#its been a while since i took any pics of cotton!!
rikacreature · 1 year
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bought some marshmallow candies and had an Idea
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obeymeluv · 3 years
QUICK! KISS ME! [Bros x Reader]
A lead-up blurb before I go to bed.
School is killing me. This has been in the drafts far longer than I wanted.
No offense if your name is Bethany. It’s a name I picked at random.
The follow-up piece will have the kiss scenarios.
Some of Asmo’s friends may have used you to get into a special makeup event, but it’s okay! They bought you a lip gloss as a thank you! The shade ‘Sealed with a Kiss’ was not what you thought it’d be
Being one of the first humans in the Devildom could be uncomfortable and sometimes down-right dangerous! It also had its perks. To you, that meant being close with the Seven Lords of Hell (and Diavolo). To other lesser demons and classmates, you were kind of a ‘get out of jail’ free card.
Were they late to class? Oh, just helping the human out!
Caught sneaking in food or drink when they weren’t supposed to? It’s to split with the human, of course! They thought you’d love to try it!
Everyone was keen not to overuse it and you’d actually made good friends this way. It was starting to feel less like an excuse and more of a way to be included. You were the friendly, reliable human that had won hearts and saved some asses. As a thank you, one of your closer friends (a repeat offender for lateness), invited you out to an exclusive makeup release. She was a VIP member and had early access an hour before the store opened to the Devildom public. 
The fact that she chose you, a human, over some LITERAL century-old friends caused a bit of tension but she could care less. “I’ve seen them every day for over a hundred years. You get one year, and we’re going to make it awesome!” Bethany breezed through the store at a dizzying pace, picking through concealers and opening a box of mascara to look at the packaging. She moved at a pace only demons could manage; you thought you saw her by the nail polish display but when you looked again she was throwing sheet masks in her basket. Hooking her arm with yours, she picked up some foundation on the way back to the coveted display of lip glosses and lipsticks.
You weren’t totally versed in the differences between Devildom makeup and human world makeup. In all honesty, there didn’t seem to be a difference. Bethany swatched powdery cream lipsticks on her wrist and followed with ribbons of liquid lipstick. Every now and then she dotted them on your arm; she was adamant about finding a shade the both of you could wear as your thing.  
“This one,” she decided, waving the tube at you and booping your nose with it carefully. “This is our color!” she took you by the hand and joined the checkout line. She had two in her hand but refused to let you so much as hold one, wanting to pay for it first. It wasn’t technically breaking the purchase limit rule; if they tried to nag her she’d just say she was holding onto it so another demon didn’t bully you out of it. You didn’t know if it was her VIP status or the fact that her defense made sense, but you were able to check out without a problem.
A few sour faces and mean glares met you outside but Bethany ignored it all, eager to have a Devilgram-worthy celebratory snack break (snack victory? You know, since you got the makeup?) The plan was to eat, hold down a table at the nearby cafe while her other friends shopped, and have group makeovers (or try-ons) before calling it a day. That plan was interrupted three bites into a croissant sandwich when Lucifer summoned you back to the House of Lamentation. He’d gotten wind of all the girls you’d be with and didn’t feel totally comfortable letting you hang out with them,
Had Barbatos seen something? Did Lucifer feel spurned that you weren’t hanging out with the Seven Lords of the Devildom? He gave no answer, simply asking you to stay put while someone came to escort you back to the house. Bethany was put off by the turn of events but few people dared to complain about the Seven Lords due to their connections with Diavolo (she was no exception). “If we can’t get the full makeover, we’re getting the selfie!” she declared, deftly breaking the seal to her Sealed with a Kiss gloss and swiping it on with help from the front-facing camera on her D.D.D
You busied yourself with opening your tube. Before you could ask for her phone (since the camera was already open), she took the tube from you and tilted your chin up. She dabbed the center of your lips playfully before carefully tracing your lips with the color. The heat rose in your cheeks and she smirked. Being part succubus, she could draw energy from emotions like embarrassment and the feeling of being flattered. Her fingertips pulsed under your chin as she drew on that energy. 
Getting energy sucked could feel like a lot of things -- being light-headed, getting a rush of excitement, all prickly and tingly like your whole body was pins and needles. Whatever it was, it usually faded into drowsiness and kittenish contentment. She probably only touched your chin for seconds but the wash of coziness had you melting against your chair, your cheek cradled in her palm. 
Did she take the pic? What was happening? It felt like Asmodeus had materialized out of thin air, helping you stand and making small-talk with Bethany before pulling you away, out of her aura that was trying to suckle the vestiges of happy energy you offered.
“And what shade did you get on those pretty lips, hm?” the cotton fell out of your head and ears, allowing you to really hear Asmo now that the aura effects had worn off.
“Uh,” you fished around in your bag and looked at the packaging. “Sealed with a Kiss.”
Asmodeus stopped so abruptly it’d almost yanked you back to him. The two of you were barely tangled at the pinkies and now he’d completely laced your hands together. He held your hands captive, drawing them up in surprise and basically dragging you into his torso. You were forced to look up into glittering pink eyes and if you didn’t know any better, they looked a little panicked.
“How long ago did you apply it?”
“I don’t know.” you blinked helplessly at him. That energy suck thing had a way of making your brain tune out and turn to pudding. That aside, who knows how long Asmo stood there and talked to Bethany while you were being siphoned?! “Bethany applied it, not me.”
Asmo clicked his tongue, huffed, resigned himself to only holding one hand. and started scrolling on his D.D.D to find that selfie Bethany posted. You were being dragged along like a child as Asmo’s shoes clicked towards the House of Lamentation. It amazed you how well he could navigate his D.D.D with his long, painted nails. 
Whatever he was looking for, he found it.
Asmodeus tucked his D.D.D into his pants pocket, scooped you up in a way that terrified and amazed you (two people being supported by one set of heels?), and flew to the House of Lamentation. He didn’t always use his wings, as he preferred to decorate them and maintain them with oils, but the fact that he was flying made you nervous.
What had he found? What was the deal?
“Asmo--” you started nervously, the flapping of his wings nearly drowning you out as he pushed himself. Flying against the wind didn’t help. Your hair was a mess and the wind was in your face; the Devildom was always a little chilly but now it was enough to make your face tingly.
“She gave you enchanted makeup. There is a reason humans don’t use enchanted makeup.” Asmo’s pretty brows furrowed as he cut a hard angle and glided over a portion of the square. The tell-tale thicket of trees that lined the winding path back to the House of Lamentation were on the edge of the horizon.
“What’s going to happen?” should you ask that? Did you really want to know?
“You’ll feel something in your lips--some people felt tingling, some people felt pulsing, it can be anything, I think--and then they’ll seal shut.”
“SHUT?!” you yelped. It was enough to make Asmo wince. The startle carried over to his wings; they shuddered and locked; the two of you dropped for a heartbeat or two before he corrected himself.
“If I can’t get some makeup remover on it first.” Asmo panted, tucking his wings in and preparing for a quick descent. He wasn’t sure why he hadn’t thought to teleport first--the panic? Trying to one-up Bethany by walking home and being extra cute with hand-holding?--but a quick touch down could roll into a simple skip teleportation and everything should work out!
“But my lips are already tingly!”
“Ugh, Bethany! I can’t believe you! I mean, I can because it’s you, but really, Bethany?”
“Asmo, focus!” you’d already skipped several feet ahead, clearing the front yard in two teleports. The third put you in the foyer. “I don’t want my lips to seal shut!”
The House of Lamentation was huge but when the occupants had supernatural hearing, that exclamation turned heads. 
“What’s this about your lips sealing shut?” Lucifer appeared at the top of his stairs, his head already shaking.
“DID YOU MAKE A PACT WITH A WITCH?!” Mammon screamed down the hall, clearly not far behind.
Asmo scoffed, lowering his D.D.D with a pout. He was halfway up the main stairs, fingers working at lightning speed. “It’s the lip color!” he explained, stomping his foot. Noisy people were just so annoying! If everyone was talking he couldn’t explain! How rude! 
“All this over some makeup?” skeptical Satan peered over the banister, book and arm casually propped up on it.
“If two people apply the color and kiss, they’re locked in a makeout session until it dries down. When one person applies the lip color, they can use it like a cheat sheet to see who secretly wants to kiss them,” his words tapered out from authoritatively informed to quiet and shy. “It’s from their ‘Liquid Love’ collection.” he muttered into the stunned silence of the room.
You were trying to open your lips and ask why. The magic had already taken hold. Asmodeus could see you trying to move your lips and strain your chin. Luckily, demons could read minds. “It’s because Bethany is stupid.” Asmodeus rolled his eyes. “Ambitious, but stupid.”
“Please explain, Asmo.” even when using the dear nickname Lucifer couldn’t hide the demand. His demon aura was creeping up his body and slowly becoming jagged and suffocating.
“Bethany has had a HUGE crush on our little human here, and wanted to seal it with a kiss, so to speak.” Asmo’s cheeks got pinker and pinker as he explained. Mostly because he was mad he didn’t think about it. His heart did something funny at the thought of you kissing someone else. Lucifer also looked like he wanted to murder someone about now, and Asmo had to remind himself that he was being looked through, not looked at.   
“Just grab a napkin and wipe it off.” Mammon shrugged, stuffing his hands in his pockets.
Asmodeus shook his head angrily. “It’s too late now. We need to find someone for them to kiss! Someone’s lips will break the seal on theirs...that’s kind of the point of the enchantment.”
“So they just pick someone to kiss?” Levi’s face was turning tomato red. Would it be him?! It would at least be one of them, right? What if your person wasn’t in the House of Lamentation and you NEVER SPOKE AGAIN?!
“Sort of.” Asmo patted your shoulders with his gentle, smooth hands. He started to rub them like he was trying to warm you up. Partly in encouragement and partly to get your attention because he could feel your brain spiraling down into panic. “They basically follow their mouth.”
“So that lip color is like a crush detector?” Satan abandoned his book at the top of the stairs and was now perusing articles on his D.D.D as he sauntered down the steps. It sounded like he’d found the one that sent Asmo flying to the House of Lamentation.
“Basically.” Asmo sighed. It was the stupidest way to confess to someone, he thought. Demon to demon, it was fine. Demon to human?! NO! The whole thing gave him a headache. The fact that Bethany thought she could just steal your little lips and be greedy with them was the biggest annoyance of it all.
“So,” Satan’s green eyes cut sharply from his phone to you. The corner of his lips curled up in a smart little smirk. He knew it was wrong to find your predicament so funny, but this was a very human thing to get mixed up in. “Who do your lips want? Who do you feel yourself being drawn to?”
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faghubby · 2 years
Judy and I had been married for almost 10 years. There were problems in are marriage, Judy had complained often that we didn't have sex any more. It was true sometimes going weeks. When she used my computer while I was at work. I had not remembered to clear my search history. When I got home from work that night the kids weren't home.
"Paul I used you computer today" Judy told me.
"That's fine" I told her
"I found something" She continued
"Another virus" I sighed
"No, in your browser history, she opened it and a pic of a man in panties sucking a cock appeared.
"You don't fuck me and you look at this" She was angry. I had no response. I was rock hard.
"Are you gay?" She asked. I rubbed myself through my pants.
"Now your excited" She stared at me. I stood and kissed her.
"I like to wear your panties and stuff" I told her.
"This is what gets you excited, she led me to are room and we fucked. There was no love she was mad at me. I made sure she came first, mostly because I went down on her until she did. She had gone into the bathroom to clean up. When she emerged
"Pick out a pair of panties to wear" She told me. I looked at her She was serious. So I stood and pulled out a pair of her panties. They where pink bikini with white lace.
"Raise your arms" She slipped her nightgown over my head. She rubbed my nipples. And had me sleep in the wet spot. As we held each other and drifted off to sleep.
I woke her in the morning by pulling off her panties and devoured her pussy. She came then we showered together. Although I was hard all she did was tease my cock.
"Alot of those pictures where of a man sucking cock. Not just wearing my panties." She reminded me.
"It is just a fantasy, I want to be submissive" I told her. She picked out red satin panties for me to wear and we got dressed. I took her to breakfast. I had never worn panties out of the house. Then we went shopping. Back then we went to Kmart. And Judy picked all types of panties for me in all sorts of girlie colors she told me. She mostly bought me ones she wouldn't wear. Thongs, or all lace. Satin. She preferred cotton bikini comfortable panties. If she bought me something like that it said SEXY on it. She also got me two satin nighties. We left without incident. She would ask if I liked them but anyone passing would assume she was buying for herself. We discussed what else I wanted. I told her how she should take charge. Not only of are sex life. But home. How I could do most of the housework. And such.
We picked up the kids on the way home. And discussed how to talk about telling me without telling me to do things. It was simple if she asked me to do something it was an order. When we got home she took the kids to the park and I cleaned the house. I scrubbed the floor on my hands and knees. And did the windows. All the laundry and changed the sheets. I was only half way done when they returned. Judy made dinner. And I kept cleaning until 10pm
"Time for bed you can finish tomarrow" She told me. She let me make love to her. But I finished quickly.
"Its OK" it's what she always said. "You did alot today" I slid under the covers and wet down on her. Liking up my own cum. She didn't stop me. It turned her on. After that I ate every drop that came out of me. First panties where for weekends and special nights but when I started to slip back to my old ways of ignoring her. I found myself wearing them all the time even to work. She also started buying toys. At first for me to use on her. Then anal plugs for me. Helped me focus on my chores. She told me.
Then I gave me a strap on for are anniversary. It had been 2 years since the day she found those pictures. At first she pegged me with it. When I behaved. But she never forgot those pictures and soon she taught me how to suck cock. By now I hade a 100 pair of panties. Bras lingerie stockings, wigs, a few dresses. I had not even realized I had not had traditional sex with her in 6 months.
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kutemouse · 3 years
And Then He Was Gray (Part Five)
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Disclaimer: I edited the pic I used for my header, but the OG pic belongs to BTS & BigHit.
Author’s Note: I’m baaaaack!!!! 😄 So sorry this took so long to update! I feel so bad, but I promise I have a good reason why it’s been forever since I’ve posted. Please see my Big Announcement Update for further info. I’ve missed you all!
Age Recommendation: 21+ (Not just a recommendation, kuties!)
Warnings: Swears, god f*cking dammit.
LOTS AND LOTS OF DIRTY, FILTHY SMUT including, but not limited to, biting, sucking, groping, Jin throwing Y/n around a bit, the giving/receiving of hickeys, BDSM themes, fingering, Jin going all in on Y/n’s praise kink, face-fucking, smut, smut, and more smut.
Forget the gallon of holy water, I need an entire pool-full of the stuff 😂 Enjoy!
Word Count: 2,178
Master List
And Then He Was Gray (Jin One-Shot, Smut, Fluff) Part Five
Once Jin had shut and locked his front door, I turned around and looked at him from across the room, eyes wide with apprehension. He stared at me for a few long moments, a playful smile drawing the corners of his full, cotton-candy lips upward, his large hands shoved in his pockets.
“Tell me what you want,” he said so quietly I almost didn’t catch it.
“Want… Want you,” I murmured.
Jin crossed the room, stepping so close to me I could feel the heat emanating from his body. I looked down in embarrassment, but he wasn’t having any of that. He gently cupped both sides of my jaw with his hands and raised my gaze until it was locked onto his. I drew in a shaky breath, trembling from the suspense, as his head dipped further down until his lips mercifully brushed against mine.
I let out a satisfied moan, finally getting a taste of what I desired, as I deepened the kiss by wrapping my arms around Jin’s neck and tugging him closer. Jin let go of my face, putting his hands to work elsewhere. They scrambled over my body, not able to decide on a resting place. They first squeezed my hips, then wrapped around them, then moved to massage handfuls of my ass, only to roam north and tweak my clothed breasts until my nipples stiffened.
I gasped and licked inside his mouth, each new sensation bringing me higher and higher until my mind was smothered in a lust-filled haze. I wanted him. I needed him.
Jin suddenly shoved me backward, and I fell on the couch behind me with a loud “Ooomf!”
Before I could question him, he loomed over me, eyes swirling with dark clouds of desire. As slow as could be, Jin raised his arms. His gray, star-studded shirt followed suit, showing off the honey-toned skin of his stomach I’d been dying to get a taste of all night, and the strip of Balenciaga boxers. My mouth watered, forcing me to swallow. Finally, he tugged the shirt off, revealing his smooth, broad shoulders.
Jin stepped closer to the point where I could smell his musky cologne, the spiciness of the scent making my nostrils tingle. God, I wanted nothing but to taste that bare skin. I wanted nothing but to inhale buckets of that scent. Yet I didn’t dare touch him. Not until he gave me the go-ahead. I actually sat on my hands to keep myself from the temptation.
He chuckled a bit at my antics before tantalizingly undoing the button that sealed his jeans together. His fingers grasped the zipper, and I actually bit my lip to contain myself.
Jin took notice and dropped to his knees, pressing the pad of his thumb against my bottom lip and drawing it out from between my teeth. “What did I say about you biting your lip?” he murmured, his eyes emitting a dangerous aura.
“S-Sorry, Sir,” I stuttered. “I-It’s your job.”
“That’s right.”
He kissed me harshly, dominating my mouth with his, taking turns between shoving his tongue down my throat and taking my bottom lip between his lips and sucking. “You know,” he said, drawing back, leaving me panting. “Now that I think about it, I don’t think it’s fair that you get to see me before I get to see you.”
Jin snaked his hands around to my ass and tugged me to the edge of the couch, causing me to let out a yelp. He devoured my mouth once more, his hands rubbing up and down my thighs, getting closer and closer to my core until he reached my gray skirt and began to tug it and my panties off all at once. Jin drew back as he slid the fabric down my skin, his eyes following its movement until he reached my calves. I lifted my legs up, allowing him to slide the clothes over my feet and toss them away.
He then grasped both of my knees and forced my legs apart. Heat flooded my cheeks as he stared at my dripping core, fascinated. “Damn,” he murmured. “Such a pretty pussy… just begging to be fucked.”
I whimpered in response to his words, my exposed middle clenching around nothing. Jin let out a low groan when he saw that. “Want me that bad, huh?” he asked.
I nodded eagerly. “Want you so, so bad, Sir.”
Jin stood and undid his zipper, yanking his dark jeans down just enough to expose his hard member bulging from inside his boxers, the tip barely sticking out above the waistband, weeping pre-cum.
He drew closer, standing between my open legs. At long last, he finally freed his dick, tossing his pants and boxers away, and I gasped, my mouth falling open of its own accord. “That’s right, baby girl,” Jin growled. “Suck. But keep those hands underneath that pretty ass of yours.”
I immediately obeyed, sliding my hands underneath my thighs, before shoving the entire, long length of his cock inside my eager mouth. The velvety, soft skin of his member urged me to hollow out my cheeks and suck hard, bobbing my head up and down, earning me several loud gasps and moans from Jin. I got him to the point where his entire frame began to shudder from the pleasure. “Such a good girl,” he managed to gasp out. “No teasing at all… just went straight for it. My kind of girl.”
Encouraged by the praise, I sped up my pace, allowing his cock to hit the back of my throat and activate my gag reflex. I instinctively tried to press my legs together, wanting any sort of friction or relief, but Jin’s body stood in the way.
Jin groaned loudly, gratifying me through his pleasure. He wrapped my hair into his fist and guided me as I continued slurping and sucking around his huge member. “Hold still, baby,” he suddenly commanded. “I’m going to fuck your face.”
At his words, I braced myself and tried to contain myself at the same time. My entire system of nerves felt like they were on fire, tingles running up and down my spine at every moan he let out, flushing with a heat I only dreamed existed before now. “Squeeze my thigh when you need a break,” Jin said.
He suddenly thrust deeply down my throat, holding still there for just a second before pulling nearly all the way back out. He did that a couple more times before increasing his pace, ramming his cock in and out so rapidly I almost couldn’t keep up. I dug my nails into Jin’s thigh, trying to stay in control while staving off the downward spiral that was my own carnal indulgence.
Jin immediately stopped, pulling out of my mouth with a pop. “You okay?” he asked, concern lacing his voice, so different from the dominant growl he’d used earlier.
I coughed for a moment, wiping tears from my eyes. “Y-Yes,” I finally spluttered out. “Sorry, I wanted to keep going, I didn’t think, I just needed something to… something to…”
Jin’s eyes were soft as he pulled me upright, a knowing smile hovering over his perfect lips. “Something to hold on to?”
I nodded, looking down in embarrassment.
He lifted my gaze to his with a gentle finger underneath my chin. “Do you want to keep going?”
I nodded eagerly. His dark eyes smoldered, lust filling them, his smile changing into a smirk. I was going to get whiplash from the duality of this man. Jin suddenly scooped me up, causing me to shriek in surprise, before carrying me to his bedroom and tossing me on the bed. “Come here,” he growled.
I obeyed, scooting towards him. Jin peeled my top off, grunting in appreciation when he saw the lacy black bra underneath. “Were you expecting this to happen?” he asked, amusement lacing his voice.
I shrugged. “Not really. I just… like to feel pretty in all aspects when I go to a party.”
“I see,” he murmured, leaning down and undoing the clasps of my bra, sliding the straps down off my shoulders and tossing the bit of fabric somewhere behind him. He crawled on the bed on top of me, nudging my thighs apart. He leaned back, only for a moment, sliding a condom on his hard, huge length. I swallowed hard at the sight.
Jin let out a low chuckle before grabbing me and flipping me onto my front. “God, this ass,” he groaned, spreading my cheeks apart.
He rubbed the pad of his middle finger up and down my length. “So fucking wet still. That’s my good girl.”
I moaned at his words, soaking up his praise. Jin leaned over me, his chest pressing against my back, before prodding me open with his tip. He was enormous, but I knew I could take it. I wanted to take it more than anything at that moment. Inch by inch, he slid inside me, the pressure on my slick walls so phenomenal I could hardly stand it. He bottomed out then slowly slid back until he was nearly all the way out again, then pumped back in. His pace increased as we both adjusted, crescendoing faster and faster until slapping sounds filled the air. I pressed my face into his comforter, moaning loudly as he pounded me into the bed like nothing else mattered. Grunts, growls, and the occasional, “Oh god, you feel so good,” came from behind me as Jin continued ruining me beyond belief.
The building pleasure I felt was unreal. It felt so good, I couldn’t think, I couldn’t open my eyes, hell, I could barely breathe. I could feel my pelvis muscles tightening, a chord in me about to snap.
“Fuck!” Jin cried out, suddenly pulling out of me. My legs trembled as the cold air hit my insides.
“Come here,” he growled, flipping me back over. “I need to see that pretty face as I make you come undone.”
He kissed me harshly, twirling his tongue around mine, groaning loudly as he pressed back inside of me. He went frustratingly slower this time, prolonging both our orgasms, instead choosing to focus on biting and sucking the skin around my neck and breasts, leaving a trail of purple blossoms all over.
Jin pulled back suddenly, sweat making the ends of his hair wet, his lust-filled eyes and parted mouth making me flush with a new wave of heat. “I’m going to fuck you until you scream,” he murmured.
I audibly gasped as he pumped in and out of me at a lightning-fast tempo, the smell of our juices permeating the air as they began to mix. It was all I could do to moan and feel his delicious length hitting all the right spots. “Gonna cum for me, baby girl?” Jin panted. “Gonna cum so hard around my dick?”
I fucking lost it. All my muscles tightened at once, a gasp coming at the end of each loud moan as I struggled for air, my orgasm washing over me like a thousand-foot tidal wave. “Fuck!” I cried out as I hit the peak of my pleasure.
Jin slowed down a little, prolonging my orgasm, relishing in the way I tightened and released around him. “Damn,” he grunted. “You’re pussy is so fucking good, so fucking tight. I could fuck it all night long.”
“Do it,” I groaned.
His pace picked up once more, my moans coming out as loud whimpers. I almost wanted to beg for him to stop, but at the same time, I wanted to beg him to keep going forever and ever. Jin’s hips snapped into mine, and he only paused for a second to pin my legs backward, his shoulder muscles popping from the tension. “God, I’m gonna cum,” he huffed, pounding me faster.
His pleasure was my pleasure. I moaned loudly as my muscles clenched together once more, another orgasm hitting me just as he let out a loud growl, pressing his twitching length inside me as he came.
“Fuuuuuck,” Jin groaned, his member pulsating inside of me as spurt after spurt of cum wrecked the inside of the condom. He finally stilled, both of us panting hard. Jin slid a hand around the back of my neck and kissed me deeply, slowly, sensually, like he wanted to taste and feel every bit of my lips with his, so different from his rough kisses from before.
I couldn’t wipe the smile from my face as I kissed him back. He felt so good, so amazing. I didn’t want this to end.
Jin pulled away, his eyes taking a tad longer to open than usual. “You can stay over,” he murmured.
I bit my bottom lip, trying to contain my glee over having a few more hours with him.
Jin’s gaze darkened as he once again gently pressed a finger to my bottom lip, drawing it out from between my teeth. “Y/n… What did I say about biting that lip?”
Part Six (End) is here!! Enjoy <3
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“Babe, I’m going to Wal-Mart.” Danny started answering before he looked up from his tablet. “Okay, get me some...” he trailed off once he raised his gaze from the screen and got a look at what his tall, ridiculously fit and muscular husband was wearing. Jordan was dressed in a white, short-sleeve T-shirt, light gray Jersey shorts, and low-top athletic shoes. The outfit should have been nothing more than super casual run-around clothes. But the tee was soft and tight on his torso. His firm, rounded pecs pressed against the white cotton, and his nipples - stiff from the air conditioner - were plainly visible. The shirt was slightly loose and rumpled over Jordan’s tight waist and hard abs. But the shorts... The shorts were obscene. Not only did they cling to his muscular thighs, but Jordan’s dick print was on full display behind the thin material. Danny didn’t even have to squint to see the outline of the head of his cock. His man was a show-er and a grower and right now he was putting on quite the show. “Get you some what?” Jordan prompted. Danny shook his head - snapping himself back to their conversation. “Actually, I’ll come with you,” he answered as he put his tablet aside and stood. No way he was letting his husband out of the house dressed like that on his own. Jordan’s eyebrows scrunched in confusion once before he shrugged. “All right. Let’s go.” Together they left the apartment, taking the elevator down from their private floor to the street level where Jordan’s auto body shop was located. They went around to the side parking lot and got in his Camaro. The ride to Wal-Mart was quick, and in about fifteen minutes they were turning into the parking lot for the giant shopping center. After they parked and got out, Danny walked hand in hand with his husband. As they went through the crosswalk, a woman leaving the store walked toward them. Her eyes widened when they landed on Jordan. She ran them appreciatively over his entire body in a glance so fast Danny would have missed it if he hadn’t been looking directly at her at that exact moment. After the stealthy perusal, she looked at Danny and gave him a nod. That nod said multitudes without the woman ever opening her mouth. I’m checking him out but respectfully. Damn your man is hot. Congrats to you. You deserve it. Danny nodded back. I know it. Thank you. 
Inside the store, Danny grabbed a cart as he usually did. They strolled up and down the aisles, getting what Jordan needed and tossing it in the cart. As they shopped, Danny noticed several people doing double-takes at Jordan. He wanted to laugh at how obvious some of them were, but he managed to keep a straight face. In the office supplies section, they passed a trio of teenagers. They lingered at the end of the aisle, giggling and shushing each other as they threw glances at Jordan, while pretending to look at paper clips and Post-Its. Jordan moved on without paying any attention to them. To Danny’s amusement, the trio popped up in the next aisle over for another look. When he noticed they were about to follow them a second time, he loudly cleared his throat. Once he had their attention, he raised his eyebrows at them and tilted his head to the side. His message was clear: That’s enough. Run along before I have to say something and embarrass you. The teens were smart - they took off - disappearing around the corner at the end of the aisle for good this time. In the Health and Beauty section, they had to step to the side to let an older woman pick out her face wash. She was clearly years past things like tact or giving a fuck because she loudly exclaimed, “Whew, Lord!” and fanned herself as she walked past. Danny wasn’t normally one to be jealous but he was torn between wanting to cling to Jordan’s buff bicep to stake his claim, and strutting next to him, full of pride that the warrior-god statue come to life was his husband. Everyone was salivating over him without even realizing that he was Blaze, the superhero that so many of them admired and probably fantasized about. But he was the only one who got to touch and taste and love the gorgeous and kind man walking next to him. “Hardware section is next. I need more zip ties.” “Okay.” They cut through Home Goods to get to Hardware, turning down the wide aisle that ran between the two sections before crossing over. A young man in a Helios graphic tee approached from the other end. Danny immediately recognized the artwork, which he should, since he was the one who’d drawn it. When the man caught sight of Jordan, his mouth dropped open. He stared hard, not looking away as they got closer. He was so busy staring - he drifted off course and slammed his cart into the center aisle display of Tupperware with a loud crash. Stacks of plastic containers clattered to the floor. “Oh my God!” the man cried out in embarrassment. He dropped to his knees, scrambling to gather the knocked over Tupperware and haphazardly restack them. Danny took pity on the poor guy. He signaled to Jordan to wait, then went over and kneeled to help him rebuild the display. “I’m so sorry for staring,” he whispered without meeting Danny’s eyes. “Don’t worry about it. I see it every day and I still walk into walls when he catches me off guard.” Now the guy looked up at Danny. His face was still lobster red from embarrassment but he snorted a laugh. “It’s a public safety hazard letting him out of the house like that.” Danny huffed a quiet laugh of his own. “I realize that now.” Once the containers were returned to their display, they went their separate ways, the Helios fan continuing on down the aisle, and Danny rejoining Jordan at their cart. Jordan waited, arms crossed over his chest, feet spread wide in a firm stance. It was the stance he usually took when he was out as Blaze. He probably didn’t even realize he was doing it it came so natural to him after all these years. The pose stretched the T-shirt tight over the bulge of his biceps, while his other bulge... Danny shoved his hands in his pockets to keep from fanning himself as that older woman had. “What was that guy’s deal?” Jordan asked, a frown creasing his forehead. “Somebody shouldn’t have come out of the house dressed like a thot,” Danny mumbled under his breath. “What?” “Nothing. It’s your turn to push the cart.” It helped, some, having Jordan behind the cart. It mostly covered his groin area. But his round pecs hugged by soft cotton were still plainly visible. And of course... Danny fell a little behind to check out the rear view. The thin gray shorts clung to Jordan’s ass, clearly defining each muscled, flexing butt cheek as he walked. Danny shook his head. “Shameless.” Jordan looked back over his shoulder. “What was that?” Danny gave him an innocent, wide-eyed smile. “Nothing. Do we need anything else?” “I’m finished. But what did you want to get?” “Oh, yeah. My Corn Pops.” He’d nearly forgotten what he wanted while trying to prevent his husband from causing a riot in the shampoo aisle. He hoped there wasn’t anybody around taking pictures for People of Wal-Mart. His poor husband’s pics would probably end up on a Shoppers I’d Like to Fuck site - if there was such a thing. They strolled to the other side of the store to get to the cereal aisle. The cereal Danny wanted was on the bottom row. Instead of grabbing it himself, a little devil on Danny’s shoulder prodded him to do something naughty. “Could you grab a family sized box of Corn Pops for me, please?” he asked politely. “Of course, baby.” Jordan squatted down in front of him, the shorts stretching tight over his ass. Danny clasped his hands together in front of him, bowing his head and smiling in prayerful thanks. He quickly dropped his hands, returning his expression to neutral when Jordan straightened and tossed the box into the cart. “Okay, that’s all I wanted. I think we’re ready to check out.” At the register, the cashier looked from Jordan to Danny. He grinned and cracked his gum. “Congratulations.” Danny couldn’t hold it in any longer. He burst out laughing at the cashier’s cheeky expression and comment. “Thank you,” he said once he managed to rein in his laughter. They worked together to load the bags into the trunk. After they finished, Jordan closed the trunk then turned to Danny. “Okay, what was the deal in there?” Danny tilted his head to the side as he looked up at his husband, a smile still tugging at his lips. “You really don’t know?” “Not a clue.” “You’ve got everything on display in this outfit,” Danny said as he waved his hand to indicate Jordan’s six-foot-plus frame. “Bara tiddies and dick print and thank you squats butt cheeks. It’s nice.” He paused to run his gaze up and down his husband’s magnificent build. “And everybody was checking you out.” Jordan looked down at himself in surprise. “You’re kidding.” “Nope. How is it that you’re always checking out my ass in athletic bottoms but never realized yours looks just as yummy?” “I never thought about it,” Jordan said with a shrug. Danny laughed again at his uncommonly attractive husband being so clueless over his effect on people. He put his hands on either side of Jordan’s tight waist and leaned into him. “It’s okay. But maybe you can save this outfit for home wear only from now on, to save poor hapless shoppers from crashing into displays of household goods.” “Maybe I should throw it away.” Danny reared back, his eyebrows drawn together in a stern frown as he scolded his lover. “You’d better not! I adore this look on you.” A slow grin curled Jordan’s full lips, while a sensual expression Danny recognized all too well started to gleam in his honey brown eyes. He slid his arms around Danny’s waist, pulling him into a relaxed hug. “You like it that much, huh?” “Definitely,” Danny assured him with a firm nod. “Let’s go home, my thotty husband. I’ll draw you in this outfit for posterity. It’ll probably take hours because I’ve got multiple poses in mind.” “Sounds good to me. You know I’ve got the stamina for whatever you want.” Now it was Danny’s turn to blush. Then he squeaked when Jordan copped a feel, squeezing his butt cheek in a firm grip. He leaned down to whisper in his ear. “I don’t care what anyone was looking at. You’re the one with the gorgeous ass.” Danny thumped his forehead against Jordan’s firm chest, hiding his face in embarrassment. “I can’t believe you just felt me up in a Wal-Mart parking lot.” Jordan laughed. “Let’s go before I show you what else I’ll do in a Wal-Mart parking lot.” He started to lean down, clearly aiming for a kiss. But Danny dodged him and squirmed free, rushing around to get in the passenger seat. Jordan followed. He was still laughing when he sat behind the wheel and closed the door. “You’re so cute when you’re flustered.” Danny pretended to pout and didn’t answer. But once they were home, he showed his husband exactly how much he loved him in those gray Jersey shorts. 
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this short story featuring Danny and Jordan from BLAZE - Arch City Guardians #1. If you haven't read BLAZE yet, you can check it on Amazon in Kindle Unlimited. Love, Christa 
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Read more about BLAZE on my website! https://www.christatomlinson.com/blaze.html
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07YS3VWS5
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bella-spil · 4 years
2 Romeos & 1 Juliet- Part 4
Part 4- Its Buckys turn to take you on a date. Fem reader
Warnings- implied smut(not really) kissing/making out, cursing.
Word Count: 6.7k( I tried to add a lot more detail in this one so bear with me)
Taglist: @kmuir1​ @angrythingstarlight​ @wednesday-add-em​ @sea040561​ (lmk if you wanna join.  The more the merrier!)
A/N: This would have been done sooner, but the internet was down for the past three days.  I got some inspiration from GOTG vol.2( a tiny bit) and I added a lot more detail than normal.  And there might be a meme or two that I took a line from(its the “so I started blasting” one”).  Also the pic of the outfit is from me, amd Im sry for the terrible quality, I have a shitty camera.  Also the link for the 40s slang I used is https://rkcowles.wordpress.com/1940-slang-glossary/ , if you are in the mood to learn some.  I hope you enjoy, bc this one might be my fav of this series.  
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You had a pretty good week after your date with Loki.  Whenever you saw the God of Mischief, you both acted like his attempted kiss never happened.  You acted like normal friends.  You read the note Billie gave you, alone so Loki didn't see, and she actually said she thought Loki was cute.  Not hot but cute.  You laughed at what she wrote, and you swore you would never show Loki.  
As the week went on, Bucky was planning his date out.  He had a place, one that you would both enjoy and have a lot of fun at.  He had everything prepared for you, but he was still nervous.  
What if it doesn't work?  What if she really doesn't like me?  What if I do something wrong?  He thought as the week carried on.  But he never showed the fear to you.  He was acting all confident, bragging about how he would win you over with his charm, like how he did with the ladies in his time.  You told him that you weren't like all those other girls, and he agreed.  He said that he would have a challenge with you, but he knew he would win.  He always won.  He also flirted with you constantly, which drove Loki up the walls.  You enjoyed this confident side of the Winter Soldier, you knew you were gonna see it more often.  
You also tried prying the location of the date out of Bucky.  But he was a Super Soldier, so that didn't work out.  You gave up in about 5 minutes.  
Then the day came.  You and Bucky were both anxious.  You had no clue where you were going, and Bucky hasn't been on a date in a while.
“Doll, we are leaving at 4 ok?” he let you know at lunch.
“Got it.  Where are we going?” you asked for the 100th time.  Bucky rolled his eyes and didn't answer.  “Fine.  What should I wear?”
“Hmm..” Bucky thought.  “Wear a T-shirt and shorts, like you did with Loki.  But we are going to be walking around a lot, so don't wear something uncomfortable.”
“Ok,” you said, walking to your room to get prepared.  Bucky thought he did a good job, not revealing too much about the date.  He liked keeping you guessing, it amused him more often than not.
As you were in your room, you paced back and forth from your closet to your bed.  You were stressed with not knowing anything about tonight.  But you were stressing out with the new feelings to your long time friend.  You didn't know if you were feeling them because of the upcoming date, or if you were making it up.  But you didn't have this on your date with Loki.  You had no clue, so you tried to ignore the feelings.  But they weren't letting up, getting you more and more nervous.  You tried to take deep breaths, and it worked.  So you focused your time on getting ready.
“What to wear, what to wear,” you muttered to yourself as you scanned your closet like a robot.  After a few minutes of rummaging around through heaps and heaps of clothes, you found a cute and comfortable outfit.  
You found a cute crop top that only exposed a small amount of your stomach.  It was low cut, but not too revealing.  It was a black t-shirt, and it was your favorite shirt because it looked really good on you, at least you thought.  You always felt a bit more confident whenever you wore it, and you knew you might need it for tonight.  
You also found a pair of super soft cotton shorts.  They were a dark, camo-like green.  They didn't have camo print, just dark green and a white lining.  You adored the shorts because they were the softest thing you owned, besides another sweatshirt you owned.  They were mid-waisted and were a little revealing on your ass.  But you loved the way the shorts made you feel, like any man would fall for you by just looking at you.
You found a pair of black Adidas sneakers, which would be good for walking.  You didn't put on any jewelry, since you weren't a big fan of it.  You only wore it at the concert because it was a concert, you wanted to look decent.  You left your hair down again, letting the natural curls and waves have a mind of their own.  After a couple flips of your hair, you had the look you wanted.  
Then you moved on to your makeup.  Since you would be walking a lot, you thought you might sweat a bit, so you didn't put too much on.  Only a bit of foundation to hide some blemishes on your skin, a tiny amount of blush and mascara.  You didn't like wearing makeup either, since your time in the mountains saw no need for it.  You didn't understand how people took hours and hours for makeup, and at the end of the night, they would have to wipe it off and do it all again the next day. 
When you finished, you took one final look in the mirror and you thought you looked amazing.  Your confidence soared through the roof as you checked yourself out.  
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“Doll, its time,” Bucky knocked at your door.  “You ready?”
You got scared and flinched in front of the mirror.  You were not expecting time to fly that fast.  
“Yeah Bucky, i'll be down in a minute.” you answered, not trying to show that he scared you.
“Ok, I'll wait by the front door,” Bucky said.  You heard his footsteps fade as he left, and you took a sigh of relief.  You grabbed a small, black backpack, just to store your phone and some money since you had no clue what to expect.  You checked yourself out in the mirror one last time as you put on some lip gloss.  Then you put the lip gloss away and headed out of your room.
Bucky stood anxiously by the door.  He wore a pair of shorts and a black Brooklyn logo shirt. The shirt was a little snug on him, so it made his biceps pop out a little more.  He didn't bother covering his metal arm.  He wasn't used to having it out in the open, especially in public.  But he always was comfortable with his arm around you, so he thought it would be the same with you anywhere.  He was not going to let strangers ruin his night with you.  His hair was down and he wore a pair of black Nike’s.  He had on his signature dog tags and in his pockets, he had his phone, which he barely knew how to use, and some money for the date.  But, like a true gentleman, he had a bouquet of red roses in his hands.  He never showed up to a date without flowers.  He knew his manners and class, and if he didnt, he knew his momma would reprimand him for not being a gentleman.
“What is taking her so long?” Bucky said out loud.  
“Don't get your hopes up, Wiener Soldier,” Loki said, smugly.  He was hoping to mess with Bucky before it was too late.
“Shut it, you Lord of the Rings looking ass,” Bucky said, not giving two shits for Loki's mind games.  Loki walked away, hoping that would do something to Bucky.
Then, you appeared from the hallway.  Bucky had to do a double take because, Jesus, you looked fine.  You looked so confident and proud of yourself that Bucky was in awe.  He loved a woman that walked with a purpose.  You looked perfect in his eyes.  He smiled as you came closer to him.  His heart fluttered as he realized he would be with you.  The person his heart had fallen for since he first saw you.
You saw Bucky standing there, the roses in hand.  Bucky's eyes looked brighter than ever, full of excitement and adventure.  He looked nice in his outfit.  You never saw him out in public with his metal arm showing, so it was a shock for you when it was on full display.  You also saw his muscles poking out of the shirt, and you tried your hardest not to stare.  
“You look like a dreamboat, toots,” Bucky gushed, using a ton of 40s slang.  You blushed, since you knew what they meant.  Anyone would know what those terms meant, but two years ago, Bucky taught all the slang he knew.  
“So do you,” you replied, smiling.  
“These are for you, doll,” Bucky said as he handed the flowers to you. 
“Thanks Bucky, you didn't have too,” you said.
“Well if I didn't, I know my momma would bust my chops,” Bucky said, chuckling.  You laughed with him.  You loved when his Brooklyn accent came through.
“Cmon lets get going,” Bucky said, leading you out the door.  
“Ok Bucky, where are we going?” you asked again in the car.
“You'll find out when we get there,” Bucky replied.
“Ok, when will we get there?” you asked, hoping for an answer this time.
“Bout 30 minutes,” Bucky answered to your relief.  “Ok I wanna quiz you on something.”
“Ooo car games, I love those,” you said, gaining interest.
“Lets see how much 40s slang you remember.” Bucky said, looking at you.
“Thats easy, I’ll quiz ya too,” you said. 
“You got a lotta moxie.  Ladies first,” Bucky said, placing his hand on your thigh.  This was the first time he had ever done this.  You were a little shocked at first and froze for a moment, but you weren't asking him to move it.  His warm hand felt so comforting on you.  You just wanted to let it sit there forever.  So you put your hand on top of his.  
Bucky took his eyes off the road for a minute, just to look at you and your hand on his.  If he said he wasn't over the moon right now, he would be lying.  He felt like he was on cloud-9.  
“Ok what does ‘beef’ mean?” you asked.
“It means a disagreement.  That was easy, doll,” Bucky said.
“Go, Buck,” you sighed.
“Fine.  What does ‘brown nose’ mean?” Bucky asked, his blue eyes shining into yours.  You took a second to think, but you didn't remember.
“I don't know, bucky.” you sighed in shame.  
“Haha! One for Bucky.  Zip for Y/N.” Bucky celebrated.   
“Don't celebrate too early, punk,” you teased.  “What does it mean?”
“It means ass kisser,” Bucky explained, earning a “ohh” outta you.
“Name five things that mean ‘attractive’” you said.
“Are you doing this to mess with me and trick me into saying it about you?” Bucky questioned, getting suspicious.
“Yeah, now answer,” you answered, unashamed.  Bucky rolled his eyes, getting a laugh out of you.
“Ok, first is ‘honey’. ‘Bombshell’ is one, so is ‘babe’.  Then, ‘20-20’ and… dreamboat.” Bucky answered.
“Good job.  Your turn.” you smiled.
“Since you did it to me, I'll do it to you.” Bucky mocked.  
“Fine.  ‘Casanova’, ‘doll’ is one, ‘drooly’, ‘glamour puss’, ‘glad lad’ and ‘heaven sent’.” you responded.  Bucky took his hands off the wheel and applauded you, which you laughed.  
“Good job, doll,” Bucky grinned.  “Now I have two questions for you.”
“Which are?” you asked.
“First is what's your favorite slang?” Bucky said.
“I think ‘toots’” you answered.
“Second, use 5 terms to describe me.” Bucky said.  He wanted to know what you thought about him, but he didnt wanna ask you straight up.  He wanted to make you at ease and have fun with you before asking.
“Ok then do the same for me,” you teased.
“Fine, go,” Bucky agreed.
“‘Fuddy-duddy’, ‘hot shot’, ‘heaven sent’, ‘camp happy’ and ‘blow joe’.” you answer.
“Really? Fuddy-duddy?” Bucky sighed.
“What? It's true!  You are old fashioned,” you mocked.
“Whatever,” Bucky rolled his eyes.
“Now you have to do it for me,” you fluttered your eyes to mess with him, earning a glare from him.
“‘Dreamboat’ obviously, ‘camp happy’, ‘a crack up’, ‘date bait’ and ‘divine,” Bucky said, looking at you with his hand still on your thigh.
“Aww you're so sweet,” you blushed.
“It's the truth, sugar,” Bucky smiled.  
You looked out the window for a second and saw something in the distance.  It was a ferris wheel.
“Bucky are we going to a carnival?” you asked.
“Yep,” he smiled.  You squealed and thanked Bucky till you got to the fair.  There were a ton of people there already, and you knew more would show up later tonight.  
“What time are we staying till?” you asked.  It was already 5:40pm and you and Bucky were walking up to the ticket booth.
“Till it closes, or whenever you get tired,” Bucky said, holding your hand.
“Till it closes.  I don't think I'll get tired from all the sugar we will be eating.” you admitted.  You both laughed and then you were up at the ticket counter.  Bucky bought bracelets for the both of you.  They allow you to stay for as long as you want and to go on unlimited rides for unlimited times.  They also cost a lot of money.  You tried to buy your own bracelet, but Bucky insisted on paying.
“I’m paying for dinner,” you insisted.
“No I am,” Bucky said.
“I am,” you bickered.  
You bickered all the way to the entrance, where you and Bucky stopped.  You stood marveling all the flashing lights and rides.  You already had a list in your head for what to do.  You loved how everyone here was happy and enjoying themselves.  You couldn't wait for night to come, because then all the lights would be flashing even brighter.  And less families would be there, which meant shorter lines. 
“What do you wanna do first?” Bucky asked, looking at the lights as well.  
“Lets eat, if you want,” you said.
“No, I'm always hungry too,” Bucky said.
“Great, because Loki took forever to eat.”
Bucky laughed as he took your hand.  You both ran into the fair like children as you searched for food.  You found a pizza stand and took two slices.  Bucky found a hot dog stand and took two ‘Coney Island Chili Dogs.’  When you saw what he ordered, your mouth watered a little bit.  Bucky took note very quickly.
“You know what doll?  You can take one of mine and I'll take one of yours.” Bucky proposed.
“That's smart,” you agreed.  You ate the pizza first and then the chili dog.  The chili dog took the longest, since you didn't want to ruin your outfit.  You had to lean over the platter the whole time to prevent stains.  
Bucky took a different approach.  Since the cooks put a lot of chili on the hotdog, Bucky found a different use for the access chili.  He took the extra and put it on top of his pizza, which you looked at him in disgust.
“What?” he asked when he saw you staring at him, food stuffed in his mouth.
“Nothing,” you lied.  He gave you a smirk, almost like he knew what he did, and continued eating.  He finished quickly, a little faster than you.  Almost like it was a competition, Bucky gave a little victory “woohoo” and you sighed, finishing your food.
“Congrats Buck, you ate faster than me,” you said sarcastically.
“Do I get a medal?” Bucky asked, playfully.  You chuckled as he took your hand, leading you further into the fair.
“Whats up first, sugar?” he asked.
“Why don't we play some games?  I don't wanna throw up on you in the Gravation,” you admitted.
“Sure, anything you want,” Bucky said.  “Which do you wanna play first?”
“Let's do the balloon and dart game,” you decided.
“This way, doll.” Bucky said, taking your arm and leading you to the famous game.  When you got there, not many people were there.  Only two others were in front of you, and they were fairly quick.  After they finished playing, the carnie saw you and got your attention.
“Hey there!  Wanna play?” he asked.
“How much?” Bucky asked, getting to the point.
“If you want three darts, 5 bucks, if you want five darts, 8 bucks,” the carnie answered.  Bucky got some money out of his pocket and paid $16 dollars in total.  The carnie handed you both 5 darts and then he moved out of the way.
“Ready, set, go!” the carnie shouted.  Then you and Bucky looked at each other, eyes full of determination.  Bucky threw his darts very quickly, and he only missed one.  Meanwhile, you took your time and got all five.  
“Congratulations, you two!” the carnie cheered.  “What do each of ya want?”  You and Bucky looked around at all of the options.
“Which can we pick?” Bucky asked.
“The miss next to ya can pick anything she wants,” the carnie explained.  “You can pick anything, just not something on the top row.”  The one Bucky was eyeing was on the top row, and he sulked in disappointment.  He saw a Spiderman inflate that he thought was really funny.  You found a small, tye-dye teddy bear that caught your eye.  You thought it was adorable, and you really wanted it.
“Bucky, if I get you the Spiderman, can you get me that bear?” you asked, with puppy dog eyes.
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“Sure, toots,” Bucky smiled at you.  The carnie heard you discussing and got the prizes ready for you.  As you both said thank you, the carnie eyed you suspiciously, trying to figure out if you were dating or not.
“Any other games?”  Bucky asked as you walked away from the game.  You were about to answer when Bucky completely turned his attention to the mechanical bull a couple feet away. 
“Sorry to interrupt, but I was the best at that in ‘38,” Bucky said.
“You can do it, it's fine,” you smiled.  “But I'm paying.”
“No you're not,” Bucky said, before he sprinted off, trying to get there first so you wouldn't pay.  You ran after him, but Bucky and his stupid super soldier serum beat you there.  He got the money out of his pocket and handed it to another carnie.  
“Good luck,” you said as you took the Spiderman out of his arms.  He smiled back at you and headed up to the bull.  The carnie counted him down and then the bull started moving.  At first it was easy, Bucky had his right arm on the handle to keep him steady.  But after a minute or so, the carnie made it a lot harder.  Twisting and turning at high speeds, Bucky switched his right hand to the metal one, for a firmer grip.  He almost fell off after one really fast turn, but his left arm still held on to the handle.  His right arm was holding the side of the bull and he was able to readjust himself in time for the next spin.  After five minutes, he was still on the bull.  Bucky didn't even realise the crowd that was starting to form around you.  Everyone marveled as Bucky wouldn't dare to fall off the bull.  People around you cheered him on.  Even the carnie was shocked and tried his hardest to get Bucky to fall.  But it wasn't going to happen. 
After another 15 minutes, the carnie announced that Bucky had beaten the record for the mechanical bull, but Bucky still wasn't going to get off.  People cheered him on, but not as loud as you.  Your cheers were fuel for Bucky and the more you cheered, the more he wanted to stay on.  But, he didn't want to keep you waiting the whole night, so after 10 more minutes, he fell off the bull.  As he walked out of the pit, people cheered for him, earning a smile out of him.
“Congrats sir, that's the best bull riding I've ever seen,” the carnie said.  “Here's your prize of $200 bucks cash.  Everyone give it up for.. What's your name?”
“Bucky,” Bucky answered.
“Bucky everyone!” the carnie cheered.  Everyone joined in with cheers and applause.  You smiled at him, full of pride and happiness.  Bucky smiled and planted a kiss on your head, which you blushed at.  
“How long was he on for?” you asked.
“Your boyfriend here was on for 32 minutes and 48 seconds.” the carnie said.
“Wow,” you said.  “You are the best at that.”
“I know,” Bucky said.  As you walked away, other guys had gone up to Bucky, giving him a celebratory high five or pat on the back.  Even some girls had gone up and tried to flirt with him.  But Bucky said that he was with you, obviously, but that didn’t stop the girls from at least trying to get with him.
“Now we have enough money to eat anything and play as many games as we want,” Bucky said.
“If you didn't win that, we might have had to use some of the money I bought,” you said.
“Impossible,” Bucky chuckled.  “Now I think we can go on some rides.”
The night flew by, and it was already 10:30.  Bucky had taken you on the Ferris Wheel, Cliff Hanger, Frisbee, Fun House, Wipeout, Gravation, Tornado and the Swings.  You tried to get him to go on the Zipper, but he swore he would never get on that ‘deathtrap’ as he called it.  As you went on the rides, you were able to fit your teddy bear into your bag, but the Spiderman was causing some trouble.  You had to leave it outside on some rides, which you thought it might get stolen, but that luckily didn't happen.  Then he took you on the Swings, your favorite ride of all.  And then, he took you on the Bumper cars, his favorite ride.  You both laughed and had fun the whole night, but he still had some other things he wanted to do.
“Doll, before we go, there's two more things I wanna do before the night ends,” Bucky said.
“And what might that be?” you asked.
“I wanna play the High Striker game an-” Bucky started.
“Do you wanna play that game to show how strong you are?” you mocked.
“Maybe,” he admitted and you laughed.  
“I wanna do the shooting game before it's too late.” you said.  “I wanna see if I can shoot better than you.”
“We already know the answer to that question,” Bucky smirked and you hit him playfully in the arm.  “But we can do that after we have some dessert.”
“You read my mind.” you chuckled.  “Lets eat.”
Bucky took you to some of the concession stands around the fair, which you both indulged in so much sugar that it would give you diabetes.  Bucky bought both of you a plate of zeppolis, your favorite carnival food, and you bought a bag of fried oreos.  You also bought a thing of cotton candy.  After you thought no more eating, Bucky came back with a bowl of gelato.  All of the hunger in you resurfaced and you and him ate it, licking your lips once you finished.
“That was the best dessert ever,” Bucky said.
“Agreed, now we gotta play some games, it's already 11,” you said, trying to get Bucky to move.  He grudgingly got up and followed you to the High Striker game.  Bucky pointed at the bell at the top, as if saying ‘watch out’.  
“Wanna test your strength?” the carnie running the game asked.
“How much?” Bucky brushed off, getting the money from his pockets.  
“For one swing, 3 bucks.  For three swings, 5 bucks.” the carnie said.
“Three swings,” Bucky said, handing the carnie the 5 dollars.  The carnie handed him a sledgehammer and backed away.  The carnie told you to move back so Bucky could practice his swing, and you did.  Bucky practiced his swing about three times before he was ready.
He swung his arms back and hit the pad.  He got really close to the bell, just a few inches off.  Bucky swore under his breath as he got ready for his next swing.  The next one was stronger, but not close enough again.  He grunted as he saw it didn't hit the bell.
“Cmon Bucky!  You got this!” you cheered, hoping to boost his confidence.  When he heard you, you were like gasoline to him, giving him the fuel to hit it the hardest.  He swung down for the final time with a loud grunt.  The little knob had so much force behind it that it hit the bell.  Not only that, but it flew off the railing that was keeping it in place.  You and the carnie looked at each other in shock.  Bucky took a deep breath, and looked at you sheepishly.
“What the hell?” the carnie said.  “Well, um, pick your prize.”  
Bucky looked around at the options and found one that you were looking at.  You were looking at a stuffed llama as tall as a counter.  The llama, in your eyes, was even cuter than the bear.  It had pink and blue fur in little patches.  It also had little specks of yellow fur.  It had a little smile plastered on its face and it just looked too adorable to be real.
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“The llama please,” Bucky asked.  You smiled at him and gave him a big hug, your arms wrapping around his muscular torso.
“Thanks, Bucky,” you said as your head was pressed against his chest.
“Welcome, sugar,” Bucky responded as he grabbed the llama from the carnie.  You snatched the stuffed animal from his hands and held the toy in your arms, cuddling at.  As the two of you walked away, you heard the carnie in the background telling the people next in line “sorry the things broken.”  Then you heard an angry man yelling at the carnie, saying “That's Bullshit!” and “You just want to go home and not do your job!”  
You and Bucky laughed as you headed to the last game of the night, then you would be going on Bucky's ride of choice.  You ran through the crowd of teens and made your way to the shooting game.  This carnie looked cheerful, more happy than the others that you have seen.
“Hey there!  How's your night going for you two?” the carnie asked.
“Good, how's your going?” you asked in a cheery mood, still clinging to the stuffed llama.
“So far, no winners tonight, but maybe you and your boyfriend can change that,” the carnie smirked.
“Oh, we aren't,” you started.
“It's ok, you don't have to admit it,” the carnie asked.  “By the way, the game costs 20 dollars per player.”
“What?” Bucky asked.  “That's ridiculous for a damn shooting game!”        
“Sorry sir, I don't make the rules.  It's priced so high because you get a lot of pellets to shoot and if you win, you get a huge prize.” the carnie said.  
“It's ok, I'll pay for mine and his,” you said, getting the money out of your bag.
“No I am,” Bucky said, racing to his pockets before you got your money.  But you beat him and he sighed in surrender, muttering how his momma would kill him if she were alive.  You handed the money to the carnie and the carnie set up the guns, ammo and targets.  
“You can go first, Buck,” you said, nudging him forward.  “I wanna see what exactly I'm going against.”
“You're gonna regret that,” Bucky snickered as he prepped the gun, leveling it at his shoulders.  There wasn't a scope on the gun, but there was an eyeliner for him to aim.  The target was a big, red star, which you laughed at in your head since Bucky had a star just like it on his arm.  
Then, he started shooting at the target.  The objective is to get the star completely off the target.  It has to fall to the floor, off the paper completely.  Bucky shot at the edges of the star trying to get the corners free.  Then he circled around the star, aiming at the star with such precision that you got worried you would lose against him, and you hated to lose.  Then, after a few minutes, Bucky ran out of ammo.  The carnie pulled the lever, bringing the target closer for you and Bucky to see.
“You were really close,” the carnie sighed.  Bucky took the target and saw that he had gotten completely around the star.  But there was a problem: one of the edges was still dangling off the paper.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Bucky grunted, running his right arm through his hair.  “This has to be a winner.”
“Sorry, sir.  But the star has to be completely off the paper,” the carnie said.  Bucky sighed and muttered something about how this was rigged.
“Your turn, doll,” Bucky said, giving the carnie a glare.  
You handed the carnie your money and he set you up exactly like Bucky.  Once the carnie was finished, he gave you a thumbs up and you started blasting.  You followed Bucky's example, starting at the corners of the star and working your way around.  You were careful to not pull the trigger too hard or else too many bullets would come out.  You had something in your head that said, “you have to beat Bucky, you have to win.”  Bucky was a master assassin and for him to lose helped boost your confidence as you continued to aim.  The star was starting to fall off, hanging off by a tiny edge of the paper.  But, luckily, you didn't have the same problem as Bucky, you had more pellets left.  You used those to your advantage and blasted the red star off the paper.  It fell to the ground, completely covered in bullet holes.  
The carnie stood there, completely in awe at how well you had done, and you still had bullets inside the gun after you finished.  Bucky was frozen like a statue.  His hands were glued to his hair, his eyes were coming out of his head and his mouth was to the floor.  The carnie gave you your target, and whispered to you “I knew you could beat him,” causing you to giggle as you scanned the booth for a prize.  Your eyes settled on a Captain America head.  Not a real one, a stuffed one.  You thought it was funny and grabbed it from the carnies hand.  As you and Bucky left the carnie said a congrats to you and hung your target on the wall with the other lucky winners.
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As you walked, not knowing where you would be going, you got scared because Bucky hasn't said a word yet.
“Bucky you ok?” 
“Yeah doll, yeah,” he said.  “I just can't believe I lost.”
“Oh cmon dont be a sore loser,” you nudged him, making him laugh.
“Also I can't believe I fell in love with a girl like you, and I didnt even know she could hold a gun like that,” he blushed, brushing some hair out of his face.  He gripped your hand and led you to the ride he had been waiting for since the beginning of the night.
“Wait, you love me?” you asked.
“Why do you think you're here with me, doll?  Why do you think me and Loki are fighting for you?” Bucky asked. 
“Well… um,” you froze.  You had no clue about how you felt about Bucky yet.  One part of you loved him, the way he loved you.  But something else was fighting that feeling, seeing him only as a close friend.  Bucky sensed your nerves and held you closer to him.
“It's ok, you don't have to respond.” Bucky said, easing your mind.  “I'm gonna make you say those words before Loki gets the chance.” 
You laughed at him.  “I'd like to see ya try,” you sassed.
“Toots, just wait,” he smirked.
“Wait what ride are we going on?” 
“Well we are right in front of it, so it's a dead give away,” he said.  Without realizing it, you were right in front of the ride.  It was a dimmed ride, more like a boat ride.  The walls were covered in pink and red hearts and the boats were white swans.  The arches leading into the ride were hearts and three words were illuminated in front of your eyes.  “Tunnel of Love.”
“Oh my god,” you said.
“Cmon, it's not like anything is going to happen,” Bucky said, leading you to the swan.  The carnie controlling the ride took the stuffed toys and your bag from you to leave on the side.  She gave Bucky a thumbs up, letting him know nothing would happen to your belongings, but maybe for something else.  
You squirmed as you sat next to him, and the carnie buckled you into the ride.  A million things were running through your mind.  You didn't know if you should tell Bucky before the ride starts to not try anything.  You didn't know if you would let anything happen.  You didn't know if, even, anything would happen.  You assumed something would happen because, look who you're sitting next to.  Bucky was a ladies man, and he probably took other gals on the ride in the past.
“Doll, I assure you.  I won’t do anything unless you allow me to,” Bucky said, putting his right arm behind your back, for you to use as a pillow.  You settled into his body and then the doors swung open, leading you inside the ride.  
At first, there was nothing that would suggest anything bad would happen.  There was a little romantic garden, the one that would show up in a romantic movie.  There were little hedges and statues of Cupid with his love bow and arrows.  There were tons of roses and smooth jazz was playing in the background.
“This is music,” Bucky smiled.  The music playing tonight was mostly tons of pop music, which he hated and thought was annoying as hell.  So this for him was soothing.  It soothed you too, but not as much as it did for Bucky.  
Then there was another set of doors, and it led you into the next part of the ride.  This part was very dark.  There wasn't a lot of light, and it didn't look like anything was inside.  You got scared and found yourself leaning into Bucky more.  He didn't mind and eased into your touch.  
Suddenly, something, maybe a bat or something, you couldn't tell, popped out of nowhere.  Then a hissing sound and a scream played in the background.  You screamed and your head was buried on Bucky's chest.
“Hey, hey, it's ok.  It's not real, it's fake.  It's going to be ok,” Bucky soothed you.  He took the arm you were resting on and cradled you in it as you were in fear on his chest.  His right hand was rubbing circles around your back while his left was playing with your hair.  You stayed there, in that sense of comfort, that sense of belonging, that sense of peace, for a little bit longer.  You picked your head up at him, only to see steel blue eyes looking back at you.  They seemed like a haven to you, like a home that you could rest in.
“I’m sorry Bucky,” you apologized.
“For what? You didn't do anything,” he said confused.  Your faces were only inches away from each other, and you could feel his breath, smelling like sugar and cotton candy.
“When are we going to do something about this… unspoken thing between us?” Bucky whispered.
“There's no unspoken thing,” you whispered back.  At this moment, you doubted that Bucky was wrong.  Because this has never happened to you and him before.  
“Liar,” Bucky smiled, his lips only centimeters from yours.
“Prove it,” you challenged back.  The next thing he did took your breath away, literally.  He leaned into you to close that gap keeping you apart.  He kissed your lips tenderly, making sure you wouldn't back off.  His eyes were closed, savoring every moment.  
At first, you were in shock, frozen by fear.  Your eyes were open, trying to process everything.  But the longer he remained on your lips, you weren't doing anything to stop him, and you felt your eyes flutter shut.  You kissed him back, relishing in the feeling of his plump, pink lips on yours.  You were on each other for so long that you didn't realize that you entered the final room of the ride.  Then you and him separated, gasping for air.    
“Did I prove it?” Bucky mocked. 
“Maybe,” you grinned.  
And you leaned back into him.  You slowly moved onto his lap, for the remainder of the ride.  One of your hands cupped his cheek while the other was lazily tangling his hair.  His hands were gripped on your waist.  His tongue was stretching on your lips, trying to get in.  You obliged and your tongues danced together to some unknown rhythm.  You could taste the sugar on his tongue.  As you played with his hair, he let out a moan.  As he did, he could feel you smiling through the kiss.  
Then, Bucky peeked open his eyes and saw the exit approaching.  He didn't want people to see you making out, and as much as he hated it, he had to get you off of him.
“Doll, we gotta go,” Bucky urged.  You realized what he meant and before anyone saw, you slid off his lap and fixed your hair.  You both left the ride and headed to his car, eager to get home.
“Wow, that was amazing,” you sighed, settling into your seat with all the toys and your bag in the backseat.
“I have to agree.  You took my breath away, dreamboat,” Bucky quipped.
“Same, and you were a dreamboat back there as well,” you grinned.  Bucky placed his hand back on your thigh, and you placed yours on top of his, just like before.  But it wasn't to be friendly like the first time, but something more.
“Ya know, doll, I wasn't expecting to be necking,” Bucky chuckled as you drove off.
“I gotta say, you got a lotta moxie for that,” you laughed.
“You almost gave me the hots back there, sugar,” 
“Did I now?” you teased.  “Well too bad you can't do anything about that.”
“Shame.  Stupid bet.” he sighed.
“Oh wait, don't tell Loki about this,” you said.  “He will flip and probably do something to us.  Or you.”
“You got it.” he agreed.  “But if he does find out, or do something, what then?”
“To get honest, I don't know.  But you've still got one more date left to truly convince me.  And so does Loki.”
“I didn't convince you?” Bucky gasped.
“Not enough,” you teased, laughing at him as you drove home.  
Bucky helped you get the stuffed animals and your bag and helped you back to your room.  You took the llama, teddy bear and your bag back.  He held onto the Captain America head and Spiderman inflatable.  He gave you a kiss on the forehead before you bade each other goodnight.  
As the door closed behind you, you sighed, letting out a small howl, releasing all the emotions you felt tonight.  Your back fell to the door, and your knees gave out, leaving you against the door.
“Wow,” you sighed.
Bucky walked back to his room with a little pep in his step.  He was in a much happier mood than normal.  He was singing to himself and smiling all the way back to his room.  His hair was messed up, but he didn’t care.
But someone was watching him.  Loki.  Loki saw how messed up Bucky's hair was.  He saw the things Bucky didn't.  Like the lipstick that was on his cheek.
Then Loki felt angry.  But it wasn't even anger.  It was hatred, fury and rage.  It was boiling inside him and he didn't know what to do with himself.  But then, that God of Mischief mindset kicked in.  And he had an idea.  An evil, wicked, horrible idea.  One that would change everything.
“Oh, well,” Loki talked to himself.  “I wanted to play nice.  But you broke the rules.  And you know what happens when you break the rules.  You feel my wrath.” 
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veroticker · 4 years
Us - Sarina Bowen and Elle Kennedy
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You can buy the book on Amazon.
Summary (from Elle Kennedy’s website)
Five months in, NHL forward Ryan Wesley is having a record-breaking rookie season. He’s living his dream of playing pro hockey and coming home every night to the man he loves—Jamie Canning, his longtime best friend turned boyfriend. There’s just one problem: the most important relationship of his life is one he needs to keep hidden, or else face a media storm that will eclipse his success on the ice.
Jamie loves Wes. He really, truly does. But hiding sucks. It’s not the life Jamie envisioned for himself, and the strain of keeping their secret is taking its toll. It doesn’t help that his new job isn’t going as smoothly as he’d hoped, but he knows he can power through it as long as he has Wes. At least apartment 10B is their retreat, where they can always be themselves.
Or can they? When Wes’s nosiest teammate moves in upstairs, the threads of their carefully woven lie begin to unravel.
 With the outside world determined to take its best shot at them, can Wes and Jamie develop major-league relationship skills on the fly?
“Vancouver is a beautiful city, but I can’t wait to leave it.
We’ve just finished the longest road trip on our schedule, and I cannot fucking wait to go home. Standing in a fancy hotel room overlooking the waterfront, I shake the tissue paper out of a shirt I just bought at the boutique around the corner. Since I’ve been living out of my suitcase for so long, I’m out of clean laundry. But this is a great shirt, and it looked at me as I passed the storefront on my way back from signing autographs at a charity luncheon.
I unbutton it and slip it on. In the hotel mirror, I check the fit, and it looks fine. Great, even. The cotton is a fine weave, and there’s a lime-green checked pattern shot through the fabric. It’s very British, and the lively color reminds me that it won’t always be February.
Now that my dress code includes a suit and tie three or four times a week, I’ve had to pay more attention to my wardrobe. In college I wore a suit maybe three times a year. But it’s no hardship because I like clothes. And the hotel mirror says they like me, too.
I’m a sexy motherfucker. If only the one person I care about was here to appreciate it.
Last night we obliterated Vancouver, and it’s not bragging to say that I was the reason why. Two goals and an assist—my best showing yet. I’m having the kind of rookie season that makes headlines. Though right this second I’d trade it all for a night in front of the TV with Jamie and a blowjob. I am beat. Whipped. Knackered.
Luckily, all that’s left of this trip is one more ride on the team’s jet.
I grab my phone off the desk and unlock it. With the selfie cam, I shoot a picture of my abs, the shirt parted to reveal my six-pack, my hand over my crotch. It took me a while to figure out that Jamie has a thing for my hands. I swear he likes them more than my dick.
I send the picture. No commentary needed.
The hotel room gets one last glance, but I’ve packed everything. I’ve learned in a hurry not to leave charging cords and toothbrushes behind. We’re on the road so often that packing has become my new skill.
My phone vibrates with a text. Grrrr. Just get home, would you? I don’t need any pics. My poor lonely dick is so hard.
That reminds me of old vaudeville jokes. So I reply, How hard is it?
Hard enough to pound nails into our bare walls, he replies. It’s true that we haven’t exactly decorated our apartment. We both work a lot and there’s been no time.
But, as always, sex is a greater priority than home decor. Show me, I beg. There’s a reason I keep my phone locked down. Jamie and I like to indulge in some private photography.
He doesn’t answer, though. Maybe he isn’t at home. It’s afternoon in Vancouver, which means it’s later in Toronto… Fuck. I’m sick of doing this math all the time. I just want to go home.”
(review under the cut)
(audiobook) After I fell in love with #wesmie, I needed to have them back in my life, so I listened to the second book of the series, Us.
Wesley and Jamie are now a couple and they live together. But Wesley is a rookie in the hockey team he’s joined, and he doesn’t want bad buzz ruining his career. He’s gonna come out at some point, because he doesn’t want Jamie to be a secret, but for now, they need to be roommates for the outside world. You can imagine he won’t go well--secrets never stay secrets for long.
We knew what the situation would be at the end of the first book, so no surprise here. But the authors throw in a bunch of colorful characters, a flu epidemic, and a burgeoning career for Wes while Jamie is losing faith in himself. Fun, angst and steam guarenteed!
If you loved Him, you’ll love Us.
Series: Him #2 (no cliffhanger, but this book follows the same characters as the first one)
Hashtags: #hockey romance #MM romance #established relationship #secret relationship
Triggers: some homophobia and slurs
Main couple: Ryan Wesley & Jamie Canning
Hotness: 5/5
Romance: 5/5
+ Wes putting Jamie above everything else in his life *swoons*
- Blake is a cockblocker! But I like him anyway...
  Stalker mode
You can suscribe to Sarina Bowen’s newsletter on her website, same for Elle Kennedy on her website.
You can also follow Sarina on Facebook, Elle Kennedy too here.
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peachyhyvck · 7 years
some of my favorite pics of mark lee
author's note: yes bitches, I'm back with another!! this one’s a tad bit different from the last, and its got almost double the amount of pictures,,, but I hope you still enjoy it, nonetheless! this pic set includes waayyy too many categories to list off so you're just gonna have to look through them and see for yourself! (’; sO WITHOUT FURTHER ADO, HERe are,, my favorite pics of mark lee:
cute mark:
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okay, but mark’s selfies are always so damn precious and they never fail to put a smile on my face
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everything about this picture is just perfect... his smile is so facking cute, and do you sEE THAT LIL DIMPLE???? ADORABLE.
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I honestly don't know what the hell is going on in this picture, but his facial expression is so fucking cute that I'm squealing like a damn pig rn so,,,,
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I remember watching this for the first time and,, I kid you the fuck not,, I actually threw my phone across the room
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wow..... I've never been sO soft!! for someone in my entire life.......
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these might just be my 2 favorite pictures of mark lee....?? I mean, I say that about every picture, but these 2??? utterly flawless.
candid mark
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I looovveee his damn hair so so sooo much in these last 4 pictures and if sm fucks with it in any way, shape, or form,,, you best watch the fuck out........ (lmaoo this was before sm went and fried his hair aGAIN but tbh I expected nothing less from them,,,)
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he looks so smol and innocent in this picture and I'm barely keeping my shit together!!!!
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he looks like a motherfucking prince in these photos!!!!!!! I mean, am I right or am I right ??!?!?!!?!%@$^&
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idk man I just really love his smile and it truly brings happiness to my poor, dysfunctional, bitter soul
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these pictures are THE definition of ethereal!!!!!!
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I'm gonna take a moment to interrupt the ““cute”” theme I've got goin on to insert this (?) gem because idk what the fuck he’s doin but it really made me laugh so I thought I'd share
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I think I just heaved the biggest content sigh in history because I just really, really love mark lee
disrespectful mark
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idk who gave mark permission to be this blatantly rude but it sure as hell wasn't me!!!!
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alright I'm really gonna need him to stop because I feel all shaken up and I'm Not okay with this at all
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props to the camera person for holding their composure cause I sure as hell would’ve dropped Dead under such an intense gaze
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“mark” and “tough” don't really fit together all that well, but looking at this picture I'm absolutely, 100% positive he could beat the living shit out of me
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dunno what he’s doin but veins really fuck ya girl up and his arm in this photo is really testing me,,,,,,
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he looks so good???? but like,, too good?????? idk. I disapprove. NEXT
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these polaroids are both a blessing and a curse and the fans who got these are honestly the luckiest bitches on earth cause damn y’all really snatched yourselves a couple of winners!!!!
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no no non no on Ono nono. what do you think you’re doing. stop it right now and put the fucking jacket back on!! and no more tank tops..... my heart can't handle such things........
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honestly, I don't even know anymore..... I'm literally speechless......... I just don't know how its humanly possible to look That FUCking gOOD!!!! everything about this picture is messin with my head and he’s reaalllllyyyyy startin to test a bitch,,
boyfriend mark
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well, damn. he’s really out here just servin us these boyfriend looks, isn’t he???
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tbh it might just be because his back and chest look so Broad in these photos, but I'm pickin up some major boyfriend-ish vibes!!!
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awww boyfriend mark impatiently watching the clock tick by as he counts down the minutes until he gets to see your beautiful face ((((’:;;::;
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oh damn,, boyfriend mark waiting to pick you up outside your job :^]
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can you just imagine walking next to mark and looking up to find him staring at you like this I'd funking DIE!!!!!
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boyfie mark carrying your backpack for you as the two of you walk home from school together (((((((’’:
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boyfriend mark staring at you from afar while another guy shamelessly flirts with you ;o
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tbh this is how boyf mark would look whenever the two of you get into a pretty heated argument... expect the silent treatment and some intense glares
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“oh shit, oh shit, oh shit! I'm late for our date!! gotta run, gotta run, gotta ru-”
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shopping with boyfriend mark!!!!! (peep dat arm doe,,,,)
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yeah, yeah. I know it’s just a picture of his back - but like... just picture yourself walking up to that and giving him the warmest, tightest, most affectionate backhug you could......... cause same
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boyfriend mark goin to pick ya ass up while trying not to draw too much attention to himself,,, shhhh!!
pre-debut mark
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okay but mark was the cutest damn child, and like,, that's a fact
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I just wanna tuck him into bed and read him some bedtime stories )))’:::
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k I think we can all agree that mark’s mirror selfies are LEGENDARY. NEVER LET THESE DIE. EVER.
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why does his outfit remind me of something justin bieber circa 2012 would wear lmao
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don't come at me but like,, why do these 2 pics remind me of seventeen’s vernon......... i mean im jus sayin........
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this picture? is so? precious??? caN I JUST SWADDLE HIM PLEASE??????
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oh look!! this must’ve been right around the time when sm stopped allowing mark to get even the slightest bit of rest!!!
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he looks like such a lil man here dear lord
the many hairstyles/colors throughout mark’s career
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starting off with the 7th sense debut, we have marks.... questionable.... black, choppy, bangs-cut-too-short hairstyle!! it truly is one for the books....
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moving onto fire truck era, sm kinda dropped a bomb on us with the multi-colored hair. but as crazy as orange and purple hair sounds (and kinda looks) mark actually pulled it off pretty damn well???
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buT THEN IN THE MIDDLE OF PROMOTIONS THEY DECIDED TO DYE HIS WHOLE HEAD PURPLE AND BLESS US ALL!! like, I have a hard time picturing mark with extremely bright and extravagant hair colors (like hyuck or chenle) but lemme tell ya mark looked so damn good with the purple holy shit sm brinG THAT BACK!!!
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and then at the end of promotions (obvs prepping mark’s hair for dreams debut) they decided his scalp hadn’t been through enough, so they bleached it and made him blonde (((’::::
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dreams debut!!!!! whoop whoop!!!! they dyed mark’s hair a rose gold tinted color and honestly?? he looked hella good???? idk what I was saying earlier about not being able to see mark pull off bright and extravagent colors cause my boy absolutely slayed orange, purple AND pink!!!
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now we come across the holy period that was mark’s dirty blonde hair during chewing gum promotions,,,, let’s all just take a moment of silence because of how damn Good this look was..... the color and the haircut itself were so fucking nice and tbfh i have a special place in my heart for this look
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whelp..... here comes limitless!!! the BOP of the century, but also the fucking disaster of the millennium that was marks perm........... sm did my boy so dirty with this one..... as if his hair hadn't been through enough torture, they go and do THIS? sickening.
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NOW WE’RE BACK ON OUR GOOD STREAK!! after the perm settled down a bit they finally realized that they needed to make up for their horrendous mistake, SO they put a lil pink in the mix and BAM!! we got our lil cotton candy baby (^=
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and then the pink started to fade )))’:: leaving him with cute little pink tinted curls!!!! (((’::
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MFAL (what an era.....) if im being completely honest, mark’s mfal hair is my religion. it’s not nearrlllyyy as poofy and untamed as it was before, and the little blonde curls really worked for him rip...
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not to mention when they straightened it and we got our royal prince lookin ass mark lee!!!!
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head shot pop,, cherry bomb was another holy era for marks hair. it had been sooo long since we’d seen dark haired mark that it pretty much threw the whole fandom into a frenzy when it happened.
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tbfh his we young hair took a little while to grow on me. i’ve always loved the longer, shaggier bangs on mark, and the short bangs were giving me war flashbacks to t7s era,,,, and the shaved sides were so!!! different that idk. it just took me a while to adjust...
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but I would later come to Love his we young hair because it eventually grew into this fucking beauty - which is also my faVORITE DAMN HAIRSTYLE ON THIS BOY,, HOLY SHIT!!! HIS HAIR JUST LOOKS SO PERFECT AND I JUST WANNA RUN MY FINGERS THROUGH IT AND PLAY WITH IT AGGHHJJHBPWUEB
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**sigh** but then sm went and did what they always do and fucked with something that was already perfect ///: I mean, although i am pretty distraught over the loss of quite possibly the best hair style of his career, he does look mighty fine with the honey blond color so its all good (((;;
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anD THEN!! THEY LITERALLY BLEW ALL OF US OUT OF THE DAMN WATER WITH THE FUCKING BRIGHT, STOP SIGN, TICKLE ME ELMO LOOKIN ASS RED!!!!!!!! NAAaahhhh I'm just playin :”)) i’ve said it so many times already, but he really can pull off just about any color and i must say, the red is really workin for him,, uh huh, uh huh, yes sir!!
the lil duck face pout
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idk why he Always does this but it’s fucking hilarious and it never fails to crack me tf up
cute stage persona
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y’all, i dont even know. he’s in the middle of dancing but he just looks so cute and squishy!! i had to include it
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again... I have no words other than his smile is fucking. flawless.
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I can totally picture in my head the dorky lil dance move he did along with that face to whoever was taking the picture and honestly,, I can’t help but smile
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I have no clue what the hell he’s doing, but i could care less!!! i’m just gonna go with it!!!!!!!
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omfg he’s like that one nerdy friend who tries to act all cool but just ends up embarrassing himself ((and looking hella cute while doing so)) gaAAHHhHHH
rude stage persona
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mark is always facking adorable!! but the few times he decides to act all rude, he makes sure to have absolutely zero fucking mercy on us, and its Not fair!!
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don’t give me that face istg imma smack the shit outta ya!!!!
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he’s literally just rapping but i feel highly offended and i would appreciate a sincere apology
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mark is smiling 95% of the time, but the other 5% that he’s not, he’s making faces like these^^ and im real fuckin tired of the blatent disregard for my feelings!!
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I don't approve! I don't approve at all!!!! the look on his face is throwin me off and I'm confused!!!!!!
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mark + hats = A Look I'm here for
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first up, we got them bucket hats!!!! if ya ask me, mark can pull off almost any hat, and he kinda looks adorable in the bucket hats (especially with his blond curly mops fallin out of em!!!!)
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now onto the snapbacks! a very typical look, yet he still looks breathtaking ((’::::
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and now we’ve got the floppy hats (?) and tbh he kinda looks adorable in them???
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and finally we've got..... whatever the fuck this thing is lmao kinda reminds me of a chef hat but my boy still looks hecka fly so its gucci!!!!
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idk, but I need to rant about it !!
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not only is ya girl emo as helllllll because he successfully graduated high school despite his fucking insane schedule, (yeah,, I'm lookin at you sm... fight me), but these grad pics are the definition of heavenly !!!!!!!!
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this boy video took me for all that I'm worth.... he just looked so? fucking? good??? like I wanna know who the fuck he thinks he is just lookin all fine and shit,,,
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y’alls..... i honestly didnt even know which category to stick this beauty under because i was honestly just?? blown the absolute fuck away??? with the perfection of not only this photo, but the boy in the photo, as well??????? like,, the dark, shaggy hair along with that lil smirk are really doin some fucked up shit to ya girl and i just dont know anything anymore (((’=
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not much to say about this one.... I just think he looks hella adorable crouched down into a lil ball ((’:
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first of all: no
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second of all: No
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third of all: the hell you think you lookin at?
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last of all: N O
(like for real, who gave you the right to look all grown and shit?? cause I'd like to have a few words with them......)
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and last, but certainly not least, we've got this golden picture of mark dressed like a middle aged, white, suburban dad.... do with it what you will (((’:::::
**all pic creds go to their rightful owners
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keywestlou · 3 years
This morning a first. I am back to doing a normal blog. My first Greece trip has ended.
I enjoyed sharing the trip with you. Hopefully you enjoyed reading it. I received many favorable comments, except for one. A snowbird good friend. He was unhappy. He had followed it day by day 9 years ago and was bored with the repetition.
I returned to Greece the next year. I plan later this year in doing that trip. If any of you think you would not enjoy it, speak now or forever hold your peace.
I took about 600 photos of the trip. Never posted them. Sloan and I have been working on how to set them up, etc. In a week or two I will begin posting. Once a week. Eight to ten pics with some brief identifying information below. And not all 600. Not even close.
The reason I opted to run the first Greece trip again was because there was little to write about. Before coronavirus, I was out and about most evenings. There was much to report.
However, the virus has kept me self quarantined for more than a year now. Key West residents and visitors not available to me. Nor the Chart Room or any other bar.
Prior to the virus, I rarely wrote about politics and world happenings. Without Key West available, I was forced to write about those 2 areas.
An interesting observation. My readers have doubled with the changeover primarily to politics. I plan on mixing Key West and politics as soon as I am out again. I hope the new readers stay with me.
My second shot is March 27. I am told I should remain in self quarantine for another 2-3 weeks. Then ok to go out. However must wear a mask.
I can live with it.
An article in Newsmax 3/7 reported death row murderers would receive stimulus checks. Doesn’t sound right. However politics being what it is, you never know.
Senator Tom Cotton (R-Ark) was interviewed by Newsmax and shared the information.
Before my sharing it with you, let me make one thing clear. I fear Cotton and those of his breed. He is a far righter. Even worse a favorite of the moneyed Republicans we never hear about. He and his friends want him to run for Presidnet in 2024.
He is of the same ilk of Senator Hawley. Birds of a feather.
One thing that has been bothering me the past couple of years is that many of the new Republican faces are Harvard or Yale law graduates. These people receive the finest legal educations which for some reason I cannot fathom sets them off on a path even beyond Trump.
Cotton provided the following examples of death row murderers to receive stimulus checks.
Dylan Roof murdered 9 people. He is on federal death row.
The Boston Bomber Dzhokhor Tsarnaev who murdered 3 people and terrorized a city.
Aaron Shamo was sentenced to life for selling 1 million fentanyl-laced fake oxycodone pills to unsuspecting buyers.
What is the justification for providing death row murderers and those sentenced to life with the stimulus? For commissary use buying cigarettes, soda pop, and candy?
Florida COVID-19 vaccine shots chaos. Distribution still sucks in Florida.
A woman in Florida City stood in line for 5 hours with her 6 month baby and when reached was turned away on some technical reason. That same day, the Florida City sites were allowing people without appointments to be vaccinated.
Eligibility requirements were screwed up. Those providing the shots were not aware who could get a shot. Eligibility practiced in an uncertain fashion, and not properly so in most instances.
The Washington Post 3/4 reported living in Texas right now feels like an exercise in survival. Citizens are caught between the power failure and Governor Abbott opening Texas 100 percent beginning wednesday.
My adult life has been governed by the philosophy that every one must have a seat at the economic table. Not just the rich. Rich, middle class, and poor alike. Each must receive the benefits of the American economy. Not however must each earn an equal amount of money.
People must be able to afford to buy things like food, clothing, and shelter.
The U.S. minimum wage for years has been $7.25 an hour. Whether rich or poor, an insufficient amount to live on. I wonder what Senators and Representatives would do if they and their families had to live on $7.25 an hour.
NBC News recently said: “The world has changed.”
In addition to every one having a seat at the table, I have also believed that if not all are and some struggle, there will be revolt in order for people to survive economically. It is the story of history.
Today is International Woman’s Day. Biden will be signing an Executive Order establishing a Gender Policy Council within the White House. Its purpose to support gender equity and Title XI policies.
Equality wise women have risen dramatically over the years. What I have observed in my lifetime alone supports the premise.
The birth control pill had something to do with it. Gave women a sense of equality and protection. The feminist movement in the 1960s and 1970s likewise.
Recall around 1970, the new cigarette Virginia Slims came out directed primarily at female purchasers. Its advertising slogan: You’ve Come A Long Way, Baby!
While I was in law school in the late 1950s, there were only 2 women in my class. Today ladies make up more than half. The same is applicable to medical school graduates.
Female judges abound. Women gradually becoming CEOs of major corporations.
They may have come a long way, the ladies are going to go even further. It’s a new world!
International Woman’s day is not a new event. It was established by Clara Zetkio at an International Woman’s Conference in 1910 in Copenhagen.
My thought process has reached the point where I believe women should basically run the world. Men have for centuries and screwed it up. Let the ladies have a chance. They could not do worse and probably do better.
On this day in 1917, the Russian Revolution began.
International Woman’s Day had something to do with it.
The “February Revolution” as it is called, began over protests celebrating International Woman’s Day and riots in St. Petersburg over food rations and Russia’s involvement in World War I.
I have always found Russian history prior to, during and since 1917 interesting and exciting. Russian movies and novels have contributed to that interest and excitement.
I was fortunate while in college in the mid 1950s to take 2 courses taught by Alexander Kerensky. Kerensky was there in Russia as a prominent figure during the Russian Revolution.
At the beginning, there were 2 Russian factions. The Whites and Reds. The Whites first controlled the government. Not for long. Several months at the most.
Kerensky was the President of the White Bolsheviks. Lenin was a leader of the Red Bolsheviks. Lenin toppled Kerensky. Kerensky had to escape to save his life. He eventually ended up in the U.S.
The contrast between Lenin and Kerensky is interesting also. Probably why Lenin succeeded where Kerensky failed. Lenin came to power promising “peace, land and bread.” At a time Kerensky’s people were selling more efficient government and continued participation in World War I.
What a time in world history!
I live and learn. I seem to make that statement more frequently in recent years.
We all have heard the word misogynist. Represents men strongly prejudicial against women.
How many have heard the word misandrist. Represents hatred of men by women. The word rare. Its meaning I suspect prevalent.
Enjoy your day!
DEATH ROW MURDERERS WILL GET STIMULUS CHECKS was originally published on Key West Lou
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thedenimdentist · 3 years
Sizing Unsanforized Denim: an update on my Warehouse 1001XX
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When I first purchased my pair of Warehouse 1001XX, I thought I had a decent understanding on how to size sanforized vs. unsanforized denim, and how to manipulate the fabric for my advantage. Boy, was I wrong. In this follow-up article, I will take a step back and look at what it means to be sanforized or unsanforized, and use this understanding to explain why denim shrinks and stretches, and how to use that knowledge to size jeans appropriately. 
As a disclaimer, the first half of this article is essentially a crash course in denim terms/definitions, how it is constructed, and why it shrinks. Those who are already more experienced in the world of denim can probably skip ahead to all of my measurement charts, photos, findings, and conclusions.
What is sanforization?
Before we go into what sanforization entails, we must first understand how denim is made. First, the cotton is pulled tightly and spun into long yarn fibers  which, in this stretched and elongated state, are woven together into a denim fabric. In this raw state, the frictional forces within the denim holds the individual fibers in their elongated state, un-shrunken. When this denim is exposed to water, these frictional forces are released and the individual fibers relax, allowing the fibers (and hence, the denim as a whole) to shrink down to their natural length. The exact amount of shrinkage of any given denim may be unique and difficult to predict. Thus, prior to construction of a garment, most denim undergoes a sanforization process to remove shrinkage and stabilize the fabric in width and length. 
The process of sanforization was invented in 1930 by Sanford Lockwood Cluett.  Once removed from the loom, the freshly woven denim is then fed into a sanforization machine which uses a series of rubber sleeves, rollers, and heated cylinders to heat, moisten, stretch, and shrink the fabric. This removes most of the shrinkage that will occur otherwise after its first wash, resulting in a stable fabric (in both length and width) with a smoother, more uniform finish. This “pre-shrunk” denim can then be cut and sewn into your favorite denim garments without worrying about significant shrinkage during the first wash.
What is unsanforized denim?
Unsanforized denim simply skips this sanforization process. In doing so, the denim is left in more raw, unrefined state, retaining all the shrinkage potential within its fibers. If used to construct a pair of jeans, jacket, or any other garment, this loom state denim will exhibit variable and sometimes significant shrinkage during its first wash. This, obviously, can make it difficult for an inexperienced denimhead to size unsanforized denim garments.
The denim typically has much more texture (having not passed through the sanforization machine), which becomes even more evident upon washing. This also usually results in more rippling, puckering, and cinching along the seams, which creates some really interesting (and awesome) fade patterns as the denim ages.
Okay, I understand sanforization and unsanforization. But what does “one wash” mean?
Whether a denim has undergone the sanforization process should not be confused with denim that has gone through “one wash.” Both sanforized and unsanforized denim can be “one wash” or “non-wash.” The description of “one wash” can be interpreted literally—the factory or business has taken the liberty of washing the garment themselves before making it available for sale. This removes majority of the shrinkage left in the denim (after the garment has been constructed), making it easier to size when purchasing online.
My Experience with the unsanforized Warehouse 1001XX in Size 33
Before I go any further, I want to preface this by disclosing that I am by no means a “denim expert." I do not know how to size the perfect pair of jeans for every body type, nor can I predict how a soak, wash, or dry might affect any particular denim. This is merely what I believe to be true based on my limited experience, so take from it what you will.
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At the time I first purchased this pair, I believed unsanforized jeans should be oversized initially in order to accommodate for shrinkage with their first soak/wash. Unfortunately, the size 33 pair of Warehouse banner denim I received had a 36″ waist—significantly larger than I had anticipated. I attempted to hot machine wash them to maximize the amount of shrinkage, which brought them down to my ideal 33.5″. I was stoked! However, this sense of excitement did not last long, as the denim began to re-stretch and relax with wear. (Read my detailed article on the size 33 pair and my hot machine wash process here.)
After just a few wears, I realized that they were already stretching more than I would have liked. Actually, I didn’t mind the fit of the relaxed straight leg. What bothered me was the excessive room in the waist. Below, I’ve provided a sizing chart for the raw measurements, post-hot machine wash, and after a few wears, as well as fit pics at all 3 stages.
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In retrospect, sizing up to account for shrinkage in the waist was a critical mistake. While the denim shrank initially from a 36″ waist to 33.5″, they quickly stretched back out to 34.5″ after just a few wears. This occurred despite cinching these tight with a belt, and I expect that they would continue to stretch regardless of if I continued to wear a belt or not.
My Experience with Size 31
After much deliberation, I decided to purchase the Warehouse 1001XX again from the Son of a Stag website—this time in a size 31. (Two sizes down!) The size 31 had a raw measurement of 33.5″ in the waist, which is what I ultimately wanted after wash and wear. Again, I’ve provided all the measurements I took at the raw, post-wash, and post-wear stages, along with the fit pics. (Please note, I decided to do a cold machine wash with size 31 pair, as opposed to the hot machine wash I did with the size 33 pair.)
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*The 32″ waist post-machine wash is probably less than actual shrinkage, as I pulled not the waist while they were still damp, scared that they had shrank too much.
**I also pulled on the leg some after the wash, in order to lengthen the leg a bit. This would explain the 0.5″ stretch in the inseam after wear.
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This pair shrank fairly significantly after the initial cold wash, becoming uncomfortably snug from the waist through the thigh. However, they have since loosened up significantly, and now they fit great!
My New Understanding of Unsanforized Denim
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With everything discussed above, it is understandable why raw, unsanforized denim shrinks upon first wash. However, while the length of the individual fibers may have relaxed (shrunk), the actual amount of cotton that exists within each fiber remains unchanged. We can expect that all of these shrunken fibers have the potential to stretch back to their raw measurements if enough tension is placed on them. Thus, for a pair of washed, unsanforized jeans, we can theorize that the amount of post-wash stretch is directly proportional to the amount of tension experienced during wear. For instance, the waist measurement (a place of highest tension) will exhibit significant stretch after wear, while the hem (leg opening) and inseam will exhibit far less stretch back with wear.
This theory is confirmed by the measurements of my size 31 pair of Warehouse 1001XX after wash and wear. As these were super snug after washing, the waist experienced a significant amount of tension with wear, and thus stretched back to its raw measurement of 33.5″. The denim experienced less and less horizontal tension as it moves down the leg, and thus exhibits increasingly less stretch, with the hem remaining unchanged after shrinkage. 
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The process of purchasing raw, unsanforized denim is often overly mystified and made to seem unnecessarily daunting. Most sources I’ve found online recommend sizing up to account for shrinkage during a first wash. It is true, sizing up does allow denim to fit more comfortably immediately after wash. However, given my experience with these Warehouse jeans, sizing up and relying on shrinkage to create an ideal fit merely results in a pair of jeans that inevitably stretches to be more relaxed in the waist than desired. 
While my experience is still fairly limited, I believe the following principles for sizing raw, unsanforized denim to be true:
The waist of raw, unsanforized jeans should be purchased true to size. Regardless of if it is hot soaked, cold soaked, or machine washed, the denim will stretch back to their raw measurements with wear. (Note: this is based on the assumption that you can still button the jeans after initial shrinkage. If they are unable to be buttoned at all, the denim will not experience the necessary tension in order to stretch it back to their raw measurement.)
Similar to the waist, the rear rise of a pair of jeans also experiences a significant amount of tension with wear. Thus, I’ve found that the rear rise stretches back out to pretty much its raw measurement as well.
Be sure to account for some shrinkage in the width of the leg. While there may be some relapse with wear, the amount of tension placed on the thigh is not as much as on the waistband, and will thus probably not exhibit complete stretch back to the raw measurement. The hem, however, experiences little to no tension with wear, and will likely remain in their shrunken state indefinitely.
The inseam is one measurement that is the most affected by washing. Like the hem, the leg experiences little to no vertical tension during wear, and will remain permanently, significantly shortened. With both my size 33 and 31 Warehouse jeans, the inseam shrank 2.5″. The inseam shrinkage may be different for any particular denim, and is thus difficult to predict. It is usually recommended to wait until after a pair is shrunken with its first wash before hemming. Luckily I wasn't too picky on the exact inseam length I ultimately wanted. If you are, I recommend waiting until after you wash them, then taking them to a tailor yourself for hemming.
Anyway, this summarizes my recent experience with sizing my pair of unsanforized Warehouse 1001XX. If you have found anything different in your experience (or I have written anything incorrect), please let me know. I may write a third review in the future documenting how this denim breaks in and fades with wear, but until then, those that care can follow along this fade journey on my Instagram (@thedenimdentist).
First (shameless plug), if anyone is interested in purchasing my size 33 pair, please let me know! They’ve been worn a total of 4 times in the evening after work, and have not been worn since the 360° fit pics were taken. I expect the very extensive measurement chart should also help a lot with sizing. They currently have a 34.5” waist, but like my size 31 pair, I would expect them to potentially stretch back up to their raw measurement of 36” if need be. DM me on Instagram if you’re interested or have any questions. Thanks!
Second, I’d like to thank a few of my Instagram friends I used as a resource during this Warehouse sizing and washing endeavor, whose knowledge, experience, and understanding of unsanforized denim far outweigh my own. This would include (but is not limited to) Paul @partial2vintage, Mikko @migigp, Richie @richie_thomson, Jake @almostvintagestyle, and Chris @sasaki___kojiro13. Thank you for answering all of my questions putting up with my indecisiveness. Lol
Lastly, I would also like to thank Linda, David, Rudy, and the customer service staff at Son of a Stag. I was one of those annoying customers who asks a bajillion questions and requests several measurements with photos, and they were kind enough to oblige. Also, they’re one of the few retailers I could find who offer a wide range of Warehouse products, so if you're in the market I’d definitely give their shop a look.
0 notes
anxious-band-pan · 4 years
A list of random crackheadery from high school cause I low key miss it
“I’m gonna yeet myself into the afterlife”
“I’m gonna rotisserie cook your future children and eat them”
“KARMA’S A B*TCH!” Yelled while playing a game of uno in homeroom very loudly
a kid walked around our lunchroom with a fake blue bird pinned in his hair which was life size and honestly the weirdest part of lunch
“What should i put on my shirt for (x club)? It’s between uwu, Space Boi uwu, and rawr XD. My goal is to be as cringey as possible.”
*crying* “Well you just threw off my groove and i-“
(To the tune of G-6) “I’m a dumb bish, I’m a dumb bish”
“(X name)! How far would you have been if i didn’t stop you to tell you you’re a thot”. “Probably yeeted off a bridge by now”
“He just looks like a sad pigeon with a boss hat”
(To the tune of celebrate good times) “end my suffering, come on!”
“My hands are white!” “YOU’RE WHITE!”
“I’m a firm believer in don’t judge something unless you try it, unless it’s illegal or drugs; don’t do drugs kids”
“.....but not all dogs can fit on skateboards!”
“Can we just cut my legs off and sell them”
“Invade my body, daddy bacteria”
“That’s what I imagine it would sound like if a spider ran in tap shoes”
“My church had an average attendance of 421 this year, we were so freaking close”
“Did you know that Waluigi has the same number of syllables as hallelujah, so if you think of any song with hallelujah in it you can replace it with Waluigi and it’ll fit”
“Anyone wanna feel my swollen gland”
“Your gay is like your mother’s tendency to sleep with men: plentiful”
“If being gay is a sin is satan the gay fairy”
“Vines are like actual vines: you get stuck and you never get out” “vines can choke you though” “Yes choke me daddy vine”
“You are each gonna have a burger component on your back” “I wanna be the meat ;)”
“Grab me however you want daddy hamburger”
*showing a paper with a picture of a bottom bun* “I guess you could say I’m a.... bottom”
“Shut up, don’t talk about my potatoes like that”
“Can you snort tide pods”
*whisper screaming and hitting a chair* “WHY IS COTTON EYED JOE BACK”
“But if two furries screw, is god cool with that?”
“PHD- pretty high dolphins”
“Do crocs have memory foam? i think not”
“I’ve run out of creative ways to whip”
“This is why we shouldn’t legalize weed, because we’re having this conversation sober”
“Don’t you just get sad every time a chair dies”
“Praise our lord and savior, Magic Mike”
“I’ll give you fifty bucks if you can guess what’s in my thermos.” “Coffee.” “No. It’s chicken noodle soup”
“I’m gonna eat your fingernails” “did you say EAT” “yeah, I’m gonna chew his fingernails off”
“I already went back to Mexico”
“You’re the BFG” “How so” “Big Frickin Gay”
“But since you’re gay, would you date me if i was” “the only way I’d date you is if you were an online catfish”
“We have a speaker with fake arms today” “he cant bring those in the school those are weapons” “how is he gonna throw them?” “With his feet”
“did you say the THOT police?” “no you idiot the THOUGHT police”
“I’m not scared of Russia. Like honestly i can beat them”
“I share a brian with satan and it smells shirty” (not a typo. Those exact words. I think it was making fun of a typo)
“I look like I’m about to go repaint all my mugs with lead paint”
“And today on the game show of sentences i never thought I’d have to say: it’s not a necklace if you buy it in the pet aisle of walmart”
“You look like the kind of person who would cut spaghetti with dull scissors”
“Hey, hey, hey, not in my f***ing Christian Minecraft server”
“We’re all going to hell” “Not me” “listen we’re in a school we’re already there” “True”
*to the tune of “what is love? Baby don’t hurt me”* “POKÉMON! BABY DON’T HURT ME, DON’T HURT ME, NO MORE”
“I’m gonna suck your eyeballs”
“Are we not allowed to have our nails painted since we’re guys” -a definite female, to another definite female
“Ok, so here’s the deal: straight people are uncooked spaghetti. Gay people are cooked rotini. I’m kinda like a cooked spaghetti. I’m not straight, I’m in between.” “The Italian is now interested I’m here what’s up with pasta”
“This song reminds me of Mexican food” “How does this remind you of Mexican food it’s jazz?”
“You’re not allowed to switch schools, I need my twin cop”
“You guys are the reason I wanna die” “you guys are the reason I drink”
*taking a huge drink of peanut butter hot chocolate* “I’m allergic to peanut butter” “THEN WHY DID YOU DRINK IT????” “Because i wanna die”
“so there’s two kinds of country hicks: the yee haws and the haw yees. Now the yee haws are the ones in country songs, they’re vaguely normal and drink and do horse riding stuff. The haw yees are the ones who fish with their hands and then f*** their cousins afterwards”
“Pop is just spicy water”
“I’m sorry, it’s not pizza Steve anymore” “Who is it” “the fresh prince of bel air”
A kid took his phone out of the microwave like that was a normal thing that humans do
“Chinese people eat cats, why not lesbians?” *teacher looks up* “saying Chinese people eat cats is too far”
“A gryffindor and a ravenclaw ooh this is good”
Two girls at the exact same time: *Gasp* TEA!
*girl leans back and cracks her head on a counter kind of thing* a friend:”that’s the third f***ing time!”
“If you ever need a professional con artist I’m here” *teacher looks up* “you didn’t hear that” teacher:”hear what”
“Guys I’m stupid. You know when there’s a big number and then a lil number what’s the lil one called” “exponent?” “Yeah!”
*impersonating yoda screaming*
*chugging coffee* “well, I’m still just as tired, but now my atoms are just jazzed.”
“Not to quote Frozen, but you can’t marry a man you just met!”
“Not knowing what kind of exorcise people are talking about is always interesting, because I don’t know if we’re talking about working out or satan”
“If we actually die in the scene where they kill themselves, do we get bonus?” Teacher: *sighs* “sure.”
“Physically you have hair but spiritually you’re bald.”
*Singing boyfriend by BTR for about an hour straight*
“Stop saying teehee you sound like off brand Michael Jackson”
“He smells dead mice for a living!”
*kicking someone’s foot off a ledge* “long live the king!”
*holding a banana like a weapon* “give me all your debt!”
“I want my fingers to be four inches long”
“Let me read your head for a second”
“Oh no you’re white out now”
“This is what happens when your insides are cold”
“Did you just call me a dumb banana?”
“So Kelvin is Fahrenheit...”
“Let me add another fat roll to your arm”
“You wanna see a cute pic of my baby nephew?” “Sure but I might cry”
“Listen I need these pictures to load so I can see if my goats are being little crackheads”
“I keep trying to see if you’re a VSCO girl but you’re holding out on us”
“Pumpkin. Spice. Bleach.”
“I’m already a mother and I don’t like it.”
“This is a vegan cult, Jessica”
“Did you just say you started a religion?” “Yeah, I think I’ll call it the Fedoras”
“Isn’t a fedora just like... a cowboy hat but formal”
“Yes choke me daddy panic”
“I’m your emotional support crackhead deal with it”
“She got possessed by country satan”
“If you think about it toes are just little feet”
“Oh my god imagine if you pronounced Roosevelt like goose”
“Roosevelt got really sad when i broke up with him.”
“I love how I just classified reaper as its own state of being”
“So Santa’s not a cryptid”
“We’re not meat creatures like crabs”
“Do you want to be a famous writing?”
“Self care is becoming a breaded chicken tender on the weekends”
“You are a little yellow boy”
“I gotta look up how to have a stroke”
“At least you still have straight privilege”
“You piece of b*tch”
“Children having skulls is scary”
“You wanna crochet my friend a rat”
“If you kill yourself and you have a life insurance policy that your family then collects, is that insurance fraud?”
“Spaghetti man is talking about pregnancy and I’m scared”
“You’re the cutest trash I’ve ever seen”
“Poetry? Lame. DriversEd? Lame. Dousing myself in butter and becoming a dinner roll? F*ckin’ MINT”
“Finally, an invention to get rid of me” *zooms in on words garbage disposal*
“Is Swiper from Dora a furry or an actual fox?”
“I’m laughing because I just realized the word identity has t*tty in it”
“Oh my god I thought Paris was a country”
“Girl if you are having a baby this month the only thing you are birthing is FLAT Stanley”
“My eyes really said gardening”
“I snorted soapy water this morning”
“Intestines: do you really need them or are they a social construct?”
“I watched the first episode of that show illegally, and it was great”
“How much does a hit man cost in this economy?”
“Is santa wearing stripper heels?”
“No, I didn’t give birth to a baby cow”
“I am a whole grape not a raisin”
“I’ve decided on my career. I’m becoming a hit man for cheap”
“And you fought the tomato”
“You can be gay with the homeless”
0 notes
kutemouse · 4 years
And Then He Was Gray (Part Two)
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Disclaimer: I edited the pic I used for my header, but the OG pic belongs to BTS & BigHit. The pic below isn’t mine either. I obviously don’t own Balenciaga.
Age Recommendation: 21+ (Not just a recommendation, kuties!)
Warnings: Consumption of alcohol, Tae and JK being rowdy drunks, lonely angst that disappears when he comes into the story (I think you know who I’m talking about by now 😉), sexual tension, talk of sex, betting, SWEARZ 4 DAYZ, lotsa skin showing, bikinis!
Word Count: 1,626
Summary: Your best friend Jeon Soyeon invites you to a kick-back with all of her friends and their significant others, intent on hooking you up with someone. Everyone seems taken, though, until he arrives, wearing a star-studded, gray top that makes your mouth water.
And Then He Was Gray (Jin One-Shot, Smut, Fluff) Part Two
At the mention of beer pong, everyone cheered in agreement and started inside with me taking up the rear. I smiled, seeing Soyeon and Miyeon’s hands still intertwined. I was happy for them, I really was… but I couldn’t help feeling a bit left out. It’d been a long while since I had a boyfriend, choosing to concentrate on my family’s business rather than my social life after high school. Still, I missed having someone by my side, someone to cuddle with and confide in… someone who understood me. And yet, I hadn’t had a date in over two years. All of the boys I knew seemed to be either taken or not into girls like me. Then again, I was picky as well. It took a special kind of man to catch my eye.
I nervously tugged at my gray skirt again as we went into the basement and sat on various couches and chairs situated around a tv and ping pong table. Taehyung and Jungkook set up the cups in pyramid formations on both sides, filling them nearly to the brim with beer once they were done.
“Alright, rules!” Taehyung shouted over the din. “Teams of two each, and we’ll rotate out so the next team plays the winner of each round. Whoever’s left standing will be crowned the ultimate beer pong champions!”
“So extra,” Soyeon muttered, rolling her eyes.
Taehyung smirked. “And just for you, So-So, I’m adding another rule. Bounce shots that sink means two cups to drink.”
Soyeon groaned amidst the chuckles that broke out. “Taehyung, you know I’m already the worst at beer pong, do you have to make it even harder for me?!”
Miyeon grabbed my best friend’s hand and leaned in close. “Don’t worry, I’m pretty good,” she said, rubbing her thumb soothingly over Soyeon’s fingers.
I felt a twinge of disappointment. I was hoping Soyeon and I would be a team, but it looks like I’d be the odd person out. “Whatcha all doing?” a voice said. I turned to see him for the first time, intently watching us from the doorway. His right arm stretched above his head as he rested his elbow easily on the doorframe. I swallowed hard as I noticed his gray, star-patterned shirt riding up just enough for me to catch a glimpse of a lean, toned torso and a peek of what appeared to be Balenciaga boxers. He leaned forward, a playful smirk on his full, pink lips, causing his shirt to ride up and his jeans to slide down even more. My lips parted unconsciously as heat flooded straight to my core.
I immediately knew I wanted a taste of that honey-toned skin and those cotton-candy lips. The guy’s piercing brown eyes caught mine and his smirk grew. Tingles broke out all over my body. Shit. He knew my secret. I don’t know how, but he knew.
He tore his gaze away from me as his friends greeted him. “Jin, fucking finally!” Namjoon said, standing up and clapping him on the shoulder.
“Yeah, we would’ve waited for you, hyung,” Taehyung pouted. “We’ve already started beer pong, and everyone has a team already.”
“Not everyone,” I said loudly. Everyone turned to look at me, Soyeon’s mouth dropping open in shock. Now that I think about it, I think this was the first time she’d ever seen me speak up in a public setting. I was normally pretty shy and reserved, keeping to myself and trying to not be a bother. Even I was astounded by my own behavior, but that look that he gave me… I just had to know. I had to know if he knew.
“Oh, that’s right,” Taehyung said weakly. “Y/n doesn’t have a team. Sorry Y/n, I didn’t realize we had an odd number.”
“That’s okay,” I said, shooting him a smile.
“Well, then,” Jin said. He stepped right in front of me, looking down at me sitting on the couch, hands shoved in his jean pockets. “Guess we’re a team.”
I blushed profusely as he sat down, making himself comfortable in the seat beside me and slinging an arm over to rest easily on top of the couch.
The first teams up were Tae and Yuqi versus Jungkook and Shuhua. The boys loudly trash-talked each other nearly the entire game, with the girls getting more and more giggly as more cups emptied. Finally, it was down to the last cup on Taehyung’s side, while Jungkook’s side had three cups left. “It’s over,” JK said, giving his hyung a wide, evil grin.
“Like hell it is,” Taehyung growled. “You got this, babe.”
Yuqi stepped up, swaying a little, and took her time lining up the shot. “Go Yuqi!” Shuhua cheered. “You can do it!”
Yuqi giggled then took the shot. It bounced off the rim of the cup, eliciting groans from everyone, including her boyfriend. “Awww, babe, don’t worry though, it’s okay,” Taehyung said, tugging his girlfriend close and brushing his nose against hers. “If we get out this round, we can go do something else that’s fun.”
“Oh hell no,” Jungkook said, pointing at Taehyung. “If I find you guys fucking in my bed, or anywhere else in this house, I will kick you out. I’m serious, Tae.”
“What if we promise to wash the sheets?” Taehyung said, waggling his eyebrows.
“Get the fuck out,” Jungkook retorted with a grin, pointing at the door.
“Okay, okay, let’s make things interesting,” Taehyung said, holding his hands up. “If you miss this next shot, you can’t say another word about what Yuqi and I do and where… but if you make it, Yuqi and I won’t touch a single bed in this place.”
“Or couch, or chair, or counter, or table.”
“Fine,” Taehyung said, rolling his eyes.
Jungkook lined up the shot, making us all hold our breath in anticipation. He tossed the ball, and I swear, the rest of us followed its entire trajectory with our eyes until it landed… hit the rim of the cup… and bounced off.
Taehyung roared in approval, grabbing Yuqi by the waist and spinning her around, while Jungkook sank to the floor in mock-defeat and Shuhua laughed her ass off. I was giggling at their exchange when Jin leaned over and murmured something in my ear. “I think we can easily take whoever wins.”
His breath tickled and I leaned away instinctively. “Yeah, maybe,” I muttered before clearing my throat.
I saw a trace of disappointment in Jin’s eyes at my reaction, but before I could question it, he blinked and it was gone, replaced by a laughing smile as he surveyed the drama in front of us. Taehyung may have won the bet, but Shuhua sunk the last shot, winning the game overall. “Alright, who’s next?!” Jungkook practically yelled.
“This is boooooring,” Soyeon drawled. “Don’t you guys have a pool? We brought our swimsuits, you know.”
I blinked. We did?
Jungkook and Taehyung looked at each other. “Pool it is,” Tae said, shrugging. “I needed an excuse to get naked anyway.”
Everyone groaned and Namjoon even chucked a pillow at Taehyung. “Shut the fuck up, dude,” he said, shaking his head.
“C’mon,” Soyeon muttered, grabbing me by the hand and pulling me up. “Shuhua has a bunch of stuff here. She’ll have something that’ll fit you.”
I followed my best friend down the hallway into what looked like a guest bedroom. She threw open a door to a walk-in closet filled with womens’ clothing, opening one of the drawers and rifling through it. “This is all Shuhua’s?” I gasped.
Soyeon shrugged. “Yeah. She stays here for weeks at a time since she lives kinda far away. Jungkook’s parents are cool with it because he keeps telling them they’re gonna get married.”
“Are they?”
“Eventually. They’ve been together since high school and are still hot for each other. I doubt they’ll be breaking up any time soon.”
“Must be nice,” I said absentmindedly.
My best friend turned to look at me. “Hey, you’ll find someone,” she said, stopping her search and reaching out to grab my hand. “In fact, I think that someone is here tonight. Did you see the way Jin looked at you?”
I shrugged uncomfortably. “I guess.”
Soyeon rolled her eyes. “Y/n. We have been trying so hard to find a girl Jin likes. I’ve introduced him to every acquaintance I have and then some,” she said. “He’s never looked at any of them the way he looked at you, let alone said more than two words to them.”
I frowned. “You’ve never introduced him to me.”
“Yeah, because he’s kind of a douchebag,” she said. “He treats girls like tissues… you know, use once then throw away? I think my best friend can do better.”
“Wait, then why are you now so intent on hooking us up?”
“Because,” Soyeon sighed, turning back around and rifling through the drawer once more. “At this rate, even if it’s only a one-night stand, it’s a win in my book.”
“Wow, thanks,” I scoffed.
“Hey, if getting laid by a smoking-hot, drop-dead gorgeous guy like Jin brings your sex drive back into play, then so much the better for you,” she retorted, tossing a couple pieces of fabric at me. “Wear this.”
I held them up to the light. “No,” I said firmly. The bikini was a pretty, bright turquoise, but it was so… flimsy. I’d feel totally naked wearing this. The top wore like a sports bra with straps criss-crossing in the front to show off some cleavage. The bottoms would be normal except one side was made entirely of straps, dipping towards my core in a provocative way.
“Fuck no.”
Soyeon tossed me a wide, mischievous smile. “Fuck yes.”
Y'all remember this?!?! I straight up died when this pic dropped. I stared at it quite frequently when I needed some inspiration for this one-shot. Enjoy suffering with me 😈 Here’s Part Three!
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popularchips-blog · 7 years
Installations For The Gram
New Post has been published on https://popularchips.com/dailies/installations-for-the-gram/
Installations For The Gram
“Instagrammable” has become a word of the generation. Be it arranging the perfect brunch layout or snapping a striking outfit shot with stunning backdrops, every experience in life can be an “Instagrammable” moment. In some cases, people travel to specific locations just to capture shots for the gram.
No one knows for sure which came first but there has been a rise of museums for the gram, with iconic exhibits that people could not help but whip out their phone for a FEW Instagram worthy shots. While the exhibits may have bigger goals, there is no doubt that social media especially Instagram has been a major contributor to their success.
With a little help from Popular Chips platform, we will be sharing some of the top posts taken at these places through using hashtags and geotags!
Museum of Ice Cream Official Site
Rooms filled with hanging yellow and pink bananas, giant ice cream sandwich swings and sprinkle pool – sounds like a scene right out of a kid’s sweetest dream? This place really do exists with walls of millennial pink, life size exhibits and sprinkle pool that you can dive right into for the perfect shot!
First started in 2016, the Museum of Ice Cream has only been to two places so far: New York and San Francisco. In these places, tickets were sold out within five days of opening at New York and for San Francisco, entire six-month run worth of tickets were snatched in 90 minutes.
i scream, you scream, we all scream.. when i blow up the bathroom because i'm lactose intolerant
A post shared by Liza Koshy (@lizzzak) on Sep 2, 2017 at 6:39pm PDT
Museum of Ice Cream pics are on AspynOvard.com today! Have any of you guys been? What did you think? I loved it!!
A post shared by ASPYN OVARD (@aspynovard) on Sep 17, 2017 at 10:02am PDT
Just as I imagined it. It was bananas. 🍌 🍌
A post shared by Arielle Vandenberg (@arielle) on Sep 11, 2017 at 12:45pm PDT
I Learned Gummy Bears Got My Back… Had Phone Calls On A Pink 📞 With Bae… And Had A Sugar Party… all at The #MuseumOfIcecream
A post shared by Ciara (@ciara) on Aug 17, 2017 at 4:04pm PDT
@museumoficecream is now in SF! Hope all my friends get to experience the sprinkle pool ✨🌈
A post shared by Danielle Lombard (@daniellellombard) on Aug 23, 2017 at 1:22pm PDT
Via @insidertravel: The @museumoficecream is what dreams are made of – cotton candy and soft serve, that is. 🍦 #icecreamdreams #insiderart
A post shared by INSIDER art (@insiderart) on Sep 25, 2017 at 1:50pm PDT
Oh you know, just doing a lunge while pressing an 800 lb popsicle, no biggie. 💁🏻 We FINALLY got tickets to the @museumoficecream today. 🍦 It is literally a museum that was created for the purpose of taking cool Instagram photos. They said average time to go through it was 45 min. We took like an hour and a half. Definitely got our money's worth 👍 What's your fave flavor of ice cream? 📸 by @samlivits #blogilates
A post shared by Cassey Ho (@blogilates) on Sep 6, 2017 at 5:29pm PDT
hi mtv welcome to my crib 🍭🍦🍭 @museumoficecream
A post shared by @marycake on Sep 18, 2017 at 1:58pm PDT
  29Rooms official site
Refinery29 is the leading digital-media company focused on women with over 500 million audience across all platforms providing its audience with the inspiration and tools to discover and pursue a more independent, stylish, and informed life.
29Rooms is Refinery29’s funhouse of style culture and technology. It invites visitors to create, play and explore the multi-sensory playground with 29 themed rooms that are packed with magic and brimming with inspiration. Tickets for the installation space has been sold out every single year!
@refinery29 's #29rooms is EVERYTHING! Shout out to @alexameadeart for her amazing installation. I am obsessed with her & her work. 🙌🏼🎨p.s. Check out my story for more bts of #29Rooms
A post shared by Victoria Justice (@victoriajustice) on Sep 10, 2017 at 11:27am PDT
⚡️ #nyfw #29rooms
A post shared by Chloe Bennet (@chloebennet) on Sep 7, 2017 at 7:53pm PDT
I feel like we are being watched. #29rooms @dbelicious #harmony @refinery29 @chloexhalle @benjaminshinestudio
A post shared by Neil Patrick Harris (@nph) on Sep 8, 2017 at 6:11pm PDT
YAY! At 29 Rooms with @refinery29 — Currently in the @dysonhair room testing out their ultra fast hair dryer. Cant wait to take this home, it's a game changer! 💨 #sonicspin #29rooms #ad
A post shared by Tess Christine (@tesschristinexo) on Sep 7, 2017 at 8:32pm PDT
Guys how fun is this @ultabeauty carousel at #29Rooms! So excited to walk through the rest of the rooms to see the other art pieces. Follow me on snapchat to walk through with me😉👻 FoinikaKay #ad #ultabeautyR29 #exteriorglam
A post shared by Foinika Kay (@exteriorglam) on Sep 7, 2017 at 7:05pm PDT
Love Walk ❤️ tonight at @refinery29 #29Rooms w/ @aldo_shoes #aldocrew #ad
A post shared by BRITTANY XAVIER (@thriftsandthreads) on Sep 7, 2017 at 7:23pm PDT
💕💖✨ ice dancing 💃🏽 welcome to my snow beach, where pink is the new black it's always cool to twirl 😝 This pretty little pink snow globe at #29rooms was crafted to celebrate the launch of the dazzling new @juicycouture fragrance Viva la Juicy Glacé #vivaonice 💕 #ad #vivalajuicy
A post shared by Color Me Courtney 🎈 (@colormecourtney) on Sep 7, 2017 at 6:34pm PDT
Color Factory official site
With 15 interactive color experiences, the two story Color Factory is a place bursting with excitement for all visitors. Visitors can expect to walk through room filled with ribbons, experience tonnes of confetti falling on them and even jump into a bright yellow ball pit for a little fun and Insta-worthy Boomerang!
The creator behind Color Factory, Jordan Ferney, understood the importance of not just the fun experience when visitors are there but also the quality of photos taken. To ensure that each installation would look as good in photos as it did in real life, much thoughts were put into the crafting of the perfect scene.
This San Francisco pop-up museum is an interactive fun house! 🎨#thecolorfactory #insiderart @alyweisman @colorfactoryco
A post shared by INSIDER art (@insiderart) on Aug 17, 2017 at 1:13pm PDT
Color hallway at @colorfactoryco #colorfactoryco
A post shared by Oh Happy Day (@ohhappyday) on Aug 6, 2017 at 2:49pm PDT
Peek-a-blue 💙 more on stylecharade.com Read all the details of our visit to @colorfactoryco on the blog! Also, this lace dress is only $64! @liketoknow.it http://liketk.it/2sjT1 #liketkit
A post shared by Jenn Lake (@jenniferlake) on Aug 8, 2017 at 6:15am PDT
First strings first 🌈 details on the blog Loved spending the morning at @colorfactoryco! More on Insta Stories 📲 @liketoknow.it http://liketk.it/2sift #liketkit
A post shared by Jenn Lake (@jenniferlake) on Aug 5, 2017 at 3:10pm PDT
my afternoon was full of so much COLOR and happiness! 🌈 i had the chance to preview the new @colorfactoryco here in SF, which is an awesome pop-up experience. each room is designed by an incredibly talented artist and all the rooms are so FUN and interactive. see it all on my IG Stories! ❤️💛💚💙💗 Color Factory opens to the public next week, but you can purchase tickets right now! 🎟 anddddd i would highly suggest doing it now before they sell out. thanks to @callme_christine the queen of color for coming with me! #ColorFactoryCo // my dress is on sale, but since it's almost sold out i linked a bunch of fun 🍊dresses here: http://liketk.it/2scbO #liketkit @liketoknow.it #ltkunder50
A post shared by sarah tripp (@sassyredlipstick) on Jul 27, 2017 at 8:23pm PDT
There are over 200,000 yellow balls in our epic ball pit. 💛 (photo by @4theloveoftoys) #colorfactoryco
A post shared by Color Factory (@colorfactoryco) on Sep 7, 2017 at 2:38pm PDT
The confetti room at the @colorfactoryco 🎉😍🌈✨💕 I cannot wait to post my blog today! Check my ig stories !!!! #colorfactory #sf #thecolorgang #color #museum #colorfactoryco
A post shared by Amy Roiland (@afashionnerd) on Jul 27, 2017 at 4:27pm PDT
dreams do come true 💡🔌 giant #litebrite (like, literally, bigger than my bedroom)" #colorfactoryco
A post shared by mandana ansari 💫girl & the bay (@girlandthebay) on Aug 15, 2017 at 4:07pm PDT
  Visiting a museum in this social media generation is beyond just the art, it is about capturing themselves within the spaces and recreating the perfect “Instagram” moment. 
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