#how POA's work
briwatchesbadtv · 1 year
I'll admit I want Mariana and Evan to get back together but a) why is this entire episode filmed in that horrible gray light? I'm sure someone thought it was artistic but it's so annoying; and b) TV writers continue to have no idea how a power of attorney works
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headspace-hotel · 11 months
Researching herbicide resistance in weeds.
A decade ago, everyone said rotating applications of different herbicides was key to stopping herbicide resistance.
Then, around 2015, evidence from a large study emerged saying that this actually causes weeds to be MORE resistant, so the best thing to do is to spray a combination of multiple herbicides mixed together at once.
Now that is being called into question too. Whoda thunk it...
Herbicide resistance among weeds is only getting stronger. Recently, scientists found an annual bluegrass (Poa annua) on a golf course that was resistant to seven herbicide modes of action at once. Seven. SEVEN. Amaranth plants been found with resistance to six herbicide modes of action at once. Twenty years ago, the narrative was that resistance to glyphosate (Roundup) was unlikely to become widespread; today it's the second-most common type of resistance.
What's more, plants are developing types of herbicide resistance that are effective against multiple herbicides at once and harder to detect. Instead of changing the chemical processes within them that are affected by the herbicides so the herbicides don't work as well, they're changing the way they absorb chemicals in the first place. Resistant plants are producing enzymes that detoxify the herbicides before they even enter the plants' cells.
It took Monsanto ten years to develop crop varieties resistant to Dicamba (after weeds made 'Roundup Ready' crops pointless). Palmer amaranth evolved Dicamba resistance in five years.
So I asked, "Why are all the proposed solutions dependent on using more herbicides, when we know damn well that this is going to do nothing but make the weeds evolve faster?"
The answer is that chemical companies have the world in a death grip. They can't make money off non-chemical solutions, so chemical solutions get all the funding, research, and outreach to farmers.
But why do chemical companies have so much power?
One of the biggest reasons is the U.S. military.
In the Vietnam war, all of Vietnam was sprayed with toxic herbicides like Agent Orange, which was incredibly toxic to humans and affected the Vietnamese population with horrible illnesses and birth defects. Monsanto, the company that made the herbicides, knew that it did this, but didn't tell anyone. The US government didn't admit that they'd poisoned humans on a mass scale until Vietnam veterans started dying and coming down with horrible illnesses, and even then, it took them 40 years. (My Papaw died at 60 because of that stuff.) And the soldiers weren't there for very long. As for the Vietnamese people, the soil and water where they live is contaminated.
Similarly, during the "war on drugs," the US military sprayed Roundup and other chemicals on fields to destroy coca plants and other plants used in the manufacturing of drugs. This killed a lot of crops that farmers needed to live, and caused major health problems in places such as Columbia. The US government said that people getting sick were lying and that Roundup was just as safe as table salt. (A statement that did not age well.)
So chemical companies make money off arming the USA military. The American lawn care industry, and the agricultural system, therefore originates in more than one way from the United States's war-mongering.
The other major way is described in this article (which I highly recommend), which describes how after WW2, chemical plants used for manufacturing explosives were changed into fertilizer producing plants, but chemical companies couldn't market all that fertilizer to farmers, so they invented the lawn care industry. No exaggeration, that's literally what happened.
This really changes my perspective on all the writings about fixing the agricultural system. The resources are biased towards the use of chemicals in agriculture because the companies are so powerful as to make outreach and research for non-chemical methods of agriculture really hard to fund. All the funding is in finding new ways to spray chemicals or spraying slightly different chemicals, because that's what you can actually get ahold of money to look into. It is like the research has to negotiate a truce with the chemical companies, suggesting only solutions that won't cause lower profits.
Meanwhile my respect for Amaranth is skyrocketing.
Who would win: The USA military-industrial complex or one leafy boi
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born-in-hell · 10 days
As some of you might know, southern Brazil, specifically the state of Rio Grande do Sul, has been struck by heavy rains and a consequential flood. The rains started on monday (29/abr) and only stopped today (5/mai), in Porto Alegre ─ the state capital, and the city i live in ─ and in the other cities nearby.
The lake that borders PoA (named Guaíba) has reached more than 5m up its normal level. This is higher than on the historic 1941 flood. The city's center ─ a big residential and commercial hub, beyond being the host of most of our public services (such as the city hall and the state government) ─ is completely taken by the water. Many other neighbourhoods were also affected.
Smaller cities that also border Guaíba were even more heavily affected, such as Eldorado do Sul, whose territory was almost 100% flooded.
The state is, for a lack of a better word, abandoned by the people that were supposed to aid.
Our governor, Eduardo Leite, is more worried about his plitical campaign ─ making dramatic videos, changing his facebook pfp to one of him with a public defense vest, making streams with no useful information ─ than with the people's lives. This year, he destinated only R$50.000 (~ USD250.000) for the Civil Defense. For the entire year. He is now, delegating the responsibility of recuperating our state to the Federal Government, stating that "the rbuilding of the RS will demand a Marshall Project".
Porto Alegre's mayor, Sebastião Mello, has vanished. He sold our city out to big enterprises ─ Melnick, Zaffari and Panvel, mainly ─, and hasn't destined any public resources to maintaining the Mauá wall (a wall built after the 1941 flood with a system made to protect the city from other floods), which caused many points to fail and the water to invade the city.
This is the danger we all face with a neoliberal system.
Neoliberalism is an individualist ideology. All these people and companies I named did close to nothing to help us. Or even made it worse. The Civil Defense, for example, published a map of all the areas that would be affected, but had to take it back, since it didn't consider the topography.
Its the people for the people.
This situation is being aided by people using their own resources. Donations of various natures and volunteer work. It is very beautiful, in a way. It shows that colaboration and union can do great things. It shows, at least to me, that the world can reach, one day, a self sustaining way of living, contrary to the ultra-individualistic capitalism some preach. Humans can, and are, good.
But it also lays out how much the people that govern us failed us.
Human lives were lost because of their negligency.
This flood isn't normal. It is a product of the huge levels of degradation multi-billionaire companies are causing the world, supported by higher class and their representatives. Eduardo Leite changed almost 500 points of our state's Environmental Code, for the worst, when he was first elected in 2019. His actions, and the actions of all other neoliberal politicians, such as our ex-president Bolsonaro, are what created this situation. They are responsible for everything that is going on here.
This flood isnt the only environmental crisis this state has faced in the last 6 months. This isn't the last one that will happen.
This text is, beyond a personal vent, a warning. We need to keep fighting against a system that is actively trying to kill us. Please, do not support ideals and people ─ especially if said people will rule you ─ that go against the environment, that preach that the capital, the money, the posesions, are more important than lives. Of the people, of the animals, of the environment. Fight for a better world, i know there can be one.
Always be aware of the climate in your areas. Things like this won't happen only here. Please be safe.
Sorry for the long post.
If you're interested in donating, @decaf-lesbian made this post with some links for international and national donations.
-> If you're from Brasil, check this link, that has a copilation of maps of risk areas, shelters, places to donate to, etc, made by a UFRGS student.
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seriousbrat · 3 months
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this says a lot about Snape's character development for me. There are many parallels drawn throughout the series between Harry and Snape; obviously, they're very different characters but there are similarities too.
I think here Snape is talking about himself. The teenaged Snape we see in the Pensieve is very much like this- emotional, heart on his sleeve, easily provoked, a definite wallower in sad memories... weak. Adult Snape, though he retains some of these characteristics that do emerge in stressful moments (in PoA we see how angrily he reacts to Sirius's escape, for instance) on the whole is a great deal more thoughtful, reserved, calculating, measured.
I think that Snape at some point had to force himself to become this. I think he actually relates to Harry here, and is giving him advice based on personal experience. In my fic he begins to learn to control his emotions partially out of a desire to protect Lily; he's fully aware that she's his weakness (or really, his strength, viewed a different way) and that openly displaying any sort of emotion towards her at all makes her vulnerable to the likes of Avery and Mulciber, who will have the perfect weapon to get to him if they want to.
Severus doesn't have the advantages of his peers, he's not pureblood, he wasn't born into money. If he wants to join the Death Eaters and rise in their ranks, he needs to be subtle, cunning, careful. he can't afford to be careless and entitled like mulciber or bellatrix or even sirius. what he's got to offer isn't his name or his money, it's his sheer talent and cleverness. moving on:
When Voldemort decides to go after Lily this becomes even more important. Imo the reason why Voldemort believes that Snape only "desired" Lily is because that's what Snape told him. He lied to Voldemort's face and told him something probably disgusting tbh because that's the only way Voldemort would accept it and agree, if it was a selfish, callous request that Voldemort could understand. We can see evidence of this here:
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Asking Voldemort to spare a mudblood because he was in love with her would likely not have gone over well- and as we know, Voldemort actually bore his request in mind, though obv didn't give enough of a fuck about Snape to follow through. Because although asking voldemort to spare her must have taken serious balls, Snape's mistake here was trusting someone inherently selfish to do something selfless for him.
Clearly he immediately realises this and goes to Dumbledore, which is when controlling his emotions becomes of paramount importance, because now he's working against perhaps the most highly accomplished legilimens of all time.
It's also interesting to me that Snape in this conversation is probably the character who is most forthright and informative with Harry in the whole of OotP until Dumbledore at the end; Harry actually learns a lot in this conversation. And Snape also kind of gives him credit which is interesting too:
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like for Snape that's high praise lmao. A shame because if he wasn't so bitter (i.e. didn't wear his heart on his sleeve so much around harry) then he might have actually been pretty helpful to Harry and a decent teacher. Again, during the Occlumency lessons his unrestrained emotion brought up by memories of James is a hindrance. He defies Dumbledore's orders to teach Harry Occlumency because of his emotional response to SWM, as well as honestly doing kind of a shit job before that (by not being empathetic and teaching Harry in a way that would've been actually productive.)
At this point Dumbledore believes that Harry learning Occlumency and controlling his emotions is of vital importance; he turns out to be wrong about this. In Harry's case, it turns out to be his emotional nature that saves him- unlike Snape, who is the opposite. Snape's journey is about learning that some things are more important than his selfish need to give into his own emotions.
By DH Snape's learned this lesson fully; his old hatred for James doesn't stop him from doing what has to be done, from giving Harry the tools he needs. Even in the final moments of his life, he can look past James and see Lily in Harry- and, by giving Harry the information that leads to his self-sacrifice, he can let her go.
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what would tom riddle's patronus?
Okay, it took me some time to answer this ask since I needed to spend some time thinking. I didn't really have an answer in mind until your question. It's just something I apparently never thought about. So I was interested in finding the most canon-adjacent answer I can for if Tom Riddle/Voldemort could cast a patronus, what would it be.
So, my approach to finding the right animal was based on a few factors, the first of which:
How exactly is the form your Patronus takes determined?
Because we don't actually get a straight answer in the books. We know Patroni can change with a person, but we don't exactly get an answer on what their form represents and why some couples have matching Patroni.
Basically, I don't know what you expected, Anon, but what you're getting is some rambling about the magical theory behind the Patronus charm followed by why that means Tom gets a certain animal over another.
So, let's start with the basics, the incantation:
"Expecto Patronum"
This is in Latin and literally translates to: "I await/expect a defender"
And Remus Lupin explains what the Patronus charm is as:
“Well, when it works correctly, it conjures up a Patronus,” said Lupin, “which is a kind of anti-dementor — a guardian that acts as a shield between you and the dementor.” ... “The Patronus is a kind of positive force, a projection of the very things that the dementor feeds upon — hope, happiness, the desire to survive — but it cannot feel despair, as real humans can, so the dementors can’t hurt it. But I must warn you, Harry, that the charm might be too advanced for you. Many qualified wizards have difficulty with it.”
(POA, page 237)
We also know the patronus is cast by thinking of a happy memory — well, not really. The memory isn't really important; the emotion is. The memory is to help you have the right happy feelings that can fuel a Patronus. "You got to mean it" just like with an unforgivable.
So, what does it tell us about the Patronus:
We have a defender made out of happiness, literally.
This already sounds like something Tom Riddle would struggle with. I don't really see canon Tom Riddle/Voldemort being capable of producing one, but let's assume he can in some hypothetical AU. Let's take a look at a few patroni to see how their form is chosen and why.
Obviously, we have Harry's (and James') stag. A stag symbolizes many things in different cultures, but deer (both Stags and Does, like Lily and Snape) in general symbolize:
The cycle of life and death
Agility and grace
All this fits the Potters quite well. The nobility and bravery of Gryffindor and the cycle between life and death. Stags actually represent regeneration, as in a return from death, which fits with the Potters' connection to the Paverells and death perfectly.
Stags also symbolize authority, strength, leadership, and fatherhood, while does symbolize femininity, grace, intuition, and devotion. All in all, both animals fit James and Lily well. And while the stag does fit Harry (to a degree), I don't think his Patronus represents him.
I think Harry's patronus is a stag because James' patronus was a stag. Harry was actually convinced his father cast the Patronus when he first saw it in POA. And it makes sense.
I don't remember where I saw this theory, but it essentially was that your patrons would represent a person or an idea that you feel will defend you. It's why certain couples have matching Patroni, why a Patronus can change when you or your feelings about people change.
And Harry, when he casts his Patronus, the idea of his father who he never knew but would have protected him is the idea represented in Harry's Patronus. It's a stag like James' not because Harry and James are so similar (they have very different personalities actually) but because Harry's Patronus is James. It's a stag because James was a stag, and Harry is calling the concept of his father to defend him.
Following this logic, Lily's Patronus is a doe, because she is the doe. Lily's defender is herself. Courageous, noble, graceful and devoted. Lily's devotion to her son is what literally sets the series into motion. The reason she and James match is that they always have. He was always represented by the stag and she was always represented by the doe. Their Patroni aren't matching because of their relationship with each other, but because they are so compatible their Patroni matched from the get-go.
Snape's Patronus is a doe because of Lily. Lily is represented by the doe. As she was Snape's first friend and defender, whenever he calls for a protector, it's Lily.
Let's look at a few other Patroni, like Hermione's otter:
Family and close-knit friendships
All of this doesn't really sound like Hermione. Ron's Jack Russell Terrier on the other hand:
Does sound very in line with who Ron is.
But then who does Hermione's otter represent? Well, an otter is from the weasel family and the list of characteristics looks closer to Ron's list of traits than Hermione's. I think Hermione's otter represents Ron who did step in to defend her since the troll incident in their first year multiple times.
So, where does that leave Tom Riddle?
Well, we established the Patronus becomes your defender, and in Tom's case, it'll be himself. Tom is distrustful and sees himself as more capable than anyone else. Not to mention he never had a real connection or person in his life he could call upon to defend him. So, whatever animal his Patronus is would represent himself as his own defender.
So, which animal represents Tom best?
The first animal I thought of, is of course: the serpent. Snakes are heavily associated with Tom (for obvious reasons) and is an animal we know he has a soft spot for. When looking at what snakes represent, you can see why he is associated with them:
Regeneration and rebirth (shedding their skin)
Healing (Cadcadeus)
For the most part, the list seems to fit him well. Specifically their association with rebirth and the cycle of life and death by shedding their skin. Deceit and power are also right up Tom's alley. And even transformation considering he rewrote his entire identity to become Voldemort.
But, just "snake" wasn't good enough for me, I wanted to know which kind. And as I wanted his Patronus to be as rare as Harry's stag, I went to the list of official Pottermore possible Patroni to find a snake that is as hard to get in the test as the stag while not being magical.
(Magical Patroni are incredibly rare and to have yourself represented by a magical creature in your Patronus you need to be incredibly unique or incredibly full of yourself. At least, that's how I see it)
And low and behold, there was one on the aforementioned list:
The King Cobra
So I looked up if this snake has any interesting additional unique symbolism that would fit Tom. And, well, there was:
Authority and Leadership
Aggression and Fearlessness
Destruction and Creation
Intelligence and Cunning
Which all in all sounds fitting for Tom Riddle.
I also continued reading and apparently, snakes are associated with lightning by some Native American tribes. And when I saw that I was sold on the idea. Considering how the killing curse is represented by lightning (Harry's scar and the lightning-struck tower being the name of the chapter Dumbledore dies in). It feels appropriate with Tom's connection with snakes.
The King Cobra is actually not really a Cobra and is considered a unique breed of snake, which Tom would approve of. It's also the longest venomous snake and its venom can result in a rapid fatality, as soon as 30 minutes following a bite. It's also a cannibal snake that eats other snakes, including its own kind.
Overall it just fits perfectly, both in traits, symbolism, and how rare and dangerous it is. So, for your question, I think Tom Riddle's Patronus, if he could cast one, would be a King Cobra.
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fullsunised · 6 months
nct dream reaction when you get drunk (i’m drunk rn watching a movie and giggling) i thought this would be cute
❝ 𝙛𝙪𝙡𝙡 𝙤𝙛 𝙙𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙢𝙨 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 ❞
genre: fluff
trigger warnings: swearing, mentions of sex
a/n: welp inspiration randomly struck me yesterday and here it is. apologies for the inactivity, hope yall doing well!
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┊ ➶ 。˚ ° ✧. ┊  ❝ 𝗠𝗔𝗥𝗞 𝗟𝗘𝗘 ❞
he's laughing his ass off the whole time. the infamous giggles never leave him, all while he's taking care of you. he always complains about you drinking over thr limit but bro does he adore this side of you.
honestly I only see him do the laughing his ass off part more than the taking care of you and putting you to bed part. is sending videos of you being stupid to his family.
during your hangover tho, you're basically defending yourself in the family groupchat while mark is yet again laughing at your cute ass.
┊ ➶ 。˚ ° ✧. ┊  ❝ 𝗥𝗘𝗡𝗝𝗨𝗡 𝗛𝗨𝗔𝗡𝗚 ❞
sighs and sighs. bro is frustrated icl. he's always telling you to not drink more than what you can take but obviously when did you ever listen to him. is complaining under his breathe, while taking care of you.
makes sure to remove your makeup off, your shoes off, your clothes off and change you into something comfortable. but at a point he'd grow so tired of it, he just let's you figure your shit out the next morning.
which is basically you sitting on the kitchen stools groaning due to the pain in your head, while he watches you suffer (makes you hangover soup)
┊ ➶ 。˚ ° ✧. ┊  ❝ 𝗝𝗘𝗡𝗢 𝗟𝗘𝗘 ❞
he most likely would stop you from drinking before you get worse, but on those days where he thinks you deserve to get drunk asf, he's a sweetie.
does every single thing for you and honestly doesn't say no to anything your drunk self asks him.icecream? yes. shower? yes. sex? yes. kisses and cuddles? yes. literally anything. bro just let's you live while he's there taking care of you, making sure you don't hurt yourself. puts you to bed, and admires your passed out self.
morning would be waking up to his kisses, going to get breakfast together or maybe going on a run to wake your brain up.
┊ ➶ 。˚ ° ✧. ┊  ❝ 𝗛𝗔𝗘𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗡 𝗟𝗘𝗘 ❞
bro is drinking with you man. he thinks it's unfair only one of you gets drunk, and the other stuck taking care of the other. both of you would be long gone messes, messing about on the streets- but there are times you come home drunk from work.
then he's honestly just letting you pass out. of course, he let's you wrap your arms around him like a koala, and snore to death. also, he's gonna click funny asf pictures, like from every angle, legit makes an album as well.
morning comes and both of you are groaning, him because his hand is sore and you because your head. you take your pills and go on about your day, except his teasing is increased.
┊ ➶ 。˚ ° ✧. ┊  ❝ 𝗝𝗔𝗘𝗠𝗜𝗡 𝗡𝗔 ❞
absolute sweetheart </3 literally picks you up from the door, drops you onto the bed, brings hot water to clean you up, gives you water to drink, listens to you rant about everything and anything. is like prepared for it because you warn him first hand lol.
just like jeno, he too would agree to anything. movie watching, game playing, cooking- anything literally. coos at you the whole time, mentally saves this image of you in his head because no matter how many sides of you he's seen, this would be his favourite.
breakfast in bed, princess ;)) would get you pills, some soup, some good food all at your service. bro get me a jaemin :(
┊ ➶ 。˚ ° ✧. ┊  ❝ 𝗖𝗛𝗘𝗡𝗟𝗘 𝗭𝗛𝗢𝗡𝗚 ❞
literal menace. all he does half of the time is record. atp his phone doesn't have enough storage due to the shit ton of video and photo content he has on you. his top priority would be to laugh at your stupidity and maybe post it online.
his second poa probably would be to put you to sleep. he legit finds you so adorable and so annoying both at the same time. literally shoves your face onto the pillow and forces you to sleep. has his airpods on, scrolling and you're next to him snoring. comfort fr.
boy doesn't do shit in the morning, or so he complains but still does it for you anyways cause he loves you too much.
┊ ➶ 。˚ ° ✧. ┊  ❝ 𝗝𝗜𝗦𝗨𝗡𝗚 𝗣𝗔𝗥𝗞 ❞
literally looses his mind. didn't know you had this side in you, and honestly he loves it, but the stress dominates the love- the stress of taking care of you perfectly. literally googles shit every single time even if he has done that before.
follows every step, does everything you ask and when you finally fall asleep blud just releases the longest sigh of his life. falls next to you his arm draped over figure. kisses your forehead, and drifts off to sleep himself.
bro googles how to make hangover soup, but gives up and orders it. literally does his best every time.
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greenerteacups · 7 days
I wonder often why Deathly Hallows as a book is so fascinated with wandcraft and wandlore, especially after the series has spent six volumes being more or less disinterested in it (with the exception of the Twin Cores plot in Book 4). A weirdly high % of the plot depends on who owns whose wand and why: the wand mixup with the Snatchers, Harry's wand being broken, Draco's wand, Bellatrix's wand, and of course, the final rigmarole over who's the "rightful master" of the Elder Wand, which ends up being a weird combination of killing/disarming/fist-fight to disarm someone who... wasn't even wielding the Elder Wand at the time he was disarmed, which begs the question of what it counts to "disarm" someone of a weapon they're not technically wielding? Also, are we to assume that Dumbledore was not disarmed once in the N years since his fight with Grindlewald? Or — here's a harder one — that Draco wasn't disarmed once between Dumbledore's death and his fight with Harry? That's plausible, but it's kind of weird that I need to believe it for the rest of the plot to make sense.
And like, I can think of a few Doylist reasons for this to be the case. The first is that JKR wants Voldemort to kill Snape in the boathouse, which allows Harry to get Snape's memories and retroactively justify why Snape's acted this way since PoA (and explain where the sword comes from in the lake in DH, too). I can think of better, more character-driven reasons for him to kill Snape (just... blow Snape's cover? reveal him as a double agent? have him try to kill Nagini? idk), but let's suppose, for subtextual reasons, she wants Voldemort to think Snape was loyal to the end. Having him die by Nagini's hand muddies the already-opaque water of what constitutes "disarming," because Nagini is a living creature. What if I drop someone into a pool of piranhas? Do I get their wand? Yeah, Voldemort commands her, but then — okay, what if I Imperius someone and make them disarm someone else? I get that it's not like DH has time for Harry to sit down with Ollivander and go through all of the tiny procedural rules for wand usage, but also, are these not relevant questions? Is this not the central mechanic of the final battle, this one piece of magic? Am I not supposed to wonder how it works?
The other reason I can imagine is that Harry wins a duel against Voldemort 1v1, which is not terribly believable unless there's some kind of magical advantage working in his favor. We know the Elder Wand's failure to execute the Cruciatus means Harry can't be harmed by spells the Elder casts, because it's his "true master." This is a really weird quirk in wandlore — why does it work this way? Is it the only wand that works this way? By that logic, shouldn't everyone Harry disarms be incapable of casting spells on him? — that emerges in Book 7, apparently for the purpose of giving Harry a buff in the final duel. Functionally, that's weird, because on a technical level it works the same way as Lily's protection — it's a reason that Voldemort can't hurt him. So why get rid of Lily's protection at all? It's not like he duels Voldemort between Book 4 and Book 7. The graveyard scene artificially hikes the stakes for Harry by making him physically vulnerable, pretty much only so he can die at the end of DH... except again, not for real, because Voldemort only ends up killing the piece of Harry that's a horcrux, so it doesn't even count!
And then Harry replaces the wand in Dumbledore's tomb. Which would be a nice moment if the lore hadn't established that anyone who disarms Harry, ever, will become the master of the Elder Wand by default. Harry knows this. He also knows that this knowledge is out there in the world; sure, Grindlewald's dead now, but do we think that Grindlewald never told anyone else about the Elder Wand? And he learned about it from somewhere, didn't he? So Harry might naturally assume that someone else would eventually come looking, in which case Dumbledore's tomb is far from the safest place to put this equivalent of a wizarding nuke. (Not that it seems to be all that powerful anyway; the coolest thing it does is fix Harry's other wand, and we're left wondering why the Elder Wand is considered "unbeatable" when people who own it seem to be getting disarmed all over the fucking place.)
Also, in retrospect, this makes it incredibly odd that Dumbledore allows Draco to disarm him, because he's giving the Wizarding Nuke to a 16-year-old servant of Lord Voldemort. Suppose that he's trying to prevent Snape from getting the wand, because he doesn't want Snape to be a target: okay, fine, but does he know Draco's going to give Snape credit for the kill? What if Draco lies? What if LV just... accepts the fact that the wand recognizes Expelliarmus as a point of transfer, and either disarms or kills Draco? And in any case, no matter what the answers to these questions are, why didn't he just ask Harry to disarm him before he went to the lake?
I'm usually not one to be an asshole about plot holes — mostly because, taken by themselves, I don't find them that interesting — but they become interesting to me when I see several of them in the same vein, because they tell me that the author's trying to do something. And they want to do it so badly they're willing to strain other parts of the story to make it happen.
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hogwartslegacypics · 8 months
HL2 Discussion Post
Figured it would be fun to make a little post about the sequel and say what I’m looking forward to/hope to see from it, and everyone else can reblog or comment with what they hope to see!
DIRECT SEQUEL!! This is the most important one to me. I want to continue with the same storyline and the same characters.
ROMANCE! I feel like they will implement this just because of how much everyone has been asking for it. Not even just romance, it would be cool to have friendship meters as well so we can see if someone is just an acquaintance all the way to a close friend.
DECISIONS THAT MATTER! I know we technically can make decisions in this game, but they don’t change anything except a few lines of dialogue. I want actual impact. I want our decisions to change what can happen, or change our friendship/relationship with the characters.
MORE CLASSES! I honestly wouldn’t mind if they had us repeat activities in classes for the same class (like if we got another potions class and again had to go through the same motions to brew a potion), because realistically speaking we would be going to the same class multiple times and doing basically the same things.
DEMENTORS! I’d love to learn the patronus charm and be able to use it on them. Maybe it could be like a POA situation where a prisoner escaped and dementors are around the grounds? I know there’s a shit ton of patronuses and it’s a lot of work to animate them, so I wouldn’t even be upset if there were only like 10 to pick from.
QUIDDITCH! This may not end up being a thing because of the other Quidditch game coming out, but I still hope it is. Even if we ourselves can’t play it, it would still be a cool little immersive activity to sit on the stands and be able to watch a Quidditch game play out. Also beater!Sebastian
DIAGON ALLEY! Going back as sixth years, we need to get our supplies so it’s a perfect way include it in the game! Imagine going with Seb, Ominis, Poppy, and Natty in the beginning of the game! Walking around and getting our supplies just like we did in the Hogsmeade quest.
CHRISTMAS AND/OR HALLOWEEN EVENTS! Imagine if we could actually celebrate those holidays in the game! Exchanging gifts with our friends (going to Hogsmeade to shop for them, and maybe we have a choice of like 10ish items and we have to pick one for each friend we think they’d like best, and they have a different reaction programmed for each gift we can give them, and it could impact how much the friendship/relationship meter goes up), and they give us a gift based on our play style or level of closeness to them?
PETS!! We know pets were supposed to be in this game so I feel like they might make the cut the second time around. Just imagine having your own cat or owl! So cute!
COMPANIONS! And I mean without needing a mod to make it happen!
RESOLUTION FOR THE SEBASTIAN STORYLINE! Ok so I feel like this one is a given assuming it’ll be a direct sequel but I still wanted to mention it. I hope we can cure Anne somehow, whether it be actually us doing it or finding something with Sebastian. Also see how Sebastian is dealing with the murder, and coping without Anne, and hopefully seeing them get along again. Anne coming back to Hogwarts too if she’s cured!
LET US SIT AND SLEEP! Especially in the Great Hall! Doesn’t need to be a frequent thing, but maybe like once a season we have a little scene with our MC sitting in there having dinner with friends in their house? NPCs need to sleep at night too!
NO MORE MERLIN TRIALS!! I never wanna do a Merlin Trial ever again. I hate the process of having to do a bunch of repetitive, tedious tasks just to unlock stuff.
MORE LOCATIONS! I don’t mean the Highlands, I mean London, the Ministry of Magic, Diagon Alley, etc. Would be cool to get to visit each of these locations at least once.
HOUSE POINTS! Give us a house points system where we can have points given or taken away from us! I guess this could kind of double as a morality system too?
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enbysiriusblack · 3 months
sirius and peter's friendship is one of the most interesting and compelling relationships to me.
they are best friends. they were best friends for about 10 years. what we see of them whilst being friends is essentially sirius making fun of peter; he mocks his interest in james playing with a snitch and peter appears embarrassed. but they were still good friends. sirius still says he would have died rather than betrayed peter. which definitely isn't the 'peter was always left out by his friends and they didn't really care about him, but only kept him around to feed their egos' narrative.
but sirius is still very much an attractive and popular and talented person. whilst peter isn't. although i would argue peter was still extremely skilled and smart, he managed to become an animagus so young just like sirius and james and practically single handedly (pun intended) brought voldemort back. but even so, from what we see it does seem like sirius makes fun of peter and pushes him around. and we have rosmerta saying peter tended to follow behind james and sirius, as if he's somehow lesser. but clearly sirius (and james and remus) didn't actually think of peter like that.
what i think is that peter is very much someone who understands people and knows how to manipulate people to his favour (he'd be an excellent politician), and that is what he does during school and why outsiders seem to view peter as following the others/being made fun of by them but his friends don't actually think that, creating a sorta sympathy for him by outsiders. he knows people will judge him for being fat or being less outgoing or less academically gifted. peter, in public, doesn't say comebacks. however, alone with the other marauders, he does. in the dorm rooms, peter will make fun of them and they'll make fun of him back, all in a joking spirit. but in public, his friends will still do that, and just don't seem to notice he doesn't do it back around other people. because he wants their sympathy/pity in order to make them like him.
james and sirius easily get people to like them just by joking around qnd being their charming selves. remus gets people to like him by being nice and sweet and helpful. and peter gets people to like him through pity (we even see him attempt this with remus and sirius in poa)
now going back to sirius and peter's relationship. i honestly think they had one of the closest bonds. sirius trusted him to be the secret keeper instead. sirius said he'd rather die than betray peter. sirius remembers exactly what peter looked like in his animagus form, that he was able to tell scabbers was peter from a tiny newspaper photo.
this next part is my headcanons about them but i wanted to add it so: i see peter as being raised in a muggle environment so whilst sirius helped him with understanding the wizard world, peter taught sirius about muggles. i think peter also played a large part in helping sirius understand his sexuality- with peter's mum being a lesbian and peter himself being gay and sorta knowing more about the idea of sexuality and gender expression and everything. dyslexic peter and sirius who proofreads his essays for him even though he hates academic work. peter and sirius being partners in potions because james and remus suck at potions so much. peter and sirius coming up with the dumbest pranks that always get vetoed. peter and sirius being the bestfriends that they were <3
anyway yeah. sirius would have died for peter. that's how close they were.
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spikybanana · 1 year
on why obi wan kenobi is not a remus lupin variant
cmon guys. honestly.
(this is a shitpost)
obi wan actually rocked a beard. remus lupin could never.
on that note: I don't know how long remus' buzz cut phase lasted, but I'm pretty sure he never had a rattail
being a jedi master probably required more mental stability and competence than a boarding school prefect. at least you'd think.
obi wan wouldn't have actually fallen asleep in a jedi council meeting. I don't think I could say the same for PoA remus. the man probably barely remembered he's a teacher
despite hating flying, obi wan could actually fly a ship. now you try wrestling remus lupin onto a broom
to be fair despite all the war and death obi wan probably didn't have to deal with monthly body horror
oh and, obi wan was only ostracised for being a jedi in the second half of his life. so he at least had a chance of establishing a stable sense of identity in a stable community of, say, beyond four-ish friends.
only one of obi wan's students turned into a war criminal. remus lupin, on the other hand, taught more than a handful of bad wizard wannabes
let's be honest. remus would not have won in a duel against sirius black.
yes yes of course. obi wan's ex boyfriend was actually a mass murderer. remus was just gaslit and delusional
also r.e. the notorious mass-murderer ex boyfriend: obi wan thought his ex was dead. remus knew he was alive and just wished he were dead
oh oh oh. obi wan actually watched over their son!!!! despite being damp and sad and working poverty wage jobs?! obi wan was there!! and where were you huh remus?? where were you???
obi wan, unlike remus lupin, does not visibly lose all his shit when said ex boyfriend is mentioned.
though he did have twenty years in the desert to calm down about it lmao remus never lived that long
okay so maybe he'd teach the boy and refuse to tell him anything about his parents. but at least he stuck around and did everything he can for the boy! even after he died!! remus just half-arsed it for a year then disappeared again.
obi wan would not have knocked up his ex boyfriend's cousin. he had Good Space Monk morals.
damn I'm running out of things to say. oh yes. obi wan died first. and then got to reunite with the ex in the afterlife so canonical happy ending am I right? wolfstar could never.
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sideprince · 7 months
If I'm honest I think the way the Deathly Hallows were made into a theme in the HP books is much more interesting than the whole Christ allegory, especially since it's a bit more original. I mean, sure, the Tale of the Three Brothers borrows heavily from the European storytelling tradition as filtered through the homogenized lens of the Grimm Brothers - the number three, the two older brothers being rash and unthinking and the youngest being wise, the outwitting of a dangerous foe, the lesson that brute force and bending nature's order will only end badly, etc. But there's still something interesting and original there, and I find that much more exciting than pinpointing how Christian tropes manifest in a children's story that follows them without building on them or raising questions.
What I find particularly fascinating about the Hallows theme is the way it connects to the characters, and how the three brothers and the objects they represent come to be reflected in three of the most key characters in HP:
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Harry, Voldemort, and Snape are so inextricably connected, but even though the only moment they're all in the same place is when Snape is killed, it feels like Snape's the one whose journey to that moment is the most clearly laid out. It's the third time we know him to be in the Shrieking Shack: the first, when he's nearly killed by Lupin-turned-werewolf but escapes unscathed, and the second, when he corners Lupin and Black in PoA and is knocked unconscious sustaining a head wound. With each visit to the Shrieking Shack he inches closer to his own death metaphorically.
It's no secret that each Hallow is connected to or representative of one of these characters.
The Deathstick/Elder Wand is Voldemort: he's its penultimate wielder and even before possessing it, his own wand might as well be a death stick. He kills with impunity and without remorse. It's said several times in the series that ultimately all the death and destruction Harry, Ron, and Hermione fight against comes down to Voldemort; even the Death Eaters do what they do in his service. (And, while I take issue with the simplistic and naive perspective it conveys, the story makes it clear that as soon as Voldemort dies, the chaos he has wrought on the wizarding world is already beginning to be set right again.) Harry meets Voldemort in the forest at the end of DH in order to meet his death because it's Voldemort who brings it about.
The Resurrection Stone is Snape: we find out in DH that he has spent the entire septology haunted by the heartbreak and regret losing a loved one caused, and everything he's done has been in service of her. Though he never possesses the Resurrection Stone, he might as well - we see through his patronus that the memory of Lily is with him "always." Interestingly, it's also the Resurrection Stone that sets him on his final path - it's the stone in the ring that curses Dumbledore's hand, leading to Snape agreeing to kill him, and to him making the Unbreakable Vow. Killing Dumbledore draws him into Voldemort's trust even more, but also puts a target on his back. So, like the second Peverell brother, Snape's main drive is a departed loved one, his devotion to whom ultimately dooms him. The more he tries to keep her alive and honor her memory, the more she draws him to his death.
As in the Tale of the Three Brothers, death claims both the first and second brother.
It's the third brother who escapes death and meets him on his own terms through his use of the Invisibility Cloak. Harry literally wears it into the forest at the end of DH and throws it off to meet his death. Harry starts the story having escaped Death and working his way towards it on his own terms. When he dies, it's because he is ready and he chooses to - and once again, he escapes it. Harry is also closely connected to the youngest Peverell brother, being descended from him, and as per the Beadle the Bard's story, the cloak gets handed down from parent to child so Harry is its rightful owner.
Finally, there's the character of Death, whose parallel is, reluctantly but determinedly, Dumbledore. There's an irony in his ownership of the Elder Wand, in that he learned from the mistakes of his youth and understands and eschews its capacity for death and destruction. Even so, he becomes a character who plays a key role in the death of several other characters, not least of whom are Snape, Harry, and Voldemort. His main goal throughout the series is to bring about Voldemort's death. In the process, he sacrifices both Harry and Snape (not to mention countless others). Dumbledore is also the person who gives all three Hallows to their ultimate owner, Harry. In the process, it's from Dumbledore that Voldemort takes the Elder Wand, and it's through Dumbledore's actions that Snape is doomed by the Resurrection Stone, not to mention he's the one to give the Invisibility Cloak to Harry. When Harry escapes death as a baby, it's Dumbledore who leaves him with the Dursley knowing he will return for him later (or will do so through a proxy), sort of - but not quite - foreshadowing that death will come for Harry when the time is right. When Harry is killed by Voldemort, it's Dumbledore who meets him in Kings Cross limbo.
Interestingly, of these four characters it's only Voldemort who is not connected to all three hallows. Dumbledore has, at some point, had each in his possession, and at the end of the story Harry possesses all three and is the only person who knows where the Resurrection Stone is in the forest. Snape is the only person we see use the Invisibility Cloak without an invitation to do so from Harry (in the Shrieking Shack in PoA), and he's the only one aside from Dumbledore and Harry to be connected with the Resurrection Stone. Though he never does so, he was meant by Dumbledore to possess the Elder Wand, and it's the direct reason he's killed. There's an interesting parallel there, based on what Dumbledore says to Harry in King's Cross Limbo:
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Harry is obviously the Specialest Boy™️ because he's the protagonist, so he's fit to unite the Hallows (which he never quite does - he uses the Resurrection Stone while wearing the Cloak, but drops the stone well before he physically takes possession of the Elder Wand and wields it). Dumbledore nevertheless has the Cloak for a decade between James' death and giving it to Harry, by which point he has had the Elder Wand for much longer. He takes possession of the Stone when he takes Marvolo's ring, and in the process experiences a parallel to the second brother's story (similar to Snape) as his efforts to reconnect to a deceased loved one instead sets him on the path towards his death. Snape, as stated above, is similarly connected to all three Hallows at one point or other.
As interesting as I find all this, I feel like these parallels and, really, this theme, could have been worked out more throughout the septology and been dealt with in richer, more wide-reaching ways. Maybe it didn't occur to Rowling (boo, hssss) until she was well into writing the series, whereas the Horcruxes clearly had, since Voldemort's inability to die is established in PS and the first Horcrux crops up in CoS. There's a clumsiness in the way Hallows vs. Horcruxes becomes the great dilemma in DH, and if the themes each represents had been established early on and been an undercurrent through the whole series it would have been more powerful.
That's not to say that the themes connected to each Hallow - death, loss, choosing wisdom over power - aren't overarching ones on their own. But Harry's contending with them against Voldemort's focus on that power and his fear of death alongside his cavalier implementation of it ends up being a bit flat, because Harry doesn't waver. It's one of the things Dumbledore points out when they discuss the prophecy, that because Voldemort killed his parents, Harry was never at risk of being seduced by all that Voldemort represents. So even though the themes are there, the tensions between them aren't really present in Harry - again, the protagonist - until the second half of the last book. Not until HBP do we start to see Voldemort's past and understand the parallels between him and Harry, and not until the Prince's Tale chapter in DH do we really see how Snape fits into this trio of "abandoned boys." The fleshing out of his character was sacrificed for the sake of the big reveal of his motivations and I think it would have been more interesting to have moments throughout the series that turned out to be foreshadowing along the theme of the Hallows, and not just ones that clarify his allegiances through the insight into his life.
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whinlatter · 7 months
HEYYY I really want you to reflect more on Ginny’s insecurity when it comes to her relationship with Harry. I’ve been thinking about it since your latest chapter. I don’t know how you can portray all these emotions tbh😭 it’s just way too perfect
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ok the inbox is aflutter with questions along these lines so! with no spoilers for the rest of the fic, here's a little (big) lunch break meta on my read on the tensions and insecurities in harry and ginny's post-war relationship, and where harry and ginny are at at this point in beasts. thank you anon! 💞
spoilers for chapter 9 are below the cut!
in chapter nine, we see harry and ginny physically the closest they have been to each other in months, but beginning to discover the real distances between them at play in the current version of their relationship, and see the symptoms showing up in their interactions and (lack of) conversation. after the flashback, this chapter begins with ginny, back an awful time at school, waking up in her boyfriend’s bed, enjoying the luxury of time together and opportunities for physical intimacy. as @ashesandhackles pointed out in her very lovely comment, physical touch - particularly a very natural and instinctual expression of intimacy - is a defining feature of harry and ginny’s romantic relationship in the canon series. canon’s also full of examples of them communicating silently/non-verbally (their in-jokes, as early as PoA, but also the various moments that the two read each other’s minds or have entire interactions without having to say a word). these are obviously important, lovely things and something both of them value in their relationship. but, in this case, where ginny is hiding so much, they can quickly become things to hide behind. tellingly, ginny does not wake up thinking oh good now I have all this time to tell harry what’s up with me, and, over the course of the chapter, finds that secrets have a way of slipping out even if you try your very best to keep them under wraps.
why won't ginny open up?
without spoiling the rest of the fic (!) i think there are few things to bear in mind about why ginny isn't opening up to harry, and what insecurities she might have about the relationship that are preventing her from being honest about the hardships she's going through.
the first is that ginny, canonically, is an extremely guarded person who does rarely opens up, including - or especially - to harry. late canon is full of examples of harry seeking reassurance and emotional comfort in ginny, but examples of ginny doing the same in harry are few and far between. 'lucky you' is a reminder that ginny's own distressing experiences credential her as someone harry can seek reassurance and answers from; it is not a cry for reciprocal help or support. her mentioning riddle's diary in HBP when she finds out about the prince's book works similarly - though harry reassures her about it, her concern is for him, not herself. in the birthday kiss scene, only the 'there's the silver lining i've been looking for' line gives away that ginny has been going through emotional difficulty. in fact, it's ron who conveys that ginny has been 'really cut up' over the breakup. throughout the series, ginny consistently practices a kind of emotional selflessness and self-sufficiency. she understands how important she becomes as a source of comfort and safety for harry, and she is happy and proud to fill that role. she cares deeply about harry, she wants to meet his emotional needs, and she does it very well. she's canonically a fantastic liar, too, which is maybe my favourite characterisation note from her - while hermione and ron are both very easily emotionally read, ginny has an incredible poker face and can lie so well she can have literal dung on her hands and convince her own mother that it was crookshanks throwing dungbombs at the door of the order meeting. in canon, we see ginny crumble only once in her emotional stoic-ness in front of harry (in her bedroom after the birthday kiss - and even then she turns away and tries to hide it). we can speculate about why it is that ginny is like this (...), and i talk more about what this means for harry and ginny long term below. but for now suffice to say that ginny doesn't have a track record of divulging her emotional state and anxieties in very many people, including harry.
the second is that ginny is fiercely protective of harry and tries to shield him from pain, including her own. from CoS thru the rest of the series, ginny cares about shielding harry from criticism, distress, and emotional harm ('leave him alone!') it makes sense that, given ginny's interest in safeguarding harry's happiness and keeping her own sufferings private, she would also seek to protect him from information about herself that would upset him or make him feel worse when she recognises he's already going through a tough enough time. (harry himself practices this form of love in his parental relationship with sirius, eg. trying to retract 'my scar hurts' in GoF - sweet child).
the third - relatedly - is that ginny has begun to link her symptoms to her own wartime experiences, and to torture she endured under the carrows, the full extent of which hasn't been addressed at this point in the fic and which harry doesn't know. harry spends most of DH ignorant about what is happening at hogwarts - he worries for ginny post-sword-stealing, but he's reassured that she won't have been tortured because she only got sent into the forbidden forest. cue neville in the hog's head tunnel quite modestly revealing what really has happened at hogwarts, that the torture of children by way of the cruciatus curse has become a daily occurrence, and that the DA, ginny especially, have gone through a fresh hell. that harry crucioed amycus carrow for so much at spitting at mcgonagall tells us something about how harry might take the news of what actually went down at hogwarts during the war and especially what happened to ginny. in ginny's mind, the idea of strolling up to harry and banging on at length about the sufferings she has endured would be to lay more at his door than he deserves to have to worry about.
there's also this other point, the only issue between harry and ginny that is verbally addressed (but not resolved) in this chapter, which is ginny's lingering insecurities about her relationship with the trio, which also colours all of this. the conversation with harry and ginny in bed about harry staying for at the burrow christmas in ron and hermione’s absence is actually the first section i wrote for this chapter, and one of my favourite parts to write. it picks up this theme of ginny’s ambiguous relationship to The Trio as a unit, something i think a lot about and which i play with a bit in other writing (it comes out at a few points in orchards). i want to write a proper meta about this one day, but running thru this canon is a dynamic of ginny constantly being left out of the trio, from ‘go away ginny’ in PoA (‘oh, that’s nice!’) all the way thru DH. ginny only rarely explicitly complains about this exclusion, though it’s clear she has both noticed it and is irked by it. by the series’ end, this dynamic remains unresolved, even though ginny has become emotionally important to all three of the trio individually.
so why doesn't ginny get angrier about it? we know ginny is a stubborn person perfectly capable of sticking up for herself when being mistreated. that we would expect someone as outspoken and stubborn as she is to actually kick off many more times suggests not that ginny doesn't care, but that she has learned to actively fight her impulse to raise the issue and demand better for herself. my read is that the trio excluding her is, like harry's chosen one fate, just another thing ginny has had to (privately) be hurt by, but get her head around and accept because she recognises it’s part of a bigger picture and, by hbp, connected to a broader more serious quest that has something to do with the. (lots of hinny fics have ginny get mad at harry after the war about the break-up and for keeping her in the dark, and, sometimes, for keeping her out of the trio, but i think actually ginny is too far down the self-denying i-just-have-to-deal-with-this path to get mad without external stimulus. she hasn’t let herself be mad about this sort of thing for a long time, much as she has a right to). as a result, the ginny we see in beasts is a person who has become very self-denying, and who has spent a lot of time telling herself she shouldn’t be selfish or let her ego or pride get the better of her, and to accept certain lots in life for the greater good. would harry/ron/hermione be horrified if actually made to confront this? yes, i think so, absolutely! but they have done this to her and are yet to face the music on how they have excluded her so consistently throughout her teen years. it's a tension that absolutely still needs to be raised and resolved.
what will happen now harry knows something is up?
this chapter sees harry start to realise something's going on with ginny. he finds out ginny saw her ex, michael, about a health condition he's having that might be related to hogwarts last year, that ginny describes 'DA stuff'. luna later accidentally clues him onto the fact ginny, too, has had some mysterious health issues she hasn't raised with him, despite their near constant letter communication over the past four months (luna, your bluntness is extremely narratively convenient, thank you). ginny's blurted out question to harry - ‘you still want to stay, right?’ when finding out romione aren't spending much time at the burrow that christmas - echoes harry’s own at the start of the fic (‘you’ll write, right?’). it’s meant as the same act of a character blurting out a revealing question that speaks to a big insecurity and need they have. when harry calls her up on it before bed later that night, ginny tries to reassure him by showing him some of this mental work she’s done over the years to understand and accept what he + ron + hermione are to each other, reassuring him that she doesn’t want to intrude on that, and to go as far as to say that although he’s extremely welcome at the burrow for christmas, he doesn’t have to spend his christmas there if he’d rather be with his best mates. and what we have in harry’s response is him having to face up, for the first time, not just to the extent of ginny’s exclusion from his friend group, but how much work she has done to be at peace with her exclusion from parts of his life and particularly from his friend group which includes her own friend and brother. in her most insecure thoughts, ginny’s thinking oh god what if harry doesn’t want to be here with me as much as he does with ron and hermione; harry’s like, i’m just now realising the person lying next to me seems to think i want to leave to go hang out with my friends instead of spend christmas with her during this awful time for her family, seems to think i’m doing her a favour by staying, and seems to be hiding something from me that is connected to her own wellbeing.
what will harry's reaction be?
i will be keeping my cards reasonably close to my chest on this one, but i will say this... it was important for me to have two issues come up at the same time: harry working out ginny's keeping secrets while also finding out that she feels much more insecure about how important she is to him and how much she just wants him to be happy even at her own expense. i also wanted it to take place in a chapter that hammers home how much the weasleys, including ginny, are people grieving a great loss and struggling with it, harry a witness to ginny's attempts to hold her family together and make this time together special. of course harry's suspicious, and, likely, hurt. but he's also aware of what she and her family are going through, watching them all suffer extreme pain, and he's also just accidentally been informed of some of his own failings and shortcomings when it comes to ginny and her insecurities about her place in his life. that harry isn't immediately demanding answers and calling ginny out is a sign of him both processing dynamics years in the making, but it's also him reading the room. it would be extremely entitled to storm in and demand answers from ginny when he is seeing her and her family in such extreme distress - so instead he's keeping quiet for now, showing her wordless physical affection, and really deeping what's going on here.
harry and ginny will be facing the music very (very) soon. so far in the fic, the moments where ginny has come closest to giving the game away have been whenever harry and ginny are physically in the same place (st andrews, hogsmeade midnight field picnic). i wanted all the issues to start to come up this chapter now that harry and ginny are back together 24/7 and can't hide behind carefully chosen words in letters, and for their physical displays of intimacy and affection to start to stop working as well as strategies to paper over deeper conversations that need to be had. hence ginny waking up in harry’s bed with no nightmares after physical intimacy at the start of the chapter, but going back to the nightmares despite his proximity and physical displays of affection by the time we get to the chapter's end. their coping mechanisms are running out of road.
would harry be jealous of ginny telling michael?
harry (and ginny) are canonically a bit jealous, absolutely. but they're only really jealous when they're broken up and have more reasons to be insecure about their relationship (ginny with cho, harry with dean/krum - all are tensions that happen while they're broken up. when they're together, it's something they laugh about, eg. romilda and fleur). some of the responses to the fic (understandably) have focussed on oh my god ginny saw her ex. but i think ginny seeing her ex (which she doesn't deliberately keep from harry but realises after the fact she should tell him about, and is careful not to lie to him) is less likely to be upsetting to harry than the idea that ginny went and saw someone that she shared intense, traumatic experiences with that harry wasn’t a part of, and that, throughout DH, he’s in the dark about. that it's michael doesn't improve things, but it's the bigger context that makes the act more upsetting.
are harry and ginny doomed?
a lot of hinny critics cite various versions of the above dynamics as reasons why hinny would ultimately not make it long-term as a couple. i (obviously) disagree with that, because i believe these are two characters willing and able to make this relationship flourish and thrive. with that said, i don't think people writing harry and ginny as a pairing should ignore the existing dynamics within hinny as a relationship that would need to be unpacked and worked on as they rebuild their relationship as a foundation for a happy, healthy future together. this includes the fact that their relationship has been uneven in the level of mutual emotional support in canon, and full of cultivated omissions and silences. i'm not blaming harry (much) for this - i think harry has had, if not good reasons, then understandable reasons why, in the canon timeline, he gives ginny less emotional support than she gives him, not least because 1) he has (frankly) needed more (not to diminish ginny's post chamber trauma, but i think this is fair to say), 2) because ginny has great trouble accepting emotional support, and 3) because the arc of the later series is harry slowly accepting the role of the chosen one, deciding that he is not a normal person, and setting himself on a singular path to destruction stripped of ties to other people, even though he longs for the life of a normal person deep down. less dramatically, harry also ends the series a repressed 17 year old boy with some obliviousness issues and some growing up to do in ways that make him actually extremely typical of even emotionally healthy teenage boys (do i think every kind supportive man i now know in my late twenties was the best at emotional literacy and maturity at age 17? no no i do not. having met some of them at that time, i can you for a fact that they were, in fact, Not, and none of them were the subject of a terrible prophecy and all fought in precisely zero wars).
i believe harry wants a mutually supportive relationship with ginny. i believe him capable of having just that, and willing to do the work to build it. we know in canon he wants to build a family and instinctually practices reasonably healthy dynamics within one (in his familial relationship with sirius, it's often harry who sets the boundaries and healthy precedents). harry also often worries about ginny's wellbeing, physical and emotional, in his internal monologue, and sincerely wants to make her feel better about the awful things going on around them and that he is putting her through (see the birthday kiss scene - his instinct is to comfort her, and it's ron's rage that stops him). i'm always struck that in DH he starts to watch ginny on the map not when she might be in physical danger (eg. when she comes into contact with carrows/snape), but when she is in bed, alone with her thoughts/dreams/nightmares, and imagines himself reaching into her brain and hoping she's doing ok. in the battle he tries to reassure ginny in the thick of fighting even though he knows they are 'empty words'. across all his relationships more generally, he does show capacities for emotional awareness and generosity, consistently building loving, supportive connections with other characters throughout the series arc, and worrying particularly about the emotional state of the people he views as family (sirius chief among them).
when push comes to shove, harry potter, by the end of DH, is getting much better at knowing how to make his closest loved ones feel better. my favourite example being his perfect detonation of words and physical comfort to ron in the forest of dean - ron feels forgiven, loved and understood by harry so beautifully in that scene. i argue that he would take this hard-won work-in-progress trait and run with it when it comes to building his postwar relationship with ginny. but i think harry has a lot still to learn about how to communicate effectively, how to verbalise that concern and action it into meaningful emotional support and comfort, and at this point in beasts, he's perhaps beginning to realise how deficient he's been in this department. ginny, too, has a lot of work of her own to do. and it's my pleasure to try and figure out how they do that, and i'm grateful for the faith in me having a go at writing a version of it in this fic!
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mppmaraudergirl · 9 months
Thank you so much for emphasizing the importance of the platonic friendship between the Marauders! I have always been torn about Wolfstar because while they do make sense in a way and unlike some other ships *cough* Jegulus* there actually have been hints about them in canon. But since we know that in the 1st wizarding war Sirius and Remus were mistrusting each other, I feel like the only way they could have happened was during Hogwarts times and then had a bad break up in 7th year. But somehow I could never imagine how that could have happened without the deep, beautiful platonic relationship that defined the Marauders suffering from it. There would have been so much drama and Pete and James would have constantly been caught in the middle. Same with Jegulus. Dating a best friends sibling is always problematic, but since Sirius and Reg had such a difficult relationship already, James dating his actual brother would have ruined this found brotherhood between James and Sirius
I'm gonna try to not write an essay response to this (lol). On top of being the number one fan of platonic Marauders friendship, I really struggle to see Sirius in a relationship. I could actually get on board with post-POA Wolfstar, but the school years are hard for me because of all we see during the war.
First off, I think the relationships you grow up around have an immense impact on you as a person. So I think Sirius would not see marriage as a union of love, but one of duty, a requirement to continue the bloodline and all of the "power" that came with that. Ignoring that he'd probably reject that notion while he was rejecting everything about his birth family's lifestyle, I just don't see him having interest in it. I think partly because it was presented to him as transactional ("You will marry a girl of worthy blood status and sire an heir"), but also because we see a restless energy in Sirius and marriage would be just another thing to tie him down when he sought freedom. This is a dude who'd rather have lived in a cave eating rats than return to his childhood home even years later. He charmed a motorbike to fly. He wanted to be free to be himself, not who he was born and raised to be.
Obviously this is painting with a broad brushstroke. After all, Sirius could absolutely date without marriage as the endgame but I just don't see him simping or fawning over another person, whether that be Remus or anyone else (I think back to SWM where the girl was eying him and he couldn't give two shits about it. He was looking for James!). I consider Sirius to be aromantic or just outright uninterested in making a romantic connection. Boy really needed some counseling and healthy mentorship in his life, and while I do think he saw that with the Potter family dynamic (familial and romantic), I'm not sure at 16 that would have been enough to ready him to be anyone's partner.
Anyway. Give me all of the platonic ride-or-die Prongsfoot. The boys who'd go to the ends of the earth and back for each other. If you read my works I'm sure this comes as no surprise. And just to add: I do see how people find it compelling to work through the drama of a Wolfstar breakup or the dating best friend's brother dynamic in J*gulus, but I'm generally not sold on it and not particularly interested in it for these characters.
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arliedraws · 3 days
☕Do you think sirius would be good as a spy?
And that he is rash most of the time?
No and no.
1. Sirius could be a spy if he wanted to—all he would need to do is grovel before Bellatrix and say something about how James hurt him or something, and Bellatrix, who has a soft spot for family (*cough*Sirius*cough*), would give him “new purpose.” However, the problem is that Sirius would hate being a spy so much that he just wouldn’t make it as one. He would hate having to pretend with enthusiasm to be something he’s not. This is partially why his conviction is such a joke—nothing about Sirius’s personality suggests he would choose to be a spy. If he switched sides, he would have made it very, very clear.
2. No, Sirius isn’t rash. The only times I can think of him being rash is during PoA—but…he’s not really rash then either. His plan to enter Gryffindor Tower on Halloween was well-planned; if he had been able to enter, he would have likely been successful. His second break-in was a last-ditch effort. And ambushing the trio later would have worked if Remus hadn’t come along… (this is based on the fact that Harry would not kill Sirius in the Shack). I wrote about this ages ago, but this was actually all fairly strategic!
Actually, I can’t really think of times when he is rash. There are plenty of times where we see Hermione Granger behaving rashly more than we ever see Sirius, tbh…
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directdogman · 8 months
what was the thought process for making crown a president in the 1960s? it seems so recent in history for a world-changing event like the dialup..or were there events in actual history at that time which lined up with your ideas?
I began writing an answer to this question without considering what I was aiming to describe and wound up writing an essay much longer than this answer wound up being (I went back and checked! I went back to write this!) but I'm not a historian, just a two-bit game dev, so I rewrote this answer to be as concise as possible (while fully answering the question.) I have a tendency to ramble.
The 1960's was a weird decade. In terms of societal/cultural change, I'm not sure any one decade in American history has a greater shift. Vietnam was the first war the US fought and blatantly lost (and with significant civilian opposition during the war, something never seen before, with even wars with significant political opposition (eg Mexican-American + Spanish-American wars) still having the support of much of the American public.) The civil rights movement advanced considerably with the passing of the civil rights act of 1964 and voting rights act of 1965. The 50's had significant change too as I'll mention later, though these civil rights acts had support from congress, and from the political party that had opposed previous civil right advancement no less, leading to a gigantic voting demographics shift that has largely remained to this day.
The Cuban Missile Crisis happened, which is the closest the world has come to nuclear war, arguably. MLK and Malcolm X were both assassinated, alongside a sitting US president (in broad daylight.) When cultural leaders get shot, that's a sign that things are really heating up.
The 40's + 50's weren't actually great decades for American counterculture. The tireless work from civil rights activists during the 50's shouldn't be forgotten either ofc, with Brown vs the Board of Education, the Federal government enforcing the Supreme Court's ruling in Little Rock and the Montgomery bus boycotts, but generally, questioning American foreign policy and criticism of capitalism were treated with ruthlessness - civilians were brought before HUAC and actors theorized of having communist sympathies blacklisted by the Screen Actor's Guild (whose head was none other than a young President Ronald Reagan.)
Not only did this keep 'Unamerican' perspectives out of the American media, but America also spent an impressive amount of money on war propaganda in the 40's (with even heavy-hitters like Disney pumping out cartoons to increase public support for the war), making US patriotism very popular before the 50's, which only became further cemented with McCarthyism taking hold by the early 50's. "Under God" was added to the PoA and references to God was added onto the American dollar to further separate US culture from atheistic marxist-leninist cultures like the Soviet Union.
While the 50's saw certain socioeconomic advances, it was also a time of cultural/political regression... followed by a time of mass political unrest/revolution. Think of the 1920's compared to the 1930's, say. This kind of political shift makes for the perfect petri-dish to produce powerful demagogues.
The early 60's is a really weird time because it's perfectly cemented between the dissolution of McCarthyism and the complete reorganization of the American political establishment, including counter-cultural ideas gaining mainstream appeal. Any earlier or later, and Crown's ideas probably wouldn't have had the same momentum. If Crown had ran for office any later, he'd have stopped much sooner, imo. Part of Crown's rise was down to how much his enemies underestimated how large his movement would become and how sweeping his brand of populism would be (with even people like Norm getting swept up in it.)
TL;DR: The early 60's was the perfect period of time for a man like Crown to gain a foothold in mainstream culture without his enemies realizing just how dangerous he was to them... by 1964, they understood all too well.
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remus-poopin · 2 years
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Hey! Here is a huge master list of all my favorite Harry Potter character analyses and Metas! 
I DID NOT write these! Please do yourself a favor and check out some of the wonderful and intelligent writers of these metas as they deserve all the praise for their hard and impressive work!
If anyone of the writers for whatever reason wants me to remove their meta from this list just tell me and it will be done!  
Some of these may be contradictory to each other but that is because I like to hear other interpretations. These may not line up exactly with your view of the characters (not all of them line up with mine) but please try to be respectful.
*Almost all of these are from Tumblr except one from reddit and one from a outside blog.
General analysis/meta/thoughts:
Gentleman Monster: How Remus’s Marginalization and Comparative Privilege Made Who He Is
The Marauders Map scene in POA: Verbal Fencing Between Snape and Lupin
Prisoner of Azkaban: When Hostility Meets Passive Aggression
Remus Lupin: in depth analysis
“And I haven’t changed...”
Lupin as a manipulator
Remus would rather categorize himself with his oppressor than validate his own experiences.
Harry, Snape and Lupin: morality and “the greater good”
Lupin and his failure to think ahead - the boggart scene
Remus Lupin: ENFJ
Remus lupin: Repentance vs Regret
Lupin and Language
Remus And His Use of Language + Sirius' Dark Humor
Lupin and his use of pauses and “ers”
Lupin and language - “glimpse”
Neither Likes Not Dislikes Severus…
Lupin appreciation: How he speaks
Debunking Fanon:
Fanon vs. Canon: Remus Lupin Edition (reddit)
Harry and Remus’ dynamic
Snape and Lupin parallels
The Great Pretenders: Remus and Regulus
Nearly Always Right: Remus and Harry
Remus and what his friendships represent
Power game that goes on between Lupin and Snape in POA
Lovable Except for that Terrible Period: The Upbringing of Remus Lupin
Theories and headcanons:
Remus’ “unmistakable signs of trying to live among wizards”
Remus did a lot of “growing up” during the lost years
If Lupin and Tonks had survived the battle?
Lupin isn't the middle ground in Mrs Weasley vs Sirius argument
Remus with his own special brand of comforting logic
Lupin and how he presents in front of others
Remus Lupin is so detached from things
Remus Lupin at his most dangerous
Lupin lying to himself and others
Lupin is a gold standard for for the male manipulator trope
Bonus thoughts on werewolves as sexual predators, and Lupins' response to this.
General analysis/meta/thoughts:
Part one: Sirius and the shadow of being a Black.
Part two: Sirius Black: the victim of the system he was born to rule
Grimmauld Place: Azkaban by a different name
Sirius Black and Complex trauma
Sirius's core need for family
Sirius's views on Death-Eaters: The world isn't split into good people and Death-eaters.
Padfoot and the Liminal Space
Arrested Development – Sirius, Snape, Obsessions and Blind Spots
Sirius Black, Mental Health and Masculinity
Part one
Part two
Part three
Part four
Debunking Fanon:
Sirius is not as explosive as he is often characterized.
Sirius was not an immature man -child
Sirius is both emotionally and academically intelligent
Someone Like A Parent: The Beginning of Bond in POA
Padfoot and Prongs: an analysis of the friendship
Why Sirius hated Snape so much
Sirius and Walburga: the passive-aggressive Sticking Charm
Sirius and Walburga's similarities
Regulus and Sirius's relationship
Sirius and Lily
Sirius and Orion Black
Sirius and Regulus’s relationship is Kreacher
Snape parallels:
The Hogwarts Express scene in Prince’s Tale: A Sirius and Snape analysis
Sirius and Snape as foils
Sirius and Snape both want to be part of a world that they will never truly understand.
Snape, Sirius, and revenge 
Sirius and Snape parallels: rule breaking
More Snape and Sirius parallels
Sirius/Snape parallels - Gender coding
Sirius’ sense of humor
Shame of My Flesh: Reading into Sirius’ Thoughts on Crouch Family
Sirius and Molly Argument in OOTP
James, Sirius and Snape: privilege and intelligence
General analysis/meta/thoughts:
Ashes’ thoughts on James
“the marauders’ is essentially just three people wanting to be James’ best friend but only one of them actually achieving it”
Too Deep for the Healing
Debunking Fanon:
“golden retriever” James Potter
James and Sirius had the best friendship in the story
Mine!: James Potter and Regulus Black
James Didn’t Suspect Remus - First War edition
Theories and headcanons:
How does growing up with elderly parents affect James’s personality?
James inner sense of nobility prevents him from killing
General analysis/meta/thoughts:
Peter Pettigrew is emotionally intelligent and uses it in a strategic manner.
Peter is a Beautiful Scum Bag
Where is the Loyalty? Regulus and Peter
Peter and Remus
Theories and headcanons:
Peter Pettigrew and the Werewolf Incident (Not as Much of a Key Event for Him)
General analysis/meta/thoughts:
Reading Marauders Dynamics in SWM
An Analysis of the Snape’s Worst Memory Pensieve scene
SWM occurring after The Prank is neither a plot hole nor inconsistent
The rifts that made it possible for the Marauders to fall apart were evident even as far back as Hogwarts.
Fallout of the “prank”
Debunking Fanon:
J/S vs F/G: different types of troublemakers
The marauders individual relationships
Remus with Sirius and James?
Lupin within the marauder dynamic
The marauders recklessness
General analysis/meta/thoughts:
Lily and Altruism
Lily and insecurity
Slughorn’s favorite student
Lily’s weakness is her fondness for being the exception
Debunking Fanon:
Lily’s cold anger
Lily as a friend
Interpretation of Lily’s blush
Lily Evans’ letter to Sirius Black
Lily Evans is attracted to James Potter in Snape's Worst Memory.
Lily intended to break off her friendship with Severus before SWM
Harry’s relationship to the Prince as a blueprint for Lily’s friendship with Snape
Lily’s feelings for Snape are more complex than fandom gives them credit for.
Lily and her friendships
Lily never hated Petunia
What’s Up with Petunia’s Resentment of Lily?
Theories and headcanons:
Mulciber, Mary Macdonald and why Lily almost smiled in Snape’s Worst Memory
Lily is blind to the flaws of people she admires/loves unless it explodes in her face.
General analysis/meta/thoughts:
Snape and the importance of his memories
Snape and Class
How Dumbledore’s death speaks to Snape’s moral evolution
Snape: class and power
Two up, two down
Spinner's End (white hound)
Why does Spinners End matter?
Snape, Lupin and the trolley problem
a matter of perspective
Snape and wizarding privilege?
Snape as a guardian
Debunking Fanon:
James and Snape were rivals? Nah.
Snape was not upset over the lost of the order of merlin
Snape doesn't want revenge
Snape and textbooks
Obsession or Love?
Lily and Sev
“Lily Potter’s Son”
Feminist reading of lily/James/snape
Snape and lily’s shared spirit
The extremely dysfunctional friendship of Snape and Lily
Dumbledore, Snape and the werewolf incident.
Snape was his own man
Snape and Lupin
Theories and headcanons:
Snape and the Order confrontation of the Dursley's
Snape and the prince nickname
“Said Snape”
Snape as a “bad victim”
Snape, tropes, and classic English literature
On Rage and Kindness
Snape’s use of language
Severus Snape or the Importance of Body Language
Snape being female coded
Snape had to practice being a person
Snape and queer coding
Snape loving the “goodness in lily”
Snape was really traumatized by SWM
General analysis/meta/thoughts:
Reconciling Kindness and Callousness: A Discussion on Hermione and Emotions
A Discussion on Hermione and Leadership
Hermione was born a leader and diplomat
Hermione “character growth” with SPEW
Debunking Fanon:
Hermione IS soft
Mr. and Mrs. Wilkins: A Closer Look into Hermione’s Modification of Her Parents’ Memories
Harry and Hermione understand each other
Harry is in awe of Hermione
Theories and headcanons:
Hermione wouldn't like fiction
Cool Hermione Things: Magic Under Pressure
Hermione and internalized misogyny
Hermione can be very ruthless
Book Hermione
On Grandness: A Hermione Granger Appreciation Post
General analysis/meta/thoughts:
Deconstructing Harry: The boy we meet in Philosopher’s Stone to the man in Deathly Hallows
The Resurrection Stone Scene: Culmination Of Harry’s Emotional Arc
The Dementors and Harry's Complex grief
Harry’s inherent tendency towards fairness
Harry, Hermione and the prince
'Be brave like my mother, Professor'
The Lightning-Struck Tower: “It is My Mercy, Not Yours That Matters Now”
Harry And Personal Conflict: A Meta On Evolving Dynamic With Ron and Hermione
Harry identified with and reluctantly admired Snape even before ‘The Prince’s Tale’
Harry and Hermione in The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore
Harry and The Dursleys: Examining His Response to his Abusers
Harry-Hermione Friendship
On Harry and the adults in his life
The Mirthless Laugh: Sirius and Harry
Harry and Tom: Parents, Love and Death
A Cold Blooded Walk to Destruction: The Deaths of Harry and Dumbledore
Harry and the Dursleys: (Companion Piece to Deconstructing Harry)
Harry's intuitive, empathy related approach to morality
Harry and intellectual curiosity
The Potters and class
Harry and masculinity
Harry’s quirks
General analysis/meta/thoughts:
I Have Seen Your Heart: Exploring Ron's arc through the Mirror of Erised and the Locket
Ron isn't a strategist, he's the heart
Debunking Fanon:
Ron’s humor and emotional intelligence
Harry and Ron’s friendship
Ron and the Horcrux: An Alternate Reading
General analysis/meta/thoughts:
Gender Dynamics in the Trio, Part One: Gender and Subordination
Debunking Fanon:
Hermione and Ron don't blindly trust harry
Harry and Hermione: Balancing Acts, Effort, and Compromise
General analysis/meta/thoughts:
“Lucky you”
On the veil
Does gender plays a role in Harry and Ginny’s respective interactions with Voldemort?
Ginny and dean
Ginny and Neville during DH
Did the Weasley’s know about Harry and Ginny?
Ginny, the diary, and her family’s reaction
Ginny and Luna's Relationship
Harry’s thoughts of Ginny in the Forest
Harry and Ginny's shared experience of going to their deaths
Harry and Ginny at Shell Cottage
Ginny and writing failures
Ginny is a chad
General analysis/meta/thoughts:
Weasley siblings reacting to the expectations put upon them
Percy Weasley and the Gryffindor narrative
Percy fell through a big crack
Debunking Fanon:
Percy actually wasn’t Molly’s favorite
Weasley Family Dynamics as a quidditch team
Percy with F&G and Bill
Percy, Fred, and George
Ginny and Molly
The relationship between Percy & Arthur
Percy and Arthur were close without actually knowing each other's true selves
The Weasleys Aren’t Evil, Or Anything, But They’re Not Saints Either
Dumbledore as a Mentor
Dumbledore and Reflections of Himself
Albus Dumbledore is not only respected and feared, but also loved
Albus Dumbledore Has Done Great, Generous, Things for People (Though He Also Uses These People as Pawns Later)
The Blacks:
Walburga Black: the madwoman in the attic
General Thoughts on the Black Family
Bellatrix: Mental health and the feminist lens
The Black family and pureblood ideology
The Blacks are a family in decline
Regulus: unrepentant bigot
The Blacks family system is abusive
The Malfoys:
Draco & Blaise: frenemies, not friends
“This is Crabbe and this is Goyle”: friends on last name basis?
“all draco wanted was to be loved” debunked
“Said Malfoy”
Draco and Lucius are the magical equivalent of Dudley and Vernon?
Tom Riddle:
The Abandoned Boy And His Problematic Fathers: Snape with Voldemort & Dumbledore
Trevor and Neville’s Boggart
Neville’s Boggart
The Dursleys:
Petunia: “it does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live”
Pansy, the girly mean girl
Wizarding World Magic:
HP magic system
What the Patronus charm represents 
The Importance of Soul in HP verse
Wizarding World Politics:
Wizarding UK and democracy
Wizarding World Culture:
Chamber of Secrets- an insight into intersecting identities.
Why the Wizarding World Didn’t Oppose Voldemort
House Elves Are Slaves
The Wizarding World and Its Profound Ignorance of Muggles
A History of Magic Brought to You By The Carnivorous Muffin
The Wizarding World Lacks a Key Understanding of Magic
Hogwarts School Uniform
Hogwarts Houses by Muffin
How Old is the Bias Against Slytherin?
No, Really, the Hogwarts Houses Are Awful
The Order of the Phoenix is a Useless Joke
Wandlore: Remus, Slughorn, and Lily
Harry Potter as a colonial fantasy
Death as one of HP’s themes
The “not like other girls” syndrome in the Harry Potter books.
HP series being ‘ethically mean spirited’
Marauders era and the 70s aesthetic?  
JKR and chirstianity
Harry potter series and how american readers can understand classism a little better
Slytherin and Eton: A Primer on the British School System.
JKR’s absolutist way of seeing the world: gryffindor and slytherin
Hogwarts teachers and our modern muggle lens
Questioning the marauders map and the narrative surrounding it
Interesting debates/conversations/thought experiments/ideas:
If Harry had told Ron and Hermione about Snape's Worst Memory?
Bellatrix and feminism?
Snape and Stalking?
Best DADA teacher?
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