#like I’m actually cracking up I had to pause and scream into a pillow for a moment at this miscommunication
frightmarefalls · 2 years
I’m fucking losing my shit I love this show so much like pls I beg of you go watch a league of their own
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danikamariewrites · 10 months
Fake Sleeper
Eris x reader
A/n: just something cute with Eris. Also, I am participating in @erisweek2023 and I’m super excited about what I have planned!
Warnings: none
You had woken up before Eris, a rare occurrence, and instead of falling back to sleep like your body was screaming at you to do, you just stared at your mate. Admiring the morning sun lightning his freckles across his cheeks and the way his bare chest rose and fell in peaceful breaths.
Gods he was perfect, you just wanted to reach out to feel him, to make sure he was real and not a figment of your imagination. You wanted to trace the freckles on his face like when you would chart the stars on clear nights together.
But you didn’t want to disturb him. Sleep for Eris was a rarity these days. His workload had increased in the last few weeks so you were content to just let him be.
As your mind wandered you had come to the question of what Eris does when he wakes up before you. You know he gets dressed, trains, comes back, washes, dresses again, and then leaves.
But does he talk to himself? Does he leave a kiss on your forehead before he leaves your bed? What little noises does he make when he stretches when no one’s listening?
Curious about your mates habits you closed your eyes pretending to sleep. You knew Eris would be up soon so you had to look natural. As you relax back into your pillow you hear Eris begging to stir, pulling himself from sleep.
Eris lets out a groan and stretches his long body. You hear him crack his knuckles and sit up. His movements pause and you feel his eyes on you. You remind yourself not to break, to stay asleep and not crack a smile.
You feel Eris brush your hair back, then he leans down placing a long kiss on your forehead. He murmurs, “Good morning little fox.”
He pulls himself out of bed, his footsteps heading toward the bathroom. You take a risk and crack an eye open to watch him walk away.
As Eris finishes his morning routine and dresses you resume your fake sleep, making sure to move around a bit. He approaches your side of the bed, brushing a knuckle down your cheek placing another kiss on your forehead. This time he whispers, “I’ll be back, little fox. Like I promise every morning.”
You hear the door open and shut, straining your ears to listen to his footsteps get farther and farther away. Opening your eyes and smile to yourself. You felt absolutely giddy at the love Eris gave you even though you were asleep. Deciding you didn’t want to wait for him to come back after he has breakfast you get up.
Once you were dressed you headed down to the dining room, an extra pep in your step and a smile on your face. You take your usual seat that would normally be empty at this time. Eris should be done with training soon and you couldn’t wait to see his surprised face when he saw you.
Minutes later Eris, followed by his brother Cyrus, walks through the open double doors. Eris stops short, a wide smile growing on his face when he sees you. “Y/n! Good morning love, what are you doing up?” He asks joyfully.
You stand as he rushes over to you, pulling you into a crushing hug. “I woke up early and thought I’d have breakfast with you.” You smile up at him. Eris gives you a quick peck on your lips taking the seat next to you.
The conversation flows between the three of you. Joking and gossiping about court members. Eris wasn’t one to gossip but you loved talking about the latest drama with Cyrus. He was easily your favorite brother-in-law besides Lucien.
As you leisurely walk back to your room you hold onto Eris’ arm, resting your head against his bicep. You let out a content sigh, a smile gracing your lips as you think to yourself. “Why are you so smiley this morning little fox?” You blush at your favorite nickname and Eris pulls you closer.
“Just you. You make me happy.” “You make me happy, y/n.” He kisses the top of your head.
“I actually have a little confession to make.” Eris stares down at you curiously. “I was up before you this morning. I was pretending to sleep.” He stops in front of the door to your quarters, a shocked look on his face.
He laughs a little, sliding his hand into yours. “Why didn’t you say good morning?” “I wanted to see what you do every morning. Well, hear, since my eyes were closed.” Eris lets out another laugh, throwing his head back this time. “Was my morning interesting for you?”
You nod, rising up on your toes to kiss his freckled chee. “Yeah. It made me feel extra loved. Knowing that you kiss me and say goodbye. Do you really do that every morning?”
Eris wraps his arms around your waist pulling you into him. You wrap yours around his neck as he leans down to kiss you. It was soft yet passionate. “Every morning.”
tags: @nyotamalfoy @auggiesolovey @bubybubsters @baybay123455 @msiecrane @aroseinvelaris @twsssmlmaa
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dulcesiabits · 10 months
like a flash in the night.
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summary: your relationship with bai yi is purely transactional... or she'd like you to believe.
notes: 1.5k words, fic, a commission for @mh8 (who I have to thank for giving me a chance to write about miss bai yi <3), descriptions of violence + lightest suggestive content
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Bai Yi was taking advantage of you.
You would be a fool not to realize it; the only time she ever called you was when she needed a favor or a place to crash. You had learned to temper your expectations when your phone rang and Bai Yi’s silky voice was on the other line, when she flirted or wheedled or made another empty promise to treat you to a nice meal (a meal you would, inevitably, end up footing the bill for).
But when she showed up on your doorstep, bruised and cheerful, you still ran to see her, heart pounding.
“You’re an angel!” Bai Yi exclaimed, clasping her hands together dramatically when you swung open the door. “I know you wouldn’t let me down, hm?”
You could slam the door in her face for once, you thought. Tell her to go somewhere else, or to come back when she finally planned on paying back the money she borrowed from you.
But you only sighed at her theatrics, and gestured impatiently for her to come inside. “You can’t keep doing this, Bai. I have a life, and I can’t drop everything to help you every time you run into trouble. What is it this time? Debt collectors? Syndicate gangsters?”
Bai Yi had the decency to slip off her heels before she entered your apartment properly, throwing them carelessly at the doorway. You paused to line them up at the entrance, toes pointing towards the door, as she ambled down the hall as if she owned the place.
“Can’t I come just because I miss you, angel?”
You flushed at the sound of the nickname. “I don’t believe that.”
“Bai,” you said firmly. “What did you do?”
“I may have borrowed some money and promised to pay it back last week…”
“Oh my god.”
“But, ah, I had some emergency expenses to finance, so all of the cash I was going to put towards my loans? Gone! Just like that!”
You doubted she actually had any money to pay the loans back with; more likely than not, she had spent it all on some shady business venture investment and lost all her cash in the process. You followed the sound of her carefree voice down the hall, only to end up in front of your bedroom. Bai Yi was circling your bed, running a finger along the duvet.
“Bai Yi,” you said. “You’re on the run from loan sharks? Again?”
She shrugged, before diving onto your bed. “Yup! K.K. will get it all sorted out, though, so don’t even worry about it.”
“I’m tired from being on the run. Angel, could you please close the door for me?”
You watched as Bai Yi pulled your comforter over herself, head sinking into the pillows you had fluffed just that morning. 
“At least take off your street clothes!” you said, exasperated. 
“Sorry, angel. If you want to get me naked, you’ll have to try harder.”
You shut your bedroom door irritably. It looked like it would be another night sleeping on the couch for you.
“Bai Yi, I swear to god, if you make me lose my apartment, I am going to toss you to MBCC myself!”
“Angel, don’t be so hasty! Don’t things always work out for us?”
You growled, biting back a string of curses as Bai Yi’s motorcycle cut around a corner so sharply your head almost touched the warm asphalt. The breeze whipped away her laughter; even in a situation where the two of you were on the run from Syndicate loan sharks, Bai Yi couldn’t take a single second of it seriously.
“Fuck!” you yelled as the motorcycle jostled over a pothole and swerved around a pedestrian, who screamed bloody curses after you two.
“You have to hold onto me tighter,” Bai Yi instructed, eyes still glued to the road. “Try not to cop a feel.”
“You’re disgusting. I’m not–” Another sharp turn, another close brush with the pavement where your head almost cracked like an egg, and you decided you could save the witty remarks before your brains ended scrambled up all over the streets of Syndicate. 
Reluctantly, you looped your arms around Bai Yi’s waist, so tightly you could feel her muscles tensing under her skin, feel the rumble of her laughter echo straight into your heart as she sped through narrow roads and dark alleyways. You rested your head against her back, squeezing your eyes shut as you nuzzled against her jacket. She smelled like sun-warmed leather, and cheap alcohol, and something you couldn’t quite place– it was the smell of the city itself, of cracked pavements and the faint tang of blood.
She had always promised to take you out for a spin on her bike, but you never imagined she would fulfill under such strenuous circumstances. 
You couldn’t help but smile a little into her jacket. As unreliable as Bai Yi was, she had always shown you a good time.
You had never seen that expression on Bai Yi’s face before. 
She was always ready with an easy smile or an over-dramatic frown to flash at you. Sometimes you forget just how strong she really was. It was strange to see her mouth so thin, her gaze cold and calculating, a barely-contained anger edging all of her words. She was like a predator, ready to strike at the first sign of weakness, power and tension rolling under her skin.
“They have nothing to do with this,” she said slowly. “Let them go.”
The gangster holding a knife at your throat barked out a wheezy laugh. “Listen, Bai Yi. They–” He yanked you closer to the knife, metal scraping your throat, and Bai Yi’s eyes tracked him “--got involved as soon as they met you.”
Her hand twitched on the handle of her swords, and the gangster hissed, pressing the blade into the skin of your neck, just enough for you to gasp at the sudden pain as a trickle of blood trailed onto your collarbone.
That must have been the final straw for Bai Yi. She snarled, and in the space between one blink and the next, the gangster’s head was lying on the floor, his face still frozen in a haughty grimace.
You couldn’t even call it a fight; it was a one-sided slaughter. Everytime you blinked, there was another head rolling on the floor, another body crumpling like a broken doll. In under a minute, Bai Yi was calmly wiping the blood off her swords with a coat ripped off a nearby corpse, before sheathing them into their scaboards. 
That strange, intense expression still hadn’t faded off her face as she strode towards you, anger still vibrating in every inch of her body.
“Are you okay?” she said. Her fingers drifted towards your face, as if she wanted to touch you; but they only hovered over your skin as complicated emotions warred across her face, each flashing by too fast for you to gauge what they were. 
You shook your head; you were still trying to process what just happened, but the shock must have caught up to you, because your legs gave way. Bai Yi easily caught you before you could fall. Her grip was surprisingly strong but gentle, and her arm curled protectively around you, pulling you closer towards her body.
“Let’s go home,” she said softly. “You need some rest.”
“Bai, I–”
“Don’t say anything,” she said quietly. “I’m sorry. I should have known better than to bring trouble to your door.”
You nodded, and the two of you simply stood like that for a while. When you moved to step away, her hands lingered, as if she wanted to hold you close to her forever.
“Next time,” you said slowly, as Bai Yi led you towards her motorcycle, “You have to treat me to dinner at a restaurant. A nice one.”
“Are you asking me on a date?” she said.
“No. You’re going to be the one to ask me,” you replied. You thought she might have smiled, but you couldn’t be sure.
Che folded his arms as he surveyed the apartment building across from the alley he, K.K. and Bai Yi were lurking in. “So you want me to stake out this place?”
“Just for the next few weeks,” Bai Yi said. “Make sure the, ah, person I told you about doesn’t meet with any trouble.”
“Why this place, Bai Yi?” K.K. said curiously. “Don’t tell me you borrowed from another loan shark.”
Che rolled his eyes. “It’s not like that, K.K. This is where the boss’s secret lover lives.”
“Her what?” K.K. hissed.
“We’re not in that kind of relationship,” Bai Yi said lightly.
Che appraised her, raising one eyebrow. “You sure?”
“I don’t get attached. You know that, Che. Come on! It would be sad for all the gorgeous women in Syndicate if I settled down so easily, don’t you think?”
Don’t get attached, my ass. Why do you look at them like that, then? Che bit back his words; Bai Yi knew her feelings best, and if she didn’t have a reason for revealing them, then neither did he.
The trio gave one last glance at the apartment complex, Bai Yi’s lingering on a particular window on the third floor, before they vanished into the night.
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acourtofinkandpapyrus · 8 months
Confessions (Eris X Reader) *
Warnings: Angst, and my first fic with smut. So yeah, a little plot but mostly SMUT. Oral, female receiving, actual sex, and maybe a sweet talking kink.
Eris and the emissary both have hidden feelings, but Eris has never been good at expressing emotions, especially jealousy...
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I walk down the hall, trying not to listen to the intensely infuriating male tailing me, bragging loudly about how back in the throne room how he had managed to convince his father to join forces with the Summer Court.  My court.
“I’m just saying-”  He drawled, staring at me as he kept pace with my increasingly fast footsteps.  “Wasn’t it supposed to be your job to convince them?  Maybe if I sucked up to Tarquin as much as you do, I could be emissary too-”
I turned towards him, diplomacy be damned- and pinned him against the wall, letting him see the raging power in my eyes.  “I don’t know what your problem is today lordling, but I will not tolerate your ridicule.”
He grinned, fire swirling in his eyes as he looked at my arms, caging him against the wall.  “How bold of you emissary, and here I thought you were here to please me.”
I snarled, dropping my arms and storming off.
Not looking back to see if he followed me, I went into my room, slamming the door behind me.
I hissed as I ran my hands through my ornately styled hair, ruining hours of hard work.
For the most part, I had grown to like the male.  There was more to him than people thought.  I had seen with my own eyes that when he had an option between good and bad, he chose to do good.
Sometimes we would flirt a bit too, but never had he spoken to me like that.  Not like the way he did with everyone else.
I stormed over to my bed, grabbing one of the fluffy pillows and shoving it to my face, screaming into it.
I hated it.  I hated this.  Because for the last week, I had been working up the courage to tell him…
Fuck, I still couldn’t even imagine saying it to him, especially right now.
You know how the worst thing they could say is no?  Well, Eris is a walking demonstration that isn’t the case.
I had seen him completely destroy people if he found them, or what they did distasteful.
Maybe I thought he was a good male, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t be cruel if the mood struck him.
I looked in the long mirror that towered over me.  I looked like an absolute mess.
I tore out the circlet I was wearing, along with all the other pretty jewels.
Staring into the mirror, I stared into my own eyes, speaking softly to myself.
“I love you.  That’s all you have to say.  Three stupid little words.”
Leaning my head against the mirror, I felt pathetic.
I was way too sober for this.
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A few drinks later in the privacy of my room, not only was I still not ready, I felt even more pathetic.
Being a little tipsy, I decided to take a walk, hoping to calm my nerves and clear my head.
It wasn’t long before I was walking through the hallways, barely cleaned up enough to be presentable, but no one was out at this hour anyway.
I saw the hall that led to the library, and I paused.
The smell of books and the stories they held always cheered me up.  I was sure a good book and a comfy chair could help my hurting heart.
I entered the library only to see the red headed male that smelled of cider, crisp autumn air, and fire that consumed my nights and days.
He looked up, noticing me right as I was turning to leave.
“Y/N, please…”
I paused, my breath caught in my throat as I waited for him to continue.
“I’m sorry.”  His voice cracked as he spoke, and I turned around to see his red hair hanging in his eyes as he looked up at me, lips slightly parted and his eyes wide with a mixture of guilt and loneliness.
“Why did you even say all of that in the first place?”  I asked, letting the door close as I walked further in, standing next to him.
He looked up at me and swallowed thickly.  “I was jealous.”
My breath caught as I stared into the depths of his beautiful red eyes.  “Of who?  Tarquin?”
His hands fisted and he looked away.  “Of Tarquin, of all the males who look at you, of all the males you flirt with.  I’m jealous of all of it.”
He laughed, the sound devoid of joy.  “I’m pathetic, aren’t I?  Not only do I not tell you how I feel, but I make you suffer for it.”
I don’t even think he realizes what he's confessing.
Moving so I was right in front of him, I took his face in my hands, forcing him to look me in the eyes.  “You are not pathetic, you are not bad,”  I pushed some of the hair out from in front of his eyes, “You have had a hard life, a life where your family taught you to be cruel.  I see the scars you hide that your father inflicts.  I know that inside you have the potential to be great.”
His eyes are tearing up, looking up at me as if I was some sort of deity, blessing him.
“I know this, because I love you Eris.  I’ve loved you for so very long, and I know that you have a good heart.”
It takes him a moment to realize what I had said, the meaning.
Before he can respond, I lower my lips to his, kissing him softly before pulling back.
He blinked, his whole demeanor changing in milliseconds as he shot up, his hands interlacing in my hair as he pressed his lips to mine, his tongue exploring as I let out a slight whimper.
Drawing back, his breath came out in pants, and I could tell he was barely holding himself back.
Lust clouded my mind, and I barely heard what he said.  “What?”  I murmured, wishing his lips were back on mine again.
“Did you mean it?  Do you love me?”  He asks, and I’m suddenly stone cold sober at the vulnerability in his eyes.
I once again bring my hands up to cup his face, stroking his jawline gently.  “I’ve loved you since the moment I laid eyes on you.  I was just so sure you’d see my flaws and turn me away.  I was a coward.”  I say the last part, looking away so I don’t have to see the look on his face as he realizes what a huge mistake he’s made.
He gently guides my face so I’m once again looking him in the eyes, and he looks down at me with such love and wonder that I almost crumple right then and there.
“I would never turn away from you my darling.  Never you.”  He leaned down, placing his mouth on my neck, speaking in between kisses, “You are an angel.”  I struggled not to let out a moan as the scent of his arousal hit me, his hands massaging my hips gently.  “Ever since I first saw you, that first snarky remark, I couldn’t stop thinking about you.”
He drew back, looking down at me lovingly.  “You are too good for me, but now that I know that you like me back, I will fight like hell to make sure I can keep seeing that sassy little smirk you love to send my way.”
“I love you.”  I said, throwing my arms around his shoulders.  “And I never want to be apart from you again.”
He growled, and I squeezed my thighs together, trying to keep my wits about me as I started to drown in this male.
Hoisting me up, he turned us, placing me on the large comfy chair he had just been lounging in.
“Do you want this?”  He asked, his thumbs gently grazing my hardened nipples as his voice dropped an octave, staring at my already abused lips.
I nodded, and he stopped breathing for a moment, pinching one of my nipples while whispering into my ear,  “Use your words.”
“Please Eris-”  I begged, whimpering as I tried to pull him closer.
He grinned, his eyes predatory as he dropped to his knees.  “Don’t worry angel, I’m going to take good care of you.”
Slowly, he felt every inch of my thighs, going to reach for my panties and hissing when he found me already bare.
“Oh naughty girl.  Were you hoping this would happen?”  He asked, chuckling as he pushed my dress up, placing my legs over his shoulders.
I opened my mouth to respond, but I only moaned as he dove in, his tongue flicking my clit and licking alternately.
I lost all sense of time as I was oh so slowly brought closer to the edge, that coil in my stomach tightening as I realized I wouldn’t be able to hold on much longer.
“Eris, I’m so close-” I said through whimpers, moaning as he once again flicked my clit.
I could feel him grin into my most private parts as he pushed two fingers into my slickness, curling his fingers and making my hips buck involuntarily.  “Eris, please!” I whined, rolling my hips in an attempt get him to start moving again, and he laughed darkly.
“I’ve been waiting to taste you forever angel.  When you come on my tongue, I want to be the only thing you’re thinking about.”  He said, his voice so seductive I almost came right there.
“You’re the only thing on my mind all the time,”  I said, letting out little noises of pleasure as he pumped his fingers, once, twice.
He grinned.  “That’s my girl.”
He dove back in, tongue and fingers working in tandem, pushing me over the edge of bliss, calling out his name as my body shook from the pleasure he drew from me.
He kept going, drawing out my pleasure as long as possible.
I was a puddle as he drew his fingers out, sucking my juices off of them before leaning down to kiss me again.
I could feel his hardness pressing through his pants, and I pushed into it with the palm of my hand, eliciting a hiss from him.
“My naughty angel.  Do you want my dick inside you?”  He asked breathlessly, nuzzling my neck before dragging his teeth over the sensitive skin, and he groaned in time with my moan.
“I need you Eris.  I need you in me now.”  I pleaded, working at the buttons of his pants.
He pressed a kiss to my forehead, suddenly gentle.  “Let me.”
Undoing the rest of the buttons, his member sprung free and my mouth watered from how big he was.
He picked me up, spinning us around so he was sitting and I was held aloft above him.
I waited for him to push in, but as I looked at his face, I realized he was giving me complete control.
Smiling softly, I lowered myself slowly, both of us moaning as I made it all the way down.
He helped me move up and down slowly as he spoke.  “I’ve never felt like this for someone before.  You scare the hell out of me because I’m falling, and I knew that if you told me you felt the same way, you would completely own me.”
I gasped as he started to rub my clit, unable to form words eloquently, I said, my voice guttural, “You’re mine.”
Our pace sped up and he growled, playing with my clit more roughly as his other hand went to my breast, massaging it as he took the nipple of my other breast into his mouth, making me moan in an obscene way.
He let go with his mouth, my brain frying as I once again reached the edge of bliss.
“And you’re mine.” he growled, thrusting hard and hitting that spot, and I let out a scream of ecstasy as he reached it with me, and he pushed his lips to mine, silencing me as we rode out the rest of our orgasms.
When we were done, he gently pulled me off, and I moaned.
“I love you, Angel.”  He said, nuzzling my neck and pulling me into a hug.
I sighed in joy, my heart fluttering out of my chest.  “And I love you Lordling.”
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vacantgodling · 6 months
new game + 77 and 99 plsplspls
koooooooorbbbbh thank you for asking!
so i’m gonna post the drabble for 77! i decided that 99 is actually gonna make an appearance in the veeeery last chapter of cage so uh 👀 look out for chapter 20 whenever that happens LMAO
otherwise, god it’s been so long since i’ve written anything paramour related so sorry if this is a bit Rusty i rushed this tbh
send me a number and i’ll write you a drabble based on my spotify wrapped
77. The Bird and The Worm — The Used
for context this is a flashback. tw for violence and descriptions of gore etc
The sickening crack of bone hitting the pavement would never fail to jolt Amon from sleep. He didn’t realize he was having a panic attack until the woman—his “new mother” flew into the lush, well decorated room they’d given him to call his own in a whirlwind of perfumes and fluttering birdlike hands, her twittering little voice crying, “Cori, oh, Cori, please, put the knife down!”
Knife? Amon looked at his hand, finding the same knife from that day firm in his palm. Oh.
Downy feathers twirled in the air like tightrope dancers, thrust there by his violent swings
“Coriandrum Farrah, put that knife down at once!” His “new father” boomed at him. The shake of his rough hands on his shoulders is what truly dragged him back to reality. He wasn’t in an alley. He wasn’t watching those animals throw his mother onto the ground. The seizing hands around his shoulders were just like those that held him down; just like those that had made the first slash against his throat—
Amon paused in his assault of the pillows, and gazed up at the man, his dark eyes swallowed by the pitch of the night and his own murderous intent, fear like a bug in his throat. Seeing his pause, the man continued. “This is the fourth night in a row you’ve done this! We understand what you been through was tragic—“
“No!” Amon’s voice was far too deep for a twelve year old but it was gripped in the bowels of pain, of the suffering evil that spilled from the earth. He wretched violently in his “new father’s” arms, twisting and turning and wriggling to try and escape. His mind flashed between the wealthy aristocrat that took pity on him and saved his life, and the crooked grin of the key who nearly ended it.
“You’ll never understand! They gouged her eyes out and ate them!”
Before either of the adults could react, his grip on the knife tightened once more and he whipped his arm back as if to stab the pillow again, but at the last moment changed trajectory, stabbing it deep into his “father’s” abdomen. He howled in agony, and his “mother” near fainted on the spot, giving Amon ample time to wretch himself free and dash around them and into the corridor. He didn’t know this house too well, and his too weak body screamed at the sudden exertion but he had to get out of here. He didn’t want to play house with rich bastards who thought they owned him just because they intervened on behalf of his life, one he didn’t ask them to save. He wanted to find the people who did this to him, to his mother, and make them pay.
He crashed through a window on the first floor, scampering into the bushes, then off into the night. “Coriandrum Farrah” hardly suited him anyway.
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bittersweetastoria · 1 year
Okay so I don’t usually do this stuff, OBVIOUSLY. But like, random sleepy idea. I had to write it out. So yeah.. enjoy I guess. Lil drabbly drab of sleepy but entirely too exhausted to sleep without a little help Rhea. Totally innocent so no warnings.
“Dems?” You began, catching notice of your girlfriend who just couldn’t seem to get situated. She kept moving. Almost tossing and turning, but she was gentler than that so not to disturb you too much. Feeling the bed shift again, you move slightly to try again. “Babe, What gives? If this bed rocks again I’m going to get sea sick.” You joke, looking over at her as she sat up a bit to match you. “Sorry baby, I just can’t seem to stay asleep. I can drift off, then BOOM.” Rhea began, a heavy sigh leaving her lips as she looked at you. In that moment, any slight annoyance melted off you. Those eyes seriously had you under a spell. Shaking your head in amusement, you smiled softly as you reached for the book you’d left abandoned in your lap. “Would you like me to read you a bedtime story?” You joked, expecting some glare or retort. So when she didn’t answer at first, you looked to her again. Her face screamed torn. It was adorable actually. She was so exhausted though, being champion came with a lot of sleepless nights and long as fuck days. It was obviously taxing on her, especially after having just gone back home for a bittersweet family gathering. Unable to stop yourself, your hand raked through her dark messy locks. “Could you?” She finally spoke without looking at you yet, that came when your hand paused midway through her hair. When she did, you saw a side of her you rarely did. In fact, you’d only seen it when she’d gotten news about her grandmother. That look had you cracked open and willing to do anything to prevent her from ever looking that way again. Soundlessly, You opened your arms and let her into them. Once she was comfy against you and you’d settled comfortably as well, you pulled the book up and began reading softly without ever making any of your playful comments that you’d usually do. In your heart, you knew now wasn’t the time. After reading for a little while, you notice how her body had finally fully relaxed and her breathing was steadily even. Closing the book, you sit it aside on the nightstand carefully before pressing your lips gently to her head. “This is our little secret.” You mummer softly before moving ever so gently to lay your head down on your pillow, your arms snuggly around her as you get comfy and drift off to sleep yourself. Counting your blessings that she trusted you so much, and that you had each other for this little hidden moments of weakness that you knew the other would never exploit.
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skyward-floored · 2 years
Whumptober Day 6 — screams from across the hall
Nobody asked but I’m delivering Hyrule Warriors traitors nonsense anyway. It’s just so fun to mess with... Also I realized I hadn’t put Sky in any of these until now???
Warnings: blood and injury (per usual)
Ao3 link
“Can’t sleep?”
Wind startled and looked over at Four, who was giving him a slight knowing look over the top of his book.
“...yeah,” he admitted in a mumble. “M’ not really tired.”
That was a bit of a lie. He was exhausted actually, Warriors’ Hyrule and it’s crazy hordes of monsters had worn him out. They’d managed to get an inn for the night, but Wind just couldn’t drop off to sleep, even despite his exhaustion.
Of all the nights to suddenly feel homesick.
Four nodded with a sympathetic look, and set his book down, leaning back against his pillow.
“I get that. Hard to wind down after a day like today huh?” he said, purposefully not mentioning anything about the true reason for Wind’s inability to sleep.
Wind nodded, playing along. “Yeah.”
He swallowed, ignoring how his throat tightened a bit, and looked away from the smithy.
Four’s voice turned even more gentle. “Would you like something to read? I’ve got a few extra books. Maybe it’d take your mind off of things.”
Wind sighed. “I would. But our writing is different, remember? Have any picture books?”
Four smiled a bit. “Sorry, no. Well, I have one with pictures, but it’s about blacksmithing techniques so I’m not exactly sure if they’d be much fun for you.”
Wind shrugged. “Better than nothing.”
Four nodded and slipped out of his bed, rifling in his bag for a minute before pulling out the aforementioned book. He walked over to Wind’s bed and handed it over, and the sailor took it with a grateful smile. Even if he couldn’t really understand it, it’d be nice to have a distraction. Hopefully it’d be enough to help him fall asleep.
“Thanks smithy.”
Four squeezed his shoulder, an absolutely knowing look on his face. “You’re welcome. Any time sailor.”
He went back to his own bed, and Wind began his quest for at least somewhat interesting pictures in Four’s book. There were a couple pictures of weapons and things, which were cool, and it was sort of fun to try and puzzle out what on earth the writing was trying to say. Confusing, but fun.
An odd muffled noise filtered into their room.
Wind paused, glancing towards the door with a suddenly anxious feeling in his stomach.
“Did you hear that?” whispered Four, shattering the hope that he’d just imagined it. Wind nodded.
“...yeah. Maybe it was just one of the other patrons?”
“I think we’re the only guests in this inn at the moment, this place isn’t very big,” Four murmured, brows pinched.
A scream rang out from across the hall.
Wind jumped at the sound, and Four reacted immediately, leaping out of bed and grabbing his sword. He flung open the door and Wind raced after him, book and homesickness completely forgotten as he grabbed his own weapon and bolted down the hall.
Another cry rang out, from Sky and Warriors’ shared room, and Four twisted the knob as they reached it, frowning when it wouldn’t budge.
“It’s stuck,” he said worriedly, and Wind banged on the door.
“Guys! Are you okay?!” he shouted, but there was no reply other than some crashing sounds and a pained grunt.
He heard footsteps behind him and the other heroes ran up, in various states of half-dress, but all armed, with frazzled looks on their faces.
“The door’s jammed, we can’t get in!” Wind said frantically, and Time opened his mouth to reply when another pained cry from inside cut him off.
“Move,” Twilight said, shoving his way to the front of their group. He cracked his knuckles and took a few steps back, motioning them all out of the way. Than he ran forward and threw his weight against the door with a loud thud.
The door didn’t budge.
Twilight shook out his arm with a shocked look on his face, and Legend surged forwards, splaying a palm against the wood.
“There’s magic keeping it shut,” he growled after a second, and banged at the wood again.
“What do we do?!” Wind asked frantically as the sounds of a struggle continued to filter through the door.
“Sky! Captain! Can you unblock the door?” Time shouted, and a tense silence prevailed for several long moments.
Then a desperate muffled cry rang through the hall, and Hyrule ran to the front of the group.
He jammed his hands against the door and they began to glow, a pale orangish color. Wind watched with his heart in his throat as Hyrule’s eyes began to shine the same color as his hands, and the air steadily grew thick with magic. Legend put a hand next to his, and the two heroes screwed their eyes shut, the door shaking on its hinges.
And just like that, the door popped open.
Hyrule and Legend shifted to allow the others entrance, and they all rushed inside, weapons ready. Wind passed through the door, and the first thing he noticed was the sharp smell of blood in the room.
The second was the knife pressed to Sky’s throat.
“Not a step further!” the man holding the weapon shouted, and they all froze in their tracks, some of them barely through the doorway.
Wind darted his gaze around the room, gripping his sword with a white-knuckled grip. There were five men it looked like; the one holding the knife, two more standing by Sky while the other two stood closer to Warriors, one of them wearing slightly-different clothes than the others.
Another man lay on the floor, unmoving.
Warriors himself stood at the far side of the room, eyes wild and chest heaving for breath. He had blood running down his arm, and there was a long scratch across his face, one that had barely missed his left eye. He held his sword with both hands, his face furious, and Wind thought he seemed pale.
Sky looked even more worse for wear, a bloody lip and torn undershirt that had bloody scratches visible underneath on his person. His wrist seemed like it was at a bit of an odd angle, and his eyes were bright with pain.
Wind shifted his weight and the man holding Sky glared, tightening his grip.
“I said not another step,” he growled. “Drop your weapons.” Wind balled his fist that wasn’t holding his sword up.
“Let him go,” Four said in a cold voice, and the man holding Sky’s grip seemed to tighten.
“Drop your weapons or I slit his throat right now,” the man said, and Sky’s breath hitched a little as the knife teased his throat.
The heroes all dropped their weapons.
“Now let him go,” Twilight growled, and a different man chuckled.
“I don’t think so. Here’s what we’re going to do,” he said calmly, striding to Sky’s side, “you let us leave with the hero, and your friend here for collateral, and we don’t slit his throat.”
“Fat chance,” Legend spat. “You expect us to just let you kidnap two of our own? You must think we’re idiots.”
“Why would you think we’d just let you do that?” Time said in a cold voice, and the man chuckled sinisterly.
“Because, if you don’t allow us to leave... we’ll slit his throat right now.”
And if to prove his point, the other man pressed his knife harder against Sky’s neck.
Sky flinched, and a bead of red appeared at his throat, sliding in a thin trail down his neck. Wind shot a look at Time, who seemed at a loss, eye darting between the two heroes with desperation.
“Clock is ticking, you have thirty seconds,” the man said with a smile, and Sky seemed to deflate in the other man’s hold.
Warriors shot a look at their group by the door, than back at Sky, his eyes calculating as blood continued to stain his shirtsleeve and cheek. Something resigned settled in his eyes, and his sword began to lower.
“Let Sky go,” Warriors said coolly, “and I’ll come without any fuss.”
“That’s not the deal,” the mantsked, and more blood trickled down Sky’s neck. “We keep him to make sure you behave. Drop your weapon or bye-bye bird boy.”
“Captain, they’re after you. I won’t allow you to give yourself up for me, get out of here,” Sky said quietly. “Please.”
Warriors clenched his jaw.
Then he dropped his sword, and raised both hands in the air.
Wind couldn’t help his gasp, and two of the men strode forwards and forced Warriors to his knees, leveling their swords at his neck.
“Excellent!” The ringleader crowed, and strode towards the middle of the room. “We’ll be taking our leave then.”
Sky and Warriors were both dragged to the center of the room, Wind and the other heroes only able to watch as they clustered around the one man with the different clothes. He heard Legend muttering to himself and saw Four’s eyes darting madly around the room, the other heroes all doing similar desperate actions. But they couldn’t do a thing without risking Sky’s neck. Just watch.
Fear swept over Wind as he looked desperately between Sky and Warriors, both looking resigned to their fate.
He couldn’t let them take his brothers. Not in the states they were both in, not to just be dragged somewhere and killed, he couldn’t let this happen, he refused to let it end like this, they’d kill both of them if they just let them leave, he—!
The men were enveloped in light, and Wind lunged forward, grabbing onto Warriors’ tunic as the others shouted in surprise and dismay.
His world flashed with color, swirling spots in his vision as magic crashed over him in a dizzying wave, Warriors’ good hand reaching down to clutch at his arm—
Everything went dark.
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chalkrevelations · 2 years
HEY, OK, SO. Anonymous who asked about who I thought Pete was pointing his gun at in the Ep 7 bathroom scene - I think THIS EP IS THE PAYOFF for that scene.
We see in the Ep 7 scene that Pete has zero problem pointing his gun in the face of either his bestie or the Minor Family Heir - despite whatever interfamily political bullshit that might stir up - when his loyalty to Kinn and the Major Family seems to require it. We see that again here. Because we’ve already seen him do it once, it’s not at all unexpected this time, the way Pete draws down on Porsche when he catches him trying to escape with Vegas, nor the way he immediately moves to stick his gun in Vegas’s face when Vegas makes a move at him, as if to say, “You too, motherfucker. Don’t think I won’t give you a piece of this, merit-making or no. One more move and I’ll see you in the next life. And while we’re on the subject, why are you underestimating me in action? It’s like you’ve never had me ride shotgun for you on a op before.” He also apparently has no problem throwing down with Porsche, which, thank god someone was paying attention in Bodyguard class, because we haven’t seen Chan for several eps, now that I think about it, and it’s probably because he’s recovering from a heart attack over how slack all these dumbasses have been, letting Kinn and Porsche wander around fucking all over town completely unprotected. (Ha. Double meaning intended.)
ANYWAY, I have to pause here just a minute to scream into a pillow again, because OMG, PETE, ILU, my hyper-competent violence-prone feral sunshine button. You are the best of the Bodyguard Farm, and don’t ever let anyone tell you different.
OK, now that I got that out of my system, at least temporarily, what I find SUPER-INTERESTING about this pattern of Pete’s and the way it shows his loyalty to Kinn and the Major Family is that I think we start seeing the first cracks in it a little later in the episode. I’m’a be honest and say that I initially threw up my hands in despair over the bad writing and incomprehensible characterization that would have Pete tell Kinn that he wants to infiltrate the Minor Family house because he trusts Porsche when he literally just held him at gunpoint to prevent him from escaping with Vegas, which doesn’t look an awful lot like trust. But now I’m wondering if this is making the point that Pete, up until now, has put his own emotions and beliefs on the back burner, subsuming them to the Family’s needs. It doesn’t matter if he trusts Porsche, his duty is to stop Porsche from escaping, right? Only now, he’s watched Kinn be challenged by Porsche - trust or captivity? - and he’s watched Kinn let Porsche go. So is this our first sign that Pete is finally willing to start testing the boundaries and act on what he wants to do when he’s faced with conflicting loyalties? To be sure, he’s still asking permission to do it, he’s still walking the path of coaxing Kinn to his way of thinking before he’ll actually go through with it, but baby steps, right?
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slasherbaby · 3 years
Call Me [read on ao3 or under the cut! ♡]
Pairing: Danny Johnson x Trans Masc reader (he/him pronouns)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: smut, very mild breeding kink, knifeplay, cock/cunt used to describe the reader’s junk
Length: 4676 words
“Fuck,” Danny grunted into the phone, his voice low and forced. From sound alone, you can tell how he’s holding himself. It doesn’t take much imagination to envision the way his jaw strained, his eyebrows pulled down in the middle. “Wanna slide right into that cunt, fuck. Know you’d be so wet, such a fucking slut for me.”
Historically speaking, you’ve never been into dirty talk. It always sounded stiff, the guy talking to you usually too unsure of himself to sound even remotely sexy. But god, did it feel different with Danny. His deep voice, the rough edge around each syllable, and the naturally monotone way he spoke has always been enough to drive you crazy, ever since the first ‘hello.’
“Maybe I’d suck on that pretty fucking cock too, gotta make sure my baby’s nice and hard before I fuck him, right?”
It’s easy to picture how he’d look, looking up at you with his dark, dilated eyes. Holding your gaze as he worked your cock in his mouth. You bite down on your lower lip, stifling a groan at the sparks of pain that follow.
The laugh that comes through the receiver is rough and hoarse, sending a shiver of delight up your spine. “Don’t hide from me, angel. I already know how much of a whore you are,” Another laugh rasps through. “Everyone knows how you act at the bar after a few drinks, fucking brat. Drooling for attention, dancing around like you’re asking for it. Giving a show to everyone.”
“Yours,” You gasp, your voice just a touch away from sounding desperate. It’s the truth, afterall, but Danny already knows it. You both know that he’s the only one you’d let touch you, the only one you want to touch you. “Just yours.”
“And don’t fucking forget it.” Danny’s voice drops into a growl, making you whimper. “I’m the only one who gets you like this. You’re fucking mine, baby. Mine and mine alone.”
Another gasp falls from your lips, nodding your head even though you know he can’t see. Your cock is hard and aching, but you move your fingers away from where you’ve been circling it, going lower and lower until you reach your entrance.
“Danny…” You groan, squeezing your eyes shut as you wait for him to keep talking, to keep bringing you closer to the edge.
“You’ve got no idea how crazy it makes me to see how people look at you. Makes me wanna put a collar on you, fucking let everyone know who you belong to.” There’s a grunt from the other side of the phone, slick noises punctuating every breath Danny takes. “Or maybe the next time you wanna act like a whore, I’ll make you wear that little red dress in your closet. You know the one, don’t you?”
You groan out a noise of confirmation, chest swelling up when he hums in approval.
“I’ll bring you out to Walleyes with me after work, and I’ll fuck you in the bathroom. I know how dirty sluts like you want it, don’t worry. I’ll make sure to fill you up real good before sending you off to dance. Without your panties, of course. Gotta see if you can keep my come in without it dripping out. You’d like that, wouldn’t you? I know I would. Letting everyone know how fucking good I breed my baby.”
Your hole clenches around nothing, desperately seeking out something to fill it as Danny spews filth into your ear. Pretending it’s Danny, you slowly push in a single digit. It’s not nearly enough to satisfy, but that’s nothing you aren’t used to.
Adding another finger gives you a bit of a stretch, but it pales in comparison to how Danny’s fingers would feel. His hand dwarfs yours, his fingers long and thick and perfect for curling up at just the right angle.
“S’not enough.” You groan as you thrust into yourself, but it’s hardly a groan of pleasure.
“What’s not enough?”
“My fingers, it’s-” Another groan comes from your lips, but this time it’s filled with frustration. You’ve been pent up all day, even though you just saw Danny the night before. And yet you still can’t satisfy yourself. Not by yourself, anyway.
You know you could come in a matter of minutes if you really wanted to. From your fingers pressed against your cock. It’s how you usually get off, rubbing one out quickly. Rarely do you try and fuck yourself, only dipping down to collect some of your wet and use it to make your cock nice and slick to finish yourself off.
But those orgasms are bland. Fun, of course, but not what you really want. You want the thigh shaking, eye rolling, screaming orgasm that you know can only come from being properly fucked.
Little tears of frustration well up in your eyes as you adjust your hips, trying and failing to find a better angle. “It’s just not enough.”
“Baby,” Danny coos mockingly, his deep voice vibrating through the phone. “You don’t have anything else to fill you up? No toys?”
Your first instinct is to snap back at him, but you refrain, biting down on your tongue instead. It’s embarrassing, how needy you feel. But your desire’s rolling off of you in waves of heat, and it’s a thirst you can’t quench on your own.
“Don’t make fun of me,” You mumble, pressing the side of your face into your pillow. “S’not my fault…”
“Are you pouting?” Danny’s voice is a shade away from being more condescending than you can bear, his tone unlawfully sweet. You can tell he’s talking through a grin. “Fucking yourself while pouting? Fuck, angel. You’re too much.”
“You’re so mean to me,” Your voice cracks halfway through the sentence, but it’s not from the way you're grinding your hips. The lump in your throat and the tears in your eyes don’t do anything but make you feel stupid, so fucking stupid that a part of you wants to hang up right then and there. As delicious as his voice is, you crave your boyfriend’s touch more than phone sex.
“Darling, are you crying?”
You sniffle, shaking your head. You’re too far gone, too lost in your head to realize he won’t be able to see you. After a moment, you hear Danny chuckle. It’s too much, your face is burning something fierce and you can’t handle anymore embarrassment. With a click, you hang up the phone, pulling your fingers out of yourself and cramming your face properly into the pillow.
A minute passes in silence, before you hear the sound of your phone trilling next to you. You pick it up before it can get to the second ring, fully ready to apologize for acting like such a baby. It was supposed to be a sexy thing, not something so dramatic.
“You’re a needy little thing, aren’t you?”
You roll over, facing the ceiling with a pinched expression. “I-“
“I’ll be over in thirty.”
“Minutes?” You sit completely upright, clutching onto your phone like a vice.
“Be ready for me, Angel. ”
Your heart jolts in your chest when the line cuts out, and you immediately drop your phone back onto the receiver. You slap your hand over your face, covering up the grin that’s started to grow.
You didn’t expect Danny to be so… down? Especially so late at night, when he has work in the morning, nonetheless. Jumping off the bed, you rush to your dresser, grabbing the folded robe on top of it.
You slip your arms through the sleeves before turning to face the mirror, eyes darting across your body. It’s a simple little thing, something vintage and pretty that caught your eye when you were shopping for clothes a while back. It’s light blue, made from silky satin that hardly reaches your upper thighs and delicate white lace that kisses the hem of the fabric. You tie the robe shut at the small of your waist, looping the sash into a messy bow at the front.
There’s a knock at your door the second you finish looking yourself over, making you nearly jump out of your skin in surprise. You leave your bedroom in a rush, but as you pass by the living room to get to the front door, you pause. Licking your lips, you shoot a glance towards the grandfather clock. Hardly five minutes had passed since he called you.
There was no way Danny could’ve gotten to your place that fast. The excitement in your chest pops, deflating like a sad balloon as you approach the front door, leaning forward with your hands against the wood. When you look through the keyhole, you frown. There’s no one in sight.
“Probably just kids messing around…” You murmur, fiddling with sash at your waist.
But before you can turn away from the door, something leather slams over your mouth, and your cheek is being shoved up against the wood. You try to kick back at whoever grabbed you, but it’s no use. They have an iron grip, and all fighting back gets you is their front shoved against your back, holding you tight against the front door.
You can’t move your hands with the way they’ve been trapped between your body and the door, no matter how hard you struggle against it. They release your mouth, but you’re still too stunned to speak. It’s only then, when you feel the sharp end of a blade press against your thigh, that you realize how vulnerable you are.
“My boyfriend’s gonna be home any minute now.” You grit out as they put the tip of their knife against your sensitive inner thigh. They press hard, hard enough to break skin if you don’t open your legs wider, so you’re forced to move with it. “He’s big and tall and he’ll-“ You’re breath hitches as the person behind you trails the knife up, getting closer and closer to the space between your legs. “He’s a scary motherfucker and he’ll fucking kill you if you touch me!” Your voice breaks as you shout, and to your surprise, the person actually pulls the knife away.
The chuckle that comes next, low and familiar, surprises you as well.
“A ‘scary motherfucker’?” It’s Danny’s voice that greets you, his lips kissing the shell of your ear as he speaks. “Hmm. I guess I am.”
“Danny,” You breathe out, the fear leaving your body like a tidal wave. “What the fuck are you-“
One of his gloved hands cuts you off again before you can finish your sentence, pressing tight against your mouth. His other hand slides eagerly between your legs, slipping inside you without warning.
“You know I don’t like being hung up on.” His voice was far from what you were familiar with, low and grating in your ear. The laugh that follows it equally as foreign. “Ha… should’ve know that you’d get wet from that, fucking slut.”
Like you’re any better, you try to growl, but the leather trapping your mouth makes it impossible to speak, your words coming out in muffled irritation instead.
He laughs, kicking your legs further apart with one of his heavy boots. With a slick sound that makes you blush, he removes his fingers from your slit.
The zipper on his pants hardly makes a noise as he frees himself, but it’s enough to make you press back against him by instinct alone. He moves his hand away from your mouth, pressing his palm against your upper back instead, keeping you pinned to the wall.
You gasp out- something warm and hard pressing up against your entrance. He laughs as he slots his cock between your thighs, right up against your sex, dragging the head along your hardness.
“Danny,” You moan, arching your back and wiggling your hips, hoping to angle it just enough so that he slips inside of you. He’s never taken you like this before, even though you know he’s wanted to, and the rush of it nearly makes your head spin.
“Hmm?” He asks, voice terribly calm for the situation. “What is it? Do you wanna stop?” And just as easily as he started, he pulls back. Grunting a bit before the zipper on his pants is pulled back up. “C’mere.”
You want to cry all over again, so desperately close to getting what you need and yet so far all the same.
“I didn’t mean sto-“
You cut yourself off with a noise of surprise as he grabs you by the hair, pulling you around harshly and forcing you to face him. After he lets go, he takes a few steps back, leather boots thudding heavy against the wooden floor.
You open your mouth, but whatever words you want to say die on your tongue as he reaches out, touching your cheek. The back of his knuckles brush delicately against your cheekbone.
Your stomach does somersaults as he looks you over, taking your body in full. His hand moves down, tracing the outline of your waist through the robe. You can hardly feel his touch, but it makes you shiver all the same.
“I must be the luckiest guy,” Danny murmurs as he takes hold of the end of the bow tying your robe together, slowly pulling it until it comes undone. He lets your robe fall open, the night air cool on your front, and slips his hand inside the fabric to stroke your hip. “To have such a pretty baby.”
Your eyes flutter shut at the praise, but Danny doesn’t let it slide. He takes you by the chin, the pad of his gloved thumb stroking the skin under your lower lip.
“You know that, right?” He nods your head for you, gently tilting your head up and down. You open your eyes, brows slightly furrowed, only to meet his smile. “There we go, pretty thing. Always so ready for me… Always so good…”
You push up on your tiptoes, pressing yourself further into Danny’s touch. You don’t say a word as you slip your hands under his leather jacket, running along the fabric of his shirt before going under it as well. Your lips quirk up when you feel his abdomen tighten, straining with the muscle you already know is there. You trail one of your hands down, letting a stray finger hook into his belt loop.
“Rode all this way,” You murmur, ignoring the way your gut squirms with confusion. There’s no way Danny could’ve gotten to your place so fast, not even if he was speeding the whole way. “And you won’t even kiss me…”
Danny snorts, his hand turning tight on your hip, gripping you hard. “That’s all you want?” He leans down to press his lips against yours, so soft it makes your heart ache.
It’s the contrast with him. The push and pull. So hot and eager one minute, yet so cold and distant the next. But his lips are sweet and kind against yours, and you can’t bring yourself to pick at the scabs of question that litter your relationship with him.
When he pulls back, his voice is rough against your mouth, lips moving like butterfly kisses against yours. “Just one kiss?”
You unzip his jeans in response, nipping at his lower lip when he chuckles.
“Mmhm. That’s what I thought.”
In a quick motion, Danny wraps one arm under your thigh and the other tight around your waist, hoisting you up like you weigh nothing. You nearly yelp at him, your hands slipping out from under his shirt. Before you have the chance to respond, he has your back pressed up against the door once again.
He kisses you with ferocity you’ve never felt from another. Licking into your open mouth, he waits for you to moan before biting down on your lower lip. You grab a fistful of his hair, yanking down when he sinks his teeth down into it again.
Danny works his way down from your lips, sucking dark bruises on your neck and jawline. You gasp and let go of his hair, grabbing onto the back of his neck instead.
“Danny,” You try to speak but the second you start, he’s biting down hard. Right under your jawline, where he knows you’re most sensitive, making you melt into a gasping mess.
He pulls back by a fraction, leaving his lips to rest against the mark he’s made. You can feel the smile on his lips when he speaks, low and so gravely that you swear you can feel it thrumming through your throat. “What was that?”
You laugh, something that starts out soft but turns breathless once he replaces his lips with his tongue. “Choke me,” You rush, as if you’re worried you might forget if he keeps going. The tongue on your neck disappears, and doubt flashes in your mind. “If you want.” You clarify, just as fast. “You can if you want, I mean. I… I don’t mind.”
“Is that right, baby? You don’t mind?”
You nod your head as he adjusts his hips, keeping you stable against the wall so he can pull away from your neck. The look on his face is diabolical, and if you weren’t being held up you’re sure it would be enough to send you to your knees.
“Wanna know what I think?”
You lick over your kiss-bitten lips and nod.
“I think my baby’s a fucking freak.” His hand goes around your throat, applying the slightest bit of pressure. You press into the touch, exhaling through your nose. Your cheeks are on fire, butterflies batting their wings in your stomach.
“I just... I-” Your stammer is cut off by the hand on your throat tightening, stopping the words before they can fall from your tongue.
Your eyes widen as Danny leans in, propping up his thigh to keep you up against the wall. His hand slides down then, squeezing the inner of your upper thigh. You know where he’s going, and let out a shaky exhale, wrapping your legs tighter around him in anticipation. When he touches you, you bite your lower lip.
“You’re still dripping,” Danny sing-songs, dragging two fingers through your folds. He avoids your cock, but just him touching you is enough for you to groan. “I’d say you’re even more wet now.”
Your eyes bulge as he flexes his arm muscles, the veins on his forearm straining from the pressure. The ease at which he can cut off your breath should scare you, but all you can process is the heavy, humid heat that’s filling up your mind. You don’t struggle for breath, you don’t need to yet, but you do open your mouth when he squeezes even tighter.
“It’s so hot,” He groans, pressing forward until his arm is trapped between both of your chests, and his mouth is panting against your ear. “Feeling how bad you need me,”
If his fist wasn’t wrapped around your throat, you would’ve whined. You can feel his heavy puffs of air on the side of your face, and how his chest moves with every ragged breath. You tilt your hips up, trying to get him to move his fingers down. You’ve been waiting so long, and all you want is to feel him inside you. But he just chuckles, presses closer, stilling your hips.
“Desperate,” Danny rasps. “Fucking slut, can’t come unless I’m inside you?”
Your cheeks burn, mouth opening and closing like a fish. You’re nearly spaced out, your head beginning to spin from the lack of oxygen.
“So fucking wet for it, so wet for me,” He inhales shakily, like he’s trying to pull himself together, before letting you breathe again.
You suck in a deep breath, head spinning from the sudden rush of oxygen. He keeps his hand on your throat, not tight enough to choke, but just enough to serve as a reminder of what he could do. Danny presses further up against you, crushing you into the door as he slips a digit inside your heat.
“Oh,” You groan as he adds another, curling them upwards as his thumb starts to massage your cock. “Danny,”
He doesn’t respond, too far gone to speak as he watches you. His eyes are dark and open wide, with an unfamiliar, wild glint in them. The way he works you feels the same, rough and fast, almost in time with his heavy pants.
“You’re driving me crazy,” He grunts, squeezing your neck. “Having you like this-” he cuts himself off with a deep inhale before pulling out completely.
Before you have the time to complain, he’s grabbing you by the hips again, walking a few feet over to the kitchen table, and slamming you down onto it. Your back thuds when it hits the old wood, your eyes wide with shock. He shoves your legs apart, grabbing you by the thighs so he can drag you closer to him.
The skillful way he unbuckles and unzips his pants could almost seem calm if it wasn’t betrayed by the near frantic look in his eyes. He only gets his jeans undone enough to pull his cock out before grabbing you again, pulling until your ass is almost hanging over the table, and thrusting into you.
You can’t be embarrassed by the noise he drags from your throat, something high and strangled and fuck, you know that if it wasn’t for him stretching you out before, he’s big enough that it would’ve hurt. He doesn’t speak as he thrusts, fucking you as you’ve never been fucked before. He’s like a man on the brink, his hands gripping you hard enough to leave bruises.
There’s a moan stuck in your throat, some words too. An assortment of garbled sentences, but each thrust punches them right out until you’re being pounded into a whining, half-crying mess. He’s hitting all the right places, angling his hips just right, and slamming into you until you see stars.
It’s only after you get close, your thighs shaking and straining with the effort, that Danny grabs your throat, squeezing hard as he slows down his thrusts. “If I had my way, I’d keep you like this all the time.”
You swallow back another moan, your eyes still wide when they meet his.
“So wet and open, like you were fucking made for me.” Each word is punctuated by a thrust, hard and slow. His hand turns to a fist, cutting off your airflow. “Gonna give you what you need, gonna take good care of my baby,” Danny moves his hand from your thigh to your waist, ghosting over your stomach. “And if you’re good, I might even fuck one into you.”
Your back arches as you come, his words are all you need to go right over the edge. Black ebbs away at your vision as Danny fucks you through it, hard and fast, choking you as you writhe on his cock. He’s set the pace now, and keeps it steady even as you come back down into your body. It’s nearly too much, but you can’t find the strength to articulate your words.
His hand leaves your throat, but only to trail down your chest, moving to your navel. His fingers find your cock easily, and you yelp in some sort of mix between pain and pleasure. It’s too much, and you arch your back off the table, shimming your hips, doing anything to escape his touch. It’s fire, his touch. Blinding, painful, but so damn hot you can’t help but crave more.
It lasts for years, the constant mix between pain and pleasure. The digit on your cock only lets up once Danny’s breathing turns to pants, sweat beading on his forehead. His hips stutter, slowing down for a moment before gripping your hips with a sudden, newfound intensity. Your skin pales where he’s applied pressure, slamming you down hard onto his cock.
“Angel,” Danny groans, fucking into you once, twice, three times. He comes with a growl, his eyes never shutting as he rides out his pleasure.
There’s a whine in your throat, spilling from your lips just as he fills you up. You’ve never done this without a condom before, but now that you have, you don’t know how you could ever go back to wrapping it up. He leans back, still inside you, catching his breath. Sucking in greedy lungfuls as you watch, your chest heaving with the same intensity.
When he moves to pull out, you grab both of his wrists, not giving him the option of letting go of your hips.
“Wait,” You murmur, pulling him in closer. There’s no real strength behind it, but Danny humors you all the same. You bring one of his hands up to your cheek and nuzzle into it, peppering a few light kisses on his knuckles.
He leans forward, and you kiss him softly, both of you smiling into it. You free his hands, having gotten what you wanted, and he moves them to trail down your chest, caressing your sides. He leaves one to rest on your belly, the other one moving to the side of your neck.
“You really liked that, huh?” Danny asks quietly, his voice a low whisper against your skin.
“Shut up.”
He huffs, kissing the side of your head in what you can tell is exasperation.
A part of you wishes you could stay like this forever. It makes you feel safe, having Danny surrounding you so fully. It makes you feel loved. But the smarter part of you knows that he has to be up at six tomorrow morning, and you don’t know if he’ll stay once you fall asleep. If you’re already in the bedroom, clinging to him under the covers, he’ll stay the night. But if you doze off on the kitchen table, you know he’ll only tuck you into bed before leaving.
“Bed?” You ask, looking up at Danny with half lidded eyes. You can feel the fondness in his gaze as he stares down at you, waiting a few seconds before nodding.
“Yeah baby. C’mere.”
His hands are gentle as they slide over your body, and you have to stop him before he can try and carry you himself.
“I can walk, you know. I’m not gonna break.” You try to chastise, but a smile breaks through your facade. He grins back, lips spreading to reveal teeth, sharp and as deadly as ever. But his lips are soft, plush against your skin and gentle in a way that is too hard for your muddled mind to try and describe. “You know that first hand.”
Danny slips his arms around you once more, chuckling softly against your skin. “I sure do.” He leans up, taking you into his arms as he straightens out his body. “It’ll take a lot more to break you, darling. I know that first hand.”
He carries you to bed with your face tucked into the crook of his neck and your arms slung loosely around his shoulders, and he only needs one arm to pull back the sheets, keeping the other around your waist, before laying you down and tucking you in.
“Stay?” The space between your thighs is sore, and your voice is hoarse from his hand wrapped around your neck. But you amplify it just a bit, making your voice a bit more gravely than it ought to. You have to stay. you’re trying to convey. Look what you’ve done to me, you can’t just leave me like this.
He shucks off his jeans and jacket before slipping in beside you. Warming your bed like he has all the times before, with his arms around you and his face buried in your hair.
You shut your eyes to the sound of him murmuring, and even though you can’t quite hear what he’s saying, you repeat the words back on instinct.
“Love you too, Danny. Love you forever.”
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bokubonk · 3 years
happy anniversary
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warnings: angst
content: hurt/comfort, angst
characters: Ushijima x gn!reader
date: 2/14/21
word count: 2.1k+
notes: Happy Valentine’s Day, my loves! Let us celebrate with some angst :)) Also I know I said it would be a few more days until I update but I just couldn’t resist writing this one.
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You approached your boyfriend once you saw the boys cleaning up after practice. You had been standing outside, waiting for your boyfriend for the past few hours. It was cold, but you didn’t mind, your excitement to celebrate your one year anniversary with Ushijima kept you warm. 
Your freezing hands were wrapped around his gift: a new volleyball. You saw that the one he had been practicing with was getting worn down from how powerful his spikes were and you wanted to get him a new one, knowing how much the sport meant to him. 
You crept into the gym as quietly as you could, not wanting to bother anyone but you saw some of the team members noticed you and they sent you small smiles after they saw the gift you were hiding behind your back. After all, they remembered that today was the date the two of you got together, their stoic captain and you, who somehow managed to put up with Ushijima’s busy schedule and look after the team like they were your own children.
Tendou and Ushijima were on the other side of the gym and you could see Ushijima being hard on himself as usual. Sweat lined his brow as he continued practicing his spikes, the force echoing throughout the gym.
You winced from how loud it was and as you came closer you locked eyes with Tendou, who waved at you and raised his eyebrows at Ushijima, exclaiming, “Oh? Look who it is, lover boy, your beloved y/n is here!”
Ushijima paused to look at you, his eyebrows furrowed and you were unsure of what to make of his expression. You knew your boyfriend wasn’t one to show emotion but the look he was giving you now wasn’t one that you were expecting, especially since today was your anniversary. 
“Go home, y/n,” he said, “I will be staying late today to practice. You should go home now. It isn’t safe to walk around alone at night.”
Your hopeful expression dropped but you tried your best to keep a smile on your face. He turned away from you and Tendou gave you a sympathetic look. It seemed Ushijima had forgotten what today was but you tried comforting yourself, reminding yourself that he was busy and that he had other priorities in his life just like you did. After all, you were both third years and there were plenty of things to worry about.
But, you couldn’t help the sinking feeling in your chest as you wished that just once, he would put more effort into your relationship. You were beginning to grow used to the ache in your chest from all the neglect you endured after Ushijima continued choosing volleyball over your dates. 
He would schedule last minute practices and leave you waiting for hours at the restaurants or the parks he promised to meet you at. You should be used to it by now, but you couldn’t help but hold onto the hope that he would change. 
You believed in his promises and even when he broke them, you told yourself it was okay, because you loved him and because he loved you, even if it didn’t seem that way sometimes.
Your cold hands clenched around his gift, the weight of the volleyball growing heavier as the seconds passed by and the lump in your throat grew. 
“Wakatoshi, I-,” you began, but he cut you off. “I do not have the time right now, y/n.”
“I need to perfect this.”
You moved your gaze away from him and stared at the ground, wishing the floor would open up and swallow you whole. You could feel the pitying gazes of the other team members as they looked at you and you hated how small you felt. 
Today was supposed to be a happy day so where did it all go wrong? What did you do to deserve being treated like this?
“But today is-,” you tried once again, your tears forcing your voice to a whisper.
“You are bothering me,” he interjected, harshly, “I am sure what you have to tell me can wait.”
You gave a small nod and began making your way out of the gym. Footsteps followed after you and for a second, you hoped it was Ushijima but when you heard a voice call your name, you felt the familiar taste of bitter disappointment. 
“Y/n, he’s just having a bad day,” Tendou consoled, his eyes widening when he saw your tear-stained cheeks. “You know he didn’t mean it.”
“Yeah, I know,” you smiled, one that clearly didn’t reach your eyes from how the frown on Tendou’s face deepened. You used the sleeves of your thin jacket to wipe away your tears before extending the gift in your hand. 
“Give it to him for me, will you?” you murmured weakly, “Make sure he doesn’t practice too late and don’t let him overexert himself.”
“No, y/n,” Tendou shook his head. “You should give it to him yourself. I’ll go grab him right now and tell him to walk you home.”
“It’s okay,” you assured him, “I’m not in the mood to celebrate anyway. I just came to drop off his gift.”
“Y/n, I’m sorry,” he frowned, his anger rising as more tears fell from your eyes. He knew how much you were looking forward to celebrating your anniversary and he felt terrible at how you were being treated by Ushijima. He wasn’t blind to all of the sacrifices you made for him and he knew it was time Ushijima stopped taking you for granted. 
“Good night, Tendou.”
The walk home was cold and lonely and you only felt worse when you woke up the next morning with a fever. But you were comforted by all the messages from Tendou and the other members asking how you were doing and interrogating you. They were seconds away from going over to your house because of your lack of response when you assured them you were doing fine and sent them a picture of yourself in bed, saying you had a fever.
Even with the group chat blowing up, there was still no response from Ushijima and you wondered if he just didn’t care. 
Your thoughts were swarmed with insecurities and before you knew it, you were sobbing into your pillow. 
Does he even love me?
You tried remembering a time where he actually said those three words, but you found you couldn’t. A year of dating and “I love you” never escaped his lips. A year of being treated like a second choice. A year of putting his feelings first and getting your heart stomped on.
You were tired and you didn’t know how much longer this cycle of disappointment could go on. 
You were torn out of your thoughts when you heard the front door open and the low murmur of voices before heavy footsteps began approaching your room. You pulled the covers over your head, hiding your messy hair and your swollen face. 
The door creaked as it opened and you peeked through the small opening of the blanket, your mouth dropping in surprise when you saw a large figure standing in your bedroom.
“Ushijima?” you questioned, sitting up abruptly before wincing at your nausea caused by the sudden movement.
He stopped examining all the photos in your room and turned around to face you, his eyes widening when he saw your red-rimmed eyes. He barely registered the fact that you called him by his last name and not his first, his main focus was what made you cry. 
“What’s wrong, y/n?” he asked, worry clearly written on his face. “Why are you crying?”
“Why are you here, Ushijima?” you asked instead, bringing your gaze to your fidgeting fingers, a habit you did when you were nervous.
“You are sick so I brought medicine and food to help you recover,” his eyebrows furrowed at your question and the lack of excitement in your tone when before, you always greeted him with a smile. It was one of his favorite things about you and he was beginning to miss it. 
“Well, as you can see, I’m fine. You can just leave the medicine and go. I wouldn’t want to interfere with your practice,” your tone was harsh and left no room for argument. 
You were angry, Ushijima finally realized. The hurt expression on your face wasn’t one he was used to and he didn’t know how to fix it. His heart shattered as your chin began to tremble and tears trailed down your cheeks. 
He remembered the harsh words he gave you and the fact that he made you walk home alone and he opened his mouth to apologize when he heard you whisper, “Do you even remember what day it was yesterday?”
His silence answered your question and you let out a bitter laugh, sliding back under the covers and turning away from him. “Just go away, Ushijima.”
“Please,” your voice cracked as you held back a sob. 
He stared at your shaking form, a frown tugging at his lips but he listened to you words and exited your room, the door letting a resounding click as it closed.
Despite your words, you hoped he would stay but you figured this was just another disappointment to add to the list. The thought only made you cry more and Ushijima listened just on the other side of the door, wondering what he could do to fix this.
You wondered if this was the end of your relationship and after an hour of crying, you finally fell asleep. By the time you woke up, daylight had faded and your room was now shrouded in darkness. 
You were creeped out by how silent the house was but you figured it was time to get out of bed and get something to eat. You walked downstairs and heard the shuffling of footsteps. 
“Mom?” you called out, now a little nervous that an intruder had somehow gotten in while you were sleeping. 
You tiptoed your way into the living room, only for a scream to lodge itself in your throat as the lights suddenly flickered on. Ushijima stood there in a suit with a cake in his hands. 
“Ushijima?” you gasped, “What are you doing here?”
He placed the cake on a table nearby and walked towards you, cupping your cheeks in between his large hands. You were too surprised to react, still shocked by the fact that he was still here and he hadn’t left. 
“I am sorry, y/n,” he said, his voice soft as he struggled to convey his feelings. “You mean so much to me and I never wanted to hurt you. I didn’t mean to forget our anniversary.”
You came to your senses once you heard his words and you stepped back, letting his hands fall from your face. 
“It’s not just that, Ushijima,” you whispered, “I’m just tired. I’m tired of always being a second choice to volleyball and always putting in all the effort only to receive none in return.”
He thought of all the times he rescheduled your dates or came late because he chose to spend more time practicing and guilt washed over him. Ushijima never realized just how much you did for him. He was blind to your suffering and now he was facing the consequences.
“I will be better,” he promised. There was no hint of hesitation in his voice. He truly meant it and you could feel your walls slowly crumbling once again. “I will be someone who is worthy of you. Just give me a second chance to prove my love to you.”
Your breath caught and time stumbled.
“You love me?”
You didn’t expect him to confess and now that he had, you were completely powerless to stopping yourself from falling for him once again. The ache in your chest was replaced with warmth and you found the smallest of smiles forming on your lips.
“I always have,” he replied, reaching up to rub a thumb across your cheekbone. He leaned down to kiss your forehead before touching his lips to your eyelids. His face was centimeters away from yours when he pulled back, “Can I kiss you?”
You nodded and he pulled you closer. The both of you missed each other and the kiss was soft but desperate. You could feel the familiar butterflies making themselves known as he pulled away and gave you one of his rare smiles, the one he only gave you. “Happy belated anniversary, my love.”
“Happy anniversary, Wakatoshi.”
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Happy (late im sorry) birthday @aka-indulgence !!! I wrote you a special thing... with one of your special boyos whomst you managed to convert me into loving. I hope you had a fun day!!
Tw; caves, broken bones
You’d stopped screaming a while ago.
There were a lot of reasons- for one, the air in the cave was damp, thick, choking... screaming required you to take a deep inhale of the stale smog and your lungs were already starting to reject it. It was borderline unbearable and you were pretty certain that if you survived this, you’d be choking and coughing for a week at least.
... But that wasn’t the biggest reason. That wasn’t the most important reason you were keeping your mouth shut tight, as you laid on your back in complete darkness, eyes darting around as fast as they could and leg numb with agony.
By this point, screaming was a critical danger that would get you killed.
... The cave just behind the cliff was rumoured to be impossibly deep, to have once contained some kind of legendary terrifying monster that reacted violently to intruders and killed those who didn’t heed its immediate warnings to leave. Of course, there were no modern sightings of this mythical beast, and it definitely sounded less like fact and more like some urban legend designed to keep people away from a dangerous area. No one had ever mapped it... no one wanted to, even the most intrepid of local explorers. The stories (and a healthy serving of common sense) seemed to have prevailed long enough for that particular entrance to just be left alone.
So of course, your study group decided it’d be such a good place to spend a Friday night, armed with nothing but half-charged torches, rucksacks full of drinks, and borrowed walking shoes.
You could feel tears gathering at the corners of your eyes, gravity dragging them down the sides of your face as you stared upward into the total blackness. It was stupid to come down here, horror movie levels of stupid- but you just couldn’t say no to them. The study group was the closest thing you had to friends, and you let them lure you into coming along, you’d allowed yourself to be led by your terror of being left out.
... You had no idea how long you’d been lying on your back in total darkness with your immovable leg throbbing with pain, but it was getting clearer and clearer no one was coming back for you.
... So I guess you’ve been left out after all- left out in a cave to die. 
A noise. You turned your head, quickly- a familiar blood red colour standing out against the black, closer than last time. Panic jolted through you once again and you grappled with your flashlight, turning it on and pointing it directly at the red; a harsh white circle of light appeared and illuminated a section of the cave. You saw bone and a wide maw of terrifying teeth for a split second before it retreated quickly from the glow in a flurry of movement, disappearing back into the nothingness, an aggravated snarl rippling through the cavern.
Your friends, if you could even call them that, seemed to have followed the philosophy of ‘don’t outrun the bear, just outrun the slowest person’. When the monster had attacked your group in the dark, everyone panicked and ran for the exit... and when you stumbled, falling down a steep shaft into what was most likely going to end up being your grave, you became the slowest person.
And the ‘bear’ focused on you.
... It was hanging around in the darkness surrounding you. You could hear it, scuttling, waiting, the terrifying sound bouncing off the walls and coming from every direction at once, you hated how your panic and the enclosed space worked perfectly together to fuck with your hearing. Your only hope was the flashlight you clutched in both quivering hands.
You turned to the left, and caught sight of the red again. An engorged, blood coloured orb, slowly moving closer to you like a stalking wolf- it paused when you raised the flashlight, ready to recoil, and you jammed your clammy thumb onto the on button.
“... N-no.” You said, tiny, voice cracking, shaking the device and mashing the useless button over and over. Suddenly, just like that, the darkness around you had swallowed you completely whole. “No, no, no...”
The monster made the same realisation you had. The flashlight was out of battery. The bloody red eye contracted a fraction... and then, upon realising your only line of defence was gone, advanced toward you.
You screamed as loud as you possibly could. You screamed with your whole chest, so hard it ricocheted across the walls and rang in your ears, you kicked your good leg against the ground in a desperate attempt to push yourself away but your heel just slipped on the floor. The sound didn’t deter it- and the eye got bigger and bigger, coming closer by the second, the true scale of the thing hunting you was dawning alongside the panic.
It’s gonna eat me.
The eye was the size of your fist. You could smell something, something warm, its breath, you were seized with unparalleled fear and you blindly swung the useless torch like a weapon. To your shock, it connected- landing squarely on what must’ve been a cheekbone. But it did about as much damage as a pillow would to a rhino and the flashlight shattered into pieces upon impact, with the monster not even so much as flinching.
It was definitely breath, you could feel it in your hair. It smelled like blood. Giant hands moved around your torso, under your arms, and picked you clean up off the ground- and the oh-so-familiar heavy ‘scuttling’ sound of him moving filled your ears. 
S-someone help me!
You punched at his ribs, still ‘screaming' (it was hardly screaming anymore because it was punctured by cracks and thin breaths), the world was beginning to drown out. The sounds and smells and pain were all so overwhelming, the dark and red of his eye were already eating you before he’d even opened his mouth, all you could think about was how no matter how much you didn’t want to you were going to die.
Light. Light that wasn’t his eye. It was enough to distract from your shouting, pathetic attempt at making noise catching in your throat. Little glowing rocks- crystals, maybe, they dotted the floor and walls, creating a faint white that was just enough to see by but still filled the world around you with wriggling shadows.
... It was enough to, for the first time, properly see the creature that was taking you.
He was huge; a skeletal upper half, barrel-chested, shoulders twice the width of your own and a heavy sternum with ribs like prison bars. The size of his jaw and thickness of his teeth told you he wasn’t the kind of predator that wasted any time with theatrics; there was no serration, probably no venom, he wasn’t going to be using valuable time to suffocate victims. With a mouth like that he would get right to the point- crushing straight through bone like eggshell.
He was staring ahead. Concentrated.
... Your eyes darted past his skeletal body to the main thing you'd been afraid of seeing; his lower body was a centipede. Giant scar-mottled gleaming brown carapace, trailing off into the dark, massive hooked 'feet' working in perfect undulating tandem to move him effortlessly across the uneven cave floor. You had absolutely no idea how long he was, you couldn't even hazard a guess. No wonder you'd heard his scuttling all around you in the darkness, it wasn't your mind playing tricks on you, he'd literally been all around you- you never stood a chance, did you?
You'd wedged your arms between yourself and his massive ribcage, shaking hands pushing as hard as you could. Despite how obviously little it was counteracting his hold, it was your last way of feeling like you were fighting. Your face and neck ached, your chin was wobbling, your head pounded.. you were a melting ice statue ready to shatter at the slightest push.
You were running out of fight.
... He carried you up, over a lip, into a small alcove. A recessed section of rock, a cave within a cave- a slightly more concentrated cluster of those glowing stones revealed the interior was lined with furs, rags, chunks of sleeping bags, old and well-loved blankets. Some kind of nest.
I’m... am I hyperventilating? you thought, feeling disconnected and dizzy, mind retreating further and further away from your body as a final defence mechanism. Everything’s spinning. 
Softness. At first, you thought you’d just gone completely numb... but when you concentrated a little more, you were surprised to find you were staring up at the glow-dotted stone ceiling. 
... He’d... put you down. On his nest of blankets? He was hovering over you, breath still brushing your cheeks and forehead... that terrible eye shifted its gaze down your body, you felt like a dinner being surveyed.
... You couldn’t even bring yourself to try and wriggle away. What chance did you stand? Further and further into numbness... am I going into shock?
He reached toward your broken leg. You didn't even want to look at it; it hurt so badly. You squeezed your eyes shut, suppressing a sob.
A pleasant kind- like you'd just laid the broken limb beside a fire. Tingling faintly... magic? Healing magic? You couldn’t look, you didn’t have the stomach to see just how mangled the leg was, that’d just make it hurt even worse. But it was... 
... Nice.
The warmth was like an eraser. It floated over the leg, fuzzy and comforting, and wherever it floated the pain just... ebbed away. 
You opened your eyes again. When he stopped, there was no more pain in your leg. None at all. And he was just... sitting there. Staring at you.
“Y-you...” You croaked. The hole in the centre of his eyelight shrank a fraction. The magic felt like it was doing something to you; you could feel your shoulders slowly unwinding, chest relaxing enough for you to take breaths that actually filled your lungs, throbbing head settling down. “... You healed me?”
... Was clubbing him with a flashlight the wrong idea?
... He made a sound. Several sounds, actually... soft, throated, deep and staggered... chuffing, like a tiger. Such a gentle noise, for such a giant monster...
He seemed to make a decision. With one last little chuff and a nod to himself, his socket lidded... and he laid down next to you. One of his thick-as-your-head arms gently looped over your middle; you were vaguely aware of his centipede body gathering itself into the little alcove, some of it draping lazily over your lower legs.
... Keyword ‘vaguely’ aware. You were so tired, so tired and sick of being in pain, that you barely even wiggled in response to his strange cuddle-like gesture. He was... actually pretty warm... and he smelled like amber and campfires.
You were asleep before you could remember you needed to be scared of him touching you- that claws carding lovingly through your hair wasn’t supposed to feel nice.
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anyoneseenadam · 3 years
You write fenrys so well 🥺
Can I request something for him falling in love with a lady who works in a library and is friends with aelin and he keeps finding excuses to visit the library and one day they realize they’re mates ? Can you plz include alot of longing looks & touched and his friends noticing ?
pairing: Fenrys x reader (throne of glass)
warnings: drinking, small argument, mainly fluff
a/n: kay so it's been a hot MINUTE since I've posted and I am sorry my loves, also I comepletely modified this but I hope you still like it, comment and shiz pls it really helps with writers block lol <33
You had met Aelin sometime after the war. She had been wandering around town a couple days after the coronation, smiling at children and waving at the elderly, observing the way the town was slowly filling again, people returning home now it was safe. There weren’t many people about however, it just being seven in the morning.
She had walked past a shop then. It was small and rickety, the door barely on its hinges as a girl fought with it, swearing like a sailor.
“Do you need some help?” she asked, moving to stand beside the girl. You screamed instantly, jumping out of your skin at her sudden appearance, having not heard anyone coming due to how absorbed you were in your job. Aelin screamed when you screamed, and it left the two of you staring at each other with wide eyes before you fell apart in fits of laughter.
You stood from where you had bent to clutch your stomach, wiping tears from your eyes as you calmed down.
“Jeez you fucking gave me a heart attack,” you laughed as she apologised, still giggling behind her hand. You then turned, hands on your hips as you glared at the door of your shop.
“Rude men should be put down,” you muttered and Aelin was laughing again.
“That I can get behind,” she said as you opened it, giving up on fixing it completely, Aelin gasping when she saw the inside.
“You have a bookshop!” she exclaimed, and you laughed.
“Had, now I just have dusty books and a broken door. It was my mother’s before…” you trailed off and Aelin put a hand on your shoulder.
“I’m sorry,” she said, and you shrugged.
“It’s fine, it was ages ago anyway,” you stepped further into the shop, going to the large window up front and tugging of the white sheet that obscured it from light. “However, this shop isn’t dead yet so might as well get it done.”
Aelin looked around the shop, the paper on the walls was peeling, the paint on the shelves cracked and the books covered in a fine layer of dust. “Damn, where do we start?” she asked, rolling up her sleeves and grinning at you when you whirled around, frowning at her.
“Doesn’t the queen have better things to do?” you asked, and she shrugged, laughing at your bewildered expression.
“I’m sure my husband will cope.” You gave her an unsure look at that, and she laughed, “He’s competent.”
“If you say so.”
“If you knew I was queen you really have no fear of authority do you?” she asked as you started pulling books down and pilling them onto the sheet you just pulled off the window.
“Respect is earned, plus you’re the one who made me shit myself.” She laughed again, smiling widely, and helping you take down more books as she realised this was the most she had laughed since the war ended.
The worked all day. First removing the books and putting them upstairs in the rundown apartment you lived in, filled with plants, blankets, and somehow even more books. Next the repainted the shelves, setting them outside to dry while they re-wallpapered the walls and cleaned the floor until it was shining.
When the sky got darker you swore as you realised neither of you had eaten all day, going up to your new friend and asking her what she wanted for dinner.
“I make really good pasta,” you had suggested, and she had nodded enthusiastically as you went upstairs to your apartment, drinking wine as you cooked together. As you ate on the floor, drinking yet another bottle of wine, this time straight from the bottle Aelin asked about your past.
You assured her it was relatively normal, asides from the whole ‘evil tyrant thing’ as you put it. You talked together for hours, going back downstairs, and bringing the now dry, sage green shelves back in and putting all the books away, setting them in categories.
Hours later Aelin decided to go home, not wanting to worry so much and she opened the still broken door, the both of you laughing as you realised you had forgotten a pretty integral part.
“Hey, you could just name the shop, ‘the broken door’,” she suggested, and you smiled.
“That would work.”
When Aelin got home she was met with a concerned Rowan, asking where she had been all day.
She smiled at him, pausing before answering, “I think I have a new best friend.”
Rowan frowned at that, “And what brings you to that conclusion?”
“Today was the first time I’ve laughed since…” she trailed off as silence fell at the thought of their past few months, Rowan then bringing her in for a hug.
“You know this means I have to meet her too then,”
“Nope my best friend get your own.” She shoved him playfully, falling asleep next to him that night with a smile on her face.
They went to see you the next morning and Aelin laughed when she saw your dishevelled state.
“Did you sleep?” she asked when she walked into the shop and found signs put up and plants dotted around the room as you sat on the floor, drinking a coffee that smelt so strong she almost gagged, much preferring sweeter tastes.
“Sleep is for the weak!” you said, half-heartedly raising your hand.
“And what’s with all the plants?” Rowan asked, frowning as he almost walked into another and you sat up straighter, glaring at him.
“What you too good for plants?” you asked your hands moving over-exaggeratedly as you got to your feet. “Don’t listen to him, he’s just a stinky man,” you whispered to the plants and Aelin laughed at her husbands offended face.
You stood and started walking upstairs, your feet dragging as you went to get breakfast. You heard them follow you and you pushed open the door to your flat.
You had even more plants up here and Rowan rolled his eyes as you moved to open the large windows, letting in fresh air, you then moved about making pancakes, mixing enough for the three of you and adding blueberries when you were finished.
You cooked them up while chatting idly with Aelin and Rowan, only receiving a small amount of judgement when Aelin discovered you didn’t actually have a bed and instead just a mattress on the floor with a sheet for warmth and some soft pillows. Your house was newly decorated, art hung on the walls, plants and candles decorating every surface.
“Tea, coffee, water, vodka?” you offered them drinks and Aelin whined.
“No vodka, we had too much wine last night,” you laughed at that as you served up coffee and pancakes.
“Yeah we’ll have to go properly drinking some night,” you muttered, Rowan chuckling under his breath and nodding in agreement.
The three of you ate the rest of your food, laughing and joking together and Rowan really noticed the difference in Aelin’s manner. She hadn’t been truly comfortable or at ease in months, always looking over her shoulder, but now she sat laughing with her friend and Rowan wanted to thank you a million times over for bringing her back out of her shell.
Since you first met Aelin you were meeting up almost every day, discussing books over tea and hanging out at your shop, or drinking from expensive glasses in her castle while trying on elaborate dresses. Soon you were practically apart of the family, but that didn’t stop the confusion Fenrys felt when he walked into the castle and found a young girl sleeping on Aelins’ bed, a book opened but abandoned on her chest.
He tentatively walked forward so he could see her more clearly and felt his heart clench when his eyes fall upon her peaceful face, her eyes closed, and hair spread around her head like a halo. He was about to reach a hand out to brush a strand of hair from her soft hair when he heard the door open, turning to see Aelin run in, wrapping her arms tightly around him.
“Fenrys I didn’t know you were back,” she said when she pulled back, bouncing on the soles of her feet excitedly and he laughed.
“Are you going to explain why there’s a girl in your bed, or do I need to break some news to Rowan,” he joked and she shoved his shoulder before moving to the bed and shaking the girl awake.
“It’s just (y/n),” she explained as the girl huffed and rolled away from Aelin.
“Ah of course this person who I definitely knew existed,” Aelin stuck her finger up at him as he laughed, unable to stop his eyes from trailing back to her.
He watched as she breathed in deeply, her eyes opening slowly as she took him in, before she pulled her covers up to over her chin and frowned at him and Aelin with a small pout.
“I was having the best dream every asshole,” she complained and Fenrys smiled as she sat up on her elbows and reached a hand out to him to shake, introducing herself. He brushed the shake of and instead brought her hand to his mouth pressing a kiss to the back of it as sparks show through her skin at the sensation.
“I’m Fenrys, ambassador of Terrasen,” he smiled cheekily as she shrunk away slightly, nerves taking over her, “hope to see you around more.”
He left, pressing a quick kiss to Aelin’s temple, and winking at you as Aelin moved over to you with wide eyes.
“Aelin…” you started as she squealed.
“He was totally flirting with you! You would be such a cute couple, please, please ask him out I need you two to get married and have to worlds prettiest babies!” she was bouncing in hr seat as you moved to shut her up.
“Okay ONE, I just met him. And TWO, he was far too pretty for me,” you said and Aelin frowned.
“Nope, nope you are incorrect, and he is going to fall in love with you,” she demanded, and you laughed, kicking her with your foot.
“Mhm sure.”
The next few days, Fenrys was coming to your shop every day. He would bring chocolates and flowers some days, or coffee and pastries other days. Always dropping them off with a smile, before lounging in the plush, green chair in the corner of the shop and talking to you for hours. He has also started coming to your and Aelin’s weekly cocktail night, wrapping his arm around your shoulder’s and laughing drunkenly into your neck as you told stories.
However, through all this you remained ‘friends’. He would press kisses to your cheek and hands, keep an arm slung around your waist when men came to speak at you at bars and primarily referred to you using pet names and rarely ever your actual name. And it was getting frustrating.
You were having to start putting genuine effort to not kiss him every time you had a drink and he sat extra close to you. Or when you were invited to parties, and he moved smoothly through the countless questions asking if you were dating.
And while you revelled in the attention it was tearing at your heart slightly as insecurities told you that he would never actually be interested in you. You wanted to scream at him every time he kissed you but wanted to melt into him every time he hugged you, your brain constantly at battle with itself when he was near.
You knew you were due to explode any time soon. So when you were out one night and he was holding you extra close, you pulled away, muttering an excuse about getting another drink.
Standing at the bar as you waited you rested you head in your hands for a second before you saw a man begin to approach you. He was attractive, not like Fenrys, but honestly you would take anything to get your mind of him at the moment, so you smiled at him, tilting your head.
“What’s a doll like you doing all alone?” he asked, his voice rough and gravelly, unlike the smooth, deep timbre you were used to, but you just laughed.
“Waiting for a man to not dehumanise me,” you bit back, and he raised his hands sheepishly.
“Sorry about that, what would you prefer?” he flirted, sidling up closer to you as you turned to face him.
“Can’t go wrong with ma’am,” you joked, and he laughed, looking down and shaking his head, only to look back up, his eyes going wide. You felt a familiar hand wrap around your waist and looked up to see Fenrys, resisting the urge to roll your eyes as he glared at the man in front of you.
“What do you think you’re doing?” he asked, his voice deep and full of authority, the man in front of you shrinking under his gaze.
“Shit sorry man, didn’t realise she had a boyfriend,” he apologised and this time you did roll your eyes.
“He’s not my-“ you began but Fenrys cut you off.
“Yeah she does, so back the fuck off.” You looked down as he spoke, shaking your head as tears of frustration built in your eyes. You harshly pulled out of his grip, leaving the bar as quickly as you could, wiping away the escaped tears as you heard Fenrys follow after you, shouting your name.
You whirled around when you got outside, your glare murderous.
“You do not get to do that!” you shouted as he moved closer to you.
“Sweetheart I’m sorry,” he began but you cut him off.
“NO! I am not your girlfriend! You have never once asked me to be so you don’t get to try scare away any guy that might have genuine interest in me!” his shoulders slumped as you spoke. Truthfully, he has been working up the courage to ask you out for months, and while he knew it was unfair how he treated you, he couldn’t help himself. He was addicted. He thought of you constantly, the texture of your skin, the smell of your hair, the way your eyes lit up and the way you moved your hands as you spoke. So when he saw you engage with the man that had the audacity to talk to you, his grip tightened on his glass so much it shattered, ignoring the worried looks from Aelin and Rowan as he stomped over to you.
“(y/n) listen, I’ve been an asshole I know,” he raised his hands, tentatively stepping towards you, “But I really care about you, and I want to be yours.”
You laughed bitterly, “You’re just saying that.”
He shook his head vehemently, stepping closer to you again and wrapping his arms around your shoulders so gently, one would think you were made of glass.
“I love you darling, please be mine,” he said into your hair, and you pulled back, looking up at him through glassy eyes before nodding slightly.
“I love you Fenrys,” he smiled down at you before leaning down and pressing a gentle kiss against your mouth, pouring his heart into the action. You gasped slightly as your lips met and he smiled widely against your mouth as the bond clicked into place.
“You know this means I now have an excuse to break the nose of any man that talks to you,” he whispered against your lips, and you giggled, shoving at his shoulder gently.
“I’m still annoyed at you,” you muttered, and his eyes darkened.
“Well I’m sure I can make it up to you.”
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mochegato · 3 years
Jasonette Protection Program
Chapter 1
Jason smirked as the lock disengaged for him. Tim may be ‘the smart one’ but thank God he was predictable.  It made things like breaking into his townhouse so much easier.  Now he just had to convince him to let him hide at his place for a few days.  It shouldn’t be too hard once he knew it would piss off Damian, because again, Tim was predictable, and one thing he reveled in more than tormenting Jason was tormenting the gremlin.  And not being able to find Jason would absolutely kill Damian, meaning he couldn’t kill Jason.  And none of them would think to look for Jason at Tim’s place of all places.
“Hey, Preten… er… Tim.  You here?” Jason called out as he relocked the door behind him.  “Come on, Tim.  I know you’re here.  You said you were going to hang out with friends tonight, which we both know means you’re going to be home alone all night.”
Jason moved through the townhouse looking for Tim, getting increasingly paranoid as he moved.  He’d told Alfred he’d be around if he needed anything, and he would never lie to Alfred.  So where was he, Jason wondered to himself as he walked past Tim’s bedroom, noting the untouched bed and wandered into the spare bedroom.  And who was the woman in the bed?  The suspiciously, absolutely gorgeous woman, sleeping peacefully in the bed he was going to use.  When Tim was conspicuously missing?  Well that was unpredictable.  
What the fuck was going on?  Tim was paranoid as fuck.  And to just leave someone in his townhouse unsupervised?  Someone who was pretending like she could sleep through Jason screaming at the top of his lungs?  Something was off.  “Hey! Person who doesn’t live here!” Jason yelled.  “Who the fuck are you and why are you in my brother’s bed?”
The woman’s eyes popped open.  Her face scrunched in confusion after a beat, but she slowly closed her eyes again.  “Hey, no!” Jason kicked the bed hard enough to jostle the entire bed.  “Who the fuck are you?”  
This time the woman, who he now realized was probably Tim’s girlfriend that he hadn’t told any of them existed, which he couldn’t blame Tim for, he wouldn’t want to introduce anyone to this family unless he had to either, bolted up to sitting and gasped in a breath.  Her head whipped around clumsily to find the source of the disruption.  She blinked groggily as she looked around, almost like she wasn’t registering what she was seeing, not really.  Jason almost felt bad for waking her up because damn, she must have been really deeply asleep.  It was taking her a while to settle back into reality.
Jason’s theory about her not really taking in what she saw was confirmed when her gaze swept past him with no reaction at all.  The room was dim, but wasn’t dark.  He wasn’t hidden.  There was no way she could have missed him.  After a few seconds she stopped her scan of the room and blinked blankly, swaying slightly in place, and brought her gaze back to him.  She blinked more heavily a few more times as she stared at him as if trying to figure out if he was really there.
Her eyes met his, but didn’t seem to see him. They looked glazed over.  He would normally be a bit more sympathetic to the sleep induced daze, but he was already in a bad mood and she was fucking ignoring him and where was Tim?  “Yes, I’m real,” he gruffly answered her unasked question.  “Now, for the third time, what the fuck are you doing in my brother’s bed?”
She looked down at herself and the bed she was in.  Her head lolled unsteadily as she looked around until she fell back onto the bed with a grunt.  “I see why your brother is the detective, not you.”  
“Excuse me!” he growled at her.  Instead of flinching back like a normal person would have, a smile teased on her lips and she turned over on her side, curling happily into her pillow.  Jason almost thought she’d fallen asleep and was about to strip the comforter off of her until she slurred out a sleepy question.  “So, which brother are you?”
He stared at her, unsure how to react to her. She knew Tim was a detective.  How did she know that?  ‘Detective’ isn’t a term you could just throw in there like ‘he’s the smart one’ would be, which, he was used to hearing.  But ‘detective’ was extremely specific and directly related to their nightly activities.  Unless he told her he was a private detective for some reason?  Or an inside joke?  And she was acting so casual about it, like it was an understood thing.  “Jason,” he finally answered.  Regardless of whether she knew or not, giving that much wouldn’t hurt.
“Ooohhh,” she smiled against the pillow, not even bothering to open her eyes.  “I was supposed to never meet you.  You should definitely stay close by.  Take a picture of Tim’s face when he sees you with me.  It’s going to be brilliant.  I would pay to see it.”
He smiled in spite of himself, but quickly schooled his expression.  She wasn’t answering his questions.  She was deftly avoiding giving him any information.  It was so natural, he could almost believe it really was, but nobody in their lives was that innocent.  But then again, her body was completely relaxed.  He was accustomed to deceptive relaxation, body positioning that appeared outwardly to be relaxed, but the muscles were prone and ready to jump into action in an instant if a threat presented itself.  She didn’t show those signs.  She was either amazingly good, which would explain how she knew who Tim was, or she really was that relaxed and innocent.  
Either way, he still didn’t have a name.  “And who are you exactly?  For the fourth time,” he asked again.
“Tomorrow,” she murmured as she groped for the covers to pull them back up over her chest.  “So tired. Just sleep.  Tim will be back soon, maybe.  Ask h…” she trailed off.
“You don't care if I share the bed?” he asked suspiciously.  This seemed more and more like a trap, but what the hell the trap could be, he couldn’t figure out.  He wasn’t married or seeing anyone so it wasn’t like she could blackmail him with pictures. And she couldn’t exhort him by forcing him into a situation where he defends himself against her husband or boyfriend who just ‘happens’ to walk in on them in bed, that was actually a popular one in Gotham for some reason, because they were in Tim’s townhouse and she knew they were brothers so… what the hell could her game be?
“And there was one bed,” she mumbled amused, giggling softly to herself.
She waved him off sloppily.  “Not worried. You lay one finger on me and Tim will kill you.” She clumsily patted the space in the bed next to her.  “Sleep.”
“I’m sleeping on the couch,” he insisted surlily. He waited to see how she would react, but her only response was a soft snore.  He snorted.  He studied the woman, trying to figure out who exactly this woman was and how close to Tim she was, because not many girlfriends would suggest pranking their boyfriends with cheating… with the boyfriend’s brother, especially when she apparently knew there was animosity between them.  
Some of that could be because she was currently quite obviously not quite aware of reality.  He was now convinced it was a bit more than just being tired.  She had clearly enjoyed her night a bit too much, which he could completely understand. If he had to spend an entire night laughing with Tim, he’d need to be drunk too.
His head snapped in the direction of the front door when he heard the sounds of a lock disengaging and the door opening.  He glanced back at the woman in the bed, whose name he still didn’t know, and made a split second decision to trust her despite that fact.  The likelihood that she was conning him was far outweighed by the opportunity to prank Tim, and with his friend’s? girlfriend’s? whichever’s help!  This was unheard of.  Dick’s friends were more than willing to help with a prank, knowingly or unknowingly, but Tim’s friends?  Never. At least not with Jason.
He ripped off his jacket and shirt, throwing them toward the corner of the room and hopped toward the bed as he pulled off his boots.  He jumped under the covers behind the woman and let the covers pool around his hips, just above his pants waistband.  He pulled the covers up to the woman’s shoulders to hide the fact that she was still wearing her shirt.  She barely moved at all in response to his actions.  He wasn’t even sure if she knew he was there.  He really hoped when she woke up that she remembered the prank.
He could hear Tim’s footsteps as he got closer to the door.  Just before he reached the door, Jason threw his arm over the woman’s waist and moved closer to her.  He just barely cracked his eye open, enough to see Tim, but still look closed if the other person wasn’t watching closely enough.
Tim peeked quietly into the room.  He did a double take when he saw the bed.  “What the…” Tim started.  Jason couldn’t stop the small grin that spread on his face, that is until Tim reacted.  
He suddenly threw the door open and rushed the bed. He hauled Jason out of the bed with more strength than Jason remembered him having.  Tim threw him against the wall hard enough to knock a few pictures off the wall.  His face was contorted in the angriest scowl Jason had ever seen on him.  He shoved his forearm into Jason’s throat, pushing hard enough that Jason had to gasp to get air.
Tim moved closer, his eyes sparking with so much anger that for the first time Jason was a bit intimidated.  Maybe this hadn’t been such a brilliant idea after all.  But, this reaction from the normally composed Tim was definitely unpredictable.  The woman wasn’t kidding when she said Tim would kill him for touching her.  Tim paused and glanced down toward Jason’s cargo pants, still tightly belted and zipped.  When he looked back up, his eyes had somehow narrowed even more.  “That better have been just a terrible fucking joke.”
Jason rolled his eyes and tried to push Tim’s arm away from his throat, but Tim wouldn’t yield.  “Calm down, Timbers.  I didn’t sleep with your girlfriend,” Jason jeered.
“She isn’t my girlfriend, asshole,” Tim sneered back pushing his forearm harder into Jason’s throat.  “She’s a good friend who got drugged by someone tonight, intending to do God knows what.  So you can imagine how utterly not funny I find you joking about sleeping with her right now.”
Jason’s eyes widened in realization.  That… that would explain a lot.  “Oh Shit.  I’m really sorry, Tim.  I swear I didn’t do anything to her.”  Tim nodded slightly and lowered his arm, but his expression didn’t soften much.  He continued to glare at Jason.
His stare down was interrupted by a soft, tired, slightly slurred voice.  “What happened?  Tim?”  The woman smiled slightly.  “You’re home.”  Her eyes flicked over to Jason and she stopped to contemplate him.  “Hey, you’re real.  Did you take a picture?”
Tim whipped his head over to Jason, his heated glare back in place. “A picture of what, exactly?” he demanded.
Jason held up his hands in an effort to placate him.  She was really, really not helping them right now. “Of your face when you saw us together,” he explained slowly.  Tim drew in a deep breath and his jaw got even tighter.  “In my defense, it was her idea,” Jason said quickly, pointing to the woman, “and I didn’t know she was drugged.”
Tim looked away and huffed out an angry breath. He rubbed his forehead.  “Of course it was her idea.”  He turned to the woman with an exasperated sigh.  “You’re not funny, Marinette.”
The woman, Marinette, pouted at him and nestled deeper into the covers.  “I’m fucking hilarious,” she mumbled out from under the covers.  Her face emerged from the covers as she took them both in.  She looked down at Jason’s chest for a second and threw off the comforter to look down at her chest.  She pulled gently at the front of her shirt.  “Should have taken my shirt off too.  Would have been funnier,” she chastised lightly before collapsing back onto the bed and closing her eyes again.
“No,” Tim yelled out holding out his hands in a halting motion.
Marinette opened one eye to glare at him before turning over and snuggling into the covers on the other side.  “Fuck you.  I have great breasts.”
Tim groaned and looked down mortified.  “Oh God, that’s not something I wanted to ever hear coming out of your mouth.”
“And you’re in trouble anyway,” she continued, ignoring Tim’s comment, her words slurring slightly more as fatigue claimed more of her attention.  “Why didn’t you tell me your brother was sexy?”
Tim groaned and ran his hand down his face.  “And there’s another.”  He looked back at her with a serious expression.  “Not sexy, annoying asshole.”
“No, she clearly said sexy,” Jason corrected him with a cocky grin.
“Touch her and die,” Tim hissed.
“Protective much,” Jason taunted.
“That’s exactly what I am, protective of my drugged friend,” Tim growled back, reminding Jason of the situation and why Marinette was there in the first place.  He turned back to Marinette with a softer expression.  “You can do far better than him.”  He didn’t even flinch when Jason punched him hard in the shoulder. Jason discretely looked up to see how Marinette reacted to Tim’s words, but she was already sleeping again.
He only looked away from her when Tim punched his shoulder and shoved him toward the door.  “Don’t even fucking think about it,” he snapped.
“Yeah, yeah.  Okay.  Whatever, keep your friend,” Jason waved him off, but his eyes found their way back to her as they left the room.  “Tell me what happened while I raid your fridge.”
Chapter 2
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calangkoh · 2 years
just a little to the left snippet #2
“Think I’ll get a stamp in my frequent flyer card?” Alphonse grinned sheepishly.
Winry slammed the door behind her and shot daggers at Edward, who despite the armor, emoted with all indignation possible.
“Wha—agh—why do you always look at me?! Don’t act like he’s so innocent!”
“Because Al actually has that little voice in his head to keep him from doing stupid things, while your head is just an echo chamber of bad decisions!”
“If that’s the case why is Al the one in the hospital bed for the third time this month?”
Al sighed and laid his aching head back on the pillow, tuning out the senile bickering that continued on even as Winry began work on his arm.
Even if the arguing was a little stressful to be a bystander to, at least without any popcorn, it was a good break of tension between him and Ed.
Lab Five was without a doubt the second worst night of his life. And now Ed was mad at him and he had a good idea why. Ed was always mad, but this was a different brand. He wasn’t screaming at him and calling him an idiot. Hell hath frozen over. His fiery outrage was replaced by a cold fury.
Winry and Ed’s blabbing had died out and Al caught the tail end of the conversation.
“…fighting about?”
Al, who had been winning the staring contest with the ceiling, forfeited the contest to refocus his eyes on her. Winry noted Al’s disorientation and repeated for him.
“I said what are you two fighting about?”
“Who said we were fighting?” Ed sneered.
“Oh, well, um, I actually. I…it’s complicated,” Al whispered.
“So explain it,” Winry demanded.
Al just grimaced. Ed also stayed quiet. Winry got angry, then Ed got angry, because that’s what everyone did apparently, to Al’s annoyance. Thankfully Hughes arrived just in time to remove Edward from the equation, to get away from his sorry excuse for a brother.
“It’s Ed’s birthday and all he got is another year stuck in that armor,” Al muttered.
Winry paused, “Is that what you’re fighting over?”
“It’s gotta be. Right? I mean, I stuck him in there, because I was selfish. I’m a terrible person and brother.”
Winry chuckled, “Oh Al, you gave up your right arm to save his life. You’re the farthest thing from selfish.”
Al muttered something else, Winry had to lean in to hear him.
“What was that?”
Al groaned, “I said I didn’t do it to save his life.”
Winry blanched, utterly confused , “What do you mean?”
Al screamed Ed’s name about twenty times into the purple and black haze of their botched transmutation. He had disappeared right in front of him and he knew he wasn’t coming back.
“No! Give him back! Please!”
The wind howled around him, his vision was spotted from the blood loss, the pain of his leg just peripheral to the fear gripping his heart.
“I can’t do it alone, Ed, please!” His voice cracked with barely restrained sobs. In less than five seconds Al perceived his whole life without his brother, the only person he had left, completely alone to face what they’d always faced as a team. Part of him even burned with bitterness. Ed reassured him over and over, handwaved every one of Al’s concerns, and now he leaves him alone with the consequences?
He crawled over to the antique armor that had clattered to the floor, crying out with each movement. He knew what to do, he didn’t know how, but the knowledge was just there. He painted the transmutation circle with his blood on the old metal.
“He’s all I have! He can’t do this to me! I need him! Give him back!”
A clap of thunder and the storm came to a sudden halt.
“I mean that when I did the transmutation, I wasn’t thinking of Edward, I was thinking of myself. I didn’t wanna be left alone. I stuck him in that prison because I was afraid for myself, not for him. And now he blames me.”
Winry let his words sink in for a moment and put down her tools.
“Al, Ed may not say it often, but he adores you. You’re the most important person in the world to him. I don’t think he’s capable of blaming you for anything. He most likely blames himself. You should talk to him about it.”
Al scoffed, “Like he’d wanna talk about anything.”
“You have to make him. He likes to run away from his feelings, but if he knew you were hurting, that you were sitting here blaming yourself and thinking, wrongly I might add, that you’re a bad brother, he wouldn’t give it a second thought. He’d do everything to make sure you’re okay.”
Al pursed his lips, “I don’t deserve him.”
Winry laughed, “Oh you two deserve each other, trust me. Two annoying peas in a pod. Look, you were under immense stress and in the face of a terrible tragedy. You saved Ed’s life. You can’t beat yourself up what your emotions and instincts were telling you at the time to survive. You’re not a bad person, Al. Now talk to Ed when he comes back, okay?”
Al sighed.
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skellebonez · 3 years
okay i know you probably have lots of prompts already but. listen; 28 and 41 with my Phantom Thief MK AU (well its more of a phantom thief everyone au but yeah)
So I maaaaay have been a smidgen inspired by one very specific post you made about this AU and Sun Wukong's first successful heist... I couldn't resist, it was just too funny.
You call this luck? No, this is all skill./Can you teach me how to do that?
"Can you teach me how to do that?"
The question wasn't an unusual one between the two of them. MK had asked this of Sun Wukong on more than one occasion as successor to the Monkey King as the Monkie Kid himself.
No, what was unusual was that the question came from the opposite person.
"Teach you... what, exactly?" MK asked, trying not to feel too smug about the swap in roles between mentor and apprentice. After all...
Someone had to teach Sun Wukong the finer points of Phantom Thievery.
"You know what," Wukong said with a half scowl, gesturing to way that his student (or, for the moment now that the question was asked, his teacher) was rolling an large pendant between his fingers. "Not the... you know, what you're doing now, but what you did with the pendant on your last heist where you threw it at a guard and it kind cracked in the middle with the smoke and light and stuff."
"OH," MK laughed out, tossing up and catching the coin in his opposite hand. "That's not really a trick or anything, just some incredibly strong flash paper, and other stuff, that's activated when you open it the right way."
In demonstration the young Phantom Thief did something in the way he held the pendant and one end slipped up with a soft cracking sound. Then he did something else and it open like a clam shell. He held it out to the elder, letting him see the inner workings and how it had latches and some kind of folding wall between the two sides.
"Opening it causes a chemical reaction between the two compartments. The real trick is getting everything inside without accidentally activating it on yourself, practicing the opening motion, knowing when to open it, and aiming it just so that it blinds your target at just the right moment. You know, this is probably just the right time to teach you how to use lines to keep this stuff in your sleeves and retract them too! So..."
As MK launched into a lengthy explanation on how this particular bit of his Phantom Thievery repertoire worked he failed to notice the slowly growing smirk on the Monkey King's face.
"What, uh... what ya got there?" MK asked, very obviously trying to keep an impassive and non-judgemental expression. And failing.
"... smoothies," Wukong answered, absolutely not hiding what he was holding in his tail behind his back as he offered one of the two drinks in his hands to the younger.
It was a poor attempt at lying, which was odd because MK knew that Sun Wukong was pretty good at lying. He had managed to convince the other that he had no idea his successor was a phantom thief for so long after all. But why in the world he seemed to be hiding a... pillow of some sort behind his back was anyone's guess.
"Why'd you bring smoothies?" He chanced asking instead, and he watched as the other's face lit up in pure victory and jubilation.
"They're victory smoothies, Bud!" Wukong exclaimed, shoving one at MK until he took it from the other. "I just completed my first successful heist! And I did pretty well, if I do say so myself." The Monkey King smirked, puffing out his chest in a show of confidence as he took a sip of what was obviously a peach smoothie. "Oh yeah, tastes like a job well done."
"Really!?" MK exclaimed, his own pride welling up knowing that he had a hand in this since he was the other's mentor in thievery. He'd told the other to start small, something that would be missed but not something that would gather immediate attention from the whole city just in case something went wrong. "That's great! What did you steal?"
"I'm not telling."
This made the younger pause, raising a brow as the elder not so subtly tossed the pillow into a nearby bush.
"... should I be concerned?" MK asked, knowing that with Wukong's reputation... he may have bitten off far more than he could chew. This was the immortal who went on a spree through Heaven that ended up with him eating a ton of immortality peaches, drinking immortality alcohol, and taking immortality pills. Among other things.
"No way!" Wukong assured, chugging more and more of his smoothie with seemingly no regard for the possibility of brain freeze. "Trust me, bud, this went off without a hitch. You have nothing to worry about."
Those words came back to to bite Sun Wukong in the ass.
Or, rather, they came back to throw Sun Wukong through MK's window at "way too early for this o'clock" in the morning right after he had finished sleepily getting ready for another day at work and accidentally nodded back off on his bed.
The weight of an immortal stone monkey slamming into you was much more effective than any alarm clock he'd ever used before.
"WHATWHOWHERE!?" MK wheezed out once the Monkey King climbed off him, looking around in confusion until his eyes finally fell on a third party in the room. "M-Macaque!?"
"Where's my couch you wanna be Phantom Thief!?" Macaque yelled, completely ignoring the person who's house he had just inadvertently broken into. He brushed bits and pieces of broken glass and window frame out of his fur with a scowl of anger. "I actually paid for that."
"You really think I would tell you where I stashed it?" Wukong snarked back, smirking wide as he crossed his arms. "A Phantom Thief never reveals the location of their treasure trove to their marks."
"Wait wait wait-" MK said, holding up his hands and finally grabbing the attention of the two fighting immortal monkeys. "You just crashed through my window... because... You were his first heist mark... and Monkey King's first successful heist was your couch?"
"Got it in one, Bud!" Wukong said with a laugh, not seeming to care that Macaque was slowly stewing in more and more anger and frustration. "I wouldn't have even been noticed if he hadn't come home part way through either, he's normally out later than that."
"You sent me a calling card you dumb ass!" Macaque yelled, falling into a fighting stance. "Just because you got lucky enough to get away last time-"
"You call this luck?" Wukong yelled back with a laugh, smirking as he pulled something out of his sleeve and tossed it at Macaque. "No, this is all skill!"
MK barely had time to register what happened before Wukong grabbed him and covered his eyes and a tiny explosion and a pained yelp sounded behind them as they jumped out his broken window.
"SUN WUKONG YOU GET BACK HERE BEFORE I CAN SEE AGAIN OR ELSE!" Macaque yelled, right before another pained yelp was heard. "Holy shit, Kid, why do you have so much stuff on your floor, who lives like this, I can't even WALK in here!"
MK never got to answer or be offended at the immortal before he was tossed over Wukong's shoulder as he made a break for it running through alleyways at breakneck speed before Pigsy's Noodles was no longer even in sight.
They stopped eventually, the immortal monkey putting MK down before looking around to make sure they hadn't been tailed by the other immortal. After a couple minutes it was clear that Macaque had either not followed him due to the blinding effects of the flash paper or had not been able to catch their trail. The two of them each breathed a sigh or relief, looked at each other...
And immediately burst into laughter.
They couldn't help it! It was just... so ridiculous! All that over a heisted couch. Pigsy was sure to be upset at the damage to MK's apartment but given Mystic Monkey Business and all he was certain that the fact it was only a broken window this time would be a decent balm on the damage.
"Macaque is going to get you back for this," MK managed to get out through laughs. "We lost him and now he's going to find another way to get you back, I know it."
"What's he gonna do, steal my couch?"
"How'd he even get to the mountain?"
"I think you're missing the bigger issue he-"
MK slapped a hand over Wukong's mouth, only barely cutting off and muffling the scream of disbelief and frustration that the Monkey King let out at the state of things.
"Why are you focused on the fact that Macaque stole your couch and not the fact that he somehow got into the part of Mount Huaguo that we have to let someone into, BROKE INTO YOUR HOUSE. and for some reason he ONLY stole your couch?"
"Oh, he's broken in before," Wukong answered once he pried MK's hand away from his face. "But I can't believe that asshole! I stole his couch as a joke, stealing mine back is just petty."
"What do you mean he's broken in before?" MK continued, voice tense and high and totally not at all feeling suddenly very anxious about this new knowledge. "Macaque's just been able to come and go as he pleases this whole time?"
"Yeah, kinda. Not exactly as he pleases but he can just come in I guess."
"These are the kinds of things you need to tell your student- I thought we talked about proper communication as one of our first lessons!"
"... oops?"
"When did you get a new couch?" Red Son asked with a raised brow, watching as the immortal monkey lounging on it swished his tail back and forth in contentment.
"Heisted it," Macaque answered with a smirk. "Totally worth it. But next time I'm stealing Peach's tv too, this is so comfy I could use some proper entertainment."
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kenganparadise · 3 years
Heyy! May I request a smut scenario where Raian's animalistic S/o is in heat and breeds them?
OH YES THANK YOU!! I‘ve actually been working on this for a little bit then I got this request!
Warnings- Omegaverse elements, rough sex, breeding kink, dirty talk, doggy style, mating press, it gets NASTY.
Word count- 2258
I’d like to personally apologize to every person who reads this. I’m sorry for being fucking ✨G R O S S✨ and ✨H O R N Y✨
It was quite unbearable to say the least. It was almost painful between your legs. Your heat was torture, especially since your mate has been out on a mission. He wasn‘t here to help you out. Your legs were crossed tightly. The ache had spread from your core all the way through your abdomen, it just barely pricked your lungs. There was an intense throbbing. You are quite literally a bitch in heat, and you hated it.
The pulsating between your legs was enough already, you sauntered to the fridge to get a cold bottle of water. You cracked it open and brought the bottle to your lips. You gulped down as much as possible. Your eyebrows were tightly knit together. Your phone was plugged in, though it was turned completely off. You knew if you didn’t you’d call your mate and sob for him to come home. He’s somewhere unknown, you know he’d only rile you up and make things worse. Your panties and a portion of your pants were soaked with slick. It made it uncomfortable to sit or even lay down. It a little too late to take your heat suppressants. They could help alleviate some of the symptoms, however you ran out a while back and had yet run to get some more. The empty box was sitting on the stove, practically mocking you. You didn’t feel like leaving your warm home, so stuck you were to deal with your own hormones. Your whole body was sticky with sweat, you felt feverish almost. The fact that it was also the middle of summer didn’t help at all. You sauntered back to the bedroom and plopped face first into the bed. You shoved your nose Into the blankets. It didn’t help that the bed itself reeked of Raian. You couldn’t stop your body as you crawled to his side of the bed. You pressed your nose into mattress and inhaled deeply. His sent was thick, musky, pungent, and overwhelming. Your instincts kicked in harder. You pressed your face into his pillow. You wrapped your arms around it, unable to control your movements. You inhaled again and again trying to take in as much as possible, only making your heat worse. An idea springs into your head and you shoot up. You abandon his pillow, You crawl off the bed and land on the ground and scramble to dresser. You no longer have control of your body. You pull out t-shirts and hoodies, Pants, socks, jackets. You press your nose into each one. You strip off your sweat-soaked shirt and pull on Raian’s. You take off your shorts and panties and put on a pair of his boxers. You throw on one of his track suit jackets he likes to jog in. His overbearing scent is all around you, eloping your body. His disgusting sweaty scent is beautifully overwhelming. The heat between your legs is very overwhelming as well. This only managed to make things worse. You scramble back to the bed carrying a load of his clothing In your arms, as much as you can carry. Your body is moving completely on its own, you lay in the pile of blankets, pillows and Raian’s clothing. You hug Raian’s pillow to your chest again, burying your face in it. You can’t control yourself, you buck your hips forword into nothing. You squeeze your thighs together, the slick makes them slide against each other. You try to get something. You can’t get the thought of Raian out of your head. Your hand makes it’s way between your sticky legs. Your fingers are already pushing inside. Raian made it clear to you already that he wants you to bear his children. At this very moment you want that more than anything. You’d want to be swollen with his pups, you’ll give him as many as he desires. As of right now you are at your most fertile, he could easily impregnate you at this very moment. And good god does that turn you on more than it should. You know it’d turn him on too. Your hair stands on end just thinking about how that would excite Raian if he knew. You know he’s just itching to fill you up.
Unbeknownst to you, Raian is coming home early. He finished up and is eager to come home. He tried texting you... and calling you, but he got no reply. He was quite frustrated. He hated when you didn’t answer him but it was in the dead of night. You are most likely asleep. He fumbles to get the door open. When he does finally swing it open, your scent hits him. He breathes in deeply. Your pheromones fill his nostrils and penetrate deeply into his lungs. The scent of your heat alone is enough to get his blood pumping. He pauses in the door frame, then he closes the door and locks it behind him. He can practically taste you on his tongue already. You don’t hear him as he rips through your home to your bedroom like a madman. It’s not till he grabs your wrist and rips your hand away from your throbbing core. You flinch, getting surprised that he’s actually standing before you. His chest his heaving, his mouth is salivating just at the sight and smell of you, his cock is already itching to be inside you. You almost can’t believe he’s actually standing here before you. He is with you now. To anyone the sight of Raian in this very moment would be a terrifying to behold, but to you it’s something you’ll treasure. “R-Raian!” You call out his name, tears prick your eyes. You throw your arms around his torso and burry your face in his chest. You can’t believe it, he’s actually here. Raian is startled to say the least, normally he’d just tense up when you hug him, but he places a hand on your shoulder. The desire in his body grows. He grips your shoulders and pulls you away. Your hurriedly wipe the tears from your eyes. “Rai-Raian I need- I need you please!!” There’s a feral look in your eyes, its the only thing you can think about. “Fuck, babe, you want me that bad-“ “Raian!!” Your eyebrows are knit tightly together. “Just fucking hurry up!” You order him. Raian is once again taken aback, your heat must be really bad. He just chuckles and unzips then takes off his track jacket. He pushes you down on the bed, taking of his shirt before climbing on top of you. Your lips are already on his neck, biting at the skin. His hand travels to between your legs. “Holy shit, babe, you-“ “Shut the fuck up, Raian!” You’re not in the mood to hear his smart mouth. Raian just brushes you off. He kinda feels glad he doesn’t have to do any foreplay to get you all hot and bothered. You’re already wanting him desperately. You bite down on his neck again, he hisses. He kicks off his pants along with his boxers, he sits back on his heels to pull off his boxers that your wearing. He lifts them up, pulling on the waste band, before can teases you, you smack his chest lightly “Will you just fuck a baby into me already?!” You yell at him, not realizing what you’ve said. He freezes, slowly his facial features change. A wicked smile spreads across his face. You can see almost all of his sharp teeth as he laughs wickedly. “It’s about time.” He says darkly. “A baby? Is that what you want? You want me to fuck you full of my pups now, don’t cha?” Is eyes are full of a dark feral look. Before you could say anything Raian snatches your hips turning you over on your stomach. “I’ll fuck you till your nice and round! Is that what you want?! You’ll be my own personal cumdump!” He sneers in your ear. “I’m not stopping till I knock you up, bitch.” He lifts your hips off the bed, shoving a few pillows underneath them to keep them nice a propped up for him. The blunt end of his cock prods into your opening, he snaps his hips forward. Your back arches feeling his cock all the way inside of you. “Raian!” You cry out, your fists are full of the sheets beneath you. Both his hands are by your shoulders. He dips his head down, you feel his teeth sink into the flesh of your back, right by the nape of your neck. He begins a brutal pace, the sound of his hips slamming against your ass fills the room. He begins littering your back with bite marks, he sinks his teeth into whatever flesh he can find. You stuff your mouth with the blankets beneath you, trying to muffle your cries. Raian is fucking you like an animal, he’s almost feral. 
Your heat most likely forced him into his own rut. You feel his hot wet tongue on your neck, he growls. “Missed you. So much.” Is all you can make out. He lifts your hips up higher. His hands are full of your ass and he pushes your hips back onto his. He trusts up to meet them. All you can do is lay limp and let him pound away into you. Your first orgasm nears, it’s going to be one of many tonight, the knot ties in your stomach. Raian’s hips hurry against yours. His pace is still brutal. You feel a sharp sting as Raian laughs. He smacks your ass again and again. You scream into the sheets. Raian’s fingers tangle in your hair, his nails digging into your scalp. He yanks you back, pulling your head out of the sheets. “Can’t hear you, Kitten! Louder!” He screams from behind you. You reply with a loud groan. Raian laughs again. His hips stutter, he pushes himself as deep as possible inside you. He grips your hips, pulling your ass flush against him. His cock sputters, the feeling of him filling you up with his seed- its a familiar one. Your womb is being filled to the brim with another of Raian’s massive loads. He lets out a guttural sound, like one an animal would make and not a human. He pulls his cock out and flips you on your back, he forces your legs apart. You feel a little disappointed feeling your orgasm being forgotten. He points your aching pussy toward him. Slowly his cum begins oozing out of your gaping pussy. He’s got a wicked, feral look in his eyes. He take his thumb, pushing his seeping seed back into your fucked out hole. He shoves his index finger inside. Every time his cum threatens to leave you, he fingers it back inside. He’s feeling quite generous in this moment, his thumb brush’s over your clit, rubbing quick tight circles. That along with his fingers knuckle-deep within you is enough to have you moaning again. His white cum coats his fingers. His refractory period is close to over, you can see his dick twitching back to life, almost ready to go again. He pulls his fingers out of your pussy. He points them toward your lips. “Suck.” He commands. You obey him. You take his fingers into your mouth and lick them clean. His cum mixed with yours is bitter, metallic, and disgusting but you love the gross taste. His cock is hard again and itching to be in your pussy once more. He’s inside you again. Rain pushes your legs against your chest. His hips pin yours down, he’s trying to get as deep as possible. His hips snap against yours in short, deep thrusts. Raian rarely ever does missionary, let alone mating press. Not only that but he’s still thumbing your clit. It must be the excitement that you’re hopefully to be pregnant, maybe its got him feeling generous. His face is inches from yours, he’s still got his signature sick smile. “Ughhh I can’t wait to breed you.” He growls as his hips quicken. “I can’t wait for everyone to see you all swollen.” He continues, that feral look has yet to disappear. “I’m gonna dump my cum in you over and over and over again, till you’re crammed full~” His thumb quickens. The knot that was once abandoned reforms. Your orgasm approaches rapidly. Raian’s nasty words along with his cock making short thrusts and the way he touches your clit is completely mind-numbing. Your face winces as the knot finally snaps. You let out a high pitched cry as your orgasm racks through your body. Your legs shake uncontrollably, your gut churns, your pussy clenches hard around Raian. Watching and feeling you cum is enough to spur on another orgasm for him. You barely feel his though your own. Slowly you come down from your high. Your legs still twitch and shake. He’s wary not to overstimulate you, you’ve got a long night ahead of you. Raian pushes off you. “Fuuuuk babe! That was hot.” He chuckles. You feel too full, Raian stuffed you up good. The look in his eyes tell you that he wants to go again. Well, At least your heat is being taken care of. You place a hand under your swollen tummy. You can already imaging it being fuller. Raian leans down to kiss the corner of your mouth. “Now.. let’s find something to plug you up with!” Raian says as he barks out another laugh.
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