#i need the men in black memory wipe
raidenloml · 7 months
every day i think about your “try to count number of fingers challenge (impossible)” tags and giggle a little
i am very glad to hear i was able to spread so much joy and laughter in this world with something i genuinely forgot the original context of because your "preschoolers" addition has invaded my mind and cleansed it of any memories regarding the ancient writings of "try to count number of fingers challenge (impossible)"
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lovequinn · 1 year
"i know you believe that everything is good, and kind, and that— *tears up* that is one of the things i love about you"
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levmada · 5 months
i can’t do this anymore i rly rly rly rly rly
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empresskylo · 9 months
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beneath the mask ✩ chapter 5 ⬅ch.4
➠𝐌𝐃𝐍𝐈; 𝟏𝟖+ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓; 𝐄𝐗𝐏𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐈𝐓 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓 ➠SIMON "GHOST" RILEY X AFAB!READER ➠CHAPTER TAGS | afab!reader. assault. alcohol. wc 2.6k ➠AUTHOR'S NOTE | sorry for taking so long. and i know this chapter is short... i've been so busy. i hope to update more frequently now.
𝐛𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐤 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 ✩ 𝐜𝐨𝐝 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 ✩ 𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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the constant memory of ghost pressed close to your body, his chest flesh against yours, would not stop fogging your mind. you shook your head as you sat slouched against the wall in the room you and the rest of your team were currently stationed. 
you, soap, ghost, and three other men were squatting at the top of an apartment building in a rather desolate city. you were currently waiting inside for soap to return from scouting the area. you were trying to keep cool but the lack of air conditioning and all the layers of your uniform was making it rather difficult. you wiped your brow and yanked your mask around your neck to try and give yourself more air. you felt flustered.
you couldn’t stop your eyes from flickering up to glance in the kitchen where ghost sat at the small circular table, looking over several dossier papers sprawled in front of him. he wore less than usual, his hard mask and helmet abandoned for his simple balaclava. he wore all black like usual but he had on jeans rather than his usual tactical pants. his face had a soft glow illuminating his eyes from light radiating off of the lamp in the corner of the room. you had to be as inconspicuous as possible and that included keeping the shades pulled and the lights off but a select few. 
you imagined it was probably difficult for him to see, his eyes struggling to focus on the words. then the image of him leaning close to you drifted into your mind. his eyes fluttering and drowsy, as they were in that closet, but this time without all the bulkiness of his other mask and helmet. you felt a rush of anxiety ebb in your stomach. 
your eyes traced his hands as he shifted between papers, his gloves forgotten on the other side of the table. you imagined how they’d feel against you, his hand coming up to gently caress your face. 
oh my god, you were losing it . 
you looked up, locking your inappropriate thoughts away, and to your surprise, ghost’s eyes were already on you, making an awful sense of embarrassment course through your entire body. 
you quickly looked down at your lap, focusing back on cleaning your handgun, your hands stuttering a little bit as you tried to act natural. your body begged–pleaded even–for you to look back over at him, and against your better judgment, you did. you glanced up in his direction again and found him still looking at you. he caught you in the act twice now…
the door busted open, a panicked sergeant and soap rushed inside, rescuing you from figuring out how you were going to get past your staring contest with ghost. 
you pushed up to your feet and hurried over to the commotion. soap helped plop your teammate down on the couch, his leg soaked with blood. “what happened?” you asked. 
soap turned to you, his demeanor calm and collected. “a bloody prick from las almas cartel shot him. don’t even think they knew who we were,” he explained. 
you grabbed your bag and stood back in front of the hurt sergeant who had yanked his mask off and was gritting his teeth in pain. you dug through your bag and leaned forward, wanting to stop the bleeding. “no, i don’t want you touching me,” he grimaced, grabbing his thigh above the bullet wound in a guarding gesture.
soap was on the other side of the couch, still catching his breath from hauling the man up four flights of stairs. “i just need to stop the bleeding–” you assured, trying to get a clean rag on the wound to hold pressure. 
when you touched him, his hand came up unexpectedly and shoved you back, then he gripped your other arm tightly, making you look down at him. the look of alarm must have been blatant on your face because his eyes filled with satisfaction. 
but there was something else…his face was filled with rage you recognized all to well as being amplified by his pain. the adrenaline was likely wearing off and you could see sweat forming on his forehead. he was in agony, his thigh probably screaming in searing heat, which did nothing but make whatever grudge he had against you that much more potent.
“ i said, don’t fuckin’ touch me ,” he spat. you were frozen in place, unsure of what to do next. you had never been attacked like this by a teammate. 
“i…” you stammered.
before you had a chance to decide what to do, his hand was being pried off of you, ghost’s own hand crushing his as he pulled it away. “ah, shit,” the man groaned as ghost strained his wrist. 
“tell me why i shouldn’t send your ass back to price under the charges of aggravated assault against a teammate,” ghost essentially growled, his voice a beat or two lower than usual. 
you reached up and rubbed your bicep subconsciously as you stumbled backward, still a bit dazed at the interaction. you felt soap beside you now, his hand resting on your shoulder as he assessed the situation.
the man flinched in pain as ghost closed his hand harder around his wrist. 
the man snarled, “i saw that bitch leave men behind in al mazrah. i don’t want her anywhere near me–” before he could keep ranting, accusing you of going against your own team, ghost’s other hand went straight for the man’s throat, wrapping tightly around it as he pushed him back into the rickety couch, his head slamming against the wall. 
ghost’s rage filled the room, his desire to hurt this man palpable. “ghost,” soap warned, though you could see the hesitation flicker across johnny’s visage. 
ghost leaned into the man and said something too lowly for you to hear. “ghost,” you said faintly. “don’t fucking kill the guy.”
soap looked ready to intervene when ghost let go, shoving the man backward as he did and stood up straight. his eyes didn’t meet yours as he stormed off into the kitchen. “you’re done here,” he grunted to the man. 
you and soap shared a look before he turned. “a real piece of shit, you are,” he mumbled. “you know it’s protocol what she did. i would've done the same in her shoes.”
the man looked peeved as he looked back down at his leg which was starting to drip blood onto the floor. 
“i’ll go to the camp across–”
“no. you’re done here. go the fuck back to base. you’re off this mission,” ghost’s voice chimed in from the kitchen, the malevolence seeping over all his words. 
“fuckin’ hell,” the man grumbled, looking up at you with fire in his eyes.
you tried to think of any acrimony prior involving you and your teammate, but you could find none. was he truly upset at your decisions as a medic? was he right? you tried to shut your second-guessing down as soap talked to you.
things began to cool down as your other teammates returned and your assailant had left. ghost refused to let you help him after all that he had said. you had wanted to at least give him some bandages before he left, even if he called you names and bruised your arm. but arguing with ghost was futile. 
you sat in the kitchen beside soap who had found an old whiskey bottle tucked away in one of the cabinets and poured the lot of you a glass. you sipped yours and made a face, making soap laugh. you stared at the amber liquid in your glass and thought about the last time you and soap sat together drinking whiskey and how upset you had been then, too.
after a few beats of silence, soap spoke, gaining ghost’s attention from across the kitchen. “i wanted to let you kill him, but shit, ghost,” soap sounded exacerbated like he was tired both physically and mentally. “finding hassan is too important, we can’t be dishonorably discharged now.” a piece of you lit up at soaps words. he wanted to let ghost kill the guy for speaking to you so disrespectfully and putting his hands on you, and something about that made you feel safe. protected. like these men were becoming your family. 
“after, then?”
soap laughed. “you are one scary mother fucker.”
“only when im pissed,” ghost corrected.
“don’t think i’ve ever seen you happy, then,” soap teased before taking a swig of his drink. 
the kitchen was dark and you could very faintly see the details of ghost. your lips parted and you held in a gasp as he pushed up his mask just enough to free his mouth and take a sip of his whiskey. 
you wished the lights were on so you could make out what he looked like in all his glory. your mouth got dry as his eyes settled on you. he pulled his mask back down and you turned away in bashfulness. you swore you heard him chuckle quietly to himself across the room. 
you cursed at yourself. since when did you become so infatuated with the man who despised you? 
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it was rapidly approaching midnight as you sat atop the roof, gazing out into the city below. the air was far cooler now that the sun had set, the breeze messing your hair up. the sparse and decrepit city gave you an odd sense of comfort as you watched the small number of people still awake, out and about, cross streets, and enter the one convenience store that was still open, its neon sign flickering. 
you sat your sniper down and took a seat along the edge of the building, trying to listen to the sounds from below instead of the thoughts racing in your head. 
first watch was always the worst. it was so hard to keep your eyes open and it was lonely up here by yourself knowing everyone else was sleeping. you sighed and leaned back on your hands. at least you could see more stars here with the lack of light pollution than back at home. 
the shifting of boots on cement startled you and you turned your head. ghost stood a few feet behind you, looking down at you with his dark and all-consuming gaze. 
“ghost,” you breathed. 
you looked at him confused. he strolled a bit closer. “my name,” he said succinctly. 
“oh.” you felt stupid but that's the only response that came to your head. you heard him make a sound that could have been a laugh, but you weren’t sure. 
he leaned against the large hvac unit, his hands sliding into his pockets. 
a sense of awkwardness bubbled inside you. should you bring up the other week when he trapped you both in the closet? or would he think you were crazy–that he simply was protecting the two of you and your perverted thoughts were reading into things?
you landed on the ladder. 
“what was that back there?” you finally asked. 
“what? when i stopped one of my sergeants from attacking a teammate?” you could tell he raised his brows under his mask with the way it shifted. “exactly as it sounds. what more of an explanation do you need?” 
a rush of embarrassment filled your chest. “i know, it just seemed like a more… emotional reaction rather than rational. and i’ve only ever known you to be rational.”
“hm,” he hummed before crossing his feet over one another. “guess you just make me a bit irrational.” the way his accent sounded heavier than usual was leading you to believe he may have had more than just one glass of whiskey.
fire flared across your face. “oh.”
“that seems to be a popular response of yours.”
his eyes were boring into your own. you were certain he could hear your heart racing even from where he stood. 
“it's hard to respond when you confuse me.” you regretted the words the moment they left you. 
“confuse you?” he asked. the way he was looming in the dark so casually made your heart twist.
“yeah, uh. i guess i just thought you hated me. so it was a surprise seeing you stand up for me like that,” you paused. “not that i didn’t appreciate it,” you quickly corrected. “i did… i just… i don’t know.”
his eyes scanned your face before looking off the roof and into the distance. you thought he was never going to answer, leading you to feel more embarrassed than humanly possible. but eventually, he did, after he walked over and took a seat beside you. 
your hands clung on either side of your thighs as you looked straight ahead. your chest tightened feeling his eyes lingering on you.
“i don’t hate you.”
you smiled mirthlessly as you looked over at him. “just don’t like, then?” you asked.
he made a humming noise like he had thought what you said wasn’t very amusing. “i just don’t want you getting into my head.”
was he poking fun at you? you couldn’t tell. it was so hard to read him when he always had that stupid mask on. 
“i cant tell if you’re laughing at me or not.”
“why would i be laughin’?”
“i don’t know,” you risked a glance at him and instantly regretted it, his eyes appraising you intensely. “it’s just so hard to know if someone is being truthful with you when they always have their face covered.”
he took a moment. “you wouldn’t like what's underneath.”
you gave a breathless laugh. “well, who cares what i think?”
his eyes darted over to yours before quickly looking back at the horizon. you thought that was it. that the conversation had come to an end. but regardless, you were pleased you got him to speak as much as he did to you. but now you were worried you had something wrong. 
“simon,” you said in a mousey tone. 
you saw his grip on the ledge tighten. “it appears i’ve grown… to like you.”
your head snapped in his direction, daring to look up at his face. he was still looking forward, avoiding your eyes, a stark contrast to his intense gaze the whole rest of the night. “what?”
“its dangerous. lettin’ people get close.” you wondered if it was the whiskey that made him more apt to talk. 
“you can’t live without letting people in. life is miserable that way,” you said matter-of-factly. 
“yeah, well. life is pretty fuckin’ miserable when the people you let in leave you, too. lose-lose i suppose.” 
“simon, i didn’t–”
“go sleep. i came up here to relieve you.”
“but i still have another two hours of my shift–”
“i won’t tell you again,” he growled, his voice taking a sharp turn from the soft candor he was speaking to you earlier.
“okay,” you replied timidly, looking at him one last time before standing up. 
you approached the door to the stairs and paused, turning and speaking to ghost’s back. “i hope you learn to let someone in. if not me, then soap.” you sucked in a breath. “you need to have people in your life who care about you. and you’ll lose yourself if you don’t have anyone to care about. so yeah, it hurts like hell losing them, but i would gladly take all the pain that comes with loss if it means not being alone.” 
he didn’t acknowledge your words but you knew he heard you. you sighed before creeping back inside and finding a spot in the living room to sleep. 
chapter 6 ➡
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The Wolf Among Men
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WARNING: RATED M, smut, death, mention of almost SA, act of violence, Themes of Religion, alcoholism
A/N: This will be my first GOT fanfic, I will being going along with the plot on the show with my own twist. I haven’t read the books so if I get something wrong or the plots are all over the place. Let it be. My story my rules. Please note comments are welcome. Enjoy! -L
Summary: Jon was told that his eldest sister, Y/n arrived to Castle Black. He was surprised when Y/n arrived with The Hound, Sandor Clegane.
Word Count: 11.9K
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Chapter Two
Months Later After The Fall 
A cup of ale was given to Sandor by his father when he killed his first man. Sandor was only 12 and he gagged at the taste of it but his father told him to drink up since he was a man now. Sandor did what any 12 year old would do. He listened to his father and drank it all. He was 15 when he noticed the drinking was the only thing that helped him sleep. It helped him ease the nightmares he had of his older brother. As Gregor grew, the maids in their house disappeared along with a sister, he doesn't recall. 
He has a rough time remembering anything before Gregor did what he did. It was like he had lost his memory after that but it came back in nightmares. Nightmares of his older brother shoving his face in the fire, horrible screams and sounds of a girl choking echoing in the hallways of their home. The news of his father’s death was said to be a “hunting accident”. When he was told of his father’s death it scared him because Gregor stood behind the maesters with a stone cold stare. No one mentioned the blood stain on Gregor’s trousers, no one even dared to say what they were thinking. 
The drinking helped Sandor sleep and not care. He didn’t care what anyone thought of him anymore, not like when he was a kid. He didn’t mind the names or the snickering behind his back but he did have his moments. Sandor was just 16 when he was in a tavern minding his business and drinking by himself. No one dared to bother him but a drunken knight decided to bully him. He ignored the warning and walked towards Sandor shouting about his face.  The knight was so drunk out of his mind that he didn't notice Sandor had a knife in his hand. The people in the tavern screamed while others stared in horror as Sandor rammed his knife at the knight's face repeatedly. 
Sandor was on him, pinning him to the ground with his weight. He noticed the blood and chunks of brain had stained the white cloak the knight wore.  Sandor scoffed at the sight of it. White cloak, a knight’s garment. The white signifies purity, virtue, and innocence. Knights are supposed to be good but all the knights around him were pieces of shit who used and abused their powers on the weak. 
Being a knight was a dream for him when he was small. That dream broke and disappeared when Gregor was knighted by Prince Rhaegar Targaryen. Sandor didn't understand it. 
“How can he be a knight?’ He asked himself. His brother is a monster, evil with legs and a face. 
The awful truth that Sandor learned was knights protecting the good and the unfortunate were all fake. In the real world it’s the strongest who survives, the strong prey on the weak to live. You need to kill to survive. 
Sandor stopped when the knight's head was completely smashed. He wiped his knife on the knight’s cloak and rose up from the ground. He ignored the people around and sat back down to finish his cup of ale. 
He learned that day he was pretty good at killing and he liked it. 
When he became Joffrey’s guard, he started drinking more. Since he was paid well, he drank wine. Wine made him feel good and yearn for a woman's touch. He would spend his nights at a whore house where some rejects from little finger’s establishment stayed. He drank until he couldn’t feel the tip of his fingers anymore. He drank until he couldn’t see the woman’s face and paid for her time. He kept it simple and quick. Bend them over then have them bring him a pitcher of wine when he finished. 
He would wake up the next day with a slight headache and cotton mouth but he slept the entire night without any nightmares. His eyes would open and stare up at the multicolor fabrics hanging from the ceiling of the establishment.  
Sandor never told you but when he first talked to you when you arrived at King's Landing that night he drank and he dreamt for the first time in a long time. He dreamt of you and your sweet smile that you had given him when you saw him. The dream became a nightmare when Gregor appeared behind you. Gregor was going to kill you and Sandor without a thought grabbed his sword. 
He shot up in a sitting position when he sliced Gregor’s throat wide open in his dream. It was the first time in his life he had dreamt or even thought of killing Gregor. Sandor was now bigger and stronger. He had more experience in fighting now. He knew if he tried his hardest he might be able to win against his brother.  The only thing that was lingering on his mind was, when will it be his chance to get his revenge on Gregor. 
Sandor found out that he might be able to defeat his brother when he protected Loras Tyrell from him during the Hand's tournament. A rush of energy came at him when he saw Loras on the ground, his brother was about to strike the younger man. 
He did hold his brother off and King Robert commanded them to stop. Sandor was the only one who obeyed and kneel, showing his loyalty to the King. Loras thanked him graciously as Sandor stood up. He raised Sandor’s arm up declaring him as the winner.  He saw you quickly rise from your seat beside your father and clapped for him. You cheered his name loudly, not caring who was looking at you. The crowd followed and cheered for him as well, making him tense up since these were the same people who ridiculed and despised him are now cheering for him. 
He made a decision as he walked up the steps to take his place behind Joffrey. He was going to kill his brother and get revenge. 
Sandor started to gain consciousness and he thought he was back in the whorehouse. He will wake up like always and see the multicolor fabrics hanging above him. Sandor opened his eyes and stared up and saw a wooden ceiling. He let out a hiss when he tried to get up, he couldn't do it. He looked at his surroundings for a moment. He realized he was inside of a wooden shack. Everything came rushing back in his mind at once. He fell off a cliff and you were crying over him as you tried to pick him up. 
Y/n. He thought to himself. He let out a grunted as he tried to get up again but it was no use. 
“You’re up.” Sandor's eyes widened at the sound of a man’s voice. He tried to sit up on the bed to see who it was but fell back down on the makeshift bed. An older man with a beard walked inside the shack with a small bowl and a cup. 
“Y/n?!” Sandor called out in a raspy voice. 
He looked down at himself to see his clothes were gone. He wore a brown tunic shirt. He was bare from the waist down under thick blankets. 
“Wow! Relax.” The man said putting the bowl and cup on the small table near the makeshift bed when he saw Sandor trying to get up again. 
“Where is Y/n?!” Sandor shouted as the men sat down on the bed with his hands in front of him showing Sandor he meant no harm. 
“She’s eating supper now. She’s done with work.” The men helped Sandor sit up as he spoke.  
“What?” Sandor said not understanding as he leaned against the wall.
“You should eat too.” The men said, grabbing the bowl. 
“She will be happy that you’re awake. Poor thing was starving and tired. Told her I’ll feed you today.” Sandor watched as the man took the spoon from the table, he was about to feed it to him like he was a baby. 
“I can fucking do it.” Sandor said, grabbing the bowl from the man’s hand.  The man laughed while Sandor gave him a glare. 
“She said you were a mean one.” Sandor quietly moaned as he drank the warm soup straight from the bowl. He was starving. 
“Who are you? What’s this place?” Sandor asked, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. 
“I’m Ray. Some people call me brother Ray. We are here building a sept in the hills. We found Y/n in the mountains. Poor thing was crying and asked us for help. She offered to work in exchange.” Ray said with a smile as he looked around the small shack. Sandor frowned. 
“What is she doing? What kind of work?” Sandor asked. Millions of thoughts were running inside of his head. Sandor didn’t believe Ray. He knew men like him. Sandor has always been good at reading people. Ray seemed to catch on what Sandor was implying and  frowned. 
Ray shook his head. “No! We really are building a sept. At first she would cook and clean. Clean clothes of the people here but some people thought it wasn’t fair because food and shelter was being given to you.” 
“Y/n is something. She yelled at men twice her age and said she will work with them, cutting trees down just to shut their mouths.” 
Ray rose up then made his way to the table filled with bowls and candles. Sandor watched as Ray started to mix some powder and made a paste. Sandor continued to finish his soup as Ray kept talking. 
“Never seen a girl her size cut down wood before. I think she has been through a lot, she hasn’t said much about herself. Every time she’s chopping wood she said she imagines it’s the face of the people who hurt her.” 
Sandor was lost for words. You haven’t left him. You kept your word and stood by him. You worked for him. Sandor felt his heart was about to burst as Ray kept talking about you. 
“You gave us all a fright.” Ray said as he lifted the blanket up to Sandor’s knee.  Sandor saw his leg was straightened out. He can see the nasty large scar across his knee. His knee bone was pushed back in and he was stitched up. The stitches looked red and angry but Sandor was happy about that. It means the wound is fresh and healing. Sandor held his breath for a moment when he tried to move his toes. Ray let out a chuckle when he moved them.
“Scared the fuck out of Y/n when you started to move them in your sleep.” 
“You were in and out of death so many times. Never seen a woman pray so much like Y/n did by your bedside.” Ray said as he carefully spread some of the paste on Sandor’s knee. Sandor tried to keep a moan of relief when he felt the cool paste on his stitches. 
Ray wrapped some cloth around his knee and covered him back up with the blanket. 
“I’m glad you’re up.” Sandor watched as Ray grabbed the empty bowl from his hands and started to walk out of the shack. He looked over his shoulder at Sandor and told him he will tell you that he's up. 
Sandor was left alone and he stared at his hands on his lap trying to wrap his head around the fact that he’s alive thanks to you. He looked up at the sound of someone running. He froze when he saw you by the door. You stared at him with wide eyes and a big smile. You looked different. You wore dark trousers with a beige tunic instead of your usual dress. You looked slimmer, and you looked like you had been out in the sun for too long.
“Sandor.” You cried as you walked inside and sat on the bed close to him. Sandor didn’t say anything when you wrapped your arms around his shoulders and hugged him. 
“I’m so happy you’re up.” You said looking at him, cupping his face with your hands. Sandor tried not to cry, he really did but you were there in front of him, alive and he was alive too. 
“It’s okay, my love.” You whispered as you kissed his cheeks. You caressed his burned cheek while he looked at you. 
“Thank you.” He softly said.
 “Thank you.” He repeated as tears ran down his cheeks.
He kissed you gently and laid his forehead against yours. You pulled away when you heard him let out a sharp breath, he bore a grimace look on his face. 
“Are you in pain? Ray said he put the paste on your leg. I’ll give you some milk of the poppy.” You said leaning forward to the table, grabbing a small vessel and the cup Ray had bought.  
“Where did you get that?” Sandor asked as he watched you put a few drops in his cup. Medicine is not cheap.
“Ray took me to a town a few miles away. I have been chopping wood and selling them there. I got enough money for medicine.” He was about to take the cup from your hands when he froze at the sight of them. 
He grabbed one of them when he noticed the bandage wrapped around your palm. Your hands were different as well. Not the hands of a lady anymore. Your hands were rough and you had dirt underneath your fingernails. 
“It’s just a cut. It’s healing.” You told Sandor as you gave him the cup and removed your hand from his grasp. 
“Let me see.” You shook your head. 
“Drink first. Please.” Sandor didn’t say anything. 
“Please. I’m alright.” You said pushing the cup towards his mouth. Sandor didn’t want to anger you so he did what you told him. He was ashamed that you had to work to take care of him.  
You told him about Ray and the group as you helped him lay back down. You told him how Stranger was outside as well. You didn’t have the heart to sell the horse and his sword, you thought if Sandor died then Stranger and the weapon would be a reminder of him. However you did have to sell his armor for a maester to come all the way up the hills to check up on him.  
Sandor was drifting into sleep from milk of the poppy when he noticed he took almost the entire makeshift bed. He wanted to ask where you slept. He was going to ask when you started to hum softly to him. He felt your hands on his head, you brushed his hair with your fingers as you continued to hum. 
Sandor got his answer in the middle of the night when he woke himself up from a cough. He opened his eyes slowly, still feeling the effects of milk of the poppy. He saw a small candle on the table near him burning. He looked around as best he could. He stopped when he saw you on the ground sleeping. He wanted to get up to get you in bed with him but he winced at the pain in his knee. You were in the corner with a pillow under your head and a blanket over you. Sandor can see you were holding one of his knives in your hand while you slept. 
He tried to call your name out, trying to fight back the sleep but he lost and shut his eyes. Days passed and Sandor got better and stronger. He was in a foul mood every time you left for work and came back. You spoke to him telling him you did this for him because you love him. 
“I know you would have done the same for me if I was the one in that bed.” You told him. Sandor nodded as he agreed with you. 
Sandor tried to have you sleep in the makeshift bed with him. He had shouted until you laid with him every night. As soon as you heard him snoring, you carefully got off. You didn’t want to tell Sandor the real reason why you chose to sleep on the ground. Some nights you would sit on the ground by him and stare at the entrance of the shack. 
Days turned into weeks and Sandor was finally able to walk with the help of Ray and a teenager boy named James who wasn’t afraid of him.
Sandor already had a reputation among the group and they weren’t to kin at the idea of the tall man with half of a burned face around them. Sandor walked a few steps before sitting back down. Ray told him it was normal and to have him walk more to get the strength of his legs back up again. 
Sandor was up and walking in no time. The sept you were helping build was done. Sandor and you went with Ray along with his group to another place to do the same. Since the group changed location it wasn’t too far from the shack. Each morning, Sandor and you rode Stranger to work then back again in the afternoon to the shack to rest. 
You ignore the talk and the stares people did whenever they saw Sandor and you. Sandor impressed many when he was able to carry a log by himself, a log that took at least five people to carry. Sandor began to chop wood and he made you get a job that didn’t require so much manual labor. You didn't want to at first, since you got used to the work but Sandor pleaded with you. You started to help the other woman with the cooking and the cleaning. 
You ignored the snickering you heard behind your back from the women who talked about you being with Sandor. Some were afraid of him, while others were repulsed by his face and some were jealous of you for having a man like Sandor. Tall and strong is what you heard from them and for the first time it made you feel jealous. 
Sandor and you have been traveling alone for so long that there weren't other people to make you feel that way. You knew Sandor wasn't like that, talking to other women or even looking at them. Even on the road and going inside of a tavern he never once looked at women. 
 The woman in the group wore dresses while you wore trousers and a shirt that Ray had given you. Your hair that was once brushed and braided is now tangled and greasy from being out in the sun and working. Insecurity and jealousy seeped into your body. 
You were unaware that Sandor heard how the men spoke about you. Just like you, Sandor knew the rules not to fight and not to steal from each other. Sandor didn’t want to be the reason to be kicked out of this place. It was good, no one knew who both of you were, both of you had somewhere to stay and had food. 
Sandor was surprised when Ray came around the corner and spoke out when he heard one of the men start to speak about you. “Perhaps if you pray hard enough to the gods, they will bless you with a lass like her. Hardworking and pretty.” 
Ray looked over to Sandor who walked away to get another log. 
“Y/n didn’t tell me what happened to you.” Sandor heard Ray behind him following him deeper into the woods to his chopping area. 
“It was a fight.” Sandor replied. 
“Wow, I don’t want to see what the other guy looks like.” 
Sandor shook his head. “It was a woman. A tall, big fucking woman.” 
Ray chuckled. “She wanted to take Y/n away from me.” 
“Well, I’m glad she didn’t.” Ray walked closer to Sandor. “Me too.” Sandor said as he sat on a log stretching his leg. 
“Many people say you came back from the dead. Some said it was fairies that healed you.” Sandor scoffs at the idea of little fairies over him. 
“I know Y/n helped but it was up to you to survive. What made you survive? I didn’t have the heart to tell Y/n that you were done for. No man can come out of the state you were in.” Ray said. 
Sandor thought about it for a minute, why was he still alive? Perhaps it was for you, to keep you safe. Before you, he was alive to have his revenge on his brother. “Hate or maybe I’m just a hard fucker to kill.” 
Ray shook his head not believing him. “No, there's a reason. Gods aren’t done with you yet.” 
“Heard that one before.” Sandor said as he remembered Beric telling him that the gods wanted him alive before leaving with you after his win. Sandor didn’t believe it at all. 
“Why would the gods want me alive? I have done hateful shit before. You don’t know the things I have done.” 
“If you are what you say then why is she with you?” Ray said, looking behind Sandor. 
Sandor followed his gaze to see you walking towards them along with two bowls in your hands. “I believe you're alive for a reason.” Ray said, patting Sandor on the shoulder then left. 
Ray greeted you as you walked past him. 
“Hey.” You told Sandor as you passed him a bowl with rice and meat. 
“Thanks.” Sandor said while you took a small leather wineskin off your shoulder. 
“Your favorite, water.” You told him before giving it to him. Sandor snorted a chuckle, he was telling you this morning how he would chop every fucking tree in the forest for some ale. 
You used your fingers to grab the meat and rice as Sandor took a drink of water. It’s been a while since he had ale or wine. He was alright without it just as long he was with you, he thought to himself. He closed the wineskin and looked down at the bowl. He was still thinking about those men talking about you. It wasn’t the first time he heard men speaking about you. In King’s Landing, he saw how men looked at you. He heard what the knights and lords said about you. The Lords were all over your father asking for your hand but your father kept telling them how you were already promised to another. He never found out who it was though and he didn't want to think of it. Another man with you, another man touching you and looking at you.  He was able to give one look at the knights and scare them off but he didn’t know what to do about the men here. 
He didn’t want to cause a problem. He didn’t want both of you to get kicked out. Ray seemed nice enough. Ray never looked at you like you were a piece of meat. 
Sandor trusted Ray with you, he knew why Ray helped you heal him. It was after a tale Ray told to the group one afternoon. Ray had told the group that he had gotten into a fight when he was still in his misfit ways with a couple of smugglers. At the end, the smugglers sought out where he lived and killed his daughter because he wasn't there.
“ I can not bring back my daughter. I regret that fight so much but I know I can make a difference now. I can bring back a bit of good into this world.”  
His story was cut short when three men rode into their camp looking for trouble. Sandor had gently pushed you behind him when the men started to stare at the woman of the group. He knew who they were, they were from the brotherhood and followed the Red God. They didn't recognize him, Sandor had longer hair that touched his shoulders and was much lighter in color. The beard that he kept short was now fuller.  You hid behind Sandor, your forehead was pressed against his back as you listened to the men asking Ray if they had any gold or weapons. You gripped the back of his shirt when the leader of the men told Ray to be careful because the night is dark and full of terror. 
Sandor didn't sleep that night, he stayed up with his sword in his hand in case they came. Ray told him that he wouldn't fight them because violence is a disease. He kept looking at the entrance of the shack. Sandor knew Ray was right about violence being a disease but it was the only way to make sure you were safe. 
Ray helped you because you remind him of his daughter. Ray couldn't do anything to help his daughter but he was going to make sure to help you and he did. Sandor was alive, breathing and walking again.  
Sandor swore to himself that he was going to do the same as you did for him. You helped him, you saved him from death. He wasn't going to let anything or anyone hurt you. You showed how much he means to you. You showed him everyday how much you loved him. 
“I love you.” He mumbled without a thought. His eyes widened at his confession, he quickly turned away from you. 
“What?” You asked when you heard Sandor mumble something. You were too busy eating to hear what he said. 
Sandor shook his head and kept eating, avoiding your gaze.
“I want you to tell me if anyone is bothering you. Alright?” Sandor finally spoke after a few minutes. You looked over at him with a strange look. Did he find out?
“What are you talking about?” You asked softly, trying not to panic. 
“I heard some of the men talking about you.” Sandor said, looking over you as you wiped one of your hands on your pants. You let out a small sigh of relief. 
“I don’t know if I’ll need you to save me. I’m pretty good with an ax.” You said, giving him a smile. He didn't need to know, you thought to yourself. It was over, he’s safe. He is alive, that's what matters. 
Sandor grinned at you. You were good that he had to admit, he had seen you chopping wood. At one point he had to leave when he got a hard on from just watching you. He got aroused by the look on your flushed face, the sweat dripping down your forehead and neck. He liked it, it reminded him whenever you rode him. Your body would be covered in sweat as you moved your hips, your breasts bouncing. Your sweaty face reminded him of the time he pounded you from behind. Your pretty face looked at him over your shoulder mewling with each thrust. 
“The women talk about you too. You know?” You said as you brought a piece of meat to your mouth. Sandor shook his head at you as he ate. 
“He’s the tallest man I've ever seen in my life. He’s so strong.” You said mimicking in a high pitch voice making him chuckle.  
“Pretty soon I'll have to swing my ax to keep them away from you.” Sandor chuckled looking at you. He stopped when he noticed you looked a bit annoyed. This was new for Sandor, he had never seen this side of you before. You’re jealous and he didn't like seeing you like this. He didn't know what to do to make you stop feeling this. Sandor wasn't good with emotions, he knew that. You were the first person to ever make him feel something that wasn't hate. He was nervous about what to say, last time the words came out of his mouth without a thought. Those words back in the barn, he regretted because of the face you made when he mentioned your family.
In his mind he wanted to say, stop being stupid. I don't want those broads. 
“There's only you, Y/n. I only want you.” The words that came out of his mouth washed away the insecurity and jealousy you felt. You looked at Sandor and saw he was being sincere, you looked away licking your lips. 
“Y/n. Look at me.” Sandor spoke, you looked over at him. He had gotten closer to you. 
“I only want you. You’re all I want.” 
You bite your bottom lip as Sandor kisses your cheek. It’s been so long since you felt him, since you felt his touch. You wanted him so bad but you knew he had to heal. You didn’t want to hurt his knee but your fingers weren't the same as his, your cunt was used to his rough and large fingers. Your body craved his touch and cock. You yearned for him. It’s been months without him. 
You felt Sandor kiss the corner of your lips. You dropped your bowl to the ground to kiss him on the lips. 
Sandor dropped his bowl as well to grab you, he wanted to be closer to you. He wanted to feel you. “Are you sure?” He heard you asked him as you kissed his neck. 
“Aye.” He said standing up from the log, pulling you up to follow him further into the forest. He didn't want anyone seeing you.
“You?” He asked. You nodded, “Yes please” He grins at your response. 
He found a large enough tree to keep both of you hidden behind.  He pushed you gently against the tree as he leaned down to kiss you on the lips. His hands grabbed your ass, squeezing it over your trousers. You let out a moan as he nipped your neck.
“Sandor.” You cry his name. His large fingers made their way to the rope tied around your trousers to keep them from falling down. He untied it and pulled your trousers off along with your boots. 
He let out a moan when he came close to your mound, he kissed it. Enjoying the scent of your musk. He was about to eat you out when you begged for his cock. 
Sandor felt himself grow hard at your words. You told him how much you missed his cock, and you missed how he fucked you. He quickly pulls his own trousers down, jerking himself a bit. 
Sandor manhandled you and picked you up roughly. Your back was against the tree, legs wrapped around his waist. Your fingers digging into his shoulder as he slipped himself inside of you. He groans as he feels your cunt on him. You were so tight, it’s been so long since he felt you. He was shocked how wet you were. You were wet just by kissing him. 
He held you tight as he thrust inside of you. He held your ass in one hand while his hands held onto the tree. 
“F-F-uc-k.” You cried into his neck as he fucked you. You heard Sandor grunting as he thrust into you hard and rough. 
“You’re mine.” Sandor moaned into your ear. “You hear me?”
“Mine.” Sandor said as he felt you clench around his cock by his words. He hated hearing the other men talk about you. Didn’t they know that you were with him, that he’s yours and you’re his. 
“You like that? Knowing you’re mine. You’re fucking mine.” Sandor grunted as he felt you cum around his cock. 
“Yes.” You moan as he kept fucking through your orgasm. You held him tight as he reached for his climax. He let out harsh grunts against your neck as he fucked your cunt. Thrusting in and out rapidly, the sound of your ass hitting against his thighs can be heard. 
“You little minx.” Sandor tells you as he feels your wetness dripping down his balls. Letting out a whine when you felt your clit against his stomach. The feeling of his happy trail rubbing against your throbbing clit made you lightheaded. You were about to cum for a second time. 
“Say your mine.” Sandor cries out about to cum. 
“I’m yours. I’m your woman.” You tell him out of breath. 
“Only yours.” 
You kissed him harshly and sloppy. Your tongue slipped in his mouth as you moaned. Sandor bit your bottom lip when he felt you cum again on his cock. He grunts as he pushes you completely against the tree. His hand leaves your ass to hold both of your legs open as he cums deep inside of you. 
You ignored the pain of the tree bark digging your back as you felt Sandor cumming inside of you. You felt him thrust softly making you whine while he grunted. 
“Fuck, Y/n.” Sandor says as he holds you. He moans as he kisses your neck. He held you against the tree for a moment. He held you, enjoying your warmth and scent. He had to stop to admire you. Your eyes were bright and your lips turned upwards in a smile. 
He wanted to remember you like this. He wanted to say those three words again so you could hear him but fear filled him. What if he said it and he would wake up in that place again. He didn't want to wake up to see the multicolor fabrics on the ceiling.
He winces as he pulls out from you softly so he doesn’t hurt you. He brings you down to your feet. You lean against the tree, your cunt throbbing and legs wobbly. Sandor quickly pulls his pants up. He grabs his handkerchief from his back pocket to kneel down in front of you. 
He looks up at you as he wipes his cum dripping out of you, he’s so tender as he wipes.  Grabbing your discarded pants, he helps you to put them back on.
“Thank you.” You said as you sat down on the ground to put on your boots.  He waits for you as he catches  his breath while leaning against the tree. He looked around for a moment, he hoped no one saw. He knew he was going to kill someone if they mention seeing him with you fucking. 
“I missed you.” Sandor heard you say as you got up and walked in front of him. 
“Me too.” He said as you leaned against him, hugging him. You laid your head on his chest, he wrapped his arms around you placing his chin on top of your head. Sandor had come to be comfortable doing this with you, hugging you. 
He wanted to tell you that you were the first person to ever hug him. He thought what his brother would say if he saw him hugging right now. Gregor, without a doubt would’ve punched him in the face and called him a pussy.
After some time both of you walked back to retrieve the bowls then back to the main camp. You talked to Sandor about what the people from the group wanted to build next. 
Sandor nodded when you mentioned their plans, walking back to the main camp to bring the bowls back. You froze when you saw the body of a woman a few feet away from you laying on the ground. You looked over at Sandor who began to look around for anyone else when an arrow was sticking out of her chest. 
You quickly began to sprint further into the camp and cried out when you saw the group was dead, all of them. Their throats had been split open, others had an arrow in their chest or in their head. 
“Sandor!” He heard you cry out as he walked towards you.  You were kneeling over James. The teenager had an arrow in his chest. He was gurling blood out of his mouth as he tried to speak. “They came back.” You looked up at Sandor who’s eyes darkened at his words. 
“The men on the horses?” You asked as you held the boy's hand. 
“Y-y-ye.” James tried to speak but his eyes closed. You looked up at Sandor and your face fell at the thought of Ray. He was the one who spoke to them. 
“Ray.” You shouted looking around. Sandor quickly walked further to find Ray as well. You got up to follow him, you looked ahead to see Sandor standing still in front of the unbuilt sept. 
Sandor heard you behind and turned around. “Don’t look.” He told you but you didn’t listen. 
You cried as you saw Ray hanging from the half build sept. Sandor continued to stare at Ray. He didn’t deserve to die. He looked away from the body and kept looking around in case the bastards were still around. He had to keep you safe. 
“We have to go.” Sandor told you as he grabbed your arm. Sandor needed to take you back to the shack, he will stand guard all night again. 
“Aren't we going to find them?” You asked him, making him stop in mid step. 
“What?” Sandor asked. 
“I want them dead for killing Ray.” You told Sandor as your face grew angry with furrowed brows. 
You wanted revenge. Sandor nodded, he wanted the same thing. Ray did not deserve it, not after everything he did for you and him. 
“Let’s get our stuff first.” He told you. 
Packing as fast as you can while Sandor got Stranger ready to ride, making sure his sword along with his ax was strapped on the horse. You wiped your tears quickly and walked out of the shack. You handed Sandor another pack. Sandor was about to help you saddle when you did it all by yourself. He sometimes forgets that you have changed. You weren’t the same lady that he left King’s Landing with. He noticed a knife strapped by your belt. 
Sandor rode behind you on Stranger who let out a neigh as it began to walk out of camp. Sandor knew they couldn’t be far. The wounds on the people were still fresh. It was 20 minutes later when both of you heard people talking. 
“Is it them?” You asked Sandor as he got off the horse first a few feet away from. Sandor grabbed his sword. 
“Stay on the horse until we know for sure.” Sandor told you before walking towards them. 
“Oh shit.” You heard from the other members of Brotherhood without Banners. You looked around to see them staring at you and Sandor. 
“Clegane. What the fuck you doing here?” Thoros said, looking at him then at you. 
“My lady.” You didn’t respond to him. 
“Chasing the men who killed the group that was building the sept. We were helping build it. They killed a friend of ours.” Sandor told him. 
“You have friends, Clegane?” Thoros asked, surprised. 
“Not anymore.” Sandor snapped back. 
“No need to chase.” Beric said then looked back at the three men about to be hanged in front of them. 
“They did it. We are going to hang them.” Beric said. You grabbed the reins on Stranger, signaling the horse to walk forward. 
“I’m surprised you’re still with Clegane, My lady.” Beric said as you got off Stranger and walked towards them ignoring Beric. 
“Who killed him?” You asked the three men. 
“Who the fuck killed the man in charge?” You yelled. The left one shouted it was the one in the middle. 
“You fucker!!” The middle man shouted as he looked nervously at you and Sandor. 
“I want him.” You told Beric who looked shocked. 
“Give me this one.” Sandor said, pointing the one to the right since the man was eyeing you. 
“My lady.” Beric spoke but you cut him off. “I want him. I’ll slit his fucking throat.” You grabbed your knife from your belt and Sandor was about to swing his sword.  
“Whoa! Whoa!” Thoros said to both you and Sandor, stopping both of you.
“It’s the brotherhood's good name-“ Beric said standing in front of Sandor.  
“Fuck your name. They are ours to kill. I have killed you once before. I’ll be happy to do it again.” Sandor cut him off quickly and got close to him, staring him down. 
“These are our men. We will kill them. Lady Stark, this isn’t you.” You frowned at Thoros. 
“These men killed our friend. Ray helped us, feed us and cloth us. These fuckers came and killed him.” You hissed looking back at the middle man who looked like he was about to shit on himself. 
“Alright, we will give you two out of respect for your friend.” You looked over Sandor who gave you a nod. 
Sandor raised his sword but was stopped by Beric who told him not to chop off a body part. Only hanging. You continued to stare at the man as Sandor cursed them out about being weak and how he would have killed everyone just to kill the three how he sees fit. 
You sighed as you pushed the barrel softly so it could be longer for him to die. Sandor did the same, you heard Beric and Sandor talking behind you while the three men hanged to their death. All you did was watch them. Their faces turned red while their legs swung around. Sandor looked over at you when you didn’t move or even flinched when the legs of the middle guy got close to you. 
What made you change? He thought. This had to be the first person you killed, right? 
“Y/n?” You turned around at Sandor, he gave you a look. 
“You alright?” He asked. You nodded.
He watched as you walked back to Stranger, the nod you gave him made him feel unease. He looked back at the middle and started to rip his boots off along with his belt so he could have his sword strap to his hip. He knew both of you would need better supplies for traveling up north. Both of you decided to continue the journey again to see Jon. He took the cape from the man next to him as well. Winter is coming and both of you have to be prepared for the cold. 
Beric was kind enough to spare some food for you and Sandor. You kept to yourself as Beric and Thoros spoke to Sandor about the gods bringing them back together for a reason. Thoros looked over you and passed his pouch full of rum towards you. You thanked him with a nod and took a drink. 
“What about you?” Beric said, looking over at you. His eyes watched you carefully then at Sandor. He was a bit worried that you had been this long with the hound. He noticed you looked different as well. 
“What about me?” You asked, passing the pouch back to Thoros. 
“You’re alive. Most highborn ladies aren’t cut out living like this.” You sighed at his words. 
Sandor looked at you as you stared at the fire when you didn’t reply back to Beric. His words cut deep into you, you knew if it wasn’t for Sandor you would have died or worse kidnapped and raped. You would have been at the end of the cliffs sitting next to Sandor’s corpse if it wasn’t for Ray. 
You shut your eyes as you kept seeing Ray swaying back and forth from the half built sept. You missed him. He was the only one who talked to you when Sandor was still sleeping. He stood by your side whenever you tended Sandor’s wound. He stood up for you when the group threatened to kick you for not contributing more when Sandor was still injured. 
You felt so hopeless because you always needed someone to come to your rescue. You wished you could have protected Sandor from Brienne, you wished you could have saved Ray from being hung. You wished you were able to save your brothers, your mother and father. You were so weak and you hated yourself for it. 
The only time you felt strong was that night Ray found you in the shack. Sandor was quick to place a hand on your back when you broke down in tears in front of them. Beric and Thoros stood quiet as you wept. 
“I’m sorry. I miss Ray.” You told them as you wiped your tears with the back of your hand. 
“I would have been dead a long time ago if it wasn’t for him and Sandor.” Beric nodded, giving you a sympathetic look.
“The gods have a plan for you as well. Think about it, you have come so far even with the help of them.” Beric said as he looked over at your shoulder when he noticed a few men from their group noticing you crying. They began to stare at you as they talked among themselves. 
Sandor followed his gaze to the group a few feet away from them. Sandor moved closer to you. His legs practically pushed against yours. He was ready to kill any fucker that would come close to you. 
“Why don’t you join us? Both of you. We need your help. Something is coming this way. We are part of something larger. We need good people to help us.” 
Beric watched as Sandor passed a piece of jerky to you when you finally calmed down.  Thoros and Beric shared a look. Sandor Celgane, the hound is being nice. 
“I need to go to Jon.” You told them. 
“Jon Snow, he’s Lord Commander of the night watch.” Beric said, making you smile at your brother's accomplishment. 
“He’s the only family I have left. We were going to see him.” You didn’t know if your sisters were alive, Jon is your last resort. 
“We want to go beyond the walls. Let’s travel together since we are headed in the same direction.” He suggested. You let Sandor decide, you knew he would pick what was best. 
“Any of your men touch her. I’ll gut them alive.” Sandor said to Beric and Thoros.  
“I do the same if they do.” Thoros admits looking between Sandor and you. 
Riding alone was something you had to get used to quickly, they had extra horses since the hanging. You missed the heat Sandor gave when he rode behind you. You missed the conversations and being close to him. Sandor had told you that he would prefer to have you ride in front of him where he can see you. Beric rode beside you while Thoros rode next to Sandor. You couldn’t help but laugh as they bickered like children behind you. 
Sandor swore that Thoros’ top knot was a wig while Thoros gave Sandor the nickname grouchy old bear. Vulgar insults were thrown at each other.
“Beric?” You called out to the man as you both rode next to each other. 
“Yes, my lady.” He answered looking over at you. 
“Do you truly believe in the gods?” You question him as you try to ignore the bickering behind you. 
“I do. I have been dead 6 times and brought back.” 
“I want to tell you something.” Beric looked at you worried but nodded. 
“Sandor was hurt. Really bad and I  felt his heart stop beating many times but he always came back. There was a woman in the group who said she saw the children of the forest. Everyone thought she was crazy but I didn’t. My father believed they were real but went extinct a long time ago.” You said remember the girl and how her face lit up when telling you stories about them. You felt sad when you remembered seeing her on the ground with her throat slit open. She was the only kind person to you beside Ray. 
“She found me one day and said she spoke to them about Sandor. They gave her something. A flower, they told her to make a medicine out of it. A paste.” Beric watched as your eyes got teary. 
“I did it and Beric it worked. Sandor had his bone sticking out his knee. I thought the scar would have never healed but it did. If you see it, it’s just a line now. I’m telling you this because I don’t know what to believe anymore. If the gods were real, why was my father, a good man, beheaded? Why was my mother and brothers murdered but I was spared?” 
“The gods almost took Sandor away from me. They would have if it wasn’t for the children of the forest.” You said. 
Beric was quiet for a second before speaking. “Y/n, it’s alright to feel conflicted about believing in the gods or something else. It’s what makes humans. Who knows why the children of the forest helped or why you were spared. I ask myself the same question everyday, every hour. Why me? Why am I alive? I’ll tell you something, I knew we were going to cross paths again, Clegane and you.” Your eyes widen by his words. 
“I saw it in the flames. Us riding together going up north.” 
“When I tell you, my lady. That we are part of something I was not bullshitting, maybe it’s the new god, old gods, every fucking god there is and the children of the forest working as one. Now that we are together, we need to find out why. ” 
“You know, Ned talked about you a lot.” He spoke after a brief moment of silence.
“He loved you dearly. He always said that the new and old gods bless him with a child like you. The men and I didn’t think anything of it at first. We just thought it was because you were his first daughter but seeing you now alive after everything. I believe him now.” Beric told you, your heart grew heavy at the thought of your father. 
“You girls done gossiping? Let’s set up camp?” Thoros shouted from behind. 
Sandor and you sat together away from the group for some privacy. Sandor rubbed his hands together as he stared at the small fire a few feet away from him. He wanted to ask you something that's been on his mind for a while now.  That night he saw you sleeping on the ground with a knife in your hand. He wanted to know what made you change while he was asleep. 
“I can hear you thinking.” He looked over you, seeing you smiling at him as you stretched your legs. You were sitting on a log next to him.  
“What’s wrong?” You asked, grabbing his hand that was on his knee. 
“Have you killed anyone else?” He asked you, making you pause. 
You wanted to lie and say no. You didn’t want to cause any problems but you knew Sandor would just know you were lying. You didn’t want to get him angry. 
You nodded, “Aye, I have.” 
Sandor turned to you with a look that made you remove your hand from his. You grew worried. 
“You were still asleep and some man from the group thought he could have his way with me. He came one night.” Sandor frowned and started to breathe heavily. 
“He tried to kill you first and I knew right then and there. If I didn't kill him right away we both would have been dead.” 
“I remembered what you told me, aim for the heart. I grabbed a knife where I kept your sword and rammed it into his chest. I didn’t stop until I heard Ray calling out for me.” 
“Your hand?” Sandor asked, grabbing your hand to see the healed scar on the palm of hand. 
“He tried to kill you. I wasn’t going to let that happen. I grabbed his knife and pushed him.”  Sandor traced the scar with his thumb. 
“You changed, little wolf. I’m sorry. I wasn’t there to help.” 
“Without your teaching, I would have been raped or dead.” You told Sandor. 
Sandor was about to say something when you spoke something that was troubling you.
“I liked it. The killing. The look on his face, his blood, the scent of it. The power I felt and all I can see was Joffrey, Ceresi, the Freys, and fucking everyone who betrayed or hurted us.” 
“I thought of your brother as well for hurting you.” You told Sandor as you looked at him nervously. 
“I know you never told me but I know. Little finger told me. I’m sorry that happened to you.” 
“What else do you know?” Sandor asked, ignoring the apology. 
“Your fear with fire.” You said softly. “I've seen it.” 
Sandor nodded as he looked at you. He kinda already knew that you were aware about the story of his face but he didn’t know that you knew about his fear of fire. He tried to keep it hidden from you. 
“The night of the battle of Blackwater. Everything was on fire and all I thought about was you. I was so scared that the fires would get to you in the castle.” 
“You still want me?” Sandor asked nervously. 
“What?!” You asked.. 
“Do you still want to be with a man who's afraid of fire?” 
“Of course, I do.” You told him, going between his legs, kneeling in front of him. 
“What about you, do you still want me? I don’t look like a lady anymore or act like one now.” Sandor grinned as he shook your head at your nonsense question. 
“Your lady is a murder now?” You added. 
“You aren’t! You protected yourself. It’s defense.” Sandor told you tugging you closer to him. 
“I’m proud of you.” Sandor said with a nod. Sandor wasn’t a man of many words but he really was proud of you. 
“So do I get a reward for keeping my man safe?” You asked as you pulled Sandor down to face you. You kissed scarred cheek making him chuckle. 
Your man, Sandor, loves the sound of that.
“What do you want, little wolf?” He asked as your lips started to head towards his neck. He quickly looked at his surroundings making sure no one was looking. Most were already asleep or talking among themselves. He let out a soft whine when you pulled the collar of the tunic shirt down to kiss his chest, your fingers touching his soft chest hair. 
“What does my little wolf want?” Sandor asked again as he grabbed your chin making you look up at him. He stared down at you with hooded eyes, you let out a shy giggle under his gaze. 
“I want you.” You whispered to him. Sandor immediately leaned down to kiss you on the lips. 
Snow started to fall and the air started to get colder as the group made their way up north Each day you got more excited to get to Castle Rock. You longed to see Jon. You wanted to hug him and tell him about everything. You wanted to tell him about Sandor. You hoped Jon knew something about your sisters. You hoped Sansa was alive as well as Arya. You forgave her a long time ago for wishing your death. You couldn’t be mad at her. Sandor took her friend's life but you understood that he did because the King ordered him too. 
Death was something you thought a lot about even before Kings Landing. You were glad that your father told you about it when you were younger. He didn’t shield you from the world as your mother shielded Sansa. 
“It happens to everyone. We must not fear death. For death comes to everyone.” 
You told Sandor the exact same words that your father told you. It was after Joffrey showed you and Sansa your father‘s head on a spike. He found you on the balcony again later that day, Tears rolling down your face as you stared at your father and Sansa’s septon. The older woman was kind even when Sansa wasn’t. 
He immediately gave you a handkerchief as he stood by you. You grabbed it, giving him a nod of thank you. 
“You’re not afraid.” He said looking at you. You didn’t flinch like Sansa did when she first saw it.  You repeated your father’s words to Sandor. 
“Your father was a smart man.” You shook your head. 
“If he was smart, he wouldn’t have gotten himself killed.” You said looking at Sandor who looked shocked at your words. 
“He was up to something and he didn’t tell me. I don’t know why. I would have helped him. Now he’s fucking dead, leaving my sisters and I in this shit hole.” Sandor watched as you turned around to face the wall and played with his handkerchief in your hands.
“You aren’t like the little bird.” You chuckled at him and agreed. You were nothing like Sansa. She was mostly with your mother while you were closer to your father. 
“Unlike her I learned how the world works at a young age. I learned what my place would be the moment I bled for the first time. That was the moment I realized that the stories I read when I was a child about kind, merciful kings and honorable knights were really just fantasy.” 
Sandor listened attentively as you spoke. You were perhaps the only lady he ever met that spoke the truth and for some reason it made him feel sad. You weren’t a horrible person, you were kind to everyone, especially to him. You deserve the honorable knight and the kind and merciful king. He thought to himself. You’re tough and he liked it but sometimes it bit you right in the ass when it came with Joffrey. Sandor realizes at the moment near the bridge that he likes you and he will protect your sister and you from the monsters living in King’s Landing. 
You knew you should have told Sandor something was not right with you as the days passed. You noticed your moonblood hasn’t started for a while but you didn't think anything of it. Your mother has told you when a lady is under tremendous stress and hasn't been eating properly. Her moonblood would often not come. 
You couldn’t remember the last time you had a good meal or a good sleep. Sandor would give you his share but you always decline. You knew Sandor needed more than you. He wouldn’t let you lift a finger when both of you joined the group. He hunted for food  at dawn with a man who was good with a bow and arrow. He chopped up the woods for the fires every night and morning. Sandor had you stay with Beric and Thoros most of the time. 
You haven’t been able to sleep at night as much as you tried to snuggle with Sandor. Sleep wouldn’t come to you. You began to worry as cold chills ran through your body. 
“What’s wrong?” Sandor asked when he saw you haven’t eaten your ration yet. You had placed the bowl on the ground as you hunched over near the fire. You tugged the fur cape around you when your body started to shake. 
“I’m not hungry.” Beric overheard you and walked toward Sandor and you. 
“What do you mean? You haven’t eaten this morning and last night.” Sandor knelt down to get close to your face. 
“I don’t feel good.” You whispered as you felt the tears welled up in your eyes. You felt like shit, your body was aching. Your fingers and toes felt like they were going to fall off from the cold. 
Sandor stood up and looked over his shoulder to see Beric walking towards him. 
“She’s sick.” Sandor told him as Beric got closer. 
“Fuck, we past by the only town five days ago. It should be a week until we reach the wall.” Thoros came walking in listening to them. 
“I didn’t see a maester in the town we passed.” Thoros told them since he was the one gathering supplies for the group. Sandor let out a sigh, he didn’t see one either but that didn’t mean there wasn’t one for sure. 
Sandor came back to you, kneeling down in front of you again as Beric and Thoros stood a few feet behind him.
“Y/n.” Sandor said your name softly trying to catch your attention but you kept staring off into the distance. 
“We are a week away from the wall. The town we passed by was five days ago. We don’t know if there is a maester in that town for sure. Are you able to hold on for a week?” When you didn’t answer he grew nervous. He noticed you were dozing off. 
“What do you want to do?” He asked, cupping your face trying to get your attention. 
“I don’t feel so good.” You mumbled. Sandor felt his stomach drop when he touched your forehead, you had a fever. 
“I’ll go back to town and come back as fast as I can.” He said as he got up. His words snapped you right out of your disorientated trance. 
“Don’t leave me. Please.” You pleaded, grabbing his hand.  
“I’ll be fine. We keep moving forward.” Sandor looked over to Beric and Thoros. You took a deep breath and rubbed your eyes with the palm of your hand. You didn’t want to be away from him. 
“Try to eat something.” You shook your head. “For me.” Sandor pleaded. 
He grabbed your bowl of warm soup and he sat next to you. Sandor tilted the bowl in your mouth so you could drink straight from the bowl. You didn’t realize you had slept after he fed you. The men from the group watched as Sandor warmed you as you slept, rubbing your arms and back as you leaned against him. 
The second day you weren’t able to ride anymore. You were looking ahead when you felt lightheaded. You let go of the reins and fell off your horse onto the cold snowed ground. Last thing you heard before passing out was Sandor yelling your name. The group knew Sandor was at his last wits when you still hadn't woken up on the fourth day. Sandor wiped the sweat off your forehead and kept the fire burning near you. He rubbed your freezing hands with his warm ones.  They helped Sandor, carrying you up to get on top of Stranger, Sandor kept one arm around you so you wouldn’t fall off as they kept riding to the wall. 
The fifth day, the weather was horrible. The cold wind blew harshly and the horses were growing tired. Beric decided they should set camp when one of the men in the group announced he knew a small cottage ahead. Sandor kept quiet when the familiar cottage came to his view. 
Sandor wanted to keep going for your sake but another harsh wind blew and it made him shake. He had given his only fur to you but the fever was growing stronger. Sandor would be up until dawn wiping the sweat from your face. Every hour he would place his head on your chest to hear your heart making sure you were still alive. 
He would be anxious as he held you closer to the fire during breaks. His eyes would look away from the flames and stare down at you. He had to be close to the fire to warm your hands and feet. Beric noticed the look Sandor had whenever he was near the fire. He offered to hold you near the fire but Sandor would always tell him to fuck off. 
At night he hugged you from behind as he sat on the ground. His back against the tree while the small fire Thoros had made for him was near him. Sandor’s body shook behind you, his forehead pressed against the back of your head.  He didn’t want to look at the fire not while he was this close to it. 
He knew he had to get over his fear for you, every night he tried his best. He wasn’t going to let you freeze to death so he knew he had too. He tried his best to calm his shallow breathing. He shut his eyes and his mind tends to wander off that night in the tavern where you confessed your love to him. 
He didn’t understand why you were sick. Beric and Thoros threw around ideas about your illness. Something you ate, perhaps the water. Ideas were said but in the end they weren’t maesters, they didn't know much. Sandor held you tighter when they got near the cottage. He wondered if the farmer and daughter were still there. 
“Let’s stay for the night.” Beric said, the group agreed.  Thoros held the door open as Sandor carefully carried you inside. Beric grabbed the blankets from the packs to lay it on the only bed in the room for you.
The rest store the horses in the stable for the night, one by one they enter the small place. Thoros started a fire in the fireplace. He looked over at you in pity as you slept. He shut his eyes and recited a little prayer for you.
“The weather will set us back at least three days.” Beric said as Sandor took off his cape to drape it over you. He sat at the corner of the bed with a sigh. 
“I wonder where the farmer went.” Beric said loudly as he placed his pack on the table looking around at the place. 
Sandor kept quiet, ‘somewhere safe.’ He thought. At that moment, he looked over to you when you started to moan in pain as you moved around in the bed. Sandor was quick to get up and lean over you. He called your name out as he grabbed your hand but as soon as he did you stopped. Sandor took a deep breath as he tried not to get angry. He felt so useless that he couldn’t help you. 
“I can go to the wall now. I’ll take my horse and won’t stop until I bring a fucking maester back here.” Sandor said. He was about to take his cape when Beric shook his head. 
“You won’t make it, not in this weather. Be realistic.” Beric told him. Sandor grew mad at his words.
“Then what the fuck do I do?! She hasn't woken up in days. She hasn’t broken the fever. What do I do then? Why don’t you ask your fucking lord of light?” Sandor hissed at him. 
“You said we were part of something but she’s dying now.” Sandor cried out as he looked between Beric and Thoros. 
“It was probably just a fucking lie you told us. You knew since she’s a Stark that Snow would grant you access to pass through the wall. So you can do whatever the fuck your lord told you to do.” Sandor said.
Sandor didn’t notice but Beric flashed a look of anger. He wouldn’t have done that to Ned’s daughter, he respected him. He respected you. 
Thoros looked away from the fire then at Sandor. “Clegane.” He called out. 
“Come here. I want to show you something.” Thoros said when Sandor didn’t move Thoros told him, “Don't worry, the fire won’t bite.” 
Sandor rolled his eyes as he took a deep breath. If it wasn’t for you being sick he would have killed everyone in this room. He can imagine you trying to calm him down. 
“It’s my fucking luck. I ended up with a band of fire worshippers.” He said as he stood up and walked towards Thoros. 
“Almost seems like divine justice.” Beric spoke, making Sandor scoff as he stood a few feet away from the fire. 
“There’s no divine justice, you dumb cunt. If there were, then you would be dead and Y/n would be well.” 
“Look in the flames.” Thoros said  Sandor shook his head. 
“I don’t wanna look in the damn flames.” Sandor answered back. Thoros sighed. 
“You saw me bring him back from the dead after you killed him. Don’t you want to know what gave me the power?” 
“Well, I keep fucking asking and no one wants to tell me.” Sandor answered, looking at him and Beric. 
“We can’t tell you. Only the fire can tell you.” Thoros told him Sandor rolled his eyes as he walked closer towards the fireplace. 
“What do you see?” 
“Logs burning.” Sandor blatantly said. 
“Keep looking.” 
Sandor was thinking about pushing Thoros into the fire for a second but he relaxed and kept looking. He watched as the flames grew. Sandor felt the hair on the back of neck stand up when he saw an image of ice, a wall of ice, the wall that meets the sea. He held his breath when the images started to move.
“Ice, the wall that meets the sea. Thousands of dead people are marching past.” Beric rose up from his seat and walked toward him. 
Sandor flinched when the log broke and the fire got bigger. “There’s a wolf.” 
Beric and Thoros look at each other.  “A big fucking wolf on a mountain staring at me.” 
Thoros was about to speak when you started to cough. The men jumped at the sound of it. Sandor quickly walked over to you. 
“Y/n!” He calls your name out as Beric hands him a pouch of water. 
You felt Sandor’s warm hand on your face as he helped you pour some water in your mouth. You greedily drank the water. You opened your eyes to see Sandor staring down at you worried as he wiped your mouth with his thumb. 
“Sandor.” You say his name. “I’m here.” 
Sandor can see your chest heaving, you were moaning in pain as you laid back down. He grabbed your hands with his. 
“I saw my father.” You croak out. 
“And mother and Robb.” You cried to him. 
“I miss them so much.” You sob. Sandor bit his bottom lip hard to not cry with you. The sight of you sick and crying. He didn’t like it one bit. He felt so hopeless. 
“Tell Jon I love him.” Sandor heard you say. He shook his head and he squeezed your hands. 
“You’ll tell him yourself, you hear me. We are almost there.” Sandor tells you firmly. Sandor feels your hands shaking in his. He brings your hands to his mouth and blows into your hands trying to warm you up.
“I love you.” You whisper at him, Sandor freezes when your hands go limp in his grasp.  Sandor was quick to lay his head on your chest when your eyes closed. He can still hear your heart beating, it was slow. The group of men stayed silent as they heard soft sniffling from Sandor. They were smart enough not to say anything, for they knew Sandor would kill them for even speaking about you. Sandor laid with you on the bed keeping you warm, he couldn’t stop the silent tears rolling down his face. 
Beric was right, the storm caused them to delay for three days. Sandor walked those three days as Stranger pulled the wagon they found in the barn. You laid there with furs and capes given to you by the men of the group. They were 10 miles away when one of the wildlings found them. Sandor had told them who you were and they were quick to let the group in.
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Taglist: @abbiesxox @fruitymoonbeams-blog
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rotdistressxox · 2 months
devours my ask that you answered very loudly
M SO HAPPEY !! I LOVE KENGAN !! i might seem a bit silly sending in an ask so soon one after another but I'm absolutely inlove with ur writing and it's so scrumdiddlyumptios..
can i ask for a somewhat continuation of the last ask but..said S/O reveals that they fight to music they play in their head..it's up to you the genre to music but as for the characters..i gotta get my cakemaster9000 agito..
I will be appearing like that one embarassing memory every now and then so..can i be 🪡 anon?
HAAAIII HELLLOOO OMFGGG!! You're so nice I'm gonna cryyy. Yes you can be my little 🪡 anon ♡
Don't mind me while I look through my Playlists teeheee
Continuation: Kengan Men with an 'Experienced' Fighter S/O
First part here
Cakemaster 9000 / Kanoh Agito
• "Hey Kanoh, I need to tell you something..." You tug him by the cuff of his black suit.
• He gives you his attention, and all you can do is hope that he understands.
• You tell him that the secret to your fighting skills, is fighting to the rythym of songs.
• Surprisingly, he's not surprised. He's been watching you a while and noticed the pace of your every movement was like a time signature.
• Is well versed in music and happens to like classic rock and older metal.
• You knew this though. The songs you fight to are more on the heavier side of metal. Not too distant when it comes to genres. You show him the songs and he quite enjoys them.
Ohma Tokita
• Now that the secret was out, you let him watch you train to music. You have to let him dj tho, even if he doesn't know how to use music streaming apps yet :,)
• Once you told him, his mind instantly blanks. What does music sound like again? Has no idea how complex and Layered music and its genres are because he's never ever been a music person.
• "Huh"
• Zero thoughts, no thoughts at all in his head right now.
• You roll your eyes and pull out your phone to show him a few songs. Mostly alternative music. You have to explain rhythm and beats to him.
• He pretends like he understands, but he really doesn't.
• You give him an example by shadow boxing to the beat of a song. He kind of gets it now.
• "You get it now?" "I guess. It seems kinda dumb"
• Fine. Turning on a metronome, you started counting at 6 beats per second. "One two three four five six" you cross punched and jabbed while counting out loud.
Raian Kure
• Once he heard the counts, he was sort of impressed. He'll have to use it sometime (insert fight with Inaba Ryo)
• "You fucking WHAT-"
• He shakes you by the shoulders as he deafens you with his yells of disbelief.
• All this time he thought this was just stupid, stupid, luck that you had on your side. He was about to burst a blood vessel.
• You smack him upside of the head otherwise he would hurt himself with his rage.
• He's mad at you for a few days, won't let you touch him or anything. Was he really that wound up about fighting to music?
• Not really. You confront him about his unreasonable behavior and for the first time in forever, he's up front about his inner feelings.
• "I'm kinda pissed that you didn't tell me about it sooner" he crosses his arms averts his eyes.
Gaolang Wongsawat
• "I didn't know what your reaction would be-" "Shut the fuck up and kiss me with those lips of yours"
• Blinks. Blinks again. Blinks a third time. Is he hearing this right?
• Chuckles before his facial expression turns into horror. How could he be this stupid? Or was it you that was stupid? He honestly didn't known
• "Gao? You okay?" He stands up and drags you to the palace training grounds.
• "Spar with me while you sing" he unbuttons his shirt a little and gets into an orthodox boxing stance. "Okay?"
• (Insert Dam that River by Alice in Chains)
• You two come out of sparring sweating. You were pretty sure another button popped off of his shirt but you weren't complaining.
• "I see it now" he wipes the sweat from his forehead. "How did you come up with such a method?" He panted.
• "I think I started dancing too hard to music and punched a hole in the wall"
• He actually l laughed this time, catching you off guard. "How idiotic" "Hey!" You punch his shoulder and he grabs your hand.
• He actually likes to hear you sing now. It opens him up to a new world besides the National Anthem for Thailand and traditional songs.
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lvlyghost · 1 year
I See You
Pairings: Ghost x F! Reader
Summary: you’re tired of not being enough for anyone
Tw: angst, comfort, reader has some insecurities about herself
A/N: just something that came to my mind at 12:00 a.m while listening to this song and that I had to write bc otherwise the voices in my head won’t shut up. not sure this is even good but oh well, enjoy!💗💫❤️‍🩹✨
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Never a second look.
Never a priority.
Always the second choice.
Sometimes not even that.
You were used to your whole life.
You pick at your food not really wanting to eat. Cheek resting against your free hand. Sitting alone you sigh, today’s one of those days when you don’t feel like socializing with your team. There’s a hole in your heart that threatens to swallow you whole.
It’s a gnawing feeling that claws at your chest and stings.
Another disappointment. It is what it is. Your bottom lip slightly trembles with the memory of how it all went wrong a few hours ago.
You thought…
You hoped…
Yet again…
A mistake.
You didn’t like the guy that much anyway. No, you were completely head over heels for someone else. No that it mattered, it was never going to happen. But still.
You stand up.
Am I the problem?
Leaving the cafeteria of the base making your way to…
Where were you going?
Nowhere really. You just needed to get out of there. So deep in your self-destructive thoughts, failing to notice the three men that were watching you from the other side with worry in their eyes.
Before any of them could say anything there were only two sitting.
He found you in the armory after looking around for a while.
Arms crossed over his chest, making his shirt tighten.
You didn’t have to turn your head to know who it was. You could just sense him whenever he was around.
“Tell me everything.” His guttural voice broke the silence. Ghost cared for his team members, there was no doubt. But for some reason he had a soft spot for the small girl with a bright smile that didn’t care about talking too much. Except this wasn’t like yourself at all. He knew you more than you could ever comprehend.
“What do you mean?” You murmur, hands shaking ever so slightly whilst cleaning your gun. Eyes avoiding Ghost’s enormous frame.
“Don’t make me…”
“What’s wrong with me Ghost?” You blurt out. Slamming your gun down the table, still refusing to look at him in the eye. A shaky breath leaves your glossy lips, tears threatening to spill.
“There’s nothing wrong with you, love.” He mutters, Ghost is taken aback by your question, although he doesn’t let it show.
Shaking your head, you take a deep breath.
“No one cares for me, I- I just, I’m trying.” A moment passes. “Why are you here?” You finally turn to look at him.
He doesn’t answer right away. The mask is gone, he’s only wearing the black balaclava that he once let you lift enough to clean up a rather nasty wound.
“I’m not blind, kid. Whether you believe me or not, I sense when something’s bothering you.” He explains. “And I’m your superior, whatever’s got you like this…”
Before he can think, Ghost reaches your cheek wiping away a lone tear only to retreat his hand somewhat abruptly. The gesture surprising both of you.
You give in. Deep down, you know he’s the one you trust enough to say it.
“I just wish someone would care enough for me one day. Most people spend their lives, waiting for someone to see through them, I- I just want someone to…”
Ghost hums. Whatever possessed him to say the next words is still beyond him.
“S’alright, kid.” A heart beat. “I see you.”
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aethelwyneleigh27 · 7 months
Fancy seeing you here😳 (in the COD simping club)
I was thinking(horrible desicion but hear me out)
(maskedFem!reader with Simon Ghost Riley, sort of a 'enemies to lovers' but not really cause they are platonics that love-hate each other and they do get along just with a larger vocabulary.
BUt Ghost is kind of swooning over her? a wee bit?(respectfully, in the corner of the room with his arms crossed,silently and lethally tho)
With cero awareness of his feelings, how he enjoys speaking with her and finds her precense borderline rehabilitating, perhaps he thinks his amazement is normal cause she's once in a lifetime of a unit and; she's also a woman and he almost forgets they exist sometimes so he's just a bit taken back, perhaps his brain rebooting the info. That makes sense.
But it's been almost a year so why is her voice such a melody still? Why does he seem to search for her eyes during sunny days the most searching for the color of them? He's too attentive with her, always getting sucked into the banter far easier than he should when she's involved in it. Can he even blame it on men's hormones when he barely feels anything, much less in that department? Do the rest of the 141 feel that too? Should he feel bothered or at ease?
Like some juicy slowburn 😈. During a mission they're bantering about Gaz being bitchless or her drinking coffee with enough sugar to send Price into cardiac arrest, and she's ambushed out of nowhere on her sniping point, taken for interrogation swiftly after being knocked out.
Angsty sht of her informing the ordeal before never responding to her callsign again, Soap mumbling a curse and Ghost entering autopilot to prioritize efficiency and the guys are a bit amazed by how swift he was wiping out everyone on sight.(Jhon Wick looking ass)
Finding her on a table with her hands and arms tightly bound and being held still by two men as another one had already used a scaple to cut through the middle of her torso almost like he intended to perform a surgery on her whilst she was conscious and aware. Simon shooting the two men right between the eyes but for some reason shooting the guy with the scaple on both of his legs and planting a knife on his eye whilst Soap cuts the rope, she barely gets a word out when Simon cradles her shoulders with one hand, his touch careful. And his voice a lot more soft than he anticipated it to be."Are you alright?"
Evac comes, she gets stitched back together at the hospital and needs to rest till it heals over, everyone cheers and hugs, and Ghost comes to acknowledge his feelings(as much as he can) when he closes the door of his bedroom and the emotions finally hit him, autopilot is turned off and he stares at a wall for almost an hour.
She becomes subject of his nightmares for a little while, he's outside clearing his head when she walks in with insomnia, he's troubled by the relief of the sight of her alive and his solitude being interrupted by the cause of his troubles, nevertheless she's still a welcomed sight, always a welcomed sight. "Oh, fancy seeing you here" "Shouldn't you be resting" "You need the beauty sleep more than me tho, Lt." "*Scoffs*" ..... "Wanna see it?(the scar)" "I knew you were a man(your dickl?)" "Is that why you've been up my ass all the time?" .... "Alright show me" she lifts her sweater up, a barely closed scar from bellow her ribs to bellow her belly button, he doesn't mean to but he flinches at the sight, tensed shoulders and furrowed brows the sleep deprivation has him in less control than usual and she notices. Still, he's fine cause he's Ghost and casually comments "It's healing rather quickly" he looks away unable to stand the memory of it just yet, she pulls it back down leaning her elbows over the window, just two feet away from each other. She takes the thin black mask off from around her ears letting the cold night hit her face properly, he looks away instantly. "It's fine, nothing you haven't seen" he very reluctantly glances back "So, they said y'all only found me in record time cause of you Lt." she glances at him and he glances out of the window, if he looks at her now he's afraid he won't be able to look away, "Just didn't want you spilling your guts to em" she snorts and her small laugh fills the silence of the night, perhaps the one in his heart aswell
"Your savior privileges have been revoked" "Too soon?" "....Just in time Ghost" she tilts her head to look at him, he makes the mistake of staring back out of reflex and thank fucking god for the balaclava he's wearing, he keeps his eyes from widening this time, but not from softening,cautiously mapping her face with her explicit permission trying so fucking hard to not make it obvious "Could convince me im the one with the skull balaclava with how avoidant you are" "Who knows maybe you scare more without the mask" she yawns and into her palm eyes getting heavier quickly, he's really fucking trying to unglue his eyes from her, a silence ensues, she looks at him again and "Thank you, Simon" she smiles gratefully, her gaze anchored on his and- isnt she a bit embarrassed to be this outright? He certainly is, his face burns, his heart skips a beat, seems getting flustered does the trick cause he finally rips his eyes from hers she chuckles at his expense and before he can reply she's standing up slipping her mask back on "Sweet dreams lieutenant"
Enemies(frienemies) to lovers(but not really cause Ghost just realizes he's fucked up™) with maskedfem¡reader. Ghost begins to question the nature of his feelings towards her and realizing he's in fact a bit too fond of her. Im not quite good of height differences so if you'll be using height as a factor to describe, can she be atleast as tall as Soap? The whole 'petite' or 'chubby' Isn't my thing at all aswell, i need this woman to be a ball of muscle hitting her chest like a gorilla lmao. That weird drabble i put there is just to give kind of an idea but honestly do whatever you'd like, the way he realizes can be through some jealousy, some kidnapping, her getting drunk and soap putting her on his back or whatever i just wanna see him getting the hibbie jibbies, the toe curler hair twirling disease 💀
Feel free to ignore me i know it can be annoying to get a whole ass fanfic in your asks, have a wonderful day i love your writing💕
If anyone is looking for that whole ass fic this anon sent me then here it is, a fucking masterpiece I tell you <333
Like I can definitely see an enemies to friends to lovers situation with Ghost and of course there's gonna be jealousy because what better way than to push someone's buttons with tension??
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ml-nolan · 4 months
Here's a little one-shot in the Layers of the Sun Dreamling AU that I've been thinking about for months. It's set shortly after the final chapter of Music When You Speak. Enjoy! 💜🖤💜🖤💜
Approx. 1156 words | Rated G | On AO3
Ever since he gained the internal stability to do so, Dream started keeping an eye on the LAPD unclaimed property website. It was a choice that Dr. Gault had at first been wary of, worried that it would keep Dream trapped in a horrible memory.
"Are you sure you want that thing in your house? Would it not be triggering to see it day after day?"
"The memory will never leave me, no matter what I do," Dream had replied.
Truthfully, with the treatments Dr. Gault had administered, the ghost of electricity surging beneath his skin, the feeling of being trapped like an animal, the acute pain and indignity, had faded. When he remembers his brief but violent captivity now, it is like looking at a still life painting rather than inhabiting a looping film sequence.
"Owning it seems more like…justice. Like my due. And like what…it…deserves," he told her. 
When he put it that way, it did not take her long to understand.
This morning, he sits at the countertop, drinking black tea as the sky brightens from indigo to light blue through his westward facing windows. As the cloud cover evaporates, it reveals the texture of windswept white caps on the ocean. Refreshing the website on his laptop screen, he finally sees exactly what he's been waiting for all this time.
By the time he hangs up the call with his broker, a familiar car is pulling into the driveway, followed by a less familiar truck. Today Hob is moving in, completely and for good.
After one more long look at the photo drawn up on his screen, Dream shuts the laptop.
There isn't much to unpack. Hob has been slowly moving things over from his little townhouse ever since Dream bought this place. Plus, he'd unloaded a lot of his stuff on Matthew, Wanda, Martin, and whoever else wanted his old junk.
He’d brought over his cheese toastie maker, naturally. The bed they bought together so Dream would be more comfortable goes in one of the guest bedrooms. The few records Hob keeps at his house go into the listening room, and all his tacky little knick knacks go into a room that Dream has set aside especially for him. When Hob calls it a man cave, Dream wrinkles his nose like he's just smelled spoiled milk.
"We are both men," Dream says.
"Right, but here I can put up my collection of neon beer signs and taxidermy." 
"You have none of those things."
"Says you. You didn’t know me during my redneck phase.”
Dream has the most adorable wrinkle of confusion between his eyebrows. Clearly he has no idea whether Hob is joking or not.
“Just kidding, love,” Hob says. He grips Dream's waist with both hands, and Dream allows it, just the way Hob knew he would. And just because he can, just because he loves that put-upon look on his face, Hob plants an extra-wet kiss on Dream's lips. Dream wipes it off with a scowl, but he's blushing down to the collar of his crewneck t-shirt.
As the moving truck disappears around the bend in Dream’s private road, Hob cards his fingers through Dream's mess of sable hair.
“Sooooo…care to give me a tour of my new bedroom?”
Dream grins, but he shakes his head.
“I am waiting on one more delivery," he says. "I need your help making space in the workshop."
A wiry blonde, possibly in her sixties (or older given the way people in this city fight the natural aging process) slides out of the passenger side of a white delivery truck.
“That took no time at all,” Dream says as she approaches. "Ethel, this is my partner, Hob Gadling."
Hob looks radiant as he shakes her hand. But then, he always looks radiant to Dream.
Ethel gives Hob a curt nod, then sighs as she fusses with the tablet in her hands. “Bit miffed they posted the thing before calling me. I told my contact months ago money was no object." 
"You succeeded. That is what matters," Dream says. He has waited patiently, and the fruits of his patience are now in front of him. All past obstacles are irrelevant.
Two men roll up the door on the back of the truck and lower a metal ramp. The instrument is even more massive than Dream remembers, but then again, everything from his state of mind, to the size of the space they inhabit, to the circumstances under which he is seeing it, is completely different. 
Better, obviously. And completely on his terms.
Hob raises his eyebrows as they roll the piano down the ramp on its study casters, but he doesn't interrupt as Dream settles up with Ethel, as the two men negotiate it down to Dream's workshop and set it in the space he and Hob had spent the last half hour clearing.
Then they are alone again. Just the two of them and Dream's newest charge. Until now, he's only worked on smaller instruments—guitars, violins, even an old mandolin. This will be a new challenge, especially given the horrible sound the piano makes when Dream strikes a few of the keys. 
But as far as Dream is concerned, this instrument was just as much a victim in the whole Burgess affair as he was. It deserves the same level of restorative care Dream has received. And as far as Dream is concerned, he's the best person to provide it.
Hob watches Dream take stock of the full-size grand piano at the center of his workshop.  His graceful fingers coast over the enamel, lingering on a few nasty scratches. It must not have been treated well in the last couple years, which is a real shame. The thing sounds like it belongs in the saloon of an old Western honky-tonk. But even with his perfect sense of pitch and sound sensitivity, Dream doesn't even wince.
The reverence in his touch tells Hob exactly where the piano came from. Hob had heard Dream's testimony. He had seen the crime scene photos. The entire world had. 
"So this is the piano, huh?" 
Dream nods, lowering the heavy lid and stepping back. "It saved my life. I would like to return the favor."
Moving in behind Dream, Hob wraps his arms around his middle and hooks his chin over his shoulder. The tense muscles in Dream's shoulders and back slacken, and he leans his head back against Hob's shoulder. The delicate skin of his neck is soft under Hob's lips.
"You saved your life, too, you know," Hob says softly into his ear.
"As did you," Dream says. 
He turns his head to accept Hob's kiss, and Hob has one of those moments he often does with Dream—the kind where he barely recognizes the enchanted thing his life can become.
"So about that tour…" Hob says. Dream kisses him one more time before they head back upstairs.
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buckybarnesisdaddy · 4 months
Summary: On the plane ride to the compound, as you drift off to sleep on Bucky’s shoulder, the memories from years ago flood your mind, memories you thought you had worked past.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Rating: mature due to violence
Warnings: Violence, choking (not the fun kind), threatening, attempted murder.
A/N: it is super important for everyone to know that in my story Winter has his own autonomy. In the sense of that he has a choice in what he does, for the most part. He does Hydra’s bidding, he is still brainwashed, he is still a victim, just like in the movies and comics. But he also is fully aware of what is happening around him, what I’m trying to say is any relationship involving the Winter Soldier is consensual on his part. He is aware enough to consent! ❤️ I hope that makes sense!
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‼️Flashback- 10 years ago‼️
*You and Bucky know that in 4 weeks Project insight would take place. Neither of you want to be apart of that so you know this is your last chance to run. You run on the plane after Bucky. He reaches his hand out, you look up and meet his gaze. Smiling, you grab his hand and climb in.*
Y/N- was it really this easy?!? *You exclaim as you pull Bucky closer.*
Bucky- I'm not questioning it! *You laugh as he picks you up and kisses you. You moan and then whisper against his lips.*
Y/N- Ask me again. *You say softly. Bucky kisses you again*
Bucky- Will you Marry me? *You wiggle in his arms, but before you could answer you are both surrounded and restrained by Hydra agents. You start screaming for Bucky*
Y/N- Bucky! No- Get off me! Leave him alone! *Bucky is fighting the men holding him back and he is screaming as well. His voice is roaring loud.*
Bucky- Let her go! *He screams* Don't you touch her! Y/N!! If you harm her I will kill you! *He growls loudly the room falls silent as a man walks in the room.*
-Everybody needs to calm down *You look around to find who's speaking, you know who it is but your eyes need to see him to confirm. Alexander Pierce walks through the group of men straight to you. His smirk is bone chilling, he grasps your elbow and starts to lead you away.*
Pierce- let's talk *You swing your leg out and kick him in the knee as you spit in his face.*
Y/N- Go to Hell! *You snarl in his face. You were waiting for a retaliation but nothing came. Pierce wipes his face and just huffs a laugh. He then motions to the agents and they move you to another part of the plane. You can hear Bucky screaming as they escort you away.*
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*You stand there, restrained and forced to listen to Pierce.*
Pierce- Y/N, you have 2 options. Option 1, you tell Bucky you never loved him and you were only using him to get out of this God forsaken place. Tell him the whole thing was a little Black Widow scheme to get away from us. If you choose this, you live out your life with us and he goes free or option 2... *Pierce stares you down.* We kill you and make him watch. *Your blood runs cold, you know he will do it.* Obviously, this isn't a great option because you'd be dead and he'd still be with us. Look Y/N, *He speaks in a condescending way.* We can handle loosing one of you but not both. So, you get to decide. Who. Goes. Free. *You glare as he walks around you, staring you down.* Which do you think he will actually be able to live with? Knowing his Girlfriend died for him and for nothing at that point because like I said we won't loose both, so he will still be stuck with us. Or knowing she never loved him and was just using him *He sees your eyes darting back and forth, trying to figure a way out of this but also knowing there is no way out.* I know, I know, these choices aren’t great, *Pierce leans in close* but you didn't think we would ever let you leave...did you? *You stare straight ahead accepting what you have to do.* You're our best. *He pulls at your braid, almost like a father would. You glare up at him.* So why would we make this easy. *You grit your teeth as he steps back* Either you stay with us or you die. *You look at the ground and then the a breath. You look up and will yourself to find the ability to speak.*
Y/N- If I do this you won't hurt him? *You ask* He gets to walk away and you will never bother him again? Ever! *Pierce smiles and lifts his hands in the air*
Pierce- I won't touch him. *He says*
Y/N- fine *You answer shortly, the men holding your arms still let you go. Pierce laughs and squeezes your shoulder*
Pierce- Wow I honestly thought you'd fight a little harder for “your man”. Guess you really don't love him. *You rip away from him and you speak clearly and harshly through your teeth.*
Y/N- I love him more than you could ever know. More than you could ever think of loving someone. But if lying to him gets him free and away from Hydra- away from you, you sick son of a bitch, then you bet your ass I'm gonna do it. *You raise your voice a little* Do we have a deal? *He smiles at your fire, that makes you even angrier.*
Pierce- Deal.
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*You walk to where they are holding Bucky. You say to yourself ‘okay Y/N this has to be your best performance yet’ you think, this is to save Bucky. He sees you walk through the door and he wants runs over, taking your face in his hands and look you over, but he is chained still. He just wants to make sure you are okay.*
Bucky- Y/N! Are you okay? Help me get out of these- tell me you’re okay! Look, we can take them- *You take a breath*
Y/N- James stop! *You sigh* Look, you're nice and I needed a way out. I thought you were my best option but then you got feelings and ugh *You pretend to retch* fell in love. *Bucky is taken aback, he shakes his head*
Bucky- what?? Y/N what is going on? *He pulls at his chains.*
Y/N- I was only using you to get out of this Hell hole, James. And well you couldn't even get me out without getting caught so. *You shrug* I'm just gonna go back- I mean my life wasn't so horrible- *Bucky cuts you off*
Bucky- Except it was! You hated every minute with them. This isn't you-
Y/N- actually it is- *Bucky interrupts you again, yelling at first and then he softens his tone*
Bucky- NO!! This isn't the women I love- The women I would die for- *His voice breaks* the one I want to Marry. God, Y/N remember, please!?! I don't know what they did to you but remember!! Don't let them turn you into the monster you fear. *You turn away because you can't contain the tears any longer. This is all to save him*
Y/N- I will always be a monster.. Just. Like. You. Goodbye, James. *You walk away, and hear him start to cry. Bucky poured his heart out to you in your years together and you just used every fear he had to break his heart. If only he knew it was to save his life as well. At least he will be alive. Maybe in time I can fix this.* You go stand next to Pierce as he walks in.*
Pierce- okay, now that we're done with that… *He looks at the guards* Wipe his mind and get her out of here.
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‼️Present day‼️
*You are still asleep on Bucky's shoulder but you start to mumble in your sleep. He can tell you are having a nightmare, so he kisses you on the head and holds you tighter. Your nightmare continues*
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Y/N- YOU SON OF A BITCH!!! *You run at Pierce with all your might and head-butt him. Bucky sees you fighting. He doesn’t know what happened or why you had tried to break his heart but he knows you’re fight, and you are back.*
Bucky- Y/N!!! *He didn’t even put up a fight until he heard you screaming. He is forced into the chair and strapped down. You don’t hear him yelling and fighting over the sound of the roaring in your ears. You don’t hear what they are doing to him until it’s too late.*
Y/N- WE HAD A DEAL!!! *You scream! They just started the process and Bucky sounds like he is dying. Your attention turns to Bucky, you run to You try to stop them but you can't. You turn back on Pierce.*
Y/N- YOU SAID YOU WOULDN'T HURT HIM!!! *A big guy come up from behind you while you are distracted by Bucky. The man puts you in a choke hold as Pierce gets in your face.*
Pierce- I said I would not hurt him and guess what, I'm not. *He smiles and raises his hands to make a point. You kick your feet out but all it does is put more pressure on your neck.*
Y/N- I- wwiiill k-kill yoou. *The last thing you hear before you pass out is Bucky talking to Pierce. Well it’s not quite Bucky.*
Winter Soldier- Ready to comply. *a tear slips down your face.*
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*You wake up in the same room as you hear the door behind you slam shut and lock. Looking around, you turn to see him. You are determined to break through to him.*
Y/N- Bucky, it's me. It’s Y/N- you don't have to do this- *He comes at you full speed and You can't fight him off. He grabs you by the neck and walks you toward the door of the plane. He rips the door open and leans you out, nothing but sky and trees under you.*
Winter Soldier- You wanted to leave, here is your exit. *As you cry you reach out and cradle his face with one hand while you hold his wrist with the other.*
Y/N- Yes, Bucky Barnes. I love you and I always will. I would've loved to have been your wife. *You see the trance break and you can tell your Bucky is back if only for a moment. His eyes soften.*
Bucky- ...y/n *he whispers, not wanting to alert the guards that their brainwashing didn’t hold.*
Y/N- Don't let them get me. Don't let them win, Buck. Please let me go. *you let go of his wrist and rest your hands by your side, no longer fighting. His voice breaks and tears start to form in his eyes.*
Bucky- You said yes. *He says sadly.*
Y/N- I love you, James Bucky Barnes but you need to let me go. They can't have us both. You know what they will do if they get me. Believe me this is a kinder fate. *Bucky starts to cry*
Bucky- Don't ask this of me. *He shakes his head, not wanting to do what you’re asking.*
Y/N- Please I can't go back, you know that! Let me go. *You beg again.* I will be okay. *You assure him. Bucky looks deeply into your eyes and you can see his heart breaking the moment he decides to do as you have asked.*
Y/N- It's okay Buck, we will be okay. I love you so much! *You are fully sobbing now but still a smile remains on your face*
Bucky- I love you too, Mrs. Barnes *he pulls you in for one last kiss, whispering against your lips.* Please forgive me. *Bucky yells in pain and with one swift movement you are falling from the plane. All you remember from the fall is the look on Bucky face and him being pulled back from the door. No pain... just utter freedom.*
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*You wake up 3 weeks later in a remote hospital in Budapest. You find Natasha sitting by your bedside. You try to sit up but you can't.*
Nat- Hey, take it easy! You really know how to make an entrance. Even with super soldier serum you are lucky to be alive. *You look at the ceiling, starting to cry.*
Y/N- They have him Nat- they still have him. *You look at her and she takes your hand*
Nat- We can get him back don't worry. *She assures you*
Y/N- He was willing to kill me just so I could get away. No, I'm not about to risk being captured again. I would have put him through all of that- through loosing- *your voice cracks* It would have all been for nothing if that happens. *Nat nods*
Nat- what do you want to do then?
Y/N- I need to disappear. *you look at Nat with tears in your eyes* He asked me to Marry him. We were escaping and he took the time to ask me to Marry Him. *Nat gently smiles* He had asked so many times before but I never answered because there was never going to be a future for us, until suddenly there was. *You smile, it’s a painful one while thinking about the past.* We talked about starting a family, Nat.
Nat- You never had the graduation ceremony? *Nat asks, she always assumed you hadn’t but she didn’t know for sure. When she was brought to train with Winter and you in Siberia yet you weren’t ever sent to the red room, she figured you’d never have it done.*
Y/N- No. Hydra saw promise in me and I was surpassing you in training so they thought it was pointless to send me away for more. They also didn't want to wait for me to heal after surgery so they said they would "deal with it later" but they never did. *You cry even more* I let my guard down for one second and started to make plans, the next thing I know I'm falling from the sky. *you are filled with so many emotions you don’t know what to do. Nat holds your hand and wipes the tears from your face. You hear someone walking down the hall and they enter your room.*
Clint- Hey, the jet is here. If we are going to move her we have to do it now. Also Furry called, needs you to get Cap and get ready for a mission. Something about a boat and pirates.
Nat- okay, thanks *You sit there waiting to leave... and the only thing you can think is, Bucky please forgive me.*
‼️End Flashback‼️
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‼️Present day December 2023‼️
*You jolt awake as the jet touches down outside the compound. Bucky brushes the hair out of your face.*
Bucky- Hey, it's okay. You're safe. *He kisses your head* Welcome Home! *you look out the window of the jet and see your new home.
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Tagging some mutuals that might like this story 🤷🏼‍♀️😘❤️ hopefully you don’t mind!
Tag list: @hisredheadedgoddess28 @cadencejames87 @cjand10 @janineb86 @jessieasher1616 @slytherinqueen4life @theinheriteddutchess @rainydayandmondays @georgiapeach30513 @anastasiamariebarnes
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ellethespaceunicorn · 9 months
Daddy Knows Best, Part IV
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Title: Daddy Knows Best, Part IV 
Rating: Explicit, 18+, Minors - DNI 
Pairing: StepDad!August Walker x StepDaughter!Reader  
Fandom: Mission: Impossible - Fallout 
Word Count: 3.3K 
Summary: August Walker and your father were once friends. One mission, a single decision, made them enemies. August decides he needs to get his revenge. And what better way, than to become your new Daddy? 
Chapter Summary: Daddy and Babydoll deal with the police, and attempt to move on after the tragedy.
Warnings: pet names (Daddy, Babydoll, babygirl), age gap (the reader is 18, August is in his late-30s), loss of a parent (mother), police interrogation, Dom/sub vibes, unprotected p-in-v sex, creampie, dead dove: do not eat 
A/N: This is different from my usual fics. This would be considered dark!fic in every way possible. If you read the warnings and still choose to read, you are making your own decision. No one is forcing you to read this. This is an entirely self-indulgent therapeutic fic. Enjoy! Unbeta’d, we die like people who tried their best.  
Dividers by: @saradika 
Support/Reblog banner by me 
Cover Art by me 
Series Masterlist
My Masterlist 
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You wake in your bedroom, the early afternoon sun shining through the curtains. You roll over on your side and expect to see Daddy but he’s not in the room. Deciding to take a shower and start the day, you rise and undress.  
As you wash yourself, you are suddenly hit with an overwhelming feeling of emptiness and loss. For a few moments, you were free. And then you remembered. 
Mommy’s dead. 
You saw her lifeless body floating in the swimming pool. That vision will probably never leave your brain. The last memory of your mother is of seeing her face down. The crystal-clear water of the pool marred with the sight of her. 
Even though you had a rough relationship with her, you still mourn the loss of your mother. With your dad out of the picture, you only had one parent in your life. And now she has been taken away from you. 
The water in the shower had gone a bit cold so you rinse yourself off and grab your towel to dry yourself. You dress in a black crop top with a sleeveless black plaid A-line dress on top of it. Pulling on some black thigh-high stockings and a pair of black platform Mary Janes, you embody the look of the mournful daughter. 
You look over yourself in the mirror and try smiling at yourself. Instead, a few fat tears roll down your cheeks and you let them fall before giving up on trying to fake happiness. Wiping your face, you settle for going to find Daddy. 
Once you leave your bedroom, you walk downstairs and are surprised to see that Daddy isn’t alone. Both men stand when you reach the bottom of the stairs, but the woman stays seated with a small smile on her face. Daddy holds out an arm for you to come join them. 
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“Come on over, don't be shy. This is Detective Marshall. He came to talk about what happened to your mother,” He nods at my words, “And this is Rachel, she’s a psychologist who works with Detective Marshall.” 
I watch as Babydoll walks over and stands next to me, she greets our guests and then sits leaving space between us on the couch. That’s my good girl, don’t give them the chance to question our relationship. I sit down and gesture for Marshall to continue. 
“I think I’d like to continue with you in private, if that’s alright Mr. Walker. Perhaps Rachel may speak with your stepdaughter?” Marshall suggests and I agree to his terms. 
“Why don’t you take Rachel up to your room so you two can have a little chat?” I insist, patting Babydoll’s knee softly. 
Once she nods, she and Rachel make their way upstairs and I hear the door to her bedroom shut. I look back to Marshall and he is scribbling in his little green notebook. His eyes are harder when our gazes meet. 
“Just a few more questions and I will be out of your hair, Mr. Walker.”  
“Please, call me August. Whatever I can do to help.” I lean forward with my elbows on my knees and my hands clasped together. 
“I appreciate that, August. Uh, so you say that your stepdaughter was the first to see your girlfriend’s body. Where were you at this time?” 
“I was bringing in my luggage from my car. I made it to the kitchen and noticed the open patio door. When I walked toward it, I heard her scream and caught her as she passed out. I saw her mother in the pool and realized that she wasn’t moving. After putting my stepdaughter in her bedroom, I called the police.” I kept my face neutral, but my eyes welled up a bit and I blinked away tears. 
“So, you and your stepdaughter weren’t home when your girlfriend was killed. You two had been on a trip?” 
“Yes. I had been on a trip for work, but my stepdaughter didn’t want to be here alone with her mother, so I brought her with me. Their relationship has been a bit strained since the divorce about a year ago. She misses her father and I, no matter how hard I try, am barely a substitute for him.” That’s it, play the role of a loving stepfather. 
"You mentioned you work for the CIA, Special Activities. Is it safe for you to take your stepdaughter along on business trips in your line of work?” 
“She was never in any danger. No one knew our location or that she was with me. The safe house we stayed in was discreet and out of the way. The only time she was left alone was this morning, and it was just for a couple of hours. I’m sure you understand I can’t divulge the details of my assignment. But you are more than welcome to check in with my superior, Erika Sloane.” I fish her card out of my wallet and hand it to Marshall. 
“Thank you, August. As soon as Rachel is ready, we’ll be out of your way.” 
No sooner do those words leave his mouth, than Rachel is coming down the stairs with Babydoll in tow. I notice the smiles on their faces and wonder what they got up to while they spoke. As they come back into the living room, Rachel stands next to Marshall and Babydoll stands near me. 
“I think that’s everything. We’ll be in touch, August. Thank you for your time.” Marshall reaches out to shake my hand and he smiles at Babydoll. 
For a split second, my face betrays me as I slightly scowl at him smiling at her. But in the same breath, I steady myself and look at Rachel before shaking her hand. 
“If you need anything, don’t hesitate to call.” Rachel tilts her head at Babydoll and touches her shoulder. 
I walk the detective and his partner out and once the door is closed, I turn and make my way back to the couch. My perfect little one sits with her leg under her, her big doe eyes settling on me. 
“So, sweet girl, what did you and Rachel talk about?” 
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You took Rachel into your room and closed the door behind her. She looked around and smiled at the various photos and knickknacks you had scattered about the room. She sat on the edge of your bed and patted the space next to her. You sat down and she began to ask questions right away. 
“So, you and your stepdad seem close. What was your relationship like with your mother?” 
“My mom and I were never all that close. I was a lot closer with my Nanny, while she was here. Um, I guess I’m more of a Daddy’s girl. Mom was never satisfied with me, I don’t think. She always wanted me to be better. At sports, at school, at everything. She wasn’t my biggest fan. And then after the divorce, I felt even more distant from her. Dad was gone and I was left with her. Then August started dating Mom and it was weird in the beginning, but he ended up being a nice guy. And he listened to me, and he would stand up for me when Mom was on my case. I didn’t hate my mom. I just wished she liked me.” You looked away from Rachel to wipe a single tear that threatened to fall from your eye. 
“Seems like August was your knight in shining armor.”  
“Um, yeah. He cares about me. He cared about my mom too. He doesn’t treat me like a kid like Mom did. I don’t mean to make my mom seem all that bad. She was doing the best she could, I know that. She didn’t deserve what happened to her. I hope whoever did this to her rots in a jail cell forever. Sorry, I’m just angry and upset. My emotions have been a bit off the rails.” 
“It’s perfectly normal to feel sad or livid or even bitter about death. With your relationship with your mother, I am not surprised your emotions are unsure of what to do. Sometimes, we might even feel like a weight is lifted off our shoulders when a certain person in our life is gone. Nothing of what you’re feeling is wrong.” Rachel tilted her head at you and smiled.  
“Thanks.” You returned the smile and went back to fiddling with the hem of your dress. 
"Do you feel safe here with August? I only ask as a precaution. Having you in a place where you feel safe is most important.” She put a hand over yours and you froze. What did she mean by that? 
“I feel more than safe with him. He’s never given me a reason not to trust him.” You suddenly felt defensive over August and you tried to keep yourself calm. 
“Good. I’m glad you have him to help you through this trying time. But if you ever need to talk, or even if you just need someone to listen, you can call me.” She pulled a business card out of her pocket and handed it to you. 
“I don’t know if I’ll have anything to talk about but thank you.” 
“Maybe something that you can’t talk to August about. Something that maybe only another woman would understand?”  
“Oh. Ok. Um, I will let you know if anything comes up.” You stood and put the card on your desk and Rachel stood as well. 
“Good. Any time, day or night. I’ll be available at that number. Use it whenever you need me. I think that’s all I need. Why don’t we go and rejoin the others?” Rachel went to your bedroom door and let you walk out first. 
You’re not quite sure about how to feel about your interaction, but at least you felt like you defended August well and even made a new friend. She seemed nice enough anyway. 
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After she tells me everything that she and Rachel talk about, I feel a bit more at ease. Less like the detective thinks I murdered her mother, but more like his partner thinks something is going on between me and Babydoll. 
Which there is, but she doesn’t need to know that. 
Even if she did know, it isn’t illegal. She’s 18, a consenting adult, and she’s well taken care of. Not that I need to explain myself to anyone. 
“Babydoll, you know you can talk to me about anything, right? Anything at all. Daddy is here to listen and to keep you safe.”  
“I know, Daddy. There is something...but, I don’t know.” She ducks her head and looks to the floor. 
I put a finger under her chin, lifting it so she can look at me. “Anything, Babydoll. You ask and I’ll make sure it gets done right away.” 
“Daddy, I...don’t want to live here anymore. All I can see around me is bad memories with Mom. Or old memories with...my father. And neither of them is in my life anymore. Does it make me a bad person that all I wanna do is move on? I feel weird even being in the living room, so close to where Mom died.” She plays with her fingers and looks down again. 
“Let me make a few calls, Babydoll. I’ll see if we can be out of the house by week’s end, alright?”  
“Thank you, Daddy. This means a lot.” She stands and wraps her arms around my neck in a tight embrace. I hug her back and lift her off the ground a bit and she giggles. The tuneful sound tickles my ears, and I am happy to be the cause of it. 
I kiss her cheek and send her up to her room to deflate. In the next few hours, I have a house lined up for us on the nicer side of town. Three bedrooms, three baths, finished basement, big backyard with an in-ground pool. A perfect place to start a new life. 
By the end of the week, we are finishing up moving all our stuff over to the new house. Other than a small crying fit that Babydoll has while she and I go through her parents’ belongings and decide what to keep and what to donate, the move was mostly hassle-free. 
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One morning after a run to clear my head, I was surprised to have a visit from Detective Marshall, and this time he only wanted to talk to me. I let him in and ask Babydoll to give us some privacy. We talk for a short while about moving from the old house and how Babydoll is doing. I ask him to cut to the chase and he nods and tells me Babydoll’s father’s body has been found.  
He was discovered in a hotel room with substances in his system, along with a suicide note that included his confession to killing his ex-wife. At that bombshell, I’m visibly unnerved. Marshall reaches out a hand to my shoulder and apologizes for having to deliver this information.  
He makes a sort-of backhanded comment that my former partner must not have liked that I took his place in his family. I responded by saying it wasn’t appropriate to make assumptions about dead men. Besides, as his ex-wife told me many times, they were rocky well before I stepped in. Marshall also stated that since Babydoll’s father had confessed to the murder this case was now officially closed, and we could go ahead with a burial ceremony. 
I thanked him for relaying the news and escorted him to the front door. Before he left, he made sure I knew he would be keeping an eye on us. Seems the detective doesn’t trust me. I couldn’t care less, honestly. Let him try and pin this all on me. 
I mean, he could pin it all on me if he wanted to do so. It's not like he would be wrong in doing so.  
But I covered all my tracks and sealed them airtight. And with my record, they’d be ridiculous to come after me now that they have a confession and another dead body on their hands. 
I wait until the detective drives off in his large black Ford F-Series, leave my sneakers at the door, and then make my way up to find Babydoll. I find her sprawled across the bed in the Master bedroom, sketching something in her notebook. Technically, this is my bedroom and hers is down the hall, but she sleeps with me most nights. 
“What are you up to, Babydoll?” I ask, coming around the bed to sit next to her and peer into her notebook. 
She shuts it before I can get a good look inside, “It’s a surprise, Daddy. You can’t see it yet.” 
“Oh, I'm not allowed to see it yet, huh? Well, I guess Babydoll isn’t allowed to cum tonight then. How about that?”  
Fuck, I loved to tease her. She always made the cutest little pouty faces. 
“Daddy! No! Please may I cum tonight? I’ll do anything. Just, I was making you something special and I don’t wanna show you ‘til it’s finished. I don’t wanna ruin the surprise. Please?” There goes that little pouty lip of hers, it could make me agree to anything. 
“Ok, fine, Babydoll. But you’re gonna cum when Daddy says to.” 
“I can be a good girl for you, Daddy. I promise.” 
“There’s my good girl,” I lay back against the pillows after I shuck my muscle tank, joggers, and socks, “Show me that sweet little pussy while Daddy gets his dick ready for you.” I take out my length and start to stroke it while she pulls her panties down, laying on her back so she can show me how she plays with herself. 
Within minutes, her cunt is making those glorious squelching sounds I love so much while she fingers herself for me. I am beyond hard at this point and I am salivating just to get inside her.  
“Come up here and lay back Babydoll. Let Daddy have his turn now.”
She removes her fingers from her wet snatch and slides next to me. I take off my boxers and my cock springs up and bounces against my abdomen. Leaning over her, I position my dick at her entrance and slowly slide in thanks to the wetness she has accumulated. 
“Fuck, Babydoll, you are so tight. You feel so perfect around me.” I don’t stop until my balls are against her ass and our hips are flush together. I’ve molded this pussy to fit my shaft perfectly. Pulling out, I slam back in and am rewarded with her angelic little whimpers. 
I don’t necessarily need to last long; I just need to make sure I get her to her peak before I reach mine. I find a steady rhythm thrusting in and out of her tight heat that has her keening in my ear. Her arms are around my neck and her legs are wrapped around my waist. 
I can feel her core tightening around me, and I know she is close. Reaching a hand between us, I use my thumb to flick against her clit to push her over the edge. Her moans tell me everything I need to know. 
“Cum for me, Babydoll. Soak my fucking dick, sweet baby.” Not even a second later, I feel the tell-tale signs of her orgasm as her folds flutter around me and the dam breaks loose. She screams out and I can’t help myself. 
I fuck into her until I feel my balls draw up and then I slam into her heat one last time. I swear I was going to pull out and I almost did, but the warmth and the tight fit and my exhaustion from the run got the better of me. I came deep inside her as my cockhead sat against her cervix. I didn’t give a fuck about anything except the notion of her cunt holding me so perfectly as I blew my load. 
The only sounds in the room were of us catching our breath.  
Once I could move again, I lean up on my knees and pull back from where I collapsed on top of her. Holding her legs open, I let my length slip out. Soon, my massive load starts to rush out and I push all of it back inside her as she lazily smiles up at me. I smile at her then pull her into the bathroom with me to shower. 
She’s barely able to stand in the shower and I mostly hold her steady. We both get clean enough and I help her dry off then dry myself off and we make it back to the bedroom and lay back down in bed. I tell myself it is best to talk to her now about all this instead of waiting and possibly upsetting her. 
“Alright, Babydoll. Daddy just creampied you, I didn’t pull out this time. I came inside you. Now, in the morning, Daddy is gonna run and get you a plan B pill so that you don’t get pregnant. But I think it might be time that we get you on birth control so that Daddy doesn't have to worry about this kind of thing in the future.” I speak slowly and clearly so she knows that I have her best interest at heart. 
“Ok, Daddy. Can we take a nap now? I’m exhausted.” She is already rolling over on her side and throwing an arm across my chest. 
“Yeah, Babydoll, let’s take a nap.” I wrap my arm around her shoulder and kiss the top of her head. 
I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t thinking of her tummy round and swollen with my kid and her tits heavy with milk. But I know that’s just emotion talking. As much as I want to get her pregnant, right now it is far too soon after everything with her parents. 
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Part V (coming soon) 
A/N: I am so sorry this took so long to get out, loves. Anywho, hope you enjoyed this. I still have more in me, I think. 
**Tag List** 
@winterschildren8 @raccoon-eyed-rebel @viking-raider @devotedlythoughtfulanchor @livisss @randomweirdoss @brattymum96 @ambinxe @avengersfan25 @kebabgirl67 @astheskycries @enchantedbytomandhenry @rebelangel1102 @mrs-solo-walker [Let me know if you wanna be added (or removed) 😁] 
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jess-the-vampire · 1 year
I think not enough people talk about how a lot of the conflict between Philip and Caleb comes from a ton of misunderstanding and lack of communication between the two brothers.
Because while yes. Philip and what he did was utterly terrible, this entire situation was also not putting him in a great position to improve or come out of his delusions either.
Having grown up in a community where he was fear mongered into hating witches, philip wasn’t given a lot of opportunities to consider otherwise or think of witches as anything but monsters. These kinda towns were very black and white about the topic and men who tried to defend those accused of witchcraft were put to death as witches pretty much instantly. So it makes a lot of sense Caleb and Philip conformed, it’s more then just fitting in, it’s also survival. 
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Maybe caleb fully believed in witches being evil before, maybe he didn’t, but as philip’s only family and guardian, it makes a lot of sense he’d push for philip to dive further and further into these ideals so his brother would be safe.
This however, runs into further issues, one being, philip has no one to really pull him out of these ideals when caleb leaves.
Caleb, for one reason or another, chose not to tell philip about evelyn, nor did he seem to tell him he was leaving for assumebly forever. So caleb did have a change of heart about witches, but didn’t choose to do anything on his part to change philip’s mind, deciding rather to not involve himself in that at all.
Now, there could be many reasons for this, maybe he was worried about telling philip that everything he told him for years was no longer true, maybe he was worried philip would get the village and it would put him at risk, maybe he was worried about evelyn being exposed (Tho with her being an actual witch, who could wipe the floor with them, i’m not sure on that one)....
tho judging by how much both brothers care for each other and put the others safety how they did, the idea philip would put caleb at risk from their own town seems unlikely.
And when caleb reunites with philip in his memories, he doesn’t see him as a threat, so he probably didn’t do it cause he feared philip.
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No, it seems more likely to be of two options, either caleb was worried about putting philip in danger by having him be involved in magic and thought it was safer for him to leave then put his own brother at risk, or....caleb saw the isles as a place that would make him happier and live out the rest of his life and thought philip would be better off without him on earth, under the impression philip was happier there and he was holding him back.
A choice he made for philip, without telling him.
Caleb, no matter what reason he had, sure underestimated how much philip needed him though, and how far he was willing to go for him.
And the thing is, as much as so many people say it’s philip’s fault for not accepting the real caleb, this situation kinda makes it clear philip never really got to meet “The real caleb”, because caleb chose to hide that part from him.
And there is a memory where philip seems to figure out caleb has been meeting her in secret at least by his teens, given he’s older then baby philip but not as old as young adult philip.
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He may be around luz’s age at this time.
 Whether he confronted caleb about it remains to be seen but we also have no timeline of when caleb left philip and how much time it took for philip to get to the isles to rescue him. So we don’t know if caleb had left philip when philip was an adult, or when he was still in his teens.
Just that by the time he DOES arrive there, he’s a young adult at least.
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All philip knows is the caleb he grew up with, he was never eased into this new caleb who loved witches and the isles because caleb made the choice to not do that.
So when philip finds out about caleb is gone, of course his natural reaction is to think caleb got tricked and was kidnapped. Caleb was part of the crowd who promoted the idea of witches being evil and tricking people, not to mention that for him, why would caleb ever leave him willingly? He HAD to be tricked and kidnapped!
And the he spends months, maybe almost a year, judging by beard growth, trying to find caleb and the dude is completely a different person then he knew him when he finally finds him.
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He’s chilling with the witches, starting a family, and he doesn’t seem upset at all about leaving his brother at all? For someone grown up on these stories, it’s not odd at all philip most likely assumed caleb’s mind had been warped.
He doesn’t think this is how caleb naturally is and was hiding from him, he most likely saw the witches as having done something to him, because he never got to naturally get to know caleb going though these changes on earth, so it looks like something it wasn’t to him.
And we’re missing a lot of details regarding the knife fight, such as a timeline, where flapjack is, where evelyn is, what philip’s thought process was (Did he think he was saving caleb, did he go for evelyn and caleb stepped in, did he actually attack caleb in anger because he realized caleb lied and left him on purpose? ect ect) but this was bound to result in some fight between the brothers given the context of the situation.
Caleb probably had NO real harm meant to Philip at all, he’s had to be an adult while still being a child and now he’s finally getting to discover who he is and that magic and witches actually make him feel happy and free. It’s just because he chose to handle things the way he did, philip ended up misinterpreting the situation and feeling thrown away and betrayed by him and it’s easy to see why.
And why philip is so angry and upset by it.
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Philip did still have opportunities on the isles to maybe realize things were not what he thought, but given he seems to truly think all witches are trying to trick him it seems like his stubbornness to not look at things from a new angle continued to make him worse.
And had caleb maybe handled things better with him, maybe philip could of come to terms like he did about witches, caleb was the character who was most likely to reason with him and because of the memories philip was still a CHILD when caleb was already changing his ways. It’s not as if he was already an adult by the time caleb was meeting evelyn apparently, he was still pretty young.
Maybe it would not of worked, maybe philip would not of listened if caleb had been open about how he felt at first, but we’ll never know.
And caleb is not a bad person, i’m not blaming him for what philip went on to do because he could never have predicted what his brother would do because of all of this. Just that it didn’t help and probably unintentionally caused philip to have issues he never could of expected. 
Philip had some opportunities to improve on his own when he got to the isles and he didn’t and that’s on him, but i can’t say i blame him for not automatically being happy for his brother given caleb’s own choices and how it makes everything look to him.
Their conflict is driven by a lot of unfortunate circumstances that are out of their control and lack of communication, more then you would think the more you look at it.
Philip’s not forgiven for how he chose to respond to this whole thing and how much were hurt from it, but he also wasn’t set up on the best course to improve either when the one person he cared the most for and had the best chances to help him chose to leave him behind without thinking everything through.
The comparisons to Luz and Camilla are warranted, luz and caleb are not malicious people out to hurt their loved ones, they were just thinking about what made them happy.
They just didn’t consider the consequences of running away from their problems and how it would affect their loved one.
It makes the relationship far more of a tragedy when you consider it all.
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officialdaydreamer00 · 10 months
TWST boys who i think would slay in a strawberry dress
preface: i put the boys in a strawberry dress (part 5)
characters: everyone! and me being silly :D
warnings: irene committing hate crimes on crowley /hj
heartslabyul || savanaclaw & octavinelle || scarabia & pomefiore || ignihyde & diasomnia || ramshackle & nrc staff
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grim: 11/10
- my boy, my baby boy
- no explanations needed, he is the best one
- look at him in the little poofy dress and a strawberry bow :((((((
- he is baby and i will forfeit my mortal possessions to buy him tuna /hj
NRC staff:
dire crowley: 2/10
- what the fuck am i seeing
- no, just no
- BITCH STOP PICKING MY PINK DRESS you don't even fit with the colour scheme >:0
- at least the black dress is... decent?? no you still cannot wear my pink dress
- it's a weird image and i wanna wipe my memory clean
divus crewel: 11/10
- ate and left not a speck of crumbs
- pulls off strawberry dresses better than anyone else
- even vil schoenheit
- man's a fashion designer, he can't just call himself that and not slay strawberry dresses
- i am a huge fangirl and people can agree with me
ashton vargas: 5/10
- FOR THE THIRD TIME, buff men + strawberry dresses = atrocity or the funniest shit ever
- surprisingly slay until the dress spontaneously combusted
- 5 points to ashton vargas
mozus trein: 8/10??
- the short sleeves do not fit him this is cursed
- but he does slay @god-gave-up-on-me was right
sam: 10/10
- slays the hardest
- the pastel pink looks kinda wonky but he does look good in it : ›
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honorable mentions: @azulashengrottospiano @aqua-beam @identity-theft-101 @siren-serenity @ang33333333l @leonistic @dove-da-birb @twistwonderlanddevotee @inkybloom-luv @professionalreblogs @axvwriter @ceruleancattail @minimallyminnie
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ravenwitch45 · 1 year
Hey! I’ve been obsessed with Crimson since the latest HB episode dropped and I’ve been reading all the x readers I can find and I just found your page. Could I request Hcs for a lonely/outcast s/o please :))? Thanks so much!
I truly did not expect such love for this guy but glad you like my stuff. Sure thing! Coming Right Up!
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Crimson with an SO who's an Outcast/Lonely a lot of the time.
Hell was Hell, so of course it had it's fair share of outcasts that were ostracized for usually bullshit reasons. And to some Crimson could be seen as one, being an Imp and all.
While the disrespect was annoying Crimson saw the ways he could use it. Outcasts were more vulnerable and often bitter, perfect as recruits and otherwise as long as they stuck to their buisness, he'd stick to his.
So when one of these so called outcasts stomped into his office so quickly even his guards were caught off guard. And so was he.
You weren't armed so he gave you the time of day to listen why you were here, as he was honestly curious. Turns out you were a friend of one of his men, and came here to inquire of his whereabouts after not hearing anything for a few days.
Unfortunately he had perished in a shootout, and Crimson gave you the half truth of him being killed while working as security, a ruse he often used when outsiders inquired into his buisness.
This essentially gave him a front row seat to you breaking down and blowing up, ranting at him for not informing his loved ones, info of your friends burial and the like and particularly yelling at him for not even showing any emotion when telling you that your late friend, who was pratically all you had was gone forever.
Usually he would have anyone who got testy with him dragged away but he called his guards off, explaining to himself that it as too much effort when you knew nothing, but internally impressed with your attitude and bravado for berating him in his own home.
Eventually the angry ranting turned more to lament over your loss, and you took your leave, wiping tears out of your eyes as you walked out.
Over the next few weeks Crimson found himself oddly thinking of you, and no matter what he tried, his mind wandered to the memory of your short encounter, to the point he would daydream while he was supposed to be working.
He reluctantly decided to try to get some closure (Why he needed it, only Mammon knows why.) SO he found you, which was easy in his line of work and decided to surprise you.
Well imagine your surprise finding that guy you yelled at at your door with a bouquet of black roses as an apolgy.
He admitted that he could have handled the whole thing better, and should have taken feelings into consideration. Your suspicous, but with little energy you let him inside, taking the roses, fondling the dark petals somberly.
He notes how much your late friend must have meant to you, you explaining that he had been the only one to stand by you no matter what, even after your family disowned you and such.
Crimson briefly thinks of his own family but his attention is drawn back to you when you say your all alone now, admitting how much a mess you have been ever since your mourning began, trouble sleeping, eating and exercising. Noone stopping you as you haven't seen another soul since you first spoke with Crimson
And all that makes Crimson make the most spontaneous decision he has in years. Offering you to stay with him, internally cursing as he assures you'll be cared for.
Your even more supiscous now, but with little in way of better idea or prior engagements, you'll say you'll try it if it's free.
So you start living with him, Crimson always making sure someone is with you as you peruse the Manor, Your given room and bath being your only real privacy but you don't mind, it's nice to feel like someone is looking out for you again.
Crimson despite being often busy, tries to see you every day to check how your faring under his hospitality. Happy your doing better, looking better as your sleeping better again too.
Eventually, long after you could really call your stay a trial run, you ask him why he took in essentially a stranger. He for once gives you the whole truth, that it was multiple reasons he's come to realize, he felt bad for you, feeling partially responsible for your plight, and admitting part of it was that you just seemed interesting to him.
You tease him on what kind of interest it was, earning a blush and making him stammer, before fully silencing him with a peck to the cheek.
While you don't feel alone anymore, you wouldn't mind 'being alone with him' in your room in the evening, which he is very much down for, whatever you mean by that.
I am SO sorry that this turned out so long! XP I just had an idea and it just turned out long to get all I wanted into this. Either way I hope you enjoyed it, can't believe I've done four of these now XD
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huverican · 3 months
Hypothetically saying, if your life was flashing before your eyes because you are about to die. What memories of you and Stephen would replay in your head?
(Ⅰ) The first time you met.
You finished washing the rest of your dishes and tore off a piece of paper towel to dry off your hands. You hummed your favorite song, swaying to the melody as you walked towards your bedroom.
Just as you were about to open your door, you heard some sort of crackling noise. The kind a fire makes when its fed wood, or when a sparkler stick is lit. Confused by the weird sound, you turned around. Nothing appeared to be out of place.
Okay, maybe you were just hearing things.
You turn around once again and open your door fully this time. You walk into your room and pause, when you hear another noise.
"Alright, who's there?" You whip your head around and walk out of your room defensively.
You start checking behind corners, not afraid of whatever could be there. You were a superhero after all, you could put up a fight.
Then you heard it again.
You whip your head around and follow the noise to your living room. You stand in front of the rug on your floor, confused where it could possibly be coming from. It felt like you were right in front of it, but all you could hear was the noise coming from your rug.
You walk closer, considering lifting up the rug. Maybe it was something burning under it? As you kneel down, an orange spark shoots onto your chest. Expecting a sting, you fall onto your ass and try to wipe off any sort of hot remains. But nothing was there, and you realized it didn't burn whatsoever.
What the fuck?
All of the sudden, a burst of orange and yellow sparks are swirling in the air in front of you. You gasp and jump to your feet, stepping backwards and preparing yourself for a fight.
You stand there for a couple more seconds until the sparks spread out and widen into an oval. Then, sparks start to dissipate in the center and reveal a man dressed in robes... a very handsome one at that.
Wearing a red cape and blue garments, the man stepped out of the portal in front of you. You took another step back and analyzed who you assumed, you'd be fighting any second. Because- who the hell bursts into your house like this normally?
Though, you 'analyzing your opponent' turned into more of you checking him out. To be fair, how could you not?
The man was tall with a slim figure that definitely had muscles under those robes. He stood with straight, good posture, which just made him look taller than he already was. He had blue eyes that really popped out from his face, which had generously, sharp cheekbones. His hair was a dark brown, black-like color, and it had streaks of grey on the sides. His facial hair was clean and you could tell just from one look he kept up on personal hygiene.
All in all, this man looked very attractive. You know, like one of those older, 'silver-wolf' type men you see only in movies.
You could tell he was staring you down as well. If it weren't for not knowing if he was a threat, you would totally try and talk to him.
"(Y/n) (L/n), I'm Dr. Stephen Strange, you need to come with me."
You pushed your eyebrows together at his extremely, straightforward request and scoffed.
"Why would I go with a stranger whom I've never met, might I add, one that came through a portal in my house, and knows my name?" He raised his eyebrow and tilted his head a bit.
"Good point." He stepped aside to reveal Bruce Banner. You gasped slightly and relaxed a bit. It's been a solid amount of time since you'd last seen him, he went off on his own after the battle with Ultron. So of all places, why was Bruce with this guy?
You took a step closer and realized he looked like a mess. He looked traumatized, and it hurt you to see your friend like this.
You reached out and put a hand on his shoulder. To see if he would stop being so tense, but it didn't work.
"Bruce? What are you-"
"Thanos is coming, (Y/n). We need everyone we can get." You looked at him with nothing but confusion. Who the hell is Thanos?
"Um, okay. But you're going to have to fill me in." You said and you took your hand away from his shoulder.
"I-I will, just come with us." He turned around and put a foot through the portal, Stephen right behind him. Bruce stepped all the way through, waiting on the other side for you. Just as Stephen was about to head into the portal, he looked back at you.
"Are you coming?" He looked at you, a little puzzled. Why weren't you moving?
"Through uh- through that thing?" You pointed at the portal and Stephen looked at the portal, then you again.
"Um, yeah. Is it your first time going through one? It doesn't feel as weird as it looks."
Is it my first time? Um, yes? Where else would I be doing this? You thought to yourself. But then again, you were a superhero, anything could happen.
"Yeah uh, it is."
"Okay then, take my hand. I'll pull you through." Stephen reached his hand out and you squinted at him a little, contemplating whether to take his hand or not. You weren't scared, no, just cautious. You couldn't help but feel weird about doing this, let alone listen to someone you just met. What if something crazy is going on and Bruce isn't actually Bruce and it's a trick or-
"(Y/n) come on it's okay!" Bruce yelled, waving to you from the other side and snapping you out of your thoughts.
You looked at Stephen's hand, then back up at him again and put your hand in his. He squeezed your hand and pulled you towards him a little fast, making trip. Fortunately, you landed into his chest, your hands resting on his shoulders.
Your face heated up a little and you could tell it was turning red. How could it not though? He was a mighty-fine looking guy.
"I swear if this is some sort of-" You tried to protest out of embarrassment, but he cut you off right away.
"Gosh you Avengers sure are grumpy. Lighten up, Sweetheart nothing is going to happen." He chuckled and pulled you both through the portal.
(Ⅱ) Your First Kiss.
"I wanna love you..." You sang the music to yourself, finishing up the mascara you had just applied. You were getting ready for a date. With who you may ask? The one and only, Doctor Stephen Strange, a sorcerer who had been known for helping save the world. So, how the hell were you scoring a date with a man like him?
Well, after you two had met. You and he (with the rest of the Avengers) were immediately fighting Thanos and his army. You two stuck around one another during most of the fighting, turning into friends on the battlefield. That was, until both of you had been 'blipped' for five years, returning back once again, on the battlefield.
When everything was finally over. You felt broken and lonely. Your closest friend, Natasha, was gone. Your brother, Tony, was gone. Everyone else that was held dear and close to you, was either gone, or depressed. Worst of all, the Avengers were lost, confused, and searching for a new way to start. The pillar that held up humanity’s hope and protection was broken. And when that many people look up to one group, it starts to take a toll on everyone in it.
Though everything was extremely painful, you and Stephen started to connect more. You and he became better friends and eventually, you two started to try going on a few dates. Stephen made you really happy, even when you were sad his presence helped. You enjoyed texting him, calling him, and seeing him. It was like he was apart of your daily routine now. When you wake up, you text Stephen. When you do something fun, you tell Stephen. Who asks how your day was? Stephen. It was like muscle memory to think about him every day. Your life was finally going upwards after everything.
Your first two dates with Stephen were better than any you've ever been on. Your first date, he took you out to dinner at a fancy steak restaurant. Then, the second one you had more fun, literally. You two went to an arcade and won as many jackpots as you could. Sounds silly when you think about it, two adults (superheroes at that) playing at an arcade like you were ten. But, it was worth every second and you had a good time. Something that had been hard for you after defeating Thanos.
"..and treat you right.." You continued to sing the song as you put on some jewelry. Stephen should be here any second, your date was at 6 o'clock. Since he used...portals, you knew he'd be right on time and it was already five fifty five. You took up the last five minutes checking yourself in the mirror, making sure you looked good. If you were going to be walking around with the Stephen Strange, then you should look good, right?
You heard the familiar noise the portals would create and poked your head outside your bathroom door. Stephen stood in the hallway with a bouquet of red roses, grinning like a child. So classic, yet so thoughtful.
"Wow. 6:01. You're late! Was it traffic or something?" You teased and he rolled his eyes, walking up to you and handing you the bouquet.
"Well if that’s the case, this is my sorry gift for being a minute late." He laughed and handed you the flowers. You closed your eyes, inhaling the fresh scent .
"These smell amazing, thank you. I'll need to grab a vase for these before we leave." You smiled and then realized the quiet music in the background. You turned around and picked up your phone, stopping the music and putting your phone in your purse.
"Hmmm, was that Bob Marley in the background?"He questioned as you both walked towards your kitchen.
"Mmmmmaybe." He chuckled at your response. You opened a cupboard under your sink, taking out a spare vase. As you started to fill it up with water from sink, Stephen came up behind you. He rested his arms on either side of you, leaning his hands on the sink.
"You look beautiful, Darling." He whispered, and just something so subtle as that made you feel weak in your knees. You could feel his breath against the back of your neck and you bit your lip a little. You turned around and faced Stephen, setting the vase on the counter. Looking up at him and leaning yourself against the sink, you leaned in closer to his face.
"Oh I do now?" At this point you two were almost touching noses. It was taking all of your self-control to not kiss him, and it was taking all of his to do the same. You were eye candy to him, and the look on his face was telling you clearly. The way he eyed you bit your lip. You looked so seductive to him, best part was you weren't even trying.
"More than you realize." He chuckled a bit, trying to brush off how flustered he was over you. Seriously, this guy the Sorcerer Supreme, a protector of the world, and he never stumbled. But this? Gosh he was falling for you quicker than he’d imagined.
You smirked and looked at his lips, he was biting his too. Little did you know, he was slowly losing the self restraint to not kiss your right there. The tension between you two made him want to just smash his lips into yours, but he kept still, too scared to make a move if you weren’t comfortable. If he messed up he could lose you, and he never wanted that to happen in the slightest.
You closed your eyes and leaned forward, pressing your lips against his soft ones. Stephen’s eyes widened as he pushed against your lips and leaned his body into yours, gently pressing you even more against the sink. His lips tasted sweet, and you assumed it was from honey-tea he’d drunken earlier, which you didn't really mind. You expected it from an avid tea drinker. Besides, you were more focused on how it felt to finally put your lips on his.
He moved his hands onto your waist, hesitating a bit incase you didn't want them resting there. When you didn't move out of discomfort, he gently squeezed your waist. He was careful with his hand placement, reminding himself that he didn't know how what you were okay with. This certain way he touched you, with extra care and thought, made you feel warm inside. Literally, overheated by the fact a man such as him existed, a man that had made you so comfortable so quickly. You were never one to let your guard down, and you still kept a small barrier up. But Stephen had truly gotten you open up to him and it was unfamiliar to you. This feeling inside you hasn't been something you've felt in a long time..
..was it love? Have you really been falling in love?
You're an adult, you've had passed relationships, but this felt.. different. Yeah, yeah, every girl says that with the new man, but really though. This wasn't the same and you couldn't compare it to anything you've felt before. This felt secure, like you were on the right path.
You pulled away and broke the kiss, resting your hands on his chest.
"That- That was great. Wow." He lifted his hand to your cheek, rubbing his thumb across the side of your face.
"Yeah, that was perfect." You leaned into his hand and closed your eyes for a moment. You were nothing but satisfied and comfortable in his care, you couldn't ask for more.
You opened your eyes again and playfully grinned.
"Wanna do it again?"
Hi all:) This was a very very veryyyy old draft, so I apologize if it was a little bad haha! But, I’m back. I might write more, I might not. But I have a few drafts I thought I would share because they never got to be posted and they had work put into them. :)
Have a good day:)
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admrlthundrbolt · 4 months
Black Magic Woman (Werewolf Santana x Chubby Reader)
Born into the curse of a Werewolf. Santana had always preferred his more beastial form. So imagine his surprise when a Park Ranger makes his human side so desperate.
Hey guys, I'm back at it again. This is another installment of my Piller Men stories. This one really ran away with me. I didn't expect it to be as long or for a whole background lore to spawn. Yet here we are, with a Park Ranger and a Werewolf falling in love. Any who I hope you enjoy.
His entire life had been simple; sleep, hunt, survive. He was a beast through and through. No matter what the legends said. At least that was before you came along.
The first night he caught your scent on the wind, it became ingrained in his memory. It was sweet, yet with a heady undertone. Itching at a part of his mind that he had never accessed before. Beast and man began their first battle for control within him. Not knowing what to do with himself, he sprinted home.
The cave was dry and in a more isolated section of the park. He had made sure to mark the perimeter, ensuring that the local predators knew what belonged to him.
For the first time in a long while, he slipped out of his canine form. Shifting into that of a man. He stumbled on his two legs, finding the motion unfamiliar. Though even this change couldn't remove the new scent from his nose.
So he spent his night, cold and alone curled up on the hard floor. Trying to wipe his head of the aroma that plagued him.
You had settled into the housing quickly. Not having a large space to live in, helped with only needing to unpack a few things. But it didn't matter to you, the place you were living in wasn't the reason you took the position. No, it was the chance to study the wolf population. You had went to college for a degree in Wildlife Biology and Research. It was tedious and took a lot of hard work, but it was your dream. Every since you were a child, wildlife had always fascinated you.
Though there was something special about the wolf population of this particular park, that drew you to it. They would mostly stay to themselves rather than in the typical packs. When they did pair off, they rarely grouped beyond the immediate family. Almost as if they wouldn't stray beyond their own familial grouping. It was unlike any other behavioral patterns that had been witnessed.
Though the most perplexing thing had to be how little documentation had been conducted. You could only find bits and pieces of information. Even coming across forms with most of the information blacked out. It seemed as if there was a sizeable gap in the knowledge released from this park.
Grabbing a few supplies from the office, you prepared for your first day in the field. Only to bump your head on a cabinet as one of your coworkers enter the room.
Joseph barged in with a loud morning and went straight for the coffee maker. Rubbing the tender spot, you greeted him. He was a nice enough guy, but to loud for his own good. Though his soft spoken girlfriend, Suzie Q, was a great counterpart to his personality.
His mug full, he turned your way. “So, excited about your first day?”
A small smile graced your face as you nodded. “Yeah and about the same amount of nerves. But who doesn't feel that way when they start a new job.”
He nodded with a thoughtful look on his face. It was odd to see a serious expression on the goofball's face. “I get that.” Then leaning towards a locker, he pulled out a large walkie-talkie. “Make sure to keep this on you. The wolf population are unpredictable and it's never a good idea to underestimate them.”
The statement sent a foreboding chill down your spine. Why hadn't you thought to ask the other staff about their experience with the wildlife. Well that was just a task to file away for later. “Thanks, I'll see you later.” Heading out the door you passed Suzie Q. With a quick good morning, you left for your vehicle.
She waved you off, then rushed over to Joseph. He handed her the second cup of coffee he made and shook his head. “I can't believe they gave that woman a grant to work with those monsters.”
She sipped the warm drink and gave him a hollow smile. “Maybe they hand picked her for a reason.”
Staring at your vehicle as it became a dot on the horizon, he couldn't help but hang his head. “Unlikely.” Taking a deep swig of coffee, he tried to distract himself with the burn of the beverage.
After a restless night, he shifted back into his beastial form. Taking off in a sprint, he hoped that a run would help clear his head. Not sure how long he would push himself. Only focusing on the burn of his muscles and the speed of his breath. Continuing his mindless run, he came across a stream and collapsed on its bank. Panting and relaxing until he felt the need for water. Though this luxury never came.
A vehicle pulled up nearby. He could hear the tires crunching over rock and fallen branch alike. Still huffing, he waited to see if it would pass. It stopped instead and he scrambled behind a close by rock formation. Wind picking up as the door swung shut. He was once again engulfed in a indescribably wonderful scent. This caused him to dart his eyes around. When his gaze fell on you, he was astonished at what he found.
You were a goddess sheathed in khaki clothing. As the uniform shifted around your full figure, he couldn't stop the imagery that followed. You rounder with his pups and welcoming him home. It was an image that made his heart race, more than even the run caused. Every part of you sang out to him like a siren's song.
But he knew now wasn't the time to approach you. No, he had to prepare the den. Then he would prove to you that he was a worthy mate.
For now he watched you carefully as you set up a box on a tree.
You were meticulous and precise as you hung it. Then opened it and fiddled with what looked like a camera of sorts. Finishing up, you clapped your hands together. A gesture he found most endearing. Heading back to the vehicle, you pulled out a map. Folding it back up, you drove off in a new direction.
Watching you leave, he glanced at the box. Then marked the tree under it and took off after you without a second thought. If he was to court you, he would need to know where to find you.
As you placed the last trail cam up you sighed in relief. It had taken most of the day, but the cameras would be a boon to your research. It's not like you could be everywhere at once after all. Not to mention you had the odd sensation of being watched today. Although that could also be chalked up to being the trail cams. So you brushed it off and headed back to the Ranger housing, ready to rest.
He had trailed you to your den. It was a small home, but it wouldn't matter soon. You would spend little time there once you became his bonded mate.
Nosing around the area, he was relieved to find that there wasn't an established scent. So he marked the site, paying special attention with your house.
Through with that, he decided that he would find a quick bite and settle down close by. It wouldn't do if his mate came to harm.
The next day you woke up and set off to your usual morning routine. Only to pause on your way out the door. It reeked, the scent was an all to familiar one, wolf pee. Making your way to the common area. You couldn't help but wonder why the stench had cropped up overnight.
Still the oddity wouldn't stop you from checking the cameras you put up the day before. Settling down with a cup of coffee, you pulled up the app to search through the footage. All of it was pretty mundane, until you reached the video first video recorded after setting them up. It seemed the same wolf was marking the area under each cam, then sprinting off. It wasn't an unusual thing for wolves to mark unfamiliar things. But it seemed that he had followed you and repeated the action under every single camera. Just as the thought of him being the culprit behind the smell around the housing popped in your head, Joseph entered the room.
He gave a cheerful greeting and headed for the coffee maker. Turning to you he noticed a video feed on your screen. One with a familiar wolf. “Watcha got there.” Trying to keep his tone casual, he was desperate to know why Santana was there. You had only been here a day and already had one of their interest.
“Oh, footage from the trail cams I set up yesterday. You know, it's pretty bizarre. This one wolf seems to find everyone and mark underneath it. Almost like he was taking in an unfamiliar scent and marking it. At least that's my theory.” Taking a sip from your coffee you looked at him a bit wide eyed. “If that’s the case then he must also be the reason for the smell outside the housing."
He gave you a confused look. “Smell?”
Nodding you said. “Yeah, it was so pungent I had to rush over here to get a fresh breath of air.”
Gazing out the window, he narrowed his eyes. “Is that so, I'll check it out before I make my rounds.”
You waved him off. “Don't bother, it's probably my new scent disrupting the ecosystem. Maybe my pheromones are throwing off some of the local wolves.”
“Well I'd rather be safe than sorry.” He patted your back and smiled. “Can't let anything happen to our new teammate.”
“Oh. Thank you." You ran your fingers through your hair. “It's nice to have a team that has my back.”
“Sure thing. Let Suzie Q know that I had to make a quick errand. I should be back before lunch.” Then he headed out the door to pay a certain elder wolf a visit.
You had stayed at the housing area that day. So when night came, he went to his den. It needed preparing for your arrival.
When he approached the entrance, he paused. A familiar, but not entirely unwelcome scent was there. His care giver Kars was an infrequent guest. But he had a strong kinship with the other wolf. He had saved him as a mere pup and taught him all he knows. Still why would he be waiting at his den. Stepping forward he hoped to find the answer to this question.
Kars gave him no time for speaking first. “Ah, Santana, how have you been?” As he gazed at the younger wolf, his eyes bored into him. “Because I received a little visit today. From Joseph of all people. Asking me about you and your recent actions. I hope I don't have to remind you of how tedious it is to deal with humans and maintain our alliance with them. Now with that being said. I would like to know why you are stalking the new ranger.”
The silence that followed was suffocating. He had a respect for the elder, but you are his mate. Though as he thought for a moment, they wouldn't be having this conversation if it wasn't to keep you safe. Puffing his chest up a bit, he said. “She is my mate.”
He hung his head at the confession. “That makes things awfully more complicated. For the sake of the treaty stay away from her until I return.” This caused the younger lycan to bristle. “I understand this may be hard, though it is your choice to make. Leave her side for a short while or be force to vacate the park. Never to be with her again.”
Lowering his hackles he gave a solemn nod and retreated futher into his den. He could at least take this time to tidy up. It would be a suitable distraction for the time being.
Joseph paced in front of his truck and shook his head. This couldn't be happening. He wasn't sure what was worse. Santana hunting you or wanting to mate with you. At least this way your death wasn't guaranteed. Still what was he supposed to tell his superiors. “This isn't good. Do you know how many violations this could cause."
Kars rolled his eyes at the other man. “You act as if you humans are the only one with rules.” He scoffs and continues. “You should know that the title Elder was not an easy one to come by.”
He stepped forward, facing the purple haired man. “I get that and I'm thankful that you're willing to talk with me about this. But that doesn't make the situation any less complicated.”
“That you are right about. Once they meet, there will be no way to keep them from each other. True mates are bonded for life, ceremony or not.” He crossed his arms at the statement. To think that a pup he raised would be destined to a human. It was uncommon, but not as abnormal as having no mate. He honestly hoped this could help tame Santana. His unruliness had gotten him into trouble more times than he liked to recall. Maybe the soft touch of a human would calm him.
Running a hand over his face, he sighed. “OK, new plan. We keep them apart until I get word from my superiors. It should be simple enough. We'll just keep them both occupied and wait for an answer. I'll make sure to keep you in the loop.”
Nodding he watched the man climb into his vehicle. “Yes, you do that.” Knowing that this would be a most difficult task. But he knew it would be for the sake of one of his pups. So it was a challenge he was willing to take.
The storm shook your vehicle as you sped to the last piece of equipment. It was annoying to pick them up after of a few short weeks of them being out. But you knew you would get chewed out if the equipment got torn away in the storm. It would be just one more thing for your superiors to pressure you about. It seemed like they had breathing down your neck lately.
You pulled up near the camera, only able to go so far due to it precarious location. At the moment of setting it up over the gorge, you thought it was a stroke of genius. The footage of the wildlife that could live in the river at the base of the valley was to good to pass up. Now as you attempt to loosen it from the tree, leaning over the dizzying drop. You couldn't help but curse your earlier ambitious. Rain pelting against you and wind seeming to pick up in speed by the second. You questioned if this last camera was worth the stress. This thought was followed by a rumble and your perspective shifting downward.
He knew he was supposed to be avoiding you. But this storm had made his hair raise and nerves jumpy. He only needed to see you, hopefully through the window of your home. Curled up, warm and cozy, reading something in bed. It was his favorite position to see you in, content and comfortable.
On his way over, he stopped at a familiar sound. Your voice was at the gorge and you were calling out for help. It only took him a moment, muscles burning at the exertion to get to you as quickly as possible. Not seeing you standong near your vehicle, he understood in an instant the danger you were in. Looking over the edge, he saw something that made his heart stop. You were hanging on by a few mud covered roots jutting out from the side of the gorge.
Without a second thought he shifted, knowing that hands would be more useful than paws. He scooped you up and brought you against him. Checking you over for injuries, he breath a sigh of relief when he found only a few scraps.
You looked up at your savior, only to pause. He somehow made your heart race faster than the near death experience you just endured. You felt drawn to him, like the booming thunder that followed the lighting around you. Your sudden emotions moved you more than the raging storm that engulfed the both of you. He held you close yet delicately, it was an intoxicating feeling.
After a moment of you admiring each other, you came to your senses. “Let's get to my vehicle.” You guided him to the truck and you each made your way inside. Panting you took a bit to gather yourself. What was that, you had never felt emotions at such an intensity. Taking deep breath, you turned to your savior.
Only to gasp as you noticed his lack of clothes. “Oh, uh.” You looked away and then did another quick glance. As impressive as his physic was, you weren't sure what was going on. “Why, uh, where are your clothes?”
He never took his eyes off you. “I do not have any.”
An odd answer to an equally odd question. Then a thought passed through your mind. The storm must have swept them away. It wouldn't be the first time that a visitor lost something at the park. “OK then. What is my savior's name?”
“I am called Santana.”
Starting up the vehicle, you tried to keep your thoughts on a purer path. “Well, my friend Joseph is about your size. I'm sure he would be willing to lend some to you.” With that settled you drove towards the housing area.
“Absolutely not.” So maybe he wasn't willing to help your savior.
Shaking your head at his negative reaction, you crossed your arms over your chest. “Joseph come on. He saved me and has nothing to wear. You can't lend him anything?”
“No, you don't understand, he not what you think he is.” Pointing over at him accusingly. “That guy is a monster.”
You narrowed your eyes at him. “So monsters go around saving people from falling to death. Whatever, let's get out of here.” You then grabbed his hand and led him to your home. Voicing your irritation of Joseph attitude the whole way. “I mean how could he be such a jerk to the guy who saved me.” You went on rambling as you sifted through your clothes. Pulling out your baggiest options, something usually reserve for your period, you held them out. “This is all I have that might work. I'm sorry my coworker couldn't be more helpful.” You faced away from him, giving him a bit of privacy. Though that didn't keep his nude image from your mind.
He was elated, as he slid the clothes on, he inhaled. Your scent surrounded and pressed against him. It was pure ecstasy. Glancing around the room, he tried to commit everything to memory. The few knick knacks and trinkets scattered around. The interesting array of books that were strewn about. Even the random sock that was abandoned half under your bed. It all screamed you and he wanted to take in every bit of it.
Then his eyes landed on you. Back turned to him, the rain water made your uniform cling to your body in a delicious manner. He yearned to reach out and hold you, just as he remember on the cliffside. To have your bodies meld together once more. That would truly be his own heaven.
Thinking you had given him plenty of time, and want to not be alone with your thoughts any longer. You turned back towards him. Only to be taken aback at what you saw. His eyes were dark and lustful.
In that moment your body reacted. Like a moth to a flame or a wave crashing into the bow of a ship. You collided like magnets, unable to stay apart. Your bodies met followed by your lips. Melding together like puzzle pieces. The raw emotion that fueled the kiss was electrifying.
Then a throat was cleared. Tearing yourself from his mouth, you were shocked to see a similarly built purple haired man and Joseph. They stood in the doorway, the new man wearing a smirk on his face and only a loincloth on his body. Joseph had his mouth agape and some clothes in his hands.
“I hope we weren't interrupting anything.” The tone of his voice made it obvious that he knew just what he was intruding upon. He entered your small home and looked over at your savior. “Santana, it seems that fate has gifted you a wonderful mate. You should thank the Moon Goddess for such a blessing.”
He faced the man and laid an arm around your waist. “I have Elder Kars, many times over in fact.”
“Very good. Let us proceed to the common area. There is much to discuss.” He grabbed the still stunned Joseph's arm and dragged him to the large building nearby.
Santana offer his arm to you and politely led you as well.
You sat there and tried to absorb all of the information that had been dumped in your lap. Not only were Werewolves real, but the government was covering up their existence. They were considered refugees and given ‘homes’ in National Parks. Which led to an official peace treaty between Werewolves and humans.
On top of that, you were the mate of a Werewolf from the park you were assigned to study wolf behavior. Part of you wanted to scream in frustration. But as you looked at Santana, you could only feel a warmth towards him. There was truly something supernatural about the way he made you feel. “Well, what do we do now?”
Without missing a beat he said. “We spend the rest of our lives together.”
The statement made your heart flutter. Still you had your reservation about it being that simple. Looking over at your superior and the Elder Werewolf, you furrowed your brow. “Is that allowed?”
Kars nodded. “It is not common, but there have been similar mated couples in the past. If it is what you wish, we will not stand between you.”
Looking back at you guessed your mate, you beamed. He looked at you with loved and devotion in his eyes. It was a sight you wanted to hold onto forever. But you grew nervous as your gaze turned to Joseph. “What about the government?”
He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “There actually for it as well.”
This cause a weight to be lifted from your shoulders. If they were against it, you weren't sure how the situation could end up.
He held his hand up. “I wouldn't celebrate to soon. They want to see how a relationship between a human and Werewolf would be work. Make you a study case of sorts. You should think about what that would mean before you make a final decision.” With that the two men ushered you back to your home to discuss the situation in private. Joseph adding on that it shouldn't lead to anymore ‘funny business’. You swore that everyday you spent with him, that man treated you more like a younger sibling.
Sitting on your bed, you took his hands into your own. “I don't want them to act as if your something to experiment on. You should be allowed to have your life not be examined.”
He brought a hand to your face and gently cupped your cheek. You leaned into it instinctually. “I would endure anything to be by your side. Even if we have to run, by your side I will always be content.” Then your lips sealed together once more.
It may not be the best of circumstances. But every moment you spent together was a step closer to a life spent happily.
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