silence.
“So um, Namjoon told me that you’re the youngest in the pack. What’s that like?” she asked.
Jungkook frowned, almost rolling his eyes at how stupid her question was. This was another reason having a human as a mate was so frustrating. Jungkook and her come from two very different worlds. Her world was simple: wake up, go to work, socialize, sleep and repeat. Whereas Jungkook’s world was full of things that humans had been trying to answer for centuries and never getting close to solving. Majority of them didn’t even know Jungkook’s world existed.
“I don’t understand your question.” Jungkook said, plopping a washed dish on her side of the sink to dry.
Her throat began to dry up and she began to feel embarrassed for even trying to start a conversation with Jungkook. He was such a tough one to crack but she knew by how he treated his pack that he was kind, warm and lively. He even seemed to treat Jennie like a sister. But when Jungkook interacted with her, it was like a whole new person; he was distant and untouchable. Jungkook seemed to avoid her like a plague and she didn’t know why. Living with his pack for a week has peeled back many layers of reality for her. For one, magical creatures from fairy tales exist and yesterday she saw Namjoon chant something at the moon before a glowing circle surrounded their house. Apparently it was a safety barrier Namjoon set up every night but she was too freaked out to ask anymore questions. Knowing the little bit of information she knew now, she knew that the way her body reacted around Jungkook was too intense for it to be one-sided. Biting the insides of her cheeks, she decided to try to converse with Jungkook one more time.
“I guess since wolves have a pack dynamic and every member has a role to play, I wonder what it’s like to be the youngest member of a pack is all.” she tried to smile.
“Are you equating us to wild animals?” Jungkook scoffed.
She dropped everything in her hands to face Jungkook with widened eyes, “What? No! I just thought it was similar. I didn’t mean to offend you.”
Jungkook mirrored her actions and turned to her. His body completely towering over hers and his amber eyes burning a hole through her head.
“You’ve only been here for a week. Keep your ignorance to yourself until you leave please.” Jungkook said through gritted teeth.
Her widened eyes from earlier now cold as she leaned closer to his face, the both of them ignoring the surge of electricity traveling through their body from her actions.
“You’re an asshole,” she said, almost hissing, “I’ve done absolutely nothing to warrant the way you’ve been treating me this whole week.”
She stepped away from him, not being able to handle the way his breath felt on her cheek. Her fists were clenched tightly against her body as she felt her anger begin to rise at the werewolf.
“And don’t worry, I’m leaving tonight. Thanks for your hospitality.” she instantly regretted saying what she did. She had no way of going home unless someone offered to drive her or call her an uber. She wouldn’t even know what to input as her location. Magical forest or Werewolf forest perhaps?
“You can’t leave tonight.” Namjoon’s voice spoke.
Both her and Jungkook jumped at the sudden sound of his presence. Namjoon was leaning against the fridge with his arms crossed. His jaw was clenched and his foot was tapping against the floor in an impatient beat. She felt her body relax at the sight of Namjoon. Throughout her time here, Namjoon had made her feel the most seen and safe. He willingly answered any questions she had and always made sure to include her in conversations during lunch or dinner time.
“Thank you for welcoming me into your home but I think I have worn out my stay here. I’m leaving tonight.” she was able to muster one last time before pushing past Namjoon to her bedroom. There was so much she wanted to say to Namjoon and the pack before she left and maybe never see them again. She’d deal with how to contact them in the future to thank them properly for taking care of her but right now, she needed to go.
“We leave you alone with her for 5 minutes and now she’s leaving.” Namjoon sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.
Jungkook shook his head as he stared at the empty spot she was just standing at. A part of him felt guilty for pushing her so far away but a bigger part of him almost felt relieved that she was leaving. He could finally sleep and breathe. What he did was wrong and maybe when he finally found a new mate, he would find her and apologize for his behavior in the future.
“Her choice. You always tell us to respect other people’s decisions.” Jungkook smiled smugly despite knowing the tightline he was walking with Namjoon.
“Unless it is a decision that is harmful to themselves or others.” Namjoon snapped back. The leader grinded his teeth when Jungkook rolled his eyes.
“She’ll be fine. One of us will drive her home or whatever.” Jungkook sighed, wanting Namjoon’s holier than thou attitude to leave him alone.
Jungkook knew he had fucked up when he saw Namjoon take a deep breath and smile fondly at him. The leader approached him and placed both his hands on Jungkook’s shoulder, shaking his body slightly in almost a playful way.
“You’re right Jungkook! She’ll be okay because of the safety barrier I’ve put up these past nights. What are the barriers for again?” Namjoon asked, keeping a sickly sweet smile on his face.
Jungkook felt his chest tighten up. He had forgotten.
“Rogue wolves…” Jungkook answered in a hush when he remembered.
“Yes, rogue wolves. Their numbers the highest during this quarter of the moon. But she’ll be safe-oh wait! The barrier only stretches so far and she lives in the fucking city.” Namjoon’s face now dark and his grip on Jungkook’s shoulder tightening.
“And what do rogue wolves like the most, Jungkook?” Namjoon asked.
Jungkook refused to answer because he would have to tell the truth about her. Instead, he turned his head to face away from the leader.
“Her body is still weak and if she leaves tonight, she’ll die. Unless you’re willing to stay at her house day and night for a week to protect her from the rogues because what do they like the most Jungkook?” Namjoon asked, his voice harsh.
Jungkook’s eyes lowered to the ground, his shoulders falling alongside his gaze.
“Unclaimed mates.” Jungkook finally answered in a whisper.
“Get up there, apologize and stop her from leaving.” Namjoon pushed Jungkook’s body slightly before releasing his hold.
“She’s leaving? Why?”
Jungkook turned to a new voice entering the kitchen before groaning. By the kitchen’s entryway stood a scared looking Jennie and a jackass looking Taehyung.
“Why is she leaving?” Jennie asked again, worried eyes darting back and forth between Jungkook and Namjoon.
“No she’s…not. I have to um, I have to go talk to her.” Jungkook cleared his throat pushing past all three bodies and resisting the urge to punch the grin off Taehyung’s face.
She ignored the faint knocking on her door and continued to layer up as much as she could. She knew her plan was stupid but it was the only option that would allow her to leave without stirring up any conflict. She would leave while everyone was sleeping, walk through the forest until she reached a highway or a familiar location and call an uber. When she arrived home, she’d text Jennie and apologize for leaving abruptly before turning off her phone and sleeping until the next year.
She breathed a sigh of relief when the knocking finally stopped. “I’m just going to open the door.” Jungkook’s voice said from behind the door.
She froze as she watched the doorknob slowly turned. As the door opened, she braced herself for anymore shit he would spew at her only to reveal a defeated version of the spiteful man from earlier. Her eyes narrowed trying to figure out what he wanted as he closed the door behind him. Feeling embarrassed and ashamed, Jungkook kept his gaze focused on her neck. When he found that doing that made the lewd images in his mind that he usually formed at night to emerge, he decided suck it up and just make eye contact. The moment they locked eyes, he felt an ache in his chest so extreme he almost clutched his heart. Her eyes were flooded with tears and her face flushed indicating that she had been crying. Whether they were tears of anguish or anger, it made him feel physical pain.
"This mate thing is going to fucking kill me soon." Jungkook thought.
He didn't have time to process this new feeling or get angry how much control he was losing over his own body. He needed to convince her to stay for just a little longer. After a minute of silence, Jungkook finally spoke.
"Do you know what a mate is?" he asked, too stubborn to apologize.
She sighed and sat down on the corner of her bed, far away from him. She leaned back against her hands and stared at the ceiling, too exhausted to think.
"Kind of." she simply answered, not wanting to elaborate.
Jungkook looked out her window. The sun was just starting to set and they had a few more hours until Namjoon's safety barrier was needed.
"Let's go for a little walk. We have some things to talk about." Jungkook said.
[Hello! Sorry for the late upload! I hope your new year is starting off great!]
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talesfromthecrypts · 7 months
Top 10 Comfort Movies
tagged: @thequeerestdad (sorry this took so long I wanted time to think about it then forgot then it was a week later)
Labyrinth: its fantasy, its a musical, its got puppets, it has a man wearing pants so tight you can see his bulge. My dad has always shared movies with me and its not the earliest one I remember but its up there. Also I can't totally claim its responsible for my fiction romance tendencies but its not NOT responsible you know.
Near Dark: Between the moments of bloody murder and elaborate blood drinking displays its actually a pretty quiet chill film. Also I really like to watch Bill Paxton go sicko mode.
The Company of Wolves: Aesthetics, special effects, ill advised romantic trysts, soft music. The movie to drift off to sleep to after a hard week. High fantasy horror hitting just the right notes for me.
Aliens: being so familiar with a movie you know every bit of it from start to finish. That's comfort baby.
Paterson: Actually radiates comfort. Whenever you just need to watch something that is really a weighted blanket, a warm hug, a reminder its not all bad. For me this is it.
Fellowship of the Ring: All three of them really but seeing this in the theaters really blew my mind at the tender age of 8. Watching it does take me back to that exact moment in time. Which is a comfort in some ways by itself.
The Phantom of the Paradise: I really can't explain this one. Just the weirdo sicko vibes coming off it I guess. Feels homey.
Fantastic Mr. Fox: The feeling of fall in the air. The way you can see the fur move where the animator touched the figure to move it. The fancy little star apple. Stop motion animation is one of those creative outputs humans do that warms my heart. Sure its easier to do another way, but the human touch is what makes it special.
The Birdcage: Every father's day back when all the kids were home my dad would get to pick a movie and that was the only movie all year we had to watch. Cause that was all he asked for father's day. This was one of them. I tend to watch it when I can't go see him for his birthday. And like lots of other days too.
The Witch: I really like watching the woods tear apart that family every couple of months. The attention to detail is incredible, the acting (from children no less) spectacular. If they didn't want it to comfort me then they shouldn't have fascinated me so good.
tagging: @hellboys, @finalbabe, @aethelreds, @anthonysperkins
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moregraceful · 9 months
for the ask meme sort of correlated to a number: talk to me about Devon/Cale from your fwb fic and PDA (with each other and/or other people).
PDA with each other: they have these very strongly defined but very much negotiated without actually speaking boundaries where any PDA has to be through the lens of Just Bros because they’re semi-insane about not being found out…but because no one actually ever said the words “we can’t be affectionate in public” out loud, Devon’s constantly pushing up against Cale’s boundaries, either because he is drunk or he is horny or really just because at the end of the day, Cale is one of his best friends and he knows he can get Cale to smile by being a handsy goofball. So the PDA is both bumping shoulders in a manly way in the locker room and crowding too close in an elevator. For the most part they keep pretty unaffectionate physically, but Devon’s more like to see how far he can push Cale before Cale gets squirrelly.
Cale, bless him, is both extremely desperate not to be seen wanting anything AND starting to catch feelings….so towards the end of Devon’s contract, he gets a little looser, and without Gabe or EJ around and after the team finds out, they start slipping up more and Devon’s a little bolder about touching and Cale lets him
PDA with other people: Devon is way more likely to be handsy and affectionate with strangers in public bc a hoe never gets cold. Cale would again rather die than be seen wanting anything, so when he hooks up with other people, it’s almost mechanical how he touches them. Not like, unkind or gross or anything, but if Cale is hooking up with anyone other than Devon, the reason is probably because Devon is not physically present and Cale is performing a role, so any PDA he shows is very much because he’s performing a role as superstar hockey player.
In the future of the fic I’ve been turning around in my head, Cale catches feelings SO BAD by the end of Devon’s tenure on the Avs and he’s desperate not to show it, but because Devon is his best friend, Devon can read it, and it’s very like, rock and a hard place for Devon because while he loves Cale, he does not have romantic feelings about Cale, and he doesn’t want to hurt Cale. They don’t talk about it. When CMac offers him a discount contract that Devon might have taken a couple years earlier, Devon walks. Cale’s tender little heart cracks into a billion pieces when Devon tells him he’s signing in some hell franchise for more money and he basically goes Nate Mackinnon Sicko Mode for the length of Devon’s contract with the hell franchise. They win the cup the very next season! But it’s not like, a healthy win. Devon watches this go down with increasing concern for his friend’s wellbeing but since Cale doesn’t really answer his calls or texts anymore, he’s kind of stuck for a couple years.
This is a deep cut but there’s an insane series of photos of these two footballers Cesc Fabregas and Gerard Pique hugging after a quarter finals match when they’re on different teams (here’s one of them, there’s more but it’s all on the Daily Mail which I refuse to link), basically Pique comforting an upset Fabregas after their teams drew in the match. At the time I think it caused quite a stir but real ones (my two friends) knew. And I kinda feel like that’s how it would go down with Cale and Devon? Like Avs are making their usual postseason run, Devon, now in hell franchise doing surprisingly well, meets him in the first round, and his little engine that could team absolutely demolishes the Avs in four and at the end of the game when some random rookie defenseman who has stars in his eyes for both Devon and Cale scores the game winning goal past Cale with 5 seconds on the clock in 2ot, Devon doesn’t go to celebrate with his team, he goes to comfort Cale. It’s a true, pure moment of affection because hockey rules and bro rules dictate he should be with his team and save condolences for the handshake line, but he’s been heartsick watching his friend destroy himself for three years, so he goes to comfort Cale, who maybe hasn’t spoken to him in several months. And Cale clings to him in the middle of the ice and he’s not crying through sheer force of will, but Devon holds him and holds him and doesn’t let go for way longer than is appropriate for buddies or ex-teammates and it basically can’t be read as anything other than two men who love each other very deeply. The PDA to end all PDA, basically.
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aur0raaura · 9 months
Where do i begin. Let's start with the good part about this entire arc. I REALLY LIKE SEEING ALL OF THESE INTERACTIONS RELATING TO THE VILLAIN/ANTAGONIST/RIVAL(?) TEAMS!! Honestly the idea of going through each situation and then seeing Paulo be influenced by their ideas is not bad at all! I just wish they could've done it a bit differently. Though i was smiling a bunch in part two of the final chapter. Just seeing everyone agree that Giovanni has to get stomped down is genuinely hilarious but also satisfying to see. Also, I really loved seeing N and Colress interact. I didn't think I needed that so much until now. YET AS MUCH AS I WOULD LIKE TO SPEAK OF THIS AND ALL THE OTHER INTERVENTIONS FROM OTHER BADDIES AND RIVALS, I need to address the ONE FATAL FLAW in this ENTIRE story in a writing standpoint (in my opinion.) Why did they bench Lear? Why did they leave him out of it for the most part? Look man I'm not gonna be that guy but I would like to remind those reading this ramble of mine that HOOPA IS LEAR'S CLOSE FRIEND??????? IT WOULD BE OBVIOUS THAT LEAR SHOULD'VE BEEN MORE INVOLVED.
Imagine missing the biggest chance on writing a tale that could've paralleled the Prince's character arc. It's so frustrating!!!!!! LIKE- I GET IT PAULO IS MEANT TO SHINE IN THIS TALE, BUT LEAR COULD'VE STILL BEEN INVOLVED IN THIS AS ANOTHER POINT OF VIEW- ANOTHER PERSON OF INTEREST. THINK about it, Lear DID SHOW his concern about Paulo- it could've been a good plot point to touch upon while also connecting their paths with Hoopa going sicko mode thanks to Paulo's desire to be "The Last Evil" or whatever. They could've shown the parallel of Paulo no longer relying on others while Lear does THE EXACT OPPOSITE. GOING TO FAMILIAR FACES, ASKING FOR HELP TO FIND HOOPA, GET THE INT. POLICE INFORMED OF THIS DISAPPEARANCE CUZ IT COULD BE RELATED TO WHAT THEY'RE INVESTIGATING. IM SO MAD MAN!!!!!!!! IM MAD AND SAD!!!!!!!!!!!! Think of how insanely good it would've been to see Lear and Paulo cross paths, think about the confrontation and learning he was the one who had Hoopa and decided not to get the lil guy back- think about the fact that's how his friend ended up in Giovanni's plans because IM SURE AS HELL HE WOULD'VE KNOWN TEAM ROCKET HAS HOOPA DUE TO TWO ADMINS HAVING LEGENDARIES THAT OTHER TRAINERS USE AND ARE ACTING STRANGE BACK IN THE VILLA. THINK ABOUT THE POSSIBILITY OF LEAR HAVING TO HOLD BACK ON HIS FRUSTRATION AND GO WITH PAULO, TINA AND THE PLAYER CHARACTER TO RUSH TO GIOVANNI AND SNAP HOOPA OUT OF IT, WITH OR WITHOUT COLRESS' DEVICE. (I would've done it without the device because I FEEL that it would be a good chance to do a parallel to the moment in the PML arc where Lear poured his heart out to Hoopa as he was saving him from Team Break) I TRULY AM SORRY IF THIS HAS ANY LACK OF PAUSE OR GRAMMAR AT POINTS BUT MAN- This could've been so much better if they adjusted one or two things..... I just wanna know if lear really is calm after all this- because quite frankly there's no way in hell that he'd forgive Paulo this easily.
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meatriarch · 2 months
resident tank sisters maria aurora flores & ana flores beating the shit out of the family honestly gives me life idc what anyone else says,
but also how strength in them both manifests differently & similarly in the flores girls. how they've endured a fair amount and although ana is generally portrayed being more serious, stronger of mind etc, my marias strong of heart and softer but i will always die on the hill of how much strength, how much resilience and perseverance, it requires sometimes to continue to be soft, continue to be kind, continue to love and have hope in spite of all of the shit life can throw at you. maria draws her strength differently overall than i feel ana does.
my maria, at least, i look at the aus i have currently for her and its just.
girl is gentle throughout each one -- the only one she isnt is wilted, and her anger and her hurt in that au is directed at herself and at nancy in particular for what she went through with her. she isnt even angry at johnny in wilted, nor shine honestly. her grievance is with nancy the most. even in cold case, in nosy? which are her dire aus, her molded into a killer aus? she still retains that gentleness to her. in spite of it all, she is no different really to how she was pre-johnny.
like. my maria is soft, yes. but theres so many moments in wilted, in early shine, throughout cc & nosy where my girl gets to go sicko mode and although wilted / shine its purely out of self-preservation & panic & adrenaline in the moment? cc & nosy her rage, her strength, her unhingement is more structured, there's backing to it, especially once its to the point where johnny / lee are teaching her how to better fight someone off, protect herself. its where her magdalena, rosa, & paloma's aliases really come in.
wilted / shine? maria becomes a tank to survive.
cc / nosy? shes helped & trained to be one.
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yacinthemorning · 11 months
Mother Hen
Chapter 1 of 6
[First] [Next] [Last]
Summary: 5 times Jimmy was almost the mom friend, if not for his other quirks.
Ships: Jimmy & Oli (Friendship)
Warnings: Temporary death
Oli had died.
Oli had gotten up.
Oli died. Again.
Oli. Got up.
Oli. Died. Again.
It never ended. He couldn’t even reach his friends long enough to join in their games before someone had a bow out and an arrow through his heart. A screech escaped him as he woke up once more in his – well, someone’s – bed, the image of Scott's obnoxious little smirk while someone else insisted there would be no more killing seared into his brain.
He was done. Fool him thrice and none shall survive. No more mister nice bard. It was time to pay it back. Go sicko mode. Push up their poppies – wait, was that a threat or innuendo? Oli shook his head clear, loading up the first crossbow he found. Who cares! Scott was going to die.
Joe – beautiful, princely, wonderful Joe – glided down from the heavens like an angel of enabling, landing in the snow with a soft thump and not-so-soft sigh. Elytra were already in his hands. Oli swore a beam of sun illuminated them like a beacon.
“Another mishap, Oli?” Joe asked as he handed over the emergency supplies.
“Oh, thank you Joe, my sweet prince.” Oli sang, running his fingers along the chainmail draped over his arm. Somehow it produced the right notes. “Oh, woe is me, Joe. Woe. Is. Me. For I have been betrayed by those I once called friend! Brrrother, even!”
Joe shook his head. “Hate it when that happens.”
“Indeed! Only you understand me, Joe.” Oli swooned against the man’s shoulder, squeezing a single tear out of his eye to wipe away with a gasp.
Their beautiful moment was interrupted by the wretched screech of their communicators. Joe held his up to check, Oli leaning over awkwardly to look at his rather than pull his own out.
SolidarityGaming: Oli, are you alright? 
SolidarityGaming: We put your stuff in a chest. Do you need me to bring it over?
SolidarityGaming: We’re heading to the gaming district if you want to rejoin.
Smajor1995: I think Oli blocked me lol
Smajor1995: Get gud.
Oli saw red.
He snapped his head to Joe, who jumped. “I need your help.”
Much-longer-than-he-hoped later, Oli was beelining for the gaming district, enchanted weaponry filling his inventory.
He never got there. So focused on his righteous revenge was he that, when he spotted his target getting ready to play Panda Resue, he forgot to pay attention and slammed face first into a wall.
He. Died. Again.
Before he could even look at the messages blaring across the screen of his communicator Oli punched the mute button on Scott’s profile, and logged out of Hermitcraft.
In the home void he immediately began to scream, and then scream again because the first was not nearly loud enough. He did so again and again until he could feel his rage ebb away into exhaustion. With a last pitiful whine, he slumped down to the fl- grou-… ceaseless-abyss-upon-which-he-could-nevertheless-stand. He thought for a moment that it perhaps flashed a little too violet and gold, but that was probably the headache he had now given himself.
No! T’was all Scott’s doing! He’s the one who shot me which led to my current predicament! He reassured himself.
His communicator buzzed. What was it now? Couldn’t he be left to wallow fabulously in his sorrows alone? I swear if it’s Scott on some alternate account-
SolidarityGaming: Oli, that got way out of hand, I’m so sorry. Are you okay? Do you need to talk? We can stop the game day now if you want.
For a brief moment all of Oli’s anger melted away into a smile. “Oh, silly sweet Jimbo.” He whispered to himself, before beginning to type up a message.
“Jimmy, come on!” Somebody shouted over Jimmy’s shoulder, but he paid them no mind. He nervously tapped his foot, staring down at his communicator. Maybe he should send another message? Should they call the game day off entirely?
Jimmy never expected Oli to completely log off. The frustration in his friend had been evident even before the last bout of violence at False’s boat race, he should have done more to stop it then and there. Why did I try to use the sheriff’s voice? No one listens to the sheriff! Especially not on Hermitcraft!
Well, no one really listened to Jimmy, either, but maybe the seriousness of the situation might have come across more clearly before it all got out of hand.
A hand patted him on the shoulder. Scott stood there with a quirked eyebrow, other hand on his hip. “You good? We’re deciding what to play next.”
“I think Oli’s actually upset.” He admitted quickly. It wasn’t until then that he realized how tensely he was holding his wings, but they were beginning to ache. “Like actually for real angry. I feel awful.”
“I’m sure he’s fine.”
“He logged out entirely, Scott!”
“I mean he also blocked me, but he’ll get over it. You know he loves being dramatic.”
But Jimmy wasn’t convinced. Sure, Oli enjoyed dramatics and silliness, as did Jimmy himself. But not everyone was as okay with being the butt of a joke as Jimmy was, and even he had begun to feel a bit frustrated at his last death. It was all supposed to be fun and games. If Oli was really upset…
At that moment Jimmy received a message the same moment everyone’s communicator informed them Oli had logged back on.
TheOrionSound: You guys have fun, I’m gonna be building back at the village.
The feathers along Jimmy’s spine puffed up. “He’s really upset.” He insisted, turning to Scott who had been joined by the rest by then. “Come on, let’s bring him his stuff and apologize.” 
Jimmy was too worried to give the groans of his friends any mind, launching up into the air immediately. The sound of rockets behind him were the only thing that told him they followed, too focused on trying to figure out where the village was in relation to the gaming district.
Eventually he managed to get there, some of his companions reaching it before him. One of them was Scott, sat up on a ledge while Oli pointedly ignored him in favour of the platform he was laying down. The elf only seemed amused by the cold shoulder, still not taking the situation seriously.
“Oli?” Jimmy called, landing next to his pouting friend. His wings hovered nervously over his shoulders, unsure how close Oli was comfortable with them being right then. “Are you okay?”
“He’s moping.” Scott drawled, leaning against the hill.
“Why hello, dear little Jimothy, how lovely to see you!” Oli said, chipper smile stretched painfully across his face. “Oh, hello there, Scott! My, you’re awfully quiet today aren’t you?”
Scott laughed. “Oh my gosh, he muted me?”
“Listen, Oli, I’m really sorry.” Jimmy fiddled with his vest nervously, glancing between his two friends. “Scott- Scott is too. I know you can’t hear him but he’s saying “I’m sorry Oli.””
Scott rolled his eyes, a strange little noise escaping him.
“He is?” Oli asked curiously.
“Yes, yes, he’s saying it. He’s saying… uh…” Jimmy turned to Scott, motioning with a grimace, hoping he would suck it up and say an apology. Or anything he could tell Oli, for that matter.
But Scott was evidently still in a silly mood. He giggled out, “Oh, you’re speaking to him for me? What if I said something awful?”
Oh no.
Jimmy stiffened, begging with his eyes for Scott to just apologize.
“Well, what did he say?” Oli huffed.
“He said, um…”
Scott cupped his mouth and shouted, “I hate the gays!”
Jimmy let out an indignant squawk, “I’m not saying that!” He shouted back.
Before anyone knew what was going on a flaming arrow slammed into Scott’s side, followed by another hitting the hill behind him. 
Chaos, confusion, and giggles broke out among the group. Joe continued to fire while Scott tried to explain through his fit of hysterics that it was okay. Everyone else was just trying not to get hit or fall over with laughter.
In the chaos Oli had taken cover under Jimmy’s wing. “What’s going on!?”
Jimmy crouched down, bringing the pair into a small, feathery cocoon to explain while the others sorted the mess out on their own. “Nothing, Scott was just trying to get me to say something very rude.” He tried to explain. 
Poor Joe’s embarrassment could be felt even through the few words that made it into the cocoon. Jimmy tried to ignore it. Later. For now, he placed a hand on Oli’s shoulder blade, giving it a comforting rub. “Anyways, though. Oli, we really are sorry. We didn’t mean for it to get so out of hand.”
“Jimmy thinks you’re actually angry.” Sausage’s voice and face poked through the feathers, giving the pair a kind smile.
“No, no, I’m fine now. All just a bit of fun.” Oli insisted, though Jimmy wasn’t sure if it was true or the sake of amicability. A smirk stretched across the bard’s face, and he pressed his index finger against Jimmy’s nose. “Although really, this all started cause you put a hit out on me.”
Jimmy stiffened, feathers flattening in shame. He hung his head. “Oh gosh, yeah. I did, didn’t I? I’m so sorry Oli.”
“It’s fine, Jimbo.”
“I feel awful, though. I’ll make it up to you I swear.”
Oli gave him a look, like he was thinking very very hard. It was all for theatrics, it seemed, as he let out a small ding, imitating a lightbulb. “Well then, you can make it up to me by meeting up here, tomorrow, before you go to the rat house. Okay?”
“You got it, buddy. I’ll be there.”
“But, uh, I really am gonna hang out here for the rest of the day. Really gotta finish my place, I’m way behind and kinda tired.”
Oh. Oli really hadn’t been angry. Jimmy felt a small heat rise to his cheeks. “Okay mate, whatever you want. If you need help with anything just ask.”
“Actually,” Oli began as they stood up, Jimmy unravelling his wings now that the chaos outside seemed to have settled. Cleo and Scott seemed to be busy assuring Joe while the rest had run off. “Not you, but do you think you could get me in touch with that rancher of yours? I heard he’s the guy to ask for what I need.”
“Tango?” Jimmy asked in surprise. “Uh, sure, I could.”
“Great! Thanks, Jimbo!” Oli snickered. He was up to something. Jimmy didn’t stick around to try and figure out what, though. He waved goodbye with one last apology and flew off with the remaining troublemakers.
Now completely alone, Oli clapped his hands together in excitement. “Alright, time to work my bard-y magic on this gift.” He cheered, finding himself newly invigorated to get their sheriff’s secret Santa just right. All he needed now was the piano and recordificator…
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windswords · 1 year
oh man. 911 S6B is amazing so far. in a flash was a bit. Hm. Strange. the editing didn’t help either 😭 BUT it was good setup for what was to come!! and then - in another life?? recovery???? FUCKING AMAZING. im so happy with the direction they’re taking the show in!!!!
i still have some gripes with the way it feels like the dialogue is a bit less natural and more platitude-y. their usual back and forth feels forced at times, and it just.. disappoints me. it used to be 911’s strongest point, and it just sticks out so much now. but maybe that’s just me? feel free to tell me if im wrong 🥲
BUCK’S ENTIRE COMA DREAM ALTERNATE REALITY RAAAAHHHHHHH IT WAS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO COOL the tk dream episode is cool this coma dream episode is cool its so cool how different it is from the usual 911 episode formats IT STANDS OUT IN THE BEST WAY POSSIBLE!!!!!!!! you get so excited when they suddenly change it up it was so strange and fun and awesome….. ASSHOLE BOBBY YOU WILL BE IN MY HEART FOREVER. eugh doug made me nauseous. kill KILL KILL ermmmm daniel was silly. NOT THE DOCTOR ON SURGEON VIOLENCE GOING ON IN THE DINNER TABLE that was funny actually
i immensely appreciate the fleshing out of wendall and bobby’s relationship, and the full circle moment when bobby continued on wendall’s wonderful legacy of always helping when he saw someone who needed it. it is beautiful, truly, and im glad that his death - while absolutely tragic and devastating - lead to the saving of everyone in that rehab center. i was so angry that they killed off a character who i barely knew and was genuinely excited to get to know. but i feel comforted in the fact that it meant something now, that he saved them. that he didn’t go down without a fight. he saved bobby, he saved tamara, and it was all by being a kind, loving, selfless person. I LOVE HIM OK DONT TOUCH ME.
the buckley-han family debacle is - quite something. i dont know why the buckley parents are suddenly nice???? i mean its nice and all but????? where did this come from. chim is right it’s a bit erm suspicious ? but perhaps after jee they did some personal growth, we shall never know.
buckley sibs my everything, overbearing maddie my everything, HER SCHEDULING HER COWORKERS TO CHECK ON HER BROTHER NAHHH SHE’S DOING THE MOST
theyre suddenly TALKING ABOUT THE SHOOTING?!!???()))( EDDIE REMEMBERS NOTHING BUCK REMEMBERS EVERYTHING FUCK MY LIFE OR MAYBE EDDIE’S LYING AND HE DOESNT WANT TO SAY “i remember that you stared at me like you were the one who got shot” or something fucking gay and crazy like that they should be put down. sorry. love you guys.
ermmmmm wow i love 911 its stupid and dramatic as shit sometimes but i do truly love it and they did so good with buck and bobby im so happy i love them i adore them thank you for everything
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platonic-prompts · 2 years
Heard word of oc info dumping and came running lmAO
(This is gonna probably be long so like if you don't wanna answer then by all means no worries!)
-their name is Jay (Jay1L0m10) and they look like an astronaut somewhat, but it's kinda just a suit that's actually their body
-Like there's nothing but what's essentially TV static space matter under there, which is hyper sensitive to the senses
-SUPER long story short, they were a lil dude created out of someone having an overabundance of emotions and affection for life,, who wanted to pour their feelings into another being to give life to something lovely in the terrible world they were stuck in, in the hopes it could find and experience some good when the creator was long gone
-also created to be a entity that could connect with others emotionally, them being able to pick up on others emotions and others being able to pick up on their own
-their creator was taken out, being a fugitive for messing with science and the laws of nature to create a being and many things before it will kinda do that to ya
-They are very cursed
-Like absolutely chaotic
-peak gremlin energy basically
-in the sense that you'd probably find them on the side of a building belting the lyrics to heart of glass. badly
-ace, nonbinary and panromantic
-the spot their face/head would be is a astronaut helmet that displays their emotions in a plethora of colors and figures, they tend to emote through it sometimes
-they're not very vocal, instead preferring to express themselves through body language, noises, colors and images(subjective, they don't often have a set form of an object), and occasionally code if they're overwhelmed
-theyre literally a living stress blanket for people basically it's awesome
-when they were in the process of being prototyped and built, their creator would always have 1920s swing music playing while they worked, (the creator loved it as well as wanting their creation to be consistently in an invironment of Good Vibes tm) so they absolutely love it and start subconsciously doin a lil jig like their creator always did
-since the ain't got no boNes, they end up getting into a bunch of.. strange situations
-as in they could be 50ft up in a tree, fall, squish kinda and bounce back up after a minute of laying there, much to the shock of anyone who just happened to be nearby lmao
-so long as their suit doesn't rip or tear or break in any way they're mostly fine
-they can feel with the suit as if it were a body
-even though they're very chaotic alot of the time, there's definitely moments of total quiet
-in those moments, it's when their fascination with life is the only thing on the mind
-these sessions could last for a couple minutes or even days, anything in nature could start them up
-they sit so still in those moments that they look like they've shut off, and the people (*couGh*foundfamily*CoUgh*) around them tap on their visor so make sure there's still little colors flowing around in there
-they have no idea how they they've existed for, and there's no much indication that the creator left to identify exactly how long. It's been at least a couple hundred years though
-for alot of it they weren't even powered on, their body just completely shut down after they escaped when their creator was being bounty hunted, much to their distaste
-they knew that their creator was a good person, but understood that people thought they were both freaks and lunatics. Didn't mean they didn't want to go sicko mode on the bounty hunters though
-im calling them bounty hunters but the people after them were government officials of some kind who didn't want them kind of science getting into the public
-jay only came back on because someone (*coUGHfoundfamilyCOuGh*) ended up finding them when a sunbeam from their visor hit her in the eye
-she brought them back to the group shelter, there was no way this thing could do any harm in the state it was in was her reasoning
-when the group finally did get them to power on it was entirely accidental. Someone set their hands on either side of the helmet to turn it around in their hands and look at it better and the mild electric current bridge they created through their hands shocked the system into starting again
-when they woke up, they thought they were only out for a couple hours, when really a century had gone by
-they were VERY panicked! Understandably!
-since they woke up and tried balancing into life again, their whole reason for existing came back around again too, and they struck up friendships with the group quickly
-so now basically the world they're all set in is found family slice of life, but I haven't figured out a whole plot yet :p
(Wh e Eze thats alot of writing ooosorrypfFT)
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novadreii · 3 years
my thoughts on castlevania s4 SPOILERS obviously
wow, i was actually impressed with hector for once. he collected the last wit about him to turn his situation around and take his balls out of lenore’s hands back into his pants. i thought he would go sicko mode on her and feared it getting a little revenge misogynistic, but i was pleasantly surprised at how civilized it was between them up until the end.
lenore was a little useless, wasn’t she? i half expected her to go, “you know what? fuck diplomacy” and just go mach 1 on everyone. eh.
isaac, oh. isaac. my favorite secondary character. wanders the desert conquesting, killing and raising the dead which made him realize things. he realized so much he marched right into carmilla’s castle while her beserker and army were away and owned her ass. good for him.
carmilla. oh, carmilla. tied with isaac for my favorite. so determined and single-minded that she sent away all her forces while she schemed in her fortress. she depended too hard on her partners doing all the work for her, and as a result she wasn’t much of a thinker, just a bloody, murdery doer. for example, she didn’t think that there were other formidable forces in the world that may want to impede her whole world domination plan? did she forget about isaac, out in the world rogue forgemastering? that was a threat she should have checked on before going global. she got too greedy, too quickly, and she paid the ultimate price for it. she went out like a fucking boss though, and i was pleased with her arc overall. as far as villains go, her raison d’etre was relatable and hard to argue with. 
the dialogue style is both one of my favorite parts of the show but also at times a pain point for me. when it’s good, it’s relaxed, comfortable and realistic and the characters play off each other really well with it (like quipping back and forth during battle which i normally hate but works well here). when it’s bad, it’s a little cringe. some dialogue scenes went on wayyyyy too long while the characters repeated things they’d literally just said verbatim, which is awkward af in screenwriting. i.e. Isaac telling Hector twice in the space of 30 seconds “Dracula earned his rest.” which is odd because impactful phrases like this usually are not repeated so as not to, yknow, dilute their impact. Also Carmilla waxing spiteful about “evil old men” and repeating some variation of the phrase 15 times in one scene. lastly, the liberal sprinkling of the word “fuck” in every other line is also like, mostly welcome but once or twice just sounded silly given the context of the scene. i’m nitpicking, here.
saint-germain. Idk much about his woman, but she definitely seemed worth slaughtering a village and raising dracula from the dead for. violent and hot as fuck, she never uttered a single word which i want to think is indicative of something but what? did we ever figure out why she kept eluding him via dimension-jumping? imagine she was trying to get away from him all this time lol. yikes.
the smartest people in this whole show are the vampire lesbians who peace tf out immediately when they see their castle is under siege and figure out carmilla is dead. LOL at them assuming useless lenore is dead too (bc, she’s useless) and just leaving her there. they packed their shit up, moved out west, presumably to build a lover’s stronghold where they could just be in vampire love forever. GOOD FOR THEM.
trevor: continued to drunkenly yell Fuck while being masterfully proficient immediately at any weapon he picks up, though eventually always ending up using his fists like the brawler he is.
sypha: if she met the avatar, she'd be like “lmao, you can ‘bend’ the elements, huh? i can use them in ways that would make your skin crawl and your head explode to even think about. sit the fuck down.”
alucard: adorable himbo with a heart of gold, needs a tough as nails gf to jerk him out of his moods and organize his kitchen for him. another round of good for him. i was a little scared they would kill off his gf but that would have been unimaginably cruel considering what he went through in s3. alucard had imo the best/most stylish fight sequences of the season. and they know what we’re about, since he was shirtless or at least in a very deep V cut most of the time. thank you.
i had 2 major predictions for this season going into it: trevor would die (permanently), and sypha would have a kid/get pregnant. i was 75% on the money.
i liked the ending message of why humans win these wars against vampires despite being slow meatbags compared to them. the vampires’ fatal flaw is resistance to change, provoked by their immortality, arrogance, and insatiable desire for power in order to provide themselves long term stability in the world. whereas humanity’s best trait is the polar opposite: adaptability. throughout history, the ability to adapt has been proven to be the determining factor in a species’ survival. vampires, for all their god-like strengths, prove to be no exception to this rule. alucard, with his human heart, is the only one with vampire blood who has proven he can make major changes and overcome personal prejudices to live a better life.
And my final thoughts on the ending are: everyone major got a satisfying end to their arc. BUT. it was just too happy. either trevor should have stayed dead, OR dracula and lisa should have gone back to hell. but not both. having everyone come back to life and go on to skip in fields just seems contrary to the tone and messaging of the whole show, which is pretty high up on the edginess scale.
i love a bittersweet ending in general, so i’m biased. imo, the joy of a mostly good ending is rendered all that much sweeter by reflecting on what was lost to obtain it. imagine:
alternate ending 1: trevor comes back, the gang lives happily ever after at Belmont Village or wtvr they name it, BUT. we see alucard lost in thought thinking about his parents, how he saw a flash of their souls during the penultimate battle. there’s regret there, the regret of shit left unsaid and shitty family dynamics unsolved. we cut immediately back to hell, with lisa and dracula embracing, maybe whispering a few lines of doomed lovers dialogue and something about their son. they’re in hell, but ultimately, they’re together. cut back to alucard, yanked out of his sad thoughts by his pretty gf who won’t let him get too deep in the weeds. shot pans out of them together with the gang. the end.
alternate ending 2: trevor is DEAD dead. sypha stays with alucard and the gang at belmont farms and raises her kid. maybe we get a 2 year timeskip and we see the little shit have some of his dad in him/her. sypha is sad about trevor but doesn’t mope about it. she runs that town like it’s a business. alucard is the best uncle to that kid & the orphans they could ask for. everyone gets trained in ass-kicking next door at the belmont hold. lisa and dracula are miraculously alive through whatever convoluted bs makes it work, and contemplate one day moving back to see their son. dracula has a moment to realize that his family is mostly human, and what he loves in them he can learn to tolerate from all of humanity.
don’t those feel happy but just. TINGED. with just enough sadness to be more memorable? idk i may just be a masochist.
i haven’t mentioned the technical aspects such as animation and direction because they were amazing. really, really incredible animation that is going to be hard to follow up (and netflix is going to make copycats of this formula, you bet your ass they will). where cgi was used, it was excellent and barely detectable, really well integrated with 2d. so engaging to watch.
overall: 9/10
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uwumessenger · 4 years
Can you do RFA and Saeran confessing to MC just in time? Like the feelings are there on both ends but MC grows tired of waiting and is about to give up but then they confess and end up together (maybe with the help of one or two other members) :)
awe this request is so cute. hope you enjoy! i apologize in advance for all the cringe you may experience while reading this.
yoosung thought he’d be more confident about it
and he’d always try to find the perfect time to tell you he likes you
...but he gets so nervous...every. single. time.
and you’re usually so patient but now you feel like he doesn’t think of you that way
so you start becoming more distant to him
bby yoosung is hurt by that :(
it pains zen to see how downhill it’s going so he decides to invite yoosung over to pep talk him
yoosung, pal, it’s almost been two years. don’t you just wanna go for it?
and of course he does!
zen motivates him by telling ys to imagine you with someone else
he starts crying decides it’s time to confess
like. right now.
he meets up with you at a park near zen’s place and immediately bear hugs you
MCilikeyoualotandimsosorryittookmesolongidontwantyoutobewithsomeoneelsepleasedontbemadatme c ries
when he lets you go there’s a moment of silence
before you hug him again and tell him that you’re glad you waited :’)
EVERYONE, including jaehee, is cringing at how zen can’t communicate his feelings
he’s usually confident so what’s stopping him this time?
initially zen wanted to confess to you at the party but he was always caught up in other conversations with the guests
since he’s naturally a very flirty person no one realized he liked you until they saw irl interaction
you keep trying to pry it out of him but he would shield it off by saying something about himself/his looks T-T
one night he has a psychic dream
the first being him with you, awe, so cute!
but he sees another guy come in and....sTEAL YOU???
he immediately wakes up and panics
it’s 4AM, but he sees that you’re online chatting with jumin
when he sees the chatroom close he immediately calls you
i hate to do this over the phone, but, i have a confession.
well, you did it just in time. i’ll cancel my meeting tomorrow morning with tom
wait who’s tom
it doesn’t matter anymore B)
did not expect you to like her
you’re surrounded by all these good looking men
why would you choose her?
she was always super oblivious to your hints which was so frustrating
one day during lunch break jumin goes into jaehee’s office expecting to see you
he asks jaehee if you had left and she says you never came to visit her
jumin does the tsk tsk thing
jaehee is like wat
you’re very smart, jaehee, but for some reason you can’t detect a person’s feelings for you
light bulb goes off
luckily you hadn’t gone very far, and she tracks you down
what is this a kdrama? yes.
she calls for you and you stop in your tracks
you dramatically turn around
i like you, MC. please come back before my break ends and i have to return to work
run to jaehEE!!! RUN!!!
insert perfect kdrama kiss <3
he wants the confession to be perfect
but he’s so caught up with work that he unintentionally cancels on you numerous times
this eventually gets tiring and your expectations drop drastically
you get really sad and it SHOWS
logging in less frequently, dry texting, etc etc
contrary to popular belief the person who helps him is not v or seven or jaehee
yoosung reaches out to jumin after noticing how upset you looked when you were helping him study for a history test
he knew it was because of JUMIN
jumin mainly needed reassurance that his confession didn’t need to be out of this world
but i have to top every other confession to exist, yoosung.
no you don’t, jumin.
after some bickering jumin straight up cancels all his work plans later in the week
insert yoosung coaching jumin montage
jumin pulls up to your place with elizabeth the 3rd
awkwardcough hey, elizabeth said you have something we both can’t find
what is it? :/
my heart
yoosung watching from the bushes like a proud father HUH????
always dodging that conversation
you’re pretty much the one who’d be confessing soon
but everytime your feelings start to show he avoids it
so you start to think he’s rejecting you subtly
you start growing distant and now he thinks you’re rejecting him subtly
it pains all of RFA to see this so they reassure you that he does like you
they show you as many screenshots as possible
you’re like yeah okay but im not gonna wait like this my entire life
you guys are their otp so they do everything in their power to get him to confess without going into sicko panic mode
all it took was a scary lecture heart to heart talk with jaehee that really touched him
at the next RFA meeting everyone was at the edge of their seats, waiting for seven to make a move
gave a powerpoint presentation on why u should date him
cringe the entire time but u know u love it
you are extremely patient with him. knowing everything he’s gone through
but you start thinking that maybe he sees you as a protective sister instead
when saeran invites you over to watch a movie you decline, not wanting to further your feelings for him
seven is always watching
he’s obviously SAD so he just sits down and stares at the wall
seven hacks his radio to make sure his radio turns on and you’ll never know by ariana grande starts playing
he doesn’t notice at first but he realized it when seven was looping it on purpose it kept glitching and replaying
before breaking the radio in half for being annoying he listens to the lyrics...
you’re right radio...you’re right...
he zooms on over to your place
intense knocking
i am so thankful for you and i can’t picture my future without you. can...can we say we’re going steady like it’s 1954?
yeah tattooed heart came on after that
relief set in and you give him a lil kiss, and invite him in for a proper movie night
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gaetoeinhaler · 4 years
satan x female! jealous! reader
based on the Escorts card, btw. Maddi for those who don’t know is this person (in the screenshots. it doesnt show what she looks like, but what she acts like. lmao not even diavolo likes her, though i in fact dislike her a lot.)
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ever since diavolo had assigned lucifer and satan to watch over some girl named maddi, i've been feeling nothing but anger and jealousy. the way she acted around them was as if she was married to them. especially when it came to satan. it was like she was the queen, and technically kind of was, and he had no choice but to obey her commands.
sitting beside asmo, watching from afar as she continuously flirted with the two demons, i held onto the spoon in my hand tightly. almost bending it, until beel had pointed it out. snapping out of my staring, i turned away from where the oldest and youngest brothers were to the other brothers i had sat with. "you okay, (y/n)?" mammon asked, before adding onto his question. "not that i c-care or anything! its just, you had a mighty grip on that spoon, don't cha think?"
i sighed, setting down the spoon and folding my arms. "it's just..." i glared down at the table, with venom in my tone. "its maddi."
"what about her?" belphie asked, raising a brow as he turned around to look at the girl. he turned back around, glad he wasn't chosen to watch after her for her visit here in devildom. "its... ugh!" i grunted, glaring over at her face direction. "how she acts around the two... especially satan. its as if they're married," i hissed out, folding my hands into fists. how badly i'd like to punch that thot.
"oh? is our little (y/n) jealous?" asmo giggled, wrapping his arms around my torso and bringing me closer to him. "don't worry, hun! she'll leave soon." he reassured. as much as i appreciate him, and all, her leaving soon wasn't okay. she needed to leave now. its aggravating, watching her flirt left and right with the blonde haired demon. it hurt, too. we were close, as in close close.
seeing the one you like most with another person, and doing such lovey dovey things hurts. it makes your heart ache, wishing you were that person they were spending their time with. i felt lonely. ever since maddi had arrived, satan had cut our plans, saying "i have plans with maddi" or something related to her. why did she even come here again? the thing was, she knew i was jealous. and that made her flirt more with satan then lucifer. i kept my eyes focused on her, drowning out the noises around me. i held in how angry i was with her, and turned my head away.
it'll only hurt me more and make me angrier if i continue to watch them anyways.
seeing satan alone in the hall, i hurriedly walked over to him. excited that i finally got a chance to talk to him without maddi around. he seemed to notice my presence, lifting his head up and looking at my direction with a small smile. "hey, satan!" i said, slowing down as i neared him. "hello, (y/n). it's been a hot minute since we've talked, hasn't it?" he wrapped an arm around me as i leaned against the wall next to him.
        i nodded in agreement. "it has, yeah. how's uh... things been going for you?" i asked, looking up to see his face. "you know, since you've been having to watch after maddi and all." his face remained emotionless as i mentioned her name. as soon as he was about to answer, his eyes flickered from me towards another presence in the hall. turning my head to see who exactly it was, my smile dropped into a frown.
        maddi was walking her way over towards the two of us, mainly towards satan. he put on one of his fake smiles and greeted the girl. "sataannn, i wanna do something." she whined. god, how much i hate this girl at the moment. i remained silent, knowing that if i ever did open my mouth, i would start shit talking her within a instant. satan sighed and nodded, ready to leave with the girl. that's when i snapped and grabbed his wrist, holding him back from walking with her.
        i shot a glare at the girl, shaking my head. "you've been with him all day. why not do something with lucifer?" i asked, trying to prevent myself from starting up a potential fight.
        "what? am i not allowed to spend time with satan? is that it?" she asked, placing a hand on her hip and raising her brows. i let out a huff of air, keeping my glare tight on her. "maybe other people here would like to enjoy some time with satan. he has other people and friends to spend time with, you know." i replied, keeping my voice as calm as i could. satan could sense the anger and jealousy radiating from me. he broke free of my grip on his wrist easily and gave my hand a small squeeze, as if knowing how i felt at the moment.
        "jeez, no need to be so rude." she rolled her eyes at me. "why do you want to spend time with him so bad? there's nothing special about you anyways hun." she smirked, knowing that what she said had triggered something within me. ready to go full sicko mode of the girl, satan held me back from doing so. i looked to him, confused but when he nodded his head towards past maddi it made sense.
        there stood diavolo and the rest of the six brothers. "maddi, i believe your stay is coming to an end." diavolo spoke, crossing his arms as he walked towards her. "i don't want someone in my academic if they're going to cause a fight to happen with constant nonsense. besides, you've been here for more then what you originally said you'd be here for." he spat out straight fAqS though. maddi gave out a little 'hmpf' before sending one last snarky comment towards me. "be glad that I haven't beat your ass yet." and with that, she left with diavolo walking beside her.
        i growled, before turning to satan. he chuckled, his hand moving from my own and cupping my cheek. he tilted my head up to look at him better, his emerald eyes peering into my (e/c) eyes. "was someone jealous?" he asked, a smirk spreading across his face. letting out a huff, i grumbled a reply. "pssh, no. just didn't like seeing you with that thot."
        "so you were jealous?"
        "not a single bit." i crossed my eyes, adverting my eyes from him. he kept his hand placed upon my cheek, his face leaning towards my own. "would a kiss make you feel better?"
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dolphin-enthusiast · 4 years
Hey bro, I hope you're doing well🥺💖 if your hcs are open, could you do hcs with bucci gang and a s/o getting catcalled/street harassed (only if this is not a trigger for you obviously)? I am upset 🙂🙂🙂...ANYWAy I love you sOoo much Morgane
This is extremely late my apologies but dw I don’t mind writing for sensitive topics such as this one!!! Behavior like this absolutely enrages me and you have all the rights to be upset because it’s fuckin vile. It goes without saying but tw harassment yadda yadda.
- He’s usually freakishly good at masking his true feelings and overall keeping his calm under pressure, but if he were to actually witness you getting catcalled he’s going to go lowkey sicko mode. His motherly/protective instincts kick in and he’s instantly death glaring the person who dared wrong you like that right on his weary watch. Honestly he’d feel like throwing a fit even if it didn’t happen before his very eyes. No, he’d be EVEN more enraged if you’d just come home one day and tell him that since he wasn’t there to intervene.
- At this point he doesn’t even have to do much, all that it takes is for Bruno to shoot said person a quick murderous glare then tell them to beat it and they’ll instantly fuck off not even 2 seconds later. After they are out of scene, he flips back to his usual calm and polite self (the d u a l i t y of man) as he proceeds to check up on you by asking if that asshole’s words managed to get to you. Hell, this man is going to be comforting you for hours and wouldn’t let go of you unless you were absolutely certain you were feeling at least just a little better.
- No matter your response, Bruno is going to pull you into his arms and firmly let you know that he’ll never let anyone hurt you. As long as he lives and he’s by your side he’s going to fight whoever dares to bother you, you have his absolute word for it. Normally he’d at first try solving the issue through diplomatic means but there’s just something about catcalling that utterly enrages him and makes him lose control for a few seconds, let alone if it’s his partner we’re talking about. Tl;dr: dont fucking make the mistake of wronging his s/o, he’ll fucking end you.
- Just like Bruno, but 3 times more menacing if that’s even possible. If Bruno managed to hold himself back just a bit and didn’t let his anger COMPLETELY consume him in that moment, our dear aries right here is quite the opposite. Sure it’s not like he’s going to throw said person into a death loop of despair (although that’s the first thing that would cross his mind), but in that second Gio wouldn’t really be able to mask his emotions like he usually does.
- If it happened before his eyes, that person is as good as dead. He merely steps in between you two, hooks an arm around your waist and “kindly” asks said person to repeat themselves since he’s not sure whether he heard them correctly or not the first time. At this point the person in question would already be getting lowkey uneasy since Gio’s aura and overall presence would be goddamn menacing, and so they’d be beating it in due time after he throws them a cold glare and tells them to never speak to you in this way ever again.
- Akin to Bruno, he’d revert back to his usual calm self right after that asshole leaves then ever so gently he’d check up on you and tell you that you should ignore their dirty, meaningless words and that he’ll be there to protect you always. That day Gio would try his best at keeping you preoccupied and cheering you up since he wouldn’t want you to think of this experience again. He’d put on an unbothered mask for you but deep down he’d still be fuming at the thought of another person just...insulting someone like that. Not only a random someone, but HIS beloved.
- Straight up shoves his fist in front of their face, I ain’t even joking. The second he hears them whistling and saying some dumb dirty shit he’s instantly walking over to them whilst seeing fucking red and asking if they have a problem with HIS partner. As said person would desperately try explaining themselves, Abbacchio would merely scowl then threaten to beat the fuck out of them if they don’t fuck outta here in the next 3 seconds.
- He’d be highkey scary threatening that person like that but would then try calming himself down in order to be able to actually think rationally again and check up on you. By the time he’d walk over you and grab your shoulders whilst asking if you’re alright, poor Abba would still be breathing heavily, his cheeks tinted red from the previous intense anger episode. He’d immediately escort you away from the place where the harassment happened as he’d keep reassuring you that you’re safe now with him here.
- That day Abba would keep replaying that episode inside his head over and over because he simply cannot understand how someone could just speak to a stranger in such a horrible way, and the thought of you getting insulted like that is enough to send him into a fit of anger, let alone if you were actually touched by said person. He’s absolutely ready to square up for you 25/8 and, although he’s not the best with words, he’s going to make sure that you’re feeling better and would keep cuddling and comforting you for as long as you need in an attempt to make you forget about the incident.
- Makes a damn scene and rightfully so. He’s already a very touchy guy even in public, so the fact that the person in question clearly saw the both of you together and STILL decided to hit on you absolutely enrages him. Hell, even if you were alone what do they think gives them the right to talk to someone else like that??? Mista cannot wrap his head around it and at this point he doesn’t even try to anymore, he’s full on f u m i n g. He already took on some fuckers that were harassing a poor woman in the past and will gladly do it again for his partner.
- Whether he was there when it happened or not, you bet your ass that Mista is going to go on a rant and insult that person’s entire bloodline, mostly using italian curse words of course. He’d hate himself for not being there to properly protect you if it happened when you were alone, but if we’re talking about him actually WITNESSING that scene then it’s game fucking o v e r. Mista would just go like “O I” then waltz towards that rude ass with his fist clenched and brows tightly knitted together in sheer anger. He’d be screaming his ass off at that person telling them to never get near you again, calling them out on their bs right in front of everyone else on the damn street.
- He wouldn’t be afraid to legit fight them whilst everyone was watching either so you’d most likely have to drag his ass away from there or else he’d end up fucking killing them or something. Mista would need some time to come down from his rage episode but when he does he’s going to be apologizing over and over for his outburst, quite literally crushing you into his arms afterwards and trying not to fucking cry whilst telling you how much he loves you and how he’s going to beat up anyone else that tries wronging you like that again. Expect him to be EVEN more clingy than usual for the next few hours as well since he can get v e r y protective over you.
- As expected, probably the one that erupts the worst. If you thought Mista and Abbacchio threw a scene honey you ain’t seen s h i t. The second he hears that person call out to you in an insulting way he’s violently whipping his head around towards them, his jaw clenched and hands trembling with anger. In that second said person knows they F U C K E D U P because Fugo starts screaming his ass off and calling them all sorts of colorful insults.
- Just like in Mista’s case you’d have to hold him down or else he can and WILL kill them. Fugo has absolutely 0 patience and regard for people that do this also because of personal reasons, so it would almost be ptsd inducing for the poor man. Not only would he be utterly enraged with such behavior directed at a total stranger (who also happened to be his beloved mind you), but it would also remind him of some past experiences he wished he could forget. 
- Afterwards Fugo will be unusually clingy and significantly more open with his feelings, telling you over and over how he’ll stop at nothing to protect you and constantly expressing his love for you through gentle touches and soft words. He’s normally extremely shy when it comes to showing affection, but after this he’d feel an overwhelming need to be there for you and comfort you through your distress, swearing that he’ll protect you no matter what and that you shouldn’t care for such heinous comments coming from an uneducated rude ass.
- At first is flabbergasted and tries to process what that person just said. Did he hear that right?? Are they really serious?? Did they really just dare to mess with Y O U???? That’s it, Narancia is angrily stomping towards the scene, throwing an arm around your shoulders whilst straight up bullying your harasser for their disgusting behavior. Now if said person tries mocking him that would be their last mistake because Narancia can and WILL throw goddamn fists regardless of who’s watching.
- He’ll tell off anyone that bothered you then smother you in hugs and spoil you with anything you wanted in an attempt to cheer you up. He’s also a surprisingly good listener so you can pretty much pour your heart out at him for he will sit through it all then proceed to comfort and hug you plenty. He may be smol but Narancia has no fear of fighting for his close ones, so he’ll let you know that whenever someone else starts bs you should immediately call him.
- He doesn’t like dwelling in the negative feelings and will instruct you on doing the same. Basically, he’ll try getting your mind off of things to the best of his abilities and is going to constantly be encouraging and reassuring you. Narancia is pretty much a walking serotonin machine who will be your emotional support human as well as your “bodyguard” because he really likes to pride himself in protecting and keeping you safe.
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contrabandhothead · 4 years
to fight or not to fight: band of brothers edition
just shitposting something from my drafts because I have no other content for you at the moment. Just to put this into perspective for you, I’ll let you know I’m a 5’2” 110 lb teenage girl. And yes, I will be fighting several of these men. I don’t care how attractive they are.
Dick Winters: I would not want to fight him. Like, at all. He’s a dad. But if I had to fight him, he would lay my ass out. Would definitely sicko god mode curb stomp you and then ask you “Are you okay, son? What’s going on? You can always talk to your dear old dad.”
Lewis Nixon: Oh, I would absolutely fight him solely for the fact that I’d fucking WIN. He would probably be drunk, and he’s not much of a fighter anyways. We would look back on it and laugh.
Carwood Lipton: ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? That would be like punching my mom. Besides, we know that Momma Lip will give you an ass-whooping if necessary, he’s got kids.
Ron Speirs: ABSO-FUCKING-LUTELY N OT. He would practically smell me getting ready for a fight, and I would lose the little dignity I have left when he knocks me out with one punch. He is scary, I would not fight in a million years. I would forfeit.
Harry Welsh: No, I wouldn’t fight him, but it would be funny if I tried. Actually, now that I think about it, I would win, but I wouldn’t have the heart to fight him in the first place.
Buck Compton: Absolutely not. He would punch me so hard without mercy. I would die.
Joe Liebgott: YOU KNOW THAT WHEN THIS MOTHERFUCKER AND I LOCK EYES IT’S ON SIGHT. Not that Joe and I would hate each other, we would just have that relationship were sometimes we just gotta deck the fuck out of the other person’s halls. Would fight 100%, and I actually might win because we are both skinny legends.
David Webster: I’d fight him because I’d win and it would be easy. If he thinks Shakespeare is good, we are automatically fighting. END OF STORY.
Don Malarkey: I’d never fight him, I love him too much. I’d be messing up a wonderful human being. Also, I would lose, and he wouldn’t even intentionally be trying to win.
Floyd Talbert: I could definitely have a fair fight against this man, but I wouldn’t fight him solely on the grounds that I fear he would get an adrenaline boner.
Chuck Grant: I- No. Absolutely not. He would definitely win.
Bill Guarnere: I would try to fight him for no reason and lose miserably. RIP me.
Johnny Martin: Absolutely not. Could literally incinerate me with one look. I’d be dead before the fight even started. Could roast my ass afterwards. Also, he’s got Bull on his side. No thank you, I will be minding my goddamn business.
Shifty Powers: I would never want to fight him in the first place. I would also lose. He also, like Malarkey, wouldn’t even be trying to win. I feel like he would apologize for the rest of his life if I so much as got a bruise from it. So, no.
Joe Toye: I would do it for shits and giggles and he would not be messing around. I would lose 100%. He does not think it was funny. I think it’s fuckin hilarious.
Skip Muck: I would fight him, and I stand a fair chance at either losing or winning. Idk guys, tell me who you think would win.
Bull Randleman: Are you kidding me. The man is like half a body taller than me. I would rather just die. Also, he could just like pick me up by the back of the neck and I wouldn’t be able to do anything about it??? I would not fight, and if I had to, I would lose.
Skinny Sisk: I wouldn’t wanna fight him, but I could definitely win.
George Luz: I would fight a hoe. Solely for the fact that it would be funny. Still don’t know if I would win or lose.
Frank Perconte: Would fight this little gremlin. Could probably win.
Eugene Roe: I wouldn’t fight him because JESUS DOES HE NEED ANYMORE TRAUMA??? Also, he could beat me up in like 2 minutes. He’s a friggin medic he can literally carry wounded soldiers.
Babe Heffron: No, who the hell would fight an infant. Also, he could probably beat me up. He’s got Guarnere,Toye, Roe, and all of Easy Co hey, that rhymes. I’m not taking that chance.
Alex Penkala: Yeah, I would fight him, but for fun. I would win. Don’t even ask me how I know, I just do.
Albert Blithe: What, are we trying to give the poor man MORE PTSD???? Absolutely not. I would win if I had to, though.
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Alton More: Homeboi had the balls to talk back to Speirs. I don’t wanna find out what type of punch he packs. I’m good.
Pat Christenson: I don’t care that the man has limbs like Slenderman, we are fighting, and it is on sight. Little gossip bitch boy. I would so win.
Antonio Garcia: No, I wouldn’t fight him cause he’s baby. But I could probably win.
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