#i was going to say it kinda makes sense to want to watch more music one of your favorite artists worked on like when they do solo side
hazbmymhotel · 2 days
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Heading to the spider’s nest
Chapter 6 is out!!
“It feels good to be doin’ my own business for once, Husker,” Angel said, stretching his arms above his head. It brought attention to a silky blouse he was wearing, paired with a tiny plaid skirt. Angel vowed to find something more matronly on the way home.
“Didn't you do shit for yourself all the time outside of the studio?” Husk asked, stretching his wings back behind him. “As far as deals went, yours was fairly lax.”
“Psh. I'm gonna tell you the scars I got under my fur say otherwise,” Angel rolled his eyes. He turned the corner, heading towards the dingiest part of the city.
“You should show me sometime,” Husk said, his voice low and flirty.
Angel grinned, “shut up, Kitty Cat. I got fuckin’ work to do. I can't be all weak kneed.” Though he was still trembling from the withdrawals, it was an easier shaking to handle than tummy flips.
“Do we have a plan?” Husk asked.
“Mm. Well, I figured I'd just go in and ask,” Angel answered. “I mean, my Father is probably gonna be a real prick, but Arackniss will tell me whatever I want if I ask real nice.”
“And your Mother?”
“Ma will probably tell me somethin’ crazy stupid and hand me the worst mixtape ever made. I'm glad she's moved on from records, though, those are annoying to carry around.”
“Your ‘Ma’ likes music?” Husk asked, a small smile playing on his lips. “Was she big in the jazz scene?”
Angel shrugged a little, “I mean, maybe? She was usually gettin’ pushed around by Dad. He's a real asshole.”
“Am I going to have to watch out for him?” Husk raised his eyebrows. “Am I going to need to be a barrier between you two?”
“Why ya askin’ these kinda questions?” Angel asked, frowning.
“It's not the first time I've gotten married on a whim and met the parents after the fact. It's also not the first time I've had to deal with my spouse’s shitty father.”
Angel paused his step.
“You've been married before?”
Husk stopped a few feet ahead, turning his head back. “Twice…technically three times if you count that ceremony in India.”
“Excuse me?” Angel wheezed. “How come you've never said nothin’?”
“You've never asked.” Husk tapped his foot until Angel started walking again. “It's not common to just discuss topside life unless you're freshly buried.”
“Well, yeah…Yeah, I know that. I'm just…” Angel chewed his lip. “I feel like I shoulda asked that.”
Husk patted his own jacket and pulled out a flask. “What else do you feel like you should ask?” He took a swig.
Angel held his hand out until Husk gave him a sip. “Do you got any kids?”
Husk sighed. “Makes sense that was the next question. Two. One of my girls is in hell as far as I know.”
“Am I gonna meet her after this?” Angel’s heart was slamming in his chest as he handed back the flask.
“She told me not to talk to her after my second marriage. She's made it clear that we're not going to down here.” Husk tilted his head back on his next drink.
Angel asked quickly, “And how'd your first marriage end?”
“Hah.” Husk smirked a little. “Fucked a twink outside of a club in Chicago after I botched a magic show.”
“So she caught ya?”
“No…No, I couldn't keep that a secret.” Husk capped his flask. “I had a tendency to wear my heart on my sleeve…I learned to play my cards close to my chest after that. My second marriage ended after I gave her the clap.”
Angel barked out a laugh then covered his mouth. “Sorry, sorry! I thought it woulda been the gamblin’...I didn't realize you were a whore.”
Husk decidedly reopened his flask.
“The gambling didn't help.” He took a drink. “Sometimes it was the stakes I was bettin’ on that got me into someone's bed. Sometimes I…just couldn't help myself.” Husk wrinkled his nose, “it's no excuse. I don't find myself attracted to a lot of people, but when I do, it can be hard to control the urge.”
“Should I be insulted that you barely looked at me then?” Angel crossed his arms.
“You get insulted if someone misgenders your pig.”
“Fat Nuggets is a prince and should be respected,” Angel pouted.
“Hm.” Husk finally tucked his flask away. “No, I wouldn't be too worried if I were you, Angel. You're interestin’ when you're being honest. Plus you're gorgeous, which is a bonus.”
Angel blushed beneath his fur. He tightened his crossed arms over his chest and stomach, trying to contain the butterflies. “I mean…you're not half bad yourself. Am I gonna have to drag you home from some dame's house occasionally when you get too ‘hot and bothered’ or whatever?”
“Maybe. I don't really discriminate on gender… but I imagine it won't be long before you're missing having a group of men toss you around. Fair trade, right?” Husk tucked his wings closer to himself, knowing his Infidelities had usually been deal breakers.
Angel considered. “Fair. I do like t’have my holes filled.”
“One man’s cock cannot do all that,” Husk said.
“Yeah, but yours has all those…little nubs on it,” Angel found himself breathless again.
Husk cleared his throat a little. “Penile spines…An unfortunate side effect of my cat body. It's been effective at keeping me from fuckin’ anybody.”
“Excuse me?!?! Unfortunate?!” Angel fanned himself with all four arms. “I am goin’ insane at the thought of that thing rubbin’ at my insides. Will you make those cute little sounds you do all the time?” He stumbled a little. “Oh man. Maybe we shouldn't go today, I'm gettin' all weak kneed.”
“I don't make little sounds,” Husk said under his breath with a pouting mrrow. His tail flicked.
“Stop, you're killin' me!” Angel begged. “You're a little guy, and I just can't take it!”
“Could you stop flirting this hard in public?” Husk blushed furiously.
“ME?!” Angel could weep, he was so worked up.
Both of them straightened up, hands going to their holsters when someone burst out of a side door.
“What's all this racket?!” Arackniss yelled, his many eyes searching the scene while he raised two guns. His gazes settled on Angel and he relaxed. “Anthony!” He tucked his guns away. “What're you’s doin’ here, you gigantic cunt?”
Husk bristled, but Angel squealed, running forward and throwing his arms around the other spider.
“I was hopin’ it'd be you, you big fuckin’ knuckle head!” Angel squeezed his brother, having to lean over heavily to do so. The other man hugged Angel firmly, arms overlapping each other on his slim waist.
“Did the cat drag you in? Haha, who's that mook, huh?” Arackniss asked, patting Angel’s back to let him go.
Angel beamed back at Husk. “Oh, Nickie, that's my new husband, Husker.”
Arackniss shoved Angel aside and squared up at Husk, stalking towards him. It wasn't often he was taller than another demon, so it was nice to feel intimidating. “You’s think I'm gonna let my little baby brother frolic around with another goddamn queer ass little bitch with a tight ass and broad shoulders?”
Husk readied his hand on his playing cards.
“‘Course I am!” Arackniss raised his own arms threateningly…and wrapped all six around the man in a firm grip. “Put ‘er there, you’s mangy animal! I'm Nicolas!”
Husk squirmed and mrowled aggressively until he was able to wriggle free. He smoothed his hands over his fur. “Charmed,” he said flatly.
Arackniss laughed and slapped Angel’s back. “You's sure do like pricks!”
“Well I like you, don't I?” Angel slung two arms around his shoulder. “I got a question for ya, bro. You got a minute?”
The shorter spider glanced at the door, then back at Angel. “We're sorta interrogatin–”
The door slammed open again. “Arackniss, what's takin’ you’s? We got fingers to cut.”
Arackniss made an indecisive sound, “mmmnnListen, come on in. We's got some fuckin’ guests, boys!” He grabbed both of their arms, tugging Husk and Angel inside.
Husk crossed his arms, surveying the scene. It was an old warehouse of sorts. There were hooks and chains dangling from the ceiling.
“This'll only take a minute, Anthony,” Arackniss promised, stalking into a back room.
Husk frowned, his eyes dilating in the dimly lit space. Angel’s eyes glowed, which only made Husk feel more on edge in the current situation.
“Lame,” Angel complained. “Guess we better find Ma before Dad shows up.” He started walking away from Arackniss’ position. “I hope her little office is still back this way.”
“Hm.” Husk’s voice was low. “Are you sure this is a good idea, Angel?” He followed him and flattened his ears back to the sounds of muffled screams.
“What? Are you scared, Whiskers?” Angel asked, “didn't you tell me once you know how to interrogate a man?”
“It works a lot better if you butter them up first,” Husk said, glancing back. “Torture just gets them to say whatever you want to hear.”
“I dunno…I like torture. Makes me get wet.” Angel whispered, still feeling tingly from their moment outside.
“Can you stop thinking about sex for one–it makes you wet?” Husk’s feathers fluffed.
“Baby, have you really never watched one of my movies?” Angel asked, surprised. “Probably that's my special demon power. I was just reborn to be a star.”
Husk held his face in his paw and sighed.
“Oh! There it is!” Angel grabbed his hand off his face and pulled him forward. He knocked on a door eagerly. “Ma! You in there?”
“Come in!” A raspy voice called.
Angel opened the door to a plume of incense smoke. Probably. “I'm gonna assume that's incense,” he said out loud as he stepped in.
“I've been expectin’ you’s both,” said a woman settled into a large chair spun of webs. “My Tony, sweet boy, come gives me a big kiss.”
Angel giggled and pranced to her side, letting his mother smooch both of his cheeks. He stood straight and bounced back to Husker, grabbing both of his hands. “Ma, this is my husband, Husker, Husk, this is my Ma, Amy.”
“Amphetamy, please. The Don is lurking,” she warned.
Angel sighed and shut the door behind him. “Figures. I was hopin’ to avoid that big-” he stopped as Amphetamy leveled him a look. “Sorry, Ma. I came to ask Arackniss a question, but he's busy.”
Husk cleared his throat. “It's a pleasure to meet you, Ma’am.
“It’s good to see my boy settling down with a distinguished gentleman,” she said, holding her hands out and gesturing to the chairs in front of her desk.
Husk looked at Angel before they both took a seat. The woman busied herself with lighting a new incense cone and laying out a few saucers. She filled each one with a different substance: wine, whiskey, and cream. She unwrapped a cassette tape and used her spindly fingers to wind the take-up reel. Finally, Amphetamy heaved a boom box onto the table, and placed the tape inside.
Husk found himself staring at the saucer of cream until Angel startled him.
“We're gettin’ a fortune, huh?” Angel asked flatly. “The last one didn't make any damned sense, Ma. It was full of the goddamn Beatles and Rollin’ Stones.”
“And ACDC.” Amphetamy scoffed at him. “Learn some manners, boy. I'm doing a service for you's. If you’d have listened to my last tape, your soul would still never had fallen into a moth’s hands.”
Angel pursed his lips.
“How does this work, Ma’am?”
“I will answer your questions with my favorite medium. Music.” Amphetamy smiled at Husk, decidedly pouring additional cream into a glass, handing it to him as a reward for not being a little shit.
Husk tried not to look too eager.
“Go on, drink, it's not for my work.” Amphetamy urged. “But what is…I want to hear those questions.” She hit the “record” button on the boom box.
Husk sipped his cream, licking his lips to clear it from his fur. His tongue stuck out in a small blep, forgotten there.
Angel leaned on his elbow and watched Husker adoringly. “Well, Ma,” he said, voice wistful, “I broke a contract a couple's nights ago.”
“That isn't a question, child.”
Angel tried not to squirm as he watched Husk take another sip, absently licking the edge of the glass. He was so cute it hurt. “Well I broke my contract on a whim, Ma. And I don't know how I did it.”
Amphetamy looked at him flatly then looked at Husk. “Could one of you’s please articulate this into a question? Anyquestion??”
Husk gave a soft, warm chuckle. “Sorry, ma'am, we both know Angel has trouble with simple instruction.”
“Hey,” Angel pouted.
Husk continued, “How did Angel Dust break his own contract with Valentino?”
“Good,” Amphetamy said as the Boom Box started to whir. “More questions.”
Angel frowned, “you're not gonna answer us.”
“Questions!!” Amphetamy hissed.
“Ffffine. Are you not gonna answer us, Ma? Ow!” Angel jumped as Husk pinched his arm.
“Not those kinds of questions, jackass.” Husk swirled his cup, thinking. “How will our mutual contract affect us?”
“Good. Better. Keep asking as they bubble into your heads,” Amphetamy encouraged.
Angel rubbed his arm, pouting. “Will doing this bite me in the ass?”
“Less vague,” she said, guiding.
“Will promisin’ myself to Husk…I mean…is it a good idea?” Angel asked nervously, turning to watch his mother.
Husk, unbothered, asked, “what do we do about our contract now?”
“Should I try overlordin?”
Amphetamy held up a hand and looked at her boom box.
“Ask…different questions. Take your time.”
Angel groaned and turned to watch Husk again, trying to decide what to ask next.
Husk dipped his tongue into his glass.
Angel’s eyes glistened. “Isn't he the cutest, Ma?”
She sighed. Husk glared at him, but the look softened as his mind worked.
“How will our contract end?” Husk asked somberly.
“Don't ask shit like that!” Angel gasped, horrified, “take it back! Ma, how do I make the contract un-end?”
Husk reached over and held his paw on Angel’s arm. Angel covered it with two of his own hands, squeezing. “How do I even know what to do, Ma? I need advice for once!”
“I'm giving it to you,” Amphetamy promised. “Two more questions.”
“No you ain't!”
“Angel, calm down,” Husk soothed.
“No! All I want is for my fuckin' afterlife to be better than my shitty fuckin’ human life! Is that so much to ask?!”
“One more question.”
Husk set his glass down and stood on his chair to reach. He held Angel’s face in his hands and looked in his eyes. “Calm down…You know I love you, right?”
Amphetamy reached over and turned off the recording. “Such a difficult boy.”
Angel weakly touched Husk's hands on his face, eyes wet. “You love me? You do?”
Husk leaned forward, kissing his forehead. “Yes.” He grunted as Angel pulled him off of his chair, holding him tightly.
Clearing her throat, Amphetamy held out the cassette. “Listen to the songs. Really listen, Angel.”
Angel looked over Husk's shoulder and reached out for the tape. “It's gonna be bad, isn't it?”
“I don't know. The music places itself on there,” Amphetamy said, “now, listen.”
Angel nodded. Husk hopped down, having to stand on his toes to look over the desk. “Thank you, Ma'am.”
“I like this one, Angel, he's the first polite man you've brought home,” Amphetamy said. “Now go on before the Don finds you’s both.”
“Yeah, yeah…I know he's gonna be mad I didn't get permission for this,” Angel rolled his eyes. Still, he smiled warmly at her, “I love you, Ma.”
She blew him a kiss.
Angel and Husk walked through the now quiet warehouse, their feet each padding and clicking on the cement respectfully. When they reached the outside, Angel handed Husk the tape. “Keep it safe for Mommy, would ya?”
Husk huffed, but took it anyway, tucking it into his jacket. He paused. He frantically tapped over his jacket and pants. “My cards.”
“What?” Angel asked, startled.
“My fuckin’ cards are missing!”
Angel, alarmed, gave himself a once over. He wheezed. “My knife.”
“Not your guns?”
“My angelic knife,” Angel’s voice was tight. “Arackniss.”
Husk bristled, ready to turn heel.
“No-!” Angel grabbed his shoulder. “That's the only angelic weapon I had on me.”
“I'm not leavin’ my favorite fuckin' deck!” Husk growled. “And we can't let them figure out what that knife does.”
Angel grit his teeth. “Shit. Shit, you're right.”
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mattodore · 1 year
the spam bot i just got in my inbox trying to entice me to click its malicious link with promises of heterosexual porn...... babygirl you are on the wrong blog peddling the wrong grift 😔
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amournoir · 8 months
pairing: sarah cameron x f!reader
count: 3.6k
warning: smut [boob play, scissoring, toys, oral receiving & giving, language?]
author’s note: continuation of ‘firsts’, idk where this is going so we’ll see. have fun reading & remember this is 21+! 💋
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It had been a week since you last saw Sarah and almost two weeks since you two had been in the same room alone. It wasn’t as though you were ignoring her, she just became busy with the pogues which brought us to today. Sarah had invited you and Kiara over for a girls night. You didn’t suspect anything aside from the usual gossip, skincare, mani/pedis, etc. that took place at every girls night. Except this would be the first time you hung out with Kiara alone. She was always wrapped up in the guys or some ‘save the planet’ shit so you only saw her in passing, never private. 
After you finished packing your bag, you grabbed your silk pajamas and towel then headed for the shower. During sleepovers, you and Sarah normally took showers at the house but you didn’t know if the norm for you and Sarah would be the same with Kiara included. Once you had unbraided your hair, you hopped in your shower and let the hot water relax you. Twenty minutes later and you were out, drying yourself then oiling then dressing. You pulled your freshly washed hair in a bun, no need to dry since it did so by itself. With your bag fully packed and you clean, you slipped on your uggs slippers and grabbed your phone as you headed downstairs. 
Your mom waited in the car as you double checked everything and then you two were off. It took less than ten minutes to get to her house but you refused to walk or heaven forbid, bike there— in your pajamas. Your mom waved at you goodbye and you returned it, turning around to knock rapidly on the front door. A minute or two later, Rafe opened up with a confused look. 
“Hey Y/N. Why are you here?” 
You furrowed your brows, “The sleepover, what else?” 
“Sarah didn’t tell you?” 
“Tell me what?” 
He scratched the back of his neck as he often does when he’s uncomfortable. “She and Kiara had some sort of fight so she canceled.” 
Before I could say anything, he quickly added, “But you’re her best friend so I doubt she’d cancel on you.” 
I looked up in the direction of the stairs and pointed. “Can I go up and check?” 
“Yeah, yeah sure.” He closed the front door and locked it. 
Before he could walk away, I asked, “If it is, could you drop me home?” 
“Of course Y/N.” He smiled and walked away to some other part of the house as I headed up the stairs. 
When I got closer to her room, it was the very last one in the long hallway, I could hear music. Her door was closed but the music drowned out the sound of me opening it. I leaned against the frame as I watched her bob her head around with her headphones in. I stood there for a minute or more then decided to interrupt. I waved my hand in front of me and that’s when her head perked up. 
“Y/N! You’re here!” She exclaimed, taking out one earbud. 
“Yeah but I probably shouldn’t be. Apparently tonight is canceled?” I asked with a raised brow. 
“Oh that. Yeah, kinda.” This was unlike her, she always had an explanation. 
I crossed my hands over my chest and waited. She stared at me, sighed then removed the other earbud and turned her phone off. She fixed her posture and sat crisscrossed, patting the space in front of her on the bed. I closed the door behind me, dropping my bag on the floor near the foot of the bed then sat down with one leg dangling off the edge. 
Sarah explained that it was meant to be a girls night but she and Kiara got into an argument, as Rafe had mentioned. Apparently Kiara didn’t want me to hangout with the guys because, in her words, ‘one kook is enough’. That didn’t make any sense considering she was a kook as well but that was the argument. Sarah pointed out that we had been friends since childhood and I knew the guys, there wasn’t a reason why I couldn’t hang out with all of them but Kiara didn’t want another kook. Sarah thought this sleepover would bring Kiara and I closer but the moment she found out, she refused to come, hence why Sarah canceled it. 
I was aware that Kiara wasn’t a fan of me but she had no reason why. She didn’t know me, only knew of me from others. The thing that bothered me the most was her calling me a kook as if she was a pogue. Anyways, there was no love lost. I just knew I had to steer clear of her, I couldn’t force the girl to be my friend but I was hoping to be cordial though.  
“Don’t worry about her Y/N. I spoke to the guys and they’re down to hang without Kie.” Sarah assured me. 
I let out a soft scoff, “Pope would never, maybe JJ or John B sometimes.” 
“Yeah, he’ll be hard to convince but whatever. It’s girls night so what do you say about spending it without her?” 
I shrugged and said, “I’m cool with it. More fun for us!” 
“Rightttt…speaking of fun…” Sarah trailed off. 
“Oh no.” 
“I haven’t said anything yet!” 
“Sarah, whenever you start dragging your words, you have something planned.” 
She huffed, “Guilty.” She added quickly with a smirk, “Butttt, I promise you’ll like it.” 
“What is it?” 
Her face broke out in a wide grin, “Promise to keep an open mind?” 
“Now I’m nervous.” 
“No, don’t be! It’s fun!” 
I let out a small chuckle, “So then tell me, what is it?” 
“First close your eyes and remain seated.” 
And just like that my smile went away. What on earth could she possibly be up to this time?! I knew I wouldn’t get any answers out of her so I agreed and closed my eyes. She got off the bed, walked toward her closet or was it her bathroom? I couldn’t tell but before she returned to the bed, she went to her door and locked it. I could hear her footsteps coming back towards me then the bed dipped and she sat in front of me. 
“Okay now open.” 
I opened one eye at a time but nothing in the room looked different. There was a box in front of me however, it was just a medium sized black delivery package. I stared at it then looked up at her then down at the box again. Was it an animal? Drugs? Expensive alcohol to hide from Rafe and Ward? 
“It’s a box. I don’t get it.” 
She smiled and slowly opened it. There were three smaller packages inside, also in black but they had different shapes. One by one, Sarah carefully unwrapped them as she paid close attention to my reaction. At first I furrowed my brows in confusion but the second it hit me, I gasped then stared in surprise and curiosity. 
“Tell me you didn’t.” 
“I did. Y/N I so did!” 
“Does anyone know?” 
“Nope. I’ve been watching the mailman like a hawk the past week.” 
“Where’d you even get them?” 
“Online. They have a return policy in case I don’t like it.” 
“Do you?” 
“I dunno. I haven’t tried it yet.” 
I raised one brow and asked, “Will you?” 
“Yeah…” She started then continued, “…if you try it with me.” 
I accidentally let out a laugh, “Sarah I’ve never used them!” 
“So let’s do it together! What are best friends for?” 
“I don’t think normal best friends share sex toys.” 
“Well that’s because they’re boring. Besides I like playing with you, we shared toys when we were younger.” 
I fully let out a laugh, “Sarah, barbie dolls and dildos aren’t the same thing!” 
“So you don’t want to?” She pouted slightly. 
“I didn’t say that but…I might be convinced into it.” 
Sarah smirked and before I knew what was happening, she unbuttoned her pajama top slowly. She shrugged it off her shoulders and sat there, staring at me. She had nothing underneath so for a while, we both sat in silence as I ogled at her boobs. Slowly, she cupped both breasts in her hands and rubbed them against each other. Her fingers brushed over her nipples and a faint moan left her lips. 
I licked my own and looked up at her, all she did was nod. Without a word spoken between us, I reached forward and fondled them in my hands. They were so full and warm. I bounced them around, enjoying watching them sway in different directions. I lowered my head and took one boob in my mouth, it tasted just how I remembered it. I was too greedy though, I wanted the other in my mouth as well so I tried stuffing them. This made Sarah moan. I suckled on them like a baby, eyes fully closed as I immersed myself fully into it. 
After a while, I pulled away and looked down at them. They were red with bite marks and saliva all over, I felt quite proud. I quickly reached down my own shirt and pulled it over my head, leaving my naked chest exposed to her. As if we were thinking the same thing, we both grinded our chests against each other. Her wet sticky boobs rubbed against mine, the body heat turning us on even more. We pulled apart and wordlessly, stood up and took our pajama bottoms off along with the underwear. 
I got back on the bed and spread my legs apart, Sarah sat in front of me and widened her legs as well. She spit into her hand and wiped it on my cunt then on her own. She inched closer until I could feel her cunt against mine, she looked at me as though to ask for permission and I nodded my head. The moment our pussies touched, I let out a moan. We were both very warm and wet. I lowered my head slightly and spit in between us. Sarah moved her hips first then I followed, we continued until we reached a good pace. 
The squelching noises of our pussies rubbing against each other was doing it for me. I grinded even harder against her, our boobs practically slapping each other but we didn’t care. We just wanted to reach our high regardless of the lewd noises. This went on for a bit until suddenly she shook. I saw this as my opportunity to take charge so I did. I easily pushed her down until she was laying flat on the bed on her back then I swung my leg over and adjusted myself. I lifted her leg up and held onto it for support as I rode her pussy. 
Sarah could do nothing but lay down and take it, she reached up to slap my ass but otherwise, she praised me to go on. I no longer cared for her needs, I just wanted to cum. I was determined to ride her until I got my fill and even more after. I could feel myself tensing up and right on time, she shook again. Mere moments later, she squirted right on my pussy and I came on hers. In the heat of the moment, I licked up her leg, kissing and sucking different spots. 
“Fuck Y/N, that was so hot!” She exclaimed, a wide grin on her face. 
“Right? Shit that squirt made me cum more.” 
“You like that baby? You like when I squirt on you?” 
“So fucking much.” I bit my lip as I peered over at the toys. “How about I do it again?” 
Sarah smiled and gave my ass a light tap. I got off of her as she reached for a light purple, almost lavender, two-sided dildo. She sat up and looked at me then placed the toy over my lips. I obeyed immediately and opened my mouth, making sure to stick out my tongue. She inserted the dildo slowly then pushed it to the back of my throat, pulled it out and did it again. I had a gag reflex so each time I would gag on it then cough. She kept repeating it several times until I no longer coughed but still gagged. 
“Aww you look so pretty baby. Taking all that purple cock in your throat.” She cooed. 
I couldn’t respond so I just nodded. 
“Can’t speak? Too busy choking on my cock?” 
My eyes started to water, she was going a bit rougher now. Saliva was dripping down my chin. 
“What a pretty whore. She likes cocks and tribbing and boobs. Do you want me to fuck your mouth?” 
I nodded quickly as my pussy clenched on thin air from her words. I was a good whore for her. I liked being fucked with a purple dildo. I liked stuffing her boobs in my mouth. Yes, I was a whore for Sarah Cameron. 
“Okay baby but first I want you to beg for it.” Sarah replied as she pulled the whole dildo out. 
I gasped at the fresh air, my eyes already blurry. “Please mommy, fuck my mouth. I promise to be a good girl for you.” 
“Mm that’s a nice start but I want more.” 
“I’ll let you fuck both holes mommy but now I just wanna suck.” 
Sarah smiled and bit her lip excitedly. She tapped my mouth again and I opened once more. I was sitting on my knees but I leaned forward in excitement. With my boobs dangling about, Sarah shoved the dildo deeper into my throat and used her free hand to pinch my nipples. She slapped them around and commanded ‘bounce’ so I did. I made my tits bounce around for her as I choked on the cock. I felt very whore-like and I actually liked it. 
Before I got too into it, she immediately pulled it out and simply said ‘bend over’ which I did as well. On all fours, I stared at the floor length mirror in front of me and saw my reflection. Sarah had situated herself behind me, rubbing my cunt as I waited with legs wide open for her. She spit on my ass and it dripped down to my pussy, my body instinctively clenched and she chuckled. 
Sarah rubbed one of the heads of the dildo against my cunt then slowly inserted it. I had never had anything inside me so the feeling was very odd and uncomfortable as hell. I let out slow deep breaths and Sarah soothed my back. She went very slowly, only continuing when I would nod. Minutes later, I was relaxed and my pussy ached for more. I wiggled my ass a bit and she smiled, gave it a slap then pushed the dildo deeper. 
She would push it in then out then twist it back in and so on. This went on for a while until I was seconds away from coming but she’d stop. Each time she’d deny me release, I’d whine and she would push it back in again. The edging was beautifully painful. 
“For a first timer, you’re taking this cock so well baby.” 
“Please let me cum.” 
“Only if I fuck that thick ass too.” 
I lowered my chest to the bed and raised my ass up, “Fuck me mommy.” 
“Mm just like that baby. Keep that ass up for me.” 
I waited until I felt the other head of the dildo enter. Somehow it was less uncomfortable than my pussy. I nodded and she pushed more of the length inside. Now both of my holes were filled and the thought just drove me wild. Sarah used both hands to fuck me, one fucked my pussy and the other my ass. I was nothing but a moaning mess, begging for more. 
The sight of myself from the mirror was what made me squirt so much, it didn’t just hit the bed but also her chest. She laughed and fucked me even faster, I didn’t think I could cum again but I did. She removed the one in my ass and I thought my turn was done but instead she stuck her tongue in and licked whilst shoving the dildo deeper in my pussy. She spat into my ass and on my cunt as she kept on mercilessly drilling that dildo deeper and faster. I let out a loud scream as my entire body shook, went limp for a few seconds, then came on the cock. She pulled it out too fast, I moaned at its exit but her mouth was on my pussy to suck my cum. She ate me out for a moment then pressed a kiss and pulled away. 
“Holy shit Y/N! It was like a freaking waterfall.” She sat back on the bed and licked her lips. “Tasty though.” 
I laid on my stomach for a few minutes without saying a word then turned around and sat up. “Careful, fuck me like that again and you’ll ruin me.” 
“That’s the plan baby. You’re all mine.” She smiled and spread her legs apart, patting on her cunt. “Now fuck mommy too.” 
I took the dildo from her hand and asked, “Is it your first time too?” 
She nodded, “Yeah so please gentle first.” 
“I promise…” I started then finished, “…to ruin you too.” 
Before she could respond, I spread her pussy lips open then with a mouthful of saliva, I spit into the hole. I put the dildo inside slowly but it went in quite easily thanks to my spit in her pussy. I looked at her and she smiled so I pushed deeper a bit then pulled out. I pushed it in again and went deeper, I kept repeating these actions whilst spitting to keep her wet. Her pussy was so greedy, it happily swallowed the cock deeper. 
I now started to fuck her with it, slowly at first but when she begged for faster, I was unforgiving. I pounded that silicone purple cock into her wet needy pink walled pussy until she moaned endlessly for me. I put the other end in my mouth and fucked her that way instead, I bobbed my head faster and faster, equally fucking her and me. I was choking on it but I couldn’t stop, the sight of her cum dripping down the cock spurred me on. I sucked and fucked with all my strength but before I could move, she accidentally squirted and it got on my face. 
I pulled my mouth away with a loud gasp but I wasn't ready to end it yet. With half the dildo still inside Sarah, I got up and squatted as I slowly lowered myself onto the other half. She was propped against the pillows whilst I was now sitting on top of her, the two-sided dildo in both of us. I grabbed my own boobs and played with them as I rode her. I switched between grinding on the cock and bouncing on it, Sarah encouraged me, telling me how pretty I looked fucking her. We continued fucking each other for a long while, i simply enjoyed the feeling of a cock inside me so I prolonged it. Sarah and I each came twice but I kept riding and she begged for me to stop. 
“No, I want to keep riding.” 
“Please! I can’t cum anymore Y/N.” 
“But I like seeing you filled to the brim.” 
“Fuck Y/N, don’t say that.” 
“You like that? Wanna hear me say how full you look? How your hole is stuffed and your cunt is covered with our cum?” 
“Keep going, I’ll cum again.” 
“That’s it mommy. Cum on my pretty pussy. Look at your big tits bouncing around.” 
“Please keep going.” 
I reached down and gathered a bit of the cum then wiped it on her lips. I lowered my head and kissed her, my hips grinding forcefully against hers. She was quick to suck my bottom lip in so we tongued each other. Our boobs were slipping and sliding around, our cunts were squelching, it was all so hot. She came again and moaned into my mouth, we both cummed against each other but we also squirted. I pulled away and continued to ride slowly until I was satisfied and came to a stop. 
I lifted myself off of her and removed the dildo. I looked at Sarah with a satisfied smile. She pushed me back gently and brought her head to my cunt. With small kitten-like licks, she cleaned me up and sucked softly. I closed my eyes and slowly grinded on her lips, she continued until suddenly when I felt something else at my entrance. I opened my eyes and peered down to see her trying to fit her boob into my pussy. I chuckled and she quickly looked up at me, she reached me with a slow crawl. Sarah laid on top of me then placed her nipples on my mouth. 
“Be a good girl and clean mommy’s tits, they’re covered in your cum baby.” She instructed while holding onto her breasts. 
“Yes mommy, I love your boobs.” I said before sucking on one nipple then switching to the other. I continued doing this until Sarah was satisfied. 
We decided on getting cleaned up so while she changed her sheets, I went to her bathroom and started the shower. I came back and she was ready, we went to the shower together where we kissed once more and she inserted the dildo in me and sat on my lap as she rode it. All I could think of at the moment was thank goodness Kiara wasn’t here. I’d have missed out on fucking Sarah senseless and vice versa. Maybe Kiara just needed a good fuck too.
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sleeplesssmoll · 5 months
Vertin's personality and traits based on in-game context.
Contains Spoilers.
Will update when I find more tidbits about our beloved Timekeeper.
Updated: March 15 2024
Vertin sucks at math.
Not much to say here. Although, this is another difference between her and Sonetto, who loves math. I hope they do something with this later because it'd be fun.
Vertin is 16 confirmed
While this isn't a personality trait, I did see some debate about her age since it wasn't officials stated until now and it was assumed through context. Prisoner in the Cave explicitly confirms her age. Vertin became Timekeeper when she was 12 and has been the the TK for the past 4 years.
Vertin is a pianist and a painter.
You can see a piano in the back of her office in the Suitcase by the window. It makes sense in regards to Vertin's musically inclined Arcanum. There's an easel and stool in her office too. She doesn't merely collect art, she creates it. Vertin also owns a camera (official artwork released) too and mentions her photography in the begining, so this isn't new but I thought I should add it.
Vertin's still playful under all her composure.
We know baby Vertin was a little menace, but we can still see a spark of that mischief in her later years. For example, Vertin slapping a fake mustache on Regulus to avoid Sonetto really captures this. We can tell from other characters' voice lines that Vertin will most likely play along with their shenanigans. She'll chirp like a bird in response to Rabies talking about his bird friends (Wilderness interaction). She'll help Sonetto during hide and seek (Wilderness). She watches movies with Eternity and An An Lee. X asks her for help with his projects. Going through her crew's voice lines really paints a better picture of how she interacts with others. The voice lines point to someone playful and curious when she's not in work mode.
Vertin was a gremlin.
Vertin's love language is giving.
We know baby Vertin loved to give gifts to a reluctant Sonetto, but that part of her still exists. She tried to grant everyone's last wishes during the 1929 Storm. We also know she gives Lilya alcohol as a gift upon her return from 1929. She is also very direct. We see her ask people what they want or what can she do for them throughout the story. To expand further, you could say she likes fulfilling people's desires instead of limiting it to material gifts. We can see more of instances of this during the Green Lake event, especially in the way she protects Jessica from the Foundation. She also tried to get Regulus funding for a ship. I love the Suitcase Dad meme, but it's rooted in nuggets of truth.
She was a crappy student, yet she was also a resourceful gremiln. Vertin never liked the institution! Honor student? Top of the class? Never. Teachers are filled with that "Godamnit Vertin" energy toward her too. I hope we see more gremlin energy in the future.
One-sided childhood friends.
Vertin is a collector.
Sonetto and Vertin were desk mates but Sonetto couldn't stand Vertin when they were kids. She even tried to avoid Vertin at times but Vertin persisted with her gifts. We can see this in the hallway scene. Sonetto's about to change routes to avoid Vertin but Vertin called out to her to give her a frog she caught. Kinda funny how Sonetto can't stand Vertin but also can't resist her when they were kids. Vertin and Matilda were actually closer back then. Well, at least until the tear gas incident. Sonetto changed after Vertin was hurt and the rascal wasn't around to bother her. I feel like this tidbit says a lot about Vertin and her influence on people.
Baby Vertin collected rocks, bugs, and frogs. Adult Vertin collects painting and mementos of people she's lost. Things were simpler as a kid.
Vertin is stronger than she looks.
She was a wild child and she's still got it years later. Vertin can run for long periods of time, endure injuries, and climb obstacles. That, and she's still essentially a child solider. We see her hold her own when she needs to fight solo doing stuff like dodging bullets. Sonetto and Matilda also exhibit these freakishly athletic traits, especially Sonetto.
Vertin befriends people in every Era, despite knowing she'll lose them.
Compared to the other children raised by the Foundation, Vertin's traveled the world and witnessed loss in every Era. This opens doors to a whole new set of questions. How did she change over time? How do the Arcanists she recruited before the story treat her? Did she have crushes in previous Eras? Were the oranges just as bitter? Vertin seems to get close to people very easily and doesn't build walls around herself despite the trauma. You'd think someone who's lost so much would stop trying to get close to people, but she doesn't.
Vertin is optimistic.
Even as a child, she was full of hope. It's why she fights for the future and is a core part of her personality. She needs to fight for all those she lost and stop the Storm from taking more lives.
Vertin gets quiet when embarrassed/shy.
She'll blush and fall silent, but she doesn't stammer or go all tsundere. We can see this in voice lines. Sonetto's high praises make her cover her face with her hands. Eternity gets a reaction out of her when she holds her hand. She also blushed when she received surprise smooch and fell silent.
Vertin has a unique scar on her back.
Vertin is a tactile person.
Arcana mentions the scar after Vertin was shot multiple times in the back by Schneider. It's a big scar and new theories about the scar are ongoing and interesting!
In several voice line interactions, Vertin is patting people's heads or holding their hands. Not all her crew mates are on board with it, some seem confused, and others play along. We can also see examples in story like her handing Sonetto a frog while gently grasping her hand or her taking Regulus's hand to lead her into the Suitcase. Here is a post with the evidence to back this claim.
Vertin sucks at arcanum but her deep understanding of arcanum is uncanny.
The story mentions her weak arcanum skills throughout the story. They really want you to remember this. Also, her arcanum didn't manifest until sometime after the break away event but before the events in the prologue. During her stay in the guardhouse, she doubts if she's even an arcanist and mentions her arcanum has yet to manifest, which is wild. Smoltin is fighting with her tiny hands and wit in this chapter. However, in the prologue it's mentioned Vertin's understanding of arcanum and her perception makes her unique amongst arcanists. She's also considered more "rationale" than other arcanists. You can read more about this here.
Vertin is stealthy.
Smoltin sneaks around to play outside. She steals food for herself and the Ring from the Staff Canteen, which has better quality food than what the kids get. This tells me she's done this before. Adult Vertin also sneaks around the Walden to find Schneider. She makes maps, tracks guard routes, and avoids detection since whe was a kid.
Tooth Fairy was one of the few Foundation members who cared about Vertin.
Tooth Fairy is the one who gave Smoltin the toffees (chit chat voicelines). She also covered for Vertin on a few occasions to protect her from punishment. She remembers Vertin faking her illness to skip class, but her bruises and wounds were real. The Foundation does have a few kind hearts that genuinely care about the children. The causes of Vertin's injuries is up to speculation.
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wynnyfryd · 3 months
Trailer park Steve AU pt 44
part 1 | part 43 | ao3
cw: recreational drinking
“You’re just…” Robin looks at him sideways, her face doing something quivery and weird that he’s pretty sure is supposed to be sympathetic concern but mostly looks like she stubbed her toe right after smelling microwaved fish. “You’re sure it’s not too soon?” 
It is. 
It definitely is too soon.
Steve’s pleasantly buzzed at a New Year’s Eve party — some random rich kid’s house, loitering in the space between the living room and kitchen so he and Robin can properly people watch (see also: be hugely judgmental bitches about the fashion sense of the girls on the dance floor and the sloppy form of the guys doing keg stands on the back deck) — and Steve just opened his fat, drunk mouth and casually admitted to being in love with Eddie. 
Eddie, the guy who hated him for years. The guy who tried to knife him the first time they interacted as neighbors. 
The guy whose silhouette has started to fill the passenger seat in Steve's Winnebago dreams. 
Eddie’s here, but he’s not here; probably posted up somewhere in the basement so he can deal to the stoners and the horny kids playing Spin the Bottle, and Steve— 
Steve knows he falls too fast. Always has, but especially now. Steve fell for Eddie like a gunshot going off: a deafening bang, gurgling fish sounds, blood all over the floor. He kinda thinks he couldn’t help it. Kinda thinks he’d do it again. 
And how could he not, when Eddie smiles at him like that? When he takes him apart so sweetly with his words, his lips, his tongue? When he dragged Steve by the hand into the back pew of a midnight mass on Christmas Eve, giggling about how he was shocked his satanic worship hadn’t set the bench aflame? 
Steve totally understood why Jesus got up on that cross. 
“Oh, my god,” Robin rolls her eyes with a strangled huff. “Are you seriously just—? You’re fucking hopeless.” 
Yeah, he is, and yes, he is. “No,” he insists, crossing his arms over his chest and trying not to feel like a defiant kid who got caught lying to his mother, because yeah, he totally is spacing out into lovesick La La Land while being actively accused of spending too much time there lately. “I’m not fucking hopeless, and it’s not too soon.”
Robin gapes at him like 'are you kidding me right now?' “Steve!”
“Robin!” he answers, mimicking her tone. Wow. Vodka makes him petulant. 
It makes Robin stubborn as hell. She juts her chin out and hollers over the music, gesturing so aggressively she almost spills her drink, “Admit that it’s too soon!”
“It isn’t!” Steve shouts back; digs his heels in and refuses to budge, never mind the fact that it’s only been, like, three weeks since Eddie fingered him for the first time oh, god, don’t think about Eddie’s fingers right now.
They stare at each other for a second, Robin’s nostrils flaring with the words she so clearly wants to yell at him, her breaths coming hot and harsh, and then, with a long sigh, her shoulders deflate. Her chin comes down. She bites her lip again, teeth turning the skin white as her eyes go big and sad. Worried. She's worried for him because she loved him first. 
Steve smiles at her, a quick, closed-lip thing that feels more like shrugging with his mouth, and he leans into her space; pats her cheek and thumbs her chin until she stomps chomping on her lip.
“You’re gonna get it all chapped,” he says in a hush, hoping her Steve translator is still intact after a couple drinks. Hopes she knows that he’s really saying ‘I hear you’ and ‘I love you, too; I love that you care’ because they're at a party and god does he not feel like saying sappy friendship shit out loud. 
Robin’s eyes get misty. Just for a second — message received; copy that — and she clears her throat and shakes it off. Points at something over Steve’s shoulder and drags him to the other side of the room.
part 45
tag list in separate reblogs under '#trailer park steve au taglist' if you'd like to filter that content. if you want to be added please comment and let me know (must be over 21; please either verify in the comment or have your age visible on your blog)
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roadkillremi · 8 months
Quote 24 smut with billy pleas🩷🩷
I can do that!!!
24. "I wouldn't imagine breaking your underwear rule." (Billy Loomis says this to Sydney Prescott)
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Billy Loomis X F!Reader
Summary: after a long day of "busy" work Billy wants some company. Reader and Billy are 18+
Warnings : MINORS DNI, smut, p in V, unprotected, Billy kinda pressures?, He has a knife, language, he uses that knife to carve his initial into you, a bit of praise.
You read a book in your room while your music played. You softly hummed to yourself flipping through your book. A soft knock interrupted you, you looked up and walked towards your window. You moved your curtains over to reveal Billy looking into the window. You softly smiled and opened your window.
"Billy. It's 9pm." You leaned towards him. He smiled, "I know. It's more fun this way.". You moved to the side to let him in. He climbed through and looked around. You had music and movie posters on the walls. He always found it interesting to look at them.
"Let me guess you got done at Sydney's and had to go to your secret affair?" You gave him a look. Billy shook his head, "I didn't come from Sydney's.".
"you just came to a losers house for fun?" You tilted your head.
You weren't part of his friend group, and you had no desire to be part of it. You met Billy through Randy Meeks. You were a frequent customer of Bradley's video store. You had a routine, Friday you get food, get a movie, and pass out. Billy seems to figure out your routine and joined you one night. You were scared you were just another girl. You heard the rumors about Christina, you didn't wanna end up like her. So you told him you wouldn't sleep with him, which made him more eager to see you.
He softly smiled at you, "You're not a loser...". You shrugged, "Just a random girl Billy Loomis is visiting.". He looked down, "You're not... Random.". You sighed, "Billy I was joking-".
"I told you I.. I like being around you.".
"So that's why you ignore me at school? It makes total sense." You argued. You shook your head, "I told you im not some... Some-".
"slut?" Billy asked looking at you with a smirk. He stared at your exorcist poster, "I know you're not.".
"What do you want Billy?" You asked softly. He looked at you and slowly scanned your body.
"I told you I can't ... You're dating Sydney!" You said putting your hands to your face.
"When did you start caring about Sydney?!" Billy scoffed.
"Last I checked her and Tatum teased you." He added. You looked up at him, "Shut the fuck up.". You stood up, he softly smiled.
"See? Sydney's not like you. She cares too much... About herself... she's a push over too. She's always scared and shit. But you... You don't care. You like the dark stuff... Like me...".
"Then break up with her." You crossed your arms. Billy shook his head, "I told you it's difficult, her mom died.".
"I'm aware." You muttered. Billy stepped closer, "I just need you... It was a rough day okay?!" His voice grew more irritated. He sat on the edge of your bed and stared at the wall ahead of him.
"My dad... He's an asshole... You understand that... You're mom left too..." Billy tried to shove his emotions back. You stepped towards him, "I know... I'm sorry...". He hugged your torso burning his face in your stomach. You ran your fingers through his hair, "I'm sorry I fussed at you. I'm just... Worried.".
"I know." He glanced up at you. You looked over at your TV, "Do you wanna watch the exorcist?".
"We watched that last time...".
"it's my favorite." You whisper. He nods, "sure.". You turn on your TV and set up the Exorcist. Once you sat by Billy on your bed you leaned on his shoulder. He'd slowly start kissing your head, then cheek, then neck. You breath a bit heavier and grab his arm.
"What are you doing?" You asked softly. He looked at you, "I'm kissing you.". He then gently kissed you on the lips. You gave in to him leaning into his touch. His hands slid behind your back and he pushed his body towards you more. He positioned you beneath him as he continued to kiss you. His hand moved towards your pajama pants. His fingers wrapped around the elastic, you backed your face away from his.
"Don't worry. I wouldn't dream of breaking your no underwear rule." He sounded annoyed.
Your stomach noted, he complained about Sydney being the same way in the past. You took a Shakey breath, "No..". He looked up at you, "I want to tell you I'm ready.". His eyes went wide and then he smirked. He kissed you before sliding off your pajama pants.
"That's my girl." He whispered. You grinned, His girl... You grabbed his face pulling him into a kiss. He grunted lowly, he pulled away to examine your face. You gently smiled at him, he sat up unbuttoning his blue shirt. You leaned up slightly on your elbows to watch him. He stared directly in your eyes as he took off his white t-shirt. Your eyes traveled down his slightly toned body. You sat up and took off your shirt as a response. He smirked laying you back down. He trailed his face down your neck. You felt his nose slightly touch your skin. He kissed your collarbone a couple times before biting it. You gasps your hands clinging to your bed. Billy softly chuckled, his laugh vibrating onto your skin.
"Billy.." you softly whispered, he looked up quickly.
"I..I'm scared.. n-not scared but nervous..". You looked off to the side. Billy smiled, "It's okay. I'll take... Good care of you.". He leaned back down to kiss your collarbone. His hands slid to your hips, "So beautiful" he muttered. He sat up pulling a pocket knife from his back pocket. He flicked it open cutting the sides of your underwear. He threw the piece of fabric to the side. Your eyes widen at the scene, your heart pounded. He started unbuckling his belt and taking off his jeans.
"Gonna take real good care of you..." He whispered. You watched his knife carefully, he glanced up at you and then looked at the knife. He smiled, "Not scared of this old thing are you?". You shook your head, "No." You gave him a small pathetic smile. He leaned closer to your face, "Are you scared of me?". The blade contacted your thigh, you jumped a bit.
"No.". He smirked, "You really are something else" he softly chuckled. He kissed you before returning to his position. He took his boxers off revealing himself to you. You stared down at him unsure of how to respond.
It sprung up against his stomach and was easily 7ish inches. Your eyes widened and you looked up at Billy.
"Don't worry.." he rubbed the tip in-between your folds. "It'll only hurt for a moment." He smiled. He soon thrust himself in, causing a loud gasp. He quickly covered your mouth with his hand.
"Don't wanna wake up your folks now do you?" He whispered. You shook your head no, he smiled and slowly thrusted. You tried to relax your body giving into the feeling. His hand was still planted in your mouth while his other gripped your hip and held his knife. He looked into your eyes showing no sympathy. He breathed heavily sometimes letting out a grunt.
You hand grabbed his wrist to the hand covering your mouth. He grinned down at you, observing you like a piece of art. He slowly removed his hand from your mouth.
"I.. wanna.. hear you.." he said in between breaths. Your breathing was jagged and your body was tense. Your eyes rolled back as you arched your back. His arms wrapped around you back. He pulled you closer using your position to use you more. Billy groaned watching your face contort.
"so good..." He mumbled watching you. You moaned in response, you reached for his shoulder to grab on for support. A coil twisted in your stomach as you got more intense.
"Let it happen." Billy whispered knowing you were close. Your legs spasmed as you whined. Billy gently laid you back down, "Good girl." He smiled. He took his knife carving a B into your hip. You hissed softly, "What was that?". Billy just smirked and got up putting his clothes back on.
"You're leaving?" You whispered. Billy looked over "We have school tomorrow. But.. I promise I'll break up with Sydney by the end of this week.". You nodded, "okay. Bye Billy..". He leaned down to kiss you, "Bye.".
A week later
"Billy Loomis visited you?"
"Yes.. but I didn't know!"
"Did he mention anything?"
"He.. he mentioned breaking up with Sydney at the end of the week."
"Is that all?"
"He told me not to go to the party... I didn't know why.. well.. I do now."
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pocketsizedq · 7 months
Margaritas & Wings
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Request:can write where jamie drysdale is drunk and the reader is taking care of him? like it’s super cute. kinda going off of your post on how they would act when drunk. feel like he would be adorable and funny.
Word count:1287
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The music was loud sweaty bodies on the floor dancing the night away but you only had your eyes on the boy infront you.
Jamie was dancing his heart out on the dance floor with you as He could be separated from you. He wasn’t really dancing it was more of a wiggle which made you giggle, but you knew he would regret it in the morning.
He had his fourth coors light in his hand taking a drink of it watching you dance with a very droopy drunk grin. It wasn't the coors light that got him its the shots of whiskey Trevor and him got. You being the good girlfriend you are. You decided on being the sober driver as you weren't much of an alcohol drinker. you drank wine every now and then, but have never gotten blackout drunk as it worries you not knowing what you could do in that state of mind.
Jamie makes his way back over to your guys table setting his beer down nearly missing the table where Trevor was talking to some random ginger haired girl who seemed nice and you could tell that Trevor still had some common sense to him.
Trevor and the ginger haired girl were really hitting it off which you were watching from a far as Jamie and you made your way over to the table. You helped Jamie sit down when you noticed that they forgot two of his wings which you knew would make him upset.
Jamie starts to drunkenly eat the wing with tears clouding his blue eye which makes you start to worry about him when he lays his head on your shoulder eating the wing tears just pouring from his eyes.
You gently lift your hand up wiping his tear saying "what's wrong baby? you okay?"
"F..forgot ranch” Jamie spoke which was very slurred due to all the beers and shots he had prior. you were slightly confused by your boyfriend crying over ranch until you realized they forgot.
You’ve only seen Jamie drunk once or twice but he gets very emotional when he is and is very passionate about his food when he is drunk.
“we can get you some ranch baby no reason to cry honey.” You spoke softly to him finally taking in the wing and whiskey stains on his white shirt.
Jamie just nodded continuing to eat his wing with tear fall down his face which you wipe his face with your hand calling over the waiter to get the boy some ranch.
While you were doing that you could feel something hit your cheek which was the drunken hockey player trying to feed you his chicken wing.
“Pookie thoses are yours. you eat them baby” you spoke softly to him before hearing a whine coming from his mouth.
“I’m.. no pookie” He slurred out still trying to feed you his wing which Trevor and the red headed girl who you later found her name was lenox were very amused by what was happening. After all this Jamie finally finished his wings with his ranch which he finally stopped crying about which you felt sorry for him.
Trevor helped you get the Canadian to the car which was a struggle as he wasn’t ready to leave or he wanted to leave the poor boy couldn’t make his mind up.
By the time you had gotten to the apartment. Jamie was passed out asleep with his hand on your thigh which when you parked you gently rubbed his arm.
“let’s get you inside baby. I bet the headache already kicking in” you said to him walking over to the passenger side and with the help of Trevor you got Jamie into the apartment complex and into the apartment.
“do you need help getting him to your guys room” Trevor asked as you held Jamie close to so He doesn’t fall.
“I think I got it. Thank you for helping” You spoke to him to which Trevor waves off the thank you and was just glad his best friend found someone that made him happy.
You helped Jamie into your guy’s shared room. “sit down on the bed so I can remove your shoes baby” you spoke to him while he sat down on the queen size bed.
You squated down removing your boyfriend shoes before standing back up to kiss his head. Jamie goes to stay something but gets cut off do to the feeling of throwing up.
He runs to the bathroom kneels at the toilet throwing up the contents of his stomach which your quickly on your feet to follow behind him.
Your right behind him rubbing his back after a few minutes you help him stand up grabbing the clean wash cloth off the counter wetting it proceeding to wipe his mouth with it.
“there we go baby” you spoke to him softly caressing his cheek knowing the high of the alcohol is wearing off and the affect is hitting him.
“let’s get you out of theses clothes baby.” You calmly spoke to him trying not to hurt his head knowing that a headache is about to kick in.
“sit on the toilet.” He does what you said as he watches you walk off to go off to grab him clean clothes. Jamie started to feel his head start to hurt so He closed his eyed for a moment.
You grabbed a plain shirt and shorts for him coming back noticing that his eyes are close you knew that the hangover was really kicking in now.
You quietly made your way into the bathroom which makes him open his eyes again. "my head hurts." He spoke out rubbing his head as you made your way over softly giggling.
"it's the fun wearing off love. can you raise your arms up from me?" Jamie nods raising his arms letting you remove the beer and sauce covered shirt off his muscular frame.
You put the light blue shirt you had found from the closet kissing his head after getting the shirt on him. He stands up removing his jeans and you helped him get his shorts on.
“let’s get your teeth brushed baby.” Jamie nods sitting back down on the toilet watching you grabbing the toothbrush putting the tooth paste on the brush.
“Open” you told him which he did and you started gently brushing the Canadian teeth making sure to brush all of them.
After you got done brushing his teeth. you fill the cup that he keeps by the sink to wash his mouth and he takes the cup
Jamie takes the water into his mouth swishing the water in his mouth then spits it into the sink before wiping his mouth.
You help him get into bed before going into the kitchen grabbing a pedialyte from the fridge which you keep on hand because of Trevor and Jamie.
You make your way back into the bedroom closing the door walking over to Jamie side of the bed where he’s sound asleep.
You set the pedialyte and the advil on his nightstand before leaving to get ready for bed but that is when you get stopped.
“mamas..” He spoke out in a sleep voice with his hand around your wrist to which you kissed his forehead and said “I’m just getting ready for bed honey.”
You never thought a grown man could ever be adorable but you were wrong and you quickly hurried your night routine before turning off the lights joining your sleepy boyfriend in bed.
Jamie snuggled into your side while you played with his hair mumbling out a thank you for taking care of me and I love you.
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klausysworld · 10 months
So I want to say something before I request what I want to request I just want to say that I love all of your storys and it's okay to have writer's block which is what it seems you have what helps me when I have writer's block is playing the music I like than thinking about it and kinda playing it out in my head it helps me a lot
Okay now for the request can you do an alpha Klaus Mikaelson where he mate who is an omega who rejects him because she is scared he will hurt her because of all the lies Elena,Damon, and Stefan tell her so she keeps on rejecting him even though it's hurting her and Klaus but one day she goes into heat (if your okay with writing that) and Klaus knows she is in heat because he can feel it so he rushes to her wanting to help her through her heat but Stefan and Damon try to keep him away from her which made him go feral wanting his mate maybe ending in smut? Only if you want to!
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Klaus’ senses were significantly heightened once he broke his curse. It was as though the world were brighter, everything was stronger. Including his urges, whether it be his blood lust, his sexual desire or his new found instincts for his wolf side.
His wolf seemed to mess with his head more than he’d like, it was difficult to be a hybrid, many advantages yes but his vampire and werewolf sides didn’t exactly get along.
His wolf side had all sorts of wants and needs, never happy and Klaus didn’t understand why.
When he and Stefan were on their little wolf hunt trip, he felt like he was going mad being surrounded by all the wolves. His hormones were through the roof and it felt like his wolf was searching for something, someone.
But he couldn’t find anything that fulfilled him so they moved on.
And things were going…well not great. He couldn’t find why his blood wasn’t turning the wolves and then he finds out Stefan has betrayed him.
Though maybe it was all meant to happen because his wolf found exactly what it had been looking for.
Klaus came to halt, Elena knocking into his as he gripped her arm tightly. The hairs on the back of his neck rose, nostrils flaring as he breathed in a delightful scent. His eyes darted around the gym room for the source of this sensation and he was pleasantly surprised to find a petite girl hiding by the bleachers.
“Rebekah keep her alive for a moment” he mumbled while shoving the doppelgänger aside. Rebekah raised her rows and followed his sightline in confusion only to gain a small smirk as she grabbed ahold of Elena.
Klaus made a cautious approach to the meek girl who brought her knees to her chest as she eyed him nervously. He knelt down before her, listening to the quickening patter of her heart as it nearly left out of her chest. His hand rose to her face, his thumb brushing along her cheekbone making her breath hitch and his wolf growl pleasantly in his mind.
The simple one word spun through his head, his wolf finally calming. The urge for everything else was gone, he just wanted her. Touch her, taste her, scent her, hear her sweet voice and watch her submit to him. He could tell instantly how sweet and innocent she was, the perfect little submissive he knew it.
Her face automatically nuzzled into his hands as he cupped her cheeks. His eyes practically sparkled as his tongue darted out to wet his lips and he leaned a little closer to feel her breath on his face.
“Would you get away from her!?” Caroline yelled, storming over and snatching the girl from his grasp. The omega let out a squeak as she latched onto Caroline tightly allowing her to carry her away from the hybrid.
Klaus was pissed but he decided to brush it off for the moment, instead carrying on with his plans and figuring out his hybrid situation.
A mistake apparently because the second he left her, she was fed an incredible amount of horror stories of him and the next time he saw her she was reaching to scream bloody murder.
Klaus approached the trio in the grill. Damon, Elena and Y/n as he now knew her to be called. He was looking for where Stefan had his family, he also hoped that Y/n might be a little less terrified than when he came to see her at his fathers wake. Poor thing took off faster than light when he appeared in front of her.
But looking at her, he knew she was still haunted by the things she was told.
And Damon knew exactly what he was doing as he pulled her into his side, arm around her shoulders and a kiss pressed to the top of her head as he called her a good girl.
Klaus should’ve torn his head off right there. But that would only ruin his chances even further.
Threatening them all probably didn’t help either but he couldn’t help himself.
He got to see her again at the Salvatore’s when Elena bargained for Jeremy’s life with Rebekah’s.
She was just in the living room curled up in her blankets while she watched her show. He smiled at the scene, the floor resembling a sort of nest as she remained completely oblivious to anyone else’s presence and munched on her Pringles.
He made a very slow approach to her, disregarding his sister and instead focusing on his omega who hesitantly turned her head to face him.
She looked back to the tv and he took that as an okay for him to slip in beside her, his arm moving around her waist and pulling her to his chest. He could smell the fear rolling off her but at the same time she leaned back into him.
He stayed with her until the end of her episode by which time she seemed to have fallen asleep and Damon had gotten home, standing with his arms crossed and a disgusted expression on his face as he silently demanded Klaus get out of his house.
He saw her around, often making sure to brush against her to get his scent on her, anything to get her attention. And more often than not she gave it to him and he could tell she was warming to the idea of his wolf being her alpha but he also saw the Salvatores feeding her more lies and keeping her away from him.
But he wasn’t one to back off.
Especially not when she needed him.
The strong wave of her heat smacked him right in the face the second he woke up. All his hybrids were on edge and he felt like he was going to lose his mind.
She needed him and he knew it.
Klaus rushed straight there, shoes barely on his feed as he kicked the Salvatore’s door in only to be dragged back out by both brothers.
His deadly teeth snapped at them as they tried to keep him out, ignoring the whimpers and cries of the little wolf upstairs.
Damon took to launching any sharp pieces of possible wood at him while Stefan went to try calm Y/n down only to make her jump at him in need. Klaus could hear her soft moans as she felt the skin on skin touch with Stefan and that pushed him over the edge.
Damon was impaled through the stomach, the end digging into the wall to keep him in place as Klaus sped his way upstairs.
Stefan was swiftly removed from his omega and he had her straight in his lap. Door locked and curtains drawn as he shed his shirt and pulled her right up against him. She was already only in her underwear and an instant moan left her lips as his skin pressed to hers.
“Daddy” she whimpered and he growled softly, his hands rubbed along her arms, down her back and her legs.
“That’s it sweet omega, daddy has you now” he murmured while laying her down onto her back amongst the blankets she had layered up. “Such a beautiful nest my love” he praised and she mewed in reply.
His eyes dragged down her body, her beautiful neck all ready for him to mark, her black bra barely containing her breasts with how eager she had been to throw herself at him, her abdomen soft as he trailed his hand down to her lower belly. His fingers fiddled with the laced band of her panties, glancing up to see her eyes eagerly watching his hand.
“Tell me little wolf, how many heats have you had?” He questioned with a slight tilt of his head
“Three” she whispered and he hummed
“And how did you calm yourself down…I can’t imagine the gang let you go feral all by yourself?” He wondered while slowly pulling her underwear down her legs much to her excitement
“Had to do it myself” she whimpered and his brows rose, a smirk tugging at his lips while her legs opened to reveal her glistening core. The scent of her slick immediately overwhelmed his senses in the most delicious of ways and it had his wolf ready to devour her.
“Oh did you my pet? How so?” He pressed watched her blush a little but ultimately her wolf was too desperate to delay her chance at having her true alpha inside her during her heat.
“My fingers…but it doesn’t ever work no matter..how much” she grows quieter with each word and he strokes her inner thighs with a hum.
“Omega, love, do you know what your heat is?” He asked while inching her fingers closer and closer to her soaked cunt.
“Need touch” she whispered and he chuckled
“Where do you need it love?” He murmured and she whined in frustration as he traced her labia.
“Inside” she whimpered. He leaned down and pressed soft kisses to her torso, loving how her body arched to meet his mouth.
“And your little fingers just don’t fill you up so they sweetheart? How about we try mine for now” he mumbled while rubbing both his hands just lightly over her soft pussy.
She whispers a quiet “yes please” making him smile and kiss her stomach a few times as he rubbed his fingers through her wetness. Soft sounds left her lips as he let his thumb roll over the hood of her clit.
“You know after this you don’t get to run away any more, no more hiding behind Damon hm?”
She nodded enthusiastically and raised her hands to hold onto her knees as she pulled them to stay against her breasts.
“You have to promise little one” he pressed while his index finger slowly began to sink into her.
She squirmed under him, her pussy pulsing as she kept nodding “I promise, no running, all yours I promise”
“Good girl” he mumbled while leisurely pumping his finger inside her. A soft light left her as she relaxed against the pillows and quilts. Her walls very quickly fit to his fingers once he brought his middle one inside as well.
“Alpha more” she whined and his eyes shut, her begging was driving him to insanity. He shuffled backward a little and brought his face over her needy cunt, his lips firmly pressing to her clit making her moan out.
He let his tongue glide over it slowly at first, then quickly. Both his mouth and fingers moved fast to have her crying and writhing in pleasure beneath him. A third finger filled her, her legs moved to wrap around his head making klaus chuckle which caused a wave of vibrations travel through her. Her thighs held his head close as she whined loudly and clenched around his fingers.
He let his teeth lightly brush over the hood of her clit, loving how her body thrust up to his mouth as he used his supernatural abilities to move his fingers inside her at an impossible speed. Klaus relished in the loud moans that echoed through the house as her hands clutched the sheets below her.
She felt her alpha suck at her clit harshly, his mouth hot and wet against her as her eyes squeezed shut and a string of sounds spilled past her lips. Her foot rubbed up and down his back as she panted desperately, quite literally like a dog in heat.
A long cry left her throat as his finger curved inside her, finding that pleasant spot that had her tightening significantly and calling his name like a needy little slut
And he obliged eagerly, relishing in every reaction she had. How her body rolled to find his touch and how her vocal cords never gave up as she yelled for him over and over. A blur of “daddy” “alpha” and the occasional “klaus” as she chased that euphoric feeling.
He lightly bit down against her clit, forcing her orgasm to explode through her and all over his hand and her legs dropping making his grin to himself as his tongue licked her clean. His fingers slipped out of her before he brought them up for her lips to wrap around. She sucked them greedily and glanced up at him through her dark doe eyes.
Klaus pulled his hand away from her mouth before pressing his own lips to hers, groaning into her mouth as she wrapped both her arms and legs around him and pulled him right down into the nest, clawing at the blankets to get them over him.
He pulled away briefly only for her to forcefully drag him back, her lips desperate for his and she ground her pussy to his trousers. She moaned into him at the feel of his hard cock beneath his pants, her hands began to tug at his hair as she grew hungrier for his touch after receiving a taste of what he could give her.
“Omega-“ he grunted but she wouldn’t let him get another word out.
“Fill me alpha, want babies” she whimpered, her nails growing to claws and scratching marks into his back that soon healed. He felt his body become heavier at her words and a breathy “oh god” left him at the mere though of her carrying his pups.
“Y/n-“ he muttered
“Please Daddy, please give it to me” she moved her head to suck at his neck, licking along his scent gland before nipping it lightly.
“Bloody hell sweetheart, wasn’t expecting such eagerness from you my love” he whispered, his head tilting slightly for her to gain better access. He groaned as she gripped his curls especially hard and bit down enough to pierce his skin. He could feel his cock straining his clothes as she rubbed along it and her teeth in him was making it hard not to finish in his pants.
She pulled away to look at her mark, happy that even though it healed, two slits scarred into his neck. At the same time he looked down between them to see his trousers soaked through with her desire.
Klaus had to forcefully pin her to the bed so she wouldn’t be able to latch onto him and keep him down with her.
He leaned back on his knees, pushing her legs down despite her protests and borderline groping at him which made him chuckle as he pressed down on her chest.
“Hush sweetheart, your alpha is going to make you feel a little less needy but unfortunately my love, daddy won’t be giving you any babies today” he whispered to her making her whimper and try weasel her hands into his pants. “No no omega, not this time. You get that once you let me take you out properly” he murmured much to both her disappointment and excitement. “Just lay back and enjoy what my hands and mouth can do for you okay? Perhaps I should bring you to my house and I’ll get you some toys out hm?” He hummed and her eyes darkened further as she nodded innocently.
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gdjyho · 1 year
❝ peaches and cream ❞ pt.2
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sypnosis ; he wants to have you. at a house party.
pairing ; jungkook x female reader. (fwb kinda?)
warnings ; s.x at a party, public s.x, mentions of drinking, marking, overstimulation, highschool au, best friends little sister.
✭ ✭ ✭
you’re perfect, to him. tits sat perfectly in the cups of the black shimmery dress, moving in all sorts of directions while you dance your best friend. jungkook stands in the corner, observing you. he shuffles his dark love to the side as he watches your ass bounce up and down. can’t stop thinking about you and your tight pussy after the other day during school.
he wants to go over there, grab you and fuck you right there, but taehyung was here, who he was currently standing with. “look at mae-jin, deffo gonna have that ass tonight” jungkook just chuckles, putting the red solo cup to his lips and shortly grimacing while the alcohol burns it’s way into his system.
he watches taehyung whisper something into her ears as she giggles and runs off, watching you walk over to him. he smiles as you return the gesture. he sips his drink again. “ it’s been a while since we spoke” you say, filling in the awkward silences.
“it’s been a while since i tasted you” he grins after he says that, and you can’t help but get a little bit wet. “you can do it again” you suggest, more like ask but he gets it. “i can do it right now” he places the cup on the counter top. “good” you look right into his eyes as they glisten.
the next thing you know, you’re in a bathroom with blue lights and banging music seeping through the walls. “fuck” you say happily between breaths as he strips you completely. he takes a minute to admire you, to make you feel special. he grabs you by the chin, forcedly sucking on the skin and then leaving a wet path up until your lips as he devours you.
you stick a hand into his hair and the other one you loosely strap around his neck. “ you’re so good” he simply whispers, pulling away from your plumpy lips. he pulls his pants and black briefs down to his knees, pumping his shaft a little before the vein on the side appears. he strokes your pussy lightly, earning a breathy whine from you.
jungkook sticks himself into you, balls deep with no warning whatsoever. you almost scream, tears already compromising your vision. “so good” you slur, already kind of going dumb. “pretty bitch going dumb already? i haven’t even started” he chuckles as his hot breath fans your collarbone. he connects his lips and your skin, sucking lightly and making more purple stains on your skin.
sounds of skin joining together and slapping along with the sweet symphony of moans fill up the room. he interlocks his sweaty fingers with yours. he plants his free hand into your side, snaking then round your back and ass to grope the soft flesh.
the force of his dick causes you to go back into the mirror above the counter of the sink. you look down at him, busy figuring out how to make you feel good. he takes his hand away from yours to work on your damp folds. he spits on his slender fingers, tracing around the bits of your pussy that weren’t being penetrated by him.
at this point tears are falling uncontrollably which he wipes away along with the strands of hair sticking down to your sweaty forehead. your senses have been completely fucked away. you try to tell him your cumming but just moan and hold on tighter. only jungkook knew how to do this for you. to you.
“more!” you demand from him, to which he responds by massaging your free tits, something he’s wanted to do all night as he saw you slutting around for everyone else to see. he chokes out a low moan as your walls tense around him.
tears make their way down your neck as you cream on his cock, cum mixing with his from his synchronised orgasm. you’re still high on him but you slowly ride it out. “good” he kisses your forehead after you praise his skills. he picks up your dress and the piece of fabric you call underwear and helps you into them.
you look at yourself, sighing as you stare at the mess jungkook has made you into. mascara lacing down at your neck, hair clamped together. no one else was capable of doing this so why was he?
- i just loved writing for the ecstasy series so i thought i’d treat you guys to another one. 🫡
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aangarchy · 6 months
Alright. I've rewatched the trailer like 20 times by now and i've been processing it.
First things first: anyone that's gonna talk shit about Gordon Cormier is gonna have to go through me first. I've only had Gordon!Aang for a day and a half and if anything happens to him i'll kill everyone here and then myself got it?
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Just look at him! This is the exact big eared cute little kid i wanted them to cast for Aang. He looks adorable and honestly his outfit is growing on me.
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The glowing arrow looked cool as hell. I like that the light spread through his tattoo almost like veins. I'm still curious on how the full avatar state is gonna look, how they're gonna get the glowing eye effect. Please don't let it look goofy.
Y'know what does look goofy?
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Is it better than the m night shyamalan appa? I guess. Does that mean it looks good? Well.... at least momo sort of looks cute instead of some folklore nightmare like in shyamalan's version. But also you can tell in this shot in particular that it's very green screen-y
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Then we go over to the bending, the limited shots we have of it. Mainly firebending was shown (a little airbending too but kinda hard to get a stillframe for that one)
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Idk how to feel about it. In screenshots it looks alright but the shots while they were moving looked a bit off, especially the one where zuko's kicking. We only got very limited shots and that's intentional. I feel like the bigger cgi fails are gonna show up once we get the full show. If the bending looked good all the time i feel like they'd be showing it off by now.
What i don't like, is how apparently they're gonna SHOW Zuko getting burned. Like sure in atla they didn't bc kids show and Nickelodeon wouldn't allow it, and netflix can take darker turns if they so please. But i personally always felt that scene made so much impact because we didn't see it. Iroh is telling it from his memory and he didn't look when it happened, so we don't see it either. It's like a courtesy the show extends to both Zuko and the audience. We just hear the harrowing scream, and that's enough to know how devastating it is. I don't need a dramatic overlook so we can see the whole thing in detail, netflix.
Another thing is the hair in some scenes.
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Daniel dae kim looked better in that promo photo, bc here you can just see how the bulky goatie was glued on. And then Sokka's hair..... where's the ponytail? It's laying completely flat against his head... why? Is it bc that's Ian's hair and they didn't know what to do with it? Literally get a comb and tease that bitch. This is like the complete opposite of Jackson Rathbone's hair in the shyamalan version, and somehow that full maybelline ponytail makes more sense than this sad excuse of a tail. Either way at least Suki looked dope.
Another thing i found weird about the trailer is the narration. I think it's either Iroh's voice or maybe Gyatso's? (I haven't heard Iroh's actor talk yet so idk, but it felt like it was being said TO either Aang or Zuko) but the lines they gave him... it felt like some weird mumbo jumbo tbh. Something something about the past and present being the same and it's up to us to know the difference and be the difference? It's saying everything and nothing at the same time and it felt kind of out of place. They're probably saving the iconic opening narration done by Katara for the full trailer (i hope???) but still they could have just gone with music, or maybe just a few iconic existing lines?
The music? Fire. Nothing needs to be added there. Was i kind of hoping for a different soundtrack? Maybe a bit. But am i mad? Not at all. They clearly took the nostalgia route with the more epic version of the avatar theme, and i can only respect them for that.
So far, very mixed reviews for me. I'm morbidly curious and very nosy by nature though, so i'm absolutely watching.
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recklesssturniolo · 4 months
Ruined - M.S
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Angst, no smut triplets ghost their best friend after being in LA for 5 months, Nate’s makes an appearance in this but main focus is Matt, not a happy ending soz, I just randomly wrote this so if it’s shit that’s why
“Nate you owe me for this I swear to god” I groan as I stepped out of the car.
Nate had dragged me to a party, practically begging me for the last couple days to go with him.
“I knowww” He sings back, a grin on his face.
I shake my head and walk inside with him, him immediately dragging me towards our friends. All of us talk as the party continues around us, my eyes rolling every time I watched Nate take another shot knowing this was going to be a long night.
Taking a look around the room, my eyes land on three familiar faces. All but one with a drink in their hand. All laughing as they spoke to one another and others around them. Why the fuck are they here? Since when were they even back from LA?
“Nate” I yell over the music, pulling him towards me by his arm.
“What’s up?” He asks.
“What the fuck are they doing here?” I ask, his eyes widening telling me he was more than aware that they’d be here.
“I uh - I don’t know” He mumbles.
“You knew didn’t you? That they’d be here” I question, my eyes narrowing at him.
“Kinda?” He replies clearly trying to avoid saying the full truth.
“Fuck you Nate, take an Uber home” I growl.
Turning away from Nate I make my way towards the front door. My heart pounds in my chest as my attempt to leave becomes difficult due to the amount of people.
Finally outside, I take a deep breath. My mind still spinning with questions. Practically running towards my car, I freeze after my names called. I knew who it was. I didn’t have to turn around to know. It was Matt.
“Please just wait a second” He yells out his footsteps becoming louder.
“No, no Matt leave me the fuck alone” I reply, my body turning to face him.
“I need - we need to talk to you” He says, his words drawing my attention to his two brothers on the porch.
“Talk to me? You’ve had 5 months to talk to me. 5 months. But no, not a single word, not a text, call, I got nothing” I reply, anger more than present in my voice.
“You have to hear us out, we thought it’d be best for you” He replies.
“Best for me? Are you all insane? You thought making a fake promise to stay in contact was a good thing? Making me slowly lose all of you?” I ask.
“No - I - it isn’t like that” He begins.
“Oh it’s not? What was it like then? Did you sit for months and wonder what the fuck you did wrong to make your best friends want nothing to do with you? No. None of you did, instead you had the time of your lives” I reply, my voice raising.
“I know it might not make sense right now, but we didn’t want you to hurt more by missing us so we thought no contact at least until we got back was a better idea” Nick speaks, my eyes flickering over to him.
“Nick’s serious. We were trying to do what was best. We didn’t want you sitting around and waiting for us” Chris adds in.
“You’re all delusional if you think that makes any sense” I respond, “I sat around for weeks just hoping for anything from one of you. God I tried begging Nate to ask you guys what I did wrong, I was miserable and I had to pick myself back up and move on with my life”
“We’d check in on you through Nate. Please we know you and we just - it was stupid but we thought we were doing the right thing” Nick said.
“You know me? It’s been 5 months, you don’t know me - not anymore. Hell maybe you didn’t know me at all if you thought what you did was the right thing” I replied, biting the inside of my cheek as I felt tears threatening to well up in my eyes.
“Fuck sakes, let’s just go guys I told you this wasn’t going to go well” Matt says, turning and beginning to walk to his car.
A sarcastic laugh leaves my mouth before I talk, “There you go Matt walk away, not the first time. You must be real good at it by now”
Tears form in my eyes at the familiar sight in front of me, him walking away just as he did at the airport - except this time there was no hug, and no wave goodbye.
“Did you know I loved you?” I yell, his body stiffening as he took in my words. Turning around his eyes pierce into mine, a hint of sadness within them.
“You knew” I said, tears streaming down my face as the realization set in. He knew the entire time and still cut me off with no remorse.
“Not at first. A couple months after we left Nate told me, he told me how you were going to tell me at the airport before we left” He said.
My breath hitched in my throat as I desperately tried to think of a response.
“Fuck you Matt” I yelled, walking closer to him, “Fuck you fuck you fuck you”
“Can you just - fuck listen to me for a second” He yells out.
“What? What could you possibly have to say?” I ask.
Each second that passes feels like hours, the want to walk away from him getting stronger the longer he stayed silent.
“I didn’t know how to bring it up to you. I had typed shit out so many times but I couldn’t ever bring myself to send it” He breathes out.
I stand there, my eyebrows furrowed as I wiped away my tears.
“I already had to lose not just you, but your brothers once. I’m not doing it again. I’m not going through any of this shit again” I say, my voice quiet now as I continued to realize he didn’t love me back, wishing I hadn’t said I loved him out loud, “Keep doing what you were and don’t contact me”
I now was the one walking away. I couldn’t do it again. Not after I had spent weeks crying over him - and his brothers to Nate. After he’d broke my heart and knowing now that he knew he did.
“I fucking love you okay? I knew I did before we left but I wasn’t about to tell you to then just leave. None of this was supposed to hurt you, it wasn’t supposed to turn out this way” I heard Matt yell.
Turning around one last time, my hand on the car door handle, I sighed before talking, “You ruined what could’ve been a really good thing. I spent months heartbroken over you. You don’t get to come back and think everything would just magically be okay. I love you, but I sure as hell don’t want to”
TAGLIST: @thatonekid536 @loveesiren @daddyslilchickenfingers @christinarowie332 @ilovemattsturn @its-jennarose @lovingsturniolo @iwantmattsobad @secret-sturniolo @soursturniolo @knowingnothingnoel @mwah0mwah @sturniolosreads @yesterdaysproblem @freshloveforthefit @thecynthh @m4tthewsgf @meerkatzthings @creamoncreamoncream2 @avasturn @ssturniolo92 @slut4chr1s @dev-speaks @freshlovehacker @chrisfavoritepepsi @stramboli4life @mattnchrisworld @sturnioloenthusiast @ashleighpray23 @leah-loves-lilies @athaliahxoxo @chrisloyalgf @bernardenjoyer @udonotknowme @sophssturn
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tonysslut · 5 months
just your boss
pls do not copy or repost my work
this is kinda long but i'm so obsessed with it and i hope you guys love it just as much!!
tony stark masterlist
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you internally rolled your eyes as you watched as everyone started to leave for the night. it was a friday night and most of the work had been given to you, like usual—countless documents to go over, meetings to set up, and a plethora of emails to be sent.
the vast majority your coworkers despised you, especially your female coworkers. they were all under the impression that you were having an affair with your boss. the he looked at you, brought you coffee every morning, and even gave you your own office was proof enough for them.
if it weren't for you overhearing them talking about you, you would've never realized why they treated you the way they did.
"she's such a whore. sleeping with tony just to keep her job." she said with disgust in her tone and a not so subtle eye roll.
you weren't totally oblivious. you were aware he treated you a little differently than everyone else, but you just assumed it was because you were new, but that treatment continued as the months went by.
and you definitely weren't blind, he was attractive—very attractive. he towered over you, his dark brown hair flecked with gray here and there. he had one ring on his pinky, the gold band always shined bright as he walked through the office.
with most of the office empty, you knew you'd be able to get a decent amount of work done, giving yourself a nice head start for the following workweek.
tony observed you from his office, your eyebrows furrowed in concentration, bottom lip tucked between your teeth as you read your screen. he smiled as you bopped your head to the music that played through your headphones.
he admired how hard you always worked, even when the rest of his employees attempted to make your job more difficult.
you were so lost in your work that you didn't notice tony leaving his office, standing in front of your cubicle. you let out a startled gasp as you looked up.
"sorry, didn't mean to scare you." he let out a breathy laugh, you laughed with him, feeling slightly embarrassed at your reaction.
"it's okay. i didn't notice you were there. can i do anything for you?" you ask, taking your headphones off to look up at him.
"what are you still doing here? you should've left a few hours ago." he stated, walking around to look at your screen. you felt his colonge seep into your system as he leaned in close to you, cocking your neck to see his profile from the side.
he sensed your gaze and turned to meet yours, smiling.
you turned red when his eyes met yours. internally cursing at yourself for staring like an idiot.
"um, i'm just getting ahead. i don't have anything planned tonight so i figured i'd stay a bit later and get some work out of the way. i can leave if you're on your way out." you offered, not wanting him to stay longer so he could close once you left.
you noticed tony's eyes drop to your lips for split second. he shook his head. "no, i don't mind." he stood up straight turning around to walk back to his office but he suddenly stopped. "actually, could you come into my office for a second? i could use you're help with something."
you nodded your head, followed him.
you loved the view he had in his office, big windows from the floor to the ceiling that showed off the beautiful city. the room was pretty dark apart from a small lamp that sat on his desk, illuminating enough to see what he needed to see.
he reached under his desk and pulled out a thick binder, flipping through it till he found what he needed.
"i like to keep track of sales here." he point at the spreadsheet. "but, it's not very organized. i used to know what was what but i lost track and want to sort it out. any suggestions?" he says resting his hands on the desk to be eye level with you.
once again you find yourself staring again but pull yourself together quicker this time.
"well, you can go by dates." you look down at the binder, noticing he has dates by each number. "if you don't mind, i can go through and but the dates in order on a new spreadsheet and have it ready by monday." you say with a smile, tucking your hair behind your ear when you look back up and find him already looking at you.
"thank you for the offer, but i can do it myself." he smiles at you. the lighting in his office enhances your feature and he can't bring himself to take his eyes off you. "you work harder than everyone else, no reason for me to pile on anything more."
you smile at his comment, realizing he does notice your attempt at being a good employee.
your smile made tonys heart skip a beat, he wasn't sure why but he started to lean into you, and you didn't stop him. his soft lips pressed against yours, leading you into a gentle kiss. you let it happen, tasting the mint gum he had previously had.
he placed his hands on your waist, pulling you into him. even with him bending down, you still had to crane your neck upwards to reach his lips. the kiss was quickly become more and more passionate. neither one of you could get enough.
tony pulled away at the lack of air, pressing his forehead against yours. "tell me to stop." he whispered, catching his breath.
part of you wanted to tell him to stop, you shouldn't be crossing the line on professionalism like this. but the other half wanted this, so you kept quite, locking your eyes with his.
your eyes told him all he needed to know, he rushed back in, kissing you harder, placing his big hands on the back of your legs, lifting you up and setting you on the edge of his desk.
his hands roamed your body, reaching the end of your shirt to pull it off you. he start to kiss down your neck when you pull of his jacket, quickly undoing the buttons on shirt.
the way he feels against you has you feeling dizzy. his touch feels so good. he reaches your bra and unclasps it, you move your arms so it falls right off.
"god, you're beautiful." he says as he pulls back away from you, slipping his shirt off.
you also take the chance to admire him, he was just pure muscle, sculpted by god himself.
he reaches around you and unzips your skirt, you lift your hips so he can pull them off, taking your panties off as well. he pulls you closer to the edge of the desk and kneels in front of you. your body feels like it's on a fire at this point.
he leans in and licks your cunt. your eyes flutter shut at the feeling. his warm tongue laps up your arousal, humming against you at your taste. he wastes no time, sucking your clit into his mouth and massage his fingers around your hole.
you lean back on your hands and watch as he eats you out, his eyes locking with yours when he pushes two fingers inside you. his thick fingers stretch you out in the most delicious way possible.
he thrusts them in and out before he curls them upwards. between his tongue and fingers, you can't hold yourself up anymore, dropping yourself onto your back. your hand finds it's way into his hair, slightly tugging at his roots. a moan vibrates against you at the action, causing you to arch your back.
you were embarrassed at how fast your orgasm was approaching but tony just encouraged you, moving faster, pressing his fingers deeper inside you.
your release hit you like a truck. vision blurring, stomach tightening, legs shaking around his head, hands tugging harshly at his hair. he didn't slow down his movements, wanting to prolong it for as long as possible. he only pulled away when you started to push him away at how sensitive you had gotten.
he rested his head against your thigh and watched as you catched your breath, he could still feel the subtle shake of your legs. pressing kisses against your leg, he made his way up your body to your lips. you moaned at the taste of yourself, sitting up so you could undo his pants.
you pushed them down and let him kick them off. grabbing his cock, you stroke him as you two continue to kiss. you could feel how big he was, throbbing in your hand. pulling away, you slightly lean back and line him up with your entrance.
he looks down at you, almost as if asking for permission. you nod your head and he slowly pushes into you. the moan that leaves your lips is involuntarily, he stretches you out in ways you never felt before.
you hear him curse under his breath when he's fully nestled inside you. he just rests inside you, letting you get accustomed before he pulls out. he movements are slow, letting you feel each and every inch.
"you feel so good." he groans, placing his hands on your hips.
his deep voice just turns you on more; the slow movements are like torture, you needed more.
"please. please move faster." you almost beg, gripping his bicep for extra support.
he puts his arms under your legs to push them upwards, almost pinning them against you. he thrusts faster, deeper. leaning down, he kisses you, letting you wrap your hands around his neck to pull him closer. the kiss is mainly the two of you moaning into each others mouths.
he suddenly feels bold and picks you up off the desk and walks towards the glass, pressing you against it so he can thrust up into you. the cool glass against your warm skin feels amazing and the risk of potentially being seen, excites you.
he reaches deeper inside you in this position, hitting your g-spot with each stroke. you throw you head back, pleasure courses through every part of your body.
tony leans forward and places kissing on your exposed throat, making his way towards your sweet spot, sucking on the skin.
"i'm so close. tony, please."
your whining spurs him on. he wraps an arm around your waist to hold you up and uses his free hand to rub your clit. the added stimulation has your toes curling. his movements speed up, deep moans vibrate through his chest.
he knows your close, he can feel your cunt squeeze his cock, making it harder for him move.
"cum, baby. go ahead." he whispers, choking out a moan when his own release hits him.
this one is 10x more intense then the first one. your entire body goes stiff, you can't control the moans that leave your mouth as it washes over you.
tony rests his head against your shoulder as he fills you up. he's never had an orgasm this stronger before. he gently places you places you on the floor, legs wobbling when your feet meet the ground.
"stay here, let me grab some tissues." he says before rushing over to his desk.
you lean against the glass, still catch your breath from the orgasm you just had. he leans down to clean the mess between your legs, doing his best to get you as clean as possible.
you smile at him when he stands straight, appreciating that he took the time to clean you up. he picks up your clothes and helps you get dressed after just throwing on his pants and shirt.
"let me go get you some water." he says, leaving the office.
suddenly it's like your mind clears and you realize what just happened, a wave of guilt washes over you and you find yourself panicking.
the break room was on the other side of the floor so you step out of the office and quickly grab your things from your cubicle, rushing into the elevator so you could leave.
you made a huge mistake sleeping with your boss.
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likes, reblogs, and feedback are highly appreciated! ੈ♡˳
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yxine · 6 months
hiii this is my first ever request so i'm nervous but 😅 I had this idea (i'm delulu) of the reader going to one of badas classes and she joins the reader in the choreo when it's time to perform and their relationship kinda forms from there 🩵
It's okay babes I'm delulu too, your idea is so good! It was so fun writing it! Do send more requests if you want to;)
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— FLOW. ❞
Bada Lee x Student!Reader:
— in which Bada joins her student that she secretly adores on the choreography she had made.
Really short!
notes: any characters in this fiction is not mine, this is made purely for entertainment.
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You were nervous, this was your first time being a part of your teacher's film. Usually you would just be on the sidelines watching other people in your class dance to their hearts content to appeal the viewers behind the film, well also their teacher.
Bada Lee, a famous choreographer in south Korea who had choreographed for multiple artist such as Kai from Exo, NCT, Aespa and etc. Known for being a very good dancer, a vibe that attracts men and women alike and for her duality that seemed to always surprise people outside from her circle.
She intimidated you, but you also can't help but feel attracted to her. It was the 'Bada Effect' or so they say and you certainly agree with that.
So now here you are standing in the middle of the studio waiting for Bada to finish testing the speakers. Your hands were sweating so much you kept wiping your palms on your black trouser. You have to perfect this, for the spectators...for Bada.
And so, the music started and your body immediately moved to the beat. Every step was on beat, it was like you were water, fluid on every movements. The places where you need more impact, you gave it so popping to make the quality even higher. It looked like you were the one who made the choreography, not your teacher.
Bada can't help but just stare at you as you danced like it was the last thing you do. This was one of the reasons why she chose you to dance for one of her videos, your quality was out of this world, she even wondered why you were still taking her classes. But it was also exactly why she adored you and exactly why it took her this long to show you off to other people without you knowing.
With your aura, it will just be a matter of time before you become famous like her. Which is why she doesn't put you in her videos til now because if you had all the attention, how will she get yours?
One of the reasons why Bada also chose you was because she originally made the choreo for a duo, so guess what she's going for there. Yes...
Everyone in the studio cheered loudly as Bada suddenly went behind you, arms were wrapped around you before swiftly moving to your left. The image looked like a lover wanting to wrap their arms around their significant other but was pulled away. It made everyone yell in surprise as suddenly the dance made sense now.
You on the other hand was focused on the dance that even when Bada joined you, you were in the zone and didn't even flinch. It was like both of you planned it but it wasn't.
Both your bodies in sync and was so closely each other it looked so intimate, the tension was so high as both of you grinded to the rhythm. This should not be done in the studio was what the other's were thinking.
It wasn't until the song ended that you finally snapped out of it and covered your mouth in shock the moment your eyes locked with your teacher.
When did she get here?!
Bada only smiled and chuckled in amusement of your expression, slightly taken aback as you didn't even notice her. You were dancing with so much effort and focus it looked cute in her eyes. The fact that it was her choreography that made you like this...
"That was good, love. Maybe we should do it again next time." Bada said to you making you blush profusely as she winked and clapped her hands to get her other students' attention while you just stood there processing.
I got to watch that video when it uploads!
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markdelonge · 1 year
Dating Eminem...
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not my gif
note: i KNOW yall are pissed @ me for taking so fuckin long, sorry anon. uhhh this'll be a 90s eminem thingy but if u want a more recent one lmk
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request?: yes
contains: mentions of drugs and alcohol, maybe sex idk yet
• listening to him rap/sing
he would go to you if he was iffy about a rhyme, he'd rap it for you and get your opinion.
• dates that aren't really dates
you guys practically live on the road so you never really had the time to actually have a real date, so the two of you count almost every time you spend time alone as a "date"
• calming him down
• literally being his safe place
he goes to you first when bad things happen, you're the first one on his mind when he wants comfort, your calm aura never fails to soothe him
• you're off limits
you're the crossing line for him (does that make sense?) like he doesn't give a fuck if someone says something about him in a track, but if they say something about you????? all hell breaks loose
• going on tour with him
he never wants to leave your side. he wanted you there with him the entire way
• probably ending up working for him
as an assistant or somethin like that, just more reasons to spend time with each other.
• late studio nights
he would insist on driving you home some nights if he was there with you past 12am, he didn't want you to feel like you were trapped there with him, but you assured him that you were fine wherever he was :)
• smoking weed / drinking together
he doesn't let you do all the hard drugs (at least not around him) he thinks you're too good for that. there was once Swifty offered you ecstasy and Slim almost lost his mind.
• wearing his clothes
no doubt that Slim's clothes are huge, they're hella big on him, so they're gigantic on you. he loves seeing you in his clothes, its one of his ways of claiming you his
• cheek kisses
cheek kisses from both of you 24/7 !! in public, before he goes on stage, as a pose for pictures. its really cute
• him teaching you how to fight
just in case he's not there to protect you was his excuse. he would try his very best not to hurt you. although both your fists were padded with gloves, the second it would make contact with you, he'd bombard you with apologies.
• listening to music together
• watching movies
you guys have that one movie that you always watch together. kinda like how some couples have a song, you two have a movie :)
• writing lil love notes on his arm
with a sharpie so it wouldn't come off :)) it isn't much, usually just a "hey, i love you" with a heart or something. just a lil reminder that you're there for him
• not too much pda.
hugs, cheek kisses, holding hands. he's not the type of person that would make out with you in front of a bunch of people.
• he only refers to you as his "girl"
while talking to his friends he'd be like "Yo, you know where my girl is?" or something like that. Its to the point where his friends call you "Slim's girl".
• omg he's so cuddly in private.
• or when he's high
laying completely on top of you with his head in your chest, his head in your lap, cuddled into your side. he's literally OBSESSED with you. theres no other way to put it.
• you've 100% been the main girl in one of his music videos.
• he does dumb things just to impress you
like he'd do some complete idiotic move to make him seem cool and after he did it he'd immediately go "where's my girl? did she see that shit?" and you in fact did see that shit and were very worried.
• he trusts you with his life
even he doesn't know why he has so much trust in you, he had tried to push himself away and hide his feelings multiple times but it never worked. every time he tried, he'd fall more.
• sex !
Marshall is 100% the dominant one when having sex. there'd be times where he'd let you get on top, but he'd still have a dominant hold on you.
• him completely spoiling you.
he's the type to pay attention to the things you look at in stores and go back later by himself, get it for you, and surprise you later on. you've told him thousands of times that you didn't want him to spend his hard earned money on you like that but he never listens.
• it's because he loves you a lot.
• he makes sure he says it too.
• like all the time
even if you're on opposite sides of the room he'd find a way to get your attention and mouth "I love you" which it takes a few times for you to get what he's saying but after a while you'd finally catch on and say it back but aloud so everyone in the room hears it.
• lets say when this mf falls, he falls HARD
• das it, thx for reading :)
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kfaem · 17 days
Love and Deepspace; when their S/O is a kpop idol
notes: brrr new fandom lets go. also yes i went MIA but hey im not like dead
the boys when MC is an idol :) this is self indulgent. im a zayne girlie but i got carried away with raf lol. im tired so this is unedited, poorly written, no structure, and kinda just rambling
here me out
he was a fan for the longest time, creating multiple pieces based off of you and your likeness
you and your members go to one of his exhibitions and when you make eye contact he's immediately in love more than he was before
kinda in a weird way
but when you approach him first he's in shock and doesnt know what to do
after the initial talking period and when the relationship starts he acts like his normal self
attends every concert and fan meeting
spends hundreds of dollars on your albums, collecting your photocards and solo posters
brags about being your boyfriend on sns and your manager tries to get him to stop
thomas is so embarrassed everytime your manager reaches out and begs him to calm down cause its a bad image
doesnt care about the reporters, is willing to fight with elites over you and your reputation
he's a simp but is also kinda mean sometimes lol
is jealous when you go live and refuse to respond to him to at least an hour and makes his presence known in your chat
i find the image of the matching outfits, couples goals posts on sns, and articles where he names you his muse to just be so <3333
You guys bumped into each other at a convenience store, both reaching for the same bag of chips
both flustered with red cheeks, you let him have it and apologized
so, so very awkward
both of you are stuck in a awkward, silent encounter and neither of you want to say anything
one of your members comes over to see whats taking you so long and realizes that you're in a standoff with a cute blond and decides to play cupid
it worked
you two end up becoming good friends, and then eventually some sort of situationship
he doesnt want to damage your career and acknowledges that you both dont have time to spend with each other
but still acts as a loving boyfriend, buying your albums, concert tickets, merch, birthday specials etc.
then when you guys go on a snack run, a reporter recognizes you and within the week you're caught up in dating rumours
deciding that you guys couldnt avoid the truth, the situationship turned into a real relationship
doesnt really make a big deal out of your relationship or your popularity. would rather spend your guys' spare time reading together, watching movies, eating good food and relaxing
the media eventually forgets but the fans dont
they love every piece of media that ever gets showed, glimpses of xavier in mirrors, reflections on water, glasses, windows. mentions of a lover in interviews when asked what inspired you
just a loving boyfriend who tries to give you a sense of normalcy outside of the flashing lights
Childhood friends
he hates your career and how much soul it has taken from you, but also acknowledges that you love what you do and are willing to risk your health and privacy
zayne is the king of situationship lmao
dates all the time, dinners at small restaurants hiding in booths in the far corners since you both like to be alone, together
your members genuinely dont understand how hes "not your boyfriend"
has lingered on music video shoots, using his title as your personal doctor to not raise any eyebrows
doesnt go out of his way to buy your albums but... if hes at a corner store and sees it, he'll buy it. or two. or three.
keeps one of your photocards and a normal picture of you in his wallet, grayson found it on the floor in his office once after it fell out of his wallet and he could never live it down
the entire hospital staff knows but wouldnt say anything for fear of their life
always sending messages no matter what side of the world youre on. Please remember to eat, drink water, and rest as much as you can. Too much strain on your body can cause long-term side effects.
buys tickets to your concerts, trying to hold back his smile as you glow on the stage while performing in front of your many fans
yeah he gets jealous
wont say it
and you can barely tell
but the chill that fills the room when another idol hugs you and is being overly touchy is so very much obvious and has people rushing to do something else
a reporter approaches him and tries to ask about your dating life. he shuts them up with a glare. the reporter doesnt even dare publishing that article.
your fans have a basic idea of what zayne is to you, but they respect you enough to not make a scene of it.
then one of your members gets drunk on a live and asks about your boyfriend and it comes unravelled
you post a picture with him, captioned with a heart, and its never brought up again
has brought your fans food and drinks whenever they set up cafe events for support
he appreciates everything that your fans do for you and has asked them to take care of you when hes not around
your relationship is never actually made official but yall live together when you arent required to be at the dorms and own like two cats so idk
still the caregiver that we love
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oleander-nin · 7 months
Horrortober Day 6- Scream(Yandere 2012 Mikey x Reader)
A/N, not important: Gonna be honest, kinda hate this one, but we vibing anyway. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.
CW: Kidnapping, being chained up, gagged, dark themes, yandere
Words: 1392
Summary: Mikey really needs to learn impulse control.
The walk home was quiet, the music coming from your earbuds making your ears hurt with a pleasant pain. The loud music cuts off your senses to the outside world, making you completely immersed in your own small bubble. There was no reason to worry after all. This was a safer area, the crime rate going down drastically in the past few years. It was a wonder, but not something you wanted to question too hard. Best not to look a gift horse in the mouth after all.
The shadows cast by the night where the light doesn’t reach don’t worry you, walking past without much thought. You had passed them hundreds, if not millions, of times without incident. This time wouldn’t be any different, there was no reason it should be. Your mind is still in the clouds, your brain following the music you were injecting into your head. The world was nothing compared to what was going on in your head.
You don’t notice the eyes following your movements, the mutant tracking you from above. His face was a soft smile as he watched you, longing and hope embedded in his chest. He liked how carefree you were, even in a moment like this. Completely at ease despite the dangers of the world. He jumps down, staying a pace behind you before taking a deep breath and running up, wrapping his arms around your waist and quickly launching the both of you back onto the rooftop.
He winces as the scream that leaves your mouth, desperately trying to cover your mouth. You flail widely, Mikey turning you around to look him in the eyes. Your screams quiet for mere seconds, your eyes as big as saucers before you start to shriek once more. Mikey falls back when you land a hit to his cheek, letting go out of shock. You scramble to your feet, trying to get away and return to the ground. Mikey’s eyes narrow and he unfurls the chains of his nunchucks, quickly subduing you as the chain meets its target. You crash to the ground, the shock from the chains wrapping around your torso making your head spin.
“Stop struggling,” He says, his voice coated in worry. He quickly moves closer to you, picking you up and situating you into a more comfortable position. He looks hesitant to touch you, hands twitching inches above your skin. “I didn’t mean to scare you, but you shouldn’t yell when you meet people. It’s rude.”
His statement confuses you, your breathing calming slightly right as the mutant reaches over and sticks a small strip of duct tape over your mouth. He watches you carefully, seeing how you start to even out your breathing and go a bit more limp in the chains.
Bright blue eyes stare into your own, the chain around your chest and legs making it impossible to move. The small turtle tilts his head, a bright grin on his face as he scans your expression. You weren’t sure it was even easy to read, the sticky glue of the duct tape forcing your mouth to stay closed, and your face to stay slack.
“You calmed down a bit! That’s good. I’m not planning on hurting you.” The terrapin seems to have not noticed your silent scream nor the nervous sweat on your face, your heart beating quicker than a bullet train. It was surreal, being here with him. Just moments before you were walking home, earbuds in and not a care in the world.
It was terrifying how easily that could be stripped away.
The young turtle leans back, sitting on his heels as he continues to grin down at you. There was a small blush dusting his cheeks, the green skin darker across his face. Unease rolls through your stomach, the duct tape pulling uncomfortably at your lips. His larger hands cup your face, the three fingers pressing uncomfortably into your cheeks.
He scans you again before looking up to the sky, still wearing the ever present grin. “If you promise to be quiet, I’ll take off the tape. I just thought it would help since you couldn’t quiet down.”
You carefully nod, inhaling slowly as to not alert him, but preparing to scream as loud as you can. You needed to get away. His falsely innocuous eyes bored into yours, his thumb sweeping across the makeshift gag. With a quick rip, he tears it off. You hiss in pain, the skin where the adhesive had stuck tacky and sore.
Before you can make another noise, his hand is covering your mouth, muffling all sound that could come out. “See, not so bad huh? I wouldn’t have had to do that if you weren’t so jumpy when we first met. I mean, I can’t imagine your first reaction to be screaming when you saw me. I must’ve just scared you with my awesome moves.”
He chuckles, and you’re reminded of a small child despite his other mannerisms pointing to him being more late teen to young adult. The way he connected your reactions was completely arbitrary, and it was clear he was only seeing what he wanted to.
“I’m Mikey by the way.” He says, as if it was an afterthought, his bright blue eyes still clouded with thought. He seemed distracted, his head moving at each small noise to be heard. You move your jaw slightly, wanting to say something, to scream and alert others, but his hand is still over your mouth and holding back any attempt you could make. His eyes snap to you once more, his other hand clenching by his thigh as his smile grows. “I already know who you are, so you don’t need to try and introduce yourself. I can feel you moving.”
You blink at him, unable to do much else. His eyes meet yours for a couple seconds, boring into your soul and analyzing everything you’ve ever dared to think to do. Nothing you could do in this moment could quell the confusion and fear you felt while gazing upon the mutant, your brain desperately trying to piece this puzzle together.
You jump back when music starts to come from the waistband around his shell, the turtle's face brightening significantly. Mikey picks up the ringing shell, smiling as he hums along with the tune. He glances at the id before picking it up, his voice lowering in pitch as he starts to talk to the caller in Japanese. He talks with them for a small while, glancing at you and grinning brightly before staring off in the distance again. The call ends and he turns back to you, his hand finally leaving your mouth. He eyes you warily for a moment before relaxing, deciding you wouldn’t scream.
“My brothers said I can take you home! Isn’t that great? I meant to ask them earlier, but I was hoping you would’ve been nicer earlier and I could introduce you normally, but then this,” He points to the chains keeping you bound. “Happened. But I can take you home anyway! Isn’t that great? We’re going to have so much fun together. I can teach you how to skateboard, and we can play video games and read comics, and just have so much fun!”
The genuine excitement in his voice does nothing to put you at ease, your muscles tensing as you struggle against the chains holding you down. “Why… What do you mean “take me home”? I’m not… What?”
Mikey laughs, picking you up and jumping down from the roof he was keeping you on, his stance sure and relaxed. “Oh, that’s an easy question! I found you a couple days ago, and Sensei always said to never let an opportunity slip through my fingers… Or something like that. Plus, Leo said it was okay! Gosh, Donnie’s going to be so jealous I got a partner before him.”
The names and information he was giving swirls in your head, bringing more questions than answers to your mind. He continues to talk as he works you into the sewers, his tight hold a warning against fighting back. You’re stuck, unable to do anything but think as he carries you down through the tunnels of the sewers. You wished more than ever you screamed louder when he first came near you.
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