#kindergarten teacher kuroko
Aokuro domestic mpreg(family ver) au :D
(rip ny fingers)
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majiburger · 2 months
also, aomine having a 9-5 career, even in an AU, is so funny when you remember he canonically does not know how to read
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selmasemlan · 1 year
Life is good
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Life is good
Author note: I was .......inspired and with Valentine closing up.......feeling a little depressed and sad, and Aomine Daiki just has a soothing effect on me. 
Warnings: None, just a whole lot of freaking fluff, wishing he was real right now. 
Word count: 864
Song inspiration: some playlist on youtube
He was staring.
Yes, he knew he was staring but could you blame him? There are not a lot of things he likes to watch. The majority of programs and shows these days weren't amusing. He found himself bored most of the time. His magazines no longer kept him entertained. God knows no one stood a chance against him in basketball. Ever since Kagami moved back to America, basketball wasn't the same. The miracles kept him occupied, but they didn't meet as often. Everyone had their own life to live.
Kise was off travelling with all kinds of different modelling gigs and even landing acting jobs. Kuroko was somehow living peacefully as a kindergarten teacher. Murasakibara was running his own bakery, which shockingly is flourishing. Midorima was off in the medical field and saving lives. Akaashi had finally taken over his father's dynasty and was perfect about doing it. No shock there. Daiki couldn't help but compare his life with theirs. It wasn't that he thought they had it better, but sometimes he couldn't help but think that he hadn't accomplished as much as them.
During those times, something or more like someone would remind him that his life may not be luxurious with constant new challenges and entertainment on a screen or paper. But he was lucky to own what he had. That someone would be you.
You are standing in the kitchen, cooking up a storm. He thanks God every day for gifting him you, cause he could´nt cook for his life. But you, you were amazing at it. The way you entered the kitchen as if it was your domain. You could make any sort of food, new or old, and it would be delicious. Daiki never had a complaint about any food that was made by your hands. The trust he had in you was unmatched.  
But today was different.  
"Sweetcheeks, you´re supposed to rest. You have been on your feet for too long"
He rises from the sofa and walks over to you. He grabs the bowl in your hand at puts it on the counter. He then turns to you and takes a hold of your forearms. You can only pout at him. You have been having cravings like no other for far too long and you just want to satisfy them. You do understand where he is coming from. The doctor did tell you to rest and not to overwork yourself, but you love cooking. For you, it feels weird not cooking the food at home.
"Baby I know you wanna feed us, but you have to think about yourself, your health and the baby's health too"
Your pout deepens. You hold your hand over your swollen stomach. You are looking forward to this baby coming out. Being 6 months pregnant was not easy, especially with a husband that is as protective as Daiki is with you and the baby. Not to mention that the doctors are worried about you and keep telling you to rest when you just wanna move around like normal.
"Daiki, we both know you can´t cook to save your life. We can´t keep eating out, now that is not healthy"
Daiki only chuckles softly and hugs you as tightly as he can with your stomach.
"My sweet sweet wife. Always prioritizing everyone over herself."
You smile, but hide it from him while lightly hitting him. He was corny but you loved him very much. You feel blessed to be the one person he acts like this with. This was your special Daiki, your husband. There is no one else you would wanna spend the rest of your life with but him. He feels the same way. There was and never has been anyone more perfect like you. Even though you like to tell him that you are not perfect, he always insists that you're wrong.
"Come on baby, you got the food in the oven and the dessert is standing right here in front of me. What more do you need to do?"
You blush lightly and hide your face in his chest. He hugs you a little tighter and kisses your forehead.
"Let's go"
He lets go of you but doesn't stay far away for long. He grabs the back of your knees while he has an arm around your shoulders and lifts you. You giggle and hide your face in his neck and he walks with you to the sofa. He leaves you on the sofa and goes back to the kitchen. You try to look over your shoulder to see what he is doing, but he is already on his way back. In his hand, he has brought your tea and a snack. He lays it down on the table. While he sits down, he brings a fuzzy blanket with him and covers you both with it.
"I got you" he says and kisses your temple and hugs you to his chest.
Honestly, he was right. The cleaning could wait.
It was cuddle time anyways.
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wildflowertips · 3 years
it took me a while to make this - so you best believe imma share it on all my medias 😩
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reelock · 2 years
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request prompt: hi when you are done can you do headcanons on how the GOM and kagami would act in college and probably their majors please? thank you! and i love your theme!
a/n: oh! and thank you for saying that you love my theme.
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⤷the major i think kuroko would have is early childhood education and teaching
⤷i say this because kuroko is good at english & history, and he wants to be a kindergarten teacher so that would work.
⤷i think kuroko would be very quiet in college, but also keep himself around his friends and stuff, not sure if he'll continue playing basketball but he'll probably play club.
⤷kuroko would probably be getting followed around by momoi so you would probably see them a lot together.
⤷this man is a flirt, he's going to be flirting around with all the girls, he loves the attention he gets from the girls.
⤷his major would be english because that's literally the only subject he's good at.
⤷i think he'll still be playing basketball, and he'll have the same number as well.
⤷you would probably see him hanging around with aomine.
⤷yeah, that man never comes to class... seriously, he will literally be in the school courtyard looking in his magazines.
⤷momoi would be blowing up his phone telling him to come to class and get a move on too.
⤷aomine was only good at japanese history so his major would probably be japanese studies.
⤷he would definitely be still playing basketball, he would skip a few practices but so he doesn't lose his scholarship he probably wouldn't miss many.
⤷he quit basketball because he wanted to become a doctor, he tried so hard to avoid the GOM & Kagami but they bothered him every day.
⤷midorima studied biology with a minor of medical genetics, and he had such a good gpa it was insane.
⤷even though he quit basketball he still went to some games, and then acted like he didn't care.
⤷you would probably find him in the library or in his dorm mostly.
⤷that man is always at the cafeteria, somewhere where there is food, he'll be there, always.
⤷mura would probably be in culinary school, something that has to do with cooking.
⤷since he's in culinary school, he would probably only go to class if they are cooking something interesting.
⤷he'll visit the GOM at their college sometimes, probably to grab something to eat or watch a few games.
⤷akashi would major in business, he would probably want to start his own legacy & empire.
⤷you would probably see akashi with midorima, in the library, you would probably also see him playing shogi with a couple of his acquaintances
⤷you would probably see him talking to the GOM sometimes too, he still likes to associate himself with them from time to time when he isn't busy.
⤷or you would probably see him relaxing outside laying on the grass or just doing his homework.
⤷you cannot miss that man, he is so loud especially on campus.
⤷it's canon that a lot of college girls are fond of him, so yeah prepare a swarm of girls, trying to get him to teach them basketball or get his number.
⤷if he doesn't get drafted by the NBA before he graduates from high school, i think he would be a undecided major cause he barely wanted to go but since he's on a basketball scholarship he probably went anyway.
⤷kagami plays basketball with aomine & kise and yes they be going at it, they make a good team.
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where is your KnB stuff? i don't see it but there is a tag for it.
you can’t see anything, because there’s no content for it yet. lol ^_^;;;;. but here’s something to get the ball rolling!
KnB Kids Headcanon (GOM + Kagami)
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Would like kids
Just one though
Would be excited to teach them things. Especially if he followed the ‘if they didn’t play basketball’ career of being a kindergarten teacher
Big fan of story time. Buys every children’s book he can find for his child.
Do you like petting zoos? Cause Kuroko is hella excited to take his kid to the petting zoo
Let’s pet all the goats and sheep
Makes super cute bentos for his baby to take to school
Yes, Kagami taught him how.
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Wants kids
It’s probably an expectation for him, being the only son & heir to the Akashi group
Would need to have 1 son, but would not be against having another or a girl
Low key excited for the concept of twins
Stern but fair father
Wants his children to excel, but more encouraging than pushing them
He knows how damaging that can be
Takes an interest in their hobbies and participates in them with his s/o
Very big on family time.
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Does not want kids
Kids are loud, need lots of attention, and need things
If anyone in his life was going to be loud, need attention, and stuff, it’s gonna be him damnit
Real interested in how you make them though
Wouldn’t bail if mistakes happened with his s/o, but would prefer not to have them
Much more prefers to be ‘Uncle Daiki’ to Satsuki & the GOM’s kids
100% buys the loud/flashy toys for birthday and holidays
Also brings batteries
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Neither for or against
Has the understanding that it’s something that you do when you get older, but wouldn’t activate the conversation
Would agree if his s/o wanted kids
Mega research on child rearing, milestones, & procreation techniques before the baby is even born
Damn near takes all the fun out of making a baby. Almost…..
Would want 3 kids because 3 is a lucky number
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Excited for kids
Tiny little versions of himself running around and breaking hearts? Sign him up!
2-3 kids. Preferably daughters. Don’t know why. Just think he would be better with girls.
Tiny baby fashion show!
Matching outfits for the family. Styled head to toe.
Really leans into the DILF aesthetic. Not trying, but also yes trying
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Has no opinion on kids
Not against them, but wouldn’t not actively seek them out
If it happens it happens.
Given that he’s 1 of 5, he’d want to have definitely less than that
From experience he knows that’s too many people sharing a bathroom
Super-secret really good at braiding his girl’s hair. No idea why
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Wants kids. Like a lot
3-4 kids. Maybe more if he can get his s/o to agree to it
Really wants a big family
Super involved in his kids lives since his dad was always working and he knows how upsetting that can be. Even if he’ll never say it.
Total dad hype man
Whether it’s sports, dance, academics, or whatever, Taiga is always there to cheer them on
Double totally the sports dad if they do do sports. Drives to all the games. Volunteers to sub-coach and car pool. Brings snacks for all the kids not just his own, because hydration and refueling is important for victory
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wakaoujisenhime · 3 years
In your opinion what jobs (besides playing basketball) do you think Gom and Kagami would have??
That’s a pretty interesting and hard question, my dear anon! Let me think and try to completely ignore the creator’s canon job choices for our dear boys (シ_ _)シ also I wasn’t sure if you wanted me to do some headcanon scenarios so I kinda mixed my answers and some short HC imagines!
━━━━☆ ━━━━☆ ━━━━☆
ok so according to the Characters Bible he would’ve become a firefighter and I can actually see that
but if you ask me, he could’ve also become a professional cook who specializes in Western as well as East Asian cuisine
he’d never give up on basketball though, so Kagami would most likely continue playing street basketball in his spare time
the canon take on Kuroko’s job is a kindergarten teacher, which is understandable but doesn’t satisfy me that much
I always imagined him as a librarian and a freelance author, mainly because of his silent and observant nature as well as his love for books
the image of him sitting outside of Maji Burger in a blue cardigan, a pair of glasses on his nose, legs crossed, slurping on a vanilla milkshake while he thinks about his next book’s scenario just seems to fit him a hundred percent  
I still can’t understand why sensei chose to make him a pilot and where that idea even came from, but OK
Kise is, in my eyes at least, born for the stage...and with that, I don’t only mean that he’s the born movie actor, but he’s just made for the show business
theater, ads, series, late-night-shows, gaming shows, you name it
he’d try every single existing genre before picking his favorite and sticking to it (personally, I think he’d pick J-Dramas and the advertising of beauty products for both men and women)  
CB says doctor and I couldn’t agree more
but I can also see him work as a teacher in chemistry, biology, and math OR he’d take an entirely different path and become a professional classical musician
no matter what job he does, he’ll take it very seriously and be very strict with himself or his students, but much like any other human being, Midorima would also have his vulnerable moments especially when he’s forgotten his lucky item
another thing I’d like to imagine is him having a secret blog dedicated to astrology and fortune-telling inspired by Oha Asa of course
I can’t help but chuckle every time I remember that he would’ve become a police officer, but it does suit him in a way
in all honesty, it’s pretty hard to imagine him doing anything else except basketball, but I’d like to think that he has the potential in becoming an idol group’s manger
Aomine would usually take care of the more experienced female idol groups and appear to be quite the jokester to others, but his idols know just how hard he’s actually working for them
you know when friends/roommates etc. see their friend who’s fallen asleep somewhere random and they just giggle and cover them with a blanket? that’s 100% Aomine and his idols  
Bible said pastry chef and I’m somewhat satisfied
if you ask me, not giving someone who loves sweets as much as Murasakibara an own bakery is a little sad, so I’d like to say that he owns one and functions as not only the owner but the main confectioner as well
have you ever heard of Buddy Valastro or seen his TV show “Cake Boss”? because that’s how I imagine our purple giant in the future
he would’ve become a professional shogi player and I don’t even dare doubt that for even a split second
with a multi-talented young man like him who can basically do anything he wanted, I’d like to say that him being a professional rider would actually suit him way more
Akashi owns his own horse and loves it to bits and no matter which media you consider I think that he enjoys horseback riding the most since it gives him that sense of freedom he’s always longed for  
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roundnfirm · 4 years
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I'm very fond of future Kuroko being a kindergarten teacher and I feel like he would be super cute sporting a lil pregnant belly...  💖💖 
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therodpod · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Kuroko no Basuke | Kuroko's Basketball Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Aomine Daiki/Kuroko Tetsuya Characters: Aomine Daiki, Kuroko Tetsuya Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Future, Parents & Children Summary:
Kuroko Tetsuya is a single father working as a Kindergarten teacher. Aomine Daiki is a police officer in the neighborhood who has no plans for settling down or having a family. How can these two very different lives come together? And what will it mean for Tetsuya's daughter, Reika?
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falling in love the second time + aokuro! ♡
Oh this was fun to write, thank you so much for the ask!!
It had been a few years since they last saw each other.
After high school it was nearly inevitable that they'd go their own ways, struggling and barely managing to keep in contact during the process.
It wasn't until Aomine's job had him relocated to a smaller city that he ended up bumping into his former basketball partner again.
As the smaller man had spoken of during their school days together, he had become a kindergarten teacher, and it fit him. That was how Aomine discovered he lived in the same area.
Making rounds on an early morning shift, he heard the cries of gleeful children, and upon turning the corner, he caught a familiar hue of blue as Kuroko came into frame, trying to herd the group of young tots into a little cart.
He approached slowly and stayed quiet, taking in the sight before him. The other man had on an apron that was splashed with paint and other child friendly substances, his blue hair still trimmed short, his demeanor the same as he remembered from school. Kind, caring, light-hearted. It was strange to be able to get so much from such a quick glance, but this was someone he had loved before, so he figured that could be why.
As he approached the small white fence which separated them, he couldn't help when the corners of his lips tugged up into a bit of a smile.
"Been a long time there, Teach."
His voice hadn't deepened much, but there was a subtle rasp that clung to it now. It seemed to catch Kuroko off guard as his head snapped up and his immediate reaction was to block the child, causing a bellowing laugh to tumble out of Aomine.
"Woah there! Don't worry, I mean no harm!"
He corrected, as they were adults now and he refused to let the other speak to him so formally anymore, but of course Kuroko played by his own rules.
"Aomine-kun, it's been a while." He noticed the other taking him in, and he couldn't stop the cheeky grin that replaced his once gentle smile.
"Like it? Makes me look tough, huh?"
His police uniform fit him snuggly, his little badge gleaming proudly in the early morning sun. The dark blue of the outfit matched perfectly with the indigo of his hair and eyes, making them pop a bit.
As they stood, Aomine caught on as the children seemed to start growing more restless, and he leaned over the fence to extend a small card to the other.
"Gimme a call, we'll catch up. Oh, and the apron suits you."
He gave a playful wink as he turned and went about his business, his chest more full of emotion than he anticipated, and he wasn't the only one. What he hadn't seen as Kuroko took the card from him and tilted his head just enough to cover his eyes with his hair, was the layer of red that lined his pale cheeks as the blood rushed to his face.
It had been a few years, and yet Aomine still made his heart jump to his throat just by existing in the same vicinity.
The business card was put to good use as Kuroko, who was no less bashful than in his high school days, took to calling Aomine with little hesitation.
They met up a few times, going for drinks, eating dinner together, seeing movies and going to different places. They hadn't even realized the routine they had fallen into. It never dawned on them how their lives came together so effortlessly, and how this all seemed like it was bound to happen.
The realization came one night Kuroko had made them dinner at his place, the cozy apartment just the right size for two people. They sat and talked, continuing to catch up, seemingly desperate to close the gap of years between them. It was when Kuroko took their dishes to the sink and began cleaning up that Aomine sat back and really saw.
He took in Kuroko's small frame. The way his muscles moved under his fair skin as he washed each dish, the way his hair shifted just enough to be noticed when he'd move his head, and then it hit Aomine. Like a ton of bricks, he was struck with the realization that he was completely and utterly in love with Kuroko; for the second time in his life.
Maybe it had never gone away, maybe he had clung to the small hope the entire time they were apart, but it felt like it had the very first time. The tightness in his chest, the way just the sight of Kuroko made his heart speed up like it was trying to win a race, the way he felt kind of sick and yet in complete bliss by having the other near him. It was unbelieveable, and yet here he was, more in love than ever before.
He had just finished the last dish. Drying his hands, he turned to face the larger man, bright baby blues looking at him curiously.
Somewhere along the way of their meetups he had switched, to Aomine's surprise and pleasure.
As casual as a good morning, he stared intently into the sea of blue before him, and grinned.
"This is so fucking crazy, but hear me out. I'm so crazy in love with you it's unreal. I didn't even know people could fall in love with the same person. This is the second time. The second time you've made me fall in love with you."
Kuroko seemed taken aback, but in no way negatively. His entire face lit up red, the tips of his ears sizzling as he hung his head in an effort to hide the embarrassment. Normally it was him who was outright, but Aomine seemed to get the hang of it during their time apart.
Trying not to think, he pushed himself off of the sink counter and rushed Aomine, throwing his arms around his neck and feverishly pressing their lips together.
When air became necessary, Kuroko pulled himself back, but only enough to bump their foreheads together. Eyes half-lidded and a bit out of breath, he found himself softly laughing.
"No fair, Daiki, I planned to say it first."
They were adults now, and their lives had changed in the time they were apart, but their love hadn't. Like teenagers falling for the first time, they experienced their second time together.
I hope you enjoy, @yabaiyama !!!
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banbunpe · 4 years
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kryptored · 4 years
It’s been years, and I still need more Kindergarten teacher!Kuroko content 😭!
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ao3feed-iwaoi · 4 years
Read this masterpiece on AO3 at https://ift.tt/3guJKlW
by Silky_oneirataxia
Sugawara koushi’s life was amazing He had an amazing boyfriend, great family and friends, a secured future, and is about to graduate from university to become a teacher That is until the afternoon of his graduation day But it doesn’t stop there, now Koushi has to deal with the hardships of a new beginning in his life, without that other half he once had
Words: 2770, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Haikyuu!!
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M, Multi
Characters: Sugawara Koushi, Sugawara Koushi's Parents, Sawamura Daichi, Sawamura Daichi's Parents, Sawamura Daichi's Family, Sawamura Daichi's Sister, Oikawa Tooru, Iwaizumi Hajime, Hinata Shouyou, Kageyama Tobio, Azumane Asahi, Nishinoya Yuu, Ennoshita Chikara, Tanaka Ryuunosuke, Shimizu Kiyoko, Yachi Hitoka, Tsukishima Kei, Kuroo Tetsurou, Michimiya Yui, Yamaguchi Tadashi, Original Characters, Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s), Original Child Character(s)
Relationships: Sawamura Daichi/Sugawara Koushi, Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru, Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio, Azumane Asahi/Nishinoya Yuu, Ennoshita Chikara/Tanaka Ryuunosuke, Shimizu Kiyoko/Yachi Hitoka, Michimiya Yui/Sawamura Daichi, Kuroo Tetsurou/Tsukishima Kei
Additional Tags: My First Fanfic, My First Work in This Fandom, Heartbreak, Denial of Feelings, Feelings Realization, Secret Children, Porn With Plot, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Rough Sex, Drunk Sex, Car Sex, Gay Sex, Shower Sex, Fluff and Smut, Shameless Smut, Swearing, Oikawa Tooru is a Good Friend, Hinata Shouyou is a Good Friend, Tsukishima Kei is a Good Friend, Yachi Hitoka is a Good Friend, Omega Sugawara Koushi, Alpha Sawamura Daichi, Omega Oikawa Tooru, Alpha Iwaizumi Hajime, Omega Hinata Shouyou, Alpha Kageyama Tobio, Alpha Azumane Asahi, Omega Nishinoya Yuu, Omega Ennoshita Chikara, Beta Tanaka Ryuunosuke, Alpha Shimizu Kiyoko, Beta Yachi Hitoka, Alpha Kuroko Tetsuya, Omega Tsukishima Kei, Beta michimiya yui, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha/Omega, Omega Verse, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha/Beta, Beta/Omega, Not Beta Read, Misunderstandings, Arranged Marriage, Fluff and Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Eventual Romance, Eventual Happy Ending, Police Officer Sawamura Daichi, Teacher Sugawara Koushi, Kindergarten Teacher Sugawara Koushi, Mpreg
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/3guJKlW
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Part 2: Real estate agent!Joseph, Painter!Caesar, SEX SHOP MERCHANT!JOSEPH
Part 3: Art teacher!Kakyoin, Patissier!Polnareff, Professor!Avdol
Part 4: Baker!Josuke
Part 5: Nurse!Melone, Risotto, Landlord!Buccellati, Rockstars!Risotto/Diavolo/Abbacchio, Barista!Doppio, Bank Manager!Buccellati, Butler!Buccellati, Professor!Giorno, Professor!Fugo
Part 7: Stable Master!Diego, Fruit picker!Johnny, Masseuse!Gyro
Bungo Stray Dogs: Teacher!Kunikida, Librarian!Oda, PORN COMPANY OWNER!FUKUZAWA
Osomatsu-san: Pizza Boy!Osomatsu, Boxer!Osomatsu, Salaryman!Choromatsu
HypMic: Samatoki, Jakurai, Doppo, CEO!Ichiro, Juto/Samatoki
Golden Kamuy: Chef!Sugimoto, Masseuse!Sugimoto, Personal trainer!Tanigaki, Doctor!Ogata
BNHA: Rockstars!Bakugou/Todoroki, Librarian!Aizawa, Personal trainer!Mirio, Police officer!All Might, DJ!Present Mic, Police officer!Present Mic
Free!: Police officer!Sousuke, Kindergarten Teacher!Makoto
Gintama: Barista!Gintoki
Haikyuu: Daichi
FFXV: Teacher!Ardyn, Ravus, Fashion designer!Ignis
GBF: Stripper!Belial, Barista!Sandalphon, Librarian!Lucilius, Personal Trainer!Vane, Tutor!Rackam, Masseuse!Belial, CEO!Percival, Priest!Lucilius, CEO!Aglovale, Priest!Sandalphon, Gym trainer!Siegfried, Singer!Naoise, Priest!Belial, PORN STAR!BELIAL,
Persona 5: Detectives!Akira/Akechi, Akechi, Police Officer!Akira, Rockstars!PHANTOM MENZ
Fire Emblem 
Awakening: Weapons instructor!Chrom
Heroes: Music teacher!Alfonse
Echoes: Baker!Fernand, Baker!Lukas
Kingdom Hearts I/II: CEO!Xemnas, Mechanic!Riku, STRIPPER!RIKU, Ice cream vendor!Axel
Kuroko no Basuke
Fire Emblem
Ace Attorney
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millicent231-watt · 5 years
(KnB) Aomine-kun
Anime / Crossover: Kuroko no Basuke
Songs: None
Request: No
Modern AU or just AU: None
NSFW/R-18: No
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I sigh with a scowl as I walk up to my boyfriend, Aomine Daiki, who was laying on the roof. "Daiki!" I bark and he turns his head to me. "What Y/N?" He asks and I huff. "Let's spend some time together after school! Just for once. I miss spending time with you." I say and he sighs. "I'm busy." He replies, spinning a basketball on his finger. "You're always busy these days. What are you even doing?" I ask and he shrugs. I sigh and turn on my heel, walking away quickly before tears erupted from my eyes. I knew what it was. I was flat-chested, not only that but I'm the only girl in the whole school that has a flat chest. "If he wants someone with giant tits, why'd he choose me?" I mumble to myself before getting pushed onto my face. I groan and push my self onto my hands and knees. "Look at this pathetic whore. She can't even handle a little push." I turn my head and see another group of girls who decided to bully me. "No wonder your boyfriend doesn't love you anymore." They say and my eyes go wide, tears threatening to fall. "Hey! Leave her alone!" Another girl yells and as the group runs off Momoi stands in front of me. "Are you okay?" She asks and I stare at her for a while before pushing her away and running off.
He still loves me! He would've left me if he didn't! I think to myself as I run home, pushing past the people in the street. I get home and slam my door shut behind me. "Y/N?! What are you doing home so early?" My mother asks in worry and I run over to her quickly, my arms open and my eyes wet. "Mama!" I cry sadly and she hugs me tightly in shock. "Sweetie, what's wrong?" She asks, taking off her apron and sitting me on the couch. "Some of the bullies at school said Daiki doesn't love me anymore! He doesn't even want to hang out with me anymore..." I whimper and she rubs my back softly. "Oh, sweetie...I'm sure he still loves you." I shake my head. "Why would he? He likes girls with an hourglass figure, big boobs and a big butt. I don't have any of that..." I say and she clicks her tongue. "If that's all he wants, then you don't need him. You need someone who will respect you for you and love you no matter what. That's why your father and I divorced." She says strongly, and I nod. "I...I guess..." I say before leaning my head on her shoulder. "Maybe he does love me, maybe he doesn't...." I say. "Go to his house tonight and ask him...you'll be able to tell then." My mother says and I smile. "I will."
Time Skip
I take a deep breath as I see Daiki's mother open the door. "Oh, hello. Who are you?" She asks with a smile and my heart drops. "D...Daiki hasn't told you about me? I'm his girlfriend." I say and she chuckles. "Nice try, but he's in his room with his girlfriend right now." She says and my heart shatters. She gasps after seeing my reaction and puts her hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry darling....I...I had no idea he was doing this to someone like you..." She says sadly, a small flame of rage burning in her eyes. "C...can I see him? I...I want to finish this relationship..." I say and she nods, pointing me in the direction of his room. I lift my shaky hand to his hand before quickly opening it on the moaning. "For the last time, get out mom!" He growls and I stutter as his 'girlfriend' and I lock eyes. "Daiki? Who's that?" She asks as she covers herself and points to me. He turns around angrily and suddenly his cocky attitude disappears as he sees me. "Y/N?!" He asks and I back up a little. "I don't want you to come near me again.....Aomine-kun." I cry softly before running out and straight to the park. "I can't believe this..." I sob quietly as I crawl under an area of the playground that would hide me. "Excuse me, are you okay?" I hear someone say and I jolt my head up.
Aomine's POV
"Shit...shit, shit, shit!" I growl as I kick the wall of the gym. "Don't be so mad, you brought this on yourself." Momoi says and I turn to her. "I know! That's why I'm pissed..." I say softly. I lost the one person who meant more than basketball to me because of some slut with big tits and an ass.
Time Skip
It's been years since I made that stupid fucking mistake of cheating on Y/N Akura. I was in college now, and nothing mattered to me anymore. I just wanted her back. "Come on Dai-chan! I wanna go to this signing!" Momoi says as she pulls me along to the mall library for a book signing. I hated the library...it reminded me of her. "Next!" The security guard says and we walk up to the booth. "Hello. What's your na-" The author stops as she turns to us. "Do we know you?" I ask bitterly and she scowls. "Maybe a little boost in memory is needed. My name is Y/N, and you are the bastard that decided I wasn’t enough...Aomine-kun." She growls and my eyes widen. She had grown. She wasn't flat-chested anymore nor looked like a boy, she had a beautiful figure. She had completely changed her look, from her hair to the way she dressed.
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"Y/-" "Shut up, idiot! I’m not in the mood to talk right now. Stay around, we'll talk after the signing. I'll also sign your book then Momoi." Y/N says as she pushes us to a bodyguard that moved us to a secluded seating area. "Can you believe it Dai-chan? It's Y/N-chan!" Momoi says happily and I cringe. "Y...yeah..." I say and she turns to me sadly. "I'm sure she'll forgive you if you explain the state you're in these years." Momoi says and I shrug. "I doubt she will..."
Time Skip
"Now, where's your book Momoi?" Y/N asks and she signs it for Momoi. "Y... Y/N , I-" "I know what you're going to say." Y/N says, staring me intensely and angrily in the eyes. "You're sorry, right?" She asks, crossing one leg over the other and raising an eyebrow. "Y...yeah..." I admit and she sighs. "I'll accept your apology, but I want you to know that you really hurt me." She says and I nod. "You and Dai-chan should get back together!" Momoi says happily. "Mo-" "He's been lonely and down for all those years and he hasn't been playing well or eating! We need you! He needs you..." Momoi says. "I'm sorry to hear that....but I can't and don't want to get back into a relationship with Aomine-kun." Y/N states and I flinch, trying to hold back tears. "Please! Y/N -chan...he's not himself without you..." Y/N stands up and sighs, grabbing her things. "No. I am already in a relationship with someone who has treated better in the past 4 years than Aomine-kun did in 3 weeks." I gasp slightly and she turns to walk away. "Can you at least tell me who?" I ask and she turns back to me. "He's gonna be here soon." She says and as if on command I see Kuroko Tetsuya walk towards us with a kid that looked just like him.
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It can't be him...can it? " Y/N -chan. Are you ready to go?" He asks before turning to me. "Oh, hello Aomine-kun. Momoi-san." He says with a bow. "I'm ready." Y/N says and he wraps his arm around her shoulder. "Tetsu-kun..." Momoi says sadly. "So you're the bastard that took Y/N from me." I growl and Kuroko gets a dark aura, much like that of Akashi's. "I didn't 'take' her from anyone. She said she never felt like she was in a relationship with you. I just made her feel loved." He says before turning and walking off with her. I stand up abruptly. "You're gonna take a kindergarten teacher instead of me?" I yell and Y/N turns around. "I'd much rather take anyone but you." She says coldly and I fall back onto the seat. "Dai-ch-" "Shut up..." I growl, storming off and back home.
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aokurofeed · 5 years
Chapters: 1/2 Fandom: Kuroko no Basuke | Kuroko's Basketball Rating: Mature Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Aomine Daiki/Kuroko Tetsuya, Minor or Background Relationship(s) Characters: Aomine Daiki, Kuroko Tetsuya, Takao Kazunari, Momoi Satsuki Additional Tags: Aged-Up Character(s), aomine being fluffy, Drama, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Blow Jobs, Police Officer Aomine Daiki, Kindergarten Teacher Kuroko Tetsuya Series: Part 1 of For Kuroko Summary:
It’s been two years Aomine and Kuroko are now living together as a couple, Kuroko work as a kindergarten teacher and Aomine as a police officer. They are living a happy life together until a certain night.
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