#personality wise i like jasper the most :3
crayonverse · 1 month
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some more stuf for my fnaf au heyyyy... some tidbits :3
goldie is the first initial investor for fazent! his face also looks like that. just normally.
wanda is the half-sister to beckalyan (shes shown in the post linked). wanda is loosly based off of the mother from bunny call and is the mother to Cindy (pigtail girl from fnaf4) and Fritz/Aaron (MCI kid)
randall and amelia run a rival business to fazent that is clown themed..... they have pretty ridiculous costumes n stuff
deedee is based off of deedee from ucn. shes a local prankster 2 fazent and likes to mess with them (also shes the younger sister to amelia and is 15!)
jasper is a fazent employee and is 18! they usually fill in for people when nobody else can wear the costumes (and if his legs feel good enough to stand for a while). jasper is. supposed 2 be skinny but im still learning sitting poses so like. pretend i guess (also i.,am aware. of how shitty the wheelchair looks too ill fix that as well)
jasper is also the older brother to sarah from to be beautiful!
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Hiiiiiii :3 what are your Clarke griffin headcanons? If you don’t mind me asking
disclaimer that i am only seasons 1-3 deep into my 100 rewatch and only kinda remember seasons 4-7, i refuse to look at her wiki page for spoiler reasons, these are subject to CHANGE as i CONTINUE MY JOURNEY
pinks seem to be some of her fav shades, hair dye berries and all that, so i'm guessing it's her fav color
she and lincoln bonded over both being artists, lincoln told her how to make paint out of natural materials like tree bark for earthy tones and oranges for orange and even using eggs !!! i imagine he's also who told her about using berries for hair dye
yknow that window from the ark that's mentioned in s3, the one jasper and monty would get high at and look through together? that was also clarke's fav window; she used to sketch it
clarke is arospec, i cannot remember if we ever learn anything about what her love life was like pre-dropshipped (i just saw the episode where she finds riley again and i do not remember riley nor their dynamic in the slightest, my bad if he was like a boyfriend or something, i don't care) so maybe i can argue there wasn't much of one? i think finn and lexa were two people where she felt the strongest toward, and her other romantic relationships, while still real romances, weren't as strong attraction-wise as finn/lexa even if she was still genuinely attracted to them yknow what i mean? obviously canon bi as well, and in my head bellarke is a qpr~
^ that's also why, though wells love-loved her, clarke never pursued an official romo relationship w him before or after their falling out. she just didn't feel as deeply romantic toward him as he did to her, though i don't personally think her feelings were only ever platonic for him? he was probably her first crush, though it's weaker than most crushes 'should' be; internally, her fickly feelings toward wells during their childhoods is prob what makes her realize she doesn't experience romance in the way other people seem to, but i dunno if the ark would have words like aromantic or arospec, shrug emoji
if finn wasn't clarke's first time having sex canonically, then i don't hc niylah as being the first girl she had ever had sex with
when wanheda fucked up that panther (y'all remember that???), she briefly thought of wells, who had also once fucked up a panther (Y'ALL REMEMBER THAT???)
clarke knows the edgar allen poe poem the raven by heart; raven taught it to her, potentially for clarke to use it if clarke needed a reason to induce sensory overload. worked good for raven, after all
i don't think clarke woulda been 100% sure on the whole having kids thing before adopting madi. even on the ark when she thought her main purpose was to be an interim generation. i think madi's what made clarke sure she wanted to be a parent, bc she wanted to be madi's parent. maybe s5 says differently i'll find out and accept it
also like did jasper ever tell clarke that he dropped finn's ashes at the dropship. was she informed. hello
in my heart she thinks abt anya a lot okay
whatever the fuck happened to abby's wedding ring that she wore as a necklace ??? i don't think abby would get rid of her wedding ring, just stop wearing it all the time once she and kane get together as she does canonically, but. it would be nice if she gave it to clarke for safekeeping, a momento from her dad :] maybe it's been in clarke's pocket this whole time !!!!!!! 
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thrashkink-coven · 5 months
hello! i was wondering what your opinion is on blood offerings? i want to work with asmodeus, and i've had such trouble on researching him offerings/devotional wise. so i went to witchtok, and a video said you could possibly give him blood if you're close enough to him. i don't know what to think of it personally, and i'm just now starting to look into infernal deities/working with the infernal pantheon.
could you help me a little with how to get started? thank you for your time regardless! <3
Blood is a very powerful substance in witchcraft, it is a central part of your life force and contains your plasma and dna. Because of this, it is also very binding. Some entities ask for blood as a symbol of loyalty.
I have offered Lucifer blood in the past, but it was more coincidental, I happened to have a cut on my hand that bled onto his tarot card. I have nothing against the idea of offering up blood, I think it’s just as valuable of a tool in magick as sex, tears, or bones. But it is very serious magick, and I wouldn’t suggest offering it until you have established that very special connection with your patron with absolute confidence. (and it is not at all necessary if you don’t want to)
I have not personally worked with Asmodeus, so I can’t give you a very detailed description of what you could offer him. But from what I’ve gathered from my friends that do, a good idea is to mark his sigil into a red candle. If you cannot offer blood for safety or personal reasons, you can always create symbols that communicate similar themes. Red firey stones like Bloodstone, Rubies, Red Jasper or Carnelian might be good to look into for him.
Most infernals I know, especially those with high status love to be pampered with booze and food. You could offer him red meats, wine, rum, chocolate, etc. He seems to be fond of spicy things.
But most importantly, meditate on him and ask! He might have one or two specific requests, or he might want something that seems totally random. Lots of times deities want us to create offerings that are somewhat personal like art or music. He may want a home cooked meal or a painting, the only way to find out is to ask!
I also found this site to be pretty useful for information! :
Best of luck to you!
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danjaley · 2 years
8 favourite characters
thanks for the tag @nocturnalazure​ !
Share ten different favorite characters from ten different pieces of media, in no particular order, then tag/send to ten people (anon or not).
Feel free to join in, I have cold, tagging people is stressing me out more than usual.
Filifjonka (Moomin series, Tove Jansson). While there are a lot of characters in this series I share attitudes with, I especially identify with this one. The Filifjonka is tidy, cares about family while not being very gregarious by nature, is frequently nervous to the point of totally panicked, but always manages to regain her ground. Then again she’s unexpectedly brave and rebellious or freaks everyone out by saying overly dramatic things (”When will our execution take place?”) In the end she learns to play the mouth-organ, to become a little more like Mumrik, whom I also admire.
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Thursday Next (The Eyre Affair (and sequels) Jasper Fforde): Okay, maybe it’s not the character alone, but this is the most brilliant work of (meta) fiction I ever read. I appreciate that Thursday, as the protagonist of a fantasy novel, is over thirty, and I like her matter-of-fact way to deal with the most surreal of situations. As the first person narrator she doesn’t get kitschy or sentimental about her own feelings, and never loses her sense of humour. The whole book manages to be the most hilarious of Jabberwocky and deeply touching at the same time.
Andrej Bolkonsky (War and Peace, Leo Tolstoi): Even at dying he was better than other people! I also relate to the feeling when you’d love to speak to someone on eye-level, but everyone around you is more interested in meaningless small-talk. He did an interesting thing in my head. At the beginning of the novel I imagined him a light blonde, but the more he realized there was no place for him in this world, the darker-haired he grew. Also: That feeling when you’re heartbroken about a book, but nobody understands how you could read War and Peace in the first place. In 2018 I felt that as an expert on the Napoleonic times I ought to tackle it. My mother had bought our copy in order to disapprove of it. I read past her bookmark from 1982. Actually I was surprised how many characters’ storylines, outside the Rostov-Bolkonsky connection, just ran into nowhere. This wouldn’t have happened with Victor Hugo!
Gösta Berling (Gösta Berling, Selma Lagerlöff): Most things he does end in disaster, but in such an incredibly aesthetic way, it’s a delight to read. Also no amount of tragedy stops him from being the coolest historical guy in Sweden.
Desirée Clary / Bernadotte (Desirée, Annemarie Selinko): Again, this is generally one of my favourite books. It follows the (somewhat fictionalized) biography of the first Bernadotte Queen of Sweden and her entanglements with Napoleon Bonaparte. In the course of the novel she goes from a silly teenager to a world-wise adult to a slightly patronizing middle-aged lady, while always staying true to herself. The transition is almost imperceptible. She also speaks the author’s charming Austrian German :)
Leslie May (Rivers of London series, Ben Aaronovitch): My role-model on how to maintain dignity and self-respect in the event of ones face falling off. (This mainly refers to volume 1-3. In volume 4 she changes sides and rarely appears any more. I quit reading it when I realized the series wasn’t working towards a conclusion.)
Walter Blythe (Anne of Green Gables series, Lucy Maud Montgomery): I am rather a fan of the later volumes of Anne actually. Not to say anything about his story being truly heartbreaking, he’s a great example of how to build up a tragic hero while still letting him be a kid. In general I’m deeply fascinated with how the World Wars impacted serial literature for young girls. If I had stayed with history of literature, I would have done research about this.
Alm-Öhi (Heidi, Johann Spiry): Admittedly, as a child I identified more with Heidi herself, but I was always in awe of her grandfather. He reminded me a little bit of my own grandfather. He’s self-reliant and can do anything that needs to be done in their little world. He cares about his family while not being a gregarious person at all. When I was five years old myself, I thought he had lost his son a lifetime ago - but in fact it was less than five years. When I grew older and became a historian I also started noticing his occasional references to his past as a soldier.
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disordersgirl · 1 year
I DO im too tired 2 formulate questions but i want 2 hear abt.it hi
hiiiiii okay so like. i think the way cec stores change over generations is so interesting and the design choices make me so normal etc etc it would be much closer to the avenger era and how stores looked at that point not only because its my personal favorite but also because its the most memorable yk. id like to have either 1 or 3 stages w 3 stages being best because theyre my favorites and again the most memorable stages + bring back the crawl space things . this era would bank on the nostalgia adults have for chuck e cheese and also being different enough its a fun experience for kids yk . the base color scheme would be dark purple and gold to match chuck's design but use pink or green accents ^_^ in terms of characters id like to swap pasqually for either harmony howlette or crusty but im leaning more towards harmony bc it makes the band more even gender wise and she's also one of my favorite former pizza time players . in terms of characterization it would also be most like avenger era but with some parts of the ptt era characters because i feel like they were a lot more exaggerated then ? i like the idea of chuck being meaner and jasper being goofier etc etc ptt has some of my favorite characterization
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flowerslut · 1 year
hello :) so, in witd we see that jasper wanted to k-word himself, but he ended up changing his mind. he didn't give alice any details about it, but why exactly he decided not trying it anymore since he was so depressed and miserable? (not that wanted him to die, please i'm in love with that murder) and also, what edward could've said to him to make him go back home?
i hope i'm not being insensitive, it's a genuine thought i had. back when i was reading it, i was in a very shitty time of my life and having such a good story with such relatable characters was a scape from a lot of dark thoughts. i like to think that your story helped me through this
I absolutely adore you for sending this message but I need you to know that reading 'k-word' on tumblr makes me laugh so hard. baby you can say kill its okay. and I, too, love that murderer <3
the scene where they talk about this is in chapter seventeen (after all the subpar smut lmfao) and Jasper talks about it a little bit:
[spoilers for WitD and further suicide discussion under the cut! xox]
“How did he change your mind?” Alice was relieved her voice didn’t crack, because she felt dangerously close to crying. She knew she’d owed Esme for being the saving grace to Jasper originally, but now she owed Edward for rescuing him from death itself.
“He… didn’t. Not really. I was more embarrassed that I’d been found out. There was no big explosion or,” he made a face, “emotional conversation or anything of the sort. I don’t even know if he knew why he was stopping me. He just kept saying ‘don’t, don’t do it, stop’.” There was silence for a few seconds. “It was a quiet run home. Then he reported what happened back to Carlisle, and they had me watched very closely after that.”
that's really all there is to it if we're trying to keep things simple! there were no declarations that "no you belong with us!" or "I promise it gets better!" from edward because it's not in his or jasper's nature to have a conversation like that with the other one. when it comes down to it the only thing that kept jasper alive that night was a knee-jerk decision from edward, who had realized almost too late where jasper was heading and what that meant
edward could have just as easily decided against chasing jasper down to stop him. he could have veeeeery easily let jasper fly off to limerick and do what he set out to do (kill himself) but something in edward decided that night "no, thats not going to be what happens here" and he decided to step in. any number of motivations could have caused that decision, but what matters is that its the decision edward came to, and thank god, am I right?
in fiction—and in real life too!—there doesn't have to be a grand gesture or confession of love from person to person in order to change someones mind or force them to pause in a self-destructive act. sometimes its as simple as being like "don't do it" and the resulting embarrassment that results can make someone abandon an elaborate plan to kill themselves. distraction is a very powerful thing
as for my call of the night-verse jasper, I think the fact that it was edward that stepped in instead of one of the more sympathetic characters is what made all the difference in jasper's mind. rosalie I think, too, could've probably stopped him in this universe, but edward was the perfect one plot-wise because of what jasper says before the above quote:
"[...] Edward—Edward, who hadn’t let Jasper spend any time alone with Bella for years afterward, Edward, who was the one person to know how truly dangerous Jasper was, Edward, who knew every single one of the things Jasper had done because he could see it in his head—had been the one to reach out and stop him.
if the dude who has seen your most heinous crimes play out in your memories is telling you to stop while you're on a little suicide adventure, you're probably going to stop. even if its just to let yourself become confused and embarrassed enough that the distraction of his interruption ruins your plans in their tracks!
hope this cleared some things up!!! I never want to over-explain when I'm writing the actual story so if there's ever anything that you read in my fic that you personally want me to explain more, feel free to ask away!!!! <3
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faelapis · 2 years
White Diamond analysis: post-SU future
i've spoken about why i like white diamond before, but i want to update it. i've made a mediocre little video ages ago (i think its called "white diamonds cognitive journey" but i don't wanna link it here because while i stand by a lot of the conclusions, i was very bad at youtube and cringe at my editing)... but that's somewhat outdated now. because SU the movie and SU future happened.
so i will summarize my old thoughts, and add new ones.
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i will say that i don't think white's arc, whatever you feel about it, is meant to read as "complete." i think that's where a lot of fandom cognitive dissonance comes from. i think it's meant to read as a continuous, breathing thing that could change more now that steven is gone. i wanna thank future for that, both problematizing white's current mindset and giving her a jumping-off point - along with jasper and the other diamonds - to keep changing.
so. what do i mean by this?
in CYM, white falls apart. then the movie, and future, are extensions of the mindset she gains at the end of CYM. people complain about an "offscreen" redemption but i don't think that's true. what i will explore is how white submits herself to what steven wants because she doesn't trust herself or her own judgement anymore if she's not perfect. the movie and future are just natural extensions of that.
let's start at CYM.
by the end of it, white finally questions herself, to perhaps an extreme degree because she'd built herself up around the idea of having to be perfect. to her, perfect means being wise, correct, unquestionable. she's kept watch over gemkind, she's always looking from afar. how its played, its ambiguous as to whether she could Literally see everything pink did, or if she just put herself in denial that of course pink was alive, of course this was all one of her games.
but if its the former, if she can Literally see all of gemkind through her divine light, i think the reason she can't predict steven is that he's half-human. she can't see him as clearly. she knew he was human from the get go, calling pink "hiding" and "embedded in that human child", so perhaps part of her obsession was not being able to see.
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anyway, what others say they feel isn't that important, she knows what they "really" need and feel. she can see them, better than they can. she's their creator, their goddess "mother", after all.
and if she can, in a meta sense, see everything, she is the opposite of steven and the audience - they are subjective, and they know that. "we" can only see from steven's pov. white is a challenge to that, someone who represents the standard tv drama where an omniscent audience gets to see everything. we don't, we are limited to steven. because the point is that no one can truly be objective.
but anyway - white styles herself as being objective. she's facts and logic, she doesn't care about feelings (tm). so yellow and blue's emotional pleas don't matter. what matters is if she can be logically proven wrong. if she SEES that steven isn't pink, then she is objectively wrong. that's something she can't handle. she can't justify it, so her worldview falls apart. she's not perfect.
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the question then becomes how she responds to this. and the answer is, well, like someone whose world has fallen apart! someone who trusts her own judgement so little that she has to follow someone else. so she acts like most homeworld gems, at some point.
as we see at the end of CYM, and made more explicit in the movie and future... she starts following whatever steven wants. the era 3 diamond symbol is flipped on its head - steven is the "highest" diamond, and white sees herself as the "lowest."
i don't think white, personally, has reached a conclusion on how she feels about corrupted gems. i don't think she has anything but gut feelings - some base disgust (as drawn throughout CYM, there's a great shot about getting into the pool but looks conflicted, that i think someone in the crew described as her "hesitantly getting into a public pool", which can be read through several different lenses of prejudice.) , but also wanting to help because she feels bad enough about herself to do whatever someone else tells her is helpful.
and that someone else is steven. even if she herself is conflicted, she spends the end of CYM looking to him for approval. its only through his joy and acknowledgement of her that she allows herself to hesitantly, awkwardly smile. despite everything.
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and then the movie shows this at its logical extreme. like white, yellow and blue are also following steven - they are almost obsessed with him. he's made things better, after all! he's a hero! he even guided them at their worst, the way white was supposed to do. he's surely worthy of worship as the superior diamond.
when steven understandably wants to leave, they beg for him to stay! they whine about how they've done everything he asked. they're clearly doing it for him. because of him. just let us worship adore you.
in a way, they are extremely childish. they're not really changed in the sense of a mature understanding of the world based on their own experiences and moral compass, but they know they are flawed. and they love and adore steven, so HE will tell them what to think. what to be. what to do.
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we'll do it all. whatever you say. you know better than us!
then future happens.
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our heroic, superior steven isnt the perfect golden child anymore. perhaps he never was. he's no longer able to hide it, at least, because now that the war is over, he's not able to focus on a life's purpose ("living up to rose quartz" first, "being a hero" later), so he is haunted by his PTSD. everything catches up to him. he even questions his own relationships - a lot of them having formed around him being that "good," helpful person. someone who needs to be needed. someone who doesn't know who he is when he isn't perfect.
are we really surprised he went to the diamonds, at his worst? of course he did. on some level, i think he hoped they could heal him... but failing that, maybe he would find a fellowship of flawed, broken people who had abused others high opinions of them. instead, he found them doing good things, being useful, being better than him, despite how he himself was still suffering. suffering because of them.
another huge reason steven was "set off" by white was by literally seeing himself in her body, right after shattering jasper and making a bunch of other mistakes. the fear of becoming like her, an ignorant or cruel person in an abusive chain. but the poison was already in him. and in trying to hurt white, he was literally hurting himself. trying to focus on destroying everything imperfect around you, you become incapable of accepting the imperfections within.
anyway. this is still about white!! i just wanted to "catch us up" on my interpretation of steven in future, and also lay some groundwork of the parallels between white and steven here. i think steven, in all of future, is a disharmonic, symbolic mix of white and pink.
anyway, now this messed up, openly broken steven has to meet the diamonds. and of course, when they fail to heal him, despite his pain being partially their fault, and seeing himself "as white", fearing being like her, deluded instead of a true hero... he doesn't take it well.
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and that brings us back to white. while she's clearly scared in this scene, "i am my monster" clarifies that she doesn't hate him, and certainly doesn't blame him. she and the others still come to call, they still help him however they can. even if he doesn't love them (as spinel puts it, he never writes or calls), they still love him. he still helped them. he still made them better.
and i think that's a crucial bit of progress, because it shows them putting the pieces together. yes, steven isn't the perfect diamond they hoped would guide them, he isn't their holy "father" the way they tried to be authoritarian "mothers" to gemkind, but they don't turn on him for that reason. blue and yellow aren't disgusted with steven "turning pink" like white did. and white isn't even mad at him for trying to kill her. she knows why:
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spinel: this is my fault!
white diamond spinel! don't be silly! everyone knows that all of this is because of me!
spinel: NO, it's because of ME! i tried to wipe his friends memories so he could die alone on a barren world!
white: but that was because you were angry with pink, and if pink hurt you, it was because i hurt her! like i hurt yellow, and blue, and steven, and everyone in the entire universe! *sobbing* this is all my fault!
and after that, of course, chad connie comes in and focuses their attention on the fact that yes, they did hurt him. but this pity party - this obsession with self-punishment - is just making it about themselves. like the way some parents respond to their children hurting with "where did i go wrong?!" instead of actually helping.
but what's crucial is that despite the diamonds following steven almost blindly, it wasn't completely blindly. they understand the concept of generational trauma: it wasn't just spinel, and it wasn't just pink. it was all of them. and white may in some ways be the "source", but connie still insists they all try to help anyway.
the diamonds are not fully "there yet" in terms of emotional development, but they did learn one thing - you can't abandon or destroy people because they are flawed. through steven, and through being there for each other, they have seen how even they, themselves, can help despite their own flaws... and so, they are forced to accept that part of steven too. that is something they're able to process and turn into practice by the end of future.
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so then... steven leaves.
earlier, when he left homeworld, he told the diamonds the exact same thing he told jasper: don't follow me.
that can be interpreted literally, but also figuratively. with jasper, its explicitly about looking up to him: "find something better to do with your life." so that leaves them all - white diamond, yellow, blue, jasper... adrift. but now, with some morals and experiences to guide them. they're not children anymore, they can't rely on steven to tell them what to do. maybe they'll even have PTSD and existential crises of their own! we don't know, because we are bound to steven - someone who has decided that's not his business anymore. he has to heal himself, regardless of what everyone else does.
so the show prompts us to accept that no, we don't really know whether the diamonds (and jasper) will "fully" heal, what the world will look like to them in 10, 100, 1000 years. but it gives them all hope. it gives them a starting point, recognizing that their flaws are not the end of the world. jasper goes to little homeworld. the diamonds have each other. they just have to keep going without an authority to guide them... the same way all of gemkind must find a way to exist without the diamonds.
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i'm not the first to say a lot of this. there’s been a lot of digital ink spilled to say the diamonds are only doing what steven wants, and that steven is "using" them... but that’s usually in the service of saying they're not “really” redeemed, end of story. because steven doesn’t like them, the show ITSELF must hate them and have no real desire to redeem them. it’s usually a reactionary stance to “defend” SU against “soft on crime” allegations lol.
but i don’t care about that kind of punitive bs, nor do i think that’s the shows intended message. they could’ve had steven actually shatter white, but it would’ve been at the cost of the societal goods of rehabilitation. this is a show where revenge and healing are contradictory - rehabilitation is necessary for true structural change (literal and figurative healing). people are flawed and they can change. they could’ve written revenge to be more important or equal, but no. steven doesn’t need to kill them, he needs therapy.
as i’ve hopefully shown, while the diamonds are far from perfect, they HAVE learned something. they accept steven despite his flaws, they’re well on their way to accepting the concept of flaws in general. they seem happy with their new powers to heal and find meaning in helping people. and in future, they continue to do good despite how steven never calls or visits. even humbling yourself and admitting you’re wrong is, i think, more than many of us could do.
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Pick-a-Card Reading #1:Who is the Next Person You Date?
This is a general reading, so only keep what resonates and leave the rest (this is for entertainment purposes only). I’ll be using they/them for the people discussed. Pile 1 is a Sodalite Seahorse, pile 2 is a Gold Dragon, pile 3 is a Kambaba Jasper Seal, pile 4 is a Green Aventurine Eagle, and pile 5 is an Unakite Tiger (these are all little figures from one of my alters, they’re just too small to photograph well). Pick the pile(s) that resonates with you, the results are under the cut!  Any feedback is appreciated and please read the note at the bottom of the post 💚
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Pile 1 🌊🐴: This person is confident, funny, charming, honest, and protective with masculine energy (represented by the King of Wands, the Magician, & the Ace of Cups). They may be someone who could impress you with their wisdom or abilities, and they may do well in social environments or be savvy about how others feel about them. This person is energetic and understands different connections well, but they may use their savvy against rivals. I see them as someone who is friendly and energetic, but they’re quicker on the uptake than most would assume if you get my meaning.
The main aspects of the relationship were that this relationship has great potential for long term happiness and independence for the both of you, but I think you may hit a point in the relationship where one or both of you may want to explore other options because the honeymoon period is over. Now it is totally possible that there are better options, but you may still have a solid relationship that is just not as exciting as it once was.
The runes I pulled for this pile symbolize marriage, success, and friendship. I think this has potential to be a fruitful relationship, even if it changes from a romantic to platonic relationship.
Pile 2 🐉: This person is stable, pragmatic, cautious, and loyal with masculine energy (represented by the King of Pentacles, the Lovers, & the 4 of Cups). They may be a romantic at heart and may fantasize or daydream. They may also feel like a kindred spirit to you or more likely they really try to make connections with people as they go through life. I believe they may trigger or help the healing of people surrounding them, or at the very least they have an energy to them that feels safe to others. They probably take a lot of pride in their work and do it with a lot of care, most likely holding it to a rigorous standard. It would not shock me if they were regularly trying to better their work in general.
The main aspects of the relationship were that this relationship is founded on loyalty, caring, and emotional security. I think there may be an event that renews the relationship or that the relationship seems to renew itself.
The runes I pulled for this pile symbolize wealth, safety, and friendship. I believe this will be a relationship that is generally comfortable and amicable without much pressure on either of you.
Pile 3 🌊🐕 : This person is mysterious, affectionate, caring, domestic, and spiritual with feminine energy (represented by the Queen of Cups, the High Priestess, & the 10 of Cups). This person is hopeful and believes the future can be better than the present, while also being expressive and honest in their daily life. Due to the multiple oracle cards I pulled that were related to communication, I wouldn’t be shocked if they were involved in Communication professionally or were a speaker of some kind.
The main aspects of the relationship were that this could be a relationship in which you lay down roots and have a happy commitment. There could definitely be soulmate energy/feelings between the two of you, but generally there’s a very good chance of this being a harmonious and blissfully domestic match.
The runes I pulled for this pile symbolize home, wealth, and marriage. Personally I just read this to back up the cards depicting the main aspects of this relationship in that it will be a comfortable relationship to be in.
Pile 4 🦅: This person is quick witted, inquisitive, social, and is sought-after in different spheres with feminine/androgynous energy (represented by the Page of Swords, the Lovers, & the 2 of Cups). This person may be quite intelligent and a bit of a socialite, who may be well-known or held at some level of respect in their communities. This person may be wise to things or know things before they really have reason to. They also may be understand cycles well or may be good at understanding/helping others through different life stages/grief. Or they may be adept from going through one life transition to another. They might be an Aquarius (but that’s a bit too specific for this reading)
The main aspects of the relationship were that there may be a time where the relationship goes stale and evolution of the relationship needs to happen. However, when the relationship does go deeper, I think it will be a fruitful if somewhat unconventional. Issues from past relationships may become relevant again, but the both of you working through them will be beneficial both personally and to the relationship
The runes I pulled for this pile were destiny, future, victory. There may be a feeling that ‘you were destined to meet’ or similar feelings. I think that both of you may experience overcoming obstacles or victories in your personal lives as a result of this relationship. There may also be promise of a long-term future of involvement, whether the connection remains romantic or shifts paradigms.
Pile 5 🐅: This person is energetic, structured, emotionally strong, introspective, and open minded with masculine energy (represented by the Knight of Wands, the World, & the 8 of Cups). There are several cards that indicate that they travel regularly or may have a lot of worldly experience. This person is a good source of guidance, and might be good at healing/benefiting others in their company. They’re generally wise and see the value of being present in the here and now with people.
The main aspects of the relationship were that this relationship is just (excuse my language) really fuckin’ solid. It’s marked by emotional stability and bonding, loyalty, and genuine care for each other. Genuinely there just seems to be a really strong foundation for a relationship here.
The runes I pulled for this pile were victory, love, luck. One/both of you may feel as though you’re lucky to have each other, and it’s likely that you both love the other quite a bit! Victories in your personal lives may be caused by/benefited by the relationship.
Thank you for reading this, I hope you enjoyed your reading! Any feedback or comments are greatly appreciated! I'll try to change the format according to feedback if it would make for a better experience, as well as look for any topics people may want me to do PAC readings on!
Thank you again, have a good day!
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fairytalelover33 · 2 years
Omg of your request are open can I please get a match up for MCU, hp and twilight? Thank you! 🥰❤🖤
This is what I look like, the left side of my hair is shaved also I don't mind of you show the photo
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Age: 19
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: bisexual (leans more towards males)
Personality: I don't talk to people I don't know usually and can seem shy but once I get to know them a can be talkative and a little bit loud. I don't really hate people unless they give me a reason too. I don't get annoyed or mad easily. I make dark jokes sometimes there directed to myself. I try to be supportive of my friends but if I know what they're doing is stupid than one will call them out on it. I'm really into the emo style. I do suffer from anxiety and depression, I also am touch starved.
Hobbies: reading, drawing, watching anime/tv shows, writing, painting, going on late night drives, and going on walks.
Likes: anime, art, music, nightmare before Christmas, harry potter, the colors black and purple, scented things, candles, Halloween, fall weather, animals, and fuzzy blankets.
(Btw for Harry Potter my Hogwarts house is Hufflepuff) Thank you again! 🖤❤
For the MCU, I ship you with: Wanda Maximoff!
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•The first time she saw you was during an Avengers team meeting. Here were these superheroes, arguing like children, and then she noticed you standing off to the side. She could read in your mind that you had a better solution to the bickering than any of these heroes did, but yet you kept quiet, thinking. She admired that about you
•That being said, she always wants you to speak up for yourself. She will also never read into your mind, your deeper thoughts, without permission
•She loves going on walks with you. She also struggles with anxiety and depression, and she finds that your company helps her. The cool breeze outside, your presence, and the quiet are things that calm her down
•I can totally see you guys going on dates to painting studios. You’ll both paint your own little masterpiece, and then go out to get food. When you return home, you’ll hang the paintings somewhere in your house, and smile when you you pass them, remembering good times <3
For Harry Potter, I ship you with: Draco Malfoy!
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•This boy will spoil you rotten. He is skilled at remembering things you like, so he spends a lot of time searching for the perfect gifts
•He LOVES physical affection, so consider yourself cured of being touch starved. Whether it’s holding your hand, giving you a hug, or simply sitting where your shoulders touch, he loves being close to you
•It takes a patient person to handle this man, and you fit that perfectly. He is endlessly grateful that you don’t leave his sorry self every time he gets too sarcastic, or panics and says something mean. You are slow to anger and that is a quality he adores
•He notices the gift you have with animals. He notices how excited you get on Halloween. He thinks of you when he sees something black and purple. You are his first thought in the morning and his last thought before he goes to sleep. He may struggle to show his love for you, but he would die for you in a heartbeat <3
For twilight, I ship you with: Jasper Hale!
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•Jasper is quiet. Quiet people notice things. Especially things that are loud. He noticed you because you have this magic to you. Some spark that most humans don’t possess. He can’t explain it, and he won’t take the time to try. Your very soul is like music to him. Loud, glorious music.
•He wishes he could buy you all the animals you could ever want, but given his “condition”, it wouldn’t be wise. If he ever lost control around one of your pets, he couldn’t bear to hurt you. He already worries enough about killing you by accident, that stress is far more that he needs
•He loves taking you on late night drives. He lets you pick a car from the Cullens garage, and you can drive if you wish, or he can use his superhuman senses to go 130 mph SAFELY.
•It makes him smile when your human aspects kick in around him, like laughing til your stomach hurts, the fire you get in your stomach and the redness in your face when you protect a friend. Anything human about you is beautiful to him. Precious, and breakable, and beautiful. He will do everything in his power to protect you <3
I hope you liked this, so sorry it took so long, and have an amazing day!! ❤️
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campeyourdiems · 2 years
hi! If I could get a matchup that would be very cool.
I’m 5‘9-5’10, I have split dyed hair (orange and black) that I’m thinking abt growing out a bit more and cutting it to be a Mohawk + dying it green. I wear contacts, but when their off I wear kinda round glasses. I’m unlabeled sexuality wise (I do prefer men), and I’m female to male transgender.
I have autism and ADHD, and I’m punk! I also have 2 rats!
Over all personality, I’m a ENFP last time I checked, and I’m very hyper and chaotic. i can come off as aggressive and rude to some people because of my sense of humor, and because if I see anyone being like, mean to anyone else I get upset and can get aggressive with the person who’s picking on people. I have a very strong sense of right and wrong and I have firm beliefs of wanting to protect people. I play alto saxophone, and I act a lot, as well as sing! as long as you don’t suck, I’m a very kind and loving person who is protective, and I’m the voice of reason in my friend group, offering advice and a shoulder to cry on. Im also very confident and I enjoy helping other people boost their self confidence as well. I’m a Libra. I would describe myself as brave, and loyal as well. When I commit to Someone, I commit for a very long time.
I get bored easily, so I’m always doing something wether it be exercising, playing a instrument, acting singing, hiking, or just watching tv. I love true crime documentaries and hot tea!
I don’t have many deal breakers in a partner. my only deal breaker is someone who won’t listen to me. Listening to your partner is Important both sides and I don’t want to not be listened to.
As for what I am in a relationship, I’m very affectionate (gifts, psychical affection, etc... mostly gifts, such as baked goods and notes.) and I want to make sure that the person I’m with knows I care for them. I’m very protective of the people i love (not to the point of like babying them though.) and I make sure that they are safe. I send messages a lot and check in, as well as doing small things to try to make them feel better about their day.
Take as long as y’all need on this no rush ! Thanks for listening <3
Alrighty, sorry for the wait! Based on what you've said, I believe...Jasper would be your best match! That is to say, our headcanon of what he'd be like if he didn't die, ofc. Now then, as to an explanation of why! For one thing, he'd find your style to be pretty rad. Not totally his thing but hey! It looks good on you! He thinks your rats are rad as hell too and loves them to bits. He doesn't mind your autism or ADHD, in fact, he can sorta relate to some of it. As for your personality, he might think you need to chill a little at times, but he finds your sense of humor pretty funny. He really appreciates that your morals are so strong and that you care so much about protecting people, definitely finds it pretty admirable. Thinks your sax stuff's pretty neat, might use it for puns though so beware. Totally loves your confidence and helpful nature as well, kinda wishes he were a bit more confident himself at times- This man also finds himself getting bored pretty easily and will at times loudly announce it to the room. Not so much to whine, more just cuz he finds it funny. Plays video games and listens to music a lot though, so he's not exactly the most active, but he might join you at times for exercise if you'd like. Might not be super fond of true crime stuff, but he'll at least sit with you while you watch it. You don't really have to worry about him not listening, though he does have issues with it at times. Either because he's disassociating or having processing issues- But he doesn't mean to. He's also pretty affectionate, so he'd appreciate the reciprocation! Probably gets soft over you being protective too. Hope you're happy with your result! Sorry again for the wait. =w=
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paragonrobits · 3 years
why dimitrescu when rose is also big: an observation on the nature of the Big Sexylady perspective and why rose was never a tumblr sexyman
so im thinking about how Lady Dimitrescu is the first female character to really fit the ‘tumblr sexyman’ vibe, in terms of how people have reacted to her, and I thought: Why didn’t rose quartz ever get this treatment?
like, she’s canonically not that much shorter than Dimistrescu is. She’s enormous, she’s thick, she’s curvy. She’s too wide to fit through a door! She’s a massive super soldier, designed for power and smashing in a va-voom package! so how come people never fixated on her like that?
sure, you might SAY that it was SU’s art style, as opposed to the more realistic designs but... have you SEEN the art styles people like to use around here? Or in any big name series that isn’t live action? The realism of the series is not a concern.
Like, JAsper was REAL popular as a sexygirl icon for a while, for precisely the same reasons I pointed out that Rose ought to have been; she’s big. but Jasper was controversial, for reasons I’ll get into in a bit.
So I think the actual reason, besides the age-old point that people respond differently to characters, comes down to a few details:
1. There is a certain charisma and purity towards villains who are bad and own it, the ones likely to have a card signifying how super evil they are; they laugh and sing songs about how super evil they are. they don’t pretend to be sympathetic, they don’t try to win the audience over with a sad backstory, they’re just unapologetically Bad. and this kind of attitude is a common in the tumblr icon! They’re not without nuance (Sans is an essay all on his own, and Junkrat is what he is because he grew up in an irradiated wasteland and had to be sharp and ruthless to survive), but they’re uncomplicated and fun in their simplicity.
Rose is anything but simple. She’s massively controversial, and that tends to push people off.
2. Rose Quartz, character wise, is not in the best position for this sort of thing. She started out as a distant figure that everyone loved, but no one said much about; we knew NOTHING about her personally. we knew that she fought for Earth, that she loved Greg and Pearl. we knew things she did, things she cared about,  but we didn’t actually know about her personality. Now, if she HAD been, with her goofy and melancholy persona with an edge of perpetual regret mixed with love for the world, she might have been. but again, she was a deeply complicated character, and layered characterization can be difficult to really get into for the sort of things that draw the tumblr sexyman vibe.
Jasper, as implied earlier, works on the same principle. Is she sexy to a bunch of people? Yeah. but while she WAS hugely popular for a while, there were still too many controversial elements for her to pick up in the same way. A tumblr sexyman can be complex and controversial, but there must be a certain purity to them; they can be evil, but not in a way that might make people uncomfortable.
3. It actually took us a while to find out that she was both a literal giant (not including her original Pink Diamond form), and massively thick. And from a certaion perspective, stacked as hell (as much as can be noted in that show’s art style, but certainly by the standards of Gems). But it wasn’t immediately clear how big she actually was, and since visuals are the first thing most people tend to drift towards... well, by the time Jasper had been introduced, people latched onto her build and when it was clear that Rose had pretty much the same body, it was largely overlooked.
Essentially, due to the slow burn nature of SU’s storytelling, the gradual build up of Rose’s character and actual appearance, it wasn’t obvious what she was about for a while and by now, only people who are already into her are ready to hop aboard the ‘Rose could probably bust Dimistrescu’s outfit because she’s fucking huge’ train
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osrasaskblog · 3 years
Well, guys.
I really hoped that I wasn't going to make this post, but I'm afraid it needs to be done.
I started writing Opal, Sapphire, Ruby, and STEVEN! in 2016, when I was in high school. I loved the characters of Opal and Ruby and Sapphire and I wanted to see more of them than what was in the show. I was curious, what would it be like if they had swapped places with Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl? How would those different personalities work together? How different would things be if they were the characters that we followed? I would have loved to read a fic of it.
And then I figured, well, hey, why don’t I write a fic of it?
So I took to my little writing tablet and started up my new story. And I had so much fun doing it. I loved writing Ruby, who was a spitfire but also had a gentle heart. I loved writing Sapphire, who was cool and composed but always warmed up to her friends, especially Steven. I loved writing Opal, who was just so many things at once—a calm leader, but also a goofball, a wise war hero but also a cool aunt-like figure. Most of all I loved to write Steven, who was just so funny, a goofy and adorable kid who was also shouldering the responsibility of a world on his shoulders.
It was so relaxing to write these little episodic chapters, especially as the quiet kid in class who could never stay too far from her works-in-progress. I knew back then that I was going to be a writer someday, because I had this deep, passionate need to create stories and characters. But without an original idea of my own yet, I loved writing fanfiction. I think why I love to write fanfiction so much is because even though there’s something already there, I’m taking it and reforming it. I guess it’s kind of like those “finish this picture” pages in coloring books. There’s something already there, but you finish it—you decide what it will be. Is this pretentious? Maybe. I’m not always great with words, ironically.
So I wrote all these short chapters with this new set of characters, and I thought, I’m going to change things up. I didn’t just want it to be different characters saying and doing the exact same thing as the original story—I didn’t want to copy-paste the episodes scripts and use the “replace” tool to change the names. I came up with new backstories for the Crystal Gems. I looked at the original episodes and thought of how I could tweak them, mix them up a little bit.
The chapters started to get longer and longer because of this, and my own writing style developing a lot. Instead of just no-beta keyboard smashing between my classes, I actually sat down and wrote things out, put in more descriptions, more dialogue, etc. And for a really long time I thought that the same-but-different format of the story was a good thing. I thought it was fun to write new characters in new situations, while also having that familiarity—many reviewers would comment things like “I can’t wait to see how they’ll react to X!” or “I can’t wait until we get to [insert episode here]!” That was originally the whole point of the story—different situations, same characters.
I enjoy reading through my work sometimes. Though, I’ve said to several people that I avoid the first chapters of OSRAS because I just think my work was so subpar back then. And again, I liked the same-but-different story I had written. It was fun, it was simple.
Then things started to get different. When? Well, I can’t really pinpoint it, but if I had to guess:
I recall, though, as I was writing “The Ocean” (which was posted around the same time as the “Bismuth” episode) that something was off. Even though I enjoyed writing the fic, this chapter was my first curveball—because in the show, “Mirror Gem/Ocean Gem” is a gamechanger. It changes everything that had been established already, introduced a new character, and set a different tone from the series so far. And in writing this arc for OSRAS, I realized that I…didn’t really have much to offer.
The episodes were very Steven-and-Lapis centric. The Crystal Gems weren’t involved very much. So…what was really the point of writing it? Because the readers already know what’s going to happen. Even back then I looked at the chapters I wrote and thought, this doesn’t have that same-but-different appeal. It’s just the same. What about Steven talking to Lapis in the whirlpool was different from him talking to her atop the pillar of water?
Afterwards, the show started getting into its “everything is changing” point in Season 3. Soon after “Bismuth” came “Back to the Moon,” where we find out Rose shattered Pink Diamond. This was a big “oh crap” moment. Finding out that there was a Pink Diamond was a big “oh crap” moment, because this was when the fandom was at its peak of theorizing.
And even though I kept writing the fic, I was trying to figure out how I was going to tackle this. Because there was no way to get that shock into the fic. It would just be Steven reacting to something the readers already knew. No shock. No drama. Just marking stuff off the checklist. It happened in the show, so it would happen in the fic.
The same-but-different appeal didn’t seem like that anymore. It seemed more like a problem than anything. Like I said, reviewers often said stuff like “I can’t wait for this episode!” But one or two did say that they just didn’t feel the same way—that they couldn’t really see a point in writing a fic that was basically just the original series with a few minor tweaks. I don’t like brushing off criticism, in fact I love criticism, but to this I originally just shrugged and said, “Well, that’s what the fic is. Don’t like, don’t read, I guess.”
Now the problem was that I didn’t like it. I found some reprieve when I wrote chapters like “The Common Soldier,” which delved into the entirely-different backstory of Ruby, but then there was “The Test,” “The Invasion,” and “The Jailbreak.” And “The Jailbreak” was like…the point of the whole fic. The big thing that the chapters were leading up to, where Opal would be “revealed” as a fusion and Pearl and Amethyst would make their debut. And again, same-but-different. The readers were seeing what it would be like if they were the fusion instead of Ruby and Sapphire, and it’s fun, right? They’re not expecting to be shocked, they were reading for the “what if”, right? The biggest curveball I threw in that chapter was having Peridot fuse with Lapis instead of Jasper…which I decided to do when I began writing the chapter, so I scurried to figure out where I was going to go with it.
I decided that in the next fic (Twists & Turns) I would decide to amp up the differences. But I stumbled. “The Shock”, ironically, was not a shock. Opal and Steven find the Cluster just like how he and Garnet did. Then “The Mistake”, where even though the reason for Opal and Ruby’s fight was different, there was always going to be a fight. I struggled to find this balance between the familiarity and the need for something different. I figured, yeah, there’s still the desire to see new characters react to the same situations, but what else? That was it.
To try and remedy this problem, I started planning my chapters ahead instead of writing by the seat of my pants like I was. I started getting more and more into making things different. I tried to figure out how to make Chrysocolla different than Malachite, and came up with a “peaceful” resolution as opposed to the action-packed one. I would hit the same story beats, but I thought, the pull will be the different context and motivations.
But…the original series kept going, and we all know how it went. Rose turned out to be Pink Diamond. The Crystal Gems go to Homeworld to confront White Diamond. Steven finally changes her mind. And more than that, all the character arcs are wrapped up. Garnet embraces herself as a fusion, Amethyst finds her self-worth, Pearl decides to fight for herself rather than anyone else, etc, etc. A lot of stuff that just would not carry over to OSRAS. Like, how would I even try to recreate Change Your Mind??? How on earth would I find a way to write the Rose-is-Pink reveal without the readers going yeah, yeah, we know?
So I started to come up with a whole new thing. Or at least, I tried. This is where Star came from. Something completely new, completely original, to set the fic apart from the original series. I knew that I needed to create an ending for the story—and more than that, the characters. Opal, Sapphire, and Ruby all have their own individual stories that would need to be wrapped up.
But all the ideas that I had for the finale of the fic were vague and blurry. Which was really bad, because writing a story when you don’t know how it’s going to end is…very stressful. I realized eventually that I had made a very hellish situation for myself.
I wanted to write a new, original story. But the first ~36 chapters were just an adaptation of the original series.
I feel so awful right now because I feel like I lied to so many of my followers so many times. Some asked if Spinel was going to appear, and I said I think I found a way for her to fit in just fine…and then I dropped that whole idea, and thus lost a place for Spinel. Sometimes I said “I have a plan for how this will work out” when what I meant was “I plan to have a plan for how this will work out.”
So, to summarize:
1.       The original series started to become so lore-heavy that a “same story, different characters” fic was just not going to work.
2.       Even so, that was what the fic had been for a very large time. To write a new and original story, I would still have to work with what I had already done. Like the “finish the picture” page in the coloring book was like 99% done and I had very little space to make something creative.
3.       Because I no longer wanted to do a same-but-different story, I had to let go of the show’s original storyline and come up with my own…while I was already writing the story. Again, I had no ending for the story even though I was posting chapters for it as often as I could.
And I kept doing this for…years. Because I refused to let this fic go. I felt such an attachment to Opal, Ruby, and Sapphire and their stories that I had come up for them. The first fic was 259,004 words long. And Twists & Turns? 305,428. I couldn’t just throw that much work away, I had to salvage it. And more than anything, I still had so many follows, favorites, and bookmarks, readers leaving me reviews, people sending me asks into my inbox. When I went through rough times in my life and was slow on updates, so many readers comforted me, telling me it was okay. And I had people tell me that this fic was…important to them. That it made them happy when they were in rough times.
But the truth was…I just didn’t like this fic anymore.
Sometimes I found myself enjoying it still. Writing Jasper’s redemption arc was truly fun for me, one of my favorite things I’ve ever written. I love writing the comedy style of Steven Universe. I loved writing these characters and their interactions. And yeah, sometimes I would still re-read some of the earlier chapters and enjoy doing so.
Every time I post up a new chapter, I just wish it was something else. Even if I loved Jasper’s redemption arc, Lapis and Peridot’s unique relationship, the fight between Steven and the Crystal Gems, it was like watching good scenes from a bad movie for me. Like yeah, this is nice, and I like it, but when I looked at the bigger picture, I was just disappointed. It felt like the original vision, a very simple and straightforward SU but Opal, Ruby, and Sapphire instead, had just…chained it down. I wanted to be creative, make a story that was original, but each chapter I’ve been posting lately just feels like that 99%-done picture.
And all those ideas for the finale just—never came together. Some became pretty clear. There were things that I came up with that I thought, Oh, that’d be so COOL! But because of what the fic already was, it would have never worked. It would’ve broken the rules of the setting, or it would have come out of nowhere with no buildup. I had a whole lot of puzzle pieces that wouldn’t fit together. The time that I put aside to try and figure this out were just hellish. I have spent hours staring up at the ceiling, trying to figure out how to end this story, and each and every time I’ve walked away with no progress and more stress than I can handle.
I can’t recall what all detail I’ve gone into, but I know I’ve told readers before that life has been stressful for me as of late. Not just with work and school, which are taking huge bites out of my time, but health issues and family issues, too. And it feels so stupid, to say that writing a fic for a children’s TV show was another problem, but the truth was that it was. I already had/have so many things weighing me down and causing me anxiety, and on top of all of them I’ve been putting time aside almost every day to worry about this story.
I’m writing this now after three hours trying to find a way to wrap up this fic and coming up with nothing. The only solution that I can find now, to just stick with the original storyline set up by the show, doesn’t feel like a solution at all. It would still have that huge, glaring problem: I have already seen this, so why should I read it? And probably a large part of that has to do with Steven being the protagonist, and already establishing that he’s going through an arc dealing with trauma and identity issues…just like the show did. Not adding anything new.
On top of the lack of a proper solution, though, the idea of writing three more seasons’ worth of OSRAS fills me with dread. This story, which has no set ending or resolution to its plot (let alone its character arcs), could take me years to finish in that absolutely unsatisfying manner I mentioned. That’s years of writing a story that I only find occasional joy in. Years of dedication to something that I just regret at this point.
So, I guess you figure by now that this is a bit of a farewell. And just writing that makes me feel so shitty. I feel like I’m about to cry now, because even though I’m committing to this decision, and even though I’m feeling relief already, I am wracked with guilt. I feel as though I’m letting so many people down. After months and months of “Sorry for the wait, promise more chapters are coming!” and months and months of “I promise we’re getting to X soon!” now I’m taking that all back. And again, I’ve had people tell me how much this fic means to them. I imagine that some people are going to be reading this, and they’re going to be hurt and angry and betrayed, and I honestly can’t blame them. Not just because I know firsthand how frustrating it is to have a story I really love be discontinued, but because I feel as though I’ve lied to my readers.
Unfortunately, as I said, I’m committing to this. This is just the only solution that I can find to this problem that’s been weighing down on me for years now. OSRAS is always going to mean something to me, because like I said, I did find joy in the characters and the interactions, the dialogue that I came up with. I wrote this story for five years. But the little joys weren’t enough to outweigh the stress. Ideally I want to say something like But maybe one day I’ll figure out a proper ending, but I can’t promise something like that.
I’m attempting to work on a revamp at the moment. I still very much like the idea of a swapfic, but I’m going to need to make it from the ground-up. Maybe I’ll make Connie the same character; maybe I’ll put it in a different setting. I still have ideas for Ruby’s story as the last of her kind, and Opal’s unique situation of a fusion by necessity. Like I said, I did have some thoughts for how these could have been resolved, but with the current state of the fic, they wouldn’t be possible.
I’m going to leave the fics up, promise I won’t be deleting them. If anyone wants to ask questions, my inbox is open, but I can’t promise immediate answers. And if anyone wants to message me about plans I did have for the fic, feel free to do so, but I won’t be posting them publicly on the blog. I may revisit them if I ever go for a revamp. And some things I’m going to keep to myself, because they’re ideas that have a stronger chance of being revisited and I’d rather keep them secret.
So this is coming to be about 3,000 words now. And maybe 3,000 words is way too much for a “I’m discontinuing the fic” post, and maybe this is 3,000 words of pure overdramatic whining, but I wanted to give a full explanation here for why I’ve made this decision.
The second-to-last thing I wanted to say is that I’m sincerely sorry to anyone who feels hurt by this. Like I said, maybe one day I’ll try this again after all, but as-is, the state of OSRAS feels like a mess that I can’t fix. Plus I’m going to be a little selfish and do what’s going to relieve me of this stress. All I can say is that I am positive that if I decided to continue this fic, it would have been obvious in the writing that I’d lost my passion for it.
The last thing I wanted to say is a giant THANK YOU to all my readers and followers over the years. Even if OSRAS is over, I want each and every one of you to know that all your reviews, favorites, and bookmarks always made my day a little better. I only hope that if/when I get around to the revamp, it will be so much better than OSRAS was.
So, this is goodbye to OSRAS for now. Again, my sincerest apologies, and my sincerest thanks.
Sincerely, myself, Opal, Sapphire, Ruby, and Steven
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panlight · 4 years
If the Cullens had been able to adopt Bree (maybe in a Neutral or even Good Volturi AU), how do you think she'd fit into the family? Would Bree's presence change the Bella/Edward plans? Who would be closest to her and who wouldn't really care?
I would have loved to have seen this if for no other reason that it would help distinguish how much of the Cullens’ behavior toward Bella is “main character syndrome” where she gets all this love and attention because she’s the main character and how much they are Just Like That with any new person who comes into their lives. 
A lot of it felt, to me, like it was the ‘main character’ problem where the world sort of unnaturally revolved around Bella (does Carlisle even have a job anymore in BD or is he just full time taking care of Bella/Renesmee??), but if the Cullens had adopted Bree that would have felt . . . really different and yeah probably would have put a wrench in E/B’s plans. Bella couldn’t safely hang around the Cullen house for awhile while they were trying to train a 3 months old newborn vampire who had never been taught self-control or that you shouldn’t eat humans. They’d be too busy helping Bree adjust to plan an elaborate forest fairy tale wedding like the movie (in the book I think it was just in the house?).  They’d have to put off turning Bella because it wouldn’t be wise to try and juggle two newborns at the same time.  And then there’s the Cullens trying to help Bree heal from her shitty human life and her shitty short second life. Watching Esme and Rosalie bond with and mother her, Emmett goofing around trying to cheer her up, Alice fussing over her and giving her a makeover and an all new wardrobe, Carlisle being the patient, gentle vampire mentor that Riley obviously never was and surrogate creator Victoria never intended to be. It could have been really sweet and it would have lessened the sense that the world revolved around Bella, which would have been good for the story, honestly. And if Bella is sort of watching all this from a safe distance maybe I WOULD believe that she was “mentally prepared” when she herself became a newborn because she’d have actually seen someone go through it??? And then her self-control wouldn’t feel like a cheat, but like “well I was watching how you helped Bree, and Edward told me about how you were training her and I was sort of imagining what it would be like and playing it all out in my head while I was still human. Do you think that’s why I’ve got a head start?” 
I’ve convinced myself, that makes legit sense and wouldn’t have bothered me at all.  Bella has to delay her plans for marriage/vampirization, but in watching Bree adjust she legitimately earns her self-control in a way that feels natural and organic rather than just “haha gosh isn’t this so weird and great?!? who’d have thought I’d be so naturally good at this and kill all potential conflict?! Amazing!”  I think Jasper would be the most distant to Bree at first .I mean, he “didn’t approve” of Carlisle letting her surrender and was prepared to kill her. That said, Jasper doesn’t seem to hold a grudge (he’s on “good terms” with Maria) and it wasn’t personal, so he’d warm up to Bree eventually. I think Edward would be a little resentful at first because it’s putting Bella in danger to have Bree around, but the kid ultimately has a good heart and wouldn’t hold it against poor Bree for long. I do think Esme, Carlisle and Rosalie would be the first to really embrace her, maybe Rosalie adopting her as a ‘daughter’ or at least little sister. Bree, unlike Bella, didn’t ask for this, so they dynamic is so totally different and I think we’d see a different side of Rose because of it. 
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gongju-juice · 4 years
3. Once Upon a Southern Night
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Something Old, Something New
Warnings: Some racial tension. . .also might be some language but I can’t remember tbh
The thing about change is that it’s just that—change. You can change something, twist it, mold it, or turn it into whatever you wish for it to look like, but you cannot ever get rid of its original identity. 
Living in Forks was no short of that. Life was a blessing, and your days were filled with laughter and excitement. Beginning your senior year—Jasper had graduated—but the two of you were dating and closer than you’d ever been. He took you on dates to see the stars and bought you flowers and little trinkets to brighten your day. You read books in his lap and went on double dates with Amelia and her boyfriend, Stuart. 
You knew something was strange about your family—so much so that your mother’s weirdness no longer seemed so personalized. Maybe it was the fact they never ate around you, or maybe it’s the account of their golden eyes. And like your mother (and everyone else, frankly), your boyfriend was so inhumanly cold, like a Roman statue left in an icy museum.
But what did you look like asking such crazy questions? After all, what else could it be but coincidence? As for your mom and Carlisle, they were siblings—it was normal for them to share the same traits. But as for the others—Rosalie and Jasper were twins—and although they were different personality wise, they both had the same pale skin and bronze colored eyes. Maybe the old saying is true: living together with someone really does make you look alike.
One day while your family all hung out at the Cullen house, you received a letter in the mail. It was a bright, shimmering white envelope with fancy lace trimming. You opened it carefully—sure not to cut yourself so as to not to trigger Jasper’s weird paranoia around blood. 
“Oh my god!” you shouted, running into the living room. You looked at your mom. “Ivy and Dale are getting hitched!”
“Wow, Ivy?” she said. “I remember the two of you growing up like it was yesterday. When’s the date?”
“March 5. It’s going to take place on Dale’s parents’ farm. The reception’s going to be in the big barn house!”
You whirled in excitement, only to dizzy yourself into Jasper’s arms when you realized you’d fallen. He brushed a stray curl from your face.
“A wedding?” he said. “I thought Ivy was only seventeen.”
“You can get married in Alabama at sixteen with parental consent. I’m sure the Lauderdales were thrilled to hear of the good news. Dale has been hanging ‘round since we were six.”
You popped back onto the floor. “I’ve gotta find a dress and everything! Oh wait—I should call and see if we’re doing matching dresses or if we’re all gonna be wearing different ones.”
You picked up your phone and raced to the kitchen where you could find some privacy and feel free to freak out some more. She picked up on the third ring.
“Lucille!” you cried, “I can’t believe it’s finally happening! Please send me a picture of the ring ASAP, okay?”
She giggled. “It’s not a big deal, Y/N. We’ve been engaged since we were twelve. It’s just that now we’ve got that ice and permission to prove it.”
The phone buzzed and you looked at the image of the triple diamond ring which had a band of diamonds all around. You recognized that ring. It was Dale’s grandmother’s sacred family heirloom, the one that’s been locked up tight in their security safe. He only let you and her see it once when you were both thirteen and his parents were out in the field.
“I’m so excited for the bachelorette party!” you gushed. “We’re going to have so much fun! We should go to Pensacola and go to one of them spa places and then we can—”
“Y/N,” she said quietly, cutting you off entirely. “You’re not on the bridesmaids list.”
You were quiet, your flailing arms caught in mid air. “I’m not. . .but you said—”
“I’m sorry, girl, but Mama already chose who's going to be in my wedding. There’s 
Charlotte, Mary, Clarabelle, and Lydia. . .the ones I grew up with.”
“But. . .what about me? Didn’t. . .didn’t we grow up together?”
“Yeah, but. . .it’s just not the same, you know? Those people are family. You can still come to the wedding, of course. That’s why I sent the invitation.”
You’d be lying if you said you didn’t feel hurt. Here was your best friend telling you that you couldn’t be in the wedding. Mrs. Lauderdale. . .you thought she really liked you. Was it because you moved up north?”
“Oh, alright then. I was just—just calling to confirm the date. March 5, right?”
“Yeah, March 5.”
You hung up the phone and sighed at the counter, your head hung down. Just then, Jasper came walking in. He came up behind you and held you in place, his head resting on your shoulder. Suddenly, your mood improved instantly. But that was the thing about Jasper—he was always brightening your day when you felt down. It was part of the reason you adored him.
“You okay?” he whispered. “You know you don’t got to go to that wedding?”
You shook your head. “Of course I do. It’s my best friend’s wedding. How could I miss her big day? Besides. . .how did you even know I was sad?”
He stiffened. “I. . .uh. . .heard the conversation in the hallway.”
“Oh, well I guess that makes sense.”
He held you for a while against the hard granite. 
“Yes, darlin’?”
“Will you be my date to the wedding?”
Rosalie was the one officially in charge in helping you pick your dress. Alice had a vengeful streak and wanted you to wear a big, white gown that would take all the attention away from Ivy.
“It’s wayyyy too hot in the south for that,” you pleaded, “and I ain’t trying to cause no trouble! It’s her Mama who did it, not Ivy.”
“She should’ve overridden that stupid decision then,” Alice continued, braiding your hair. It was still funny to know that the tiny pixie girl knew how to do a full-set of box braids. “If it was my wedding—”
“But it isn’t your wedding,” Rosalie insisted. “And Ivy isn’t your friend. Now like I was saying, Y/N, this little yellow sundress would look so cute with your skin tone. . .”
They even hooked up Jasper. They got him a nice cornflower blue dress shirt and a cream colored suit. Emmett even put on a whole show of picking his hairstyle, and even though they went through all that progress and hard work, you kindly reminded them that a heat wave was coming the weekend of the wedding and that it was best just to leave his curls the way they were. Jasper did not take kindly to his brother after that.
“Why don’t you come with us?” you asked your mom as she helped you pack the last of your luggage. “It’s gonna be so lonely with just me and Jasper. And besides, I’m sure everybody wants to see you!”
“No, no, I can’t. I’m scheduled for a surgery the day of the wedding. I can’t cancel it either. It’s a cancerous tumor that needs to be removed.”
You sighed, sitting up on your bed. “I can’t believe it’s here. She’s getting married, mom. We’re all going to be adults and pretty soon, if things go to according to plan, me and—” You cut yourself off as the overwhelming thought engulfed you.
“That’s right. You and Jasper will have your own wedding someday. . .speaking of which. . .we need to talk about the future.”
“The future?”
“Yes,” she sat on your bed. “There are some things you need to know before you set your eyes on your own big day. We’ll talk about that all soon, I promise. But as for now, go and enjoy yourself with Jasper. You’ll have him all to yourself. . .”
“Mom!” you shouted. “Jasper—he’s too sweet for that. He’s a real gentleman! It hasn’t even been that long ago since we had our first kiss, and he was scared to even do that!”
She raised her brows. “Hmmm, maybe that’s what he wanted you to think. But guys are never shy when it comes to that subject.”
The next day, your family wished you off at the airport. Jasper bought you first class tickets—a feat you deemed both extravagant and unnecessary—and you slept on his shoulder for most of the way. 
Immediately, touching down in your home state, everything felt so different. It was humid and hot; the type of sticky that makes your hair stick to the back of your neck, and people were so much more cordial then they were back at Forks. Some gave Jasper strange looks as he wound his fingers with yours, but again, nobody was unpleasant.
You would be staying at a hotel about thirty miles out from the country. There were, thankfully, two queen sized beds parallel to one another in the tiny room. But Jasper insisted sleeping in the living room part where a half wall separated the two of you.
On the big day, your boyfriend pulled out an authentic cowboy hat (the likes you’d never seen before), and the two of you headed down Ivy’s long dirt road. 
Fields of cotton and peas lined either side of the road, and for long stretches, there were no houses except the occasional large country home with animals and plots of cultivated land. The ditches teemed with life: jumping frogs, tadpoles, crawfish, and lillies. 
“Gosh, it’s been so long since I’ve been in the country,” he said. “This place isn’t much different from home.”
“Home? In Forks?”
“Rose and I—before we were adopted—used to live in Texas.”
“Really? That explains your accent! I just thought you watched too many western flicks. Oh, but why doesn’t Rosalie have one?”
“Well, she just hides it, I guess.”
You arrived at the house. There was a trail of cars already parked in the grassy yard, and people made their way in their finest Sunday’s best to the row of chairs arranged in front of the big oak tree where the minister stood.
“Y/N!” one of your old childhood friends exclaimed when she saw you. She was dressed in a teal dress, and at her side was some unknown boy you hadn’t met. “It’s so good to see you!” She looked at your boyfriend. “And who’s this?”
“Jasper Hale, ma’am, I’m her date for the evening,” he answered, tipping his hat. The row of women waiting to greet you gushed at his manners, and dare you say, they checked him out so openly. You hugged his bicep tighter.
“Just for the evening or indefinitely?” she cooed.
You sat down in one of the middle rows, and watched in awe as the wedding processional came down the aisle. Ivy was dressed in a glittery dress and carried the largest bouquet of white roses you’d ever seen. Dale had tears in his eyes as he looked up at his bride. They were so perfect, so in love, it made your insides melt.
After the beautiful ceremony, the party moved the barn. The rafters were draped in lights and white ribbons and flower petals covered the ground. You chose a table nearest to one of the wooden walls and curled into Jasper’s side.
“You look so gorgeous,” he said, tucking a dandelion behind your ear. “You out-shined the bride, and you didn’t even have to wear that ridiculous dress Alice was trying to shove you in.”
“All of my girlfriends keep whispering about you. You’re the real star tonight. The best looking man in both Washington and Alabama.”
Just then, Mrs. Lauderdale approached your table.
“Y/N, how are you honey?” she asked as you hugged her plump form. As the mother of the bride, she was dressed in a simple white dress and rocked a crown of flowers in her hair.
“I’m wonderful. Have you met my boyfriend?” You allowed her to inspect Jasper as he offered a hand.
“My, my. What a fine young man,” she cried. “Who knew you could get such a catch?”
She pulled you off to the side, and although Jasper tried to follow, you insisted he stay behind.
“I hope you aren’t upset about the whole bridesmaid situation,” she said, patting your shoulder. “We wanted a small processional anyway—makes it so we can get to the food faster.”
You shook your head. “‘Course not. It was such a beautiful ceremony. And Ivy—she’s stunning,” you said as you admired her twirling form with her new husband.
“Well anyway, John and the guys want to see you. John?”
Mr. Lauderdale greeted you with a nod. “How’s it going?”
“All good here,” you answered enthusiastically. In all honesty, John and his friends intimidated you with their skeptical expressions and hawk-like eyes. It was obvious the men of the family didn’t like you as much as the girls did—and that was fine. You were here for Ivy, not them.
“You got yourself a white boy?” Vernon, Ivy’s brother, asked. “A Yankee?”
“Actually, Jasper’s a Texan. And yes, he’s white. But it isn’t weird or anything.”
Like he was in on the conversation, he smoothly slid in beside you, his cold hand wrapping around your waist.
“Pleased to meet you,” he said as he addressed the men. “I’m a Houston native, by the way. I was raised on a farm myself—had a chocolate brown mare named Buttercup and a field full of bulls.”
“Ah, really? That makes me even more surprised to see you here.”
“Pardon me?”
Vernon smirked. “Y’all go and enjoy yourselves.”
Jasper pulled you away from the barn with a little more determination than you thought was needed. He hadn’t looked nor spoken until the two of you were completely alone by the fence where the ponies ran.
“Are you okay?” you asked softly. “You seem upset.”
“It’s nothing. I didn’t like the way those boys were talking. Had to get outside and clear my mind.” He pulled you closer to his body, and his cool skin felt good in the heat of the night.
“Holding you like this makes me get so sentimental,” he admitted. “It makes me want to take you to the nearest courtyard and get official. It makes me want to buy you a hundred acres and a big, nice house by a river. It makes me want to give you a bunch of kids to keep us company, so we can grow old together and live happily ever after.”
“I like when you get sentimental,” you breathed.
“But,” he stopped, “that last part might not be able to happen. There’s something you should know about me—about our family before you decide to give your heart away.”
“What do you mean? What could possibly be so earth-shattering that it’d make me stop loving you?”
He ran his thumb over your bottom lip, staring deeply into your eyes. His brows were creased, forehead wrinkled in thought. 
“Y/N, I wanted to wait to tell you, but I can’t stand lies. Most importantly, I don’t like to lie to you.”
“Just say it, baby.”
Suddenly, a figure emerged from the darkness. 
It was a tall man, about the same height and build as Jasper, with bright crimson eyes and long dark hair tied back in a ponytail. He stared at you intensely before casting his burning gaze to Jasper.
“It’s been a long time, old friend,” he said darkly before inhaling deeply. “And it’s been even longer, Camille.”
And here the real story begins. Also I like cowboy Jasper playing with ponies maybe I’ll do a drabble on that.
Part One    Part Two   Part Four
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The 12 Clans vs Ark Station: Nuance
I’m honestly not fond of grounders as a whole or their society, and basically this is to explain where a lot of that stems from.
So, basically this “essay” is going to compare the society of the 12 Clans (grounders)* to that of the Ark Station. The worldbuilding around the ark station is complex; everything surrounding the grounder’s culture boils down to violence or revenge.
The Citizens of the Ark:
The society and government of the Ark were deeply flawed: its one child policy, classism, “all crimes are capital crimes”, teenaged criminals are basically kept on death row for months or years until they can be executed, its willingness to sacrifice the few for the sake of the many. But we see aspects of their culture beyond that; I’m not even arguing that they’re redeeming characteristics, just that the worldbuilding is nuanced and the society doesn’t seem completely awful.
The Ark has a functioning democracy. Former Chancellor Sidney was voted out of power, so Chancellor is not a position held for life and the Ark’s democracy is functional enough that Chancellors can be voted out by the people
The fact that theoretically the people of the Ark could vote in a Chancellor whose campaign centered on say, repealing the one child policy (or at the very least, pardoning anyone who breaks it); idk it just adds nuance to me that the people have power and that at least many of them support the Ark’s draconian policies- it’s not all the government being tyrannical
They have very limited resources and thus everyone’s use of resources is limited- even the Chancellors
As we see from early season 1 after Jaha is shot, everyone- including the Chancellor, the most powerful person on the Ark- has a “legal limit” on the amount of blood and other medical resources that doctors are allowed to give them. The fact that there’s at least some equality in their harsh system
We see some of a religious service held by Vera Kane, and we see how their religion centers around the small tree they have, which followers water with drops of their own water
(And we see Nygel dismiss this as “a waste of water”; like in real life, not everyone is religious)
The Traveller’s Blessing, which we see used as funeral rites
I think it’s interesting the insights you can take from it- “until our final journey to the ground” echoes Clarke’s “man can go home, back to the ground. The ground, that's the dream”; I get a sense they as a society long to go “home” to the ground, viewing the Ark as almost a liminal place  
Unity Day
We see one of their holidays- Unity Day, as well how they celebrate it- we see both a Unity Day pageant and a Unity Day masquerade dance 
Unity Day celebrates the founding of the Ark, and their Unity Day story told in the pageant gives some insight into their values (”they realized life would be better together“) and thus their culture
In a flashback, we see Clarke and Wells playing chess in a rec room surrounded by other people playing chess. So, we get at least a small glimse at what the people of the Ark do for fun
The black market
This one isn’t necessarily a positive, but through Nygel (and Raven trying to buy a pressure regulator from her) we see some of the common people subverting the laws of the Council; the people aren’t powerless. (And it makes it feel more like a real society).
Plus, Abby states that “Kane’s been trying to get [Nygel] for years”, indicating that their justice system requires at least some proof
Obviously, the people of the Ark have an education system/have been educated, but I feel like it’s important to note that they’re passing down information beyond what’s necessary for survival- Bellamy’s numerous references to the greeks/romans, Monty knew Korean, Bellamy and Clarke know about Oppenheimer, Clarke was probably taught by someone how to draw, etc.
Yes, the Ark has a class problem, but everyone gets an education
Well’s quote: “ It's called cutting sign. Fourth-year earth skills”; we get a glimpse into their education system   
There’s probably more, but you can see how the Ark feels like a real society with a flesh-out culture; with both good and bad elements.
The 12 Clans:
Really, my main issue with grounder culture is how everything stems back to violence and revenge, and how highly violence and revenge is held. There are the obvious, of course: Jasper the unarmed teenager is speared for crossing a river, Anya reacts to the flare killing Trikru villagers by attacking barely armed teenagers in the woods and then deciding to wipe out all 100 of the teenagers, “death by a 1000 cuts”, the fact that Finn’s execution was supposed to start with fire, Lexa reacts to Skaikru killing army of Trikru soliders (so from the same people that only months ago tried to wipe out the 100) by declaring that she’ll wipe out Skaikru (despite the fact that she knows that had lost that challenge/duel only days ago, that same army would’ve been used by Ontari to wipe out Skaikru). There’s more (so much more) but I’ll stop there.
And like, this would be one thing if the grounders had a culture outside of violence and revenge. Or valued other things besides how good people at fighting. But we don’t see that at all. Every worldbuilding element stems back to violence.
“Your fight is over”
Even their funeral rites tie back to violence; peoples’ lives are defined by fighting and wars, and the only way to escape is to die
The Commander
The Commander is a tyrant who can murder ambassadors- and thus, presumably anyone- without consequence (see Lexa and that guy she kicked off the tower for questioning her)
So mid season 3, we start learning about grounder’s beliefs (Becca, the inifity sign as the sacred symbol, praimfaya), but surprise! it’s all about violence after all
Who gets the Flame (which is basically the be all and end all of their religion) is decided by a conclave aka children fighting to the death
That’s the cornerstone of their religion (and also their political system- fun); children fighting each other to the death
Fleimkepas- the priests basically- go around kidnapping nightblood children from their parents and then the head fleimkepa raises them to kill each other when the time comes
(Yes, I’m sure some parents voluntarily gave their nightblood children up, but Madi’s parents felt the need to hide her from fleimkepas, meaning they take nightblood children with or without their parents’ consent) 
“Love is weakness”
This really tells you a lot about their values, doesn’t it
“A warrior does not mourn until the fight is over”
War > love/family/personal connections
Children train from a young age to be warriors, and are sent into battle as young teenagers
Infants with mutations are left out to die as “a stain on the bloodline”
You gain power from your kills
Kill marks
Even the language, trigedasleng, (per word of god) was supposed to have started out as a code language used by the warriors (which makes no sense, as it’s also the universal language of the 12 clans now, but I digress) (sidenote: this might now longer be true now that we know the language was created by Callie)
Only the warriors speak English (which also makes no sense because trigedasleng is the universal grounder language why do the warriors need to know English at all, but that’s canon, Lincoln said it early season 2), which might indicate the warriors get better education (or more likely is just bad worldbuilding)
All the leaders are warriors
The tattoos/facial scarring
They’re used to distinguish the clans, but as we recently learned in season 7, that the meaning behind them (for Azgeda, at least) is that they’re ready to go to war
And like, even if it was just to signify membership in your clan, given how the clans seem to be constantly at war, it almost seems like just a way to identify “us vs. them” (see: Echo, as an Azgeda spy, didn’t have any facial scars or tattoos)
Most of what we know about their knowledge of medicine/biology is from how they use ‘medicine’ for war: Lincoln’s poisons and antidotes, trikru’s use of biological warfare in season 1
The clothing
You cannot convince me that the Grounder Look (all the black leather that they wear) is not just for the Badass Warrior Aesthetic TM  
To be fair they do burn their dead, occasionally name people after local pre-apocalpyse landmarks, and have clan symbols. But really isn’t enough worldbuilding-wise.
So, violence surrounds almost every aspect of their culture and thus it does not seem real or anything but irredeemably awful.
And yeah, it’s really the fault writers’ and I applaud fanfic writers who try to create some sort of actual culture for the grounders but like this is what we canonically have and thus, grounder society annoys me. 
  *I’m excluding Luna and her people from this; they were explicitly described as trying to get away from the 12 Clans/the Commander’s Coalition and its wars and culture of violence
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neshabeingchildish · 4 years
Road to Dystopia Pt. 1
Hi, Friends! Some of you are familiar with my work, and some of you are not. It can be a bit convoluted at times and maybe even incoherent, but I promise, I try to do my best to clarify and explain the picture that I’m trying to paint. This particular short fic isn’t done in exact chronological order, because I wanted to *sort of sandwich in the things from what we last saw with the parts that we didn’t get to see and maybe throw out a fun or emotional journey. Idk. You might hate it, and that’s cool too, just don’t tell me. I don’t care if you hate it. That’s just gon’ piss me off and I’ma cuss you out and tell you that you can go if you don’t like it. *Short about me. I do this for free, but I’m passionate about it* Here is the first installment of 3 - probably the shortest of them. Present is normal. Flashbacks/Dreams in italics. @sunbeameyes @kiddangers @adorkable-blackgirl @chenoahchantel @daintyurbanprincess @bitchmilsky @ciara-knightly I know some people said to tag, but unfortunately, I did not screenshot and I don’t trust my memory. So, I’m tagging my friends that I remember specifically asking (Unless y’all didn’t, just pretend you did and just don’t read, if that’s the case). A bish is vurry sensitive right now. 
Did We Just Lose Him?
Off of the plane, miles away from the Dystopia city limits, you have to get into an armored car (if you’re wise), to drive into the city. When you’re dropped off, you’re tasked with getting to where you need to be on your own or dealing with price gouging of the cab. And a half built wall at the edge of the place fared a warning in bold red paint, not neon like the city lights, darker, and more akin to the shade of blood, “Turn Around Now!” That was typically everyone’s first image and first memory of the place. Charlotte had read about it. She had studied every piece of information of the place that she could, but sometimes, that wasn’t enough for life experience. She was still ready to take it on, to take on anything with Henry and Jasper. Whenever she saw it, her first memory of the place, she noted in her mind that it was even more sinister in person. It was larger than it seemed in the few photos of it, and the red looked more vivid and bright in those. This warning was ominous AF. Her first memory, but whenever Jasper spoke, she realized not his, and not Henry’s. 
“Charlotte! Look at that statue!”Jasper cheered. “Who IS that dude?”
Meanwhile, Henry asked, “Hey, you got something to translate the signs on those buildings? Which place do we go to for noodles?”
“Oooh, noodles!” Jasper cosigned. She blinked her eyes and looked at the warning sign one last time before stepping forward to enter. Both men placed a hand on her to make sure that they remained close through the upcoming crowd. So… they were more nervous than they were letting on. She liked to think it was in an effort to save face in front of her. Because she certainly wasn’t about to let them see how much some of the cautionary graffiti was alarming her. It was easier for them. “Crimeridden hellhole” was simpler to digest than the facts and stats that she knew in advance. 
The crowd got thicker, the people got pushier and Charlotte, paying attention to both her GPS and the scenery in front of her, was not paying as much to the guys. Jasper hovered protectively around her and Henry hung on to her coat tail, keeping eyes on their environment as she tracked towards their destination deliberately. She had warned them not to make eye contact, look too long, stare too hard at anybody, but Henry saw too many aggressive faces looking their way - like they just knew - These kids don’t belong here. They probably still looked too green. At any rate, he didn’t like some of the looks they were getting. If something went down, Charlotte was basically defenseless and they were all carrying stuff that they could be attacked for. 
She doesn’t want to get too far ahead, but she’s trying to avoid drawing attention to herself by looking around in wonder or confusion, trying to make sure she pays attention to the GPS, and trying not to bump into anyone and make them think they’re being attacked. She began to walk faster the closer that she got, and Jasper and Henry clenched her coat. She vaguely felt it, but there had been this awareness she had since the Man Cave incident - whenever they could tell the others were nearby or had gotten far away. They even were doing it in their sleep. Getting up and going to the bathroom in the middle of the night? That woke everybody up. “What’s going on? Where are you going?” would begin the moment someone was out of range. She credited it to trauma, on her part in particular. The boys both tried to play it a little more smoothly… Neither of their asses were smooth, though, so…
“Aha! Finally!” she said and sidestepped to a tall hotel with graffiti of a man hanging on the sign. “This is the place.” She smiled at the boys, who were both looking at the sign uncomfortably, then she led the way inside. Jasper followed, then Henry… That was how it usually went (well, how it had been going). A lot had changed for them in a short amount of time and all three of them knew that a lot more still would. This was home, for at least a year, now. Home, for the three of them.
Charlotte was rapidly pressing buttons and maintaining contact with everyone in the operation. It was the most dangerous job that she had done, and for some reason, she was somehow calm about it. Probably because Ray and Henry always saved the day. Henry always came home. But… this mission was different. Ray and Henry on that blimp, the Man Drone being knocked out of the sky repeatedly, kids on the scene with Schwoz while he tried things from his end… It. Was. A. Lot. She barely had the chance to process her stress. 
She had been listening in when she realized that… Ray was no longer on the blimp… But… Henry WAS??? “Henry, are you going down with the blimp?” She asked, though she knew the answer, and in that moment, when he confirmed, she knew a fear that she had never had to face before. They… were… gonna LOSE Henry, UNLESS she did something quick!
Now, she was frantic, trying to keep herself grounded because she probably  literally held Henry’s life in her hands. SHE was the one who thinks. She had to have an answer to this in front of her, but she had to find it fast. She had to find it fast, yet she was running out of time. Henry was getting closer and closer to Mount Swellview and he was insisting that she leave him to die. “I’m not leaving you!” She declared, and she meant it. If Henry was going to die, she in a moment of reaction was going to have to, as well. 
“Jasper, get her out of there!” “But Henry!”
And… she was sure, SURE that she had figured out what could be done whenever Jasper hoisted her over his shoulder. Maybe she might have died in the process, but HENRY might have lived and she was being torn from the chance to save him! “HENRYYYYYYYYYYYYY…” 
She awoke with a start and was breathing heavy. Henry was perfectly safe. Sleeping. At this point, not even moved by her waking up so abruptly. Jasper, on the other hand, reached out and collected her to himself. He was more likely to respond in his sleep than Henry was, with regularly doing active sleep things when fighting. She laid on his chest and caught her breath in his arms. Henry stirred a little and wrapped an arm over both she and Jasper. She was able to go back to sleep.
“HENRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY…” Jasper set her down to let her stand and he pressed the button. Her hands were shaking and he was bouncing up and down, silently begging the elevator to let them make it out. Charlotte looked at her hands. “I… I was almost to solution. I know that I was. I… We left him!” She looked up at the side of Jasper’s face. His expression was solemn and his mouth was shut, but he definitely had tears on his cheeks.
“We did what he wanted us to,” he said. The elevator door opened and he grabbed her hand and they rushed out of the store, fearing that it might collapse. Charlotte was weak. She was frustrated and tired and trying, but unable to move forward. Jasper had to drag her away from the building, which definitely was collapsing now. She screamed and moved towards it, but he forced her further and further away. 
“Henry!” She cried. “Our only chance to find Henry just…” Now, she started crying. It wasn’t something that she did a lot and usually, she didn’t do so this hard, but… “Henry…” She whispered. Jasper wrapped her up in his arms and pulled her close. “Tell me that didn’t just happen. Did we? Did we just… LOSE Henry?” She asked, between sobs.
Jasper was shivering and she focused in on it. There was something about his hold that was so different from any other time they ever touched. She knew it, almost right away. He wasn’t holding her to try to console her. He was holding her because he was on the verge of falling apart, himself. When he finally answered, her heart stopped. “I don’t know. But, I can’t lose you too.”
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