#it's been a while and I wanted to get more dedicated to actually roping with him instead of just drawing him
dante-mightdie · 19 days
The way i'm straight up dying over the second-wife Price au so far Like I don't think you understand how nice it is to see such a fun take on such an already-lovely idea, but GOD I would love to see Price seeing reader after a good few months of trying to convince himself that he was right in leaving her there. Maybe he always felt that guilt, that twisting in his guts that made him feel like a bastard when he thought about you, maybe he never quite got over the look on your face when the ropes were tied, the fear in your eyes. You weren't supposed to be scared when you looked at him, but you were. He's long since accepted that you're dead. It would just be silly to think otherwise, but he's still got the other wife, right? The other wife, who he slowly realizes isn't nearly as gentle as you were, who didn't stop a moment to smile at passing children or nod at him when he came back from a successful battle. maybe he's terrible for wanting to go back, but then he sees you in the woods, holding a baby in your arms and cooing at the little thing while you wash it. It could be his. That's the first thing he thinks, and then he sees Simon. Simon who should be dead, Simon who defected mid-battle mere days before he met you, Simon the *traitor*who comes up behind you and knocks his forehead against yours so gently and takes the baby into his arms as you smile at him. And maybe Price feels a sort of longing in that moment, a sort of pain he's never felt before, because you look... happy. You look happy in a way Price has never seen on you before. Genuine and comfortable, that soft smile on your face spreading as you chuckle and hug Simon. Or maybe not. Maybe Price turns and leaves, maybe he never quite sees that it's you or maybe he just cant mentally reckon with you being alive without him like this, happier without him after he hurt you unforgivably. Maybe Price doesn't even know if it would be worth giving up his half-assed, but functional marriage with your replacement-that thought still makes him shudder-to try and talk to you again, because you look like you wouldn't even entertain him, and he **knows** that Simon won't I dunno, just some thoughts for you, I hope you like :)) (You have absolutely no obligation to respond if you don't wanna, just want you to know that this au and your writing in general has honestly been something nice to come home to and it's really helped me through some rough days)
simon bumping his forehead against you like a stray cat is awakening something in me
c/w: stalkerish-vibes from chief!price, nsfw, masturbation, sex, mentions of war, torture, children
he had to return a couple more times just to be certain. dedicating a few hours a week to come back to that lake in hopes of seeing if you were actually alive or if his mind was playing tricks on him. he caught a few more glimpses of you. some by yourself, a few with your baby and a couple with your ‘husband’
he’d watched you bath by yourself in the late evening, slipping off your clothes and unknowingly giving him a view of your most intimate parts. not like he hadn’t seen them before. sometimes when he felt extra guilty and pathetic, he’d stroke his cock as he watches you bathe in the lake
he’d also caught you and your child down there once or twice, a genuine happy smile on your face as you help them dip their feet in the shallow tide. he knew the whispers of the clan was getting to you, rumours that you couldn’t conceive but he never had his doubts. he just never had the time to dedicate to you due to his many responsibilities as the clan chief
that’s a weak excuse, still. he had energy to dedicate to his second wife, for a while at least. he soon tired of her and her attitude towards her wifely duties. and he didn’t just mean her bedroom duties, although that was becoming an issue too. he also meant her responsibilities to the clan. she had a responsibility to offer them support and she was failing to integrate herself with them
you didn’t seem to have any issues with your marriage. you seem perfectly happy with your husband. price wonders if you really know who he is. it’s hard to imagine the ex-wife he knew as shy and timid seems this content with the infamous warrior ‘ghost’
price wonders if simon has told you about his time as a prisoner of war under an enemy clan when he was a fresh adult. perhaps he’d told you about how he got all those scars, how he’d endured years of torture before he finally escaped. except, he didn’t stay away once he returned home. no, he went back in the middle of the night. and slayed every enemy in that camp with his own two hands. a blood-thirsty fury in his veins as he takes his revenge
the sweetness only lasted a few minutes before the taste turns bitter. especially when he finds that he’s been shunned from his clan. his actions deemed inhumane, evil, unnecessary. simon didn’t agree, not one bit. he had dedicated his life to the clan and this is how they treat him after he nearly died for them
price had never met him. he was a known name around these ends. probably not to you. you don’t seem too afraid of him when he tugs your clothes off, bumping his nose against yours and pushing you up against a tree. hoists you up and wastes no time in lining his cock up with your pussy. nudges his tip inside your hole before thrusting the rest of his cock in
john watches as you whine and moan and beg for more in a way he never got to see before. perhaps if he had actually dedicated any time towards your pleasure, he would’ve gotten to witness this too. he fucks his fist from his hiding place, imagining that you were falling apart on his cock instead
he wishes he could use some of that famous courage he’s known for to actually come up and speak to you. apologise for abandoning you, not being a proper husband and protecting you from all the people trying to tear you down. yet his feet can’t seem to pass further from the spot he watches you from
he figures he should leave you be, you deserve your peace and your happiness. you seem to have found it. he wonders if you’ve found forgiveness for him in that time too. maybe you’d throw that sweet smile in his direction, welcome him with open arms and tell him that it’s okay
but he knows that unlikely. he’s sure that wolf of yours would show up, sniffing out a potential threat near his mate. bare his teeth and growl at price for even selling close to you. much more likely that he’ll rip john apart with his canines and claws, leave his mangled body in the dirt. he’s not so sure that you’d tell him to heel either, how can he expect you to save him when he left you for dead?
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jymwahuwu · 3 months
Absolutely devastated by the flood of hate you're getting, you only deserve the best (⁠*⁠˘⁠︶⁠˘⁠*⁠)⁠.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ unfortunately, all I have to offer are these ideas rotting in my head...
JY reading fanfics about himself where the darling looks like you/fics about you where he can insert himself is an idea that has been haunting me. Once he has you as his beloved wife, maybe he'll test the accuracy of those stories.
Do you truly sob pathetically when he places a vibrator on your clit for hours upon end or do you succumb to your desires? Only one way to find out.
I honestly refuse to believe that this man doesn't have a folder titled "research" where it's just porn that he needs to test the accuracy of, regardless of which AU we're talking about. He's just a really dedicated guy.
Thank you Raku, you always show up in time to comfort me (つ´∀`)つ And that...
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CW: yandere, non-con (will happen in the future), imagine you and masturbate
Jing Yuan reads fan fiction in his free time. He knows that there are people from Xianzhou Luofu who like to read and write about them, and there are even authors from other planets/space civilizations. None of them had any idea that their fan fiction was being read, liked, and collected by the General himself. He will read them while he is in the warmth of his bed, holding his cell phone, and looking for readers with personality descriptions like yours.
He loves the way you describe being ravaged or destroyed by him so gently… and always in all kinds of creative ways. Imagine him on top of you, penetrating you deeply with his cock, or tongue-kissing you passionately. Mating press and oral sex both sound great. Jing Yuan released the painfully hard cock in his crotch and stroked himself, moaning softly. It's a shame it needed to be this way before he got you. One thing these fan fictions describe accurately - he is indeed a virgin and has not been in love for over seven hundred years. He needs to do some research, for you.
And Jing Yuan learned something new - if the general put a vibrator on your clitoris, would you really whimper and squirt pitifully? ("P-please put it down!! I can't-take any more-") The final mess? He actually kind of wanted to put a few more in there. Or will those lactation potions help? He thought there should be side effects. Maybe getting you pregnant would be the perfect way. He learned how to tie you to the bed. Also bought the collars and ropes described in the novels, and even cute kitten bells!!
Jing Yuan has specially categorized bookmarks and study folders, in which you can be any profession!! He just imagined the readers and protagonists to look like you. Although he has been single for seven hundred years (and has yet to form a romantic relationship with you), the General is curious and capable of learning, and is always ready for you.
He knows he can try each of these on you after the wedding and record your reactions. He looks forward to a sweet life.
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engie-ivy · 8 months
Hi! I really like your writing, could you possibly write a fanfic where Remus is a confident gorgeous bastard and Sirius is a flustered mess?
(Hi @arcades-n-academia! You might not even remember this request, with how long it took me to answer. I guess it took some time for a good idea to come to me, and then to find time to actually write it? I would say I hope it's worth the wait, but with how long the wait was that might be pushing it😅 Anyway, without further ado, I present to you:
Confident Gorgeous Remus Lupin and Flustered Mess Sirius Black!)
Being handsome, smart and successful, Remus has his choice of men. So he's allowed to have standards, right? And he has a type, namely confident and intelligent men who know what they are doing. Unfortunately, Sirius Black, easy on the eyes as he might be, is none of those things.
Or so Remus thought.
A New Side
Remus is feeling quite chipper. He's walking down the street carrying two boxes with cake from his favourite bakery, on his way to the office where he worked for the past year.
Remus is a renowned environmental scientist, but he took a break from that line of work to join an environmental law firm. He had wanted to learn more about the legal side of protecting the environment. What arguments are the big corporations using to deny accountability for the pollution they are causing? What data can these environmental lawyers use to prove these corporations are responsible? What evidence of the consequences for the environment is sufficiently compelling to a judge?
In return for learning the ropes of environmental law, Remus has been serving as an expert witness in their cases, and has consulted on scientific matters.
All in all, it has been a good year. Remus had a great time at the company, they made him feel at home and he truly learned a lot. But while he's going to miss the people, hard-working and dedicated to making the world a better place, he's excited to go back to his true passion: scientific research. He's got plenty of ideas, and he's excited to re-join his research team and get started.
Last Friday was officially his last day at the law firm, and since he's still got one week off before he'll take up his old job again, he's dropping by the office today to bring some cake and thank them for the past year.
As Remus pushes open the door, the first person he's greeted by is, unfortunately, Gilderoy Lockhart.
Alright, maybe when he says 'hard-working and dedicated to making the world a better place', that doesn't include everyone.
Lockhart doesn't particularly care about making the world better, he cares more about creating an image of himself as someone who is making the world better. He wants that aesthetic of a handsome, noble lawyer fighting for the good cause. Without doing the actual work, that is. Lockhart is known for doing nothing while taking credit for everything.
They would've kicked him out, if he didn't have a talent for charming people. Especially middle-aged women appear to be quite fond of him. Middle-aged women with too much money looking for a good cause to support. So since Lockhart is so proficient in bringing in donations, they continue to tolerate him.
"Lupin," Lockhart smiles. "Well, isn't today your lucky day."
'Because after today I never have to see you again?' Remus wants to say, but he holds it back. No, he went an entire year without clashing with Lockhart, he's not going to ruin it now. So he forces a smile. "And why is that, Lockhart?"
"Because today is the day you're getting the chance to go on a date with me," Lockhart smirks.
Remus blinks. "Sorry?"
"Yes, you heard that right," Lockhart says, still smirking. "You get to go on a date with me."
"That's… flattering, I suppose, but I'm sorry," Remus shakes his head. "I'm not interested."
Lockhart is silent for a moment, then he lifts his chin and tightens his jaw. "See for yourself then, Lupin. Your loss."
"Remus, you gotta help us out."
Fabian and Gideon have stopped him in the hallway.
"We keep arguing about it," Fabian says.
"So we need you to decide," Gideon adds.
"We usually don't go for the same guy, so this is new to us," Fabian sighs.
"We can't agree upon which one of us gets to ask you out, so we decided to leave it up to you," Gideon shrugs.
"So you need to tell us, Remus," Fabian urges.
"Which one of us would you rather go out with?" They both ask at the same time.
Remus looks from one brother to the other. "I like you both, as good friends."
Fabian cringes and Gideon dramatically places a hand over his heart. "Autch."
"Oh, come on," Remus says. "You can't expect me to choose one of you to date! That's just asking for trouble. Believe me, this is for the best."
"Alright, we normally don't go there, but since it's you, we are willing to make an exception," Fabian says.
"So what about dating both of us at the same time?" Gideon asks.
"Bye, Fabian! Bye, Gideon!" Remus starts to walk away. "Nice catching up with you!"
"You don't know what you'll be missing out on!" Fabian, or maybe Gideon, calls after him.
Benjy keeps nervously fiddling with his tea bag. "So… ehm, I mean, like, we won't see each other at work anymore, and I just thought… I hoped… I wanted to ask… If you don't mind, of course, maybe we could see each other outside of work? You know. Like dinner. If you like to have dinner. With me."
Remus stops from where he had been going through the cabinets of the office kitchen looking for cake forks to look at Benjy. "Oh, Benj… That sounds lovely, really. But truthfully, I'm not looking for anything right now, so it's probably best not to, as I don't want to give you the wrong idea."
It's not exactly true. Remus is quite open to someone storming into his life and sweeping him off of his feet, but Benjy isn't the 'storming in and sweeping you off of your feet'-type. He's the 'carefully shuffling in and awkwardly stammering if he may perhaps attempt to sweep you off of your feet'-type. Not that he isn't a great guy. Remus is sure that there's someone out there who's going to look at Benjy and see him worrying his lip and nervously wringing his hands, and think it's just the cutest thing ever.
But that someone isn't Remus. He needs a man who has a bit more fire in him.
After avoiding an awkward situation with Caradoc Dearborn, by pretending to think the flowers Dearborn gives him are only to thank him for his work in the past year, and Dearborn luckily takes the hint and plays along, Remus runs into Kingsley. At first, Remus is relieved that it's just his work buddy Kingsley, but when Kinsley leans against the wall beside him and gives him that smile, he knows enough.
"No, Kingsley," he says firmly. "No. We are friends. We work well as friends. We are not going to change that."
Kingsley lets his head fall against the wall and lets out a dramatic sigh. "You are a cruel, cruel man, Remus Lupin," he says, but he's smiling as he pushes himself off of the wall. "Well, it was worth a try, but I know a lost cause when I see one."
Remus lets out a relieved sigh as he closes the door to the break room behind him. Mary from Communications, Marlene the Office Manager and Lily from HR look up from their coffee.
"Oh my god!" Mary jumps to her feet and runs up to him. "Cake!" She exclaims, snatching the boxes from his hands.
"Happy to see you too, Mary," Remus says, rolling his eyes.
Mary sits down and flips open one of the boxes. "White chocolate pistachio! You're my hero."
Remus drops down on a chair with a sigh. "Has Mary brought her 'special' brownies to the office again?"
Mary glares at him, swallowing down a mouth full of frosting. "That happened once and it was an accident!" She says. "I took the wrong batch with me."
"I'm not complaining," Marlene smirks. "Best day I've ever had at the office."
"What makes you think the whole office is on drugs?" Lily asks Remus. "Again," she adds, almost as an afterthought.
"Just on the way here," Remus says. "Like, six co-workers asked me out!"
Marlene laughs. "Of course they did!"
Lily leans forward, resting her head on her hands. "Come on, Remus. You must know what's going on."
Remus blinks at her. "I promise you that I really do not."
"This company has a strict No Dating-Policy for its employees," Lily says. "But as of today, you," she points her finger at Remus. "Are no longer an employee."
"Which means…" Remus begins.
"Which means that all those thirsty men who have been lusting after you for the past year can finally shoot their shot!" Mary finishes.
Remus looks at Lily, but she just points at Mary and nods.
"It's true, Rem," Marlene says. "I almost had to ask the janitor to mob the floor in the meeting room after each of your presentations, with how much those guys were drooling!"
"And who can blame them?" Mary says, before Remus can protest. "You, standing there, with that casually tousled hair going on, wearing that button-up with the top buttons undone and your sleeves rolled up to your elbows, talking about critical deposition values, just oozing that whole 'Sexy Professor'-vibe…"
"There's nothing sexy about critical deposition values!" Remus protests, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Say critical deposition values one more time," Mary says, throwing her head back and letting out a fake moan.
Remus flicks a pistachio at her head. "You're a menace."
Mary sticks out her tongue and takes another bite of cake.
Remus shakes his head. "Good god, if that is the case, in retrospect, I'm very thankful for that No Dating-Policy. At least now I only have to endure this awkwardness for one day."
"Two days," Lily corrects. "You have to come to the office party this Friday!"
Remus raises his eyebrows. "Party? Are we celebrating?"
A huge grin appears on Lily's face. "Indeed we are! We won the case against Exxon!" She cheers.
Remus stares at her. "The case against… No way!"
Remus laughs out loud. "Oh my god! That's amazing! I can hardly believe it! I thought that case was mostly symbolic? That we didn't have a chance at actually winning?"
"So did I!" Lily exclaims.
"So did everyone!" Mary exclaims.
Marlene shakes her head with a huge grin on her face. "But don't tell Sirius he can't do something!"
"Wait," Remus says. "Back up. Sirius? As in Sirius Black?"
"No, Remus. One of the many other Siriuses that work here," Lily deadpans. "Yes, Sirius Black! Why does that surprise you?"
"No reason, just…" Remus shrugs awkwardly. "Well, he isn't exactly the sharpest tool in the shed, is he?"
All three girls stare at him like he has grown two heads.
"Remus," Lily eventually manages to say. "I don't know what kind of tools you have in your shed, but in most sheds, they don't come much sharper than Sirius Black. He graduated top of his year from Harvard Law, he takes on the most challenging cases from all our lawyers, and still manages to win more cases than any of the other lawyers, our biggest clients almost always request for him by name to represent them, and he receives about five offers per week from corporate offices willing to pay him at least five times what we can afford." She shakes her head. "We're lucky he's so dedicated to the cause, otherwise we would never have been able to keep him.
Remus blinks. "Really? Okay. Wow. That's… not what I expected."
The first time Remus saw Black, their conversation went something like this:
"Hi! I'm your new colleague, Remus Lupin. Nice to meet you!"
"Uh, yeah."
"So… what kind of work do you do?"
"I… ehm, I work for an environmental law firm."
"...Yes. I know. We're colleagues. I mean what sort of work do you do within the firm?"
"Oh, yes, I work in environmental law. I do law work. For… the environment."
After that conversation, Remus had concluded that, despite what his first name might suggest, Sirius Black wasn't exactly a bright light. Their following conversations had only confirmed his suspicions.
"Hey Black. That's quite a stack of papers you're carrying. Big case?"
"Oh, no, just a normal briefcase fits fine."
"Oh, Black, can I get your opinion on the presentation I gave at the meeting this morning? What did you think of the slides?"
"I loved them! They were nice!"
"Yeah, thanks, but were they clear enough?"
"Oh, yes! I could see them very well. With the blue background and white letters. Very clear."
"No, I mean… You know what, nevermind."
Remus had assumed that Black, not being the sharpest mind, must be some sort of an assistant to the lawyers, searching files, copying documents, writing minutes, that sort of work.
Remus also thought, and he's rather ashamed to admit this, that maybe they employed Black because of his father, the infamous cut-throat corporate lawyer Orion Black. Maybe they thought that Orion Black would go a bit more easy on them when meeting them across the courtroom if his son worked for them. Though if that was the case, it was to no avail. If anything, Orion Black seems even more determined to take their firm down any chance he gets.
Remus even thought, and yes, he's even more ashamed to admit this, that the only reason they kept Black around could be because the man is so easy on the eyes.
"So, what made you think Sirius is a dummy?" Mary asks cheerfully.
"I've been trying to get to know him, but it's hard to learn more about someone when they can't hold a bloody conversation," Remus says defensively. "I swear, every time I try to talk to him, the guy can barely string a sentence together!"
The girls are silent for a moment. Then they all burst out laughing.
"Oh my god," Marlene says, wiping tears from her eyes. "I can't believe it. Sirius Black, with his infamous sharp tongue, who always has a retort for everything and can make even the most ruthless corporate lawyer tremble with fear, finally at a loss for words, because of a cute guy!" She laughs again. "I'm never going to let him hear the end of this, I swear!"
"As any good friend should," Mary says approvingly.
Remus looks puzzled.
"Come on, Remus," Lily grins. "With your experience from today, I think it's pretty clear why Sirius’ brain turns to mush around you!"
"So," Remus says slowly. "Black is actually both very intelligent and very into me?"
"He sure is."
Remus sits back on his chair and takes a sip of his coffee. "Interesting."
Remus is hiding in a corner. Not how he usually acts at parties, but he's got a very good reason. Two very good reasons actually.
First, it's so that he won't continuously get hit on, with people making flirtatious comments, bringing him drinks or making not-so-subtle suggestions of what they could do after the party now that they're no longer co-workers.
Second, it's so he can observe Sirius Black without Sirius Black knowing he's observing him.
Because Remus is intrigued.
Sure, he did find Black attractive. No one who sees him can deny that he's a good-looking man. But Remus never considered him as someone he'd potentially want to date.
Remus likes intelligent men. Maybe that's pretentious, but it's just how it is. He's attracted to men whom he can have stimulating conversations with, who challenge him and keep him on his toes, who he can share ideas with. Black seemed to be none of those things, so Remus had never looked at him like that.
Tonight, though, Remus is looking.
Black is, of course, the star of the evening. The whole party is to celebrate his achievement, after all. He looks stunning in his dress shirt and his long hair tied up. Everybody wants to talk to the man of the moment, and Black is making rounds, going from group to group, smiling brightly and making easy conversation with everyone. He looks confident and at ease, oozing charisma and competence.
Remus hadn't felt any particular way about the fidgety Sirius Black stumbling over his words, but this Sirius Black… This is a Sirius Black he would like to see more of. There's just something incredibly sexy about a confident man who knows what he's doing, and knows he's doing it well.
Black is currently chatting to the Bones-siblings– Amelia and Edgar are from the prestigious Bones family, known for their philanthropy and welfare work, and both are highly educated and strongly dedicated–, and Peter Petttigrew and Emmeline Vance. Vance is a tall, blond woman, who works for a pharmaceutical company and with whom they once had to negotiate a settlement with. Peter was quite infatuated with her, and keeps inviting her to these types of events, hoping to get with her, though everyone can see Vance has no real interest in him besides his connections.
Remus doesn't know whether Vance likes to play devil's advocate, or whether she's really defending her beliefs, but she's always taking opposing stances and arguing with everyone from the firm. Remus supposes she thinks having a different opinion makes her special and interesting, by showing she's not like the rest of them naive ideologists, but Remus disagrees. Sometimes, having a different opinion just makes you wrong.
Vance brushes her long, blond hair back. "You drive a motorcycle, right?" She asks Black. "Which means you need fuel. You can attack Exxon, but at the same time, you're one of the consumers creating the demand they're providing." She crosses her arms over her chest, looking quite smug.
Black arches an eyebrow. "I try to make the world a better place, whilst not being perfect myself, yes."
"Well, doesn't that make you…"
"A hypocrite?" Black finishes.
Vance shrugs.
"No one can do everything right. If trying to do good while you know you will sometimes get it wrong makes you a hypocrite, then not even trying to do any good only because you know you can't do everything makes you a cynic." Black crosses his arms over his chest and looks Vance in the eyes. "And then I'd rather be a hypocrite than a cynic."
"And you think bringing a company to the verge of bankruptcy with such an erratic fine is 'doing good'?" Vance asks. "If you take speeding, for instance, people don't speed because they know what fine they'll have to pay when they do. The fine Exxon has been given, however, is unprecedented. Therefore, Exxon couldn't have taken it into account when deciding upon their actions. Therefore, it is unfair." She looks quite pleased with herself.
Black does not look impressed with her argumentation, though. "We fine Exxon because we want them to not pour a gallon of crude oil over a baby seal," he says. "Not because we want to enable them to conduct a detailed cost-benefit-analysis on the strategy of pouring a gallon of crude oil over a baby seal! If they don't like that the consequences are unpredictable, good. It's a punishment, they're supposed to not like it."
"But you can't let such a vital company face the threat of bankruptcy!" Vance persists, clearly trying to get under Black's skin.
Black shrugs. "You're the one who started drawing parallels with criminal law. Alright, but then let's be consistent. What's the highest price someone can pay for the worst crime? It's their actual life. Now, Exxon has destroyed ecosystems, destroyed the lives of hundreds of people, and killed countless wildlife. It doesn't get much worse than that, so what would be the corporate equivalent of having to pay with your life? Bankruptcy indeed, if you follow your own logic."
"But do you really think Exxon is going to pay up?" Edgar Bones asks carefully. "I mean, Exxon has got an whole army of the best lawyers at their disposal. They can keep appealing the verdict to a higher and higher court, and keep stalling the process. The plaintiffs will be broke and forced to give up any further legal proceedings before they ever see a dime."
"If Exxon wants to drag this process out for years," Black replies instantly. "Then I will be breathing down their neck every single day for as long as it lasts and make sure they won't get a moment of rest from this case until they pay up! If we let them get away with this, simply because they have more means, it'll send a message to all companies like them that they can do whatever they want and no one will hold them accountable."
"But they won't be able to afford your services anymore."
"I don't want any money, not until the plaintiffs have been paid what they are due," Black says passionately, balling his fists.
"I suppose it's good exposure for your brand," Vance contemplates. "Being the activist lawyer engaged in a legal battle with Exxon."
Black gives her a hard look. "Some things aren't about money, or exposure. Some things just matter."
Remus stares at Black. That unwavering conviction, that fierce determination… It does something to him. Seeing that burning passion in his eyes, it makes something stir in Remus' stomach.
Remus chugs the rest of his his wine and places the empty glass on a passing waitress' tray, before making his way over to the group.
"Professor Lupin!" Vance says, batting her eyelashes at him. "Always good to see you."
"Hi Remus," Edgar Bones says warmly, giving Remus a quick once-over. "Glad you decided to come tonight."
"Yes, hi," Remus says, without taking his eyes off of Black, whose mouth is opening and closing like a fish without any words coming out. "Could I steal the man of the moment for a bit?" He asks, winking at Black. "To congratulate him on his big win."
Vance looks from Remus to Black and back. "Figures," she mumbles, before brushing her blond hair back and stalking off.
"Oh, I was hoping…" Edgar Bones begins.
"Of course, Remus," Amelia Bones interrupts, grabbing her brother's arm and dragging him away. "Come on, Ed. Let them have a moment."
"I hope I wasn't interrupting anything important?" Remus asks sweetly, smiling at Black.
Black's face flushes. "No! No, nothing important! Just talking about… how you should be a hypocrite, and how you can calculate the benefits of pouring oil on a baby seal, and how my clients will go bankrupt paying me…"
Remus arches an eyebrow.
Black cringes at himself, and covers his eyes with his hand, groaning. "Oh god, I swear… I swear, I'm actually smart!" He says. "I have more than two brain cells! I swear I do! The rest just somehow… switches off when it comes to you."
Remus throws his head back and lets out a genuine laugh. "Well, I guess it's good then that I'm not some corporate lawyer on the other side of the courtroom," he teases.
"It wouldn't have mattered then," Black mutters, crossing his arms over his chest.
Remus frowns. "How so?"
"I like how dedicated you are to your research," Black explains. "It's not just a job to you, you actually care. The way you talk about an exciting new research idea," a spark appears in Black's eyes as he talks. "With that contagious excitement, and always so hopeful, no matter how bad the world can be, that we can make it better. There's a fire and a passion to you." Black seems to realize he's been rambling, and he shrugs awkwardly. "I hardly would've been impressed to the point of my brain shutting down if you had been using that fire and passion to defend some bank's right to invest their client's money in cutting down the rainforest."
Remus stares at him.
He was not expecting this. His face feels warm, and- God, is he blushing? He can't remember the last time he blushed!
He thought Sirius liked him because he's handsome and successful. Many people do. But Sirius has seen him, and likes him for the kind of person he is. Remus feels something stir again, but this time not in his stomach, but higher, in the chest-area.
He gives Sirius a warm smile. "Thank you," he says sincerely, and then he laughs. "What can I say? Some things just matter."
Sirius just looks at him for a moment, before snapping out of it. "Oh, it's nothing." He wants to make a dismissive gesture with his hand, but he has forgotten he's holding a glass of red wine, and ends up throwing it all over his shirt. "Shite!" He curses, wiping his hands over his shirt, only making it worse. "Dammit, dammit! God, I'm such a bloody pillock!"
Remus looks on with a fond smile. Yes, it's going to take a lot of effort to bring out that confident, competent Sirius Black around him, but Remus has the feeling that it's going to be worth it.
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greatstormcat · 4 months
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley x f!reader drabble that’s been hanging in my WIPs from a while.
MDNI 18+, smut below the line
Simon Mother Fucking Riley. Leuitenant Riley. The Ghost.
An absurdly arrogant prick.
The Deadliest Man in the SAS. The Man With No Past. A Dead Man Walking.
Strutting around like he owned the place.
Fearless Leader. Loyal Team Mate. Dedicated Friend to a Lucky Few.
Oh how you hated him so much… or did you?
You must have stared a little too long, watched him a little too closely, from across the Medical Bay. Soap nudges your arm and chuckles low in his throat.
“No point lining over that one. You might think you heard a heart pumping in his chest, but its actually a brick on a rope swinging against his ribcage,” he warns you.
Try not to think about him, you tell yourself.
You saw him in the pub, alcohol weakening your inhibitions. No, that was a lie, it vapourized them. That’s the only explanation for why you had sauntered on unsteady feet over to his table, like a newborn deer staggering towards a wolf, and stood there smiling at him. The rest of the taskforce had fallen silent, preparing to enjoy the slaughter that was surely about to happen.
“Buy you a drink?” You’d asked him, a lopsided smile on your face. He had lifted his bourbon to his lips, uncovered for the brief moment it took to take a sip. Your eyes focused onto the tip of his tongue as it swiped across his lip to collect the burning, smokey liquid and you wanted nothing more than to taste it on his lips.
“Got one, thanks,” he replies dismissively. The other eyes at the table watch you, curious to see if you’d push any further with him, but you left feeling deflated. You didn’t notice how his eyes followed you for the rest of the night as you wallowed in your sorrow.
After that night, you found the feeling of being watched followed you around the base, however. In the mess hall his eyes lingered on you. He found excuses to be in the Med Bay when you were on duty, bringing in injured recruits or coming in with aches and pains he had been ignoring for years.
Simon Riley became an ever present shadow in your peripheral vision that you could not shake. But, if you looked too hard, or tried to approach him, the shadow dissolved instantly. You couldn’t talk to him, couldn’t get near him, he was always just out of reach.
Until the day he disappeared completely. The Taskforce were deployed for four months and things settled down for you once again. You might have the odd dream about a shadowy figure stalking you through the base, but that could have been anxiety, fear of someone dying, anything. The fact you woke up with soaked underwear, your clit throbbing after your body reached release without being touched, that wasn’t you obsessing over him.
When he returned it was like a storm tore through your world. A terrible specter reeking of smoke and death dragged you to your room, grasping hands and hazy thoughts, hot breath against your face but his lips hidden behind his mask.
You throw yourself at him shamelessly, letting him do what he wants, how he wants. Your blood pounds in your ears as you ride the endless high the feel of his slick skin against yours gives you.
“Why can’t I get your goddamn face outta my head?” He rasps into your ear through his balaclava, his hips slamming against your backside brutally. The sheets soaked with sweat and other fluids below you, the results of the three orgasms Ghost had already dragged from you, and he shows no sign of stopping yet. His thrusts are brutal, punishing, as he fucks your tender and bruised hole.
“Even when I’m away from you,” he grunts, “I can’t get you out of my mind.”
You whimper as another hot coil tightens in your abdomen, muscles clenching around his length and gripping him so tight he groans. Teeth grip your neck, the fabric of his mask giving some reprieve but still enough to bruise the delicate flesh and make you whimper.
“How did you do it?” He grunts. “You’ve got me in a chokehold.”
It feels like hours before he collapses to the bed, spent and heaving in exhausted, urgent breaths. In the darkness he pulls you tight, fingers digging possessively into your tired body and refusing to release you.
“I don’t know what the fuck you’ve done to me, but your mine now and I’m not letting you go.”
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haveihitanerve · 4 months
so this is my attempt at this fic idea i saw in a post a long while back about Bruce not giving up when his kids are threatened, even though hes injured to the breaking point and the kids are just forced to watch, forced to see his dedication to him, forced to sit and do nothing. yeah. this is my attempt-
Bruce Wayne was on his way to work when it happened. It was not planned. These things never were. The sudden injection to his side had him wheeling and socking the man in the face. That was all he managed before the drugs took him. 
Bruce awoke to the taste of mud in his mouth. He breathed slowly, keeping his eyes closed as he tried to take in his surroundings slowly, without the threat of someone knowing he was awake. That attack had been planned. His arms were wrapped in rope and tied up behind his head. Bruce breathed deeply, hoping that whoever was watching him, if they were watching at all, he was just bruce wayne at this moment anyway, would think he was just shifting in his sleep. The smell was distinctly Gotham. Still in Gotham. And outside. No building, no matter how good of a ventilation system could keep the smell of gotham out, but they tried. But this smelled like pure, unfiltered Gotham. He was kneeling on floor that was unfamiliar to him, but felt distinctly like dirt. For sure outside then. Wait. Not unfamiliar. Bruce knew this ground. He knew this forest. There was only one in Gotham, and he knew it better than he knew the Batcave, having spent a considerable time of his time in his youth in these very woods. He also recognized the divot that was to the left of his right knee. He had a secure bunker nearby. Determining that he had enough information for at least a base plan, bruce allowed his eyes to flutter open. Unsurprisingly, the idiots hadn't thought to blindfold him. Even though he was a rich, arrogant, play boy prick, at least to the public, they had to know that every Gothamite knew at least basic self defense. And that kidnaps were not rare. Even if he wasn't Batman he would have taken the ‘Course for Well Off Victims’ as the press called it, the ‘training for the rich fucks who will probably get kidnapped more times than they’ll get drunk’ as his kids called it. Bruces lips twitched. 
A face appeared in front of his. “Ah. So the legendary Bruce Wayne has decided to awaken from his slumber at long last.” Bruce frowned. The face peering at him was fairly basic. Simple brown hair, black eyes. Horrible hygiene. Clear by his breath and stench. Bruce wrinkled his nose. But, bruce noted with no small amount of satisfaction, there was a clear bruise forming around one eye, clearly and poorly covered with makeup that did not match the mans skin tone. But he had more important matters to worry about. “What do you want?” Bruce spat, trying his hardest to look like the disheveled mess that a rich play boy would look like if kidnapped. The man leaned back, smugness written on every inch of his body. “What do i want?’ he twittered. “What do i want?” he repeated, twirling. “Ha!” he got very close to bruce. Bruce managed not to gag only with all the strength of a man trained by assassins in the himalayas. “What i want Brucie wayne.” the man twittered sweetly into his ear. “Is to break you.” He stepped back, a smug and self satisfied look on his face. Bruce held back the urge to roll his eyes. Very few things would manage to break him, and he doubted whatever this twat had brewed up would work even mildly. “You see, i am a great scientist.” Bruce really fought to bite down his groan. The man ignored him, pacing like he was giving an oral report in front of a huge audience instead of to Bruce Wayne, a man he had kidnapped and tied up in the forest. “And i have concocted a little something in my labs. A few little somethings actually.” he smirked. “Just in case. But i doubt you'll survive past the first one.” He laughed lightly. “Never the less,” he cocked his head. “Perhaps i misspoke actually,” he mused. “I do not simply wish to break you. I wish to hurt you. To make you scream. And then finally kill you. But not before you beg for mercy.” Bruce didn't hold back the eye roll this time. He also didn't bother asking what hed done to offend this man, because clearly he was always offending people and this one in excess seemed eager to tell him what hed done wrong. So bruce stayed quiet. The man blinked, coming to a stop. “Not gonna say anything?” he asked. “No ask for bail? Begging to be let go? Offering me all your money? Nothing?” he seemed a little put out. “Whats your name?” Bruce asked instead. It was getting a little annoying referring to him as just ‘the man’ The man(urgh) blinked in surprise, but, even more surprisingly, answered. ‘He must really be confident in his ability to kill me’ bruce thought. A tendril of unease, small, but there, curled around him. “My name is Stefan Cornilious Bathromleow Marcrowitch the Fifth.” he said proudly, puffing out his chest. Bruce pulled a face. “Corn it is.” he muttered. Corns face snapped in anger. “No!” he snarled. “My name is-!” 
“He heard you the first time Corny. But what the man says goes.” Called a familiar voice and bruce almost went limp in relief, smiling as his second eldests voice filled the clearing. “Trust me, we’ve all tried arguing it.” His oldest agreed. Bruce rolled his eyes. “Shut up dickface, im talking!” jason snarled, appearing from behind two trees. He waved at Corn, holding a loaded shotgun. “Mind holding still? It'll make this much quicker.” Corn glared at him. “Red Hood.” he sniffed. “I didn't think you cared for hero work.” “oh, i don't.” Jason assured him. “But my siblings, and pain in ass father, are of a different mind.” He shrugged. “Im trying to be more, family oriented.” Bruce sent him a look. He shrugged again. “What?” “its true.” Three figures hopped from the trees and Corn winced back in surprise as Nightwing, Red Robin and Spoiler stood. “Hey Brucie.” Steph greeted cheerfully. “Nice to see you again.” “fifth kidnapping this week aint it?” Tim asked conversationally. Bruce rolled his eyes. “Not my fault.” he grumbled. “Yeah give the man break. Hes got a hard job.” Another voice chimed and Batgirl appeared. Bruce sent her a glare. “I do actually.” he sniffed. He heard a snicker but couldn't identify if it was all his children laughing or just one. The last two appeared in the form of Orphan and Robin. Corn was looking between all of them, confusion evident on his face. Then he shrugged. “Oh well. Might as well kill off all the vigilantes too. It'll make escaping killing Bruce Wayne much easier.” and with that he pulled a switch out of his pocket and flicked it. They waited. “Just- wait.” Corn said, raising a hand. “It'll take just a sec-” He smiled as a roar echoed from not too far a distance. “Ah there it is. Ta-ta!” he said, grinning, then exploded. They stared in surprise at the space he had just moments before vacated. “I think hes-” “not dead.” Barbara confirmed. “Hes got a low level of magic. It probably teleported him somewhere.” Dick shrugged. “We’ll find him later. He gave us a full name.” Barbara nodded. “Yep. Already found him.” Tim laughed. “Dope.” “um, guys. The roaring is getting louder.” Steph informed them. “No prob.” Jason said, cocking his shotgun. “No!” Damian protested. “Hes right, sounds like an animal.” Cass signed. Jason sighed, but lowered the gun. Bruces ear twitched. He knew that sound. “Everyone get into the bunker.” he ordered, leg moving. He hit the rock two feet away, rolling it on its side. “Tim, code. now.” Tim frowned, but knelt down and activated the code. The bunker opened in between two trees, lifting out of the earth. “What? B whats going on?” Dick asked concerned. “Get in the bunker.” he ordered instead. “I know that creature. Corn said he changed it. Is a scientist. That creature-” he cut off, shuddering. “Its horrible as is. No conscience. No brain. Only wants to kill. It doesn't need food, water. Nothing. It was bred to kill. And hunt. Get. In. The. Bunker.” he growled. Dick had gotten pale. He ushered damian and tim towards the opening in the ground. “Hold on pops!” jason held up a hand. “What about you?” “im coming.” Bruce growled. The roaring was getting closer. “You in first. Now.” Jason frowned, but he obediently stepped down into the bunker, helping cass and barbara down after him. Dick, damian, and and tim were already inside. Steph paused. “Wait. You're tied up.” She moved back towards him to free him just as the creature came barreling into the clearing. 
It was even more gruesome than the one bruce had fought. As big as a black bear, the width of a small tank, it towered over them, its long, sharp, yellow teeth dripping with saliva. Its eyes, a horrible, angry, red, zeroed in on Bruce. Steph was frozen, the other kids watching in horror. The creature let out an earsplitting roar and charged. Bruce pulled his arms in front of him, shredding the rope with pure brute strength, and dove into steph, just as the creature barreled into the tree where bruce had been held seconds before. “DAD!!!” Dicks shrill cry just strengthened bruces resolve and he jumped up, slinging steph over one shoulder and dove for the bunker, throwing her inside. Jason let out a yell as her full weight, combined with the force bruce had thrown her, slammed into him, but he stayed on his feet. Bruce turned with his momentum and slammed his foot onto the keypad for the bunker. It slammed shut. “DAD!!!” Dick roared. “NO!!!!” Jason bellowed. Tim slammed his fists against the door, but it was strong and thick and wouldn't budge. The only thing bruce regretted was that the door was clear. So they could still see him. And he could still see them. “Tim! Get us out of here.” Jason roared, helping a disoriented steph to sit down. Tim searched wildly, but there was no pad in sight. Bruce had designed it like that with purpose. Only he could close and open the bunker. And only he knew where to find the keypad to open or close it. The creature roared, already ready to attack him again, slamming into the tree full force only having mildly disoriented him slightly. Now he turned, ready for blood.
The Batkids could do nothing but watch in horror, and slight awe, as their father battled this monster from hell, not giving up for a second. Bruce still jumped around with surprising speed and agility, despite being coated red in his own blood from wounds that would have crippled even Superman. He had pulled moves they had never seen, never even heard of, performed somehow perfectly, even with only one working leg and a broken nose. But he still stood, still fought, at all times remaining between the creature and his children. Always. Even when the monster batted him into a tree with his paw, he always sprang up faster than should be humanly possible, and danced again, always between the monster and his kids. The bears massive paws swiped for him again, and they watched in horror as it shredded the flesh of Bruces upper arm. Bruce roared in pain, but still spun, sending his foot flying for the monster, sending it flying back, ramming through three trees before it slammed to a stop, laying still for a second as it recovered. Bruce stayed standing, legs shaking. His left leg was practically useless, his calf having been shredded an hour into the fight, but he stayed balanced, waiting for the next attack. Slowly, barely, the creature got to its feet and ambled over, sluggish. Dragging its feet. It had only a few wounds, some long gashes down its side from a knife Bruce had managed to hold onto for all of ten minutes before the bear had fucking swallowed it, and there was a flesh wound in its arm where Bruce had fucking bitten it, but was otherwise unharmed. But still, it stopped, just outside of the clearing, and its red eyes still shone as it met the eyes of their Father. Bruce was bleeding from everywhere, his right arm hung uselessly at his side and he leaned further onto his right leg than his left, but he still stood tall. “They. are. Mine.” he growled. “And i will die before you touch a single fucking hair on them.” He snarled. The kids held their breath, They could've imagined it. Maybe it was the fact that they had been watching their Father fight a monster from the deepest pits of hell for over three hours and he still hadn't fallen. Maybe it was because the oxygen in the bunker wasn't the greatest. Whatever the reason, Bruces ears tilted back, almost pinned against his head the way a dog would if threatened. His teeth seemed to sharpen into canines. And his eyes flashed dark black, like a bats. “Mine.” he growled. The creature turned, slowly, and walked away. Tim reached out a shaking hand, poking Jason's side. “What?” Jason asked, still watching his father in awe. “Still think you can beat him?” Tim whispered hoarsely. Gotham had gifted them all. In its own special, horrible way. Dick could run faster, Steph could jump higher, Jason had fangs, Tim didn't need sleep, Damian's eyes glowed like a wolfs, Cass didn't die, Barbara had never shown any signs of age. And Bruce. Bruce. The one who tied them all here. Their tether. The nest. The reason they all stayed, whether they consciously or unconsciously acknowledged it. Bruce was gifted Fatherhood. The right to claim every single one of his children. Mine. The word echoed in every step the children took, it reverberated in every word they said, it bounced around in the back of their minds always. Mine. They were his and he was theirs and there had been no gift bestowed apon anyone greater than that. Mine.
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utopiassuck · 2 months
I cannot support Smosh anymore
I think I have reached the end of my rope with Smosh and how they’ve been handling what is happening in Palestine. I’ve been watching Smosh since 2015 and to see everything they’ve been actively doing depite the situation makes me incredibly disappointed.
I understand as a small company that is responsible for the livelihoods of many people, you wouldn’t want to publicly take a stance which could jeopardise brand deals, collaborations etc. I don’t blame them for that. But to actively suppress any mention of Palestine from your comments is gross. I follow many YouTubers and TikTokers who haven’t taken a stance publicly but are also not suppressing comments. To go out of their way to censor people talking about the issue has made me feel sick. This combined with how prominently they are featuring Noah in their videos despite all the pro-Israel and Zionist tweets he’s made and liked is really making it hard to continue to support them. Noah is a contractor. They don’t have to be bring him back. That is an active choice that they are making despite knowing the controversy surrounding him. They have also not been featuring him in thumbnails so if you want to still watch their videos but just not the ones he is in, you have to click on the video, adding to the number of views the video gets. That is sick and twisted.
All their actions remind me of how big, shady corporations handle situations like this. You know the same corporations that Smosh has criticised countless times in their videos.
Smosh is a comedy channel and they don’t have to speak out about these kind of issues. But the problem with that statement is that they have in the past. They had a whole podcast episode dedicated to BLM as well as participated in the protests. They have spoken about homophobia, transphobia, racism and misogyny countless times and have made many comments about how awful the US government is. These are all great things and I am glad that they did them. But they really highlight that if Smosh wanted to, they would. I gave them the benefit of the doubt before, but all the things they have actively chosen to do are really beginning to make me question exactly why they don’t want to.
I know Damien, Angela and Mallory have made their pro-palestine stance very clear which I know is not something they have to do but I do appreciate. Shayne and Ian have liked pro-Palestine tweets which is cool but Ian co-owns the company. Liking these tweets while owning the company that is actively suppressing any mention of Palestine, actively supporting a known zionist as well as employing very shady techniques to make it difficult for anyone to not watch any videos with said zionist in them, means absolutely nothing.
Actions speak louder than words and right now their actions are really making me doubt whether they actually care about over 33,000 innocent people being killed within a matter of months. They are evidently aware of what is happening and are making choices that will obviously make people doubt where they stand.
They don’t have to publicly declare their opinions. They can stay neutral. The problem is that they are not taking a neutral stance. Their stance is beginning to lead more towards zionism and the support for the man-made starvation of innocent people. I can no longer watch their videos or see any of their content without feeling sick and so disappointed in the people I have watched and supported for nearly a decade.
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drabbles-mc · 1 year
Happy Lowman x F!Reader
For Day 3 of @whumpril's 2023 Challenge: rope burns/knife to throat/"hold still"
Warnings: 18+, angst, injury, murder, language
Word Count: 2.5k
A/N: It's been a minute since I've written for Happy, I feel like. I love this dude. I think he deserves a woman who is willing to kill for him idk.
SOA Taglist: @espieviolet99 @littlekittymeow @chibsytelford @anditsmywholeheart @i-just-read-stuff @justreblogginfics @buckybarneshairpullingkink @paintballkid711 @jitterbugs927 @fanfic-n-tabulous @mijagif @frattsparty @winchestershiresauce @beardburnsupersoldiers @choochoo284 @artemiseamoon @nessamc @garbinge @passionatewrites @camelia35 (If you want to be added to any of my taglists, please let me know!)
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The bag that had been over his head for a while now didn’t bode well for him. The ropes that were binding and ripping the skin of his wrists and ankles didn’t exactly spell out good news for him either. He wasn’t too worried, though. It was concerning, sure, but it was far from the first time he’d found himself in circumstances like this. Knowing him, it probably wouldn’t be the last either.
He had a gut feeling that whoever it was that had snagged him, and whatever their issues were with him, weren’t exactly related to the club. It was no secret that the MC had its fair share of enemies, and that particular laundry list of people would’ve been a good place to start, but as far as Happy knew he was alone. And none of the people who had captured him had called anyone. If it was something to do with the MC, someone would’ve asked him about it or made some sort of phone call by this point, but there was nothing. He wondered if the club even realized yet that he had been snatched up.
Whoever these people were, they definitely wanted him for personal reasons. Happy didn’t find that to be surprising in the slightest either. With all the people he knew and the things he’d done, he’d built up quite the roster of people who would like to see him dead or dying.
No one had said anything to him since he got thrown into what he was assuming was a van of some kind. He was sitting upright so he knew that they hadn’t tossed him in the trunk of some car, and the fact that there was a cushion underneath him let him know that he wasn’t just getting tossed into the back of some U-Haul. None of those details helped him figure out who had him and why.
Since no one said anything to him, he didn’t say anything to them. He wasn’t like Tig—he wasn’t in the habit of being chatty and making things worse. Sometimes his dedication to silence also made things worse, but it wasn’t quite the same.
Happy had no concept of time as they continued to drive to wherever their mystery destination was. He could hear the murmurs of the people in the car but they weren’t talking loud enough for him to make anything out. He listened for a GPS, or even to try and catch one of them giving directions to the other, but there was nothing. The entire time he was waiting and listening, he was trying to work at the ropes around his wrists. He could feel it ripping at his skin, but he still kept at it. Again, it wasn’t the worst pain he had ever endured. It surely wouldn’t be as bad as whatever was going to ensue once he actually got his hands free.
He just started feeling like he was making a little bit of progress with it when the van made a sharp right turn with no warning at all. Happy grunted as he tipped over in the seat, quickly scrambling to try and get himself upright again. He got an assist that was more hurtful than it was helpful, feeling someone ball their fist into the back of his shirt and push him upright and directly against the side of the van with more roughness than necessary.
“What the fuck was that?!” the man next to him yelled to the driver. It was the most Happy had heard out of anyone aside from their grunts and curses since they captured him.
“Got a tail,” another man, one Happy assumed was the driver, said back to them. “Trying to lose them.”
“By turning and almost going through a fucking building?!”
“Don’t be so dramatic.”
The man next to him huffed. “Who’s tailing us anyway?”
“White Chevy. Two cars back.”
Happy started laughing at that—he couldn’t help himself. The club might not have known that he was MIA yet, but of course you did. He should’ve seen that coming.
The man balled his fist into Happy’s shirt, yanking him so that he was face-to-face with him. Even though Happy couldn’t see him through the dark fabric of the hood covering his head, he could still feel the man’s nose pressing against his own.
“Who the fuck is following us?”
“I don’t know,” Happy replied, “I can’t see them.”
He felt the pressure of a knife being pressed against his throat. “Who the fuck is it?!”
Happy remained silent, and the man pressed the blade a little harder into the column of his throat. Happy felt the slight pull and the residual sting of the knife breaking the skin on his neck. It wasn’t a bad cut, not deep enough to be an imminent issue, but it was a promising threat that things were going to get worse if these guys didn’t get answers.
“Someone who is gonna be a real fucking problem for you guys if they get you.”
“Fuck me,” the man next to him grumbled.
The answer must’ve been satisfactory enough, because he pulled the blade away from Happy’s throat. It was a relief, but most because Happy didn’t trust the guy next to him to have a steady hand and if the driver made another sharp turn it was going to be game over very quickly.
“What do you wanna do?” the third guy finally spoke up loud enough for Happy to be able to hear him.
There was something familiar about the guy’s voice. Happy couldn’t quite place it, but he definitely knew it. Whoever the man riding shotgun was, he was the one who must’ve had the vendetta against Happy. He didn’t know who he was or what the vendetta was, and honestly he didn’t particularly care. Happy just wanted all of this to be over with. He was much more certain that things would go his way and that he would live to fight another day now that he knew that you were tailing them.
“I don’t know,” the driver said as he made another turn. “We just, we gotta lose ‘em.”
Happy laughed. “Good luck.”
The remark was met with the guy next to him slamming the side of his head into the side of the van. It was worth it. For a moment Happy understood why Tig was the way he was.
Happy was still working against the binds on his wrists but at this point it felt like it was no use. He was better off waiting for you to sink your teeth into these guys and free him rather than trying to wriggle out himself. It clearly wasn’t working anyway.
A few more minutes ticked by, filled with chaotic turns and the driver slamming on the gas. Finally, though, he said, “I think we’re in the clear.”
All three of the men let out sighs of relief, but Happy knew that they were speaking too soon. Anyone else in his position might’ve been disheartened, but he knew that they weren’t going to get rid of you that easily. You might not have been right behind them anymore, but you definitely weren’t gone.
As if you had been reading his thoughts, the van came to a screeching halt. Happy and the other man in the seat row with him toppled forward, smacking against the seats in front of them. He heard the thudding of the man riding shotgun slamming his hands against the dash to brace themselves. All four of them were cursing as they tried to get themselves right again. Happy didn��t know if being completely in the dark made it harder or easier to do that.
“Son of a bitch!” the man riding shotgun yelled out.
Happy heard the guy next to him take a deep breath, most likely gearing up for some snide comment or more cursing, but he never got the chance as someone started shooting. Happy heard the first two hit the glass of the windshield and he immediately sunk down in his seat. It had to be you. He heard the guys firing back from inside the van, and he did what little he could do given his current circumstances and he threw his body against that of the man sitting next to him. He was rewarded with the sound of the man’s gun clattering to the floor and the guy cursing as he set himself loose on Happy, grabbing him and landing whatever blows he could as the gunfire continued.
Happy was as defenseless as he’d ever been with his hands bound behind his back and his head still covered with the hood. He was trying to kick but his ankles being tied made that difficult too. He tried to squirm and keep moving, anything to keep the hits from landing directly.
Even with all the chaos, it was impossible to miss the sound of a bullet burying itself into someone’s skull. When it happened, the entire van was still and silent for all of a couple seconds before the chaos picked back up and was even more intense.
A few moments after that, there was the sound of the vehicle doors being ripped open. There was screaming and grunting and gunshots, and Happy was just hoping that you were coming out on the winning end of it all.
“Get on the fucking ground!” you yelled as you put a bullet into the kneecap of the man that you’d forcefully pulled out of the passenger seat.
Happy had never been so relieved to hear your rage. He was so distracted by the sound of you that when he heard the back door of the van open and someone grab onto him, he automatically assumed it was another threat. If it wasn’t you that was getting him out, he couldn’t help but to think that it was someone else who had the intention of hurting him.
He thrashed as much as he could until the person spoke up. “Hap, shit, stop, it’s me,” Juice was trying to cut the ropes on Happy’s wrists, or at least pull the hood off his head, but the constant movement made both of those things difficult.
Juice’s voice wasn’t the one that Happy was expecting to hear, but it still got him to stop fighting against the assistance. There was the sound of another gunshot and then Juice finally pulled the hood off so that Happy could see. The sun was blinding, a jarring shift from the hours of darkness he’d just endured, but he wasn’t upset about it. The first thing he saw was the man that Juice had shot and killed slumped in the back seat. Once he realized that he wasn’t going to be an immediate threat, he turned his head, looking around for you as he squinted against the harsh light.
That’s when he saw you, leaning over the man who had been sitting in the passenger seat. You’d shot out both of the guy’s legs. You had your knee pinned to his chest as you leaned over him, the mouth of your gun pressed harshly beneath the man’s chin. Even though there was distance between you, Happy could see the way you were breathing heavily, he could feel the rage coming off of you.
Even though he knew that Juice was trying to free him, Happy was still having a hard time sitting still to let it happen when he knew that you were so close. Juice huffed in annoyance behind him as he tried to do his job without slicing open one of Happy’s wrists in the process. “Hold still for five seconds, Happy. Seriously.”
None of Happy’s attention was focused on himself or Juice anymore though, not when he could hear the conversation happening a few feet away.
“Who the fuck are you?” the man spat out.
You wanted to make a comment to the effect of, “I should be the one asking you that,” but then you realized that you didn’t particularly care who this guy was. You didn’t really care why he wanted Happy. You knew perfectly well that the man you were with had more enemies than smiley face tattoos. It wasn’t surprising that he had landed himself in hot water.
Juice had cut the ties around Happy’s wrists and was just about to be done with the ones around his ankles when you pulled the trigger on your gun one more time, causing the man’s head to snap back as the bullet went clean through it from bottom to top.
“Fuck,” Juice said with a shake of his head as he finally cut through the last of the rope.
The second Happy was free, he was up on his feet and making his way over to you. He wasn’t running, but you could see the determination in his stride and the set of his shoulders. When he got over to you, he held out his hand to help you up from your position of kneeling on the man’s dead body. You tucked your gun back into its holster before slapping your hand into his, both of you tightening your grips as he helped pull you back up onto your feet.
The second you were completely upright, Happy stepped in like he was going to kiss you, but you stopped him as you pressed your palm against your chest. He opened his mouth to ask you what was going on, but you quickly moved your hand up and cupped his chin in your hand before tilting his head up slightly. You saw the cut running along the side of his throat and you frowned.
Once Happy realized what you were doing and looking at, his body relaxed a little bit. He almost started laughing. All the things that had happened in the last few hours and this was what you were getting hung up on. “I’m fine.”
You rolled your eyes as you let go of his chin. “Of course you’re going to say that.”
The two of you were about to start getting into it in the middle of all the carnage you’d caused when Juice interjected himself into your conversation. “Hey, guys, we gotta…we gotta go.”
Just as he said that, you heard the sirens in the distance. That was fair, and expected after all the gunshots. You pointed at Happy accusingly. “This conversation isn’t over.”
Happy knew better than to argue with you. “Alright.”
It was a quiet drive home. You dropped Juice back off at his place with a quick thank you and a promise to reach out to him later. As the two of you drove back to Happy’s you could feel him looking at you from the passenger seat but you didn’t say anything about it. You knew that he probably had his fair share of questions, and you certainly had your own, but right now all you wanted to do was get back home. All of the questions and the conversations could wait until later, preferably until tomorrow. You didn’t say anything as you drove, but it didn’t stop you from reaching over and resting your hand on top of his on the console, careful not to touch the scraped and bloodied parts of his wrists where the rope had been digging into him only a little while before.
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ask-the-clergy-bc · 4 months
Kinda random, but can you do the papas/ghouls with a sibling of sin who crochets (preferably nonrimantic/platonic relationship but you don’t have to) also hope you have a good day/week :)
Never be afraid to ask for platonic/friendship/non-romantic requests! I’m always happy to do them :)
Also, crocheting is the BEST! I’m so excited to do this!
I hope you enjoy and have a good night yourself ❤️
G/N Reader
Platonic friendship
Era V Ghouls
Fluff/light hearted prompt
Papas and Ghouls with a Sibling of Sin who Crochets
Papa Nihil: One of his most prized possessions is a vintage styled blanket you made for him. It’s a granny square blanket with trim, and in the warm colors you’d find in someone’s 70’s inspired house. It reminds him of the ones he used to love and it stays on the back of his couch. You have been roped into being his movie buddy. So while you both are watching cheesy horror movies, you share the blanket as he watches and you crochet more!
Papa I: Papa adores your crocheting! Most of your time spent together is basically you both doing a quiet activity while lightly chatting. You with your yarn and he with whatever task he’s appointed himself that day. He has commissioned you for pot cozies for his favorite old plants. They comically break up his dark decor, but he adores them. You even picked a yarn that feels good sensory wise on his hands! Whenever he finds old books about yarn and needlework he gives them to you. It actually got you into lace making as well!
Papa II: He has a reputation for being a luxury goods type of man, and many wrongly assume he wouldn’t like hand made goods. But Papa has a deep respect for any skill based craft. Depending on what you make may or may not interest him, but he admires your skill. You once crocheted him some very tasteful doilies. Papa uses them under his favorite bottles of alcohol to really bring out his display shelves. He has gifted you high quality wool yarn before.
Papa III: Acts like everything you make is divine. Because to him it is! Papa also has a deep love of craftsmanship. But be aware, he LOVES getting hand made things from you! Papa will happily commission you for whatever pops into his head. Or if you’re making something he will go, “I want one too! Make it in purple?” Papa delights in being a friend and patron of you, no matter what you make. His favorite is the time you made him a sweater for his birthday! He wore it all day and bragged about having a one of kind piece of art from you.
Papa IV/Cardinal Copia: Copia tends to get lost in watching you crochet. Like, he intensely watches your hands as you work. He can’t help himself, it’s so mesmerizing! He won’t admit how much he really wants stuff you’ve made. But Copia knows from experience how annoying it is to be pestered for your skill. He’s absolutely delighted when you make him a toy rat! It stays in his office on his desk so he can play with it while he’s thinking.
Aether: You convinced him to take up crocheting with you… and he LOVES IT! It’s actually thanks to you both that the band had those gold sweaters for the Christmas pictures back in the Prequelle days! You two had worked your fingers to the bone for MONTHS to get them ready! Aether finds a similar peace in crocheting the way he does with guitar. When he stayed back from touring he had more time to dedicate working with you. You even have your own sweater he made just for you!
Phantom: You have this chaotic ghoul so enamored with everything you make!! You even made him a tiny yarn ghost that he takes everywhere (affectionately named Phantom Jr.) you have tried to help teach Phantom how to knit with very little success. Oh well! He’ll just sit and watch you do it instead. Phantom always has questions and is just happy to hear you talk about it! Phantom Jr is placed in his front vest pocket at all times.
Aurora: Constantly begs you to go yarn shopping with her. Aurora actually has a brilliant eye for color and flair, so she happily picks out combinations to use for your projects. She became addicted to your work when you made her a pair of fingerless gloves so her prized claws don’t get caught. She introduced you to the rest of the band as, “my amazingly talented friend who made the gloves you’re all jealous of”!
Sunshine: Thinks you’re some kind of wizard, because how else could you do something so amazing?? Sunshine loves to sit with you and hold your yarn as you work. Sometimes they like to help and just untangle your yarn or re-wind some back into skeins. Sunshine is just happy to watch you make amazing pieces while they practice or do boring paper work next to you. They won’t admit they would love a fun hat from you!
Swiss: Has worn everything you ever made him and immediately shows them off. Swiss has mastered doing a fashion show walk as he models the newest hat you made. “Oh, is everyone jealous I have the newest crochet couture?” If you sell these he will tell EVERYONE! Thanks to him the whole band owns one of your hats!! He’s so proud of your skill and vows to get everyone in the ministry to adore your work!
Cumulus: You both accidentally became good friends thanks to your crocheting! You were taking commissions around the ministry to earn a few extra dollars and favors (as chores only gave you so much allowance). Imagine your surprised when THE Cumulus approached you with a want for a scarf. You ended up knitting the most gorgeous bean stitch cream scarf for her. While chatting during the commission times you both found you got along splendidly. Cumulus hasn’t let you out of her sight since, and wears her scarf every winter!
Cirrus: The pianist has made it her mission to stop others from pestering you for free crochet pieces. Specifically her fellow band mates. But Cirrus won’t lie and say she has a lot of pride in being able to say she owns one of your little crochet animals. You once made her a tiny yarn cat just because, and she adores it! When you both are hanging around you nearly cried seeing the little plush cat rest on her practice keyboard. According to Cirrus, that’s her song editor. Awww!
Mountain: You weren’t sure what he thought of, he’s always so quiet! You were surprised one day when he finally seemed to acknowledge your hobby by politely showing you a pattern. A yarn cactus plushie attached to a plush pot. Mountain explains he really wanted to see if you would make him something but felt too shy to ask. The drummer assuming that you made so many projects because you’re obviously swarmed by commissions! He was so grateful you made it and praises you for how well made it is. You were so flattered when he immediately showed the rest of the band what you made!
Rain: Adores anything cute you make! His favorite are the little animals you make from different patterns. Every time you find a new pattern he asks if you can make him one too! He has a whole shelf of small yarn animals and refuses to let anyone touch them. They are special because they are from you, one of his best friends! He especially adores the jellyfish with long yarn trails you made for his summoning anniversary.
Sodo/Ember: Thinks crocheting is badass but it’s a little low energy for him. He can’t watch you do it or it calms him down enough to want to take a nap (everyone begs you to keep doing it.) if you crochet around him and he’s tired enough he will just rest on you and sleep (with permission of course.) you have made him a hat to cover the time he broke his horn and Sodo refused to let anyone touch it. He has commissioned you to make gifts for the band many times!
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pigeonpeach · 1 year
Some more Big beefy reader but i have decided to pair them with the short bois.
Xiao, Heizou, Kazuha, Scaramouche,
You had worked at Wangshu Inn for awhile, mostly helping transport good and repairs. As well as dealing with the occasional monsters popping up on the roads. You never really knew xiao until you caught site of him once when a hilicurl managed to sneak up on you. Within a split second you watched him eliminate the whole camp while you watched on. “Who are you?” You had asked as he helped you off the ground. “You’re hurt, I’ll help you.”
Took awhile, you had to pratically lure him and tame him like he was a stray cat but eventually he became smitten with you. He actually didn’t care you were taller or beefier than him. All the better actually, aside from that one meeting you could handle yourself which meant he didn’t spend too much time worrying about you. You two were both busy so it didn’t hurt if you didn’t see him often. Although you were surprised when he started visiting you during work. Whenever there wasn’t too many guests around he’d sometimes pop in just to check on you. You would chat his ears off and he’d let you. You had gotten past that cold exterior of his. At night you would find he’d sneak into your arms to just enjoy your presence although there was too many a time where he’d be lulled to sleep. Waking up to him was the best. He always felt so warm and safe in your big arms. Like a tamed stray you had him eating out of your hand for kisses on the cheek and midnight snuggles.
Heizou was another story. You had been a farmer’s helper who happened to be the last one to see a missing person. And well Heizou couldn’t take his eyes off of you. It was normal he found himself so in raptured by someone, your smile, your laugh. You were so oblivious to all of his games or slight manipulation. You were such a lovable idiot he couldn’t let you get hurt. Fast forward a few months and you two have been going on strong. Everyone always spoke about the size difference even making dirty jokes to challenge his masculinity but he didn’t care. He loved coming home to his big beefy s/o and just burying his face in their plump tits. He loved seeing them bring him homemade lunches made with the freshest of ingredients. He just couldn’t get enough of you sometimes. He never responded kindly to anyone who dare insult his lover. Alway coming off as a little more passive aggressive in those cases. If he found out anyone tried to harass you OH It is OVER For them. You never knew how they always seemed to cower and run whenever they saw you next or be apologizing at your feet for their actions.
As a long time member of the Crux fleet you were built like any other sailor. Tugging heavy ropes all day and lifting cargo isn’t easy. Nor was dating. For you it was like almost always a hassle to find someone who didn’t feel challenged by your appearance. At least till you met him. Kazuha the wandering poet who traveled often with your crew had pretty much written you poem after poem to woo you like a bird would charm it mate. You secretly didn’t mind. It felt nice having his gaze on you, his words had you feeling more attractive than ever. Although you doubted he’d actually want to date you,prolly just a hookup thing. Well if it was then you hadto appreciate his dedication. Its been months now and he decorates your face with kisses when you meet and spoils you with poems he wrote while he was gone. Bringing you trinkets he saw that reminded him of you. It was like he never stopped courting you. In bed he’d wrap himself around you, he’d sometimes blow you into the sky with him just so he could hold you. At this point you were the It couple of the crew. Kazuha was always joining when he could. You often shared the same hammock because he just loved being with you so much. Eventually you would even go adventuring inland with him. You two were peas in a pod
Scaramouche/Wanderer didn’t have many friends outside of nahida and the traveler. Both who he often teased and mocked. You were nothing more than a local chef who’s food made him feel so comfortable and calm. He didn’t know how you did it. He watched you make your dishes dozens of times and nothing proved to be suspicious. He made them himself with your recipes and found they never held the same feeling. Maybe it wasn’t so much as the food but the gentle smile you offered him whenever he made one-of his remarks. Or the way you laughed. Fuck he was in love with you goddamnit. Your build never deterred him. At first he did sort of intimidate you but after finding you terrified of a lizard that fell on your face once he didn’t think he had to. You were his big dumb beefy s/o and he wouldn’t change it for the world. There is no one bed that compared to sleeping ontop of you in the wilderness or snuggling next to you. There is no one who deserved his love or kindness more than you. He never turned down your dishes no matter what. Even if they were desserts or pure sugary sweet. Seeing your bright eyes fill with excitement as he bit into it was enough to turn him pink. He was certain you were made for him. He knew it when you joined him and he knew it when you fought off an entire group of treasure hunters with only a frying pan just to get back to him. Despite your strength however you never had the heart to kill. Which he would. He swore to protect you forever. No exceptions. He’d marry you if you wanted. He’d kill a entire fleet of soliders for you. Just so he could feel your arms wrap around him and hear your heartbeat.
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britishassistant · 1 year
We need some more octo-trio shenanigans in this house! How about this, yuu receives a coupon for half off at Mostro Lounge, they show up wanting to cash in (and looking like a total snack themselves) but once they’re seated they’re tied up and their attention is directed to the main stage, cue leviathan and Co trying to seduce the reporter through the power of bombastic musical numbers
Anonymous said: If azul ever had a song in this au I headcanon it to be either “phantom” by natewantstobattle or “poor unfortunate souls” (Jonas brothers ver.) both are equal parts rock and roll and just intimidating enough to get the message across, though for the sake of the funny rule I’d lean more towards “poor unfortunate souls” just because I can see him dragging poor yuu around while he’s singing
Thank you for the asks, dear anons!
Yuu should’ve known better.
After Azul discontinued his “frequent kidnapping” cards, Yuu should’ve known that he’d never actually give out a voucher for 50% off at the original location’s black tie evening without there being some sort of catch behind it.
But they were hungry, and short on funds, and damn it, they just want something nice to eat that doesn’t mean they have to break the bank or exhaust themselves after an already long day by cooking.
The outfit they slip into is an old standby, one that Uncle Divvy had tailored for them back when Yuu was just out of university, after a discussion about their career path and how important it is to dress for the occasion should they wind up covering a high-profile event.
Asymmetrical, form-fitting, with a matching clutch just big enough for the fedora to slide into. The ensemble pairs well with the glittering ivory-into-silver-into-black eyeshadow that Yuu spends ages perfecting the gradient on.
The reporter has to remind themselves not to feel flattered when Floyd actually does a double take when they walk in the door, that any attention from either of the twins is not attention they want if they want to have a nice, peaceful meal.
To say nothing of how their boss will react…
The maitre d’ leads Yuu to a table a reasonable distance from the entrance and the bar, takes the coupon, and brings them a cocktail they spot several other guests sipping on.
An oddly cutesy drink, brightly colored gummies in a tall glass of carbonated liquid, with a sweet, tart taste designed to mask how alcoholic it is.
They resolve to sip it sparingly, and are perusing the menu furiously, trying to work out whether they can afford to splurge on a starter or dessert with the coupon, or if they should focus on eating a filling main, when the already dim lights go out.
There are a few gasps and confused mutters from the other patrons, murmurs from the staff that there’s nothing to worry about, it’s all part of the show—
Yuu feels something cold and metallic brush their waist.
They try to leap out of their chair, get away from it—!
But it’s much too fast, wrapping around them as tightly as an octopus’ tentacles around unwilling prey, trapping their arms and legs by their sides and inducing a sense of vertigo as they’re lifted high into the air, away from where their clutch (their fedora!) is lying on the table.
The lights go up on a stage area below them, Jade sitting behind an electric keyboard while Floyd’s gone and got drums from somewhere. Other Octavinelle minions are standing with their instruments at the ready.
And, of course, Octo Dealer is standing center-stage, a microphone in front of him, wearing a sly grin.
“So lovely of you to come out tonight, my dearest reporter.” He says. “As thanks, I’d like to dedicate a little number we’ve been preparing to you.”
“Hit it!”
Needless to say, Yuu would probably be more impressed if they’d been actually allowed to eat something, before getting roped into this ridiculous song and dance number.
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ciderwitch · 2 years
Wait, did I hear "Kabu kinks" because I'm down!
(I thirst for that fiery old man) *insert bad pun here about being hot and bothered*
You're darn tooting! Kabu - and Nanu to boot! 🔞
If you'd met him when he was younger, you'd have seen his more hot-blooded and intense self. He was more into quickies and fiery adrenaline-fueled sex after a battle. Outside of that, he was too focused on training and battling to take his time.
Now, he knows that patience can be its own reward and loves spending lots of time with his partner. He's into teasing and orgasm denial for both himself and his partner. He'll have you begging before he really gets serious and forces himself to hold out until you come first.
Bondage - Shibari, specifically. Kabu loves the precision and artistry of tying his partner up and puts a lot of value in the trust required for this. He is well-versed in a variety of knots and rigging. He wouldn't mind if his partner wanted to tie him up, too, though he would prefer not being suspended.
Sensory play! When he's got you tied up (or when you're just fooling around), he loves waxplay, ice, toys, feathers, and other sensations to heighten the sensory of intimacy. He wants to blindfold his partner and see how much he can make them fall apart. He's actually quite playful and tries to make sure intimacy is light-hearted.
Well-dressed kink. He's a classic man with classic tastes and he loves seeing his partner in something of good taste. Suit or dress, if you are done up the nines he just wants to get you home and make you a mess. Could tease this man at a league event or nice dinner just by the glances and quick touches you throw his way. Let it slip with that you're not wearing anything underneath (or that you have some of those ropes around you underneath your clothes) and some of that fiery nature might slip back in enough to have you on your knees in the bathroom!
Seriously, if you find the right buttons and push, you will find yourself shoved against the gym lockers with his cock drilling into you at absolutely unfair speeds. He'll be chastising you and talking mad dirty the whole time.
Not quite a daddy/master type or into punishment, but likes giving orders and doling out rewards.
It would embarrass him to admit this, but the idea of you playfully degrading him and/or financially domming him a little excites him. If you two discuss terms first and he trusts you, you could have this man getting himself off while you show off a new outfit you bought with his card.
I don't think Nanu would be a selfish lover. Nor would he be cold. He's just extremely careful about who he does and doesn't allow himself to get close to.
If you are one of the lucky few that reaches that point, you will find someone very dedicated to your satisfaction.
He's been in special forces and he's been around the world. He's met royalty, spies, soldiers, villains, and monsters... does he love it if you dress up? Sure! But his absolute favorite thing is casual intimacy. Seeing you comfortable with him and having a slow fuck on a rainy day together makes him very happy. His better mood when you're around is noticeable to everyone.
That being said...
He's got a possessive streak. Not as strong as someone like Emmet, but enough that he will not hesitate to pull you into a semi-public alley or beach-changing station and just have a quickie. Sometimes you wonder if he might actually want you to get caught by whoever was trying to take your attention away.
He trusts you. He also just wants to make sure everyone knows you belong to him.
Hard-core domesticity kink. He wants his partner to be independent and successful, but sprinkle in moments that show you care and he's gone. Jokingly tell other people he's your husband, make a holiday meal with him, wear a cute little apron, call the meowths your children... He is not a family man, never wanted to be and never thought he could, but something about the way you treat him like he deserves it makes him go nuts. If he was 10 years younger it might turn into a straight up breeding kink, but as he is now he just wants to bend you over the counter and let you know how he feels.
If you ever wore cat ears and a tail, you would catch him staring. His face would never betray how badly he is thinking about you wearing cat lingerie around the house and ignoring him.
Like, him begging to touch you or lend him a hand but you just open your legs and watch some porn and just looking at him with a smirk. He would never ask you to do this. You would only find out by accident if he was really drunk or left the wrong tab open.
He's not a selfish lover, but he really does love when his partner rides him. He'll still touch and pleasure them, he just likes to see how bad he's wanted, too.
Absolutely leers at you if he finds a new way to fluster you. Will not hesitate to do something in public because he knows how to be subtle enough to not get caught and embarrass you at the same time.
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dragonclaude · 2 years
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I got a big ask by @isdisorigionalenoughforyou about little details of my Action game AU and I decided to dedicate a few sketches to it!
Question 2 is a reference to this older drawing, and if you'd like to see more about the AU checkout my pinned post for a quick link tree!
As usual, longer answers under the cut, enjoy!
There is a non-zero possibility that Togami corp has an entertainment room with a karaoke machine and card games/board games to play with others during moments of relaxation. Makoto, Hina, Yasuhiro and Kyoko could be options for their own solo songs and also there would be at least a duet in there with you and Hina. Making the rest of the game would be priority and I would only do something like this if there’s enough money and resources left over but y’know xD I wouldn’t want to add distractions like the Despair Karaoke places during the combat-focused sections; It would mean I’d have to consider something like that for every other remnant or else it would be……weird to choose only Ibuki for that. But maybe postgame she would welcome the challenge or something, who knows!
Stat bonuses, no, but I have been thinking for a while about them giving you a slightly different fighting style. Monokuma outfit starts off with claws and you fight more animalistically, Anniversary outfit starts with metal fans and you do more dodgy/graceful movements. The only problem is there's not really a reason sakura couldn't have different fighting styles on default except for the fact we may run out of buttons to be able to use them all xD But I LOVE the suggestion of each giving a minor change like hearing the monokumas or making the songs a rock cover.
I don't think there would be a traditional fishing minigame with a rod and actual fish but you will be able to find harpoons/hooks with ropes that you can pick up as weapons that could also be used in that way. There is no doubt going to be large holes or chasms in the ground that you could send a hook down and see what you get. Maybe a Monosalmon or something could be caught then thrown to distract Monokumas like Siren monokumas in UDG xD (But also, you’re absolutely right, every good game has a fishing minigame so this should be no exception)
I agree, I think that's what I'm going to decide on for Nagitos fight in the end! But there is no way Sakura is going to bring him to other fights especially after seeing how dangerous his luck is when bringing him back to base. Nagito is an SCP needing to be contained xD As for linearity, I think all the remnants will be divided in clusters of "early" "middle" and "late" with Imposter being the last that isnt Izuru that you could do in the order you want. Sonia will be a special case in which her fight is scheduled for a certain time in the late-game and you can either wait until then or go after some remnants before going to Novoselic.
Since there would be abandoned supermarkets all around, you would be able to grab ingredients for protein shakes, tea or coffee to make at the base and bring with you like a health and stamina potion. I didn't think it could have a minigame attached to it but now I want there to be xD Perhaps you could brew your potions mix protein shakes of various ingredients so you can personalize your healing item. For example, maybe some ingredients provide slightly longer focus time, higher health, healing over time etc. and you can create a drink to provide either purely one effect or mix of several for your upcoming mission depending on what you think you need. Could be cool!
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(Prev, not a confession) I’ll be waiting for this to be published btw. Do your job. Stop this karna favoritism (i would know when my submissions are ignored). you know he’s nowhere near a saint like yall worship. Read the Mahabharata with your brain!
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Here is the submission this anon wanted posted so badly, for the record.
I am a very patient person but I am reaching the end of my rope when it comes to the back-and-forth with Arjuna and Karna fans. Your original submission would have been posted without any issue, but being needlessly aggressive to the mods is a good way to get chewed out and not have either of us make your submission into a post. My time actually is valuable, and I am not going to dedicate any more of it to you after this.
There is no "favoritism". We just haven't gotten much, if any, Karna hate, and if you've sent any in off-anon, then we've probably blocked you, most likely for breaking our rules elsewhere. If you're so desperate to know my own personal feelings about Karna, then here: I think he's okay. There are other characters that I think are more interesting. I also think Arjuna is okay.
While many posts ago I did say that I would make up every submission into a post, that has since changed given the step back Mod M and I had to take to reflect on how we want to run this blog long-term. There was a line we needed to draw, and we have drawn it. You just can't see it.
I don't owe you anything and being this overly hostile is a good way to get blocked and have your ask tossed in the trash. Considering we're being accused of Karna "favoritism", I can only imagine you're an Arjuna fan upset about the amount of negativity we've gotten about him, and to this I say: block our blog, and log off.
Your blorbo is not real. He is part of a giant collaborative artistic process featuring multiple artists and multiple writers and within the thousands of fans that FGO has, there are going to be people who interpret him differently than you and dislike him as a character and dislike how other people interpret him. If that offends you so much, that is your problem, and I refuse to let you make it mine. Go outside, and grow up.
This applies to everyone. Your favorite character is not real and being obsessed with them to the point that any negativity directed toward them or their fans causes you a visceral negative reaction in return is not healthy. Fictional characters are part of art, and art is intrinsically up for interpretation, and your interpretation is going to be challenged. Learn to regulate your negative emotions surrounding criticism of your blorbo, and discover actual coping mechanisms. Google is free.
Here, I'll even do some of the work for you. These are the first few links I found. Here's another one.
And if you have trouble regulating your negative emotions due to mental illness, I understand. But that does not give you any right to force it to be my problem. We are strangers to you.
You don't know me. You don't know Mod M. We would like to keep it that way. Neither of us have even expressed our opinions on who our favorite characters are because of how dedicated we are to staying as neutral as possible, or at least attempting something close to it. We don't want our opinions to potentially dissuade people from sending in criticism.
The point of this blog was to create an anonymous confession zone for the FGO and wider Fate fandom that allowed criticism to allow people a space to vent their frustrations about the fandom anonymously, because just as "people should be allowed to like things", people should be allowed to dislike things, and dislike things without fear of retaliation. They should also be able to like things you dislike without fear of being retaliated against, too.
We're not under any illusions we're doing something radical or supremely important. We just thought a space like this should exist within the fandom. That's it.
And if you don't like us, fgocriticisms exists too, and they're a lovely person. I'm sure they wouldn't mind getting your submissions.
This anon is going to be blocked, and I suggest people keep an eye out in the coming days for unnecessary retaliation against some random person within the fandom who likes Karna who might be scapegoated for the crime of not liking something this anon likes, or interpreting something a different way than this anon does. God forbid they harass them for thinking they run this blog.
This is the most pathetic ask we've gotten. For your sake, and ours, I hope you go outside and take a nice walk if you can. Vitamin D deficiency can cause irritability, after all.
-Mod D
Also, we have had a negative submission regarding Karna sent in and posted before, they just don't get traction because they don't mention Arjuna. If you're going to be a hater, at least be dedicated instead of bitching when it's convenient.
-Mod M
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satancopilotsmytardis · 10 months
Oh oh Voice Kink with ShigaDabiHawks? I bet Shiggy can torture the boys in very fun ways~
Prompt: Voice Kink (and from another ask) Bondage
Pairing: Shigadabihawks
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Voice Kink, Bondage, Sub/Dom, Phone Sex, Masturbation, Orgasm Delay, Photos/Video during sex, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering
He doesn't always have the patience for this. Likes to tie up their pretty bird, likes being tied up himself, but more times than not they usually just settle for handcuffs and the bedframe. But Duster has been away working with Re-Destro for two weeks and they're both really missing their other lover's patient dedication for taking them apart by inches. So Dabi broke out the rope today. Pretty and black, soft enough that it won't chafe so long as Hawks doesn't move too much. And he doesn't think his pretty bird is going to move too much, not when his pupils are already doing that pretty pulsing thing where they go so tight and then blow wide enough he can barely see any gold. Not when his cock is already flushed and curving up against his stomach as Dabi presses kisses along his chest as his hands work to spread his thighs wide and start to wind his rope around them. Goes slowly, lets both of them get hotter and hotter as he works. Until Hawks' pretty skin is crisscrossed with black rope. Looks so gorgeous with the dark lines cut over his body, the only thing marring his skin, the hero too fast for his own good, not a single scar on him compared to the ones that have ravaged his and Duster's bodies. Such a pretty picture. 
A shame not to share it. 
Reaches over to the nightstand for his phone and Hawks flushes bright red, fighting through the soft trills to speak, "What--"
"Smile, angel. Duster's gonna love this." 
Doesn't smile, goes even redder, his feathers fluffing even more, looking at him through his lashes, all cute and embarrassed. Yeah, Shig's gonna fucking love this. Takes the picture and hits send. Mmm, really hopes that they never get arrested for another reason now, that photo would absolutely go viral if anyone ever got it off their phones. Starts to set it aside, wants to really start to take his birdy apart. Not expecting it to start ringing, Duster's name popping up. 
Answers immediately, putting him on speaker. "Are you two having fun without me?" His voice is a low teasing purr that makes his whole body go hotter, knows just hearing their other lover is doing it for Hawks too because his cock starts to leak. 
"Not our fault you had to go off for stupid bullshit, oh Grand Commander." Can't be as sarcastic as he wants because he's a little breathless. 
"Getting so bratty while I've been gone. Gonna have to punish you when I get back, firefly." Promise dripping from his voice and Dabi can't help shifting to get between Hawks' thighs, grinding their cocks together as he sets the phone close by. Has Hawks trilling and him letting out a thin moan. Hears Duster hum, amused, aroused, through the phone and that sound just makes him want more. 
Hawks fights back the avian sounds and little pants so that he can find his human words. "Miss you, sir." 
"Yeah, little bird?" 
"Want you," Dabi nips along his throat and Hawks chirps at him. Can feel how badly he wants him too but can't help teasing a little. 
"Can hear how much you mean it, baby. I'll be home soon and when I get there I'm going to make you feel so good, little bird. Reward you for being so sweet." His voice rumbles softly through the speaker, that slow easy tone that he always has when he knows he's going to work them up well past their limits before he lets them fall over the edge. Dabi never really thought he had a thing for Duster's voice until he took him to bed the first time. Until he had his voice low and hot in his ear as he told him every way that the other man wanted to take him apart, worked him up into a frenzy without even putting a hand on him, and then had made it even better by actually being able to deliver on each filthy promise he'd made. 
Heats his fingertips just shy of burning, hot enough to leave little pink lines over Hawks' skin, and drags them over his skin, tracing above the lines of the rope and making the hero arch and chirp loudly. "You're such a kiss ass, birdy." He mocks. 
"Jealous, firefly?" Duster's voice has its own nasty mocking tone. Hawks trembles, not usually on the receiving end of Shigaraki's punishments. but Dabi can never keep his fucking mouth shut. Likes it when Duster makes it hurt, likes it when he keeps him on the edge so long he ignites. Making him even hotter just thinking about it as he dips his head down to capture Hawks' lips with his own. "If you ever learned how to behave yourself then I might reward you too. Going to have you reward our pretty bird while I'm away. If you're good I might even let you cum."
Takes way too much self-control to keep from whining as he realizes that Duster's going to stay on the line, going to keep talking as he fucks Hawks. The hero can't hide the loud desperate trill that promise tears from his chest. "...yes sir," he manages after a second, his own voice thin and needy. Been worked up for so long already, having Hawks all tied up and helpless and Duster in his ears is really only making it worse. 
"That's it, must want it badly if you're already losing the attitude. How long have you two been like this?" Still mocking a little when he speaks to him. Doesn't know why that always makes him so hot when Duster does it. Would light anyone else on fire for using that tone in bed with him.
"Too long, please sir," and Hawks wants it as badly as he does, doesn't want to be made to wait if Dabi's mouth lands them in trouble. 
"Alright, sweetheart." So soft and sweet when he talks to Hawks, would think he has a favorite if he didn't seem to like being mean to him so much. Has their pretty bird trilling and shaking, his cock dripping against his stomach. Would tell Shig to tease their birdy, but his cock is getting wetter too every time their other lover speaks. "Firefly, can you be good, or do you need to put on your ring?" 
Flushes, "... be good, sir. Won't cum until you tell me." Doesn't want to promise that when he's already so worked up but he knows that short of hanging up and opening himself up for a world of punishments from Duster when he comes home, he has to obey. 
"Good boy, why don't you start to get our pretty bird ready. You want to be full, don't you, little bird?" 
Hawks coos, "Yes please, sir." 
Always a perfect angel in bed for Shig. Angel for him too but they don't really do much with powerplays when it's just them. Like to switch, like to just get each other off as many times as they can and don't really mind if they keep that simple. Doesn't get a rush having Hawks submit, is more distracted by how hot it is that they both can slip into their subspaces just from Shig's voice. Is starting to feel a little floaty and far off when he grabs the lube, heating it against his skin before he presses a slick finger to Hawks' hole. Teases around his rim the way Duster always does for him. Rubbing and pressing but not sinking inside, not until Hawks is trilling desperately, not until, 
"Mm, stop teasing him, firefly." 
Then presses in slowly, unrelentingly, pushes in to the knuckle and delights in how gorgeous the hero looks as he arches and moans, straining against the pretty rope wrapped around him. Gets lost in the haze of heat as he works him open. Lost in the sounds of Hawks trilling and chirping as he presses kisses across his skin, licks along his neck, into his mouth, waiting each time until Duster tells him, 
"Another, baby." Before pushing another finger inside. Waits until three are moving in him before he starts to rub deliberately over his prostate. Makes Hawks strain against his bonds even harder, needy chirps falling off his lips constantly, as he tries to rock back against him, pulls his fingers away a little every time he does. Until he's whining, 
"Thought you were supposed to ask for permission, pretty bird," he mocks, heat choking his voice too. Never makes him ask when it's just them but Duster likes to control their pleasure so completely. 
"He's right, sweetheart. Don't forget your manners just because I can't be there in person." 
"Please let me cum, sir," he pleads. 
Dabi is delighted when Shig hums but says, "No, not yet, little bird. Will feel better when you're full and you know we just want to make you feel good." Shifts his attention back to him, "Well?"
"Please let me fuck him, sir," he begs readily. 
"Being such a good boy, Dabi." Can't stop the little whimper that slips out of him at the praise. Doesn't get that very often, usually too intent on misbehaving. Makes him even hotter, so hard that it's starting to hurt. Doesn't know how long he or Hawks will even be able to last with their lover's voice so intent and commanding in their ears. "Go on firefly, make our pretty bird feel good."
Doesn't need to be told twice, Hawks chirping and trilling the whole time as he hastily slicks up his cock and starts to press in. Doesn't know which of them is louder as he's enveloped in Hawk's tight, warm muscles, pleasure pressing so insistently along his nerves he wonders if his seams could split from it. Wants to fuck him hard and fast, push them both over the edge, knows that's not what Tomura wants from them. It's agony to start to move, slow and deep, heat of his quirk creeping up so insistently that he's starting to smoke. 
"Not yet, firefly." Doesn't know how he can sound so amused and composed, can hear his hand working over himself on the other end of the phone, deliberate, so that Dabi can hold pace with him. Hawks trills desperately at the phone but Duster doesn't relent. 
It's desperate and he's a little concerned he might melt his phone, but he grabs it, switches to a videocall and shifts so that he can show Shigaraki exactly how he's fucking their bird. Captures him fucking into him, how his cock is so flushed and drooling constantly over his stomach, his head thrown back and mouth open to let out all of his desperate avian sounds, how good he looks straining against the rope every time Dabi's cock disappears inside of him. Sees Duster's eyes widen for a split second as the video goes through and then go so fucking dark with his lust. "Fuck, look so pretty, little bird. Being such a good boy sharing, firefly. Almost earned your reward, just have to ask nicely, baby." 
"Please, please Tomura, please sir, please let us cum." 
"So proud of you for being so well-behaved. You can cum, let me see you two." 
Once they've been given permission everything happens in a frantic blur, Dabi speeding up his thrusts roughly, burns away the ropes on Hawks' arms so that his hand can fly to his cock and start to stroke himself, Dabi's hands too hot to do it without discomfort. Embarrassing that it's the sound of Shig groaning as he sees them go absolutely desperate that has them both spilling. The pleasure peaks so fast, so hard that Dabi really nearly incinerates his phone. As is, he has to set it aside again as his muscles all go weak and loose. As Hawks melts against the sheets and his remaining restraints. Takes a second of them panting, Hawks cooing constantly, for Dabi to catch his breath enough to burn off the other knots. As soon as he's free completely, Hawks is reaching for him, pulling him in. He goes readily, bringing their lips together slow and deep as they come down from the high. 
Hawks remembers his manners first, pulls away and swallows the bird sounds so he can murmur, "Thank you, Tomura." 
"Thank you, sir." He parrots, still a little dazed himself. 
"You're welcome, you were both so good for me. Need you to keep being good. When you're ready need you to get up, clean up, have something to drink. Take care of each other." His voice is so soft and sweet. Always is after he's finished absolutely ruining them. "Stay on the line in case you need me." 
"Okay, love you, Tomura," Hawks' voice is still a little chirpy. 
"Love you too, little bird." And then he waits. 
Dabi flushes, mumbling, "Love you, Duster." 
Hums, "You really must miss me. Never get you to behave for this long." Is about to prove his point by telling him to fuck off, but Shig continues, "Love you, baby."
Doesn't know how the fuck he thinks they're going to put themselves together when he keeps murmuring to them so sweetly through the phone. Can't complain though as the soft words soothe away the ache of his absence. 
Thanks so much for submitting! Still accepting prompts from this list!
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Since the Oda and Adam duo post seems to have gone over well here are a couple other duos with potential that get rotated around in my brain after midnight:
Akutagawa and Aya - I've posted about this before. Continues the trend of unwilling and tired young adult begrudgingly looking out for a loud child who consistently runs headfirst into trouble. Bonus if he becomes so done with the situation that he just wraps her up in Rashoumon and carries her like that while Aya screams in outrage. (Bonus bonus: I think they could bond over the respective treatment they have endured at the hands of those who should've been proud of them.)
Lucy and Kyouka - No one thinks they'll get along and it looks like maybe they don't...? The energy is really awkward? But they still choose to spend time together? Actually, they like each other, and any awkwardness or harsh comments are only out of blunt factual observation (Kyouka) or obliviousness (Lucy). One day, they show up to work with matching accessories in their hair. (Also I think they'd be a great balancing act, personality wise. Lucy's very imaginative and Kyouka's quite grounded but both could really help each other regain some of their lost childhoods in that Lucy has lots of cool ideas she never got to do and Kyouka is bold enough to get both of them to try.)
Kyouka and Dazai - ENTIRELY self-indulgent. I want them to get into mischief together. I want Kyouka to show Dazai pictures of all the bunnies she pet. I want Dazai to encourage her into believing she can be good and supporting her no killing philosophy (with a sharp pang in his chest every time he sees her dedication and the serious look in her eyes) but then like. Show her how to commit minor crimes with no trace. He decides one day to take her to a festival and guilt trips Kunikida into letting them both go and Kunikida is forced to relent because aw, that's really sweet and then he turns around and his wallet is gone.
Fukuzawa and young Yosano - It's sad time. I really want to know how she adjusted. And yes, I like the idea of seeing how she was with Ranpo too but I really want to see her with Fukuzawa. He must've shown her the ropes. Helped her get her degree? Made her feel comfortable again and confident that she could heal and not just wound? It's just interesting to me because it would have to be a completely different approach to the one he took with Ranpo and he's not exactly a natural at parenting, much as he tries. I think there's nothing sweeter and more tragic than this man, a master swordsman and former assassin, who has decided fairly recently to open his heart to others, looking at this small, damaged child and thinking "I don't know how to help you." And then helping her anyways. As best he can.
Kunikida and Higuchi - The true "I am so exasperated with everyone in my workplace" duo. An omake introduced the concept that they vent to each other online and I think that's hilarious. They find out each other's real identities and panic for a moment and get hostile and then remember that this is the only other reasonably sane person they have spoken to in months and go get coffee and complain about their jobs.
Teruko and Atsushi - Okay, this one is actually possible. Not much to it other than I think they'd work really well together. They'd kick ass. They could kick my ass. I'd thank them for it. (Actually it's also got something to do with Teruko seeming jaded and older and Atsushi being the offset in that he's younger and naive but also something something she couldn't torture him because he went to go check on a child and something something they both made bodily sacrifices - Atsushi's many injuries and Teruko's surgical modifications - and repeatedly get hurt using their power to protect civilians... I want to know where her character is going because I don't think she's convinced by the DoA's mission and I think a part of her still wants justice... remains to be seen I guess.)
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Midoriya-sensei AU
Chapter 12: Sports Day
I've decided I'm going to officially change updates to the 15th of every month, because I just don't have to time to post twice a month considering the chapters seem to be getting longer (who's fault could that be? ^^') and I don't want to disappoint
Also, I made a POLL regarding a minor side plot, so let me know if you're interested or not!
Part 11 | Ao3 | Part 13
[Sunday 8th October]
Me [1812]: I'm sorry im watching ths news and.erm did you jut use YOUR FIRE???
Me [1813]: Thats so amazing you look great I'm so proud of you!
Me [1814]: I will be screaming to you about this next time I see you but for now I'll just scream over text
Shoto-kun 🙏 [1833]: 🔥
Izuku, understandably, felt extra excited when he walked into work Monday morning. It had been over a week and not only had Shoto taken what he’d said to heart, but he’d actually started training his fire!
Initially, Izuku had been concerned—Shoto’s replies had been slow and abrupt since their hangout, and Fuyumi had even noticed that he’d been staying back at the agency later than usual—but after his friend’s shift yesterday evening, a phone call had quickly put those worries to rest. It turned out that Shoto had simply spent the past week training his left side; he’d even called for private coaching from Eraserhead and Endeavour, the latter of which was surprising but logical.
‘He’s not a complete bastard wank anymore, and what good is my father if I can’t take advantage of his knowledge?’ He could practically hear the shrug in Shoto’s voice. ‘He was pretty helpful, and Eraser was his usual brutal self. I learnt a lot.’
‘I’m really glad!’ Izuku’s cheeks hurt from smiling. ‘So you’re feeling more confident?’
‘The past week’s been hell, and I still have a lot of catching up to do, but yeah.’ A pause. ‘I feel confident to begin using my… my fire, in the field.’
Izuku honestly couldn’t wait to see Shoto’s growth. He was already so proud of his friend, and he knew his family would be too, especially Rei. It was a huge step—he was going to need to compile a new notebook dedicated solely to Shoto's left side.
He was still grinning about it, even as he walked across the field, setting up the obstacle course for the students.
Part of Izuku was also thankful for the timing, as Shoto's news was what was currently suppressing the anxiety bubbling in his stomach. After all, today was sports day, and while the event was typically one of his favourites in the academic calendar, they were also using it to implement their last minute plan to help Hiru.
They couldn't afford for anything to go wrong.
‘Hey.’ Fuyumi walked over, smiling gently. She’d already finished helping one of the other teachers set up the beanbag toss. ‘How’re you doing?’
‘Ask me again in approximately eight hours.’ He chuckled humorlessly as he lined up the tunnels, before positioning the skipping ropes on the other side. 'I'll be honest, I'm feeling a nervous poop coming.'
'You sound like Natsuo.' She snorted, immediately reaching down to help him with the equipment.
‘I’ll take that as a complement.’ He stuck his tongue out in response. ‘Thanks.’
His lower body grumbled with discomfort and he pulled a face. ‘Once this is finished, I’ll pop over. Just the sacks left after this.’
‘Don’t worry about it, I’ll finish off here.’ Despite her kindness, there was an assertive air to her voice which told Izuku that she wasn’t accepting no for an answer.
That was fine with him.
‘Really? Thank you! You’re the best honestly!’ He immediately dropped everything and ran to the building. Once inside, he beelined for the staff toilets. ‘Thank fuck…’
Once he was finished, Izuku checked his phone to find that it was only a few minutes before the first bell. Luckily, his classroom wasn’t too far. Anxiety still lingered in his body—he suspected it would for the duration of the school day—but it wasn’t overwhelming; he still smiled brightly as he greeted his students and took the register, before leading them to the assembly hall. They had all come to school in their PE kits, so it was rather amusing to see them wearing their usual school shoes instead of their trainers, due to being inside.
Izuku then took his place next to Fuyumi, like clockwork, and the two of them watched the other students filter in.
‘Did you get sorted okay?’
‘Yeah, all good.’ She shrugged. ‘Did you have a good poop?’
‘Y’know, I’m still not sure… but I certainly needed it.’ He answered shamelessly. There wasn’t really a filter between them at this point—they’d seen their students do more horrifying things over the years.
The Head soon began with the usual topics—reminding the faculty about the HQA information session that was coming up in a few weeks—before he eventually brought up the giant elephant in the room.
‘I can practically hear you all vibrating with excitement, even without my quirk, so no point delaying. As you’re aware, today is sports day!' He paused while the students cheered. 'This year, however, we’ve put a special twist on it…’
Usually, grades were kept separate—the two classes competing against each other—but this time, there would be four distinct teams: Lemillion, consisting of classes 2B, 3A and 4B; Dynamite, including classes 2A, 3B and 4B; Shoto, of which Fuyumi’s class, 1B, was a part of, as well as 5B and 6A; and All Might, encompassing the final three classes—Izuku had been fierce in his demand to be put on the latter team. So, while each grade would still go around each activity together as a whole, the allotted points they’d accumulate went to their designated teams.
That meant that Hiru and his antagonists had to rely on each other to win, and the prize was a trophy for each winning class.
The formal reason behind the team set-up was to encourage the different grades to support each other and build a rapport. Hopefully, it might also allow certain individuals to reflect on their differences.
‘Now that you all have your teams, it’s time for the schedule.’ The Head brought up the next powerpoint side, showing a table. ‘Some of you will notice that your homeroom teacher is running an activity. That is why each grade will walk around together. So, for example, grade one will follow Todoroki-sensei, while Midoriya-sensei runs the obstacle course. Make sense?'
A sea of heads immediately bobbed up and down.
The Head smiled. 'Great! Now, your teacher will also have a copy of the schedule, so there's no need to memorise it…'
There were a few more minutes of technicalities—a few kids clearly becoming impatient—before everyone was finally released. While Fuyumi gathered their students together, Izuku quickly made his way back out to the field, along with a few other teachers. Some parents were already congregating around the activities, eager to support their kids. He smiled in greeting and exchanged pleasantries with a few, but otherwise remained silent as he waited.
He rocked back and forth on his feet, imagining all the different outcomes of the day. Hiru was the fastest runner in his grade—probably the older ones too—due to his quirk. That was why they’d deliberately scheduled the whole school for the relay race at the end of the day. That way, they could set it up so each team could cheer each other on for the final event.
His thoughts were interrupted before he could truly get lost in them, as a flock of children suddenly swarmed the field.
There were five other events, not including the obstacle course and relay. Tug of war was fairly self-explanatory, as was dance; along with the bean bag toss—throw as many beanbags into your team’s basket as possible before the time runs out—and the cavalry battle. Admittedly though, the latter wouldn’t be as impressive as UA’s infamous cavalry battle due to the lack of quirk usage.
The event that was often the most confusing for foreign students was oodama, but that was just because of the name, which was just “giant ball”. Essentially, each team had to carry a giant inflatable ball together to the goal point; if they dropped it, they’d have to start again. Izuku really hoped Hiru had brought along his personalised cover for his quills, otherwise they might have some issues with that one.
‘Namaste, Midoriya-sensei!’
He smiled as the sixth graders surrounded him, all bowing simultaneously. They were the year below his previous homeroom class—when he’d had India for global month—so naturally, they’d all joined in during the legendary “Namaste phase” and made sure not to let it die out entirely.
Indulging them, he put his palms together and bowed.
‘Namaste, bachche! How're you all doing?'
He snorted when they immediately began speaking over each other—clearly excited—and waited until they’d all calmed down before taking them through the usual rules. There would be six races, with roughly ten students per race. Then, the winner of each race would enter the final, and points would be assigned based on their placement.
It wasn’t too difficult considering the sixth graders had already done the course before—with just a few minor changes—but once they’d moved on, his next group was the first graders.
‘Hey, Sensei!’ His students greeted excitedly. ‘We just did our dance routine!’
‘Did you?’ He gasped. ‘How did it go?’
‘It went really well!’ Hana jumped up and down. ‘Our parents all watched as well, which was super fun! Okaasan took pictures!’
‘We didn’t win though.’ Haku pouted, crossing his arms as class B joined them.
‘It was really close!’ Fuyumi tried to placate. ‘You were all really good! Like professional dancers!’
‘Like Pinky?’ Izuku offered, knowing his students would appreciate the comparison. When Fuyumi quickly agreed, they brightened up significantly, and he explained the rules.
It ended up being a close one, but after the first set of races, the finalists were decided: four from class B and two from A. Luckily though, Hiru and Touta managed to bag the top two spots, bringing the scores to a tie as they went off to the next activity. Izuku waved farewell as he quickly prepared everything for the second graders.
By the time lunch came around and the scores were tallied, team All Might were in joint second with Dynamight, while team Shoto was in the lead. It was pretty close, which was to be expected—especially to build suspense and competition—but it still made Izuku nervous.
His leg was twitching.
'Stop overthinking.' Fuyumi nudged him from where they were sitting: a picnic bench in the playground, as the children played around them. 'We've set everything in motion, it's up to the kids now.'
'I know.' He sighed, exasperated. 'But I'm a worrier!'
'And I'm not?' She scoffed with a laugh. 'Come on. There's nothing else you can do for now.'
'Only because I haven't thought of something yet.' He argued weakly.
Maybe there was some way he could figure out a plan to have the different grades work together, or set up an ethical way to jeopardise-
‘Nope. Not going there.' Fuyumi interjected, before slurping up more noodles. He must've been staring at his bento for too long and mumbling out loud. 'Tell you what, I'll change the subject. How was your weekend?’
Not even subtle… but Izuku chose to take the bait. Worrying made his stomach hurt.
‘Pretty uneventful…’ He shrugged, using his chopsticks to move his food around. Despite his best efforts, he couldn't quite keep the smile from his face as his mind recalled a certain hero. ‘Y’know, other than the obvious. You?’
‘Yeah, I was pretty much the same.’ She laughed halfheartedly. 'You really must be nervous for Hiru, considering you haven't even brought up Shoto until now, and that was with some prompting.'
'I've just not had the time to properly gush about it.' He placed a hand over his chest, then eyed his friend cautiously. 'Plus, I wanted to check first: how're you feeling about it?'
She flashed him a grateful smile, then shook her head affectionately.
'It's… I'm feeling hopeful, I think.' She pursed her lips, pondering. ‘It was just… surprising, to say the least. As you know, we were all concerned about him the past week, but then, before he went to work yesterday, he told us to keep an eye on the news and promised that it was nothing bad…' Her tone turned sarcastic. 'That didn't worry us at all.’
‘Of course.’
‘So we kept the tv on during dinner, then all of a sudden, okaasan called my name, and I rushed in, and on the screen was Shoto using his fire to catch a villain, like some kind of fever dream!’
She hesitated then; Izuku tilted his head to the side.
‘Was that good or bad?’
‘Oh, definitely good!’ She was quick to clarify, then looked down at her noodles in thought. ‘We just… never expected it. Shoto had always been so against using it in combat. Something must’ve happened.’
She paused and slowly looked up to meet Izuku’s eyes. ‘Hang on.’
He chuckled nervously.
Her eyes narrowed. ‘You never said what your argument was about when you hung out at the house, just that you disagreed on something. Come on, spill.’
As she looked at him expectantly, Izuku tapped his index fingers together and bounced his legs under the table.
‘He kinda… told me about why he didn’t use his fire, so I kinda… to sum it up, basically called him immature and explained why he was being dumb.’
‘I know, it was stupid, I don’t know what I was doing. I guess I was just…’ He faltered. His phone buzzed in his pocket, but he ignored it. 'I was just…'
‘Being your usual self.’ Fuyumi eventually finished for him, causing him to look at her quizzically. ‘He’s needed telling for years, but he’s stubborn and all of us were afraid of the consequences. Our family’s been through so much, we didn’t want to risk breaking it again.’
She sighed. ‘After everything that happened, I think he’d resigned himself to not using his left side… because otherwise he’d have to admit to not “giving it his all” against Touya. He didn't "try hard enough" to save him, if that makes sense?’
‘I didn’t think about that.’ Izuku murmured, guilt immediately washing over him as he slapped his forehead. ‘Of course he feels responsible for what happened, and I was so insensitive.’
He groaned, twitching as he recalled the argument. He made several more little noises of annoyance and shook his head. Fuck, it’s a wonder he doesn’t hate me…
Fuyumi regarded him carefully, chewing the inside of her cheek. She was used to his stimming by now, so didn't mention it, which he was thankful for.
‘I don’t know what you said specifically.’ She began slowly. ‘But whatever it was… it worked, so don’t beat yourself up too much like I know you’re currently doing.’
‘You know me too well.’ Izuku snorted. 'Gahhh, I just… he looked so sad and angry.'
‘He’s been sad and angry for a while, but he used to be worse.’ She conceded, but her tone wasn't accusatory. ‘Therapy has done most of the work to get him where he is today, but he’s always been so adamant about his fire… until now. You don’t need to feel bad for telling him what he needed to hear, promise.’
Izuku tightened his lips and searched her expression.
‘Are you really sure?’
She snorted.
‘If Shoto hated you, you’d know it by now.’ She told him simply. ‘Has he messaged you today?’
Izuku paused.
‘Well, yeah... He wanted to wish me luck.’
‘All right, all right, fine.’ Izuku smiled despite himself, as he took his phone out of his pocket. ‘It was really thoughtful-’
He paused when he realised Shoto had actually messaged him a few minutes ago.
‘Yeah, he fretted over the wording for ten minutes this morning.’ Fuyumi divulged—Izuku doubted her brother wanted him to know that little bit of information—before taking a sip from her drink. ‘So you’ve got nothing to worry about… and I know that smile, you’re looking at his messages, aren’t you?’
‘Hush.’ He stuck his tongue out, but before he could unlock his phone, one of his students suddenly appeared at his side. ‘Oh, hello, Nagisa-chan.’
‘Hi.’ She swung her arms out. ‘What happens when you die?’
Fuyumi choked on her drink, while Izuku just took a moment to process the question.
‘Erm… me specifically, or just people?’ Despite asking for clarification, the answer would remain the same: he didn’t have a clue.
‘Well, is it different for you?’ She tilted her head to the side.
Point taken.
‘I’ll be honest, Nagisa-chan, I’m not sure.’ He admitted. ‘That’s the thing about dying… you can’t really come back and let everyone know what happens.’
‘What about people who die and then they come back to life with the electric oven gloves.’
Izuku’s left eye twitched.
‘You mean a defibrillator?’ He asked, slowly.
‘I like my name better.’
‘Yeah, me too.’ Fuyumi chipped in.
Izuku hoped the name comment would distract her from the question, but alas, Nagisa continued to stare at him expectantly.
‘Er… well, I guess if they’re brought back to life, they couldn’t have been truly dead?’
‘Even Jesus?’
‘Do you… believe in Jesus?’
‘Not really.’ She sighed, looking over at where some students were playing hopscotch. ‘So what DOES happen when you die?’
Izuku bit his lip to prevent any muttering—he could go to various lengths about different religions and their beliefs, along with potential theories—but figured no one would appreciate that.
‘What do you think happens?’ He asked instead.
‘Hmmm.’ She placed a contemplative hand on her chin. ‘Probably… if you’re a good person, you turn into a dog or maybe a butterfly, but if you’re bad, you turn into… a wasp.’
‘A wasp?’
‘Yeah. No one likes wasps.’
‘What about good people who don’t like dogs?’ Fuyumi asked.
‘I guess… then maybe you turn into your favourite animal if you’re good.’ She twirled some of her hair around her finger. ‘And if you’re bad, you turn into something you don’t like.’
‘I can get behind that.’ Izuku agreed, then finally asked what had been on his mind since the start of the interaction. ‘What made you ask the question?’
‘My goldfish died last night.’ Nagisa pouted. ‘Okaasan flushed Floella down the toilet.’
‘That’s sad.’ Izuku frowned.
‘Yes, very.’ She put the hair she was playing with in her mouth and started chewing. ‘Anyway, see you later, sensei.’
Before he could say anything else, she sprinted off to join those playing hopscotch.
‘That was lovely.’ Fuyumi commented, as the two of them watched her go.
‘I think I have whiplash.’ Izuku deadpanned, before finally looking at his phone.
Shoto-kun 🙏 [1239]: Hope it’s going well
Me [1250]: So far so good! How’s work?
Shoto-kun 🙏 [1251]: On my lunch now, so can’t complain
‘Mei-chan, don’t you dare put that worm in your mouth!’ Fuyumi suddenly shouted, before bolting off towards the aforementioned student. ‘It’s every other day with this girl.’
Izuku snorted, then scanned the playground. The rest of the children seemed to be enjoying themselves, whilst most parents chatted with each other around the many picnic benches; some families stayed together, but nothing out of the ordinary.
Me [1253]: Same… 7 more minutes left tho
Shoto-kun 🙏 [1254]: That’s rough buddy
Shoto-kun 🙏 [1254]: What time do you get off?
Izuku furrowed his eyebrows.
‘Have you finished your lunch?’ Fuyumi was suddenly at his side, a little out of breath. When he nodded, she scooped up his container. ‘No problem, I’ll pop these back in the staffroom while you chat up my brother.’
‘I am not-’ He faltered when she quickly sped away out of earshot, then grumbled as he turned back to his phone. ‘I wish.’
Me [1255]: The school day finishes at 3 15 but I won’t be leaving till half past. Why?
He tapped the edge of his phone as he waited for a reply, periodically monitoring the students.
Shoto-kun 🙏 [1257]: Just wondering for when Fuyumi comes home
Izuku tried not to feel disappointed with the answer.
Me [1258]: Fair enough. Anyway, I gotta start rounding up the kids. Speak to you soon!
He quickly put his phone in his pocket and got to his feet.
Once everyone was organised and lunch was officially over, Izuku left the first graders with Fuyumi and jogged back over to the obstacle course, anticipating the fourth graders. In truth, he handled them relatively easily. They were especially boisterous, but the rowdiness didn't manifest into disobedience, and the parents watching from the sidelines cheered them on in good sport.
It wasn't until they left and grade five appeared that Izuku felt anxiety return. He tried not to let it show as he explained the rules to the students, who seemed particularly riled up, as teams All Might and Shoto were currently tying for first place.
'Ugh, I hope those annoying first graders don't ruin it for us!' One rolled his eyes, while his friend groaned with frustration.
'I bet they do! They're so useless!' Hiru hadn't provided him with names, but Izuku knew enough to suspect who the bullies were. 'Especially that mutant porcupine-'
'Have you got something you want to share with everyone?' Izuku interrupted, stern. When the rest of the grade turned to share at the duo, embarrassment flooded their cheeks and they shook their heads. Izuku tried not to pay attention to the way some parents turned to whisper to one another and even point at him. 'Well then, I hope you were discussing the rules, because it’s time to split into teams.'
His smile returned as he continued on with the event. However, his eyes did occasionally scan certain individuals for longer than he usually would.
'Is that him?' He'd hear some of the adults whisper. 'The Quirkless one?'
He'd heard similar questions and hushed comments throughout the day—not all malicious, mainly curious—but right now, Izuku was struggling to ignore them. Maybe it was because there were parents among them who were overtly and dangerously quirkist. Realistically, he knew that he was safe and that he was doing his job to the best of his ability, but he still felt like he was under the spotlight; if he fucked anything up in front of them, then he was setting a bad example for his fellow HQ community.
Luckily, whispers aside, the remaining forty five minutes passed without any incidents, and Izuku exhaled with relief once he was left to pack everything away while the students and parents made their way to the athletics track. It was only a brief interlude—it was easier putting everything away compared to setting it all up this morning—but he welcomed it all the same. It gave him a chance to briefly recharge and gather his bearings.
Once everything was sorted, he—along with a few other teachers who had also been on clean-up duty—jogged over to join the rest of the school. It was loud, many voices cheering and whooping. From the look and sound of it, the third graders were competing, which meant that there were only two more races left.
He hadn't missed the final then.
Izuku spotted the first graders sitting together with Fuyumi, and smiled as he strode over
'How's it going?' He nudged her gently and joined her on the grass, leaning back on his ankles. He tried not to alert the students of his presence so they could enjoy the race. 'Miss anything?'
'Your initial predictions were right, as usual.' She crossed her arms and nodded towards the blackboard by the finish line. 'If team Lemillion win, which looks like it's about to happen, then no matter how team Dynamight do in the grade two race, they still won't be higher than third. That puts our kids competing for the overall first place in the final round.'
'Seriously?' His eyes widened. 'I never expected it to go that smoothly, especially considering I don't know the other grades as well as ours.'
'Yeah, but I distinctly remember walking into your classroom after school to snap you out of your three hour strategizing session because housekeeping was about to kick you out.' Fuyumi shrugged. 'Once you get fixated on something, that's it, so I was pretty confident with what you'd come up with... even if it requires me having to console my poor students after their inevitable defeat.'
'Look, it's not my fault the fastest first grader is in my class.' Izuku grinned when Fuyumi mock sneered at him. 'I just hope it's worth it.'
His friend hummed, but didn't comment further, as the race came to an end. As expected, team Lemillion won—which meant both teams were out of the running for first—but that didn't prevent the second graders from giving it their absolute all in their race for third place. While that was going on though, Izuku tapped his class's four candidates on the shoulder.
'Hey, sensei!' Hana and Tomoyo both exclaimed, while Hiru waved.
'Are you here to escort us to the start line?' Touta asked, straight to the point.
'You bet I am!' He smiled, gesturing for them to get up. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Fuyumi do the same with her students. 'Are you ready?'
'Yes!' They jumped up.
'Do your best!' Haku called out, prompting the rest of the class to shout their good luck.
'I believe in you!' Nozomi pumped her fist. 'Show them what you're made of, Hiru!'
'Gotta go fast!' The aforementioned giggled, as they made their way around the course.
Instead of the typical 400m relay, they had painted a track half the size; therefore, to run a full lap, each student participating would run 50m. It was the ideal size, as it meant everyone had enough space to spectate, including the parents.
By the time they made it to the starting line, the penultimate race concluded, as teams Dynamight and Lemillion shouted accordingly—the cheers outweighing the groans of the losing team. Izuku wasn't quite sure who had won, until he heard Tomoyo inform Touta that Lemiilion had made a last minute comeback and had beat Dynamight by one point.
'Alright, everyone!' The Head announced through a loudspeaker; Izuku winced at the volume. 'Has everyone enjoyed today?' He paused as the field filled with whoops and excited "yeah"s, before continuing. 'It's time for our final race of the day and the battle for first place! Show some support for the first graders!'
Amongst the noise, the students got into position and the first runners were given their baton.
'I was telling the others about how you can start running before your partner gets to you.' Touta informed Izuku. 'That way, there's no stopping, which could slow the race down, but I also told them not to start running too early. Don't worry, we practised yesterday during playtime!'
'Is that so?' Izuku nodded in understanding. 'How did that go?'
'Very well! I'm confident we'll win!' Touta nodded firmly, before getting on the ground into the proper position, unlike the other student, who was just standing normally and side-eyeing him.
Izuku quickly stepped to the side and gave a thumbs up. Anticipation set in as the Head counted them down, and suddenly they were running. Touta—ever idolising Ingenium—had an intense look of concentration as he hand chopped with each stride; somehow not losing the baton.
True to his word, Tomoyo started running as he came closer—not too fast and with her arm stuck out ready—and the transition was fairly smooth. Despite Touta's start, the race was still neck and neck; the class B girl running against Tomoyo was very fast—Izuku could feel Fuyumi’s smirk from here—so they quickly took the lead. His heart almost burst as Tomoyo’s face went red in her attempt to frantically catch up, but it was no use.
It wasn’t over yet though. Once the baton went to Hana, they were able to make back some of the gap. By this point, everyone was cheering and shouting—Izuku included, whilst trying not to let the desperation show in his voice—hoping for victory. Hana did well to pick up their pace, and once Hiru started running, nothing could stop him; he easily overtook his opponent and sprinted towards the finish line. His quills shook where his sports shirt had been modified, his nose bounced with each step, but his face was determined, focusing only on one goal.
Izuku looked around him, searching everyone else’s expressions. Most were watching with amazement, others with delight, whilst those on team Shoto were clutching their heads in anguish. When his eyes scanned over the fifth graders from earlier, he was glad to see them staring at Hiru with wide eyes; their mouths agape with shock. That was progress, at least, and when Hiru crossed the finish line—an easy victory—they punched their fists in the air and cheered with everyone else.
Izuku let out a breath he didn't know he'd been holding and turned back to Hiru—who was being crowded by the rest of class A—and joined them in their congratulations, making sure to commend the other runners as well. The background noise all mingled into one, so once he'd said his piece, Izuku made his way back to Fuyumi, a smile on his face…
Until he passed the adults.
'To let a mutant participate in this event is ridiculous.' He overheard one of the parents complain. 'They clearly have an unfair advantage.'
‘Exactly! That’s what I’ve been saying for the past three years!’ Another chimed in. 'They should have their own category or something, especially when the normal kids aren't allowed to use their quirks.'
Izuku's jaw tightened and he turned.
'Excuse my intrusion.' His heart pounded against his chest. What was he doing? 'But I hardly think a children's sports day warrants any extra categories based purely on physical attributes—we don’t split the beanbag toss up depending on height, after all. Plus, one member of class B's relay team also had a heteromorph quirk, so I don't think there was any "unfair" advantage.'
'Of course you would think that.' The first parent rolled her eyes. 'Everyone has an advantage over someone quirkless, so it's all the same to you.'
Wow, no hesitation there.
That stung, but Izuku wasn't about to submit.
'I have a joint-honours degree in both teaching and quirk studies, with a postgraduate specialisation in the development of quirks.' He replied, easily. 'So I don't think you can just write me off as not knowing what I'm talking about simply because I'm quirkless, which is a prejudiced argument if I've ever heard one.'
'Well if you're so smart, then you should know about how these genetic mutations are illnesses-'
'Illnesses?' He couldn't help but scoff. 'Do you believe everything Speak Out tell you? Do you know the studies they cite are super dodgy and often anecdotal?'
'That's because the scientists doing peer reviews are politically motivated.'
'No, it's because the studies' methods are shi- rubbish, and the word "illness" is thrown around too liberally.' Izuku remained steadfast. Luckily, they hadn't attracted a crowd yet, but he could tell some of the other parents were looking at them. 'Anyone with critical thinking knows that.'
'Are you saying I have no critical thinking?'
'Well, if the shoe f-'
'Midoriya-sensei.' Fuyumi suddenly appeared at his side, her smile placating. 'Why don't you let me take over? Kimura-san and Shimizu-san’s children are in my class. I'll meet you in the staffroom.'
She looked at him deliberately, but Izuku didn't retreat straight away. He held her gaze for a few seconds first, clearly not happy about the situation.
Casting the parents one final glance, he took his leave. As he made his way through the crowd though, he clenched his fists tightly and bit the inside of his cheek to prevent any angry muttering.
It's always one step forward, two fucking steps back.
'So, you told me to ask again in eight hours.' Fuyumi said as they walked out of the school building. 'How're you doing?'
Izuku sighed, kicking a small stone.
'At least the kids are acting in a friendly way.' He tried to focus on the positives. 'Those fifth graders even called Hiru cool.'
'Yes… But that's not what's on your mind.' Fuyumi stated pointedly. 'It's that conversation with the parents that would’ve escalated if I hadn’t intervened.'
Izuku chuckled humorlessly, still staring at the ground.
'You got me.' He conceded, spreading his palms in surrender. 'It was just so frustrating.'
'I know.' Fuyumi waved at the school caretaker over by the bins, prompting Izuku to also wave politely. 'I wasn't able to talk much sense into them after you left, I'll be honest, but I pointed them to the information session we'll be hosting—they said they'll be there.'
'You stop that now.' She swatted him without any real malice. 'You were the one who…'
Izuku turned to look at her when she trailed off, only to find her staring at the school gate, mouth agape. Confused, he followed her gaze and baulked when he saw red and white hair.
The aforementioned was leant against the wall, still in his hero costume, and scrolling through his phone. When he noticed them approaching, however, he pocketed the device and nodded in greeting.
'What a lovely surprise.' Fuyumi sounded almost amused. 'What brings you to this side of the world?'
'Midoriya told me what time you'd both be finishing, so I thought I'd walk home with you.' Shoto answered easily, like this was perfectly normal behaviour. 'I figured if he was going to scream at me, may as well do it in front of an audience.'
'Scream?' Izuku took a moment to process what he meant. 'Ooooh, the texts. I said I'd scream at him next time I saw him because he used his fire… Good screaming.'
'I was beginning to worry.' Fuyumi snorted. 'Good idea. Izuku could definitely do to let off some steam with a distraction.'
Shoto's expression immediately shifted into concern.
'That bad?'
Izuku sighed.
'I'll tell you about it later, but for now…' He paused for dramatic effect. 'Tell me everything about your fire!'
By the time they parted ways—the Todorokis turning left at the crossroads and Izuku going straight on—he couldn't deny he was definitely in a better mood than he had been an hour ago.
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