#honestly any non-human OC is very much welcome!!!
greenskellyblob · 1 year
Peeps, if you'd send me pics of your OCs, I'd be very grateful
My drawing skills have forsaken me and I want to use your babies to kick them back into gear!
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musical-shit-show · 3 years
Two Sides: Chapter 4
Previous Chapters: (1) (2) (3)
Characters: Musical!Beetlejuice, Female!OC, Lydia Deetz, Barbara Maitland, Adam Maitland
Warnings: anxiety, supernatural elements, cursing, kissing, sexual references, strange dreams (?), mentions of death
Word Count: 1,878
Author’s Note: So it has been a while since I posted this fic...I’ve honestly been distracted by other writing ventures but I forgot how fun this story was to write, so I will be updating more frequently (if anyone is reading, that is). As always, comments and constructive criticism are welcome! Enjoy :)
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Chapter 4
“Oh, fuck oh fuck oh fuck what did I do—” Cassandra started to panic, all blood draining from her naturally rosy face. She checked the business card again, frantically scanning it for any more information on the frightening being that had suddenly appeared in her room. Beetlejuice looked absolutely elated. He straightened his tie as he eagerly crossed towards her, his hair still glowing a vibrant green that illuminated the entire room.
“Shh, hey, hey, hey, new girl, listen,” the demon cooed, fostering a false sense of security to quell her anxiety, “I just wanted to show my appreciation, what with you saying my name and all.” He extended his hand. Chipped black nail polish accented his fingertips. “Put her there.” 
Cassandra had barely extended her hand towards his when, like lightning, Beetlejuice yanked her forward, causing her to stumble. In one fell swoop the demon caught the living woman, dipped her clumsily, and placed an entirely non-consensual kiss on her lips. 
The ever-present smell of decay was increased exponentially now that Cassandra had come in direct contact with its source. She held her breath, paralyzed by the sudden and rather forceful kiss. When he finally released her, Beetlejuice sported a smug smile, licking his lips in what he thought was a seductive manner. Cassandra wiped off her mouth with the back of her hand, using every bit of strength in her to keep from vomiting at the taste of filth on her tongue. 
“I can’t thank ya enough for setting me free, doll,” Beetlejuice said, running his hand through his sickly green hair. His frantic energy made Cassandra even more anxious, “Being dead is fun and all but sometimes a guy’s gotta stretch his legs back into the world of the living, ya know?”
Cassandra’s head was spinning. ‘So, this guy is dead?’ she thought at lightning speed, ‘And I somehow set him free—whatever that means—by reciting some word from a fucking business card?!’ Beetlejuice noticed her slack jawed expression and grinned coyly.
“I take it you don’t know who I am, do ya?” he said, knowing the answer. If she had known who he was, she would’ve never been naive enough to read the card out loud. 
“No,” she said quietly, feeling a slight quiver in her voice as she spoke to the specter, “I mean, I’ve already met two dead people today, but they didn’t look anything like you. Who exactly are you, again?”
“I’m the ghost with the most, babes,” he replied, adjusting his coat, as if smoothing down the ratty suit jacket would make him look even the slightest bit presentable, “That word you so generously repeated three times is my name. Don’t wear it out.” The man grinned, and Cassandra scanned him again, noticing he had what appeared to be light green moss growing on his face. 
The striped suit, the green hair and moss…it triggered a strange sense of déjà vu. Suddenly, her mind flashed back to her eerie dream from the car ride. A look of dawning realization crossed her face, causing the demon to smile as if he were reading her mind.
“Yeah, that little vision you had earlier?” he said, smiling proudly, “That was all me. Breathers make it so easy to get into their heads, especially when they already have an affinity for the strange and unusual.” He quirked an eyebrow, studying her confused expression, “Though, not strange and unusual enough to see me when you arrived.”
“So, you’re invisible to everyone unless someone says your name three times?” Cassandra questioned. The specter nodded his head, “And I ‘set you free’? What exactly does that mean?” 
“It means I can affect the human world again,” he said with casually, whipping out a cigarette and beat-up purple lighter, “Lyds banished me a couple of months ago because I might’ve accidentally set fire to some shit around the house. Major bummer. But thanks to you, BJ is back, baby—” 
“Whoa whoa whoa,” Cassandra said, cutting him off, “You know Lydia too?” She felt her blood begin to boil as another secret her roommate kept from her was revealed. 
“Oh yeah, ‘course I do,” the demon said as he silently held out his pack of Marlboros, totally oblivious to the woman’s anger. Cassandra waved them away and he shrugged, taking a long drag of the cigarette wedged between his wide fingers, “She and I go way, way back. Adam and Babs too. In fact, they—” Suddenly, the door swung open, causing the demon’s mouth to clamp shut. Lydia stood in the doorway, her thin frame heaving with fury.
“Hey, asshole,” she said, her voice quiet and controlled, “How the fuck did you get back here.” Lydia marched up to the ghoul through a cloud of cigarette smoke, grabbing his tie and pulling him downward a few inches to meet her eyeline. 
Though Beetlejuice presented himself as a terrifying demon, Lydia’s rage had him shaking in his striped suit, the cigarette that hung loosely in his mouth moments before falling lightly thumping onto the hardwood floor. He silently pointed at Cassandra, who had her arms folded across her chest, her fingers gripping her arms tightly as she stared at her roommate. Lydia’s expression softened, and she let go of her ghostly companion and crossed to her roommate, who was growing redder by the second.
“Cassie, how—” 
“Oh, I don’t know, Lydia,” Cassandra snapped before the question could even be completed, “maybe if you didn’t leave weird summoning cards around, I wouldn’t have accidentally met another one of your friends. I take it that he’s a ghost, too?”
“Well, technically I’m a demon, but—” Beetlejuice started, thoroughly loving the drama. Lydia held up a hand to silence him once more. She pointed to the door.
“You,” she said, her blood still boiling from his shenanigans, “Out. Now.” Beetlejuice narrowed his eyes, and with a snap of his fingers, he vanished. 
“Look, Cass,” Lydia said, pinching the bridge of her nose, clearly overwhelmed, “I had nothing to do with the card. Beej did. I didn’t think I’d have to tell you about him because I assumed he was still good and banished. I’m really, really sorry.”
“Just, please tell me what’s going on?” Cassandra said, a clear strain in her voice, “I honestly don’t think my heart can take any more surprises today. Full truth, no secrets.” Lydia exhaled deeply and sat on the edge of the bed, motioning for her roommate to follow.
She recapped as much as she possibly could in a short amount of time. Lydia told Cassandra all of the important points: meeting Barbara and Adam after moving in, running into Beetlejuice on the roof, wreaking havoc, travelling to the Netherworld.
“He tried to do what—?” Cassandra blurted when Lydia mentioned Beetlejuice’s scheme to become human, “Were you not, like, 15?” Lydia shrugged.
“It was a green card thing,” she deadpanned. Cassandra cracked an incredulous smile, and Lydia broke into a giggle, “Seriously though, I weirdly understand why he did it. He wanted to be alive again so badly, and I had a plan to get rid of him. Turns out ‘marrying’ him gave him a dose of reality and me a chance to send his ass back to the Netherworld.” Cassandra raised her eyebrows in agreement, still trying wrap her mind around how marrying a ghost (demon? spirit? eldritch horror?) would bring them back to life.
“So why did you let him back, after all the shit he pulled, I mean?” Cassandra asked. Lydia picked at her black nail polish, which began flaking onto the bedspread. 
“I, well…I saw how lonely he was,” she confessed, “That’s what made us such good friends in the beginning; we both felt invisible.” Casandra smiled sadly, thinking to her own feelings of isolation; Lydia had partially saved her from those feelings. Although her loneliness had manifested in other ways, she understood how comforting it must’ve been to find someone who shared that feeling, even if they happened to be a dead guy with green hair dressed in an obnoxious striped suit.
“So, even after I killed him,” Lydia added casually, “it only took him a few months to show up again. Came topside again for some bio-exorcism a few towns over, and jumped at the chance to bury the hatchet.” She smiled fondly. “I didn’t mind, either. He’s a pain in the ass, but he’s my pain in the ass.” 
“Did someone say ‘pain in the ass’?” Beetlejuice materialized once more, this time with a bag of popcorn and a ‘Go Lydia’ pennant. “So, did I miss the catfight?” he asked gleefully, waving the small flag eagerly. Lydia pinched the bridge of her nose and Cassandra stifled a laugh. Her life had truly taken a turn to the ridiculously absurd over the course of one afternoon.
“Get off her bed, weirdo,” Lydia scolded, “I was just catching up Cassie on everything, since someone decided to be a dick about me banishing them for scaring the daylights out of some very important clients—” 
 “Now, now, Lyds, let’s not point any fingers here,” the demon retorted, brushing the dust off of his ancient suit, “You wouldn’t want to embarrass me in front of our guest, would you?” Lydia stuck her tongue out at him, and Beetlejuice sneered, the two of them acting like annoyed siblings. Cassandra suppressed another giggle, not wanting to encourage any more bickering. 
“Cass, this is Beej,” Lydia said, turning to her, “Or BJ. Don’t call him by his full name unless you want to banish or summon him. If you wanna get rid of his stupid ass, just say it three times in a row again. Really works when he’s being a prick.” She smirked while Beetlejuice still pouted. Cassandra was still studying him intently, fascinated with his entire being even after Lydia had explained his presence. As ghosts, Barbara and Adam were interesting to say the least, but Beetlejuice was something completely different.
Lydia gave an exasperated sigh, also feeling quite overwhelmed by the day’s events “Also, we were gonna maybe play a board game or watch a movie or something soon. You in?” Cassandra nodded, still trying to absorb all of the information that had just been thrown at her. She decided it was in her best interest to act as normal as possible now so she could bombard her roommate with even more questions after the weekend was over. Lydia then turned to Beetlejuice, who was oddly quiet, “You’re more than welcome to stick around too, Beej. If you behave yourself, that is.” He rolled his eyes, muttering something indistinct to himself. 
“What was that?” she asked, her tone far more threatening. The faintest streak of white appeared in the ghoul’s hair, indicating that he was actually afraid of her.
“Nothing, oh best friend of mine,” he said dully.
Lydia smirked again, and glided towards the door, turning her attention to Cassandra, “Seeing as you’re the one who summoned him, it might be in your best interest to get to know our little demon friend a little better while I set up tonight’s activities, eh Cass?”
“Lyds, I don’t—”
“Hey, what do you mean by little—?”
Thanks for reading! Like/reblog/comment if you enjoyed or have any comments/suggestions!
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yandere-daydreams · 4 years
A Yandere!Toshinori/OC piece for the very lovely @evaesis​, as a follow-up to this oneshot. It’s always so refreshing to work with new quirks and powers, and it’s even more refreshing to use those new quirks and powers to beat up Endeavor. If only because I can, honestly.
Word Count: 3.5k
TW: NSFW, A/B/O Dynamics, Physical Violence, Non-Consensual Touching, Delusional Mindsets, Mentions of Kidnapping and Stolkholm Syndrome.
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Kit didn’t care for Enji on the best of days.
It was a matter of contention, really, a difference in morals that proved to the fatal factor in their association. She understood his current rank, his effectiveness as a Hero, but Kit couldn’t help but shudder and bristle any time they were in the same room. Call it animal instinct, but she didn’t want to be near him, much less spend any elongated amount of time alone in his company. Not when she could help it. Not when she had Toshinori.
Needless to say, she wasn’t pleased to find him sitting in the living room when she woke up, pouring over case files with her mate sitting on the other side of a low coffee-table, talking about villains and statistics and all the logistics she never had an affinity for. Not angry, but unpleasantly surprised, a feeling that didn’t improve when Toshinori smiled and asked her to come sit with them, if only for a few minutes. He said she was a Pro, too. That her insight was important, and she should join them.
The ‘or I’ll put your quirk-canceling cuffs back on again’ was only implied. For her pride, she assumed.
And that was why she was now seated on a loveseat much too small, next to a man much too big and much too focused on the file in front of him, one he didn’t seem to notice was deemed inconsequential in their earlier discussion. If he noticed, though, Kit couldn’t tell, watching out of the corner of her eye as Enji tried to seem interested in anything except her. Toshinori had been gone for a minute or two, off to make tea and take a call from another detective who needed his assistance, leaving Kit to wallow in awkward silence to her heart’s content. She didn’t have a problem with it, not if she was being honest. As far as she was concerned, it was better than speaking to him.
Surprisingly, Enji was the one to break the tension. “How long will you be staying with Yagi?”
She grit her teeth. She’d never been kidnapped in the eyed of the public, her sudden disappearance masked as an extended medical leave, eventually becoming an early retirement as she accepted her situation, but the question still irked her. As if Enji had suggested she planned for her bond to be temporary. “We live together,” She said, her agitation poorly veiled. “I don’t plan on leaving, if I can help it.”
A nervous glance towards his file before he discarded it, an anxious rub to the back of his neck. He straightened his back, but there was nothing respectable about the long, silent second he took to scan over her, his eye lingering far longer than they should’ve. “And you’re happy with him?”
“He’s my mate.” It felt more like a declaration than a reason, not that she had a problem with announcing it. He had to right to know. “I wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t.”
“Of course,” He muttered, his voice heavy with grudging acceptance. His continuation is nearly inaudible. “I can smell him all over you.”
Oh. Right. She crossed her legs, then uncrossed them, leaning against the arm of the loveseat. She’d almost forgotten about Enji’s… view of omegas, or at least the omegas he deemed worthy of his leering gaze. His divorce was recent, but his separation had been the topic of gossip for years, not that it made a dent on his oh-so-spotless reputation. There wasn’t much to talk about, not when the details were brushed under the rug as quickly as all of Enji’s other scandals. She’d already gone through extensive measures to keep her name from being added to that growing list. With this in mind, she refrained from indulging him with a response, her concentration soon dedicated to the swirling patterns dyed into the floorboards.
That didn’t stop Enji from going on, though. She wasn’t sure why she thought it would. “He’s getting older, you know. Retirement does strange things to Heroes, makes them…” He trailed off, rolling his wrist in some vague, abstract gesture, hinting at something she didn’t want to know. “Less attentive. They start to get distant, and before long, they’re throwing themselves into the newest public welfare project, or an up-and-coming charity. They try to keep themselves busy, even if they refuse to make a full-blown comeback.” Another pause, this one accompanied by a wayward glance. “Bonds don’t tend to last very long, under those conditions.”
Kit fought to keep her expression neutral, but her quirk betrayed her, tails curling and bristling as her ears flattened against her scalp, blending into a mess a snow-white hair. She wanted him to stop talking. “I don’t think that’s going to happen.”
“You never do.” He moved an inch towards her, then another, stopping just short of her side. Instead, his hand came to occupy the space between them, forming a much-needed barrier. “I’d just be prepared for the eventuality. Yagi’s a… He’s a good man, of course, but it never hurts to have another plan. Just in case things don’t work out.”
Another inch, broad fingers soon resting on her exposed thigh. Exposed skin he shouldn’t have been touching.
“Just in case.”
She wasn’t sure what it was. His tone or the slight, professional frown ghosting over his lips, but something, something about the way he looked at her, spoke to her, touched her… It was bad, it was repulsive. She had a mate. She had a mate she was loyal to. Toshinori took care of her, and even after all she’d done to him, he loved her. Enji wasn’t her mate. Enji didn’t look after her. He had no right to say a word about her relationship, no one did. They didn’t know what Toshinori did for her, they didn’t know how little she deserved that kindness. Enji didn’t know, and neither did anyone else. They didn’t deserve to. They hadn’t earned it.
She almost didn’t know the rage building inside of her, more volatile than any she’d summoned during the heat of battle. That familiar warmth emanating from familiar flames, striking at her humanity until it gave way, melting her composure like wax just begging to be sculpted. It was a painless process. One moment, she was human, and she couldn’t imagine being any other way, and the next she was changing, shifting, turning into the monster she’d only seen on newscasts and blurry pictures in sketchy magazines, the uncontrolled beast she loathed having her name tied to. It didn’t feel wrong, though, not this time, it didn’t feel forced. She guessed it never did, in the moment.
The regret would come later. She’d be able to live with it, later.
Right now, it felt good to bare her teeth, to dig still-sprouting claws into the back of Enji’s hand and tear down, razor-sharp talons separating skin from muscle and making it impossible for him to pull away before she allowed him to do so. Instinct took over in a matter of seconds, consciousness becoming little more than a thick, gauzy haze pushed into the back of Kit’s mind, soon forced into submission by an array of reflexes and urges and desires, raw, primal desires. She felt the loveseat’s cushion tear under her feet as she reared back, now on four legs and more focused than her actions than their repercussions, a set of wide, vulpine jaws soon locked onto the first part of Enji she could see - his forearm. He could’ve avoided her easily, but he was in shock, too stunned to fight back, and her teeth had sunk through his flesh in a matter of seconds. Biting back a pained groan, a ball of flames burst to life in his free hand, the fire soon pressed against her side, forcing her to release him as the smell of burnt fur filled the air.
Abruptly, Enji was on his feet, clutching his injured arm to his chest, but Kit didn’t want him to go anywhere. Why did he get to leave? Why did he get to run away? She never got that choice. She never got to hide when things got hard and loud and violent. She didn’t see why Enji should, either.
She didn’t think. She just lunged at his chest, jaws open and aiming for his neck. In an effort to restrain her, large hands locked around her body, her muzzle, anything he could get a hold on, but the power of her attack still sent him stumbling backward. Suddenly, they were falling, time beginning to slow as Enji’s back hit the large, glass table decorating the center of the room. She’d forgotten about it, in her haste, but the damage was impossible to ignore, now, a stark crack knocking her out of her haze a moment before she could rip the man’s throat out. Her awareness returned quickly, flowing in like the sense of regret quickly overriding her vengeance, but it didn’t matter. Flying shards of glass and wood cut into her skin, some finding a place to root, some not. It didn’t matter. White fur was stained with a deep red in a matter of seconds, injuries made worse as Enji pried her limp body away from his, pitching her into the debris, something long and jagged finding its way into her thigh as she landed.
She didn’t try to get up, her energy sapped as thoroughly as her will to fight. Enji was still standing, though, panting and bleeding and marching towards her, heavy footsteps like gunshots to her ears. She considered standing, continuing on the fight despite her stolen strength, but what was he going to do? Maim her? Kill her?
She couldn’t say she wouldn’t like to see him try.
But, it was a fleeting hope. As Kit’s eyes closed, her vision having gone black around the edges ages ago, she heard a door open, a hitched breath, then yelling. So much yelling.
Enough to make her welcome sleep, as it drowned out her remaining senses.
She was sore, when she woke up.
It was an aching pain, the kind that needed too much rest and too little scarring for Kit’s taste, pulling a muffled, disgruntled grunt from her lips as she sat up. She wasn’t surprised to see the minimalistic furnishings of the master bedroom - Toshinori’s bedroom, although they shared it more often than not, these days. Glancing towards her chest, she found that she’d been stripped of what was left of her clothes, the tattered remains replaced with medical tape and gauze, each flex and flinch revealing some new bruise or cut she’d have to be wary of for the next few days. Weeks, more realistically, but she tried not to think about that.
Instead, she concentrated on the rustling in the next room over, movements poorly concealed in an attempt to not disturb the peace. She didn’t call out, choosing to bite the bullet rather than delay the inevitable. Swinging her legs off the bed, she made her way to the bathroom, finding Toshinori sitting on the edge of a tub too big to be considered anything but overly-luxurious. He turned as soon as she crossed the threshold, but chose to scan over her silently, testing the water before he spoke. Trying to see if she was still frenzied and feral. It was all she could do to smile, digging her nails into the doorframe unconsciously.
“I… I’m ready, if you want to get it over with,” She started, watching Toshinori’s expression carefully. He looked surprised, if anything, but it was understandable. It’d been months since she did something bad enough to warrant discipline. “The punishment, I mean, for attacking Endeavor.” She paused, averting her eyes, her voice barely audible when she continued. “I’m sorry. I really, really don’t want you to be mad at me.”
He frowned. Then, he laughed. “I’m not angry.”
Her lips parted, no sound coming out, but Toshinori only chuckled, gesturing for her to come closer. She obeyed without a second thought, a fully prepared bath coming into view, steam still rising off the top of the water. She didn’t have to be told what to do, stepping in and taking his hand, tugging him towards her when he showed no signs of following, a playful smile pulling at the corners of her lips. Toshinori relented without an argument, and a moment later, she was settled in his lap, her head resting against his chest as he idly traced the shape of a smaller wound, just to the left of her spine. She didn’t say anything, but she didn’t have to, either. Her concern was palpable, whether or not she chose to voice it.
“You know about the security cameras,” Toshinori explained, kissing her shoulder between words. They were soft little things, as careful and as matriculate as she’d come to expect from Toshinori, but she melted into it, letting out a low, languid purr as his lips brushed over her mating mark, the bruised area still sensitive to the touch. “I saw what happened. Enji tested you, and you defended yourself. I can’t hold that against you, not when I wasn’t there to stop it.”
“I’m your mate,” She mumbled, the words little more than a hum. “I don’t want anybody else.”
“Of course.” Another kiss, this one longer, drawn out. She felt her ears perk up, standing on edge. Ready and waiting for any lingering sensation. A long finger trailed down her spine, and unconsciously, Kit bucked her kips against Toshinori’s thigh, the water abruptly becoming more of a menace than a helping hand. He chuckled, the sound muffled by their proximity.  “My loyal, beloved mate. My perfect mate. I couldn’t have asked for a better omega.”
Her response comes in the form of a whine, pitiful and high-pitched. They hadn’t been… they hadn’t been intimate since her heat ended, and although the memories were blurred and cloudy, only accessible through rose-colored glasses, but the desire was natural, the longing as instinctual as breathing. Without thinking, she ground against him, the tiny amount of friction rushing straight to her core, to her exposed, dripping cunt. Toshinori wasn’t oblivious to the atmosphere, either, something hard soon pressed against her pelvis, giving him away before those soft, light grunts slowly working their way through his lips ever had a chance to. Kit couldn’t help but laugh, nuzzling against him, his reactions filling her with a sense of confidence she’d come to miss. “My alpha.”
Nothing needed to be said. She pulled away, wrapping her arms around her neck and straddling him properly, only hovering above him for a moment before she sank onto his cock, trusting the hand resting on her hip to guide her. She moved slowly, taking her time to feel every ridge and curve and foreign sensation, all of it so much more vivid than it’d been, last time, so much more real. There was no rush to satisfaction, no need to race towards a climax, and she let herself savor it, slotting her chest against his and pulling him into a kiss. Slow and steady seemed to be the order of the night, but Kit was forced to pull away as she bottomed out, a handful of light, breathy pants interrupting the steady silence. Kit closed her eyes, attempting to adjust to his size, and Toshinori brought his hips up in short, shallow thrusts, getting her comfortable on his cock. It was a passing courtesy, though. When he leaned back, his eyes meeting hers expectantly, she knew what to do.
Experimentally, she ground downward, her pants quickly turning to whimpers as she began to roll her hips in earnest. It didn’t take her long to build up a rhythm, bouncing in Toshinori’s lap and targeting that special, spongy spot inside of her, the one that had her seeing white around the edges of her vision, the pursuit of her pleasure becoming an end that needed to be met. As she worked, Toshinori’s hands ran over her, starting at her waist and trailing up her sides, Kit shuddering despite the room’s nearly over-whelming heat. To say he groped would be a disgrace, it was too caring for such a casual name, too focused on her needs. Each knead was tentative, focused on drawing the longest whine from her throat or the loudest moan, heat rushing straight to her core with every movement, forcing her to arch her back and keen and melt in the palms of his hands, whether or not she wanted to. She wasn’t opposed, through, burying her face in the crook of his neck, if only to hide how flustered she’d become.
It was an invasive thought, at first. How smooth his skin was. How there wasn’t a mark where there was supposed to be. It took her a moment to realize why, and another to come to a resolution.
He didn’t have a mating mark.
She needed to fix that.
“T-Toshi’,” She stuttered, his name coming out shakily as he fucked into her, making up for her distraction with an erratic, enthusiastic pace, despite his disadvantage. Still, she forced herself to continue, not trusting her voice to hold out for much longer. “You’re not… I need to bond--”
He didn’t let her finish, kind enough not to make her explain herself. “It’d be my honor,” He muttered, wrapping his arms around her waist, drawing her closer. Her was the one to pull her in, this time, to kiss her so sweetly and so lightly, she almost wanted to deepen it, to turn the gesture from reassuring to intimate. She didn’t have time, though, not as Toshinori straightened his back, meeting her stare as he went on. “Are you sure, angel? You’re still injured, you might not be in the right mindset to do something so… permanent.”
“That’s why I want to do it,” She responded, unperturbed by his caution. Subconsciously, she ran her tongue over her canines, keen for an omega, but dull compared to Toshinori’s. Sharp enough to do the job, hopefully. “I don’t want to leave you, anymore. I want to be here. And… I want you to know I’ll be here, too. You can trust me, and I want you to know that. I’m done trying to run away.”
A sharp breath, followed by a hasty nod. That was all the permission she needed before picking a spot on that tender patch of skin and biting down. Blood, thick and warm, flowed over her tongue, but the metallic taste was blocked out quickly by the sudden rush of something euphoric into her veins, hormones flooding into her mind and blocking out everything else, pride and common sense included. It felt good, right, and briefly, Kit wondered why she hadn’t done it sooner. Had if felt this good for Toshinori? She wanted to dig her teeth in deeper, leave a bigger mark, make sure everyone knew he was claimed, he was bonded, he was hers. Hers, hers, hers.
Toshinori didn’t seem immune. It might’ve been the adrenaline rush or its accompanying emotions, but the next time he was fully sheathed inside of her, his hold on her waist tightened, keeping her in place as his cock twitched, singling his upcoming end. It couldn’t have come at a better time. Already, Kit felt herself tending up, that familiar heat rising to her skin as her toes curled and her nails dug into his shoulders, just in time to feel hot, burning cum stain her cunt as Toshinori pistoned his hips harshly, making sure she was filled to the brim.
Her strength didn’t last much longer, and soon, she was resting against his chest, her grip around her mate still iron-clad for minutes before she dared to let it loosen. Exhausted by both her injuries and her recent excursion, she hardly noticed as he took her into his arms, her body weightless for a moment or two as he carried her back into the bedroom, both uncaring that they were still soaking wet and dotted with open wounds. Toshinori left, for a short time, returning with towels and bandages and painkillers to be used generously the next time she woke up. Still, he didn’t waste time slotting himself into her arms, and she didn’t oppose the development, simply holding him closer and taking everything in, from the distant scent of herbs in the air to the feeling of silk against her back, welcoming and embracing.
Idly, she opened her eyes, running her fingers through damp blonde hair and letting him lull into her palm, but her attention soon fell to the ring of bruises forming at the crook of his neck, the shape of her teeth perfectly engrained on each blackened spot.
Kit couldn’t help but smile. He was hers, now, almost as much as she was his.
Her alpha.
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i-call-me-clarence · 4 years
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So @ao3commentoftheday suggested people make rec lists during these trying times and I decided to go ahead and jump on the band wagon. Here is a list of 13 Johnlock fics, sorted from shortest to longest. There’s H/C, PWP, Case Fics, PRETEND RELATIONSHIPS, and some pretty dank AU’s. 
Okay then, onto the tropes!
(fics listed below)
Caught by Salambo06 (AO3) ( @salambo06fics)
Author’s Summary: A hotel room. They’re here for a case, hadn’t planned to spend the night and ended up sharing a room. No, sharing a bed. Suddenly John is very much aware of his own hand closed around his hard cock and the ragged breathing next to him. Closing his eyes for the briefest second, John dares to turn his head just enough to confirm what he already knows.
Sherlock, on his side, watching him.
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 1,859
Tags/Warnings: bed sharing, wet dreams, POV John, Masturbation, Frottage, First Time, First Kiss
A PWP that’s scorching hot. ‘Nough said. (BUTOMG it is REALLY hot, beware reading in public yo)
Paranoia by Ewebie (AO3) ( @ewebie​)
Author’s Summary: is a description of the rules of the drinking game Paranoia and also too long to put here! But suffice it to say that this fic involves drinking games at the Yard.
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 3,789
Tags/Warnings: Tumblr Prompt, Drinking Games, Silly... no smut but building fun and allusions to upcoming rrrwarr
I love fics where the team at the Yard and the boys all get drunk together. Throw in a drinking game and I’m already hooked. This fic was really funny and cheered me up when I was sick with the flu a while back (perfect time to read it again!)
Coldness/Heat by agirlsname (AO3) ( @agrlsname)
Author’s Summary: The inn is booked up on New Year's Eve. The train home is cancelled because of the snow. The only option is to sleep in the non-heated guest room of a client, and John and Sherlock are freezing.
You know where this is going.
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 3,790
Tags/Warnings: Fluff and Smut, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Bedsharing, Sharing Body Heat, Frottage New Year's Eve, Cuddling & Snuggling, Friends to Lovers
THERE IS ONLY ONE BED! AND THEY ARE SO COLD! WHATEVER ARE OUR BOYS TO DO?!?!?! Turn it up to 11 in this amazing PWP, that’s what.
---- Stranded by BeautifulFiction (AO3) ( @the-pen-pot ) 
Author’s Summary: ‘Do you think we’re less than that – best friends? Or more?’
John’s head pulled back, and the look he received suggested John was seriously wondering how someone so intelligent could be so stupid. ‘Well, definitely not less.’
 When stranded on a derelict barge at high tide, John and Sherlock reconsider their friendship.
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 5,798
Tags/Warnings: case fic, cuddling for warmth, first kiss
I really liked this fic. It really drew me in with it’s imagery, I could see the scenes as easily as I could see John and Sherlock getting together in this way.
Azure On Grey by shiplocks_of_love (AO3) ( @shiplocks-of-love )
Author’s Summary: When Sherlock’s transport betrays him and conventional healthcare fails to help, John comes up with an unorthodox solution…
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 8,986
Tags/Warnings: Hurt/Comfort, Medical issues, Kidney Stones, Embarrassing Situations, brief mention of past substance abuse, unorthodox medical treatments, Amusement Parks, Intimacy, hints of romance, Pining John, friends to almost lovers
This fic is a wonderful H/C that features a sick Sherlock who can be exceptionally fragile at times, and a caring Watson. Makes me wish I’d had a John around when I had kidney stones :’(
---- Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder by cypress_tree (AO3) ( @cypress-tree​)
Author’s Summary: John helps Sherlock with an experiment: for an entire month, they are not allowed to touch each other and must remain at least one metre apart at all times. Meanwhile, I conduct my own experiment: how much UST can I shove into a single fic?
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 10,669
Tags/Warnings: Unresolved Sexual Tension, it's for an experiment John, Resolved Sexual Tension, smut
Sexy, silly, amazing.
---- Chaperones by MissDavis (AO3) ( @missdaviswrites​)
Author’s Summary: Right. Of course. Everyone assumed they were a couple and no one would question it. John put his elbows up on the table so he could rest his head in his hands. "You want to pretend to be a couple so we can chaperone a trip to Disney World with Rosie's class and you won't have to share a room with a stranger?"
"Exactly." Sherlock beamed at him. "Don't worry about the cost. The Birmingham case last month paid more than enough to cover expenses for all three of us."
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 34,115
Tags/Warnings: Fake/Pretend Relationship, Sharing a Room, Sharing a Bed. Disney World, Parentlock, Friends to Lovers, Fluff, First Kiss
I’ll just use what I wrote when I bookmarked this lovely fic: I’ve never been more compelled by Disney related things than when I was reading this fic. I’ll never go to Disney World, but I’ll sure as hell read this fic again omg was it good
The Darkness Within, So Close by shiplocks_of_love (AO3) ( @shiplocks-of-love​ ) ((I hope @ing you twice doesn’t cause any issues! Sorry in advance. Tumblr confuses me))
Author’s Summary: Alec Hardy and Ellie Miller deal with a new string of murders in Broadchurch. Help comes from an unlikely place as Sherlock Holmes and John Watson travel to West Dorset. But when the new crimes open old wounds and unearth the ghost of Moriarty, it becomes clear the game is not over yet.
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 42,312
Tags/Warnings: casefic, Sherlock x Broadchurch crossover fic, Underage Death, Murder, MAJOR spoilers for Broadchurch S1 and S2 and for Sherlock S3, post S3 Sherlock, post S2 Broadchurch, you are MOST welcome to put johnlock glasses on but this is pre-slash okay?, Light Angst, Implied/Referenced Drug Use, Implied/Referenced Domestic Violence
I haven’t actually finished this fic yet, but the characterizations for the characters of both universes are spot on. When Alec Hardy started shouting at the beginning, David Tennant appeared in my room and started reading the fic aloud to me. True story. Also this fic is part of a series, so, like, that’s amazing.
The Norwood Love Builders by flawedamythyst (AO3) ( Tumblr: https://flawedamythyst.tumblr.com/) ((couldn’t @  you for some reason. Prob, again, because Tumblr makes my brain hurt))
Author’s Summary: Sherlock and John go undercover to solve the murder of Joanna Oldacre, but things are complicated by the many feelings John has been repressing in the wake of Sherlock's faked death and return.
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 47,798
Tags/Warnings: case fic, fake/pretend relationship, couples retreat, bed sharing, therapy (for a case...that’s a weird tag but I read this in fic so often so), pining John, UST, First Kiss, getting together
Amazing fic by an amazing writer. I have a weakness for ‘pretend relationship for a case’, especially when it’s filled with pining and ust. So in other words this fic is perfect. 
Bridging the Ravine by SilentAuror (AO3) ( @silentauroriamthereal​)
Author’s Summary: Sherlock and John go undercover at Ravine Valley, a therapy centre for same-sex male couples in an investigation into a possible human trafficking ring. As they pose as a couple and fake their way through the therapy sessions for the sake of the case, it quickly becomes difficult to avoid discussing their very real issues. Set roughly nine months after series 4.
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 58,887
Tags/Warnings: post-series 4, Romance, Awkwardness galore, fake couple trope, Therapy, sex trafficking ring, First Times, Massages, wet t-shirt contest, Group Therapy, loss of child (past), Bed-sharing
Pretend relationship for a case, and it’s a really good case too! Plus it’s at a couples therapy retreat, I mean, come on!! And the OC’s, don’t even get me started on them, because I won’t be able to stop singing their praises. This fic was sent by the gods through the blood sweat and tears of the extremely talented SilentAuror. You should honestly just go and binge all of their stuff. What else are you gonna do during quarantine? OH! And guess what??? THERE’S A SEQUEL! 
Sensory Science by sussexbound(SamanthaLenore) (AO3) ( @sussexbound​)
Author’s Summary: John Watson has been invalided home from Afghanistan and is struggling with anxiety, depression, PTSD and insomnia, when an old friend from med school recommends something that might help: An ASMR YouTube Channel run by a friend.
One session in and John is hooked, not only by the way the ASMR seems to calm him after nightmares, and help him sleep, but also by the mysterious man who runs it.
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 80,017
Tags/Warnings: Friends to Lovers, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, PTSD John, ASMR, first meeting AU, problem drinking, Nightmares, Suicidal Thoughts, Internalized Homophobia, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Anxiety, Depression, Homophobic Language, Masturbation, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Prostate Massage, Prostate Orgasm, Phone Sex, Mutual Masturbation, Frottage, Coming Untouched, Aborted Blowjobs, Rimming
Amazing fic that really draws you in. Even if ASMR isn’t necessarily your thing, this is still a fantastic read. I mean, it’s by sussexbound, so what else would you expect?
Rewind by All_I_Need (AO3) ( @the-reading-lemon​)
Author’s Summary: About a month before John's wedding, he and Sherlock embark on one last case together: a murder at a remote hotel in the middle of nowhere. A lot can happen in a week. And a lot doesn't. But what if ...?
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 87,594
Tags/Warnings: Pining, Angst, John is an oblivious idiot, all the feels, Rewind - Freeform, what if, Sharing a Bed, Dancing Lessons, literally everyone sees more than John does, Fake/Pretend Relationship
THIS FIC! This fic!! Let me tell you a thing about this fic: it’s amazing! I haven’t finished it completely, but the unique ‘rewind’ effect is something I hadn’t ever seen before. Interesting concept, pretend relationship for a case, hot, hot smut, AND THERE WAS ONLY ONE BED. What more could you want in a fic, honestly?
---- Out There by DiscordantWords (AO3) ( @discordantwords​)
Author’s Summary: FBI Special Agent John Watson, medical doctor and army veteran, is assigned to assist eccentric genius Sherlock Holmes with paranormal investigations on the X-Files project.
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 131,695
Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting, Alternate Universe - Fusion, Alternate Universe - X-Files Fusion, Slow Burn, UST, No seriously a lot of UST, This is the X files they basically wrote the book on UST, casefic, Case Fic, Government Conspiracy, Aliens, UFOs, Mutants, Pining Sherlock, Pining John, First Kiss, Coma
The X-files/Sherlock crossover I always needed in my life. I think at least a few other Johnlockers out there (ha! Fic title) have watched X-files and thought ‘holy cow this is so John and Sherlock, I need the AU or else I’ll die’. Well look no further! No need to die! Read and watch as all your X-files/Sherlock wishes come true :D
And that concludes this rec list! There will prob be a part 2 coming out as I’ve got hundreds of fics saved on this pairing. Also stay tuned for fic rec lists for some of my other fav ships! Spirk, Garashir, Hannigram, Bunny/Raffles, and more!!
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jasontoddiefor · 4 years
Idk if you write ocs, but if you do, can you write something about a male teen vigilante that was Jason's best friend? Something angsty but with a happy ending maybe, like Jason feels all alone after he came back and oc yells at him and makes him see he really cares about him?
Well, I wasn’t writing it before but now I sure am. Hope you enjoy this!
There was not a lot to be said about Arlo Temmings, exhausted high school student, but plenty about the upstart vigilante Stardust. Stardust was not affiliated with the batclan, not really, but Arlo supposed that had more to do with the fact that he really wasn’t the heroic, batarangs blazing, taking down mob bosses kind of vigilante. Arlo’s powers allowed him to heal others, given that he was physically well enough and had eaten enough. He’d always thought all those videos about metahumans and their heightened metabolism were jokes, but ever since he’d woken up with the ability to literally kiss away bruises, he’d been eating nonstop. Protein shakes were his new favorite breakfast, lunch and dinner because you could only eat so many pizzas before you started throwing them up on sight.
Arlo hadn’t even wanted to become a vigilante or do anything that had to do with healing. Honestly, he was planning to graduate high school with a just average enough GPA and then get some average job somewhere. He used to have bigger ambitions when he was twelve and had the coolest best friend possible.
Well, Jason Todd had been the tutor he’d gotten through their schools’ exchange programs, but he’d acted more like a friend. A very nerdy friend who was the living proof that some people got extremely lucky in life while others didn’t, but his friend nonetheless. Jason had planned to get a college degree at a fancy school, out of Gotham and told Arlo he should dream bigger as well, like graduating with honors big. Studying architecture.
Jason would be pretty disappointed to see how terrible Arlo’s grades had gotten, but Jason was dead and dead people couldn’t do shit.
So Arlo knew pretty much nothing about how human bodies worked except that the mitochondria were the powerhouse of the cell. Arlo had been flunking his biology exams ever since he had first been forced to learn about the fact that plants didn’t, in fact, just grow when Poison Ivy decided that now would be an awesome time to wreck an entire city block.
She’d also been the reason he got pushed into this whole hero business. Turned out that Arlo’s abilities were immensely useful when it came to disaster relief and so Stardust had been born. Crime Alley’s very own non-violent superhero, running around in a black hoodie, a Venetian mask covered with stars, and dark, paint-splattered jeans. Nobody had tried to hurt him yet when he walked out. Pushing the bats around who were all too willing to put you away for life was one thing, hurting the kid whose voice cracked when he was nervous, but could heal your broken bones while glowing like a supernova was something different. Arlo enjoyed his immunity, really. He only wanted to help others, make the world a slightly better place. He’d grown up staring at the pretty buildings at the other end of the city, wanting to live in one of them and built his dream around that. This situation wasn’t so different.
Tonight had been one of the bad nights though. Arlo had already gone through most of his snacks as people of all ages came to find him. Usually, he just walked through the streets, people spotted him and pulled him in new directions. It was reckless and stupid, but everybody knew Arlo was kind of untouchable because he cared for everyone and so everyone cared for Arlo.
And it wasn’t like anybody would be waiting for him at home. His father had died years ago and his mother was never there. The streets were kinder, more vibrant and alive, than Arlo’s actual home.
“Thank you,” the girl whose knee he’d fixed whispered.
“No problem,” Arlo repeated and yawned. He was tired and he had an early class tomorrow, or today if he wanted to be honest with himself. He should head back and try to catch at least three hours of sleep.
Arlo grabbed his bike and began heading home. As an unaffiliated vigilante, he didn’t have any fancy bat tech. Red Robin had offered to get him something, but Arlo wouldn’t know where to stick that anyway. Besides, the mob might start roughing him up if they knew he was on Batman’s payroll. So instead, Arlo had an actual normal bicycle. It had been a gift from Red Hood, who’d been a little appalled that Arlo just got everywhere by foot.
“That’s dangerous,” he’d said like he wasn’t waving around a gun at the same time.
Red Hood was a strange vigilante. He was no hero, he hurt and killed people, wrecked and ruined them and left behind a terrifying warzone. But he didn’t hurt kids.
That was one thing every child in Crime Alley knew. As long as you were young still, you didn’t have to fear the Red Hood. Adults were fair game, they were supposed to be better, but kids were just kids. Arlo himself had only just turned fifteen. He’d spent his birthday watching cartoons and doing an extra-long nightshift and then accepted a sleek black bicycle as his birthday present. He was reasonably sure the entire batclan knew who his civilian identity was, Red Hood did for sure or he wouldn’t have been able to deliver the bike to his house door. Arlo stopped his bike and parked it in the small garage all the families on the top floor had to share and made his way upstairs. He stretched and tiredly pulled his keys out of his pocket to open his door when he noticed that it wasn’t closed.
So his mom was back, likely drunk as well. Great.
Arlo pushed open the door and closed it behind himself. Without much care, he walked down the hallway, not bothering to turn on the lights. His mom would just complain about a headache or something. He entered the kitchen and opened up the fridge. Happily, he noticed that his takeout was still there. He took it out of the fridge and fished a fork out of the water basin and began munching on his noodles. He was so freaking hungry. Closing his eyes, he enjoyed his meal.
Arlo would later claim that he didn’t, in fact, scream, but that was exactly what he did when he heard somebody who was very much not his mother whisper his name. The food dropped on the floor and Arlo twisted around. Behind the table, in the very right corner of the kitchen, sat a dark figure. The must be tall and their hair was an inky black color.
“Red Hood?” Arlo asked and immediately rushed over to the other vigilante. “You- uh. Um, what are you doing here?”
He was pale and Arlo didn’t think it was just because of the moonlight illuminating his skin.
“Head wound,” Red Hood replied. “Didn’ know where else t’ go.”
Arlo kneeled down next to Red Hood and could only now spot the dark red that was quelling out between his hair. Oh, no. No, no, no, no, he was not going to bleed out in Arlo’s kitchen.
“Can you ‘elp?”
He was slurring his words, Arlo was pretty sure that was a bad sign. Due to the bad light, he couldn’t actually make out a lot of his features, and his mask still covered his eyes, but even so, Red Hood sounded so familiar and young. Arlo’s age kind of young. He’d never seen the other vigilante without his red helmet, but he’d assumed he was older. He was so brutal, so skilled.
Nothing like Stardust who barely knew how to throw a punch and was relying on other people’s goodwill.
“Hold still,” Arlo ordered and put his hands on Red Hood’s wound. The vigilante hissed, but Arlo didn’t even twitch anymore. He’d gotten so used to the feeling of blood sticking to his hands, it was almost welcome. He associated it with the rush he got when his powers activated.
“You glow,” Red Hood muttered, entirely out of it. He had lost a lot of blood, but head wounds generally bled a lot, didn’t they? “Like a fairy.”
Arlo giggled nervously and pushed his long dreads behind his back. “A girl I helped tonight told me I look like Rapunzel.”
“Nah,” Red Hood replied. “You’re not stuck in a tower all by yourself. You’re not-“ His breath hitched. “-not lonely at all.”
The wound was slowly closing, not as fast as it usually would, but Arlo was also dead tired.
“I don’t know,” Arlo confessed. “I feel pretty lonely all the time.”
Red Hood laughed, it was a dark and bitter sound, tethering on the edge of a sob or so it seemed to Arlo.
“But you’re good, always were. Helping people and all that. You’re not like me, you don’t fuck up. You stop listening and don’t give in to all that anger. You’re good and you don’t push people away and hurt them all over again.”
Arlo took his hands off Red Hood’s head and rested them on his thighs, blood smearing all over his jeans.
“You’re good too,” Arlo said. “You help people-“
“No,” Red Hood interrupted him harshly. “I just- I just get rid of problems. I shot a man point-blank. His brains just- it was everywhere and the kids were screaming and I just made everything worse but I was so fucking angry and didn’t even care-“
Arlo wasn’t good with words. He didn’t like reading, his dyslexia made it a god damn nightmare, and he couldn’t use all those fancy words he used to practice during tutoring because they felt so foreign on his tongue. Gestures, though, he knew. His parents used to be affectionate. His father was always holding him, had been holding him the day he died, protecting Arlo against debris. Slowly, to avoid startling him, Arlo put his arms around Red Hood. The other man tensed beneath Arlo’s touch, then slowly relaxed in his hold and even went as far as resting his head on Arlo’s shoulder, probably smearing blood all over it.
“I’m glad you’re here,” Arlo said, at loss for words.
“You shouldn’t be,” Red Hood replied. “You really, really shouldn’t.
“Well, I am,” Arlo insisted. “In fact, I’m so glad I’m going to cook you something because I need to eat and you need to eat and then I can heal any other injuries you have as well.”
Arlo kept on blabbering about whatever came to his mind until Red Hood was seated at his kitchen table and Arlo could hardly keep his eyes open anymore.
So, really, there wasn’t much to be said about Arlo Temmings, exhausted high school student and part time vigilante. His grades were held together by duct tape and safety pins and sometimes Red Hood nearly bled out in his kitchen while Arlo made an utter fool of himself and fell asleep on him.
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ash-trash · 3 years
💗💥☀️🌙🌺 for all your ACTIVE RP charr.
Oh my! To keep this from going overboard, I’m going to keep this to Charr that are participating in active guild or open RP! Let’s get started...
Sela Lunarstep:
💗 Ramble a bit about this character!
Oh gosh, there’s so much to ramble about! Sela’s actually not my oldest EU character, she’s younger than Kurra by a smidge, but she’s definitely my favorite! She’s currently having a pretty rough go of it, but I really love thinking about her “private” life outside of Warband stuff - she gets into tussles, makes jewelry, all sorts of exciting things! :3c Sela’s name comes from, shocker, the Greek moon goddess Selene, while Lunarstep has changed a bit over the years. Originally, she was a shadowstep thief build, which is where the Lunarstep came from, but now it’s more of a... she’s always at the front of the pack, leading the charge, sort of deal. :p
💥 Are there any emotions your OC doesn’t know how to deal with, doesn’t understand or hates having to feel? Any reason behind this?
Sela is garbage at dealing with anything related to her own vulnerabilities and weaknesses, aha. She’s built up this huge facade of bravado that fixates on her being the perfect soldier and the best Legionnaire and so she has a huuuuge amount of trouble asking for (or accepting) help, or admitting that she can’t do something. Vulnerability is a big no-no and so naturally, although she does well with the more maternal relationships within her Warband, she really struggles with anything that veers towards the romantic. As far as hating to feel something, she hates to be embarrassed or humiliated, again related to her own pride and confidence.
☀️ How well does your OC take care of themself? Do they tend to put others before their own wellbeing and if so how often? What is their favourite way to pamper themself?
I’d say that she does a pretty good job of taking care of herself, but she absolutely puts others before herself. She prides herself on taking care of her warband and spoiling them and that often translates to making sure they get the lion’s share of the goodies while she scrimps. That said, she does have enough of an ego to feel that she “deserves” the good stuff, so she generally takes care of her own needs pretty well. Except sleep.
🌙 What are some of your OC’s favourites? Favourite food, colour, season, stuff like that! Give some general simple facts that tend to get overlooked!
Hmmm, stuff that’s overlooked... well, her favourite colour would be purple, season would be fall (she likes the milder weather and really enjoys the autumn leaves), flavorwise she loves spicy things (honestly, just because she’s trying to show off and be tough) as well as deep rich flavours... More obscure stuff might be: Her favourite time of day is late night, favourite bunk is the bottom one, favourite horn is her upper right one, favourite instrument would be the flute (she tends to prefer her music in the higher ranges - piccolo’s up there too!), and favourite cheese would be a nice heady parmesan.
🌺 What additions would your OC make to their body if they could? Lets say, if they don’t have a tail would they want one? Wings? Horns? Do they wish they could shapeshift?
Sela’s pretty happy with her body as it is, but there’s definitely a few changes she’d make. As much as they’d get in the way, she kinda wants bigger horns, and definitely bigger teeth. She’d love to be even more flexible than she is, and she’d like some extra muscle and definition to her legs. Wings would be nice, but definitely not all the time. Shapeshifting, of course! That would come in so handy!
Graf Towercleave (Yes, he still counts >.> ):
💗 Ramble a bit about this character!
Ah, Graf, my old man... Graf is definitely one of those characters with the most fleshed-out backstories, especially in how it affects him nowadays, and all the traumas and memories that come with it. I don’t remember the inspiration for his first name, but the second part was because he was originally designed to be a WvW Firebrand in his off-time (which... never came to fruition, oops), so Towercleave. I’m really excited to see the next step in his journey, though it coincides with my own journey in such a way that I do find myself getting emotional about the good-byes... ;w;
💥 Are there any emotions your OC doesn’t know how to deal with, doesn’t understand or hates having to feel? Any reason behind this?
I’d say that Graf doesn’t really do well with a lot of the “non-Charr” emotions/feelings: any sort of romance, faith, or selfishness. He’s learned to deal with them in others, to be sure, but they’re still fairly alien to him. I’d say that as far as things he experiences that he struggles with, it would be the trauma of his past - whether it’s something that he experienced in the Sieges, or in his time with the Vigil, he... doesn’t do well with being “scared”, or not in control.
☀️ How well does your OC take care of themself? Do they tend to put others before their own wellbeing and if so how often? What is their favourite way to pamper themself?
He does good at taking care of himself, though perhaps a bit more spartan than is strictly necessary, because that’s what he’s used to. He’s been a soldier his whole life, through and through, and he knows how important maintaining his equipment, including his body, is. He does a good job at keeping himself in shape and healthy, though perhaps to a detriment of not allowing himself many luxuries (except for warm baths, those are always welcome). Although he does consider others, he usually tends to leave them to their own devices, except when he decides they’re too young/naive/bullheaded to do it properly, such as a certain blue-haired warbandmate.
🌙 What are some of your OC’s favourites? Favourite food, colour, season, stuff like that! Give some general simple facts that tend to get overlooked!
Favourite food would be some good old traditional charr chow. Grilled meat, lots of special sauce, no fancy frou-frou to mess with it. Maybe some cheese. As far as colours, although most of his life tends to be filled with red, he’ll admit to liking a nice deep dark navy blue the best. The sea has been a rare treat for him, and he enjoys it when he can. Favourite season would have to be winter. Although he doesn’t care for the snow and cold and slush, he likes the way it makes the world slow down. He likes that everyone hates it together, I suppose. Some more obscure ones... his favourite flavour of pie is strawberry, his favourite place was a small grove in what is now the Dragonbrand - nowadays, it’s probably the Hero’s Canton, because it has the most nice memories without bad ones to taint it.
🌺 What additions would your OC make to their body if they could? Lets say, if they don’t have a tail would they want one? Wings? Horns? Do they wish they could shapeshift?
Honestly, he’d mostly just... fix his current one. Make it less old, less achy, less stiff. Shapeshifting and the rest of it sounds like a lot of faff. He wishes he had a third set of ears so he could hear humans better. Maybe another pair of arms to hold more things.
Naphtha Seizetar:
💗 Ramble a bit about this character!
But I ramble about her so muuuuch, FINE. For any newcomers, Naphtha was originally a villain in a Lunar plot that met a gruesome end, but I loved the concept so much that I had to remake her (a sort of AU, what-if-her-life-turned-out-different) as a good girl. I’ve actually got a sort of spooky story in the works with her (and at the rate I’m going it might be spooky season before it’s ever finished) that’s going to give her a bit of development with her magic because right now the poor girl is a dummy and would rather play with pressure cookers.
💥 Are there any emotions your OC doesn’t know how to deal with, doesn’t understand or hates having to feel? Any reason behind this?
A lot of them, probably. Naph is a sweetie but she doesn’t do well with a lot of “serious” things. She likes being left alone to her own devices and is still getting the hang of the much-more teamwork oriented Seize group. So I guess emotionally, uh, things like teamwork and codependence and responsibility, whatever emotions those are. As far as hates feeling, she really doesn’t like feeling like she’s wrong (ironically). She doesn’t like feeling like she’s being irrational, or that she’s not justified in what she’s doing.
☀️ How well does your OC take care of themself? Do they tend to put others before their own wellbeing and if so how often? What is their favourite way to pamper themself?
She does not. Naph is the kind of gal that would go weeks without showering, live off of corn chips and stale marshmallows she found under the couch, and develop a 12 coffee a day habit so she only has to sleep once a month. Naph does not take very good care of herself at all, and she takes care of others even less. She’s not necessarily inconsiderate, she just... as above, doesn’t do well with the whole teamwork thing and kind of figures that she can take care of herself, so everyone else can too. As far as pampering herself, she rarely goes above what’s “necessary” as far as self-care, but on the rare occasion that she did decide to treat herself, she’d get a lot of fancy soaps and oils and just... go to town on her fur and spend like a whole day grooming and scrubbing and getting the years of grime out of there until she’s as soft and fluffy as can be.
🌙 What are some of your OC’s favourites? Favourite food, colour, season, stuff like that! Give some general simple facts that tend to get overlooked!
Favourite food would be mushroom anything. Probably her favorite ever is something she had in Lion’s Arch one time, some sort of pasta dish with mushrooms and squid ink - it was salty and savory and rich... Her favourite colour would be brown (well, she’d say black but as far as actual COLOURS), and her favourite season would be fall. She likes the spoopy season, and enjoys cronching the leaves. More uncommon things, her favourite shape is octagon, her favorite simple machine is the screw, and her favorite animal is the carrion devourer.
🌺 What additions would your OC make to their body if they could? Lets say, if they don’t have a tail would they want one? Wings? Horns? Do they wish they could shapeshift?
She would absolutely go all out and give herself big ol’ bat wings and like 3 more sets of horns and huuuuge fangs and way bigger claws and a pointy tail and SPIKES and probably a third eye on her forehead... heck yeah.
Elda Throatchop:
💗 Ramble a bit about this character!
Ahhh, Elda. I included her mostly because I wanted to talk about her and also she’s sort of gotten sucked into a few open-ish things lately so she totally counts >.> She’s another NPC-turned-character from Lunar’s Drizzlewood plot, this time a generic helper NPC that was supposed to get killed off but Lunar actually did well enough that she survived, and helped them through the final fight. Aesthetically, she’s actually based off of the Pokemon Obstagoon, which is where her last name comes from as well. Sort of. I’ve honestly had the idea for a Blood engineer in the back of my mind for years now and Elda is absolutely not that! She’s not at all what I would have made had I set out originally to make a Blood engineer, but I love her anyways and I’m really enjoying her.
💥 Are there any emotions your OC doesn’t know how to deal with, doesn’t understand or hates having to feel? Any reason behind this?
Elda hates feeling loneliness. She doesn’t mind being alone, and she can handle that just fine - she likes her private time to tinker or work on projects or test the latest whatever, and she probably does better on her own anyways, but she... needs to know that there’s people there for her if she wants/needs. She doesn’t like being isolated. As far as stuff that she doesn’t know how to deal with, probably regret? She’s so far operated on a kind of “live hard die young” sort of deal (and she almost did, dohohoho) and so when missed opportunities or regrets jump out at her, she’s not really sure what to do about it. It never spurs her to action so she’s kind of just left there staring at it like “so... what now?” and it kind of shuts down her whole mojo for a long time.
☀️ How well does your OC take care of themself? Do they tend to put others before their own wellbeing and if so how often? What is their favourite way to pamper themself?
Elda takes decent enough care of herself. Not exemplary (she’s not out here practicing yoga or getting enough fiber) but well enough! She eats regularly and gets enough sleep and bathes often, so she’s doing pretty good! Although she doesn’t regularly put anyone above herself, she would do it for certain people, like her friends or family. She values them and their role in her life enough that she’s willing to self-sacrifice to make them happy and keep them around. When she does want to treat herself, she tends to splurge a little on some shiny new tool or toy, often with the excuse that it’s for work and it’ll help her be more productive, but she knows that it’s just because it’s bigger and shinier and has an extra spanner or something.
🌙 What are some of your OC’s favourites? Favourite food, colour, season, stuff like that! Give some general simple facts that tend to get overlooked!
Her favourite food would probably be things that are kind of finicky and interactive, so poultry wings, or artichoke, or shellfish. She’s not really picky about flavours, though of course she likes things meaty. Her favourite colour is obviously red, though she’ll admit to a fondness for pink as well. She never understood why humans attach so much meaning to it - pink’s cool. Her favourite season is definitely summer - she likes the clear skies, the bright weather... More random stuff! Her favourite Bop-It command is Twist It, her favourite style of soda pop (if such a thing exists in Tyria, I dunno) is Dr. Pepper, her favourite sport is wrestling, and her favorite piece of clothing is her belt buckle, which is made from the melted down remains of her first gun.
🌺 What additions would your OC make to their body if they could? Lets say, if they don’t have a tail would they want one? Wings? Horns? Do they wish they could shapeshift?
Elda’s pretty happy with how she is, but given her choices, she’d like to be quite a bit taller and a bit bulkier. She wishes her teeth were a bit pointier, and she always wished she could grow a longer mane - she wants to have a big spiky mohawk too. As nice as wings or shapeshifting would be, it seems like having too many things would just get in the way.
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heroquills-a · 5 years
s1lentsnip3r replied to your post: hmmmmmmmmmm……….. i feel like doing a random mun...
Tumblr media
cracks knuckles.
@s1lentsnip3r @chaosmixed @metallumdash 
words can’t describe how impressed i am by how much you bring your muses to life bwaze. i used to like, not really give a darn heck about metal sonic at all? but after that first thread we had where sonic and proxy got into a fight, i was immediately hooked. you just do such an incredible job at fleshing out characters that i otherwise wouldn’t have really thought much of before and you just have this unique and interesting spin on them that feels fresh. i love the way you play the chao and whisper’s wisps and atia is just a little gremlin but i love them so much, and i’ve literally never seen anyone play chaos before. you just have this way of utilizing that potential that your characters and concepts have and it’s just really awesome to watch. i love it. absolutely a stellar roleplayer. absolutely stellar mun!!
@skyfcx @masterprotector @cosmcther
ties you to a chair. listen here little mister. youre probably one of the OG ppl in this rpc that i’ve lowkey looked up to since first joining. you’ve already heard it plenty of times already but your writing is just ?? stellar ?? from the way you use colorful idioms, expressions, metaphors, to how you capture movement and action in such an engaging way. it’s always a treat to read. the way you portray your muses is just always spot on and i love how seamlessly you capture their mannerisms and speech patterns. your headcanons for tails and knuckles just make me so giddy they just feel so right for their characters, and as far as rosalina goes--- while i know next to nothing about the mario franchise or this character in particular i’m still intrigued enough to peek in on what she’s up to every now and then. over all, you’re a rad roleplayer and a fun person to chat with ooc !! 
i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again. i adore how you write shadow. i’m constantly blown away by how authentic he always feels and how realistic you write him while still remaining accurate and true to his character. like i legit cannot even think of any other place or media i’ve seen besides the games themselves (before sega started botching up his character anyway) where he’s portrayed as accurately as you write him. you manage to balance the serious, aloof, hostile side of him with his playful, competitive, smug side AND the inner naive, almost child like side almost perfectly. and then there’s more, because you add so much depth to him and realistically expand on so many unexplored facets of his character and his roots !! you can just tell this is a character who’s endured so many hardships and is still trying to recover and move on, and despite everything that’s hardened him into the person he is today he still has that innocent curiosity about the world and it makes me so emo every. single. time. you just put so much work into him and it shows, from your icons to your headcanon posts, to even the most minute detail. even when you host events you just go So Hard at it you’re literally out here setting the standard dude. and don’t even get me started on your writing style. i was hooked by the very first thread we did, i felt like i could never hold a candle to it honestly. just. the way you narrate shadow’s feelings and thoughts, how you capture his actions, his movement, his speech patterns, is just so good. and your vocabulary is so colorful and rich. just. hgnfhg its top tier content ALRIGHT you inspire me to push myself and to keep improving all the time and i have to say i couldn’t ask for a better writing partner. i love you so much eph 💕💕💕
hello yes trikey i love your omega so much. i’ve never really thought much of the death bot before but seeing all the headcanons and fleshing out you do for him just makes him so much more interesting and fascinating. down to the most intrinsic detail you put in for him it’s just really cool to see and adds so much to him that just !! i love it man. every time i think abt omega now my mind just automatically goes back to your portrayal because he is Just omega. i appreciate all the depth you add to him and his relationships to the rest of his team, it’s so pleasing to see and really helps solidify how strong team dark’s dynamic truly is..... not to mention your art is hecking gorgeous??? like damn dude, goals. anyway,, thank u for the blessed omega content. absolutely 10/10
@coolxnxblue @oforbis @hcrofraid @mastcrplanncr @powderbluestreaks
toxi i immediately fell in love with your sonic the first time we ever interacted. you just capture his sass so well, i just could not stop giggling that first night. he’s still my favorite sonic in this rpc, to be honest. and don’t even get me started on your other muses. it still baffles me how you manage to take on such a huge raster of characters yet manage to flesh them out all so well. every one of them feels so evenly developed and solid and just like bwaze you make me care about characters that i otherwise wouldn’t have before. i feel like i have a huge newfound appreciation for eggman bc of you and unsurprisingly he’s now my fave eggman on here hands down. and it goes without saying your writing is just, phenomenal. you capture dialogue so beautifully, the way you narrate on the feelings your characters are experiencing is engaging, to the point i’m lowkey intimidated by it sometimes LMAO. also your AUs are just rad as hell? and rlly interesting?? and your art style too ????? 10/10 roleplayer, i just think youre neat.
@antibadnik @godcontained
hey you? yes you. i love your muses so much. i especially love how you write amy, to be honest. she’s been my favorite character since forever and like?? you do just such a good job with her? i appreciate that you choose not to erase her intense affection for sonic, because more often than not i see people tone it way down to almost non-existent and it really is just such a big part of her character. i like the way you delve into that mindset of her’s, and expand on it and how it affects her. i also just. love your writing too. you just have this way of conveying feeling in your writing that’s always a punch to the gut you can feel it that hard. your headcanons for elise are really interesting too and definitely nothing i’ve actually seen before, what with how her powers work and how having to go emotionally dormant has effected her after all this time.  also, i love ava. she is baby. it’s so cool getting to see a mute character!! all in all, its just good content man. god i love football.
@team-phantom @heartfelt-silver
pandaaaa i adore you !!! you were like my first friend in this heckin rpc. all of our dash shenanigans always have me wheezing and i just love your boys so much. i can certainly say without a shadow of a doubt that zero is one of my favorite takes on infinite. its hard to believe that he’s the same jackal who almost completely helped eggman take over the world--- he’s just come so far, he seamlessly fits into the rest of the cast. i adore how he works off of his team, and all their own unique little quirks that set them apart from each other. your headcanons and lore for your muse is just so sweet. and god i can’t get enough of your art?? your doodles always are a blessing to see ;-; i always appreciate you youre just such a sweet and kind mun, you’re so welcoming of ppl here and have this way of making ppl feel at home in this community. it absolutely wouldn’t be the same without you. keep it up <3
@lightdash @heartlop @enrichedheart
YOU. yes you. ame you’re so freakin’ cool and sweet. you’re always so nice and welcoming to people in the rpc it’s always a treat getting the chance to talk to you !! you’re another one of those peeps i look up to in this community TBH and youre muses are just portrayed and written so well!! i can just tell you’ve poured many years of thought, consideration, and work into your muses to the point that they’re just so finely tuned. i love the aesthetic you utilize for you blogs, from your icons to just the way you go about formatting your threads? and not to mention, your art style ??? is just so cute ??? ngl i lowkey wanna collab with you one of these days bc i just adore how you draw the sonic cast ;_; thank you for being a part of this rpc !! you’re wonderful !
moggg you’re so nice and chill to talk to. i love volt and harmony so much... they fit in really good with sonic world and mesh well with just about any characters i’ve seen them interact with so far--- even if its someone they don’t get along with. i’ve said it before but theyre just a really charming little duo and im always happy to see them on my dashboard. i love the overall aesthetic they got going, two travelers roaming the world from dimension to dimension. harmony is just a little bundle of precious fluffy joy and her interactions with sonic always make me cry. and volt--- he’s such a good dad !! he’s a really neat character and i’m certainly interested in learning more about the both of them. and as i said, you’re a rad person to talk to, i appreciate how welcoming and supportive you are of people. and your art style? absolutely adorable. thank you for being in this rpc ;-;
@dieviskais @solfading 
king!! i’ve never seen anyone write the way you do, choosing to shift the view point onto the reader as if they themselves are the muse. it’s such a unique and interesting way to look into your muse’s mindsets and express how they are feeling and what they’re doing. your take on silver is very fresh compared to the way he’s typically written. i appreciate you don’t take the baby silver uwu route like don’t get me wrong he IS baby but he’s not a baby. you certainly have really neat headcanons surrounding his backstory and how he grew up, it’s nice to see the grim reality of his harsh bleak life being represented. it’s good !! your other muses are intriguing too and i’m eager to learn more about them. i love auburn?? he’s a really cool oc dude his aesthetic and powers are A+. and you know, i may be terrible at expressing it but you’re a delight to talk to!! never feel bad or discouraged for popping into my dms i honestly appreciate the company ;-; thank u for being u
@orbviously / @cubeviously
THESE TWO BOTS. i love them so much. literally every time i see orbot or cubot now in any context i just think back to your portrayal of them hebby, they’re just so dang spot on and good. i love how you go about interacting with people with these two tbh it never fails to make me giggle. i love your art style too it’s just pleasing to look at! you have so many creative AUs for these bots i’m honestly impressed by how much you manage to create with these guys man--- from their human/bot designs to their mobianbot designs theyre just so cool ?? even your other muses are always entertaining to watch regardless of what fandom theyre from youre just so fun to interact with. and just, you’re always a pleasure to talk to ooc, youre always putting a smile on my face! youre awesome hebby 
yes hi. sunny your take on big is so blessed. you’ve done so much justice for him. i’ve always really liked big tbh but i just love how much depth you put into his character, his backstory and his mannerisms. i love that you like,, actually give him a personality outside being a slow thinker. i can tell you’ve really developed your writing style with him, it speaks volumes about how much work you really put into writing him and it shows? heck, you even go the extra mile to draw your own icons and hang on i need a second to gush about your art because holy DAMN dude. your anatomy and painting abilities are nothing short of impressive--- especially your nack for painting backgrounds. i srsly gotta commission you at some point when i’m able to, heck. anyway, the rpc certainly wouldn’t be the same without you here
dude i love your take on infinite. he’s just about everything he should have been in forces, and even more. i love how malicious and intimidating you write him and your take on his speech patterns is just straight up eye-candy. i love your writing style, its so flavorful and rich--- your headcanons and lore on how infinite works is just astounding. and i like how you incorporate your drawings into your replies or threads too like even if its just icons your style is so heckin pretty ?? gosh dang. i’m definitely looking forward to interacting more in the future bc ur muse is just really fun and you seem like such a rad person !!
uhhh hello yes... while we haven’t interacted very much so far i JUST GOTTA SAY, i super enjoy your take on fang. from what i can tell he’s very well-rounded and fleshed out and a really interesting villain. i may or may not’ve been lowkey paying attention to that angel’s thesis thread you were doing w bwaze and aaron and i gotta say. holy damn. fang just done FUCKED UP. im certainly looking forward to him and shade interacting lmao. your writing style is so good too hh... just yeah i don’t have a whole lot to say if only because we haven’t interacted as much as i have with some of the other ppl on here BUT i certainly am looking forward to bc you seem cool. i’m loving what i’m seeing so far. have nack shoot sonic. DO IT.
@mobian-merc @funis-infinite 
duuuudeeee. i’ll be honest i was super intimidated by you at first asdkjsah i don’t even know why i was ??? but like. you’re so hecking nice and fun to talk to ;_; scourge is an actual literal dipshit yet you manage to make him very likable and you have such a fun take on him. i’ve always been a little conflicted on the character tbh because of how popular he is and he seems like the type i’d like but i knew nothing about him and was kinda put off by the over hype sometimes, but honestly? your portrayal won me over. i love him now. he’s so stupid and hE’S GREAT. your infinite also seems so cool too i gotta hecking respond to that starter you made me when i get the chance, im looking forward to infinite & sonic just. talking and sassing eachother probably. i really like your writing style too!!! and your icons are absolutely gorgeous ok. alright, that is all.
uhhhhhhh hello i love your rouge so much ???? she’s literally so cool... you capture her aesthetic and over all mysterious yet cunning vibe perfectly and it’s just always a pleasure to see her on my dash. i loved her interactions with sonic during eph’s roadtrip event so much. your headcanons just feel so her and spot on, and you still manage to add so much depth and personality to her i just love it so much. i love your blog’s aesthetic down to the icons, and even the way you format your threads. over all just a stellar rouge blog and a really cool & chill mun!!
@rosehammcr @antihedgehog
hi rosie uhm i love your amy so much ok. she’s such a sweet heart, i love how you incorporate her tarot cards ?? it’s literally so cool... and the accuracy on those readings is shocking. she’s just such a sweet heart god i’m getting emo thinking abt her tbh like amy is !! one of my fave characters and !! you write her so well !! and your eggman too, god he’s incredible. i love how sinister yet goofy he can be he’s just a perfect combination of intimidating and silly. your takes on orbot and cubot also bring a smile to my face and i love how you incorporate them into your interactions!! you also just seem like a rlly rad person and i’d love to interact more !! yeah !
yuniiiiiiIII !!  you’re such a sweet heart and your sonic is too. i’ve never seen someone play sonic the way you do before and it’s certainly interesting and unique !! you’ve got so many neat an thought out verses and AUs too, theyre all really intriguing !  our interactions with our sonics are always rlly blessed tbh starlight is just precious. i always appreciate getting to work with you as well for commission stuff, you’ve really been helping me out in that regard. plus you give me something artistic to work on and the chance to push my talents ! ;-; all in all you’re just a really sweet person and have a kind aura about you ! ;;
clears throat. hi yes you’ve been one of my fave sonics since day one. you’re just so creative with your muse its honestly impressive how many things you’ve able to come up with for sonic. from the portrayal you bring to the table down to your muse aesthetic its always just spot on you’ve got the blue speedster’s whole vibe down to a T. and your writing is just ? kisses my fingers. beautiful. your sonic is just so dang authentic, seeing him on my dash is always a pleasant sight. and i know this post is namely about sonic rpc muns & muses but i already love bubbles and blossom. i used to watch powerpuff girls when i was rlly little so its a real nostalgia trip to see them on my dashboard.
@hcpebloom @rcsebloom
bunny !! ur heckin sweet.. i love ur amy so much HSDFHDJ she’s just so soft. and unique too!! your headcanons for her are just so cute and make her stand out in her own way and i just appreciate that yo. and i admittedly don’t know a whole lot about cosmo since i havent really watched that far into sonic x but you’ve certainly got my attention with her. we just gotta interact more man ur muses are so precious !! ;_; 
you !! your shadow is so good dude ! your portrayal of him is just so hecking accurate,, i highly appreciate how noble you write him to be. he’s serious, he’s prickly, but he’s got the world’s best interest at heart and it makes my heart do the fluttery thing. your writing is so good too gosh. no to mention youre just so hecking nice ??? youre just overall a rlly sweet mun & i appreciate your presence here in the rpc
@glittcrngcld @livelifc
hey fretcher ? ily. your muses are just so good from your canon characters to your ocs, i just love them sm?? and your ART? i swoon every time i see your doodles on my dash i’m still not over those doodles of lilly and azure ;-; not to mention your edits are scarily good like shit dude teach me your ways. your takes on your muses are awesome man i love ur sonic he’s such a MEME. and elise !!! she makes me so emo god. thank u for your blessed portrayals of these characters ! @elektrisch-felidae​
YOU. precious is just, precious?? HAH. i love her, she’s so cool tbh. she’s so chill and laid back and seems like the kinda cool cat sonic can totally vibe with. you yourself are also rlly chill and fun to interact with--- even if we haven’t much so far. its no secret i just love sonic ocs so much and precious is just awesome. i love the idea of electricity powers. absolutely need to have sonic hang with her more ;;
SPEAKING of cool cats with cool powers, i love raven. her sass is just super entertaining to see on the dashboard tbh. i have to see her and sonic get into a sass off one of these days. her powers are also really cool too ? she reminds me of blaze in a sense, but just completely different in her own right. i also just hella love your art style its so cute, your doodles are always adorable to see!! 
INHALES. ok. im done. if i missed anyone i am so sorry i ran out of steam. thank you all so much for making this rpc such an entertaining, dynamic, and creative place to be !!! 
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kaesaaurelia · 5 years
does it almost feel like you’ve been here before?
For @whumptober2019 day 2: explosion.  Content warning for a lot of fire, very bad burns, and general description of of major city-destroying disasters.
Posted late because I went to a Bastille concert last night and it was amaaaazing but it was also very late when I got home!  (look don’t @ me about the title it’s VERY THEMATICALLY RELEVANT.)
This is about an OC (Vehuel, Principality of Chicago... and several other cities in the past.)
Everything had been on fire for quite some time, and Vehuel was comfortable with that.
Well, no.  She wasn't.  That would be a lie.  She was resigned to that, but if she was honest with herself she was desperately uncomfortable, sweaty and sooty and bone-tired.
Currently she was dragging a man out of a haberdashery.  Vehuel wasn't sure if it was his shop or someone else's, but idiots had been trying to save things instead of their own skins all night, so of course, of course it fell to her to 
rush into the flames and drag him to safety.  Heaven had been very specific about this one; something about founding a city.  As if they didn't have plenty of decent cities already, she thought.  Maybe if they could stop blowing some of them up they wouldn't need to have humans build new ones.
"This better be a really good city," she muttered under her breath, slinging Aeneas over her shoulder.  He was unconscious this time, which was good; the last few times she'd dragged Aeneas away from certain death he'd been inconveniently awake and very annoying.  On the other hand, the longer he was unconscious the more likely he was to die, and she wondered if maybe she should try and wake him up, only not now, not in the middle of the street.  The city was burning around her and there were Acheans goddamn everywhere, and she had to keep moving.
Aeneas moaned.
"I guess we're doing this now, then," she muttered, and
put him down in the middle of the street, sparing a miracle to keep him from losing his balance as he regained consciousness.
The man's eyes opened and he stared at her.  "What?  Who are --"
"Leave," she snapped.  "Run!  Now.  Don't even remember me!"  He stumbled out of the building and into the throng of people rushing north.
The building burst into flames as soon as they were out, and the shop windows exploded outward, flames licking through them and up the sides of the building.
They'd been nice hats, Vehuel had to admit, but no hat was that nice.  Humans had stupid priorities, sometimes.
She hurried northward, pausing for a moment to watch work at the Field & Letier building with interest.  As before, Vehuel couldn't imagine any dry goods could be worth more than lives, but she couldn't drag all of these people away, and it was a beautiful marble building.  It would be a pity if it went up in flames.  Unlike the little haberdashery, the store surely had firehoses inside; maybe they could save it.  She did a quick blessing -- If it goes up in flames, everyone will get out all right, she told reality firmly -- and left them to their work.
The press of the crowd made the stifling heat even worse, and she'd had to save a few people from being trampled while mentally cursing out whoever's idea it had been to build the streets and sidewalks out of wood, honestly, what idiot had done that?  She would have to talk to the -- the -- whoever was in charge of that nonsense.  Elders?  No.  Aldermen.  Yeah.
Assuming they survived, of course.
The bridge was made of wood, too, because of course it was.  They might destroy it to stop the fire from jumping the river again, but she decided to stand watch here and make sure anyone who tried to cross could do so before that happened, and maybe keep it unburnt for as long as possible.  But the wind was going to be a problem; it had been the main problem in San Francisco -- San Francisco, had Heaven even reassigned that one yet?  Why was it always her cities going up in smoke?  Two cities in twenty years was a record even for her, though.
In a crowded place like this she normally wouldn't have opened her wings, but people kept pausing to stare at the flames roaring through the city behind them, so it was easy enough to slip into the sky, unnoticed, and circle over the bridge.  She watched the crowd for an hour or so, trying to instill in them a sense of community and responsibility to their fellow humans.  It almost worked; she didn't see any pickpockets, although there were a few opportunistic people trying to seize things other people had dropped.  They nearly got trampled for their troubles, but Vehuel kept them out of trouble.
A terrible clanging noise nearly made her fall out of the sky, and she saw that the courthouse had collapsed.  That had been the bell.  She flew closer, sparks streaking across her skin, and spared another miracle to keep the flames from engulfing the prisoners as they fled the ruined courthouse.
She looked back northward.  The wind was picking up again, and the rising air was carrying her too far above the city to see much, so she dove back down to soar over the north side of the river, hoping she could keep the wind from carrying the fire over.  It had already leapt over the river once; she'd be damned if she would let it happen again.
Well.  No.  She'd be reassigned, probably.  Heaven had always been merciful to her despite her many mistakes.
She pushed sparks and flaming debris southward with wingbeats when she saw them.  There were little flames along the surface of the river now, and several barges were on fire.  The throng fleeing across the bridge was pushing and shoving as the fire raged on the southern bank of the river.
She landed next to the railroad tracks on the northern bank, needing to take a moment and recover her strength.  It was too much, too much to keep people from being crushed on the bridge and hover in the air and notice all the sparks and keep them away and oh, she just wanted to go back to hanging around in saloons with good music and better beer, smoothing over barfights and cleaning card hustlers out of their hard-swindled money.
But as she was thinking this, something niggled at the back of her mind, and she noticed a scrap of something aflame floating on the breeze towards a tank car, and she reached for it with a miracle, to extinguish it, to transform the liquid inside to water, to -- to -- anything, really -- but she was too slow, and the flame landed on the train car.
"Oh come on, that's 
not fair, you can't just -- you can't just take my miracles away!" he shouted at the skies, and immediately regretted it, because, well.  Of course they could.
Vehuel looked around for anyone he could save, anything he could do now, his plan shattered by the complete and utter indifference of Heaven to the plight of a vacation town known for its baths and brothels.  It wasn't a good city, but it was beautiful in its way; it was human.
Just then, a little scroll floated down from the sky, which was much more welcome than the rain of ash and pumice they'd been having.  He ripped it open, and read, hoping it was the answer to his prayers.
It was not.  It was the answer to a question he'd asked nearly a week ago, when he'd suspected Vesuvius was going to erupt and wanted to know if there was anyone Heaven wanted to keep alive.  He'd learned his lesson from Aeneas; much easier to save somebody by dragging him out of the city well before it was aflame.
The note simply read:
Whole town expendable.
Fine.  Fine, that was fine, then.  He would just -- he would just have to deal with it.  He'd get a new body, at least; he didn't much like this one, it couldn't handle solar radiation nearly as well as the last one.  He unfurled his wings and braced them against the rolling cloud of acid and heat he knew was coming.
Not that they would help.  It was just instinct.
And suddenly his feathers were aflame and his flesh was melting off, and oh, he couldn't breathe for coughing, everything was
pain and fire and she was lying flat on her back and the ground was hot.
"Come on, get up," said somebody, and pulled her to her feet, only her eyes were watering and she was coughing up maybe both her lungs at once?  "Calm down, Vehuel, you don't need to breathe," said the voice, not unkindly but still impatiently.
She did that.  "Oh.  Oh, ow."  One of her wings was still on fire, and she shook it out.  She wouldn't be flying for a while.  She looked at her rescuer.  "Michael!" she said, and then she couldn't think of anything more to say, because!  Michael!
All around them, the world was on fire.  "A beam of wood just fell on the waterworks," said Michael, "so the fire department will be useless."
"They're already useless," grumbled Vehuel.  "Why are you here?"  She could dare to hope, if Michael was here.  Michael actually took her seriously, which was itself a little terrifying, because Vehuel knew she didn't merit that, but it meant she would help, and at this point Vehuel would've taken help from anyone except maybe Satan.
"I have a church protected with miracles on North Avenue and Church Street," said Michael, "but this is -- this is, frankly, an extraordinary fire, worse than I'd expected.  It's far north but I don't know if the fire will peter out before it gets there.  You try to get people there and I'll try and keep them safe when they get there.  Understood?"
Vehuel nodded numbly.  "But why are you here?" she blurted out.
Michael ignored her, and took off.  Vehuel watched her go, then took a deep, non-coughing breath to steady herself, and waded back into the flames.
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kg2hub · 5 years
Rules for mobile users
[[here’s a google doc for the updated list of rules, applicable for all my blogs]]
anything under this cut is from my outdated rules.
[rules updated: 08/15/2019]
• No godmodding. No sending (implied or explicit) homophobic/transphobic/bigoted messages to me or my character either.
• Please don’t over-pester me for replies. I promise I’ll get to them. Feel free to drop me a reminder after at least a week of no replies, though. In return, I usually give you a week too, unless otherwise specified in your own rules, until I remind you if it’s your turn to reply (or more often, I chicken out and trust that you’ll eventually respond/want to drop it and end up never bringing up that particular thread ever again). You’re always free to start multiple threads with me, that is greatly encouraged because I love having lots of threads with people.
• If you start getting bored with the roleplay, feel free to drop it and/or end it. We can always start up another thread in the future.
• However, please let me know if you want to drop a roleplay thread! It can give me major anxiety when I’m waiting for a response that’s never going to come, and I wonder if I did something wrong and assume that’s why you’re not replying anymore :’) I’m not forcing you to let me know if you want to drop a thread, you can drop it without saying anything too. But I personally really appreciate being told about that sort of thing.
• Don’t reblog a thread you’re not part of. This should go without being said, of course. Personals will be hardblocked immediately, rp blogs will receive a warning.
• If you can trim your threads, please do! It’s fine if you can’t, though, because I will most likely trim the thread for you. If you don’t trim threads with other people, however, I’ll be less likely to follow you since I don’t like scrolling through long posts.
• Please don’t claim any of my art as your own. If you post it somewhere, the least you can do is credit me by at least including a link to my blog or something. Bonus points if you ask me first before reposting my art, but I understand if you’re anxious because so am I :’)
• If any of your art is featured on my blog, as an icon or something and you don’t want me to use your art, please tell me!!! Message me privately or contact me in some way and please let me know that you want your art taken down. As a fellow artist, I understand wanting other people to not use your art (although I am personally fine with it as long as proper credit is given,) but if you’re more strict about it than I am, that’s totally okay too! Just let me know, and I’ll stop using your art immediately, will delete all icons I have of your art, as well as delete every single instance of your art being used on this blog.
• That being said, if you’re following me, please let me know if I’m doing something that’s making you uncomfortable or is breaking one of your rules!! I do read the rules pages of everyone, but I’m human and forget things, and I’m not a mind reader either ;~; I care, so please tell me if I’m ever doing anything bad
• You can reply to any of my open starters at any time! Even if they’re a year old! Even if other people have already replied to it! My open starters are open for a reason, and we don’t have to be mutuals for you to reply to them either :’)
• I am of age to do smut, but Ted is literally in kindergarten so that is a no for this blog! There might be occasional references to adult stuff, given the mature nature of the canon game, but that’s about it. No explicit smut in this house.
• This blog is not a spoiler-free one. I will not tag roleplays with spoilers, but anything else will be tagged with Kindergarten Spoilers
• I’m alright with roleplaying nsfw in general, minus smut. Gore, violence, and generally dark roleplays are cool with me. It should be, considering the game this character is from. I love angsty things just as much as I love fluff ;w; Speaking of gore, you’re more than welcome to fight/harm/injure my muse to any extent! You don’t even have to ask! If you want to do a rp where he dies, however, please dm me first.
• I prefer not to roleplay with personals, unless you are someone I know from school or something like that. Personals in general are allowed to follow me too! However! Personals are not allowed to reblog roleplays, in character posts, or ooc posts especially if I say in the tags that I’m going to delete the post later. Only things that are tagged with my “musings” or “art tag” tags are okay to reblog. Headcanon posts are not okay to reblog unless I say otherwise.
• Like spamming is okay! I very occasionally lose roleplays, and getting lots of notes from likes are never a factor for that, for me personally. If I lose a roleplay, it’s mostly just because I forgot, so that’s really a “me” thing. I’m usually very good at keeping track of who I’m roleplaying with and how many ongoing threads I have, and I reply pretty consistently, so just remind me if I haven’t responded after a week or more days (as stated in one of the above rules)! And I like it when people like my posts! It lets me know that you like my blog and the stuff I post, and it makes me happy :’)
• If you are an OC, I will assume our muses have never met unless you plan ahead with me what their relationship is like.
• That being said, characters who have already interacted in canon will know each other. Unless the roleplay takes place in a different point of time and we are staging their first meeting, of course.
• Doubles are welcome to interact too! Although currently I don’t know of much other Ted roleplay blogs lmao. I’m also cool with interacting with and following duplicates of different characters than my own muse!
• This blog will not have mains. Ted will not have any specific version of a muse that he’ll talk about in threads, unless the thread is specifically about that one muse for some reason. For Kindergarten blogs, he will typically be the Ted in your muse’s timeline in serious roleplays, unless your muse is part of an AU/UA/canon-divergent universe, or there are things about your muse’s backstory that would contradict Ted being in your timeline naturally, or you talk about it with me beforehand.
• I’m pretty lenient with short replies. Don’t feel pressured to match the length if my reply gets long! Multi-para (usually 2-5 paragraphs) is my go-to for roleplays, so I usually do long replies by default.
• Adding onto that, I honestly don’t mind one-liners. Of course, in crack/online roleplays it’s fine but I’m okay with it in serious roleplays too. I prefer it if you don’t give me one-liners, but hey, as long as I’m still having fun with the roleplay anyway, it’s cool with me! I understand not being able to think of anything to write, so just as long as you don’t give me one or two words as your reply like ‘He smiled.’ or ’*laughs*’, I’ll be cool with it. Put at least some effort even if you’re only gonna give me one sentence, otherwise I’ll drop the rp once it becomes a repeat offense.
• I will not change the formatting of my roleplays to fit yours. I’m comfortable with sticking to only paragraph style roleplays, thank you very much. Feel free to keep formatting your own posts though, because I think formatting looks really cool! I just don’t want to format my posts, however. I will not go all out with formatting my own posts with all that cool ‘small text’, and indents, and bolding and all that. The most I ever do with my formatting is italics for emphasis on certain words, and using icons.
• I tend to move roleplays from asks onto its own post. If I send you an ask meme and you answer it, I’ll respond by making a new post, tagging you, and linking to your reply.
• I accept any sort of asks! If they aren’t answered after a while, either I don’t know how to answer it or I might be drawing it out and I am a very slow artist- Sorry-
• Feel free to tag me in any of those tagging memes! I don’t mind and I think they’re pretty fun to do! ^^
• Adding onto the above rule, you’re more than welcome to send me those chain asks like “send this to 10 roleplayers you think are really great!” because it’s super duper nice that you would think to send one to me! But don’t expect me to send them to other people, because I won’t :’) my anxiety won’t let me, so I’m sorry-
• If I follow you, that means I’ve already read all of your rules. I might not send the codephrase, though, because most of the time I get very anxious over having to send things like that. I’m very sorry–! But if I follow you then chances are that I have definitely read them before following- If you choose not to trust me on this, I understand.
• I generally follow every rp blog that follows me, but I might not follow some people back for a few reasons. Some might be for the type of content you post on your blog, but I am still non-selective! I will roleplay with anyone who asks (unless you wanna rp gross things or you’re a mean person,,,, like your muse can be as much of a dick as you want, that’s no problem but don’t be gross to other people as yourself) and if I do roleplay with you, I will be more likely to follow you as well.
• Adding onto the above rule, however, please respect that it’s nothing personal if I ever unfollow you either! It’s not that I hate you or anything, but if you haven’t followed me back and you’re a private rp blog, or if we’re mutuals but never really roleplay, our muses just don’t click, you spam stuff that I don’t want to see on my dash, or you’ve become inactive for years and/or don’t interact with me anymore, there’s nothing wrong with that! We can still be friends but I prefer to have all the people I follow be potential rp partners. Feel free to follow me on my personal, Briightskies, if you still wanna keep in touch but not rp :’)
• This blog is OC, multiverse, and crossover friendly! I love OCs and have many of my own tbh, you’re all more than welcome to come rp with me!!
• I’ll also rp with fandoms I’m not into either, as long as you have a good about section for your character, which also indicates how you portray them (any headcanons or AUs you have that aren’t canon, or whether you portray them as canonly as possible, unless they’re OCs of course since a regular about page is a given) and I’ll probably look up other things about that fandom in its wiki if I don’t know what something is anyway.
• This blog is multiship and will only ship with other child muses! Kid crushes are adorable! I used to have many crushes as a child, and the game does depict children crushing on each other or outright ‘dating’. So any relationships my muse is involved in, are in different timelines unless specified. Poly relationships aren’t bad though, just saying. I ship pretty much anything unless it’s incest or if they’re children paired with someone a lot older. Because Ted is a child, he won’t really get intimate with his partners, but romantic stuff is okay.
• I also only ship with chemistry. My muses need to get to know yours first, so don’t get disappointed if he only sees you as a friend/acquaintance at first and has no intention of pursuing a romantic relationship with your muse. Give my muse reasons to care about your muse and let the feelings develop naturally, and don’t ever force your muse on mine. Unless it’s to mess with him, or whatever other reason. Unrequited stuff is absolutely okay with me too!
• I will tag common triggers and such, but don’t be afraid to tell me if you have something you want me to tag! I promise I’ll remember to tag it from then on. I do not have any known triggers myself. Any trigger warning tags will be written as “tw; ____” with a semi-colon, not a colon. If I feel like something should be tagged as a trigger but I’m not sure what to tag it exactly, I’ll just tag it as “tw” as a sort of catch-all tag.
     Requested tagged triggers:
none right now
• I will only talk through the IM system ooc. If you send me a message through there, I will not respond with ooc brackets ((these things)) because I will automatically assume you know that you’re talking to the mun. I do not do roleplays on there.
Thank you for reading this really long list of rules! It means a lot if you did!
There’s no password, because I’m also anxious with those for other people’s blogs as I said above. But if you would like to interact with me, you can shoot me an ask directed to my muse, or like one of my starter call posts at any time (also feel free to re-like those posts so I can make another starter for you at any time!) for me to write you a starter!
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bluedraggy · 5 years
An essay on writing a fanfiction, and grieving for an OC.
(Spoilers for You Only Live 18 Times are complete. If you’ve not read it and have any intention of doing so, this essay isn’t a good idea to read first.)
I don't know exactly who my target audience for this essay is honestly, but in my conceit, I felt like writing it anyway. You're welcome to ignore it. No sexy khajiits here, alas. But I wanted to write something about my process of writing fanfiction, and YOL18T is a good example of that.
First, the concept of my Spyjirra stories started out simply enough - I got the idea of basing a story on the old 007 movies, but with a sexy Ra'Jirra khajiit and set in a future Elder Scrolls universe. I wouldn't say I literally copied from the movies, just got some general outlines from them. However, I had to upscale the TES technology to roughly 1700s era, with some bits of technology more advanced, others less than the literal period. So we have rifles and handguns, but no motorized vehicles. Magic still exists, but is fading.
When I started YOL18T I first watched the old Bond movie You Only Live Twice.  In it, "American and Russian spacecraft go missing, leaving each superpower to blame the other."  The protagonist fakes his own death, then is sent to investigate in Japan. They discover it's a conspiracy by SPECTRE, the standard organized villain corporation.
So I start with a similar plotline, but spacecraft are obviously way too advanced for even my future-TES universe. Instead, the plot revolves around ships with a new technology - engines. Hammerfell and the Imperials are the two superpowers, with Hammerfell playing the part of the Russians, though not quite exclusively.  In fact, I have Hammerfell being the more technologically advanced of the two. Anyway, so instead of spacecraft, both countries are testing new powered ships, but they are both destroyed and each side blames the other.
In my story, Elsweyr plays the part of the English, ostensibly an ally of Cyrodiil but Ra'Jirra leans towards liking Hammerfell better after the last story. The Aldmeri Dominion plays the role of SPECTRE, and I conceived of them having a submarine and torpedoes that they used to destroy the ships - though the submarine is magically powered since the Altmer still possess decent magical abilities.
I was able to link the first story to the second by having Ra'Jirra's fake suicide done in Hammerfell where she meets a couple of characters from the original story. But the main new OC is Wears-Only-Ropes, an Argonian sailor who is on the Imperial ship that is destroyed. It seemed natural that, since this story would be very naval-oriented, the Argonians with their ability to breathe underwater would play an important role in any navy, even though their own country is resolutely neutral and not really even ocean-going.
(Forgive me pls for posting Wears-Only-Ropes images you’ve already seen. I am still in mourning over her, in a more real sense than I have any right to be.)
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In the Bond movie, a large portion of it is devoted to James Bond visiting Japan and some serious time is taken in describing the society there. I thought that having Ra'Jirra visit Argonia, (The Argonians wouldn't call it the Black Marsh after all), would be a natural replacement for Japan. So similarly I spend some time imagining the society that the Argonians would have.  Even the Sumo wrestling scene gets an equivalent Argonian sporting event - chase the eel.
So while I do follow the plotline of the Bond movie in very broad terms, the specifics are very different obviously.
Anyway, as I was writing, I realized early on that Ra'Jirra needed a partner - primarily so she has someone to talk to and I don't need to have internal dialogue, but also to give an alternate viewpoint on occasion. Since I tend to write sexy scenes once in a while, a male khajiit would make sense. (I don't think it's too sexist to have her be hetero. Besides, I had a rather clear lesbian scene in the prior story with her anyway.)  Then I realized that it would be cute if her partner was an Alfiq - one of the more bizarre forms of khajiit in that they're basically the size and shape of a housecat, but intelligent - though TES sources indicate they can't speak. So that would be a bit of a problem. I worked around that by having him be a biologist of sorts working with Lycanthropy who had been turned into an Alfiq. Also, he gets to turn back into his native form of a Cathay when the moons are aligned. So Ra'Jirra and he can occasionally have Sexy Fun Times. Plus he can talk. Okay, that's a good OC and should be fun to play with! A spy organization like the HMSS would certainly have good use of someone like that.
I then started the story with a chapter on Wears-Only-Ropes and the destruction of her ship.  Rather liked how it turned out. I thought it made for a pretty good "hook" to start the reader out with something big.  Then I had to abandon her for most of the next half. In fact, she doesn't actually meet Ra'Jirra till 3/4 of the way through the story, so she gets a few more chapters from her point of view. But I came to really like her as a character. Mixing some bits I knew of pirates (women pirates would typically go shirtless as did the men) I had the concept of her "wearing" ropes as a bra of sorts, thus the name.
Another thing that originally came from the Bond film... in it, James Bond flys a mini-helicopter at one point. Well, a helicopter is way too advanced, but I came up with the CATv3 instead - a sort of Jet Ski/Waverunner thing. Once I had that, I had to give it some sort of weapon. A set of mines would make sense, as the thing would be bouncing all over the waves so trying to aim it with a gun in the front wouldn't really work.  As soon as I got the idea of a mines on the CATv3, the logical way to destroy the sub became apparent.  
But the mines would be surface mines, meant to thwart attackers chasing her on boats or similar.  The submarine would be deep underwater... how? Oh. OH! OOOOOH!
Suddenly, Wears-Only-Ropes' fate was sealed. She would have to take a mine down to the sub. Ra'Jirra couldn't do it even if she wanted to. Argonians can breathe underwater. Ra'Jirra can dog-paddle for a little bit.
Even then I had hoped to have her survive. I really had grown fond of her. But, minimal though it is, I do try to ground my stories in reality as much as possible given The Elder Scrolls-inspired world. I researched underwater explosions.  I'd hoped that perhaps an underwater explosion - given the density and non-compact-ability of water might allow her to live. But my research showed that, far from being safer than airborne explosions, an underwater explosion is even more deadly. And the explosion would be huge. The mine wouldn't just detonate against the hull of the sub, it would trigger the explosion of all the torpedoes within.
Fight as I would as a writer, I couldn't justifiably have her live. Any number of solutions were possible, but they all were just too outlandish and smacked of Deus Ex-Machina solutions. No, she had to die in the explosion. Granted, she'd expected to. All her 'family' and friends had died in the original ship torpedoing at the first chapter. It would be fitting that she would sacrifice herself to their retribution. I couldn't deny her that. So, though I don't explicitly make it clear, she died.
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It's weird how such a thing can affect me, her author. I really feel bad about it, even though it was both fitting and made for a more impressive story IMHO. I've toyed with the idea of her Twin Sister, etc, but that doesn't feel right either.  No, she's a one-story character, and YOL18T is her story as much as Ra'Jirra's.
One other thing, I needed a core motive for the Dominion's action. Sure, they were trying to instigate a war between Hammerfell and Cyrodiil - but WHY would they want to do that? The answer was right in front of me. Technology vs Magic. In my TES-future universe, magic is dying. The Altmer of the Dominion are the last capable magic-users (to any large extent), but the humans and their rapidly increasing technology were threatening. But not just that. I conceived of them using their magic to look far into the future, and what they saw there was a world in which humans were the only intelligent inhabitants. The khajiit, argonians and mer were all gone. It gave them a much more noble reason for their actions - even if they were also self-serving. And therein lies the core of the sequel and end of the trilogy actually. In YOL18T, I didn't do much with that, other than have the Dominion explain their reasons to Ra'Jirra.
And that's how YOL18T was conceived. I am currently doing an audio-recording of the story chapter-by-chapter. I'm not a good voice actor at all. In fact, I just pitch-shift my voice to portray the different characters in it. I spend most of my time adding background effects so it's not quite just a dry reading. Though I'm also currently writing the sequel and last story in the Spyjirra trilogy, I think YOL18T is the highlight - even though the current one is a "bigger picture" story than either of the first two and really doesn’t track along with the Bond movie in any way.
But I do miss Ropes. She deserved more than a single story. The one thing I might do someday is write more of her backstory. But prequels are a tough sell, esp. when you know how her story has to end. Eh... maybe not.  I tried to write a prequel once for Katia to explore her life before she came to Anvil. I aborted it as too depressing. I really prefer happy endings. So probably Ropes is gone for good. I hope her story is good enough for her.
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daggcrisms · 5 years
Rules for mobile users
[[here’s a google doc for the updated list of rules, applicable for all my blogs]]
anything under this cut is from my outdated rules.
[rules updated: 07/28/2019]
• No godmodding. No sending (implied or explicit) homophobic/transphobic/bigoted messages to me or my character either.
• Please don’t over-pester me for replies. I promise I’ll get to them. Feel free to drop me a reminder after at least a week of no replies, though. In return, I usually give you a week too, unless otherwise specified in your own rules, until I remind you if it’s your turn to reply (or more often, I chicken out and trust that you’ll eventually respond/want to drop it and end up never bringing up that particular thread ever again). You’re always free to start multiple threads with me, that is greatly encouraged because I love having lots of threads with people.
• If you start getting bored with the roleplay, feel free to drop it and/or end it. We can always start up another thread in the future.
• However, please let me know if you want to drop a roleplay thread! It can give me major anxiety when I’m waiting for a response that’s never going to come, and I wonder if I did something wrong and assume that’s why you’re not replying anymore :’) I’m not forcing you to let me know if you want to drop a thread, you can drop it without saying anything too. But I personally really appreciate being told about that sort of thing.
• Don’t reblog a thread you’re not part of. This should go without being said, of course. Personals will be hardblocked immediately, rp blogs will receive a warning.
• If you can trim your threads, please do! It’s fine if you can’t, though, because I will most likely trim the thread for you. If you don’t trim threads with other people, however, I’ll be less likely to follow you since I don’t like scrolling through long posts.
• Please don’t claim any of my art as your own. If you post it somewhere, the least you can do is credit me by at least including a link to my blog or something. Bonus points if you ask me first before reposting my art, but I understand if you’re anxious because so am I :’)
• If any of your art is featured on my blog, as an icon or something and you don’t want me to use your art, please tell me!!! Message me privately or contact me in some way and please let me know that you want your art taken down. As a fellow artist, I understand wanting other people to not use your art (although I am personally fine with it as long as proper credit is given,) but if you’re more strict about it than I am, that’s totally okay too! Just let me know, and I’ll stop using your art immediately, will delete all icons I have of your art, as well as delete every single instance of your art being used on this blog.
• That being said, if you’re following me, please let me know if I’m doing something that’s making you uncomfortable or is breaking one of your rules!! I do read the rules pages of everyone, but I’m human and forget things, and I’m not a mind reader either ;~; I care, so please tell me if I’m ever doing anything bad
• You can reply to any of my open starters at any time! Even if they’re a year old! Even if other people have already replied to it! My open starters are open for a reason, and we don’t have to be mutuals for you to reply to them either :’)
• I am of age to do smut, but Kris is a minor so that is a no for this blog! There will occasionally be sex jokes, but that’s about it. No explicit smut in this house.
• This blog is not a spoiler-free one. I will not tag roleplays with spoilers, but anything else will be tagged with Deltarune Spoilers
• I’m alright with roleplaying nsfw in general, minus smut. Gore, violence, and generally dark roleplays are cool with me. I love angsty things just as much as I love fluff ;w; Speaking of gore, you’re more than welcome to fight/harm/injure my muse to any extent! You don’t even have to ask! Come in and fight this gremlin tbh! If you want to do a rp where they die, however, please dm me first.
• I prefer not to roleplay with personals, unless you are someone I know from school or something like that. Personals in general are allowed to follow me too!  However! Personals are not allowed to reblog roleplays, in character posts, or ooc posts especially if I say in the tags that I’m going to delete the post later. Only things that are tagged with my “online reblogs” or “musings” or "art tag" tags are okay to reblog. Headcanon posts are not okay to reblog unless I say otherwise.
• Like spamming is okay! I very occasionally lose roleplays, and getting lots of notes from likes are never a factor for that, for me personally. If I lose a roleplay, it’s mostly just because I forgot, so that’s really a “me” thing. I’m usually very good at keeping track of who I’m roleplaying with and how many ongoing threads I have, and I reply pretty consistently, so just remind me if I haven’t responded after five or more days (as stated in one of the above rules)! And I like it when people like my posts! It lets me know that you like my blog and the stuff I post, and it makes me happy :’)
• If you are an OC, I will assume our muses have never met unless you plan ahead with me what their relationship is like.
• That being said, characters who have already interacted in canon will know each other. Unless the roleplay takes place in a different point of time and we are staging their first meeting, of course.
• Kris will be pretty meta sometimes. They are aware of who Players are (they're definitely not fond of them other than the few good players they've met), and they know they live in the game world, and are aware of alternate universes and things of that nature.
• Kris is nonbinary on this blog. Although, I don’t care if you refer to them as a boy or a girl (Kris personally will care if you refer to them as a girl though, because they usually Don’t like that). Their order of preference for pronouns is they/he/she, although they will definitely like you more if you use exclusively they/them pronouns. I respect all headcanons about Kris’ gender, and same goes for any Frisks and Charas. If you play a KFC kid, gendered or not, I will use the pronouns they want used, and I do hope that you use they/them pronouns for my Kris. I personally will default to using they/them for other Krises, Frisks, and Charas unless specified on your blog. No discourse about this, please. 
• Doubles are welcome to interact too! Of course they are, considering the Kris Squad. I’m also cool with interacting with and following multiple blogs who portray the same character other than Krises as well!
• This blog will not have mains. However, the only “main” they really have is the Berdly over at @berdbrainx. That Berdly originates in their timeline in the “main verse.” Other than him, they will not have any specific version of a muse that they’ll talk about in threads, unless the thread is specifically about that one muse for some reason. For Deltarune non-Kris blogs, they will typically be the Kris in your universe unless you already have a Kris main or you talk about it with me beforehand. Doubles of Kris will be treated as alternates. In their “main verse” in spontaneous roleplays/asks/replies to in-character posts (online roleplays), they reside in their own separate timeline. It’s a classic timeline that doesn’t have any other muses in it, so they don’t have a specific blog’s Susie, or Noelle, or other character that is from their own timeline. So they will treat your muse as if they are an alternate of their own timeline’s counterpart of them.
• I’m pretty lenient with short replies. Don’t feel pressured to match the length if my reply gets long! Multi-para (usually 2-5 paragraphs) is my go-to for roleplays, so I usually do long replies by default.
• Adding onto that, I honestly don’t mind one-liners. Of course, in crack/online roleplays it’s fine but I’m okay with it in serious roleplays too. I prefer it if you don’t give me one-liners, but hey, as long as I’m still having fun with the roleplay anyway, it’s cool with me! I understand not being able to think of anything to write, so just as long as you don’t give me one or two words as your reply like ‘He smiled.’ or ’*laughs*’, I’ll be cool with it. Put at least some effort even if you’re only gonna give me one sentence, otherwise I’ll drop the rp once it becomes a repeat offense.
• I will not change the formatting of my roleplays to fit yours. I’m comfortable with sticking to only paragraph style roleplays, thank you very much. Feel free to keep formatting your own posts though, because I think formatting looks really cool! I just don’t want to format my posts, however. I will not go all out with formatting my own posts with all that cool ‘small text’, and indents, and bolding and all that. The most I ever do with my formatting is italics for emphasis on certain words, and using icons.
• I tend to move roleplays from asks onto its own post. If I send you an ask meme and you answer it, I'll respond by making a new post, tagging you, and linking to your reply. Until formatting on asks are fixed, I will answer any asks sent to me in a new text post rather than asks.
• I accept any sort of asks! If they aren’t answered after a while, either I don’t know how to answer it or I might be drawing it out and I am a very slow artist- Sorry-
• Feel free to tag me in any of those tagging memes! I don’t mind and I think they’re pretty fun to do! ^^
• Adding onto the above rule, you’re more than welcome to send me those chain asks like “send this to 10 roleplayers you think are really great!” because it’s super duper nice that you would think to send one to me! But don’t expect me to send them to other people, because I won’t :’) my anxiety won’t let me, so I’m sorry-
• If I follow you, that means I’ve already read all of your rules. I might not send the codephrase, though, because most of the time I get very anxious over having to send things like that. I’m very sorry–! But if I follow you then chances are that I have definitely read them before following- If you choose not to trust me on this, I understand.
• I generally follow every rp blog that follows me, but I might not follow some people back for a few reasons. Some might be for the type of content you post on your blog, but I am still non-selective! I will roleplay with anyone who asks (unless you wanna rp gross things or you’re a mean person,,,, like your muse can be as much of a dick as you want, that’s no problem but don’t be gross to other people as yourself) and if I do roleplay with you, I will be more likely to follow you as well.
• Adding onto the above rule, however, please respect that it’s nothing personal if I ever unfollow you either! It’s not that I hate you or anything, but if you haven’t followed me back and you’re a private rp blog, or if we’re mutuals but never really roleplay, our muses just don’t click, you spam stuff that I don’t want to see on my dash, or you’ve become inactive for years and/or don’t interact with me anymore, there’s nothing wrong with that! We can still be friends but I prefer to have all the people I follow be potential rp partners. Feel free to follow me on my personal, @briightskies, if you still wanna keep in touch but not rp :’)
• This blog is OC, multiverse, and crossover friendly! I love OCs and have many of my own tbh, you’re all more than welcome to come rp with me!!
• I’ll also rp with fandoms I’m not into either, as long as you have a good about section for your character, which also indicates how you portray them (any headcanons or AUs you have that aren’t canon, or whether you portray them as canonly as possible, unless they’re OCs of course since a regular about page is a given) and I’ll probably look up other things about that fandom in its wiki if I don’t know what something is anyway.
• This blog is multiship! So any relationships my muse is involved in, are in different timelines unless specified. Poly relationships aren’t bad though, just saying. I ship pretty much anything unless it’s incest or if they’re children paired with someone a lot older. Selfcest is fine too. Because Kris is a minor, they won’t really get intimate with their partners, but romantic stuff is a-okay.
• I also only ship with chemistry. My muses need to get to know yours first, so don’t get disappointed if they only see you as a friend/acquaintance at first and has no intention of pursuing a romantic relationship with your muse. Give my muse reasons to care about your muse and let the feelings develop naturally, and don’t ever force your muse on mine. Unless it’s to mess with them, or whatever other reason. Unrequited stuff is absolutely okay with me too!
• I will tag common triggers and such, but don’t be afraid to tell me if you have something you want me to tag! I promise I’ll remember to tag it from then on. I do not have any known triggers myself. Any trigger warning tags will be written as “tw; ____” with a semi-colon, not a colon. If I feel like something should be tagged as a trigger but I’m not sure what to tag it exactly, I’ll just tag it as “tw” as a sort of catch-all tag.
|     Requested tagged triggers:
tw; gore
tw; contagious diseases
tw; self harm
tw; child abuse
tw; spiders
tw; blood
tw; homestuck
tw; fnaf
tw; drugs
tw; smoking
tw; alcohol
tw; needles
• I will only talk through the IM system ooc. If you send me a message through there, I will not respond with ooc brackets ((these things)) because I will automatically assume you know that you’re talking to the mun. I do not do roleplays on there.
Thank you for reading this really long list of rules! It means a lot if you did!
There’s no password, because I’m also anxious with those for other people’s blogs as I said above. But if you would like to interact with me, you can shoot me an ask directed to my muse, or like one of my starter call posts at any time (also feel free to re-like those posts so I can make another starter for you at any time!) for me to write you a starter!
4 notes · View notes
berdbrainx · 5 years
Rules for mobile users
[[here’s a google doc for the updated list of rules, applicable for all my blogs]]
anything under this cut is from my outdated rules.
[rules updated: 08/14/2019]
• No godmodding. No sending (implied or explicit) homophobic/transphobic/bigoted messages to me or my character either.
• Please don’t over-pester me for replies. I promise I’ll get to them. Feel free to drop me a reminder after at least a week of no replies, though. In return, I usually give you a week too, unless otherwise specified in your own rules, until I remind you if it’s your turn to reply (or more often, I chicken out and trust that you’ll eventually respond/want to drop it and end up never bringing up that particular thread ever again). You’re always free to start multiple threads with me, that is greatly encouraged because I love having lots of threads with people.
• If you start getting bored with the roleplay, feel free to drop it and/or end it. We can always start up another thread in the future.
• However, please let me know if you want to drop a roleplay thread! It can give me major anxiety when I’m waiting for a response that’s never going to come, and I wonder if I did something wrong and assume that’s why you’re not replying anymore :’) I’m not forcing you to let me know if you want to drop a thread, you can drop it without saying anything too. But I personally really appreciate being told about that sort of thing.
• Don’t reblog a thread you’re not part of. This should go without being said, of course. Personals will be hardblocked immediately, rp blogs will receive a warning.
• If you can trim your threads, please do! It's fine if you can't, though, because I will most likely trim the thread for you. If you don't trim threads with other people, however, I'll be less likely to follow you since I don't like scrolling through long posts.
• Please don’t claim any of my art as your own. If you post it somewhere, the least you can do is credit me by at least including a link to my blog or something. Bonus points if you ask me first before reposting my art, but I understand if you’re anxious because so am I :’)
• If any of your art is featured on my blog, as an icon or something and you don’t want me to use your art, please tell me!!! Message me privately or contact me in some way and please let me know that you want your art taken down. As a fellow artist, I understand wanting other people to not use your art (although I am personally fine with it as long as proper credit is given,) but if you’re more strict about it than I am, that’s totally okay too! Just let me know, and I’ll stop using your art immediately, will delete all icons I have of your art, as well as delete every single instance of your art being used on this blog.
• That being said, if you’re following me, please let me know if I’m doing something that’s making you uncomfortable or is breaking one of your rules!! I do read the rules pages of everyone, but I’m human and forget things, and I’m not a mind reader either ;~; I care, so please tell me if I’m ever doing anything bad
• You can reply to any of my open starters at any time! Even if they’re a year old! Even if other people have already replied to it! My open starters are open for a reason, and we don’t have to be mutuals for you to reply to them either :’)
• I am of age to do smut, but Berdly is a minor so that is a no for this blog! There will occasionally be sex jokes, but that’s about it. No explicit smut in this house.
• This blog is not a spoiler-free one. I will not tag roleplays with spoilers, but anything else will be tagged with Deltarune Spoilers
• I’m alright with roleplaying nsfw in general, minus smut. Gore, violence, and generally dark roleplays are cool with me. I love angsty things just as much as I love fluff ;w; Speaking of gore, you’re more than welcome to fight/harm/injure my muse to any extent! You don’t even have to ask! Come in and fuckin deck Berdly in the face, I approve greatly!! If you want to do a rp where he dies, however, please dm me first.
• I prefer not to roleplay with personals, unless you are someone I know from school or something like that. Personals in general are allowed to follow me too!  However! Personals are not allowed to reblog roleplays, in character posts, or ooc posts especially if I say in the tags that I'm going to delete the post later. Only things that are tagged with my "musings" or "art tag" tags are okay to reblog. Headcanon posts are not okay to reblog unless I say otherwise.
• Like spamming is okay! I very occasionally lose roleplays, and getting lots of notes from likes are never a factor for that, for me personally. If I lose a roleplay, it’s mostly just because I forgot, so that’s really a “me” thing. I’m usually very good at keeping track of who I’m roleplaying with and how many ongoing threads I have, and I reply pretty consistently, so just remind me if I haven’t responded after five or more days (as stated in one of the above rules)! And I like it when people like my posts! It lets me know that you like my blog and the stuff I post, and it makes me happy :’)
• If you are an OC, I will assume our muses have never met unless you plan ahead with me what their relationship is like.
• That being said, characters who have already interacted in canon will know each other. Unless the roleplay takes place in a different point of time and we are staging their first meeting, of course.
• Doubles are welcome to interact too! Although currently I don’t know of much other Berdly roleplay blogs lmao. I’m also cool with interacting with and following multiple blogs who portray the same character! Such as the Kris squad.
• This blog will not have mains. Other than the Kris at @daggcrisms. That Kris originates in his timeline in the "main verse". Excluding them, he will not have any specific version of a muse that he’ll talk about in threads, unless the thread is specifically about that one muse for some reason. For Deltarune blogs, he will typically be the Berdly in your muse’s timeline in serious roleplays, unless your muse is part of an AU/UA/canon-divergent universe, or there are things about your muse’s backstory that would contradict Berdly being in your timeline naturally (like Berdly being dead or something), or you talk about it with me beforehand. In his “main verse” in spontaneous roleplays/asks/replies to in-character posts, he resides in his own separate timeline. It’s a classic timeline that doesn’t have any other muses in it, so he doesn’t have a specific blog’s Susie, or Noelle, that is from his own timeline. Only Sponte/Kris from the blog mentioned above.
• I’m pretty lenient with short replies. Don’t feel pressured to match the length if my reply gets long! Multi-para (usually 2-5 paragraphs) is my go-to for roleplays, so I usually do long replies by default.
• Adding onto that, I honestly don’t mind one-liners. Of course, in crack/online roleplays it's fine but I'm okay with it in serious roleplays too. I prefer it if you don’t give me one-liners, but hey, as long as I’m still having fun with the roleplay anyway, it’s cool with me! I understand not being able to think of anything to write, so just as long as you don’t give me one or two words as your reply like ‘He smiled.’ or ’*laughs*’, I’ll be cool with it. Put at least some effort even if you’re only gonna give me one sentence, otherwise I’ll drop the rp once it becomes a repeat offense.
• I will not change the formatting of my roleplays to fit yours. I’m comfortable with sticking to only paragraph style roleplays, thank you very much. Feel free to keep formatting your own posts though, because I think formatting looks really cool! I just don’t want to format my posts, however. I will not go all out with formatting my own posts with all that cool ‘small text’, and indents, and bolding and all that. The most I ever do with my formatting is italics for emphasis on certain words, and using icons.
• I tend to move roleplays from asks onto its own post. If I send you an ask meme and you answer it, I'll respond by making a new post, tagging you, and linking to your reply. Until formatting on asks are fixed, I will answer any asks sent to me in a new text post rather than asks.
• I accept any sort of asks! If they aren’t answered after a while, either I don’t know how to answer it or I might be drawing it out and I am a very slow artist- Sorry-
• Feel free to tag me in any of those tagging memes! I don’t mind and I think they’re pretty fun to do! ^^
• Adding onto the above rule, you’re more than welcome to send me those chain asks like “send this to 10 roleplayers you think are really great!” because it’s super duper nice that you would think to send one to me! But don’t expect me to send them to other people, because I won’t :’) my anxiety won’t let me, so I’m sorry-
• If I follow you, that means I’ve already read all of your rules. I might not send the codephrase, though, because most of the time I get very anxious over having to send things like that. I’m very sorry–! But if I follow you then chances are that I have definitely read them before following- If you choose not to trust me on this, I understand.
• I generally follow every rp blog that follows me, but I might not follow some people back for a few reasons. Some might be for the type of content you post on your blog, but I am still non-selective! I will roleplay with anyone who asks (unless you wanna rp gross things or you’re a mean person,,,, like your muse can be as much of a dick as you want, that’s no problem but don’t be gross to other people as yourself) and if I do roleplay with you, I will be more likely to follow you as well.
• Adding onto the above rule, however, please respect that it’s nothing personal if I ever unfollow you either! It’s not that I hate you or anything, but if you haven’t followed me back and you’re a private rp blog, or if we’re mutuals but never really roleplay, our muses just don’t click, you spam stuff that I don’t want to see on my dash, or you’ve become inactive for years and/or don’t interact with me anymore, there’s nothing wrong with that! We can still be friends but I prefer to have all the people I follow be potential rp partners. Feel free to follow me on my personal, Briightskies, if you still wanna keep in touch but not rp :’)
• This blog is OC, multiverse, and crossover friendly! I love OCs and have many of my own tbh, you’re all more than welcome to come rp with me!!
• I’ll also rp with fandoms I’m not into either, as long as you have a good about section for your character, which also indicates how you portray them (any headcanons or AUs you have that aren’t canon, or whether you portray them as canonly as possible, unless they’re OCs of course since a regular about page is a given) and I’ll probably look up other things about that fandom in its wiki if I don’t know what something is anyway.
• This blog is multiship! So any relationships my muse is involved in, are in different timelines unless specified. Poly relationships aren’t bad though, just saying. I ship pretty much anything unless it’s incest or if they’re children paired with someone a lot older. Selfcest is fine too (though I really don’t know how to feel about Berdly x Berdly,,,,,, I mean, if you want to try it with me, go for it lol!). Because Berdly is a minor, he won’t really get intimate with his partners, but romantic stuff is a-okay.
• I also only ship with chemistry. My muses need to get to know yours first, so don’t get disappointed if he only sees you as a friend/acquaintance at first and has no intention of pursuing a romantic relationship with your muse. Give my muse reasons to care about your muse and let the feelings develop naturally, and don’t ever force your muse on mine. Unless it’s to mess with him, or whatever other reason. Unrequited stuff is absolutely okay with me too!
• I will tag common triggers and such, but don’t be afraid to tell me if you have something you want me to tag! I promise I’ll remember to tag it from then on. I do not have any known triggers myself. Any trigger warning tags will be written as “tw; ____” with a semi-colon, not a colon.
|     Requested tagged triggers:
tw; gore
tw; spiders
tw; insects
tw; blood
tw; homestuck
tw; smoking
tw; drugs
tw; alcohol
tw; needles
tw; oceans
tw; cutting
duplicates // (if anyone else has a specific way they want something tagged that's different from my tagging style, please let me know)
tw; zombies
tw; bats
tw; maggots
tw; sibling death
tw; sibling peril
• I will only talk through the IM system ooc. If you send me a message through there, I will not respond with ooc brackets ((these things)) because I will automatically assume you know that you’re talking to the mun. I do not do roleplays on there.
Thank you for reading this really long list of rules! It means a lot if you did!
There’s no password, because I’m also anxious with those for other people’s blogs as I said above. But if you would like to interact with me, you can shoot me an ask directed to my muse, or like one of my starter call posts at any time (also feel free to re-like those posts so I can make another starter for you at any time!) for me to write you a starter!
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airiat · 5 years
44, 55 and 65 for the OC asks? :D
I’ll answer for my 3 OC’s Fjoara, Morvera, and Vesta!
44. What are some things that greatly upset your OC?
Fjoara: She gets really distraught at needless violence/death as she is really more of a pacifist. She carries a weapon and knows harmful spells, yes, but self-defense is necessary sometimes, especially in a place like Skyrim. She’s gotten pretty good at compartmentalizing—it’s easy for her to kill the cultists on Solstheim because they all wear masks and are hostile, for example—but I don’t think that she’ll ever really feel comfortable with killing. Non-fatal incapacitation is probably gonna end up being her thing.
Morvera: Restriction of freedom and independence. Rules, guidelines, social conventions, expectations, etc. She just wants to live her life the way she wants and do whatever she wants (honestly, not always to the best end for both her and those involved) and how dare anyone ever try to tell her differently. Her reaction to any kind of loss of freedom can be a bit rash sometimes, so while it isn’t always that big of a deal, she makes it into a huge deal. If I end up putting her in LMNIT, I’ll have to raise the stakes for her/create some major incentive to make her want to be one of Fjoara’s followers. Otherwise, she’d never consider such a path.
Vesta: I think injustice is going to be a big thing for her. I don’t know too terribly much about Oblivion yet in order to say specifically how this will manifest, but I can definitely see her as someone who will campaign for a marginalized group or some other societal issue. Mistreatment or unfairness upsets her deeply, in general. Unlike Morvera, though, she’s got a much better handle on her emotions (and also that Morvera usually doesn’t really give a shit about most others). And unlike Fjoara who’s more highbrow and will mingle with powerful people in order to incite change (which sometimes causes the wrong kind of change), Vesta is out there in the field trying to improve things as directly and with as much involvement as she can.
55. What are your OC’s thoughts on death?
Fjoara: To be honest, I kind of hc the Dragonborn having a bit of an extended lifespan, though still mortal. I can see Fjoara, as a human, living well into her 100s, but more than likely under her 200s. definitelydidnotthinkofthissothatsheandteldryncouldgrowreallyoldtogether Regardless, I don’t think Fjoara is too preoccupied with death initially, just hopes that she’ll go to Sovengarde when it does come. She’s too cautious and aware to get killed accidentally, and she knows this, barring any freak accidents. However, when her father is killed by Ulfric, her relationship with death will change and she’ll have a realization of the fragility of life. Eventually, she’ll outlive all of her friends and family which will be hard on her, but Teldryn will be around for the better part of her life, so she’ll find comfort in that.
Morvera: Live fast, die young is Morvera’s modus operandi. She’s all for reckless hedonism and welcomes death with open arms if she’s going out in a glorious way. Unless I decide to give her a bit of luck and make her die of natural causes, she probably will get killed pretty young in an accident or in combat. The latter is totally fine with her, though.
Vesta: She has an appreciation for death, but she doesn’t think about it too often. Even with her involvement in the Oblivion Crisis, she knows that if she were to die, she would be doing so for a good cause. She’s incredibly brave and courageous. She’s gonna be in for a hard time emotionally when Martin dies, but she also knows that it was a necessary sacrifice.
65. What is your OC’s favorite drink?
Fjoara: Loves a glass of stupidly expensive red wine, probably imported from the Imperial City. Can also get down with a pint of mead or a cup of tea, something floral and luxurious.
Morvera: Look, she says she doesn’t have a drinking problem, but she certainly has no qualms with indulging on a regular basis. Any Dumner spirit is preferable, but if it’s got alcohol, she’s not complaining.
Vesta: She’s only a social drinker, but even then, drinks very moderately. She likes sweet beverages like fruit juice or sweetened tea.
Thank you so much for asking! :))
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brashnmodest · 5 years
Rules for mobile users
[rules updated: 01/10/2019]
• No goddmodding.
• I am of age to do smut so that is a-okay with me! just note though I don’t do smut often, bc I’m just not interested in writing it with these characters especially and I’m also ace af. But if I do end up doing it, I’ll only rp it as long at it is: consensual and not rape/too weirdly fetishy, put under a “read more” cut and tagged appropriately, and you have to be 18+! Please don’t lie about your age, we could get in legal trouble!
• This blog is not a spoiler-free one. I will not tag roleplays with spoilers, but anything else will be tagged with #Undertale Spoilers
• Please don’t over-pester me for replies. I promise I’ll get to them. Feel free to drop me a reminder after at least three days of no replies, though. You’re always free to start multiple threads with me, that is greatly encouraged because I love having lots of threads with people.
• This blog is OC, multiverse, and crossover friendly! I love OCs and have many of my own tbh, you’re all more than welcome to come rp with me!!
• I know that not everyone loves alternate universes as much as I do, so if this makes you uncomfortable, there’s still the option of roleplaying with the normal Mettaton and Napstablook! You just need to tell me, okay? If you still don’t want to roleplay with me anyway, or for any other reason, that’s perfectly fine too.
• I’m alright with roleplaying nsfw in general. Gore, violence, and generally dark roleplays are cool with me, yo. I love angsty things just as much as I love fluff ;w;
• This blog is multiship! So any relationships my muses are involved in, are in different timelines unless specified. I ship pretty much anything unless it’s incest or if they’re children paired with someone a lot older. Selfcest is fine though (mettaton x mettaton)
• I also only ship with chemistry. My muses need to get to know yours first, so don’t get disappointed if they only see you as a friend at first and have no intention of pursuing a romantic relationship with your muse. Give my muses reasons to care about your muse and let the feelings develop naturally, and don’t ever force your muse on mine. Give them time. I take relationships very slowly to let my muses develop their feelings, fyi, so don’t please don’t try to rush that. It’s not going to work if you do.
• I prefer not to roleplay with personals, unless you are someone I know from school or something like that.
• This blog can take place during or slightly before the true pacifist route unless specified, so interactions take place in the Underground. No mercy route AUs are definitely welcome here, too!
• If you are an OC, I will assume our muses have never met unless you plan ahead with me what their relationship is like. If they know Mettaton because he’s famous and all, that’s fine, but don’t expect him to know who you are. Napstablook will absolutely not know who you are.
• That being said, characters who have already interacted in canon will know each other. Unless the roleplay takes place in a different point of time and we are staging their first meeting, of course.
• I will tag common triggers and such, but don’t be afraid to tell me if you have something you want me to tag! I promise I’ll remember to tag it from then on. I do not have any known triggers myself.
|     Requested tagged triggers:
|     • none so far
• If you don’t specify a muse, I will automatically choose a muse whom I feel in the mood for roleplaying as, or who I feel I can reply to the thing easier as. Most likely, my main muse here will be the opposite Mettaton. This, of course, is subject to change.
• I’m pretty lenient with short replies. Don’t feel pressured to match the length if my reply gets long! Multi-para (usually 2-4 paragraphs) is my go-to for roleplays, so I usually do long replies by default.
• Adding onto that, I honestly don’t mind one-liners. I prefer it if you don’t give me one-liners, but hey, as long as I’m still having fun with the roleplay anyway, it’s cool with me! I understand not being able to think of anything to write, so just as long as you don’t give me one or two words as your reply like ‘He smiled.’ or ’*laughs*’, I’ll be cool with it. Put at least some effort even if you’re only gonna give me one sentence, otherwise I’ll drop the rp once it becomes a repeat offense.
• I will not change the formatting of my roleplays to fit yours. I’m comfortable with sticking to only paragraph style roleplays, thank you very much. Feel free to keep formatting your own posts though, because I think formatting looks really cool! I just don’t want to format my posts, however. I do not currently have many usable icons for this blog, and I will not go all out with formatting my own posts with all that cool ‘small text’, and indents, and bolding and all that. The most I ever do with my formatting is italics for emphasis on certain words.
• I don’t care if you refer to Napstablook with he/him pronouns either, but I will always refer to them with they/them in my own posts.
• If you start getting bored with the roleplay, feel free to drop it and/or end it. We can always start up another thread in the future.
• However, please let me know if you want to drop a roleplay thread! It can give me major anxiety when I’m waiting for a response that’s never going to come, and I wonder if I did something wrong and assume that’s why you’re not replying anymore :’) I’m not forcing you to let me know if you want to drop a thread, you can drop it without saying anything too. But I personally really appreciate being told about that sort of thing.
• Don’t reblog a thread you’re not part of. This should go without being said, of course.
• Please don’t claim any of my art as your own. If you post it somewhere, the least you can do is credit me by at least including a link to my blog or something. I prefer if you don’t repost my art without asking me first, though.
• I accept any sort of asks! If they aren’t answered after a while, either I don’t know how to answer it or I might be drawing it out and I am a very slow artist- Sorry-
• Feel free to tag me in any of those tagging memes! I don’t mind and I think they’re pretty fun to do! ^^
• Adding onto the above rule, you’re more than welcome to send me those chain asks like “send this to 10 roleplayers you think are really great!” because it’s super duper nice that you would think to send one to me! But don’t expect me to send them to other people, because I won’t :’) my anxiety won’t let me, so I’m sorry-
• If I follow you, that means I’ve already read all of your rules. I might not send the codephrase, though, because most of the time I get very anxious over having to send things like that. I’m very sorry–! But if I follow you then chances are that I have definitely read them before following- If you choose not to trust me on this, I understand.
• That being said, please let me know if I’m doing something that’s making you uncomfortable or is breaking one of your rules!! I do read the rules pages of everyone, but I’m human and forget things, and I’m not a mind reader either ;~; I care, so please tell me if I’m not doing anything bad
• I might not follow some people back for a few reasons, some might be for the type of content you post on your blog, but I am still non-selective! I will roleplay with anyone who asks (unless you wanna rp gross things or you’re a mean person,,,, like your muse can be as much of a dick as you want, that’s no problem but don’t be gross to other people as yourself) and if I do roleplay with you, I will be more likely to follow you as well.
• Adding onto the above rule, however, please respect that it’s nothing personal if I ever unfollow you either! It’s not that I hate you or anything, but if you haven’t followed me back and you’re a private rp blog, or if we’re mutuals but never really roleplay, our muses just don’t click, or you’ve become inactive for years and/or don’t interact with me anymore, there’s nothing wrong with that! We can still be friends but I prefer to have all the people I follow be potential rp partners. Feel free to follow me on my personal, @briightskies, if you still wanna keep in touch but not rp :’)
• I will only talk through the IM system ooc. If you send me a message through there, I will not respond with ooc brackets ((these things)) because I will automatically assume you know that you’re talking to the mun. I do not do roleplays on there.
Thank you for reading this really long list of rules! It means a lot if you did!
There’s no password, because I’m also anxious with those for other people’s blogs as I said above. But if you would like to interact with me, you can shoot me an ask directed to one of my muses, or like these posts at any time (also feel free to re-like those posts so I can make another starter for you at any time!) for me to write you a starter with Brash or Modest!
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jusadode-blog · 6 years
Honestly. I love OKKO more than SU just because of the relationships. They're real and natural and don't have to blossom into anything. Meanwhile in SU everyone who is gay is an alien part of a species that, mind you, is only women anyways. And most of the relationships aside from Garnet fall apart or are abusive/manipulative and just hurt both sides. And so far no one has reconciled with themselves, rather going through Steven (STILLGODDAMNIT) or another gem and acting like they reconciled.
I don’t know if this is directly related to something I’ve reblogged but if so please mention it in another anon mate! I’m assuming this is just a friendly discussion as it stands.
Please note: My next few comments are pointing out things I’ve seen evidence pointing otherwise to some of your statements, but they are not meant to be considered an attack on you. You are welcome to have your own opinions on SU vs OKKO, but please note coming into someones inbox and starting a conversation like this may be taken as inflammatory due to the nature of text nuances versus verbal nuances. My response may come off angry or insulting due to the nature of text speech, however I assure you that I am merely pointing out things I have noticed that counterpoint what you are stating and not meaning to infringe on your person. You may have noticed some entirely different things, which is wonderful! It shows how complex the show can be, as well as how complex the human mind can be. Anon, I hope my responses don’t come off rude in any way to you, and I apologize in advance if it does.
Now for my counter arguments:
Not everyone who is gay in SU is gem though,
like Lars and Sadie both showed attraction to Stevonnie (a nonbinary character) as well as the cool kids, Kevin had a unhealthy “crush” on Stevonnie, as well as the pink-haired girl who gave Pearl her number was human (as far as we can tell). There is also the concept of Vadalia having some form of attraction to Amethyst (especially using her as a muse so much), as well as all the male zoo humans who crushed on Gah-Reg when they realized they could chosen someone their selves. Most of these are “casually gay”, with little focus on it and makes it feel more normalized and super nice. Some of it sticks for a bit, but not really.
Also only one of the gay characters in OK KO is a human, and that’s Elodie (Red Action is technically a cyborg). Enid is a witch were-bunny, Rad is an alien, the skeleton dude is a skeleton and his boyfriend is a *bear*. This isn’t a bad thing! We as a species love to identify with non-human characteristics and concepts to help express ourselves in more unique ways, and that’s fine! I think recently Boxman might have a crush on a humanoid dude, but I don’t know if either really count as human, but my point still stands. Elodie
None of the gems are “women” All the gems are nonbinary with female pronouns, excluding Stevonnie who is nonbinary with they/them pronouns but is also 2/3 human.  (Garnet/Ruby/Saphire may be considered nonbinary she/her lesbians)
As for all the abusive/manipulative, the only real big ones there are Lapis/Jasper(which was one of the best depictions of an toxic relationship that children could still understand), as well as Rose/EVERYONE(showing how someone you could hold so high up could hurt you, and let you down time and time again and you just have to figure out how you feel about it). Lapis/Peridot is super painfully realistic, as it shows how if you don’t handle your problems it can hurt you and everyone around you. Pearl/Garnet shows how you shouldn’t lie to get together with someone, and Amythest/Garnet shows how just because you have fun together a romance may be unhealthy.
Also like, the show is just really good at showing how everybody is capable of both good and evil? Jasper can be interpreted both as a victim (for being held in a forced fusion with Lapis) as well as a villian (for trying to force Lapis back into it), Rose is very humanized in her whimsical behavior yet also literally got a ridiculous amount of her soilders destroyed, Blue/Yellow both are shown to be pained by Roses actions, WHITE COULD BE CONSIDERED PISSED AT PINK FOR FAKING HER DEATH AND GETTING AN UNTOLD AMOUNT OF GEMS DESTROYED (yet also heavily abusive/manipulative/gaslighting). I could go on and on about the whole Jasper/Lapis relationship or the WhiteD/PinkD dynamic, as goddamn they’re so intensive and complex and I’m painfully in love with their depictions, but that’s literally a 6 page essay and for another day.
 On for reconcile, it shows how you can hurt someone and they don’t have to forgive you. Garnet’s reaction to Pearl manipulating her and ultimate decision to just allow herself to feel angry, but to also not let it stress things more due to the delicate nature of their situation. Like, they’re all essentially in one big clusterfuck of a polyamorous relationship raising Steven, and if anyone continued holding negative feelings it could jeopardize his family situation.You don’t have to have a hug-it-out scene to reconcile, most times in real life you won’t.  Sometimes, you reconcile with someone before you even forgive them, cause you know it’ll happen when it happens and it’s not worth pausing a friendship over. It’s an internalized thing, and most people expect a grandiose gesture but in reality it’s more of a deep breath and a sigh.
End note:
OKKO is super cool for how it depicts gay relationships, it’s fun, it’s sweet, and it’s cute, but SU goes farther to show the darker side to things that kids also need to be aware of. We need to see ourselves as complex individuals, but also retain happy hopes to ensure we can continue to go on.
I have been in abusive gay relationships, I have been hurt countless times by partners because I didn’t believe you could be in a toxic or abusive gay relationship, I just thought I was being stupid and all the issues in said relationships were ultimately my fault.
Showing the gay characters in unhealthy relationships that aren’t inherently over the top abuse is a great way to introduce gay kids to the possibility that their future relationships won’t always be healthy. Steven Universe teaches us that we can talk out most issues in a relationship, but sometimes we won’t always get to and must deal with the feelings on our own, as well as sometimes it’s best to just break ties with people. If I had representation like Lapis and Jasper when I was younger, I may have gotten out of my abusive relationship sooner.
All in all, enjoy either one or both if you want! Both are fantastic shows with lots of love poured into them by their creators, and it shows. I understand you may not like SU as much due to the darker nature of it, which is valid! It’s also got quite a bit more popularity than OKKO, which is a shame due to how underappreciated it is. Just be careful to not take out your anger at the show or the popularity of the show onto people on accident, and instead express yourself in methods that are positive (I.E. Drawing fanart, oc’s, headcannons etc. etc. that don’t harm anyone.)
Thanks for writing in anon! Feel free to P.M. me if you want to gush over something though, I’m always down for happy stuff!
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eliminari · 2 years
Hewwo! Mun’s name is Lago or Lake, I’m 20 but bad at it. im a he OR they: pick one and stick to it edition. I don’t know what people want in these but the important bits are:
English is not my first language (it’s porch of geese) and I don’t care much for what I sound or write like. I suck at words and my vocabulary is self admittedly not that large. Learned english through vidya games and memes and all that jazz. I Dont Care For This Language Tm sorry. I’ll do some br posting from time to time probably and we can thread in pt if you’d like too! Assume all my characters are brazilian unless explicited otherwise.
I’m very busy 80% of the time. If I’m here I’m probably procrastinating somehow.
I’m very friendly, talk to me about bones, boats and animals! help me with homework also, I’m dying.
You can ask for my discord if you’d like to talk, but be warned: i AM shy and im bad at replying consistently. but i WILL usually text back! takes me a bit though.
The main Character of this blog is Réquiem. he's... i don't know what he is, honestly. he's an "original species" of some sort, born out of abandoned things such as buildings and other general physical spaces, objects and sometimes people.
Pronouns are (by order of preference) he, it OR they. If you pick one, you stick to it consistently AT LEAST throughout the conversation.
He will be weird. I don't know him yet, i just want to know where he goes.
This blog will contain untagged unreality themes, liminal spaces and other "weirdcore" kind of content. I'm bad at consistently tagging so I'm simply not going to try because that's his whole thing. Follow at your own risk if this is triggering to you.
I’m usually very open about literally everything that goes on my blog, but here’s some quick RULES you might want to keep in mind:
Tag anti/proship discourse for me please and thank you.
18+ only, she’ll be horny on main and she doesn’t care enough to make a sideblog for that. She might sw33t talk your character also if she feels like it. and PLEASE, if she does that and it makes you uncomfy SAY SO. She won’t repeat it and won’t press on the subject.
DMs open and unless stated otherwise, i assume all DMs are in character.
If you wanna talk about anything, you can just message me privately @ any of my other blogs or through here.
Open for shipping for as long as the characters have an interesting dynamic.
Open for non mutuals! I usually follow back, though.
M!As are always open!
Gifts are welcome.
NSFW comments allowed.
OCs and canon characters of any fandom are WELCOME. Feel free to interact.
You must understand that IC is not OOC. I, the mun, am a real human person with feelings, and an extremely shy one at that. Please don’t be rude at me if you have no reason to be rude at me specifically. I don’t endorse the things my character do and say. réquiem is kind of a bad spirited creature. I’m just some guy.
Open for plot. Any and all plot. I love plotting!!!
I’m very forgetful. Feel free to remind me of a thread, i’ll be thankful.
I’m an android mobile dweller thus my blog is hideous on pc. My tags are simple. Look at the pinned post and they should be pretty obvious.
As a rule of thumb, I am not willing to ACTUALLY RP NSFW. I’m a “fade to black” person, we can still discuss what went down, but I don’t RP it.
I can’t stress how much I’m extremely out of touch with stuff. If you see any issues with anything I’m doing or someone I’m interacting with, message me. I actually don’t publicly take part of drama and discourse. I actively avoid that stuff because it’s triggering!
DON’T BE MEAN to me about my characters ooc. I don’t care nor do i want to know if you don’t like them! If you don’t like me or my characters simply don’t interact.
I block and unfollow deliberately. Don’t take it personally. This goes both for tags and people that make me (the MUN) uncomfortable and for whatever other reason. if something becomes too much or gets upsetting on my dash i simply hit the bricks, specially if we’ve never really interacted before. I perform the flawless emancipate and evacuate approach. Block and dip. I’m here to have a fun time and I’ll curate my own experience to be able to do so.
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