#please go ahead XD
Sebastian THE Butler
I mentioned this to @eemoo1o-animoo hence my tag but -
in an attempt to gain some inspiration for what Sebastian would wear if his master was Alois Trancy, I did some research on butler attire in the victorian age and stumbled across this from a tumblr post:
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(image alt text: a text reading: "Butlers would wear similar style clothes to a gentleman's evening dress, with slight variations (such as outdated cut of jacket or different style of tie) to distinguish them from gentlemen (though there were occasional mistakes where gentlemen were mistaken for butlers and vice versa XD) I hope that helps answer your question :)" )
and - is it just me who finds the image of Sebastian being confused as one of the guests hilarious? XD Sebastian would be so offended his aestetic wasn't good enough that they didnt FEEL the butler VIBES seep off of him. the absolute anger that would show through the smile on Sebastian's face as he explains that, no, he's just "the young master's loyal butler" before he scurries off to punch a wall -
only for him to then never again walk around a room without a tray of drinks to make sure none of this stupid humans ever thinks he's not what he oh so meticulously works to pretend to be
you thought Sebastian is tending to the guests with the utmost attention? no, he's just making sure no man ever walks over to him again to talk about how dreadfully difficult it is to get the right staff as of late but how this Ciel truly managed to get some good people
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tathrin · 1 year
If Finrod is Legolas's other dad, explain Lorien.
Reference is to this post, and also I'm tagging @z-h-i-e because this is their ship-baby, I just popped in to sprinkle some additional inspiration because my brain went "ooh hey!" when their post crossed my dash because that's the kind of supportive community fandom is supposed to be made of fyi.
Right, so. There's no sense of tone in straight-text communication on the internet, so I know that it's entirely possible that this ask was sent in the spirit of giggling-with-popcorn delight while you eagerly await the resulting explanation. It's equally possible that you're playing at being The Ship Police and challenging me in the expectation that I won't be able to make this Just For Funsies ship sail without floundering on the rocks of canon.
Either way: buckle up. Because the boats of Lórien don't sink.
Because when Legolas gets to the woods of Lothlórien with the rest of the Fellowship, he's delighted. He's never actually been here before! He's heard all the stories, and listened avidly, but. well. Thranduil and Galadriel both blame the other a little bit for the nasty way Finrod died (they know it's not the other's fault so they don't say anything, either to each other or anyone else but, well. it feels like it ought to be the other one's fault, somehow).
And there's all that tension re: Doriath still, and why Galadriel couldn't just pick-up where Melian her teacher left off and maintain the Girdle afterwards—because I'm not a maia, Thranduil, you ass! Oh, so you couldn't even TRY?—especially because she then proceeds to do basically that for Lórien just a few thousand years later...and of course Galadriel thinks it's Oropher's fault that so many of Lothlórien's elves died in the Last Alliance, because if only he hadn't been so reckless and pig-headed then surely Amdír would never have thought up that idiotic suicidal charge on his own...and if she'd maybe tried a little harder to rein-in the son/nephew of the Kinslayers, maybe Sauron would never have even made the Rings, and Mirkwood would still be Greenwood, which you'll note she can't be arsed to extend her convenient semi-girdle to either...and if he wasn't so damn prideful maybe somebody could help his precious stupid spider-forest...etc etc.
They aren't like. enemies. but they don't really get along anymore, either. They don't talk. (There's a reason the elves of Green/Mirkwood were moving north even before Sauron took up housekeeping in Dol Guldur.) So even though Lothlórien is like maybe a week's walk away, Legolas hasn't actually been here before. And he is stoked! Because he's always wanted to visit, but he didn't want to hurt his remaining dad's feelings by being like "bye, gonna go visit my aunt whom you haven't spoken to in like three thousand years, nbd!" so he never did — but here they are now, and it's part of the Quest, so it's not like Legolas just popped in for a visit, is it? He's doing something that just happened to bring him here, so Thranduil can't take it personally, and...well, here he is! At last! This is awesome! He's so excited to see his aunt's fabled forest!
And then they want to blindfold him!? He's FINALLY in Lórien, and he's not even allowed to look at the place!? This is his aunt's forest, for fuck's sake — he is an elf and a kinsman here, dammit! No wonder he goes from zero-to-sixty re: "golly Gimli don't be so stubborn" => "hOw dARe yOu!?!?!?" when the blindfold is suggested. He's not just pissed, he's taking it personally. Because he's family.
Okay so far so good, but when the Fellowship comes before Celeborn and Galadriel why doesn't anyone say anything about Legolas literally being their nephew, one might ask? Ah! Well, that's because we have Hobbits for our narrators, and they simply don't know elvish family trees well enough to catch that detail. Which is why when Celeborn says "Welcome son of Thranduil! Too seldom do my kindred journey hither from the North," it's perhaps a little more pointed of a statement than the Hobbits know. Celeborn is saying long time no see nephew, how nice of you to visit FINALLY. But Legolas and Thranduil have called themselves "Wood-elves" since moving to Greenwood, so the fact that he's actually half-Noldor just never gets mentioned, because it's not like it's relevant, is it? He doesn't mention being half-Sindar either. He calls himself a Wood-elf because he is a Wood-elf...by adoption. So why would the Hobbits even think to ask?
And we know that Galadriel uses ósanwë on everybody, so why wouldn't she be using it with her own nephew? What better way to have a private family chat, after all? And she doesn't say anything aloud to anyone while Celeborn is greeting everybody else, and it's not like Galadriel really needs to listen to the "hellos" either; perhaps she and Legolas have a little mental confab just the two of them while everybody else is settling in. You could easily write that in, if you wanted to, without breaking any of the existing canon.
After that, we actually have a perfect textural opening for Legolas to go hang with his aunt and uncle some more: while the rest of the Fellowship doesn't see Galadriel and Celeborn again until the Mirror and then their departure, the book says "Legolas was away much among the Galadhrim, and after the first night he did not sleep with the other companions, though he returned to eat and talk with them." So we know that Legolas is going off to hang-out with the Lórien elves...a.k.a. Aunt Galadriel. Probably sleeping in the guest bedroom and pestering her for embarrassing stories about his dads. And maybe asking her for tips on how to talk to dwarves without putting your foot in your mouth since she's clearly got experience.
And no, none of them went in for stuff like gushing hugs when they meet...but if they haven't spoken to one another in a few thousand years, and probably didn't spend all that much time together even before that (Galadriel and Thranduil weren't much in any of the same places after Doriath fell) then they wouldn't likely be all that cuddly with one another anyway, would they? Distant-but-fond seems like the order of the day to me, and you can definitely read their fleeting interactions in the book that way. (A kickass bow potentially strung with your own hair is a great gift for a nephew you don't know well who's about to go off into danger! I bet he could even shoot-down a Ringwraith with a bow like that!) Tense-and-awkward-but-trying-to-be-polite would work too, of course; depends on what kind of drama you want.
So yeah, actually I think it's perfectly reasonable to posit that Galadriel could potentially be Legolas's aunt; I've seen several fics that present Celeborn and Thranduil as cousins or some other close relative, and nobody gets shirty about the canocity of that kinship re: the Lórien scenes, so why wouldn't the connection be just as acceptable to come via Finrod and Galadriel instead? There's nothing in the text that I know of that says it can't be canon.
Anyway, Finrod-as-Legolas's-other-dad wasn't actually meant to be a serious "look how well canon supports this idea, it's definitely a very plausible thing that people should embrace in a wholly serious and canonical manner" theory to begin with. I was just having fun. Somebody said, "hey check out their weird rare ship, it's a lot of fun!" and my brain had a lightbulb moment and went "ooh what if you took that silly fun ship and leaned-in even harder with it, though?" and here we are.
Does a marriage between Thranduil and Finrod actually fit with all the canon of the Silm? I don't know, probably not; then again it might, simply because so much of the Silm is vague, especially when it comes to the elves of Mirkwood who barely even get mentioned once or twice. Personally I prefer having Legolas be born in Mirkwood and to be relatively young for an elf when Fellowship starts (there's no canon about that either way, I just like the vibes of it). However, this ship is a lot of fun too. In fact, I think it's already my favorite idea for an older-Legolas-with-ties-to-important-people take on the character, if that's how you want to take the character, simply because it is so much fun.
Do I think it's canon? No, of course not. But who cares? We're not writing Academic Articles on Accurate Tolkien Scholarship, we're writing fanfiction. We're having fun. So if you're a giggling-with-popcorn anon: good, awesome, glad to have you here enjoying the fun too. If you're a Ship Police Anon...well, acab and farewell because I frankly just do not have the time to give a shit about what somebody else ships or doesn't. Block the tag and move on.
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sialaterornever · 1 year
ive had this fic idea where shadow girl and shulk, after both of shelbys and joeys afterlife ends, are whisked away to origins as small children. like. kiddies.
and then origins shelby finds and commits adoption while attempting to figure out how some kids got there
idk i have no plot but itd be pretty fluffy with other origin interactions and i was thinking that shadow and shulk spoke like a garbled form of galactic and o!shelby would call aimsey to help translate and she would be like "i cannot help you these children speak it so god horribly" before poofing away
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seven-thewanderer · 2 months
Okay I give up so I'm just gonna say what I was gonna do/make/post
I was gonna draw the whole "Julius Caesar about to be stabbed" thing, but with a bunch of favorite characters of mine, and one character I dislike But I couldn't do it XD
So I'll share the simplified doodle I did, and then say who would've been who
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So there were 16 spots in total (I'm pretty sure the image I was using as a ref had more, but I wasn't gonna draw that many), being: 5 stabbers, 1 stabbee, and 10 others
The stabbee would've been: Mr from Regretevator
The stabbers would've been: Bittergiggle from Garten of Banban, Pomni from The Amazing Digital Circus, Iscream from Chikn Nuggit, Andy the Apple from Andy's Apple Farm, and Forkface from The Sun and Moon Show/The Monty Gator and Foxy Show/ the other security breach shows
The others would've been: Earth from the Lunar and Earth Show, Fwench Fwy & Sody Pop from Chikn Nuggit, Dr Retro from Regretevator, Felix the Fish from Andy's Apple Farm, Serial Designation N (or just N) from Murder Drones, Bot from Inanimate Insanity Invitational, and 3 blank spots (cus I didn't decide before I gave up)
I considered adding Ruin (Sun and Moon Show) and Floory (Inanimate Insanity Invitational), but then wasn't sure, and had decided against it (Oh yeah and the Crow from Catastrophe Crow was gonna be there too)
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aceofpatience · 8 months
🩶Sexual Intimacy with Your Soulmate → 18+ messages🩶💦
Hello, dearest oysters🐚
I have come back from the land of the eternal rest to bring you this kinda horny reading. [Warning: some graphic wording ahead🌶️]
I channeled the energy of your soulmate, how they perceive you and your intimacy and spicy times together in general.
Please leave your thoughts in the comments and as always: Shall we SEA??
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PILE 1. → blue rose
Your soulmate's energy: Cancer/Leo/Scorpio. “Who am I today?” Persistent but also a bit impulsive. their emotions are like a storm, an elemental force. They handle conflicts well, maybe because they are used to it. What’s important, they are not afraid of any uneasy, less pleasant feelings, they embrace it both in themselves and others. They are very wealthy, maybe even work in finances, but they are not stingy with their money, they like to share their wealth. There is some family drama going on, I’m sensing some rich but cold uncle vibes contrasted with the loving poorer side of the family. They had to balance between those two sides. They might travel and work a lot. Their awaited position at the top is gonna come and they know it, so they are not in a hurry, and work as much as they do because they actually like what they’re doing. They have a habit of cutting off past engagements if they feel they no longer serve them, it’s kinda ruthless tbh. They might sometimes change their looks but more often their demeanor, how they present themselves to others. It’s the change itself that drives them, not any preconceived goal or aim. They feel good among people, even in the spotlight they’re not shy. For sure they like engaging in discussions or debates - kinda ENTP vibe lol. They like intellectual chaos and challenges - painfully blunt sometimes but it serves them. Very deep inside they hide their romantic nature, one that longs for The One. Waiting for their special person to unlock their inner tenderness. Very all or nothing.
How they view you: Immediately found you attractive when they first saw you (purely physical). They like your boobs (or chest) xd. I’m feeling you might meet during summer vacation, near some body of water (pool, sea, lake, big puddle lol). You’re like chilling and sunbathing and they are like *eyes* *smitten* *wow* *mesmerized* *damn.* “Is this a Goddess?”. They view you as a bit mysterious, maybe even spiritual and kinda closed off. And listen to me, that’s important: BLUE FLOWER (maybe you will be wearing it or sth?). At first they might not see you fully and you might do some casual spicy action BUT this action will serve to you as a confirmation. Love will bloom out of that. You’re kinda a challenge, something sacred and they see how brave you are. They realized that you’re not as delicate as they might have viewed you at first. It not only impresses them, they also see you as someone on par with them. They like fighting with you, arguing (not toxic but just clashing ideals). Pretty quickly they start to see you as someone they want to start a family with.
Your sexual life overall: A lot of flirting. Netflix and chill (except not chill at all lol). Rough and fast sex, but you both can keep at it for a long time. I’m talking about destroying furniture around, that intense. During your first time they see you as a tease (and they love it). [Also your first time with them might be the first time with sex for one of you, but it’s not awkward at all. After it you both grow so attached to each other, you cannot imagine them leaving] For sure, you are both big on dirty talk during and after. You may call them ‘daddy’ or ‘sir’, any BDSM play is very likely. You can be switching between dominant and submissive. Also: public sex, screaming each other's names, mirror sex, period sex (fingering, fisting, pounding), bondage.
Extra messages: Some jealous ex maybe. You may make the first move (physically), but they catch feelings first. They can be a bit jealous of you (they see you as someone many people would want, which is both alluring and upsetting). Maybe there is an age gap. If they are a man they might have slightly longer hair. And again: blue flower, dudes.
PILE 2. → black tulip
Your soulmate's energy: “Way down we go” They are working their ass off. They are chasing their destiny, they have some serious rivals, perhaps family or coworkers or someone in close proximity. They have to fight inner demons as well as external forces, enemies. They are focused on surviving and feel the constant need to prove themselves worthy. They are highly talented and so strong mentally and physically but they underplay those strengths, they cannot comprehend their own greatness. They might be drawing or sculpting or sth else (artistic like an architect I think). They are the silent type but they are not typically grumpy, might be an awkward turtleduck kinda lol around people. They feel like you deserve better than them, even view themselves as a villain. You might see them as this deadpan jerk but later you will understand that they smile only with you coz you make them happy. So cute “I hate everything but you.” Also you may have known each other or even been actually together for a brief moment but all those issues lead to a split. So there might be some animosity between you two at first, some past grievances - kinda vibe of enemies to lovers (It’s giving modern Zutara xd).
How they view you: “Queen of Peace”. They really think they are the devil, poor baby lol. They see you as a soulmate immediately, an equal in every sense. This attraction and emotional bond is very balanced. As a form of reconciliation they might awkwardly give a flower aww. They might seem too shy to make a move but they will surprise you, maybe you make them more bold. They see you as a gift from fate, something too precious for their hands. They are afraid they will drag you under. They see you as this ideal almost magical creature, something too good for them. It’s like they are expecting you to realize this and leave them, but you manage to show them that you love and choose them. They also admire your inner fire and passion and moral code (you always stick to your inner convictions).
Your sexual life overall: A lot of embraces. They love to hold you close and finger you, kiss your neck, and admire you. They just love pleasing you. More than the sex itself, the real intimacy for you is when you’re holding each other. Even when both of you are consumed by this fiery desire, you’re so tender and sensual, you worship each other. They listen to you and know your body so well it surprises you (and they show it in bed and you like it a lot xd). In terms of sex, you might do it a lot standing up or against a wall. You will gradually prove to them you won't leave.
Extra messages: Security and affection. They might have a dog, or some pet. Also I’m seeing some facial hair. They’re like a puppy in love. Also: coffee shop meeting/date; they might come from a rich family, and you might be a celebrity, influencer, internet fame or sth.
PILE 3. → blooming peony
Your soulmate's energy: Family. Tradition and discipline. They seem to be the stereotypical “family man”. Once, they had this positive, kinda childlike light about them that brought people in but I think something traumatic might have happened. I’m sensing death in their close proximity, a family member who passed away and they may have even witnessed it. Their world view kinda shifted. They still care about others but they had to mature faster and their light dimmed. Now they are more closed off and come across as kinda intimidating or detached. They might try to scare people away a bit. But there is strength in them, they can easily attack and take a hit when necessary. They act like the provider and are very protective of their family (but not in a controlling way, they leave others the space to grow). They also might work in real estate or sth?
How they view you: Intense silence from them lol. But they know you’re their soulmates, they see you as this feminine mother, queen. Somebody very nurturing and soothing as well as strict and able to keep up with them every stem of the way. They see you as somebody SO talented. You’re their world, you can speak to their wounded inner child and you both talk about your childhoods a lot, able to open up to each other. They see you as their only choice, somebody they’re gonna marry and there is no doubt in their mind: “This one is a keeper.” They want to provide for you, they see you as perfect, they want to quit their usual routine for you. Make a change for the better.
Your sexual life overall: They love to give oral to you, eat, and drink you out. I see them kneeling before you, worshiping you - from your feet to your head (and the most important parts as well heh). For your first time, you might be dressed up nicely and they might sensually undress you - they are giving this vibe of a chivalrous knight that turns into a passionate barbarian lol. They like to do it from the back, gripping your hips or ass. You might also like to dress up for the sex, not only lingerie but also dresses/suits in general - fancy clothes.
Extra messages: Seahorse. They are very attractive, bulky or muscular (big frame). I feel you’re quite tiny compared to them. They might naturally have a high body heat. For them, meeting you is a fresh new start. Hurt/comfort. You might be more chaotic or energetic than them but you complete each other nicely. Also there might be some pregnancy or kids down the line for you. You will just create a home for each other, a safe space.
PILE 4. → Gladiolus
Your soulmate's energy: Cold and ruthless. Smug ass. Filthy rich. So powerful and controlling but still have this playful, flirtatious side, a hidden inner trickster. [VeRy masculine, devil vibes] They are not above playing dirty to get what they want. They worked their way up on the top, they are like a dragon that keeps hoarding up its goods, content in its victory. They are not the ones to get attached easily but when they do, it’s all or nothing. When they were younger they had this vibe of a cute little prince of darkness lol (they cared about their appearance and reputation - now they don't really have to heh). For sure they are big city people, maybe they live in some high building, high above the ground. Some family tension - they might be forcing help (money maybe) on to their family even when it is rejected, which creates some clash. But overall, they know they’re attractive and intimidating (when they were younger they might have been using it far more, now they kinda don’t care). They have a bit of a silver tongue - a skill they perfected over the years - but I feel even without it they would get by fine. I’m getting that vibe you might be working together or under them lol so at first you both tried to keep things strictly professional, but as you guessed it doesn’t work. They can be very intimidating at the first meeting, but I feel you won’t be as impressed with their attitude as the rest.
How they view you: They cannot stop staring. Everything they have built and gathered over the years suddenly seemed insignificant after meeting you and it might throw them for the loop (caught them off guard). “I have never met someone like you before.” For a long time they wanted to keep their distance from you (again, because of work and their personality lol) but once they saw you in this more sexual light, there was no coming back. They couldn’t throw you out of their mind. Btw, do any of you have slightly red hair? Just curious lol. You are kinda unbothered with them, able to keep a straight face, which ignites their want to pursue. That’s kinda specific BUT there’s a story I see → You work together, maybe on some less than fully legal project and they NEED somebody they can trust on this and you come through. You become partners after this and the bond becomes more founded on mutual respect. So they trust you, your judgment, decision making skills, intellect and see this more delicate, emotional side of you. That starts pulling them towards you and they cannot stop it - they trust you now and they never trust people. Before all of this you might have had some casual hook up. Because the attraction was always there and strong. But then the feelings came. uhuhu (you are allowed to be more in your feminine when you are with them). They might like showering you with gifts, especially jewelry. I’m seeing a black necklace. They will try to make you lose your poker face and show your true emotions, so demanding.
Your sexual life overall: They like to hold you down and see you squirm a bit. I’m seeing them hovering over you. Spending 30 hours getting freaky lol. A lot of missionary, long lasting sessions on the bed. Slowly undressing. Slow and sensual kisses. For sure you both like to take your time. They might even enjoy you being naked, wearing only the jewelry they bought you. You like to kiss during sex. They enjoy watching you play with yourself, maybe even use toys. You like to scratch their back. They like seeing you lose control. (Somebody might be into biting).  Before you got together you might have been looking up each other's pictures online and really enjoying them, if you know what I’m saying. If you actually attempted to keep things casual (fuck buddy situation), when you would be apart, you both would be painfully missing each other which comes as a surprise.
Extra messages: You both start to enjoy simple mundane things in life, something you rarely did before. Marriage is also possible, but for both of you it will be “How did I get to this?” moment lol. They’re such a smarty-marty and you both find each other SO attractive. I guess they are the leader and you are their right hand man (again, some work situation or sth like that). For some of you, you are both working in some law-related profession, or came from Harvard (random I know, but true). It may even be a past life connection (confirmation on you being soulmates). You might be meeting during winter time.
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tongue-like-a-razor · 11 months
Brother's Best Friend - Part 6
Jake Seresin x F!Reader
A/N: A huge thank you to everyone who has sent in thoughts and ideas for this fic! It's so fun writing it in your vision :D Y'all are really good at this plot thing XD
Summary: The trials and tribulations of falling for your brother's best friend.
CW: Intoxication, swearing, slow burn, angsty but also a fluff factory
WC: 2000+
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Masterlist
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“Can you please stop swerving?” you whimper, clapping a hand to your already throbbing head.
“It’s called turning,” Jake responds sarcastically.
You stare ahead impassively. “You’re doing it a lot.”
Jake looks over at you with an amused grin. “You are phenomenal company, have I ever told you that?”
You eye him with contempt. “Shut up, Seresin.”
He laughs. “I’m not joking.”
“Whatever,” you say. “Make fun of me all you want. I’m not going to remember anything tomorrow, anyway.”
Jake considers your words for a moment. “You think?”
You close your eyes. “Who knows if I’ll even wake up.”
“You’re so dramatic.”
Suddenly, you jolt upright in your seat. “Pull over!” you command. “Pull over right now.”
Jake hits the breaks and veers to the side of the road and you’re pushing your door open before he even comes to a complete stop. You detangle yourself with some difficulty from the seatbelt and stumble out of the car. You’re barely out of the vehicle when you start puking all over somebody’s neatly trimmed lawn.
Jake jogs around the car to get to you, but you stretch your arm out to keep him back. He ignores your silent request and comes up behind you, grasping your shoulders tightly. “Go away, Jake,” you say in a shaky voice, feeling the onset of yet another attack.
Jake rubs your back gently while you liberate the remainder of your stomach contents. “Shh,” he says quietly. “Just let it out.”
When you’re finished, you pull away from Jake, teetering as you go. You bury your face in your hands, leaning into the side of his car with your hip, completely mortified.
“Hey,” Jake says. “You alright?”
You wipe at your face, nodding, and look up at him despite the sting behind your eyes.
“Woah, hey,” he says, brushing the hair out of your face as tears start rolling down your cheeks. “What’s the matter?” Then, more aggressively, he adds, “Did he do something to you?”
You shake your head, sniffling. “I didn’t want to throw up,” you say with a small sob halfway through the statement.
“Aw, c’mon,” Jake says, wrapping his arm around your neck and pulling you into his chest. “We’ve all been there,” he continues, rubbing your arm with his hand.
But you’re not so sure that Jake can truly sympathize. After all, not only did you ralph, but you also happened to do it in front of the one person whom you’ve loved for as long as you can remember.
Jake helps you stumble your way to the front door and then holds you up as you try to rip apart the straps of your heels to get them off.
“Need some help with those?” he asks, seemingly amused.
You huff in frustration as a wave of perspiration hits you without warning. “I. Can. Do. It!” you pant, clawing at the clasp.
Jake winces as he watches you struggle. Finally, he bends down and hooks his arm behind your knees. Before you know it, he’s lifted you off the ground. “We don’t have all night,” he says, carrying you, bridal-style, down the corridor. He starts for the second floor with you still in his arms as though hauling you up the stairs takes no effort at all.
“I can’t sleep in them,” you mumble, resting your weary head on his shoulder.
“Can’t you?” he responds, kicking lightly at the partially open door to your bedroom and walking inside. You brace yourself for an impact, thinking that Jake is going to toss you down onto the mattress but, instead, he squats to set you down gingerly onto the bed. He glances over your face and removes some of the hair that’s stuck to your cheek with either sweat or tears or – well, you prefer not to consider an alternative. “How’re you feeling?” he asks quietly.
You swallow uncomfortably, letting your eyes meet his despite the whirlwind in your chest that’s perpetuating the already pronounced nausea. “Uh,” you utter. “Dizzy.”
Jake nods with a sympathetic smile. He reaches for your foot and starts undoing the clasp.
“Yeah, good luck,” you say flatly and fall backward onto the bed with a groan.
Jake chuckles and, within seconds, removes your shoe.
You sit back up in a daze. “How…?”
Jake gives you a humorous look. “You’re going to laugh so hard about this tomorrow.”
Once he takes off your second shoe, you lift yourself off the bed and start to unzip your shorts. Jake promptly turns away. “Sorry,” you say, shimmying out of your shorts as Jake starts inspecting the frame of your bedroom door intently. He runs his fingers along the trim as though nothing has ever fascinated him more.
Normally, you’d never even consider changing in Jake’s presence but, in your inebriated state, you’re feeling far more brazen.
Once your shorts are off, you kick them aside unceremoniously. Jake’s head moves slightly as his eyes follow the trajectory of the flying shorts and you can tell that he’s very purposefully trying not to look in your direction. You start to pull off your top, certain that he wouldn’t turn around even if you yelled ‘Fire’. You toss your shirt into a pile with your shorts and grab a t-shirt out of the hamper, pulling it over your head and crawling back onto your bed. “I’m decent,” you say, dropping into your comforter.
Jake turns back cautiously, as if he doesn't fully trust you and, as he makes his way toward the bed, he’s distracted by your attire. “You’re gonna be sleeping in that?” he asks, somewhat surprised.
You glance down and notice that you’re back in his Pantera shirt. You shrug. “I guess.” You shuffle around the bed, swaying as you try to find the edge of the blanket so that you could crawl underneath. Eventually, you end up collapsing on the bed in frustration. “Everything is spinning!” you moan.
Jake reaches for the comforter. “You’re sitting on it, genius.”
“Oh,” you mutter as he helps you unravel the sheets and climb inside. “Thanks.”
Jake covers you up and says, “Turn onto your side.”
You sigh, having finally gotten into a semi-comfortable position on your back. “Why?” you whine.
“Just do it,” he says firmly, putting his hand behind your shoulder to turn you.
You whimper but follow his instructions. “Are you leaving to get Bradley now?” you ask.
“No,” he responds, lowering himself onto the floor by your bed and leaning his back against it.
You lift your head weakly. “Why not?”
“I told him to catch an Uber,” he says. “Besides, he’s probably not gonna be home for a while.”
You make an “mm” sound and lift yourself further off the pillow. “Jake,” you say curiously. “What are you doing?”
He glances over his shoulder at you. “What do you mean?”
“Why are you sitting on the floor?”
Jake sighs. “I don’t want to leave you alone.”
“Because you’re very drunk.”
“Just stop talking and go to sleep,” Jake responds grumpily.
You furrow your eyebrows. “Are you going to stay up all night?”
“I’ll sleep if I get tired.”
You narrow your eyes. “On the floor?”
Jake breathes out in exasperation. “Where else?” he says, turning his head to look at you again.
You glance down at the unused half of your bed pointedly. “I don’t think you have to stay,” you murmur, even though what you want to say is ‘There’s enough bed here for the two of us’.
“You want me to leave?” Jake asks and you’re forced to look him in the eye once more.
Slowly, you shake your head. “I don’t want you to have to sleep on the floor,” you respond.
“It’s not a big deal.”
You gulp. “You can come on the bed if you want,” you say hesitantly, dropping your gaze.
Jake lets out an uneasy chuckle. “Imagine?” he says.
You release a quick laugh because it’s all you’ve been imagining for years. “Jake?” you say quietly.
“Mm?” He turns to look back at you after repositioning himself on the floor.
“Thanks,” you say.
Jake watches you earnestly. “You don’t have to thank me.”
“I do.” You nod with your head back on the pillow. “You saved me.”
Jake scoffs. “Hardly.”
You reach forward and rest a hand on his shoulder. “Thank you.”
Jake places his own hand over yours. “You know I’d do anything for you, right?”
You nod as your eyelids become increasingly heavy. “Will you give me advice on my sex life?” you ask sleepily.
“Anything but that,” Jake responds.
A smile spreads on your face and you shift your body closer to the edge of the bed so that you can more easily keep your hand on his shoulder. “We did the thing,” you mutter almost incoherently.
Jake’s posture stiffens as he lifts his back away from the bedframe.
“It was alright,” you continue without opening your eyes.
“Alright?” you hear a hint of distaste in his tone.
“Wasn’t as good as he said it would be.”
“Then he did it wrong,” Jake responds flatly.
You open your eyes minutely. “You don’t even know what it is.”
Jake is watching you soberly. “I don’t have to know.”
You shrug. “Guess I won’t know until I do it with someone else. To compare, you know?”
Jake cringes. “What will it take for you to shut up and go to sleep?”
You chuckle. “Why does it bother you so much?”
“It’s gross,” he responds curtly. “Anyway, forget about that loser. You’re obviously never gonna see him again.”
“Why not?”
“What do you mean, ‘why not’?”
“I’ll probably see him tomorrow.”
Jake stands up briskly. “Are you kidding me? He abandoned you at some random house party!”
“So? He was just pissed about losing to a girl. He’ll get over it.”
Jake puts his hands on his hips. “You shouldn’t.”
You gaze up at him sleepily. “It’s fine, Jake. He’ll call and apologize.”
Jake shakes his head. “Don’t you dare consider seeing him again.”
You grimace. “You can’t tell me what to do.”
“I can if you’re gonna be stupid about it.”
You grit your teeth. “Are you calling me stupid?”
“If you're gonna be seeing him again, then yeah. Very much.”
You seethe. “Well, maybe you're rubbing off on me.”
Jake stares at you coolly. “Very mature.”
You roll your eyes and turn away to face the wall. “Go to hell.”
Jake spins on his heel and heads for the door. “Whatever,” he grumbles, flicking off the light and slamming the door behind him.
“What the fuck is your problem?” you call after him, scrambling out of the bed and stumbling haphazardly to the door. “Why are you such a dick?” you yell, opening your door.
Jake gives you a harsh look from the top of the staircase. “You’re going to continue dating that shithead after all these red flags?” he shouts back. “Your brother told you to be careful!” he continues, pointing an accusing finger at you.
“Maybe I am being careful!”
Jake scowls, shaking his head. “It doesn’t sound like it.”
“Stop judging me!”
Jake exhales steadily as he tries to regain his composure. Then, he begins descending the stairs.
“Where are you going?” you say.
“Home,” he replies brusquely.
“I thought you were staying,” you say, making your way toward the stairs as he disappears down the corridor.
“You’re fine,” you hear him say.
You start down after him but, when the curve of the stairs starts to coil right before your eyes, you gasp and cling onto the banister for dear life.
Instantly, you hear Jake running back toward the staircase from the front hall. He arrives at the foot of the stairs and breathes a sigh of relief seeing that you’re still upright. “Why are you following me?” he asks aggressively, climbing back up the stairs, taking three at a time.
“I don’t want you to go,” you say desperately, sinking down onto the step you’re standing on.
When Jake reaches you, he kneels down, placing a hand on your leg and another on your arm as though he’s afraid you might lose your balance again, even as you’re sitting. He lets out a wavering breath. “Are you insane? You could’ve broken your neck,” he says.
You stare at the space between the two of you moodily. “I guess it’s just one poor decision after another,” you mutter irritably.
Jake sighs, brushing his hand over your bare thigh. “Tell me about it,” he says. You shoot him a dirty look and he gives you a tight smile. “I’ll stay, alright?”
You nod.
“Let’s get you back to bed,” he says, helping you to your feet. He leads you back to the bedroom in silence.
You aren’t sure exactly if the two of you have made up or if he’s just reluctant to leave because you’re being reckless. But, regardless, you’re relieved that he still cares enough about you to stay despite being angry.
Once you’re under the covers, he sits down on the edge your bed. “I don’t get it,” he says. “Why would you keep seeing this dumbass? You could do so much better.”
You sigh tiredly. The truth is, you weren’t entirely sure whether you’d ever talk to your boyfriend again. But Jake’s pushiness hit a nerve and you made your mind up out of spite. Now, you’re not really sure how to respond. “It’s just nice to be liked,” you finally say.
Jake lifts his eyebrows. “I like you.”
You shake your head. “Not like that, Jake. You know what I mean. It’s nice to feel…” you bite your lip, slightly more reserved now that you’re starting to sober up.
You shrug. “Wanted,” you finish sheepishly. When Jake furrows his eyebrows like an idiot, you decide to elaborate. “You know – physically. To feel like someone needs to have me. An all-encompassing, mind-altering desire that can’t be helped.” You stop talking as Jake’s blinking eyes go round in his shock and decide to omit the fact that you basically just want someone to hunger for you the way you do for him.
Jake grimaces. “That jackass makes you feel this way?” he asks.
You purse your lips, realizing that you’ve never actually noticed. “Not really,” you admit. “I mean, he wants sex, I know that much.”
Jake cringes, bringing a hand to his forehead and rubbing at his brow. “I swear to god, if you mention your sex life one more time, I’m going to throw myself out your window.”
You snort. “You’re so dramatic,” you respond, repeating his own words from earlier in the night.
Jake turns around and lowers his back onto your bed to lie down next to you over the covers. He puts his hands over his chest, looking up at the ceiling. “I know it’s not my place,” he says, and then turns his head to look at you, his face barely six inches from yours. “But I am begging you, please dump his sorry ass.”
You sigh, contemplating his request.
“Trust me, sweet cheeks,” he adds. “You've got options.”
Read Part 7
Hangman Tag List:
The rest of the list will be in the comments! Please let me know if you don't want to be tagged anymore.
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brattyfork · 5 months
can you write a matt smut that starts out as reader cockwarming him while he plays his game and he loses and moves around and reader moans from it and it continues from there?
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good luck charm
summary: matt’s been playing video games for too long, you get bored
warnings: cockwarming, soft dom/daddy matt, humiliation if u look close enough
somewhat inspired by @somethingheavenknows “gaming chair”
“matttyyyy” i whined “im bored”
my boyfriend had been playing fortnite for hours, no exaggeration, and i needed attention.
normally i had no issue with him playing video games, it gave me a chance to just hang out in his bed and go on my phone, occasionally color or play a game myself. but ever since “og fortnite” came back, he was always on his pc.
“wanna come sit on my lap?”
i groaned but it was better than nothing, then i got an idea. i slipped off my sweatpants i was wearing and unclasped my bra, pulling it through my sleeve. this left me in matt’s pink hershey bear tee and some black lace panties.
i walked over to him, sliding my hand on his shoulder and arm before he looked at me, quickly turning his attention back to the game. then, just as quickly, he looked back at me, his eyes going from my face, to my chest, then my thighs and back up again. i gave him an innocent smile and he smirked in return. matt patted his lap. i obeyed, awkwardly climbing over him and adjusting myself until i was comfy.
“better?” he asked genuinely.
“a little” he gave me a sweet kiss before i nuzzled (xD) my head into his neck, his scent filled up my lungs, intoxicating me.
after another ten minutes, i got bored again, short attention span i guess. i lifted my head slightly, so i was level with his ear, and pulled off the headphone covering it.
“can i give you a hickey daddy?”
he put his headphone back over his ear, which i assumed meant no. i rested back where i had been, trying to hide my disappointment.
“hey guys, i’ll keep playing but i don’t wanna be on call anymore, you’re too loud” i smiled, hearing the guys on the other side protesting.
“bye guys” he said, taking off his headset and unplugging it.
“you wanna mark me baby? make sure everyone knows i’m yours?”
“yes daddy” i whispered into his ear. i could feel him hardening under me.
“go ahead my love”
as soon as matt gave me the green light i began placing kisses all along his neck, making him chuckle lightly. i picked a spot everyone could see and began sucking my mark into him. i could feel him getting harder by the second, only amping me up more. i wanted more, i needed more.
i ground down into him, pulling a groan from him before he moved one of his hands from the controller to my hip and squeezing. hard.
“you gotta stay still baby”
“i need more daddy please”
he was quiet for a second, thinking of ways we could both get what we want. a smile crept up on his face.
“you wanna be my cockwarmer?”
i pulled back, a smile forming on my face while i nodded. he already knew the answer, seeing as it was one of my favorite things to do.
“words princess”
“yes, want you inside me daddy”
he gave me a quick kiss before placing his controller on the desk in front of him. he smacked my ass lightly, his way of telling me to sit up so he could pull his sweats and boxers down. he moved my panties to the side, feeling how wet i was in the process.
“aw my poor baby, you’re soaked” he teased.
i just whined, pulling him into a kiss as he used my arousal to slick up his cock. he lined himself up, pressing my thighs and making me sink down on him. i tried to pull away from the kiss to let my moans out but he bit my lip and swallowed my noises.
once i had bottomed out, matt pulled away from the kiss and brought his hand up to my face. he had such a hard grip on my face that i couldn’t look anywhere but him.
“wanna play a game baby?”
i looked at him confused, pouting a bit because i did not want to play video games.
“you’ll like it i promise” he smiled, staring into my eyes. “i’m gonna play another round with the guys, you’re going to sit here and be a good cockwarmer” i frowned. as much as i loved cockwarming him, i needed more, i just wanted him to fuck me already.
“and if you’re a good cockwarmer, which means no moving, no sounds, no clenching, then daddy’ll fuck you however you want.”
i perked up, my eyes meeting his again. i smiled and nodded, this was gonna be fun.
“i’m gonna get back on the call, you’re gonna be silent. you wouldn’t want everyone hearing your sweet noises” i might actually want that.
“or maybe you do, maybe you want everyone to know what a little slut you are for daddy” fuck, he can read my mind.
i nestled my head in his neck again, feeling my cheeks heat up from embarrassment.
“either way, you’re going to be silent, be good for daddy. understood?”
“i understand daddy” i squeaked out, knowing he would want verbal confirmation. “my smart little girl” i smiled at the praise.
i let out a big sigh, getting as comfortable as i could while matt opened the discord (LMFAO) app on his phone and hopped on the channel with everyone.
“hey i’m back” he said, placing his phone on the desk and grabbing his controller.
“why?” someone whose voice i didn’t recognize asked.
“i got bored” lie
“what about y/n?” i tensed up when i heard nick say my name.
“she’s good” he placed a kiss on my cheek, letting me know i was doing well, “she’s zoned out on tiktok” another lie
i held back a giggle, amused by his very blatant lies.
it had been about twenty minutes and if we’re being honest i was a mess. i was basically drooling all over matt’s shirt but i was being good. i hadn’t moved or clenched and i stayed silent. it was hard but i just focused on how good it would be when he finally fucked me.
at one point, matt started button mashing, tensing his cock inside me. out of instinct and desperate to not make any noise, i bit down on his shoulder. i expected some reprimand from him but he said nothing. i decided that might be a good way to distract myself.
i started slowly placing wet kisses down his neck and shoulder, seeing if he would stop me. he didn’t though, he kept playing his game, making small talk with his friends. i began sucking small hickies into his shoulder and neck, his tank top allowing me access to more skin. it was a good coping mechanism, until they lost.
“damnit chris!” matt shouted, the other guys making similar remarks. in his anger, he pushed up into me, making me bite down on his shoulder again to hold back any noise.
matt leaned forward and ended the call, leaving his controller next to his phone.
“‘m sorry daddy” i felt bad, tears filled my lash line at the thought of him being mad at me.
“it’s okay angel, it’s not your fault i lost, if anything you helped, my little good luck charm” he rubbed my back, giving me a kiss on my head, still buried in his neck.
matt pulled my head back, cupping my face in his hands. he looked into my eyes and must’ve saw the tears because his expression dropped.
“hey, hey baby, don’t cry. are you okay?”
“jus don’t want you to be mad at me”
he pulled me into a sweet short kiss before disconnecting out lips and pressing his forehead against mine.
“daddy’s not mad sweetheart, you were so good for me” i could hear the relief in his voice, knowing i wasn’t hurt.
“and because you were so good, daddy’s gonna fuck you however you want. you still want that baby?”
i nodded frantically, him stilling my movements by kissing me. matt stood up, holding right underneath my ass. i gasped into the kiss, which was muffled in his lips. matt kept kissing me, fighting to explore my mouth with his tongue. there was no need though, i parted my lips, letting him in with no resistance from me. he kicked his bottoms off and placed me on the bed, hovering over me. he moved his kisses down my neck, nipping at my skin.
“how do you want me to fuck you angel?”
i honestly hadn’t thought about it, despite how much time i had, but the feeling of his weight on top of me, the thought of our chests pressed together and being able to watch his face contort in pleasure made the choice easy.
“fuck, like this daddy please, wanna see you” i grabbed at his shirt, pulling it up his torso as much as i could before he yanked it over his head.
matt pulled my shirt up and lifted it gently over my head, careful not to get it stuck on my nose or ears. i blushed at the simple gesture, he was always so gentle with me, even when he wanted to ruin me, matt made sure i was comfortable.
he finally began thrusting into me, my eyes rolled into the back of my head. i was getting the pleasure i had been craving for the last hour, and it was incredible.
“god you feel so good baby, so warm and tight” his words drove me crazy and he knew it.
i could feel my orgasm approaching quickly, matt’s deep thrusts becoming too much.
“daddy, ‘m close” i whined.
“gonna cum already baby? is daddy making you feel that good?”
“yes fuck feels so good”
“let go for me princess, be a good girl and cum on my cock” he sped up his thrusts.
i let out a moan that could almost be classified as a scream as matt fucked me through my high. but i quickly realized, he wasn’t stopping.
“daddy! s’too much” i yelled, clawing my nails down his back and along his arms.
“you can take it baby, you’re gonna cum one more time for me okay? whenever you’re ready”
i let out the most pathetic, lewd noises known to man as matt ruthlessly pounded into me. the only term to describe it was euphoric, i was seeing stars every time i closed my eyes. i could feel my orgasm creeping up on me again, i wanted to warn matt but i couldn’t form a sentence. i babbled at him, parts of words coming out between whines and moans.
“close again angel?” i just whimpered at him, hoping he’d know what i meant.
“go on baby, i wanna feel you clench around me then daddy’ll fill you with his cum” he whispered into my ear, speeding up his thrusts even more if possible. i needed him to cum inside me, i felt like i’d die if i didn’t feel him fill me up.
“please” i managed to squeak out.
i let out a loud cry before matt placed his lips on mine, absorbing any noise i made. as soon as i came, i felt his hot cum coating my walls. he fucked me through both of our orgasms before collapsing on top of me. it was the most incredible feeling i’ve ever experienced, i felt like i was floating, despite his weight on top of me.
matt propped himself up on his elbows and began peppering my face with kisses. i giggled, pulling my hands up to my face to try and cover it. he grabbed my wrists moving them away and placed a passionate kiss to my lips. it was the kind of kiss that says ‘i love you, i cherish you’ without any words. matt pulled away.
“you okay my love?” he asked, finally pulling out of me. i felt so empty without him, it was such a strange feeling.
“mhm” i nodded.
“you wanna take a nap?”
“yes please”
matt began to pull out of me but i wrapped my legs around him, my feet kicking his butt. (lol) he looked at me confused.
“can you stay inside me?” i looked up at him, making the best puppy eyes i could. the thought of him pulling out, not being filled by him, honestly made me sad.
“are you sure baby?” he knew i liked cockwarming but not this much.
“please, i feel so full, it feels so fucking good” he giggled at me, kissing all over my face again.
“do you know how much i love you?” he placed a kiss on my forehead, “how cute you are?” a kiss on my nose, “how goddamn sexy you are?” finally kissing my lips.
“i think i have an idea”
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pinktom · 4 months
i was smeared on twitter! xD
This morning, I was delighted with a series of fascinating screenshots.
I'm being smeared on Twitter! By someone I don't know, who hasn't even read Lover's Spit, because I do not want to spoil aspects of my own fic.
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And it didn't stop there, friends!
Obviously you can tell by the "18 Likes" there were at least 19 people outing themselves as haters. 😔
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Let's be clear: if you're twiggered 👉👈 by seeing Tom Riddle bottom, block me and move on
Not because I'm out here publishing smut left and right (I'm not even a smut writer), but because there is absolutely no way you could possibly enjoy my content if you're a fixed shipper.
Is it about who tops and who bottoms? I don't know. Really, at least half of the time, I prefer top!Tom. My enjoyment of a fic is not contingent on whether one character or the other gets dicked down. Of my top favorite fanfics that I can think of offhand, Tom doesn't even bottom in any of them.
That said—I am drawn to stories where Tom Riddle is in a central role, and nobody fixated on bottom!Harry could ever possibly deliver. So yeah please go ahead and block me. ಠ_ಠ
Also, the accusation that I "want engagement" is goofy
If I was driven by engagement, the fic would be straightforwardly on the Top Tom tag, feature a lot of smut, and probably have twice as many hits.
I don't write for engagement; of the 6 fics I have published, 2 are rated G and only half of them even have ship tags at all.
And regarding Lover's Spit specifically, it would absolutely spoil the story if I went on Tumblr rambling about how they're going to fuck. I have more respect for the lovely people who read the story as it is than random potential readers who feel they cannot engage with a story on the off chance their t/b preferences aren't met after 150K of non-smut content.
Yes, fixed shipping preferences can be sexist and homophobic
If your preferences are informed by your belief that Tom Riddle is "too powerful" to ever bottom (!!!) and "submit" to Harry, you're embarrassing and regressive.
You're tacitly admitting that women—that people without penises—are fixed in a state of submission; and you're also insinuating the same of gay men who prefer to bottom.
Sex is a lot of things - not just a power exchange. Sex, as I see it, is about intimacy, vulnerability, and expressing love. That is how I write it, and why I do not want to share "spoilers" about how sex will play out in my fic.
Ultimately this slander is just the product of entitlement
Though Lover's Spit has a lovely, inspiring, and engaged bevy of readers, it is by no means a popular fic. It's a wee little niche fic.
I can see no reason why someone would bother publicly slandering me except that they're just deeply entitled and butt-hurt that I'm not complying to their whims, even though I am a teensy weensy small-time fic writer with no following whatsoever. It's so batshit.
If fixed shipping matters to you, block writers who don't tag. Simple as that.
Anything you'd like to add my dear @k3uuu?
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simmerianne93 · 1 month
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Hello everyone!! How are you today??
The last posepack from March is here!!!
This pack was the pack you chose in the public survey back in January/February and as such, it's a pack that is public for everyone, with no early access.
Before talking about the posepack, I want to remember you that there's a survey happening right now about May's content, so if you haven't vote yet, GO AHEAD!! (Here is the direct link to the pubic survey).
Back to the matter:
I made these poses like a year ago, and I made them for two sims of mine that i really love, but that couple is not going to have babies any time soon (I just felt like doing some for the future when i made them) and I had them in the box waiting to be release "one day" xD... but I really liked how they turned out so I though about add it to the survey and if they ended up being the winner, i was going to release them... and it was, and fortunately, I currently have a couple of sims who are actually pregnant and have helped me with the cover for this package... so here you have some photoshot poses for a cute couple of sims expecting a baby (or two, or three xd).
I struggled a lot with these poses at the end, when i was actually testing them a couple of weeks ago to have them ready to be release, 'cause depending on the sim and the trimester, the chest size and all that, these poses may clip (I tested them with 4 different couple of sims and it was really hard xd)
I ended up doing three different versions that take into account the breast size of the female sim ('cause that was one of the most glitcheable areas). So, V1 is for "small breasts", V2 is for "medium breasts" and V3 is for "big breast". Even tho, they can still clip but, hopefully you can find the version that fits better for your sim.
The poses can be use with 2nd and 3rd trimester (I tried to make the poses to not confict with the belly, but for pose #3 there are 2 versions of the female for both stages), tho, if you uses the pregnancy overhaul mod by LittleMsSam, the belly will look smaller and the hands will float a little.
I recomend to use JFC nude top fem, if you want to make the poses with the female sim nude, 'cause it gives the breast a shape that helps to cover the nipples behind the hands (if you use the Wicked Whims mod, for example, the nipples will clip and will be visible above the hands).
As I said, they still may clip depending on the sim, but it's something that can occur with any other poses. I tried to minimize the clipping areas with the different versions, so I hope you can use them and that you like them.
PS: I'll be doing the "coming soon" post in a couple of days, i'm in the process of doing the poses, testing and doing the pics yet, so i'm a little bit late with it, but I'll be making it in a couple of days.
Enjoy, and happy simming!!
What is on it?
6 couple poses (made with a female rig and a modified male rig) + 3 all in one.
--- What do you need?
Andrew poses player.
Teleport any sim by Scumbumbo or Mccc by deaderpool.
OPTIONAL: JFC nude top female (in case you want to make the pics with the female sim nude)
Instructions in the original post.
Do not claim my creations as your own.
Do not re-upload or modify my creations.
Do not make money of my creations.
Do not include my creations in Mods folders to download.
Please follow my Term Of Use.
Download it now here — [FREE FOR EVERYONE]
If you want to support me:  Patreon | Ko-fi
All my poses overview: Pinterest |  Wix | Tumblr
More in-game preview pics of all my poses: Instagram
My socials: Twitter | BlueSky | Instagram | Tumblr 
I really hope you like them and I will say in advance: Thank you so much for use them.
188 notes · View notes
emmettworld · 1 month
hello, my beloved whump community. this is Emmett. but you probably know me better as this blog:
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or you may remember the blog before that:
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you may have even been here since this blog:
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...i'm not taking you farther than that. xD
my account was terminated without any warning today. March 25, 2024. all of my blogs are gone and i have lost everything i have on them. you won't even be able to see any comments or reblogs for me on any of your posts.
if you have commissioned me over Tumblr DMs and not Discord, please contact me here. i did not have a copy of my commission list saved. i do not know who hasn't paid and who already has. i do not remember who was on the list. i do not want anyone to be cheated out of their money.
i have no idea why this happened. i was not doing anything that could justify my account being terminated with no warning or explanation. i'm so paranoid about it that i won't even type the blog names; that's why they're images instead.
but at this point, most of you know the type of whump creator i am. one who creates whatever he wants, no matter how disturbing or explicit it may be. one who loves creating whump and content in general of the Not Safe For This Website kind.
getting one of my blogs flagged, and now losing everything, is not going to stop me. i'm not going anywhere. but i am going to be changing my approach to posting content.
this is my Language Key. i will be using a system of emojis for tagging instead of words, so please read this before you go on my blog and know which tags you need to block.
if you need to block my blog for any reason, go ahead. i don't want to disturb anyone by showing up in the tags.
all of my artwork that is Not Safe For This Website will be linked to an external storage website, MEGA. it is completely free to view and you do not need an account. there will be no cropped previews unless they are 100% Safe For This Website.
all of my writing that is Not Safe For This Website will be linked directly to where i post it on my AO3. it is completely free to view and you do not need an account. there will be no writing put under a read more unless it is 100% Safe For This Website.
trust me, i'll have a better pinned post up at some point explaining who i am and my multiverse of AUs, series, and OCs, and links to my commission page, and my Ko-Fi...and i'll do my best to finish the masterlists and, once again, build myself up from the ground up...
but i'm exhausted. i never saw this coming, and it's made me realize just how unsafe i am. i lost so much content that was only posted on Tumblr and not saved anywhere else.
believe me when i say that i am fucking devastated.
but i'm not going anywhere. i will die with this site when it eventually goes down, and not because it tried to kill me.
that being said, you can find me here on Cohost, which is where i'll migrate to when this place dies or where i'll communicate if i happen to get IP address banned (probably without warning) or something that prevents me from coming back.
if you don't want to refollow me here, i totally understand. i can't say how grateful i am to everyone who does, but like...i get it. it's tedious having to refollow me all the time, never knowing when a blog (or full ass account) is going to suddenly disappear. if you want to get off this crazy, unpredictable ride now, i don't blame you.
and if you decide to stick around, for however long, thank you. this day has been one of my worst nightmares and i don't think i would be handling this with nearly as much grace if it were not for my friends and everyone on my Discord server (which, by the way, is the only safe place where i share everything uncensored).
they were my first line of communication. they helped me get the word out. they rallied for me and kept me from having one massive breakdown over this, so my heartfelt thanks go out to them.
i'm using the whump community tags in hopes that more people will see this. i had hundreds of followers on my last blog, more than a thousand on the blog before that...i know this isn't going to reach everyone, but i hope it will reach some people.
thank you so much for reblogging this to help spread the word if you do. and thank you for reading. ❤️
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werecreature-addicted · 3 months
Saying hi since your ask-box is open =D I adore your werewolf stuff. I would love nothing more to have big furry cuddles from a creature so strong his hugs might snap me in half. But he is soft and kind. And takes up all the space on the couch. Also, fun idea: I just moved into a tint apartment. How would a werewolf do in here?? Not much space in here. Hope he doesn't trip on things xD
listen in this economy he better fit. Unless he has werewolf generational wealth he better get comfy in an apartment. Honestly, as long as the building is close to a wooded area he'll be okay, he doesn't need a backyard as much as he might like one, he still might prefer a ground-level apartment so he can run straight out into the treeline at a moment's notice.
I hear what you're saying about the couch but please consider, who cares how much space he takes up you're going to be sitting on his lap anyway. the bigger problem is when he's in the kitchen. He takes up the entire small kitchen and makes it impossible to sneak by and grab a snack if he's in there cooking.
Trying to find a bed that fits in your tiny cramped bedroom and is also big enough for both of you is impossible. Again, you're better off just learning to fall asleep on top of him, you're not fitting a fucking king-sized bed in there just give up now.
Technically, the apartment doesn't allow pets, and of course, he isn't a pet but you have to be so careful to clean up any loose fur before your landlord comes by so you can keep your security deposit.... yeah fucking right you're living with a werewolf just go ahead and kiss that thing goodbye.
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wackarat · 2 months
IT’S EVEN BETTER NOW LMAO CAN I SCREENSHOT IT PLEASE (I won’t post it anywhere I just want to keep it)
Go ahead shjahqj
Im cackling to myself rn a cant breatht
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your image in more *clarity* XD
for any normal person who is confused:
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honoviadakai · 3 months
Rating Hazbin Hotel Characters based on how much I'd trust them to do a coffee run 🏨😈🎶👼
ah sweet Charlie
Dear sweet Charlotte
She would bend over backwards just to get you a cup of coffee, and that might be the main root of the problem
First of all, If 1 person asks her for coffee, everyone gets something. Everyone.
She's also gonna be a little overbearing
She means well, she really does
But if you only order something like a simple, small black coffee, be prepare to be brought a large black coffee, 2 large Frappes, a breakfast sandwich, a salad and a yogurt bowl
She's sweet but she be doing to much fr
Vaggie 🗡️🦋:
Vaggie is one of the best people in hell/the hotel you can ask to go on a coffee run for you
She's gonna go in, grab your order and get out asap
Where she loses a point is that she might accidentally get distracted by something she saw in a shop window that reminded her of Charlie
You can't even be that mad tbh cuz like...it is a cute outfit that she got for her XD
Other than the occasional distractions, she gets your order correct most of the time so shes a solid and trustworthy option
Don't ask him to do any favors for you
Even an innocent coffee run might bite you in the ass later
And that's assuming he even get you what you asked in the first place!
He's either gonna bring you what asked for and be really ominous about there possibly being poison in your drink(9/10 probably poisoned it 💀)
He's not bringing you anything
There is very little in between with him
He's also gonna high key judge you depending on what you order
He honestly might just get you a cup of black coffee instead of what you wanted because "It's the ✨proper✨ thing to have" 🙄
Angel Dust🕷️💕:
Listen...He means well but you can't trust him to get your order right sometimes
Hell, sometimes he'll bring you a half drunk drink cuz he just couldn't resist taking a sip 🤦🏻
He’s probably gonna forget what you asked for halfway to the café tbh
If he’s not feeling lazy he’ll call/text you and ask you to repeat your order
If he’s feeling lazy….may the odds be ever in your favor
It’s better to go with him tbh
He’ll even making it a day for the two of you
I mean who doesn’t wanna go shopping with this guy?🛍️😎
This man may be an alcoholic but he’s got job security for a reason!(Aside from, you know…Alastor 💀)
Memorizing orders is part of a bartender’s job so he’s gonna have your order memorized after you’ve said it once
He might complain but he’s out the door pretty quick for someone who just said he’d rather eat lead than go grab coffee for you XD
He also comes back quickly too
Mans does not mess around
He’s got a task to complete and he’s gonna do it asap so he can get back to the bar damn it! 😤
Efficient old kitty is efficient
…..I love this woman to death but I feel like trusting her to get you coffee is a death sentence…
If you see her preparing a coffee in the Hotel’s kitchen, go ahead and trust it, it’s probably pretty good
But sending her off to a café….
Best case scenario, she stabbed someone for their order because it was exactly what you asked for
Worse case scenario….the entire coffee goes up in flames because someone upset Nifty….
Please…for everyone’s safety….get it yourself
Sir Pentious🐍🥚:
He’s a leggless golden retriever and you know it
He’s gonna agree to get you your coffee with 1000% enthusiasm
This is gonna go down 1 of 2 ways…
Option 1: egg boys
Don’t let them go
Lord only knows when they’ll be back
They will deadass come back at 3am with a cheeseburger and 5 packs of ranch
No coffee…
Option 2: Snake boy
This option…is at least more likely to get you some coffee
Here’s the problem….
Pentious is a smart guy…sometimes…
And for some reason, he just can’t seem to remember your order
So by the time he gets to the café’s doors, your order is forgotten
And instead of maybe calling or texting you…he slithers ALLLLLLL the way back to ask you what you wanted….
Please just go with him….let him feel like he’s doing a good job
Please 🙏
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slasher-boy · 3 months
Some StaticRadio doodles!!
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I’m still trying to get used to drawing them so please have mercy on me! I love these dorks. The second one is a little suggestive, but nothing explicit since I don’t need this taken down XD
If anyone wants to, go ahead and share with me some of your headcanons for this ship!! I’d love to hear them. Have a lovely day, y’all 🖤
(EDIT!! In case you can’t read my sloppy handwriting!!
Pic One -
Vox: Who knew that to calm you I just needed to pet your ears! How cute… Bambi~
Alastor: Y.. You may live… For now..
Pic Two -
Vox: FUCK BABE!! You look so damn hot.
Alastor: Enjoy this display while I allow it.
Vox: Oh, I AM enjoying it. Look so good for me, Bambi~ <3
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itsabouttimex2 · 10 days
Oooh how about some yandere headcanons of Tang , Redson and Azure lion with a reader who’s very reckless? They’re always throwing themselves into danger whenever the team is fighting, and reader just insists they’re trying to help. Please if not no worries XD
Sure thing! Also, I think I’m going to grind out a few more requests before I wipe my inbox. I let it grow shamefully out of care during my hiatuses. Then I’ll open up Character x Character (still platonic) requests for a while.
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“Y/N, I find that I have warned you many times about this kind of behavior…”
You look up to the leonine demon with a frown, gripping one of your upper arms as a form of self-support. How many times have you heard this lecture? How many times would you hear it in the future? Every time that you so much as try to help him in a fight, you’re sat down for this same spiel.
But you don’t remember him ever being this stern. In fact, he seems-
“Cub,” the lion says, carefully taking your chin between two massive fingers. He says it pointedly, as though preemptively arguing his stance- you’re young and small, still a child to him. One he sees as worthy of his love and protection, even if you might try to reject it.
“Y-yes, Azure?”
“I would like you to pay close attention when I’m talking to you, please.”
Even upset, the demon remains polite and gentle, if rather firm. His fingers are soft to the touch, claws carefully sheathed. He’s never used them against you, not even once. Nor has he even threatened you with them.
His massive hand shifts to your hair, stroking the unruly strands back into place. His metacarpal pad squishes into your cheek, and you can’t help but lean into it, savoring the brief moment of warmth he offers during this long scolding.
“It seems I must switch my methods- clearly, my words will continue to fall on deaf ears if I continue down this path.”
Azure outright scruffs you- snags you by the cape attached to your pauldrons and lifts until your feet leave the ground.
“Come along, cub,” the lion says, as though you have a choice at the moment. All you can do is dangle from his blue-furred hand and try not to squirm, hoping that your cape won’t rip and sending you tumbling.
The training grounds are a familiar sight, hours and hours spent here together, learning all of Azure’s skills.
He presses a wooden training blade into your hands, then takes up one of his own.
“If I cannot teach you, perhaps a full day of training will. We will be sparring from this moment to your bedtime,” he sternly informs, a blush creeping up your face at his final word. That your mentor saw you as so young that he enforced a strict bedtime was…
Well, you tried to tell yourself it was reasonable. After all, if you were growing stronger and exhausting your body, you’d need lots of rest, wouldn’t you?
Didn’t justify the constant checking on you through the night, tucking you in every time the blankets come loose, and ensuring that all the windows were shut and locked.
And you had no doubt that was where you’d end up, exhausted and face-down on your bed, letting Azure gingerly knead out your aching muscles with his massive paws.
But all of that was for later. For now?
You had a full eight hours of training ahead.
Good luck, Y/N.
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“Wuh- what the hell do you mean, no?! I haven’t said anything yet!”
“And the answer is still no, brat.”
This is the most frequent conversation you and Red Son seem to have, constant preemptive denial of whatever scheme you’re dreaming up.
He’s viciously protective of you, serving as an ever-vigilant guard. Not only is your every move tracked and monitored, but your actions are under constant and fierce scrutiny.
“I see you went to that cheese tea stall, Y/N. After I told you that you weren’t allowed to go.”
“Red, they moved it to the inner city! It’s way safer there, so all your arguments before don’t even matter anymore!”
“…hmph. I suppose I’ll let this slide, then. But I’m not going to be so merciful next time.”
Constant restrictions on where you go and what you do, which could theoretically be lessened to some degree, if only you’d just stop being such a damn fool.
To him, your actions are proof of immaturity, preventing Red Son from genuinely trusting you or letting loose the stranglehold grip he’s taken on your life.
To you? You are genuinely just trying to help the people you love, if a bit recklessly.
But Red doesn’t see it that way, and even when you try to make a convincing argument as to why he should, it’s promptly shot down.
So with debate and brute force both proving pointless in changing his mind, you switch to stealth and subterfuge instead. Expect to get caught about fifty percent of the time, then forced back inside and placed under lock and key.
He loves you, dammit! Why do you have to be so stupid?! Why do you have to try and sneak out?! Why can’t he love any other idiotic mortal around?!
Why does it have to be you?
Red Son can’t imagine that he’ll ever find out why he came to cherish someone as small and weak and stupid as you… but he does.
And since he can’t force himself to stop caring, he’ll just have to impose harsher and harsher restrictions until you finally submit to his care.
Maybe then he’ll finally be able to berate thoroughly talk you out of your heroic ‘delusions’. Maybe you’ll crack and break down, finally discouraged from your kindness.
Just this once, he’ll let you cry into his shoulder.
It’s the least he can do for the person he loves most.
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Oh, this poor man. Weak ankles, frail body, fragile heart. You are not doing him any favors by acting recklessly.
“Y/N, NO! Put that down! You- you can’t just go around swinging random swords- stop spinning it!”
“It’s fine, Mister Tang! Mei’s been teaching me!”
“Teaching you to what?! Get yourself killed as quickly as possible?!”
Yeah, he’s constantly on the verge of falling apart. Given that the scholar genuinely just wants to keep you safe and sound, it’s absolutely nerve-wracking for him to deal with you.
Expect him to turn to the Noodlefam for help eventually. Given that they cherish Tang as much as he cherishes them, it’s not hard to rally them into lending him a hand.
He’ll speak to MK about the whole matter, talking him into keeping an eye out for you. He might even convince the young hero to whip up a clone to keep surveillance on you, trying it’s hardest to keep you out of trouble.
As for Pigsy, well… if Tang sees you as a child, let’s be honest- so does the chef. Man has a ladle locked and loaded for the backside of your head, and a sharp remand to go with the sting. “Enough messing around, Y/N! Put the damn sword down and help me with these dumplings already!” And at his words you reluctantly clamber down from the windowsill you were crawling over, settling back at the counter to help the porcine demon prep a meal.
All three of them together have zero issue with keeping you under control, but Tang is clearly the most dedicated here, and sometimes on his own in tending to the matter.
You have to sit through hours of scoldings and lectures. When he’s finally done trying to impart upon you why what you’ve done is dangerous, Tang sends you off to bed with his worried words ringing in your ears.
He’ll stop by to tuck you in, of course. Even when caught in the maddening throes of obsession is Tang kind, always looking to dote on you in some way.
There’s definitely worse people to be dealing with, at least.
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tmntxthings · 5 months
Ok so, hi! I hope you're doing well! I really really like your blog and was wondering if you're still taking requests? If your not thats completely fine.
but If you are could you please please do a the rise boys with a reader who's like their little sister? i cannot for the lofe of me find very many of these, and I adore them.
Your writting is AMAZING btw! Make sure to eat food, drink water, and get some sleep! <3
Big Brothers
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author’s notes: :D am i doing requests still? …yes?! it may not seem like it but I look over them all… just lacking in the motivation department rn, esp with this semester, but booyakasha we ball xD thanks for requesting <3 author's note 2.0: I wrote Raph's part in JANUARY and i finally finally finally had the will power to finish Mikey's tonight, the semester is over yayyyyyyy!! Hopefully my motivation will rejuvenate and I'll be writing way more consistently... hopefully lollll hope you enjoy~~
warnings: none to note, unedited, mayhaps a curse word ?
Where do I begin? He’s always the type to protect those around him. It doesn’t matter whether you’re just a regular citizen or someone he knows and loves, this turtle will protect all! He’s got a big heart.
Much like April you stumbled into the boys life at an early age. Yet unlike her, you were younger than the entire group. As a tot, Raph made sure you were never left behind, hiking you up on his shoulders along with Mikey.
Both of you giggling about the height and saying “look look I’m flyingggg!!” making superhero poses, just the works. Standard oldest brother material. He was still a kid too so there were some accidents, of course you fell off once or twice.
But he was quick to distract you from any boo-boo’s, swooping you back into his arms and snuggling his head close profusely apologizing for getting a little too rowdy. “Don’t cry!! Look Raph’s gotcha! All safe and sound!”
“Does it hurt bad? Let’s go get patched up by Lee hmmm? Raph bet’s he has the prettiest bandaids for you!”
If the group is playing a competitive game, like tag or hide & seek, Raph’s making sure you’re having a fun time. Not feeling left out or being picked on too much. In tag he may run a little slower so you are able to catch him, he would happily be ‘it’ a thousand times if it meant you beamed that mischievous smile. “Tag Raphie!!! Hehehe”
In hide & seek he’ll hide with you or better yet find you the best spots to hide. “Okay Raph’s going hide now too, goodluck and don’t make any noise!!”
As the group grows from tots to teens and the world isn’t as sparkly, and dangers lurk every corner Raph becomes more concerned with your safety. Though there’s not much he can do while your at school, any time you hang out with the bros other than the lab he’s always got a watchful eye.
“Ohhhhh guys look at this!!” Window shopping being one of your favorite past times as they walk the streets of NYC. Raph can’t help but call out for you to “Wait!” or “Watch out!” Something about those sidewalks cracks that always trip you up. And don’t even get Raph started on how many times you’ve bounded ahead of the group only to get lost.
“C’mere you!” Raph’s pulling you close and giving you a noogie. Definitely not caring as you screech about your hair. “What’d I tell ya about running off??” He continues messing with you until you either slip out of his grip or call out mercy. “You had me worried!” He breathed out with a stern look. “Awww Raphie I’m not little anymore!” You teased, but to him you’d always be his little sister. Just like Mikey would never escape being the little brother.
Oh my lord the trouble you two get into. Pranks? Yeah. Lots of them. The two of you are menaces together, and unlike Leo, you get off the hook with batting your sweet innocent eyelashes. “Whaaaaa Leo told me to!!” And he’d scoff, yelling out traitor as you stuck your tongue when Raph’s back was turned.
Despite always slipping away from punishment, Leo didn’t mind you throwing him under the bus. In fact he was quite impressed with your tactics. One of these days he’d catch you on video being a brat behind Raph’s back! So count your days because they were numbered.
While Leo is down for throwing caution and safety in the wind, if things get serious.. let’s say someone threatening you? Whoever’s spouting such nonsense better run for the hills. He doesn’t deal kindly with those who hurt his family. Especially his little prankster of a sister. “Run that by me again? You said what about my sister??” Fun, silly, charismatic Leo is gone! He’d have a glint in his eyes that scream ‘you’ll pay for that.’
What else?! Though he claims he’s nothing like Raph in regards to being wrapped around your pinky finger, he totally is. “Hey Lee can you portal me to school?? I don’t feel like walking!” He’d complain saying how you’re using his rad powers for such a lazy reason (even though he’s guilty of such a thing) but after he gives you an earful of complaints he’s opening up a portal.
Don’t think he won’t waltz in right after you. Much like those older siblings who love to embarrass their little siblings. Calling after you to “Have a greaaaaaaat day!! Big brother wuvs youuuuuuu!!” And it’s similar if he’s picking you up from school. He’ll portal in with a speaker and blare music, mostly Nicki Minaj.
Those little puppy dog eyes you can pull off with Raph have no influence when it comes to Donnie, he has footage of your two-faced nature, having big crocodile tears at one moment and an evil grin at the next, unlike Leo who has never been able to successfully capture you in the act, Donnie has and he lords it over you as blackmail for most things, like a big brother usually does
He only brings it out when absolutely necessary, mainly whenever the two of you are in a back and forth banter that has gone too far, "Oh yeah? I seem to recall a certain purple turtle reading some very interesting fanfiction with Atomic Lass last night!" You puff up satisfied when Donnie gasps at such a true accusation, the utter betrayal! "C'mon guys don't start fighting" Raph will speak up as Donnie whips out his phone going for his passcoded camera roll.
"Oh Raphala I have something to show you!" Donnie will sing as he turns the phone over to reveal the beginning of a video of you and its one that has you immediately screeching. Jumping up from your spot to run and try and tackle Donnie to the floor, but he expects this as his battleshell takes off into the air, putting himself and his phone out of reach. "Turn it off!!! Stop it Dee!!! I never said what exactly you were reading!!" You plead as he swoops and dodges the pillows and really anything you can get your hands on to throw.
So yes, he has the dirt that you would hate Leo to get his hands on so Donnie and you have a bit of an understanding of one another. Other than that though you can find solace in his lab anytime. He doesn't mind your entry because unlike his brothers you don't start touching or breaking things. You treat his inventions carefully and he has fun explaining to you their potentials.
As tots Donnie was definitely quizzing and spitting out random facts to your malleable brain, a lot of it ended up sticking so you understood him to some degree on an academic level, but most of all he had prepared you for school to which you were forever grateful
Now you may not say so in words but with each passing grade you would go down to the lair and find Donnie specifically to show off your assignments, beaming proudly as he would smile and singing his praises about how well he had taught you. He realized that maybe he had taught you too well since you were a master manipulator when it came to tear ducts but he couldn't help but smile at that, proud to have another evil genius in their midst
He knew what it was like to be treated like a baby despite being only a few years younger, so it came as no surprise that he would agree with you whenever you wanted to do something adventurous, something on your own, "Guys, she's old enough to go out to the movies with her friends!" Even if he sort of knew your crush would be going as well, Mikey was not going to be the brother to hold you back from falling in love!
Now heaven forbid that little heart of yours gets stomped on. The person who did so will obviously be on some sort of shit-list by all the turtles, but I think Mikey would be the one who has to be watched out for the most, he destroys people who hurts what he loves, that pizza place episode with the rock band is a prime example! He'll turn savage, lunging for violence, striking to enact karma on those who deserve it the most
Of course he will be the best brother to go to if you want to have some deep emotional talks, Dr. Feelings to the rescue, and though it hurts him to know you've been stabbed in the heart, he will be there through the whole break-up process! Cry session with tubs of ice cream or whatever sweets you desire, Mikey's a great cook so baking isn't that hard for him. He will listen to all the rants and raging that you need to get off your chest, adding in quips when necessary. Then when its time to detox fully, delete pictures, unfollow on all social medias, block their number, get rid of the gifts and physical reminders, he's there with a box, repeating how strong you are and that you don't need them nor these things!
Unlike Leo, if you and Mikey wanted something, a pair of puppy-dog eyes was better than one, even Donnie could not hold out for long if the begging was done by both of you at once, "Donnie c'mon pleaseeee set up the switch! We wanna play Mario Party!" "I thought we were gonna be playing Minecraft-" "You guys its easy you don't need me to set it up." "PLEASEEEEE"
And no doubt Mikey is whipping up your favorites in the kitchen. He loves to hear your heartfelt "thank yous!!!" and "Angieeee it's so tasty! 10 out of 10!!" You know exactly how to curry his favor when you go topside and grab him new ingredients to use. That and shooting compliment after compliment his way. Sometimes he will trust you to stir or cut up veggies when he has too many things going on at once in the kitchen. The vibes are immaculate when you get the aux cord to the speaker in the kitchen, the both of you singing out all kinds of music and going into little dance breaks when a song is just too good to not groove to!
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