#post meltdown
monachopsis-11 · 2 years
I’m super curious what other self diagnosed, late diagnosed people thought about their meltdowns prior to discovering the autistic community. For example I remember a girl in my class missing a few days of school and when we asked about her the teacher just said she had a mental breakdown and I was like, so what? Something had happened in her family life and everyone was really worried but I could not for the life of me understand why everyone was making such a big deal about a mental breakdown, like hello- I have those every other day.
Of course I understand the difference now and have certainly experienced both but I had such a hard time understanding why everyone cared about her and not about me at the time. She missed a week of school and with how poor my mental health and accommodations were at the time I probably had four to seven meltdowns of varying intensity in that amount of time. I’d even tell friends and family that I had mental breakdowns and they were like “sure awesome go help with dinner okay?”
And of course I thought I was having some type of breakdown or psychotic episode, I was depressed, burnt out, overwhelmed, isolated, and every day I either collapsed into bed the second I got home or sat on my bedroom floor sobbing, pulling my hair, hitting myself, hitting my walls, pacing, rocking, and covering my ears.
The point of writing this is that I’d be incredibly interested in other late or self diagnosed peoples experience and thoughts with meltdowns before knowing what was really going on.
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kelpk0re · 11 months
post meltdown hate this feeling
so so tired and dull like grey blob
everything hurts
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Tumblr’s Twitter account wasn’t banned with the others because only accounts that promote social medias get banned, and what Staff is doing over there is the equivalent of showing someone a used car and telling them that the frame is rusted through, and that it only comes with three tires.
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purrvaire · 7 months
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if I had a nickel for every time David Tennant has played a genderfluid, trauma-filled immortal having the worst day of their life in 2023, I'd have two nickels which isn't a lot but apparently it's enough to making me going insane
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spacefaringamoeba · 7 months
I hate that I'm considered "high functioning". I barely qualify for any "level" of disability in my country and I will never get a disability income. Yes. I'm able to go to work. But I will not be able to hold it for more than a few months before getting burned out and having daily meltdowns. No, having 10 minutes extra work break won't help me. Neither will wearing headphones or carrying fidgets. I'm literally not able to work 40h a week without severe negative consequences... How do i fucking exist in this society!
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I don't do Warhammer, but as a Gundam fan, I feel a strong sense of solidarity with another model-heavy fandom that attracts incel losers who only care about the military aesthetics
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beep-beep-robin · 9 months
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quinni gallagher-jones + common autism traits
had to make gifs of her again, and felt the need to make a list (does anyone get that feeling?) - so, i combined both and more gifs are incoming soon-ish <3
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monachopsis-11 · 1 year
I think I may have just realized that my strongest masking trait is disassociation. For a long time I thought it was shutdowns but now I’m not sure because a lot of people talk about not being able to move and talk during shutdown and I could always do that, it just didn’t feel like I was doing it.
I would get to this point of complete overwhelm bordering on a meltdown and then if I was with people it was like a switch would go off in my brain telling me it wasn’t safe and then I’d just feel all floaty and blurry and unreal. Now I think this has a lot in common with shutdowns but it’s more like being on autopilot then completely crashing which is how a lot of people describe shutdowns.
I remember this even as a kid in the grocery store feeling like I would float away from the world, like I was inside of my body but not connected to it, like the whole world was out of focus, I remember telling people my dreams were more vivid than real life.
And especially in high school I had two modes, unbearable anxiety and overwhelm and just this constant feeling that I was dying vs. complete disconnect, like I couldn’t feel things when I touched them and it would last for hours every day for months.
So anyway I’m starting to wonder if I have DPDR (Depersonalization and Derealization disorder) so if anyone has experience with this I’d really love to hear your thoughts, experiences, or good sources of information on the topic. And for people who experience shutdowns and disassociation what are the differences?
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exhuastedpigeon · 1 month
I want to be your fantasy (maybe you could be mine)
Buddie | Explicit | 7.2k Bachelor party, former stripper Eddie, pole dancing, lap danced, smut, getting together
“Let me get this straight,” Eddie asked, voice as deadpan as Buck had ever heard it. “Chimney wants a classic bachelor party, but he doesn’t want to go to Vegas and he doesn’t want to go to a strip club and he thinks we’re too old to go to a regular club.”
“Yep,” Buck had his feet kicked up onto Eddie’s coffee table, a beer held loosely in his hand, his thigh pressed against Eddie’s even though Chris wasn’t there tonight so they didn’t actually have to sit so close. 
“Which is why you made us watch The Hangover.”
“Even though Hen is his best woman and she’s the one in charge of planning the party.”
“She asked me to help. I-I’m pretty sure I’m getting on Maddie and Chim’s nerves trying to help with the wedding and they asked her to give me something to do.”
“Well, did you learn anything about bachelor parties?” Eddie asked, voice no longer deadpan and instead a little teasing. Buck couldn’t help the flutter in his stomach when Eddie smirked at him, but he could ignore it.
“Maybe we can just go golfing?”
“Yeah, that could work,” Eddie took a sip of his beer. “Make a whole weekend of it and stay at one of those fancy ass golf resorts.”
“T-that’s actually a great idea,” Buck pulled his phone out to text Hen. “Getting drunk on a golf course feels like a very classic bachelor party.”
“It’s what we did for my cousin Diego a few years back,” Eddie smiled at him as he spoke. “We also went to a strip club that night though.”
“No strip clubs,” Buck said with a sigh. “This would be so much easier to plan if he wasn’t marrying my sister and if he didn’t have so many requirements.”
“You’re the man with the plan, you’ll figure it out,” Eddie said, clinking his beer bottle against Buck’s with a cheeky grin. 
Buck sighed when Hen said no to the golfing and texted her back that maybe they should just go to a Dodgers game, Chim loved baseball. Baseball could be a bachelor party activity. 
Read on ao3
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almightaylor · 1 month
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RWRB is Prime’s favorite popular golden child
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steveharrington · 3 months
eldest daughter posting is quickly becoming the new gifted child
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wolvierinez · 1 year
Honestly sometimes when reading posts ppl make on here it feels like ppl forget autism is a disability and it. Yknow. Disables you.
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bruciemilf · 1 year
The justice league taking pictures with Bruce like men do with fish
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hajihiko · 1 year
Yall ready for angst
let's see if THIS readmore works yknow what no no readmore. We suffer
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autisticdreamdrop · 10 months
You're gonna have sensory and processing issues. You're gonna be over / understimuated. You're going to have meltdowns and shutdowns. You're gonna need breaks. You're gonna deal with autistic burnout. You're gonna have verbal loss / shutdowns. And that's okay. And if you don't deal with all, or some of all of these, that's okay too. Autism is a spectrum after all.
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artingstarvist · 5 months
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Here's a teaser of some select sketch panels as I plan out this comic's colors. For right now I'm just illustrating from that first panel of Xie Lian coughing up Cuo Cuo till Hua Cheng carries him off towards paradise manor. If I'm still feeling sufficiently motivated by the end I'll illustrate him pulling the needle out of his foot but idk its so long already haha.
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