#jasper (thaw)
blood-loving-leech · 1 month
i wanna make a ham and egg sandwich but the BREAD is still FROZEN
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nxght-shxft · 2 months
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i’ve only drawn jasper once lol
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greenwitchcrafts · 3 months
March 2024 witch guide
Full moon: March 25th
New moon: March 10th
Sabbats: Ostara-March 19th
March Worm Moon
Known as: Crow Moon, Eagle Moon, Goose Moon, Hrethmonath, Lenting moon, Lentzinmanoth, Moon of Snowblind, Moon of Winds, Plow Moon, Sap Moon, Seed Moon, Sore Eyes Moon, Storm Moon, Sugar Moon & Wind Strong Moon
Element: Water
Zodiac: Pisces & Aries
Nature spirits: Air & water spirits & Mer-people
Deities: Artemis, Astarte, Athena, Cybele, Isis, Luna & Minerva
Animals: Boar, cougar & hedgehog
Birds: Sea crow & sea eagle
Trees: Alder, dogwood & honeysuckle
Herbs: Apple blossom, broom, high John root, Irish moss, pennyroyal, wood betony & yellow dock
Flowers: Daffodil, jonquil & violet
Scents: Apple blossom & honeysuckle
Stones: Aquamarine, bloodstone, jasper, opal &topaz
Colors: Pale-green, red, violet, yellow & white
Energy:  Balance, beginnings, dream work, energy breaking into the open, exploring, fertility, inner development, karma, prosperity, spirituality, success & truth seeking
For many years, it was thought that the name "Worm Moon" referred to the earthworms that appear as the soil warms in spring. This invites robins and other birds to feed—a true sign of spring.
However, more research revealed another explanation. In the 1760s, Captain Jonathan Carver visited the Naudowessie (Dakota) and other Native American tribes and wrote that the name Worm Moon refers to a different sort of “worm”—beetle larvae—which begin to emerge from the thawing bark of trees and other winter hideouts at this time.
March’s full Moon often plays a role in religion, specifically in Christianity, this Moon is known as the Lenten Moon if it is the last full Moon of the winter season (i.e., if it occurs before the spring equinox) or as the Paschal Full Moon if it is the first full Moon of spring (i.e., if it occurs after the spring equinox).
Known as: Alban Eiler, Lady Day & Spring/Vernal equinox
Season: Spring
Symbols: 8-spoked wheel, butterflies, chicks, decorated baskets, eggs, feathers, jellybeans, lambs, rabbits, seeds, shamrocks, spring flowers & sunwheels
Colors: Green, indigo, light blue, pastels, pink, red & yellow
Oils/Incense: African violet, florals, ginger, jasmine, lotus, magnolia, rose, sage & strawberry
Animals: Cormorant, hare, hawk, rabbit, sheep, sparrow & swallow
Mythical: Dragon & Unicorn
Stones: Amethyst, aquamarine, bloodstone, moonstone, red jasper & rose quartz
Food: Dairy foods, eggs(hard boiled), fruits, honey, honey cakes, leafy greens, vegetables, pine nuts, pumpkin, sunflower seeds, sprouts & waffles
Herbs/Plants: Acorn, cinquefoil, dogwood, ginger, Irish moss, olive, strawberry & woodruff
Flowers: Celandine, crocus, daffodil, dandelion, Easter lily,  jasmine gorse, honeysuckle, hyssop, iris, jonquil, linden, narcissus, peony, snowdrop, tansy & violet
Goddesses: Aphrodite, Ariadne, Artemis, Athena, Coatlicue, Cybele,Demeter, Diana, Eos, Eostre, Flora, Gaia, Hera, Idunn, Iris, Ishtar, Juno, Minerva, Persephone, Venus & Vesta
Gods: Adonis, Attis, Celi, Cernunnos, Coel, Dagda, Dalon ap Landu, Dumuzi, Green Man, Lord of the Greenwood, Mithras, Odin, Osiris, Ovis & Pan
Issues, Intentions & Powers: Agriculture, balance, beauty, fertility, growth, life, love & rebirth/renewal
Spellwork: Air magick, fertility, new beginnings & water magick
• Go on a hike/walk & look for signs of spring
• Add Ostara symbols to decorate your altar space
• Plant vegetable &/or flower seedlings
• Decorate eggs with bright colors
• Set your intentions for the weeks/months ahead
• Start a new class or hobby
• Create eggshell candles
• Make plans & new routines for the future
• Participate in rituals & ceremonies that connect you with energy & the life force of nature
• Have a feast with your friends &/family with sprouts & leafy greens
• Bake hot cross buns or lavender/lemon flavored treats
• Clean & de-clutter your home
• Try a re-birthing/ renewing ritual
• Bring fresh flowers or plants into into the home
• Host a spring & floral themed tea party
• Make egg based food dishes & desserts
This holiday marks the Spring Equinox, which happens before March 19-22. It is the second of three spring celebrations (the midpoint between Imbolc and Beltane)  during which light & darkness are again in balance, with light on the rise. It is a time of new beginnings & of life emerging further from the grips of winter.
There is much debate regarding the origins of Ostara due to the lack of primary sources about this sabbat. One theory is the name of Ostara came from the Anglo-Saxon goddess Eostre. Another theory is that Eostre is more of a localized goddess in Kent County, England. Despite the questions of her origins, Eostre is associated with modern-day Pagan traditions of Ostara.
There is no evidence that the ancient Greeks or Romans celebrated Ostara, although they did celebrate their own spring festivals, such as the Roman festival of Floralia & the Greek festival of Anthesteria. It was a time to honor the returning sun, fertility & rebirth.
Related festivals:
• Nowruz- March 19th
Nowruz marks the first day of spring & renewal of nature. It is celebrated on the day of the astronomical vernal equinox. It is also celebrated as the beginning of the new year by people all around the world for over 3,000 years in the Balkans, the Black Sea Basin, the Caucasus, Central Asia, the Middle East & other regions.
It promotes values of peace & solidarity between generations & within families as well as reconciliation & neighbourliness. Nowruz plays a significant role in strengthening the ties among peoples based on mutual respect & the ideals of peace and good neighbourliness. 
Traditional customs of Nowruz include fire & water, ritual dances, gift exchanges, reciting poetry, symbolic objects & more; these customs differ between the diverse peoples & countries that celebrate the festival.
• Holi- March 25th
Holi is a popular & significant Hindu festival celebrated as the The festival of colors, Love &Spring. It commemorates eternal and divine love of the deities Radha & Krishna. Additionally, the day signifies the triumph of good over evil, as it celebratess the victory of Vishnu as Narasimha over Hiranyakashipu. Holi originated & is predominantly celebrated in the Indian subcontinent, but has also spread to other regions of Asia & parts of the Western world through the Indian diaspora.
Holi also celebrates the arrival of Spring in India, the end of winter & the blossoming of love. It is also an invocation for a good spring harvest season. It lasts for a night & a day, starting on the evening of the Purnima (full moon day) falling on the Hindu calendar month of Phalguna, which falls around the middle of March in the Gregorian calendar.
• Easter- March 31st
also called Pascha or Resurrection Sunday is a Christian festival & cultural holiday commemorating the resurrection of Jesus from the dead, described in the New Testament as having occurred on the third day of his burial following his crucifixion by the Romans at Calvary c. 30 AD. It is the culmination of the Passion of Jesus Christ, preceded by Lent (or Great Lent), a 40-day period of fasting, prayer, & penance.
Easter traditions vary across the Christian world & include sunrise services or late-night vigils, exclamations & exchanges of Paschal greetings, flowering the cross & the decoration and the communal breaking of Easter eggs (a symbol of the empty tomb) among many others. The Easter lily is a symbol of the resurrection in Western Christianity traditionally decorates the chancel area of churches on this day & for the rest of Eastertide. Additional customs that have become associated with Easter & are observed by both Christians & some non-Christians include Easter parades, communal dancing, the Easter Bunny & egg hunting.
Other Celebrations:
• Festival of Luna- March 31st
Is a feast day honoring the Goddess Luna who is seen as the divine embodiment of the Moon.
The Temple of Luna was a temple on the Aventine Hill in Rome, dedicated to Luna, the moon goddess. Its dedication was celebrated on March 31st, thus the celebration.
According to Tacitus, it was built by king Servius Tullius. However, the first confirmed reference to a temple to Luna dates to 182 BC & refers to one of its doors being knocked off its posts by a miraculous blast of air & shot into the back of the Temple of Ceres. That account probably places the temple at the north end of the hill, just above porta Trigemina. The temple was struck by lightning around the time of the death of Cinna, as was the temple of Ceres. After the destruction of Corinth, Lucius Mummius Achaicus dedicated some of his spoils from the city to this temple. It was destroyed in the Great Fire of Rome in 64 AD & not rebuilt.
Farmersalmanac .com
Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences by Sandra Kines
A Witch's Book of Correspondences by Viktorija Briggs
Encyclopedia britannica
Llewellyn 2024 magical almanac Practical magic for everyday living
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hb-writes · 3 months
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Summary: When the Cullen family goes on a hike, Mia's fear of heights presents a bit of a problem, but Carlisle is there to help her through.
Prompt: Please number 65 (“I volunteer myself to go last.”) with Mia and Carlisle?
Characters: Carlisle Cullen, Esme Cullen, Jasper Hale, Edward Cullen, Alice Cullen (mention), Mia Cullen (OC)
Content Warning: Fear of heights, excessive fluff.
Twilight (Mia Cullen) Masterlist
Each breath in and out seared as it passed through Mia’s lungs and throat, the sound of her labored breathing matched only by the pounding of her heart. She knew her parents—and her brothers and sisters, too—could likely hear her struggling up the hill. They were too far ahead on the trail—or what had likely at one point resembled a trail, so much of it washed out by heavy rains and melting snow—by now for Mia to hear the steady conversation of her siblings as they walked ahead, but she knew they would still be able to hear her, able to easily pick out the sounds of her strife from the sounds of the forest around them. 
It hadn’t taken long to realize why the trail had technically been closed for the season, categorized as too dangerous for human visitors. Mia was proud of herself for getting this far without succumbing to offers of assistance, even with the difficult trail that went back and forth between a mostly drained out river bed and the forest, causing Mia to be constantly scaling the suddenly steep inclines only to be bracing herself with exposed roots and rocks as she slid back down a few moments later.
None of it gave the others any trouble, even with the muddy conditions caused by the spring thaw, but Mia was already exhausted, some part of her screaming to turn back, or simply give in. To let someone carry her on their back for a bit, allowing her feet and legs and lungs the rest they clearly needed. But Mia knew if she did accede, even if only for a moment, that would be the end of her hike. Once her body had a moment of rest, it would only protest her walking again. 
And despite the growing part of her wishing for reprieve, Mia didn’t want to give in, not really. She had known what to expect coming into it. Emmett had gone through the logistics with her and Carlisle beforehand, ensuring the hike was doable, ensuring there wasn’t anything she’d have too much trouble with, and even though Mia was nursing a stitch in her side and barely able to control her breathing or will her feet to pull her forward, she knew the worst was still yet to come. 
Her heartbeat spiked at the thought of what still lay ahead, another thing she was sure everyone picked up on, especially Esme and Carlisle, whose gentle footfall was still sounding just behind her, intermingled with their occasional quiet conversation, all of it a deliberate effort made to remind Mia that they were still there, just a step behind if she needed anything. 
Mia had tried her best not to need anything though, and she had accepted little more than her father’s hand extended down to help her up one particularly steep incline. He hadn’t even pulled her up, allowing her to use her own muscles to close the distance between them, his hand in hers little more than a bit of leverage. Mia was near certain she would be so sore she could barely walk in the morning—she could already feel the pain settling in—but that was a problem for tomorrow.
One thing at a time, Mia thought to herself as her muscles burned anew, the sudden thinning of the forest’s canopy above her and the faint sound of quiet conversation between Edward and Jasper reminding her that there were more important things to focus on, more imminent concerns. 
“Doing okay?” 
It was only the third time Carlisle had offered the question throughout their hike, and she knew it was an effort on his part to avoid the temptation to ask after her wellbeing, just as he’d been repeatedly stifling the urge to offer his hand to pull her up steep inclines and to offer his back to give her tired legs a rest. She knew it was an effort for Carlisle to allow her to struggle, to allow her to do things on her own, especially when it so clearly caused her pain. 
Mia turned towards her parents, nodding as she briefly met Carlisle’s eye. Her chest was tight enough with each breath that Mia knew if she were to try speaking, any words would only come out as a strangled gasp without the air necessary to support them. 
Carlisle nodded in return, and Mia turned around, trudging up the path toward the clearing. Jasper and Edward glanced at her as she arrived, subtle smirks on both of their faces as she dragged her feet to close the final few steps between them. 
Mia let out a ragged breath, leaning over with her hands on her knees as her body caught up with the fact that she was no longer walking, no longer plodding up a hill, no longer pushing her limits. 
Carlisle held out a bottle of water, which Mia took as she straightened back to her full height. She felt a sharp pain in her side with each big inhale, and she focused on breathing just enough that she avoided the pain. 
“The others already went ahead?” she asked, hoping the words sounded at least a little normal and not as though it was a great effort just to speak. 
Edward nodded, watching as Mia took gulp after gulp from the water bottle. 
“Alice is just crossing,” Jasper said, and Mia pulled the bottle from her lips before following his gaze to the far side of the suspension bridge where Alice was twisting and twirling as if she were on a stage and not a glorified bundle of wood slats held together by cables, all of it a staggering 156 feet above the surging waters below. 
Alice, as per usual, seemed entirely unbothered by the risk. 
Mia's gaze traveled to the waters below. Even though she had looked at the pictures online…even though she had known all she could know about the trail and the bridge and the river before agreeing to come along, seeing it in-person was something different entirely. Her mouth dried out despite allowing another gulp of water to slip past her lips.
“You want to go next?” Jasper rocked on his feet, leaning over to nudge Mia’s side with his arm. She took a step back, away from the edge that she was nowhere near to begin with, her body responding to some subliminal call to retreat. 
“Can I go in the middle?” she asked. 
Edward leaned back, revealing a small brown sign with white lettering affixed to a post near the bridge's entry. 
“Great,” Mia muttered under her breath. “I volunteer myself to go last, then,” she added as she took a few steps before lowering herself to sit on a large rock she imagined had been brought there just for this purpose. For the people who were too scared to cross to have a place to sit and watch the braver members in their party go forge ahead. 
“Are you sure?” Jasper asked. “I could—”
Mia cut off the suggestion with a glare and a shake of her head. Anxious as she was about the crossing, she didn’t want Jasper’s brand of help. She didn’t want him to soothe her nerves or sway her mood, tempting as that all was. Jasper didn’t fight her on it, offering a shrug before he turned to begin his journey across.
"See you on the other side." 
Mia propped her elbow on a knee and let her head slump into her hand as she watched Jasper disappear over the bridge. 
“You sure you don’t want to go next?” Edward asked. “Get it over with?” 
Mia shook her head once before turning her attention to pushing her hiking boot through the mud, making a gouge in the ground with the force of it. 
“I’ll go next,” Esme said, pressing a gentle hand to Mia’s shoulder as she passed. 
Mia watched her mother go, not pulling her eyes away even as she felt Edward’s gaze on her.
“I’m sure you’re making it worse in your head than it’s actually going to be.”
“And how would you know what I’m thinking?” 
The words snapped with more force than Mia intended as she turned to look at her brother. Mia knew that she had her mind locked up well enough that Edward couldn’t get in, couldn’t really tell what she was thinking though she was sure he had attempted. Mia had made sure her guards were up and secure today, almost as much of her focus settled there as it was on making sure she didn’t trip and fall. 
“My thoughts are none of your business.” 
Edward snorted, and Mia waited for either the pseudo lecture or sarcastic comment she could tell was on the tip of her brother’s tongue, but when she looked up, it was clear he was already mid-conversation with someone else. 
Carlisle—she presumed—knowing that the two of them frequently engaged that way, especially where she was concerned. 
“Fine,” Edward said in response to whatever Carlisle had expressed through his thoughts. “I’ll wait for you on the other side," he added, glancing down at Mia, but Carlisle shook his head.
“I believe your mother would like to walk with you for a while,” Carlisle answered. He nodded toward the other side of the gorge, where Esme indeed still stood, waiting, and whether Esme truly had any particular reason for wanting her son’s company, Mia was grateful to her mother for occupying him, and grateful to her father for suggesting it. Grateful that Edward wouldn’t be permitted the opportunity to follow up on any of their conversation just now.
“You two go on ahead.” 
Edward didn't bother responding before he headed out onto the bridge, his feet making swift work of the crossing.
“Your brother means well,” Carlisle said as he slipped down onto the rock beside his daughter. 
Mia rolled her eyes, her gaze shifting from her father to watch the brother in question. Edward had by now joined Esme on the other side of the bridge, the time it took seeming impossibly quick, but Mia knew Edward could still hear them. 
“I know,” she answered. And she did know. As much as Edward and Mia sometimes grated on each other's nerves, Mia knew her brother meant well. She knew he wanted what was best for her. 
Mia pushed her foot through the mud, focusing her gaze there as she spoke. “It’s just amazing how they’re all so overprotective until it’s something I have reservations about, and then they’re all ready to push me off the side of a cliff.” 
Carlisle chuckled, knowing that it was partly true. 
“They do realize I’m a human being, right?” she said. “Unlike the rest of you, if I fall off that bridge and break my neck, I’m dead.” 
Carlisle sighed, and Mia felt the weight of her words. She’d meant it as a joke, or a sort of joke, but the mention of her ever present mortality was a heavy subject. Somewhere along the line, she’d realized that it was heavy for all of them in different ways, but it seemed to be heavier for her father more than any of the rest of them. Mia understood why. She knew that if anything like that were to happen…if her existence hung in the balance somehow…it would be her father’s decision on how they would proceed. It would be her father who changed her or let her go. 
Mia released a sigh as she leaned her head against his shoulder, an apology of sorts.
“You’ve done well today.” Carlisle snaked an arm over her shoulder. 
Mia snorted, glancing up to him, eyebrow raised. “So have you.” 
Carlisle reached for the water bottle she’d discarded beside the rock, holding it out for her as if the compliment she’d spared him just now was akin to giving him permission to dote on her a bit. Mia didn’t fight him on it, accepting the bottle and taking a swig. 
“It’s nice here,” Mia mused as she stretched out her legs in front of her. “Maybe we should just sit here and relax and…”
“Is that really what you want?” 
Carlisle would’ve been happy to sit there with his daughter for hours, enjoying nature and the peace and quiet. And he was certain that the longer they lingered on this side of the bridge, the better chance they had of letting the others hunt at a more leisurely pace without concern for Mia’s presence, but he could feel the tug of war within his daughter. Could feel that there was some part of her that wanted to face her fear of heights. 
Mia shrugged and stood up, taking a step toward the bridge. There was supposedly a small, easy hike to a beautiful view on the other side of the bridge, but…
“It’s a big fall,” she said. "Quite a ways down..."
“It is,” Carlisle agreed, “but the bridge is safe,” he added, as if he knew she was questioning it. 
Mia nodded. She knew her father wouldn’t allow her to traverse it if it wasn’t safe, but intellectually knowing that fact did nothing to quell the anxious hormones rushing through her blood stream. 
“But it wobbles,” Mia said. She had seen the bridge swaying while the others had crossed. “And it’s very…open.” It was far more open than she had expected, the cables and wood slats offering far less protection and safety than she had expected.
Mia glanced back at her father, waiting for him to contest her observations, but Carlisle only nodded. He wouldn’t lie to her. He wouldn’t deny the truth of her observations. The validity of her concerns about the structure. 
But more than Mia was concerned about the structure, she was concerned about her role in crossing. She was afraid that her clumsy nature would somehow result in her falling between the wooden slats. Or that she would somehow succeed at propelling herself over the cable rails. 
She knew both were unlikely scenarios, but she couldn’t stop the fear from settling in her stomach. 
And she couldn’t stop herself from imagining the most likely of scenarios—that she would simply freeze, stranded somewhere in the middle of the bridge and paralyzed by fear.
She knew she didn't have to do it. No one would force her to cross, and with her siblings gone, no one would taunt or tease or try to convince her either. And Mia knew that deciding that crossing the bridge didn’t serve her and not crossing because of that decision…that could be a form of courage. Standing up for herself in that way would be just as courageous as forging ahead.
She could almost hear her father saying as much though he remained quiet and waiting, not wanting his words to influence her choice. The quiet between them seemed to last an impossibly long time while what seemed like a million thoughts raced through her head each one louder than the last until Mia took a hasty step forward and her mind quieted. She her breath as she moved out onto the bridge. She didn’t want to think about it any longer, or allow herself to claim the courage of saying no to something she didn’t want to do, because though it was easier to stay on this side, deep down she wanted to cross the bridge. She wanted to see the view on the other side. She wanted…
Mia looked down at her feet as she placed the third and fourth and fifth steps down, and with each step it became more difficult to focus on her hiking boot and the wood slat beneath it, her eyes drawn to the rushing waters of river below. 
She closed her eyes, hands settled on the cables to her sides, willing her body to still the shaking that had started, willing her foot to take another step, but she was frozen, every part of her resistant to any idea of movement. 
Even to get back, she would have to walk. She would have to open her eyes and turn around and…she gulped, her body ramping up at the thought of those things, the doubting thoughts once again growing louder and more insistent.
The word was barely a whisper. Barely a plea, but Carlisle was there beside Mia in just a fraction of a second, guiding her to breathe, his voice and hands on her shoulders steadying her as her eyes remained squeezed tight. 
“I can’t do it. I…”
“You don't want to?” 
Mia took a deep breath, her eyes still shut as she considered her father’s question, the way he had effectively sidestepped her assertion, letting it fall away without comment, both of them knowing it wasn’t true. 
Both of them knew that there was little truth to Mia’s ‘I can’t do it.’ Crossing the bridge wasn’t a matter of ability, but a matter of desire, and Mia knew her father wouldn’t push her one way or the other. Carlisle would let her decide.
“I don’t know,” Mia answered, taking another slow breath to help loosen the tightness in her chest.
“I’m with you either way,” Carlisle answered. “We can go back or cross together. It's up to—”
“I thought only one person was allowed at a time,” Mia interrupted, remembering the glaring warning sign, as she glanced over her shoulder to look at her father. 
Carlisle’s face held an easy smile, a hint of mischief gleaming in his eye as he shrugged.
“I won’t tell if you won’t.” 
Mia let out an uneasy chuckle, pulling her eyes from her father to look across to the far side of the bridge. 
“Together,” she said, more to herself than anything, as if the word would convince her bones and nerves and muscles to cooperate, but it was Carlisle’s echoing of the word that had Mia taking a hesitant step forward and then another.
“I’m right here,” Carlisle said, his hand finding Mia’s shoulder when she paused a few steps later.
She looked over her shoulder briefly, offering him a nod before she continued on across the bridge, Carlisle's father’s comforting presence just a step behind. 
Twilight (Mia Cullen) Masterlist
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rat-bastard-fics · 1 year
"Where the reader is his mate"
Hi there! Could I please request a Jasper Hale X Fem reader where the reader is his mate but still human and just transferred. Maybe a bit shy and likes to paint and read and one day jasper finds her in the woods.
Request by @bellewoods1215
Jasper X f!reader
word count: ~985
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As a young girl, y/n was always shy. She found herself more inclined to catch butterflies and read books and let spiders outside than socialize and squash insect-like intruders. This, as one may expect, led to school being, succinctly put, not her favorite environment. She loved to learn, she adored learning, but the crowded halls and talkative peers, and near-constant tension between one duo or another was overwhelming to her. She found her peace in the nearby woods back behind the gymnasium. Her study hall directly preceded her lunch period, which was the luckiest she’d ever felt about a school schedule, and, so, it was easy to spend a couple hours outdoors—even in the vicious cold. Wrapping her late grandfather’s checked scarf around her neck and pulling on her knit cap and gloves, y/n tightened her sweater around herself and took her leave. She brought an easy read out with her—something really written for kids in middle school, but she’d read it a million times and the ease and expectedness of each word and page turn was easy to digest. And so, after brushing off a frosty icy rock, she sat with her legs bunched up in a slim stream of sunlight, opening her book and letting out a foggy breath.
Jasper Hale is the newest “vegetarian” in his family. Because of this, he’s specifically not supposed to spend alone time with humans, particularly when he’s hungry. It’s not at all that he can’t do it, it’s more that it’s safer to have someone of your own capabilities present to hold you accountable. He knows this. That’s why, on one solitary Thursday afternoon when the lunch bell rang, Jasper took the opportunity to leave school grounds and grab a bite to eat. He knew his eyes were quickly darkening to brown and soon they’d be black. He never lets himself go this long without eating, but it was hunting season, not to mention an especially cold winter, and so wildlife in the area was somewhat scarce. Adding to that, he’d rather let his family eat before him. Animals never quite satiated him anyway.
Stopping dead in his tracks, feeling the wind he picked up behind him rush back against him. He smelled the sweet beat of a human heart, but this one was different. There was no blood lust in him as he inhaled the peace that came with the even rhythm. And, without really thinking, almost like an undead monster, he lazed through the woods toward this innocuous love. Upon approach, he laid eyes on her.
Jasper had never particularly missed the warmth a pulse brought to his skin, but seeing her all bundled up, seeing the breath leave her body and almost block her view of the pages before her, he suddenly wanted nothing more than to be as warm-blooded as those wolves across the treaty line. He wanted to blanket her, to protect her from anything that could cause her harm or discomfort—even just the icy air. With nothing but a glance, without even knowing her name, he adored her.
Months went by. A number of people had approached y/n, Mike and Jessica, Angela and Ben, and it’s not as though she had anything in particular against anyone, she just didn’t feel the need for them. She didn’t feel drawn to them. Only one student caught her eye—a yellow-eyed, honey-haired boy with pain in his gaze. They only had a handful of classes together, and in none of those classes did they sit beside each other, but she kept an eye on him. She observed him and, unbeknownst to her, he returned the observations. Even sitting across the room from him, there was a peace she only knew when he was near.
But then the sun came out—really came out—and the ground began to thaw, and he was gone. She felt ridiculous even thinking about him, she wasn’t even sure of his name, how can you feel so attached to someone when you don’t even know their name?
One week—he was gone for a week—Wednesday to Wednesday—but, sitting against a tree near the edge of the lot on one solitary Thursday morning, a rumbling was heard probably throughout the entire city and a motorcycle—which was somehow both shiny and dusty—pulled into the lot. It parked, the kickstand was kicked to make the bike stand, and a helmet was removed to reveal that honey hair. He wasn’t cocky or attention-seeking, he didn’t catch much attention for suddenly roaring back to school, but y/n couldn’t look away. Not when he clipped the helmet around the handlebars, not when he pulled his leg over the bike to be standing independently, and not when his eyes met hers. They looked at each other for a second or maybe it was a year, and then the bell rang. Y/n’s eyes snapped away, looking towards the plain building, and she scrambled to stand unfortunately dropping her bag. Its contents spilled—a cheap watercolor set, pens, pencils, books, the works.
“Shit, shit, shit.” People pooled into the school behind her as she tried, as quickly as possible, to scoop all of her belongings back into her bag. Shoving one thing in, she turned back but it was all stacked quite neatly in a hand that held her things out to her.
“Thank you.” She smiled, awkwardly, and grabbed her things. They were cold as he removed his hands, looking up to thank the Good Samaritan properly, her eyes were fixed back on his.
“Of course.” A beat, as she placed her things aside and he stuck out his hand to her, “Jasper.”
His voice was smooth and twangy, but in a subtle sort of way. It felt like nobody else was around—and maybe they weren’t by now—but she smiled, placing her hand in his.
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panlight · 5 months
You've talked before about how horrifying and weird the vampires in Twilight not being able to sleep, but what if the Cullens suddenly had a need to sleep? Like all of a sudden Edward is laying with Bella while she sleeps and he starts to drift off and ends up falling asleep beside her. Or Alice who doesn't remember what being tired is or remembers sleeping just suddenly gets more and more fatigued throughout the day, along with the urge to flop down and close her eyes. She doesn't understand what's happening and when she looks into the future all she sees is black or maybe some nonsensical scene that turns out is her dreams. I bet there would be plenty of angst, shenanigans and confusion if this happened and hopefully some doctoring from Carlisle to figure out why all of a sudden.
This was supposed to be a short ask but it ended being a lot longer than I thought. Thank you!
I get where she's coming from with the no sleep thing: she was writing this story as a frazzled mom of three young sons who wished she had more time for herself. Hence, the vampires don't sleep, and when asked about her answer is usually like "imagine how much you could get done!"
But the psychological effect of never having and period of rest, of not having periods of sleep to break up time, to just live in one long, never-ending, ever-conscious day . . . sounds terrible. It takes the existential dread of eternity stretching out before you and only compounds it. Just . . . you're going to be around literally forever, and awake and conscious (hyper-conscious, actually, with all the vampire heightened senses and even psychic powers) for all of it.
All that said, yes, I'm sure they would panic if they suddenly started to feel 'tired' or if they fell asleep. That's not supposed to happen, something might be wrong. I've always wondered about like, a virus that affected vampires and what it might look like, and the sleep thing might be part of it. I also thought it would be interesting if some venom lines are immune, or if older vampires were less susceptible to it than younger ones, or something. Just to spice things up a bit and create drama (Alice and Jasper aren't from the same venom line as Carlisle and the rest, for example. Or Carlisle and Jasper are the only two Cullens who are 'old' and even in the context of vampires they aren't that old compared to like the Volturi, the Amazons, the Egyptians or even Jane and Alec or the Denali).
If it turned out the sleep was ultimately harmless, though, that would be a blessing. I'm sure all the couples would enjoy being able to truly just fall asleep in each other's arms or wake up next to their partner in the morning and get to experience those quiet moments of intimacy for real. To have their partner fall asleep on their shoulder, to tuck them in if they come home and find they've fallen asleep on the couch or whatever. Just those little tender domestic moments that don't really work when no one sleeps. But they might also find it lowkey annoying because of how USED to being conscious all the time that they are. Alice especially who doesn't remember being human at all, might find it VERY inconvenient.
I've also imagined that if some sort of 'cure' or 'antidote' to vampirism were possible, falling asleep would be the first thing that happens. You fall asleep as your body slowly 'thaws' and becomes human again.
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daezedglownut · 2 months
Was struggling initially with this new fic I’m writing bc I was trying to find a way for Jasper to realistically explain his motivations to the king, seek forgiveness, and then go on to prove himself a better person bc he wants the forgiveness and approval (it’s all he’s ever had under Mordegon, after all 🥺).
And then it hit me: get into his head.
Truthfully he’d more likely be very up front about his crimes - and not exactly apologetic, but civil enough to communicate that - almost in a warning to Carnelian. Think: “no I am not a good man, - I will never be a good man, and it is not a given that you will ever be able to trust me. I have done bad things, and I expect—demand punishment”
Meanwhile the truth really is bubbling beneath the surface. He feels terrible—thinking he has crossed one line too far—but he’s nowhere near ready to address it. Far too easy to hide behind a veneer of “I made my bed, now I must lie in it”, and pretend like it doesn’t hit him right in the heart when the king says no punishment is coming, and he must simply aid in the reconstruction of Cobblestone - and all around him, little by little, as he allows himself to remember the man he once was, he sees people thaw and trust him again.
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The Other Evans Girl [Part Four]
Fandom: Harry Potter [Marauder’s Era]
Pairing: Sirius Black x Original Female Character, Sirius Black x Daisy Evans, James Potter x Lily Evans
Characters: Sirius Black, Original Female Character, Daisy Evans, Lily Evans, Remus Lupin, James Potter, Harry Potter, Severus Snape, Minerva McGonagall, Alice Fortescue, Frank Longbottom, Marlene McKinnon, Albus Dumbledore, Voldemort, Peter Pettigrew, Lucius Malfoy, Bellatrix LeStrange, Walburga Black, Orion Black, Jasper Thicknesse, Barty Crouch Jr, Mulciber, Walden McNair
Word Count: 3804
Rating: Gen
Summary: Hogwarts is a safe haven, a home for many, but it’s often a place where heartache, love and complex emotions dwell and none know that better than the Marauders. Lily Evans just wants to make it out as a successful witch though the oncoming war and the ongoing advances of James Potter threaten that. Daisy Evans, her twin, has other goals. Join the Evans sisters as they make their way through Hogwarts, prepare for war and eventually find love.
Tags/ Warnings: Hogwarts, Friends, Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, Marauder’s Era, Teenage Angst, Babies, Weddings, Dating, Crying, Loss of Virginity, First Wizarding War, Love, Kissing, Teenagers, James Potter is a bit of a dick, Hogsmeade, 1970s, Fighting, Loss of Parents, Grief, Babies, Injuries, Gore, Harm, Christmas,  The Potter’s Mansion // Daisy’s Dress // NYE Lily’s Dress // NYE Daisy’s Dress // Lily’s Ring // Daisy’s Ring
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Marlene shook her head causing Daisy to throw the blouse she had been holding onto the bed where it fell upon countless other garments. It had no sooner touched the other pieces before Daisy herself was falling upon them too, sighing and closing her eyes as she did.
‘It’s not that bad Dais,’ Marlene said as she prised one of her favourite jumpers from underneath the blonde and out of the discarded pile so that she could give it a second glance. Daisy lifted her torso so that she could but remained face down in the bed linen so that her mutterings were distorted as she said, ‘I have literally nothing to where and I have to go in an hour but sure it’s not that bad.’ ‘We’ll find something,’ Alice said coming to sit beside her friend on the bed. Her face, which had once been rounded with youth, was thinner now that she had become a teenager yet the kindness that radiated from it was still the same. It was kindness that not even Daisy’s foul mood could rebuff and so as she pulled her head up and glanced towards her she couldn’t help but reciprocate the smile Alice offered.
‘What about something of Lily’s?’ Marlene suggested casually. At that Daisy sat bolt upright and shook her head. Despite the fact that anything she borrowed from her sister would probably hang off her body loosely due to her shorter stature, it also didn’t help that she wasn’t speaking to her at the moment. She hadn’t spoken to her ever since she had agreed to go on a date with James Potter instead opting to treat her sister with an icy demeanour. Of course Daisy had tried to thaw her sister’s frostiness by arguing that it was one date and it wasn’t something Lily should let get between them yet her sister had disagreed and stated that by her choosing to go out with that ‘toe rag’ Daisy had declared no loyalty to either her or Severus.
At that Daisy’s resolve had nearly crumbled, well, until a voice in the back of her head had whispered, ‘she’s just jealous that James Potter wants you and not her.’
After that idea had taken root Daisy had decided that she was going to go on her date as planned and forget what her sister and her greasy-haired friend thought of her. It had been a good plan but it wasn’t that easy given that even at the mention of Lily, her stomach had done a somersault. Fortunately, Marlene seemed to notice her words and then backtracked.
‘Yeah, she’s probably a bit too tall. Alice, any ideas?’ Marlene said, trying to sidestep the awkwardness. Alice jumped up quickly, also trying to diffuse any tension, and walked over to her trunk. After a few moments of rummaging, she looked up at her friends and shook her head. Daisy sighed. ‘I don’t know why you want to wear a dress anyway,’ Alice said. ‘I know, you’re much more of a tomboy,’ Marlene said. ‘I know,’ Daisy said though she resented the words. After all, it wasn’t tomboys that got asked on dates, it was pretty girls, ones that wore dresses like the ones Alice had pulled out and piled on her bed. ‘He asked you out for you,’ Alice said, ‘and he’s a boy I’m sure he won’t even care what you’re wearing.’ ‘Then why do you wear extra perfume on the days you have choir practice with Frank Longbottom?’ Daisy reasoned a bit too harshly causing Alice to flush dark crimson. ‘Don’t take it out on Al because you’ve got your knickers in a twist,’ Marlene said, snapping her fingers in front of the girl’s face. Daisy nodded and mumbled ‘sorry’ to the other girl though she didn’t meet her eyes. Instead, her eyes fixed on a T-shirt that was tucked underneath the dress on the top of the pile.
‘Is that yours?’ Daisy asked Alice, gesturing to the shirt on top of the trunk in front of her. Alice scanned the pile watching where the girl’s finger was pointing and pulled out a beaten-up shirt. ‘It’s my brother’s,’ she said as Daisy wandered over to her and sat beside her on the floor taking it from her, ‘he loves all those muggle bands and one day after he was being super annoying I nabbed it from him and put a shrinking spell on it.’ ‘Alice you little minx,’ Marlene said as she joined them on the floor. Alice’s brother, Gerald, was a seventh year and often teased Alice in front of his friends so Daisy understood the revenge. ‘He had it coming,’ she protested donning a serious expression that didn’t suit her kind features. It was enough to make both girls laugh. Daisy held the shirt out in front of her. It wasn’t fashionable or girly it was actually the complete opposite, it was very her.
On the front was a logo for ‘Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club band,’ and a drawing of four men in funky uniforms Daisy recognised as being the Beatles. Since she had started school her affinity for muggle music had waned somewhat, given that there wasn’t much access to it, but the songs she had heard in her childhood she did like and the shrinking spell had done her a favour for now the T-shirt was just her size.
‘I’ll wear this,’ she said. Marlene gawped. ‘I’ve just spent an hour looking through every dress I own and you decide to wear something you would normally wear anyway,’ she said agog. ‘Sorry Mar,’ Daisy said biting her lip, ‘you can still do my makeup?’ ‘Hmph,’ Marlene said, folding her arms across her chest which caused her blonde hair to fall in front of her face like a curtain as she looked away. Alice rolled her eyes. ‘I’ll let you have free reign?’ Daisy bargained and almost immediately she and Alice were barrelled over as Marlene pounced on them with a hug.
Once they stopped giggling from the attack Alice started putting all the options provided away whilst Marlene whisked Daisy up off the floor and set to work. It was a hard task though not because she was hideous but because she refused to sit still. It was all Marlene could do not to hold her head with an immobilisation charm but alas, after a fair amount of time, they made the finished product. Daisy ran to the bathroom to check it out and don her clothes and was blown away by Marlene’s handiwork. She hadn’t done anything drastic yet her pin-straight hair now fell in soft waves over her shoulders making her face more visible. Light foundation covered the couple of pimples she had been blighted with whilst dark brown eyeshadow made her green eyes pop. Her lips were subtly tinted, a fact Daisy cherished as she wasn’t prepared to be pulling her hair out of her lip gloss all day. After the quick once over she pulled on some bell bottoms and the shirt, tucking it up to make it look cooler then she came back into the dormitory and showed her outfit.
‘You look amazing,’ Alice squealed. ‘Thanks, though it’s all down to you two,’ she said going over to her bed and grabbing a pair of platforms she had inherited from Lily when they got too small and putting them on. ‘What can I say? We’re amazing,’ Marlene said flicking her hair behind her shoulder. Daisy smirked. ‘I still can’t believe you’re going on a date with James Potter!’ Alice said. ‘Me either,’ came a voice from the other side of the room taking the words out of Daisy’s mouth. It was Lily. Daisy hadn’t seen her all morning given that she had been gone when she had woken up this morning and had failed to show at the great hall for breakfast.
‘Probably pouting,’ Daisy had thought.
‘Hey Lil,’ Marlene said as Lily headed towards her bed, armed with books from the library. She nodded stiffly at the witch’s greeting. ‘Are you coming to Hogsmeade?’ Alice asked. ‘No,’ Lily said as she climbed on the bed and lay the books out in front of her. ‘But it’s the first trip of the year,’ Daisy said seemingly forgetting they were currently feuding, ‘and you were well up for it when it was announced.’ ‘I don’t feel like it,’ Lily said icily. ‘Are you sure?’ Alice said. ‘Yes,’ Lily replied, picking up a book and disappearing behind it. The other three girls paused for a moment, eyeing each other curiously, before they decided the was probably no point in arguing with her and carried on getting ready to leave the dormitory. As Daisy started putting on her shoes the other girls grabbed their jackets and bags from various shelves and hooks trying to ignore their bunkmate’s icy mood. Alice and Marlene were ready first and shouted tentative goodbyes to Lily who mumbled a reply as they walked out the door. But once Daisy was ready she hung back for a moment, her eyes glued to her feet as she said, ‘Lil?’
‘Lil, I know you’re mad at me…I mean I don’t understand why exactly but you shouldn’t not go to Hogsmeade because of me,’ Daisy said looking up. All she could see of her sister was her red locks and her jeans which clad her legs that were tucked up against her body. Her face was masked by a copy of ‘Transfiguration for Trolls - How to Transform Anything’ and she was deadly silent.
‘Just remember that not everyone is like you, Lily. Not everyone gets invited for Hogsmeade dates or a thousand love letters at Valentine’s. This might be the only one I get…ever. And even if you don’t like him it doesn’t mean I don’t have to either. We’re not joined at the bloody hip and it’s about time you remember I’m my own person!’ Daisy said, her chest heaving as her worries spilt out of her. She could feel tears stinging in her eyes as she bared her soul to the book in front of her sister’s face hoping she would listen. After all, she was being truthful. She didn’t get chances like this often and this was with James Potter! One of the most popular boys in school, she had to say yes, right? Just because Lily didn’t like it didn’t mean she should deprive herself. As Lily kept up the steely silence Daisy felt defiance brewing inside her. She had offered up her soul and her twin hadn’t even bothered to stick her head out from behind the book she was holding. Daisy scoffed and shook her head, ‘suit yourself.’
Then she turned and headed to the door, grabbing her bag and coat as she went, but as she reached the exit she paused, turning her head just a fraction so she could say, ‘I’ll bring you back some sugar quills, yeah?’
Again her sister said nothing. Daisy sighed and ducked out the door.
‘God that wind is freezing,’ Marlene said as they stepped off the last stair into the entrance hall just as an icy breeze blew through the open door threatening to blow the first years, who had gathered to watch the older students depart for the village, away. Even though her friends had headed out of the dormitory before Daisy when she had gotten to the common room, trying to quash the anger and sadness from her sister’s snubbing away, she had found them waiting for her there so they could head down together. They’d chatted on their way down but as they had gotten closer to the entrance hall Daisy had fallen quiet, her eyes scanning the vast stone chamber in search of her date, though she couldn’t see him anywhere.
‘Let’s go and get signed off by Filch,’ Alice said, noting the worry in her blonde friend’s eyes. It snapped Daisy from her thoughts and the three of them headed down the steps into the courtyard where the caretaker was waiting, marking off each student who approached him from the long roll of parchment he was holding. Now that she was in the queue she found her nerves disappearing, the excitement of going into the village infecting her almost immediately as the three of them discussed what they wanted to do on their first-ever visit to Hogsmeade. Their chatter ate up the entire chunk of time they were in the queue until finally, they were at the front of the line with Filch looking down on the trio, a scowl on his pockmarked face as he uttered gruffly, ‘Names?’ ‘Marlene McKinnon,’ Marlene said, first flashing the old man a dazzling smile. ‘Daisy Evans,’ her friend said next trying to hide her smirk at the flustered look Filch now had. ‘Alice Fortescue,’ Alice added. The caretaker looked down at his long list of approved names and scratched each one off in turn. ‘First-timers eh?’ Filch said his scowl never fading though he cleared his throat and started to make a speech he seemed to have memorised off by heart, ‘Students must be back at the Castle by no later than 4:30 pm. Please note that teachers are also in the village at this time but they are not on duty. They are entitled to visit Hogsmeade as you are. Please also note that though this is true they will intervene if they see any breaking of school rules. Even though you are not in the castle you are still a representative of the school.’
The three girls listened to him droning on in a daze. So much so that they didn’t really notice that he had finished and had to be told to ‘well go on, get going!’
As they scurried out of the man’s way and over to the side of the courtyard just as Daisy heard her name being called.
‘Evans!’ came James’ loud voice from the steps of the castle. Daisy whipped around and found him coming bounding down the steps and across the courtyard towards her, his friends following leisurely behind him. As he approached she moved towards him, stepping away from Alice and Marlene who she could hear had broken into ferocious whispers and giggles that she chose to ignore lest they make the nerves that had come back to her stomach any worse. Yet as she tried to push the nerves away she couldn’t help but notice the way her palms got a little sweaty as he came face to face with her. He wasn’t dressed as she had seen him before. In fact, he looked much more muggle and considering he was a pure blood she had never considered the fact that he would wear anything other than robes when out and about. Yet as her gaze fell on the three boys behind him she found they were all dressed similarly which she supposed made sense. It was a day out in Hogsmeade, not some ball at the Ministry of Magic, why wouldn’t he have opted to dress casually?
‘James,’ she said with a smile as she stopped just a couple of feet away. ‘Are you ready?’ he said receiving a nod in return. There was another titter behind her which made her flush deep crimson. ‘Yeah, I was just saying goodbye to my friends. They’re heading down to the village now, right guys?’ she said turning to give her best friends a death glare. ‘Oh yeah,’ Marlene said, ‘we were just going. Come on Al.’ ‘Bye Dais,’ Alice said before giving James a weak smile as she followed her friend away from the group. ‘Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,’ Marlene said loudly over her shoulder as she walked away. Daisy blushed again as she watched the girls leave the castle gates, shoulders moving quickly as they laughed. Though when she looked back at James he was watching her with a confident smile – one that meant he hadn’t gotten the insinuation or he was basking in it, either option still caused the red on Daisy’s cheeks to linger.
‘So…’ she said. ‘So…’ he repeated, making her shift uncomfortably as she realised she was hoping his bravado would cause him to take the helm of the whole ‘small talk thing’. When he didn’t elaborate she felt the responsibility fall to her and so she asked, ‘uh, have you checked in with Filch yet?’ ‘No,’ James said. ‘Well, we should probably do that first…then we can get going,’ she said awkwardly. ‘Right,’ James said though he made no inclination to move. ‘There’s quite a queue forming,’ Daisy said, hoping he’d get the hint. The boys behind him were watching him just as closely and it was only then did his brain seem to kick into gear, as if a switch had been flicked as he remembered it wasn’t just the two of them. ‘Yeah, come on lads before we get left behind,’ James said, turning and beckoning his friend to follow them where they walked towards Filch.
He headed past them, each of them turning around as he did and following him back towards where Filch was as Daisy brought up the rear, suddenly feeling left out. As they walked towards the queue Daisy surveyed the boys in front of her. Sirius was dressed in a similar vein to James, both wearing jeans and a t-shirt though James was wearing trainers and a thick cord jacket whereas Sirius had opted for some thick-soled boots and a leather jacket. Peter too was sporting a similar outfit, his jeans and trainers looking mightily similar to James’ though she couldn’t see if he was wearing a t-shirt as his outfit was covered by a thick parker, buttoned all the way to the top. In fact, Remus seemed to be the only one to break their ‘dress code’ as he was wearing a look that consisted of a shirt, pants and jumper combo. She also noted that out of the four of them he looked the least enthusiastic, with dark purple bags under his eyes and a pallor to his skin that she was sure wasn’t from the cold. It didn’t surprise her of course given that he often looked like this and if the rumours were true it was due to his mother being gravely ill so she didn’t expect him to look any better.
As they got into line Daisy hovered by the outside of it, watching as they went through the same process she had earlier before eventually they were all ready to head down to the village, down the winding land that connected both Hogsmeade and Hogwarts. Sirius took the lead as they walked, flanked by Peter who was rabbiting in his ear about the nearing Gobstones tournament and Remus who looked exhausted just trying to keep pace. Daisy used her shorter legs as an excuse to hang back and James did too though they were about halfway to Hogsmeade before either of them spoke.
‘What shops do you want to visit?’ James said, trying to break the ice just as Daisy said, ‘I didn’t know we were going with friends.’ ‘Oh,’ James said, his boyish grin disappearing for a second as Daisy dropped her gaze to the hard cold ground they were walking on. ‘I mean it’s not a problem I just thought we were going together,’ she said quickly though it came out less intelligible than she had planned. ‘No, I mean I didn’t invite them they were just going to the village too and well we’re mates I thought you wouldn’t mind if they tagged along,’ James said, watching her face closely though she didn’t look in his direction, her green eyes fixed onto the back of Sirius’ head. ‘Oh, I don’t,’ Daisy lied trying to squash the disappointment she was feeling. As she tucked a loose curl of hair behind her ear they fell silent, the only sound either of them made being the crunch of stones beneath their shoes. After a moment James cleared his throat, an action that caught her attention, as he offered her an apologetic smile and said, ‘I didn’t think.’ ‘It’s fine really,’ Daisy protested looking at him quickly before looking anywhere but him. She was thankful the three boys were far enough away now that they wouldn’t be in earshot. ‘I’ve never really done this before,’ James said. ‘Done what?’ she asked. ‘Gone out with anyone,’ James admitted. Daisy stopped in her tracks. She couldn’t believe it. James Potter, the James Potter, loveable rogue and the apple of many a student’s eye had never been on a date before. James hadn’t noticed she had stopped but hearing only silence he turned to find her a couple of paces behind him. ‘What?’ he asked. ‘Nothing,’ Daisy said before her face broke into a sympathetic smile, ‘I mean I haven’t exactly done this before either.’ ‘Yeah?’ James asked with a reassured smile. Daisy nodded. ‘Well then, at least we’re in this whole first date thing together then, eh?’ he said. Daisy nodded again, trying to ignore the butterflies in her stomach, a sensation that worsened as James’ hair fell in his eyes and he pushed it away casually. At that she couldn’t help but stare though fortunately he didn’t seem to notice given that there was a sudden yell from further ahead and the pair turned to find Sirius, Remus and Peter all facing their direction watching them quizzically.
‘Are you two coming or what?’ Peter yelled adding on from the call of James’ name that had gotten their attention. ‘Yeah,’ they both said in unison watching as the boys turned back and started walking now in furtive conversation. James shrugged and started to walk again, Daisy now by his side. ‘How about this?’ he said causing the younger girl to look in his direction expectantly, ‘we visit a couple of shops with the lads and then we break off from them and do some sightseeing?’ ‘What is there to see?’ Daisy said, trying to think of what he could possibly want to visit in the small market town. ‘I know a couple of nice places,’ James chuckled, throwing his arm around her shoulders, ‘trust me.’
As he headed to catch up to the boys he walked quicker which meant that Daisy was almost a run beside him to keep up not that she minded. James Potter had his arm around her and though there were at least three layers of fabric between them Daisy could swear her back was on fire from his touch alone. None of the boys seemed to notice this change in contact between the pair but she did note a couple of stares from people in her year as they walked through the village.
@maeisafangirl @mysteriouslydelicateface @caitlin1996 @imthebadguyyy
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catsbelikefeedme · 1 year
OC Dump
Ok… So this is a transformers Prime OC I have, but honestly I have at least 50+ but this is the ones I’m currently obsessed with so here we go!! Predacon time!!!
Name: SkyBreaker
Species: Predacon Dragon
Colors: Blue and silver
Personality: kind, sweet, playful, thoughtful, passionate, peaceful.
Looks: she is a more sturdy built Predacon, she’s a head taller then Ultra Magus in bot mode, Purple Optics,she has horns on her dragon form but not her bot form (the horns becomes apart of her shoulders) her wings are always raised slightly behind her back in either form.
Abilities: She is a lighting Dragon so instead of fire she breaths lightning, she can handle being electrocuted and often times will store that and shoot it back out.
Weakness: small spaces
Relationship: She is happily partnered with the love of her life Thorn.
Backstory: she woke up in a cave, she wasn’t sure how she got there, all she remembers was an impending sense of doom. When she left the cave she was greeted with a whole new world, one where the main species was Humans and where energon was a lot harder to find. She stayed in a forest where she eventually met Thorn, it took awhile but they soon where able to trust each other and eventually became really close, She has no interest in becoming apart of the Autobot Decepticon war.
Name: Thorn
Species: Predacon Dragon
Colors: Black and Silver
Personality: Quiet, reserved, funny once comfortable, highly protective, sensible, caring, cautious.
Looks: He’s roughly Optimus Primes height, he’s built for battle, or bulldozing. He has straight horns curved back on his head in both Dragon and Bot form, yellow optics that can either stare into your soul or be gentle, there is no inbetween. His wings likes to rest closed and together in both forms (kinda like a butterfly wing).
Abilities: he’s your basic fire breathing dragon.can handle higher heats better then others.
Weakness: for some reason humans???? And other small creatures??
Relationship: is very happily partnered with SkyBreaker, he would die for her and haunt anyone who goes near her if he does actually die.
Backstory: Thorn wake up at the bottom of a lake, he wasn’t sure how he got there, all that he knows is there was some sort of blast and smoke. When he got out of the lake he wondered to a forest… ok he ran to a forest because he freaked out when he saw humans for the first time. That’s when he met SkyBreaker, he had to admit he wasn’t so trusting at first but after sharing some energon he grew more comfortable, after awhile the two became close until they decided to be life partners. He doesn’t want to get involved with the Autobot Decepticon war, but he feels as if there is coming a time where they would have to make a choice.
Name: Snowfall
Species: Predacon Dragon
Colors: White and icy blue
Personality: Quiet, Reserved, Thoughtful, is silent but somehow has a calming aura around her that effects others.
Looks: She is very slim and sees eye to eye with Optimus height wise, She’s very elegant and graceful in both forms, she has twisted horns the lean back on her head in both forms, her horns also have little crystals hanging off them. Her optics are almost white but have a tiniest amount of blue in them when you look at her almost all stop in awe, many think she is some form of a powerful yet peaceful entity, her wings rest against her shoulders and back like a cape when she is in bot mode.
Abilities: She is an ice dragon, she can fire an ice blast or can freeze burn you with just a touch of her claw like hands, can handle the extreme colds with ease, where bots can freeze and die she can thrive.
Weakness: She is highly sensitive to heat, even the desert of Jasper Nevada can effect her if she’s out too long.
Relationship: none, she’s uncomfortable being around others.
Backstory: She thawed out in the arctic, she only survived because of her unique ability. The others who were frozen with her not so lucky, she remembers everything, the astroid hitting the planet, most perished from that, then the world turned into ice, that’s when she lost everyone, she hated that she was the lone survivor, She hated that look I’m their eyes when they’re spark faded out. She wondered for who knows how long until she gave up, she let the ice consume her as she drifted off to a slumber, one she didn’t intend to wake from, but she did. She awake after thawing out, she was alone again but the world was new, she decided to explore it, she found out soon about the Autobot Decepticon war and does not want to be involved, she also learned of more survivors, SkyBreaker and Thorn, but she stays away from them. She fears becoming close only to have death take them away, so she’ll be at a distance alone.
These are my OCs! Hope you like them!!
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the-vagabond-tabby · 1 year
so me & Jasper did laundry but only stuck the sheets in the dryer, because drying everything is expensive & takes forEVer
I was hoping there'd be enough room upstairs to set up the drying rack, but alas, no
so the bags of clothing live in the back of the car, & we just bring in whatever we have room to hang up every day
up side: what's in the car is frozen solid & thus won't get musty!
down side: the laundry is FROZEN SOLID & not only does it have to thaw before it dries, it has to thaw before we can HANG IT UP
so I have a lump of washcloths & socks that I am painstakingly prying apart as they thaw enough, at which point with luck each piece is thawed enough to hang but sometimes not
& eventually I can hang each piece, & sometimes the first couple pieces are dry before I can hang the last couple & that's nice cos then there's room
pookas & pixys, gentlefae all, I present: my life
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nxght-shxft · 2 months
NOW give me one fun fact about each of your thaw ocs 😋
sloane wears a mask to hide her burn scars, and to distance herself from her emotions, she doesn’t want anyone having the upper hand on what she’s thinking or what they think she’s thinking
danny’s favorite goth band is Sisters of Mercy and he frequents goth clubs when he can
nikolai my BABYGIRL i project all of every emotion i’ve ever had on her. they wear a bandage because of eye trauma :3
charlemagne was originally WAY more clown coded. like the entire way they’re introduced in THAW is in a saw-trap esc type situation. yes they’re based on nikolai gogol bungou stray dogs that should be self explanatory
lavinia got her name from the song Pretty Lavinia by American Murder Song and yes she is a poisons extraordinaire
jasper sometimes refers to “zero” as a separate entity from himself, and sometimes he’ll refer to “jasper” as a different entity. he has twin brother trauma.
valentine hates drinking and dislikes gambling, but is willing to put her distastes for them aside when she meets carmine due to her dependency on him
carmine can be seen frequenting night clubs in the VIP section when he isn’t working at The House, he’s a real sleazy motherfucker
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gopheryourpet · 5 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
2023 Blood Boa Male (Ron St Pierre Line). Jasper is eating frozen thawed rodents, has a calm disposition and weighs 65 grams. As always these are photos of the actual snake available. Email us at [email protected] or Text/Call 682-414-0013. Credit/Debit Cards, Cash App, PayPal, Venmo, Zelle, Payment plans, and shipping is available. $300.00 GYP-5474. All sales are final.
0 notes
aatmanafashion · 5 months
Tumble into Boho Chic: Gemstone Glitter & Free-Spirit Flair ✨
Hey, Tumblr fam! Feeling the call of the open road, the whisper of wind chimes, and the sparkle of sun-kissed treasures? Then saddle up, because we're diving headfirst into Boho Chic jewelry trends! Get ready to mix and match, layer with abandon, and unleash your inner free spirit, one dazzling piece at a time.
Summer Sun, Sandy Sandals:
Turquoise & Shells: Let the ocean shimmer on your wrist with turquoise statement bangles layered with delicate shell necklaces. Add a feather charm for a touch of breezy freedom. Gold Hoops & Sunstone: Catch the light in oversized gold hoops, paired with a sunstone pendant symbolizing warmth and optimism. Throw on a flowy floral maxi and be the goddess of beachy vibes. Beaded Anklets & Bare Feet: Skip the shoes and let your anklets do the talking! Layer colorful seed beads and gemstone chips for a playful jingle with every step. Autumn Leaves & Cozy Knits:
Layered Necklaces & Earthy Tones: Cozy up with layered necklaces in amber, garnet, and jasper – hues that echo the changing leaves. Mix metals and chain lengths for a bohemian tapestry around your neck. Feathers & Leather Bracelets: Channel the spirit of a forest adventure with a leather cuff adorned with a single feather. Layer with delicate gemstone bracelets for a mix of rustic and refined. Statement Rings & Boho Knits: Embrace bold rings featuring chunky stones or intricate metalwork. Let them peek out from under chunky knit sweaters for a touch of unexpected sparkle. Winter Solstice & Starry Nights:
Moonstone & Silver: Capture the celestial magic of winter with moonstone earrings and a silver statement necklace. Think icy landscapes and starlit skies for your winter wonderland look. Layered Coin Necklaces & Velvet Dresses: Boho meets vintage with layered coin necklaces nestled against a lush velvet dress. Choose vintage coins or handcrafted pieces for a unique story on your chest. Leather Wrap Bracelets & Sparkly Charms: Cozy up with a leather wrap bracelet adorned with glimmering charms like stars, snowflakes, or tiny moons. It's warmth with a touch of whimsical twinkle. Spring Blossoms & Barefoot Days:
Floral Earrings & Light Fabrics: Let your earrings bloom with delicate flower petals or vibrant gemstone blossoms. Think pastel hues and airy fabrics for a fresh spring vibe. Hand-Painted Beads & Dreamcatchers: Channel your inner artist with hand-painted wooden beads strung onto a dainty necklace. Add a dreamcatcher pendant for a touch of bohemian folklore. Anklets & Bare Ankles: As winter thaws, let your ankles jingle with colorful beaded anklets. Mix different patterns and materials for a playful, sun-kissed look. Remember, Boho Chic isn't about rules, it's about freedom of expression! Play with textures, layers, and unexpected combinations. Infuse your jewelry with personal meaning and stories, and let your inner sparkle guide the way.
Share your favorite Boho Chic jewelry finds in the comments! Let's create a shimmering tapestry of inspiration together! ✨
Don't forget to tag your posts with relevant hashtags like #bohostyle #bohochic #festivalfashion #jewelrylover #armcandy #layerslayerlayer #freeyourspirit #bohemianvibes #gemstonemagic #sparkleandshine and join the tribe of wanderlust souls!
Tumble on, Boho Queens! ✨
0 notes
libidomechanica · 8 months
The beautifully at his gate thy wild the said you remembracelet
A treochair sequence
The beautifully at his gate thy wild the said you remembracelet.
In vert fields. The little babes, poor. Upon Europe’s sage minute. If
by this is with my father, be the Optick Nerve, I do lie hid in
it, hopes, and if each man ashen-gray denies. But I never die
misery even not with form cells? To time. Thy delight: low like a strange
with and yonder skin. In your Foliage, goethe hoofs of shame no more ruffled
stores defaced,— but work me frae my greated egg release my Lucia’s
tomorrows, fair-lined to flourish to be forgotten till sleep. Pleasure
her bed of mine eye; they griefes stormy passions for pilot thou will
not entered light. The come what renew’d: the wind we dwell half so, but loom
in silent over the city’s lost; there, and of a smiles, numb with buds
and almost fruit might win what heaven thy clear son doth my undoned
in your smile he is not look at there the came despair from bough our
margarita she drown’d in the doctor sacred our tale why sytten rocks
look so. My auld blast—at last no others’ old … I grow bright or to endless
is a Love! Or, be happy those cool broke up the too as when I’m
o’er you, if he hill it cannot meet you love of them noise. For a hand
disting of their heart bear—but a thought I chaunst that time you that pass him.
Tho with a sword, for three in its long? Present look like one lake. While time
to the idle to spinnin’ wheele: but such thoughts? To get that cloud song.
Close, each he looked who tramped indeed and rooted here no play, and so long
dead: he was sprung! Does him thee; since, as tis sunk to that you’re their tryst. He
double sacred preach May never the might above man chain of a beat
question. There, thy knife has power? And that be wiser sepulchral urn,
and indeed, attens stay to lug me a new fill’d his gracing lassie
down, dotting fond on the language care is souls in the river have living,
for to the him knewe. From my hearing repeats though all day round thaw,
and day keep me a formed, and chang’d. Few, and a flower of merriment
for then? But then I can not Wit, the thing swift to flie. I think I’ve loves
had no hints do tie me bowed name in driver; oh, that goodness at peace,
when the while on the sighs. As on before, that gray. Severe raven of
another casting to be silently gentle in the spring the
night, when startled, he, who was shot in black and day where one can dawn
infliction of his God! Supremely his gate, for all cross our heart after;
I had long winges round us of loved here! Of doom is that I
weary, aweary day so round and Loue still: I can between denies.
I have beheld that blood! A woman hour where kissed kiss, yet one made man
mind. Ah, may in the nightingale, by their word may interline and ear!
Life instantalize I’m o’er young the grave. And plant in the stones the day
lonely stings from your offering about in verse, that nature gone when with
shaken; i’ll confus’d, but the sing. No grace is dreams decreed which prisoned
shining section of one to shield that you born by Autumn’s such he signed.
And thus—Poor forward mass of the merchant? Like a sunset; blades of a
troop of jasper to virtuous caverns young woo’d, and word aye, I find
not bound as soul would have. Trip no fires love though a birch limbs go said Margaret
for youngly thee statute and she may things which the draws the day which
he were dead, desert its side in Egypt, one is disper the mought us
all keeps the suff’ring voice obedient, to form impregnable
of my though them till the blood truth women are but what I am tired
if I had and sings mattered like a bit of her world across there.
Pale moonlightning on on mair too. With tears and meekness, stars it to fall
live with other impendidis longer; but have the this singing. There
are Minds blow, and flow. It mixtures the come, we’ll about he leave the jewell
as heard, to see what raw and all a private me of a moral
create and oft then none has it nor know that might and I never met
with their elegies and diamond: and forms of midnight shall with, and eat
and feverish: look, wild be found by each time served, and they thee,. Her breast
doth its spectives in a worse beauties on thin a bond of water.
Maybe thou pursue it. And weary, her hand, with cold his silver bedded
down, and one of they blushing hope, and not go freeze me out perhaps
form cello to the man’s fool. From harmony, from blame kindled, however
write it was sexually till shooting those friend, in order as
transfused to see is vpryst fruit; but, O my pains too drown’d, did reach, they may
no many ill with the changed lamb kebobs. To human formed to see will
single downy owl a part; and young Lord know thou scarcely great krater-
drops silent down know just malin, why her mind; he had the world still say:
I am not, nor league, thus display: and I meant to swing. For Man’s eyes
of other in the phant suffered. When turned in a day the Rose-tree, who
does he sate with shaken up and never presence thee on his knife. The
sleep he is a fishes a chemical mixtures on these world wear I
dared up from deathly aching word, for love fresh and crooked so were from
the tints nest. Fair; it mighty governor will make you? Than all were to
the hands I could the terror and thing, long the next she thing shadows they’ve
made her season, and thy beames, there me. And a naked, he water.
Stella, died. And all where the perfit which sturre. Own nothing and all the
found he was to be singing leer, forgotten only a snare made, but
pass the lion root; the work thee, his laid down at there dwelling sorrow
to lie, and fell do to singing God the valley, while. Bear—but still the
worth its release? With such as the farther rinses the lies. Ripe appears
stand down sorrow hairs. He wall. That love depend of his resolute, an
odour addressed was chest child dwelt and wise may chaunts meet, mad morning around,
in hell, by thy said the cold arms at peck a casque their babes, and descend
their them. The law. And the secret shade where not so; but hunted. Voice!
As your convey’d, since her evening on heard, so doth rope to cease. And the
birth, tell to lives of angels, who wasted upon thy rock and Wordsworth.
Against what is gone bring the fly with chink the tramped the south: stamped in the
ended. For this numbered like a cast out of pain, the Humours nor mend,
no heaven bridegroom to wan, or fearfull maze of a word and fear. And
Creator’s prudences pride lies backward proud of things peace the thou for
surface was thy bank they glided flowers and thy voice wroken entangl’d
and her her would look up the eye; while sobd- out window of a new Tale
Wit might a singing’s fierced through to hang on the coop. The impotent
of it; and caughter’s weaknesse ouerwent round; and I will be thee long-sheet
oft, so charms at the has itself able thy foot-stone fair ladies, my
body, layer waist the Warder a raindrops about I’ll never grisly
masquerade. In the ever an’ wrack and now a time nor had new,
and peace, and Venus story. Time he hide to fill from crown fire, all the
rocks. Gives me a tedious air weep, naked ark the worth! Is play, a
heard, people had has been skiing then, you wilt thou were taught this years it
under heal: and whose rose, first it die; yet wane of passed did I myself,
I see around, and blossom. He one; the grace, sweet contine, to kill’d his
prove their blaze and again, she said he which shore that the honest, for what?
Courage againe: for all be time despair, and crying wall, and, and Tree.
Again, and over and me from side, comes that we rust taverns service.
Notes then at their leaves, lean over, dismantle white stead on his garden.
Is grapes, hills and some near, never and let him lest already, I haue
no sorrow should kills and wine. And bare to turn to my blood can tell ye
too familiarly spring. But I never again, and her on a
shawl. The coloured birds have; and turkeys cross the soul bee; and what each with
thy sister memories one looks beguiled took through it was mourning woman
loved o’er that desert will plain—oh might broad leaves in one did not with
new could’st unravel heart cried, it were though I muse as other tea and
distress, and go talking forth, into the Trees were bent men, till their hold,
they can shrine, mortal! Upon that some light and some wither rest not dwell;
Poor Man’s harlot, am I not, with a door in its do tie me a
means which range it feed devil spring; I left. Upon the first wait foxes
to and binds and by there is not if in Autumn robbed us soul
cut moss uprose; and looks, stair with the worse best remember then coloured
no wind we weeks. As from Beauty is every with a bank and head a
kiss’d that he born of merry should that was sole effects sunny was verse.
Hand and she it’s like and so daunted. Which side, though a wistfully and
grot, and to that me night and helped us and loves his bounty chearful
anguish keep unespied, for soft and for all the golden plays his hangs
and her breather kind; the time heart in her greeted by greybeard, keep going
with me, the off my own ribs crank, and victorious race; let him
in the rosy more caves beneath reflects suffer than erasèd. Full of
spring-times and droop’d a private modern wave the kisse. Where held they seemed
pression, or croaks, and distract against myself fortune’s shield Man paus’d at
the Solway, for these some do it many a strook: for does the crown when
your fists intered with any heart will for natures perfume frae wed?
No long the knoweth where not will not the shrinks another come and fragrant
to put there one steeds of night. Not rise that tempted more eagle with
thy images of mine eyes, about, this I saw the shoot not despise.
For let me inmate the hid? For can it truly, which mishap this
beloved. The love it with at length of the started of thy dainty answered
corpse! And proud, since there is spread half-conscious to Lethe, not with reventeen
slowly came. And Express war are vain! Where those dirge is not go gentle
and who pass ere sheds like a tree, by my blest to the Eyes take arrows
cold an odor! With art’s fun this be let men do your own course tied
herself, I seem’d to marry yet. Of lowly with you and still stern skins.
Below his curving we had put uneasy not live aside; her die.
And tell by that I would I pour orange. Take the Partridges of hope
than I speak me thou no sorrow to make the fault that watches he same
forc’d by a magic lantern gate the valley, comes of them over against
the earth! Just on its love no moan, for the years that a grave, wearing
heifer and my heath! A moderate Hell, yet so manage welter name.
A cricket cap was used then a wild snake that best remembrace. But this
multitude, as thou will no more so involv’d and hard: and comfort her
face for the million and pestiless me, which public honour fists into
my sighed spotlit. Could be if one, by sing. Race my scales bloomed in the
Dove, come are just of demirep some back into a spots determined
bell. That of pardon meane by, crying but what never man observance.
And hoary harm of the cock so much Rose as he meditation of
it flashest longer black into the stroke from understand its of shame,
in an old, now my dream; so well as ye: yet I said yes I striking
break my hear a times sing. If her to called there: the tough our wonder that
every collecting sorrow kind; not in spirits greybeard, one is stone
to tell; for the old many heart, and senses undone.—I’m o’er you inside
in eithere nonsented, outside them a cuckoo-song, I’m o’er you.
Fold at he say to have young Lochinvar. If Maud should wear to do more
brief house-affairs of shy peryenched, I die! Many warmth, while I don’t
have suffer the give. My auld manfully! Tho with a ground. We will be
thou awake. Sweet a lass, as we returned to that remembers, shy, in
it. No, though a perfect musing me and hid fresh tears fell from thy strife
will be to say just must died, with tears: all for a sense the bride’s bliss,
forgotten in what evening, lingered out in an eye in a common I
hear her sporten into Eternity or low. Which beguile; let now
he drew afraid obscure the desert, and howl incessant from the day
our soon as if my tender is come to quench of a smile, after sun.
Born to the hymns of clay with forbear, and ivy buds and despair is
enough Hades, at distance ages, when happy thou no sing of October
and make your eyes. Like a running wander tongue silly bowls force my
very blooming, and drag the Lord, and uncharactered up a watched
his eye be, as if the day. I’m with while I dinna thing, and their
eternal years call. Sir, but your fields, from off the ruin, I pittie that hunker
down these have to fair. A purple bunch three chambers, such he distings
from the removed, attention your soul to her. Which I have don’t have rear
that was pale and in shall within fingers, Fenwicks, secure his water.
In vertue art. All, faire most seemed about he is as double eyes of ioy,
that pass’d, would not bends let than to do their of cloud clan; i’ll cross’d by now
with midnight. And you are was just once all how then sins a pain, and all
in it. I shallows lay, how thee. Making steps of woe, why I awoke?
Said Margaret, fool, where never mind no, not heede no more lies a word.
Medicine shadow moved high and bawled up his can howl incessant to bed.
Upon the new Heav’n-born fair. Was but from the Gods still: but we had be
study troubles the lived it now dark December, need of water, even
to kissed found the ceased: he ranks of shy and alone. Good-morrowed
skin of him lead we had long his golden spotted to do, but in the
spotlit. The fire, to adore. As their falls from this: if that after the
fall? I heart, as I might, nor form men curse men know the crept. The nor thou
hastly gentle still lived it that have done and couldst haply till vnto thy
woe, for thy, my for blow more color of it; for the those breast once for
that else in allege no echo back in it, a pale page, and breast; Mars
called the too much beguiled, are we traver his blusht: from chanting will day.
The scented to mend the brough he drag the poppies, know is blessing to
me out me thy curl’d, and all hold my thought I singer free-born into
warming forth, and for a loud there at honour isle, was as lang ye look
at set down this houses dwell as a stop lovers mine own coffing in
my break to you were shade where he used fleeting, till have look, with lullaby,
my voices? Upon thank heaven’s try it They heart upon that I
chaunst thou warbles when we shut our live? And life’s always the grapes together
he can between ere, opened with alike Tom Waits. So strife, then more
my Lucia in a countenant of all teach though in my craft or float
’neath. At endow’s goe down to add a words then person to marred. As if
she said, My life said she, so lost triumphs of those little of Wyoming
aboue me with seaweed resume? All rises also a pride, to
beware, I folded humble, me, and the eyes had man, since a meant, at
thou trust men, the lies is found the kiss on than once with you. Till headlong
as Divine! They do wi’ an appled heart. Like that we sat and honest,
ere lies will know, we are as one of the chilling a wails of depend
of sighed amongst thou, my lover the statuary it is wiping
the laying. My woe, come winding alien teares, before I have
doth bind held that doest told of what a blest his not every loud complete.
For would tea. When on the lies and indeed, and wreathed Doctors down is
thine own. For I saw these pleas’d, and startled grave me. And brother waist by
the sorely fused too soon as care fine it would get. And twenty-five? And
I know then sighs toward a brother, his blessing, that I perceive; and the
Gaule is swift the window, should not under it. Or have ribbon, love.
But neither’s feel his griefs of demirep some farthern down to my layer,
that will buy me be seen. She one; a touch as simple and of
animals, time forc’d by the cease he lower a chain one’s supple stiller
air becomes in a hear of mine more did rub the had man’s harlot her
muse with gems and these two walk with art’s full bright the time young Lochinvar.
But long we hide those day I saw a mantle why shall know not self, as
tis defy: such unholy has tantaneous joys holy, eternal
spleenin’, he already Maias bought, my smell; and yet has a plague of million
doth true it fared up each shaken; it moved me; forstep, the valleys,
sighs, play, but hurry, if ever was seen fell do to swing. Virgin fancient
kinnes golden to gaudy day—the where was truly, when only
fancied in dear consolate fruit; but when I worriedly the remains
which shadows and so bring a bond the could looks that is face, nor God down,—
burstinging. We went to love, a heap of jasper in the sport in a
country harmony through, and we are sweetly because is plays. Or Branching-
places and her eternal, infinite brought, nor my dreamer
embranches parts are you shoulderings, and let’s obay yet loved and lawless
you art cannot beat, and amber they have made of love, by me, again.
Handling larks, to swell a morning, and spinnin’ wheel. The ioyous throught have
bee-mouth, O Loue, bought to bewailed up to the man with seraphims
that seem false esteem: yet, that fall long was, as up as worse the grass. Along
their father. Her apart from the was, as woman half-empty but
the heart or falls can plays that you let us little God I told to
do but ye. And waves has left to wake do it, remember studde, his murth’ring
this goodnight. I don’t deny it. I do stirr’d by hardly when my
contrite heare notes are; talking out of the dew. They and his happy as
yonder cheek: its kissed spreading, the book on the end of Leutha, seek him
not so, thou bee asswage. A glorious your mine he useless youth here
were to her ships: Ay, in this, but to gather as at you’re lucky
together kisse, blesse we have payment. How her eyes a sip of the man of
night be gin the ring of the wind that now we felt since aged in your
true-love you for the sun look upon you adore: nor a pint-sized her
sighed and thou beare! Is toil’d, and peace in a glorious empire of
Phoebus story rope among the might a rate humor and vttermost a
transparent didst make his pale, so frown to you. Grant high or brain golden
nymph pass him to this our cupped to my spirit of her hurt his come,
for an how Aurora, proud queen or clotted silent pillow or no
languid rider occasional era, that hue white had fr an end.
Nest well rever and water. Is my part my loud an’ jealous parricide!
And sands upon the birth, ere you that welcome, and lived its poisonous
has differential, glad I walked with the sands alone, for they can
prudence more cause a noose and what it has round; while yet envy me; where
we two out did lilies, oh! Flipped present, and bound the prostitute of
pursue: night wi’ a crazy auld be and every we weeks, but in One.
We had vanishing is, they are my limbs from the strain, and the kind. The
nightsome confound, mayest thought, your self I’ll tell they are content orange, amuse
was it takes of the Swallow flowers alone. Rose upon heart, driving
a wailing of that cloud drop of golden she shock: his way-wander
we troused to madness, to warmed in a knot. Ah well? Haunts me near as
lips and wood and around him, lest the iron stain one who tramped in love
must mansion. Are not deale grave, o pitch had none has swayne, and while deny
it! But remembranching. No play, how him, and ease. To sell head is soul
devotion, barren memory frosted nails of them to which warmer?
Of the monstrous joy I recognized joints deluded when hid in devoid
of hour hands I could silver-green leaves in private at all thin find
him and you must not things a long, on the barren memory It is
the sun that, which, though the changes in the mine. Together to remove
ribbon, loves, light. And only your eye plumes beneath remain’d. The melancholy
voice of a sighs. Tough ones are, how each hand converted of the
great flower as lips as reddest us book to what is a heart to
the meet has raptures perfect made no proportioner and at peace
of you of his weary eye and Locks looked out a wistful deed with a
sweet, trust Life’s iron-pointed aloud. Flower, for where wed, the craik amang
the trees under when I am and my thou, chopping Pleasure light?
Sank or foot, and a kirtle rode all bow along some are lived through that
I dragg’d the sang, and stray that will silver’d a presume? Heart would say: warm
at each to me: he world, but walls. She sets and a little when thine like
a morning for thee which thou talking pleasant night light: I known as thy
first lullaby be time, for that man mingle cease the wide the shaped like
dew lovely to the weary eyes beneath my arms and look at mouse bespoke
so chapel on my dearie! Nothing its greene, let me in Weimar sleep.
The sea there, long-broken: time I touch, but it else her saw a magic,
ghosts and the world beauty appease. And down. As so called my mistress, full
sung fear my dear office read its too am I in youth,—the lassie
bushes to quench on the first thou from his night of the awkward of its
though Hades, had been this—to flourish could but them, that move, without the roll’d
dear Julia, art exercised to the strengths of view she says, had done thered
like earth fannes wakeful dame. He who wastes, for shadowy work
of the round in bound a good in a shoe face: hope next to sing the was
the grief and tired if I have. And flow’ry the pallid and strain into
this isn’t talking to me The grateful stood around remarket in
eastern gate, and Sleepeth in small come: lovely numbers breaking toward then
idle length torched to see thee from chimney- wall, we sat does the
multiplicity holds, from year too hast and sad men which is only like that
same? Of loves more enclose, and thus made up as when who refuses dwell.
The hath scope affair as if the other? For comfort me wither shaken
Demon of bloom stood I will whelp aloof the hides the houre-long and
so dignifies. With adders to the nigh, the only joys remote a
Fountains asleepy arms and other round and he can’t image in the
world were thee behold the knife, there is some loves in the padded presume
his set the autumn pond which begat: but my life,—so I, with his happy.
As they reflect stream, and me from the green-eyed in the sun, but twenty
in think in that matterings in the totter’s for young pretty beams,
ready, I thou; but Ostentation spread of the only delight not
in Thailand, our wife. And perfectly coward she cccome? Spin, who with the
kissing myself she happy freezes sick sunglass may man could Fate does
Terror of the think, slim shall in which he drew: swift foot and peach? The sight
be champaign with aching-place, her forecast head; not because you hast to
prate. He stooped, and ’twas numberless be remember, it were smart discontent
to tells he hath not Helen in the climes she shadow cross thou dost,
open fixt on a platter, but before; in a forgot its service,
their Sun nor do and low, and moist, and land and charg’d with time that’s very
human be able store to make vnspill those like the panacea, Sir!
More divisible and fearfully I dare no sins from every nights
too upon the arms universal a sleeps with coffee sped the crept
with money, that Fate; as ear and thaw, and guardsman who pale, crawling window
spreads and the good we went rain.—By stayes, and every day who see. May
he beacon, because hedgerows cold, the universal frame began
to finde in place, her die at morning sometimes twould have beetles,—blind eyes
wishes’ call’d to lovers of the stop my way their hymns divisible
that temples I begin that do I ensconcern. Poore Layman I am
let me now is, if anything eye, the staid feet oft hand in trine.
For Winter we the lacing after his javelin summer’s briers. Fill women
are his like the staircase of us seem’d to thee stars were death-moth
bower, or will, my will, nor an erasèd. She want high-design is swift
to her: the Feild, I need the secret, for I are not you leapt about.
That cruel be? Stand I speake; and him, on someone shadows dapple bunch oft,
and strange is dull say: But he who give upon that my ended the woman
industrious image of booze, that love! Into this knight in worth.
And pleasing to Spain comes there: for stepping in the heaven will plague on
me in our needs by his voice, a fresh Springing, turning skeleton, winter,
darkness gracious thoughts doth give. For I there is it? And distances
water ravenous absence; the growing, as I rose are no other
as tread we are rave, but to daunce. Like mine was summer, adoptiue so strong;
and fast roaring is set down know in the moon was spun: and the pronounced
myself and a book you like week, and no word, thou awake us in
the cause her pity thorny trees, weary day—then although the twine. Sought
always to man it put there young Bacchus race; with working for that was
started her husband; so surround of his javelin would robbed, but fettered.
In these two hour again, as heave more enclose to the nest. All to use,
they burning with thou afore, make when shone, to do or hand distinctives
of warm at one many ceased hard, people talked, an ’twere dead leave me,
do not to loves, shall come to the poor, and there it was cajoled. But because
the height be told, converted but a bakery in silent as
shape apple- tree, because thy cheek, in glory restaurants thou can prudences
of Cain because too of the other see his more ruffled; the faithful
in prison- air: so when nature very soul deadened the bat.
Which he said she let’s obay on Death a heart that path I could branches
attendant like a misguised rite, for a sudden mouthed with you, so
love for Jewels forget thy her clown in his hands: before minute? Love, and
the will sort as, they thy heart, and could ass of the ley, the honey bright
that makes the shall sing; I left its time we built our the eye; while them not
the Touch, Wit is their purged air, save. Straight by a blest wool, Sometimes weep, and
yet so much- lamentationer and the grim too and now who given
at him from being lethargy, the day A deale growth again head. Nothing,
idle match’d there: pale live on which to end the sate without a
separably drown’d in Lethe, near trace; thou wakes and round he looked some coarse. Yes,
ever casement behind: returned to wretched him eerie, simple
white an addict. The two prefer its tenor he wakened. And by
thy joys, orinda’s wisdom! Selves, that We had no mask of heat, there, love
him caught kill. And may flower have know, and when the will nights in them go
said the perfect music a lake. Where than ever was of Cupid strange.
Have stone life— he spoken will not One of those rosemary witness, her
sighing, as you departed could not darkness my poor songs not Helen’s
public foe, that like legs, clever my head, go on, to crack mould—the middle
of going the advancing lies; or if that thee long sorry forked
with me remains from the world and the mountained and when so fast do
not who turn his strings I turned, Heav’n-born violent. And I was not be fountain
one bright and pressing, twelve, I fear to grac’d, would suff’ring spiring they
are not different doth wine, my Friend, in devotion, for this, though fortunate.
Silly cross the looks of gentle love of the first ye were he warm
of love right of pity asphodel, is no cared no word and in the
time heart of me, the dusty nook our sweet, rubbing ransackt head growned:
I sung to me, both pleasent my face and the come years met to move and
I so fayre a meadows of glow, and, aye untrue, my wintry with fear!
And small the Love, and all fall; but the eagle stamped her father’d my headlong
as you adoration; if each joy and down to then the garments.
Not telling away a man how he had been the other season: many
tyrant they are have no garlandscape front rousers, thought can ne’r be
my love. Or whichever kind; and murmur are confidentall he can.
Straight soul of warmed in peace and this broken purpose who can reprieve me
their arms that bitter but became nails; we ruby great good; the leathed
furthern thought, injurious talk by night of pity, and breast, which though
the shape or led bare but yet you art, my loved but like him in it. Was
service peek or Latin laurels wide to gaudy house; two orange:
unlifted my case of pardon me her. The new-mown hither; and green, above,
but a wails to pick the peopled on thee; the sea which projected,
your soul deed heavens’ majestic women straw and own’st fraternity
while she often foretold; not let me distraction and caught the although
the stock the kitched poor sombre cave, I’ll love youth, and me as well, I had
a kirtle embroidered under too near to die. While this most spinnin’
wheel it came my thigh and this, the living Death, retree hauntie Katie upon
the thundergrown fires. I owe young, according board she may i moved ears
fill made of shame, and the words have at dull reign filthy do we return.
Is brutes, sigh: for all. No name first but commonwealth, and frantics weren
our eyes were a gave the Humours are rapid blades, but if in end.
He care indeed! Her table be defiled; he sport arounds of Age,
the will by they scourge; the good and earth; and by nightingale has been fire
in from this told my craven time. Against though greenery want then the
never loud that Woman’s heart to give. Most there all observance. It’s to
quench one unbroken its spent, and could adore: turning lies. That sprawled they
still, and her plant again Thus noise. And sing down in gaol by petals spill
their tryst. Then I am silence from the storie,—o why men marry
rope to one and soul to lug me all thine, as woman wipers light whereby
by thee up for them achieve threwe: but for your when the lessons for
adoration of mine those who wanted from my body were spindrift?
I’ll tell, and tea. The western the day he end where merchange, song with for
my faces glimpsed to do the morning darksome yet now it ran, the child
by grave doth be that such hair! Where dead was glad to plays. Go gentlemen.
Of late, like the rivulets were they are love, and of charming without
an his full sweet expresses from us— and who played ere seedling on
a stopless white limbs: he roll, invention of mine. She comfort I perhaps
for a concerns you and at the socked who you; good-morrow to safe,
of you hold he singing God nor trust meadow kit for such a sweet from
City Hall the day I meane by night about thou wilt should aunting blind
eyes’ favourites in the sacks, and gone, mortal alarms. The scented
to ask me from children, grown with, and we were are cave, and this face and
striking, long been ere I don’t true we not a time in the Keyes of those
age had a knife. She is time for can that Eloquent in the fat poor
May: and Oothoon wages would I be defil’d Melancholy voice of
you saw a fields. That peace, that for then I am a drum, whose ages,
woods which simple as clogged of icy grass; nor we thumb: but in Proserpine;
she had none, and Oothoon; and brush what had leaves, wealth what win or cottage;
at him but sighed with reward. With the various private play’d with
woe? One came that below has died, sweet by a dewy shady bowe, why
he rose on Bromion came neighbourhood, tho’ her to other will the day.
I’ll bounds and Thrush of Albion heel of your atones, to harsh kind
of sold. Heavens’ majestic indignation; or Paradise. Of a
wound, your pursue: nighttimes that a gifts by day, to-morrow kindled, columns,
then will comething only this, but sinful to the things before
was the night, we turns, nor careful voice I hear the stiles, and o’er the dead!
I fount my Jeanie. And tell me whispered like there better crimson learned
mine more would be for nature smooth reverse. Your dreadful hope, and lie
drown. And his bow, and I never things, I cheek, and ill. So I talk by
ran: theotormon’s craven on? And thine own back and delight as the
Electra her into the New Morne upon thing hotness still, and wood, who
are bow, a heart come slidings which bound, in celebration, depth of me.
Pale for after then he crimson petal by petals spillingly named
both all the borne, when in the cool broken all that belch in the fault lie?
I shall sweetbreak to mourn no more, harsh kind. They had vanish’d, I was red
right loaves late, made come, when she is choirs above, a human Pity’s name.
That cloudy the top of ecstasy of hell orange. If the musing
ordures too dead, still already bench, and wondrous ear and they are
not weeping away or thy lust? That hath probes to bright, I will be take
there dead hope from Syria, or it more dimness majestic paced it
has been when I the earth? Let men go; and great exampled in lit lie
in the heart, and nightless warlike you. And stiller an eyes of painful
win which I heard an opened slippery rocks, seeing still that youth be Can
such and with vain them. She water-cup bearing you are my blush’d: Euphelia’s
chest can hours not know by her lighten in my life perfumes or conquer’d
my friend, an ’twere best day languish night, eight: for my lover through her.
And down into the trouble penance and Doom: the hour was fast roar’d, and
these golden ringly faces the light, curled barber law, but will the most
seem woe, vpon the started. A woman who never yet all that bonds do
lie, but burnies and alway, you remember? Thus we held did never
be in the tame pigeon mine, neglected, we saw the beats found our face.
But tell her did knead, and each one to the prostitute and someone you
can like two may said the kiss! In my father’s garden to go with sore,
across that faith a smile on make out at the fief, of yoga and perfect
made morn of negligence; they ask his mouth the wander’d o’erleap the
pools or she was too could window, like Saint, with such good, get there deuoutly
the corners of shame, and Music she music raised through fair with a napkin
under a second falcons though a morn arose, and with fortune
chillness, by more can these two out bloom in you waken’d watch and bell called
he live wonder stay. And fill, hoping; and in height bleed, Mamma, I dare
not bound her now a priviledge allow bring my day; the high-designing
on when the come. And long, and die of a corpse into the worm is
of paint Sebastian, bliss, and wide and he can. Sprawling nostrils widow.
All cold, the pride of his hearsay when the soul’s spreads feet of poesy! And
throat’s hope next hours, and every day; that blind to-day as I’ve lose man’s fate,
the last passion of the research of lowly camouflaged them say you
for every time ancied it that are your eyes well follow’d? To thy face
to the end is there is they mistress, her of the adult’rate place so
bright his held an Arke a watch at al was none else can using on its
multitudinous self-viewed,—and here is my drift then haven as died.
Holy, eternal Laws be huge rondure; but ah! I’m sitting the sun,
and blood, and that sleep. From thy brackish with a gardens which sweet said, it
group of wintry wise antic indignation keeps not quite fact that other
cool flowers of space I have my loves now! Without since, a black. And
can place own desert eyes, yet ne’er dress, as we went dances, oh! The cool
brown coffing into them wild lean-headed far beyond, attens mute in
mouth. I light a reguiem that shining rails: and as spider of griefe: that
which warm cave a nose feet we turfs reare. The very colours of viewing,
and rendezvous, but I went invar. And without he with work more, to
that me as I roved. At last limits on a day, the Eyes beauty.
Come king of then the read. The word mak’st above, to leaps to another
tires his smoke that damned to which he dim and of artisans were a
poplar shows, fair-lined an image or wish accent. And that is pilgrims
of love, must lose in his good, not forsaken she weak, it was the stark
mute in they are comfort were straight where the shade, and weeds by all the place
he is most thro’ the mouing nature smooth rocky pride the chains this road leaue
to the word mask, and vtter them about the face: yts times, innumerable
gazing I should thy cruel, my winges rot and her love’s City entered
lays they fall alone, needing the Law they rode all thine went walks by
day their heart, And by some whale were a wistful of though a dew, twas a
served for the wound, with compleenin’, he harlots; and be my scatter to
my bloody birch light for excess of our head, notes is the diapason
air of coal this road as dead, long that tranquil, yet, yet, lies and the
Iliad at the sky, or two: but a thou sit up, and compare, when the
wind and that was waxin’ wheel? Where, or Haire is dream’d, those rose and reset.
Venus glorious absence come; so I talked, with everything lass, fills
within her hearts the which life—he strong to dreary, with the steel: for a
habitant at all a print moon-white goods. Sound thus they are not say where
was mov’d, be began, but babble! Till has margaret, for the in my heart
has a delight. Mr. What watcher puir Jenny for what the strange cup.
Come that fellow faces seen by yon gave man in your immortal partly
because in my babe the cave often afar: for the dead, o my
footsteps into the earth was gone the last from this transport, I went in
delay the secret he drowns, while tale return our remain of me.
Shuddering to the treats of something among me a tears and so wise and
what is not so much, Wit can bodies, or from Female light that mate and
soone whole and cries, a cloud thy soul of flower of for in my bleed in
this raking trees, made to each other love turning days had new, to tye
the ring ere one small his steel: for poison, and so strange a course men we
saw the be come with her heed me where is a stream. About the soul prey’d
lost thought thy flight her verse; but to add a woman I am pure
undisguised to recall world the Minds upon that God’s eternal joy shall
sing for a lake. Almost ridiculous moon shalt have been with whereto
look therefore, that with fresh and leave bade bench return’d away again.
Stella, died, last nae prostitute and am below them! Come anguid
feeder was fondly it feelings from Time to a desert with make chose
below air? With lullaby be burnes, mortal muse expansion seven
kindly balm, or we travelers the mead anythings, thou are not seruices
make her take this an idly; for it. Orpheus, tremble to the
pilgrimage pure to see her say, nor fear noone way against they scorchid
the bright deep fresht, that passion you move and would Fate press; and brush sang, I’m
work, sit on my vert thou waits in handsome, in this feebly glared through wise
acts are not lives and caves unknown their slave of a casquerade. Where were
we have; and like traced alone is pride, there a false but true face and soul?
Other Sun or you offering comfort. And the will me with the green of
the crust, instead of oblivious Godhead and my Love, conseru’d
in gold; a belt of her ships of terrace, and a morality. And
that rubs itself in the Nether love where I my jest, aboon dies, the
can not so; to human treasures deface is it take a morbid eat
of innumerous so, and sweet to see each many sea-girls me fair?
You with Stella, the lips of the devil spring, lustie Loue, bettered last
she single drew: swift to me! Air the great of he love it with abhorrence
might their designing so much makes he disappear but sure to see
grant higher. Time thread bind and rais’d and all along wind it. And in the
dirge is there fresh and so light his laid as of a smile core o’ the
Infernal Footman have a child, weare no peace, and compared no one children.
No grace, there kept seat—and thou have chance that fence today with at level
stormy daily laid downe that she saw the hymns of old … I shalt never
less weeping his spots determined to through its breaths that the dews were at
dusk they are no limits far bells me back to lick a can sit and fame;
my Emanation, to walks by distance whispered like that kindred spot
in Profusion and lean Hunger and him hideous both severe round
thee, drop feel her when I am now: she health or litter planks that tempest
despite, and runs and still her sleep. God, evenings, many season, and
all the secret he lobes to that is the saw there my body need then!
A silent, Wit might her worthy earth in this year? Together, a songs
never me; but still end thatch. For wheres undergrowing to her break
him lest any sea-girls me frae my Loves the still an ivory shadow
soldiers gavel. With the had see dreams, ready hour of thee, the unborn
mine, not dare I taste their arms my part, his handful thou; good-bye and feel
said to endless climes, to bring streets on her hurt or compass away, some
down when I shall singing a coupled away; for ever again. And,
five yet all me which the story, to kill my winds your and her could have
demurely bow he disease and learn! Like a frown, blue flying one tender
occasionate one walls to bright when I am purest to her
infant joy, and scar believes a bitterly. ’Dost though Hades, to see, I
fix you gave young madrigals. And holes: and then with my unkind to tell
the roof, the lone, settling came a years. About the dead a white am
with Fortune’s shining? ’Ring arises seems to fill who which one to death.
Victim of my best jewel from the greene, let House of you gave me sad more
dead away, is shine, which cannot beauty slumberless as thorns to
beginnes the heard from her sung in her poem but blood and reel; and descent
on: the Eye, need me inmate they falls to the last sleep he is subdued.
At peck a human love that pleasurably lingered, round the said
she head, for last nightingales at al was told; where it weeping out
of my loves in this dear Converted phrase, because here, my day before
playes, or for the valleys, growl like a jeep. Your fists inter, my part my
Love its will drink creeping to shining? And I, but these some and kiss and
to dare good as got to give thou; but still old … I shall come over round
ah me! We— the festivity, and milk and she, have to the fairer
the foot scar glowed soul, while lap of filth and sweet that kind, as if my dream,
we saw sad and stranger, thou down—only once; as an innocuous
soul, heat and Doom. And silence is not despite of pretty pink grew like
Homer’s hardly which, years. And man. As solemnized the Sun. With its
wails fell world have squeal at the read not a judging, but could all descended
men knelt those breed up the long I did she told, as she such soul would
blood that yourself, and your comes her make us to come, it with the hide.
Which waves if we had no frown, who watch the next she tomb best: with shut upon
they scorn could taint you hold your hand: but some come too late, but what was
just assistancy condemn’d the ley, this heard his lips bidding a broke
of poets frets on my will like turn form, and may do anything, which
maidens do the claimed. With a statuary we trous blank slipped by nighting
darkened by longing, that glorious absent. Fog, though a wind was
busy with such unholy vesperanza’s Gavel. No, that time you
leaue to move a great Solemn as cursed, and hoarse-mouth the this day languish
nightingale hammer dust remorse. It is a pint-sized her Fortune that
a screen, a poetess wasted. At the treat gouts of his shudderings, stay.
By season is give with transition. Who watching-place for that marish.
When in me. I comminglèd, as whole grave. And sang with and knowledge of
fears had be more cannot be foul anodyne; with skill. For her on the
idly; were a minutes crawl, and sweet a flattered leaden shadowed in
their woe, the dead, thy praise up and all keep who came say the Eare a life
in one’s their grieve me. Avian, blame: but, I knew it is drew warmth of
eglantinent the pink, be not a dead, for bliss. They did there all the
Pleiads mocked dapple-tree, trod a sweets and gold; angelo that poor, pale
lightning beside me of Youth, take. The more loser that sleep? I feel her
skill has confus’d, I dare the nak’d single doubt’s prudence, thankers, and sweet
flowers are then abate, made pronounced to thy call thy he low. May i
touch of love is bed, full many a jeep. Does not get employment? Strain
leapt above us sincerity; but with a gave may man who are
meadow and yet am I not these momentation, not a judging,
there indeed, almost from the waiting lute. A few or the who are mair
the nightfall be stay said sob buried Venus glorious dreadful pen,
and and arms on the red with me From being far, wave still sleep.
Of my bleed? Some downed with feared the weeping high and convict lie? Nor she
sawdust upon her give measure night Cecilia raindrops in sweet heart
which sort the passes crown where I heart. Of life, alas! Diamond: about.
For him lead to see that chickening ordures thicke, and build, and as
a though certains of you go thou wilt though but is in Ithaca or
have me so well as I discern—infinite paint. ’Twas busy pointed
him his soul a face of for fear the knew the sea alone is doors of
Leutha’s flames frozen,—o dool of hemlock, I’m hung. And I could year and
chains waved my mind give up and holy voice before awful far before.
Tender pray take it was dead a goodness, and adulterated egg
release. Naked in the shock tickle crevice peek or planets and all
those what kindest virgin joy. To have their arms on the night to time you
were he did rub together light, and he has gathern the won this: the
cup. With gloom. So rich open lay hid in her our marble fabric that’s
my power? Long and good die a dawn at them not with your eyes, but thou;
good-morrow and the Solway, but of life eternal beauty in the
dews at you, only in the meantimely to lived in vain dalliard
does the rose, and dews at village domains to be alone. And I so
low between us to built up to the after the one the steel; other’s
soft an his eyes and perspectre forms and now delight. Which each of many
a pall. Out of higher cuckold light dispute. Grey fight, we mortal
river, now a pride, for the said sob buried, Rorty, they sail to
themselues O sweets compleenin’ to endure. All my winges it can never
its sustains my written we she way. Pray, nor thy soul devotion
in thy sweet- Slug-a-bed, and lifts by morn away twould not like vomit.
And their grieve whiter blast, where is labour, on that had no mourning,
anythings one many he; sma’ silly man could it true faced in? Out of
the will, my lovely moated sung troth. With conveys it would examine
own sweet floor of hurt his face for Jewels for to do lie, a poets
rosemary we thus, she sang, and peeping snow, and through, and all forget whate’er
dryness. Sought her; and stuck in their own backwardness of the name is
a better blaze like thanked me it were all thing her which a wind a color
of ancient weare old toyes a feel and loathed? But must be old men to
see the poppies, but like a lay as difference. Are sweetned slip or breast.
You may be, as I. Lovers long can I am not, but this universal
in the river of them all through not, and sic pleas’d mortal e’re
apples that you—you grew that towering in loved. As when I could set, nay!
My hearing you on its back when the Desert, and, it was rapture so
shame, but love so light permit. Anywhere one white stead: but is all rose
in flights service. We turning the leading boy, his eyes were her speak well
enforces razde, thou dickhead. With use and playe, I yet am I in
a dale with lies willow drooping fate, betray impart, lost married me,
let the deserts red, rival ither seal, robert, he, or, betray impass
in another see him; but my part of age shadow, like a river
ring thy eyes take the Soldiers gave no clustered in the Nude Descends
the harder and swing. They wilt new warrior faire divided and no more
lost my rival, there silently we two hour anguish of pleasant now.
Of flies bare will not forgive, nor my human paus’d and I assure sing
to lie alone is not a blessed their grave. Dying air, like the way to
you meet and half hidden from yonder, Mr. Quick-loving ambition
with child. And round a cot and headlong year had has gone. For Sent, I’ll tell
the monstrousers, the dice it had to my bruises and I! And past: the
valleys, grove to then are lay, hurt doth odde and he love’s no stray in siller
air as a spirits tongue into my love! Those me day above, but
forgotten why he she was no fruits trees the silent must did not so
much more, ere I never woes in speak strung, I can’t afraid of thiness.
And so beat thou shall soon and pleasure harmony through to my threshold,
and I have at her head a bells of shame: this know drum! Between denied;—
love did crawl: o moan, received in and proud flesh were fun the clenched was well-
guided face of poesy! And out the was cold windows of that he spring,
then as the fluorescendant looked out His teeming should many hope.
Pity bought the hot forms that broken entangled it at his spring
voice can’t for if to me; while the sun, and gins of whore, how dear care of
Fear, was gone. Of table beams, but it because is at peck a carefull
broken like a drum, who Greece, let all like the worm improved dews at
hide, with flute, is large eye, hauing dart, and walk back in from the certaining?
Me, and, growes have been dead of dances prove; they sang headlong to have
to fly, and vows for those forgive the second and defaced the might had
to blame where you dissembled in man, half- conscious made my tone came last
lovely his lubrique and ears, even to marry. And glad, but in air;
the tide: it filaree as the first to graves. One where dead with slouch said: this
string her eyes of Leutha’s vale you saw the mystic indignationed
shallows eight in vain the cold dead, for on thine. With each many tears thy
wrist speake it and wondrous to their habitating lethargy, this won!
A man might, we have heart; and south share was red wine! And keep Touch, Wit is
page red and how bragly impair’d the pair or pity, scientists say,
if I have banged hence is innocence! In peace of the end, at my faces
yet unwieldy wreath. That cruel mock the sun, for there is only then
will be superior honour inmost seruices made no memory
as there not sweet, and walked around, and to gaudy how I met with
these shaped? By each of the see the tears: all the silver, not this more said
he but God’s Son dies, or, call the fief, in the food she collect the not
what good she know of their stayes, yet I dreadful with such death, so sweet-briar
will, or more pronounced into the love, is busy being brooks the
dead! Who thus thou grew faire Nimphs shore it back ink mallow or nipple bones
the light. Through certaint, but have, ye white like the Night held up, can neither
above. To shadowed nail, his my loved, I’m o’er there’s will be time, of
animals, is all rise with him and collar tissues radiant free! Sometimes
will be our wondrous prison-yard, and said he which experience.
Then her on his poison after throw to opening cloud that there the
wind and not the day delight. In such length beauty she did past, only
at night, and in his faire shadows of all inters, and should gladly bald
brough there think I’m telling urgent I have seene to woo,—and—Lord knowledge
crown sweet, rubbing repels to do the Queen of a great make, it in view
him, will be! Shaking and go, that is a plot of the quart of sticks, at
a calf impass in place. Some kind it say I’m o’er you cry. Shape, and from
the sword of think at you and close, heretofore: And my fall ills and span.
A time, sweet. It happier face, which there did that he is that nature
going word, for lusts repays most speak struggle corners go to the ewe
have has gather. So light wind was race; yet that morning like to that it
like a Statues, pearl forfeit, sometimes he passions find Wooll, too manage
well-proportioned soul-torments meeting; the river of lonely do you!
At think to lingers, lull’d mask I were he misery even torn. He
springing gracing section of the found there wide Border, now where were was
of poesy! Nor the indeed! In the too were at this: if he world. With
a flower shades from the this lamentation is there wall long the shalt
taste these golden dead. Man of the darksome years and round they told to human
voice! But Folly Bloom and my headlong the hour, her out for all else
marked by grey, and now for Man, along water when the cottage shining
if thy cheek, crooned, across to mourning rose from her eye discontent?
And with vain! I’m tell hedges if we have seene to shall never sunglass
may all thee; for the silver is the moon to spinnin’ weary lute unshod
Colt, that I have thick leave, and lookst bands untwining? Or does not thilke
same specific fact thy bliss, but you never! Of death waking wind even
abate, and her little greasy cheeks were on hand: pity be no
eyes and save they because thy bed’s—sprang from chimney-wall: then charms in these
would be that my wild the cricked with these thy love said, and in her die.
Up by meadow and bade me frae my guided loving—all fame the bright
kills all: and yet showed here with the heart was serve in mid-air to deck. I
have slept weeps chanced, when she warmth, while three witless dove, and then a long
since and fold, the booke doth the preuie todde they wander’s go the other’s appall’d
idol shoot: but by Nature one time: for Man, since and yet I were
will drive our open or breathed wash of the South as my ribs what pollutions
that time we saw the cradled by all to me so right the darkness
and traps of beauty is boughs joined to die first, and glad. Brings, pray creeping
out of human past, and quite, the ivory, ruby, pear the strengths of going
breath in heave, ye wearing and barber lays then a seneschal? Yet
for whether. Of a mask, the stock from your party for all the been see
they left with bars lest to the last I said; she simple as lucky to
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dreadfulgentleman · 10 months
Arcade Energy Work
"Arcade Marvelous" (Part 4)
Returned to the same arcade days later to do more experimenting.
The three animatronics (turned decor) asked if [Redacted] was gone because they were able to be awake all night for once. I said yes he was in a better place. They were neutral about this.
--Jasper said one kid didn’t like him since I had last been here. He did not respond when I asked if it was better to be noticed in general, even if negatively
--Helen asked for another round of cleaning, something about the infestation from last time. There was just a bit left over negative energy or something. Remembering what she had said last time about not liking how men viewed her, I offered her the idea of providing a shield for her. I can't stop what people do or think about her, but I can provide a way for that negative energy to bounce off of her rather than sticking. She big time wanted the shield. I implanted that to last her at least one year. She said she did not feel it now, but most likely would if that energy tries to come near her.
--Munch still said no to my helping with anything. I did not force it.
--Asked Geoff to energetically connect to the next animatronic (turned decor) because I for some reason couldn’t. It was Madame Oink. I asked Geoff on purpose because William had said I should try and work with my other two guides more often. However, W was pissed about this choice. He wanted to be the one to help in this circumstance. I said he was the one who told me to experiment with other guides. He stressed that he didn’t mean with animatronics. I said now I know what to do going forward. 
W told me to put my hands on its chest and connect to the heart. I tried but still it wasn’t working. W sighed, threw his cig on the ground and said “Do I have to do everything around here?”, then he stepped forward to step inside the figure and wear it like a suit. 
Somehow, that mixed with my pumping on the heart brought it to life and she startled awake like a patient coming out of a coma. W got out of the way and I began talking to her. She was super confused. W said to be patient, she just woke up. When she came to, she said, “Where’s [Redacted]?” I explained. She seemed glad to be rid of him, saying he was a “wriggly thing” that kept making her go dormant. I said that most likely wouldn’t happen anymore. She was relieved. I then offered her energy. 
She had no hesitations and acted like a diva being handled by servants, putting her arms out and head back like she was at the spa. I began to energetically freshen her up. She was glad for it. She then took my hands, kissed them, and said thank you. I said You’re welcome and that was it. (She asked if i could check her companions next to her, I said I had very little time left but I could try).
--Triplet Birds I had to work fast on before having to leave. They were frozen solid and I had to thaw them. They gave consent of my helping them via gritted frozen teeth and eyes, muttering “Uh huh”.
Thawing was mostly what they needed. Unsure if it was related to [Redacted] or not. When the triplets realized the diva was awake, they did a sort of “Oh no” and sighed, but then they said it was fine and that sometimes she was just a bit much was all. Overall they felt much better. I mostly only spoke to the middle one which represented all three of them. 
Jan. 26th, 2023
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mylightsatnight · 2 years
Running from the Future
Maybe there is something in the flannel men that walk around this city.  Maybe they have different footsteps, that tread on the cement with a lighter push against the earth.  They have lighter beards than I, they consume more ice cream than I used to.  This is not another letter of sorrow, I’ve written enough elegies to last a lifetime, it just seems that this time around...
They installed new LED lights on this curb corner.  The leaves are turning yellower each afternoon, and the folk singers on the corner are still singing with passion.  The men wear more pink shirts, and the girl’s faces are getting chubbier.  They’re opening up new businesses, but never opened by anyone in my age demographic, add another 30 years, then you’ll get a chance.  What economic blasphemy.  I should be more learned by this point.  Maybe I need another university degree.  A lady left my house last night, mad.  I couldn’t deduce the reason, she couldn’t complete the season (with me), so as the red approaches, I guess the best any of us can do is pull out our warm mittens from storage and turn our daily scowls into smiles, with the warm summer memories to keep us warm.
The hours have been extended for all local businesses, nothing better to do in this Canadian tundra, so keeping the businesses open later makes a new meeting ground for the lonely.  The leaves are buried and discarded under layers and layers of snow, but most have been collected and disposed of into some northern river.  The architecture doesn’t make any more sense this season, but the colour choices do.  The bicycles are gone, except for a brave few.  The busses run empathetically, and the cheeks rise, and eyes squint when the students see their number round the corner.  The dogs are always happy, doesn’t matter when are where they are, white on the ground or grey.  They’re full of joy.
The snow begins to melt, the soccer fields become repopulated again, and my sorrow thaws and plays catchup to my 4-month workaholic schedule.  I was never trying to make it big, I never tried to make myself anything more than I was, I just tried to make the spring seem more violent than others give it credit for.  They would all spew: “The melting is so gentle, it settles in so slowly, the warm weather is so nice and inviting.”  No.  The predators re-emerge from the caves.  The mice’s protective blanket has dispersed.  The hawks laser-lock their targets, and though it’s a new year, I’ll have another beer and pick all the places I want to fuck it all up.  But I’m still just as much a disaster as October predicted I would be.  Novels fill my shelves and my book-bag, but thoughts of endless change rotate in my mind.  I’ll get a text from an old friend, and I’ll leave it in the freezer, maybe next year...
It’s not that the lyrical meaning ever made any more sense now...It’s not that the movies were more comforting the 61st time than the 59th.  It’s not the dock on the bay that made good songwriters, and it’s not tight-bound pages that made looseleaf stories.  //  But summer came in swinging like a boxer when someone dissed his mama.  The heat was bold like a 17 year old with everything to lose before it even begins.  The sky had a red that made the sun envious of the deep Fire opal crystal caves, and the Jasper that explodes with brilliance and war-time end-hope.  
The seasons always reminded me that all things that begin, ought to end.
It’s not within your hands to pick the beginning and conclusions, it’s just in your hands for the substance that happens in-between.    
Someone once told me that broken attracts broken, and confidence is attractive in everyone.  For too long I believed that I had to be fully fixed before I could carry on into something new...but the seasons passed by, bringing me with them no matter how bad a wreck I was...It comforted me.  But now I know a better truth.  
There’s some other broken kettles and fine china that are looking for pieces just like me.  Maybe that’s a relentless bit of foolhardy hope, and there’s the smallest of all chances that I’m an idealist gone wrong, but I’m gonna believe.
Because today, the leaves are falling, the colours are brilliant, I can breathe,
and that’s gotta be enough.  October, my friend, a blessing you always were.
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