#like we had him for 5 min and I am already like I would die for you
macbethz · 5 months
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Is ncuti the first Built doctor who. The first absolutely shredded doctor who
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elliebartlets · 1 year
just finished buffy and while i hated that willow erased tara's memory back in season 6, i am really wishing she would perform a spell on me so i can experience this show again for the first time. i have tears streaming down my face. the only other episode where i cried like this was the season 5 finale the gift. i started this show last july so it took me almost a year to watch, and it has been a ride. i truly didn't think i'd like this show as much as i did but it was really something. first off, i thought the continuity was overall really good. obviously no show is perfect and i'm sure i'm missing some errors or plot holes since i've only seen this once, but i was overall impressed with the way this show brought plots and details back from previous seasons/episodes, and the details that predicted future episodes. not to mention bringing back characters or things that would only be a one time thing in other shows, like amy as a rat or oz as a werewolf over multiple seasons.
the characters were great, and i can't stress enough how much i loved that all them were flawed. there were times where i loved them, were completely neutral about them, were annoyed with them or angry with them. but this is why i liked them overall. because they had their good and bad traits about them which made them more interesting and human. their development was also great and fun to watch (sidenote: i really like wesley and cordelia's development on angel. well, i liked cordelia's but i just finished s4 so uh. yeah.)
right now i have no thoughts, only emotions about the finale. i'm really sad anya died. i did not have a good feeling about her with the way she kept talking in this ep but i'm still so upset. i loved her bluntness and the way struggled with becoming human. i hated the scene where they were escaping the school and xander was calling for anya but couldn't see her lying not too far from him. and i wish they gave her death a little more screentime? i'm also surprised xander didn't cry when he found out she died. she was the only main character to die too? (i mean, spike did i guess but i already know he's in angel season 5 so.) for a second i thought faith was gonna die when all the ubervamps piled on her and we didn't see her for a while. and my god the potentials annoyed me but i was kinda sad to see amanda die as she was the least annoying to me. i also can't believe the entire town of sunnydale was destroyed. i mean i guess i should've expected that but i didn't? i laughed when they went to the edge of the road and looked at what was left and the "welcome to sunnydale" sign just fell into the abyss.
i hardly rewatch drama shows (shows that are 45 min, multiple seasons, except you west wing my beloved <3) but this show is definitely rewatchable. i probably wouldn't rewatch for a long while, but it would be fun to pick up on details i missed the first time around. anyway yeah i'm gonna leave it here. at least i have season 5 of angel left.
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sevicia · 4 months
I 🩷 whining & bitching & moaning
yk how yesterday I was the one who ended up giving Mila the pill? well my sister's awake now and decided she was gonna do it (didn't even ask me) while I handed her treats and it took a bunch of tries too. & I don't think I would've gotten it 1st try either, but I know exactly how it goes when I wanna do something she doesn't think I'm capable of: she just doesn't let me do it. it's happened time & time again so I didn't even ask this time cause literally what's the point .....
everyone in my house constantly infantilizes me and genuinely seems to believe I can't do anything by myself. I'm going to a thing from uni about 1st year students (such as me) familiarizing themselves w/ the school campus & other introductory activities on Tuesday & my mom really anxiously told me we (her & I) should try to go to uni before that just so I'd know how to get there, when the route I have to take is literally just home -> bus stop -> metro -> get off -> walk 5 min in a straight line. I told her no, that I would be fine just getting there by myself on Tuesday and she reluctantly agreed.
+ a few days ago I overhead my dad talking about gifting me some money for some reason I'm not sure about, and my sister very seriously told him to just give it to our mom instead so she'd manage it for me, and he agreed. Her argument was that I'd just spend it too quickly which I understand cause I did that all the time when I was in highschool. Which was 3 years ago.
IDK like even when I try to do something I'm usually not capable of doing (mainly cooking), I'll ask a bunch of questions to make sure I'm doing it right to the point they get annoyed w/ me & just do it themselves like "you're too nervous just be more confident and do it already" meanwhile whenever I did things "confidently" in the past I always managed to fuck them up somehow and then get treated like I'm stupid and no one has made the connection that maybe when you constantly tell someone they're stupid while they're trying something new, they'll just stop trying .... ? because they don't want to be called stupid .... ?
It's also made me actually really adverse to try anything by myself cause I find I start thinking "someone else's gonna do it and even if I tried I'd just make it worse", but I don't feel that way when I'm home alone / away from home, it's literally just when I know I'm being judged by people who know me and are around me all the time
& when I manage to get something right I sometimes get praised but most of the time it's just "well you should've been able to do that a long time ago!" and like I know that it's true and that I'm not a dog that should get a treat for every new trick he learns but I just don't want it to be dismissed like that yk .... like just tell me "good job" or smth
I also think getting treated like a child all the time really makes my perception of myself as inherently unattractive / underisable a lot worse because I've just started to believe that everyone sees me as a kid so no one in their right mind would ever be attracted to me ykwim ? the fact that I'm relatively short doesn't help either
the way I get treated like a stupid child while also having adult expectations put on me is always so confusing, like I'm being pulled in 10 different directions and I enjoy none of them
+ I feel like even MORE of a brat for even complaining about this in the first place cause I've heard people say "man I WISH I had someone who did everything for me" and it just makes me feel horrible bc maybe I should be grateful that they care & worry about me so much and I'm just whining over nothing again
"how are you gonna survive when I'm gone ?!?!" from my mom and "you'll literally just die the second you move out" from my sister and "don't even try, it's too dangerous" from my dad and I just keep quiet because I can't even prove them wrong because they're not wrong. I CAN'T do anything by myself and I AM slow at everything (which is just me trying to avoid calling myself stupid) and I AM lazy and have no common sense.
maybe this is the reason most of my daydreams consist of me being like 30 and living on my own lol
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sakurachan7734 · 4 months
Where are you?
Chapter 5: escape attempt
Aristotle pov
I’ve got to find a way out of here and fast I’m pretty sure my parents are starting to worry about me they probably think that I’m dead somewhere in a hole or someone kidnapped me I sure hope Jackson and Zachary are ok and alive I need to find a way out of this room they put me in
No one pov
All of a sudden the alarms go off and Aristotle containment cell door opens and Aristotle immediately grabbed their spear and runs out to look for a exit gate but then notices two people that look like Zachary and Jackson Aristotle runs towards the two
Aristotle: Jackson, Zachary is that you two?!
Jackson: Aristotle!!
Zachary and Jackson both hug and Aristotle starts to kiss them
Aristotle: we missed you both so much me and Charlie were looking everywhere for you!
Zachary: we missed you too we thought we would never see you again! 
Aristotle starts kissing Zachary and Jackson then max walks into the hallway they were in
Max: I KNEW IT!!
Jackson:* pushes Aristotle off of itself and blushing* GET OUT
Max: im telling mom and dad
Jackson: mom and dad already know that I’m dating them
Max: fine I guess I’ll leave 
Max leaves the hallway 
Zachary:* starts laughing* that was funny
Jackson: it kind of was, but my brother is annoying 
Aristotle: that’s ok we probably should run so we don’t get caught
Jackson: yea we need to get out of this place
Zachary, Jackson and Aristotle start running
Jackson: I think there is an exit up north where we can escape
Aristotle: ok should we find somewhere to hide? I think I hear somebody.
Zachary: quick get behind something
Jackson, Zachary and Aristotle hide behind some boxes
A few guards go into the room and then leave and Aristotle, Zachary and Jackson come out form hiding
Zachary; how did you get captured Aristotle? 
Aristotle: I was running around and looking for you then somebody just grabbed me and put me in a truck
Jackson: is your Sister or your parents here?
Aristotle: no I don’t think so I haven’t seen them anywhere
Zachary: well hopefully these psychopath didnt catch them because they got my sister and Jackson’s parents, brother and sister 
Jackson: don’t worry they are ok
All of a sudden they hear gun shots and Aristotle covers Zachary and Jackson with their wings
Jackson: Aristotle what are you doing?!
Aristotle: protecting the both of you!!
Zachary: but your probably going to die!
Aristotle: I’m dead anyway I’ll be fine
All of a sudden a mtf guard knocks them all out
Jackson pov
I don’t have any idea what is going on I can’t move I can’t feel anything i know that they are going to take me back to my room or they are performing a experiment on me while I’m sleeping maybe they are hurting Aristotle and Zachary I really hope not
Meanwhile, with lavender
Lavender pov
I know this is a bad idea but I going to go look for Aristotle but I’m getting really worried about them I don’t want them to die I love my older sibling I hope I don’t get captured to my mom and dad said that I shouldn’t go outside because I might get caught
A few hours later lavender sits down on a bench and falls asleep
Agent yui: well this is going to be easy
Agent vittorio:* gets out the truck* well now we need to get the plague doctor and the possessive mask and then we can finally not worry about this
Agent Yui; well their is one more
Agent vittorio: what? 
Agent yui: well SCP 682 and SCP 079 had or I guess built a kid
Agent Vittorio: I know but that f**ker is very sneaky Every time we try to find him he always disappears.
Agent yui: I know but we still need to catch him
Agent vittorio:* picks up lavender and puts her in the back of the truck* well let’s go after him then
Agent yui: after we drop off this kid at the foundation 
A few hours later lavender wakes up in a cell
Lavender:* rubbing her eyes* where am I? 
Dr Feng min: you are in a containment cell
Lavender: I can see that but what building am I in?
Dr Feng min: you are in a special facility that keeps monsters like you form hurting humanity
Lavender: what?! I would never hurt anyone!
Dr Feng min: don’t you dare try your manipulation tactics on me it’s not gonna work!
Lavender: fine
Lavender pov
I don’t know what happened but it was sleeping on a bench and now I’m here trapped in a room with metal walls and I still don’t know where Aristotle is I’m pretty sure they are dead in a hole somewhere I need to get out of here and fast
End of chapter
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community-rants · 2 years
Dead By Daylight - Thank you from huntress and a message to clickers
Feng Min, Nea, Mikaela and I think the 4th was Meg if im not mistaken.. Thank you so much. I was the Huntress you got at 5:40AM EST on May 16 2022. I didn't get a single hook or hit in, I didn't throw my axes for most the match except at the ground and at you Nea. Sorry Didn't know you were a SWF so I was going to use you as practice then take you to the gates. Feng Min and Mikaela gave me hooks. I tried to get you both out the gate but you refused, I didn't want you guys to die I knew we didn't have time. Thank you for the hooks but I really wish you both didn't die. It both warmed my heart at how sweet you two were, and broke it because you two didn't deserve to "Lose" and go down in mmr. Your whole group was so sweet to me a baby as huntress.
I am a new huntress, that was my first match. I truthfully didn't even know HOW to throw an axe lmao much less aim at something 1 foot infront of me. I had a bad night and you guys actually made it so much better. I had 4 matches in a row as other killers (Wraith for 1 match and Nemesis for the rest) I was new to Nemesis. Also relearning Wraith after not playing him for 5 months. So I was clumsy and awkward. All 4 matches had a flashlight clicker, MACRO clicker who followed me around just to get in my face and flash me constantly, not even to blind me but to harass me.
I have minor epilepsy and I have night blindness. Just like some others who do play the game. I can already hear all the ableism. I have heard it all before, trust me it isn't new "Don't play video games then" "Play Epileptic safe games" Problem is there is next to no Epileptic safe games. I'm not going to give up something I've done since I was a child that got me through PTSD and Trauma as a child just because of a medical condition that CAN be accommodated for with accessibility OPTIONS in games. Just like motion sickness and color blindness can be accommodated for, so can epilepsy if a company actually CARES and their fans stop enabling ableism and exclusion. A huge problem DBD has. Color Blindness, people had to fight for. It had to go public and turn into a HUGE scandal in journalism and media for anything to be done about it in DBD. That kind of inaction for any disability IS a problem. My epilepsy on its own would not be so bad. I can handle flashing lights at certain speeds in certain levels of lighting. I also have no issues with the flashlights themselves, but with the way they are being used. Use it to blind me thats A-Okay. But when you click you are risking someones health JUST to be an asshole and be annoying. Some people even do it and admit they do it, with intentions to CAUSE a deadly epileptic attack. Thats not right, that is SICK and wrong. Now with a high light level and the clicking? I only get sick, dizzy and end up in pain. No risk of seizure or blackouts. With a DARK environment? I get blackouts. With a VERY dark environment like a foggy dark swamp with the thickest mist or the preschool with the thickest mist which are the two maps I have the issue the worst on? That causes me seizures because the BEAM of light from the flashlight contrasts TOO much. How Do I suggest it be fixed? Simple, its quite an easy fix that wouldn't harm ANYONE's gameplay except people who do it to try to HARM others. Add in accessibility the option to turn off the BEAM visual or options to control how bright it and the blind is. Maybe let us even turn the blind into a black screen instead or somewhere inbetween. We still get blinded, they still serve their intended purpose but our health is taken into consideration this way aswell. Maybe add in for those with sound epilepsy options with the sound too. Talk to them, actually listen to them and find out what works for them. Its really not that hard if you're not too lazy to do it. Moving back to the main point. As you four could see from this post. I have had a bad time on dead by daylight since day 1. As a survivor and a killer. I have suffered from flashlights on BOTH sides it doesn't matter which side im on, clickers always harass other people. You guys turned my night from "I want to cry and I hate myself for being disabled" to "Its not all bad, I can have fun even WITH my disability" which is a BIG difference to me. The match just before you guys I had one of the worst clickers. She came to the corner I was in just to click me in the face when I was throwing the match BECAUSE of her because I almost blacked out. It was the swamp, darkest it can be, fog and the thickest mist possible. I almost had a seizure because of that claudette. The Mikaela, Dwight and Zarina in that match though were sweet hearts when I was playing Nemmy. But that claudette, almost put me into a seizure. I'm up alone, at the time no one would be awake for 8 hours because my family is sick and literally can't keep awake / wake up early. I've been better for a week now, I was the first one better. Point is I could of had a seizure possibly passed away because that CAN happen, because of one asshole who thought it was funny and a company who refuses to do shit all to help, and the fact theres no one to help me makes that all the more dangerous.
You guys, People like you, are the reason I still play. Despite all the ableism on the forums, reddit and from a lot of people I met on the game. Its worth sticking around to make sure you guys get one less toxic killer / game and get to have fun too.Z To the claudette who harassed me. FUCK YOU. Sincerely. To flashlight clickers in general. PLEASE reconsider, for the sake of those with epilepsy. Click at the ground, click slow and / or don't click at all. Do not click in someones face for the love of humanity. Have some empathy and consideration, you could very well take a life by trolling or trying to get attention in that way. Most killers are going to ignore you because you are trying to get their attention. It doesn't work most the time anyways. All you are doing is harming other real people. They aren't AI they are real people behind the screen. You could take a teenagers life in seconds or a young adults lives or someones grandparent or parent just because you wanted to fuck around and find out. And if you can be okay with someone dying because it IS a real possibility and if you are able-bodied with able-bodied relatives you won't EVER know what that is like, if you can be okay with killing someone like that? You are a lost cause, you have no humanity left in you and your soul is as black as coal and your heart a shard of ice. We're all human, act like it. What if it was your sister? Brother? Mother? Father? Child? Grandparent? Cousin? Aunt? Uncle? Nephew? Niece? How would you feel if they had a condition they couldn't help? If someone didn't care and did something they have been told over and over again is dangerous, and killed them? You might not be a murderer in the eyes of the law. But socially and morally you are one, if someone dies because you fucked around too hard KNOWING this is a real and dangerous problem. To the people who try to protect the killers by blocking the beam with their characters or body blocking around them so clickers cant get n their face? You have so much empathy, humanity and love in your hearts. Trust me we really appreciate and adore you. Thank you, thank you for protecting us and possibly saving some lives. Quitting the game isn't a proper solution. Its patronizing and dismissive when thats what "Solution" people offer as they brush it off as a non issue. Yes we have a responsibility to protect our own health, but the game is fine for us. Its people using flashlight NOT for intended purpose that is the problem. And it doesn't mean you have no responsibility for your own actions and assholery. Especially when you KNOW what you could cause to happen. You have been warned time and time again, post after post every month every year about this issue. You will kill someone some day or hospitalize an innocent person, thats something you'll have to live with, something you can never be forgiven for. So stop and think about it, can you live if you know you caused a death? Or can you live without knowing if that last match you had hospitalized someone? To know you are leaving people without a child or parent? If you can't handle that, then rethink what you are doing. Its never too late to have empathy for others.
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mrsbakashi · 2 years
Ahhh you're truly so kind-hearted and lovable. My day was great, considering that I should actually study for an entrance exam that I know is going to kick my ass lol. And its already 1 am here, oh well Procrastination is my profession ✨ My Top 5 Naruto characters: (I genuinely took 15 mins because I love nearly everyone)
Kakashi ☼- the love of my life, the apple of my eye, I live and breathe for him
Obito- idk what to say haha
Itachi- This sweet baby man, I just wanna give him love
Gaara- this one is a the biggest cutie pie after you (+ he loves cacti)
Yamato- he kind of just wormed himself into my heart, idk how but...
honorable mentions (cuz otherwise I feel bad): -Shikamaru- love him sm -Genma- damn -Naruto- little devil sweetheart 💞
This was sooo hard omg, but I loved this. Why do I have mostly traumatized men up there? Btw, do you have a Top 5 list somewhere ? P.S: I read 'composure'- damn, it made me really giddy. I hope I didn't write too much 😅
how was the exam? sorry i wasn't around! (procrastination is also my profession what a coincidence!)
i love that it took you 15 minutes to chose your favorite characters because i do the same, i can never decide 🤣
ooh, btw i retook the test and i'm still an INFP, probably even more than before lol tell me your secret to turn into an ENFP because i need to be an extrovert so my life will get better
so my top 5 naruto characters (there i go to spend at least 20 minutes trying to choose 5 between all the characters that i love - that's a form of torture, just saying):
here's a cut because shit got too long
kakashi, obvs. he's my everything and i can be the therapy he so desperately needs (or i can make him worse 😉 watch me make him never leave the house again and just spend eternity in bed with me - he only goes out to see the kids who are not kids anymore and his kid's kids because they're like our kids)
my number 2 right now is obito, i just love him sm and i wish i could live squeezed in a sandwich between kakashi and obito (i could die happily, i just know that's what heaven feels like: you die and your favorite fictional characters are real and you get to live squeezed between them). i just wanna be loved by this unhinged boy 😩 tbh i think that the #1 reason obito is here is because my uterus just explodes whenever I hear his name, so...
itachi 🙄 i love him sm i wanna die, ugh. let me make you feel good, sad boi. watch me saying i don't love uchihas and then putting only uchihas on my top 5 because i am, in fact, a uchiha girl (also our top 3 is the same which explain why we're friends ❤️)
sasuke, i'm not sorry 😔. he just has been through so much, i understand his character (though i can't forgive his actions) and i just wish things could be different, you know. wish he could be happy... i also love naruto as much as i love sasuke, they're like my children. (is it cheating to put 2 characters in one position? because then i could put obito, kakashi and itachi on 1st 👀)
yamato - he had had 5 seconds of screen time when my heart decided that he needed to live there forever. purest heart in the whole world, i love him sm 😩😩😩😩😩 yamato let me love you properly
and of course honorable mentions!
zabuza and haku (i'm putting them together because even tho i love them in different ways they're a duo and can't be separated). i just love, understand and respect them a lot, wish we could've seen more of them.
deidara - i love this chaotic mess of a man 🙄
kimimaro - same as zabuza and haku, he'd amazing and i wish we could've seen more of him... wish zabuza had adopted him that night so he would be happier and would have haku to talk with. i just... wish i could hug him and tell him everything's gonna be ok. he just needed love. true, free and unconditional love, not that shit he got from orochimaru.
shikamaru and choji - yes, i love them abnormally, and i'm putting them together because i love them the same.
sakura - i know the list is already too long because i really do love all of the characters, and i also know most people hate on Sakura but i LOVE her, i think she's amazing, she grows so much!
this was really hard, like you said 🤣 i could go on forever about each and every character because i do love them all (except maybe orochimaru and danzo). anyway.
i'm so glad you liked composure! no one else but me did 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
i hope i didn't write too much, and thank you for asking and talking to me ❤️
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Star Wars Re-watch Part 13
Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
1. Me on my third viewing of Return of the Jedi: I love Darth Vader. 🤣
2. C-3PO: "I better knock, I suppose." *knocks hesitantly on Jabba the Hutt's front door* *waits 1 second* "There doesn't seem to be anyone here. Let's go back and tell Master Luke."
I love how C-3PO is the literal manifestation of anxiety.
3. Han: "A Jedi knight?" *exasperated* "I'm out of it for a little while, everybody gets delusions of grandeur!"
4. 22 min 13 seconds: Hell yeah, enter sexy Jedi Luke.
Force pushing the guards away from himself. Boy, I bet Mark Hamill loved shooting this!
5. Luke: "It's your choice, but I warn you not to underestimate my power." That is my baby!
6. *slug voice* Palpatine to Darth Vader: "Rise, my friend."
7. Palpatine: "Only togethar can we turn him to the dark side of the Force." Ian McDiarmid should have gotten an Oscar for this performance. He wasn’t even 40!
8. Yoda to Luke: "When 900 years old you reach, look as good you will not, hm?" *yoda chuckle*
9. Yoda: "You must confront Vader. Then, only then, a Jedi you will be."
10. Luke: "Is Darth Vader my father?"
Yoda: "Rest I need... Yes, rest."
Luke: "Yoda, I must know."
Yoda: "Your father he is. ... Told you, did he?"
Luke: "Yes."
Yoda: "Unexpected this is. And unfortunate."
11. Yoda: "There is another... Skywalker." 😢
12. Luke to Force ghost Obi-Wan: "I can’t kill my own father."
Obi-Wan: "Then the Emperor has already won... you were our only hope."
Stfu, Obi-Wan! 🤣🤣🤣 You had more than one opportunity to kill him.
To quote Reva: "Do you really want Anakin dead?" *I didn't think so*
13. Han: "I didn't know they were looking for somebody to lead this crazy attack..."
Lando: "I'm surprised they didn't ask you to do it."
Han: "Well, who says they didn't? But I ain't crazy. You're the respectable one, remember?"
Ok, they are literally flirting.
14. Lando to Han: "Would you get going, you pirate?"
15. Darth Vader: "What is thy bidding, my master?"
16. Han: "Where's Leia?"
Luke: "What, she didn't come back?"
Han: "I thought she was with you."
Luke: "We got separated."
17. Palpatine: "His compassion for you will be his undoing."
18. Luke: "The Force is strong in my family. My father has it. I have it. And... my sister has it."
19. Leia as Luke tells her she is his sister: "I know. Somehow I've always known."
Um... anyway...
20. Leia: "But why must you confront him?"
Luke: "Because there is good in him. I felt it. He won't turn me over to the Emperor. I can save him. I can turn him back to the good side. I have to try."
21. I love how you can project almost anything onto Darth Vader because you cannot see his face. True genius.
22. Palpatine *slug voice*: "Guards. Leave us." I love everything about this.
23. Palpatine: "By now you must know your father can never be turned..."
Vader *looks over to Luke*
Palpatine: "... from the Dark Side."
Luke *looking over to Vader*
Palpatine: "So will it be with you."
Vader *slowly turns back to face Palpatine*
Luke: "You're wrong. Soon I'll be dead. And you with me."
It is called 💁‍♀️ acting.
24. Luke: "Your overconfidence is your weakness."
Palpatine: "Your faith in your friends is yours."
25. Chewbacca *Tarzan shout as he is swinging through the air* Art.
26. Han: "I love you."
Leia: "I know."
27. Vader: "Obi-Wan has taught you well."
Luke *having the higher ground* "I will not fight you, father."
28. Luke: "Never. *throwing away his lightsaber*: I'll never turn to the Dark Side. You've failed, your highness. I am a Jedi, like my father before me."
29. Palpatine: "Young fool. Only now, at the end, do you understand." Me, meta-ing the dialogue: this is directed at you, Vader.
30. Palpatine: "Now, young Skywalker, you will die."
Vader *27 seconds later*: "No. No!" *throws Palpatine into the abyss*
This movie is still amazing.
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writer05 · 3 years
Pairing: Gally x reader
Summary: It all started as a normal day, but when Y/N and Minho have a difficult decision to make, Y/N makes a startling realization which she asks Minho to relay to Gally
Warnings: mentions of injuries
Word Count: 1,547 Words
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The sun woke me up like it always did, but this time, I didn’t want to get up because of the arm draped over my waist. I rubbed the sleepiness from my eyes, and as I tried to get out of bed, Gally tightened his grip on me.
“Gally, I’ve got to get ready,” I mutter and turn to face him. Gally groaned and buried his face into my neck. I smiled softly and tangled my legs with his under the blankets on my bed. Perks of having the keeper of the builders as your boyfriend was that he built just about anything I wanted, including my own hut to give me some privacy.
“Do you have to leave?” Gally asked.
I laughed and ran a hand through Gally’s hair. “Unless you want to deal with Minho’s wrath, I suggest you let me leave.” Gally groaned again, but released his grip on me. I quickly thanked him and climbed out of bed, slipping on my running shoes. “All right, will I see you at the doors in 5 minutes? Or are you going to stay in bed?”
Gally sat up and stretched. “I’ll be there. I’m always there.”
I smiled. “I know.” I then walked over to him and leaned down, pressing a kiss to his lips. “I’ll see you in a bit.” Gally hummed a response as I left the hut and headed towards the runners shack to grab my gear. As I walked in, I bumped into Minho who was heading out. Usually we’d be walking in and out together.
“You’re late,” Minho joked lightly.
“Blame Gally for that one,” I exclaim and grab my runners pack. “He would not let me leave my hut.”
Minho laughed. “I do believe that. Come on. Lets grab our lunch and some breakfast.” We stopped by Frypan’s shack to grab some food to eat quickly, which for me included an apple and some toast, and then packed up our lunch. Today it was a sandwich and another apple. After leaving Frypan to make breakfast for the rest of the Gladers, Minho and I headed to the Maze doors. Gally was waiting for us at the entrance like always, and the tradition made me smile. He was very supportive of me when I wanted to become a runner, and he continued supporting me every day by being the last face I saw when I left the Glade and the first face I saw when I returned to it. I stopped in front of Gally and wrapped him in a hug, burying my face into his chest as Minho stretched his legs.
“Be safe,” Gally lectured and placed a kiss on top of my head, squeezing me lightly.
“Always,” I counter and pull myself out of his arms. “You ready, Min?” Minho nodded, and with one last wave to Gally, the two of us ran past the Maze doors and into the giant labyrinth. The run started off like it always did. We made our way to our section, ran through the winding corridors, and mapped out every inch. On the way back though, we ran into some trouble. And by trouble, I mean we encountered a griever. As soon as it saw us, it roared and lunged our way, but Minho and I had already taken off. My feet pounded against the stone as I turned corners and ran down corridors. But no matter how much we seemed to run, we still hadn’t managed to lose the Griever. “Min, I think we’re going to have to resort to Plan B.”
“That’s a terrible idea,” Minho argued.
“Believe me, I know, but-” I was cut off as my foot got caught on a stone platform I attempted to jump over, and I tumbled to the ground, twisting my ankle in the process. I tried to stand up, but pain erupted in my foot, and I cried out, clutching the injured limb.
“Come on,” Minho urged and helped me off of the ground. I knew though that we couldn’t outrun the griever like this. We were going to have to face it. Or rather, I was going to face it.
“Go,” I tell Minho. “Get back to the Glade.”
“What? No! I’m not leaving you,” Minho declared.
“If you don’t, we’re both going to die. Look, I’ll hold the Griever off for as long as I can, and then I’ll make my way back to the Glade,” I explain.
“You’re injured,” Minho noted and pointed to my foot. “Let me hold off the Griever.”
“Minho,” I start.
“No, Y/N,” Minho interrupted. “The chances of you facing a Griever and surviving, and then making it back to the Glade in time are slim because of your ankle. And what am I supposed to tell Gally when you don’t make it back? You think I want to break the news that my running partner, and best friend might I add, didn’t make it?”
“Gally will understand, and so will everyone else. Look, you’re the Keeper of the Runners. The Gladers need you more than they need me. Please, Minho,” I beg. “Get out of here.”
Minho sighed and gave me a quick hug. “Good luck, shuck face. Please make it back.”
I gave him a small smile. “Now go. Oh, and if I don’t make it back, tell Gally I love him, would ya?”
“Of course, but you’re going to tell him yourself because you’re going to make it out of here. I’ll see you back in the Glade,” Minho said before taking off. Just as he rounded the corner, the Griever appeared in front of me.
“All right Griever, give me all you’ve got,” I mutter.
Minho’s POV
The maze doors had shut a few minutes ago, but Y/N hadn’t made it back. I hoped that she was still alive, but then again, surviving a night in the maze was near impossible, and because of her injury, it would be even more challenging. But Y/N is one of the strongest people I know, so if anyone could make it out alive, it’d be her. Gally and I were now the only two Gladers left standing at the doors, the rest of the boys having left seconds before.
“How could you let her do this?” Gally asked, breaking the silence that had settled between us. I had hoped that this conversation wouldn’t turn up, but deep down, I knew it would.
“Believe me, Gally, if I had it my way, I would be the one trapped in there right now,” I confess. “Before I left her, Y/N had one favor. She um, she wanted me to tell you that uh...” I trailed off, remembering the last moment I had with Y/N, along with her last request. “She wanted me to tell you that she loves you.” Gally froze at my words as if trying to comprehend what I had said. And then, for the first time ever, I saw Gally cry. A few tears slipped down his cheeks, which he hastily wiped away, and with that, he walked off, leaving me alone at the Maze doors.
If you’d have told me that I’d survive a night in the Maze alone, I would have called you crazy. And if you also would have told me that I’d do it with a messed up ankle and numerous cuts and bruises, I would have called you insane. But that was the truth because it was now morning. I limped in the direction of the Maze doors at a painstakingly slow pace, but at the moment, it was pretty much all I could do. After killing the Griever, which I had someone managed to do with my knife, I had to find a place to hide. Luckily, I knew of a small crevice underneath one of the walls that I could hide under, and I stayed there the rest of the night. Now, I was going to be back in the Glade, and I couldn’t be happier. I was a a few dozen feet away from the entrance to the Glade when the doors opened, and seconds after they unlatched themselves from each other, I was being engulfed in the biggest hug from someone. I knew almost immediately though that I was in the arms of my boyfriend.
“I love you too,” Gally murmured into my hair.
“So Minho actually told you?” I question. “I didn’t think he would.”
“Yeah,” Gally replied and pulled away from me. “He also told me what you did.”
I cringed under Gally’s gaze and ran a hand through my hair. “Yeah, uh, could we possibly talk about that later? You know, after I see the med-jacks?”
Gally’s gaze softened, and he chuckled lightly. “Sure. But we are going to talk about it.”
“Okay. Fine. Now, I can’t really walk, so if-” Gally cut me off, like he knew what I was going to say, and picked me up bridal style. “Thank you.”
“No problem,” Gally spoke and leaned down to place a kiss on my lips. “Now, lets get you to the med-jack hut.” Being in the arms of my boyfriend made me feel safe again, and as long as I had him, I knew I would be okay.
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hyungieyoongi · 3 years
Time: “Run Away to You” Part 6
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“You’d think a year apart would be enough for me to fall out of love with you. I think I’d still love you even if we spent fifty years apart from each other.”
Pairing: Min Yoongi x Former Actress!Reader
Word Count: 2.0K
Genre: Angst + Fluff (the end is here, and I’m emotional)
Series Masterlist: Run Away to You
Premise: You ran away from your acting career one year ago, disappearing from the spotlight without a trace. No one from your past life knew where to find you. On the anniversary of your disappearance, your carefully constructed reality is shattered.
Part 5 // Epilogue
Yoongi’s arm was draped over your waist, his form curled against yours. His even breathing against your neck signaled to you that he was still asleep, so you gently shuffled toward the edge of the bed, trying not to wake him. Yoongi’s arm fell onto the now empty spot beside him, but he didn’t stir.
You threw on Yoongi’s oversized sweatshirt from the day before to save yourself from the draft in the apartment, tiptoeing out of the room as Yoongi slept. You looked back at him before you shut the door to the bedroom. His dark hair was messy, pale skin warming in the early morning sunshine. You heart seemed to swell with affection at the sight.
You looked in several kitchen cabinets in the unfamiliar apartment before finally finding a bag of coffee grounds. You meditatively went through the steps of boiling water on the stove and measuring out the grounds.
You were just pressing the coffee grounds down in the French press when you felt a pair of arms wrap around you from behind, Yoongi’s lips landing on the space between your neck and the collar of his sweatshirt. You sighed at the feeling, leaning back against his chest.
“Good morning,” he hummed against your ear, his voice raspy with sleep.
“Good morning, I’m making coffee,” you said, slightly flustered as Yoongi continued to move his mouth against your neck. He chuckled; you felt the sound vibrate in his chest against you.
“I can see that,” he teased. You spun around, his hands moving to your back to accommodate your new position.
“Here I am, trying to be nice and make you coffee before you wake up, and this is the thanks I get?” you quirked an eyebrow at Yoongi. He scrunched his nose trying not to smile at you teasing him back, but the corners of his lips quickly turned up in a grin.
“You’re right, thank you,” Yoongi kissed your forehead, pulling away from you in search of two mugs to pour the now-finished coffee into.
“What is your schedule like today?” you asked as he handed you the hot mug, his fingers brushing against yours.
“I have rehearsals for an upcoming performance most of the morning, and then I was planning on working in the studio for a while. You could work in there with me, if you’d like. On your book or something.” You nodded absentmindedly in agreement while you sipped your coffee.
“That’s a good idea, actually. I’m feeling rather inspired today,” you said with a coy smile, Yoongi’s face blushing as you looked at him.
“You remember how to get there?” Yoongi asked, placing his mug on the counter next to him.
“Yes, of course.”
“I’ll see you later, then? I better get going so I can get ready before the boys have too many questions,” Yoongi scratched the back of his neck, looking sheepish.
“Right. Do you want this back?” you asked, pulling at the sweatshirt you had stolen from him that morning.
“No, keep it, it looks better on you,” Yoongi said, leaning forward to plant a sweet kiss to your lips before heading out the door. You couldn’t remember the last time you had felt so many butterflies in your stomach.  
We’ve seen a few more pictures pop up, but they don’t clearly show your face, just you and Yoongi going into your building. Your name has come up a few times, but there still isn’t a definitive theory that it’s you. I’ll keep you updated. – Marianne
You read the text from Marianne, your sigh alerting Yoongi that something was wrong. He glanced over at you from his desk, giving you a curious look.
The two of you had fallen into a comfortable routine over the past week. He would leave your apartment early in the morning before his rehearsals and meetings for the day. You would meet him in his studio later, both of you working side-by-side on your projects. Per the label and Marianne’s instructions, you were still on lockdown, so the second half of your book was coming along nicely with how much time you had to devote to it.
But the clock that had begun ticking in your head since Marianne had given you your two-week deadline to figure out your next move was rapidly running out of time.
You were getting daily updates from Marianne, and, while you had hoped the rumors would die down after this past week of hiding, they seemed to keep stirring. Marianne had warned you yesterday that it might be time to get ahead of it.
“You need to talk to him, Y/N. We can’t make the next move unless you know for certain that he is on the same page as you. I know that you two have been in a bit of a whirlwind of being together again, but it has been a carefully constructed bubble,” Marianne warned.
“He told me he wasn’t going to let me go, Marianne. And I can’t let him go, either,” you said to her over the phone.
“Still, just talk to him, okay? I’ll handle the label, but I need you to do this for you.”
Yoongi waited for you to explain your odd behavior, fully facing you now.
“Everything alright?” he asked.
“More pictures,” you explained. “This time they’re of both of us going into my building. Looks like it might be time to find a new place to live,” you tried to say the last part jokingly, but it came out strained.
“Let’s go for a walk,” Yoongi said, suddenly standing. He reached his hand out to you to pull you up. He intertwined your fingers together, holding your hand tightly as you made your way into the private courtyard outside of the building.
You walked for a bit in silence, trying to find the right words to say.
“Yoongi, I think we need to talk,” you said, breaking the silence. He stumbled a bit in surprise at your statement, his grip on your hand slackening enough for you to pull it from his grasp. He righted himself, frowning at your hand that was now firmly by your side in a fist. You needed a clear mind to talk to him, and your mind was never truly clear if you were touching him.
“Is this about the new photos?” he asked. You nodded.
“Marianne is starting to think it might be time to make a statement. Maybe activate my social media accounts again, post a video addressing the rumors, something like that. She wants to get ahead of this. The speculation doesn’t seem to be dying down, and it’ll look worse, for both of us, if it seems like we’re hiding my identity from your fans,” you explained to Yoongi, waiting for his reaction.
He stepped forward, searching your eyes.
“Do you want that? To make a statement?” he asked.
“Not particularly,” you admitted quietly.
“You can wait. You don’t have to make a decision right now that you’ll regret later,” Yoongi said, trying to mitigate your stress.
“I’m running out of time, Yoongi. The past week with you has been a dream, but I have to wake up. I can’t keep hiding in your apartment building, pretending like the photos will go away. It’ll be worse the longer I wait. The label has already said that you were with an old friend, but they’re putting pressure on me to come out and say that it’s me. It seems to only be a matter of time before it’s confirmed, anyway. Besides, they think that your fans will believe the story more if they know it’s a former actress you were with rather than someone random.”
“I know what the label thinks,” Yoongi snapped.
“Yoongi…” you started.
“No,” Yoongi stopped you, his tone serious. “I said I wasn’t letting you go, and I meant it. So, if that means protecting you and your secret, then I’ll do it. Whatever it takes.”
Yoongi placed a hand on your cheek, wiping away a stray tear that you didn’t know had fallen. You leaned into his touch, closing your eyes, and taking a deep breath to steady yourself.
“I don’t think I’m ever going to be truly ready, but it’s time, Yoongi.” Yoongi opened his mouth to reiterate that you didn’t have to do this, but you held up a hand to stop him from interrupting you. “I told you I wasn’t going to run away again, and I meant it. I need to do this for us to move forward. I know we have to be discreet and probably say we’re just friends for a little while, but we can’t take the next step or even keep seeing each other unless I go back into the spotlight.”
“You’ll have to move; you’ll have to deal with being followed, with security, with no privacy. I-I don’t want you to hate me because I can’t keep you from that,” Yoongi said, tears brimming his eyes.
“If this past year has taught me anything, it’s that I’m incapable of hating you, Min Yoongi. If anything, I love you more than ever.” Yoongi pressed his forehead against yours at your confession, his fingers digging into your waist.
“You’d think a year apart would be enough for me to fall out of love with you. I think I’d still love you even if we spent fifty years apart from each other,” Yoongi whispered, his voice thick with emotion. “Are you sure this is what you want?”
“You’re what I want. The cameras, the public persona–I will relearn to deal with all of it if it means that I get you back in my life. If you’ll have me, that is.”
Yoongi’s lips met yours, the tears on both of your cheeks mingling together as you sealed your promises to each other. Yoongi pulled back long enough to murmur two words before pulling you back into him.
“I’m yours.”
One week later, you sat in front of the phone that was sitting on a makeshift tripod, Marianne blotting your face with powder. You had finally gotten to come back to your apartment, now with an added security system and non-disclosure agreements signed by your neighbors. You would be permanently moving into a more secure location, picked out by Marianne and Yoongi’s team, after today. The best part? It was only ten minutes away from Yoongi’s building.
Your Instagram and Twitter had been reactivated. After seeing you come back online, the rumors that it could be you in the photos with Yoongi became even more persistent. It was now or never.
“Remember what we talked about. Be yourself. Tell them that you needed some time off, to reflect and be creative, things like that. Don’t talk about Yoongi,” Marianne instructed. You rolled your eyes at the last point.
“I may be out of practice, Marianne, but I’m not completely useless. I really don’t think I’ll randomly start talking about my secret boyfriend during my Instagram story video.”
“Hush, you know I’m just doing my job,” Marianne playfully scolded.
“I know, and I love you for it.”
You checked your phone one last time, smiling at the last-minute good luck texts from your parents and the members of BTS. Your phone vibrated in your hands with a text notification.
Is it going up soon? – Yoongi
Yes, I’m about to record it. Depending on how many takes Marianne makes me do until it feels “natural”, it should be uploaded in a bit. – Y/N
Call me when it’s over. Good luck, I love you. – Yoongi
I love you, too. See you on the other side. – Y/N
“Are you ready?” Marianne asked.
“As I’ll ever be,” you breathed out. She gave you an encouraging smile.
“3, 2, 1…action.”
Part 5 // Epilogue
Taglist: @loveyoongles​​ @agustd-2020​​ @delacyrose224​​ @sunshinejunghoseokie​​ @jinsearthh​​ @alpacaparkaseok​​ @sheebaba​​ @diamonddia-mond​​ @dearyoongii​​ @tarahardcore​​ @kawaiiixchan
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drwcn · 3 years
maybe after today’s acls training i can finally write that chengqing ER oneshot. 
— “Patient male, mid-twenties, motor vehicle collision, eta 3 mins” 
— “What no vitals? No GCS? ETA 3 mins? Who’s on the paramedic team?!” 
— “No one….Dr. Lu hit someone with her car on her way out of the hospital.” 
【A Midnight Conversation in Your Local ER】- Complete
The night hunt had gone to shits.
That much was undeniable.
Jiang Cheng heard the panicked shout of his disciples just as he saw the array that he had stepped on.
The ghost of an once mediocre demonic cultivator wanna-be was going to bring Jiang Cheng, Jiang Wanyin - the Sandu Shengshou - to meet his maker. The irony of the situation would be laughable, if he wasn’t so irrevocably screwed.
That was his last thought before his entire body was engulfed by a blinding light and the world he knew disappeared.
The ground beneath his feet gave away, weightlessness paralyzing his body though he did not fall. He felt…launched, his body warping and squeezing and stretching, the air sucked from his lungs into the endless black vacuum.
But just like that it was over. Jiang Cheng barely had time to make peace with his death before his feet touch solid earth again.
Or at least….he thought it was earth, this black, tarry hard thing striped with yellow and white. He stared at it dumbly, breathless and disoriented, barely able to react when a loud blare assaulted his senses and his world went blindly bright yet again.
This time there was pain.
Jiang Cheng clutched Sandu, ready to fight, but then his head hit the ground and everything went dark. When he woke up again, an indeterminate amount of time later, he was in a small tube and had a distinct feeling he was not wearing pants, socks or shoes.
How the fuck do you ‘scan’ a cat???  
Method actor. The nurse, from the other side of the curtain, mouthed silently.
“Sir, can you tell me your name.”
“Jiang Cheng, Jiang Wangyin.”
The resident paused, awkwardly contemplating how to continue. “Uh…..which is it? Jiang Cheng or Jiang Wanyin?”
“Jiang Cheng, zi Wanyin.”
“Traditional parents?” The resident tried to crack a joke, but it fell flat. The strange man stared up at him with a blank look in his eyes and a frown that was rapidly deteriorating into a scowl. The resident cleared his throat and cast his eyes back onto his clipboard. “Uh, ahem, just the name on your ID please.”
“My what?" 
"Your personal ID….like a driver’s license?”
“Cultivators of the gentry fly on swords or ride horses. We do not rely on carriage valets.”
“Eh… right. Uhm, can you tell me how old you are and what year it is.”
“I’m 39, and the year is jiachen.”
Lu Qi frowned from where she stood by the door, arms crossed, watching her resident and medical student work. 39? He looks like a college student. But he also thinks he can fly, so I guess age is the least of our worries. 
The M3 fished his phone out from his scrub pocket pocket and typed it in. “Sounds like the ganji system, like an old timey way to record year used in the past.” He whispers clandestinely to the resident.
“….Right. And uh, do you where you are?”
The man scowled at him. “Am I supposed to?” 
The resident scribbled something on the chart, and then looked up with a plastered awkward smile. “Well, thank you Mr. Jiang for your patience. Wang Fei here is the medical student on our team. He’s going to stay and ask you a couple more questions if you don’t mind. Afterwards we’ll confer with our attending and the team will be back to see you shortly.”
As he turned away, the R3 grimaced and shared a look with Lu Qi, who was the youngest attending physician in their ER, but was not technically working at the moment and so was not on the case. And technically, as the perpetrator who hit Jiang Cheng with her car, she had a severe conflict of interest.
At least this Jiang Cheng dude didn’t seem keen on pressing personal charges against her for MVA or suing the hospital in general… but that being said…
Yeah, they’re going to need a psych consult. 
Unless he’s on acid. 
Well… okay, psych consult either way. 
"It’s okay, you can relax.” Jiang Cheng said, waving dismissively at the woman standing by his bedside. “I’m not going to take you to the magistrate for hitting me with your carriage - car. You didn’t mean to, and I just came out of nowhere.” 
“....Thank you.” 
“You’re not Wen Qing. I know that now. Your name is Lu Qi. You can call off those psychia - psych - psychics - head healers - or whatever, I’m not crazy. It’s not my fault, you just… look so much like someone I used to know."
"Wen Qing.” Lu Qi echoed. 
“Yeah. Wen Qing. She was a healer - a doctor - like you, but different.” 
“I see. What happened to her?"
"She died. Almost twenty years ago."
"I'm sorry... that's awful.” Lu Qi’s response rolled off her tongue so well, because she had said those word a thousand times during her residency. So much so that it no longer had much meaning to her. Tonight however, she meant what she said. “Were you two close?"
"No, well…yes, maybe. No we weren’t exactly friends if that’s what you’re asking. She...operated on me. Without my consent or knowledge. Took my brother’s golden core and put it in me and then lied with my brother to my face about it. So no we weren’t “close”, but Wen Qing saved my life - well the purpose of it anyway. Saved me from a life of ordinariness.” 
Lu Qi did allow herself to dwell too much on what the fuck a “golden core” was, because her gut response was almost instantaneous. “That’s shitty of her.”
She clamped down on her tongue. 
God, why did I have to say that? To his face?! He was obviously in love with this Wen Qing person and they were encroaching on some dangerous emotional territories, but Lu Qi swallowed down her caution and plowed on nevertheless. There were things she felt she had to say, and since she’d already hit him with her car, how much worse could this shit get? “What I mean is she shouldn’t have. Not without telling you. Besides...there’s nothing wrong with ordinary.” 
Jiang Cheng chuckled bitterly. “Maybe you’re right. Still...she didn’t deserve to die. What her clan did was not her fault.” 
Now that threw Lu Qi off. Did this guy...kill her? 
Lu Qi half wondered if she stumbled upon a Yakuza-esque member whose psyche finally snapped after years of murder and violence. And yet, he seemed perfectly coherent, no flight of ideas, no tangential thought, no hallucations. Even his delusions seemed...logical. 
I must be the one losing, damnit.  
Jiang Cheng scratched a little at his chest, as if palpating for the “golden core” that he spoke of. "She saved my life, but when she needed help, I couldn't save her. But, if I were to go back… I can't say I'll choose differently. My clan needed me, my clan who was almost cleansed by hers. No, no I wouldn’t choose differently. I don’t regret my choices, but I am sorry. Sorry to her, sorry to my brother. I'll always be sorry that she died, and that I failed her when she needed me." 
Jiang Cheng had no idea why he was telling this stranger any of this, but maybe after twenty years, he was finally ready to address this guilt that he lived with. I mean who else was he supposed to tell? Jin Ling? It was nice, to have that face as an audience, receiving his words of confession. 
"She would forgive you." 
Lu Qi had no idea why she was offering absolution as if she had authority in this matter, but when she said it, the conviction she felt was so real, it was almost as though some external force was acting through her.
Which was ridiculous of course, but... 
"How do you know? You're not her." Jiang Cheng shook his head. “I wouldn’t forgive me.” 
"No, but you said she was a physician. So she should know, more than most, that sometimes there is no choosing who gets to live or die."
Jiang Cheng fell quiet at that, and his gaze grew distant. Lu Qi thought perhaps he was no longer seeing her as she was in front of him - white coat, scrubs, stethoscope -  but someone entirely different. The tension he held in his shoulders slowly eased, and he sighed. In the silence that stretched between them, Lu Qi hoped that this strange man with his strange past could find a sliver of peace. 
— Did you love her? 
— I thought so, foolishly, but maybe I didn’t. Even if I did, it was not well enough. 
— Do you love her still? 
— No... I don’t know. It’s been too long...but sometimes, late at night when Lotus Pier is quiet, I think I do. 
— Are you ashamed of it? 
— No. No I’m not. 
The patient known as Jiang Cheng left AMA, that is, against medical advice. It was the term they used sometimes for people who just up and leave without informing the team. 
Lu Qi had gone out to check on his labs, which came back with bonker numbers (I mean really, a hemoglobin of 455, sodium of 200, and a HCO3 of like...3?), but Jiang Cheng was gone from Bay 6 when she returned. The nurse made the overhead page, a code yellow was called, but four hours later, Lu Qi was ready to admit that she was never going to see this Jiang Cheng ever again. 
Somehow, she was okay with that. She had said what needed to be said.  
Her chief had given her a call on her cell and told her to go home and sleep. The guy didn’t look like he was gonna press charges, let’s count our blessings and move on. But the night had just been too damn strange that Lu Qi was all wired up from it and couldn’t possibly fall asleep. She had handover at 10 anyway. There was a change of clothes and toiletries in her bag. She could always take a shower in the anesthesia staff’s on call room and sleep until then. 
Dr. Sun was the anesthesia staff on-call tonight and was currently stuck in trauma OR. They were buddies since medschool; she’d understand.
Sighing, Lu Qi took a seat on the bench across from the bougie cafe in the lobby of the hospital. At this hour, it was the only one still open in the entire facility. The drinks they sold cost an arm and a leg, but Lu Qi needed the pick-me-up after the night she had. 
As she nursed the last bit of her matcha latte, two bickering voices pulled her attention to the front entrance. 
“Aiyo, A-Liang I already said I’m fine! I don’t need to be here!” 
“Fuck out of here with that bullshit, Chen Zhaoxi. You fell off the fucking roof! If Wu Kun hadn’t called me, you’d have gone on -”
It was him! Lu Qi shot up. It was Jiang Cheng! 
But no...no it wasn’t him. The well-dressed man dragging the second man (dressed in red pajamas) into the hospital was not Jiang Cheng. He had the same face - chiselled, handsome, scowling - but it wasn’t him. For one, his hair was trimmed short and neat, unlike Jiang Cheng who looked like he walked straight out of a BL xianxia tv drama. Secondly, his face was softer, eyes younger, and he couldn’t have been older than Lu Qi herself in her early thirties. 
“I was just trying to get to the litter of kittens trapped -”
“Yes, yes, and it was very heroic and I’m sure it would’ve made Wu Kun very horny, and you morons probably would’ve fucked once he got home had you not made a valiant attempt at breaking your neck -” 
“Excuse me,” the security guard manning the information desk chastised sharply. “It’s 4am. This is a hospital! Lower your voices, sirs.” 
“Sorry.” The men apologized sheepishly. 
Then, A-Liang, Jiang Cheng’s doubleganger asked, “Could you please direct us to the ER? This is my brother, he fell off a roof.” 
Lu Bin had no idea what possessed her to interject. “I can take you there.” 
All eyes fell on her. She walked towards them, heart pounding. 
This can’t be happening, this kind of thing just can’t happen... 
A-Liang’s face broke into a grateful smile. “Thank you, Miss -” Then his gaze trailed to her badge, and he corrected himself, “Dr. Lu. I’m Shen Liang. This is my brother Chen Zhaoxi. I think he fractured...well multiple things, please help him.” 
“Of course, come with me. Let’s get him a wheelchair. If he fractured is leg, he probably shouldn’t be walking.” 
“I didn’t fracture -” 
“You, you shut up.” Shen Liang rolled his eyes. “Don’t listen to him. He can lose three out of four limbs and say ‘ t’s but a flesh wound’.” 
Lu Qi couldn’t help but chuckle as she put an arm under the complaining Chen Zhaoxi and helped him towards the wheelchair. 
Shen Liang’s smile widened. 
“Holy shit, took you long enough!” 
When Jin Ling and Lan Sizhui finally dragged Jiang Cheng to their portal site, Jiang Cheng realized that the transportation talisman had created a channel through realities between what looked like two metal garbage dumpsters in a back alley behind a food establishment marked by giant yellow bunny ears.
Standing guard there, Lan Jingyi and Ouyang Zizhen were each munching on a strange layered bread and holding tall drinks contained in...what was it called again? Right. Styrofoam. 
“What is that?” Jin Ling wrinkled is nose at it. Brat. 
“It’s a Big Mac.” Replied Lan Jingyi as if Jin Ling was stupid. “And this is a milk shake.” 
Jin Ling scowled. “I said the bag of gold I gave you was for emergencies.” 
“Yeah but we were hungry.” Ouyang Zizhen defended. He neglected to tell them that the cashier had refused to accept the gold and instead asked for “cash” or “card”, neither of which they had, so Zizhen used a liiiiil confounding talisman he learned from Wei Wuxian. They did leave more than enough gold though...and that ought to cover the restaurant’s cost for their “burger”lary . Reaching into the brown paper bag he held under one arm, Zizhen pulled out a little box that opened to show pieces of... something. “These are chicken nuggets. They’re delicious! Try one! They’re really good with this sauce....hold on...” 
Lan Sizhui sighed. “We don’t have time for this. The portal will close soon. Let’s get Jiang-zongzhu home and we can sample these exotic food later.” 
The boys agreed. 
Jiang Cheng shook his head and huffed. 
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jisungsplatforms · 3 years
[Chapter II: The Red Beanie Cutie]
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Pairing: Producer/Music Major! Han Jisung x Photographer! fem! reader
Genre: NSFW! Smut; non idol au, college au, strangers to lovers
Warnings: Mature Content! strong language, sexting, masterbation (m&f) + kinda guided masterbation (f), nudes/unsolicited pictures of *certain areas*
Chapter word count: 1.5k (relatively short chapter)
Taglist: @hyunjeongins @seungstarss @es-kay-zee @hyunjinsplaything @formidxble @freckledquokka (want to be added? send an ask or a dm! <3)
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Min’s ho3: uh- hi? 👋🏻
this is minho’s “fine ass friend with the red beanie” 👁👁
shitshitshitshit SHIT.
Your mind was jumbled and your palms were sweaty. How the hell did I even get his number? You backtrack to an hour ago, back at the party….To when Minho asked for your phone.
You bit your lip, trying to think logically. No no no. It’s probably not the red beanie cutie, Y/n. It’s probably just Minho being an ass again and pretending to be his friend. That’s it! At least...That’s what you hope.
Min’s ho3: uhh hello? you still there?
im hoping that this is the cutie who was babysitting hyunjin earlier lol
Your blood ran cold. You really didn’t want to believe it. No way was it really the red beanie cutie.
Me: If this REALLY is the cute boy with the red hat...send me a picture.
You sighed. This should prove something. Your phone ‘pinged’ a second later.
Min’s ho3: damn straight to the point, are you? youre a lot more bold than i thought
You shivered, turning red. As much as you wanted to fuck him, you didn’t want to look desperate.
Me: I meant an INNOCENT picture. Of your face, I mean.
Min’s ho3: uh- duh! that’s what i meant???
what did YOU think??
Your face burned at the thought of misinterpreting his “innocent” message.
Me: Just thought I had to clarify for you! Nasty
Min’s ho3: whatever you say, babe 😙🤪
You gave him a minute for him to respond, putting down your phone to give yourself a breather. You sincerely hope that this was Minho cause that option is MUCH better than accidentally texting the person you’re thirsting over. After about 30 seconds, your phone pinged twice. One from Min’s hoe...and one from Minho ho ho. Oh dear lord.
You decided to read Minho’s messages first. Tapping on his notification, the phone directed you to your chat, revealing the conversation you two had during the party.
Minho ho ho 😼: You’re welcome 😉
You were seriously panicking at this point. Your fingers tapped onto the keyboard like a madman. You didn’t know if you wanted to hug Minho or murder that bitch.
Me: shutupshutupshutup You did NOT
Minho ho ho 😼: Oh but I did, my dear best friend haha gross
Better play your cards correctly, sweetie. Just keep in mind...he asked for your number!
His name is Jisung btw! Be nice to him! He’s a shy, sensitive boy. I’ll kill you if you make him sad!
You ignored Minho’s last sentence and nearly squealed at the information, trying to play it cool. You giddily switched to Jisung’s tab. Huge mistake. You should’ve prepared yourself, at least a little. You knew he was hot but the picture he sent you? Oh boy. His hair, which you now know is blond under that beanie, was tousled, falling perfectly on his gorgeous face. In the picture, he was now wearing a grey hoodie and posed like a model, the expression had was absolutely fierce. Oh yeah, he knows he’s hot shit.
Min’s ho3: *image*
it’s a little messy. srry i tried making it a little nicer for you, you know. since you’re a photography major and all that.
Me: No, It’s fine!! I think you look hot! 👍
You wanted to slap yourself. Oh Lord, please end me. Your phone lit up with another text.
Min’s ho3: oh really? 😏
well i think you’re hot too, y/n 😉😚
Me: Wait how’d you know my name? And my major?
Minho’s ho3: uhhh you are minho’s friend right??? cause that’s what he told ME and i’m really hoping he didn’t give me the wrong number…
cause honestly. it is something he would legit do alkskdjks
Me: Rest assured. This really is Y/n the photography major
Min’s ho3: well y/n the photography major
i’m jisung and i think youre hot too
and not to be nsfw or anything but i’d like to fuck you too 😉😉
ohmygoshohmygosh. This is really happening. Taking the little bit of confidence you had, you texted him something you thought was bold.
Me: Oh really now? Think you can fuck me good, pretty boy?
Min’s ho3: oh baby i know i’ll have you seeing stars
fuck you so good you won’t be able to think about anything but me and me only
You had to put down your phone to take another breather. Now, not only were your palms wet but so was between your legs. You’ve never texted with anybody like this but there’s a first time for everything, right? Your dominant hand slid down to your pajamas to tease your clit over the cotton material. Shy, my ass…
Min’s ho3: wait wait wait. before we do anything, just let me confirm something
you are single, right? youre not dating hyunjin or anything??
You stopped your movements on your clit. Am I seeing this right? You reread the message a few more times before bursting out in laughter.
Hyunjin’s my best friend. Been friends since we were 5. Dating Hyunjin would be like dating your brother ew
Min’s ho3: LOL OKAY OKAY. just making sure
infidelity is NOT my thing
You were heart warmed. He made sure you weren’t with anyone before getting nasty. Which shouldn’t make you so touched, it should be a basic common courtesy, but nonetheless, it still made you happy knowing he’s a respectable person.
Min’s ho3: okay now that i know i can have you
do you still want to continue?
Me: Yes daddy ;)
Min’s ho3: oh fuck okay
since you left so early, we didn’t get to talk, beautiful
we could’ve been fucking right now instead of texting
Me: Well...we could do both
Your hand went back to your clit, this time reaching inside your bottoms.
Me: You make me so horny baby
I want you
Min’s ho3: already touching yourself babe? how naughty
I barely even said anything but here you are. playing with yourself like some desperate whore
You whimpered, putting more pressure on your clit. You were never that into degrading but with Jisung? You’d gladly take it any day.
Me: Please tell me what to do sir
Min’s ho3: finger yourself. only one finger tho
You removed your pajamas and panties and flung them to the floor. You rubbed your thigh with one hand and slowly moved it to your sopping core. Gathering your wetness, you fondled yourself before inserting your middle finger inside you. “Hmm...fuck,” you moaned. With your other hand, you checked Jisung’s text when you saw your phone light up.
Min’s ho3: are you doing it baby?
Me: Yes sir
Min’s ho3: really? good. keep playing with yourself
i’ll tell you when i want you to stop
You sighed, pumping your finger. You wanted to enjoy it but it wasn’t enough. You definitely needed something more than just one mere finger. You contemplated whether or not you should disobey Jisung and grab your dildo from between your mattress. But you also wanted to see how much he could make you cum with just his words.
Min’s ho3: one finger babe?
You moved your phone and angled it to show your pussy. You wanted to moan seeing your finger deep inside you. Snapping a pic and sending it to Jisung, you threw your phone beside you and started pumping your middle finger faster, circling your clit with your thumb. Immediately, your phone lit up again.
Min’s ho3: fuck baby you’ll be the death of me
you know what? add two more fingers for me, beautiful. you deserve it
You cried, slipping your pointer and ring finger into your core. Now you definitely feel a lot fuller. You pumped your fingers in and out, breathing heavily. You felt so dirty, taking orders like this from a man you barely even knew. There was something so erotic about the whole thing that it drew you closer to your orgasm.
Jisung, on the other hand, was going insane as well; who wouldn’t be when he’s sexting with the most attractive person he’s ever seen? His right hand pumped his cock like a maniac. He was sweating, biting his thin lips so that no noise can come out, potentially waking up his hyungs. He knew he would die of embarrassment if they caught him masterbating to someone he just met today-or just masterbating in general-but it was getting harder to control himself. Especially with that little surprise photo? Shit- he thought he was in heaven, feeling like he would cum in that moment. The sound of a notification from his phone made his grab it from his desk.
Y/n the cute photographer: Closr! I’m so fuckinf ckose
Wsnna cum si bad
Me: yeah? then cum fir me y/n
With Jisung’s permission, you let your release taint your once clean bed. You shook as you orgasmed, moaning so loud you were glad your roommate was out of town. Once you finished, you slowly pulled your fingers out, wincing when the emptiness kicked in. You laid like a dead fish, trying to catch your breath. Your orgasm was so intense that you almost immediately fell asleep. Almost. A notification from Jisung shook you out of your trance.
(3) new message(s) from Min’s ho3
Min’s ho3: *image*
look how much you drive me mad, baby
hm you’re probably tired now after hopefully cumming so much so i’ll leave you...goodnight, y/n! hope you sleep well tonight cutie 😚
You sighed in frustration. How dare he switch from daddy to baby so fast. How are you supposed to sleep when he sent you a clear, mouthwatering image of his dick and abs covered in his cum?
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jungshookz · 4 years
cee omg you could literally write a drabble about uni!yoongi making out with yn and i would literally die
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➺ pairing; min yoongi x reader
➺ genre; uni!yoongiverse!! nsfw i think?? i’m not sure?? what do u call it if it’s simultaneously smut and not smut at the same time.,,. smaybe smut,,. smalmost smut,..  smerhaps smut,.,. 
➺ wordcount: 1.5k is this a baby drabble??? idk i’m counting it as a regular drabble 
➺ what to expect; “i’m going to need you to shut up now, please.”
➺ optional reading: not necessary but feel free to read some other drabbles from the uni!yoongiverse!
➺ note; this was originally a baby drabble (literally was only going to be a couple of sentences at the moST) but i got carried away so here we are :D also i wrote this while my professor was in the background talking about 16th century literature on zoom and now it’s a genuine concern for me as to whether or not ancient literature is my aphrodisiac 
                                   »»————- ♡ ————-««
you never really know how yoongi does it
every time you tell yourself that this time, you won’t let yourself be distracted by your boyfriend, it’s only three seconds later that you find yourself straddling him on the couch with your hands all over him
and theN when you tell yourself that you’ll only entertain him for ten minutes maximum before getting back to work he does that dumb boyish smirk and head tilt thing (“you sure you wanna go back to your textbook?”) that makes your knees all wobbly and your tummy all warm and before you know it your poor textbooks have been abandoned on the coffee table
one time you even left a marker uncapped and when you came back an hour later it was all dRY
yoongi dipped it into a glass of water in a poor attempt to revive it but it was too late
(he bought u a set of new markers from the bookstore on campus to make up for it)
“do you- mm- do you wanna hear about the classes i’m taking this semester?” you pull away and reach up to adjust your glasses that are now a little wonky considering the fact you and yoongi have been kissing for- has it already been twenty minutes?!
what happened to your ten minute rule??
yoongi rolls his eyes playfully before nodding, “go for it, dork-” he snorts before nudging his nose against your chin to get you to tilt your head back
he knows that if he says no you’re going to whinE about it for the entire time he’s groping you on the sofa so he might as well let you get it off your chest
“okay, so i’m taking this super cool literature course on trauma-“ you hum as you wrap your arms loosely around yoongi’s neck
yoongi starts to press warm kisses against your jaw while his hand slides down from your waist so that he’s gripping the side of your thigh, “mm, yeah? sounds cool.”
“it’s so super cool!” you gasp excitedly, “and the professor is super nice - i mean, she’s a little ditzy with zoom, but that’s to be expected - oh, anD she has purple hair, which automatically makes her the coolest professor ever-” you absentmindedly shift in yoongi’s lap and he grunts when you grind down against him in the process
side note
(not that he’s not paying attention to what you’re saying right now, but it’s pretty hard to noT focus on the fact that he’s currently kissing up on his very pretty girlfriend)  
he was never really into dry humping before you came along
you guys don’t do it as often considering the fact that now,.,. now u can just have plain ol sex buT sometimes you’ll get into it if you’re on a tight schedule or something
like the other night yoongi had some dinner plans with a couple of friends (aka going to town on 5 XL pizzas in a grubby frat house) but yoU, for some reason, decided that while he was in the middle of putting his shoes on, that was the perfect time to tell him that you wanted to play
“the last person who gets there has to take out the garbage, and i am noT going to take out the garbage again-“
“but don’t you like it when i grind on you wearing just your sweatshirt?”
yoongi pauses in the middle of tying his laces
so yeah
he was the last one to arrive at the frat house which meant he was on garbage duty but it was totally worth it
and yeah, he supposes dry humping is typically something that only a couple of hormonal prepubescent teenagers would be into but.,,. with you, it’s just so,.,.., it’s so hot
he likes seeing you get so worked up over him when he hasn’t even taken any of his clothes off yet
his favourite is when he’s lying on his back and you’re on top just because he… likes it when you’re on top
there really isn’t a very deep explanation to his preference
it’s a nice view! sue him!
he also likes when you place your hands on his chest
you say it’s because it helps keep you from falling off but he knows you just like touching him there
and right as you’re about to cum, your fingers always twitch and he likes the feeling of your nails digging into the thick fabric of his hoodies
not to mention, he loves seeing your reactions whenever he starts talking dirty to you because your cheeks and the tips of your ears get super red and usually you get all quiet and whimpery but there’s always a fire in your eyes like you’re ready to rip all of his clothes off
like there was one time he actually just wanted to tease you just to see how far he could go (you weren’t paying any attention to him because your stupid nose was stuck in your stupid books as per usual and he was getting really bored) and he’d never seen you so needy before
“yeah? you like it when i talk to you like this?” yoongi coos and bites back a grin when you buck your hips against him with a pitiful whine slipping past your lips
he presses his palm flat against your hip to keep you from moving, “aw, what’s the matter, baby? need me?” yoongi pushes his bottom lip out in a mocking pout as he hooks a finger into the waistband of your skirt before giving it a playful tug
“yoongi, please-“ you prop yourself up on your elbows before leaning up to try to get yoongi to kiss you
he’s been dodging your kisses for the past five minutes which he’s been really enjoying because you look awfully cute when you frown at him like that
and to make matters worse (for you, duh! not him >:-)) he knoWs you really really like kissing him
yoongi nearly snorts when he notices you looking at him like you’re about to skin him alive
he totally gets it because he’s basically blue-balling you
it’s nice to be on the other side of the situation for once!
no wondER you do it all the time
“yoongi.” you clear your throat and he raises a brow
“i don’t know what kind of game you’re playing here, but-“ you poke your finger against his chest, “in three seconds, i’m going to get on my hands and knees for you - and i want you to push my skirt up, tug my panties to the side, and fuck me. please fuck me.”
yoongi’s eyes widen in surprise and he pulls back a little
you very rareLY use swear words on a daily basis - in fact, you usually scold him when he brings his potty mouth into your apartment - so he’s not used to you dropping the f-bomb so casuall-
“did i mention i started taking birth control?”
yoongi’s mouth immediately goes dry
“-also taking a literature class on shakespeare, which is really bringing me back to high school-“ yoongi snaps out of his little trip down memory lane when he feels you shift on his lap again
okay well
he was like 5% horny earlier but now that the gates of his spank bank have basically flung wiDE open it’s safe to say that he’s roughly… 98% horny?
maybe a little more
maybe like 150% horny
you could flick his forehead and he would have a mind-blowing orgasm - that’s how horny he is. 
it’s not his fault!!! 
blame the spank bank!!! 
“and- oh!” you find yourself flopping back on the couch and staring up at the ceiling all of a sudden and you blink quickly as your brain attempts to catch up to what the hecK is happening right now 
“i’m going to need you to shut up now, please.” yoongi’s face pops up in front of your eyes and your eyes widen when he drags you down towards him until his very obvious bulge is pressing right up against your centre
you feel your face flush bright red and you find yourself struggling to come up with anything to say because a second ago you were literally talking about william frickin shakespeare, “but-”
“here’s what’s going to happen-“ yoongi tugs his sweatshirt up over his head, “first, i’m gonna go down on you,” he tosses it aside before leaning over and placing both hands on either side of your head, the thin silver chain hanging around his neck dangling down, “and then we’re gonna fuck-”
“language!” you say on instinct and yoongi immediately snorts
that’s pretty rich coming from you, miss flip-my-skirt-up-and-fuck-me-now 
“and you know, since i’m feeling particularly generous today,” he ignores your comment about his oh-so inappropriate language, “i’ll gladly let you choose how we boink-”
(you end up riding him which we all know is the decision yoongi is more than happy with.)
help me help you make your wishes come tru (aka send me a request)
requested drabbles masterlist
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damn-scarhead · 3 years
DGM Tag game
Hell yeah a new DGM tag game! Thank you for the tag@nooooooooooooo00000000 I love you too ♥
1/ You’re stuck in an elevator with your favorite character for 24 hours. Who is it and how do you think it’ll go?
It is with no surprise at all that my favorite character is Kanda lmao I think I would either be murdered after 5 mins or we'd just ignore each other and get out of there just fine.
2/ What’s a rarepair that you think should get more attention?
One of my rarepair is really fucked up so we'll ignore it. Let's go with Kanda/Link and Allen/Tokusa. I need more of them.
3/ Do you have a favorite personal headcanon?
The Earl is the Heart and I will die on that hill.
Also something something Allen's eyes are silver and the Noah's eyes are golden. This is clearly not a fully developped headcanon so I'm just throwing this out there in hope that someone else will get a headcanon out of this.
4/ Do you think Allen would like your favorite food?
Please this boy would love anything and I'm super basic when it comes to food. By the way, my favorite food is salmon lasagna.
5/ What name and personality would you want your golem to have?
Kanda's golem best golem so I'd just kidnap it and call it CryBaby and would love it forever. (For real, just give me a classic golem. I'm not picky)
6/ Which Noah do you think is the most underrated?
Wisely best Noah. I need more of him. I also would like to see more of LuluBell. There's only two girls in the Noah Clan and we don't see LuluBell enough.
7/ Would you rather be a Second or Third exorcist?
Second because I'd get a cool ass tattoo and I also would finally get to heal properly for once in my life
8/ Who’s the character that shares the closest or same birthday with you?
I had to look up on the dgm wiki because I have no idea how it's written in English lmao but Cache Dop (in French it's Cash Dop) got her birthday one day after me.
9/ If your favorite character hasn’t died yet, do you think they have a chance at surviving at the end of the story?
Oh no he's very much going to die at some point in the story.
10/ Which of Hoshino’s style is your favorite?
Her current art-style is absolutely gorgeous. But I'll forever love the art-style during the whole arc in Paris with Timothy and that Level 4 and all.
Oh dear this time there's no limit as to how many people I can tag eheh I am going to tag everyone. I also did not check to see who got tagged already so I apologize if you got tagged already.
@shiroganeryo @yuu-got-that-wagon @kagapop @yeetydeletey @kandaxxx @druglordnero @kanda-yuu-kun @canon-did-us-dirty @gayfortokusa @simply-m-a-d @love-book-retro @xbloolii @kaijuhell @timoutai @normalizeclowns and I'll stop there or else I'm really going to tag all of tumblr lmao
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waveypedia · 3 years
New Days
Rymin Week Day 4: Off the Train
1 2 5 6 7
Contrary to popular belief (his parents), Min-Gi is not a morning person.
He’d trained himself into getting up and going to bed early, first at his parents’ insistence, then as a necessary skill for all the classes he was taking in high school (Gotta make that college application shine!). Yet given the choice, he would happily stay up all night and wake up extremely late.
On the train, all of Min’s obligations and restrictions suddenly vanished. Although his schedule was primarily dictated by not dying, which led him to sleep and wake up at odd hours (and telling time on the train is a complicated task anyways), he started sleeping in later and later. Now that he’s off the train, and most of his days consist of driving, songwriting, and practicing, he’s free to wake up as late as he wishes.
It’s why he finds himself slowly slipping into the world of wakefulness one unassuming Thursday morning. The van is already moving, as per usual - Ryan doesn’t mind the quiet mornings as Min sleeps away. Golden rays of sunlight peak through the van’s windows.
In the driver’s seat, Ryan is spotlighted in one. The sun’s brilliant hues turn his brown hair into shades of tree bark and make his soft skin glow. He’s beautiful.
Ryan is a morning person, in contrast to Min, but he would very much like to be a night person. They’ve spent ages lamenting the fateful injustice. Unlike Min, who used to force himself to go to bed early even if it meant lying awake in the dark for hours, Ryan chooses to just run on little sleep. He’d go out and party and/or perform all night, crash for a few hours, and wake up at his usual time.
He’s been getting better, though. Just like Min, they’ve both been making bounds of progress now that they’re off the train and free from restrictions. Every time Ryan goes to bed at a decent hour, it eases the worry in Min’s heart.
They’re both doing so much better now. Min never thought he’d be grateful for getting spontaneously kidnapped by a magical death train, but he and Ryan are so much happier now than they’d ever thought they’d be.
Ryan glances over, smiling fondly. “Good morning, sleeping beauty.”
It’s a running joke between them, one that started way back on the train with Kez, but Min’s heart never fails to make a little jump whenever Ryan calls him beauty.
“Morning,” Min replies, stretching. He digs around in a bag at his feet. “Did you move the songbook?”
“Yeah, I was working on it earlier,” Ryan says. He jerks a thumb behind him without taking his eyes off the road. “I left some new lyrics and chords for you to look over.”
Min smiles. “Thanks.” Following Ryan’s directions, he grabs the songbook, a blue pencil, and his coveted mini-synth. Items in hand, he carefully slips into the passenger’s seat and buckles up.
Ryan shoots him a quick grin and turns his music off so Min can write.
For the next few hours, they stay as they are - Ryan keeps them on track to their next gig, while Min tackles the lines Ryan wrote earlier. It was a bit of a learning curve, figuring out how to write songs together, when they first started out. Ryan only knew chords and tablature, while Min only knew notated music from his viola days. Now, though, a couple months into their journey, they’ve worked out a good system. Whoever comes up with lyrics or a melody first (usually lyrics, and usually Ryan) will pen it along with any chords or notes they can think of. The other will look it over, edit it, and add the missing element. It usually makes for a solid first draft.
Min twirls the pencil in his hand. Blue. His favorite color. Ryan usually writes in a red pencil, from a set of colored pencils he stole from his younger brother before leaving. It makes contributions easy to distinguish when writing and editing.
Every so often, while Min looks over Ryan’s ideas, he’ll pull out his mini-synth and tap out a melody. Both of them find it easier to create melodies with an instrument in hand. Min may not play his mini-synth on stage like Ryan plays his guitar, but it still makes him happy to play it regularly. Not as a toy, not as something he has to hide from his boss and his parents, but as a genuine instrument.
As he writes and plays, Ryan listens. He keeps his attention on the road and map, but chimes in every so often with little affirmations and suggestions.
“Is that a D?” Ryan muses. “Under a G?”
Min thumbs the corner of the page. “Yeah, I think it sounds cool. Thoughts?”
Ryan graces him with a patented Ryan Akagi grin, all teeth. “I like it! I’ll look it over when you drive.” Ryan squeezes his fists on the steering wheel. “I’m really glad we’re working together, Min. This is way better than anything I’ve written solo.”
Min ducks his head, cheeks flushing. “Oh- Uh- I like writing with you too,” he replies. “
In the afternoon, they pull over and Min takes the wheel. Sometimes at this time they stop for food - they’ve made it their mission to catalogue all the small restaurants across Canada and America on the way to New York for future reference. But today Ryan got a late start on driving because he was songwriting (“Inspiration strikes when it strikes, Min! Who am I to deny my muses?” Never mind that Ryan is uncharacteristically close-lipped about what/who said muses even are), so they eat separately in the car. They step out to stretch for a minute, and Min hands over the songbook and food. Then they’re off again.
Ryan makes a few more edits with his red pencil, but they always collaborate on the second pass. At both of their insistence, they have to wait until one of them isn’t driving to truly discuss it. Min thought he might have to put his foot down on this, but Ryan was insistent - he’s an experienced driver and knows far to well just how dangerous and difficult driving is.
The afternoon passes without much fanfare. Min keeps his eyes on the road while Ryan edits and eventually breaks out his guitar. The highway is long, flat, and unassuming. Few other cars pass them.
It’s for that exact reason Ryan gets an idea that is both brilliant and stupid.
“Min. Min. Minminminminminmi-”
“What.” A feeling of dread washes over Min before the words are even out of Ryan’s mouth.
Ryan grins toothily at him. “I’m gonna stick my head out the window.”
Min chokes on air., surprised. “Wh- Ryan. Why would you want to do that? Didn’t you have enough thrills on the death train?”
“Eh,” Ryan says, shrugging. “I’ve always wanted to do it, but i couldn’t exactly do it while driving when I was touring alone. Besides, my parents would never let me.”
“For good reason,” Min grumbles, but in his gut he knows Ryan’s already won.
Ryan frowns at him. “Look, I’m not stupid. I’ll be careful. I won’t lean so far out of the car that I’ll fall. I’ll come back in if there are more cars or it looks like I might hit something.”
“Or if we start turning,” Min warns.
Ryan’s replying smile is blinding. “Does that mean it’s a yes from you?”
Min rolls his eyes. “Just try not to die. If I show up to the venue with only half the band, the manager won’t be happy with me.”
“Yes!” Ryan punches his fist in the air and dances triumphantly - or, he dances as much as one can while sitting in the seat of a moving van.
Ryan rolls down the window and sticks his head out. He’s crouching on the seat, half-standing, in order to fully fit through the window. His upper body is out of the car. His arms wave and flail, making his jacket sleeves flutter even more violently in the wind.
Min starts to shout a warning, to yell about safety precautions, to give into the panic in his heart and yell get down, but the words die in his throat the minute he lays eyes on Ryan’s face.
Ryan is joyful. Euphoric. Happy. He has always been a smiley person, but times where he is truly, unadulteredly happy are rarer than you’d think. Here, riding half-outside of the van while they drive to their fame and dreams, he seems truly free.
Min smiles. God, he loves that man.
Ryan glances back, the light reflecting off his glasses, and flashes Min an adrenaline-fueled grin and a shaky thumbs up. His ankles wobble a bit. Before Min realizes what he’s doing, he reaches out and grabs Ryan for support.
Ryan’s mouth drops open in a small ‘o’. Min moves to take his hand back, but before he can, Ryan twists and reaches back inside the car to grab Min’s wrist, stopping him in his tracks.
Min freezes.
Ryan is smiling, more bashful and careful now than before. He’s still happy, but… nervous? Anxious? 
Min’s heart flutters. He manages to smile back.
“I got you,” he says, although it comes out as a whisper.
“O-oh,” Ryan whispers. His eyes are wide and soft. “I… thank you, Min.”
Min ducks his head awkwardly. “You’re welcome.”
The rest of the drive is quiet. It’s not awkward, but it’s not as comfortable and natural as it usually would be.
Something has changed.
Min grips the wheel tighter and stares down the road, for a lack of real target. If looks could kill, the road would be up in flames. 
It’s… confusing. He’s not sure why a change in their dynamic is so upsetting and off-putting. He and Ryan have gone through so many changes over the years, and they’ve always been able to come back to themselves in the end.
Besides, it’s not like they had an argument. Or even a misunderstanding. All they did was hold onto each other to keep balance. Why does this feel so monumental?
Min chances a glance away from the road to look at Ryan. He’s curled up in the passenger seat (because Ryan seems incapable of sitting normally when he’s not driving) with his guitar. The songbook, flipped open to their latest draft, is balanced precariously on Ryan’s knee. He’s bent over to read it accurately, which must be difficult, especially in the dim light. But he seems to be managing. He’s humming softly to himself, almost too quiet for Min to catch it. As he’s focused on the road (no matter how much he wants to listen to Ryan’s ethereal yet natural and homey singing) the melody floats in and out of focus. Ryan is also plucking at his guitar, playing mostly individual notes instead of chords. It’s calming and comforting, not to mention beautiful. If Min weren’t driving, he might just fall right asleep. Even though he’s the one playing, Ryan seems drowsy as well, judging by the way he’s leaning against the back of the seat.
As they draw closer to their destination, Ryan seems to consciously shake himself into wakefulness. He sits up and puts the songbook away to focus fully on his guitar. As Min pulls off the highway and navigates the city streets, Ryan tunes his guitar and warms up. 
They run through a couple vocal exercises together, practicing harmonies and lyrics as well as warm-ups. Min is a bit shaky since he’s focused on the road, but he and Ryan know their songs by heart, and the warm-up does the job. He’s still a bit jittery as he pulls into the venue parking lot, but that’s normal. He hasn’t quite shaken his stage fright yet, but as long as he has Ryan at his side, he’s able to perform. More than that, he has fun performing.
Besides, Ryan confided in him a while back, before their first real show. “You’re not the only one with stage fright, Min,” he’d confessed. “Yeah, I love it, and the adrenaline basically cancels out the fear, but it’s still there. You just have to go for it.”
Min had felt comforted enough to perform with that, with the admission that even the seemingly-fearless Ryan Akagi, who’d always seemed more at home on a stage than at his actual home got stage fright. But then Ryan had hesitated, glanced down, and taken Min’s hand. Min’s heart had nearly stuttered to a stop in his chest. He almost missed what Ryan said next.
“Besides, it doesn’t matter if you get stage fright or not,” Ryan had said cheerfully, too cheerfully, although Min barely noticed. “All that really matters is if you enjoy what you’re doing. It’s more admirable to conquer your fear in order to chase your dreams than to not have fear.”
Min had smiled back, shaky but euphoric. Adrenaline coursed through his veins, not unlike how he felt onstage. “That’s very profound.”
Ryan had laughed and squeezed his hand. “Eh, I have a lot of experience. Listen to me, I’m the master!”
The mood subtly shifted with the joke, and suddenly they were laughing and Ryan let go of his hand and they were pushing the synthesizer on stage and it was all a blur from there until the curtain went down and Ryan was squealing and hugging him and picking him up and screaming We did it! You did it!
What a first show.
Min shakes himself back to reality and pulls into the venue parking lot. Ryan jumps out of the van before Min is fully parked, despite Min’s loud protests. He rolls his eyes and lets Ryan run ahead anyway.
While Ryan gets checked in with the manager, Min parks and unloads Barold and the rest of their equipment (which is pretty much just Barold now, since Ryan took his guitar with him in his haste). He heads inside, he and Ryan set up, and then they’re standing onstage behind a lowered curtain, waiting in darkness and silence for their cue.
Suddenly, Ryan turns around and flashes Min a thumbs-up and a bright smile. It’s more jerky and jittery than usual, probably because of the nerves and adrenaline. He seems a little more on edge today, though. 
“We’re gonna do great!” Ryan promises, grinning.
Min smiles back. “We’re gonna do rad,” he replies. The tension between them dissipates, and the curtain goes up. Ryan turns toward the crowd, beaming his particular I’m-on-stage-but-I’m-really-enjoying-myself smile, and greets them. The crowd goes wild.
Energy floods Min’s body, and he grins back at the crowd. Ryan counts them off, and they burst into their opening number with the power and passion it requires. The crowd screams, but Min can barely hear them over the music and Ryan’s voice.
He’s living. Far more than he ever was before.
They both are.
After the show is a blur of chatting with audience members, grabbing something to eat, and scheduling another show. By the time they head to the hotel, Min’s exhausted. But he dutifully puts all the equipment in their hotel room and locks up the van before he collapses into bed.
Ryan is already in their room when Min comes in. He’s sitting on the bed, facing away from the door, with his hands on his lap. Most striking is the absence of his guitar. Ryan may have been playing all day, but it’s rare for him to be without his instrument and yet so still like this.
Ryan, to his core, is always moving. Even when he’s not physically moving, he’s always singing, humming, thinking. Yet now, he sits in absolute stillness.
“Ryan?” Min whispers. His voice is quieter than he intended, but Ryan jumps at it all the same.
When he turns, he’s smiling disarmingly, but it’s too wide and shaky to be natural. Ryan may have convinced someone else with that expression, but Min knows him too well to be fooled.
Min strides into the room with three short steps, locking the door behind him. He stops in front of Ryan, so close their knees are almost brushing. Ryan blushes. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, I- Nothing.” Ryan won’t meet his gaze.
Min scowls. “Come on, Ryan. Aren’t we past this? Didn’t the train teach us not to do all this not-talking crap?”
Ryan flinches. “I- Sorry. I didn’t mean to. I’m just… thinking.”
“About what?” Min finally moves, stepping around Ryan to sit on the bed beside him. He takes care to keep his voice soft and gentle. He doesn’t want to scare Ryan again. Whatever’s going on seems to have him skittish all of a sudden.
Ryan bites his lip. “Min, I… you know I care about you, right?”
Min blinks, surprised. “Of course I do.” Hesitantly, he reaches out to take Ryan’s hand, running his thumb over Ryan’s knuckles. “I care about you too.”
Ryan blushes. His cheeks are nearly scarlet right now. Min’s a bit too tired to unpack that all on his own right now, but he knows it means something. It spurs him on, gives him a burst of courage and energy in the adrenaline crash phase after a show. “I’m glad we’re-” He’s about to say friends, but the word dies on his lips. Suddenly, it feels all wrong, but he can’t put his finger on why.
Slowly, Ryan turns to face him. His eyes are wide and anxious, his lips slightly parted, but there’s a set determination in him that shows in his face. He reaches out to take Min’s other hand, and… leans in closer.
Min finds himself leaning in simultaneously. Soon they’re close enough Min can feel Ryan’s breath on his lips. It’s hot in more ways than one.
Oh. Oh.
So that’s why today, Ryan’s hand on his wrist, the trusting and yet shocked expression of his, felt so weird and so right at the same time.
Their eyes meet. A silent exchange passes between them.
Do you want to do this?
Yes. Do you?
If asked after, Min couldn’t say if he initiated it or if Ryan did.
All he knows is the gap between them is now nonexistent, and Ryan’s lips are on his, and suddenly it’s everything he’s ever wanted.
The kiss is slow. Hesitant. Exploring new territory, figuring out boundaries. But it’s not awkward.
No, they are Ryan and Min, Min and Ryan, Chicken Choice Judy, and they have come much too far to be awkward. They’ve been building towards this moment since they first met, even if they didn’t know it.
It feels like a found puzzle piece of himself Min didn’t even realize he was missing. Now, he is complete. Now, they are complete.
Now, they are both truly living their lives to the fullest.
this fic is just: *headcanon* *headcanon* *headcanon* *hea-
oh man i almost didn't finish this one in time. it's still the 12th here, though (by a couple hours!), so i'm good! it's hard to write a full one-shot every day, but i've already come farther than i thought i would! i told myself i would finish this today, and i did! i also told myself i would finish the week and my remaining prompts, and i will. :)
title is from new days by dreamcatcher. that's the second time i've used it as a title but the last one was for a zine fic so i can get away with using it here, lol. i really love that song, so that's why. the lyrics translation are absolutely nothing like this, but for some reason it gives off road trip vibes (at least to me), so it works really well for this particular piece!
okay confession time: i think this is the first kiss scene i've ever written lol. i was writing it and i was like "hey wait a minute i have no clue what i'm doing have i done this before??? i don't think so???" it didn't help that i didn't intend to write a kiss scene, but i got to the place where i'd intended to end it and it felt like the natural progression. i'm gonna go research good kiss writing after this. i would've done it while i was writing, but i didn't want to post this any later than i had to
i have a bunch of infinity train snippets and wips i wrote right after book 4 aired and my interest in the show peaked, and i really thought i had something that would fit well for off the train but i guess i didn't?? maybe i just daydreamed it and never actually penned it skfhksl. so i was kind of flying by the seat of my pants for this one. i think it's my favorite of rymin week so far though! it was also the most fun to write. i really love introspective pieces. ryan and min off the train, after their relationship is repaired, when they're in a much better place and truly happy with each other, is also my favorite time in their lives to explore. they're so much happier and healthier, and they can truly start to explore themselves and realize their dreams.
if you have a piano or something on hand you should play the d and g notes together. they sound heavenly. in choir two years ago we had that chord and i have never forgotten it because i love it so much.
if you ever wanna talk infinity train, writing, these amazing characters, or really anything hmu here on my tumblr or twitter! thank you for reading, and please leave a reblog/like/comment if you enjoyed it!
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I posted 227 times in 2021
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#jaron eckbert - 37 posts
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#literally checking every 5 mins even though i know it will only come out when it’s the 19th elsewhere :(
My Top Posts in 2021
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To say that I almost died of laughter for some reason while making this would be an understatement.
30 notes • Posted 2021-02-14 07:16:51 GMT
Ascendance Month - Day 14
Theme: Cooking/baking
I really enjoyed writing this one.
Hope you guys like it 🥰
🌹 Cooking up a plan 🌹
“Tobias. Please,” I scoffed. “I’m one pinch of sugar away from becoming a gourmet chef.”
He crossed his arms. “No. What you are is one pinch away from food poisoning.”
Imogen was reading a book in the corner of the library with Amarinda, but now she just listened with an amused smile. I hoped it wasn’t at my expense.
I rolled my eyes, “You can’t get food poisoning from a bunch of flour, milk and sugar.”
“You could actually.” Clearly, Imogen was done with just listening.
I shot her a playful glare. Her smile only widened, creasing in the corners of her eyes.
“Well, not when I cook it.”
Obviously, I couldn’t cook to save my life. Or anyone’s life for that matter. It was not so much my lack of understanding of cooking, but rather, my cursed practice of it. If I were held hostage and forced to cook as ransom, I’d certainly die. And not because the food would be foul enough to inspire an immediate execution of myself, but because I would likely set myself on fire trying to bake something even half-decent in an oven.
Tobias didn’t have to know that though. I was having far too much fun.
Then there were the months I had spent glued to Imogen’s side. Not only had she shown me a few baking tricks, but I’d learned to read her expressions and she had learned to read mine. And right now, it was clear that she was both aware of my silent scheming and willing to fulfil her key part in the joke that was already in motion.
“Jaron,” Tobias spoke evenly. As if that would somehow knock sense into me. “You can eat… plenty. But you can’t cook. Kings don’t cook. The only time you ever enter the kitchen is when you feel like verbally abusing your chefs.”
There was my opening. One he unknowingly created. “I’d cook better than you.”
Roden entered with a laugh, “Well this I’ve got to see.”
I raised my eyebrows in a challenge. Their doubt in me was the very reason that my victory would taste so sweet.
Tobias threw his hands up. “Ok. Fine. But Imogen can’t make it for you or talk about cooking to you.”
“What, why?” The faked, defeated frown seemed to convince them that Imogen was my secret to success. Well, technically she was. Just not in the way they’d thought.
“You really think I’d give you that advantage?”
Mustering the pettiest expression known to man, I mumbled, “Well I am King, so...”
“And as the self-nominated judge of this stupid competition, I say that neither of you can talk to Imogen or the chefs about cooking,” Roden’s gaze moved to Tobias, “Or read any cooking books.”
My opponent cursed under his breath but agreed to the terms. As did I, with feigned reluctance. And just like that, Imogen had no way of helping me. Or so they thought.
“Not as easy as you thought, eh Jaron?”
“Shut up, Tobias, I can see you struggling too.”
There was a short-lived pause. “Is that sweat?”
“Shut up, Roden,” Tobias snapped. “Kneading this isn’t as easy as it looks.”
I sneered, “Maybe with your thin arms, it isn’t.”
“My apologies, Highness. Not everyone swings swords around for a living.”
I grinned at him and he laughed.
We had agreed to make sweet bread. Which I knew nothing about. The kitchen staff were finished for the day and so the space was empty. Roden hovered around the large table where we were working, both on our separate ends. Even if my plan failed, at least I was having fun. But the plan wasn’t going to fail. Because my victory was just outside the door. I could hear her footsteps approaching and tried to look somewhat confident in my own abilities to impress her a bit. Imogen had taught me a few things before but they weren’t going to give me the power and knowledge to make the delicious treat she sometimes made for me.
Tobias chucked, slightly manically, as she entered, “Ah no. No, no, no. You can’t make it for him.”
“I wasn’t going to, I just wanted to say goodbye.” She walked to me sweetly as Amarinda went to Tobias.
“Where are you going, my love?” I tipped over and pressed my lips against hers. Sighing at the sensation, and allowing her to straighten up my vest with her hand. She pulled away too quickly for my liking. But I’d get more kisses out of her later in the privacy of our chambers. I smiled at the thought.
“We are just going to go into the town, ok?”
I nodded, “Just be careful.”
“And probably don’t eat anything that could make you nauseous given that Jaron’s concoction will probably kill us all.” Tobias remarked.
Imogen turned back to me, “You’ll make me proud. Isnt that right?”
“I’ll try to.”
“What are we competing for, by the way?” Tobias interrupted.
“Don’t you mean…‘what are the steaks?’.” I snorted and Tobias groaned. Imogen’s routine eye-roll wasn’t missed either. But I added that the winnings should be decided upon later, and surprisingly, Tobias agreed. He really shouldn’t have.
Imogen and Amarinda bid both Tobias and I good luck and headed off. Promising to be back in time for the tasting.
And the bake-off proceeded as before. Tobias and I were cursing our way through the kitchen. But when the time was right and Tobias and Roden were deep in conversation, I reached into the hidden compartment of my vest to read the recipe that Imogen had planted while she was adjusting it.
Jaron Artolius Eckbert,
I hope you are ashamed of yourself and the unethical position your scheming has put me in. I’m writing this with full expectations that you’ll make up for my guilty conscience in whichever way I see fit.
I glanced up to make sure Tobias and Roden were still distracted. My cheeks were hot and I bit my lip to hide a smirk that threatened to appear on my face and stay there.
If, despite this e x t e n s i v e recipe, you still manage make something disgusting, there will be ramifications. And yes, you should be worried.
At my loud snort, Tobias and Roden fell silent. I quickly hid the note in my sleeve as they turned their attention to me. In their defence, I did sound a bit unhinged. Soon though, they lost interest and I used the opportunity to study Imogen’s recipe closely. Committing every measurement, every instruction and every detail to my memory. At the end of the note, Imogen wrote one more thing.
That’s all, I think. Amarinda hopes we can pull this off. Please don’t do anything stupid. The larger knives are for cutting meat NOT bread. Please don’t injure yourself. And good luck. I love you very, very much.
Then, with a cheshire grin, I got back to work. And I knew that this was going to be great.
“You did not cook that.”
The disbelief was more potent than my laughter. “You were there. You saw my every move.”
“Jaron this tastes amazing. How did you even think of this recipe?” Imogen’s conspiring smirk matched my own.
I pulled her closer and leaned in. “I was thinking of you and voila! It just came to me.”
She giggled and took another bite.
Tobias stood completely shell-shocked. His mouth wide open and suspicion rolling off him in waves. My sweet bread turned out better than I had hoped and expected. Even Imogen, who provided the recipe, was surprised when she saw it. Tobias’ bread however, was not so great. I’ll give him credit for baking it through properly, according to Imogen. But it fell apart, tasted bland and half of it was charred. Needless to say, when I pulled this masterpiece out of the oven, Tobias almost dropped his entirely.
“So,” I interrupted Tobias’ spiralling before he could work out my deception, “I wish to claim my prize.”
His grumbled response was riddled with defeat. “Well it’s only fair.” I almost took pity on him. Almost.
“Lovely. Imogen and I want to have a few days to ourselves. Maybe on the shore of the Eranbole, maybe in the forest. And I need someone to temporarily stand in for me.”
“We’ve been through this. I’ve gotten a taste of what it’s like to be you once before. And it’s the last thing I will ever do again.”
I raised an eyebrow. He did technically lose after all.
Tobias groaned, “Fine. Ok. You won.”
“Good,” beaming widely, I clapped him on the back and whispered, “And don’t beat yourself up. After all, not everyone has mastered the art of exchanging notes in plain sight.”
It took him a few moments to comprehend what I meant. And when he finally did, he looked murderously at me and hissed, “I knew it.”
Imogen and I grinned at each other but couldn’t bask in our victory just yet.
“That means the deal is off. You cheated.”
“Well actually, the only rules were that Imogen couldn’t make it for either of us and that we couldn’t read books about baking. But notes with recipes written on them weren’t addressed by the judge so I still won.”
Roden gave a guilty look to Tobias and fled.
“Victory through deceit isn’t a fair win,” Tobias added.
But to no avail. “The goal was just to win, not to win fairly.”
He cursed, took the remainder of my bread and shoved it in his mouth, all while glaring at me. But it seemed that he yielded, however unorthodox my methods were.
He may have not liked the outcome of this, but unbeknownst to him, Imogen and I were actually asked by Amarinda to help prepare a surprise for him that would change his life. So really, the ends justified the means.
Besides, how could I have refused a small break from the castle that would, if anything, be more time I got to spend alone with the love of my life.
The end.
33 notes • Posted 2021-10-15 08:44:18 GMT
Ascendance Month - Day 15 🌹 Jaron and Imogen
Digital Art made with Autodesk Sketchbook 
"I loved her, and needed her like I needed the beat of my heart”
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Really happy with how this turned out! 
36 notes • Posted 2021-10-16 13:57:46 GMT
Tobias: We’re surrounded!
Jaron: Don’t worry. I have a few weapons up my sleeve.
Tobias: …I think you meant ‘tricks up your sleeve’.
Jaron (pulling out knife): No, I did not.
40 notes • Posted 2021-09-17 14:17:01 GMT
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King Jaron Artolius Eckbert III
Many, many meticulous hours of effort have paid off! 
I had never done digital art before this and so I’m very proud. This is how I have always envisioned him.
Digital art created using Autodesk Sketchbook.
63 notes • Posted 2021-07-11 16:20:44 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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Pacing Issues in SHL/WoH
Rather I should name this issues that would be fixed with the correct pacing (ie a few extra scenes), but whatever. To preface ik the show had time and budget constraints, and ofc censorship, and love the show a lot. But these were a few areas where I thought a 4-5 min scene could also mostly fix things.
1. Wen Kexing's Fake Death:
That Wkx has to fake his death is obvious. Zhao Jing is hell bent on killing Wkx and the Ghost Valley, the most Wkx can do is set it up on his own terms to fake his death, which is why he returns to the Ghost Valley. There is also the fact that Wkx's death as the Ghost Valley Leader metaphorically marks the end of his kill-everyone revenge. Now when he comes back to take revenge, he does it in a righteous manner as the son of Zhen Ruyu avenging his parents death.
I would be remiss as a Sherlock fan if I did not compare this to Sherlock's Reichenabch Fake Death-- as he does not tell John, so does Wkx not tell Zzs.
That Wkx does not tell Zzs initially is understandable:
Zzs as we know is pretty injured. He has just come back from facing a lot of torture from the Prince, and already he had his Nail Problem ™. As we're told, Zzs needs to rest, and get into better health so that the nails can be removed.
Wkx's plan is at best risky-- how to be assured that only Chengling kills him? And not any of the hundreds present there? What if things go wrong, as they can at any moment? Zzs would at the least want to help Wkx, play a part-- which is dangerous for him as he's still injured.
So ofc in Wkx's mind it's best if he's not told until the plan is completed. Wkx makes sure to only tell those who are necessary to the plan, just like Sherlock does, telling only Molly, Mycroft and the Homeless network.
At this point we also know Gu Xiang did not know of the plan. As was pointed in another person's meta-- Wkx is a lone wolf, accustomed to relying only on himself and the bare minimum ppl required.
Moreover, there's the fact that Zzs was not supposed to be there during Wkx's death, just like John was not supposed to be there at Sherlock's death. In both cases John and Zzs suddenly pop-up and you can see that Wkx is anxious as he tries to keep Zzs away from him ("I lied to you Zhou Zi Shu" just like Sherlock says "I am a con man, it was all a trick").
When Zzs comes to take revenge, everyone other than him seems to know Wkx is alive. Why? The answer is that, as we see, Zzs probably ran away and was in hiding until he came to seek revenge at the Conference. Had he returned to the others, like Gu Xiang he would also be made to know of the truth.
This is the recurring theme of the show: the prey thinks all along that he's the Predator- similarly because of this unfortunate circumstance of Zzs being absent and then removing the nails, Wkx who thought he'd outsmarted everyone, really gets one upped by Fate.
Now, the last part that really ties this in is not explicitly stated at all, hence causing a lot of confusion and feelings about Wkx being OOC.
If only they had one 3-min conversation where WKX is like-- "where were you all this time, I was looking for you to tell you that I'm alive" and Zzs says something about preparing to take revenge, obvs not wanting to tell Wkx what really happened yet.
2. Side Character Deaths:
Episode 35-36 have a lot of deaths.
For Gu Xiang and Cao Weining, though the initial premise of their deaths is wonky (ie that no one was around to check on these new Intruders) the theme is apparent (that good people cannot survive in jianghu bc neither GX nor CWN once think of being cautious of the Gentle Wind Sect Leader). But still as viewers we can be asked to suspend our logic sometimes. Thier actual deaths are done beautifully.
But the others, that is, Tragicomic Ghost, Alluring Ghost, etc- Thier deaths are too quick and aren't given enough time. As for Xie'er and Zhao Jing, their deaths occur entirely offscreen.
For Zhao Jing we can say fuck the villain and let it go, but the rest of the characters the show spent a lot of time making us feel sympathetic towards-- giving no time to Thier deaths doesn't make us feel cathartic or fully give time to process them. A bit longer for each of them would have been wonderful, esp for Xie'er.
3. Wen Kexing's Sacrifice:
I have seen some criticism where it's said that Wkx sacrificing himself took away Zzs's autonomy over his death, which he has always wanted and has been a major character point. And they're right.
See, Wkx's immediate reaction on waking is understandable: given the choice to sacrifice yourself so that a loved ones lives, who wouldn't take it?
Also Wkx has cost Zzs his life, if he'd not done what he did, Zzs could have taken the treatment, gotten the nails out, and lived. Now, he will die. Wkx owes Zzs a life now.
Moreover, as Wkx would most definitely think: who does wkx have to live for if Zzs is gone? Other than Chengling, everyone else he loved would be dead-- the ppl he knew from Ghost Valley, Gu Xiang-- when Gu Xiang died he was ready to die at that point too.
But Zzs? He has so many to live for-- Chengling, all his disciples, Qi Ye, etc. As we know, Wkx thinks very highly of Zzs. He does not however consider, that the person Zzs wants to live most for is Wkx himself-- when Zzs tells him this in that World Armoury Cave, you can see the immediate regret on his face-- but what can Wkx do?
The thing is, at the end of the day Wkx thinks he owes Zzs this life, and that Zzs is more deserving and has more to live for.
Again all of this you'd really need to think about, and since it is one of the final, really important scenes, it's... Best if they'd shown all of this reasoning themselves.
What the show really needed here, was a scene where WKX finds out it is due to his own mistake that Zzs is going to die-- he would go berserk, and then probably also go through what I've described above. That scene would really help a ton.
4. The last scene of 36/ ep 37:
This one is the least to blame because I cannot Imagine the hoops the team had to go through to give us what they did.
The last frame of 36 is interesting, because it's very abrupt. I suppose they did it in the hopes of making audiences feel that it was incomplete and to go and look for another episode and stumble upon the Easter Egg?
That being said, it really is confusing what exactly is happening in the last scene or how Wkx survived-- there are many theories about how both parties need to be completely devoted to each other etc etc. And also the lip reading which makes things clearer. Story-wise it really is an issue, but taking in the outside elements I really do not blame the Show Team for what they did.
Also a side note to everyone despairing that WenZhou won't be able to travel the world like they wanted to-- they had previously said they'd love a reclusive lifestyle, so they are happy here, and they can also leave anytime!
So I assume in a few decades, maybe once Chengling dies, they can descend the mountain, travel the world for a good 10 yrs minimum (or if their aging is just unfreezed then they have like 30-40 years) to travel the world, go back to Wkx's peasant home and pay respect to his parents, and also meet GX and CWN's reincarnations!
So yeah in conclusion ™, a few added scenes really would have helped, and yes this is a critique ™ but i also understand the hurdles they'd have faced in terms of time and money budgets and censorship. This show does not exist in a void but is influenced by real outside phenomenons!
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