#i just kin bennett LOL
oshisanbignaturals · 1 year
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donutsupremacy · 6 months
Genshin men reacting to F!S/O accidentally burning her hands
"HCs of Genshin men reacting to their Pyro wielding!F!S/O burning her hands on accident while cooking"
Warnings / Spoilers:
Written during 4.2
Playable characters only
Reader has a Pyro vision, but the weapon choice is irrelevant
Reader is not traveller
Reader is their [S/O]
Female reader (I used as less pronouns as I could and still refer to as [S/O])
Short HCs
Sorted by region and in alphabetical order
Includes all currently playable male characters as of 4.2
Sweet petnames uwu
Ahhh so fluffy uwu
100% SFW because n o.
100% Ooc
Reader is aware of the archon's true identities
A/N: This is a requested fic— Not much specifics mentioned, so I decided to let loose a little.
Most of these HCs are rather generic and calm, I hope you don't mind, [Requester]. I see most of the genshin men we've encountered are actually mostly calm and polite gentlemen in game— yes, even Itto, but he's still Itto lol
I'll do Mondstadt, Liyue and half of Inazuma first, the rest will be done in a seperate post
P.S. yes i know there's a lot of spelling mistakes. and yes my poems, pick-up lines and jokes are utter shit, i am not a Kazuha/Venti kin :>
[Part 2 | Inazuma, Sumeru and Fontaine men]
A hiss erupts from your throat as you quickly withdrew your hand from the fire.
Your singed hands trembled, examining the dark spots that had littered across your palms and even your knuckles and fingers. You clicked your tongue, regretting the decisions to cook without your gloves. If only they weren't torn from that expedition two days ago... you should really get new ones.
You hear the door open... "[Name]?"
Immediately notices your hands getting burnt, nothing escapes the alchemist's observation skills. Plus, he knows how people react when accidentally burnt themseleves. His team works with chemical substances that require boiling and heating, after all. (And it's always Timaeus getting hurt while he's busy daydreaming about Ying'er while on the job lol)
"Here, allow me to have a look." Albedo murmured calmly, his gloved hand taking hold of yours, careful to not touch any areas that may have been made sensitive from the fire.
"It isn't favorable using your Pyro vision without your glove." He sighed, telling you to stay put as he wastes no time to treat the burn on your hand.
Albedo gently wiped your burned hand dry with a damp cloth, giving you a reassuring kiss on your forehead whenever he accidentally pressed too hard on a sensitive area.
Later, he applies a type of natural ointment that would supposedly heal your burn and hands you some medicine to take that would soothe the pain whenever it stings randomly.
He has you sitting on top of the counter, helping you finish cooking whatever you were trying to make while following your instructions— totally not a reason to spend more time for you. Nope. Haha. Totally not at all :>
"There we go... is this what you were trying to create perviously? *Chuckles* My dear crystalfly, next time... you can just simply ask for my help, you know I would always set my duties aside to aid you— no matter the situation."
As expected; The first thing this poor boi does is blame his luck :(
He was practically on his knees, apologising frantically— he would rather get struck by a bolt of thunder from the Shogun herself than to accidentally inflict pain on his [S/O] who had stayed by his side despite his misfortune.
He's too afraid of possibly harming you more, even by a tiny little sting. Of course, he'll get you anything you asked for; A damp cloth, bandages, anything.
So he stands as far from you as he could, but still kept you in his eyesight, watching you patch yourself up as you calmly reassure him while he continued apologising. Poor boi.
At first, he was planning to go on an random expedition, so that you wouldn't end up getting hurt again because you were both under the same roof. But when you told him he can stay, wanting him to accompany you even risking your safety, he melted.
"You... Y-You do?... Ah, [S/O] are you... sure?... I-I really don't want to... Wha— H-Hey! Was that flour you just threw at my face?... Hahahaha! Oh, is that how you wanna play? It is on!"
Prolly too busy in his office doing his work, but when Adelinde came in to his office, saying u got burnt, he dropped his work and ran straight to u.
The first thing he did was sigh in relief when he saw the burn mark was less severe than he thought
At first, Adelinde insisted to treat your wounds, but Diluc was just as insistent to take care of your wounds himself, only brushing her off and requesting for her to just bring some medical equipment before leaving the two of you alone.
Once she was gone, he lightly reprimands you for not using your glove. When you explained that you had accidentally torn it, he immediately took out both of his gloves and slipped it onto your hands, regardless of size he refuses to let you take them off if you wanted to cook.
He stays in the kitchen, watching over you and accompanying you as you cooked. If he sees you still struggling to cook because of the gloves size, he'll leave the easier tasks to you, while he takes over the more difficult tasks you couldn't. Not that he thinks you're incompetent— it's because he doesn't want to see you getting hurt again. Because seeing you in any form of pain hurts him more than it hurts you.
"Hm? No, there's no need to get the maids involved— we can finish this, quickly and smoothly. My work can wait. No more excuses, i'm finishing this recipe with you— I don't take 'no's or 'but's. Now, pass me the lid, love."
He'd probably chuckle at the sound of ur hiss first and at the pouty look on ur face, it's cute lol. But he'll help u soon after.
"Cooking using your Pyro vision without your glove isn't an ideal situation you would want to find yourself in, princess." Kaeya purred as he wraps your hand in a damp towel, carressing your cheek to soothe you with his free hand.
He decides that you should take a quick break— an excuse to cuddle you as he wraps his arms around your waist from behind and forces you to sit on his lap as he rests on the couch.
Kaeya peppers you with butterfly kisses all over your face as he keeps one arm wrapped around your waist while holding your hand that you burnt.
He uses a small amount of his Cryo abilites, lightly cooling down your injury— Even placing a kiss on your knuckle, which caused your skin to tingle and numb the pain greatly. Did this sneaky bastard use his Cryo vision to enhance that kiss?
"*Chuckles*, I know that face, princess... are you suspecting me of being up to something again? I'm just as pure and innocent... Although— mayhaps I am a little guilty for abusing my vision slightly. I'm not justifying my reasons, but to be fair; I only abuse it for you. What can I say? I love making you melt~"
Mika has experience treating burn injuries for his peers while going on that long expedition with Grand Master Varka, so the first thing he does when he sees u hurt is...; p a n i k.
You're the one calming him down as he tries to treat your burn— smooth and effecient, as expected for someone like Mika.
Save for the little frantic 'sorry's he squeaks out when he accidentally tightens the gauze a little too hard or brushes his fingers against a more sensitive area.
Once he was done, he offers to take over the cooking, wanting you to take a break. He's persistent when it comes to pampering you, Mika doesn't want to risk you getting burned— again. (Doormat Mika is persistent to u only when it's for ur own good uwu)
Even when he's done, he doesn't make you lift a finger— he even feeds you. You always baby him, now it's his turn to baby you. Blowing on the food if it's too hot, pouring a drink for you, wiping away the crumbs or stains on the corner of your lips. Everything.
"A-Ah! No, no— let me get that for you... There's no need to worry, I really don't mind. Here, let me pour your another cup... Would you like it cold? Or hot? Ah— w-wait, don't use your vision to light up the stove again!... Please just let me use a match instead... I want you to relax..."
I think he'd try to lick ur burn or kiss it immediately lol
Probably doesn't actually know how to treat a burn properly, so he'll likely just gently kiss around the burnt area, making sure to avoid the sensitive patches
He gives you cuddles— lot of kisses, even has his Lupicals allow you to pet their soft fur. Anything to cheer you up.
He'd likely get you some meat to eat instead. But if you're a vegan/vegeterian, he'll go straight out to hunting your favorite berries in Mondstadt and bring back a whole potato sack of it
While you're resting, he sneaks off to see purple teacher lady and requests that she teaches him basic first aid training. It's just in case, but it hurts him that he doesn't know how to take care of your pain— so may Barbatos bless his soul because he's determined to learn anything complicated to ensure your safety <3
"Wait... no— n-no touch... it's too sharp. I don't want you to... risk hurting yourself. Again... Hm? No worry? But... seeing [S/O] almost hurt herself... not happy. Promise to me... you won't accidentally... hurt yourself again? You... mean too much to me...
I feel like he would drink those alcohol bottles that are specifically meant for numbing and disinfecting wounds. Yeah he def would. Canon.
He uses Anemo to lightly blow and cool down your burn, numbing the pain for you enough that a light kiss wouldn't sting. But he forbids you to continue cooking until your hand fully recovers.
After treating you to lunch (You paid), he sets you down on your couch, making you lay your head on his lap as he holds your burnt hand while carressing your head with his free hand.
If it still hurts or numb, he'll get a damp cloth and gently wrap your hand in it. To distract you from the uncomfortable feeling, he sings you various romantic and cute songs, even making short poetry (That he thought of immediately while staring at your pretty face)
"A cry of pain, shrieks of agony— Voices that conquer even the rumbles of thunder, and it's stories of tragedy— Flames that burn, brighter than light— But also inflicts harm that causes fright— Save your tears, my lucky windblume... Let your one and only make that sweet smile of yours bloom~"
Infinite/10 treatment. Get a doctor as ur [S/O] ladies
After Changsheng chides you for your carelessness— Baizhu shushes the snake and comes over to examine your wound, he doesn't take long to reassure you that it's not too severe.
Health comes first as he always says— so he carefully treats your burn, chooses the most effective medicine that wouldn't risk a single side effect.
He's got it all for you; Ointment that soothes burns, herbs that relieves pain and even butterfly kisses all over your face that never fails to put a smile on your face— kissing away any tears if the pain stung you gravely.
Once he's done with treating your wound, he has you sitting down and takes over your cooking— even making a remedy that can help alleviate numbness. He even spoon-fed you your own meal.
"Ah, you have a bit of a something at the corner of your lips. Let me get that for you, dear. *Smooch*... Hm? Your face is red! Have you been affected by a fever? Let's see... warm, bright red cheeks, eyes avoiding mine and the corner of your luscious lips trembling... I see now... *Chuckles* Maybe it was my kiss that got you like this~
Poor bby got overwhelmed with panik when he heard ur yelp and ran over to see u near f i r e
Luckily for you, he has that popsicle stash of his to cool and numb your burn, even giving you one to munch on. It was to cheer you up... but it doesn't really have flavour.
Once your wound has numbed, he tries to finish your for you— but the need to make it a perfect dish for you overwhelms him and he almost burns himself as well.
Still determined to cheer you up, he'll later treat you to lunch, bringing you to Wanmin restaurant and let you order your favorites. He'll treat it as a date.
You'll meet Xiangling there, cooing when she saw the two of you on a date. Luckily for Chongyun, he still has his popsicle before Xiangling's cooing could overwhelm him.
If you ordered something hot and spicy, he obviously can't share with you. But is willing to take a small tiny bite or sip for you, he'll even feed you if you'd like. If it's something cold, he'll definitely enjoy sharing the dish with you, letting you eat more of it if it's your favorite.
"Are you satisfied with today's date?... I hope I didn't look forced or nervous like last time. It's not that I don't enjoy our dates, my love... Oh, y-you seem to have caught on. Was I bad at hiding it?... I don't need to make everything perfect for you?... Ah, th-that's a little hard to adapt to, you can't blame me for always wanting everything to be flawless when you're quite perfect yourself, no?... *Shy chuckle*"
U don't even need to call him— he hears u yelp, he goes "You called?" "AAAAA—"
Immediately reprimands you for thinking this was a good idea, even adding that it was pointless to cook when all mortal food tastes flavourless. But to make you feel a little better, he (quietly) compliments that your cooking at least has some flavour in them compared to the dishes other chefs made.
He's insistent on making you rest, claiming that you'll only burn yourself again, or worse, set your house into flames. You didn't even sucessfully light up the stove!
While you're busy treating your wounds, he vanishes without another word— secretly, he visited Yanxiao in Wangshu Inn, who agreed to make the dish you were making, only because he didn't want to upset the Adeptus and that he knew how much you meant to the Vigilant Yaksha.
It didn't take long for him to return, and if he caught you trying to light up the stove again without your gloves, he'll drag you away from your kitchen— Locking the door to it if he has to and quite literally carrying you over his shoulder like a potato sack, not a single peep of complain regarding your weight. He's strong for a reason.
He places you down on your couch and then offers you the dish, but was caught off guard when you said you wanted to share it with him. At first, he wanted to decline, saying that it won't have any taste... but that resilience of his crumbles immediately at a single 'please?' from you.
So there he sat with you, only taking a few small bites just to please you... and to see that cheeky little smile on your face. He doesn't peep a complain, only enjoying your quiet company and vice versa. Although he secretly cringes at the bland taste of the food, he finds it tolerable around you. He hopes you didn't catch his cheeks tinted a bright shade of red.
"...Another bite? If you insist... Hm? No, I don't have any comments or suggestions to this dish— it doesn't concern me... I-I'm not upset at you, it's just... I don't have a reason to eat mortal food, let alone enjoy it. This was honestly a waste of time... Oddly enough, I do find eating anything with you... quite sweet. Stop looking at me like that, i'm making this an exception just once... Can you feed me another bite...?"
*Proceeds to splash the fire out with his vision*
You feel a pair of arms wrap firmly around you before you hear the voice of your boyfriend whispering sweet nothings into your ear, soothing you as he plants gentle butterfly kisses on your cheek.
He treats your injury like normal, having you rant about what happened to your glove while he quietly and patiently listens, just letting you speak to take your mind off the burn injury that he was healing.
Once he's done, he'll just have you rest your head on his lap, saying he'll ask Xiangling to cook for you later. As he does this, he'll read your favorite story, whether it be a fairytale, a history novel or even one of my oneshots. He uses a more gentle and calm voice, carressing your head every now and then.
However, as soon as he sees you fall asleep half way through thanks to his lullaby-esque voice, he sneakily plants a kiss on your lips... and proceeds to write a short story about you the next day; Of a young warrior who got defeated by a stove and was later cared for by their partner who happens to be their enemy. He loves writing private short stories for just the two of you, mostly made to tease you.
"How do you find the story, my liege?... Hm? Why does the main sound exactly like you? Haha~... What a curious question you have there in that pretty little head of yours. Riddle me this; How do you think the main character's love interest treated them? It's quite romantic, no? I'd say i've improved my writing with this story!... Well, maybe I exaggerated with the part where you fought a stove and lost~"
*Sends meteor towards the stove*
Does the same thing as the other; treat your injury with love and care, wrapping you around his arms as he carresses your back with gentle strokes, just overall enjoying eachother's presence.
At first, he suggests going to Xinyue Kiosk... until he was reminded that Childe was still healing in Fontaine after receiving a letter from him saying he got thrown into jail and fought a whale. Plus, Hu Tao is off to who knows where? Doing Archons knows what? He sure doesn't know.
Instead, he brings you to one of the Adepti's abode. Though, it's incredibly tedious as the journey itself is long (You're travelling up a mountain, duh). Halfway through, regardless of whether or not you're tired, he has you wrapping around your arms loosely around his neck, chest pressed against his back with his arms hooked beneath your legs— giving you a piggy back ride. Doesn't complain at all, he loves being this close to you.
There, he meets Cloud Retainer, who welcomes you to her abode (And chides you for your small injury like the mother she is), allowing Zhongli to use her 'Supreme Cuisine Machine' to make Bamboo shoot soup for you and it thankfully doesn't take long.
Cloud Retainer allows the two of you to have your little date on Mt. Aocang in peace, secretly watching over the two of you as Zhongli feeds you, with a fond smile and eyes that held affection towards you, the both of you enjoying eachother's company and the view on top of Mt. Aocang.
"Careful, it's hot... How does it taste? It is no trouble at all, [S/O]— this view is worth the journey, if it means I get to share it with someone I hold dear to my heart. Be it minutes or centuries, I cerish each moment with you, this one especially. Now, would you like another spoon?"
Arataki Itto
*Proceeds to use sand on your injury* "...They said sand can put out fire! And that's what hurt you, didn't it???????"
Definitely doesn't know how to treat your wounds, but he does get Shinobu to help tend to your burn injury. Meanwhile, she not only lightly reprimands you for your recklessness... she full-on scolds Itto for not looking after you.
He pouts and whines, saying he was busy collecting lavender melons for you to cook with— although, he does feel really terrible for not being able to help. Who knows what would've happened if he had left for a little while longer?; You might've accidentally chopped a limb off, maybe even unintentionally cause a wildfire, or worse; accidentally putting his beetles in the soup!
To make it up to you, he... tries to sing for you. At least, he tries to 'up his game'. He gathers up his gang and Shinobu, makes them pamper you (Shinobu just has a nice conversation with you while the other three does Archons knows what), and that was when he does a very dramatic grand entrance as he starts to bellow out in the worst voice you've ever heard.
After shattering your eardrums, he shoos away the rest as he just wants some cuddling with you now. Singing takes a toll on him surprisingly enough. So now, there you sat on your couch, Itto's beefy arms wrapped around you as he tells you a story about a group of 'bandits' he encountered while collecting lavender melons for you.
"So there I was; Arataki 'The Unstoppable Force' Itto, surrounded by a group of bandits wanting to steal my hard earned stash of lavender melons! The nerve of these newbies, trying to steal my stuff meant for my 'One and Oni' señorita— I stood there, my weapon in hand and ready to make them wish they should've chose to play TCG with me instead of an all-out brawl!... Eh? What? You're saying those were just kids with mask because of their height and voices that I described?... You're not telling this to Shinobu, riiiiiight?"
Very calmly puts out the fire... while sending barrages of 'ARE YOU OKAY?' towards u
He's a general, he knows the basics of treating small injuries like this... but his hands are noticably shaky, afraid of inflicting even the smallest sting on you by accident.
Whenever you winced just the slightest bit, the way your nose scrunched up at the most uncomfortable touch, your brows furrowed and eyes narrowing a little, he stammers out apologies after apologies.
Once he finishes treating your wound, his ears flattened against the back of his skull, tail curled up as his shoulders drooped, mumbling that he should've taken more of those first aid training so he could ensure your safety. He's already lost too much on the battlefield, he doesn't want you to get hurt... even if it's just a small burn.
Ironic; You're supposed to be the one needing comfort, but you're the one comforting him instead, letting him lay on your [lap/chest] as you ran your fingers through his soft brown lockes, effectively calming him down by scratching the back of his ears and massaging his scalp with your fingers. Though, petting his soft and perfectly-groomed tail was enough to soothe your worries.
The two of you just simple laid there on your couch, his tail lightly wagging side to side as he curled up into you— he can feel vulnerable around you.
"Yes, my love... it feels so... so much better like this. Don't worry— i'm on break at the moment... Although, I might have to return to my post soon for my duties... Uhm... b-but i'm sure my peers can cover for me a little longer... I really need this..."
Kamisato Ayato
First thing he does is wrap his arms arouns your waist, pulling you into a gentle hug, you face resting against his chest as his gloved hands carressed the back of your head, cooing and lightly teasing you for being impulsive while cooking.
Has Thoma patch you up since he's more qualified and careful for that. Ayato has you sitting on his lap, cuddling you with that calm puppy-like smile of his while Thoma is the one scolding you for burning yourself on accident.
But after that, he brings you out on yet another date; Strolling around Inazuma City and by the beach, then bringing you Uyuu restaurant for lunch— letting you order your favorites. He even buys a drink and asks for 2 straws, wanting to share it with you (and so see your flushed cheeks when the two of you were drinking, noses nearly touching)
This is for those who like reading any type of books; After filling your bellies, he takes you (a little begrudgingly, but he loves you) to Yae Publishing House and lets you buy another book for your collection. And when he finds you reading a romance novel, he rests his chin on your shoulder, arms wrapped around your waist as he teases your flustered reaction— saying there's no better love story than your story with him.
"Were you satisfied with today's date? Ah, perfect... I see my method with making you forget that little injury of yours worked. A win-win for the both of us; you get to forget about your embarrassing moment and get to have your favorites— and I... deserve this for all my hard work; *Smooch*~"
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fictionkinfessions · 3 months
dear god guys i want pie SO bad . you know , as a treat . its my birthday ! i should get pie ! but like , how does one ask their dad for money on their birthday....when he doesn't know its your birthday ?? (i mean i asked anyway cuz our dad is a pretty nice guy love you dad <3 but you know ! i would love to mention its my BIRTHDAY but we're not rlly out to him with the whole sys/kin thing LOL).
honestly dont mind if i get the pie a few days late...im just happy right now in general? or, at least, content. not like, super duper uper happy, but im not SAD---and considering that the second semester burnout is a REAL and HORRIBLE thing, i think thats good enough. hopefully my birthday is a turning point bcuz man, mental health has been in the dumps lately.
on the other hand....am maybe yearning a bit ofr people i knew. ahhh, just felt like rambling...im alone in front and that tends to make me , eh , funky?
bennett (#🎸🥡🥢, kin & fictive)
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versadies · 2 years
Sorry for inactivity lol
Maybe it's because I literally just lost my account- when I say I kin Bennett I did not mean it literally
I had to go on 4 days without my phone since it got to an error then when it finally got fixed I lost every of my progress
And by every of my progress I literally mean everything, all my drawings, my game data and the rest
Anyways I'm sleeping it off cause I can dream of losing the 50/50 to diluc
NAURRRR THATS SO SAD COMRADE (っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っ im sorry that u lost all of those, i hope youll at least get your acc back 😭😭🙏🙏
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sprayio · 3 years
When the Mystic Messenger gang play Genshin Impact…
Characters: Zen, Yoosung, Jaehee, 707, Unknown, V, Rika
Warnings: SFW. No explicit spoilers for either Genshin Impact OR Mystic Messenger. All Mysmes characters are written in a Casual Story setting. No Deep Story/ Another Story characterisations, other than some references In V/Rika’s HCs!
Genre: Bulleted Headcanons.
Immediate Kaeya main. He sees him in the prologue, simps for him, fights with him, dies with him. 
He doesn’t even play the game properly. He only plays for Kaeya.
Loads it up in the morning going “Hey handsome.” Certified Kaeya Kinnie.
Bonus: His fans were the ones who pestered him into playing, so a week later when he posts a Kaeya cosplay on twitter? Everyone goes WILD.
Horrible Gacha luck but he’s addicted. What can I say? In terms of money…there is no money. Officially broke, slave to wishing </3. Respectable following on twitch, but gets so much SHIT from his viewers bc he is so funny to tease LOL.
“Guys stop!! I’m not gonna get c4- Keqing stop saying her name in chat!!! I need Kazuha!!”
Has like half of the 5 stars available bc he keeps losing 50/50s LOL. Certified anemo simp. Razor main forever!! Also likes Bennett. A lot </3. definitely a bennett kinnie.
But when Kazuha came out? Oh my god. He was in LOVE. Here’s a character he truly kins. Just loves Kazuha’s chill energy. (crying wishes Kazuha was real because he wants to be his best friend)
Goldfish, casual spender. Her main source of stress relief after a long day of work. She puts on a Zen musical and vibes as she casually 36 stars abyss with her level 90 Ganyu and Jean.
Anonymous in Yoosung’s streams but out of responsibility she comes on to give him a few tips on building characters and stuff. Unspoken legend in Superman Yoosung’s streams- so good at making team comps that work.
Doesn’t play too much- maybe like 1 hour a day and sometimes skips dailies because of work T_T.
Favourite characters are Jean Ganyu and Chongyun! She admires how hard working they are, and seeing them in her party never fails to brighten her day </3.
Crying is he even playing the same game as the rest of us? This isn’t even Genshin anymore straight up- this is the sims.
His AR 25 account is so confusing because somehow he barely did any of the main storyline quests, but here he is in Inazuma casually collecting wood for new furnishings??
100% Zhongli main. Whaled for his c6 but doesn’t know what it does. All he knows is that rock from sky go boom boom and destroy enemies.
Eula and Ningguang appreciator! Uses them to lecture Yoosung and how they rose to power despite their backgrounds.
But at the end of the day, he’s only here for the teapot. And say what you will but…that shit AESTHETIC.
Basically Tony to. Uploads random videos of his solo amber and solo barbara 36 starring Abyss.
Yoosung shit talks him on stream because of how lucky seven is with his pulls, but still only uses amber and Barbara.
Has all the achievements, maxxed EVERYTHING.
Probably a bit soft for Childe though. Projects onto him a lot. Cried in the Teucer quest. Wants Childe to be happy so gets a Zhongli for him (even though he doesn’t use Zhongli). Builds a house for them <3.
Though his main DPS’s are Barb and Amber, his go to supports are Xingqiu and Childe (gets hate comments for using Childe as a support LOL).
Absolutely adores Xingqiu for being a prim and proper young man on the outside, but an absolute MENACE on the inside. Enjoys the Xingyun dynamic he and Jaehee share </3
Manical screaming. Meta player. 5 million damage Hu Tao. Hates 4 star DPS’s with a burning passion (especially Amber ♡).
Angry keyboard sounds. Sticks to conventional teams and artifacts. Maybe a streamer using voice distorter/vtuber model LOL. Rants about new players playing the game wrong by crafting Whiteblind for Razor.
Angry Xiao main. Has him c6 with an r5 primod spear. Maxxed talents. SPAMS the poor guy’s burst for every little thing. Small hillichurl? Well it’s time for evIL coNquERiNg.
Scary villain laughter as he plunges through Teyvat one shotting everything. Doesn’t believe in healers bc they’re ‘for the weak’ so he dies a lot. But never shows it on camera.
But then there Albedo was. In the first 10 pull. And V has never felt such a strong connection to a fictional character ever before.
Started because Seven forcefully installed it on his phone during the Albedo banner in december. Clicked wish randomly and was like “oh boy what does this do” blind hours.
Very nice character owner🥺. Reads all the lore, plays every single character he attains because he doesn’t want them to 'be lonely’. However, Albedo never leaves his number one spot. And then klee in number two because V will do ANYTHING to ensure Albedo’s happiness. But he’ll laugh shyly if anyone asks him about it.
Visits dragonspine and just leaves Albedo AFK in his lab to enjoy the music. Smiles when Albedo sketches during his idle, prompts him to get out a sketch book as well.
Collects flowers, lets anyone into his world. Super wholesome🥺.
Has never felt more at home in Inazuma. Mondstad was overly cheerful and stifling to her; Liyue overly pragmatic.
Empathises with every Liyue NPC. Loves to enjoy the music and walk around, trying to help anyone and everyone.
Feels a very close connection to Baal</3. Preparing to roll for her. Currently an Ayaka main (appreciates Ayaka very much. Was a little teary when she learned that her parents died).
One side of her kins baal and the other kins Ayaka. Kazuha is her sub DPS, she enjoys bringing him along everywhere.
Understands the feeling of being banished from a place. Kazuha reminds Rika of a little brother she wants to protect, and someone she had to leave behind </3.
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rinzis · 3 years
what your favourite genshin impact character says about you: no holding back edition
i’m finally allowed to post again!!! great joy
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aether/lumine: you’re basic as hell sorry . also stop fighting over who the better twin is they’re literally the same person but different genders. you’re pretty fun to be around ig but i feel like you eat food off the floor. 5 second rule not 5 hour rule ok
amber: ok i’ve actually met a bunch of people whose fav is amber and you guys are actually really sweet but pls learn when to stfu you’re so loud . also you guys go feral whenever someone (everyone else in the fandom) says amber sucks like chill bae
kaeya: jesus fucking christ your horny is off the scale. every kaeya stan i’ve ever met cant keep it in their pants. and we know the only reason you like him is bc of his giga bouncer supreme ultra man rack 3000. stop saying you want him to smother you with his tits. get some help.
lisa: YOU GUYS ARE COOL AS HELL!!!!!! as someone who relates to lisa you’re very cool. most chill people to be around and you’re definitely super smart. not lazy but just reserved. 11/10. oh btw do you use her for climbing?
diluc: do you have daddy issues? you guys definitely have a thing for the tsundere archetype and you probably like zhongli too. just admit you want diluc to do the kabedon thing on you and move on. we know what you’re like. also how does it feel being so short? i swear every diluc stan is small as hell
jean: YOU GUYS are so sweet pls whenever i play co op with a jean main it’s just like wow you’re so strong and nice and thanks for healing my entire team wow........ however although you’re so responsible you probably enjoy cancelling people on twitter for fun . sorry
venti: VENTI STANS. I LOVE YOU. is it partially because i myself am a huge venti stan? yeah no. you probably missed out on his first banner and are saving for his rerun..... same......... anyways you guys give off the best vibes n it’s always so fun to be with you. i love you all
razor: i have one question for you guys . did you either like warrior cats or were you a wolf kid?
albedo: you guys are so smart wtf !!!!!!!!! you’re so rational in co op mode too and if you have albedo you probably use him as a sub dps for your teammates bc you’re so good at reading situations........ then again you also have some weird shit going on like cmon it’s milk after cereal you psychopaths
sucrose: you either kin sucrose or are creepy sorry . ok but she’s so underrated like her passive 3........ WOAH.............. you definitely use her in spiral abyss,,, also are you a burnout successful kid who used to kiss teachers’ asses and middle school was a breeze before getting to college/university and realising that professors don’t give a shit anymore? wow who would have guessed
diona: wannabe catgirls assemble! please move on from your warrior cats phase you’re almost as bad as the razor stans but you’re adorable too. you probably want qiqi or klee but don’t have them so you’re settling for diona
barbara: thanks for healing my team in co op barbara stans !!!! you guys are genuinely so nice omg thank you for being so reliable all the time,,, do you highlight your notes so it’s more art than notes? yeah that’s what i thought
mona: ok if no one else is gonna say it i will,,, no one understands shit about your astrology thing going on. i’m a caprisun? great
bennett: YOURE ALL ADORABLE. thanks for helping us out in co op!!!! you definitely advocate for bennett rights and yes pls do,,,, we all love benny deep down!!!! you either don’t have him or have him at like C218372
fischl: jojo stans
just kidding but you all probably act like fischl irl. also did you have an emo phase
klee: ok if your favourite is klee you definitely don’t have her . waiting patiently for klee’s rerun!!!! shes just so adorable and so are you guys,,,,, so fun to be around !!!!! you probably have diluc and hate him
noelle: you guys....... the rarest of the rare. you love trying to convince people that she’s a great healer dps n everything else...... no bae you probably use her because you like geo and claymores like hmm yes i will now hit things hard with my big sword and rock power
ok onto liyue now sweats nervously
childe: you guys are ALL simps. ALL OF YOU. go n touch some grass bro!!!!! you either think he’s super sexy or you bully him and make the ed sheeran jokes (not funny) . you follow griffin burns on tiktok too dont you
zhongli: you either love him for his gentle demeanour or you want him for his fat giga dumptruck 3000. make up your minds!!!!! you guys are so clueless in co op mode but you’re hilarious. you probably have his energy recharge at like 200% so you can use his ult and hear I WILL HAVE ORDER every 4 seconds
xiao: STOP GROWLING AT PEOPLE. every xiao main is so aggressive not joking . yeah the only reason you saved for him is because you want to stare at him all day n listen to him growling . you guys genuinely scare me . no he would not hold ur hand and do cute things with you,,,,,, if given half the chance he’d probably decapitate you
ningguang: alright jeff bezos, hand over the cash. yeah so you’re either rolling in it or want to be her sugar baby. but you guys have such an intimidating aura like playing with ning mains is just .... you always build her so well she’s an absolute tank!!!!!! thanks for scaring the shit out of me but also protecting me
beidou: YOU GUYS. you’re fun to be around but i also feel like you could probably destroy me in 3 seconds flat !!!!!!!! do you hate diluc too? i love playing with you guys because all i hear is TO ASHES every 2 seconds and she’s just cool as hell so yeah i really like beidou stans. i feel like you all have her so congrats
qiqi: you’re so cute,,,,, best healer !!!! you probably love playing qiqi because her skills look so cool and you prefer playing heal/support,, if you don’t have her you just love her bc she’s so tiny . spoiler alert but do you have a thing against xiao for killing her lol
xiangling: you’re so chaotic help,, you definitely pair her with xinyan too because you give off the most uncontrollable vibes,,,,,,, did you level her to use her in the spiral abyss or do you just think polearms are neat and don’t have xiao or zhongli
xinyan: please reread xiangling paragraph but replace polearm with claymore . you like either bring me the horizon or bubblegum pop there’s no in between
chongyun: you’re all the nicest people ever and you’re so chill . you love chongyun with your whole hearts and i adore you !!!!!! the animation of him eating the popsicle melts your hearts (no pun intended) and you just think he’s really cool :( ily all
xingqiu: chongyun vibes but make it kinda unnerved . burnout successful kids 2.0 ,,,,, are you clever too? you also love xingqiu and believe he’s worthy of being a 5 star with his heal and damage reduce !!!!! he’s so helpful wtf and so are you . please stop going on about his legs though it’s highkey weird asf
keqing: COOL PERSON SYNDROME! i main this gal so i love you all . do you get as mad as i do when people say she doesn’t deserve to be a 5 star? yeah . are you a procrastinator and try and take lessons from keqing but are just so lazy? do you use her teleport because you can’t be bothered to climb mountains? yeah that’s what i thought
ganyu: you’re all the nicest people alive and i adore you all . thanks for being so kind in co op mode . every ganyu main i’ve met is so sweet and you’re all so powerful too woah....... you hate the cocogoat jokes too >:( pls mihoyo give her more attention !!!!!
scaramouche: you have rights guys we know you exist. also we know you want him to be playable. we know that you think his hat is neat. we know you love this shawty but please be quiet.
signora: wait you guys exist
hu tao: you prank people for fun like pls stop im so on edge when youre around . plus i feel you laugh at videos of babies falling over n shit,,,,,,, you cant wait for her banner but also please shut the fuck up
dainsleif: please leave me the fuck alone we did 1 (one) quest with him and you’re all obsessed with him . ok second hand dmitri from fire emblem you want a medal for being a fucking simp?
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cinnamonest · 3 years
If I may... all of those big/baby sister Darling made me think... a Darling who is Bennett's big sister. It would play all the same: he's found out by the adventurer and raised by them but with the addition of his big sister.
When the adventurer went out in search for riches that day, he wasn't expecting to find two children in amid a disaster. The older of the two, a female, holding a bundle of cloth to her chest as if her life depended on it. Her form jumps at every strike of lighting near her, but surprisingly, even with all of the deadly elements colliding with each others, none of them dared to touch her.
After saving the girl, the adventurer discovers that the bundle in her arms is her baby brother, just a couple of months old. He ask her where are her parents, but she just gives him a wide, blank stare. He could obviously not leave them to their luck, so he takes them back to Monstadt, hopefully they will find the siblings parents in no time.
Obviously, they didn't lol so the only sensible choice is raising them themselves.
The sister with time will join the adventurer's guild, but not for the desire of adventure, but to earn enough money for her and her little brother so they don't have to leech of the aging adventurers. Which proves to be not so hard, since she's the completely opposite to her sibling in terms of luck: all of the chests she finds are full to the brim with mora and artifacts, stores always seem to have a discount whenever she has to buy groceries, if it is raining and she's in a pickle, the enemies will slip and die in a really stupid way, etc etc.
She's so damn lucky, that she actually doesn't have to make use of her weapon nor does she has a vision (Bennett secretly likes that fact, because he thinks is the only lucky thing that have happened to him without his sister intervention, or Said sister)
Bennett would be like "Have you meet my dads? They are so cool! But you know who's even cooler? My big sister!" Due to her quickly escalating in the ranks, his admiration for her reaches unimaginable levels! But... he can't help but feel envious too.
All that he ever wanted to be, to do, and the only way he can somewhat fulfill that dream, is through someone else actions. He feels guilty for having that type of not so good emotions toward his dear big sister, but he can't help but feel useless. Everyone in the guild expected great things from him, since he's related to Darling. But when his lack of luck started to be seen as what it is and not really unlucky occurrences, everyone just sent him this look of pity or just plain up ignored him and asked for his sister.
This is only one branch of the tree of bittersweet feelings he'll harbour to his kin, that slowly will overgrow to the point of eclipsing the good ones, leaving him a mess of guilt, sadness and jealousy. That's his sister, don't you see she only has eyes for him? No one would have done so much for a no one like Bennett if she didn't truly loved him and only him.
Oh? Dear sister, you came from that commission earlier than what Katheryne calculated! It's so good to see you-- Eh? The bandits who were safekeeping the chest ate something poisonous and fell ill when you arrived? That's Lucky... I'm happy for you, really...
Today marks another day of one of Benny's adventure team member not reporting in... wait, you say that you went on an adventure with him earlier in the day? Ah, don't worry, you didn't know they left the team, so no need to apologise, hehe...
There's a lot of delicious stuff this could lead on, but I have to stop now lol So, what do you think?
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mossyythoughts · 2 years
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wanna know a bit more ?
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alrighty !!
i main klee/ganyu/xinyan/hu tao/venti
i love catalyst/polearm users
i started playing november, 2020
i actually downloaded genshin in september, but it wouldn't run on my computer (it always crashed???) so i forgot about it until november
i got my sister into playing in december, but now she hits bigger numbers then me wtf. (she's a chongyun/hu tao/itto/xingqiu main EWWWW /j)
it took me WAY TOO FUCKING LONG to get qiqi (she's home now tho!)
my hu tao never fucking crits what the hell.
i’m shifting teyvat high! (haven’t shifted yet, but once i do yknow theres gonna be so many stories LOL)
in teyvat high, my dorm people are bennett, razor, chongyun, xingqiu, venti, xiao, hu tao, xinyan, xiangling, and fischl!
teyvat high is chaotic as all hell.
my sister was watching me wish on venti's banner and when diluc came up she left the room to laugh and then came back.
I like a multitude of animes! Mha, Demon slayer, TBHK, etc! (manga reader for everything besides mha because my sister wants me to be surprised when i see it animated like bitch can you PLEASE just tell me if my faves are gonna get hurt 🙄)
shrimp chips are literally so delicious eating some rn as im writing this actually
i also also ALSO really like rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles
not to brag, but i kin mikey from tmnt 🥱
and miu iruma
huge switch but yknow.
IM REALLY OBSESSED WITH LEGO MONKIE KID !! watch it it is so good !! 110% would recommend the animation is great, the story is great, THE CHSRACTERS ARE AMAZING !!
i respond with yo mama to every inconvenience and i PRAY to not meet anyone who doesn't have a mom.
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rviden · 3 years
would you rather sleep in a bed during rain in summer with perfect room temp or a toasty bed in winter while it snows?
favorite anime and genre? or fav. cartoons?
heroes or villains?
fav. type of music/song?
if you were in a relationship, would you be the designated chef or would your S/O be it?
cooking or baking?
would you rather be the muse or the artist, given you were suddenly granted beautiful artistic abilities?
inazuma or liyue?
liyue or mondstat?
mondstat or inzauma?
fav 5 star?
ur first 5 star?
ur last 5 star?
fav 4 star?
most used 4 nd 5 star?
a toasty bed in winter
horror/fantasy animes
villains — they’re always so much more relatable and interesting then the main protagonists
my taste in music varies from day to day, but currently classic rock (i’m talking 70-80s), kpop, or love songs — i’m a sucker for a good slow love song despite hating the idea of “true love”
i feel like i’d be the self proclaimed chef but in reality i’m just the one to hand ingredients and utensils to my partner
baking 100%
i think either or are good — being the muse behind a work of heart is a dream, but also being the one to make a work of art sounds super appealing
raiden shogun — she’s my wifey (although xiao is definitely the one 5 star i go feral for everyday lol)
jean was my first 5 star followed shortly by keqing
my last 5 star is mommy baal
favourite in terms of story — fischl (i do kin her in most aspects after all) but in actual play style i’d have to say bennett or chongyun
4 star — bennett // 5 star — keqing/kazuha (i need to get hours in on baal for her to be my most played)
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hematomes · 3 years
wait wait omg omg team comp !! i am. i am so excited i love talking abt genshin strategy >:))
anyways uhhh my team(s)!!
diluc - precious 5 star i received on like my first 20 rolls on standard banner, main since the first week i played genshin or smth lol, now kind of main dps? but also sub dps/resident pyro applier? he needs kazuha’s cc so badly, but together they kill everything :)
fischl - electro support and required™️ bow user for puzzles, no i never use her aimed shots bc even on pc i can and will miss the weak spots . rip
kazuha - perfect. main dps? sun dps? literally does more damage than crimson witch diluc with his skill and he only has like 300 ish EM rn + lion’s roar (perfect for my overload comp!!). also swirls people to death + does beautiful cc . farming viridescent is hell i have no idea if i want crit or em or anemo bonus (i have an on set anemo bonus goblet tho!!)
bennett - i’d die to protect him, support/healer, don’t even need him cause kazuha keeps us safe by staggering mobs 24/7 w his skill, but i love bennett too much to switch him out, and his ult makes kazuha’s ult into a blender and diluc’s ult into a barbecue <3
kaeya - support/melt proc-er, future phys dps someday cause i love him. switched out w fischl sometimes, murders people w diluc, i kin him and i am sO excited for future plot w him >:)
future team!! bc i care abt zhongli so much that I’ll cry bc of it, but i don’t have him yet. cries
zhongli - main dps i DONT CARE if he’s not supposed to be, i WILL be a zhongli main and i WILL save all my wishes for him. im not even a simp im just rlly weak platonically for him,, im going to main him i refuse to NOT main him
ningguang - burst dps/geo damage booster, provides extra geo constructs for zhongli!! bless her she’s a killer and she’ll be main dps for as long as it takes zhongli to come home.
geo traveler - sub dps/geo construct provider, also i just rlly like the starter team and i wanna prove that they are just as good as everyone else >:))
noelle - healer/shield, not sure if she’ll stay on this team with zhongli? but i rlly like her so maybe she’ll chill w my other team and switch out w bennett when i need a shield :)
yes future team is. 100% geo. what abt it? (the what abt it means im gonna be running the geo domain until im physically dead) maybe barbara and kaeya will sneak in there for a delicious freeze/geo comp? anyway <3 im a kazuha, diluc, and future zhongli main ig?
advice pls im very small brained ;-;
hi hello good morning you're very cool and im so EXCITED to see someone as hyped as i am about team comps and genshin strat.... i WILL develop under the cut bc i don't want to spam my moots JKNS
ok let's see
diluc.... you're!!! lucky!!! he must work so well with kazuha too sob very very cool
pFRRRR aiming on pc is so hard, even with a controller i struggle (which is why i don't main bow users. and why pulling for gorou is only motivated by my simpery)
kazuha with lion's roar!!! heard it was really cool, especially with bennett and stuff (i gotta try that to stop mourning over unlocking his c6 lmao)
bennett is a great cook confirmed!! no but this boy is perfect, stunning, deserves the world, if i could barge into teyvat i would bitchslap the tasteless npc who yell at him and then adopt benny and protect him from the world
kaeya phys dps<3333 the TASTE. tho i use him as a cryo dps bc permafreeze go brrr. a kaeya kinnie!!! still not sure how kins work but that sounds cool as hell. AND SAME FOR HIS PLOT AAAA recently unlocked friendship lv. 6 with him and got fed the angst around him and diluc............. poor men
zhongli main dps is actually so broken since his buffs man.... i use him full hp tank (like around 50k hp) but he somehow got 130% crit dmg and sometimes deal like 50k on his ult and i still can't believe this shit
ningguang/zhongli have such an interesting CHEMISTRY + it'll be cool to see ningguang as a "sub" dps for once!!!!!
GEO TRAVELER HHHH the power they hold it's amazing, like pop off you're royalty
DSJKSDN AND NOELLE BEST GIRL??? DAMN + full geo comp, that is vv good the geo archon will be pleased hehehe good luck with the geo domain tho.... it's,, it's a rough one
not sure what you're asking advice for sweets bc this all sounds really really cool, and you look excited so imo it's all that matters <333 BTW,,,, do you,, you know,,,, wanna be moots
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godzas · 3 years
🎶🍀 a3 or genshin ^_^
a3 music!!! my faves are: just for myself, the contract, plastic poker, kiteretsu poemer, living the dream, mikansei na sora de, sick sick sick, and rakuen oasis!
i dont kin from genshin or a3, but boy does it bring me comfort! comfort characters and fave characters are the same thing, so my genshin faves are chongyun, xiangling, bennett, fischl, and albedo. wait thats just my team plus xiangling. huh. well i do build my team around who i love lol. and for a3, i really like, itaru, yuki, taichi, and hisoka. a fave for each troupe.
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bennettscanofworms · 4 years
Ayyy baybeee, it’s worm time!
Hi, I’m Bennett but I lowkey prefer being called Moth, Bug, Worm or Bee! So anywayz I wanted to make a tumblr bc ik people here are chaotic as fuck and I feel right at home.
Factz about me:
-I say I’m a male bc I’m AMAB in the hs for convenience but tbh I’m a clusterfuck of genders idc idc. Some labels I identify with are; genderpunk, non-binary boy/demiboy, xenogender, antigender, lol prolly lots more idc what you call me
-I use it/he/they/xe/ze/other non-feminine & non-species/kin related pronouns for the normies and also worm/worm/wormself (alternatively 🐛/🐛s/🐛self) or other bug related pronouns baybee
-I’m a non-human alter in a prof-dx DID system. I’m a shapeshifter demon, I used to be a persecutor but now I’m just a minor inconvenience
-I don’t count myself as either tucute or truscum because the whole debate is fucking stupid; just let people vibe
-I’m referred to as “the system’s collective trendersona” and I absolutely vibe with that
-I’m on the spectrum, most likely at least. My special interests are; bugs, spiders, nature, frogs, cursed images, scene stuff, furbies and worms on strings.
-I’m very hyper, kind of a sarcastic asshole sometimes, I infodump and talk a lot and I’m usually rly upbeat!
-I have a bf in our partner system, I’m extremely gay for him and will talk about him for hours if provoked. I call him Moss Man and he calls me Bug Boy :)
-I like lots of different kinds of music and artists, a lot of emo shit like MCR but also Lil Darkie and EDM shit
-My favorite color is green!!
-I’m lowkey a kinnie but not like super deep into it. I kin lots of annoying characters like Alois Trancy, Junko Enoshima, Hiyoko Saonji, Alyssa from TEOFTW, Ren from BTD, yeahhh prolly otherz too lol but idfc about doubles or nothing at all. Kin systems piss me off tho, fuck off!!!
-I’m occasionally into disturbing and triggering media (BTD, Corpse Party, etc) and just like straight up gore as a coping mechanism but I won’t post abt that without TWs and I’ll prolly make a sideblog for it lolz
I’m kinda shit at keeping conversations going but if you wanna talk hop into my DMs bc I’m lonely and prolly gonna be co-host!!
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fictionkinfessions · 4 months
im very ??? about furina.
liiiike i only met her once or twice i think? and she was pretty fine actually, we were jus. a bit. hostile towards eachother? i dont remember much. anyways, started playing the archon quest for fontaine, right? and. i do not like her. at all. i see her and i go "something happened between us in my memories and i do not want to know what".
but, objectively, i do like her as a character. she is a well written character, and i LOVE her character. its just, its a bit hard seperating the furina from my memories versus the furina in game lol.
a bennett who is consistently Going Through It (#🎸🥡🥢)(kin & fictive)
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gooferdusted · 4 years
#3 for the identity ask?
3. list your fandoms and one character from each that you identify with
or as I like to call it, the 2020 kin list:
supernatural - jack kline
marvel - peter parker
euphoria- rue bennett
gilmore girls - sookie st james
life is strange - max caulfield
mlp - applebloom
gravity falls - mabel pines
I am not okay with this - sydney novak
bee and puppycat - bee
IT - ben hanscom
doctor who - clara oswald
moomin - tooticky
dctv - kara danvers
dceu - freddy freeman
(I'm "active" in like. 3 of these, lol the rest is just stuff I like/used to like)
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