#joker the dark knigth
orajess · 2 months
Batman : I'm here. [chapter 5] : part 1
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jeandejard3n · 2 months
Batman: Theatricality and Deception
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brothertedd · 3 months
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sl-newsie · 3 months
Behind Masks (Dr. Jonathon Crane x OC) Masterlist
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In an insane world it is the sane who are crazy. A young psychiatrist from Metropolis is sent to Gotham and falsely imprisoned in Arkham Asylum. Fear is a curious thing. Will meeting Arkham's fear-obsessed chief psychiatrist help open her mind?
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acidtookmysoul · 2 months
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Heath Ledger as Joker
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The Dark Knight (2008)
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angelkissiies · 2 years
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alfred rn : 🧐
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cloud3francois · 2 months
Barack Obama on The Dark Knight
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love1979 · 11 months
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* Fear
„It’s not who I am underneath… but what I do… that defines me.“
* Chaos
„Because sometimes the truth isn’t good enough, sometimes people deserve more. Sometimes people deserve to have their faith rewarded“
* Pain
„Come with me. Save yourself. You don’t owe these people any more. You’ve given them everything.“ -„Not everything. Not yet.“
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draquus · 6 months
My favorite personal in-world explanations for why The Joker is missing in The Dark Knight Rises are:
The same reason Nedry didn't shut down the fence around the velociraptor paddock in Jurassic Park. Even the people trying to destroy Gotham knew it was a bad idea to let him out.
It took him about five minutes to figure out what Bane was really planning, and another ten to escape to a safe distance where he could watch while eating popcorn. All that was left was a scrawl in his cell at Arkham reading "10/10 no notes."
He escaped in an attempt to rescue Batman. It's not like he's going to let someone ELSE get to him first. After Batman breaks himself out, they keep nearly missing each other, comedy-of-errors style. The Joker finally catches up to him at the very last minute, in an attempt to foil Batman's self-sacrifice, only to be fooled like everyone else by the auto-pilot and get blown up along with the empty Batplane.
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als0als0 · 1 year
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jupapam · 4 years
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_W.I.P Joker terminé_
Eh eh eh :) Je suis très fière de celui-là ! Ça m'auras pris trois jour au lieu d'un mais ça en valait la peine. Les cheveux et la chemise m'ont en fais baver... Prenner le temps de les regarder au moins 1 second entière svp ;v;...
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jeandejard3n · 2 months
The Dark Knight Rises: Alfred's Fantasy
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candyello · 2 years
i have to share this. this clip of Noel Miller impersonating Heath Ledger’s Joker is absolutely HILARIOUS !! the TMG podcast is a blessing, truly 😭😭
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sl-newsie · 3 months
Behind Masks (Dr. Jonathon Crane x OC) Ch. 2: Exposure Therapy
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“Would you like to see my mask?”
Mask. His mask. A mask that… is a burlap sack?
Crane holds up a ragged piece of burlap with something stitched inside. Is it a new therapy technique? This must be a joke. I’ve never heard of any treatment that involves this level of theatrics.
“They paid you to keep me quiet, didn’t they?” I state in a matter-of-fact tone. Crane keeps the same giddy expression and continues showing off the mask.
“I use it in my experiments. It may not look like much but the other crazies in here can’t stand it.”
He pulls the mask over his head. It does look a tad childish at first but there’s something unsettling about the simple mask. Calm down. It’s just a mask.
 “If you’re trying to scare me then save it, Crane. I face my fear every day. There’s nothing you can do to change it-”
Something clicks and a spray of gas clogs my nostrils. What on Earth-? Uh! It burns! I feel it entering my bloodstream. Why is my heart pounding? And my lungs are seizing. Is this a seizure-inducing gas-?
Who’s there? No one else is in the room-
“Dear, why didn’t you do better?”
That voice. It can’t be… I feel a hand on my shoulder. It is! 
“How- How did you get in here?” I ask in a shaking voice.
What I should be asking is how am I seeing the dead? My parents have been dead for a whole year yet they’re here plain as day. 
“Such a disappointment.”
It doesn’t help that the symptoms of the gas are making my head go dizzy. The cell’s beige walls are melting into a background of distorted memories. 
“What do you see?”
It’s Crane. Can’t he see them too? My parents are right there!
Strong hands grab my shoulders and turn me to face the blurry mask. “Look at me, woman. Look at me! I want to see your eyes go wild when my toxin drives you insane!”
“Calico, pay attention!” My father barks from behind. “Face me when I’m talking to you!”
“Dearie, I’m very disappointed,” mom shakes her head. “We taught you to do better.”
“Shut up!” I grab my head and squeeze my burning eyes shut. 
“That’s it. Give into the fear,” Crane’s voice mocks.
“No- no.” Take a breath. Everyone laughed when I refused proper therapy but now it’s time to prove them wrong. “No, no…”
“Did our death mean nothing to you?” Dad asks harshly. “You hardly attended the funeral.”
You didn’t give me a single reason to. You made my life into a twisted game I can never win. I bend over the table to try to gain balance. Meanwhile Crane watches with peak interest.
“You look surprisingly captivating like this.” He leans closer and I swear there’s maggots crawling from his eyes. “What do you fear, hm? No one is immune to it.”
Deep breath. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
“You’re right, Crane.” Finally getting a grip on the toxin’s effects, I lift my head to face Crane directly. “There is no complete cure for fear. But I can learn to live with it.”
I’ve been living with it for the past year. Sure I’ve never fully shaken off the grieving process but my job always kept me too busy. This isn’t sitting well with Crane because he’s shaking his head.
“That’s impossible. You should be passed out by now, or- or begging for mercy!” Ok now this is getting funny. Seeing the man in the odd mask get upset is diluting my attention towards my parents. “What do you fear? Tell me!”
Really? I didn’t think someone as collected as Crane could get so fed up. “That’s a question for another session, doctor. If the hourglass reads right then our time is up.”
Crane’s head jerks to look at the now-empty hourglass. By now the gas has dissipated, which drives him to take his mask off. He’s not affected by the fear toxin but there’s no doubt my reluctance to it is making him antsy. Crane collects his briefcase and he very stiffly walks to the cell door.
“I will find what you fear, Prentiss. You can’t hide it forever. Eventually you’ll give in to my fear toxin or you’ll spill it to me yourself.”
“Sounds enticing,” I say in a dull tone as I lean lazily against the metal bed frame. “Good day, Dr. Crane.”
“It’s evening now," the lanky man says stiffly.
“How would I know?” I bite back idly. “I’ve been stuck inside a windowless room for Lord knows how long with no contact with the outside world.”
“Better get used to it.”
And with that he closes the cell door. As far as first encounters go I think my introduction to the Scarecrow was a much less intense one. Almost pleasant, actually. Out of all the expectations I had for Gotham’s lord of fear, him being frustrated by my reaction to his infamous toxin is definitely a keeper. I didn’t get any answers as to how long my stay is in Arkham but I can bide my time for a while longer. This is by far the greatest study I’ve been presented. The cases back in Metropolis can’t hold a candle to being able to study the Scarecrow. If only those pompous self-righteous pricks could see me now. 
“Calico! Do not tempt me, young lady!”
I roll my eyes at the hallucination. “Shut up, dad.”
How long is this drug supposed to last?
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jokersmeowmeow · 2 years
These men live rent free in the dirty, disgusting crime alley of my mind:
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Or I should rather say...
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Both options, depends on the mood.
(((Source of photos: google and pinterest)))
Also, rip my dear, dear Heath [*] 😭
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angelkissiies · 2 years
me, sitting down to a nice dinner with the family after writing the most dark, disgusting, toe curling, heart pounding, fucked up smut ive ever written : 😃
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