#pretends hes the scariest man in the world
sweatandwoe · 1 year
Thinking about Copia being found out as Nihil's son as a kid, and someone walking into Cardinal Secondo's office to see a tiny Copia on his shoulders while he works
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braveclementine · 2 months
October 19: Non-Bed Surface (Severus Snape)💚
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Warning: 18+ readers only, non-Bed Surface, degrading names (not loving), protective Severus, pet name, Professor Kink
Copyright: I do not own Severus Snape or other Harry Potter/Wizarding World characters. I also do not condone any copying of this.
You caught your breath once you were safely hidden under Severus' desk in the potions classroom. You had been sneaking around together for about four months now, having mind blowing sex and sweet kisses, but at the moment, you were slightly terrified of the male classmates that had been chasing you through the halls.
You could've casted a spell- you were a fairly good fighter- but they were popular boys with rich daddies and you really didn't want to get in the situation where you possibly won and they tattled, twisted the story, and you got in trouble. It just wasn't worth it.
Severus Snape was obviously the scariest Professor in school, and even the Slytherin boys wouldn't want to cross him. He wasn't the kind of man that even their rich daddies could intimidate into letting them off. Severus couldn't be intimidated by anyone, you were sure. Maybe Dumbledore. That would be it.
No, you were the only one who could get away with small things. In fact, he found them almost endearing, if you were not paying attention during class because you were staring at him, or if you almost ruined your potion because you were distracted by his presence behind you. He almost found it funny- if the potion ingredient you were about to add wasn't going to blow up the cauldron.
On the other hand, you did receive quite a few detentions from him, marking you as a trouble maker in his class. But they were just for the purpose of fucking and getting non-suspicious alone time.
You heard one of the boys throw open the potions door at that moment, the door bouncing off the stone wall, "I swear she just came in here."
"What's that spell to see if there's a person in a room again?" One of the boys asked.
"Stupid, that won't work, it'd just reveal everyone in the school." Another one scoffed.
There were five in total. They had cornered you in one of the hallways, asking if you'd blow them for a few Galleons. You'd been slightly terrified as they weren't taking no for an answer, upping the amount of Galleons as a tease. A slight distraction of pretending Professor McGonagall was behind them kept them distracted just long enough to duck under one of the smaller ones arms and start running.
You had no idea where Severus was at the moment. You had been hoping, when you'd entered, that he would be sitting at his desk grading papers and you would pretend to ask him a question and he'd protect you.
But instead, he was no where to be found. Maybe he was at the Great Hall, eating. It was just after lunchtime and his next class didn't start for another hour. Perhaps he was simply taking a stroll around the castle, trying to catch any Gryffindors in trouble and take house points.
So you'd hidden under his desk, hoping that they didn't look under there. Hoping they wouldn't even come into the classroom.
But they had. They had most unfortunately seen you come in here.
"She's in here somewhere." The first one said, "Find her and we can take her back to our room."
Unbeknownst to any of you, Severus had heard the boys enter the classroom, as he was sitting in his office, reading a Dark Arts book. At first, he had ignored them, assuming they were playing a childish game. He hadn't heard anyone enter so he knew that no one had originally came in. But when he heard them say 'take her back to our room,' he grew increasingly agitated, putting the book down.
He wasn't sure who 'her' was, but he hated when boys preyed on girls. He absolutely despised it.
"Where are you slut?" You heard one of the boys ask. You shivered a little under the table. You should've just headed for the Great Hall instead. But it had been farther away and you hadn't wanted to risk it.
Their footsteps were approaching the desk and you knew that any moment, they were going to find you.
That was when you heard another door open, "What are you doing in my classroom?" Severus' icy cold voice was asking.
"W-we were looking for a friend of ours." The first boy said nervously.
"Yes, I'm sure you call your friend such degrading names. You're lucky you're in my house and I'm in a fairly good mood, or else I'd be taking several points from you. Don't ever let me hear you speak of someone in such a detestable way again. Out."
The boys scampered and you heard Severus sigh. "Dunderheads."
You crawled out from underneath his desk, bumping your head, jarring the things on his desk, making you hiss. You heard his footsteps and you peered up, rubbing your head.
His heart nearly stopped at your innocent eyes. He'd only had you for four months and he was completely at your mercy.
His blood boiled when he realized that you were the one they were looking for. That you were the one they were calling 'slut'.
He knelt down, "Are you alright?"
"Yes, thank you for scaring them off." You mumbled, crawling into his lap to nuzzle into him. His heart warmed with you.
"They didn't hurt you, right?" He asked, cupping your face in his large, lovely hands. They weren't smooth, but rough with callouses, absolutely perfect. Rough and thick, perfect for so many things from potion making to getting you to scream his name through an orgasm.
"No. I distracted them and ran." You said matter-of-factly. "I didn't want to fight them. They have rich parents."
He understood that all too well.
You looked over you shoulder at the clock. Now that you were safe and in his arms, you were starting to get very needy.
"You know," You mumbled softly, rocking against his body slightly, "You still have forty-five minutes before your next class starts."
"Oh?" He cocked an eyebrow sexily. "And?"
"Will you fuck me on your desk?" You pleaded.
You felt him grow hard beneath you. He kissed your cheek, "Anything you want darling."
You were very quick to shoot up and plop your ass down on his desk, beaming up at him with large round eyes and a pouty lip. His heart was melting.
"No warm up." You demanded.
"As you wish." He mumbled quietly against your neck, pulling your knickers down and pushing your skirt up. Your hands were quick in undoing his belt. He discarded his robe on the chair and flicked his wand at the door, locking it and then charming it with two more locking spells and a silencing one.
He kissed sensually along your neck, sucking dark bruises into your skin. A sign that you were taken, even if no one knew whose you were.
You threw your arms around his neck, kissing along it as he slowly guided his thick appendage into your warm hole. His hands were firmly on your hips, holding you steady as he started off with slow rocking motions.
Slowly, he pushed you further until your back was flat against his desk and he was bent over you, fucking you more ferociously. You wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling him to you.
With the silencing charm, you could be as loud as you wanted. Moans were ripped from throat and you cried, "faster!" or "harder!" as you needed. Your fingers tugged his lovely black locks between your fingers. It was only illusioned to be greasy to complete his appearance. He actually took great care of his hair and left it smooth, clean, and silky just for you.
"Ah kitten," He grunted as you milked his cock for the third time, "Has it always been a dream to be fucked on me desk?"
"Yes Professor! Wanted to be ruined on your desk." You whined, nails digging into his back. With one last final thrust, he finished in you, calling your name with a grunt.
You both caught your breath and he slowly slipped from you. He cleaned both of you with his wand, handed you your knickers to put back on, and then pulled you into his lap. He kissed you several times, falling more and more in love with you each time.
"If they ever bother you again, let me know." He murmured, smoothing your hair back from your face. "I don't want you to get hurt in any way, okay?"
You buried your head into his shoulder, overwhelmed with the love and attention that he was giving you. "Yeah." you mumbled. "Severus?"
"Hmm, darling?"
"I love you."
"I love you too." He kissed your nose. You gaze at the clock, "You know. . . there's fifteen more minutes and the desk didn't collapse yet. . ."
He chuckled, "What a needy little kitten. Bend over."
You grinned as you slid off the desk to turn around and bend over it. Things were going exactly as you wanted.
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damiansgoodgirll · 11 months
hey, can you write about damian x reader where she fell asleep without noticing and he cuddles her up in a plane and one of their friends take the pic
yup! i’m so happy writing for damian 🥹
damian priest x reader
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Sleeping beauty
you never understood how or why but plane rides always made you tired.
a very embarrassing thing happened to you many years ago while you were on a plane and that kinda made you uncomfortable falling asleep again on planes. you accidentally fell asleep on the person who was set next to you and, instead of being patient or calm with you, that man started yelling and shouting about how you invaded his personal space and how you were harassing him.
that was probably one of the scariest and embarrassing thing that happened to you.
so before going on a plane you started drinking a lot of coffee and eating a lot of candies so you wouldn’t fall asleep in case you were sat next to some stranger.
this time you got lucky because you were travelling with your colleagues and friends from work damian and rhea.
you weren’t a pro wrestler you just worked with wwe, that’s how you met both of them and since day one you all got really close. rhea was like a big sis to you, always pranking you and making you laugh, damian was more like your protector. you couldn’t describe the relationship you had with damian, you were really good friends but you knew he had feelings for you and he definitely knew you had feelings for him. everyone around you noticed that.
“are you ready to go mariposa?” he asked you with a very big smile. he was thrilled when rhea told him you would be flying with them because for some work meeting you missed the flight you were supposed to take.
“yup!” you smiled “i’m just wondering who will be the stranger next to me…” you thought out loud.
“i don’t know…rhea and i got different seats, maybe you’ll be closer to her, let me see your number” he asked you and you showed him your seat “no way, you’re actually sat next to me” he smiled at you.
you were relieved when you heard those words coming from damian’s lips.
“that’s a good thing” you said.
“hey lovebirds! they’re boarding our flight, do you want to go or…?” you heard rhea calling for you and damian.
you both pretended to not hear her nickname for you and you just got on the plane.
when you got seated you realised that it was going to be a 8 hours flight and not even the whole coffe in the world could keep you awake for so many hours. you tried to distract yourself with music, switching from song to song as you didn’t want to annoy damian since he was reading and he looked completely focused on the book.
in reality damian couldn’t care less about the book, he just wanted to spend the flight talking to you but you looked tired and he didn’t want to bother you. what you didn’t realise was how fast the music endured you to sleep, it became almost like a lullaby and not even 40 minutes into the flight you were already fast asleep.
damian saw you sleeping and he decided to cover you with his hoodie, knowing the ac was on and that you would probably be cold.
he switched from the book to his spotify playlist as he was getting bored. rhea was watching a movie but from her seat she had a perfect visual of the both of you and from time to time she would send smirks in damian’s direction.
two hours into the flight you were still sleeping, just in different position. you unconsciously laid your head on damian’s shoulder but he definitely wasn’t bother by it. instead he was amused, he took it as an opportunity to have you closer so he wrapped his arm around your body and kept you close to him.
rhea saw the whole interaction and decided to take a few pics of the two of you to show you once you land. her intention was to help you confess to each others and the pictures she took were the perfect prove to it.
four hours into the flight you decided to wake up but the moment you opened your eyes you felt like you were being held by someone and it took you a few seconds to realise that the person who was holding you was damian. he looked so peaceful while holding you and watching a movie that you didn’t want to move his arm away but you got really uncomfortable in that position.
“oh you’re awake beautiful” he noticed smiling “did you sleep good?” he asked you.
“yes…uhm, i’m really sorry for falling asleep on you…i didn’t mean to” you started to apologize but he stopped you.
“it’s no problem, really. i liked having you closer to me” he smiled at you.
he what?
“are you sure? you can tell me if i made you uncomfortable…i won’t be mad i promise you”
“y/n, princesa, i promise you that you didn’t bother me at all, i liked having you close to me…heck, i wish you could sleep on me evey single night” he went straight into confessing.
“damian i -…”
“it’s okay you don’t have to say anything…i just wanted you to know how i feel” he said to you.
“and what if i feel the same?” you asked him.
“you what?” he asked almost in a whisper.
“damian, let’s be honest, we had this thing going on for over four years…we’ve been best friends but deep down we both know that we wanted for more…we-we we’re just scared to confess i guess…but i really really like you dam” you confessed too and he was to shock to even form a proper phrase that he went just by and kissed you. his soft lips over yours.
rhea was watching all the scene from the other side of the plane and she was internally screaming at the fact that her two best friends finally confessed at each others.
you never thought that the first kiss you would share with damian was going to be close to the sky but you couldn’t wish it in any other way.
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on-leatheredwings · 17 days
What characters from DC canon do you think would make the most terrifying yanderes?
honestly theres so many ppl to choose from LOL
Scariest brute strength wise:
Superman, of course: You can kick and punch all you want - you won't get anywhere with that. Or imagine him flying miles into the air and threatening (softly) to drop you unless you calm down. He really will do it, even if he saves you five seconds later. What's scariest is knowing that even if you ask for help, no one can save you. He's fucking Superman.
Supergirl: same as Superman, but I think she has a petulant edge that's really awful. You can't reason with her if she's already made up her mind. Even if we're talking about Adult!SG, it's like you're talking to a child, holy fuck
Flash: .............something very terrifying of a man who can whisk you away before you can blink. If you ran away, he'd of course let you get a head start, just for kicks. Then he collects you, whether you're halfway across the world or just down the street. He'd run so fast the air leaves your lungs and by the time you've come to, you're back home... Yikes. I think he'd give you a lot of vertigo and disorientation to keep your mind addled.
Dr. Fate, Constantine, Zatanna: christ. Really, any magic user can go in this slot. I think the depths of their powers are just scary to even think about. Imagine arguing with them and getting kicked into another dimension, left to lose your sanity for what feels like years, but was perhaps just 10 minutes in regular time. Sure, they would bend reality for you, but they also would bend it just to keep you in line.
Scariest ruining-your-mental-health-wise:
Lex Luthor: oh god he's just the worst. He genuinely believes he owns you, unlike most of the other DC yans that at least try to pretend you have human rights. Him being a yandere probably consists of him offering you a place in his home. If refused, you won't be able to enjoy anything ever again. You'll be followed. You won't get new work anywhere. If you're famous, the tabloids are all against you and ruining your reputation because everyone is in Lex's pockets. He'd be a more spiteful Bruce Wayne, essentially.
Batman: I can't even elaborate like you already know. LMAO
The Question: i'm sorry the amount of paranoia this man would give me specifically. I grew up around paranoid people and they do irreversible psychic damage LOL. He'll be gaslighting you AND himself into believing into conspiracies at the same time.
Scarecrow: Fear gas. Just... fear gas. :)
if anyone wants to add in replies pls do kghdksk this is more like my nightmare yandere rotation
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Together ~ MYG
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PAIRING: Yoongi x fem!Reader
GENRE: fluffy, established relationships, arguments, trust-issues, fighting with one another, betrayal, married in secret, @minyoongiownsme
⤜Copyright: © DreamEscapesWriting - April 2023
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The man of your dreams was standing across the stage from you as you did your best to pretend as though being this close to one another wasn't sending your heart into overdrive. Over the years of dating Yoongi, you'd become a master at hiding your true feelings for him in public and the same went for him. Both of you were enigmas to the outside world and no one would have known the two of you were dating unless they were close personal friends.
Of course, there had been the odd occasion when rumours were circulating but they were all quickly put the rest leaving your relationship a complete mystery to those around you. Besides close family and friends that were. The rest of Yoongi's members all knew about your relationship since you'd been around them often enough and a few of the idols in the company you worked for knew too but there was one thing only you, Yoongi and the courthouse knew and that was that you were secretly married to one another. It had been almost a month since the two of you decided to get married to one another and you had no regrets - besides not having some family by your side of course but everything else had been perfect.
Since you hadn't told anyone about getting married you hadn't had to worry about making wedding plans. There was no stressing about who was going to sit where and who wasn't going to be able to eat certain foods and all of the different catering to everyone else. It was a stress-free time and something you weren't ever going to regret ever again, Yoongi caught your eye and winked when he knew there were no cameras on him and your whole body flamed. Today the two of you were hosting a live music bank together and watching the final performance take place. After this, you had plans to go home and meet up with Yoongi before he would be staying at his own place for the next week or so. He had filming to do for a behind-the-scenes video, it was him giving a tour of his home and since he couldn't exactly tell everyone he no longer lived there he needed to act the part.
The music died and you took in a deep breath, slowly walking to your spot on the stage beside Yoongi and turning to look up at him as you spoke,
"I remember when I first started training under FYJ and being able to debut was one of the scariest but also most exciting things," You turned toward the camera when it moved closer and smiled as some of the girls came running over to you and Yoongi to do an after performance interview.
"I was so nervous they had to change my outfit about three times if I remember rightly, I was just too anxious and sweating too much." You pouted a little making Yoongi chuckle, he'd heard that story before and every time it made him smile.
"But you ended up great. How do you girls feel after your performance?" Yoongi questioned, handing his mic over to one of the girls in the group and letting them answer some fan questions as well as questions you'd been given on the cards in your hand.
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"I'll meet you back at our place, I'll make sure no one is following me," Yoongi stated as you both waited near the back exit of the venue you were at. After your interview with the girl group you'd been let go and sent home, only now the two of you were alone you didn't want to say goodbye to him.
"I'll heat up the blankets and we can get an early night if you want," You looked up at your husband who smirked down at you, wrapping one arm around your waist before pressing your chest against his. 
"I have better plans than an early night," He chuckled as he felt your body heating up against his touch and you whined softly pushing him away before standing up straight and heading for the door.
As soon as the doors open you were met with flashing cameras and tons of people screaming all kinds of questions at you. It wasn't completely unusual for this to happen but the kinds of questions they were asking were.
"When did the two of you decide to get married?!" One reporter screamed while shoving a tape recorder in your line of direction, you stumbled backwards a little knocking into Yoongi who was careful not to let you fall.
"When did you start dating? Is this something to help you out in your career?" Another question shot at you as you looked up at Yoongi for some help. Panic began to bubble inside of your chest as you listened to them firing off questions at you, how had anyone even found out about this? The courthouse had signed an NDA so they were under strict rules not to tell anyone about anything that happened that day.
"Do you have plans to work together in the future?"
"Was this a shotgun wedding? Are you expecting?!" The questions continued to come out as Yoongi helped you toward his car, there was no use both of you trying to leave in separate vehicles when it was quite clear they knew the two of you were together.
"Do you live together?! Are you going to be getting a new house together?!" The questions and shutter sound drowned out the second the door to the car shut and Yoongi turned to look at you. He looked as though he was ready to fight someone for leaking private information while you were busy trying not to cry about everyone finding out about it so suddenly.
"We should go to our managers, it's the only way any of this is going to be resolved," Yoongi said to you but you continued to stare down at the glovebox in complete silence. How were you going to recover from this? You were already under fire from some publication companies, they accused you of only hanging out with certain idols for some attention and some even went as far as to say that the only reason you were making it in the idol world was because of who you were friends with.
"We'll get this sorted, we can either deny it or come out with our heads held high," While Yoongi continued to drive and plan how this was all going to work out you were too busy spiralling into how this was all going to ruin everything you'd built for yourself. There was a very high chance you were going to get fired from FYJ as well as face some tricky business with your contract. Not to mention you were going to have to face a lot of backlash regarding your fans, none of this was going to be easy and all of a sudden it felt as though the world was being swept out from right beneath your feet. 
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You couldn't remember the last time you spoke, you didn't remember how you got into the office you were currently sitting in and you certainly didn't remember your manager and the owner of FYJ arriving at the HYBE building you were suddenly being held up in.
"I'm just saying if they'd have come to us before doing something completely idiotic such as this. We could have stopped this from happening," Your manager - Hannah - stated in a matter-a-fact tone, your eyes slowly moved to look at her and you could already tell she was pissed about all of this.
"Idiotic? What's so idiotic about me wanting to marry my girlfriend?" Yoongi placed his hands on the table, ever since both your manager and his own had arrived he'd been battling them alone on this and he stared at you worried. It scared him how quiet you were being and he was beginning to worry you were regretting getting involved with him in the first place.
"You could have come to us. You should have told us this was what you were going to be doing," Seojin said to Yoongi, shaking his head before rubbing the top of his nose and letting out a sigh. All of them were trying to come to terms with what was happening and trying to come up with a plan on how to get on the good side of the media.
"We could tell them it's all a lie," Hannah suggested as she flicked through her phone trying to see what fans thought of the secret marriage. In the time it had taken you and Yoongi to arrive at HYBE there had been photos of your wedding leaked to the press. Someone had taken pictures of the two of you signing your marriage certificate, as well as the ceremony itself. There was no hiding that this was all real, there was no time to try and tell them it was for a music video either.
"We could tell them it was for something they're filming," Seojin stated but you rolled your eyes, taking in a deep breath as you turned your head to look at Yoongi. He was staring at you waiting for you to say anything, to try and help him in this whole thing so you looked down at the table. Slowly you ran your tongue along your bottom lip and shook your head at everything. 
"We should tell them the truth," You stated, slowly looking up at Yoongi but quickly averting your gaze and turning to look at Hannah who was biting her lip.
"We can't say it's a music video, we can't say it's some challenge. It's better to just tell them the truth." You looked to Seojin as Yoongi took your hand in his grasp and squeezed your hand softly, slowly lifting it up to his lips and kissing it. 
"How are you going to handle the backlash? It's not as though your career can really handle it at this point," Hannah stated blankly, she wasn't going to beat around the bush when she knew this could either be the worst thing for you or the best.
"I didn't marry Yoongi to get ahead in my career and as long as we know that, that's all I care about," You shrugged a little and let out a small breath as you tried to think clearly about everything. There was going to be backlash and you needed to be prepared for it all, in the meantime all you wanted to do was hold your husband,
"We'll reschedule the home tour video. Maybe we can get fans interested in seeing your own home," Seojin said before turning to Hannah who was already calling some of the media outlets to try and get a spin on the story.
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"Hey, don't go getting quiet on me now," Yoongi said as you both walked through the front door of your shared place you dropped down onto the sofa, running your hands over your face and trying to come to terms with what was happening.
"I didn't want any of this," You whispered and shook your head, you didn't want people to think less of you because you were dating someone and you definitely didn't want someone to accuse you of sleeping your way through the industry which is something you'd seen on the drive home.
"You didn't want to marry me?" Yoongi questioned jumping straight on the defence making you sigh at him, of course, that's not what you were saying.
"I'm saying I didn't want people to accuse me of sleeping with you so I could make it in this life," You scoffed, throwing your phone down onto the table pissed off by what people were saying about you. You never would have imagined something private between husband and wife would lead to this massive fallout. Some fans were okay, they were over the moon about the joining of their two favourite idols coming together but of course, there were a few that were angry about it. Upset with the fact that you were no longer single when a lot of the idol image was for the idols to be there for them to brand on fans wanting to date or to make them seem available. It was what sold in the industry and why a lot of contracts included a dating ban so that they would appeal more to fans around the world. 
"But we know it's not true, you said so. You said us knowing the truth is all you care about," He stated, walking closer to you and reaching his hand out for you only you stepped away and it was as though his heart had just been smashed into billions of pieces.
"Yn," He whispered not trusting himself not to break down if he spoke any louder.
"I just need some space...Being told I'm a slut...Or worse, it hurts Yoongi," You squeaked a little as you felt the tears beginning to roll down your cheeks, quickly swiping them away as Yoongi watched you.
"We don't go through things alone. We fight things together like a husband and wife should," He said slowly, there was no way he was going to leave you alone in this when he could see how badly it was tearing you up inside and he bit his lip.
"Maybe we rushed into it." You rushed out, trying to get him out of the house. You needed to be alone, to cry and wallow in some self-pity for a while you just needed him away from you for a little while.
"You don't mean that," He stuttered a little, looking at you with tears in his eyes. He knew you were upset but he didn't want you to say something you were going to later regret.
"What if I do?" You croaked out, staring at him through bloodshot eyes and shaking your head as you thought about everything. If the two of you had gone through the right channels and been careful with everything none of this would have happened,
"Look, you're not the only one facing a backlash with this. You think people aren't saying cruel things about me?" He didn't raise his voice, not even once he just stared at you and shook his head.
"You're not the only one going through this."
"But I'm the only one with the chance of never recovering. My career is fresh, and fans might never recover from this. You've seen what they've been saying about me. Everyone knows it's always worse for the woman," You mumbled before sighing and looking at Yoongi who just shook his head at you, turning and heading right out of the front door without another word about it. As soon as the door shut you collapsed onto the sofa, crying into your hands as you whimpered. You'd always had a harder time showing your feelings to those around you and it was easier for you to cry when you were alone. 
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Days had passed since you'd last been with Yoongi and you'd mostly been laid in your place feeling sorry for yourself. Friends and family had all contacted you to congratulate you on the marriage but you'd mostly sent them straight to voicemail, choosing to ignore them rather than face the problem head-on. Except right now, Jin was standing in your living room and mumbling about you living in filth.
"If Yoongi were here, he'd hate you for this." He mumbled lifting up the dirty clothes from the floor and throwing them into the washing basket that was in the kitchen. When you'd not bothered to call Jin back he decided that enough was enough and he was going to come around and see if there was anything he could do for you.
"Yoongi isn't here so I don't have anything to worry about," You hissed out harshly, you'd been the one to push Yoongi away so you didn't know why you were so surprised about him not being here.
"No. He's not. He's out trying to fix everything while you lay around and do nothing." Jin mumbled at you, sitting you up straight on the sofa and taking away the blankets you'd been using to sleep with before he threw those into the wash.
"It's bad enough you hid it from me. ME! Your best fucking friend!" Jin yelled out dramatically doing his best to make you smile but seeing that it wasn't exactly working he sighed and shook his head at you.
"Turn the news on," He ordered before starting to take care of the rubbish that was inside the living room. You'd practically been living in the living room, only leaving when you needed to get clean clothes or to use the bathroom since you saw no use using the huge bed you shared with Yoongi when he wasn't there to share it with you.
"Why? Are they running another article about me being a bad person?" You weren't stupid, you'd seen the coverage about you only being with Yoongi for the popularity and it had been soul-destroying to you. You thought you'd have been able to handle it but it hurt knowing that's what people truly thought about you all this time.
"Just turn it on," Jin called from the bathroom before you heard him pottering around in the kitchen, you knew there was no use fighting with him since he wasn't going to drop anything until you did as you were told.
"Today we're joined by someone very special and we're spreading a warm welcome to him," You frowned at the newscaster before the camera panned to the seat beside her and Yoongi was standing there. Your mouth ran dry and suddenly your heart was in your throat and you could barely feel it beating. What was he doing on national TV?
"Thank you, I'm both happy and saddened to be here today," He explained, looking into the camera with a weakened smile and you felt your chest deflate at the sight of him doing this alone. You knew that HYBE were more than likely making him make a public statement and if you'd been stronger they would have made you join his side.
"I'm here today despite the disliking from my manager and company." Your heart was back to beating rapidly in your chest as you swallowed dryly shaking your head. There was no way he was going against company policy to do something like this,
"It's come to my attention that my marriage to my wife is under extreme scrutiny without reason. People are acting callously toward my wife and I will no longer stand back and allow it to happen," Tears began to well up in your eyes to the point where everything began to blur and you struggled to see the screen.
"Yn, I made a mistake walking away a couple of days ago and this is how I'm going to fix things. We're supposed to face our struggles together and I plan on doing that, every day for the rest of our lives." He spoke so clearly, you were already standing up and hunting around for your phone desperate to let him know you were going to be here too. 
"I'll see you soon, I love you." He said again before the camera panned back to the newsreader who was already tearing up and thanking him for coming onto the show to speak to everyone.
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"Yoongi," You sobbed into his shoulder as he continued to hold onto you, his arms around your waist tightly as you cried into his neck and he sighed happily.
"I've missed you." He told you before kissing your shoulder, bringing you tighter to him as you sniffled a little, 
"I missed you too. I'm so sorry I pushed you away," You pulled away to look at him and you could see the bags under his eyes. It was clear he hadn't been sleeping properly and you hated that you'd been the one to cause all of this.
"Every step of the way, I'm here." You promised as he took your hand in his and squeezed it softly. Both of you were standing in the porchway inside of your house with a whole media circus outside waiting for you to comment on some things. You'd been avoiding it for so long that it was about time you made a full official statement and showed the world that no matter what they said none of it would matter.
"Good, because I'm getting shit from the boys for them not being invited," He told you making you giggle a little, your heart picking up as you thought about the boys rambling at him for not coming to the small wedding you had.
"Hoseok is insisting we have a small party with everyone, I'll see if I can get us out of it-"
"Don't. Let's do it. We can have our friends and family around us as we celebrate our marriage." You whispered, pressing your lips to his cheek and smiling at him as he nodded at you shyly pulling you back into his arms and relaxing a little.
"Let's go out and face this, together." You whispered before wiping your eyes and trying to make yourself seem a little more presentable before stepping out in front of all of the cameras out there.
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The media had died down after a while, allowing your relationship with Yoongi to be smooth sailing once again. Though there were the occasional articles trying to claim you were only with him for fame but they were quickly removed or even shut down by your managers. Some were even sued if they were spreading anything harmful toward the two of you. The boys were also very happy that you let them throw you a small party to celebrate your marriage, though they'd made you both wear something as though it was a wedding and made you exchange your vows in front of everyone, all in all, it had been a perfect day and night.
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whatsk-poppinhomies · 7 months
Hi, how do you feel about yandere ot8 skz manipulating their love into staying with them? Like which ones do you see using mental/emotional manipulation tactics to keep control vs who is going full blown restraints and fear even manhandling to absolutely just  decimate their SO’s mental state and keep them close?
TW! yandere behavior ; physical violence ; mental and emotional manipulation ; narcissism ;
I feel like the members that would most use mental/emotional manipulation would be Bangchan, Changbin, Hyunjin, and Seungmin. They would be the ones to use guilt trips and heavily victimize themselves. They are extremely narcissistic to a sickening extent. They’ll make you feel like you’re going insane, they’ll put words into your mouth and their constant assumptions will always make you feel like you’re doing something wrong even if you’re not. Their main tactic to keep you to themselves would be turning everyone against you (secretly/behind your back) all while making everyone love them at the same time. They’ll try to take you away under the guise of wanting to take you “somewhere better” because they “love you so much.” Arguing is like a game to them, and lying is just another game to see how far they can get with a lie before they get called out, but god forbid you call them out because then it turns into an even bigger argument. Every day is hell, but when you wake up in the morning it’s like a “clean slate” for them and they pretend it never happened and you better act like it never happened as well or else the argument will just get worse.
As far as restraints, fear and man handling, I can definitely see Jisung, Felix, and Jeongin resorting to these tactics. Strangely enough, I feel like these three truly love you and that’s why they act like this. They want you solely for themselves, and they’re terrified of losing you. I don't think that these three would enjoy having to do this, but in their mind they think that it's the only thing they can do to keep you close to them. I see Jeongin and Jisung as more of the types to use restraints, ex. locking you up or tying you to the bed or something along those lines to keep you from leaving. Felix would be the type to use fear and manhandling. He'd use a lot of violence, not specifically against you, but he'd definitely be the type to throw things and just slightly miss, just enough to scare the shit out of you and keep you from walking out the door. The three of them would constantly tell you that you're not good enough for anyone else, or that no one else would be able to handle you or love you the way they do. They would be the types to break you down and make you feel extremely small, and then in a matter of minutes be the same ones to build you back up and make you feel like the most wonderful person in the world. They'll make you feel like shit, they'll be violent and scary, but they'll do it all under the pretense of loving you.
As far as Minho goes, I can see him being a mix of both of these depending on his mood. I see him being very desperate to keep you in his life so he'd do anything... literally anything. If you talk back a lot, he'd probably have to use the fear/violence tactic to keep you in line. If you're more of the quiet type that thinks a little bit too much for his liking or if you start to figure him out, he'd definitely be the emotional/mental manipulative type. Either way, with him you'll feel like your world is constantly upside down and that you're losing your mind. I think he has the tendency to be the most toxic though because he knows how to use all of these techniques to keep you right where he wants you. He's a master manipulator and that's the scariest part. He can do anything he wants and still get away with it. It's impossible to leave him once you get with him.
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songmingisthighs · 8 months
introduction pt. i | pt. ii | pt. iii
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ch. li - drop by
fashion mogul!mingi × reader
buy me coffee ?
things aren't always what it seems but when even the truth is left unheard, what can people do? one musn't lie but what if the lie is more accepted than the truth? the scariest thing in this world isn't monsters or demons. it's people with no agenda and time to waste.
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You were about to take a sip of your soup when your room's door was opened and Mingi came with a big grin on his face.
"(y/n), I have someone I want you to meet!"
It was a good thing that you didn't put food in your mouth because if you did, you would've definitely choked. Your mouth became dry and your body went cold at the sight of your ex-fiance smiling next to your baby daddy as if it was the most normal thing ever. What kind of a lunatic would show up in his pregnant ex-fiance's hospital room like this?
Oh yeah, the lunatic who abandoned you less than two months before you tied the knot and ran off to Europe.
Ironic how he's back.
Mingi, excited and completely oblivious, pulled Hongjoong into the room and stood next to your bed. "This is Kim Hongjoong, he and I have been working together for some time now because we're getting Fix Song in The Gallerio where he's the head of Fashion Merchandising. On top of that, he's a big name in the fashion industry," he rambled on, thinking you didn't know all the things about Hongjoong. Then he turned to Hongjoong, "I apologize if it seems like (y/n) doesn't know you, hyung, she's not much into the fashion industry," he said, jokingly jabbing at you as proven by the teasing glare he sent your way which made you roll your eyes. Hongjoong chuckled at Mingi's 'apology' because of course, as someone who has dated you for almost three years, he knew of your ignorance of the fashion industry. "Well of course she is, I-" Before Hongjoong could say something, you cut him off, "Just because I'm wearing a hospital gown which is mandatory, doesn't mean I'm completely oblivious to fashion. But why did you bring your buddy here?" Though you aimed your question at Mingi, you managed to shoot a look at Hongjoong that made him raise an eyebrow, understanding what you were saying but also questioning it. "Because he has been the one who gave me the security detail contact and also the PR team which I can't thank him enough," Mingi was truly, genuinely seemingly in love with Hongjoong and as sickening as it was, you tried to hold in your disgust at how the father of your child bats his eyes at the man who broke your heart into a million pieces, pretended to have done it gently, then hung with Olivier Rousteing.
Of course, Hongjoong, the ever-humble man chuckled as he shook his head, "No no, Mingi, no, I only gave you the contacts and you actually handled everything yourself," he smiled at the younger man. But Mingi disagreed, shaking his head wildly, he grabbed Hongjoong by the shoulders, "But hyung, I wouldn't have known what to do had you not helped guide me to the right people. (y/n) and I... We couldn't have been safely hidden away here without your help." It took every ounce of power within you to not roll your eyes or scoff or call the nurse to give you something to induce coma in you so you don't have to watch what you could only describe as... Actually, you don't know how to describe the situation. It's Dear John meet The Notebook meet Dumb and Dumber.
Thankfully before the compliment bomb dropped between them, Mingi got a call and he excused himself to take it. Which meant that you were left alone in the room with the last living creature you'd want to be in the same room as. At this point, considering what he did, you take being in the same room as a starved lion over Kim Hongjoong.
As soon as Mingi stepped out and closed the door, Hongjoong shuffled around and produced a bouquet that you didn't even realize he was holding. "I... I got you these. I remember you admiring baby's breath and daisies and of course I can't-" "What are you doing here?" you cut him off, not in the mood to listen to his lame small talk. Hongjoong's shoulders dropped and his lips pursed, "I guess it's weird that I'm here, huh?" he chuckled awkwardly. "Is it weird? I don't know on the account that nothing is as weird as having to explain myself to YOUR parents the reason you left for Europe without me was because you broke off our engagement, broke up with me, and cancelled the wedding," you didn't know where that came from nor were you aware that you've been holding that one specific thing on him. Your words seem to brought a sense of shame to Hongjoong as his eyes dropped down to his feet and he began to show his nervous tics; kicking the floor with his toe and scratching the left side of his neck. "I guess... I should apologize for those..." It surprised him when he looked up to see you furiously shaking your head, "Um, no you don't? Saying sorry only alleviates your guilt and boy do I want you to live with that guilt. Were you even aware that your brother had left me voicemails for 9 straight days, apologizing on behalf of you and your family and that he only stopped because Jongho barked at him to stop making me cry because of the voicemails?" "Yeah... Bumjoong hyung might have told me about the voicemails but I didn't know Jongho talked to him. How is he by the way? How are your friends?"
You weren't sure what Hongjoong was doing at that moment. Was he trying to act like nothing happened? Was he trying to distract you? Why would he put himself and you in this position?
"No, you don't get to ask about them, Hongjoong! Why are you here?" you were getting frustrated and it was obvious. "I just want to see if you were okay. I was there the day you were mobbed and I wanted to help but Mingi already jumped in," "Of course, he jumped in, his baby was in danger!" There was a noticeable shift in Hongjoong's expression when you mentioned Mingi's baby. It was minuscule but you caught it. To cover it up, Hongjoong cleared his throat and turned to put the bouquet on the table where Mingi's laptop was sitting on. "Speaking of Mingi," he started, taking a moment to formulate his question, "He... Seemed unaware of us, our history. Why is that?" You figured this question was about to appear sooner or later and as much as you are prepared to answer it, it's still annoying to think about. "I saw you two becoming close and he seemed to genuinely like you so I didn't want to jeopardize anything for him. Besides, there was a time I thought Mingi was not going to be in my life anymore so I thought... Why bother?"
Whatever response you were expecting from Hongjoong couldn't prepare you for the casual chuckle he gave. "I remembered having a conversation about that," he said which made you furrow your eyebrows, "What... The fuck are you talking about? He talked to you about bean?" "Well, not technically. I remember him being so distracted during a lunch he and his business partner Seonghwa had with me so after that I asked him what was going on and he told me about doubts if I remember correctly? He spoke about jumping into a decision he didn't get to think through and I kinda told him about you," he shrugged. The revelation both surprised and confused you, "You told him about me? Does that mean... Mingi knows about us?" which made no sense because Mingi seemed oblivious. Hongjoong immediately turned around and shook his head, "No, no, I... Only referred to me as my ex," and you couldn't help but jab him, "Should've added 'that I threw to the side like she meant nothing before running away'," to twist the knife even further, you threw him a smile, a smile that used to bring flutters in Hongjoong's belly. Which it still does unbeknownst to you.
Seeing Hongjoong silenced be it from guilt or shame (both would've been awesome), you leaned back on your bed that's been set to a seating position and crossed your arms, "What else did you talk about to Mingi?" It seemed like focusing on Mingi instead of the two of you was the best decision at the moment as you two were in a hospital and as convenient as it is for Hongjoong to receive treatment after you're done with tearing him a new one, you didn't want a new headline to appear in the news tomorrow. Hongjoong pursed his lips again and stared off into space as he took a moment to think, leaning against the edge of your bed. Just him doing that made your heart clench because you remembered cooing over how adorable he looked and poking fun at how he would habitually do that without realizing until you point it out. But you push that feeling aside, down as far as you can as you face the man who turned your resolve around with one single blow. "I guess we mostly talk about work, nothing too personal," the content of the conversation seemed to be surface-level enough but you still raised an eyebrow at him, "Yet... He felt comfortable enough to talk to you about his decisions pertaining his unborn child?" Hongjoong couldn't help but playfully roll his eyes at you, "Okay, we didn't even talk about babies until this whole thing happened and he only told me because I asked, he was distressed and under pressure."
It shouldn't have been that big of a deal that Mingi talked about bean to someone he felt like he could trust but out of the billions of people on earth alive not to mention the uncountable number of dead people he could've contacted, he had to talk to your ex-fiance. You groaned and dropped your head back, "Ugh, we haven't even made a decision on how to break this to the public and you already know stuff you shouldn't know," you muttered to yourself but it was obviously loud enough for Hongjoong to hear. He laughed and reached to pat your leg gently over your blanket in an effort to comfort you, "Hey, you have nothing to worry about, unlike your friend Yeosang who can't even keep your birthday surprise, I won't tell the press about bean until you and Mingi decided to say anything." As much as you hated to admit it, his touch still managed to give you comfort and you don't know how to feel about it. So you shot him a polite smile and said a small thank you. Hongjoong beamed at your niceties and nodded, "No problem." It seemed that the tension between you and him had dissolved considerably and while there were still unspoken things, you knew that it could be dealt with on another day, at another time.
"By the way, are we sure the baby is Mingi's? I mean... It could be mine?" Hongjoog joked which caused your smile to drop into a frown, "Don't even," you warned. Hongjoong cackled happily at your reaction, knowing that you weren't taking his question seriously and that his assumption was right, the tension had lowered significantly because no way you would've let your reaction be just like that had the tension been still too thick.
To the oblivious, it would appear as if you and Hongjoong had a connection, a relationship. Which obviously had, considering how you both seemed rather comfortable in conversing with each other. That's why the pair of eyes that had been watching you two from your door couldn't believe what he was seeing and had to walk away to process things.
"What the fuck?"
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ddejavvu · 1 year
Exterminator!Eddie on his first week of training with his uncle, comes to your house on his first sole job. And after thinking he got rid of all the snakes, you literally get bit. And he has to suck the venom out your bare skin, while you’re both panickedly freaking the fuck out, as he’s sucking at you. What a way to meet cute
today is multiverse monday! send me any au you can think of :)
this ask is so special to me bc i am an avid fan of billy the exterminator and eddie is.. that. so. <3 also, a little psa for you all: every bit of research that i did on this method states that you should not suck the venom out of a snake bite because, of course, then there will be venom in your mouth. and you do not want venom in your mouth. snake venom is also apparently very fast-acting, so it does irreparable damage no matter how fast you get to suckin'. so bottom line. don't suck snake venom out of a bite. but for the sake of the silly little meet cute fanfiction, we're just going to pretend that it would work and it wouldn't kill eddie too <3
Eddie's maybe not the best exterminator in the world. Hell, maybe he's not even a good one, seeing as your arm is bleeding, and the skin around it is already rashing up.
"Holy shit," He stomps the snake's head beneath his boot, not enough to kill it but enough to restrain it, "Oh- oh my god, holy shit, you're- okay! Okay, you're fine, it's gonna be fine."
"It hurts," You whimper, tears welling up at the corners of your eyes, "Like- like really bad, are these snakes poisonous?"
"Venomous," He mumbles, reflex from his extensive (read: one week long) training, "Uh, yeah. So..."
He's apparently an even worse problem solver than he is an exterminator. You finally let your tears flow, chest heaving with sobs, "Do something!"
"Yeah! Yeah, okay," He nods, reaching out to grab you by your good arm while keeping the toe of his boot firmly against the snake's head, "C'mere."
An extensive knowledge of adventure movies gives him the perfect solution: he'll suck the venom out.
"Uh," He doesn't quite know how to go about sucking on your arm, so he directs his wide-eyed, panicked gaze to your own one, riddled with despair, "I'm gonna suck it out, okay?"
"What?" You blubber, spit clogging between your teeth.
"I'm gonna suck it out," He repeats, smoothing his thumb over your wrist, "it's okay, honey. It'll be fine. You'll live."
Now that the snake is contained, albeit not well, he's starting to come down from the panic that inflated his lungs. He's not fantastic in a crisis, but his semi-soothing words seem to help minutely, if only to get you to offer your arm up to him.
"Okay," He hums, nervous, "So I'll just..."
His lips hit your arm and turn down into a grimace at the heated skin. You feel sick, and he purses his lips around your bloody bite.
Sucking snake venom out of an open wound is... less than pleasant. But he gets a flash through his mind, an image of himself, chunky boot restraining a killer snake, fantasty-style damsel in distress clutched in his arms as he sucks poison out of her body. The fearless fighter, rather than the shitty exterminator. He only feels slightly bad about transforming what's probably the scariest moment of your life into his fantasy sequence.
He's sure, though, that the scene doesn't look as badass to Wayne, who, after hearing no response from knocking at your front door, stepped inside to check on his nephew. He stops dead in the doorway, finding his boy... sucking on your arm? And a fat tear rolls down your cheek as Eddie rips his mouth away from your skin.
He spits, urgent and messy, right into your carpet. There's a list of questionable things Eddie has done while on duty today, and it's only growing longer with time. His glob of spit comes out tinged green, and he shudders thinking about residue left against the tissue of his cheeks. He needs water, now.
"Wayne," He catches sight of the man in the doorway, frozen still, "Snake bite. Call 911."
He leans down to grab the snake beneath his boot, fingers pinching its neck just like he's been taught. He keeps the thrashing creature at his side as he marches over to duck his head under your kitchen faucet, rinsing and spitting ten times just to get the taste of blood out of his mouth.
Your sniffling brings Wayne out of his shell-shocked trance, and he looks away from where Eddie is gulping down water, "Uh, the phone?"
"There," You raise a shaky arm, your non-bloody one, to point at a wall mounted phone, "Am I gonna be okay?"
"You'll live." Wayne grunts, squeezing your shoulder as he lumbers past you to the phone, "Don't stress, kiddo."
Neither of the Munson men are especially proficient in comforting words, you suppose. But Eddie stalks back across the house to stand beside you, brandishing the snake in his hand that you shy away from.
"If you want," Eddie pants, water dribbling down his cheek, "I'll fling him for you. Like, into the fuckin' sun. I'm so sorry, Y/N, I really thought they were gone."
"it's okay," You sniffle rubbing at your tear-stained cheek with your clean hand, "I did, too."
"Gimme that," Wayne scoffs, yanking the snake away from Eddie's iron grip and wrestling him into a bucket, lid punctured with breathing holes, "Don't torment her."
"I'm not! I said I'd fling it," Eddie huffs, free hands now reaching for your injured arm, "Are you okay? Like, besides the snake bite."
"Yeah," You breathe, lungs empty and full at the same time, "Uh it- it hurts. But I'll be okay?"
"For sure," Eddie nods, his curls flying beneath his bandana, "They've got antidotes. You'll probably be home again before dinner. And I'll do another sweep," He looks down, sheepish, "Just in case."
"Thank you," You whimper, the soft, warm touch of his fingers on your arm comforting, "Could you ride in the ambulance with me?"
His eyes go wide, "You want me to?"
"Please," You urge, "I'm scared. And you know about this stuff; about snake bites. I need someone who knows what they're saying to tell me I'm not gonna die."
"Yeah," Eddie nods, breathless, "Yeah, I'll ride with you. Oh! And, uh, you're not gonna die."
"Thanks," You break into a smile, although it's muddled by the tears in your eyes and the quake in your voice, "Y'know, you're a shit exterminator, but you seem like a nice guy."
Wayne doesn't give Eddie a chance to laugh at your quip, piping in with a snort, "Yeah, I don't think he'll be taking over the family business anytime soon."
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madman479r · 3 months
Ben 10,000 X Wonder Woman Gibslythe Ship Table
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Ben 10,000 from Classic series
Wonder Woman from Justice league Animated series.
For Ben, this is after Ben 10 Season 3 episode 1 "Ben 10,000", in which he has started to relax a bit though he still maintains a firm attitude, taking being a hero seriously.
For Diana, this is set during the Thanagarian invasion of Earth "Starcrossed".
During this Ben finds himself in a new dimension and Immediately recognises that he's in the middle of an invasion. He manages to free the Justice League and assist them in fighting off the invasion.
During the time the team pretended to be civilians to get to Wayne Manor, Ben went with Diana instead of Bruce, so the fake kiss scene was between them.
After they fight off the Thanagarians and expand the Justice League, Ben decides, if he can't get back home, he might as well stay to help keep this Earth safe. His time in the DC universe, he and Diana grow close and start to date.
Big/Little Spoon: Diana had never shared her bed with another, so imagine her surprise by how comforting it feels to cuddle with someone, a man no less. For Ben he was in the same situation, having been constantly patrolling his earth he actually didn't sleep much at all, so having Diana with him in his arms makes him feel less anxious and jittery about not patrolling the Earth for anything.
Lends/Borrows Clothes: I don't think there's much Diana has that Ben would wear, unless he wants to cosplay as her, but that's not likely to ever happen.
Doesn't/Does Use Pet Names: Diana mainly addresses Ben by his name, only referring to him as something like "My Love" in privacy, not wanting their business to be anyone else's. Ben does the same for Diana, wanting to respect her boundaries, plus he doesn't want to seem degrading to her after having heard of Themyscira's views on men.
Introverted/Extroverted: Both are a healthy balance. With Diana having been raised in a isolated island, she's eager to explore the world and what it has to offer. Ben is the opposite, having seen the world and beyond, but despite having and extroverted personality and life before adulthood, there are times in which Ben would just like to have some peace and indulge in his favourite things.
Affection Through Words/Actions: Despite his sometimes serious and stern attitude, Ben knows the right things to say and do to show his affection to Diana, be it complementing her abilities as a warrior or her beauty, or using one of his aliens to make her a gift or show her something, like going on a flight with her to see the world. Diana tends to show affection through actions such as pecks on Ben's cheek or deep and passionate kisses, pouring her love for him in the act. Another way to show it is through sparring with Ben, Diana is an amazon after all.
Confesses First/Waits For Confession: Back when he was being a hero 24/7, Ben found romance to be distracting and never really bothered with it, so he was no expert on how to confess to Diana. Diana on the other hand decided that beating around the bush wasn't her thing and confessed for feelings to Ben, knowing he just needed the push to show her that he loved her too.
Screams About/Squashes Bugs: One is hero who's seen the scariest monsters and aliens of the universe before his 15th birthday and the other is a near invincible warrior, so bugs don't really scare either Ben or Diana.
Drives the Car/Can't Drive: Ben is better with a car while Diana is better with a jet.
Can't Cook/Makes Dinner: Ben knows the basics to cooking but that's about it. (My headcannon is that Ben 10,000 never really ate much, instead transforming into Swampfire or Wildvine and basking in sunlight like photosynthesis for a few minutes to re-energise himself). Diana was taught how to cook so she knows whats she's doing.
Dislikes/Loves PDA: Ben isn't too wild about PDA, wanting to rather keep it when it's private while Diana is even about PDA, only going as far as small kisses in public, giving hugs or holding Ben's hand.
Overprotective/Chill Going: Having been the top hero back on his Earth has made Ben think he should be the one to take on the baddest of the bad, not out of arrogance or underestimating the other heroes, but because he doesn't want to risk anyone getting hurt when he could do it himself, regardless if he's the one in danger. Diana knows Ben can handle himself, especially after hearing his feats back in his universe, but notices that Ben has a tendency to put himself in unnecessary danger in an effort to keep everyone else safe, so she'll do what she can to fight by his side and keep him safe in return.
Has More/No Relationship Experience: Before he turned stoic and cold, Ben had some experience in dating, though they never worked due to his hero life style. Diana never really had a relationship, the only romantic interest having been Steve Trevor but that was another time.
Horny Levels: Both can keep it in their pants but there are times when they just find it hard to resist one another. Diana neve thought she'd be enticied by man or their bodies but Ben had a physique that gives Diana thoughts which would make Aphrodite blush. The same being for Ben, especially when her outfit leaves little to the imagination.
Awkwardness Levels: Neither feel awkward with each other though sometimes Ben doesn't want to risk making Themyscira's views on men seem justified while Diana can rarely feel uneducated about the world outside of Themyscira.
Jealousy Levels: Both have very little to feel Jealousy about but the ugly emotion can be there at rare moments, like when another man/woman tries to make a move on Diana/Ben
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abarbaricyalp · 11 months
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Written for the @sambuckylibrary Summer Bingo! Pride - Coming Out prompt // Rated G // Soft morning moment (and shenanigans) with Sarah and Bucky
Let The World Know
(Title obvi adapted from Diana Ross' "I'm Coming Out")
Bucky Barnes was a funny kind of contradiction. In all the stories Sam told the boys--when Bucky wasn't around to hear--he made the super soldier sound badass or scary. There wasn't a locked room in the world that Bucky couldn't get into. Not a fight he couldn't win. Not a decision he couldn't influence. The strongest, scariest people in the world were terrified of him and, if there were teams being made, everyone wanted Bucky on their side. And Sarah knew all of this was true. She'd done her own research on him. Bucky had sat down and told her himself about his past. She'd seen some of it in play, whether it was the time someone had threatened 'Captain America's family' or the fights she watched on the news or just him convincing the waitress to give him an extra free sweet tea. He could even negotiate the boys (Sam included) into a reasonable bedtime with no tears.
And yet, here was that same man, stumbling through her house like he didn't know the layout exactly, sleep pressed and rumpled, eyes hazy with lingering slumber. He was wearing a shirt that Sarah knew for certain was not his, because she'd bought it for Sam ages ago. He was also wearing a pair of Sam's athletic shorts because apparently he didn't own his own. And he smelled just like Sam's body wash. Except, it wasn't only the body wash. It was Sam all over. His room and his sheets and his warmth. Sarah got plenty of hugs from her brother. It never left her smelling like him.
Bucky pawed at the counters searching for any semi-clean mug that had been left out. There weren't any. When Sam did dishes, he didn't cut corners. And he was aware of Bucky's distaste for mornings, his half conscious habits. He definitely put all the mugs away.
Sarah watched him silently for a few seconds before she let herself into the living room. The couch was just as it had been the night before. The stack of young-readers chapter books that AJ had been tearing through was still on the arm and Cass's half complete science experiment was nestled in the opposite corner. The blanket that normally hung on the back of the couch was nowhere to be found, nor was the pillow Bucky had been using while he stayed in Delacroix.
She came back into the kitchen and continued to watch Bucky as he glared at the coffee machine, like that was going to fill the mug he'd found from somewhere.
"I'll say good morning in a second," he offered after a few more seconds of silence.
Sarah hummed and leaned back against the far counter. "James Barnes, did you just come out of my brother's room?" she asked when she thought he was suitably distracted again.
Bucky flinched like a cat who had been startled. "What? No," he scoffed. "Why would I be in Sam's room? He's home. There's no reason for him to be there. I mean, me to be there."
Sam had mentioned that Bucky couldn't lie. And it was true he had dimples that always gave away the game when he was pretending to blame the boys for something he did. But Sarah hadn't really believed that the world's greatest ghost intrigue story would literally be incapable of lying to the people who knew him. This was just sad. Even Sam would've done better and he was a God-awful liar.
"Barnes," she said warningly. "You're covered in his clothes and his soap and..." She reached over to tug the collar of the oversized shirt away from his neck. "His bruises."
Bucky's cheeks erupted in such a blush, Sarah could practically feel it radiating against her hand. But he didn't back away from her or bat her hand away like he would if she was Sam. She had to pull her hand away from the damning love bites that littered the lower half of his neck.
Bucky's eyes kept flicking from her face to the, still empty, mug in his hands and then back again. He was wide eyed but not scared. A little embarrassed, maybe. A little frustrated, undoubtedly. "I shouldn't be allowed to exist before ten in the morning," he complained and set the mug aside. "Sam knew I'd be the one to get caught."
"You're the only one who could get caught," Sarah pointed out. "It's his room."
"He wears my clothes too," Bucky defended weakly. He brought his hand up to his neck, rubbing at the bruises gently. "Normally they heal faster than this but last night..."
Sarah quickly waved him off. "I do not need details just 'cause I figured it out."
Bucky rolled his eyes his good-naturedly. "I was just going to say that last night as we did was mack on each other, so these are more fresh than they usually would be."
Still, Sarah grimaced, suddenly twelve years old again and disgusted that Sam had kissed Erica W at summer camp. Her face must have shown it because Bucky burst out laughing with that surprised guffaw of his that he always tamped down quickly. "Sarah Wilson," he mimicked her from earlier. "Are you worried I'm giving your brother cooties?"
"Yeah," she agreed. "Who knows what you brought with you from the 40s. It's like those folks up in the Arctic defrosting old pathogens."
Bucky clutched at his chest. "And here I was, thinking Sam had used all the old man jokes available."
Sarah gave him a fond smile and he turned his attention to his fingers, picking at his cuticles.
"Is...is it okay that I'm-- That we're together? Me and Sam," he added with a nervous glance up through his eyelashes.
He reminded Sarah so much of the night Sam had first come out to her. He'd hidden it so perfectly in high school that he'd had to call an old flame of his to prove it to her, that this wasn't a new realization but a fully realized part of him. And then, 20 and halfway through his first tour, back for Christmas break, he'd told her about the man he'd fallen in love with in his training class. He'd been so nervous. He could barely even get the words out. It seemed like he spent the whole time fighting himself not to backtrack out of it.
But the way his eyes had lit up when she asked (demanded) to see a picture of them had said far more than any stuttering explanation ever could. That night, he'd told her that he'd never understood why she was so excited about planning dates or a wedding, but now he got it. Everything they did together, he said, was the most exciting thing that could happen.
Riley had become family, a missing piece whose absence wasn't visible until it was nonignorable. And that hole had been around for so long now, coring through Sam no matter how many layers he tried to cover it in.
And now, Bucky Barnes was fidgeting in her kitchen, looking the same kind of scared and convicted that Sam had all those years ago. The same kind of all enduring love was pouring out of him even as he sought her permission or approval. She wondered if she put her hand to Sam's chest, if she'd feel his soaring heartbeat again, instead of having her touch pass right through to muscle and bone.
"I have never been able to tell my brother anything," she said as noncommittally as she could.
Barnes looked about as strained as she expected. "I'm not asking if you're gonna talk him out of it. I wanna know if you're okay with it. With me."
Sam had told lots of stories about how badass and scary Bucky could be. He'd even had half a conversation like what Barnes was hinting at here, giving her a chance to ask him to keep that kind of history and danger away. But yesterday Sarah had stood right here in the kitchen and watched Bucky shove his arms elbow deep into a mud hole to catch a frog for Cass. And she'd heard him read to AJ until they were both passed out. And she knew, even without having to test her brother's heart, that he made Sam laugh again. And scowl and dance and cook and play in the ocean like a kid.
"Yes, Barnes," she agreed. "You're alright."
Bucky leaned against the counter next to her and gently nudged his shoulder against hers. "I appreciate it," he said and sounded like he genuinely meant it.
When his arm brushed around her back, she thought he was going to hug her. It wasn't until he was hissing at the heat of the coffee that she realized he'd stolen her mug and was chugging it down before she could snatch it back.
"Oh, you are just perfect for him!" she accused with a disbelieving laugh. She reached for the towel that hung off the front of the stove and snapped it at Bucky's hip, even as he made some undignified noise and danced away from her.
"Sarah, wait!" he pleaded between laughs, swinging open the fridge door to put a barrier between them. "We might be family one day. Have mercy."
"That ship's sailed, Barnes. Welcome to family," she said with her own laugh as she jumped around the side of the door to swat at him again. He went running for Sam's door while she called foul. Her objections worked about as well as they ever did on Sam too.
Welcome to the party, she thought while she listened to Sam and Bucky scuffle in the bedroom before Sam had shoved Bucky back out into the hallway to be at Sarah's mercy. Welcome, indeed.
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My weekly roundup CW 16
I try to write down my thoughts after watching stuff to create a little weekly ranking in relation to the previous week on my, most of the times, quiet sundays (and because I love lists and this is a good excuse for me to create a new OneNote journal!).
But first, my winner of the most hilarious subtitle of the week goes to:
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→ 1. The Eighth Sense (ep 7+8)
Pain. Fuck man! The thing is, I can understand JaeWon so well. His pain that just made him numb. A person can only take so much pain before it powers down. One of the strangest and scariest feelings ever. And in a weird way, very comfortable in such situations. The body and mind trying to protect themselves. For JaeWon, the absolutely logical conclusion was to break off contact, to emotionally hurt JiHyun so that he would leave him alone, so that Jaewon's own heart wouldn't start bleeding again and again, even though it's been bleeding all along, only that he can't notice it himself anymore. But everyone can see it. And I hate EunJi for how she pretends to love him but just ignores how much he's suffering. That is not love, that is torture. And TaeHyung…the hate I feel for him is almost as much as the hate I have for EunJi. EunJi I can almost understand, but TaeHyung? He pretends to be JaeWon's friend and then can't forgive him for (deservedly) hitting him after making fun of JiHyun's accident. What the hell is wrong with him? Apparently he was just there to get rich off of JaeWon's background and was hoping for a good contact for future careers. Bright spot of the episode was JiHyun's friend who I just wanted to cuddle!
Absolute highlight of this week for me: The portrayal of light and dark of life and death. As many have already written about it, JiHyun came out of his near death experience with more confidence and courage, he is just bursting with life, while JaeWon died for him inside after the accident. How can he live happily or live at all when he is dragging everyone around him into the abyss. JaeWon is darkness, sadness, depression while JiHyun is the exact opposite and I hope JaeWon will reach out to him next week and let some light back into his life.
↑ 2. Our Dining Table (ep 3)
I just love it. This series is so calm and pleasant. It is the calming point of my week. Yutaka is such a precious and sweet person and I can totally understand Minoru falling in love with him. The idea of the zoo in the apartment! I was so ecstatic! And how Yutaka indirectly confesses that he likes Minoru too, but Minoru misunderstands and thinks Yutaka meant Tane with that statement. And Yutaka's luchbox looks just mega delicious! I'm always hungry when I watch the series 😅 Would love to make myself a rice ball now!
↑ 3. A Boss And A Babe (ep 8)
Okay, so Gun is really very obvious about the two of them. Even though I don't think much of office gossip and I wish them both all the luck in the world, he should know a little better. Nonetheless, I can so understand him reaching for his safe haven after Time attacked him like that. And I love that Cher has become his safe haven. And the scenes with the two of them are just sweet. I think Jack did something wrong with his lecture. A boss can have a happy relationship with an intern. Just because society doesn't think it's good or bad movies try to sell the stereotype of the little office chick, doesn't mean that two grown people in different positions can't be happy together. Of course an abuse of power can happen, but it doesn't here and Jack should see that. He should understand that not only Cher is good for Gun, but the other way around. But good, a little drama has to happen. The episode totally caught up with me again.
☼ 4. Step by Step (ep 1)
The first episode was very promising. I wish with all my heart that Pat would explode at some point and shut his colleague up. The preview for next week didn't look very pleasant, but that's what previews are, they want to captivate the viewer after all. I'm incredibly fond of Pat. I think he's one of those characters I can relate to quite well….a little yes man who doesn't know his limits yet. Saying no is hard, but over time you learn that it's no use trying to please people all the time. I liked the encounters in the café and how freely Pat can talk. I hope he stays as open and honest, just with a little more self-reflection and more courage to say no in the future.
↓ 5. Chains of Heart (ep 10 Final)
I still don't get it. So Din cooperated with the police and then in the end went on a solo destroyer trip where he didn't even get shot, although five men and one of them with a machine gun shot at him…The kid is made of Teflon or something, bullets just bounce off him. Then he has to kill Inpha too…Why? Why not wait for the police, who arrived shortly after! What really bothers me the most, after thinking about it a bit, is that there was not one clarifying conversation between Din and Ken. Just a one night stand. Once all desire washed out and then goodbye…And Din still says he has sworn never again to let go of the hand of his beloved. I don't get it. I would be so pissed if I were Ken. And the open ending with the 7th of the 7th month…Yeah sure, they will see each other again and have a nice life together, on the run or Din has taken the next identity. I just would have liked to see it, but as the series says, Din wasn't seen again by anyone. Okay, let's take it that way. Now the series is over and I'm trying not to let my slight disappointment with the ending affect my rating of the series as a whole. In general, I thought the series was quite good. It was visually appealing and I really liked Ken and Mr. Lues/Din's chemistry. It's funny how in the beginning we all felt like we were sitting there not knowing what exactly was actually happening. It was definitely a journey I really enjoyed, even if the ending was a bit disappointing. But sometimes it's not the destination that matters, but the journey. And that was good.
→ 6. Naked Dining (ep 2)
Futa realized that he had led a very self-centered life and had simply forgotten the promise he made to his grandmother as a child to travel with her to Mexico to see the ancient ruins, while she had not. That's why she wanted the culinary trip around the world. I find it very sad and incredibly beautiful at the same time. And Futa realizes that work is not everything in life and who would be better suited to accompany him in his change than his soulmate Mahori. Well, it's implied anyway that Mahori definitely believes in something like Soulmates and the flashbacks to the past are certainly meant to hint at something. I am curious and look forward to the next episode.
↑ 7. My Story (ep 2)
Sometimes the most beautiful thing you can see all week is two young men applying lotion and massaging each other.
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Zeke and Fifth, both are clearly enjoying each other's touches and I think they realize they already like each other a bit. Absolute favorite couple of the series for me. I just love them. The series is good and cute and free on youtube, so check it out!
☼ 8. The Promise (ep 6)
It continues. While Phu rushed to his grandmother (without telling Nan, of course, but he was supposed to keep his distance anyway…) after she had a little accident, Nan wakes up from his anger. We also see what really happened that night, when in the previous flashbacks they always just kissed each other briefly. They didn't just kiss briefly, they kissed...long. Afterwards Nan, drunk as he was, fell asleep. Anyway, this time Nan travels after Phu and the two don't talk much, but Phu has a nightmare (and of course they sleep in the same bed) and begs Nan in the dream not to leave him. And Nan, quite enraptured by this, promises him not to go anywhere and I'm sitting here just thinking: awwwww!
☼ 9. Our Skyy 2 (ep 1+2)
Hm. I don't know. I don't know if it was the mystical time travel or the fact that Palm was a little too sweetly cute for me, but I didn't think the first two episodes were that good. I have no idea why they couldn't be together in the past, but now they've been sent back to change their future so they can stay together forever by undoing their curse? I just didn't understand what exactly caused their bad fate to be lifted now. But maybe it was just too sweet-talking for me. Palm has always been very corny in his choice of words, but he overdid it a bit in both episodes. I thought the ending was sweet, all good, but it probably won't be my favorite.
↓ 10. Bed Friend (ep 10 Final)
That was a sugar battle. I've rarely seen so much sweetness in one episode. *At this point I had to edit my text, because I was remembered that Uea is seeing a therapist and taking his meds...I just forgot about that, because it was handled very shortly. The love-heals-everything-part was still the focus.
In the end, it got a little too corny with the proposal in the office, so that everyone could see it. Now that wouldn't have worked anywhere else? I don't know. If King had chosen the place because it was important for their relationship, the place where they met or something like that, okay, but just so people could hide…I don't know. But I'm also sometimes a romance trumpet and can't watch things like this well without cringing.
→ 11. Tin Tem Jai (ep 8)
I somehow can't see them being a couple now. Except that Park is a bit nicer to Tin, I don't see any difference to before. They are hugging each other a little bit longer and Park calls Tin Babe, but I can't really see it. It could just be a brotherly relationship. And I don't mean that there is no kiss or anything like that, but they just don't have the vibes of a couple in love. And how old is Tin now? I'm so confused! And why do you have to turn a sweet scene into a drawn-out torture of the nerves, taking everything sweet out of it (a five-minute build-up until Park remembers that the password is Tin's birthday, an important date he can't forget, and then did forget…?).
→ 12. PastSenger (ep 7)
Oh man…this show just doesn't get any better. I love it when couples, once they get together, still act like every touch is too much or are surprised when they touch and get shy when it might come to a kiss. I really don't have much more to say about that. I also don't know what's going to happen for the remaining five episodes. The plot doesn't give much away at the moment, except that Kiao wants to go back to his time, and of course that becomes more and more difficult the more time passes and the deeper the relationship with Bamee goes. I don't have a plan how this is going to end. I think I'll put it on-hold for now until I eventually binge it. Currently, I don't feel like watching any more.
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Okay for your sinario Eddie being the clumsy thing that he is sprains his ankle and has to get a cast. Also being the dramatic thing he is he makes you dote him 24/7 cue cute/silly/spicy shenanigans 😁
HAPPY SELF INDULGENCE SUNDAY!!!!! the absolute best day of the week, my beloved Cee!! 🤩 I was debating on if I should write this in first person for full self indulgence, but I thought, what better way to indulge than to include you (and anyone else that might read this) so I'll be writing these hcs in second person! (STILL this is canon for the personal au we've been developing through our self indulgence sundays, obviously <3)
Taking care of Eddie when he sprains his ankle (nsfw under the cut)
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The silly man either sprained his ankle doing something absolutely stupid like literally walking and tripping over something on his bedroom floor, or he slipped trying to do a complicated power move on stage.
Either way, he's immediately sent to the hospital to get his leg in a cast and it's Uncle Wayne who calls you from the trailer once Eddie's all bandaged up, asking if you could please do him the big favor of taking care of him because he has to work.
No need to be asked twice of course, you're there in an instant; not before you stop by Family Video first to stock up on tapes for him, as well as goodies from the supermarket.
He's all settled on the couch in his pj's, with a blankie around him and the biggest pout on his silly face - which flips up when he sees you stepping in like literal sunshine to save him from boredom.
You pop the first movie, Nightmare on Elm Street, on the VCR, but before you can settle with him on the couch, you go around the kitchen to tidy up and prepare him some comforting lunch, like tomato soup with a grilled cheese.
But he's groaning the entire time, because the movie just started and STILL you're not there, you're missing the scariest bits AND you have the audacity to not be kissing him in that very moment.
He makes a whole scene, groaning and pretending to be sobbing, calling your name over and over dramatically until he's yelling in a hoarse voice and when you go to see what all the fuzz is about he pretends to be dead, tongue out and arms all splayed out on his sides.
"Oh you're such a drama queen!" You chuckle before you carefully climb up his lap and start smooching his face until he 'wakes' up, chuckling against your kisses and trapping the sound with his mouth, drinking it all up like your laughter is the painkiller he really needs.
"I was making you lunch, Eds! not like I had abandoned you forever"
"Well it sure felt that way, babe. Come ooooon, you're missing the entire movie!" You shift to sit beside him but he urges you to remain on his lap.
When you shoot him a questioning glare, he just gives you the goofiest of smirks and says, "it's only my ankle that's inmobilized, if you get my drift..."
You roll your eyes but indulge him, kissing his neck, carding your fingers through his frizzy locks, scratching his head, soothing his cheeks with your thumbs. Just all the doting in the world, you can't resist.
The tomato soup had gone cold a while ago, and while you wanted so bad for him to have a warm lunch, Eddie assured you that he'd rather have you all warmed up from his touch, right here on his lap.
His kisses get more determined, bold, wanton...and the movie is all but forgotten, a mere noise in the background as you feel him start to harden in his soft pajama pants.
You ride him lazily, because you have all the time in the world to bask in his pressence, and you have your hurricane of a man all mellowed out below you, just aching to be taken care of, for once.
This time, when you sink down on him, it's not to chase your relief but to really enjoy his company - really focus on the way he feels all hot and stiff, grazing your walls that are soaking from mere kissing.
Besides, you're weary of hurting him, even though he keeps reassuring you that he's fine.
His eyes are all dopey, looking at you with pure honey dripping from his gaze.
You're even worried that it might be the effects of the painkillers, but then he says something dorky like, "you're the only drug I need in my system, babe."
You just snort out laughing, which makes you contract around him, pulling a deep groan from his throat - which is tilted back, a long column in perfect display to kiss and nibble all over.
When you look at him he's over the moon, grinning, and when you both cum at the same time it's with a happy sigh of pure contentment.
You pepper kisses all along his forehead, his nose and his blushing cheeks until you reach those plump lips of his, all pink from being bitten and licked.
You couldn't care less that you'd done all the work this time, you're in pure bliss taking care of him; you rise to fetch a wet cloth to clean yourselves up, before going to the kitchen once more to heat up his soup.
Afterwards, you do sit beside him, bring him hot chocolate for dessert, and rewind the movie so you could pay attention to it this time.
When he's done with his meal, you bring him his meds with a glass of water, and then he settles on you, laid with his head on your chest so you could play with his hair as he dozes on and off, managing to miss the move yet again.
It doesn't matter though, because Eddie is such a livewire all the time, you barely get to see him like this, peacefully asleep, all tamed and soft and draped on you.
When Uncle Wayne comes back home, he fixes you all some breakfast, and even if he insists that he could take it from here, you're more than happy to take care of Eddie as long as it was neccessary <3
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omegasmileyface · 9 months
The Forest, the Trees, the Fire I: CATALYST
Chapter 5
chaptor 5 lets go Authors: @attackradish, @ectolemonades, me. Artist: @/crunchysart
For the full characters list, word count, content warning, and a directory to all the currently available chapters and related content, see the Table of Contents!
full summary: The world outside of Amity Park has learned about the existence of ghosts, and the time for first impressions has arrived. The delicate public consciousness could be disrupted by the slightest ripple. Danny Fenton is being ripped apart from all sides, and when he finally breaks, the ripples will be very big indeed.
warnings: mind control
words: 3778
AO3 link
first chapter
previous chapter
next chapter
Jack Fenton was shocked at the verdict discussed in the GIW's leaked paper. Vlad? A ghost? Sure, he probably would have reached those same conclusions himself given that data, but the paper was very new, only a few days old. It hadn't been through a peer review process. It was only an unproven hypothesis that Vlad was dead. If the paper had been thorough enough to have a valid conclusion, it would have been published officially. This was still in its workshopping stages, leaked before it could finish incubating. Sure, the readings were concerning and deserved to be looked into some more, but it would be unscientific to say his friend was dead. It would be unfair.
Maddie Fenton was less confident. She distrusted the bureaucratic process of the GIW and loathed an unreviewed paper as much as her husband, but there were some things clicking together in her memories. Some hazy events starting to make a lot more sense.
Valerie Gray was hesitant to trust a group that shot at anything with an ectosignature— like she used to— but she had never been a fan of Vlad Masters. An appreciative business partner, sure, but… he was just a sponsor. And he had never set off her suit's alarms or anything, but he had made it, and even when she altered it… there were lots of varieties of ghosts. She wouldn't be surprised if there were types that were specialized in pretending to be human. So when the very agency that had been benefiting from his support was convinced that he wasn't human… Valerie remembered his massive living room and his face on the cover of a magazine and his board position at the company that had fired her dad. She felt tears of anger build behind her eyes.
Jazz Fenton saw the headlines— "Richest Man Alive in the Midwest… Not So Alive?"— in a city that wasn't even completely sure it believed in ghosts. And wasn't that fun? Going from a place where it was a simple fact of life, and you accepted it or died, to the terrifying outside world where reputable sources and established worldviews and "seeing is believing" all fought for dominance on the daily? And amid all the debate, there was the face of her awful godfather on the news with the scariest captions she could imagine. All she could think to do to help was call her brother. 
Vlad had no choice but to call for a press conference that evening. Waiting would only make things worse. This was not the kind of thing people could go without word on for more than a few hours. He could say something there that would make things worse, yes, but if he waited any longer to speak, he was good as gone. Ruined like a croissant made with warm butter. Thrown out like a dropped cupcake. Fucked.
It was just too bad that he hadn't thought of what in the fondue to say.
And, oh goodie, there was Daniel the moment he closed the door to his office. Looks like he wouldn't even have a chance to think of something.
"Daniel, I appreciate the moral support, but I really need to prepare for this."
"What are you going to say out there?"
"Straight to the chase, are we? Look, it's a very sensitive matter, and it requires more thought—"
"You don't know? The great chessmaster played with fire and didn't have a plan for what to say when he got burned?"
"Bold words coming from you! I'm surprised you even heard about what happened, with the way your parents tell me you've been missing in action!"
"You know damn well where I've been! I've been actually trying to fix this whole mess, unlike you on the inside, playing around—"
They both heard a car pulling up the driveway. They shared a look.
"Probably GIW," said Daniel. "If they can't be sure you're human, they definitely can't be sure you're not planning something."
"Mm," Vlad agreed. "Let's go to the lab."
The two went downwards, beyond the floor and into Vlad's lab. Oh, Vlad realized, the authorities will probably be clearing the place out as a crime scene after this. The lab was supposed to be inaccessible to humans, but… well, it wouldn't be the first time they'd destroyed one of his houses. He figured he should move his important data before he left for the conference.
"Here, help me pack up or destroy anything the GIW shouldn't get to find. Just stick it through the portal if you think it's worth keeping."
"Fine," said Daniel, "as long as you listen to me while we do that."
Vlad walked to his computer station to update his backups. "Of course."
"So, it's just as well that you don't know what to say. I've got ideas."
"Do tell?"
Danny opened a fridge to find an array of plastic vials labelled with his name and a date from 2004. Ew. He burned those up with an ectoblast. "Your options are pretty much to tell the truth, dispute their findings, or claim to be a full ghost, and I think you can see how two of those would be no-gos."
"Are you certain? You've seemed awfully sure before that having a human side would prevent humans from doing anything unthinkable. Why the new attitude? Are you afraid of getting caught out yourself?"
Danny sighed. "Vlad, if they find out that there's a grey-area between ghostliness and humanity, they'll have a whole new playing field. They could… like, try to make people liminal on purpose as soldiers. It's really better that they have as little information as possible."
"You're so confident that they wouldn't see right through me!" Vlad tossed a box-shaped construct full of hard disks through the portal. "Besides, it wouldn't be so bad. Maybe they'll start to believe in our humanity! Ha."
"Yeah, no way. That's out of the question. And I don't know about you, but I can't think of a single way to deny the ghost allegations without that backfiring immediately."
"So I'm going to have to pretend that I've been 'just Plasmius' the whole time. Great. I look forward to that conversation. Is there a point to this?"
Danny threw some boxes of paper files through the portal without caring if they spilled out. "If you agree to stick to that plan, and don't do anything that could rat either of us out, I'll get you a good place to stay in the Zone and a ride there after the press conference."
Vlad paused. His face was blank, tired.
"…You do know you can't stay here, right? They're gonna know your face everywhere. I don't know if you've figured out shapeshifting, but I think it would be hard to keep it up for long. Your life on Earth is done for, at least until this whole thing is over."
Vlad straightened up. "What about outside the US? There are communities just taking ghosts as another part of life in other countries. I imagine I could hit it off well enough in a small town in China somewhere."
As if Danny hadn't bargained the same thing with himself a thousand times by now. "The GIW haven't hesitated to work abroad before. I can't imagine them stopping once they have a grudge against you."
"I bet I could even find some sort of willing overshadow host—"
"No!" Danny stepped out of the weapon cache he was sorting into "useful (save)", "creepy (burn)", and "God only knows (steal)" piles to look Vlad in the eye. "We both know you don't want to run away to somewhere where you could never see anyone you know, or build another portal, or get too far into the public eye. That lifestyle just isn't for you. You're too desperate to fulfill your ego."
Vlad tried to defend himself, but Danny didn't let him.
"I'm offering you a free ride to a place in the middle of the familiar part of the Infinite Realms, defended from all the enemies you've made, no restrictions. I even made sure it's safe for your cat. Just accept, and it'll be that easy."
Vlad's eyes filled with a manic energy Danny hadn't seen since he turned fifteen. "Goodness, Daniel, I thought you weren't the type for deals. Are you losing yourself in your little jaunt with the High Throne?"
Danny ran his hands through his hair and wondered if Vlad would take going back to cleaning up as a sign of weakness. Then he wondered if he really cared what Vlad thought. "God, dude! Just shut up and take the deal."
"You know, Daniel, if I told them the truth, they would put the clues together and find you. I'm sure you wouldn't like that very much. Either they'd take you away for good or you'd have to leave this dimension behind. Either way, you wouldn't be able to contact any of your friends and family." His eyes were wide and looking behind Danny somewhere. He was smiling. It was the least controlled smile he'd ever seen on Vlad. Something was wrong. "Of course, I'd already be running away. You don't have the resources to stay on Earth on your own, but I have cash. If you wanted to talk to anyone you knew, anyone who could understand, I'd be your only option. You would have to come with me."
"What the hell are you talking about?" There were GIW agents stomping around upstairs and the press conference was in a few minutes. They were running out of time.
"I'm going to tell them about us, Daniel, and you're going to have to come with me! You don't have a choice! You never DID!"
Vlad was actually breaking down! He was panicking because everything was over for him, and reverting to familiar plans! Was he gonna listen? Could he listen? They were both screwed. What was Danny supposed to do? 
His mouth was open before he knew what he was doing. Vlad always did make him a little impulsive.
"You have to take the deal."
He realized he had fucked up when Vlad didn't even hesitate. "Okay." His tone and face were flat, as if he hadn't been experiencing a crisis a second ago. Then his face curled up like he had eaten something bitter.
They both looked into each other's eyes for a moment, and in both faces there was barely hidden fear. Then Danny grabbed the last few bags of tech and tossed them through the portal so he didn't have to see Vlad's face. He had just used a Command. Like, capital C, barely written in the books, "rare Ghost King shit" Command. It only got brought up once in his lessons and he had already hated the idea. He hated even more that he had used it less than two weeks after getting coronated.
He didn't even mean to! But he was so sure that he wouldn't get through to Vlad, and that he and Dani and every liminal Amity Parker would be screwed over permanently, and he was desperate…
Maybe Vlad was right, and neither of them had a choice.
Vlad finally got his voice reconnected to his thoughts. "Are we going to talk about that, little King?"
Danny shut off the portal, then ripped some components out of the tunnel so it hopefully couldn't be easily repaired. "Make sure everything from the mansion that you want to keep is ready to be moved. I'll grab your cat. Meet me at my place when they stop listening and start shooting."
Danny flew off without looking at Vlad's face again.
Mayor Vlad Masters took the stage just late enough to spur concern, at 5:03 PM. The sun was already gone, and under the portable lights the news station had brought, he looked absolutely normal. There was less of an in-person audience than usual.
"Hello, Amity Park.
"This morning, a research report from the Garrison Irving Walker Commission was leaked on a number of public websites. The report centered around myself: specifically, an investigation into my history and relationship with ectoplasm. In short, the authors concluded that my ectoplasmic readings suggested that I am a ghost, or that something similar is the case, and pointed to some events in my past as a businessman and ectologist which might support that."
From off the platform, a single person booed.
"For the sake of transparency, I have decided to publically share my side of the story. I would like to preface this by saying that I apologize for the times I have misled anyone before about my identity. I did so knowingly and willingly in hopes that I could go about my business without being interrupted. I have made many selfish and damaging choices before, and I am choosing to cast light on them now. Please allow me to tell you…"
Vlad barely caught the piercing eyes of Phantom— probably a duplicate made solely to intimidate him— hiding behind a light pole across the street.
"…the whole truth.
"In February of 1984, I… Vlad Masters was enrolled in an Ectology graduate program at the University of Wisconsin Madison. The program was even smaller and more ridiculed then than it was a few months ago, and most of the research being done in the program was very experimental and quite risky. Masters and… his lab partners had spent the rest of the school year theorizing the existence of a dimension adjacent to this one, where ectoplasmic events and entities originated. By spring, they were working on a prototype of a portal meant to make such a dimension visible from this one.
"Against all odds, they were able to make some kind of a connection, but it wasn't how they intended it. J— some idiot didn't—"
Vlad clutched his lectern and took a breath. He was clinical. He was neutral. He was an outside observer.
"Not all safety checks were followed on the portal. When Masters was investigating the portal after a failed test, it suddenly activated and expelled a massive amount of ectoradiation into his face, along with some mundane radiation and raw ectoplasm. It was not his fault, but he was severely injured and came down with an ectoradiation sickness which took him out of college and left him in the hospital for a year, slowly dying.
"My name is Plasmius. You may know me as the Wisconsin Ghost."
He avoided transforming, still, in case it might make the audience more trigger happy. Or somehow spark an investigation into half-ghosts.
"When the prototype portal activated, it made a small connection with the ghost dimension, and I just happened to be present to feel it. I followed, and I was subsequently shot into the body of Vlad Masters. He was present, but very ill, and as he slowly died, I slowly gained control. I also gained access to some of his memories, and I could still use my powers in his body without stopping it from being human and looking like him. It seemed the perfect opportunity to pick up his life after he died and I made his body healthy enough to leave the hospital.
"I started using his identity as my own. He became something like a skin to me, so much so that my own form was influenced by his appearance and now looks something like him, but more ghostly. Later on, I would learn to leave his body temporarily, if I needed— rather, wanted, to do something like fight other ghosts. For the most part, though, the life and body Vlad Masters left behind became my home.
"As remorseful as I am to admit it after all this time, I would occasionally use my powers to influence business partners and rivals to gain more money and power. While I was on Earth, living something like a human life, I wanted to see all it had to offer me, and money seemed like the only way to do that.
"Eventually, I, like many ghosts of our time, grew a fondness for picking fights with the Phantom. That, alongside a developing friendship with my— Vlad Masters's godson and his family, led me to relocate to Amity Park."
Across the street, Daniel's duplicate rolled his eyes. Well, Vlad couldn't exactly mention the prank war, now, could he?
"I campaigned for mayorship out of that same desire to experience the full human gambit, and I did influence some voters into voting for me. I apologize for my disruption of the local democracy.
"Since I started to li— reside here, I have focused on my work as mayor as much or more than my business as a ghost. I have—"
Someone threw a shoe at Vlad. He stepped aside.
"I have recently been genuinely attempting to work with the Garrison Irving Walker Commission to keep the humans of Amity Park secure and free among new knowledge about ghosts. I okayed the construction of the research facility in town, and permitted local rights to use defensive ectoweaponry not yet approved outside town. The investigation into me was sudden, and was triggered by my pushback against a policy which would result in the constant surveillance and reporting of every Amity Park citizen's biological information via a tracking of ectocontamination.
"As far as I know, I am the only ghost who was pretending to be a human in Amity Park, and this particular investigation did in fact reveal my presence. In a few minutes, I am going to leave this town once and for all and you won't have to worry about me anymore, but I urge you to think about the fact that the GIW were so ready to write a report like this as soon as I, a consistent supporter of theirs ideologically and monetarily, questioned a proposed move to start monitoring innocent civilians.
"One bit of potentially critical response, and they were pulling up confidential medical information on an individual they had no proof was guilty or inhuman. They were tracing all of my past correspondences and records, without my knowledge or permission, when they thought I was human. They are not the government, or the police, or the court. They are a private institution, and the moment I did something they didn't like, they went behind my back to upheave my life.
"Perhaps, in your eyes, I deserved it. But someday they will do the same to someone who does not.
"Personally, I am glad to return to the realm of the dead, where those in power never do something like this without being physically attacked in response."
Vlad turned invisible, and the small audience turned into a cacophony. The GIW agents in the group immediately started firing. But he was already gone, shooting off toward the Fenton portal, where he was expected.
Jack and Maddie Fenton had been paying rapt attention the whole press conference, united in their confusion. Neither of them knew what to feel.
Was it considerate or cold that he refused to mention them by name, despite their massive part in his story? Were his claims about the GIW acting out without good reason true or manipulative?
Should Jack feel remorseful that his honest mistake had killed his friend, or victorious that the Wisconsin Ghost hated the memory so much it stopped him in his tracks? Should Maddie feel sad that her old friend's image had been dirtied in her memory, or vindicated that he really had been different in recent years?
With their hearts full and minds blank, the only thing they could be sure of was that everything was moving very quickly, and without their involvement.
Whether they were there to help fight the good fight or to change the system from the inside, it was finally time the Drs. Fenton gave in and joined the GIW.
Valerie Gray had planned on watching the press conference alone, but her dad had asked her to join him. She figured, now, that his presence was the only thing keeping her from throwing something at the TV.
The Guys in White had kept going too far, just like she was afraid, and the very man she had said she trusted to keep that from happening turned out to be a ghost. Not just a ghost, either, but the Wisconsin Ghost, one of the worst ones. He came, did as much damage as possible without engaging anyone, and left. Val was even pretty sure she saw him threatening Dani, way back when.
He never showed up except to wreak havoc. Of course he was the same as "Vlad Masters", who took over companies just to make life worse for teenagers and got voted in despite nobody wanting him. He had been an okay benefactor, but…
He had been seen naked on live television. She only put up with him so she could do her job. Of course he was a lying, manipulative, stealing ghost!
If there was a proper afterlife, for people who didn't become ghosts, Valerie hoped the real Vlad Masters was there, laughing that Plasmius had finally been forced to own up.
And back on Earth, Valerie locked herself in her room and vowed to never again trust someone who hadn't proven themself.
It was a beautiful day in Victoria, British Columbia. Sure, there was a foot of fresh snow, and it really didn't look the same without its summer blooms, but Danielle Phantom had snuck into the Butchart Gardens anyway. They were still magical! A thousand different kinds of leaves, hidden by frost blankets… she loved to see it in any season!
She couldn't resist twirling around in the air when she finally left the Gardens to go back to the levy. Yes, she was visible, and maybe Victoria was just a tad too populated for that to be safe, but… she was living life! How could she turn down a chance to live her day to the fullest when she never knew which one would be her last?
The sunset over the ocean was stunning in its greys and blues and oranges. She almost wished she had saved some film in that disposable camera she bought for her journey through Alaska.
There was only one boat on the water, approaching the harbor. She didn't question it, even when they weren't stopped for nearly long enough to complete a safe border check. They just pulled into the harbor, unboarded, and then Danielle's vision was going blurry, and she was forgetting where she was, and three men in white suits were dragging her over to the boat.
What a vacation, huh?
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batmanshole · 7 months
omg wait tell me more about ur ocs... :O
SMILES IN HEREE!!!!! ok so i have like. several universes. buttercup and rika are florists who are like. cow girl hybrids? (sorta based on the moobloom + moolip from minecraft) and they are dating.
ive written a post about unnamed dilf / milf / secretary / winona before but i cannot find it. essentially dilf and milf are dating and also work high up in the mob (?) and then milf realizes shes a lesbian and tells dilf and hes kind of sad but hes a good guy so hes like ok. what can i do to support you? and shes like idk 👍 im leaving the country tho bye. and she goes and she meets her secretary and theyre evil and kill together Lesbian Style. but uh oh! she had a cryptic pregnancy (didnt show much + assumed other symptoms were stress from new country) so now shes 8 months pregnant and is like fuck i dont even vibe with this baby like at all. but she knows dilf always wanted a kid so she shows up at his house after the baby is born and is like hiii. heres your kid. ok back to lesbian sex and murder byeeee. and hes like what the fuck! okay! but hes a REALLY good dad. hes still an intimidating mob boss but he has a baby that he loves a lot. winona is the babysitter and the baby likes her a lot.
ive also written a post about lydia / john / daphne before but essentially. john is a shitty husband and cares more about work than his wife (lydia). lydia is fed up with this and also in love with his secretary (daphne). so she and daphne plot to kill him and run away together.
darryl is like if a demon was a hot older guy and also was forced to do Demonic Paperwork all the time while he and his assistant (june) try to capture an angel (none of them want this arrangement so the three of them pretend to fight tom and jerry style then go out for drinks)
hans is my curent fav oc and my BABYGIRL. hes a serial killer hes tall as fuck and hes very quiet hes also german and the worlds biggest service top. his gf is like a foot and a half shorter than him and super cute but she wears the pants. scariest man on the planet gets dommed by tiny cute girl? more at 7.
i dont have much sorted out about the executioner / knight / princess trio but essentially they all love eachother very much and the knight and executioner are not afraid to get their hands dirty for the princess.
ophelia and the nameless evil being are pretty underdevelopped too but essentially. evil being (he/it) who doesn't have a name and has been around for a long time and is scary as fuck meets girl who has problems but isnt afraid of him and is nice to it once and its like ohhh okay. well i will protect you with my life now. meanwhile shes like STOP KILLING PLEASE >:( and hes like :( but- and then she rolls her eyes. he does not understand that deer carcasses are not gifts most humans enjoy (it has no idea what humans eat.)
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terato-is-life · 1 year
This is really personal and one of the scariest/traumatizing things that happened in my life, but I just realized how much this tumblr and ALL OF YOU help me to go through this.
(There's a piece down in this post that's trigger free, so don't worry)
TRIGGER WARNING: Sexual Abuse, Phoedophilia and Anxiety.
I was 14 yo at the time that happened and I was going to make 15 that year (the year I also got into High School).
I had planned to marathon a few tv shows i used to watch at the time, but my mother didn't share the same plans so she asked my stepfather to cut the TV signal so I would get other thing to do, which I decided to go to my Grandmothers house.
I was already at her house's street when I saw her neighbor, an old man on his 60's/70's, who I knew since I was a kid, and I greeted him just like I would do to everyone.
Then I made an innocent mistake that would haunt me forever.
The trigger starts below.
I proposed to make him some company since his wife was out, and he got me into his kitchen, where he offered me an orange cake, to which I ate.
I was sitting on a chair, while talking with him, and he got behind me to which I supposed it was to get something from the shelf.
He kissed my neck instead.
And I paralyzed IMMEDIATELY.
I couldn't move or either talk in fear, and I shall say that I was more afraid of him slapping me for reacting rather than a possible rape itself.
He got his hand inside my bra, rubbing my breast as I screamed internally for someone to help me.
Then he said "May I suck on your tit?", and when I refused he tried to go down there, to which I also refused.
He tried twice to get what he wanted, but after asking for the second time, he released me and I ran away in tears pretending nothing ever happened.
After this, all I ever wanted was a gentle guy to protect me and to not let anyone touch me, it was then I started to write about things I wanted to happen with me, like present and caring parents (specially father), a caring and understanding boyfriend/husband (a feeling I sadly never got the chance to have, but I hope it will happen someday)
My biggest fear is that in the world we live, there is a lot of men who would only get with a girl to get into her pants, but I don't want that.
A relationship for me is made mostly with respect, comprehension and LOVE
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doofnoof · 11 months
Tumblr media
Dw geggy sort of scares me too-
YEAH. Gregory is a FANTASTIC character and I wonder what his motivations and backstory are like to make him that way but there are certain characters that make me feel like a bird got into the house and is flying around erratically above my head. Gregory is one of them.
GREGGY BOYE WON AGAINST SIX ADVANCED ANIMATRONICS, ONE OF WHICH IS AN ABSOLUTELY GIGANTIC SPIDER, ALL OF WHICH ARE SMARTER THAN YOUR'S TRULY YES EVEN MONTY. YES EVEN MINI MUSIC MAN. We're NOT counting Sun because he wasn't ACTIVELY trying to kill Gregory he's just a bad babysitter. Gregory is also very small and scrawny for his age. AND HE STILL WON AGAINST PROLIFIC CHILD MURDERER PEEPAW WILLY AND HIS SCARY APPRENTICE VANNY/VANESSA WHO IS A TRAINED NIGHTGUARD AND HAS SCARY GLITCH SUPERPOWERS. And did I mention he's even younger than Luffy???? I don't actively fear Gregory but I acknowledge that he's BY DEFINITION a very scary kid. Less Scary than Luffy and Venti, mind you, because he's mostly just scared and trying to survive but his relationship with Freddy is very sweet and I love that in one of the endings he kept Freddy's head and freed Vanessa AND THEY ALL HAD SOME ICE CREAM TOGETHER AND WATCHED THE SUN RISE. I LOVE FOUND FAMILY. HE JUST NEEDS ENRICHMENT IN HIS ENCLOSURE AND THEN HE'LL STOP DISMEMBERING THE GLAMROCKS I PROMISE.
I don't know if anyone here watches Dimension 20, but if you do, you may have seen the Sugarplum Fairy from A Crown Of Candy, Dungeon Mastered by Brennan Lee Mulligan. He plays this character very well, and her whole thing is that she's a fairy, but she's incredibly powerful and wise, a very very old creature and her true form seems a little further beyond the average human's capabilites of understanding something larger than them, verging into Cosmic Horror/Biblically Accurate Angel territory. But she smiles and flutters around and pretends to be a very cute harmless fairy, she's ethereally beautiful and wants to help the main cast achieve their goal and is going to help them, thank The Bulb for that.
There's also Baron from The Baronies from the same show, during the Fantasy High campaign. Baron feeds off of one of the character's fears and insecurities, they want to be real but are made entirely from lies, and it torments Rizz Gukgak with Rizz's own words in its odd ethereal way. Baron is clearly something that is not human/real/worldly but is doing everything in it's power to seem real and part of Rizz's world, but is also doing it all wrong. Baron, unlike the Sugarplum Fairy, is not kind and in fact drags Rizz into the mirror world by his neck using strength he should not have in his tiny skeletal frame.
The reason I bring this up is because both of these characters remind me of Venti. Venti is otherworldly and is trying SO HARD to appear human, and while I respect that and understand Venti's struggles on a personal level, I still find him deeply scary as a concept. I would say the same for Zhongli, but Zhongli doesn't seem to be trying to appear human either. He reminds me of Paarthurnax, truth be told. He is a very old and tired dragon man, and wants the current strife he's in to be over so he can go sit on his giant dragon porch and drink some tea. Venti is that "Hello Fellow Kids" meme but Venti is just as ancient as Zhongli and still has Sickly Victorian Era Orphan energy at the same time?? Fascinating character, 10/10 makes my skin crawl.
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