#it just confuses me mostly! i don't get it. like love for whatever characters aside you can't really get around the fact that
adammilligan · 2 years
i do think supernatural is one of those shows where you can't really properly analyze it as a whole until you've seen all fifteen seasons but that being said. you only need to watch one episode to know it's bad
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astrojulia · 1 year
Why big post about Aries in Aquarius season 😫 do one for Aquarius please
Hello dear,
It's because I need order.. if I don't have it I end up doing nothing, LOL. But I stopped to think and did something else... (okay, the Pisces Season just started, but whatever 😆). There's an old post of mine that I gave a good rework, I hope you like the new version.
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They have free and unitary thinking - Even though they are the sign of the community, we cannot forget that Aquarius is the FIXED air sign, in addition to having been ruled by Saturn for many (MANY) years, so it understands that the community exists , but that there must be space between the self and the world. In this, in this space that Aquarians create between themselves and each other, what is most affected is their mind and consequently their worldview, this means that everything that passes through this person's mind first passes through their Aquarian lens, which changes all the information they receive by sharing their experiences and learning. Got confused? So let's go. The Aquarius man (or woman... or others) is that person who will listen to something and say something completely different, not because he is crazy, but because that said “something” triggers a series of experiences that these people have already had making A equals B for them… even if only in the mind, that's why weird dots get connect and it's not possible to control the Aquarian's reasoning.
They like the different - Wow, that's obvious Julia (← that's my name, okay), but it's true when we say that they are attracted to the different for simply being different, whether in fashion or in ideas, they will look for different plastic artists , clothing brands… Aquarians, however, will settle for something some time in their life. Once they are older,they have a more specific taste and that will accompany them for the rest of their lives, this could be a color, a band, a haircut… And this taste of theirs can even become a trend for a while, but when it doesn't, they'll still like it.
They are stylish - It is in my humble experience, women mostly. First, let's remember what the word style really means :“set of trends, tastes, characteristic ways of behavior of an individual or group”, that is, it is not what is in fashion. Having an Aquarius friend is seeing a piece of clothing and knowing it's going to like it because it's just like them. As I said before, they have a specific taste, even more so when they get older (young aquarius are still testing everything). At the beginning of their lives they do things to really shock, combining adolescence with Aquarian rebelliousness reminds me, and a lot, of the cyberpunk style, but after a while, they can continue wearing their Mohawks until they are 70 years old or simply, being in love with a cardigan, but you know THAT cardigan from your aquarius friend.
They have a creative mind - A creative mind in my view is one that will find a way to express their feelings, their soul in some way, so it's not surprising to see an Aquarius working in the arts or in more everyday jobs such as hairdresser and makeup artist. Aquarius have a taste for creativity, they have an artist's soul and the need for creation, you won't see every Aquarius with a watermelon around their neck, but maybe, when you go to see the character customization of one of their games, the character has hair green, purple mustache and orange vest (yes dad I'm talking about you)
They have a hidden side - They have something very similar to their former ruler partner Capricorn, which is separating the personal from the professional. They are one thing inside the house, another thing outside... but now this goes on to all other areas of their life, the emotional and personal of an Aquarius is hidden by their rational and social, the Aquarius will say what it believe to be the best for that moment, what it believe people need to hear and often leave their opinion aside, they do what they think will be more harmonious or what will bring more progress to their social bond. I've heard and read from several people (non-Aquarians)who see Aquarians as someone who likes to cause chaos and seek to "cause problem", but being honest, one of the greatest desires of Aquarians is to be accepted in society... do you think that they do this “by chance”? Or just to piss you off? You have a great ego, congratulations.
They give their best version - Out in the world, they always give their best, their brightest and most humanitarian side, but when they don't feel willing to be positive that day, they isolate themselves until they “return to normality”, soIt's super normal if your Aquarius friend doesn't see their cell phone for a while, they'll only answer you when they feel ready, not everything is ghosting ok.
They are selective - When you just meet an Aquarius it will talk deeply and a lot with you, but it's a test to know your commonalities and your character, if after that they don't have an affinity with you, you'll just be a colleague to greet, but you will not be their friend. Knowing this, yes, they are very annoying sometimes, even more so in societies where being extroverted is seen as a quality and being introverted is almost like a disease (I'm talking about you Brazil…), but they are there selecting what and who they will spend their energy on and many people will be left off the list.
“The Aquarius energy” - I see this energy as the energy of humanitarianism. When you went through the selection of the previous topic, you see that the Aquarius person likes to raise the mood of any situation, I see this through two methods, being them being logical with the solutions to problems or being able to see the positive side of everything that happens, no matter the way the have choose, they want to see their small group well and mostly together. I see a lot of aquarius people going to events and places they are not a fan of, but doing it because their group likes it a lot and they are happy about it.
They always want that person who doesn't care about them... - For some reason, they always fall in love with that person who isn't giving them the slightest bit of attention, that they need to put up a sign saying "I like you" to their crush knowing they exist.. Aquarians are romantic people, especially women, and they like a challenge, so for some reason the idea of earning their own lover and going against all negative possibilities is something that excites them.
They are connected to sounds - Remember when I said that they have different taste, are stylish and selective… This happens a lot with music. That person who lives with headphones listening to music, who doesn't drive without it radio... Probably Aquarius. I see many having a favorite band, others who like only one style of music, but Aquarians are people who have a soundtrack to their life and their senses are very involved in the sounds they hear.
They are terrible liars - You probably don't know this part, but one of the symbols of Aquarius is the titan Prometheus who, even if he got screwed afterwards, brought fire to humanity. One of the representations of fire is truth, it is stepping out of the darkness and knowing what is real and that spark runs through all Aquarians. And well... the lie is the opposite of the truth, so people who are always looking for the truth don't end up becoming a good liar. I'm not going to say they don't lie, I do (and I'm an Aquarius) but they tend to blurt out what they really think rather than blurt out a lie that they end up screwing themselves over it. The biggest part of not being able to lie is not being able to lie to themselves, they can't deceive themselves to do something they don't like for example, because their nature does not allow them to do what they don't think is right. Also, they are good at detecting lies too..
They joke about everything - You know that person who makes an uncomfortable joke in the middle of a tense situation?…Nice to meet you, Aquarius. Many will be surprised and even irritated with them, and yes, over the years many Aquarians learn not to make jokes with people they don't know... but they are the kings of sarcasm, that's why they always put a joke in the middle of a tense situation.
They love to question - They are very curious and can't see an opportunity to learn more passing in front of them, so if they have the openness to ask and delve into the subject... they will ask and delve further into the subject... it is also a great strategy for them to strike up conversations and get closer.. so pay attention to this if you're into an Aquarius person.
They love change - Aquarius is a free spirit and air sign, so they don't like to put down roots and always change a little behavior to have a new routine, a new job or even go to a new country…. But we also cannot forget its fixed nature and its regencies. Being from Uranus, they always want to see new things quickly, for the world to change as quickly as possible, after all, chaos is the spark of creation, and with Saturn… they love change, but mostly in others, when others change to do something, because many times the Aquarius wants to continue doing the same and the make the other moves the gears of transformation.
They are liberal - Are they judgmental of others' behavior and beliefs? Yes. But for them. “Is this person's belief good for me?”, it turned out, what the other does (which is not illegal) is the other's problem. You'll see them in many different social groups, not wanting to change anyone's opinion if no one asked and will let you have your way... just don't forget that the Aquarius won't change them for you either.
They seek positivism - Aquarius always seeks to make the best of the situation and people, so they will always see the reason for what happened from the other's point of view and will place less blame on the shoulders of others, things happen because they have to happen, they don't always have a culprit.
They know how to take criticism - If you got a "no" from an Aquarius when criticizing them it was for two reasons, either you haven't known them for a long time or they don't see you as an authority on the subject, Aquarius knows that others will be able to see details they don't understand and seek help from those they trust for advice, especially in the field of love. Yes, we know that sometimes it is necessary to be more humble and accept the opinion of people that we see as laymen... but it is difficult LOL
They are magical beings - They have a different energy, they try to connect with the spiritual and with nature in some way because they feel the need to clean themselves from human connections from time to time, they are very affected by other people's energy, that's why they resort to various spiritual practices and alone time.
Magic hands - This is certainly the most curious one, Aquarians are tactile and touch sensitive people, so they have a lot of energy in their hands and can develop techniques like reiki and massage very easily and they are nice about it. Now can you understand a little why they hate agglomerations and hugging and kissing people?
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Sources: Astro Elias - The 19 secrets inspiration Template by sorberts on tumblr PSD by wildfireresources on deviantart
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miracleandplagueau · 11 months
Let's talk about why Miracle and Plague will be a short series and additionally why I chose to write out characters such as Kagami, Zoe, Felix (I'm sorry baby </3)
Miracle and Plague won't be very long. In fact, It will be twice as short as the canon, purely because I feel like the series lost that sparkle, that thing that really made it special somewhere in the season 3. All of it started feeling worn out, boring or just annoying. It's also when the decision to re-estate Chloe as a villain really took place, so I'm obviously very displeased with how the seasons went on, but It's not the only reason! Adrien's character got completely assasinated, replaced by 10 and more heroes. I really like the doubt arc they had going for him, but It was never actually memorable or so impactful. All the focus seemed to be on Marinette and her issues, but the character who's the closest to the main villain, the one with a ton of their own insecurities to be explored was pushed aside. To add to that, the newer heroes were becoming boring or just straight up made me sigh when Ladybug needed to go get someone to help. Don't even get me started on the mass-hero episodes like Partycrusher or Penalteam. It was a lot squished together into 2 seasons where If not for the miraculous reveal, It would've been nothing short of a filler episode.
I feel like not adding too many plotlines, characters is simply a better idea. It'll ensure that all the existing ones will be explored to their best potential. Adrien's family story, Chloe's character, Chloe and Sabrina's relationship, Jiayi and Lila's relationship/rivalry, Alya's hero potential, Lila's urge for chaos, Monarch/Gabriel's motivation, Master Fu's backstory, possible expansion of Wonders - these are very good plotlines! Not even mentioning the side/less important plots like Luka and Jiayi's past, Unicorn band, Juleka wanting to be a model, Juleka and Rose's plot, Alix's hidden Wonder, Natalie's crush on Gabriel, Adrien's self-discovery. There's a LOT of them already and to add like 10 more just because I want a new character would extend and complicate the plot further. Not that I wouldn't take the challenge, but I just want to see this series conclude in a way that in my opinion is more satisfying than whatever we're getting.
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As for the characters I wrote out.. I think most of them already have a sort of pattern to them where you can tell why I removed them.
Zoe. Oh Zoe, the worst character I've had the displeasure of seeing on screen. I already reblogged plenty of content in regards to her, so I'll just refrain from writing a rant on that excuse of a character.
As much as I would've loved to keep Kagami (I still might), I really feel she wouldn't fit the narrtive so nicely. Of course, she appears in Riposte, but upon reviewing the timeline of MnP, that's literally the only episode she is taking an active part in as of today. I don't really see a reason to keep her in the lore If she'll appear once and never again, It feels a bit counterproductive, but like I said, I am still thinking about this one, because her and Adrien have so much potential in development; both coming from strict, cold households, both fencing... They do have quite a bit in common. Maybe If I just move Riposte to season 1....
Moving on to Felix, I believe I already mentioned that my first opinion of him was bitter. I didn't really like him being there and the fact that he look eerily like Adrien as If they'd reused his model was just weird (ig now we know WHY season 5 spoilers). Then, the opinion shifted to much better after mostly Emotion really and since then I really did like him, but... Looking at his journey from the end of season 3 to here and his role in the overarching plot I feel like he just wouldn't fit to MnP, not with the format I'm going for.
Besides, can I just mention how random it was that Emilie and Felix's mom look literally identical AND their sons look identical as well? It made me so confused when I first watched the episode lmao
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trinitynox · 9 months
Trin Reviews: Barbie
Short answer is, I liked this movie. Long answer, it's a bit more complicated than just it's good or it's bad. There are different interpretations to this movie, critical response has been overwhelmingly positive but there are also some negatives, and no, I'm not talking about Ben Shapiro or people who got their fragile egos hurt by this movie.
For some, this openness to interpretation is what makes it a good story. And that is fair, as a piece of art. But I reckon that the openness detracts a bit from its identity as social commentary.
I think Barbie is not as truly impactful as it could have been or as the marketing surrounding this movie would suggest. It is not generation defining but it is close. A couple revisions to fix those flaws might have helped it achieve that status. Provided that is what the makers of Barbie wanted. A few plot threads got mixed together and I didn't really get the point they were trying to make with it but maybe I will as I write this review.
If you found it more impactful that I did, that's fantastic! Don't let my opinion take that away from you.
Social commentary aside, the movie was quite fun. I loved the random inclusion of high profile actors and actresses as Barbies and Kens. The dance number with Ryan Gosling and Simu Liu's faction of Kens was a great moment of I don't know what's going on but I love it.
From here on, it's going to be spoilers.
I don't really know how to start the spoiler review section so I guess I'll just go with whatever thoughts come to mind as I write.
One scene that stuck out for me was when Barbie was having a breakdown and said something along the lines of how she doesn't feel attractive/pretty anymore. It is then lampshaded by the narrator who says that Margot Robbie is the wrong actress to cast to drive that point across. In the moment, I laughed and agreed with that 4th wall break. However, upon reflection, the joke kind of fell flat for me.
Much has been said about how mental health and insecurities can and will affect everyone. And that even physically attractive people have the right to feel ugly. Highlighting Margot Robbie's looks and saying that she's the wrong actress to cast to drive across the point that even Barbie can feel ugly feels...reductive.
The scene was Barbie at her lowest, when her worldview was shattered and she felt like she had lost everything that made her who she was. That joke implies to me that Barbie is just her looks and not anything else, and that her struggles aren't real or her identity crisis isn't significant. Maybe the point was that her looks are too distracting? I don't know.
I watched it with my SO and her thoughts on the movie surprised me a little. She disliked the movie and gave it a 1/10.
When I tried to probe a little to find out why, I found that the message just didn't resonate with her. In fact, she didn't really get the point of the movie. The plot was too confusing, the character actions made no sense to her, there was too much going on, etc etc.
She couldn't pin point why exactly, but she felt that the movie had the opposite effect for her, where she felt less empowered.
I think the reason is this movie is meant to be a satire. It's supposed to take things to the absurd extreme. And the thing about satire is that not everyone gets it. Some might take it too seriously or on face value. Sometimes its message gets lost amidst the absurdity.
There was a pretty great speech in the movie about how difficult society's expectations of women have been so unfair and continues to place undue pressure on women that men don't normally face. I think that speech was the main thesis of the movie, but it was lost in the satirical take on gender norms/roles throughout the movie for some.
Then there was Ken's subplot. This one bothered me a lot, mostly because I absolutely hate everything his subplot is on the surface. Toxic Masculinity. So I guess that's a point to the creative team cuz it probably brought out the emotional reaction they wanted.
But it's also mixed in with Ken's own identity crisis. He doesn't know who he is without Barbie because it's always Barbie and Ken, never just Ken. I'm not sure what to think of this subplot?
Based on the resolution, I think the message is that men shouldn't form their entire lives around finding a partner, and they aren't any less for not having one. A good message to try to steer some away from becoming the internet's stereotypical incel, I suppose. Did it succeed? I don't know.
There's a whole thread about how Margot Robbie's Barbie starts thinking about death even though they can't die in Barbie land. It's a little funny that she starts as Stereotypical Barbie and ends with Death Seeking Barbie (I know, I know...it's not so much she's seeking death but more experiencing what being human has to offer, which includes death. It's a joke.)
Overall, while it was an entertaining movie, I think it failed to be as impactful as it could have due to it being a satire.
P.S. My favourite joke that I laughed out loud but no one else in the theatre did was: Random Executive: gives a suggestion Will Ferrell: Great idea, executive no. 2!
I died a bit inside when no one else laughed...
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This is gonna be disorganized, so bear with me.
I actually thought your characters were well developed. They all had backgrounds and experiences that were aligned with their motives and mindset. As for consistency, I don’t know?? I don’t think anything the characters did were out of character for the way they were written? Did they do dumb things that not everyone would agree with? Yes, but people do dumb things you don’t want them to do all the time. I find consistency to be a confusing term bc I don’t think real people are all that consistent either. In that sometimes we act out of character depending on the circumstances. Unless a character does something they were completely opposed to (with no reason for them to have a change in their views) then I don’t know what would be termed as inconsistent.
Going off that, OC was such an unstable individual. Instability is like the exact opposite of consistency and even then she mostly held her ground on trying to be morally upright. And when characters (Taehyun) did show change it was shown to be an obvious dilemma for them.
OC was definitely weak, but she had a personality, otherwise people wouldn’t have found her so annoying. She was also stupid, yes, but she literally grew up sheltered. I think people often mistake disliking a character to mean they were written badly. But also this commenter reminds me of that era in time where we hated feminine and kind female characters bc they weren’t strong badasses. It was giving misogyny, especially towards the end of the comment with the nonsense about Jordan Peterson.
People who think women enjoy abuse are idiots and people who justifying why other think that way are also idiots. People who stay with their abusers, stay with them out of attachment, not because they enjoy getting hurt 🤨 And obviously OC did not enjoy abuse, they were love starved and Gyu provided that, otherwise they wouldn’t have gone back. It’s just such a black and white view of “oh your relationship is abusive, you should leave” Obviously if abuse was the only part of the relationship people would leave smfh
And ofc I don’t think the abuse and rape were romanticized because if it were, these two would’ve ended up together. They wouldn’t have had so many problems and OC would’ve been able to brush aside whatever had happened bc true love conquers all and that bs.
you've summarized my feelings so well.
again, i'll be the first to admit that i'm not a particularly great writer. i see my own mistakes clearly and i've talked about it a lot. i do think Kai's character switch was inconsistent because it was too abrupt and i will own up to that. had i the time and the ability to go back and change what i already published, i would've done it in a much smoother way. but other than him i don't really think my characters were inconsistent. yeah like you said they did things that are stupid or hypocritical but i tried to explain why they did that and had other characters call them out for it (like oc calling tyun out when he tried to get her back). and yeah people in real life are nothing if not inconsistent. i like to think i never made my characters do anything wildly out of character, but if someone has an example i would genuinely love to discuss it because maybe you'll point out something to me that i didn't notice.
yessss i'm so glad you mentioned that because i also got the same vibe from the comment, the "she's not a strong, independent woman? then she has no personality". i used to be like that too but now i appreciate that there are all these different types of characters out there and that being strong doesn't mean that it's a good character (there are currently a multitude of examples of that in media). OC was hated by most readers and yes she was flaky and selfish and always wanted to give up but that is still a character. i know because i channeled myself a lot in her whenever i wanted to give up because my life was shit lmao
i don't think the commenter thinks that women in abusive relationships stay because they enjoy it, i just think that they think none of them would think the way oc is. like maybe they're trapped because of kids or a financial situation rather than being manipulated by their partner. i get it. it's uncomfortable to read about a character that is in love with their abuser but that happens too.
thank you babe
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11queensupreme11 · 2 years
Queen. I'm hella begging for dirty headcanons with Etienne and Alabaster— I know it sounds wrong but blame Essie for making me die for these two hot wizards. 😩😩😩 (Lmao it's okay if you're not comfortable writing, I understand lol) but if you do,,, can you make a smut headcannon—
Of course I'll do it for you! 💖
This turned out to be kinda long, but that's okay since I only had two characters to do.
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WARNINGS: dubcon, baby trapping, and yandere themes cuz duh
pansexual, would prefer to date a mortal rather than a demigod/wizard/witch/etc.
this is gonna be hard to believe, but he's a virgin. boy spent most of his childhood and teenhood in the army where he had to look after 10+ kids while also leading an army of teenagers. his adulthood was spent in exile and it didn't help that mommy dearest had him babysit his extremely unhinged lil brother.
sooooo yeah, it's no surprise he has absolutely ZERO experience in the romance department. man's never even held another person's hand aside from his little siblings 😂
i don't even think this man had time to jack off??? his life was 1000% dedicated to taking care of his little siblings and winning the war
(only to end up failing at both LMAO HAHAHAHA, sorry sorry i'll stop)
ok ok i'll get to the dirty parts now hee hee
since he's a virgin with literally NO sexual or romantic experience, he'll be SO easy to overstimulate
at the beginning, he'll be a bottom or a borderline service dom. it'll be so cute though because he'll try so hard to please you, only to end up cumming the second you touch him
BUT LITTLE DO YOU KNOW that he's actually paying attention to your reactions and feelings. when you so happen to moan louder when his hands touch you in a certain place, if there's a position you like more, or when your eyes roll to the back of your head when his cock hits you from the inside at a certain angle—whatever it is you do, he memorizes it for later
you'll mostly hear breathless whispers of "is this okay?" or "do you like this?" while you're doing it and you'll answer equally as breathless
he's obsessed with you after all, not that you know it of course. he only wants to please you, to make sure you never leave him, and honestly, why would you wanna leave him when you fucks you so good?
once alabaster gets more experience and he's analyzed all of your reactions to the dirty things he does, it's OVER for you
sub!alabaster is gone now, he's more of a dom now but can be a switch though it depends
his sex drive is average, but he'll definitely use sex as a way to subdue you or manipulate you if he were to think you were drifting away from him.
you argue with him about his overprotective nature? he'll shove his dick in your mouth to lovingly shut you up 💖 and after spilling his load down your throat, he'll fuck you against the nearest surface until you're nothing but a babbling mess
he'll tease the shit out of you, and he'll be so smug when you're crying and shaking in his arms. he'll grab you by the chin and say "kiss me properly, babe" while his hips are ramming against yours
since you're a mortal and he's a demigod, his stamina will definitely outdo yours. there's nothing you can do about it either, he'll go as many rounds as he wants, he needs to make sure you'll never leave him after all
you're absolutely limp after all the rounds are done, and because he's such a good lover, he'll carry you off to bed and clean you all up, cooing after you and wiping the sweat off your face
"you're not still angry at me, right?" he'll ask you, though he already knows the answer
there's a dumb, lovesick smile on your face, but it fades away a little for confusion to set it. "huh?" the fight had completely left your mind after all the rough fucking you've been through
he could barely hide his smirk. "nothing. i love you." he'll say, and you'll say it back, perfectly naive and clueless just the way he wants it
after that, he snuggles into bed with you. you finally allow yourself to rest. your body is ruined, but you don't care. there's an ache between your legs, along with trails of cum. it didn't even cross your mind that he hadn't used a condom, and he was relieved about that.
and if you're a girl and you end up pregnant, then oh well. that's more of a reason for you to stay with him, isn' it?
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WARNINGS: dubcon/noncon and yandere themes... this is étienne we're talking about here 💀
heterosexual, no preference on dating a mortal, witch, or demigod because he knows he'll overpower them regardless 🥰
the sluttiest virgin you've ever met
he's been deprived of love his whole life, so once he finds a victim lover, he'll be super affectionate and clingy with them and expect them to do the same with him
sex doesn't even cross his mind at first. he'll latch himself on to you, force you to cuddle with him and even spoon him in bed (with you being the big spoon)
he'll kiss you and shower you with all of his love—and you better do the same with him too or else—but then he starts... craving a little more...
you'll notice it when you're cuddling, he'll have you on his lap with his arms wrapped around you tightly, but then you'll feel a bulge down below and stiffen up because you know what it means. soon enough, he'll be humping against you, face flushed, and high whines coming from the back of his throat. he wants get himself off with your help SO badly but he knows he shouldn't because he was ✨raised right✨
he's a proper pureblood boy after all, basically a fucking victorian child
and BECAUSE he's such a victorian child, there is no damn way he's going to have sex before marriage. so you guys gotta get married first before doing the forbidden tango
you probably won't be horny for him since he literally KIDNAPPED YOU, but he doesn't see that. he's delusional after all, why wouldn't his beautiful blushing bride be excited for the honeymoon night?
"oh? she's shaking like that because she's scared and not because holding back her happiness? and those tears aren't tears of joy, you say? that's okay! i'll just use the mist to make her happy then!" 🤗
you're immediately bombarded with love once the honeymoon night starts
he's such an eager puppy about it too. as much as he wants to rip your clothes off, he's still a gentleman so he'll remove them carefully with trembling hands and a wide grin. once the two of you are naked, he doesn't even bother with prepping you or being careful. he shoves his cock right in you without a care for your wellbeing, he's just so happy to be inside you, because now you're both real lovers, a real husband and wife, just like he wants 💖
he'll coo over your tears and wipe them away with that sick sick smile on his face, his hips constantly moving to ram himself inside you and his hands keeping you pinned down. "y-you feel so good," he'll moan into your ear, nails digging into the skin of your waist. "i'm so happy now... i get to have you for the rest of my life. isn't that wonderful, my love?"
things don't get better after your wedding night. your life just continues to go into a downwards spiral and there's nothing that can save you (well, maybe essie can help, but this is supposed to be dark so)
he has a jealous streak a mile wide and it's the most terrifying thing ever.
if he ever catches you even GLIMPSING at someone other than him, expect to be dragged away and fucked in bed. or, worse, he'll use charmspeak on you to lure you away and you end up on your shared bed, with him thrusting his cock in and out of your already battered pussy without understanding how you even got in this position.
either way, you'll find yourself on your back with your loving husband snarling at you as he pistons his hips against yours. he's rougher now, not so sweet and eager anymore because you made the mistake of pissing him off.
"m'sorry, m'sorry," you would pant, hands gripping the bedsheets desperately as your body was forced to move to his whims.
"how could you?!" he'd hiss, hand wrapped around your throat, not too tight to kill you, but enough to make you see stars as he pounded against you. "i'm your husband, your only purpose for living! there's no one else you love, but me, understood?!"
despite his angry tone, you could see tears in his eyes and actually feel a pang of guilt (that's stockholm syndrome bby)
"say it." he orders.
and you obey "i love you, i love you!" you breath out, and your mind's so broken you don't even think you're lying anymore
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stardusted-hearts · 10 months
Hey guys sorry my activity has been non-existent lately, but I wanted to put out a few important reminders for this account/AU.
I know this is kind of long but please read it, it's important to me.
Anything that happens in any discord server is Not Canon to this tumblr, unless stated otherwise. I like to keep these things separated both for the sake of not getting confused, and being able to easily look back on character interactions here via tags/posts/etc. This also allows me to loosen up and be a little more silly in discord servers than I would be here outside of crack.
Shadow [Horizon] as I have stated before, does not yet have his nickname In Character. The best he might be able to give another character is to say they can call him Dragon if they ask for a nickname. "Horizon" is a very special name that is going to be given to him by Sonic at some point, but it hasn't happened yet.
Sonic [Stardust] so far only has the nickname "Star," given to him by Volt. Other characters that are close to him will have heard this and can use it, otherwise characters need to ask him about it. "Stardust" will be his full nickname eventually, but it again has not happened yet.
I am not kidding when I say I NEED continuity. That means continuity here, on tumblr, unless otherwise discussed. If you want to RP with me via discord and have it be canon here, I am so down for that! We just need to talk about it first, please!
I am also very down to talk about pre-established relationships, which can include knowing one of my muses' nicknames. I view first time interactions between characters as very important, no matter how awkward it might be, or how difficult it might be to write. If stuff gets brushed off or goes unacknowledged I am going to be lost and lose motivation to RP, so at the very least we need to talk things through if you don't want to do a full intro-thread like that.
I feel like these posts I make keep getting ignored or people just don't care about what I'm saying. Forgetting is fine, I forget stuff all the time, trust me. But this stuff is important to me, and if you can't give me continuity for whatever reason, be it that it's not your RP style, or whatever, that's totally okay but we are likely not going to be very compatable as RP partners outside of maybe server-based stuff or random crack.
I don't spend time putting a bunch of effort into writing a meaningful starter or reply only for it to be tossed aside like it meant nothing toward relationship development. This isn't about matching my length, I don't expect anyone to do that.
I don't want to end up not RPing here for MONTHS again because something turned me off. [ It's a problem, and not something I'm blaming anyone else for, it's me. IDK if it's the neurodivergency or what, but I do have some avoidant behavior that can be kind of easy to trigger at times. That's why I make these posts. ]
Again, if this stuff doesn't vibe with you I totally get it and it's okay, I'm not mad or upset and it's not like I'd dislike someone for it. We all have our different styles, wants, and different things we find fun in RP.
For me, I want and need continuity. The "tumblr timeline" here matters to me, this is how I enjoy RP.
So please keep that in mind if you do still want to interact with me. Keep in mind whether or not our characters really know each other, and how much they have or haven't interacted.
I hope I don't sound like an asshole and this got long as usual but I've been stressing hardcore about this for a few weeks and it's one of the reasons I haven't been around [mostly been irl stress though].
Love y'all <3
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slashingdisneypasta · 3 years
Horror Villains x Reader || Reactions
Reacting to: Reader getting slipped a love potion so whoever they see first, they fall madly in absolute and total love and adoration of. They first see Slasher. Notes: Yep, I've been watching scenes of Strange Magic. This is because of that. I definitely recommend listening to a version of 'I Cant Help Myself (Sugar Pie, Honey Bunch)' while reading XD I'm listening to the Jessica Mauboy cover! ^^
Warnings: Definitely non con elements (Not sexual though) Characters Included: Billy Loomis, Bubba Sawyer, (Mayor) Buckman, Carrie White, Chucky / Charles Lee Ray, Chop Top Sawyer, Drayton Sawyer, Freddy Krueger, Jennifer Check, (Sheriff), Hoyt, Jason Voorhees, Michael Myers, Patrick Bateman, Pennywise (OG), Stu Macher and Thomas Hewitt.
Billy Loomis:
🎶'I can't help myself'🎶
What kinda - bullshit- leave me the fuck alone-
Honestly he's trying to get the hell away from you (As you tail him) while Stu's at the side texting you where they're gonna be and laughing his bloody ass off when you turn up and Billy suddenly sprints to the bathroom.
Bubba Sawyer:
🎶'Sugar pie, honey bunch You know that I love you'🎶
Oh my gosh, the moment you expression changes from one of fear and disgust, to wide eyed adoration and you start fawning over him?? He has no idea what to d o. Oh, the poor baby XDD
Like, he's just hugging his chainsaw to him as you get up close and touch his shoulders and fix his tie and follow him around and he doesn't r e a l l y mind, cuz its not like you're hurting him, but he is just confused. He's searching for Drayton. Like he'll have any answers, pft.
(Mayor) Buckman:
🎶'I can't help myself I love you and nobody else'🎶
-I'm sorry, what now? Beg your pardon, there?
As soon as he recognises that sparkly, attentive look on your eyes he's slightly baffled. I mean, he's used to being loved - his town a d o r e their mayor, - so he isn't quite as lost as Bubba is or even Billy, but- he just had your friends killed? Sweetheart are you in your right mind?
I can see him sorta, awkwardly starting to treat your a little better then your friends. What?? He'd feel just awful being terrible to someone who 'loves', him! I mean you'll still die probably, but you can stand by him until its time. Self absorbed prick
Carrie White:
🎶'In and out my life You come and you go Leaving just your picture behind And I kissed it a thousand times'🎶
(*^^*) I'm sorry (*^^*) What? (*^^*)
Oh my gosh she's a mess. What do you mean by calling her Sugar Pie? Honey bunch? Sweetheart? Cutie!?!?
She's going to run away my guy, she's going to flee. She is not used to this kind of attention (Or any at all, for that matter) and you've flustered her. She doesn't believe you're just making fun of her though (Since you're just so... adoring. She intense. So in love- this cant possibly be an act) though at least, so there's that.
Just calm. down. bitch. You're going to scare her.
Chucky / Charles Lee Ray:
🎶'When you snap your finger or wink your eye I come a-running to you I'm tied to your apron strings And there's nothing that I can do'🎶
Depends- as a human or a Good Guy?
As a human he might be a bit more reserved about the whole thing and a whole lot more confused like... is this a joke? That's a gun in my pocket, not somethin' else if that's what you're thinkin'. You gettin' off on this? What? What's the deal, here?
As a doll though it TOTALLY goes to his head. You just took this bastards ego man and shot it up with some steroids. Like yes- they even want me when I'm plastic. That's fuckin' right.
I would say, 'No way hosay, he's fleeing- he's got a hot ass wife already!! But that has never really stopped our asshole gremlin man so...
Chop Top Sawyer:
🎶'I can't help myself No, I can't help myself'🎶
*Drayton from somewhere else in the part* 'YOU'RE WHAT?!'
Yep. No getting outta this now. You're getting married to him. Enjoy.
Drayton Sawyer:
🎶''Cause sugar pie, honey bunch I'm weaker than a man should be I can't help myself'🎶
*Cough* me *cough*
I mean... *awkward cough cough's*... what?
Oh boy, Drayton is awkward. And PINK. Why're you looking at him like that? Why are you running your fingers through his hair? Why're
Like Bog in Strange Magic I think Drayton would set you aside from the rest of the victims for a while, until whatever's gotten into you has worn off at least. And begrudgingly take care of you- and try to tell you that your feelings are just whatever poison's jacked you up- and to please calm down- you wont want this old boy when your senses are back-
Gosh, he's too cute. I love him a lot.
Freddy Krueger:
🎶'I'm a fool in love, you see Wanna tell you I don't love you Tell you that we're through And I've tried Every time I see your face I get all choked up inside'🎶
Hmmmmm~ What'd you just call him?~
You're playing fire here babes-
And by that I mean he's going to push you until he finds the limit to this potion- for fun. Will you still 'love' him if he leads you off a cliff?~ If he carves his name into your back? If he forces this disgusting sludge down your throat? Will you do aaaanything for him?~ How about killing your friend over there?
Jennifer Check:
🎶'When I call your name Girl, it starts a flame'🎶
Yeah, I mean of course, who doesn't, bye-
This is not shocking to her XD She's hot and amazing, she knows, alright? Shoo.
Depends- are you a dude? Cis or trans- a dudes a dude. And if you are a dude, she is going to take this admiration and use it to her advantage.
If you are not a guy, though, you'll probably get off easy, with an eyeroll as she stalks off. Maybe even a smirk.
(Sheriff) Hoyt:
🎶'Burning in my heart, tearing it all apart No matter how I try, my love I cannot hide'🎶
... Is this a trick? You fucker-
Paranoid military man kills you immediately because he thinks this is a ploy to survive and hurt his family.
Jason Voorhees:
🎶'Sugar pie, honey bunch You know that I'm waiting for you (waiting for you)'🎶
Mmmmmm... 😐 this is new territory... he really doesn't know what to do, here...
Uhh... he may lower his weapon, and tilt his head; Silently asking his mother what to do in this situation as he assesses you- you and your own tilted head, corner of your mouth tilted up as you look up (UP UP UP- ) at the 'love of your life'.
Tea? Do you want some (cold lake water and floor leaf) tea?
Michael Myers:
🎶'I can't help myself I love you and nobody else'🎶
Wh... what?
Not gonna lie- you threw him off, for sure when you got down on your knees and just gazed up at him. Even with blood all over him, even holding a shar knife, even with the corpse of your friend a few feet away.
But mostly his feelings are please go away you're freaking me the fuck out.
*The sound of your neck snapping*
Patrick Bateman:
🎶'Sugar pie, honey bunch I'd do anything you ask me to'🎶
How sad for you.
He really doesn't care, man. Just tries to go on with his life, even with you following him around everywhere and trying to get his attention, and being there at his every beck and call- he does enjoy having coffee whenever he wants it, though.
Pennywise (OG):
🎶'I can't help myself I want you and nobody else'🎶
Oh this is HILARIOUS.
Penny figures it out immediately and has a good laugh, as you giggle softly, awkwardly along with him (Which makes him laugh harder-). Ohhhh, you made his century.
You're gonna taste delicious, when he's done with you.
Stu Macher:
🎶'Sugar pie, honey bunch You know that I love you'🎶
Ahhhhh... say what now?
Billy cackles like an evil ferret behind him as you wrap your arms around Stu (The boy himself a slave to his hornier impulses but struggling as Billy's right there and also this is kinda rapey-). Good. he gets a taste of his own medicine now. He looks mortified. GOOD.
Thomas Hewitt:
🎶'I can't help myself No, I can't help myself'🎶
Thomas is a mix of Michael and Bubba- he's thinking but why, but also what do i do what do i do what do i do-
Like one one side, he's annoyed. Because you're geting in his way and he needs to help out his mamma and do what Hoyt tells him to, in order to keep his family safe.
But on the other- he's kind of enjoying this kind of attention.
God, someone just take the decision out of his hands.
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coffee-bat · 3 years
Tumblr media
sure i do! (posting screenshot of ask for easier formatting)
(also, i have a whump headcannons ask that i've been compiling the response to for the past weeks (anon who asked, i'm so sorry it's taking so long, i'm not ignoring your ask), so this one will focus strictly on everything OTHER than whump.)
- he often bites his nails when stressed, or even just bored (or when he has no cigar on hand. he has a thing for chewing/nibbling on things). stopping himself from doing it is one of the reasons he wears gloves (other than for warmth and to shield his hands from damage), as having his nails bit too short is painful and can make his work almost impossible. (saying this as a nail biter. you literally CANNOT use a finger that you bit the nail of too short)
- speaking of stimming, aside from biting things, he uses the compass around his neck as a stim toy. it's useless around him, as his own magnetic field renders it impossible to point north as it should, but he'll often play with it by making it spin through altering his field. it requires both focus and a small bit of physical effort, effectively taking his mind off whatever's stressing him, at least for a short bit until he gets bored.
- he thinks he can cook, but anyone who's ever tried his cooking strongly disagrees. while his techniques are okay, like he doesn't burn or undercook stuff, the things he makes are borderline inedible. (he once made a party cheese salad for a family meeting and lowkey bonded with moreau over him being the only one to like the atrocity)
- he's the youngest of the lords (with the age order being alcina>moreau>donna>karl). donna looks younger than him, however it's mostly because of his healing factor being worse than the others', making him actually age (even if very slow) instead of being stuck in time.
- he DESPISES family meetings, along with the family dinners miranda keeps insisting on (which take place either at the castle or at donna's place, as moreau's reservoir and the factory are unsuited for that to say the least), but the latter's redeeming factor is that, if he's lucky, he gets a unique opportunity to fuck with alcina. which usually means eating her out of house and home (using the fact that she's too proud of her good manners to refuse a guest), getting drunk, wrecking her house (muddy boots who?) and then passing out somewhere. it gives him the opportunity to make himself her problem and he loves that. (i've actually started work on a comic a few weeks ago where alcina kicks karl off a random couch she finds him on (in a food coma), a shitposty thing with a SLIGHTLY wholesome-ish ending (as wholesome as alcina gets), but it was taking so long that i just gave up at some point. though, if any of y'all would like to see it finished, let me know, it'd be easier to motivate myself to do it if i knew anyone actually wanted me to lol)
- he holds animals close to his heart but would hate to admit it, in fear of appearing weak or soft. claims that he lets the one (1) cat stay in his factory ONLY because it helps with rats, totally not for company because he's a sad lonely man, what are you talking about.
-he's neither a cat or dog person, he likes both equally, but it'd be far harder to keep a dog in his quarters, seeing as it would require both more space and regular walks + playtime, while a cat is perfectly happy with just getting to sleep on him at night (in terms of contact/bonding).
- though, while he doesn't have a dog, he lowkey treats the lycans as such. keeps them under his control solely through giving them dog treats he buys from the duke. (took him a long time and lots of claw/teeth injuries to figure that out, but hey, better late than never).
--warning: the next few paragraphs discuss weight insecurity and body dysmorphia. i'll let you know when the segment ends so you can skip it if it's triggering or makes you uncomfortable--
- he's insecure about his body, both the scars littered across it and his weight. the first can't be helped and he's aware of it, however the latter TECHNICALLY CAN be and thus it bothers him far more. he used to be in a better shape, both mentally and physically, before his life was completely consumed by his work and plans of the rebellion, however these days, he just can't afford to focus on keeping himself in shape (he doesn't have the time and energy to exercise outside of the weight lifting he has to do while working, and same goes for taking care of his diet. cooking and eating balanced food takes too much time and energy, making him resort to whatever is the quickest to make and will keep him going through the day). he feels intense discomfort when looking at younger pictures of himself, he can't help but feel that he has "let himself go" in the recent years, however simultanously doesn't have the time and energy to do anything about it. it's frustrating and makes him feel out of control.
- alcina once touched on the topic while arguing with him, and it fucked him up. up until then he clang onto the small bit of hope that maybe noone has noticed the changes in his body, that maybe it was just him that was hypersensitive to it and in reality it wasn't that visible, and alcina's comment instantly shattered it. not only did she notice, but she apparently considered it worthy of using against him. there goes his last bit of confidence.
- it was one of the very few times she has seen him actually cry (before storming off to hide himself in his factory). it was also one of the few times she had apologized to him. she has made comments about his height and general looks before, and it never seemed to bother him, he always retorded back with a snarky remark targeted back at her, so she truly thought he had no insecurity issues- but this time, for the first time, he just looked hurt, almost disbelieving, and ran away without a word. it made her initial anger melt away instantly, realizing what she did. she ran after him a few minutes later, hoping it wasn't too late and she hadn't done unreversable damage. the whole incident was a major blow to her ego, especially as she was forced to beg karl over the intercom to let her in, but she wouldn't have forgiven herself if she didn't tell him that she was sorry and didn't mean it. she had to admit to herself that it truly was a low blow and she couldn't let herself be carried away like this ever again.
- karl's confidence never really healed from the incident, it's not something he can just forget. but he did get a kick out of having alcina beg for forgiveness, so he considers at least that to be an upside of the whole thing.
--weight/body dysmorphia discussion ends here--
- he gets sensory overloads easily, especially from loud noise, making him snappy if there's too many people talking/making noise. he also often has issues with things touching him when he's already stressed - due to this, he keeps a hairband in his pocket at all times (to keep his hair out of his face), and has tied the belt of his trench coat behind his back so it wouldn't touch his arms while moving around (that one is actually part of his character model). having things hanging off him irritates him greatly.
- he has a tendency to cling onto/hug whatever is in his reach while he's asleep. usually it's a pillow or his blanket, but it's also a risk one should be aware of when choosing to sleep in one bed with him. you're gonna wake up in a death grip. and he's a heavy sleeper, so don't even think about going to the bathroom.
- speaking of physical affection, he loves massages, they're one of his favorite types of affection to receive. any kind of them, really. he's sore most of the time, so a bit of relief is always greatly appreciated. back/shoulders after a long day of work, tummy if his cadou is bothering him or his eating habits fucked him over again, maybe even hands if he's worked manually for too long and his palms are starting to cramp. it's all really appreciated. (another factor contributing to why he likes them is that they're completely selfless acts of affection. his partner isn't getting anything out of it (like they would with anything sexual or romantic), its only purpose is to help him feel better. makes him feel loved.)
- speaking of, he literally cried the first time ethan gave him a shoulder rub. feeling the decades worth of pain, tiredness and muscle strain that he didn't realize he felt finally fade, be washed away, made his eyes water, he couldn't help it. it wasn't long after they had moved in together (as roommates, since karl had nowhere to go), and to karl, it felt like an affirmation that it's over, he can relax, he can rest now. no need to keep overworking himself, to keep not letting himself ever catch a break because "he might like it too much and stop chasing his goal", to keep doing anything to keep himself going for years on end despite knowing it's ruining his body. it's done, it's over, he finally deserves a rest. it made ethan deeply confused and concerned before karl sobbed out why he's crying.
these are all for now, i think! at least all that comes to mind at the moment. if you'd like me to talk about headcannons on a specific subject/topic (or expand on any of these ones), let me know! i'm sure to think of something that i haven't already, or forgot to write down. i just love talking about headcannons, man.
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hologramcowboy · 2 years
I am interested to know your opinion on shippers obsession with JA. Both J2 and cockles/destiel shippers go to great lengths to prove Jensen is either with JP or Misha. Its like he is a prize and whoever has him is the winner. JA is absolutely adorable I know but why is him being with either of these men romantically important to these people.
Anon, as promised I took my time answering this and gave it my full attention, this is probably going to seem like the most judgmental post in the history of ever and possibly the longest but here goes:
When it comes to shipping, I've stated before that I love seeing people engage their creativity, fall in love with a show and then with creative license create something new that brings them joy. That's so awesome to see. But shipping has a dark side or, rather, a small percentage of people who are set on ruining the fandom experience for all.
Let me start by saying that Your question would be better posed to a shipper that would be open enough to discuss with you. But since you asked me, in particular, it probably was for a reason so here's my perspective. As always, please ignore whatever doesn't resonate and follow your inner guidance.
From a psychological point of view, no one becomes over invested in anything without projecting a personal issue unto that situation/person. I think the hateful shippers (let's remember there are also normal people in this group not just cray ones) see themselves in the people they ship so, for them, their favorite star getting Jensen is like them getting Jensen. It's a projection of an inner frustration. People devalue themselves so they don't see themselves as valuable enough to be in a great relationship, which is why they chose someone to stan who embodies what they want to be and who can have what they think they cannot have.
Psychologically speaking, taking sexual identities that don't belong to Jensen and trying to force them unto him is damaging. It would be damaging to any human let alone someone who is outside of these fandom groups and can't understand everything about them. But people never put themselves in Jensen's shoes. It's one thing to build a story inspired by a series and love it so much you share it with the actor and another to confuse the real-life actor with the character you created. But I do get that these people need to see themselves in Jensen and Misha/ Jensen and Jared/ etc., they need to be recognized, they need to win. That's human and natural but what I will never get is WHY they bully Jensen, make up lies about him and objectify him when they know this hurts him. Even the people who think Jared and Jensen are in a relationship, like that's cool as long as they don't harm anyone with it, it's their prerogative but when they assault others who believe differently or attack the actors then it becomes a toxic, toxic thing.
I should share an important aspect from my perspective, Actors use sexuality a lot in their scenes, they use it to create chemistry. So often, these rumors happen because people are ignorant about an Actor's toolbox and how sexuality is included in mostly everything. Why? Because it is primal. For this reason, there are exercises aimed at creating chemistry and when script analysis is done it's always best to give special attention and look for the main chemistry/climax points of any story, that's the ultimate goal after all. This chemistry might be sexual or otherwise, but it is the fuel of the story and it is what captivates the audience. Aside from this, the whole point of a tv show is to bring to life a plot with chemistry so everything is set up to support and feature the through line of a story. In Supernatural's case, it's the love between the two brothers, that's the core of Supernatural and so the whole show was dependent on the chemistry between the two leads, which meant they had to find to super attractive men who also vibed believably that they could share a strong bond despite being basically in competition as Actors.
All of this not considering the intimacy the camera creates from a cinematic point of view. So, it's funny to me when people think this one or that one are dating just because they have chemistry because any actor that is trained can create chemistry with anyone within minutes. That being said, people get discarded all the time during audition due to said chemistry, mostly not because they suck at creating it but because execs/directors/ etc are looking for a certain zing which you either have naturally or you learn to create masterfully. Sometimes it can even be created from the outside in by manipulating what the audience sees and how they see it through masterful direction, styling, context creation, etc.
Another point to consider is that someone who is highly desirable (think leading man, leading men and women are usually the men and women most want to sleep with) will magnetize others regardless of circumstances and create chemistry on a subconscious level. People automatically assume and start rumors but it's to deflect the fact that they are attracted and magnetized to said individual and perhaps lack the maturity or awareness to handle it in healthy ways. Think of any sex symbol, people all described them differently based on how lude or intelligent the person doing the describing was but they all had one thing in common: Blind Desire. Unfortunately, when blind desire hits people and they do not have the tools to process it some can get pretty evil. Look at Elta, she's shamelessly built her whole identity around sleeping with Jensen and gives zero f**** about the damage to his image she's done time and time again. So, his own wife behaves like an obsessed fan would. It's sad and heartbreaking. But this often happens when people have magnetism, most don't know how to process it, so you get these really weird experiences that make you want to move to a different planet and directly affect your self-esteem because when people are obsessed with you, you're not going to blame them, you're going to blame yourself and feel like there's something wrong within you. Whether people admit to it or not, what they do does have an impact on the Actors not just on their own mental balance.
So, the point is, shipping in and of itself isn't bad, it's only the percentage of people dead set on hatred and malice that choose practices that harm the actors and other fans that sucks big time.
Jensen is innocent in all of this and besides doing his job as an Actor, he has done nothing to encourage this type of behavior and it does not reflect his values, beliefs and choices, the only thing it reflects is the nature of the people who are being vile.
Again, I could be completely off on this, this is just my impression so please find a shipper that can openly and kindly speak to you and explain their valuable perspective because I am sure they have so much more to share and explain.
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elencelebrindal · 3 years
Sorry if they're too many, you don't have to answer everything! What is your fave novel of the three? Favorite/least favorite character for each one? Favorite male/female character for each one (aside from you all-time fave)? Favorite canon ship? Favorite non-canon ship? Least favorite of them (and why)? Favorite tool/weapon in the three? They're so many, sorrysorrysorry!
Don’t worry, I love answering questions! There might be some spoilers here, so... be wary of them. 
Ok, let’s go in order:
My favorite novel of the three is Tian Guan Ci Fu. When I read Mo Dao Zu Shi I told myself “okay, I don’t think anything could beat this”, and then TGCF came around. I think this novel is, in general, one of my favorite books of all time. Aside from the romance part of it (which is often what people mainly focus on when it comes to MXTX), I really loved the characters and the story is absolutely incredible. I ended up getting so involved in it that I read the entire thing + the extras in three days, subsequently read what was out of the manhua in... maybe two hours? and watched the entire donghua as soon as it came on Netflix in one sitting. The only time this happened to me before TGCF was with the Silmarillion. 
This tells a lot. 
Favorite SVSSS character: Luo BingHe shares his first place with Shen QingQiu.
Least favorite SVSSS character: Immortal Master Lao Gongzhu of Huan Hua Palace. I cannot even begin to explain how disgusted I was by that character, I almost never hated anyone more than him. 
Favorite MDZS character: Wei WuXian. He’s been my favorite character from the beginning. His story follows exactly one of my favorite character dynamic, much like many other favorites of mine (from good to evil to neutral/somewhat good again, even if in this case WWX didn’t actually turn evil). I’m pretty sure the same can be said of almost everyone in my favorite list... oh well.
Least favorite MDZS character: it’s a tough choice between Su She, Wen Chao, and Jin ZiXun. I just... I disliked them so much. It’s not even hate, I just didn’t want to see them on screen. Maybe Wen Chao is the worst of them... yeah, he’s the worst. I could count Jiang Cheng in my least favorites as well, but my reasons for not liking him are way too complicated so I won’t insult him so much. 
Favorite TGCF character: Hua Cheng!!!!!!!
Least favorite TGCF character: I don’t have a least favorite character. 
Favorite SVSSS male character aside from LBH and SQQ: MoBei-Jun and LiuQingGe. I’m not troubling myself with trying to choose between them.
Favorite SVSSS female character: I used to be torn between Sha HuaLing and Liu MingYan, but SHL follows my general preferences way more so she wins. 
Favorite MDZS male character aside from WWX: Wen Ning. He deserves all the love in the world. All of it. Also I really love Nie MingJue and Xiao XingChen. 
Favorite MDZS female character: Jiang Yanli (because I fell in love with her gentle personality while watching The Untamed and I can’t bear myself to stop loving her). Wen Qing is right up there with her.
Favorite TGCF male character aside from HC: well, first of all Xie Lian. Second of all, Bai WuXiang and He Xuan.
Favorite TGCF female character: Ling Wen, but only because I don’t count Shi QingXuan as a fully fledged female (I am too in love with both forms to choose one side, sorry guys). 
4. (they’re all going to be the main ones, lol)
Favorite canon SVSSS ship: Shen QingQiu x Luo BingHe, though... MoBei-Jun x Shang QingHua is a really close second. 
Least favorite canon SVSSS ship: I don’t think I have one? I mean, there’s not much material to examine when it comes to canon pairings.
Favorite canon MDZS ship: Wei WuXian x Lan Wangji.
Least favorite canon MDZS ship: it’s not really a ship (I think, maybe it’s just me?) but whatever they tried to do with Jiang Cheng and Wen Qing in the drama doesn’t sit right with me. For reasons that are a bit more complicated than it seems, and that would need me explaining my opinion about JC first. 
Favorite canon TGCF ship: Hualian! Hualian! Hualian! Hua Cheng x Xie Lian is one of my all time favorite ships, in general. I stand by the statement “Hualian invented love”. 
Least favorite canon TGCF ship: that weird bullshit the mortal realm like to do with Shi QingXuan and Shi Wudu. Poor guys. It’s canon only because their perverted followers say so. 
Favorite non-canon SVSSS ship: I don’t think I have one...? Maybe ZhuZhi-Lang and TianLang-Jun, but I’m still way too confused about that. I know people ship a lot Liu QingGe and Shen QingQiu, but I never saw the appeal of it.
Least favorite non-canon SVSSS ship: again, don’t have one, mostly because I never delved too deeply in the world of non-canon SVSSS ships. 
Favorite non-canon MDZS ship: Xiao XingChen x Song Lan. It’s probably the pairing that makes the most sense (to me) out of everyone else. And it’s heartbreaking, so bonus points for that. 
Least favorite non-canon MDZS ship: Xiao XingChen x Xue Yang. [heavy spoiler alert] I absolutely HATE this pairing. I love Xue Yang, he’s an amazing villain, but this pairing is straight up abuse, no matter how you look at it. I am a sucker for angsty shit, but I really draw the line at the fucked up pairing that is this one. Xue Yang literally destroyed Xiao XingChen psychologically, lied to him for years, gaslighted him, forced him to kill innocent people, forced him to kill Song Lan, and then ended up ruining him so much that Xiao XingChen killed himself and destroyed his own soul. 
I have no idea why people love this pairing so much, but I genuinely hate it. There’s nothing redeeming about it. 
Another ship I don’t like is Jiang Cheng x Lan XiChen, but once again this has more convoluted reasons that revolve around JC, mainly. There’s also Lan XiChen x Jin GuangYao. Please, no. I really don’t like it. 
Favorite non-canon TGCF ship: Pei Ming x Shi Wudu and He Xuan x Shi QingXuan. We all know why beefleaf is important in our hearts, so let me explain something about Pei Ming and Shi Wudu; this pairing doesn’t mean I completely disregard everything else about Pei Ming. He’s our good old manwhore womanizer and I haven’t changed that (too much). But this pairing... in my headcanon, which is something I’m also going to write in my desperate attempt and being a good fanfic writer, Pei Ming fell in love with him so hard that he was like “okay, fine, there’s just you now, I’m done with sleeping around”. After Shi Wudu dies, Pei Ming keeps his word and doesn’t cheat on him for the reminder of his life. My own headcanon is the reason why this is my favorite non-canon ship. I stumbled into it my complete chance, but I genuinely love it. 
Least favorite non-canon TGCF ship: anything that has Xie Lian and Hua Cheng not with each other. I don’t like seeing them paired with anyone else. 
Favorite SVSSS weapon/tool: Xin Mo and Xiu Ya. 
Favorite MDZS weapon/tool: Chenqing
Favorite TGCF weapon/tool: E-Ming and Fang Xin
If you want to ask anything else, feel free! My blog is mostly Saint Seiya, but I do write about other stuff if you ask me! ^ - ^
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Description - Captain America and Batman have a conversation on a bench.
I tried something new with this fic. It is mostly based on conversation without any action scenes. Do give your feedback if you like this new format or if not, then how can I make it better? 
The only reason I am trying this new format is because the writing challenge set by @donutloverxo @captain-a-rogerss and @optimistic-dinosaur-nacho make me push my limits and step outside my comfort zone! This week, the challenge was to write a Marvel x DC crossover fic, something I have never done before. Check out the challenge here and participate now!
Warning - None
A/N - This fic is based on Steve before the first Avengers movie
My Main Masterlist
I don’t consent to have any of my work published or featured on any third party app, website or translated. If you are seeing this fanfiction anywhere but Tumblr and AO3, it has been reposted without my permission. In that case, please do share the link and let me know.
Bruce Wayne set aside his newspaper with a huff. After a lifetime of fighting with terrorists, aliens and freaking exploding penguins, he thought he had seen everything, until today.
Headlines such as; "America's Golden Boy Returns" , "Captain America Found Alive Under Ice" , "Brrr! Is that a Popsicle? Frozen Dessert? No! It's Steve Rogers!" graced the newspapers that morning, seemingly destroying whatever little amount of peace Batman had left.
Great, another man with superpowers who might be a potential threat that I have to take care of, Bruce frowned as he pulled up information on Captain America. "Alfred," he called out, "What do you remember about Captain America?"
"Are you asking me to recite today's headlines Master Wayne?" came the prompt reply from the other room. 
Bruce chucked, "Not what I meant."
"I will have you know Master Wayne that I wasn't even born when the Red, White and Blue hero went under the ice. The grey hair on my head may make me look old, but I am not a 100 years old," came the indignant reply.
"You don't say! Here I was thinking you didn't look a day over 120," teased Bruce.
"That's what happens when you worry about a future where you would be living without grandchildren to take care of," Alfred snapped, shutting up Bruce.
Bruce knew Nick Fury would be initiating Steve into S.H.I.E.L.D., his personal crime-fighting-superhero-club. Oh he knew Nick Fury very well. The  man with the eye-patch had proven to harbour more mysteries than the pandora's box, a quality that didn't sit well with Bruce. That's why, when Fury had invited Batman to join the Avengers, he had bluntly refused. Looking at the blue-eyed soldier, Bruce decided to pay him a visit.
Steve Rogers was scared. He didn't recognise this world. Everything was louder. The people, the machines, the cars. Colours were more vibrant and simple things were just too complicated to understand. It was as if everything in this new world was made to attack his senses. 
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His Converse squeaked as he walked in the aisles of the departmental store. Converse was one of the few things still around from his time before the ice. One of the few things he still recognised.
He entered the milk aisle. He exhaled loudly as he read the options; Low Fat Milk, Full Fat Milk, Cow's Milk, Buffalo Milk, Camel, Donkey… Wait… People milked camels and donkeys? His face contorted with disgust at the thought. Moving forward, he saw more confusing options- Almond Milk, Coconut Milk, Cashew Milk… He looked on with horror. Had modern science found a way to put breasts on nuts now?! Where was normal milk? Did normal milk exist anymore?! 
He clutched the handles of the basket tighter, bending the metal. He needed to get away from here. He didn't belong in this time, this century. Steve slowly took a step back, and bumped into someone.
"Heeeyy watch wherrrre you are gooooing paaal," the large man behind Steve slurred as he dropped his box of cereal and tried to retain his balance. "I am sorry," muttered Steve, even though he could have sworn there hadn't been anyone behind him until a few moments ago.
Steve looked at the man. He was as tall and well-built as Steve, heck maybe even more muscular. His black hair was disheveled, his eyes swollen red and his breath reeked of cheep alcohol and cigar.
"You pussssshed me," the stranger slurred again, "hooow darrrre yooou?" he staggered, raising his fists.
Steve picked up the box of cereal and handed the stranger a new box, "I don't want to fight you sir. Instead, can I buy you this cereal?"
The man tried to punch Steve, which he easily dodged, "Fiighttt meeee," he insisted. Steve could only smile in response, "Believe it or not sir, but I am a senior citizen, and I am not looking to pick any fight. Please, can I buy you this box of cereal?" 
"Coff-feeee," the drunken man said. "Okay I will buy you coffee too," Steve agreed.
The way towards the billing counter was slow as the stranger kept stumbling into shelves and displays. Steve kept a strong grip on him and guided him in his way. 
Steve even helped the stranger as he puked his guts out on the street, helping him clean his mouth with a kerchief. They both sat on the bench outside the cafe.
"Why… you… help me?" the stranger managed to ask between his panted breaths. "Why wouldn't I?" Steve seemed puzzled, "You can’t take care of yourself now, you need help. So I am helping you."
"I don't need help from you punk!" the stranger spat as he shoved Steve forcefully on the bench. It hardly shook Steve. He smiled a small smile, "Everybody needs help at some point or the other, Mr Wayne. How long do you think you can operate as the sole hero?"
Wiping his hand on the back of his mouth, Bruce smiled, "As long as I hold the key to every answer."
"Fury is not that bad," Steve scoffed.
"You don't know what's going on at S.H.I.E.L.D., do you?" challenge Bruce 
Steve retorted, "I don't need to know. I am just a soldier who follows orders."
"Whose orders? And on what authority? We don't need soldiers as we are not at war. But that doesn't stop us from initiating them," Bruce stated matter-of-factly.
"I believe in people Mr Wayne. I have faith in the general good that resides deep within every citizen," remarked Steve.
"Huh," it was Bruce's turn to scoff, "Here I was thinking you are a threat, but you are just a delusional patriot. People have agendas Captain. And agendas change. People are still bad, corrupt and easily influenced. The world hasn't changed Captain. Don't let anyone tell you any different."
Steve considered Bruce's words in silence, "The world has changed Mr Wayne, in more ways than you can possibly imagine. And it's... hard to keep track of things and stay updated. But it's much more easier to follow orders, you know?" 
"People are still the same Captain. And they make up the world. As for keeping track," Bruce leaned back on the bench, "You can keep a list of things you need to learn."
Steve nodded, getting up, "That's a good idea. Let me get you that coffee and maybe you can tell me what can I add to the list?"
Steve turned around and entered the cafe.
"Hi how can I help you?" the barista greeted him cheerfully. "Can I get a coffee?" requested Steve.
"Sure! Which one would you like to have? A cappuccino? Americano? Espresso? Latte? Moch-" 
"Son, please just give me a normal coffee," pleaded Steve.
"Sure sir. Which size do you want? We have Tall, Tumbl-"
"Just. A. Normal. Coffee. Please," Steve gritted his teeth. 
He stepped out with the hot coffee, only to find the bench empty, except for the cereal box. He read the note stuck on the box, "I will keep an eye on you", the note promised.
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Bruce settled back in his chair in his underground workshop. He laughed when he noticed the cereal box and the to-go cup of coffee, which was still warm. He laughed as he read the note stuck on the cup, "Tell Alfred I said hi. And please ask him if he will be willing to start a Barbershop Quartet with me?"
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Steve returned home sweaty from the workout. He chuckled when he saw the carton of milk in his kitchen, with the words NORMAL MILK written in big, bold letters. He read the note that came with it, "Alfred expresses his apologies as he will be unable to join your Barbershop Quartet. However, he does have a recommendation for your list. He suggests you watch 'I Love Lucy', an American sitcom from the 1950s. It had been quite popular then."
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"Sir, do you think Batman will join our forces if need be?" Maria Hill asked Nick Fury as he read Natasha's report on Bruce and Steve.
"I don't know," Fury said, "But it is always beneficial to have friends on the other side, should the situation arise."
Permanent tag: @donutloverxo
Chris/Chris' characters taglist: @onetwo3000
Taglist open! Just comment, send an ask or message!
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strrwbrrryjam · 3 years
Avatar The Last Airbender.
Thoughts on Season 1 Zuko.
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I'm quite new to Avatar The Last Airbender, only discovering it January last year.
I've got to be honest about it, I've never truly disliked Zuko. Yes, there were times where I was annoyed by him.
He's done horrible things to people who don't deserve it, such as burning down Kiyoshi Island and assaulting Katara and Sokka's grandmother.
He should absolutely be held accountable for his actions and has very much paid for them.
He isn't soft, or a 'baby' as many like to portray him as, he's an asshole with a kind heart who was abused for his compassion to other people.
But I couldn't ever truly hate him, to me he was just this desperate kid wanting something that he could never get. I looked at how he treated Uncle Iroh and thoroughly disliked him at that.
Honestly, it truly confused me to why Uncle Iroh stayed by him, no matter how harsh Zuko treated him, I often thought that if someone as good as Iroh could be so kind to him, then there must be something that we don't know about Zuko.
And then we watch 12th Episode of Season 1 and find out why- why he so badly feels the need to go home. I wholeheartedly believe that if Ozai can physically disfigure his son in front of a crowd and send him on such an impossible task then that isn't the first instance of abuse. If he was a good father then he would simply take Zuko aside and tell him why it was a good strategy and not completely go to an Agni Kai.
I just- couldn't hate him for it. Mostly due to the fact that I could relate to him, living in an a home with an absentee and emotionally abusive father, I now feel guilty for not spending time with him and after all he's done to me, I still feel the need for his companionship. If my dad gave me the chance for him to love me when I was past the realization that he could never truly know me, then yeah. I'd be pissed, but I would also do whatever possible, even if it was cruel and hurtful to other people.
Not to forget that he wasn't even given the chance to go home, with sailors who did not know who he truly was and hating him for being the 'spoiled prince,' possibly going as far to throw a mutiny. With an Uncle who I suppose was quite distant due to his career as a war general. He was also left alone with his abusive father, a sister who was also abusive and emotionally abused, without his cousin or his mother while his Uncle was on a spirit quest for two years, learning about the truth of the world. So I understand why he could be harbouring some distaste for his Uncle for leaving him in that situation and he's the closest thing to his father so he could say whatever he wants to him without ever getting hurt.
So yeah- I could never hate him, annoyed yes, disappointed definitely- but never hate him, I guess a part of me also knew that there was good in him. He never really went out of his way to be unnecessarily cruel, (Like Zhao) having a one time mind to capture- never kill- Aang. The goodness in him truly shows when despite the egging of Zhao to shoot him, he deliberately avoids hurting him. Truth be told, I hated Sokka for his obvious sexism until Suki beat it out of him.
So, I guess, thank you for hearing my thoughts? Sorry it was so long, I just had to give some reason to why Zuko (and Uncle Iroh) is most definitely my favourite character.
**Side Note - I didn't mind the phoenix tail, it just look really fluffy to me.
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sunnytumbies · 4 years
I'm somewhat confident that Amy's stress baking enables one or more of the other characters to then Stress Eat the baking, which could lead to Tummy Fic (tell me if I'm right and also you don't have anon asks turned on. c; might get more asks if you hit that switch!)
Whoops! Anons, you are now free to enter–sorry bout that! 
So, funny story: Tiny, you are right–you are so right, in fact, that I decided to write a lil fill for this! I had like 500 words written and then accidentally closed the tab :’), and for whatever reason my response was even more determined writing to finish it. Long story short, it’s now a /4391 word monster/ that I’m not even all that proud of, but I’m posting it anyway! It’s gonna be confusing & maybe a headache for me later because this is happening later in the story than the first “major story event” fic I’ll be posting but...here we are.
Content warning: this fic involves dysphoria, mentions of menstruation, self-loathing, and binge eating as a response to stress. Please be mindful should you choose to read!
Amy hums lightly to herself, dusting the last of the madeleines with powdered sugar, breathing in the comforting aromas, honey and lemon mingling with cinnamon and apple, almond and vanilla, chocolate and bread. She can’t pretend that this was a good decision, can’t act like she would not have possibly benefit more from a day of studying than a day of baking, but the knots in her chest have finally started to loosen, and it’s hard to take that as anything but a win. She plates the madeleines and slides them into the last remaining patch of free space on the L-shaped countertop, clutching the notebook that belonged to her mother close to her chest. 
It’s not that Amy only ever bakes French desserts. She adores the challenge of baklava with its stubborn phyllo dough, loves the thrill and the spectacle of a good Baked Alaska; it’s just that sometimes, she needs to hear her mother’s voice in the only way she knows how–baking the way Maman taught her, dutifully reading the advice scrawled in the margins of her recipe notebook in eccentric cursive, cleaning as she cooks (”Mieux vaut prévenir que guérir, Amelie,” she’ll find herself muttering at times in a poor imitation of her mother. It translates to “It is better to prevent than to heal,” which she thinks is sort of intense as far as wisdom about cleanliness goes, but then, she’s never forgotten it). Professors will likely always butcher her last name, flattening the syllables into something harsh and ugly; classmates will continue to express their envy at the ease with which they assume she sails through her foreign language requirement, oblivious to the unique heartache of struggling to write in a language that flows from her lips with more ease than English sometimes; but no one can take this from her, her mother’s recipes in her mother’s own words, the familiar tastes and smells of home. 
It started with the croissants, shaping the dough she’d prepped earlier this week in preparation to make pains au chocolat--she can’t stop her lips from quirking up in a small, proud smile, now, looking at how perfectly they rose, how flaky the croissants are, how tantalizingly the smell of chocolate and freshly-baked bread is wafting off of them, how they glisten with brushed-on butter. But when her eyes glanced over the mostly-full bottle of fruity olive oil in the pantry, how could she resist whipping up a lemon curd tart, with its buttery almond crust and rich lemon custard filling? And it would have simply been silly to waste the lemon zest she had leftover from the tart--not when she could make the madeleines, tiny delicious cakes sweetened with honey and brown sugar, the tang of the lemon zest cutting through the sweetness in the most delicious way, complimented by the dusting of powdered sugar. Then, she thought, that was an awful lot of citrus--she simply had to offset it with a quick apple mille-feuille, the autumnal scent of roasted apples, maple syrup, and apple brandy making her wistful for October. But wait--no mille-feuille was complete without the bourbon whipped cream on top, and shouldn’t poor lactose intolerant Cal have plenty of options too? Besides, a simple spiced bread wouldn’t take too long, and the mixture of star anise, ginger, and cinnamon, sweetened with honey and rife with dried apricots and plums, would be sure to make a delicious sweet toast for breakfast.
Even still, it wasn’t truly over until she noticed that several cartons of eggs--which she, for obvious reasons, tended to buy in bulk--were set to expire soon, and it would certainly be foolish to waste so much money--really, she hardly had a choice! She made chocolate macarons with orange ganache, a cherry buttermilk clafoutis; she made kouign-amann, with its buttery dough and sugary crust, and, in a desperate bid to eat through the eggs, another batch of macarons, this time with raspberry-rose buttercream. Struck with a flash of inspiration, she used the egg yolks she’d set aside while whipping the whites into stiff peaks fit for a meringue to make toasted-flour sablé, a sort of moist little sugar cookie, and while she was at it threw in a batch of snickerdoodles--cookies were easy to both make and get rid of in bulk, and besides, they were Cal’s favorite. Lastly, she decided to tackle a chocolate pound cake--quatre-quarts au chocolat de juliette, her mother’s handwriting rebuked her, along with an all-caps reminder to bake it in a bain-marie, PAS au four!!!!!. It made Amy laugh a little, but she couldn’t deny that the water-bath made for a much richer, much more moist final product than the oven. 
She feels a brief rush of shame, looking over it all--it’s truly an improbable amount of baking she’s done, here--but her heart is full, her back aching in a satisfying, productive way. If nothing else, she’s made the house smell like home and has ensured that anyone who enters can leave full and satisfied. Finally, she removes her apron and checks her watch--perfect. She has about half an hour to get to work for her 8pm-midnight shift, a fairly non-intensive desk position at one of the campus libraries, and she’ll more likely than not have enough free time to look over her chemistry notes. As for the baked goods, she opts to leave them out, but takes a few moments to write out sticky notes (“dairy free! Come right in, Cal!”; “full of dairy! Cals beware!”), and smiles gently as she thinks of Cal coming home to a warm kitchen and plenty to eat. “That boy is too damn skinny,” she mumbles to herself fondly, and flicks off the kitchen light, leaving the one above the oven on to bathe the kitchen in a warm, welcoming glow. 
Cal is not having a good day. 
He shivers as another gust of wind blows what feels like through him, making his teeth chatter as he attempts to sink even lower into his hoodie. The slumping motion does not agree with his cramping lower belly, and he groans, straightening back up with an arm looped around his stomach. 
Any day at this time of month for him is a difficult one. He knows for a fact that he “passes,” but he still feels uncomfortably seen, feels like he has to hide himself from view as much as possible. It certainly doesn’t help that his skin hurts, that his belly bloats and his bound chest becomes sore, that despite the fact that he no longer bleeds, he gets all the associated symptoms, yeah, thanks for that, genetics. Even so, Cal isn’t new to this, exactly, and he can deal with the cramping, can even handle the accompanying dysphoria like a champ, but today has been extraordinarily awful. He couldn’t sleep last night, feeling in turns too hot and too cold, and barely made it to his bio class this morning; all the coffee machines were down in the dining hall, meaning his eyes were burning with exhaustion by the time he was halfway through bio, let alone his other two classes of the day; perhaps most damning at all, the paper he’s been counting on being due next week is actually due this week, causing him to spend an extra few hours in the library after class, barely awake, forcing himself to get something, anything onto the page; and, the cherry on top of it all, he missed the last bus home, hence tramping home now in the dark and the rain. More than one car has splashed him as it’s passed, and his jeans are practically soaked through. 
He’s cold, he’s exhausted, he barely even made a dent in the paper, and his fucking stomach hurts, the cramps now joined by an anxious knot; as much as he wants to take comfort from the fact that he can see the apartment complex getting steadily closer, he also knows that he’s going to be home alone, and something about that just does not sit well with him at the moment that Cal doesn’t want to analyze, thank you very much. 
He shivers his way up the stairs leading to the apartment, down the exceedingly long corridor, through the front door, and is almost immediately assailed by both a rush of welcome warmth and a rush of smells so delicious and overpowering that he knows immediately that today was a stress-baking day for Amy. Something drains out of Cal then, equal parts tension and restraint, the anxious buzzing of his thoughts thrown off by the sheer number of baked goods spread across the counter top. He lets his backpack fall to the floor with a thud. His stomach rumbles--he ate today, but not well--and he sort of knows he’s doomed when he catches the scent of chocolate, as well as when his eyes land on a plate of snickerdoodles (which very much does not make a lump rise in his throat, okay, it’s whatever, it doesn’t  matter, Amy made his favorite cookie for him in the middle of her own stress-fueled baking marathon, it’s whatever). Amy will be home soon. Quincy, too, at some point. He’ll be fine. He just needs to do what he can until then, and there’s no shortage of snacks to keep him busy while he waits. 
Shocking no one less than him, Cal has many, many regrets, and at least half of them are baked goods he has put into his body over the last hour. He whimpers a little, oh-so-gently palming his belly, which has distressingly little give even when he ventures to apply a little more pressure with his fingertips. He doesn’t think he’s ever felt this bloated, heavy with food and swollen with almond milk, and he’d be lying if he said he’s not fighting tears, beyond ashamed to be in this state: slumped sitting on the floor, back supported by the side of the counter, shirt riding up to expose the pink flesh of his belly. He has to swallow thickly a few times, imagining the sugary sludge that’s surely squelching through his insides right now, trying to force back a dangerous burp that squeezes out anyway and leaves the taste of honey and cinnamon in the back of his mouth. He tried to be good, and that’s maybe what sucks the most. He started with a few snickerdoodles, ostensibly the only dessert on the counter that had been made for him, unable to hold back a little groan of pleasure at the taste, buttery and comforting and complemented perfectly by the crunch of cinnamon and sugar. He had four before pouring himself a tall glass of almond milk, chasing a few more cookies with it before deciding to investigate the irresistible scent of chocolate wafting from the plate of croissants. The chocolate might be a bit much for his lactose intolerance, he decided, and opted for two thick slices of the spiced bread instead, toasted and slathered with ghee. He swore they tasted like fall, like tramping through leaves and Halloween costumes when he was young. Something about filling his stomach after being so hungry and uncomfortable all day, recklessly, indulgently, eased the tightness of his chest, until he could scarcely even feel the chill from his still-damp jeans. 
He had already begun to feel rather full, but his interest was still piqued by the croissants, and he hadn’t even tried the little sugary-looking roll things, or the macaroons, or the cake--Cal squeezes his eyes shut, now, swallowing hard, struggling to even think about how much he’s eaten, but unable to completely erase the contrast from his mind between the overflowing countertop when he first arrived and the countertop now, an alarmingly high number of the cluttered plates more empty than not. All that really matters, he guesses, is that at some point filling his tummy began to hurt more than help, and he kept doing it anyway, and now his cramps have merely been replaced with sickly twinges and upset burbles. 
He tries to take a deep breath, which hitches as an ominous gurgle bubbles from the top to the bottom of his packed belly, and the tears he’s been clamping down on start to roll down his cheeks. He can’t do this, not alone, at least, and Amy’s shift still has 3 hours to go--they must have just barely missed each other. Part of him knows that he will probably feel worlds better if he simply allows himself to throw up, but he can’t handle that, not right now. He cradles his aching stomach for a moment, one trembling hand cupped under his lower belly, bloated and hot, and one resting on the hard little bloat of his tummy, even that feather-light touch ushering up a series of strained burps. After another moment of feeling his stomach contents swirl and slosh uncomfortably inside him, the nausea and misery outweigh his pride, and he hesitantly lets go of his aching stomach, swiping at his tears and pulling out his phone. 
I...fucked up, he texts her, and sends it before he can think twice about it. She replies almost instantly, one of his favorite things about Amy: ?????????????And a moment later, while he’s still figuring out where to begin: everything okay, honey?
The fragile control Cal has over his emotions abruptly slips at that, and he lets out a choked sob, swallowing hard when the motion upsets his tummy further. It hurts so fucking much, but Amy, Amy who bakes his favorites even in the middle of her own mini-crisis, Amy who takes the time to write adorable little sticky notes oriented around Cal’s dietary restrictions, Amy who calls everyone in the world honey because she cares about everyone in the goddamn world, Amy the literal human ball of sunshine--just, fucking Amy, okay? 
Yeah. I mean. I’m safe, but I’m not okay. I… Cal doubles over as a cramp twists deep in his belly, panting a little. Maybe it would be easier to just let himself be sick. You baked...a lot. I had a bad day. 
:((((( did u see my notes???? what’s going on??????
Cal has to blink hard against the tears at that, a new layer of guilt joining the anxiety and the shame of all he’s eaten. Stress-baking or not, this all had to have taken Amy a few hours, and he’d eaten right through a fair amount of almost everything. 
I’m sorry. I did see your notes. It’s not lactose, I just ate a /lot/ and I feel sick and I don’t know what to do 
A moment later, his phone buzzes with a call. It’s Amy, of course. 
“H-hey,” he manages, sniffing, and then hiccups just before a deep burp gurgles up from his churning belly, clamping a hand over his mouth for a moment as his gorge rises with it. 
“Cal, honey,” Amy says, sounding so fucking sad for him. It’s not like she’s never seen the fallout of his stress-binging before. “How much did you eat?” 
“I don’t want to talk about it,” Cal says hoarsely, his throat burning from stubbornly swallowing back stomach acid. “I’m just nauseous and sick and--and—” He falters, feeling like a child. “And I just really had a bad day, like a really bad day, Amy, and I know your day wasn’t so good either or you wouldn’t be stress-baking but I just, I’m so fucking tired, and my paper is due and—” He gags, suddenly, and has to take a moment to collect himself, hyper-aware of Amy’s concerned silence on the other end of the line-- “and I can’t do this alone,” he finally manages, voice cracking, and it is only the knowledge that openly weeping would send him over the edge right now that keeps him from dissolving into exhausted tears. 
“I’m so sorry, Cal. I wish I could be there,” Amy murmurs soothingly, and it’s almost, almost like she’s there. “If I could leave work I’d do it in a heartbeat, but I’m going to call Quincy for you, okay?” 
Cal’s heart squeezes at that, half-anxiety, half-hope, and maybe something else, too, a deep sense of being known--Amy knows that Cal knows that she can’t leave work. Amy knows that there’s only one other person that he’d want. Amy knows that he can’t--because of anxiety, because of what he sees as a low stakes problem relative to Quincy’s very high-stakes life, because, because, because--reach out to him himself when he’s like this. “Okay,” he whispers, and hope she hears the gratitude in it. 
“Of course,” she says, so warmly that it makes Cal’s heart ache a little. “Hang in there, okay? Try to stay calm for me. I’ll let you know when he’s coming.” 
“Love you,” he mumbles, and lets his phone clatter to the floor as soon as he hears the beep that means she’s hung up, clutching at his belly, feeling his stomach lurch and rumble. He’s so fucking full. He’s such a fucking idiot. 
Some time later, Quincy comes for him. 
Cal startles when the door creaks open, then whimpers a little at the resulting complaints of his stomach. There’s just so much pressure, his stomach tight and hot as though nothing is moving at all, though with all that he feels burbling against his palm, that can’t possibly be true. Quincy looks a little frantic in the doorway before his eyes come to rest on Cal, still curled up pitifully on the floor, both hands pressed gently against his bloated stomach. 
“Oh—” Quincy breathes, shutting the door behind him, crossing the space between them in an instant and crouching in front of Cal. “God, Cal, Amy scared me half to death. Are you alright?” 
“I’m—” Cal has to stop and breathe, composing himself as a wave of nausea crashes over him, his stomach squelching unpleasantly. All at once, he realizes that he’s no longer alone, that perhaps even if he should keep suppressing everything, he no longer wants to, and he no longer cares if he’s sick, he just wants to feel better, wants to be in his bed, wants to be warm and comfortable and safe--all at once, he’s doubling over his own lap, sobbing his heart out, barely even registering the flicker of amusement he’d ordinarily feel at Quincy’s eyes going comically round behind his glasses. His stomach aches, pain ringing throughout his abdomen at the movement, and before he can process much more than that a warm palm folds itself over his distended stomach, firmly enough to quiet the cramping there, but lightly enough to keep from exacerbating the nausea.
  “Cal,” Quincy says, in that low, soothing voice of his, “I am so sorry that you’re hurting, and I’m going to make that go away, but to get you feeling better, I have to get you off the floor. I can’t imagine that you are ready to move just now?”
  “No,” Cal breathes, his usual shyness dominated by hours of physical discomfort. “Please, just—” Tears dribble down his cheeks, his lack of sleep and general exhaustion beginning to catch up with him. 
Quincy seems to hear him anyway. “Okay, hey, heyheyhey, okay, that is perfectly fine. I’m here, alright? I’m here to help you feel better.” 
Ever so gently, Quincy eases himself behind Cal, so that his back is supported by Quincy’s chest rather than the hard base of the kitchen counter. Equally gently, his arms wind around Cal’s waist, both hands coming to rest on his abused stomach. He applies pressure to the bloated space between Cal’s navel and his ribs, rubbing in broad, gentle strokes, almost immediately ushering up a deep belch that has Cal going slack with the smallest but most welcome measure of relief. Quincy is so damn warm, and his rough palm is heaven where it rests on his lower belly, supporting the bloat from below to take the strain off of his overfull stomach. His other hand moves from that space in the middle of his abdomen to his stomach, the noticeable overfull bulge where the organ ought to be, rubbing in gentle circles. The pressure is almost too much and Cal shifts to tell him so, succeeding only in ushering up several more rumbling belches, one right after the other, left gasping with the relief of it. He is still painfully aware of how full he is, packed utterly to the brim with food, but the release of trapped air is so needed and so lovely. 
Quincy holds him like this for a while, coaxing up the occasional belch, paying extra attention to the twinges that make Cal groan with nausea. Cal finds his eyes watering again, this time with sheer gratitude for his dearest friends, for their kindness, for the quiet lack of judgement Quincy exhibits as he rubs his aching tummy. Eventually, Cal feels like he might be able to move without throwing up, and Quincy supports his weight with an arm around his waist as they make their way to Cal’s bedroom. 
“I’ll be right back,” Quincy says after depositing Cal on the bed gently. “Amy said you’d want a hoodie and some shorts. How did she do?”  
Cal smiles a little sadly, having trouble finding his voice, and Quincy barely misses a beat, busying himself retrieving one of Cal’s biggest hoodies and a soft pair of pajama shorts. “Either way, let’s give it a try. You should probably take your binder off--all that squeezing can’t be helping, and no wonder you’re shivering in those wet jeans!” He ducks into Cal’s bathroom for a moment, filling up the cup next to the sink with cold water from the tap, and offers it to Cal, making sure his shaking hands don’t cause a spill before he lets go. “Try to take some sips of that, okay? Trust me. We need to break up all that sugar.” 
Cal can’t argue with that, nodding, and waits until Quincy lets the door swing mostly-shut behind him, taking the deepest breath he can manage. His stomach twinges as he bends over to put the water on his nightstand and lifts his arms to pull off his shirt. wriggling out of his binder, and he pants for a moment as the sudden release of pressure on his stomach causes the nausea to flare before it thankfully passes again. He puts on the hoodie, immediately comforted by the billowing fabric, and wriggles out of his jeans and into the pajama shorts as quickly as he can manage, forcing himself to take a measured sip of water. His stomach tightens around it, and he swallows hard. 
“Hey,” Quincy says softly, knocking twice on the slightly-ajar door before pushing it completely open with his elbow. His hands are occupied with a tv tray, carrying a heating pad and a steaming mug of tea.  “Don’t force it. You’re still very full.” 
“Y-yeah,” Cal manages, finding his voice. “Tummy really hurts.” 
“I know,” Quincy murmurs apologetically, offering Cal the heating pad. Cal practically melts when the heat makes contact with his sore belly, instantly beginning to soothe his cramping muscles, even working its magic on the fullness, just a little. “I’m sorry you’re hurting, Cal. I know you’re very full, but when you can, you should try to drink some water and this tea. It’s peppermint, so it should help with the nausea.” 
Flicking off the overheard light in lieu of Cal’s carefully-hung string lights, Quincy leaves the mug of tea on the bedside table closest to Cal, spreading the quilt at the foot of the bed over him, and Cal instinctively lets his head drop onto Quincy’s shoulder when he climbs onto the bed beside him. 
Cal nearly weeps again when Quincy reaches  for his bloated tummy without being asked, resuming a soothing pattern, rubbing wide, sweeping circles over his abdomen, applying pressure to the bloated place beneath his ribs, to his tense sides, to the hard knot of his stomach. Each instance of carefully-applied pressure coaxes up a series of rumbling belches that Cal didn’t realize he was holding in, eventually freeing up enough room for him to sip at the tea. 
“Amy will be home soon,” Quincy says after several moments. “How are you feeling?” 
“Like an idiot who stuffed my face with sweets all afternoon,” Cal mumbles, still wrestling with guilt, and Quincy frowns as his belly emits an audible squelch, smoothing a hand over it in slow arcs. Cal drinks a bit more deeply at the tea, unable to withhold a sigh of relief as it begins to fill the burbly places in his tummy, blissfully soothing the ache. 
“You aren’t an idiot, Cal,” Quincy says sincerely. “Amy says this sometimes happens when you get overwhelmed. You’re overwhelmed.” 
Something about the sincerity in his voice makes something big and terrifying shift in Cal’s chest, and he abruptly puts down the mug of tea in favor of hiding his face in Quincy’s chest, narrow frame wracked with tired sobs. He dimly registers that at least his stomach doesn’t react poorly to the movement. “I am,” he manages eventually, as Quincy gently shushes him, stroking his belly as though to keep it calm. “I am so exhausted, Quince.” 
“So rest,” Quincy says simply, “at least for now. And when Amy gets here, we’ll talk about what we’re going to do next. Okay?” 
Cal sniffs, nodding, still hiding his face, and Quincy lets him, simply bringing his arms around him, smoothing his hands over Cal’s back. Against all odds, particularly the still-overpowering sense of fullness, Cal feels his eyelids drooping. All of a sudden, everything has caught up with him, and he can barely form a coherent thought. It has been a day, his belly is now more warm than upset, and Quincy is a very, very comfortable pillow. 
“I’m gonna take that as a yes,” Quincy says, and Cal feels the rumble of his chest as he gives a low chuckle, too far gone at this point to respond. He’s going to have a lot to explain when he wakes up, but for now…
For now, Cal lays with his head on Quincy’s shoulder, arms looped around his neck, and Quincy pulls the quilt up around them. “I’ve got you,” Quincy murmurs, and the next thing Cal knows is blessed sleep.
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Part 4: A slight change of plans
A collab with @aspaceformyselffics09
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What happens when you are at a point in your life where you need to change direction, but are uncertain of the road to take? Would you take a random road or would you wait for a sign? And what happens if at a bend of the path, you meet someone that seems at the same point as you, a traveller, needing the same change of direction as you? Would you choose to take that road together? What happens when you meet, at the crossroads?
Warning: no
Words count: 3238.
Note from me only: guys, you have no idea how excited I am about this collab. In the future, you will see equally Jiyong and Namjoon, don't worry. It's very nice to mix 2 fandom together, don't you think? The story is already planned, it will be a long, funny and wonderful journey. I hope you like it.
Also, we had to give our females characters a name instead of the usual "y/n", it makes it a little more difficult for the reader, maybe, to imagine yourself in her position. But we had no choice, we have 2 baby girls 🤷🏼‍♀️. As they say, pick your fighter 😛 are you more Miso or Lilly? You want to be Ji or Nam's lover? You can choose people. It's up to you ♥️
Guys I have to say.... working with @aspaceformyself @aspaceformyselffics09 is so wonderful, you have no idea. She's so intelligent and her english skills are just amazing. I'm impressed. She embellish everything I write with her poesie. Sometimes, in google docs, we start to add something, as we stop to look what the other is writing (yes, we can create together, live, it's magical) we found out the other is following the same idea. We want to add the exact same little detail (with differents words, of course) it's really impressive ♥️. My lovely indian princess, thanks for the trust, the respect, the peacefull atmosphere in which we create and most of all, thanks for the friendship. We create so good together, right? It's fun to see how our ideas complete each other's ideas! I love you ♥️ I can't wait to read what we'll create along the way.
Anyway, here it is, part 4 guys!
“Ice creaaaaam, ice creaaaaaaam”, Miso sang as she skipped along the already darkening streets illuminated by the tiny sparkles of the neon lights from the buildings that stood like a backdrop to the city scape. It was the beginning of the evening, a breezy one to be exact and the onset of the chill in the air is evident by how it made Miso pull her overcoat a bit closer to herself. She was walking slowly on the sidewalk, unbothered by the passers-by that were in a hurry to get to their destination. Swimming and blending among the vast crowd. It was one of those usual evenings in Seoul, when the rush hour took over and people who just get out of work scurry their way home to their families. But despite the cold and the rush, Miso felt warm inside thinking about the night she's about to have with her best friend Kwon Jiyong.
She was just out of work and the day had been very busy. Miso doesn’t remember a moment where she is not running around with her camera flung around her neck and yelling directions to the staff and the model she worked with. The models she worked with, aren’t usually very fussy people but the one she had to deal with today, was out right unprofessional and a royal pain in the ass.
So, tonight, she was tired and mostly wanted nothing but to sit, relax, laze around and watch countless movies as she stuffs her face with good food. Basically, a usual night with Ji. Those were always fun and not complicated. Their friendship was “split” between very childish moments and some deep conversations. In Ji, Miso has found a big brother, a confident and a personal motivator. They can share their deepest thoughts, things they would be ashamed to tell somebody else. And the minute after they could laugh over bad quality anime on the television, laughing like 2 kids with their mouths wide open. That’s the kind of friendship they shared together. A real, not complicated one, comfortable enough to show their lamest sides to each other without any Judgement, comfortable enough to laugh at it, make fun of it but at the same time have each other's backs at all times needed.
Excited about the evening to come, she subconsciously reaches out to the phone sitting in her overcoat pocket and dials him.
“Jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii”, She sing songs over the phone.
Although the phone clicked in an answer mode she was met with complete silence on the other side. Not precisely silence but rather the sound of things shuffling and scurrying but no voice.
“Ji are you there?” Miso calls out.
A beat of silence later, a hurried voice answers, “Ah yes my tiny one, what’s up?”
“What do you mean, what’s up? What are you doing?” She asks pouting, “You sound like you’re in a hurry. I don’t need anything fancy you know, just the casual beer and movie night is enough for me”.
“I’m not busy, I’m just getting dressed Miso”.
“Getting dressed? What for?” She asks the confusion in her voice ringing clear, “Pretty sure it’s not for me”.
“Pff, for you? Obviously not for you.”
“Ji, what are you up to? I am coming over with your favorite cookies, remember?”
“Miso, I am a bit late, talk to you later little one”.
“Ji? Jiyong?” And before she could say anything further, the line clicks shut on the other side.
“Ugh”, Miso groans, rolls her eyes and continues to walk ahead, stuffing her phone back into her pocket,“I can’t believe he hung up the phone on me”, she sighs, huffing up her cheeks. “What is he doing?”
Curious, she hurries down the road to her best friend’s apartment. And as she nears it, she could sense the commotion inside which confuses her even further. Cautiously she opens the door with a spare key Ji gave her and carefully steps inside. There, she’s met with a sight she didn’t usually expect on a saturday night. Usually, it’s just her, Ji, a ton of food, a pile of DVDs of all the film they both want to watch and Ji’s exotic TV screen. But today when she looked inside, it was anything but that. Today, there are some n number of people squirming about his place, stylists, make up artists, a few photographers etc. Nothing made sense to Miso. But she still made her way inside squeezing herself between the sea of people. Not really, but that’s just what Miso felt like. And finally, in one of the rooms, she found Ji.
He was watching his reflection in front of a standing mirror. A little turn to the left, he seems satisfied. A little turn to the right, yes, he likes what he sees. He then gestures a thumbs up to his stylist, grabs her by the shoulders and playfully messes up her ponytail.
“Noona, you’re the best. Once again, thank you for making me look good tonight”.
“You’re welcome Jiyong ssi”. She said brightly while squirming and trying to escape Jiyong’s playful embrace. This was the moment he notices Miso leaning against the door frame.
“Hey Minnie! Why are you here girl?” Jiyong delightfully sprints over to his best friend, “Awww, You wanted to see me? You missed me love?”
“You forgot didn’t you?” She points at him accusingly.
Ji looks at her confused. He isn’t really sure what she came to see him for, and his mind begins to race with questions. Did he forget something? Did they plan anything?
“It’s our night together Ji! You promised…” She whines faking an exaggerated disappointment. “Umm, but Minnie, you know this event tonight, right? I’ve told you many times”.
“Well, no you didn’t”, she deadpans.
“I did”, he says and before she could whine any further he continues, “Remember yesterday we were talking and I was telling you how I have to attend an event. You were even excited that BTS was gonna show up?”
Miso stares at him for a while before the realization dawns upon her. Ji did inform her.
“You forgot didn’t you?” It was now Ji’s turn to stare at her accusingly, trying his best to hide the smirk threatening to form on his face.
Miso just grins at him sheepishly. She can’t believe that she was so lost in her dreamland she forgot his event.
Still too proud to give up, she says,“You know what? It’s okay Ji, it’s the first time you are abandoning me, so it’s gonna be strike one”.
“Your unbelievable!” Ji scoffs as he scoops Miso into his arms in a big embrace. Laughing to herself Miso snuggles into him. He then kisses the top of her head as the rest of the staff had already almost disappeared from the room, leaving their presence a strange phantomatic souvenir, as if they were never here at all.
“If you are talking about this event, yes you did tell me, I remember now. You just never mentioned it was tonight”.
She took a step back, looked at her friend’s outfit and showed her appreciation by applauding.
“You look almost good, I am impressed. Your stylist and makeup artist can turn your ugly ass into somebody pretty, I am amazed by their talent” she says, laughing.
“Yeah! Yeah!” Jiyong is now used to Miso’s sarcastic sense of humour.
“Anyway! I declare your house my little nest for the rest of the evening. I can’t think of a better place to be right now, your freezer must be loaded with my favorite ice cream, I will watch you on your big screen while relishing it”.
“Hahahaha, sure my little one. Make yourself at home for tonight. I put your clothes in the usual place. Grab them if you need something comfortable okay?”
Ji then glances at his watch and continues, “Sorry but I have to go now Minnie, have fun while I’m gone, see you when I come back okay? Don’t expect me home soon though, I have an after event party”.´
“That’s what I thought, have fun, I am not going anywhere anytime soon”.
He answered in some inaudible words, before being dragged out by his manager.
Sighing in disappointment, Miso realised all her plans for the night were gone. That she was left alone in her best friend’s big apartment with only Aye as a friend. But! She won’t let this put all her plans aside for the night. She’s still determined to do whatever she thought to. Even if her best friend abandoned her. Even if she has to do it by herself. So, pulling up her sleeves, Miso first finds her way to the guest room where Ji usually stakes up all the clothes and things she leaves behind. On the top of her BTS pajama neatly folded in the drawer of the dresser she uses, she found a Big Bang pajama with a handwritten note from Ji “you should also encourage your best friend you know, wear this if you love me. Just saying” with a lot of smiley and hearts encircling the little message. Laughing, she takes a quick shower in the attending bathroom and changes into her comfortable Koya nightdress. She scoops all the cushions from the bed, let them in the middle of the living room. Then made her way to Ji’s room and stole all his pillows too, with a big smirk plastered onto her face.
“You hate it when I put your precious pillows on the floor, right Mister Ji? Ha ha! Then you should have stayed here tonight to protect them against the mighty me”.
She arranges the cushions so as to form a cozy nest, right in front of the mega big screen of the living room. Realizing she forgot the blankets, she runs up to Ji’s bedroom again. She seizes the luxurious mattress cover in black silk and without hesitation puts it on the floor in the living room where she built her empire. Ji would be fuming if he knew what treatment she reserves to his precious bedding.
“Isn’t it the perfect spot to be watching Namjoon’s precious face? If not, I wonder what is” Miso thinks to herself, a dreamy look on her face. “Have I ever seen his beautiful dimples on the big screen before? I don’t think so…. Oh! My! God!”.
Excited she scrunches her face and squeals like a little girl as she jumps around in her exquisite fort. She then skips her way to the dining area, opens the fridge and chooses a meal among the cooked dishes that Ji’s personal cook had made for him.
“Let’s see what we got here tonight… black noodles?” She scans the fridge as she hums a tune to herself, “ No… tofu soup… mmm maybe…”
She finally picks some haemul pageon (athin crêpe of seafood and chives), sniffing and salivating at the delicious smell coming from the oven as she heats it. She then places a glass of water, some radish kimchi she cooked for Ji last week because he loves her kimchi the most and her meal on a transport tray and finally comes back to her magic fort, ready to watch her favorite people on the big screen.
“I can’t believe I’m about to see Namjoon on this screen! This is so exciting!” She sings dramatically twirling about, like she’s a princess from a disney movie, “I hope I will survive his handsomeness, aaaaw, he’s so cute, I can’t wait to see him!”
She then places her plate on the table and looks around the room for the tv remote. Keeping her search operation as quick as possible as her precious seafood is on the low coffee table being all vulnerable for Aye the food predator!
Oh! Now that she thinks about it, her eyes open wide, she realizes that she hadn't seen him since she got here today. Hopefully, he’s just hiding somewhere, Ji would be really sad if his beloved son, as he calls him, would have escaped somewhere earlier, through the come and go of the staff. She needs to look for the little guy.
“But nooooo! I don’t want to miss the first minutes of the show” she says out loud, mentally conflicted. Her eyes drift to the clock on the terminal, “I have about 3 minutes, let’s go find the feline before then”.
“Aye! Aye! Where are you wild cat? Your master abandoned you too, right?” She called out as she went around the house, “Well, he abandoned me too. Look, I have a sad face on. Get out of your hiding spot little one, I am here… Aye! I’ll even share ice cream with you if you dare show me your little nose, I swear I will!”
“Wow! I am trying to talk to a cat now, he will never get out if Ji is not here” she thinks to herself. Her eyes trailing back to the clock every now and then. Even though she’s running out of time, she wants to make sure that he’s still in the apartment somewhere, she knows how Jiyong loves his cat. He calls her 10 times a day whenever she stays at his place to take care of him when he was out of Seoul. He never calls her that often when she’s not cat sitting.
“Aye! Come here you gutter cat! Come here!”
As she looks everywhere around the apartment, she realises that the door of the cellar is not completely closed like it should be, to keep the wine at a good temperature.
“Why is this open?” She thinks to herself. At first her mind races with the thoughts of an intruder and she panics for a second before she remembers the cat. “It could be the cat”, She tells herself, “Not an intruder”. But even as she tells herself that, back in her mind she knows a cat can’t open a door handle. And she mentally prepares herself to either run, or call an emergency number in case it turns out that there’s an intruder after all. Nonetheless, she cautiously enters the cellar and spots the cat right away, sleeping on the top shelf.
“There you are! It’s cold here, come on down”.
Of course, the unbothered cat didn’t even flinch at her attempt to make him get down. But she can’t leave him there, the cellar will change temperature, oh! Drama! and it’s too cold for a cat too. She then places a bench near the shelf and uses it to reach higher towards the sleeping cat which finally allows her to grab him and take him into her arms despite his attempts to get out of her grip. It was then as she was getting down the step, that a bottle of wine catches her interest. There was something in the way it was packaged or the lettering or the graphics or the description that caught her eye. And as she reached out to it, she thought, “Why not! After all, we often open a bottle of red together, plus it’s the weekend and I deserve it after all the hard work today. I’m sure he won’t be mad if I drink it without him”, she grabs the bottle with a shrug of her shoulders, “Good! now let’s go back to my man, my handsome Kim Namjoon”.
Precautiously, she closes the door as she leaves the cellar with her treasures securely tucked under her arms. Making her way to the living room, she sets the cat down on the floor and the bottle of wine on the table in front of her. Aye immediately makes a dash for it and snuggles up to himself in the fort. Sighing, she sits herself down, switches on the TV, flips the channel to the one broadcasting the event and finally takes a bite of her food.
“Mmmmmm”, she hums, closing her eyes, quite pleased by its taste. Ji’s personal cook really is the best! She then unscrews, pop’s the wine open and pours some into a glass. Carefully lifts it up, twirls it and takes a long sip, “Delicious!” She exclaims and sets the glass down and turns her attention to the screen. A few minutes passed by since the broadcast started. Although Miso was sad she missed the introduction, she was still happy because the camera is now focusing on BTS. Which means, she can watch them, in close up, on that wide big screen.
“Ah! There he is! My Namjoonie! My beautiful man ” She exclaims to no one in particular but more to herself, the cat and the empty room around her, then clutching her hand to her chest, she gushes, “Look at those dimples Aye! They’re to die for! Don’t you think so too Kitty?”
She was not sure if she saw correctly on the screen because she was focussing on Namjoon all the time but it seems that it was Jiyong sitting on Namjoon’s left side now. Has she seen correctly? She’s not quite sure. She wants to know so she grabs her cell phone and write a message to Ji.
“Kwon Jiyong, if you are sitting next to MY man, please touch his face for me and don't wash your hands. Try to touch the skin, omg… I will awkwardly lick your fingers as soon as you are home. Please? Let me do it? Pretty please?”
Dramatically wiping some fake tears, Miso reaches out to the glass in front of her and takes one more long sip and thus her night goes. Amazing food, the event broadcast, fangirling whenever Namjoon’s on the screen, talking to Aye, sometimes texting Jiyong as she sees him on the screen and of course, the delicious wine.
Meanwhile, in Seoul, in a place farther than Ji’s apartment, at the venue of the event, Kim Namjoon finds himself sprinting towards the exit. As he looks around the area to see if he can spot his bandmates anywhere around but it appears that they had already made it outside. They were in the middle of the event when their manager suddenly called and informed them that they have to immediately rush to the airport to catch their flight. You see, they anyway had to go to the airport soon after the event as they’ll be out recording and shooting over seas for the next few months. But it so happened that all the flights got preponed due to the weather which means BTS has to check in early and catch the flight earlier than they have anticipated and that brings us back to why Namjoon was in a hurry.
And soon, he was out of the venue, in the limo, on his way to the airport. Though his face reflects the gaiety of his fellow bandmates, he was nonetheless, a little concerned about the sudden change of plans due to the meteoric condition. And regardless of everything, he wants everyone travelling tonight to be safe and sound. Suddenly, as if snapping him right out of his thoughts, his phone buzzes in his pocket. Who could be texting him at this time? And as if on cue, the phone continues to buzz as a string of messages flood his phone. The blue light illuminates his face as he clicks it open and looks at it, confused.
What the hell was that?
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themattress · 5 years
“You don't have to kill anyone. You don’t go around killing people. It's not nice.”
This was said by George Lucas when developing Return of the Jedi, as justification as to why he axed Han Solo’s death even though Harrison Ford desperately wanted in (and as a result phoned in his performance throughout the movie), and why he didn’t even want to kill Yoda. 
What’s disheartening for me is that too many fans these days agree with him.
I am not arguing that all character deaths are good, because that is far from the truth. Character deaths that are done for shock value, for misogynistic reasons, for not being able to think of anything else to do with the character even when there are obvious creative paths available....those are all terrible and should be condemned.  But so many people these days just condemn any character death (or imperilment, troubles, or any kind of high-stakes conflict, really) as “BAD WRITING!” It’s a knee-jerk reaction just because they’re upset about the death or whatever, without actually taking time to think and analyze if it was earned or not, if it’s truly objectively bad writing or if it’s just writing that they personally don’t care for.
Which brings me to my main subject here: Anthony and Joe Russo.
The Russo Brothers have directed four hit Marvel movies: Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Captain America: Civil War, Avengers: Infinity War, and Avengers: Endgame. Despite all of these movies being critical and financial successes, there remains a sizable constituent on the internet who hates these movies and the Russo Brothers because they dare to kill off characters, create difficult and challenging conflicts between characters, and raise the stakes to the highest personal extent possible, with a happy ending not always guaranteed for all.
Yet despite these fans’ constant accusations of the Russos being the definitive bad MCU directors and for their movies to be full of bad writing, when looked at objectively these just don’t hold any water. The S.H.I.E.L.D - HYDRA connection? That was set up in the previous Capain America movie and in The Avengers. The titular Civil War between the Avengers? Makes absolutely perfect sense not just when considering the Sokovian Accords and Bucky being framed but also when considering the pasts, characters and motivations of each individual Avenger, especially Cap and Iron Man. And then of course we have Infinity War and Endgame, which have gotten the majority of fan outrage. And why is that, exactly?
Well, mostly because characters died. Some temporarily, some permanently, some horribly, some peacefully, but there was a lot of death. And naturally the fans of those characters are angry about that. But is it bad writing? Were those deaths unearned and hold no deeper significance? No. All the temporary deaths had to happen because that’s literally how the story goes - this is a loose adaptation of The Infinity Gauntlet, where half of all life in the universe is wiped out and then later restored, so of course that was going to happen here. 
Heimdall had to die in-universe as a sacrifice to get Bruce back to Earth and out of universe because Idris Elba didn’t want to play the role anymore. Loki had to die because a noble death for the sake of his family was always the trajectory of his arc in the whole MCU and it had to be done here after the original plan to do it in Thor: The Dark World fell through, plus it effectively establishes Thanos’ ruthlessness and kick-starts Thor’s arc in these two films. There are a lot of reasons for the death of the prime timeline’s Gamora and of alt!timeline’s Nebula later on which could fill a post of its own, but the bottom line is that they were narratively justified and well built up to. Vision had to die for obvious reasons and it’s nebulous at this point if it’s a permanent death anyway. And Tony Stark’s death was essential to closing out his overall character arc - I know that fans would love to see him live happily ever after with his wife and daughter, but when you put your feelings aside and look at him objectively you realize that this would be a betrayal of everything that had been established and developed about the character. As Doctor Strange put it, this was the only way.
The one death that I think is actually debatable is Natasha’s, and even then I feel that this is mitigated by the fact that they were also considering killing Clint instead: one of them had to die for the Soul Stone to be obtained and it was just a matter of which one would make the sacrifice play, which offers a brilliant thematic contrast between how Thanos obtained the Stone. While I’m sad it was Natasha, I admit that I do think it’s better off being her than Clint.
Some also take issue with how some characters got portrayed, chiefly Thor Odinson, Bruce Banner, and Steve Rogers. With Thor, it’s a complicated issue involving either fans loving what was done with him in Ragnarok and upset that so much of that was reversed (although I find that the most essential things from that film were followed up on), or taking offense to his fat, drunken portrayal in Endgame (something I think is more a matter of bad acting than bad writing). With Bruce, they don’t like the Professor Hulk angle they went with, even though by all means it’s the logical conclusion to the character’s struggle with his dual nature and pays off brilliantly when all the Infinity Stones are collected. And I don’t think the ending for Steve himself is bad per se, but I will admit that if anything in these films absolutely deserves to be called bad writing, it’s his ending due to the implications it has for both of the Carter women. But since it only comes at the end and only affects a few characters, it’s not too bad, IMO.
An Infinity War-specific complaint is Thanos, whom people say is either made too sympathetic or even heroic and not villainous enough (which is a damn lie: Thanos as a three-dimensional being who is framed as the hero in his own mind and as the “hero” of the movie in order to serve its gut-punch of an ending does not make him any less of a repulsively evil monster), is adequately villainous but the narrative takes his side or acts like he has a point (again, confusing the deliberately twisted framework of the movie’s story for authorial intent, when in reality the Russos expect their audience to be intelligent enough to know that Thanos is hopelessly deluded in his messiah complex, which is made much clearer in Endgame), or is a bad villain because his plan makes no logical sense (if his plan made logical sense, he wouldn’t be the MAD Titan or even the villain, his plan is meant to be insane because he’s insane, it’s supposed to be illogical because Thanos isn’t adhering to real logic but to his twisted view of what should have been done on his homeworld that he is applying to the rest of the universe as part of a narcissistic desire to validate himself to everyone.)
An Endgame-specific complaint is time travel, which is messy in any story and thus always has people confused about its shaky and often inconsistent rules. Complaining about that misses the point that this is both a character drama so that’s where the focus should be - on how the time travel shenanigans affect them and not on the shenanigans themselves - and a freaking comic book movie, and comic books are full of these nonsensical elements. They always have been and they always will be. If you’re going in expecting every fantastical element to always make sense or always be consistent, then you’re watching the wrong film.
And of course there are nitpicks everyone likes to make. And that is the death of cinema.
If you don’t like the Russos’ movies for any personal reason, then you’re free to do so and to admit that. But going on that they’re “badly written”, or that they somehow trashed the MCU’s story and characters, or whatever hyperbole you come off with based on your emotions rather than looking at things objectively is wrong. It’s not your cup of tea, and that’s OK. But the fact still stands that these movies are objectively well-written and well-directed movies, and that characters dying and high-stakes conflicts transpiring are sometimes necessary. 
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