#mary poppins and the umbrella
britanniabay · 1 year
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Photo captured by Ian Ward Photography
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lineffability · 4 months
huarghhh The Nanny AU.......rich guy Aziraphale Edenson who's not good with children but has taken in his neighbour's kid Warlock after his parents disappeared under mysterious circumstances hires Crowley Fell as nanny for reasons as of yet comprehended by the neighbors
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Sierra :)
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dailybehbeh · 2 months
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viejospellejos · 2 years
¿Mary Poppins eres tú?
Aporte enviado por @clocasduende [IG]
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you know how Mary Poppins, like Gandalf, just kind of shows up and changes people's lives whether they're up for it or not
it's just that Gandalf is trying to change the world and Mary Poppins is trying to sort out one family at a time
and you know how in the books Jane and Michael keep running into people who are from, like, various fantasylands or characters from books, who know Mary Poppins and evidently had their own adventures with her taking care of them and miss her
well if Mary Poppins had been Boromir and Faramir's nanny things wouldn't have got so fucked up in Gondor I am just saying
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yellowhollyhock · 25 days
it's in my head now, ain't going away so here it is
Woody and Angel are passing a quiet morning sorting donations, cleaning and re-boxing clothes and toys. This is the time Mikey and Donnie would usually come around, early morning. Do you think they will come around anymore? Haven't seen them since Leo got back. Yeah, heard from Casey. Mm, yeah it was on the news, there haven't been any Monster Sightings since reports of strange lights at Winter Corp a few weeks ago. Well yeah of course I think that had something to do with them, April worked with Max Winters.
Donnie wanders in. Unusual for him to be alone. Even more unusual for him to be puffy-eyed and listless. Hey buddy, what's going on? You wanna take a look at the pantry? You guys haven't been by to get food in a while (Woody's been so worried)
"Mikey's gone."
Angel's calling Casey while Woody tries to coax the whole story out of Don. He's really frazzled, they've never seen him like this.
"Didn't know where else to come--they've been yelling all night--"
Woody finds out that Mikey's been missing for about a week; why didn't they tell someone sooner? Nevermind, not important--do you know where he might have gone?
We saw him last night. He's with--it's hard to explain.
Angel's yelling. Casey and April are with Splinter and the other turtles. Donnie had said he was stepping out to pick up some food, they hadn't been worried about him before Angel's call. Leo is not thrilled that he went to a bunch of humans (Leo hasn't met them, deep trust issues from his time alone) without consulting the team first.
It's been like this all night, Donnie admits in a small voice. Blaming each other, bringing up stuff from the past..
April's disapproval of Raph's behavior while Leo was gone. Casey's frustration over April's absence while she was working with Winters. Raph lashing out almost at random, confused and devastated. Who was supposed to be watching him? Shut up shut up it doesn't matter how old he is, don't you get it, we're mutants, people want us dead. We're all each other has and we should've been with him.
But nothing like Leo yelling at Splinter. Yeah, it's done the team so much good that I'm so much stronger. Nothing to make a better team leader like being separated from the team. What were you thinking, why didn't you take better care of them while I was gone, why did you send me away? they needed me here. What's gonna happen to Mikey now, huh? you chose to tear this family apart, and I just don't understand why
We know where he is, Donnie tells Woody. He's with Karai--I think he felt bad for her, after she helped us with Winters.
Karai--who's that? Is he safe with her?
I don't know I don't know I don't know. Organization called the Foot, gang once led by the Shredder, tried to kill us, she's talking about bringing him back, I'm afraid she's grooming him to be a ritualistic sacrifice--
Angel's called in the crew, but they can't meet here. The rest of Donnie's family is headed to April's place. Me and Woody gotta stay here, we'll meet up with you guys tonight to help look for him
And then the Professor arrives. Clocks immediately that Donnie is distressed and Mikey, who would normally be with him, absent.
"It's good to see you my friend! Where is Michelangelo?"
"He's a little lost at the moment, sir."
"I see. Easy to get lost in a city like this. I have a friend who knows the layout very well, perhaps he can help us find him."
Oh I don't know if that's a good idea, we don't want to get too many people involved--
People? Who said anything about people?
He pulls out some freaking. bird seed and does a pigeon call. Pigeon lands in from of him.
"Hello, Pete. How are you?"
"Great, just stole a fantastic hot dog. Any theories today, Professor?"
"A problem, instead, that I was hoping for your help with. Have you seen this turtle?"
Cocks his little pigeon head at Donnie. Ruffles his wings thoughtfully. "He got brothers? I think I've seen turtles around, but not this one and not too often. They mostly stick to the shadows."
"A brother is missing, the one in orange. Can you help us find him?"
"Course I will, I owe you more than a few favors. I'll tell the whole crew; mutants gotta stick together, you know."
Winks at Donnie, flies away, yes that's right Pigeon Pete is bringing in the Mutanimals to help save Mikey from--
Did you say Mikey left on purpose to join the Foot?
(btw Angel has firsthand experience being a kid frustrated with a system that isn't built for her wellbeing, feeling out of place at home, looking for a group to belong to, falling in with the wrong crowd)
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ryoko-san · 1 year
Cursed as it seems but,, unfallen! Regulus
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gayraccoonthing · 2 years
How does my brain make this stuff up wtf. I just had a dream where Five was wearing cargo shorts. Five Hargreeves, wearing fucking cargo shorts. There was nothing else to the dream except the fact that he was wearing goddamn cargo shorts. But that's not even the best part, nonono, the pockets in the cargo shorts were like a fucking Mary Popins bag. Like, mans pulled out two backpacks twice the size of the pocket and then some.
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teddymochi · 4 months
An Idea for my persona but also Oc Teddy’s ability called: The ugly duckling!
It allows the user to change the appearance of any object a majority of people fear or have a certain dislike to, being petty or has actually meaning, she can see if someone actually has a unhappy feeling to something, it can only work on people if he knows the things the person hates (So like if they wanted to they could make Dazai more likable to Q, ect) but that’s all I have already..
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withinthebrain · 6 months
My Umbrella is Not for Rain.
Block me from the sun please.
Beneath the bright sun, my umbrella blocks the rays, providing me shade.
Support me as I walk.
My umbrella cane, supports me with every step my steadfast aid.
Make dress-up out of this world.
Imagination, umbrella like Mary Poppins, costumes come alive.
Protect me from the wind.
Whimsy in the air, saved on a blustery day, my umbrella wall.
Play along with my silly games.
Dreaming of floating, small children parachuting, umbrella in hand.
Join me on my adventures.
Umbrella in a picnic table full of food a first date gone right. Be unconventional at times.
Gold confetti falls, umbrella like a backhoe, overfilled with leaves.
But let me feel the rain.
My umbrella dropped, Watches as I puddle jump, drenched in rain and joy.
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lonely-tea-boy · 8 months
i imagine simon fairchild with an umbrella instead of a cane like mary poppins
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erotetica · 1 year
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I keep leaving my shit to languish but my warmups have been cool. How come every time I Paint with Colors it’s in direct sunlight.
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mouseandboo · 1 year
Dance In The Rain Envelope
Dance In The Rain Envelope by Gail Anderson Via Flickr: Rubber stamped envelope with a rain theme that I received in an envelope swap. Sent to a Postcrossing member in Germany.
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4filen0tfound4 · 2 years
I just think that if Amy was a power type and Big was the flying type and Cream was the speed type then team rose would be like 100x better than they already are.
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msboutofcontext · 2 years
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