#righty looks normal
beckiboos · 2 months
Oh Skyrim modding is a joy now I’m trying to figure out why oh why is only my left hand disfigured and not my right
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muirmarie · 6 months
spock with memory loss but not emotional memory loss. he can't remember anything since he left vulcan, but he looks at jim's and leonard's faces and he's like. hmm. i appear to be in love with both of these men. fascinating.
except. y'know. they are absolutely NOT together.
[hi hey have some absolute crack underneath the readmore]
mccoy being a ridiculous mother hen in sickbay and kirk running down from the bridge every hour on the hour all "UPDATE, BONES????" is not. is not helping spock's assumptions.
mccoy GRUDGINGLY allowing spock out of sickbay because lord knows there's some big thing happening and they need the beds, and spock doesn't need immediate medical attention, he just needs, y'know, a cure for the weird memory loss disease he's picked up. you heard me, this isn't amnesia, this is a weird space memory loss disease that mccoy is going to CURE, thank you very much.
he only allows spock out of sickbay if kirk keeps an eye on him. spock's like =/ when will you be joining us, doctor? and mccoy, not nearly as suspicious as he should be because he's so delighted that there's for ONCE a version of spock who actually appears to not be running away from medical, is like !!!!! once i'm sure everyone in sickbay is stable i'll come down to check on you!!!! i'll check on jim too!!! i'll run my scanner over everyone who will allow me to make sure they're okay!!!!! (jim: >=| i did not consent to this. bones: shut up idc i'm already scanning you.)
kirk takes spock back to kirk's quarters figuring they'll bunk together so he can keep an eye on him/make sure the space forgetfulness disease doesn't make him forget anything else.
spock's like. hmm. is this where we live? why don't we keep it warmer for me =/
kirk, oblivious doll that he is, is like yeah, all the quarters are like this, this is indeed where we live! isn't the enterprise the most beautiful ship there is!! also i am so sorry let's crank this place up to a sauna asap
meanwhile spock is sleepy what with the space forgetty sickness but he's like. determined to wait until their bf joins them so they can sleep in a cuddle pile. it seems polite. he's pretty sure he'd be a polite bf. amanda would definitely want him to be a polite bf. plus he feels certain that he needs to make sure the doctor gets some sleep after working non-stop in sickbay. like. that feels like that should somehow be his and jim's responsibility. that feels right.
bones shows up two hours later with his tricorder and even darker circles under his eyes than normal, and is like all right, time to check on my favorite patient <3 (he's still not used to spock not snarking back at him, and is more than a little =/ when spock just sparkles a bit instead of slamming him with an insult, tbh)
spock and jim get a clean bill of health (beyond, y'know, the space-nesia), and mccoy's like, all rightie, i'll be back in the morning to check on you!!! tell me immediately if anything changes!! i should go back to sickbay and check on things
spock: =( what.
mccoy: i need to keep an eye on everything in sickbay
kirk: no he's right you need to get some rest, bones. the on-duty staff will keep an eye on everything, but you've been going non-stop between spock and this new thing
mccoy: i'll grab a nap in my office don't worry
spock: =(((((((
mccoy: ...spock why are you holding onto my wrist. spock why are you - spock why are you dragging me over to the bed. spock - jim why are you laughing
kirk: i mean it is an effective solution
spock: i have the space forgetties and i can't even sleep with my boyfriends????? illogical.
mccoy: ......
kirk: hmm.
mccoy: ????? hmm???? HMMM???? IS THAT ALL YOU GOT????
kirk: i mean, it does sound illogical when he puts it like that
mccoy: ????? i don't know what the two of you have going on on the downlow, but i'm not dating spock. spock, i'm not dating you.
spock: no, no i definitely love you both, so it would be extremely illogical for us not to be dating, and i am, above all else, logical, so ipso facto we must be dating. it's far more likely you just don't want to say we're dating because you'd feel like it would be a shock to my blank slate brain. occam's razor.
mccoy: we're - we're definitely not dating
spock: hmmm jim i am worried that leonard may also have the space forgetty disease.
kirk: bones, just sleep here tonight, it's not a big deal
mccoy, slightly strangled, because he is extremely in love with these two men and this is a bizarre situation even for them: JIM, I -
spock, aggressively laying in the center of the bed and then trapping mccoy next to him by sheer strength and mccoy's surprise, and unfortunately, having pegged mccoy within 5 minutes of meeting him again, saying: what if the space forgetty disease makes me worse during the night and my doctor bf isn't even here to help me =/
kirk: [unhelpfully giggling]
mccoy: gdi why would you say that now you know i can't leave - this isn't you winning this is me GRACEFULLY changing my mind and we are NOT dating and if you use this forced snuggling against me when i ONCE MORE SAVE THE DAY and figure out a CURE to FIX your STUPID VULCAN MIND then i will -
kirk: [leaning over and kissing bones' forehead to shut him up and then walking around the other side of the bed and getting in next to spock] you forgot the key word, there, bones
mccoy, visibly restraining himself from frothing with rage: what.
kirk: yet, bones. we're not dating yet.
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ikkosu · 23 days
HEyooo, Soundwave requestor here again. This time to actually give ya the request!
Righty so, as said before, this request is a sequel to the fem!bot squid!s/o ficlet. So, for this I've got a couple of scenarios in mind, but I'll some of those for future requests!
Anyhow, how about Soundwave introducing S/O to his casettes, how they interact with her, what they think of her, etc.
|[part one ]|
YOU peered over your servos, curling the digits around the glass rim of the mini-aquarium.It was a nine feet tall container, accommodating your height, as well as your size, allowing you to swim around freely.
“Why's she lookin' at me weird."
Soundwave had conjured it up swiftly within a matter of days. You remembered a kind of warmth pulsed in your spark, relief and adoration mottled into one, when he told you that.
As, after all, following initial meeting with the decepticon, you doubted the notion of him ever coming back. It wasn't rocket science. Every being in close proximity of your own, whether it was intentional or not, is guaranteed too maim themselves injured or dead.
If you were to prevent that, suppressing your field proves to be another problem. Holding it taut for for so long only reels you nauseous, spinal strut shuddering with an intensity more vehement than any lacerating wound would pulse.
But, at the sight of him returning with another mech (an intimidating one, if you had to add ) the prospect doesn't seem all that delusional. Not when he had gently lifted you up from the waters, a servo on your tail, and the other on your back, sauntering towards a make-shift carrier not too far from the shore.
"We have to ensure her outer platings are constantly moisturized." Shockwave, you remembered his name, droned off to your new companion. "Her build is naturally divergent from our own. Years of decade long exposure to water, maybe even more, had caused the outer epidermis to conform to the surroundings. If not handled with care, the oxygen will rust the platings and the ramifications will be severe."
Soundwave had left swiftly with his scientist after depositing you in the container, assuring that it won't be long before he comes back. You're now left in the company of two eccentric little bots. Little bots that dawdled in front of the aquarium, unbothered.
"I'm tellin' ya, she's lookin' at me weird."
You blink tentatively. They were so small. Around the height of a human if you had to guess, if not — just a little taller.
"Oi! Rumble,” You dipped at the sound of a smack.
The other (black red, you note) groaned, clutching his helm. “Hey, hey! Watch the head! Watch the head! I'm not fussin' knockout for a cracked helm after getting my servo fixed! You know how he is eith second appointments.”
Blue, meanwhile, fisted his hips and narrowed his optics. "Then, watch that mouth if you don’t wanna have big red after ya' spark.”
“Can’t help it if she looks weird, fussbrain.”
“And you’re gonna be guts deep in a pit ‘cause a’that? I'll gaurantee ya' a clock in the head if bossman hears."
You settled your chin on the glass, observing them prattle away. Mini-figures, moving. Gestures and expressions, animated.
"Oi, looks are subjective, alright? You find ‘er normal. I find ‘er abnormal. I’m honest about it. I’m an honest mech.” Rumbles puts a servo on his chest. “At least, I ain’t no screamer.”
"You just might be with how much slag's spooling out of that intake!”
"Ugh. Just look at the tails!"
Blue vents, complies with a swivel , and inspects you, squinting of his optics. He snorts.
Frenzy ignores his biting tone and continues his examination. “Too lifey to be tails. What tail is on someone's shoulder, eh? I see 'em moving, too. Oi! You. You’re pulling your field back, you scared or something?”
"I don't think they're tails, Rumble.”
“What’s it then, her brain?”
"....Not at all.” You say demurely. But your tendrils stiffen when their own fields eases over. As if they’re experimenting.
Rumble cocks a brow, "Oh, good. She speaks."
"Course she does, idiot. What she gonna do, sing?"
“You know what? A performance ain’t too bad right now to be honest.”
"Rumble, Frenzy : mind your manners."
"Oh, slag. Right. Sorry about that.”
They both stiffened, swivelling around in time to meet the gaze of their, you weren't so sure how to describe their relationship, sire? Towering over the two.
“Your field.” He warns.
You visibly loosened when the pressure of their field retracted. Frenzy blinks at the noticeable change while Rumble says nothing.
“I’d like ta’ see you try, fussbrain.”
“‘pologies bossman." He starts. "We're, uh, a little curious."
“Too curious.” Frenzy mutters, earning a hard kick to his shin. He grunts and they both swivel, face to face, fists locked and loaded for a brawl.
“Oh, I oughta give that servo a nice beating until big red comes around and scoops ‘em up like broken egg shells. Ya hear?”
Soundwave strides past the two bickering mini-cons and straight towards the container. Your tendrils relax a the sight of him approaching. No longer bristling, you teeter close to the glass wall. He puts a servo on the surface and you do, as well, grasping the pulse of warmth behind the glass.
You give him a small smile and somewhere behind his visors you notice a crinkle of his optics.
“Rumble, Frenzy.” He swiveled around and gave out your designation. “Introduce yourself.”
“This one there. That bugger is Rumble.” Frenzy points, “And I’m frenzy. I woulda shake ya’ servos but missy is nine feet off the ground and i’m seven feet short.”
“It’s alright. No need for that.” You said.
“She’ll be staying with us for a while. I’m expecting her welcome is to be warmly embraced.”
Rumble greets you with a careless wave of his servo. “Oh, she’ll be fine with us. No worries, there. We’ll keep ‘er good company as long as she doesn’t piss off Ravage and get ‘er tail stuck in a kitty’s claw. Ain’t that right, squid?”
That was….highly specific. Ravage?They seem quite the charmer. Let’s hope you won’t encounter that problem anytime soon. Pissing off Ravage and the like. You gave them a sheepish smile and nod. “Thank you for, ah, accepting me. I know this isn’t easy to see a new face around.”
“Squid.” Frenzy says blandly.
Soundwave meets your gaze. “She’s a neutral.”
Rumble shrugs. “Didn’t say it was hard.”
“Uh, how long is a while?” Frenzy looks up. “Won’t Megatron have a thing or two to say about ‘er buddies?”
“But—" Rumble begins.
“A nuetral.” He says more firmly. “That’s all there is to her faction. And you’re going to refer it that way, am I clear?”
The mini con glanced to each other for a moment. To you, then to Soundwave. Frenzy shrugs, as though he couldn’t care less. mumbling a simple “A’ight.” While Rumble grins, gleaming with chesire smugness.“If you say so, boss.”
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ladykailitha · 1 year
Can Anybody See Me? Part 21
Executive dysfunction is a bitch and can go to hell. I had something I could have posted yesterday while I was working on this, but no...
I am starting to wonder if maybe I shot myself in the foot with my tag rant as engagement for the last Reconnect AU was WAY down. But oh well. I can only continue to move on and hope I find new people who like my stuff.
All righty, my lovelies. We have gotten to the part where I was going to end it originally before you absolute menaces said you wanted me to continue it through season 4.
But here’s the deal, this story has reached nearly novel length of 40k. So what I’ve decided to do is call this the end of book one. And then I will start up book two, which will be through to the end of the school year and probably through the events of season 3. And then book 3 should take us the rest of the way.
I hope that’s acceptable to all of you. I want to continue it, but I think from here on out the title doesn’t fit Steve anymore and he needs a new one.
Now if you’ve followed me long enough, you know that I don’t start putting out a story until it’s done (if it’s short enough) or if I’m three to four chapters deep. So hopefully by the end of the month (if not sooner) you should start seeing book two.
I will run a poll on how you think I should do the tag list for it. But thank you all for coming with me on this absolutely wild ride. And hope you’ll stick around for the next two parts.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20
Word had been handed down, Mindy Jones, Ollie Anderson, and Kyle Carver had been suspended with word that Kyle being the instigator might be expelled. For sure he wasn’t going to be able to walk in his cap and gown at graduation.
Steve felt a sense of relief and strangely justice too. Yes, all right suspension wasn’t getting expelled, but the kids had been punished. They didn’t try to hand wave it away.
Steve had heard that Mr Vinke, the math teacher, Mr Cole, Miss Lucy, and Chief Hopper had all gone to the principal and superintendent for all three of them to be expelled.
The suspension was a given, but the school district wanted to do their own investigation and then expulsions might be handed out after it was complete.
Steve didn’t have much hope.
Marty, Gethin, and Janice all sat with the Corroded Coffin boys at lunch, something they didn’t normally do.
“Fuck,” Janice swore. “Why I am more nervous about tonight than I have all week?”
Steve nodded, poking at his food. “I haven’t been this queasy since I took a plate to the head.”
Everyone winced and murmured sympathetic platitudes and other noises of sympathy.
“I think it’s because it’s your last performance,” Gethin murmured. “Your last chance to completely biff it on stage.” Steve and Janice looked at him in wide-eyed fear. He waved his hands placatingly. “Not that I think you will. Just that your brain thinks you will.”
Steve and Janice looked at each other and then nodded.
“Yeah,” Steve agreed. “That tracks.”
Eddie slid his hand under the table and gripped Steve’s knee. Steve covered his hand with his own and gave it a squeeze of thank you.
Steve scanned the crowd the second night. He spotted Jeff and all his family, Gareth and Gethin and their parents, Brian and all of his younger siblings, and what looked like his dad. Wayne shuffled in his seat nervously, having never been to a musical before. But still no sign of his parents.
His mom promised that at least she would be there, even if his dad refused to come. And he held on to that. He managed to make it through the show and held it together.
He went out to be congratulated by his friends and their families. Wayne brought him flowers.
“You did good, boy,” he said gruffly, after giving him a hug. “I looked it up and flowers are the gift you give someone after a well-done performance.”
Steve looked down at the bouquet of wild flowers and smiled. “Thank you. I love them.”
Jeff clapped him on the shoulder. “They might be a tad wilted by the time we’re done, because we’re taking you out to eat in celebration.”
Steve teared up a bit. “Thanks, guys.”
Gareth smiled. “You deserve it, man. That was awesome!”
Gethin nudged his shoulder. “We’re just waiting for Janice and Eddie to get done.”
Steve nodded. Eddie had to reset the stage for tomorrow and Janice had to get out of a corset and that took some time.
“Yeah, no problem!” he enthused.
Eddie finished first and came out to meet them.
“Hey, Steve!” he said. “Feeling famous yet?”
Steve laughed. “I’m going to get fat if this keeps up. First ice cream last night and then dinner tonight.”
They all laughed. “It’s impossible for you to gain weight, man,” Brian huffed. “I’ve seen you eat a whole pizza and didn’t even get bloated.”
Steve laughed. “Playing three sports does that to you. Hell, I still life guard at the rec center every summer.”
Brian eyed his lean form skeptically. “I suppose so.”
“Swimming’s fun,” Steve said. “And it’s not just for us jock types.”
Janice finally came out. “Sorry to keep you waiting guys. Sharing with Tammy Thompson is hell let me tell you. I don’t know how someone so tiny can take up so much room.”
“At least you don’t have to share the choir room with twenty sweaty dudes that wouldn’t know deodorant if it bit them in the ass,” Steve grumped.
Gethin shook his head. “Shouldn’t you be used to that from sports?”
Steve rolled his eyes. “At least there are showers after basketball. Can’t say the same here.”
Gethin’s lips curled. “Fair.”
Wayne clapped his hands. “All right, I’ve got us a place reserved, so we need to hustle. Eddie and Steve are coming with me.”
Eddie and Steve filed out with the rest of them and followed Wayne out to his truck.
Steve slid into the middle between Eddie and Wayne.
“Thanks for this, Wayne,” he murmured. “And the flowers, too.”
“You’re welcome, Stevie,” he said. “I didn’t see your parents. Did they show up last night?”
Steve shared a glance with Eddie and then shook his head. “There’s still tomorrow.”
Wayne and Eddie shared a glance of concern over Steve’s head.
“I’m sure that’s the case,” Wayne agreed.
An uneasy silence settled on them as they drove to the restaurant. Wayne parked and turned to Steve.
He pulled him in for a great big hug and then opened the door. “It’ll be all right.”
Steve nodded and slid out after Eddie.
The dinner was just as ruckus as the ice cream parlor the night before. With just as many people. Steve looked around and smiled.
Yeah, 1985 was his year and it was just getting started.
Steve looked out to the audience and knew, even in the dimmed lights his parents weren’t there.
“Tell me, Mr Thomson, out of curiosity, do you stand with Mr Dickinson, or do you stand with me?” Vince asked.
Steve could feel the sting of tears in his eyes. He held up the dispatch. “I stand with the General. Lately–I’ve had the oddest feeling that he’s been–writing to me…”
He slowly rose to his feet as he sang,
“I have been in expectation Of receiving a reply On the subject of my last fifteen dispatches. Is anybody there?”
His voice cracked with emotion as he stepped half out of the spotlight.
“Does anybody care? Does anybody care? Y’r humble & ob’d’t–”
The drum rolled and Steve looked up into the eagle’s nest where Eddie was doing the spotlight. A single tear ran down his cheek.
Steve looked down at the paper in his hand and then back up at Eddie. And then he exited the scene on cue.
Eddie swore he saw more tears in that moment then for ‘Mama Look Sharp’ that night.
But that performance of Steve’s brought out something in Vince in that moment. Vince’s John Adams bid Hancock good night, but then it changed. All the emotion and fear of not being seen or heard. The loneliness that Adams must have been feeling in that moment, borrowed from the loneliness of both Washington and Thomson.
“Is anybody there–”
“Does anybody care–?”
Again, nothing.
“Does anybody see–what I see?”
And then Kenny came on and delivered the line with a sharpness that hadn’t been there before.
“Yes, Mr Adams, I do.” As if to banish all the fears and insecurities that John was having in that moment.
And Steve could almost hear it as though it was coming from Eddie. As if it was coming from his friends. The party. Wayne.
Yes, his parents weren’t there. They never were. And probably never were going to be. But that didn’t mean that no one was listening to Steve. That no one cared.
They all cared. Every last one of the dozens of people that showed up the last two nights. They cared. They brought their families. Brought flowers. Thought he was worthy of celebrating. Worth treating.
For the boy with the bat.
The boy that never knew what love really was until he looked up from a god damned garbage can into those warm and friendly brown eyes. A warm hand on his back and a gentle ‘Are you okay?’
In that moment, Steve’s life had become changed. Different. Better. All because a teacher took pity on Steve and chose Eddie Munson of all people to be Steve’s protector.
And he looked up at Eddie in the rafters and though he couldn’t see him, he knew that Eddie was looking back at him. Smiling back at him. Loving him for all his worth.
And if you had asked Steve what his worth was back in December he would have told you nothing. He wasn’t worth anything but being the baby-sitter. But now?
Now Steve was a baby-sitter, chauffeur, groupie, actor, chef, swimmer, friend, brother, and most importantly boyfriend. And maybe if he was really lucky, someone’s son.
Fuck, rereading this to add back in the formatting made me cry. My apologies if it makes you cry too.
Tag List: @shrimply-a-menace @strangersteddierthings @throwbackthrowaway @novelnovella @cursedfoxteeth @babyblender @garden-of-gay @anaibis @lifeisnotsobadonceyoustopcaring @swimmingbirdrunningrock @steve-the-hairrington @winterbuckwild @spectrum-spectre @matchingbatbites   @thing-a-ling @fandemonium-takes-its-toll @artiststarme @sundead  @nelotegreitic @gregre369 @butterflysandpeppermint @thedragonsaunt @kodaik97 @messrs-weasley @scarletzgo @deadlydodos @renaissan-vvitch @evix-syne666 @emly03 @justforthedead89 @ashwinmeird @huniibee @phantypurple @stevesbipanic @shucks-yuckyuck @lovelyscot @awkwardgravity1 @bookbinderbitch @reportinglivefromsoda @jinxjinn @chasinggeese @be-the-spark-bitch @kohlraedirectioner @cr0w-culture @xjessicafaithx @whimsicalwitchm @jaywhohasthegay @estrellami-1 @dangdirtydemons @howincrediblysapphicofyou @the-redthread
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keekee-23 · 10 months
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A Damian Priest x Reader Fluff Fanfiction
Tag: @sunrise28sblog
Plot: You and Damian are married and are having y'all first child.
Hope you guys like it!
You and Damian had been married for two years and were overjoyed to find out they were expecting a baby. Damian, who had recently been on paternity leave from his job as a professional wrestler with the WWE, was looking forward to the baby's arrival and was thrilled to finally become a father. You, meanwhile, was eager to become a mother and was counting down the days until the baby was due.
But then, one evening while they were in the middle of dinner, you suddenly felt a strange warmth between your legs. You had a feeling you knew what it meant, but you were still taken aback when the realization hit you.
“My water just broke," you said, your voice quavering.
Damian's eyes widened and he jumped up from his chair.
“Are you sure?” he asked, concerned etched on his face.
You nodded eagerly.
“Okay, don't panic! Don't panic!" Damian declared with arms outstretched.
You gazed at him, serenely not succumbing to panic.
Damian noticed that you were staying composed. "All righty then, let's go!" Damian said as he helped you get back up on your feet.
As the contractions started to pick up, you tried to keep your composure and take deep breaths. Damian, however, was a bundle of nerves. He kept pacing up and down the room, looking like a deer in headlights. You attempted to soothe him by saying that everything would be alright, but you both needed to go to the hospital soon. He snatched up your overnight bag and sprinted to the car, his heart thudding quickly in his chest. He hopped into the driver's seat and revved up the engine before zooming off. In the bedroom, as you were putting on your clothes, you looked out of the window and noticed that Damian had gone without you. You fell back onto the bed in surprise, "Did he just leave me?" you said while shaking your head and taking deep breaths.
Inside the car, Damian could hardly contain himself with anticipation for meeting his newborn; but as he glanced to his side, he realized he had left you behind. "Oh shit!" Damian cried out. He quickly spun around and drove back to fetch you. When Damian entered the house, he found you in the bedroom, already dressed for the hospital. You shook your head with a small, bemused smile, and Damian felt a wave of embarrassment flush his cheeks. "My bad babe," Damian said softly as he grabbed your hand and escorted you to the car.
The drive to the hospital seemed like the longest of their lives. Though normally a very calm and collected man, Damian's heart raced with a mix of excitement and fear that he'd never felt before. The thought of becoming a father filled him with emotion, and it was enough to bring him to tears.
Once they arrived at the hospital, you were put into a delivery room without delay. Damian followed close behind you, feeling nervous and anxious, yet determined to be there for his you every step of the way.
The labor went by quickly, leaving Damian apprehensive about the safety of both his wife and unborn child. But despite this fear, he was amazed by how radiant you looked as you powered through the pain.
He cheered you on throughout the process with encouraging words and loving touches, such as holding your hand and kissing your forehead. He was grateful for your courageousness and the bond you both were forming in that special moment.
Finally, the baby emerged from the womb, screaming and wailing into the world.
“Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Martinez, it’s a girl!” the doctor exclaimed joyfully, holding up the tiny bundle of joy.
Tears of elation streamed down his face as he gazed at his beautiful newborn daughter. His heart filled with an immense amount of love when he looked into her eyes, and he was overwhelmed by a sensation of bliss that seemed to transcend time and space. It was then that Damian knew this was truly the happiest day of his life.
You smiled proudly as you looked upon your precious little girl, and all you could do was marvel at how blessed you were to have been chosen to raise this magnificent creature. The nurses finished cleaning up the baby and you and Damian got to hold your daughter for the first time.
Damian drew closer and tenderly kissed your forehead before carefully taking the little one in his arms. He couldn't take his eyes off of her; her face so serene and filled with an innocence that only a newborn can possess. Damian hugged her close, promising himself that no matter what life threw at them, he would always be there for her and protect her from any harm.
The unexplainable bond was already forming between father and daughter, and Damian felt an overwhelming sense of pride as he held her close. You looked into his eyes with unconditional love while you both contemplated what name ya’ll should give to their miraculous little girl.
"(Baby Name). (Baby Name) Martinez," you finally said softly, sweetly caressing their baby's head.
Damian smiled deeply, stroking her soft cheek as he repeated their daughter’s name out loud for the very first time. He kissed your forehead again, both of you knowing in that moment that this journey will undoubtedly be worth it.
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ice-cweam-sod4 · 15 days
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Starting back with making birthday cards we have Terrence ::3 (His broomquet flowers are, cherry blossoms, daisies and morning glorys)
Although I did not have time to really think about what lines he would have I and @twstinginthewind came up with an interview between him and her oc Hiro. Interview is under the post
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It was a bright afternoon on the NRC campus as the golden hour was swiftly approaching. Classes had been over for quite a while and while on any day qualifying races would have been taking place for the first years, today would not be the case as it was Terrence’s birthday.
After the initial celebration began for him at the stroke of midnight with him being awoken roughly by his siblings he was in a calm state for the rest of the day. Unlike other students of the dorm that would use their birthday as the perfect opportunity to get whatever they wanted from the housewarden and the dorm, Terrence was not so keen in partaking in the tradition. 
For him, Terrence’s birthday was always a day where he’d keep to himself and become lost in thought of the events that have occurred in his life.  As for now however he was waiting near the statues of the seven for his interview lost in thought again.
Terrence: It seems you are my interviewer, Hiro is your name yes?
Hiro: Sure is, and a real pleasure to meet ya, Mister Von Schweetz! Wow, that sure is a flashy get-up that you’re wearing; those robes look really cool on ya!
Terrence: *Smiling a bit* Thank you, I think the get up for this year is alright, I’m just content it doesn’t clash too much with my palette. What are the questions you have for me? You can ask them at any time 
Hiro: Oh! Right, right, I keep forgetting that this isn’t exactly a social call, haha! But before anything else, I do wanna make sure that I remember to wish you a very happy birthday! It isn’t often that I get to say that in an official capacity, and I know that sometimes you’re not always easy to get to, so I’m real glad I can tell ya this in person instead of just on Magicam….
Terrence: Thank you, out of all the people who have wished me that today, you sound like one of the few that has been sincere, hopefully it's not all an act.
Hiro: *eyes wide* Gosh, Mister Von Schweetz! I wouldn’t wanna be insincere on your birthday. It needs to be a good day for you, after all, right? But let’s have a little fun, and get to your questions!
Terrence: I only joke (mostly) but yes, let's move on.
Hiro: Allllll righty! Okay, for our first question… assuming unlimited magic and supplies, what’s the one place in the world that you’d fly to, and what do you want to do there?
Terrence: It would have to be the Scalding Sands, despite the weather conditions I would like to go there  and maybe spend a few weeks there taking in the culture.
Hiro: Ooh! I haven’t been there myself, but living in Scarabia this year has definitely given me an appreciation for the culture. The music is top-notch!
Terrence: Yes, when I was younger my mother used to take me to visit her side of the family, if I ever had the chance to return for a bit I would like to get some answers and learn more about her life growing up.
Hiro: That’s a lot like me, if I could get the chance to head back to Port o’Bliss to see my family’s old stomping grounds. Do you still have family you’re close to in the Scalding Sands?
Terrence: I wish I could say yes but unfortunately no, although I was still a child at the time looking back now most of those visits my mother paid to her family were very brief. Normally we would only visit for 10 minutes before we left to see Kalim’s family and spend the rest of our visit there. 
Hiro: At least Kalim and his family are fantastic hosts, so it must have been a good time. Ooh, you could use your visit to reconnect with the family, though! Maybe even spend a whole day, if you wanted. 
Terrence: That is true, but the ball is mostly in my mothers side of the family’s court if I do go.
Hiro: Well, family and vacation aside, we still have some more interview to work through. So let me continue on! What is your best subject here at Night Raven College, and is it your favorite?
Terrence: It goes without saying, its history from a young age the history of the Glace Duchy captivated me however now that I am learning about other nations and even ones that fell a long time ago I have gained a new respect for archivists in Twisted wonderland.
Hiro: Oh, I agree! It feels like every time we learn about someplace new, we’re meeting all of these tremendous personalities and hearing their stories! There’s really nothing else like it.
Terrence: It’s thanks to what we have documented a long time ago that we can even have an identity and also compare when we are progressing and regressing.
Hiro: Do you like the way that our professors present the material? Or do you prefer to do your own research? Maybe go a little more in-depth?
Terrence: I cannot really say much on the seven but I personally believe that professor Trein views the acts of the candy king through caramelized rose coloured glasses. 
Hiro: Caramel roses… what a sticky, sweet kind of view to take!
Terrence: I am not sure if that is also how he approaches the other members of the seven due to their descendants like Leona and Malleus attending this school but personally I rather have a teacher be honest with how they feel about the seven rather than just biting their tongue and singing their praises to high heaven in hopes that their descendants don’t tear up and throw a hissy fit.
Hiro: *snickering* I can’t speak for any Seven in my blood, but I think anyone pouting over ancient history would be pretty amusing. Maybe one day you’ll be that straight-shooting teacher! Which leads me to our last question: What do you see yourself doing in five years?
Terrence: *Terrence’s smile drops* Possibly I might take up my father’s position as Duke. It’s not what I want to do however there are no real options available and with the current state that many of the politicians have placed the Glace Duchy in, I’m unsure if I will even have the legal power to do anything about it.
Hiro: *wincing slightly, he rubs the back of his neck.* Aw gosh, I didn’t wanna hit a bad note with that. If you didn’t have to inherit a title, though, what would you most *want* to do?
Terrence: *Terrence stays silent for a minute* Out of all the things, I would become a diplomat for the Duchy. I know it sounds like I wouldn’t leave but at least in that position I could actually be in a position that did something for the country and be able to make life for the people in the Duchy better.
Hiro: It sounds an awful lot like the folks there mean a lot to you. They’re lucky to have you on their side.
Terrence: It’s more like, I don’t want the current people in power to hurt them on a global scale for the sake of greed and keeping certain secrets hidden from the public.
Hiro: ….
Dang. Well!! It looks like my interview time is just about coming to an end. Do you have any final thoughts before you take your triumphant flight into the sunset?? 
Terrence: Hmm, you plan to go into showbiz, yes?
Hiro: Huh? Oh, yes sir, that is what I’m hoping for! Even just as a character actor, or behind the scenes. I like helping big stories get told.
Terrence: Us cy-beings are fully aware of how the greater public view us, no matter what part of production you take part in, please at least attempt to have non stereotypical roles be cast for cy-being actors. I and many others are getting tired of the disgusting grotesque insectoid trope. Then again I don’t write the scripts. 
Hiro: I gotta say, every cy-being I’ve met from the Duchy has been just as varied and complex as anyone else from anyplace else. I’ll do what I can to help get your stories told, too. Long as you can keep on hoping and dreaming, I’ll hope and dream along with you.
Terrence:*grabbing his broomquet* I will do my best!
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prismaticpichu · 3 months
Posted this fic on an alt account bc I kinda just barfed it out this morning without worrying about quality/being up to snuff with regular stuff but then kinda chickened out and orphaned that account but I honestly don’t want 2.5K worth of words to go to waste so here we are!
Hope you enjoy! A little Zack & Angeal & Sephiroth nonsense for your reading pleasure <33
Angeal was giving him a Look.
A really, really, really stern Look.
Zack Fair stood in the doorway of his mentor's apartment—the first time he had ever entered his mentor's apartment, actually, and all his initial excitement of stepping foot into one of SOLDIER's most elite living spaces had been frozen to subzero temperatures while simultaneously feeling like he was under the scrutiny of two Mako-blue heat lamps as Angeal frowned down at him with a pursed lip and furrowed brow.
Zack swallowed.
What...what did he do? He didn't charge inside the place like a bull who'd been bit in the butt (even though he really wanted to), he didn't track any dirt on the clean wooden floors...Heck, he had immediately removed his shoes the moment he passed the threshold—
"Zack." Angeal finally broke the tension with all the ease of a butterknife. "...What is on your feet?"
Zack blinked in surprise, taken aback by the question, the burning radiance of those heat lamps toning down just a tad as he rubbed his neck and glanced down at his feet.
"Uh...socks?" he said, and hoped that it was the right answer. Especially given that it was the only answer.
...Surely 'Geal could see that he was wearing proper foot covering, right? Right?! He wasn't some heathen who would risk blistering his feet with the abrasive material of the SOLDIER footwear. So what gives? They were perfectly fine socks—and perfectly clean to boot. There was no dirt; there were no holes; they didn't even smell all too bad. Just two perfectly fine socks that were covering his feet, one white with blue polka dots and the other black with green stripes. Completely and utterly normal.
Zack glanced back up, hoping his (obvious) answer would be enough to satisfy.
Annnnd Angeal was still giving him a Look.
...Oh for the love of sugar-frosted corn flakes.
"What?" Zack had to finally ask. "What'd I do? Really!"
Angeal's expression didn't change.
"...Your socks."
The response was dry, slow, like the sluggish pace and molasses-coated syllables would somehow manage to make it any less vague.
"What about my socks?"
The heat lamp cranked up the heat. Angeal folded his arms, furrowed brow twitching, tilting his head slightly like he had just asked what on Gaia two plus two equates to.
And took a deep breath.
"They're mismatching."
Zack glanced back down at his socks—at the stripes and dots, at the lefty and righty—genuinely and unabashedly and totally confused, before looking back up at has mentor again.
The heat lamp reached solar levels.
Zack rubbed his neck.
Welp. That just earned him a one-way, non-refundable ticket to a good ol' lecture if he'd ever seen one.
"...Zack," Angeal started tightly.
Annnnnnddd there it was.
He tried not to groan.
"What do I always tell you is the most vital part of being a SOLDIER?”
"Embracing your dreams," Zack mindlessly regurgitated.
"Correct. And what else?"
"...Protecting your honor." The second part came as a sigh.
"Good. And what do you think that means, pup? To protect your honor?"
Zack once again rubbed his neck, struggling to puzzle out how this going-through-the-motions lecture connected to the apparent topic of his sock choices.
"Uh...to not cheat on exams?"
"Nope. Try again."
"It means not only acting the part of a SOLDIER, pup, but looking the part as well. Do you understand where I'm going with this?"
Zack was certain at this point that Angeal's definition of "SOLDIER honor" was actually made of clay and could basically be kneaded and molded to fit whatever unspoken law he managed to break in the moment. Like when he wasn't cutting his meatballs into appropriate sizes before consuming them and Angeal went on to say that the true meaning of "SOLDIER honor" meant having good table manners and apparently nothing else.
"Not really," Zack admitted.
Angeal's brows did a little dance.
"I mean, Zack, that wearing proper and appropriate attire is a clear-cut sign of your respect and appreciation towards military standards. Anything below that not only shows your impropriety, but shows you have a complete and utter lack of respect towards the SOLDIERs around you who are wearing the proper attire. Do you understand now?”
"I guess," Zack said, for the sheer sake of moving this grueling process along.
How was it that he hadn't moved from the doormat?
Angeal kept his arms folded. "Do you want to be a First, Zack?"
Zack's head snapped up, something struck, blue eyes suddenly doe-like. "More than anything!"
"Then I suggest you start dressing like it." Angeal finally lowered his arms. "Because, frankly, I do not appreciate the messages you are sending to me by wearing your..." He eyed Stripes and Dots with an unveiled, purposeful disdain. "Incongruent socks."
"But 'Geaaaal," Zack protested, actually starting to get a little offended. "You can't even see my socks with the boots on! Who even cares?”
"It's not about that, pup. It's about the principle."
Oh, the principle. It's always about the principle.
"Don't argue with me, pup. It's completely unprofessional."
"No buts. Now please go change them."
"Go on."
"Now, Zack."
"Can I at least have a snack?"
"After you change. Now go."
"C'mon, this is totally—“
"Zackary Calypso Fair."
Why did he ever tell him his middle name?
Letting out a long, exaggerated, petulant sign in resignation—and for the sake of getting off this stinking doormat—Zack begrudgingly complied. With a slump in his shoulders he turned around and started out the door, not even bothering to slip his boots back on because apparently they just didn't matter so long as the fabric underneath them wasn't fit for proper SOLDIER day-to-day life.
The boy's eyes remained glued to Stripy and Dots as he took his walk of shame towards the elevator.
...He'd been wearing his socks like this ever since he was a little tadpole back in Gongaga. They were his, like, good luck charm—didn't 'Geal see that?! Some people plucked four-leaved clovers from the ground, others carried horseshoes with them. Well, not him. He—Zack Fair—had always held tight to the belief that all good fortune started with mismatching socks. Specifically ones with different patterns. And then there was the question of how in Moogle's magical mascara he was supposed to find matching socks—because, well, his drawer was kinda but totally a rainbow explosion of different socks that had been long ripped from their pairs and set off to marry other mates in the sea. Like, really. That's what it looked like. It would take him hours to organize them all again. Days, even. Months? Years? Centuri—
So subsumed in his sock-serious dilemma, Zack was completely impervious to the sound of the elevator dinging in front of him.
As was he impervious to the sound of a person stepping out of it.
As was he impervious to any sense of time and space as he proceeded to mindlessly walk into the open car only to be stopped by walking straight into someone's open coat instead.
Gah! Shoot shoot shoot.
Zack jolted back into his body, startled , shaking his head from the impact as a deep coral gushed onto his cheeks.
And boy oh boy did his cheeks nearly burn off as his head shot up and he caught sight of the serpentine eyes peering into his own.
Zack's mouth opened way too fast.
"Oh—uh! I'm sorry, Sir! General, Sir! Sephiroth, General, Sir! I didn't mean to walk into your chest or anything—I, uh, I promise! I was just kinda lost in thought y'know—I can be a real space cadet sometimes even though I haven't been a cadet in over a year and erm anyway uh do you like meatballs—“
"At ease, SOLDIER." Sephiroth's voice was smooth, even, and unruffled. "Just keep your head up next time."
Huh. That was pretty nice, actually.
Zack nodded vigorously nonetheless, taking a step back, but was relieved to feel the blazes of tension dwindling away in his body. "Y-yes, Sir. Will do."
Anything to avoid repeating that.
He was surprised to see the man tilt his head, a rather benign gesture as Sephiroth regarded him curiously. "What are you doing on this floor, SOLDIER? Do you have business being here?"
Zack's lips quirked into a smile. "Sure do! My mentor's a First Class; was just coming to chill at his place after some training."
Sephiroth hummed in understanding, straightening his look. "Ah. So you're Zackary?"
Zack's eyes might as well have exploded into stars.
"Yeah! Yeah, that's me! How'd you know?!"
Angeal would not approve of this explicit lack of "Sirring". But who cared two Chocobo nuggets about that? Sephiroth knew his name! His name! Little tadpole Zack's name!
A ghost of a smile crossed Sephiroth's lips. "Angeal's a friend," he explained smoothly. "He has mentioned having a student before."
... No freakin' waaaaaYYYYYYY YY—
Before Zack could let that sound out, thankfully, the general's expression shifted to that of confusion.
And in a matter of nanoseconds Zack was realizing exactly what he was staring at.
And the coral instantly came flooding back.
I know, I know, I'm going! You don't need to reinforce it. Mismatched socks are for squares, i've been told. I won't be a square. Just lay it on me.
He swallowed, holding his breath, and—
"...Why aren't you wearing shoes, Zackary?" Sephiroth asked puzzledly.
—let his breath go.
That wasn't exactly the question he was expecting.
Nonetheless, it was a question—a question from General Sephiroth—and for the sake of not looking like any more of a buffoon, it was one that he should answer in a timely manner. Like now.
Like right now.
Zack rubbed his neck, masking as much of his surprise as possible.
"Well, uh, Angeal...he kinda, y'know...told me to change my socks."
Sephiroth remained silent for several moments.
Zack could hardly believe what he was hearing.
"Well, y'know. He said...y'know..."
He was trying his best to gesture verbally to the Obvious—an Obvious that Sephiroth, judging by sheer countenance alone, wasn't grasping, which seemed completely and utterly ridiculous given that circulating rumors told of Sephiroth's collective IQ being higher than that of the entire SOLDIER unit clumped together (Angeal himself included) . And yet here he was, looking completely and utterly stumped like he was the world's most Unfair crossword puzzle.
Which meant that Zack was forced to continue.
"You know..." He swallowed. "He said that, well, he said that...Said that wearing mismatching socks was unprofessional and I was being disrespectful and showing impro-pie-ity or something and that true SOLDIER's honor was all in the dress code even though I thought he said it was about table manners and then another time he said it was about tying your laces and anyway he said he wouldn't give me a snack until I change so now I have to abandon my superstitions and conform to the SOLDIER sock wearing code."
Sephiroth remained silent for several more moments.
And when he spoke again, some five or thirty seconds later, Zack was certain he could be bowled over with a feather.
"Well..." he said slowly, turning his gaze away with a hum. "I suppose I am an activate displayer of impro-pie-ity myself.”
Zack blinked.
Now, it was his turn to cock his head. "...Whad'ya mean?"
It didn't take many words for his question to be answered; it didn't take many syllables. Which, well, when Zack thought about it... may have been partly due to the fact that Sephiroth's response didn't require any words at all.
Instead, as that ghost of a smile took possession of his lips and curled into a real, true smirk, Sephiroth bent down—alllll the way to his boots, allll the way to the cuffs of his pants—and proceeded to roll up the iconic black material until the clothing underneath was visible.
And that was when the feather bowled Zack right over.
Because there, hugging the bottommost part of his legs and disappearing into the tunnel of his boots, were a pair of socks. But not just any socks: a blue sock on his right, mottled with yellow polka dots, and a plain gray sock on his left. Socks that were not matching in style, color, nor pattern; socks that were chaotic, wild, and free. Socks that were completely and utterly incongruent as they come.
Zack's mouth fell agape.
"Angeal can get more than a little carried away with his lectures." The smirk was still playing on his lips as Sephiroth rolled his cuffs back down. "Not to mention the fact that First Classes have complete freedom in regard to their clothing choices. Did he tell you that?"
Zack shook his head.
"Or course not." Sephiroth shook his own, bangs of silver swishing with the motion. "He still wears the standard uniform everywhere he goes."
The man straightened back upright, smirk still present, and bestowed upon him a brief nod of understanding.
"I wouldn't be too disheartened by Angeal's preaching, my friend. He once lectured me for shaking too much Parmesan cheese onto my dinner."
The numbing, incredulous awe that had enveloped him was finally broken by a laugh.
"...For real?! What'd you say to him?"
"I told him to back off, of course," Sephiroth replied smugly. "That I wasn't a child and could do what I want. Same as when he scolded me to change my socks."
He glanced down at Stripy and Dots, that satisfied smirk melting into something of a genuine smile.
"Very nice colors, by the way. I approve."
And then he was gone, like a silver leaf in the wind, sailing down the hallway towards his own apartment and closing the door behind him.
Zack remained silent for several, several moments.
What a guy.
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mikasas-biggestwhore · 3 months
Aot headcanons (Last part)
a/n: I got hella busy and had to heavily slowdown on my requests so this is a headcanon post to make up for it. I’ll be back to posting regularly posting soon just hang in there ‼️
Okay now that that’s over, most of these hcs are modern ones. Enjoy :)
Includes: Erwin, Levi, Hanji,
This is probably a common headcanon and Erwin definitely makes dad jokes. You can’t do anything around him or else he is definitely going to make a joke out of it some how in someway.
I know a lot of people see Erwin as more as a history teacher guy and don’t get me wrong I do too but I feel like he would need more action. I can see him being a firefighter that rescues cats out of trees or a police officer that has a trained dog by his side
Erwin was definitely right handed and losing his right arm was a very big L. Of course he adapted and in the end he actually is a better lefty then righty. Like his hand writing before was good but now??? Shit looks elegant.
I see him as a romantic. Not like a stereotypical romantic though. Sure he would kiss your knuckles and walk you like the gentleman he is but at the same time he’ll declare to race somewhere out of nowhere and then shove you so he can get a head start.
Going off of that Erwin is a cheater bruh. Not relationship wise but if y’all ever play a game he’s def cheating. I mean he did use his soldiers as pawn for personal gain so it makes sense. NO NOT PLAY BOARD GAMES WITH HIM. He’s either stealing money from the bank while your not looking or either he’s distracting you so you forget it’s your turn. 
I’m pretty sure it’s canon but Levi is amazing with animals. He’s the type of person that could just be minding his own business and suddenly he finds a kitten that is in desperate need of help and clings to him immediately.
Another thing a lot of people probably agree on is that he’s more of a cat person. I can’t see him ever liking dogs because of how ‘messy’ they can be and how much work and training they require. I have both and can agree cats are less work then dogs 💀
He has a soft spot for little kids. As cold and clinical Levi is I genuinely don’t think he has it in him to be upset with like a 5 year old. Sure annoyed because who wouldn’t be but mad? Nah never. There’s an age limit though if your 12 and up your feeling his wrath regardless.
This is another common headcanon and it’s that Levi runs a tea shop. Okay cool but Imma put my own twist. He runs a tea shop and bakery that connect. Like let’s be fr I know this man knows how to cook. He’s literally so good at anything else why would he not be able to cook? So if he ever opened a tea shop just know there would be a bakery right beside it.
If there was a line of work I could see Levi in it would be the FBI or federal government type of stuff. That or he would be a private investigator. All his skills work out for either and I feel like he would be on of the best in the business. No question about it at all.
Hanji has broken several pairs of their glasses. They never break them like a normal person either- What do you mean you dropped them in a enclosure at the zoo? You shattered them from one of your experiments? Do I even wanna know why they are split in two? Yea they constantly break them.
Hanji is an animal person and literally has the most outrageous pets. They have a wolf dog just because they have the space and time for one. The have caracals that live in their house with their own space. They totally have capybaras and prairie dogs too. It’s practically a zoo at their house.
I feel like Hanji is one of those people that just had bad luck. They have no clue what they did to upset the universe but things only happen to them. Say they’re having a nice outing with Levi and Erwin and it starts to rain. They all pull out their umbrellas. Why is Hanji’s the only that breaks.
Hanji is 100% an adrenaline junky. Like they would go skydiving and swim with sharks for fun. It’s something about the rush that makes them so excited and they love having that feeling. It’s not odd at all for Hanji to come back and tell everyone a wild and crazy story
It sounds plain to say if Hanji had a job they would be a scientist. So instead I think they would be a biomedical engineer. Imagine them making fake organs to save people. Or they would go into the field of prosthetics. I just think that they would want to be in a field that includes medicine and helps people. 
Wooo we are finished with aot hcs unless yall make requests 🤭
Part 1
Part 2
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sage-nebula · 2 years
Maybe Tails' parents were fishermen.
Maybe they lived in the fox village on West Side Island, in a little cottage close to the beach, but maybe they were gone for weeks at a time because they needed to catch a big enough haul to supply the village with. It was a simple enough life, but a good one. The villagers appreciated the Prowers. They provided an essential service that helped keep the village running. Everyone had a role to play, and this was theirs, since no one could come up with the fishing tools and equipment that Ms Prower invented. The other villagers all swore that surely, she must've been a genius.
When Ms Prower gave birth to baby Prower, well—no one said anything within earshot of the little family, but the baby was born with an extra tail, and that . . . that was just strange. No one had ever seen anything like it before. Of course, the Prowers loved their new baby boy—they named him Miles—and the villagers were polite enough in person. There was no reason to offend those who provided such a large share of the village's food. But they were unsettled looking at the extra appendage. It wasn't natural. It wasn't normal. And even Ms Prower, for all her brilliance, couldn't say why it happened.
"Genetics are a mysterious thing," she said when asked.
The Prower parents always took little Miles with them on their fishing trips, because he was too young to be left home alone. Maybe on one such trip, when Miles was 2 and a half, a bad storm broke out while they were at sea. It came upon them much faster than Ms Prower's radars had predicted it would. All three Prowers donned life jackets. And when lightning struck their boat and lit the wood aflame, and the boat itself capsized into the raging sea, the Prower parents hoped it would be enough.
Miles does not remember any of this. Even right after it happens, when he wakes up on the shore of West Side Island despite it having been too far away to see when his family was on their boat, he doesn't know how he got there or why he's wearing his life vest when he already knows how to swim. He doesn't know where his parents are, either; he calls for them with a raw voice, calling for his Mommy and his Daddy, but no one answers. He's alone.
And so Miles returns to the village, alone. No fish. No parents. The other adults ask him where his parents are. He doesn't know, and starts to cry. His very presence makes them uncomfortable, and crying makes it worse, so they shoo him to his family's cottage. "Wait there for your parents to come back," the villagers say.
But his parents never do.
No one knows what to make of it. Maybe his parents were secretly as unnerved by their mutant son as the rest of the village and so cut and run, some speculate. Maybe this was a curse from the gods and his parents were struck down for giving birth to an abomination, others guess. Maybe the boy is actually a demon and he killed his parents and the rest of the village are next, still more contribute. That last theory comes from the other children, since none of the adults think a toddler capable of killing both his parents. The children are also not as good at whispering their theories out of Miles' earshot, but he hears what the adults think, too.
Miles doesn't know what happened to his parents. He misses them terribly. He misses them when he has to tuck himself in at night, and when he's hungry but his pantry at home is empty and the villagers half-heartedly push him toward fruit trees in the forest because, having lost their fish suppliers, there just isn't enough food to go around. He misses how his Daddy would hold him high in the air and carry him around, telling him he was flying. He misses when his Mommy would sit him on her lap as she explained to him what different tools were, and how they were used, and you turn the wrench this way to tighten the bolt and this other way to loosen it. Righty-tighty, lefty-loosey. He said that over and over again for weeks after she taught him. It was just so fun to say.
Miles misses his parents. He hopes they'll come back from wherever they've gone. He hopes he isn't the reason why they left. If he is, he's sorry for whatever he did. If they come back, he'll make sure he apologizes, and eats all his vegetables and fruits without complaint and goes to bed at bedtime with no fuss. He promises.
But they never come back. Other villagers learn to fish and pick up the slack. They took what remained of Ms Prower's fishing equipment from Miles' house, acting like he wasn't even there when they did so.
Over time, Miles' memories of his parents grow fuzzier. He barely knew them, after all. And too soon, he's lived just as much of his life without them as he did with them.
But even after he meets a blue hedgehog who becomes his big brother and nicknames him Tails, and leaves West Side Island in the rearview mirror, two things always stick with him:
One, his favorite kind of meat is almost any kind of saltwater fish, but especially mackerel.
And two, thunder and lightning fills him with bone-deep terror, and a sense of loss so great he feels as if he himself might drown of it.
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ebonysplendor · 4 months
Mine Review📖
TL;DR: Keith is hot, but Damien is hotter. Damien isn't an option, so Keith kidnaps us. Oh, and we have some waffles. Ayyyyye~
!! Heads up! This one isn't free like the others I've reviewed !!
Game Link: https://yamie-es.itch.io/mine-find-the-story
Notable Features: Gender Neutral MC, Self-Insert, Nameable MC, Yandere LI, 18+ game Spiciness: 5/5 -- Literal sex scene. Nothing too crazy, though, but yeah, we get consensually banged LI Red Flags: 2.5/5 -- Has a temper, murdered someone, trauma boy
Wanna know more? Not if you aren't at least 18. Come on, you know the drill with this. Now, if you ARE at least 18, let's stop wasting time and get into it!
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All righty, so, I'm gonna expose myself a little bit here: Visual novels, especially the raunchy ones, are my guilty pleasure.
Granted, I don't go foaming at the mouth for any and every visual novel, but the gods damn it, if I don't go feral when it's about an unstable man with an ungodly obsession for me, and bless it, don't give me the option to buss it wide open for him in the most sinful way...
Anyways, I was telling you that to say that a really close friend of mine was telling me about this game she had gotten off of itch.io and how it said that it was released but didn't "feel" released. Coincidentally, I knew exactly what game she was talking about, but, not even gonna lie, I never actually played it because, I'm a cheap bitch. That being said, when I ran across it, I was like "Mmmm twelve dollas tho...?" and decided to pass on it. The reason I gravitate more towards the free stuff is because:
1. If I hate it, or it ends up being subpar to me, it doesn't feel like a waste 2. It's not like I'll return to it after playing it to completion. At least, not for a long while because it's not a rogue-lite or procedurally generated game or anything like that where the story is ever changing 3. It's honestly habit at this point for me to look for the free stuff and ignore the stuff I have to kick out cash for 4. Like I mentioned, and frankly, the whole of it is, I'm a cheap bitch
But yeah, so my friend essentially let me download it from her account and play it ... I immediately knew what she meant by it said that it was released but it didn't feel released. To answer your unsaid question, yes, I would've been pissed if I had paid for this game.
Now, that's not to say that the game was bad, because it wasn't, but to me, it was not worth $12, even remotely. At max, I'd say it's worth maybe -- and this is a huge maybe -- $5. Let me explain by giving you a synopsis and my thoughts on the game.
As typical, I'll tell you as much about the game as possible without actually ruining the game itself.
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So, boom.
We are a failed literature student. Lol already a rocky start, but anyways, we've always have had this thing with books, but because of circumstances, we can only read as a hobby now. So, as a book lover, where do we go? The bookstore. While in there, we get some help from the guy who works there; his name is Keith, and Keith is kinda cute.
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Like, yeah, eye bag game is strong, but the bags are Gucci so, what the hell, right? Anyways, everybody say "Suh" to the bae. Suh, bae.
Anyways, so Keith asks us out, and we're like "Sure" because we deadass have nothing better to do, and it's lit. He takes us to this cafe, then we have this cute little moment in the park, and he's just being really sweet and spitting his game. Typical date shenanigans.
Keith takes us home, and we go to bed. When we wake up, we have a splitting headache and...ah, hell no.
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This is not our room...
Naturally, we start panicking a little because...what is going on? One minute, everything was normal, and we went to sleep in our bed, the next, we're in some dank room with concrete floors, brick walls, and no windows. Keith then enters stage left.
He's giving us the whole "I'm doing what's best for you" speech that most yanderes give, and we're just like "Lol piss off", and he...actually respects that? Like, yeah, he got really pissed off about it and snatched us up a little, but like...he didn't really get violent. Like, he actually left us alone. I mean, this wasn't actually the best thing either, though, because now we're just left alone to cry and keep thinking about how we're definitely going to die here. Yep, totally pleasant and positive self-talk that isn't going to make us feel even more helpless and hopeless.
Anyways, Keith comes back, what is assumed to be, hours later. He brings us food, specifically waffles, and is essentially apologizing for losing his temper with us. He asks how we are, and we just tell him that we're tired. This time, he doesn't get upset, and he leaves us to "sleep"; in actuality, we just wanted to be left alone with our thoughts again, but we actually do end up falling asleep.
The next day comes along and so does Keith. He basically tells us that he has breakfast set up upstairs and to come join him. Not having much of a choice, we do, and he has a pretty sugary spread with, like, cinnamon rolls, chocolate chip cookies, and this fat jug of orange juice. How does any of this go together? No idea, but we eat, and Keith shows us around the house. We get to his room and...ick.
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In the screenshot, the room is fine, but first off, it smells a lot like the fragrance that we wear, and, apparently, there are pictures of us like...all over his bedroom. Like, if it wasn't obvious from the "all over the bedroom" part, there's so many pictures, it's like, physically uncomfortable. Whatever though, because Keith has a cat, and of course, we had to meet the cat.
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Okay, so I'm going to speed through this a little, so pay attention.
Keith goes to work
We make a gameplan
Gameplan ends up with Keith hurt
We're like "Damn it" because guilt
We help him out
We make "I'm sorry" breakfast for him
Keith goes to work again
He gets us flowers
Keith hits it in missionary
We get cockdrunk (or stockholm, most likely) and tell him that we love him
We walk in on him murdering someone in the middle of the night
What happens next depends on whatever choices we made
The end
Oop-- sorry, went too far lol. Let me back up a bit.
So, after we buss it open for him and slip up and tell this man that we love him, we fall asleep. We wake up in the middle of the night, but Keith is gone. Instead of just rolling over and going back to sleep or simply waiting for him to come back, for plot purposes, we go investigate in an attempt to find where he went. We walk down the hallway, and....yeah, we just kind've see him going ham on this dead body, and we are greeted with this:
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Oh...oh okay. Well, maybe we can just talk to him. I'm sure he has a perfectly rational reason for trying to dismember someone.
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Or not. The answer is very clearly not.
I can't explain the rest, obviously, because it's going to be super spoiler heavy, and I don't want to ruin it just in case you decide to play the game for yourself. Sorry, but it must be done lol. As the yanderes say: I'm doing what's best for you <3
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The game is pretty decent.
I say decent because, me, personally, whenever something costs money, I automatically put it at a higher standard. Not to mention, the fact that this game costs $12, and it's only "decent" is...not good lol. I also see what my friend meant by it's released, but it doesn't feel like it's released, because...it doesn't. It feels very "in development" or in that "Update 0.7" stage versus an actual complete and polished game.
I'm assuming the dev's first language isn't English, which is fine, of course, but once again, considering that it's a $12 game, there is a lot of grammatical errors and some of the sentences just don't flow. The game is pretty short, and there's only 3 endings, not to mention, it's extremely easy to get those 3 different endings. This is because the game itself isn't choice heavy nor does it provide any scenarios to really make choices for. The options that you pick honestly don't matter until the end when you're trying to escape. That, in itself, is not worth $12 to me.
The other reason why the game was giving "it's released, but it doesn't feel like it", is because of what is on the dev's page. Let me explain.
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So, let's just break it down piece by piece, bullet by bullet.
Nameable, gender neutral protag? Check. Five days? Check. Three endings? Check. Solid start.
Keith Voice. This was implemented. Great, but the VA is only for the first day. For $12, we only get one day voice acted? To me, at minimum, the voice acting should've been scattered throughout the entire game with a voice acted line here and a voice acted line there for emphasis or to set the mood or the tone or whatever.
NSFW Scenes and Options for NSFW scene. Somewhat seen because there was a NSFW scene, and it was marked so you could opt out, if you chose to do so. Now, admittedly, this could be me being an absolute degenerate and/or taking things too literal, but it said NSFW sceneS with an "s" and it said optionS, again, with an "s" -- I was under the assumption that there'd be multiple NSFW scenes; there was only one. Again, at minimum, 2 NSFW scenes for $12.
More mini-games, scenarios, and easter eggs. Guys, I have played this game up, down, left, right, and sideways. I have mixed and matched my responses. One of the mini games they're referring to, that I won't ruin, I did every possible way, but it ends up with the same results, which got confirmed by a comment on the page. As for the scenarios, what scenarios? There were very little choices to make, and the choices that you do make aren't really that hard to make because they very clearly point to a specific ending. I just...guys, for $12...?
Grammar errors. I'm not one to talk because I know that, as a native English speaker, my reviews are all over the place with petty grammar mistakes but .... they might need to revisit this point. It wasn't bad, but there was definitely some awkward sentences here and there and some minor to moderate grammar errors. That being said, quite frankly, the grammar errors being fixed shouldn't have been a future plan. That 1012% should've been a basic requirement and priority before releasing it for twelve dollars. I'm sorry, I know I mentioned the money thing like fifty times, but it's like, if you're going to charge people money, at least do the bare minimum of spell checking, correcting grammar, and having sentences that flow well. I totally understand that people are human and mistakes happen and English isn't everyone's first language ... but you're releasing it for people's money. The economy (in the U.S.) is literal shit, and someone spent $12 on a game where something like fixing grammar errors was an afterthought. That's just ... not okay to me.
Contrary to the bitching criticism, the game really is pretty solid. The concept is there, and I really like the animations that they implemented. Like, during the part that I didn't tell you about because it would've spoiled it, the animation really brought the scene together, and it paired well with the (I guess it could be considered a) mini game. That was honestly my favorite thing about it but...it still is not worth the money to me, at least not $12. $1 - $5? Sure, I could see that, but twelve? That's kind've steep for this game, especially when you don't even know who Damien is unless you go a specific route. Lol, yeah. He was mentioned in the TL;DR but you forgot about him, didn't you? I didn't. He just isn't present in the route that I was telling you about until the end, and he kinda just...randomly shows up. I mean, don't get me wrong, I think he's pretty hot, like look.
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See? Pretty damned attractive dude.
But in that specific route that I walked you through? He's literally just a random dude that we apparently knew for a long time; it just wasn't explained in that particular route. Again, for $12. Yeah, no... I'd give it like $2, maybe $3, but only because the animations were pretty solid, we got to tango in the sheets with Keith, and Damien is pretty damn cute.
Put it this way: Where Winter Crows Go wasn't choice heavy nor had too many choices to make, had few lines voice acted, and didn't have any animations. To me, it was significantly better than this VN, and the suggested price was $6. Again, that game was significantly better, and it was only $6. Technically, it was free! The dev was just suggesting a donation/price of $6. This one is charging $12. Wild.
Anyways, to finally wrap all of this up and to stop bitching about the price of the game, um...I honestly don't recommend it. I know I said I was going to stop bitching about the price, but just one more time! If the game was free, then yeah, I'd say still give it a shot, but unless you have the disposable income or are super unbothered to the point where it's like "Meh, it's only $12. It's okay if it's bad. It's not a big deal", I wouldn't suggest getting this game. I hate to say that it'd be a waste, but...it'd be a waste. The game, to me, is overpriced and is just not worth the money. It's a solid game, and it isn't bad by any means like Killswitch, but I definitely wouldn't have paid money for this.
Okay, for realsies this time, I think I've bitched enough about the price of this game and the quality for said price. If you'd still like to give this game a try, by all means, go for it! I'll even drop the link for the game right here! Drop a comment on the dev's page if you think that I was trippin', and I overly criticized this game! Give them that ever warm "Great job!" and provide them that reassurance to keep making games! Shit, I think they should keep making games, too! Like I said, it wasn't a bad game! Not the best game out there, but definitely not the worst, and I'd 100% recommend it if it was free! The dev definitely has the talent, I just feel that their craft has to be tweaked a bit more before they can charge $12 for it.
Okay, okay, all right, I know, I'm shutting up about the $12 now! I swear! That was the last time!
But kaykay! That's all from me this go around! Remember! Drink water, don't be dumb, and hope to see you around~!
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hislittleraincloud · 1 month
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Good gods, I came here to make the observation about how cute her little boob fits so well into his slight gut and realized that the probable reason why the kiss looked so awkward for Jenna is because she is a righty and Martin is a lefty. Lefties tend to lean towards their dominant side when kissing, just like righties normally lean right. 🤦🏽‍♂️
ETA: The sound on the Netflix version is SO much better and clearer than what Amazon Prime gave me. It angers me bc I could've had a better AI Cairo and Jon. Like...everything is clearer, including Jon's forced excuses during the conversation. You can hear the hesitations much, much better. The line she is supposed to narrate about her with her fingers knuckle deep was all but a whisper compared to what it is via Netflix.
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flamehairedwritings · 2 years
The Dungeon Master and The Drama Club President: Chapter Two
Characters: Eddie Munson x Female Reader
Rating: E, 18+ ONLY
Words: 2.6k
A/N: This is a little mini-series dedicated to @herb-welch and inspired by a mini-series @irrelevantwriter has just posted, go and check it out!! A chapter will be posted every other day, and let me know if you’d like to be tagged! (I’ll only tag you if your age or ‘Over 18+’ or something adjacent is in ya bio).
Tags: Enemies to lovers, swearing, alcohol, talent kink? if that’s a thing (it is), sweet little series, sexual references, sexual things in the last chapter.  
The Dungeon Master and The Drama Club President Masterlist
Summary: You strike a deal with Eddie Munson that leads to more than either of you bargained for.
Please don’t copy or steal my work, and please don’t post it on any other sites; credit does not count.  
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Chapter Two ─ The Hideout
Oh, God, I hope I don’t die.
Gripping the strap of your bag, you move through the crowd, and it is quite a crowd.
The Hideout is wall to wall chock full of people, and they’re all smoking, drinking, laughing and talking loudly over the music playing from speakers somewhere.
And, yes, was that the flash of a knife you just saw, tucked into someone’s jeans?
I’m going to die.
And all because of Eddie fucking Munson.
Squeezing past two groups of people, you emerge out into what seems to be the only space here.
Which is right beside the bar.
Pressing your lips together, you zero in on a vacant seat before it which, miraculously, no one is by, and head for it. Sitting down, you place your bag on your lap, holding it in your arms.
Well, here you are.
No one can say you’re a coward. Especially not Eddie fucking Munson.
“Hey, honey, you okay?”
Your head turning, you find a bartender cracking open a few beer bottles as he glances at you. He has a long, bushy beard, tattoos on every inch of skin, as well as piercings, a bandana holding his long hair back, and he’s smiling kindly.
You return it lightly, nodding. “Uh, yeah.”
“You here to see someone in particular?”
“Uh, I’m here to see the band, ‘Corroded Coffin?”
“You a fan?”
“Not particularly.”
He snorts as he places the bottles up on the bar for a group near you. “Ah, I know who you are. Eddie said you might be dropping by.”
Blinking at him in surprise, you then shrug. “Well, here I am.”
Placing his hands on the bar, he arches an eyebrow, still smiling. “Well, what can I get ya?”
“Uh, a lemonade, please.”
“Comin’ up.” As he pulls a bottle from a fridge, you open your bag and root around for your purse. When you pull it out and he cracks the top off the bottle, he then shakes his head, placing the bottle on the bar. “Nah, this one’s on me.”
“Oh. Thanks.”
“You’re welcome.”
Putting your purse away and zipping your bag back up, you take a sip from the bottle, grateful for it now as you realise how dry your throat is.
It’s perfectly okay to be nervous, normal, actually.
As you lower the bottle, three men suddenly appear, muttering under their breaths about how crowded it is, and they lean against the bar beside you.
“Hey, Chris,” the tallest one says, a blurred skull and cross-bone tattoo on his temple, the sight of which has you swallowing.
The bartender, Chris, smiles as he throws a faded cloth over his shoulder. “Hey, man, what can I get ya?”
“Round of tequilas, please, pal.”
Oh, Christ.
“All righty.”
Swallowing, you let your gaze dart to the stage, staring hard at it so you won’t be engaged in any kind of way.
It’s simple, raised, with a black curtain as a backdrop, and instruments litter it along with a microphone stand front and centre. You hope your eardrums aren’t going to explode, that would be really fucking inconvenient─
Oh, no.
Your gaze flicks back to the tall man.
He’s taking you in but there’s... actually nothing seedy about it. In fact, he seems more perplexed than anything.
Chris, pouring out tequila into heavy looking shot glasses, looks up at you, his smile returning.
“Patch, this is Eddie’s friend.”
Perplexion shifts into understanding as Patch smiles. “Aaahh, right.”
Fucking hell, how many of them did Eddie tell? And why? And did he calls us friends?
Passing the shots to his friends, Patch raises his eyebrows. “First time?”
“What gave it away?”
He laughs as he leans against the bar. “You’ll be okay, kid. All the bands are good, and Eddie’s is, too.”
“That’s good.” I’ll be the judge of that.
You watch him and his friends cheers before knocking their shots back, your nose involuntarily wrinkling because you’ve had tequila before and ooff.
They barely even blink, though, and when Patch sets his glass down and beckons Chris to pour another one, you have to quickly drop your expression as he turns to you.
“I get how this place must look and feel to a newbie, though, so if you wanna leave you let us know, okay? We’ll get you out of here. There’s a backdoor that’ll take you through to where the bands are, so you can just go and hang out with Eddie.”
Something tight in your chest loosens, and you give him a small smile. “Thanks. I appreciate that.”
... But what has Eddie told them that they think we get along that well?
Patch waves a dismissive hand as he knocks back another shot. “Don’t mention it,” he smiles after swallowing. “And, hey, this is Sonny...” He gestures at one of his friends, smaller, with a dark mullet and a lip ring, hands and neck covered in tattoos, who nods at you. “... and Markus.” You look to the other friend, dreadlocks tied back, gold and pearl beads here and there in them, three eyebrow piercings, heavy gold rings on each finger, and he smiles widely.
You return it, feeling some more of your anxiety slip away. “Nice to meet you.”
Sonny just grunts as Markus says, “And you.”
Licking your lips, you take another sip of your drink, hoping it doesn’t slide into awkward silence as they also all take another shot before Patch orders them all a glass of whisky.
“So...” You’re surprised to find it’s Sonny who addresses you, his hand running down his mouth as he leans against the bar. “... What’s Eddie like at school?”
You blink, lips parting. “Uh, he’s...” Well, you can’t exactly be rude, can you. These guys obviously feel some affection for him, so it wouldn’t go down too well. “... He’s quite a character.”
They all snort or laugh, even Chris.
“Good,” Markus beams, and you can’t stop yourself from parroting, “’Good’?”
He shrugs, accepting the glass of whisky from Chris with a nod. “He’s himself, then. That’s good. High school’s fuckin’ brutal, and I’d hate for it to dilute him.”
“Yeah,” is all you can manage as they sip their drinks.
Well... yeah. You do begrudgingly admire that Eddie is himself through and through. Not to say you yourself aren’t but... Eddie faces a lot more flack than you do for it and, yeah, it is good it doesn’t deter him.
Do I admire Eddie Munson?
... Fuck, I guess I do.
Licking your lips, you allow that strange feeling to settle, and look back to Sonny as he asks you another question about Eddie’s school life. Over the next fifteen minutes, you confirm that all the stories Eddie has told them of his exploits are true, if the rumour-mill is to be believed, and they tell you of some exploits from his gigs here.
The more minutes tick by, the more you relax, and you start to laugh with them, feeling entirely comfortable. You even have to shush each other when someone comes onto the stage and turns the microphone on, tapping it and saying, “Listen up, fuckers, this show’s about to start so shut up. First up, we have Deadly Delicious, give ‘em a hand...”
You clap with everyone else as four women step onto the stage, and for the next ten minutes you’re enraptured by them.
And the same happens with the next band, and the next, and the next.
Soon, beer bottles and your lemonade bottles, that the guys end up paying for, cover your area of the bar, and you’re standing along with everyone else, Patch and Markus taking turns to twirl you and dance along with you to music you never thought you’d enjoy let alone dance to.
“... And that was Skulls and Boners! Excellent as always, guys, well done. Now, give it up now for Corroded Coffin!”
“Here he comes!” Markus calls to you over the cheers, and your head whips to the stage.
You recognise his friends as they step out onto the stage, holding their hands high and waving, and then...
And there Eddie is.
And he looks...
The thought floats into your mind and you nearly have to shake your head to get it out.
Weird. Weird thing to think. Okay.
They nod at each other, and then Gareth starts pounding on the drums with a ferocity you didn’t know he had, and the others instantly start playing their guitars, the sound immense, and people around you scream and cheer over it.
And you want to look at them, for some reason, want to see them smiling and soak it in...
... Except you can’t stop staring at Eddie.
He looks exactly like he does at school, besides having some eyeliner around his eyes and a bandana on, but... there’s something about him now. Something that’s exuding from him now he’s on that stage and performing.
It’s magnetic.
“Good, isn’t he?” Patch shouts into your ear, and you just nod, still unable to look away.
Oh, Christ...
Something is warming inside you, sly and seductive.
It’s the rockstar effect, it’s just the rockstar effect, pull yourself together, get a grip...
You tell yourself that as you look at his hands moving over the strings, at the shouts and yells he gives, at his eyes closing as he feels the music, at how talented he is.
And his voice...
When they finish their set, your heart is pounding, your throat is dry and you might be wet.
... What...
You have to remind yourself to clap, knowing the guys will be watching you. When you call out a cheer, you hear Patch’s voice in your ear.
“Do you wanna go back and see him?”
Oh, boy.
“Uh, yeah. Please.” Turning your head, you smile at him and he nods as he straightens.
“All right, this way. I’ll be back,” he calls to Markus and Sonny who smile and wave their goodbyes at you.
You smile widely, waving back, before you follow after Patch.
He cuts a path through the crowd to a side door, opening it and letting you pass through first. You step out into the cool night air, swallowing down a, for many reasons, much needed breath of fresh air.
“C’mon, honey, this way.”
He takes you round to the back of the building, to a backdoor that’s open and has someone leaning against the wall by it in a long leather coat, cigarette in his hand.
“Hey, Patch,” he greets, blowing out a stream of smoke.
“Hey, Duke, this is a friend of Eddie’s. Can she see him?”
Duke glances at you and nods, jerking his head in the direction of the door. “All right, in ya go.”
You step through with a quick smile, and you take a few steps before you realise Patch isn’t behind you. Turning back to him, you raise your eyebrows.
“Aren’t you coming?”
“Nah,” he shakes his head, smiling warmly. “I’ll see him after. If you’re not still here, it was nice to meet you.”
You match his smile. “And you. Thank you, Patch.”
“Don’t mention it, honey.”
Have I made new friends?
Turning away, you head down a corridor, glancing into rooms as you go. Different bands house them, some you recognise from having played earlier, a couple of others yet to go on.
And you hear him before you see them.
“... fuckin’ incredible, Jesus Christ, that might be the best we’ve ever fuckin’ played...”
You realise you’re smiling, and you have to get it somewhat under control as you peer around the door and knock on it.
“Hey, can I come in?”
The room goes silent.
Gareth, Jeff and Freak are staring at you, frozen in their eating, drinking and smoking, seated, and Eddie is stood, hands half raised, staring at you, too.
Then, his wide smile returns.
“Holy fuckin’ shit, you came.”
You shrug as you step into the room, clasping your hands together. “I said I would.”
“Yeah, but...” You don’t catch his gaze flicking over you as you glance at the others, and when you look back, it’s meeting yours again. “... Shit. Well, I’m glad you came on a night like tonight, it usually isn’t this busy or fuckin’ insane.”
“Oh, good. Yeah, the crowd really loved it.”
... How am I still finding him attractive when he’s covered in sweat.
Clearing your throat perhaps a little too loudly, you quickly look down to your bag and unzip it. “Oh, while I have you all here...” Rooting around, you pull out a copy of the script and four music books, one for each of them, and a rehearsal schedule. Smiling, you step forward, handing them to the guys on the couch.
Freak and Gareth seem slightly startled while Jeff beams.
“Thanks,” Jeff says, and you nod, clasping your hands together again.
“No worries.”
“I guess we passed the audition, then,” Eddie says, and you look back to him and fuuck, he’s still attractive.
“With flying colours.”
When did I become a person who says ‘flying colours’.
“Excellent. This’ll be our biggest gig of the year, boys.”
They snort, and Eddie’s smirking lightly, and it just... it just ever so slightly irks you.
Causes a slight pang in your chest that dampens whatever you’ve been feeling.
“Well... to some of us it is, so.” Your smile slightly tight, you look back to the couch. “You guys were great, see you in rehearsals.”
Turning on your heel, you start to head out of the room.
“Woah, hey, hey...” Eddie takes a few strides forward, moving out of the door behind you then darting in front of you and blocking your path as his brow dips. “... Shit, I didn’t mean to be a dick, we are stoked about it.”
Your jaw is clenched slightly and you arch an eyebrow. “I highly doubt that.”
“No, shit, we are. I am sorry. Forgive me? Please? Even though I’m an ass?”
You exhale a long sigh, but for some reason your lips are twitching. “Fine. You’re forgiven. Even though you’re an ass.”
“Yeeess,” he murmurs, knees bending slightly. “Thank you. And I do mean it, we are. Turns out Jeff’s a Little Shop fan, so.”
Your eyebrows raise as you glance back into the room, finding Jeff holding the music book wide open and pointing at various sections as Freak and Gareth nod, eyes a little wide.
“Yeah. Thought he was gonna cry when I told him.”
“Well... That’s encouraging.”
Looking back to him, he smiles, fingers twisting together slightly, and is he... is he nervous?
Well, that’d make two of you.
Silence suddenly settles over you both, and oh, no, if this suddenly goes awkward then my brain will just say anything and I can’t let that happen─
“You headin’ home?”
You nod quickly. “Yeah. I need to finish learning some lines.”
He nods just as quickly, his hair moving with the motion, and stop staring at it and thinking about what it’d feel like.
“Right, yeah. uhm. Well, thanks for comin’. I appreciate it.”
You shrug, smiling lightly. “Thanks for accepting my deal.”
Eddie snorts, scratching at his neck. “I think I’m getting the better end of it, but we’ll do our best.”
You glance back in at Jeff, finding him seemingly very passionately explaining something, and smile. “I’m sure you will.” Looking back to him, your smile lingers. “Goodnight, Eddie.”
He gives you a soft smile. “Goodnight, sweetheart. Have a safe journey.”
There’s that warmth inside you again, and this time it spreads up to your face. “Thanks.”
Leave, leave, leave, leave.
As you head out, managing a slightly nervous ‘goodnight’ to Duke, who grunts in reply, you head round to your car, your heart still pounding a little harder than usual.
As you unlock it and slide into your seat, dropping your bag onto the passenger’s, you then close your door... and sit there for a few moments.
... Well.
Reblogs and comments make my day in a way I can’t describe.
Let me know if you’d like to be tagged or removed in my future works!
Tagged: @gifsbysimplysonia​, @thephantomofthe-internet, @clonecaptainrex, @ali-r3n, @irrelevantwriter, @nuggetti, @hellotheregeneral222, @focusonspn, @hatsunemikuwu, @fabulous-brii, @hanoi15, @hopelesslylosttheway, @actual-spawn-of-satan, @eriseffigy, @godidontevenknowwhat, @sergeantangel, @nohalfpints, @sephmonet, @bitchinsinclair, @ah-finally, @morphoportis, @anetjay, @shouzawa, @hellv1ra, @thescarlettvvitch, @ryswritingrecord, @juggernort, @veesley, @rosegoldrbs, @kingbouji3, @iamburdened, @jascngrace, @cyberfaii, @husherstan, @thepastdied, @xakilicious, @heyjudeinthesky, @vonelle, @colbychu, @fixingcanon
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writingrenna · 1 year
Just a Taste
Kofu x GN!Reader
Kofu likes giving you little tastes of his cooking! You're his favorite "customer." You want to give him something in return. Has less Kofu than intended, but I like the idea! A bit platonic, but who knows what could happen? Also, wrote this to get back into writing, so sorry if it's different to my usual stuff. I genuinely can't tell :')
Also, a Gimmighoul follows you around, but it isn't yours. It just... keeps finding you in random places.
(I know it isn't the same Gimmighoul that follows you in the games, I just think it'd be cute if this one in particular followed your expy)
Tone/Ending: Wholesome, Platonic (although that's up to interpretation)
Warnings: I promise it's wholesome, curse you internet for making things weird >:(
Word Count: A bit over 3,000
"And THIS is the Tofu Puddin'!"
The man hands you a spoonful of the dessert. You eat it, taking a moment to really take in the texture, the aroma, the flavor, each component coming together for a light and fragrant treat.
"Ooooh, that one's REALLY good!"
Kofu's face splits into a wide grin.
"Ah, I knew you'd like it! I made this one especially to yer likin'!"
Your eyes light up, causing him to do the same.
"Oh! I was just, er... I had a reason, me mind just isn't reelin' anythin' in at the moment..."
His expression showed he was being completely genuine. He really did have a reason, he just forgot.
"Haha, hey, that's fine!" You said after making sure nothing was left in your mouth. "Making spontaneous recipes is my specialty!"
He made a face like he just learned something amazing.
"Oh really now? That's quite interestin', what do you make?"
You... grin. Nervously at that. Memories of the most unhinged flavor combos flash through your mind. You actually aren't half-bad at making food, but for some reason, the good stuff is eluding you. He continues to look at you expectantly, as if he doesn't notice your demeanor change.
He does, he just doesn't want to accidentally rush you.
"Well, I can make a mean... eh..."
You gesture, not remembering the name.
"It's uh... I can't really remember what the name is, but uh, maybe you could tell by looking at a photo??"
You shrug and look at him with a "I have no clue, man" sorta face. You would be slightly embarrassed trying and failing to recall a dish like this in front of a professional chef, if said chef wasn't Kofu, the chillest dude you knew. He was so chill in fact, that this wasn't even a weird situation for you.
You have no idea what endeared you to him so much that he always gives you enough samples to count as a meal whenever you visit Cascarrafa, but you appreciate it. You couldn't really splurge on his food like you wish you could, so him giving you tastes of everything, as well as basically providing lunch for you was a development you were grateful for. One day you'll be a normal customer, you just have to budget for it.
"Heya, you all righty there?"
You're still shrugging, so you put your arms down.
"Oh, yeah! Sorry, I uh... was just thinkin' about somethin'..."
You unconsciously took on his accent for a moment, which causes him to huff in amusement.
"Ah, I see the ocean's graced yer tongue?"
Your face morphs into one of sheer confusion. He simply laughs.
"Teehee, nothing, nothing at all..."
You try to think about what you did to prompt that statement, but nothing comes to mind, so you silently accept what he said and tuned back into the conversation at hand.
"Anyway, you're free to keep the dish it was served in. This batch was made especially for you after all, it's a special occasion!"
He gently pushes the Flamigo dish toward you, which you're eager to take and polish off, but you feel guilty.
"Thank you, I uh- I wish I could pay you back-"
"Nonsense! You don't owe me a thing, ya hear?"
You nod, accepting his kind gesture, but you still wished to do something for him.
You walk out of Kofu Lounge, now empty Flamigo dish in hand. It really is a nice little thing, well made and very cute. You can see yourself using it for drinks and desserts a lot.
You don't even get four steps away from the door when you hear the familiar sound of a vaguely insectoid cry. You jump, head swiveling toward the sound.
"Ah, Gimmini! What's up?"
It chirps a little, acknowledging your question, but doesn't try to show you specifically what the answer is. You sigh.
"Why won't you let me catch you, dude?? We could be like, best friends!"
The Gimmighoul doesn't respond to this, but the little smile widens just enough for you to notice before going back to how it usually is.
"AH-HAH! So you're NOT repulsed by me!"
The man that usually stands near the entrance at this time glances at you funny. You let out an awkward little laugh before grabbing Gimmini.
"Sorry, talking to my friend, we'll go!"
You then briskly walk off to the nearest Flying Taxi.
You're lifting Gimmini's leg, observing it as it sits on your counter eating a snack.
"Dude, how do you follow me so well? You only have short little legs-"
At your comment, it drops the bean you gave it, letting out an indignant little gargle before turning away and crossing its arms.
"Nonononono, I'm impressed!" You start, bending down with your hands clasped. "I don't mean it in a bad way."
It keeps its arms folded, but it turns slightly more toward you, one eye opening to look at your pleading face. It then seemingly rolls its eyes, an amused smile creeping on its face before giving up the facade of hurt. It leans in to hug your face, causing you to chuckle.
"Good, that's better..."
You're happy it doesn't seem to have actually been hurt. You don't even know if it's ever hugged you before, closest thing being one time it held onto your leg when spooked by a Murkrow.
Suddenly, a thought comes to mind. A joke of course, but a moment ruining thought all the same.
"Hey, wanna help me rob a bank?"
You feel it pause for a moment before backing up a little. You turn head-on to see its face, portraying an emotion you're not quite sure you're reading correctly.
"Don't worry, I'm joking! I'd never rob a bank, it's..."
You momentarily space out.
"...not a good idea."
Gimmini glares at you for a moment before getting up. You imagine it feels larger than it is, but its puffed-out chest and balled "fists" make it look like a cute little bug trying to look aggressive. You snicker under your breath before you can stop it, causing it to look at you and make that same gargling noise from earlier.
"Haha, sorry, you're just so cute!" You say earnestly.
It grumbles the best it can with its weird metallic vocal cords before letting up its stiff pose. You sigh, both out of relief and because you now see what's going on with you.
"Sorry, sorry," you lean your back against the counter, staring at the ceiling. "I got a lot on my mind is all."
Gimmini now seems curious, letting out an inquisitive little chatter before picking the bean it dropped back up, taking a bite.
"Heh, I wanna repay Kofu for his kindness, but I feel like no matter what I do or get, it won't really be enough. Not to mention, have you HEARD how many people admire the guy?? He probably has someone doing something for him all the time!"
Gimmini is listening quite intently to your mini-rant, as if considering something. It then suddenly freezes and cries out as if realizing something. You sit up and turn to it.
"Eh? What's up?"
Gimmini jumps up, tossing the rest of the bean to the side before running toward the door. It urges you to follow it, so you do.
"Hey! Slow down!"
You're having trouble keeping up with its bounding. It doesn't turn towards you, but you can almost feel the smirk on its face.
"Hahah, proving yourself huh? Fun! Wha-"
You stop for a second, unable to keep up with the seemingly endless energy of a Pokémon.
"Sorry for ever doubtin' ya, man!" You pant out. "Please go easy on me, I'm only human!"
You then suddenly remember the countless times Kofu's had to abruptly run off to do stuff, from auctions to meetings, and he seemed to be a completely unstoppable force unless he got distracted.
You feel your face heat up a little. That man was an anomaly to you.
"Ok, um-" You look up at the Pokémon in front of you, waiting for you to be able to follow again.
"Ugh! I'm good, I'm good..."
It nods before continuing on its way. Breathing heavily, you follow it until it reaches a small crevasse in the side of a cliff. You tilt your head a little at the sight.
"What's all this?"
It doesn't respond, simply crawling in. You stand there, waiting for whatever it had in store until you see... a treasure chest emerge?
"What?? H- you had your chest the whole time? Why don't you use it?"
The Gimmighoul opens the chest and makes a sad gurgling noise, but it still doesn't seem to want to directly answer your question. Fair enough.
Instead, it uses the space it now has out in the open to dig through the piles of coins until it finds something and brings it up to you.
Your eyes widen.
You cover your mouth, looking around to make sure nobody's around.
"No, no, absolutely not! That's your treasure!"
The Gimmighoul stares at you before silently holding it out more, as if saying "Ok?? Take it."
You shudder a little.
"Nooooooo waaaaay. This? That's yours. I don't need anything from you, honest!"
It just now hit you how much money this Pokémon has compared to most people, probably. But you still didn't want it to give you any of its treasure.
"I don't need jewls, or cash. I need a really good gift idea! But like-"
A thought hits you.
"...I, uh, actually don't know if he even likes gifts, much less what he'd actually want..."
The Gimmighoul frowns and furrows its eyebrows, dropping the pearl and staring as if it thinks you're insane. You feel ashamed all of a sudden.
"Ugh, I know! Getting worked up over nothing. I'm sorry!"
It finally puts the pearl back amongst its other belongings before taking the chest back inside its hidey-hole. As it does this, you think about anything gift-y you could in relation to him. You almost drew up a blank until you remembered one important thing.
The Gimmighoul pauses its task, poking its head out to look at you.
"He likes going to the auctions a lot! What if I got him something even rarer that what they offer?"
The Gimmighoul seems worried about how fast you pivoted, but it nods regardless.
"Yeah... instead of saving up for one big 'ol meal, I can catch a boat to another region! Go get him something from... actually, no clue, let's scrap that."
The Gimmighoul sighs in relief before finally finishing the task of packing its chest away. It then hops over and scales your frame (which was, again, faster than you expected). It ended up hanging onto your shoulder as you thought some more.
"His food is mostly ocean-y, right?"
Gimmini nods.
"Ok, yeah! I don't have a plan, but I have an idea!"
Gimmini seems concerned again, but it doesn't do anything.
"Ok, OK! I need... a game plan."
You paced a little bit, Gimmini seemingly trying to come up with ideas as well.
"...what if I cooked for him since he always cooks for everyone else?"
The Gimmighoul seems interested in this plan, turning toward you.
"...no, I'm no professional."
It frowns, although you don't see it.
"Gosh, this is hard. But why? Don't I know him better than this?"
Gimmini shrugs with one arm, still hanging on, but after this, it hoists itself up and climbs onto your head, lying down on it and hanging on tight.
"...eh, I'll uh... I dunno. Let's go home."
You start to walk away up the path when someone comes blazing toward you two.
"Vaultin’ Veluza! Not again!"
You scream and jump back in order to protect yourself and Gimmini. As you fall back, the person stops upon realizing what happened.
"Shoot! I apologi-"
He stops upon realizing it's you. He calls out your name, which barely registers as you rub your tailbone.
"Ugh, huh?"
You feel Gimmini patting your forehead before pointing to the man, prompting you to look up.
"Gahaha, I apologize! Truly, I do." he begins while holding an arm out "I just get so lost in the ocean of me mind sometimes that the whole world disappears, includin' the sound of me alarm! Gahah!"
You take his hand, allowing him to help you up. You didn't even realize how close to Porto Marinada you really were until then.
He turns away once you're up, feeling quite bashful after almost barreling you over.
"Ah, I must make it up to ya-"
"-nonononono, no way! You're fine, really!"
"Oh no, I insist!"
You panic internally. Why would he try and repay you for a little mistake?
"No, really! I- well, I was actually out here to, uh," you look down before finishing "get you something..."
His eyes widen as he stares at you.
"Get... me somethin'...?"
You don't respond right away, but he doesn't push you to.
His eyes widen more when "getting something" reminds him of his current quest.
He then runs off again, catching you off-guard.
"I-i'll be back to talk to you later, ya hear!?"
He's way too far to hear you at this point, so you sigh.
Gimmini had been silently laughing at the absurdity of the situation, but you didn't realize until you calmed down and felt it trying to hold itself back. Instead of calling it out, however, you make an offer.
"Wanna see how fast I can be?"
You're basically on your deathbed by the time you reach Porto Marinada. Lying on the ground and heaving, you remember why warm-ups are important, not just for your limbs. Gimmini returns rolling a fresh water to you. You weakly take it, letting out a breathless thanks. It nods, an amused yet concerned look on its face.
You manage to open and promptly chug the entire thing in one go. Still not satisfied, yet a bit less dehydrated, you manage to sit up a little. Gimmini brings another water to you.
"Tha- uh, wait. Hold up, where did you get these?"
It points toward a random stand. You heart sinks.
"Y-you BID on these!?"
It stares at you as if what it did wasn't a big deal.
"Wha- where did, how did you- but your coins are ancient??"
It just pushes the bottle to you, as if telling you to drink now and ask questions later. You groan, not wanting to waste them now that they're... yours? Gimmini's? Is this a gift, or is it just sharing? You sigh, sipping from the next bottle while glaring at Gimmini, who in turn seems unbothered and climbs onto your knee, continuing to stare right back at you with a neutral expression.
Your stare-down is eventually interrupted by Kofu.
"Hey there! Ya doin' alright?"
He's holding something, but you can't tell what.
"Huh? Oh, yeah, I'm... fine."
He grins.
"Good! I also see your little buddy here took good care of ya! That lil' one's a keeper!"
You huff out of amusement, side eyeing the coin hunter, who looks smug.
"Yeah? Well, it won't let me catch it for some reason, but stalking me's the next best thing I suppose."
It flinches at this, looking at you with a "really??" face. You let out a breathy laugh.
"I'm teasing! You mock me all the time!"
It turns, crossing its arms again and refusing to look at you. You decide to let it have its moment and continue conversing with Kofu.
"So! What's up?"
He pauses, eyes narrowing as he tries to remember what he was going to say before it hits him.
"Oh yeah! I was going to ask you what you were doin', sayin' you're "gettin' me somethin', what's that about?"
You feel a chill wash over you. Oh right, you gotta explain yourself.
"Uh, well uh, I was, uh-"
Gimmini lifts its tail up and slams it down as hard as it can, arms still folded. It doesn't hurt, but it snaps you out of it.
"Oh! I just wanted to pay you back, for always letting me taste your cooking..."
By the time you finish your statement, you go from awkwardly avoiding eye contact to staring at the ground. Kofu doesn't say anything at first, but you see him shift his weight a little using your peripheral vison.
"Ah, I... see..." he finally gets out. You're worried you said something wrong. Looking up, you try to reassure him.
"Hey, não te preocupes com isso..."
He slowly nods, but he doesn't seem satisfied. In fact, he seems to feel bad.
"Ah, I was worried about this."
You tilt your head, eyes narrowing ever so slightly in confusion.
"Worried? About what?"
He lifts the bag over his shoulder.
"I was a bit worried you'd start to feel indebted to me."
Your face twists into a strange sort of questioning.
"Huh? What do you mean?"
He smiles softly.
"I didn't want you to feel like ya owe me anythin' in return for what I do. Please do believe me when I say I just enjoy feedin' ya."
You stare blankly at him.
"Wha- really?"
He nods.
"Yes! So please, you kin put yer worries to rest. I really don't feel like this is unfair in any way. My treat!"
You feel a warmth spreading from your core. He seems so sincere. Maybe it really wasn't an issue, although something still feels kind of wrong. Not that you doubt him, just that you still want to do something for him. Maybe a surprise would work? Or would he not appreciate that? Gosh, this doesn't need to be so complicated. You decide just being nice and doing stuff for him for the fun of it would be better than stressing about some invisible tally marks. Easier said than done, but it's a start.
You snap out of your thoughts and respond.
You stare blankly again, not quite sure where to go from here. Gimmini lets out a garbled huff before hopping off, walking over to its new supply of fresh waters. Kofu lets out a laugh.
"Ah, I wonder how your lil' one is gonna carry all these?"
Gimmini doesn't seem too worried, but you are.
"CRAP, you're right!"
You get up, walking around Kofu to try and help it.
"Gimmini, how will you take all this home? You PAID for this! Y- what even IS your home!?"
Gimmini made a loud noise as if telling you to chill out, "fists" up to its chest to drive the point home. You're both glaring at each other, exchanging more words (and cries) as you try to figure out how to go about this.
Kofu sighs and shakes his head at the sight, although it was full of amusement.
"You two are truly somethin' else."
And maybe that was your answer to why he liked you so much. Maybe something about you just caught his eye, and he had quite the eye for interesting things.
A chill one!
THIS CAME OUT WAY TOO PLATONIC BUT I LIKE IT, just a broke expy that wants to repay their super cool chef friend :')
I wonder why he likes you so much? The world may never know 👻
Speaking of 👻, I debated on whether or not including Gimmighoul would be too ironic or not (you can't afford to splurge and buy his food right now, but you're being followed by a literal treasure chest mimick), but I decided that if I acknowledge it but don't make it too much of a thing, it'd be Ok. I just think they're neat! Expy would never try and get it to pay for stuff for them, but... I wanted to give Gimmighoul the time to shine like how I gave Grusha's "reader expy" a Falinks
Also, whether Kofu's the one who actually brought the waters or not is up to you! On one hand, it'd be funny if your literal creechur was able to buy it for you, but it'd make sense for him to notice you lying on the ground and just have Gimmighoul bring them to you. Plus, he wouldn't want you to feel like you owe, or, after your talk, feel worse about owing him, so he wouldn't mention it. I dunno!
I had a specific explanation that was so cute, but I guess the forgetful/easily distracted stuff worked out in the story's favor since that is him to a tee
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c-midori · 11 months
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When Captain Barnacles first woke up on October 4, 2023, the last thing he expected was a hurricane on the radar.
Of course, this was not the first time for him. He’d have been through many, as did the rest of his team. In fact, it had been only a year and a month since Hurricane Iris, the biggest one he’d have been in since this whole Octonauts thing began.
"That was a low-end Category 4, captain." Peso sighed a little. "This storm looks even worse, and we’ve only got tonight to finish preparations!"
Barnacles nodded rapidly. He’d have been looking at this storm for a while now. In fact, it was all that had been on his mind. In fact, Peso had noted how Barnacles would keep vocalizing the storm’s name—Selma—in his sleep.
Poor Barnacles only got a few hours of sleep last night trying to find a good area to stop in. And he still wasn’t there yet.
Those two weren’t the only ones preparing for this hurricane. Tweak had been doing routine inspections on the Gups, in the event that they could be needed for evacuation, or if they were damaged, and Dashi was insanely busy checking satellite imagery of Selma, which was not looking very good. If anything, the eye of the storm was just looking back. At least, that’s how it felt. Eerie, it was. And it was coming towards her, and the other Octonauts.
However, Shellington and Kwazii were not as bothered. If anything, the latter was confident that this wouldn’t be a migraine for anyone. Maybe too confident, but Kwazii knew the Octopod super well, and he knew what to do if things went rotten.
As the seas grew darker and darker, the cat sat in the otter’s laboratory, looking at The Weather Channel on his BlackBerry Bold 9900. He seemed a bit mesmerized. When Iris struck, this was much more sudden. But now, here was Selma.
"Jumping jellyfish… it’s not looking good out there, is it?" Shellington looked at him, curious as he was. "I’ll have to close all this in a moment… Dashi’s told me all about how strong this storm really is and the captain’s going to be sick."
Kwazii didn’t respond. He kept sitting there with a smile on his face. Again, he wasn’t too bothered.
"I oughta head out and check if we’re anchored. Can’t go without a double check… maybe a triple check!" The cat looked back, blinking slowly. "Up to join?”
Shellington went quiet for a second, tilting his head a bit. A little sorrow in his eyes, too. A look that said yes, but also no.
"I have work to do, but thank you…"
Those words made Kwazii’s ears droop a little. But the otter had a point. This could be an awful storm for real. They knew this was no laughing matter.
Like that, the two walked out of the lab, off to get their things done. The sea was getting dark much earlier than normal, and that meant one thing and one thing only: Selma was closing in.
"Of course. We’re running out of time." The otter groaned.
While Shellington and Dashi were busy getting data on the hurricane, Kwazii was below the Octopod. Staying in communication with Barnacles, he kept scanning the seabed for any debris. They both knew they were getting somewhere safe, but they’d have to act fast.
"Last time we were here, there were definitely less rocks… WAY LESS THAN what my grandad had to dodge, back in HIS pirate days, ya-har! Ye know that? It was wild!" Kwazii laughed, followed by a gasp. "Avast! We’ve got a clearing nearby. Captain, check you maps! We’re headed for our spot!"
Just as he was about to do so, Barnacles was interrupted by Dashi tapping his shoulder. She looked like she had never seen anything, quite so horrible, in all her life.
And yes, that’s a Michael Rosen reference.
"We’ve got a Category 5 behind us." She huskily groaned, looking at the screen. "Found a safe space?"
"You bet I did!" Kwazii showed up on the screen above, waving to her and Barnacles.
"Righty, captain… WEIGH ANCHOR!"
Shellington just stood in the back of the HQ, watching this unfold. As the anchor dropped, he looked down and sighed. Remembering that he was in the path of a hurricane, stronger than ever.
And not just him, but the rest of the Octonauts. In the Octopod. Nowhere to swim. Nowhere to hide. Just wait out the storm.
Ever since Hurricane Iris, Shellington knew something like it was bound to happen again. After all, he was working a LOT underwater.
And now here he was. Standing behind the satellite imagery of Selma. Hoping she would weaken a little before hitting the Octopod.
The thoughts were combating. Whether things would go well or not, was something Shellington couldn’t figure out. Either way, it was better to be safe than sorry.
Between those thoughts, thoughts of the Vegimals, and of Kwazii, the sea otter was deep in thought. Like, seriously. The sounds of outside were drowned out completely by his worries, and his… feelings.
"Shellington! You’ve been spacing out for 4 minutes now. I need you. It’s about Tunip and the others." Peso stood in front of him.
The simple mention of a Vegimal voiced by no other than the dormant half of Meomi immediately got the sea otter’s attention.
"Jumping jellyfish! How could I forget?" The sea otter shook his head. "I can’t, that’s what! Please don’t be anything I’d fear…!" He immediately ran for the Sick Bay, worried about what could’ve happened. Did there have to be another incident just before a hurricane?
Shellington, in panic, rapidly went in, to find nothing wild. It was just the Vegimals standing around, still seeming happy, especially when the otter came in.
"Peso? What’s going on? Why’d you sound so urgent, if…" the sea otter turned to face the penguin, an awkward look in his eyes. "Your mind isn’t existing everywhere in Cyberia again, is it?"
The penguin realized how stupid he went. "Guess you could say I’m a sewer slut." He sighed, now in peace. "Must be my fucked up head… which it’s not…"
You, like Shellington, would think someone was dying a slow death, but it’s just an overreaction. Ultradespair? Hopelessness? Restlessness? Psychosis? Lexapro delirium? Maybe. But hey, things don’t have to leave you in inertia status when Jvnko loves you, even when things have gone down the drain.
Those weren’t good Sewerslvt jokes, were they? Whatever, I figured. Something of value less than that would work way better. I AM Mr. Kill Myself anyways. I might as well die alone.
"I need to think my tone of voice better, if anything… Right. I just wanted to tell you that we’ve moved the Vegimals to the Sick Bay for the time being. Nothing big, sorry… How are the preparations going?"
Shellington shook his head, still a bit unnerved from the false alarm. "Well, I do suppose we’ve reached our stop. We’re gonna be here for a little while, so get cozy."
Peso was still happy to hear this news. "Right-o! The Gups have all been parked, the Octopod has been anchored… We’re getting an idea of just how strong Selma is… I think Phase 1 of this protocol is complete! Now what?"
It already seemed obvious, of course. Shellington knew. Peso knew. Kwazii knew. Dashi knew. Tweak knew.
Everyone knew.
Wait it out.
Wait it out.
Wait it out.
This was the calm, before the storm.
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shapesintheklouds · 4 months
Out of Inkwell au Felix and Pete friendship drabble I talked about with @xraytheredx on discord a week ago below the read more (only a preview cause it's still in the works! 😺
For the first few weeks in the new house it had came as quite a shock for Felix the cat to be woken up by rays of natural light, as opposed to the sun itself looking through his bedroom window. His alarm had gone off the same with its "Righty Oh! It's a righty oh kind of day!" but was now a smaller radio clock version, a tiny plastic Felix atop the device that barked the alarm. Normally Felix would smash the alarm with a hammer before hiding in a cocoon of blankets and pillows but today was different, the alarm being spared for the day when Felix shot out of bed like a rocket. While escaping the inkwell world had changed some of what Felix and his three toons pals experienced daily, they still retained a good amount of their natural cartoon logic.
Which led to Felix floating in mid air, stretching an arm to grab his magic golden bag, then turning it into a tiny plane which he piloted out of his bedroom! "Righty oh! It's the right kind of day to attend Pegleg Pete's Positively Entertaining Tugboat Party to celebrate toon liberation from Inkwell! Absolutely no criminal funny business guaranteed!" Felix announced and waved a flyer while flying from bedroom to bedroom, waking Willie, Mickey, and Oswald from their respective lands of nod.
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ninjastormhawkkat · 1 year
Mousebraingirl Au Episode 1: Of Pies and Lies - Part 1
(Disclaimer: Wordgirl and it's characters belong to PBS at Soup 2 Nuts. Dr. James Jenkins is an oc made by my friend Eris. The name Wordman and the Mousebraingirl au are mine.)
Steven Boxleitner never took to gardening before as much as a hobby. He never had a dislike of it per say, he just never had the time with his schedule to do it. Now if you asked Steven a while back if he wanted to try it with some others, Steven would have been normally hesitant being with a new crowd of people but would later end up eagerly getting involved and having a lot of fun with the activity. But now, Steven would view something like gardening as a frivolous activity now worth his time. Unfortunately for Steven today, his neighbor Tim Botsford did not share Steven's sentiment's about gardening.
"I'm telling you Steven, there is nothing like gardening to help you relax and relieve you from stress." Tim stated joyfully as he dug a small, linear, ditch in front of his rosebushes. "Uh huh." Steven absentmindedly replied, tuning out his neighbor's enjoyment over just digging in the dirt and planting flora that will just wither one day. Honestly Steven had better things to do today which centered around trying to figure a way to safely remove the mouse brain from Becky's head. Unfortunately Tim, in all his stubborn, overly cheerful, and annoying persistence, according to Steven, decided that his neighbor should spend this sunny day outdoors relaxing rather than having to work in a stuffy basement. Tim had also offered Mouse to join them but Mouse appeared very disinterested rather opting for one of her books and some cheese. Steven had also turned on the television for her to watch Pretty Princess as well before being led, "dragged" in Steven's mind, out to his neighbor's yard. Steven didn't want his daughter to come and start digging holes in the yard again. Tim then picked up a fertilizer bag he brought with him so he and his neighbor friend, and Bob who tagged along, could help their plants grow beautifully and brighten up the block. Tim examined the text printed on the bag as if he were reading a contract. "Enormogrow, it will help plants grow enormous. huh. Hey Steven, how much of this should I use for the plants?" Tim asked his science friend. Steven rolled his eyes. "Just pour the amount you think the plants need." Steven groaned annoyed as he rubbed the bridge of his nose. He wanted to get done as soon as possible and not waste another minute with this dumb outdoors activity. Tim did not note his tone of voice and gave Steven a thumbs up. "Righty-ho." Tim responded as he poured the whole bag onto the flowers. A sudden tremor startled the two men and monkey as a giant, monstrous flower sprouted out of Tim's rosebush and towered over the three. Steven tensed, ready to try and escape with Tim and Bob before the monster flower could attack. Bob seemed to get ready to act as a distraction for Steven in Tim as the monkey prepared to fight the creature off with the shears he was using earlier to trim the bushes. Before the giant flower could lunge, a robotic foot appeared and squished the monster along with the bushes flat as pancakes. Just avoiding harm to the three individuals. "Holy anchovies and pineapple!" Tim exclaimed in surprise and shock, a feeling that Steven and Bob also shared. The giant robot whose foot crushed the monster earlier stared at them temporarily before walking away. Steven followed the robot's direction and saw it was walking towards the downtown area of Fair City. "Tobey." Steven grumbled with an angry scowl. It looked like Tobey was causing trouble again with his giant robots. Steven's ire for the kid ignited as he recalled his last encounter with the twerp. Steven looked toward Bob with a determined expression that was shared by the monkey. "Come on Bob." Steven said to the monkey as the two began to follow the robot. "Hey where are you going?" Tim called out causing to the two to freeze. Steven turned around towards Tim and tried to come up with an excuse so he and Bob could head off to transform without creating suspicion. "Well as a scientist it is part of my job to follow giant robots and observe what they do." Steven lied, giving a fake grin. Tim luckily bought the lie as he gave a smile in response. "Okay then." Tim said. Steven clapped his hands together. "Great. Um can you do me a favor and keep an eye on Mouse while I'm gone?" Steven requested. Tim nodded. "Can do buddy." he agreed. "Thanks." Steven said quickly as he headed off to transform into Wordman. "Don't let Mouse dig any holes to the Earth's core!" Steven yelled before disappeared from Tim's sight. Tim then looked down at his yard with a frown. "Darn it, I forgot to bring my watering can from the shed."
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