#i opened asks here as well mostly for ppl who dont know i have a main
sunbedo · 18 days
Hey guys. gay rights
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#i already made the sonic one a while bc yknow. kinnie stuff youve all seen my blog theme#but then i was wearing my Fearless Year of Shadow(tm) shirt along with it and my irl bff was like.#'why are you wearing a sonic bracelet with that shirt if you love shadow so much 🤨' *#(he doesnt know much about sth stuff but ive infodumped abt shadow and his backstory to him many times)#and i was like 😭😭 BECAUSE I DONT HAVW A SHADOW KANDI BUT I WANNA MAKE ONE. I WILL SOON#so. now i do!! taking my ad/derall on the weekends always make me want to make more kandi. its great!#and yknow what else it makes me want to do...... talk more on here >:3333#me and my dad are gonna go to a local jazz festival this afternoon bc our jazz combo is playing at it!!#itll be fun. my dad said hes gonna get some food from this really good breakfast place on the way thwre#which is not the best part. the best part is outside the shop there is a wonderful kitty cat who hangs around the parking lot#bc hes owned by the ppl who own the bar right next door#its so great. everybody knows him (the cat) and loves him. the v/ape shop next door has a tip door set up for him even though the#bar owner ppl take care of him and take him to the vet nd stuff. my dad found a faceb/ook page somebody made for him#and apparently it just has pictures of ppl at the bar holding him. its so great and hilarious. this cat is so loved#by the v/ape shop people. by random people at this beachtown bar. by the breakfast shop people.#anyways uh. this post was abkut kandi wasnt it 😭😭😭 lol#cherry chortles#anyways the add/er/all also usually makes me want to look at and sort through my pkmn card collection. so imma do that#because my dads friend (and my friend too i guess! me and him exchange cat photos bc he has this adorable chunky cat named gremlin) that we#play bar trivia with on tuesdays (dw its not really even a bar. its mostly a restaurant) asked me abt my pokemon card collection#bc the final question was to put a few franchises (it was like. dora the ecplora and spide/rman etc. and pokemon) in order of revenue#and obvs pokemon was the top. bc of factors like the trading cards so thats how that came up#we didnt bet any of our points btw but we almost! got it right! the order was pk/mn dora spidamen friends (the tv seies) but we had spidman#as second. but we still won!! our team is on a two game winning streak!!! we always split the money so next week ill get another 8 dolla >:3#wow i havent hit tag limit yert#lol. yall'll open the 'see all tags' thing and boom. do you love the color of the sky type shit 😭😭😭#sorry that sounds too much like aave. i (white baby) cant be sayin that#cherrys kandi#okay well i had a tag with a verse from the ultimarw showdown bc i didnt know what else to say#but with my kandi tag and these two tags i have hit tag limit. thank you folks ill be here all night
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yurinovel · 2 years
@ ur hare tags YES ive seen ppl call hares (esp jackrabbits) scary & ugly 😭😭 ive seen a handful of ppl who like genuinely despise them & im like NO!!! leave my beloved lagomorphs alone!!! also fun fact when my dad lived in america he got to see a wild jackrabbit & im v jealous
god thats so sad. like idk maybe thats just me but i largely prefer hares to domestic bunnies i think they're very unique and cool-looking (i like bunnies too but hares... idk something about the way theyre shaped just hits different - imagine not appreciating that - couldnt be me). anyway that aside i think i've seen wild hares as well!! not rlly sure tho bc they were too far to properly see them so maybe they were just wild rabbits but still!!! neat to look at! wishing you all the lagomorph seeing in the world <3
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ot3 · 2 years
sorry about ppl being weird about the dnd/oc thing I think people are taking it personally because they love their ocs so they don't realise no one is obligated to care or listen to someone speak about something unimportant at length that they never indicated they wanted to hear about
Apparently some people also don't know how to ignore opinions they disagree with without coming to you and being like "oh so you condone cringe culture? You condone bullying? It's my god given right to go up to strangers and start talking about myself and my ocs and if they don't react positively then they hate fun and should not be trusted. Have some basic respect, why do you love bullying???? You're evil. what do you mean "boundaries"????"
here's the thing i really just straight up think people aren't getting the reason why i put ocs/dnd characters specifically on there, instead of just saying 'dont engage people on subjects they're not interested in/don't infodump'. because the thing about ocs and dnd characters specifically is that they are uniquely difficult to respond to. the really key distinction is that someone's oc/dnd character isn't a relatively neutral topic like, say, explaining the history of slide whistles or whatever because i have a slide whistle hyperfocus. people's OCs are their creative projects, and often creative projects that people put a LOT of emotional stock in
it's honestly i think mostly a problem for artists, i don't see a lot of unprompted oc dumping on people that aren't artists, and so i think people who aren't artists or who have never had a large following just don't have a frame of reference for how uncomfortable it is to be Pitched To by someone or don't understand that it's common enough to be worth mentioning. like. the kind of people who try and talk to random internet artists about their ocs are doing this because they want external validation for their creative work and ideas but don't really understand the socially appropriate avenues to go about doing that yet. often times these people are pretty young. they're also extremely likely to be REALLY sensitive.
so basically your choice is
reply with some sort of tepid generic approval/feigned interest, which will almost always result in this type of person believing you have a Rapport now and trying to push further communications with you
ignore them, and hope this isn't the kind of person who will send follow up, or who will get upset at being ignored and assume malicious intent from that. this is probably your safest response
be frank and tell them outright that this isn't something you're interested in discussing. this is probably the worst response, because as you can tell from the discussion being had on this blog, people tend to think it is extremely rude to say this. basically if you outright shoot down someone who is trying to pitch their own creative work that they're both deeply invested in and insecure about, it's not going to go over well.
and when the best possible response to a topic is to ignore it, i think i can safely say that makes it a bad opener. so like it's not just a situation where person A is telling person B about something B is uninterested in. It's a situation where person A is asking for person B to validate the worth of their creative endeavor and B having to essentially decide between sort of 'leading someone on' and shutting them down in a way very likely to upset them.
i know this seems pretty ridiculous to lay it out in these terms when really, it's not super deep, it's just kind of annoying at the end of the day. but like I Have Autism and being put in a situation where I know that if i speak openly/truthfully, almost no matter how politely i do it, someone's feelings are going to get hurt? That's the nightmare scenario. I hate it so much. so yeah this is less about 'dont put people in situations where they need to feign interest on a topic' and more about 'don't put strangers in a position where they need to feign interest to avoid slighting the quality/value of someone's creative work."
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hirokiyuu · 2 years
ok i said i wasnt gonna talk abt conspiracy boarded oc on here but i think abt him constantly so lin (oc, short for insulin, Yeah) talk under the cut, spoilers for vace’s friendship 100 and peace ending stuff
vace is v fun bc even post therapy he’s still kind of The Way He Is you know. (in the pringles jar) and i think on the surface someone who’s easy-going is the easy solution but i don’t think someone who isn’t driven would appeal to him at all? so rather than easy-going it’s like... someone who doesn’t hold what he does against him
i do think it’s extremely funny if at first he dates people who are very much like rex and sol (assuming golden run where he and rex make up wwww) and then later on the person he ends up w/long term is Not Like That. these two things were essentially my thesis statement in making lin  WWWWWWWW
lin is essentially like. i don’t care if you fuck up. i do however care if you just leave the mess behind and in fact i care about that Very Fucking Much, Do Not Do It. a non-therapized vace appeals to him 0 percent past looks. a post therapy vace who is constantly fucking up but trying about it? very much his type. (get help bro)
augment is “clear-headed” -- doesn’t get swept away by his emotions, able to keep a level head in every single situations. essentially, there’s a wall between “him” and “his feelings”. in theory this means he’s got a cool head and is great at problem solving... which is true in practice as well! what WASNT part of the theory was, uh, the fact that bc he’s like that he’s not v good at dealing w/ppl who DO get swept away. kind of isolated from most people as a result but he’s dealing w/it.*
*”but ravh,” you might be saying, “vace gets swept away a lot!” yeah! he also (eventually, thru therapy) has the self-awareness to recognize this. much more appealing/interesting to lin than someone who has emotions and doesn’t bother. good at helping vace realize when he’s getting swept away as well. guy who likes problem solving his boyfriend’s anger issues.
robotics guy. mechanic for vace’s hand. originally helio affiliated, was shuffled into their engineering from a young age which is why he never had any contact w/vace before (abt ten? years younger i think) tho he’s heard Of vace. prefers to see what’s up with himself before drawing conclusions, tho.
hes the one who asks vace out lol. theres definitely a moment where vace is like “i wont ask you out i dont want to make it weird when you’re only here to do a job” and lin is like. ok cool. i will make it weird instead. go out with me. and vace is like.
good together for a number of reasons. lin helps vace when he’s upset bc he tends to focus immediately on “how do we fix this” (robotics guy) which helps vace channel his shit productively. open + good communicator mostly bc he thinks being cagey is annoying. v good at framing rship conflict as “him and vace against smth else”. 
on the flipside, vace being so emotive is like... kind of fascinating for him (guy who has Never Once been swept away). helps him get better at empathizing with other ppl + be more patient (lol). also on a practical level lin is not. great at taking care of himself (does basically the bare minimum to keep himself going) and mr i wanna protect the ppl i love! olivaceous is like. you are going to eat three meals a day actually.
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toadstool32 · 1 year
Im making a tiny (pun intended) rec list of crossover fics bc i realized like, yesterday that my fav fics are either time travel fics or crossovers and i think sometimes ppl just skip on those bc idk they r not familiar with the other fandom yknow? anyway this is mostly just me putting all my favs on a list and releasing em into the wild, go check em out if u have similar tastes than me, or not, i dont care. on to the list!!!:
Dedication Through Light And Darkness by lalunaticscribe
Fandoms: Yugioh Duel Monsters and Dresden Files
Rated Teen and up
The Door to Darkness has opened. The Light is missing. The Chicago Anarchy-gasm has begun, as Duel Monsters come out to play. As the titans clash,in the midst of it all is...Dark Magician? "There is no way in hell any wizard would wear that, Molly".
I read this one a whiiiiiile back but its like, my fave fic ever, im not even into dresden files i have no idea what happens there but the characters are interesting and the way they all interact is super interesting, the supernatural elements really blend incredibly well and THE DUELS OMG, some yugioh fics dont bother writting duels or just do the minimun but the duels here actually serve a purpose and AUGH its just so good, the author has another 5ds/marvel crossover but i have not read that one yet LOL.
Let the Darkness Bring Us Into the Light by arinrowan
Fandoms: Yugioh Duel Monsters and My Hero Academia
Rated Teen and up
Yuugi was never interested in becoming a hero. But he's always wanted friends. Friends who he could rely on, and who could rely on him, no matter what. And after meeting Izuku, Yuugi's determined to support Izuku as Izuku becomes a hero. Even if it means getting involved in heroics, getting dragged into way too many fights, being around way too many loud people, and winding up involved with too many dumb secrets.
this one makes me insane it scratches my brain in a very specific way i loveloveLOVE how its written and its a series!, im biased towards yugi but even from a bnha bg u can enjoy this one! the quirk talk and hero society commentary is amazing and so great, the sequel its on goin and has got even better. read this if u like quirk talk or like seeing yugi and or izuku having friends.
I have measured out my life with coffee spoons by Tenka
Fandoms: Yugioh Duel Monsters, GX, 5DS, Zexal, Arc V, VRAINS
Rated Teen and up
It's a small restaurant. They shouldn't be able to get into nearly as much trouble as they do. In which Atem and Yugi run a small business with some eccentric workers in their midst. [Restaurant!AU]
Does it count a as a crossover if its the same franchise? i think so!, remember all those silly "and they all live in the same building" old time fandom thing? this is literally it but they work in a restaurant, its good u dont even need to have watched all of the series to get it this is such silly fun times, unfinished/on going.
King's Jackal by esama
Fandoms Yugioh Duel Monsters and Harry Potter
Rated Teen and up
Wrecking all of Dumbledore's plans, the Power Dark Lord Knows Not walks up to Harry in the summer before his fifth year, and asks for directions.
ok i know what u think but i think this is the one that originated the whole shadow court thing? thats such a sick concept man augh what the hell this one is from 2011 so that alone speaks by itself but still! the charm in this one is the ygo characters like theres something goin on here that i like about it i tend to look very closely and just go euugh if anything seems OOC but this one is just fun old fuck the source material (both of them?????) incredible. also yugi is just fun here thats all i rest my case the fics abandoned btw, esama also wrote that one fic where yugi gains more shadows after atem goes away that one made me scream. not a crossover but read that one too
Bye Bye Yesterday by princessesandangels
Fandoms: Assassination Classroom and My Hero Academia
Rated Teen and up
After the assassination of Koro-sensei, Shiro survived to continue his experiments. And he kidnapped all of 3-E to be his first test subjects. His first Nomu. But something went wrong. Very wrong. And now, 27 terrified teenagers, one femme fatale and a terminally overworked government agent are waking up in a world unlike anything their assassination classroom could have prepared them for. *** Ritsu looked close to happy tears and Tsukauchi was just staring back and forth between the two of them, shocked. “We’ll get them out, get them safe, I promise,” she said. “We… Ritsu, what are you doing here? Since when do you hack into police stations?” And Ritsu suddenly looked very sad. “Karasuma-sensei… I’m not really sure how to tell you this… But I haven’t seen anyone from 3-E in 232 years.”
part of an on goin series! ive linked this one before, ive made fanart to this, it makes me insane it makes me irrovocably sad it gets my brain thinkin up shenaningans, i love ensemble casts i love when theres just a bunch of guys running around, this fic is both fun and tragic bc of the nature of how the author went around to making it a plausible crossover. good stuff!!
stay in my eyelids for a little longer by stubborn_jerk
Fandoms: Mob psycho 100 and My hero academia
Rated Teen and up
"Psychic powers don’t give us Quirks. Being born with one does." Kageyama Shigeo, nicknamed "Mob," had known this at a young age. This did not stop him from applying to two of the most prestigious Hero schools in Japan because, although he seems like an inconspicuous person, he, is in fact, a powerful ESPer.
are u seeing a pattern here? im seeing a patter here, dude what if mob was a UA student, came here for the plot stayed for the domestic terumob, its sweet and its fun seeing mob being mob in a hero obsessed society, part of a series if u want more!
100 Percent Hero by CiscoTheSoto
Fandoms: Mob psycho 100 and My hero academia
Rated Gen
Summary: A boy born with all the power he never wanted, Shigeo Kageyama didn't view himself as a hero. Although he saved innocent people from villains and spirits countless times, he never thought about how many lives he saved. But when he goes to a world where people with powers save others regularly, he will come to realize the impact he could have and what it really means to be a hero.
oh this one is great its on goin btw, while the last one is sweet this one just hits u in the face under the pretense that its good for u (it is) idk man what do i even tell u mob is so fucking sweet and the world around him is so fucking not. it pulls at my shounen protag loving ass.
This is the part where u start to realize i either really like mha or really hate it.
DCstuck by Vinnocent
Fandoms: Homestuck and the DC universe
Rated Teen and up
Mr. Crocker raises an eyebrow. “Young man, are you suggesting we blackmail Batman?” he demands.
Read that summary again and tell me that doesnt sound sick as fuck tell me that to my face. Unfinished/on goin its fun times! u dont have to have read a single comic in ur life i actually read this one before even touching a single comic panel, whats better than this, just a bunch of guys running around im like a puppy running after its tail, go read this its like 50 ish chapters long so far
A Lullaby For Gods by inkteacup
Fandoms: Homestuck and Marvel (the movies not the comics but idk the difference)
Rated Teen and up
Five gods rent a flat in Manhattan. That sounded like the start of a bad joke. In which Loki Silvertongue is not the only lost god who falls to a world that isn’t his own.
oh this is like, so fucking long, and hurts my brain this feels like homework but like, fun homework u know, i dont care about marvel im here for the kids, this pull in every single character u can think off and gives them a purpose its great , i love when theres just so many characters running around and whats this??? it also has some original human characters! even more guys to meet! its on goin and has 166 chapters so far but u already knew that , everyone and their grandma has read this i think.
"tiny all there are so fucking long ur insane" im not denying that now go read my faves pussy.
thats all for now might update this later bc i remember reading more crossovers i like but these r the only ones i found on my bookmarks,ok bye
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notsodailycake · 2 years
Ok so, more Rammy info dump
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Imma start off and say I'm sharing this info dump for the ppl who dont know much of her, bc there isn't as many Rammy enjoyers, most are just mutuals
But I've been wanting to doodle her more, so with this post i leave my ask box open for doodle requests for her, bc i want stuff to doodle by tomorrow, but well anyother day will be fine as well Ú3Ù
And if you want i can doodle her with your oc as well (human version or huamn in general, i still struggle a tad bit with animals/animatronics 👉👈), just put in an image of them!
Basic info
♡Rammy the Racoon
•Real name: Renata Oliveira
•Age: 26
•Currently in a "friends with benefits" relationship with Roxy and Chica
For the new folks, here's some basic info about her, and another work featuring her
You can also find some more info of the au her human version is from here, if you want just the Rammy info, then scroll down to Character Relationships/Stories, and you'll fine her info under "Renata (+Suise and Rachel)", tho around the Timeline area, on 2021, you can find a bit of extra info about how she came to be part of the Pizzaplex
Now the dump
•She can be a bit dense at times
But she's very helpful still. She grew up with having to be well behaved so she would be on her teen sister's good side (it didn't need to be alot, her sister never wanted anything bad to happen to her and could be a little protective at times, but ya know, teens can be angsty).
She also learned to perform at a young age as she liked to put on shows after her sister's friends dressed her up. She also enjoyed singing alot of lullabies for her baby cousins (Idk if its a general brasilian thing, but how i grew up family is very important, and cherished, so she has a close bond to many of her family members)
She also is quite fluent in English, tho still struggles a bit still, causing her be quite oblivious to some jokes between her coworkers and not understanding them.
•She's also very abservent still, even if she cant understand a joke, she can read someone's body language very well, and can see whether they are lying or not. Not 100% right, but at least 90% of the time she is
She also has good memory (unlike me-) and is what she does in her role: Search for the lost items and give them back to their owner, if she doesn't remember she always has it written down on a small notebook.
•She's usually very friendly, and seen as the sweet niave type (which honestly, she is most of the time), but she can be smart when she needs to. And don't get on her bad side, cuz she's a good prankster. What type of prankster? The dangerous type if you annoy her (which can consist of insulting her loved ones or mistreatment of kids)
She doesn't play pranks as much, so you'll never expect it from her. It starts out harmless, then it gets annoying
The the target wont know its her with her innocent act, and will accuse the obvious ones. If they figure it out it's her, no one will be on their side as she plays innocent, then it gets a bit risky, and until they learn their lesson
She won't stop.
Tho that side of hers doesn't show that often.
•She's also a bit short tempered at times. She tries her best to be nice, but she breaks it a bit when she gets frustrated. Which can be out of small things such as, the sound of paper or gum chewing, snoring, or breathing the wrong way or skin touching even if her own (definitely not stuff i lose my temper with)
She learned how to keep her composure, especially around kids
But she'll need a cool off afterwards, which luckily Sun and Moon provide her with. Or cuddles with Chica and Roxy. Tho those are usually by the end of the day since both Chica and Roxy are usually way busier then Sun and Moon. Plus the twins are right next to Rammy's post, so it's faster to go in-between work breaks.
•As for her hobbies. She likes to play dress up and do her makeup, even if not for work
She also likes to sow and draw! Mostly designing her outfits. Most of the stuff she uses is hand made by her too! Ofc not everything but most of it
•And on a final note
Her area is basically a remodeled version of kid's cove now, which makes her be quite close to the daycare
She usually helps out sun and moon, her and sun having a close bond
They chat, share gossip, help each other with the kids when one area is more hectic
And in the end Rammy likes to help out in cleaning duty if the daycare
(Also, doodles may not all be done quickly, if at all, some might take days to make. I just need a collection of ideas to do throughout the times i get bored)
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lliwless · 1 year
blog info n stuff
hi my username is lliwless, find my names and stuff here. i am queer, i go by they/them and i am a whole 20 years old (wowie!)
this blog is to showcase my artwork as well as post unapologetically about my interests. block tags if you don't wanna see certain stuff! you can find my original posts with the following tags: #lliwless art - for all my artwork #lliwless animation - for all my animations (rarely posted) #lliwless rambling - for text posts where i'm vordvomiting thoughts #lliwless aus - for alternate universe ideas bc i have too many.
i swear a lot, block me if you don't like that
i use a lot of banter/unserious and lighthearted aggression towards my friends and interests, block me if you don't like that
i avoid posting discourse, block me if you don't like that
i'll be friendly back to minors who interact with me, but i do not want to get involved on a personal level with you
i don't like anything sexual or romantic in nature and will probably block you if you interact with that intent. this includes self shippers with my artwork (more power to you, just do it away from me pls!)
I LOVE SEEING PPLS COMMENTS ON MY ART IN THE TAGS!!! it makes me very happy, dont worry abt rambling too much or anything. i encourage it!
extra stuff below (long post)
i'm "new" to tumblr as in i have been here since 2014 but pretty much only lurked; i am unfamiliar with Social Etiquette here. please let me know if i do anything strange so i can correct myself :) i'll often ramble in textposts and tags, and i'll post probably cringe stuff abt my interests since this blog is meant to be for me to be freely autistic on main abt what i like lol. i'll make sure to tag things properly so people can blacklist stuff if they want
long-term interests:
wilbur soot & stories he's written/characters he's played
professor layton (clive + alfendi enjoyers PLEASE interact)
youtubers (RTgame, slimecicle, grian, sneegsnag)
just roll with it
generation loss
persona 5 royal
persona 4 golden (currently playing)
bungou stray dogs
cookie run kingdom, especially red velvet + cakehounds
i'm usually happy to talk about any of these at any time, but will mostly post about the stuff in bold italics
ask box is open for anything - talk abt shared interests, tell me abt ur day, send smth funny idk!!! doodle requests are open under the condition that i have full creative liberty + sending a request does not guarantee i actually draw it :thumbsup:
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nxtsnw · 3 years
Hi, i hope the request still open! May i request a romantic match up from Tokyo Revengers?
Im an INTJ, enneagram type 5, she/her, & straight. I like silence & being alone, my hobbies are reading and daydreaming lol. I hate closed minded ppl & sudden change of plans. Rlly introverted, i only have 1 friend whom i comfortable with. Many ppl see me as cold heartless just bcos i mainly use logic in every situation. Actually im pretty funny (with dark jokes). They also call me an old soul
I never date / like someone before (even tho im 19 & pretty :P). I just never find someone who got me interested. I also pretty romantic & love to being in relationship (i have a list of what to do when i have a bf!). Have good grades, but kinda lazy. I dont rlly like drama & other ppl's bussiness just bcs its tiring. Also, i have wild side where i like to do many reckless things (but i cover it up pretty well). Thank you sm for reading this :3
n.a.: hii! pls, I love your vibes, also I'm curious about ur list- I'm sorry for any mistakes! and I really hope you'll like it<3
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I match you with ATSUSHI SENDO(Akkun)<3
- to this precious boy, it would take a while to talk to you, and it would be mostly thanks to his friends.
- maybe they'll even get along with your friend and if they see that you too have an interest in Akkun, they would try to get you two to talk more often ;)
- he loves your personality, and he also thinks that often logic is better:)
- here's how I imagine a day you two spent together: (you weren't together yet, he had a crush for you and you were starting to feel that maybe he wasn't just a friend;))
u were in high school together, and you shared many of the classes.
That day your desk-mate(?) was missing, so he sat next to you, he knew you were introverted and therefore you would feel more uncomfortable with other people.
You tried to follow the lesson but you often found yourself glancing at him(often he was already watching u)
in the end, he asked you for the notebook cause he didn't take any note. To thank you he invited you to sit with him for lunch. Despite wanting to be alone, he insisted, and he promised you that there would be no one else <3
school was over, and he insisted on taking you home (and getting you ice cream). HE WAS SO cute, he always maintained a very pleasant atmosphere and is great at making conversation!
"If you want this is my number, don't feel obligated but I'd really like to see you again but I've been really good with you" he said blushing just before stroking your cheek to "fixing your hair".
instead you took the note with the number and thanked him :)
And yes, you will see each other often
- loves talking about u to his friendsajja
- hang out with Hina and Takemichi<3
- he knows that you like to be alone, and he'll know when to give you your space. Absolutely no pressure with him:)
- he loves ur dark jokes pls
- sometimes he tries to hold your hand, but if you don't want to, he would just be fine with just taking you by the fingers <3
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mg549 · 3 years
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rainbow high but they each have distinct and varying styles
hi im putting my Disscusion under the post cause ik lots of ppl just wanna rb the art but also i have Thoughts
-ruby’s style is the strongest in the series imo. they designed a butch lesbian and nobody told them ig. my only slight change was giving her cowboy boots cause if shes from “the country” then she should... actually... look like shes from the country. maybe its just cause i grew up in nc but i would love some southern rep from a character where being from the south isnt their whole Personality. anyways i think she should wear western style button downs is all im trying to say
-bella... her style is ALL over the place. since she is a set designer i wanted to make her a theatre kid!!! her style is somewhere in the 40s/50s zone of vintage inspired so that way she has a definite Range of styles and silhouettes to choose from! im a sucker for the new look bc its so Shapes but i could also see her pulling off some long wool circle skirts and peasant top blouses! i also gave her some hearing aids and braces which you can probably only see if you zoom in dhjnf
-poppy got the biggest design overhaul of anyone. i kept the butterfly theme and nothing else fbhdjd. since her music has some definite funk energies i wanted to give her a 70s inspired look with some glam platforms and denim overalls! i think we deserve bellbottom pantsuit poppy. i also changed her hair bc literally the rh main cast all have practically IDENTICAL hair styles save for the direction theyre parted in. i wanted to give her those anime butterfly headphones but toned down slightly hdsjdnd oh and! shes also wearing glasses bc once again we get a whole cast of characters and not one of them is wearing glasses like smh literally like half of all ppl wear glasses?? anyways in terms of personality i wanted to keep her bubbly but instead of just making music thru like Divine Inspiration i think she should take a more realistic and nuanced approach!! show her nerding out abt music theory and talking about the themes her pieces represent and the stories they tell
-sunny’s design is Mostly the same! her hair is slightly changed, i wanted it to match the cover she drew for winnerz! i also made the rainbows on her outfit pride flag colors, and gave her some button pins on her jacket! every Token Anime Kid ive ever met has buttons plastered all over their bags and jackets and its a nice touch that gives her some more Character i feel
-jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaade. jade. i wish she had kept her dark lipstick. and also that she wasnt just billie eilish. and that she was the token goth of the group. her stitched up shirt is inspired by a shirt i wore in high school! it was from the 90s and SUPER beat up to the point where it was literally disintegrating so i just sewed up any new holes that would form with contrasting thread it was a Look. i hc her as wearing contacts bc when she tried wearing glasses she got upset that she couldnt show off her makeup as much gvhbnf! i also gave her a spider necklace bc i think she should still like spiders BUT i HATE the jokes abt “therapy tarantulas” bc only dogs and like 10 horses can actually be service animals and the whole thing w people lying about their untrained dogs/cats (or worse, exotic animals that they should not even own) being service/therapy/emotional support animals just so they can bring them in public is!! Really Bad!! and it hurts people who actually do need service dogs bc untrained dogs are well. untrained and set a bad example for how service animals will actually act! and owners who print out fake certifications also make it harder for disabled ppl bc it leads to store owners thinking that theres some sort of paper they can ask the owner to flash to prove the service dog is trained when that. is not actually true and theres no such thing as an actual certificate for this. if a service dog company offers a certificate/card/whatever to show authority it is specifically for disabled people to do when faced with this issue and has no actual official meaning. and ANOTHER thing that bothers me abt this joke is that.. Therapy For What? it would be really cool to see a canonically mentally ill character as a protagonist for a doll line! it would be fantastic to see them opening up that conversation for neurodivergent kids and their parents! but we have no indication for that at All just haha funy therapy spider :| anyways jade is an nd lesbian my canon now
-skyler is punk now! shes a fashion major and i think it would be a really interesting character to explore, someone who is shy but dresses really flashy and tough! i also changed her theme material from denim to the blue leather she wears at the party bc im biased towards alt fashion. her hair was really fun to design, with a big Cloud of Fluff at the top and long braids underneath bc get it!! its Rain Cloud Shaped :] i dont have much else to say bc this design is def in my Comfort Zone of styles. anyways we stan andershaw here they literally are in love
-vi vi! i didnt change much bc i dooooooont really know that much about influencer/mainstream fashion tbqh... i Did give her That One Halter Top Style that literally 2 other of the main characters are both wearing instead of a loose 1 piece dress tho. i also decided she should be into holographic fabric bc its very Sleek and Future Is Now and Influencercore. i also think the sleek tight fitting holo shirt/skirt is a good contrast to Big Fluffy Fur Jacket. she also has a prosthetic leg idk i just thought it would be a good Touch 
overall rh def has some MAJOR problems with diversity in all aspects and it shows in their fashion design as well! if you put the characters in black and white save for a few patterned pieces they would all be interchangeable and i honestly think that its representative of the larger problem! maybe i do follow the monster high design philosophy that every piece should only make sense on the character its from, but the fact that they cant even diversify FASHION despite it being a Fashion Doll Brand really Says It All.
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dengswei · 2 years
hi! random but, do you think we're gonna get a bed scene from skyjao even if its a morning/post scene? ive read ppl saying that they want one since we've got so many from nueatoh, and that it would be interesting to see the show explore that since jao's biggest insecurity is his body. i don't think i want one and would be fine if we dont...i still see him as a baby even if they're uni students. what do you think/would like?
hey!! honestly i don't know if we'll get one and i think that's because i've noticed that jao isn't the type of person to touch someone, even sky. (i can't remember if we've seen him initiate touch with the core four friendship group but even so they're very close and have been for a long time so he may feel more comfortable with them to do so). i don't think jao is touch averse per se (though I do like headcanon him as such but that's more of a how i read his character more than anything else) but mostly all the touch we've gotten between skyjao i've noticed it's sky who initiates touch between them. sky is the one who kisses jao, he's the one who hugs jao, he's the one who pinches jao's cheek, etc. we've only really seen jao touch sky in this scene:
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and even so jao touches sky only after sky touches him first. i think jao touching sky here was done deliberately to show how touch is important for jao and how serious he was in the moment just in case sky didn't take his words alone seriously. and then there's also the part of this scene where he touches sky to put on the treatment for his bruise but that's definitely because jao was worried about sky's injury getting worse. the same with the poking where sky was injured because he wanted sky to stop lying to him. all of the touches that jao has made is very deliberate in getting across what he needed to with his words. maybe the lack of touch from jao's side possibly could be due to his insecurity. like we've only seen skyjao kiss once and that was more of spur of the moment kiss (which i loved btw) so i don't really see a bed scene in the future i could be wrong maybe something will happen in the next episode or the finale where we get to see jao open up more to sky and we get one but we'll see.
though i would like to see how they'd handle it especially with how insecure jao is with his body but it worries me a little bit because they could do very well with handling it but they could also handle it very badly. they did somewhat kind of hint towards skyjao being more inimate in that way during that one scene in the last ep where jao asked sky about that photo of him. so i don't think it's 100% off the cards i just... with how skyjao are as a couple in this moment in time i don't see it.
personally i'm okay with that but that could also be because i'm somewhat sex repulsed and i'm not really bothered by bed scenes no matter what i'm watching.
i do have to say the difference between skyjao & nueatoh as couples is a really nice contrast in my opinion, like it shows you that two people can be together romantically in different ways yet still love and care for each other the same amount.
though thinking of it they could do a morning after scene but given how important body image is to jao's character it would come across a missed opportunity to not mention/combat that with a bed scene, it could almost come across as if they're glossing over the issue
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muwur · 4 years
snapchat headcanons
✧ hc’s ✧ for using snapchat w ur boi toi ft. the pretty setter squad
❧ gn reader
✎ 3.1k words
a/n: kinda a combo of how they use sc and the kinds of snaps they send you! along w wat u send them, and uh... dating stuf n shenanigans? texting/snapping habits? my fantasies? IDEK ANYMORE EOFHEFJ
this was born from the recesses of my mind , which desired nothing mor than snapchats from suga , us sending cute selfies , others bein dumb n chaotic , no context videos , n him snapping me photos of some mangoes on sale he said he’ll buy for me DXX it’s too late for me now
doing research on hq bois and surfing thru sc features (im just now realizing theres quite a bit?? im hoping i address most of them at some point lolol) instead of real life tings aHHhhhHAHA
requests: open! will be working on a suga one i got, dw, requester!
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✧ sends good morning and good night snaps
✧ so he’s rlly good at keeping streaks, probs has the longest ones (one of them being y’alls streak)
✧ posts tidbits of volleyball practice on his story every once in a while
✧ snaps you pics of his sleeping teammates when they’re coming back to school after a long day of matches , adding a single ‘���️’ as a caption
✧ he will also create colorful masterpieces on all of them
✧ gives daichi a santa beard, tanaka a squiggly stache (i imagine it to look like spongebob n patrick’s seaweed ones now that were mEN), n kageyama sum angry brows,,, wait he already has them lolol u good der kags
✧ posts a picture of you when you’re hanging out, captioning it: “🥰“
✧ has conversations with you purely via snaps
✧ ranges from casual chats and checking up on u to crackwhoring ( ** indicates the photo, while the “” quotes indicate the caption, all snaps are italicized, otherwise its regular dialogue)
✧ suga: *peace sign* “hey sweetheart, how r u?”
✧ you: *pics of homework* “ahh, drowning in school ;-; i cant wait for this week to be over fghjkl”
✧ suga: *close up with :o on his face* “let’s study together tmrw!”
✧ or
✧ suga: *complete darkness* “its 3 am n i cant sleep”
✧ you: *the top half of your head, laying on a pillow* “ ;( aw babe. do u want me to send something to help u sleep?”
✧ suga: *still in darkness* “y u still up?? go sleep. n 🥺 yes pls”
✧ you: *snaps pics of feet* “that’ll be 50 bucks, pay up” 
✧ suga: *darkness remains* “can we make a trade instead? i promise to make it worth ;)”
✧ ok now u BOTH cant sleep (im sry my crackheading be acting up around 2am eeryday, i stan a mischievous suga--)
✧ video chats (in the darkness lol) instead until you both pass out (im not in luv u r 😭)
✧ super down to take filtered selfies w you
✧ does all the silly ones with you (things like ’angry face’ or the frog one)
✧ but also rlly digs lookin cute with you using some heart crowns, y’all an aesthetic (n crakhead) duo fosho
✧ def subscribes to life hacks and tries them out himself, has a 50% success rate
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✧ doesn’t rlly use snapchat too much
✧ but when he does
✧ will either send you a picture to indicate he’s at volleyball practice (wow wat a sexi lookin gym floor)
✧ or some random picture of whatever he’s doing at the moment (*drinking milk*)
✧ this is mostly in order to save streaks
✧ he’s so bad at streaks
✧ “why does it matter?? what’s the point of sending just black screens or whatever’s in front of you at the moment??”
✧ can’t keep a consistent streak for more than 3 days and also doesn’t care (until hinata challenges him to see who can have the longer one)
✧ when you send him videos of him playing, he really focuses on them to try to improve his technique. asks you to send those vids to him (assuming u saved them, which u did)
✧ but when you look over his shoulder when he’s watching a video and give him some compliment (“i recorded at the perfect moment! that was a really good set, kageyama!”), he gets a bit flustered
✧ gets even more flustered but pretty happy whenever you post videos on your story showing karasuno winning some points with captions like:
✧ “footage of the legendary quick >.>” or “karasuno crows flyin high!” or “these bois make my heart 😭 im so proud”
✧ you WILL catch him off guard in photos, using filters that surrounds his head w/ emojis like 🥺💖🥰💘
✧ you also put these on your story (to his dismay)
✧ ppl comment on these mor than anything else (n for those who dont rlly kno kageyama, theyre kinda surprised to him like this)
✧ hinata snickers “hey kageyama you look pretty good here--”
✧ takes some selfies with you, mostly cuz you want them
✧ saves them after u send them over (n secretly cherishes them)
✧ occasionally watches his subscriptions, they’ll usually involve sports, mostly volleyball (who woulda guessed)
✧ you use his bitmoji to test out random facial expressions you would never see him wear
✧ you: “can you smile and wink like this? act like you’re the obnoxious charming guy in a shojo.”
✧ will actually attempt, but it looks so bad that you die inside and he never wants to try again cuz of ur laughing outburst (you: “😭😭 bb im sorry i couldnt help it”)
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✧ literally sends you anything and everything
✧ morning bathroom selfie to show off how good his hair came out that day, saying:
✧ “he has risen”
✧ or “i woke up like this”
✧ and my favorite, “you’re lucky you get this content for frEE”
✧ selfies with iwa, who just looks annoyed and exasperated at the camera
✧ sends you pics of his lunch and snacks (“bet u wish u had milk bread too”)
✧ always packs extra milk bread so he could convince you to stay at his practice after school--
✧ will either use the filters that make him kayooottt (cute)
✧ loves the ones named ‘hearts,’ ‘soft,’ ‘peach,’ ‘butterfly cheeks,’ vsco filters LOL, etc
✧ uses ‘big mouth’ when he feelin a bit sASSY; also loves to use this one when he rants, it channels his inner valley girl
✧ sometimes he’ll be snacking or drinking something while he does so (“hey guys today im gonna eat these milk buns from my favorite bakery and this bomb orange juice and complain about this little kid who talked smack to me earlier and almost made me cry--”)
✧ takes cute selfies with you, is an aesthetic selfie king, puts them on his story to show off he’s hangin with you
✧ but on your story you only post the ones he looks bad in LOL
✧ has separate stories for his every need, some r private (and lucky you, ur included in all of them)
✧ titles them ‘mean things iwa said to me today,’ ‘ranting hotbox + mukbangs,’ ‘a day in the life of oikawa,’ ‘volleyball 🏐,’ ‘unpopular opinions,’ etc. 
✧ fitting room photoshoots lol
✧ “y/n, what do you think of this??” “and this?” “oOH WHAT ABOUT THIS??”
✧ ends up calling you through video chat so you can live critique his choices
✧ “oikawa, please no, i can’t be seen with you in public if you wear those--”
✧ also changes his bitmoji’s outfits from time to time, hopes you’ll notice, but you don’t LOL (oikawa: ;((((((( )
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✧ uses sc usually just to reply to messages ppl send him
✧ indifferent about streaks, but keeps a few with ppl he’s closer to
✧ mindlessly plays the snapchat games with you, finds some of them kinda cute
✧ you both made his bitmoji for him, dressing his up in the orange cat suit
✧ you also helped make kuroo’s and put his in the black cat suit to match--
✧ snaps you every time he gets a new game, starts playing it, and once he finishes
✧ started to post some gameplays and reviews on his sc story (might as well add them to sc since he was already on other social platforms), and ended up amassing a large following
✧ follows the tech and gaming stories on sc
✧ as well as the ones with cute animals--
✧ open to selfies with you, usually wears a calm expression and holds up a peace sign
✧ even occasionally sticks his tongue out
✧ his story is occasionally heavily bombarded with candids of him w/ pretty sc filters, all taken by you
✧ but of all the filters, you love using the clout glasses on him
✧ especially when he’s just minding his own business
✧ “kenma, in his tru habitat” when hes cocooned in a blanket
✧ “kenma, on his way to steal yo manz” while on his way to the bathroom
✧ “kenma, next iron chef. watch out gordon” as he’s cooking instant ramen
✧ “kenma” n das it
✧ but he thinks it meme-y so he lets you do whatever you want, kinda digs it
✧ you end up dedicating your snap story to memes of kenma and the nekoma volleyball team. ppl are in it for the shits n giggles n hot bois
✧ you later discover someone else did the same thing with their volleyball team filled with hot bois from shiratorizawa, and you befriend tendou and share funni internet tings
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✧ 99% of his photos include either you or bokuto or both
✧ bokuto spams akaashi’s story and contact list with selfies and videos of himself using weird filters, often gets you to join him
✧ has several streaks, but will send something with more substance than a black screen or his bedroom window
✧ will usually involve smthng that just happened to him or smthing he saw, like:
✧ “a kind older lady offered me some apples in return for helping her”
✧ “how do i break the news to bokuto that the yaikniku place he’s been wanting to go to for the past week ,,, is closed today”
✧ o n let’s not leave out:
✧ “is it possible to conjure a ghost using a wooden spatula, ketchup, and a chalk drawn hexagram? bokuto’s been paranoid ever since he tried last night and i dont know what to tell him. seriously, help”
✧ looks through stories occasionally, comments whenever bokuto makes questionable decisions
✧ also comments on whatever you’ve posted. his words range from “you’re cute” to “why,” depending on the content
✧ ppl know when y’all are hanging out cuz he’ll post smthing to indicate he’s with you, usually it’s some candid and you’re not paying attention
✧ appreciation posts for you as well! esp if you got him something, like onigiri or his fav, Nanohana no Karashiae , for lunch! (akaashi: *snaps a pic of his food* “thank you y/n for feeding me”)
✧ prefers video calling over texting/snapping whenever possible tho
✧ occasionally reminisces thru his sc memories
✧ enjoys the flashback feature and will send them to you and bokuto (cuz they’re about y’all anyway lolol)
✧ also has secretly saved a bunch of selfies of himself, consists of him trying out a lot of the filters (he feelin himself)
✧ you, one day, looking thru his phone and discovering them: “akaashi, you’re so pretty wtf”
✧ akaashi: “...”
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✧ sends you selfies of him before practice
✧ during breaks
✧ and after practice, usually makes a comment about how it went for him that day like:
✧  “i hit a decent toss today and futakuchi actually complimented me!”
✧ that, or:
✧ “i got yelled at 17 times today 😢😩”
✧ has quite a few streaks, his longest ones being with you and hinata
✧ def uses filters
✧ tries out every funny one he finds and sends you videos
✧ “look y/n im an aaaaAALlliiEEENnnNNN oo oo hoo hhhooOOh”
✧ “now im a chicky nuggy!!” (chicken nugget)
✧ also enjoys the doodle feature
✧ but he uses the filter with the clout glasses unironically--
✧ usually when smth good happens to him and he feels happy and/or cool about it
✧ “just beat the boss in this game on my 69th try B)”
✧ “kogane, that’s--”
✧ plays sc games with you and thinks bitmojis r cool
✧ kinda sad he cant find a hair option that matches him tho lolol rip
✧ you: “you hair’s just,,, unique,,,”
✧ subscribed to anything sports and fitness, as well as pop culture so he can stay in the loop
✧ also watches everyone else’s stories, pointing out whenever he sees smthing cool and/or interesting
✧ “woahh, karasuno’s at nationals right now! i wish we could’ve won, but next year for sure!!”
✧ you encourage him at all his games, hyping him up irl and online
✧ “koganegawa: best setter 😍!!”
✧ luckily you didnt record the parts he completely messed up LOL
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✧ before going out with you, snaps you a pic of his casual outfit like:
✧ semi: “does this look ok”
✧ you: “babe you look great, tendou was just messing with you”
✧ will make unwanted appearances on tendou’s snap and complains to you about them
✧ “i didnt consent to being part of his meme page” and
✧ “okay, but he didn’t only have to share all the moments i messed up--”
✧ also indifferent about streaks but will do them
✧ sometimes sends snaps/streaks indicating he’s practicing his music
✧ when you see these you usually ask him to send you vids or if you can come over n watch
✧ initially is a bit shy about it but he loves what he does and you and knows you’re genuinely interested and supportive so he agrees
✧ secretly rlly enjoys having you as his personal audience
✧ lowkey into asmr, like the soap cutting shit as well as chewing crunchy things
✧ also watches food porn and clips of mukbangs, then can’t resist going on youtube and watching the whole thing
✧  “y/n, can we try this, it looks so good--”
✧ will also often watch oikawa’s stories, especially his ‘ranting hotbox + mukbangs,’ and makes comments about him being an idiot
✧  “this kid he’s talking about is a savage”
✧ but admits they’re quite entertaining
✧ just looks serious in all the selfies you take with him
✧ you: “can you look like you’re enjoying yourself?”
✧ semi: “i look cooler like this tho”
✧ sc memories filled with shenanigans from you and the volleyball team, doodles, and mirror selfies with him experimenting diff looks (you: “tendou, you got him way too concerned about this”)
✧ also enjoys showing off he’s with you, taking a short video of you when you hang out
✧ you: “semi, i look bad right now”
✧ semi: “but you can never look bad”
✧ you: “🥺 bb”
✧ viewers: “aw”
✧ shiratorizawa: “can he be this nice with us LOL”
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✧ his main mode of communication with you is mostly through the regular messaging app, so he doesn’t use sc too much
✧ also doesn’t care for streaks and is bad at keeping them
✧ will answer to you or his senpais rather soon tho
✧ but lets all his other notifications pile up a bit before finally going thru them
✧ goes through the snaps he receives really fast, spending like 2 seconds each to look at them cuz aint nobody got time for dat
✧ doesn’t even rlly open goshiki’s LOL
✧ you have fun using filters on him and taking videos while he’s just doing his own thing peacefully like studying
✧ it takes him a second to notice and when he finally looks up, he just gives you an exasperated look
✧ cue you cracking up with laughter bc the filter finally shows up on his face
✧ his eyes and mouth are now on mike wazowski
✧ that, or his face becomes so disturbingly moRPhed like an alien
✧ caption: “ken-chan, my future medical man 😍”
✧ “y/n, please, this is like the 7th time in the last 20 minutes--”
✧ finally convinced him to take a study break and hang out with you
✧ which usually consists of snacking and light banter while you lay your head on his lap
✧ and scrolling through snapchat stories and showing him what everyone else is up to and cool things you’re subscribed to
✧ “loooook, dr. miami’s doing another butt job! is this the line of work you’re studying so hard for?”
✧ “no, it’s really not”
✧ is actually very soft with you and likes having the photos and vids for memories
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✧ sends you snaps where his brother looks bad, captioning it:
✧ “this is evidence that im the hotter twin”
✧ likewise, osamu sends you snaps where atsumu looks even worse
✧ like, the mans passed out, looking rekt and open mouthed, drool seeping into his pillow
✧ osamu: “u still have time to break up with him”
✧ also lucky for you, atsumu also loves to take unflattering photos of you and send them to you randomly at like 2 am
✧ you: “nani tf when did you even take this??”
✧ usually posts a snap while he’s out somewhere like at a match, the gym, outside on a run, a party, or just hanging out with you or his frens
✧ however, makes sure you look good if you show up on his story cuz he wants to show you off
✧ doesn’t really care for streaks, but has a lott
✧ but also has a tON of unopened snaps
✧ is the type to send just a black screen n call it a day, or maybe spice it up by sending a pic of the sexi gym floor (a comeback) w his shoe in the corner
✧ will, however, consistently respond to you and kinda looks forward to ur snaps (secretly hopes you show ur face)
✧ but when you dont:
*in class*
✧ atsumu: *a smirk on his face* “your content’s kinda dry today” 
✧ you: *your sexi desk* “my nudez ain’t free, i demand compensation”
✧ atsumu: *grasped his chin in thought, but angled the cam up bc he needa hide his phone in class lolol* “what if i... take you out on a romantic excursion”
✧ you: * your face but with ‘sausage’ filter* “🥵🥵🥵🥵 yessir, what u want”
✧ rlly only wants to have pics of your face wat a closeted sOFTIE
✧ likes to have content on his flashbacks
✧ usually has other social media sources to keep up to date with things
✧ actually rlly digs using sc filters, mostly ones that’ll make him look like a queen
✧ captions a selfie of you two like: “me >>>>>>> y/n”
✧ but nearly everyone who comments on it is like: “i think you flipped the sign, bro 🤥”
✧ judges ppl who are into soap cutting asmr (you will never hear the end of it if you also like it)
a/n: sc kinda dying for me, my use went from suga to an atsumu to like nearly nonexistent LOL
also o gawd i already have ideas here n there for a pt 2 so stay tuned fjxnwfesd hope it takes me less long cuz this one took me fkin foreva LOL
idk y i made semi like mukbangs but i feel like he’d be rlly into them--
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poetrusicperry · 3 years
Hey!! Ok so about me ummm i have curly/wavy brown hair, a bit longer than my shoulders, and hazel eyes. My personality, im very talkative but still introverted and i get awkward at events where i dont know a lot of ppl (i still love partying and dancing w friends tho) so i am a fan of my down time that involves either reading, writing, or watching tv. i love talking to people and friends, I’ll always listen if someone needs to vent to me and I love hearing ppl talk about their nerdy sides lol. i also tend to ramble a bit in conversations and im open to sharing a lot of things about myself. I’m also a very honest person who keeps it real with people and is straightforward about how i’m feeling and i like honesty from other ppl as well. I sing in choir and love music, I’m also sort of into theater, I’ve watched a good amount of musicals and LOVE Funny Girl. I read a lot, mostly cheesy romance books like red white and royal blue or to all the boys i loved before. I also love Harry Potter and can talk about that for ages. Feel free to ship me w who you think is best I’ll love anything but if it helps, part of me kins todd bc of his anxiety, i really feel like charlie is my spirit animal at times, i just resonate with his vibe, and i love neil. Thanks!! :)
beth !!!<3 i hope i did justice with this and you like it just as much as the anderperry piece from the other night (; thank you for all you do. here it is:
going to ship you with the cutest little baby himself, todd anderson. even though you’re very similar in terms of personality, you were juuuust a tad more outgoing than him, which allowed him to open up really well because you showed him how (:
neil would love talking theater with you. he’d try to convince you to come tryout for the upcoming play, but when you refused nicely, he took it in stride, just grateful that he was able to geek out with someone about something that meant a lot to him
he’d be so, so supportive of you singing in choir and would always take initiative in planning how he and all the other poets would get to and from your recitals
you and todd would grow together so much in your relationship, moving forward with your social anxieties, and making your bond that much stronger (see: “grow as we go” by ben platt)
you and cameron got on fairly well, mostly he just helped you with any school work you would get confused on (and he always found you cute, but never ever said anything in respect for both you and todd)
consider you and meeks the hugest harry potter geeks in the friend group, charlie giving you guys a hard time about it. but once you lent him your books, he would join the discourse between you and meeks, wanting to know what house he’d be in and talking about hp nonstop
having to encourage todd to trust himself as a person and open up a bit more was a hard task at times, but he’d just watch your example of how honest and comfortable you seemed with yourself, and it got easier as the months went on
sitting in a room with knox, charlie, and neil listening to them rant about how much they didn’t want to follow in their dads’ footsteps, and only giving advice if they asked (they were just thankful that you listened to them)
todd would fully understand and respect your down time/alone time, asking if there was anything you’d need to have a nice afternoon to yourself
even if you didn’t say you needed anything, a new book and a couple of hand-written original poems would find their way onto your desk while you were out (:
charlie always giving you a “hard time” for how you were so quiet in class, but would talk nonstop when it was just you and the poets (“do you want me to not be comfortable around you guys ? because i can make that happen,” you’d say. to which his response [slightly panicked] would be, “no ! of course not, i’m merely making an observation and  commenting”
you and todd finding a nook somewhere on campus where you could just sit and read together, enjoying the silence and each other’s company
you and pitts would most certainly have a show that you would binge together; hours at a time. i mean seriously, to the point where meeks would have to check if you guys were still alive after he’d been in a study group all afternoon on the weekends
todd would also love to play with your hair because it was so pretty (i’m sure a description of your looks was utilized in countless poems of his)
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on the night of one of your choir performances, you had left the poets in the midst of an argument about how todd didn’t want pitts to wear his plaid blazer because todd wanted to wear his, claiming it was “his girlfriend’s performance and wanted to look good,” (which he always did in his plaid blazer and black slacks). neil was worried they’d be late, constantly checking his watch, and charlie was running around messing up cameron’s and pitts’ hair for fun.
by the time they had gotten to the performance hall and seated, the lights were dimming. neil was just glad that they got there on time, and todd was so excited to see you doing something you loved. needless to say, you were the star of the show, and todd’s eyes were gleaming as he watched you (later on he’d tell you that he’d never heard something so pretty come out of someone’s mouth ever). when the performance was over, they would cheer so loud, earning dirty looks from all the preppy parents in attendance. you’d be so excited to see the boys, but todd in particular. after you came out of the stage door, they’d all be waiting, todd holding a bouquet of flowers, and the other boys giving you a humongous round of applause (complete with “whoops”/shouts) and congratulating you on doing such a good job.
“you are amazing, beth,” charlie and neil would say, giving you big hugs. the other boys would agree, and you’d turn to todd who held the bouquet out to you, clearly speechless. he kept starting to say something, but could just give you the most humongous hug ever,
“you are everything,” he’d say quietly just so you could hear. he truly didn’t know how to convey just how much you left him in awe, but when you woke up to a poem about it on your desk the next morning, it meant that much more to have him in your life.
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halfhappyhooligan · 4 years
a voltron au? in 2020? it’s more likely than you think
look. LOOK. i know that voltron is stupid and we hate it but lets be honest: everything up until season 3 was pretty good and had lots of potential !!
today i was rewatching voltron and a thought struck me: what if, instead of shiro being cloned, he was chipped and turned to the side of the galra?
so here it is, i did not blink since i thought of this
(warning, i have not seen voltron in a while and this is just knowledge i have stored in my moss brain and stuff i know from rewatching the first season)
au where shiro goes evil bc of what happens @ end of season one instead of the clone thing bc 1) haggar rly could not have made thousands of shiros after bumping into team voltron like what twice? its hella improbable and 2) just… weird
so instead they insert a chip in him that helps them spy and control him just like kuron (the clone) did minus the unlikely storytelling
eventually after the convo with sendak when he was in the pod trying to temp shirp, he does have thoughts about helping zarkon
(“im already infiltrated with the arm, i could just speed up the process by leaving now. save the team the trouble of investing in a leader that’s doomed to fail from the strart.”)
shiro ends up leaving team voltron in season 2 after zarkon goes crazy w the black lion n stuff
^^ this adds to Keith’s reasoning of joining the Blade of Marmora (shiro is his main stability and one of the main reasons he even stuck around with team voltron, so with shiro gone and keith questioning his place as the leader and paladin of the black lion, he decides the BoM is just.. what’s best for him) 
obviously lance isn’t happy with this (“you just told me that i’m a valuable member, now you don’t think YOU are? what logic is that?”)
ofc keith goes anyways
lance becomes paladin of the black lion
allura takes on the red lion
who has blue lion? ...idk this isn’t that thought out (maybe matt after pidge finds her family) (which will happen earlier in the plot since we can forget about the miniplot of black no longer responding to shiro)
enter lotor only this time he has a sidekick and what omg its shiro wow
shiro has that bigger version of his arm that was once offered to him
he’s stronger and scary, but his eyes aren’t the same, he has the strength of a galra but lacks the passion 
in the fight between lotor and zarkon, (and after, of course lots of self doubt and questioning) shiro comes between them and convinces lotor NOT to kill zarkon
then zarkon kills lotor
everyones like oh shit bc surely someone who’s life was just spared wouldn’t kill the person who seems to have the most power
but he did. bc he’s zarkon. and he’s fckn crazy.
shiro doesn’t go back to team voltron bc its too much too easily
instead he takes the place of lotor in the group of gals 
he convinces them all to rebel against the galra
eventually they teach him all about quintessence and all the shit lotor had planned that they can’t do anymore
(lotor wasn’t harvesting alteans in this universe bc what the heck even was that subplot that had little to no relevance to the main storyline?
instead he was trying to find a way to technologically bring back alteans (kinda like how allure’s dad was originally preserved in s1)
i know nothing about How Stuff Works and i dont remember much about quintessence n shit but the basic idea is that when tying in some of a persons artifacts with technology stuff and some quintessence then boom. a weird route from astral projection land to the team is created and ppl can come back or smth idfk
but lotor was never able to get the comet so shiro decides he and the gals will get that comet and try to bring back as many alteans as they can
^ all this while infiltrating as many galra fleets as possible + saving planets under galra empire
they personally visit every planet that lotor was in charge of and release them from galra control
they are able to bring back an altean (its romelle) and she talks abt her friend who lives on the balmera and they go to the balmera and its revealed that it was shay’s great grandmother so romelle asks where shay is and shay’s family is like with team voltron of course
they take her
obviously team voltron, the BoM and the Rebels r very hesitant to make contact but they decide to try it out
keith refuses to meet, instead he’s on the team that stands guard
reunions !! 
romelle and shay hit it off and hunk makes a dinner much like roselle’s past (allura and coran also hang out and they all vibe)
lance talks to shiro abt everything to do with keith and shiro is like dude do u??? like him?
and lance is like what? no ofc not—oh shit.
and keith ✨overhears ✨
pidge matt and shiro catch up n shit
meanwhile keith is like Hey Lance Uhhhhhh What The Fuck
they end up being like hey since we’re all here and we hate zarkon what if we make a plan to end the galra’s reign Right Now
so they do
and y’all.. it’s hella baller plan
except something is going wrong and in the middle of an attack zarkon is able to get the upper hand 
due to haggar’s magic and lance’s mental and emotional instability, zarkon is able to get in his head
everyone is trying to talk him down but they’re all under a lot of pressure
allura is also conflicted bc she wanted to be black lion bc she wanted to rub it in to zarkon’s face that she was stronger than he and that she could beat him at his own game
but the negativity and instability feeds into zarkon’s power and makes him and haggar stronger as they pull in voltron to finally take over the team and regain their status as the most powerful alien race
hunk realizes this and is like okay can y’all stop being negative? its clearly affecting them in a good way and it makes us an easier target
and pidge is like im literally a child pls i don’t wanna die i just got my family back it can’t end like this
shiro realizes what’s going on and he goes to save them
he uses all his energy, pulling in the positive memories (everything: first learning about space, becoming a teacher, meeting adam, meeting keith, first making team voltron, his friends and family--all of it) to push back zarkon and haggar’s powers and battle once more in the astral realm 
in defeating zarkon, shiro loses his life
afterwards keith enters the ship in a hurry and is like where the fuck is shiro where’s my brother what did you do what happened
and team voltron is like hey man.. we are so so sorry
and keith cries because the last thing he ever said to shiro was mean
lance feels like its all his fault since he was supposed to be a good leader
they talk about separately while hunk pidge and allura discuss
krolia is like keith we, ur family, are here for u
and axca is there and shes like um?? hey?? sry for trying to kill u bro
and he’s like i absolutely do not wanna talk i just lost my closest friend
they talk about it later
axca tells keith abt shiro finishing lotor’s work and abt bringing people back and well.. 
they use the methods to help keith visit shiro in the astral realm
shiro is like oh uh hey i was just having a drink w adam we r happy
and keith is like shiro u fuckhead why would u sacrifice urself
shiro sighs bc cmon keith you KNOW why “remember what i always said? we can’t focus on what went wrong..”
“we’ve got to figure out how to make it right” keith finishes
keith breaks tf down crying and screams apologizing
“i love u shiro. ur a like a big brother to me.”
and shiro is like yeah i know and ilyt but hey. everyone’s safe and happy. im safe and happy. & you deserve to be too. you don’t need me anymore.
so the galra rule is over and everyone goes to their respected planets
romelle and the other alteans as well as some galra babes hang in earth
romelle and shay r in an apartment together and have a garden
allura realizes she may not have been the strongest leader for voltron, and  couldn’t stop zarkon on her own but that physical strength doesn’t define her as a whole
her heart is strong enough to care for everyone, so thats what she does
allura starts running an inn for alteans filled with painted sceneries like altea in case anyone ever needs a reminder of home
when lance reunites with his family its a real tearjerker
rachel finally gets her jacket back and veronica is like So.. Axca 👀
the McClain’s host a huge party for everyone and it’s filled with lots of hugs and loud music and even tho lance was way too tired, he danced all night
he wouldn’t trade his family for the world—genetic and chosen
when hunk reunites with his parents they don’t let him out the house for hours, he tells them all about his new best friend shay as well as hundreds of his favorites stories from space
they are so, so proud of him
hunk spends the next days playing minecraft and animal crossing with pidge, giving their brains a rest from being on hyperdrive for 3 yrs straight
when pidge gets home she finally gets grounded by her mom, only being allowed to leave the house to see her old teammates
(same for matt and her dad)
(her mother cries so hard when they opened the door to the home)
the holt family holds movie nights filled with popcorn, cuddles, and tears
keith moves in with the holt family, and finally accepts that he has a home as well as a family
he often goes on trips with the BoM but mostly just stays on earth
after a Team Voltron sleepover in the altea inn keith and lance decide to get an apartment together and live their lives in love and in peace
everyone gets together once a year in celebration of shiro and the sacrifice he made for them
they use the ship to visit Astral Shiro and once they even met adam
everyone laughs and catches up and just... live their lives
everyone is happy
pls ignore any and all errors lmao
again, just a thought !! maybe i’ll write a fic abt it idk for sure but yeah
feel free to add anything <3
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ratplagues · 3 years
🔥 any dishonored thing of ur choosing -deathoftheoutsider
wah okay!! i will talk a bit about the outsider and void then..i dont really wanna frame it as a Hot Take bc i have no interest in starting shit or whatever like ill interact with whatever i want to in this fandom and ignore the rest and everyone else is free to do the same but.
I do not think The Outsider is a “character” in the conventional sense, much less that it does his character or the allegory he wields any justice to be shipped with anyone in the series (at least without seriously considering the implications and framing it in a way that completes the allegory. more on this later)
the outsider and his void are an allegory for Otherness; i’m namely gonna frame it as queerness and neurodiversity, but really anything could fit as long as it’s about you feeling seen as a marginalized and othered person. he is written to represent this allegory, not to be a person with a satisfying narrative arc or dimensions. this is why some people feel that he lacks depth-- he’s not supposed to have depth compared to others in the series, he’s mostly a vehicle for what he represents, and is supposed to be easy to identify with or recognize.
he was born to a life of hardship, suffered at the hands of the rich and powerful, was ignored, cast out, etc. etc. a familiar story. poor, queer, nd, really whatever you wanna frame it as. he was a nobody outcast. in comes the envisioned, they pick him to serve as their martyr and idol without his permission. he then had his name cut away and forgotten, and was thrust onto a pedestal to spend the rest of eternity being worshipped by other outcasts who had suffered at the same hands he had. he has something greatly in common with those who worship him, including the very people who stripped his mortality from him in the first place, but because of this shared hardship (and nothing else), his own autonomous personhood was disregarded completely in favor of The Community needing someone Just Like Them to idolize. if this sounds familiar, that’s because it should!!
his humanity was taken from him, and in his place, an idol was created. his human body is frozen in stone in the center of the void-- retired. out of commission. no longer needed. he was immortalized, transcended. this is traditionally desired, although dishonored is trying to convince you that it is not actually desirable. in the age of internet content creation, you can be immortalized without even being present, without knowing about it. you become what you can do for other people, and what you cannot. people fall in love with an idea of you, the idea of you being like them, and other people come to hate you deeply without even knowing you. people came to hate the outsider more deeply than he ever had been when he was human-- he wasn’t seen when he was human. a pedestal only helps you to be seen. the outsider had the choice made for him to achieve immortality in exchange for the simple joys of being un-known.
he spends all of doto trying to convey this idea to billie through the hollows:
"There is freedom in being hated. There is license in being cast out. Some learn this lesson a little too well."  "These people lay their thoughts, their petty wants, their murderous desires in front of me to witness. I cannot turn away." "We carry what was done to us through the rest of our endless days. No one asked if we wanted it." (i like this one. he speaks for the community-- this is a shared experience, one everyone can recognize. however, as a Queer Figure, he never asked for this. he never asked to be immortalized. i like the double meaning here)
not to mention, the entire extent of the outsider’s Sole ability and influence on the real world is to “choose” people and give them untold power over others. this is a fun ironic twist on what marginalized groups endure from powerful people, (dishonored is largely about power imbalances and socioeconomic hierarchies) but it’s also fun to think about in the context of the role model/fan framing-- so many worshippers give their lives to be “chosen” by him. it’s easily framed as an exaggeration of otherwise very real power imbalances and often the flagrant breaching of boundaries existing between creators and fans.
and on the subject of the VOID...ohht he void.....
the void should be a haven for queer folks. for nd folks. it’s wanted by so many to be a safe space, it should be, it’s the Other World! it’s renounced by the abbey, crusaded against, even. but it isn’t. it’s just this limitless, eons-old horizon that hungers and starves for something to fill it. if the outsider is the lament of queer idolatry, the void is the lament of queer Hunger. it is roaming, and restless. it does not belong to the outsider; the outsider cannot survive without it. it’s the desire to belong, not a place of belonging.
the void craves this idol, this outsider-- i, for one, have often experienced hunger for a truly moral and just role model, someone to make the world Right, and i know this is another shared feeling. those who worship the outsider, who drive themselves mad trying to see him or be chosen by him, are suffering from this idol hunger. you see this in a lot of queer and nd kids and young adults. i grew up just having my life and interests like, punctuated by different fixations on different people that i didn’t know at all, only fell in love with the idea of. it happens a lot.
there’s a couple more doto quotes that really highlight this for me:
"They carve my mark into the old bones bleached by the sun. They carve my mark into their skin. They learn true hunger in the Void." "All these charms, these runes and fetid offerings on shrines made for me, will be nothing more than objects worn of meaning. Bones and dead things, thrown into the dirt."
“They learn true hunger in the Void.” is something that i wanna touch on real quick. people can spend their lives obsessing over the idea of what they think the void will cure for them, will fix in their lives, only to find out that it’s just a hollow manifestation of the emptiness they’ve felt all their lives. it’s not the needs met, but the need itself. you have to make the home, it doesn’t already exist and you can’t fucking run to it. it is heartbreaking, frustrating, one of the bleakest messages i’ve ever encountered in a game, but i’ve never felt more seen. by submitting to these ideas, the idea of a perfect unhuman human and the idea of a perfect otherworldly home, you are surrendering your humanity. you’re not only being transformed by the powers gained (if they are gained), you’re essentially dissolving with hunger after never having these needs met. you see so many people in these games whittling themselves down to nothing but base need. empty apartments occupied only by shrines, sometimes containing their corpses. journals of people dedicating their lives to the worship of the outsider, always ending darkly.  "I will find this empty place. Somehow the key to open the Void will fall into my hands. In time, I will learn the secret and he will call to me as he called to her."
not to mention The New Envisioned-- prolonged exposure to the void will always, without fail, turn a human into silver void stone. these creatures can no longer interact with or acknowledge the mortal world. they have surrendered themselves to hunger, and cannot be saved. this is celebrated by the cult, honored by them, even. i honestly like....i pity them, and i hate them, and i recognize that i’ve been those people, lmao. when i was at my worst as a teenager, i wasnt so much a person as i was just a shell full of hunger and heartbreak. my personality was defined by who i was a fan of. i think i definitely was Less Human then. the cult of the outsider is a universal experience!!
dishonored, at its core, is a celebration of humanity. it asks you to celebrate human emotion and weakness despite greed and bigotry. the powers are not to be wanted, they are to be ignored, refused. it is human to hunger, but it is Queer and Divergent to make hunger your life’s meaning, to need to learn the secret, find the key, be chosen and loved and cherished, to be made whole by some perfect thing. to find your humanity in something un-human. dishonored sees all that, mourns it with you, and then asks you to find humanity in each other !! love the spine of your lover, the blood draining down the docks, the pause to stretch languidly in the sun of a work day.
and finally...on the topic of outsider shipping....i dont think that, in his god form, it does him much justice to be shipped with anyone. he’s not much of a person, just a projection of his former self and a vehicle for his allegory as discussed-- im sure he could be shipped like this, but it just isn’t satisfying to me in any way. however, let’s talk a bit about his lethal and nonlethal ending. DOTO asks you to make a choice. is it better to give him an abrupt and merciful ending, after deciding that the fury he’s endured at the hands of others’ famine is too much trauma for any mortal to live with? or will you decide that it’s only fair to give him a chance to live the life he never got to, to return his humanity that was taken without his consent? if you choose to free him from the void, i think you can very very easily make the argument that he can be shipped with corvo, or anyone else that can easily be shipped w/ ppl. he’s finally free to live his life as a queer man, can explore the simple and complex joys of being human with other people, navigate the hills and valleys he never got to before. corvo’s just a nice pick bc 1) experienced human/inexperienced human is good, 2) they know each other, but they don’t. this is a good setup. 3) corvo is an older queer man and uhh you cant convince me otherwise lol! and older queer/younger queer is a self indulgence for me. also corvo is just nice. i think he would enjoy helping the outsider navigate his new humanity.
just some thoughts i have running through my head all hours of the day :) this is really long cuz its a combination of a lot of infodumps from discord lmfao
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0tomeroid022 · 3 years
Too all ppl who follow me.
If you are following me for art not for danganronpa fandom content, here is something you should know.
I am a fan artist who will only draw a characters i want and interested in, from the fandom i'm in. I'm sorry but please find someone else who open their request. My request is currently closed. And here are some show/game or characters that i will not draw due to discomfort.
Naruto series including Boruto
Dragonball (No. Just no.)
Hisoka from hxh.
Kaito momota from drv3.
Any youtubers (someone from yall gacha kids asked me to draw Itsfunneh who tf is that i dont watch their channel also if you use uwu language with me i wont draw anything you ask even it is from danganronpa 😐 "can you pwease" istg 😐)
I did watched anime. I did. In the past. Mind that even if i have anime-ish art style i dont really draw characters from anime i mostly draw games characters.
Also for ppl who follow me for art not fandom, if you have problem with lgbtq media, leave. Most of my posts are post of lgbtq couple. (some of yall assume kokichi as female cuz of his longer hair, here i am gladly telling you he is not he is male as well as the blue haired guy you saw he kissed on the cheek. I barely draw straight ships btw)
Funfact that's not really fun: someone threaten to report me lmaooo just for posting lgbtq ships. If you don't like it block me wtf. Dramatic homophobe.
That's all ig, have a nice day
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elysicndrcvm · 3 years
━♡ guess the 23 YEAR OLD FEBRUARY baby just arrived to dallyeog! it makes sense, because CHU EUNHA is just as BEDAZZLING as the month of FEBRUARY. wait, why do they remind me of JACOB BAE? beyond that, they seemed JOYOUS and SAVVY upon first glance. i heard someone say they’re sort of DELICATE and QUIXOTIC though. i hope they get acquainted here in COMPLEX 1 / APARTMENT 0215 / FLOOR 3 ; HE seem(s) to have a lot going on with HIS job as a PATISSERIE OWNER/NUTRITIONAL SCIENCE STUDENT. ( ez, 21, she/they, gmt. )
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     well hey there !! im ez but you fellow dallyeogers can call me ezzy, i have been in dallyeog before so some may remember me as having someone v different to my new bb i bring u now, i joined before with miss tam carmen !! anygays i return with this lil angel who i am all ‘ i say that’s my baby and i’m proud ’ over already even tho i literally came up with him like two days ago. you can find his pinboard here ( which btw i fuckeN love like he’s so aesthetic to me u go king ) and i made him a lil playlist which u can vibe to here. you can learn more about him under the cut but he’s a super soft-hearted gentle dove of a muse and quite...simple for me ?? sdhdh that’s not the right wording but U GET IT djjflg he isn’t super full of angst or trauma he’s just kinda viBIN livin his best life so that’s fun !! but ye without further ado: 
so as u kno from his app he owns a patisserie, it’s his lil babey and he is very dedicated to his craft and makin sure all his ideas for the place and the baked goods he sells are like rlly quirky and avant-garde. like he is so passionate about it u dont even KNOW, he tries to make sure most of the stuff on his menu is something like fun and new u wouldn’t get at just any old patisserie or cafe and that it’s super varied and also kinda aesthetic af? the place is very like trendy. it’s called patisserie d’elysian cause ya know he’s an extra biTCHH and proud.
he has three pupperino’s. all as adorable as each other, snickerdoodle is his golden lab and often ppl shorten it down to snickers, butterscotch is his dapple daschund pup, shortens the name to scotchie often. toulouse is his fancy toy poodle boi, shortens the name down as toto. if u are on the shortened name basis with his pups then u can consider urself one of his close pals. 
he’s actually adopted by his aunt but she raised him like she was his mother so that is what he considers her, she’s on his mother’s side but they are half-siblings. in terms of first name reasoning as well she just liked eunha as a name and didn’t even think about how it is traditionally for a female, she liked that it meant gift from heaven so it stuck. his father is still around, he’s just quite elderly so it felt like a better living situation for him to be raised primarily by his auntie. unfortunately his mother has passed on but no tragic story, she just went peacefully in old age. 
he dyes his hair quite often, it’s currently like a really pastel blue with black streaks consistently throughout like lil ones so it looks super cool. but he’s also had it be a more electric blue, lilac, and a duck egg kinda faded silvery blue. it’s naturally dark brunette. has brown eyes kind of a hazel hue. 
his style is kinda androgynous ig?? he just lives for soft retro fashion, lots of color in his wardrobe but also lots of tapered short and t-shirt fits frequented, sweater vests, rolled up jeans, high skater boi socks, soft jumpers with shirts, shirts in bright colours or satiny texture worn over plain white t-shirts, cardigans, pastel denim jackets, jeans with printed patterns on like clouds, flowers etc, favors yellow and blues. sometimes does eye makeup, occasionally wears heels bc he’s a baddie or super heeled boots/chunky shoes. 
obsessed with music, can play violin and guitar. he’s a big mitski and rina sawayama fanatic, likes anything that sounds peaceful or calming or has like a good fun vibe to it. also likes the trademark gay icons like carly rae jepsen, lorde, etc. he’s not ashamed. obsessed with mamma mia movies. but also likes rap which is rlly funny cause its like the bad bitch female rappers only and like he’ll listen to it while arranging his sock drawer or making his bed or something ajdjdj it’s like hype anthems for being a baddie and a hoe and he’s just doing his night sleepy routine adkfkf. 
showers, blankets, music, baked goods especially bagels are his happy places. 
very much a sensitive lil romanticist, falls in ‘love’ like five times a day, he just likes to giggle and smile around pretty people and admire the artwork hnghdh, he’s like yeARNS though ya know?? like he’s all i will flirt by making prolonged eye contact, i made you a playlist, this song makes me think of you etc. it’s either memes as flirting with him or elaborate love letters u never know what ur gonna get akdkd. 
awful sense of humour, loves his friends more than anything on earth except his pups, would fully live in a huge house of just like his pups and all his closest buds for all eternity. likes fruits way too much, enjoys puns about fruits way too much. milkshakes, sushi, orange hues and bus rides are some of his absolute favorite simple pleasures of life. clouds, flowers, salt lamps, the sunrise over the sea, skateboarding, fresh soda, teddy bears, busy street markets, parasols, fish tanks with exotic fish, sorbet, bike riding, polaroids, record players, rain at night against floor to ceiling windows with a fresh steaming pot of tea on the desk beside it and warm fresh sheets from the laundry on his bed, ponds, skateboarding. all little joys in life that give him like the biggest pleasure dopamine hit in the world. 
his cousin actually owns a florists so he has flowers just littering his apartment like a lot and it just looks like he has ten million suitors from the late eighteenth century attempting to court him but no all these flowers are from him to him or worse from his aunt djfjg she sends him some for valentines every valentines, pls help him, pls send him flowers. 
studies nutritional science and he fucken hates it. do not ask him shit cause he doesn’t KNOW OKAY? he doesn’t understand it either. he took it because he needed something to go alongside the passion for baking that was a real ‘qualification’/job so that is the only reason he’s doing it. no point doing a baking degree after all when he’s already a baker with a business, he’s super young still he gotta keep his prospects open. so YAH. he’d rather be doing culinary arts but eh. nutritional science sounded better and more logic based. the real miracle is he still gets top grades all the time even tho he spends his life like wtf am i even doing is this even legit akdkdk. school is the worst thing in the world for him watch his mood instantly deflate the second its brought up. 
despite being a quixotic, he’s a lil afraid of intimacy. like oh god does he love it, those small touches and acts of affection u kno? the subtle things that normally go unnoticed, eye contact, brushing of hands, linking of little fingers, rubbing a thumb, kissing eyelids or foreheads or palms or shoulders in little gentle pecks, back massages and rubs or finger tracing patterns absent-minded, shoulder massages, laying your head on someone’s shoulder or on their lap, knocking knees together, exchanging a small glance only the two of you get before bursting into laughter, smiling into kisses, napping together, having blankets placed over you warm and fresh, or towels put ready like it, someone making you something they know you like a lot. that’s his sHIT. but like he’s terrified still, someone skimming their fingers on his skin makes his breath hitch like he’s a scandalized and alarmingly aroused victorian woman sjdjd. he’s literally still a virgin, he hasn’t even had his first kiss okay my baby is delicate be gentle with him akdkd but he still LIKES PASSION AIGHT kfkf. 
real soft spoken, honey tinted voice like i shit u not this boy talks like he’s an angel sent from heavens above to guide you to the paradisaical garden of eden or some shit akdkd. ur gonna fall in love with eunha’s voice before u even fall in love with any other part of him like his adorable beaming smile or stunning eyes akdkf. 
has dance parties around his room when getting ready in the morning, listens to bella’s lullaby unironically yes from twilight yes u heard right, bit of a himbo streak sometimes in his obliviousness djfjf. quite silently subtly funny actually much like jacob himself. 
he is gay, afraid of driving, cannot do math, blanks out often and he is valid for all of those things. has a collection of cartoon and disney animal movie dvds. has a dream notebook. always has blue painted nails in some kinda shade. 
does not enjoy turning in assignments bc he is scared he’ll fail, avoids looking at his grades for weeks after they’re released and hates knowing that they’re out. 
cannot dance, dances often. collects vintage stuff esp clothes and mostly sweaters. likes midnight trips to corner stores and fields where he can just lay and look at the stars. makes friends rlly easily but has super bad performance anxiety. cannot ever have a messy room like even the tiniest bit messy. even like clothes being stacked on a chair instead of away. 
bakes peanut butter, banana and choc chip muffins (they r called monkey bites normally) whenever he’s super stressed. if u want to cheer him up when he’s anxious or stressed then u should give him french lavender honey, chia seeds and caramelized pear on toast/bagel. it is his comfort food. he fancii when he needs a pick me up. treat urself and all that. 
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