#prolly more than any of the other links did
adrift-in-thyme · 3 months
Warriors and Time having each other’s backs is everything to me
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Credit to @linkeduniverse
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xmycxx · 10 months
tattoo!artist ellie x reader (more headcannons)
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Sketchbook hc's
A/N: This is just, general stuff i was thinking of bc y'all loved this AU and i finally have some time
Dates with tatto!artist ellie
i feel like ellie, specifically tattoo artist ellie wouldn't like the huge romantic dates like going to a fancy restaurant and overdressing for it
she'd def take you to a fair and hold your hand on the rides you think are scary though
you mention you like a brand? she's subscribed to their mailing list so she knows when they have stuff on sale (bc she knows you hate spending more money than you have to) and takes you there
and you're still clueless, you just think she has some sort of magic intuiton for saving money
she prefers smaller, more meaningful dates, to the point where she'd much prefer watching a movie over at your house with a pizza over getting anxiety over going somewhere fancy
The gays def know that getting tattoo's are fuckin EXPENSIVE
so ya girl is rich and basically fuckin loaded bc of it
in turn, once she gets comfortable, she love love LOVES spoiling you
"Babe," You called out, frowning in mild exasperation at the item in your room. It wasn't that you didn't appreciate the gesture. It was just that the top was 80. fucking. dollars.
"Yea?" Ellie asked, feigning innocence and following you in your room, grinning when she saw the t-shirt in your hands. "Fits?"
"Ellie, it's almost the same price as the headphones i use," You argued, a little exasperated with this. She rolled her eyes, grinning and coming to place her hands on your hips.
"C'mon, try it on?" She asked, unfazed as you shook your head.
"Please? For me?"
By god, she could get you to do anything by just saying that. You did as she asked, and you loved it. You never would've bought it for yourself, but when you modelled it for Ellie, her smile was worth more than 3 of those tops.
You don't really go for the more expensive gifts, knowing Ellie prolly won't appreciate them much
handmade! gifts!
like, let's say you gave her a handmade bracelet or something
or like, a gimmick (gonna use a personal example here)
your friend has some spare clay or something, so you take a chunk and model it into something you knOW is super super dumb
you take the dimensions of her fav tattoo pen and make a lil snake or sm to wrap around it and make it with huge googley eyes bc it looks so creepy and weird it's hilarious
you give it to her, trying your hardest not to laugh
she finds it fuckin HILARIOUS
she doesn't use it in the shop, scared of being called a simp
instead finds a marker she uses for sketching and puts it on that, it's her favorite marker now
Affection? hugs? kisses? awkward?
i feel like ellie is not very big on pda when you first start out
like very hesitant, doesn't want to cross any lines
if you're more affectionate, she still keeps you at arms distance until she's sure she wants to indulge you
if you're not affectionate like me then it actually works for her, she slowly initiates the affection
i think she'd love hand holding the most
espECIALLY when you trace her tattoos or her lil callouses on her hands
ugh she meLTS
not huge on the PDA, like the mandatory cheek kisses, forehead pecks etc.
if you're huge on it, welcomes it with open arms
if you're not, goes for the basic linking pinkies
you actually asked her once why she doesn't like it that much
"why do i need to show other people you're mine? I mean, I'm pretty secure in the fact that you're my girlfriend, why does the rando across the street need to see my tongue down your throat to get that?"
you choked on your drink at that answer
however, that attitude takes a 180 turn when she's jealous
A/N: Give me headcannons for jealous ellie, i have nOne. Also, what do y'all think of this?
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fluff-writing · 9 months
Mulling over Inarius's whole plot in D4. I think it's even more pathetic than the game shows.
Inarius seems to think the Heavens are watching him and judging his actions. He thinks he's appeasing them somehow, and trying to earn his way into their good graces. (Why he wants to go back to Heaven at all is anyone's guess. They'd probably just throw him into the Fist without thinking twice. Or kill him. Or both.)
Whether Lilith believes the angels are truly watching or not, she goads Inarius by using their apparent 'silence' on the matter. He takes it well! Starts talking at Heaven/the Souls of the Damned/whatever voice is in his head at the moment.
Here's the thing;
I don't think the Heavens have one damned idea what's going on with Sanctuary right now. I'd be amazed if any of the angels even knew Inarius wasn't in Hell. He's not exactly their problem or responsibility anymore, and hasn't been for a while; as far as they're concerned, his Fate is in Hell, with Mephisto.
The past has shown that the Heavens are not omniscient, not when it comes to Sanctuary or Hell. The nephalem aren't in the Scroll of Fate, and frankly, neither is Inarius anymore. They couldn't even find Sanctuary until enough demons got summoned to it, and even then it took a while for Tyrael himself to find it. They had no idea about Malthael faffing about for years down there, instead believing he was out in Pandemonium maybe. No one kept tabs on Urzael or any of the maidens that were sent after him. They didn't know about Tyrael's Shenanigans until they got very big and very worldstone-boomy.
How would they even know what Inarius is doing? I'd be amazed if any of them knew who Rathma was, let alone the significance of Inarius murdering him.
And after all that, it was only Tyrael himself acting as a go-between for Heaven and Sanctuary, informing the angels about what was going on. None of the Horadrim mention any other angels hanging around, or visiting Heaven to drop off newspapers. There is no link between Heaven and Sanctuary, not without Tyrael.
Speaking of Tyrael - did he and Inarius ever connect up? I wonder when exactly he disappeared. It's after Donan and Elias became part of the Horadrim, but before Elias left. Was it after Astaroth? Cuz Inarius was definitely around for that (he helped build Eldhaime.)
Methinks they might have had confrontation. Hell, maybe Tyrael is the one who brought him back somehow. Prolly not, but it'd be nice of him.
Anywhoozle, point is the Heavens aren't likely to know a rogue angel is mucking around down on Sanctuary, again. Why would they even care? The humans are not their problem. Inarius is not their problem.
I think they locked the Gates to Heaven, and are tuning reality out. Fate, Hope and Valor have turned their backs on Sanctuary after all.
Unless we're saying Inarius got free from Hell, went to Heaven first, got told to fuck off, and came back to Sanctuary for some reason. Somehow, I don't see that happening.
We know he's delusional too. Sin War, D4, he's delusional as fuck. Convinces himself he's in control when everyone from Mendeln to Diablo is manipulating him, convinces himself Tyrael + the Angels hadn't found Sanctuary (as they literally invade through a hole in the sky), convinces himself the prophecy is about himself. I could see him genuinely believing he's undergoing some sort of divine trial at the behest of the Angiris Council. Maybe he thinks Rathma's prophecy was sent by Itherael for some damn reason.
There's nothing to really imply the angels are watching. They shut the gates and barred the door. If they're even alive at all up there, but that's a whole other theory.
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narwhalandchill · 15 days
wait aint no fucking way an actual genshin loretuber even jokingly acknowledged the rabbit hole insanity that is childe 3rd descender theories what the fuck.
is it finally legal for me to break my self imposed silence on the subject without publicly and shamefully removing all my credibility on genshin lore. please please . this is a super fucking vulnerable moment for me guysssss
(under read more bc full disclosure 100% i Will embarrass myself here. this is NOT on my top of the line Childe Theories And Analysis That I Will Defend In Court Under My Legal Name if Questioned list please understand. this is way more self indulgent and wildly speculative for me as much as i do Genuinely see there being a ground for the theory to stand on. ik when im off to the deep end JKWDKJJKWDJKWD)
like seriously be Aware this WILL be a complete mess btw you have all been warned so like no refunds accepted. if youd like to keep an image of me in your head where i am even slightly respectable and realistic when it comes to my theories please stay there. in the light. where the sun shines.
so. you have chosen death. o7
ok firstly. YES i KNOWW childe 3rd descender theory is batshit stuff thats Why i havent said shit abt it all this time bc i do Not trust myself to be truly objective on the subject bc i Want the theory to be real so bad so its like of course ill readily disregard all other possible candidates for 3rd descender bc bias. and also see it as more plausible that ajax has sth to do w that and make connections more readily. than any lore enthused person existing without his continued rent free existence in their brain for the last 3+ years. so like. yes. listen. i Know i know its prolly not real. but also i must # speak my truth .
anyway the vid didnt even fully touch on all the like. shady fucking shit when it comes to the Curious coincidences. bc like. so firstly the star thing and connections w childe
so wei did bring up the whole . ajax is released on patch 1.1 called "a new star approaches" (and also polar star is his sig) . except like Theres More bc while i was researching random childe brain rot stuff (sadly dont remember/have a link to where i first saw it) . that title in CN is even more pointedly About ajax bc apparently its about a "guest star". and a guest star again according to that post at least is specifically considered an omen of bad luck in chinese astrology. a guest star approaching = a disaster approaching. like mayhaps a ginger guy resurrecting osial or something . huh . maybe ajax Is the guestpilled starmaxxer in that title. the approacherrrrrr, even
secondly. there are some well hidden references to ajax As A Star in the fontaine AQ too. bc the act III where we go looking for him after he goes missing is called "to the stars shining in the depths" except again i have found a source (yes no link to it saved once again my bad) that its titled "to the morning star in the deep water" in chinese. which is again star singular. curious
then theres the act III official description. that goes "the moment it seized its destiny, the star quietly fell from its lofty perch". and like idk abt yall but if its fontaine AQ act III and you ask me WHOS out there seizing their destiny of all things. It Seems Somewhat Plausible To Argue that its PROBABLY referring to the guy thats out there getting teleported to the primordial sea to face the creature thats Literally etched into the stars as his constellation. like . i have a very Difficult time trying to see the star that is seizing its destiny at this moment as Anyone but him reuniting w the narwhal for the first time in a decade and his 1st thought is to throw hands JKJKWDJKWDJKWDJK
(also. "fell from its lofty perch". fell from where. falling towards where. mayhaps even................ descending?????? if Seizing your destiny is taking your fate into your own hands.... a star that Falls from its perch.... that Descends after seizing its destiny....... Curious is all i will say. hey guys do you think your vision would mayhaps begin rejecting you if you start seizing ur own destiny and thus failing to follow the "duty" of predestined fate that same vision had bestowed upon you. guys do you think a star that seizes its destiny and falls from its lofty perch would get vision error 404. guys----)
also this is a smaller thing bc i think ascension mat theories are largely fringe and not that reliable (ning guizhong reincarnation "theories" ThoseWhoKnow) but i do think it can be acknowledged as a sort of. Extension to all these curious references to stars and being A Star when it comes to childe. he does use Star Conches for ascension . so like it can be a little extra on top of the other more serious more Professionally Certified star things hoyo is curiously attaching to him
so like . a star. a star also being a thing the traveler is repeatedly called. its so quirky that this pattern continues. so thats one thing
oh and also. if childes the non-descender (bc he clearly hasnt regained that status Yet) reincarnated soul of the 3rd descender.
you know what. a dead star. if its massive enough. like perhaps massive enough in some genshin metaphysical fantasy way. to be a star that counts as a descender with a will that rivals a world. if a heavy enough. star. dies. you know. you know what they turn into---
Anyway Hello Dear Reader Of Mine Humble Blog Would You Like To Spare A Moment To Discuss How The All-Devouring Narwhal That Consumes Any And All Stellar Object Coming Into Its Orbit Also Known As Ajax' Reflection In Teyvat's Skies Is Essentially A Sentient Living Black Hole And How A Black Hole Is Formed When A Star Dies? No? Okay.
like wouldnt it be super fucking funny if the constellation of the dead descenders reincarnated soul is a creature that for all intents and purposes is a black hole. like. a dead star. wouldnt that be funny
and before you ask. yes i have thoughts that would make ajax & narwhal are soulmates slash halves of the same entity that remains fully compatible with the 3rd descender brainrot but i. will Not subject you people to that. theres "respectably self aware insane theory i indulge in but know the limitations of" and then theres "jens top 10 personal jenshin impact plot twist wishlist please fulfill mr dawei pwease i swear itll be peak" like ffs. it might seem otherwise given the words i am saying right now but i do have Some propriety
the divine halberd was shattered into NINE piece---- (GUNSHOT)
whoa. what a loser high on her own hopium i wonder who that was. good thing the snipers got her ass there
back to your regularly scheduled programming. obviously theres other things that would very conveniently be explained by this 3rd descender shit as well like. dead eyes. soul of a dead descender thats in Literal Pieces body wise. the dead star that carries a curse above ground upon first making contact with the truth of his being aka post abyss training camp post meeting his mirror imaged destiny in his narwhal. a curse like mayhaps bringing chaos whenever he goes. an incompatibility with the world. drawing everything into his orbit being the eye of the storm or perhaps... the Singularity???? the event horizon??? a source of endless unrest and disaster........ just like the curse of a gnosis TEE HEE .
anyway super funny how that goes. and then another thing wei didnt really. fully go into is naturally the
3rd son of his family with 3 older siblings and 3 younger siblings 3rd limited character ever released with 3 names and the 3rd weekly boss with 3 phases each representing 3 unique sources of power (vision, delusion and foul legacy) a 3 petaled symbol aka the triquetra of riptide and six in-game constellations divided into 3 subgroups with 3 unique prefixes (foul legacy, abyssal mayhem, havoc in eng) 3 days missing from teyvat and 3 months spent in abyss is 3rd to wield foul legacy after surtalogi and skirk
also the first character to receive a 3rd rateup banner ANYWAY (also the possible. is the 3rd reincarnation of the original ajax thing. but yeas)
[Me When I'm In A Be Suspiciously Associated With The Number 3 Competition And My Opponent Is Childe Ajax Tartaglia]
isnt it just silly. how many times it comes up. Nobody talk to meeeee its so over
theres prolly some other things too that i have driven myself to madness with when thinking abt this but idr em right now and like . not like this is any manner of serious respectable theory anyway sooooooooo
anyway ill stop embarrassing myself now. like as i said i have been legally forcing myself into silence on this bc listen. i KNOW this is bullshit i KNOW im a deranged biased childe main who will do Anything just to cook up a fantasy version of genshins endgame lore where My Dude is at the center stage and gets to be a massive fucking deal yes 100% deserve to be disqualified on account of terminal stage blorbo bias when it comes to theories on the subject i just. the fact that this is the FIRST time i see Any loretuber person acknowledge the theory. i just had to come in here and let it be known that. Yes. ive been seeing this shit and thinking abt it SINCE 4.2 dropped since that stupid fucking note about forsaking the self and being reborn in the abyss as a holy infant or a primordial human or a descender and that somehow Thats called Ajax. of all things. its horribleeee it eats me alive
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crimswnred · 9 months
these hc are so cute ! maybe what halloween costume the Li would wear individually and in a couples costume 💓💓💓
I'm so excited!! ok, ok, without any further ado:
what the season 2 lis would wear for halloween (individually and in a couple)
individually: look me in the eye right now and tell me he wouldn't dress up as spider-man. especially now with the spider-verse movies.
couple: he's a silly guy so I'm thinking he could wear literally anything after a little convincing, but ultimately, I'm saying:
beast boy & raven or robin & starfire (teen titans)
scott pilgrim and ramona flowers (scott pilgrim vs the world)
shark boy and lava girl
this has gotten way too long!! pls check out more under the cut 👇
individually: most likely a star war reference. or something funny. definitely something tight
couple: again, another silly guy who would wear anything you ask him, but here are my picks:
han solo and princess leia (and he absolutely loves it)
bowser and peach, not mario tho because that's too basic
bob and helen parr (the incredibles)
individually: violet man. ok, let's say violet man isn't a real thing (like, well, it isn't). he's DEFINITELY dressing as another superhero. my guess? either superman or batman.
couple: he's gonna rock the best geek couple costumes ever and he'll show off. together, you guys will either serve cunt or die trying. here are some ideas:
batman and catwoman (the batman)
wanda maximoff and vision (wandavison)
jean gray and scott summers (the x-men)
individually: he would probably wear something that's more halloween than costume party, if you get what i mean? he prolly loves the holiday 'cause of his siblings and REALLY commits to the bit. fred krueger, jason, chuck, ghost face...
couple: like I said, he commits to the bit and goes all the way but he's sticking to the horror pattern because that's how it should go. some ideas include:
emily and victor (corpse bride)
other mother and other father (coraline)
beetlejuice and lydia (yes, the red wedding dress)
individually: something sexy but that he doesn't need to put much effort in, like a vampire or something. i can't see him going all out for halloween, i'm sorry 😭
couple: now, when in a couple, it's a tad different... he's making sure you look good together and when i say good, i mean GOOD. you guys would probably be the hottest couple at any halloween party, here are some ideas:
gomez and morticia addams (let's put that stache to use, shall we?)
mr and mrs smith
tony montana and elvira hancock (scarface)
individually: TARZAN. and he loves wearing nothing but a thong the whole night.
couple: I bet on something fun and easy, but also cute! he just wanna have fun with you and party for a bit, so I don't think he would propose something super complex. some ideas:
johnny and mavis (hotel transylvania)
daphne and fred (scooby-doo)
lola and bugs bunny (space jam)
individually: I'm thinking classic and boring. doesn't care much when he's on his own. classic halloween stuff.
couple: HEAR ME OUT — iconic moments from pop culture. what do I mean by that? well, I mean:
britney spears and justin timberlake in matching jeans outfits
xtina and eminem (at the ICONIC vmas)
sony and cher (like halsey did!)
individually: spock! a little on the nose for him but COME ON. he's always dressing up as a star trek character, switching up every year. I can see him wearing something marvel related too.
couple: yeah, some star trek reference for sure but since that's not my breed of nerd (sorry not sorry), I'm saying:
jessie and james (pokemon)
loki and sylvie (loki series)
link and zelda (the legend of zelda)
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ahh!! this was so much fun to do!! thanks for asking, anon 💝 I had a blast with your question!!
(!) I don't know enough about the missing LIs to add them to this list. if you'd like to ask for a specific islander that didn't make the list, don't be afraid to drop your request in my inbox.
more headcanons.
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nerves-nebula · 8 months
Hey there! Sorry to bother you but I remember you specifically talking about it/its pronouns and how actually theyre not dehumanizing at all (saw lots of people with this belief and many medias that portray it as such) but sadly my dash refreshed and I havent been hable to find your posts about it.
You kind of opened a third eye for me? And I wanted to know more if you feel like explaining it again or link some of your posts
(Im sorry if this sounds rude im genuinely interested, im autistic and just writing this was pretty hard. Im gonna thank you in advance if you ll take the time to answer this, but ill understand if you dont feel like /gen)
not rude! unfortunately posts about pronouns arent one of the things i strictly catalog, so you could try looking through my #pronouns tag but there isn't much there, so there's no guarantee you'll find the specific post you're looking for.
i did likely tag a post like that with something like #queer or #trans but i have so many posts and reblogs tagged those things- I'm not sure it'd be worth your time to comb through them. I also wasnt aware any post I'd made about pronouns had been reblogged so idk if i could find whichever one might've been reblogged recently.
uuuuuhh for a quick rundown of my thoughts i guess I'd say:
using it/its pronouns is GENERALLY dehumanizing to most people because it's a way to show people that you think very little of them, that you're comparing them to something *less than human*
Of course this functions within the idea that "human" is inherently better or higher in the hierarchy than "animal" or "plant" which isn't inherently true- but that's its own post.
so you're being misgendered or de-gendered as a show of disrespect/contempt.
HOWEVER. if someone WANTS to use it/its then all of that kind of flies out the window. how is that disrespectful, it's just your actual pronouns. it can't be dehumanizing if the person in question doesn't consider it dehumanizing, or doesn't consider being non-human less dignifying, or a dozen other potential reasons that person feels comfortable with it/its.
like some of us know that our overlapping identities make us less than human to a lot of people already, so why bother trying to insist you're included in a version of humanity that CLEARLY wasn't made to fit you (we talked about this a lot in my black readings class last year, about how, like, a lot of modern concepts of what it meant to be a human were created to kind of intentionally strip black people of the "human"/"person" status.)
so like if I'm already a monster and a freak and inhuman why does it matter if I use human pronouns or not.
and there's prolly more i could say but I should get back to my homework now, hah.
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desires-of-chain · 4 months
Question: if dynamicless reader end up pregnant by any of the chain, what their scent like to them?
Question: what will the chain reaction or body language show of the news of their dynamicless reader pregnancy?
Question: how reader feel being all the chain's mate?
Imagine this
Dlink have been observing the chain with dynamicless reader for a while and he can clearly see how addicted they are to reader that dlink have a idea on how to hurt the chain of heros and set his plan on action.
Dlink have five darknuts that's infected but each with elemental poes to make the chain battle with the monsters difficult and just went they thought they figured out or managed to defeat those monsters. A hinxo appeared suddenly and it reach it clob to attack one of the chain (your choice on who) from behind and dynamicless reader out of reaction ran to that link to push him out the way of the attack but they get hit by the clob hard that reader get roughly knock to the ground and smell of reader blood hit all chain hard that now they notice plus heard one of the chain member scream for reader that everyone knew they need to retreat and (link of your choice) and hyrule ran to dynamicless reader to protect them from a poe yet try to give reader a potion for their injury they received by the hinxo attack.
Hmm, well, depending again, on the situation of sticking with the idea of them not being able to smell reader's scent. They would not be able to know until reader starts throwing up or them freaking out about how they haven't had their period in a while. Other idea is reader being in Hyrule and it effected them to where their scent comes out and it does capture the entire group's attention. The one who picked up on it is prolly Sky. Their scent is a bit off?? than normal and it's more intense than what it was.
It would honestly be a mix. Most are excited and worried, the other half are possibly freaking out cause well, it's not the best time to be pregnant, but ey, things happen.
At first, it started off with just being one of the omegas/alphas/betas mate until it slowly started to incorporate the others in. It did overwhelm them at first, since there's so much of their love to go around to the others, but they're not exactly complaining cause the more, the merrier. They feel very happy being their mate and they hold their bonds so close to them.
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icedmetaltea · 1 year
Sorry to bother you but I remember you making a tutorial on how to make your own ai with beta character ai? I can't seem to find it though. I'm I just imagining things?
You're not, I did make one, however...
Honestly?? I wouldn't even bother at this point. Character.ai has had so much drama with the devs being horrible human beings: most likely stealing/selling user data (you want to delete a bot off their website?? Too bad. You can't. Also they took a bunch of bots with high interaction counts and locked the creators out of editing, essentially stealing them from people), not listening to feedback whatsoever (actively making things much worse with every update), implementing a "nsfw" filter that blocks even the most sfw things like hugging or kissing (even with family/platonic characters), has a nasty habit of comparing anything romantic to children ("she looks at you like a daughter looks to her father" like ew what the actual fuck, and this happens literally all the fuckin time so you gotta ask how it made that association hmm), dumbing down the ai in favor of making it "safer" (now characters hardly ever act like their source material, often making up random shit), bots ignoring user input (often going on a tangent describing the environment and ignoring dialogue), bots being stupid in general (forgetting what you said literally 2-3 messages ago and giving horribly lackluster responses), devs shadowbanning people/deleting any posts respectfully calling out their shit to facilitate propaganda in their favor and make it seem like nothing's wrong, and so much more.
Drop it like a newborn giraffe.
Some other options: Pygmalion, which I'm still learning how to use and it ofc isn't going to be as advanced as Character.ai since it's a 6b model while the latter is like 100+b, meaning less data power so responses are less intelligent + slower, BUT it is free, it is open source, and you can get some pretty decent responses if you hold its hand a lot. There are some UIs you can use it through, like forks of TavernAI that give you the ability to use world info and get it to have a better memory, one for group chatting with different characters (tho I haven't tried that), a customized background, and so on. The devs are still working on a site but you can access it right now- I can make a smol tutorial for the basics of that if anyone wants it.
OpenAI is also an option, you can also use it through Tavern and it will give responses akin to if not much better than Character.ai- though you gotta pay. HOWEVER you can get a free trial with $5 to use... and there are ways of using it free after that, but I can't say it here cause if it's too widespread, it'll prolly get patched out, and we don't want that.
How to access Pygmalion - Go here and click this: (when it asks u for permission to access ur google acct, click yes)
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It'll take a while to load, maybe like 5 mins or something,
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Once you get to this, click the UI links (usually only one will work, use that)
Now, that will take u to the KoboldAI UI. Wanna use Tavern instead? (good choice, gives a lot more customization) Use this link.
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Now scroll down till u get here to this drop down menu. Choose Pygmalion 6b or 6b Dev (to be quite honest I'm not sure what the difference is yet). Wait for that to load, and while you're waiting, go here to download the Tavern files:
boom (or some other fork)
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Go here and click download ZIP.
Unzip and look for this:
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Ignore everything else, just click this. (the file's safe, if windows gives you a warning, ignore it) Now you'll be here (I'm using a different fork so it may look different:)
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click the 3 lil lines in the upper right corner to access settings and characters.
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Once you've added/edited characters as you like (I suggest looking at the default ones if you're curious about how that works) you can come back over to the google drive and, if it's finished loading, you'll have two url links like before:
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Paste one into the API key and click connect. I used the top one but the bottom might only work for you.
There ya go! A bit complicated, but that's a free substitute for character.ai.
If you instead wanna use OpenAi, (assuming you're either paying or using the free trial, or... something else ;), you'd go here on ur openai account page and go down here:
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and create a secret key. Copy that and go into the UI of your choice... ima use TavernAI again. Go into settings, change your API to Openai, and paste that API key you just copied into the API link. Voila!
Here's a couple helpful links for further info: https://www.reddit.com/r/PygmalionAI/ (they have a discord, with some really helpful guides)
character creation/writing tips for Pyg
Soft prompts
General tips
I'm still a noob who knows jackshit about coding, so I can't offer much help, BUT I know the basics so ye. Hope this helps!
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nancyqueerer · 1 month
Story time
uhmm just sharing, it's rare for me to watch uhh Sci-fi genre or super hero stuffs. I'm more into romance type of person. But then I had a conversation with someone on this app(i don't want to mention the app because I don't if she's on tumblr, she might see this post haha I hope this post doesn't blew up.) it started with an anonymous love confession, not in the creepy way confession because I posted a link about where you can confess everything. If you know 'Sayout' you will understand, so it intended that I will receive tons of anonymous messages from someone. But after that she confessed by directly messaging me. (our story is like a fanfiction plot. I don't want to share it haha it's too obvious.) The two of us talk a lot, she's kind of out of my league, prolly having a different interest in life. She recommended stranger things to me, she said to me that I should watch it because I will probably like it. Before I watch ST, I know already Robin because of her famous meme, also that one scene Max levitating in the air in s4. It's all over my news feed. Speaking of robin she have Robin vibes I dunno whyy huhu.
Other than that, she likes superhero themes, she's a fan of marvel movies and likes(prolly loves spider man because of her uhh dump account on Instagram.) speaking of ig, she posted several post that she's on movie theater, she wants me to go watch with her! She get excited when she's having a story time mostly of her favorite shows. I swear, I never talk alot in personal so I don't know how to reply😭✋and she always make the first move of the convo. yeah we didn't end up cause I don't know why, we end up in that situation:D maybe is not a match. so basically we both decided to be friends, we're both busy in school works because that time we're uhh graduating student. Out of the blue the conversation stopped. My last convo with her was on her birthday, then we never talked again but before graduating we saw each other often in school grounds were school-mates. In the end I gather some my memories all together before the two of us have a conversation. Then we actually always cross each other path in hallways in the past! also her friends have a connection to my friends but we're not close enough that time to talk. Not until that anonymous confession thing happened.
After that I watch everything she recommended but I never chat with her again cause everything has change, not the same anymore it's been 2 years. Maybe if this is a fanfiction, I have a chance but this is real life, it's moreee way awkward if I chat again. I'm fine if she did the first move, it would been better to happen.
Then May last year someone message me in that link again, anonymously spammed me😭 with 'I miss you' and other stuff like that.
And then someone message me again in November. it's a birthday greeting. Sayout have a reply button in this year, so I can reply to any messages then I ask if that person message me 8 months ago then it said 'yes'. I know it's same person because of used of emoji and writing style, It's always the same and have a code on it but Somehow, doesn't ring the bell. But my other flings I block them haha because of how bad they treated me. This person the subject on this post is the only one I never block in my accounts, so she can see the link attached in my profile.
Yeah who knows? but I never suspect things. I guess i just overthinking everything.
I dunno why I shared this but yeahh, I guess the two of us should probably talk more.
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starkettes · 1 year
rating the 3d links but based on how much i think youd like them <33 (i am biased tho so absolutely none of them get low ratings . andi will immediately make it clear that litwrally All of them are the autism creature just varying at the rates at which theyre Trembling <33)
hes just a sleepy lil guy that only ever really actually wakes up bc zelda exists . him and zelda are literally just barbie and ken but loz bc "this barbie is the literal goddess Hylia reborn" <33 the embodiment of that one post "hello birds. hello festering pit of primordial rage. hello trees" BUT HONESTLY hes just Going Through It <33 hes a really sweet link, if not the sweetest imo
OOT/MM LINK: 9.5/10
bonus points for being just a Little Guy . not so many bonus points for how nintendo did him so sos so oss so dirty with the hero's shade thing </3 BUT IF TRAUMA WITH TIME LOOPS AND A NARRATIVE THAT DOOMS THE CHARACTER IN ALL POSSIBLE TIMELINES IS YOUR THING (95% sure it is) I PRESENT YOU HIMB <33
TP LINK: 8.9-9.4/10
i wANNA BE A COWBOY BABYYYYYYY !!!!! absolutely good w kids, hes the designated older brother in game . brain is fried so i cannot Explain it now bUT AUGH <33 if he could hold as much gender as The Beloved Of Them All hed be my absolute favorite but tbh he doesnt so he only gets second place </3 vv good try tho on first place !!!! DOG
WW LINK: 9/10
link but if he was a pirate . brain is melted at this pojnt and i ams o tired but i wanted to make this anyway i promise you on any other day id have more to say but i do not so i am sorry </3 had an entire adventure tho that was about the length of 10 minutes !!!!!!! and prolly became the king of New Hyrule when he and tetra find it post phantom hourglass
BOTW LINK: i cannot rate him properly im so fuckign biased . 10/10 i see no reason to not like him so why should anybody
at this point the best way i can describe him especoally now that youve actually seen His game is that in my brain there is a pedestal that is constantly rotating One Character in my brain at verying speeds . botw link has been tbere for so long that the pedestal has cartoonish footprints that are from him staying there for so long and hes not leaving anytime soom bc . totk <33
let it be known i trust your opinion on this more than anyone else
having zeldapedia open and searching for the links to see who ur talking about
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empxsvpernova · 2 years
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" “It was easy not being afraid when dad had us believing that momma and Sean were sick. I watched him put them in the barn like livestock and I didn’t bat an eye.”
“I was naïve.”
Roman’s mouth tugs down at the corners, his dark gaze dropping to the cell floor. It was situations like these where he wasn’t sure what he was supposed to say. Didn’t know if she was needing reassurance or.. agreement. The truth wasn’t a pretty one.. it wasn’t one that would bring her any comfort.
The world wasn’t safe anymore. It didn’t matter that they were fortified within concrete walls, chain links and barbed wire. They’d already lost three of their own despite gaining another. And realistically.. harshly.. Judith was only another mouth to feed, and one far more difficult to. They’d have to continue making supply runs and putting themselves at risk just to get formula, bottles, diapers and whatever else cropped up with the necessities in caring for an infant.
The prison was only safer than house hopping for months on end, outrunning every horde they crossed paths with and trying to conserve ammunition and energy. If any other groups like the one Randall had been running with happened to stumble across it they’d likely have a bigger problem on their hands than the undead piling up against their fences.
They’d want to take it for themselves.
“Ain’t nothin' wrong wit wantin' to believe things gon get better.” He mumbles gently, his gaze lifting again to find her's.
He might’ve been trying to be more hopeful these days too. He could recall how hopeless it felt shortly after L.A. fell and he had to watch Clay and the others all turning on each other, trying to figure out who to blame for shit going wrong. There was no sense of hope to be felt in watching the boys he'd rode with for years all gunning each other down in cold blood once the divide happened.
Until it was eventually down to Mason, Luke and him leaving California and deciding to haul ass to the sticks in hopes the virus had either not hit there yet or at least was more tame. Roman hadn’t held out much for hope after watching the last of his crew get torn apart by biters. He remembered wishing for death to the point it seemed like he was actively seeking it out.. whether by that sense of hopelessness or anger. Wondering why he had to be the one that survived.
There had been no triumph in it.
Every horde he crossed paths with after that, he’d had the thought float around to the forefront of his mind ‘maybe this'll be the one that ends my shit’ only to end up surrounded by decaying corpses. By the time Shane, Andrea and Daryl found him he’d been reduced down to a cornered wild animal more than a human being. It had taken days of rehabilitation for him to get back in his right mind, a large part of that having fallen on Lori and Dale feeling him out and coaxing him into integrating rather than sitting in camp damn near catatonic.. now they were both gone.
Roman sighs and pushes himself from leaning against the doorway to her cell, his combats scuffing the concrete floor as he strides in and sits down on the edge of the bed beside her, a grunt unbecoming of a man at his young age emitting.
“Understand why you feelin' like this.. but you did what you had to do, Mags. Rick.. he ain’t–“
‘Rick ain’t thinkin' too clear.' Shane’s voice echoes in his mind causing pause.
“..he lost his wife, prolly lost his fuckin' mind in the process. He was already bubblin'.. after killin' Shane. An Lori knew both her an’ that baby weren’t gon make it..” he explains, his dark orbs drifting along the pale walls before his head turns to find her gaze. “Had to be done.” He nods at her, his mouth quirking in slight before pressing.
He knew what he was saying probably wasn’t anything that was going to make her feel better about it. But it had been days.. and now Roman understood how she must’ve felt when he’d been distant after what happened the night the farm fell.
“..you ain’t been the same.” His deep baratone says low and evenly, mirroring her words as his dark orbs linger over her. “Wanna give you space.. but I ain’t as patient as you.” He sniffs, his faint amusement fading again almost instantly as he drops his gaze to the bed. His hand reaches over to brush the back of his fingers against her arm gently, her skin soft beneath his touch. “Why don’t ya come on out wit me.. get ya out this bed, get some fresh air.” He mumbles and lifts his gaze in search of her again.
“We get you straightened out maybe you can work on Rick wit me.. Carl needs his dad, kid’s a fucked up mess right now.. an’ Beth can’t be only one lookin' after Judith, girl’s gon get worn out eventually.. got me, Daryl, Tiny an' Carol alternatin' between fence duty an’ the towers but we gotta get that trench dug out by the river too if we wantin' to get runnin’ water an have crops an shit.. Daryl’s gon have to go huntin' soon too..” he starts listing off, only getting more stressed the longer he does so he stops himself. His jaws jut loosely against his cheeks as his gaze shifts on her’s, his expression softening.
“I need you wit me..” he mumbles and shakes his mop head slowly at her. “I can’t do this by myself.. an I got no idea where the fuck Rick's at right now.”
Roman knew he was likely still wandering the halls of that prison, chasing ghosts and going on a massacre against any biter in his path. His location wasn’t in question, his mind was. He hated trying to force Maggie out of her own recovery, but he knew if he didn’t that there was a possibility she’d just wallow in her grief and not be able to get out of it.
He was overwhelmed, but it wasn’t as though he hadn’t had to take over responsibility like this before. He just knew that if she helped him shoulder some of it she wouldn’t have any time to keep replaying the events over and over in her head.
“C'mon.. get up.” He mumbles again and grasps his hand firmly at her hip, gently nudging her to prompt her onto her feet. "*
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7th Dimension (Chapter 6)
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7TH DIMENSION WATTPAD LINK (I'm always 1-2 chapters ahead in this site)
Characters: Gojo Satoru x Small!Naive!Fem!Foreign!Reader | THIS IS A MULTI-CHAPTER FIC. THIS IS AN X READER FANFIC WHO HAS BEEN BROUGHT TO THE DIMENSION OF JUJUTSU KAISEN | (Trust me, you'll live. I hope?)
Summary: You've had it well understood that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. However, you've never intended nor expected Satoru to take it literally as if Valhalla existed within those eyes of his. Thus, his reckless revelation had been essential towards the objectives he had from you---or was it bound to end up as a fallacy towards the curbs that filled the path up ahead?
Warnings: Gojo Satoru being a teasing, sexy hottie mofo---*kicks whatever is on my way rn* Also, his eyes. EYES I SAY. (ᗒᗩᗕ) Nanami's exasperation. 🤣 Don't worry, we're letting him rest after this. 🤣 He's such a mood---🤣 Satoru's an utter tease here ISTG because of the *cough* physical contact he's gradually giving---*coughs* (I can't help it---!!!) Reader be a simp so bad that she's prolly loathing this moment rn---😭🤣 Btw, I have no idea if Nanami has a nephew or niece, I've only read through a trivia that his Maternal grandfather is Danish but other than that, none.
Tell me if you want to be tagged whenever I publish chapters for 7th Dimension! Send an ask or message me!
A/N: Y'all are seeing Gojo's eyes rn. Enjoy the GIF's created by their rightful creators, bb's! Also, it's very hot in our country rn and writing for Satoru isn't helping a lot. *Sweats more*
Words: 5.6k+
Disclaimer: PNG's or pictures used in edits are not mine even the GIF's too. I only own the plot of this whole fanfic. But, not Jujutsu Kaisen's storyline and the characters themselves. I apologize for the typos or grammatical errors by the way! English isn't my first language so I'm so sorry in advance! Character development and personalities are based from my understanding and how I want them to be.
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"NANAMI!" Satoru bellowed with a huff, constantly being rejected by the 7:3 sorcerer from the moment they've set the soles of their footwear along the private plane.
Nanami Kento had his pointer finger and thumb over his temple and chin, leaning onto his hand while his own elbow was on the arm rest of his chair, "What?" he phlegmatically responded, nasally as it echoed around the plane, sounding like he was on the verge of having a migraine, "---When will you ever stop pestering me?"
Copious, delectable sweetmeats laid before the table. Various kinds where some were boxed and even wrapped in plastics. Some were shop-made bonbons, desserts in which you've somehow identified the others from their shapes and sizes---knowing full well what they were because it was your country's delicacies. The best of the best kinds. You thought this blindfolded guy who were addicted with mochis only adored one type of junket. No. The man was addicted to any type of sweets and it definitely has kept your mind blank from his overflowing cravings.
He was avidly beaming from the moment you've passed by a shop that were selling tons of different pastries and desserts, triggering his growing appetite especially after such a disputed conversation that you had with him. Whereby, both you and Nanami had been forced to come along as he bought the afters.
Satoru convinced you and Nanami that he had bought them as souvenirs for the students---his students. Howbeit, he probably did but based from how he started munching on them one by one, humming in rapture for the delights he just bought, the souvenirs that were planned to be given won't even arrive from his gluttony and be given to its definite owners back in Japan.
"You've brought back too many sweets from the shop," Nanami began to complain when Satoru was reaching out his hand, a wrapped delicacy that appeared to be too honeyed for Nanami's taste, "---I'm not fond of your choices. You know this."
"Come on, just take one for your nephew or niece!" The blindfolded Jujutsu Sorcerer gestured, shaking the sweetmeat on his hand which was still being held by Satoru. Nanami made it obvious that he wasn't bound to take it eventually as he sighed and briefly tugged off his sunglasses, gently laying them down on his side of the table.
Nanami was probably just jaded over Satoru's company or he was sapped by his prior daily activities as a Jujutsu Sorcerer back in Japan. Cheetah-Tie has been constantly looking through his own watch as if he was keeping tabs on the time that was set in his country home.
Perhaps, he did not like working overtime.
"I don't have a nephew or niece." Kento ended the discussion, sounding deadbeat from Gojo's persistence which left the latter pouting on the sides.
With crossed arms, your face was scrunched in a scrutinizing squinch of your nose and mouth, examining Satoru who had his lips pursed from the incessant rejection he was receiving from Nanami. You couldn't entirely fathom how this man-child who was nuts about sweet courses is actually notorious for being the strongest out of all Jujutsu Sorcerers as much as how he was laying it on thick for you.
This...man is the strongest? that tiny voice inside your heart murmured distantly and completely skeptical over the idea.
After the conversation you had with Satoru, you were determined to be of help.
At least, that was what you wanted to be in their dimension---to consider yourself as someone functional because fate seemed to bring you the motives that your purposes had to have objectives of remembering the sketches you've manage to acquire during your accident.
Furthermore, this was the deal you had with Gojo. He promised to help you return to your rightful dimension in exchange for how you managed to have a grasp of the past and a future that he also had no idea on. You trusted that he could and considered how he bragged himself to be one---the only person who would have the ability to take you back to where you came from.
"Satoru," the torn up sketches were on your hands, giving it another once over as you eyed it for the tenth time today. You've leaned forward, thoroughly snugged on your seat with your legs crossed under your thighs. In some way, the discussion you had with him gave you a feeling of this precipitous, puzzling consolation out of the blue.
It felt like this was just a start of the journey that kept your feet tracked upon their path within their world.
"---Nah. Never mind." In a nonchalant tone, you stated under your breath, your elbows rested on the edges of the table with your cheeks slanted upon your arms. A taupe crayon that you've somehow acquired from the Jujutsu Sorcerer who strangely had Crayola with him, it was encased around your fingers, loosely holding onto the color with a sigh and a begrudging heart because the whole idea was fruitless. On the spur of the moment, the concept was just a postulation that coloring the ripped up sketches would help you remember.
Though, there was no results. You've just seem like a person who was bore to tears over the whole plane ride that you needed to give the sketches colors, deciding that you looked like a kid who was just finding some distraction rather than waiting to arrive back in Japan.
With delicate fingers and a little retouches here and there, the once sharp tip of the taupe Crayola which was now blunt from coloring their skin, their body and faces now had humanistic pigmentation. You were trying to fill the whites with Satoru's skin color, your mind wandering in miniscule moments as your eyes were constantly distant from time to time, unaware of how inane you look to be whilst also having your own peace on your side of the plane with Gojo who seated in front.
You were detached from the current world, wholly unaware that Satoru and Nanami weren't in the middle of their repartees anymore. Unbeknownst to you, the white-haired Sorcerer kept you under his observation, masticating over another newly opened box of chocolate delicacy. His cheeks turgescent because of the action as he silently chewed, analyzing your abrupt decisions as if to spare time as you seemed to be bored over the whole plane ride.
But, no. You actually were just trying to get a hold of anything that would spouse your amnesia into remembering anything.
Now, for the eyes. You were absentminded over the whole activity, a stable breath leaving your mouth. Without even realizing it, your fingers has taken the initiative over choosing what color it wanted. An abnormal hunch that ceased your finger from taking a hold onto. This thoughtless action igniting a lift of your head, oddly staring at the Crayola that felt like it was condemning you for your unforeseen choices.
Why were you reaching out for Blue?
"Oi, Tiny-Chan." Gojo sounded bodacious as ever, seeming to want your attention on him and not on the sketches at hand. Being utterly unaware that he'd hummed in interest from the moment that you stopped dead in your tracks for reaching out a color that he unpredicted due to how assertive you were over how his eyes appeared to be. He smiled broadly by the subliminal gesture, reading through the signs.
So, you really had an idea on what his eyes looked like then?
Satoru took you out of your profound reverie, making you blink twice to yourself before you've lifted your head, your heart leaping a long one on account to his gestures.
Astringent. Melting. The bon-bon that has been leniently popped in between your ajar mouth---clement as he tried to be aside from the person who he, himself describe as someone too compelling for other people to handle in his world. Satoru was venturesome and ignorant over the way how the tip of his slightly calloused, thick thumb grazed over your lower lip, too faraway over feeding you a sweetmeat that he was exhilarated for. His oblivious touch sending unconventional euphoria and whammy which made you slightly choke on the delicacy that was shoved in your mouth.
The latter highly had faith that you were the only one who would appreciate the sweet dish for the evidences of adoring such dessert that he also somehow dotes on. It had a hint of caramel and cooked milk. Upon the first bite has been soft---unbelievably creamy. The aroma filled your palates with cocoa and roasted nuts, bursting with various hints of pungent milk chocolate that you were familiarized with.
Satoru's smile was cordial. The image of his beaming face not helping how your heart was running faster than any other sportscar would ever. Emitting another hum to himself, seeming to be oddly distrait upon glancing over the thumb he'd somehow fed you with. Hence, his succeeding gestures making you choke twice as he brought it over his own lip, giving it a feathery, detectable sup over the melted residues that stained his finger.
Did he---really? Oh, this handsome mofo.
Thus, this guy who was seated crossed leg in front of you, grinned after a while. Entirely taking heed over your dumbfounded reactions.
It was then and there that you knew he was having the jollification over your wordless ripostes. He just knew or is probably assertive that he could have any woman skipping hearts for him.
There was this fitful urge to break all the Crayolas that were haphazardly scattered around because of him--- just his damned presence alone.
His supercilious, patronizing self can actually be treacherous for anyone, especially to you.
"It's yummy, right?" Gojo taunted and lowly chuckled with a snigger, leaning his broad back on his own seat with arms crossed, watching you like a hawk beneath his mask.
You could feel your entire face rush like you were being cooked, metaphorically speaking---think of it as a sunny side up egg that's constantly being turned from one side and to the other, repeatedly until it was burnt. It was that kind of temperature---too excessive for your feeble emotions and heart to handle.
Heedless over the scowl on your face, you were galled over how you were being mindlessly teased on, not entirely being a fan over how vivifying could Gojo's provocations be ever since after the discussion you had with him.
With each quivering swallow of the bon-bon that has been fed, the more it basks in the honeyed taste. You've heard Satoru shift on his seat, your nerves still unsettled prior to what has happened. The torn manga panels sitting in between the space of your thumb and pointer finger, utterly mindful that it shivered in the slightest. It unraveled the truth that your heart was fluttering, "T-Thish ishn't you. I shwear." your cheeks were tumefied from the sugary cate as you quietly stammered, awkwardly clearing your throat.
Nanami seemed to be like he was resting. As far as how you could perceive from the moment you've laid a quick glance at Satoru's co-worker, taking heed that the 7:3 sorcerer had his eyes closed and his blonde head rested upon his seat. You were safe then. The guy's placidity felt like he had a habit of observing everyone in his own solitude, it was making you dubious that he probably had been criticizing your every move.
"Wanna bet?" Gojo skittishly offered, leaning forward as he brought an elbow over the edge of the table, a palm rested upon his chin, his head cocked to the side while he stared beneath his mask. Would he show it to you today? His eyes that you have been curious about since day one?
Why did it felt like you didn't want to then?
"---If I make you believe that this is really me, would you bake me sweets whenever I want to?"
Satoru patiently waited for you to answer. Though, he expected you would take the bait considering how he'd built up the intrigue a little too long now that his presence has kept you restless day by day, "Just that?"
"You want more to bet?" the latter bargained, already listing all the other proposals he had in mind. His thoughts grasping in the bids that came tumbling down his pretty head. Heedful of the others that left him in wonder to behold, regardless that most were wholesome.
Yet, he least envisaged the ones that remained to be...somehow, insalubrious. The Strongest Jujutsu Sorcerer had to clear his own throat to that and emphatically omit them out of his imaginary bulleted list of proposals he wanted to offer.
"Deal, then." you consented with a determined cross of your arms, leaning back as you've crossed your fidgety legs over the other, the soles to your feet felt oddly warm from the dying anticipation.
Satoru lifted his chin in a minimal amount, appearing to be taken aback by the swift acceptance towards his offers. This meant you were going to bake him sweets whenever he wanted no matter what time of the day, right? Even if it would've been at three in the morning? "W-Wait---I think I may want to add more to it---" his thoughts were in a jumble of mess, the bidding of avarice making him stumble over his own words as he held a palm over his own face whenever he was being asked questions that made him think twice.
You've cut his train of thoughts, expectant that he would add more to it and your heart was pounding for what he actually wanted to append in the proposition aside from cooking for him, "I'm waiting..."
"This is unfair! You demand too much from me!" Satoru dramatically bellyached, clutching his chest over how you didn't give him anymore chances upon changing his manifestos.
"I'm only demanding to see if you truly have eyes or not!"
"You're the only woman who's difficult to be swayed and it's already been a week!" He pursed his lips upon the finger pointed at his face, quietly grousing like a child being upbraided for his nonsensical choices over choosing what flavor of ice cream was better---vanilla or chocolate? Satoru would've probably chosen both. Ice cream was ice cream. No matter how people argued over which flavor was best, it was still sweet. Sugary. "---It's like you don't trust me a lot. A stubborn, non-sorcerer who never believed 'the strongest'. I can't believe this girl,"
"Stop whispering. I can hear you." you nasally sighed, comprehending what he was trying to whisper as if he wanted you to actually comprehend his fatuous bleats. Your feet were purposelessly being shaken due to waiting too long for him to just take them off. It wasn't like he was keeping his eyes hidden from anyone because it's where he gets his abilities right? your consciousness asked that inner voice inside your head, "---Besides, it's difficult to trust a blindfolded man who seems inconspicuous to me."
Satoru had a palm over his chest, a grin breaking his lips apart from how you claimed him to be unimposing. You certainly did not just say that. He thought to himself as he wordlessly huffed. This comeback just fueled his burning pride into his steadfast determination upon making you realize who you were actually talking to, "Inconspicuous? Me? You sure about that? Once you see my handsome face, you promise not to fall in love, alright?"
Your mouth kept shut at that from his cavalier attitude over the whole idea of it. Was it how he sounded? how brusque those words escaped his mouth like it was a point that will never come across his mind---ever.
"Because...Wait, a second---I've said this to Yuta before," Gojo raised a finger, seeming to be lost in his own thoughts as he fished out his phone from his own pockets as he mindlessly muttered out a name that you never heard of yet. Yuta? who was he?
"---Love is the most twisted curse of all," he continued as a matter of fact, ever so bluntly while scrolling through his phone.
Satoru made it seem like he detested the whole concept of what love does to people. Your mind went blank at that, passing through the chasm of forgotten memories that rung in a modicum of taking a trip down the memory lane. It sounded familiar? where have you heard it aside from him?
You squinted your eyes back at him, skeptical over the whole 'quote' being said. He probably had a bundle of quotes saved in his notepad to give the impression of being a bibliophile, "Did you really have to look through your phone while saying that? Was that a quote from Tumblr or Pinterest?"
You had no idea if Tumblr or Pinterest existed in this dimension you were currently in. Though, you weren't limiting over the whole idea because if Jennifer Lawrence breathed in the same dimension you were in right now then it was mostly possible that Tumblr, Wattpad or Pinterest existed as well. Moreover, one of your plans during your stay within Satoru's dimension was to also search through other actors if they were also alive and kicking.
"It's mine! I had it saved in my phone," he assertively avowed, sounding to have at least a hint of exasperation over your harmless taunts for his witticism, churning a stifled snort of ha-ha from you. Gojo haphazardly tossed his phone to the side of the table as he brought a hand to purposelessly brush over his fluffy white, luscious locks.
"Wait, who's Yuta---" Your sentence was brought to an untimely end. The sudden nosiness you had for this person named Yuta has been cut short, such topic that was brisk enough to pull you away from the restless interest you had for Satoru's eyes had just been a fleeting---temporary stratagem to stabilize the consternation for it.
Satoru shouldn't have just whisked down his blindfolds without warning.
He had been a tearaway over giving you the Elysian Fields. Satoru was tacit. Thorny as you could see fit---how you discerned from the grin on his face as his thick, long fingers gently skimmed along the satiny Stygian covers of his blindfolds, his actions never taken seriously from your standpoint as he seemed to have a habit of grazing over them whenever you've stared. You were self-reliant that he would prolong the revelation of his eyes because if he wanted to, he would've done it already.
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Yet, from the moment he'd leaned forward, the silken mask being brought down in bullet time with a smile on his face, you knew your soul departed from the perdition and then towards Elysium.
You had no idea that you were capable of seeing the Ethers; the bluest of blue---celestial Arctic blue that could define the islands of the Blessed. Satoru was of paramount pestilential for having eyes that could beckon an ailing saint, reinvigorate your flawed soul that traipsed along the crippled path towards Siberia. Your eyes were ridiculously in no match to his as you continued to rivet. It was nearly impossible for one to tear the Zion and have them trapped inside his eyes, the shattered utopias. Where as those exuberant, albino eyelashes and eyebrows influenced to be the gates towards the promised land.
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Gojo Satoru had the right to know that he was paradisiacal. Hence, you were beginning to abhor that he was breathing just right in front of you---existed to be real and true.
"Cat got your tongue, Tiny-Chan?" Satoru had his blindfolds around his neck now, knowing full well that he was looking and that you wholly had his attention. The way your mouth went ajar, how you could hear nothing but only the pleasantries of his voice that filled the void of ruptured memories which appeared to be gradually filled in by his existence, knocking together new ones. His white, fluffy hair that has weighed down and cloaked his abnormally, attractive face made you clench your fists tighter which sat on your thighs---igniting a thorough feeling of bitterness because you expected less---tried to anticipate it less.
"---I told you, I'm not blind. I can see well. Hm." he hummed, relishing in the pride that he was gaining from your stupor, "---Probably, a little too much."
"Really." you huffed more to yourself, forcing to shut your eyes closed as you quickly looked away. Straightaway, having the perfect conceptualization of how he indeed appeared to bear a resemblance of. The skies. Also hellfire in addition to his menacing qualities.
In every way, you were now convinced he was the man on the sketches; the man whom he pertained to be one drawn upon the fallen, torn up-papers where you had no idea how it was created nor scraped by.
Ceaseless native sacred oaths of words filled your mind for the exact image of what you have for Gojo Satoru. You were entirely bugged from how he recklessly surprised you with. How dare he.
You've heard him emit the loudest laugh that he could. A tumultuous one which has made Nanami open an eye to have an idea as to what was happening to the both of you. He actually couldn't rest due to the raucous. The 7:3 sorcerer concluded that you and Satoru have gone all topsy-turvy whenever you were with him. Presumably, It was not a good one that he needed to avoid you both on every occasion.
Consequent to Satoru's guffaws, your next retaliation were immediately interrupted by a flash of images that caught you off guard, kindling a heavy feeling in the pit of your stomach as your head twitched in pain. Your posture stiffening from the edge of your seat as it flashed before your eyes.
"Don't force her, Gojo." Kento went back into closing his eyes after seeing how you've stiffen from your side of the plane, sighing as he could hear Gojo chortle from his side, thoroughly finding amusement to your surprise. The Jujutsu Sorcerer was dense to see through your mental crisis because he was too immersed over your backlash towards his eyes.
"You said so yourself and Shoko as well. She's handling some kind of eccentric brain injury," His friend added as a matter of fact.
Upon seeing Satoru's eyes, there was this inconceivable light switch that clicked within you. Rheumy towards some parts---several people who were omitted in the visions that paraded within the mirage of memories you hardly could put a name to. It were quick, a foresight of these people whom you were with, how they were involved in a bellicose battle that you couldn't comprehend.
Seeing the visions for Nanami floored you to say the least. He held onto a butchers knife that was wrapped in white fabric, dotted in black, appearing to be adept at handling the tool that he tightly grasped onto, the semblance was caught in a volant chance of not knowing what or who he was caught in a skirmish with.
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Thus, the one you had with Satoru had been different. There were no abnormal tools involved. No paraphernalia included nor used. The vision you had only consisted of him and him alone. His masked eyes that he eventually tugged the satiny cotton off his face, manifesting the intensity of what he had been concealing. His face coruscated in a gleam of a tawny shade, your vantage point of illusions favored him alone, the surroundings blurry enough not to know what was happening.
Howbeit, you've heard two words---an echo of his silvery voice that filled the abyss of your memories.
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"Ryoiki Tenkai."
Satoru's laugh gradually subsided when he'd given heed how you stiffened on your seat. You seemed to be in some sort of pain as your palm held onto that particular side of your head. The Strongest Jujutsu Sorcerer was knocked sideways, emitting a perceptible 'Huh?' from his side of the plane when he'd quickly and carelessly grabbed onto his recent sunglasses on the side of the table that he usually wore, instantly wearing it on.
Satoru cocked his head to the side, trying to get a good look---scrutinizing you beneath his sunglasses. Might as well say that the sorcerer was also heedless of the fact that he'd grabbed onto a bunch of tissues at full tilt when he'd gotten a sight of your nose bleeding before him.
Without thinking twice, he'd outstretch his long arms to reach over your side of the seat, leniently polishing off the blood out of your nose with a grin to his face. "H-Hey!" the second time he was bound to rub the crimson liquid away, you already had your face in a twist, nose scrunched and fighting shy of his odd need to do it for you.
What was with him and his need for physical touches?
Gojo balled up the freshly stained tissues, tossing them behind, carelessly doing so as he crossed his arms against his chest. He reached out for his blindfold that surrounded his neck, planning to just wear his sunglasses throughout the whole day. "Heh. You could've concealed your bleeding nose after seeing how handsome I am," the latter loosened the knot of his mask, slipping the blindfold inside his pocket instead.
You cleared your throat, the abrupt visions kept your stomach heavy and shaky. This kept you disoriented as you've also realized how this simple visions required such an excruciating pain from your head---that it even gotten to the point of having your nose bleeding without taking heed of it.
"Satoru," you distantly called out to him, lifting a hand to lightly damp the back of your hand through the undersides of your once-bleeding-nose and you couldn't help but shake your head from all the rendered flashbacks that you absolutely have no idea on. Fate had a peculiar way of giving you such a responsibility that has kept you giving the big why's in a literal caps locked way of writing it.
Who were they really. Why did you even manage to have memories of them when you knew better yourself that they were just strangers from a heterodox world you never knew, existed.
"Ryoiki Tenkai: Domain Expansion? What does it do?"
Nanami suddenly shut his eyes open to that, hearing you say the words out of your mouth---dispassionate as it sounded like you were vexed by the consequences of how you acquired the information of Jujutsu Sorcery without anyone of help. As much as he thought of until he began to give Satoru a look of judgement.
"You told her that?" Nanami was skeptical as he asked, chiding the Strongest Jujutsu Sorcerer along the grumbles beneath his breath, "---You might as well tell the history of it all then."
Satoru had to cease popping another bon-bon inside his mouth from the moment you've uttered them out of your mouth. Ryoiki Tenkai, that is. He'd given his friend a glimpse of nonchalance, going on into shooting down the sweetmeat inside his mouth as he shrugged to himself. He might as well go with the flow with it. Perhaps, showing you his eyes has actually been a good sign after all. If he could've just known it sooner, Gojo should've decided to wake you up with the image of him without the blindfold instead.
"Nanami, I didn't." he was coolheaded as he admitted, no ounce of taunt or lies laced on the ends of his sentence. Hence, he'd turn his head to take in the sight that you weren't giving the heed he wanted from you; the attention that he was suddenly lacking after giving you the privilege of showing you the beauty and pain of his eyes.
It felt like you were intentionally doing so as you were scrutinizing Nanami from his side of the plane, eyes squinted back at the 7:3 sorcerer who was now wearing his distinct sunglasses, achieving at least a nap with the both of you around was impossible. He mindlessly decided in determination.
Were you seriously ignoring Gojo Satoru now after given such a prestigious moment?
"It's...Ugh---how do I---" Gojo thought twice, not wanting to get into the specifics of this with you. He was cautious upon how to explain it in a non-sorcerer way where you could be able to understand. The latter shifted on his seat, his sunglasses fitted like a glove against his tall nose bridge while he gazed fixedly on you.
His words were broken off. Before you could say knife, you were already hollering out for the 7:3 sorcerer which got Satoru pursing his lips. Much to Gojo's chagrin, this felt entirely premeditated.
Unless, his presence---the full image of his eyes alone were distracting you a lot that you were making it seem like he didn't exist around you at all?
Satoru couldn't help but smirk covertly at that, basking in the self-esteem that powered his umbrage over your deliberate cold-shoulder.
"Kento," you uttered out of nowhere, calling out for his real name just like as you did to Satoru even on the first day, your eyes skimmed through the Cheetah-tie he wore, having hunches towards the connection it had with the tool he uses during the fight you saw inside your head.
"---My head's hurting. I guess this is going to be my new-normal. But, please don't cut my head off with your cow-butcher knife or something." a pause of breath, you sighed in relief when the painful tapping along your temples seemed to come to a stop, "---I knew you had something under your sleeves."
Satoru's Arctic eyes grew wide, to say he was surprised was the least way to express it. The Strongest Jujutsu Sorcerer was dumbfounded from how collected it sounded out of your mouth; how your notions were of guarantee as if you've seen fragments of memories inside your head.
You did. You certainly did and Gojo was sure of that.
"You've never shown her that. Right, Nanami?"
Nanami stared back at you with a lackadaisical glint in his eyes, his mouth in a tight thin line as he hummed back at Gojo, giving out a nod to affirm his queries.
"Ha! I won!" Satoru wildly congratulated himself, moving recklessly on his seat as he rowdily clapped for his success. His grin resembling of a Cheshire cat when you still weren't giving him the attention he was entirely incognizant of. It felt like an impalpable itch that was stinging his soaring amour-propre. "---She's going to bake sweets for me right? I actually won the bet?" he gave a nonchalant point of his finger towards you.
Your nose were tightly scrunched from the uncomfortable image of Satoru and his all---without the mask. The representation of what the wide blue yonder would've likely take shape of. Gojo's eyes were like a pie in the sky---an ethereal dream that lingered wretchedly inside your head and you wanted to abolish. It kept your heart in such a cramped space that were giving you the jitters, spurning fidgety toes and feet that you had to straightaway take your ass off your plane seat, deciding on an idea that would probably keep you more at ease rather than suffer throughout the whole day.
You've rather---wanted---chosen to engage within the stolic presence of Cheetah-tie rather than Heavenly Eyes instead.
"Nanami! Let's exchange seats!" you've tried to leave your seat in a rush. How obvious you could be that Satoru's existence and eyes caught you entirely stupefied and enthralled. This was too much.
Gojo Satoru was just...too much.
Hence, as expected---he was relishing in the response, luxuriating over your apprehension like how you expected him to.
Your shameless rush of escape were cut-short by Gojo, he held out his hand and hauled you down to your seat with his large, ample hands that suddenly felt like thunderbolt being struck to your skin, terrifyingly bothering, giving you goosebumps that augmented the belabors of your heart. He kept you steady in your seat and probably had plans to stress you out even more, "Haha! No, you don't!" he laughed out loud, his taunting giggles making you utterly cognizant of your own pounding, heartbeat. You couldn't help but grumble down incoherent words that were in your own language.
Satoru's fingers that encased your arm felt like gasoline inciting the captivation over his existence. It added---intensified over the revelation, striking you dumb especially now that you had the window to identify and discern whenever he was staring or gazing like the nuisance whom people who surrounded him, specified.
"You're sitting right in front of me until we reach Japan and until you're entirely convinced over my compelling existence."
He could be the headache that you'd straight out wouldn't mind, that tiny voice of subconsciousness trailed off in the back of your mind, making you stiffen on your own seat again---your heart racing back and forth when your frame of reference were filled with the image of Satoru who had his gaze fixated on you alone, a roguish glint in his eyes as he surveilled over his Stygian sunglasses. You've felt his thick, long fingers knocking your cheeks together---gamesomely squashing them as if to poke borax over your indignation.
"---Heh! If only I knew then and there, I should've shown you my eyes from the moment I've introduced myself, Tiny-Chan."
His eyes could've been the vault to heaven. Hence, it can even be described as the dome to the nether regions. It was a broach to the memories of tribulation that was meant to be remembered and expectantly plead for clemency in order to forget an impalpable curse that only you would get to see---which not even the Strongest Jujutsu Sorcerer could ameliorate to hereafter.
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Tiny-Chan be hysterical rn---I mean---I would too---Satoru prolonged it far enough for reader to be mad af over seeing his eyes---😭😍 I dunno whether to be embarrassed for her all the time or want to help her from the frustration she feels---🤣
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swindle-comic · 3 years
Hi, I've been reading your comic and I really like it.
My question is: how Ty was created? I don't mean biologically, no, I mean what came to your mind while creating a bear oc. I'm a huge fan of bears myself, so Ty being one got me curious.
If you feel comfortable, could you tell his origins? That's prolly some stuff that are gonna be shown ahead in the comic, but I wanted to ask nevertheless.
The simple answer is it was like 3am and that’s usually when stray ideas spiral out of control.
Okay if I remember right it began almost two years ago when I was very very lost in the ducktales sauce and we were talking about the characters constantly. So we had been on the topic of the triplets and how they’d develop as teens to adults and then the subject drifted into romantic orientation or lack thereof and potential relationships they might have in the future. When it came to Louie we were just like “ye he gay.”
While we were talking about that, I brought up a silly little scenario about Louie having a notable interaction with some boy at school. I guess what the notable interaction entailed would be a spoiler. The angle that hooked us on this relationship dynamic is a spoiler. (Even if plenty of people who went deep diving have found their answers on the matter. I’m still gonna try not to bring it up on the blog.) but you’ll find out soon. So the idea of Ty’s character started with “Somebody who could work off Louie.”
But then I was like “yeah ok sure fine I know I just brought this kid up to be funny but now I’m invested in him. Who is he? Lets flesh out this Boy At School. It’s 3am let’s go apeshit.”
And then I wondered if I could make this kid a canon character. Maybe a lesser used one. And I remembered that some of the talespin characters were intended to appear in season three. Now I hadn’t watched talespin much at the time so I didn’t pay much attention to the announced characters. For some reason I thought they were Baloo and Rebecca? I had just briefly looked at the image of them like once. So then my train of thought was like “okay so if Baloo and Rebecca exist in dt17, so does Kit Cloudkicker.” I knew a little bit about Kit Cloudkicker. And from what I knew, he matched the personality of this Boy At School that we were messing around with. I thought it was a perfect.
I figured out like a few minutes later that the adult bear I thought was Baloo was actually Kit so we had to regroup. But I was already attached to this angle we had so the regroup was basically just
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(I just think Artsy with their Kit icon being like “idk him” is funny)
The name “Kit Jr” did not last long because it was stupid as all fuck but by this point it was 4am so be nice to me.
The fact that we made Ty into an OC made things WAY better cuz it opened up for way more creative freedom. He wasn’t confined to the restraints of canon characterization and I could do whatever I wanted with him. This early stage of his characterization was definitely inspired by young Kit from Talespin but he became so much more than that. Artsy had started designing him the day after and then drew up a bunch of him. Which just added fuel to the fire. The next few days I spurted out essays upon essays about Ty. Everything about him. He was a fully realized person within a week. There’s so much life to this kid, I stg. I’m really excited for the comic to explore every facet of him. He has a lot of facets.
But yeah that’s why he’s a bear. He was based off a bear character. If he had just been an OC with no links to any other character, a bear probably wouldn’t have crossed my mind.
I’m guessing by his “origins” you mean where he came from, in universe. Like before he landed with Kit and whatnot. I’m delighted you’re interested but that’s private information for the moment. But we will get to that.
Thank you for your question! This was fun to talk about!
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stormblessed95 · 3 years
Hi! I’m kind of new to Jikook, but I went through like literally every popular bts ship’s moments before hand to make sure I like wasn’t seeing things. And well I came to the conclusion that Jikook is very likely more than just a ship.
I just had a small doubt though. I know that all the members are super close and stuff, but what throws me off is when certain skinship happens. Like when v kissed jungkooks nape sometime during the LY tour, and right in front of jimin no less?? Idk if you’ve seen it. Jk…idk what his reaction was, tbh I’m not rlly good at reading expressions and I’m afraid I might be biased if I try to guess what it was. It was weird cause I’d seen jikook happily jikooking along for that entire tour.
I know like for sure that nothing is going on between taekook bc of all the times tae has literally shut it down (and just their platonic bond in general), so don’t think for a second that I’ve gone down that path aha. I just don’t know why tae would do that in front of jm if jikook were in a relationship (which I believe they are?). It confused me since like jk seems like one to set boundaries between jimin and the members (as one prolly would do when in a relationship). What’s weird is that I’ve seen hobi kiss jungkook on the neck too but it just looked super cute to me but it didn’t rlly surprise me. I know that some jkkers might suggest fs but it just seems hypocritical to label it as fs. As far as I know bts doesn’t need it, and I’m pretty sure you’ve made several posts agreeing with that.
I’m sorry for being so critical lol, I know that one moment shouldn’t affect my view on Jikook. But I’m kind of a stubborn person loll. Am I just doubting myself over nothing? Is what tae did completely normal? I’m sorry if this comes off as rude or smthing I swear I love jikook w all of my heart lol. You seem rlly objective abt things so I thought I would ask you.
Btw here’s the link to the vid it you haven’t seen it (it’s not the compilation vid I saw it from but it’ll do lol): https://youtu.be/_veSq3aS6qY
Well, hello 😂 I'm glad you trust my opinions though! Lol BTW, I have a post in my masterlist about the tannies love bites/kisses & rosebowl if you want to check that out. But I wouldn't worry about that one moment. Tae and Hobi in particular seem to be of one mind in the way that if it's close to their face, they will kiss it. Lol and the Tannies all kiss each other, all the time basically, the maknae line especially. It's just another way of showing their love for each other. The nape kiss doesn't look sexual or exciting at all. It's just a simple kiss. Nothing new for any of them. And no, its not fanservice, no matter who it's between. They love each other, so they give out little kisses. All of them.
Tae buried his face into Jimin's nape with a kissy pout during WP
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Hobi kissing the maknae line:
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Maknae line kissing Jin:
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Jimin kissing Tae and Tae kissing JK (they all kissed Tae on random parts of his head/body during that same TK kiss video):
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Jimin burying his face in Namjoons neck while JK pinches his cheeks and makes pokes around his face at the same time
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Jihope kisses (or the amount of almost kisses it looks like they have lol)
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Tae kissing Hobi, Hobi kissing Tae:
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JK kissing RM for his birthday:
And the iconic moment of Tae getting drunk, posting all over the place, including posting photos of him kissing his Jimin plush doll as a goodnight. Lmao
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Not to mention the amount of times they stick their hands down each other's shirts. Lol and yes, there are video moments for all of these photos if you want to go find them. The TK kiss is a cute little TK moment, but I don't think it proves or disproves anything, personally. In the end it's important to form your own opinions about it all and everything you see. Hope this helped you though!
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001: atla favorite friendship? (also hi hope you’re having a good day:) )
favorite character:
i mean. this is prolly pretty freaking obvious but uhhhh. sokka <3 my absolute Beloved <3
least favorite character:
zhao. he’s the biggest cis fish of them all :| but also the owl for being mean to sokka and also hahn for being mean to sokka AND yue don’t test me sirs
five favorite ships (canon or non-canon):
ooo okay,,, zukka, yueki, jetru, mailee, kataang, & jinzula,,, look ik that’s six but idc ajsbwknsks
character i find most attractive:
,,, sokka. okay no but other than the obvious,,, idk katara is beautiful and lovely and deserves more appreciation <3 but they’re all also like children so idk man sjdbksndnd
character i would marry:
i mean. again, they’re all children so i feel less comfortable answering this one lol
character i would be best friends with:
SOKKA okay but other than him. mai <3
a random thought:
suki is scared of most animals but especially polar bear dogs and atla equivalent of geese <3 also we need to talk more about the fact that zuko kicked a table in half we don’t talk about that enough
an unpopular opinion:
uhhhhhh we should stop babying zuko because there’s a difference between letting characters feel emotions / recover and changing their whole personality to coddle them and make them more important than literally everyone else <3 also anyone who says that katara needs to stop talking about her mom can catch these hands,,, you know who you are sir (no one on here lol—someone from a class last semester lol)
my canon otp:
zu—wait. um. kataang:) no i do truly love kataang lots <3 v cute !!!
my non-canon otp:
hehe zukka <3
most badass character:
suki. like,,, come on, y’all. she. my beloved. but also mai tbh… and prolly ty lee lol
most epic villain:
uhhhhh mai & ty lee??? idk ozai & zhao are cis fishes and so is hahn and i’m not calling jet a villain and i just. azula deserves so much better from the show and fandom so i kind of don’t want to say her out of spite akbsksnsn
pairing i am not a fan of:
oooooooooo ztara, obviously, any time zuko or sokka are shipped with toph or aang too. and obviously anything pedophillic. also jet.ko because i’ve seen too many abusive jet fics for me to actually like it:( like they’ve totally kissed but i got mad at fic writers and what they did to jet <3
character i feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another):
i mean aside from azula because. the comics:) jet deserved a lot better and i wish so many didn’t see him as this irredeemable villain. had this conversation a lot too:(
favourite friendship:
suki & aang !!! not to like. rec my own fic but like. if anyone wants to read a suki & aang friendship oneshot i wrote,,, here’s the link lol
character i most identify with:
S.O.K.K.A. it’s about the feeling like you have nothing to contribute and that everyone is so much better than you and that you hold everyone back and aren’t good for anything✌🏻
character i wish i could be:
i mean. sokka. but Other than sokka, because obvious, i’d say yue !!!
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elstreem · 3 years
ALBW One-Shot: The Sword and the Shadow
Heya, so more writing stuff! This one is technically finished but prolly needs edits.
To summarize, the spirit of the Master Sword meets with a lad with her master's face on one late night.
As usual, if this is too hard to read, here's the G docs: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Pjs3LhclohUslR_ZQ55N1y8qQ3nZ640EJgn_5c-6HSg/edit?usp=sharing
ALBW: The Sword and the Shadow
Night lay deep on Hyrule, the late hour quiet except for the occasional rustle of the grass. Ravio peered outside and sighed in relief – despite his fears, none of the monsters patrolling outside had ever thought to come inside the houses of Hyrule. Whistling to his only companion, his pet bird named Sheerow, he proceeded to lie down on the dusty rug, the only comfortable place to rest on. It wasn’t always so – a few days ago, it was the neat and cozy home of a blacksmith’s apprentice. Ravio had changed that, and the former home was currently devoted to being an item shop. Not that it looked much like a shop - the display tables formed a rectangle, but most of them were empty, displaying only a few placards which proclaimed most of the items were on rent. Only a Fire Rod was left, sparkling in the lamplight.
Though he should have happily dozed off, Ravio felt rather restless and try as he might, could not get himself to feel sleepy. With a sigh, he realized he had to do something to pass the time. The only problem was there wasn’t much to do when there are monsters outside and your only companion is a pet bird. Looking around the house, the Fire Rod caught his eye, and with a huff, he stood up, expecting little more than a quiet night polishing the magical item. Ravio was just picking up the wand to dust it off when he heard the sound of approaching footsteps. Instantly alert, he clutched the Fire Rod to himself and anxiously peered out of the window. A warm glow came up the hill on which the house stood, and in a few moments a slight figure limped its way up the slope. Ravio perked up and immediately returned the Fire Rod to its display table, before eagerly bustling off to the front of the house to welcome his only customer. The door had barely opened when Ravio did his usual greeting.
“Hello, Mr. Hero!” Ravio chirped, sounding a bit like Sheerow.
“Here to rent -?”
But he stopped short in surprise. Garbed in green and with a sword in hand, the Hylian named Link looked like a hero straight out of the legends, but a very exhausted one. The hand he was using to carry a lantern was shaking slightly, and aside from the usual dirt from his adventures, a nasty cut was also on his face.
“Need to sleep,” Link groaned, limping into his home.
“Hang on, let me just, uhh, dig out your bed,” Ravio said, looking around at Link’s furniture, which he had wildly pushed to the walls to make the space for his shop.
“This will do,” Link mumbled, lying down on the rug. He just about placed his sword back into its sheath before he collapsed into sleep. Ravio gasped and hurried to his side, and was relieved to see Link breathing – in fact, he was already snoring.
“Phew, you scared me Mr. Hero…” Ravio murmured. Checking once more to see if the Hylian was truly, deeply asleep, he felt confident enough to remove his mask. Without the distinctive rabbit hood, Ravio could almost be mistaken for the youth sleeping on the floor. From the shape of their eyes, the same pointed tips to their ears, and even the way the hair fell down their faces, they were incredibly alike. There were only two differences: while Ravio’s hair was the purple of falling dusk, Link’s was the gold of noonday sun, and though the Hylian’s eyes were closed at the moment, his eyes were blue to Ravio’s green. Perhaps it had something to do with the worlds they lived in, and Ravio sometimes wondered if he too, might have had golden hair and blue eyes if he had grown up in a world filled with light. He shook the thoughts away and stood up. He went to the roughly stacked furniture and scrounged for a blanket, before returning to Link’s side and sitting down again. Sheerow landed on his shoulder and gave a curious chirp, making Ravio smile.
“Of course, we only look alike, Mr. Hero and I. The similarity is only skin-deep, but it would frighten anyone to see someone look much like themselves. I suppose he’ll only want to see his own face in a mirror,” Ravio softly said to Sheerow. With a sigh, he pulled on his hood again, wincing at the stuffy feeling of having it back on his head. With his face hidden away, Ravio then gently draped the blanket over Link, but on noticing the sheathed sword still within Link’s hand, he paused. It was definitely new – the sword Link had been using was a plain old sword, sharp and a good blade, yes, but nothing remarkable, especially when it was tucked away in its nondescript brown scabbard. This one was sheathed in a beautiful blue scabbard, richly decorated with gold ornaments, with the holy symbol of the Triforce prominently featured. The hilt of the sword was all that was visible, but it was certainly anything but ordinary. The hilt was made of a crystalline material, carved into the shape of wings that jutted away from the blade. It was enough for Ravio to recognize that this was the legendary blade spoken of in Hyrule - the Master Sword.
Awed, he couldn’t help himself from going closer to gaze at it. Even without knowledge about the history of Hyrule, Ravio could tell that this sword was sacred, meant to banish evil. Scarcely daring to breathe, he reached out to touch it, thoughts careening wildly in his mind. With a sword like this, maybe, just maybe, he could…he could do…
Nothing. Still nothing, because I’m only a coward.
The thought came like a splash of icy water, and Ravio flinched, fingers stopping short of touching the sword. A bitter frown formed on his face – while very unwelcome, the truth still held fast, and that truth was that he was a coward at heart, and he knew it. Only a coward after all, would have fled and left a princess when she needed him most…he was no hero. With a sigh, Ravio dropped his hand, his fingers brushing against the sheath of the sword.
In the next moment, a blinding flash lit up the inside of the house.
Ravio yelled in surprise and threw up his arms to shield his face. It was a dazzling silver light, and it burned his sight much like the sun of Hyrule has burned him when he first came through the chink between worlds. But as quickly as the light had come, it faded, and sensing this change, Ravio carefully lowered his arms and blinked away the spots dancing in his eyes. As soon as his senses cleared, he was aware of Sheerow making an alarmed racket next to his ear. He rubbed his eyes and looked again, and realized why the bird was behaving so strangely. With his heart hammering away at his chest, Ravio scrambled back, his mouth open to scream, but sadly, his voice got stuck somewhere in his throat and would not come out.
There was an intruder in the house, and she was definitely a cause for alarm.
For starters, she was floating in the air, close to the ceiling. The sight reminded Ravio of the Great Fairies that were scattered across the land, but she had no wings at her back. Also similar to the fairy folk, she was very beautiful. Her face was young and smooth, her blue skin glowing with a metallic sheen. She was clad in the colors of the sky and dusk, her fluttering robes fit for royalty, richly dyed purple and blue, and threads of gold running through her dress.
For all her beauty and regal air, however, she also looked frightening.
“Ahhh…aaargh –!“ The pieces of a scream started to come out of Ravio’s mouth, but a voice cut across the sounds of his distress.
“Please refrain from creating noise,” the voice instructed in formal tones. Ravio saw the spirit’s mouth move, and he supposed only she could have spoken in such a voice – it sounded like a girl’s voice, but also otherworldly, echoing as though she was speaking from the end of a tunnel.
Ravio's voice, on the other hand, decided to crawl back into his throat and cowered there, and he ended up just shutting his mouth and scooching away. Sheerow perched on his shoulder and stayed there, trembling occasionally.
The spirit looked on curiously, and satisfied that Ravio seemed to have quieted down, she floated down until her feet touched the ground, just beside Link. At that sight, Ravio was about to stand up, a sudden feeling of protectiveness coming over him. He couldn't let Link be harmed by this spirit - he was the only hope for their kingdoms (as well as his only source of business.)
But before Ravio had even shifted his weight, the spirit sat down, neatly folding her legs under herself. She also draped part of her cloak over Link's sleeping form, and though her face hardly changed, Ravio thought there was deep fondness in her eyes. Her gestures and mannerisms - Ravio sensed a devotion in them, of a bond that had been forged long ago.
"What is your relation to my master?"
"Huh?" Ravio asked.
"What is your relation to Master Link? You share his home and your auras are very similar," the spirit said.
"I…I'm Ravio. I guess…I'm like his counterpart in this world," Ravio said. He briefly pulled his hood away to show the spirit his face. She did not look fazed at all to see Ravio's face, and only nodded her head in acknowledgement.
"Processing information…processing complete. You are not of Hyrule, but of a world also created by the Goddesses. Greetings, Ravio. I am Fi, servant of Master Link, spirit of the Master Sword."
"Servant…so you've been looking after Link here?" Ravio asked.
"Only very recently in this life," Fi replied. Ravio got goosebumps - the way Fi said it, he could only guess how many times she had performed this role. "I am sworn to serve my master, in any age that evil wakes to threaten this land,” she added.
“So...you’ve done this before then? Save Hyrule?” Ravio asked.
“Yes,” Fi answered simply.
“Then - then please -” Ravio came closer, aware of the desperation in his own voice.
“Please - save my own kingdom. No - save my princess,” Ravio said, bowing his head so low that his forehead touched the ground.
“I couldn’t do my duty to her. But you - and Link - you can do what I couldn’t. Right?” Ravio said, raising his face to look at Fi in the eyes.
“Once, long ago, I failed my master, and Hyrule fell to ruin. I cannot guarantee that it will not happen again,” Fi said. Ravio got a lump in his throat and fell silent.
“Any time we face down the dark forces against Hyrule, my master faces a 90% chance of failure. It is the same situation now.” Fi looked at Link’s face, a master she had grown to truly love over the ages. And with that love she had also felt his pain, and now, she felt hurt to see him wounded and in danger.
“But even with the low chances of success, I will do my utmost to prevent the same downfall,” Fi said, her words gaining an edge as sharp as her blade. Then she looked at Ravio, her eyes still blank and expressionless but somehow it felt like she was looking through him.
“If you are to prevent what you fear the most, you must act,” Fi said.
“But if I can’t find the courage to do so…” Ravio said, lowering his head.
“Then, act with love.”
Ravio looked up, his words trailing into a stutter of surprise. The spirit of the sword, a legend who had endured countless ages...her lips were unmistakably curved in a warm, fond smile. It was a sight that no one, save Link, had ever seen.
And the sight of her smile reminded Ravio of long-ago days, when the princess he loved did not yet bear the burden of saving a fallen kingdom...
“The hour grows late, and you will need strength for days to come. You should also get sleep,” Fi suggested. Ravio started, not realizing that he was lost in thought.
“Oh, but-”
“Do not worry. I shall keep watch,” Fi said. She stood up and floated over to the window, humming a lonely melody. Ravio blinked - it was like all his exhaustion caught up with him all of a sudden, and he lay down, his mind clear of all worries. He didn’t know what he was meant to do yet, but...he shut his eyes and slept, dreaming about light for once.
Alone, Fi looked out into the night, and when a curious Sheerow perched on her shoulder, she did not mind.
“Up and at them, Mr. Hero!”
Link groaned and sat up, rubbing his eyes. He knew he heard a wonderful, familiar song in his dreams, but he couldn’t quite remember it…
A warm and sweet aroma perked Link up, and he looked to see Ravio pass him a tray, on which there was a bottle of milk, still-warm bread and apple slices. Link looked down at the tray and then up again at Ravio, and his wonder must have shown in his face because Ravio put up his hands.
“Ooh, surprised? Well, so am I! I was only looking forward to some apples for breakfast but a really nice lady passed by and left this food. I think she said she was the Blacksmith’s wife? Anyway, she said it was for you for finding...Gunney or someone,” Ravio explained in a chirpy tone.
Link’s mouth watered - he hadn’t had a proper meal in forever, it seemed, and barely had Ravio finished when he tore into the food.
“Whoa, adventuring sure gives you an appetite huh? Anyway, you’ll be going out again, yeah?” Ravio said. Link nodded, crumbs sticking all over his face.
“...well, take care, you hear me?”
Some time later, Ravio repeated the sentiment as Link was heading out, and the Hylian cocked his head at him, puzzled by Ravio’s behavior. Sure, he was pretty cheerful, but laid-back, and Link wondered why Ravio was being positively sunny. Shrugging it off, he walked out, not seeing Ravio wave cheerfully at his back - or the Master Sword twinkling briefly as they set off on another journey together.
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