#how did you update the wiki already?????????
orions-garden · 18 days
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Damn you guys are fast
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duckprintspress · 21 days
Fandom 101: Getting Started on Fanlore.org
Not long ago, we at Duck Prints Press decided that we’d like the Press to have a page on Fanlore. To accomplish that, Press contributor Shea Sullivan made an account and figured out the nuts and bolts on how to add pages to Fanlore. Turns out, it’s not very hard, and now in this guest blog post, Shea will teach y’all how to do it too!
Making Your First Fanlore Page!
Hello! I am an editor on Fanlore as of a few days ago. Before that, I’d worked with mediawiki (the open source platform Fanlore uses) for unrelated projects, so I had a general understanding of how things worked, but no idea how Fanlore preferred their pages to be formatted or organized or linked.
This is how I got started!
First: What is Fanlore and Why Should You Care?
Fanlore is a wiki specifically dedicated to the fandom experience. It’s not for canon info about a specific fandom; rather, it’s for information about how fans interact with media and each other. Fanlore is run by the OTW, the same organization that brings us our beloved AO3. This context helped me in understanding the focus of Fanlore. It’s about fandom: the ups, the downs, the trends, the drama…all the things that can get lost forever when sites disappear or there’s a purge. And that said…well, you may still not care. But if you do, read on!
Second: You Care. Now What?
(read more)
Get an account. Right now. It’s worth getting the account, because you won’t be able to create new pages for a few hours. So, get the account first, figure out what to do with it later.
Go to fanlore.org and click on “Create Account” in the upper right-hand corner:
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Third: You Have the Power (Soon)!
Read up! No need to invent the wheel in this post – they’ve got some great resources for getting started already written on their webpage.
Fanlore Getting Started Page
General Help Pages on Fanlore
Four hours after you create your account, you can create pages! Congrats! There are a ton of help pages out there, but the questions I had initially were:
How do I make sure this page doesn’t exist already?
Search. Search for the page. Search for key phrases associated with the page. A page name is a fiddly thing, so search for significant phrases in a few different ways before you determine it doesn’t exist. Always make sure you check before you set out to create page!
How do I add this page?
If it’s not there, you’ll see it come up in red when you search. Type the page name you want to create in the search bar. Click “Search” to get all the results, and then click on that red link.
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How do I format this page?
You now have an empty page. When I was getting started, my big question was: what should my page look like? Well, Fanlore has templates that can help with that! The templates are in a markup language, but do not fear! Copy and paste the template (everything in the blue box on the template page, typically starting with curly braces), make some updates, and click “Preview.” You can repeat those steps indefinitely until you get the hang of the markup. There’s also a ton of information on the Fanlore.org cheatsheet. (If you’re still confused, keep reading, there’s more specifics under the infobox section.)
Once you have the page created and published, you can edit it without the markup language if you prefer – there’s “Edit,” which gives you a non-code-based option, and an “Edit Source” button, which gives you the code-based option.
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If your proposed page topic doesn’t have an official template created for that topic, you can look up similar pages and see how they’re structured.  If you’re not sure how they managed to make something look a certain way, click the “Edit Source” button and look at the code there to get a sense of what they did. Be sure to cancel out of the edit when you’re done so you don’t make unintentional changes to someone else’s page! Some pages are locked down (like the template pages) so you can’t make edits, but most “normal” pages will have those links at the top so you can dig in and see what’s there and how the people who wrote that page made it look the way it does.
How do I add an infobox?
Those infoboxes on the right of a lot of pages give a quick overview of important information. These are templates, and you can find a list of available infobox templates here.
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The templates, when you click into them, have a heading and some info that you can fill in. You can’t remove items from the template without making a new template, which I don’t recommend trying when you’re getting started. Use the template, fill in the information, and mark “N/A” if you don’t have information to insert in a specific field. A sample template for an infobox looks like this, and you fill in information after each “equals” sign. You can add a list, and you can add links to these after the equals sign using the markup for internal and external links on the Cheatsheet.
{{FanProfile |name=  |alias(es)= |type= |fandoms= |communities= |other= |url= }}
If you’re still confused, let’s go to Astolat’s fan page and click “Edit Source” and see how the infobox looks behind the scenes:
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See how everything that was in the original template is still there, there’s just a list of information after the equals sign?
And here’s how it looks formatted:
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How do I categorize this page?
Categories are important because they help Fanlore’s back-end coding group pages together so people can find the page you’ve created and so the page is in the right place in the site map. If you can’t figure it out, though, don’t worry, there are people who will find it and take care of it!
If you have an infobox from a template, this is taken care of. 
If you didn’t use an infobox template, you can add a Category to index the page.
Finding a Category can be a little overwhelming. If you have an example page (another page that contains the same type of content as yours), you can scroll to the bottom of that page and see what Category has been assigned to it. You can add that Category to your page by editing the source and adding that category into your page at the bottom with 2 square brackets, like this: [[Category:YourCategory]]
Use “Preview” to make sure you set it up correctly before saving the page.
If you need to find a category and can’t find a good example page, I recommend going to the sitemap, finding what fits your article the best, and clicking into it. Categories are set up in hierarchies, so click through until you find the Category and Subcategory that fits best.
Add it at the very bottom of the page, and it should show up when you preview, at the very bottom of the page.
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How do I add those nifty citation references[1]?
Review theFanlore page on citation formatting for details. The basics are:
Add a blank References heading at the bottom of the page.
Add tags and include the source information.
What is the difference between a citation and an external link? Good question! I don’t know for sure, but the way I’ve been using it, if I make a statement about a thing and I want to direct you to the “proof” (article, webpage, etc), I will use a citation. If there is a thing I’m linking to because it is relevant but not as proof of what I’m saying on the wiki, I will add it as an external link.
Fourth: Don’t Worry
You’ll find there are a lot of instances when you might not be sure what the “right” way is to do whatever it is you’re trying to do. Don’t let that stop you! Do a little research, do your best, and be okay with a learning curve.
The thing about wiki editing in general, and this includes Fanlore, is that it’s a community project, and everyone is doing their best. It’s worthwhile to think about trying to make your pages consistent with other pages where you can, because it will help people who are trying to find what you’re providing. So, poke around similar pages first and look for common trends in how they’re organized, and mimic that for your own page.
All that said, there is very little hierarchy in editors and few rules set in stone. It’s a community site put together by volunteers. You may find that you’ve labeled, referenced, cited, categorized, etc, a page incorrectly, or that you added a page that was already there under another name, or you may have put in a canon page when that’s really not what Fanlore is for. No problem! A page can be reverted to a previous version. It can be removed by a “Gardener” (higher-level editor), or edited by someone else who is more familiar with the inner wiki workings, or you can even tweak it yourself when you learn a better ways to code the page. 
There is always a path forward, so get in there and get started!
Happy creating, happy fandom, and welcome!
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kingdoms-and-empires · 6 months
Kingdoms and Empires Wiki Drop!
Sup guys, im releasing what i have done in the wiki today! In this post im only going to talk about the Wiki because I dont want to create an even more massive wall of text here than it already is. Please see the entire post on the forums thread!!! I solidified the lore (which means no more massive changes), set the foundations to the story (so i dont end up writing a shit ton and having to fucking rewrite everything anymore), and pretty much rewrote the canon lore until i reached a point where i literally cannot share it because itd be spoilers without the future rewrite (regarding the worldbuilding, all introduced characters and such are still the same, some just had minor tweeks, so nothing crazy like changing our old bodyguard Mary:
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and turning her into our childhood friend lmao So the plan now is current wiki drop. A good amount of it will be hidden since alot of it is spoilers, so you get 39,174 thousand words of unlocked content out of about 50k words in the wiki. And that's without me transferring 90% of the Codex ingame to the wiki, so its ALL (okay like 85%) new words of content and lore! Dont worry, im dropping literally all extra work and focusing purely on playable updates now until i regain your guy's trust in me after being so radio silent.
I also know and recognize that this has gotta be annoying asf since what you guys really want is updates but after what happened with the Total War franchise (my beloved) and their lightning fast content pipeline and lack of upgrading their engine ended up destroying the health of the company and ruining fans trust in em, id rather invest on the long term than short term unlike them (meaning id rather have a set story, narrative line complete, and research resources so that i can use that to run wild in writing).
I made a history of the world as known to them, so much of it is subject to embellishment, lies, and "the victor writes history" trope.
Historia Mundis
If you'd rather just have the list of articles that can be found within the timeline though, here it is: The Great Disturbances, Wars of Unification, and the Longwei Empire
Reign of the Daishu Dynasty
Ecumenical Dominion and the Flight of the Belthean People.
Belthean Migrations
Reign of Emperor Garland
Reign of Emperor Daerin I
Reign of Emperor Valerion
Reign of Emperor Elric I
Reign of Emperor Cenric
Reign of Emperor Saldwin
Reign of Emperor Elric II
Reign of Emperor Daerin II
The Interactive Outdated Map Yeahhh almost as soon as i published the map for the patreons it became outdated lmaoooo Nareth is much bigger than originally imagined, Argent is surrounded by mountain and forest tribes (think Hispania’s Lusitanian Wars or the Germanic Tribes type of vibe). The empire (being Imperial Chinese and Persian Empire inspired) also is surrounded by the these tribes, and the Imperial Province of Lymark is now the “Protectorate of the Western Regions” which basically means theyre the watchdogs of Western Nareth. Its funny because theyre also across the St. Hytera River, which is much like the Danube River, and will inevitably face the same issues Rome did with Dacia when they had a presence that extended the natural borders.
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Master List of Articles
The Evolution of Belthean Civilization
Veldora Duchy I may have gone too far here. I regret nothing and learning about agriculture and stuff was awesome.
Silverhill Duchy Mining is alot more complicated than I thought, though Engineering MC is gonna have equally alot to improve!
Imperial Ranks The ranks will have importance. I know that sounds weird, but I did not spend an afternoon writing this just for the lulz.
Imperial Crown Heir
Imperial Prince and Princess
Imperial Duke/Duchess
Imperial Count/Countess
The Imperial Landed Knight
The Belthean Empire The biggest entry from the ingame Codex that I transferred over and polished. This should give you a hint of how ill do the other kingdoms in the future for their article.
Kin of Arava I experimented here and instead of making an actual article, made it a class lecture of a series of days focusing on the Kin with a racist professor lmao
Zera Arava So i had to do this in intervals as I was writing and plotting out his side stories. Honestly hope i did the homie justice, he's a fav of mine, though i think each of the ROs will be favs as I write more and more about them.
Sacred Dance I assure you the Sacred Dance isnt what you think it is.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Patreons, you guys already read the below list. However ive cleaned the articles up and polished them! The Genesis of the Belthean Empire: From Invasion to Unification
Voryn Resdayn I wanted to see how i could make a character entry. It looks awesome, but holy fuck do they take time to create lmaooo, ill make the rest of them in the future.
Kin of Arava
Eastern Kin The descendants of Kin and Beltheans who mixed, that are settled within the empire.
House Resdayn Wanted to see how I could do the houses, still unsure (okay i dont like it) of how it came out. Hence why I started with a minor house that one of the RO's belonged to.
The Astute Emperor and the Imperial Provincial Rule: A Revolutionary Shift in Governance
Master-Scholars of Jelaytha The Jelaythan organization of scholars that Master Feren is from.
Post-Unification Transformations in the Belthean Empire: Trade, Economy, Industry, and Immigration in the Wake of Conquest
Imperial Historians Obviously the imperial faction that wants to get their hands on tutoring you lmao.
Universitas Magistrorum et Scholarium The Jelaythan/Imperial organization at the forefront of the intellectual international community.
Tripartite Alliance Read what the empire is teaching their citizens about how they conquered the alliance.
The Satrap System and Imperial Provincial Rule
The Great Racist of the Academy: Imperial Historian Acillus Cinna
The Sword Saint
Master-Scholar Kaleb
The Gleaming Horizon: Silverhill's Maritime Supremacy The book of a writer who we'll meet ingame. Youll decide whether or not to bully him as a 12 year old lmao.
Baniel Worthton The author of above said book. He even wrote about himself. Yes, it's supposed to be an ick.
The Ulrich Cothon The second book of his that'll feature in the game.
So…I guess in basketball or futbol terms… rebuilding phase is over, and i got all the players i need for a championship run!
It was an almost year long rebuilding phase, true, but omg it was so needed.
Plus I also learned alot of fucking coding at the same time lmao. Basically a lot of tweaking around with Choicescript and knowing how to code some actions. Also there's CoG implementing a new checkpoint system so thank fuck for that because this game's gonna be huge and id hate to play it without a save system.
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saltysplayt00ns · 6 months
Home. PG 820 - Oh boy here we go
I don't think audience realize how serious the latest page is of Home comic without the dopamine clouding them about more puppies/kittens. I will update on this when this now added plot if shown more through the public viewing. So we got a " golden lioness" WRONG despite the Wiki stating the lion was actually golden we have instead ANOTHER black colored character with Pixie dust. No it's not speculated or perceived, it is stated that the Lioness IS golden. So either Kique forgot, wanted to do an april fools joke in the middle of October or he really is just lazy that he can't even look up a simple Google search of " Golden Lions/Lionesses"
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So We got an entity that only aids the Feline kind and not Canids, This means the deity will not associate with other dogs' prayers of any kind but will for the Felidae kind. It is the reason why they’ve received the bow & arrows. To protect their people from said canines, and from the track record I would not be surprised if she is vengeful and possibly judgmental of them.
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This character already is an OP character ( OP = overpowering ), one with no flaws or buffers to compete with her powers except she will ghost canids. She can easily destroy the canines by giving the cats the upper and, and be the top of the food chain, she can easily kill a canine if a feline prays for it, cause havoc and whatnot...you see what I am getting here?? heck she can do it without the people's prayers cause she literally just did it twice. The reason why I stated this?? This is because, on the Latest Home page, Feaf is now bearing a Hybrid from fornicating with Rhovanion instead of aiding Ronja and the tribe. Her having kids isn’t wrong?? But it is unnecessary and irrelevant to the story ( I will get to that in a bit ), it's the fact the Deity did it WITHOUT CONSENT. 
Everyone with a brain knows what consent is, even kids, elders, writers, etc. learned to ask something for permission of approval or business with contracts,  which is a form of consent. An agreement upon something to happen or commence, The lioness is already trying to ‘ bless’ the pregnancy without even talking to them in a dream or privately to the Taiga.
We have seen Horror media content and writing of this trope and people forcing others to child bear without their knowledge or even up to know about it. That is nightmare fuel. Whose to say The lioness just gives other inter-species couples children without their whereabouts, and not solely on a Male dog with a female cat but a MALE cat and female dog can end up in the same fate cause there is a cat in the mix to bless their spouse to bear. Like seriously people instead of them working their differences and hurdles, they easily got the situation handled in under 1-3 pages like every conflict kique tries to put in his comic. -----
Now on the pregnancy aspect, Feaf becoming pregnant is very irrelevant to the plot of Home. Now Home doesn’t really have a plot after Rogio was saved, it's just broken pieces stitched together and being overinflated with unfinished, reoccurring, and new plot lines. Feaf should NOT be having children for;
1. Feaf and Rhov are two different species.
2. Feaf and Rhovanion barely got the time to get to know each other and grow but now we have this osmosis litter on the way.
3. Rhov and Feaf have not shown them to be good parents to rear as we didn’t have screen time for them to show it. At least Kainen and Raela from Asmundr proved to be good parental figures and individuals. Rhovanion so far had lied, stayed complacent despite having free reign to search for his family, and tried to get one of the guild members in trouble and/or fired for sneaking off and is very inconsiderate more so forgotten what his tasks were. Feaf has so far been gaslighted 3 times when Rhov stated time and time again that he was leaving to find his family and mate, is also forgetful and inconsiderate of her tasks and if given is willing to do anything Rhovanion asks or initiates to her.
4. There are 4 wars happening in Home so far; Southspear x The Capitol, Ranach x Meteor, Ranach x The Capitol, and Rohgir.
5.  The deity is being rather inconsiderate and unfair, since Raimo and Zaharia were already an interspecies couple who lost their Son. If the golden lioness was that powerful they should have revived Zilas or led to a spirit that can do it. Rogio did it for Kargo despite his body being burned…. Why not Zilas???
6.  Kique is only doing this to have a reason for  Rhovanion and Feaf to stay in one spot instead of going to Ronja or Jahla. It's also obviouse he doesn't know what to do with Feaf or Rhov except be parents, when they could...oh - I don't know, GO AND SAVE RONJA FROM THE RAID WITH ASMUNDR!!!!
7. The author is out of ideas and boredom while also trying to bring more audiences. ------
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If you stated “ WelL FEaf GrAB tHe FeATher sO ShE CoNSenTEd “ if that’s the case it is STILL wrong for the spirit basically deceive Feaf to grab the feather and not know the consequences, again they did not disclose that to Feaf. Rhov and Feaf probably didn’t even know what it meant and Rhovanion is not one to dabble on cultural deity knowledge.
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If Feaf did know about it, then it’s scummy on her cause she just hid something important that Rhov should definitely know about. Kids and pregnancy should not be a tool/leverage to keep someone from leaving you. " MaYbE thEy WAntEd iT” WHERE IS IT!!!, WHERE’S THE PROOF!?. You can’t have this left field and expect people to accept it and not be confused. No where has Feaf nor Rhov had discussed nor thought about having kids. THEY BOTH AGREED TO JOIN THE GUILD. which states they can not have mates nor children ( although the guild rules are just bluntly stupid ) so they already knew from start of that and didn't express concerns...especially Rhov who is the one to question stuff. At this point the deities and spirits in Home are a parody and NOT taking seriously of moral, consequences and the dangers. The characters are literally heavily plot armored and the beings are second thought of a joke in worldbuilding.
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myfriendskickass · 5 months
PSA: The game does not give you enough keys to unlock every single unlockable pattern.
I feel like the community needs to see this as much as possible because I don't want people to end up wasting keys like I, and many others did. Basically, NPCs only give you a max of 50 keys per npc. I learned this for sure with the 1.2.0 update yesterday/today, that gives us the Muse Notebook feature.
Information about this is on the Japanese Wiki, here (click the plus, it brings you to a blurb about how keys work)
According to their calculations, it takes roughly around 20,000ish keys to unlock everything. The problem is that the game only gives you around 12,000ish altogether, meaning you can't unlock everything.
In addition to this, I managed to speedrun the event before it got postponed, and the event only gives you enough keys to unlock the event specific items. This means that if you are hoping to get more keys from events, you have to choose between the event items and base game items. This also means that if you can't get online for whatever reason, you are always going to be missing out on some content because unlocking everything is not possible.
So use your keys wisely, folks! Stockpile them as much as you can and don't spend willy nilly. And if you've ran out already, or wasted a lot of keys not knowing any better, you aren't alone, unfortunately. I really wish this was information the game told you from the start. For new players especially, or people who don't own the game yet, this is vital information.
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alaskaartz · 6 months
Silk Song RAMBLE.
I have a really hard time containing my excitement so
SPOILERS FOR SILKSONG! do not read anymore of this if you want to go into silksong spoiler free!
OK BUT LIKE- The updated HK wiki was a thing today and I went and looked at the silksong part of it. and OH MY GOD- I know most of these things already but everything about silksong makes me just so excited- silksong has a lot of things that I love and adore already and team cherry really just picked up everything I love and put it into one game, which makes me literally wanna jump around my room cuz I'm so happy
Ok rambling about things now
Up first moss grotto:
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THIS PLACE MAKES ME SO HAPPY. I love moss, and I love lily pads. I love EVERYTHING about this place! I love the atmosphere of it and the feeling it gives off. It feels very comforting in an odd way, with all the moss and plants mixed with what I assume to be bones makes a really comforting place. The enemies shown here are also really really cute, I just wanna hug them, they look like they'd be soft. Something about moss grotto makes it seem like the perfect place to come sit and stay if you needed some alone time, I know that sounds weird but it's the best way I can describe it- Random but in the nintendo treehouse live from forever ago you could see the shell shards ROLL on the ground! and when Hornet walks on the moss it actually looks like she's walking on it! I bring this up because of how cool but more, real feeling? It makes everything feel. The fact that the currency and the shell shards roll on the ground gives it more gravity and just- overall a very cool feel to what it would be like to, idk, hold it? Geo in Hollow Knight kinda bounces around so it's like, not as realistic idk man- Another thing is Hornet, she seems to have more gravity to her, she can't jump as high or walk/run as fast as the knight did making her almost feel, heavier. She seems like she's much heavier than Ghost was
Next up, Deep docks: (the second one is my PC's wallpaper lol)
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Deep docks feels very, hot, for obvious reason. Something about deep docks aesthetic is just SO COOL. I'm writing this part from memory of the treehouse live so if I'm wrong about stuff, sorry I love the rocks and bones in Deep docks, actually I love the amount of bones in most of the screenshots and trailer things I've seen- so cool, but also in deep docks it's really cool to see the bones, rocks, magma, and machinery all mixed together I really love Lace's arena, if you look in the background you can see some moss vines (?) hanging down so that makes me think It's really close to moss grotto, but it also gives her arena a more of an overgrown feel, which is really nice ALSO CAN WE TALK ABOUT LACE'S CRAZY AIR ATTACK?? That attack is probably my favorite out of all her moves, the way she comes back down to the ground and shakes the whole place is SO COOL- she's definitely gonna be a hard boss for me to beat but DAMN she's gonna be a fun boss Also the fact that Hornet and Lace are just fighting above flowing magma like it's nothing is badass The Citadel:
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HOLY SHIT?? THERE'S SO MUCH I CAN TALK ABOUT WITH THIS ONE SCREENSHOT. The way the floor is makes the room feel very omen and very big. The room also feels old, and dusty- What seems to be torn cloths and curtains around the place makes it seem like that place has been there for a very long time. I assume and guess the Citadel is doing to play a very big and important role in the story of this game, and in the lore of Pharloom. Idk who this warrior is but he seems cool, two swords and everything. There isn't much footage of the Citadel at all which makes me a little upset because this place seems just so, so grand, so big, so IMPORTANT. I also don't know why but the colors make it feel royal. This- Place:
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I'd live here, saying that right now, I'd live here. I'd find a cozy little bell to live in and stay there forever. I know the guy to the right of Hornet is singing so maybe this is a safe space in Pharloom? I would think it to be like how dirtmouth is, shops but also a calm place to be after fighting for your life for the millionth time. It's really cool how bells have been turned into homes, It's a really cool touch to this place and it makes it feel really cozy. I think the bell homes would be hanging from the ceiling, cavern roof, whatever you wanna call it- And the bug either fly or climb ladders to get into the bell houses! This place just radiates safe, and homey- once again, I will find a bell and make it my home.
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Not much to say about it because I know so little about it, but the fact that Hornet is fighting what I assume is I giant robot bug? omg, Also it looks like it's rusting so is it not affected by the magma but affected by something else? Or is that just weird red plants, Idk
Coral Place:
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THERE. ARE. FISH. This place feeds my internal love of pirates, and anything ocean. The coral looks so alive and this place seems like it's gonna have cool stuff in it
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PLEASE TELL ME THIS GUYS IS A PIRATE OR SOMETHING- He looks like a pirate, I'm not the only one who think that right? Like, a knight pirate This arena feels very small and, humid. Probably because it is either underwater or close to water. it seems really misty in there. The fact that the lanterns are held with coral, vine, things is so cool- Also there's pipes in the background! Maybe those are connected to something? I'm not trying to theorize everything I just think the possibilities are cool- I'mma call this the swamp place:
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This looks like a swamp, what kind? an eerie one. It almost looks like there's ash in the air! Also the vine things in the back? so cool, the more faded they get makes this area feel very misty or foggy, which gives it a feeling of, idk, eeriness? spooky? The guy here looks like he's using a fishing pole as a weapon- which makes sense given the amount of water. The grass and, I forgot what those are called. SWAMP REEDS- are really big so it makes this place feel WAY bigger, or hornet way smaller. Not sure but I can't wait to explore this place and Probably get lost along the way.
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I don't know what this place is, what it's for, but it feels almost steampunk so that's an automatic love from me. Also love these little flying guys, they're really cute and yeah- The gears are also super cool! It almost looks like she's inside a clock :0 This place feels warm but not, dry or humid. Just warm, a comfy warm
This section is just stuff I wanna ramble about/add so:
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Cutely going insane over the fact that this place is probably a Giant rib cage
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THIS PLACE. IDK WHAT IT IS OR WHAT IT'LL DO BUT I LOVE IT. JUST LOOK AT THAT BACKGROUND- Like, the 'sky' looks blue. ARE WE OUTSIDE? omg- I also love all the building in the back I just OMGOMG- It also looks like there's giant pipes, maybe it's close to the Citadel? Idk but this place makes me feel so happy I just wanna stare at it, I WANNA EXPLORE-
If you've made it this far thanks- This was the only place I could actually let out my excitement over a game that's not even out yet so- yeah- If you have any questions about stuff I rambled about or said then feel free to put something in my inbox about it so, yeah-
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rubyfoxfyre · 3 months
What did you base Alastors Nox Magia off of? Why type of magic is it and where did you get the ideas for a good ass fanfic?
Thank you for the question!
The answer is sort of a long story that I suppose begins with my first exposure to Hazbin Hotel in general, during a particularly doomed D&D campaign where my character basically acted exactly like Charlie did in the pilot:
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Granted, Fianna is not anything like Charlie at all, but the DM found it funny enough to send me the gif above and then everyone got distracted for about 5 minutes while they started meming.
The next day I watched the show and was completely hooked!
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I started looking into the Wiki to get a greater understanding of the world shown, read the comics (like all 20 pages hahaha), and listened to Addict while working on prompts for Charlastor Week 2022, taking a break from my regular manuscript I'd been working on for a few years (stay tuned for updates soon on that one!). I had about a month so I decided to try my hand at smaller short stories, since some of the authors I idolize are so good at short fiction, and conveying strong emotions in just a few thousand words.
I watched and rewatched the Pilot, studying the characterizations there as well as thinking about funny and unexpected scenarios the characters could get into while dealing with the concept of redemption and how to make it work (needless to say that the fact that they already had it happen was... unexpected. I have thoughts on that but will put a pin in that for now to avoid getting too distracted from your question!).
I can't remember which rewatch it was that I picked up on an interesting exchange between Charlie and Alastor that turned into a whole mess that would consume me to this day:
She tries to put a limitation on his ability to do too much, and I wondered if that could lead to a sort of interesting power-play between them (because in the end this is the part of their relationship that is fundamentally interesting - they're both powerful people with opposing moralities, having to work together to acheive a common goal). Basically, because Charlie's not precise with her language, she ends up basically not controlling Alastor at all. Which works out in its way, because she hides from her deeper wellspring of power with the aid of a gentle persona.
I liked the idea of something deeper between them and within themselves - and with them being opposing forces, I wanted to work with the idea of Alastor being associated with "night" and "dark", versus Charlie being associated with "sunlight" and "rainbows".
Shadow and Flame, only a bit less Lord of the Rings and a bit more sexy.
Nox Magia , the "night" magic, follows basic arcane principles that I've picked up on through the long and involved process of being a massive nerd and reading a lot of stuff.
For writing magic, I like looking at basic logic structures and hovering somewhere between harder and softer magic. My other manuscript that is premiering this year will be discussing some differing types of magic systems as well, if you enjoy reading Riddle and my other works, I hope you enjoy those as well!
But as for the story itself, it wasn't meant to be a story about a man falling in love... it's the story of a man being dragged into love, kicking and screaming about it. 🦌🌈
To Alastor the Hotel is about control, and his experience there is just a game not to be taken too seriously. Charlie is also about control, or rather, trying to find a way to control without breaking everything with her terrible strength.
Alastor embraces his strength, while she hides from it, and he finds that contradictory instinct in her interesting, so he comes up with the idea of a game to teach her some magic that might help her. But as with all magic, intent governs everything (even when you don't realize), and the spells he's teaching are telling a particular kind of story - you can preview what's happening in the chapter titles that have the runes' names! 🍷
❤️ Thanks so much for reading! ❤️
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sorry-octopus · 10 months
but actually this is so huge and i’m really happy!! I can still remember sitting outside by a pool at a hotel watching the first qsmp livestream before my phone died 30 mins in🥲
qsmp has made 3 months feel like literal years with how much content they’ve been able to do. And to say it has made me happy is an understatement. Qsmp has played a large role in helping my mental state, which has been quite rough this year.
putting all the discourse aside, qsmp and the community have been incredible. The fanart, the animations, the wiki, the update accounts, all of it. Qsmp as a concept is something i never though about. I never thought about it until the day i saw the very first trailer.
And i’ll be honest- I was worried! I didn’t know if this would end up working out, but to my surprise, it did! And I couldn’t be happier. Seeing so many cultures interact in a respectful way felt almost new to me as someone who has grown up with a not-so-respectful family
It has also introduced me to these cultures, some traditions they have, as well as how to be respectful! I adore learning about other cultures and languages!!
As well as how comfortable the CCs are with portraying queer relationships-that means a lot to me. I wish something like this would’ve existed when i was younger.
But basically, qsmp is amazing, we should put all the arguing aside today and just appreciate how far it’s come already, and what will come soon. Thank you Qsmp and congrats on 100 days!!!!
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gurugirl · 2 years
Tales From the Modern Incubus Part IV
Summary: Harry has a meeting with his legion leader and realizes that perhaps you're going to be a bit more of a challenge than he bargained for, while you are still feeling the effects of your "dream" with Harry and questioning your sanity.
A/N: For supernatural characters, the first time their name is brought up I'll be linking to my new characters list for TFMI where you can find info on the type of demon/angel and see their face claim. I get my info from The Demonic Paradise Wiki which will be linked in the characters list if you’d like to get more info on demonology and spell/incantations.
Warnings: ⚠️ Read all warnings in the TFMI masterlist before continuing ⛔️ Introduction to a duke of hell (legion leader), mention of abortion, mentions of spells/charms/incantations, religious blasphemy, very very light smut (a small masturbation scene) but not enough to mark this part with a * in my opinion
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*you are not obligated to follow any of the links to make the story makes sense. It's only supplemental.
Part III
Part IV
Harry didn’t want to climb out of your bed and leave you but he had to. There were things to do and he’d wasted almost two full days next to you, watching you, breathing you in, and finding himself enchanted by you. He had to move away slowly so as not to wake you. He was wrapped around your frame tightly and so he did a simple sleep spell but as soon as he slipped his arm from under you, you moved and began to rouse.
He whispered the spell again, moved his limbs from yours slowly, and still, you were aware of movement. He couldn’t figure out why you seemed resistant to his incantation. So he used what had worked before, creating a veil of invisibility as he moved himself away from you in case you did open your eyes. You stirred and rolled over but never quite fully woke as far as Harry could tell.
Harry had a meeting with Aim, who was a political leader of sorts for Lucifer and The Almighty, known as the Duke of Hell, and Harry’s legion leader. Aim was of the original angels who joined ranks with the "evil" side.
Today was a required meeting. All of the meetings were almost like therapy for Harry. Aim was sort of like Harry’s advisor and friend all in one. It wasn’t a meeting he could skip this time, though. It normally wasn’t a requirement but given Harry’s timeline for creating a new heir was shrinking by the day, this meeting was obligatory. Aim needed an update so he could relay back to Lucifer and The Almighty of Harry’s progress.
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When Harry arrived, Aim was seated at his favorite spot at the little cafe where they always met.
“You smell like a woman. Have you found your mistress?” He stood to greet Harry, giving him a tight hug.
Harry laughed and wiped at his nose, one of a small handful of nervous ticks he picked up from humankind.
“Yeah, I did actually. But it’s a bit complicated. Working on her still.” Harry and Aim stood before one another, grins on their expressions, “How have you been, Aim?”
Aim and Harry took a seat as Aim responded, “Fine. Have been busy the last couple weeks but nothing unusual. My legions all seem to be in line. The Almighty and Lucifer feel things are well in balance these days. But that’s what brings us together today. Your progress. Tell me about the woman. Why is it complicated?” Aim leans back into his chair and crosses his arms over his chest.
Harry keeps eye contact with his old friend, “Because she’s a virgin. The daughter of a Christian pastor, and is a devout believer in the Bible. Has never even kissed anyone, well, technically I kissed her last night… but I’ve only just met her and my charm seems to already be working. She’s got a bit of a crush on me.”
“Well, you still have time. But there’s no need to wait for her to come around if that’s why you’re hesitant to move forward. If she’s a good Christian girl who gets pregnant miraculously,” he puts his fingers up in air quotes as he says miraculously, “she’ll certainly keep the child, so abortion won’t be an issue. Just make her believe she’s in a dream. You’ve done this before, Harry.” Aim picks up his mug of tea and takes a sip.
Harry shakes his head at the duke as the waitress arrives to take his order, “Just an Americano, black, extra hot, and a piece of lemon cake. Please.”
Aim lifts an eyebrow, “Lemon cake? Literally the first time in thousands of years that I’ve ever known you to order a lemon dessert.”
Harry realized this was probably true. After eating you out he was really craving to taste you again and there was the faintest taste of lemon and sugar on his tongue when he had his face dug into your wet pussy. And based on the one time he watched you eat, you ordered a lemon shake with your French fries and Harry could almost bet you liked lemon sweets so much and that was why you tasted of them.
“Mmm… just sounded good.” Harry shrugged, not willing to let Aim know how obsessed he was with you so soon.
Aim sighed and leaned in toward Harry, elbows spread on the table, “So, tell me what you’re waiting for with her. Why you don’t just make her feel she’s dreaming? It’d be easy.”
“Because I think I’ve already got her. It’ll happen soon. I just want the challenge of her giving herself to me. And also…” Harry paused to consider how he’d say this, “I don’t know how effective my spells are on her. I don’t know for sure that they don’t work but something seems different with her.”
Aim squinted and tilted his head, “More details about that, please. That’s concerning.”
Harry inhaled a deep breath and leaned his own elbows onto the table, “I first saw her as I was hidden, invisible to her and that was fine. She had no idea I was there. But then last night I came to her again, unseen, and then cast an illusion spell over her, for deception to make her feel in a dream. But she was a little more surprised by my presence than I have been used to in the past.”
Harry was interrupted briefly when the waitress arrived with his extra hot coffee and slice of lemon cake. Both demons nodded at the human as she walked away.
Harry leaned his elbows back onto the table to continue, “She questioned my sudden appearance at first, but she did let me fool around with her and she liked it. At one point I said I would get her pregnant, you know, just in the heat of the moment, and she was lucid enough to tell me she’d prefer being married before having sex. I mean, that all could still come from her dream mind but it’s unusual. Then when I was leaving her this morning…”
Aim scoffed before interrupting, “You stayed with her the night and you didn’t even have intercourse with her? How long have you gone, Harry?”
Harry blinked and sat straight in his chair, he knew this was coming, “Only last night without intercourse but I did release. The night before was when I met her and just before I’d been with someone I met at a club.”
Aim nodded, “Okay, don’t go too long. It’s detrimental to your health. If she doesn’t give in before the end of the week you will need to seek out another body for intercourse. Anyway, tell me about what happened this morning.” Aim was concerned for his friend. Incubi and succubi needed very regular intercourse, a simple self-assisted orgasm wouldn’t do.
Harry sighed and pursed his lips, “I tried leaving but my movement made her kind of wake up, so I cast a sleep spell but it didn’t work. She kept responding to my movements so I did it again and it was the same. She seemed unaffected by it.”
Harry took a sip of his hot coffee and felt the burn on his tongue as he watched Aim take it all in.
Aim scrunched his brows with a look of contemplation, “Be very careful, Harry. She could be a prophet, or a seer that is resistant to most mind control incantations. She could even be an angel or demon. Hmm…” Aim purses his lips to the side in thought, “I’ll send out some watchers to find out about her. Learn who she is, who her mother is, and who her father is, this pastor.”
Harry felt he would know if she were any of those things, and if she were wouldn’t she herself know? She hadn’t indicated any type of knowledge of a power beyond normal abilities.
“That’s fine but I doubt greatly that she is supernatural. She doesn’t display any powers or understanding of abilities if she is. What would the chances be that she wouldn’t be aware herself?”
Aim finished his tea as Harry plunged his fork into the cake for the first time, his mouth watering for a bite of the lemon sweet.
“It’s possible. I’ve seen it. With enough suppression and brain washing those abilities can lie dormant when not being confronted.”
Harry swallowed the soft delight and closed his eyes for just a moment. He nodded at the Duke and smiled, “Understood. When is the soonest you can find out anything?”
“Soon. Maybe by the end of this week. We will find what we need to unless there’s a higher power purposely hiding her true nature. In that case, we’ll have to do some real sleuthing that could take more time.”
Harry continued to eat the cake as he listened to Aim, “I hate to suggest this, but it might be in your best interest to find a different mistress. This one seems to be more than just a little complicated if my hunch is correct.”
Harry sat his fork down with a frown. You would be his mistress, even if he had to go through heaven and hell to have you.
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You spent your Monday lazy and lounging at home since you didn’t have a job. Your dad didn’t want you to work while you were still in college, even during the summer break. Your mom and dad had gone to the church for a few hours in the middle of the day which you promptly used to masturbate. You couldn’t stop thinking about your dream. It felt so real. Part of you wondered if you should let Miguel take things to the next level, find out if it really feels like that. But another part of you didn’t want Miguel to be the one doing it. You wanted Harry. But of course that wasn’t realistic. You’d only just met him and might never see him again.
With your fingers drenched and rubbing your clit you imagined Harry’s mouth was on you. His lips working you, and the way his long fingers entered inside of you and pushed into something never touched before.
“Mmm… yes… Hh… Haaarryy…” you panted into your bedroom.
You’d never masturbated so many days in a row before but it was like a switch had been turned on inside of you and it just felt so good, so natural in your body.
Suddenly you smelled him. His scent, just like the night before, lingered somehow, even after your shower.
You stopped what you were doing and sat up. There was no way you were really smelling him. It had to be in your mind. You got up from your bed and walked to the window, covering your naked frame in case anyone might see you from outside. You turned back toward your bed and laughed at yourself, feeling like you were losing your mind.
You gently placed your palms over the swell of each breast and squeezed, still hot and ready to get back to it. You kneed up to your bed and jumped when you felt something solid at your mid thigh. You stepped away from your bed quickly and looked around the room, then lifted your blanket to find nothing.
“Am I going mad?” You said to yourself in disbelief. You slowly moved back to the bed in silence, your senses in overdrive and fear beginning to leak into your skin.
Harry watched as you walked around your bed, holding your tits in your hands, with worry on your face. He had been close to the bed and leaned in at the moment you put your knee up and your thigh brushed against his arm. He didn’t expect it. Mostly because he wasn’t sure why you’d gotten up in the first place. He was moving out of the way and failed to move opposite you. It also didn’t help that his cock was out at the sight of what you were doing just moments prior, so he couldn’t move about as quickly as normal without making too much noise.
Had you sensed him somehow? You were masturbating one moment and the next you were sitting up then you moved to the window and laughed. Now you seemed very on edge, acutely aware.
You pulled your t-shirt over your head and slipped your panties back on. When you were a teenager you heard, from your youth leader John, that masturbating might invite demons into your bed and they could play with you during. You shuddered at the thought. Had you invited a demon in and now you were dealing with something evil?
You looked around your room and realized it still smelled heavy of the tall man with dark hair. It also felt like there was a presence. Like you weren’t alone but no one was there.
"Hh... Harry? Uhhh... I know you're not here." You shook your head as you spoke into the empty room.
You had his attention. He was surprised by you speaking his name into the room while you weren't masturbating. Did he appear to you on accident? He stood very still near your bed and watched you.
"This is so weird. I don't know what's going on. Is there something here? I can, like smell it. It smells like... Harry. What is going on?" You really felt like you were losing it. You were speaking to no one and smelling Harry very clearly. You didn't think you'd ever forget the way he smelled. And then whatever your thigh ran into on your bed?
You hugged your arms around yourself and walked to the other side of your bed again, closer to Harry and the smell grew. You closed your eyes and inhaled, "Yeah. That smells like, him. Huh..." and when you opened your eyes again you sighed at the empty room.
Harry was amazed. You could smell him? He wondered if you had enhanced senses somehow. Where you could smell things that others couldn't. Kind of like how Harry could. However, Harry couldn't just fuck around and stare at you while you were literally sniffing him out. He had to create a distraction of some kind to remove the the chance of this backfiring on him.
So, Harry used nature for his first distraction by shifting the pattern of weather and made the sunny bright day turn into a dark stormy one. At the sudden crash of lightening you turned to the window and gasped. It had just been warm and sunny, blue skies, no cloud to be seen. With the quick distraction, Harry removed himself from your room to gather his thoughts. He didn’t know if you were onto him or not. But you smelled him and that was a concern. Everything was a concern now. He knew Aim gave him good advice, to choose another vessel. But he didn’t want to. That wasn’t going to happen. He was going to find a way to make you his, no matter what you were.
Harry wanted to start getting to know you so he could earn your trust and then win you over for the final task. He conjured a small series of events to get you to leave your home so he could “coincidentally” run into you.
First, the power went out at your house because of the storm. You were already quite creeped out by everything going on so you slid on your jeans and put on your sneakers, feeling a bit vulnerable in just a t-shirt and panties.
Next, your doorbell rang so you went to the front door and peeked outside to find out who it was that could be coming over during a storm. No one was outside. Not a soul. You turned back into the dark living room and felt a chill over your body.
Finally, you heard something moving from within the attic above. The storm had quieted just enough that you could hear something being dragged over the floor slowly, like a chair or something wooden being moved across the floor.
And that was all it took for you to grab your purse and get out of the house. Climbing into your old Hyundai Accent, you backed out of the driveway and drove off down the street. There was no way you were staying inside that house anymore. Something was going on in there. You were sure of it now.
You considered going to the church but in truth you weren’t ready to speak to your parents about what was happening in the house. You didn’t know if they’d take you seriously. And it’s not like you could tell them everything about what you’d experienced, and what had you concerned.
So you pulled into the small café near your house that clearly still had power and looked especially warm and inviting today. With the sudden storm and the way you were feeling a bit on edge, a café with a small handful of strangers seemed like a good place to stop and calm down for a while.
You ordered a mint and lemon green tea with honey, and a lemon bar. You sat next to the window and pulled out your phone. Miguel had just texted you to ask what you were doing tonight and you were considering texting him to meet you at the café when the café door opened and the bell overhead rang to announce the new guest. You looked up with your phone still in your hands and it was him. It was Harry. He was wearing a knee length jacket with vertical strips and he looked very expensive. His grey trousers were crisp and ironed perfectly and he wore a black button up shirt underneath his jacket. He didn’t look like he’d just walked in from the rain, but then you saw him holding an umbrella in his hand.
He didn’t notice you when he first walked in. He went to the counter and ordered something. The girl taking his order nearly fainting at his presence. You couldn’t believe it was really him, here, now. You turned yourself to get out of your seat at the very same time your name was called to pick up your order.
When you stood to make your way to the counter it was then that Harry spotted you. You both smiled at one another you waved at him. You watched as he finished up paying, while he kept glancing back to you.
“Look who it is. My little lemon lover. How’re you doing?” Harry looked down at your treat in hand and then brought his gaze back to your eyes.
You breathed out a sweet laugh at Harry’s words and for the fact that he even remembered that you had a lemon shake just the day before, “I’m well. Electricity went out in my house so I came here. How are you? Uh… do you want to sit with me?” You gestured toward the spot you’d been sitting near the window.
Harry watched your adorable face as you spoke and he smiled at you in a way that had you feeling butterflies in your tummy and in your brain.
“Of course, that would be nice. If you don’t mind.” Harry followed you to the window and you both sat across from one another in the café chairs at the tiny table you’d been occupying moments before. “And I’m well. Just getting settled into the town here. Thought I’d stop into this cafe to see what the place is like. Find out if they have a good black coffee.”
You grinned at the handsome man. His lips were quite pink and his hair looked so soft… You took a sip of your tea to ground yourself a bit. You needed to not let your thoughts get away from you because you were already on that path as you looked at him across from you, in the flesh, his seafoam green eyes looking at yours.
You were trying to think of anything to say when the cashier came to your table with a mug of coffee for Harry, “Here, thought I’d deliver this myself so you don’t have to get up from your conversation.” The girl looked at Harry with a hopeful smile.
“Why thank you. How nice. Cheers.” Harry lifted his mug as he took a sip and then looked back at you.
You couldn’t wipe the smile off your face. Harry was charming and more attractive than you think you’d ever found anyone. Ever. And you could smell him again. Even in the café with the baked goods and brewing coffee, his scent was exactly as you remembered, from yesterday, from the evening before, from today…
“Looks like you have an admirer.” You tipped your chin toward the where the cashier was and chuckled at the look on Harry’s face.
He raised his brow and grinned cheekily, baring his dimples to you, “Ya think? Hmm… Guess I’m not used to having admirers.” Harry lied, of course he was used to it, “Think I should I ask her out?” He wanted to know what your response would be to that.
The question caught you off guard. You didn’t think he’d want to ask her out. And by the way your smile dropped for a flash of a second, only to be replaced by a tighter one, Harry knew you didn’t like the sound of that, which pleased him.
“Oh! Uh… yeah! If you think you like her or something. I mean… I was just kidding, but you know…” you try to laugh off your disappointment and you want to kick yourself for feeling jealous because you had a boyfriend. Harry wasn’t yours to be jealous over.
Harry kept his eyes on yours, still wearing his cheeky grin, “I was just kidding as well. Not really my type. But I’m sure she’s great.”
You let out a breath and smiled as you looked down at your lemon bar then back up to Harry. You put your hands flat on the table, “I see. Well…” you laugh again. Not really knowing what to say. You were starting to feel flustered. You took a bite of your lemon square, Harry’s eyes still on your face.
“Yeah. I wouldn’t ask her out. I’d much prefer to go out with you if I were honest.” Harry spoke slowly and watched you for a reaction. Your eyes widened and you stopped chewing your dessert at his words, “But judging by what I saw yesterday, looks like you’re already taken. Shame.”
You gulped down your mouthful and wiped at your mouth. You couldn’t believe he just said it so casually. But you weren’t terribly surprised that he was attracted to you based on his behavior the day before.
You laugh and fiddle with your mug of tea, “Yeah right.” You rolled your eyes, trying to hide how nervous and excited you felt. You knew your face was growing red as blood rushed to the apples of your cheeks.
“You don’t believe me?” Harry leaned toward you a couple of inches, scooting his chair a little closer to yours. “You don’t think I’d find you to be pretty?”
You looked from Harry’s eyes, down to his hands as he cupped them around his mug, his fingers covered in rings. You breathed out a laugh, “I don’t know. Miguel is the only guy I’ve ever dated so…”
Harry softly spoke over you, “So… you think other guys wouldn’t want to date you too? Miguel is a lucky guy as far as I can tell.”
You dare to look back at his eyes and he’s already got his on you. He licks his lips and his smile is a bit sure, cocky, relaxed… but you really find him attractive. Even the cockiness.
You open your mouth to speak but you find your brain empty in that moment and the only thing you can think to say is, “I like your cologne. What do you wear?”
Harry’s smile spreads over his face and he laughs, looking down to his mug of coffee before pulling his gaze back up to you, “Thank you. Tom Ford. Surprised you can smell me at all in this café.”
“Oh yeah. I’ve got this incredible sense of smell. Always have. I can smell all kinds of things. I know it sounds weird but, like sometimes I can even tell when my boyfriend doesn’t floss. Isn’t that gross?” You laugh and look down at your tea to pick the mug up. It’s such a ridiculous thing, your sense of smell. Your mom and dad have always been amazed by the things you could smell. Once, your mom misplaced her purse. She couldn’t find it for nearly a whole day, but when you came home for the weekend from school, you found it because you could smell the leather. It was in the garage under her car, where she placed it when she arrived home the day before. But it was things like that which happened all the time. Your sense of smell was useful in some ways, but terrible in others.
“Wow. Interesting. Just makes you even cuter. What about me? Does it smell like I haven’t flossed?”
You were fully blushing at this point. Harry’s comments were sending you into an internal freak out, “No. You smell really good. Clean, and fresh, and good.” You smiled at Harry as he sipped his coffee.
“Ahh, good to hear. I certainly try. Better than smelling of unflossed teeth.” He laughed and leaned back in his chair with his gaze pinned to you.
Shaking your head and smiling you spoke, “That’s true. Unflossed teeth are pretty nasty.”
“Do you ever tell him? When you know he hasn’t flossed?” Harry raises his brows in question.
“Nah. I don’t want to hurt his feelings. He’d probably not take it well.” You shook your head, imagining how Miguel would react.
“Hmm… So far, the guy doesn’t like it when you’re offered healthy food, doesn’t floss, and reacts poorly to your helpful suggestions. I think you could do better. But I’m not here to tell you what to do.”
You scoffed and laughed. Harry was unlike anyone you’d ever met.
Before you knew it, an hour had passed. Harry made you feel interesting and pretty with all his compliments and the way he’d bite his lip and watch you as you spoke. He even touched you a couple of times, innocently of course. Well, mostly innocently. When he moved your hair off your shoulder so he could lean in to get a good look at your earing and then proceeded to gently nudge at your lobe you realized he was flirting with you very subtly. And you liked it.
Somehow the two of you had gotten onto the subject of dreams and Harry had just listened to you telling him about a dream you used to have as a child when he decided to share a dream he’d had with you, even though he was just going to make something up, “I had a dream last night. Mmm… probably shouldn’t tell you about it. Might scare you off.” He chuckled lowly as he tilted his head, still looking directly into your eyes.
“You won’t scare me! It’s just a dream, right? Tell me!” You truly were curious, and you really enjoyed Harry’s company. But mostly you wanted to keep him as long as you could so you could be on the receiving end of his touches and his subtle flirtations.
Harry took a deep breath and looked around the café before returning his gaze to yours. He leaned in closer to you, moving his chair even closer to yours so that now his knee was pressed against the side of yours, “It was about you.” He paused, to get a read before continuing, “It was quite… naughty. I don’t want to tell you the details. It’s inappropriate.” He shook his head and you swear he was blushing. He looked almost embarrassed! But now you had to know.
“Oh, come on, Harry! If I was in your dream, you’re obligated to tell me about it. We’re not leaving here until you tell me.”
Harry gave you a lazy smile and licked his lips, looking down at your lips for the briefest second, “I have all night, Y/N. That’s no threat to me. I’d stay here with you talking all night long, no problem. Not gonna tell you my dream. You’d think I was pervert.” He smirked and rolled his lips into his mouth.
You sighed and leaned in toward him a little, feeling quite a lot more comfortable with him, “Okay. I had a dream about you last night and it was naughty. So…” you laugh and look down at your empty mug, not quite believing you were about to suggest this, “If you tell me your dream, I’ll tell you mine.”
Now this was what Harry was looking for, “Fine. I’ll tell you. But swear you won’t think any differently of me.”
You nodded and put your pinky out, “Pinky swear, but you have to swear the same for me for when I tell you mine.”
You linked pinkies and Harry pulled you in toward him, keeping his eyes on yours, “I swear,” he spoke in a whisper. God you really liked this man.
Harry proceeded to tell you about his inappropriate dream, which he totally made up because Harry doesn’t really dream because he doesn’t really sleep, “You and I were together at the church and you were sitting next to me, and slowly running your hand up my thigh, got in real close to my zipper and when you realized I was hard you just tore my pants down and gave me head while your father was giving his sermon. Right in front of everyone.” Harry laughed a little and shook his head as he looked down at his lap, pretending to feel embarrassed.
You covered your mouth and laughed with wide eyes, “Oh my god! Wow! That is…” you both laughed for a moment at the absurdity.
“Your turn, Y/N. Tell me.” Harry was so seductive. He didn’t need to do much. Just the way he was looking at you made your panties wet, which was a little embarrassing. You knew no one else could smell you (which you were wrong about), but you could smell how aroused you were and the scent coming from between your thighs.
“Okay… so, you were in my bedroom and on my bed with me, like out of nowhere. And you like… went down on me.” You pushed out a laugh through your nostrils as you got hot with embarrassment, “Um… anyway, and then you showed me your penis and you came on me. Oh god.” You put your face in your hands and leaned over the table.
Harry thought you were adorable. He waited for you to sit back up and he draped an arm over your shoulder and pulled you in to him, speaking into your ear, “S’okay. You don’t need to be embarrassed. S’just a dream. We both had naughty dreams about one another the first day we met. What does that say about us? Hmm? We’re both quite depraved for that. What would Miguel think?”
You shook your head and melted into the feeling of Harry’s arm over your shoulders, “He’d hate it. He’s never even kissed me before. Well, because I won’t let him.”
“Of course not. The fucker doesn’t even floss his teeth. I can tell you who does floss, though…” Harry paused waiting for you to react to his comment. You laughed and sucked at your teeth. Harry was a little crude. He liked to use fowl language and say things that made you feel embarrassed and hot. But, once again, you liked it. You liked everything about Harry.
“Let me guess. You floss, Harry.” You spoke and turned to look at him. Your close proximity could easily be mistaken as intimate from anyone watching.
“That’s right. I floss. I smell good. I’ll give you healthy things to eat and fill your tummy with,” he was speaking quietly and slowly into your ear and your goosebumps were unstoppable, “… and I would beg for your helpful suggestions. Unlike Miguel.”
You swallowed at his words and imagined being with him again, like you were in your dream last night. Then you thought of his dream and that even seemed exciting to you, having him in your mouth. In church.
Harry noticed your breathing getting heavier. He smiled at the effect he had on you. He smiled at the fact that you didn’t try and move from him when he put his arm over your shoulder. He smiled at your honesty with him about your dream. He was getting somewhere with you. He just needed to keep chipping away at your innocence.
“Am I not correct? I mean, you probably don’t know about the begging part, but I’d beg you for suggestions. I’d beg you for a lot of things. And I mean I’d beg. I have no shame.”
You softly laughed and turned to look at him again, it was difficult to keep your eyes on his with how near he was, you feared you’d press your lips onto his if you looked too long, “You’d beg for a lot of things? What do you mean?”
Harry moved his arm that was over your shoulder, sliding his hand to the back of your neck, and pushing your hair away so he could run his fingers over your neck into your hair at the back of your head, “Do you really want to know?”
You nodded and smiled at the man who was already smirking down at you.
“If you were mine, I’d beg you for kisses, for your attention, for all your time. I’d beg you to hold my hand, to talk to me, to look at me with your beautiful eyes. But since you’re not mine I can’t beg for those kinds of things from you. I could beg you to go out with me, though. But you’d probably find that insufferable. You love your boyfriend, right? So you wouldn’t waste your time with a boy from London you’d just met. You wouldn’t want me to beg you for that would you?”
You lost the air in your lungs somehow. Harry’s own scent became stronger by the moment and it was more of a natural scent. Something you smelled under his cologne and his soap. How should you answer the man? If it’s with truth, then you’d tell him you did want that. Wanted to just swap Miguel for Harry. If it’s with ego and stubbornness, then you’d tell him that you do love Miguel (even though you definitely didn't) and that you wouldn’t want that.
Instead, you just laugh and look down, unable to handle the moment fully. Harry noted your hesitance to answer and he figured this would be your reaction. It was more of a rhetorical question anyway. Something to get you thinking about things.
You reluctantly lifted your head and spoke, “I should probably go. It’s getting late and I think my parents are probably back home now. They don’t like me out too late.” You would stay with Harry all night if you could, but your dad could be quite the deterrent for you when it came to doing things most 23 year old normally did.
“I understand. It is getting late. Before you go, could I give you my number? Is that okay?”
You were relieved that he was the one who asked. You really wanted to ask for his number or give him yours but how would that look being that you had a boyfriend and all?
“Oh yeah! Here...” You turned to pluck your phone out of your purse and opened up your messages app, adding Harry as a new contact, “Okay, what’s your last name?” You looked up at him with your sweet round eyes and flushed cheeks. Harry wanted to eat you whole. You were the gentlest, sweetest, and most intriguing human he’d ever met. But he half doubted you were a normal human. There was something about you that was well hidden, and deeply suppressed that he couldn’t pinpoint. Something that drew him to you. Something that seems to be drawing you to him.
“My last name is Styles.”
Part V*
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Tags: @victoria-styles @scorpiongirl1 @harrysbigspoon @matildasatellite @fuckoffstyles777777777 @sadeslovechild @michellekstyles @ssaama @angelqueen99 @sombrioinvernoemveneza @golden-hoax
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moreclaypigeons · 10 months
Mountain Goats fans how are we feeling
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Jenny 2... I will put all my analysis about what these things mean under the cut. I would also like to note that after i took these screenshots the 11th (pirate ship sunset) just... disappeared? The post was gone for a fair bit but then came back. may have been a glitch. or maybe a ghost ship.
Here's what I'm getting story-wise:
Someone rode away on their custom Kawasaki with a stinger on the back, leaving the speaker there at the curb so they had to take a bus. But they never saw them again, no one did. Flaky yellow paint of the Kawasaki.. staying up late thinking about how the relationship ended. Time passes and it's winter and they have search parties out for this person. The person crashed while on their bike. And then the speaker realizes it. And the person is dead the end
Now in terms of allusions to the song Jenny:
"You roared into the driveway of our southwestern ranch style house": the house in the first image reasonably fits that description. "Our house faced west": based on the shadows here, the house DOES face either east or west because of the direction that the sun rises.
"on a new Kawasaki, all yellow and black, fresh out of the showroom.": It's the same bike! But, based on the line in the third post, "flaky yellow paint," some time has passed.
"the big orange sun" we see in the 11th image, where the pirate ship sails into the sunset. the image also alludes to "you pointed your headlamp toward the horizon," and "the pirate's life for me!"
post 10 is interesting because it too draws from the pirate's life line, but the imagery is different, and definitely connects/foreshadows the graveyard image. Here is an excerpt from the wikipedia page for jolly rogers: When the pirates' intended victim was within range, the Jolly Roger would be raised, often simultaneously with a warning shot. The flag was probably intended as communication of the pirates' identity, which may have given target ships an opportunity to decide to surrender without a fight.
image 7, with the grecian vase imagery is reminding me of spent gladiator.
i have no idea what the fuck the water tower means.
image 12 depicts a music staff with some notes on it. i know nothing about music but i do know the internet does so i am currently trying to reconstruct it with a program. update mmaybe will follor?
other songs:
According to what John Darnielle has said in hit podcast "i only listen to the mountain goats," Jenny has appeared in 2 or 3 other songs.
"She calls on the phone in Night Light" and "she calls on the phone in Straight Six" and was the sender of postcards in Source Decay. He says, "She is defined by an absence, she has yet to speak. She's in the song Jenny; the other two songs she's in, she's already gone. …She's not there when things are going well, and she's not remembered when things are going well. Jenny is an emblem of more difficult times for people, of wilder times. But also times that they're pretty clearly romanticizing, right, that they're also remembering as the time when they were on a motorcycle with no responsibilities, livin' the pirate's life."
Of course I'm going to listen to those three songs <3
Night light: "Jenny calls from Montana/ She's only passing through / Probably never see her again in this life I guess" oh but we WILL see her again... And then never again. "I was a red dot blinking on a screen up overhead / And then the room went dark" and "Plug a night light in / Leave the porch light on" remind me of the bedside clock and the gas station.
Holy shit Straight Six. I didn't realize this was on Jam Eater Blues until I went to its page on the wiki, but- this is significant cause on their linktree, "stream jam eater blues" is at the top and i was confused cause they also released a bunch of other shit. this is foreshadowing...
Anyways significant moments of Straight Six:
"Dull powder blue paint job / earl scheib special" this could either be the auto station (#2) or the fact that the speaker's car has an earl scheib special paint job (had to research this), which maybe he got from the same auto shop. This song talks a lot about a car. "Rabbit skull hanging from the rear-view" "And I glide down the streets of this city / All night, uptight" "There's a crack in the windshield eighteen inches long / Evaporating snow forming crystals on the chrome" it's hard to tell from the drawing of the van whether there is a crack on the windshield or whether it's just stylized, but..this does intrigue me. And when I heard them mention SNOW immediately after... when the caption to the van post says "searching in the snow".......
Source Decay also mentions driving and cars a lot. Couldn't find anything more significant than what the other songs have though.
If anyone has any other thoughts to share or disagrees or like I missed something- PLEase share i am so eager to hear/talk about this!
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intersectionalpraxis · 2 months
Hi, I wanted to reach out because I think the work you’re doing is tremendously important and I thought you would want to know that you (obviously unintentionally) posted some misinformation in the form of that post about Canadian passport renewal excluding Palestine as a place of birth. The reality of the matter is still egregious, but the original tweet and linked TikTok were mistaken about the newness of this exclusion of Palestine; it has actually always been the case, rather than being a new policy (which is still awful). I included context and proof in my reblog of your original post; it’s several posts down on my blog now. I just think it’s super important that people have accurate information. You have more reach than I do, so it would mean a lot if you were willing to reblog this correction. Thanks so much in advance.
I appreciate the outreach. I updated the post with the more up to date information about passport renewal in my original post. I am not sure how it is misleading when I already updated. The only thing I can think of is you saw the post re-blogged without the context I additionally provided. I have noticed Tumblr doesn't make changes to the posts already re-blogged, which is unfortunate and the egregious thing here, to be honest.
This is original anon that alerted it to me, and I included it in the original. I acknowledged how the Canadian government's erasure is a form of cultural genocide like OP mentioned on Twitter/and the young person in the original Tiktok did (and this has been going on for over a decade and has specifics I referred to).
I also provided the articles highlighted in the wiki page. I also want to state that it is not something I knew ran deeper on a systemic level, and it was something I immediately took accountability for by providing those updates. I hope this offers more clarity. You can scroll to see that I did indeed add this in for context.
And this is what it has looked like for a few days:
I also unfortunately can not see your response super recent in my re-blogs, so if you added any more information outside of my updates that folks can look into, I can add it here and also to the original post. Thank you!
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xerith-42 · 4 months
Hello, you were open to asks right ? Do you have any head cannons about Shad and the shadow knights or how the Nether can affect the beings living in it ?
Obligatory reminder that I'm going to make it a habit to rename Shad to Araphel in all my posts until I don't have to put this reminder here.
I already touched on a few of my Araphel specific headcanons before (though there will be more), and I've made quite a few posts about Shadow Knights. The Nether on the other hand--
So obviously MCD was made long before the ever important Nether Update, but I think we should incorporate that into our ideas of this series. I'm just saying that a Bastion would be even more absolutely terrifying if the mfs hunting you in there were vicious Shadow Knights with a taste for blood that hasn't been satiated in Irene knows how long.
Warped forests are the most relaxing biome of the Nether, the colors of it often being a relaxing presence for Shadow Knights. Basalts are the worst to navigate, and even if they're immortal, dragging yourself out of a pool of lava you got concussed falling into because you made a single misstep just sucks no matter what.
Also, Shadow Knights aren't the only creatures of the Nether. Obviously I want all the Nether creatures that are there to be there, though I'd take Enderman out of Warped Forests and make Piglins a sort of shadow variant that makes it clear they were a race that existed in the Nether before, but Araphel's influence spreads like a plague. I think Wither Skeletons totally fit the vibe, I could see them just being the reanimated and smashed together bones of those who have fallen in the Nether but weren't worthy of becoming a Shadow Knight.
I think that Shadow Knights are adapted to live in the Nether. They're designed to sustain constant heat that's mostly dry (so living in Southern Arizona), and not much else. This means that the cold has a much more severe impact on them, and they really don't do well when it gets humid, girls are not built to sweat it feels so weird on their fucked up skin.
And there's those Shadow Souls! Those are a thing Jess wrote into the series! I think they're like the lost souls of those who died in the Nether who want to find bodies so they can become Shadow Knights...? Hold on Imma check the wiki.
Okay I was close, they're Shadow Knights who lost their physical forms and seek out a new host which... How does a Shadow Knight lose their physical form? Great question! I'd like to know the answer too! The solution to this problem is that they're both of the definitions I put above. I think they're great and totally seem like something Araphel would enjoy watching the pitiful existence of.
Because that's all the Nether really is to him. Another part of his game with Irene. Another playing field, an empty worthless world full of life that is only good to kill, maim, or take as his own for those same purposes. The life of the Nether never had a chance to fight against Araphel. Once he was able to return to partial power there was nothing that could stop him from spreading his miserable influence to the rest of this wretched realm. It's not like it was doing anything good to begin with.
I think the being known as Araphel that currently lives in the Nether is removed from the physical body he once inhabited, instead just being the worst parts of his soul banished. When Irene banished him she, and I quote "Shattered his relic". The relic is tied to the divine warrior in a very direct way, so I'd like to think that when his relic shattered, so did Araphel's soul. The better parts of his soul managed to find one another, refine, and reincarnate. Eventually.
The soul that lives in the Nether is the embodiment of his hatred, his jealousy, his rage, his resentment, all of the worst parts of his being condensed into a single irradiated spectre that refuses to rest. It seeks out the other parts of its soul, he seeks to be whole again. If Araphel can reform his soul and get his hands on that relic, then it's all over for anyone who dared to stand in his way.
When he wasn't in this miserable state, Araphel was once a man worth loving. He was known as the destroyer, but those he destroyed were those who threatened his loved ones. He destroyed tyrants, those who would abuse their rule, those who would harm his friends, and he would show no mercy to any being foolish enough to even think of laying a hand on Irene.
He had a rather dry sense of humor, one that bounced off of Kul'zak's endless ramblings and Menphina's sarcasm very well. He often sat with them in their little meadow, lamenting his woes of missing Irene while she was off saving more lives that he couldn't care less about. Araphel was the first to become disillusioned with humanity entirely, the near immortality of the relic weighing him down constantly. It was only a few years after he got it that he came to the conclusion only other relic holders could understand him.
The only reason that changed was when he got a whiff of betrayal. When he realized that something was wrong with how long Kul'zak and Enki had been gone, how Menphina was suddenly nowhere to be found despite eagerly answering his requests to see one another before. It was then that he retreated to the forest by O'Khasis with a mortal woman who held similarities to him. He wanted their descendants to look as much like him as possible.
He got his wish.
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tranquiltatsumi · 2 years
So Enstars characters have canon ages which are publicly available on the wiki and on their profiles, but due to us knowing the year the current story is set*, we can also extrapolate their birth years. I saw someone do this a few years ago when Music was first released in Japan, but I can’t find it now so I’ve made my own. I’ll stick a read more at the bottom to explain how I worked this out! I really just did this because you don’t get a lot of stories that are continually updating the way enstars is that have a canon start year and therefore birth years for the characters. So I just find it interesting to work this kind of thing out :3
A few notes on this: Rei, Ritsu and Tatsumi have all been held back a school year for various reasons, so their ages don’t match up with their grade. If they hadn’t been held back, Tatsumi and Ritsu would have graduated at the end of the previous storyline along with all the others, while Rei would have already graduated at the start of the previous storyline. Further to this, Niki did not go onto high school after middle school, and Rinne was essentially home schooled. (Fixed the column issue + reordered things)
*I have a source for it being 2020 somewhere but, sod’s law,  I can’t bloody well find it right now. I will update with it when I do.
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The way I figured it out was this:
I started by ordering them according to birthday, and from there according to school year. So while Kohaku’s birthday comes after Hiiro’s, following the second step he was before Hiiro on the list as he is in the year below, and so on.
Then I figured out whether they would have had their birthday for that year by the start of the school year. I know the school year in Japan begins in April, but I didn’t have an exact date, so I went for any birthday before April. This would mean that the lower end of their age range on the wiki would be their age at the start of the story, and that they wouldn’t be having a birthday during that year. For example, Kohaku’s age is listed as 15-16 on the wiki. Come April, he would have already had his birthday, making him 15 at the start of the story.
Following this step, I subtracted the current age of each character from 2020 to get their birth years.
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spaggyspagly · 4 months
a theory and some hcs i have on rocket anything after screenshots is what i speculate about him would've posted this sooner like on his birthday but i got nervous on how people would see this but oh well fuck it we ball tw for self-destructive behaviors, addiction, mentions of violence and ptsd!!! stay safe all ❤️ (copy and pasted from a friend's dms)
"me and another person did a long analysis on rocket since it's his birthday tomorrow and RAHHHH
it gave me a whole new perspective on who he might actually b
so rocket (he's 22) as you can see from his dialogue is very into fighting and will even sneak away from his dad zuka (who has been retired from fighting because he went into a big accident that costed him his right arm) so he can go off and fight
from the looks of it, he's one of the phighters who flame out more easily and he has a much shorter temper than the others
it's confirmed that he doesn't like t hang out with the people in playground (i'll mention why later)
some of what he says suggests that he doesn't actually care about whether he hurts himself in battle and that he jokes about his trauma (i'll get into depth about this too)"
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(medkit dialogue)
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(there's a little more dialogue with sword assisting but the wiki hasn't been updated)
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"so he came from playground, a place full of energetic and extroverted demons but a specific group of demons went up on him and that resulted in his arm and leg blowing right off, hence his prosthetics zuka found him and adopted him before he himself went into an accident where his right arm blew off (so he can somewhat relate, however rocket started after his accident and zuka stopped after his)"
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"from what happened with him when he was young, i wouldn't b surprised if he was still genuinely traumatized or isn't able t properly process what happened t him considering that healthcare is already low, so anything like therapists is out of the question as well"
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theory time!!
"he can get a lot more easily agitated or aggressive than other demons which is deadass a sign of ptsd
he likely has flashbacks of that day (who wouldn't thas traumatizing as fuck)
he ALSO likely can't handle the stress he hasn't processed + the stress he has now because of how short his temper seems t b
he also makes lots of jokes poking around his limb being legitimately blown off which is something many people do t cope with stuff, which does involve shit like abuse or stuff like that
the reason why he might b into fighting so much is likely because he's used it as an outlet of the anger and stress that he could never get out otherwise
it's likely gotten t the point where it's an unhealthy addiction + a way of self harm for himself
the way he's so secretive about getting caught by zuka and that he asks other phighters not t tell his dad about it makes me think that he KNOWS the risk of fighting but does it anyway (which is a sign of addiction)
also, zuka found rocket while experiencing the same thing, so he full on knows the consequences of fighting and he knows why zuka is so persistent in not letting him fight, yet he does anyway and he goes out of his way t LIE t zuka on whether he went out fighting or not
the way he jus doesn't like the playground kids even when they very well may not b the ones that harmed him is a sign that he hasn't fully healed from what happened with him, that he still hasn't processed his accident
the amount of recklessness he shows for himself is very prominent, as he's too stubborn and too focused in fighting t even care that he's slowly killing himself
he has all the warnings, but he's addicted t how this is the only way he can feel better and that this is the only way he can even remotely cope with his childhood
whether he knos this or not, he's on the road of slowly killing himself if he keeps exerting himself like this" (bonus hc)
"honestly i thought that his trauma was so fucking severe that there's no way that he hasn't been affected, then when i saw that he was into fighting t the point where he will ignore zuka's reprimands despite knowing the harm that will happen i jus kinda thought that fighting was how he was coping this entire time
a friend said that this might b his norm or that he sees this as normal behavior and i agree!! because he was exposed t violence and the debilitating shit he went through when he was young + zuka found him before he retired so he more likely than not taught rocket his ways it's clear that rocket still does admire zuka because he carves his horns t look jus like his but he might even miss how approving zuka was of him for doing what he knows best before" side stuff: i mention his age t prove that he isn't doing this t b a rebellious kid since he's too old for that what i mean by "rocket started after his accident and zuka stopped after his" is by them fighting i'm aware that other phighters like banhammer and shuriken have shorter tempers too but they're also more aggressive demons when it comes t killing so my point still stands you could say that he isn't joking when he mentions his limbs getting blown off and thas fair!!! but the way he casually mentions that horrific event on a whim reminds us of how we did something similar with our trauma (don't ask, also yes most of it has been processed relatively healthily nowadays, we're ok rn) - if it isn't tru, then it also brings up another point that he might b completely desensitized t what happened with him + how he may not see the severity of the incident (we've done this too) - it further proves that he sees violence as something thas normal from how overly exposed he was t it (this was us a couple years back) and how his potential addiction is even more suggested
p.s.: keep in mind that these are all hcs and that i in no way think that i kno rocket more than the people who made him!!! i wanted t see him more than jus a silly guy who blows up stuff and i hope this is somewhat accurate t his character :,D 2/5/24 EDIT: i actually have no idea on whether zuka lost his limbs before or after he met rocket, i thought i read that he lost them after adopting rocket but iiiii can't remember if it was the opposite or not it doesn't affect my argument too much but i jus wanted t point that out also rocket says, "Dad's been helping me with my aim!" which i can't tell if he's being deadass or not but if thas so then AHEM? HEY?
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sweetadonisbutbetter · 6 months
Ur so pretty (WIP)
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UPDATE AS OF 4/2/24: IF UR READING THIS BUT HAVENT SEEN THE WHOLE FIC HERE IT IS- it is also on AO3 on the same name. Thank you!!
A/N: hiiI!!! just want to note a few things before you proceed- this is meant to be read as a wlw. Tav isn't described necessarily so it can be read as a gn tav or even a male. but I wrote this with the intention of Tav being femme presenting. I do try to avoid using "he said/she said/they said" so if you see that please tell me so I can fix that since I do want this to be as gn as possible in case you don't imagine a femme Tav. also tav's gender really isn't relevant to what I am planning for the later part, same goes for tav's race.
tav is also meant to be a selunite, but I don't know a whole lot about it, I am actively reading a wiki on it but again, can't make everything lore accurate lolol. hopefully I was able to portray the character correctly! another thing to note is that this is the inbetween of her first romance scene but not in act 2 (aka post tiefling party). so at this point tav and shadowheart kissed. anything else that needs to be adressed i cannot possibly think of so with that, enjoy!!
Upon waking up, you already felt that it was going to be a long day, one that was longer than usual. The sores from numerous fights and hours of walking were ever present from the moment you opened your eyes; the feeling of the Astarion’s fangs wringing your neck numb. You mentally check off the numerous problems before you get out of your tent and set off for the day. Upon leaving the dimly lit tent, you were blinded slightly by the morning light. The smell of breakfast filled the air as idle chatter continued. You take a moment to look at your companions. Gale was the one cooking, making idle chatter with Wyll and Karlach, the latter who was most likely the one who started the fire. Lae’zel was by herself, sharpening one of her many swords. Astarion emerges from his tent, also having just woken up. You continue to scan the camp looking for someone in particular.
‘No sign of her…’ You think to yourself, pouting slightly. From the corner of your eyes, you see Astarion approaching you. Sighing, you can already tell it was going to be a long day. 
“Glad to see you didn’t die last night.” He greets with a smirk. You look at him, already feeling the regret of letting him feed and an oncoming headache. You pinch the bridge of your nose, hoping it will relieve some tension. 
“Well if someone didn’t take any more than he should have, I wouldn’t have passed out.” You quip, to which Astarion lets out a laugh. 
“I did not take any more than I normally do. You just lost a lot of blood yesterday.” He says as he crosses his arms and shifts to the side. You look at him blankly for a moment, thinking if it would be worth it to put a stake in his heart. Listing the pros and cons, it seems that keeping him alive has more pros shockingly. Sighing once more, which was something that happened a lot when Astarion was around, you cast lesser restoration and begin to walk towards Gale, Karlach, and Wyll. However, before you can even approach the trio, you see Shadowheart emerge from her tent.
Your heart skips a beat as you look at her from afar. From the moment you had seen her while on the nautiloid, you had some sort of feelings stirring for her. Just a glance at her tells you how much of a beauty she is. The way her onyx hair framed her face, her braid that swished and would often rest on her shoulders, and the soft makeup that furthers her beauty in a way that feels almost godlike. Not to mention her eyes. The soft hazel green stood out with her darker eyeshadow, luring in the very person who looked into them. However, it wasn’t just her physical beauty that lured you in, it was the subtle beauty that seemingly showed when she wasn’t paying attention.  The soft smile that creeps up her face when you were swarmed by children at the grove, or how she plays with Scratch when she thinks no one is paying attention. You would often find yourself looking forward to fights, just to get injured so she could heal you, watching how her hands would tenderly cover the wound. In essence, her mannerisms, voice, and beauty have bewitched you, terribly. Often you were left lying awake late at night, thinking back on any conversation or memories you have of her. 
Since the tiefling party a few nights ago, you have had numerous things to think of. Truthfully, you were elated that you had agreed to a drink with her, since in your mind it showed that she had a fraction of attraction towards you. While it was hard to tell how she truly felt since she was sharran and they were sworn to secrecy; you did not need words to know that she enjoyed the moment you two shared. The kiss you two shared. The morning after you two had talked about it, and she agreed that there was indeed something between the two of you. However, soon after she began to withdraw herself from you. She would avoid being alone with you, cut the conversation short, and even volunteer to stay behind at camp. It hurt to see her detach herself from any social interaction with you. You even knew that she was avoiding only you, catching glimpses of her talking to the others. However, you found it better to give her her space, something that she appreciated in the past, though it was showing to be harder than you wanted it to be. 
“You know, it is rude to stare.” A voice cuts you out of your train of thought. Blinking, you look at the voice and see that it is Astarion. Confused as to what he is talking about, you give him a look. He rolls his eyes and smacks his teeth. “You have been staring at Shadowheart’s tent for a good while, my friend. A bit too long, might I add.”
Quietly, you let out an ‘oh’ before you turn towards your tent. You decide to start getting ready for the day, no longer hungry. Stripping your camp wear and donning your armor, you mentally summon all your courage so you can ask Shadowheart to accompany you, Gale, and Karlach. Finishing the knot of your boots, you equip your weapons and leave your tent, the blinding rays of the sun stinging your eyes for a brief moment.
‘Moonmadein please guide me.’ You utter in your thoughts before you make your way to Gale and Karlach. Even though you were nowhere near them, Karalach seemed to notice you were heading their way. Turning her head from her conversation with Gale, she makes eye contact with you. Her face seemingly lights up as small flames rise out of her skin.
“Mornin’ soldier!” She hollers. Gale says something to her in a quiet tone, one that you can’t hear. Whatever he told her caused the flames on her to diminish. Looking back at you, she lets out a slightly nervous chuckle and says, “Sorry about that. Just excited to get on the road again.” 
“No worries, and good morning to you Karlach. You too Gale.” You reassure Karlach quickly before you greet the wizard. Gale smiles in return and greets a quick ‘morning’ before leaving, presumably to get his stuff for the road. You look back to Karlach and ask, “Have you seen Shadowheart?”
“Oh, I think I saw she went with Scratch into the woods,” Karlach says, her mood seemingly more down. She hesitates for a moment, before asking “Why?”
“I just want to see if she is us on the road. It has been a bit since she left camp.” You explain, hoping that you weren't evident in your real reason for talking to her. Truthfully you weren’t telling a full lie, you did want to know if she wanted to leave camp for a while. You also just wanted a moment alone with her, in case she didn’t want to go. However before anything else could be said, the bushes rustled slightly. You and Karlach turn to the noise, however, you don’t need to go and investigate since Scratch jumps from the bushes and runs toward you. He jumps onto your chest, tackling you to the ground before he starts to lick at your face. Laughing at the slightly ticklish feeling, you try to move him off of you, not too keen on smelling like dog breath or even having slobber on you. Thankfully he gets off with ease and goes to bother you someone else. Still chuckling, you get up from the ground, with the help of Karlach who is laughing with you. The rustling of leaves happens once more, catching your attention once more. This time it was Shadowheart who emerged from the woods. You briefly make eye contact with her, your heart skips a beat and you shift to move towards her. Though it seemed she noticed you moving, since she looked away first and headed back to her tent, not even uttering a greeting or looking back. Your shoulders sag, clearly dejected at her avoidance. ‘I can’t be like this all day. We have to move forward.’ You think to yourself, quickly shaking the feeling and standing up straighter, putting on the front that you were not bothered by it. 
“It seems like she has no intent on leaving today. I suppose we could drag Astarion with us.” You jest lightly to Karlach. Wanting to leave sooner, you readjust your pack and look for Astarion. Thankfully, he seemed to have read your mind and was already in his gear. You look for Gale briefly and see that he is equally as ready. With a nod, the four of you leave camp and begin the day.
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entertext · 11 months
HGSN 17-3
Chapter (Japanese)
(Please hit the green thumbs up at the end of the chapter to show support)
Rough translation by me
Asako: A-anyways! If you're ever in trouble, I'll help you out, okay!! If there's anything I can do!!
(sfx: stomp)
Asako: Bye!!
Hikaru: Sorry I'm late.
Yoshiki: ...Sounds like Asako has lost some of her hearing in her right ear
Hikaru: ...That's...
Hikaru: ...probably because I touched her a little
Hikaru: People, well...they break if I mess with them a little bit. And then after that, they start to hallucinate and die of their own accord
Hikaru: But Asako is mentally strong, so she didn't break, but...
Hikaru: Instead, the effects may have showed up in her ear...that's my guess
Yoshiki: That's something that you did to her though
Hikaru: ...I do think that it's good that it was only her ear
Yoshiki: *sighs*...how cold of you.
Yoshiki: Let's go to the library
Hikaru: Yeah
Yoshiki: (Shouldn't keep hiding it forever...I guess)
(sign: Cultural Center/Library)
Hikaru: That's a lot of books!
Yoshiki: We're looking for a map, an old one
Yoshiki: Ah, here's one...this map is early Meiji, from the later half of the 19th century
Hikaru: Kibougayama... isn't anywhere on here
Yoshiki: No wait, here's Mount Tenban, and if this is the shrine, that means this is...
Hikaru: Sute...? Huh...?
Yoshiki: No, you're supposed to read it right-to-left
Yoshiki: ...Darumasute*?
(* - 達磨 (daruma) - a Daruma doll (wiki); 捨 (sute) - to throw away)
Hikaru: "Darumasute"? What kind of name is that? Was Kibougayama actually named that all along?
Yoshiki: ...Let's line it up with the other maps. We have ones of Kubitachi and the other surrounding areas too right?
Yoshiki: Darumasute - there's a long and narrow region that extends downwards near the bottom. There isn't a place like that now.
Yoshiki: Udekari and Ashidori - these aren't any different from today
Yoshiki: Udeiri - this village has already been abandoned
Yoshiki: Kubitachi - the kanji for it is different from what it is now*
(* "tachi" - present day 立 (to stand/rise); originally 断 (to cut off/sever))
(Names and approximate meanings so far):
Darumasute - 達磨捨 - to throw away a daruma
Udekari - 腕刈 - to cut off the arms
Ashidori - 足取 - to take the legs
Udeiri - 腕入 - to contain the arms
Kubitachi - 首断 - to sever the head)
Yoshiki: Is this... the shape of a person?
Hikaru: Huh!?
Yoshiki: The names of the places even correspond to the body parts...The arm is where Udekari is...The head is where Kubitachi is...Then the "daruma" refers to...the torso?
Hikaru: What the hell!? That's so creepy!!
??: Um, excuse me...
Librarian: Your voices are a little too loud...
Yoshiki: Ah! Um...
Hikaru: Sorry 'bout that
Librarian: No worries...
Librarian: ...Is this a school project or something?
Yoshiki: U-Um... We're Kibougayama High students from Kubitachi...and we were looking up our local area...o-or something like t-that...
Hikaru: Pfft.. (He gets like this whenever someone scolds him even a little)
Librarian: Oh my... I'm also from Kubitachi.
Hikaru: Huh, how about that!
Yoshiki: Oh, really? ... Then maybe we might have met you before when we were little...ma'am
Librarian: Oh, no, you wouldn't have...I've been away for 20 years and only went back after my mother's recent death...
Hikaru: ("recent death"...Ah!)
(nametag: Matsuura)
Hikaru: Are you by any chance...Matsuura-san's daughter?
Next chapter: 2023/06/06
Twitter extra (link):
Yoshiki takes being scolded badly
It seems that it's more shocking to him since he's usually well-behaved...
Yoshiki: Ah! Um!
'Hikaru' (Hikaru) is fine with it
Hikaru: Sorry!
By the way, I've updated the place names in the previous chapter to match the correct readings.
There was also a typo to one of the lines in it that was officially corrected after the original translation was posted, so if you saw the original post and haven't gone back, you might want to double check, thanks.
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