aunti-christ-ine · 11 months
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fuzzyghost · 11 months
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neopronouns · 6 months
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flag id: a flag with 7 stripes, with the fourth being twice the size of the rest. they are very dark blue, medium dark faded purple, faded red, golden yellow, faded red, medium dark faded purple, and very dark blue. end id.
banner id: a 1600x200 teal banner with the words ‘please read my dni before interacting. those on my / dni may still use my terms, so do not recoin them.’ in large white text in the center. the text takes up two lines, split at the slash. end id.
this is a flag for reclaiming the term invalid [pt: invalid /end pt] as it is used against certain queer identities!
this includes, but is not limited to:
those who identify as neogenders of any kind
any subtlidens/contradictory identities
multigender people, especially those who are both men and women
^ in line with the above point, male+female people who identify as lesbians, gay men, etc.
gender nonconforming and pronoun nonconforming people (ex: feminine-presenting men, he/him women, etc.)
nondysphoric trans people or those who experience atypical dysphoria
multisexuals who don't identify (exclusively) as bi
those who experience tertiary attraction
those who use the split attraction model, especially if one of their identities is not aspec (ex: biromantic homosexual)
flag colors:
the blue stripes are the inverse of the light yellow stripe of the radical inclusionist flag, where it represents acceptance, thus representing nonacceptance of one's identity from other people
the purple stripes are adjusted from the exclusionist flag to represent exclusionism in general
the red stripes represent the vitriol leveled against people with 'invalid' identities
the gold stripe is from the radical inclusionist flag, where it represents good faith identities, and is intended here to represent that one's identity is not harmful or truly invalid and that their happiness and comfort in their identity is more important than anyone else's opinion
tags: @radiomogai | dni link
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ridiculouspickles · 3 months
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deebrisbyfish · 1 year
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SO, since the LAST time this strip ran back in 2021, I had multiple people with no sense of humor accuse Heidi of ABUSE in the comments, let me nip that BS in the bud out the gate. WE MUCK AROUND WITH EACH OTHER! We do goofy shit like this all the time. Calm the @#$% down. That said, I can also report now that after another trip to the hospital, I have confirmed that THIS time, I thankfully DON'T have pancreatitis or require any more time in the hospital. THIS time, shock of shock, the perpetually stressed woman who mainlines anxiety and overwork... has an ULCER. This will likely be covered in a new strip when we return from reruns starting on April 5th, BUT to me, this is an absolute win. Ulcers are WAY more manageable than a major organ trying to explode. And thanks to knowing what it IS, I'm now properly managing it and feel WAY better. 
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matthew-pasquarello · 11 months
“I Told You Not To Put Your Hand In The Freckled Face Of An Invalid.”
you and I, smoking ferns under the shade of prolonged sacrifice.
these plastic cows don’t know what hit ‘em.
to wit: it will be foggy by the time we are done, solutions are easy when there’s only simple things to figure out.
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soviet-amateurs · 1 year
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The slogan reads 'Communism is the bright future of the entire mankind'
Post war USSR
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mogai-knifefight · 1 year
"is there a term like. unvalid. meaning I am aggressively not "valid" as in I do not need the approval of other ppl to identify how I feel?"
There is now!
Unvalid: When you (aggressively) reject the concept of "validity" as used in online communities. You do not need anyone's approval to identify how you want, because why would you?
Can be used as Unvalidgender, Unvalidorientation, Unvalidsexual, etc
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Color meanings:
Sky blue: Self assurance and self love
Seafoam green: Calmness and acceptance
Black: Blocking out the haters (and criticisms)
Red: Rage
Purple: Fluidity and queerness
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lassan-de-biztosan · 1 year
What do you do when your mind tells you that everything is wrong about you, that you’re an invalid person, that you should live a different life, that you should be someone else, but you can only be yourself? Only yourself. What do you do?
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sonohtigris · 7 months
I should be shipped to a seaside hospital wearing only a house gown as I while my days away in fatigue and melancholy. How I would love to stare out to the birds and the waves as I write a thousand poems and paint a thousand paintings of women who I love. Wheeled around in my chair for the holidays "My lady we should celebrate for tomorrow is Sukkot and your mother always visits for Sukkot.
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musingsofawizard · 1 year
The Imposter
I am nothing. Nobody knows that yet, but they will soon enough. For mine is the business of packaging the same stale lies and truths in all kinds of boxes, shipping them out to anyone who will listen, to any who will curse these words. No one really has any monopoly on these truths whatsoever. No artist can. But I am writing this not merely for my own edification. I am writing this as my…
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real5limshady · 1 year
feeling invalid because never got diagnosed with anything
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Feeling very invalid.
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k-lua · 1 year
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mollyjimbly · 1 year
I'm scared of getting to be 30 years old, because I'll be "old, uncool and cringe" and gen alpha will be stamping all over me saying "oK ZoOmEr oK ZoOmEr oK ZoOmEr" it's not going to be fun...
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