#i'm sooo excited to start on this next part you guys have no idea... so excited
ghostwise · 11 months
wip thursday! I've been sick with laryngitis all this week so I haven't been the most productive lately, but I did manage a bit of writing! Thank you @isayashai for the tag, I'll tag @palipunk @ruushes and whoever has something cool to share ✨
quinta de talpa - ch. 7
Through the valleys in the Weyrs, they sabotaged caravans delivering enslaved persons to the coast. In Seleny, they exposed a corrupt judge who granted the Crows favors in exchange for the power to eliminate political rivals. In Treviso, where they had just spent weeks in hiding, they stole classified Crow documents along with enough gold to gain passage on a ship, making a quick getaway.
And in Salle, the Merchants’ Guild had cut ties with the Crows altogether, citing the murder of Irineo Montiel as proof that assassinations had no place in a free market.
Minor wounds, but the Crows were bleeding, and that was what mattered.
“The Crows in Treviso are busy,” Zevran said with a grin. “They are booked out until next year, judging by these contracts!”
Handsomely lodged on a ship to Antiva City, he had the documents spread out all around the floor, surrounding him. He sat in the midst of this paperwork like a king, or so Hamal thought with a smile.
The trip was an indulgence. A getaway in style, perhaps a reward for how well their latest plan had been executed. Seeing his husband in high spirits was always good for him; happy wife, happy life, and all that, so Hamal, carefully avoiding stepping on any papers, strolled over to him and pressed a kiss to the top of his head.
“Look,” Hamal said, picking up the document nearest to him. “Did you see? Just this week, they’re planning to kill the mayor of Treviso, the Duke De Ghislain, and half a dozen merchants and nobles of varying status.”
“Let’s drop them a line, shall we?” Zevran asked with a laugh. “There are many powerful and wealthy names in these contracts, who will no doubt appreciate the heads up. ‘This is a courtesy reminder of your upcoming assassination. Répondez s’il vous plait!’”
Who would have guessed that taking down the Crows would involve letter campaigns?
And yet the notices were prepared by morning, and sent the very day they reached port, to dozens of names across Antiva and beyond. The recipients would be able to act accordingly, hiring more security, or leaving the country altogether.
They’d pulled off a number of these heists already, had killed a few minor guildmasters and assassins as well, but the subterfuge worked even better. The Crows were becoming a poor investment, and this pleased Zevran to no end.
It was curious, in hindsight, that it should be here in Antiva City, where this all began months ago, that their lives would change so drastically.
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billybob598 · 11 months
Hey I was thinking of a FWB with either Alexia Putellas or Ona Batlle ( doesn’t have to be smut if you’re not comfortable) where they’ve been fwb for a few months and the reader and one of them have a crush on each other. One day, one of the ( reader or one of them ) confesses their feelings than they start dating!!!
Sorry if this is bad I’m horrible at making requests!
Have a wonderful day!!
Friends With Consequences (Alexia Putellas x Reader)
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So, thanks to the anon who sent this in! I've got like 5 or 6 more requests I'm gonna try and do this week sooo yeahh... Also big shout out to Grammarly for correcting all 999999 writing mistakes I made in this one. Again any feedback good or bad welcomed! Have fun reading!
Word Count: 1.7k (Boom)
As you stare longingly at Alexia, your thoughts wander to the current predicament you’re in. You and Alexia had been friends with benefits for a couple of months. At first, it was just the consequence of a night with a few too many drinks in it. Then, it was celebrating Barca winning the league (again). After three “one time only” nights, both of you knew there was a little something more. That’s when Alexia came up with the brilliant idea of friends with benefits. Alexia also came up with the idea that there would be no strings attached, no caught feelings, you guys would be fuck buddies and teammates, nothing more. If one of you called upon the other, they would be there, but the next day there would be no bringing up what happened the night before. Sure, you liked her as more than a friend, but anything to keep her in your life while also having a little taste of what it’s like to be with Alexia.
As you guys started preparing for the World Cup you would usually be excited, however, with the Spanish teams' current state a.k.a Jorge Vilda you weren’t nearly as excited as you should be. Jorge was being quite hard on players part of the “Las 15” that had come back. While you didn’t take part in the rejection of call-ups, you openly supported your teammates. 
As the tournament progressed, you tried your best to keep a distance from Alexia. Not that she noticed, she was under so much pressure from the media, fans, and Jorge. It didn’t help that her knee had started to bother her during the group stage. The team, despite all off-field events, had been performing well. You guys cruised through the group stage, finishing top of the group. Unfortunately, Spain lost in the quarterfinals. Everyone was heartbroken, and of course, Vilda was not very happy. After the game, Vilda said some terrible, terrible things to the team and you specifically. You had not played your best game ever, but for him to blame it all on you? It made Alexia’s blood boil. 
Throughout the tournament, Alexia realized just how much you meant to her. She was able to admit that you were important to her. She, however, refused to believe that her care for you ran deeper than just friends, who occasionally fucked. So, as the new season at Barca began the two of you kept your current relationship the same. You knew you were in love with Alexia, at this point, there was no denying it. Alexia, on the other hand, kept denying and denying her feelings for you. 
“So, how’s it going Alexia?” Ingrid asks. She was probably your best friend on the team and the only one who knew about your current situation.
You sigh, “I don’t know Ingrid, every time I feel like she likes me back she goes and says something about how she thinks the friends-with-benefits idea is perfect for us. Or as soon as I think that I might have a shot with her, she’s talking about her latest match on some dating site.” 
It was no secret that Alexia was on multiple dating apps. She was always going on dates with different people, it seemed none of them ever stuck for more than two or three dates. It bothered you to no end, here you were ready to do anything for Alexia, willing to drop everything if she ever called, yet you know she wouldn’t do the same for you. 
“Well, maybe just give her signs that you like her and want to be more than just friends with benefits,” the Norwegian suggests.
“Signs? What does that mean?”
“Doing things for her, to you know, show her that you care for her in a different way than friends.”
You think about it for a couple of seconds, “So just like, be extra nice to her?”
“Yeah, basically,” Ingrid says with a shrug. You nod. You can do that. That’s easy, just show her that you care about her.
Over the next couple weeks, you did everything you and Ingrid could think of to show Alexia you like her. Bringing her coffee in the mornings, her favourite candies left at her locker, buying her food whenever the team ate out, anything you could do you did. It was so obvious that even some of the rest of the team started to pick up on it.
“Why don’t you ever buy me coffee, Y/N?” Mapi whines with a cheeky grin. One that quickly disappears after receiving a sharp glare from her girlfriend. You turn red before stuttering out a comeback,
“I don’t know Mapi, but maybe you should think about your girlfriend before asking other women to buy you coffee.” The look of true fear that crosses Mapi’s face is enough to distract the rest of the team enough for you to slip out of the locker room and onto the pitch. 
“So you really like her, huh?” You are startled by the voice, thinking you were the only one out here. When you turn around you’re met with Keira giving you a soft smile. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“Don’t worry about it,” you say quickly, hoping to avoid the question.
“So what?” You try to play dumb.
“Do you like Alexia? And don’t try to lie Y/N,” Keira asks, pushing you to tell her.
“I think I love her if I’m being honest. She’s in my head 24/7, I can’t stop thinking about her,” you admit shyly.
“Then why not tell her that?” 
“I’m scared. What happens if I ask her out and she says no? I think I would have to move clubs,” you say in a joking tone, but both you and Keira know it wasn’t a joke. She looks at you sympathetically,
“Let’s say that does happen, you get that initial embarrassment over with and then you start getting over her. I know it doesn’t seem like it now, but if she rejects you there will be other people. It’s not like she’s your only chance at love, mate.” 
You ponder over her words for a bit before speaking, “I guess you’re right, I should ask her out. Should I ask her out? I shouldn’t ask her out.” Your mind races, then Keira puts her hands on your shoulders and gives you a look. “Okay, I’ll go ask her out.” You walk away feeling nervous and confident at the same time if that’s possible.
As you approach Alexia’s door you feel nervous as hell. The second you knock on it you know there is no going back. So, when she opens the door and sees you, fidgeting with the flowers in your hands, you want to immediately run away. At this point, though, you have to see it through, no chickening out now. 
“Hey Ale,” you can’t keep the nervousness out of your voice.
“Hey Y/N, what’s up?” She senses your nerves and takes hold of your hand to try and calm you down. Smiling at the contact you take a breath before spitting it out,
“Wouldyouliketogoonadatewithme?” Confused, Alexia asks you to repeat what you said. You sigh and say slower,
“Would you like to go on a date with me?” You then hold your breath, as Alexia processes what you said. Then, an expression comes across her face that you can’t quite explain, it’s almost a look as if she’s in pain and then apologetic. 
“Uhm, Y/N, I’m really sorry…” She trails off. When you get the gist of what’s saying, your shoulders slump and your face heats up with embarrassment.
“Yeah, no that’s okay. Don’t worry about it, Ale.”
“I’m really sorry, I just don’t like you like that,” she says feeling worse and worse every passing second.
“I get it, anyways these are for you,” reaching out and giving her the bouquet of flowers you were holding before turning and walking away, head hanging low. 
Alexia couldn’t keep her mind off of you for the next couple of days. Anytime she saw you in training she would try and catch your eye. It seemed, though, that you were determined not to speak to or even make eye contact with her. The entire team saw it, how you slowly cut yourself off from everyone, how you refused to come to team bonding nights, how you stopped going out with the team. For you it became, go to training and go home, nothing more. You had always been relatively quiet, but you didn’t even speak to anyone unless you were on the pitch. This concerned everyone, and Alexia couldn’t help but feel responsible for you isolating yourself. It was also around this time that Alexia started feeling like she made a mistake. Every date she went on she would always imagine that it was you across from her. That you were the one holding her hand and kissing her. So, as the January transfer officially opened, Alexia decided she was going to ask you out.
She originally planned to catch you after training, but you weren’t there. When she asked Ingrid about you the Norwegian just shrugged and said she hadn’t heard from you and that you probably were just not feeling well or something. Now, as Alexia walked up the stairs to your apartment she took note of how nothing was hanging off your front door. Usually, you had some sort of wreath or decoration hanging, she shook it off and put it down as you just forgot to put a new one up after Christmas. She knocked and stood waiting for a couple of seconds. That’s when she saw that your door was slightly ajar. She slowly pushed it open,
“Y/N? Are you in there?” Fully entering the apartment, she let out a gasp. It was completely bare, with nothing more than a couple of boxes and trash bags left. At that exact moment, she got a notification from Instagram. Tapping on it, her heart sank as she saw the post on your account announcing your transfer to Bayern Munich.
Alexia sank to her knees and started sobbing uncontrollably.
Hope you enjoyed this one! Do we want a part 2?
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f1stargirll · 7 months
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Conversation Friends ° Lando Norris
Chapter Two
Word count : 1.658k
Description : slow burn, college!au (enemies to lovers) and more to come
Hey guys, sorry this chapter came out a week late, I was suffocating from homework. But here we are! And I'm currently on a week break from uni so I'll try to write as much as possible during this time, I have sooo many ideas. I think I'll even try writing oneshots so if anyone has requests I'm open to them! Hope you'll enjoy this chapter, and feel free to message me if you want to be tagged in the next parts 🧚🏼‍♀️
PSA : Since I’m STUPID, I’ve started writing on a side blog which means there’s a lot of things I can’t do!! So I’m switching to my main blog which is @f1stargurl !!! The next parts and the rest will be posted on there, so if anyone follows me here, if you could pls follow me on @f1stargurl 🤧 To quote mister Leclerc once ai gain, “I am stupid”
Hi Lando,
I’m sorry we got off on the wrong foot. I’m sure that stupid encounter at the supermarket was just a result of the both of us being irritated and tired. As you can probably tell, my first few days here weren’t so easy and it might’ve been one of the reasons why I was so unpleasant, and once again, I apologize. 
I really am willing to put this stupid history behind us and get this program started!
I hope you’ll give it a thought and I look forward to hearing from you soon, have a good week! 
Sincerely, y/n
It’s been six days since I’ve sent Lando that email and pushed my pride to the side to organize a date. Well, it’s not a date, but still- I guess it is technically a date? Is it a date if we hate each other? It’s a meeting. Yeah, I was trying to organize a meeting. 
Still no response. 
Closing my laptop, I decided to take my mind off this situation and take a break at a coffee shop near campus. 
Taking a step inside the coffee shop I spot Daniel and Alex sipping on their drinks. Seeing Daniel again instantly put a smile on my face, we’ve been hanging out these last few days and having him by my side feels great. 
“What’s up guys!” I say while waving at them across the room. 
“Hey y/n!” They both got up from their seats to give me a hug.
 “Go get your drink and come join us,” Alex invited me, pointing at their booth, “we were talking about the party this weekend.”
“Don’t mind if I do then”, I respond smiling from ear to ear. 
After picking up my hot chocolate I sit down in front of them, Daniel makes fun of me for not liking coffee, again.
“I swear y/n you’re 21 and you still don’t like coffe? You need to grow up,’ rolling my eyes, I playfully shove Dani’s shoulder feeling his muscle tense under the light punch, so annoying, and buff, wow. We kept talking for more than two hours. I got to tell them all about Lando ghosting me and about the amazing cheese and garlic pasta I made last night. 
“I think he’ll come to his senses. He has to,” Daniel insists, crossing his arms in front of him. Ooh, veiny forearms… “the reason you guys hate each other is so ridiculous anyway, over freaking pasta!” he shakes his head in disbelief. 
“I think you did the right thing trying to reach out, at least you’ll be the bigger person” Alex says, his hand reaching for his matcha latte, “I’m sure you’ll be able to figure this out together.”
“Thanks for the optimism I really appreciate it” I say with a weak smile, not really believing in Linguini’s philanthropist potential, “I just hope this won’t ruin the program for me…”
“What? No way!” Daniel exclaims sitting up on his side of the booth, “Look, you’ve got your Conversation Friends right here” he says putting his arm around Alex’s shoulder who’s nodding and smiling in agreement, “and you’ve got Lola!”
“You’re right Dani, I’m not gonna give myself anxiety over a guy who can’t even be polite,” I state with confidence, “anyways, I’m so excited about the party this weekend!”
Once back in my room, I decided to check my inbox one more time. Just in case.
Still no response. 
The sight tugs at my heart a little. We have our first mandatory meeting in a few days and I still have no contact with my partner. I wouldn’t care so much about it if it was just about the two of us, but the whole group is supposed to visit a museum and I don’t want to be the only one there without a partner, that would be too embarrassing. 
But as I reminisce on the topic, I realize I’m not just sad anymore, I’m bitter. All week I saw everyone meeting up and doing fun activities with their partners, but I can’t get an email back? Even a “k” would’ve been enough… I’m stunned at how childish this boy is being. 
Putting my phone on my wooden nightstand, I close my eyes and try not to overthink about the situation. Is it my personality? Maybe it’s because of the way I look.
But I catch myself slipping, the last thing I need to do is to start doubting myself because of a man again.
God, this British Society class is really kicking my ass right now. Why did I even choose the 8am one, what is wrong with me? The professor starts off the first chapter of the class as we hear a loud knocking on the door. 
“Sorry I’m late,” I see Lando standing in the doorway, out of breath, his cheeks a light pink from the rush. His eyes search around the room for any seat still available until they meet mine. There’s one right next to me, but of course he’ll never take that one. He sets down his bag on the table front row and I feel my heart racing from embarrassment as my mind instantly jogs back to the email and how vulnerable it was. He turns around a final time and blankly looks at me. What is that supposed to mean? 
The class went by slower than ever, my mind speeding about different ways to go up to him and finally settle this ridiculous situation. 
8:55 finally strikes the clock as the professor concludes his explanation. As I put away my computer I see Lando clutching his books and bolting towards the exit. 
Not on my fucking watch. I head for his direction, calling out his name, “Lando! LANDOO!”
He turns on his heels in a swift motion, “What do you want from me?”
Suddenly feeling small, I still mustered up the courage to ask him about what’s going on, “Well you’ve read my email so I don’t know why you’re acting like you don’t know,” I grumble. “I feel like I’m making way too much effort here.”
“What email? What are you even talking about?” he asks, his thick brows furrowing in irritation. “I didn’t even give you my real email, the one I wrote down was just to fill the blank so the teacher won’t bug me,” he explains, still slightly confused as to what I was on about, “I just don’t want us to communicate outside of the mandatory attendings, got it ? We’ll meet there and that’s it.”
Well, at least that explains the total ghosting, doesn’t make it any less humiliating though. My lips close in a tight line, “Message received then, glad to know you’ll still be there for the museum,” I slowly nod my head trying to process what I’ve just been told. I feel my throat tightening up a bit and decide to leave before embarrassing myself any further, never looking behind me at the curly haired boy. 
Standing in line in front of the museum’s ticket office with my two favorite boys feels like we’re high schoolers on a field trip. I still feel uneasy about this upcoming afternoon, even if the run-in we had was terrible, he still assured me he’ll be coming today. 
But now, I don’t even want him to be here, I’m done with the idea of making any efforts with him, I’ve been way too kind to him. I’ll just stay glued to Dani and Alex and spend a nice afternoon at the museum with them, it’ll be way more fun than if he ever was to be here. 
“Still no news from Linguini?” Alex asks, trying to make sense of this situation, probably feeling bad for me. I really was pitiful.
“It’s not like I have a way of having any.” I half-joke trying to keep face despite anxiety and sadness creeping their way into my heart;
I found myself gazing at a beautiful photograph of a peony field, my favorite flower. The exhibition was showcasing the origins and the beauty of perfumes around the world. It involved a path filled with elements used to make our favorite scents through the use of pictures and different aromas being diffused all around the museum. I had clinged on to my favorite boys for twenty minutes before the teacher noticed, “I don’t care if your partner isn’t here, it’s a pairing of two only.” So now I was wandering around the exhibition and taking in the great sights and scents on my own. 
“Hey,” I turned around to see Lando looking ahead standing next to me, his hair covered by a green cap matching the crew neck sitting on his shoulders and the color of his eyes. Last time I thought they were blue, but they’re not. They’re the most gorgeous shade of olive green I had ever seen. It bothered me that I noticed these kinds of small details about him, he was the last person to deserve it. “Sorry I’m late.”
I kept my focus on the piece in front of me, “Alright.”
“These are my favorite, my grandma used to grow some in her garden,” I tell him without really knowing why.
“My grandma had roses, those are nice too,” he answers, I just nod in agreement. We both keep looking at the photograph in silence for another minute when his phone starts to ring. 
“Hey babe,” he quickly picks up, “yeah it’ll be quick I promise - no I don’t care I just have to do this, you know that.” Wow, way to ruin the last speck of hope I had. He hangs up as fast as he picked up.
“You know you could’ve just told me you had a girlfriend and didn’t want to talk to me for that reason, I mean, It’s a little extreme but I get it.” I know that some girlfriends are overprotective and the idea of their boyfriends spending time with another girl can be a nightmare.
“It's not about her,” he spits out, “I just don’t want to be here, I’ve got better things to do,” and with that final sentence he rubs the salt in a wound that’s already way too deep for what it’s worth. 
“You don’t have to be here though, nobody’s forcing you to” I remark, my voice filled with resentment. I’ve had enough. 
“I do, though. I’m only doing this to pass my semester, so let’s just wrap this up,” he starts going for the rest of the exhibition in hopes of finishing early. When he doesn’t feel me following him, he turns around and stops, staring me down with his hands in his back pockets, his shoulders slumped in frustration.
Slowly shaking my head, I stand my ground and head towards the next step in the exhibition in silence, disregarding the icy stare from the green boy across the room. I’m not letting him get away with it this time. I’ll enjoy the rest of the tour and make sure to take my time. Might as well enjoy my own company if that’s all I’m gonna have for the rest of the program.
Taglist : @u5dthsduttd
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riddlerosehearts · 11 days
bg3 playthrough thoughts!! i'm still basically just doing sidequests, but they've been interesting and it feels like a lot of important stuff has happened even if it isn't part of the main story.
i... ran into gortash's parents at the cobbler shop while wandering around? i had no idea that would happen. i also got an option to use illithid powers on the mother, but did not do it because my tav is someone who has been adamantly refusing to use the powers this entire time. may have to keep that in mind for another playthrough!
OMG I FOUND THE INSTRUMENT STORE!! got excited about that because elenion lost their lyre when they got taken by mind flayers and they've been trying to find a new one this entire time. i'm still annoyed that volo didn't stock one even though he stocked like every other instrument. also omg if you're a bard you get special dialogue with the shopkeeper!
i brought both karlach and shadowheart to the graveyard, specifically because i knew in advance that they had things they'd comment on if you did. so i got to see karlach speak to her parents. :( i also put some flowers outside their graves, and a night orchid at the grave of the guy shadowheart mourned for.
YESSSS THE PARTY HIT LEVEL 11. after suddenly getting attacked by a bunch of sahuagin on the beach lol but i'm not complaining! i can't wait to use otto's irresistible dance in every battle from now on.
...i had used up a lot of spell slots and such from various quests so i went to take a long rest. and it was nice to finally rest, except for the fact that lae'zel got kidnapped! i actually knew that someone was going to get kidnapped, but i didn't know when it would happen and i don't know how the game determines who it is either--though, storywise, for my tav, i really like that it ended up being lae'zel. also, orin made it look like lae'zel was trying to kill yenna, and now i wonder what would've happened if someone else had been taken instead?
it's a good thing saving orin's victim isn't time sensitive LOL because i have sooo much stuff left. and storywise it feels wrong to be going around completing a bunch of random sidequests and helping out the rest of the companions while lae'zel is in trouble, but in terms of gameplay it feels like dealing with orin and gortash should be some of the last things you do! so i'm just going to say we need to take our time to come up with a plan and lae'zel is strong enough to handle herself until we get there.
looking for minsc now--i know i said before that i wasn't very attached to jaheira, but she gets better the more i see of her LMAO. i mean, she approves of being sarcastic with nine-fingers and saying "just exploring the local sewer life" when asked what you're doing in the guildhall! maybe on my next playthrough i'll try to use her a bit more.
i'm sure there was a more reasonable and normal way to get past the vault puzzle than by literally throwing water all over the buttons and short circuiting the contraption with lightning magic. but would a reasonable and normal method have been as FUN as short circuiting the contraption? i doubt it.
MAN i wish there was a way to speed up the combat specifically when it's the enemy's turn, at least. fights with a large number of characters involved, like this one i just did at the counting house, can just get painful to sit through when it isn't my party's turn to move. especially since with this particular battle i messed up and got party wiped once and there's a lot of enemies AND a lot of bank employees helping out MISSING EVERY ATTACK and it's just ajksgshgdh. i'm so glad to be done with that now.
got jumpscared by astarion's siblings appearing at camp! after that i tried to continue the mystic carrion quest (which i started as part of the free the artist quest) and realized it was leading me down the sewers, which is also where we need to be to find minsc, so to the sewers we go. i found a woman there who had been lured by a vampire--wonder if astarion would've had any reaction to that if we brought him along.
i now have the single most important companion of them all--boo! okay, and minsc is here too. i talked to him a bit back at camp and he's really funny, actually. now i actually wanna try using him a bit and seeing if he has any funny reactions to things around the city.
also, i finished the free the artist quest and oh my god it was unbelievably annoying just to navigate the house. and the massive detour you have to take to deal with mystic carrion... well, that was actually interesting, but was it all worth the reward you get in the end? nope! maybe in the future my characters won't stumble across the zhentarim hideout and just won't know oskar exists...
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spacestationstorybook · 10 months
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JUST GOT BACK FROM‏‏‎ ‎PETER‏‏‎ ‎PAN‏‏‎ ‎GOES‏‏‎ ‎WRONG...ignore the quality of that second picture my dad and brother and me were in the bottom half of it and i cropped us out.
-first things first THEY HAD THE ORIGINAL CAST!!!! i literally lost my mind i had no idea and it added so much to the experience i was so so so excited. i'm sure another cast would have done an amazing job but it added so much to the experience to see them in person and it was SOOOO fucking cool they were even going through the audience before the show started having like. fake arguments with each other and having audience members hold stuff and i was like 6 feet away from the actor who plays chris at one point (the actors who play chris and robert are both named henry. maybe that's just how it is in england)
-there was a lot of stuff they did at our show that they didn't do in the youtube version which was also SO awesome :) chris‏‏‎ ‎hates‏‏‎ ‎americans‏‏‎ ‎but robert likes them (because they "aren't afraid to be crass" in his own words) which i think adds a Lot to me having a self insert be chris' cousin who he despises and is specifically american.
-speaking of which our crowd was super lively especially after audience participation became part of the show. everyone was SOOO excited to join in and shout stuff at chris and it was very funny. jonathan got multiple boos which i don't think happened in the youtube version but he deserved them. also before the show everyone sang happy birthday to someone who's birthday it was and that was cute.
-the guy who played the narrator (he's a big name broadway actor but i have not seen anything he has been in </3 the audience was really excited to see him though) said (in-character) he was only doing this play because of the‏‏‎ ‎sag-aftra‏‏‎ ‎strike‏‏‎ ‎and in one scene you can see him holding up a picket sign. which caught me so off guard and i laughed really hard
-again i emphasize i think chris sucks more than robert. i mean maybe robert does worse stuff just based on his anecdotes but he's so larger than life about it it's hard to like. Really hate him for it? but you actually see chris being mean to everyone else so much more. i don't hate him either but i do wonder why fanfic is always so much quicker to forgive him when if you're Only looking at how they treat the cast chris is easily much meaner.
-SOOOOOOOO much fun i love this show and i love being in an audience full of people laughing so hard. and i almost forgot the girl me and my brother sat next to is also a fan of the‏‏‎ ‎mischief‏‏‎ ‎theatre‏‏‎ ‎extended universe!! she heard me talking to him about how excited i was the original cast was in it and she told me how excited she was too :) literally such an awesome experience
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Ooh okay promo time!!
Oop a girl in the ER, back to patients where we need to figure out what's wrong (I mean instead of planned patients), entirely at least.
Uh ohhh
Oof Lim I think it would be better for both of you, and everyone else, to at least be a little better than that xdd
Ooooh a discussion/confrontation (not in a bad way, hopefully) between Shaun and Lim 👀👀
Looks intense o.o
The episode I mean
I'm thinking maybe the talk will be at the end and it will end well, or well-ish at least? Idk though we'll have to see 😬
So yeah! That's the last of my last thoughts, now it's time for the. . .
I loooved this episode! We got to see some new pairs, and some old pairs, and it was a switch up of format with all the related patients and teams. Very interesting! We also had the Shea angst 😭😭, which is awful, but they'll work through it <3. Right now though, it's best to just feel their feelings :( :/. Poor guys <333.
So about the case over all, I thought it was super interesting! They're all technically connected but also complete separate cases, though they have mostly the same start conditions (like, premature and all that). It was a great narrative device for the different pairs of people, and of course fit with the general baby theme this episode :).
First off, Shaun and Lea. I feel sooo bad for them 😭😭😭. The acting is amazing, by the way. Their sadness just feels so real :((. I'm sure it'll work out eventually, even if they can't have biological kids, but it's heartbreaking to see them go through this 😭😭. I'm so glad they have each other though, them supporting each other and not blocking each other out (that's a lot of 'each other's but whatever lol) ❤️❤️❤️. And besides the sadness, they were so cute and excited in the first scene :DD 🥰🥰🥰🥰. The excitd part of course makes it more heartbreaking, but whatever xD. Anyway, in interesting to see where their story goes next, with this part of it I mean. It's sure to be a hard road <33.
Jordan and Glassman, like I said, I'm not surprised didn't work easily together. But kind of like how Powell and Shaun were doing last week, they can challenge each other's ideas and make them better, so that's good :). They needed both of them to do it, and they did manage to overcome a huge obstacle and succeed <3. I'm proud of them, and I'm so glad it did work out :D. Plus that part of Glassman telling Jordan thank you for helping him keep hope? VPBOWNUXBWLJD amazing 🥰🥰🥰. Or not giving on hope or whatever, you know what I mean xD.
Powell and Lim! They were fun this episode :D. Again, they had some bonding, and Powell telling Clay to bring Lim food was sly, and sweet lol xD. Even if that conversation was probably horribly awkward for Lim, I'm glad they have each other that they can talk about this stuff with, even if theyre not in exactly the same situation :)). It looks like Lim will have to confront her feelings about Shaun in the next episode though, so that's sure to cause some tension. But I'm honestly thinking they're going to work it out, and at least partially make up. Oh well, we'll see ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯.
Also this guy is WAY BETTER THAN THE OTHER GUY. If only because it's an actual date lol. But AHH I'm so happy for them :))). Mostly Lim, admittedly xDD, but I think that's warranted. She is the main character of the two of them, to be fair lol. But yeah, I'm really happy for her, they're sweet 🥰🥰. Idk if it'll last last or not, but I'm here for the ride :).
Park and Morgan were cordial this episode lol!! Wild I know xD. Also yes I'm leaving Asher and Jerome for last, you can't stop me xD. Anyway, it was TENSE between these two this episode lol, and it's certainly gonna be rough still in the future (I think I even glimpsed something about that in the summary of one of the next few episodes lol), but I'm glad they're making up, at least a little bit :). I mean, she's inviting him to breakfast so he can help her judge sperm donors XD. That's pretty close if you ask me lol. Like, pretty intimate (platonically I mean) for someone you just made up with. So, I think they are gonna keep reconciling, and who knows? Maybe they will get back together in the future :). Or, maybe they won't! But still, it seems like things are looking up a bit on their front :)). For once xDD. Anyway, yeah, love them 🥰🥰.
Finally, Jerome and Asher :D. Like I said, I'm leaving them for last, let me have this lol. Besides, I can do what I want xD. Anyway, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Okay okay, lol, hoo, I'm fine xD. Anyway, I wanna say again that it's totally fine to not want kids, or to want kids, but people who are opposites on that don't tend to work together. They just want fundamentally different things, and it hurts, but that's okay. So a big reason I'm so happy here is just the fact that this won't cause problems between them xDD, and they'll stay together (even if a breakup wouldn't have been immediate lol).
And also just because they, I can want my favorite couple to have kids okay xDD.
(btw I have many favorites they're not my number one out of all my fandoms lol, and maybe not even of the show, they might be tied with Shea, idk)
Anyway lol. The chicken callback as really sweet 🥰🥰, and BOTH OF THEM SINGING 😭😭😭?? They're (the show) just out here trying to kill me, aren't they xd. But yeah, that scene of Asher singing the same song Jerome sung earlier to the baby? Amazing, 10/10, I love them with my whole heart <33. Anyway, they ended on a good note, so while this does leave the kids thing open for the future, I don't think I really have much to say about specifics of where they're going next story-wise :). Presumably kids, and maybe/probably marriage at some point, but who even knows if that would happen during the run of the show? Eh, anyway, for the immediate future, I'm just excited to see what their next storyline is. And their individual ones! I'm interested in a more individual storyline for Jerome, even as a side character. I'm just thinking that as a supporting who's in a relationship with a main and interacts with them (like bro was the only nurse in the teams of two lol xD), the group of mians that is, it wouldn't be unreasonable :). Anyhoo, we'll see!
Overall, I really loved this episode. There were so many great moments, and I loved the change up of format for the case(s). We did have the sadness of Shaun and Lea's storyline, but it was balanced well. And sometimes, you just gotta have a little sadness lol. It's not a show without angst xD! Not one I'm watching anyway lol. Anyway, I also just really love all my children 🥰🥰. There was a good spread of focus today, which I really liked :D. Plus the cases themselves were different and interesting! I can see a lot of storylines being set up and continued, and many that are continuing are kind of also set ups because it feels like they're moving into the next phase. So, I'm excited to see what comes next! I'm sure it'll be great :).
So yeah! I absolutely adored the episode, I thought it was amazing. Next week looks tense, I'm really excited! This has been my review of. . .
The Good Doctor, Season 6, Episode 7: Boys Don't Cry
I loved it! It was so well-executed. I'm super interested in seeing how everything plays out in the next episode! I'll be back next week with my review of. . .
The Good Doctor, Season 6, Episode 8: Sorry Not Sorry
See you then!
0 notes
reginaphillange08 · 3 years
(Bokuto Kotarou)
a/n : honestly just a cute msby bokuto one-shot cause I love him 😩 my longing to be loved really showed in this one 😐
summary: being the girlfriend of a professional volleyball player wasn't always easy. Bokuto would have to leave for months at a time. It's your first time seeing him in two months and you planned the perfect evening for him.
warnings: NSFW!! Minors don’t interact this contains smut. Pretty fluffy, almost too much fluff, then some smut at the end because who doesn’t like MSBY bokuto.
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It was the first night you were gonna be able to spend with your boyfriend in about two months. With him being a professional volleyball player, you knew this was a part of the deal. You two had obviously kept in contact over the break with daily texts and video calls whenever time permitted. The distance and time apart had taught you both patience and to value the time you two had together. You missed him so much, his bright presence, his golden eyes that bore into yours, his contagious smile. Bokuto meant the world to you and you were so excited to finally see your lover after so much time.
You looked at yourself in the mirror. You were wearing a brand new lingerie set you had gotten just for this occasion. You made sure to never wear it whenever you two had a night of sexy pictures or naughty video calls. This one was a dark hunter green and it complimented your (s/c) skin well. It hugged your curves in a delicious way, as it left little to the imagination. You put some makeup on and luckily today was a good hair day. You couldn't lie, you looked so alluring, it was almost sinful. After gawking at yourself in the mirror you put on your dress getting ready for dinner.
You had known he was coming home tonight for a while so you planned the perfect evening. To be completely truthful, you were so needy for him that you just want him to take you on the kitchen table. However this was Bokuto's first night back in a while, and you love him and wanted to make tonight special. The past two months without him have been pretty tough. No matter how many times he had to go away for volleyball, you never quite got used to the lack of his presence. Whether it was in the morning and you weren't greeted with his bright smile to start the day, or in the middle of the day when you walked into the kitchen and he was dancing to your favorite songs while he cooked, or the random kisses on the cheek throughout the day. Things were just a little less colorful without bokuto around in your little shared apartment. That's why you were elated to welcome him back home.
You had prepared his favorite meal for when he came home, and put on his favorite record. You decided to wear a dress he got you a while back on one of your dates. He absolutely adored that dress on you, and it's one of your favorites too. It was your favorite color and it hugged your figure beautifully. It fit like it was tailored specially for you.
You heard a knock and you practically sprinted full speed to the front door. You already knew who it was so you excitedly swung it open and you were met with your beautiful boyfriend and his warm smile. Your smile was from ear to ear as you threw yourself into his arms. You wrapped yours arms tightly around his neck as he buried his face into yours. His arms snaked around your waist as he held you like he hadn't seen you in 10 years. Truthfully that's how it felt. You finally whispered to him while still engulfed in his broad frame, "you're finally home baby, I missed you so much, you have no idea". He holds you a little tighter and says "I know baby, I missed you so so so much. You look so beautiful tonight, I'm really happy to see you (y/n)". You break away from the hug to finally give him a kiss. You stand on your tippy toes to reach him and he bent down a little to meet you. He holds your face in his hands and you rake your hands through his hair. Your lips meet in a passionate kiss, a seemingly desperate attempt to make up for missed time. The kiss is one you get lost in, falling into it headfirst. You two quickly closed the distance between you, bodies pressed up against each other destroying any personal space either of you had before. His hands moved from your face down your body and he wrapped his arms around your waist to hold you closer to his body. You kept playing with his hair while you two kissed because you knew it was one of his favorite things. What started as one passionate kiss quickly spiraled into a heated makeout session. Lips still connected and bodies still intertwined, he guided you through the door and closed it behind him.
He quickly threw his bags down in a haste and returned to your lips. Taking off his jacket while you two kissed. He was tugging at the hem of your dress and you were so close to just ripping it off but you hesitated. He sensed your pause and he pulled away and had a concerned look on his face. "Is everything okay (y/n)?" he said. You nodded your head and assured him, "yeah baby of course, I just needed a minute. I wanted to show you what I did for you". You giggled shyly and gestured to the food on the table. It was decorated with some candles and flowers. His eyes widened as he gave you a big smile, he looked at you and said "You did this all for me?". You shake your head and say "no it's actually for my other boyfriend, he's actually gonna be here in a few. Do you mind getting a move on?" You laugh and push him lightly. "Of course it's for you Kou"
He gives you a sweet smile and enveloped you into another warm hug. He plants a kiss on your forehead and says "Thank you baby, you make me the luckiest guy in the world". You two sit down and share the meal together. You absolutely loved having meals with Kotaro. Always getting lost in conversation, it was the best time to talk about everything the other had missed. You two exchanged stories of the past two months you spent apart, mostly laughing at his silly encounters with the rest of his team. You told him how work was going and the new books you were reading.
You finished eating and Bokuto helped you clean off the table. You had flipped the record so it wasn't silent as you did the dishes. You then resumed cleaning up and Bokuto took the rag out of your hand and held your smaller hands in his own. He brought them up to his lips and left soft kisses along your knuckles. He said "Thank you for tonight (y/n), I really appreciate all the kind things you do for me. I love you so much". You held his face with one hand and squeezed his hand with the other. You looked into his eyes kindly and said "Of course Kou, I missed you and wanted to make it special for when you came back home. I love you too". He kissed your forehead and you two continued to clean up.
You were at the sink rinsing off the dishes when Bokuto walked up to you and wrapped his arms around you from behind. You put your hair up messily with a clip just to get it out of your face for now, so your neck was exposed. He kissed your neck and took a deep breath and then whispered to you "baby you smell sooo good". You giggle and say thank you and continue rinsing the last few dishes in the sink. He eyed you like you were his next meal. He saw the way your skin looked so soft, and the way your hair still seemed to shine when in the dim kitchen. The soft glow in your eyes when you'd look back to him every so often. The way your dress dipped in the back exposing some of your back. He decided to take advantage of the vast canvas and began placing kisses along your neck and back. Delicate kisses became playful nips at your skin. He then started painting the area with little red bruises that would later turn purple. You put down the dish you were rinsing and cleaned your hands.
While he was attacking your back with hickeys and love bites you held onto the back of his neck as if you would fall if you let go. He sucked the sweet spot on your neck eliciting a quiet moan from your lips. He immediately held you tighter and whispered "you're gonna drive me crazy with that voice of yours baby, don't hold back. I like hearing you".
You turned around and caught yourself in another heated kiss with him. You lifted yourself onto the counter with his hands guiding your hips. You opened your legs to make room for his broad body. You had your arms resting on his neck with fingers twirling around his dual toned locks. His tongue had grazed your bottom lip as if asking for permission. You granted it eagerly and your tongues began to dance in a fit of passion and urgency. Both exploring each other's mouths with care but also immense drive. You two hadn't been able to hold, touch, or kiss one another in what felt like years. The excitement and satisfaction of finally having him here and all over you was setting you on fire. You begin to take off his shirt while still sloppily making out. You pulled back just to admire the art that is Bokuto Kotaro shirtless. Running your fingers along his defined pecs, tracing his abs with your fingertips lightly. You give him a kiss then you hop off the counter.
You take his hand and lead him to the bedroom. The room was all cleaned up and you had twinkling fairy lights turned on. It was pretty dim and the bed had rose petals on it. You might've been a little too excited and went overboard but you look over to Bokuto and it instantly made it all worth it. He had a huge smile on his face and said "(y/n) you're really gonna be the death of me". You laugh and kiss his cheek
Your two lips crashed into each other in a needy kiss. The kiss quickly turns urgent again. You begin stumbling backward while you two kiss, hell bent on getting to the bed as quick as possible. Truthfully, because you two were apart for so long, this heated makeout session already had you wet.
You finally reach the bed and he pushes you onto it. He then follows you and hovers over you. His large frame seems to consume your smaller build. He begins to plant kisses on your jaw and down your neck as he runs his large hands up and down the smooth curves of your body. His touch drove you mad, no matter how delicate or light. His fingertips grazing your soft skin lit a fire in you. You begin to take off his pants with a little help from him. You reach down to pull off his boxers only for him to grab you by your wrists and pinning them to the bed above your head.
He leans down and whispers "have patience baby, I'm gonna take my time with you tonight". He leans back to look at you, he adored the way you looked underneath him. He let go of your wrists and began to slip your dress off you. He gawked at your brand new lingerie set and let out the biggest grin. "You wore this just for me angel?" You grin sheepishly with a light blush dusting the apples of your cheeks. "Mhm" you replied softly. He strokes your hair and looks into your eyes lovingly and says "you're so beautiful (y/n)"
You kiss him passionately and say thank you. He takes off your bra and looks at the soft mounds that were hidden away. He absolutely loved them. He begins to massage them gently and knead them with his hands as he kisses your collarbone. He looked into your eyes as he took one of your hardened nubs into his mouth and rolled the other nipple between his fingers. He starts kissing the swell of your chest and painting it with little bruises. The occasional love bite would make you moan softly. Your moans were the most beautiful symphony to him, spurring him on. Further encouraging him to please you.
He left a trail of kisses from your chest down your stomach to your underwear. He put his fingers in the waistband and looked up at you for permission. You run your finger through his hair and nod lightly with a smile. He pulled off the lacy dark green garment and threw it to the side. He pushed your legs apart and eyed your glistening core.
He started with just a kitten lick. He always liked to start slowly with care. Delicate licks, slow and calculated motions so he can gage your reaction. He flattened his tongue and applied pressure to your clit. He started lapping up your juices with a little more urgency now. You moaned his name breathily and he started picking up the pace. He's always loved eating you out. He held your thighs down with his big arms. He attached his lips to your puffy clit and began to suck while he slipped two fingers into your aching hole. You felt that familiar knot in your stomach begin to build and you couldn't help but buck your hips up onto his face and fingers. He took this time to add a third finger which made you delirious with pleasure.The third finger entered you stretching your fluttering hole, mixing pain and pleasure till they were indistinguishable from each other. He felt you clamping down on his fingers and he stopped sucking and began to vigorously rub circles into your clit, the way he knew you loved. You felt yourself getting close and as you're a whimpering mess you began to mutter "Kou don't stop, please"
He had a dark look in his eye when he spoke "cum for me baby, you can do it. And just like that you allowed yourself to come undone all over his magical hands and face. "Good girl" was what he said as you came. He helped you ride out your orgasm as he whispered sweet praises to you.
You were catching your breath as you came down from your high. By the time you were back, you looked at bokuto and he had already completely undressed and he had his back against the headboard. He was stroking himself as he watched you with half lidded eyes and a devilish grin on his face.
"You didn't think we were done, did you baby?"
"Of course not" You said as you put your nail between your teeth with a grin.
"Come here angel" he said as he gestured for you to join him.
You crawl over and you place yourself on top of him. You knew he loved when you rode him. You lowered yourself onto him slowly. You adored how full you felt with him inside you. You gave yourself some time to adjust to the stretch and then slowly started to move up and down. You began to pick up pace and ride him with more rigor. He watched you in awe with his hands on your hips guiding you up and down on him. He thought you were so beautiful riding him.You desperately chasing your high and using his body for pleasure was a sight he was incredibly fond of. He got off on knowing nobody would see you that way but him. He admired how beautiful you looked doing something so lewd. Tits bouncing around, your face contorted in pleasure, your lips parted as the moans escaped your mouth.
He then took you and flipped you over so you were on your back. It was his turn to take charge and set the pace. He kissed your temple as he slipped into you. Kou wasted no time in picking up his pace. His vicious thrusts leaving you a babbling mess. You felt yourself begin to close your eyes as you whimpered out his name and he grabbed your face and held your cheeks in his hand. He said "open your eyes baby, look at me".
You did as he said and looked into his eyes as he rutted against you. You were moaning his name when he put his hand over your mouth and said "shh shh baby listen"
You were initially confused at what he was talking about but then when you listened you heard the lewd sounds of your pussy squelching and gushing around his length as he fucked into you. Your cheeks redden as you got a little embarrassed. Boktuo looks down at you with a shiteating grin and says "listen to that angel, you're fucking dripping wet for me". You were a muttering mess, all you could say was "yes kou yes, just for you. Only you could fuck me like this". That's one thing about Bokuto, he adored being praised by you. You took advantage of this and you began to whisper into his ear. "You're so good to me baby, you're doing so good. Please don't stop kou please"
He maintained his pace and looked up to you. "You're close baby?". You nod quickly and dug your nails into his back, leaving crescent moons in their wake as you begged for more. He let out a groan and said "me too" as he fucked into you. He started to rub circles into your clit and he picked up his pace. He fucked you into the mattress and he felt your hole spasming around him, it felt like your pussy was sucking him in even more than he thought possible. Tears pricked the corners of your eyes as you begged him to let you cum. He felt you clench onto him and said "cum with me baby, be a good girl and cum with me angel". You immediately came undone leaving you shaking and panting under him. The view of you destroyed and fucked out was enough to push him over the edge. With the last few sloppy thrusts bokuto moaned your name as he came. Leaving you kisses along your neck as he painted your insides white.
You both were catching your breath as he peppered your face with kisses. He went to the bathroom to get a wet rag to clean you off with. He wiped you down with delicate and sweet touches. You both went under the covers and he held you in his arms. He began to play with your hair as you began to fall asleep.You kissed his hand and said "goodnight kou, i love you". Then he gave you one last kiss to your temple and a tight hug. He whispered into your ear saying "goodnight baby, thank you for the lovely evening. I love you so much."
The both of you falling asleep in eachothers warm embrace. Kou couldn't have asked for a better homecoming.
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ashiemochi · 2 years
Hellooo chapter 58 was so good!!!! That whole date was so great, first so ah's phone call with her friend was so funny 😭 just her wanting to wear blue bc it's leon's favourite colour djsjsj YES I feel you girl!!! Anyone would want to get into leon's pants!!!
It's so unfair that leon is so attractive ok </3 I loved that scene of so ah just looking at him (bc same) and leon knowing 😭
And when we learn how the bsaa is testing her abilities hello??? I'm going to end them wtf??? There's a million ways to do it without hurting her???
And omg when they arrive at the restaurant and the woman calls them "Mr and Mrs Kennedy" HDJSJWK yes . Love that . It was also super funny when so ah was observing him and leon caught her 😭 SAME GIRL
I can't believe they would think that they each have someone waiting for them at home tho </3 c'mon you're both in love with each other please . I absolutely wonder what leon wanted to talk to her about?? Tho it's not surprising that leon is still traumatised about so ah falling </3
And so ah there's no shame in having an anxiety disorder!! She's strong and she's gonna get through it <3
That whole part in the pharmacy was crazy omg first she must have gone through hell during those six months and it's really great to see there are people grateful for what she's done. And then brad!!! I knew it like his hand behind his jacket??? It was so obvious he was hiding a gun!!! I understand that losing his daughter must have been hard on him but really so ah had nothing to do with it?? Like it's just crazy how people would throw the blame on her when she didn't even know she had a parasite nor the virus in her please 😭 she's just as traumatised give her some space... take God when he pulled the trigger he missed her and leon came in :( it must be so hard for so ah to relive that whole night :( the end was so heavy but it was really good bc it also helps understand how hard it is for her. I loved it a lot!!!
And now I'm like super excited to read the next two parts 👀 just saw the content warning 👀 it's finally time for some 👀 sexy time 👀 👀 jdjsjs I'm really looking forward to it!!!
hii!! hope your day is going great <33 i'm enjoying my break before i start work again on theeeeeeee 4th </3 screaming and crying and shaking and biting the pillow-
This chapter was the most fun to write minus the heavy stuff 👀 I had to look up how going into shock really is and all that jazz because with so ah and leon, angst gotta follow them everywhere </3 it'll all be made up tomorrow though! 👀👀 I'm thinking of either posting one chapter tomorrow or posting both of them because it does end on a lil cliffhanger.
The epilogue is yet to be finished as I haven't had the energy to do anything but play portal 2 (for the 4th time-) and just enjoy some me time. SOOO, posting one chapter would give u guys more content to look forward to (before waiting till I'm done with the last chapter) and posting 2 chapters would give you 10k worth of smut with our lovely leon s kennedy👀
honestly it's up to you all! Either way I'll be needing time to finish up the epilogue. I'm happy you enjoyed the chapter because we're finally reaching the final 2 chapters (3 if you split the smut)!!
I honestly never expected this much attention towards aphrotitty and I'm so thankful and appreciative to all of you who's enjoying it as much as I enjoyed writing it!! I'm actually getting more ideas and plots for damnation, re6 and vendetta! ofc I'll be working on the requests first to repay you guys back from all the support! <3
With that being said, here's a lil sneakpeek to tomorrow's spicy chapter👀
link to fic!💕
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paleangels13 · 2 years
✏️🌈🌾 🎨
Thank you ☺️💖
✏️ The first fanfiction you ever wrote? (doesn’t have to be a posted fic)
A Borussia Dortmund/BVB (German soccer team) fic, pairing Own Female Character(s) x Player(s). Had 197 chapters i think and was posted on Instagram (because that's apparently what you did in 2014...post on ig and wattpad :')). But they were short chapters, I still wrote around 1 1/2 years or 2 years on it 🤔 (I think in 'normal'/average chapter length (like... Up to 2000 words?) it would probably have 80+ chapters?).
I'm very much cringing about it now but the feedback back then was really good soo... Idk different times 😂😭
🌈 Your favorite tropes to write about?
Already answered here
🌾 A fic you really want to write but you haven’t (yet)?
Ohh, I kinda answered that here when I answered the question about ideas I haven't done anything with but let me just put a few from my "really wanna write" list here:
Pole dancer AU (characters, etc are fully planned out just gotta start writing...which I've been telling myself for 3 months now...)
Escort AU (which I already started quite a while ago but had to put it on hold because I struggled to continue from where I left it and have to overthink it again)
Joonas the tourist guide
Third part of the toxic series
Quite a few angsty/dark fics from my chat with @bc-sideblog :DD
A Joel/Johnny/Aleksi/Robin one because I'm a mess but I won't spoiler anything (might be part of the same universe as my "baby if I let you in (...)" fic)
One involving a blindfold 👀
Someone wearing a corset and platform boots 🥰
Someone else (not Joel this time) wearing a dress ✨😌
... Way too many more :))
🎨 Show us a sneak peek from a WIP!
Ohh... I didn't know which one to choose from... ☹️
I think I'll give you two snippets because I don't even know if I'll ever finish the first one even tho I really, really want to 🥺
Sooo (not beta read or anything) under the cut because it got quite long (and well spoilers)...
Escort AU:
He had uploaded a morning picture to his, well, adult website and was curious to see if there had been any comments so far. It was the usual stuff: "pretty boy", "mind turning a bit more next time? ;)", "oh, I sure would like to join you in the shower. We could have some fun while we're at it". Aleksi huffed and shook his head. One comment caught his attention though. To be fair, it wasn't an actual comment, just a bunch of random letters and numbers. He raised an eyebrow and clicked on the notification to reply something: "I take it my pic got you a little excited, sweetheart? Hope you had fun 💋". The young man chuckled a little and put his phone back on the sink before focusing on getting ready. It didn't really matter if his suspicion was correct or not, he knew most people subscribed to his account to get pics and possibly videos they could use to get off, what about it? That was kind of the point, right? So he didn't actually mind or think about it too much. It is what it is, and he enjoyed knowing what effect he had on some guys. 
Mhh...Tommi taking care of Joel 👀🥰:
Not even an hour had passed, yet the table was now filled with more than two empty drinks, mainly beer, and Joel was a tint drunker than he had originally planned.
“We should go to bed.”
His gaze flickered over to the drummer, rising from the sofa and his head unwantedly reminded him – very vividly – of how long he had not had sex. Well, technically that wasn't entirely correct. Joonas had given him a blowjob in the bathroom backstage not so long ago. Very blurred he also remembered that something had happened between himself and Niko, but that was already weeks ago. But this wasn't what he had in mind. If he had wanted a quick fuck while being the top, he only needed to ask their guitarist, who'd undoubtedly be happy to help with that. No, he wanted to be driven mad by someone, wanted that person to help him relax a bit and forget about the troubles of the past few days. Oh, and how perfectly the drummer seemed to fit into this role right now. Joel took the hand that Tommi held out for him, and stood up. He shook his head over his own thoughts. This was bullshit. His thoughts were blurred by the alcohol he had consumed and the fact that he hadn't had sex in a while probably didn't help either. He wouldn't sleep with the taller one. Definitely not!
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alexiaugustin · 3 years
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good morning mutuals and everyone else on tumblr who is cool and made my year! this is gonna be my mutuals appreciation post 2020 because if anything good happened this year then it's getting to know all of you guys so there's that. i love you all so so sooo much and always love to see y'all and your gif sets / memes / crack posts /rants / edits and so on and so forth on my dash. you made this year beautiful and i just wanna thank u for that!💘💘 (also im sorry if the picture above activates anyone's fight response i just thought that it would fit if i went back to where it all started)
@engelkeijsers mare my love i don't even have words to describe how much i love you and am happy to have you in my life. i consider you one of my closest friends by now and that's why i always message you whenever exciting shit happens in my life (or whenever shit goes down that ofc depends🤪). our phone calls were so fucking funny and i loved talking to you sooo much i can't wait to meet you in real life one day!!💖 please feel hugged you're such a beautiful human.
@dreamaur ann my beloved mutual i love you from the bottom of my heart and just wanna thank you for being the cute bitch that u are who always remembers our mutuals anniversary like....🥺🥺 i just love that we always watch and read and stan the same things like what kind of soulmutuals behavior is this?. can't wait for s&b to air so we can always freak out about kaz and inej and everyone else together. i'm kissing your cheek and wish you the absolute best for 2021 because u deserve the best😽
@sotorubio silja i love you and your blog so much you just have such a galaxy brain and you're so eloquent and your blog is one of the few that i check on regularly because i don't wanna miss a single post you make. here's a fun fact before i properly got to know you i thought that you were sooo intimating i don't even know why and then we started talking at some point and i was like "hold on a second they are SO lovely and warm actually and not intimating at all hdhdh" as you might have figured out by now i always love talking to you about skames or rant about 13rw and everything else. i just love u!!!🧡
@helmtaryn aurore you are probably the first person who ever started talking to me on here and so it all began and we always talked abt skam france before s6 started and during and you're just such a wonderful person!! thank you for always being there for me and helping me with my french homework i truly cannot thank you enough for that because you're constantly saving my ass jdhd. you're just so fun to talk to and such a talented gif maker like... for real your gif sets always knock me out and you're always so original in what you gif🥺❣
@geminibf i know i've told you that before but your blog is my comfort blog on here literally just seeing your posts on my dash always makes my day and you're one of the most beautiful ppl i've ever known like how do you even manage to do that🥺💘 plus you're sooo talented at this point im convinced that there's absolutely nothing that you cannot do so yeah i have no idea where this sentence is going but i guess what im trying to tell u is that i love u and im so happy to be ur friend
@alterlovex niiiii❣❣❣ you're not even like a tumblr mutual you're like my tumblr sister (figure out what the hell this is supposed to mean jdjd) and you were one of the first people who hyped my stupid posts up and it always made me go 🥺😭. i started following you despite the fact that u had a wtfock icon (honorary) and i absolutely never regretted it. you're so beautiful and warm and so is your blog and i will try to talk more to u again in 2021. im virtually sending you so many flowers🌷🌻🌸💐
@jorgecrespo you're just the coolest bitch alive. i followed you for your skam rankings and stayed for your whole entire personality. every post you make truly just slaps, you never miss, and i relate to you so much jdjd. the way you answer anon messages will forever be my favorite thing about your blog and just the way you talk in general like without even seeing your url i always know when it's you who wrote a post. i love you❕❕💖
@jusdekiwi you and aurore are the reason why french people deserve rights, you are such a lovely and genuine person and i absolutely love you and your chill vibes on your blog. also thank you for helping me out with my french homework thingy once like. thank you so so much for being so lovely and taking your time julia!🌻
@suburbanenigma carmen i love you and all of your posts and just the vibes on your blog!!! also omfg your riverdale side blog always makes me laugh soo much i truly cannot wait for s5 to air so we can make fun of it together because i will live blog the shit out of it too!! you're just one of the coolest bitches ever i don't know how else to say it. i love you and cant wait to talk to you more next year. you're such a blessing for this hellsite🦋✨
@sundaymorninghangover julian you are one of my oldest friends on here and i've loved you ever since i found your blog and figured out that u were a part of the having taste club (skames fandom) too!! you're so chill!!! i love your brain!! i love your posts!!! and most importantly i love you. please keep on blessing my dash with your cool posts because they are definitely appreciated and loved in this house. also i miss your frog icon (please don't hit me in case it wasn't a frog) it just spoke volumes about your vibes but i love ur new one too!! still associate the purple heart with you so here it is 💜💜
@lesbeanfatou clara you simply are an angel. you used to have a nora grace icon and i went: that's it, she's the one, she has taste im gonna follow!! and look it was one of the best decisions ever. you're my favorite chaotic n cool mosquito hater and i just love you so much and you made my year beautiful!! thank you for always listening to me when i came into your inbox to have a break down (positive or negative) over the we feel in love in october girl and thank you for teaching me how make edits!!!💐💘
@aoixe you're one of my favorite skamfr hate blogs and certain men hate blogs (if u know u know) i always love talking and ranting with you and am so glad that we're sometimes just dming!! you're vibes are so cool a d you seem like such a chill person i love you and wish you all the best for 2021!!❣❣
@fatoudixon ana i love you and your blog so so much and especially your druck reaction videos on youtube!! you seem like such a genuine and beautiful person and even though we're not talking much please just know that im always happy to see you on my dash. happy new year to you!!💘💘
@cash-queens sam🥺 you're so sweet and kind this hell site truly doesn't even deserve you but we all love that you're here anyway!! i would protect you with my life and i hope that we will get to talk more in 2021 because you're such a lovely person and for now im just gonna wish u a happy new year✨
@avaceleste sophiaaa💌 you've been here ever since the very beginning of skamfr season 6 and i always love talking to you and long live our eliola jokes, you were probably the person i started this cult with so here is our eliola emoji starterpack one more time in 2020 💏🌧🎬
@hashtag-ohboy-nicetry i have no idea whose side blog this was but the url alone made my entire year🤭🤞
@ random love anon❤ i love you and hope that 2021 will be a good year for you because you absolutely deserve it!!! wishing u nothing but the best i always love to see you around!💐💘
all the other amazing blogs i love and am always happy to see on my dash (doesn't matter if we're mutuals or not)
@floraflorenzi / @bi-kieu-my / @gumptin / @thegirlnooneknows5 / @littleweirdoss / @sohereisthisasshole / @noramachwtz / @nori-in-pink / @ayellowcurtain / @mailinrichter / @ijzermanora / @fudgetunblr / @lesbianfatous / @norgestan / @cfgc / @avaspereira / @theflowerisblue / @smblmn / @jon-astronaut / @amiraamore / @parelmoer / @stqrz 💘❣💐🦋💌🌸
i wish all of you a very happy new year and thank you for all of your gifs, posts, translations, fanfics & edits you all truly make this place beautiful❕💘
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fullyellowsun · 3 years
Roommate | 5
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I do not own the picture, credit to the owner.
Pairing: chanyeol x you/baekhyun x you
Genre: fluff? comedy? rom-com?
Word Count: 1,566
Description: Chanyeol passes the audition but has to leave in a month. How will Y/n and Baekhyun deal with it? Will they call a truce for the time being to enjoy the last moments they have with Chanyeol or will they continue to bicker and stress Chanyeol out?
"Hello, I am calling to inform you that you have passed the audition." Chanyeol has been picking up all his spam calls for the past 3 months to see if it was the company calling him and finally it paid off.
"Okay, thank you." He says, trying to keep in his excitement and stay professional in front of the company’s spokesperson.
"Please expect to move in about a month. Do not bring many belongings as it will just cramp up the dorms and please do not bring any pets of any kind."
"Okay, I'll do that, thank you." The caller hung up and immediately Chanyeol hugs me. I was listening in from the side.
"You did it Chanyeol! You made it!" I hug him back, excited that he is now one step closer to his dream.
"If it wasn't for you, I would've never auditioned. Thank you! The sad part is, I have to move in a month."
"Let's not worry about that now, we have a whole month to think about it. Now, we should just enjoy the time we have. First, I hate to bring up pick-me girl into this but he's your best friend too so I think you should tell him."
"Ahh right," Chanyeol pulls away from the hug, "I have to tell Baekhyun." He grabs his phone and asks him to come over. I run downstairs to mom and dad to tell them the good news.
"Okay, so I'm thinking that we should plan an impromptu surprise party to celebrate him passing the audition." I say quietly to my parents. They nod, understanding where I'm going.
After a while of talking, here’s the plan. I take Chanyeol to the beach after lunch (with pick-me girl ughh) and we hang out for a while. My parents set up a small picnic dinner in a nearby area with all the romantic fairy lights and stuff but the problem is… well, Baekhyun. It could’ve been some nice quality time with Chanyeol but nope, pick-me girl gotta ruin it all.
“Chanyeol, Chanyeol, Chanyeol, Chanyeol.” I say in excitement, ready for the plan to start. I glare at Baekhyun, as he’s sitting on the side, glaring at me.
“What, what, what?” He asks excitedly.
“Sooo, not to ruin the mood or anything but you know how you have to go soon?” Chanyeol nods sadly. “Well, we have to hang out as much as possible now, you know? So, today, let’s go to the beach!” I announce excitedly. “And yes Baekhyun, you can come too.” I say, rolling my eyes.
“I never even asked.” He retorts.
“I want you guys to both come! Let me get ready… Baekhyun, you might have to go home and change cause I don’t think any of my clothes will fit you.” He nods in understanding and leaves. I follow him and stop him when he gets to the front door.
“Baekhyun, now that our best friend is leaving, I think we should get along, at least for his sake… so can you be a bit more bearable for the next month or so?” He scoffs.
“Says you.” I put my first up, ready to punch. He puts his hands up and hurriedly says, “B-but I get it, I’ll try but you should too.” I nod, biting my tongue so I don’t say anything mean back and putting my fist down. I have to at least try.
“Okay, I’ll let you go then, see you at the beach later.” Baekhyun doesn’t say anything and just leaves. I try not to run after him and punch him, instead walking to my room to get changed for the beach.
“Y/n! Come into the water! It’s so much fun!” Chanyeol motions for me to come in as Baekhyun continues to splash Chanyeol, Chanyeol trying to defend himself while calling for me. I sigh and get up, not really wanting to get into the water but today is all about Chanyeol and spending time with him. Chanyeol starts splashing me immediately as I get into the water and I hurry to defend myself. Baekhyun joins in the fight sometime and soon all of us are laughing and splashing each other. As we exit the water, I take notice of Chanyeol and Baekhyun's shirtless bodies. I stare a second longer than I needed too, admiring their toned figures. Although I don’t particularly like Baekhyun, I still had to admit that his body was nice. It was lean but toned whereas Chanyeol had a larger build and was muscular. I turn away, feeling my face turn red and jump at whatever chance to change the subject. We move on to making sand castles, competitively trying to make the tallest and strongest ones. Unfortunately, we had started building too close to the shore so all of our hard work was ruined by the waves. My mom calls, letting me know that everything is ready. Since it’s almost time for the sunset, I tell Baekhyun and Chanyeol to close their eyes and follow me. I bring them over to under the boardwalk, where a small blanket was set up with fairy lights circling the piece of cloth. There is a basket in the middle of the blanket and candles were placed at each corner of the fabric. It was very romantic and everything I had imagined. Too bad There was a perfect view of the setting sun and everything seemed perfect.
"You guys can open your eyes now." I say, still in awe of the greatness my parents had created. Chanyeol and Baekhyun uncover their eyes.
"Wow… did you prepare this?" Chanyeol asks.
"Well, my parents did but I came up with the idea to do this. Come on, let's eat." I sit down on the blanket and open up the picnic basket. There was an assortment of fruits and sandwiches inside. I pass out the different foods and we eat in silence, watching the sunset and eating. It started getting cold in my bikini so I started looking around for my shirt.
“Are you looking for your shirt?” Chanyeol asks as I’m shaking, looking around frantically. He was slightly shivering too, with his half-clothed body.
“Yeah… have you seen it?”
“Yeah, you left it at home.”
“You want to use the towel to stay warm? I’m kind of cold too.” Chanyeol says, getting up to get the towel. He brings it and wraps it around me and him. I have to scoot a little closer to him to be able to get enough of the towel around me. I was practically in Chanyeol's embrace. He was warm and soft, despite his muscular build. I clung onto him, still shivering, and watching the sunset, the pinks and purples painting the sky.
"You know, I'm cold too." Baekhyun says, breaking the silence. I glare at him, motioning to him that this is a moment between just me and Chanyeol. "Hello? Am I not invited to this VIP towel party?" Chanyeol shushes him and wraps the towel around Baekhyun too. My towel slides up off my legs and around Baekhyun's shoulder. I pull in my legs and wrap my arms around them to stay warm.
“This towel barely fits two people, why are we now sharing it with a third person?” I ask Chanyeol.
“It’s fine, you want to be in the middle then?” he asks, ready to get up.
“No, no, no, I don’t want to sit next to pick-me girl… I mean Baekhyun.”
“I think we’ve already established the fact that boys don’t have cooties.” Chanyeol says, like a stern mother.
“Yes mom, I know that, I just don’t particularly like Baekhyun.” I stare in disgust at Baekhyun and he stares back equally in disgust.
“You two should get along more if you’re both going to be my best friends.”
“We’re trying! It’s just, I just don’t match his vibe and he doesn’t match mine.”
“I think you two would fit so well, you just got off on the wrong foot.” Chanyeol gets up and pushes me in between him and Baekhyun. I cling to Chanyeol, getting as far away from Baekhyun as possible.
“Why would you do that?” Chanyeol prys me off of him and pushes me towards Baekhyun. I fall into his bare chest and push away immediately. My face feels hot and I go back to clinging to Chanyeol.
“The sunset is so pretty.” I say, trying to forget about what just happened. Baekhyun nods, also trying to change the subject.
“We should take a picture.” Chanyeol says excitedly, pulling out his phone. I do the same and start taking pictures of the sunset. “Say cheese y/n. What are you doing? We’re taking a picture.” Baekhyun was already leaning into the frame with a large rectangular smile that I almost believed that he was having fun. I look up at Chanyeol’s hands, holding his phone in our direction, Chanyeol with his large smile and dimples. I smile too, holding up a peace sign close to my face. “1, 2, 3!” Chanyeol checks the picture and smiles. “Look! We look so cute! I’m definitely going to remember this when I look back. Thanks y/n for making this.” He exclaims excitedly. I quickly glance at the picture and I have to admit, it was a cute picture. I was definitely going to remember this moment.
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horansqueen · 4 years
I got this in my mind so I'm gonna share it : being friend with Niall and he got a key from your house too. One night he want to surprise you so he just come without telling you. So when he is here he open your door slowly and close it slowly too. But you are horny that night and sure Niall is your big crush and you love him sooo you just masturbate yourself while moaning his name. Sorry but I got this in my mind ahahah how he will react? I'm so thirsty for something like that pls :(((
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i got this request twice (and apparently from 2 different persons) sooo it would have been a crime not to write this! 3.3k SMUT. i didnt proofread, you know me. but i really hope you guys enjoy this!!!
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It was supposed to be a surprise. Whenever I went on tour and had a concert in her town or near, I'd end up texting her and asking her if I could come and visit. It was not even about sex or love, but I couldn't deny that we were close. Perhaps, we were closer than friends but I was not sure how deep our friendship was yet. Still, every time I was in town, I wouldn't reserve a hotel room simply because I always ended up spending the few free hours or days I had at her place.
This time, I hadn't called or texted because it was late and I didn't want to wake her up. She had given me a key to her place one day, telling me not to make a big deal out of it, but that it could come in handy if i ever needed somewhere to crash and she wasn't home. Back then, I hadn't seen the point to come to her place if she wasn't going to be there but at that exact moment, I was glad I had that key.
I closed the door slowly and gently, noticing all the lights were out and I had to admit I was a bit surprised to realize she was already sleeping. She normally went to bed late but I just shrugged a shoulder and decided that I could just slither under her covers and cuddle her all night. She was an affectionate person and so was I, and somehow, we both got the affection we needed with each other.
I frowned when I realized the door of her room was half opened and heard a low whimper before blinking a few times, trying to get my eyes used to the darkness. The image that draw itself in front of my eyes slowly made my heard skip a beat. I could see her shadow move on the wall and the only thing allowing was the lights from the street lamps outside and the lights of the cars passing in front of her house from time to time.
She was there, laying in bed, completely naked, her head leaned against the pillows and her legs spread wide. I told myself how lucky I was when I noticed that I had the perfect view of her inner thighs and could stare at her fingers glide easily on her slit before slipping inside her cunt, over and over again. The sight was so hot that I felt myself swell in my pants and reached down to adjust myself quickly.
I knew I should leave. I knew it was wrong to stay and watch, but it was definitely stronger than me. Her other hand ran on her breasts and I stared at her hard nipples for a few seconds, wishing I could feel them get even harder against my tongue. Seeing her naked for the very first time brought in me so much lust that It was a miracle I hadn't walked in her room just yet and without thinking, I reached for my cock again, rubbing myself slowly over my jeans.
Her hips started moving up and down and her fingers reached deeper inside of her as my cock got harder and when she started moaning, I felt slightly dizzy.
I did everything I could to just turn around and leave even if I knew perfectly I would never be able to erase those amazing images and sounds from my mind but suddenly, something else than moans escaped her lips. I thought I had imagined it but she repeated it and my heart seemed to completely stop.
"Niall... oh my god... Niall, fuck me."
My lips parted and my heart skipped a beat. I could feel my cock press hard on my jeans, making it a bit uncomfortable but I was not sure what to do. Finding out she was actually masturbating while imagining me fucking her made all these thoughts and feelings invade me but I had no idea what to do with that information.
If I walked in, it would scare her, and it would be the same if I knocked or talked. SIt was hard to concentrate on what I should do while staring at her squirming and whimpering but after a few minutes, I just grabbed my phone in my pocket to text her, hoping she'd look at it even if she was very busy.
'i really want to get down on my knees, between your legs, and find out how you taste.'
The few notes of one of my songs could be heard and I frowned a bit before opening my eyes wider. Did she really use a few seconds of one of my songs to notify her from my text messages?
"Fuck." she whispered before sitting up on the bed and reaching for her phone.
I took a step on the side to stay hidden but still stared as her jaw dropped.
"Oh my.. god." she whispered again, bringing her hand to her mouth.
I could see her facial expression perfectly because of the light of her phone and held my breath as she spread her legs a bit again, letting her hand run down her breasts and stomach to end between her thighs. She ran two fingers on her clit and my cock twitched.
She cleared her throat and quickly typed an answer, her lips pressed together. It took only a few seconds until I got it and I was suddenly glad that I had put my phone on silent.
'Niall! I think you got the wrong number! 😂'
‘I've got the right number, Y/N.' I just typed and sent before typing again. 'Would you let me run my tongue on your sweet little pussy until you cum?'
She rubbed her eyes after seeing my answer and shook her head slightly, as if she couldn't believe what she was reading. We had flirted here and there but nothing more. In fact, I never really thought anything of it but I realized that I should have. The lust invading the place at that exact moment was so strong it was a miracle neither of us had made a move before.
"Is he drunk or what?" she asked herself out loud, staring at her screen.
Quickly, I sent her a simple message that said 'No, I'm not drunk, petal.’ and after reading it, she looked up and her eyes roamed around.
"N-Niall?" she asked in a soft voice.
I felt my heart skip a beat and sent her one last message. 'Would it scare you if I said I was at your door?'
I heard my voice again coming from her phone and after reading my words, she grabbed a pillow and put it over her body before breathing in and licking her lips again.
"Do you mean the front door, or the door of my room?"
I took a step on the side to show myself, feeling the beam coming in from the window light my whole body and face before taking a step closer. We stared at each other for a while but I could see her fingers play with her phone nervously.
"How long have you been watching me?" she asked in a low tone.
"Long enough to hear you moan my name." I admitted, swallowing hard. "I'm so sorry, I really shouldn't have. You gave me a key and I wanted to surprise you... but watching you touch yourself... fuck, it made me so horny."
Her eyes roamed on my face and she bit her bottom lip, tilting her head on the side. I loved how innocent yet excited she looked and when she talked, my heart skipped an other beat.
"So now, you know my secret." she breathed out.
I blinked a few times and walked closer again, bending down and holding myself on each side of her, my palms pressing on the mattress. She moved her upper body back slightly but my lips were only a few inches away from her and I could swear I heard a whimper.
"I can trade it for my secret." I proposed in a whisper as she nodded. "I've always imagined that you felt and tasted amazing. I came here tonight hoping for something more than our usual 'hanging out'."
Slowly, I pressed my mouth against hers and as soon as I deepened the kiss, she moaned and I swallowed her whimpers. I never thought she could taste so good but I felt my dick swell even more against the pillow she was holding between us and I groaned low.
"Please, petal, let me go down on you."
Her lips parted and they brushed against mine as she murmured a 'yes' and I grabbed the pillow slowly, pulling it next to her before getting down on my knees. I spread her legs more and brought one of my hands closer to her, letting my thumb rub gently on her clit. She was already soaked due to all the time she had spent touching herself and my eyelids fluttered at her smell.
"Jesus Christ." I whispered before bending down and letting two of my fingers move down on her slit. "You make me so hard."
She didn't answer, she just whimpered as one of her legs twitched, and I placed two of my fingers on each sides of her clit, squeezing it lightly. Bringing my mouth closer, i let my lips brush on her clit as my fingers trapped it and finally, I pressed my tongue on it. She squirmed and moan but I didn't let go of her and simply sucked on it hard. Both her hands reached for my head, pushing it against hers as her fingers gripped my hair.
"Oh my.. god, Oh god Niall, I'm gonna cum."
I knew she was already close due to all the touching she had done but when she started shaking, I sucked harder on her clit and shut my eyes tight at the way she was holding me against her. I could barely breathe and when she finally let go of my head, I ran my tongue all over her pussy to taste her even more before looking up at her. Her lips were parted again and she was panting and I loved how fucked she looked. I kissed her gently so she could taste herself on my tongue and got up, taking my shirt off. Her fingers reached for my pants and she undid them fast, unzipping them and pulling on them.
"Someone's impatient."
She looked up at me and her lips curled into a smirk. "You have no idea how long I've been wanting this." she admitted in a low tone as she pulled on my boxers.
I was expecting her hands but she simply took my cock on her mouth without even using her hands. I was already rock hard but I could feel my dick throb on her tongue before she sucked it quickly, her head moving fast as my cock disappeared in her mouth, almost reaching the back of her throat. I moved my shirt up but it kept falling back down, hiding a part of her face and I finally just took it off and threw it away. Bringing both my hands on each side of her face, I moved locks of her hair behind her ears before grabbing her head and holding it in place. I slipped out of her mouth and she licked her lips, parting them again when I moved my hips back closer. My fingers gripped her head and her hair at the same time and I pushed myself as deep as I could in her mouth, making her choke a bit before taking my cock out again.
"I want to fuck you so bad." I admitted.
She moved on the bed and I followed her, getting on the mattress on my knees before sitting on my feet. I brought her closer and sat her on me, her back facing me, feeling my cock get wet between her legs as I let my hands travel on her breasts and stomach to end between her legs. I brushed my lips on her shoulders and I felt her shiver in my arms. Her skin smelled amazing... coconut, perhaps? And without thinking, I started kissing her shoulder and neck as I slipped a finger inside her.
"Niall..." she moaned, her voice mixing with the sound of her wetness as my finger moved in and out of her. "I need you."
Without waiting, I pushed gently on her back and grabbed my dick, positioning it against her pussy before grabbing her shoulders and bringing her back close to me. I felt my cock slowly enter her, inch by inch, and the way she squirmed and moaned just proved how impatient she really was.
"Fuck you're so wet, petal. I can feel you throb around me."
She held herself with her hands flat on the wall, knees on the mattress, and holding myself with one hand on the bed, I moved my hips up, watching my cock disappear inside her slowly at first but harder and faster with every thrust. She moaned louder and her head dropped on her shoulders as her long dark hair fell between us, hiding her ass and a part of my cock a bit like a curtain. The sight was so hot that I let out a groan and stopped myself, gripping all her hair and pulling her closer to suck on her neck.
"You make me want to cum, pet." I confessed in a whisper. "I want to fill your pretty little cunt with my sperm."
"I want to feel you deep inside me." she replied, making me stop all my movements.
"Yea?" I asked before she quickly nodded. "Get up."
Quickly, she did what I asked and I followed, putting myself behind her and pushing gently on her back. She bent down, her hair falling on each side of her head and her ass up, and I couldn't help but let out a curse word at the sight. I bent down to grab both her wrists and pushed the tip of my cock inside her before pulling on her arms, feeling her ass back against me as my cock went balls deep inside her.
"Mm, fuck." I whispered, remaining still for a few seconds, enjoying the way her pussy clenched around my cock. "Tell me darling, did your fingers feel as good as my cock?"
"N-No." she breathed out, making my lips curl.
"No?" I asked again, raising my eyebrows. "Is that what you were thinking about when you pretty fingers rubbing that clit and fucked that cunt? Were you thinking about my cock deep inside you like that?"
She tried to squirmed and rocked her hips a bit but I pulled on her wrists again to hold her against me.
"Please, Niall..." she whimpered low. "Please I'm so close."
Thinking about her cumming around me made me groan and I started fucking her hard, making her let out a short scream every time I was balls deep inside her. I pulled on her wrists while thrusting inside her every time to feel myself as deep as possible and watched as her body jerked hard in front of me.
"Fuck, I want to cum inside you darling, you want that don't you?"
"Yes." she moaned low. "Yes please cum inside me."
I didn't need to hear it twice, I started fucking her hard again as her walls tightened around me and I let out a few curse words as my thrusts became unsteady. I held her body close to me, pulling on her wrists maybe a bit too hard as I came inside her and after a while, I let go of her and slowly, she moved on the bed, laying down on her back. I joined her, still panting and high from my orgasm, and I brought one of my hands on her throat, holding her on the bed as my other hand reached between her legs. I slipped two fingers inside her and gathered a bit of my sperm before bringing it up and rubbing it against her clit.
"You made me cum so fucking hard, pet." I whispered, staring in her eyes as she did the same. "I want to watch you cum again. Do it, baby, cum for me."
I rubbed her clit harder and it took her only half a minute to started shaking close to me. I pressed my fingers slightly more against her neck and she moaned my name as her eyes fluttered while her orgasm spread all over her body. She looked so good I felt something stir in my stomach and I let my eyes move quickly on her face and body, trying to keep this image in my brain forever.
I let go of her and instinctively, she turned her body with a whimper and wrapped her arm around my waist. I held my breath but after a few seconds, I pulled her closer to me and kissed the top of her head. We remained silent for a long time and when she finally talked, I looked down at her.
"My secret isn't that I wanted to have sex with you, Niall."
I frowned and moved my upper body back slightly to meet her eyes. I waited for her to talk and she suddenly seemed very nervous. She licked her lips and shook her head a bit before closing her eyes as if she was gathering enough courage to tell me something important.
"Niall, I like you." she breathed out. "I mean, I like you like you. And I don't want things to be awkward between us but, basically, that's why I gave you a key to my house. I like that you come here to spend time with me, and it wasn't even sexual so I thought hey, something is happening between us... but you never made a move or anything."
I stared at her and she sighed again, pausing for a while as she tried to put her thoughts back in place. I knew her well enough to realize she was trying to find the right words and she always did.
"I know you most likely don't feel that way for me but, I really had to tell you. I've been keeping it for so long and just.. look, Niall, I have the biggest crush on you. Isn't it obvious?"
A bunch of thought tried to make their ways from my brain to my mouth but my lips parted and the only word that came out of my lips was. "Wow."
She closed her eyes again and cleared her throat. "Yea I know, oh god. Can we pretend I didn't say anything? I don't want to lose you. I mean, I wouldn't want to-"
To shut her up, I crashed my mouth against hers, pressing my lips hard on her for a few seconds before deepening the kiss slightly, letting my lips and tongue move against hers slowly. I turned my body her way and pulled her against me, feeling the warmth of her body against mine. Her sweaty skin rubbed against mine and she let her fingers slip in my hair before brushing down my chest and my side.
"What if I said that I like you too?" I whispered against her mouth, my lips brushing against hers as I talked.
"Like me like me?"
I chuckled at her question and nodded, my eyes still closed. "Yes."
"Then I'd ask you to stay the night."
This time, I opened my eyes and she did too. We both smiled fondly at each other and I licked my lips before kissing her again gently.
"I didn't plan on leaving."
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Ocean Eyes - Part 6
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I was stood in front of my mirror looking over my outfit choice, i wanted to keep it casual but dressy enough to be out on a Friday night! I already knew Hannah would show up in some ridiculously short dress or a too low cut top showing off her assets! The black wrap top i found in my closet was just low cut enough to tease but not slutty, i found my good jeans (that always made me feel good about myself) and finished my look with my black heals.
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As i checked my hair and make up i couldn't help but feel nervous. It had been so long since i had been out like this. My social life was pretty non-exsistant since becoming a mom, even when i did go out with Hannah it was days out with Mason and Lucas. I grabbed my clutch from the dresser throwing in my lipstick and eyeliner incase i needed to freshen up my makeup throughout the evening and then headed downstairs.
"Mace, you ready to go?" I asked as i walked into the living room, i was dropping him at Hannah's mom's place and meeting her there.
"Yeah..... wow mom you look so pretty" he said smiling at me.
"Thank you baby" he was such a sweet kid, he made my heart melt!
I grabbed my leather jacket and Mason's  overnight bag and we were soon heading out to the car.
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When we arrived at the bar we found a table in the back and got settled. Hannah was straight up at the bar ordering shots and vodka lemonade's while i held the table and kept a look out for Scott.
Hannah came back carrying a tray full of drinks with a huge grin on her face.
"These should last us a while"
"Jesus Han, you trying to kill me? You do realise i'll probably be wasted after two drinks!" I chuckled shaking my head.
"Thats what tonight is all about, we dont have to worry about the boys.... tonight we are free to drink and get wasted"
"Not gonna lie, i actually needed this"
"You've had a stressful few days babe, you've handled it like a pro. Im proud of you"
"Thanks" i smiled before throwing back a shot of whisky "wow.... that warms the chest" i coughed a little before laughing.
My cell lit up notifying me of a message from Scott telling me he was here, i told him where to find us and seconds later he was sliding into the seat next to me.
"Wow you look amazing honey!" He looked me up and down.
"Thank you Scott, Mason told me i looked pretty before we left.... i swear my heart melted"
"Awww thats so cute"
"Lucas didn't even notice i was going out" Hannah rolled her eyes before picking up another shot "Mason is such a sweetheart.... so observant to everything around him. My Luke? Im lucky if i can get him to talk to me at all when he's watching TV"
"He gets that from his dad Han, sounds exactly like Mike"
"God i hope not, i dont want him turning out like that asshole".
Scott disappeared to the bar (he was gone for ages) when he reappeared he was carrying a tray full of drinks.... some pretty pink glittery cocktails and more shots.
"Look how pretty these are!" he said loudly looking so happy with his drink choice, Hannah and i burst out laughing at how excited he was over the glittery drinks.
Id lost count of how many drinks we'd had by now, we had taken so many photo's and had even been dancing.... Scott had climbed up onto the table at one point until he nearly fell off.
"What about him? He looks cute.... and he keeps looking over here!" Scott pointed to a man near the bar, Hannah was already chatting to some guy she had taken a liking to.
"I think he's looking at you Scotty" i laughed.
"Who are you looking at?? Are we talking about the same person??"
"The blonde guy...."
"No! Im looking at him! The tall dark and handsome guy smouldering in the corner"
"His beautiful.... and so outta my league!" I laughed before taking a sip of my drink "i need to use the ladies room, i'll be back".
Heading back to our table once id finished in the ladies room i noticed Scott wasn't alone at our table anymore, Mr tall dark and handsome was sat with him along with another guy.
"Scott! You little shit" i muttered under my breath before giving him a false smile.
"Here she is! Gentleman this is my best friend Y/N.
Y/N this is Derek and Peter"
"Hi, its nice to meet you" Mr tall dark and handsome said with the most beautiful smile "i'm Derek"
"Hey, nice to meet you too"
"I invited them to join us for some drinks, more the merrier and all that" Scott looked at me smirking.
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'Ruby's' was packed out when we got there just before 11pm, Derek and Peter had decided to join us as well as Hannah's new 'friend' who we found out was called Troy. Derek and Peter had gone to get a round of drinks in while Scott and I found a table. I kept seeing Scott texting someone, he'd been at it all night.
"Okay spill, who have you been texting all night? You gotta a new guy?" I asked loudly over the music wiggling my eyebrows at him before giggling....id had far too much to drink!
"No there's no new guy" he laughed.
"So who is it?"
"Please tell me its not your brother Scott"
"Of course it is..... i'm sorry"
"Checking up on you?"
"Yeah you know what his like, he wanted to come out too but i told him that would be weird. He is going to be picking me up though"
"Scott!" I moaned resting my head on the table and groaning "Im too drunk to deal with your brother"
"He will just be picking me up out front, you dont have to see him" he reached over and gave my hand a squeeze.
"Here we go, we come baring gifts" Peter announced placing a tray on the small table.
"Thank you guys" i smiled at them both "anyone see where Hannah went?"
"I think she left with that guy" Derek said "im sure it was her i saw leaving"
"Why am i not surprised! She always did this to me"
"Did what?"
"Beg me to go out with her for a girls night and then disappear with some random guy. You'd think she'd grow out of that by now" i laughed. Checking my phone i saw a message from her confirming that she had indeed left for the night.
"I think this is my last guys, i'm seeing two of everyone"
"We should do this again sometime, its aways nice to meet new friends" Scott said to Derek and Peter.
"Its been fun" i nodded in agreement.
We all exchanged numbers and then Scott came outside with me to call an Uber. As we walked outside we spotted Chris's car parked across the street.
"He's here already"
"You can go, i'll be okay on my own"
"No way! Im not leaving you alone out here" he said being extra dramatic.
Scott's phone rang and he showed me the screen with Chris's name.
"Hey..... no everything's fine y/n is just getting an Uber. Um.... okay hold on" he looked at me "Chris said he'll take you home"
"An Ubers fine...."
"Come on let us take you. Please? For me?"
"Fine" i threw my hands up sighing "lets go".
I let Scott get in the front with chris while i sat in the back.
"You guys have fun?" He asked as he pulled out on to the road.
"It was sooo good. You missed out" Scott said drunkenly looking at his brother with a grin.
"Well i wasn't invited"
"Oh god...." i muttered to myself rolling my eyes, i was too drunk for this. I let my head fall back and closed my eyes.... maybe i could just sleep until we reached my place.
I managed to fall asleep until my cell started ringing. I fumbled around in my clutch for the phone and answered without seeing who it was.
"Y/N its Sue" i heard Hannah's mom's voice come through, i instantly opened my eyes on full alert.
"Sue, is everything okay.... is Mace ok?"
"He's actually not feeling well, he's been sick and has a fever. Y/N he's just crying and asking for you"
"Shit, um okay.... christ why did i drink so much"
"Hey whats wrong with Mason?" Chris asked meeting my eyes in the rear view.
"He's been sick and has a fever, he keeps asking for me"
"We can go get him, just tell me where i gotta go".
"Sue we'll be there in 10 minutes" i told her after i gave Chris the address "okay, see you soon" i ended the call and let my head fall back against the headrest "fuck! How the hell am i supposed to look after Mason like this"
"I can help out, i dont mind" Chris spoke up "if you need me to stay and help with Mason....."
"Thats actually not an awful idea.... at least until i've sobered up a bit. God, this is why i dont go out getting wasted!"
"You couldn't have known he'd get sick"
"But i should've been there for him...." i was suddenly feeling guilty for not being there for my baby boy.
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Everything taglist: @jesseswartzwelder @dumblani @barnesandrogersworld @patzammit @rynabarnesrogers-reading @rainbowkisses31 @rororo06 @supernaturalwintersoldier
Ocean eyes: @supraveng @michelehansel @melissaglenn5 @denisemarieangelina @mrsjeffwittek @mery-be @marvelfansworld @cmalass @capstopavenger @fallenoutofrose @kelbabyblue @biebsmylife95 @loser-alert @traceyaudette @w3lissax @jennmurawski13 @ford66steal @saiyanprincessswanie
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can-of-pringles · 3 years
Here, let me dump my AHS Apocalypse thoughts on you. I really tried to keep it short, I swear.
What an exciting start! I thought this would be about averting an apocalypse that we'd never actually get to see (sorta like The X-Files did and I'm still grumpy about).
Finally making use of the pierced ears! Not to be shallow, but my god, I could look at the Aesthetically Pleasing Boy all day.
Aw, I was hoping the news broadcast would end with the Turner Doomsday Video.
Nice casting for Timothy, dude reminds me of Matt Smith.
"The stew is Stu!" What a delicious pun, five stars!
Michael's light eyes are creepy as fuck. I guess that makes it good casting.
Ugh, the cursed suit is back. But the idea that it might be Tate wearing it again gave me a great bout of LOLs about this character combo. So that's what it would be like to watch someone's fanfic.
Time in a Bottle, they really fucking had to, huh? This show really knows how to torture its viewers. "This song makes me so melancholic." Same, Dinah, so fucking same.
Whoa, Mallory vs. Michael was when it got interesting!
They for fucking real had Mallory utter the words "Dark Phoenix"! That's not the torture I signed up for!
Wait, not just witches, but those we already know?! Oh man, this show!
Wow, we even see Queenie again! Oh, I do love it when shows correct grievous wrongs, HINT, HINT, NUDGE, NUDGE in now particular direction!
JPM, my beloved! But so weird to have Michael meet another of Evan's characters and it still isn't Tate.
"Solitaire it is." Poor baby!
We got Queenie and even Madison back, so I was desperate for Misty - and the show actually delivered! Am I high, is this season all a dream?
And then they even bring all the Murder House characters back!
Moira gets peace at last!
We finally see the 4th kid that I swear was mentioned but never shown in S1. Or did I overlook her or something? How did she die anyway?
Whoa, so my idea about Tate having been influenced by the house was right!
Ep 7 finally explained how come Myrtle is back! They took their fucking time, I'm offended.
Dear god, no, the He-Man hair!
That Ryan Reynolds joke felt like the X-Men reciprocating Deadpool's Hugh Jackman joke.
"Had a little name change recently for reasons of branding and whatnot" What, you mean that's an actual thing and not something Facebook recently invented?
Jennifer Lawrence is mentioned. By Jeff of course. Stop, guys, I can't handle any more!
"Who the fuck are you?" Come on, you can't tell me I'm seeing things, he said that just the way Dadneto did!
Okay, NOW I'm probably just seeing things: in his introduction scene (hey, timeline-wise it is) the guy with the almost colorless hair is wearing something with tigers on it!!!
Then even Marie Leveau comes back! This season is such a trip!
And there it finally is, solving the problem of AHS Apocalypse à la Days of Future Past. Fun times!
Running Michael over was too simple. But despite that very anticlimactic solution Mallory is still awesome. What is it with witches being so great?
What happened to Moira in the new timeline? Did they go to the Murder House again to free her? Did they help Violet/Tate set sail?
And what from previous seasons was changed by averting the apocalypse?
Whoopsie, the next end of the world is set for 2024 already. That's like only 3 seasons away.
I'd say plotwise this was my favourite season.
Finally another person who actually likes AHS Apocalypse!
Also yes ^^ I love Mr. Gallant
I feel bad because I don't remember who Timothy is, it's been awhile since I've watched it.
Michael is creepy >_>
Ryan Murphy confirmed it's not Tate that time. It's just some demon?? Yeah idk.
I'm always reminded of DOFP with that song being in AHS.
I feel bad for JPM too :(
I was so happy for Moira that she finally got a happy ending!
LMAO YEAH THE WIG WAS NOT IT... Also the makeup was bad XD. People joke that he looks like Ellen.
I think I might have cheered when Michael got ran over
Ghosts aren't affected by the time changes so if I'm correct they all still have their happy endings.
I'm glad you liked it!
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The rise and fall of our love
part one | part two
playlist: broken by jake bugg
no.1 party anthem by arctic monkeys
pairing: james x reader, james x lily 
warnings: language, angst, fluff 
A/N: sooo im back with part two!!! thank you for the fantastic feedback and appreciation you gave me on the first part, and i hope this lives up to your expectations!!!! sending all the love xoxo
(moodboard made by me)
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"How is he?" 
"Y/N…" Remus began, putting down his quill. Your gaze never left the essay in front of him, refusing to see the pity that his stare held. Because that - that glint in his eyes, the way the right corner of his mouth lifted in a poor attempt of a smile - that was pity. 
You shook your head softly. How did it get here? 
"Am I not allowed to know? He won't speak to me or look at me. I almost feel guilty even though I know I haven't done anything wrong." 
"James is…"
"A fool." 
You knew he was trying not to smile. "Yes, that is the obvious answer. But he is still with Lily." 
Of course he is. What he said that day - or rather what he smelt - has been the talk of the school for weeks. People were staring at you in the halls, pointing behind your back - so much that you stopped hanging out anywhere else besides your dorm and the library. 
And James - he never bothered to say anything to you. It hurt more than you expected to, but you didn't let it show. I am fine, you said every time one of your friends asked. Then, you would smile kindly and change the subject. You would see them exchange worried glances - you pretended you didn't notice. Soon they stopped asking, and you stopped pretending. 
"Do they love each other?" Something in your pathetic heart broke at the quiver in your voice. Love.
Love. Never in your life have you heard a more overrated word. So much loss, so much damage made for love. Was it really worth it? The way your stomach dropped and the slight tremble of your lip, the ache that would just not go away - were these the cost of love? 
You lifted your head, meeting his gaze. He watched you in awe - as if he read the truth in your eyes. You felt the tears roll on your cheeks, hitting the parchments sprawled on your desk. You let them fall. He opened his mouth, then closed it. 
"I understand." you whispered. 
You got up, but Remus caught your hand. 
"Do you…?" 
You smiled softly. "Does it matter anymore?" 
He let go of your hand and you walked away. 
"Hogsmeade, today?" Sirius asked as he plopped down next to you. He took a big bite of your sandwich - and noticing your icy glare, he put his hand over your shoulder and pressed a sloppy kiss on your cheek. You pushed him off you and wiped your face. 
"Bloody hell! You even kiss like a dog!" you retorted. 
"No, I don't." 
"No, he doesn't." Marlene smirked and you rolled your eyes. 
"Hogsmeade, you were saying?" 
"Yes - Remus and Lily are busy with their important top-secret prefect duties and James has quidditch practice, so it'll be just us. I guess you don't mind third-wheeling for a bit." 
"Can't wait!" you feigned excitement. 
It was freezing, to say the least. You were glad you had two pairs of socks on, otherwise you might have had to postpone the trip and pay a visit to the hospital wing instead. 
"I don't sound like that!" Sirius whined, handing you and Marlene your butterbeer - you've decided to stop at The Three Broomsticks. 
"Of course you do, darling. And may I add that you look ravishing." you purred in your best impression of Sirius' voice. Then, you turned to Marlene and winked. "You are the most gorgeous person in here."
"Careful, that's not true." a voice caught your attention. No, no no no.
"Oi - Prongs, mate! Thought you had quidditch practice!" Sirius clapped him on the shoulder. 
"Got cancelled because of the snow. Hello." he nodded and smiled towards you and Marlene, then pulled a chair at the table. It was the first time he's talked to you in weeks. 
You didn't bother to answer. In fact, you didn't even look at him. The rest of your stay at the pub passed in a haze, with careless answers and quick nods. 
Before you knew it, you were left on a bench with James, waiting for the others to "buy some quills from Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop", as they were in big need of "quills" and "didn't have any left to write the Transfiguration essay we had due Wednesday". Oh, if only you had Transfiguration on Wednesdays! 
"So… how have you been?" James trailed off, rubbing his neck. Ah, so that's how he wanted to play this game.Too bad. 
"Why, James?" you ask, gazing at the shops in front of you. "Why did you ignore me? What happened that day?" 
He sighed. "I don't know. I- I made a mistake. You shouldn't have found out, not like that." 
"You have some guts, don't you?" you spat. 
"Excuse me?" You faced him. That face - the face you dreamt about, the one you kept telling yourself you hated - you missed that face, you missed him so much that you were glad you were sitting down, for you might as well have fallen to your knees. 
"Do you know how it is," you started, feeling the tears pooling in your eyes, "to feel so alone that you find yourself crying without a reason? Do you know how it feels to spend your nights wondering why you weren't enough - what you did to deserve this? Even if you did nothing wrong?"
"Do you know how it's like to watch the person you love drift away from you? To watch that person become a stranger? Do you know how it felt to know that you wouldn't even look at me?" You were now shouting. "Tell me, James! Look me in the eyes and tell me!" 
Silence. You watched him trying to find an answer and you silently begged him to say something. 
"Do you love me?" he whispered incredulously. Not that. 
"Would it change anything if I said I do?" 
"I don't know."
"Do you still love her?" You couldn't say her name. 
"I don't know." He let his head fall in his hands. For the first time in weeks, you laughed. You laughed until your vision went blurry, until you felt the salty taste of your tears. 
"You know nothing, James Potter." you sneered, then got up. 
You made your way back to the castle alone. 
"Guys guys I have the most amazing idea." Sirius came rushing in the Great Hall, managing to trip and almost fall. He quickly regained his composure and continued running as if nothing had happened. 
"That's new." Remus said while reading the prophet. 
It's been weeks since that night in Hogsmeade, weeks in which you've avoided James at all costs, despite his numerous attempts at conversation. 
"I'll choose to ignore that." Sirius glared at his friend, then continued. "Don't you all want to go for a dip?" 
"I think I speak for all of us when I say that I do not intend to die in the freezing lake on a lovely day of winter." You scowl, munching on your pastries. You loved pastries. (mood) 
Sirius smirked. "I'm glad you are all so joyous so early in the morning, but for your knowledge, I wasn't talking about the lake. My dear, smartass friends, I was thinking of crashing the Prefects bathroom!" 
That got your attention. You looked at Remus full of hope and he shrugged. 
"And how exactly are we going to do that? "
"Well, this is where our prefect friends come in handy."
"Lily would never help you do this." James cuts in. 
"That's why I wasn't planning on inviting her." Much to your surprise James didn't object. "You forgot about our other prefect friend - and I'm looking at you, Moony." 
You all looked at Remus who seemed a tad bit uncomfortable. "I guess - alright? But if anyone catches us, it's your fault." he pointed his finger at Sirius. 
"I solemnly swear." He put his hand over his heart, then winked. 
"Looks like your plan to ignore James isn't gonna last." Marlene said while stuffing all the towels she could find in her bag. 
"I'm aware of that." You really were. You've mentally prepared yourself to spend the night in the same room with him for the past week. "Ready? The boys are waiting." 
"Yeah, let's go." You were to go to the bathroom in groups of three using the cloak, then spend the night there. 
"Alright," Sirius' head popped from under the cloak "we'll go together - Remus, James and Peter are already there. Come on." he whispered. 
You got to the bathroom in no time and you could feel the butterflies in your stomach. You felt pathetic - you were all going to hang out as friends. 
Marlene's hand squeezed yours - everything will be alright. It was your thing; back in the day, you used to do this every time the other would be anxious about something. You looked at her and smiled, squeezing back twice - I know. 
You entered and your mouth flew open.  You've never seen a more luxurious bathroom before. The "bathtub" was easily the size of a medium sized pool. Greek caryatids held the archways, and the stained glass windows reflected their patterns on the marble floor tiles. 
"I suddenly feel bad for not working harder to be a prefect - if I had known this would be my bathroom, I would've gladly learnt the entire History of Magic coursebook by heart" Marlene said, with a small pout on her face and her arms crossed. 
"Same here." Your gaze followed the sculptures on the ceiling and slowly fell on him. He looked angelic - the way the coloured moonlight caressed his face, the faint blush on his cheeks - made him part of the setting. 
There was no point in lying to yourself. You liked him, despite everything he's done, everything he's said, you continued to like him. All those comforting lies you've said were trying to cover the inevitable truth, the truth which had been well hidden somewhere deep inside your soul. Until now. 
You stripped out of your clothes, fully aware of his impertinent stare. You stepped into the pool, sighing in pleasure at the warmth of the water. 
"Wanna play anything?" you asked no one in particular. 
"Oh, we should play shoulder wars!" Sirius exclaimed excitedly.
"I think I'm gonna skip this!" Peter announced from his chair. 
You looked at James, then turned to Remus. You rose your eyebrows inquisitively, and he smiled kindly. 
"I guess imma skip this one as well." James said, slightly disappointed. 
"Come on, Marls, we gotta kick some ass."
And so did the games begin. 
You were trying, and failing miserably to keep your balance on Remus' shoulders. 
"Haha- losers!" Marlene laughed. It was your sixth time losing.
"Y/N, I think I'll give up now, before this becomes too humiliating." Remus said while getting out of the water and pulling out his book. 
"No Remus, you can't give up now! I know we can do this!" you saw him sit comfortably in an armchair, and something clicked into your mind. "You ditch me to read? And sabotaged me? Remus John Lupin, I'm disappointed."
"Take Prongs instead, he's far more competitive than I am." he smiled innocently. So this was his plan. 
You turned to James, and he got up excitedly. You got on his shoulders, and his hands tentatively touched your legs. You saw Marlene and Sirius smirking and you glared at them. 
The score was close. It was the match point. Marlene was desperately trying to push you when you came up with the winning idea. You splashed some water into her face, obstructing her vision. Then, you tickled her and she fell. 
"And that's how it's done!" you shout, raising your fist. Marlene's head appeared from under the water, clearly mad. 
"That was not fair!" 
"There's no such thing as fair!" Marlene smirked, as if she was saying oh, really? and pushed James with such brute strength that he fell, taking you with him. 
He caught you before your head could hit the bottom. He lifted you up bridal style and you put your left hand around his neck and moved the other one from your nose to his shoulder. You stayed in his arms, not wanting to let go. You were gazing into each other's eyes, breathing heavily, when it hit you. 
You loved him. 
And he was still with Lily. 
You pulled away from his embrace, breaking the stare. "It's not right - Lily…" you mutter, getting out of the water. 
The others seemed all deeply interested in Remus' book. You could even hear Sirius asking questions about the plot. You turned away; James was still in the pool, in the same place, trying to make out the meaning of what happened. 
It wasn't fair. 
Life wasn't fair. 
stay tuned for the next part and lmk what you think❤️
taglist: @futurewriter2000, @puppycat714, @booksbeforebois, @slytherinquill, @screennamealreadyused, @fific7, @with1love1anu @slytherinwriter618 @angelinathebook @mischiefsemimanaged @remibarnes22 @hxfflxpxffs @approved-by-dentists @hss20052313 @pregnant-piggy @marauderswhisperer @lumoscharlie
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For the prompt list, maybe ”I'm sorry for asking.” with an s/o that asks to be in a poly relationship with Tenko and Himiko after realizing they're in love with both of them? I think this would be a pretty cute idea. 🥰
Oh my god you're right that is a really cute idea anon! I hope I do it justice. ;v; Sorry if Tenko and/or Himiko are ooc btw, I dont know too, too much about their in-game personalities. This is also probably my longest post so far, so yeah. Lemme know if you want a rewrite! Stay safe!
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S/o confesses to Tenko and Himiko and ask to be in a poly relationship after realizing they're in love with both of them
You had begun talking to Tenko because she had been walking around the school advertising a magic show between classes. She pretty much went up to every person she saw and at least gave them a flyer. When you saw her walking up to you, you were actually kind of excited. You honestly had your eyes on her for the past week or so. She had just. Caught your eye if you're being honest. You weren't entirely sure why. Maybe it was her enthusiasm.. or maybe her beautiful long hair put into those twisted twintails.. or-
"Hey, there's going to be a magic show on Saturday! You should totally come!"
"O-oh.. uhh.. yeah! Yeah, I'll be there!"
"Seriously?! Thank you! Here's a flyer with more info!"
She hands you a flyer that's pretty well made.
'Come see the amazing Himiko preform tonight!'
That was the header of the flyer. The rest was some info about 'The amazing Himiko' and where she was performing. There was also a picture of her in the middle doing a magic trick.
Oh fuck shes actually kinda cute-
What the hell? You thought you were attracted to Tenko?! Welp. The only way to find out if you're actually attracted to 'The amazing Himiko' is to go to her show.
Well.. you were already planning on going, but you know what you mean!
Saturday comes faster than you anticipate, and you already find yourself in the school gymnasium where the magic show was being held. You walk in and see at least a small group of people in some chairs. You take a seat and like the others wait for the show to begin.
After about 5 minutes, the same girl on the flyer appears on a small stage. She gives an introduction speech and the show begins. She actually performs some really cool tricks!
After the show, everyone else leaves, but you figured right now was better than ever to confront Tenko. And now that you knew you seemed to have a crush on this Himiko girl, might as well talk to them both.
So you walk over to them and introduce yourself.
"Uh, hey, my name is y/n. I just wanted to say that that was really impressive!"
"Nyeh? You really think so?"
"Heck yeah!"
After that, you started talking with the two in the halls, going to lunch together, then outside of school, and soon enough, you three would all hang out often.
Tonight was movie night.
You were so excited, you could barely sit still in your seat during your classes. When lunch came, you noticed Tenko wasnt there.
"Hey Himiko, where's Tenko?"
"Nyeh? Oh, she's sick."
Sick? On movie night? Would it be canceled?
You ask Himiko if movie night is canceled, hoping it's not, as it was the only thing you were looking foward to today.
"Well, I thought we should let her get better and reschedule, but Tenko said she was fine, and that if it got worse, she would reschedule."
Oh thank heavens.
After school, you and Himiko walk to Tenko's house together, which is where you three decided to have movie night tonight. You two walk in and see Tenko on her couch, seemingly half asleep.
"Huh..? Oh!"
She immediately jolts up after realizing it's you two.
"Sorry theres no snacks, I'll go get some."
She gets up and slowly walks to the kitchen as you two walk in and close the door. You stop Tenko before she reaches the kitchen.
"You sit down. I'll handle the snacks."
"No buts. You're sick. Now go, sit."
You turn Tenko around and lightly push her towards the couch. She complies and sits down next to Himiko, who begins talking to her. You begin making snacks. Popcorn, some drinks, etc., plus some soup for Tenko. (It was canned, so you weren't sure if it was actually gonna do anything, but the gesture was still there.)
After you're done making snacks, you sit down next to Himiko. You realize Tenko had gotten up. You look around a little trying to see where she went, when you suddenly see Tenko headed straight for you two with a giant blanket. You barely have time to react before Tenko tackles you both, hugging you close.
Tenko begins laughing and you two join her. Once you three get settled in the blanket on the couch, you begin to pick out a movie.
You three decide on watching the classic, A Nightmare On Elm Street. After you three watch that, you kinda just put on a cheesy romance film so you can just relax.
You three end up snuggling up close and falling asleep. Before you fell asleep, you had a thought about how nice this was, and how you wish it could last forever. After you fell asleep, you had an amazing dream where all three of you were just huddled close and sitting peacefully in a field.
Then, Himiko kisses you.
You immediately shoot awake, your face going red. As you begin to calm down, you start to think about it.
You absolutely had feelings for both of them.
You didnt wanna choose between them though...
Was there a way to..?
You doubted it.
But the thought just kept appearing. It had literally been two days and you kept wondering.
Alright, that's enough.
As soon as you got home, you got onto your computer to do some research.
It only takes you a few minutes to find out about polyamorous relationships. You do some deeper digging for about an hour before coming to the conclusion that you think you want to be in a polyamorous relationship with the two people you love the most.
But would they agree on it?
You hoped so, especially since the two had known eachother for longer than you had known them.
You decided to wait until your next hangout to ask them. Luckily, the next hangout was at your house, so you decide to do something special.
You three were supposed to have a study session together and then have a sleepover.
So you decide to add a few things you hope mix all three of your personalities and interests.
You three had given eachother access to each others music playlists, so you decide to take a bunch of songs from all of your playlists and put them into one special playlist. You even add in a few songs that just remind you of the three of you.
You buy some magic supplies that Himiko particularly likes, and you also grab a spare yoga mat you have so you can make some padding for Tenko to practice some of her moves on. You had also added a few things you liked.
You had also decided to buy a little projector that projects a galaxy onto the ceiling as if you were stargazing outside. The galaxy even moved as if it were the real sky! A few shooting stars pop up as well at some points.
And to top it all off, you had bought everyone's favorite snacks.
*Knock, knock, knock*
You answer the door and see two beautiful smiling faces that you adored.
"Come on in!"
You three complete your study session in about three hours, with Himiko almost falling asleep about four times.
At this rate you were afraid Himiko wasnt even gonna stay awake long enough for your confession.
They were also a little shocked by the special playlist.
"Who's music are we gonna play for this session?"
"Well actually, I made a special playlist with a mix of our songs on it, if you'd like to play it."
"Woah, really y/n? Of course we're gonna play it! You worked hard on it afterall!"
You play it, and you find its actually really nice to have a mix of songs you all love.
After that, you three head to your room for the sleepover part of your hangout.
You tell the two about your setup of activities and they both smile.
"Wow y/n, you really did a lot for this hangout!"
"Yeah.. just felt like doing something special today."
"Well me and Himiko really appreciate it!"
Tenko then grabs you and Himiko and hugs the two of you close.
You feel your heart stop and your face grow red.
Oh my god they're sO CUTE-
You three each do separate activities and show off for a few hours while eating snacks. Himiko didnt even seem to be tired, so you hoped she would last until your confession.
After you three show off to eachother, you all lie down and you turn on the little projector, to which you smile.
This is perfect.
"Hey, are you guys still awake?"
"I wanted to ask you guys something really important."
Tenko sits up.
"Yeah of course, what's up?"
Your heart begins racing faster than Usain Bolt and you can feel your face grow as red as an apple, and you are so glad the other two cant see you right now.
"I- er- uh..."
You sit up as well.
"I... like you guys.."
You barely whisper it, but they seem to hear you.
Himiko sits up surprisingly quick and you can see Tenko go wide eyed.
You get up and turn the light on so you can see their faces.
Tenko is indeed wide eyed and her face looks like someone had painted it red.
Himiko is also wide eyed and almost as red as her hair.
"Are.. are you serious y/n?"
"Yes. One hundred percent."
"Well.. I think I like you too. I just never really wanted to acknowledge it.."
"Nyeh.. I uh.. I like you too.."
So that part went well.
Now for the bigger question.
"Do you guys wanna.. be in a polyamorous relationship?"
Both of them seemed to grow confused.
"I'm sorry for asking, that was kinda sudden!"
Tenko gets up and walks towards you.
She has a soft smile on her still flushed face.
"We have no idea what that means y/n."
You sit back down and end up explaining what a polyamorous relationship is, and throughout it you can feel your face get warmer, and you can see the same happening to Himiko and Tenko.
After you're done explaining, the room is silent, but all of you were extremely red.
"I agree."
Tenko said that and you looked up to see her looking at you with the same soft smile.
You loved that smile.
She took both of your hands into hers.
"I really do like- no- love, both of you. I've honestly had a crush on Himiko for the longest time. I just couldn't bring myself to say anything like y/n. But.. now that you're both here, my life truly is complete."
Wow. You had always suspected Tenko had a thing for Himiko.
"Nyeh.. I swear, if you two get any cuter, I'm gonna kiss you."
You turn around to look at Himiko who was smiling.
"I love you both as well."
You're heart flutters at this.
The two people you loved the most were now your lovers.
Lovers. Heh. You never thought this dream would come true.
Himiko did in fact kiss you two, and you both kissed her back. It was really cute, but clearly none of you knew how to kiss.
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