#merlin deserves nice things
pendragonsclotpole · 2 months
help, i just got slapped in the face with the existence of WILL. be still my beating heart as i write an essay on this man, will of ealdor
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firstly, i adore the silent and implicit trust hidden in the first joke that introduces will’s character. like merlin’s been aware his whole life that if his secret is ever found out, he will be hunted down and persecuted, but here comes will with a jab that they both inherently understand is a joke in the macabre style only true friends can lovingly master. the smile they share almost immediately gives me ned stark and robert baratheon meeting again in the courtyard of winterfell in season one of got. there’s also something so normal in their interaction that speaks of a familiarity borne from their equal status and years of friendship. i know merlin’s friends in camelot tend to skew to the non-royal/non-noble, but when you tally it up, those closest to merlin often hold some title that’s greater than merlin’s role as arthur’s servant. gwaine is a knight implied to be of noble blood; lancelot, percival, and elyan are also knighted and esteemed members of arthur’s court; gwen is the lady morgana’s maid and close companion long before she is ever queen; gaius is a physician and long time member of camelot’s court; morgana before her betrayal is literally uther’s ward. i feel like when placed among them all, merlin has a tendency to fade into the background offscreen. obviously the audience knows how important merlin is to the overall story given how much of the storyline focuses on him, and the characters regularly acknowledge merlin’s importance to them or arthur, but all of them still regard merlin as merlin the servant from camelot and few of them are privy to the plots we as the audience see firsthand. and even when they acknowledge him for his merits, his role as arthur’s close friend and confidante takes precedence. look at leon’s reaction in the later seasons when merlin is bewitched by morgana. merlin literally makes a comment about plotting to kill arthur and leon barely even blinks before quipping back, “driving you mad isn’t he?” or something along those lines. except for a few instances with even fewer characters, they never get a chance to know him as merlin the sorcerer from ealdor.
will does! and more than that, he got to know merlin as he is without arthur. we all hype up their status as magical soulmates but damn if i wasnt living for how jealous of arthur will seemed to be in this episode. call me crazy, but it makes me desperately headcanon a realistic past in ealdor for merlin, full of hardship and strife, but never without it’s moments of happiness. furthermore, will’s lone appearance in season one shines some real light on the unfairness of the fate that has been bestowed on meelin. the moment that will points out why he’s been so obstinate with arthur really strikes a deep chord. sure it could be just jealousy, but more compellingly, i choose to read it as a deep sense of care for merlin. everyone merlin has met within camelot, (or reunited with in the case of his own mother) has continually pushed him closer and closer to arthur. will presents a crucial exception. he knows exactly who merlin was before camelot, and who merlin is completely separate from arthur.
will is staunchly in merlin’s corner, and that position allows him to identify a key characteristic of merlin’s series’ long arc: his complete devotion to arthur. will even points it out himself: merlin could singlehandedly defend their home if he just used the full extent of his power. merlin doesn’t, and actively chooses not to because of his desire to stay close to arthur. it’s such a small moment, but i think it demonstrates how much of merlin’s decisions become motivated by his desire to stay close to arthur and to always put arthur first, even at a detrimental cost to himself. merlin understands and readily accepts arthur as his destiny, but this acceptance does not come about independently, instantly, or of merlin’s own volition. it does so eventually, but initially merlin sticks by arthur’s side because of the encouragement of everyone around him. “arthur needs you, merlin” or “arthur is your destiny, merlin” or “arthur is a good man, merlin. he has the potential to be a great king, he just needs the right people, merlin.” its codependent as hell.
sure, merlin originally does not tell arthur about his magic because they do not know each other and as far as merlin knows revealing his magic would lead to his death, but eventually the reasoning changes and becomes so focused on doing what’s best for arthur. merlin can’t tell arthur because then arthur would have to kill him and then who would look after arthur or ensure his fate? merlin can’t tell arthur because if arthur chooses to defy uther’s law, merlin is then forcing arthur to turn against his father and how could he look after arthur then? merlin can’t tell arthur because another betrayal from magic would ruin everything and truthfully, he wonders how would arthur react? merlin comes to fear what his magic might do to arthur and what it’s reveal might mean for his place in camelot more than the laws of camelot and their verdicts.
by this logic, merlin is a magical solar system orbiting entirely around the celestial body known as arthur pendragon. eventually merlin cared more about his relationship with arthur and what arthur thought about him than his own life. in retrospect, it’s so sad that will died so early on, because it strips merlin of a person solely in his corner. will’s death is the first in the series’ long pattern of loss that merlin endures and that eventually comes to define him because people either find out about his magic and their knowledge is directly tested against his loyalty to arthur, or he cannot allow them to know about his magic because it will unravel his relationship with arthur.
will, freya, balinor, morgana, mordred, arthur.
also the fact that will covered for merlin’s use of magic in his last moments just adds to the tragedy AND the growing pile of moments merlin could have told arthur about his magic but didnt. and also the fact that will literally died to save arthur. like tell me that just doesn’t prove my point. tell me. will never stood a chance. tell me every aspect of merlin’s life does not get consumed by arthur pendragon.
i’m all for merthur being soulmates, but god the original series is rife with the unbalanced mess of merlin being wholeheartedly aware of arthur’s great potential and destiny leading to some intense devotion and faith that yes, arthur earns and pays back in full measure but can never fully reciprocate because he just does not know anything. by the triple goddess, it can get so toxic. i wish will had lived if just for that. and like the jealousy arthur gets whenever merlin has other people. because i 100% live for possessive arthur and protective merlin dynamics.
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You know what? Newt Scamander, and Vincent Nigel-Murray (from Bones), and Merlin (BBC) deserve to exist in the same space together. They would be great friends and you can’t change my mind.
Vincent would have so many questions about Magic. He would be delighted and confused and would memorize as many facts as he could even though he knows he wouldn’t be able to spout them to the rest of the Squinterns like usual. (Or tbh maybe he’s a squib that got super invested in Muggle Science™️ and moved to America because Britain has bogus laws and prejudices regarding wizards that can’t use wands)
Merlin would revel in being able to talk about magic freely with someone who understands (Newt) and someone who just thinks it’s genuinely neat (Vince).
Merlin and Vincent would be appropriately impressed, awed, and enamored by by Newt’s creatures. If Newt ever met Aithusa he would die of adoration. (He is VERY jealous that Merlin can talk to dragons. Newt wants to talk to dragons. Newt loves dragons.)
Newt and Merlin can talk, in equal measure fond and exasperated, about their boyfriends/husbands being Nobel Prats That Carry Too Much On Their Shoulders. (Privately, Vincent thinks that Dr. Brennan speaks very similarly about Agent Booth, perhaps she would enjoy being able to vent with these chaps about him).
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sennik · 1 year
i love love genuinely good characters, who actively choose to be good, even though they have every potential to go really bad, that can also turn into scary freaks once their threshold of tolerance has been crossed.
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Spring time means...flowers? And boys in love, apparently. I usually don't like drawing flowers, but digital vs. traditional is super different, so I might have to reconsider since it was actually nice?!! I guess it depends what kind of flower you draw, and thankfully carnations are on the easier side and floofy. You can also view This Heart of Mine on AO3. This piece was drawn for @merlintarotfest using The Citadel Oracle Deck for a card reading of The Shepherd (celebration and/or family), The Thief (seizing the moment and/or selfishness), and The Acolyte: (new projects and/or learning). Also fills a @merlinbingo artist square using the hex color #4FB477 (aka a really gorgeous and nice green for the spring!).
And okay, I guess my inspo really wanted to see soft boys having a stolen moment of love. I'm going to assume Arthur and Merlin don't have a lot of time to take a breather to express their feelings for each other openly, so in this moment, that's what they get. That's totally what they deserve too, right? More love and hugs and Nice Things. I actually like how this piece came out, considering that this derived from a WIP I ended up scrapping, but what totally influenced my colour palette. Sometimes, going with the flow can make some magical things happen. Anyway, happy April, and if it's nice where you are, go enjoy the outdoors!
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cynthia39100 · 4 days
Merlin rewatch -- S2E2: The Once and Future Queen
(Somebody give Merlin a break...)
Merlin’s rant to Gaius was completely legit and really why was Gaius still piling up chores on Merlin after Merlin became Arthur’s manservant? Granted, this time Gaius actually thought Merlin had a week of break, but couldn’t you give him a deserved holiday? Gaius knew Arthur gave Merlin a lot to do (because Merlin complained that to Gaius a lot) AND he knew Merlin had extra work of keeping Arthur (occasionally Uther) safe. One would think he would show more sympathy. Merlin literally passed out on the floor and the first thing Gaius did was call him lazy? No wonder Merlin broke down.
Gaius did apologise in the middle of the episode, which was nice. But Merlin was still cleaning that bloody tank at the end of it. Because what? Merlin lied to Gaius? It wasn’t even something serious, just a get-away which Arthur ordered. Why wasn’t Gaius suspicious anyway when Arthur went out for a magical beast and Merlin wasn’t with him? And now that Gaius knew Merlin hadn’t actually had a week off, in fact extremely busy, shouldn’t he gave the poor boy some rest?
(It’s mostly the production team who decided bullying Merlin is the only way to do comedy, but it didn’t help my frustration for Gaius…)
[S2E2] [other episodes]
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ink-through-her-veins · 6 months
In about two months it’s gonna be the best week of the year: Merthur Week!!! Last year I wrote a fic with one chapter for each day expanding on one of my short tumblr ficlets, and wanna do the same for this year, but can’t quite decide which… Help me out in the poll below!
1. Merlin’s cursed mute and plays it off as him angrily giving Arthur the silent treatment. Arthur becomes increasingly desperate to fix whatever he did. No one, including Arthur, has any clue what he did wrong but everyone but Arthur believes that he’s cabbage-headed enough to deserve Merlin’s punishment.
2. Merlin sees the execution in the square and just leaves without ever meeting Arthur. He stumbles upon Helen’s camp and is there to save her. She drags him back to Camelot where he meets Arthur under different circumstances. He hears Kilgarrah and leaves again. Then he runs into the shopkeeper who sells valiant the shield saving him from Valiant. He ends up back in Camelot to explain the death of a knight and ends up helping to save Camelot from Nimueh’s curse… and then he leaves again. Eventually Arthur has to go track him down for whatever reason cuz soulmates and love and stuff.
3. Arthur is courting Merlin. Everyone in the castle knows… except apparently for Merlin. Merlin ignores his gifts and romantic gestures until it becomes clear that Arthur needs to make a grand gesture. So when Merlin walks into his chambers that night, Arthur blurts out, “I know you have magic and I’m going to repeal the magic ban for you.” Merlin shrugs his shoulders and nonchalantly says, “That’s nice” without even a thank you. Turns out Merlin knows Arthur’s been courting him all along, but relationships require communication and Arthur needs to be taught how.
4. Arthur rises out of the lake almost regularly. War, famine and disease are horrendous but not uncommon things. The pattern becomes unmistakable. When there is famine, Arthur starves to save his people. He dies of each disease just as the cure is discovered. In every war he becomes a casualty, but his people emerge victorious.
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cherry-pop-elf · 3 months
Cold hands, Warm Heart
Ghost Fred X Reader
You wouldn’t say you and Fred weren’t the closest, but to say his death didn’t bother you was an understatement. You never got a chance to correct your feelings, and it’s left you hollow. You figured George still deserved to be checked on, as well. He lost his twin after all. Little did you know, someone was praying you would show your face around the shop again.
Warnings: Hurt/Comfort, Talks About Death, implied suicidal tendencies, it is a fluffy fic don’t worry.
Commissions open
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“Georgie-!” You would beam, as George would turn around. It took you a few shouts, but he finally heard you. As if you could sue him. He’s missing an ear, in a busy shop like WWW. The fact he heard you, at ALL, was a blessing from Merlin himself. Oh how it was so vivid, and lively. Despite the war, there was so much love and life still. Fred would be proud. You knew he would be.
“How are you-?” You asked, as you rubbed his arm. Trying to test the waters carefully. Wizard twins aren’t the same as muggle twins, after all. You wanted to see where his head was. He’s your friend, after all. A friend that has seen so much, so young. How it hurt your heart to see the age in his face.
“Could be worse….Could be better.” He would admit to you, as you patted his cheek. You wondered who was more hurt by the passing, sometimes. Some days you were kept up at night. Wondering if you said anything, admit your feelings, that things could have been different. It’s haunting, and you tried to push it back.
“Hey, no long faces here. Go and run around. Be a kid again, and all that jazz.” He would quickly call you out, able to read you like a book. You would give a huff, as the taller man ruffled your hair. Those damn Weasleys. Maybe running around the shop would be nice. See what new products he’s come up with.
Up the stairs you went. Enjoying the beautiful sounds, and wonderful colors. How the world was just in this bubble of warmth. You wondered how George was able to keep up such a healthy environment, while being all on his own. Those two couldn’t be separated. Suppose death just wanted to prove that they could.
Once you found an interesting floor, you began to look around. It was up on the higher levels, so you were able to have a bit of privacy. Let you think a bit, as you would hold a potion in your fingers. Such fond memories filled your heart, as you recalled the origins of the product. Oh you swore you would never forgive Fred for sneaking this in your cup. Fred…..
“You REALLY want that? Damn, thought I knew you better than that.” You heard behind you, making your eyes roll. “Har Har. Maybe I’m feeling nostalgic.” You defended back, before placing it on the shelf. You tsked, and turned. Your brow was raised, as you were met with no one behind you. You swore you heard George, clear as day, behind you.
Maybe he was being playful. Apparition and all that, but you didn’t hear the familiar whip crack it echoed. Did he just change the sound? If anyone could, it’ll be a Weasley twin. You brushed it off, as you kept walking. Maybe he just had to snap back downstairs, given he’s the only CEO here again.
Over the railing you looked, as you admired the floors below you. Such as that familiar ginger tending to the kids. Showing them some muggle trinkets, and seeming to still be kicking. That was comforting, until you heard something that made your blood run cold.
“Welcome to the nosebleed seats. Never thought the shop could get this high.” You heard behind you, while your eyes were still glued on George. That’s impossible. George was right in front of your eyes, yet you clearly heard him behind you. Your body felt utterly frightened, and you were drawing your wand. With a spin, your soul wanted to leave your body. Just like how his did the same.
It was Fred. Right there, but not in the flesh. In a mimic of his living twins attire, but in shades of transparent blue. That same hair cut, smile, and eyes. Just in shades of that deathly blue hue. All the same, if not for keeping his ear. He was right there, and your brain was trying so hard to process it. Seems it wasn’t the first time, as the ghost shrugged.
“You really think I would leave George behind that easy? Thought you knew me better than that. I am so hurt.” He gasped, as he placed his hand over his heart. Ever playful, even in the grave. As if you could really register that, as your eyes were watering from the realization. Not the first time for him, as he opened his arms.
“Come on. I’ve gotten this ghost thing down, thanks to Peeves. Bring it in.” He ordered, and you did. You hugged him, with your wand clattering to the ground. It was a strange feeling, as you held him. It was like hugging silk. It was so cold, soft, light. As if embracing a cloud. How those cold fingers would stroke through your hair, and chill you to your core. You don’t know how long you were like this. You just had to cry it out. As if he would rush you. Maybe you were imagining things, but you swore you felt something cold drip onto your head. Fading through, as if just whispering into reality. Just for a moment.
“I know. I know.” He hushed, as he kept playing with your hair, while George got worried on your whereabouts. Having expected you to come see him again. That was the only man to ever make you want to separate from the grips of deaths fingers. The sound of his foot steps were on deaf ears, ironically enough, as you never wanted to let Fred go again.
“If you hug him any tighter, you’ll be dragged to the grave next-!” George snorted, as he found where you were. “About time you saw him. He was begging me to invite you over some time. ‘Oh please George. I miss em so much-! Oh I miss em!’ And ugh-! Out of all the things to wail about-!” He complained, before the dead twin was quick to let go. Now smacking his younger twin on the back of the head.
You couldn’t help your laughter, as you wiped your tears away. You should have known better. Of course Fred would haunt the shop. What were you thinking? You laughed, as George kept hanging Fred’s dirty laundry about you. Suppose the feelings had been more mutual than you thought.
“Is that what will make you move on? Finally getting laid by your childhood crush?” George asked, before things were suddenly flying after him. A very flustered, and angry, ghost isn’t the safest thing to deal with. “OK IM LEAVING IM LEAVING-!” George shrieked, as he quickly ran down the stairs. Leaving you both alone, mostly.
“I’ve never dated a ghost before….I guess there’s a first time for everything.” You tried to be playful, or else you’ll cry all over again. Suppose those were the right words, as it calmed down that angry ghost. Maybe even made him blush, but the dead don’t really have a heart beat to work with. Maybe it was your imagination.
“I mean, us Weasley twins do like to experiment.” Fred tried to play it cool, by resting his hand on a shelf. Leaning on it, like he always did in school. Course, he ended up just phasing through it. Now falling through the stock, and down through a floor. He quickly flew back up, and brushed himself off. “You didn’t see shit-“ He warned, as you giggled.
You wondered how long the feelings were returned, and if he had similar thoughts. Did he regret never telling you, before he died? Were you one of the people keeping him from moving on? Did he think about you, in his final moments? You had so many questions, but you settled on just one. For now, anyway.
How does one, as they say, Smooch A Ghost-?
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Ok so first off I'm just going to say that i know next to nothing about the fancasted Slytherin boys but i have been unable to get Mattheo Riddle out of my head for the last few day so here we are now
Mattheo Riddle x Hufflepuff!reader Warnings: Use of Y/n, cussing, possible bad writing.( lmk if there's any others i should add)
The summer before your sixth year at Hogwarts was spent bettering yourself in all the ways you thought were flawed. You were tired of being the odd one out in your circle of friends. You wanted the love that they had. None of them understood when you told them you wanted the fights they got into, they'd tell you you're romanticizing it too much and that it wasnt all love and roses, but you understood that, you wanted the dark parts as well as the light parts - you wanted to learn how to fix a fight. You wanted everything, but no one else seemed to want it - actually, thats not true they wanted stuff like that just not with you. With you they wanted to use your body then get rid of you by morning. You didnt like it it but you'd decided long ago that maybe its all you deserve, all you'll ever receive from anyone. Until HE was partnered with you on a project in potions class. All was well in your little fake world until HE started flirting with you anytime you'd work on the project together.
Everything was fine until one day he got a dare from Draco. "hey mate, noticed you've been hanging around with that one hufflepuff" Draco smirks at his friend whilst sitting down at a table the others had set up for studying in the library. "care to tell rest of the class if she's really as good as everyone makes her sound?" As Draco spoke Mattheo could feel his jaw tense. "And what the hell are you on about now Malfoy?" "Oh you know just the fact that your crushing on a whore." Draco leans back folding his arms across his chest before Mattheo kicks the chair out from underneath him. "And how many girls have you used for the same thing Draco? You have no right to speak about someone when your the exact same." Mattheo raised his voice looking down his nose at the blond boy. "Oh don't believe me? Give her a month, hell she'll probably be trying to jump you after a week of being just plain nice." Draco moves to his feet while speaking. Mattheo continuing to look down upon Draco says a quiet and simple "fine." before pushing the bleach blond twat back to his seat and reclaiming his to go back to studying.
Over the week following that night Mattheo let his affections pour down on you, he'd gotten to know you and he let you see parts of his soul that no one else had been able to. After the month was up and you hadnt done anything about your feelings for him and Draco realized he was wrong he started spreading the knowledge of the dare to anyone he spoke to. Gossip wasn't much of a big thing at Hogwarts so when there was big news it tended to spread like wildfire, but often got skewed along grapevine.
You had been sitting in the library with Hermione studying for a test when you'd noticed she looked as if she'd had something she'd wanted to say. So when finally you'd grown restless of her bouncing knee you ask her the question you've been dying to know the answer too. "Merlins beard, Hermione what is it." She looked up at you with a look on her face as if she had no idea what you were talking about. "Hermione?" You said her name in a questioning tone and she looked as if she caved within her mind. "Well, Draco's been talking, about the many people you've been with - and i am in NO way shaming you for anything - but he's been saying that there was a bet, with Mattheo that involved you, and supposedly he bet Mattheo that you'd go along with anything if he had y'know with you, and that that's why you've been hanging around him so much." The red haired girl spoke cautiously as if expecting you to break down right in front of her. You opened your mouth to say something, the one person you didnt want to see walked in. You had completely forgotten about agreeing to tutor him. You looked at him, no longer with a look of happiness approaching your face but instead a look of animosity grew and without a word you stood and collected your books walking past Hermoine and Mattheo going to your dorm room to collect your thoughts.
Mattheo gave the Granger girl and questioning and concerned look to which she responded with a pointed one and told him to go find Draco before turning back to her studies. So he did, he went to the grand hall to see if he was eating lunch, he went to the quidditch field to see if the blond was gallivanting on his broom. And lastly - which honestly it should have been first - he checks the Slytherin common room and it's inevitably where he finds the blond lounging on a sofa. Mattheo bounds toward Malfoy and picks him up by the lapels of his uniform jacket and shoves him to the nearest wall. Matttheo on his search for Draco had heard the rumours that were going around and each one making him angrier and angrier. He wants to yell at the boy against the wall but he doesnt want prying ears hearing. "What have you done Malfoy?" His words dripping with acidity and the blonds name punctuated with a rough shove against the wall. "I know nothing of what you mean Riddle." Another rough shove to the wall and Mattheo asks the question again. "What. Have you. Done. Malfoy."
"Nothing, I was merely speaking with Nott in a not so private corridor about that bet we had. It is not my fault that people overheard." That sentence earned him another shove. "You'll take it back." Mattheo was trying desperately to know some sense into the otherwise senseless boy of what he'd just done without saying it outright but never the less Draco still figured it out. "You aren't in love with her are you Riddle?" Draco spoke seemingly disgusted at the fact. "You. Take. It. Back." Becoming more and more in pain, and the look on Mattheos face reminding him of a certain someone who can't be named, Draco finally surrendered, agreeing to take back what he'd said. Mattheo let go but kneeing him in the stomach before he left to make his point known. He then made his way to the Hufflepuff dorms to find you, and explain himself, and maybe grovel/beg for forgiveness.
When he gets to the to for the dorms he knocks, he has a friend in Hufflepuff that has been waiting for him. They let him in and tell him discreetly where your dorm is. He makes his way through the halls and up the stairs until he's standing in front of your door. Before he knocks he's wracking his brain trying to figure out what to say but all thoughts he had went running away when he heard your soft sobs through the door. No doubt because of him.
Instead of knocking he opens the door quietly (thank goodness it wasn't locked) and made his way inside, he closed the door behind. You looked up at the noise of the door closing and made brief eye contact with Mattheo before looking away again. "why are you here? I know about your bet so you can just forget about everything." Your words bitter as you snapped at him. "Love… there was no bet of the type that you have undoubtedly heard. Draco - called you something i don't intend on repeating to you, and I want- no- needed to prove him wrong. i am so desperately sorry for any pain he i have made you." Mattheo walks up your now standing form and kneels in front of you resting his hands on your hips. "I- I can't do this, I let you in. I- I broke MY rules for you - FOR you. Because I- I loved you." He shoots up to his feet and rests his palms on your cheeks. "Don't- don't use past tenses we can still have this, we can still do this it doesn't have to end just because of some pitiful joke i made in a fit of rage. Please, one more chance and if i fail you again i leave you alone forever, I- I promise." the look in his eyes told you he was sincere yet you still doubted it. The one person you'd let fully inside to see the darkest parts hurt you, but it was something small, and Draco has that effect on everybody. You pull his face to yours connecting your lips together, his hands move from your cheeks to the small of your back to pull you closer. When you pull away breathing uneven. "Is that a 'we can be together' type of kiss." He smiled wide when he finishes speaking. "oh shut up." You pull him in for another kiss.
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festivalsofmargot · 1 year
hello:))) can i request garreth x reader and what he would do for their one year anniversary? like he wants it to be very special and sweet and romantic because she’s the love of his life :) thank you!!!!
Freckled Serotonin
{Garreth Weasley x GN!Reader}
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Got this pic of Garreth from Rimaeternax on twitter!!! 
Word Count: ~ 2,900
Warnings: Kissing, Fluff
Author’s Note: Thank you for the request, anon! Didn’t realize how much I enjoy writing lovey dovey dates haha. I had way too much fun with this one 🥰 A good lack of angst here, you and Garreth have a very healthy relationship and you’re going to like it dammit lmfao. Take some time for yourselves and turn off your brain. Hope you enjoy guys, have a good day 🤗
Songs (if interested):
My Love - maye
watch you sleep - girl in red
we fell in love in october - girl in red
STARSTUD - Matt Watson
Garreth twirled his wand between his fingers as he made his way to the dining hall for breakfast. He was deep in thought of what to do for your one year anniversary the next day. The main plan the two of you had was to go to Hogsmeade for some butterbeers, but he wanted to do a bit more than that. He was worried you’d get bored of him by the end of the night if that’s all you did. He had tried to ask what more you wanted to do, but you were insistent the butterbeers and being with him were enough for you. Ever since, he’d been racking his brain for ideas on what he could surprise you with.
He spotted you in the dining hall standing near the Hufflepuff table, speaking with Poppy, Everett and Natty. He was starving but he couldn’t not see you first. He came up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and setting his chin upon your shoulder. “Morning.”
You turned your head slightly to look at him and brought your hand up to caress his cheek. “Ah, there’s my boy.”
Merlin, he loved it whenever you said ‘my’ while referring to him. “What potions do you need today?”
Your hand slid to the back of his head as you thought, gently ruffling his hair, making his insides go wild. “Hmm, do you think you could make me...” You made a clicking sound with your tongue as you counted off in your head, “...three thunderbrew potions?”
“Three?” He kissed your cheek and pulled away. “I sure do spoil you.” He turned to your group. “Does anyone else want a kiss and a cuddle this morning?” 
You, Poppy and Natty cackled. He always felt a sense of triumph getting a laugh from you.
“I’m tempted to say ‘yes’, you asked so nicely.” Everett jested.
“Oh Everett, how long are you going to act like you don’t want me?” Garreth plopped down on the bench next to him and threw an arm over his shoulder.
Everett shook his head, but looked amused all the same. “I don’t know how you put up with him.” He said, staring up at you.
“I do what I must for free potions.” You smirked.
“Don’t know what I’ve done to deserve such cruel treatment from everyone this morning.” Garreth gave you a wink as he got up, then headed to the Gryffindor table, pinching your side as he passed.
Garreth was working on your thunderbrew potions during his free period in Professor Sharp’s empty classroom. You leaned against the doorway as you watched him measure out the ingredients and scribble off items written on his parchment. His robes were off and he had his sleeves rolled up, giving you a tantalizing view of his forearm muscles. 
You loved his goofy, outgoing personality, but Merlin he looked so alluring when he was absorbed in his brewing. Garreth really was talented when it came to potions, but he had the most fun experimenting and trying new things.
You went up behind him and wrapped your arms around his waist like he did to you that morning, except your grip was a good bit tighter. 
“Can I help you?” He asked without taking his eyes off of his station.
“What are you up to?” You were being cheeky, peeking at the cauldron before him.
“Trying to make your potions.” He knew he made you go mad when he was engrossed in his work, he could keep up the act if it kept your hands on him. It always turned into this game of you trying to distract him and him trying to stay focused. He adored it. “I need to get more shrivelfigs. Do you mind?” He gestured to your arms around him.
“Not at all.” You tried to bite back the smile as you tightened your hold on him.
“You’re impossible.” Garreth sighed as he made his way to the ingredient shelves, you kept your hold and matched your footsteps to his. “Do you want your thunderbrew potions or not?” He tried to chide you but his chuckles came through. He’d always give off that he was annoyed when you had these bouts of clinginess to him. But, truth be told, they made him feel wonderful. 
There were times when it would be tough to see you with how busy you were, it was why he was so dedicated to brewing any potion you needed. He knew you could just as easily make your own, but if he made them it could keep you connected. There was always a lingering worry that a distance would grow between the two of you and you’d come to realize you didn’t need him for anything. Every bit of reassurance he got was intoxicating.
Garreth grabbed a few shrivelfigs out of the jar, then went back to his station with you still on him. “You keep this up, you’ll be brewing your own potions.” Please don’t call my bluff. Please don’t call my bluff.
You bit at his shoulder and his knees went weak. “But, I have so much fun watching you do it.”
“Well then let me work!” He laughed.
You pressed your lips to the spot you bit. “You can work like this, can’t you?”
“Don’t you have a Crossed Wands match to get to?” He asked as he picked up his ladle and stirred the pot.
You groaned and rested your forehead on his back. “Nothing gets passed you, I see. I thought you were supposed to be the troublemaker.”
Garreth set the ladle to the side and turned in your arms. He took your face in his hands and pressed his lips to yours. His stomach did a flip when he could feel you smile into the kiss. He stood strong, but he was one step away from being putty in your hands.
He pulled back, still cupping your cheeks and looking over your flushed features. He hid his giddiness with feigned vexation. "Happy?”
You smiled at him, staring at his lips. Heat swirled in him witnessing how blatant you made it that you wanted him. Tempted, he returned to your lips for more, kissing you deeper this time. The feel of your tongue gracing his bottom lip caused something to snap in him. One hand moved from your cheek down to your hip and he fisted the fabric of your uniform. His other hand slid to the back of your head, the hunger for you growing. He tilted your head so he could begin feasting on your neck.
You bit your lip to hold back the moan he was teasing out of you. Then a sizzling sound caught your attention and your eyes fluttered open. You thought the bubbles from the pot looked a little too big. “Garreth?” You said his name breathily, but he kept at your neck. “Garreth. The pot.” You said a little more stern, yet still unstable at his touches.
“Hmm?” He pulled away just enough to look back. “Oh dammit.” He released you and went to begin stirring with the ladle again. He threw in another drop of leech juice and that seemed to bring everything back to normal.
“How are you so good at brewing?” You moved to his side and stroked a finger slowly down his arm, causing a tingling sensation to course through it. 
“On no you don’t.” Garreth got behind you and gripped your shoulders, pushing you out of the classroom. “You’re nothing but trouble, go on to your Crossed Wands match so I can finish up here.”
You gave a dramatic sigh. “Fine. But don’t think you can get rid of me this easily tomorrow.”
He wouldn’t say getting rid of you in that moment was ‘easy’. Once he got you out the door, you followed his wishes and went on your way. You glanced back at him over your shoulder and waved him goodbye with your fingers. He leaned against the doorway and watched as you left. 
Love of my life. His heart squeezed at the sudden words that formed in his head and he rubbed at his chest. Before he could really think on those words, the sizzling sound started up again. “Shit.”
Garreth looked over himself in the mirror as he finished buttoning up his vest. Was this enough for your anniversary date to The Three Broomsticks? Or worse... was it too much? He thought it over and decided to tone it down and roll up his sleeves how you liked. You were always out for some assignment until the last minute, most likely you’d be disheveled in the standard uniform when he met with you. He clenched his jaw at the thought, he really liked it when you were disorderly like that.
He waited at The Three Broomsticks and spoke with some other students who were hanging out there. He didn’t know them, but he was the kind of person who could walk into a room and make friends with anybody. Where did his confidence go when it came to you? How did you manage to put such worrying thoughts of not being enough for you in him? You never made him feel anything of the sort, but you were the most capable person he’d ever met. He couldn’t believe he piqued your interest, especially when he had such a disastrous first impression that included a potion exploding in his face and getting you in trouble with him for it.
He felt someone touch his elbow and he turned, meeting your eyes. Just as he predicted, you were in your uniform, tie loosened, top buttons undone, shirt untucked on one side. He made himself stand up a bit straighter, trying to hide the fact that his nerves were in a frenzy at your state.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t have time to clean myself up. Are you mad?”
“Livid.” He grabbed your hand, nodded his head goodbye to his new friends, and pulled you towards a table in the back of the tavern. Before the two of you sat, he wrapped an arm around you. He pulled you close and said in a low tone near your ear, “You should know by now I prefer you like this.”
It was a good thing Garreth had such a strong hold on you, because your body went weak, swooning at his words. You felt him step away all too soon and he pulled out your chair.
“I’ll go get us some butterbeers.” He said as you sat and he pushed in your chair.
You rested your chin on your palm and watched him. He leaned against the bar, chatting easily with everyone around him. Ever since the fwooper feather incident, you’ve been sweet on him. Garreth’s energy was so addicting and it seemed like every person he met felt the same. 
You didn’t know how he did it. You could never talk to people as easily as he did, made you wonder what he saw in you. Not only were you much more of a quiet person, you were constantly out working on assignments, returning to campus profoundly unpresentable. Even after a year you still found it difficult to believe you were able to land him. 
You were mortified at the thought of meeting him tonight in the state you were in, but you would hate yourself even more if you arrived late. Your original plan was to show up and assure him you’d be right back after you cleaned up, but the second he looked at you with those beguiling, green eyes, you didn’t want to leave.
Garreth returned with a butterbeer in each hand. “I felt you eyeing me that whole time.” He set one in front of you and took the seat opposite you. “Now, I know I’m a striking young man, but please do have some self control while we’re out in public.” 
You grinned like a fool and pulled the butterbeer closer to you. “You are pretty nice to look at.”
He took a sip of his butterbeer so that the foam would cover his lip like a mustache. “Alright, I’ll let it go this time. But you can’t keep embarrassing me like this.”
You let out a snort, then shot your hands up to cover your face. He was instantly charmed. Unable to keep up his little comedy act, he wiped away the foam. Letting out a few chuckles of his own, he watched proudly as you struggled to quiet down your laughing. 
He got up and moved his chair closer to yours. He sat back down and rested his arm on the back of your seat. “Tell me what I got to do to get that sound out of you again, I’m begging you.”
Finally getting your laughter under control, you removed one hand from your face to smack his chest. “Don’t act like that did something for you.”
“Ow!” He laughed, grabbing your hand and holding it captive against his chest.
Your time at The Three Broomsticks went on with him trying to get more snorts out of you, your hands stroking each other’s thighs under the table, and absent minded kisses.
“I’ll go get the next round.” You stood up from your seat and Garreth stood as well, grabbing your wrist before you could go.
“Actually, I have a surprise for you.”
You tilted your head, raising a questioning brow at him. “Oh?”
He nodded his head and offered his arm. You took it and squeezed, greedily feeling up his bicep.
Once the two of you were out of the tavern, you leaned your head against his shoulder and sighed. “Garreth, you didn’t need to do anything. We could have stayed at The Three Broomsticks all night and I would’ve been happy.”
He frowned and shook his head. “You would have gotten bored of me.”
You cackled. “Oh, definitely.” You looked up at him when he didn’t laugh with you and saw he was staring ahead, jaw tight. “Wait, were you serious? You... think I would have gotten bored of you?” You halted your steps and gently tugged at him to stop and look at you.
Garreth only looked down and rubbed the back of his neck, not knowing what to say. You had never seen him so unsure of himself.
“How could I get bored of you? You make brewing potions interesting, I could watch you do it all day. In fact, I’ve tried plenty of times, but you always gave me the boot. If anything, I thought you were getting bored of me.”
He met your eyes then, and shook his head. “Never.” The look on his face told you he meant it, and a touched smile graced your lips. His heart rate picked up. “I love you.” He blurted, feeling a wave of bashfulness. He shoved his hands in his pockets and kicked the dirt at his feet like a child. “Just... thought you should know.”
Your lips parted slightly in shock, something fluttered in your chest so harshly you thought it would burst out. “You do?”
Garreth nodded his head, darting his eyes back and forth from your face to anywhere else, the wait for you to say something back making him more anxious by the second.
“Sorry, you... caught me off guard.” You chuckled, rubbing at your face hoping the burn from your blushing would go away. “But, I love you too.”
As soon as you said it back, his confidence came back soaring. He also took a smug pleasure in seeing how fidgety he made you. He wrapped an arm around you and pulled you along with him to a dark, nearby alleyway. He glanced around to make sure no one could catch a glimpse of the two of you. Once he felt the coast was clear, he pinned you up against the nearest wall and narrowed his eyes at you. He brought his mouth to yours. He wanted to kiss you until you couldn’t think straight. 
He brought his hands up so they were tight on your hips, and you cupped the back of his neck. You always had a terrible ache for each other when you kissed, but this need was on another level. There was more of an urgency this time.
He got lost in you and couldn’t help it when his lips strayed to other parts. He went along your jaw, nibbled at your earlobe, then began sucking at the crook of your neck. He usually would get a giggle from you when he did this, telling him to stop so he wouldn’t leave a mark. But this time you didn’t say anything, staying compliant at the feel of his mouth. 
Everything about him in that moment was making you excitable. “Wait, what's the surprise?”
He pulled back slightly, “Hmm? Oh, it's a um...” He pinched the bridge of his nose trying to focus on your question, “... a chocolate frog cake I ordered at Honeydukes. We can get it later.” He returned to your neck to continue putting his marks on you. 
It hit you then just how hungry you were. Butterbeer could only fill you up so much and you hadn’t eaten anything since before you went out on your assignments that day. “Garreth, I hate to say this. I really do, but can we stop this for now and go get that cake?”
He pulled back with his eyes closed tight, trying to regain his composure. “Fine. But we’re picking this back up after.”
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Since when...
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Warnings: Light Smut. Sebastian touching himself thinking of Y/N.
Description: Of course all aged up. There are two segments the first one is more an introduction and the secound one a light smut. Last year of the school. Sebastian being the narrator of this ff.
Please give me some feedback it is my first writing, I would love to know where I could improve. And maybe write a next part to it.
Starting a new year and also the last year at hogwarts felt great, knowing that less than 365 days are apart until I can start a career, maybe traveling for awhile or just staying with my dearest twin Anne and with my lovely friends Ominis and Y/N. I wonder how their summer break went?
Speaking of I just seeing them standing at the great hall, "Hey Ominis! Y/N!". "There you are Sebastian, good to hear you again. Hopefully with less trouble than the last years", said Ominis, being cocky as ever. "Hey Sebastian good to see you again, totally missed you on my adventures.", as Y/N greeted me she put her arms around me to hug me thight for a moment.
Even after I spoke the death curse against my own uncle, and Ominis being mad at me, which was understandable, Y/N could manage to make him speak to me again. Not only him, she also convinced Anne to send me owls, she might even want to see me soon again. Y/N was really a true friend, after all I put her through and even after cursing that damned cruciatus curse to get out of the scriptorium, she still kept up with me and my problems. I should give it to her back somehow. Pleading of liking having friends in my debt, I'm surely forever in her debt.
Speaking of feeling her hug I noticed something different, it felt more softer and wasn't she usually bit closer? Merlin. It is her wider chest, which puts us apart, she definitely didn't had them the last two years, what was she drinking- STOP IT! I shouldn't think so inappropriate about her like that. I love her, as a friend, maybe even like a sister or even like a brother since she acts sometimes like one, maybe it was our influence, tho.
But still I shan't think of her like that, even if she truly grew more mature. Who am I to ask her out? She would be definitely better off with someone like Ominis. I must admit the thought of it feels off. Even if both of them deserved to be happy.
I gently got off of her hug, "We should go to the table, shall we?" She smiled at me with a wide grin as she went forward to the end of the slytherin table. Ominis and I followed her, he placed himself next to her and I sat towards her. Unfortunately Imelda Reyes joined us, placed her gossiping ass right next to me. Merlin help me to survive her annoying being. I always wondered how Y/N can be so friendly with her, but thinking of it since she also has no problem with my sorry ass, it might be even a greater superpower to keep up with difficult people than the thing with ancient magic itself.
As the three of us sat outside, waiting for the transfiguration class to begin, a sudden dark cloud rain above us. I actually enjoyed the water drops running down my face, but I noticed the couple of Ominis and Y/n moving fast under the stone roof right before the classroom. "Sebastian please join us under the roof before you're getting a cold, my dear." her softly well sounding voice filled with concern rang through my ears and I followed them, like she was a siren calling a sailor of his boat.
"Are you getting cold? Your clothes are soaking wet.", she asked. "Don't worry, I just know the right spell to dry myself up." I used the hot air charm on myself. "That is a nice spell, do you mind drying my clothes too?"
Even tho she wasn't staying long in the rain, her blouse got a bucket or two full water on her and I could see her skin through it- damn it. Feeling the blood rushing to my cheeks and some other part, I also cast that spell towards her and maybe a bit to much than it needed to be. But it even made it worse, since her blouse got more pressed against her, which defined her gorgeous body even more. Merlin. Would she ever think like that of me too?
The class started and we sat- of course she had to sit next to me. It made it somehow worse, I think Ominis could start to tell that I was all over for her.
"Professor Weasley?", I raised my hand. "Ah yes, Mr. Sallow.", as she answered. I asked, "May you excuse me? I need to go to the toilet right now." - "Mr. Sallow the class just started.", she sighed. "But before an accident happeneds you're dismissed."
I stand up slowly hiding something with my cloak as much possible, I needed to go out of here, these thoughts of her wet skin... these silky fabric touching her nice silhouette, where I deeply wished she would want me to touch her- Merlin, since when had I developed such a desire for her?
I went of to a toilet stall, as fast as I shut the door and locked it. I began to unbotton my trousers and grab my little devil, starting to rubbing it. I pictured every inch of Y/n, her lips oh her sweet shaped lips.. imaging her to bite them because she would see something at me she also desired for so long. Her doe eyes which innocently hide her true nature of being a freak in the sheets.. I bet she isn't innocent at all. And Merlin these breast, what I would give to just get another glimpse. I moved my hand faster as I got more and more scenarios of her, like her blouse get lose and I could see her shoulders, she definitely would get aroused and start moaning if I could kiss them until she get bruises, enough bruises so that anyone knows she enjoys me, only me. I pressed my right hand against the door, thinking of how she would loved being pinned at it while her legs would perfect wrap around me, she would scream my name while I thrust my devil inside of her warm, wet witchhood until she can't walk or even say a word anymore. I would love to see her face while she comes, knowing that I could do that to her- "Merlin, Fuck. Y/N!"
I groaned her name a bit too loudly for a public toilet as I came in my hand. I have luck that no one was around. I cleaned myself in exhaustion and walked back to class. Y/N grin at me, when I rejoined the class.
Merlin, stop smiling at me like that again.
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dramioneasks · 4 months
HP FESTS: HP Festival of Stars (Part 2)
HP Festival of Stars 2023:
Can I Be Yours? by Wanderingfair - E, 2 chapters - “Stop stalling.” She laughed. “Right.” he confirmed, “I’m off to have a dastardly time bashing around Londo- oh, wait, no, I’m off to go meet the gold-digger Mum set me up with,” he snapped. “I get those two confused all the time.” “Go,” she urged, tucking her mouth into the sleeve of her jumper to hide her smile. “I’ll be up reading when you get home.” “You’ll be asleep on the library sofa and we both know it.” He winked, before closing the door. OR Hermione is forced to watch her best friend Draco Malfoy go on dates and finally confront the fact that she doesn't just love him, she is in love with him.
Draco Malfoy's Five Step Plan to Being Forgettable by OneEqualTemper - E, one-shot - Five times Draco said, “New year, new me!” and one time Hermione said, “But I like the old you.”
happy xmas (war is over) by riddikulus_puff - M, one-shot - December, 1998. Thousands are devastated and still mourning the losses from the Second Wizarding War, now came along the celebrations regarding the Muggle tradition that had moved through into the Wizarding World. Many were holding on to others for support, yet Hermione Granger felt horribly alone. Wasn’t Christmas supposed to be a happy time surrounded by family and friends? A one-shot for the 2023 HP Festival of Stars Fic Fest Inspired by the song ‘Happy Xmas (War is Over)’ by John Lennon
Crystals in the Snow by JessicaLovejoyAO3 - T, one-shot - no summary
Open Last by nissasxnotes - T, one-shot - no summary
In A Sky Full of Stars (I Think I Saw You) by InAStarlessSky - G, one-shot - “There’s a solution for that.” As if to prove the truth of his statement, he divests himself of the heavy wool coat he’d been wearing up to that point and drapes it over one arm. He then extends his hand to her and says, “Come here, I want to show you something.” She hesitates a moment, as though expecting deceit. He only smirks and gives a small shake of head. “I won’t bite, love. Come.” She approaches, still shivering despite herself and stops only when she reaches his side. “Serpents do have fangs, Draco.” “And lions have claws. What of it?” Or the one where Hermione steals an invisibility cloak and Draco has a surprise to show her.
Christmas in September by MsPolaPotter - T, one-shot - One heirloom brings Hermione to the love that she had deserved all along.
The Holidate by likelyunfinished - M, one-shot - “I don’t want to be your bloody holidate ever again. I want to be yours instead.” “Mine,” she smiled. “Yours,” he kissed her then, and it was the first of many Christmas kisses to come. In which Hermione Granger needs a fake-date to her Christmas party only to be reminded that old feelings never fade.
Everything Gold Can Stay by charingfae - T, one-shot - Draco Malfoy would give all the money in his vault for a chance to woo Hermione Granger. And he very nearly does. Year after year, he gifts her the most perfect, thoughtful, elaborate Christmas presents. So why in Merlin's name does she keep getting mad? One of these years, he's bound to get it right. Isn't he? Draco paused and drank in her radiant expression, her wisdom, her never-ending quest to make everyone in her sphere of influence better—all the individual components that added up to the mathematically impossible sum that was Hermione Granger. “I don’t agree with that. I’d argue that the things we love never stop being special. Not for a moment, Granger.”
Naughty or nice, Granger? by Dramioneinkdrinker - E, one-shot - Hermione sat down next to Theo. “What’s the game?” The three of them froze, staring at her like she was a boggart. Hermione cleared her throat, nodding to the game of cards splayed in front of Malfoy. Blaise was the first to recover. “Eh, we’re doing a holiday variation of King’s Draw.” Malfoy considered her. “Have you ever played?” “It’s like the muggle game truth or dare,” Blaise explained. Hermione ignored the way her stomach dropped. Shit. She held a palm out to Malfoy, who held the deck. “What’s this holiday variation?” A slow smirk pulled at the corner of his mouth. “We call it naughty or nice.” OR Where Hermione Granger decides to act like a normal teenager.
A Running Start by sundayviolet - T, one-shot - Hermione and Draco disagree with the DMLE’s assessment when their mutual friend and coworker, Theo, is poisoned. Alone at Hogwarts for Christmas, they must work together to find the truth. With their favorite buffer in the hospital, the two grow closer and finally admit what’s been long in the making.
All the Baubles by hermionejean99 - T, one-shot - Draco and Hermione are late twenty-something best friends, established in their careers. Draco asks Hermione to help him shop for his mother and his new mystery girlfriend while spending the day in Muggle London.
You and Me, Forevermore by Goldenbucky - G, one-shot - The one where Hermione chooses to go. And where Draco chooses to stay.
This fest is ongoing.
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“Oh Merlin's beard, they are a bunch of losers...”
You laughed at your daughter's exasperated sigh and ran around to gather some clothes and prepare beds for your guests while they were fawning over many artifacts of the Gaunt family and the memorials of your friends. It was a nice change of things, with never having any people around to teach them and all, seeing the many astonished faces of those next generation of witches and wizards were mesmerizing. They were eager to learn, know more about you- especially the girl, Hermione and the red-heads Ron, Fred and George who very irritatingly reminded you of someone certain- after making sure and calming them down that none of that would ever hurt them as long as you didn’t want them to do so.
Meanwhile though, Anne wasn’t having a good time with all the... noise in the house. She was playing with the end of her sleeves, a trait she had gotten from her father whenever he was stressed. Anne was much like Ominis, and it wasn’t just in appearance. She never took pride in her family origins, the Gaunts, after she learnt what they had done to both you and her fathers.
All the torture her father Ominis had gone through, all the sleepless nights and all the screams of muggles while he had to cast spells on them... even if he cried not to do so, forced by his parents... The screams he must have let out after Crucio whenever he was hurt by them, whenever he had to hurt someone...
All the images of you, bloodied and hurt by their actions, forced to slain them all, forced to watch as everyone you ever loved die just because her bastard uncle couldn’t keep it in his pants that resulted with the abomination of the Wizard world being born, and a curse forcing upon her family because of the blood connection you two had to them,something nothing would ever erase...
She was disgusted by them. By their sick ideologies, by their mere names and by having the same blood as them...
But, then again... She also had her father’s blood, the ever kind and loving man who despised anything related to dark magic. The one that would wake up in the middle of the night to tend to her or her siblings when you would be too tired. The one that danced with little her in front of the fireplace of their cozy house, the one that told her and her siblings of stories about his time in Hogwarts, more specifically after he met you, the love of his life and he was changed for the better, eventually leading him to leave his family behind for good.
She didn’t forget the day when he called her to him, and requested to be always there for their mother and write everything that happened down in her many diaries, a hobby she had picked early in her life.
Now that she looked back into the memory with softening eyes, it was almost like her dad knew he didn’t have long to live and that thought made tears swell in her cloudy eyes.
“My sweet Anne, I know that you believe the world is amazing and that you could achieve anything... I wish I would be able to see it but, take care of your mother for everyone okay? Don’t let her get lost in the dark for so long.”
And she remembers her nodding, her little, child mind not understandimg the severity of the situation and how danger was coming closer to her family day by day.
But she remembered how he lovingly caressed her hair, and hugged her for too long... Too long compared to other times he did, like it was... his last time doing it. And if he focused enough, she could still feel the tears her father shed right onto her neck.
My brave girl, I’m so proud of you... I’m sorry I wasn’t the dad you deserved...
This was the last thing Anne ever heard from any of his fathers, both saying the same, unaware of the shared sadness, unaware of what was cursed on them.
“I believe we aren’t really welcomed, huh? Sorry for my siblings by the way, if they irritate you, just tell me.”
Anne whipped her head to where the raspy yet masculine voice came from, her wand out to sense whoever was there but upon seeing the usual Weasley aura, she gave a smile. “No worries, I have dealt with much worse...” she stopped at the end, not sure how to call him when the male sat down with a kind smile.
“Charlie, Charlie Weasley. At your service, mi lady.” Charlie made a reverance, a dramatic one, not thinking much about it or how she couldn’t exactly see him. But the soft giggle she let out and the small, soft yet firm hands of the petite woman, Charlie looked up and gave a smile.
“You seem like someone who enjoys smiling... Energetic, like a puppy.”
“I thought you can’t see though?”
“I can’t... But it doesn’t stop me from making jokes, and seeing your soul.” Anne said with a serious face, wearing her most strict voice to make it more scary. They both stared at each other and soon burst out laughing while holding their stomachs. It has been a long time for either of them, laughing that hard and genuinely. It made her guilty for a second, after all the deaths that was on her hands, it wasn’t fair to those who died.
She was alive, smiling and laughing while... They were 6 feet underground..
That was what she made her believe, after all. She was sure they were somewhere around, hanging around her like ghosts and mocking her-
“Then, I take the ‘puppy’ comment as a compliment, Anne. Is that okay for me to call you?” she nodded slowly as Charlie’s words slowly pulled her out of the darkness that always took over, feeling shocked yet grateful for the boy begore her and she followed as he sat down on one of the chairs, suddenly feeling more than one eye on her as she also did the same, unconscciously.
“Your family are all watching, are they not?” she asked with a smile, and Charlie raised a brow at the curious eyes his sister and brothers were giving to him behind her back but tried to look like they weren’t eavesdropping.
“Yes, they do... Though they are shit at hiding it. Sorry for the language.” He sighed as he rubbed his neck shyly, making the older girl giggle and summon a glass of water. “Don’t be. I had 4 brothers as well and I know how it gets... Besides, just because I look like a noble, doesn’t make me so elegant. My mouth is much worse than a sailor when I get angry.”
“Hard to imagine really, you look so...” Charlie trailed off as he took a look at the woman that sat before him. She wore a thight, black dress with one of the collars those pure-blood women wore. She was wearing an emerald necklace, perhaps once belongt to her father and old enough to be a heirloom or a reminder, maybe a gift. But what made him stop wasn’t any of her clothing or blood status, or her family background.
It was the way she held herself. The way she was so calm, yet protective. The way she was smiling at him as if she saw him, and how her opal eyes were so beautiful... Pretty and mesmerizing enough that he could get lost in their cloudy gaze-
“What? Weird? I guess, I do, since I’m blind and-“
But obviously, Anne didn’t know any of it. She was used to being told this, poor fragile thing people would say. Guess, the sins of your parents were on you with this blindness...
As if they knew her family.
She used to react harshly when she was a kid, the usual Slytherin temper often coming out at the prospect of her loved ones in danger. It was a trait her mother often teased her fathers with, all the while trying to scoop her up in her arms so that she wouldn’t burst magic at the people. She never liked those who mistreated her parents for something they had no control over, such as blindness or the scars that decorated all three of your faces,  judging her because of her inability and treat her like a glass.
She was strong in her own way, her parents were the Ancient Magic Wielder, Master of Dark Arts and the Strongest Wizard, the Heir of Slytherin, after all and she mustered magic at such a young age, proving herself to others all the time.
But it was never enough, she craved more... Something human.
Her life has always been a fight, and the only human emotion she knew was danger, fighting and pain.
So, just imagine when Charlie looked at her softly- the softest look a man had ever looked at her with, especially after her father- and how shocked she was. Yet, her heart was filled with a warmth, a warmth of the spring sun shining for the first time and Anne couldn’t help but wonder why her mother even reacted that way to the Weasleys.
They were people that lifted her mood, even after such a short time of getting to know them... The man sitting before her, more than anyone, she believed.
“Beautiful... You are beautiful.” Anne widened her eyes and looked down hurriedly, feeling a blush erupt all over her face. Both young adults suddenly felt shy as Charlie’s siblings let out a loud cheer. Fred and George yelling a Good job, brother! while Ginny teasingly cooed at how sweet it was of him to say that, giggling at both of their red face as she disappeared behind one of the polished white door.
“I-I... Uhm, thank you Charlie... That was... sweet of you...” and awkward silence settled in, Charlie looked out to see that you were sweeping the backyard when your eyes caught Harry’s, who was looking at the pottery you had there as a memorial of your husband with eyes that held nostalgia and a deep emptiness. The boy experienced so much pain over the four years he spent in Hogwarts and none of them were pleasant memories. Between that prophecy and Voldemort, Harry never got to be a kid.
And now, as if his problems didn’t run too deep, he learnt truths about his life and family... And suddenly had what he always wanted right in front of him.
Even when he was supposed to be happy, he felt... Angry? Heartbroken? Sad? Empty? He didn’t know what he was feeling.. On one side, he was happy to have a family but the other part... That part wanted answers, that part wanted you to explain everything to him. Why let Voldemort kill his parents if you loved them so much? Why did you not try to take care of him? Why, why, why...
“You know, not only do you look like your father but you act like him too... Heard you often got in trouble, like father like son..” your voice reached to him, making him flinch suddenly and turn to look at you with wide eyes as you tended to the flowers and gathered all that was left in the garden. He watched you, still frozen in his spot as if you weren’t affected by them at all, by the revelations you did, by how everyone was shocked inside as Anne explained the most part...
As if the gravestones right next to the pottery was all of his imagination.
But, he couldn’t help taking slow steps towards you, as if he was enchanted and stood before you  just a few steps to where you seated down. You knew he would come to you, you knew he had a lot to talk... A lot to get angry and ask answers for.
And you would give them all, slowly through time.
“I still remember James, and how he used to cause chaos around here. Running in the pottery as his aunt Anne was doing it, begging to do the same  yelling out that he was capable too... No need to say, I would often find him covered with mud and water.” Harry smiled softly as tears filled his eyes, not that you would see while you checked some of the flowers in the garden and briefly looked at the pottery that used to break your heart as the slight, barely-there image of Ominis would occasionally appear to you, clad in his apron as he would lifg his face whenever he heard your steps and hug you, getting mud all over your face and kissing you, your heart and soul clench painfully in your chest that often resulted with a doubling pain.
But your grandson was more important, and you had to do this for him... For everyone.
“He was very capable of mischief, but he was so adorable and loving. So energetic and full of hope, admiring me and Anne as we did magic... I thought he was an Ancient Magic wielder too, but was wrong. Thankfully so, if I must admit...” You murmured the last part quietly so that Harry eouldn’t hear your relief .
No one could blame you, right? Especially after how James was killed.
“... Rumor has it, you also took after him.” You came to stand next to him, not daring to touch him in case he wouldn’t want it. He looked up to you with his eyes that screamed Lily, his shiny pearls cascading down slowly which made your heart strings pull and touch his pale cheeks to wipe them.
This must have already been too much for him, but though you wouldn’t explain whole details, you would tell him as much as he wished to learn for now.
But even when he cried softly, much like how James used to when he was a kid, you could see the teasing and curiosity behind his eyelids, which eventually made you smirk under your breath as well.
“The usual Gryffindor-who-wouldn’t-follow-rules... I thought it would be different over time, with each passing generation. But I guess every single one of the children that came from us had the same fierce, passionate and adventurous side of me and Ominis.” He widened his eyes at the meanimg behind your words and gaped at you, while you looked at him amused. How did you even know it?
“You know I’m in Gryffindor? How...?”
“I was always a part of your life Harry... Not that you realized.” He stayed looking up at you, heart suddenly getting warmer at knowing someone always had an eye on him. But he was still young, and he had James’s hot temper that would leave to regret and pouts. His next words left his lips without his control, and he immediately regretted how harsh it sounded after witnessing your smile slowly falling.
“Then... Why didn’t you take me? Surely, you know the Dursleys...” he couldn’t help but spit their names angrily, remembering all the pain he went through and how easily all of it could have been avoided. If you were trully that powerful as you said, if everyone trully feared you and Anne... “Why didn’t you help my parents if you are that strong? Why didn’t you protect me?”
He wanted to scream, shove you off, demand answers, blame you for everything and no one would blame him. Harry experienced so much at such a young age, when he was supposed to live his best one and knowing that he could have gotten this, with a loving family that would stay with him no matter what rather than his aunt that often blamed him for everything and the abuse he had to face so young...
And you knew... You knew it all, but he didn’t. And you couldn’t exactly tell him everything, but you could hold him and make him see how dire the situation was.
“My precious, I tried... I even threatened Dumbledore with destroying the Hogwarts and Ministry, your aunt going as far as using magic on him...” You held onto his face thightly, wiping his angry tears away. “But Voldemort was also after us and we were on run already... Though I wanted nothing less than to take you with me, I couldn’t. Not when a curse was on us, not when the Dark Lord that came from us wanted to kill us... I thought they would be better for you, since they lived in a steady house but... I forgot how some people were...” you looked down in shame after that, your own tears falling as you let out some of the stress out of yourself.
Harry’s hand shook in shame, wanting to comfort you as the world around stopped. He never thought Voldemort would be after you and Anne either, thinking that he only wanted him. But it was clear now: None of you were ever safe, and you did what you believed was right. His anger from before dissolved and he shyly took a hold of your hand, making you lift your gaze and gasp quietly...
For it wasn’t just Harry you saw, but James whenever he would come crying to you after getting injured, it was Ominis who would caress your face first thing in the morning as you prepared breakfast and the kids slept, it was Ominis who comforted you when the news of the Gaunts searching for you both reached to you...
It was your family that had to endure all the pain a human being could ever bear.
“Life hadn’t been kind to you... Had it?” Such a simple question shouldn’t have affected one so easily, perhaps not at all. But Harry wasn’t anyone, he was just a boy wo longed to have a family, a boy whose dreams were finally coming true. So, solely for that reason, Harry could no longer deny the emotions that ran through him, simply clutching your hand that held his face so softly, a mere ghost of the woman who died protecting him. He suddenly hugged you, burying his face to your neck as he seeked comfort from his last family.
For the first time, he felt like he had someone who didn’t have too much expectations from him.
“I... I'm scared. I don’t know what to do, how to do all of this! I don’t want to be the Chosen One, I just want to enjoy my teenagehood!” you shushed him gently, rocking him back and forth as your arms snaked around his waist and to his back and squeezed him thightly. You were, once again, reminded of how James would wail loudly and your sons would immediately seek you out for comfort when they were little and that only made your tear fall harder as your hand massaged Harry’s scalp softly, making him relax onto you.
“I’m sorry, darling boy... For being the reason of your suffering. When I first learnt about you, I prayed for the first time that the prophecy would slip past you... Unfortunately it didn’t and I would call you either a stupid or naive if you weren’t scared but you are no longer alone.” Both of you chuckled at your comment, Harry slowly pulled away from you and gave you that half-sad and half-happy smile as you side hugged him, bot being able to stop yourself from coddling your grandson. You comfortingly rubbed his shoulders as you both gazed at the memorial stones where six names were written.
Six names that was important to you and your family once.
Ominis Potter.
Sebastian Sallow-Potter.
Anne Sallow.
James Potter.
Lily Potter.
Regulus Black.
The last name caught Harry’s attention, the same surname that could never be a coincidence surely peeked his interest. Why was that surname was the same as his godfather’s?
“Uhm... Why does the last one have the same surname as-“ he started as you let your eyes wander to where he looked, a deep pang in your heart hurting very badly at the name written on it.
“Sirius? Oh well...” you briefly looked at the stone and then back at the two men who you considered as sons after James introduced you and then back at Harry, with a somber smile at the vision of curly, black hair and grey eyes appearing right before your own. ” It’s a long story, Harry and it is late... Maybe I will tell later, tomorrow. Let’s get inside.” You urged him inside softly, pointing to the door where everyone was seated safely. The garden was big and enormous, and the walk back was long. Longer than normal but longer enough for you to get one last thing out of your chest.
One thing you always itched to say to James, and every single person that came from you.
“I am the reason these all started again, and I will fight tooth and nail to defeat him... You don’t have to fight alone Harry, not anymore. I can’t take that Chosen One title back from you, but I can definetly protect you from it.” Harry didn’t stop you, just continued to walk next to you as sadness and warmth flooded him.
Sadness because of how badly you blamed yourself and how no one ever thought of you to be innocent, warmth because how loving and protective you were.
Definetly a great change after everything he had seen.
“I know I did many unforgivable, stupid mistakes. Mistakes that resulted with many deaths, tears and sorrow. And there isn't a day that I don’t regret over my actions, these burial stones being the reminder of them... I know I was wrong, and I don’t expect you to forgive me because Merlin knows, I wouldn’t do it if I were you-“ you were adamant on going on, doing anything so that your grandson wouldn’t hate you... so that he would understand you. This, the guilt, was one of the many things that kept you away from him for so long and though you knew it was stupid...
You didn’t want him to hate you.
But what you didn’t know, Harry would never hate you. As long as he lived, you would be the woman he would cherish and respect endlessly. And though he was still a kid, he understood how you struggled.
Being the Chosen One ran in the family, I guess?
“Grandmother, it’s okay... Though I don’t understand everything, I know you are innocent. As well as Aunt Anne...” he took your hand softly and smiled widely, showing his pearls and how true he was being. A shy look soon settled on his face and he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, making you pinch his cheeks and making him whine.” Besides, we have all the time to talk about everything, no? I can’t wait to hear more about-about everything! How did you meet with Grandpa? When did you attend Hogwarts? Were you cool like those wizards and witches we heard about? Do I look like Grandpa?”
A huge grin overtook your face as you hugged him thightly, actually crunching a few painful knots in his shoulder but neither one of you cared when both of you found what was lost once.
Not when you both accepted the other as family.
And as the night breeze made both of you shiver, you patted Harry’s back when you two stood in front of the door of the house, to make him get inside before turning to look at the memorial of your lovers and family.
At least, you were finally able to keep your promise to them, albeit a bit laye... Though it was at great costs... Cost of Dark Magic.
“I wonder what you would do if you learnt the true me, my boy...” you muttered under your breath as you let your magic unfold, the golden, black, and dark red color of it illuminating your face as the darkness settled in deep in your heart.
The same darkness that clouded Sebastian...
The same one that clouded Voldemort.
 You didn’t know what future would bring but there was one thing you were sure as you let your magic disappear and get inside the house, closimg the door thightly behind you after looking at the horizon...
Anyone who touched your family, would have to face the darkest witch of all times.
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wolfspurr · 1 year
Hey! Your writing is amazing!! Do you have any Sterek fic recs?
Thank you so much 💖! I have absolutely loads of recs - way more than I could possibly fit in one post - but here's a little selection of things that I've read or re-read recently for you. It's a mixture of genres, some are classics, others are newer, but I loved them all. In no particular order, here you go:
No Superman by WhoNatural - E, ~48k words
Scrubs AU. I've never seen Scrubs, but if this fic is anything to go by I probably should. This is one of those fics that I'll re-read every time I see it linked somewhere. If you're into medical dramas, this is a great one. A+
A Functioning Adult’s Field Guide to Enemies With Benefits by BisexualGoblin - E, ~31k words
A delicious case of enemies to lovers, with a boatload of misunderstandings and a hefty case of pining idiots. Love it.
The Importance of Turning Around Three Times Before Lying Down by Otter - M, ~31k words
I'm a sucker for fics where Stiles unwittingly ends up looking after a dog that is very much not a dog, but a Derek. This one is excellent.
Lock All The Doors Behind You by Entanglednow - M, ~25k words
There's just something about a fic where Derek is feral and Stiles is the only one he trusts to get near him. I think this is one of the very first Sterek fics I ever read, and it still hits just right.
A (Sort of) Fairytale by Briecheesie - M, ~25k words
Fox Stiles. It's a classic, and it's so good.
Introduction to Zero-Sum Anthropology by Apocryphal - T, ~19k words
Derek Hale deserves nice things. But he cannot simply accept them, so a war of gift-giving must be in order. So so cute.
this dance of days by Imprintofadream - M, ~28k words
We've got Firefighter Derek, we've got Deputy Stiles, we've got wildfires and a delicious bit of slow burn. These are all good things, and they add up to something pretty excellent. 10/10.
I'm Not Asking Questions, I'm Taking My Chances by Keldjinfae - E, ~80k words
Let's get a bit of fantasy going here! Stiles is the prince of a kingdom where supernatural entities are banished, Derek is a werewolf with a mission to complete. It's not a Merlin AU, but if you're into Merlin I'm pretty sure you'll love this (and I am very much into Merlin, so obviously I loved it too). The plot had me hooked, and once I started reading I could not stop. 100% recommend.
DILF by Twentysomething - E, ~30k words
I'm not always the biggest one for kid fic, but this one is excellent. Stiles is a kindergarten teacher, Derek is a single parent to his two nephews. There's slow burn and a wolf sanctuary, and some impromptu howling. And Derek is, indeed, a DILF.
The Lawn Ranger by Snowjob - M, ~47k words
High school AU. It's summer, Stiles is a jock with a broken arm and a crush, Derek is the werewolf who gets roped into mowing his lawn. All. Good. Things.
Where the Real Beasts Are by Kaistrex - E, ~109k words
Do I love Stiles as a prince? Yes. Yes I do. Long and plotty and excellent. There are evil Argents, there are direwolves, there's some wonderful slow burn. All things that we love.
Bogarted by HalfFizzbin - M, ~3k words
Hilarious. Just A+. Derek is hit by a film noir curse, and it's just as perfect as you would imagine.
Stand Fast in Your Enchantments by DevilDoll - E, ~77k words
It's a classic, and I can't not rec it. Derek is feral, Stiles is magical, and they're held captive together. Read it. If you've already read it, heck, why not read it again?! I certainly will.
Wild Horses by ThePsychicClam - E, ~79k words
Ranch AU. Derek is a drifter that ends up at the Stilinski's failing ranch. I love this one. It has all the wonderful slow-burn UST goodness that I love, plus horses! 10/10 would recommend.
Can I rec my own fic? It feels kind of self-aggrandising, but I'm proud of it and I'm not above giving myself a little promo. I'll call it a bonus item and just leave it at the bottom here:
Way Down We Go by Wolfspurr - E, ~50k words
I wrote it! If you like stuff set around S3B, post-Nogitsune healing, and slow burn roadtrip fic, I hope you'll give this one a chance 💖
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nimrism · 28 days
hello! daily morgana pendragon deserves the world. also, i'm very curious to see what you think a morgana and lena interaction would look like! i feel like the universe would break. oh! this is me realizing they both have something against their brothers. what a nice realization to have! anyway, just wondering what you think that might look like :)
i'm so sorry it took me THIS LONG to get to replying to this but i wanted to do it JUSTICE cause i love this ask with all my heart it speaks to my very soul :)) (i do apologize for this getting really really long, though)
lena and morgana!! they're so similar and yet so different at the same time it's so awesome to delve into their characters and try to dissect what's happening in those brilliant heads of theirs like i could write thesis papers analyzing their characters without ever getting bored. they're just so special to me :,)
what would an interaction between them look like, though? hmmmm i guess it depends on the context of the interaction like why would they be in the same room in the first place? has morgana been reincarnated? what is she doing in national city? or is lena the one who crossed the pond and went to england? are we talking canon s6 lena who has magic? has she gone to england to get closer to her witch ancestors? IS MORGANA HER WITCH ANCESTOR? DID SHE ACCIDENTALLY/ON PURPOSE RAISE HER FROM THE DEAD? i think the concept of morgana being lena's ancestor is super interesting cause it would influence lena's opinion on arthur and merlin and camelot in general. so, if we consider the connection between them ancestral, i think their interactions would be reverent (at least on lena's end) and morgana would (maybe after initial reluctance or hostility) sort of accept lena as her descendant and her protégé and teach her all sorts of magic. lena's part in helping morgana adjust to the modern world would also be a huge aspect i feel like cause morgana would be so confused with modern technology and the fact that technically there are no more "kingdoms" and camelot is no more so what exactly is her purpose in this modern world? lena helping her through that (or at least trying to) would form a huge part of their relationship i think.
buuuuuut if the context is different like maybe lena has discovered a way to time travel and she finds herself in camelot or in the woods around morgana's s4 cabin and morgana happens to stumble upon her there, it would be different. because WHY is there a woman in morgana's image in the STRANGEST clothes walking around with glowing objects (technology) that aren't inherently magical (morgana can't feel the magic in them) but MUST be because this isn't just something anyone can conjure up?? no matter the time we're talking (s1/2/3/4) i feel like morgana would react very negatively until lena can earn her trust or at least convince her she's not a sick joke merlin/emrys is playing on morgana. i also think lena would be wayyy out of her depth in medieval england like yeah she's a genius but she eats salads and fast food and has a bajillion-dollar penthouse equipped with all the latest technologies so living without the luxuries of the modern world would be a CHALLENGE even for her so i think it'd be fun to see morgana's reaction to lena absolutely STRUGGLING to get through her day.
once we're past the logistics of the interaction and the awkward introductions and general initial animosity phase and they FINALLY get to talking, they'll have lots of things in common. like you mentioned, they both have this innate hatred for their brothers, but with lena, lex has caused her unimaginable trauma and pain and despite all of that she's managed to get back up and say to his face that yeah she hates him but she loves herself more and that she's finally letting go of that hatred to go live her life. with morgana, however, that hatred for arthur has become all-consuming, even though it only stemmed from uther sort of unknowingly pitting them against each other forever by acknowledging arthur as his son and heir but never morgana. morgana's hatred for uther extended to arthur and when uther died, arthur became the sole recipient of that hatred. unlike lena, morgana doesn't have anyone to pull her out of the darkness, to show her that even when family fails to understand you and/or accept you, there are friends who will. she doesn't have that support system, and so she succumbs to the darkness and the hate and lets it eat away at her soul. this is where they differ, in my opinion, lena had a support system and the innate strength to stop the generational trauma cycle, while morgana had neither (doomed by the narrative from the start maybe i'll just cry).
this part's a bit controversial cause it depends on your headcanons and who you ship and stuff but another thing i feel was detrimental is UNREQUITED LOVE. lena's half-hearted "villain" arc only happened when she found out that her best friend had been keeping such a huge part of her identity from her (which isn't something you would do to someone you love) so she was like fuck it i'm going to fix humanity cause you guys SUCK. but when she eventually realized that wait, maybe kara does actually love her and care about her and she didn't entirely mean to hurt her (whether you read it as platonic or romantic, her love was requited) she went back and apologized and everything (even though she didn't need to apologize she's never done anything wrong in her life). morgana's brand might as well just be unrequited love, on the other hand. it goes as far back as her biological father (bro didn't even acknowledge her as his daughter), and extends to pretty much everyone she may or may not have been in love with (whether you ship her with gwen (the only right answer) or merlin or even the dumbass alvarr guy). she's been made to feel unlovable her whole life and at some point she believes it and takes it at face-value as the truth, and that's part of what pushes her to extremes like the ones she goes to in the show. ("if i can't have love, i want power"). with both gwen and merlin they're both so devotedly loyal to arthur that even if i were in her shoes i'd get pissed off, so, since she doesn't believe that they'll ever be loyal to her just because, she tortures and brainwashes merlin to get him to do her bidding, and she kidnaps gwen and brainwashes her to get her "old friend" back, because, in the state that she's in by s5, she doesn't believe that anyone will ever be devoted to her for HER, so she forces them to be. this concept of never having love requited voluntarily plays such a huge part in shaping morgana's character and making her that much different from lena, in my opinion.
i could go on and on about the implications of the dark tower episode and every word morgana said to gwen, but that's a story for another post because this one is already getting waaay too long.
ANYWAY i may have strayed from the point a few times BUT I JUST HAVE A LOT TO SAY ABOUT THEM, OKAY? thank you so much for this ask it was so much fun to answer and AS ALWAYS if you want to further discuss morgana or lena or both and speculate on how they would meet/interact i'm always up for a fun discussion 😼
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cantwritethetword · 2 months
Shut up, Merlin!
Fic Descript: Arthur learns the hard way that Merlin is very talented in the art of revenge after the king gets stuck wrapped in the drapes of his bed.
I thought of this concept like AAAAAAGES ago and thought it was super funny and perfect for our little dynamic duo.
I have been absolutely vibing while on medication for my ADHD it's so nice to just be able to ✨start things✨ ?? and then, leave those things and ✨return later ✨?? and not have to drag myself to the finish line ?? crazy
- Enoy! ~
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Merlin and Arthur would die for each other.
There was no question about it. And they had come pretty close to it on multiple occasions. Whether it be facing trolls, witches, wildren, or mortal humans, both would take a sword to the heart for the other if the need arose.
If no danger was in sight, however, they would gladly throw each other under (the medieval equivalent of) the bus.
The pair had been out hunting, and a rather unsuccessful hunt at that. Arthur was in piss-poor form, which meant Merlin took every opportunity to run his mouth (and annoy the king further). They were making their way back to the castle, Arthur leading the way and Merlin trotting along behind.
"-do you remember when you missed that deer that was riiight in front of you?" Merlin asked, his face would suggest innocence but his tone proved he was trying to piss Arthur off.
"Shut up Merlin." Arthur replied flatly.
"And what about that time you were aiming for that huge bird?" Merlin continued. "But it flew off before you even had the chance to line up your bow?"
Arthur glared directly forwards, to no-one in particular. "Shut up, Merlin."
The men turned their horses off the beaten path and onto a lesser known shortcut through the thick forest back to Camelot.
Partially to clear the path, and partially to vent his frustration, Arthur swung his sword in front of him to clear some of the vines blocking their way. Perhaps the thickness of the foliage would deter Merlin from any more snide comments, and make him focus more on directing his horse through the areas too thick for Arthur to break.
Surprise surprise, Merlin continued as before. "And the rabbit- oh the knights are never going to let you forget that you lost a sword fight to an unarmed bunny-".
"Shut up Merlin!" Arthur groaned, wiping his face with his hands to try and wipe Merlin's voice from his brain.
"But we haven't even got to the-"
Merlin's taunt was interrupted by a sudden quiet, one that Arthur whispered silent praise to. "Have you finally taken my advice?"
When his servant didn't reply, Arthur slowed his horse. The now unnerving silence made the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end, and at the faint rustle of vegetation Arthur whipped his head round and drew his sword - prepared to leap from his horse and engage with whatever potential threat may have overpowered his friend.
But the moment his eyes caught sight of what made the rustle, Arthur burst into laughter.
Merlin hung a few metres behind his dismounted horse, completely tangled in the green ropes. The tautness of the plant rendered him almost immobile, a fact that was well demonstrated by his fruitless wriggling.
"Now," Arthur said with a grin, his previous sour mood turned completely upside down. "What was that you were saying about the knights not letting us forget things? Because I think they'd love to hear about this."
Merlin's glare shot daggers in Arthur's direction. "Hah hah." He said sarcastically. "Now help me down you ass."
Climbing off his horse, Arthur threw his sword into the dirt and sat on a nearby fallen tree. His grin eating more shit than a dung beetle.
Merlin scoffed. "Really? You're just going to sit there."
Arthur shrugged. "I've worked hard enough on this hunt, I think I deserve to have a bit of entertainment."
Merlin rolled his eyes and writhed further, pulling at the greenery with all his might before giving up and letting his body go limp.
"You're really not going to get me out of this?" He asked sincerely, a hint of annoyance still hiding at the back of his throat.
"You're a big boy Merlin." Arthur grinned cockily, stifling a chuckle. "You can do it."
With another roll of his eyes, Merlin continued to wrestle against the vines. But it seemed no matter which way he pulled, somehow he kept tightening the bounds that kept him suspended a few metres above the floor. He couldn't even use his magic with Arthur watching him this closely.
"You know Merlin, I think if you'd just relax you would have been free by now." Arthur continued.
Merlin made a few disgruntled noises before continuing to wriggle in the plants.
After a few minutes, Arthur stretched his arms dramatically. "I could take a nap by the time you've finished."
"Do it then." Merlin muttered under his breath. "Lazy ass."
Ignoring Merlin's comment, Arthur folded his arms behind his head and closed his eyes.
The warlock scoffed, before taking his opportunity to mutter a quick spell and free himself from the godforsaken foliage.
Unfortunately, he freed himself a little too eagerly, and left his body weight with nothing to support it. He toppled from the web of vines directly into a substantially deep patch of mud underneath him.
Arthur cackled at the sight, clapping his hands once before standing up and mounting his horse again. "Come on then."
Merlin grunted, dragging his feet through the ankle-deep sludge to where his horse was patiently waiting.
"I feel sorry for your saddle." Arthur grinned behind him. "Having all that dirt smeared over it."
Merlin shot him a glare. "And I feel sorry for yours, having your arse squashing it."
Rolling his eyes, Arthur quipped back a retort. "At least I'm not the one who has to clean it."
"I doubt you'd know where to start."
Early the next morning, before even the sun was up, Merlin snuck into the royal chambers. Not an unfamiliar process by this point, though usually it had far less exciting intent. This was not about cleaning, or polishing, or even returning stolen goods.
This was about revenge.
Focusing his attention on the sleeping king, Merlin swiped his eyes to the drapes of the bed at the top two corners, chanting an incantation. The fabric wound and tied itself around Arthur's wrists - perfectly balanced between holding firm without cutting off his blood flow. Then came the bedsheets themselves, winding around the bottom bedposts and around Arthur's legs with a similar spell.
Smirking to himself, Merlin slinked away to the furthest point of the room. Giving himself a mindless task of busywork to wait for Arthur to waken.
After what felt like hours, there was movement. At first, the sounds of a half-sleeping grunt and a rough attempt at turning himself over came from Arthur's bed. Then, a slightly bewildered collection of mumbles and tugs to the material. Before finally,
"WHAT THE-?" Arthur bellowed, thrashing in the binds. "MERLIN!"
Deciding to take this moment to make himself known, Merlin popped his head from around the corner. "Morning sunshine."
"Merlin." Arthur breathed an exasperated sigh of relief, before continuing his brash tone. "Get me out of here!"
Merlin smirked at his friend. "Oh but I've got a long day of work ahead, I feel I deserve some entertainment."
Arthur glared at him. "Merlin. Get. Me. Out."
Just to rub the situation in, Merlin sat on the lower half of the bed (where Arthur couldn't reach) with his legs crossed, letting his chin fall on his hands - eager to watch the show.
Realising his manservant was going to be absolutely no help, Arthur began thrashing again, tugging at the drapes of his bedframe with little success.
"You know," Merlin suggested. "If you'd just relax, maybe you'd get out."
"I can't relax!" Arthur cried indignantly. "I am stuck, and hungry - I haven't even had breakfast! I'm wasting away-"
"Oh you're fine." Merlin laughed, poking Arthur's exposed side.
Arthur shrieked and recoiled (as best as the bedding would allow), internally cursing his decision to sleep without a shirt on. He locked eyes with his manservant, watching the cogs tick momentarily in Merlin's brain.
"Oh~?" Merlin grinned. "What's this?"
"Merlin I swear to you..." Arthur threatened, trying his best to keep his composure. "I will throw you in the stocks if you come any closer."
Merlin shrugged. "You've done worse." And crawled closer.
"I'll have you executed!" Arthur's voice was beginning to break with nerves.
Merlin laughed briefly. "You wouldn't survive without me."
Pulling himself together, Arthur called upon his most serious, kingly, threatening tone. "I'll ban you from the tavern!"
Merlin rolled his eyes, before clambering behind his friend - reveling in the freedom he had to really draw out the anticipation.
"Guahards!" Arthur shrieked, a bark of laughter breaking up his command as he twisted as far away from Merlin as he could. "Help!"
"Oh they can't hear you." Merlin grinned, noting the way Arthur almost seemed to relax at that statement. Perhaps the king needed this more than he did.
Either way, Arthur was royally screwed.
Merlin's spindly fingers began climbing up Arthur's sides, making the king jolt and yelp with every touch. Even when all he could see was Arthur's reddening ears, Merlin knew Arthur's face was scrunched as tightly as possible - avoiding even the smallest semblance of a smile.
Surprisingly, as Merlin's hands climbed higher, Arthur's breathing relaxed. The tension in his muscles remained, not allowing himself the risk of letting out so much as a snicker, but clearly his ribs and armpits weren't where Merlin should be focusing.
Following the cues of his victim friend, Merlin let his hands drag down over the curves of Arthur's love handles. Instantly, the king's breathing hitched - bingo.
Continuing the previously-built anticipation, Merlin slowly scraped his blunt fingernails against Arthur's skin, pulling his digits from splayed out to centered on the king's sides. Arthur was practically vibrating at this point with the pure effort of keeping his reactions at bay. Desperately gripping at the tough-guy facade with a pained grimace on his face, he pulled at the drapes his limbs were caught in at violent, random intervals.
"You're allowed to smile, you know." Merlin teased right in his friend's ear, adding a little more pressure to transition into light poking.
Arthur yelped in reaction, before grunting - as if to remind Merlin that Arthur was the King of Camelot, far too tough for something as childish as being ticklish.
Unfortunately, he had a little shit of a man-servant. And someone who knew exactly what to do to get him to crack a smile.
"Huh, maybe His Majesty the King isn't ticklish after all..." Merlin proclaimed, watching Arthur's cheek twitch into a stifled (but amused) grin, before clawing his hands against Arthur's sides.
Arthur's body seized, pulling against the fabric holding him in place so tightly Merlin thought the bedframe might snap, before slumping into Merlin's tickly grasp.
And the sweetest, most childish giggles Merlin had ever heard bubbled out of Arthur's mouth.
"Meh-meh-meherlihin!" Arthur gasped between bouts of soft laughter. "Wahahait!"
"Oh?" Merlin raised an eyebrow (not that Arthur could see). "Are you ticklish, Arthur?"
Arthur ducked his head to his shoulder. "Shuhuhut up Meherlin!"
It was at this moment, Merlin realised that while Arthur was occasionally pulling on the binds, it didn't seem intentional. Arthur only seemed to really pull with one hand, and not even to protect himself.
It seemed he was only focused on covering his (now bright red) face... Interesting.
"What's the matter?" Merlin beamed, peeking his head around next to Arthur's. "It can't tickle that badly."
"Meherlin!" Arthur's eyes widened with a flustered laugh, before flicking his head in the other direction. "Shuhuht uhuhup!"
Merlin laughed. "You're one to talk about shutting up Mr Giggles."
Arthur's cheeks burned even brighter - the poor guy looked more flustered than Merlin had ever seen him before. At this point Merlin was having more fun teasing the king than actually tickling him.
Though by this point, Arthur was almost getting used to the clawing at his love handles, so Merlin decided to swap techniques and start squeezing at Arthur's hip bones.
Turns out, Arthur has the perfect layering of fat and muscle for Merlin to drill his fingers all the way into the king's hips without pain - just a hell of a lot of tickling.
Arthur screeched, and though his breathing became more frantic and his struggling became more erratic, the bubbly giggles from before sounded just as carefree (just a little less gentle).
"Meher- nohohoho- meherlin wahahait!" Arthur cackled, his face in a permanent beam.
"Well isn't this just adorable." Merlin teased, pitter-pattering his fingers over Arthur's stomach before returning to the king's hips. "You know, I don't think I've ever seen you this happy."
"Shuhuhut uhup meheherlin!"
Merlin grinned at his friend, finally deciding to show mercy. Poor Arthur was nearing exhaustion, and he still had a full day of training with the knights ahead of him.
With a swift, inconspicuous mutter, Merlin loosened the drapes holding Arthur hostage. It took the king a few moments to finally realised he could free himself, and he escaped with a little less hurry than Merlin expected.
But even after Arthur's breathing returned to normal, and the flush had almost faded from his face, Arthur still had a massive grin splitting his cheeks and his arms folded over his eyes.
Merlin stood off the bed and let his friend lie there for a few moments, waiting for the usual threat or sarcastic quip that followed their usual banter sessions.
"Will that be all, my lord?" Merlin grinned, moving towards the door (and hoping to provoke some sign of life out of the guy.)
Arthur just giggled again. "Shuhut up Merlin."
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ravenclaw-writes · 9 months
Morning After
| Part 1 |
Pairing: Remus Lupin x Sirius Black
Remus finds himself facing the aftermath of having sex with your best friend ... while listening to your other best friends have sex in the next room. Was this a one time thing or does Sirius want more?
Occurs directly after the events of Shared Walls but can also be read as a standalone.
Word Count: 6,184
Original Publish Date: 2023-01-15
A/N: Hi! Final fic from my AO3-to-tumblr transfer. Now I'll start posting here at the same time as my AO3 goes live. This one was a big ol request from all the original readers of Shared Walls, which was originally just going to be a one shot. Had a lot of fun writing this one, softer than my usual stuff but these boys deserve good things too <3 Enjoy and thanks for reading! :)
| Read on AO3 |
Remus woke to the delicious smell of eggs and bacon.
Slowly, he opened his eyes. The spare room was still dark, but he could tell by the light coming through the gap in the curtains that it was probably close to mid-day. It had been a while since he had gotten a nice lie-in. With a shiver, he realized that there wasn’t even a shred of blanket on his body. He was also naked from the waist down. Confused, and still half asleep, he rolled over to face the other side of the room. Ah.
Sirius was still there, and had somehow managed to cocoon himself in the comforter, creating a giant mass of blanket. Feeling rather exposed, Remus looked around his side of the bed and found his pyjama bottoms hanging off the end. He sat up, stretched, and put them on.
“Moony,” Sirius groaned, his voice muffled a little from the duvet. “Stop moving.”
Remus chuckled. “Time to wake up, I can smell breakfast," he said, giving Sirius' cocoon a couple of pats.
This caught Sirius’ attention and he began to wriggle out of his blanket wrap. Finally free, Sirius sat up, stretched his neck to both sides, cracking it, and did the same to his back. Remus eased himself off the bed, walked over to the window and flung the curtains open.
Sirius hissed and covered his eyes. “Merlin, warn a guy before you do that!”
Remus smirked. “That’s what you get for taking all the blankets.”
“Maybe I just liked looking at you.”
Remus’ cheeks flushed and he tried to deflect it. “Perv."
Sirius smiled. “Only for you.”
Remus rolled his eyes and tried not to read into the comment too much. They've always had playful banter like this, just because they've slept together now doesn't meant their dynamic has changed. Right?
“Come on, let’s go eat, I’m starving.” Sirius pushed himself off the bed. He grabbed his pyjama pants off the ground and put them on before making his way to the door.
“Wait!” Remus called, reaching his arm out to catch Sirius’ attention. Sirius turned around and raised an eyebrow. “Shouldn’t we like,” Remus found himself getting self conscious. “I don’t know, talk about last night?” He asked, not knowing if he wanted to know the answer. But of the two of them, he tended to take on the rationalist role. Someone had to ask.
A pause. “I mean, what is there to talk about? We were both worked up, just happened to be together.” Ah. So playful banter remains that: playful.
Remus tried not to show that the words stung. He knew it was a gamble last night, but actually hearing the words was different. “No, not that part,” He started, trying his best to seem like he agreed with what Sirius had said. “I meant that we’re about to go have breakfast with the two people you got off to last night.”
A hint of a blush started to creep up Sirius’ face but he tried to play it off. “I could have sworn you were also a little turned on.”
Filled with a sudden wave of confidence, Remus walked closer to Sirius. If he didn’t want to come up with a game plan then fine. He knew that Sirius was the one who was loud last night. To a certain extent, most of the embarrassment fell on his shoulders, not Remus’
“Oh I was more than a little turned on,” He got closer, and paused as he passed Sirius so that his next words were spoken directly into his ear. “But I think that had more to do with feeling your hard cock against my ass," he said, toeing the line between playful banter and a come-on. Maybe he just needed to let Sirius know where he stood with this new development. Was it still a development if it was only something that happened once?
Sirius’ eyes widened, and Remus chuckled before he continued to the door and left the spare room.
*** *** ***
When Remus arrived in the kitchen, he realized that coming without Sirius ended up working in his favour. Made it seem like they didn’t fall asleep together … just fucked. Which he guessed was better. Less questions. Questions that he didn’t even know the answer too. For all James and Lily knew, Sirius could have gone back to his own room after they finished.
Remus spotted a pot of coffee ready to go, freshly brewed. He poured himself a cup, wrapping his hands around the mug, feeling the warmth. He inhaled the scent and sighed contently.
James was sitting at the kitchen table, flipping through the morning edition of the Prophet and nursing a cup of tea while Lily continued cooking their breakfast on the stove. Remus had an image flash in his mind of the two of them, years from now, in the same routine but with little Potters running around. James and Lily were going to be the best parents, Remus had never been more sure of anything before.
Remus took a big gulp of coffee and hummed at the taste. He wished for more simple mornings like this.
Lily peered over her shoulder and smiled, a knowing look in her eyes. “Sleep well?”
Remus choked on air, and tried to play it off by taking another sip of coffee. “Could have been better, I kept hearing something banging against the wall,” he tossed back, suppressing a laugh as James spit his tea back into his cup.
“You ought to let that owl out of her cage, James.”
Remus turned to the direction of the voice and saw Sirius leaning casually against the archway into the kitchen. He had no right looking that sexy with bedhead. Remus could see a hickey he didn't remember giving peeking out from the neckline of Sirius shirt.
“Funny you should say, normally she’s fine. She must have heard something in your room.” James offered.
They were dancing around the subject. It was understood that everyone knew what happened last night. But how do you tell your friends that you got off to them having sex on the other side of the bedroom wall? Do you tell them at all? Was anyone going to bring up the fact that up until last night Sirius had offered no indication that he was interested in men?
“I should certainly hope so."
Remus’ eyes widened at Sirius' words and if he had been taking a drink it most certainly would have been spit out. James’ eyes focused in on his cup of tea. Lily snorted.
Sirius chuckled and pushed off the wall, walking towards the pot of coffee. He peered into Remus' mug as he passed. "Ah, I see someone likes their coffee how they like their men," he said directly into Remus' ear, pausing to nip at his earlobe.
Remus felt his cheeks heat up. Payback for my cock comment, he guessed. Was this past playful? This was Sirius though, he could make anything seem flirty.
Lily looked over her shoulder as Sirius walked away. "Something you'd like to share with the class, Black?"
"No," Remus said at the same time as Sirius;
"Well actually-"
Remus lightly hit Sirius' chest with the back of his hand in a signal that he should stop talking. Sirius held up both hands in defence.
The kitchen fell silent, just the sound of Lily's cooking. The banter had successfully delayed the awkwardness, but without it the four were left with their thoughts. Or maybe that was just Remus.
Does Lily feel weird? She's a girl, girls feel weird about things like this. What about James? He's always territorial over Lily. Merlin, does he think that Sirius and I are interested in her? Fuck, what if he thinks we're interested in HIM? Is Sirius interested in him? Is Sirius interested in me? Since when have I been interested in Sirius? Does Sirius even-
Remus was pulled out of his spiral by a knock at the door.
"I'll get it!" James announced, standing up so quickly that his tea slightly sloshed out of his mug on the table.
Sirius peered over Lily's shoulder and tried to snag a piece of bacon off the plate by the stove. "Hands off, Black," she tutted, hitting his hand away.
"Look who showed up after all!" James exclaimed, reappearing in the kitchen with Peter in tow.
"Peter!" Lily smiled and left her station at the stove to give him a hug. Sirius took this opportunity to grab some of the bacon he had been eyeing. On his way to the table he sneakily handed Remus a piece. Remus willed himself to not blush. It was just a piece of bacon for fuck's sake.
Peter gladly accepted Lily's hug. "Mum had to come home early and let me tag along so I could come here!"
"Brilliant, Wormtail!"
*** *** ***
The rest of day went by fairly easy. Having Peter there made things slightly less awkward but Remus could tell that Lily was itching to talk to him about what the hell had happened between him and Sirius. Remus was avoiding her. He was telling himself that it was because he really didn't want to talk about the fact that Lily had indirectly been involved in his hookup with Sirius and not because he was avoiding the topic of Sirius as a whole. The former did play a role, but not as much as Remus was telling himself it did.
Before he knew it, they were all calling it a night again. Sirius made a joke about silencing spells and Lily flushed. Thankfully, Peter didn't clock it.
The sleeping arrangements were what they would have been if Peter had been there from the beginning. Sirius in his room, Lily with James, Peter and Remus in the spare. As anticipated, Peter's snoring was as bad as it was in their dorm.
For the second night in a row, Remus couldn't sleep. He was under the covers on the bed, laying on his back, staring at the ceiling. He couldn't help but think about what had happened in this bed less than 24 hours ago.
"Touch me, please, fuck,"
"Don't fucking stop,"
"Fuck, I'm going to cum, please let me cum plea-"
Remus was getting hard. What if he - no. No. He couldn't go into Sirius' room. It wasn't like last night where Sirius had a real reason to come in. Well, he could blame Wormtail's snoring...
Fuck it.
Remus quietly got out of bed and stepped over a sleeping Peter on the air mattress. He slowly opened the door, and left the bedroom. With a quick Lumos, he walked down the hallway, past James' door, and a little further: Sirius' room. Remus hesitated, realizing he didn't exactly have a game plan. What was he going to do, walk in and say "Hey Sirius, I can't sleep 'cause Wormy's snoring and also I can't stop thinking about what you sound like begging me to let you cum, mind if I come in?" Maybe skip that middle part. That could work, yeah.
Remus raised his hand to knock on the door, and jumped back in surprise when the door opened, revealing a pyjama-clad Sirius. Sirius swore and put a hand on his chest.
"Merlin! Moony, don't sneak up on me like that!"
"How was I to know you were going to open the door right as I got here?"
"I thought you had super-hearing! You should have heard me," Sirius teased, catching his breath. Remus rolled his eyes. "What were you doing here anyway?"
Remus felt his hands get a little clammy with nerves. "I, uh, couldn't sleep?" It came out as a question and Remus mentally face palmed for his lack of game. Had he not just rehearsed what he was going to say?
Sirius cocked his head to the side. "Oh?"
"Yeah, um, you know how Wormtail snores."
Sirius chuckled lightly. "I'm sure the entire Gryffindor Tower knows how he snores."
There was a pause, an unspoken question hanging in the air.
"Did you want to come inside?" Sirius asked.
Inside you.
"Yeah, that would be nice."
Sirius stepped aside and let Remus enter the room, closing the door after him. Sirius had his curtains drawn, his desk chair turned to face the window. Sirius and his stars, Remus thought fondly. As much as Sirius loved to diss the Blacks and their celestial naming conventions, it wasn't the only reason he was top of the class in Astronomy. Remus wished he knew what was going through Sirius' head when he stared up at the night sky.
Remus put out his wand, letting the the moon provide the lighting. He had been in Sirius' room before, but he was always surprised at how much Gryffindor paraphernalia he had strung about. It was extremely comforting though, knowing Sirius had a place where he could be himself. He didn't need to used a permanent sticking charm out of spite, but Remus knew these decorations would remain for years to come. As long as Sirius needed a place, the Potters would provide. A mother's love: the muggle permanent sticking charm.
Realizing he'd been snooping in silence, Remus turned his attention to Sirius. He had a funny look in his eyes. "What?" Remus asked.
Sirius just shook his head fondly and sat on the bed. It was rumpled, he hadn't made it today, or maybe he had just crawled out from under the covers. Either way, it made things feel more intimate than if the bed had been made. Something about the physical proof that Sirius existed in this bed.
The atmosphere was getting to be a lot more awkward than Remus had anticipated. In his brain it was just going to be an exchange of greetings and a shag. He forgot to factor in small talk.
Remus perched himself at the end of Sirius' bed. "Did you want to talk about last night?" Remus' eyes shot up at Sirius' words. He was not expecting Sirius to be the one to bring it up. Sirius must have taken Remus' stunned silence as an answer and started rambling, "Or not, that's totally cool, we can pretend that it didn't happen if that's what you want -"
"Is that what you want?" Remus asked, trying not to show that his stomach was currently doing summersaults.
Sirius started picking invisible lint off his duvet cover.
"Sirius, why were you at the door when I got here?" Remus continued.
"I was going to see if you were awake."
Remus started schooching his way up the bed, closer to Sirius. "Well, I am," he said, now sitting beside Sirius, their backs against the headboard.
"I can see that," Sirius teased, bumping his shoulder into Remus'.
The beat of silence was thick. Remus felt a tightness in his chest, he could feel his heart beating.
"It's not what I want." Sirius said, responding to Remus' earlier question.
Remus swallowed thickly. "I -" he started, looking straight ahead, too scared to look over at Sirius. "I don't want to either."
Confessions out in the open, they were back where they started: unsure as to what the next move was.
Remus finally turned his head to look over at Sirius, only to find him already looking back. Eye contact was too much, Remus was having to remind his body how to breath. But he caught Sirius' eyes glance down. It was quick, fleeting, like he was holding himself back, unsure. Remus realized with a start that Sirius might be just that. He didn't know much about Sirius' sex life, just his reputation. Even then, it was only ever girls. Remus knew Sirius liked girls. He knew that Sirius had snogged girls at parties. Did he kiss them during sex or was it just a quick shag? Remus thought back to last night. They hadn't kissed. Hell, they hadn't even looked at each other. He wouldn't have called their hookup intimate. But right now, with the way Sirius was looking at him, how he slowly wet his bottom lip? This was intimate.
Sirius wanted Remus to kiss him. And fuck did Remus want to kiss him too.
Remus angled his body slightly and started leaning in excruciatingly slow. His heart was pounding, he felt like his entire body was shaking. He could feel every cell in his body. There was a knot the size of a tennis ball stuck at his sternum. Remus silently told himself to get a grip, this wasn't his first kiss. Why was he so nervous? They had already fucked for Christ's sake.
And then, as soft as a whisper. The flutter of eyelashes against a cheek. The brush of a small exhale. Remus felt Sirius' lips press nervously against his own. Their lips slotted together, and Remus was delighted to discover Sirius' lips were as soft as they looked. Their lips didn't move, it was just a press. Remus slowly pulled away with a wet sound as their lips detached. Suddenly his blood was flowing again, going straight to his brain. It was a headrush, kissing Sirius. He still felt as if his whole body was vibrating at a low frequency.
Sirius let out a nervous breath, the sound akin to a sigh of relief. Remus noticed that Sirius' hands were shaking where they rested on the bed. The two of them looked up at the same time, making eye contact. The kiss hung between them before they both let out a shaky laugh.
"Have you ever-" Remus asked.
Sirius shook his head. "No. But I've wanted to."
Remus nodded, understanding. There was a different kind of rush from a first queer kiss.
"Can I, uh, - could you - can we -" Sirius started a couple sentences, unsure how to phrase his want.
"I'd really like to kiss you again, if that's what you're asking," Remus provided, holding back a smile. For once in their relationship, Remus was the more experienced one.
Sirius' cheeks reddened slightly. "I'd - yes, yeah."
As the last word was leaving his lips, Sirius leaned in, reaching his hand out to cup the base of Remus' neck and desperately pulled him closer.
The second kiss had a completely different energy than the first. Their mouths moved together messily, trying to find a rhythm. Remus reached out for Sirius' waist and pulled him closer. Sirius' other arm wrapped over Remus' shoulder, melting their chests together. Remus hummed at the contact and Sirius responded by opening his mouth slightly, introducing his tongue to the kiss. Remus gladly accepted.
They continued to explore each other's mouths, and Remus could feel himself starting to get hard. He tightened his grip on Sirius' waist and Sirius let out a slight moan in response. With some shuffling, Sirius lifted one of his legs over Remus' lap and positioned himself so he was straddling Remus.
Remus groaned at the new position and wrapped his arms around Sirius, his hands splayed across Sirius' shoulder blades, pressing him closer. Sirius started needily grinding himself against Remus. Remus was delighted to find out that Sirius was just as turned on as he was and pressed his hips up in time with Sirius' movements.
Remus broke the kiss and began trailing his lips down down Sirius' neck, starting at his jaw, just below his ear. Sirius stretched his neck to the other side to give Remus more access.
"Sorry that I left a mark last night," Remus muttered, his tongue lightly grazing the hickey at the bottom of Sirius' neck, exposed by the stretched out collar of his shirt.
"Shit, Moony, I'm not," Sirius responded with a slight chuckle.
Remus groaned into Sirius' neck and tightened his arms around Sirius. "I'd love to mark you up, let everyone see," he admitted.
"Please," Sirius breathed.
After the go-ahead from Sirius, Remus playfully bit down on a spot just beside the mark from the previous night. Sirius' breath hitched and his nails dug into Remus' back through his shirt. Remus started sucking on the skin until he was certain there would be a deep bruise. Happy with his work, Remus gave it a lick. He moved his hands down Sirius' back until his fingers reached the hem of Sirius' shirt. He gave it a little tug.
"Can I take this off-"
"Fuck, please, yes," Sirius all but begged. Remus laughed lightly and helped Sirius pull the shirt over his head, tossing it away.
Remus paused to drink in the sight of Sirius without a shirt on. There had been an urgency to their actions last night, so much so that the pair had remained half-clothed. It was sexy, sure, being so desperate for each other that they couldn't waste time with removing all their clothes. But this moment was charged with something else. Remus had finally been given permission to look. And oh was it a sight. He had seen Sirius shirtless before, sharing a dorm for 7 years would do that, but he had never looked at Sirius' chest. There were a couple of freckles ghosting his upper chest. Some small, pale scars acquired over the course of their Marauder antics at Hogwarts littered his sides.
Remus placed his hands on the small of Sirius' back and Sirius shivered slightly. Remus gave him a look. "Your hands are cold," Sirius explained with a small laugh.
Remus apologized and started kissing down Sirius' chest, starting between his collar bones. He paused every so often to suck a light mark onto Sirius' chest and was met with a gasping moan each time.
Eventually, Sirius had had enough of Remus' light teasing and started pawing at Remus' shirt. "Take this off, please."
Remus was happy to oblige and quickly pulled his shirt over his head, throwing it to the side. He could find it tomorrow.
Once they were both shirtless, Remus returned his hands to their place on Sirius' back. Sirius wrapped his arms over Reums' shoulders again, pulling their chests flush together, and reattached their lips.
Remus moaned into Sirius' mouth at the contact, loving the feeling of Sirius' chest against his own. Remus had never really been one to pay much attention to nipples, but there was something so deliciously erotic about the feeling of Sirius' hardened buds against his own bare chest.
Desperate for more, Remus trailed his hands along the waistband of Sirius' pyjama pants until they met at the front, right above the drawstrings. He let his fingers wander, lightly palming Sirius through the fabric. Remus made a mix of a gasp and a groan when he could feel that there was nothing else under the sweatpants, just Sirius.
Sirius mewled into Remus' mouth at the contact. Remus took this moment to break the kiss. Sirius' cheeks were flushed, his eyes hooded. Seeing Sirius like this flipped a switch in Remus' brain.
"Fuck," he moaned, closing his eyes, pressing his forehead against Sirius'.
Sirius laughed, an exhale out of his nose. Remus felt it, the air cold on his wet lips. "I think that's the idea," Sirius teased.
Remus couldn't help the smile that formed when Sirius said this. This was uncharted territory in their relationship, yes, but it was still them. It was still just Padfoot and Moony, Remus and Sirius. And of course they were the type that laughed during sex.
"Oh shut it," Remus joked back.
Sirius tugged at the hair at the base of Remus' neck. Remus opened his eyes and pulled away from Sirius slightly, just to get a better look at him. "Make me?" Sirius asked, cocking his head to the side.
Remus suppressed a laugh, "Was that you trying to be sexy?"
Sirius frowned, "Yeah. Or, no? Was it sexy?"
Remus' smile broke free. "Mm, just a little. Needs some work."
Sirius groaned in defeat and pulled away from Remus, dramatically falling backwards on the bed. Remus gazed fondly at his best friend, splayed out on the bed, his messy hair haloed around his head. He really was breathtakingly beautiful. Sirius brought his arms up to his face, crossing them to cover his eyes.
Remus untangled himself from Sirius' legs and leaned over Sirius' chest, caging him against the mattress. He started peppering kisses down Sirius' stomach. Sirius gasped at the contact and went to move his arms away from his eyes. Remus snapped a hand up to hold Sirius' arms in place. "Keep them there," he said into Sirius' skin. Sirius moaned in agreement and Remus let go. "Good boy," he said, recalling the praise from last night. Sirius made a sound in the back of his throat.
When Remus' lips grazed Sirius' waistband, he quickly undid the drawstring and slipped his fingers under the fabric. He gave a little pull as a silent request and Sirius lifted his hips off the bed, allowing Remus to pull down and off the sweatpants, tossing them in the same direction the rest of their clothes had went.
Finally, Remus got a good look at Sirius' naked body. His cock was hard and thick, the swollen head sticky with precum. Remus leaned down and gave the tip a swipe with his tongue, loving the salty taste of Sirius.
"Oh, fuck, please," Sirius moaned. Remus pursed his lips and continued to lower his head, letting Sirius' cock push into his mouth.
Remus continued to lower his lips over Sirius, taking more of him in his mouth as he went. Remus didn't have much experience sucking cock, but he felt that his knowledge of what felt good to him could at least lead him in the right direction. And judging by the sounds coming from Sirius, he was doing something right.
Remus hollowed out his cheeks and started bobbing his head. He pointed his tongue and used it to tease at the underside of Sirius' dick as it pumped in and out of his mouth.
"Fuck, Moony, you're really good at that," Sirius laughed breathily.
Remus flicked his eyes up to look at Sirius, happy to see that he had kept his arms over his eyes in a makeshift blindfold. Sirius' lips were parted, his mouth open in pleasure.
Remus pulled off of Sirius with a pop and Sirius whined at the loss of contact. "Lube?" Remus asked.
Sirius pulled his arms off his face and started to sit up. "If you pass me my wand I can-"
Remus shook his head, "I want to do it myself this time."
Sirius blinked a couple of times before answering. "Oh, fuck - I mean - Merlin, yeah that would be so - in the top drawer, shit-" he groaned and let himself fall back onto the bed.
Remus chuckled at Sirius' fluster and leaned backwards to reach the top drawer of Sirius' bedside table. He grabbed the half-empty bottle and brought it back over to where Sirius lay.
He popped the top and slicked up his fingers. Sirius' eyes tracked Remus' every movement and he spread his legs in anticipation.
"Mm, excited are we?" Remus teased, running his other hand up and down Sirius' upper thigh.
Sirius hummed in response. "I haven't done it this way in ages."
The words went straight to Remus cock. His hand lightly cupped Sirius' balls and his fingers inched closer to Sirius' hole. "Oh?" He asked. Sirius flushed in embarrassment. Remus started to push at the ring of muscles. "Have you fingered yourself, then?" Sirius didn't answer. Remus pushed a single finger inside Sirius. "You have, haven't you?" Remus got all the way to the first knuckle before pausing. Sirius whined in protest. "Come on, you can tell me."
"Yes," Sirius whispered.
Remus smirked. "Sorry, I didn't hear that." He pressed his finger further inside Sirius. Sirius made a sound that was a mix of a moan and a whine. Torn between pleasure and embarrassment.
"Fuck off, I know you did."
"What if I just want to hear you say it again?" Remus asked. Sirius moaned as Remus started pumping his finger. "Will you say it for me? Tell me what you thought about while you fingered yourself."
Sirius shook his head. "'s embarrassing," he said.
Remus added a second finger. "Oh? Now I have to know. Come on," Remus pushed his fingers deeper. "Be a good boy and tell me, yeah?"
"Fuuck," Sirius moaned out, closing his eyes in pleasure. "You, ok? I think of - fuck right there - I think of you."
Remus smirked. He was hoping for that answer. "Yeah? What was I doing? Come on, use your words."
Sirius' cock twitched. "This. I pretended it was your fingers. Stretching me out," Sirius paused. Remus could tell there was more he wanted to say. He started scissoring his fingers, trying to get the rest out of Sirius. "And you were - ah - you were telling me how good I was being for you." Remus added a third finger at the end of the confession.
"See, that wasn't so hard, hmm?" Remus teased, pressing his fingers deeper, searching for Sirius' prostate.
Sirius whined and started wiggling on the bed. "Please, Moony I'm ready, I need you," he begged. While Remus wanted to keep teasing Sirius, his cock was straining in his pyjama bottoms. He was getting to be just as needy as Sirius.
Remus pulled his fingers out of Sirius and tugged off his bottoms, trying not to show how desperate he also was for this.
When his pyjama bottoms and underwear joined the rest of their clothes on the floor, he turned his attention back to Sirius. He was still on his back, half sitting up, propped on his elbows. He had a hungry look in his eyes as he traced over every inch of Remus' body.
Remus gave his cock a couple tugs as he looked down at Sirius. "That's so hot," Sirius moaned.
Remus chuckled and hooked his arms under Sirius' legs and yanked him up the bed. Sirius lost his balance and let himself fall back on the bed. Remus grabbed Sirius by the thighs and spread them so that Sirius' ankles pressed against Remus' shoulders. Remus grabbed the bottle of lube from where it lay discarded on the bed and applied a generous amount to his cock.
He pulled Sirius closer and lined himself up with Sirius' hole. He glanced up to look at Sirius and was struck with the realization of the intimacy of this. This was more than last night. It wasn't just I'm-horny-and-you're-the-cloest-warm-body, this was a purposeful decision for it to be with each other.
Remus met Sirius' eyes. "This still ok?" He asked, just wanting to be sure.
Sirius started nodding eagerly. "Please, yes, more than ok," he rambled.
Slowly, Remus started pushing in. Sirius' eyes squeezed shut. "Fuck, you're so tight," Remus moaned.
"I think you're just huge," Sirius supplied.
Remus accepted the compliment and continued to ease himself into Sirius. "You can take it," Sirius let out a long moan in response.
Remus pressed the last inch of his cock in with a quick thrust, earning another moan from Sirius. "See? I knew you could do it," Remus started slowing pulling out and pushing back in. "Such a good boy," he praised.
"Mmhm, so good," Sirius agreed.
Remus started picking up his pace, loving that he was able to see Sirius' face change in pleasure with each thrust. And after a particularly pointed one, "Oh, fuck yes, right there, do that again Moony, pleeaase."
Remus would never get sick of hearing Sirius beg for more. "Yeah?" He teased, hoping to inspire a more vocal Sirius.
"Yeah, yes," Sirius whined, clenching slightly around Remus.
"You feel so good," Remus groaned, getting lost in the feeling of Sirius.
"Moony?" Sirius asked, and Remus slowed slightly. "I wanna be on top, let me be on top."
Remus' eyes rolled back. "Fuck, yeah," He pulled out of Sirius and sat back on the bed, his back against the headboard. Sirius sat up and crawled up the bed. He put a thigh on either side of Remus and positioned himself over Remus' cock before slowly easing himself down. Remus reached up and pushed back Sirius' hair from where it was stuck to his forehead with sweat. Once fully seated, Sirius reached up to grab the top of the headboard as leverage and began bouncing on Remus, his eyes squeezed shut, mouth open in pleasure.
It was the hottest thing Remus had ever seen. "Fuck, you look so good like this," he said.
Sirius opened his eyes, and Remus stood corrected. This was the hottest thing he had ever seen. Overcome with feelings, he wrapped his arms around Sirius' waist, pulled him closer and hungrily pressed their lips together.
Sirius melted into the kiss. It was sloppy, Sirius was still bouncing up and down. It was more tongue than lips, but it was exactly what they both needed. They needed to be close, connected in every possible way. Remus squeezed his arms tighter around Sirius. Sirius arched his back in response so that his cock was pressed tightly between their chests, getting the friction he so desperately wanted.
Remus broke the kiss but kept their foreheads pressed together. He cast his eyes down to watch Sirius' cock slide between their chests. "Needy little thing, aren't you?" he asked. Sirius mewled in response. Remus let some saliva pool in his mouth before slowly spitting it down, letting it land on the tip of Sirius' cock. Sirius gasped.
"Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuuck," Sirius' bounces started to speed up and lose their rhythm as Remus' spit slicked up his cock. Remus started to thrust up, matching Sirius' movements. "I'm so close," Sirius panted.
"Me too," Remus groaned.
"Kiss me again?" Sirius asked. He didn't need to say it twice. Remus eagerly pressed his lips against Sirius' again. He lightly bit down on Sirius' bottom lip. Sirius gasped and his hands lost their grip on the headboard and fell to Remus' shoulders.
Sirius clamped around Remus again and dug his nails into Remus' shoulders. Remus growled into Sirius' mouth.
"I'm gonna cum, Moony, I -" Sirius pleaded against Remus' mouth.
"Do it, cum for me baby," Remus let the pet name slip out but before he could think too much about, Sirius was babbling out a mix of swears and unintelligible noises, his cock spurting between them.
The feeling of Sirius' cum sliding between them, the rhythmic clenching of Sirius' hole as he came, and the sheer closeness of him was too much for Remus and he came hard and deep inside Sirius. Still desperate for him to be close, Remus tightened his arms around Sirius and pulled him down on his cock in time with his thrusts, ensuring that his cum went as deep as it could.
After they both came down from the intensity of their orgasms, they stayed connected, foreheads pressed together, panting into each others mouths.
Sirius was the first to speak. "Fuck," he sighed. Remus burst out laughing, and Sirius hissed, the laughter making Remus' cock push into him. "Sensitive."
Remus calmed down and apologized. They stayed like that for a moment until the cooling cum on their chests started to get uncomfortable. Sirius peeled himself away and off of Remus, wincing a little. He reached to his bedside table and grabbed his wand, muttering a quick cleaning spell.
He lifted himself off of Remus' lap and rolled himself over so he flopped on the bed beside Remus. He sighed and let out a low whistle.
Remus chuckled and pushed his back off the headboard so he could lay beside Sirius.
On their backs, they turned their heads to face each other. Sirius' cheeks were still flushed, a couple loose strands of hair stuck to his forehead. Remus smiled fondly.
Sirius returned the smile and closed his eyes. "Kiss me again?" He asked softly.
Remus lifted his head off the pillow and leaned over to softly press his lips to Sirius'.
"I've wanted to do that for a while now," Sirius said when Remus pulled away.
"Have sex with me?" Remus asked with a laugh.
Sirius shook his head. "Kiss you." Remus' heart fluttered. He reached out to tuck Sirius' hair behind his ear. "I'd never kissed a bloke before though," Sirius continued, his eyes still closed. "And I didn't want to fuck it up."
Remus moved closer to Sirius on the bed and rolled onto his side to fully face Sirius. "I can promise you that you didn't." He said, pressing another kiss against Sirius' lips. Sirius hummed and rolled on his side, facing away from Remus. He wiggled backwards and snuggled up to Remus.
Remus sat up slightly and reached for the bunched up duvet that was now at the foot of the bed. He pulled it up and tucked himself in with Sirius. He wrapped an arm around Sirius' waist and pressed a kiss to his neck. Sirius hummed.
Neither of them knew what this meant for their friendship. But they could have that talk tomorrow. Right now they just wanted to sleep, content and cozy. Together.
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