#she's crazy like that n would go after someone if they proposed in front of her lmao
Hiii, I love your writing, can I request a Jude x reader where they do celebrity gogglebox and they watch Jude’s champions league final at Wembley where he proposed to her & she told him she’s pregnant, and they watch everyone’s reaction at Wembley when it’s happening ( his teammates, family & fans)
A/n: I was so excited to write this I just had to get started immediately,cause I hadn't gotten a request in such a long time,thank you so much for this and I hope you enjoy please comment and like at the end I'd really love some feed back as to how my writing is and where I need to improve
Looking Back
Hi I'm Jude Bellingham"
"And I'm Y/n Bellingham and welcome to our Google box interview"
"It's not an interview"
"Then what is it?"
(Color bars)
"Hi I'm Jude(Laughs)
"Why are you laughing?"
(Color Bars)
"Ok we gotta be serious this time"
"Hi I'm Jude Bellingham"
"And I'm Y/n Bellingham"
"And today we're doing a Google box, about our story and how we got to this moment in our lives together and my first of the season"
"Bit of a mouth full innit"
"Whatever, just press play"
He pulls me closer, wrapping an arm around my shoulder and kisses my forehead I lay my head on his chest , then he takes some popcorn from the bowl on my lap
I press play and the first thing that appears is Jude's first day in Madrid when he signed his Real Madrid contract
"This day was a big one you know, new place for us, new language and Culture, just everything"
"Luckily we had so many people that were willing to help and make our adjustment as easy as possible"
"Actually I remember something from that day"
"You nearly tripped and fell"
I give him an eyebrow raise
"Yes you did, I remember you nearly fell and I caught you, I'm surprised they didn't get that on camera"
"No I didn't Jude, you're lying"
"No I'm not, I vividly remember holding your heels after the pictures cause you'd given up on them after you used my shoulder to help you take them off"
"I don't remember that"
"I even told you that morning before we left the hotel that you should get a comfortable shoe then you said no and I put your shoes in the car before we left"
"I still don't remember"
"The gaslighting is crazy"
"Let's continue" I say remembering the moment he's talking about
The video cuts and this time it's Jude's first Real Madrid game
"I remember that game, when we were in America during the preseason games and we played against Milan"
"I remember being in the stands and just being so nervous"
The video cuts and shows Jude waving to someone in the crowd after the game
"Mhhhm I wonder who you're waving too"
"Same" he says
The video cuts again but this time it's  Jude's first La Liga game where he scored his first La Liga goal and celebrates in front of the Bilbao fans and all of them showing him the finger
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"The amount of hate that came from those fans you'd swear I'd  just killed someone"
I laugh at his his comment
"No but on a serious note though that was just iconic"
"And you know what I loved about it?"
"What?" He asks
"It never discouraged you, instead you continued playing at your best"
"Yeah it didn't discourage me but I for sure thought I would be the most hated player of the season and actually right after that moment I remember looking for you in the stands and you had made a heart with your fingers"
"I mean, I needed you to know that even if the whole world hates you I'll still love you"
"And I'll love you more"
The video cuts and it's Jude's first El classico where he scored two goals
"Ah I remember that game, it was my first El classico"
"I remember going home after that game and we were just in disbelief"
"Yeah, I just couldn't believe it, you know and I was so nervous the night before, remember?"
"Yeah I remember, you were pacing around the room and the whole time and I was just there trying to calm you down"
"I was nervous"
"I know you were my love, but the next day you scored 2 goals and won the match so there was no need to be nervous"
The video cuts again and shows Jude's Goal against Girona and his injury, how he was on the floor and the medical team icing his ankle
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then the camera panned to me where I looked with a concerned expression on my face and glistening eyes
"I was so worried in that moment" I said looking at the screen
"So was I, I just heard my ankle pop and i knew something was wrong"
"We didn't get home the until the early hours of the morning"
He turned to the camera and said
"She stayed by my side the whole night despite me telling her to go home and rest and the whole time she held my hand while my ankle was being examined and I'm not gonna lie I was grateful that she didn't listen to me because that was very painfull and having her by my side just served as comfort"
"I couldn't leave you there, I would've been restless at home not knowing what was happening" I say smiling up at him
"Well I'm glad you stayed"
"You're welcome"
"Ok next"
The camera cuts to the Ballon d'or ceremony and Jude Winning the Kopa award where he does his speech
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"Thank you everyone for all the wonderful support and the messages, two days ago I won my first El classico so this is just a cherry on top, thank you to the fans and the supports and my Family as well  I am grateful and I am appreciative,thank you"
"Wow, you really do have a way with words don't you?"
"What can I say, This was my First time going to the Ballon d'or ceremony and just being there with so many other great Footballers and Football legends was so surreal it felt amazing
I remember meeting R9 for the first time and you were by my side holding my hand and the whole time as we're talking to him I was holding onto your hand for dear life"
"I actually thought you were gonna break my hand I'm surprised I still have it"
"I'm sorry"
"It's fine I'm just glad i was there with you" I say
"He kisses my forehead and looks towards the screen again
The screen transitions to Jude's first Champions League game for Madrid
"That game was another for the books, first UCL game and I had scored the only and the winning goal"
"Yeah I was really proud to say the least ,aww look at that that, he's pointing to me" I say
"You wish"  he says jokingly
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"One day , maybe not today or Tomorrow but one day you'll get a taste of your own medicine" I say
"Oh my gosh shiver me timbers I'm so scared"
"You will be" I say and lean back onto his chest and he kisses my head and I smile
The screen transitions to Jude's Golden boy ceremony
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"Incredible moment" he said
"Yeah I just remember watching you with awe and I just thought about everything that happened to get to that moment and get that award"
"Yeah the plane ride to Italy was cool and calm but that's because we knew what to expect and what was going to happen I think it was when we got there that it actually dawned on us that I had just won the award"
The screen transitions again and this time
It's Jude Celebrating the supa copa de espane
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"First trophy of the season and for Real Madrid" he says
"Unfortunately I wasn't there but you called me immediately after you got into the dressing room and the whole time, vini and cama were just interrupting us and asking to talk to me"
"I'm not gonna lie that did annoy me and I couldn't get a word in they kept stealing my phone as if they don't have their own girlfriends"
"I'm not your girlfriend, I'm your wife"
"At the time you were my girlfriend"
"I actually preferred talking to them"
"Of course you did" he says rolling his eyes
The screen transitions to the game where Jude received a red Card and got a two game ban as a punishment
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"I don't wanna talk about this game, I might just get into trouble"
"But I won't"
"I don't know...
"Let's all be honest here that ref was unfair and he knows it he blew the whistle while the ball was in the air and in my opinion that red card shouldn't have even been pulled out, it was a natural reaction to what had just happened at the time"
"Ok Mrs. Bellingham, not you defending your Husband"
"I mean my husband is always protecting me so it's only right"
"I'm blessed to have you in my life"
"As am I" I say and smile as I look up at him and he pecks my lips
"Ok next one"
The screen transitions to the match where Jude was a spectator at a Real Madrid game after the red card he got
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"I loved that game you know, the love and the support of the fans was one of the things that kept me going, and just let me know that they were behind me and that was really heart warming"
"The Madridistas are very much loved"
"That is not a lie"
Now we're watching Jude accepting his Lauresports award
"I was just tired that day, exhausted could even describe it"
"I actually opted to accept the award on your behalf so you could rest and take a break for a little bit,but him being stubborn he refused"
"It wouldn't have been ok, even though I was tired I needed to be there"
"I don't know when you'll realize that you're only human"
"I know I am"
"Mhmmm, whatever you say"
Next we see the La Liga title race parade and Jude lifting the trophy
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"That day was amazing" he says, ,"the atmosphere the fans, you"
"I loved the outfit mostly, you looked  Handsome more than anything"
"Oh really?"
"Yeah, I can't explain it but damn, that day I learned to appreciate what I have" I say
He laughs and I join him in laughing
"You're so weird you know that"
"I'm just telling the truth"
He continues laughing and the screen changes again but this time a picture of Jude stating that he was the player of the season
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"The day of the award show, I was getting ready for the champions league Final, so we couldn't attend and to be honest it was worth it because if I had attended I would have gotten what I received that day"
"And what's that?" I ask as I look at him hoping he'll mention our special moment
"Winning the Champions league"
I roll my eyes at him and watch the screen changed as he laughs at his stupid Joke
The screen changes to the Champions league Final against Dortmund
Showing highlights of the game and the team
Then the moment Real Madrid won the Champions league and the Celebrations
The camera then pans to Jude to where he's having his post match interview
"Jude, well done on your win, how long have you dreamed of this moment"
"Ages hey, a long time"
"What does it mean to win the champions league"
"It means the world to me, I've dreamed about this for a long time, it's every footballers dream"
"How do you plan on Celebrating such a moment"
"With my teammates and my Family, I've actually got a very important person here that hopefully I won't only be celebrating a champions league trophy with but much more as well
"Well congratulations Jude"
"Thank you, I need to go do something important, please excuse me"
"Of course"
"Here we go" Jude says as we watch the screen
He walks to the stands and walks to where I'm standing and helps me get down the stairs and leads me to the middle of the pitch
"Where are we going?" Can be mouth read as Jude  walks me to the pitch
"Just trust me" he replies
We reach the middle of the pitch when all of a sudden Jude Goes down on one knee and gives and inaudible speech that can't be heard because it was covered by the cheers and screams of the fans watching the interaction happen
"We couldn't even hear eachother in that moment" I say watching the screeen
All they see is me nodding my head and mouthing yes
Jude gets up and slips the engagement ring on and he hugs me tightly, then I swiftly pull away and look him in the eye
And mouth something that can't he heard or mouth read
Jude's eyes go bigger and on shock
"Are you serious?"
Is faintly heard and I nod and the fans continue cheering with Jude hugging me and spinning me around in the middle of the pitch
The video then shows the reactions of Jude's teammates, who rush over to congratulate us. The camera captures the joyous expressions of our family in the stands, and the fans are going wild with excitement.
Jude's teammates run to where we are
"Juuuuuude" they chant
Cama and Tchomeni  come and give me hugs
"Back off Cama that's my Future wife right there" Jude says
Cama rolls his eyes and just continues hugging me
"Thank you"
Back on the couch, Jude and I look at each other with smiles.
Jude looks to the camera and says
"Now you're probably wondering what she told, that made me react like that, truth is she told me that she was pregnant and that I was going to be a father and honestly, a three in one that night was amazing"
"I don't way that it was the best day of my life, but at the moment it is, but that will probably change when we get married or when we have our baby" he continues
"That moment changed everything," Jude says softly. "Winning the Champions League was amazing, but proposing to you and finding out we were expecting... that was the best moment of my life."
"Mine too," you say, leaning into him. "And now, here we are, sharing our story with everyone."
"Yeah, it's been an incredible journey," Jude agrees. "And I can't wait to see what the future holds for us toether. With us planning a wedding and expecting our first child together it's bound to be a rollercoaster"
"I've been Jude Bellingham and Joined by my Future wife Y/n Bellingham and thank you for watching
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caeruleums · 11 months
send a number and get an usfw starter / for @intcxications​​ (still accepting)
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( 18mf. )               there was a bit of fogginess for colby from when she saw him at the park and now. all she knew was that she wanted him in ways she had never wanted someone before. truthfully, she had never seen a man that looked as good as him. she had barely gotten out of her costume, the make up still caked onto her face. in the parking lot, she had managed to get him alone and into her car.... at one of the back lots no one went to. she had been eagerly tugging down his pants, pulling his cock from his boxers and eagerly kissing the soft flesh. “i’ll let you fuck my face, if you want,” she murmured, practically burying her face in his crotch. “i’ll let you cum all over me, wherever you want. in me, if you wan’t. please, i just.. .wanna make you feel good. you literally look like a god.”
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coffee-seed · 3 months
Valentine's day
Day 2: Dan Heng, Gepard, Jingyuan
a/n: istg seedy school is crazy for expelling her just because she's always sick, so im off tumblr for over one week to take care her problem. (Genshin valentine part 2 will be come soon-)
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Dan heng
this man is too busy with his book to notice you, even though he is actually currently thinking about a valentine's gift for you. when he was in xianzhou luofu later he would go to scalegorge waterscape to look for something there, the last time he was there after fighting phantylia, he found a beautiful stone that could be used to make rings or necklaces.
so in the end he will go to xianzhou luofu again to pick up the stone, even though he doesn't want to set his foot down there he is forced to do it for you, and only you of course. while on the other hand, you trying to get his attention and are confused because this man has been daydreaming for a long time, what is he even thinking?
valentine's day was approaching and dan heng still hadn't found the stone he was looking for, despair overwhelmed him before finally finding the stone near one of vidyahara's eggs, it's not near but its a bit under the eggs. he had to be careful not to crack the egg or worse, break it and become a sunny side up egg.
slowly but surely he was able to remove the stone safely without the eggs breaking. finally, he took the stone back to the astral express so he could finally shape it into a ring, was he going to propose to you? still not sure, what is clear is that he wants this gift to be the most valuable of all, in other word yes he wants to propose to you.
because he can't make a ring, he commissions someone to do it for him and will pay a lot of credit, the person who made the ring for dan heng agreed and started giving a lot of examples of what the ring will look like. dan heng chose the shape for a long time and finally found the right shape that suits you, the person understood and started working on the project.
day after day passed until valentine finally came, dan heng had gotten the ring and didn't forget to put it in a safe place. while you were wrapping a book you found in belobog and also xianzhou luofu for dan heng. the two of you promised to meet at aurum alley in the afternoon, when you got together you immediately spent time walking around and eating. until finally at the end of the date, dan heng suddenly stopped in his tracks and started looking at you, you who saw him suddenly stop out of nowhere confused about what was happening.
slowly he began to kneel and took out the ring box… “[Name] you are the most precious person in my life, I am kneeling here wanting to ask you something… will you marry me?” you immediately fell silent, not knowing what to answer, tears slowly started to flow from your eyes, making dan heng panic and start to stand up to wipe your tears.
he might not get your answer yet, but he knows what your answer is…
Gepard Landau
captain of silvermane guards and noble from landau family, how lucky of you can get his heart. you and gepard have been dating for a long time, or more precisely three years, but your relationship is very special, even though he is always busy with work, of course he makes time to celebrate valentine's day with you.
this year is like the previous year, but what's different is that gepard is confused about what to buy you, even though you always say it doesn't need to be extravagant, he still insists on giving you the best.
he went to Serval to ask for suggestions for your valentine gift, “oh you gepard, buy them a plushie and a novel. try it, it will work!” he was a bit hesitant and suspicious... but this was his sister, of course her advice was always good, so he did it even though he didn't know what plushies and novels you liked.
when valentine's day arrived, the two of you made an appointment to meet in front of the belobog museum building in the afternoon. so you take the time to get ready and also decorate the valentine's chocolate that you made, when you arrive in front of the Belobog Museum, you don't find Gepard anywhere, maybe he's on his way here.
and of course you were right, you saw him running towards you in his formal clothes and not his silvermane guard armor. it's very strange to see him dressed formally at a simple date like this, but this is what you like about him. he looks out of breath from running out of nowhere so you give him time to normalize his breathing.
when his breathing was stabilise, you first sat near the museum fountain, there you took out chocolate from your bag and gave it to him. "Happy Valentine's Day Gepard," you said to the man and handed him the chocolate, gepard was only silent for a moment before accepting the chocolate from you. when it was gepard's turn to give the gift, he realized... he had left his gift at home.
wow gepard, you are embarrassing yourself in front of your future wife.
Jing Yuan (ft. Yanqing)
The dozing general always has a trick up his sleeve they say, as his wife the facts are true. you don't know what your husband has planned or surprises he makes for Valentine's every year, but that's what you like about your husband in general.
today is valentine's day, and your husband chose to take a day off just for yourself, and yanqing out of nowhere took a day off too... how strange. they both never take a day off on the same day, but you don't care and still spend your time with your little family. the only strange thing is that yanqing is a bit clingier than usual but you don't really mind.
at afternoon, yanqing invites you to go out for a walk, of course, as a good mother to him, you agree without thinking twice. you didn't forget to tell jing yuan that you and yanqing would be out until evening and he just agreed, usually he would grab your waist and tell you to stay.
You didn't really care and left. about walking until eight in the evening, because Yanqing pulled you to the food stalls in Aurum Alley and also to the sword shop. All these activities drain a lot of your energy, so when you two get home, yanqing immediately falls asleep leaving you in the kitchen to store the food you brought. when on the way to your bedroom you see lots of rose petals on the floor leading to your room, when you open the door to your room you find your husband sitting on the bed with only his bathrobe, and what's worse, the top part is wide open shows quite a tempting sight for anyone who sees it.
oh, so this is what the dozing general is planning.
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a/n: this should be come out last week, but ye-
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mythmakinvgxz · 4 months
heeeeeeeyyyy!!! i heard blas requests and i’m here haha, can u write blas confessing his feelings to r that’s like her best friend??? plssss
. ݁₊ ⊹ my bestfriend.
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˖ ࣪⭑ pairing: fem!reader x blas.
˖ ࣪⭑ tw: none, just fluff!
˖ ࣪⭑ a/n: i always write the longest blas’ fics😭enjoy!
in those days blas was very nervous. the day of the red carpet for the presentation of the film was approaching, and it was his first.
the emotion had given way to nervousness when they told him that he had to bring someone with him. all the other cast members had already decided who to bring.
blas still not: the day before the event, which he spent at your house, he wandered around your room thoughtfully, trying to find someone to take.
“why don't you go with your mother?” you asked, but when you realized that your best friend hadn't heard you, you interrupted his thoughts, repeating "blas." he turned in your direction, looking confused. "your mother, why don't you bring her?" you asked, smiling at him. "no, not her. she doesn't like being in front of the cameras." he huffed, desperate, as he approached the bed.
"this seems impossible." he finally said, laying down next to you and closing his eyes to think. "don't worry, blas. you'll find someone to bring, you won't go alone." you reassured him, stroking his hair. "i hope so." he replied sadly, moving closer to you, wrapping his arms around your waist. you and blas had known each other for a very long time, you had practically grown up together. but as you got older you began to look at him no longer as a friend, your feelings for him grew as the days went by.
so when, suddenly getting up from the position he was in, scaring you, he said "why don't you come with me?" it seemed like a joke to you. his eyes had lit up as they looked at you. "me? have you gone crazy?" you couldn't believe what he was asking you. going to a red carpet, for an oscar-nominated film, with people you didn't know. it seemed like a dream and a nightmare at the same time. "it's perfect!" he cheered, walking across the room, happy as ever. "blas... i don't know."
suddenly blas became serious again, approaching you, with a worried expression. "i mean, i don't know anyone. and i've never been to a red carpet before." his hands took yours, stroking them softly. "i promise you it'll be a great experience, the guys are all kind and very nice. and i've never introduced you to them. this could be the perfect opportunity." he said softly, trying not to force you to make any hasty decisions. "we just have to go there, take some photos and talk to the journalists for a bit. do you think you can do it?" he asked you cautiously, his eyes not leaving yours, not even for a second.
with those simple words, your best friend was able to reassure you, making you feel at ease. perhaps it would have been better to spend the evening there, rather than watching it on tv. after thinking about it for a while, you replied “okay, yes.” blas looked at you hopefully, waiting for the words he was waiting for to come out of your mouth. “i'll come with you.” you told him, smiling at him. blas' hands came up to your face, cupping your cheeks. “you're the best, y/n.” he placed a kiss on your cheek, and when he pulled away his eyes looked at you deeply, full of love and happiness. you were head over heels for him, and hearing that by accepting that proposal you were making him so happy made your heart burst with joy.
his eyes were locked with yours, and when he broke away from that contact, you returned to reality. “perfect, then i'll pick you up tomorrow at 8. is that okay?” he asked you, standing up and heading towards the door, taking his jacket. "yes." you said, still mesmerized by him. "see you tomorrow then." she smiled at you and closed the door behind him. "tomorrow." you said more to yourself than to him, who had already left by then, leaving you alone in your room.
what did you just do?
when the next day came, you spent it all trying to find something to wear for the evening. you didn't lack clothes, you had many that had accompanied you on all the evenings and parties spent with blas and the rest of your friends.
but for the red carpet you had nothing that was suitable. when finally, turning your entire wardrobe upside down, you found the perfect dress. long, with straps, black. perfect.
blas would arrive shortly and, finishing your makeup, you put your shoes on. the anxiety inside you grew as the minutes passed, waiting for your best friend sitting on the couch, destroying your nails. when the doorbell rang, a small sound of surprise came out of your mouth.
you stood up, grabbing your bag and fixing your dress. you opened the door. blas, in front of you, looked at you dazedly for minutes that seemed like hours, unable to take his eyes off you. his gaze wandered from your face, to your body, to your hair. he seemed breathless. "hi." you told him, embarrassed, looking at your shoes. "hi." he replied, still entranced by your beauty.
raising your gaze, you met his full of admiration and love. he smiled kindly at you. "shall we go?" he asked you, holding out his arm to you. “yes.” you answered, smiling. you could feel your cheeks burn with embarrassment as you took his arm. “is there something wrong?” he asked, noticing that you were a little strange. “just nervous.” you replied, looking away as the two of you exited the building. a cab was waiting for you. “everything will be fine, don’t worry.” he placed a gentle kiss on your temple, before opening the door for you.
when the car finally stopped, the worry inside you was enormous. but when blas turned in your direction, it disappeared. "here we are." he said giving you a smile, and getting out of the car to open the door for you. at the entrance there were lots of people taking photos and screaming with happiness. doing your best to make a good impression on people, you smiled kindly at everyone. blas' arm was quick to grab you by the waist, and walking down the red carpet, you joined the other cast members. everything was so new to you that you thought you were going to die of anxiety but blas smiled at you all the time, calming you down and making you feel at ease.
“blas!” someone called him, and when you turned around, you could see a blondish boy with a big smile on his lips, waving at blas. as he approached you, you could recognize him, he was matias.
blas described him to you as the funniest guy to be around. the two of them were very close, and when blas recognized him he immediately hugged him, holding him close. "how are you?" he asked him. “good good.” matias smiled at you and you smiled back. “and who is she?” he asked blas. “this is y/n, my best friend.” happy to have you by his side, he held you close. "hi." you introduced yourself to matias, shaking his hand. "of course! blas always talks to us about you.” matias said winking at you and laughing. “i hope he only says good things.” you laughed embarrassed at those words. “very good things, believe me. right blas?” matias gave your friend a friendly pat on the shoulder. “why don't you come and meet the others?” blas asked you, embarrassed, trying to laugh off what matias had just said. he took you away, turning to matias, glaring at him.
reaching the others, a sea of questions tormented you. what was matias referring to earlier? blas talked to his friends about you? and what did he say? blas' hand held yours as you almost ran towards the others. they were a group of many guys, with their respective girlfriends. one of them approached you with a girl by his side, noticing blas. "hey, man!" they shook hands, laughing and talking a little. then blas, noticing that you were looking at them embarrassed, not knowing what to say, introduced you to him. “agustin, this is y/n, my best friend.” you shook hands with that curly-haired boy, smiling at him. "what a pleasure!" he said "the famous y/n." he smiled at you friendly, your gaze questioning. famous?
"this is victoria, my girlfriend." happy to introduce her, agustin put his arm around her, while the girl introduced herself first to blas, then to you, smiling at you. "pleasure." you said to her as you smiled at her friendly. “i’ve heard so many good things about you, y/n.” agustin said suddenly, still holding victoria close to him. you looked at him questioningly, wondering what on earth he could have heard. "oh yes?" you looked at blas next to you, who had meanwhile blushed and was looking away. "like what?" you didn't have time to get any kind of response, because by now they were all standing next to each other, ready for the photos. blas carried you on the red carpet, smiling softly at you. his arm rested on your waist keeping you close to him. his scent washed over you as his grip on your hip tightened, carrying you even closer to his body. smiling at the cameras, however, your mind wandered elsewhere: what did what matias and agustin had said about you earlier mean? was there something blas didn't tell you? the flashes were blinding your eyes, and luckily after a few minutes the photos ended, and everyone dispersed again.
for a while you found yourself talking to victoria. she was very nice and kind to you, you told her that it was your first red carpet and that you felt a little anxious, and she immediately reassured you. "my first one was a disaster." she told you laughing, while you had taken a seat at a table. "i tripped over my dress as soon as i got out of the car." you burst out laughing together, and you asked her "and what did you do?" "i simply got up. luckily agustin was with me." she explained with a smile on her lips. "you're lucky to have him, you're very beautiful together." you confessed, smiling at her as she watched her boyfriend talk to other guys in the cast. "thank you." she smiled at you in response and after a few minutes of silence, she asked you "and between you and blas? is there something?" that sudden question left you speechless. "between us? no, no. we are good... friends." laughing, you tried to divert attention from that topic, while your gaze fell on the curly-haired boy a few meters in front of you. seen from behind it was even more beautiful. "oh i see." she said, looking towards blas, not entirely convinced. praying that she wouldn't ask you any more questions about him or your relationship, you remained silent, contemplating blas from behind.
the evening turned out to be pleasant and passed very quickly, as you talked with matias, who was really the funniest, just like blas said. he was telling you about some things that happened on set, while they were recording, when a hand fell on your shoulder. it was blas’. turning to him, he said smiling "y/n, we need to go. there's the car outside." "oh, okay." you replied, then turning towards matias, greeting him quickly.
as you entered the vehicle, silence fell. you were both tired from the evening and it was very late. "do you want to sleep at my place?" he asked suddenly, snapping you out of your thoughts. the question seemed strange, but you had asked it so many times that you couldn't refuse. "are you sure?" you asked him, worried about being too much. "of course yes." he replied, smiling lovingly at you. "okay, then." you returned the smile to him. that request seemed strange, and you had become nervous at the thought of sleeping in the same bed as him. it had never happened to you. you used to go to sleep at his place after parties, but now he was having a different effect on you. rejecting those thoughts, you looked out the window.
entering his room you finally took off your heels that were hurting you so much "finally." you sat on his bed, laying down exhausted. he joined you in his room, smiling at you without saying a word. he began to take off his jacket and shirt, putting on a t-shirt to sleep in. "do you want one?" he asked you, looking through his closet drawers. "thanks. i didn't bring anything to sleep in." you giggled and took the shirt blas was handing you. it smelled like him.
you entered the bathroom to change and when you were ready you got outside, founding blas sitting on the edge of his bed smiling lovingly at you. "c'mere." he patted on the covers of his bed, telling you to got under them.
before you turned off the light, the questions from earlier still echoed in your head. you couldn't leave them unanswered. “blas…” you called him, he immediately turned towards you. "yes?" "i wanted to ask you something." you told him looking for the exact words. "anything." he reassured you, stroking your thigh. "what were matias and agustin referring to earlier?" he immediately stopped with that movement and sat better on the bed, looking into your eyes. "before when?" he asked you, trying to understand better. "when they said you always talk about me... is there something i don't know?" nervousness was eating you alive, but you still wanted answers. “oh…” he said, looking around so as not to meet your gaze. “blas?” you leaned closer to him, noticing that he wasn't responding. "what's happening?" you asked him softly, trying not to disturb his thoughts. "i have to tell you something." he told you, suddenly serious. you nodded. "promise me you won't hate me?" "i could never hate you, blas." you smiled warmly at him. he took a deep breath as he said "i like you, i've always liked you."
those words were the last thing you expected him to say and the ones you most wanted to come out of his mouth. he didn't give you time to fully digest what was happening, as he immediately started talking again. "yes, it's true, i always talk about you to the guys, about how nice, sweet, beautiful, kind you are... it’s just because… it's you, it's always been you." he said in one breath. his eyes were fixed downward. you looked at him silently, trying to realize what he had just told you. your best friend had just declared himself to you.
when your gaze met his it was a matter of seconds before you smashed your lips onto his, making them collide in a sweet and long kiss. you had dreamed of this moment for an eternity and you couldn't believe it was really happening.
as you broke from the kiss, trying to catch your breath, he said "so..." his cheeks were red and his voice deep. "are you still asking me if i like you back, after what i've just done?" you asked him, laughing softly. his arms embraced you in a tight hug as the two of you feel between the covers of his bed. his lips were placing sweet kisses all over your faced as you giggled at his movements.
"you're mine now."
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therapycat21 · 7 months
All Right Now Part 9
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Travis Kelce x Famous!Reader Description: The reader catches the eye of famous footballer Travis.
Warnings: None
Social Media AU
I still can’t believe it, I never thought I’d be engaged to be married, ever considering my track record, But I guess the best things come when you least expect it to. Travis and his family coming into my life was definitely a blessing in disguise. There is no doubt I love my family but it’s a different feeling of love being accepted by your partner’s family. 
It’s been a few days since Travis proposed, the news outlets obviously already know and are spinning a bunch of theories every day. 
“They only got engaged because she’s pregnant”  “She gave him an ultimatum and that’s why he did it.”
Every day it’s something new, I know it is only because we have only been together a year but jeez, people get engaged after only being together for a few months, and a lot of the time those are the couples that are the happiest and stay together the longest. (In my opinion) Travis has been over the moon and telling pretty much anyone he can, even after a game in the press room, he finds any chance to bring it up, It is definitely the cutest thing to see him blushing on TV.  I even see it all over TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, you name it and it’s there.
We have been getting calls, and texts all day. Some from friends and family others, news networks, talk shows, and everything. It has been crazy. Travis and I are both doing talk shows, not together but a few days apart.
"You think these go together?" Travis has been inside the closet for an hour trying to find an outfit when he goes on Jimmy Fallon tonight.
I look up from where I lay on the bed scrolling through Tiktok, he’s holding a black suit set. “Ohh, that would look so nice, especially with your gold jewelry,” I tell him he gives me a smile in response hanging the outfit on the side for later “You are one amazing woman, you know that?” he smiles at me once more.
We both head downstairs to film a new episode of New Heights with Jason. We settle in the chairs, pull the headphones on, and wait for Jason.
“Hello hello, family!” Jason somewhat yells. I laugh at the face he makes before Travis and Jason get into their announcements and sponsors.
“Now we have two special guests today, my awesome and beautiful wife Kylie and our awesome sister-in-law Y/n!” Jason announces loudly earning a weirded and shocked look from Kylie “Oh my” she mutters smirking at me through the camera, I try to hold in my laughter behind my hand, “gotta love Jason’s enthusiasm” I tell them laughing. We talk about a few topics before Jason brings up the big one “Okay, I waited long enough to bring it up, can we please talk about the proposal?” he asks.
I look to Travis for agreement, after a brief nod and encouraging smile “Well It was definitely a surprise I’ll tell you that, we had talked about it and I didn’t expect him to propose a few weeks after that talk.” I laugh. I turn and face Travis “You know it was perfectly timed, as someone who didn't really see themselves getting married, I knew the second we met that she was either gonna be my wife or I would never get married to anyone else unless it was her.” He replies looking at me after. I tried to hide the tears forming in my eyes, I dab under my eyes “I love you so much” I tell him giving him a quick soft kiss.
 We turn to see Jason and Kylie both smiling wide. Jason was sporting the proud big brother look “When Trav came to me and started talking to me about how he was planning all of this, for one, I was shocked cause, for one I’ve never seen him talk so passionately about someone or something as much as his car collection, so It was so cool to see him do that, and two, I was just excited to be able to watch it happen in front of my eyes.” Jason says before turning his attention to Kylie “what did you think?” he asks her. 
She smiles “I for one was kinda just like thank god, he finally asked her and now I have my sister-in-law” she laughs “When Jason told me the plans I was ecstatic, It feels good to see you both happy.” she says in response. We give them both fond smiles “Aww, see and my biggest fear was everyone thinking we were crazy for doing this too soon.” I laugh.
“If I never met you and your family I would have thought the same thing but everyone can clearly see you guys are in love and like Travis said if it feels right then it’s right and you gotta take that chance when It shows itself,” Jason tells us. We talk a bit more and we say goodbye to them.
An hour later
Travis and I are in our closet getting ready to head out for his interview tonight with Jimmy Fallon, Travis wearing the black suit ensemble and me wearing something similar. 
We pull into the studio already seeing paparazzi surrounding the entire sides of the entrance to the studio. I huff trying to mentally prepare for the swarm about to happen, Travis leans over grasping my hand in pulling it towards his face giving the tops of my hands a chaste kiss. “We got this, and always remember I got you, baby,” he reassured me. I nod my head. He leans forward and opens the car door, the camera lights flashing like crazy before it doubles when I also come out of the car, the driver shuts the door and Travis guides me protectively towards the door, pushing back over pushy paparazzi.
We finally make it inside the building and we are met by a studio rep, they guide us to where we need to be. We chill in the studio’s dressing room before we are guided over to the studio’s main stage and seating area. I give Travis a kiss before he heads back and I open the door to where the audience is and where my front-row seat is.
I hear gasps flow throughout the room I look up to see the audience staring at me in shock “Hi everyone” I wave to them shyly. I hear quick responses throughout the room and sit down in my seat where a couple of younger girls are. I give them a smile before I focus my attention on Jimmy walking out onto the stage and sitting behind his desk. “Okay, we are live, in three, two, one” I hear the camera director announce. “Hello everyone, today we have a very special guest, please welcome the man, the chief king and big yeti, Travis Kelce!” he announces theatrically before the crowd starts to yell out and Travis works his way to his seat “Hello hello” he waves to the audience, winking at me, I smile in response. 
They talk a bit about his games, and about the new documentary Jason has made coming out soon. “Okay, now we all know there is something big that needs to be talked about,” Jimmy smirks, Trav laughs rubbing his bearded chin and nodding “Yeah, I have a feeling I know” he laughs. Jimmy laughs “okay we all know you recently proposed to your now fiance Y/n L/n” the crowd starts clapping and hollering as Travis blushes “Yeah, I got her to say yes, thankfully” Travis jokes. Jimmy laughs “okay, so tell us how it happened, how did you do it?” he asks “Well, I had started planning all of it a few months ago and had the ring for a while, and I decided to set up a small park that we always went to and had her favorite flowers scattered on the ground with those tea light candles and then I did it.” he tells them cheesing big. 
The crowd awws and hollers “oh my, well that sounds amazing.” Jimmy compliments, “So of course I have to ask cause everyone was talking about how too soon it was, do you think you did it too soon?” he asks. Travis smiles shaking his head “no, absolutely not, I knew it was the right moment and me and her are big believers in if it feels right take that jump cause we see too many people lose those opportunities and I can’t lose her.” Travis tells them gaining soft coos from the audience.
Jimmy is smiling softly at him “you know, you are so right, and I just want to say congratulations to you and I know you guys are gonna do amazing, I wish I could tell y/n so please if you can pass that for me” Jimmy laughs, Travis nods smiling “actually one second” he hold a finger up before standing up and heading off the stage to the audience and holding his hand out for me to grab.
The crowd starts to yell as Travis guides me towards the seat closest to Jimmy. 
We smile at each other and pull each other into a hug “Oh my god, I can’t believe your here? It’s so cool to see you again.” He tells me I smile “It’s so good to see you too, I mean I’m gonna be here next week so” We laugh and sit down. “This is crazy, So congratulations, how are you feeling?” he asks “Thank you! And very very good, I could not be happier” I smile at him.
We sit and talk a bit more before the show ends and we say our goodbyes to Jimmy, the audience, and the production before we head home.
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─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
Like my writing? Buy me a coffee. I would be so grateful!
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sayitdido · 10 months
Nah cause are your request still open?? Like can you do smut? This in my mind all day.. Don't know how to say this but... Yeonjun stalker (non idol) and twitch streamer Reader? Lmaooo I know it's cringe enough but I really wanted this😭😭
a/n: i went overboard and it turned out a lot darker than i thought so sorry anon if this was not what you wanted.
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disclaimer: this is a lot darker than my usual fics and contains stalker yandere behavior and revarding this behavior, just know that this kind of action is problematic irl and i do not condone or try to romanticize these kind of actions!this is all fiction!
warnings: stalking, yandere!yeonjun, dom!yeonjun, sub!reader, bdsm, possesiveness, gagging with underwear, degradation, dacryphilia, bondage, yeonjun beats reader up but it is a consensual action,stomach punching, edging(?), reader's mental health is fucked up so she acts self destructive, basically she just lets yeonjun be as problematic as he wants, let me know if there is any that i have missed!
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it was as if you were asking for someone to stalk you. always posting your location when you go to a coffee shop or showing the interior of your house which was pretty similar to yeonjun. it was the exact same interior of one of his friends. just to make sure, he followed you home after your post revealed that you were having a brunch in a nearby restaurant.
as he learnt you flat's number, he also checked up your locks to see whether or not it would be easy to break in. he convinced himself that he wasn't actually gonna do that. it was crazy and sick even for him. he was contend with seeing you afar.
but it all changed in one of your streams you talked about a guy you liked. when you talked about his appearance, yeonjun realized you were talking about him. so that menant you saw? and still did nothing to stop the guy who follows you everywhere. were you into that? crazy, he thought.
even though he liked the idea you liking him, the fact that you were still into him after all he had done made him think how stupid you must be to fall for him or too naive to even notice.all he had to do was to use this to his advantage. and with that you saw a 1k tip telling you to confess to him.
it is all gonna worth it, he thought. and since you accepted his challange, there was only one thing left to do, to wait.
he was there sitting close to you waiting. you with all of your courage went up to him. you greeted him, so did he. and finally you said it. "i have been seeing you around for a while. and couldn't help it but you caught my attention. i was wondering if you were up for a date? with me of course." he smiled with victory. he was right even though your description of him wasn't that specific. worth every penny, didn't you?
after he gladly accepted your dating proposal, you two made plans for your first date which ended up being the best date you ever had. of course it would, he knew everything about you. this included what you liked and what you didn't like in a date. even though it is your first date you ended up inviting him over.
you finally felt the need to confess. "you are a dangerous person, right?" a shocked but not surprised expression covered his face. "you want me and you can hurt me. i knew you were stalking me. but instead of being disgusted with the idea, i craved you. i will let you hurt me, i just have one condition."
"what is it?" he asked. "keep me. isn't that also what you want? you probably didn't stalk me for a whole year that i know of and paid me a thousand dollars to confess to you just for one fuck but i need to know for sure." he laughed to your desperation. "of course i am going to keep you but the real question is why do you want this?" you didn't know how to answer. and you sure knew if it wasn't yeonjun but some unattractive middle aged dude in front of you, you wouldn't even want this. "i don't know. maybe i think i deserve it or maybe it's just that you are hot and i am stupid." he smirked.
"come here." he ordered. as soon as you went up to him, he lifted your skirt to took of your panties and stuffed it into your mouth before getting you fully naked. "will you be okay if i were to hurt you anyway i want?" you nodded desperately. "good girl." he praised. "ah some part of me thinks you are too precious to do what i am about to do yet i also need to put desperate slut in her place." you felt fear and excitement covering you whole body at the same time. also he thought you were precious? you felt soft even in a situation like this.
"go to your bed, now." you immediately followed his orders. and layed down on you back. "good girl." he gave you the same praise before punching your stomach. your eyes opened with shocked but you couldn't deny how it turned you on. just as you calmed down a little another one followed. "such a useful whore for me. taking everything without questioning." and another one.
your eyes starting to tear up with pain, your body squirming without your control, he decicmded to tie you up. after finishing the fourth punch followed. "one final one and then we are done, okay?" you nodded. even though you liked it, you were glad than it was soon over. and when the final punch hitted your stomach you screamed in pain audible even in your gagged state and actually started crying.
"i know, i know. but you should see yourself your cries are just masterpiece. you can't even imagine how turned on i am." as you were calming down you felt his hands on your cunt. playing and toying with it, never letting you orgasm. "we are going to have so much fun~" he said while you stared his dar gaze.
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credits to: @/cafekitsune for +18 banners!
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xomakara · 6 months
Strip Poker
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SUMMARY | Hendery has been eyeing you for quite awhile and when your mutual friends decide on a game of strip poker, Hendery is in it to win it. His prize: you. PAIRINGS | Hendery/Fem!Reader GENRE | smut, unprotected sex, fingering, dirty talk, oral (female receiving), fluff RATING | Mature LENGTH | 4,310 words AUTHOR’S NOTE | I hope this turned out okay!
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"I have the perfect game to play for Game Night!" Linda, your roommate and best friend in all things chaotic, clapped her hands in front of her as she looked at you and the guys. Johnny was standing next to her, his cheeks awfully red, traces of lipstick at the corner of his mouth.
"So?" Doyoung asked, eyeing the woman curiously. "Are you gonna tell us, Linda?"
Linda smiled and tugged on Johnny's collar. "Why don't we play Strip Poker?"
The rest of your friends looked at Linda and blinked. Thinking among themselves, the guys all thought it was the best game that Linda ever proposed, having wanted to see everyone get naked.
Particularly to see you naked.
Hendery smiled, slung an arm around you and pulled you close. "I'm game."
"You're crazy, woman." You shot Linda a look and when she caught your eyes, she let out a wide smile.
"Oh c'mon Y/N. It'll be fun!" She dragged you to the living room with her, looking forward to the outcome of this game.
You were pretty sure it would lead to something very sexy… especially since Hendery seemed like he was interested in your nudity, even though he hid it really well. The only time you saw him stare at your boobs was when you wore dresses that showed them off. If you wanted to play strip poker, it would mean revealing some skin yourself.
"I'm determined to get Linda naked." Taeyong joked, playing on his phone and watching what was going on in the living room.
"Jokes on you," Johnny began to tease Taeyong. "My girlfriend is pretty good at poker."
"That I am!" Linda kissed Johnny's cheek before sliding into his lap and beginning to shuffle the cards.
You watched as your friend expertly dealt each of the players their first hand. Once she was done, she picked up her own deck of cards and began to deal again. With Linda sitting comfortably on Johnny's lap, he grabbed the back of her neck to pull her lips against his. Your jaw dropped, stunned by the sudden intimate moment. But you quickly shook your head, trying to calm down. Maybe if you tried not to watch, you wouldn't end up blushing.
But how could you? That kiss was so beautiful and intimate. He even took a second to stroke her hair with one hand. It made you feel jealous; the way he looked after her and paid attention to her instead of being selfish and just thinking about himself.
Still, it didn't stop you from blushing. Instead of joining the eager participants of the game, you decided to stand beside Jeno, whose arms were crossed over his chest, pretending not to be staring at Linda and Johnny. For now, you focused on watching the others play the game, but every once in a while you found yourself staring at Hendery. When he noticed your gaze, he stared back.
You looked away, Jeno raising his eyebrows as he looked between you two. "What are you doing?"
You couldn't help but smirk. "I was staring because he was staring."
He laughed and nudged you with his shoulder. "Do you know who you're talking to? If I was Hendery, you'd already be in trouble."
You rolled your eyes and playfully nudged your friend back. "Yeah yeah, you big hunk o' manliness. Anyway, I don't think he likes me, y'know. Like… that way."
Jeno chuckled and raised an eyebrow. "I don't know, maybe you're just giving him the wrong signals."
You gave Jeno a doubtful look. How could you possibly give anyone the wrong signals? You hadn't dated anyone since you broke up with your ex-boyfriend in college and it had been almost three years since then. He continued, making a face at you. "You're always like: 'Oh yeah, I'm single.' But then the minute someone starts flirting with you, you act super cold and distant. Just admit it, Y/N, you're afraid he's gonna take advantage of you."
"Ya! Lee Jeno," You scoffed. "Of course I'm not afraid of him taking advantage of me! I'm not his type anyway. And besides…"
"And besides what?"
"Well," You paused. What could you say? Your relationship with Hendery was nothing like what you thought it would be. Sure, you knew he wasn't dating anyone else. But that didn't mean anything. Plenty of people weren't dating anyone.
It wasn't until recently that you realized that you actually enjoyed spending time with him. You liked hanging out with him. You felt comfortable around him. So maybe… Maybe you could let your guard down a little and go on a date or two with him. Even if you never developed feelings for him. Maybe you just needed to spend more time getting to know him.
"Besides…" you started hesitantly. "It doesn't matter."
"Fine fine, I'll stop asking." Jeno rolled his eyes at you. "You know he thinks you're cute, right?"
Your heart stopped beating for a few seconds. Could it be true? Was Hendery finding you attractive? You looked at him, noticing how he kept glancing over to where you were sitting. There were a few times when his glance lingered longer than necessary. He also seemed really interested in everything that was happening. Every word you said, every move you made. As soon as you saw him watching you, you turned your head and pretended to be looking somewhere else. He seemed to be pretty much observing you from afar, like he was taking mental notes. Then again, you thought that Hendery liked observing other people… that might explain why he was so interested in you.
That or maybe he had a crush on you.
"Are you done trying to make me feel insecure yet?" You scolded Jeno. "Because I really can't handle any more pressure today."
"Aw come on," Jeno pouted. "Can't you just accept the fact that he's starting to fancy you? Or is that impossible too?"
"Fine!" You threw up your hands and rubbed your forehead. "I guess I'm fine with whatever happens. Just don't tell Linda, okay? I don't need to hear her pressuring me about my love life. I don't want to deal with any of that."
"Who knows," Jeno mused. "Maybe this time, she won't try and set you up with anyone. Maybe this time, you'll end up going on a date with Hendery."
"Shut up," you muttered under your breath.
Jeno laughed, leaning closer to you and putting his arm around your shoulders. "See? That's the spirit!"
"Alright, who's joining for round two?!" Linda shouted from across the room, waving her arms in the air and looking extremely happy. She loved game night. She loved getting together with friends. She especially loved seeing how far they would go in order to win. "Y/N! Jeno! Quit your gabbing and come play!"
"Fine, fine!" You called out, making your way to the circle of buzzed friends. You decided to sit across from Hendery and squeezed yourself in between Renjun and Mark. “I hate you all.”
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"Fuck you all!" You shouted, pulling off your shirt. You crossed your arms over your chest and the single men in the room couldn't help but stare at your breasts that threatened to spill from your lacy bra. "How could I lose this hand?! This is complete and utter fuckery! It's not fair!"
"Shit," Renjun frowned as he lifted his shirt over his head, also losing his hand.
"Boom goes the dynamite!" Johnny shouted, throwing his card down on the table and grinning from ear to ear. "Johnny wins! And still fully clothed!"
"Damn it!" Doyoung cursed as he tossed his card on the floor and peeled off his shirt. "How the hell is Johnny and Linda so good at poker?"
"This isn't fair," Mark complained, taking his shirt off and crossing his arms over his chest. "This game is rigged!"
"I second that!" Ten groaned out, joining the crowd that took their shirts off. "Linda and Johnny has to be cheating!"
Everyone glared at Linda and Johnny. Who else would they suspect?
"You know what?" Hendery snapped, throwing his card down on the table and yanking off his shirt. "I don't think I can take this anymore."
"Why?" Taeyong wiggled his eyebrows, from the couch, as he sat this round out. "Are you getting distracted? Is seeing Y/N's boobs distracting for you?"
Hendery grinned wickedly at Taeyong. "Yes. Yes it is."
"If you're going to pop a boner," Johnny teased, causing you to roll your eyes. "At least do it somewhere else."
"And take Y/N with you!" Jeno called out teasingly. You let out a groan and buried your face in your hands. It was becoming increasingly obvious that Jeno would be mocking you for the rest of the night. You hoped that he would stop once he got tired of it, but judging from his amused expression, he probably wouldn't.
"It's getting hot in here." Linda looked between you and Hendery. She grabbed Johnny's arm. "Hey babe, let's go grab a drink."
Before Johnny could protest, he was scooped up and pulled away, leaving you with Hendery and the other guys. Mark looked at the group and while you weren’t looking, gestured to the others that they should leave you and Hendery alone. They exchanged looks before nodding their heads and leaving the room, leaving you alone with the one guy who couldn't keep his eyes off you.
"And then there were two." Hendery commented as he put his shirt back on. His eyes trailed up and down your body, stopping briefly at your breasts as you put your shirt back on.
"Why did I have a feeling that they were going to leave us alone the whole time?” You smoothed your shirt down. “And what’s with that weird smile, Hendery?”
Hendery smirked as he leaned forward towards you. His mouth was a mere inch away from yours. “What do you want me to do? Keep acting friendly and nice to you? Not flirt with you? Not notice how pretty you are? Because I can’t seem to help myself. I can’t control myself around you.”
You swallowed hard, fighting back the urge to close the gap between you. "How do you expect me to behave when you've been staring at me all night? It makes it really hard to act normal around you."
"So you're telling me that you can't pretend that we're not attracted to each other either?" Hendery pressed.
"That's not—" You cleared your throat. You really wanted to lie to him, but then again… what harm could it cause? "It’s not like I don’t like you, you know. You're really funny and kind and a great friend. I like hanging out with you."
"You're trying to change the subject," Hendery pointed out.
"No," You shook your head. "It's just…"
You paused, looking away from him. You didn't want to say the words out loud. You didn't want to admit that there was something between you two. You certainly didn't want to admit that you liked him. You thought about saying that you weren't sure whether you wanted to pursue a romantic relationship with him or not, but quickly realized that wouldn't work. He'd definitely think you were lying.
"Is there anything that I can do to prove that I'm worth dating?" Hendery asked softly, reaching out and caressing your cheek. His thumb grazed along your jawline.
You closed your eyes and let his touch linger against your skin. It was sweet, tender and comforting. You tried to imagine what it would be like if he were kissing you. If he were holding you in his arms. Holding you and whispering sweet things into your ears.
He brushed his thumb over your lips, drawing your attention to them. For a moment, you forgot that you were talking to him.
"You don't need to prove anything to me," you whispered back. "You're already worth it."
Hendery let out a small sigh, his hands slipped down and clutched onto your hips. "So are you saying that you want to see where this goes?"
"Maybe," you replied softly.
The way you looked at him caused his heart to skip a beat. His stomach felt all squishy inside. His chest felt tight. He swallowed nervously and nodded his head slowly. He didn't understand why, but whenever you looked at him like that, it always felt like the temperature in the room suddenly went up ten degrees. His heart fluttered as he watched you. His body became filled with energy and excitement as he imagined how your lips would feel against his.
His mind was suddenly full of fantasies about what it would be like to kiss you. What it would be like to hold you in his arms. What it would be like to wake up next to you in the morning.
He swallowed hard and reached out to cup your cheek. He moved his fingers down your neck and shoulder, causing goosebumps to form on your skin.
"Y/N," he breathed out, his voice cracking slightly. "You have no idea how badly I want to kiss you."
"Yeah?" You raised an eyebrow at him, silently daring him to continue.
He grinned and gently tugged on your bottom lip. "Yeah."
"Well, what do you want me to do?" You asked, arching your brows.
Hendery leaned in closer to you, keeping eye contact with you as he spoke. "You tell me."
"I don't know…" You ran your finger along his jawline. "Do you want me to stop you? To push you away?"
"Hell no," Hendery laughed. "I want you to kiss me."
You couldn’t help but close the gap between you and lightly brush your lips against his.
Hendery immediately kissed you back, pressing his tongue into your mouth.
As your lips met his, the electricity between you both surged. It flowed through your bodies and sparked a fire within you. Your lips parted slightly, allowing him access to your mouth. He eagerly pressed his tongue against yours. You moaned as your entire body began to heat up. The way he smelled and tasted, everything was just perfect. 
Every part of him felt right and natural.
When you finally pulled away from him, Hendery had his hand wrapped around the back of your neck, staring deeply into your eyes. He gently bit his lip, his eyes locked onto yours.
“How do you feel about taking this somewhere else?” You whispered. “Like my bedroom?”
Hendery smiled and nodded his head. “Lead the way.”
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You woke up the next morning feeling content. The events from last night seemed like nothing more than a dream. Sure, your body felt sore from being tangled in Hendery's arms all night long, but in a good way. You stared at his sleeping face for a few moments, wondering how anyone could look so beautiful while still being asleep.
Hendery opened his eyes, letting out a soft smile when he saw you. "Good morning, beautiful."
"Mmm, morning handsome," you hummed.
Hendery leaned over and pecked your lips. You smiled as he ran his fingers through your hair. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing," you lied.
"You've been smiling for the past five minutes," Hendery noted.
You laughed. "Just thinking about last night."
"Oh?" Hendery cocked his head to the side curiously. "About what?"
"Us," you sighed, placing a hand on his chest. "Last night… That was amazing."
Hendery grinned widely. "It was amazing, wasn't it?"
"Mmhm." You smiled wider. "It was exactly what I needed."
"You deserved it."
You laughed as you playfully punched his shoulder. "Are you done talking now? I'm ready to get out of bed."
"Only if you give me a kiss first," Hendery offered.
You rolled your eyes and pushed him playfully, causing him to fall backwards. "Get back up."
Hendery chuckled as he scrambled to his feet. Once he was standing upright, he swooped in and gave you another kiss. As you were kissing him, he brought his hands to your cheeks and held you in place.
"Are you sure you're okay?" he whispered.
"Of course I am," you whispered back, burying your nose in his neck. You loved the smell of him. It made you weak in the knees. "You better believe that I'll never forget what happened last night."
"I know you won't," Hendery replied, bringing his hands to your waist. He nuzzled his face into your hair. He trailed his fingers up your thighs until he reached your bare core. He gently rubbed his thumbs over your lower lips, causing you to gasp softly. You shivered as he brushed his fingers across your clit.
"Hendery…” you pushed at him softly. “I think Linda might be home. We should… maybe finish this later."
“It didn’t stop us last night when we fucked.” He looked up at you sheepishly, his eyes meeting yours. "I don't want to wait any longer."
“It was loud and everyone was drunk last night.” You licked your lips nervously. "It’s morning now and we really shouldn't."
"I know." Hendery frowned. "But I really need you, Y/N. I'm willing to risk her finding us. Are you willing to take the chance?"
You gulped. "I don't know…"
Hendery took a deep breath and lowered his head. "If you say no, I swear that I will go downstairs and make breakfast for everyone that's still here and wait until they leave."
"That doesn't sound like a bad plan." You let out a laugh as you cupped his cheek. "But fuck it. My door is locked anyway."
"See?" Hendery nodded proudly. "Perfect."
You returned the gesture by pulling him into a deep kiss. He groaned loudly when you slid your tongue into his mouth. He continued trailing his fingers along your inner thigh as you pushed him further onto the bed. His body sank into the mattress, but his fingers remained focused on your naked skin. Within a matter of seconds, he had flipped you onto your back. You giggled as he pinned you down beneath him. His hands gripped your hips tightly as he pressed himself between your legs.
You stared up at him, panting heavily. He slowly brought his lips to yours once more, this time giving you a deep kiss. The pressure of his tongue against yours ignited a fire inside of you. When he slid his hands up your body, you gasped as he grasped onto your bare breasts.
"Fuck," he groaned as he squeezed your breasts roughly. "These tits are perfect."
"Mmmm…" You moaned, letting out a tiny moan as he pinched your nipples roughly. You ran your fingers through his dark hair as you continued moaning. You knew he could hear your pleasure because his moans grew louder too.
"Goddamn," he growled, lowering his head and sucking one of your erect nipples into his mouth. He used his teeth to gently bite down on your sensitive flesh. You moaned louder, pushing your body harder against his face. He released the nipple from his mouth and brought his head up.
"Shh…" he said, lowering his head to you once more.
"Don't stop," you whimpered.
"Trust me, I'm going to make you come as many times as possible," he promised, capturing one of your swollen nipples between his lips. You cried out loudly when he sucked on it, sending electric shocks through your entire body.
"Fuck," he groaned again, squeezing your other breast and swirling his tongue around it. "God damn."
You grabbed onto the sheets underneath you as he worked his magic on your sensitive nipples. His skilled fingers slid up and down your wet pussy, causing you to moan even louder.
"Oh fuck," you moaned, pushing your hips towards his hand. "Please… don't stop."
Hendery pulled his mouth off of your nipple and looked at you. You gazed back at him lustfully, your eyes glazed over. "Tell me what you want, Y/N."
"Hendery… please, I can't take much more."
"Please what?" he asked, still rubbing his fingers along your throbbing clit.
"Lick my cunt, lick my pussy."
"I love the way you talk," he whispered. "You turn me on so much."
You wiggled your hips towards him as he lowered his mouth to your exposed sex. You could feel his hot breath against your clit as he exhaled loudly. "So wet… so fucking wet…"
"Mmmm…" he hummed, swirling his tongue around your clit before moving up and sucking on it. "Is this what you wanted?"
"Yes!" You cried out, bucking your hips violently against his face. "Hendery, yes! Please!"
"Please what?" he repeated, licking at your slit again.
"Make me cum… make me cum, Hendery."
Hendery hummed softly, his mouth completely surrounding your clit. You could feel his warm breath against your flesh as he repeatedly sucked on it. It sent shockwaves throughout your body, leaving you shaking uncontrollably. Before you knew it, you came, flooding his face with your juices.
You arched your back as you rode out your orgasm. You could feel every muscle in your body tense up as wave after wave of pleasure rushed through you.
"Ahhhh…" you panted. "God, that feels amazing."
Hendery licked your wet folds one last time before he sat up and grinned at you. "Let me show you how amazing I can make you feel."
"Oh yeah?" You ran your fingers through his messy hair. "And how do you plan on doing that?"
Hendery smirked at you, leaning down and nibbling on your earlobe. "There's only one way to find out."
You wrapped your arms around his neck and passionately kissed him. "Oh yeah?"
"Yeah," he smiled. He positioned himself in between your legs. His cock rubbed against your swollen folds as he moved his hips forward. You instantly felt the warmth of his thick member against your entrance.
"Fuck," he moaned, pushing slowly into you.
"Fuck…" you groaned.
Hendery started slowly sliding his cock in and out of you, teasing you with every single thrust. You tried to move yourself, but Hendery held you firmly in place.
"You know, you're so tight," he said. "It makes it hard to hold back."
"Do whatever you want," you groaned. "Just fuck me already."
"All right," he smirked, grabbing your ass with both hands and plunging deeper into you.
You groaned as his cock buried itself inside of you, stretching you to the limit. "God damn," you whimpered. "Fuck."
"I can tell that you're enjoying this," he grunted, pounding into you roughly.
"Oh yeah," you cried out. "Faster, Hendery. Faster."
"Take it, Y/N," he encouraged. "Take everything that I have to offer."
"Please, oh god, just keep going," you begged. "Keep fucking me, please."
He did just that. He picked up the pace, thrusting himself into you as fast as he could. Each stroke left you gasping for air. The intensity was almost unbearable.
You dug your nails into his shoulders, desperately clinging onto him. The friction of his cock within you was making you feel things you'd never felt before. Things that felt absolutely incredible.
"Fuck… I'm coming, Y/N," he cried out, his voice filled with passion.
The feeling of his release inside of you caused you to experience an intense orgasm of your own. Your walls clenched around his cock, milking him dry as you screamed out his name.
After what seemed like hours, Hendery finally collapsed on top of you. He placed kisses all over your face as he continued caressing your body.
"You're amazing," he murmured into your ear. "I've never met anyone who can make me feel the way that you do."
"Really?" you asked, turning your head to look at him.
He smiled at you, resting his forehead against yours. "Yes, really. You are amazing."
Your heart skipped a beat as he leaned in to kiss you. "Thank you," you whispered.
"No, thank you." He kissed you once more before standing up and retrieving his clothes. "Now I’m scared of leaving your bedroom. Who knows who’s out there?”
You laughed, throwing on some clothes. “No doubt Linda and Johnny. Maybe a few of the others that got drunk and didn’t go home.”
Hendery let out a sigh, before opening your door. “And let the teasing begin.”
You and Hendery walked into the kitchen to catch a few pairs of eyes staring at you. Linda let out a small laugh, slapping Johnny’s arm as he nodded his head. Renjun was nursing a hangover with a cup of coffee, Mark next to him with a surprised face. Jeno grinned and wiggled his eyebrows, happy that his two friends got together.
“Sooooo…” Jeno broke the silence, looking at you and Hendery. “What’s the verdict between you two?”
“What’s the point of asking when we know they’ve fucked all night long?” Renjun shook his head, a small smile on his face. “Take care of her, Hendery. We’ll kick your ass if you hurt her.”
Hendery looked down at you softly. “I’d never hurt her. Y/N’s always been special to me.”
“Awhhhh!” Linda cooed. She slapped Johnny’s arm. “I told you that they’d get together eventually! I’m so glad I suggested strip poker last night.”
“I’m glad you did too,” Jeno nodded his head. “They finally did it.”
“Not gonna ask how the night went,” Johnny said, as he looked at you. “But next time, have sex at Hendery’s place.”
Mark laughed. “Like you’re one to talk, Johnny. You and Linda are loud too.”
“Hey now, we’re not that bad!” Linda exclaimed, Johnny laughing next to her. Your friend sent you a smile and you could tell that she was honestly happy for you. “But really, I’m happy for you.”
“Thanks,” you smiled, looking up at the man next to you. “I’m happy for us too.”
Hendery placed a soft kiss on your cheek. “As am I.”
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Do me the honor? (Tierna Davidson x Reader)
This is just a cute little something that took a couple of hours to write, inspired by Tiernas first game back. Hope you enjoy :)
Words: 880
You got this baby, I'm sorry I can't be there.
It's okay, I understand.
You're nervous aren't you?
A bit yeah. It's been a long time since I've played at that level
I know baby, it's okay to be nervous and it okay to ease back into a little bit. Just try to enjoy it, you've worked so hard to get back, you deserve to have a bit of fun.
Thank you Y/n/n. I have to go, the bus just got here. I love you so much, I'll call you later tonight if you're still awake.
I love you T, go kick some ass.
Once Tierna hung up I started getting ready to head to the stadium. It was her first national game back after tearing her ACL. It may have been a small lie on my behalf that I couldn't make it to the game. I was going to be there and I was planning on proposing to her after the game. I probably could have gotten away with her knowing I was there, but it would have been harder to sneak away to set up the conference room for after the game. We were pretty private with our relationship so I knew she wouldn't want a public proposal. She wanted one with either just us or with friends and family. 
I had been planning this with Tiernas family and team mates for a few months now. They had helped me keep it a surprise, get permission to use the conference room, get me into the game and pretty much anything else I needed. I spent the time when they were warming up and before Tierna was subbed on to set up the room. I set it up to look like a celebration of her return, with welcome back banners, balloons, champagne, and flowers. 
Tierna played amazing as usual. There were a few times that she held back a bit, but she was having fun and that was what mattered the most. It allowed her to build up the confidence she lost after her injury. Once the game ended, I waited in the conference room with her family while the girls celebrated and showered. Knowing them the celebration would continue on for hours if there wasn't someone to stop them. For that reason I had tasked Ali with the job of reminding them of the plan. 
Her parents where waiting up front when Tierna walked in. She hugged them tightly before her eyes locked with mine. "Y/n?"
"Hey T."
Tierna threw her arms around me, burying her face in my shoulder, "You're here."
"I wouldn't have missed it for anything. You did amazing baby, I am so proud of you."
She finally looked around the room properly, a small smile appearing, "This is why you told me you weren't coming?"
"It would have looked suspicious if I kept disappearing. The girls helped me pull it off."
I let Tierna catch up with her parents and celebrate with her team for a while. She had missed them like crazy during her recovery. It was hard enough not being able to play, adding in not being around some of her closes friends didn't help. They had kept in touch through text and the occasional facetime, but it wasn't the same. It had been a rough year, mostly for Tierna, but it was hard for me to see her so down. Especially at the start when she started to become withdrawn from everything, ignoring everyone and tried to push me away. So seeing her laughing and joking around with the biggest smile I've seen in a long time, it warmed my heart in a way I didn't think possible. All I wanted was to see Tierna happy. 
After about half an hour, I decided I couldn't wait any longer and got everyone's attention. 
"While I did plan this as a celebration for Tierna because well I'm biased. I did want to also congratulate those of you who have also recently made it back after injuries. And a special congratulations to Becky for making 200 caps. You are all amazing." Ali discretely handed me the little black box, "As you all know, well except you Tierna, I have a surprise for you T. When I first met you, my life was pretty messy, I was pretty messy. You could have ran, I wouldn't have blamed you, but you always stuck by me and supported me in the good times and the bad. Even when things are rough, it feels easy with you. You're my bestfriend, my person and I can't imagine my life without you. So with that being said
Tiernas eyes shone with tears as I sunk down on one knee, opening the box, "Tierna, will you do me the honor of marrying me?"
Tierna pulled me up, connecting our lips in a long, slow kiss that quickly became wet with tears, "Yes, yes of course I'll marry you Y/n. I love you."
The ring slipped easily on her finger, "I love you T, more than you will ever know."
"Ditto. I can't believe you did this for me."
"It's nothing really, you deserve to be celebrated."
"You flew my family here, that's not nothing."
"Well I would do anything for you. You deserve this and more baby. I'm going to do everything I can to give you the life you deserve."
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wheredafandomat · 2 years
Twelfth floor
Bucky Barnes x SHIELD agent reader
18+ | contains smut. Coercion is not a joke!
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Finally, it was Friday. Friday was the day of the week you could allow yourself to stay up past midnight watching something ridiculous without the repercussions haunting you the following day in the form of downing coffee as quickly as you could during the morning meeting. Yes, despite the fact that you were still in your early twenties, you couldn’t do late nights and early mornings like some of your counterparts. As well as that, you didn’t go out much so even though it was Friday night, it was going to be a night spent in front of the TV with a homemade cocktail and probably a night with your vibrator. Perfect. Your thoughts were interrupted by someone approaching. Looking up from your computer, your eyes met with two familiar ones. James Barnes AKA one of the sexy avengers.
“Hey, I was told to come to the twelfth floor to log this as evidence.” He spoke, gesturing to the box of vials in his hand.
“You’re right, this is the twelfth floor where us SHIELD agents simply live to serve the avengers.” You spoke, standing to your feet to grab a few of the log forms.
“If you give me the key, I’d be happy to do it myself.” He offered.
“And why would I do that?” You snorted, glancing at him.
“Saves you doin’ it.” He shrugged as you sat back down before sliding him the form as well as a clipboard and pen.
“Nice try” you smiled “give me the evidence.”
“It’s dangerous.” He warned.
“Oh please” you began, rolling your eyes “I deal with dangerous all the time.”
Bucky’s eyes lingered on yours for a few moments before he released a breath in defeat, looking down at the form and beginning to fill it out.
“Do you really need all this information?” He huffed “I really don’t mind just doing it myself.” He said again before the pen scraped against the paper, a harsh line across it as Natasha nudged him.
“Stop bothering her Barnes” she smiled, looking at you “hey y/n, can I get the key to the evidence locker please.” She asked.
“Hey Nat, sure.” You answered, handing her the keys as well as the form to fill in leaving Bucky gasping as she walked off after thanking you. “Whatt, I know Natasha.” You said, looking at Bucky.
“And now you know me, do I get the key next time?” He answered.
“I know your name Barnes—”
“Bucky.” He interrupted.
“James” you smiled coyly “and no, you can’t get the key.”
“How about I take you out, then you can get to know me better?” He winked.
“That’s unethical.” You dismissed.
“How?” He questioned, an amused smirk crossing his features.
“You rank higher than me, some might say it’s an abuse of power.” You replied, leaning closer to him.
“Woah, it’s only an abuse of power if I threaten or force you.” He defended, leaning a little closer to you too.
“That’d be coercion.” You corrected, biting down a smile as your gazes focused solely on one another’s.
“You want to be coerced.” He stated, running his tongue over his bottom lip causing you to unconsciously do the same before you smiled awkwardly noticing his eyes quickly dip to your lips. “Come on, let me take you out.” He grinned, you replicating his expression. Considering you didn’t really have any plans and one of the hottest guys you had ever seen was asking you out, you decided to say yes.
“Fine, when do you get off?” You asked.
“Whenever I want.” He replied, wriggling his brows leaving you giggling.
“7, I’ve got to finish a mission report.”
“Well, I’ll meet you in the car park around 7 then and you can take me for drinks.” You proposed.
“It’s a date then.” He smiled widely.
“Don’t call it that.” You laughed.
“It’s a not date.” He winked, handing you the box of vials as well as the slightly messy completed form.
You spent the rest of your shift thinking about the interaction with Bucky and the fact that you were actually meeting up with him after work. The fact that you were both flirting, if you could call it that, in the first place was crazy enough but a not date too, you were living beyond your means. You thanked your lucky stars that you decided to do your hair nice for work today and you didn’t get any particularly runny substances in evidence today. The closer it got to 7, you worried he wasn’t going to turn up and whether or not you had simply imagined the whole interaction. It was only evident that it did in fact happen when 7 o’clock came and you found Bucky standing in the car park evidently waiting for you.
“I take it you’re expecting me to get on that thing.” You spoke, gesturing to the Harley that was standing proudly behind him.
“Yeah, thought I’d take you on a ride.” He shrugged, smiling at you.
“Are you sure? Or did you just want me wrapped around you, hugging you close to me for dear life?” You laughed.
“Yeah, the bike tends to have that affect.” He chuckled. There were a few moments of silence between you both as you took one another in before you spoke.
“Fine, but I ride front, you can wrap your arms around me.” You said, grabbing one of the helmets before hopping on the bike.
“Wait wait wait.” He paused you.
“I can ride a bike Bucky, the question is can you ride passenger?” You teased.
After a minute or so, Bucky was positioned behind you, helmet secured to his head as he kept his hands to himself. Reaching behind you, you grabbed his hands, positioning them on your waist.
“Safety first.” You smiled as you felt his hands settle against you, his metal one feeling gentler than the other as if he was purposely tensing it, ghosting your body with it.
The night went well, extremely well. It passed between drinks and laughter as you got to know one another better. You couldn’t deny how attractive he was and how piercing his blue gaze was. It left a wetness pooling between your legs whenever he’d touch your thigh as he laughed. The night passed evidently quicker than you both would have liked it to which was clear in your reluctancy to say goodbye to one another.
“Hey, why don’t you come back to the tower with me? You can chill with the avengers.” He suggested.
“Why would I wanna hang out at work after work?”
“Because I’ll be with you.” He spoke an octave lower.
“Or we could do something else?” You answered, biting your lip as you ran your finger down his clothed chest causing him to smile.
When you arrived back at the tower, your lips were against one another’s as you took the elevator up. His hands roamed over your sides, you moaning into the kiss at the sensation. His lips trailed down your neck, nipping at the exposed flesh along your jaw and chest.
“We gotta be quiet when we get out okay.” She murmured against your skin before you nodded, the elevator doors opening. Bucky stepped out first, hand reaching out for yours before he lead you both to where you could only assume was his room. Once you reached, he swung the door open, pulling you inside as he kissed you again. The door slammed behind you, Bucky pinning you against the wall as it did. You reached for the hem of his shirt, pulling it up over his head before your hands smoothed over his chiseled chest leaving him humming in approval. You made quick work of removing the rest of each other’s clothes before he guided you towards the bed, your knees buckling once you hit it leaving you falling against it.
“Is this you coercing me?” You tittered, your hand running over his erection which was strained by his boxers.
“Oh fuck.” He uttered, eyes closing, his head falling backwards as you began pulling down the restraint, his thick cock springing free. You wrapped one of your hands around it, looking up at him as you kissed the tip. Soon after, you took him in your mouth, your hand massaging the base of his length as you hollowed your cheeks leaving Bucky grunting your name. Before he came, he pulled out of your mouth causing a confused expression to cover your face. “Come on, can’t cum until I’ve felt you around me doll.” He explained.
“Doll, that’s new.” You noted as Bucky knelt onto the bed, you moving further up it before he settled between your legs, widening them with his thigh. Reaching down, he kissed you again, his cock nudging your thigh as he did. His lips trailed lower, his tongue running over your breasts before he continued his descent. Your breath hitched feeling his lips against your mound as he edged your legs further apart, head settling between them as he moved lower, pressing a kiss to your clit.
“Tastes so good.” He groaned against you, lips wrapping around your clit as he lapped up your arousal. Your hips lifted from the bed, grinding against his face as he continued his skilful movements, tongue dipping into your entrance.
“Bucky.” You moaned, hand tangling in his hair as he pleasured you. “I-I’m so close.”
“Cum for me baby.” He prompted, circling your clit with his tongue before he sucked on it leaving you moaning his name as you came.
“Fuckk Bucky.” You exhaled, coming down from your high, pushing his head away from the overstimulation as he rode you through your climax. Reaching up, he pressed his lips to yours again, kissing you deeply as he settled above you. “I wanna feel you.” You spoke against his lips. Lining himself up with your entrance, he lubricated himself with your arousal before thrusting inside of you.
“You feel so good.” He praised, trying to keep still as you adjusted to his size. You prompted him to move before he pulled out, plunging into you again in one fell swoop, filling you completely. He built a steady pace, fucking into you as his name fell from your lips. Both of you desperately sought your releases, you raising your hips to meet his with every thrust.
“Don’t stop, don’t stoppp.” You begged, Bucky picking up the pace as he chased his climax before you came with a loud scream, Bucky silencing you with a kiss as he continued thrusting. After a few more moments and the feeling of your walls thrumming around him, he pulled out, ejaculating over your stomach as he stroked himself to completion. “Well, that was fun.” You panted, catching your breath back.
“We should do it again.” He agreed, smiling at you as he got off of the bed, fetching a wash cloth before beginning to clean you. “You’re free to use the shower.” He added, gesturing to the en-suite.
“Aren’t you sweet.” You joked.
“The sweetest.” He winked.
Taking him up on his offer, you used the shower, grabbing a towel on the way. Once you came out, you noticed there was a note on the bed which Bucky had changed the sheets on. He had also left one of his tops.
It’s late, feel free to stay the night. I’m camping out in the common room if you need me. Enjoy the bed xx
Smiling to yourself, you got into the bed, not wanting to look for him incase you were spotted. Seemingly tired, especially after the sex, you fell asleep pretty quickly in Bucky’s bed, and his top, only waking up when the door knocked.
“It’s me.” Bucky spoke quietly from the other side. Opening your eyes, you realised it was morning. You stood up, wiping the sleep from your eyes as you opened the door to be met by Bucky who was holding a tray of food. “Mornin’ doll.”
“Y/n?” Natasha gasped, walking past Bucky before her eyes landed on you standing at his door.
“Ohmygosh.” You gulped, pulling Bucky inside before closing the door in a panic.
“I didn’t know she was there, I promise.” Bucky laughed.
“I hope this doesn’t mean Bucky gets special treatment now too!” Natasha shouted from the other side causing you to facepalm.
“That’d be good.” Bucky agreed. “Special treatment from the lady on the twelfth floor.”
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A/N: Bucky deserves some love too. Now, back to Loki fics 😂
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darylsgirl · 2 years
Seeing clearly now
Hey guys! I started writing this over a year ago, Took me a few days to get back into the swing of thing and get it finished off, Feeling a little rusty! Let me know what you think! And if you want to be added to the taglist leave me a comment below!
Lots of love
Jen <3
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The sun had barely risen when you were rudely jostled from sleep. Grumbling you turned over in the tent, opening your eyes and searching the dimly lit tent for him.
“Ughhhh it’s too early, Come back to bed” You whined. He scoffed barely acknowledging you as he pulled his pants on. You stood stretching as you did and wrapped your arms around his naked torso. Seeing him like this always made that burning feeling flip inside your stomach. Running your fingers up and down his chest.
“C’mon no one will be awake yet, We could-” 
“No..Someone’s got to keep an eye on this camp. Go back to bed Y/N” 
His fingers circled your wrists pulling them away from him and back down to your side. Slipping a shirt on he pushed his way out of the tent into the early morning. 
Shane seemed different lately, Before all the craziness of the world now. He had asked you to marry him, You were looking at houses together and planning this incredible life. There was a part of you that understood the change in his behaviour but you couldn’t get your head around the way his love seemed to have dwindled.
You watched as he stormed away from the tent you both shared, stopping to exchange a few words with Dale at the RV; He had to still care right? A man didn’t just propose marriage and declare his love just to change his mind like this. Maybe it was the stress of being the leader of the camp, But now Rick is here and seems to have taken that mantle you would have thought the stress would have decreased but it had only gotten worse. 
Closing the flap on the tent you felt silly as a tear escaped your eye, Dressing at a leisurely pace before leaving the tent and heading towards the barn, Seeing Maggie and Beth already there. 
“Anything I can help with?” You half chuckled seeing Maggie jump before your mood turned to confusion looking at the panicked look on their faces.
“Uhhh no” Maggie stuttered out. “I think Carol might do though, She’s up doing the laundry on her own. Lori hasn’t gotten up” Giving them both an inquisitive look you decided to let it go. Thanking them, you turned and walked back towards the tents, seeing they were right and Carol was already red in the face scrubbing her way through a huge pile of washing. 
Silently taking a seat next to her you pulled the water that had been boiling off the fire pouring into the large tub in front of you both. 
Now there were two of you. The work had gone by a lot quicker and by the time you were hanging the last of it on the line. Lori stumbled out of her tent. 
Giving Carol a small smile you made your excuses and left, You weren’t sure why but Lori had never seemed to like you. You had a great relationship with her and her family before you and Shane had gotten engaged. From that point onwards she had been very cold, Barely even acknowledging your existence since Shane had rescued her and Carl bringing them along with you both. 
Every part of you screamed for you to turn around and ask her what her problem was it went through your head everyday, But every time you asked Shane if he knew why she was being like this he shrugged you off and told you to stop being stupid.
Sighing, you picked up a couple of big empty bottles by the side of the RV and made your way to the well to fill them. After they were both filled you cursed yourself for not realising you wouldn’t be able to carry them both back alone. 
Too stubborn to ask for help you figured you would at least try. Tightening the lids on both you grabbed each handle huffing under the weight, Tentatively taking a few steps before your grip started to falter. 
As if on cue Daryl rushed to your side taking one of the bottles from you. You gave him a grateful smile walking back towards the group together. Dropping them off at the RV you shrugged off the thanks from Dale waiting for Shane to say anything to you, To even look at you but he didn’t. You gave Dale a warm smile and a wave before turning away to walk towards the tents once more.
Daryl shadowed you as you walked away from the RV, Noticing Lori was no longer there you decided to help Carol prepare for dinner. 
Giving Daryl a huge smile you turned and pulled him tightly to you in a warm embrace. His arms faltered for a moment before wrapping around your back, Sighing happily into his chest you let the embrace last a moment longer enjoying the physical touch you had so craved from Shane. 
Raising your head from his chest to look into his eyes you broke the silence.“Thank you so much Daryl. You’re always there when i need you”
He shrugged giving a small grunt “Ain’t Nothin’” You could see a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips as his eyes met yours. There was something in the way he looked at you...Something you couldn’t quite place your finger on….Something..More..
Too soon you felt a hand encircle your bicep pulling you away. Ripping your eyes from the warm sparkling blue ones to the anger filled deep brown eyes. 
“What the fuck Y/N! What do you think your doin huggin all over him in the middle of camp? "
"You fuckin him? You fuckin this piece o’ shit redneck? HUH? ” He raged 
If Daryl was hurt by this he didn’t let it show “It were jus a fuckin hug Shane! Stop bein such an asshole! Y/N aint done nothin wrong, Bet’cha can’ say the same eh?” Daryl retorted getting in between you and Shane, pushing you backwards gently away from Shane’s vice grip. 
It took a minute for the words he had said to fully hit you, “Wait….what?” You asked. 
Shane pushed past Daryl facing you again. “Back to the tent Y/N!” Shane ordered his eyebrow raised as if he was daring you to defy him. 
“But...But what did you mean Daryl?” You asked feeling the tears breach your eyes. Those 6 words seem to confirm your worst fears. Shane grabbed you again, turning you and pushing you in the direction of the tent. 
“This is men talk, Get back to the tent now!” Letting your feet carry you in the direction you were shoved, you brushed the tear from your eye and opened the tent flap in front of you, throwing yourself down on your sleeping bags. 
Not able to tell if you were furious, Hurt or just straight up confused. Is that what Daryl was saying? Was he confirming that Shane was cheating on you? Had he seen something or were you just reading too much into this?
You sat there not moving contemplating everything that had been running through your mind since the end began. As always managing to talk yourself down, He couldn’t be...Not with her, She’s his best friend's wife. He wouldn’t do that and then face Rick everyday and act like everything was normal. Only a heartless person could do that. Your Shane wasn’t heartless. He loved Rick and his family. That’s all it was, he probably just wanted to spend as much time with Rick now he knows he’s alive, and Lori just came as a part of that. You told yourself.
The sound of your stomach growling pulled you from your thoughts, Frowning as you realised Shane never came to the tent to check on you or to explain. Maybe you had gone too far hugging Daryl and he was still mad at you. 
Poking your head tentatively out of the tent you saw the group all sat around the table eating. Shane laughed at something Carl had just said. Your frown deepening, you left the tent deciding to walk off the hunger rather than face him and the group after the public blow up earlier. 
It was eerily silent around the farm at night. Once you had reached the opposite side of the farm you took a seat on the grass before laying backwards. Looking up at the stars that were just visible between the leafy canopy above you. It was times like this that you wished you had a camera to capture the beauty in front of you forever. 
Before you knew it the warm breeze around you was making your eyes grow heavy. You knew it probably wasn’t wise going to sleep out in the open like this but your brain was fuzzy from overthinking and you just didn’t care right now. Letting the breeze carry you off into a peaceful sleep you dreamt of the stars and the life you might have had if it wasn’t for the outbreak. 
It was the heat that woke you up. Feeling the sun burning at your skin, Opening your eyes lazily from the position of the sun in the sky it had to have been at least midday. Shit! You had chores to do! Shane was probably worried sick with you not being back all night.
Jumping to your feet you brushed the dirt from the back of your shorts and ran your fingers hastily through your hair to get out the majority of the tangles. 
Walking briskly back around the field towards the camp you stopped in the trees around it listening to see if there was any talk about you before stepping out. Luckily the conversation between everyone seemed easy going and relaxed. 
Stepping out you came to Carol’s side giving her a small smile “Anything i can help with Carol?” Taking in your appearance she raised an eyebrow but didn’t say anything about it. 
“Could you get some more water please? Just enough to wash the dishes from breakfast?” 
Giving her a nod you took the container from the side of her and set off to the well again. Deja vu was running through you as you saw Daryl walk towards you as you had finished filling the container. 
Without meeting his eyes you lifted the container into your arms walking away as quickly as you could without spilling any. 
Within two steps he had caught up to you “Wait!! Y/N! Where were you last night? I stopped by the tent and you were gone and no one had seen you” 
Shrugging you carried on walking hoping Shane wasn’t watching this interaction. You heard his voice before you saw him “What did i tell you about bein near my girl Dixon!” 
Daryl bunched his fists up at his sides. “I wouldn’t have to keep checkin on her if ya did! Bet yer didn’t even notice she wasn't there last night did ya?” He was fully enraged now. 
“Too busy steppin out on her to notice she weren’ fuckin there! Ya don’t deserve a girl like Y/N fuckin pig” 
“What did i tell ya about stickin yer nose in where it don’t belong! Yer don’t know shit about Y/N and me so take yer ass back to where ya came from!” 
“Shane...What’s he talkin about?” You asked, glaring into his eyes. “Go back to camp Y/N” Shane spat at you. 
No longer caring about the scene you were probably causing, you threw the container of water to the ground. Turning to Daryl instead. 
“No I wont!! Tell me Daryl what are you sayin here?” You felt Shane’s fingers brush past your arm in an attempt to grab you, Knowing what he was about to do you stepped out of his reach.
Looking between the pair of them, Daryl wouldn’t meet your eyes, He had a stony look on his face. Shane stood awkwardly. “Someone tell me what the fuck’s going on!” you half screamed at them feeling the blood pulsing in your veins, Shane was quicker than you this time pinning your arms to your sides and half dragging you back to camp leaving Daryl standing there with the half empty container at his feet. 
When you had both gotten back to your tent Shane had used every excuse in the book to explain why Daryl could have said what he said and that he wasn’t betraying you. Even having the nerve to act offended that you thought that of him. Eventually tiring of the conversation you just agreed with him knowing it would end the conversation sooner. 
Thankfully you had convinced Shane that you agreed with him, He gave you a harsh kiss and left through the tent flap without another word. But now someone else had noticed his behaviour, you were done listening to his drivel. 
You were going to get the truth one way or another! You peeked out of the flap to make sure Shane had gone and there was no one nearby to see where you were going. 
Stepping out quickly you used the shadows of the trees to move unnoticed straight to Daryl’s Camp. Once you got closer you stepped over his trip wire. Moving as silently as you could you heard him mumbling curses under his breath as he skewered a squirrel on a spit pushing it over the fire. 
Deciding it was safe to step out, You watched as he jumped up, His fingers twitch nervously over the knife on his belt, Visibly relaxing when he saw it was you. Sitting back down he paid no more attention to you as he turned the squirrel over in the fire. 
Sighing you took a seat next to him, Silent for a few moments to think of the best way to ask this. You didn’t want to sound accusatory or harsh or Daryl would just get defensive and you wouldn’t get any answers. 
Deciding to start with the question he asked you earlier. 
Clearing your throat you started “So last night, I uh well i um fell asleep under the trees over there” not meeting his eyes embarrassed by your reckless admission. 
You saw as his body tensed “What the hell Y/N! You coulda been killed! One of them geeks coulda got ya and i wouldn’ta known to stop it...To save you…” he trailed off sadly. 
“I know, I’m sorry it was stupid i didn’t mean to worry you...But thank you Daryl” 
“Yer damn right it wer stupid Y/N! Will ya stop thanking me! I aint done nothin to thank!” 
“You cared enough to notice D, No one notices me anymore. You're the only one that doesn’t make me feel invisible and I'm grateful. I thought for sure shane would have noticed i wasn’t home all night but he didn’t and all i can think is that means he wasn’t back either….” 
You looked at him expectantly hoping this would cause him to finish what he had said in front of you and Shane earlier. 
When he scoffed and didn’t say anything just focused his attention on his meal. You tried again. 
“Please Daryl, I need to know. What did you mean before? Is Shane cheating on me with her?” Your voice was shaking now, Terrified that his answer would rip your world apart. 
He grunted again “Think ya need to ask yer fiance Y/N” his eyes darkening when he called Shane that
Shuffling closer to him and putting your hand on his arm you watched as he stiffened before relaxing under your touch. “I tried, He’s lying to me. I know he is. Please he’s making me feel like I'm crazy please just tell me!” You let your tears fall staring into his eyes intently.
Groaning “Yer not crazy Y/N” When he didn’t seem to be saying anything further you prodded. 
“Is it Lori?” He nodded, finally meeting your eyes. “I’m sorry Y/N but he’s no good he don’t deserve ya” 
“Her baby…..It's his isn’t it?” He nodded again. 
When the sobs wracked your body you felt his arms wrapping around you pulling you tight to his chest. It was so confusing because even though you now knew the man you were going to marry was cheating you also felt relief. Relief that you were right all along that you weren’t going crazy. But it was painful knowing that now you were going to be alone in this world but the warmth coming from Daryl’s chest somehow made it seem less scary. 
Pushing him back from you, You stood silently wiping your tears on your sleeve. You ran towards your tent. Once inside you grabbed the little things you owned, stuffing them inside a pack before turning and leaving, not bothering to look over at the rest of the camp. You couldn’t handle seeing them now your mind was made up. 
Stalking into the trees you just walked not knowing where you were going to go but knowing you couldn’t be here anymore. There was no place here for you now. 
After walking for around half an hour you start to hear strange noises. Your heart might have well stopped when you realised the moaning was human...You’d recognise that gruff moan anywhere. 
Freezing in place you weren’t sure if you should run and get as far away from this as you could or if you should confront them so at least he would now know that you knew. Before you could make your mind up a pair of arms darted out to grab you. 
One hand around your waist pulling you backwards into a hard muscular chest the other around your mouth to muffle any noise that may come from you. Fear coursing through your body you started to struggle kicking backwards into the pair of legs behind you. 
A sharp pained gasp came from the man holding you as your heel connected with his shin. 
“Shh fuck girl it’s only me!” He angrily growled quietly in your ear. Letting the sound of his voice calm you. Once you stopped struggling he let you go. 
“What’re ya doin out here by yaself! Ya coulda asked me to come with ya!” His eyes burning holes in yours with his intense stare. 
Meeting his glare feeling braver than you felt. “I’m leavin” you hissed. You saw as his body slumped slightly the intense burning in his eyes being put out. Looking more hurt than angry now. 
When he seemed lost for words you continued softer this time “Look Daryl there’s no place for me here anymore. I can’t sit around and watch them do this. Stay by his side whilst he’s out here doing this. I don't belong here anymore! Can’t you see that?"
“No, No i cant Y/N Course ya belong here!! Ya belong here more than he fuckin does! He should be the one to leave not yer! Yer done nothin wrong! Just come back with me…...Please!” His words pleading with you. He reached his hand out holding the sides of your arms almost desperately. 
“Please don’t leave me” He muttered, barely looking at you. 
You could tell from the reddening of his cheeks that he had not intended this to be voiced, Even through the blazing of his cheeks you could still see the sincerity in his eyes. 
Those incredible blue eyes that could melt you a thousand times over, He had finally pulled his eyes up to meet yours, Feeling yourself drawn to him you weren’t sure how long you stayed standing staring at each other. It was like all time had stood still when you were rudely brought back to reality by another loud moan. 
Tears stinging your eyes you ripped them away from him, Letting your feet pull you towards the sound, You stumbled across them pretty quickly both stark naked in a small perfectly moonlit clearing.
Watching with disdain you saw as Shane and Lori were clinging to each other writhing around, moaning in pleasure. You felt the bile rise in your throat, Unable to watch any longer you spun around knocking straight into Daryl’s chest. 
As if he knew exactly what you needed, Daryl wrapped an arm around your shoulders guiding you silently through the dark woods. Before you knew it you were approaching the edge of the trees near the campfire. You could just make out Rick with his arm slung around Carl’s shoulders, Laughing so casually. 
Daryl turned to you now breaking the silence“ ‘m really sorry Y/N” 
Shrugging your shoulders you nodded towards the pair. “Don’t be sorry for me, they did me a favour. Feel sorry for them” 
Turning your back on them you walked towards the field you had accidentally slept in the other morning. Not sure of your next step and with Daryl watching you so closely you would set up there. Far away from all the others. 
Before you had managed to take a few steps you felt his hand encircle your bicep. 
Fear in his eyes “Ya not still goin are ya” 
“Not yet, But you can’t expect me to stay here with them can you, Watch them lie to me and Rick and just be okay with it?” 
“Ya will stay with me” He insisted, his hand still on your arm pulling you towards his camp. 
When you reached the small camp you tried to break away slightly to set up your sleeping bag against the tree behind his tent. 
“Ya can sleep in there, I’ll take out here” 
“I couldn’t take your bed Daryl, Look I've got what i need with me. You will be right there. I'll be fine!”
This went back and forth between you for a few minutes arguing about who would take the tent, When finally in frustration he said. 
“Y/N I know what everyone thinks of me but i aint some mindless redneck. I know when I fall asleep you’ll be outta here right quick, Take the tent tonight and figure it out tomorrow”
With that he slumped himself down against the log he had been using as a chair and pulled his hat down over his face. Glancing between him and the tent you decided to take a seat next to him. Letting your arm brush against his as you did staring thoughtfully at the fire. 
“I don’t think you're a mindless redneck, I think you're great” You said giving him a small smile. 
You could see the blush on his cheeks as you continued. 
“Okay, just for tonight, But i won’t be having you sleeping like this. I don’t know if you’ve noticed these Georgian nights gettin pretty chilly. How about we compromise and share? ”
He looked at you shocked for a moment before shrugging and nodding once. Taking that as your cue, You walked over to the tent and left the flap hanging open for him to follow. Where he slept looked like a nest, In complete disarray. 
Rolling your eyes you muttered “men” before leaning down and starting to rearrange the bedding to make it big enough to fit two. Finishing it off by opening up your sleeping bag fully and putting it on top to act as a quilt. 
Once you had finished you kicked your boots off and pulled a large t-shirt out of your bag and got changed before sliding straight into the makeshift bed. You moaned happily in surprise at how comfortable it was. Certainly better than sleeping on the ground like the night before. 
It wasn’t until you turned over that you noticed Daryl was there with you standing awkwardly by the opening. 
“Zip that door up and jump in, You look as tired as i feel” You said patting the bed at the side of you. 
He shuffled his feet uncomfortably before also pulling off his boots then top. As he climbed in beside you he muttered a quick “night” before facing away. “G’night Daryl, Thank you”
“S’ok” He muttered. 
Laying your head back on the pillow you couldn’t help the sniffle that came out. Being here in someone else’s bed for the first time in around a decade and not with the man you thought would be your husband was too much, You didn’t mind Daryl’s company in fact you preferred it to the way Shane had been with you but you couldn’t stop thinking about what you had seen in the woods and the way he had just so easily lied to your face over and over again. 
“S’ok” He reassured again as his arm encased you pulling you to him. You nuzzled your nose into his chest letting his warmth wash over you. Before you knew it the sound of his heart pounding anxiously in his chest, his warmth and a musky scent that you couldn’t quite place were clouding your senses. 
Your heart was pounding now mimicking his. You had always liked Daryl, in those lonely days being completely ignored by Shane, You would spot Daryl and allow your mind to wander imagining what your life would be now if you had been with him instead. 
You would imagine what it would be like to have those strong muscular arms wrapped around your waist. A man like that wouldn’t have left you alone all those nights, And now he wasn’t, here you were just where you had always imagined you could be. Your head on his chest and the electricity of expectation hanging in the air. 
Eyes fluttering open you looked up at his face, To see the same emotions crossing his eyes, Your lips met a moment later. The kiss was electric like you had never been kissed before, It quickly went from soft and sweet to desperate and needy. Your lips moved hungrily, Opening them and allowing him inside. Both of your hands pulling each other closer than you thought possible. 
It was over too soon, Pulling your faces away from each other you gasped for air. 
“I’ve been waiting forever to do that” You whispered. 
He stared into your eyes for a moment as if looking for the truth in your eyes, Before smashing his lips back to yours. You couldn’t help the moan that came out all thoughts of Shane forgotten in your desperate haze to have all of this man. Your fingers deftly found the top of his jeans unbuttoning them and unzipping them in one quick move. 
Gripping them and pushing them down you moaned again when you noticed his thick manhood pop straight out, Clenching it in your fist you pumped it softly at first listening to the guttural groans coming from his throat, You could feel the sickness from your heat dripping down your thighs as you rubbed them together savouring the precious friction it gave you. 
His fingers were now at the bottom of your shirt pulling it easily over your stomach and chest exposing everything to him. You released him for a moment so he could slide it the rest of the way off. 
Both gasping for air again you took in each other's states of undress. You were completely bare for him, your chest heaving with arousal as you looked down, eyes widening as you saw the size of him. You bit your bottom lip watching him kick his jeans fully off his legs. 
Softly now he put his hand in your hair and pulled his body towards yours, Staring straight into your eyes again. 
“Are ya sure?” 
Gulping the air into your lungs you replied. 
“I’ve never been more sure of anything Daryl, Please i need to- …. I need to -  feel you” 
He didn’t need telling twice, He cupped the side of your face gently pulling your lips to his again, while his body slid over the top of yours settling in quickly between your open legs. In one quick move he thrust into you as you wrapped your legs around his waist. 
It was like the animal inside him had taken over and all you could do was hold on, His lips were everywhere all at once, His hands finding your perky large breasts as he squeezed them harshly, His rough thumbs finding your nipples and tweaking them. 
As he pounded over and over you could feel his patch of pubic hair rubbing against your aching clit. With each hit bringing you closer and closer to release. 
The air was thick in the tent now, your bodies glistening with sweat as he was almost reaching his limit. Before he could you put your hand on his chest pushing him off you and down onto the bedding. 
Before he had a chance to complain at the lack of contact you were already hovering over him lining up his huge cock with your dripping wet folds. 
Holding a hand over your mouth to stop the scream from ripping out of your chest as you felt it penetrate deeper than you had ever had it before. He quickly ripped your hand from your mouth. 
“I wanna hear ya” He groaned. “But what if people hear?” You questioned your hips stalling while they waited for an answer. 
“Aint nobody but me to hear you this far out. Please Y/N I need to hear ya '' With this he bucked up into you not being quick enough to stop it this time, You let out a scream of pleasure. Leaning back you put your hands onto his knees and ground down onto him, Your clit smashing against his public bone, You lifted your hips twisting as you did before plunging down onto him. Between your screams and his moans you knew it wouldn’t be too long before you would reach your climax. 
Not caring who heard anymore you stared deeply into his eyes screaming his name feeling the well break within you as you clenched around him you felt him pulsing faster and faster until he came with you moaning your name into the air, Covering your walls with his thick hot cum. 
Collapsing onto his chest you both felt the tingles running through your body all the way to your toes. Letting the warmth and Daryl’s steadily beating heart lull you into a sound sleep, The type of sleep only possible after the most incredible orgasm. 
When you awoke you smiled happily remembering the night before and reached your arm out to find him, Jolting up suddenly when you realised he was no longer there.
Pulling your clothes back on hastily you followed the breeze coming through the slight opening in the tent. 
There he was almost starting another fire with the speed he paced in the dry grass. When you opened the tent fully the sound brought him back to his senses, Running over to you he helped you out of the tent. 
His eyes hit the ground as he held your hands in his. You could see the shame crossing his face. 
“Daryl what’s wrong?” You asked. It took him a few moments to respond. 
“Y/N I’m so fucking sorry, I i i i took advantage of ya last night…I made ya just like him, I made ya betray him, I promise i’ll stay away-” At these words you snapped to attention. 
“No…NO Daryl i don’t want you to stay away. You didn’t take advantage of anything! I wanted you! I still want you!” 
His beautiful blue eyes met yours always looking for a lie in any nice words spoken to him, When he didn’t say anything you continued. 
“I haven’t betrayed anyone, What we did was nothing like them. It was incredible and if you remember anything else from yesterday you helped me leave him so how could what we did be anything like that?” 
He shrugged his shoulders mumbling “I thought ya would regret being with a man like me….”
“A man like you? What do you mean a man like you, A Man that’s kind? Protective? Caring? Incredible? Insanely gorgeous? I could go on… Of course I wouldn't regret being with a man like that, He’s the only man i want. He’s the one i've tried to stop wanting from the minute i laid eyes on him” 
He shuffled his feet awkwardly at your praise. You put your arms around his neck giving him a soft kiss on the cheek. 
“I can only hope a man that great would want a damaged woman like me, Because if he did i think we could be very happy Sugar”
“Ya not damaged, Ya perfect” He mumbled chewing his bottom lip clearly overthinking everything you had said. 
He cleared his throat finally daring to look into your eyes again. “Ya not still planning on leaving are ya?” 
Letting out a soft chuckle you grinned at him “Not when i have you by my side i’m not”
You spent the morning in a happy daze sharing soft kisses while he watched over you making a quick breakfast. The time to rejoin the group was swiftly approaching. You slipped your fingers into his and exchanged one last longing kiss as you both made the journey to the others. 
When you got near Daryl broke away from you giving your  hand a last squeeze before heading to the RV where Dale and Glen were waiting. 
You smiled as you saw the two empty water containers waiting for you knowing he wouldn’t let you carry them back alone. Like clockwork the second you had filled the second one he was there hands on yours pulling one out of your grip and letting his other hand slide into yours. 
The bliss wasn’t to last as you saw Shane barreling his way over, Yelling profanities as he went. 
Daryl dropped the water container and instinctively guarded your body with his. 
He tried to push his way past Daryl to get to you, But Daryl being Daryl wouldn’t allow that and just pushed him straight on his ass. 
In a low but authoritative voice Daryl growled “Stay the fuck away from ‘er” 
More profanities spewed out of Shane as he tried to push himself back to his feet. 
You poked your head around Daryl and ended up almost face to face with Shane. As his eyes met yours you could see the hatred burning behind them, Taking a deep breath you decided now was the time to stop placating him and give it to him straight. 
Glancing around the area luckily there was no one close enough to hear your next words. 
“I can see through your fucking lies now shane” You hissed through gritted teeth. You didn't even allow him a chance to defend himself. 
“Don’t bother! I saw you both! Last night in the woods, You’re lucky i’ve not told Rick! But be assured if you don’t I will!”
Shane looked affronted at your words then tried a different tact, “Baby please! It didn’t mean anything. I was just trying to help her when Rick was missing. I didn't know she would force things this far with me and I didn't know how to stop it or tell you!”
“Don’t even try to blame her! You're both as bad as each other! Cheating lying snakes!” 
“I love you so much Y/N please please believe me i would never hurt you!”
Laughing openly at him now “Don’t beg Shane makes you look weak….We Wouldn’t that now would we”
Turning slowly you gave him a wide smile “Help me carry these back sugar?” 
“Yeah just one sec” Daryl looked as if he was going to help Shane up but in a flash he had punched him hard back down to the dirt. 
As if nothing had happened he picked up the container on the floor, grasped your hand again bringing it to his lips and giving it a soft kiss. “Let’s go babe” 
Ignoring Shane writhing on the floor holding his eye you walked past and back to the group. 
You could feel the eyes on you all day, everyone desperate to know what had happened but not brave enough to ask, Lori avoided you completely.  Carol and you worked side by side in relative silence, as you completed the day's chores. Luckily Shane seemed to be off somewhere taking care of his bruised ego so your afternoon was pretty peaceful. 
Once you’d both finished making dinner and called everyone over you watched the eyes follow you as you took your new place between Daryl’s feet, Looking around the group still no one had met your eye and didn’t seem to have anything to say on the subject picking up your spoon you started eating, enjoying your dinner as much as anyone could enjoy squirrel and potato stew. 
Once it was over you took all the leftovers towards the barn to give to the chickens as you always did, Feeling the hairs standing up on the back of your neck you spun around holding the bucket high expecting to see someone there. Your heart was pounding in your chest after a few moments you shook it off thinking the dramatics of the day had just got you on edge. 
Cooing gently at the beautiful feathered girls in the coop you reached out to unlock the gate. Before your hand had even brushed the clasp you felt a hand close around your mouth and another in your hair pulling you back. 
You tried to scream, kick anything you could until you felt the blade at your neck. “Shh now Darlin” Your blood ran cold, Kicking harder he just laughed as he pulled you around the side of the coop now completely hidden from the group's eyesight. 
His hand had moved to your throat now crushing it just enough to stop you from being able to shout out, He pushed you hard against the wood of the barn, Blackspots clouded your vision on impact. You felt his hand at your belt. Tears springing to your eyes as you realised what was happening. Fighting harder. 
He held you back with such ease as he chuckled at you now, his hand at his own belt pushing his pants to his ankles after succeeding at dropping yours. 
“I’ll show you who you belong to Y/N Act like a fuckin whore and ill treat you like one” You scrunched your eyes closed internally shutting off, You didn’t need to be aware for this. Feeling your body go limp when he pushed your hips upwards. The pressure left you then and your body came crashing to the floor. 
Vaguely aware of a scuffle to the side of you, You waited to feel the pain but instead it was a pair of gentle hands cupping your face. 
“Y/N? Y/N? Answer me” He was shaking you gently now, Relief flooded your senses as you realised who the voice belonged to. 
“Daryl i knew you’d find me” You croaked. Opening your eyes you leapt into his arms allowing the tears to flood over and soak his shirt. He stayed with you like this until you heard the groans, Looking to the side Shane was waking up. Daryl pounced back on top of him, his fists scrunched up in Shane’s  shirt, Repeatedly hitting him off the floor as he yelled in his face. 
“I ever see ya touch my woman again i'll kill ya, Ya hear me I'LL KILL YA” 
Running over to the pair of them you put your arms around Daryl trying to pull him off, You could see him visibly relax in your arms. 
“C’mon he's not worth it, Please Daryl! Stop”
“He put his fuckin hands on ya! If i hadn’t noticed…If i hadn't been here he would….He woulda…” He was choking on the words, unable to vocalise what he had walked in on.
“Shhh it’s ok… I know but you were here Daryl, Look at me! I’m alright he didn’t. C’mon come home with me please” 
His ears perked up at this “home?” He questioned. “Yes sugar home, Anywhere is home with you love” 
He released Shane but not before getting another kick at his ribs. Cupping your face in his hands again you could see the hurt in his eyes, “I promise ya Y/N I’ll never let anyone hurt ya. Never” 
“I know Daryl”  Turning your head towards Shane. “Go fuck yourself shane, I can see everything clearly now. I’ve found a real man now, Stay the fuck away from us” 
As if the last 10 minutes hadn’t even happened Daryl grinned at you before sweeping you off your feet with one hand under your knees. 
“Lets go home Darlin” He said sweetly before giving you a loving kiss and carrying you back to your own little paradise where you could block the world out and just be intertwined happily together. 
In the end Lori did see through his shit and cut things off after this she spent her time trying to make it up to you, The group saw through him too and when he died barely a tear was shed. 
Even with all the dangers of the new world you were grateful to have found pure unadulterated love and you couldn't have been happier. 
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daddydindjarin · 1 year
The Long and Winding Road
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Part One: The Proposal
Pairing: Frankie Morales x F!Reader (no physical description of the Reader given) Rating: 18+ Mature Wordcount: 1371 Summary: You’ve made plans to road trip across America, but you need someone to drive you. Enter Frankie Morales.  Warnings: None A/N: So, I’m going to actually TRY to put out a multi chapter fic, since this isn’t leaving my brain, and inspired me enough to actually write. We’ll see what happens. Literally written in two hours, and un-beta’d. Lemme know if you see any glaring errors!  Dividers by @firefly-graphics!
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The plastic taste of the pen cap that you were chewing on was just bitter enough to remind you of the task at hand. Glancing up to check to see if any new faces had appeared in the coffee shop, you could feel the tension rippling across your shoulders as you looked back down to the black journal in front of you.
He probably wouldn’t show. Not that you could blame him if that was the case, the whole idea was crazy, and you were more than likely just as looney for being the mastermind behind it. When you told your co-worker and the closest thing to a friend you could claim, Alyssa, about your plan to spend the next few months travelling the United States, she was skeptical and concerned. You had lived in Tampa your entire life, and while you had often dreamed of travelling, work and life kept getting in the way.
For 30 years.
You had finally decided that it was time. You had no surviving family save an ancient great-aunt whom you had never met, that sent a Christmas card out of an old school sense of sentimentality, but more likely because when your grandmother died, she left you her house and small fortune, and Aunt Matilda had been sending cards to that address for 60 years, so why stop just because her sister was dead? You had enough in savings to quit your job and still be comfortable for a few months- longer if you made smart choices, and nothing keeping you here except for common sense and the knowledge that it was a safe option.
But, you reminded yourself, scratching a quick figure in the margins of the journal while you tallied the price of gas, safe options hadn’t really worked in your favor, or you would be making this trip with friends, or family or at least a boyfriend, instead of waiting for the stranger Alyssa had recommended to you after you told her your plan.
“He’s kind of rough around the edges, but he was in the military with Benny,” she had told you in the break room while you stirred a vitamin powder into your tea, mentioning her long-time boyfriend. “He’s a pilot, fly’s helicopters.”
You had been quick to reply, not quite believing the possible luck you may have just fallen into. “And you think he’ll just be able to a few months off to chauffer me around the country? Doesn’t he have a family or something?”
Alyssa raised a perfectly manicured eyebrow. “Are you really one to talk?”
Flushing, you waved a hand for her to continue.
“He’s divorced, and he’s got a kid- but she lives with his ex-wife in Miami,” Alyssa cocked her head to the side, thinking. “He told Benny they were going to Chile to visit with family for a few months, so now is a perfect time for him to be free. For the right price, that is.”
You had told her not to worry about that, you’d compensate him fairly, and asked her to help you set up the meeting. The next day, she gave you a date and time to meet him at this little coffee shop, and here you were, waiting rather impatiently, though you refused to show it.
The bell on the door rang, and you looked up again, trying not to get your hopes up, mostly convinced he had changed his mind. To your shock, the man from the picture Alyssa had showed you of “Catfish” stood in the doorway, looking around for you too. You raised your hand to get his attention, and catching sight of you, he quickly made his way to your little table with long strides. As he approached, you studied him, realizing his picture did not do him justice. Tan skin, a square jaw peppered with short facial hair that stubbornly refused to grow all the way in, a full set of lips and a strong hooked nose sat below deep brown eyes framed by long lashes and laugh lines. He was incredibly handsome; you’d have to be blind not to see that. He was then standing in front of you, watching you closely before extending his hand. You grasped it firmly, pleased with how warm his large hand was as it almost completely enveloped your own.
“Hello,” he said, his voice deep and pleasant, “Frankie.”
“Hello,” you responded, gingerly taking your hand back and gesturing to the seat across from you as you told him your name. “Please, sit. Do you want a coffee or anything?”
“No, I’m fine, thanks.” He sat heavily, still watching you with those dark eyes. “So, Alyssa told Benny that you needed help with a job?”
You barked out a laugh, shaking your head. “I mean, technically yes, if you want to put it that way. But you make it sound like I’m trying to take a hit out on someone. It’s nothing like that.”
Frankie chuckled, leaning back in the chair, and crossing his arms across his chest. “Alright, so what do you need me to do?” he asked, his eyes never leaving your form.
Taking a deep breath, you clasped your hands together under the table, wringing your fingers as the nerves built up. “I want to spend the next few months travelling across the country, mostly sight-seeing, and I need someone to drive me.”
His eyebrows raised high on his forehead, almost disappearing into his hair, a look of skepticism crossing his face. “You want me,” he said slowly, as if he was processing your statement even as he spoke, “to drive you around the country?”
You nodded, leaning forward to rest your elbows on the table. “I’d pay for everything. We’d use my Jeep, and I’ll pay you for your time, as well as food and board. There are a few “musts” on my list, but the only real requirement is that we’re in New York by Christmas.”
“That’s…” he stopped himself before he said anything else, clearly deciding against pointing out that it was only September now. “You wouldn’t really need three months to travel the states. Few weeks would work just fine.”
You shook your head. “I know it’s a lot to ask, and it’s a lot of time, but I want to take my time doing this, and really enjoy it.”
He frowned, rubbing his chin, and studying you. “Why so sudden? Got family or something you’re meeting in New York?”
You waved a hand, dismissing his questions. “No, it’s nothing like that. Just something I want to do, and have wanted to do for a while. The ‘why's’ aren’t really that important.”
He sighed, but didn’t press you further, shaking his head, and you could feel the rejection coming, panic rising in your chest. “I don’t thi- “
“I’ll pay you 30 thousand dollars.”
Silence spread between you; his face shocked. “Wha- “
“I know that this is crazy. I’ve been planning this for a month now, and if I’m going to do this, I want to be able to spend my time actually seeing the sights, and I need someone to drive me for that. I’ll give you $15,000 today, right now, if you agree to this, and the rest when we get to New York.” You could feel yourself speaking faster, almost begging him to agree to this crazy plan.
He was quiet for a long moment, and you were ready for him to decline again, but instead he spoke quietly, “Are you sure about this? That’s a lot of money, and I’m stranger. You don’t know me, but you’re wanting to spend three months in a car with me?”
You smiled brightly, nodding to him. “I’m positive. Sometimes you have to put your faith in strangers to make things work. Alyssa said that Benny trusts you, so I’ll trust you too.”
He blinked at you and then scoffed lightly, shaking his head. “This is completely insane. But if you’re sure, then let’s do it.”
It took everything in you not to squeal, excitement bursting from you. “Thank you, thank you, so much! Oh, my gosh, I can’t believe this!”
He chuckled at your rambling, tapping the table with two fingers. “So, Chiflado, when do we leave?”
Grinning back at him, you stood from the table, closing your journal, and placing it in your bag while pulling out a heavy manila folder and handed it to him. His eyes widened, looking at the $15,000 in cash you handed him so nonchalantly.
“Could you be ready in two days?”
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xyvyl · 3 months
The Dragonriders Sonnet - Chapter 1.1
word count; 1156
playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6vVUFZltWHeDjeGJN8a7Vs?si=923de1db4c5f468f
AO3 | Wattpad
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Quiet. That's the only way I could describe the state of this room right now.
I stood at the table, warm fire burning behind me in the fireplace and my mother and father in front of me, looking at me as if they hadn't just told me they basically sold me.
‘You’ve got to be lying, right? You wouldn’t just basically sell me to the Hightowers!’ My father took a step forward, but my mother stopped him.
‘It’s for your own good, yours and that of the seven kingdoms. If you marry him there will be no war, Alicent promised.’ I look at her as if she's crazy, no war? She couldn't possibly believe that, right?
‘Mother, have you met Alicent? Even if I do marry him, she would still want her son on the throne and she would do anything to get that!’ I didn't mean to start yelling, but once I did, I didn't stop.
‘Jace and Luke are already promised to Baela and Rhaena and Joffrey, Aegon and Viserys are too young. Once I proposed the idea to my father and Alicent, they both agreed. This could be the thing to save the seven kingdoms!’ My mother tried desperately to convince me.
‘It’s always about the seven fucking kingdoms with you! Both of you!’ I look at my father, ‘You both know what it's like to be promised to someone you don't ever wish to marry! Why do it to me?!’
Before my parents could say anything, I walked away, not wanting to deal with this right now.
The hallway was quiet, no one in sight, not even servants, just me and my thoughts.
I look through the window next to me, seeing my half brothers Jace and Luke on the beach, practising their sword fighting.
I look around the hallway, it's mostly empty, save for a few benches to decorate the empty space. I don't usually walk this route, but maybe it could clear my head..
I run my hand though my hair, taking a deep breath.
Why marry me off to him? I met him like two times after we moved to Dragonstone!
I let out an exaggerated groan.
‘This is so stupid… I’ll just say no! They can’t force me right? I mean they can.. They're my parents.’ I fake laugh.
‘He- I- UGH!’ I fall down on one of the benches in the hallway, burying my face in my hands.
After a while of just sitting there, wallowing in my self pity, I hear footsteps coming towards me.
‘Y/N?’ I heard someone whisper, making me look up.
‘Jace? You were just outside, training with Luke, what are you doing here?’ I look at my older half brother, who shrugs.
‘Luke got tired and wanted to take a break.’ He sits down next to me on the bench.
I smile, ‘Are you aware of what mother and father are trying to do?’
Jace looks at me, a confused expression on his face, ‘No, what are they trying to do?’
‘Trying to marry me off to one of Alicents sons..’ ‘Which one?’
I sigh and shrug, ‘no clue, but neither are good options…’ I trail off.
‘Y/N? Listen, if mother and Daemon think this is best for you, then it might be.’ I roll my eyes, ‘Oh please! It's always about the goddamn seven kingdoms with them! Nothing else!’
Jace groans at my antics, ‘when are you set to meet him?’
‘Tomorrow I leave for the Red Keep. What am I supposed to do?’
‘Maybe just follow mother and Daemons orders and don't be a brat.’ 
‘You're of no help Jace!’ 
I stand up and start pacing, trying to think of a way out of this.
‘If you're going to act like this I can't help you.’ I ignore him, continuing my pacing.
After a while of my pacing and silence, Jace stands up, rolling his eyes and walking away.
‘Hey! Where are you going?’ I call out to him. ‘Somewhere away from you!’
‘The fuck?’ I watch as he walks away, throwing my hands in the air and walking away as well.
The rest of the day went by incredibly slowly. I tried to avoid my parents as much as I could, but unfortunately I couldn't skip dinner to do so..
‘Have you packed your things yet?’ My mother tries to start a conversation with me, but I am in no mood to speak to her or my father, so I just nod.
‘Y/N, your mother is trying to be nice, maybe try doing it too?’ My father looks at me with a disappointed look.
‘If she was trying to be nice, I wouldn't be married off.’ I groan.
‘Y/N…’ My father glares at me, making me shut up and go back to eating.
‘I'm not hungry anymore..’ I stand up, taking my leave from the dining hall.
‘Y/N!’ My mother tries to stop me, but I don't stop walking, making her follow me into the hallway.
‘Y/N please’ My mother pleads, but I don't stop walking.
‘Y/N Targaryen, stop right now!’ I stop walking, but I don't turn. ‘I know this isn't ideal for you, but you have to understand that this marriage could make or break the seven kingdoms.. Lets just hope it fixes it all..’
A long beat of silence.
‘How can you be so sure?’ I whisper, clenching my fists.
‘You two liked each others company when we still lived in the Keep.., he is the only right match for you.’ My mother takes a few more steps towards me.
‘It's been years since we moved… how can i be so sure that he will even recognise me?’ ‘He will. No doubt about that..’
I felt her hand on my shoulder.
‘I don't want this…’ I whisper, on the verge of tears.
‘I know… I know, little dragonfly..’
‘But we all have our duties and this one is yours. Whether you like it or not, it's going to happen..’ I can feel her wrapping her arms around me, her breath on my neck and the tears on my cheeks.
‘I can’t… aren't you supposed to love your husband?’ My voice grew a little louder with that sentence, ‘you and father are in love. I want me and my husband to be in love. I don't love him.’
‘I know you don't…, but what is done is done. The arrangement has been made. You, your father and I will go to the Red Keep tomorrow, to prepare for your wedding, afterwards, you shall stay at the Red Keep, with your new husband and the Hightowers..’ My mother explains to me.
I shake my head, ‘I'm staying here, you can't make me live there! With them!’ My mother frowns.
‘I can and I will.’ My mother turns me around, making me face her.
‘You are Princess Y/N Targaryen of House Targaryen and Dragonstone and you will marry him.’
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lillylvjy · 4 months
Won’t pretend to know (the challenges your facing)
notes; long title yes.. if you know where it’s from I love you /p. But this is very much a fic I came up with on the spot and I like it so! Take it and enjoy!
warnings; reader has a little sister, little sister is trying to be perfect for her mother, Wilma shares her wisdom, Wilma and Rory content, so much fluff!!!! If I missed anything please tell me!
edited: nope
wc: 1.8k
who: softball!wilma x reader (au by @phxntomsdusk )
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“Hey y/n- oh! Hi Wilma!” You turned around to see your sister standing in your doorway to your bedroom where you and Wilma were. You both were supposed to be studying for your pre calc test but… let’s just say you both were gonna wing it tomorrow.
“Hey Rory! What’s up?” Wilma smiled at your sister, standing up from your bed as she went over to hug the younger girl who was once looking for you.
Aurora adored Wilma. Always came with you and your mom to games, sat next to you and watched the game with wide eyes as Wilma pitched or was up to bat. She was fascinated with everything Wilma did on the field. How fast the pitch was, the way her arm and wrist worked together to get that perfect air behind it. How her form was effortless when she was up to bat and how it looked so easy for her. She wrote a paper on Wilma once, saying that she was what inspired her to work harder at softball.
She was as already the pitcher for her club team and she was damn good at it, but she always complained how she wasn’t “Wilma good” yet. You and Wilma both told her that she doesn’t have to be “Wilma good”, she has to be… well Rory good! Yet that didn’t ease her mind. Especially with batting.
She always got mad at you and your mom whenever you were out practicing with her, you pitching and mom behind Aurora, helping her stance on batting and her technique on swinging. Yet, whenever she couldn’t get it right after so long, she would throw the bat down and huff off to the dugout. She wanted to be good, really good, and you all knew that.
That’s why Wilma took up the job of helping her train.
“Nothing much, I was just about to ask y/n help me with pitching again but-“
“Hey! Don’t think about it, she’s my girlfriend and I want her with me.” You said as you made grabby hands at the tall brunette, wanting her back in your area.
She laughed as she watched you, eyes full of love as she came over to you and pulled you up so you were sitting up.
“Love, let’s hear her out yeah?” Wilma proposed as she ran her hand through your hair and kissed your forehead. Slowly nodding your head, you leant into the touch as she sat next to you, wrapping arm around you as she nodded to your sister to continue.
“Can you help me with batting? Maybe pitching too?“ she asked, making it obvious there’s more to her ask than she wanted to say, but you and Wilma both knew what it was.
Wilma smiled, a hint of sadness behind it as she nodded. It broke Wilma to say the least. As much as it should inspire her and make her feel giddy, it just makes her feel wrong. No one should aspire to be as good as someone else, they should aspire to be as good as they possibly can and desire to be and have that inspiration to motivate them. Not drive them crazy like it did with Rory.
But Wilma didn’t let that bother her too much in the moment.
“Yeah of course, but only for a bit ok? Kind of have a koala stuck to me.” Wilma joked as the image of your arms wrapped around her waist and head on her chest was set in front of the younger, her giggling with Wilma.
“Oh, ok! I can just let go of you and hang out with Wil-“
“You wouldn’t dare leave me for my brother!” Wilma said in a matter-of-factly tone.
“That’s true, you’re right on that one. But please be quick, I want to take a nap…” you said as you got up and stretched, Wilma following behind you.
“Super quick! I’m gonna grab my stuff!” The girl said as she ran down stairs. Shaking your head you smiled at the spot she once was as Wilma sighed in content as she wrapped her arms around your waist and placed her head in the crook of your neck.
“I’ll make it quick, I promise.” Wilma whispered to you as she kissed your cheek and grabbed your hand, dragging you down stairs with her. As you both reached the kitchen, you saw Aurora waiting for you both by the back door, throwing the ball up in the air and catching it in her glove. Once she saw you two, she immediately perked up and took her glove off.
“Can we do batting first? I’m not good at it…” Rory said quietly as if the girl would make fun of her. Instead Wilma gave her a soft smile and crouched down to look up at her.
“Hey, that’s ok. You don’t have to be good at it right now, it takes time. In order to be good, you have to find that desire in you. Not in others you aspire to be like. This is your talent, not mine or any one else’s. If anything you should aspire to be better than me! You’re already looking like it!” Rory giggled at that with a big smile. “I don’t want you to be “Wilma good”, no one does. People want you to be “Rory good”. They want to see your talent. Not mine.” Auroras eyes lit up at that statement.
No one’s told her that before, that people wish to see her talent. Her mom always harped on her about how she needs to be good enough to even think about playing in highschool, let alone college. So she chose to focus on Wilma. Moms favorite player. She never really thought she had a talent in her, that’s why she was so insistent on being “Wilma good”. Wanting to make her mom proud with how she was just as good as her favorite player. But now.. she wants to play for her, not her mom.
“Be me good?”
“She’s right. Don’t listen to what mom says, you are as good as it gets. Show mom you don’t have to be like other players. Show her you can play like you, the best damned softball player I know!” You said as you brought her into your side and rubbed her head with your knuckles.
“Hey! Ok ok! I’ll show mom! But I’m still stealing your girlfriend away….” Rory says with a slight grin as you roll your eyes and nod. Both of them cheer as they run outside, leaving you behind to lean against the door frame and watch with loving eyes.
Wilma was so careful and gentle with her, always is and always has been. Treated her like her own sister and that was more than enough for you to fall deeper in love with her.
As you watched them play, Wilma pitching lightly and Aurora batting, Wilma continued to point out things and correct her stance and the way she held and swung the item. After a good 20 minutes all of you immediately saw a difference, Rory hitting the ball farther and Wilma’s pitches getting faster.
On the last one, the pitch was fast yet not Wilma’s full power, but Rory was ready. Stance as perfect as she could get it in the moment and eyes on the ball.
Wilma nodded as she pitched the ball while Rory pulled the bat back and used all the knowledge Wilma taught her in the short amount of time and-
the sound of the ball hitting the bat rang through the yard as Wilma looked at the ball fly through the air and land somewhere in the woods that surrounded your house. Aurora looked at Wilma with wide eyes as the tall women smiled and started laughing at her.
“Now that, that was home run!” Wilma mailed brightly at the girl as Rory jumped up and down and ran towards Wilma.
Hugging her, Wilma crouched down and wrapped her arms around the smaller girl as she praised her and told her how good she did. Smiling, you clapped as you saw the whole thing, being proud and grateful of both girls in the backyard.
“Y/n! Y/n! Did you see that?! Did you see it?!” Rory exclaimed as she ran over to you, pointing to the woods at where the ball currently sat.
“I did, love! You did so good! I’m so proud of you!” You exclaimed back with just as much excitement as you hugged her and squeezed her. “Why don’t you go find it yeah? Don’t stray too far tho! If I can’t see you anymore and I don’t hear a response from you, I’m coming to get you!” You yelled at the girl as she started to jog to the edge of the forest.
“I know! I won’t!” She yelled back at you as Wilma came up behind you and rested her arms around your waist.
“She definitely will.”
“Oh yeah I know!” You replied back as you looked back at Wilma for a quick second and gave her a kiss on the cheek before looking at the girl who ran further into the forest. “Thank you. Genuinely.”
“Anytime love. She’s like family, and I’d do anything for family.” She replied as she rest her head on your shoulder and pecked your neck.
Giggling, you laced your hands with hers as you pulled her arms away from your waist and dragged her with you. “You better consider her family, considering we will be married soon.”
“Oh? Who said that?”
“Me! Do you not want to?!”
“No I do! More than anything, darling.” Wilma said, squeezing your hand and swinging it as you walked to the forest.
“Well good.. or I would’ve cried.”
“Ooo I should’ve said no then-“ You bumped her hip with your own as she laughed. “I’m joking! I promise. Wanna marry you and get a house with you and start a family-“
“I will start crying.”
“Hmm shows you care so please do!”
You shook your head and laughed, “that’s for later love. But right now, we have to find my sister…”
“That’s probably a good idea considering I don’t hear her or see her…” once Wilma said that your eyes widened and fear filled your body.
“I’m here!” She said as she came out behind a tree and ran towards you both with the ball. “Sorry, couldn’t find it so I went further.”
“It’s ok, let’s get you inside ok? I’ll make some lemonade!”
“Yay!” “Yes!” Wilma and Rory both exclaimed as they ran back towards the house.
Shaking your head, you smiled at the two girls in front on you. And god did you love them both.
taglist; @mysticalsoot @phxntomsdusk @ivvees-blog (wanna be added? Send an ask or dm!)
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witchthewriter · 2 years
Hiya! I wanted to ask for Elizabeth Swann headcanons on dating a pirate!reader? SFW and NSFW for the headcanons please. Keep the good stuff coming, love you!
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𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐄𝐥𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐡 𝐒𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐧'𝐬 𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐬/𝐨 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
Thank you for the request! I literally have such a huge crush on Elizabeth man, look how pretty she is 🦋 also I love you more!!!
a/n: Requests are open, thank you for reading <3
🌿ESFP 🍁Gryffindor 🔮Sagittarius Sun, Aries Moon, Aquarius Rising
✶ Meeting because her thirst for adventure felt overwhelming. The world was so big and Elizabeth wanted to experience every part of it
✶ She created her own crew, with a quartermaster (relays orders, punishments and is in charge when the captain is looking at charts and maps), boatswain (making sure supplies last), etc., However, Elizabeth made it an all woman ship. 
✶ You ended up on that ship, and proved yourself a good sailor. She wanted someone who could be helpful and would come to you often 
✶ I have this cool headcanon that you’re a seer and can see/locate things. Or maybe you’re an empath/have great intuition and know when someone is lying/feeling? 
✶ That would be such an interesting dynamic and I think it would get around about your ability and other people want you for themselves. But Elizabeth swears to protect you and always keep you safe
✶ I can see her giving you a necklace; it’s a small ruby with a cord instead of a chain. 
✶ Likes to rest her head in your lap, loving when you rake your fingers through her hair
✶ And she to be the little spoon 
✶ Talks in her sleep by the way - not anything crazy but little comments about the day
✶ Braiding each other’s hair
✶Whispering your dreams while lying in bed together 
✶ Telling each other stories about your childhoods
✶ Always and I mean ALWAYS sticking up for each other; whether it’s to crew members that are speaking out of turn, men who think they’re better than you or those who wish you were more traditional 
✶ Practicing your sword skills with each other
✶ Teaching her how to read the stars
✶ She gives you the most passionate kiss whenever she sees you; I mean runs up to you, throwing her arms around you
✶ You were the first one to say “I love you” 
✶ She was the one who proposed 
✶ You two becoming the most revered and fiercest pirates of the seven seas
✶ This means more and more people are after you
✶ Getting Jack to help on occassion 
✶ She is absolutely dominant in the bedroom - would without a doubt be into tying you up, nipple clamps, face riding. 
✶ She loves telling you what to do; absolutely thrives off of the adrenaline when you do what she says
✶ Likes to pull your hair
✶ Very into tits; would love kissing and biting your nipples. Absolute fondaling fiend
✶ Will talk dirty to you, even in front of others. She likes it when others realise that you’re hers and not to go near you
✶ Likes to be called captain in the bedroom
  “Say it,” she commands, a hand around your throat while she glides her cunt over your own. 
   “You feel so good, Captain,” you whined, a high pitched noise escaping your mouth. 
✶ She loves to dress the both of you in the riches that she’s collected; letting you lay on the bed - naked - while she places a ruby necklace around your neck, opal earrings and a golden crown. Then she goes down on you. 
✶ She LOVES to leave marks
✶ Also likes to fuck you on her desk - shoving her maps off to lay you down and ravage you
✶ She’s horny a lot btw
✶ Doesn’t mind if the crew hears, but won’t go out of her way to be insanely loud 
✶ Wearing her captain’s hat during sex
✶ On occassion she likes to be dominated - and likes it when you tie her hands above her head
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andraxicated · 2 years
Genshin men as k-dramas
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Pairings: genshin men x f!reader
Synopsis: Scenarios of you and genshin men in some of my favorite k-dramas.
Characters: childe, scaramouche, itto, thoma, kaeya
(pt.2) ayato, albedo, kazuha
(pt.3) dainsleif, diluc, zhongli, xiao
Tags: fake dating | sussy husband | comedy attempt | malewife in an apocalypse | sexy red flag | fluff
a/n: this got too long so I'm cutting these into parts!
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Childe — A Business Proposal💍
you feel so out of place in this fancy restaurant where everyone seems so poised and classy. why did you even agree to this? oh right, you need the money. waiting feels like forever until a sexy voice that made your body tingle calls out to you. "hello? (f/n) (f/l/n)?" you look up to the man confirming your name and you swear the air got knocked out from your lungs. HE'S SO FINE??? AND HE'S RICH?? jackpot!!! wait, don't forget you're on a fake date. you need to mess things up! and so you act like a crazy woman obsessed with her riches and is fond of hot, crazy, steamy, wild sex. you're literally throwing away your dignity just for this awkward date to end (why isn't he saying anything to you T_T). you swear you've done everything you could to get this man to be turned off and yet this falls on his lips: "I like you." WHATTHE? wow, what a crazy man he must like crazy women too. what was his name again? ajax? childe? oh well, it's not like you will ever see him again.....SURPRISE SURPRISE BIATCH, he's your fucking boss, the owner of the company. the urge to jump in front of a bus is really strong right now <3. help, how are you going to solve this? you just fooled your boss on a date! and wow, the universe must really hate you because he found out <33 and now you're sitting here across him, apologies endlessly spilling from your mouth because you're such a desperate peasant for money. he's like "i don't like people who waste my time." and you be like: "ok i'm sorry *cries* :((" but then...he sets up a proposal??? a proposal where you two have to fake date and then get married just to get his grandpa's pestering off his back. wait this isn't a marriage proposal, it's a business proposal!
Scaramouche — Flower of Evil🌹
everything was perfect, it was the same old morning routine you would never get tired of. waking up to your husband cooking breakfast, your daughter's eyes creasing when she sees you, and your giggle that warms the house. your husband thought it was perfect too, and he wanted to stay like that forever...but how could someone who had a dark past pretend like it didn't exist? the past will never let him go and Scaramouche will do anything to keep his family out of danger. unfortunately, it can't be helped, you are a detective after all. fate it may be, your team is the one who's investigating your husband's case. the moment you picked up that watch, when you recognized it, hid it from your colleague, doubts started to rise and suddenly you can't breathe. was it all lies? your cold neighborhood crush who eventually warmed up and loved you...was it all fake? just like your husband's identity? every night, laying on that bed with him, his touches on your skin now bring pain rather than relief. no, you're not going to let love blind you. you are a detective who swore to bring justice. and you are gonna bring justice. even if it's against your husband, even if this fragile dollhouse falls apart, as long as you're alive...justice will prevail.
Itto — It's Okay to Not Be Okay✍️
the moment you saw Itto and that big beefy arms of his, you wanted him. and what you want, it's what you get. that's what always been happening in your life, everything is so easy to get! except for this stubborn himbo who disregards your romantic and sexual advances. is he gay? maybe asexual? nah, you don't think so. but why does he always reject you? any attempt of dressing up in grand designer clothes doesn't seem to catch his eye and it's so frustrating. oh, he's busy taking care of a granny and a kid in a retirement home...that's sweet and...attractive. the visits to the retirement home get more and more frequent because of the everyday itch of seeing his face. the more you stay, the more you learn about life and the deeper your feelings get. don't worry about unrequited love, because this big man is also falling in love with you despite your eccentrics. the time spent with Itto is a time well spent, a short period that cannot compare to the dark and empty life you had before. this is a path of healing, a path of love, and a path of family. you'd gladly take this path in any life because of the happiness it gives. you're working on a new book with the kid whom Itto takes care of as the artist. this is not child labor, this is just commissioning an artist! you close your eyes and recall the past months you had with Itto and the people at the retirement home. then colorful imagination, sceneries, and characters just pop up in your mind as you hurriedly scribble down the train of thought. "kid draw this." you pass the notes to the boy who's sketching on a notepad and he nods while he gets his materials. you lean back with a satisfied smile as you smell the incoming money from this bestseller book.
Thoma — Sweet Home🌇
so this it...this is the end of your short life. you're a year from graduating and reaching your dreams and now this stupid zombie apocalypse happens out of nowhere. you haven't even stepped foot in Switzerland yet! goodbye mother, father, friends, relatives. goodbye world it was a mid life. wait are they even alive— "hhk!" a quiet hitch escapes your lips and you quickly bite down the flesh as the monster's ears turn and face you abruptly. your face contorts in horror at the terrifying appendage that's nearing your face; your body instinctively presses on the wall even if there's no room left to hide. you were accepting moments ago and now you're keeping quiet because you want to live. 'guess this is human survival instinct. and your survival instinct is telling you to hold your breath and keep quiet but your pounding heart won't listen, and you know the monster could hear it. this was a terrifying way to go, your heart pulled out of your chest. the ear gets awfully close to your nose and you close your watery eyes while your ears ring, lips bleed, and body paralyzed. 'let's just make this quick please. it's just like sleeping right?' a sad thought enters your mind as your body calms down while preparing for the blow. then a shrill shriek startles you as you open your eyes, watching the ear pull out quickly. A stabbing sound squelches and your heart drops as your hands absentmindedly place over your mouth. you don't know if you're relieved or guilty but you just press your knees to your chest and close your eyes. then, the atmosphere changes as a familiar voice calls out to you: "hey, are you okay? are you hurt?" your eyes take in the sight of a blonde guy holding a knife-broom with a worried expression on his face. then suddenly, every piece of nerve just connects together and your mind is back on track. OMG IT'S THAT CUTE MALEWIFE MATERIAL NEIGHBOR! IT'S THOMA! your sight then follows the familiar dog walking around the apartment and it turns to you as if smiling, serotonin immediately overwhelming you. you're very happy thoma and taroumaru are alive— oh, another man is holding a katana and a woman carrying a guitar! glad to know you're on the winning team!
Kaeya — Nevertheless🦋
he's the type of guy who doesn't like commitment and thinks relationships are a bother but likes to flirt. what a total asshole. and of course, you don't know that this potential danger is now approaching you since your back looked so appealing. kaeya sits beside you and asks: "is this seat taken?" you turn to speak but then you're met with the hottest man you've ever seen. one eye covered but the other is dark blue, tan skin, has a tiddie window, and an aura that just screams sex. you've been mesmerized by his appealing looks that it left kaeya chuckling, snapping you out of your dream. "n-no it's not taken." you reply to him as he sits beside you, ordering a drink for himself. you just broke up with your boyfriend and yet this man is currently occupying your mind, is that even right? that night continued with the both of you playing darts and enjoying each other's company. a small detail you noticed about him is that he has a butterfly tattoo on his nape. you wanted to ask him about it but it seems it has a deeper meaning that's not suitable for light talk. lucky you, he's surprisingly a schoolmate of yours! kaeya's visits to your apartment become frequent since he says he wants to get close! supposedly innocent touches become heated ones that lead to the bed. nevertheless, this unsafe attraction is what keeps you bound to each other.
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plus-size-reader · 3 years
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Void/Stiles Stilinski x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 2939 words
Warnings: none
Summary: The reader finally gets up the courage to tell Stiles about her feelings for him but Stiles isn’t really himself at the time. 
You should have seen this coming.
Of course Stiles was never going to go for a girl like you. All your lives he had been absolutely obsessed with Lydia Martin and lord knows you looked nothing like her. You were never going to look anything like her, but it was easy to ignore when it was just her.
Stiles had always liked her, drooling over her in math class and talking about her every chance he got but you both knew he had about as much of a chance with her as you did with him.
It wasn’t going to happen.
...but now he had Malia.
She was just as thin and gorgeous as Lydia was, but she was actually into him. She wanted to go out with him and there was nothing stopping them from going for it, why would there be?
It wasn’t like Stiles had any clue that you had been in love with him since middle school or that you were actively more and more in love with him as time went on.
He didn’t know you thought about him as much as he thought about them, or beat yourself up because you were never going to be a size three like Lydia was.
You adored him, but he was never going to see that.
It made you feel so empty, like the last seven years didn’t mean anything to him which wasn’t even close to true. You knew that both Scott and Stiles cared a lot for you, like they cared for each other but it wasn’t enough.
You wanted Stiles to daydream about you, to see you, because you were right in front of him. You would have done anything for him, and did, but for some reason, it was still like you didn’t exist.
It was getting old.
Really old, and the more you thought about it, the more the reality of the situation upset you. You had been there for Stiles all his life.
You were right by his side when his mom got sick, and beat up Jackson Whittemore once in the eighth grade for calling him a geek, but none of that seemed to matter to him.
Stiles still couldn’t see you.
“You’ve been staring at them for thirty minutes” Scott hummed, shaking you out of your thoughts with a bump to your shoulder with his own. You were searching for anything that could explain the strange occurrences around here as of late, but there was nothing.
It wasn’t your fault watching Stiles canoodle with his new girlfriend was more entertaining than looking through some dusty old book.
“I have not” you sighed, shooting him an almost defensive look as you glanced back down at the book in question. Had he been anyone else you may have pretended to have your shit together, but Scott knew better.
He knew the two of you better than anyone else in the world, and even if he wasn’t the true alpha, which he also happened to be, it wasn’t hard to see what was going on.
You clearly liked him, in a way that wasn’t just platonic like your relationship was. You had never gotten so shook up when Scott was seeing a girl, he would have noticed.
“It’s okay, I get it” he tried, hoping that you weren’t going to try and shut him out over this again. Scott had tried to have this conversation with you a few times already, and it never worked out the way he wanted.
You always got cagey and didn’t want to talk about it.
“No you don’t, Scott. You’ve dated every girl you ever had a crush on, because you’re you” you grumbled, poking him in the abs as aggressively as you could without hurting him to prove your point.
He didn’t ever have to worry about the things you did.
Not only was Scott one of the sweetest and most brave men you’d ever known, but he also couldn’t have been in better shape if he wanted to. He looked like one of those perfectly sculpted men in the movies, with six pack abs and chiseled muscles.
It wasn’t like he constantly had to live with the knowledge that the person he loved most in this world didn’t love him back because he wasn’t good enough. You knew that Stiles didn’t feel the same way about you because you weren’t as skinny as you could have been, or as pretty as the others were.
At this point, you doubted he even saw you as a girl at all because you were just his best friend, and that was it. That was what you’d always been and considering how oblivious he was to the feelings you had for him, it wasn’t surprising.
You weren’t even on his radar in that way.
“First of all, ow! Second of all, you’re super cute, why wouldn’t he be into you?” Scott wondered, that same supportive, loving tone that was always in his voice making itself known to you. He really did believe that, not that it made you feel better.
That was all you were ever going to be.
Puppies were cute, and everyone loved them but no one was actively dreaming of taking their favorite puppy out on a date or dreaming about a puppy out loud to their friends. You didn’t date someone just because they were cute, which was the whole problem.
You didn’t want to be cute.
You wanted to be beautiful, to be hot, to be drop dead gorgeous in the way that Lydia was, and it killed you every day that you weren’t.
“Thanks Scott, but I don’t think cute is gonna cut it” you decided, closing the book in front of you as a way of closing this conversation before getting up and heading out of the library.
It didn’t make any sense to Scott.
It was clear to him that you and Stiles had something that could very well be a great relationship but you kept getting in your own way and it wasn’t like Stiles knew what he was doing. 
Some days, Scott worried he’d leave his head at home if it wasn’t attached.
“Hey Y/N, think about it” he called, catching the way you turned around to look at him before heading out to the parking lot.
There was no way Stiles was going to come to the conclusion that you cared about him as anything more than a friend on his own, and until you got that push to do it yourself, it wasn’t going to happen.
He just had to wait for one or both of you to take that chance.
Scott had a point.
Of course he did, Scott usually had a point as much as you hated to admit it. You were super cute, and while it might not have been enough, there really weren’t that many reasons why Stiles wouldn’t be into you.
Now, all you had to do was figure out what you were going to do about it, before all desire to do so left your body completely if it hadn’t already. 
You had only been trying to sike yourself up about this for the past hour in the rear view mirror and it just wasn’t happening.
You felt like an idiot.
Here you were, sitting across the street from Stiles’ house like a creep, without a single idea of what you were actually going to say to him if you ever made it to his front door. It didn’t make any sense, this was a guy you’d known since you were a kid.
You had never had a problem saying anything to him or doing whatever you wanted, but now, the idea of even looking him in the face was enough to make you want to be sick. It was hardly fair but you had done this to yourself after all.
It was perfectly fine before, even if you were unhappy. No one else had to know that you had feelings for him and you could just suffer in silence but now that you had Scott in your corner, it was hard not to want to try.
Surely your shared best friend was the best authority on whether or not there was anything between you and Stiles. If anyone was going to know anything, it was the true alpha, after all. 
That was like, his whole thing.
“You can do this. You’ve fought monsters, this is just Stiles” you reminded yourself, before pushing the mirror away completely, getting out of the car before you could buckle back up and drive home. It was now or never, and whatever happens, happens.
You couldn’t worry about it now.
“Hey Stiles, are you feeling better?” you hummed, the words barely registering under your breath as you tried to figure out what you wanted to say. You’d had this nightmare a million times over but you’d never actually considered doing it on your own.
Now that you were, the words just weren’t coming to you like they should have been.
“I just had something I wanted to run by you” you tried, testing out how that would sound before immediately scrapping it. That sounded like you were making some kind of business proposal and you certainly weren’t.
It had to be perfect.
Not that you had time to actually nail down what you wanted to say before you found yourself at his front door, already having knocked out of habit. Again, you briefly considered sprinting back to your car before it opened but you couldn’t make your feet move.
You knew that you had to do this.
“Hey Stiles, I was hoping we could talk” the words left your lips before you could police them, as soon as the door opened. You knew that it was hardly the smoothest you could have been but at this point, there was nothing between the two of you to soften the blow.
You just had to get this over with. If he accepted your feelings, he accepted them but if he didn’t, there was nothing you could do to change that either.
Naturally, those words freaked Stiles out a little because he assumed something terrible had happened but you didn’t seem as panicked as you should have been if someone was dying. This was a little more than your usual high strung but not by much.
“Yeah for sure, are you okay?” he allowed, moving away from the doorframe to let you in before closing the door behind you both. His dad was working late again, so it would just be the two of you but that had never been a problem before.
Especially lately, you and Stiles had killed time on several nights when Scott was busy with the pack or on date night. It wasn’t strange for you to be alone together, normally but there was a strange air about it today.
You just couldn’t tell if it was coming from him or you.
You knew that Stiles had been having a little trouble sleeping lately, and the nightmares were driving him crazy but the pack was going to handle it. 
The pack always took care of those kinds of things and you both knew Scott wasn’t going to let anything happen to him.
All he had to do was wait it out and try to relax in the meantime.
…And of course, you were having a hard time being your calm and collected self as you tried to figure out the best way to go about this whole thing.
It wasn’t every day you confessed your feelings to your best friend after all.
“I’m alright, I just have something I want to talk to you about is all” you shrugged, sitting down on the couch. This was a lot harder to do than you could have ever thought, and it just seemed like it wasn’t going anywhere.
There was only so much stalling you could do before you had to tell him the truth.
“Okay, I guess I’m just gonna put it all out there,” you sighed, your hands falling on your thighs. This was your last chance to walk away and no one would ever have to know what it was you were hiding, and that almost seemed like the right thing to do.
Though, the way he was looking at you took that all away.
You knew that if you ever had a chance at being with him in the way you wanted, you had to be able to tell him how you felt, at the very least.
Here goes nothing.
“I’m in love-with you” you allowed, exhaling as if you’d been holding that in your lungs all this time, which you pretty much had. You had no idea how this was supposed to feel, but you were pretty confident it wasn’t like this.
He didn’t even say anything at first.
All you could see was Stiles rubbing his temple out of the corner of your eye, his eyes screwed shut. It was hardly the reaction you had been expecting but at that moment, it didn’t even matter. You knew what he’d been going through, and it worried you.
It always worried you, especially knowing about his mom and all the stress he’d been under lately. 
Needless to say, you were more than happy to forget about everything you’d just said in favor of making sure he was alright, especially if your words had upset him.
If he didn’t feel the same, you would have happily moved on as if this moment had never happened. It would be easier than having to swallow that rejection.
You didn’t know if you could handle that after all this.
You had been hiding your feelings for Stiles all this time, and now that you said it out loud, you hoped you’d feel better but you just didn’t. This whole thing was really starting to seem like a mistake, and you didn’t even know everything yet.
Neither did Stiles.
In reality, he was more than thrilled at your confession but something was wrong. He felt like he wasn’t in control, like he wasn’t even in his own body anymore. It didn’t make any sense but he had never had a feeling like this before.
Stiles was vulnerable.
Before this moment, the Nogitsune hadn’t been able to break through to the surface but you provided the crack in his armor that it needed to escape. It was perfect, at least for the void, it certainly wasn't going to be pleasant for you.
After all, it had been a long time since it had seen the light of day and it was hungry, hungry and wearing your little lover boy like a cheap Halloween costume. Of course it was going to use that against you, void would be an idiot not to.
Your love for the boy made you little more than an exposed nerve, one that the Nogitsune could poke and prod at all it pleased until it was satisfied.
...and it certainly intended to.
All at once, there was a huge change in the room between the two of you, and more specifically, in Stiles. 
There was a cold, darkness to him that you had never seen which you didn’t even realize was there until he started laughing, a deep chuckle leaving his throat.
You weren’t ready for it, but what you were less ready for was what happened when he spoke.
“Did you really think I could ever feel like that, for you? We both know that’s a little crazy” he scoffed, an almost mocking tone that didn’t sound like Stiles at all. It shocked you, in all honesty, but not for the reason you may have thought.
Deep down, you knew that Stiles wouldn’t be interested in you but you never could have imagined him being so aggressive and cruel in his rejection of you.
He’d never spoken to anyone like that before, especially not you.
“I just-” you tried, but he stopped you before you could even try to get through this whole thing with any dignity at all. For the Nogitsune, this was all fun and games, but for you, it was so much more than that.
This was quite possibly the worst moment of your life.
“You aren’t blind, you had to have known this wasn’t going to work out the way you wanted. I mean, look at you?”
Stiles was screaming, using everything he had to try and get through to you, to overpower whatever this thing in his head was, but he couldn’t make it happen. It was too much, too strong, and all he could do was sit back and let it happen.
He knew it was breaking your heart, he could see it in your face but no matter how hard he fought, there was nothing he could do to get back in control. He felt like he was locked in a cage in his own head, and someone else had the key.
He just didn't know who.
You sat there for a second more as you tried to process whatever it was that was happening right now before you felt tears pricking in the corner of your eyes, and decided that it was probably time to leave.
Staying here any longer was just going to make this worse. Besides, it wasn’t as if Stiles was in the mood to talk this out or even treat you like a person.
Clearly, Scott was wrong, being cute wasn’t enough to make someone care about you.
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