#oh my god finding black house spider
ecoorganic · 2 years
How to get rid of black house spider
How to get rid of black house spider
how to get rid of black house spider Black house spiders are common in the United States, but there are ways to get rid of them. By following the tips in this article, you can keep your home spider-free. Black house spiders are one of the most commonly seen spiders. They are also one of the most feared, as their bites can be quite painful. However, these spiders are not aggressive and will only…
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loveinhawkins · 11 months
The problem is that a part of Steve knows the spider isn’t real.
But it’s the suggestion of it, right? Cobwebs in his hair, movement just out the corner of his eye; it’s all enough to convince him that there’s something crawling on his skin, to let out a panicked whisper to Nancy, there was a spider. It’s a black widow.
He tries to disregard it as a one-off. It’s an old creepy house. Just got him spooked for a bit, that’s all.
But then… diving into Lover’s Lake. Bats biting into his flesh. Overwhelming dizziness.
Nancy wrapping torn strips of clothing tight around—there’s something crawling, crawling underneath his skin, no, there isn’t, no, there—a bike ride through The Upside Down; one hacking cough, pushing through it, pushing through it—
Swallows it all down. Ignores the sweat, the tackiness around his bandage. Shh. Calm, calm.
Drives the RV. Doesn’t know how he’s even moving, is just grateful—grateful that his mind on autopilot seems to still function.
The War Zone. In and out. Parked. Sun in his eyes. Kids outside.
The feeling comes back. Something. Something under his skin. (In his blood, in all of him—)
“S’there something in my hair?” he asks Eddie, who’s mid-step out of the RV.
Eddie turns back with an air of amusement. “Nope,” he says. “Looks perfectly coiffed to me, man.”
“Can you—can you just check?”
Look closer, something’s wrong, something’s wrong.
“Uh, sure,” Eddie says, bemused. He sits next to Steve and tilts his head before lifting a hand uncertainly. “You want me to, uh?”
“Yeah, thanks. Just… there was a spider on me.”
It’s not what Steve wants to say at all, but there’s a sudden, terrifying disconnect between the thoughts in his head and what actually comes out of his mouth.
“Oh, you don’t like them, huh?”
Eddie’s not even teasing, just sounds understanding; he lifts up a few sections of hair carefully, taking his time. He’s so kind. Steve abruptly wants to cry.
“Yeah, I don’t blame you,” Eddie continues. “I have the same thing with mice. The way they move. Creepy little feet.” He shudders dramatically.
Steve wants to laugh at that. Can’t.
Eddie runs his fingers through Steve’s hair a couple more times, gentle.
You don’t have to, Steve thinks. Make it hurt. Get it out. Did you find it? Please say you found it.
“Good news, you’re officially spider-free, Harrington.”
Eddie claps him on the shoulder, stands up.
Steve doesn’t move.
Eddie pauses again, halfway out the door. “Hey, you okay?”
“Yeah,” Steve says. “Just need some air.”
He goes through the motions of prepping for the fight. Chats with Robin. She talks about a terrible, gnawing feeling, and he wants to scream yes, I know, I know, but he can’t tell her, why can’t he tell her?
Shh. Calm, calm.
Drives the RV. Forest Hills.
He brakes with no warning, sends bottles of alcohol rolling across the floor. He’s mad suddenly that they didn’t smash. He’s so—
Slip away.
Eddie’s trailer. Lets himself in.
The wound on his stomach pulses. He doubles over the toilet. Throws up.
His skin is crawling.
There, in the back of his mind, a creeping coldness. A thought that is not his own.
I will kill them all. And I will make you watch.
Oh, God. Oh, God, he’s been so stupid.
Eddie finds him first.
He picks up one fallen bottle of alcohol before a gut feeling pulls him out of the RV—because Steve Harrington is a good driver, and he’d only brake like that if he had no choice.
But Steve’s not waiting for them on the porch, he’s not even by the Gate.
Clattering; a strangled cry.
Eddie’s stomach lurches.
He runs towards the noise, opens the bathroom door and is instantly hit by the acrid smell of vomit.
“Steve! Jesus Christ.”
Steve’s pushed up against the cistern. There’s a damp patch all across his stomach, and his chest is heaving.
“Oh my God, Steve, what’s—”
Eddie reaches for him instinctively, and Steve flinches as if he’s been struck.
“No, don’t!”
“Jesus, you’re burning up,” Eddie whispers, drawing his hand back; Steve’s skin is feverishly hot, slick with sweat. He looks around frantically for a cloth, turns on the cold water. “Gotta get you cooled—”
Something slams into him; he’s pinned against the sink, Steve’s hand clamped around his throat.
“No,” Steve repeats. “Don’t.”
“Okay,” Eddie manages. He chokes on a swallow. “S-Steve, you’re—you’re—”
His hand flails, trying to pry Steve’s fingers off.
Steve’s grip loosens ever so slightly. His eyes are wide, bloodshot. Pleading.
“Eddie,” he says through gritted teeth. “You need to hurt me.”
With the last of his strength, Eddie gets his knee up and jabs—it’s barely anything, but it works enough to break Steve’s hold.
Eddie staggers; his back slams against the door. He’s shaking.
Steve stares at him. He’s gripping onto the sink so tightly that Eddie thinks it’s a miracle that it doesn’t crack.
And then there’s a horrible, guttural noise like Steve’s started to choke too, like he’s at war with himself.
Barely audible, he says, “Get… get Nancy.”
Eddie runs.
He nearly falls into Nancy as he opens the front door. He’s breathless, can’t think of what to say, save from—
“Wheeler, he needs you.”
It happens in an instant: Nancy’s brow pinches, and then she goes very pale, and she’s shouting for Robin and Dustin to stay in the RV, like she can turn on a dime, launched into an unknown crisis.
She pushes past Eddie, and he follows her, back into the bathroom.
The cold water is still running.
Steve’s got his hands in the sink. He looks at Nancy desperately.
“S-stop me.”
Another choking sound is ripped from Steve’s throat; Eddie realises that it’s actually a dry sob.
“Nance,” Steve says. It’s half her name, half a pained whine. “Fuck. I’m sorry. I—I know everything.”
And then he’s suddenly launching towards them—it’s only the fact that he’s so completely freaked out that makes Eddie move in time, saves him from getting strangled again.
He grabs Steve’s wet hands, pins them behind his back and tries to hold him still.
“Jesus! Wheeler, what the fuck is going—”
“Do you have anything that can knock him out?” Nancy says.
“Drugs, Eddie!”
“Are you crazy? There’s no way—oh my God, what are you—”
Nancy’s grabbed the cistern lid, brought it down upon Steve’s head. Eddie looks at Steve lying eerily still on the floor in abject horror.
There’s blood in his hair.
Eddie feels sick.
But Nancy just watches, as if to confirm that Steve’s not moving. She looks Eddie in the eye.
“Come on. That’s only gonna work for so long.”
Eddie just follows her out, too shocked to even attempt speaking.
It’s chaotic at the RV; Dustin sees them coming, leaps out of the door as Robin yells at him.
“Where’s Steve?”
“Get back inside.”
“Nancy, where the hell is he?”
“We can talk inside.”
“Bullshit, I’m—”
“Dustin, he’s Flayed,” Nancy says, her voice breaking, and all the fight goes out of Dustin at once.
“No, that’s—he can’t—”
Eddie finally finds his voice. “Can someone tell me what the fuck you’re talking about?”
Nancy doesn’t speak, not until they’re in the RV, the door locked behind her.
“I think it’s the—the bites—”
Robin swears, a hand over her mouth.
“Flayed?” Eddie persists.
“The Mind Flayer,” Dustin says numbly. “It’s what we—it’s a part of The Upside Down. It—it used Will to… to spy on…”
“And what, it’s—” Eddie swallows. “It’s inside him?”
“Like a virus. He’s part of the Hive Mind,” Nancy says.
Eddie’s knees feel weak.
“Fuck,” Dustin says. “He knows where we are, he’ll know—”
“It’s too late to change that,” Nancy says. “We just have to—at least someone needs to stay with him.”
“I will,” Robin says instantly, eyes blazing.
“Me too,” Dustin says.
Nancy glances at him, shakes her head—firm but apologetic. “You can join Erica.” And as Dustin opens his mouth, no doubt to argue, she adds, “I’m sorry, Dustin. It’s just—we might need to… to fight him.”
Dustin doesn’t reply, but looks so utterly devastated that Eddie wishes he’d insisted on diving first, that the bats had torn into him instead.
“Keep him warm,” Nancy tells Robin urgently. “And I don’t mean just—it’s got to be unbearable.”
Robin nods, ashen-faced.
Nancy catches Eddie’s eye. “The one thing that fucker can’t stand is heat.”
She paces up and down the RV, checking for stray bottles. Then she comes to a stop right in front of Robin.
“He—he might beg,” she whispers. “And it won’t—it’ll sound like him. Like he just wants the pain to stop.”
Robin’s eyes look glassy. “Nance, I don’t—don’t know if I can—”
“I’ll do it,” Eddie says.
He feels everyone’s eyes on him, but he just looks at Nancy, at the determined set to her jaw.
He doesn’t know when he made the decision, if he can even pinpoint a conscious moment of thought—but now that the words are out, he feels the vow he’s made, deep in his chest.
Nancy hands him a bottle and cloth.
A lighter.
She fixes Eddie with a piercing look. “It’s going to look like you’re killing him,” she says.
Eddie nods.
He turns, offers Robin his hand.
“C’mon, Buckley. Let’s get that bastard out of him.”
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takavasen · 2 months
Tumblr dashboard in Night Vale simulator
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Today's science fact:
Spiders have an open blood circulation system, which means they do not have veins and their blood is different from the blood of mammals. Unfortunately many healthcare professionals do not know this, which can lead to improper methods in...
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Spiders are a valuable part of our community and deserve good healthcare.
But more importantly, I want everyone to know that Carlos the Scientist made this post, he is my husband and I love him very much! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
🪬a-thousand-fingernails Follow
Cecil everyone knows you and Carlos are married and most of us are happy for you but you don't need to tell this in every post you make
Wait have I mentioned it before?
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Hah saw some loser (@ marble-eyes) bring the same girl (@ mountainbeliever343 I think, couldn't see her face clearly from the cameras) home for the third time this week lol
cmon just say you are girlfriends already dont be shy
💎marble-eyes Follow
Hey you can't just share private information like that!! And besides that is not true, I haven't brought anyone home for a long time, I don't have time for that anymore!!!
No. I can confirm that what Sam said is true. I was there. I am always there. Also, I put the rest of your cereal to your washing machine. They have been in the cupboard for a while now, I thought they were getting quite dusty and needed cleaning.
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🏀basketballpalmer Follow
We had an another great season with @nvwheelchairbasketball team again! Thank you everyone, it's an honor to be the captain of the team! See you guys next season <3
👍wallabyyy Follow
Aaaaa congratulations! I miss you guyssss
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I just had the most delightful date with the most gorgeous theologist in Desert Bluffs Too!!! We had a lovely dinner at my house (some eyeball salad, mushed tarantulas and fried human fingers), watched some movies and of course made sure to serve our great Smiling God by making each other as happy as possible!! Unfortunately Charles said that it would make him unhappy if I shared the details, but I can confidently say that I have never been more joyful!!
🦷smiling-mayor Follow
Kevin, you missed a service in the Temple of Joy because of this. Surely you would remember doing that for an old friend, wouldn't you? 😊
Oh, Lauren, of course I wouldn't ignore anything like that on purpose, you know how much I love tolerating you!!
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🪽not-an-angel Follow
Does anyone happen to have 10 bucks?
You can send them here: absolutely-not-a-scam-link
🌟erikaaaaaaa Follow
Does anyone happen to have 10 bucks?
You can send them here: absolutely-not-a-scam-link
💵ex-vanston Follow
Does anyone happen to have 10 bucks?
You can send them here: absolutely-not-a-scam-link
💡erika-the-black-one Follow
Does anyone happen to have 10 bucks?
You can send them here: absolutely-not-a-scam-link
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Hey guys, so I just spoke to the new scientist lady and found out I don't actually have three pairs of arms. The lower two were just robot limbs that I tried out when I was seven years old and forgot to take them off. So hows your day ://
I am always happy to help with explaining your problems away.
Hey bitch how is it going under the cow
754 notes
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Alright, I'm going to say it. Steve Carlsberg does NOT know how to be a basketball coach. He knows nothing about any game structures, and he only allows one ball per game!! He talks too loud, except when you can't hear him. It will be ALL HIS FAULT if we end up losing this season!!!!!
🌠lines-in-the-sky Follow
For everyone who finds this post now: I made this many years ago. Things have changed a lot. I'm very sorry, Steve. I couldn't hope for a better brother-in-law. You are my best friend, and I was the irrational one in this situation.
I have changed the way I look at people. I will not treat them the same way I used to treat Steve anymore.
1,642 notes
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Alright, who let Susan Willman be in charge of anything? She is the absolute worst at making desicions, like, who asks an obelisk its NAME? She had an oppoturnity to ask almost anything, and that's what she chose?? She better stay away from our way for at least seven decades, and keep her "Huntokar"-nonsense with herself!!!
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urhoneycombwitch · 1 month
plan b
foreword: thank you to this anon, this was just the right amount of sitcom Spider-man pointing meme-ery that I needed. wrote this with husky!neighbor!Eddie since I thiiiink I’ve established that version of him is modern so hopefully this aligns with my made-up canon. lol.
wc: 1.9k
cw: weight mention (in the context of finding meds, no numbers used), embarrassment on R’s end of kink discussion, frenemies vibes between R and Eddie (they get under each other’s skin but in a hot way <3), Eddie is soft-domming in public, no actual smut but still +18 mdni
DISCLAIMER: Plan B can really fuck your shit up and shouldn’t necessarily be used when introducing new kinks. Please do your research and consult w/ a medical professional before using. Putting the fiction in fic with this one.
Christ, there are too many options.
Your vision is swimming in the Family Planning aisle, fluorescent overheads of the CVS taking up residence in your left temple.
You press your fingertips against the spot, massaging gently as you pull different brands of boxes from the shelf to inspect the instructions.
This one says take within twenty-four hours, that might be- oh, shit, there’s a weight cap. Dammit. And this one’s… twice the price? For fucking why?
Frustrated, you shove the expensive thing back in place. The words on the blue label next in line catches your eye- Pre-Seed Fertility Lubricant- and you snap your hand away, as if scorched. Nope. Opposite of what you need. Christ. Pre-Seed?!
It’s almost giggle-worthy. You take out your phone, glancing up and down the aisle; the store is empty this late at night, just an older woman behind the front registers who had greeted you earlier with bored corporate formality, eyes fixed on her magazine.
Picture of Pre-Seed, taken. Check that one off the list. The only person who you’d want to share a laugh over text about this with is the one person who does not need to know why you’re in the goddamn Family Planning aisle at ten PM. On a Thursday.
At least, not yet. You lock your phone, pocketing it before zeroing in on the purple and green-themed Plan B that boasts One Tablet, One Step.
Although it’s pricier than some of the other morning-after pills, it’s the only one that you feel fully confident about buying. You give the box a little toss, feeling the next-to-nothing weight of it in your palm. Fifty bucks for a tiny pill, one that you may not even end up using- but you’ll be goddamned if you’re caught unprepared.
“Can I help you find anything?”
Your blood flashes cold, then hot, as you realize who the voice belongs to- attention focused elsewhere, you didn’t hear Eddie sidling up the aisle until now.
He’s leaning into his arm on the nearest shelf, grinning wolfishly at his own joke, chocolate eyes lit up at having found you here. He looks obscene- biceps and chest bulging at the stretched fabric of his t-shirt, hair unspooling dark curls from a low bun, black ink tattoos rippling over his bare forearms and peeking out from beneath his collar.
Honestly, you don’t know why he wasn’t stopped at the door by the woman on night shift. He’s bordering public indecency with those fitted Levi’s alone.
Fortunately the shock of hearing Eddie’s low voice is not enough to send the Plan B in your hand flying- too late to reshelve it without him seeing, you cling to it tighter, plastic creaking under your grip as you pray to every god ever that he doesn’t notice.
“Oh! Hey. Hi. Haha, very funny.” Well, that was smooth, but at least you said something comprehensible. “What’re you doing here?”
Eddie doesn’t seem to notice anything amiss, using his free arm to reach for a pack of condoms near your head- “Late night shopping. Stocking up for the weekend. Can’t seem to keep these around, seeing as I’m being fucked out of house and home.”
”Well… apartment,” you correct, heart leaping at the smile lines that jump around Eddie’s eyes. This is good, maybe you can just keep him talking and find a second to shove the Plan B into a random spot or perhaps launch it into the sun-
Nope, too late. Mid-crinkle, Eddie’s eyes drop to the package in your hand, and you watch his face drop as he processes multiple trains of thought at once.
“Oh, shit. Is that… did we…?”
There’s a pinch between his dark brows, likely running through the last few weeks of your hookups (which have all been protected) and trying to do the mental math; you shake your head, trying to stammer through the flush of embarrassment that’s overtaking your system.
“No, it’s not- not from us. Not from you. I mean…” you trail off, shifting uncomfortably from one sneaker to the other as words hit a jam in your throat.
Eddie’s in a full frown now, pushing off the shelf, standing to his full height, confusion and hurt seeping into his expression, voice quiet and pitched deep- “Is it from someone else?”
“Oh my god.” This was a nightmare, right? You’d like to wake up now. “No, no, not from anyone else. It’s-”
A sharp exhale, a shake of your head, and the words loosen all at once- “I was gonna get it for us, for me, for this weekend, if you wanted to give me a reason to use it.”
Eddie goes as still as you’ve ever seen him before, fingers stopped in their usual constant tapping, blinking at the box in your hands.
His face smooths.
Then he smiles.
Your stomach flips.
Eddie slides the condoms back into the wrong spot, not bothering to look as he leans in close enough for you to smell the spice of his cologne as he says in a sex-dipped timbre: “Well if you wanted me to fill you up with my cum, why didn’t you just say so?”
A horrified, awkward squawk escapes before you can bite it back; your head whips down the aisle to make sure no one else was within earshot of his dirty mouth as you blindly shove the Plan B away, deep into a shelf. “Oh my god. Jesus christ.”
”Eddie is just fine,” he responds mildly, the cool demeanor to your rapidly heating one as his grin simmers wicked between dimpled cheeks.
“Forget it,” you start, shaking your head and making to brush past, embarrassment flooding in hot, “Just forget-”
Eddie catches you by the elbow, effectively locking you in place with a single move, but he’s not looking at you; with his free hand, he snaps up the slightly crumpled box and scans the words.
“Y’think one will be enough?”
The flood subsides, gives you pause enough to stutter out, “W-what?”
Eddie’s fingers flex on your arm. He turns the box over in his big hand, rings glinting. “We’d better get two. Just in case.”
Your skin feels the impression of his palm even after he lets go, like a Polaroid in rapid reverse as he grabs a second box, warmth fading fast from your skin. “I don’t think- I mean, that’s not how they work, I should probably find a more permanent sol-”
“Just for the weekend.” His eyes are back on you now, self-satisfied smirk giving way to something darker, more intense. “Yeah?”
A shiver casts goosebumps down the length of your body. He’s goddamn toying with you, in the middle of a fucking CVS. Despite your flare of irritation, you nod, voice nearly a croak as you echo, “Yeah.”
The grin lights up his face again. “Good girl.”
Eddie doesn’t give you time to react to this (verbally, anyways- your cunt is most certainly responding to the praise despite your best efforts to remain unaffected), using one large hand to hold both boxes and another to press at the small of your back, leading you down the aisle.
Truthfully, you’re grateful for the help (regardless of his dominance-based tendencies that don’t usually get you this easy); based on the ringing in your ears, you’re doubtful of your own ability to navigate the maze of aisles.
Eddie walks you both to the front register, and you watch as if outside of your own body while the cashier scans the barcodes and Eddie swipes his card.
He pockets the receipt, slides a finger through the handles of the plastic bag, and holds it out between your bodies. Right in front of the goddamn cashier.
”For you.”
This brings you back to yourself, a bit, mortification giving way to annoyance (a much more useful emotion in this scenario), and you snatch it to your chest. It’s your turn to grab Eddie’s elbow, half-dragging him towards the exit.
“Come again soon,” the cashier calls, still in monotone.
So close. You’re less than a yard away from the sliding glass doors that would have swallowed Eddie’s reply- but as it stands, he gets in one last cheerful wave, an award-winning, dimple-charmed smile to match his bright response.
“She will!”
Damn him. You give a final tug and you’re both out in the parking lot, glass doors closing automatically with a whoosh behind you, cool night air kissing at your cheeks.
”Seriously?” You’re mature enough to recognize that your anger is misplaced, adrenaline-fueled, but that doesn’t stop you from whirling on Eddie, giving his shoulder a sharp shove that (unfortunately, tantalizingly) doesn’t move him an inch. “I can never return to this fucking store. Thanks for that.”
Eddie really doesn’t help his case, grin turned shit-eating as he rustles through his various pockets for his pack of cigarettes- “Careful, sweetheart- you know how hot and bothered I get when you’re mad.”
”Unbelievable.” You turn on a swift heel, slipping the bag loops up your arm to dig for your keys. “You just got me blacklisted from our local drugstore and you don’t even care.”
There’s the snick of a lighter behind you, while your car a few spaces down chirrups and blinks in response to the furious press of your fob’s unlock button.
Eddie chuckles, sardonic and unsympathetic. “Too bad this is the only CVS in the whole world. I think you’ll live, princess.”
Ignoring this, you stomp towards your car, petulant, bag rustling; the door is half-open when Eddie calls, “So, are you coming over tonight, or what?”
The door slams with more force than you intend, sound ricocheting across the lot.
From the respite of your tinted windows, you watch as a streetlamp-haloed Eddie takes a drag from a cigarette, smoke drifting thick around a hazy visage of the hottest man alive. (Maybe you’re a touch biased. But your opinion is based on personal accounts, so fuck the naysayers.)
He tips his head back to look at the stars, pale column of throat illuminated- with a flush of realization, you scoff. He’s putting on a show for you.
Two can play, you think, driving your seatbelt into place with a click. But first I’m gonna have to make a stop at home. Namely for new undies.
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What if Eddie had been hidden at Steve's house after Chrissy? Part Two
Part one
Steve entered the Creel house. His thoughts immediately turned to Eddie. This house screamed haunted, and it was definitely something that Eddie would have loved to investigate. It's crazy how quickly the guy grew on him, how quickly he developed feelings for the guy who had been living in his house the last few days. He fondly recalled when he had woken up to find Eddie had gone downstairs and managed to find a channel that was playing Scooby-Doo. Eddie had passed out in front of the TV, and Steve had to up carry him back to bed.
"Whatcha thinking about?" Dustin asked with a wicked grin.
"Fuck off," Steve said, the grin slipping from his face and glared at Dustin.
"I didn't say anything," Dustin grinned and paused. "So, are we going to talk about it?"
"Talk about what?" Steve asked.
"The incident," Dustin said and made kissing faces.
Steve groaned.
"I did it without thinking, okay?" Steve asked.
"Which means subconsciously that you wanted to do it," Dustin grinned. "It would be the coolest thing if my two favorite people got together."
"Okay, just because I like him doesn't mean he likes me back. In fact, he probably hates me now," Steve mumbled the last part. "Wait, I'm your favorite person?"
"Okay, even if he doesn't like you in that way, he wouldn't hate you for liking him. He'd probably be super flattered. I would be," Dustin said. "And Steve? You know I look up to you, right? We all do. I know we joke about you being our mom, but we know that you're our brother. Even Mike says so. We love you."
"Jesus, it's so dusty in here," Steve said, sniffling and blinking his watery eyes. "Love you too, man."
"Come on, Fred, let's go search for clues," Dustin said.
"I guess that makes you Scooby then," Steve said.
"Why in the hell does that make me Scooby?"
"Don't be so offended, man, you'd be lucky to be Scooby."
"Yeah, you're spending way too much time with Eddie," Dustin said.
They searched the house for clues where Steve ran into a black widow web. Now, thanks to Robin, on top of everything, Steve was worried about spider eggs nesting in his hair. It definitely caused him to question his friendship with her a little bit. They were led into the attic, and they figured out that Vecna was operating from the Upside Down. Nancy suggested going back to Lover's Lake to search for more clues. Hopefully, the cops were gone by now. They weren't, so Steve suggested they wait it out at Skull Rock.
"So, are you going to bring Eddie here after everything?" Nancy said teasingly.
"Ugh, seriously, you too?" Steve asked.
"Oh, come on. You definitely have a type. Nerds with very big hair," Nancy said, flipping her hair.
"Ooh, are we teasing Steve about his crush?" Robin asked, coming up behind Nancy. "You definitely have a type."
"Seriously, Robin?"
"Oh, come on, you teased me about my crush on Vickie. It's only fair that I do the same," Robin said, and then her eyes widened, slapping a hand over her mouth.
"Robin, it's fine. You don't have to worry about me. I had a friend like you, and I'm more than okay with Steve, too. I don't judge. . .well, not matters like these," Nancy said softly.
"Barb?" Robin asked softly, and Nancy nodded, tears filling her eyes.
"I just can't believe that this happened again. With Fred, I should have - " Nancy began, her bottom lip quivering.
"Hey, Nancy, it's not your fault," Steve said softly and pulled her into his chest. "It wasn't your fault then, and it wasn't your fault now. Okay?"
"It wasn't your fault either, Steve. I'm sorry," Nancy said.
"If anyone is to blame, it's that asshole scientist who decided to play god," Steve said.
"Yeah, fuck that guy," Robin said and Nancy laughed.
"Group hug!" Dustin exclaimed, grabbing Max and pulling her with him.
They laughed as the three kids slammed into them. Pretty soon, they were all laughing against each other. They started moving towards Lover's Lake, waiting near the treeline for the cops to clear out. It wasn't until night started to fall that the cops finally drove away. When they did, Dustin realized that his compass was going all wonky. It led to them figuring out that there was a gate in Lover's Lake. Dustin had started following the compass closer to the lake when they ran into Eddie.
"Eddie! What the hell?!" Steve and Dustin exclaimed.
"Jason - gasp - came - gasp - knocking," Eddie said breathlessly as he leaned heavily against Steve.
"Shit," Steve cursed. "Are you okay?"
"No, man. I think someone told Jason that Henderson hangs out there all the time," Eddie said when he finally caught his breath and buried his face into Steve’s neck. "I don't feel safe anywhere, man. I mean, except with you. I mean, all of you. Not just Steve. So, what's happening here then?"
Eddie straightened up, crossing his arms, realizing that there were people watching. His cheeks were tinged pink.
"Well, we found out that Vecna is attacking from the Upside Down, and there might be a gate in Lover's Lake, which is where Patrick died. Jason thought he saw Eddie, apparently, but according to the police it was just someone going for a late night swim," Dustin said. "I overheard Callahan, and apparently Jason thinks you're a vessel for Satan."
"Well, he's definitely hot enough," Steve said outloud, and everyone turned to look at him. "You know, because of Hellfire and hell is hot, which is where Satan lives, you know? Forget I said anything!"
"No, I want to hear more about how you think I'm hot enough for hell," Eddie said, smirking.
"You can talk about that later, Eddie!" Dustin said, snapping his fingers at him. "Onward!"
He started running towards the lake. He would have fallen in if it hadn't been for Eddie and Steve catching him.
"Careful there, big guy," Eddie said, slapping his chest.
Luckily, they found someone's boat abandoned by the shore. Steve and Eddie held the boat down while Robin climbed in. Steve offered his hand to Robin, but she decided to help herself by using his and Eddie's heads. Steve held his hand out to Eddie. He took Steve’s hand, turned it over, and placed a kiss on it before climbing into the boat to help Nancy. Meanwhile, Robin giggled with Nancy, pointing at Steve's red face.
Steve stood up in the boat, took off his shoes, and then his sweater. He tossed it at Eddie and winked at him. Eddie cursed at Steve and then took his hand, gazing at him. Steve gripped his hand, rubbing his thumb over his skin as he stared into Eddie's wide brown eyes. Steve sucked in a breath.
"Be careful," Eddie muttered and released Steve’s hand, touching the spot where Steve rubbed.
Eddie watched as Steve jumped into the lake. Eddie pulled out a cigarette with shaking hands and went to light it, but before he could, Robin took the cigarette out of his mouth. Eddie watched as she threw it into the lake.
"Gross," she said.
"So I'm just supposed to sit here stressed?" Eddie grumped. "You know, a fish probably ate that."
"I'm worried about him too," Robin said and took his hand.
"You taking advantage of my stressed out state, Buckley?" Eddie asked.
"Even if I wasn't a big fat lesbian, Munson, I wouldn't touch your grungy ass with a ten foot pole," Robin said, and Eddie laughed. "You know, you asked Steve that very same question. Do you WANT someone to take advantage of you?
"Me too, Buckley, I mean, not a lesbian but you know, a bisexual!" Eddie said, slapping her knee.
Robin and Eddie turned to look at Nancy. She laughed.
"I'm okay with you guys being interested in the same gender but I'm strictly into dick. Although I've never been good at the whole romance thing, especially after everything. It's partially why me and Jonathan broke up. I wanted to focus on college, and he wanted to focus on his family," Nancy said. "There's this huge relief that I'm single now where I can just focus on me. I suppose I sound like an asshole."
"What? No!" Robin and Eddie said.
"You're young, Nance, we all are. If being in a relationship isn't something you want, then that's your choice," Robin said. "It's a respectable one."
"You know sea turtles reproduce asexually," Eddie said. "Meaning that they can reproduce without having sex."
"I like sex," Nancy blurted out and slapped a hand over her mouth.
"Hey, no shame in a woman liking sex. You know, there might be a word for you one day. If sea turtles can be asexual then I'm sure there's a word out there -,"
Eddie was interrupted by Steve, resurfacing and telling them that there was definitely a gate in Lover's Lake. Just as quickly as he appeared, Steve was yanked underneath the water. Eddie shrieked, pushing Robin and Nancy out of the way as he dove immediately into the water. Eddie dove into the gate and climbed into the Upside Down. Lightning flashed overhead, and the screech of bat like creatures entered Eddie's ears. Fury ignited in Eddie when he saw Steve being attacked by the bats. He let out a yell and grabbed an oar off the ground of the empty lake. He could hear Nancy and Robin fight along with him as he beat the bats off of Steve. He watched out of the corner of his eye as Steve stood on the bat, ripping it apart with his feet and mouth. Eddie couldn't help but let out the scream that built up beside him.
The bats blocked the gate, so there was no going back through there, and more were coming. Eddie wrapped his arm around Steve’s waist and followed the other two to Skull Rock. Eddie leaned back Steve against the rock and took off his jacket, then he took off Steve’s sweater. That's when Steve noticed that Eddie was wearing one of his polos along with his jeans.
"I see you really helped yourself to my clothes," Steve smirked.
Eddie leaned close to his face until Steve could feel his breath against his skin.
"I'm also wearing your underwear. . .big boy," Eddie whispered. "It's almost as if you're wrapped around my body."
"Jesus," Steve choked. "Are you trying to finish me off? Wait. Don't answer that."
Eddie laughed and took off Steve’s polo, then the undershirt he was wearing underneath. He slipped the polo back on and started tearing up the undershirt to tie around Steve’s waist, getting on his knees to do it. Nancy handed him her own torn up shirt, and he used it to pack it in. He placed his hands on Steve’s hips, admiring his work. Eddie suddenly realized the position he was in and looked up to meet Steve’s darkening eyes. Eddie found it difficult to breathe.
"We are in another dimension! There is NO time for that!" Robin squawked.
"Damn it!" Steve and Eddie cursed.
Eddie put the sweater and his jacket back on, taking his vest off. He slipped the vest onto Steve and clutched the collar.
"For your modesty," Eddie whispered.
"You could have given me the sweater, you know," Steve said.
"Eh, I thought you would look hot as hell in my battle vest, and I was right. Besides, this sweater is mine now," Eddie said and crashed his lips to Steve’s.
The kiss was short but long enough for Steve to kiss back, and this time kissing Eddie was purposeful. Eddie rested his forehead against Steve’s.
"I'm glad you're still here," Eddie whispered.
Part Three Coming Soon (that will definitely be the final part)
A/N: Yes, Eddie was about to come up the word aromantic a few years early. Too bad he was interrupted. Yes. Nancy is single. I hated that storyline. (I honestly hate Jancy). Especially when Jonathan expected that Nancy would give up her dreams for him. Wtf was that?
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marvelobsessed134 · 7 months
Halloween party shenanigans
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Pairings: Early 2000s!Tommy Lee x Fem!reader
Warnings: drinking, drunk reader and her shenanigans,Tommy punches a guy for hitting on you cause I think it’s hot, age gap, reader has an Elvis obsession because yes.
Summary: you go to a Halloween party with your boyfriend
You’re dressed as none other than Priscilla Presley this year because your obsession with Elvis is ever growing and your love for his wife was growing too. You love her hair especially. So you have a black wig with the giant beehive. You’re wearing a shorter version of her wedding dress with a veil on top of your head. Her iconic makeup adorning your face.
You walked down the tile stairs to the foyer where your boyfriend was waiting. He was dressed as spiderman, ever the kid at heart. Especially after the new Spider-Man movie with Tobey Maguire came out.
The drummer heard your heels clacking and looked up to see you walking gracefully down the stairs. “Holy fuck, babe. You look beautiful.” Tommy had nothing but love and adoration in his eyes.
You giggled, “Thank you. You don’t look to bad yourself.”
“Yeah well, I definitely don’t look as sexy as you holy shit.” He held his arms open for you and you walked into them after reaching the floor, the two of you in an embrace.
The moment was interrupted by his cellphone buzzing. “Ugh, it’s probably Nikki saying ‘where the fuck are you?’ He can’t stop being an asshole outside of work. So fucking glad I left motley.”
“Oh but you love him.” You gave him a teasing smile.
“Yeah, yeah. Let’s go before he personally shows up to our house.”
The two of you made it to the party which was being hosted at none other than Saul Hudson’s house or as most people know him, Slash.
You’re pretty good friends with him since you produced a couple of his songs. Yep, you’re a music producer and damn good one at that.
Making your way through the crowd you greeted the man himself, who was dressed as a vampire but still adorned his iconic top hat.
“Slash!” You cheered with open arms. The two of you had a brief hug because someone is a little territorial. You love him for that though.
“Y/n!” He exclaimed back with a wide smile before exchanging a brotherly handshake with Tommy. “You make a great Priscilla.” Slash commented.
“Thanks. See I wanted this one to go as Elvis but as soon as he saw Spider-Man he was dead set on his costume.” You pointed you thumb to the drummer.
“Hey, in my defense it was much easier to get a Spider-Man costume than an Elvis costume.” You playfully rolled your eyes at that, “Whatever. Come on let’s go find everyone else.”
When the two of you spotted nikki who was comedically dressed as Michael Meyers, freaking you out just a little bit until he took the mask off when he realized it was making you feel uneasy.
“Sorry sweetheart, didn’t mean to scare you.” The bassist apologized and you smiled with a shake of your head. “It’s fine, I’m just a not a slasher person.”
The terror twins continued to have a conversation when you were distracted by one of your friends, Holly Madison. You quickly told Tommy you’d be right back as you rushed over to her.
She was dressed as tinker bell looking beautiful as always. “Holly!!” You exclaimed and her face lit up when she saw you. The two of you hugged tightly before letting go. “Oh my god you look beautiful.” The two of you said at the same time looking at each other’s outfits.
“Ok I’ve been waiting for you to show up so we can get drunk!” The blonde cheered and you laughed with a nod.
Four drinks later you were already drunk. Dancing on the counter top, Tommy watching you carefully to make sure you didn’t get hurt. When you got down with the help of some random guy who you didn’t know would cause you trouble in just a few moments, you tripped and almost fell when you were caught by him.
“Whoa, careful babe.” He chuckled and you immediately pulled his hand off of you. “Thanks for helping me.” You said.
He waved you off, “It was no problem. Hey, you’re that music producer. You produced for my band once.” You don’t even know this guy. “I did?”
“Yeah. Always thought you were pretty. You wanna go out someti-“ he was cut off by a punch being thrown at him, knocking him to the floor. Your boyfriend stood over him, anger in his eyes.
“Stay the fuck away from my woman. Got that?”
The man nodded and hissed in pain.
“Oh my god Tommy! You can’t totally do that!” You we’re slurring your words and he knew you were very drunk. “Come on, let’s get you home.” The brunette whispered.
“Noooo I wanna stay right here.” You made a show of stomping your foot on the ground with your arms crossed. Tommy wrapped an arm around your waist, “No, you’ve had enough partying tonight. Cmon baby.” And with a huff, you let him take you home.
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jungle-angel · 8 months
Of Tricks and Treats (Rhett Abbott x Reader)
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Summary: You and Rhett are trying to get your store ready for Halloween, but your little ghouls can't keep their hands off the baked goods
The whole store smelled of fall, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, honey, freshly cut wood, pumpkins, apples and leaves. It was a place that you and Rhett were happy to finally own, pulling in the extra funds to feed your ever growing family while at the same time, becoming your happy place.
Rhett had just finished jarring the last little bit of honey you had gotten from the beehives during the summer, placing them on the little whitewashed table with all the rest. Summer had been a blast with the tourist boom giving you a huge boost, but now that fall was here, you both knew that the store would do just as well as it had during the summer.
He poked his head into the little kitchen to find you making all the Halloween treats that would attract everyone in town. He couldn't get enough of them and neither could the kids, little spider's nest cupcakes, cookies that were shaped like pumpkins, bats and Day of the Dead skulls with their bright colors, Rice Krispy treats that looked like little mummies, skeleton cakes and little brownies that had green zombie hands poking out of it.
"Smells good in here darlin," he purred, leaning in to kiss your cheek. "What's cookin?"
"Bat cookies," you told him. "I finished the Oreo spider nest cupcakes a few minutes ago."
Rhett couldn't resist the tantalizing smell of the cookies that had just come out of the oven. "I'll be back," he said, giving you one more kiss on the cheek that made you scrunch up and giggle.
"Don't you go sneaking any of these," you warned him. "Your mom's making dinner."
Rhett chuckled as he went back to work in the main area of the store, unpacking the dyed wool that you and Rhett had gotten from the sheep that roamed your property. The heavy scent of pumpkins and apples had made him a little drowsy, his stomach gurgling from not having eaten lunch. Even the incense that was in the jars on the shelves had made his head a little spacey.
He was surprised to find you standing close by with the cookie plate missing at least four of the cookies you had baked. "Any idea where the cookies went?"
"There were twenty on the plate and I've only counted sixteen," you told him.
"I didn't take any, I swear."
"Darlin I promise you I did not take the cookies."
"Well if you didn't, then who did?"
Rhett shrugged and shook his head.
You went back to the kitchen and left your husband to his own devices, but when you returned, two of the cupcakes were missing off the plate along with some of the Rice Krispy treats.
"Alright," you sighed. "Either we've got house elves or something's amiss here."
"Darlin, again, I did NOT take anything off the plate," Rhett insisted.
"Really?" you asked him. "Because I assumed by the way you were looking at the zombie brownies....."
"Sweetheart," he said. "I still swear on my Grandpa's good name that I did NOT sneak any of the baked goods."
The clatter of a cookie being taken off a plate reached both your ears when you saw Amy in her little knit hat and black and white checked flannel sneaking two more bat cookies off the plate and giggling.
"Shit!" you hissed.
"HAH!" Rhett exclaimed. "I TOLD YA'LL IT WASN'T ME!"
You both charged after Amy to the storage room and found not only her, but Hannah and the twins hiding amidst their little box fort with their stash of cookies, candies, cakes and mini tartlets they had all stolen off the shelves.
"Oh my God," you groaned.
"I told ya," Rhett laughed. "I done told ya darlin!"
As soon as the baking was done for the evening and the store had been closed up, you and Rhett loaded up the four little ghouls and headed back for home. The ride had been a noisy one with the kids being louder than usual due to the sudden sugar rush they had acquired at the store.
"Oh my word," Cecelia groaned when she saw the frosting all over the kids faces. "Rhett, what the hell did they eat?"
"Most of our inventory, Ma," he chuckled.
"Damnit, and I had made a mac n cheese bake for dinner," she swore.
"Well, turn'em loose in the yard Cece, maybe they'll burn it all off and get hungry," Royal told her as he unloaded Tanner from his carseat.
You didn't mind your mother and father-in-law taking them off your hands for a while, turning the kids loose in the yard to run off their sugar high before dinner.
"What?" Rhett asked when he saw you laughing.
"Just so you know, you're putting them to bed tonight," you laughed.
Rhett groaned in frustration. "Brush their teeth and give them their baths too?"
"Yep," you said as he drew you in.
Rhett ran his hands through his hair and sighed. He loved all of you to death, but he just hoped that the kids would crash and sleep deeply until the next morning.
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tinythebunni · 2 years
Druig x innocent reader
Such a Dumb Little Thing
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Druig is not a good man. Sure, he’s an immortal eternal, but by no means was he a hero. Hero’s are good people, hero’s only ever have good intentions. Hero’s do no wrong. But he’s saved people, he’ll be saved the planet! But what he planned on doing to you, that made him lose all hero points.
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Druig first saw you 2 years after the emergence. After he rebuilt his village, he decided to move to Queens. He had some friends there after all.
Once he arrived at the Avengers Tower and had a brain cell splitting conversation with Loki’s oaf of a brother Thor, he went to the library to find him.
Once he saw his old friend, he stood in the doorway waiting for him to notice his presence. But you can’t exactly scare the God of Tricks, now can you?
“You seem as brooding as ever.” Loki said with mirth in his voice.
“And you seem as depressed as ever. How’s the daddy issues?”
“How’s the fake God?”
Eventually, neither one of them could keep it together. As soon as their eyes connected they burst out laughing. They gave each other a side hug and reconnected.
Druig is in the living room now, listening to Loki hum an Asgardian hymn. Druig was listening as he read The Odyssey. He was half way done when the elevators opened up, with two teens stepping out.
One, being Peter Parker. Otherwise known as Spider-Man. The arachnid avenger. The second, being unknown to Druig. But he wanted to change that. This one drew him in.
She was tall, most likely above 5’7. Soft locks flowing down to her breasts, wavy and beautiful. Her eyes, a beautiful dark brown. But her clothing, a beautiful indicator of her innocence.
This angel in front of him, this goddess, was wearing a pink milkmaid dress. Her tits practically flowing out the top. The dress just barely covered her ass, falling down to mid thigh. She had on knee high socks with a light pink bow in the middle, and Mary Janes to cover her feet.
She was a wet dream. With her hair in pigtails and adorned in bows, she looked ready for him to take her. And yeah he meant fuck when he said “take her” but he also meant literally take. He planned on kidnapping her.
In his mind, it wasn’t exactly kidnapping. It was relieving her of her duties. She’d be his pretty little housewife. His own personal cum dump. She’d walk around in that dress or only an apron and knee socks. His pretty house wife.
“Oh, hi mister Loki! This is Y/N, she’s my friend from science!” Peter said.
It seemed Druig hadn’t been noticed yet. But you noticed him. You were staring, quite hard to be honest. His leather jacket made him seem all the more attractive.
“H-Hello! I’m Y/N, but you already knew that. Peter just introduced me, I’m sorry that was dumb.”
She’s cute. Quite adorable actually.
“Hello Bunny. Pleasure to meet you.” Had you not been standing, you would’ve clenched your legs together. A way to relive the ache between your thighs.
You’d let him use you if it meant he’d kiss you. You barley knew the man but you’d made up your mind.
“I, um, oh my god. I-It’s a pleasure to meet you too! What’s your name?” You asked as you sat next to him on the couch. Peter would’ve taken a picture if he had his camera on him.
You, dressed in pink and white, cheeks aflame and thighs clenched. Next to this Eternal, dressed in all black, brooding and a dark demeanor to him. Truly comical.
“I’m Druig. I’m a friend of Loki’s.”
“Well it’s nice to meet you! Loki’s really nice to me, so any friend of his is a friend of mine!”
“Oh bunny, I don’t wanna be your friend.” Druig said with a smirk. Loki and Peter took this as a cue to leave, you two looked five seconds from fucking.
With teary eyes you asked, “you don’t?”
“Oh no bunny. I wanna be more than that. I wanna do some things that friends that don’t do with each other.” And with that, he walked to the guest room
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It’s been a week. You’ve come over to the tower every day since you met Druig. Everyday it was a game of cat and mouse. He’d stare and you’d blush and never look. Too scared to even try. But tonight was different.
Peter invited you to have a sleepover and you gladly accepted. You guys watched Star Wars (Peter’s choice) and Barbie (your choice).
It’s 2am now. Peter’s sleep, has been for a while. You on the other hand, haven’t fallen asleep yet. You’re horny (all Druig’s fault) and hungry. A bad combination.
Walking out to the kitchen, you grab an apple and sit on the counter. While scrolling on your phone, you hear foot steps walking towards you. You don’t look up, half expecting it to be Peter.
“Didn’t think you’d wake up before New Years. Surprise surprise.”
“Ooh, you’ve got a slick tongue, now don’t ya.” You look up at the voice of the man who’d been plaguing your thoughts.
“I know a few tricks with my tongue too.” He says with a smile. Two can play at that game.
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“Oh my god! mmm nghhhh! Please Druig please!” You’re on his bed now, completely naked, while he’s still fully covered. Leather jacket on and everything.
Suddenly he stops. Removes his fingers from your puffy cunt, tongue from your clit, and head from in between your thighs.
You whine in protest, writhing and whimpering with need. You open your mouth to speak, but Druig beats you to it.
“Call me Daddy.”
You nod your head and beg him to continue. He lays his right hand on your abdomen to keep you from arching up. The thumb on his left hand finds your clit and runs figure eights. He just seems to be doing everything right.
You get close in seconds, it’s your first time even being touched like this. You’ve never even touched yourself before! You’ve never masturbated! (Your slick coating Mr.Carl the bear begs to differ.)
He can tell your close, he gets impossibly faster with his thrusts. Your a moaning mess underneath his hands, turning into putty for him to use.
The bed is moving too much for it to be just from him fingering you. You sit up just a little bit to look down and confirm your suspicions. Druig is jumping the corner of the bed. Hot.
The sight of Druig grinding against the bed sets you over the edge. You cum all over his hand, your slick covering his fingers, wrist, and forearm.
“Mhmm, virgins get wet so easily. Can’t wait to feel your soaking pussy wrapped around my cock.”
You thought he’d stop already. You’d already came, that much was evident, so why was he still pumping his fingers in and out of you?
“Mmm, dr-daddy it’s too much!”
“Be quiet or I’ll shut you up myself.” Don’t gotta tell you twice.
You muffle your whimpers with the palm of your hand, the other one finding the bed sheets to ground yourself. You were feeling floaty already.
Druig making you call him daddy, the overstimulation of him fingering you, and the tears slowly running down your cheeks was too much.
You slipped your thumb into your mouth, a coping mechanism you used when overwhelmed. Usually when you do this you’re stressed because of a test, not because you’re being fingered by an absolute God.
“Such a dumb bunny, I beg there’s not a single thought in your head right now that ain’t about me” Druig smiled. Keeping his eyes on you, he replaced his fingers with his tongue. He planned on making you cum 4 times tonight. One orgasm for each time you made him hard that day.
You could feel him deep inside you, his tongue claiming you all over again. You squirmed as you found yourself getting close to the edge again. And Druig new this too.
“I want you to keep your eyes on me when you cum, look away, and I’ll stop and leaving you begging me to cum.” You nodded in submission and listened.
Once you found yourself about to cum, you looked at Druig with begging eyes. You looked so pathetic right now, it made him chuckle. The vibrations from his laughter sent you over the edge. Your eyes almost rolled back, but Druig smacked your thigh before they could.
While Druig helped you ride out your orgasm, you made eye contact the entire time. Once your high was over, you were left panting and staring up at the ceiling.
“Oh baby, we aren’t even close to done yet.”
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farfromstrange · 1 year
Spiders | Matt Murdock
Pairing: Matt Murdock x fem!reader
Summary: Matt finds a huge spider in the house and he refuses to kill it.
Warnings: arachnophobia, description of a spider’s sounds and body (the way I see them with my arachnophobia), fluff, not proofread, no beta, probably a lot of grammar mistakes my bad
a/n: my body is tingling. I hate this, but it’s also cute. Matt Murdock hates spiders and I stand by that. [the gif seemed fitting, but for both sides]
find my masterlist here!
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If there is one thing Matt Murdock hated with his whole heart it had to be spiders. He would never admit it though. His previous girlfriends had been deadly afraid of the small insects and so he had to step up and remove them whenever one came crawling in. He couldn’t kill a spider even though he wanted to because even that went against his moral code somehow.
He could hear their heartbeats and the almost inaudible sounds they made when throwing their webs around the corners of his apartment ceiling. He could hear their tiny steps as they walked around his furniture or over the walls. It was unsettling because even though he could hear them, he couldn’t find them. He couldn’t locate them. They were fast little bastards and mostly tiny at that.
He hated spiders with a passion that was unmatched to anything else he hated. They gave him the ick.
She didn’t have many fears either, but spiders were a big no-go. He could hear her heart jump whenever one appeared on the tv or her phone screen suddenly and she would cringe away, scratching at her skin until the disgusting tingling would disappear. Though whenever one happened to be in the apartment, she pulled out the vacuum and got rid of the animals easily without batting an eyelash. She was disgusted, yes, and her hands shook with the panic that spread through her at the mere thought of the spider attacking her and eating her alive (which was a pathetic thought, according to her, but he understood where she came from). Though whenever one happened to crawl by, she removed it because she knew he hated them.
No one had ever been this considerate, and they had only had one conversation about their dislikes in the past when the topic arose in a rather humorous manner and he dropped his irrational fear of spiders, explaining how he could hear them but never find them and that freaked him out. She had just laughed, keeping her own arachnophobia a light subject, playing it down for him so he wouldn’t get suspicious. Ever since then, she would remove every spider without him asking for it. She found them, always, even if it was a little late sometimes and he had already heard them crawling on the walls. But Matt being Matt, he was too much of a coward to ask her to remove them.
Until the size changed completely and it was no longer a daddy long legs or a tiny spider sitting on the wall but a huge, black one with legs that were seemingly bigger than his and Matt decided he had enough. He couldn’t stand in the kitchen with that thing staring at him, plotting his murder. He didn’t have to see it to know how monstrous it was.
Her reaction was proof of his suspicion. She jumped and screeched audibly when she saw it. Matt had his hands on his hips, sightless eyes directed at the kitchen as he listened to the spider do its thing. It was gross and he kept his distance specifically so it couldn’t jump on him even if it had the ability to do so.
“What the fuck is that?” she choked out. Her heart was beating up to her chest. “Why is it so big? What did it eat? Oh, my God, maybe she ate the neighbor.”
“She?” he asked.
“I don’t know. Spiders are all female to me. Doesn’t matter! That thing is huge.” It started moving at the same time she said that. “Ew, ew, ew, ew! Get it off. Get it away from me. Matt, kill it! I can’t look at it. God! Ew!”
Matt swallowed. He would do it. He would ask her to kill the spider instead because there was no way he was going to catch a thing that big and set it outside, and he didn’t want to listen to the heartbeat die out either. Not at his hands, at least, so he would do it. He would ask her, even though he hated that he had to. "Baby, I love you. You know that I'd do anything for you, but, uh... seven fucks to the no,” he said. “You're gonna have to kill that creepy thing yourself."
She gawked at him, then eventually huffed in absolute defeat. "So brave.”
He believed he could still talk himself out of her being mad at him. She knew about his distaste after all and would do it for him, right? She would conquer her fear for his sake, she had to or else both of them had to burn the house down and move far, far away, to New Zealand maybe.
“Have I told you that I love you? So, so much. You're beautiful, a goddess, I worship the ground you walk on. But sweetheart, love of my life, please go kill that fucking thing before I break out into hives. Please?"
The soft please let her defenses fall. She sighed, already searching for the vacuum. “If she is gone by the time I turn around,” she said, “I am moving out.”
“Right there with you,” he said.
“New Zealand maybe?”
“That’s what I was thinking.”
They were so in sync, he felt proud.
“Honey bees are considered the most dangerous there, you know. We wouldn’t have to worry about monstrous, venomous spiders trying to eat us.”
“I doubt it’s venomous, we’re in New York,” he argued. “But yeah, I get what you’re saying.”
The spider moved again, faster this time as if it could sense that she had gotten the vacuum from the closet, even adding the extension so she could stand as far away as possible.
Would it die in there? What if it crawled back out? Matt’s back itched. He didn’t want to think about that, but the longer he stood there, the bigger his concerns grew. Maybe burning the house down wasn’t such a bad idea after all. They could find a place to stay anywhere and just clean it all out before moving.
“Sweetheart,” he whispered in her general direction, “don’t want to alarm you but it sounds like the thing is fleeing the country.”
“No!” She snapped around with the vacuum in hand. “I will not let that fugitive get away with it.” She turned it on. “Be gone, Satan!”
He listened in awe as she squealed while sucking in the huge spider. She could have sworn she saw hairs on the body and she almost dropped the device. Sighing in relief once the spider was gone, disappeared into the depths of the vacuum, she went to turn it off.
Matt stopped her. “Maybe we should break a glass and then suck in the shards just in case it didn’t die,” he said.
“Matt, her legs were torn apart in there. She’s not gonna crawl back out.”
“You don’t know that!”
“Can you hear a heartbeat?”
“No, but insect heartbeats are faint. Please, let’s just completely demolish it before we put the vacuum back in the closet.”
“Oh, my God. I’m not gonna smash a glass,” she said.
“Then just vacuum the apartment,” he retorted.
She groaned, handing it over to him. “Do it yourself, big boy.”
“What if it comes out though?” He gave her a panicked expression. “What if it comes back out and eats me?”
“She won’t.”
“It might.”
“No, I won’t do it. I’d rather ask one of the neighbors to get rid of the entire vacuum than risk it coming back out again.”
She wanted to hit him over the head. He looked adorable like this, but sometimes he could be quite annoying, even after a scare like that. Perhaps he was onto something though. It might have still been alive and even she couldn’t take that chance.
She gave in and took the vacuum back, turning it on and sweeping the apartment, making sure to suck in as much dirt and dust as possible. She even vacuumed the couch and the bedroom. Pressing the head down on the carpet, she waited until she was sure any living thing would have suffocated, and then she finally turned it off.
Matt gave her the go-ahead, allowing her to stash it away. She did.
The pair continued staring at the door for another five minutes, eyebrows furrowed and senses spread out to make sure they weren’t going to be attacked by the monster.
She eventually turned to her boyfriend. “Do we think she’s dead?” she asked.
Matt tilted his head. “Jury’s still out on that one,” he said.
“I want to take a shower.”
“Then go.”
“Not when she can come out of the closet and eat you anytime.”
“I’m pretty sure a lesbian spider would be a new one.”
She needed a moment to register what he just said. Then, she toppled over with the brightest laugh he had heard her utter in a while.
“A LESBIAN SPIDER?!” she wheezed. “What is wrong with you, Matthew? Oh, my God.” Her chest rumbled with laughter once again until her sides started to hurt and she ran out of air.
Matt joined in, more surprised about how he got to that conclusion than anything else. He hadn’t even meant to say it, the words just slipped, but the joke was a good one and he had to note that he made her laugh like that. His mission was to do it more often, even if it were just with jokes about gay spiders, which, as he thought about it, was truly quite ridiculous.
“Yeah, I mean if she’s gonna come out of the closet…” he trailed off.
“Don’t explain the joke,” she said. “You’re gonna ruin it.”
“A lesbian spider.” She giggled. “Alright, I’m going to take a shower now.”
His arm shot out. “Wait!”
“Relax, Matthew. If you’re right about lesbianism, she’s not gonna eat you.”
Her footsteps disappeared into the bathroom where a lesbian spider could definitely find her in the shower and eat her, he figured, so he instantly trailed after his girlfriend.
“That doesn’t make me feel better!” he squeaked.
Her laugh rang out. “I know.”
Needless to say that they staked out to watch for any signs of the mysterious spider in the vacuum the entire night, even beyond their shared shower time.
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cielcreations · 1 year
Little Fairy (Rancher Duo Fanfic)
Tango was a fairy who lived in a little town called Hermitcraft. He wasn’t sure who came up with the name, but it didn’t matter. He needed a few more leaves, string, and other items to help restock his shop as well as build his Decked Out game (it was turning out to be a bigger project than he intended).
He began to pick out some leaves from the trees as well as fallen leaves (the different colors would look amazing in all his buildings!), putting them in his bag. He continued to fly around, going to the flower field and picking off the petals. He continued to fly around, happily gathering petals, leaves, moss, vines, and anything else he could carry in his hands or bag. Once he finished, he began to fly home.
He was humming and singing to himself, flying home and not paying attention as he did. He suddenly ran into something and gasped. He groaned, realizing he was caught in a spider's web. The blonde tugged against the web, groaning.
"C-Crap!" He yelled, tugging as he called for someone, "HELP! IMPULSE?! ZED?! SOMEONE?!"
He struggled, tugging on the web, scared. The web was made, the spider had to be somewhere, and Tango would be its next meal if he didn't run.
"HELP!" Tears came to Tango's eyes, "HELP MEEEE!"
He began to cry, sobbing as he tried to pull out. He heard crunches of branches and dead leaves, turning his head and seeing a human. The human had dirty blonde hair and sky blue eyes, pale skin. He wore a white button up shirt, a blue cardigan, black pants, and back shoes. Tango whimpered, shaking as the human stared.
"A... fairy..." The human blinked. He then gasped, "O-Oh my god, you're stuck in a spiderweb!"
The human stepped forward and Tango stiffened more. He heard the stories of humans! They crush fairies, use their wings as trophies! He was shaking and crying as the human's hands got closer. The human gently put his hands behind and over Tango, gently cupping him. Tango closed his eyes, preparing to be crushed to death. Would any of his friends find him? What would the human do after he was crushed?
"Are you alright?" The human cooed.
Tango hesitantly opened his eyes and saw the human was looking down at him in concern. He blinked and squeaked as the human gently removed the spiderweb from his wings.
"There you go." The human smiled, "You're okay, right? Not hurt?"
Tango shook his head, blushing darkly as he stared at him.
"Good. Do you need help? Can you fly? I can-"
Tango quickly flew off without a second thought.
Tango turned around, hiding in the trees as the human smiled softly, walking back out of the woods. He blushed. The human's hands were so soft, so warm, he was so gentle and kind.
He flew home.
Tango sat on top of the windows of the house. 
Why he chose to come to the human’s house, he had no idea. He just... maybe he wanted to see the human again. He wasn’t sure why though, he was still really scared. But... 
He gasped the windows opened, looking over the sill and watching as the human set out a flower and a note. He also put a pencil out and placed... something on a napkin.
"There." The human spoke, "Hopefully that fairy is okay... He seemed a bit scared and nervous..."
He then seemed to move back and Tango flew down, hiding behind the flower pot, looking into the house and seeing the human was gone. He tiptoed over to the note and knelt down, reading it.
To the fairy I met yesterday. I hope you are doing okay. I didn't mean to scare you and I didn't mean to hurt you if I did. I hope you are okay and here's a piece of chocolate! You can come by any time if you want a piece or if you just need a place to stay. Take care. -Solidarity
"You didn’t hurt me..." Tango muttered to himself, I was just scared.
Tango then looked over, picking up the pencil with difficulty. He had to fly just to hold it and, with a lot of perseverance (despite how heavy it was), managed to write a simple 'thank you', even if it was a bit sloppy.
Tango panted, sweating from holding the heavy pencil, wings tired from using them so much. He groaned and let go of the pencil as his wings gave out. He was about to fall and the pencil was going to crush him, until a hand reached out and caught him.
The dirty blonde stared at the panting fairy, "You... You're the fairy from yesterday... OH!" He put Tango down, "You poor thing, you look exhausted! Are you okay?! Was the pencil to big?! C-Crap, s-stay here! I'll grab some water."
Tango tried to stand up as the human left, fluttering his wings, "O-Ow-!" He groaned, Nope, they’re too sore...
The human came back, pulling a chair in front of the window as he sat down. He opened a bottle of water, carefully pouring some water in the cap before holding it to Tango’s lips, "Here, drink up."
Tango held the cap and drank from it. Once he finished, he looked down, blushing in embarrassment, "Thank you!"
The human smiled, "Your welcome! Uh, have you tried the chocolate? I wasn't sure if you would like it, but I figured it was a good guess. Who doesn't like chocolate?"
"I-I’ve never had it..." Tango admitted, "Fairies can't make it."
"Well, it's really good!" The human gently broke the smallest piece he could before offering it to Tango, "Here!"
Tango hesitantly took and ate it, smiling brightly, "It's amazing!" He smiled up at the human, "Thank you!"
The human smiled, "You're welcome." He offered his hand, "My name is Solidarity."
"My name is Tango!" The blonde smiled.
"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you. Come back anytime. And here." Solidarity wrapped the remaining chocolate in the napkin, using a small string to tie it and make a handle, "Just make sure to eat it soon, chocolate will melt!"
Tango nodded, holding the makeshift bag, "Thank you!"
Solidarity smiled and nodded. He waved as Tango flew off with his new treat.
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pocket-lad · 3 months
CH 6- Small
TW: Arachnophobia
Adelaide rocketed to her feet and whipped out her knife. The spider stopped, and its dead, black eyes stared into her soul. Who would move first? There was no running from this thing, and it seemed to hesitate when she didn’t. Prey usually ran.
Most bugs were easy to deal with. Adelaide hated bugs, but the common beetles and small house spiders were usually the worst she dealt with anymore. Roaches were at the absolute top of her terrifying bug list, but spiders of this size weren’t far behind. She’d never seen one like this , though.
It was probably three inches long, maybe a little longer, which meant it was as long as she was tall. If she wasn’t currently being threatened by it, Adelaide would have to admit it was beautiful. Its golden body was covered in silver spots to match its silver head. The legs were long and delicate and flashed a bright yellow color interrupted by fuzzy brown bands. This was nothing like the plain brown and black spiders back home.
If not for the dripping black fangs that were about to puncture her body forty different ways, Adelaide thought it wouldn’t be half bad if this spider was the last thing she saw. She really didn’t want today to be her last day on Earth though, so she figured she’d probably have to kill it. Or die trying. And how embarrassing would it be to die on dinosaur island at the hand of a spider?
Adelaide’s heart hammered in her chest. She had to find a way in with her knife, but if she got close, it would either bite her or grab her with its long legs and then bite her, so she’d have to sneak around. She needed a distraction.
The spider remained still, but she knew that could change in the blink of an eye. Very slowly, and without taking her eyes off the creature, Adelaide dug through her bag. Her fingers searched for something useful and eventually closed around the peanut she stashed. It would have to do.
In one rapid movement, Adelaide hauled the half peanut out of the bag and threw it with all her might. It soared through the air, bounced off the spider’s back, and rolled away onto the floor. The spider didn’t budge. So much for that.
It must have sensed that Adelaide was out of ideas, because it took that moment to charge directly at her. Adelaide screamed and slashed with her knife. The weapon came in contact with one of the spider’s front legs, leaving a large gash that oozed clear fluid. She was mildly shocked that the fluid wasn’t blood, or if it was, it certainly didn’t look like blood. And whatever it was, it had a distinct, putrid smell that made her gag.
The wound only stunned the spider momentarily, but she took that moment to lash out again, aiming at the other front leg. It scrambled backward, and in the heat of the moment, Adelaide actually pursued it. She charged forward, yelling, knife in hand, ready to drive it right through the spider’s head.
Suddenly, a giant black form smashed into the ground with a deafening boom, crushing the spider into nothing and taking up Adelaide’s entire field of vision. The resulting tremor was so strong that it may as well have been an earthquake as it sent her flying backward.
She landed with a hard thump but sat up quickly. Barely inches away, Adelaide found herself face to face with a ginormous boot. Attached to the boot was a skyscraper of a leg, which was attached to an even longer body. Beyond that was anyone’s guess. Underneath the boot was a spider. Or at least the remains of one.
“Oh my god,” Adelaide whispered. “Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god-” She scrambled to her feet and backed away, completely in shock. She would have been nothing but a stain if the boot had come any closer. Just like the spider. Adelaide’s chest heaved, searching for air that would not stay put in her lungs.
She glanced up briefly and distantly realized it was Ian who was attached to the boot, but that did little to calm her nerves. “Why did you do that?!” she screamed, trembling violently.
Ian stood there, unable to see just how disturbed and panicked she was from so high up. “I saved you,” he smirked, but there was also a hint of confusion in his voice. The spider was gone. Why was she still scared? He wasn’t sure what he did wrong.
Ian kneeled down, keeping the boot that crushed the spider rooted firmly in place. The aftermath wouldn’t be pretty, and he wanted to spare them both from that sight. He could see now that Adelaide’s body was shaking and her eyes were unfocused, darting every which way.
“I had it under control!” she insisted.
“Then why are you shaking?” Ian could only assume that this was due to the spider itself, that it was an aversion to spiders not dissimilar to a regular human’s aversion to spiders. And so, he didn’t think it was that serious. He’d make fun of her, she’d kick him, they’d laugh it off and continue on with their night.
“I don’t know! Maybe cause you fucking blasted a spider into oblivion with your giant stupid shoe right in front of me!”
“Oh please, I wasn’t going to hit you.”
“But you could have!” Adelaide shouted, her voice cracking. At this point, she was yelling at the top of her lungs, and she wouldn’t be surprised if somebody could hear her outside the trailer. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d been this loud. Her lungs protested from the effort and her throat burned, but she couldn’t help it. She wouldn’t face Ian, too scared and too frazzled to even look at him, but the words would definitely be heard.
Oh. Ian realized his mistake. He assumed this was all because of the spider, but he didn’t even think about what this whole situation would have looked like from her perspective. He (regrettably) rarely did that. The ground shaking. A massive boot falling from the sky at an impossible speed and stomping on something just her size with no way to know whether that boot was headed for her.
Hoping to bring Adelaide back to reality, hoping to let her know that she’s safe now, Ian reached for her to get her off the ground and away from the scene of the crime.
Adelaide flinched back. She wasn’t scared anymore, per se, but she could not be touched right now. Everything was so overwhelming, and she needed a second to think, but the thought of retreating to a dark corner where more weird spiders could be lurking sounded worse than whatever situation she was in now.
Still, with the buzzing, bright white lights of the trailer and the sound of rain on the roof and the way Ian towered over her despite the fact that he was kneeling, casting her in his shadow - it was all too much. She nervously watched his boot, unmoving and enormous.
It took a while for Adelaide to realize that Ian was trying to talk to her.
“Della, hey. Della, say something. What happened?”
“I need to be alone,” Adelaide muttered, still staring straight ahead. She wasn’t even sure if he heard her.
“Oh, um… okay,” Ian said, and he slowly stood up.
Before he could step away, Adelaide cried, “No, wait! No, don’t go.” She did not want to see the remains of the spider. That would surely push her over the edge. She also didn’t want to be anywhere near a giant at full height, Ian or otherwise.
Adelaide needed to be alone, but she didn’t want to be alone. What she wanted was to be in the walls at home where she knew she was safe and she knew she could be by herself but she could also have company if she so chose. She wanted control, but that was far out of the realm of possibilities all the way out on dinosaur island.
Ian paused, then sighed, then kneeled back down. With nothing else to do, and with Adelaide seeming at least a little calmer, he reached for her again.
This time, Adelaide didn’t flinch back, but she still shrugged him off.
Ian knew what he wanted to say, but he wasn’t sure how to say it. He was better without a plan anyway, so he started from the beginning, or at least when he thought it all started.
“Back in the, um, in the helicopter, last time-”
“Forget it. It doesn’t even matter anymore.” The arrival of a new topic was enough to pull Adelaide out of her spiral, but she did not want to talk about this. She didn’t want to start a fight when she knew they were never going to see eye to eye.
“See, that’s the thing. The thing is, you’re still – you’re still mad at me, and I can’t fix it unless I know why,” Ian pushed. 
“I’m not mad-” 
“I know for a fact that you’re mad.” 
Adelaide drew out her next sentence. “I just don’t like when you don’t listen to me.” She stared at his shoes and the ground and into the void. Confessions weren’t her strong suit. “I know you’re trying to keep me safe, and I am so grateful for that. But it’s the helicopter, it was handing me over to Alan when I begged you not to, it’s picking me up, flattening that stupid spider.” Adelaide couldn’t stop now. The words just kept pouring out. “It’s… and the helicopter… I couldn’t breathe, Ian! I needed out and you wouldn’t let me, and my life was solely in your hands, and I know the risks I’d be taking but I’m the only person who’s responsible for me and I can-”
“No, but I am responsible-”
“You’re not! I’ve taken care of myself since-”
“Since you were a kid. Yes. I know. But uh, you’re small, Adelaide. I know you don’t like to acknowledge it, I know you don’t like when I say it, but the human world is, um, well, different, and there are certain - certain things you just have to-”
“Wow. Okay.” Adelaide felt like she’d just been punched in the gut. Ian always let her do her own thing, let her handle her own issues. She attributed this protective streak to whatever he was going through after Jurassic Park. Now she knew it was because he thought she was weak, that she needed protection. It didn’t help that he was literally talking down to her. “If that’s what you think-”
“No. No, no, no. I can see how you’re taking that,” Ian began.
“How am I supposed to take it? I get it. You think I can’t handle the human world, that I need a Bean to keep me safe. I mean obviously I don’t know what’s good for me. You’re a Human. You know so much better.”
“Stop calling me that!”
Ian softened and Adelaide faltered. Maybe she’d gone too far. “Adelaide… would you please - would you please look at me?”
Adelaide still hadn’t worked up the courage to even look in the general vicinity of his face, keeping her eyes trained downward in case tears formed or something dumb like that. Or in case that boot got any closer. She also didn’t want to see him staring directly down at her.
Adelaide heard shifting and was suddenly swept a couple feet to the left. She gasped, confused and a little nervous, but all he did was move her, nothing more. She felt Ian lower himself to his stomach and the very large hand invaded her space again. She backed up, but she obviously wasn’t outrunning anyone. This was her only way to show him that his hand wasn’t welcome.
Ian persisted. He carefully reached a finger underneath her chin and ever so slightly pushed up, forcing her to look up at him. Adelaide’s breath hitched at the contact. There was no resisting, no pushing the finger away, no pulling herself away. She was essentially trapped. It was an incredibly vulnerable position, and Ian knew how much power he held over her. If he pushed too hard, her neck would snap or he’d crush her throat. Yet, as always, he was gentle, gentler than Adelaide thought any Bean could be, and his eyes begged for her trust.
“What?” she said coldly. It was all she could say. She felt the pressure of his finger vibrate against her throat when she spoke.
Ian withdrew the finger when he knew he had her attention. “I didn’t mean to make you feel small-”
“Sure,” Adelaide blurted sarcastically.
Ian was getting angry. “No, you’re right, forgive me - forgive me for caring about you. The same way I care about Kelly, um, the same way I care about Sarah. You think I wouldn't do the exact same for them? It’s not because you’re small, Della. It’s not because I think you’re uh, ‘incapable’. I didn’t rush here because I think Sarah is incapable. It’s because I don’t want you all to get hurt, and the fact of the matter is that it’s much easier for you specifically to – for you to get hurt. Forces beyond either of our control.”
“I know,” Adelaide admitted sheepishly.
There was a long pause. Ian said his piece and Adelaide could either take it or leave it. She understood what he meant, but it was hard to convey just how scary it is to give over complete control (especially unwillingly) to someone who could kill you without a thought.
Adelaide picked at the skin around her fingers awkwardly, thinking about how she wanted to move forward.
“I get that,” she said slowly. “I’ve never had a Bean care this much, and adjusting to living with someone so large has been, well, an adjustment…for both of us. So, I know you’re trying your best, and - and I’m trying my best. But just because it’s not my world doesn’t mean I haven’t been living in it my whole life. We just experience it different ways, so if you could just believe me when I tell you something, or know that I know what’s best for me, or wait for me to ask for help-”
“You never ask for help.”
“Then I’ll start, I guess…For now, if you could help me off this disgusting floor?” Adelaide had a small smile on her face, and she looked to Ian for confirmation. He returned her smile, happy that they came to some kind of an understanding. He quickly pushed himself to his knees and held out his hand. Adelaide instinctively backed up to give him space.
She glanced over to where she thought the spider was and realized that when Ian abruptly moved her earlier, it was to angle her so that his body blocked her view of it. Most of its guts were probably plastered to the bottom of his shoe anyway.
Not wanting to give that another thought, she hopped on to Ian’s waiting palm.
“Sounds like a deal,” he said.
Ian had just barely stood up straight when the door to the trailer burst open. They both jumped.
Sarah ran in, holding out her hand to keep Ian back and ordering him not to be angry. Both Ian and Adelaide were confused as to what could possibly be wrong now , but their question was answered when Sarah was swiftly followed by Nick carrying a wailing baby dinosaur the size of a large dog.
Adelaide’s jaw dropped. For one, the strength of Human Beans never ceased to amaze her. For two, they willingly brought a dinosaur into the trailer. Willingly. For three, it sure looked like a Tyrannosaurus Rex. 
Ian instinctively cupped Adelaide closer to his chest, so she climbed to the top of his hand to peek over. She still couldn’t see much. “No, no, honey, no,” Ian whined, but Sarah wasn’t listening. She and Nick pushed past Ian to lay the dinosaur on a table.
“Ian, he’s hurt! If we don’t set his leg, he’ll die. It won’t heal,” she explained.
Adelaide was about to climb to Ian’s shoulder to get a better vantage point, but she remembered their discussion about asking for help. “Shoulder please?” she asked, but it was more of a command.
Ian hesitated briefly. He wanted to be able to keep her away in case anything happened, but if she was holding up her end of the deal, he would hold up his.
Adelaide still couldn’t see super well, but she got glimpses as Sarah and Nick ran around. It was definitely a T-Rex and it was definitely injured. A gash ran along its leg, and Adelaide couldn’t help feeling bad for it. Regardless, it couldn’t stay here. Its wailing was only getting louder, and other animals would hear it.
As if on cue, a loud roar was heard in the distance. “Ian…” Adelaide trailed off.
Everyone froze and looked around, but there was nothing to be done at the moment except move faster. Nick and Sarah returned to working on the baby’s leg while Ian and Adelaide messed with the radio. That didn't stop Adelaide from frequent glances back to the animal, though.
“I don’t understand why we can’t get through to anyone,” she said. “Do the um…wires, are they-” Adelaide wasn’t even sure what question she was asking as she tried to recall how phones worked. She only understood the basics, so it wasn’t like she could troubleshoot if something went wrong.
“You’re asking the wrong person,” Ian muttered. He returned his attention to the radio. “Carlos, come in! God damn it, you bastard. Listen-”
Another, closer roar.
Ian abruptly stood up, forcing Adelaide to cling to his shirt. “Okay, help me get this thing out of here,” he said, done with the whole situation. If that roar came from the T-Rex, and it sure sounded like it did, then they were in trouble.
“No, we just set its leg,” Sarah argued.
“We’re safe in here right?” Adelaide whispered, keeping her voice down so as to not alert the other Beans of her fear.
“Uh, yes, we are perfectly - we are perfectly safe,” Ian lied distractedly.
Mad at him for answering her question so loudly, Adelaide raised her voice so that the others could hear. “Not that I’m worried, or…anything…” Nice save, dumbass .
Sarah and Nick weren’t paying attention, so she really didn’t have anything to worry about.
A loud crash startled everyone into looking out the window. One of their cars rolled by at lightning speed, right off the edge of the cliff. Only one thing had the power to pull that off. And it was close.
“Mommy’s very angry,” Ian said.
A growl sounded out from behind them, and they all turned to look directly into the eye of a fully grown Tyrannosaurus Rex. Adelaide gasped, but beyond that, you could hear a pin drop. It was after them. They had its baby and now it was after them and it was going to kill them and they never should have come to this stupid island.
But just when Adelaide thought it couldn’t get any worse, the same sound echoed behind them again. She closed her eyes and let out a shaky breath. There were two Rexes on either side of the trailer, and they were both pissed. The Beans were trapped.
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drakedoo · 2 years
Grave robber head canons
Tumblr media
He is gender fluid pansexual(yeah ,screw you Terrance,I’m making  your self insert character a part of the LGBTQA+)
Him and Amber are officially dating (screw Grilo shippers, y’all be nasty🤮)
After Nathan and Mags dies, Graves takes Shilo in under his wing and becomes her guardian and moves into the Wallace house and they form a sibling type bond
He LOOOOVES rats and will bring them into the house all the time
Has a pet one named Finley
But he’s absolutely TERRIFIED of bugs.
Shilo takes advantage of that and Will try to freak him out anytime she can with her bugs
No joke this girl ,while they were outside, and he was collecting Zydrate in a graveyard, picks up a massive spider and says “Graves, look what I got”
He turns around and screams as high as his naturally low voice can go and jumps on top of a tombstone with absolute terror on his face. Of course Shi find it absolutely hilarious that he screams so high, he’s screaming to put it down and stop messing around. 
“ you can work with dead people but you’re terrified of bugs?!  you’re kidding right?😀”
Or he could be in the kitchen making food, and all the sudden a massive spider or beetle, or centipede crawls on the floor near him and he screams in pure terror and jumps on top of the cabinets or the fridge
He’s a heavy sleeper and nothing wakes him up once he’s knocked out.
SNORES SO LOUD(I saw this head canon from another Tumblr post but I don’t remember who😅)
Has the nastiest hair mats and it irks Amber so much
Amber could just cutely be playing with his hair and all of a sudden her fingers get stuck
“ have you never heard of a brush?!”
“ too much work to brush it”
Amber basically hold him down and brushes every single mat,knot,and tangle,out of his hair and even braids it
Likes to have his nails painted
They could just a simple black polish, to nail polish matching the current hair highlights he has
But he constantly has to redo it because they get chipped often
Expresses his gender identity and sexuality through his hair
Like one day he comes home ,goes to the bathroom with a bag full of hair dye and comes out with pansexual or gender fluid colors in his hair(actually I think that would look really good can someone please do that🥹)
is a tall person even without his boots on
he’s maybe 5’11 without his boots on and 6’0-6’1 With his boots on
Even after repo men are no longer around and genecops aren’t searching for grave robbers anymore(I believe that when Amber takes over that she makes a new policy where there’s no more Organ repossession and that Grave robbing is legal) he still yells graves at the top of his lungs in a graveyard just for the hell of it
Sometimes Shilo wakes up in the middle of the night from night terrors, and he runs in the room and hold her close to soothe her,and he softly hums or sings a tune to calm her down and Soothe her back to sleep(I mean this in a sibling/platonic way! Not a ship/romantic way! I’m trying to make that very clear that I do not ship these two!)
When Shilo’s hair starts growing back her hair starts looking like a Q-tip, so that’s exactly what he calls her
“ what are you up to,Q-tip ”
“ so my nickname went from kid to Q-tip?”
“ you look like a Q-tip😁”
Him and Shilo always have playful sibling banters, or will just argue over the stupidest stuff
“ so you think the earth is flat? Graves are you an idiot”
“Well on old maps it’s flat sooooo🤷‍♀️”
Likes to get in peoples face for absolutely no reason, just to try to start shit
Amber could be doing work in her office and all of a sudden he gets in her face
“ Babe what the fuck are you doing“
*stares in silence still in her face*
Amber gets absolutely pissed and he start laughing. 
So yeah that’s all I could think of for now and let me know if you want me to do another fandom or even other repo characters
Update: oh wow I was not expecting so many people to like these especially since this was just me writing as they went along. But I really appreciate it and it’s really cool to see that repo! Tumblr is still alive❤️🥲
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midnights-dragon · 7 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you so much for tagging me @zyrafowe-sny!! No pressure tags: @raining-stars-somewhere-else @kestrel-wylde @sir-ballister-boldheart @sarcastictissy @enigma-the-mysterious @kowalskiology101 @just-a-music-and-poetry-lover @fellshish @actual-changeling and anyone else who sees/wants to join, god i need more fanfic writer mutuals-
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Currently 144, most of which are one-shots but my amount of multi-chapter fics has been increasing lately. They're fun!
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
666,595 words.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
At the moment, Good Omens is my main, but other fandoms I've written a LOT for are The Owl House, Modern Family, Nimona, and Puss in Boots. I've written a lot of one-off stories for different fandoms all across the board, such as Loki, Spider-Man ATSV, Heartstopper, and The Umbrella Academy.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
into the light of the dark black night (Nimona) which also had a work inspired by it here, The Child Soldier (TOH) which is also my second most read fic, learning to love again (Nimona), bloodshed crimson clover (Nimona), and shackled conscience (TOH)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do, every time!! I love comments and I think that responding to them even it's something as simple as a thank-you and a heart encourages readers to comment more! I love my readers and want them to know that they are appreciated.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably a ventfic I wrote about Barney from Dead End: Paranormal Park, but for a more general one, but i might be hopin' about this (oh, what a sin) (Good Omens), which I actually originally wrote to be exclusively a Tumblr thing but it expanded to the point that I figured I might as well post it, haha.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I mean, I've written WAY too many fluff stories of Modern Family, so a lottt of those, but also That Lovely Autumn Serenade (The Owl House) really sticks out to me, it's one of the first pieces I did for Huntlow and probably the first all-fluff piece I did, and I went back and edited it late last year. It's cute!
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I have, actually! Several times. I've been told that I write relationships to be too codependent in stories where said codependence is always addressed as being unhealthy and is corrected into a healthier dynamic. I've been told that diagnosing someone with ASD in 2007 is ableist because the term ASD wasn't used by the DSM at the time, something that is entirely false. I have been told that the power set I gave to a god-tier-level-of-power character was wrong, and told that I should delete my entire fic because it was so wrong - which it was not. I've also gotten bots on my fics before!
I find it all quite amusing. Especially the ASD person because I responded with a multiple-paragraph explanation of the DSM's system of diagnosing in 2007 that I had researched for the fic in question. They, of course, never responded.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Absolutely I do. Most of it is kept private in the very depths of my google docs, but I have uploaded a few, all M/M and usually very praise kink-oriented. I have also uploaded 2 anonymously. guard thy mouth, thy serpent’s tongue (Good Omens) is both my favorite and most recent.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Nope, no crossovers, but I've definitely gotten inspiration from other media, such as the play Orestes and the episode Save the Cat from SPOP most notably.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have! how did you two meet? (Puss in Boots) has been translated into Russian!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have not.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Currently, it's absolutely Ineffable Husbands (Aziraphale x Crowley, Good Omens), and I have written nearly 150,000 words already for them in the short few months I've been in the fandom, all of which can be found here.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Askdjskdjkhfgh I have so many unfinished Modern Family fics since I fell out of that hyperfixation,,, but other than that I don't really have many unfinished fics that aren't smut that are my private Thoughts. I do have an old OLD Raeda fic that I found recently that I might finish just because I LOVE the TOH fandom, and writing for it was always so fun because the readers are very interactive and kind, but! We shall see. It's .... not very good.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue for sure, and I'm also very good at writing gory scenes and descriptions in general, as long as I don't get long-winded about it. I actually once wrote a little 'lesson' on dialogue and how to write it for a friend, and if you might find that helpful, feel free to check it out here. I'm also great at not getting too worked up over the imperfections of the first draft.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
ENDINGS. Fucking endings, Jesus Christ I cannot write endings. Also descriptions, I get way too strung out on them and then they go on forever and never stop. Also using way too many commas and dashes; I get way too obsessed with how things look and not how it reads.
Also also - titles. Summaries. Fuuuucking tags. Titles.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I've used bits of Spanish in my fics for TOH and PIB, but I always run it through a reliable translator (DeepL) and then add a note giving 1) the translations and 2) telling anyone who speaks the language to PLEASE correct me on anything, which people often do!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
The Lucifer fandom, way back in 2021! I wrote a redemption arc story for Michael. I edited it in full (rewrote it, really) last year because I will be completely honest, it was garbage. But I enjoyed that story and it's still my most read to this day.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
I have several, actually.
brought by the sunlight of the spirit (to pour into rain) (Good Omens) - if you do read this one, it can be VERY VERY VERY TRIGGERING, so take care. It's a heavy story, but one that was very cathartic for me. The premise is Crowley being tortured in the worst way by Hell, and Aziraphale helping to 'fix' what Crowley thinks is so broken.
Pull Up the Ladder When the Flood Comes (Good Omens) - Crawley saving children in Mesopotamia, and Aziraphale coming to his aid while struggling with immense religious trauma. Another one that was extremely cathartic for me, which is why I hold it so near and dear.
Butterfly Tattoo (Modern Family) - also can be VERY triggering (there's a common theme here, isn't there?), this is an AU story where Mitchell runs away in 1989 and struggles for a long time before coming to be happy and to love himself, and the story follows him as he reunites with his sister and father after 20 years of no contact. I did an inane amount of research for this fic and it's the longest I've ever written, clocking at around 50,000 words.
shackled conscience (TOH) - again, trigger-heavy. Pre-s2 Darius stumbles across Hunter bleeding out in the castle and tries taking care of him. Not a happy ending story, but there are a couple of brief sweet exchanges between the two.
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quandaryqueen · 2 years
Gotham Edward Nygma X Reader
At the night of a tiring day, a riddle was the last thing you didn't want to hear.
Inspired by my current circumstances and by @riddlemeri. I was thinking this Edward is more... Season 1 Eddie, because he's my love.
This is what the little mermaid must've felt when she sold her voice. To feel knives penetrating her soles with every step... That's not how the others' remember the Little Mermaid, but Hans Christian Andersen says otherwise.
Anyways, that's how you felt. Except you also had a a pounding headache, the one where you can feel a vein flicking against your temple, how your brain felt like it was pressing against your skull whole simultaneously compressing itself. Every noise felt like bombs in your ear and everything was just annoying, irritating. Not even the click of your keys as it unlocked your door brought you joy.
Upon entering your home, you sloppily slip your shoes off and didn't bother to set them aside. Carelessly dropping your bag on the living room floor and yourself on the softness of the couch, which made you somewhat relieved... If it weren't for the disturbing sound of a buzz saw in your kitchen. The high pitched buzzing introduced a new headache to add to your ever expanding pain, it felt as though you were the one getting cut by it.
You screwed your eyelids tight, as if it would stop your raging migraine from pounding. It didn't register to you that you were white-knuckling the throw pillow, until the flimsy seams ripped and the stuffing spilled out.
Stirring yourself up, you marched to the kitchen with heavy steps and narrowed eyes, you were met by the sight of your partner Edward donning a a pair of goggles, a buzz saw and a contraption of sorts was in front of him. A series of metal sheets and rods and wires... In the middle of your kitchen. Your refrigerator and other appliances were nowhere to be seen, the space in favour for the junk, Edward's junk.
The scent of burning copper intensified your already instense headache, adding in a sense of nausea to your series of pain. Great. Just great.
"Can you keep it down?"
You were surprised you can utter a word through the pain, even if you felt like blacking out right then and there. He didn't even acknowledge you.
"Hey Ed!" You increased your volume. "Edward!"
"O-Oh! Y/N!" He lifts his goggles and smiles his iconic muppet smile. Your pain would usually melt at the sight of him, but today was not the day.
"Could you please keep it down?"
"Oh! What's without tools and builds its house--"
Edward reels back in shock from your sudden snap and you didn't stop from there, with the bespectacled male sinking in his skin, thinking what he did wrong to prompt such an explosive temperament from you.
"YOU NEVER SHUT UP! RIDDLE ME THIS, RIDDLE ME THAT-- YOU TALK TOO MUCH! AND THIS MESS! OH MY FUCKING--" you cut yourself with a sharp breath, before storming off.
A lone tear escapes from his eyes and he sinks to the floor. And like he was a child, he tucked his knees to his chest, flinching when he heard the bedroom door slams lock.
Upon collecting your bearing, you shamefully retreat back to the kitchen, where you find Edward in a position you recognise. He looked like a grown child. You quietly took a seat next to him, giving him the space he needs. He noticed you, but he refuses to acknowledge it, as he stares ahead with his puffy eyes.
"I'm sorry for snapping at you."
No response.
"It was my fault, I shouldn't have said those things to you. I was tired, but that doesn't mean I should make you an outlet of my anger."
Still nothing.
"What's without tools but builds its house? Is the answer spider?"
"Yes." He finally responded and you find yourself smiling.
"I'm sorry Eddie."
"No, you're right. I talk too much--"
"No don't listen to me. I was dumb for saying that. You were expressing yourself just fine and I was stupidly irritated at every noise I hear."
"But Y/N-"
"Eddie, I made the mistake of snapping at you and saying things I don't mean, but even if what I said isn't true, it hurt you. And I want you to know that what I said isn't true." Finding the time to be perfect, you took his hand within yours, running a thumb on his knuckles, before lifting his hand to your lips. "Tell me how can I make this up to you."
You maintained your sincere gaze against his and softly pressed a kiss on the back of his hand. In turn, he latches his fingers within yours and returns the gesture of placing a kiss on your knuckles.
"I forgive you... You really don't have to do anything at all."
"But I want to,"
Edward lifts his free hand and puts a finger to his lip, acting as though he was thinking and to exaggerate it further, he prolongs a hum.
"You dork," Even with a light and playful punch from you, he doesn't stop from humming.
"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... I've decided."
"What is it?"
"A kiss."
Simple enough. Craning your neck, you inch forward to plant a kiss on his temple. Then his cheek. The the tip of his nose, then his eyelid. By then, you find yourself peppering his face with kisses, leaving him a giggling mess, but making no attempts to stop you.
"You are forgiven." Very forgiven.
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kayla-crazy-stuffs · 1 year
I honestly would love to see more monster dream or Mer stuff! Dream team + punz would be cool for either and it doesn’t have to be noms! :D (sent this from your post asking for writting prompts so here ya go! ^w^ )
I finally finished writting it!! >:]
I've never write about spiders/driders so, heh..
Word Count: 1.4K Woooo! (finally!)
TW: Spiders, fear of dying, loss of half of one limb, slight fearplay (this kinda end with a bit of fluff)
Loud, they were very loud. There was a lot of noise in that house. Dream really didn't know why he had stayed there to live. Many hiding places? Food?... Surely. Two humans lived in the house, although there was usually another human who used to visit from time to time.
He moved around his spiderweb. Although he found it hard for him to admit it, he felt quite alone. He had no mates of the same species, friends or siblings... Just him.
He closed his eyes letting out a small sigh when he heard someone knock on the door of the house. He peeked out of his hole a bit, wanting to know who it was. The black-haired human ran to the door to open it, greeting the newcomer.
“Punz! You have finally arrived! You've taken long enough." Punz gave a small laugh as he got in. "Sorry Sapnap, I had things to do." "Well, that doesn't matter, now let's play something for a while!" Sapnap responded to the blonde's answer, as he quickly dragged him away.
It had been a few hours since Punz had been in the house, which meant that he would probably spend the night here. Dream didn't find it strange, since they did this normally. He stretched a bit, moving his legs very carefully, heading towards the cabinet.
He was a bit hungry and he was sure there would be something to eat other than insects. He had to treat himself from time to time, right?
He finally made it to the cabinet when he was suddenly unable to move his body. He tried to look up, finally realizing where he was stuck. He had the very bad luck of falling into the web of another species of spider, this web being stickier than others and his own.
Not even a few seconds passed until his eyes widened horrified. Not only had he fallen into the trap of another species but it was also female. Which would have no mercy in eating him.
He desperately tried to get out of there to no avail, the web was too sticky. The long legs came close to his body, bringing it closer toward his fangs.
The spider was twice or three times as big as he was, he would have no chance of escaping. Finally the spider bit into one of his front legs, causing Dream to cry out in pain, tears falling from his eyes. He didn't want to die like this...
Suddenly, the cabinet was filled with light, followed by some voices that could be heard in the background. “Yeah, yeah, whatever you say… Ahhh! Oh my God! SAPNAP!” The human yelled when he saw the spiders, rushing out of the kitchen as he called for his black-haired friend.
Since Punz had come to spend the night, they had decided to watch a movie while having something to eat. George got up from the couch, heading to the kitchen to get some snacks from the cabinet, when he ran back into the living room, screaming.
"Sapnap, please do something! There are two fucking spiders in the cabinet! One of them is even as big as my thumb! Kill them or whatever, but do something with them! So fucking gross!!" Sapnap just rolled his eyes as he got up, heading to the kitchen to see what was worrying the brunet so much.
His eyes widened in shock at the sight of the spider that was probably about two or three inches, until his eyes focused on the smaller spider.That wasn't a spider... Technically it was still a spider since it was a drider, a half spider half "human", so it was pretty much still a person.
He reached one of his fingers towards the big spider, turning it on fire as the arthropod went to bite him, causing it to back away from his finger and the drider.
Sapnap smiled as he watched the spider back away, his eyes focussing on the drider again, who had his full attention on him. He put out the fire on his finger as he reached out with his other hand and gently picked up the drider, taking it off The spiderweb.
He swore he could feel the drider shaking, but he was so small that it was hard to tell. He held the small one in a soft fist, clutching a few bags of chips with his other hand, finally closing the cabinet.
He walked slowly into the living room, throwing the bags of chips to the other two who were on the couch. "And good? Were they really that big or was George just exaggerating? asked Punz, making himself more comfortable on the couch.
"Hey!" The brunette complained. Sapnap chuckled slightly before sitting down with them. “What have you done with the spiders in the end? Have you killed them?" George continued, frowning when he saw his friend wince.
"I've let the big one go... There's no point in killing it..." he replied softly. George looked a bit annoyed because of that but seemed to brush it off when he asked again. "And the other? The one that was smaller?” Sapnap shifted a little uncomfortably in his spot, his eyes falling on his fist.
The brunet followed his gaze, his eyes widening. “Sapnap, what the heck?! Did you bring a fucking spider into the living room?!” The black-haired was going to answer him but Punz silenced them both.
"It doesn't matter what he did, since he surely has a reason for it, right Sap?" Sapnap nodded as George sat back down with a huff. "Okay... what's your excuse?" he asked, a bit annoyed by the fact that Sapnap was holding a spider in his fist.
The black-haired man sighed as he slightly opened his fist, making sure the drider was okay before opening it fully. “Apparently it's a drider, although technically it's still a spider, it's still partly human… Besides, I don't think he is a threat, it seems that he is more afraid of us than we are.”
Punz got up from the couch only so he could crouch down to the drider's height. "I've never seen a drider, much less one of this size... He's really scared- Wait... Is he missing a part of one of his legs?" Sapnap nodded slightly.
“Apparently the other spider reached him before I separated them.” The blonde hummed in response, getting up again and sitting back on the couch. Sapnap looked at the drider in his hands, speaking softly to him. “You can stay with us if you want… We won't hurt you, I promise.”
Dream was really scared, he was in front of two humans and in the hand of another. The dark-haired man seemed quite annoyed with his presence, probably because he was part spider... Then the one called Punz crouched down to be at his height, but the simple movement scared him, backing up a bit.
After a few seconds he sat back in his seat, making him sigh grateful that he had moved away. It wasn't long until the one who held him, Sapnap, talked to him, saying that they were not going to hurt him.
He didn't know whether to believe it, but he really had no choice as he was still trapped in the human's hand. Finally he decided to nod, responding to the black-haired man's words, although he didn't know if he would notice the gesture because of his size.
"Good. My name is Sapnap, the brunette one is George and the blond one is Punz. What's your name?" Did he really ask that? the human could simply call him whatever he wanted, but was he asking his name? “U-Uh… M-My name is D-Dream…”
The black-haired man, Sapnap, grinned at his response. “Great, now you are finally part of our group of friends.” "I guess you can make an exception for spiders for once right?" asked the brunette. Punz just laughed at his friend.
"I never thought I'd hear you say that George, but you're right." Huh? did they really want to be his friends? He was so immersed in his thoughts that he didn't realize it until he felt a black liquid drip down his cheeks. He quickly wiped it off, he hadn't cried for many years, not even mentioning when the spider incident happened.
He glanced slightly at the three humans in the room before smiling slightly. "Thanks…"
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magma-queen · 7 months
Tumblr media
Enjoy my contribution to Tickletober this year~! Enjoy!
Archie heard a high pitched scream from downstairs, and it made him jump up to his feet.
“Sierra? Scamp, what’s the m- wait…” He stopped. “She’s at school… what the hell..?”
He hopped down the stairs and looked around the house. He figured that someone must’ve broken in. But no. He walked in the kitchen to find his husband perched on a chair staring at something on the floor.
“Babe, was that ye?!” He tried extremely hard not to laugh at him. “I thought it was Sierra, but then I realized that she wasn’t home! What on earth are ye screaming about?”
Maxie points down at the floor in a panic. “Kill it kill it kill it!”
He moved around to see what he was talking about, and he saw a huge black spider on the floor.
“H-Holy shit!!” He backed away. “What is that?! Max, kill it!”
“YOU kill it!!” The redhead snapped back. “I’m not getting near it!! I-I- I’m afraid of spiders!”
“Well I’m not killing it!!” Archie spotted a broom nearby, then back at Maxie. He saw the terror in his eyes and sighed. “Well, shit… looks like I am. It’s either this, or we burn the house down… I’m not letting this thing run free in our house, screw that.” He grabbed it and came closer to the arachnid.
Maxie jumped down from the chair and hid behind him. Archie could hear him whimpering into his back.
“Shhhh.. Calm down, honey… it’s okay. *kiss* I won’t let it get ye, I promise. Alright, ye little fucker… this is what ye get for frightening me husband.. DIE!!!!”
He swiftly smacked it with the broom, he slowly lifted it up to see if the spider was dead or not. It wasn’t.
He whacked it again.
“P-please tell me you killed it…” The redhead squeaked, peering out from Archie’s shoulder. “I’m afraid to look…. if it’s a female and pregnant.. and I see smaller spiders come out… I can and will have my Camerupt burn this house down.”
“I think I got it..”
Once again, he lifted the broom up. This time the arachnid wasn’t moving. It was completely squashed. Nothing else was crawling on the ground. Sighing in relief, He took the broom and brushed it outside.
“Oh thank God…” Maxie sighed. “I hate those horrid things… I’m so ashamed of myself for screaming like that… it’s not like me..”
Archie stared down at the floor and gasped. “Max look! There’s another one at yer feet!”
Letting out another scream, he jumped into Archie’s arms and tucked himself into his chest. But then he heard his husband snickering, then into full blown laughter while feeling him shake with mirth.
“Bwahahahaha!! Ahahaha- *cough cough* I’m sorry, Max! But I had to! Hahaha- ha-oww!!! He laughed when Maxie smacked him on the shoulder. “Awww, baby.. I’m sorry! That was mean.. C’mon.. gimme kissies?”
“Jackass. Perhaps in your dreams.” He huffed, jumping down from his arms and walking away.
“Baaaaabe! I was just playing with ye!” Archie took off after him. Once he caught up, he scooped him up in his arms, trying to hold him still as he tried to wiggle away. “Maxie… baby.. look at me~”
He turns his head away. “Get away from me.”
“Aw c’mon! Don’t be mad! I’m sorryyyy! It was just a joke~” He followed his husband’s head twisting away to avoid his kisses, he backed him into a corner and attacked his neck with kisses.
“Arrrgh! A-Ahaharchie!” He giggles as he tries to push Archie’s face away. “G-get off! Th-that’s not going to work!”
“Do ye forgive me?”
“No! You scared the absolute shit out of me! You know good and well that I’m arachnophobic! It was uncalled for and you know it!”
His arms wrapped around Maxie’s waist from behind, squeezing him close to his chest.
“I’m going to be even angrier at you if you don’t let me go!” He yelled.
Archie smirks even wider. “Oh, Maxieeee~”
He knew that when Archie said his name like that, he was in trouble.
“A-Archie… whatever you’re about to do.. don’t. I can and will make your ass sleep on the couch.”
The pirate’s hearty laughter filled the room they were in. He sat his head on his shoulder and whispered in his ear.
“I think the spider’s comin’ back from the dead…” He whispers, spidering his fingers at his back and his shoulders. “And he brought a friend with him~” He cooed, bringing up his other hand.
“A-Archie nohohohohoho!! don’t- I’m ticklish!!” He wiggled even more, trying to get away from him while starting to giggle. “St-stop ihihit!!”
Archie teases him even more to get him to blush. “I know that, sweetheart. that’s why I’m doing it~ The itsy bitsy spider climbed up my hubby’s back~” He sang, enjoying his face turning red. “Out came its little legs, and made my hubby laugh!”
“Oh my gohohohohod st-stahahahahop!!! Thihihis is sohohoho dahahahamn embarrassing!!” Maxie managed to squeak out. “K-Knohohock ihihit off!!!!”
“It’s not me, babe… I told ye that the spiders were coming back for ye~” His fingers wiggled at his neck. “Man, these are some persistent spiders. they’re crawling all over ye~!”
“Archihihihihie st-stop ihihihit!! Hahahahaha!! Ahahaheheheehehee! That tickles! Thahahat tihihihickles!!”
The bigger man’s smile only grew wider. “Ohoho… ye shouldn’t have said that, Max. Because these are tickle spiders! And now they’re really comin’ for ye now!”
He pushes Maxie to the ground and pins him. Then he scribbles his fingers all over his stomach.
“I already told ye, Max. It’s not me! It’s the spiders!” He chuckled.
“Ohohoho now ye’ve done it! The spiders don’t like name calling!”
He bucked forward when his husband spidered his fingers at his sides.
“AAAAAAAHHH!!! GAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! NOHOHOHOHO- NOHOHO PLEHEHEHEASE GAHAHAHAHAD!!!” He weakly raised his arm to beat on his shoulder.
“Uh oh! Looks like they found a new tickle spot!” He tickled him faster. “Tickle tickle!”
Archie snorted himself. He found this adorable and amusing. “I can’t stop it, baby. If the spiders want to tickle ye, then the spiders are gonna tickle ye!”
Maxie kept laughing and giggling like crazy, every time he tried to escape, Archie would pull him back into his arms.
“AAAAAAAH!!!” He shrieked when his fingers slipped under his arms. “ARCHIEEEEEE!!! AHAHAHAHA- NOHOHOHO!!! ST-STAHAHA-“
“Quit squirming so much!” Archie giggled. “The spiders might show some mercy once ye accept me apology.”
“AHAHAHALRIGHT!!! HAHAHAHA- I FORGIVE YOHOHOHOU!! J-JUHUHUST- *SNORT* STOP!!!! PLEHEHEHEASE!” Tears of mirth started to dot the corners of his eyes.
Archie’s wiggling fingers slowly were brought to a stop. In return, the redhead’s giggles slowly disappeared. A glare came from his face, staring up at his husband.
“Ihihihi… *hic* will kihihihill you… *hic* they’ll nehehever find your body…”
Archie just chuckles at him and pecked his forehead. “Awwww.. did I give ye the hiccups, baby? Do ye need some… WATER?” *smirk*
“Go to hell.”
Archie smirks. “Love ye too. Now, ye didn’t answer me question.. do ye need some water?”
“Yeah I- *hic* will. *pout* to submerge you in.”
“Awww.. don’t pout at me~ Ye needed to laugh, Mr. Grump butt~” Archie smiled, pecking a kiss on his forehead. “Mwah! Ye love me.”
“I do.. but.. you know what’s going to happen next. Couch. Two nights.”
“Aww, c’mon!!! Babyyyyy!”
“Don’t ‘baby’ me. Couch. Two nights, and that’s final.”
Later that evening, little Sierra tugged on her dad’s shirt. “Daddy? Why’s Papa sleeping on the couch?” She asked, pointing at Archie.
“Yeah, ‘daddy’.. ye wanna answer that..?” Archie pouts, laying down on the couch with a blanket draped over him.
He pet her head softly and smiled at her. “Oh, don’t worry about it, sweetie. Your papa is just in his own little timeout corner.” He looks back, seeing Archie pout at him, pleading for mercy with his eyes.
“Babe….. please? I said I was sorry.”
“Two nights.” He smirked. “Keep it up, and it’ll be two more.”
*pout* “So not fair….”
“What was that?”
Archie grumbled and pulled the blankets over him again. “Nuthin, Max…”
“Mmhmm. That’s what I thought.”
“Night night, papa!” The little girl smiled.
He smiles back at her. “G’night, pumpkin. Papa will see ye tomorrow.”
After Maxie put Sierra to bed, he found his husband asleep on the couch. He sat down and cuddled close to him, waking him up.
“H-huh? *chuckle* Got lonely? That didn’t last long. Ye couldn’t stand me not bein’ in bed with ye, huh? C’mere, cuddlebug~”
“Mmm~ I never said I wouldn’t come in here to sleep with you~”
Archie’s strong arms came around his waist and his face went into his neck, leaving trails of kisses and nuzzles.
“*Snnnnnnnirk*- A-Ahahahaharchie!!” He giggled, pushing him away. He pushed him further after he felt fingers wiggle at his back. “Don’t! Y-you tickle me again, and I’m leheheheaving you hereAHAHAHAHA!!!”
The bigger man purrs happily, tickling him without mercy. The nuzzles and kisses didn’t help much at all.
“Me sweet cuddlebug~”
“S-STOP!” He covers his mouth shut. “Y-yohohou’re going tohohohoho mahahahake meheheeehee wahahahake Sierra uhuhuhup!!”
Archie nods and leaves his back alone, but continues his kissing and nuzzling, making the hysterical laughter turn into hushed giggling in the pirate’s chest.
“There~ Better? Mwah~”
“My god ihihihi’m going to kihihill you- ahahaha-! gah-! Nohoho! *snort* Stop ihihit!!!”
“Never~” Archie teases, growling softly. “My god, I love yer laugh so much. And I love YE so much. *kiss* Can’t stay mad at me forever, darling. That’s why ye came here. Ye missed me and me kisses.”
“Ohohof course ihihihi missed you! You’re my- ahahaha- h-huhuhusbandahaha- stahahap!!”
“Dawww~” He slowly brought the kisses and nuzzles to a stop. He presses a kiss to his cheek and nuzzles it. “Love me again?”
“Haha.. heh.. I n-never stopped..” Maxie gasped out, catching his breath. “And I never will. You are just so hard to deal with at times.”
“Buuuuut… ye love me~” He smiled, but then gave him a serious look. “I do wanna apologize for givin’ ye a scare this morning.. that was really mean of me.” He hugs Maxie close. “I know how much spiders scare ye… and I’m sorry.”
*kiss* “I forgive you~”
“Mmm~ I have the most wonderful husband AND the most wonderful daughter in the world~” Archie whispered.
“We love you, Archie..”
Maxie buries his face into Archie’s broad neck, leaving small kisses along it.
“Hehehey Max! Wait- ahahahahahahahaha!! Th-that tickles!” He tried to squirm away. But Maxie had a firm grip on him. He knew what was going to happen next.
“You’re not going anywhere, tiger~” He purrs, spidering his fingers at Archie’s armpits. “The spiders are after you now~”
Archie bucked backwards and wiggled like crazy in his husband’s arms. “BWAHAHAHA- AHAHAHA MAHAHAHAX!!! STAHAHAHAP- NAHAHAT THEHEHERE!!! IHIHIHI’M REALLY TIHIHIHICKLISH THEHEHERE!!!”
He smirked. “Shhh~ Not so loud. You’ll wake our daughter up, love.” He pretended like Archie could even help it.
“Mm. Good point.” He tickles him faster.
Archie tried his best to muffle his laughter, he buries his face into the couch incoherently giggling as Maxie continues to tickle him silly.
“Mmm?” He brushes away some of Archie’s mirthful tears, then goes right back to torturing his armpits. “You’re adorable~”
The redhead smirks. “Oh? Am I, now? Such a brave thing to say, especially in this predicament you’re in.” His hands lower to his sides. “Now come on, you’re tougher than that.. stop squirming.”
“I’m right here, Archie.. there’s no need to shout at me.” He teases, smiling at him.
“Threatening me, are we?” His smirk became bigger. “In that case…” With that, he lunged to the other side of the couch, tossed the blanket aside, and attacked his husband’s foot.
“OHOHO SHIHIHIHIHIT!!!” He hit the arm of the couch hard as he cackled. “MAHAHAXIHIHIEE NOHOHOHOAHAHAHAH-“
“Maxie yes~” He purrs, speeding his fingers up. “I know for a fact that you’re extremely sensitive riiiiiight.. here~” His fingers traced along the heel of his foot.
*muffled squealing*
“Mm? What’s the matter, dear? What’s so funny?” Maxie teases even more.
“Threatening me won’t help your case, Archie.”
He simply resorted to poking his foot, and it tickled just as bad.
“You may be right.. But I’m much faster than you. You won’t be able to catch me, if you’re too tired to chase me.”
Archie’s laughter turned from hearty and loud to hysterical and a tad quieter.
“N-nohohohohoho poking no poking!! AHAHAH!! Ihihihit tihihihickles!” He snorts. “Mahahaxie! Babe- Ahahahah- C-Cut it out!! I’ve- I’ve ruhuhuhuhun out of breheheheheath…”
“Okay, okay.. *chuckle* I’ll let you live, for now.”
Taking mercy, the redhead backed away, and stood in front of him, smiling.
“Heh, cute. Now we’re even.”
“Ah!” He grabs a hold of him. “I don’t think so, mister~ C’mere!”
He smirks as he ran his fingers up and down his husband’s back.
“EEEE!!! *snort* nononononono!! Nyahahahahahah!!! Nahahahahat theheheherehehehe!!!”
“Oooh~? A ticklish back, mmm? And that is quite a cute laugh~ I’ve never heard it before, and I wanna hear more~” Archie purrs, raking his fingers softly along his spine, driving Maxie absolutely insane. “Tickle tickle tickle~ who knew my hubby’s ‘bony backside’ was so sensitive~?”
“St-Stahahahap!! Stop stop stop-! I’m- I’m gohohonna dihihihihie!! Plehehehehehease!! *snort* Ohohohoho my gahahahahad, it’s tortuhuhuhure!!”
Archie giggles in pure mischief. “God, yer so damn cute. I love ye.” He moves his hands to right under his shoulder blades.
This surprised Archie. “Ohohoho~ I found someone’s sweet spot~”
Cackling, Archie removes his mischievous fingers away from Maxie’s back. “Okay okay, for real this time, I’m done. For now.” He laughs, cuddling with him. “C’mere~ come cuddle~”
“J-Jeheheheheherk…” He giggles, giving in to the hugs and cuddles.
“Aww, hush.. ye love me, Max.”
“You’re lucky that I do~” Maxie teases. He reaches up and kisses his husband’s cheek. “Goodnight, dear.”
“Night, pookie~”
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