#sagittarius zodiac sign
Sagittarius Home Pt.2
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awda · 2 years
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Link to my Etsy shop for personal Composite chart readings 🖤
Sun in Composite part one
Hii Muerte babys ♥️
Omggg this is literally the last planet of me observing in Composite.. Don’t worry tho guys ima still observe asteroids in Composite
Well… is been a long ride.. I honestly didn’t expect one post to turn into a whole series, thank you if you have been here since the beginning of when this series started.
Stay on the look out for Moon in Composite redo!! Ima redo the whole post, I’ll make it a separate post though so I can keep the memories :-) The redo will include more detailed interpretations of the Moon signs in Composite.
If you can guess the first ever part of the Composite series I will follow you back 😏 Comment your guesses ( Only one guess allowed )
Guys I’m so sorrryyyy I forgot to put Virgo Sun in here 🤦🏻‍♀️ This is why I need to start proof reading 😭 Virgo Sun will be included in Part two, my apologies guys :-/
I hope ya enjoy reblog as usual if resonated 😁🫶🏼
Aries Sun in Composite indicates the relationship came naturally to the couple, Aries rules self so you can say these couples caught each other’s eye and were physically attracted to each other from the start, kind of like a gasp when they first saw each other, and the relationship just evolved from there. Aries Sun is a indication of mutual attraction is shorter words. My advice on keeping the spark alive when you share a Aries Sun with your partner is COMPLIMENTS, COMPLIMENTS, COMPLIMENTS! Dressing up for each other, taking pictures and sending it to them randomly, commenting on each other’s social media posts, being clingy with them, making it known that you both are together, just being around each other in general will help the spark stay alive. Honestly you don’t have to do much to keep these relationships going. They’re like the type of exes to not talk for 9273939393 years and when they start talking back again is like they never stopped, the attraction comes back like 🫰🏼 that. These relationships aren’t high maintenance at all. Quality time is a big thing for Aries Sun couples usually they’ll want to be around each other 24/7, literally be in each other’s skin 😭 The status of these relationships is obvious. Couples with Aries Sun usually are on the same page when it comes to their relationship together. I feel like Sun in Composite can also indicate how the relationship is seen by the couple. So if we’re looking at this placement in that way, we could say that Aries Sun couples may see the relationship as apart of them, something that makes them feel better, feel more like theirselves, the relationship helps them feel like a better version of themselves, these couples could feel like the relationship is literally a addition to their identity.
Taurus Sun in Composite is a indication of the relationship being not as fast paced as Aries Sun, could be a relationship that is. relationship that was never supposed to sprout or planned to lead to a relationship. These couples were more likely to avoid a romantic relationship together, could’ve been focused on other things in life than starting a relationship together. Also a indication of both not liking each other that much at first or at least not in a romantic way. Most likely the couple that everyone else shipped together but both would always be like “nooooooo” or would just reject the idea as a whole. Taurus Sun in Composite is a obvious placement of a relationship they both personally never expected. They’re also the type of couples to not talk for a while, overall you’re so lucky if you share a Taurus Sun with someone and you both actually end up dating, not even lucky, just rare to be honest 💀 Mashallah, I share a Taurus Sun with a romantic interest and we both constantly deal with these issues on a dailyyyyyy 🥲 So just sharing a Taurus Sun with your romantic partner is proof that you both actually do like each other, like I said you really have to put in the work for these relationships to work, as a borderline the thought of someone actually putting in effort to have a connection with me is dreamy except the thought of ACTUALLY the work of also reciprocating that is what keeps me away from catching feelings with those I share this placement with </3 My advice for Taurus Sun couples on keeping the spark alive is to plan stuff ahead together, reassurance is 🗝 key for this to be a long term relationship, you both need to be willing to make sacrifices for each other to make this relationship work, making time for each other is MANDATORY for the relationship to work out.
Gemini Sun in Composite is a indication of a relationship that was more likely of starting off as just friends but not JUST FRIENDS. Like when they see each other, they’d greet each other and keep walking. What I mean but not JUST friends because in Tarot Gemini represents The Lovers, so I’d imagine Gemini Sun couples from the start to feel interested in being more than just friends or being super close to the point others think they’re more than just friends. I notice a lot of Gemini Sun relationships is childish, not childish in a bad way but childish in a way the relationship can almost feel like they’re little kids again, stuck in puppy love. I also notice some Gemini Sun couples from the beginning were already in a relationship or just involved in romance in general. ( Also I randomly channeled the word ‘tranquility’ so however that resonates let me know ) Gemini Sun couples are HUGE flirts together, flirting, compliments, clinginess, all matters in order for these relationships to work, but since in numerology the number three rules Gemini, this means is possible for their to be lots of resistance on starting a relationship together, like I said I noticed a lot of Gemini Sun couples at first involved in other situations regarding love, so that could correlate to Gemini being ruled by the number three in numerology. Although there is a lot of static & bad stereotypes of Gemini in Composite, I notice Gemini Sun in composite is the most ideal placement for majority, at least if you want a long term relationship ( Of course other aspects can affect this ). I say this because sharing Gemini Sun with someone means you both will naturally be on the same page of what the connection is, and if you both wanna go further, etc. My advice for Gemini Sun couples on keeping the spark alive in the relationship is basically the same as for Scorpio Sun couples, stop resisting a relationship together. If you both like each other why not persuade a relationship together? Resistance is the main downfall of these relationships. Also don’t be hesitant on showing affection towards each other. What’s a relationship without affection?
Cancer Sun in Composite is a lot more common in connections with family members, I personally share this placement with my cousins more than any other family relation. Anyways that’s besides the point because in this post I’m not interpreting platonic connections. So when you share a Cancer Sun with someone at first you both could feel a sense of comfortability, like feeling comfortable putting a label on the connection automatically. You know those friends you have that you met randomly just by greeting each other one day and now you both hangout whenever and are comfortable with each other? Yeah you probably share a Cancer Sun with them. Anyways back to the point, you both are more likely to be on the same page when it comes to what the connection is, similar to Gemini Sun couples. I notice with Cancer Sun couples it didn’t take as long to start making the relationship official or start talking romantically to each other as it did with Taurus and Virgo Sun couples. I like to mix Tarot with Astrology and in Tarot, water signs represents cups and cups represents months so Cancer or for the other water signs, could’ve only taken a few months to actually make things official or just in general start talking romantically to each other. You know how at family meet ups and stuff, that one nosy family member always asks about your love life? I feel like Cancer Sun in Composite could have a correlation to that 💀 My advice on how to keep the relationship’s spark alive is for you both to work on separating your personal life’s outside of the relationship. Funny how I say this because Cancer rules 4H family and most people tend to feel like having a family relation automatically means you have to have a connection with the family member just because you’re blood related or just related in terms of family in general so Cancer Sun couples has a possibility of having this affect too. Which is why both needs to work on keeping up a wall from their personal life and their relationship, work on keeping a sense of self outside of the relationship.
Leo Sun in composite reminds me of those friends you have and barely talk or see each other but be rarely to defend each other in everything. For like how the relationship initially began I’d say from play flirting, acting like you both are in a relationship, being friends but NOT JUST FRIENDS vibe. If you were on Instagram in 2017, do you remember how people used to have titles with someone? Like call someone their “Daymaker” ? Reminds me of that instead replace “Daymaker” with “Fake Bae”. Leo represents Strength in Tarot so I’d imagine Leo Sun couples from the start to have a strong bond or desire a strong bond together. Do you have a friend you just KNOW you can count on? Yeah bestie you both most likely share a Leo Sun 😁☀️✨ Type of couple to hype each other up in EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING! Will literally have a whole instagram highlight of pictures of them together. The focus of these relationships is to please each other, if this placement is undeveloped be careful of having too much make up s*x, or just in general diluting problems with love, thinking love will solve every issue in the relationship. Also the type of couple to have millions of pictures together, literally can make a portfolio out of their pictures together. Conceited are these couples, literally 💅🏼 May have lots of people trying to interfere with their relationship. Sharing a Leo Sun with someone will have people constantly asking about the relation of you both. Also when you share a Leo Sun couple of undeveloped be careful of idolizing the relationship, making the relationship one of your personality traits 🌚 Leo Sun couples are known to put LOTS of effort in their relationship. This placement will have you ghosting your friends left to right just because you have a urge to focus on the relationship more, is like this relationship literally brightens up your whole life, the relationship is one of your new happy, safe place. By the way don’t blame that one friend that ghosted you when they got into that one relationship, blame the Leo Sun they share with the person 😛 My advice for Leo Sun couples on keeping the spark alive is allowing you both to thrive outside of the relationship, allowing you both to have a separate life outside of the relationship ( not double lives besties, I mean like not making the relationship your ENTIRE focus, don’t loose yourself trying to keep up with the relationship, work on putting yourself first no matter what ). Leo Sun couples can get so caught up into their partner complimenting them and loving their insecurities, when the relationship ends they are both more likely to feel less confident or just in general less happy. Leo Sun couples work on finding confidence within yourself, and find personal happiness outside of the relationship as well and make sure to take breaks from the relationship if needed ♥️ Your mental health is important, always put it first.
Libra Sun in Composite reminds me of 4 of Pentacles in Tarot. I say this because in Tarot, 4 of Pentacles in a love reading is a representation of possessiveness and the most common stereotype of Libra placements is romance, clinginess, however that’s not the only reason 4 of Pentacles reminds me of Libra Sun couples also because Libra Sun couples at their beginning of their connection were more likely to feel shy around each other ( Note: 4 of Pentacles also represents resistance ). Obviously shyness is not a rare feeling for most people first meeting their romantic interest however I notice Libra Sun couples can have a more lighthearted shyness, not the shyness where you’ll only talk to the other person if they talk to you first except a shyness where you both feel open to talking to each other without being anxious, you feel more confident & open about talking to this person about different subjects you wouldn’t with other people. You can also find you both being more open about what the connection is, like to be honest, I feel like most Libra Sun couples first encounter could’ve initially been through conflict, or some type of disagreement, like people who dislike each other to lovers vibe 🌚 Libra represents Justice in Tarot, so this correlation makes a lot of sense because this has a connection to Libra Sun couples feeling a urge to be more honest with each other, be more honest about the relationship, about what they where they both relationship to go. Not even gonna lie, Libra Sun is a indication of a rebound relationship 💀 If you both weren’t each other’s rebounds at first, you both most likely went through a situation that took a toll on both of ya confidence and this relationship is kind apart of your healing process should I say? Let me know Libra Suns, I wanna know how the Tarot card Justice correlates to your first encounter together 😁🤞🏼 There could’ve been playful flirting here and there and a relationship is the outcome of that. Also there may be a sense of focus on reliability when it comes to Libra Sun couples, like you both rely on the relationship for something, you both equally want something out of the relationship, which is why I said this is a ideal sneaky link placement 🙃😅 Equal give and take 😛 Libra Sun couples could also notice every little change in the relationship, so when you share a Libra Sun with someone don’t worry about miscommunication, of course if there is complications check aspects to Mercury to see what the stars has to say 🌚 Lucky thing is you both won’t have to worry about if you both are on the same page or not, because Libra being in this placement allows you both to be telepathically connected when it comes to what type of timing you on regarding the connection 🍀 My advice for Libra Sun couples on keeping the spark alive: For one if this placement is undeveloped be careful of jealousy issues, you are both prone to having a urge to overprotect each other in some way or just have the urge to wanna keep each other to yourselves. Work on communicating how you both see/feel about the relationship. For developed Libra Sun couples, work on having another safe place outside of the relationship.
Scorpio Sun in Composite share similarities with Taurus and Pisces Sun in Composite, I notice these three placements are the most likely to being a unexpected relationship, Scorpio Sun couples at the start were more likely to attempt to date or talk romantically but never get the chance or “right time” to actually put effort into the connection so it can evolve into a relationship. Their perspective of the relationship could be versatile, not knowing what the relationship actually is, not knowing what to label the relationship. Could sometimes if undeveloped, feel like the relationship is a lost potential or not worth it to begin with. Scorpio Sun couples when finally official are prone to seeing the relationship as a escape from reality ( can possibly resonate to Pisces Sun couples too ). Or prone to seeing the relationship as a connection that has changed them in some way or changed their perspective on relationships. My advice for keeping the spark alive in these relationships is to stop waiting for the “right time” to start a relationship with each other, just do it. Also work on getting out of the mindset of thinking the relationship HAS to survive off of certain standards in order to actually be “considered” a relationship, you both also need to work on attachment issues/commitment issues if undeveloped.
Sagittarius Sun in Composite indicates the two at the beginning of knowing each other were more likely to be distant from the idea of a relationship together. Probably never even thought a relationship would be a possibility of the two. Sagittarius Sun couples share similarities with Taurus/Virgo Sun couples. There’s two types I’ve observed of Sagittarius Sun couples. The first type being even if the two WANTS to date each other there’s something always in the way of that idea, this type of Sagittarius Sun couple at the beginning of their connection could find themselves just being physically distant from each other in general, doesn’t even have to mean they don’t like each other romantically and other things are getting in the way, is just the distant of them actually. This type of Sagittarius Sun couple is more likely to be a long distance relationship ( Overall, Sagittarius Sun in Composite is a indication of a long distance relationship ). Or if the two isn’t physically distant, they could find themselves when persuading a relationship together and actually putting in effort, like going on a date for example, the date never happens because the two can’t find a way to fit in each other’s time. The second type of Sagittarius Sun couple, both could find themselves always being in the same place as each other, even if they tried to separate from each other is like something just pushes them back together, have you ever met someone you just can’t seem to get away from? Like you don’t even attend to see them somewhere and they’re just there every single time? Or you go somewhere not expecting to see someone, and then they’re there? You’re like “what are you doing here?” or “why are you every where I am?” On some stalker timing LMFAO NOT EVEN INTENTIONAL 😭 Anyways both Sagittarius Sun couples share more similarities than differences, the only difference I’ve observed so far is distance between the two. My advice for keeping the spark alive is to work on not overthinking about the relationship. Let divine timings do is thing. Stop trying to have so much willpower over the relationship. If is meant to work out, it will work out.
Capricorn Sun in Composite could be a indication of a arranged relationship. This placement reminds me of a sneaky link connection, idk why LMFAOOO 😭😭 Naur all jokes aside, Capricorn Sun in Composite indicates the two at the beginning of the relationship were more likely to have a idea or set perspective on the relationship, very firm I’d say? More serious platonic vibe than romantic. When you share a Capricorn Sun with a romantic interest is just like FINALLY! Like the feeling of a success after hard work, or the stretch in the morning when you wake up from a good long nap, or the big gasp you take when is cold outside, in my opinion if this placement is well developed this relationship can benefit both individuals and be very satisfying. More likely to take some time to actually make the relationship official, like you both could feel hesitant at first on actually dating, similar to the bubbling feeling you get on the first day back to school, or going into a job interview, for my people who suffer with anxiety, you know the feeling I’m talking about. You both are prone to asking yourself “Will this work out?”, feeling nervous about even giving the relationship a slight chance. If undeveloped both could purposely distract themselves from the relationship like purposely keeping theirselves busy to avoid getting caught up in the relationship. I heard a sound on TikTok that’s like “Break the pattern today, or the loop will repeat again tomorrow” why this reminds me of Capricorn Sun couples, oh also reminds me of Scorpio Sun couples too!!! Anyways that sound reminds me of these couples because they’re always purposely AVOIDING the relationship out of fear, and depending on other placements/aspects they could one day attempt to get out of this fear bubble, and actually give the relationship a chance, then they just can’t because they’re already so stuck and wrapped up in that fear. Capricorn Sun couples like Virgo, has a serious approach towards the relationship, both are reciprocal when it comes to the relationship, I guess you could label this placement alone as a indication of stability in the relationship. Overall this placement is ideal for long term relationships, if you both want it to work out, it will work out. Both are comfortable with the label of the relationship, sometimes I feel like Capricorn Sun in Composite is more of a friend zone placement, because how this placement can heavily influence a stable ground, on one label. Confusion is less likely to happen in these relationships, well at least regarding what the individuals are to each other. You can think of Capricorn Sun couples almost like a Dynamic Balancing Pendulum, both individuals are on the same timing when it comes to the connection. My advice for these couples is to not get so stuck on routine when it comes to the relationship, work on getting out of your comfort zone and exploring new titles together, if it doesn’t work out, it just doesn’t work out, why dwell on if? You know at the beginning of the relationship, you will both text each other goodmorning or goodnight like a few days into the relationship, don’t get so caught up into that cycle, i feel like if this placement is undeveloped it can lead to both individuals being bored of the relationship and of course what happens when two in the relationship are unsatisfied? it leads to a breakup. so don’t be so caught up into routine, surprise each other, lead each other on ( not really but let the tension build up ), i feel like capricorn sun couples can learn a lot from leo mars individuals, you know how a leo mars gets mad, and they just flame up like when you turn on the stove a flame just 🔥 comes up like that? let the affectionate tension build up so much like that, and then one day just let it all out on each other and it’ll be less boring, go out with each other more, i feel like virgo suns can relate to capricorn suns getting bored of the relationship as well.
Part two
P.S. If ya want me to elaborate on Capricorn Sun in Composite more let me know in the comments!
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erinmcdowellart · 5 months
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It's Sagittarius season
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ladybugtrait · 1 year
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Here is my first girl from my Zodiac signs
She has one outfit
CC not included!!
CC List with download link :
Thank you for all CC creator!
@northernsiberiawinds , @daylifesims , @obscurus-sims , @sims3melancholic , @slayclassy-showroom , @msqsimscreations , @belaloallure3 , @remussirion , @outfitopia , @madlensims , @simandy , @magic-bot , @miikocc , @marsosims
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whimsicalpoet44 · 1 year
Something that seems fun that I've seen other people do occasionally is post astro observations based on the current sun sign. So let's see how long I can keep up with it until I forget. 😂
Observations are my own and may not apply to everyone with these placements. And that's okay!
This will likely be oddly specific because I have 5 Sag placements and endless supply of Sag friends and will be generalized to all Sag placements 😂
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Sagittarius Astro Observations in Honor of Sagittarius Season
💥 It's a well known fact that Sag Mercurys struggle with their words, but to some degree, I think all Sag placements struggle to communicate what they truly meant. It's just more focused on intent instead of literal communication.
💥 Though they are extroverts, most Sagittarius placements also need a level of solitude and comfortability to function. Your Sagittarius friends are going to be the ones in the corner laughing and talking amongst each other, appearing extroverted. But among themselves and the people they're comfortable with, they'll be planning their escape from the event while gossiping about their observations of others in the group. They're always secretly watching and perceiving, and their goal is to get somewhere they feel comfortable so they can continue to cut up and have fun.
💥 They communicate in sarcasm. Others perceive them as either funny for this or annoying. But Sagittarius individuals can always spot another Sag because they'll joke the exact same way. It's kind of scary to be honest lol As a Sag, talking to other Sag individuals is such a relief because it's like we have our own language at times.
I had a friend group where 3 of us were Sagittarius Suns and one of my friends was a Sag Moon. And we always said just enough to everyone else to appear engaged, but we often spoke to one another in dry and sarcastic jokes. The table often went silent if they overheard us and we would all just look at one another. This has happened to me in other gatherings with other Sag placements as well. (specifically Suns)
💥 This could be controversial, but I think Sag placements have a lot of chemistry with other Sag placements romantically. There's this deep inner understanding of one another As a Sagittarius myself, I find myself most attracted to other Sag individuals and have had similar sentiments said to me from my Sag friends.
Having a mind that works differently from the majority of other signs allows you to easily engage in conversation with other Sag individuals and there's just this deep innate respect and unvocalized acknowledgement of appreciation for their mind. Other Sag placements have the ability to match your energy and they love spending HOURS talking about the mysteries of the universe.
There's also an understanding that commitment is difficult and scary, so that takes a lot of the pressure off of the situation and allows us to focus on the conversation and just enjoy our time together. The closest sign I've found this similar camaraderie with are Gemini placements, Virgo placements, and Aquarius placements. But it's not quite the same.
Scorpio too, but it takes a really long time to build up the rapport to get to that point. So it takes away a lot of the mystery. Scorpio also wants to know your deepest darkest secrets, whereas Sags want to talk about the deep and dark mysteries of the world, but don't want to go too deep into their own traumas.
I've had convos with Sag individuals that lasted hours talking about how we'd solve humanitarian issues and what we were currently doing in activism circles, the mysteries of space, important moments in history, and how trauma can affect the development of an individual. But the single second you ask them about their own experience with trauma or what their childhood was like, they're out the door. 😂
💥 A lot of people say Sag placements are all talk and no bite, but I think they have a more overt approach that's similar to Scorpio. Where Scorpio moves in silence, Sag placements are going to tell you what they're going to do and how much it'll affect you. They might not throw hands, but they'll throw words that can cut you like a knife. They can also take action to make your life way harder than it should be. That's why a calm Sag is never a good sign.
If they are comfortable fighting, they'll let you talk all your talk and they'll stand there with a calm rage. Then they'll laugh (if you see a Sag laugh when they're angry, run 😂) and punch you right in the face. 😂 Can confirm from watching countless of my Sag friends 😂
💥 Sag placements are really open minded and understanding, so if they're annoyed with you they're either A) projecting onto you based off of a past experience with someone else (which is not ok) or B) you're likely just annoying. Or you crossed a boundary. But don't worry, they'll make sure you know (unless they have Pisces, Cancer, Libra, or 12th House Placements).
💥 On the flip side, ironically, Sag placements can be more vulnerable to culty belief systems and can struggle admitting the flaws associated with their own values. They usually get there eventually, but not without causing irreparable harm to themselves and others.
We saw a lot of this in the deconstruction movement with Saturn in Sag. Once they break the mold and expectations, they examine EVERYTHING from there on out with a fine tooth comb.
💥 Every person with prominent Sag placements that I know played Soccer in childhood.
💥 They are extremely loyal to a fault. So, if a Sag cuts you off, it's not a good sign.
💥 Sag placements are just happy to be invited to come along for the ride. They're the perfect "running errands" buddies, because they find an adventure in anything. They enjoy spending time with people that make them happy and their mutable energy allows them to go with the flow.
💥 They value honesty and they always try to get the truth in any situation. However, they also make great liars.
All mutable signs have this "two sided" energy to them. They can flip the switch at any moment when they've had enough. I think this is a valuable trait when used ethically and for the health and well being of the person with the sign.
For Example... Sagittarius = Half man, half centaur. Pisces = The two fish. Gemini = The twins. Virgo = The maiden (some believe the maiden represent Persephone - the Goddess of Spring and the Queen of Hell and is often used to depict duality).
💥 They're the perfect people to have around in crisis. Since they're so flexible, they can stay level headed and calm to address the problem. And they often have someone laughing by the end of it.
💥 Don't ever tell a Sag they can't do something because they'll make it their life mission to prove you wrong. All they need for motivation is pure spite. (I think I've pointed this out in other posts. But I literally have a whole degree because someone told me I couldn't do it. I was smirking at graduation when they came up to congratulate me)
💥 They're often misperceived to be arguing when they're just talking.
💥 Sag placements often show up for others but don't always get the same energy back. This is why they enjoy being in their own company. This is tenfold if their 8th/12th house is ruled by Sag.
They were often the only support system they had in childhood or they were ostracized from friend groups. They could've even been the outcast of the family for not assimilating into the familial belief system.
They don't worry a lot of the time because they know they'll always figure it out. Because they've been forced to fix every single one of their problems alone at some point in their life. Not to mention, Jupiter looks out for them in really hard times.
💥 They aren't lucky in everyday endeavors. They're lucky in crisis. When something bad happens, Jupiter saves the day. But they aren't inherently lucky all of the time.
💥 When things don't go their way, and they experience a string of bad luck, they check out. They throw their hands up and throw in the towel. Because if nothing is going right, then they're going to do what they want anyways. And they're going to be hopeful about it all. Sometimes, they become complacent and expect everything to fix itself, but they know deep down they have to crawl out of the hole they dug for themselves. Which they do. Eventually.
💥 Every Sagittarius I know, myself included, battles mental health issues, but they have this child like hope inside of them that they cling onto for dear life. They look for the little things that amaze them. They find beauty anywhere.
The best example I can give for this is how I react during depressive episodes. I get really down and out, often daydreaming of a solution. But to distract myself, I'll research the wonders of the world and just be so ridiculously amazed about what human beings can do or what science can prove, that I gain hope. And I cling to it.
My friend is a Pluto in Scorpio generation. I'm Pluto in Sag. Anytime the news gets scary and I become afraid, I'll go outside and look for things that make me happy. He's caught me completely mesmerized watching butterflies before and he was so confused by that. I looked him in the eye and said "Don't you think it's completely amazing how caterpillars become the chrysalis and go through such an emotionally draining transformation, only to hatch and have to learn how to fly? Isn't it inspiring how they go through all of that alone, and still manage to feel the wind on their wings and taste what freedom feels like?" He gave me a blank stare before he busted out laughing and was like "That was such a Sagittarius thing for you to say because only you would know that and only you would look at life that way."
He's right. And now it's what I use to describe Sag energy every time now 😂
💥 I've said this in my song rec post, but Ryan Caraveo's songs are raw authentic Sag energy. He's a Sag sun and stellium I think. (I'm pretty sure he's also a 12th houser - if you are too, look up his song Ghost)
But I can encapsulate the entirety of Sagittarius energy in these two parts from his song "Feelings" - trigger warning SI (passive):
"A year went by, I made no moves Waiting on luck when I know it ain't enough And it took rock bottom to finally wake me up
Yeah, but now I'm feeling like the man (feeling like a man) 'Cause I do my thing and I won't go back Even though I can, yeah Ambition is something I need Something I be, not what I do I need it to breathe, need it to dream Yes, I believe I got something to prove"
"I promise to break before I drop to my knees If I can learn before I pray Then it's a problem that God doesn't need It's more than just words, more than a phrase More than advice, I got it from me Back from the bottom with nothing to fear Easy to say, harder to be Ready to go, go Ready to jump, yeah I've been on that bridge Never know hope, hope Never know love That was the way that I lived Oh, what a feeling to turn it around After my ceiling was burned to the ground Death was appealing, I stood up to deal with it That is the feeling of earning a crown I am a king, I am a king F*** all the stresses, man, that's not a thing F*** the depression, man, I got a dream If I want excellence, that's what I bring I am the truth, I am the lie I am the wall between me and the prize I am the difference between being dead while I'm living and living while I am alive And if I fail Then it's probably 'cause I don't have those great surroundings, right? Nah, it's up to me to bring the great out of everything that I am surrounded by, and I'll admit I made enough excuses The blame game, that's just as useless The want that you have: that's justice, use it Ain't sh** left Just f***ing do it!"
Literally, that is Sagittarius in a whole song. I can't describe it any better. The beat makes it perfect. His other songs are exactly Sag energy. 'Thrivin' is also a perfect encapsulation of Sag energy.
"I just wanna say sorry. I have been oh so selfish. Livin' my life, not too involved in no one else's. I guess I got too greedy. Scared to love freely. Can't hold a conversation. Blamed it on my ADD. Yeah I blamed it on my habitat, old habits that die hard doing anything to have some racks.....Yeah I'm good. Yeah I'm fine. I don't wake up feelin' like I wanna d*e. no. Cause I'm thrivin' now...I don't do the sh** I used to do survive no, cause I'm thrivin' now."
And the whole music video is literally Sag energy. I laughed through the whole thing. But in the music, he captures the goofiness and the go with the flow nature of Sag and the lyrics, he has a sarcastic undertone in a lot of his songs. I feel seen every time I listen to him. 😂
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annabeiie420 · 1 year
Hi 👋🏼. I would like to hear about Sagittarius Moons. If you don’t mind. If not that’s totally understandable. Take care 🌸
I’ve always been interested in sagittarius moons. I’ve seen that sagittarius moons and suns actually have similar personalities; I think this is because the moon is not super compatible with this sign, and one will always overpower the other. However I don’t think that makes this a bad placement to have. I know someone who has a sag moon and he loves to travel, he’s very physically active- he plays sports and spends a lot of time at the gym, and he reads a lot of books -specifically history and fantasy. When he was younger he was called “the little philosopher.” These people have VERY active minds and imaginations.
This placement has a lot of positive traits including a very literal positive outlook on life. Sag is ruled by jupiter which is thirsty for knowledge, intellectual stimulation, expansion of the mind, and wisdom. These people ask a lot of questions and don’t just blindly accept the answers they’re given. They dig deeper into “truths” because they are searching for the bigger picture, yet because they are so focused on the big picture they can easily miss smaller details that can point them in the right direction. sooooo if you’re a sag moon, it’s important for you to slow down a bit when searching for answers/solutions. Take a step back from yourself and reevaluate the situation.
They are like their sister moon sign, gemini, fast paced, quick witted, honestly a little chaotic, and have this attitude of “do whatever you want, i don’t care,” or “I’m just gonna do me.”Sagittarius moons are drama queens, but if you tell them this they will (dramatically) tell you why you are wrong. This is a fairly stubborn placement even though they are so open minded because once they find the belief system and ideology that they relate to, they won’t let anyone deter them from it (except for themselves). Maybe stubborn is the wrong word, instead i should say they are strong-willed and confident in themselves. They go according to their own agenda, and, honestly, no one else’s schedule would benefit them the same as their own.
In a relationships, I think (especially paired with sag venus) people with this placement will love to be challenged. Not necessarily on everything, but a healthy amount of debate will keep them on their toes and help maintain a lively relationship, platonic or romantic. Someone who will always be willing to go out or try something new and fun will be perfect for them.
These people start to feel depressed when they feel restrained, disrespected, or that they have reached a complacent spot in their life (work, relationships, etc). To this i recommend going out with friends or being physical (sex tbh) maybe try something new like roller skating, rock climbing, yoga, fuck it even go for a run if you don’t normally do that. Taking a class or reading a book that teaches you something new will get you intellectual stimulated and help you hop out of your rut. These people can be very impatient and can lose hope when things stop moving forward, even momentarily.
Philosophy is going to be a major outlet for this placement, and a healthy amount of it will help them maintain or develop an optimistic outlook. Being ruled by jupiter, sagittarius craves expansion, and in the moon placement it becomes expansion of the mind and challenging their own thoughts. I think this trait can make them very susceptible to substance use. This moons sign might want to see just how much they can use to reach a new area of their mind, to uncover something hidden in their own thoughts, to expand and break the boundaries. i know this is not the coolest to say… meditate (shout out to J. Cole). The feeling of expansion, serenity, and discovery that comes with using….. also comes from intense meditation. Granted meditating is much harder than doing a bunch of drugs (SHORT TERM), but sagittarius moons are always up for a good challenge.
anyways sag moons are fucking cool. best person to have a fun day and a late night with. Conversation is never boring and they have such vibrant and wacky energy. They know how to laugh, how to set aside seriousness and just goof off. When the time comes they will put their serious hat back on and get shit done, but they understand life is better when you can laugh at yourself, your pain, just fuck around and waste time.
a sagittarius rising 😎🤙
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flickeringart · 1 year
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Please feel free to share your own perspective on Sagittarius dark side in the comments !
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sosangelas · 1 year
Trying to get a Virgo ♍️ , Sagittarius ♐️, Aries ♈️ and Aquarius ♒️ to cuddle you be like
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mariliazo · 2 years
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A character for every sign, based on the canon birthdate of the Harry Potter's characters. 6/6
Other sagittarius are Bill and Charlie Weasley (the fire signs are absolutely full of Weasley kids) but Hagrid is more import in the story.
The only tauros well known are Horace Slughorn and Pomona Sprout. Which I didn't like at first but I have to admit that I'm pretty happy with how the Taurus turned out.
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incorrecthoroscopes · 2 years
Sagittarius: That sex was poggers, but I have to go back to discussing the morality of cannibalism with strangers on the internet now.
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astrosolutions · 8 months
Sagittarius Male Traits: The Secrets of Sagittarius Male Personality
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The Sagittarius Zodiac is the 9th sign of the zodiac, and it is represented by the archer. Sagittarius men are born between November 22 and December 21, and they belong to the fire element. They are adventurous, optimistic, enthusiastic, and freedom-loving. They are always looking for new experiences, knowledge, and wisdom. The Sagittarius men are not afraid to take risks and explore the unknown.
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Why is it always the Sagittarius that doesn’t have their license?
Yall wanna live freely but can’t find the self discipline to get your drivers test scheduled? Or maybe they enjoy the thrill of all the new Uber drivers they get to meet.
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mooncastleastrology · 2 years
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johnnydany · 1 year
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Don't Flirt With Me I Love My Girl She Is A Crazy Sagittarius T-Shirt
Get yours now: https://www.teepublic.com/t-shirt/38102338-dont-flirt-with-me-i-love-my-girl-she-is-a-crazy-s
Let's Share & Tag Someone Who Would Love This Shirt
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mypanditastrologer · 8 days
Sagittarius Zodiac Sign: Know Zodiac Sign Sagittarius Meaning, traits & facts
When it comes to the zodiac, Sagittarius is the shining star! As a Sagittarius myself, I can attest to the fact that we Sagittarians are like a burst of sunshine in human form. Known for our optimistic outlook and boundless enthusiasm, we approach life with an open heart and a curious mind.
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Sagittarius, or 'Sags' as we affectionately call ourselves, are truth seekers at our core. We're not afraid to speak our minds and stand up for what we believe in. The words "I can't" simply don't exist in our vocabulary because we firmly believe that anything is possible if you set your mind to it. We're like human versions of Tigger from Winnie the Pooh - endlessly energetic, friendly, and always ready for adventure.
One of the defining characteristics of a Sagittarius zodiac sign is our insatiable thirst for knowledge. We're constantly seeking out new experiences, whether it's through travel, exploration, or deep philosophical discussions. We thrive on the excitement of discovering new ideas and perspectives, and we're always up for a lively debate or conversation.
Our love for adventure knows no bounds. We're natural-born explorers who are always itching to hit the road and see what the world has to offer. Routine and monotony bore us to tears, so we're constantly seeking out new thrills and experiences to keep life interesting. Whether it's trekking through the jungle, exploring ancient ruins, or simply wandering the streets of a foreign city, we're always up for an adventure.
At the heart of it all, Sagittarius is guided by an unwavering sense of optimism and joy. We approach life with a playful, childlike spirit, and we're always looking for the silver lining in every situation. No matter how challenging life may get, we always manage to find a reason to smile and keep moving forward.
In conclusion, Sagittarius is so much more than just a zodiac sign - it's a way of life. Full of boundless energy, endless curiosity, and an unshakeable sense of optimism, Sagittarians are truly one-of-a-kind. So here's to all my fellow Sagittarians out there - may we continue to roam the world with joy in our hearts and adventure in our souls.
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astrologyshitpost · 2 years
Signs and their months on an alignment chart
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