#it was really fun. my tailbone hurts
fishareglorious · 5 months
damn my entire body hurts. shoulder pain came back full force and my upper arms do to. i sit on a hard surface and I have to find the most optimal position to sit and don’t apple pressure on my tailbone and my ass bones. also i stepped on a sharp rock barefoot so both my heels hurt when i lean on them. damn man
at least the event yesterday was really fun, barring me having a raw egg running down my pants for two hours
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hungharrington · 2 months
Your last blurb has me thinking of Steve and soft early relationship smut where it’s still fairly new and exciting and he’s just so sweet and wants to be close to you 💔💔
this is basically the premise of a little less conversation BUT it’s also such a good prompt anyways that i wanna write something goofy n domestic hehe <3 u put heartbreak emojis but i’m making this goopy sry! and actually it’s not even soft god i’m sorry MDNI this entire blog is 18+
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Steve sinks into you in one slow thrust and makes a noise like he’s been stabbed, his forehead to your collarbone.
For one very long moment, he doesn’t move.
“You… you okay?” You ask, all breathy yourself. Your cunt pulses wildly, eager for him to start moving, for some friction— but you’re worried he’s maybe hurt himself somehow. “Steve?”
“I’m good,” He hisses, voice all tight like he is very much not at all good. It blends away as a husky tone threads through his voice. “God, sorry, you just feel—“
He gives a little rock of his hips, pulling out an inch and thrusting back in and a beautiful moan pulls from his lips. He does it again, pulling out a little further and pushing himself back in to your wet, inviting cunt.
He groans again, “Oh my god, I like you so much.”
You startle a laugh, your arms around his neck sliding down so you can pull his head up a bit. Steve’s flushed and looking sheepish by the time you get him face to face. His hips haven’t stopped moving, still small, perfect thrusts in and out, driving you mad.
“Sorry,” He says again, half panting. “Not the best thing to say the first time we fuck but,” He huffs, a throaty moan slipping out in the middle of the sentence. “It’s true.”
You’re beginning to pant too, all your inhales sounding gaspy and high. Your thighs spread more instinctively, pulling them further back to your chest, letting him get in deeper.
“N-No, it’s good,” You say, smiling a bit as he focuses on your face, his lips parted and pupils blown wide. “I really like you too.”
Your words inspire another moan, particularly loud, and his hips rut into you with more fervor, a soft lewd squelching noise beginning to fill the bedroom. Steve moans shakily, peppering sloppy kisses up the side of your neck.
One hand shifts on your hip, sliding up to press your leg further out and unexpectedly, and there’s an audible pop of a joint cracking. Steve stills instantly, still inside you, as he stares down at your hip.
“Oh my god—”
“No, no, it’s fine!” You hastily interrupt, knowing what he’s thinking. You tug his gaze over to you and away from your leg, seeing the smidge of panic in his eyes. “It just cracks sometimes, you couldn’t know that, it’s fine, it didn’t hurt.”
Steve deflates rapidly, giving a relieved chuckle against your chest where he buries his face. When he speaks, his words are all muffled, “I thought I broke your hip.”
You can’t help it, you laugh a bit at that— imagining his panic at the thought. For the third time, you urge his face up and out of hiding, leaning up to nuzzle against his face.
“Quickest way to end a relationship ever,” He jokes, but you can hear the genuine worry beneath his humour.
“No, no, I’m sorry I should’ve told you,” You murmur tenderly, dropping little kisses along his cheeks and nose. His face blazes hot beneath your ardent affection. “But hey, we’re figuring it out, aren’t we? That’s part of the fun, yeah?”
You use your ankles, crossed over his tailbone, to press him into you and Steve gets the message quickly, starting up his gentle thrusts again with a grunt. The soft noises of sex resume, mixed with your combined low moans. The rhythm from before is easy to slip back into. Your cunt throbs hotly, pleasure starting to drool through your stomach.
“Yeah,” Steve breathes heavily, watching your face closely. “Part of the fun. Fuck, you’re so pretty.”
He says it so sincerely that it makes you gasp, clenching around him and eyes screwing closed for a moment. A low whine crawls out your throat.
“God, fuck you for saying that,” You say, with no heat at all. You can’t open your eyes just yet, you’ll combust if you see how handsome he looks right now.
“Yeah?” Steve huffs, sounding a little smug. Your cunt gushes at the sound of his voice. “Oh, you’re right. Figuring this stuff out is the fun part.”
You whine as he fucks in a little harder, the angle just right to have your gut twisting up in pleasure. Your breath is ragged and you finally open your eyes again, swallowing back another sound at the sight of Steve. Messy haired, pink cheeks, reddened lips. He looks hotter than you’ve ever seen him.
“Shut up and hold my hand,” You say— because two can play that game. It works a charm. You can feel the stutter in his hips, see the ripple on his face, hear the whimper in his throat.
Steve keens, tucking his face down into your neck again. His hand searches the sheets til it finds yours, fingers intertwining before he presses your linked hands into the mattress and ruts into your snug cunt harder and faster, deeper.
“F-Fuck,” He stammers, a moan lilting the word. “I like you so much.”
You can’t even laugh this time round because your mind is starting to melt a little at the edges— but it makes the pleasure all that much better, knowing he means it.
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rothjuje · 11 months
George starts summer school tomorrow and I’m nervous. He actually loves to go “bye byes” so he’ll be fine once there and probably won’t want to leave, and he’ll be happy once I come and get him, but if he doesn’t have fun tomorrow he will panic at drop off Thursday. I hate that they do summer school at the elementary school instead of the preschool. It will be an entirely new campus and teacher and therapists. I know he’ll be fine but I hate that I can’t really prepare him and he won’t be able to tell me how it goes.
He is starting to talk in little chunks though. He calls me mommy and refers to himself as Georgie, has learned the word no and uses it often, is starting to request snacks by name. The other night he handed me his toothbrush and said “brush your teeth!” Scripting because that’s what I say to him but still meaningful speech because he had tooth brush in hand and was making a request. It was very cute.
It’s rained constantly and everything is soaked. Instead of keeping the whiney kids inside yet another day, I had a brilliant idea. I would put sensory kid that cannot handle wet clothes in a snow bib. Worked like a charm. They stayed dry, had a blast playing in the mud, and looked like a cute little farmer. I’m sure they make waterproof overalls, I need to look into that.
Speaking of the rain, I slide down the front steps a few days ago and broke my tailbone. I have bruising on both sides and it hurts to sit. Such bad timing with the intense amount of yard work that needs to get done. Falling down stairs is pretty unsettling, my fault for wearing shoes with no tread in a downpour, but also our stairs are much too steep and this is my 4th fall down them, first fall that resulted in injury though. Ouch.
We moved the 400 pound chicken coop with no help yesterday. It was quite the project. First Justin used a car jack with extensions to lift coop enough to slide a wood board under, then he repeated on the other side. Then he tied a winch to a tree and shoved then tightened, then shoved then tightened etc. It is now in its final place. You can still see it from the street but it looks much better. He put rebar at the corners of where the run will be and I’m pretty dang excited. Run will be built Saturday, roof will go on Sunday.
Our yard is trashed from the excavation. We are so confused by how rocky the soil is here. It’s more rocks than dirt! Is this a New England thing? In northern CA the dirt was hard with little pebbles but still mainly dirt. In TX the dirt was more sand than dirt, very soft and the kids loved to play with it. Here the dirt is very hard, almost like clay with tons of small rocks and bigger rocks and occasionally a boulder. It makes for a very strenuous and tedious cleanup. Also, I have to dig out the bottom of the chicken run to put down hardware cloth and I dug for an hour today and barely made a dent. At least it’s a good work out.
We didn’t do much today, other than Justin cooking a lot which is pretty much our tradition for any holiday. Fourth of July is weird. Feels icky to celebrate usually, but it’s a big thing out here. I always get kind of sad on July 4th because that was the last day I saw my sister alive. 15 years ago today. It doesn’t feel like it’s been 15 years, but I guess it has. I once had a friend tell me it’s too much to get sad on the 4th of July, and then again on the 23rd of July (her accident), and then again on October 26th (her birthday) but they are big days to me and I can’t help but feel sad. Trauma sticks in your head in a different way. The memories much more vivid, reverberating.
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trashlie · 1 year
Fun life update
for the SECOND TIME THIS YEAR i fell down my stupid stairs yesterday and i landed really hard on my tailbone and it’s SO UNBEARABLY UNCOMFORTABLE it’s so painful. EVERY MOMENT IS CONNECTED TO THE TAILBONE. you want to shift your weight? tailbone. you’re walking? glutes move and flex and touch yoru tailbone. sleeping in bed is miserable lmao EVERYTHING IS MISERABLE i’ve got a penguin hot pack and i’m gonna alternate with icing and try to stay on the clock with nsaids 
i’m so alfjjkafjkfj about work tomorrow. the thought of having to sit for hours and how much it hurts and how there’s no real comfortable position and trying to sit on a mound of blankets in lieu of pillows and plssss i hope day 3 feels a little better than today because i woke up with EVERYTHING aching today - all the aches i didn’t feel yesterday that set in overnight while i slept like around the right side of my rib cage? ;A; 
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that-cheer-up-anon · 6 months
Today was so much fun!
Today I did an escape room w my little sister, partner, and my partner's little sister, fed some ducks and turtles, and had dinner w my oldest big sister.
We've all (not including my big sister) been friends since high school and have wanted to do an escape room for a long time, and we finally did it! It was Area 51 themed w a heavy focus on aliens. Apparently we got the fifth fastest overall time and probably made it into the scoreboard, but we'll have to check next month to make sure.
We met up for some sushi and sashimi platter (my first time having straight sashimi like that) before doing the escape room, so we weren't hungry and didn't really know what else to do. We went window shopping and trying on sunglasses.
My lil sis suggested we buy some frozen peas and follow her to a lake to feed some ducks and turtles (and one particularly sassy goose).
The lake was quiet and nobody was around. There were so many turtles and ducks and one big goose. Feeding them was probably the highlight of a really good day.
Went home w my little sister. She helped me start a course to help me get my learners driver's license. I'm one third of the way through it! She went home after helping me and watching me finish that part of the course.
Picked up my big sister from the train station and went to an Istanbul restaurant. Got there at a great time bc it was basically empty but started getting busy after we sat down. Had kofte and a chicken gozleme. It was so good! Never had kofte before and it was so juicy, and the baba ganoush and jajik dips were amazing (first time having jajik). Afterwards we had some Turkish delight (like the legit stuff) and pistachio baklava. My first time having baklava and my world is changed. Also that was the best Turkish delight I've ever had and I understand why Edmund would betray his siblings over it.
I got my first birthday gifts today! My partner's lil sis gave a decorative wooden chopping board in the shape of a mushroom, and my big sister gave me a bunch of really good tubing mascaras.
So many firsts today and a new favourite dessert! I really needed this break and am so happy I took this week off even though my tailbone hurts the whole time.
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hils79 · 7 months
Hils Watches Strong Woman Do Bong Soon - Ep 14
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Okay, I've seen enough horror movies to know the dude totally survived that car crash. Also there's still 3 episodes left.
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Yes, I'm sure all of you staring at her will make her feel better
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Look, I have never understood fashion at the best of times but wtf is she wearing? It's like three completely different dresses stitched together and then put on over a sweater. I think if it was just the black and white halves that might look okay but why is there a random bit of denim skirt too?
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I'm not sure telling your daughter to pretend this traumatic event didn't happen is the healthiest coping mechanism for her...
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Okay, I know you want to hammer home the point that she's not strong anymore but wow no one even attempted to help her up when some dickbag man bumped into her and knocked her over
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Why are we spending so much time on the butt problems of the man who stabbed Ahn Minhyuk?
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Did he though? No body, no death.
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No, you idiot. This is the part where you tell her that her strength wasn't what made her unique and then list all the things you love about her. Come on that is romance 101.
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Picking something totally at random I'll do the thing you asked In Gookdoo to do for you that one time. That moment definitely does not still live rent free in my head
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I mean she verbally and physically abuses him, he has to hide money from his own store so that she won't take it. I'd be asking for the divorce papers there and then
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Some comics are sad! Don't make fun of him!
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Oh, look, to the surprise of no one he's still alive
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I was just about to say no one is going to fail to recognise you just because you cut your hair but actually he does look really different
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Sure it's only a small step from kidnapping for sexual gratification to domestic terrorism
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I don't like that she's getting kidnapped 5 minutes after losing her strength. Didn't she do all that fighting training with Ahn Minhyuk? But they seem to be saying that without her strength she's totally helpless
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Okay, I have questions. And I'm sure I'm thinking about this too much but I'm going to ask them anyway.
So, the curse is that if you hurt an innocent your strength is taken away, right? Why didn't she lose her strength when she broke Secretary Gong's tailbone, or broke Ahn Minhyuk's toe? Neither of those people had done anything wrong.
And now she's got her strength back because she wants to save Ahn Minhyuk. Which is great. I am a big fan of both of them not being blown up. But at any point has there been a 'if you then want to use your strength to save someone you get it back' mention? Is she just special because she's the main character?
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I'm sorry I swear I'm not usually one of those 'a drama should be super realistic' people but the bomb she threw into the air just somehow turned into fireworks
But on the plus side there's still two episodes left and she has her strength back now so she gets to kick that dude's ass on equal terms. Well, not even equal. He's just a regular dude and she will squish him.
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belethlegwen · 2 years
The Faerie Spell - Chp 2
Chapter One: Click Here Chapter Directory: Click Here Words: 1706 Summary: Trying to navigate yet another instance of her curse, Daphne has trouble communicating with her friends.
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“This is… number 7, right?” Gem asked. I hated the way her voice sounded through the speaker of my phone at this size.
“Yeah,” I sighed, moping in the rough-upholstered armchair I had dragged from the dollhouse.
“Maybe it’ll be a short one again?” Gem offered softly, consolingly. She knew I was bitter about this. She also knew that after the first two, they hadn’t been short-- not even close-- but she was trying to give me some hope. My silence spoke volumes; I was absolutely anticipating this asshole faerie to try and break their record of three days this time. Gem decided the best thing to do was change the topic. “How’s the bungalo?”
There’s no nice way to say I hate it, especially to Gem who bought the thing for me. I’m sure if it wasn’t something I had to actually live in for potentially days at a time I’d find it lovely. Honestly, before this whole bullshit happened, I had actually kind of loved the idea of those little doll-house kits and putting together these fancy looking rooms. Those were all at much smaller scale, a lot of the time. The ones for my height seemed too kids-toy like.
“I mean,” I started in a drawl, “I’d rather not have to be in it, but it was fun to put together and it’s pretty to look at. It fits, so that’s something, I suppose.”
“I’m glad for that,” she said, sounding genuinely relieved. “How’s the furniture collection coming along?”
“Awful,” I replied, shifting my weight as if to prove the point that this chair was never going to actually be comfortable. It was a more modern-deco vibe, like an extra-round C, but the angle at the back of it just made my lower back and tailbone hurt. If there were pillows that didn’t openly suck, it wouldn’t be so bad, but even the pillows that came in one of my sets were just stiff and lumpy and coarse. “They’ve found the absolute worst material to upholster everything in and there’s zero padding.”
“Y’know, there’s folks in town who cater to--”
“Don’t even fucking say it Gemima,” I snapped, leaning forward to get my mouth closer to the microphone at the bottom of the giant phone.
“I’m just saying,” she sighed, almost whining. The crackle of the phone speaker made it nearly unbearable to listen to as she continued. “I know at least one who’s decent and might be able to help and--”
“I am not talking to any fucking fae,” I said firmly. “Not like this, not when I’m normal, I don’t even wanna know what the first one did to me, at this point. And I don’t wanna start buying any of their fucking furniture!”
“Ok, ok,” she said, and I could practically hear her throwing her hands up in defeat. “I just… I want you to be comfortable, y’know?”
I sighed, crossing my arms and moping again. My eyes were still puffy from the crying I did earlier. “...I know, Gem. I’m sorry.”
“Did you want me to come get you?” She asked softly. I liked Gem a lot. Of everyone who had to encounter me like this, she was probably the most gentle, but there was always something… eh. I don’t really want to get into it too much, I know it’s probably just a me thing, y’know, but… I hated that she seemed to enjoy me like this. I hated that she loved helping me out. I hated that she took extra care with me, because it just… it just made me think this might not be too bad and I hated the idea that I could get used to this at all.
“...Not right now,” I replied, a bit too quietly. She muttered a quiet sorry, and I knew she wanted me to speak up. “Not right now, thanks,” I said louder, sinking into the chair more. “Maybe if it’s still happening around Lunner-time.”
I could hear the smile in her voice and it just made me wanna shrivel up and die. “Yeah, we can go grab food somewhere and come back to chill at my place if you need some space. I know things are a bit tense there tod--”
“Did she fucking call you?!” I snapped, the realization that Sheridan had already been talking shit about me to our friends just throwing more salt in all of my many wounds. I didn’t even get a chance to say that I hated the idea of going anywhere but her place-- even for food-- because I was stupid enough to want to enjoy lounging in PJs for most of the morning.
Gem’s sigh was admission enough, I didn’t need to hear her say it. “She just messaged to let me know that you--”
“Oh fuck this,” I said, pushing myself up from the arm chair and walking over. “I’ll call you later if I’m up for being carted around.”
“Daphne, wait, I--”
My foot slammed on the hang-up button and the call disconnected, and I turned to grab the chair again. I was half-way back to the bungalo when I heard the distinct sound of Sheri’s messenger going off in one of the other rooms, followed by an aggravated and aggravating exhale. “I was going to vacuum if you left the house, you idiot!”
I tossed the chair down and stomped back to the phone, awkwardly opening up the group chat and slamming my hand down on the voice-message button. “I’m not an idiot, I’m fucking mad,” I shouted toward the microphone. “And doing the vacuuming now doesn’t mean anything if it’s the only time you’re gonna bother!”
"Omg," the message from Cal came through almost instantly as I heard my own voice faintly crackling through Sheri's phone speaker in the other room. "Just buy a Roomba already Sher".
----------------------------- Sheri: Roomba will prob eat her tho Gem: Yeah I'm a lil worried about a Roomba… Cal: we've fuckin talked abt this guys its not tall enough -----------------------------
My hand slammed the button again as they continued typing.
"A Roomba is FINE so long as the floors actually get cleaned," I shouted bitterly. "Stop using me as an excuse for not pulling your weight around here."
----------------------------- Gem: Hey everybody calm down Sheri: She should buy it if she wants the floors that gd clean Cal: Naw I'm with Daph stop acting like this is a get out of housework free card Sher Gem: she's already brunting a ton of cost even while she’s off work, if u really hate vacuuming that much then buying the roomba is prob the best idea, sry Sher Sheri: I’m gonna fuckin vacuum already ffs! Cal: Are you gonna vacuum regularly or no? Sheri: omg fuck you Gem: hey Gem: everyone chill Sheri: I’ll go buy the fuckin roomba omg fuck off -----------------------------
I stood up from my position knelt over the phone, listening to the sounds of Sheri groaning loudly, muttering under her breath while she stomped through the house. I crossed my arms and scowled toward the doorway, knowing I wouldn’t make it back to the bungalo in time if she decided to come in and yell at me directly. 
The sound of the front door opening and slamming echoed through the house with the tremors it sent all the way up into my desk. I saw the back of her through the window as she practically threw herself into her car. Behind me, my phone was vibrating like it was trying to drill through the desk in short bursts while the group chat continued to pop-off. I didn’t even want to look at it long enough to mute the chat, and I knew Gem was already probably messaging me in a DM telling me I’m too hard on Sheridan. She wouldn’t do it in the group chat because Cal would defend me, and I didn’t want to deal with that, either.
Cal and I had been pretty close before all this happened, honestly, and I loved them to pieces but I just… I didn’t know what to make of how defensive they’d seemed like they had gotten since the incident. We used to get together and hang and they’d let me vent about Sheridan and I’d let them vent about whatever was going on in their life that was driving them nuts that day or week or month, and we’d just shoot the shit. Now though they just seemed to care about what was happening in my life, specifically in regards to this, and it made me bristle.
“Oh my god fuck ooooooff!” I shouted at the vibrating phone as I finally got tired of standing around and stomped back off to return the chair to the dollhouse. My dollhouse.
I collapsed onto the stupid, stiff bed and the uncomfortable pillows and closed my eyes, promising myself I was done crying for today. I’m sure I’d get told off once I was back to normal again-- if that was even going to happen within the next week-- about ‘keeping my anger in check’ or whatever, but they didn’t get it.
None of them understood what this felt like. None of them knew what it was like to have their entire world fucked with at a moment’s notice and with no one even willing to try and help you stop it from happening because it was Fae Magic and that shit is apparently fucking Witch Repellent.
For all the anger I had in me it was nothing compared to the constant fear I had even when things were going well. They’d never know what that felt like, and at moments like this I hated them for it. I felt bad about hating them for it, but I hated them all the same.
My eyes closed as I buried my face into one of the stupid pillows, hugging it tightly in my arms as I yelled. Maybe if I managed to go back to sleep, I’d wake up to the cold shivers that hit me before I got to shift back to normal. Maybe that stupid faerie would step into traffic and get hit by a bus and I wouldn’t be cursed anymore.
Next Chapter: Click Here
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stormkobra-5 · 2 years
If you're still doing ships, could you ship me with one of Oscar's characters, please? 🥺
I'm a bit shy (hence the anon) but I really want to be more out there and 'extroverted'. I have big dreams that are probably unrealistic but I'm chasing them anyway. I like literature, cinema, cooking and anything to do with music. In fact, I love to play the piano. Wouldn't say I'm very good at it but it's fun.
I love parties and stuff but I don't really go that often because I don't know that many people. Also, I have a secret love for cars. I'm honestly in heaven when I'm in a car with friends with no destination in mind. My dream car is a 1969 Mustang Mach 1 fastback. Also, I'm quick to anger and defend my loved ones if someone's being difficult.
Appearance wise my hair is blonde and I have greyish blue eyes. I'm about 5'4 and I look like I haven't seen the sun in a decade. I never leave the house without eyeliner on. I'm bisexual but my love life is as dull as a piece of bread. Would risk my life to pet an animal (a cat or a raccoon and anything in between)
Ofc 😊 (Psssst, there’s nothing wrong with big dreams that seem unrealistic. I’m going to join the army next year, but I eventually want to go to Juilliard and start acting, too. People always tell me not to hope for something like that, but it’s dream big or go home for me!)
I ship you with...
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Marc Spector 🥺
You’re both extremely sweet. You’re heartfelt, passionate, and you both defend those you care for without thinking— although Marc might have a tougher time of expressing his emotions. He’d appreciate your love of cars and music; he’s lived a tough life, so your music makes him especially emotional because it’s something so beautiful made by someone he loves. He definitely spends more time with animals than people, so your love for them would make him feel like he’s able to express that around you. And don’t worry about having “unrealistic” dreams. Marc always makes it a point to remind you that nothing is impossible so long as you try. (Plus, Marc is, as far as I’m concerned, canonically bi. Not to mention this gif is bi lighting, too 🥰)
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Despite his superhero-mercenary nature, I’m gonna go something domestic for this meet-cute, perhaps.
It was a standard day at the supermarket for you. You’d grabbed maybe some hygiene products and a killer new pair of shoes— otherwise, all you had was a small basket. All you needed now was milk.
But lo-and-behold, Marc Spector enters the chat.
Without looking where he was going as he rounded the corner of an aisle too-fast in his hurry to just get in, buy a new jacket and a screwdriver and get out, he slammed into you full-force. Both of you let out an oof as you both fell backward from the impact— your basket spilt everywhere, shampoo bottles busting, and of course your milk all but exploded, too, destroying the shoes.
“Oh shit,” Marc gasped, and his first instinct was to run. But when he saw you, he froze up; the image of this broad, rugged man covered in milk and shampoo made you actually giggle, in spite of the fact that you’d now have to pay for what you’d had twice, essentially.
Marc scrambled to his feet, trying to assess the damage as he pulled you up with him. “I’m so sorry, miss, I wasn’t even looking where I was going—“
“You’re fine,” You promised him, “Are you okay? You fell back pretty hard.”
“I’m okay,” He said, although it was kind of a lie. His tailbone hurt like hell. “What about you?”
“Just fine,” You waved him off with a smile.
“Let me pay for it,” Marc blurted out, “For the damaged items. And for replacements.”
“I can’t let you—“
“Please,” He implored you. It took awhile of convincing and bargaining before you allowed him to do so. Marc followed you through the store like a gentleman, carrying your things along with his. It was only when the store trip was over that you thanked him, and said, “Let me take you out to dinner sometime. I’ll pay for it. Kind of in return for what you did for me today.”
“Kind of?” Marc challenged with a soft smile.
You bit your lip, feeling bold. “I think I’d also like to kind of consider it a date.” Marc flushed as you added, “You’re uh... you’re a really nice guy. I’d like to get to know you better, if that’s okay.”
Marc fought with himself for three days on whether or not to finally call you and take you up on that offer, but he couldn’t stop seeing your damn smile.
It was the best decision he’d ever made in his life.
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Spookable September
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renon4224 · 1 year
Blood Is Fun
Chapter One: Earth
It was a typical Tuesday, I was walking home from school, with Luz of course. She’d been my best friend since kindergarten, but since going away to camp last summer, she’s been very different. There was a loud crack in the woods behind her house, so we went to check it out.
“Is everyone okay?” Luz asked, pulling up four other teenagers with pointed ears.
“Oh no.” My Luz said it was quiet, but I could hear it plain as day.
“Vee?” The other Luz asked in awe, then recognized me and stood trying to hide her other friends.
Though I didn’t know why, tears began to fall from my eyes, “Who is Vee? And who are they?” My gaze caught on the charm bracelet I had made Luz for her seventh birthday, it was on a purple-haired girl, with a voice of steel I asked, “You gave it away?” 
“Kaira? We- I- you- remember me?” The other Luz asked, frozen.
“Luz? Who are these people, why’d they call you ‘Vee’? I turned to my friend, accusation in my tone.
“My name is Vee, I’m a basilisk.” And she shifted, into an amazing mermaid-equse creature, but I stepped back in horror.
I tripped and hit my tailbone on the muddy ground, turning to the other- the real Luz, “You said we couldn’t be friends anymore? But you kept the bracelet, just to give it to someone else? Why are you so scratched up, where've you been? Does your mom know? And why do they have pointy ears?” I was mad, so I stood, wiped the debris off my bottom and marched up to her.
“Amity, you okay?” She was talking to the girl who had my bracelet.
“Yeah, I’m okay, is this Earth?”
“Yeah, earth, the place of traitorous friends, and awful liars.” I turned to leave, she wouldn’t even acknowledge me.
She probably had a good reason but I just found out my best friend wasn’t even human, and my actual friend had a pointy-eared girlfriend to keep her company, why should I care that after I told her I loved her she ran off and fell in love with someone else?
A boy, a little older than me, was holding my wrists behind my back, “Is she to be trusted, or do we need to dispose of her?” I could feel him unsheathe a sword or dagger or something like that.
Panic flashed across her face, “No, we don’t need any murders. Police would trace it back too soon.” She trailed off, she was more worried about being tracked than my life.
“That and I’d be dead?” The boy yanked my arms down, making me yelp.
“Please don’t hurt her.” Lu- Vee cried, she shifted back to Luz’s form.
“Will she spill our secret?” His grip tightened.
“No, she wouldn’t put me in danger like that.” Vee was right, I wouldn’t let her get hurt, and after not mentioning my confession I figured she just wanted to pretend it never happened, not that she didn’t even know.
“Fine.” He let me go, and I whirled and punched him in the stomach.
“Don’t touch me, asshole,” I whispered in his ear, to him keeled over.
“Kaira! Don’t hurt him!” Luz fretted, rushing to the blond boy’s side.
The boy glared at me, and I him. “Don’t hurt him like you didn’t hurt me?” I was quiet and tired, I had mountains of homework to help Vee with, and I didn’t want to go home.
“Kai…I have someone else…” Finally, she remembered that we were friends, that I used to matter to her.
“The purple-haired girl? Amity?” She nodded, and Amity stood at her name, “Yeah, I figured, and let me guess, you ‘adopted’ the other three?” Another nod, and I tried to keep the hurt out of my voice, “So…I guess you don’t want me to ruin this for you?” The start of a nod, and a guilty look was all I needed. 
It started raining and I started running, deeper into the woods. I was no longer needed, unwanted by everyone I thought cared. My parents didn’t care if I didn’t go home for three weeks as long as CPS didn’t knock on their door. I barely felt the thorns and brambles scratch my skin. I tripped again, and the world went black.
Kaira was my best friend, sure she was technically Luz’s friend, but I’ve never seen her run like that…she was really hurt by Luz.
“Gus? Willow? You guys okay?” Luz shook off her stunned shock.
Mumbled yes’s followed. “Is she gonna be okay?” I asked, Kai could get hurt in there…
Luz ignored me, choosing to help everyone up, “Kaira wasn’t my friend before summer break, so I’m surprised she befriended you. If she wanted to be friends with me, she wouldn’t have punched Hunter, or ran off into the woods. It’s her fault, and she can get herself home.” Luz hugged Amity again.
“You hurt her feelings, Luz. I’ve never seen you be so mean before. What’d she do to you?” Amity asked.
“She…she told me she loved me…” Luz was so quiet, like it was a dirty secret she didn’t want to admit, “But I didn’t feel the same, and that’s why Mom made me go to camp, to get over losing my best friend…” She looked so mad, a primal fury that Kai didn’t deserve.
-Luz Noceda-
Kaia didn’t love me, she didn’t then and she couldn’t now. I love Amity, and either way, we split ways so I’m not gonna be friends with her at school or in the store or wherever I end up seeing her.
“Luz…she didn’t look like someone who loves you.” Amity said, placing an arm around my middle.
“Good.” I steeled myself, then looked at Vee, I could be civil, for Vee, “But I guess we should at least see if she’s alright?” 
“I’m not going looking for an ugly little girl, who punched me.” Hunter said, sitting cross-legged on the floor of the cabin.
“The Golden Guard, bested by yet another fifteen-year-old girl.” I said, poking fun at him relieved some of the tension, “Vee, can you take them up to the house? I can explain everything to Mom when I get back.” Vee nodded, but neither Hunter or Amity left.
“Luz, you’re not going alone, right?” Amity asked.
“I have to, she was my friend, and I should make sure she’s okay. Plus it’ll be good for us to work out our issues alone.” I tried a smile, but Amity didn’t look convinced, Hunter walked out.
I woke to nightfall, and that stupid boy tending a fire. I tried to stand, to the boy’s irritation.
“Who are you?” No answer, “Fine, I’ll call you Pointy Ears.” I opened my back pack, to find soaked papers.
“Luz said you loved her.” I froze, she’d never spill a secret like that to a stranger.
“....Past-tense, I used to, then summer came and I stopped, her rejection didn’t hurt anymore and I moved on, when she came to school I asked if we could be friends again, Vee said yes and I didn’t think anything was wrong. I guess she actually hates me for that.” I pulled out a red sharpie, and drew a hanging girl on my arm.
“Luz doesn’t hate you.” He threw more sticks in the fire.
“Sure, she just sent her guard dog to threaten me into not spilling her secret.” If I had a mirror I would’ve drawn blood and gore on my face instead. The horrors were a distraction from actually making the nightmares come true.
“I am no one’s dog.” He growled, somehow proving my point and completely disregarding it at the same time.
“Oooh, excuse me, Pointy Ears.” I drew across a thin scar left from my brush with cutting.
“You are excused, Rainbow Hair.” He said, a smirk creeping into his features.
“Who gave you the battle scars?” I wanted him gone, no one made fun of my hair.
“None of your business, Rainbow.” More venom, lovely.
“Fine, bye.” I stood to leave but he touched a piece of paper and suddenly, I was surrounded by ice, I gasped, and he chuckled.
“Promise that you will not harm Luz, or her friends.” He was holding a golden dagger to my throat.
I rolled my eyes, but said nothing. He couldn’t be that much older than me, and anyways I wasn’t scared of dying. I leaned towards the blade, just enough to scare Pointy Ears.
He pulled away, the ice wall came down and I walked away, leaving my red Sharpie. I didn’t know whether Jessica would be home or not, if she was she’d probably be with Jonas making very loud noises from the bedroom. I did not want to listen to that, but the other option was going to Luz’s, and she doesn’t want me there, right?
After about five minutes of walking I heard voices, “Kaira? Kaia, come on, where are you?” It sounded like Vee and Mrs.Noceda.
“Here.” I pushed away the brambles to see them, worry plastered on their faces.
“Kai, where have you been? We’ve been looking for you.” Mrs. Noceda pulled me into a fierce hug.
“Pointy Ears found me, he’s over there…” I trailed off, the fire was no where to be seen, “Nevermind, I should be off now, huh? Better get home to the parents.” I smiled, hiding my red arm.
“Yeah, I guess…” She loosened her grip just enough for me to wriggle out and run back to the town.
-Hunter, back at the house-
I walked in to a dark house, almost everyone was asleep, the basilisk and Mrs. Noceda were up looking for the Kaira girl. I don’t know why I made sure she was okay, No one else managed to find her, and Luz gave up after about five minutes. It was strange to see Luz hate someone more than me, I probably just wanted to see what made her worse than me. It could be that I never claimed to love Luz, of all people. Or maybe it was that I would never lean into a sharp blade? The memory of her throat pressing against my blade made my body cold. What made her so reckless? I laid down on the floor in a room full of weird metal cans, and fell asleep, exhaustion overriding fear.
“Hunter! What are you doing in there?” I bolted upright, dagger in one hand, when I realized that it was just Luz.
“I was sleeping, but now I’m awake.” I pushed past her, the encounter with Rainbow Hair left me anxious, I wanted her to come back, mainly so I could teach her not to mess with me.
“Are you hungry?” Mrs. Noceda asked, holding a plate of floppy looking round flatcakes.
“No thanks, can I go outside?” I needed some air, there was a sharp pain in my lungs.
“Sure thing, mijo.” She said, gesturing to the door, I walked out.
I walked straight to a nice little tree that had some shade, Willow followed. We sat down, and I fell asleep.
-A Dream from Hunter’s POV-
Rainbow’s hair was blonde, a gorgeous platinum blonde. I couldn’t look away, why couldn’t I look away?
“You ready Hunter?” How did she know my name?
“Of course, after you, Kaia.” Words were coming out of my mouth, words that didn’t belong to me.
She rolled her eyes and kissed my cheek, butterflies fluttered in my stomach, I noticed that I was wearing a rose-gold suit, she was wearing a matching dress that glittered to the floor, “Is it too much? It’s too much, I shouldn’t go, let me change real quick.” She tried to run back inside but something made me stop her.
“You are gorgeous, now,” I knelt, what happened to Willow? “Will you go to prom with me?”
Rainbow furrowed her brows at me, a cute little tic I couldn’t help but love, “Fine, but I still think it’s too much.”
“Uh, no, stop overthinking.” I smoothed her brows with my thumb, a light kiss on the cheek, barely missing her lips.
In a small voice, she whispered, “Everyone’s gonna stare, they’ll all laugh…” What was I doing? I wanted to take Willow to Grom, didn’t I?
“If they laugh, I’ll feed them to the Grom monster, and anyways, don’t you know nobody can keep their eyes off your beauty?”
She was stunned, and so was I, these were things I felt for Willow, weren’t they?
“Hurry up love birds!” It was Willow, she was waiting in a black car.
“Yeah, you two can ditch and kiss later! Come on!” Luz and Amity.
“No kissing here.” Mrs. Noceda and Gus.
Rainbow pulled me to the car, we sat down and I found my arm wrapped around her torso. She sighed and rested her head on my shoulder, it was a weight I didn’t mind carrying, “You make me feel safe.” Our hands were intertwined, and  my free arm was running the length of her forearm. 
I woke with my head in Willow’s lap. After that particular dream, I didn’t want to be around her. So I walked back to where I had met with Rainbow. I didn’t want to see anyone, I just wanted to be in peace for a few moments. 
“And it’s not like Luz ever liked me like that.” It was Rainbow, but who was she talking to? “I was probably just mistaking admiration for love. Whoops, ruined a life-long friendship for a mistake. And it looks like the blondie found my spot. At least he probably won’t ever come back. Right? Jessica was ‘making love’ to Jonas last night, so I came back, I know, coming back for what? I mean, I guess I just wanted to feel safe for once. And I should probably stop talking to myself before someone hears voices in the woods.” She stopped pacing, and laid face-down in the grass.
I was hiding behind a tree, eavesdropping wasn’t a favored trait, but I couldn’t help it. I heard a sigh and she rolled over, “How much did you hear?” She was leaning against the tree I was hiding behind.
“Just a little.” I sat too, what in the world was making me want to sit next to this insane female, instead of the girl I was currently dating?
“Sure, and I don’t dye my hair.” She paused. “Sorry, Luz says- used to say that I like to think I’m funny.”
“I thought your hair was naturally platinum?” I couldn’t see her but I could feel her presence, it was sharp, like iron.
She stood, backing away from me, “How did you know that?” Then she stopped. “Luz told you, nevermind.” She laid down, legs propped against the tree, looking into the dead branches.
“What is admiration?” It was a question I didn’t want to ask the others, they’d assume it had something to do with Belos, but it didn’t.
“Admiration is, well, for me it’s when I think someone is the coolest person ever. I keep mistaking for the stupid emotion called ‘love’, and it’s not like I know anyone worthy of admiration so it’s not like I know the difference between the two…” She trailed off again, almost like she keeps forgetting that I’m even here.
“So…I admire Luz, for helping me see the truth. But I don’t love Luz for that?” 
She groaned, she was getting tired of the subject, “I don’t fucking know? Go ask her your own damn self. Or hell, ask your girlfriend.” She pulled out a book, it was a thick book, titled: Not Your Type.
Huh, okay, one problem, “I can’t.” I didn’t realize I had said it aloud until she was right in front of me.
“You are willing to kill a random girl you just met, but you are too scared to ask your girlfriend to explain the difference between love and admiration?” She chuckled, I brought my knees to my chest, “Then you must be some sad sap.” She went back to her book, satisfied with her insults.
His girlfriend must be a jerk to scare someone like him. Why doesn’t he just leave her if she’s like that? And I mean, the Willow girl doesn’t look like she could stop him, so what’s holding him back from leaving?
“Hunter? Are you okay? You left in a hurry earlier, did I do something wrong?” It was Willow…she sounded nice, and I don’t think she saw me yet.
“Willow.” Pointy Ears was surprised, “Yeah, I just needed some air. This tree is sad, isn’t it?” He regained some semblance of composure, I was pressed against the other side of the trunk.
“Oh…” She came close to where I was hiding, “Here, drink up.” She poured something on the roots, and the tree sprouted leaves, becoming more beautiful than I’d ever seen it. “Oh, hi there, Kaia, was it?”
A vine pushed me in front, face to face with the couple, I froze, no one called me Kaia, ever, “I don’t give a damn what Luz told you, but I hate it when people call me that. So don’t. Ever.” I snagged my book and bag, holding the book close to my chest.
“Oh, I’m sorry, Luz didn’t tell us your name, and I forgot to ask Vee for it, I just thought-”
“Well, you thought wrong, now then, I’ll bid you adieu.” Where did that vine come from? How did the tree heal? I turned to leave, they each said goodbye and I went to school, it was around noon, but the principal didn’t care as long as I did what he asked, when he asked.
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top-surgery-memoir · 1 year
Day 1 after surgery, I survived the anxiety!
Here’s day 1 summary:
I had 2 nerve blocks put in my back, those weren’t fun but not horrible. Surgery was a bit later than scheduled but once the OR was open they ran me in. I started getting the “good stuff” and they marked me up for where to cut. I laid down and thats the last thing I remember. I woke up back in the room I was waiting in. I had no pain and then was wheeled to my room for my stay. They had me get up and get on the new bed and positioning myself was kinda sore but not painful. I got water but noticed my throat was very sore, it still is today too. They but massaging things on my legs to prevent blood clots. Then I noticed i had a catheter 🫠 My friend was allowed back in to the room. I got some tomato soup which was great for my throat. They emptied my drains after my friend left. I tried some mashed potatoes but got nauseous ☹️ It was hard for me to get deep breaths so I had oxygen all night which was great because I usually can’t breathe in my nose well and this allowed me to. My tailbone was hurting more than anything because of how I was positioned so when the nurses came in to make me roll they put a pillow under me 🙏 my nurse periodically came in and checked my vitals, I couldn’t really sleep because that’s just me. Mostly just felt sore up by my arm pits like I did too many push ups.
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secretcircuit · 1 year
GUILT!!!!!!! GUILT!!!!!!!!!!!!! but also im doing the right thing lol... for context i was supposed to visit my sister bc my mom's also visiting her this weekend, but tldr i also bruised my tailbone and sitting in a car to drive for a couple of hours is just not in the cards... and i feel bad because my sister has been planning this for months, and this is my mom's bday week... but also, if ive learned anything after being injured a ton this last year, it's that resting/recovering EARLY is really important... and i learned this by Not Doing A Good Job Of It last year, so im really trying this time around. with good results so far! like, i hurt my knees from running in bad shoes, so i took a week off of running and got new shoes lol. and lo and behold, my knees feel quite good now :) so im hoping if i spend today/tomorrow/probably also monday taking it easy, icing, taking tylenol etc, then i'll be able to recover more easily
dont get me wrong, i feel immense guilt, and also, i just wanted to go in general; it would have been fun. ugh why did i fall badly! smh :(
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katiebug445 · 6 years
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wri0thesley · 3 years
Well shit. The pet talk has me thinking about turning into a neko because of a curse gone wrong... would you like to write headcanons for the jjk men reacting to their crush befalling that fate? Who'd try to reverse it, who'd want to keep them that way? Who would use the chance to get closer or even turn it into pet play?
ahh to be a neko and be owned by a handsome jjk man.....
warnings: not sfw, afab reader implied, cat/neko hybrid reader, petplay mentions, master/pet dynamics!
♡ —-> below the cut: gojo, nanami, geto, toji, sukuna, mahito <—-  ♡
♡ Gojo probably immediately figures out how to reverse it - but the thing is, right away, he doesn’t much want to. You just look so cute with the neko ears resting on your hair, your hands curled like paws, your tail curling around you so cutely. The light purr in the way you speak, the way your eyes keep contracting as you get distracted by a loose thread on his clothes or the light reflecting off his sunglasses. 
He’s going to take a lot of pictures of you; partly to make fun of you with later, partly because he just can’t help it. You’re adorable! As part-cat now, too, you’ve gotten a lot less good at hiding your affection. Gojo is suddenly being subjected to you batting your head against him, rubbing your face against his to mark him as yours - and he’s not complaining about it at all. 
He will very much use this as an opportunity for petplay. He’s got a bit of a power complex about being the strongest; you being a cute little pet at his knees, all helpless and mewling, is something he didn’t realise he’d want so badly. And you’re so sensitive, when he touches your ears or your tail. He kind of wants to get you a collar, to leave you like this forever - but he’s not going to, because at the heart of it, he’s a good man who wants the best for you.
It won’t stop him bringing this up all of the time afterwards, showing you the pictures, and buying you a cute tail and ear set to wear for him when the two of you are spending some alone time together, though. 
“Aww, kitty - that’s right, smile for the camera - say ‘nya~’!”
- ♡ -
♡ Nanami is more concerned than anything else. His first instinct is to protect you, and his second instinct is to be frustrated with himself for not protecting you thoroughly enough. He takes you back to his place before Gojo or anyone can see you, knowing that most of them won’t let you live this down and preparing to organise things himself. When it turns out Shoko can’t have a look at you until the next day, citing the fact that you’re not in any real danger, Nanami resigns himself to having to spend the night with you in this state. 
He tries to make you a bed in the spare bedroom but you crawl onto his bed anyway, nesting at the foot of it, curling yourself in covers. When he doesn’t pay attention to you, you sigh, rubbing your head against his leg, as if to say ‘well, go ahead, pet me’ - unfortunately, if you want Nanami to do that, you have to open your mouth and ask. He doesn’t want to take advantage of you.
When you finally do ask him with your words, he presses his lips thinly together but he also knows cats - you’re not going to let him rest until he does it. He finds himself soothed by petting your ears, the soft rumble of your throat, the way that his touch seems to make you relax. He hadn’t realised just how comfortable you must be with him. 
Nanami will not do anything to you in this state, even if you try and initiate it - when he gets to take you to bed for the first time, he hopes there will be no cursed nonsense present - just you, and him, and the beating of your hearts. But at least this little experience has given him some courage to push forward with his crush.  
“You really want me to stroke you? Well . . . I suppose I could . . . is this alright?”
- ♡ -
♡ Geto does not want to like the sight of you with your eyes big and wide and cute cat ears on your head and a tail extending from your backside as cute as he does. You’ve always been one of his favourite curse users, and perhaps he’s been nursing a crush on you for longer than he’d like to admit - but this just feels rude. You’re so cute with your head tipped to the side, sticking very close to him, fair brightening up when his hand so much as brushes your arm. 
He does want to fix you, of course - he doesn’t want anything to dull your sharp knife-edges, the cleverness thrumming beneath your skin. He thinks of the people he surrounds himself as family, and you as - as more than that. But he indulges in it for a little too long. Liking to watch your tail swish as you walk, your ears twitch - liking the noise you make when he runs his palm over your face. 
Geto, too, will indulge in a little petplay. How can he not, when you were so obedient and good for him even before this unfortunate occurrence? He soothes you with pets and kisses as you sink onto his cock, calling you his good kitten, asking you to purr for him and groaning when your slightly sharper than usual teeth nip at his neck and you mewl so prettily at the touch of his hands on your spine. 
Out of anyone, Getou is the most likely to tie a ribbon around your new tail and get you a cute collar with a bow and a bell on it. When you’re sat on his lap with his cock inside you, he murmurs softly not to let the bell jingle, be a good pet and stay exactly where he puts you - and for Geto, you’re a very well-behaved pussy-cat, and you do exactly what he asks you.
“Mm, that’s right - good kitten. You feel so right there. You’re such a pretty thing, so well-behaved--”
- ♡ -
♡ Toji should want to do something about this. He hates the idea of all of this cursed energy clinging to you - but he also knows there isn’t much he can do, and he isn’t willing to lower himself to ask for help from anyone who can do anything about it. So, welcome to your new life - you’re Toji’s cute little kitten now. He likes his kitten to lie on his lap, to nest in his bed, to eat off a bowl on the floor and wear their pretty collar--
He likes his kitty to be well-behaved, but honestly, Toji’s treatment whether you are well-behaved or not is much the same. He likes that you’ll sit and listen to him like everything he says is the most important thing in the world - likes that, now you’re his good little housecat, he is the centre of your universe. He’s rough with you no matter what, but you grow to absolutely love that sensation - love digging your claws into his back when he fucks you, love it when he groans ‘good kitty’ into your ear, love it when he stretches out beside you and lets you nuzzle into his chest, purring at him. 
He secretly likes it when you act up a little bit; if you spill your milk or if you purposely ignore him. He loves having an opportunity to tame the brattiness out of his kitten - to tug on your tail a little meanly, to remind you of who exactly you belong to.
“Aww, kittycat-- you’re really pushin’ my buttons today, huh? C’mere - lemme remind you who your owner is--”
- ♡ -
♡ Sukuna . . . if you’ve ended up like this and you’re Sukuna’s object of affection, we can only assume that Sukuna himself is the one to have engineered it. No other curse would dare to touch his property, after all - and if you are Sukuna’s, you are his property. You being a cute little kitty now doesn’t change the fact at all; if anything, it reinforces in Sukuna’s mind that you’re his pet. He owns you. You ought to be on your knees, your head bowed, practically quivering if he deigns to pet you or lavish you in affection--
You will be staying this way.
You’ll be learning exactly how a good pet behaves; how and when to use your tongue, how to respond to your Master’s petting of your ears, how to learn to roll over and present yourself when your Master wants to take you. Heaven help you if you go into heat, kitten - Sukuna’s deeply amused by your whimpering, by the way you keep nuzzling against his thighs and telling him that it hurts, please fill me up, pleasepleaseplease.
If you’ve been very good, he’ll reward you by filling you up fuller than you even realised you could be. If you’ve been very bad, you’ll be sobbing and clawing into his sheets and begging to be touched with your own need streaming down your thighs. Either way, in the end, you’ll be mewling into Sukuna’s kimono with tears on your face from the stretch, secure in the knowledge that you’re owned. 
“A good kitten walks on all fours, hmm? A good kitten obeys their Master. A good kitten knows to do it immediately when I tell them to open their mouth--”
- ♡ -
♡ Mahito wants to find out everything he can about this interesting new development. Chances are, if he has a crush on you, you already know it - subtlety is honestly not one of the curse’s strong points. Chances are, too, if he has a crush on you and you’re still around, you’re okay with is - but this is probably going to push it over the edge. His hands are all over you, petting and tugging on your ears and your tail, probably trying to see how they attach to your skin and laughing when you flinch or blush or a certain rub of his thumb across your tailbone makes a purr thrum in your throat.
He’s telling you how cute you are through it all, laughing - he’s talking earnestly about the way humans keep pets, how he’s always wondered about it, and now he’s had one dropped into his lap, and isn’t that just fortuitous? At first, he wants you to be as much of a pet as you can - on your hands and knees, purring, mewling, the whole nine yards! But once he’s exhausted that option (Mahito’s moods tend to be whimsical and over in a flash before he’s moved onto the next one), he wants to explore your new additions and how doing certain things to you makes them feel. Expect to be fucked from behind by Mahito pulling your tail - expect him, too, to be very interested in the concept of cats going into heat! You’re an endlessly fascinating new toy, until you’re not quite as fascinating--
And then Mahito is shifting his soul to have his own cat ears and tail, to be mess around with you some more and see if your reactions are any different when he’s made himself your cat-boyfriend! Eventually, he’ll get bored of you being part cat and he’ll figure out how to get you back to your normal self on his own, but by then the damage has probably already been done and some part of you is just conditioned - to purr when your head is scratched, to docilely sit at Mahito’s feet and paw at the front of his trousers.
“You’re so cute! Humans like to play with their pets, right? Let’s play, then! Purr for me, koneko-chan~”
-  ♡ -
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ratsoks · 2 years
fateful meetings ; a. tamaki
a/n — smelling bump the reader in this one shot is literally my thought process this is my first time writing for tamaki, so please lmk if he's out of character!! pairing — tamaki amajiki x reader gender — neutral summary — meeting him and becoming friends warnings — bruises, scrapes, mentions of meds, slight anxiety attack
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your ass hurt. it was slightly your fault, but you would blame it moreso on your parents for not giving you the natural ability to skateboard. so what if you were in pain? professionals didn't give up because their tailbone was bruising, they continued to go on and on and on and you would too, so you picked up your skateboard and set it back down on the sidewalk.
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tamaki's brain hurt. he hated all of the thoughts going through it and the lack of serotonin. he blamed it on the anxiety that had plagued him ever since he was a child, and silently cursed his parents for not changing his medication. it obviously wasn't working, so why didn't they try another one? amajiki wanted another one. he didn't think he could bear this headache forever. mirio's hand on his shoulder felt heavier than ever as he steered him through the increasing crowds and amajiki's breath came out in short breaths, his anxiety attack rapidly growing. why was he like this? why did his brain have to stop functioning every time something mildly didn't go his way? why was he so messed up? tamaki's mind continued to spiral and he barely noticed the change of scenery—mirio had led him somewhere secluded, with bustling bees (their buzzing calmed him) and the sweet scent of flowers (their scent was nice). finally, he started to cool down and was aware of the tranquil sounds of nature surrounding him. as he began to become more lucid, he suddenly noticed another figure in their area. ew. he was not feeling up to more social interaction. mirio's hand on his shoulder and meaningless words in his ear weren't helping his social battery, either. and while he was normally judgmental of all of the people he met—they caused him anxiety; it was their (his) fault so he had a right to judge them (not really)—amajiki couldn't help but feel a little bit of sympathy for you. you had just fallen face-first to the ground, after all.
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god, did your nose hurt. it hadn't even been that bad of a fall, you were just being a big dick about it and whining over your not-broken smelling bump. yes, smelling bump. it's a logical explanation for a nose. although you could taste the blood in your mouth and (unfortunately) feel the bruises littering your arms and legs, you still thought that you were being whiny. besides, it wasn't even bleeding, so there was really no need to complain this much. but instead of getting up and facing your problems like a champ, you simply continued to lie in immense pain on the dirty sidewalk, contemplating why you had decided to try to skateboard anyway. you had just wanted to be like the cool people from sk8 the infinity—y'know, the one where they skateboard to the death (it wasn't that extreme but you were always one to be dramatic—hence, lying on the sidewalk in "agony")—and you thought it would be fun so you grabbed a fifteen-dollar skateboard from walmart and headed out to the park. maybe they should've sold the skateboards for cheaper, because you could hear it snap behind you. whoops. then again, it wasn't your fault because you could hear voices and footsteps and then you were upset because you could have bout almost eight boxes of pockey with fifteen dollars and you had just wasted it on a skateboard that hadn't even lasted you two hours. (so what if the tax would add up, it would be about eight boxes if the everyone wasn't such a capitalist.) "oh my gosh, i'm so sorry!" you heard a kind voice say, and although it was laced with worry, you couldn't help but smile deviously. maybe you would get your pocky after all. "it's all good," you replied, voice muffled, courtesy of the lovely sidewalk before you. "are you okay?" the voice received a weak thumbs-up in response. "don't worry 'bout me, i'm just overreacting," you sighed, and tamaki immediately thought, i do that too! morbid humor was supreme in his opinion. "pfft, i fell off a skateboard," you snorted, and your body began to shake with laughter. mirio and tamaki simply looked at each other. what the hell had they just gotten themselves into?
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after helping you up and bandaging your face, the two boys sat you down on a bench with your broken skateboard at your feet. "why were you out here in the first place?" mirio inquired, and although his words sounded demeaning, they were said with a friendly grin and smiling eyes. "y'know that anime, sk8 the infinity?"—you didn't wait for them to respond before you continued—"it's the one with the really cool skateboard people, so i was like, 'i wanna be a cool skateboard people!' and so i bought this stupid fifteen dollar skateboard—which you owe me, by the way, but i want pocky instead—and so then i was out here for like, two hours, maybe? idk, i was just, out here so that people wouldn't see me fail." "d-did you just say 'idk' in a normal sentence?" tamaki asked. both you and mirio looked at him in shock—the boy hadn't talked ever since he had accompanied mirio over to help you up. "yeah, i do it all the time. hashtag quirky!" mirio gave you a weird look, causing you to burst into laughter, and tamaki smiled. he wasn't quite sure why he was smiling, much less why he had felt the need to express his opinion (he's never felt that before). he just felt good around you. he wasn't sure why, or how since you were a stranger he just met, but for some reason, amajiki felt safe.
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slowly, the three of you began to hang out after exchanging phone numbers. the boys introduced you to neijre, who immediately fell in love with your scatterbrained personality. you were in a group chat with the three of them, and you shared the pocky that mirio had dutifully bought for you with them. (so what if he had been slightly threatened to be shredded to bits with the pieces of your broken skateboard? the pocky was good anyway.) but eventually, the more you and tamaki talked, the more meeting up you did without your other two friends. you loved them, sure, but tamaki was so refreshing to be with. he wasn't very vocal at first, and almost had (another) anxiety attack, but you were there for him and he has slowly but steadily learned to trust you. even though you were clumsy—sometimes tripping over a leaf or two—and forgetful—how you had forgotten your backpack on the way to school, tamaki would never know—but he loved you for it. platonically, of course! definitely nothing romantic. (yet.) you couldn't play volleyball like the other girls (often getting hit in the face because you weren't paying attention) or help amajiki train because of how distracted you got by the squirrels in the park, but he thought it was nice to have a change of pace. it was nice to have a friend that he made on his own. sure, he had needed a bit of a push from mirio—he hadn't originally wanted to accompany him to check on you—but it felt as though he had done it himself. tamaki felt as though he didn't get to say that that much. it felt as though he were too dependent, too relying on the people around him to sufficiently accomplish anything by himself, but he did it and he was proud. tamaki didn't get to say he was proud of himself a lot, either. but you helped him with that. you were there for him when he felt like trying to become a bit more social, and gave him the confidence boost he needed to come with you to the store that day. you were there for him when he thought that he wasn't good enough to become a pro hero—after all, none of the heroes have anxiety and get nervous over talking to a civilian like tamaki did. but you told him that everyone was unique and different, and that tamaki was, too. tamaki could make his own decisions, and if he felt as though being a pro just wasn't for him, then you would support him. however, you also thought that with a little bit of practice and a lot of therapy (just kidding . . . unless?), tamaki could fulfill his dreams, with you right alongside him. and in the end, tamaki amajiki was glad that he had broken your skateboard.
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lmaoo tamaki was the one who stepped on ur skateboard sjfsdn
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Hello againn! ^^ Good mornin/noon/eve to uuu~
I wonder if you could do one with a reader that has quick reflexes? But, in a wrong way??
Like they dropped their phone and while they're quick enough to just catch it, they accidentally smacked it into the wall instead of just grabbing it mid-air—
(Fellswap + two other ppl of ur choice? 👀)
lol hi I'm not dead I was just in a silly goofy mood for like a month 🤪
Also thanks for requesting fellswap!! Idk if I've said this before but they're becoming my favourite skeletons (not counting UT Sans and Paps ofc) <3
Mal (Fellswap Sans):
Ew another one (affectionate)
Rus is like this too. Sigh. Why is he always stuck with the wrong-quick-reflexes people?
Decides not to ”train you” to lose your reflexes, because it clearly didn’t work on Rus.
Ask him what this “training” would entail and he’ll tell you “dish soap” but won’t elaborate. Rus won’t tell you about it either. At this point, you are scared of the answer.
Most of the time you do something bc of your reflexes, he just sighs and shakes his head (you’re not entirely sure if it’s out of fondness or disappointment) because it doesn’t really matter, but obviously there are some more serious things that could happen that aren’t so funny.
If you accidentally hurt yourself, you get a scolding from a frustrated - but not angry, there’s a difference - Mal.
Rus (Fellswap Papyrus):
Thinks it’s super funny (most of the time).
Like, him too, but it’s only funny when you do it
You fling your phone at the wall accidentally and he’s dying of laughter. He cries from how hard he’s laughing. (AND YET HE DOESN’T THINK IT’S FUNNY WHEN HE DOES IT, HYPOCRITE-)
He relates but refuses to admit it out loud. Internally, he thinks “wow you’re my spirit animal” but he tells you, TO YOUR FACE, “wow, throwin’ things ‘cause of quick reflexes? couldn’t be me lmao” after years of the two of you throwing equally many things at walls. SMH my head Rus. SMH my head. 😔
If you break something he won’t really care that much.
Until you break some part of you, like you accidentally catch a knife in the. Uh. Wrong way. Or you grab something really hot (that isn’t yourself 😉) and get burned. Then it’s seriously not funny anymore and he’s panicking.
For the most part it’s harmless though. He won’t like. chastise you because he’s the exact same way about these things lol
Blue (Underswap Sans):
Tsk, tsk, tsk. Silly human, you’re not supposed to throw things like that!
For YEARS he acts like he thinks you’re doing it on purpose. You don’t know what to do. He won’t listen when you say it’s not on purpose. Half of you is convinced he’s not even pretending, that he genuinely thinks it’s on purpose, because he sells the act so well.
If you actually end up hurting yourself, THAT’S when you find out for certain that it was just him being playful and fucking with you because he thinks it’s funny. Clearly, he can tell it’s not on purpose by his light scolding on how you need to train these reflexes away - clearly, they’re not as harmless as he thought.
Anyways until you get hurt, if you get hurt, he’ll just go “YOU SILLY LITTLE GOOSE! AIRPLANE MODE ON PHONES DON’T WORK THAT WAY!” and say other shit just like that, because he doesn’t care too much. It’s actually a bit funny.
Stretch (Underswap Papyrus):
Pretends it’s fine, but it’s not. In his head, every time he sees you use your reflexes the wrong way, he repeats the very same thought: “that could be me one day”.
He lives in fear that one day, you will reflexively punch his tailbone. He is terrified. He does not want you to punch his tailbone, or any other part of him for that matter.
kjdafjkdsjk no but for real though he doesn’t care. He thinks it’s funny and will poke fun at you for it occasionally, but he also does stupid shit because of reflexes (even if he’s nowhere near as bad as you sorry lololol) so he’s not about to make it into a big thing
(Unless you hurt yourself, in which case he freaks the fuck out and there’s a 50% chance he’ll cry)
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tinylittletv · 3 years
A Rift Between
I rewrote this because it’s been a few years and I don’t like the old one, and this time I plan on continuing it!
For as long as you could remember, it has always just been you and your father working on your farm. Well, for a while it was just you working on the farm. The labor wasn’t easy nor was it short but you enjoyed this life. Greeting your father with a smile whenever he comes home from his travels. He was never one to stay in one place for long, that only changed after you had been born. But, you’re an adult and very capable of taking care of yourself. It took some convincing but in your early adulthood you convinced him to return to the road while you stayed home. Happy to tend to the land and the animals.
Since the day you came into this world, you were blind. The world is a mystery to you in a way that only you will understand yet never really seek to change. You can see the world, albeit, in a different way. It doesn’t limit you or stunt your life. After all, you’ve never had sight, what on Nirn could you be missing?
The closest city being miles away had you living isolated, but you enjoyed it. No one to bother you or your animals.
And the walk to the city to sell your wares is always enjoyable.
Having enough to live comfortably and always saving up to prepare your father a fresh, large, home cooked meal for when he returns. Always with a tale on his lips to tell. Of course, he would exaggerate a few things, painting the world in a large and exciting light.
His last trip...you didn’t like it.
He had come home, muttering and whispering to himself, you being but an afterthought and the food even more so. Picking at little as he flips through a book. He has come home with books and papers before. So, what is it about this one that had his attention? During the night, you’d hear him rummage for a pen and paper, scribbling away before ripping up the freshly used paper. Cursing and grinding his teeth.
This went on for days. You delayed your trip to the city to try and care for your father as you fear he is sick, or has been struck with madness.
These worries only seemed to confirm your fear of madness as this night he stormed into your room. Quickly you sat up from your bed, opening your mouth to say...something before you felt the book he had brought home being dropped on your lap. It was heavy and it smelt old and inky. You scrunched up your nose for only a second before you went to push the large, heavy book off. Only to have your muttering father grab the back of your head and force you to face the book. Being so close, you could hear what he muttered.
“Just look at the damn thing! Look at it speak! Those dark secrets that crawl through your brain. They know, they know too much! The words won’t shut up.”
He sounded mad.
He grabbed your face, forcing you to face him, letting you know that he was growing angry. At you, at the book. “Focus you stupid child! Look at the book and tell me! Tell me it’s dark, black words and promises of knowledge.” You didn’t try to get out of his tightening grasps as tears bubbled in your eyes. He was mad! Mind tossed about! You stuttered, “You know I can’t read what is written down.” You stated, placing your hands over his, hoping to bring some sanity back to him. But he pulled his hands away, scratching at his chin; Hearing his nails against the scruffiness of his beard. “I know, but maybe blind eyes can see what crawls through the pages and into the mind.” He got off your bed, mumbling about how you should stay put and read and he’ll go get something to write with. Wanting you to tell him what you’d see in the book.
Your tears fell, rolling down your cheeks as you shook with only worry.
He was mad, your poor father has gone mad!
And this book was to blame.
You face the heavy literature in your lap, the worry for your father only being matched by the quickly growing anger for this book. You may not know what is bringing him this madness, you will rip this book to shred to rid him of its burden. You tossed the book open, quick to grab a chunk of the pages before suddenly, something thick, warm and smooth wrapped around you before you felt a pull. One that was too strong for you to fight and to fast for you to fully understand what was happening.
You felt yourself falling, only given a moment to brace for impact. Hiting hard ground, nearly knocking the wind out of you.
Of course it wasn’t a normal book, of course magic had to be involved.
By the divines you will strangle whoever wrote that book and rip it to shreds once you have your hands on it. You got up, pushing yourself onto your feet, dusting off and straightening up your nightwear. Wherever you were, it smelled like an old library and fish. You could hear the faint sounds of books and paper fluttering. Taking a few careful steps forward, you had to think of a way out of here, knowing well that you were no longer in your room. But this place sounded rather vast and empty, it may take a bit to find the way out. Hopefully, magic wasn’t needed, you don’t know a thing about the arcane arts.
A few more steps before a voice boomed above you.
You turned your sightless gaze upwards.
“You dare use your hands to try and rid Nirn of one of my...many black books?” The voice was masculine, deep, and slow. “I’d burn it if I must.” You stated, calmly as you spoke only truth. “Such written words have driven my father mad, if your book is the cause, I will leave only shreds of it behind. Hell be my punishment if I don’t.”  The being gave a chuckle, just as deep and as slow as his voice.
“Mortals cannot handle the pool of knowledge when they peek into my books. Madness will fall to those...who....are burdened with what they...are not meant to know” He sounded rather proud of that fact; and it made your blood boil. “Then I demand to know the owner of these books, so I can send you to an unwelcome afterlife.” here you do not stutter as you stand your ground. Ready to take on, whoever this was.
For a minute or two, there was no answer. This being thinking on if you should even know that fact, but seeing you so proud and determined, had him play with many plans and ideas into his head.
You hear him inhale, “Little mortal, I am...Hermaeus Mora.”
For a moment, you were taken off guard, not expecting to have this be the fault of a deadric prince. He seemed to catch your surprise, chuckling darkly as you shook your head and returned to just being angry at him. You don’t care who this was, he was driving your father mad, therefore, he’s going to pay. “Rid my father of your madness.” You demanded, not backing down as you kept facing him, an expression showing how you will not be intimidated. But it was all you could do, knowing that in this moment you are at a disadvantage and the prince of knowledge knew that too.
But he was more than amused by you, and there was little he could do that he normally would to any other mortal. After all, you are blind, anything written down here is useless to you and just killing you won’t be as fun. After all, not everyone makes such a...humble demand. Normally they beg or plead. For power, for knowledge. But you, you seem to be a bit of an oddity.
And Mora, he is such a collector of oddities.
Maybe he’ll keep you.
“Mind your tongue...mortal. I am the master of this realm...your life is in...my hands.” You could tell he was being smug. So very smug. “I will be loose with my tongue, you are no master of me.” Your voice echoed with challenge and determination. You will not watch what you say, nor will you be polite.
But, it seemed he plans on answering your challenge as you feel the ground under you disappear, sending you falling yet again. Landing this time, one a pile of books that you end up knocking over. That hurt. For a moment you were still, back aching from that sudden fall. Only slowly sitting up and rubbing your tailbone, moving to sit on your knees before you hear the sound of a book closing and someone getting up from their chair.
Footsteps moving closer to you before they stopped, just shy in front of you as Mora spoke again. “Keep an eye on this one...Miraak.”
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