#i may recommend you to listen to the Amazing Devil too
angeltreasure · 11 months
Please pray for me that anxiety leaves me it feels like a spiritual attack now since I’m trying to get closer to God. Learning about Catholicism+orthodoxy makes me feel better sometimes I really like your blog my anxiety really wears down my spirit
Praying for you now! 🙏🏻
You know what I find really helps anxiety go away? I recommend buying big headphones 🎧 like this emoji. Go on YouTube and listen to Gregorian chant and Orthodox chant. One of the ways we can overcome a spiritual attack is flooding our senses (hearing, sight, taste, touch, etc) with holy things. Harpa Dei is great channel for music too. I’ll try to post some more often. I would keep an icon in your room or saved on your phone. Or, watch videos on YouTube of someone explaining the meaning behind icons. I was amazed the other day about the one of Our Lady of Perpetual Help at the detail of Jesus’s little sandal.
The Rosary in Catholicism is a very powerful prayer. I would keep one in your pocket and bring it with you everywhere you can. If you learn how to pray the Rosary, it takes your mind’s focus off of fear that Satan causes and makes our mind pray on the life of Jesus and His mother Mary.
I think an icon of St. Michael would be good to find. Pray for his intercession because he is a very powerful angel. Even a prayer card can be good, they are small and you can carry it discretely around with you. This is the prayer you are most likely to find on a St. Michael card:
St. Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,
and do thou,
O Prince of the heavenly hosts,
by the power of God,
thrust into hell Satan,
and all the evil spirits,
who prowl about the world
seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
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alittlebirb · 1 year
What do you recommend from The Amazing Devil? I love crane wives too btw!
Ohhhhhh thank you so much for asking me this tumblr user sally salamencerobot, this is the perfect way to set me off :DD
5. Pray, from Love Run
This song is so wildly intense and powerful and every time I listen to I feel like tearing apart the fabric of the sky. What a banger! It perfectly encapsulates one of the reasons I love The Amazing Devil, which is that their music feel like it captures the soul of a Shakespearean play.
Favorite lyrics:
Why you cannot sleep for sighing /
Why womanhood is more than crying
4. The Old Witch Sleep and the Good Man Grace, from Ruin
This song just. It wrecks me. It reaches out a hand to the darkest times and the deepest pains, and pulls them into a dance. It's grief and fury and humor and acceptance all in one. The length and hushed beginning may seem off-putting, but I promise you the build up culminates the most satisfying experience ever.
Favorite lyrics:
You're not a coward 'cause you cower /
You're brave because they broke you /
Yet broken still you breathe /
So breathe, breathe just breathe
3. Drinking Song for the Socially Anxious, from Ruin
Oughhhh just the incredible humanness of this song, the mundane experiences and fellow feeling and real connection. It's so tender and funny, and at the core there's just a lovely kindness that wraps you up and tells you you're not alone. It's an ode to the socially anxious, the socially awkward, and everyone who's gone home from a social gathering feeling like they'd rather live in bed than do anything like that ever again.
Favorite lyrics:
But your smile tells me I'm safe /
And that voice unspoken's heard /
'Cause if God make us all in his image /
Then God's a fucking nerd!
2. Fair, from The Horror and the Wild
This song is so tender...it feels like a hand brushing through your hair, your parents tucking you into bed and giving you a kiss, holding on tight to your friend in a crowd so that you don't get lost. It is just so deeply in love with the miniscule details of sharing your life with someone, and it makes my heart ache every single time.
Favorite lyrics:
'Cause darling I was born to press my head between your shoulder blades /
At night when light is fading /
Just to let you know I'm old, waylaid and feels like I am wading
Side note: Joey Batey's voice here??? 😭😭
1. Farewell Wanderlust, from The Horror and the Wild
My favorite song from this artist is indeed everyone's favorite song: Farewell Wanderlust!
It's so darkly gorgeous, like if light and shadow were transcribed into sound. Madeline and Joey's voices draw you in, draw you close, until you're caught in the musical equivalent of dancing with the devil. And when they release all of their emotion in a beautifully roaring crescendo, it's pure catharsis. It's like, the platonic ideal of itself.
Favorite lyrics:
"Come, devil, come," she sang, "Call out my name" /
Let's take this outside, 'cause we're one and the same /
Our gods have abandoned us, left us instead /
Take up arms, take my hand, let us waltz for the dead
Ahhh tysm for giving me an opportunity to gush about my favorite music! As a fellow Crane Wife, I have conclude that you must have good taste! And in turn, if you feel amenable, I would love to ask which songs you would recommend from your favorite artist?
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miss-bookworm · 10 months
5 Songs Tag - QL Shows Edition
Tagged by @omarandjohnny 🧡thank you Johnny!
When you get this, list 5 songs from the Asian QL shows that you actually listen to.
🎶They do not have to be custom-made for the series.
🎶Non-western tracks only. Let's support Asian music and languages!
🎶Feel free to tag anyone who may be interested in participating.
🎶Add #5qls tag to your post for others to find the new favourites!
So, here is my list of favourite songs from asian QL shows.
Nanon Korapat - Just Friends?
Gavin.D - ONE TO TEN
ISBANKY - Dancing with the devil (this is probably my most played song on spotify, I'm obsessed with it! love the music video too)
Coldin - Romantic Devil
OMEGA X - Come Together (Jaehan sounds amazing on this! I recommend the other two songs as well)
Honorary mention goes to:
Slot Machine - Free Fall
Tagging @first-kanaphan and @yasisworld if you feel like doing this.
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5 Songs Tag - QL Edition
Credit to @troubled-mind for the idea! Thank you @rocketturtle4 for leaving the prompt open and letting me jump in on this.
📝 Rules:
When you get this, list 5 songs from the Asian QL shows that you actually listen to.
♪♪♪They do not have to be custom-made for the series.
♪♪♪Non-western tracks only. Let's support Asian music and languages!
♪♪♪ Feel free to tag anyone who may be interested participating.
♪♪♪ Add #5qls tag to your post for others to find the new favourites!
1. Romantic Devil - Coldin
Semantic Error may have a very small OST list but it's a pretty darn good one that does its job well. This song caught my ear immediately when I was watching Semantic Error and I've never looked back since. I listen to this song whenever I'm out and about and want to feel a little bit of added confidence by channeling my inner Jae Young.
2. Rock & Star - Fourth Nattawat
I love pretty much all of the MSP OST tracklist but Rock & Star just might be my favourite (by a very small margin though, so many of the songs and covers are amazing, Just Being Friendly could honestly be here, as could Let Me Tell You and ฟัง). It honestly makes me so happy whenever I listen to it, 💯 points and no complaints.
3. Just Friends - Nanon
I won't lie, normally when someone picks up a guitar in a bl it's my queue to press the skip button until they've put it down again because I am completely willing to potentially miss a little bit of plot in order to avoid even a millisecond of second hand embarrassment. Just Friends was the first time my hand paused over the fast forward button and I'm so glad it did, I love this song.
4. What Don't You Stay - Jeff Satur
I have actually never watched KinnPorsche (shock horror gasp) and I don't currently intend to (screams of horror) because I know my own tastes pretty well at this point and I don't think they align. Maybe one day though, who knows. That being said, I have seen interview clips and have enjoyed Jeff and Barcode as a very chaotic friendship/mentor and I am completely willing to admit Jeff has a beautiful voice that I can listen to for hours.
5. Night Flower - Ahn Ye Eun
Okay, I'm cheating a little because this is from a webtoon and not a TV show BUT given part of the point of this tag is to celebrate Non-western artists and music, I think it can be given a pass. Ahn Ye Eun is one of my favourite artists. Full. Stop. I absolutely adore her and her voice and I got so excited when I found out she's writing songs for BL webtoons now, I just really hope we get to hear her in an OST for a (historical) K-QL soon because that would be A TREAT.
Her style is Trad-Fusion and mixes techniques and styles from traditional Korean music with more modern pop elements and I fell in love with it the first time I heard it (and maybe you will too, I definitely recommend checking out her other works if you can).
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rainbowcolored7 · 2 years
Tagged by @evil-moonlight Thanks doll!
I think I've been tagged by a few others for this and I'm sorry I never got around to it! I'm going to be going through and trying to respond to the ones I've missed, but if anyone wants to tag me again feel free!
Favorite Color: Cerulean blue, baby/hot pink and bright yellow has been growing on my for a while now.
Currently reading: Uh, well, I think the last actual book I picked up was the first in the Shadow & Bone series, but as I usually do with books I got distracted by fic and fandom things. I have been meaning to go back and reread (and finish reading) all of Cherie Priest's novels, but they're all packed away in boxes in my storage unit unfortunately. If you're into zombies, supernatural themes, and steampunk I HIGHLY recommend reading her stuff because it's fucking amazing.
Fanfiction wise I'm making my way through @godotismissingx -Bedroom Hymns series for like the fourth time - https://archiveofourown.org/series/2475169
@kinnsporsche True North https://archiveofourown.org/works/39011805/chapters/97582617
And of course anxiously waiting every day for updates on @yeetlegay Fake Love and Hennessy https://archiveofourown.org/works/39083298/chapters/97769772 and @luckydragon10 A King's Tree https://archiveofourown.org/works/39298218/chapters/98339034
(I just spent an hour fighting tumblr to get the coding to work to do click through links and it still isn't working idk so sorry about that...)
Last song: Well, this is difficult to answer because I'm currently listening to music so I'll just name the few songs I've been listening to obsessively for the past week etc. Hindi Sad Diamonds - John Leguizamo, Nicole Kidman & Alka Yagnik from Moulin Rouge (yes this is entirely Tong's fault from the world tour, thank you sir), Always Remember Us This Way - Lady Gaga (it's kimchay and it hurts and I love the pain), Small Doses - Bebe Rexha (ofc a kp video turned me onto this one), Smother Me - Kelaska and OF COURSE Why Don't You Stay by Jeff Satur because, I mean, come on.
Last Series: Working my way through a 3rd/2nd and a half rewatch of The Devil Judge (I never finished my second rewatch), um, KinnPorsche of course, that one is just a constant. Also watching My Liberation Notes, but I had to to take a break because every single character in that show is so damn depressed and human that it really brings me down to the dirt and I was getting a bit too sad. When I can finally tear myself away from all my wips I'm really looking forward to watching the newest season of Virgin River (yeah, I know, don't look at me like that. It's sweet and wholesome and corny and hetero but it's yummy okay).
Last movie: Went and saw Thor Love and Thunder with the fam sunday evening. It was predictable, very marvel (derogatory), but I laughed a lot and it was a fun watch. Oh, and I watched Moana again last night as well because I heard Jeff Satur's cover of How Far I'll Go and promptly cried and lost my entire mind. Go ruin your life and listen to it right now. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ex_NRs9VyNw
Currently working on: Oh gawd please don't make me say it... several vid edits on the backburner, peteporsche fic, lawyer!kinn assistant!porsche fic request by @moerusai , kp fantasy royal au, the haunting of Theerapanyakul house (a haunting of hill house vegaspete au) for the lovely @liyazaki , another armpol fic, the kp greaser!era fic and Vegas character study I may or may not be giving up on 'cause the sparks just aren't hitting right, AND several pieces of artwork. *cries in not enough time*
No pressure tags - Everyone I mentioned above! As well as @acacia-luna-royal @ahdriking @omarandjohnny @mematryoshkame @minisculecosmos @suga4mycoffee
Pretty sure that's more than nine but I cannot count. ❤️
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boggleoflight · 1 year
Get to know me!
Tagged by the ever-lovely @sasslett Thank you so much!! I love these sorts of things.
Share your wallpaper:
My background cycles through a bunch of gposes and commissions/gifts from friends, currently it is on this one:
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which is a gorgeous gift I received from @lookbluesoup!! I still heart-eyes at it every time I see it.
The last song you listened to: Well I am currently listening to Inkpot Gods by The Amazing Devil, which is wonderful, highly recommend giving it a listen.
Currently Reading: Nothing. :( I keep meaning to pick up a book but I just haven't had the energy to start something new and nothing I've already read is appealing to me right now.
Last Movie: I have no idea tbh?? I don't watch movies very often, but I think it might've been Lupin III: The Castle of Cagliostro, which is one of my major comfort movies. It's super fun and cute!
Craving: Good Mexican food. I miss how easy it was to find when I lived in the South.
What are you wearing right now: Pajama tunic thing + flannel. It's my day off and I refuse to change until my video appointment later today.
How tall are you: 5'8 I think?
Piercings: None, though I'd love some. The last time I tried to get my ears done, it got supremely infected despite the fact I took extreme pains to keep it clean and the fact I got it done at a very nice tattoo place. Unsure of what happened but I may try again at some juncture.
Tattoos: Nine! A crystal on my thigh, a vintage camera on my ankle, a coffin with an iris on my shin, a little book on one arm, a scorpion on one wrist, a grasshopper on the other wrist, a quote from Lisa Hannigan's 'Funeral Suit' in my girlfriend's handwriting on my forearm, a macaron with a sprig of lavender on my shoulder, and a little design on the other shoulder that I got as part of a donation drive. I've got a load more planned for when I have the means, too.
Glasses? Contacts?: Glasses! I've been told to get contacts but with the state of dark circles around my eyes, I think I'll stick to the extra bit of concealment that some chunky frames mask lmao
Last drink: Tea! Morning ritual.
Last show: I think it was the Shoujo Cosette anime adaptation of Les Miserables. I wasn't able to finish it because the website I was watching it on kept bugging out for me but I do intend to finish it at some juncture.
Last thing you ate: A little breakfast spread I made last night for supper.
Favourite colour: A toss-up between a nice rich phthalo green and a nice foggy, silvery blue.
Current obsession: Well I think you could probably guess shdjfgj FFXIV
Unrelated Obsession: Hozier. Not in a weird parasocial way, I just am obsessed with his music and the fact that he's unconscionably handsome.
Any pets: Three cats (Phyllis, Terence, and Constance), and one rat (Aymeric)!
Do you have a crush on anyone: Starry-eyed crush on my wonderful girlfriend.
Favourite fictional character: You might expect me to say G'raha Tia (and you would be right to) BUT. It's actually Urianger. Perpetually holding him up in my head like that one Marge meme. I just think he's neat.
The last place you traveled: Toronto to meet up with a friend of mine to watch some musicals that were touring through. We saw Come From Away and The Band's Visit!
TAGGING! I don't know who hasn't been tagged yet but @lookbluesoup and @seasaltandcopper just in case!! No pressure or anything of course!
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lastoneout · 2 years
You like the oh hellos? Thank GOD I have been trying to get my friends to listen to their music for so long but they are just like “that’s nice sweetie :)” so I’m the only one I know who enjoys it
In a tangentially related musical note, have you listened to AJR? They have a new song called “I won’t” that I’ve been enjoying! “Turning out” is an other one of my favorites by them. “Welcome To The Family” and “Sloppy Seconds” by Watsky are really good too! Both are found family-esc songs.
I also recently found a song from tiktok that I like, it’s called Parachute and it’s by Leil Bar-Z.
You also may like the artist AURORA if you haven’t heard of her! And Tyler Glenn’s Excommunication album is phenomenal (Devil is probably my favorite song from this one). There’s a group called the Orion Experience and they have a couple really fun songs, “The Cult of Dionysus” and “Wrecking Ball”! I’m the same vein as the Orion Experience there’s Gennifer Flowers by the Fever Dolls.
A group called Glass Animals has songs you might enjoy too! Hang of Youths songs “Atlas Drowned” and “Achilles Come Down” are damn good (long but tbh I kinda wish they were longer? Get lost in them). There’s a show called Firefly, it’s older, but the theme song is called “The Ballad of Serenity” and it is AMAZING!! The show is great too but the song is in a league of its own.
Sorry for spamming you with music asks lol, I don’t often get the chance to talk about this to I’m excited!!! If you have any song recommendations please let me know, I’m ALWAYS looking for new music.
omg no worries anon I love music recs especially ones based on bands that I love, I'll def have to check these out when I have the time!!
(also do not worry I know about Firefly and I love it, literally get the op AND the folk song about Jayne stuck in my head all the goddamn time lmao)
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constanthinople · 2 years
This is my silly little Witcher! AU where Ryan is a witcher that can bench press you if he wants to, but is very afraid of wood cracking and wind making funny noises.
Shane is this bard that doesn't believe in monsters, because of course he doesn't, so he tags along with Ryan in his hunts just to see the ghouls for himself.
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b-lessings · 3 years
10 lessons I learned from the first 10 days of Ramadan 🌙
(personal, subjective, and in no particular order)
1) It's a constant work and it doesn't get easier. This is the first thing that came into my mind. As a matter of fact, the daily routine of this month is no joke, whichever deeds you try to perform and incorporate in your deen from the 5 obligatory prayers, to the sunnah, to the nawafil, to the azkar, to the Qur'an recitation, to the daily x number of istighfar you promised yourself you'd achieve, it is a lot of work, especially if you have a family to take care of, a job or school to go to, or more critically, if your mental health is not at its best condition. Every day (or night), you get out of bed and you're back at square one, you have all this list of tasks to do, and it gets a lot some times, and you do feel exhausted (but if you are among the lucky ones, then it is the good kind of exhausted), and it's not like your prayers are gonna perform themselves, you have to ger up, you have to act. That's why you need to constantly remind yourself why you are doing this in the first place. What is the point of fasting and waking up in the middle of the night to pray and spending hours throughout the day just remembering Allah swt and reading his book, etc. You have to remind yourself of the ultimate purpose of this month, that we are sacrificing the worldly pleasures for the sake of Allah swt, to gain Taqwa, to be in a state of constante awareness and consciousness of Allah's presence, to get closer to Allah swt the most gracious the most merciful, and that if we don't actually put on some work and effort, we won't get to where we want to go, we won't achieve any of that. It is good to keep things in perspective. Be aware of what you are doing, where you are now, where do you wanna go and what it takes to get you there. If it's constant work and effort, then be it.
2) You can't achieve anything by yourself, your intentions are not enough, you need Allah's support. In fact, for the first couple of days I was so confused, I had to ask my sisters " If the devils are all locked away, why do I feel like I can't focus? " And I was constantly asking myself, if I have already prepared, downloaded the calendars and planners, put up a big board on my bedroom wall, etc., Why do I feel like my Iman is getting low?, AstaghfiruAllah. Aren't we supposed to feel on cloud nine? In a state of pure bliss? And then I came across a khutbah where the Sheikh may Allah swt bless him answered my question. He explained that even though Shaytan is locked away, he has already programmed us, for 11 months (he even made a joke that Shaytan deserves a month off because he has been working too hard for the rest of the year). Anyways, what I realized is even your will and your plans and your excitement about Ramadan and your promises to do so and so deeds is not enough if you don't ask Allah swt for support, for sabr, for guidance, for help, for strength to be able to fulfill those ibadat and carry out the plans you have made for this month. You need to constantly ask Allah swt because who else is our refuge? Who else is our source of strength and patience ? Who else will keep us steadfast on the straight path? And who else is gonna help us against the traps of Shaytan? No matter how willing or excited or determined you are to perform your prayers, finish reading the Qur'an, etc, you still need Allah swt to bless your deeds, every step of the way. Without Him, nothing can be achieved. So in your sujood, ask Him that He give you enough strength to finish that prayer in full Khushoo' and concentration, and after that prayer, ask him for sabr and strength to manage to perform the next one and the one after. Tell Him that you seek refuge in Him from the traps of Shaytan, from laziness and lethargy, from the disoriented heart and the distracted mind. Show Him that you are vulnerable and that even though you are trying to do this for Him, you actually can't do it without Him. SubhanAllah.
3) Forgive yourself when you fall short.
{يُرِيدُ اللَّهُ بِكُمُ الْيُسْرَ وَلَا يُرِيدُ بِكُمُ الْعُسْرَ}
{God intends for you ease and does not want hardship for you}
Allah swt literally said this in Surat Al Baqara (The Cow) when he prescribed Fasting upon us and introduced us to the holy month of Ramadan. Soz read it again. As simple as that, I am not gonna develop this idea further.
4) No matter how much you prepared before Ramadan came, you aren't prepared enough. Well, are you familiar with the saying that Ramadan is like a marathon and you have to prepare for it way before? That's actually true. And guess what? No matter how much you think you are prepared, there are still gonna be some moments when you'd still feel out of breath, where you wish you'd have prepared more. May Allah swt make us reach the end of this month smoothly and seamlessly. May Allah swt bless us and accept our deeds from beginning to end.
5) Our deeds don't get accepted because they're good enough, they get accepted because Allah is merciful. I heard this in a youtube khutba just last night and it resonated with me. Put this in your mind, learn it by heart, print it out on your forehead if necessary! No matter how perfect you think your deeds are, they won't get accepted because you're an amazing slave of Allah swt and you win at worship and ibadah. Don't get too confident, beware of arrogance, control your ego. Stay humble and know your place. The only reason why your deeds would be accepted is because Allah swt will have mercy on you, not because you are so good that your deeds would qualify you for forgiveness and acceptance. So pray that Allah swt accepts our deeds and pray that he encompasses us with His mercy.
6) Don't compare to others, don't get intimidated by others, we are not on the same journey. Walk your own rocky path. I can't stress this enough. I know a lot of brothers and sisters Mashaa'Allah, Allahuma barik, are overachievers, or they might just be out of our league. And sometimes, through social media, we see what they share (in their attempt to motivate us and share some tips and good deeds, spread the knowledge, May Allah swt bless them, accept their deeds and reward them), so we get intimidated. Sometimes it feels like what we are doing is not good enough because it doesn't even compare to what X or Y are doing. And we feel a bit scared that we are not good enough of slaves for Allah swt or that Allah swt wouldn't be pleased with us like He swt would be pleased with them, and we can even feel unworthy and get discouraged ( beware it's a shaytan trap). It is simple though, your path to Allah swt is very personal. What a brother or a sister does only get to inspire you not discourage you or intimidate you. When you see someone sharing something good or beneficial, make duaa for them and make duaa for yourself then leave it at that. Competition is taking over every aspect of our worldly life, we shouldn't let it mess with this sacred part as well. And remember, we are not all on the same journey to Allah swt. It is okay if you can't recite the Qur'an in such a beautiful way or if you can't pray 10 rakaas of Taraweeh, it is okay if you can't read in Arabic or if you don't learn any hadith by heart. Allah swt is patient enough and considerate enough. Scratch that, He swt is the most patient, the most considerate, the most gracious, the most generous, and He appreciates your effort. What matters for Him is your sincerity and the purity of your intentions.
7) The less food you take, the more energy you will have. FACTS. I mean, imagine the struggle of having to pray Ishaa and Taraweeh on a full stomach where every time you get down for sujood you feel like your soup is coming up :/ Allahu almusta'aan. This month is not about feasting. It is literally about giving up pleasures (food being one of them) to focus on Allah. So, Focus on what's important and set your priorities straight.
8) Don't overdue it. Beware of the ghost of Burnout. So yeah, like I already said earlier, it is a lot of work and it requires preparation and constant effort. The aim is to be at our best shape of health and Iman on the last 10 nights because they are the most sacred, the most important, the most blessed. You might wanna consider starting small with your deeds and building up slowly. Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said, "Do good deeds properly, sincerely and moderately and know that your deeds will not make you enter Paradise, and that the most beloved deed to Allah is the most regular and constant even if it were little." [Al Bukhari]
9) Personalize your ibadat / plans. In other words, do what's best for you and what's beneficial for you. Define your weaknesses and the areas in which you want to improve. Don't just do this or that deed because everyone else is doing them. Do not follow blindly. What is good for you might not be the thing recommended or done by the others. And what you need on your faith journey is not what X or Y needs. You will be judged on your own deeds, your own journey. Have a purpose and a reason for what you are doing and why you are doing that. Also, the more you feel like your plan or your routine is personal, the more you can relate to it and connect with it, the more sincere you will be, the more excited and enthousiastic you will be, and the easier it will be for you to perform your ibadat in Shaa Allah.
10) Too much information can be poisonous. If ,like me, you got into a habit of watching lectures and videos of speakers this Ramadan, then breaking news: it might get confusing. I don't want you to feel lost and confused. Allahima barik the resources are countless and limitless. But also, you have to beware whom you listen to. There are different sects, different perspectives, different rulings on certain things. So, try not take things blindly. Take them with a pinch of salt and always try to do a background check. And eventually, when it gets too much, always choose what's best for your heart, because we are created with an innate sense of "right" , our fitrah is sane, Alhamdulillah. So, try to be critical. Allah swt even recommends that.
I hope this post can be beneficial. Tell me which part you related to the most, and if you have any extra tips, please share. May Allah swt accept our deeds and grant us forgiveness, amen. 🤍
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sushireads · 4 years
yoongi fic recs
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this is a list of yoongi fics i’ve read and loved very much! enjoy. <3
ps. all fics with 🍙 are the ones i loved a little bit more.
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“Where’s my kiss?” by @mintseesaw​
fluff | drabble | 1.6K words
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A Wish Out of Water by @jimlingss​
🍙, fluff, humor, fantasy | two shots
A genie could solve all your problems. Though you wouldn’t even know exactly what to ask for - money, a warmer house, a better job, a better life? But Min Yoongi is no ordinary genie. He’s here to make your life a living hell. Too bad it was hell to begin with.
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All I Want for Christmas by @hayjeon​
🍙 | one shot | 13K words
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an out of bounds umbrella by @yoonsgiggle​
fluff | one shot | 10.2K words
you’re apologetic about almost blinding your university’s star point guard with the broken tip of your umbrella until you share a class with him and find out he’s a three star recruit but a four star dick or min yoongi doesn’t find your high school musical puns amusing.  
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aquiver by @floralseokjin​
🍙, fluff, angst, smut | series
Yoongi can’t remember the last time he was able to successfully bring himself to the point of orgasm, then Namjoon gives him a business card advertising ‘Healing Hands’, and that’s where he meets you; pretty and innocent looking, who gets paid to provide hand jobs for a living…
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bad boys bring it to you by @yuengi
smut | one shot | 7.1K words
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Black & White by @akinnie75
🍙, fluff, angst | one shot | 24.7K words
You finally confessed to Yoongi after he asked if you like him. His response is to give you a contract to sign. However, you soon realize that Yoongi manufactured your emotions and manipulated you to like him all for the sake of his senior project.
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Blackthorn Manor by @kpopfanfictrash 
one shot | 7.5K words
After becoming the assistant of professional recluse Min Yoongi, you begin to notice strange things. Noises which shouldn’t take place, shadows which shouldn’t move like they do. You’re almost convinced that you’re crazy - until something happens, something unbelievable to make you realize you’re not.
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Blow by @inkofyoongi
smut, fluff | one shot | 5.5K words
Yoongi loves you, even if he’s never said it… but gestures sometimes speak louder than words.
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budapest by @junghelioseok
smut | one shot | 11.1K words
over many years and across several dozen cities, you fell in love.
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Clair De Lune by @yoonia
smut | one shot | 23K words
You were ready to leave a part of your life to move on to the next, and he is willing to give you a chance to end it glamorously. But at what cost? And will he be a part of the life you are leaving behind or will he be there for the next part of it?
—part of @bangtansmutcentral‘s In The Mood Project
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Cut Me Open by @hayjeon
angst, smut, fluff | two shots
—a spin-off from Cardio Palpitations
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dancing with the devil by @minnpd
smut | one shot | 6.8K words
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Easy Rebound by @ditzymax
smut, angst | one shot | 6.5K words
Yoongi is one of the star players on the college basketball team. You are the head of the cheerleading squad. The pair of you would make the most beautiful (if most cliché) couple on campus, except neither of you have ever wanted anything more than the frequent, casual fuck. Yet somehow Yoongi finds his emotions straying towards dangerous territory.
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ego: hoe chronicles by @suga-kookiemonster
smut | one shot | 7.2K words
he was messing with you again. he was messing with you, trying to get a reaction out of you simply for his own amusement. but you refused to give it to him—refused to give him the satisfaction of playing right into his hands.
—an alternate universe of ego
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eight by @cupofteaguk
🍙, fluff | one shot | 5K words
or, Eight times Min Yoongi tells you he loves you
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First-Date BAIT! by @jimlingss
fluff | two shots
First dates are embarrassing. First dates are awkward. I’ve been through countless ones, sitting across from people who bored the living daylights out of me. It was less exciting than watching paint dry. Some dates were so utterly rude - I think you and I both know what it’s like to be on the receiving end on that. But now we both don’t have to waste our time anymore!
With First Date Bait they went out for me! Afterwards, they informed me if it was recommended to go out on a second date. It’s amazing with a 99.99% accuracy rate! That’s how I ended up meeting my husband!
First Date Bait.
Why waste your time with awkward first dates?
—part of the Service Series
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Hades by @littlemisskookie
horror, smut, angst, fantasy | one shot | 9.4K words
You meet a rather dreamy- albeit annoying, new kid who sweeps you off your feet. Too bad it’s in the middle of a series of murders around town.
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heavy sugar by @kinktae
smut | one shot | 8K words
The Roaring Twenties were a time of great economic wealth and social change. But beneath the jazz music and colorful speakeasies were mafia led organized crimes and bloodstained cash. You knew this well, but try as you might, you just couldn’t ignore the dark and enigmatic gangster whose eyes lingered on you from across the room.
—part of the rewind series
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i’m not your daddy by @scriptaed
🍙, fluff | one shot | 2.5K words
learning that his daughter no longer wishes to wed him but rather his now-arch-enemy jungkook marks the most soul-crushing day your husband has ever had to endure. no one, and he means no one, is more deserving of his angel than daddy min himself, and he’s willing to do anything to earn his daughter’s heart back.
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Ink Nemesis by @scriptaed
🍙, angst, fluff | series
As an aspiring writer drowning under the public’s radar, a click of the pen is all you need to accept your supervisor’s offer to co-write an article for the SS - Secrets Spilled, a regular section of your company’s weekly tabloid; but fabricated stories and invasive details aren’t all that you write when you discover Min Yoongi’s dirty little secret. 
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La Douleur Exquise by @cinnaminsvga
ON-GOING | fluff, angst, smut, fantasy | series
in which you accidentally summon an incubus in the middle of your shitty apartment and he won’t leave until you agree to have sex with him. until then, min yoongi, incubus extraordinaire, is now your sexually promiscuous and grumpy roommate. aka, the incubus au no one fucking asked for.
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Melody companion by @prisczero
fluff | one shot | 3.6K words
“A soulmate story where Yoongi can hear everything that you listen to, but only if it is music.’’
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Miss Dial by @versigny 
ON-GOING | 🍙, smut | series
[11:31] You: okay so i’m texting you now like I promised instead of drunktexting yoongi and telling him how badly i want his cock tonight. Arent you proud?
[11:32] unknown number: this is yoongi, hi
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Mixtape by @jungblue
🍙, smut, fluff, humor | one shot | 15.6K words
Two mystery students from your college run the podcast dubbed ‘mixtape.’ It’s become a sort of phenomenon around campus, listened to by almost everyone. In their most recent episode they discussed various study methods… One of them being oh so tempting.
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Next Door by @personasintro
smut, fluff | one shot | 10.3K words
Your neighbor doesn’t respect your complaints about him being loud, but you don’t let it slide so easily.
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petals by @yoonia
🍙, fluff | series
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see you soon by @cupofteaguk
fluff, angst | one shot | 7K words
In which you live in a world where one stroke of a pen against your skin is a signage of forever, and Min Yoongi just has really good timing 
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She’s Testosterone by @jimlingss
🍙, crack, smut | series
Drop dead gorgeous, cute and sassy - you adore your best friend. But is there more beneath the surface? Who exactly is Min Yoonji?
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so i heard you like bad boys by @scriptaed​
fluff | one shot | 4.7K words
while others see min yoongi as the resident heartthrob of the school - quiet, resilient, and mysterious - you can’t see him as anything other than your dorky best friend since childhood; but what you don’t know is his long desire to be anything but that, even if it means becoming the bad boy in town… or at least try to.
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stay high by @personasintro​
smut, angst | one shot | 16.5K words
You’ve to stay high to keep your ex out off your mind when he comes back into your life.
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Studio cuddle by @mintseesaw​
fluff | drabble | 1.8K words
Tired from work, you went straight to Genius Lab in the hopes of being able to cuddle with Yoongi. You did not hesitate to press the passcode of his studio, knowing he might get pissed off for interrupting him from his work.
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Sweeter than Sweet by @gimmesumsuga​
fluff, smut, angst | series
“You never would have expected someone like Park Jimin to notice you. As handsome and beguiling as he is deadly, you’re enthralled from the very moment you meet. Addicted to his kiss and his bite, Jimin opens up your eyes to a whole new world of love, lust and seduction.”
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the blue coat and cerruti 1881 (a flash fire) by @yuhdongsaeng​
angst, fluff, smut | two shots
that’s the thing about flash fires. they’re intense outbursts of flames that reach their maximum heat quickly and don’t last a long time. hell, they don’t even get to fade before they cease to exist. however, flash fires may be intense and short, but the floor beneath them is ruined forever.
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The Truth Between Us by @jimlingss & @gukyi
🍙🍙🍙, fluff, angst, fantasy | series
a book deal should be the most exciting time of your life, but there seems to be a constant and omnipresent damper on your mood in the form of a certain min yoongi, who you would just cut out from your life, if he weren’t your editor. but then, the world shifts beneath your feet, and you begin to wonder if maybe you’ve always been looking at life from the wrong angle.
ENEMIES TO LOVERS and loads more aus— just stop what you’re doing and read this masterpiece!
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want a taste by @suga-kookiemonster​
smut, humor | one shot | 18.3K words
pretzel pro. most skillful tongue in the food court world. allegedly. that’s what yoongi keeps telling you, anyway. of course, you’re reasonably skeptical of his claims—but if there’s one thing that motivates the notoriously-lethargic man, it’s proving skeptics wrong.
—part of the you never shop alone collaboration
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what you did last summer by @winetae​
smut | one shot | 33.8K words
Yoongi was fine with a lot of things—you maxing out his credit cards to buy ridiculously expensive items of clothing that you never wore more than once, you taking out his newest ride for a spin without permission, you spending an extra thirty minutes on your hair and makeup when he was running late for a dinner function.
What he was not okay with, however, was you sharing your pussy with barely-out-of-college boys who were incapable of going five seconds without creaming their pants.
No, that was where he drew the line.
↳ alternatively titled; How to Get Dick - an autobiography written by (you)
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jacepens · 3 years
Hey, how u doing? I wanted to ask for you for indications on washette fanfics, what are the best that you have
p.s. and yes, I do want to hear as well about yours in that list as well, 'cause they're gold
Hey! I'm doing alright:) Thanks for asking! What about you? (is this the correct tumblr to anon etiquette?)
Oh goodness this is such a loaded question because the answer is many. I hope you're alright with a big list sorted by category <3
Fluff! Fluff!!
The French Mistake
One of the first washette fics I read, so it holds a special place in my heart. A little silly, a little lams, ultimately very cute and good time.
Under the Arches of Moonlight and Sky
Just very good, cute, soft weary bed sharing. (this is only wholesome, I swear)
Let's Dance
Short, sweet fic with dance instructor George and our beloved two left feet Laf:)
I Like You Better in Real Life
Did someone say Influencer/Youtuber!Laf and President!George?? No??! Well start and read this fic. Seriously, it's a longer one, and just really damn cute. A bit of slow burn in terms of internalized homophobia (done in a good way) and trans Laf?? Yes. It's really so good.
The Prince
Ok, ok, it's one of mine. The one chapter is deceiving, it's decently long and featuring Prince!Laf and Royal Knight!George!:) Also magic!! angst, fluff, denial of feelings but then of course love confessions;) after angst though, don't worry haha.
Fathoms and Foundlings
Ooooohh boy. This. This one. Mermaid Laf and regular ol George! So so so well written, I mean, the feelings, the war, the weather, literally everything you can name, it's spectacular in this fic. Be warned, it is incomplete, but I remember when the latest chapter was released when I lost all hope (plus the author is still active) so I definitely don't count this one out of being updated!:) But, I'll be honest, I'm unsure about it being finished BUT I still think you should 1000% read this because you really will not find something like it anywhere else and it's just so cute!! Did I mention fucking amazing?
Whom can we trust now?
Platonic washette!! Really well written and just altogether really well put together!:) comfort after Arnold's betrayal! Seriously, I highly recommend this fic it's just so perfect of their relationship and cuuute.
The Particulars of Language
Oh goodness. Oooh goodness. This is so so cute. A nice little blend of angst and fluff and did I mention internalized homophobia? (In a good way, if that makes sense) Also so well-written by an incredible author, I just- language confusion. Need I say more??
Ok, ok, it's been too long since I read this one, so I will say, it is very tentatively going in this category. I just love soulmate au washette! Angst! Kidnapping? ...no final chapter. So I'm not sure, it could've been planned on ending very happy and fluffy! I do believe overall, this leans on the darker side, but I know I really love this one and they love each other. I want more washette soulmate aus.
Breaks your heart, puts it back together
what's my name, what's my station
Oh God oh fuck it's this one. (said with love). Brutal? Hot? Expanding my vocabulary?? An incredibly beautiful use of metaphors??? Actually feel like crying when I read it. Yeah. This is amazing.
May the Melody Disarm Us
Oh Godd oh Fuck it's this one. (maybe I should change this section's title) this one isn't even angsty per se, it's just like...brutally beautiful. They love each so much but oh my god. The metaphors, the way the author sets the scene and environment and everything! Ugh. So so good.
Let Down My Guard
Oh dear lord in heaven above preserve me. I'm gonna be dramatic but there are simply not enough words in the universe I have that can describe how I feel about this fic and how damn incredible it is!! And boy do I mean it when I say this one breaks your heart and puts it back together. I have seriously never sobbed over any piece of fiction like I did this. Just ahhhh. The feelings they develop for each other, the confusion of cultures, the secrets revealed?? I didn't even tell you Laf is a mermaid yet. Just- please. Please read this. It will rip your heart out, but it will put it back together. But really, this is just a fucking masterpiece and so so beautiful.
Porn With Plot
that dress you like
Very nicely done smut + feels! (Did I mention how nicely it's all done?) Oh! Did I mention genderqueer Laf? Yes.
Mon General / My Marquis
Ok the only reason this is going in this category is because I find the others up there more heart-breaky than this one. I love this one!! The historical details! Their loving relationship!! Very very good and lovely. With some angst of course.
The Mistranslation
Oh God oh Fuck it's this one. (I'll be saying that a lot). Would you like all these categories put into one beautiful fic?? Here it is, here. It's incredible. Please read it. It's free serotonin. (Did I mention incredibly written??)
The Things I Would Do to You
Ahhh ok. So. Super duper sweet, lots of angst sprinkled throughout but Laf's visit to Mount Vernon + feels + (smut). Need I say more??! Seriously, this is wonderful.
Not So Easy to be the Teacher's Pet
Oh. Oh god it's this one. So this is borderline Oof (Laf is 17) but if that does not bother you, then you are in for a treat!(??) Ok but really, lots of feels, denial of feelings, way-too-sweet-for-his-own-good Lafayette and poor confused George. Just fantastic.
Devil to Pay
Hoooo boy. If you like pirates or sea adventures, (hot pirate captains. I'm just gonna say it) then I'm literally begging you to read this. Kidnapped noble Laf?? Slowly falling for the pirate captain Washington?? Not to mention so many maritime details and wonderful emotions, beautifully crafted just. Spectacular. Please, read it if you haven't. Even if pirates don't appeal to you, they will after this fic.
A secret weapon
Ahhhh!!! Thiiiiiis. Is everything. Ok, yes, it includes more than washette, but I mean come on, it's (sexy) demons. It's desperate Washington trying to win a war and fight his gay feelings (guess which fight he wins?) But also, super well written and detailed and feels!! I adore this fic, and the whole series is a treat. Go read it. It's wonderful, you won't regret it.
Oof (not in a good way)
The Sweet Enjoyment of Partaking
If the not-so-sweet side intrigues you more, this is one of the few washette fics that I do love and is...not so nice. It's really good as a not nice piece! Pretty straightforward and fucked up. Ya (I) love to see it.
Oooohhhhhh. This is a fic I didn't read for a while just because I didn't know what it was but boy let me tell you, it is soo good. I'll say it's not as oof as the fic above, but oooh maaaannnnn. I don't know how to describe it just, don't expect sweet things, but if darker takes are your thing please go read this. You will not regret it. It's so damn good.
Day One Way, By Night Another
Ok ok here me out. This one might seem a bit random and it is. It's very short and for the longest time I didn't read it until I did and said ow because ow!!? I find this has the most impact going in unarmed so...watch out. (but like check it out. it's just so unique I really do love it)
Once More, With Feeling
Oh GOD. This one is quite brief and straightforward but if you are looking to rip your heart out with feels and angst then boy do I have the perfect fic for you. But seriously, it's so well-written and just expresses all the feelings so so perfectly. But at what cost? (Pls read it)
A Beautiful Tragedy
Hello darkness my old friend. Ok but seriously, this fic still remains so impactful in my own mind just as the writer. It's not a happy ending, but I try to leave you with hope. Pretty music that I highly recommend listening to, I don't know. I think it's really good, I don't say that often about my own stuff soo if you're ok with heavy amounts of angst and pretty aesthetics then check this ok!:) (but guard your heart, sorry not sorry<3)
Porn Without Plot
Betrayals and Allies
So, admittedly, this one very tentatively goes into this category because I find compared to the others, this one has less feels and less focus on it, but don't get me wrong this is very emotional!! It displays their relationship and love so cutely (and smutily..? new word) and as extra bonus it fills in the gaps of the deleted scene from Turn. You know the one;) It's very good!!
Cold Nights
Look at me adding another of my own. This is super duper short, but I kinda like how the emotions turned out. I think this was the beginning of my first dive into my current style of writing so that's cool I guess? But yeah no, it's porn without plot lol.
What Good is Honor When You're Starving?
Oh dear, another of mine in this category. I barely put this here, but the main focus is on the smut, but there are many many feels aplenty. Oh wait, did I mention vampire Laf? George definitely not falling in love... but really, I like how this one turned out!:) Good sexy vampire times (with feelings)
Ah wow! You stuck with me! Thank you! I...tried to keep it brief. This is not an exhaustive list by any means btw, there were a few (many) I decided to cut because I wanted this list to be all encompassing of many authors, styles, etc.
But anon, thank you for the ask and giving me the chance to rant about my favorite fics! My apologies on taking so long to finish, I hope you can understand my life has been a little hectic, but I always try to make time for washette;)
Thank you!!<3
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trekkiepirate · 3 years
TOP FIVE The Amazing Devil lyrics!
1. Welcome to the storm/I am thunder/welcome to my table/bring your hunger (it was my gateway lyric, the one I listened to a bajillion times in a song I listened to a million times until I finally bought the album so Bandcamp would let me listen without limits and started down the path of being a TAD nerd/Dear Heart) - The Horror And The Wild
2. It’s like all the wallpaper inside my heart/is slowly slowly peeling off/and I’m showing all the stains and things/they wrote on the wall before (I mentioned this a bit in the songs list, but when I was very sick, like sauntering vaguely towards literally dying, all I could do was lay and stare at my wallpaper in my childhood bedroom, so I built this image of my heart, covered in wallpaper to hide the pain I was in and the heartaches I’d had, and the dark parts of me, slap some pretty floral wallpaper on it so no one would see how very much I was hurting and wanted to give up already and die. When I heard this line, I had to pause the damn song and cry. Like, pause the song, slowly get up from my work desk and make my way to the bathroom in the building and just go into a stall and lean on the wall a bit and cry. How Joey Batey could write something like that, speaking so completely to a very private part of myself, cracked me open enough for the absolute LOVE I have for TAD to come flowing in) - Two Damn Minutes
3. I promise you I’m not broken/I promise you there’s more/more to come, more to reach for/ more to hurl at the door/goodbye to all my darkness/there’s nothing here but light/adieu to all the faceless things that sleep with me at night/this here is not makeup it’s a porcelain tomb/and this here is not singing I’m just screaming in tune (basically all of Farewell Wanderlust is utterly fantastic, but this part is so good for just singing at the top of my lungs, it’s hopeful and dark and emotional and gorgeous and if I ever meet Joey Batey, I may have to kiss his forehead just to get close to kissing the beautiful brain that came up with it, well with all these lyrics, well just because it’s a cute forehead on a perfect, stupid face and I wanna kiss him) - Farewell Wanderlust
4. Though some would harm you/none not one no none/would raise to you a hand nor thumb/not while by you I stand and hum (1. I am GONNA write the fic that needs that last bit as a the title one day; 2. it’s just utterly gorgeous and the rhythm of it and the way it feels when you sing it, this whole bit is *chefs kiss*) - Not Yet/Love Run
5. Burying her head into his chest and clinging to the moment, ‘where have you been?’/She’ll whisper ‘I’ve waited oh so long for you to come’/And as the stars above them hum and hear them/he’ll turn to her and say ‘that’s what she said’ (1. I really think the entirety of Fair is the best love song I have ever heard in my life and I want to find someone who makes me live it but this bit is so funny and cute and perfect, 2. when I read a comment to Dandelion/Jaskier in the books: “maybe the ability to go from touching lyricism to obscenity so easily is a talent” I thought of this line and just yelled IT IS AND JOEY BATEY GOT IT IN SPADES HE WAS BORN TO BE JASKIER) -Fair
5. And they’re telling jokes/tell ‘em that one about two men in a tent/laughs out loud at mine/do you like my accent, like my accent? (mostly because telling the joke this references is always fun and I got to tell it to Jason Ritter and it was one of the best moments of last year for me when he chuckled a bit) - Pruning Shears
6. Could be ghosts or monsters or a robot vampire I dunno (It’s just silly and fun and I love it muchly, also hella fun to sign) - Wild Blue Yonder
7. Pray for me cause I won’t pray for you (this just speaks to the former Catholic school kid I was, and also I would 100% not be surprised if Joey grew up in a Catholic/Christian school too because this whole song seems just FEELS like someone who grew up in that world and had a few too many questions about it for the other people to be cool with, like I did, but I may be projecting) - Pray
8. Sing me awake with a song about pirates (Grabs the lyrics to “Shipful of Monsters” JOEY I CAN 100% DO THIS IF YOU’D LIKE *wink and eyebrow waggle*) - Not Yet/Love Run
9. I am above you, And I love you, don’t you know/That I’ll be with you all along, as long as you are kind/To those who are not strong and cannot find their scarlet welly boots (this line has been comfort and pain and fire and balm to the soul wound left by my beloved grandma’s death) - Welly Boots
10. Every moon in the sky/Every promise and lie/all hell and its fire waits for us (I just love the rhythm of this 10/10 would recommend tossing your head back and sing-screaming this at the sky)
Honourable Honourable mention to the way Joey Batey growls “No, no, not I” in That Unwanted Animal and single-handedly claimed all the tiny fragments of sexual attraction my gray-ace ass was allotted for the next decade
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This took forever…
 (Click for Quality!)
 SO! I finally got a proper fully colored drawing of my Obey Me MC! Character info + her relationship with the bros under the cut so I don’t clog up the tags!
Character info first!
Himiko is the third oldest in a family of seven sisters and is arguably the most responsible of the bunch. You could say she’s the Lucifer of her family, but if you’d like to continue living I’d recommend against saying that. 

She puts on the facade of a proper and polite lady but deep down she’s hiding a metric tonne of snark and sass, and even deeper she’s hiding a caring older sister type who would take a bullet for you.
You may be asking yourself, why is she wearing a devil horn headband? The answer? Spite. She was wearing it pre Devildom too so it has nothing to do with the boys! 

Her family is *incredibly* wealthy, so while she did learn a lot of things, it’s kind of turned Himiko into a bit of a dumbass when it comes to normal everyday household things. Ask her how to understand the political history of Japan and she’ll give you a five hour lecture on the topic, but ask her to cook dinner and you’ll need to call the fire department. 

Her birthday is December 25 and she’s 20 years old at the start of the game.
Himiko has… problems with emotional intimacy. She’s never really had the opportunity to really bond with anyone outside her sisters, so the idea that she could ever care deeply for someone that ISN’T family is absolutely terrifying to her. (Welp, bad news for her because she’s about to be forcibly adopted into a family of crazies) 

When she first got dropped into the Devildom… Hoo boy… her entire life she had been put on a pedestal and no one other than her sisters had dared to say ANYTHING critical of her in her presence and now she’s figuratively AND literally at the bottom of the food chain… let’s just say reality hit her hard in the face.
Himiko thought Lucifer was the one sane person in the entire House of Lamentation. That opinion did NOT last long. After the first attempted murder and the shit he said at the retreat, Himiko and Lucifer’s opinions of each other were in the gutter. Then the London trip happened! Their opinions of each other rose! Then the first timeline’s Belphie incident happened and oh wow would you look at that, back into the gutter. Damn. FINALLY, after all the time travel shit, they both think of each other as a pain in the neck, but if anything happened to the other there’d be blood spilled. It’s tough when Himiko’s biggest flaw is her own pride and she’s actively needling the Avatar of Pride.
Mammon was Himiko’s worst nightmare made reality. This person, widely regarded as a scumbag moron was supposed to protect her??? Uh uh. No. Mammon thought that Himiko was the human embodiment of annoying. At least till the Goldie hostage situation, Himiko mainly went along with it because she wanted revenge for all the eating-related threats and name-calling. Now, Himi’s way to prideful to ever admit this buuuuuut, she was incredibly lonely during her first week. She needed a friend and she needed one FAST. Before the two needed to binge TSL, Himiko took Mammon shopping under the guise of needing him to carry her shopping bags, and ended up buying him a sick new jacket and sunglasses. You can buy affection right? Apparently. Or was it the compliments she gave him while she was making him try on the jacket? We’ll never know for sure. Listen, just because the two of them want to spend a lot of time together DOES NOT MEAN THAT THEY HAVE A CRUSH ON EACH OTHER ALRIGHT?! HAND HOLDING SHOULDN’T MAKE HIMIKO THIS NERVOUS UGH-
W E E B P O W E R U N I T E! Well, not at first. Himiko’s a closet weeb! She probably teased the crap out of Levi about how much he obsessed over his “totally stupid” anime. It was all fun and games until Levi walked in on Himiko watching Sailor Moon. “YOU LIKE ANIME?!” “N-NO!” “YOU’RE AN OTAKU TOO!” “W-WAIT! NO I’M NOT!” “WHAT’S YOUR FAVOURITE ANIME????” “…Madoka Magica.” Now the two are anime and gaming buddies! At first Levi was miffed about Himiko’s rampant hypocrisy buuuuut they both moved past it for the greater anime good.
Satan and Himiko’s joined energy is too much for Lucifer to handle. The two are constantly pestering him to let them get a cat, and they somehow found the time to collaborate on a 50 slide PowerPoint presentation on why Lucifer would suck 55% more if he didn’t let them get a cat. At first, Himiko was low-key intimidated by Satan, and he generally seemed pretty disinterested in most of the shenanigans she got up to until they made a pact. Now they’re pretty good buddies and think quite highly of each other.
Himiko: The circumstances of one’s birth is irrelevant, it’s what you do with your life that matters.
Satan: Thanks Himiko. That’s nice of you to say.
Levi (whispering to Himiko): Are you quoting Mewtwo???
Himiko (whispering): Shut up! It’s making him feel better isn’t it??
If this were a musical, Asmo definitely would sing a rendition of Popular with Himiko. Before the pact was made, Himiko *really* wanted to be Asmo’s friend but would never admit it, his sass was impeccable! Asmo thought Himiko was cute yeah, but nothing special. After the pact, total besties. It takes a true friend or a certified insane person to tell the Avatar of Lust that the shade of blue he’s going to go clubbing in isn’t doing him any favours and he should change into different shoes. The Himi/Asmo duo is to be feared by all who come across them.
For the love of all things good in the world DO NOT LET BEEL AND HIMIKO NEAR YOUR FRIDGE! At the start, Himiko found Beel’s near constant eating annoying as HELL. Like, he’s the avatar of gluttony but all that *gross* junk food must be wreaking havoc on- Holy shit junk food is amazing. After the hiding Luke incident where Himiko’s big sister instincts ™ kicked in and she got between Beel and Lucifer, Himiko had to come to terms with the fact that she may *actually* care about some of the people she had met. After all the other shenanigans, Beel is basically her thousands of years older little brother.
 Belphie… hoo boy… strike one: He took advantage of Himiko’s rarely seen sweet side. Strike 2: he fuckin killed her dude! Belphie is yet to hit strike 3. I like to think there’d be a mini lesson between 16 and 17 where the two hash out their issues. After that, their relationship is probably the closest to an actual sibling relationship. They annoy and tease the everloving shit out of each other but if anyone messes with one of them the unfortunate soul will have to deal with the other AND Beel.
I might do the undatables if anyone actually cares and I’m not just talking to a brick wall lol. Thanks for making it this far and reading all my OC brainrot!
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hmslusitania · 3 years
hi! i hope you're doing well! i come bearing an unsolicited music recommendation which i hope is okay: since you like the amazing devil, you might also like the "empty plates" album by robert hallow and the holy men
have a nice weekend :)
I started listening to the Amazing Devil not because of the Witcher or Joey Batey but BECAUSE my recommended music playlist one week a few months ago gave me "I Design Disasters" the first song off Empty Plates as a recommended song and I listened to it for like. Eight days straight on repeat. I'm not exaggerating.
And then, I looked the group up, and for whatever reason, one of the articles that popped up was about the Amazing Devil and I was like "Oh right, the guy from the Witcher, I should listen to them also"
Also also, I spent way, way too long trying to find a lyric from "No Worries" that I could use as a title for Half Awake in Our Fake Empire, and it's definitely one of the main songs on the playlist for that fic.
SO this is both a very welcome and also -- fortunately -- unnecessary music recommendation because I do already love it.
But it's also important to put this out so that others may also find it. Thank you so much for the recommendation, I appreciate you, and I hope you also have a nice weekend.
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fuckimsoft · 3 years
DSMP One Shots Because I Can
Chapter two: "tubeloved: Please Stop the Music"
Summary: Modern day AU chatfic chapter where Wilbur psychoanalyzes everyone with sad songs because that's how he shows love :) (rewrite of the very first oneshot I posted because I know I can do so much better then that)
Written by: @ verified_dumbass on ao3 and @ fuckimsoft on tumblr
and just so no ones confused-
Technoblade = Techno (ofc)
Jay Dee = Wilbur
Thesesus = Tommy
tubeloved = Tubbo
ranbeloved = Ranboo
Crow Father = Philza
Swaggers (botboy) = Discord music bot
sleepy bois (ft. tubbo) (ft. ranboo now too ig)
Jay Dee: guys. Jay Dee: guys, I have important news.
tubeloved: Oh tubeloved: ?
Jay Dee: I found so many new songs.
Technoblade: Wilbur, you find so many new song every other day.
Thesesus: Id like to here abt the music
ranbeloved: I too would like to hear about it :)
Thesesus: Shut up Ranboo
ranbeloved: :(
Thesesus: No one asked u
tubeloved: Tommy >:( tubeloved: Be nice
Jay Dee: ok, getting back on topic- the songs.
Jay Dee started a voice call
Jay Dee: everyone join the vc
ranbeloved joined the vc
Thesesus joined the vc
tubeloved joined the vc
Technoblade joined the vc
Jay Dee: phil
Jay Dee: phil
Jay Dee: Phil
Jay Dee: @Phil
Jay Dee: @Philza
Jay Dee: @philza
Jay Dee: for the love of god, what did you all change Phil's name to now?
tubeloved:  @Crow Father
Jey Dee: why??
Thesesus: Crow Father
ranbeloved: Crow Father
tubeloved: Crow Father
Crow Father: What's up?
tubeloved: CAW CAW CAW CAW
Jay Dee: join vc.
Crow Father joined the vc
Jay Dee: /play [playlist.mp3]
Swaggers (botboy): Now playing... July, by Noah Cyrus.
Thesesus: Its May bitch
Jay Dee: I know Jay Dee: now shut up and listen to the music. Jay Dee: this one kinda reminded me of you :)
Thesesus: Oh Thesesus: Okay
[2 minutes, 36 seconds later]
Thesesus: AWW Thesesus: AWWWW :(
Crow Father: That was so sad
Jay Dee: it's not my fault my Spotify only recommends me crying music Jay Dee: or that Tommy's a Sad Little Boy
ranbeloved: haha L
Swaggers (botboy): Now playing... As A Child, by Madeline the Person.
Jay Dee: Tubbo, this one reminded me of u.
Crow Father: Please its already so sadfghj
tubeloved: :0 tubeloved: Oh thus is sad
[3 minutes, 10 seconds later]
Technoblade: Bruh
tubeloved: Please Stop the Music tubeloved: Ur making me sad :(
Thesesus: Welcome to the club big man
Swaggers (botboy): Now playing... Secret For The Mad, by Dodie Clark.
Jay Dee: be more happy, maybe. Jay Dee: OH TECHNO
Technoblade: Nope.
Technoblade left the vc.
Jay Dee: aww man. Jay Dee: well, might as well- Jay Dee: /skip
Swaggers (botboy): Skipped to next song! Swaggers (botboy): Now playing... Elsa's Song, by The Amazing Devil.
tubeloved: So whos the next victim
Jay Dee: Oh, Ranboooo :)
ranbeloved: oh no
Crow Father: Ripp
[2 minutes, 41 seconds later]
ranbeloved: o h ranbeloved: .,_,.
Crow Father: Welp, that was an experience
Jay Dee: don't think it's over yet, Philza Minecraft! Jay Dee: you aren't off the hook too!
Crow Father: *siiiiigh* Crow Father: Right then, let's get this over with.
Swaggers (botboy): Now playing... Hidden In The Sand, by Tally Hall.
Technoblade joined the vc.
ranbeloved: ?
Technoblade: I like this song.
[1 minute, 52 seconds later]
Crow Father: awe mate Crow Father: maaaate
tubeloved: Well Wilbur u managed to make everyone cry
Technoblade: Not me.
tubeloved: Yeah bc u fucking LEFT
Technoblade: And?
Jay Dee: lmao you literally did. Jay Dee: I gave you a hug and everything.
ranbeloved: awww :)
tubeloved: Man I didn't get a hug :(
Technoblade: You only live right down the road.
tubeloved: Is Technoblade offering to give me a hug??????? :0000000000 THE Technoblade?????? Warming up to me??????????????
Technoblade: No, I'm volunteering literally anyone else in my family. Technoblade: If you try to hug me you die.
tubeloved: I think he's warming up to me :)
ranbeloved: Can I have a hug too?
Jay Dee: you live across town tho?
ranbeloved: i can run
Crow Father: What?
ranbeloved: im omw now ranbeloved: be there in loke 5
ranbeloved: :D h gln
Thesesus: h gln?
ranbeloved: sorry I had to dodge a car
Crow Father: W H A T
tubeloved: BELOEVD???
multiple people are typing...
thank you for reading!! if u liked this please like and rb, it really makes my day :) remember to drink water, take ur meds if u need to, take a break from ur binder if uve been wearing one for a while, and stay safe <3
taglist: @fruggin-bitch @notdingalingalingalingrita
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theminecraftbee · 3 years
ohhh i have some good empires related songs (mostly wither rose alliance stuff as i have brainrot lol)
like a staring contest by the future kings of nowhere - you know that period right before the wither rose alliance breakup but after xornoth had started wreaking havoc? yeah. yeah. wra my beloveds.
lighthouse by the hush sound - most the last half that fits but god does it fit two well for me not to mention. wra alliance but gem in particular.
sunrise sunset by the bright eyes - honestly could be several ppl towards sausage
the real thing / the feeling by civilian - ignoring the romance stuff. wra vibes.
red roses by call me karizma - big sausage song.
maria by aliceband - speaking of sausage songs. very specifically current era sausage.
sleepwalk by forrest day - i feel like you might’ve already been recommended this one? but still, in case you haven’t, another good sausage song
fair by the amazing devil - lizzie and joel!! just them.
lion’s teeth by the mountain goats - it fits.. most of the server tbh
great vacation by the dirt poor robins - it fits for a few people but i personally really like it for fwhip!
i will TAKE wither rose alliance stuff because i am increasingly emotionally attached to the wither rose gang. i am SO emotionally attached to them. throw them at me!
so you are very right about like a staring contest. that being said that first verse was sung and PUNCHED ME IN THE FACE??? HOLY SHIT???????? then just. the chorus about how they're staring across at each other. waiting to attack each other. but no one wants to have to move first. no one wants to be the one who. MAN. MAN. MAN.
I've been going through the records We're not getting any better Maybe I've just gotten bitter I don't really care, whatever I'm so tired of open warfare When the point of this was to be best of friends
i am sobbing????? i am. man. man. this is going on the playlist but also you broke me IMMEDIATELY? like i said. punched in the face immediately. i. hold on. give me a moment. give me a moment. i really like this song too which doesn't help with how much this one is hurting me. MAN.
okay. and now they repeat the first verse again at the end. this is fine. i can move on from this one but this one is already my favorite.
okay. so now. lighthouse. oh, hush sound does some beautiful music. i agree, i like this one as a gem song. there's this wistful vibe to the song. the actual story being told in the song, however, is... interesting. hm. i will be thinking about this for a while. i like it for gem but this may be a back pocket song, because a story about a ghost who gives a warning from the outside, and then two people going to the lighthouse and becoming ghosts themselves is... something i can probably find an even better place for eventually. this is a really good song though. i really need to listen to more hush sound, i know i like them already...
oh, i agree that sunrise, sunset is a sausage song for sure. also this song is also very rad? your music taste and mine are dovetailing REALLY nicely today, nice. i love the messy, chaotic vibes of this one as they sing about how you've changed, you've changed. like, look at the verse below. this is DEFINITELY a sausage song. i like this a lot. good vibes, good vibes. (or, well, the song itself isn't really good vibes, it's this sort of intense chaotic vibes, but they're. good sausage vibes. you know what i mean,)
But everything you do is leading to the point where you just won't know what to do At that moment you may laugh but there is someone there who will be laughing louder than you So it's true, the trick is complete, you become everything you said you never would be You're a fool; you're a fool!
next up, the real thing / the feeling. i can see how, ignoring the romantic aspect, this is the wither rose alliance. they're trying to hear what they want from each other, it's gonna fall apart, but for now? they're going to force it to work. also i like the lyric "it's not the end of the world / but it's pretty damn close". like, that's not necessarily an analysis, that's just my fanfic brain going "oh that would make a good fic title one day".
oh red roses is. spooky. this one's real spooky. i can see how you threw this as a sausage song. honestly though this one is giving me REALLY STRONG last life vibes. i am throwing this onto my last life internal playlist. that's where this one is going. this song's really good too thank you for this suggestion.
OH HI ALICEBAND. YOUR MUSIC TASTE AND MINE REALLY ARE THE SAME HUH. SWEET. anyway you're right about maria, that's a good sausage song. (also it hits my "i like songs with religious undertones more than i should when i want heavy imagery" button.) this song is so... messy and decisive while also feeling so indecisive and. yeah. yeah. yeah. he bit the apple and he doesn't want to leave, but also he's drowning, but also he's powerful, but also he hates being where he is, but... love this for him. good choice.
i had not actually been recommended sleepwalk yet but it's a song i already know and already love. humming "then it becomes, it becomes, it becomes a problem". this one, i think, i am... saving. for other playlists. because i get weird about too many repeated songs. but also you are not wrong that this is a sausage song and i am pleased with it. good song.
aw, fair is. such a sweet song for lizzie and joel. like you i don't have much other to say other than this is. this is such a sweet song and makes me emotional. love. this is a song about love. yes. these lyrics are love.
...lion's teeth does indeed fit most of the server. i sort of like it as a general empires song. a song featuring the entire server. but also. the metaphor of this song is. pretty clear. so i don't have anyone to quite stick this heavy metaphor to yet, but i can see it as a general empires song indeed.
AHA. GREAT VACATION. did i. did i not already have this on my playlist? okay i already did. nice. anyway this is a whole server vibes song to me, right after the dragon fight, but it's a good fwip song too. i really like the vibes of it being a song about the end of the world, and the like... the lyrics almost mock the rulers for thinking they're better than anyone else. this is just. a really, REALLY good empires song. a REALLY GOOD CHOICE THANK YOU
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