#i think that covers the tags.... i always use too damn many
glimmeringtwilight · 1 month
Daffodils p2 | Yandere Diluc x Reader x Dottore
this might be incoherent. i still dislike the ending but atp if i keep chipping away i'm going to abandon it lol
CW: referenced reader death (from p1), angst, captivity, yandere themes, body horror (mild for. y'know. my usual), minor character death, NSFW (not super explicit, and no specific wordage for uuu parts), cuckholding, blood, non-consensual voyeurism (diluc), dubcon, unhealthy relationships, unhealthy coping mechanisms (do not imitate)
Word Count: 2.6k
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It’s a dreary autumn day when the master of the winery returns with you in tow.
The manor is quiet, still as the Snezhnayan winter that he trekked through for the past several sleepless days and nights to get you. More quiet, however, is you, who hasn’t spoken a word since Diluc dragged you out of that dimly lit, dilapidated lab stinking of chemicals that he found you in. 
He’s tried everything he knows on the journey back. You didn’t struggle once as he carried you back home– didn’t try to run when he’d rest with you in his arms– but you didn’t say a single thing to him no matter how hard he tried to get you to speak.
That’s fine. It’s shock, he supposes. He doesn’t know what that madman did to you, and if he didn’t have such precious cargo he would have gone back there and burned that place to the ground; charring the snowy, lifeless landscape surrounding it. 
But he has you. He has you now, and that’s all that matters. Even if your skin has lost some of its color now, dull and cold. Even if there’s a quiet ticking in your chest in place of a heartbeat. Even if you only ever look through him, now. It’s enough. 
This is what Diluc tells himself as he returns you to the room that had been your prison for months, as he dusts off the bars of your gilded cage before locking you back inside. 
You don’t say anything. But it’s enough, just having you. It’s enough, he thinks.
Adelinde keeps checking in on him now that he’s returned. Her face is always pinched with a quiet concern when she speaks to him, and the servants in the manor part like the sea against jagged stone when he walks past them in the halls. 
The estate seems to hold its breath around him; no longer a ghost, but perhaps something worse. As though the light he’d held against the darkness was snuffed out, and the shadow cast in its wake was long. But he’s fine. He swears it. He’s fine, now that you’re back. He’ll be perfect for you, the perfect gentleman; the man he swore he was but could never seem to be, before.
It’s enough to just have you. To hold you every night as he lays next to you, still in your bed like a corpse, listening to the ticking in your chest like a clock counting down to nowhere. Diluc finds himself dreading the ticking and seeking it out all the same.
Weeks pass like this, with Diluc unraveling slowly as he tries to cling to the crumbling memory of you, bastardized by his selfishness and immortalized in the husk of you he keeps locked in your room. 
None of the servants are allowed to see you. He hears them at night, whispering to each other when they think he’s gone to sleep. 
“He’s lost his mind.”
“Are they even alive, in there? I haven’t seen them at all. Adelinde said they–”
“Keep your voice down– are you trying to wake him?”
He hasn’t lost his mind. He has you here now, to ground him, to make him whole. Even if your body seems to be crumbling, tearing apart with every passing day.
You don’t say anything anymore. You don’t eat, but you choke down whatever food he forces down your throat, teeth clacking against silverware as you stare off into nothing. Most of his days are spent taking care of you, keeping you together, stoking the fireplace in your room to keep you warm.
You don’t seem to mind the cold, but he still forces you to sit by the fire, warming you up in a facsimile of living flesh. He tries everything– cleaning you carefully every morning before dressing you, tending to the sutures that never seem to heal.
But he can’t seem to bring you back fully. Can’t seem to warm the skin that cools quickly when you’re not kept by the fire, can’t seem to wipe that glassy look from your eyes, can’t seem to drown out the ticking in your chest.
Adelinde comes home one day from running errands to find all of the clocks in the estate smashed and left out on the front steps, some of the servants already tending to the mess as the master of the estate slips back inside the manor like a shadow of the setting sun. 
He can’t figure it out. You won’t talk to him, won’t hardly look at him unless he takes you by the jaw and forces you. He can barely stand to hold you.
It’s enough. It’s enough. It’s enough. 
But he knows it isn’t. He can’t bear living with the ghost of you, settling for the corpse he keeps in his bed. He wants you to smile at him like you used to. Needs to hear your voice again. Holding you close while you’re still so far from him is driving him mad. 
It’s another dreary day when he finally breaks. Rain pours against the roof of the estate, blazing trails down the window panes. You’re sat by the fire again as you always are, most days. 
Diluc kneels at your feet, his head buried against your knees as he begs you to speak.
“I love you,” He says. He reaches up, pressing a trembling hand against your cold cheek. He can’t seem to chase the snow out of you. You don’t respond. He tries again. “I love you.”
Your eyes flick to his, the barest indication of life in them– but you look through him all the same, as you have been for weeks, now. He sits up, eyes wild, and leans over you, grasping your face desperately. He can’t bear to look at it anymore.
Diluc pulls you close, burying his face against your nape and gritting his teeth at the smell of chemicals clinging to you. You still smell like that place. Like chemicals. Like the Doctor. No matter how many times he bathes you, no matter how hard he scrubs. It’s there. Always there. Faint, but still there. 
“Please come back to me,” He whispers, clutching you against his chest like you’ll slip through his fingers at any moment. …Like you haven’t already. “Please. I’ll do anything.”
For the first time in weeks, you speak. Your voice is hoarse, quiet and wispy from disuse. It’s like the sun peeking through the clouds after a long storm, a refreshing wind–
“Take me back.” You rasp, and his blood runs cold. When he doesn’t respond, you repeat yourself. “Take me back.”
Diluc stays there a minute, gasping through clenched teeth as grief and anger rattle through him. You don’t mean it. You can’t. You let out a quiet, pained sound from how tight his grip on you has gotten, and he pulls away like he’s been burned. 
He can’t look at you. There’s a ticking behind your chest, behind his ears– whatever it is the Doctor replaced your heart with– he can’t unhear it. Without a word, he leaves swiftly, locking the door behind him as he goes. 
When he returns, the fire in the hearth has dimmed to embers, and you’re still perched exactly how he left you. Like a doll. He breathes a shuddering sigh and moves you to the bed, laying you down and tucking you in with all the tenderness and care his trembling hands can manage. 
Instead of begging you to speak, he slips out of the room again, instructing Adelinde to look after you while he’s gone. 
He knows how to fix this: it must be your heart. Must be that facsimile of a beating heart stuffed into your chest that’s causing you to act so hollow and lifeless. If he can just find it, he can bring you back. He’s sure of it. 
Diluc journeys for another several days and nights, returning to the lab he’d found you in and tearing the place apart until he finds what he was looking for– your heart, preserved in formaldehyde and kept in a jar like some sort of sickening keepsake. 
There’s no sign of the Doctor anywhere, but Diluc doesn’t have enough mercy left in his heart to spare for the Fatui grunts unfortunate enough to get caught in his path. Blood stains his jacket an even deeper shade of red, sinking into the stitching deep enough that he’s certain even Adelinde wouldn’t be able to remove the stains. 
He burns the place down once he’s finished, true to his word, leaving the smoldering building behind as he makes the journey back with bloodstained boots and clothes, carrying the final piece of you; the missing puzzle piece in his hands.
Biting winds at his back keep his pace hurried as he rushes home; he has barely slept by the time he finally returns, the sun rising over the peaceful estate of the winery like a promise of hope. 
He’s delirious and exhausted from hardly pausing to rest throughout the entire journey home, but he has it– he has what he knows will fix you, bring the light back into your glassy eyes. 
The manor is quiet when he steps inside, and Diluc freezes when he sees Adelinde’s body laying at the bottom of the stairs, neck twisted at an unnatural angle and her expression frozen in horror. 
His first instinct is to find you, stepping over Adelinde’s body despite the pang of grief that lances through his chest. Every step only turns his blood cooler in his veins, cutting through exhaustion and delirium like a blade.
The door to your bedroom is cracked and he throws it open, freezing as he sees what’s there.
You’re smiling. For the first time since he lost you, you’re smiling, eyes crinkled with warmth as the number two of the Fatui Harbingers looms over you like a malaise.
Floorboards singe underfoot, but Diluc isn’t given time to act before hands snatch his arms, ripping his Vision from him and tossing it aside. Whatever angered curse he was going to say is cut off by another pair of hands shoving a gag into his mouth, and it takes several agents to drag him into the room and force him into the chair set up by the bed.
There’s the sound of breaking glass as the struggle knocks the precious cargo he’d carried all this way from his hands, shattering against the floor. Whatever grief he may have felt at the sound  is drowned out by the sight of you as the Fatui grunts forcibly sit him down in the chair and start to tie him down. 
Rope cuts into his wrists and his legs as he’s tied to the chair; two of the pyro agents stay behind to keep him from thrashing or knocking the chair over as the rest slink back into the hallway. 
It isn’t until the last of the rope is secured, leaving the frazzled wine tycoon seething from behind the gag but unable to do much else, that Dottore finally speaks up. 
“I’m glad you could finally join us, Master Diluc,” The Doctor drawls, words dripping with condescension and cyanide. “I was beginning to worry.”
A knowing smile tugs at Dottore’s lips when he turns to see Diluc’s expression, distress creased in the lines of his brow as his attention remains fixated solely on you. 
Diluc sees now. That bastard is sitting in your bed, the bed you’re meant to share with him, as gloved fingers lazily toy with your nipples. The clothes you were wearing are haphazardly strewn about the floor. 
Dottore readjusts. Takes hold of your legs and wraps them loosely around his hips as he situates himself more comfortably on the bed. Diluc feels nausea roiling in his gut.
He can’t tear his eyes away when Dottore’s fingers drift downward, tracing over your stomach before dipping between your thighs. The soft sound you make burns him. 
It’s torture, listening to you. He’d wanted so desperately for any sound from you– anything at all– these past few weeks, but not like this. Not while you’re looking up at that monster like he’s the moon– the most life Diluc’s seen in your eyes in weeks– as he defiles you. 
Every noise seems to chip a piece of him away, cutting deeper than any blade could hope to manage.
As much as it rends him to watch, he can’t tear his eyes away, taking in the sight of you shuddering and moaning softly in response to another man’s touch. 
Something acrid and bitter swells in his chest– he can’t help but think that if it weren’t for him, you’d never be here. If he hadn’t stolen you, held on too tight so that you’d run away the first chance you’d gotten, you never would have died… Never would have wound up under the Doctor, on his operating table or in this bed.
Worse, still, is the selfish insistence he still feels. If he hadn’t taken you, he fears the worst may have happened to you– as though the worst hadn’t already come true. He did all of this to protect you– yet he’d failed to do even that. 
You eventually shudder in a way Diluc recognizes and he sags against the chair, feeling something crack inside him. This is killing him. As much as pain rips through his chest, he can’t help but cling to that rending heartache, tolerate it if it means he gets to see you smile again. You’re still in there– not a doll, not a ghost.
He loves you; he always will. Even this will never make him hate you– it’s not your fault that you’ve been caught up in the jaws of a monster. It’s not your fault that he’d failed you. 
Dottore adjusts, and whatever self-loathing Diluc had felt starts to wither at the sound of rustling fabric. No. No- 
He tries to thrash in his chair, held down by the two agents standing behind him with a firm grip on his shoulders. He tries to turn away, to close his eyes and shut out the world as the whimper from you that follows sears him like a brand. Hands dig into his jaw, prod at his eyelids with a force that threatens to blind him until he unwillingly opens them again. 
Months ago, when Diluc thought you’d finally settled, finally adjusted to your new life here, there was the barest beginnings of warmth in your eyes. Acceptance. Love, his heart hoped. He’s reminded of that again; you have the same embers of warmth in your gaze as you once did before the sky fell. 
That same look you’d once given him, but now it’s directed at the monster grinning down at you. He never thought that warmth could ruin him, but the grief that settles into his bones is a worse pain than one he’s ever known. 
The hope that he’d journeyed home with withers and dies at his feet like the heart the Doctor had stolen from you– to know it wasn’t merely literal is agony. His greed had been the undoing of you both. 
In the garden, the daffodils had died months ago; it was the end of their season. They’d planted sunflowers near where your grave once was instead, but those are dying too, afflicted by some disease or pest. 
Diluc had once hoped you’d go out into the garden to see them, but ever since he’d brought the ghost of you home you’ve only ever haunted this one room; days spent staring at the hearth instead of out the window like you’d used to. 
Jealousy is ugly and loud in his head, clinging to his throat like tar.
Perhaps he’s damned; he wishes that you hadn’t found the light that he’d stolen from you in another man.
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owliellder · 10 months
All Pent Up
MDNI 18+
Puppy Hybrid! Leon Kennedy x afab! Reader
Word count: 3.85k
Warnings: Porn w/ plot, unprotected p in v (stay safe), no use of y/n, spanking, crying, slight ass-play.
Description: After a long night at work, you come home to a very pent up Leon. A trip to the park to help with that energy turns a little sour.
Tags: Submissive! Leon, neck biting/marking, begging, cunnilingus, knotting, mommy kink, fluff, near illegal amounts of praise AND aftercare, a lovely creampie to end the morning
Not proofread. I am once again sat here bored at work. More self indulgence since I work the same kind of job aforementioned in this lmao.
Also VERY much inspired by @abp0rns art of puppy Leon, specifically the two I put below the crop. Please check out their art they gotta be one of my favorite doodlers out there.
Edit: cross posted onto Ao3 if it's easier for you to read there (cause it is for me)
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It had been an incredibly boring night at work for you. Working graveyard at a gatehouse meant you did practically nothing. Easy money, sure, but you can only watch so many movies and doodle so much before it becomes redundant.
The only thing keeping you going was making sure your puppy, Leon, stayed happy and comfortable. You'd found him at the shelter a few months back, and though you never considered yourself to be a hybrid kinda person, Leon was just too damn cute at that shelter.
After adopting the hybrid, you quickly fell into a nice afterwork routine; come home, get jumped by Leon, make breakfast while he asked a plethora of questions about your night and made sure you knew just how much he missed you by licking and slobbering all over you. He was the sweetest boy, but man was he excitable.
Some mornings, you'd come home a bit more awake than others. It was random and you're not sure what made that so, but today was apparently one of those days.
"-sosososo glad you're home, mommy! I've been so lonely and bored without you!" Leon happily talked on after you'd walked through the door, his golden fur covered tail thumping loudly against the back of the couch. You remained quiet as you let him ramble, reaching up to pet through his messy bedhead with a smile. "I chewed on my toys, broke one of the squeakers though, but you've gotten me plenty of other toys for me to play with!! I really like this fluffy red pig you got me-!"
He continued to talk loudly about everything he did after you left for work only 8 hours prior, running around to grab and show you his chewed up toy and his favorite toy, tail continuing to wag avidly all the while.
"Alright, alright.. settle down, Leon.." You spoke up, cutting off his talk about laying in your bed so you could take a moment to shed your work clothes in favor of some more comfortable lounge wear; an old, faded graphic tee and a pair of soft sweatpants.
The hybrid followed you throughout the apartment while continuing to ramble, albeit a lot quieter now. Clearly Leon had a lot of energy this morning, which wasn't unusual by any means, but since you weren't all that tired this morning you decided that a trip to the dog park would be a good way for him to get some much needed exercise and enrichment.
After making breakfast, you dressed your puppy in a cozy outfit since it was always little chilly in the mornings where you lived, damn cold desert. You only had to reach for the leash for him to start jumping and yapping enthusiastically, making it rather difficult to hook it onto his collar.
You decided to stay in your comfy clothes, seeing as it would keep you warm enough until the sun warmed the air outside.
"Do you think Chris will be there?! Can you text his owner?? Who else is gonna be there?! I can smell the park from here!-" Leon rambled excitedly as he tugged you along to the park, smelling every bush and tree the two of you passed thoroughly. His tail never stopped wagging, those soft floppy ears perked forwards as he moved his head every which way, focusing in on every movement and sound while beelining to the park. He knew the way there, the leash was just to make sure you didn't get lost.
The air was cool the, sun beginning to warm you up. It was starting to bring out your exhaustion, but you wanted Leon to get at least half an hour of playtime in so he wouldn't bug you while you slept later. The thought alone made it easy for you to power through that brain fog that threatened to settle in.
You and Leon walked across the street once the tall chainlink fence that bordered the dog park was in view, the Golden Retriever hybrid practically dragging you to the other side of the street as his excitement grew. There were always other hybrids out early in the morning, the cool mornings were nicer for walks compared to the hot afternoons, at least in your opinion.
Leon was rubbing himself along the side of the fence, sniffing with a large goofy smile on his face. He had playmates that were normally here around this time, namely Chris, a German Shepard hybrid. Though Chris was a little bigger than Leon, they always played nicely, never having gotten into any sort of scuffle.
Chris was quick to notice Leon, running up to the fence so he could sniff him. They rapidly got each other riled up, so the moment you made it to the gate you unhooked the leash from Leon's collar. This wasn't so he didn't get choked out when he launched into the park, no, it was because the last time you forgot to unhook his leash first, you were yanked face first into soggy grass and mud.
The second you unlatched the gate, Leon pushed it open. He sprinted into the grassy park, Chris not far behind before tackling the smaller hybrid with a playful growl. The two roughhoused, chased each other, and played tug-of-war with a stick Chris had found.
You decided to sit on a bench not too far from where the boys played, looking up from your phone every minute or so to make sure their play didn't turn ugly.
Only 30 minutes had gone by before- "Mommy! Mommy!" Leon shouted from across the park, prompting you to look up from your phone. It only took a moment for your eyes to nearly bulge out of your head when you spotted a now brown Leon. His tail wagged, slapping loudly against the thick puddle of mud he was laying sideways in. "Looklooklook! Chris and I found a ball!" he yelled with a grin, Chris holding up the muddy ball high in the air so you could see it.
You sat there dumbfounded for a brief moment before letting your head fall back, breathing in and letting out a deep sigh as your eyes closed. You tilted your head forwards again, letting your eyes open slowly as your annoyance showed clear on your face.
Your puppy could see your expression change even from where he was, his ears drooping more than they were as the mud had weighed them down a bit. Seems like playtime was over.
Chris' owner wasn't all that happy either, walking over to the filthy hybrids only a few seconds sooner than you did. You pulled Leon from the mud by the collar since he seemed a bit stuck, glaring weakly at the now cowering puppy.
"Leon is always getting Chris into some sort of mess." Chris' owner huffed out, clearly irritated with the situation. You frowned, running your free hand over your face with a soft sigh. "I'm sorry, Leon just seems to really like the mud lately. I can't help that Chris follows, but I'll try to keep Leon from the mud." You didn't really care for someone implying your Golden Retriever puppy was a bad dog, but the idea of confrontation mixed with your ever-growing exhaustion was enough to have you just let it go.
After apologizing again, you let Leon shake off the excess mud from his body before hooking the leash to his collar once more, beginning to pull him towards the gate. He was very resistant to leaving, whining and whimpering something fierce. "I'm sorry! ImsorryImsorry! Please I'll be good! Let me stay a little longer mommy! Please I'm sorry! Mommy!"
As pitiful as he sounded, you now had to squeeze a thorough bath in for the hybrid before you were even able to think about sleeping. You continued to drag him along as he fought against you, crying out softly as you finally got him through the gate, closing it before he could run back through.
Your exhaustion was making you irritable, and having to fight to get Leon back home was enough to make you angry. It got even worse when he growled at you.
You stopped walking, the entrance to your apartment building only a few feet away. Turning around to face him, he immediately shrunk down at your furious glare. "Bad boy, Leon." Your voice was harsh, yet also so calm, it scared him. He hated being a bad boy, he never wanted to hear those words together again.
After you started walking again, he followed obediently, staying silent all the way into your apartment. He stood stiffly by the front door once you closed it, watching you stomp away. The puppy was on the verge of tears, his muddy tail tucked between his legs and his ears flat against his head.
Leon's bottom lip trembled the longer he couldn't see you, his ears twitching a bit as he picked up on the sound of the bath faucet turning on. His hands were clasped in front of his legs, head down in shame.
"Leon!" You called out from the bathroom, your tone still laced with irritation, he could definitely tell that much. The hybrid quickly shuffled to the bathroom, trying his best not to get clumps of dried up mud on the carpet along the way.
Leon stood in the bathroom doorway before you gently dragged him in, making silent work of his clothes that were absolutely caked in mud. He knew what to do afterwards, quietly seating himself in the bath, shoulders slumped. The bath was silent except for Leon's weak attempts to apologize, his voice faltering every time once he looked at your face. Your eyebrows were furrowed and you just looked so disinterested.
After the bath, you shooed the puppy off with a towel draped over his shoulders, lazily washing off his collar in the dirty bath water before unplugging the tub.
Leon sat in the living room, drying himself off as best as he could with the towel. Even after, he shook himself off on instinct, the towel left discarded on the floor. He had sat himself on the couch, still slouched with a strong pout on his face.
He knew he was in trouble. His stomach sank when you walked out and stood in front of him with that same irritated look. You then walked and sat next to him on the left. "Lay across my lap, Leon."
The Golden Retriever hybrid whimpered, though he did as he was told, laying himself so his abdomen was laying on your lap, his tail still tucked between his legs. He yipped when you grabbed the base of his damp tail with your left hand, roughly untucking it so you could get a clear view of his ass. "Look at me, Leon."
He turned his head and tilted it back slightly so he could look up at you, his eyes sad and watery. He didn't have anything to say for himself. "You growled at me. You've never growled at me before." You sounded upset, and you were. You didn't want to punish your sweet boy, but him growling at you for something so insignificant deeply bothered you.
Sighing, you pulled his tail up away from his ass even further, grip tightening on it as you felt him try and tuck it back between his legs again. Wordlessly, you drew your other hand back, a sharp smack along with a cry from Leon ringing out in the quiet apartment. You hated having to do this, but he needed to learn.
A few harsh spanks later and the hybrid's ass was bright red and sore, tears spilling down his face as he sobbed out barely comprehensible apologizes in between loud cries every time you brought your hand down on his tender behind. His hands gripped the couch cushion tightly, those pitiful sobs of his tugging at your heart.
Once you feel Leon'd learned his lesson, you gently ran your hand along both his ass cheeks, soothing the hot and red skin while your other hand caressed the base of his tail. You waited until his crying quieted to talk to him again, listening to him sniffle wetly as you let go of his tail to wipe away his snot and tears.
"Okay, okay... there you go, sweet boy. All done. I'm all done..." you whispered to the whimpering puppy hybrid in your lap, shifting your body sideways so he could climb up and lay his head against your chest. You combed your fingers through his hair with one hand while the other stroked the side of his face, clearing the few stray tears that continued to fall.
Leon buried his face into your chest, hiccuping out muffled apologies as he brought his hands up to wrap around you. "I'm sorry mommy. So-.. sososo sorry... Didn't mean to, mommy..."
As he trembled against you, you couldn't help but feel terrible for punishing him that way. He'd never been bad before, the punishment really shouldn't have been so harsh..
You waited until he quieted to speak up again, tilting your head to the side slightly so you could see his face a little better. "...you took that so well, Leon. Such a good boy for mommy, huh?" Despite the suggestive undertone, you made sure to talk softly, careful not to upset the delicate puppy on your chest.
He lifted his head up slightly, nodding weakly as his eyes turned glassy once more. "Please.. I'll-I'll be a good boy for you m-mommy. I'm sorry- I'm so so sorry mommy- I didn't mean to growl- ImsorryImsorryIm-"
You shushed him, running your hand from the side of his face up through his hair as he began to cry again. "You're a good boy, Leon. I forgive you, baby.."
All Leon wanted to do was make this right. He never wanted to be a bad boy again. He hated the way you spoke to him, the way you had looked at him. It was so scary, he wasn't a bad boy, no, he wasn't.
His mind was flooded with everything he could possibly do to make it up to you, tears falling onto your shirt as he pulled himself up off of you. He crawled backwards and sat back on his haunches, giving you a wary look as he tucked his fingers under the waistband of your sweatpants.
"Oh, Leon, sweetheart, you don't have to-" "Please..." Leon's meek voice cut you off, making you pause for a moment before nodding with a smile. His hands trembled as he pulled your sweatpants down, taking your panties with them. The hybrid hiccuped again before bringing his head down between your thighs, putting your legs over his shoulders as he cautiously placed his hands onto the points of your hips
It only took a second before he shoved his face into your cunt, whimpering at your smell and taste as he licked between your folds. You gasped, feeling his tongue eagerly lap up your slick as it leaked out of you, his low whimpers vibrating deliciously against you. "Leon~... oh~.. easy, boy..."
You reached a hand down to gently stroke his hair, attempting to get the puppy hybrid to calm down a bit still. He was obviously so eager to please, though he was still shaken up by the punishment; tears falling from his eyes, quiet sobs muffled by your pussy, eyes closed, and cheeks flushed a beautiful pink. His tail had started to wag again and you were relieved to see it sway slowly. You just wanted to see your puppy happy and excitable again like he always was.
Leon continued to lap at your cunt, keeping himself firmly buried in it. His breathing was a bit shaky but you just let him do what he needed to do, reaching your hand to the right a bit so you could stroke one of his soft floppy ears. He sighed at the feeling, his tail wagging a little faster.
"That's a good boy, Leon~... god- such a good boy for his mommy.." You praised the hybrid as he worked his mouth on you, the praise causing him to whine into your cunt. His eyes peaked open, looking up at you as small tears fell from them. "Good boy~..." You ran your hand down to stroke your thumb between his eyes, prompting him to close them again with a sigh.
Your words encouraged him further, sucking at your clit when his tongue wasn't buried inside of you. The puppy hybrid licked all around, making sure none of your sweet slick was left to waste. He eased his grip on your hips, partially worried he would hurt you, but mostly cause he adored the way you writhed when you drew close to your orgasm. He relished in how you pulled his head impossibly closer, practically grinding against his face, using him. What a good boy he was.
Leon was in heaven when you came, whimpering into your cunt as you gushed against his face. He made sure to lick up everything he could, even dipping down to your ass for a minute, tongue flat against the puckered hole. He'd be mad if he saw the couch got some of your juices.
After a moment, he pulled his head away, resting the side of his slick covered face against your thigh as he looked up at you with those puppy-dog eyes that you just couldn't resist. You knew what he wanted, and who were you to deny him?
"My good boy wanna fuck his mommy? Show his mommy what a good boy he is?" You whispered, to which he eagerly nodded in response, his ears perking up. You could hear his tail thump lazily against the back cushion of the couch, all the while watching him lick his lips. "I-I'll be a good boy for mommy. I'm a good boy-..good boy for mommy.." he mumbled quietly, hoisting himself up onto his haunches again after carefully laying your legs down off his shoulders. His thick cock was leaking pre-cum, flushed red at the tip while his knot was fully swollen. It was hard to look away.
Leon continued to mumble to himself, almost like he was trying to convince himself that he was a good boy. His breathing was still shaky as he watched you flip over, your ass up in the air while you rested your elbows on the armrest of the couch.
The poor thing was practically drooling at the sight of you, frozen in place, just staring at your glistening pussy. Your voice snapped him out of his trance, a hushed "Pretty boy..." causing him to lurch forward and mount you without further hesitation.
You cried out as he shoved his cock into you halfway, stopping only to grab the skin right above your collarbone with his teeth. He made sure he was positioned properly, shifting slightly before pushing his throbbing dick all the way. He whined at the way your slick walls gripped him, his knot pressed firmly against the outside of your cunt.
Leon's teeth broke skin as he began to piston in and out of you. He was drooling, whimpering, moaning, and his tail was wagging so fast. He loved the way his mommy felt, gripping his so tightly, sucking his thick cock in.
His let go of your skin to lick at gently, which was a stark contrast to his fast and rough thrusts. "So sorry mommy- sososo sorry.. never growl at you again- ah~..! I-I'll be mommy's good-.. good boy.."
The hybrid panted next to your ear, reaching his hands up and under your loose shirt to grip and massage your breasts. His fingers pinched and tugged at your sensitive nipples, causing you to moan loudly. You could feel every bit of his cock as he slammed it into you over and over again, the tip kissing your cervix which made you hiss at the slight pain it caused.
"Gonna- hnghh~.. gonna fill mommy up.. gonna be mommy's best boy again..." Leon whined, tilting his head to the side so he could nip at your neck, kissing and licking under your jaw. He sucked numerous hickeys down your neck, making quick work of the other side as well. He wanted you to remember how good he was for you, how much he was willing to do to make things better, what a good boy he was for you.
It didn't take long for him to near his own orgasm, his chin resting over your shoulder as his hands had worked their way back to your hips. He was so close; the sounds of your moans, the sinful way your pussy squelched with slick as he fucked into you, your smell, the lingering taste of you on his tongue, everything was just so overwhelming.
The puppy hybrid didn't have the words to give you warning, only a long drawn out whine as his hips stuttered forward, knot stretching you open. You came again from the feeling, barely being able to clench around his knot. It was just so big.
With his cum pumping into you, you could only groan pleasantly at the feeling of being so full, his knot having basically plugged you to the point that none of it could escape.
You could partially register Leon running his hands up and down your body, anywhere he could reach in his position, bunching up your shirt in the process. His large hands felt nice, helping you come down from your high. He was whispering something, you couldn't make out what, but it was probably the same thing he'd been spewing before.
After Leon was able to pull out of you, you made sure to reassure him over and over that he was your good boy, and he'd always be your good boy.
You made him a little snack once you'd cleaned yourself and him up, seeing as the park and your at-home playtime had influenced his appetite quite a bit. You loved to see him happy again; those beautiful blue eyes crinkled with a smile as that fluffy tail of his wagged.
Your body finally realized how tired it was once more, your brain catching up with that as well. You waved Leon, who was elated to follow you, into your room, practically bounding in like a deer. He begged to lay the way you two did on the couch, and again, who were you to deny him?
You laid back, head on your pillow as Leon nestled himself on top of you. He laid his head on your chest, turning his head to the left as he rested his arms on either side of you, his hands just barely tucked up under your pillow after pulling the blankets up over the both of you.
"You're the greatest boy anyone could ask for, Leon. Always taking such good care of me.." you whispered as his eyes closed, his tail going from a lazy wag to a stop as he fell asleep.
"I love you, my sweet boy.."
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milf-murdock · 4 months
I See Red (Part 1)
Simon "Ghost" Riley x 141!Reader
Part 2 can be found here
Summary: A tech expert lends her expertise to the 141 for a mission. It’s not her fault that she’s tall, beautiful, and perfect. But it is her fault that she can’t keep her goddamn hands to herself. How else are you supposed to react when you walk in to find her lips on your Ghost?   Warnings: allusions to cheating (not Ghost’s fault!! Sweet man has never done anything wrong in his life), swearing, angst (does it make it better if I promise all the fluff in the next chapter?) A/N: Well this has been on my brain for a while. I’m so thrilled to finally have this out into the world! The OGs know that this was one of my first prompts I came up with when I was first writing for Simon Riley. I guess we’ve come full circle <3 Thank you for all your support. Remember, your comments, tags, and messages mean the world to us writers! 
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It’s surprising that the harsh grinding of your teeth isn’t audible given how hard you’re clenching your jaw. You watch in irritated silence as a tall curvy redhead named Bex leans over Ghost’s shoulder to peer down at the encrypted computer. 
She’s always so fucking close to him, to your Ghost. 
You steady your growing impatience by taking a swig of water, the thin plastic crinkling under your touch. 
“Hmm.” She leans in closer and you could tell Ghost is on edge. He wasn’t exactly the sort who tolerated too many people encroaching on his personal space. 
Clearly he makes an exception when it comes to gorgeous redheads though, you think to yourself before mentally chastising the thought.
The rational side of your brain knows that he’s more than likely just putting on a brave face because Bex is new to the team. Technically, you correct yourself, not an actual part of the team. She’s more like a short term contractor. Even you had to begrudgingly admit that the 141 needed her level of expertise to crack through the firewalls and get the intel needed to ensure success for the next part of your mission. After all, you risked your life getting the damn laptop. What good is it if you can’t even get into it?
You knew all of this. Logically. It made sense. Your team needed a military-grade computer expert. She was the most qualified for the job—the “best of the best” Price had said. Done. Fin. 
Except you just couldn’t get over the way her eyes always seemed to linger on Ghost. The way she’d accidentally brush up against him as they walked side by side through the hallway. The way she laughed a little too loud at his terrible Army jokes. And right now, the way her hand rests on his shoulder as she studies the screen. 
Your fist unconsciously clenches around your water bottle causing the ice cold water to gush over the loosened cap, spilling all over your lap. 
You let out a shout, jumping to your feet as the cold water soaks through your layers. Bex jumps as well, surprised by the outburst, stepping back from the mess. 
Simon is on his feet in a heartbeat. 
“You okay?” But not even his deep baritone, usually instantly calming, could soothe your irritation, now at an all time high.
“I’m fine,” you snap, crossing the briefing room in strides to toss the empty bottle in the bin.  Ghost watches you with careful eyes. Though his face is covered by his signature skull balaclava, you didn’t miss his appraising gaze as he tries to assess the situation—ever the tactician. 
You take a deep breath. “I’m fine,” you try again, aiming for a more pleasant tone. “Really. Just a slip of the hand.” 
“Well,” Bex scoffs, “You really should be more careful. We are dealing with electronics here, you know.” Her snarky tone has you nearly seeing red again, but you clench your jaw tight and plaster the friendliest smile you could muster, though you’re certain it must look more like a grimace. 
“Noted,” you grit out before turning your attention back to Ghost. “I’m gonna head to the barracks and grab a shower. Catch you later?” 
Ghost’s head bobs in a subtle nod, but his eyes are still looking at you with that quizzical expression on his face. He knows something is wrong. 
You just subtly shake your head in response, doing your best to a convey a “not now. We’ll talk later” with just a glance. Turning back to the door, you leave the two of them behind to tackle the task at hand. The sooner you crack the encryption and figured out where your target is, the sooner Bex can get the fuck out of here.
Walking across the base, you pinched the bridge of your nose between your fingers, internally scolding yourself for letting your temper get the best of you. The fresh, cool evening air helps calm your sour mood, and you do your best to reassure yourself. 
I’m sure it’s nothing.
 It’s all in your head. 
He probably doesn’t even like redheads.
You’re so caught up in your thoughts you don’t even see where you were going, which is exactly how you find yourself running face first into the brick wall of Johnny. 
Oomph. The air whooshes out of your lungs as two broad hands reach up to steady you. 
“Easy there, lass,” the Scottsman chuckles. “Watch where yer goin’ bonnie.” 
“Sorry Soap,” your cheeks feel warm with embarrassment. “Didn’t see you there. Lost in my own head.” 
“I’ll say!” Johnny claps a hand on your shoulder, the other balancing a stack of folders. “Hey, while I have you here, have ye seen LT?” 
“Yeah, he’s with Bex in the briefing room. They’re trying to tackle that computer we lifted from the last mission.” 
Soap nods. “More power to her. That shite doesn’t make any fucking sense to me.” 
“Yeah. She’s a real blessing to the team,” you grumble, unable to withhold your eye roll. 
“There’s that fiery sergeant I love so much,” Soap teases. “Am I getting a whiff a jealousy, hen?” 
“Don’t even get me started Soap or I swear to god—“
“Alright, alright,” Soap laughs good naturally, his free hand coming up in mock surrender.  “But hey, would you mind dropping off these files to LT? He needs to review them before our meeting with Laswell in a couple hours and I’ve got to meet up with Price now, don’t have time to trek all the way to the briefing room.” 
“Sure,” you do manage to hold back your sigh this time. “Happy to help.” And you are happy to help Soap—he’s a great friend to both you and Simon—you just aren’t too happy at the thought of seeing your new BFF Bex again so soon. At least the short walk had served its purpose in cooling your temper a bit. 
“You’re a treat, bonnie, I owe you one,” Soap smiles, giving your shoulder a firm pat before taking off in the opposite direction towards price’s office. 
You adjust the stack of sealed papers in your hands as your turned back around towards the briefing room and head across base. 
You quick steps have you approaching the briefing room soon enough. Surprisingly, the door is  left slightly ajar—you must not have shut it all the way when you stormed out of the room earlier, you reason.
You approach silently, softening your footsteps to avoid any kind of noise, a small voice in the back of your mind goading you to surreptitiously see how Bex might behave without an audience. You peer in the room to find Bex and Simon standing at the table, the computer screen lighting up in front of them. 
“We’re in!” Bex exclaims, her voice high pitched with excitement. 
You watch the scene unfold before you and it feels like the world is moving in slow motion. Bex turns her radiant expression up to face Simon, her hands moving upwards and tucking up under his balaclava, and then—in the blink of an eye—she raises it above his chin and presses a kiss to his lips. Simon’s hands reach up to grasp her wrists, already beginning to pull away, but it’s too late. 
You see everything. 
The papers fall to the floor with a crash, and both Simon and Bex jump apart, eyes flashing to the door. 
Bex at least has the good sense to look embarrassed by her actions, her face flushing bright red, eyes cast to the ground. 
“It’s not what it looks like,” Simon urges, pulling his mask back down in place. “Wait—“ 
You turn and walked out the door, the scene playing on a loop in your head. 
Her lips. Pressed up against Simon. Your Simon. His lips…kissing her back? The memory already warps, tinged with shades of red matching the shades of anger running through you. 
The rage fuels your steps as you run from the briefing room, desperate to get away.
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Simon blinks at the empty space in the doorway, the space where you stood just a second ago, before this colossal shit storm descended. 
“Well, sorry we got interrupted,” Bex’s sultry voice breaks the silence, her small hand reaching towards Ghost’s glove. “Should we continue where we left off?”
“Touch me again, and you lose the whole goddamn hand,” Simon’s hardened voice is laced with the threat of violence. “Keep your bloody hands to yourself.” 
The blood drains from Bex’s face. 
With that, he storms out the door, following your trail. One thought playing on repeat in his mind: I can’t lose her. 
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Masterlist ✧ Ask Box
Read Part 2 here ❤️
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zepskies · 6 months
Smoke Eater - Part 15
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Pairing: Firefighter!Dean Winchester x F. Reader 
Summary: Dean Winchester is the cocky, but well-respected Lieutenant at Firehouse 25. He leads by example, but he’s also known to break a few hearts. He’s starting to crave something he’s never had, though. Something stable. Something real. 
That’s when he meets you, on a truly terrible day, trapped in a rickety old elevator.   
AN: Thank you as always for the lovely responses on the previous chapter! It was a long one, so thank you for sticking through with me. We're about to lighten up a little with some Christmas spirit! ❄️🎁
**Also, if you're a fan of The Boys (and Soldier Boy), there's an awesome book you can check out, called Supes Ain’t Always Heroes: Inside the Complex Characters and Twisted Psychology of The Boys.
If you want to learn more about the book (including cast interviews and a character study on Soldier Boy), I wrote a review about it here!
Otherwise, on to some more firefighter!Dean!
🔥 Series Masterlist
Word Count: 5,800 Tags/Warnings: 18+ only! Smut, fluff, tinge of angst, hurt/comfort, lots of feels.
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Part 15: “The Good Part”
“How many damn arrests does that make?” Daniel asked. He gripped his pool cue with both hands while he leaned on it.
His son stood at the other end of the pool table, lining up his shot. He paused to think.
“Six,” Nick replied. His cue released, and it knocked two of his balls into the pocket.
“Six,” Daniel repeated, while Nick came his way to find an angle for his next turn.
Daniel shook his head. His lips were angrily pursed. His eyes might’ve been on the pool game, but he was playing chess in his mind. He had underestimated John Winchester for far too long, it seemed.
The man was stubborn as all hell. And he’d been busy lately, getting “Azazel’s” men busted for all manners of bullshit.
“Alastair’s mole says Winchester’s been calling in favors from his old friends in Narcotics, trying to bust our small fries,” Nick reported. “Getting them on everything from petty theft to drug possession, with intent to sell. But it’s nothing we can’t pull ‘em out of.”
“Time, money, added risk,” Daniel cited on his fingers all the reasons why John Winchester was a pain in his ass. “It’s only a matter of time before they get a warrant to rip apart Savage & Co., sweep the whole damn building. For forensic evidence, our files, all the jazz.”
Daniel’s fingers drummed thoughtfully against his chin. “A damn cop thinks he’s being cute.”
Nick missed his second turn. His hand fell against his thigh in annoyance, but he looked up.
“Dad, it’s your move.”
Daniel rubbed at his chin. His eyes were no longer seeing the board in front of him. Eventually, they slid up and met his son’s gaze.
“We’re going to start from the beginning,” he said.
Nick’s face gave away his confusion. “What? What do you mean?”
Daniel just smiled.
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It was Christmas Day, and John was late. Sam and Dean were used to that drill, so they weren’t expecting him until dinnertime.
Meanwhile, it gave you a chance to find your footing as you got to know Eileen. She had helped you bake the pies that were now cooling on the counter (pumpkin and berry crumble), and a few of the side dishes for dinner. Sam had covered cleaning up the rest of the house, while Dean tackled his favorites: the ham and the mac and cheese.
Now the guys were in the living room watching football while you and Eileen were still in the kitchen, decorating some gingerbread cookies you two had made. She enjoyed it; doing holiday crafts with her students had been bringing out her artistic side, she told you. You were happy for the help and the conversation.
You later tried to cover up your snort of laughter as she finished telling you the story of how Dean once dared Sam to wear women’s underwear for a whole week.
If he managed it, Dean had promised to do all the household chores for three months. If Sam couldn’t make it the whole week, then he would face the consequences: Dean would tell their dad about the bet.
“How old were they?” you asked.
Eileen scoffed. “Sam was a senior in college.”
You burst out laughing again. “So too old, is the answer… Did he win?”
Eileen gave you a mischievous smile.
“He did,” Dean said, as he appeared in the kitchen doorway with a familiar smirk. “I’ve got photographic evidence. It was a cheetah print thong, in case you were wondering.”
Your eyes widened on a laugh. “Oh my God.”
Cheetahlicious, you couldn’t help joking in your mind. Even if you’d rather not think of Sam wearing a pair of Victoria Secret’s best.  
Eileen giggled with you. Dean’s amusement gave way to curiosity as he eyed the little gingerbread men you two were icing. You warned him off with your eyes, but it took Eileen batting his hand when he tried to steal a cookie.
“Hey! Wait ‘til after dinner,” she said.
Dean pouted. “Come on, don’t be stingy.”
Rolling her eyes, Eileen sighed.
“You’re like one of my kids,” she said, while signing with her hands. But she caved and handed him a cookie. “Here. To tide you over.”
Dean smiled and signed back to her in ASL, Thank you.
“That’s why you’re my favorite,” he said. He leaned down to kiss her cheek in a brotherly gesture.
He shot you a wink before taking a bite of his prize. You shook your head at him, even though you were smiling. He came around to your side of the table. His hand rested on your back and he bent down towards your ear.  
“I actually came over for you,” he said. “Got a minute?”
Your brows rose, but you turned to Eileen in askance. “I’ll be right back. Is that okay?”
She nodded and made an “OK” gesture. “Of course.”
You smiled and let Dean lead you out of your chair, and even out of the apartment. He made sure you both grabbed your coats by the front door.
“Where are we going?” you asked. While you put on your coat over your sweater and jeans, you didn’t notice him grabbing two sets of keys.
“Just downstairs. No big deal,” he said, hefting on his own leather jacket.
You eyed him with some suspicion, but you walked with him down to the elevators and let him keep you close to his side. He smelled like the cologne you bought him for Christmas, and he was already wearing the new watch as well.
You’d struggled to find him the right gift. Nothing felt quite enough after everything he’d done for you the last few months. He’d assured you that he was grateful for both gifts, and had even tried to say the watch looked too expensive. (You’d shut him up with a kiss.)
Now, you had to wonder what he was up to as he led you into the parking lot, but not toward Baby. Instead, you two stopped in front of a shiny silver Chevy parked in a guest spot.
“Dean, what’d you do?” you asked, both excited and worried. He shot you a grin and dangled the keys in front of you.
“You like her?” he asked. His eyes were dancing. “You could keep her, if you ask nicely.”
Your face slackened. You looked between him and the sleek looking car.
“What?” You covered your mouth with both hands. Even after a few moments, your brain was still having a hard time computing. “No…what? Oh my God!”
You grabbed onto his jacket, just in case your legs failed you. Dean laughed and gathered you up in his arms. By the time you peeled your eyes away from the silver beauty to look up at your boyfriend, there were tears already swimming in your eyes.
“Dean, this is really too much. Where’d you find—”
“Bobby had it sitting in his garage for years,” he explained. His hand came up to brush your cheek, and the tears there. “I cleaned her up, dropped in a new engine, safe-proofed with new tires, new airbags, the works. Got her purring like a kitten.”
Your eyes grew a little wider with every admission. Then you softened, gripping the edges of his jacket while you bit your lip to keep it from wobbling.
“How much did he sell it to you for?” you asked. Dean dropped his head back with a sigh.
“Don’t you wanna take a test ride before we start hagglin’?”
You lightly smacked his chest. “Hey. How much?”
He let out another heavy sigh, but you eventually got it out of him. While the price wasn’t as bad as you might’ve expected, you still shook your head.
“I still have a decent chunk of insurance money left. I’m giving you at least half,” you said.
Dean shook his head. “This is my gift to you.”
Your lips pursed, despite the smile that wanted to peek through.
“Nice try,” you said wryly. “You already got me perfume.”
“That was just the decoy.” He grinned, and held you a bit tighter against him. He nodded towards the car. “She’s the main event.”
You wanted to sigh, but this conversation wasn’t over. You were definitely not letting him buy you a whole new…old car. You turned to look at it again.
“What model is this?” you asked.
“2002 Camaro Z28,” Dean rattled off. It sounded impressive, but you didn’t know much about cars.
He let go of you so you could get a closer look. Your hand passed over the hood, but didn’t touch, as if you were afraid of staining the paint with your fingerprints. He had to admit, he’d waxed it up good and managed to get rid of a lot of superficial nicks and scratches.
What he said was true though; Bobby had given him a frankly ridiculous deal. Because when Dean had told him what you’d been through after the car accident, dealing with your grandfather’s passing, and now your ever-mounting expenses, Bobby hadn’t let him walk away from Singer Salvage with anything else but this car. He’d even helped Dean get the new parts he needed to fix it up.
“Is it automatic or manual?” you asked, trying to peer through the driver’s window. “I haven’t driven stick in a hell of a long time.”
Dean came up from behind you and his warm hand found your hip. You let him draw you back into his arms, leaning against his chest.
His lips were close to your ear when he said, “I think you’re damn good at driving stick.”
It took you a second, but the heavily laden innuendo in his deep voice was hard to miss. You uttered a laugh and swatted his arm.
“You’re ridiculous,” you said. You were still smiling when you turned and twined your arms around his neck. Then you leaned up for a kiss—one that kept getting deeper with the full force of your gratefulness, and your love for this man.
“It’s an automatic,” he answered, between kisses. You giggled against his lips.
You barely felt the chill on the air. Your heart was beating fast, even when you pulled away from him. Your eyes slowly opened and met his. He smiled down at you and curled an errant strand of hair behind your ear. As usual, you had most of it clipped up.
“Merry Christmas, sweetheart,” he said. His voice was quiet, but steady.
You let out a shaky breath. Emotion was clogging your throat, making your tears burn anew.
“This is a bit more than a Christmas present,” you said. He gave a more self-deprecating smile.
“Well, it’s also kind of an apology,” he said. “For getting you mixed up in my ‘family business.’”
He still felt guilt beyond belief for putting you in danger. For your life being threatened. For being the reason you couldn’t go home.
You just shook your head. Your hand raised to press against his cheek. Your thumb drew tenderly along his chin.
“I thought you said you were part of my family now?” you said. “We’ll figure this out together, like everything else.”
Dean’s eventual smile lightened you, and his kiss warmed you down to your toes. 
“If you want, let’s go for a ride after dinner,” he said.
It was your turn to smirk. Your hands migrated under his jacket and teased at his belt.
“Well, I’m certainly down for a ride,” you said.
Dean laughed and squeezed your hips. “All right. I’m puttin’ you on my naughty list.”
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When John finally arrived, the brothers welcomed him in first with big man hugs and good-natured ribbing for him being so damn late.
In Sam’s words, Upholding a Winchester family tradition.
John had taken that with a chuckle. “Smells damn good in here.”
“Yeah, food’s been done for an hour,” Dean prodded at him again. His grin betrayed his teasing, however. His welcoming hand stayed on his dad’s shoulder until they reached the living room, where Sam had set up a longer fold out table and chairs to function as the makeshift dining room, since the table near the kitchen only seated three.
There you were opening a bottle of Jack Daniels. You smiled up at John.
“Figured you were more of a whiskey than wine kind of guy,” you said. You were a bit nervous to see him again, no doubt with flour in your hair and frosting staining your hands. He clasped your shoulder with a hint of a smile.
“You’d be right. Good to see you, darlin’,” he said.
“You too,” you replied. Despite the fact that the first and last time you two had met, it had been in front of your house as the police rifled through your life, looking for more explosives. He graciously didn’t bring that up as he greeted Eileen next.
Once dinner was on the table, there was a lot of catching up between the brothers and their father while you and Eileen continued talking, even through dessert.
“This really is amazing,” she told you, pointing her fork at her slice of berry crumble. “I can see why you went to culinary school.”
You blushed as Sam, Dean, and even John echoed her praise. All three men had generous slices of both pies. 
“Well, thank you. I’m glad you guys enjoy it,” you said, and your smile was genuine.
You loved making good food, but you loved feeding people even more. Whether it was a simple hearty soup or a rich dessert, you liked putting smiles on their faces and giving them a good experience; one they could share with their family and friends. Even better if it was your family.
Or as Dean would say, Your people. 
To you, that was life.
“I’m tellin’ you, if you opened up a bakery you’d make a killing in this town,” Dean said. He nudged your hand with the one that held his fork; it held a precarious piece of pumpkin pie.
You shot him an amused look.
“Don’t you look at me sideways, I’m serious,” he said, laughing a little, but his gaze was steady.
Your cheeks warmed against your will. He believed in your dream, even when you couldn’t quite let yourself.
“Hey, if you ever want to look into applying for a loan, I could help,” Sam said, earning your attention. “I have a friend who works at a bank.”
Your brows raised. “Really?”
He nodded. “Yeah, we were pre-law together back in college, but he figured he was better with numbers.”
You smiled. “Well, it would make it easier knowing I was dealing with your friend.”
“Yeah, his name’s Brady. Let me know if you want me to call him,” he said.
You bit your lip, but you nodded. “Thanks. I’ll let you know.”
Maybe they were right. Maybe you should start to believe in yourself, just a little bit more.
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“This was all real delicious,” John said to you, when you came back from bringing the leftovers to the kitchen.
Sam and Dean were already arguing about who was doing the dishes and who was drying them. Meanwhile, Eileen was putting away the food (and probably rolling her eyes).
“Yeah, it was a team effort for sure,” you replied. “Dean’s actually a really good cook.”
John chuckled. “Yeah, well, he didn’t get that from me. I can barely boil a damn egg.”
You smiled to yourself; you could imagine Dean got it from his mother then.
Meanwhile, John was watching you stack the empty plates as he grew more contemplative. He’d always been proud of his sons. They were good men, with strong heads on their shoulders.
He often looked at Sam and saw that he seemed happy. Despite the demands of his job, he was learning to balance that with the life he led with Eileen. As a father, John looked forward to the day when they made a firm foundation, taking the next step towards building a life together.
But Dean had seemed to him, a little unstable. John was still proud of his eldest, but while he’d seen a glimpse of it that day at your house, he saw it even more today. Like his son finally had an anchor, tethering him to dry land.
Even so, he couldn’t help heaving a sigh. And he asked you something he knew he shouldn’t.
“Have you given any more thought to filing a report on Nick Savage?” he asked.
You paused in your plate and cup stacking. You looked up at him with a frown, but you thought about your words before you said something rude.
“Yes, I did,” you replied. “I decided my life and my peace were more important.”
He let out a short sigh. “I understand—”
“I’m sorry, John, but I don’t think you do,” you said. Your words were matter-of-fact, if a tad more sharp than you meant them to be. Your hands were starting to tremble.
You crossed your arms to try and steady yourself, but Dean ended up doing just that, by joining your side and resting a hand at the small of your back. He was frowning, glancing between you and his father.
“Tell me you’re not talking about what I think you are,” Dean said, addressing John in particular. “Not on damn Christmas.”
“Like you said, it’s her decision,” John replied. His gaze once again focused on you.
You let out a breath, mostly of exasperation.
“I’m going to bottom-line it for you. If I report that man, and you can’t guarantee me a job and safety until it’s all over, then I’m not poking the bear,” you said. “I plan to keep my head down until I can find another job. Until then, you can have at him all you want. Just leave me out of it.”
Part of you felt selfish. You knew what John was trying to accomplish, and you knew how personal this fight was for him, and for Sam and Dean for that matter. You just couldn’t shake your gut instincts here. You knew Nick far too well by now, and you didn’t want to underestimate him again.
“I agree,” said Dean. You gave him a grateful look.
John conceded with a nod, but all of you knew he wasn’t satisfied. It became a bitter ending to an otherwise brilliant day after he left for the night.
In your mind, it wasn’t quite over yet though. You had a plan up your sleeve for one Dean Winchester.
Sam and Eileen had their own time together while you and Dean went for a drive in your new car. You’d have to transfer your plate and registration and insurance, so it was technically an “illegal” drive, but it was already late and traffic was scarce.
By the time you pulled back into the parking lot, you were smiling from ear to ear, and Dean was giving you that smug grin that said, Aw yeah, I did good.
You couldn’t even fault him for it, because he did exactly that.
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Even when you and Dean were getting ready for bed, it didn’t quite feel real. You were living with your boyfriend of just a few months, you now had a new car, and a crime lord had threatened your life.
You chose to focus on the new car. And on your boyfriend, who sat on the edge of his side of the bed, rubbing his right shoulder through his shirt. You knew it must still be sore, though he likely wouldn’t admit it.
Hence, you were about to enact Phase 1 of your plan…
You hadn’t undressed yet from your jeans and sweater, but you crawled across the bed to come up behind him and drop a gentle hand on his shoulder.
“How’s your slugging arm?” you asked.
Dean quirked a smile at you over his shoulder. “Just fine.”
“Dean,” you said. Your tone was gentle, but warning. No downplaying.
You pressed your lips against the side of his head and soothed your hand along his shoulder and down his arm. Still, he was resistant.
“I’m fine, sweetheart,” he said.
You hummed. “Okay. I guess you don’t need a massage then.”
He paused. His head tilted just so, once again turning to you over his shoulder. You spied the edge of his piqued interest, his grin.
“Well, if you’re offering…”
You withdrew your hand from his arm, but you spoke close to his ear.
“Are you asking?”
He let out a small sigh, despite his lingering smile.
“All right. Will you please give me a lil’ massage?” he asked.
He couldn’t see your triumphant smile, but you happily kissed his cheek.
“I sure can,” you replied. You laid gentle hands on his shoulders, however briefly. “Stay right here. Don’t move, but take off your shirt.”
“All right, Miss Bossy,” he grumbled. You knew he was teasing by the amused look he threw your way.
“I thought you liked that,” you teased back.
You climbed off the bed before he could playfully grab you, and you giggled all the way to the bathroom. There you began Phase 2 of your plan. 
First, you collected a few different bottles from your designated drawer under the sink. Then, you made a quick wardrobe change, after popping back into the bedroom to grab something from your nightstand.
You also connected your phone to the speaker on his nightstand and put some music on a low volume. It was a playlist he’d made and shared with you a while ago, with songs he thought you’d like. The Eagles’ “Take It to the Limit” was definitely on the list.
By the time you returned to Dean, he was indeed shirtless, still in his sweatpants, and checking his watch.  
“I’m here, I’m here,” you said. You climbed across the bed with your small haul—a difficult feat with your hands full, but you managed.
Dean turned to look at the bottles of moisturizer you dropped next to him on the bed. He rose a brow.
“Twilight Woods. Japanese Cherry Blossom. Appletini. Are these my only options?” he asked. His face was half bemused, half reluctant.
You almost burst out laughing. “Which one strikes your fancy?”
He scratched the back of his head. You opened the second bottle first (your personal favorite), so he could smell.
“Not bad actually,” he muttered. You bit your lip so you wouldn’t giggle, but you managed to open the other two for him to get a whiff.
“Eh, the first one I guess,” he said.
Japanese Cherry Blossom. AKA: a classic from Bath & Body Works.
You finally had to laugh. “Just kidding. I’ve got this.”
You held up a jar you’d been hiding behind him. Its logo said: Massage Oil.
“I just wanted to see which girly moisturizer you secretly wanna slather all over yourself,” you said.
Dean shot you a wry look, but only then did he see what you were wearing.
“Oh, hold up,” he uttered.
Your hair was let loose, how you knew he liked, and you’d teased it out a little. You’d had to give away the red lingerie you’d bought, to rid both of you of its lingering memories of your work Christmas party. Instead, you’d found something in a vibrant emerald green: satin and lace.
Dean’s hand reached for your waist, probably to bring you closer. But you playfully slapped his hand.
“Eh-eh! Not yet,” you said to his surprised face. You smiled. “I have a plan for you tonight.”
Slowly, he smirked. His eyes still dipped to take in the rest of you, from your pretty face, to exposed skin and cleavage, to shiny satin that clung to your curves and draped down to mid-thigh. 
“I can see,” he said. His voice was a notch deeper. “Merry Christmas to me.”
Despite your blush and growing smile, you turned him back around by his shoulders.
“Just relax.”
You let your hands drift up the back of his neck to slide your fingers through his hair. There you began with a slow, gentle massage of his head. You felt him take a deep breath.
You couldn’t see it, but Dean’s eyes had closed at your ministrations. He secretly really liked the feeling of your fingers running through his hair. It made his shoulders loosen; with tension he didn’t know he had releasing from the neck down.
Aside from the rigors of his job, he also had to work out and condition his body to keep up his stamina. He probably didn’t spend as much time as he should on this aspect of things, making sure he wasn’t overtaxing himself.
He appreciated what you were doing though. He knew you cared about him, that you loved him. But he liked that you were also a caring person, who tried to take care of him. Dean hadn’t really had that…from anyone before. Sometimes, it was hard for him to let you.
…Damn, we really got too much in common, he realized.
When you migrated back down his neck, your hands left for a moment to gather up some oil. It was warm against his skin when you started between his shoulders, digging with the heel of your hands.
He groaned deep, surprising even himself.
Behind him, your brows were furrowed. “You’re really knotted up here. When was the last time you had a massage?”
Dean chuckled. “Never.”
You frowned. “Hmm. Okay, we’re definitely doing this more often.”
“No complaints from me,” he said with a grin.
Of course, you gave special attention to his right shoulder. You were gentler there, asking what was tender and what felt good, or too much. By then you had an easier time getting the truth out of Dean. He let you know when the pressure was too much, and you even helped him stretch out that arm until the muscles and joints were warmed up and the pain was gone.
You encouraged him to lie on his stomach in the middle of the bed, so you could start on his back. Your hands glided down planes of muscle and smooth slopes while you straddled his thighs. The only sounds you heard from him were occasional moans and rumbling, pleased sounds. That was also what let you know that he hadn’t fallen asleep.
“Okay, turn over,” you said, smiling when he groaned in protest. “I haven’t even gotten to the good part.”
“What the hell’s the good part then?” he asked. His voice was muffled in the mattress, but when he turned around, flopping onto his back, his eyes once again took in the green satin and seemed to remember what your real intentions were.
“Oh, yeah,” he said. His grin was lazy, now that he was beyond relaxed, but his hands found purchase on your hips. You smiled down at him.
You let the remaining oil on your hands glide up his chest, until you lowered down for a kiss. It was unhurried and sweet.
“I love you, you know?” you said.
Dean swept his fingers through your hair, tucking a few strands behind your ear.
He smiled. “I’ve got some idea, yeah.”
You both laughed, soft and true. Your hand rested against his cheek as you pressed your lips to his, soft and slow at first, but soon gaining in both passion and urgency. You felt his grip on your hips tighten, grinding your center against his growing length.
He groaned. No goddamn panties on. Good.
You kissed your way from his lips to his neck. Your teeth grazed his ear while you rolled your hips into his. It was a tease for both of you, but not for long, as Dean grew impatient enough to slide his sweatpants down, followed by his hands slipping under the satin covering your thighs. They traveled further still, squeezing your breasts and rolling hardened nipples under the pads of his thumbs.
Your breath hitched, and your pleased hum was music to his ears. By now you were bracing yourself against the mattress, but you used his shoulders as leverage to raise yourself up.
You took his hands and encouraged them to bunch up the satin and pull it over your head. Dean sat up with you still in his lap, and once his strong arm wrapped around your waist, it was skin to flushed skin.
You held his face and brought him down to you for another fierce kiss. He held you tightly against him, hands splayed across your back and tangling in your hair. His arms were a cage you never wanted to escape.
But you did press away from him, just for a moment, so you could reach down between your bodies to take a firm hold of his cock. You guided it to your entrance. There was already a small flood between your legs, and your core ached for him.
There was almost no resistance when you slowly sunk your hips down and down, until he was buried deep inside you.
You both made sounds of pleasure, with labored breaths as Dean’s hand cradled your cheek. He laid open-mouthed kisses to your jaw, teeth grazing down your neck.
You clung to his shoulders and began to move, slow in the way you let almost the full length of his cock escape you, before you slid back down. Dean moaned into your skin, and you let out a shuddering sigh.
You pushed at Dean’s chest until he was lying back, and you continued rolling your hips against his. He helped you create a steady rhythm on top of him, but he was being treated to a feast of the eyes as well as the pleasure rocking through his body. He watched the way you swept your hair back. The way your eyes closed and brows furrowed in concentration as you bit your lip.
But he couldn’t stay still for long; he knew he was close enough to practically taste his end, but you had some miles to go. He gripped your thigh with one hand while the other glided up between them, to further part your folds. His fingers found your clit, circling insistently like it was a button. It had your hips stuttering.
“Oh, God,” you uttered. “Dean—”
He managed to smirk through panting breaths. “Right there, right baby?”
You nodded, unable to speak. You continued to move as steadily as you could, but the feeling of him deep inside combined with his talented fingers playing you like a five-string guitar—it finally made you tighten on him, shuddering deep inside. Tingles broke across your skin, zipping up your spine as you gasped.
Dean helped you with the last few hard thrusts that brought him along with you, and you felt his warmth spilling inside you.
It was a heady feeling, and you needed a moment just to recover. Even though you were on birth control, every time he came inside you still felt like a dangerous, delicious game.
But after you slid off his lap and practically rolled into his side, him welcoming you with an arm wrapping around your waist, it did make you think, as you caught your breath.
It made you think about the first time you and Dean slept together. It had been the first and last time you’d asked him to wear a condom. The next morning, he’d made a remark that still hung in the back of your mind…
“You like kids, huh?”
The thought still rattled through your mind now, after you and Dean shared a quick shower, ridding you both of the oil clinging to your skin. The thought remained when you slid into bed, under fresh sheets and thick covers, and close to your man. He cupped your cheek and pressed a kiss to your forehead. You closed your eyes at the feeling.
Contrary to what this night had been, the whole “moving in together” thing hadn’t been all that easy. You two had bickered about the way he often left drawers and cabinets open and dirty clothes on the floor.
He had made remarks about your hair products taking up too much space in his drawers. Not to mention how morning routines needed to adjust because Dean liked to shower in the morning, but you needed the mirror not fogged up in order to do your makeup.
Right now, however, you had peace. You felt safe here, and you weren’t alone in a huge house filled with far too many memories.
“Can I ask you something?” you said.
Dean’s lips lingered on your forehead. “Hmm?”
“I know this situation is sort of temporary, me living here,” you said. “So much has happened that we haven’t really talked about…what we both want, down the line.”
He pulled back enough from you to see your face. His face betrayed a thread of confusion.
“What do you mean?” he asked.
“I mean like…” you hesitated, but you realized you were probably going to have to be direct. “Are you a marriage and kids kind of guy? Is that even something you’ve thought about?”
Dean met your gaze. It took him a moment, but he let out a short sigh.
“You wanna know what made me want to start dating, for real?” he asked.
You blinked; you hadn’t expected that, but you nodded.
“I started thinking about what would happen if something happened to me on the job,” he said. You frowned, but before you could say anything, he raised a placating hand.
“I thought about what I’d leave behind,” said Dean. He quirked a wry smile. “It’s not much, besides my car.”
You frowned in earnest. Your hand flattened against his bare chest.
“That’s not true,” you said. “You have your brother, your father, and your friends. That’s plenty, Dean.”
He conceded that with a nod. “You’re right. But I just started thinking, maybe I want more. Like uh…like what my parents had, when they were happy. The house, each other, me and Sammy…a family.”
You couldn’t be certain in the near total darkness of the room, with only the moonlight filtering through the blinds and casting a glow behind him, but you thought you saw a shine in his eyes. Your hand crept up from beneath the covers to find his cheek. It was rough with stubble, yet you tenderly swept a thumb back and forth.
“I think that’s beautiful,” you replied.
Dean paused. He then huffed in amusement. “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” you smiled, hoping he could see it. 
“Then uh, is that something you’d be into?” he asked. You were amused by his tentative approach. 
“With you?” You pretended to think. Your fingers slipped into his hair. “Yeah, I think I’m into that.”
He chuckled. “Okay, then. Good to know.”
He grasped your wrist and turned his head to press a kiss into your palm.
And he spoke into the dark. “I love you too, you know.”
Your smile deepened as you rested your head against his arm. You whispered into the small space between your faces.
“Yeah, I’ve got some idea.”
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AN: All righty, how'd you like that fluff overload?
...Ready for some more drama? 😏
Next Time:
But the more you thought about what you’d heard, and Nick’s ominous threat about a cop, you found yourself scrolling lower in your contacts. You called John Winchester.
It rang a few times, and all the while you made silent, fervent prayers. Pick up, damn it! You could hear your own heartbeat in your ears.
“Winchester,” he answered.
“John, it’s me,” you whispered. “Azazel’s here. Or, he’s not here, here, but I know who he is. Well, I mean kind of—”
“Okay, wait. Slow down,” he said. “What about Azazel? You know who he is?”
Keep Reading: PART 16
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Dean Winchester Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Series Tag List (Part 1):
@hobby27 @kazsrm67 @letheatheodore @agothwithheavysetmakeup @jacklesbrainworms @foxyjwls007 @wincastifer @iamsapphine @simpforbuckyb
@vanillawhiskeyflavoredkisses @roseblue373 @this-is-me19 @emily-winchester @spnexploration @deans-spinster-witch @deans-baby-momma @iprobablyshipit91
@melancholictearz @nic-kolas @katherineann814 @sleepyqueerenergy @wayward-lost-and-never-found @thewritersaddictions @just-levyy @samanddeaninatrenchcoat @deanwanddamons @antisocialcorrupt @lacilou @adoringanakin @theonlymaninthesky @teehxk @midnightmadwoman @brianochka @branj19
@agalliasi @venicesem @chriszgirl92 @lyarr24 @ladysparkles78 @solariklees @xsophianicolex @deansbbyx @candy-coated-misery0731 @curlycarley @sarahgracej @bagpussjocken @ultrahviolentart @chernayawidow @beskarfilms @mimaria420
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2smolbeans · 7 months
"Nearly breaking down as you saw Marco softly smile at you. A smile you haven't seen ever since he found his 'darling'."
Part 2 Part 2.5 character info
Love Me, Love Me Not
Yandere Best Friend x Obstacle Reader
Tags: kidnapping, complicit murder, guilt, suggestive tones, mixed signals, eventual smut, oneshot, reader is going through mixed feelings, one sided crush, yandere is in love with someone else, imprisonment, will they won't they vibes.
Disclaimer: This is just a scenario I thought of with an Oc! So nothing is really 'official' or canon-
One too many times, you should've called the police. Why didn't you though? Now you sit there on the shower floor, hot water burning your back as you try to warm up the chill that goes down your spine. Their eyes, oh god they were open and staring at you dead in fear. Why did you cover for him?
You felt the sob trapped in your throat rip out of you as you remembered all the horrible things you were complicit in. There was nothing you could do now but accept the reality. You wouldn't get caught. The two of you burned all the evidence, and sadly, the victims were easy to dispose of. Did anyone look for them? Was anyone curious about them going missing?
The guilt was heavy, and it didn't help that the person you did it for- couldn't give two shits about you.
Marco, your happy go lucky best friend. You remembered that night when he called you, in a panic, begging you to rush to where he was. Of course you went, you were so worried for him. Upon arrival, you saw the large bag and tools. The look on his face warning you to do as he says before he decides to have another matching body bag beside him.
"You trust me don't you? I just need help with this, and then we can be over with it!"
You should've ran, screamed, called for help. But instead, you just grabbed the lower half of the bag, feeling the dreadful sensation of its limbs. You heard a shocked hum across you before the bag lifted off the ground.
"This is why you're always my number one go to. I apperciate this, I mean it. I won't ever forget this. Now follow me 'kay?"
What a joke. It was all a lie, wasn't it? All of that just for some sick obsession. Just for his "girlfriend" to focus on him and him only. If Marco just pursued her normally like a decent fucking human being, nobody would've been hurt, lies wouldn't have been told, your friendship would've been intact..
He could've just told those once alive victims that he wanted to ask her out. If Marco just smiled at her like he used to smile towards you- you're damn sure she would've fallen for him.
It worked for you afterall..
Maybe you should've let go when you had the chance. Cause now here you are, fending for your life as the killer you once called a friend claims you're the very obstacle of their relationship.
What? But you helped him?
You're staring at her in the wrong way.
Are you fucking kidding me? Does he know how many times you cried. The nights you spent mourning for the dead and the friendship that once was?
He still cares about you. But you forced him to get rid of you.
That's funny since you're currently showering at his apartment. You can't leave, though. He's locked the doors and windows. He even went as far as locking the knife cabniet and potential weapons. Still with the shower running, you didn't flinch at the sound of the bathroom door opening.
Curled up in a ball as you sat in the shower, you finally saw the eyes staring down at your naked form. You couldn't read his face, understand his expression, or even tell what he was thinking. It was foreign, new.
"Hey. Are you done? You're taking up the water bill y'know?"
Oh right, how long were you there for? Awkardly, you tried standing up while covering yourself with what little your hands could hide. You hoped he would at least save you some dignity, but he just kept staring with a blank expression.
"Here's a towel. Dry up and come to the kitchen. I made us something to eat"
You thanked Marco as you were quick to wrap your body with the towel. Looking again at Marco, you saw a hint of dissapointnent splay upon his eyes.
"Okay..Well just-Just..do whatever. Don't take too long or else I'll drag you out myself."
Rolling your eyes, you pushed Marco out of the bathroom as you closed the door. Locking - Oh right, he removed all the locks to each room..Drying off your body, you put on the clothes he left for you. Eventually, you made it to the kitchen, sitting down on the chair as you watched him cook.
He looked so calm, so soft as he focused on flipping the meat. You almost smiled when you heard him mutter about how he spilled some oil on his shirt.
Eventually sitting down to join you, Marco gave you your food as he offered you a drink. You declined of course, not feeling thirsty and paranoid of whatever poison he might spike it with. Smelling the aroma of the food, you felt your mouth water. He was always a good cook, hell you remembered the first time you visited his place.
How he made you a nice cooked lamb with mash potatoes. You recalled it being the first time you've ever seen Marco so particular about a certain thing - even though he's always been a speradic and chaotic individual. Though, the quick realization of your perdicment made the food cold and unappetizing.
Biting your lip, you turn your head away as you felt your eyes burn.
Don't cry, don't cry.
You sucked it up. Inhaled the air that surrounded you and forced a bite into your mouth. The food was good, you couldn't deny it. But it didn't taste as good as it did before. It's good, you say. Nearly breaking down as you saw Marco softly smile at you. A smile you haven't seen ever since he found his 'darling'. You want to run away and cry, to start fresh and new.
"I'm actually glad you moved in with me, it feels nice talking to someone who's helped me"
With the murders?
"Hey, we finally reached one of our bucket lists! To be roomates! Huh, well isn't that kind of funny? And we didn't even plan it out- kinda just happened huh!"
He was just rubbing the salt in the wound at this point. Forcing a smile, you just continued eating, chewing your food as a distraction as he kept on staring at you. Where's his girlfriend? Why didn’t he just make her move into his apartment if you're in the way?
"Oh her? She's at work, don't worry about it"
You stop eating, finishing your plate as you push it towards Marco.
"All done? I'm glad you enjoyed it! Just sit right there while I put everything away"
Is there any way for you to escape? There has to be a way, right? What are you doing here? How long is Marco planning on keeping you alive?
"Hey, your not thinking of doing anything weird right?"
You nod your head no profusely, trying to get his suspicion off of you. Patting your shoulder, Marco motions you to the couch. Sitting down before you as he drags you along with him. Placing you on his lap, he turns on the TV- switching through channels while you freeze on the spot.
"Is there anything you want to tell me?"
Out of nowhere, his hands slowly begin to play with your shirt. His fingers rubbing up and down your sides, his crouch nearly pressing against you. Confused, you just sit there, your hands on your knees as you glued your eyes to the screen.
"You're not lying to me, are you?"
His voice is so sweet, so much closer than you anticapted. You nearly buck against his touch just as his palm brushes a certain spot ever so subtly. Why was he doing this? You had a slight speculation why - or at least a hopeful stupid thought that would fufill your old wishes.
"...If you say so"
You find yourself now sitting beside him, pushed off of his lap. Feeling the weight shift on the couch, Marco stood up and walked away for what seemed like forever.
"I just remembered I have to quickly run by to get some things. I'll be back.."
If like nothing happened, you were alone. Confused, you wave your hands around as you scrunch up your face. Talking to yourself as you pace around the room. Calming down, you walk towards the door. Examining it as you realised that Marco had left one of the security laches loose. Should you risk it? You could grab the butterknife he gave you for the meal to loosen the door..
Oh fuck.
You could perhaps finally leave.
Part 2 coming up soon!
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terras-domain · 1 month
Hell for Most, Heaven for Me
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Prisoner Y/N / Sister JiU (Kim Minji - Dreamcatcher)
Tags: VIOLENT STORY (murderer background y/n), prison au,prisoner y/n (reader), nun JiU, rough sex,losing virginity, dub con, sex in VERY inappropriate places (please do not do this ;-;), hint of breeding I guess
Words: 3.8k
terra's note: helloooo terra here. This one was in my mind to do for so long, I wanted to make it but I was so worried if this is allowed or nah, cuz well, for some reasons. And an extra note I kept losing my works here and there i have no idea why ;-; But anyways, I hope this I a good read for you and as always, hope you have a nice day and love you all <33
"I hereby sentence you to 10 years of life in prison, and no parole" were the words echoing through my mind, after being convicted with murder. The bus, the last vehicle I'd probably ride for another 10 years, taking me to my new home. Looking through the dusty window, I could see the cold breeze blowing east, trees bending to the right, pointing to the gigantic grey building, lacking in life in joy. "Have a good look inmate. That's your new home" the guard, sitting across the bus, looking into my eyes, knowing the emotions I'm feeling all too well. He's sent plenty of people like me here.
Get in, check into your 5 star suite and wear your fancy orange jumpsuit; that was the process I was brought to, registering myself as the new inmate in a jail I don't even want to remember the name of. Dragged like a dog towards my cell, the guard slammed the door shut, leaving me alone with my thoughts. "Enjoy your stay, maniac." A stern voice echoes the area, the guard laughing as he walks away, making me curl up on my bed. The murder, the death and crimes I did, as much as they were right to call me a monster, it was deserved. Seeing my own wife cheating with my brother, nothing in my life could prepare me for that. The kitchen knife was just conveniently close to me, it took me less than a second to have it in my hand, and another second for it to be covered in their blood. I've lost it, yet I couldn't care any less. "Fuck that bitch."
Morning arises, the guards will usually brutally beat a bell to wake us up, forcing us to hard labour, often times picking up trash on the streets whilst supervised by them. "Quit slacking, y/n! You think I'm blind?" One of the guards yelled, her voice could easily break my eardrums, it hurts. What hurts more is the fact she's a woman, the same damn species that bitch, that cheating bitch was. I clicked my tongue, looking back and was on the brink of snapping, but my conscious got the best of me. "Yes ma'am." I obediently nodded, surrendering as I continued my community service, being a mere slave to the law. I was restless, my body could barely contain the anger. A sight of a woman in itself infuriates me. Getting a little rest in the restroom, washing my face was a right call. Looking into the reflection in the mirror, staring at the wet face of a man who's fallen down a rabbit hole of hatred. My eyes darken, my body slowly shrinking yet swollen, it just didn't make sense. "What am I doing?"
My restlessness needs answers, or at least, something to sooth myself. After community service, the guards let us have our own private time, wandering around the prison to do what you want. I stumbled upon the prison's church, seems like a good place to recuperate. It's like they always say, when in doubt, find God, or I hope they do. Entering the small room, it looks nothing bigger than 4 of my rooms, and my room looks like it was designed to fit a rat. There's probably not many visitors around here, it's a home for criminals. I sighed as I sat on one of the multiple free benches, crossing myself as I began to pray. My wish to find myself inner peace, my wish to fully heal myself from my sins, and most importantly my wish to have courage to forgive what has happened in the past. My prayers were going smoothly, but it was quite bothered when I heard footsteps. "Who the fuck goes to church, whilst being an inmate?" I monologued, looking behind myself to see the figure that was walking in the holy space, and that's when my eyes felt revived, seeing something so beautiful, my mind went blank.
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"Welcome child. What brings you here?" Her voice alone made me lose my tension, it felt as if I was on a cloud. I was too stunned to speak, my mind couldn't process her beauty, let alone process human words to speak. "Forgive me, is everything okay? Or-" she paused, stuttering as if she's afraid of the next words coming out of her gorgeous lips. "...are you mute per chance? I know some sign language to communicate if so." She eventually found her best words to form a sentence. Looking from her expression, it seems like she's trying her best not to offend me. Unlucky for her, my mind cleared out the clouds of delusion, behind that beauty, lays a species of humanity I would despise till my grave. "Oh no! I'm not disabled or anything. I was just, spacing out..." My eyes wide open, the sight of a maniac is what could describe my face right now but my voice sounds ever so lovely, as if my past self was doing the talking, the goody two shoes that let myself marry such a wicked bitch. My eyes scanned through the curves of the nun in front of me. Despite her body well covered, I could see how curvy and hot she is, not too thick but she definitely is an eye candy. "Oh I see. Well forgive me for bothering your prayers child. I was not here to disturb your conversation with Him. May your prayers be replied and may your life finds itself towards the right path." She gives a short bow, before moving towards the pillar, the symbol of what I believe is the place where she usually carries out her religious speech, that is if anybody is going to her speeches. What's more important though is her walk, the way her hips move left and right, showing how curvy her ass is. I couldn't hold it, my mind doesn't want to keep imagining. It wants to live it.
My legs starts to move, marching towards her from behind as I grabbed her from the back, my left arm wrapping around her midriff whilst my right on her ass cheek. "ngh- what are you doing?! Do you know where we are right now, inmate??" She questioned, her voice sounds timid as my arms venture around her body, feeling the smooth cloth of her body hiding the treasures underneath. "I prayed for lots of things, sister. Seems like God answered the call pretty soon~" I grinned, my arm groping her ass, making me grunt from pleasure, oh how long have I waited to touch a woman's ass. That bitch of a wife wouldn't let me for months, eventually I found out that cheap slut's ass is for other guys. No worries, I'll take this nun's big ass now and fuck it the way I like it!
It was heaven for me, two days in prison felt like forever, and that forever bores me. With this bitch of a nun in my hands, I can do whatever I please. "No- Aaah! Please stop, this is not the place for such vulgar actions," the woman pleads. But unfortunate for her I don't take orders from women any longer, not anymore. Rubbing my cock underneath my pants while she grunts and tries to move away. Makes me want to have her even more. Despite my joyous time enjoying the body of the hot nun, there's always things that makes things complicated. "Y/N? Where are ya? You gotta get back to your cell!" A voiced shouted from a distance. It's the guards, I thought. I had to let the nun go, letting her pure body free this time, but I'm damn sure this isn't over. The guard steps in the holy space, seeing me stand in front of the nun, smiling at her. "Y/N, your times up, get back to your cell!" He ordered, before shifting his gaze to the curvaceous woman. "Sorry Miss Minji, he's new. I guess he spent too much time praying huh?" He giggled, completely oblivious to the fact I was groping her before he crashed the party. "It's okay, sir. The inmate was just....asking me some questions. It seems he is just starting his journey to find God." She explained, and obvious lie for the both of us, but to that stupid bastard of a guard had no idea. "Oh, I see. Well hopefully this rascal doesn't bother you too much, Miss Minji." The guard laughed it off, in his face reflects confusion as he took his baton and smacks my head, making me start walking out to head back to my cell. "Now that's enough learning for today Y/N, back to your little mansion you go!" He exclaimed, making me take my steps back towards my cell.
In my own cell, my legs are crossed while I rest on the crusty old mattress. Sure it feels like I'm laying on a rock, but in my mind I couldn't felt more relieved. In my mind is only Minju, I didn't even think a second of my late wife, the horrible woman that made me commit the crimes I do today. In fact, that crime is the sole purpose I have this opportunity, and I couldn't miss it for the world. "Minji....you will be mine!"
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Getting home to my convent, my mind simply could not brush away the thoughts of y/n. He was a sinful man, and what he did couldn't be said any worse. But for some reason, my heart is racing, it screams for more of that. Is that what sexual pleasure means? Being a holy child of God, I was never interested into indulging myself into such filthy acts, but that was too much for me to resist. Resisting in bed that night I made sure to lock the rooms of my own room, hoping the rest of the sisters to not find me in this state, in heat and about to perform such sinful acts. My body naked without a thread, as I look down, my shaven pussy dripping wet. I gulped, my thoughts conflicting between each other, but eventually it was no longer in my head. I start to slowly touch my clitoris that made me instantly let out a moan. "Aaah~!" I covered my mouth, turning down the volume of my sexual voices as I touch myself, wishing nobody will see me. My fingers kept moving on its own, now penetrating into my pussy, fingering myself. I could yelp and scream, but my hand muffled the sounds to ensure it doesn't reach anybody's ears to listen. My fingers slide in and out of my pussy, touching myself as my body tingles, it couldn't last any longer. "nghhh- noooo...aaah!" Eventually my body gave up, spurting cum all over my mattress, making me moan out load for a few seconds as my urges got the best of me. I panted, looking around my room, nothing really catches my eye, only the fact my body was so into the pleasure of getting groped and touched by a dangerous criminal who so happens to hate women. But somehow with all those issues regarding him, I want to see him again, and I want all of that again.
Days gone by, and that hot nun just couldn't leave my mind. How I want to absolutely ruin her and use her as my own personal toy, I just couldn't stand it. Unfortunately, this isn't a lavish life where everything goes my way. Prison life is as horrible as it sounds. Humiliating tasks to complete, food that even rats wouldn't dare to touch, and to top it all off, the annoyance from the shouting yappers they call guards just makes life so tense. Luckily enough, I made acquaintance with a guy that sells cigarettes for some dirty money, and it's my only pathway to maintain my sanity in this new life.
With a blunt between my lips, my footsteps move towards the holy room, a place where it's expected to find the hot chick in prison area. Creaking the door open, I could see her stood in the room just as expected, cleaning the church area. Putting out the spark on my cig, I threw it to the nearest trashcan as I drop my footsteps towards her. "Missed me, Sister Minji?" I smirked, as my footsteps echoes the room. No reply, not surprised by that. I would expect her to actually make me leave or call the guards on me to make me go back to my cell. "What you did the other day....was a sin, my child." She responded after a minute of silence. She didn't flinch nor make a step back, making it more inviting for me to come closer. As we reach closer, only an inch apart of each other, holding her shoulders as I caress them a bit. "My wife was a complete asshole, Minji..." My voice speaks out, almost like a whisper to her ears. "...and I need you, to repent her sins." As I finished, my hands pulled her in, attaching my lips on hers. Kissing her deeply, my mouth tries to get a reply from the nun, hoping she opens up a bit more. "Mmmh...nghhhh~" Minji sounded her restrains, trying to resist. Eventually however, her lips part ways as she opens up, giving me a chance to make out with her deeply. "Mmmmh~ just like that Minji. Such a good girl" I groaned, enjoying my mouth on her innocent lips. After a while of making out, I pulled away and looked into her eyes, giving her space to breath. "God, please forgive me for my acts." Her face blushes, looking down, ashamed of her acts. "God won't hear nothing from you today. Might as well just use that mouth for something better."
I held her tight and guided her to fall to her knees. With zero resistance from Minji, it was easy for me to put her down. "You wanted this, don't you?" I grinned as I undo my pants, letting down the lower half of my jumpsuit to reveal my hardening boner. "It's not like that. I-I" she was hesitant. It was obvious in those pretty cat-like eyes her mind is going back and forth trying to get an answer. Unlucky for her, no is never an answer here. My cock is already out, twitching on her face as I rest it on her smooth pale skin. And I need her innocent body to relieve all the tension building up in me. "Suck." I ordered, but her small face shook in rejection, making me sigh in disappointment. "Guess I have to do it myself huh?" I grabbed the back of her scalp, gripping it hard enough to make her yelp in the bit of pain as I stuff her mouth with my cock, pushing it as deep as I possibly can in one push. "Nghhhh~! Accckk..!" Minji screamed, muffled by my member between her pretty lips yet echoes through the room. The muffled gags and chokes excites me, making my cock grow bigger in her tight throat as I plunge in deeper. Despite being her first time doing oral sex, taking it rough the first time too, she's doing well to stay awake. Even though tears running down her eyes and her face filled with her own spit and precum, the sight is such a beauty, it made me enjoy the whole process of my hips moving back and forth skullfucking her innocence out.
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A few moments of thrusting in and out of Minji's face, I finally decided to pull out, letting her have time to breathe. "Bwaaah.... aaaah, goodness." She gasped for air, trying to gain her conscious, then moving away as she expected my little game is over. "Oh Sister Minji, where do you think you're going?" I grabbed her small forearm, stopping her movements. Her eyes widen, shocked from the revelation, and her tight body was immediately brought to one of the benches in the church, where I made her hands on the seats, bending her over. If it were up to me, I would've torn her garments apart and ravish her. But that would probably cause trouble for me with the guards, so I just took off her maxi and reveal her curved ass, only covered by her white panties, stained with her own wet juices. "Look at you~ so wet down here already~" I giggled as I gave her a firm spank, making her grasp the bench and scream out a moan. "I- It was too much for me to resist." She responded, her voice sounded so fragile and submissive, making my cock throb in excitement. My hand pulled down her white panties to her ankles. Now her untouched treasure fully exposed to me, I couldn't resist the urge to give a touch on her wet entrance. My soft touch on her pure innocence made her let out a sensual moan, resulting in a big grin on my face. It's a sign she's giving in. I keep exploring, increasing my pace on her touch-craving pussy, circling around her wet clitoris, where she constantly twitched and grunted from the sensation. "Aaaah...y/n..." Her voice sounds more sensual as her body looked weaker and could barely last. That's when I start to go rough on her again, pushing my index and middle finger inside her pulsing walls. Immediately as my fingers pushed in, she immediately screamed and moaned, enjoying the sensation as her body vibrates from pleasure. "OH GOSH Y/N NOOOO!" Her reaction only prompted me to go faster. "You like it, don't you? Being a slut in God's holy space? Showing off how much of a slut you are~!" I teased, my fingers reaching as deep as they could, while her moans escalated. "No...please do not say that...it is- aaah!" The moment she started to talk back, I immediately went faster and rougher, touching her sensitive parts to cause her to create a scene in the church with her moans echoing through the room. "No- nghhhh... I can not hold it any longer! Forgive me My Lord....I'm, kyaaahhh!" Her screams ignites her climax, cumming on my fingers and wetting herself as her juices drip down her thighs.
"Haa...haaahh" The gorgeous lady panted, laying on the bench as her mind process the depurification of her body unfold in such a holy area. But her eyes kept staring at mine, not with anger nor grudge, but confusion. As if she's having a war between herself, trying to pick up words of what she might decide to do after all this. I kneeled down, my eyes level to hers as I gave her a rub on the scalp. "Tell me, Sister. What is it in your mind?" I asked, as my cock throbs, waiting for more action. Minji gulped, her mind racing around looking for a decision. Or maybe she already does, yet too shy to ask. "P-please...please have sex with me more, Y/n." She muttered, sparking joy and lust within me. "Then in position, bitch!" I ordered, giving her face a firm smack to show her where she stands now, nothing more than a little slut for me, my entertainment in my 10-year sentence. She nodded obediently, her back now on the bench as she spread her legs to show her soaked cunt. And oh God, what a sight, a religious woman completely offering her pussy to a prisoner like a cheap slut she is, nothing makes me happier. I stroked my cock as I get closer to her pussy, slowly sliding my tip in. I looked at Minji's face looking at how she's taking my tip, since this is her first time. "Aaaah.....it's so big y/n" She whined, but eventually got used to my size as her breathe starts to ease out. "Seems like you're ready for the next step." I was never planning on going easy on this ass, and I won't change my mind. My hips immediately buck back and forth, fucking her tight cunt as hard as possible. "Aaaah! Wait no ngaaaaah you are- God too rough!" Minji screamed, feeling my cock plunging in and out of her tight virgin pussy, no mercy for her first time. "Fuck do I care, Minji? You wanna get fucked don't you? Then fucking take it!" My hips got into a faster pace, going rough on her with no sign of mercy, making her scream. Although her screams were getting louder, she didn't seem to want to stop. Her arms on my shoulders, holding on me tight.
With her arms now on me, it gives me a good excuse to hold her tight and carry her up, holding her tight body whilst my cock stays inside her sweet cunt. "Fuck- you're clingy aren't you?" I grinned as I humped her body upwards, making Minji move up and down my cock, with gravity helping drag her body down to take every inch of me. "Nghhh- forgive me y/n....I can't resist it any longer. I need your penis even more now!" The way her lips moved while she speaks, it turns me on, it drives me crazy. I brought ourselves near a wall, making the slutty nun's back face the wall. It gives me an easier pathway to thrust, fucking this bitch as rough as I want while holding her by her ass cheeks. "Aaaah~! Y/N it feels so good, gaaaah~!" her moans felt like music, a sensation I longed for so many years after my wife turned into the cheating bitch she was. Those memories can now be buried, a new sensation arises, with this tight slut being mine, and mine only. My lips now crashes onto hers, kissing her deeply whilst she took my hard cock in and out easily now after a lot of rough strokes. "Mmmmh~! Fuck- Minji, I wanna cum...I wanna cum in your fucking pussy!" I grunted, my cock couldn't hold it any longer as my shaft yearns to unload itself. "Wait no- that's too dan-" without waiting her to finish speaking, I already reached my limit, my cock starts to let loose, shooting ropes of cum deep inside her pussy, filing up her womb. "Aaaaah...kyaaaah!" Minji held me tight, accepting my rewards and my sign of marking, an officiation to being my slut. It wouldn't be enough to mark her insides, my mouth aims towards her neck, kissing and sucking on it before biting on it, my fangs leaving a purple mark, a hickey as a sign of ownership. My member took her time to finish, emptying myself in her womanhood. I panted, barely feeling my legs as I quickly walked towards a nearby bench to sit, with Minju still on top and my cock still inside her. I didn't want to say a word, and so does she. Our only exchange of communication were our lips kissing, tongues clashing between on one another. Our eyes interlock as we know from this day forward, heaven felt so distant, it's beyond reachable. But this sensation, for now, is our heaven.
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l0v3tast3 · 1 year
Listen. Only do this if you feel like it❤️
But can you do a hc or short ff (Anything is cool) with a reader that tells Ghost, price, Alejandro and Rudy that they see them as a father figure and that they feel save and protected around them?
Something wholesome because I thing we all could use some 🧎‍♂️❤️
✎ this is so adorable i love this idea omg
✎ tags: alejandro and rudy use feminine spanish nicknames for you but otherwise i think i kept it gender neutral reader?, military reader, pure fluff <3, not proofread im too cool for that
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☆ simon "ghost" riley
♡ you're both in the kitchen of the compound's living area at the same time, you perched on a counter while you and simon are waiting for coffee to brew. your conversation had turned to the last mission you had all went on.
♡ your arm had been grazed by a bullet during a firefight, and as much as simon will deny it, he went kind of ballistic. the enemies were neutralized within minutes after that and through your protests of "it was my arm, dumbass, i can walk!" he still picked you up and took you to safety and stitched you up.
♡ the whole time he had lectured you about staying behind cover and checking all your surroundings and all the other things you knew how to do, but you knew he wasn't angry with you because his hands were more gentle than you thought they could be.
♡ so when you're both waiting for coffee to brew and you tell him that he made you feel safe and that he was protective of you in a good dad way, he short-circuits.
♡ you see him as a father figure? he can't really figure it out himself why you do, even when he gives you a weird look and you try to explain further. he watches you with the same weird look through his balaclava (his eyebrows do plenty of talking for him) until the coffee is done and he pours you both cups and walks off.
♡ you just shrug and go about your day, but simon thinks about it for weeks. he doesn't forget how you trust him and he makes a point of keeping an eye out for you from now on, even if he was already doing it subconsiously.
☆ john price
♡ it's you and the other four guys, price, soap, ghost, and gaz, all sitting at a table playing cards and drinking. you're all joking around and gaz brings up how price is like an old grandpa sometimes with the stories he tells, and you chime in with "yeah, he's totally like our dad!"
♡ gaz, soap, and ghost all just nod their agreement with laughs but price stops, looking at you questioningly. he asks you if you really think of him like a dad, and you smile and nod.
♡ you tell him about how he's always so on top of everything and he makes sure the team stays together and solid, and how he just has "dad energy", which he doesn't understand but he'll ask gaz about later. it makes him feel a little warm inside but he just looks away so you can't see the obvious smile threatening to push through onto his face.
♡ he thinks about it for awhile afterwards. he covers up the mushy feelings he gets with dad jokes and sarcastic comments, but he makes sure to encourage and look out for you from then on.
♡ you can be damn well sure that if this man sees you flirting with anyone, he'll march on over and just start grilling them. it chases the person away 100% of the time because come on, this is captain john price of the 141 task force, and it kind of pisses you off, but he definitely finds it hilarious.
☆ alejandro vargas
♡ alejandro and you are holed up in a safehouse for a few hours during a mission and need to kill time, so as per usual he's sitting calmly, cleaning his weapons, and you're bouncing off the walls. he loses count of how many times he tells you to just sit about 45 minutes in.
♡ "changuita, you need to sit, preserve your energy," he says, about one million and two times. you just throw him an annoyed look and a quick "i'm not a monkey!", to which he just watches you once again climb a piece of furniture out of pure boredom.
♡ you almost (definitely intentionally) fall off of the couch when you go to jump onto it next to him and he bursts out laughing, warning you not to break something. you're response to this is, "whatever dad, you're the old one here!"
♡ he's just like, did i hear that right? and quirks an eyebrow at you. you give him a look back, confused, and he asks you if you think of him as your father.
♡ "well, not like, my dad, but, like... my dad, ya' know?" is followed by, "no, chiquita, i don't know." he's chuckling though, and he just shakes his head and goes back to cleaning his gun.
(changuita = little monkey , chiquita = little one , i googled this pls lmk if it's wrong lol)
☆ rodolfo parra
♡ rudy is bent under the hood of your car, inspecting the different compartments and liquids, explaining them to you when you accidentally call him "dad". you had called him over because a light on your dashboard had lit up and didn't really know what to do about it, and he had said before that if you ever need help to call him.
♡ he figures out what's wrong pretty quick and let's you know, saying he can have it easily fixed within the hour, and you beam up at him excitedly with a "thanks, dad!" you scurry inside to get something to drink for you both without realizing, and he's left to stand in the driveway, dumbfounded.
♡ when you come back out, you ask him why he looks weird and he asks, "hermana, do you really see me as a father figure?" and you think about it for a bit before you nod with a smile. "yeah, you always help me out when i need it and, ya know, i feel safe with you!"
♡ his heart melts and he vows then and there to always make sure that never changes with you. he starts actually treating you like his child, making sure you know you can call him for help whenever, going out of his way to get you whatever you need when he goes shopping for anything, making sure you're hanging around good people, etc. etc.
♡ rudy won't admit it but he really does start seeing you as his own child, and he always does his absolute best to keep an eye out for you.
(hermana = sister , again i just googled platonic spanish nicknames)
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thisapplepielife · 14 days
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Written for a @astrangersummer.
You Hear That?
Week #4 Prompt: Camping | Word Count: 3850 | Rating: T | POV: Robin | Pairings: Platonic Stobin, Pre-Steddie | Characters: Robin, Steve, Eddie, Corroded Coffin, The Party, Nancy & Jonathan | CW: Language, Recreational Drug Use, Underage Drinking | Tags: S3, Reluctant Camping, Unexpected Crossing of Paths, Platonic Stobin, Corroded Coffin Boys, Pre-Steddie, Flirting
This is set during the S3 finale. Happening between Starcourt and the "three months later" time jump.
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"Camping. Capital camp. Lowercase…ing," Steve says, trailing off at the end, his forehead wrinkling up in confusion as he clearly tries to think through the dumb thing he just said.
"Well, that kinda fell apart on you, didn't it, dingus?" Robin asks, arching her eyebrow in his direction.
"Shut up. You know what I mean. Camping! Fun!" Steve shouts, far too close to her face.
"Back off, Boogaloo. And I beg to differ. Camping is not fun. Camping is torture, and I'm not signing up to be tortured with you again. One and done, at least per summer, that's my official policy."
Steve gives her the eyes, but they aren't gonna work. She's immune to his wiles. The Harrington Charm doesn't do anything to her loins, unfortunately for him.
"No," she says, and that's that. End of discussion.
Three hours later, here she stands, right in the middle of Hunting & Camping, a store in town she never thought she'd ever have to step foot into.
"Steve, you know what lives in those woods. Do you have a death wish?"
"C'mon! There's been nothing, nada, since Starcourt. It's done. Over with. Gone. We can live our lives, go camping, anything we choose."
"Great. But we do not choose camping," Robin insists, "We aren't camping people, are we? There's no haircare in the woods, Steve. Think about that. Long and hard."
"Fine. You stay here. I'll go camping alone," Steve says, crossing his arms across his chest.
"You're not going camping alone!" she screeches, because he'll be killed for sure.
"You're right, I'm not. The kids are demanding to come along. So, it's me and Jonathan."
"Well, that sounds fun for the both of you. Who will come home with a black eye? History says-"
Steve interrupts, "Yeah, yeah. Exactly. So, you have to go. You and Nance. So the girls can come along. Joyce will allow El to go, but only if you ladies go, too."
"Chief Hopper will roll over in his grave if El goes camping with Mike Wheeler present. You and I both know that."
"Well, good thing he'll never know, I guess," Steve says, defiant. "C'mon, Buckley. Are you with me or not?" 
She's always with him, now. That's just how it's gonna be, maybe forever. Or at least until they get eaten in the woods they have no damn business traipsing into.
"Fine, I'm with you. But mark me down as a hostage." 
"Great, love to hear it," Steve says, a big smile on his face, and she reluctantly smiles back. It's contagious, even if she knows this is a terrible idea for many, many reasons.
The trek out to Skull Rock is pretty shitty, but she keeps up. Walking alongside the not so prissy Nancy Wheeler, Erica, El and Max. She should have worn better shoes. Steve should have told her to wear better shoes. Nancy is in hiking boots and Robin is not at all surprised that she's prepared for life in ways Robin will probably never be. 
Up ahead, the boys are arguing, causing a ruckus, and Steve is clearly regretting this decision. Good. He should. This was a terrible idea of, like, epic proportions. Maybe worse than working in a mall with a Russian secret lair underneath it.
"How did you even get to come?" Robin asks Erica. Because she didn't expect her to be standing there on the curb with Lucas, her My Little Pony sleeping bag under her arm.
"Tina is covering for me, duh, so I can hang out with you nerds. Don't know why I even want to though," she says, snippy, and Robin grins. She's funny.
"Maybe we should have invited Tina," Robin says.
"And risk her seeing I even know you nerds? Absolutely not," Erica says, like she's totally disgusted, and Robin laughs. 
"Okay, hot shot," she answers, watching as Nancy stops behind Steve and the boys, as they scout out a spot that might work.
"Here?" Jonathan asks, and Steve nods, agreeing.
Steve is finishing putting up the tents, all of them, because nobody is helping him, not even Nancy. He kind of had this coming, it was all his terrible idea.
"You hear that?" Steve asks, head turned towards the sky, like he's a damn dog. 
"Hear what?" Robin asks. She doesn't hear anything. "Is it a monster? A bear? It better not be a bear, I swear-"
"It's not a bear. It's a guitar," Steve says, driving the last of the tent poles into the ground.
"A guitar? In the woods?" Who the hell would be playing a guitar in the woods. Probably some sort of demented fairy, destined to murder them all, given the opportunity. 
"I hear what I hear, Buckley. I'm gonna investigate," Steve says.
"Well, it was good knowing you, Harrington," Robin answers, because everybody knows you don't go blundering into the woods, especially if it sounds like you're being lured there, for fuck's sake.
Steve would definitely be the first to die in a horror movie.
Except, she knows that's not true. He's more capable than she ever could have expected, especially for being such a big dingus.
Steve just waves her off, and starts stomping off into the underbrush. Heading towards the sound she definitely doesn't hear.
But after a little hesitation, she follows. He can't go alone. She knows what could happen if he does.
"I knew you'd come," he crows, pleased with himself.
"Shut up, dingus," she mutters, and the further they walk, the more she thinks Steve was right. There is the faint sound of a guitar.
And laughing. 
Steve pushes apart the branches of a bush, just enough for them to see through it, together. Spying. 
It feels familiar.
And there's the culprit, Eddie Munson from band, sitting around a fire with some other boys, playing his guitar. Jeff Williams, Jackie's older brother, is one of them, she's pretty sure. 
They have a case of beer, and she's pretty certain that's the faint stench of weed hanging in the air.
"It's just Eddie Munson," Steve whispers, like she isn't aware of that. 
"Yeah, I have eyes, I can see that it's Eddie and his cronies."
Steve lets the branches go, and she is sure they're gonna turn around and leave, but they aren't that lucky. Honestly, they'd have no luck at all if they didn't have bad luck.
"Hey! Who the fuck is there?" Eddie yells, the guitar playing ceasing.
Steve rolls his eyes, pushing forward, out into the open, "It's just me, Munson, cool your jets."
"What the fuck are you doing out here, Harrington?" Eddie asks, then clearly catches a glimpse of Robin, "Oh. I see."
"Ew, no, you see nothing," Robin says, feeling the urge to clear up that misunderstanding right away. 
"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize band geek Robin Buckley was too good for King Steve Harrington."
"Way too good," she snarks, and Eddie laughs, really laughs, and Steve doesn't, but she can tell he's amused and not mad.
"If you're not out here to fuck, then what brings you two into our neck of the woods?" Eddie asks, slouching over towards them.
"Your neck of the woods? I'm the one that popularized this spot, I'll have you know," Steve snaps, bitchy, arms crossed.
Robin smiles.
"Is that so?" Eddie asks, tilting his head, offering Steve a big, predatory smile.
"Definitely sure that's so," Steve answers, not backing down.
"That's not how I've heard it," one of the other guys shouts from near the fire they've lit, and Robin isn't sure who he is. 
"And you are? The forest authority?" Robin asks, challenging him.
"Yep. That's me," he snaps back, but doesn't offer up his name.
"That's just Gareth," Eddie says, "don't mind him."
Oh, no way. Gareth Jones? The goofy kid she had to deal with at her job at The Hawk last summer that drove her insane? His mother dropped him off nearly every afternoon, money in hand, and he always made a fucking mess with his popcorn and Reese's Pieces. He might be the number one reason she took the job at Scoops this summer, instead of going back to theater. Looking at him now, he's sure changed. Growth spurts are a bitch, she supposes. 
"Nice hair," she snarks at him, looking at his poodle-looking head. He's clearly trying to grow it out, probably to be more like Eddie, but it just isn't there yet, and his curls definitely aren't making things easy on him.
"What are you doing out here, anyway? Dirty freak orgy?" Steve asks, and Robin doesn't know how she got so lucky to have such a bitchy boy as a best friend, but she loves her good fortune. 
Eddie laughs, and she sees Steve smile at him.
"Why? You wanna join?" Eddie asks, leering, taking a lazy, sauntering step closer to Steve, assuming he'll back down. Eddie's hands are framing his belt buckle, drawing the eye, even her eye, and it's so gross but she's also very intrigued to see how this pans out. 
Eddie's not gonna scare Steve with the fear of the queer, and she was right, Steve doesn't back down, like she knew he wouldn't.
"Maybe I do," Steve says, rubbing his lips together, tongue wetting them in a gross taunting way, and Robin wants to spray him with a garden hose, but doesn't have that option, so instead she just watches as Eddie's eyes flick down to Steve's slick, glossy lips. 
Gross. Fuck her whole life. She takes back all the stuff about loving her good fortune. This is bad fortune. Like, empty fortune cookie levels of bad luck. Russians under the ice cream shop you work in, rotten luck. Honestly.
But Steve wins this round, because Eddie is the one that retreats, but he's laughing as he does it, waving his hand for them to follow. They're not gonna do that, right?
Wrong. Steve follows, so she trails behind.
"Gareth, you've met," Eddie says, "Jeff. Goodie. We didn't know we were encroaching on King Steve's territory, but we're just hanging out, camping, if that's alright with you two."
"I guess," Steve says, teasing, fucking flirting if she's not mistaken. Can't he ever turn it off? Ugh. "We're camping down there. With the kids I babysit. I heard your guitar, wanted to make sure you weren't straight out of Deliverance, or, like, ax murderers."
"Well, I am that, or haven't you heard?" Eddie asks, dimple showing up in the firelight. And Robin doesn't know how she's here right now. She should have stayed with Nancy and Jonathan and just let Steve be eaten by bears or monsters. Or Eddie Munson. Whatever.
"Heard what?" Steve asks.
"Hellfire Club!" Eddie shouts, waving his arms in an animated way, and Robin doesn't know what that is, and clearly Steve doesn't either.
"Sorry, man. Is that your band?" Steve asks, looking as confused as she feels.
"No, that's Corroded Coffin!" Gareth snaps, popping off, all pissy from the log he's sitting on.
"Sorry, my bad," Steve says.
"We play at The Hideout on Tuesdays," Gareth says, eyes narrowed.
"You play in a bar. You?" Robin asks, not believing a word of this. Not possible.
Gareth starts to answer, but Eddie holds up his hand and cuts him off.
"I'm channeling Satan. And I'm offended you don't know that, Harrington," Eddie says, and Steve's face is pure confusion, and Eddie laughs, taking pity on him, "It's the D&D club I run," Eddie adds, and Robin sees the light bulb pop on over Steve's head, like he's in a goddamn cartoon.
"Oh! The kids play that," Steve says.
"Do they now?" Eddie asks, not believing him, clearly.
"And how old are these kids?" Eddie asks.
"Freshman, in the fall-" Steve says.
"Fresh blood," one of the guys says, cackling under his breath, as Steve keeps talking.
"-but I think Will is moving," Steve finishes.
"Will Byers, the zombie boy?" Eddie asks.
"Ssshh!" Steve hisses, "Don't call him that, okay?"
Eddie holds up his hands, backing off.
"Okay, okay, Harrington, don't get so worked up. I was just kidding," Eddie says, and the other boys all laugh.
"Well, it's not funny," Steve says, softly, "just. Don't. Okay?"
"Okay," Eddie concedes. 
"Thank you, he's been through a lot," Steve says, looking back over his shoulder, like the kids might all be snooping right behind them. Which, fair enough. They would totally do that, given half a chance.
"Well, since you're here, you want a beer or…?"
And Steve's nodding, like an idiot. 
Robin snags his arm, "Nancy will kill you." 
And Eddie takes a step back, hands going up, "Well, we wouldn't want the girlfriend mad." 
"She's not my girlfriend," Steve says, looking at Robin, "and Nancy can handle the kids for a bit, yeah? She's got Jonathan."
Robin is sure this is a bad idea. Nancy will be pissed about being left, and probably be pissed at Steve for having a beer or a toke, or whatever he has planned, while he's supposed to be in charge of the kids. 
"You're camping with your ex-girlfriend, her new boyfriend and...Robin from band? Oh, how the mighty have fallen." 
Steve doesn't take the bait, just pushes forward and sits down on the fallen log, right next to Gareth, who squawks in protest. 
Eddie follows, and hands Steve a beer, and then offers one to Robin. She shakes her head no, one of them needs to keep their sanity, she thinks, and then she watches as Eddie lights up a joint. Great. 
They pass it around, and she's not sure what they're doing here. These guys don't like them, and they definitely don't like these guys. 
Every time Eddie came into Scoops, as soon as he was gone, Steve would say something about Eddie "The Freak" Munson. And now he's just hanging out with him, like that's a normal thing to do? 
It's not a normal thing to do. Not at all.
"So, you're babysitting tonight?" Eddie asks.
"Unfortunately," Steve answers.
"Shame, I'd like to get The King all fucked up," Eddie says, leaning forward, elbows on his knees, hands cupping his face.
"Don't call me that. High school is over. Steve is fine," Steve says, and the other boys all laugh, and Eddie throws up another hand and they all stop.
Toadies. The toadiest of the toadies.
"Steve," Eddie says, and it's positively lewd. 
"Thank you," Steve says, taking a long drag, holding it in his lungs, showing off, slowly killing himself in the process, she's sure of it. Idiot.
Robin shakes her head.
Then she feels something brushing her shin, and jumps, expecting a snake, or something worse, but it's just the boy she doesn't know, toeing at her with his shoe, offering her a can of Coke, cold and dripping with ice water from the cooler at his side.
She takes it, "Thanks. I'm Robin."
"Goodie," he says, like he isn't at all interested.
"Goodie?" she asks, and makes eye contact with Jeff Williams.
"It's a nickname," Jeff explains, like she might have thought otherwise? 
But she just nods.
"I'm in your class," Goodie says dryly, and are they? She swore they were a year younger.
"Sorry, we must not have classes together very often, if ever," she says.
"Of course we don't, you were always in all those smart classes," Goodie snaps, and she laughs. Mrs. Click's history class with Steve Harrington was not the smart class, even if she was a year ahead of where she was supposed to be. 
"Eddie, though…"
"Hey!" Eddie snaps, having heard it, somehow, despite talking to Steve at the same time. 
Robin knows Eddie is headed into his third senior year, this time with her class. The rumor mill had been running wild at the end of last year, and it seems to be true, she guesses.
"Well, third time's the charm?" she asks, because what the fuck do you say to that? Sorry you flunked high school, again.
"Here's to hoping," Eddie answers, then turns his attention back to Steve.
Nancy really is gonna kill them if they don't head back, and soon. 
"Steve, Nancy…"
"I know," Steve answers, "let me finish this beer and we're gone."
She nods, because unless she wants to stomp back through the woods all by herself, she doesn't have much choice in the matter. 
Gareth hands her a stick with a marshmallow stuck in the end, and she takes it. She could have a s'more if she has to wait. It's the least they could do, she supposes, and she pokes it into the fire, starting to toast it up.
"Have you ever had one with a Reese's cup?" Gareth asks, holding up the package, an offer.
She hasn't, but now she wants to, for sure, and takes it from his hand, nodding in thanks. 
"You used to work at the theater, right?" he asks.
"Unfortunately," she says.
"I went there a lot," he says.
"Oh, I'm well aware," Robin says, snarky.
And Goodie and Jeff both laugh, and it really wasn't that funny, she doesn't think.
"Haha, she knew you had a crush on her!" Goodie says, poking at Gareth with his roasting stick, as Gareth tries to bat it away.
"How embarrassing for you," Jeff adds, smirking, catching Robin's eye.
He did what now?
"I did not!" Gareth screeches in a way that says he probably, definitely did. 
"I'm sure he didn't," she says, though, cutting him some slack, "If he did, he surely wouldn't have made such a gross mess for me to clean up everyday he was in there, right?"
"See? I was gross," Gareth clings to the accusation, like that's an improvement. Whatever helps him sleep at night.
"Okay, Pig-Pen," Jeff says, and Gareth is flushed. Probably from the embarrassment, but if he's not stupid, he'll play it off as the heat rolling off the sure to be illegal campfire.
Goodie laughs at the taunting, and she is so distracted that she almost burns her marshmallow, but she pulls it out and blows the flame out, just leaving a nice char. Sweet. Just how she likes them.
She puts the peanut butter cup on the graham cracker, and places the warm marshmallow on top, covers it with the other cookie, and is just squeezing it all together into a gooey mess when Steve leans over her shoulder and plucks it right out of her hand, taking a bite.
"Bad dingus, no!" she snaps, but just starts the process to toast another marshmallow. It'll be much easier to do that than fight for her original one from Steve's mouth. And she knows where that mouth has been, so no thank you.
"Thanks, Rob," Steve says, and she grumbles in response, but Gareth, Jeff and Goodie all laugh. Eddie is too busy plucking away at his guitar again, and he really doesn't sound half-bad.
She makes her second s'more, they say their thank yous and goodbyes, and start walking back towards their own campsite.
"So, what was that?" she asks, looking over at Steve, but it's really too dark now to see any of his features.
"What was what?" he asks, and it sounds like he honestly doesn't know.
"Whatever that was with Eddie?"
"What was? He's Eddie "The Freak" Munson, it was nothing," he says, and it doesn't sound like he's lying. Is he unaware he was flirting? Is that even possible?
She weighs her options. She's really gonna need more data. Maybe they'll cross paths again with Eddie Munson, and she'll be able to suss it out better.
"Nothing, I guess," she answers, and he just nods like he's not the least bit curious about what she meant.
Nancy and Jonathan are waiting at the edge of the campsite, and Nancy has a flashlight in hand. When she sees them approaching, she shines it right into their eyes.
"Jeez, Nance, put that thing down," Steve says, shielding his eyes from the onslaught of light, as Robin does the same over her own eyes.
"Where the hell have you two been?" Nancy asks, hands on her hips and she looks just like Steve, like that. It makes Robin smile.
"Bears. Checking for bears," Steve says.
"Well, either those bears threw shit at you in self-defense, or you have chocolate smeared all over your faces," Nancy declares, oh so dryly.
They both reach up to wipe at their faces, licking their lips.
"That's what I thought," Nancy accuses.
"Steve heard a guitar, it was Eddie Munson and his friends. They had s'mores," Robin caves, admitting to everything. Well, almost everything. 
"You ate s'mores? From Eddie Munson?" Jonathan asks, then mumbles under his breath, "Wonder what those were laced with?"
Robin stills, she doesn't want to be drugged again, no way, but then laughs. She'd opened the candy herself, and unless Eddie had the forethought to lace the marshmallows or graham crackers, it seems unlikely.
And she's pretty sure Eddie's reputation is more bark than bite, anyway.
The kids must hear them talking, because they cause a commotion coming over, Dustin getting right into Steve's face.
"Back off, Henderson," Steve says, holding him by both shoulders, pushing him away.
"I smell beer! Steve's been drinking beer while in charge of us!" Dustin screams, and the other kids just look at him like he's lost his mind.
"So?" Lucas asks.
"Can I have one?" Mike tries, and Nancy and Steve both snap no at the same time, and he turns sullen.
"I had one beer, to be nice. To be friendly. Just to make sure we won't be, you know, messed with, or any of that dumb shit," Steve argues, hands waving.
"Sure, sounds likely," Dustin says, like the sarcastic little shit that he is. 
"Well, that's what happened," Steve says, not rising to Dustin's bait, at least not yet.
"And just who did you have this beer with?" Dustin demands to know, hands on his hips. Have they all picked up this gesture from Steve? It's looking likely, at this point, and Robin worries for herself that she might be doing it without realizing. The horror.
"Eddie Munson," Steve says.
"Eddie Munson!" Dustin screeches, "He runs the Hellfire Club at the high school!"
"Yeah, yeah, I've heard," Steve says, resting his hand on the top of Dustin's head, ruffling his hair through his hat, "I put in a good word for you guys."
"No way, did you really?" Dustin asks, looking up at Steve, awed.
"I did, I told him to look for you in the fall. Now leave me be, you little dickhead, and don't make me take it back," Steve answers, and Dustin rushes back towards the other boys, suddenly excited about the prospect of maybe having an in to get into Hellfire Club.
Whatever floats his boat, she supposes.
Robin looks at the tents, and the small, very contained fire Nancy and Jonathan built while they were gone. 
Looking at it now, camping might actually be fun. 
At least for one night, anyway.
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If you want to write your own, or see more entries for this challenge, pop on over to @astrangersummer and follow along with the fun! 🏕️
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callsign-bunnie · 1 year
so we talked about this and I always make true on my threats
Please give us the funny coming out story they all have!! We’re they called out??? Did someone walk in on a heavy make out session???
I'm gonna answer these in character
Soap: "So, I actually came out to Price, once, and he just kind of stood there and for a moment I was solidly worried that he may have been homophobic. So I was sweating, right? This man looks me dead in my eyes and goes 'Goddamnit, Mactavish, I fucking know already. You're a whore! I've heard so many damn stories of you hooking up with half the fucking barracks. If you didn't have the damn tags, I'd call you a tag chaser.' So, yeah. Wasn't homophobic, but did slut shame me. I'm sure it was meant affectionately"
Ghost: "I've never came out. I just mention past male partners and no one is shocked. Wondering if I should be offended or not."
Rodolfo: "I have also never came out. Do I have to? I joined the military for one man, stayed for one man, got well known for being entirely loyal to one man... I sound pathetic. Anyway- Oh, wait, I did have to come out to said man. He told me I should flirt with this woman at a bar and I will admit to just staring at him in shock for a solid minute and just... kind of quietly going, 'but I'm gay' and he looked so confused. I have to admit, it made me feel a lot better because I genuinely thought he was ignoring my feelings towards him until this point. He looked embarrassed, too."
Alejandro: "I came out to the Vaqueros about five years ago. I was incredibly drunk, which is never good for me, and I walked right up to Rodolfo, I threw my arm around him, and said, very loudly, in front of all my men, that I was 'gay as fuck' and that he was the prettiest boy I'd ever seen in my entire life. I'm loud when I'm sober, I was... LOUD this time. I thought Rodolfo was about to strangle me from how embarrassed he looked. It worked out for me, though, because we got together shortly after and hey, look at us. We're married, now. I guess the lesson here is to always go for it?"
Price: "I come out every damn day, kid. I have to consistently reassert that I'm gay. My entire team should fucking know at this rate but I repeatedly will mention partners and it goes kind of like this: Me: So, I went to a bar last night and I met this guy- Gaz: Guy?! Me: ...yes. I met this guy and we went home Gaz: To do what?! Me: ...To eat cereal, Garrick! The fuck do you think?! We went back to my place to fuck! So, anyway."
Gaz: "I got outed to the entire school. It wasn't particularly funny, but hey, saved me a lot of trouble. My school was fairly supportive, save for some assholes, so I never had to worry about homophobia. My foster parents did find out, though, and yeah that was not fun."
Graves: "We're supposed to come out? Damn, I just... mention it in casual conversation. If they have a problem with it, they can take it up with my gun."
Valeria: "Apparently it was obvious. I went and told Rodolfo, because I was really upset and worried about it and he laughed at me. Worst part was, I didn't even know he could laugh. He said 'you make it fairly obvious' and then mentioned that I talk about women way too much to even have had a thought about hiding it."
Farah: "Haha, I still haven't came out. You either pick it up or you don't. I think it's funny to watch people guess what I mean when I say 'girlfriend'."
Alex: "I also frequently come out. The most notable time being when I came out to the 141, we're all gay I don't understand why I had to do that, and Gaz immediately went 'I have a chance?!' and then covered his face and turned a deep deep shade of red. He didn't talk to me for a week, afterwards, I hope because he was embarrassed, not because he changed his mind."
Laswell: "I came out in college. I was kind of crazy, so I went to a party and at this point, I was trying to get by without anyone knowing and I just- this girl sat in front of me and she was gorgeous. Gorgeous body, her hair sort of bubbled around her head and it would shake when she moved, and she would laugh super loud and big and it was so gorgeous. And I remember I was so drunk that I blurted out of nowhere 'fuck, I'm so gay' and she just started laughing. Anyway, a two for one deal because that's how I met my wife, guys."
Roach: I more got told. When I was 12 this guy came up to me and was like 'you're gay by the way' and then just... walked away. Fucker was right, but goddamn.
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jinkookspencil · 9 months
maple story and syrup mornings | ksj
a morning with your fiancé, the week he's finally home for good after two long years
tags: jin x reader (f) / ~2.5k words / fluff / slightly suggestive / established relationship, they're engaged! / slice of life / banter! / idol!jin but all it has is mentions of hybe, namjoon, jin returning from the military, a mention of his promise to live stream for army the day he comes back - nothing about "idol life" and it isn't mentioned if yn is an idol or not / also includes: naked seokjin, mentions of his new bulked up physique, swear words, mention of yn gaining weight in the past and that she had been nervous to have sex with jin but it's just a mention, she's pretty confident and happy here :)
note: this was originally supposed to be a very short drabble of only a few hundred words, but.... i got carried away :3 i might post the original one day / i can't believe this is my first jin fic in a while, so many just stay in the drafts and he's always on my mind. i actually have a couple i thought i posted but they're sitting there waiting to be uploaded!!! this can basically be considered a jin version of comfortable, bare, and hungry. i miss jin so much, i'm at a low place rn and thinking of him is bringing me so much comfort. imagining this made me smile when i first thought of it so i hope it does the same for you!! i hope you guys enjoy!! as always, feedback is always welcome! <3
It’d only been a week, but you’d already gotten used to waking up next to Jin again, as you always had. The empty space beside you shook you to your core for half a second as your half-asleep and delirious self feared the worst - that he’d still been in service - and that the past few days were, in fact, a dream. But the faint, familiar sound of his favorite video game, coming from somewhere in your reality, brought you back. He was home.
It’s only when you crawl out of the covers that you realize that you’d still been naked and sweaty from the night before, even aching all over as a result of the hours of passionate lovemaking after so long apart, as well as Jin’s new, bulked up physique. Both the regular sex and his new body would take long to readjust to, especially considering neither of you could keep your hands off of each other, forgetting you weren’t still running on limited time instead of just another day in the rest of your lives together. It brought you comfort to see that, even after spending so much time away from home, Jin was just as he always was and definitely still the man you were more than ready to marry.... even with his typical hobby of gaming, hours before the sun had fully risen. It didn’t make too much of a difference if it happened before or after sleep. Awake too early and still on military time, Jin’s already-enthusiastic gaming commentary was loud and clear, and you listened closely and happily as you slipped into a silky pink pyjama set - one of the many new lingerie and nightwear sets you’d been too naked to wear the past few days...
The early dawn light crept through from below the curtains, lighting the way as you make your way to the living room where your fiancee crouched in the dark facing the television with the controller in his hands and, unmistakably, the same damn sweatsuit he’d been wearing for seven days straight.
“You’re up!” he exclaims before biting his lip for a moment and once again facing the screen in concentration. “My pretty girl. Just a turn, a second,  and… BAH! Okay, I can pause this for a moment. How are you, my love?”
“Jin…. you need to stop wearing Namjoon’s clothes.”
The day he was discharged from the military, Jin had gone straight to Hybe and livestreamed a prepared special celebration for ARMYs on the group’s eleventh anniversary, as he’d promised, before finally returning home to you in clothes that weren’t his own.
“What are you wearing?” you asked him the next morning over breakfast, only realizing his outfit when he re-wore it then... considering you discarded his clothes with close to superhuman speed the second he got home the day before.
“Namjoonie’s clothes. I, uh… didn’t fit into the clothes the stylist prepared for me, so they just gave me this set. It was the only thing left at Hybe that fit him right before he enlisted, considering he'd been bulking up for so long then, too. Nothing in my closet fits either, so….”
Your fiancee had gone red at his explanation, and first vocal admission that he’d obviously gotten much, much bigger while he'd been in service…. He'd always denied it and acted more humble than he should, so you showed him just how much you loved it by taking the clothes off of him in an instant yet again, and spent many, many hours together. The sight and feel of his new body were incredible, to say the least.... but it's been days, and he really didn’t have anything else to wear.
“We already bought new clothes online! It’s not my fault they haven’t arrived yet!” he protests. “And the rest of Namjoon's clothes at Hybe are too small for me - wow, I never thought I'd say that. I can still kinda smell his cologne on it, which is nice, considering how much I miss him, you know?”
“I know, Jin. I can smell it too! And considering you’d been away for so long, I’d rather my fiancée smell like himself instead of his best friend.” You cross your arms over your chest, stepping towards Jin and bending down to bring your face up against the fabric. Not bad, but not your man. A wince was clearly on your face, followed by a pout to match the one on his.
“Honey, I bet you could fit into one of my t-shirts or sweaters and smell like me, the love of your life, instead,” you snark, wondering if he’d ever missed you and your scent all the time you’d been away from one another.
“My love… I tried. Nothing… nothing fits. Besides,” Jin shakes his head, standing up and towering above you before nuzzling his face in the crook of your neck. “I’m devouring you as much as I can.”
Jin's kisses brought you immense pleasure... but the smell was all too distracting. “I love you, honey, but I'm starting to get jealous of you and Namjoon’s shared boyfriend sweater…. Plus, it's beginning to reek.”
Jin wastes no time pulling the sweater off his torso, chucking it somewhere behind you. “Problem solved.”
Your hand quickly finds his nape, pulling at his hair there and almost losing yourself to his touch once again. “Jin… baby, let's shower."
"Mmm," he quietly grumbles against your skin. "I already did, boo, sorry."
"I told you I was looking forward to shower sex with you, Jin!" you protest, pulling away and pouting.
"I'm sorry, my love! I just got so used to working out and showering first thing... Next time," he smiles, pulling your head towards his chest. Feeling his buff chest against your head, you suddenly have no complaints if you had to wait a little longer... it might be nice that Jin is trying to maintain this physique.
"Tell you what," he says, pulling away. "You go shower and, since this is bothering you so much, I'll get the laundry going and throw Namjoon's clothes in. Not only that, I'll make breakfast too. Our signature choco-chip and banana pancakes. How does that sound?"
"Sounds good," you say, smiling and rolling your eyes as you give in.
"Go," he laughs, slapping your ass when you finally pull away.
"Honey, is that you? Breakfast's ready!" you hear him call.
Done with your shower and haircare, you forego your pyjamas or any other item of clothing, merely wrapping yourself up in a silk robe. Jin had looked too delectable already - you'd be naked with him again in no time.
You didn't expect it to be this soon.
Walking into the living room, you find your fiance, once again, crouched in front of the television and playing his game intently... naked.
"Oh, hey gorgeous," he says upon looking at you. "Let’s eat.”
“Jin.... fucking hell, why are you naked?!" you yelp, taking in the way the streaming sunlight highlighted his body.
"What?" he yelps. "I told you I don't have any other clothes! Let's eat, honey - I'm starving."
"I'm starving too! And I will not be able to eat if you're naked."
“What? A man can’t be naked in his own home?” Jin questions, genuinely confused.
"Not if he's you, looking like that!"
"Honey, I was just as naked hours ago in bed with you. We were both naked right there in the kitchen after lunch yesterday."
"And that was the last time we ate, Jin! Go wear… something. Let’s eat something besides each other, please I'm fucking starving, and you look like a whole ass feast. Jin your...," you stop, licking your salivating lips and proving your point. "There's one thing I want in my mouth right now."
“Baby,” he laughs with a flushed face, almost choking on the bite he’d taken of the banana that had adorned the dish. “I can’t be dressed, and I can’t be naked? Those are a person’s only two options! You’ve seen and felt… all of this…so many times. It’ll likely happen again very soon, and nothing fits! Can’t I just-”
“Are you hungry? Or can we fuck?” you interrupt him angrily, unwrapping your robe and letting it fall to the floor.
“Oh,” Jin moans, melting at the sight of you. “Oh, let me eat you out - that’ll fulfill me.”
“And what about me?” you say with raised brows and a hand on his chest when he wraps his arm around you.
“There’s sixt-“
Before Jin can finish, a loud rumble echoes from his abdomen. Your stomach lets out a similar noise in turn. 
“I’ll get dressed. We’re fucking later.”
“Good. Go." you teasingly push Jin away from you, catching the smile on his face as he reluctantly walks away and towards the bedroom... where he stays for far longer than expected.
“Seokjin-ah?” you call out from the kitchen, dressed in your robe again. “You okay?”
“Don’t you dare laugh.”
The door to your bedroom swings open, and Jin stands by the doorway in a floral skirt of yours paired with one of his regular old Disney t-shirts, so snug on his body like a Y2K babydoll tee and cropped right across his abs.
It was impossible to fulfill Jin's command, and you howl right on cue.
"No. No, you do not get to laugh. You said I had to change. I told you barely anything fits," he says, walking straight up to the dining table while holding back a smile behind his pout, and he finally lets it appear on his face when you inadvertently let out a snort. "Let’s just eat, you dorky, beautiful brat."
The cutlery clangs as you and Jin eat from the same plate, your preferred toppings messily intermixing around the plate. The pancakes were as good as you expected them to be, but it didn’t quite fulfill your appetite. Judging by Seokjin’s silence as he ate, you wondered if the same could be said for him. It was hard to savor any bite you'd taken, as it was just as hard to push away the thought that though he sure looked goofy in his mismatched, oddly fitting clothes... the Kim Seokjin magic was too damn real. With his growing hair sticking to his forehead, abs peeking beneath the shirt, and concentrated expression... he looked delectable as he licked off the fork in his hands. His plump lips are covered in chocolate.... and all you want to do is lick and kiss it off.
“What do you want to do today, Jin?” You'd asked him this question every day, checking in to see if he ever wanted to see anyone else or do anything different. Besides a quick family reunion, he hadn't left the apartment. After years of living on borrowed time, the lifetime you had in front of you together as husband and wife suddenly felt too short. You remember selfishly hoping to spend almost every waking minute with the love of your life while knowing his hobbies, friends, and commitments... and here he stayed.
“Today? Well, I worked out and showered already - might repeat that this evening for your sake, princess. I'll game. Watch a movie with you later? One of the ones I missed in cinemas while in the service. Dinner. You know... I want to do 'at-home-with-my-future-wife things' and continue this domestic bliss.. forever...” he says, finally looking at you. “Is that okay? Anything you want to do?”
“You,” you smirk, and Jin almost chokes on the bite he’d taken. You’d resisted licking that glimpse of his abs all throughout the meal. No more. "I'm disappointed not to hear the same on your list."
"Honey, sex and kisses were a given, but... even now?" he giggles, pointing to the clothes he had on.
"Even now, Mr. Worldwide Handsome.... This is unforgettable, hilarious and still adorable.... but you probably could've just stayed naked."
“I told you. Come here, baby,” he finally chuckles, and you listen, taking the two necessary baby steps to get to him and quickly help take off the clothes he had on. Ignoring the returning ache in your legs in the process, you straddle his naked body on the chair and loosen your robe to give him a full view of your chest and stomach before placing the plate between your two bodies, taking turns feeding one another the final bites of breakfast. 
When the plate is empty save for the disgustingly sweet combination of all your toppings, Jin calls your name to ensure he has your attention as he dips his three fingers into the untouched, decorative mountain of whipped cream before licking it off in one fell swoop, his eyes staring into yours all the way through. Quickly, you wrap your arms around his neck and finally begin to nibble at Jin's chocolatey lips, guiding his hand to your breast while the other is at the small of your back. The forgotten plate between you loses its balance and drops of the syrupy liquid make their way onto your thighs. Jin jerks as you, and he's quick to set the plate back on the table and wipe away the syrup. Though simple, the action makes your legs twitch, and the ache returns.
“Honey… Does it still hurt? I caught you limping." Jin quickly licks his finger clean before gently grazing your thighs as he begins thinking aloud. "If it hurts... should we start taking it easy? I want you, but if you're in pain... Maybe I should skip my morning workouts. If it’s making me rougher-”
You interrupt Jin with a kiss, tugging at his lower lip hard when he tries to pull away.
“Mmm, ow,” he mumbles.
“Want me to stop doing that?”
“Fuck no,” he says, licking his lips. "But it's different, I-"
“It'll just take getting used to, is all," you say, grazing Jin's chest.
"Do you remember what you told me when I gained weight? And I was scared to have sex with you? You told me that if I hurt you, you'd tell me. And you told me you loved my body no matter how it looked like. That's still true, right?"
You confidently ask the question with Jin's head in your hands, knowing the answer.
"Of course, my love. What are you saying?"
"The same goes for you, honey. Don't keep up or get rid of this physique for my benefit. If you want to skip your workouts, skip it. If you want to keep it up, that's fine too. If it hurts too much, if you’re too rough, I’ll tell you… And we keep promises in this relationship, right?"
Jin nods, his gaze fixated on your lips.
"As you said, we can always find another way, too,” you whisper, brushing the hair away from his forehead to place a kiss upon it and pushing your body closer to his. Feeling his length harden underneath you, you kiss him on the lips once more and undo your robe entirely, letting the silk fall down your back and rest bunched up over his thighs. Jin takes in the sight before quickly discarding the silky garment.
“Oh, my love,” he exhales with a tightening grip on your hips. “I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you... just like this."
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dateko · 2 years
𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
a/n: this was a lil request i got awhile back and something i’m reposting since tumblr tags hate me.. anywho, sorry there’s not much!! bf headcanons are kind of vague and there’s sooo much to cover, i did whatever came to mind!! also ignore how i am very biased and wrote a lot for gojo
Loving Gojo Satoru is a never ending roller coaster with a surplus of twists and turns. He is the kind of boyfriend who is incredibly fun loving and carefree. There’s no other person in the world who keeps you on your toes.
Though a little possessive at times, he’s hopeless when in love. It’s almost impossible to wipe off the stupid smile he has around you. Hands are always on you and infinity is always off!
Gojo never misses an opportunity to spoil you with kisses and presents and everything you could ever want. It’s rare for Gojo to have some free time on his hands. When he does, he makes it his top priority to take you out. Anything you want. Just don’t be surprised when you both decide to end the night at a karaoke bar. Look, when you’re absolutely loaded with cash, you’re going to ignore every one of your lover’s protests.
Stepping into your shared apartment, your eyes widen at the sight in front of you. Shopping bags in all shapes and sizes litter the floor from the doorway to the couch, where your frivolous boyfriend sits with a goofy grin across his face. Tossing your keys onto the counter, you sigh while taking your shoes off your screaming feet. “‘Toru… You know you don’t need to go buying the entire store for me, right?”
“I know! It’s just that you deserve it all, Sweets.”
You cross your arms at his response, head tilting in adornment and clearly doing a poor job at pretending to be a little mad. Sometimes he could be so unintentionally endearing and an utter sap for you. This, you treasure very much. The smitten expression he has on doesn’t help your act of scolding him. Not with the way he smirks at you, leaning his head back on the couch with those blue, blue eyes of his.
“That’s cute, but I’m very serious.” You say, lifting your righteous chin.
“Who said I wasn’t serious! Don’t underestimate the strongest. I’d give you the world if you asked.”
And serious he is! Although the white haired sorcerer can come off as unserious and quite aloof in many situations, he is ultimately a man of his word. He’s a terrible tease, leaving many people doubting. But when it comes to you, Gojo keeps his promises. Always. You’ve never doubted him because he’s never failed you. That’s just not the type of man he wants to be for you!
He is, on the other hand, a man who really loves to show you off. You used to be embarrassed by this, but you’ve come to realize that he’s just so undoubtedly damn proud to have you. At work, conversations seem to have your name inserted here and there. Pictures of you two are sent to his co-workers to terrorize them (we are sorry, Utahime) and he makes a grand display of your relationship on the desk in his classroom, in the form of a elaborate framed photograph.
It’s kind of no mystery to find that Gojo loves kids. He loves his students more than the normal amount and he loves even more that they all get along with you. Watching you interact with them with smiles and giggles, he could just sit back and die a happy man. When it comes to Megumi, he (secretly) cares very much about what he thinks and Gojo’s glad that his little man seems to take care of you, too.
In all realness, Gojo Satoru is a very fun lover who definitely requires some getting used to due to his crazy schedule. It’ll take awhile to dig beneath his fun guy exterior, but he learns to trust you as you do him. He’s very devoted, really. Once you’re in, you’re in. To him, you are his other half.
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Nanami Kento is quite the serious and attentive lover. With the habit of punctuality, you’ll never arrive on a date first and he is always home to you at exactly the promised time. He’s a planner, that one. He manages his time wisely, making sure it’s used to obtain optimal joy spent by your side.
Supporter of the little things in life, he remembers dates and anniversaries well. There are notes and post-it’s everywhere. You’ll find them especially plastered on your bathroom mirror with little reminders and sweet messages because he unfortunately gets up earlier than you.
Time is certainly money, so you stopped begging him for extra kisses before he leaves. Which is why he tweaks his schedule and wakes up earlier just so he can snuggle up with you during the early hours of the day. The most serene and most silent hour, where only your whispers of love can be heard.
Affection is most seen behind closed doors, something only the two of you know. There’s really nothing he wants more than to just have you against his chest on the couch, reading a good book. Because his line of work is so demanding, he cherishes his time at home with you.
Nanami is undoubtedly a God in the kitchen, but also in every room of the house. He absolutely loves to cook for you, even on his most exhausting days. You’ll protest and say you can whip him something up, but your gentle lover is already tying back his apron and turning on the stove.
During these nights, he holds you close and sways the two of you back and forth while a soft tune plays in the background. Later on, you’ll be unsure if you’re drunk of the wine or his lips.
“Ken, why don’t I try making dinner tonight?” You try, popping your head into the kitchen.
Nanami sends you a small smile from his place by the sink, already putting on the little apron you got him. This makes you pout a little, knowing he’d just gotten back from an awfully long mission. So, you use your cursed technique of back hugs to coax him into letting you. Your arms catch his waist before he can turn off the stove and you let your head rest against his broad back. “Hey, did you hear me? I can cook this time.”
Large hands turn you around, gently pushing you against the counter. “Sweetheart, you don’t have to worry about it. I’ll take care of it.”
“But I-”
A soft kiss cuts you off. “Just allow me to take care of you.”
It’s really no surprise that this man kisses the ground you walk on. He’s very much about the details and notices every little thing about you. He makes sure to stop and get your favorite snacks after work and is quick to text you because he saw something that reminded him of you today. Nanami  remembers every word you utter, making him a literal legend at gift giving. But most importantly, he’s so quick to do the little things for you, you always wonder how you got so lucky.
Truly, this man is the definition of a keeper and is more than willing to spend the rest of his days with you. He’s a lover of the mundane, but you’re above all.
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dangerpronebuddie · 5 days
Truth or Dare Tag Game
Tagged by @tizniz 🩵
Which friends/ mutuals would you call to hide a body?
Tanis, Saturn, Nolan, Ro, Bazza, and Anna
How many user subscriptions do you have on ao3?
129. It's shocking. Thanks y'all 🥰
Do you have a crush on someone? OR if you're with someone, tell us one thing you love about them.
I do not. Not anymore (that ship sailed and sank thanks). If fandom crushes count, then Eddie Diaz (whatta man).
What does the last DM/ text you sent say?
Are we wrong? Most likely
Do we care? Not a bit
Is Tommy so far back on the back burner he's ice cold? Most definitely
List the three friends/ mutuals with the best takes.
@lover-of-mine metas are ALWAYS worth a read. Her brain is incredible.
@steadfastsaturnsrings thoughts are amazing as well.
@loveyourownsmiilee's speculations are fantastic too.
Share one of your favorite fics of all time.
Oh damn. Just one??? No. I'll share 3:
The Hunter vs Prey series by @tizniz 😘
We didn't happen the way we were supposed to (where do we go now?) by @lover-of-mine 🩷
stuck now so long, we just got the start wrong by @daffi-990 💚
List three of your favorite content creators.
@lover-of-mine's content is OUTSTANDING (and I'll link my favorite video here)
@ronordmann's covers are always SO beautiful 😍😍😍
@loveyouanyway's edits are gorgeous!!! (Guilty As Sin edit my most beloved)
Write one thing you love about yourself.
Do I gotta? Eh, fine. I do love my creativity. I look at my fics or my art projects and I think "damn, I made that?"
Which fandom of yours (past or present) has the best fics?
9-1-1 hands down.
Which creation of your own are you most proud of?
My Danger Prone Diaz series 🥰 I love every fic in the series, but I have to say The Pain Is UnBEARable is a favorite.
Apart from that series though, Oh What A Way To Die has some of my favorite lines in it and I adore it.
Have you ever read RPF?
Tag the mutual(s)/ friend(s) most likely to get away with murder.
Pretty much any of y'all that write whump. I feel like we'd all have a good chance lol.
Tag the mutual(s)/ friend(s) who know(s) the most about you.
@13shadesofanni 🩷🩷🩷
Now tag some friends to play!
@13shadesofanni @lover-of-mine @monsterrae1 @tizniz @loveyouanyway
@ronordmann @steadfastsaturnsrings @daffi-990 @wikiangela @kitteneddiediaz
@inell @exhuastedpigeon @theotherbuckley @hippolotamus @diazsdimples @thekristen999 @loveyourownsmiilee and anyone who wants to 🥰🩷
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dudefrommywesterns · 5 months
Title: Cuddle Up And Don't You Be Blue
Ship: Mike x Dude
Words: 650
Warnings: Mentions of self-hatred.
Description: Dude comforts Mike during a depressive episode.
(I wrote this for myself to read when I get sad, and as a distraction in the moment. You're welcome to read it too. No tag list because it's a little too hurt/comfort for me to force upon anyone.)
Dude ran a hand through his curls as he walked up the stairs. He blinked the sleepiness out of his eyes and headed toward his door. Then, he had a thought. It had been way too long since he’d seen his partner. He stepped across the hall, and lifted a fist to knock. Then he heard the sniffling. He frowned and slowly opened the door. 
Mike was under a bundle of blankets on their bed, head poking out from underneath. Their hair was messy and their hands were over their face. Without a second thought, Dude dropped his hat from his left hand, and went toward his partner. 
“Hey,” he said gently. “Honey, what’s wrong?” 
Mike looked up like a deer caught in headlights. A blush of shame covered their cheeks. 
“I didn’t mean to bother you,” they said. 
Dude’s heart sank. Didn’t they know they never bothered him? 
He slid into bed with them, and reached his arms out. 
“Want me to hold you?”  
Mike sniffled and scooted over so that they were laying on his chest. He ran a hand through their hair. 
He asked softly, “Could you tell me what’s wrong? Or d’ya need me to distract you?” 
They nuzzled their face into his neck, and he smiled. He held them close to his body, basking in their warmth. 
Eventually, they said, “I hate myself.”  
Dude’s heart sank again. Mike was in one of their moods. It always made his heart hurt how much darkness the light of his life had in them.  
“I love you,” he said plainly.  
He watched Mike’s face, and he could almost see the internal war from outside. It was so subtle, that if he hadn’t known them for so long he might not have noticed at all. 
“What are you thinkin’?”  
“I wanted to ask why,” Mike admitted. “My first instinct was not to believe you.” 
Dude went quiet. That hurt him a lot. He’d done everything he knew how to do to show his love for them. Still, he knew it wasn’t personal, that Mike didn’t think he was a liar when they were thinking straight. 
“I love you,” he repeated with more conviction. 
“I know,” Mike said this time. 
Dude held them even tighter. 
“Your brain’s lyin’, Mike. It’s lying. There’s nothing about you to hate. You’re beautiful and kind and caring and smart and there’s nothing to hate.” 
Mike looked up at him quizzically, as if trying to decide if he was being honest. 
Dude sniffed, trying not to cry himself, knowing this would only upset them. They would think it was their fault. He wanted to be there for them the way they had been for him so many times. 
“You’re so important to me,” he said. “So damn important.” 
Mike’s eyes welled with tears and they cried into his shirt. Dude held them tight and let them get it out. He used one of his thumbs to wipe their tears as they slowed. He kissed their forehead gently and whispered “I love you” against their skin. 
“Dude?” Mike asked after a while. 
“I love you too.” 
His heart leaped everytime they said it, even if it was the hundredth time that day. 
“Just lay here with me?” he asked them. “We don’t have to talk. Just let me stay so I know you’re safe.” 
“Do you worry about me?” 
“All the time,” he admitted. 
“Like I used to worry about you?” 
He nodded. “Yes.” 
“Are you always going to worry about me?” 
“As long as I think you’re in danger.” 
Mike looked up at him for a long time, then said, “I’m not in danger.” 
“Stay that way.” 
They nodded. “I will. I couldn’t leave you.” 
Dude held them tight and close as if afraid they might disappear. Mike wrapped their arms around him in return and he knew, at least for tonight, both of them were safe. 
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luvr-bunnyy · 1 year
all i feel is you
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word count: 1.6k. ct
© luvr-bunnyy pls don't use my headers or writing without permission
warnings: none, just a lil bit angsty oh!! and use of the pet name ‘love’
[a/n: okay!! so I decided to try my hand at writing for mw2 seeing as a vaguely remember playing the og campaign years ago, this was inspired by an hc on tiktok by @wibixthecowboy y’all should check it out !! I’m a lil rusty with my writing but hope you enjoy!! ]
Relief flooded your entire body as you stepped out of the car.
The London cold had seeped into your clothes, chill reaching all the way down to your bones.
Icy wind nipped at your cheeks and nose.
It was nice to be home.
John, who was none the wiser, was sat in his home office. Cup of tea on a coaster as he finished the last of his reports. He knew the whole point of being on leave was to rest. Relax. Get away from work. He knew you’d give him a lot of grief if you were there.
A glint of light caught his eye.
Putting the folder down, he glanced at the source. His silver wedding band. The one he usually wore on his tags, underneath his shirt, for safekeeping. Sure, he was allowed to wear it on his finger but it felt too vulnerable. Too dangerous. Plus, all the people that needed to know, knew. The boys and Laswell.
You were an operator that mainly worked on a contract basis.
They had met you on a few occasions.
John sighed.
When he had first stepped foot into the empty house, his heart ached. The many photos you both had around the house were covered with dust, another reminder of how long it’s been since he’s seen you. Your beautiful eyes, ones that he could stare into forever and would most definitely not mind getting lost in.
The way they squinted when you would smile was one of his favorite sights. You often complained about the crows feet you were getting, he would always scoff and bat your hands away from poking and prodding at your face. Pulling you into his arms and littering kisses all over your face. Utterances of praises and compliments leaking like sweet honey from his lips.
God, how he missed you.
With another heavy sigh and a lump forming in his throat, he took a huge gulp of tea and leaned back in his chair. “I should probably get dinner started…or maybe order in?” He muttered to himself, clearing his throat. “I think I’ll order in.”
Picking up his mug, he made his trek out into the kitchen and straight to the take-out drawer. It was stuffed full of different take out menus, chopsticks, disposable cutlery and an array of napkins, and a ton of estranged soy sauce and chili packets.
Just as his fingers wrapped around the handle the ‘thunk’ of a car door shutting had caught his attention. Back straightening and head tilting like a puppy dog. The sounds that followed were footsteps up the porch stairs and keys in the lock.
He couldn’t help the way his heart started to beat faster in anticipation. He was almost giddy at the thought of seeing you. So, he set his mug down and raced down to the front door. Pulling the door open just as you pulled your key out of the lock.
Your eyes widened at the sudden action but a huge smile replaced your surprised expression. “John…”
“Oh, love…”
Dropping your duffel bag, you launched yourself at him, wrapping your arms around him and holding tight. He held you firmly at the waist, walking you a few into the house. “I missed you so much. Can’t believe you had me puttering around this damn house by myself.” The vibrations of his deep voice against your neck made you laugh. Holding him at arm's length, you cupped his cheeks, thumbs smoothening out his beard.
“I know, I’m sorry. I was out for longer than expected.” He could see it in your eyes, you had been replaying the horrors of your last mission right at that moment. He understood, more than anybody and you were so glad that he did.
“I know, but you’re here now.” He smiled, gazing into your eyes.
“Well? You gonna kiss me or what?” You gently pinched his cheek.
Chuckling in disbelief, he shook his head but gladly granted your wish. He leaned down and met your lips in a languid, drawn out kiss. Conveying all the things his words could never. Relaxing further into his hold, all stress left your body. All the ghosts in your head vanished, cowering away from the light that John always seems to exude.
Pulling away, he noticed your red cheeks instantly. Whether it be from the kiss or the cold, we’ll never know but John wanted to believe it was the latter.
“Bloody Jesus, it’s cold. Let’s get you nice and warm.” He rubbed your arms to warm you up a bit before stepping around you and grabbing your bag and shutting the door. Shedding your jacket and hanging it up by the door, John grabbed the landline and started punching in the number he knew by heart.
“I’m orderin’ Indian, what d’ya want?”
“Ooh the paneer tikka masala and some chicken samosas. I’m gonna change.” You pecked his cheek before running off to your room.
Glad you had decided to shower before heading over, you simply changed into some sweats and one of John’s pullovers.
Staring into the mirror, you grimaced. Hand coming up to pull at your dark under eye bags before your fingers started to wander to the scar you had on your temple. It was new, a horrid reminder of the near death experience you had on this last op. John didn’t know, he hadn’t noticed. Too caught up in his excitement of your homecoming.
So, as you slipped your rings back on, you made your way back out into the kitchen. The soft crooning of Paul Anka was a pleasant surprise.
“Food should be here in twenty minutes.” He took a second to look you over. A cheeky smile lifting his lips, as he opened them to make a comment but then his eyes trailed over your face and his jaw fell shut.
Well that’s new.
Noticing that his eyes were lingering, you quickly turned away and stepped into the kitchen.
“Okay, well I’m gonna make some coffee. Want any?”
He shook his head as he sat at the island. “Just tea for me, love.”
You nodded and got to work.
As he watched you wiggle around and make coffee, attempting to discreetly dance, a pressure started to build behind John’s eyes.
That new scar had been a confirmation of what he heard before going on leave. He had basically begged Laswell for some kind of update and what he was given was heartstopping. You had gone dark after your armored vehicle had been hit by an RPG then after a day or two of him pacing around the house, Laswell gave him another update. You had been located and alive.
Now seeing you in front of his own two, tired eyes. Alive and dancing rather terribly, made a flurry of emotion swirl around his chest. And before he knew it, he had his face buried in his hand, quiet sobs shaking his shoulders.
“Here you go, but careful it’s-” You turned to face him and froze at the sight. “-hot…” As your voice trailed off, you placed the mugs down. “John?” Now your eyes had started to water. “Honey, what happened?”
“Nothin’, sorry.” He pulled his hand away and avoided looking at you, voice rough.
Slowly, you approached and wiped his tears and snot away with the sleeve of your sweater. “Okay, but you know you can talk to me.” You whispered, gently grasping his left hand and pulling it up to your mouth, placing a kiss on the knuckle of his ring finger. “For better or worse, remember?”
At your words. He couldn’t help but continue to sob. Pulling you to stand in between his thighs, burying his face into your sternum. His arms wrapped around you and his hands gripped onto the back of the sweatshirt. You were his guiding light, his lifeline and he’d be damned if he wasn’t gonna hold onto you for dear life.
And you let him.
You ran your fingers through his hair and let him feel whatever he was feeling, a few tears streaking down your cheeks as well.
His cries subsided and he just let himself revel in your hold, in your presence. This wasn’t always promised in your line of work.
Sniffling, he pulled back a little bit only to be met with your gentle eyes. Worried, adoring, loving eyes. “I just. I love you so much and I missed you.”
That definitely wasn’t all but you didn’t want to pry. “I love you too.” You rested your forehead against his. “Forever and always?”
He nodded. “Forever and always.”
Both of you jumped at the sound, pulling away from each other. John chuckled and ran a hand down his face. “Gave me a fuckin’ heart attack.”
Snorting, you shook your head and made your way to the door, grabbing your wallet out of your bag along the way. Paying and tipping for the delivery before returning with two bags of food, shoving the door closed with your foot.
“Let’s eat.”
As you placed the forgotten mugs into the sink and started to unpack the food, John pulled you away from the island and spun you around. “Come on. Indulge me for a second.”
With a hand on your waist and another in yours, you rested your free hand against his bicep and swayed to the music with him. A kitchen waltz.
The both of you were definitely not ballroom ready but this was perfect.
All he felt was you.
Your love.
Your acceptance.
Your presence.
And that was all he’d ever need.
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Fanfic Writer Questions
thanks for the tag @siyurikspakvariisis!
Since I love compartmentalizing, I have 2 AO3 accounts I would consider "active": teefling (BG3 only) and Linka_From_Captain_Planet (Stardew Valley and Arcane) so I'll tally up the results for both so I sound more impressive.
How many works do you have on AO3? teefling: 8 (BG3) LinkaFCP: 24 (18 Arcane, 6 SDV)
What is your total AO3 word count? Teefling: 33,928 LinkaFCP: 209,399 Grand total: 243,327
What fandoms do you write for? Actively, just BG3. I could fall back into Stardew Valley at any moment (still eating up my new farms), but Acane is parked until Season 2 comes out, probably.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? - devil in disguise, snake with blue eyes (Arcane, caitvi) - An Anthology of Trib...ulations (BG3, shadowzel) - when my blue moon turns to gold again (BG3, shadowzel) - Goddess of the Hunt (Arcane, Cait/Brothel Girl) - come knock on this wood, get rocked by this thunder (Arcane, Cait/Sevika) These range from like 600 (high outlier) to 200. Honestly having a high kudos count is sort of embarrassing to me, as a mostly rarepair fan. My ideal amount of kudos is like, 50.
Do you respond to comments? Yes! I try to match the energy and give more detailed replies to more detailed comments, but I'll always respond to say thanks (even if it takes me a while). The only type of comment I might intentionally ignore is one asking for updates.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I think most people would say "when my blue moon turns to gold again" (BG3) because it involves a major character death, but for my taste it's pretty optimistic! I'd say it was "couldn't we reach inside and find that world of me and you" (Arcane), covering my take on Vi's time in prison and finding, and losing, her first love.
What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? "Courtship Traditions of the Stardew Valley: A Case Study", which was the last installment of my Haley Hates Prismatic Shards series. It's my designated tooth-rotting fluff fic.
Do you get hate on fics? Somewhat surprised to say no! I would just delete it/block without acknowledgement if I did.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yep! It really varies by whatever agenda the fic has. Sometimes PWP, but usually still with an elaborate setup/backstory, which I like-- I'm always hornier for a Concept and Why Are They Fingering than the fingering itself. Not to tell on myself, but sometimes I get annoyed at the meager and/or gross offerings whilst trying to cruise a kink tag, and just write my own damn fic. But mostly, I just like to use sex in fics to inform the characters' dynamic in a kind of saucy and gripping way. I wouldn't say it's low-hanging fruit, but definitely a fast track toward a high-emotion dynamic or situationship or whatever it is that I really want to portray. Writing the actual sex part is often a bummer for me.
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? I lack the whimsy for a proper crossovers (mixing Arcane and League like I do when I want to be horny about Corina Veraza doesn't count). This is why all my fics take place firmly in the original media's universe, and I can't do AUs either.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of!
Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? No, and I don't think I really could. I'm happy to bounce ideas around, but actually collaborating on the actual writing would drive me crazy. I was the group project control freak for way too many years of school to do it again.
What's your all-time favorite ship? This is hard to answer as a relentless multishipper who fixates on one fandom at a time. Currently I'm in BG3 and it's Minthara/Florrick. In Arcane, it was Caitlyn/Brothel Girl, and in SDV, it's Leah/Haley.
What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? Realistically... I will probably never finish the Arcane series I started, which was about Vi and her "prison wife" unless I fall ass first into that particular insanity again. I will probably also never update my shadowzel kink ficlet collection.
What are your writing strengths? Concept, mood/atmosphere, POV character voice I'd say.
What are your writing weaknesses? Getting caught up in minutiae that don't really matter but need to be *perfect* before I can move on, being a control freak and over-explaining things because I can't stand the possibility of being misunderstood
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? This is such a random question, but it depends on whether it's a real language and how much dialogue it is. My works take place in fantasy worlds with fantasy characters, so it's whatever. If I'm writing in Minthara or Lae'zel's POV, I throw in commonly-known (to the fandom) drow or gith words with no explanation and usually not even italicized since it's a part of that character's usual diction. If I needed them to have a whole conversation in their tongue, I'd write it in English with italics to set it apart from the 'common' dialogue and prose.
First fandom you wrote for? Stardew Valley was the first fandom I ever published a fic for! But I would write for myself sometimes before that, I think it was probably Zelda (OOT) when I was really young. I didn't write at all between probably 13 and 25.
Favorite fic you've written? Super hard to say. Some of my older writing makes me cringe, but I have a lot of affection for older works that got me into the fandoms that have given me a lot of joy over the past few years. Best I can do is break it down by fandom. For Arcane, it's definitely "venus flytrap". For SDV, I'd say "Maybe Prismatic Shards Are Okay". For BG3, I'm torn between "mirage" (my favorite concept even if I think I could have executed it better) and "hold you like a python".
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v-era-18 · 9 months
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Red Licorice
Chapter Three: A Dead Girls Diary
“We don’t need them. It’ll be me and you against the world,” -Casey Beker
June 14th 1996
I know I'm supposed to start out with Dear Diary, but that's for basic bitches as Tatum would say-that dumb redhead.
Today my mother gifted me with another diary to write down my feelings after my break up with basketball player Paul Mathews. We had been dating for over a year, had gone on several dates, I cheered at all his games and wore his jersey blah blah-. She thinks I took it hard but in reality, I was more appalled with the reason why for the breakup. From what Pual’s sister had confessed, it was because he didn't like me at all-and was using me to get to my best friend (Y/n) (L/n).
(Y/n) is my best friend, I love her so much! Not only is she super smart but she's insanely pretty too. The only problem is she never believes it whenever someone tells her how beautiful she is. Hence why I wasn't hurt with the fact that Paul fell for (Y/n)-I understood why. She's like a beacon of light that you want to be covered in each day, from the way she laughs with a wide smile to the way she enters the room warming the space around her.
Long story short, many guys have come up to me and asked me how to ask her out before, and you know what I did as a good friend? I told them to get lost and they could kiss my ass! All of the boys at our school are practically dogs, (Y/n) needs a boyfriend that actually cares and likes the things she's interested in.
Take Randy for instance, he would be a perfect match-
(The rest of the sentence was crossed out)
On second thought, she doesn't need any man but me.
June 17th 1996
Okay Diary, I know it's been a minute since i've updated you on what's going on, but long story short-Tatum has lost her damn mind! Not only did she decide to sleep with my ex boyfriend Paul but there's a rumor amongst the other cheerleaders that they had been sleeping with each other for awhile behind my back! The absolute nerve!
(Y/n) told me I should let it go and possibly find another boyfriend who really cares about me the way I should be treated. She even went out of her way to watch a marathon of Rom-com videos with me to cheer me up. Not only did she cook me my favorite chocolate cake but she also made sure we did our nails. She even let me put color to hers-although she wouldn't let me do pink, but I didn't mind.
I am a bit jealous that Stu and Billy have been trying to get her to watch horror movies with them alone. I find it really weird how the two of them since we've been kids have always insisted that it has to be the three of them to enjoy the movies. But the jokes on them! (Y/n) has been spending all her time with me, Sidney and that bitch of a redhead.
Who needs boys when you have girls instead.
OMG I just got the greatest idea on how to get back at Tatum!
I'll keep you in the loop with my devilish diary!
June 27th 1996
You'll never believe what happened today! My plan to get back at Tatum worked! Well not actually but indirectly.
You see Tatum has a huge crush on Stu Matcher, the dumb trouble maker (Y/n) always watches horror movies with. The bright side is that he's hot and is known for making all the girls melt in our school. I honestly didn't get what Tatum sees in him-but it must be something since she keeps ranting and raving about it during our sleep overs.
(Y/n), Sidney and Tatum came with me to the mall to do a little shopping, and Stu and Billy just so happened to be there looking for god knows what. They simply insisted on tagging along and the whore was more than happy to give in. It seemed to make (Y/n) uncomfortable with how much Tatum was flirting with Stu-I put it together that she simply hates public displays of affection. That's how it was when Paul was around.
Eventually Sidney and Tatum decided to head off in the lingerie store and decided to drag (Y/n) with them-knowing that my friend hates men seeing her in there. I was about to take along and make suggestions when Stu stopped me, the boy was straightforward with flirting-and I hated how easy it was for me to fall for his sly smooth words. I would be mush if I honestly found him perfect, but the amount of times he's followed (Y/n) around like a lost puppy freshman year screamed otherwise. So I played the game-remembering I had a score to settle with Tatum, and soon enough we were in the public restroom getting busy.
I won't lie-he was good. No wonder he broke so many hearts and had ex’s demand to get back together with him.
It wasn't long after the mall that he asked me on a date-a bit backwards don't you think? I guess I was a very good lay for him-my efforts paid off though, he only paid attention to me in spite of Tatums efforts.
During the whole time, (Y/n) did not speak to me, I could tell something was wrong due to her forced smiles and lack of conversation. Especially when Billy mentioned the new horror movie coming to theaters that he and Stu wanted to go see with her. I even asked to join, but she acted docile during the whole conversation.
I felt as though I made a deep mistake of some kind. And it really bothers me.
July 2nd 1996
I fucked up. Really bad.
(Y/n) has been avoiding me, and each time I invite her over my house she always says she has to help her Aunt out with something-which is bullshit because her aunt works her ass off at the hospital 24/7.
I have been spending a lot of time with Stu lately, but we either are having sex or he wants to watch horror movies. Sometimes I simply just stare at the scream lost in thought as to why I wanted to continue this relationship. I mean the sex is good, don't get me wrong and it feels like a victory to continue tormenting Tatum with our relationship, but it didn't feel right to keep doing this if my best friend isn't around.
I told Stu about my concerns with (Y/n) only for him to ask if he should talk to her about it, it was the way that he asked that quickly threw me off. I then proceed to ask about their friendship and how they often hang out with each other. He tells me they haven't interacted as of late because of me, and asked me to ‘politely’ stop getting in the way of their movie time together.
We had a huge fight about it. I didn't like the way he said it so casually that he wanted her there with him rather than me. We ended up having sex an hour later-but it didn't feel right. It was odd, Stu seemed to be hate fucking me one minute then caressing and telling me how sorry he was.
Once he was done he looked at me for a long moment, it was like he was trying to see me as someone else-I had seen that look before with other boys who loved someone else. Whatever spell he was under he snapped out of it before kicking me out before his parents got home.
I’m so lost.
July 4th 1996
(the page was torn out with leftover teardrops)
July 7th 1996
Me and (Y/n) had a heart to heart. It was jealousy - something that we both never in terms felt within our friendship. I know her, she’s not the type to get jealous unless she truly liked or felt for the person she was looking at. And even then-there wasn’t many that she looked at-from my knowledge anyway.
We spent the rest of the afternoon together watching movies on her living room couch. It felt good to be in each other's good graces again, afterall my life just seemed out of place without her in it. Watching horror movies, going shopping, or simply walking in the town square didn't do it for me without her by my side. There was one part in the movie where I watched her laugh the hardest she's ever done, her smile warmed me up inside, my heart hammering miles per minute.
When it came time for my mom to arrive, I didn't want to leave. I wanted to stay. To hear her laughs and have her stay in my embrace longer. The bed in my home feels colder-missing the warmth on the other side of the mattress.
July 13th 1996
I'm scared to share this, but I've been rewinding last night's dream in my mind for the past three hours straight. It was nice at first, it seemed like every other day, I was over (Y/n)’s house horror movie in the background with the air blaring to life. The one thing that seemed weird was how close we were, she was laying on my chest covered in a blanket as I played with her curls.
It was comfortable, until (Y/n) leaned up and kissed me, not a quick peck but a slow passionate one. It wasn’t like the many empty ones I had given in my past relationships, it meant something. I could feel it-the love the joy my best friend was giving me. What shocked me the most was the fact I was kissing back taking the lead-dominating her entire being as I watched her melt in my grasp.
Soon I was on top of her kissing down her neck, stripping her of her clothes and sucking her breasts. I enjoyed it, the sight and the sounds she was making pleased me. It was different taking control but from how I was acting it was as if I had known how to do this my whole life.
I’ll never forget the way she moaned my name as I gave her orgasm after orgasm on the couch-her cunt practically dripping wet with her own thighs coated in her mess. Her eyebrows pulled together in ecstasy with her brown circles of breast on full display-arching into the air. It wasn’t long before we both finished, the aftercare was something I noticed I prioritized. I made sure she took a shower and was fed before taking her to the room to sleep.
It just felt right. No guilt. No thoughts about boys and their rough nature. Just the two of us. One embracing the other.
July 20th 1996
Distractions are what I found myself needing each night, and lucky enough for me there were plenty in Woodsburror. But with the many times I ended up underneath Stu I couldn't get her out of my head. Her moans and sweet utterance of my name against my lips, the same lips I found myself sucking the dick of the same man who had a secret attraction for my friend.
I know right-when did that happen.
It was the other night when I was with Stu in his truck, I had a slip of the lips and moaned (Y/n)’s name. I really hadn't meant to, but the way Matcher had stopped everything was telling enough-he didn't like the fact it was her name I had said. He had stopped initiating sex with me that night-even though he was still on hard.
I asked him if he was going to tell anyone what had happened. He said no, and instead offered a proposition. At first I was a bit scared to know what it was, but thought I didn’t have much of an option-I didn’t want my secret getting out.
He wanted a threesome between (Y/n) and Me. I immediately looked at him in a mix of shock and utter disgust. To get out of it I immediately mentioned that she was a virgin still-he countered it saying that he would be her first. The way he said it was weirdly full of warmth and affection. It twisted my stomach into knots and made me question how authentic was the relationship we currently had. The way he said her name-from the way he promised not to use her-to be gentle all the way through.
I hated it. I hated him. I never wanted to get out of a truck so fast in my entire life.
To get out of the conversation I lied and said I would think about it. But obviously-I'm thinking of a way to end this.
He wasn't going to touch (Y/n). Not on my watch.
July 27th 1996
Cheating isn't something to be glorified, ever. But damn did it feel like a weight off my shoulders when I heard of Tatums whore ways.
The new rumor amongst the cheerleaders this week was hot! Half the squad was over Autumn’s house when the ball was dropped about what the team captain had seen the other day on her way to Blockbuster. Apparently Tatum had invited Sidney and (Y/n) along on their blockbuster run knowing that Stu and Billy would be there. At first I was a bit upset (Y/n) hadn't told me anything about it-but the gears started turning once Autumn said Stu had ignored Tatum the entire time, his attention solely on my best friend.
It was confirmed with a simple sighting and interaction with the two, Stu didn't want me or Tatum. He wanted (Y/n). And in his own twisted way of trying to get close to her he was using us (her friends) as a gateway.
I don't understand. He had more opportunities to date her from the beginning, they were practically inseparable since they were kids-especially in middle school. Billy soon added to the mix not so long after his mother wasn't as present anymore.
You're probably wondering where the cheating part had taken place right? Long story short, our team captain-Abigail- had saw Stu fucking Tatum against the wall of an alleyway next to the store. It was embarrassing, not only did everyone give me sympathetic looks, but they all knew about what Paul did. It was the same thing happening twice in the row-(Y/n) being tossed in the mix.
I played the part of the sad grieving girlfriend very well, maybe it was because through the irony of it all- I didn't care about the fact the boys didn't want me. I cared about the fact they wanted (Y/n). They wanted my best friend-the girl I wanted all to myself.
I don't blame them for falling in love with her though, after all. I did it myself.
August 1st 1996
Today was cheerleading practice for the new school year along the day football players start preparation for the upcoming football season. Most of the time while we were coming up with cheers on the sidelines, the fresh new round of quarterbacks would hoot and holler for our new uniforms.
I'll admit, they were very sexy. But I really couldn't get my mind off of me and (Y/n)’s sleepover last night. She had simply fallen asleep on my chest, her silk nightie rode up at the bottom leaving her lace painties in view. I was quick to pull the dress back down-but my mind had wondered if I had proceeded things differently.
My parents weren't home and it would've been the perfect opportunity. But instead I was too scared of what she would say or the possibility of ruining our friendship.
My kicks and flips were the worst it had ever been throughout practice and the other girls could tell. And much to my embarrassment they thought it was because of Tatum messing around with Stu. As if I could care less what that whore did with my lay! And the bigger fact of the matter is Stu dosen’t even want Tatum either-hes just fucking her till he gets bored.
I couldn't do it anymore, I was sexually frustrated. From the pent of feelings for my best friend and the fact Tatum continued to pretend she didn't keep stabbing me in the back over and over again.
I had noticed Steve staring at me throughout his drills, and decided to call him over once me and the girls took our two hour break from practice. Seducing him wasn't that hard-it was obvious he thought more with his dick than his own head.
The locker room was thankfully deserted giving us enough time to get an hour of pleasure in. The poor boy took it the wrong way and thought I wanted to go out with him-it wasn't a bad idea though. Steve was cute and had a lot going for himself, and seemed somewhat of a decent guy, plus it gave me an excuse to dump Stu.
I can only hope he doesn't get too angry about it down the line.
August 7th 1996,
Okay so the breakup didn't go as smoothly as I had hoped-but it was better than I had originally had expected.
Stu wasn't as furious about the breakup as I thought he was going to be, he only seemed a tad bit frustrated with something I couldn't understand. Even with the many accusations I had tossed his way about screwing Tatum and wanting (Y/n) all for himself. He seemed only focused on the fact that (Y/n) wouldn't be around that much anymore-he has a serious problem he needs to solve.
And I told him that. (Y/n) isn't his-and she never will be.
That's what started it-the rampage the boy went on. I had never seen Stu so livid from just telling him he couldn't have her. The one girl he wanted. He did not place his hands on me or anything but kept screaming for me to get out of the house. I did leave in a rush, afterall I had my current new boyfriend outside waiting to comfort me.
But when the news broke out, things started to flip upside down. I think the only person that was disappointed in me was (Y/n). She couldn't believe what I had done-cheating on Stu with Steve and causing such drama amongst the group. In my opinion I had done nothing wrong-it was Tatums fault for fucking Paul then going after Stu while we were in a relationship.
I didn't understand why she was taking Stu’s side either, it hurt hearing she didn't want to lie to him and say I didn't do what I did. Or how much I hurt him.
I lost my temper. I'll admit it, yelling at her wasn't the way to go. And I might have said something I wasn't proud of. But it was how I felt at the moment- she didn't need to worry so much over Macher if she was MY friend! If she was MY everything!
But that's the thing she's not mine. But she should be.
August 12th 1996,
Today was the first day of school, my senior year. One semester away from saying goodbye to these bloodsucking vermin in the dust once and for all. Mom wished me luck this year, we had a long prayer at the breakfast table for scholarships and hopefully a bright future ahead. The only thing that seemed out of place was the empty chair beside me; (Y/n)’s place at the table.
This was the first time she wasn't over for the first day of school with me. We usually had sleepovers the night before, gossip-made bets on what's going to transpire but no-I had made the ultimate mistake of yelling at her and degrading her for voicing her opinion.
I called her Stu’s whore.
I didn't mean it of course, but it was something I said to hurt her-the last thing I had wanted to do.
The first day of school was okay, it turns out I have a few classes with (Y/n) and Sidney, fortunately I don't have any with Tatum ,Stu or Billy. But Randy is in my science and history class. Randy wouldn't shut up talking about how cute (Y/n) looked today, and I couldn't shake the feeling of jealousy as many men in the school watched her up and down the school halls.
She wore her hair up into a high afro ponytail, swirls of her hair laid upon her head. I couldn't help but stare at the loose flannel-her shoulders were bare, and she wore some jean shorts with some beat up converse. During class I couldn't help but stare, even with Sidney encouraging me to speak to her I couldn't. And I felt as though if I tried talking to her about it something else might have transpired.
I couldn't tell her my feelings for her. What would my parents say? Not to mention the whole student body. Being gay in this town isn't uncommon but many people, especially adults are old fashioned. Last time I checked (Y/n)’s Aunt even had something sly to say about girls viewing each other's bodies if they are not family.
I can't win. Not if I leave this hell hole and start anew.
Would it be a possibility that (Y/n) would come with? Come with me to start a new life away from all of this? I would let her watch movies whenever she wants and help her through school.
I want her dreams to become a reality. I want to be there every step of the way, to see her on that red carpet of the movie she makes. The series of horror movies that would have the world in a chokehold.
I want to be that wife, her holding my arm as she waves shyly to the cameras for me to beam down at her in pride.
I would give her everything Stu couldn't and more!
August 13th 1996,
I can't believe Tatum had the nerve to try to give me advice to please Steve in the bedroom! For her information Stu’s so obviously pretending she’s (Y/n) while fucking her brains out. The worst part is everyone knows about Tatum and Stus relationship now, not that they're a fan of it-it's just new gossip.
Apparently (Y/n) didn't like the relationship, that's what Sidney said. But I don't understand why. Everytime Stu gets into a relationship with someone (Y/n) says it's not a good match- or both parties deserve better.
It's almost like she wants him-
(The page was torn off halfway)
August 15th 1996,
(The page is filled with many crossed out words and x’s making it illegible to read) (It was almost as if she couldn't bare to process what she was writing)
August 17th 1996,
I couldn't take it anymore! I had to talk to (Y/n) and make up with her! These past few days of silent treatment were getting to me. Not only has Tatum noticed, but Sidney as well. It was embarrassing to know that her other friends have been asking me what's going on when I've known her for the longest. They don't even care about her as much as I do!
But it's not just my feelings for (Y/n) that have been consuming my thoughts lately. I've been struggling with my sexuality, and it's been eating me up inside. I've never told anyone, not even my best friend, about the way I feel. It's like this big secret that I'm carrying around, and it's starting to feel suffocating.
I know that (Y/n) would never judge me, but the fear of rejection and the unknown terrifies me. What if she doesn't feel the same way? What if she thinks I'm weird or gross? I can't risk losing my best friend, but at the same time, I can't continue living this lie.
The looks that Stu and Billy have been giving me lately only make things worse. It's like they know something about me that I don't even know myself. I feel like a fraud around them, like they're constantly judging me.
I don't know what to do. I'm so confused and scared. All I know is that I can't keep living like this. I need to talk to someone, anyone, about how I'm feeling. But who can I trust? Who can I confide in?
For now, I'll keep my secret to myself and focus on repairing my friendship with (Y/n). But I know that this is something that I need to address eventually.
Of course she was reluctant to talk but I had bribed her to let me in with three packs of her favorite popcorn and of course five packs of licorice. She took the popcorn and candy and allowed me to have an hour to say what I wanted to say before I was asked to leave.
I understand her anger. We've been best friends for years, and I called her such an unforgivable thing because I was jealous of the attention she was giving Stu. I felt terrible, and I told her everything. I apologized and begged for her forgiveness. I could see the pain in her eyes, and I knew I had hurt her deeply. But thankfully, she eventually forgave me, and we hugged it out. It felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders.
But now, I'm left feeling guilty about how I treated (Y/n) and how I let my jealousy get the best of me. I need to work on my insecurities and learn to communicate my feelings better. (Y/n) is my best friend, and I never want to hurt her like that again.
August 31st 1996,
(This entry was ripped out aggressively to what seemed like not too long ago.) (investigators eventually found the entry locked in a secret chest underneath Becker’s bed along with her previous diaries and most treasured items.)
September 8th 1996,
Slowly but steadily I've been getting closer to (Y/n), we've even started making plans on what to do for Halloween! It's her favorite month. All the decorations, costumes, and of course the horror movies. She did seem a bit down today when I mentioned dressing up together as playboy bunny girls, clearly she was expecting something more her speed.
I know-I know what you're thinking. Why would I want to dress up as a playboy bunny costume when (Y/n) clearly wants to dress up as a slasher? Well it's simply because it gives me an excuse to have her wear something revealing all night, and second she's a slasher every single year.
It's time to do something different. No more bloody (Y/n). Instead we'll have a super hot one instead.
In the end she said she would think about it, but with the way she looked over longingly at Stu and Billy; maybe just maybe I should be a slasher with her this year.
September 15th 1996,
Unfortunate change of plans, my parents announced that they were visiting family the week of Halloween. And for once I hated the thought of leaving here without (Y/n) by my side. In the past with her being alone on Halloween always sits wrong with me, and the fact is she wouldn't be alone; Stu and Billy always ended up being there.
Sick? Stu and Billy would come over. Aunt Gia unable to take her to the movies? Mrs. Macher would fill in, Stu dragging (Y/n) to the backseat. If I was out with the other girls dressing girly? Billy would immediately pull out a Micheal Myers mask and a bucket for candy.
I just can never get the timing right on Halloween to be with her. On her favorite holiday.
I might as well push these feelings to the side and let Stu or Billy have her this Halloween. Just like they always do. This time Tatum and Sidney won't be able to deny their boyfriends attraction to (Y/n).
September 19th 1996,
I can't believe I lost my diary for three days! And that's not even the worst part. Tatum was the one who gave it back to me. I was spiraling, hoping that she had some sense and did not read any of it.
Imagining the thought of her reading it sent chills down my spine. Not only would Tatum be out for my blood but (Y/n)s as well; even though the two girls get along fine now- I just know Tatum would immediately flip the script and try to ruin her life.
So what if (Y/n) had feelings for Stu and Billy. She likes Randy now. Even though I’m trying to be the main contender for her love-even I had to face the reality that she wasn't going to go for someone in a relationship. If I was to confess my feelings to her it most definitely would have to be after I dump Steve.
Don't get me wrong, the boy is really nice and sweet. He'd be the perfect boyfriend for me if I wasn't you know ‘a little sparkly’. The sex is good too and he even knows how to communicate well. The only argument we've had thus far was about how much time I've been spending with (Y/n) lately, it resulted in me crying and guilt tripping him.
He was getting a little bit too close to the truth.
But that's not what I'm afraid of. This afternoon I asked Tatum how she found my diary. Turns out she wasn't the one who found it.
It was Stu who had it for the weekend.
September 21st 1996,
Tonight (Y/n) came over to hang out as usual. Soon we were gossiping and talking about others' relationships before it shifted back to mine. (Y/n) apparently don't like how quickly me and Steve got together, and to be honest she was making some good points. Hooking up with boys and then immediately becoming a couple was very misleading and isn't how relationships should be formed.
The conversation got intense however once she suggested we watch a horror movie, we fell back into our normal routine. She did say something that threw me off though. She said if I was in the horror movie I would be the dumb blonde that dies first.
As if! I'm clearly too smart to die in a horror movie! I joked around with her about it and asked if she remembers the promise if I were to die. Of course she remembered but knew she wouldn't have to do it till we were daily older.
To me it doesn't matter how old we get together. She'll always be my everything in my eyes.
I had asked Steve to come over Wednesday to watch a movie, but obviously that's not what we're going to do. That night will be the last time I ever mess around with a boy, and Thursday morning I'll be single and ready to confess to my best friend.
I can only hope she reciprocates my feelings.
August 31st , 1996
Last night was a total nightmare. I don't know who to be more angry at Sidney-or that bitches friend Tatum! We were all invited over (Y/n)’s house to sleepover and have a great time.
Unfortunately things took a twisted turn-
Screams emitted through the TV as the four girls settled across the living room floor. (Y/n) was snuggled up on Casey's side sharing a blanket as Tatum and Sidney were laid across the couch; apparently Tatum valued comfort rather than the floor, but Sidney did remain on the floor laid up against the couch with her sleeping bag.
It was a good thing the movie had subtitles since it was in Japanese; the plot in the movie was about a series of mass murder of teen girls who've all dated the boy. Upon the grand reveal it turns out it was his childhood best friend, her love for him was so obsessive that she resulted in killing all potential suitors for her friend. One might argue it was sick and twisted, but was it so different from many murder cases in the US? Sure some of the scenes were very violent, including the parts on how she disposed of the bodies; however jealousy and obsession can turn deadly quickly if not caught on to.
The alleged ‘final girl’ ran down the school corridor, running into the male protagonist as he tried to calm her down. Her hand was gone, blood practically spraying and pooling along the floor, (Y/n) would have to give it to the directors, the protruding bones look so real.
“All bets in that she's not going to survive,” Casey muttered.
(Y/n) hummed, “Yeah she already lost her virginity, so she already lost in that regard. Not to mention she was seen drinking a few scenes ago.” The two friends had watched so many scary movies at this point that they could predict when someone was going to die, or the ‘twist’ the directors were trying to pull.
The killer rounded the corner, her mouth and face going slack as the male lead and her locked eyes. The boy seemed shocked for a moment before he began to question her on why and how she was doing this. The subtitles were fast but the girls could get the gist of what was being said from the brief words on the screen.
“Wow,” Tatum scoffed, “What a love confession. Someone please kill me if I ever become that desperate over a man.”
“Wait,” Sidney watched as the boy started to step closer, his eyes brimming with tears, “Is he…is he confessing back?! After all the girls he’s slept with and had died due to her, he wants a relationship with her?”
This caught (Y/n)’s attention, she watched how the two childhood friends embraced one another as the other girl cried out to the boy pleading for him to stay-to save her. Only for the male to take the knife from the killer and kill the final girl himself. Something about the scene made it hard to look away.
‘How can someone choose a killer rather than the innocent?’
“He's in love with her,” She muttered, “so much he's willing to kill another innocent person in order for them to be together.” Something fluttered in her heart at the sheer devotion they have towards one another. They way they looked at eachother-no more secrets all the obstacles that were there before have been removed. The two halves of the same whole acn be together at last.
The screen cuts to a house, the childhood friends had gotten married and one would guess moved to another city to leave their choices behind. What caught the afro haired off guard was how happy the couple looked, they had even achieved a loving family; a pair of twins and a four year old boy all sitting at the table sharing grace before credits started to roll.
Casey shifted a bit, “Well, that movie was-,”
“Shit,” Tatum snarled, “How can he want that ugly bitch and kill the good looking one? Isn't this Japanese? Wasn't it the standard to marry for good looking kids and successors?” The girl's attitude threw the other three girls for a loop.
(Y/n) still wanted to argue her point, “I think it's a good film! It's a lot different from the horror movies I usually watch, and I think the fact that the childhood friends got together despite everything was a good twist and satisfying ending.” She got up from Caseys side and went to retrieve the tape and grab another movie, “Here, we can watch a Chick flick next since you didn't like-”
“You think all childhood friends should end up together huh, (Y/n)?”
The girl paused her movements at the question. She didn't understand why the question seemed so-hostile. Casey sat up and shot Tatum a look, clearly disliking where this was going. Sidney on the other hand had a very uncomfortable expression on her face, almost like she was expecting this.
“Well, sometimes yes,” (Y/n) shrugged the stranged feeling off, “Think about it. They’re the ones that know each other most inside and out. Look at most successful marriages for instance-they were either childhood friends or friends and with each other for a long time.” She popped in ‘She’s All That’ before turning to the strawberry blond, “Plus my parents were childhood friends. That's why their marriage was so successful.”
There was an uncomfortable silence in the room.
Something shifted behind Tatum's eyes; malice, spite, fueled by jealousy. “Oh, so you're assuming that Me and Stu’s relationship is going to be temporary since we were not childhood friends?”
(Y/n) made a face at the mention of her friends name, her heart contorted “No! That's not even what I was trying to say-”
“It was implied-”
“Fuck off Tatum,” Casey barked, “The only reason why he’s with you is because your so willing to lay on you back for him.”
They all had to have known it was true. Tatum was so desperate for the boy to acknowledge her since the seventh grade. Going as far to change her style three times before settling on the busty mean girl persona; of course she wasn’t mean all the time-just liked the look.
Other than that Casey wasn't going to let the girl accuse her friend of these things without proof. (Y/n) wasn't the type to go after someone elses’ boyfriend; however with the information the blonde knew about she did feel a bit hypocritical.
Stu wanted (Y/n). Did she know if it was the same the other way around? No. Was she still going to defend her anyway? Absolutely.
Tatum whipped her head over to the other blond practically giving her whiplash. Her face was red now in embarrassment or fury one could barely tell. “Oh! Just like how you were so willing to do that same-,”
“At least I didn’t fuck my friends boyfriend while they were in a committed relationship-”
“It was only two times-”
“Two times too many!” Casey huffed, “Is this what you came here for? To start something with (Y/n) because you know she's the nicest out of the rest of us?”
Tatum rolled her eyes, “You act like she's a newborn, she can defend herself,” She took a swig of her cola before shifting her eyes to her best friend, “Besides I’m not the only one with questions, Sidney does as well.”
(Y/n) zeroed in on Sidney, the girl was fiddling with the sleeve of her sweater. Something about her whole demeanor screams ‘guilty as sin’; as if she just got done something unforgivable. In this case she felt pressured to get to the bottom of why Billy had this slight obsession with the girl in front of her.
Sidney did have a question about Billy and her relationship, and she wanted the girl to be honest about it. She wouldn't be mad if there was something before,but it would mean things between her and her boyfriend would be called into question.
“Y-you have something to ask me Sid?”
Sidney nodded, “Yeah, um I went over Billy’s house the other day, and I saw a lot of things in his room that surprised me is all,” Surprise would be an understatement, her heart felt like it was being ripped into thirds with the items she came in contact with. They haven't been dating for long but she felt like she really liked him, but there's only so much one can take, “You-uh-you guys have a lot of photos with each other. Even with his mom and dad-and uh-Stu was in some of them too..”
She was trying to give a hint to the girl about what she was trying to say. Sidney knew no boys or men who would have that many pictures of a girl visible. Especially in a relationship. It wasn't like it was just on his desk, no-it was all around his house. On the hallway walls, in his dads office-in the kitchen-everywhere. Mr. Loomis almost seemed shocked that Sidney even earned the title ‘Girlfriend’.
‘What happened to (Y/n)?’ Billy’s Father voiced out loud.
Billy stilled for a moment his eyes hazy, ‘(Y/n) has been busy with school lately,”
His father simply cocked an eyebrow and said nothing more. Sidney had never felt more embarrassed and out of place; she knew what the question really meant and what answer Billy’s father was looking for. He wanted to know why (Y/n) wasn't the one at the table with them with the title instead of Sidney.
“So are you asking if I have the same pictures as him?” The girl cut through the silence.
Sidney shook her head, cheeks pink. She didn't know why this was frustrating her-it was just a question. So with a deep breath she ripped off the bandage, “Did you and Billy ever have a secret relationship?”
(Y/n) sputtered as her face grew warm at the question, sure she had secretly entertained the idea of having Billy as a boyfriend but it quickly went out the window once she realized her long term feelings for Stu. It should've been easy to answer back at the question but she was so surprised with the way it was said threw her for a loop.
“No, me and Billy have never had that sort of relationship.” She finally stated.
The brunette didn't seem convinced, “What about the nickname they both gave you. Billy and Stu,” Billy had a habit of calling (Y/n) by her nickname rather than her real name, even in Sidney's presence. It would be different if it was something funny, or a common nickname given among friends, but it was so intimate. And (Y/n) didn't notice it like the other girls did.
Sidney didn't even have an intimate nickname. Billy just called her ‘Sid’ like everyone else.
“What nickname? You mean (N/N)? Billy and Stu haven't called me by that name in years-”
“No! The other one!” Sidney persisted, “The intimate one. You’ve got to remember, Billy calls you it all the time when you're not around-,” The girl paused for a moment, her thoughts sinking in. What if Billy and Stu never said the nickname to the girls face once they got to highschool; it has been a long time since Sidney and Tatum was thrown into the mix in regards to their group. “Did Billy and Stu ever call you anything else in your presence?”
The afro haired paused, thinking it over before answering. There was one nickname Billy and Stu used to call her by sometimes, but it was just while they were watching movies and alone with the three of them. It was around about ninth grade when the nickname was made; Billy insisted that they call her by it.
“Final Girl,”
There was silence again. If there was a way from steam to whistle out of Tatum's ears they all would have heard it.
“Excuse me?” Sidney said, “They call you what?”
(Y/n) bit her lip, “Final girl, Billy insisted I be called that. You know Final girls are the ones that-”
“That’s not the name I was talking about. You mean to tell me you have another one-?”
“Did you fuck Stu instead?” Tatum cut in, “If you couldn't have one friend you might as well go for the other one-”
“Tatum,” Sidney hissed. This wasn't how she wanted to go about doing things. Backing (Y/n) in a corner like this was just bullying her, and if she did have private relationships with either boy it wasn’t for them to know. (Y/n) even had the right to refuse not to answer.
The afro haired girl gripped her band tee in frustration, “I didn’t fuck anyone!” She got up and glared at Tatum in frustration, she didn't understand the girl's deal. She had won already, she had Stu all to herself, “You both have Stu and Billy as your boyfriends and spend so much time with them to the point we three don't hang out as much anymore! When would I have the time to even get the chance to do something like that?”
“Can we just all calm down for a second-,”
“Did you ever have feelings for Stu or Billy?!”
“What does it matter?!” (Y/n) cried, “You have both of them! You won! Tatum you fuck Stu every single day! And Sidney you watch movies with Billy all the time-!” The girl cut off a lump forming in her throat as she could see her favorite boys doing the activities with her friends. Something inside twisted and lurched-her eyes growing warm and sight blurry.
This was all enough for Sidney and Tatum to see the girls true feelings. One felt sympathetic with the reaction, the other on the other hand-.
“I told you!” Tatum pointed, “I knew there was something going on with those three! So how did it feel being Stu and Billy’s whore all throughout ninth grade-” The girl was cut off with a pillow connecting to her head.
Casey loomed over the other girl, her face contorted in rage, “Say that again. I dare you.”
The two other girls stood up immediately with how Casey was standing over Tatum, they knew if a hit landed there was no coming back from this. Also (Y/n) didn't want anyone to be fighting inside her house, her Aunt would have a fit knowing why her living room looked a mess. She would be okay with a bit of fun-not a full out brawl.
(Y/n) sighed sadly, “Tatum, Sid - you guys need to leave.”
A sad solemn look took over Sidney's face at the girl's tone, “Wha - No look I'm sorry can we just pretend this conversation didn't happen?” It was wistful thinking, but she honestly didn't want to leave things this way between everyone. They were supposed to have fun; Sidney wanted to ignore the boy problems for one day and just enjoy the presence of her friends without any problems. (Y/n) didn't deserve to be asked questions that way tonight, especially about the two people she saw as her best friends for the longest time.
“Pretend?” Said Casey, “After the two of you tried jumping down her throat! You want to pretend you didn't do anything?!”
The blonde stormed over to the two sleeping bags grabbing them and rushing back to the front door. Tatum finally got up from the couch in shock, following after the angry girl. Not a single one of them had ever seen Becker this upset, sure she argued and had a sharp tongue but throwing their things outside of the house was way beyond what they could imagine.
“Casey! Are you fuckin crazy-?!”
“For my best friend? Yes!” Casey yelled, “Now are you going to grab your backpack yourself or am I going to have to grab them for you?”
(Y/n) wiped tears from her eyes, “Cas at least let them call their parents-”
“Tatum's house is two blocks away, they can kick rocks.”
It was quick with how the girls left, and the afro haired girl felt a sense of dread with the door closing. It was only when Casey placed a hand on her shoulder did she break down. In some way she blamed herself for them-for their actions and jealousy towards her. She allowed her best friend to guide her towards the couch before she left to get some water and tissues. She stared blankly at the chick flick on the screen, she didn't know why she chose that one.
It was Tatum's favorite. And it was her least favorite.
Casey came back with a glass of water, tissues and a pack of red licorice in her hands, “You okay?” It was a rhetorical question of course, but it was better to ask rather than not asking.
“Would I really be considered a whore if I liked Stu and Billy?” The girl sniffed, “Is it really that bad that I used to have feelings for them? I mean I like Randy now but is it bad that I acknowledge Stu would never look my way because I wasn't enough-”
Casey grabbed the girl's hands, cutting her off , “You are enough. It's their fault they couldn't see that,” She proceeded to wipe the girls cheeks clean of tears, “And in my opinion they've lost the best thing to ever enter their lives. You.”
Silence filled the room for a moment. Nothing could be heard over the girls sniffles and the faint sound of the movie in the background. Casey simply held the girl in her embrace, rubbing up and down her arms in a soothing motion to calm her down.
“Casey,” The girl whispered softly.
“If I dont have anyone else, it'll just be me and you right?”
Casey looked down at her friend, a loving smile taking place on her pink lips, “Of Course. We don't need them. It'll just be me and you against the world.” The girl unexpectedly sprung up off the sofa and headed over to the pile of movies, “I think this chick flick isn't our speed! Lets watch another horror movie, any recommendations?”
(Y/n) gave a watery smile, “I got another japanese film we could watch,”
“Cool! Which one is it?” The blonde shuffled through the tapes.
“It's the one with the two bloodied friends on the cover. It's called, ‘Forget Me Not’.”
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