#i just think it suits him lol!
headcanon that rather than disobeying the lan clan’s strict sleep schedule like staying up late or waking up late like you might expect of him, Lan Jingyi does rest at hai time and rise at mao time like any Lan but in the most chaotic and inelegant way. Hai time rolls around and he is instantly out, like just nods off in the middle of a conversation while still standing mouth hanging open
the number of times Sizhui has had to move him to his bed in their dorm after Jingyi falls asleep sprawled on the floor, or frantically yank him out of a bath before he drowns, Ouyang Zizhen will catch his head before it falls into his plate of food, Jin Ling ends up having to carry him on his back to the nearest inn when they’re out of town
and yeah he wakes up at mao time but he wakes up like an explosion and is instantly bursting with energy. Before Sizhui can even fully open his eyes, Jingyi is halfway through a monologue at full volume, he’s bouncing off the walls, 75% of his day’s productivity is happening right after he wakes up
bonus points if this very noticeably does Not happen during a serious battle or night hunt and people start to think he’s doing it on purpose but Sizhui will tell you no he’s just Like That
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puppyeared · 1 month
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updated xin ref
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yuviur · 9 months
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Post-Odyssey Ron and Terry Jr <3 Gotta love this emotionally available dad/son duo!
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halogbs · 3 months
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Golden ⭐️
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aceghosts · 2 months
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Screenshots of Rooney Shepard (They/Them) in Cyberpunk 2077 (17/X)
Taglist (Like this post to opt in/out for edits): @bbrocklesnar, @marivenah, @alexxmason, @sergeiravenov, @nightbloodbix, @strangefable, @captastra, @socially-awkward-skeleton, @amalkavian, @voidika, @carlosoliveiraa, @inafieldofdaisies, @clicheantagonist, @onehornedbeast, @cassietrn, @thedeadthree, @katsigian, @cloudofbutterflies92, @direwombat, @confidentandgood, @theelderhazelnut
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luckyjorabbit · 10 months
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Ruiner 🩸
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pixelatedraindrops · 2 months
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You can't just leave him to suffer all alone Makoto... ;w;
So this is essentially a role-reverse of this comic XD (idk why)
Makoto may be super moody and fussy when he catches the flu; but if Yuma catches the flu, he's super needy and clingy when delirious. And it looks like Makoto can't say no to him... x'D
I guess your work is going to have to wait after all. Now you better properly take care of your sick original! (just try not to get sick yourself hehe)
I know this comic is usually supposed to be heartwarming but...I made it more silly.
because they're silly lil' guys... x'D
Based on another skit from @foxes-in-love
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estebunny · 3 months
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daniel ricciardo and a photographer commenting on the filming pose from esteban ocon
via Drive to Survive: Season 6 Episode 9
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treasureplcnet · 7 months
Hello! I adore your Bodies fanart. I was imagining Karl in 1890 and how much havoc he would wreak. Also Henry and Karl would get along very well, I think, and Karl would be a *terrible* matchmaker for Henry and Alfred... I'd love to see your take on any of this, if anything comes to you 😍
HELLO OMG THANK YOU FOR THE EXCUSE TO JUST DROP HOT TAKES INTO THE BODIES NETFLIX TAG <3 all these drawings are very scrappy and i lost the plot and this became more like sharing all my hcs but still :')
now that you have brought it to me i really do think henry and karl would be unstoppable, i think they'd constantly have a fun, back-and-forth banter !!! i also can see karl dropping multiple not-so-subtle hints, and all of the detectives being quite supportive. gently too, considering the period-typical homophobia. i do think sometime along the lovelorn pining looks, he gets tired of seeing them orbit each other without anything happening, and this exchange occurs:
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more doodles and crying under the cut :)
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i will die on the "karl weissman bisexuality" hill. HE TOLD ME IN A DREAM!!!! it's just a little messier for him because he really likes women and will not figure it out ever. charlotte hillinghead TO ME also has the exact opposite problem where she is very much in love with her husband and doesn't have any incentive (or freedom considering the time period) to explore her sexuality. the way she accepted hillinghead's feelings for henry, and was less rejecting and more devastated over thinking he didn't love her or polly, just read queer to me somehow. an acceptance because she's like that too, yk? (maybe a bit of a reach but i don't get to choose who my mind designates as being bi)
i like to think that charlotte-karl experience a spider-verse mindmeld "YOU'RE LIKE ME" moment over being bisexual but they're not quite sure why they're feeling that way because they have no idea they're bi. if you are me you will understand perfectly
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and i am a henry/alfred/charlotte poly truther as well (please see above discord ranting from my dms with a friend lol)
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on more notes of just giving whichever character i want the bisexuality card, hasan is bi to me too. i think hillinghead and her bond a little over that shared religious guilt, of having their respective institutions be homophobic, and the feeling for so much of their life that they're different, so there must be something wrong. it helps her empathise with him and they quickly become closer because of it :) possibly also introducing him to queer lit, and maybe some non fiction lgbt history books
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and one last final doodle because i think alfred as the only detective with an active love life where he's pursuing someone would make the others pretend like they can be adults but they want to know SO BAD and they also give advice once in a while because they're rooting for alfred :) they're all pretty good at hiding how badly they're invested in this (think iris 'casually' asking hillinghead how it's going and the other two perk up in the background) like i refuse to believe any of them are totally immune to the equivalent of office-gossip
this was so so long LOL i hope any of that is coherent !!!!! a lot of it ofc is my own projection bc i am bi, but it's real to me <3
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bmpmp3 · 7 days
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harbingersecho · 4 months
six fanarts thing - ty to everyone who gave me the chs!!
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thetomorrowshow · 22 days
empires superpowers au masterlist (not up to date)
this story takes place about a year after the end of ‘poisoned rats’.
cw: light eye horror
He’s still new to the whole going-to-work thing. It’s kind of like school, and Jimmy had never liked school, but it’s different in the way that he’s getting paid for his work. And it’s a decent bit more enjoyable than school—he’s learning about cars, getting familiar with the inner workings of machines, and he hasn’t properly had the chance to pop open a hood since he was a teenager and would help his dad with checking the coolant and whatall.
It’s nothing glamorous, but Jimmy really likes his job—more than when he worked as a call service agent, at least. Today he’d learned how to even the weight of a motorcycle, and even though he’d pinched his fingers between the exhaust pipe and the engine, his boss had praised his efforts and let him off early.
Scott usually picks him up from work—they’ve got a second car, but Jimmy doesn’t take his driving test until this weekend so he’s not really meant to be driving himself anywhere—but Scott isn’t free for another hour, so Jimmy meanders around downtown.
He used to live on these streets, so it’s more instinct and less purpose that leads him down to the park across the block from his old apartment building—now closed, he observes, for renovations. The park is lonely at this time of day, two rusting swings hanging silently and a plastic slide gleaming in the sun.
Jimmy stops for a moment, stares at the yellowed grass and bleached plastic playground equipment. He’d never allowed himself to go anywhere near this park, a spot of joy for the kids living in the rundown neighborhood.
He can’t hang here long for risk of being chased off by some bathrobe-clad mother, accusing him of being a predator, so Jimmy turns back to the main part of downtown and heads back in the direction of the mechanic. Maybe Scott’s patrolling in the area, can show off some ice tricks.
There’s a handful of other walkers starting to appear when he makes it back into downtown proper, mostly those returning to work from lunch and high schoolers skipping out of school early. Once upon a time, Jimmy knew how to blend in perfectly with this crowd. Once upon a time, he could never stay in one place for too long.
He slides in among them just as easily as he once might have, moving at the same speed and keeping to the common footpath. He keeps his eyes down and dodges anyone coming from the other direction without issue.
Which is why it’s weird when someone runs right into him.
“Oh, geez—sorry, can I—”
“Well, isn’t it great to see you!”
Jimmy blinks, flinches as the man he’d run into slaps him on the back a couple of times. He . . . he has no clue who this is.
His mind instantly cycles through various brutes from Xornoth’s manor, but this face doesn’t match any of them. This man is a bit stocky, straw-colored hair hanging over his forehead, thin beard a bit darker in color. He’s smiling widely, even as he takes Jimmy by the hand and starts dragging him off.
Jimmy can’t help it—some strange man is pulling him away and he panics—with a snap of adrenaline—
The man jumps back, Jimmy coming with him, as a chair is thrown out of the window of the building beside them, narrowly missing them. He chuckles, taps his nose knowingly.
“You aren’t getting me with that one! Don’t worry, I just want to talk. How about in that deli?”
He doesn’t point anywhere, strangely enough, so Jimmy just glances around until he sees a deli.
All the well-trained alarm systems in Jimmy’s brain are firing, but. . . .
Now that he thinks about it, there is something familiar about this man. Maybe it’s his cadence, or his eyes—
And Jimmy realizes with a start that the man is blind, his eyes clouded over, faded scars stretching across them.
He’s shocked enough that he lets the man lead him into the deli, grab them a table, and order himself a sandwich.
That’s when he notices that the man is not only blind, but has earplugs in.
“I’m sorry,” he finds himself saying loudly as the man tucks into his sandwich, “I think you may have mistaken me with someone else.”
The man winces. “You don’t have to shout, I’m right here,” he says around a mouthful of sandwich. “And no, Tim, I know who you are.”
If that isn’t ominous. And also the wrong name, though it once again scritches at the part of his brain that finds something about this man so oddly familiar. “Jimmy,” he automatically corrects. “Not Tim. And I really ought to get going—”
“Back to Scott?”
Jimmy freezes, halfway out of his seat.
“Because I’m pretty sure he’s patrolling around the East side of the city, y’know. Unless you want to call Lizzie. Pretty sure she’s not busy at the minute.”
The man takes another bite out of his sandwich, scratches his beard.
Jimmy’s stomach goes cold. How did he—how can—it’s—
“See Tim, there’s not a lot that I don’t hear about,” the man continues. “However, there is something that I need to know, if you wouldn’t mind answering.”
He needs to get away. Fight or flight has fully kicked in, and Jimmy needs to run. Jimmy raises his hand, ready to do—something, shatter his chair or collapse the table or hurt him in some way—but the man only tsks.
“Come on then, none of that. The three of us have got to stick together, really. Wouldn’t be good to start fighting, especially with the way Nine acts.”
Slowly, Jimmy sits back down. It’s not because he’s intimidated, he tells himself. His fingers twitch. He could kill this man in an instant, and no one would ever know.
The man puts down his sandwich in its wrapper and leans in, head tilted a bit to the side. “So,” he says lowly, “did you kill them?”
Jimmy knows, instinctively, that he means Xornoth.
And it’s not intimidation that makes Jimmy answer. It’s some strange feeling that he knows this man, and cares about him. Something familiar in the line of his nose and the color of his hair.
“Yeah,” says Jimmy in the same low tone. “Yeah, I did.”
The man sits back, a wide smile spreading across his face. “Good. I figured you did, y’know, but I was sleeping when it happened. You could’ve pulled a runner, y’know? Could’ve been someone else to get them. That wouldn’t have been right, though. It had to be one of their . . . erm, what did they start calling them? Subjects?”
Jimmy swallows, then mutters an answer in the affirmative. He keeps having to remind himself that he doesn’t know this man, as familiar as he is. How does he know so much?
“Right. Back in my day, we were ‘participants’. What a joke.” The man shakes his head, then takes another bite of his sandwich. “Well, thanks for the info. I won’t tell anyone, promise—well, I’ll tell Nine, but Nine isn’t much of a talker, so it won’t get out or anything.”
“Right,” Jimmy manages. He checks his phone; Scott should be coming to pick him up soon. He casts his eyes about, trying to think of anything to say to the strange man with white scars and earplugs.
“What happened to your eyes?” he asks eventually. The man smiles ruefully, one hand going up to trace over the scars. They aren’t precise in any way, some smaller ones littered around the corners, long ones down the middle. If Jimmy looks closely, he can even see the places the irises are entirely missing along with the scar, leaving the man with cloudy white streaks through his eyes.
“Let’s just say—next time those scientists of theirs have you on the table, make sure and ask ‘em to strap down your hands,” the man says. “Not that that should ever happen to you again, but you never know, y’know?”
Jimmy feels slightly ill, staring at those scars. Most of his aren’t self-inflicted, nor nearly as visible as those. Sure, he has one across his cheek, and a small one above his eyebrow, but they don’t usually attract much attention. Scott even thinks they make him look rather dashing. He can only imagine the stares and questions this man gets on a daily basis.
The stranger finishes his sandwich, wiping his fingers off with the wrapper. He stands, tips an imaginary hat toward Jimmy.
“Well, I’ll be off. The city’s a bit loud, don’t you think? Oh, and thanks for footing the bill.”
And then he’s gone, and Jimmy sits there in stunned silence until he shakes himself, heads up to the counter, and pays.
He tries to forget about the man. As weeks pass, he moves on, his days taken up by work and Scott and his friends. And he mostly does forget about the familiar stranger, too busy to spare the mental energy needed to try and figure out who he was.
That is, until one night, nearly a month later.
Lizzie had managed to get a hold of their high school’s yearbook from when she was a senior and Jimmy a sophomore, and together with Scott and Joel they paged through it, laughing at Lizzie’s galaxy-themed outfit and Jimmy’s unbrushed hair.
They stop on the page of the soccer team, and Jimmy knows from the coos and laughs that they’re looking at him and his ridiculous hair, but his eyes are caught on a familiar face.
“Who’s that?” he finds himself saying, pointing to the boy beside him, the boy who has his arm slung around his shoulders, the boy who—in one small picture off to the side, is knuckling Jimmy’s head.
And then he remembers.
He pages through the yearbook until he finds him.
A senior that year. One of his friends, and one of the only people who tried to still hang out with him after his powers got out of hand.
He’d almost completely forgotten about Martyn.
Martyn, the dude with the new Playstation. He’d been powered—not strongly, but with some fairly average super hearing and far vision.
Jimmy thinks back to the man he’d met, blinded by his own hands, hearing so intense that he has to wear earplugs at all times.
And then he wonders, dreading the unknown answer, what kind of mistakes had been made with the experiments before his own—and who on earth Nine might be.
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sinisteryuri · 3 months
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ok. tragically separated wwi era vampire twins.
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#seabirds.txt#seabirds.art#mystery twins#gemeos do misterio#q!bagi#q!cellbit#qsmp#i did research 1920s era clothing for this but i based a lot of it off of their mc skins.#cellbit is a sailor turned vampire who ended up in europe during wwi after fighting naval battles at sea and never came home#bagi becomes a journalist to find him and stumbles across vampires along the way not realizing he had become a vampire too#design notes: this all started off of bagi's newsboy cap which was popular in the 1920s with working men. i put her in men's pants because#wanted to give this energy of working a job traditionally not worked by women at the time. <- women started campaigning to work as#journalists notably around the late 1800s and early 1900s (at least in the us and some european countries (couldnt find info on brazil))#i was thinking of nellie bly when thinking of what bagi would be doing in this au! she also has a bandana to hide her neck where her vampir#bite would be and a hanky for blood clean up. perhaps something from home. cellbit is not concerned with hiding his own neck. he's just#wearing a dress shirt LOL. i feel like cellbit would be fully embracing his vampiric tendencies at this point and a part of more vampire#society than human while for bagi it would be the other way around (she's still looking for him in the human world using vampire resources)#that is why he is so bloodstained. i feel like in his free time he would be freelancing detective work for other vampires maybe to gather u#favors or something similar. he's a little bit fancy because of this but still casual enough that there's no suit involved.
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skitskatdacat63 · 3 months
I don't know how I'd ever convey this in art but. Thinking very deeply about how in boy king au, a very crucial part of characterization is that Seb is a wolf in sheep(or lamb more specifically)'s clothing and Fernando is a sheep in wolf's clothing.
Seb is very unassuming, very delicate, seemingly very vulnerable and malleable. But, deep down, he can be very ruthless. It's in the the way he hesitantly declares war, with a spark in his eye and a suppressed smirk. In the way he challenges someone to a card game or a horse race, proclaiming that he's not great, but winning every round and prancing around the room and mentioning it ad infinitum. The way he's able to instantly turn the tide in a debate in one fell swoop. By showing all his cards constantly and letting himself be vulnerable, he's making himself invulnerable. No one would ever consider him to be able to make big moves, so he wins every single time, because no one even thinks to expect it from him.
Fernando on the other hand, is constantly committed to having a looming presence and harsh reputation, but deep down, he's soft. He knows what happens to people when they're vulnerable, and he's not going to let himself be taken advantage of. The way he keeps a brave face when being informed of the marriage proposal, but goes back to his room and cries. The way he proclaims that he was always going to be the rightful ruler of Spain, but confides to Flavio that he never thought there was any real chance of it ever happening. The way he takes himself so seriously in public, but inside feels so giddy whenever he can make someone laugh. Everything to him always feels unstable and ready to crumble at any moment, and he's not willing to contribute to that by letting himself relax.
I think thats why it's very difficult for them to get along at first, because they have completely different approaches to how they carry themselves and make their way through life. Seb is confused at Fernando because he feels that he's very bland and overly serious at first, but truthfully he's not really seeing the actual Fernando. And Fernando finds Seb to be naive and easily taken advantage of, but that's because he's never seen Seb at his most cruel. Seb really loves when he eventually gets to see Fernando being vulnerable, and Fernando really admires and respects Seb when he sees him being serious. I think it just takes a while for them to show the other their full and complete selves, even the parts they can sometimes be ashamed of. There's this very compelling dichotomy in Seb laying out all his cards, but still being very difficult to read, and Fernando keeping his cards to his chest, but his intentions often being easily seen through.
#meanwhile everyone else: what is this weird fucked up mating ritual they are participating in#though i think its very interesting how their motivations differ#seb wants to lull people into a false sense of security(and also really just likes to be his complete unadulterated self)#and fernando is guarding himself because he doesn't want to get hurt#and i think seb convinces Fernando that its okay to be openly soft and yourself :) not eveyrone is out to get you#and fernando teaches seb hey maybe dont invite this obvious assassin to your chambers?????#i think seb also has insecurites but Fernando's are just more easy to explain bcs hes in a much more difficult situation#at the end of the day both of them are putting on facades in some way#(i think seb likes to be himself but also does feel really hurt when people dont think he has the capacity or ability to rule effectively)#(he likes to be kind and playful and doesnt want to obscure that part of himself. but hes aware it can hurt his image unfortunately)#also lol the way i characterize fernando is very historically accurate btw#bcs the spanish court tradition was basically to be above it all and be a lofty unobtainable figure if that makes sense#yknow having just this insane level of confidence and infallible image of yourself as the ruler#the guy seb is based on really bought into that idea but i dont think it really suits seb so yeah#seb I think is very much a unique figure that others have a lot of trouble reading him and his intentions. which is great!#AAAAAHHH MAN FELT REALLY GOOD TO WRITE ALL THAT OUT !!!!!!!!!#i love writing their characterization so fucking much you dont understand#its nice to put it in words like this bcs yknow i dont rly enjoy actual writing. but this i enjoy greatly#hope this is compelling to more than just me hahaha#boy king au#catie.rambling.txt#vettonso
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puppetmaster13u · 9 months
Thinkin about the Meat Marionette Au, specifically the batclan having two bodies. And I apologize if this is rambling lol
I feel like they still train and work out most days (look Bruce has gotten used to picking up his kids, he's not going to stop even if he's in his human body). It's just probably not to the same extent as in canon of a daily thing without giving their bodies a break. That probably actually means their human bodies are healthier than in canon, seeing as one actually needs to let their muscles rest between exercising them. Not to mention they- or at least their bodies- are getting rest. Hell it's almost like their bodies are in comas for a few hours each night what with how low their brain activity would register as.
Now I'm thinking this probably influences how they act and appear towards the public. They shy away from most interviews (they're trying not to hiss or growl) and are mostly quiet whenever they speak in public, so it'd be easier for the tabloids to spin a story about a shy or demure family doing their best to help Gotham. Which is... the complete opposite of what they are, but no one needs to know that.
Others might even go the mysterious hermit route when trying to write a story about the Waynes, seeing as they're not spotted outside often (what with uses of disguises and such) save for the times the patriarch of the family has gone on another adoption spree. Honestly most of the stories about them are either having to do with Wayne industries, the very rare gala that everyone is wanting into, or the several adoptions that have been reported on several times.
Online is another story probably, and there's definitely several memes about each Wayne family member's posts. They're somehow Gotham's darlings despite being social recluses.
That being said, being connected to the Tunnels definitely has an effect on them even in their original human bodies. Not just mentally but physically as well. Like there is some definite off vibes the longer one is in their presence, their movements just a hint too graceful and something almost... predatory about it.
Also slightly random but I feel like Bruce would grow his hair out, like not even purposely at first. He just got caught up in cases and trying to figure out the meat-marionettes (thank you Dick for the name, but did you really have to call them that) that he forgot to get it cut several times. And by then it's just easier to put it in a ponytail than stay still for however long it'd take to get it cut and well, actually look good even if he himself doesn't care about it. Then he also gets kids who want to learn how to do things like braiding hair, which means he learns too and... yeah...
This au is a combo of my cryptid batfam and @phoenixcatch7's possessed doll au, which you need to check out because it's great. A really fun concept and influences a lot of this Au concept too. Also mutual of mine do you have any ideas for their civilian IDs
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faunandfloraas · 23 days
Like I do think Seungmin got pigeonholed as Dandy Boy and the Straight Man of skz and even thought they're 6 years into this everyone keeps falling back to that time and again, once in a while he gets to go out of that zone but they always bring him back to it in the end because that's /his station/ but boy. Do I wish they'd move on.
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