#other people’s awesome sewing
captainzigo · 27 days
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i’m making some of my edgy ocs from when i was little. “the alicorn experiments.” they are victims of pegasus ethnofacists that were planning to take over equestria. the pegafascists all lived in a one of a few cities that were like cloudsdale but they moved around a bunch like with the seasons. the capitol was called the north wind. their war machines were just called storm clouds and they were like blimps but the balloon was a cloud and they had cannons that shoot lightning. they hated the new democracy like the other regressive post-celestial monarchist movements, but they used it as an excuse to advance their supremacist ideologies.
mistletoe was a voluntary experiment. he’s an insider defector spy. all the pegafascists names are based off of Christmas because I thought it was really funny when I was little. all of these pegafascists idealize the old pegasopolis in the same way that Nazis, or other fascists idolize ancient civilizations like notably the Romans. but since pegasopolis is mostly remembered in the context of the heartswarming tale, they have a sort of christmas fascism (lol christofascism) I don’t know, it made a lot more sense to me when I was a child. It’s still a little funny though.
i was really into starwars at the time (more so than i normally always am) so of course the bad guys i made up were fascists with huge war machines. but i think fighting fascists is awesome. and unfortunately something some people seem to be forgetting.
the alicorn experiments were them trying to make an alicorn basically by variously sewing together a unicorn and a pegasus. they had other things they tried like cloning and magic too. they wanted to create a new royal line because the celestial sisters stepped down and they regard twilight’s creating a democracy as her forfeiting her rule. (i came up with these guys years before the sisters retired in the show, so at the time it was just because they didn’t like them) but that’s not how alicorns worked so the experiments are just a bunch of righteously angry misfits with weird powers that i can pull protagonist character from. the pegafascists really only care about pegasi and form some other plan to appease the monarchists and/or ultra religious in their ranks.
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roobiedo · 4 months
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Happy Solarpunk Aesthetic Week and Winter Solstice! ❄️
While we do celebrate here, we don't actually experience winter in my region, or any of the classic four seasons! The weather here is basically a coin toss between searing heat and torrential rain lol. So while I was musing over how to adapt a solarpunk aesthetic to a tropical lifestyle, I came up with this!
Lengthy explanations and chaotic ideas below:
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Disclaimer: I am not a science-y person, so I'm not sure how any of these would technically work or what materials would go into making them. Hopefully one day someone could figure it out, but I'm just having fun sharing these ideas for now :)
What works well both in harsh sunlight and heavy downpours, plus is already something that people here use everyday? Umbrellas! How cool would it be to have an umbrella that absorbs sunlight during the day, and turns it into a personal spotlight at night? Or perhaps it could absorb and store large amounts of rainwater, to be re-used later or released somewhere more useful?
My main inspiration for this is the bamboo. This plant already plays a huge role in our lives here -- culturally, economically, and from what I recently learned, ecologically too! Our region suffers from floods often, and bamboo can help to control the flow of water, for example through their roots providing a barrier against soil erosion, or their ability to store large amounts of water and release it gradually during drier seasons. (And that's just one of the many reasons why bamboos are awesome and solarpunky!) I thought it would be cool to have water stored in the 'bamboo nodes' of the umbrella shaft, which could then be detached and used individually, or as components in other tech!
I chose the Amazonian lily pad as the canopy design because 1) it looks big enough to cover a person, 2) it has a wide surface for solar panels to 'photosynthesize' energy, 3) its container-like shape looks as though it could hold rainwater like a funnel while it trickles into the shaft, and 4) it just looks really pretty! Realistically, this canopy might not be able to do everything at once, so I'm hoping for this tech to be modular and highly customizable -- as in, you could replace this 'lily pad' with something else that serves a different function! I did play around with some other designs, here they are hehe
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Hibiscus: Our national flower! Have these bad boys growing in my yard so I thought why not. Not sure what functions it would have yet... perhaps the pistil could be a sensor for gathering weather data? Or maybe the anthers are little lights? Maybe it attracts BEES???
Mushroom: Not familiar with the fungi in my area yet so I went with the classic Amanita. Though now I'm kinda regretting because! Wouldn't it be so cool and lunarpunky to design it based on a bio-luminescent mushroom, so it would make sense for the umbrella to glow in the dark? AGH missed opportunities ;;
Anyway while I was designing the umbrella I thought about giving the model a cool fit too, so tadaaa! A customizable pair of pants that can be worn as a shorts + half-skirt/sarong combo during hot weather, or extended to become a full pair of jeans during colder/rainy times! I used zippers as the connectors because they seem easy to sew on and I like the punky vibe it adds to the outfit. HOWEVER, I'm realising that might be inconvenient or way too time consuming for some people. Maybe buttons, magnets or hook-and-loop fasteners would be easier?
As for the shirt, idk that was just for fun. Maybe it changes colour/design based on the surrounding temperature?
So YEAH that was my longer-than-expected idea dump for this week! Thank you for reading <3 If you have any thoughts or ways of expanding on these ideas please please please share them with me I'm just really excited to see what people think waaaaa!!! ok bye stay hydrated
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solarpunkani · 4 months
okay so pardon me as I wax poetic late at night about solarpunk again but like
and once again, I'm biased because I'm co-hosting the aesthetic week event, you know the drill, but
I feel like sharing our projects--big and small--are so important because they can inspire other people to do their own. And obviously this can be about sharing news about climate action, and scientific projects and progress and discoveries, but tonight I'm thinking about crocheting.
As we think about the future we want to create as solarpunks, we trade ideas. And oftentimes a lot of the ideas we trade are about futures with barter systems, where many many people do crafts like sewing and mending and knitting and the like. But--and I could easily be the only one but I feel like I'm not--I personally was too nervous to start many crafts myself. Because I didn't know what I'd do with the craft, if I was even capable of it, or if it was too big and complex for me. I'd been tossing around the idea of learning how to crochet for years, and my mom's been tossing the idea around just as long if not even longer for herself, but y'know what brought me over? You know what finally got me to give it a shot?
An online Solarpunk friend sharing pictures of a bag.
I saw that bag and I went 'huh maybe I could do something like that,' and within a few days I'd bought a bunch of yarns and hooks and was on a call (with a different online friend) learning how to do some basic stitches and knots to get started. By the end of the night, I was teaching myself how to make granny squares, with the help of a (different) online friend writing instructions to help me out as I got stuck.
And maybe I finish my bag, or my scarf, and I post a picture online--not even a professional, pinterest-ready photo, just a quick pic of it laid across my bed or something--and I inspire someone else to start crocheting. Hell, I've already inspired my mom to take a crack at it once the Christmas season is over.
But it doesn't even have to be me. It doesn't even have to be crocheting. Maybe someone posts a picture of a hat they just finished knitting, and someone else decides to pick up a loom or some knitting needles. Maybe someone crafts a birdhouse or a desk or a bench out of wood, and someone picks up a hammer for the first time. Maybe someone crafts something awesome out of clay and wire, and someone gets inspired for a new project. It can even be across artforms! Maybe someone sews an awesome dress, and someone else is inspired to write a short story by it. Maybe someone writes a short story, and someone else goes to paint a mural somewhere inspired by a scene in that story.
And in a sense I find it incredibly solarpunk. To inspire one another to learn and grow, develop new skills, to always find inspiration and hope to keep trying new stuff.
Some people laugh and scoff at the idea of posting ~aesthetique~ homemade clothes to the solarpunk tag, a handful think the whole aesthetic week event is pointless, but I find it the opposite. Solarpunk is about revolution, but it can't always be big revolutions. Sometimes its the small revolution of picking up a craft that changes your life, or creating an image that inspires others to fight for a better future. It can be about writing something that makes others question why things are the way they are, when they can be better. Sometimes the desire for a nice knit scarf can be the start of a mini barter system, or become part of the mutual aid we all dream of.
I feel like I had a point with this but I forgot. But uhm... yeah.
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Okay so I really wanted to talk about emonette's character plus Shadybug and Clawnoir's relationship......... Well this is gonna be a long one so sorry in advance
Okay let's go!!!
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So as we saw in the special emonette said that she was constantly bullied by Chloe(guess she doesn't change in any universe 😔 that damn brat I hate her.... not more than Lila though) and considering how broken she sounded that was not the same bullying that Chloe of this universe did to Mari that shit must've been extreme. However, I donot think that the bullying alone there must've been more aspects which lead her to the path of evil.
Well, while we're at it let's talk about this scene.. God this was so heart wrenching....
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When she said that-
"I'm sorry mommy dear, I fine I just- just dropped my sewing kit it's A BIT DAMAGED"
When she said the above line while glancing at her face which reflected on those broken pieces of mirror.... I swear I wanted to cry. Don't you see how poetic this was, while she seemed to be taking about the broken mirror we can clearly see that the one who is broken Is her some one once said
"But that's the irony, broken people, are not fragile....."
So while emonette is completely broken inside she never lets show on her face, no matter how sad, how broken, how miserable she is she keeps moving forward, you wonder why? Well, because it's MARINETTE for crying out loud.... no matter what universe it is our Mari puts on a brave face in front of other, she tends to hide her scars and crying silently not letting others know. Even in the original universe she would have broken much sooner if it was not for Alya finding out her identity. But as emonette said herself she doesn't have loving parents, a best friend and a supportive boyfriend, she was left all alone to suffer without anyone by her side
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I still wonder what her wish really was though, knowing her it certainly not power. Could it be something else which she yearns for. Okay so hear me out do you remember what she said to Mari? She said:
"Do you think that it'd be any different from how it is now? Guess what, I don't have your nice little life. The world where I'm from there are no awesome girlfriends to inspire me everyday, no amazing bff, lovable, calm and gentle mom or a boyfriend who doesn't think I'm a total loser...."
These lines broke me though 😭...
So my theory is that in that universe Tom is dead and Sabine is abusive( I totally can't imagine that tho) that would explain why she behaved like that with Sabine and she works in her dad's bakery to keep his name.
Oh well I have a worse on........ Both Tom and Sabine are dead and she was adopted by someome who were very abusive(let's consider that after she graduated junior high she moved out of that school and is probably out of Chloe's grasp) they even intended to sell the bakery, the only belonging of her late parents she was left with. That was when she met supreme and he offered her that in exchange of killing her abusive guardian she will have to work with him. So maybe her wish could be returning to those happy times with her parents without Chloe or any suffering. Well I guess it was a bit far fetched but anywaaaays.... 😅
Okay let's analyse another scene..... The one where she was reading Mari's diary.
What's interesting about her in Mari's room was that she certainly recognised her room and we can see that she does live in the bakery after all. The reason why she acted that way was to save her identity getting exposed to Claw Noir(which I don't think she cares that much about) or she really wanted to find out if this version of her had a better and happier life than hers.while she pretended that she wanted to look for clues, she went through Mari's personal stuff life her computer, her diary and her other things not because she was looking for clues but because she wanted know what kind of life this MARINETTE had.
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Look, she was crying while reading that diary. She wants this life.
Just look at her... Looking into the life of a version of herself she wishes she could be. A world where "THERE ARE AMAZING GIRLFRIENDS TO INSPIRE HER EVERYDAY, AN AMAZING BFF, LOVABLE AND CALM MOM AND A BOYFRIEND WHO DOESN'T THINK THAT SHE IS A TOTAL LOOSER".
You see.. behind that evil mask there is a broken girl who longs to be loved. she wants a shoulder to cry on, hands who would embrace her tight when she is crying. She may look like a total badass who doesn't need anyone but no! that's not the case at all.
Aaaand I think she does have someone like that in her life already, and that person is the one and only CLAW NOIR. ........Even if she refuses to acknowledge it.
So, while she was shutted down, abandoned, bullied and absused her whole life and had no one to helf her up, Claw Noir was there for her,even though he is a total dork who teases her all the time.
Well yeah he is hella rude and disrespects her A LOT, it may look like she may never fall for him normally, but lets consider emonette's circumstances...... As much as we know she doesn't have anyone to rely on, no friends and probably no family. She never had anyone to inspire her. In a life like this...... After she got her miraculous and met Claw Noir, she finally had a reason to live, a reason to fight and a person, she could work together with and trust just a little bit yeah not totally cuz well he does let her fall head on..
In Mari's room when she reads the diary and learns about Ladybug and Chat Noir's relationship, their friendship, their partnership. She does look like she wants that too. (Also this may not apply to everyone but sometimes two people who like each other tease each other a lot....... )
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They may fight eachother and not consider each other as partners, but they do make an amazing team. They may not be partners but they've got eachother's back at time of need. Just how Shadybug needs Clawnoir's strength while fighting and how Clawnoir relies on Shadybug's plans.
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Also this scene...... While you can say that he is acting this way because he now knows that she is Marinette, the girl he likes.., but we know he is Adrien afterall he may care about Shadybug deep down without realising it and with him now knowing who she really is has realised it.
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Just look at him he looks sad when he sees her cry too. He may act like he doesn't care but he actually does. He is like "I am the only one who can hurt her, anyone else who dares to do that must pay....." .
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And the scene where she opens up to Mari was just so emotional, I literally started crying. There was pain, sorrow and grief in her eyes. She was suffering and was jealous of Mari,'cuz she thought that she had everything for granted, she thought that she never knew what suffering was like. Her words were so sad. But after Mari made her feel that they really are alike and changed her for better I felt so happy......
And after that when she met (now improved) Claw Noir they felt like they were more to each other and I loved it..
All I want now is a ShadyClaw series.. we need to know what happened after that.... And before they landed in the multiverse.
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Well aren't they the cutest.
I wish they become a couple in future.....
Oh well that was a long one.....
Well I had it in mind for quite a long time but couldn't write it because I have exams coming 😭. But wanted to finish it before I forgot it. So here I am. I hope y'all liked it though.
Okay let's end it with a quote:.
“You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.”
I hope this becomes true for our beloved emoadrinette.
Bug out!🐞🐾
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hidefdoritos · 3 months
Today's Mending
I'd really hoped to be well enough to sit up at my sewing machine today and knock through a pile of mends that are waiting on the machine. No such luck; my temp went back up today. Two steps forward, one step back.
"I will no longer berate myself for resting," I said as I laid in bed for three hours after waking up. "I will no longer berate myself for resting," I chanted as I sewed while bending in strange positions on the floor. "I will no longer berate myself for resting," I promise myself, taking cough syrup and ibuprofen and lying down again.
So here's what's been done today. I enjoyed it. I don't need to punish myself for doing less than yesterday. Anything I get to take a needle to is a blessing and a joy.
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First up is my brother's suitcoat. Yep, the brother with the 30" waist and the 40" hip. He asked me to take it in. I've never messed with tailoring coats, but I gave it a shot today. I basted the center back seam in sort of a diamond shape. So far I don't like it and it makes weird bubbles.
I watched a tutorial that takes the jacket in at both side seams primarily. I'll have Joe try it on first, once I'm well enough to be around people, and then see what I can do to the jacket.
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I found two random little cuts in the hem of this hoodie. Can't imagine what did that, but there they were. I mended a tiny cut in this same hoodie's sleeve yesterday with blue thread, so I carried on with the blue mends.
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So, I got some blue fabric from a free bin! The tag shows 4.67 yards for $4.67 and a purchase date in 2003. I also found two GORGEOUS pillowcase tops in that same bin. The yellow isn't usually my color, but since they're handmade, I just had to take them.
I like to think that these came from the same sewist. Maybe they never put the fabrics together--the yardage seems more fitting for a dress--but I hope they'd be happy to see their hard work being used. They're going to become my primary pillowcases.
Today I just cut out the backs. Some other day I'll sew all the seams.
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I was out thrifting, on my way to the register, and this miniskirt jumped off the rack, bit me, and asked to become a tote bag. Well, not quite, but that's essentially what happened. I have serviceable sewing and crochet project bags, but I don't have one big enough for a swimsuit, towel, sunscreen, and change of clothes. This will be it!
I've thought of every way to add a bottom to the bag, and eventually I settled on sewing it shut. I have scads of heavy-duty cream-colored blue-striped canvas (from the same free bin! I'm saving it to make a corset), so I'm making the straps out of that. Today I just cut and pinned them. I'm finally coming around to the trend of stripes with flowers, I guess.
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I cut out a couple more patches for these awesome summer shorts. Then I remembered that I'm sick and exhausted. And that somebody else has my iron right now. So, they can wait.
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balkanradfem · 4 months
Mending a bag with a broken zipper
So if you've never replaced a broken zipper, it might seem like a daunting task, but it's actually very easy. I've only done it once, on a jacket, with no tutorial, and it worked perfectly, and looked awesome. So I am very confident I can do it right.
The scariest part is just removing the old zipper. It feels wrong to rip your garment or bag apart, especially if you don't feel like you're capable of putting it back together, but one needs to keep in mind that the garment can't be used unless you do it, and this is for the best.
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(My gardening bag, made out of canvas, has 7 pockets, but the main zipper stopped working.)
First thing to do is to see if you have a good zipper to use as a replacement. Zippers are actually expensive to buy, but you can easily accumulate tons of them by simply removing the zippers from old pieces of clothing you no longer want. I also get clothing from other people who don't want it, and if it's completely ungiftable and useless, I will cut out all of the zippers, elastics, buttons and any decorative stuff that could potentially be used elsewhere. That's why I have a good collection of free zippers! Here's what I found I could use:
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I've decided on the lowest, black zipper, just because it was the smallest and I wouldn't have to cut much off, I can use the bigger zippers for bigger projects. I don't care what color it is, as long as it works. I was also contemplating using a fun green color for the project, to highlight that it was a mend and to make the bag more colorful, but the brown thread was so perfectly suited for the bag, I ended up going with the more boring option.
Now how to get the zipper off? I turned the bag inside out to see better how it's connected. I needed to find the thread that connects it to the outside of the bag, and you see that light thread at the edge between the bag and the zipper?
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That's whats holding it together. So I cut that thread and started picking it off, and once you manage to rip a few seams, the zipper starts to separate and come off. Sometimes violence can work in this situation, if you have a very sturdy fabric, you can just pull them apart. But in my case, the inner lining is pretty fragile and was starting to tear when I pulled hard, so I just patiently cut it off little by little. Seam ripper would work great in this situation, but I don't have one so I just made it work with scissors.
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And the zipper came out! Here's a comparison from old zipper to new, new is slightly bigger but it won't be a problem, bigger zippers can always be trimmed. You can also see how the zipper was connected to the canvas fabric on the outer side, and there's also lining fabric on the inside that's now loose. So far so good!
Now is the part where potential mistakes are possible; I need to remember that the bag is inside out, so the opening part of the zipper needs to be facing inwards, and it also needs to go the direction all other zippers on the bag are going (I later realized I messed this up, oops.)
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I'm now lining it up with the bag, and even though usually I'm too impatient to pin stuff, I yield and acknowledge that in this situation, the zipper needs pins in order to be sewn on evenly. This is actually the part where some choices can be made; you can decide how much of the zipper will be shown outside! You can sew it on so that only the zipping part is visible from the outside, or give it a wider margin so you can see the zipper fabric too. If you're sewing with a flimsy fabric, it's best to give it a wide margin, because soft and flimsy fabrics can often get stuck in a zipper if they're sewn on too close. My canvas fabric cannot get stuck, so I'm pinning it pretty close, but later in the process I did give it a bit more of a margin, because it 'felt right'.
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I've started sewing it on!
So about the edges, if your zipper doesn't have a stopper there, or if it's too long and you've cut the edge off, you need to sew the both sides together, so that the zip cannot zoom over the edge and fall out. This is something I've done on both sides, to make sure it's secure, and it doesn't need to be tidy, only very firm and impossible to break apart. I'm hand-sewing it with a continuous stitch, which is very easy and it looks nice enough. At this point I completely neglected the lining and I'm just sewing it onto the outer fabric, but this is okay, I decided it was easier to ignore the lining for now, and just focus on making sure it looks nice from the outside.
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Here you can see me stitching all the way to the other side, and again firmly stitching the both sides of the zipper together, so they can't break apart. Then I turned the bag back from inside out, to see how it looked on the outer side, and it looks good, this isn't professionally made, but it looks well done! I decided to then pin and stitch the other part while having the bag turned correctly, so I could see exactly what I was doing from the outside, while again, ignoring the lining.
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And now the outside part is completely done! It looks so good, partly because the bag is a little faded, but the zipper looks new and well preserved, so this is like an upgrade for her. Here I'm now turning it again inside out, to fix what I've ignored before; the length of the zipper, and the inner lining.
I finally cut off the extra length, it's already sewn up and I'm happy with it, so I'm sure I can safely cut off the extra. On the second to last picture you can see the lining is all over the place and not even reaching the zipper, that's completely fine because I can easily stitch it to the zipper in about 3 minutes. It would have been a nightmare trying to stitch it all in one go and constantly worrying if both the lining and the outer canvas are in the correct position, this way I had an easy time stitching it to the canvas, and only a few minutes of easy extra stitching to make sure lining is all connected. I only pierced the zipper with this stitch, not all the way to the canvas, so this little fix is completely invisible and it doesn't matter if it's not the neatest.
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And here we go! The bag is fully functional, completely ready to be used and enjoyed again, with her new flawless zipper, and I think this was a great way to spend an hour of my time.
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beloveddawn-blog · 10 days
Nine people to get to know
Thanks to @leahnardo-da-veggie for tagging me! I did this a bit ago, but have no trouble doing it again!
Last song: San Quentin by Nickleback. I know there was at least one other song on after that on the drive home, but that was what I had turned up.
Favourite Colour: red, bright and bold. It washes me out badly though, so blue or purple for wearing
Currently watching: still Sailor Moon R. We're out of the Doom Tree arc, but life has been kicking mine and coffeeangelinabox's asses and we haven't been consistent with the actual watching of things on movie night
Favourite flavour: pistachio or saskatoon
Current Obsession: pokemon. I bought Sword secondhand when my neices decided they were into it (I got them Sheild for Christmas) and now I'm at the point where I'm hassling my sister about them getting leveled up so I can get those goddamn exclusives and complete my pokedex.
Last thing I googled: Avril Lavigne's age when her career started
Favourite season: fall. I love the way leaves crunch, and I can wear my collection of awesome hoodies/light jackets everywhere. Mostly though by the time a season changes I'm bored of it anyway and am looking forward to the next.
Skill I'd like to learn: Sewing or art. I can do basics of both, but I'd like to get good at them. That, however, entirely depends on time and I usually don't prioritize them enough for that.
Best Advice: Please and Thank you for everything. My Dad gave me a great object lesson in this by being a petty-ass jerk to a rude and entitled student and the college he worked at, and it's served me well. I'm a crew lead at my own job and I cannot overemphasize the difference it makes in my team when I thank them earnestly for doing the things they're supposed to do anyway. They work harder, look for ways to help, and are generally much more chill and happier when they feel valued.
If I tagged you last time, sorry. If I haven't tagged you at all but you want to play, sorry for that too and feel free to join in! @slimylittlemaggot @messy-jaxx @mitchell-nihil @poetinlovewithflowersonhisgrave @stesierra @squarebracket-trickster @minnieposting @artistvicky @mageofcolors
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vanwritesfan-fiction · 9 months
Anonymous: Why am I imagining going to build a bear with Jack now
I was imagining the same thing 🥰
You and Jack were walking back to his car after dinner in Louisville when you stopped in your tracks, Jack stumbling over his feet because he was still holding your hand.
“What are you doing?”
“I haven’t seen one of these since I was a kid.” You looked up at the Build-A-Bear sign, the blue double doors in front of you. “My parents used to take us every summer when we visited Myrtle Beach. My sisters and I got to pick out a bear and an outfit. It was the highlight of my summer.” You gave him a smile, the memories flooding your mind.
“You wanna go in?”
“Oh, no. We don’t have to. I would feel kind of silly.”
“Come on.” Jack pulled you into the store, the cold air hitting you after being out in the hot Louisville summer all evening.
You browsed the shelves of different bears and other animals, Jack following behind you, his hands on your waist. “Which one are you gonna get?” He whispered in your ear, making you giggle.
“None of them. I’m just looking.” A store associate walked up to greet the two of you. “Can I help you find anything?”
You waived her off. “No, we’re just looking.” You gave a small smile.
“My girlfriend thinks she’s too old to get a bear.” You pinched his side, embarrassed that he brought it up.
“Oh no, we have people of all ages in our store all the time.”
Your eyes grew wide when you came across the timeless teddy bear with curly fur. “I had this one as a child. We lost it when we moved and I was devastated.” You looked at jack with sad eyes.
“We’ll take this one.” He handed the unstuffed bear to the employee, who led you to the stuffing station.
She held out a small red satin heart in her hand. “Now we will do the heart ceremony.”
Rub it on your toes so they are totally awesome- you bent over half-heartedly to touch your toes.
Rub it on your ears so they hear all your secrets- you made Jack chuckle when you rubbed the small heart against his ears. “I think your ears are so cute.”
Rub it on your cheeks so they give warm smiles- You patted the heart over Jack’s sunburned cheeks.
Rub it on your tummy so they never go hungry- You patted Jack’s stomach with your free hand as you rubbed the heart on your own.
Rub it on your back so they always have your back- Jack grazed the heart down your back, making you giggle.
You placed the heart inside the bear, and the associate stuffed the bear with white fluff, sewing the back up so the bear was complete. You held it tight to your body, not even trying to hide your smile as you walked through the rows of outfits. It made Jack incredibly happy to see you so excited.
“Babe, what about this one?” Jack held up a Harry Potter outfit complete with a wand. “That’s so cute! But I’m actually looking for something else…” You peruse the shelves for a pair of denim overalls, the same ones you bought for your bear 20 years ago. “Found em.”
You swung the paper house box that your new bear was in as the two of you walked out of the store. “What did you name him?” Jack asked as he held the door open for you.
“Well, my original bear’s name was ‘Bear’, but I was also five years old at the time, so I think he needs a new name. I’m thinking Thomas.” You slipped your hand around Jack’s waist, planting a kiss on his cheek as the two of you walked to the car.
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incarnadinedreams · 2 years
Spicy Probably Bad Take Unpopular Opinion Time:
While I think Jiang Cheng's reaction to the Jiang massacre and blaming Wei Wuxian was extreme and largely fueled by grief and trauma, I also think the fandom as a whole also goes too far in the other direction of calling it completely irrational and illogical. Acting as if there's no logical reason at all for Jiang Cheng to ever for one little nanosecond even consider that Wei Wuxian's behavior was a factor in their being targeted.
At the Tortoise of Slaughter cave, Wei Wuxian doesn't just defend Mianmian the same way Lan Wangji and Jin Zixuan were doing. He goes out of his way to verbally eviscerate Wen Chao in a particularly humiliating way, laughing at him the whole time, and followed that up by directly threatening his life and holding him hostage at sword-point.
It wasn't mere defiance. It wasn't merely defending people. It was funny, it was clever, it was brave and dashing and all of the things Wei Wuxian can be. It was an awesome moment - for the reader, anyway - that perfectly crystalizes all the flair and personality he had.
But there was no way someone like Wen Chao was ever, ever going to let that go.
It simply does not matter how right Wei Wuxian was. It doesn't matter how wrong Wen Chao was. The matter was never going to fade without serious retaliation. People with the sort of petty cruelty and pride of Wen Chao can tolerate nothing less than being laughed at.
Don't get me wrong, it was effective. It achieved his goals in the moment perfectly: he did save LWJ and JZX and Mianmian - by redirecting Wen Chao's anger, attention and the rage of a wounded pride onto himself. By so far eclipsing and outshining their defiance that they were nearly forgotten in the aftermath.
You can argue 'till the cows come home about the hypotheticals of what might have happened if he'd done nothing (do they all just die? does Wen Chao's plan that appears to be both cruel and stupid somehow work and only Mianmian gets the axe? seems unlikely), or perhaps if he'd merely stood with LWJ and JZX instead of wildly outshining them (do all three sects get annihilated as punishment instead of just the Jiang, making the Sunshot Campaign an impossibility?). I'm certainly not arguing that Wei Wuxian was inherently wrong for saving them, both in the specific action or in the possible outcomes.
But the truth is: Wei Wuxian did make himself a target, and even in-text he does not quite seem to realize the gravity of it, or at least avoids acknowledging it.
As Jiang Cheng slowly walked over, propping Wei WuXian up, they happened to hear the 'without any food' part of the conversation. Wei WuXian, "Jiang Cheng, there's a piece of cooked meat here. You want to eat it?"
Jiang Cheng, "Get lost! You really haven't learned your lesson, have you? Just what situation do you think we're in? You don't know how much I want to sew your lips together."
-- Ch. 53, ExR translation
This interaction pretty much sums up the entire 'evil summer camp' arc of the story. Throughout, it's been Jiang Cheng worrying about the Wens and Wei Wuxian largely dismissing the seriousness of the situation, and it continues right on through their return to Lotus Pier. (Though of course Wei Wuxian also frequently deflects from serious situations with humor in general.)
That's why when people insist that Jiang Cheng's displacement of blame to Wei Wuxian is completely, wholly, and totally irrational, and Wei Wuxian never did a single thing wrong, well... they were in a situation with no winning solutions. But Wei Wuxian did hold Wen Chao hostage at sword-point and go out of his way to humiliate him.
Which leads us to the famous Blame Wei Wuxian For Everything scene:
Holding him on the ground, Jiang Cheng continued to roar, "Why did you save Lan WangJi?! Why did you have to speak up?! How many times have I told you not to stir up trouble! Not to strike! Do you really want to play the hero so much?! Have you seen what happened when you played the hero?! Huh?! Are you happy now?!
In his heart, Jiang Cheng knew clearly that back in the cave of the Xuanwu of Slaughter at Dusk-Creek Mountain, even if Wei WuXian hadn't saved Lan WangJi, the Wen Sect would have found some reason to come over sooner or later. But he had always felt that, if the whole thing with Wei WuXian didn't happen, maybe it wouldn't have been so soon, maybe there would've been some way to turn things around.
It was this torturing thought that filled his heart with hatred and wrath. Unable to be let out, they cut up his innards.
People are certainly free to not really like 'don't be a hero' as a character's guiding philosophy, even if I personally find his approach realistic and refreshingly pragmatic. And it's exactly the amount of doubt involved, the ambiguity of it all, the endless what-ifs and maybes, that makes it so incredibly painful. What makes it tragic and compelling is that nobody is completely wrong or completely right; there are no winners here. That sometimes doing the right thing isn't enough to save you.
Anyway, all I'm saying is that I find it's not entirely illogical to feel like 'publicly humiliating and then threatening the life of tyrannical dictator's son' could in fact lead said son to hate and target them in particular, if only to accelerate the timeline. (As always, the real question is 'wtf were the adults doing this whole time, why weren't they more prepared' but that's not really the point right now.)
It almost goes without saying that Wei Wuxian was never the core problem - that was always the Wens. And even Jiang Cheng himself, in the midst of this extreme reaction, doesn't actually say they wouldn't have attacked, or that Wei Wuxian was morally wrong, or not a hero. Only that it wasn't worth it, that he didn't want to pay the price, that he'd rather people he doesn't care about die than the people he loves.
Even in this scene, as harsh as his words and actions are, his thoughts are actually a lot more nuanced than a lot of fandom seems to give him credit for. In the midst of that sort of extreme loss, I just can't blame him for feeling that way.
'Do the right thing, no matter the consequences' sounds great until losing everything and everyone you love are the consequences of someone else's right thing.
The collateral damage did not get to choose.
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she-posts-nerdy-stuff · 4 months
Hi! As a fellow knitter with a love for embroidery and cosplay, your Grishaverse kniting projects sound amazing! 😍 Would you be willing to share progress photos as you go? Or perhaps talk a little more about the designs, patterns, or techniques you'll use? So excited for you!
-sixofcrowsdaydreams (side blog)
Hiya, thanks so much for your interest - I'd love to share more!
My current Grishaverse knitting projects are a Healer kefta (which will probably be more along the lines of kefta-inspired than an accurate reproduction because of the material etc) and a full-size blanket of the Six Of Crows book cover (uk/us paperback edition).
For the Kefta, I'm adapting a free cardigan pattern that I'll link if anyone would like it. The pattern outlines the structure and shaping, which is mostly what I'm using it for, but is designed in a specific basket rib that I'm not using; I decided to use stockinette stitch because I think that it will be easier to embroider since I'm planning on using the Swiss Darning method. I'm teaching myself the Swiss Darning method from the wonderful book "KNIT: step by step" (Vikki Haffenden and Frederica Patmore), which I absolutely love and highly recommend. I just checked and the RRP for the book is £14.99 but I got mine for £7.99 so it might be worth looking around for where it's cheapest. I'm knitting it with DK weight yarn and so far I have the back and two front pieces complete and am currently working on the first sleeve. I used a free digital art app called Ibis Paint X to sketch out my designs for the embroidery and then overlayed them with a grid - I'm treating each square as one stitch.
The blanket it being knit in chunky weight yarn using a fair isle pattern I designed by using the same digital art app to draw and the book cover, overlay it with a grid, pixelate it, and slightly simplify the colour scheme (that was mostly due to the availability of the yarn since there are so many shades of grey in the cover). I am relatively new to colourwork, or at the very least colourwork on this scale, and this was a massive undertaking I went into with unearned confidence. Unfortunately I have now realised a massive mistake I made in the fair isle technique that means I'm going to have to undo everything I've done so far and restart, but luckily I've realised it early enough that I'm not even a quarter of the way through the project yet; if I'd done more it would be more annoying, as it stands it's not too bad but it is a setback. I've yet to decide how I'm going to back the blanket once it's complete, I have two options: 1) sew it onto either white or black fleece, 2) knit a Crooked Kingdom book cover the same size and back them onto each other. The pros of the first one is that it would give it a finished and hopefully gorgeous look, plus would be super cosy. The pro of the second option is that it would be awesome, but the con is that it might not look as neat and finished. On top of that, if I back the first one with fleece I can then knit a Crooked Kingdom one and back that with fleece, which means I get two blankets. So yeah I haven't decided yet, but I'll see how it goes and keep you guys updated.
Thanks so much for your question! If anyone has any specific requests for me to talk about regarding the knitting patterns/processes/techniques/ etc then absolutely feel free and yeah if people are interested then I will definitely put some update photos on here as I go as well :)
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the-algebra-thing · 3 months
altering the straps of this dress I got for under 25 dollar at a local thrift store so I can wear it to a formal next month. I took apart and pinned one of the straps the day after I bought it, right before christmas, and then forgot about it and wasn't able to get back to it until now. but I seam ripped and pinned the other one when I got back today and then sewed it back shut with the matching thread my grandma let me bring back from our christmas visit and I feel UNSTOPPABLE it's so beautiful.. it was so easy...... I'm so excited I took like two inches off because it was made for people with boobs and it's gonna fit me so much better and I'm going to get to wear it in like three weeks this is so great and cool and awesome. I love sewing
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practicalsolarpunk · 2 years
I was raised by parents who never taught me the basics of anything. I’m trying to learn how to do the basics of taking care of myself and others in a solar punk way. Do you have any recommendations on where to start. All i know how to do is sew and i have a basic grip on how to garden
This is a really fantastic question, and I actually have a basics/getting started masterpost in progress that you'll probably find helpful once I get it finished. In the meantime, here are some thoughts.
When it comes to deciding where to start, many people want to jump into something big - start a community garden or organize a renter's union in their building or convert their whole apartment to solar power. But if you're starting from a place of "my parents taught me nothing useful," think smaller. Learn how to take care of yourself first, and then you can expand it to others. Like a garden, you have to plant the tiny seeds first and invest time and water in them before you get big plants that can feed others.
Since you didn't mention any specific basics or skills you want resources and thoughts on, I'm going to cover a lot of general ones here. If there are specific areas you want more information/resources on, please feel free to respond (or send in another ask)!
Gardening: I stand by the assertion that the best way to learn about gardening is throw some seeds at some dirt and see what happens. If you're an apartment-dweller with no balcony or patio, try a small pot or a bottle tower garden in a windowsill. Even one of those houseplants that survives in low light will give you experience in what a plant needs to live. This post has some resources for gardening without spending money.
Sewing: I don't know if your sewing skills extend to mending, but if not, it's definitely something to look into! I've made entire dresses and quilts and I still find most of my sewing is repairing and mending other stuff. We have a mending tag, but I also love YouTube for this. Searching "how to mend X" (e.g. "how to mend hole in crotch of jeans") gives you a bunch of awesome tutorials. (And if you want to learn more sewing techniques, I highly recommend historical sewers on YouTube - Bernadette Banner and Morgan Donner are my favorites.)
Cooking: This is one of those things that's great for you (easier to feed yourself), great for gardening (growing fresh veggies is even more useful if you can cook things out of them), and great for community (humans be bonding over food). I don't have any particular resources for this, as my general philosophy is "if you can read, you can cook" - a good recipe will tell you everything you need to know to make it. If you don't have a good cookbook to work from, Smitten Kitchen has very clear recipes, many of which aren't difficult or time-consuming at all.
Building Community: One of the foundations of solarpunk is that it's about community. Even if you start out doing it by yourself, eventually you need a community to do bigger things. My favorite way to start is by meeting the neighbors. Taking over some food (cookies are great) and introducing yourself is a great way to open a relationship. We also have a community building tag for more ideas.
Finances: Not the most solarpunk of topics, but we have to be able to financially survive the current capitalist hellscape if we want to be able to do anything useful for anyone. I highly recommend Bitches Get Riches for this (website here, tumblr here). They're not specifically solarpunk, but they do have the "anticapitalist punk big sister" thing going on.
Integrate the 7 R's: There are more R's to sustainable living than just "Reduce Reuse Recycle". See this post for a primer.
Explore permaculture as a design system: Permaculture is often understood as a method of gardening, which isn't really accurate. It's actually a design system that can be used for a bunch of different areas of your life to make them more eco-friendly/solarpunk. I highly recommend Heather Jo Flores's work for more about this concept - this article is a good place to start.
I'm sure there are more things that I'm not thinking of right now. If you have more specific questions or topics you want me to cover, please ask! I love tracking down resources for people, too, so if I don't already have something I'll do my very best to find it.
- Mod J
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nogenderbee · 10 months
Hii may I request the pjsk boys(especially Rui cause he'll fit in the role perfectly)with a reader who's bad at sewing and always ended up getting scolded by the teacher cause their progress is two lessons slower than the others(pretend there're sewing lessons at school cause mine has, and this is exactly my situation rn🥲); however, the reader is actually a pretty awesome fashion designer and artist, they always draw tons of different creative designs on their sketchbook, but they have never turned them into clothes due to their shortcoming in sewing? How would the pjsk boys comfort and help the reader?
I might have an idea for Rui! Since Rui crafts inventions a lot, he might be good at sewing as well(I'm not sure about that tho), maybe he could sew the reader's designs out as wearable clothings(If those designs were drawn for Rui, he would wear them proudly afterwards)or craft a robot version of the reader's designs(perhaps the robots would wear mini clothes or something like that).
Of course I can do that! I kinda took my time because later I had break and all but I hope you enjoy it either way! <3
Also I couldn't agree more on Ruis part so your ideas may repeat a bit in Ruis part...!
Akito, Toya, Tsukasa, Rui with reader who learns slower
TagList: @vodka-glrl @yulikesminori @kuzui5201314 @miya-akane @alicewinterway18 @indi-has-fallen
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⊱ Akito really added to it... he would often say that it's your fault but then will insult teacher for you and bring you some of your faves to cheer you up
⊱ speaking of teacher... he definitely got into fight with them at least once arguing over the fact that they shouldn't be so mean to you
⊱ if you go to Kamiayama, he'll try to be a bit nicer and not go all the way but still will protect you! But if you go to Miya then he doesn't care what reputation he'll have there and will speak his mind out
⊱ he often sits with you and it's easy to say he gets even less than you do but he still tries to help somehow spoiler: he fails
⊱ when he saw all your plans and that you aren't realizing it because you don't feel like your skills are enough, he gets shocked and a bit annoyed
"Why are you letting your skills stop you?! If it's your dream then don't stand and do nothing just because you THINK it may not do well. You won't know untill you try it!"
⊱ he'll try to get someone who can sew for you so you can learn from them and catch up with the material
⊱ he's not good with all that so he may not help you with learning but he will stay by your side when you study and cheer you up whenever you can (in his own tsundere way tho of course)
⊱ also tells you to ask teacher or classmates for help and if anyone says few bad words about you to tell him and he'll take care of that
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⊱ Toya actually tried his best at comforting you and he managed to calm you down few times even tho he's bad with words
⊱ he's not really the one to argue with teachers but he is willing to have some calm talk with them and if it doesn't work then at least he tried his best, right?
⊱ but even if it doesn't work and your teacher still will be mean then he'll always borrow you his shoulder and bring you some of your faves, maybe even wrap you in a blanket
⊱ even if he can't sew, he'll learn how to with you or even learn himself so then he can help you better and maybe even teach you few stuffs
"Hey it's alright, I'll try to learn with you and maybe if I get it I can explain it to you. We'll get it together, I promise."
⊱ he definitely asks around few people he knows if they can sew and if they can then he'll ask you if you're alright with them helping you out
⊱ but if he won't find anyone then he's always willing to get you like a tutor for sewing and is willing to pay for it, no matter how much it may cost
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⊱ Tsukasa was absolutely shocked when he heard about it... your teacher yells at you just because you need more time?!! That's ridiculous!
⊱ so on the next day he went to your teacher and had a chat with them, he wasn't screaming or insulting, he started slowly and calmly but then it turned into one big performance of his
⊱ so he got nothing done and instead put his acting skills in actions so your teacher may had let out few laughs or giggles but he probably made no progress for you...
⊱ but he won't stop at that! He doesn't get a single thing from sewing but he does know a lot of people! And if he'd have to, he's willing to approach random person on street and ask them for help
⊱ in the end, he'll probably end up clinging to you while comforting you through it all and assuring you that you're doing good job
"YN, I'm sure with this much time, you'll be better than all your classmates! But for now let's take a break, alright? I even got you your favorite drink to cheer you up!"
⊱ and when he sees all your plans you have then he's absolutely amazed! He hates that you don't do them just because you think you're not good enough so he makes it his duty to either boost your confidence or help you learn it!
⊱ you may need some time to learn few stuffs but he sees nothing bad in it, in fact he still talks proudly about you in front of his friends and anyone really
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⊱ Rui would be lying if he said he didn't noticed that you learned a bit slower but he truly didn't mind that! In fact he somehow found it quite adorable~
⊱ although when your teacher scolds you for it instead of helping you, he can't help but loose hope in humanity even more...
⊱ but luckily for you, he knows basics fom sewing since it was useful to him during makin some of his inventions so he may help you a bit or at least get you on the right track faster
"Hmm... hey I might be wrong but shouldn't you do it this way? As I said I'm not sure but that's what I could understand from this tutorial..."
⊱ he's really ready to sit next to you and try to understand what you need to learn along your side, at first it was just to help you out but later on he started to be more and more interested in it as well
⊱ whenever you understand something with his help, he'll just smile proudfully and maybe plant a small kiss on your forehead while saying how proud he is from you~
⊱ and when he sees your sketches, he'll ask if it'll make it easier for you to sew if you saw your ideas in 3d, and if your answer is yes then you can expect new invention dedicated to you on the next day!
⊱ when you walk into his room, you can see few inventions that he created after being inspired by some of your works
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🦊Being Inarizaki's Manager 🦊
Manager Has a Secret Partner
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Inarizaki x Female Manager
Warnings: minor Swearing
AN: This is an Anon request! I'm doing a female manager with a male partner for this one just because I can imagine Atsumu just losing his ever loving mind 🤣
Please Like, Reblog and/or Share to help support my writing 🌠
First off, YN you owe them nothing 🗣
They all know this
Correction: everyone BUT Atsumu knows this
Sure they will be jealous but they will respect you
I think we all see why you don't want to tell anyone
I meam, look at what you deal with every single day YN 😮‍💨
It's exhausting
Plus you like to keep somethings to yourself
So when the Captain of the baseball team asks you out, you go
He's very much your type and very much not Atsumu 🤣
He doesn't mind keeping your relationship on the down low
You have alot of classes together which makes it easy to see each other
You have the same friend group so you eat together daily 😊
It's honestly a pretty awesome system
Now before you say anything, I think the third years might have an idea that you are dating someone
They can't be positive but at the same time, you are often the discussion of their daily chats 😅
"You really think YN is with someone?"- Aran
"I see her with the baseball captain all the time. I mean they never kiss or anything but still"- Michinari
"Well I mean it doesn't impact her job as our manager so does it really matter?"- Omimi
They all agree, it doesn't
However, "all" in this situation does not include the 2nd years 🙃
Please Atsumu flirts with you daily and you just wave him off
"Come on YN, just give in and go out with me already?"-
"Absolutely not"- you 😐
"YN come on! How awesome would it be for the manager to date the setter? Pretty freaking awesome"- Atsumu, hyping himself up
"I think it would be cool for YN to date the middle blocker"- Suna 😏
"YN should choose who she wants to date"- Atsumu
You 👉🏻🤨
"I'm pretty sure if you were the last man left on earth, YN would take her chances alone"- Osamu
Please you tow high five 🙏🏻
I know it's the prayer emoji but it's gonna be high five ok 🤣
Honestly your work as Inarizaki's Manager is so freaking exhausting 😓
So exhausting your boyfriend has started to notice
"Yn they are running you ragged"- your amazing bf
"Nah this is just how it goes. Besides, it's not the team that's running me, it's Atsumu"- you
"Do you want me to talk to him?"- your bf
You 👉🏻😅 no-
There is enough drama on the team, we don't need more ok 🤚🏻
However that's about to change 🙃
Because low and behold, it's your 6 month anniversary with your boyfriend
You've decided you're going to go out to eat after your practices end
Unfortunately for you, since you have an amazing boyfriend but also can't have nice things, he decides to surprise you by picking you up
Now to be clear, it's not that you don't want people to know about your relationship
It's simply EASIER for them to just not know 😅
However, you are YN and you are in my headcannons
Which means I get to make your life miserable 🙌🏻
You are filling up water bottles when you hear
"What the hell are you doing here?"- Atsumu, yelling at someone
You tighten the cap and rush out to sew your boyfriend squaring off the Atsumu
😃 crap-
"Bf name, what are you doing here?"- you
"I came to surprise you but it seems like someone wants to pick a fight"- your boyfriend
"You do realize baseball isn't a sport you play in a gym right? Or don't any of you have brains?"- Atsumu, mocking your boyfriend
"Enough Atsumu, stop! Ill be done with practice soon then we can go to dinner"- you, trying to gain control
"Go to dinner? What the hell YN? I've asked you to dinner no less than 10 times and you've always said no"- Atsumu
Please Osamu, Ginjima and Suna (with camera) have all gathered round 😅
Kita, Aran, Michinari and Omimi are all hanging back
You know- observing 👀
"Atsumu that's enough"- Kita
"You've been hitting on my girlfriend?"- your boyfriend now squaring off with Atsumu
"You bet I have- wait 🤨 girlfriend?"- Atsumu now looking at you
You 👉🏻👀😗🎶
"Yeah YN's been my girlfriend for 6 months now. She didn't want to tell you because she knew you'd pull this crap Atsumu"- your Boyfriend
By now, Atsumu is glaring at you 😑
You are just like 😱 would you look at the time ⌚️
Please Suna has moved to get a better angle 🤣
"YN are you really dating him? The badrba captain really?"- Atsumu, now being dramatic 🙄
The jig is up YN just admit it
"Yes Atsumu"- you, sighing in defeat
"😐 you're making it a bigger deal than it is"- you
"HOW COULD YOU BETRAY ME LIKE THAT?"- Atsumu, now drastically crying
"God you are so dramatic"- Osamu rolling his eyes
"Who had YN for this week's betrayal bet?"- Ginjima
"I did!"- Aran raising his hand
"Damn I was sure it would have been Suna again"- Michinari
Atsumu is just standing 🧍‍♂️ there like 👁👄👁
"Oh please like we don't go through this all the time Atsumu"- you
"Yeah it's like a drama fest every day with you"- Omimi
"No she didn't betray anyone"- Suna
Please your boyfriend is just standing 🧍‍♂️ there like 👉🏻 😃 this is the weirdest team ever, I gotta get YN out of this
"I'll be done in a few. Wanna wait here?"- you kissing your boyfriend cheek
"Sure"- him still confused
Please Atsumu will stare at him the entire time
You should know by now YN, managing Atsumu Inarizaki is never going to be easy 😅
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scrivenger-grimgar · 8 months
bleach but ichigo is a little bit older, and gets adopted by a yakuza boss bc she's unable to have children, which is how he meets mizuiro.
i think the clan name would be Yorugata, and the kumicho who adopts ichigo (and karin & yuzu by association) is named Seiun.
夜(yoru: night) 形(gata: shape of) 青雲(seiun: nebula)
after realizing that ichigo works better as an enforcer, seiun chooses to make yuzu her successor, each of the siblings gain their own titles, too!
Ichigo earns the title of 明星死 (Myōjōshi: star death) which i will "localize" to either Star Crusher or Star Breaker (so it can be Myōjōshi & Zangetsu, Star Crusher & Moon Splitter)
so he basically grows up with a "secretly" hyper-violent vodka aunt, , and isshin is completely oblivious to his kids' involvment in organized crime.
of course, with the kurosaki siblings comes some level of morals, so along with protecting local businesses and keeping other clans out of karakura and naruki, theres the illegal drug and weapons trade. under the combined might of ichigo, yuzu, karin, mizuiro, chad, and tatsuki, several rules are put in place; no selling drugs to minors, no selling alcohol to 15 years or under, no selling weapons to anyone under 10, no selling to people at all if they have a history of abuse or sex crimes, no human trafficking, period.
additionally, all members must be taught life skills (sewing, cooking, cleaning), and successfully mentor a newer member.
kisuke learns about ichigo's yorugata affiliation after rukia arrives, when jinta tells tessai about the 'really cool super awesome guys who helped with evacuating a building after a hollow attack and i swear they were glaring directly AT the hollow!' but jinta also imediately denies ever saying anything like that.
so kisuke doesn't know for sure until after the shattered shaft, where theur spar gets super vicious, kisuke can tell that ichigo is actually trying to maim him. (yorugata supplies very good service for the injured and disabled, and ichigo doesn't want to kill every enemy he fights, but he does have to permanently deal with them.)
i'll continue this later im tired hand is tired.
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brights-place · 6 months
Hey, do you write for Hobo Heart and Homicidal Liu? If yes, could we get some hcs for Liu or Hobo? :) Thx!
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Dating Hobo-Heart and Liu Headcannons + Sully
Pairings: Hobo Heart and Homocidal Liu (Seperate)
Warnings: Cursing, Mental Illnesses, D.I.D, Sully being a little bitch- I mean awesome friend!
A/N: Wassup! Sorry for you request taking about so long to write I have been focusing on my socials but glad I finally got this out due to having it in my drafts for awhile to upload! Tbh hobo heart needs more love! LIKE PLEASE HE’S A SWEETIE PIE! Ignore the fact that they are all murders for a moment yall shush AND I MEAN SHUSHHHH!!! Anywyas hope you enjoy this gift :>>
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- Due to having D.I.D I think he would find it difficult sometimes maintaining Sully.
- he hated the fact he fell for you… he loves you yes but you didn’t deserve him he thought you deserved better.
- If you are having an breakdown he would be there faster then sonic exe.
- When you are bored you two decide to walk around in the woods together hand in hand as you blabber on about things you like or something that happened.
- You two ended up dancing in the rain one time while some soft music played in the background. It really was like an romantic scene.
- you two got sick after but it was so ducking worth it.
- whenever he would switch he would bawl his eyes out cause he didn’t like you being around sully.
- sully is seven years old for god sakes but is an menace so you try your best to relax the other alter in Liu is body.
- Sully loves talking to you about what Liu says about you all the time.
- You and Sully at night time like to gossip and shit talk people but liu doesn’t know cause he is asleep.
- Give liu all the love he deserves after everything he's been through
- make sure your close to Jeff since he finds bonds with family are important and knows that he can trust you
- if you ever want to make his day. Just be there in the room he will immediately park up and will tell you his worries
- if you wanna make him even happier cut off Jeff’s head and bring it to Liu that man would panic but at the same time he happy
- if you do cut off Jeff’s head… Sulky would complain about how he wasn’t the one who did it
- he made you an playlist for your anniversary and you cried cause he put down all your favourite songs
- he learned how to make flower crowns with Sally and Lifeless Lucy. He gave you said flower crown and you bawled your eyes out.
-More earth and nature tones and aesthetics. It reminds him of his childhood, where he grew up by a creek.
- Being from New Orleans he loves music mainly Jazz and Pop
- He has violent impulses even when he was a kid and before the… incident
- but he would never take it out on you. If he ever did he would lock himself up and yell at himself.
- When sully gets violent you use the spray bottle
- Liu hates his scars with an burning passion.
- kiss his face, kiss the scars to make him feel whole atleast he will hold you tight.
- He knows how to play the alto-Sax Idk why HE JUST DOES!
- When his scarf ripped he panicked so much.
- you sewed it back up/or knitted it back together he was so happy he wouldn’t stop peppering your face with kisses
- He HATES absolutely HATES seeing people give him looks for his scars.
- Even though Liu/Sully's normally never seen with anything covering his face. Sometimes when Liu/Sully gets insecure he puts on a mask to cover his stitches in public to avoid getting stares and causing a scene.
- He’s the type of guy who would take your heels (if your an woman or identify as one) and give you his own shoes and will walk barefoot even if it’s painful as shit he would do it for you.
- Liu can cook like an fancy ass rich chef. He’s one of the main people who cook for dinner, and lunch
- Liu isn't very open his emotions when you first started to date. you need to take things slow and let him open up when he's ready for it.
- Asking about his brother isn't something you should do at this point, its a very touchy subject.
- he likes nature walks but he also likes late night drives
- it’s an thing you both would do if you had free time together.
- He loves holding you close to him.
- he doesn’t want to lose you and neither does sully… even if he won’t admit it Sully loves the gossip night time sessions.
Hobo Heart
- He doesn’t want to be hurt again…
- yet he fell for you
- he found it difficult and hard he was stressed out not wanting to have these feelings that he had before.
- he was wary and didn’t understand at all
- He has REAL trust issues
- he needs constant validation and reassurance, and he needs you to give him that he craves it.
- I know DAMN FUCKING WELL! That his love language is Acts of Service and Quality Time
- He's a really careful and analytical guy so the fact that he's dating you means he trusts you A LOT
- He doesn’t show much affection due to not understanding it at all.
- But if needed to comfort you secretly and the most subtle way possible he will hold your pinky with his pinky.
- He literally stole someone’s heart and offered it to you.
- (if your an Cannibal) he would also steal the organs for you but leave the kidneys for Jack
- he doesn’t like cooking but he LOVES baking.
- If your sad he would make you some sweets and give you some.
- Him and Sally which is an rare sight making sweets for her tea party.
- you caught them when you came back earlier from an misson.
- he loves flying into the sky when the sun is about to set or rise and likes taking you up with him.
- he worries that you will leave him so he will try his best for you NOT to leave him
- you always assure him about it and pepper kisses on his face.
- he made you an boquet of flowers from what he found in an persons garden and around the woods.
- it took 4 hours for him to find the Right flowers
- He'd protect you from any threat coming his way and put you above anyone else and everything else
- You get hurt?
- he will fly away from the scene with you in his arms or he will ruin an bitch and tear them to shreds
- He loves going on walks with you
- Whenever he's stressed out he likes knowing that you're there with him, and holding your hand is the perfect way for him to do that.
- he hates how he didn’t find you sooner
- He loves his dog so if his dog likes you he would like you too
- he melted when you two met and it was the best thing for Hobo Heart to see.
- It takes a little while for him to be openly vulnerable with you, but when he did, you're thoughts about his never changed, if only it made your feelings for him stronger and the same goes for him when he first met you.
- you wanted to dance in the rain? Hell no he wouldn’t want to get sick or see you get sick.
- He ended up dancing with you in the rain and flying towards the sky above while you danced around happily
- He loves watching you just talk about things you like and hate it let’s him get to know more about you
- Ocassionally you two like going out for picnics. You prepare everything and go to the nearest park to eat. Then, you sit on the grass and see the sunset together.
- he loves playing with your hair or you playing with his it makes him relax
- his wings are like an weighted blanket so he likes using it as an blanket for you when your cold
- He loves and cares for you something he felt once but got ruined.
- but you changed it for him. He will forever be in your debt for taking him out of his sad sink while and made him open up more around you and some others.
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