#make it a fun game for art history nerds (me)
icarianarts · 6 months
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How bitches with white hair sit together. Idk
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Hi. I exist.
Ello. I'm a Pinterest convert who happened to join at the same time as the great Reddit migration, so that's fun. Anyways, figured I'd make a post to give people some info about me.
I'm in a large number of fandoms, including (DEEP INHALE), SCP Foundation, Wanderer's Library, The Owl House, Gravity Falls, Amphibia, Generation Loss, Murder Drones, Marvel, Star Wars (Somewhat), FNAF, DnD, Wings of Fire, Percy Jackson universe, Grishaverse, The Dragon Prince, Nimona, The Hunger Games, and probably some other I forgot to mention.
I'm also a bit of a nerd and hyperfixiate on both fictional and nonfictional things, I know wayyyyy too much about things like Chernobyl and Plague Doctors. I also sometimes write as a hobby and am learning how to art, still kinda figuring it out though. Due to the writing thing, I know a lot of incredibly random facts that I shouldn't, as well as just random science stuff.
I like helping people, so don't be afraid to reach out with questions or concerns if you need help with something. If you want info on things, I'm more than happy to help. Here's some things I know a lot about:
The Black Death, Plague Doctors, Chernobyl, oddly specific horrific events in history, the fandoms I've listed above, the lowcountry region of USA (Southeastern coast, I live in South Carolina about 15 minutes from the beach) and the ecosystem of said area (Marshes, swamps, beaches, and our temperate forests), mythology (Greek, Roman, Egyptian, and some Norse), SCIENCE, and other things I'm probably forgetting.
Seriously gimme asks I wanna be a living encyclopedia.
For writing, I mainly like to do fantasy, some sci-fi, and a bit of horror. I'm far from consistent with when I write, you know how it is with motivation.
This IS a safe space blog for LGBTQIA+ people. I don't care if you're straight, gay, lesbian, bi, pan, omni, somewhere else on the spectrum, like asexuals, aromantics, and aroaces, or maybe you're enby, or maybe you're trans or genderfluid, or something else I forgot to mention. I do not care. You are all welcome here, my only DNIs are if you're going to be rude. One of my mottos is "I'll respect your opinion as long as your opinion doesn't disrespect anyone else's existence or rights."
I sorta use a persona for some areas of Tumblr, such as Wizardblr, so here's a reference for that:
Name: Dr. Corvius (Will respond to Doc, Doctor, and Crow), Official Title is "Corvius The Plagued."
Appearance: Dr. Corvius appears human at first glance when wearing full attire, but this is not the case. They are actually an avian, with feathers covering most of their body and rough, scaled skin similar to that of bird feet covering their hands, forearms, lower legs, and their feet. Their fingers have short claws on the ends, and their feet are structured like that of a crow. They don't wear shoes, as their feet are not well shaped to even wear them, and they frequently perch on branches and the like, which is far easier with their talons exposed. They do have wings, and usually will tuck these in under their mantle, giving the appearance of a feathered cape. They wear the outfit of a plague doctor, with a long black robe, mask, and other accessories, including a pouch of supplies. They also carry around a plague doctor stick, which doubles as an arcane focus. Under their plague doctor mask, they have an actual beak. (Essentially just take a Kenku from DnD and give it wings, and a plague doctor outfit.)
Abilities: They are a magic practitioner, specializing in necromancy, alchemy, chaos magic, and experimentation. She is also good with medicine, and despite not being licensed in any way, is incredibly good at healing people. Birds, specifically corvids, seem to follow them around, and will obey their commands. Their "flock" consists mostly of crows and ravens, but has a few magpies and rooks as well. This Flock is actually tied to her, so protection spells and immunities that she has extend to them. They can make noises like that of corvids, allowing for communication with their flock, and can also mimic sounds.
Behavior: They are generally a wise and intelligent person, taking the logical approach to things. They are kind, and are always willing to lend a helping hand.
Background: [ERROR: DATA LOST]
(The persona reference is a WIP im writing this late at night and I gotta go to sleep, I'll finish it later.)
(Contact me if you want an autopsy or reanimation done)
Ok byeeeeeeeee
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Stealing these crows from this post
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0theghost0 · 3 months
Hi hi, everyone. I know it's been a long time. I was actually typing up a message to @prince-infidel because of an ask they sent me, but I realized I should probably just make it a post. So I guess this is an update. Okay, short version: The end of 2022 and the entirety of 2023 was horrible for me. A lot happened, and 97% of it was not good. Now to get into a bit more specifics. While all of this crazy stuff was going on, a friend of mine really needed help with their company. They were just going through a ton, and I jumped on to help them while they were trying to figure that stuff out. Turns out that I was a good fit. So I've completely changed careers currently. Also, with all of this crazy shit going on, I stopped drawing entirely. That's a first for me. No matter what was going on, I always had my drawing as an outlet. It was very new for it to be gone. I actually only recently started drawing again, and when I say recently, I mean last week. I haven't even finished anything and my progress comes in very small doses. Baby steps I guess. Now the stuff you're actually probably interested in. Even though I haven't been drawing, I have been making art. - I've been putting crazy amounts of effort into making costumes. It's really fun and I've level grinded a lot with sewing and fabrics. I made an entire Victorian costume on my own. It was cool. - I weirdly started working on dolls? I have no idea why I started doing that. I hate dolls. - I started making weird... sculptures? I don't know how to describe them. It's basically recycling and turning materials into monstrosities for my own entertainment and to scare random people. - And I've delved more into my hobby of SFX makeup.
I have been being creative, it's just a bunch of stuff that no one cares about. It makes me happy and that's all there is to it really. Which brings me to the long version, because I have no idea how to continue this without going into details. I can only assume all of this answers anyone questions who might be curious. Time to get a bit more specific.
I don't know how to start this, so I guess I'll just say that my interests have completely moved. I think everything above should make that clear, but when I'm referring to interests, I mostly mean the things that inspire me. This is actually typical for me. I love fiction and am a fan of many, many things. I get really involved in a fandom for a while, get bored, then move on to one that is piquing my interest more. Eventually I come back and the cycle starts over. I always keep up with all of my interests simultaneously, it's just that one usually dominates the others. The thing is, comic books have completely lost my interest currently.
There's a lot of factors. I'm not going to repeat stuff that you've probably heard a thousand times from other people about the current state of the comic industry, comic writing, the movies, the video games blah blah blah whine whine whine. I think one of the big things though is that this last year has really changed me. I'm just a really different person now. I'm not that happy-go-lucky nerd I was before. I think my major concern is that I honestly think it would be fucked up if I continued to post here.
People started following me here because of my art and my posts. It would be fucked up to switch that around on them and just show back up as this different person with different art, different interests etc. I've thought about making an update on here a bunch of different times, but I never did because of stuff like that. However, in a way, it's been really nice. It's been nice to just do whatever stupid art project comes into my head, and to do it just for the sake of making something. I think dropping drawing all together (not by choice, mind you) turned out to be good for me. I think I got in tune with a creative side of myself that I'd lost a long time ago. It's been pretty neat.
I've thought about just leaving this tumblr to history. I honestly think that I should. It can be a weird time capsule of this specific fandom in this specific time period. I've thought about just making different social media accounts so that people who want to see any of my new, awful creations could if they wanted to. I don't know though. I'm just all up in the air all the time now lol
I get this isn't an "all questions answered" kinda post. Not that most people needed them, but I know that there are people who just liked my art in general and I knew they must be curious. So I hope I at least answered some stuff and gave some clarity.
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pr0udn3rd · 8 months
Ok wholesome rant time.
I love board games. Not like, Monopoly or Scrabble, no no. Nerd board games. Board games with intricately designed pieces and rulebooks thick enough to scare away the average person. And Wingspan designed by Elizabeth Hargrave is the best one.
Now, I am an autistic floof who would prefer conflict be avoided, so if you want to make kids cry with your capitalist greed and brutalist strategy go play Ticket to Ride. This game is not that. It is a chill beautiful refined game to put your pinkies out and enjoy a cup of tea with your friends. Imagine sunny days with poofy pretty clouds happy carefree vibes.
The game centers around birbs. You are a birb enthusiast and if that doesn’t hold true in your real life it will soon. Your goal is simple: score the most points. There are a myriad of ways to do this but they all revolve around hosting a sanctuary to birbs of all habitats, diet, size, etc. You play birbs by paying food and eggs. You get these resources by taking a turn to obtain them in a specific habitat. The more birbs you have in that habitat the more of that resource you get and you get to use those birbs powers, which are themed after the real life birb. It’s an engine building game but these rules aren’t really why this is the best game ever.
This game excels at providing a warm fuzzy feeling in your heart. Your competitors cannot impede your progress as everyone has their own sanctuary/board. They can only help you (ie birbs that let everyone get a resource.) Everyone can flourish, and in fact the more players the higher the average score.
But the piece de le resistance is the theming. The birbs are FUCKING GORGEOUS. I don’t mean they only picked birbs that look pretty, I mean the art on these cards makes me calm and happy. And each card has a fun fact at the bottom about that bird or it’s history. The whole game oozes charm and really just encapsulates the feeling when you see an animal and go “oh he’s just a silly little guy.”
The base game is North American birbs so pretty standard but the expansions really leaned into silly guy territory. Or maybe I’m just not educated enough to recognize foreign birbs as normal. The base game is very well constructed and a great stepping stone into slipping into the rabbit hole of expansions.
Because of this game, I have a new hobby. Birbs. I have a favorite birb. I watch birbs out my window. I know random birb facts. I can identify most birbs into a general category. It’s wonderful.
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Look at this guy. This is a European Robin. My man does not have any worries. He is living under a rock. He doesn’t even know what a tax is! His entire existence is just round boi. Oh to be a birb like him on a snowy rock.
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This guy, however. This is a Sri Lanka Frogmouth. He has committed at least 3 war crimes and he knows it and I love him anyways. He’s so ugly! I love him. He is also my favorite irl birb. So he gets 3 pictures.
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This guy, the American Woodcock, is in base game and he gives “mom i frew up” vibes. He looks guilty and uncertain and HIS NAME IS A WOODCOCK.
I met these birbs through this game and I’m a happier person for it.
TL;DR if you like board games and want a good relaxing time and maybe a new birb obsession Wingspan is the game.
Below: card art
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Also bonus the art is mostly male birbs for the foliage but they can lay eggs so this game is 95% trans birbs. Hell yeah.
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hispillowprince · 9 months
not to "um akshully..." with my first post on my shiny new blog (that is exactly what i am doing),
but ao3 (and initially tumblr to an extent) is, to its core, a "proship" website. the funny thing about this more recent distinction between pro/antis, the terminology itself and the discourse surrounding it is that it's simply rebranding and packaging topics of censorship within spaces that exist for self expression by and for fans/nerds/outcasts/what have you.
the principle of using a tagging and filtering system to AVOID broader censorship (that more often targets marginalized groups and limits freedom of expression) is a progressive one. censorship that is out of the hands of the community is not. this does NOT mean that everyone should simply subject themselves to content that makes them uncomfortable, or that people shouldn't be held responsible for, you know, basic human decency and respecting boundaries with one another...which is why tagging and filtering systems are set in place for us to have the ability at our disposal without altering the experience for others. what it DOES mean is we know that understanding that distinction between fantasy and reality is often integral to our experience in fandom.
we are not spokespeople. we are not and should not be held to a standard of wholesome, squeaky clean representation in our own free time and space we have simply to have fun and find like-minded people. this isn't the writing room for a bloody disney channel program trying to make The Gays palatable to pearl clutching parents, and frankly, when websites like tumblr, fanfiction sites etc are hit with the banhammer, things tend to only go downhill from there and lose creativity and engagement (including sfw creatives!). censorship has always and will always target those that don't fit the marketing bill, aka unsavory "fans/nerds/outcasts/what have you," whom are often - you guessed it - marginalized people that utilize fandom as an outlet.
whether people use fiction to draw inspiration for their art, process and recontextualize things in their lives (like traumatic events, introspection, humanitarian issues and so on), find community or simply have a good time, it is something that makes the human experience so fascinating. we have always and likely WILL always fantasize, dream and create (and share in those things).
to me, the fundamentals of an anti-harassment or proship stance is not that fiction has NO bearing on people or their experience, but that without the ability to make our own decisions and boundaries for ourselves, we are inhibited from learning, progressing and breaking the barriers of what confines us. this includes - but is not limited to - sexuality and sexual content.
sexuality. sex. infamously a natural form of expression/communication that has been weaponized and stolen from people in a sickeningly long game of "if we can't sell it or use it to manipulate and instill fear into you, then we don't talk about it at all." this game is effective in its continued tired controversy over whether or not people are allowed to discuss icky, gross sex in ways that can sometimes challenge our relationship with it and how we've been socialized to approach it. WHY open discussion about these things is healthy and helps set a precedence for being safe and mindful with it.
how does this tie in with proshipping? it's an alignment of values with censorship in this way. it's symbolic, really. we reclaim power for ourselves, making our queer coded villains and monsters something to play with than to shut us out. giving our little faves toxicity as a treat because we know how harmful it is to navigate a world without anyone to guide us through the steps or understand our own history/ies. or, you know, just be horny and silly online and find people who want to do the same.
anyone who claims they're pro/anti and makes it solely about what they deem okay to harass others with earns them my opinion that they're an asshole. anyone who simply does not want to engage with/discuss something that may or may not be considered problematic or controversial is simply a person. we all have lines we draw for ourselves. much like how someone playing d&d or video games doesn't spawn evil cultists or violent criminals, exploring sexual themes through fiction does not a predator make.
so, on that note - the end, lol. i hope this drabble of not entirely coherent figurative fist shaking at the sky serves you, or doesn't. either way, you know what to do when you don't like something! it's called blocking, babeeey. gold star if you made it to the end of this fat essay lmao
drinking water is really important though fr like it's not just a memefied thing it's-
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flugame-mp3 · 7 months
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no longer post limited :D
apotheosis (theo), he/ze/they/whatever, in my 20s
pronouns.cc / cohost
free palestine
tags + blinkies + more under the cut :)
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blinkie/stamp IDs in alt! ^^
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this is my main blog but it ends up mostly fall out boy and supernatural! known decaydance/bandom freak and stump club vice president, also enjoys things like spn, doctor who, ttrpg (incl. baldur's gate, just roll with it, etc.), the legend of zelda, and long walks on the beach
beware: i use suicide jokes and reclaimed slurs. ask me to trigger tag stuff with "cw thing" and i will
no dni i will just block you. however: terfs/radfems kys. zionists are not welcome here. wincest & waycest shippers, brendon urie apologists, mcr "fans" who are racist towards ray, and people who are weird about pete wentz + his writing get blocked on sight. also post-hiatus fob/MANIA haters youre weird and wrong.
previous urls include will0wpark, vengolorbraad, and raytorologist
mutuals pls ask for my discord! also feel free to dm me ab anything, im not the best about keeping up conversations but i enjoy talking to y'all :)
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i have many tags that i use inconsistently. however here is a little metaphorical charcuterie board of stuff i use a lot
PERSONAL/BLOG STUFF theo.txt - my original posts n whatnot asks - exactly what it says on the tin cool art - pretty much any art i reblog important - useful, uplifting, life advice, etc. nsft - pretty much anything i wouldnt want my manager seeing if they glanced over my shoulder at work queer stuff - similar vein to my trans tag but wider umbrella trans tag - catchall tag for trans stuff art history stuff - catchall tag for things relating to art history (my field of study!! its me and dutch post-impressionist painter vincent van gogh against the world) me and queue setting in a honeymoon - queue tag. if u want that for some reason
FALL OUT BOY STUFF fob - fababoi tag :3 pstump - patrick tag pwentz - pete tag joe trohman - its so trohver (joe tag) andy hurley - andy tag p2 - exactly what it says on the tin. i got tired of typing out "half doomed and semi sweet" every time maniaposting - loveposting about the hit 7th studio album from american rock band fall out boy yayy !! ioh - im making an ioh tag but she's not done yet soul punk - ask me about debut solo studio album "soul punk" by american musician and national treasure patrick stump
MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE STUFF mcr - my chem tag ray toro - ray tag :) gerard way - gerard tag mikey way - michael romance real...? (mikey tag) frank iero - frank tag bullets - ibymbmlymblymblymyl tag :3 danger days - tangentially related to mcr, mostly killjoys fanart
i will generally tag other bands/artists that i like (e.g. thursday/geoff rickly, ricky montgomery, mitski)
SUPERNATURAL STUFF spn - supernatural tag yay (ive entered my cas lover era be aware.) sammy - my love my light my sweet psychic mentally ill nerd antichrist girlfriend (sam tag) dean - eldest daughter (terminal diagnosis) ...but in a cool leather jacket (loving). cant express my heartfelt feelings if my arteries are clogged due to HAMBURGER (dean tag) cas - silly queer autism angel captivates me mind body and soul. more at 10:00. "but he murdered half of heaven" what do you want me to do about that. and he looked good doing it! (castiel tag) the brothers winchester - crying over Tragic Siblings (salmondean sam + dean tag) tfw - one ex-blood-junkie, one drop-out with six bucks to his name, and mr. comatose (sam + dean + cas/team free will tag) destiel - i can't stop thinking about those tragic little gay men /ref (dean x cas tag. why are they like that.) i do other spn tagging too, like sastiel, but mostly character names (like bobby or crowley), and also jackles/misha <3 (and jarpad mostly for filtering purposes. he gets on my damn nerves.) have fun!
MISC FANDOMS STUFF dw - doctor who tag (a lot of 9/10/15 and donna. and rose) loz - legend of zelda tag (specific games are also tagged) jrwi - just roll with it tag (bitb, riptide, fated, etc. are also tagged) bg3 - baldur's gate 3 posting (lots of karlach and astarion. and gale. astarion fans be normal challenge) ttrpg - d&d/pf2e/coc/vtm posting (i have separate tags for some of my characters and campaigns as well please please please please please talk to me about tabletop stuff it is my entire life outside of tumblr aughhhhhhhhh)
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and the award for world's longest pinned post goes to...
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burr-ell · 5 days
Eisfurra, paladin, cleric!
eisfuura: who is your favorite npc
I mean after this fanart by @porzio-art, I'd climb Imahara Joe like a tree. Hot and friendly and a big lore nerd? There are worse things than Aeor-flavored pillow talk.
(I really do think he's great; he's a genuinely nice guy who provided some good solid lore drops at a time when the party desperately needed them—but a pair of gloves and some safety goggles never hurt anything.)
paladin: what is your favorite friendship
I absolutely love Percy and Keyleth's relationship; I think it's really fun how tumultuous it is but how much they clearly adore each other. Their opener in episode 1 writing nice comment cards for the tavern is great and they never miss once afterward. I love how important they are to each other and the impact they have on each other's stories, how Keyleth brings out Percy's kindness and warmth while Percy encourages Keyleth to be clever and decisive. And while it's not the most important thing about them, I do think it's really cool that they're such a clear example of a healthy platonic male-female friendship on top of all that.
cleric: what is your favorite battle
Gotta be the fight with Vespin Chloras from EXU Calamity. It's SO intense, everybody's bringing everything they've got to the table both in terms of combat and roleplay and it does not disappoint. Nydas and Zerxus are heartwrenching and badass, Patia and Loquatius are pulling out all the stops and doing everything in their power to keep Laerryn up so she can accomplish one of the most incredible feats in Exandrian history, and of course Cerrit's nat 20 Mage Slayer.
And to me it's so much better because we've actually SEEN Vespin! Not only do we know him as the historical figure, but we've now actually gotten a glimpse into the person he was—someone who, corrupted and mutilated as the thrall of the Lord of the Hells, would use what little opportunity he had in his right mind to buy someone else time for even a chance that it might make a difference. It adds another layer of tragedy that not only could our heroes have had kinder fates, our villain could too. But instead they're here, at the end of the world.
critical role ask game
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pinkprimrose05 · 8 months
character asks bc other anon was a coward: blade
General opinion/How much I care about them: Ren Blade Yingxing my beloved beloathed depressed miserable angsty bastard aaaaaaa-
This man, oh my god. This edgy mess is somehow the second fastest blorbo to be coined as such in my blorbo-having history, and I think that alone says a lot. But even if not, he has his special little spot for being: 1) my first HSR fave, 2) my current main (the gameplay is ridiculously fun holy shit), and 3) the reason I downloaded the game at all (shoutout to Bronya, of course, but it was mainly Ren).
Also I really like the fact that he's genuinely batshit insane. An unapologetic menace to the galaxies. He can be so unhinged and evil sometimes, and that's a new flavor of fave in my collection. Did I mention the story doesn't try to redeem him at all? Because it's true! Extremely uncommon win on the hyv writers' part there; doubly so because they manage to balance this aspect with the subtle gap moe they love to give to all their stoic characters.
Yes. Ren is simultaneously edginess incarnate and a tired grandpa that sucks with words and doesn't know shit about technology. Oh and he keeps getting roped into Situations by his colleagues- and goes along with them all the time! The dude was literally asked to pose for a movie cover and he just. did that. No questions asked. Nothing.
I care about him a very normal amount. He's so neat and- oh my god I forgot to mention the aesthetic. Black/blue/red/gold is such a banger color scheme. He also has a spider lily motif and that looks very cool! And the pretty ribbon on the back of his coat is a 10/10 design choice. His only problem is that the game keeps forgetting to edit his silly beta design sneakers out of splash art, and that the washed out jeans clash hard with the coat. But otherwise? Perfection. I could (and did) stare at him for hours on end.
A ship I love: Kafblade is one of those pairs that you can read as romantic or platonic with equal efficacy and I love that for it. They're partners in crime! There's a great sense of trust and faith between them! They're each other's guardian and tether and the one who understands them best and they're such an awesome dynamic, good lord.
Honorable mention goes to jingren for the old man yaoi potential to take the relationship in a very (bitter)sweet or very sad way. There's something to be explored here and I wish canon could give it consideration someday.
A non-romantic relationship that I love: Stellaron Hunter agenda!!! They're so awesome individually and as a group, and the comedy is just lovely. You have Ren wrangling two terribly reckless women because in some way, by some miracle, he happens to be the braincell holder among the three. You have him trailing after Kafka on one of her shopping sprees with a whole bunch of bags and coats, you have him going to an arcade with Silver Wolf because she wanted to show him this brand new game she's been talking about nonstop for four days, and you have him in an impromptu shooting session with them both because they wanted to make silly movie covers and needed an extra actor.
They're one small hilarious family and I adore them so so much, you have no idea. Can't wait until Sam and Elio make an appearance in the story so I get more fuel for shenanigans.
The NOTP: None here sir, as long as the ship is normal it's fine by me.
My biggest headcanon about them: Ren is autistic and you will pry this hc from my cold, dead hands. He's stuck in his own head 80% of the time. He doesn't do conversation at all. Back when he was still Yingxing, he used to spend so much time at the forge when inspiration struck him, to the point of tuning out everything until his friends physically dragged him out to touch grass. He's an autistic nerd through and through, and even several thousand deaths can't take that from him.
An idea for a fanfiction I would like to write/read about them: One idea I've been curious about lately is what would happen in a roleswap scenario, where the Astral Express crew find Ren before the Stellaron Hunters do. He may not make for a great archivist, his state of mind may be less-than-stellar, but it's interesting to imagine the dynamics between him and the crew- and hey, who doesn't love taking sad guys out of situations for a change?
I'm filing this concept for later, just in case. Who knows? The writing ghost visits when I least expect it.
Something that makes me think of them: Everything these days The flute, the sound of wind blowing, red spider lilies, and -to the immense detriment of my composure in public- mentions of the word blade in any context ever. Why gee, thanks for permanently altering my brain chemistry.
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fayestardust · 3 months
Miscellaneous Tag game
Tagged by bestie @almost-a-class-act
Favorite place in the world you’ve visited?
Probably California, because accessibility is so great there. I actually loved LA, but I would guess I wouldn't like it so much if I had to live there. It's the visiting that is cool.
Something you’re proud of yourself for?
Honestly, for still being here? I know that seems like a dark thing to say, and it kind of is, but I've been through a lot of shit, and life continues to be hard. So I'm proud that I'm trudging through it.
On a more recent scale, I am really proud of myself for walking through the Bois Jacques and Trou de Loup forest the other day with my BoB family. It was the most I've walked in probably the last ten years and while I was completely out of breath, it felt great to have done it.
Favorite books?
I don't know anymore. Maybe the Housekeeper and the Professor. But recently, Wool by Hugh Howey.
Something that makes your heart happy when thinking about it?
The last time @almost-a-class-act came to visit, and also any of my BoB trips. Something about found family. Squeee.
Favorite thing about your culture?
Probably that we pull no punches. And I'm not sure if it's part of our culture but growing up, everyone was always welcome in our house. To stay for dinner, to sleep over, just about anything. I love that I was taught that.
When did you join the HBO War fandom? What was the first show you watched?
Band of Brothers way back when it came out when I was in high school. Our history teacher was cool like that. Then I watched it with my dad (now 84) and I got into the Pacific slightly after it came out. Fun fact is that I initially did not like it. Too violent and a bit scattered, I thought, but now I like it about just as much as Band. Covid launched me back into the series harder than ever before, and I watched both plenty of times with @almost-a-class-act. Then the whole art thing started and the rest is history.
Have you read any of Easy Company’s books? If so, which ones were your favorite?
I've read Band of Brothers, Easy Company Soldier and Parachute Infantry. Easy Company Soldier is my favourite out of those. I've also read Bob Leckie's book Helmet for My Pillow, which might be better.
Favorite HBO War character and your favorite moment with them?
I can't pick a favourite, it changes all the time. My favourite scene is Doc and Babe in their foxhole, though.
Do you make content for any fandoms, if so; what sort of content?
I make art and, on rare occasions, write fic and sometimes poetry. Not enough, though.
Favorite actor/actress and your favorite film of theirs?
Andrew Garfield can do no wrong. Give me him in just about anything. Under the Banner of Heaven was impactful. Reminds me that I have to finish watching Silence. I started watching it over Christmas with my family, but we decided it was too heavy for Christmas. Paul Mescal has been one of my recent faves.
Favorite quote/s that you wish to share with others?
I have one but my brain is broken and I can't think of it right now.
Random fact your mutuals/followers don’t know about you?
Hm, maybe I used to sing a lot and once recorded an album. Or that I wasn't always in a wheelchair.
If you’re a writer, do you need a beta reader (say yes so I can be your beta reader 🤭)?
Yes, but I have @almost-a-class-act. She never lets me down.
Three things that make you smile?
My cats. My signed art. My camera (nerd!)
Any nicknames you like?
Faye, K-Maart (begrudgingly)
List some people you love to see around on tumblr!
@mutantmanifesto @almost-a-class-act @derry-rain @cody-helix02 And loads of you who I just don't remember because my brain is overloaded.
What would you do during a zombie apocalypse?
Favorite movie?
I don't know, don't make me pick.
Do you like horror movies?
I do not. Though I guess it kind of depends on how suspenseful they are and if they have jumpscares.
Tagging: @derry-rain @mutantmanifesto @cody-helix02 @wordsluts
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majjiktricks · 5 months
Kaz for the ask game? Every question. All of them.
oh dear this is probably gonna be long. some of these were hard…
1. Why do you like or dislike this character? i think mgsv was the second game i played (after mgrr) and i just. bro i fell in love with this guy almost immediately. hes depressed. hes full of rage. hes got sunglasses. hes even bisexual. more seriously, i think hes just really interesting. hes somehow one of the most reality-grounded characters (in a series with characters like ocelot and fucking. the pain/the rest of the cobras) while also being the guy who invented war-as-a-business and doritos. i find his story very compelling. child of war, doesnt feel he belongs in any of the places he could claim as home, so he fights to make a place for himself... oughghg... hes also veryyyy gender goals for me :3c
2. Favorite canon thing about this character? hes a NERD. he likes trains and hes a bit of a history buff, hes full of random facts (i know its mostly for game exposition reasons to tell the player, but i also like kaz just randomly knowing shit because its fun). in mg2 hes got all those fucking WEIRD tidbits to tell snake. like the spit thing. half the time i think hes making shit up to fuck with snake. but he does know things. i need fics and stuff to make him weirder.
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character? i dont think i really dislike any of the traits he displays in the games. yeah hes got flaws and hes an asshole and he commits warcrimes, but i think all of that is what makes him interesting. so rather than dislike something ABOUT him, i dislike what was done to him. its probably been beaten to death but im SO sad they killed him off in mgs1 and THEN decided to develop his character. like. cmon. they couldve done so much cool shit with him had he not been shelved so early in the series. or even- they bring back big boss TWICE. why cant anyone else come back 🥺 i love thinking about kaz being involved in the time around/between mgs1-4…
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in? ngl i dont think about crossovers much. i dont like them.
5. What’s the first song that comes to mind when you think about them? koi no yokushiryoku. its a fucking ridiculous song but it also makes me very sad. also diamonds by sam smith. thats a bbkaz divorce song to me.
6. What’s something you have in common with this character? i recently found out that my light sensitivity is not the normal experience for everyone ✌️ so ive been wearing sunglasses a lot lol
7. What’s something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like? i think its so funny that he gets shipped with basically everyone. its so good. i love it ^_^
8. What’s something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise? thankfully i dont see it much but i really cant stand the type of people who simplify characters down into basic stereotypes just for shipping purposes. ive seen a few things of essentially a bishie kaz in art (not in fic, bc i run for the hills at the slightest whiff). like. babes. you dont need to have one really buff guy and one feminine cutesy one for you ship to be good. please… hes not helpless nor is he very thin or boyish or any of that. hes almost 6' tall and fucking jacked in pw? i also hate it when people completely write off characters for being morally grey or for doing bad things. again, thankfully this doesnt happen much in my circles because i think ive curated a sane group of mutuals who like metal gear, but for anyone else who thinks this way? babe you came to the warcrimes series and didnt expect there to be warcrimes? where you play as the VILLAIN for 3+ games? i think the bad stuff makes him more fun :3c
9. Could you be roommates with this character? depends? does he let me hit it? 😏
10. Could you be best friends with this character? i would like to think so… if i met college-era kaz i think i would want to be friends with him… if he went on to be a business major and not a guy chasing death and combat around the world, yeah probably.
11. Would you date this character? i personally dont understand dating lol. probably? but if we could also just be friends/fwb thats fine with me 😂
12. What’s a headcanon you have for this character? i like to think about the mundane things a lot… if i do something and it reminds me of The Character. for example i like the idea of kaz listening to city pop while hes cooking. its a very chill kind of music and its a genre hes likely familiar with if he kept up with anything in japan during the 70s-80s. i also think he would often smell like methol and camphor. tiger balm is very useful when it comes to pain, and he probably uses it a lot post-gz because hes the stubborn-ass type to deny medical treatment and assistance, insisting on doing everything for himself. (the same guy who got back to work after like. only a week spent recovering at mother base. and refuses advanced prosthetics that could help him…)
13. What’s an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or you think the character would use a lot? 😎 for obvious reasons. its just silly <3
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character. we only ever see him in uniforms/bathing suits, but i think he would be a high fashion man. slick suits in unconventional colors, barely there but somehow tasteful club attire, very carefully accented, subtle pieces of expensive jewelry. this guy likes money, he knows how to spend it too.
15. What’s your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn’t matter if it’s canon or not.) vkaz <3
16. What’s your least favorite ship for this character? i think ive only seen it once? but. kaz/zero. why. tbf i think its mostly that i just dont like zero. at all. crusty.
17. What’s a ship for this character you don’t hate but it’s not your favorite that you’re fine with? i like pretty much all other kaz ships ive seen aside from ^^ i think i was originally neutral on ocelhira but at this point i have been swayed into liking that too :]
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire? i find his relationship with solid snake really interesting. i wish we got to see more of it… he probably has very complex feelings about snake given their relationships to big boss and i just wanna dig my little claws in and inspect it bit by bit…
19. How about a relationship they have in canon that you don’t like? once again the only one i can think of is kaz and zero. and its less that i dont like it than i dont understand it. i probably should go back and replay peacewalker/watch the secret phonecall thing again. theres probably just a little piece im missing to make it fit into my brain.
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn’t matter? we dont actually see kaz and amanda interact that much but man i would love more of that. they dont seem to be interested in each other at all, in the romantic/sexual sense, which i would want to see explored more. kaz is used to being seen in that lens by women and i want amanda to beat him up a little bit for it. i think shes one of few moral and sensible people in the series and i think kaz could've learned a lot from her. amanda also shouldve gotten more screentime in general. i wish she and chico were in gz or tpp somehow </3
21. If you’re a fic writer and have written for this character, what’s your favorite thing to do when you’re writing for this character? What’s something you don’t like? i want to see him taken care of <3 i will have him taken care of :]
22. If you’re a fic reader, what’s something you like in fics when it comes to this character? Something you don’t like? i havent read too many kaz-centric fics tbh but i LOVE it when people write about the 70s for him. or any of the missing time between games tbh. i love to see what people think he was up to at the time. i havent found any consistent throughlines that i dont like yet. usually if i dont like a fic i dont finish it lol.
23. Favorite picture of this character? the model swap with quiet. you know the one. pouty kissable lips mfer.
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but also so many others. theres so many good pics of him <3 this was just the first to come to mind ehehe
24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them? actually, he reminds me a lot of one of my ocs LOL ive had an oc named maddox for something like 6 years now, who once i thought about it is very similar to kaz. hes got (one) fucked up eye, worked for a sketchy paramilitary agency, has a robot arm, is kind of a harlot, mellows out and settles down with his children later in life… theyre both involved with the leaders of said paramilitary agencies. they both train kids who were involved also with that same organization. maddox doesnt go and try to start his own military country LMAO but i do think the other similarities are really funny. like. no wonder i liked kaz immediately. i have a guy just like him living in my brain.
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now? i had no context for who kaz was when i first met him in gz but i thought he was a funny little guy. and then when you rescue him in tpp i just wanted to take care of him…….. ngl i think that sentiment has remained, just now i am full of other feelings as well. i think if i ever get out of metal gear brain rot, kaz will be the character that sticks in my brain lonnnggg after.
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avikola · 2 years
(Still selective) Genshin characters and what kind of hs students I think they would be pt. 2
part uno
notey-chan: I’m sorry for the 4 month wait. I’ve put this off for too long. I have no regrets writing this. Fuck genshin impact I wanted Yae die Ayato. Kazuha rerun pls. Unfortunately this may have less spirit since I’m not writing this whilst I’m shifting my brains out.
warnings: cursing / nsfw / drugs / infrequent hcs / spelling errors?/ hs topics / favoritism (esp on Kokomi’s part sorry not sorry) / gay gay gay lesbian homo ppl
Ei/ Yae
-Ei is a language arts teacher and Yae is the hot librarian
-I have a feeling Ei wanted to b a history teacher but Zhongli was ready to fight for that spot (boomer thingz)
-So she settled for language arts
-I also think that she’d teach fencing for some fancy defined art like that as a side gig
-Now, hear me out: Ei runs a book club with Yae
-Ei and Yae are childhood best friends
-Yae supervises the student council and they all confide in her a lot
-Kaeya and Childe have definitely hit on Yae or Ei more than a couple of times
-Ei’s legit 🤏 this close to suspending them
-Yae def knows abt Kazuha’s drug business. But she’s chill about it
-She probably helped him name it (some poetry shit (love that pot 🍃))
-Ei forgets her umbrella a lot and Yae always brings an extra for her
-They give each other chocolates during Valentine’s Day (tell the students “it’s a formality” but we all know that isn’t true)
-Yae prides herself on keeping her library clean and pretty
- all of the staff are scared of her
-Ei unironiclly stops Venti in the hallways while school alr started bc she thinks he’s a student
-Yeah, Ei and Yae both hate Venti
Arataki Numero Uno Itto
-Sets camp in the detention room
-He probs has a designated desk w a name plate for him IN GOLD bc “silver isn’t manly”
-He’s tried to make a “fighting” club but the school wouldn’t allow it so he settled on Judo
-Probably tries to learn a new language if he finds out a foreign exchange student will be transferring
-Puts his feet on his desk
-Notorious virgin. Like even if a student was desperate they’d stay a good 37 feet away from him
-He has a gang, but he doesn’t beat people up
-Worse thing they’ve done was accidentally break a classroom window while trying to decide who can throw the biggest rocks
-Anytime a teacher assigns a project he tries to convince them if he can make it into a video to show the class
-Sara is contemplating a transfer
-IK she has a fan club. Half of the student body is in it. Literally no shame
-She’d slay in karaoke
-Would unintentionally start trends too like??? First week of school everyone dyed their hair pink and blue
-She prefers manga over anime. Reads TBHK and AOT
-Cuts her hair shoulder length frequently but her hair grows back so fast
-Marine science specialist. Also an advocate for all sea animals. Makes PowerPoints and everything
-She has like whales, starfishes, and whatever charms on her school bag
-Has a wide food pallet. Like she is able to properly judge food with an extensive review
-She has taken some self defense classes, but gorou refuses to let her walk alone at night.
-He’ll probably go to war for her (even tho he alr has)
-Kokomi definitely has great comebacks. no one picks fights w her
-really nothing negative to say about her except her hyperfixation on sea animals
-brings the game frfr
-he wants nothing to do w 80% of the students there. but SOMEHOW he attracts them all (kinda like komi’s brother or Saiki)
-he reads nerdy shit like the periodic table for f-fun 🤢
-yeah a chemistry nerd
-the only time he ever involved himself with school activities is when it has to do w science. And he’d always bring up some crazy theory that makes sense
-victim of TikTok challenges
-Kaeya definitely stopped him in the middle of the hallway, put his phone up to his mouth and asked him what song he was listening too
-only kid with actual academic potential. he could graduate early if he wanted to
-always does unauthorized experiments in the school laboratory (with sucrose or someone bc he doesn’t want to get in trouble alone)
-if the school ever held like a fitness/sports event he’d do extremely well in track or fencing. Like he’s innately athletic
-agreed to become class treasurer and head of the chemistry club after constant begging from many of the students
-brings an extra large coffee to school and ACTUALLY finishes it
-his style is a whole vibe tbh
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lady-of-endless · 2 days
Hi! Can I get a matchup for JJBA (any part) and Overwatch.
I am female, she/her, 25 years old, bisexual, ENFP.
I am a very ambitious person that loves to learn new things, I am an artist by profession and finished 2 art schools. I am a big art history nerd and love to talk about artsy and philosophical things. I am very extrovert and love to meet new people, I love going out and taking long walks. My main hobbies are video games, writing, reading, watching anime and movies and lifting. I am very friendly, love hearing out other people and I always try to understand their side and how they feel. I am very sensitive and tend to easily get attached to people. Romance wise I struggle to show affection to my partner, however I show it trough gift giving rather than physical touch or trough words. Overall in relationships I am very communicative and will always bring up issues or understand if my partner has issues with me and I will try to fix them always.
Appearance: medium length red hair, a mole above my lip, chubby build and short, pale skin and hazel eyes.
Author's Note: Hello again, I hope you will enjoy those. I can tell that you're so fun to be around. It's a pleasure to talk to you and thank you so much for wanting to do this trade!
(beautiful GIFs are not mine, all appreciation to the op)
Your Jojo's Bizarre Adventure matchup is...
Kakyoin Noriaki!
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- An artist and a philosophy enthusiast? He's whipped, gone. He will find you absolutely mesmerizing. You two will click right away! And he will also get attached fast.
- However, before realizing that he's falling for you, you two get close to each other as friends first. It is known that he wishes not to feel alone anymore, and to have friends. Because you like to get to know people, you get to him. He's introverted and he finds your presence so refreshing.
- He's bewitched with your whole personality but his favorite thing about you would be your ambition. It just shines through, it motivates him, it gets him going too. He just loves watching your power, your strong ambition, and your kindness.
- He appreciates how you make things work so well in your relationship, making it very healthy. He also always wants to know if there's any problem he can fix.
- He is also a curious person with a desire to learn new things so please, tell him more about your interests, especially about art history. He can listen to you talk about it for hours.
- Please show him your art. Not only he will admire it and praise you for it so much but he also is moved by the fact that you want to show him.
- Romance-wise, even despite his introverted personality, he is extremely affectionate. He just craved showing his love and admiration for his special someone for so long. He has a lot of love to give to you.
- You're into lifting? He starts sweating under his clothes because damn he finds it so hot.
- Art museum dates are your thing. But when you get back home, you'll lose track of time, gaming with him. He will playfully provoke you during it.
- Oh and his Hierophant Green is so clingy with you since he sees how happy you make Kakyoin.
Runner up: Caesar Zeppeli- I feel like your artistic inclination and your extroverted personality charm him more than expected. You're much different than all the women he invited to dinner at fancy restaurants, you're a breath of fresh air, a change in his type, and it intrigues him.
Now onto Overwatch
Your Overwatch matchup is...
Lifeweaver (Niran Pruksamanee)!
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- He came to my mind immediately after reading how you take time to try to understand other people's points of view because that's exactly what he does too, all the time. You two are a blessing.
- However, he has seen the cruelty of the world too so he wants to protect your kindness and friendliness from those who might use it.
- Your artistic nature is very interesting to him, very attractive. It speaks to him because he's also an artist, activist, and inventor. That's why you two click and get along so easily from the start. He will always be in the mood to admire your work and hear more from you.
- Your ambition powers up his. You two will always hype and support each other. A lot of people will be jealous of how well you work together as a team.
- He loves to get lost in deep philosophical conversations with you. You will both lose track of time during those calming moments.
- He'll always prepare beautiful bouquets of flowers BUT knowing how curious you are in general and eager to learn new things, expect him to pick the flowers having flower language in mind. He knows you'll probably like to discover what each flower type means when gifted and its symbolism.
- With this in mind, romance wise he also has gift-giving as a love language. Although he can't decide on his favorite love language. He's very affectionate and won't be afraid to hide it. However, he's not going to be suffocating or clingy.
- He is going to treat you like a queen, a goddess even, and not just in the relationship but from the very start. He respects you a lot.
- Will always ask about what you're reading and listening to you talk about it. He will ask if you could read to him as he lays his head on your chest because that's his heaven.
- Long walks through nature as dates! He's going to take you to the most beautiful places just to see you smile and get inspired.
Runner up: Genji - you're exactly what he wants in his life, you're definitely his type too. And even Zenyatta - he too admires your sensibility and kindness.
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myhotel-year · 11 months
TONIGHT'S MOVIE: Ready Player One
this is a series where i am watching a movie and want to tell people things out loud but i'm alone or told to shut up irl
very my dad coded, "the 80s were peak in all human history and time" and i'm suspect of that, but they all seem harmless
you can WIN by knowing TRIVIA this man was autistic
he is also autistic coded and it's a bit obvious but i love him
i refuse to ever believe the true nerds would ever EVER work w the bad guys
just because they're corporate. one thing men learned to do in the 80s was to "stick it to the man"
secretary lady said "sir these are children. grow up" and she was RIGHT lmao ur nemesis is 11
i would have loved this at 12 years old /affectionate
Artemis is a GOD
my fellow nerds!! we must unionise to to keep our nerd-dom free and equal
i need Fred voice man to secretly switch sides
i was always a fantasy mythology latin theater arts nerd autistic growing up not the scifi star wars star trek science math boy nerd autistic
but i see you, i understand
ok maybe making a religion out of your game and having a singular popular voted leader is more of a "democracy wins" rather than communism but it's going in the right direction
ong they're playing a game while evil secretary is like "i can just kill these children irl, then they die in the game"
ok maybe i'm just attracted to Nerd Freaks,
AND the fact that the kids are fighting where dying in game doesn't mean dying irl
but the corporate bad guys are going the kill irl to kill in game method, it's really telling
as a transgender person, i recognize a love for the customization of characters that videogames give
prostate cancer medicine ad
(side note all the bad side effects literally describe most of my chronic pain wow cancer sucks)
fuck my new cart hits so hard
fuck i hate bad guys, they're so hateable
i really son't understand the mechanics of how moving/hitting works in this videogame vs real life shit
hank green's book did it better
this is what you get for making weird sex toys out of cool vr stuff
maybe everything i watch is good because i'm high not the other way around
either way i am having more fun consuming media than i ever have this makes me so happy
i love that he's aware of the real world and the videogame at the same time
stick it to the karens these days
the first easter egg ever in video game history 😭
mans doxxing himself to get irl help, THAT is reaching out to your community
the nerds being happy
being completely poor again to get the prize, the american dream
also the orphan inheriting from the Wise Old Man, MUAH an underappreciated trope
a true mob would never be intimidated by force
oh man jeeze that guy is my dad (the autistic one)
MR MAGORIUMS MAGIC EMPORIUM that's what it reminds me of
bro, i will join the punk rock rebellion in a minute, first i have to kiss a girl
oh man H is my fucking fav can i kiss u
technically she's a lesbian in canon but it's purely out of Respect
awwww they created a democratic government for the videogame
"there's no rule against losing a bet to a cheeky kid"
tuesdays and thursdays are for making out with girlfriends
maybe Spielberg movies are for those kids who went to video game unreality when i went to book unreality, it hits the right buttons
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steamberrystudio · 1 year
i can't stress enough how much i adore morgan. like with every route im like oh of course the love interest would fall for her like how could they not??? like when she's nerding out over history/archaeology for example even i find myself falling a little in love with her! i love how outspoken she is, how she's never afraid to call people out including the people she loves, since I feel like its rather common for otome mcs to let people get away with things, haha. she's also incredibly funny at times--visual novels and reading stuff in general doesn't often make me laugh out loud but some of her lines and the way she fires back have made me laugh quite a few times. her growth was so cool to watch as well, how though there's definitely a period of getting accustomed to things, you can sense just how powerful she could be even in the beginning. plus I love that she had the opportunity to use her powers in a kickass way at least once in every route.
ah but sorry for the ramble i finished gilded shadows in like... two days because I can't be normal about the things I like ever and I just wanted to express what a joy it was to play as Morgan. I genuinely think she's my favourite not just dating sim main character, but one of my favourite main characters period. thank you so much for her and gilded shadows in general and im so excited for reubens and yuus route. im so greedy for more content of this game haha
I think my two favourite things about writing Morgan are both her tendency to go full nerd at the expense of the current situation (causing someone to have to tell her to please focus) and the fact that she is so uninformed on Esper related things that she thinks way outside the box - and is then sometimes able to do things she's not "supposed" to be able to do.
I always imagine that Espers naturally limit themselves as a sort of innate sense of self preservation. But Morgan doesn't know what her limits are supposed to be. So she'll sometimes just try stuff because she doesn't know she shouldn't.
Of course, Morgan isn't the most powerful Esper in the game (that crown goes to Brenin) but it's still fun to play around with queen rank abilities as a story element.
Anyway! I'm looking forward to embarking on the final route soon. Reuben's route is going through its second revision - just finished Chapter 8 today. So I have six more chapters to edit before I start scripting and coding and doing art.
And then I'll be writing Yuu's route finally. And I'm really looking forward to it. ╰(*°▽°*)╯
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bazzybelle · 7 months
I'm here for you nerding out about history, so: 4, 5, 9, 13, 29!
Oh boy, do I have a long post for you... One of these took up A LOT of time fact-checking and researching, I could do a power point presentation on it ;)
4) Favourite historical era?
The Italian Renaissance, hands down. Anyone who knows me, knows that I am such a fucking dweeb for the Renaissance. Specifically the 1400s in Florence, during the rise of The Medici. Say what you want about them, (yes they were corrupt and essentially a Renaissance version of a mafia family) but the good they did for Florence AND the preservation of ancient culture cannot be denied. 
To be able to live during that time, when art and literature and philosophy was thriving. Where new ideas about love and spirituality were making their ways into the intelligentsia, I would have LOVED to witness that. 
Thing is, I’d have to do it disguised as a man, because history is a bag of dicks, unfortunately. But just to be able to be a part of a symposium with Marsilio Ficino, Pico della Mirandola, and Lorenzo dei’ Medici and just listen to them discuss Plato and the ways of Platonic Love. To bear witness to Botticelli painting or Michelangelo sculpting. My sibling once told me I have a “Renaissance Face” (which was probably the best compliment they could have given me). If that could have gotten me an in, with these guys, even as a model, it would have been fine with me. Just to watch the masters at their craft. 
I dunno, maybe I could have joined them (disguised as a man, of course), and share my own thoughts about philosophy and love and sacred bonds between people. Maybe talk about new ideas involving gender… who knows?
Not to mention, Florence also had a thriving underground queer scene during this time… so… do with that what you will.
Renaissance Florence… Sometime between 1450 and 1490.
5) Favourite weapon?
You know, as much as I love history, I really don’t care for the military stuff. In fact, I had to look up Ancient Roman weapons, because if I were to have a favourite weapon, it would be from the Roman Empire. 
So, in my quick research of Roman weaponry, I remembered that the Eastern Roman Empire (or Byzantine Empire) had a fucking BADASS weapon that had everyone from the Crusaders to the Mongols quaking. They called it Greek Fire, and it was typically used during naval battles. What you would have, if a flame-thrower device attached to the front of your ship and Greek Fire would just come out from there. The precise recipe for Greek Fire has been lost to the ages, but you did not want to fuck with it. 
What made Greek Fire especially horrifying was that it would continue to burn while in contact with water. You could not douse it. You just had to let it burn until it ran out. Think of that creepy bright green fire from Game Of Thrones. The one that they used for the Battle of Blackwater and that epic church explosion. That would be the closest thing to Greek Fire that I can think of. It was terrifying, amazing, and allowed Constantinople to remain a military powerhouse in the Mediterranean, despite constantly being threatened by neighbouring empires.
9) Favourite historical film?
I already answered this question in another ask. It’s La Vita E Bella (Life is Beautiful). I highly encourage everyone to watch this movie, but only when feeling emotionally stable because it has a VERY sad ending. 
Here are some other historical movies I REALLY love: 
The King’s Speech - Can’t stand the Monarchy, but GOD I love Colin Firth and he is AMAZING as King George VI. 
The Young Victoria - Again… Do not like the Monarchy, but Emily Blunt is so charming, and this was such a sweet movie. 
The Imitation Game - Made me seeth in fury over the injustice served to Alan Turing, but fucking Bumblebee Cabbagepatch was SO GOOD. 
And again… SO many movies I need to watch… I mean Jesus.
13) Something random about some random historical person in a random era.
This random fact is about the Emperor Justinian and his Consort, the Empress Theodora. He changed a marriage law in order to be able to marry her. 
Back in the Early days of the Eastern Roman Empire (or Byzantine Empire), around 525 CE, you weren’t allowed to marry beneath your class, and Theodora was not only a commoner, but she was an… an… actress! (cue shocked gasps and pearl clutching here). Mind you, she was also known as a prostitute, but that’s debatable. Anyway, Justinian created a law so that her status could be changed, and then changed another law, so that he could marry her. He was so in love with her, that he did not give any shits about what anyone had to say about their union. 
And honestly, he could not have picked a better Consort. Theodora was smart, funny, and an all-around badass. She challenged him, matched him, and took charge when she needed to. She was the reason the Nika Revolts failed and the Emperor kept his throne. She cared for Justinian while he was fighting the Plague (yes, that Plague, it was around during Justinian’s time too). 
God, I love them.
29) Great historical mystery you are interested in?
Oooo… This is another REALLY good question.
The first answer I came up with is a bit of a “cheat” amongst historians. A sorta of “of course you would pick that, everyone wants to know what happened there”, but I really don’t care. When I first heard about The Princes In The Tower, I was beyond fascinated by their story and the mystery surrounding them. 
Ok, a bit of a backstory. Picture it. England, 1483. For the last several decades, the country has been ravaged by a civil war known as The Wars of The Roses. I will NOT go into this, because Christ we do not have time for that. All you need to know for this story is that the current monarch is Edward IV. He has MANY children, among which are two young sons (an heir and a spare). If he can keep hold of his reign for long enough, he is set to establish a new dynasty. Unfortunately for him, he dies in April after an unexpected illness (do with this what you will, could have been poison, could have been the Middle Ages where a paper cut could kill you). 
Now, England did not really have a Law of Succession (that would come MUCH later, in 1701), a reigning monarch would have to hope that his vassals would follow who he deemed as heir and not stir any shit. For the most part, it worked out well, but there were a couple of instances where shenanigans took place (see: Empress Matilda and The Anarchy). ANYWAY, the heir to the British throne was Edward IV’s son, Edward V. Thing is, Edward’s 12. He’s a child, and not ready to take the throne. Before his death, Edward IV established that until the time of his son’s majority, the Kingdom would be ruled under a Regency, headed by his younger brother, Richard, Duke of Gloucester. Richard would henceforth be known as the Lord Protector (the most powerful guy in the Kingdom, basically). 
Makes sense, right? Well, get ready for some shenanigans. 
This is already getting WAY too long, so I’ll speed things up. Richard claims that the King isn’t safe with his current protectors (his maternal uncle, and his half-brother), so he has them arrested and executed and the King placed under his custody (for his protection). This causes the King’s mother, Elizabeth Woodville to go into sanctuary at Westminster Abbey. She takes her remaining children with her (including the spare, 9 year old Richard, Duke of York). 
Up until this point, everyone is certain that the young King will be coronated as soon as he and Uncle Richard arrive in London. However, that does not happen. The coronation is postponed again, and again, and again. The young King, meanwhile, is sent to live in the Tower of London (which at that time served as a place where one would wait to be coronated). Here’s where things get a little dicey, see Uncle Richard claims his dearly departed brother was previously married before Elizabeth Woodville, thereby making any and all his children illegitimate. Thus making him the true heir to the throne. Around this time, Richard requested that the 9-year old Duke of York be sent as well to be protected in the Tower. 
The last time anyone would see the two Princes would be in the summer of 1483. Richard is crowned King Richard III (of Shakespeare fame) and would go on to rule for a little while before dying at the Battle of Bosworth Field (where “A horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse” comes from). Henry Tudor becomes King Henry VII and establishes the well-known Tudor dynasty. 
The fate of the boys remains, to this day, unknown. There are many theories as to what happened. The most popular one being that they were smothered with a pillow and buried under a staircase in the Tower. In fact, a couple of centuries later, some bones were found in the tower and were assumed to be those of the two Princes. However, examinations in the 30s showed them to contain animal bones, along with the bones of two small children. No further testing was done, and the bones were re-buried. There have been petitions for there to be DNA testing involved, but Queen Elizabeth II refused to do so. 
Who knows, maybe King Charlie III is just as curious as the rest of us, and will agree to exhume the bodies once more. 
There are other theories and many pretenders that have popped up throughout history, but this post is already STUPID long, so I’ll leave it here
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i-lurk-at-night · 3 months
For the ship ask game: fugio, mista/giorno/trish and jonaeri
I ship all of them!!
What made you ship it?
Fugio: short answer, the last chapter of Purple Haze Feedback, that was definitely the initial “spark” for me.
Giomistrish: hmm I can’t remember if there was anything specific that made me ship it? I think it was just the result of me liking all three “component” ships.
Jonaeri: just their relationship in the series you know? All their scenes together are just really cute and when they’re together you really just get that they love each other, if that makes sense.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
Fugio: I think their potential post PHF dynamic is really interesting and I think they can help each other grow (supporting each other through dealing with their trauma, Giorno giving Fugo something to believe in, Fugo using his knowledge to teach and assist Giorno with Passione matters, etc).
I also really like the idea of them being absolute nerds together about biology/history/literature/whatever to the point where no one else can understand what they’re talking about <3
Giomistrish: I just think their dynamic is really cute and fun, three besties that go shopping, kiss and have shared trauma what’s not to love fgjfdyjjvfjkb
(Half-)jokes aside I think that with everything they’ve been through together they would be good emotional support for each other and have a very sweet, low drama/“easy” relationship. Also getting to see Mista being a bi disaster for his partners is always fun lol
Jonaeri: just. The way Jonathan looks at her is so tender and their devotion toward each other aaaaaaaa they’re so sweet. Like their relationship is very simple from a narrative perspective but imo it’s really effective and I think their relationship carries their share of the emotional stakes of part one really well. Also I’m kind of a sucker for a good tragic romance so yeah I like them a lot.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Fugio: I don’t know if this is an unpopular opinion per say but I feel like I see a lot of fugio (mostly fan art) where it’s Giorno-crushing-on-Fugo and them becoming boyfriends like, almost immediately after Fugo comes back. In contrast I see Fugo being the one who falls for Giorno first and I imagine that it takes some time (like. A few years) before Giorno develops feelings for Fugo in turn.
Giomistrish: idk lol is shipping them in general an unpopular opinion?
Jonaeri: hmmm don’t think I have one.
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