#sammy gets stuck in a tree!
violet-gumdrop · 1 year
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Very very small sneak peak at a little comic/animatic im working on of an interaction between Sammy and Eddie! I've commission eddie_dearvaaccount on tik tok (he isn't the official VA) for some lines so I threw some sounds together to make something silly! I'll hopefully be done with the rough in like a week!
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swan2swan · 27 days
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Sammy pls.
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nyxiswrites1200 · 5 months
💚𝑺𝒂𝒎 𝑾𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒄𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒏𝒔💚
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Sam Winchester x GN!Reader
Warnings: NSFT, MDNI, Early seasons Sam (spoilers S1-3), Romantic, Mentions nightmares, Mentions of sex, fingering, This is my opinion based on Sam's character and what I've watched so far
An: I'm so insane guys, I just had to dump out all my Sammy thoughts <3 I'm working on the Leon thing but I hated it and started over :( anyhow, enjoy my insanity.
Sam is a gentle lover, his nature alone is naturally gentle. He doesn't see the world in black and white but rather shades of gray. He doesn't like lying or doing things he considers unnecessary.
I feel like Sam doing things irrationally comes from being pushed to the edge. He gets put under so much stress or such a drive to save someone that he does stuff that isn't like him. Even then, he tends to have a plan of what he's gonna do.
I personally think Sam has nightmares. Between the psychic visions he would have and all the tragedies he's witnessed. I especially feel like his mom, Jessica, and Madison are recurring ones. I would say he takes sleeping pills but I also think maybe he's too on edge to make himself that vulnerable.
It would be hard to get Sam into another relationship. With all the tragedies of the other girls he fell for, he'd be worried to indulge in someone else..
Sam smells like pine trees, very earthy I can imagine. If you've ever walked into a motel room, it's freshly cleaned, that kind of smell is something I also associate with him.
When thinking of products he uses specifically. He definitely has some good smelling shampoo and conditioner for that hair. Also thinking of maybe old spice products such as deodorant (not sure why, it just feels right.) Maybe it's something Jessica introduced him to and he's always stuck with it now, not wanting the trouble of changing it. That is if he has the option of choice, free motel products are probably the norm for him.
Imagining a sleeping Sam in those plaid pajama pants and a gray T-shirt, or no shirt preferably.
But if he did allow himself to be with someone again...
Sam is a gentleman. We see him opening doors and comforting people all the time in the show. He would open any door for you, hold you, comfort you, whatever you needed.
Sam is a big baby at times! Sometimes he is so pathetic and I mean that in the most loving way ever. He definitely loves cuddles and not having to sleep alone, especially if he has nightmares or visions. It helps having you there to comfort him, just knowing he isn't alone.
Imagine giving Sam a bracelet or anything he can wear honestly, he'd wear it all the time. My first thought being just some simple bracelet you think would suit him, he'd never take it off. Pulling his jacket sleeve over it during hunts to make sure it doesn't get damaged.
If Sam was worried about your safety in a situation, he'd keep you so close. If he could, he'd hold your hand or keep his arm around you. Beforehand, he'd definitely try to make you stay at the motel and wait.
Sam seems like he'd hold his jacket over you if it suddenly started raining. He never cared if he got soaked by the rain. But you? He'd go the extra mile, or he'd just give you his jacket if you looked cold.
But also kissing in the rain?? Stupidly cliche but maybe after a day of researching with him you get caught out in the rain. However, you don't mind as you drag him into a kiss, tangling a hand into his wet hair. Who is he to deny you?
After stressful hunts, you and Sam will curl up in the motel room together. Sam laying face down between your legs, his head resting on your stomach or chest. His arms wrapped around your waist or rubbing your hips/thighs.
You love to mess with his hair and he loves when you do. Just running your fingers through it brings him a sense of calm.
Pet names he would call you would consist of baby, sweetheart, sweetie, lovely. He'd love calling you affectionate names but wouldn't overuse them.
Sam is definitely a dominant person in bed. He likes the sense of control he can have in this situation when he loses control of everything else in his life.
He's a soft dom though. Lots of praise and making sure you're okay with everything. He wouldn't wanna push you too far or hurt you. He prefers it to be an intimate moment with mutual pleasure and care.
His favorite positions are anything where he can look into your eyes or see your face. He likes holding you in his lap, facing each other, while you ride him. Just so he can lean in and kiss you when he wants or just press his forehead against yours. A good old missionary is also fine by him! Just being able to hold your hips and see himself thrusting in you, it makes his cock twitch.
I have this image of Sam lazily fingering you. Sam's arms and hands are so attractive (the veins!!). He's got you stretched out on two fingers as he slowly pumps them in and out. He's holding you, back pressed into his chest, and his free arm around your mid-section.
He'll make you cum multiple times, at least two if you're willing. Whether he's got you stretched on his fingers or his cock, he knows exactly what you like.
"Does that feel good?" He coos into your ear, his fingers moving faster inside of you. "Doing such a good job..." He praises into your ear before kissing your temple. "Can you finish for me, sweetheart?"
Aftercare is a must! Sam always does aftercare. Whether that's just praising you and making sure you are okay before you both fall asleep or giving you a nice shower/bath. He always makes sure you're taken care of, even if it was only a one night kind of deal, he wouldn't just up and leave.
Anyhow, I just think Sammy is amazing and he'd be such a good boyfriend <3
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winchester-girl67 · 5 months
Wild Hearts (Part 2)
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Summary: Dean steals his father's car to give Y/N a ride home. The next day Y/N tags along to the dunes for sand surfing. 
Pairing: AU!Dean x reader 
Word Count: 3,771 
Warnings: underage, age gap (reader is 16, Dean is 20 but closer to 21), mentions of physical abuse by a parent, past injury (bruising/scars), mentions of death and alcoholism, John is an asshole in this one, underage drinking, angst, language, slow burn, mutual pining, a hint of jealousy, a bit of fluff 
A/N: Sand surfing looks really fun. Didn’t think I’d get this finished before the new year. Happy holidays! 
Dean grabbed your hand every time the headlights of a car came into view and pulled you off more to the side of the road. Placing himself between you so the car would have to go through him to hit you. The last time he did it you held onto his hand and he didn't let go. Until you came up to a driveway that led to a small ranch style house sitting amongst the evergreens. 
You spotted a cherry-condition, black muscle car sitting in the driveway, "No way! Is this your car?" 
"Uh- yeah," he smiled, "-I mean, no. It's my dad's but yeah that's what we're taking." He stumbled out his words as if he was nervous. 
You trailed your finger up the hood of the car, "Sixty-seven?" 
"You know your cars." He smirked. 
"My dad used to drag me to every car show he could when I was younger. On those days he did get off work." You said, admiring the freshly waxed black paint. "And as a result, I developed a thing for pre-seventies muscle." 
"Baby's the only thing my father has ever loved." Dean said and you frowned, "Aside from my mother. She passed away when Sammy was born."
"It's what he calls the car." 
You nodded. "Who's Sammy?" 
"My little brother," he explained with an edge of protectiveness, "He's sixteen, too." He bit the split in his lip until it bled and kicked the front tire with a glare. "He's probably passed out by now," and somehow you knew he was talking about his father again, "But you better wait out here." He said, pushing you off to the side of the house so you blended with the shadows of the trees lining it. "Y/N, if you hear anything... Do not come inside." 
Then he turned around and headed for the door, leaving you with a sinking feeling in your gut. The way he spoke about his father, loving four wheels and engine more than his sons. Dean looked pained at the thought and his eyes greener when they glided over his father's Impala. 
Then it hit you, his warning. His father wasn't a good man. 
You left the shadowed tree line and peered through one of Baby’s windows. Fast food bags littered the front bench seat and a half a bottle of liquor lay on the floor. Your skin started to crawl at the thought of Dean's father coming home half-pissed and taking his day out on his sons. No doubt Dean only stuck around for his little brother. You wondered if Sam had endured the same type of injuries or if Dean always stood between them. Somehow you already knew the answer. 
The screen door shut with an audible creak and Dean reappeared on the porch, "Y/N?" He whisper shouted as he scanned the area you were supposed to wait. "Y/N." 
"Over here," you matched his tone. 
"Got 'em." He jingled the keys for you to see. "Let's push her out onto the street before we start her though." He opened the driver's door, "Here, you steer, I'll push." 
"You're not gonna get in trouble, are you?" You hesitated, you didn't think you could bear to see more bruises on him, or worse. 
He gave you a cocky smile, "I'm not gonna get caught." 
You slid in behind the wheel and shifted into neutral, taking a moment to appreciate Baby's beauty despite the mess of trash in the front seat. Meanwhile Dean ran around to the bumper and started pushing the car down the driveway. You braked when you got to the edge of the street, throwing open the door and letting Dean take over as you slid over to the passenger side. 
The car grinded to a stop as he pulled up in front of your house. It was a beautiful car but the whole ride felt like a tin can rolling over bumps in the road and the muffler rattled against the undercarriage the entire time. His father didn’t seem like the type to put his time or money into anything that couldn’t give back to him. Which apparently included keeping up maintenance on Baby. 
"For someone who's supposed to love this car," you flicked a used ketchup packet onto the floor and wiped your sticky fingers on your jeans, "He's shit at taking care of it." 
"Imagine if he didn't love her." Dean's eyes were lost on the dashboard, deep in some solitary thought. "He didn't deserve her and he doesn't deserve this car." For a moment you thought he must've been talking about his mother. You wondered if the abuse started before or after her passing. You didn't ask. "Are you busy tomorrow?" 
"It's fine if you didn't mean it. About being my friend. But I was gonna go sand surfing and I thought that might be something you'd like to do. Something friends do." He shrugged. "I-I'm not trying to be creepy. Just friends." 
"I don't think you're creepy," you shook your head and met his sad smile, "I'd love to go, sand surfing? What is that?" 
He laughed, "It's like snowboarding but down a sand dune. It's easy, I'll teach you. Fall's the best time for it because the sand won't burn you." 
"That sounds fun." 
"Good, I'll pick you up," he said and then added, "My friend's driving. There'll be others there too, but they're not like your brother's friends." 
"I don't like my brother's friends." 
"These are good people," he smiled, the bruised part of his face hidden in the shadows of the car and you almost forgot about it. He had a nice smile, he didn't show too many teeth or too much gums. "I'll give you my number, in case you decide to cancel." 
You laughed silently but let him enter his phone number into your cell. Then you texted him so he'd have yours, too. 
"Thanks for the ride, Dean." You reached over and gave him a quick side hug. He didn't even have a chance to react but stared at the dash again and nodded when you pulled away. "Text me when you get home or I'll worry." 
"You don't have to worry about me, Y/N, I'm not a child." He said cordially. 
He'd obviously picked up on you putting the pieces of his home life together, his injuries, his father, how much he was risking by stealing Baby tonight. Dean was tall and built enough to protect himself, but nobody should stand alone and clearly his father was still bigger and stronger. 
"People worry about you in every stage of life, Dean. At least they should. I will." He looked over at you and matched your frown. 
"But you only just met me." 
His words echoed in your ears well after you showered and crawled into bed. Dean brought about so many feelings in you that you didn't know which to follow. You felt butterflies, and mutual affection like you'd known each other longer than you did, and an untethered desire to protect him, which was absurd because although he was skinny, he could toss you over his shoulder and spin you around if he wanted to. His bruises and scars made you feel helpless, but his smile made you happy because you could tell he felt lighter, too. 
You checked your phone and found a message from him. 
Dean: Mission impossible accomplished. See you tomorrow. 
Y/N: Thanks for texting. Goodnight, Dean. 
Dean: Night, Y/N. 
You'd be lying if you said you weren't developing a crush. You sighed and rolled over in bed. What could you do, nothing. He'd get into a lot more trouble than you. 
Sleep did not come easy after that and you woke up before you thought you'd even fallen asleep. You groaned and rolled over in bed when you heard your phone buzz. 
Dean: Good morning, Y/N. 
Y/N: Geez, you wake up early. What time is it? 
Dean: You're literally looking at your phone. 
Y/N: Omg! It's 6am, what is wrong with you?! 
Dean: You know the saying, early bird... 
Y/N: The sun isn't even awake yet, Dean. 
Dean: You're grumpy in the morning. 
Dean: Just wanted to let you know we'll pick you up around noon. 
Dean: Y/N? You still wanna come, right? 
Y/N: Yeah! Sorry, I'm tired. 
Dean: Awesome. Just one question before you pass out on me. Benny's bringing a grill, so we're making hotdogs for lunch. You're not a vegetarian are you? 
Y/N: Yeah...
Y/N: I'm joking. No, I'm not. 
Dean: Good, our friendship might've ended right there. 
Dean: Just kidding. Go back to sleep. 
You smiled at your phone a little too long before you locked it and went back to sleep for a few hours. 
"Hey, sweetie. You're awake early." Your mother said when you walked into the kitchen around ten. It was early compared to your typical Sunday morning. "Have fun last night?" 
You nodded, not wanting to get into the events of your brother or his friends from the bonfire. Your mom seemed to accept the answer and you assumed your brother made it home at some point without her noticing the hour. 
You got along with your parents well enough. You never really got into any trouble and you weren’t sure they even knew how to ground you if you did. Besides, your dad wasn’t around much lately, it seemed his new promotion kept him at the office longer than necessary. Which was where he was now. On a Sunday, at ten A.M. 
You didn't know what you wanted to do when you grew up, but you knew you wanted to have balance in your life. Something you thought your dad didn't understand. You couldn't remember the last time he brought you to a car show, you couldn't remember the last time you'd asked him to bring you either. 
"Your dad said he'd be home for dinner and your brother probably won't be up until mid-afternoon. What time did you two get in last night?" She asked, sipping on her coffee. 
You didn't have a curfew because you never had the need for one and your parents oddly trusted you. You didn't do crazy shit to make them worry about you but sometimes you wanted to, if only just for the attention. So you knew she was just curious when she asked. 
"I dunno," you shrugged, not wanting to get into why you didn't know and that you didn't come home with your brother. "I'm going out with some friends for lunch." 
"That sounds fun," you weren't sure if she was even listening anymore or just saying that. 
Your family had gotten better at not actually listening to each other lately. But you ignored that fact yourself and grabbed a bowl of cereal for breakfast. 
At eleven-thirty, you threw on a pair of high-rise jeans and an oversized t-shirt that you knotted at the waist. You also pulled on a flannel shirt in case it got chilly which was the way the weather was turning lately. Then you texted Dean. 
Y/N: Text when you get here, I'll come out and meet you. 
You wanted to avoid an awkward interaction with your mother. Especially since your brother was awake now and slamming the kitchen cupboards. He wouldn't really care but he was nosey and would start something if he saw how much older Dean was. And you doubted a few hours would've helped much with the bruising on his face. That wouldn't be fair to make Dean explain how he'd got them to complete strangers. Especially since you were pretty sure you knew how he'd gotten them. 
Dean: We're here. 
You shouted a 'Bye' as you ran out of the house, hearing your brother ask your mom where you were headed before the door slammed shut behind you. You shoved your phone into your back pocket and ran down the driveway to where a red Jeep waited. Dean stood outside, leaning against the door. 
He smiled when he saw you run up, "Hey." 
"Hi." You said, noticing his face falling, "What's wrong?" 
"I feel like we're sneaking around," he glanced back at your house as if he expected someone to come running out after you. "Feels wrong." 
"I just didn't want you to have to deal with the inevitable questions about, you know," you pointed to the left side of his face. "But if you want I can introduce you before we go... Or you could come over Friday for family dinner and give that a little more time to heal." 
He stared at you for half a second then shoved his hands in his pockets, "Family dinner sounds nice." 
"Great, I'll set it up tonight!" You smiled brightly and touched his arm, "Feel better?" 
He swallowed and nodded and you heard someone shout impatiently from inside the Jeep. Dean opened the backdoor for you and climbed in after you. You sat in the middle next to a guy with black hair and blue eyes who looked about the same age as Dean. 
"Hey, I'm Cas." The guy greeted you as you settled in. 
As soon as the door was closed the Jeep pulled out onto the road with a bounce from a pothole the tire hit. 
A small brunette in the middle front seat turned around and waved, "I'm Ruby, Sam's girlfriend," she pointed to a lanky guy with long brown hair next to her who offered you a smile. 
They looked about the same age as you, at least you knew Sam was. You noticed right away Sam didn't have any bruises or obvious scars. You felt a bit proud of Dean for that and also a little sorry that he didn't have someone like himself to have his back. 
"That's Benny," Dean said, pointing to the guy driving. "Benny say ‘Hi’."
"Hi." He glanced in the rearview mirror. 
"He's quiet until you get to know him." Dean explained. 
Benny, by far, looked the oldest of the bunch. Maybe it was because he hadn't shaved in a couple of days or maybe it was because he was built like a linebacker. But either way he didn't seem to like you. It was just a vibe you got in the split second your eyes connected. It practically radiated off him and you wondered if you were the only one picking up on it. 
"So, Y/N, how come I never see you at school?" Ruby asked, spinning around in her seat to face you completely and bumping into Benny who growled. Maybe it wasn't just you. "You're not home schooled are you?" 
"No, I go to one near my dad's work." You explained quickly, not really wanting to talk about school. 
"Where does your dad work?" Sam asked this time. 
“At Sandover Bridge and Iron. He’s the Director of Sales and Marketing.” You bounced your eyebrows. Really all that means is he’s barely around anymore. 
"That's cool," he said, shifting his eyes to Dean for a second. 
"Oh," Ruby’s brown eyes widened for a second and you knew what she was thinking. 
"Am I missing something?" Dean asked, glancing between the two of you. 
"It’s a private school." You explained and it seemed to dawn on him. "What are you smirking at?" 
"You have to wear a uniform, don't you?" He smiled so wide the split in his lip threatened to pull again. 
"If you must know, yes, and it is the bane of my existence." You rolled your eyes dramatically to make your point. 
"So, like a plaid skirt with those long socks?" 
"Careful, Dean. We're friends, remember?" You whispered to him and he opened his mouth to respond, but then snapped it shut and turned to stare out the window. 
Ruby pouted, resting her chin on the back of the seat, "That's too bad. You could've sat with us at lunch and I would've shown you around. Dean says you're new." 
"Yeah," you sighed. That would've been nice to know someone in school. You had begged your parents to let you go to a public school this time, but they insisted. "Too bad." 
Dean had gotten really quiet and you nudged him with your elbow. He turned to smile and swallow thickly before turning a cold-shoulder and staring out the window again. You had only been teasing, but you didn't want him getting any ideas that would only result in him getting in trouble. 
"How do you guys know Dean?" You asked, directing the question at Cas since Benny didn't seem to be much of a talker. 
"We grew up together. Well, me and Dean did." Cas explained, "Benny just kind of showed up one day and we couldn't get rid of him." Benny growled and Cas winked in the rearview mirror. "He really is a teddy bear once you get to know him." 
Once you got to the beach Benny didn't park in the parking lot, instead he drove out onto the beach and down the shore for a long time until you were surrounded by only dunes of sand. It would've taken forever to walk there. He parked at the top of the dunes and everyone filtered out of the Jeep. The guys grabbed the boards from the trunk and Benny got to setting up his grill. You guessed he wasn't really into sand surfing. 
Dean said he was going to teach how to surf, but he was already halfway down the dune with Cas when you looked. And Sam and Ruby were flirting as they carried their boards over to join them and you didn't feel like third wheeling it today, so you hung back with Benny. 
"Need a hand?" Your voice was softer than you'd like it to be but you found him intimidating, even if he wasn't nearly as tall as Dean or Sam who was a moose at sixteen and probably still growing.
"Thought you came for that," he pointed at the dune where the others had run off to and you saw a couple extra boards stuck in the sand at the top. But you still didn't know how to surf, never even been snowboarding. And those surfboards looked a lot more like snowboards. You'd hurt yourself for sure without knowing how to turn or stop. "I hope you know what you're doing with him." 
Your eyes snapped back to Benny's and you squinted, "Excuse me." 
He raised his hands and his eyebrows, "His home life is... undesirable. I know you know what I mean. Last thing he needs is your parents on top of his own." 
You didn't think your parents would bat an eye at Dean. Mainly because they were wrapped up in their own lives and didn’t pay you much attention. But if they did notice, you wondered if they would dislike Dean enough to turn what you have with him into something wrong and indecent. You'd like to think they wouldn't because it wasn't. But it's a parent's job to be protective of their child.
"We're just friends." 
"Not the way he looks at you." Benny cocked his head and started setting up the foldable stand for the grill. "He's not thinking when he's around you. And don't get me wrong, I like seeing him happy, he's been there for me more times than I can count, but- Do you have any idea what his father would've done if he knew Dean took that car out last night. If that's the way he looks after spilling paint in the garage..." You didn't know what to say and opened your mouth like a fish out of water before he continued. "Dean's never done anything like that before. I'm just asking you to be careful with him. He has two years left and then he and Sam can get the hell out of there." 
"Why two years?" That's all you could manage to ask. 
"Dean's tried to get custody of Sam since he turned eighteen but the lawyers always tell him the same thing. He's too young himself, with no steady income and no decent living quarters. Going through courts takes time and money and Sam would likely age out before that time." He explained as you fiddled with the knot in your t-shirt. 
"How'd you know about the car?" 
"I live next door, I helped him push it back up the driveway so his father wouldn't wake up and hear the engine." 
"I'm sorry, I didn't know. I mean, I kind of knew but I guess I believed him when he said it would be fine." You watched your shoes and tried to still your bottom lip. "Just so you know, I'm not trying to cause him any more pain. We just kind of connected last night and I like him. I'm not gonna do anything that'll get him in trouble though. I promise." 
"Kid, I'm not worried about you doing the dumb shit. I'm worried about him." He scratched his slight beard. "It's not fair to ask you to think for the both of you." 
"It's not fair to ask me to not be his friend either." 
"I couldn't ask that of you." 
You kind of missed quiet Benny and the afternoon was starting to feel a lot like last night with your brother's friends. You wiped a tear threatening to fall down your cheek when you were sure Benny wasn't looking; everyone else taking a second run down the dune after climbing back up. You stood around and kicked at the sand until you could feel grains in your shoe. 
"Hey, cher, can you grab me the hotdogs from the cooler?" Benny asked and nodded towards the cooler next to the Jeep. 
You didn't bother digging around and just brought him the whole cooler. He split open the pack of hotdogs and started grilling. Then pulled a can of beer from the cooler and opened it. He handed it to you and grabbed his own. You wondered if you actually had to drink it, but he clearly saw that you were upset and it was a peace offering of sorts. So you took a sip. 
The fifth sip wasn't so bad and the seventh went down even easier. But it still tasted gross and you still didn't see the point. Maybe just a little warmth in your cheeks. 
Sam and Ruby were the first to run back over when Benny rang the dinner bell. Followed by Cas and Dean. Dean eyed the beer can in your hand and you took another sip before you grabbed a hotdog and walked away.
Part 3
_________________________ Dean: @akshi8278 @laycblack @thoughts-and-funnies @mrsjenniferwinchester @crustycheeks @kazsrm67 @sexyvixen7 @lyarr24 @suckitands33  @eliwinchester99 @yvonneeeee @igotmajordaddyissues @djs8891 @leigh70 @globetrotter28 @backseat-of-deans-67chevy
SPN: @hobby27
Wild Hearts: @justrealizedimmascifygurl @evieluvsjamie @kimberkingrivers
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spark-my-nature · 2 years
We Are The Land - JTK
Camping Jake, anybody?
I'm back again with more self-indulgent fluffy smut. I'm such a sucker for Friends to Lovers, I can't help it. Enjoy loves!
Words: 11.1K
Summary: Josh drags you and the rest of the guys to the middle of nowhere on a camping trip, where he, Sam and Danny team up to get you and Jake together.
Warnings: SMUT, oral (m&f), penetrative sex, dirty talk, mentions of alcohol, very fluffy, you may vomit.
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The stark white paint of the infamous Juck contrasted brighter than ever against the backdrop of trees. Josh twisted his keys, killing the engine as he turned to the rest of the group with his wide goofy grin, singing “We’re heeeeeere!”
You blinked your eyes open, taking in the dense woods outside the window. It was only a three hour drive up into the forested lake area, but Josh’s non-stop rambling stretched each minute into eternities. You loved Josh, truly, he was like a brother to you, but your eyelids felt heavy after half an hour. The foggy sleep-induced haze cleared from your mind slowly as you got your bearings, only then realizing that the warm shoulder your head was leaning on belonged to Jake. Quickly lifting your head from your pillow in his neck, you met his eyes with a blush. He was smiling down at you fondly, his warmth spreading through your thigh pressed to his. Your stomach flipped in that moment of intense connection. He whispered to you in the low rasp that drove you insane, “Well hello, sleeping beauty.”
You couldn’t remember falling asleep, only the seemingly endless stretch of driving as Josh brought all of you out to this camping spot he’d been raving about for months. Much to your giddy excitement, Danny called shotgun (on account of having the longest legs) ensuring that Jake would be squished in the backseat with you and Sam. You also suspected Danny made the call on purpose, his knowledge of your thing for Jake weighing his decision. That was confirmed from the subtle wink he shot you in the rearview mirror. Danny fancied himself quite the cupid ever since you confided in him several months ago. You’d latched onto Danny back in grade school, his soft-spoken nature only drawing you both closer as you grew up side by side. Despite your equally close friendship with the Kiszkas, Danny was the least likely to cause any problems with a secret like yours. He was most discreet, and never teased you once about your feelings.
You weren’t even sure when they started, those puppy-love feelings. Jake had always been cute, but you’d never seen him as more than the baby-faced goof that got stuck in the monkey bars. These days, though… nobody could deny Jake had grown into a gorgeous young man. These days, you were noticing the way his veiny hands stretched around the neck of his guitar, callused fingertips pushing and bending the strings. You noticed the way his hair fell around his shoulders, always looking effortless despite the rigorous care you knew he takes of it. You noticed the mischievous glimmer in his eyes when he picked on Sam, the heated, stormy darkness that overtook those same eyes when something sparked that fiery temper of his.
And you didn’t know if it was your mind playing tricks on you, convincing you of something that wasn’t there, but now as you blushed under his fond gaze, you thought you noticed the way his eyes flickered down to your lips and back, just for a moment before he blinked and turned away. You almost missed the light blush colouring his cheeks. Almost.
Clambering out of the visual atrocity of Josh’s jeep truck behind Sammy, you caught Daniel’s eye over the back of the vehicle. Danny was subtle, but he had the most shit-eating grin across his face. You shot him a playful glare, a silent warning to shut up, but he simply smirked wider and winked. Backpacks and sleeping bags covered your bright red face as they were pulled out. Sam started an argument with Josh over who should carry their tent down to the campsite, providing a much needed and entertaining distraction.
Josh clapped Sam on the back affectionately, “You’re young and spryer than me, Sammy boy. Do your elders a favor.” He looped the carrying strap of the tent case over Sam’s neck before he could protest, earning a huff from Sam, and a mumble about old geezers and old folks homes. You giggled at their antics, gearing up with your own sleeping bag and backpack. Danny snickered and circled around the Jeep, taking the, truthfully, heavy tent from his friend. Sam patted his back with a soft thanks, taking Danny’s light backpack in turn.
Jake and Josh set off, taking the lead, guiding the rest of you down the slight decline towards the spot Josh had in mind. Danny jogged up to walk beside you, Sam trailing closely behind.
“Shut it, Wagner.”
Danny laughed out loud, “I didn’t even say anything! Sam, did I say a single thing?”
Sam snorted behind you, “No, no you did not, why so snippy, bug?”
You turned your head and stuck your tongue out at him, making him smile and roll his eyes. Turning back to Danny, you squinted. “You were thinking thoughts.”
Danny giggled and nodded. “Yeah, I do that sometimes, you should try it,” he joked. You snorted at his teasing, shoving your shoulder into his arm playfully.
Sam sped up to walk on your other side, cocking his head curiously, “Wait, what am I missing here, why does Danny need to shut up?”
Danny raised his eyebrows at you, silently saying ‘up to you.’ You chewed on your lip for a second then turned to face Sam, who was getting antsier by the second, not liking being left out of anything.
You reached out your hands, slowing down both boys on either side of you to allow a little more distance between your trio and the twins ahead. Once they’d gained enough of a lead, you turned to Sam and grabbed his arm a little harder than necessary. His eyes widened as you began, “If you mention what I’m about to tell you to anyone outside the three of us, I will personally lace your veggie dogs with arsenic at the campfire tonight.”
You raised your eyebrows at him, conveying your seriousness despite the amusing threat. Sam’s brows furrowed, and he crossed his heart with his free arm. “I swear, bug, scouts honor, my lips are sealed,” he murmured worriedly.
You nodded and sighed. “I kinda… have feelings for your brother.” You looked straight ahead, unable to maintain eye contact once you spoke. In your peripheral, Sam’s eyes bucked, wide as saucers. “Josh?!” he hissed. You cringed as though scalded, “No, idiot, Jake!”
Danny chuckled on your other side. “More than feelings, you’re so in love with him it’s painful to watch. Thank god she finally told you, man,” Danny smiled at Sam, “it was killing me.”
Sam’s eyes shot between yours and Danny’s as you kept walking, keeping enough distance between you and the boys in question. You could watch his brain process this revelation by the expressions on his face. You almost laughed, but your vulnerability overwhelmed the humor. Finally, Sam smiled wide, his grin unnervingly similar to Danny’s scheming smirk.
He cleared his throat. “Daniel?”
“Yes, Sam.”
“You know what we must do, right?”
Danny giggled, “What is that, Samuel?”
Your eyes darted between them, panic rising as they talked. “No, nononono, no, no doing, there will be absolutely no doing of anything, no!”
Sam giggled at your misery. “I’m so glad we went for that family size tent,” he sing-songed to Danny, ignoring you. Danny chuckled, “Oh? And why would that be?”
You shot daggers into Sam, mentally shoving his smug face in a bucket of water. “Well, funny you should ask, Daniel. I was just thinking about how the tent has these section, divider thingies, y’know, like rooms within the tent?”
Danny’s face spread into a wide smirk, catching on to Sam’s debauchery. “Ahh, how conveniently designed.”
Sam nodded in faux astonishment, “Indeed, quite the engineering feat, these tent designers have accomplished. So many uses for that extra privacy,” he turned his face to you, pointedly.
Your face was likely scarlet, but you had no time to talk them out of this plan before your brave twin leaders stopped, dropping their equipment in a small clearing. As you approached, you elbowed Sam’s ribs, with a final warning hiss, “Keep your mouth shut or you’ll lose a certain undersized appendage.” Danny snorted, snickering as Sam huffed defensively.
Forcing a smile as you came up to the two boys, your heart fluttered at the sight of Jake, now with the hairbrained scheming of your best friends swirling in your mind. What if you did end up sharing a section with him? Would it be awkward? How close would you have to lie? What if you snored? Your head spun, and you out at the view to shut off your racing thoughts.
The trees offered shade and privacy, but through them you could clearly see the sky-blue of the lake, reflections of trees and clouds creating a gorgeous mirror. The water gently lapped at the pebbled shore, soft bird calls and frogs creating a symphony of nature’s music. Your shoulders involuntarily relaxed, smiling softly at the scenery. Josh was right, this was something special. You turned to tell him that, but your eyes caught on Jake’s face, his eyes widening and his gaze quickly tearing away from you.
You felt your heart skip a beat, wondering if he was really looking at you just then. Deciding not to dwell on it, you walked up to Josh, playfully punching his shoulder as Sam and Danny started unzipping the tent bag. “I suppose the trip and the hike was worth it, this is pretty fuckin’ nice,” you smiled. Josh beamed back at you, “What did I tell you, Bug? Jeez, have I ever led you astray?” You giggled, your mouth opening, Josh interrupting immediately, “Nope, don’t answer that.”
Jake snickered and squatted down to help pull out some poles. You grinned, knowing that he loved watching you tease his twin, and you loved making him laugh.
Josh set off to relieve himself in the bushes, leaving you and Jake to your own devices as the two younger boys worked on your shelter for the night. You gave him a shy smile, gesturing to the woods. “Wanna go collect some firewood?”
He returned the smile, nodding, “Yeah, lead the way, bug.”
Both of you started off into the thick forest, careful not to get too far away as you bent over picking up kindling and logs. It was comfortably quiet between you, but you still felt nervous being alone with him, wanting to keep him laughing. Your worst fear was Jake thinking you were boring, or lame or something. Glancing around the forest floor, you reached for a stick, only to grab the same one Jake also went for. Pulling at the same time, you quickly made eye contact, you giggling shyly. “Sorry-“ “My bad-“ Jake chuckled at your mutual interruptions, handing you the stick. “Here, all yours.”
You took it and joked, “You’re so generous, Jacob,” adding it to your stack under your arm.
He rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand, “Well, y’know, sticks like that are hard to come by. Rare and valuable resource.” You giggled at his joke, side-eyeing him. He looked over at you, smiling with that same fond smile from the car. Your stomach flipped, and you quickly looked away, clearing your throat.
“This is… probably good for now, I guess,” you inspected your bundle of wood. Jake shook his head quickly, then nodded, “Uhm, yeah, should do us for a while, anyway.”
Your eyes met for another lingering moment, then Jake extended his free arm. He snaked it around your waist and began walking you back to the campsite, his hand resting on your lower back.
Surely he must be hearing your heart pounding this hard. You never had to focus so hard on walking before, but you were terrified you’d trip and eat mud right in front of him. He was holding you, why was he holding you? A part of your brain tried to convince you he was always touchy, the whole family was. Hell, Josh linked his arm with you so often Sam called you two a chain-link fence. But Jake had never done something like this before. This was undeniably… romantic. The two of you, strolling through the woods, with his arm around you like he was your boyf-
You mentally shook those thoughts away. Dangerous territory, getting your hopes up that high. Moments like these happened just often enough to build up a tiny spark of hope, only for you to squash them down before you got too invested. Jake didn’t see you that way, he never said anything. A few times you thought he might, though. One time that came to mind was that evening of the fourth of July. You’d been battling the heat with strawberry wine coolers, hanging around the pool all afternoon with the guys. Your bathing suit was still damp, clinging to your body as Josh and Danny got the fireworks ready. From your lounge chair, you saw Jake coming around the deck in your peripheral. He sat beside you on the arm of your chair, watching his Danny’s half-hearted attempt to reel Josh back to reality. Your heart rate picked up, as it always did around Jake these days. You chanced a peek up at him, and as though reading your mind, he looked down at you. His eyes were warm, slightly hazy from the beers. Your breath hitched as you watched his eyes travel down your face, eyeing your lips. You swallowed, parting them slightly as his hand reached over, cupping your jaw softly.
“You’re really something, Bug, I’m glad you’re here,” he’d murmured quietly, a revelation just for your ears. You looked up at him in awe, unable to believe this tender, intimate moment was really happening outside your imagination. “You having fun?” he continued, but all words flew out the window when his thumb swiped along your bottom lip. You simply blinked up at him, innocently stunned, and you could’ve sworn he leaned in a little closer. You mustered up all your courage, and you were just about to press a kiss to his thumb pad when-
Tsssssssss- The sudden explosion of the first firework jolted both of you back into the real world. Jake straightened, his arm retreating from your face. His cheeks flushed scarlet, and he stood, quickly walking back into the house.
Your head was running a mile a minute, so dizzying that you didn’t even notice Danny come up to you, kneeling at your feet. He’d watched the whole thing unfold with bated breath, cringing equally as hard when Josh’s firework interrupted what could’ve been an incredible moment.
“Hey, bug-a-boo… what happened there?” he whispered, taking your shaky hand in his large warm one. You were thankful for his ever present stability, one of your favourite of his qualities.
You exhaled long and slow, meeting his concerned gaze. “I have no idea… I thought… I thought he was going to-“ you bit your lip, willing away the frustrated tears that pooled in your eyes. Danny reached up, rubbing a soothing hand up and down your back as he squished beside you on the large lounger.
“Heyyyy, shhhh, don’t be upset,” he cooed softly.
You nodded, swallowing harshly, “No I’m fine, sorry, I just… that was weird.”
Danny nodded, “Well, if you ask me, it wasn’t weird at all.” You met his gaze again, his eyes warm and comforting, silently assuring you that you were safe and secure. You leaned into him with a nod, his arms wrapping around you tightly.
“He looked at me so… so tenderly,” you breathed faintly, relaxing in Danny’s hug
Danny smiled into your hair, humming softly. “He always looks at you like that, Bug. You just haven’t noticed.”
Jake stepped back into the clearing beside you, forcing you back to reality. His arm dropped to your dismay, purely to set the sticks down, but you still felt the loss. He must have felt your gaze on him as he arranged the wood in the firepit, because he turned over his shoulder, catching you staring. He smirked as you blushed furiously and turned away, dropping your pile of wood next to his and trotting over to the others.
The tent was nearly completely set up, Josh having returned to give Sam and Danny another hand. You gawked at its size as you approached it. Sam wasn’t kidding when he said this thing was like a hotel. It was bigger than your entire bedroom, and tall enough to comfortably stand in. Danny was only slightly hunched inside as he held up the support rod.
“Okay, yeahhhh, baby, take it all,” Sam joked crudely, pushing the tent pole through the side slot. You snorted, getting his attention. He smiled cheekily at you, “Oh hello, bug, how was your romantic walk in the woods?” You shot him a glare, your heart skipping a beat, knowing Josh definitely heard that. Sure enough, his curly head peeked out the rear door of the tent and looked at you suspiciously.
“What’s this about a romantic walk?” he questioned, dramatically suspicious. You blushed, stepping back, “Nothing, Sam’s an idiot, I wasn’t-“
“Aht! Not so fast,” Josh squinted, retreating from the window and crawling out of the tent to slide up to you, a finger pointed accusingly. “You were back there with Jake,” he noted.
Your eyes darted between him and Sam, wordlessly threatening Sam’s life in a million painful ways. You stepped backwards again, Josh stepping forward right along with you. “S-so? We were getting firewood,” you stammered unconvincingly. Josh raised an unimpressed eyebrow. “Oh, so the googoo eyes you’ve been sending him for months were nothing?” Your eyes widened helplessly and you stepped back again, only for him to corner you against a tree. His lips cracked into a wide smile, his suspicious eyes softening. “You like my brother, don’t you, Bug?”
You chewed on your lip, looking down and playing with your shirt’s hem. “Maybe,” you mumbled.
Josh’s grin doubled, and he grabbed your shoulders, shaking them as he jumped up and down excitedly. “This is so great,” Josh whisper squealed.
You giggled at his enthusiasm, relaxing slightly. “Why is it great Josh? I have a stupid crush on your stupid twin who doesn’t even see me like that, which means I’m stupid.” You rolled your eyes, shoving his hands off you playfully.
Josh bounced around you as you walked back up to the tent. “No, no this is great. This is better than great, you guys would be so cute together, does he know? Oh my god, can I tell him?” Josh buzzed frantically.
You shook your head profusely, grabbing his shoulders this time, holding him steady. “Josh. No. Please don’t tell him, he doesn’t like me like that, it’ll ruin everything,” you implored, desperation leaking into your voice.
Josh’s face dropped at your words. “What? Of course he does, why- what gives you the idea he doesn’t? Did he tell you that?” Josh’s face hardened, “Did he say something to hurt you?”
You rubbed his shoulder reassuringly, “No, sweetie, of course not, Jake wouldn’t hurt me, I just… he’s never said anything at all. That’s the problem,” you chuckled humorlessly.
Your friend relaxed, prying your hands off his shoulders and holding them in his, watching your face seriously. “Believe me, if he hasn’t told you so, it’s just because he’s too scared.” Josh’s voice softened, hushing even more so his youngest brother and friend didn’t hear, “He looks at you like you’re his entire universe, mama. Believe me, I grew up with him. We have the same face,” he chuckled. “I know his expressions well, the way he looks at girls, the way he looks at you. You should tell him, you might be pleasantly surprised.”
Josh gave you an imploring look, nodding with his eyes in Jakes direction, letting your hands go. You followed his glance, landing on Jake’s form by the enormous stacked up pile of sticks. You watched him stand straight, hands up cautiously as he placed the last stick, balancing out the pyramid of wood and backing away. He relaxed and smiled wide in triumph when it didn’t collapse, immediately turning around and landing his gaze on you. His eyes shone with pride, and something else. Something tender, something sweet and fond. Your heart fluttered, returning his excited smile.
Maybe Josh was right.
After the sun had gone down, and the only noises coming from the frogs and the crackling, dying fire, your heavy eyes skimmed around the circle. Your heart felt so full, surrounded by the people you loved most in this world, connected with nature and swaying to the soft John Denver song Jake strummed lazily. He sat closest to you, angled beside you in his folding chair. His hair fell over his face gently, which he pursed his lips and blew out of his eyes. It looked so soft. He looked so soft. His eyes reflected the firelight, but they seemed to glow from within as he played. Your eyes traveled down to his soft, pillowy lips, slightly parted in concentration. His sweet button nose gleamed slightly pink from the drinks and the warm fire, and his brows knit and relaxed with the music he made. Down his body, you watched his hands dance across the frets. The veins and muscles of his rough hands delicately flexed as he moved from chord to chord, strumming and picking intricately. His nails were always so clean and well tended, even on a camping trip where he’d been handling dirt and sticks all day.
He looked devastatingly gorgeous. The urge to scoot up to him and kiss him was nearly painful. You sighed quietly and tore your eyes away from him, fiddling with your hands in thought. Quietly, Danny stood up from his place across from you where he’d observed your lovesick ogling. He moved to sit beside you, handing you a long stick with a marshmallow on the end. You took it, giggling softly and thanking him. He nodded with a smile, ruffling your hair. You swatted him away as he stood back up, heading to the tent. “I’m turning in, lads. Don’t start a forest fire, please,” he called, stepping into the nylon suite.
You giggled, shooting a teasing look at Josh as you held your marshmallow stick over the coals. He threw his hands up across from you, smiling playfully. “Can’t start a fire if I’m going to bed too, bug.” He slapped his thighs and stood up with a groan, his inner grandpa shining through. Stretching his back, you caught him nudge Sam’s foot with his, subtly telling him to come with. Sam cleared his throat, looking from Josh to Jake to you. “Yeah, same here, long day and all, goodnight kids,” he smiled mischievously at you. Jake looked up at his brothers as they scurried away into the tent. You could hear the childish giggles inside the tent from way over by the fire and you rolled your eyes, sharing a knowing smile with Jake.
You tucked your knees up under your chin, shivering slightly in the cool air, the dying embers of the fire no longer keeping you warm. Jake furrowed his brow, watching you shrink into yourself, and he huffed, standing up and placing his guitar down gently in the chair and picking them both up, placing them directly beside you. You bit your lip shyly as Jake lifted his guitar again into his lap as he sat down, pulling off his faux-sheepskin lined denim jacket. He shifted in his seat, untangling his arms from it, and then brought it around to drape it over your shoulders. “There we go…” he muttered softly, arranging it around your body, “…better?”
You felt nauseous with butterflies. His scent surrounding you, his proximity, his warm soft jacket, the gesture itself… your head spun, but you managed to force out, “Y-yeah, thank you, Jake.” The only noise was the crickets chirping in the surrounding foliage, nothing to distract you from the boy beside you. It dawned on you that you were being set up by the other three miscreants, but you were undeniably enjoying their matchmaking, out here alone with Jake. It was such an intimate moment, you screamed at yourself to do something.
Your stomach flipped, but you turned your head to look at Jake anyway. Only to find his eyes already trained on you. His cheeks tinted pink, but he didn’t look away. Your eyes locked, and it could have been a split second or half an hour, you wouldn’t be able to tell.
He finally swallowed, looking down. “You ever play guitar anymore?” he asked softly.
You smiled softly. “No, haven’t since high school, I think.”
Jake nodded, smiling softly, and he reached over into your lap. Your breath hitched as his hand wrapped around yours. He guided the guitar between the both of you, half on your lap and half in his, making his thigh brush against yours. He gently placed your hand around the neck of his acoustic, shaping your fingers into the chord. He looked pointedly at your other hand, hinting for you to strum. You giggled under your breath and drug your thumb down the six strings. He smiled wide, glancing at you briefly before moving your fingers again. “Good, now this one,” he muttered to you. You strummed again, your hand warming up under his. He nodded, “Nice, then G,” he shaped your hand again, this time pulling your arm slightly to drop your wrist, easing the stretch of  the chord in your hand. You strummed, but your eyes were lost in his profile, illuminated by the moonlight above. He looked ethereal, like he wasn’t even real.
He moved your fingers back to their original position, letting you strum again, and smiling brightly up at you. “There you go, now you can play practically every song on the radio since the fifties,” he chuckled.
You giggled, “How’s that?” Wanting to hear anything he had to say about music, or anything he wanted. Just wanting to hear his voice, really. It was so soft, raspy from the toke earlier in the evening and breathy in your close proximity.
 He looked down at his hand, still wrapped warmly around your smaller one on the neck. “Those four chords comprise about ninety percent of western music,” he said, smirking, “and honestly, about ninety percent of our music.”
You giggled, tilting your head to look at him. “I dunno, I think there’s a lot more to your music than four chords,” you told him softly. “I think there’s something… really special about the songs you write.”
Jake’s eyes fluttered up to meet yours, and you saw the same vulnerable, tender warmth in his eyes you convinced yourself you made up all those times before. “Thank you,” he said softly, you nodding once in acknowledgement.
He exhaled softly, eyeing your face, and bring his hand away from yours around the neck of his guitar to cup your jaw softly. You leaned into his touch, terrified he’d run away again.
He gave you a fond, crooked smile, before muttering quietly, “I think there’s something really special about you, Bug.”
You smiled shyly at him, feeling your cheeks heating up, not from his hand. “Oh yeah?”
He nodded once, his eyes dipping questioningly to your lips and back. You met his intense gaze, and all the screaming, panicked frenzied voices in your head were suddenly muted. He leaned forward slowly, and you did too, keeping your eyes on his until his nose brushed against yours shyly. His breath fanned across your lips as he whispered, “Can I kiss you?”
You grinned far too wide for the moment, and nodded gently, closing the gap between your mouth and his.
Your lips molded together in a dizzying warmth. Kissing Jake was so much better than any daydream, his lips were supple and soft, and he pressed them to yours with just enough pressure to make your head spin. The hand that was still holding your jaw slipped back into your hair, gently holding your head close. His lips parted, realigning with yours at more of an angle, deepening the kiss. You faintly whimpered in your throat, his hot breath mixing with yours as the kiss got more intense. Jake seemed to like your little noise, a quiet sigh slipping from his lips. With a closing kiss, he gently pulled away from you. Your eyes fluttered open, dazed and giddy. You couldn’t help the goofy smile that stretched your cheeks. To your credit, Jake had a similarly stunned smile as he trailed his eyes over your face.
You couldn’t help the shy giggle that bubbled out of you, either. Jake smiled wider at your laughter, leaning back a little farther to see you more clearly. You bit your lip, softly confiding to him, “I’ve wanted that for a really long time.” His eyes almost seemed to droop as a lovesick grin took over his boyish face.
“God, me too,” he chuckled, shaking his head gently. You internally squealed and jumped in a circle, his confirmation all you’d ever wanted and more.
“We’re idiots, aren’t we,” you looked down bashfully. Jake sighed contentedly, “Oh yeah. Morons.” He leaned forward, pressing a gentle kiss to your nose, and smiling at the way you squirmed slightly and blushed.
He stood up then, opening his guitar case and laying his baby down securely, latching it up and then quickly tossing the bucket of water over the few remaining embers.
Guitar case in hand, he reached out his other one to you, smiling shyly. Your heart fluttered, taking his hand and standing up. He watched your face, bringing your hand up to his lips and kissing your knuckles. You giggled softly, giving his hand a gentle squeeze. “Are you trying to make me melt, Kiszka?”
He smiled wide, stepping away from the chairs and leading you to the tent. “And if I am?”
You bit your lip, “It’s working,” you confessed. He looked back at you over his shoulder, absolutely glowing under the moonlight. Your stomach flip-flopped again, and you felt yourself falling for him all over again. His eyes twinkled as he turned fully to face you, drawing you into his body. You were about ten feet from the tent, so you made sure to stifle the surprised giggle. Jake set his guitar case on the ground beside you, snaking both arms around your waist. You sighed softly, stepping impossibly closer to his body, your arms instinctively lacing around his neck.
“Good,” he whispered. “Cause you turn me into a puddle every single time I look at you.” One of his hands slid lovingly up your back as he looked down at you.
You tightened your arms around him, drawing him down to you tentatively. It was still sinking in that you kissed Jake, that you could kiss him again. You never wanted to stop, now, drunk on his lips.
He smiled softly as he pressed his lips to yours once more. You felt him smiling against your lips, and he pulled back just enough to whisper, “God, I can’t believe I’m kissing you.” He giggled breathily, returning to kiss you again. You huffed a quiet laugh through your nose, returning his kiss eagerly. Your hands tangled in his hair, gripping it gently, which made his legs falter. You stumbled forward into a tree, effectively pinning Jake against it as your mouths feverishly wrestled. He let out a strangled moan into your mouth, slipping his tongue against yours hungrily. You broke away, slightly out of breath, looking up into his darkened eyes.
For a few seconds, you both just stared at each other, mutually drinking in the flustered face in front of you. Jake cracked a crooked smile, whispering softly, “Wish we had our own tent.”
You blushed at his words, giggling breathlessly in surprise. “Naughty,” you joked quietly, biting your lip.
Jake flushed and his eyes widened, “I meant so I could kiss you more, I didn’t- I mean I want- but I mea-“ You giggled, shutting him up  with a kiss. He melted in your touch, sighing softly as you pulled away. You gave him a bright grin.
“Well… you sort of get your wish.”
Jake furrowed his brow, “How’s that?”
You looked down shyly. “The other guys… they knew,” you clear your throat, “they knew I liked you, and well… I think if we go into that tent, we’re gonna find an empty section of it meant for us,” you finished, smirking bashfully.
Jake’s confused look morphed into a shit eating grin. “You been talkin’ to them about me, huh?” He cocked his head in mock arrogance.
You playfully thumped his shoulder. “You shush.”
He giggled, drawing you into him for another kiss in the night air. “That’s cute,” he said lowly against your lips.
You lightly nipped his bottom lip, giving him a cheeky smile. “What, you never talked to Josh about me?”
Now it was Jake’s turn to blush. His eyes darted nervously, quietly mumbling, “Yeah, maybe…” You smiled wider, pulling him impossibly closer and kissing his jaw, earning you a soft sigh.
“What did you talk about?” you whispered against his adorable little dimple, pressing a kiss to it.
Jake was unraveling at your flirty touches, getting increasingly flustered. “I- uhm, we talked… sometimes… well I talked, he listened,” he smirked bashfully, “Just… cute things you did… funny things you said to me, or like, certain dresses you wore, cute ways you’d do your hair,” he ran his fingers through your hair, causing you to shiver. You looked up at him, doe-eyed, hoping he’d continue.
“Sometimes I’d uhhh…” he blushed, swallowing, then shaking his head.
You smiled encouragingly, “You’d what, babe?”
His jaw fell open slightly, clearly enjoying your new use of the pet name. “I’d… I guess, theorize? About what kissing you would be like,” he ended with a breathy whisper.
You blushed, but you were absolutely beaming at the revelation. You stood on your tiptoes, pecking his lips teasingly, then turning and pulling him with you towards the tent’s door without another word.
You paused at the door, listened for a second, hearing no snoring. You rolled your eyes, knowing they were definitely eavesdropping, and you unzipped the entrance, stepping inside and kicking your sandals off. Jake followed suit, and you made eye-contact, winking at him before you stepped over the bodies of your friends, not-so-gently stepping on Sam’s leg.
“OW- fuck,” he hissed, curling into himself. You and Jake laughed, joined by Danny and Josh who’d given up their façade as well, and you nudged his lanky frame with your foot, “Sorry Sammy, didn’t see ya there!” You gave him your best innocent face, to which he groaned and rolled away from you. “Meanie.”
You rolled your eyes with a smile and unzipped the inside door to the next segment of the tent. You let Jake step in beside you, and after you zipped up the door, you heard Josh giggling on the other side, a quiet “Ooo la la,” quickly followed by a muffled “Oof-“ as presumably Danny kicked him.
You and Jake made eye contact and held back a laugh, unfurling your sleeping bags.
You bit your lip, laying yours beside Jake’s well-loved blue plaid one. “You still got that thing?”
He followed your eyes to his sleeping bag, and nodded, “Yeah, lots of memories in that thing,” he smirked.
You gave him a disgusted look, to which he laughed and quickly said “Not that, ew.”
You giggled, feeling giddy still, “Ew? What, do girls have cooties, Jacob?”
He snorted, shaking his head and flopping down, wiggling his legs into the sack. “Yeah, keep your distance, will ya?”
You responded by flopping down beside him, then promptly wiggling like an oversized caterpillar towards him until your sides were pressed together. You flashed him a wide smile, and he giggled, “Oh shit, well now I’m already contaminated. Guess we may as well quarantine together.”
You snickered, bringing your voice down to a hushed whisper, guaranteeing only Jake’s ears would hear you. “I heard kissing is a great way to boost the immune system, y’know.”
He turned his head, leaning up on his elbow over you, smug as anything. “I’ve heard that too, we’d better try it. For science, you know,” he leaned down with a smirk.
You nodded quickly, “For science.” His lips met yours, skipping the gentle hesitant kisses and slipping his tongue immediately along your bottom lip. You held back a moan at his boldness, losing yourself into the sensations as you made out with your crush in a tent. High school you would’ve fainted if she could see you now. Jakes hand roamed up from its place on your shoulder, smoothing along your neck and collarbones. His hot, wet kisses consumed your every thought, and he slid his hand southward more. You gasped slightly into his mouth as it cupped your boob, and he quickly pulled back, retracting his hand as well.
“I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have, I should’ve asked-“ He cupped your cheek apologetically, and you quieted him with a kiss for the second time. Quite effective method, you noted to yourself.
You gave him a cheeky smile. “No, it was a good gasp, I liked it,” you breathed, taking his hand in yours and guiding back to your chest. His face quickly morphed from regret to relief, then to hunger. “Oh,” he choked out.
Diving back down to resume the kiss, he ran his hand down your front. You whimpered quietly into the heated kiss, and he took it as encouragement, slipping his chilly hand under your shirt. You flinched slightly at the temperature shock, earning you a playful giggle from Jake, who promptly flattened his freezing hand against your stomach. You hissed, squirming under his touch with a breathless giggle, “No, you’re fucking frozen solid!”
He nodded, smiling mischievously, flipping his hand and pressing the equally cold back of his hand against you.
You squealed silently and shoved his hand away, quickly pushing him back and rolling to lean over him, pinning his icicle hands above his head. ��What are you, dead?? Why’re you so cold, huh?”
His face quickly twisted in surprise and lust, and you realized the nature of your position over him. You blushed and smiled smugly, pecking his nose and falling back into your own sleeping bag. Jake exhaled beside you, and you pretended not to notice the way he adjusted his sweatpants.
You shivered, “you gave me a chill, Cob.”
He rolled his eyes and snickered at the use of that nickname, looking at you playfully. “First of all, don’t fucking call me that, for the hundredth time, and second of all, why don’t we warm each other up?”
You blushed, looking at him hesitantly. He broke into a smile, “I just mean sharing a sleeping bag, God, I swear I don’t think with my dick that much.” He shook his head.
You giggled, “You’re the one with the euphemisms, what do you expect me to think?”
He tsked at you, “Dirty mind, you have.” He unzipped his sleeping bag, holding up the edge to you invitingly, smiling hopefully at you. You couldn’t resist that adorable face, and you wrinkled your nose as you gave in, wiggling around until you were encapsulated in his bag, your own fully unzipped and laid over the both of you like a blanket.
You sighed and relaxed into Jakes body, resting your hand on his chest. “God, I never would’ve thought the day would end like this,” you mumbled contentedly. Jake grinned wide, kissing your forehead. “Yeah, same, but I’m so, so glad it did,” he told you softly. You smiled, burying your face into his neck shyly, and hesitantly bring your leg up to hook around his. You paused for a second, “this okay?”
He hummed his approval, nuzzling into the top of your head and snaking his arms around you in return. You could’ve died right then and there, happier than you can ever remember being.
“Perfect,” he mumbled, mouth squished against your hair. You bit your lip, inwardly squealing once more. You squeezed his side, a sort of hug in the tight quarters you were tangled in.
Before you knew it, your eyes were fluttering open to the sound of birds calling overhead. Sun was shining through the nylon walls of the tent, warming up the tent like a sauna. You’d never slept better in your life, despite the rather hard sleeping pad.
You rolled your neck, your muscles screaming at you for the awkward position, but you were so elated you didn’t care. Beside you, having rolled even closer in his sleep, was Jake in all his morning glory. Sweat made his hair cling to his forehead, his lips parted as he softly snored. His cheeks were slightly flushed from the warm air, and his arms were tightly wound around your body.
You realized one of his hands had migrated to your ass sometime in the night, gripping your butt cheek firmly even in his slumber. You rolled your eyes affectionately, and laid your head back down, just watching him breathe.
It was so peaceful, so calm and sweet. It dawned on you that it was too quiet, and you carefully raised your wrist, checking the time.
You figured the other three had gotten tired of waiting, and left already for the hike Sam had wanted to go on. You were more than happy for their absence, able to talk freely to Jake when he decided to wake up.
Snuggling back into his side, he hummed softly in his sleep, drawing you into his body even closer.
Your eyes shot open suddenly, as a foreign object made itself known against your thigh. Your face heated quickly, eyeing his face closely for any sign of consciousness. He let out another snore, proving that he was unaware of his body’s involuntary reaction to your proximity.
You let out a shaky breath, heat flooding down your body. You weren’t about to make any moves on him in his sleep, but dear god, it was right there-
You were shaken once again as Jake moaned under his breath, the hand on your ass squeezing the flesh and pulling you firmly against him. Against him. His hips shifted slightly, grinding his erection into your leg. Your jaw fell open, frozen in this purgatory. You didn’t want to wake him, but you really wanted to wake him. You wondered what he was dreaming about.
He repeated the motion, grinding into you again, his moan more articulated this time, ending in a mumbled word, you were pretty sure was a slurred, ‘fuck.’
The heat pooling between your legs was getting harder to ignore. This was something you’d dreamed about, something you’d fantasized would happen. You wanted him so bad, but not like this. Not unconscious, without his knowledge. It wasn’t right.
Making your decision, you reached up and cupped his face gently. “Jake,” you whispered.
He didn’t respond, only moving his hips again, his lips parting with a silent groan. His brows pulled together in the centre of his forehead, mumbling-
“Yeah… please, Bug-“ His breath hitched, interrupting his sleep talking.
You whined under your breath, feeling too hot for your own skin. It was you, he was having a wet dream about you.
“Jake,” you spoke, running your thumb across his cheek a few times. Jake’s snore ended in a snort, swallowing and then blinking his eyes open. The second they focused on you, he froze, lifting his hand a few inches off your ass.
“Goodmorning,” he said shakily, his morning rasp accompanying the rapid spread of his blush.
You bit your lip, deciding to tease him a little. You leaned forward, pecking the tip of his nose and “accidentally” pressing your thigh into his rock hard length.
His short gasp fueled you, and you smirked. “It’s a great morning.”
Jake’s eyes were hazy, struggling to stay focused on your face, but you weren’t sure if it was from sleep or lust. Likely a combination, but you wanted to press a little harder. You innocently brought your knee upwards, dragging your leg along his cock through his sweatpants. You bit your lip hard, watching his eyes nearly roll back and a quiet, breathy groan escaping his chest.
He met your eyes, questioningly. You answered by leaning in and kissing him softly. He melted under your kiss, hands wrapping around your middle and pulling you on top of him. You straddled his hips, moaning softly against his pillowy lips, spurring him on further. You wanted him desperately, unable to stop yourself from grinding your heat into his cock, rocking slowly.
Jake finally let out a real moan, and you nearly fainted at the sound. He was so fucking gorgeous in every way, of course he’d have the most amazing moans. His hands found your hips, crashing his lips back onto yours as he guided you back and forth. Your leggings were probably soaked through at this point, you’d never been so horny in your life. The heated makeout escalated as one of Jake’s hands slipped up under your shirt, brushing his fingertips against your underboob with an astonished sounding gasp. He bucked his hips up into you, moving his hand up to cup and squeeze your tit, swiping his thumb across your nipple.
You whimpered pathetically and Jake growled lowly, lifting you up his body slightly. He lifted your shirt up over the swell of your breasts, his hungry eyes drinking in your bare chest. You ground against his stomach with a needy whimper, and Jake exhaled shakily, pulling your shirt off the rest of the way. He looked up at you then, softly checking in. “Is this alright?”
Your face softened, and you nodded. “Yeah, baby, this is great.”
He smiled wide, pulling you down and lightly licking your nipple. “Baby, huh?” He sucked gently, looking up at you through his lashes. ”I like that.”
You bit your lip, trying to hold in a needy whimper. You shifted down his body, resettling over his groin and burying your face in his neck. Jake sighed, tilting his head to give you better access to his soft, sweet smelling skin. You experimentally flattened your tongue, laving hot French kisses down alongside the tendon of his neck. Jake immediately let out a breathy groan, lacing his fingers in your hair and planting his feet. He bucked his hips up, firmly grinding his covered cock into your over heated center.
You couldn’t stop the moan that flew out of you. He was rock hard, straining against his grey sweat pants angrily. You pulled back from him, looking down to where your bodies met. You looked back up at him through your lashes, innocently. Jake bit his lip, squeezing your hips and watching you.
You spoke softly after a deep breath. “You know me, I’m not a first date kind of girl.”
Jake nodded, understanding and relaxing his grip on your hips, allowing you the freedom to climb off him. Your heart softened, his respect for you only making you want him more. He wasn’t even gonna be disappointed, he valued your comfort that much.
“But,” you continued, smirking at the little flicker of hope that ignited all the same in Jake’s eyes. “You’re not a first date, are you.”
He tentatively smirked. “I suppose not?” he rasped.
You rolled your hips against his once more, making him gasp and flutter his eyelids. “If you’ll have me… I want you so bad.” You confessed softly.
Jake let out a soft grunt of desire, pulling you down by your neck to kiss him. Your lips moved together, moaning softly as your hips did the same.
“I’ve never wanted anything or anyone more than I want you, now, and always,” Jake breathed against your lips, his forehead pressing against yours. “I love you, I don’t care if it’s too soon, or whatever, I do. I’ve loved you for ages.”
Jake’s confession made your heart swell in your chest, your jaw falling open slightly. You kissed him again, softer and more passionately than before. He relaxed under you, soothed by your eager response. You broke away, only enough to whisper, “I love you, Jake.”
His smile was face-splitting as he rolled you both over. You giggled as he pressed kisses all over your face, hovering over your body. He chuckled breathlessly, continuing to flutter kisses anywhere he could reach, speaking between them, “You, are, so, fucking, cute, yknow that?”
You squirmed, giggling and holding his face in your hands to pause his attack. “Not as cute as you, Cob.” He rolled his eyes, giggling regardless. “I liked baby better, but I suppose old habits die hard.”
You pecked his lips, “Well, baby,” another peck, “I think,” peck, “we should take advantage of this empty tent while we can.”
He smirked devilishly at your words, running one hand down your side and supporting his weight on the other. His trailed down your body, slipping his fingers into your waistband of your leggings. “I’d be inclined to agree, doll.”
You tugged his shirt upwards, pulling it over his head with his assistance. He was immediately back down over you, kissing across your collarbone and down between your breasts. He swung his knee over your thighs, evenly distributing his weight to free his other hand. He cupped both of your breasts, squishing them together and moaning softly as he kissed and sucked hickeys all over them. You were quivering and whimpering under his attention, his fingers moving to roll and pinch your nipples gently.
“Jake,” you strained, “more, please.”
He looked up at you smugly. “Mm, I fucking love the way you say my name like that.” His hands smoothed down your sides, thumbs hooking in your leggings. His eyes widened slightly, not feeling a second waistband under them.
He shakily exhaled, looking up at you hungrily. “No panties?” he breathed. You bit your lip, shaking your head. His eyes darkened, muttering, “Dirty girl,” before sliding them over your hips. He pulled them down off your ankles, readjusting between your legs instead of straddling them. He rested his hands on  your knees, looking up at you before pulling them gently apart. You blushed slightly, giving him a cheeky smirk and looking down. You could feel how wet you were, and as his eyes dipped down, they hooded darkly. He let out a feral groan, his brows knitting together.
“You’re so wet…” he practically whimpered, his calluses scraping down your inner thigh gently as he neared your opening. You bit your lip hard, arching your back slightly in impatience. He smirked, shoving you down by your hipbones with both hands. “Relax, doll.”
You gave him a pleading look, “Jake… I need you, don’t tease.”
His eyes softened and he leaned down over you, giving you a soft kiss. “I know, pretty girl, I’m gonna make you feel so… good…” He whispered against your lips, grinding lightly into you through his sweatpants with the last two words. You whimpered, nodding lightly, all words having left your brain.
He made his way down your body, holding eye contact with you as he descended. You let out a shaky breath, watching him settle on his stomach between your legs. He smirked then, pulling a hair elastic from around his wrist. He quickly threw his hair up in a loose bun, giving you a wink as he leaned down. He pressed a kiss to your inner thigh, still watching you closely. You just observed, on the edge of your metaphorical seat. He kissed a trail up your thigh, nipping the skin between his teeth occasionally. Finally, he gave you another dark smirk, and dove down, licking a hot flat stripe from your soaking wet entrance up over your clit.
You moaned softly, your hand sliding down of its own accord to lace in his hair. He groaned softly as you tugged him into you, latching his lips around your clit and slipping his tongue around the bud lazily. His arms snaked under your thighs, wrapping around them and resting on your hips. His face pressed further into your wet slit, sucking your clit and creating an obscene slurping noise. He then began flicking his tongue over your clit expertly.
“Ja- OH fuck, oh god, yes, Jake, yesss,” you whined helplessly. Your hips bucked as much as they could through his restraints, grinding into his face harder. He groaned into you, the vibrations shooting straight into your tight bundle of nerves. Your jaw fell open, head leaning back. It was almost too much for you to keep your eyes open, overwhelming watching Jake’s talented mouth work at you, but you forced your eyes to stay on him. Months of pining behind you, you weren’t gonna miss a second of this. Jake hitched one of your thighs higher over his shoulder, his fingers gripping tightly to support this new angle. His lips stayed attached to you as his head angled slightly to the side. You bucked slightly and moaned again, panting heavily. Then his other hand slithered out from under your other leg, pushing your knee further out before bring his fingers up to your entrance. His eyes found yours, shooting you a devilish wink before slipping two fingers into you slickly.
Your head tossed back, the hand in his hair tugging at his roots in desperation. “Fuck, oh my god-“ you groaned, his fingers pumping in and out of you and scissoring perfectly, nudging your g spot as they curled. “Jake… ‘M gonna cum, please, please don’t stop-“ Your muscles spasmed, clenching tighter around his fingers.
Jake groaned into you, sucking your clit harshly and lightly shaking his face back and forth. “Soak me, baby,” he mumbled hoarsely against your clit, immediately latching back on. He sucked your clit into his mouth, his tongue flicking over it rapidly, and with a final curl of his rough fingers inside you, you spasmed with your orgasm.
You bucked and cried out, arching into his face and pulling his hair. “JAKE ohhh, oh fuck, yes, oh god,” you practically sobbed, riding out your high against his perfect mouth.
Jake gently brought you down, licking softly at you and drawing his fingers back out. You blinked your eyes open, watching him sit up, licking his fingers clean as he looked over you in admiration.
You blushed, smiling lazily up at him. “Holy fuck,” you giggled, still breathless.
Jake smiled proudly. He came up beside you, leaning over your body and pulling you into him by your hip. He tilted his head, kissing you gently. You sighed against his lips contentedly and you felt him smile into the kiss. Pulling away enough to look you in the eyes, he reached and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear.
“You taste so fucking good,” he breathed, eyeing your face. “I could eat that pretty pussy for hours.”
You pulled him down, crashing his mouth against yours again. He groaned softly, wrestling his tongue with yours. His length twitched against your thigh and you pressed into it, earning you a gasp.
“My turn,” you said as you pushed him flat on his back. He bit his lip, catching your eye. “You sure? I didn’t do that for anything in return,” he assured you gently. You nodded and gave him a cheeky smile. “I know, babe.” You kissed his chest right above his right pectoral. “I want your cock in my mouth more than anything,” your words muffled as you left a trail of wet hot kisses down his abdomen. He let out a strained moan, his hand lacing into your hair as you came to his waist band.
You looked up at him, immediately feeling a rush of desire at his flushed cheeks and dark, hooded eyes. He leaned up on his elbow to watch you, and you tugged his sweats down an inch. You gave him a smirk, cooing softly, “No underwear on you, either.”
“Guess that makes me a dirty boy,” he smirked, referencing his words earlier.
You tugged his sweats down further, dragging them over his erection teasingly. He inhaled sharply as they drug over his swollen tip, and your mouth watered at the sight of him. He was definitely the biggest you’d ever seen, not that you had seen very many, but still. Perfectly girthy, and pretty to look at. Blueish veins decorated his length, and his soft pink head leaked precum, a white pearlescent bead forming near his delicate slit. You ran your hand from its place just above his knee up to the v of his groin, biting your lip hard. He watched your reaction smugly, but quickly lost the upper hand when you brought your finger down that dip in muscle inwards toward his base. Your fingers slipped down over his dark brown pubic hair, finally wrapping gently around him. His breath shuddered at your touch, his abdomen clenching.
You breathily said, “You’re so big,” and his jaw fell open slightly, puffing gently in his flustered state. He was already so worked up, you felt so powerful. You squeezed his base once, bring your fist up his impressive length, gently twisting at the tip, then back down. Jake whined shakily, his head falling forward, watching through his lashes.
You smiled, repeating the motion a few more times, enjoying his breathy sighs and whimpers.
In a moment of clarity, Jake growled in his chest as his erection twitched in your hand. “I thought you said you wanted my cock in your mouth,” he rumbled deeply.
You licked your lips, batting your eyelashes at him. “Mmm, you want me to suck it, Jakey?” You leaned forward, lightly kissing his tip. He clenched his abdomen tightly again, hissing through his teeth.
“Please, doll… wanna feel that pretty mouth around me,” he gritted, bucking his hips slightly under your weight. Another wave of wet desire pooled between your thighs, and you couldn’t bear it anymore. You were teasing yourself just as much as him.
Lowering your head, you brought his velvety head into your mouth, sucking gently as you stroked his base. He let out a feral groan, the hand in your hair tightening, but not pushing.
You almost wish he would.
Your tongue swirled around his head in your mouth, then you moved to lick up the full length of him. You returned his desire-crazed expression with a grin, lapping from the delicate underside of his head to his small slit. He whimpered, his eyes fighting to stay open.
You sunk down then, as far as you could take him. His tip brushed the roof of your mouth near the back, almost making you gag but you breathed through your nose and relaxed. Jake groaned, fist tightening in your hair making you moan into him. He hissed, hips bucking involuntarily. You anticipated his jerkiness, luckily, moving with him and pinning his hips down. You bobbed slowly, suctioning around him tightly. His jaw hung open in bliss, his brows tightly knit and turned upwards in the centre of his sweaty forehead.
“God-“ he panted, “C’mere, please baby,” his shaky hand pulled you up to his level after you released him teasingly. His lips met yours frantically, and he pushed you on your back, quickly crawling overtop of you.
“You want me?” he goaded, giving his cock a few jerks, guiding it up and down your wet folds.
You nodded, helplessly whimpering. “Please Jake.”
He buried his face in your neck, inhaling deeply, then kissing and sucking at the skin in the crook of your shoulder. “Want me to fuck you? Want my cock inside you baby?” He rutted through your folds, catching on your clit deliciously. You moaned weakly, nodding fast.
He growled softly. “Gonna fuck you so good you forget your own name, doll. Not gonna stop until youre soaking my cock, just like you soaked my face,” he rasped in your ear, turning your brain to mush.
“Please,” you squeaked out desperately, your nails digging into his shoulders. He lifted his face to kiss you feverishly, pushing into you smoothly. You both groaned as he stretched your walls with his girthy cock. Your eyes squeezed shut, soft whimpers accompanying each pant. Jake clenched his jaw, pulling out nearly all the way, then pushing back in deeply. You cried out hoarsely, scratching his back with your nails as they raked over him. He set a brisk pace, moaning your name in your ear. You knew you weren’t going to last long, not with his tip dragging over your g spot so deliciously with every thrust.
“Yes, yes, yes, fuck Jake, so good, feels so fucking good,” you babbled incoherently, his hips picking up even more. He groaned, looking down into your eyes, his hand coming up to wrap around your throat gently. His eyes were absolutely blown out, nearly black with lust as he slammed into you repeatedly. He grit his teeth, wrapping his other hand around your thigh, pulling it up to rest your calf on his shoulder. He sunk even deeper now, making your eyes roll back as you felt your second orgasm bubbling.
Jake all but snarled animalistically, “You’re mine, you’re all fucking mine, you’re my girl.” He began circling your clit with his fingers, momentarily pausing his hips to spit down onto your clit. He started right back up, meeting your eyes intensely. You whimpered and cried a string of agreement, not daring to look away.
“Say it, who’s are you?” he growled, leaning down to hover over your lips, driving his cock harder against your g spot at this angle. You practically sobbed, “Yours Jake, I’m yours, I’m yours!”
He wildly kissed you, groaning loudly as his cock twitched inside you. “Cum for me, babe, fucking cum all over my cock, make me yours,” he pleaded desperately. You cried out, clenching tightly around him at his words, spinning out of control into your orgasm. He pounded into you right through it, his own animalistic yell following yours. He twitched, pulling out quickly and desperately jerking himself through his own climax, shooting his load across your abdomen and spread open pussy. His chest heaved as he slowed down, his eyes fluttering open slowly.
You panted hard, still twitching around nothing as your afterglow set in, your muscles relaxing bit by bit. Jake grabbed his t shirt, wiping his release off you gently, extra careful around your sensitive slit. He balled it up, tossing it to the corner of the tent and collapsed beside you. You both snuggled into each other, slowly catching your breath as one.
A dopey smile spread across your face, and Jake felt it against his chest, smiling at the tent’s ceiling. “That was…” he trailed off dreamily.
You sighed happily, nuzzling into his warm chest. “Absolutely mind blowing? Yeah,” you mumbled against his skin.
His chest shook gently as he giggled. “Yeah?”
You smirked against his chest. “You know it was, don’t be smug.”
He kissed the top of your head, murmuring, “hard not to be smug when I’ve got the most beautiful girl in the world telling me I blew her mind.” You could just feel the grin on his face, and you rolled your eyes affectionately.
“Well I hope you know, you’re stuck with me now. You’ve ruined me for all other men, Cob,” you lamented dramatically.
He smiled wide above you, shifting to tilt your chin up. His nose to yours, he looked into your eyes. “Didn’t I say not to call me that?” He said teasingly.
You giggled softly, resting your hand on his warm chest. “What should I call you then?”
He bit his lip, his expression turning almost shy. His voice soft and sweet, he asked you, “How does um… how does ‘your boyfriend’ sound?”
His big brown puppy eyes searched yours hopefully, and you could’ve thrown up from the dizzying happiness you felt. Your smile nearly split your face as you nodded quickly, kissing him through your smile.
He pulled back with a giddy little laugh. “Yeah? You wanna be my girl?” His hand cupped your cheek.
You rubbed your nose against his sweetly, “More than anything. You wanna be my guy?”
He bit his lip, eyes twinkling with joy. “I already am, baby.” His arms snaked around your middle, pulling you close against his body. You sighed, swimming in this blissful feeling. “I love you, Jake, so fucking much.”
“I love you more, babygirl,” came his soft answer behind your ear.
You stayed like that, pressed together as close as humanly possible, for quite a while. You weren’t exactly sure how long, perfectly content to drink in and absorb the feelings and the moment. Jake’s soft breathing lulled you into a sleepy trance, completely relaxed and safe in his arms.
You were broken out of your reverie from the sound of breaking twigs and crunching footsteps approaching. You reluctantly sat up, grabbing your shirt as Jake grumbled sleepily, blindly reaching out for you to come back with his eyes shut. Your heart melted all over again, smiling like a lovesick puppy as you grabbed his outstretched hand. “Cmon, baby, the guys are back,” you cooed, kissing his fingertips. He smiled, crinkling his nose and fluttering open his eyes. “So?” he rasped.
You giggled, “soooo, you need to put clothes on.” You pulled your shirt over your head, followed by a light sweater.
He rolled his eyes, swatting dismissively. “Nothing they haven’t seen before.”
You snorted, “Not gonna ask. Up, cmon,” you swatted his bare ass playfully, earning you a cheeky smirk as he sat up. You finished getting dressed together, finally unzipping the inner tent door and climbing out into the sunlight. You squinted your eyes from the harsh light, Jake following behind you, rubbing at his.
Josh, Sam and Danny sat around last nights fire pit, beginning to light it again to boil some water for coffee. They all turned at the sound of the zipper, the three of them giving you and Jake matching smug grins.
You couldn’t hide the bashful grin or the blush that erupted on your face, which they read correctly as a confirmation of what just transpired. Josh shot up from his chair, whooping loudly, followed by Sam and Danny applauding playfully. You laughed and rolled your eyes as you flopped in your chair, and Jake in his. Sam gave you both a once-over, smirking knowingly. “You two are… glowing,” he remarked smugly.
Danny smiled, a little more tactfully than Sammy, simply offering a “congrats, you two.”
You and Jake looked at each other, shyly smiling with a mumbled, “thanks…”
Josh patted Jake on the back, grinning wide. “Obligatory ‘nice job bro’,” to which Jake snorted a quiet thanks, then Josh turned to you, “not so obligatory but I still mean it, I’m happy for you, Bug.” You beamed at him, opening your arms invitingly. Josh wrapped you up in a bear hug, lifting you off your chair and squeezing.
You patted his back, squeaking, “Josh… air…” He released you with a giggle, “sorry, just so excited.”
You couldn’t stop smiling, rubbing the back of your neck and sitting down again.
Sam leaned forward, perching his head on his hand, elbow on his bent knee. “So how was it?” he asked you.
Jake glared, “None of your business, little brother.” You giggled, shrugging helplessly to Sam, who snickered. “What? I gotta make sure hes doing his job right. You know where to look if he’s not satisfying you,” Sammy leered jokingly, waggling his eyebrows. You fake-retched, much to Jake’s amusement, and Danny snorted as well, his hand flying to cover his mouth as he laughed.
Sam’s jaw dropped. “I know I was kidding, but heyy!”
You patted Sam’s shoulder through your giggles, and you all moved on, bickering and laughing as you brewed the coffee, then making lunch.
The afternoon was just as easy, just as carefree and closeknit as before. You were relieved that your new relationship with Jake didn’t change the dynamic of the group, only giving the other three more material to tease you with.
Jake proudly held your hand nearly the whole day, not even letting go when you all jumped off the short cliff into the lake. He smiled over at you constantly, every so often pressing a sweet kiss to your cheek, smiling at the way you blushed each time. As the sky darkened and stars began popping into view, Jake played guitar beside you, goofily singing wrong lyrics to make you laugh and showing you different chords. When you curled into him that night, he whispered to you how much he loved you, and how happy and proud he was to be yours.
Everything was perfect.
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itsgrimeytime · 13 days
i found a home in you (part one) || Rick Grimes (TWD) x f!Winchester!reader (SPN)
rick grimes taglist: @golden-hoax @mgparker @zomb-1-egutzz @deadgirlrin
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|| Crossover between TWD and SPN ||
Requested by @twostepandhalf
Summary: At the start of the apocalypse (one of many you'd been a part of), you and your brothers got separated. So, you roamed the new world on your own, searching for them. You just knew they were alive, so you kept yourself alive too. That and looking for them were your main priorities. Well, until you run into a group and meet a man you can't quite get out of your head.
TWs: cursing, anti-john winchester, lil bit of misogyny, injuries, blades, guns, threatening someone's life, all things TWD and SPN.
[[A/N: so this is my personal trifecta. I am in love with this concept. This is so exciting for me, it's all my favoritesssss. I hope the audience who will read this enjoys :))) ]]
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Personally, you'd always thought if the world went to shit, you would be with your brothers. It just seemed natural, the three (recently four) of you against whatever monster of the week it was. You'd kind of gotten used to it, to them.
When you were growing up, John (he was never a Dad, especially not yours) dropped you off at Bobby's. Not in the every once in awhile way, like your brothers, he left you there. Something about you being a little girl, like he could condition Sam and Dean, but not you. Because you were a girl.
(Despite what John thought, Bobby did teach you the way of a hunter. After letting you be a kid, though.)
You saw your brothers a lot when you were young, mostly because John disappeared and would drop them off while he did... whatever the hell he did. Hunt, supposedly. And yeah, it got spotty when you were older, Sammy going to college, and Dean stuck to John's side.
But, then, the fateful day came.
"Dad's on a hunting trip, and he hasn't been home in a few days."
It all started from there, the three of you stuck like glue. You'd seen their highs and lows, and they had seen yours right back. Your group grew to include a few more faces, and then maybe it shrunk again because of... because people didn't last forever.
All that to say, when the world went to shit, you were with them. Always. Every time. (Even sometimes when they didn't want you to be.)
Except for now.
You'd gone out on a solo hunt. Maybe to clear your head? You couldn't remember. Sam and Dean didn't want you to go, but they were overprotective, big brothers, they never wanted you to go. You told them you'd be fine and would be back in a few weeks, at most.
Long story short, the world went to shit, and you were far away from the bunker. Far away from your brothers.
The thought of it all still made you sick to your stomach. At first, you thought you could make it back to the bunker -just kinda on instincts. Follow the road sort of thing.
And then, your car ran out of gas.
You liked to think that you'd know the land of one state from another, but after a few days of endless trees and the stretch of pavement, you realize that you 100% didn't.
So, your priorities shifted, and you readied up for the long haul. Because somewhere in your chest, you could tell this apocalypse might just be the one that sticks.
With your luck anyway.
You tugged on the thin tree branch, snapping it off the trunk. Your eyes skimmed across the sky, trying to track the sun -the hours of sunlight were important now. Sometimes you missed sleeping in though, you'll admit.
Letting out a long sigh, you gathered up your wood collection and shoved it into your backpack -one you'd spotted in a strip mall. Otherwise, you had your duffle, full of all the... other stuff. Hunting stuff.
Surprisingly, you didn't need a lot of it now. Just an old army knife, kept in your pocket was reminiscent of that life. Dean gave it to you, a long time ago.
Huddling into the little shack you'd found by the road (well, in between a shack and a barn really), you put them all down and pulled out some matches.
It was the hot, humid kind of season then, but still, the night got cold. And if there's one thing you couldn't handle right now, it was getting sick. So, you made a fire -despite the heat feeling a little like it was stuck to your skin. Like maybe you'd never wash it off.
You didn't really think you'd wash any of this off.
Satisfied with the fire, you pulled yourself against the worn wooden walls, tilting your chin up to the sky. Your eyes flicked across the rusted metal roof -eying the scratches and buffs. And with a breath, you closed your eyes for a second.
That was the thing, living in this new world, you were always on edge. Survival mode. Before with Sam and Dean, you had a safe place. Motels, the bunker, Baby. And even if you didn't have a roof over your head, you had them.
They wouldn't let anything hurt you, just like you wouldn't let anything hurt them. And it made you... Without them, it made you afraid. For the first time in a long time, you had no one to watch your back.
So, you lived everyday with heightened senses and numbness to everything that wasn't hunger. You actually don't think you've spoken in weeks, it was a little like you reverted. Like you were how humans were in the beginning, primitive, hunter-gatherers. The shit you see on the nature channel.
On that thought, you opened your eyes back up and pulled your backpack forward -digging through the pockets. Gnawing at your lip, you eyed your rations. It wasn't a lot, you'd probably have to be on the look for more soon. That, or you could spread what you did have over the next few days.
Without another thought, you pulled out a can and with the ease of a breath, pried it open. It was some sort of beans, you didn't really care at this point. Food was food.
Quietly, you ate.
Every time you did though, you missed Dean's food. When he'd cook for everybody. It wasn't just some can of beans-
You turned the can in your hands, eying the label. Not one you'd ever seen before, but yeah, some sort of beans. Baked beans. The kind of stuff you get at a barbecue. You could nearly hear the squeaky styrofoam plates and the smell of charcoal. (The whole thing sent something through you that felt a little like nostalgia and a little like grief.)
Briefly, you wondered if they were healthy. If Sam would tell you they weren't and try to convince you to eat something else. Maybe he'd even snatch them from you.
Would they have even left the bunker? Was that not the safest place in the world?
Well, by now, they would have. You'd been gone for months at this point. Or you think so anyway. (You had been counting, but just lost the point of it.) And realistically, they probably went out to look for you after maybe two weeks. If that.
God, you could imagine them now. Those pinched faces they get when they're worried, Dean ready to kill everything in his way, and Sam with his ever-present hope. You could really picture what Dean was probably saying at this point.
"We're in a damn zombie movie, Sammy!"
You laughed at that, swirling your spoon (you had a few) around your can.
Sometimes, if you focused hard enough, you could perfectly picture them. Dean nursing a beer, flicking through channels in his 'Dean-cave', Cas beside him (trying to follow along with his explanations), and Sam, with at least 5 books on the table in front of him, engrossed in whatever case he'd found.
That was the nice thing about the bunker, the quiet little things and at the same time the hum of people, of family.
You missed it now.
As you sat by your fire, in walls that weren't the bunker's, eating something that your brother hadn't made, you missed it.
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brainyrot · 2 months
Hey. I like the way you write.
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Chaos everywhere, wood flying and breaking, bullets made of who knows what, ink and death.
it felt like a war was playing in front of him, which he couldn't tell if it was entertaining or scary, not scary because the scene was too much for him, but scary because he was in the middle of it.
he wanted to make a run for it, but didn't make it. Didn't work. Too many things happening right now.
Ink falling down from his forehead, stress.
He just needs to wait until things calm down a bit, or too many people die until it's enough and the massacre stops.
he's almost glad he's in the middle of this and witnessing it, as he can learn new things from the new guests and adapt.
the two dishes have a long reach weapon, yes, fingers but they shoot bullets and a variety of it.
Could break their hands all together.
The cat is mostly relying on the bag and physical fight, the bag gives him everything apparently. Tricky and just needs to see if that bag can even be damaged.
the girl uses some kind of spells. She is fragile so she hopes those small and quick spells she can do without messing up are enough,
Meaning she is the easiest one.
on the other hand we have what used to be people dragging themselves around, hungry. Mad. In both senses.
And he's still stuck like this.
But after what felt like an eternity the fire stops, the screams and moans of pain stop, the ink slowly melting and dripping from whatever surface it's on.
blood is mixed with ink, minor injuries, maybe some are more severe.
The guests are covered in ink, some were close to be consumed by it completely.
They work the same as the rest. They are all victims of the same rules. they are just smarter and sane enough to actually try and survive instead of throwing yourself into some suicidal mission and wait to come back, again, and die, again, and come back, over and over, losing yourself the more it happens.
Sammy on the floor, obviously alive, just not able to fight anymore. that guy is hard to beat, he can tell you by experience. Some firey bullets won't do much.
Hopefully won't start a fire, they already have enough problems as it is.
a cough, multiple coughs. A whole coughing fit that sounded like someone just got out from the dark puddles, they all do it anyway, they all need to breathe still apparently.
Or it just sounds like someone whose lungs are merely an accessory instead of functional now.
the second one fits better.
"You okay, bro?" the one with the scarf as long as Alice angel's hair, even more, asks. Placing a hand behind the other's back and rubbing it.
"I-im good. I'm good." and a few curses.
What a nitwit. you're not fine. Why does he keep lying about that? Does he think he's cool or a hero if he does that?
What a joke.
"Where's bendy?" here, but he doesn't wanna be.
"Under a table, he's fine.." taking a few breaths in, glancing at the demon..kind of suspiciously but it was just a glance, the feeling went away almost immediately.
"Who even were they?" She asked. Tired. She didn't even move, why is she tired? All the work was from the rest of the group and her silly spells.
"I don't know, tree princess. Some weirdos."
"covered in ink.."
"Some didn't even look like a person though! They.. it's like they were made of ink!" they say the truth, yet they keep denying it once they say the rest of the words.
"Yeah. this place is dangerous. We need to go." a joy in this torment of a studio?
"But boris-"
"SCREW BORIS! We can't even save him anymore! He's cussing dead! I saw him cut open earlier! There's no one else to save! There's nothing to save him! So let's just get bendy out from under the table and go!" the tallest cup shouted. Ouch. and he snapped as well.
Amusing at best, but honestly, he doesn't care.
"Bori- you...you knew? You knew?! You knew Boris was here- and- and you didn't say anything until now?! You- y- Boris is dead and- and-"
"I couldn't do anything about it! he was already like this when I found him!"
"IT DOESN'T MATTER! Boris is-you could've-! I-" Tears and a mix of emotions that can't be fully described.
Tears from a girl, ugly crying without any shame. She doesn't have time for that, as she's busy crying over a stranger with the face of someone she knew.
silence, grieving silence.
"...bendy, look. I-..I wanted to tell you, but-" finally, the one who broke this news to everyone spoke, voice so soft and empathetic it was weird seeing him talk like that.
but he wasn't talking to no one anyway, there was no one there.
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ltleflrt · 1 year
I want a reverse Hallmark AU.  Dean and Cas both grew up in a small town, and Cas left and got the fancy education and job in New York, while Dean couldn't afford to leave and also stuck behind to take care of Sammy and the Christmas tree farm.  Eventually John passes away, and Sammy goes off to also get an education and a job in NY, and he doesn't want to come home.  Dean comes to visit him in the city in December, but he's busy and Dean's left to his own devices and somehow runs into Cas again.  And Cas treats him to a dreamlike week of NY tourism, and they fall back in love, and Dean's in love with the city even though he never thought he could enjoy a place like that.  Sammy offers to pay for him to go to culinary school, cuz it turns out Dean's always wanted to be a chef, and introduces Dean to Benny who is willing to let him work in his restaurant.  But he says no, because he feels like he should.  He goes back home to the Christmas tree farm, and it feels empty and corporate, and he decides to sell it to some friends who want it and go back to NY.  The sale is still going through, but he heads back to NY just in time for New Year's Eve, and gets a chance to kiss his new rich boyfriend Cas at midnight in Time Square.
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samsseptember · 9 months
Samtember 2023 Week 2 Fills:
Here are the fills for the second week of our Samtember 2023 event! Enjoy all these wonderful pieces!
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First Aid by @thatmexisaurusrex | Pairing: SamBucky | Rated: T | WC: 1.2K words | Figaro, Hurt Comfort, Bucky Takes Care of Sam | AO3 |
Kissing Sam Wilson #10 - Changes by @ironstrangle | Pairing: SamBucky | Rated: N/A | WC: 500 words | Mission Fic, Established Relationship, Kissing |
Samtember Day 08: Figaro | Sick Day by @sammy-souffle | Moodboard | Figaro, Moving, Fresh Starts |
"Long, Separate Vacations, Eh?" by @thatmexisaurusrex | Moodboard | Pairing: SamBucky | Vacation, Domestic Fluff, They're Going On A Long Vacation All Right |
Kissing Sam Wilson #11 - Workout by @ironstrangle | Pairing: Samquin | Rated: N/A | WC: 500 words | Established Relationship, Workout, Kissing |
"BREAKING NEWS: SAM WILSON AND BUCKY BARNES INTERVIEW EACH OTHER? CONFUSING NEWS REPORTER" by @thatmexisaurusrex | Edit | Pairing: SamBucky | Established Relationship, Interview, Ignore Me I'm Being Goofy |
A Dead Tree Casts a Shadow by @abarbaricyalp | Pairing: SamRiley | Rated: G | WC: 2K words | Death, Grief, Title from the Laura Gilpin Poem “Life After Death” | AO3 | (updated with AO3 link)
Samtember Day 09: Carnival | King of Mardi Gras by @sammy-souffle | Pairing: Samquin | Rated: G | WC: 841 words | Carnival, Fluff, Cute Date |
Close Quarters by @thatmexisaurusrex | Pairing: SamBucky | Rated: T | WC: 1.4K words | Mission Fic, Getting Together, Based on “stuck in a tight space” SamBucky art | AO3 |
Kissing Sam Wilson #12 - Legacy by @ironstrangle | Pairing: SamBucky | Rated: N/A | Legacy, Reflection. Kissing |
Moonshine by @thatmexisaurusrex | Edit | Pairing: SamBucky | Rated: T | WC: 1.5K words | Bootlegger AU, Coworkers to Lovers, Louisiana | AO3 |
Samtember Day 10: Cap Quartet 2.0 | Mission by @sammy-souffle | Moodboard | Cap Quartet, Mission, Friendship |
Lunch Date by @katatonicimpression | Pairing: SamBucky | Rated: G | WC: 1.1K words | Undercover, Established Relationship, Mission Fic | AO3 |
Goodbye, Stranger by @thatmexisaurusrex | Edit | Pairing: SamBucky | Amnesia, Heist, Strangers to Lovers |
Kissing Sam Wilson #13 - Rumor by @ironstrangle | Pairing: Samquin | Rated: G | WC: 590 words | Rumor, Sexuality, Kissing |
[Podfic] When You Awake voiced by @funsized-loser | Pairing: Sambucky | Rated: E | Length: 1:53:34 | Based on When You Awake by @the-lunar-pull, Angst, Memory Loss | AO3 |
Lost Memories by noe3489 | Pairing: SamBucky | Rated: T | WC: 1.2K words | Mission Fic, Undercover, Amnesia | AO3 |
Magnifico by @abarbaricyalp | Gen Fic | Rated: G | WC: 1.6K words | Guilt, Depression, Figaro |
Kissing Sam Wilson #14 - Multiverse by @ironstrangle | Pairing: SamBucky | Rated: G | WC: 650 words | Multiverse, Established Relationship, Kissing |
Captain Variant by @sygoflyy | Pairing: SamBucky | Rated: G | WC: 629 words | Captain America Week, Variant!Sam Wilson, Established Relationship |
Kissing Sam Wilson #16/17 - Undercover by @ironstrangle | Pairing: SamBucky | Rated: N/A | WC: 600 | Undercover, Madripoor, Kissing |
Samtember Day 13: Interview | Rumor by @sammy-souffle | Graphic | Pairing: SamBucky | Rumor, The Daily Bugle, Exclusive Photos Definitely Not Provided by Peter Parker |
Samtember Day 14: Magic | Multiverse by @sammy-souffle | Moodboard | Pairing: SamBucky | Multiverse, Kid Fic, Variant!Sam Wilson |
We’re so excited about what you all will make for week three and remember that we have an AO3 collection for September 2023 that you can find here.
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via-rant · 8 months
Wanted to experiment on Trichotillomania (Especially since I've had many urges.)
"You agreed to letting me on watch."
"Yeah, on watch! Not fight them by yourself!"
"I didn't have a chance to wake anyone up!! Why even agree to it if you know I'm not going to be good at it?! I'm not a fighter, you said it yourself, I fix the ship!! That's it!! And now we're all stranded until I can get her working again!! Which is going to take at least a month!!"
"What the hell is wrong with you?!"
"What did I do now?!"
"You yelled at me!"
"What are you, five?!" He asked and another second he felt his cheek stinging.
Everything was frozen as tears filled his eyes. Cause it hurt.
"You don't get to talk back."
"I was explaining-" He slapped him again.
"No. Talking. Back. You understand?" He asked and Leo didn't know what else to do.
"Um..." He raised his hand again and Leo flinched.
"Do you understand?"
"Y-yes." He forced and he slapped him again. He felt 8 again. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. He shook, tears falling, not knowing what Jason wanted. He was scared. Alone.
"He'll never understand."
"He'll probably just mess up again anyway."
"No, I can do it."
"Oh Leo. You'll never be able to do it. You'll fail over and over and over and everyone will hate you."
"Will? We already do."
"You're not good enough."
"Stop it."
"You're weak."
"Just a thing people use. You're not special."
"No one needs you."
"Stop it."
"How do you even know you're human? You like machines more than us."
"Stop it!"
"And you look like Sammy. How do you know your parents didn't just built you because your mom was losing him?"
"Stop it!!" He yelled holding his ears tight fingers digging into his head.
"Stop it stop it stop it!!" He screamed hitting the palm of his hands on his ears. Then someone punched him. He backed away holding his nose and when he saw the blood dripping he made a noise of distress and stomped his foot. He took his hammer and started hitting a tree with it. He yelled and threw it when it didn't work. He started hitting his head with his fists yelling and crying and pulling at his hair. Pulling at his hair helped a lot. Especially when he pulled out a big chunk of it. He felt better. And it hurt so it grounded him.
When he opened his eyes, he found himself in his bed, a chunk of his hair in his hand. He shook as he looked at it. Feeling sick with guilt, he threw it away in the trash next to him. He sobbed after another minute, head in his knees.
He wore a hat the rest of the week hoping it wouldn't happen again. But it did. Over and over and over. Meltdown after meltdown, nightmare after nightmare. He forced himself to stay awake after a month of it. He pulled his hair out at least five times in the span of almost two months.
Not to mention the nightmares. Oh the nightmares just like the first one. They yell at him, throw things at him, hit him. Or everything is on fire and he watches his mother burn all over again or he feels himself burning as the voices tell him how useless he is. How much of a freak he is. There was one where they walked right through him. No one saw him, talked to him. He never existed. He yelled, begged for someone to look at him, notice him, notice how much he's suffering.
"Please. Please I'll do anything." He had cried. He woke up having to remind himself it wasn't real. After throwing away another chunk of hair. He also started to get more scared. He knew his nightmares weren't real but they seemed real. He just ended up hiding in Bunker nine after another one hoping he'd be left alone, forcing himself to stay awake.
He was left alone. But only because they couldn't find him. He hid in a capartment in the back of the Bunker. They looked for days. Annabeth found him in the bathroom. She watched him slip when she opened the door, hitting his nose on the corner of the counter, a glass piece getting stuck in his wrist.
"Oh my Gods are you okay?!" Annabeth yelled running over. Great. Annabeth. Fuking Annabeth. There was nothing wrong with her he just probably looked pathetic to her. She went through literal hell, what did he have to complain about? Hair?! She tried to help him up but he flinched back and sat himself up.
"I'm fine." He said with a weak smile before raising his head to stop the bloody nose.
"No. You're not. Sit still." She gave him his hat and some toilet paper for the nose and rushed off before coming back with bandages and some ambrosia. She pulled out the glass and started wrapping it while he had his head up, until his nose cleared.
"This is all I can do for now. We'll get you to the infirmary-" Leo started to panic.
"You know, I think I'm-"
"Stop it Leo! Just... just stop." When he looked at her, he actually looked at her. She looked worried and almost scared. She had tears in her eyes. He realized she was caring for him. She cared.
"You need help, Leo. I want to help you. We want to help you." Her voice cracked and he broke down. He sobbed and she hugged him.
"We're here. Okay? You can tell us anything. We won't judge you. We won't make fun of you. Especially not for something like this."
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narcissisticmf · 2 years
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fight | winchesters x fem!reader
description: sam and dean tell y/n to sit out on a case, but she doesn't listen to them.
trigger warnings: graphic violence, blood, some angst, mentions of anxiety, etc. read at your own risk.
word count: 1.2k
Angrily, you crossed your arms over your chest and glared at Dean as he stood across the library in the bunker. Sam was beside him with a sympathetic look upon his face, his brows came to a knit. You tapped your foot against the floor and swallowed thickly, clenching your jaw.
"Why?" You looked between them harshly.
"Because it's dangerous, alright?" Dean spoke through his gravely tone and let his arms rest down at his sides.
"Because it's dangerous, alright?" Dean spoke through his gravely tone and let his arms rest down at his sides.
"Dangerous? You've gotta be joking," You scoffed and rolled your eyes.
"Y/N/N, with all do respect, Dean's right. You've been recovering from an injury and your head's not all in it right now," Sam spoke softly as he looked at you with a gentle gaze.
"So?" You raised your brows and looked at them, "I've been itching for a fight, I have so much adrenaline built up in me and I have no idea what I'm supposed to do with it because you both won't let me use it!"
"Enough!" Dean looked at you with his lips parted. You cocked a brow and clenched your teeth. "You're staying," He pointed a finger at you and ushered for Sam to follow him out of the bunker. "Let's go, Sammy," He turned around and the two of them walked up the stairs to exit the bunker.
When you heard the door latch shut, you breathed out roughly through your flared nostrils and turned on your heels, scurrying down the halls.
"Jack!" You called out, peering into his bedroom once you turned a corner. He was seated against his bed watching a cartoon on the television. His legs were crossed as his back was leaned against the headboard.
"Hi, Y/N!" He smiled and turned his gaze from the television to you. You smiled softly and walked into his bedroom, breathing quietly.
"I need your help," You pressed your lips together and watched as he fumbled out of his bed, standing before you. "Can you send me to where Sam and Dean went?"
"I thought they asked you to stay," Jack's pupils dilated as he stood before you.
"Yeah, they did, but I need to go.. so please?" You looked with hopeful eyes. "They're taking on a vampire nest, a big one and they won't let me go just because I got hurt a few weeks ago, but I'm better and I need to be there, Jack."
He thought for a moment, pursing his lips as he gazed down. Soon, he looked back up to you with a grin, "Okay, I'll do it."
Falling against the dirt, you grumbled and felt a rush of cold air graze over your body. You huffed softly and pushed yourself off the ground, standing between trees and bushes, outside the vampire's nest.
"I'll never get used to that," You dusted off the dirt and leaves that stuck to your jeans and flannel. You licked your lips and slowly peered your gaze around you. You saw the Impala was parked against the gravel several yards from the nest.
You slowly ushered your way out of the bushes and scurried across the pavement towards the Impala. You glanced around and opened the trunk, smiling when you saw an extra machete lying between the weaponry Dean always carried. You pulled it to your side and closed the trunk swiftly.
Holding it down at your side, you led yourself across the street and funneled into the nest. It was an old building, compacted with the smell of metallic red liquid and decaying human bodies.
You walked down a narrow hall and listened to the sound of stomping feet and grunting. Your heart was pounding louder the deeper you walked through the nest. You breathed slow as you turned a corner to an open room where Sam and Dean were surrounded by about seven vampires. You smirked softly and gripped the handle of your machete, inching towards one of the vampires that had their back to you as they faced Dean. He was backed into against the wall while the vampire held its hand around his throat.
With all the strength you had left, you swung the blade across the vamp's neck, dislocating its head from its body. Dean stared at you with widening eyes as did Sam. The rest of the vampires growled and continued fighting. One of the vamp's came charging at you as you effortlessly swung the blade across its neck.
"I thought you vamps were supposed to be strong!" You laughed wholeheartedly and took another strike at one of them. One of them kicked your backside as you fumbled to the ground, you grip was still strong on your machete as you grunted.
"That's more like it," You whispered lowly as he had you pinned against your back.
"You like it rough, doll?" The vampire smirked.
"Yeah," You smirked as you noticed Dean was stood behind the creature and swung his machete across its neck. "Just not with you," You breathed out as you swiped the back of you hand across your lips, wiping the blood from your face.
You glanced around and saw Sam was breathless, sitting against the wall as the vampires were all taken out. You looked up at Dean with a tight lipped grin as he stared down at you with pure anger and frustration.
"Okay, I get it, you're mad, but come on! If it weren't for me, you'd be dead!" You stated as the three of you were walking towards the Impala. Dean had an angry look on his face as Sam chewed on the inside of his lower lip.
"It's not about you saving us, Y/N/N," Dean grumbled and stopped in his tracks, standing before you. You stopped and looked at him with parted lips. Sam was stood on the passenger side of the car, watching.
"Then what?" You breathed out, your eyes glassy.
"You didn't follow my order," He pressed his lips together.
"You have no right to order me around, Dean," You crossed your arms over your chest.
"You could've gotten yourself killed," He replied flatly.
"I'm a big girl and I'm not new at this, Dean! You treat me like some child!" You rose your voice as you pushed by him to walk towards the back door of the car.
Dean released a frustrated sigh and turned around to look at you. "You're right," He breathed out, "I just can't bare the thought of losing you, sweetheart."
You looked back at him with a coy grin tugging at the corner of your lips, "I know."
Dean smirked softly and walked towards the Impala, "Get in the car." You smiled gently and hopped inside as Sam released a broken chuckle. Dean climbed into the driver's side and sped off down the road with a grin fighting to appear on his lips.
"You guys love me," You breathed out contently.
Sam laughed and shook his head fondly, "Yeah, we do."
Dean glanced back at you through the rearview mirror and pressed his lips together, "Shut up." You smiled in response and looked out the window the whole ride back.
a/n: hi, angels! so i'm not crazy confident with this one, but i liked the concept of it and how the winchesters can be soft towards y/n most of the time. i feel like everyone has a soft side for y/n so it kinda just fit?? anyway, i hope you liked this, my dears! thank you for your support and for reading! mwah! much love. — angelina.
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imbiowaresbitch · 1 year
Holiday Rescue
Destiel, and my 30th fic posted this year! Holy shit. Words: 12585 Rating: Explicit ~~
Snow sucked. Some people loved it, sure. But Dean Winchester wasn't one of those people.
First of all, the salt that was everywhere to melt the snow and give some traction was going to destroy Baby if he wasn't careful. He'd been meticulous about cleaning her off, but if he found even a speck of rust, he was gonna lose it.
Then, to top it all off, three days earlier, he slipped on some ice getting out of Baby and broke his damn wrist. As though in apology, Mother Nature chilled the fuck out, or rather, didn't chill, and the weather warmed up to way more appropriate temperatures. Sure, a lot of the country got snow in December, but not Georgia! In January, a little, but it was barely December. Grumbling to himself, he undid the ropes lashing his purchase to Baby's roof. Stupid snow. Stupid ice! So now he was in a cast, trying to muscle the Christmas tree he'd picked up off the roof, and swearing under his breath.
Okay, so maybe he was being an ass about it. Sammy had said he'd go shopping to help while Dean was incapacitated, but Dean was an idiot and refused to admit he needed help.
And now he was stuck. His apartment was a third-floor walk-up, and while there was nothing wrong with his legs, hauling the tree when he couldn't get a good grip on it was impossible. He'd just dropped his forehead against Baby's roof with a groan when he heard someone jogging up.
"Did you need help?" asked a deep, husky voice.
He rolled his eyes. Jogging was for yuppies like his brother, and whoever tortured themselves like that was definitely not someone Dean wanted to deal with just then.
He lifted his head, prepared to brush off the guy, when he found himself face-to-face with a gorgeous, tousled, sweaty vision in jogging shorts, runners, and aviators. A shirt was dangling, tucked under the guy's waistband, but his perfectly tanned chest was clear evidence the shirt didn't get much use.
Dean's mouth went dry. The guy had intricate floral tattoos up and down his right arm and what looked like a scroll of paper winding around from the shoulder to mid-forearm on the left, with writing all over that Dean couldn't read at that distance. There was another one across his abdomen and ribs on the left side in a weird script. Dean nearly whimpered when he spotted a pair of steel barbells through his nipples, and he had a ring piercing his lower lip. A perfectly stubbled jaw slanted down to a dimpled chin, with gorgeous pink lips above. He had piercings in his ears, as well, with both earlobes pierced and a short industrial on the right.
He nodded mutely, and the guy pulled off his sunglasses and grinned. His dark mahogany hair was sweat-damp, and just a touch of grey glinted at his temples. But when Dean met his eyes?
thank you much to @nickelkeep for beta-ing as always! Love you! And much love to @anyreiart for the spectacular art of Cas. Read the rest on AO3.
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faytelumos · 6 days
Genre Writing Game
Here's a new writeblr tag game from @creativepromptsforwriting! I got prompt #999!
"You can stop hugging me now."
"No, I don't think I can."
Tagging to play @afoolandathief, @amethystpath-writes, @annakayy, @dyrewrites, @gummybugg,
@kaatiba, @those-damn-snippets, @tildeathiwillwrite, @serenanymph, @surplus-of-sarcasm,
and @written-in-starlight, as well as anyone else who wants to play!
Without further ado! Let's start with!
She pulled him in close, and he tried to push on her shoulders to keep her away. But she was strong, stronger than he expected, and she pressed him to her chest and hummed, wrapping her arms around him.
The hairs on the back of his neck prickled. He didn't know what else to do, so he just waited. She could get her hug out, and then he would pull away. But three seconds passed. Then five. Ten. Her arms were getting cold. He was getting the creeps, feeling like something was crawling slowly up his back.
"Y…you can stop hugging me now," he breathed, afraid to upset her. She took in a deep breath. It sounded like it rattled in her chest.
"No," she said, but her voice was wrong. It creaked and groaned like a tree. Something was crawling up into his hair. "I don't think I can."
"Oh, Sammy!" he called, waving animatedly at her. She raised an eyebrow, and stiffened when he ran up to her. He was fast, and he got her in a hug before she could decide if she needed to evade him or not. He was big and warm around her, his hands spread wide over her back. It might have been nice if she wasn't so confused. And if he wasn't still holding her.
"Brent," she said lowly, half-warningly, "you can stop hugging me now."
"No," he uttered. There was nothing cheerful about that tone. "I don't think I can. Carefully, look up on that building, with the coffee shop?" She set her hands on his waist, peeking through his lightly spiked hair. "Second floor from the top. Left window."
"I see it," she uttered, looking directly at the glint in the window, the silhouette of a person with a rifle trained on her.
Mom flinched and nearly dropped her lemonade when Chris all but tackled her. She chuckled politely and hugged him back. I looked him over. "Dude," I said. He was practically buzzing, like a big dog wagging their tail too fast.
Mom patted his back. "Okay, alright, you can stop hugging me now," she said.
"No," he replied, dreamily, almost to himself, still hugging her like a big puppy, "I don't think I can."
"Chris!" I snapped. How was it physically possible for my friend to embarrass me in front of my mom?!
"Stacy," Mom said, "inside voice."
He sighed with relief when the lock finally came undone. He threw the cage door open and she burst out of it, knocking him back with the door, and they both fell to the ground. He grunted at the impact of the stone floor, of her falling onto him, but then she wrapped her arms around him, and he held her close.
"Thanks for coming back," she whispered.
"I couldn't leave my heart behind," he said back. She hugged him tighter, and he expected her to let go, but she didn't. It was a bit tight to keep up. He tried to wriggle his neck free, but her hold was too secure. "Sorry," he half-choked, "we should go." They both grunted when he tried to sit up. "You can stop hugging me now."
"No?" she gasped, struggling, somehow pulling on him as she did. "I-I don't think I can." She was frantic already, and when he tried to let go of her, he found himself stuck. His gut went cold.
"Wizard?!" he called out.
He opened the door, and his heart leapt to see her there, standing tall and beautiful over him. She looked him in the eye, and he shivered, taking a step back.
"Invite me in," she whispered. She could have charmed him to do it. But he could tell his mind was his own. He licked his lips.
"Please," he whispered, "come i—"
She was on him at once, wrapped around him, bearing down on him, covering him. He grabbed at her back, holding on as if for dear life. Shaking. Out of fear or… excitement, he couldn't tell. And she just held him. And held him, and held him. How long had she said it'd been for her? Did she know what to do next?
"Okay," he breathed, and though he didn't want her to move, he knew he should help her. "You… you can stop hugging me now," he offered. She hummed, deep and buttery rich against him.
"No," she purred, making him shiver again, "I don't think I can." He took a breath to question her, and then her lips were on his, and he wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly anew.
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rennisaturate · 6 months
SEND AN EMOJI FOR A STARTER ! ↳ winter season & holiday based
everyoneismytoy asked: [🎄] our muses decorate a christmas tree together Felix and Samantha
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sammy hadn't expected to become fast friends with him, but getting along with felix had been as easy as breathing. she was feeling homesick, miserably and achingly so, but her whole family was scattered around for the holidays that year. she'd been sulking about it for a while until felix had suggested they spend christmas together. saltburn was large and opulent and gorgeous, a little surreal to her truthfully. it reminded her of a hotel she'd once stayed in with her family when she was a child one summer... but none of that really mattered. she was just grateful to not be stuck back at her dorm alone. as they placed the gleaming decorations all around the tree she hummed softly to herself. " where do you think this one should go?? " she asked, stepping back to look at what they'd done so far. sammy held up the shining red ornament in her hands. " i was thinking here, " she stood on her toes to show him exactly, looking over her shoulder to see if he approved of her idea.
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luna-writes-stuff · 2 years
Day 18: Seven, Dean Winchester
Song link
Fanfic, gn!reader
Fluff, angst in flashbacks
Word count: 3058
Tw: Flashbacks. I am not a John Winchester apologist, oops. Mentions/description of violence and gore, but none too graphic. Losing of consciousness, waking up in a hospital. Dealing with the loss of a loved one (John). You have two parents for the sake of the story. Slight domestic problems; Dean keeps running from John, John gets mad at your parents.
Summary: Throughout your life, you had learned to love Dean Winchester. And though it was complicated, he kept running back to you one way or another. These are short moments throughout your life where you realised you loved him, and where he realised he loved you.
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“Please picture me In the trees.”
The swing was your favorite spot. Located underneath a willow, swinging above a tiny lake; it had a natural, calming ambiance. You had spent many mornings sitting there in the cold autumn air, reading a book, or simply staring at the foxes that would occasionally pass on the other side of the creek. As the sun slowly rose to its height, green lights would reflect through the leaves that still decorated the trees, sending you perfect luminance to focus.
After breakfast, you would always rush there, though no one would ever sit on the swing. There weren’t many people in the park - never were, but you kept your spot. As a child, what else do you have to worry about?
“I hit my peak at seven feet In the swing Over the creek I was too scared to jump in.”
But you were not alone these past days. For even now, when the sun hadn’t even set yet, the water in front of you moved in irregular waves.
“Will you ever join me?” A voice sounded from the pond, causing you to look down at the boy with a smile.
“You’re insane.” You joked, referring to his rather stupid idea to jump into the lake at 7 in the morning, your breath still fogging up the freezing air. The boy, however, scoffed, dumping his head underwater as if to make a statement, before resurfacing, sticking his tongue out to you.
“You’re stupid.” He retorted, splashing water towards you, though it did nothing but clean your shoes.
You looked down at the droplets with a teasing smirk, kicking a pile of leaves in front of the swing into the water, dirt dying the water temporarily. The boy stuck his tongue out, swimming towards the shore. Leaning his arms on the grass, he stared up at you, a stupid grin on his face.
“Dad said you could come over today,” He started. “It’s Sammy’s birthday.”
“I remember,” You pointed out. “We bought him a gift three days ago.”
Dean simply formed his lips in a thin line, as if he forgot. You shook your head at the notion, looking back in front of you as you dangled over the creek. All was well that morning.
“But I, I was high in the sky With Pennsylvania under me.”
The walk to your home seemed even longer that particular morning. Something lay heavy on your friend’s mind and you could see it. As you reached your porch, your mother already stood outside, a towel in hand for Dean. The boy ran up to her, offering her a short hug, simultaneously soaking her jeans in water. Grabbing the towel he ran back to you.
“You’re leaving again, aren’t you?” You spoke aloud, referring to his earlier departure months ago. After that, you figured you’d never see Dean again. But he had returned. Apparently not for long.
His face fell upon your words, looking down at his feet. “Was it that obvious?”
“You looked the same as you did last winter.” You informed, turning on the balls of your feet. “That is why I am invited to Sammy’s birthday, right?”
“Well, dad didn’t want to celebrate anything,” The boy admitted sadly. “But I convinced him. He was going to leave tonight, but I wanted to say goodbye.”
You smiled at him, though disappointed, you were glad he stalled. Leading him inside the living room, you grabbed the two cups of tea from the kitchen counter. You knew Dean already drank coffee, but your parents had discouraged it. Even if they weren’t Dean’s real parents, they tended to act like them at certain moments. But the boy eventually grew to love the tea, and knew to not ask anything different.
Dean’s father had always been rougher around the edges. You had met him a handful of times when you and Dean just started your friendship, but he was entirely different than your parents. Dean seemed to love them, though.
“Are there still beautiful things?”
The tv was playing silly cartoons as you and Dean sat on the couch, mindlessly watching them. A laugh would occasionally tear from your throat, pulling the boy with you. He had yet to change out of his wet clothes, but at least he had covered his seat with two other towels. Your mother had lectured him about that last time.
These mornings were always spent like that. The tv would be playing Looney Tunes, your mother would have made you tea, a tray of biscuits on the table. It was cozy, and comfortable. Dean seemed less tense than he usually did. And he was able to look really tense for an eight-year-old.
Your parents had offered to talk with Dean’s father often, but he kept shaking them off, claiming he was fine. You knew better, but you also knew better than to intervene. Your parents loved Dean, and you knew the feeling was mutual, but Dean had another family.
“Sweet tea in the summer Cross your heart, won't tell no other And though I can't recall your face I still got love for you.”
You wouldn’t see him for a year after that. He promised to visit through the winter, but through letters, you had to figure out he wouldn’t be stopping by for Christmas break. He was kind enough to send you a leather bracelet, its strings braided together. But you did not know where he was. He would never tell you, and so the notebook hidden behind your plushies would remain untouched, slowly gathering dust.
Winter turned into spring, which turned into warm summer nights. Since May, you hadn’t heard anything from him, and he wasn’t one to forget his monthly letters. September had been just around the corner. Three months, a long time for someone so young.
Your parents told you that was simply the way it went. You were only seven, how were you to disagree? Unbeknownst to you, you’d meet him again soon. Simply not in the way you would have hoped.
“Your braids like a pattern Love you to the moon and to Saturn.”
It had been the second week of September when everything happened. When children began to disappear from your area. Your hometown. Three classmates had gone missing within a week. No one was allowed to cross the streets without supervision, so it took you by surprise when there was a knock on your door that Wednesday afternoon.
Your mother had opened the door, allowing Dean and his little brother in. A look of sadness crossed her face, rather than an angry one. You weren’t angry. You were relieved. He was okay.
His father was working a job, he told you. He and his brother needed a place to stay, since motels were full. You didn’t believe him. No one had crossed this town since the news, but you did not tell him. You were glad he was there. And that night, he had told you everything. About his mother, about his father, and about his father’s actual job.
The two of you passed out on the couch to Looney Tunes that night, Sam having occupied your bed. And that was the first time you realized you were in love with Dean Winchester.
“Passed down like folk songs The love lasts so long.”
The second time you realized you were indeed deeply, and truly in love with him, was that same November. He had only been gone for a month, and his dad had left for the other side of the country without a note. The Winchesters had arrived in town by bus, and you were there to await him.
You had grabbed Sam’s hand, making sure he wouldn’t run off, as you walked the familiar streets to your house. Even Dean knew them by now. You showed Sammy the park you used to visit, and you finally shared that dive, even as the water was freezing.
Coming home again, it was sweet tea and Looney Tunes. His head had fallen against your shoulder, his eyes slowly closing. Their journey must have been tiring; Sam had fallen asleep on the chair only minutes prior.
Your hands wrapped around his arm, keeping him close, and making sure he wouldn’t fall over. He was out like a light after that. You had never seen him sleeping before. At sleepovers, he used to fall asleep after you, and wake up before you could. But now you could properly see his relaxed features. The freckles dusting his cheeks, or his hair that fell over his eyes just a little bit. He had told you he was thinking about shaving it, but you decided against it. He seemed to value your opinion, for it was the same as it had been last December.
The peace that radiated from him seemed to calm you down as well. Yes, perhaps you had fallen for him. And you had no idea that, even at the age of seven, you would never get over him.
“And I've been meaning to tell you I think your house is haunted Your dad is always mad and that must be why.”
The third time you realized it came unfortunate. It had been a year later, and Dean’s visits became more frequent. And John, his father, had noticed. There were nights he’d stand on your doorstep, exchanging heated words with your father about Dean. Your father seemed to love Dean more than John did. Yet John was always the one who would take the boy home that night.
That is when you grew to call him John. You used to refer to him as Dean’s father, but after that first fight, you had lost your respect for him. But regardless of how often the man would yell, Dean would always run back. And he was always welcomed.
After one specifically heated argument, your father had broken down in the kitchen, muttering something about the police. He hadn’t wanted you to hear, but he couldn’t have known you were still on that staircase.
You heard John’s car depart from your driveway, and you took your chance. Slipping through the backdoor, you left the house. You knew where they were staying. There was only one motel in the neighborhood.
“And I think you should come live with me And we can be pirates.”
It wasn’t difficult to find their room. John seemed at the end of his screaming match. Before you could get to the door, it flung open, and the man stormed out, walking back to his car. He hadn’t spotted you yet, and there were no boys trailing behind him. He was going for a drink.
Opening the door, you found Sam on the couch, staring at the Looney Tunes on the tv screen, his eyes slightly glossy. You greeted him silently, offering him a wave and a sympathetic smile. He merely ran over to you, engulfing you in a hug. A short sob escaped him before he escaped from your arms, running back to the couch and grabbing his chips.
“Dean?” You called through the small room. How three people would fit in there, you couldn’t comprehend. Not even for one night.
Sam gestured towards the closet, but said nothing, trying to occupy himself.
“Then you won't have to cry Or hide in the closet.”
Reaching towards the knob, you opened the closet gently, finding Dean at the bottom of it. As he spotted you, he quickly wiped his eyes, croaking out one word, hushed under his breath.
You understood him immediately, stepping into the closet as well and closing the door, before sitting down on the other side of him. And that’s when he broke down. Instinctively, you moved your body closer to his, opening your arms to him. He crawled into them swiftly, grasping both ends of your cardigan as he silently cried. And cried. Until he ran out of breath.
You stayed there with him until his eyes were no longer red. Until his breath was no longer shaky, and his nose was no longer running. He could almost swear his headache had disappeared.
For you, that was the third time.
For Dean, it was the first.
“And just like a folk song Our love will be passed on.”
Now, years later, you sat there on the hospital floor with him. His body still stitched and bandaged up. Your leg had been three kinds of broken, but still, you sat there with him, as you had done seventeen years earlier. Your back against the wall, your arms opened, Dean tucked within them.
The man that had often been the reason for his secret crying, would cause him pain one last time. Sam had collapsed beside you, his head leaning against yours. Though younger, he had grown up to be much taller than you were, but he was not afraid to utter his true emotions to you. Nor had Dean ever. And, almost ironically, this was the first time the two had seen each other this vulnerable. In the eyes that you always held.
The funeral was silent, almost deafening. Dean’s hand had been clasped in yours as his eyes kept staring at the flames in front of him. Sam had found himself against the hood of the Impala, removed a reasonable distance. He needed time. They both did.
Even after the years of misery, and having to clean the mess up John left behind, you could not help but mourn the man. Not for his actions, nor his words, but for the hurt the Winchesters had to go through now. What Dean had to go through now.
Your head fell against Dean’s shoulder, following his gaze to the fire. Dean, however, began to look at you. You had been there with him through everything. All those years ago, deciding to leave with him when you went to get Sam from college, following the two brothers into their search for their father; you had been there. And he hadn’t asked you to. You simply did.
That is when Dean realized, this wasn’t lust. This was love.
“Please picture me In the weeds Before I learned civility I used to scream ferociously Any time I wanted.”
It took one faithful night for you to say the words out loud. Hunting one werewolf seemed a terrible idea. Especially when he had planned an ambush with four of his brothers. You weren’t alone, it wouldn’t be an issue.
But Sam got knocked out, and Dean was busy warding off two on his own. It was up to you to make sure none would get Sam. You had stood over his unconscious form, your knife swinging in your hand dangerously, almost taunting the two others. And then one of the brothers Dean was fighting, escaped, and made way for you. From your back.
Before you could process anything, your face hit the floor, a sharp sensation flowing from your nose to your head. That would leave its mark.
Turning around on your back, you managed to pierce the wolf, but his brothers had reached for your legs. Pulling you from underneath the body, one slashed your arm, forcing you to drop the blade. That’s when the second one took a bite from your leg, whilst aiming for your stomach. Both a hit.
Dean had gotten there quickly after that, ending both of them. Adrenaline forced you upright, but it left as soon as it came, and you fell forward almost instantly.
“Y/N? Hey!” Dean’s voice rang, his arms grasping your shoulders as he forced you to sit up. You remembered seeing his panicked face, even though it was all hazy. Almost like a puzzle.
You remembered him asking you something. You remembered him carrying you to the passenger seat of the Impala, quickly binding your arm and leg with two towels in the trunk, and your stomach with his jacket. You remembered the searing pain, and Dean’s pleas and apologies. You remembered Sam’s still unconscious form on the backseats. And that’s where you lost it.
“Sweet tea in the summer Cross my heart, won't tell no other And though I can't recall your face I still got love for you.”
You woke up in a white room, almost blinding your eyes. The beeping of machines and rushing of nurses had forced you awake. The warm hand covering yours was what kept you.
“Jesus, Y/N. You scared the shit out of me.” Were the first sentences you heard.
Your head turned to your left, your eyes still narrowing to adjust to the light, but you recognized Dean’s face. And his voice.
“Sorry,” You whispered, a smile on your face.
“Asshole,” Dean mumbled, though he couldn’t help the grin making its way on his face. You were awake. You were okay. His hand made way to your face, brushing your hair out of your line of sight. Even half conscious, the notion sent sparks up your spine. You found yourself leaning into it subconsciously. And Dean left it there.
“I couldn’t leave yet,” You continued, your voice broken, but still audible. “I had to profess my undying love and fidelity to you.”
Dean chuckled at your words, muttering something close to a ‘you haven’t lost your sense of humor, thankfully’. But you ignored his statement, offering him a serious look.
“It’s not a joke.”
And that’s where he froze. His arm appeared rigid underneath yours, and the hand covering yours clenched tightly. ‘It’s not a joke’ echoed through his head.
“Pack your dolls and a sweater We'll move to India forever Passed down like folk songs.”
“Well,” He began hesitantly. “I wouldn’t have allowed you to leave yet. Still had to utter a couple chick flic words here and there. Perhaps some dates.”
Your smile grew at his words, growing almost lightheaded at the sudden burst of happiness. You had almost forgotten you had just woken up.
“Some?” You tested, turning your hand in his hold so you could intertwine your fingers together.
“We can decide on the number when you are walking again.” He decided, retrieving his hand from your face. “And you are not bound to these things.” Tugging on the intravenous drip running from your free hand gently.
“But first; recovery.”
“Our love lasts so long.”
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myfckingnameisnuwanda · 6 months
CH.2 Money Doesn’t Fall From the Trees
November 21, day 15.
Hey, mom.
I’m sorry to say we are no closer to finding out how to go back than in my first letter.
It’s been two weeks now, and Sam is getting out of his dissociative state. He now interacts more with Other Mia. I think he wants to make her his girlfriend after her and Sammy’s terrible break up. I know he doesn’t want to hear it, but Jake, Felix and I know it’s not going to work. He also avoids his Other Family like the plague.
Not that I fault him. I don’t think interacting with our Other Families is doing any good to the rest of us. Seeing them makes me miss you all even more. And Felix seems almost obsessed with Oscar. Jake is starting to avoid his Other Parents, too. I think he fears his Other Mother may put a restraining order on him.
I think I also should get away from my Other Family.
I’m trying to be objective here.
They are not my family.
They don’t owe me anything. And they have done plenty enough to help already. We are not their responsibility, and we can’t expect them to take care of all of us much longer.
To be honest, I may never have put myself in their shoes in the first place if it wasn’t because I found Other Nai Nai’s account book yesterday. They are losing a lot of money on us. Feeding us and clothing us. Not even helping them out in the restaurant will help, since they have the regular workers too.
We also can’t keep eating exclusively chinese food every day, I’m going to get sick. I’m grateful, but, also, I very much can't keep eating it anymore. I want mac and cheese so bad.
And that’s without mentioning dumpster food. The last donut Jake ate left him stuck in our bathroom for ours. Or at least I suspect it was the donut. It may have been the carbonara sauce (it was just the sauce, mom. A packet of 250mg of expired carbonara sauce) but Sam also ate that and he was fine. Though, Sam’s stomach could be an object of research for scientists.
What I'm trying to get at is; we should start looking for jobs.
I talked to the boys about this last night. They agreed with me after I explained my reasoning behind it.
Jake says he will look for a job at the convenience store, since he can probably get away with taking all the recently expired food to the cabin. He is out right now, talking with the manager. He should get it, after all, they always have that big job advertisement in the window besides the door.
Felix said he would look in the records store, or the library, but he seemed unconfident about getting the job, for some reason. Maybe he fears he won’t get a job because of his appearance?
I just got to the cabin after visiting Other Nai Nai with the news that we were looking for jobs, and she offered me one, as a waiter or a delivery guy. I rejected her offer, but asked her if she would accept Felix or Sam for the job. She looked at me like she knew exactly why I rejected her, and accepted.
But it can’t be on delivery, because we don’t have any form of transport or licence to use one, and Sam’s stolen skate isn’t something Other Nai Nai accepts to deliver food. Too unsafe, she said.
But, anyways, these days, when I’m not in town or with the boys, I walk down the stream of the river besides the cabin more often than not. And in the past week, I have been meeting this old man that spends his afternoons fishing. He talks about fishes, and rows, and bait, and I listen and nod.
It’s interesting, and I’ve never felt this close to nature. I’m sure you would be against it, but I’m going to ask the man for a job.
He sells bait and fishing rows, and rents boats out to other fishermen. He also owns a dock in the widest part of the river, where he keeps his rentable boats.
He doesn’t sell fish, though. He says that’s for him and his family.
He gave me a fish three days ago, but I have no idea what to do with a fish that’s not even descaled at the very least. I asked the guys if they knew how to prepare it, but it was futile. We had to let the fish go in the river.
I will ask him to teach me, when I ask him for a job tomorrow.
We will be okay, I believe.
I miss you so so much. I love you, mom.
Tired of chinese food,
<- Ch.1-Ch.2 In Betweens, Ch.2-Ch.3 In Betweens ->
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