#so I’m frantically downloading all the maps
prettyboybuck · 3 months
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Cybran Wallpaper image - Revamp Expansion Mod (RVE) for Supreme Commander 2
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥 This is not the mod I intended to write about when the day began. I had great plans to write about "kitchen sink" mods, which abandon narrative coherency in favour of cramming borrowed ideas into a joyous, lunatic mess. Then I couldn't get my key example to work, and spent four hours stumbling over error after error until I was forced to give up. I'm telling you this now because it seems like a worthwhile lesson if you're going to attempt modding beyond the safe boundaries of the Steam Workshop; sometimes it requires patience, sometimes it creates nothing but frustration. Quick pivot. What can I get running now which will be fun? This is the mod for you. Supreme Commander 2 is a frantic, mentally taxing game. It requires high actions-per-minute if you're to expand your base to match or beat the economic expansion of your opponent, be they human or AI. It requires a lot of multi-tasking, if you're going to deal with battles at your base, on the frontlines, at sea, on land and in the air. It requires quick decisions, if you're going to walk a path through its research trees as efficiently as possible and reach its game-ending, sun-blocking experimental units. SupCom 2 was my entry point to the series and I love it, but I graduated from there to Supreme Commander 1. The original game had far larger maps, greater unit counts, and a more complicated economy system that was more flexible and less forgiving. Its expansion, Forged Alliance, is my favourite strategy game. Some of the changes SupCom 2 made were designed to bring in new players - the introduction of a tech tree with routes through it unlocked via research points simplifies the game in a way that arguably makes it more fun, as the game's best units can be reached in minutes instead of minutes or not at all. But other changes were made because the game had to run on consoles, and the consoles of the time weren't powerful enough to run Supreme Commander 1's absurdly vast maps or absurdly complex AI calculations. Your PC can though. There's a good bet that, four years after release, your computer can run vanilla SupCom 2 without breaking a sweat. The RVE mod aims to change that. Most significantly, it changes the speed and scale of the game's units so that they're smaller and so that maps feel consequently larger. If you thought Seton's Clutch felt dinky in the sequel, this helps. It then increases the unit cap, so that each team in a battle can have up to units, instead of the previous cap of This smaller mod goes further , letting you set the unit count as high as 10, I haven't tested it. It also ports features and units from the previous games, such as allowing every faction to build a mass fabricator, or adding UEF's untouchable Novax Satellite from Forged Alliance. Lastly, it makes dozens of small changes behind the scenes, tweaking balance and AI in ways which, to be honest, I haven't noticed in the few games I've played. When you play, you do notice the scale and unit cap changes. Supreme Commander 1's battles could feel epic like no other game. The distance between bases on some of the larger maps forced you to set up ferry points to move your units to the frontline, and to be constantly pushing out to set up new, forward bases. SupCom 2 traded that in for a faster pace, which made it far easier to play during a lunch break but lost what was unique about the game. RVE feels like a mixture of the two. The maps still don't as big as the original, but it does allow for and demand larger battles than in the base game. If you're looking for an excuse to return to SupCom after some time away, this is it. To see this content please enable targeting cookies. Manage cookie settings. It's a straightforward extract-to-install job, but check the included instructions for details of a few files you should back up before you go overwriting things. Lonely Mountains: Downhill goes murderously fast but appreciates stopping for a good view. What's better: Cameras which actually take pictures, or running into a wall so fast you hurt yourself? This visual novel takes you on a lovely little cycling tour. New Apex Legends character Vantage comes with her own custom sniper rifle. The Electronic Wireless Show episode the games we'd like to play for the first time again. Hard West 2 Review: rootin' tootin' tactical shootin'. Two Point Campus review: a relaxed management sim bursting with silliness and seminars. I am not good at The Final Earth 2. Why are there no games about running? If you click on a link and make a purchase we may receive a small commission. Read our editorial policy. It's great. Except that it was a child's game compared to the original. Here's a video of a game I played earlier this afternoon: To see this content please enable targeting cookies. Lonely Mountains: Downhill goes murderously fast but appreciates stopping for a good view A series of lovely mountain biking adventures. Alice O'Connor 2 hours ago 7. Help us decide the single best thing, one face-off at a time. Alice O'Connor 1 day ago Chris Wallace 1 day ago 2. Alice O'Connor 2 days ago New Apex Legends character Vantage comes with her own custom sniper rifle And her bat companion is like Loba's bracelet, but better. Ollie Toms 15 seconds ago. The Electronic Wireless Show episode the games we'd like to play for the first time again [Lego Batman voice] First try! Alice Bell 15 seconds ago. Hard West 2 Review: rootin' tootin' tactical shootin' West Harder. Rick Lane 15 seconds ago. Two Point Campus review: a relaxed management sim bursting with silliness and seminars I predict a strong turnout on Open Day. Ed Thorn an hour ago 1. R Suffering for your artifacts. Sin Vega 5 days ago I am not good at The Final Earth 2 Stackable cube things. Sin Vega 1 week ago 4. What I talk about when I talk about running. Ed Thorn 1 week ago Alice Bell 1 week ago. We've been talking, and we think that you should wear clothes Total coincidence, but we sell some clothes Buy RPS stuff here.
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kth1 · 4 years
Gank Mid Lane [KTH]
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banner and dividers: by @editingverse​ over at @bangtan-headquarters​!
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Gank Mid Lane [Taehyung x Female Reader]
gank / verb: (in a video game) use underhand means to defeat or kill (a less experienced opponent)​​
⟶ Genre: Smut | 21+| Established Relationship | Slice of Life ⟶ Warnings: explicit, adult themes, cursing, small nipple play, m&f touching, riding tae on your gaming chair, we got a squirter, creaming inside cause i forgot the condom, moans and groans, etc ⟶ WC: 5k ⟶ Summary: Your extremely, effortlessly attractive gamer boyfriend ends up being a bit too playful. He just wants to show you how thankful he is that you supported him through his promos. ⟶ Teaser: “You hum at the sensation that’s fluttering in your core from his tiny ministrations, eagerness readying itself to strip you completely bare in front of the man you love. Taehyung helps you, dragging down the cotton straps of your underwear until it falls past your knees, allowing you to step out of the dainty garment and back toward the chair.” ⟶ Author’s Note: I am a hoochie for gamers, and the moment I saw Taehyung play League of Legends from BTS in the SOOP (Ep. 2) I lost all will power. Knees weak, arms are heavy. Author is not okay, but here we are! 🎮
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“Nice, good, good, good” Taehyung mumbles into his headset. His fingers continue to tap away frantically on his custom made keyboard and overly priced gaming mouse - one of the many assets apart of his very expensive gaming desktop. 
You sat beside him on your own - much smaller - gaming computer, mindlessly playing on your most recently downloaded Sims 5 expansion. You are excited that they released the new wave of mythical creatures and you are determined to turn your entire town into fairies and goblins. 
“No, save me! Help me!” Taehyung whines to his teammates, keys clicking erratically. Glancing over, you see Taehyung’s character - champion - under attack by two enemies in his toplane. The enemy team even became so greedy to the point that they were tower diving Taehyung under his own turret to kill him. His team’s jungle did not assist him what-so-ever, leaving Taehyung sulky within the first ten minutes of his competitive League of Legends game. 
He groans, spam pinging his teammates. “Do something across the map if I’m just getting camped by the enemy jungler the entire time!” 
Even in the middle of his bickering over the microphone he still happily accepts your offer of the fresh plucked grape that you place in front of his mouth. His eyes remain trained on his monitor the entire time. 
Taehyung never truly gets mad to the point of rage quitting games, but he will continue to argue with his teammates when they start flaming him. Defensive at his best, Taehyung knew exactly what to say, how to say, and when to say it - always managing to make the arguers look idiotic for questioning him in the first place. 
You squeeze his forearm reassuringly to subtly let him know that you support him. 
The two of you continue to play your individual games; you even find yourself smiling at Taehyung’s squabbling when he starts throwing out curse words from all different languages to get his points across - that bilingual genius. 
“Y/n!” He drawls, a soft pout forming on his heart shaped lips. “Play a ranked game with me? I’m tired of getting these shit teammates who don’t give vision or go for objectives. I need to win one more game for my promos.” 
Looking over at your boyfriend you can’t help but melt under his adorable and pleading puppy-dog eyes, laughing at yourself when you whine back in the same tone; telling him no. 
“But, fairies!” You counter, pointing at your monitor to show him your hard work at customizing a pair of sparkling wings on your current Sim. 
Taehyung frowns, playfully leaning himself over to drag your rolling chair - and you - closer to him and away from your computer. “Please!” He fights to hold you in his arms, both of you giggling at another as you desperately push yourself back.
He tries his damn near hardest to smush kisses all over your exposed skin and soon you find yourself caving into the loveable man. 
“Just one game.” You warn with a finger raised to emphasize your statement. 
He waits patiently for you to save your progress on the Sims and open up League of Legends on your computer. While standing by, he wears a pleased face as he eats a handful of grapes and sets up a lobby. 
“You know I’m not great at the game though.”
“You’re better than me.” He retorts, grooming your confidence up. “Best Nami player in this house.”
“Tae, there’s over one hundred champions in this game and you don’t even play Nami - or support! That statement is irrelevant.” 
“Like I said - best Nami in the house!” He smiles wide as your client loads and immediately sends you an invitation to join his party. 
Upon entering the game you adjust your runes, masteries, and spells to your allotted role. You automatically sync yourself into the support position, choosing your best and safest champion, and secretly hoping the random who locks into the AD Carry role doesn’t dislike your playstyle. Taehyung manages to get Midlane this round, choosing himself a bursty ability power champion by the name of Zoe. 
“Want to match?” He questions as he flicks through the available character options, trying to see which skin best matches the one you currently had equipped. 
The game begins slowly at least for your lane since there’s been nothing but farming minions and the occasional poke of damage between another, which you were happy to heal up with one of your abilities. On the other side of the map your jungler continues to free-farm the enemies area, early on he ends up stealing a buff or two from the opposing team to help him get ahead. 
Taehyung seems to be doing well in his lane, he was the one who continuously rambles into the microphone to alert his team that his laner backed or has gone missing - adding pings along the map to stress the situation. 
“I’m going to roam bot, cover my mid.” He directs, secondarily warning you in the meantime to prepare for his oncoming gank. “They’re pushing up. Bait them in!” 
You do as you were told, positioning yourself in a questionable spot for the enemies to take siege on you, not knowing it was a trap all along when Taehyung’s champion comes out of nowhere with one of his sleeping abilities - stunning the rival ADC on hit. Assisting with heals and crowd control, you help Taehyung out to the point where he scores a double kill and you secure two assists. 
“Alright, now you’re fed.” You heal him up one last time before he runs back to his lane. 
Taehyung hums, self-satisfied and reaches over to knead his hand on your shoulder. “Still have a lot of game left to play. Come up the river and gank mid.” 
After a few hectic battles resulting in blowing a handful of summoner spells and ultimates, initially getting your team in the lead to hard push one of the lanes in, Taehyung is now the most fed in the entire game - free to roam the map wherever he may please. 
“Do you think they’ll surrender? I want to get back to my game.” 
“I’m sure after we get Baron they’ll forfeit.” 
The game continues on, a few sudden surprises from the enemy team here and there, giving them the ability to catch up a bit from how far they are behind. Some accidental misplays and deaths from your own team - you included because god forbid you go out of your way to support your teammates, only to get your team questioning your actions. 
One huge fight breaks out in the middle of the river where Baron Nashor lays, both teams going in with sweepers, wards and abilities ready. Taehyung manages to pick off their top laner who is trying to flank from the side, instantly annihilating the champion and giving your team the upper advantage in numbers. Ultimates are used, multiple spells and abilities all in action, and your team comes out on top! 
They hard push to the enemy base by destroying each tower and inhibitor that stands in the way, rushing to the nexus to finally end the game. The word ‘Victory’ spreads across both Taehyung’s and your monitors. 
“Yay!” Taehyung beams a wide smile, waving his fists in the air in small circles as he cheers at his conquest. “I’ve been promoted!” 
Instantaneously, you quickly and secretly exit out of the client as Taehyung is too preoccupied with checking the damage graphs. You reopen the Sims 5 effortlessly, reaching your hand over to the bowl of grapes that - now to your disappointment - was completely empty. 
As you stand up with the bowl you turn to remind Taehyung about your help in the matter, “You’re welcome.” You giggle as you pat the fluff of his curly hair, but he snickers back a thank you after giving your ass a playful slap as you walk away from your seat. 
Upon arriving back to the gaming area, back to your computer to continue your quest of changing your sims into all mythical creatures, you see Taehyung sitting in your gaming chair. He’s intently clicking away on your screen, already has opened your saved game and figuring out how to customize his own character. 
“What are you up to?” You ask with curiosity as you step closer, a bowl of freshly washed grapes settle back in the open space on your desk. 
“I’m making my guy all green with big pointy elf ears.” 
“I didn’t know you wanted your own character.” You wince at the horrid looking Sim that you see displaying on your screen, shaking your head as you make your way down to sit on Taehyung’s lap. “You always tend to have a very unique creative taste.” 
Taehyung’s arms hover around you, still connecting to the mouse and keyboard with no problem. “I’m just fucking around with this one. I don’t even like it.” His chin rests pleasantly on your shoulder as you lean back into him to make yourself comfortable. 
You slap away his hand with a whine, “Tae!” 
He gives you a judging look, eyebrows furrow forward when his free hand comes around your waist to hold you tighter, “What? I like playing games with you.”
“You literally just said you were ‘fucking around’ with this.” You scoff, taking the matter of your game back into your own hands. You quickly adjust the current state of Taehyung’s botched sim to something a bit more appealing, also agreeing to leave the sim the color green. 
“Hmpt.” Taehyung interjects with the stereotypical onomatopoeia, indicating his slight annoyance. 
You sigh, handing him a grape as a form of an apology, “I like playing games with you too, you know.” 
Taehyung’s tongue prods his inner cheek, raising his eyebrow with a quick tick. He savors the taste of the grape in his mouth, the juice refreshing to his taste buds. “Kiss me if you’re sorry.” 
You suppress your childish giggle, biting down on your lip to prevent a smile from breaking out. “I don’t have to kiss you to show you I am sorry.” 
“I don’t make the rules.”
Turning to Taehyung to meet his gaze, you snort out, “What do you mean? You just implied that it’s a rule. You made it a rule.”
Taehyung sulks as he pushes his feet against the ground, wheeling both of you out from the desk. You whimper straight away as your precious keyboard and mouse become distant from your fingertips. “Ok, well it’s a rule now. And I'm sorry. So now I have to kiss you.” 
He holds you close, smiling his devious little smirk as he traps you inside his limbs. No matter what he always finds a way to win every situation. Taehyung pinches you softly, enough to have you jolt towards him as you verbally drone your distress. In retaliation you pinch your boyfriend back. 
Both of you throw fits as you sit in your gaming chair, laughing helplessly at another while Taehyung continues to seek your lips with his. He insists with kissy noises, peppering his plump lips as close as possible on each of your cheeks as you toss and turn away in your failed attempts of acting like you didn’t like his love - you love his love. 
“Y/n!” He chuckles as he sees a bright smile across your face, “Oh, Y/n! Let me kiss you!”
You give in to the temptation of Taehyung’s smooth, downy, pink lips; feeling the pillow soft plush of them as they press into yours. He smiles happily into you, his frantic hands that once roamed your body to secure you close eases up and finds purchase to your hips. 
The kiss ends too quickly for Taehyung’s liking. You pull away to respond, “apology accepted,” though Taehyung’s eyes remain close while he waits for you to return. 
He peeks at you with one eye, skeptically looking you up and down. “No, no, no. I’m still sorry.” Taehyung whispers low, leaning up to you for another kiss with fervor. 
Even though the act seems funny to you, you soon find yourself feeling the passion under Taehyung’s determination. How he switches your frisky fun spar to a firm, sincere kiss. You feel the stubble hairs of his top lip graze yours as you tilt your head to the side. 
His hand slithers it’s way up your torso, shadowing over your curves until it links behind your neck to pull you in deeper. With a swipe of your tongue you introduce your slippery wet muscle to his, licking into his mouth with eagerness. 
Forget League of Legends, forget your Sims game.
You shift yourself in Taehyung’s lap; now facing him. Straddling yourself carefully with both knees on either side of his legs. The headset that rests around Taehyung’s neck is ripped away by you, lightly dropping the mechanism to the floor as you run your fingers through his curly thick locks. If you think they were dishieved before, they definitely will be when you were through with it. 
“It was really hot of you to carry me in League... support the fuck outta me.” 
The two of you laugh in the middle of kisses, even when it sounds like a joke you know that Taehyung is one hundred percent serious. He truly enjoys being able to spend more time with you while playing similar games, the happy nerd side of him becomes even more cheery about it. 
He moans as you greedily suck in his bottom lip, lightly nipping down on the flesh until you release it. His sounds provoke you to continue to smooch his skin, planting pecks across his soft tan skin while you head to the soft spot on his neck. Voluntarily, Taehyung leans his head to give you better access as you assault the sensitive areas; his hands rub the lengths of your thighs in the meantime. 
“Yeah?” You whisper into the shell of his ear, swiping the tip of your tongue around his hooped earring. “Making my sims look like aliens is even hotter.” The two of you snicker once again, laughing at your pathetic excuses of sexy talk, but regardless you get along with this sense of humor so much. 
Taehyung slides his fingers up the loose legged areas of your shorts, teasingly snagging the sides of your underwear until he scoops both hands to the flesh of your ass. He shapes his palms around the curves of your cheeks, squeezing roughly as your lips suck harsh bruises into the collom of his neck. 
Below you is his hardening cock, swelling inside his shorts and visibly becoming more prominent against the strain of the fabric. He urges you to continue your strike, eyes fluttering shut and teeth pressing down on his bottom lip. 
With a hesitant roll of your hips, more or so to test his vulnerability, you weren’t surprised to feel Taehyung’s hands pressure you to continue your grind down onto his bulge. 
“Y/n.” He moans your name with strain, rutting his hips up in time to meet yours. His breath picks up, so does his heart. “On the chair?” 
You plead a yes into his mouth as your lips surge to connect them. Assisting Taehyung with the lift of both yours and his shirts. “I’m already wet.” You speak impish towards him, a devilish smirk matching on both of your faces. 
Taehyung bids you, “Show me,” as he releases his firm hold on the swell of your ass. As you step off the chair you playfully slide down your shorts in a seductive, but fun way. Aimlessly, Taehyung leans himself up to reach toward you, dragging you back into him if he can. “Undies need to go too.” 
He hooks a hand between your legs, cuffing the meat of your thigh as his other palm glides itself against your mound. Taehyung plasters a satisfied gesture among his features which doesn’t go unnoticed by you, his fingers experimentally tapping into the dip of your underwear where the warm wet patch begins to coat the tips. 
You hum at the sensation that’s fluttering in your core from his tiny ministrations, eagerness readying itself to strip you completely bare in front of the man you love. Taehyung helps you, dragging down the cotton straps of your underwear until it falls past your knees, allowing you to step out of the dainty garment and back toward the chair. 
Instead, Taehyung inclines further toward you, face nuzzling into your lower stomach to place warm open mouth kisses across the expanse of your abdomen. The butterflies in your stomach race another in circles as Taehyung unbuttons himself out from his shorts from where he sits and flicks his zipper down. 
When he’s ready, Taehyung shuffles his bottoms down his legs until they drop to the floor, reddening cock lazily resting against him until his palm aids it’s positioning. You notice the shine around his tip, a sticky goop of pre-cum threatening to drip deliciously off of his member. 
With delight, you surge onward again, knees locking back in both places alongside Taehyung’s hips. He gently wraps his hand around his cock, pumping ever so slowly to prep his impending pleasure. You push Taehyung back into the chair, continuing back to the delay of kisses and sloppy tongue touches. 
Teasingly, you hover over his crotch, not dipping down enough to allow his cock any friction from you. Feeling your surroundings as you ravish his locks once again, you can detect his quickening pace with the flicks of his wrist along his lengthy, appetizing dick. 
“I don’t want to break my chair,” you giggle into his mouth, feeling his breath fan out immediately once your hand comes in contact with his. He allows you to handle him, allows you to take whichever pace and twist you wish. “But the idea of fucking you on it is turning me on.” 
His cock is smooth, warm, and rigid. Your thumb teases over his slit, smushing the leaking pre-cum across his bulbously head. In favor of pleasing you as well, Taehyung’s free hand slips between your folds, three fingers automatically pressing directly across your heat to gather your arousal. 
Taehyung winks at you once your foreheads connect, “Then don’t fuck me hard, be gentle with me.” 
The ring of muscles around your entrance flex themselves in anticipation of Taehyung’s ghosting digits. Thoughts of him stretching you out, filling you to full capacity, runs wild in your mind. His lips meet one of your hanging mounds, mouthing over your warm puffy nipple which instantly hardens at the contact. 
He sucks in deliciously, tongue flicking across your pert nipple while pulling your tit away from your body, releasing it from his mouth to watch it bounce back in place. Taehyung fiddles around with your hole, dipping the tips of his fingers only to the first knuckle and promptly retreating them. Your arousal seeps steadily down the span of each digit, just like how his pre-cum continues to spill out in small portions within your palm. 
You feel the tingly sensations, the frisky, bubbly anticipation riling you up on the inside. The mood from inside your gaming area has shifted dramatically and there’s nothing stopping the two of you from pursuing your desires. 
Taehyung groans impatiently, hooking two fingers inside you swiftly with a curl. His hand pulls your hips closer towards his preoccupied shaft that remains in your fisting hand. “Want you now,” he murmurs as he inclines himself up to meet your lips. 
At the sudden intrusion and his voice riddling his direct wish your cunt clamps down against his fingers, a sharp breath escapes your mouth before Taehyung hushes you with a kiss full of zeal. 
Both of your hands land to his shoulders, anchoring yourself securely as Taehyung shifts himself below you - fingers removing from your body in favor to line his cock up against your nether. His cock-head runs between your lubricous lips, greasing up his length before tilting his dick just right - bulbous head pressuring itself against your tightness. 
“Restless.” You comment on his actions, his abrupt act to head straight to the goods. 
Your mouth makes its way to his ear once again, scraping your teeth against the cartilage as you dip yourself low enough to pop his tip inside of you. You bit lightly against him at the intrusion, the pleasure and split pain of his stretch. But this is only the beginning of his size. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t warm you up much. I’m aching so badly for you right now.” 
Taehyung lulls his head against the chair, mouth parted open as he relishes the feeling of your warm, wet, velvety walls hugging his most sensitive area. Rhythmically, you edge yourself lower in a stable pace - inch by willing inch sinks into your core, stretching you out so dangerously beautiful. His cock burns, his girth making sure to fill every inch of you. 
With dedication, you move yourself up and down his length to heighten your arousal and continue to sink further down until finally sitting at his hilt. Your breath picks up erratically, nails threatening to scrap the skin on top of his shoulders with each roll of your hips. 
You take it at your own stride, pleasuring yourself - and him - with all your might. Grinding down against his public bone, your clit brushes harshly to the solid area, jolts of pleasure waving through you with the pressure. 
Your breath escapes your mouth more or so to keep up with the race of your heart and lungs, leaning back to angle yourself better on top of Taehyung as he supports your legs and back with his hands while you ride him. 
“Fuck, you look so good like this.” Taehyung confesses, bottom lip trapped between his teeth. 
A moan suppresses inside your throat when his cock knocks against the rough of your wall, the sweet mysterious g-spot embedded within your upper wall being pressed sharply at the tip of his cock. You found the correct angle your hips need to rotate, you keen earnestly at the heightened sensation. 
You gasp, “Shit!” 
Mouth dropping open with a painful, yet blissful, feature dressing your face. Your walls clamp indirectly, earning a strained moan from Taehyung. His hands tighten around you, now dragging you down harshly onto him. 
The leather of your chair rebels against both yours and Taehyung’s perspiring skin, creaking a loud noise with each shift of your knees, but that doesn’t dither your action in the slightest. 
Taehyung manages to slide down enough with the recline of the back of the seat, extending his legs out further from underneath you. From here you are able to use his chest to prop yourself up, and for him to stare with awe at your connecting areas. He admires the movement of his cock deep in your core, the appendage impressioning against your lower stomach. Taehyung can quite literally see where exactly his cock rests inside you, and soon enough his mindless hand comes to your front to feel it for himself. 
“S-so good.” You mewl out, keeping up with your pace. 
Sweat accumulates across your hairline and you can feel the uncomfortable itch of the build up in the pits of your knees. But the enjoyment of sexual pleasure beats those small annoyances, especially at the fact of Taehyung’s abdomen tenses to your ministrations - giving you the sure tell sign that he’s just as affected as you are. 
Inside Taehyung’s chest resonates a low groan, “keep doing that!” 
Taehyung praises you for your efforts, tells you words of motivation - if his breathless pants weren’t enough already. His thumb drops further to find your neglected clit, pushing hard against the sensitive bundle of nerves the moment your hips land in his lap. 
You yelp, your hand rushes straight to his wrist instantly to try and tear him from the area. His other free hand rounds your ass, palming the meat to scoot your lower half into him. “Shh, it’s ok. You’re doing so well.” His rough voice coaxes your ears. “Grind into me. Play with me. Use me to get yourself off.” 
He commends you and it doesn’t delay your hazy mind which fills with lust and foggy, horny thoughts to understand what he wants you to do. You stare back into his dark, hooded eyes with wonder. You must look like a complete hot mess speared on top of him, pupils blown wide, cheat heaving irregularly, and heated skin flushing with shades of pink. 
As you grind yourself against him, pushing into his deft thumb and using his cock as your personal joystick, you find yourself nearing your orgasm. The hormonal endorphins stream within your body, high on your thoughts and urgency to chase that blissful explosion your core craves right at this moment. 
You don’t notice the necessity your body rushes for, the way your body gyrates into Taehyung roughly and frantically with his cock submerged into your leaky cunt. He flicks his thumb rapidly across your clit, wiggling it as fast as he could to match your velocity. 
“You’re tightening,” he comments openly. “You’re so close, Y/n. Cum on me.” 
Taehyung feels the shift in your core, the tightening of your cunt and thighs around him. Your mouth hangs open as you gasp for air, hands gripping onto him like a vice with your nails clasping into his skin while your orgasm washes over you. You tighten dangerously around him, stiffening your body with minor twitching as your pussy pulses around his swollen cock. 
You whine his name with a high pitch, throat dry from all your heavy breathing. Your body uncontrollably forces itself to continue riding him, passion surging through as you feel another deadly, impactful, tingly sensation form in the pit of your core. 
Taehyung’s eyes widen with yours, almost as confused as you are, but he goes with your tenacity. He leans up, hands latching around your hips while he assists you to bounce once again along his generous size. 
“Tae!” You cry, not knowing what you’re exactly asking for besides the help of your boyfriend. 
He’s brutally fast, using gravity to help slam you back down into his lap. Squelching noises emit from your pussy, your juices soaking the surrounding area of his lap from your previous release. 
You hear him grunt against your chest, your arms slinging around his neck for purchase. Even with your pussy spent once already he can feel it tightening up faster than before. With each motion your body stiffens around him at each passing second. Your moans continue to rise to higher pitches until you feel the drag of his dick striking bluntly against your g-spot.
“T-Tae!” You warn again, this time knowing the sudden shiver running through your limbs and that irrational fear building up in the back of your mind. “I… I’m-”
Taehyung fucks up into your constricting cunt, lifting you up almost completely off of his cock only to ram you back down a nanosecond later. 
Your head thrusts back, spine arching, your chest now pushing into Taehyung as an unknown release takes control of your entire being. The voice you wish to speak gets stuck in your throat, not even a noise escaping as your pussy squirts warm liquid harshly across Taehyung’s lower half. The only thing your mind logically can think of is commanding your body to hold onto something, anything, and that being your boyfriend who is the cause of your body experiencing this foreign euphoria. 
Taehyung chokes back his amazement, not only feeling his lap becoming considerably more wet than it has, but also first handedly witnessing your beautiful cunt squirting all over him. The act itself ultimately sets a fire in his loins, thick white creamy ropes of cum spurting out inside your pussy. His load fills what little available room inside you, naturally forcing itself out of your quivering hole as he continues to breathlessly whine into your skin. 
It takes a moment's time for you and him to reconnect with Earth, reality settling back in slowly. Both of you are consumed with post orgasm paradise, too caught up with your bodies floating on cloud nine to do anything about the mix of fluides connecting the two of you. 
“Wow.” You breath, eyes trying to blink away the clouded haze. You soften in his hold just as you feel his cock swelling down. 
Your joints ache with each wiggle you attempt and thankfully your body didn’t disobey you and become locked in position. Taehyung finally snaps his head back, jaw slacked as he searches for your lips. 
He ends up placing a kiss to the corner of your mouth, still very much trying to catch his breath and composure. “You. Are so fuckin’ good to me.” 
Body tired, heated, and spent, you couldn’t help but breathlessly laugh. Your eyes blink lazily as you stare down at Taehyung, his bangs now sticking away from his forehead thanks to his sweat. “This is what happens when I get you promoted?” 
“Promote me any day, any time, any where.” His tone is a bit more playful considering the tiredness that has overwhelmed the both of you. He helps you up, leather sticking to your skins like tape, and shiny secretions drenching the seat. “I’ll do anything for you to do that again. I’ll fuck you on the chair again, i’ll mess up your Sims game or something. Whatever got you to do that, I want it to happen again!” Taehyung confesses, excitedly and pathetically, as his mind has become completely blown wide at the fact you squirted all over him. 
You glower at the leftover residue that seeps between Taehyung’s thighs and onto your seat, the imprint of his ass cheeks leaves an impression from where he sat. He steps toward you as you stand with his arms hovering your frame in case you feel unstable. 
“My chair…” 
He snorts a laugh, nuzzling his face into your hair, “At least it’s not broken.” 
“But it’s ruined.” 
“I’ll buy you a new one. A better one.” He angles your face to his as he forces a quick affectionate kiss to your unexpecting lips. 
“Gotta kiss you because i’m sorry,” he smirks. “But I may keep your chair for memories sake...”  
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© All rights reserved under @kimtaehyunq​ - do not copy, repost, modify, edit, or translate any of my work without my direct consent. This tumblr is the ONLY place my fics are posted.
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simulatedstyles · 4 years
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16th Century Gown
by Simulated Styles
This dress was a commission for the darling @persimmontrees and is now public!
more info & download below the cut!
This gown started as a request from the lovely @persimmontrees​ through our Historical Simmer Discord. While I had never done a commission, the request couldn’t have come at a better time, as I was feeling a little stumped on what to create next. This was a great opportunity to study up on an era that I’m not the most knowledgeable of, while simultaneously receiving some much-needed inspiration!
The mesh for this gown is completely original – no frankenmeshing here! Other than the patterns for the Damask and Elizabethan gown (credit: google and @persimmontrees​), the textures are completely from scratch – I painted the Brocade pattern by hand.
Like my last upload (18th Century Riding Habit), this gown comes in separate package files for a more organized CAS – I didn’t want anyone frantically clicking around in swatches to find the pattern they like. So each file has it’s own pattern, in multiple combinations of where the pattern lies, and in many different color swatches. And don’t worry, there are many solid swatches among the 3 files if patterns aren’t for you!
There’s also a fun surprise swatch hidden within one of the 3 versions: tag me when you find it!!!
base game compatible
3 separate styles – download 1 merged file or 3 separate files
teen-elder, disabled for random
all LODs, morphs, shadow map, specular, normal map, & custom thumbnails
Interested in commissioning something for yourself?? Shoot me a message or ask! I'm always open to creating something new (more info to come on my commissioning process)! Or, if you like my content and would just like to show me your support, I’d appreciate your donation through Ko-Fi!
Interested in recoloring my content?? Send me a message or ask – I'm happy to send you my texture files. My texturing process is anally organized, so I have files with each portion of my meshes already separated into their own layers for easy recoloring.
Special thanks & credits:
@linzlu helped with some weird weighting and slot ray issues
@vintagesimstress​ helped with the above also!
@simverses offered some great CASTools insight
@javitrulovesims was amazing for just listening to me vent lol
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echoalyssa · 3 years
Phantom | Dick Grayson
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Authors Note: There’s some light language in this, but thats about all!
“Phantom to Nightwing, entering dead zone now. Start the clock and come in if I’m late. I love you.”
You now had an hour inside the base, unable to contact anyone. You were collecting intel and because you were the stealthiest and smallest, (Damian was too young for this particular mission) Bruce had sent you in.
Your boyfriend, Dick Grayson had wanted to come with you but Bruce had rejected the idea because two people was more risky than one.
Dick had been livid, it was more risky for your life for you to go alone. He was your partner even though you were all a team. Ever since childhood, the two of you fought together and somewhat seemed to share the same mind.
You push a vine our of your dace. Your black masks shows the digital map of the quietest places to step. Your hood is pulled up to disguise your features and skin tone that obviously didn't fit in with the darkness of the air around you.
You had left your mottled cloak behind, opting to only have to worry about your body and where you place it. 
Joker was extremely active underground lately, he’d evolved and Bruce had only your mission as a lead. 
Your mask displays your one hour timer on the left hand side of your vision. Fifty minutes to get into the compound and back to safety.
The compound comes into view, a flat stone building that just didn’t fit in with the forest that surrounded it. You creep forward, staying in the shadows and hugging the walls of the building until you reach the only vent.
The stone was practically flat but years of training allowed you to look your gloved fingers into a crevice and wedge a booted foot into the building.
You begin climbing, scaling upwards twenty feet. The screws of the vent are all different and you have to pull away from the wall, your body straining so you can unscrew the bottom two.
You’re small enough that you can pry the vent open enough that you can squeeze yourself in. Forty minutes your clock reads. You were going too slow. You crawl forward on your elbows, you trek forward, you should have asked for two hours. Shit.
You hit the record button on your wrist panel and pull the microphone out.
It’s a tiny one but the quality is amazing. You’re peering through a small vent above a research lab now and you thread the microphone and it’s wire through the vent. The audio feeds into your ear piece and also saves to the hard drive in your panel.
You’re holding your breath, only breathing when you have to to minimize any chance of getting caught.
“We need to move in now! He’s only getting more recruits and it’s only a matter of time before they find us again.” Says a voice.
“If they haven’t already! I say we try the new weapon on some unsuspecting crowd of bystanders now. Then they’ll be too busy trying to save those silly citizens to deal with us.”
“Yes but is it ready..?”
“It needs to be tested again and we need to find a more powerful energy source eventually.”
And then the joker walks into view of the vent. He’s holding a blueprint and he spreads it on one of the tables. It’s the paint schematic for the weapon because of course, the joker being the joker meant that everything needed to be green, purple, and white.
You raise a hand to your mask and tap twice. It takes a screenshot of your view of the blueprint and sends it to the bat hard drive.
“Did you have any luck with batons inner circle? Would anyone snitch?”
“A couple...” the speaker listens. It’s valuable intel and now Bruce would be able to feed false information to the rats.
You begin to tap their names away into the panel and then attempt to wirelessly hack into the mainframes. The firewall were strong and plentiful but eventually they all fall victim to you. Sixteen minutes your timer reads. Shit. The data downloading from their computers and into your drive is only halfway done.
It won’t be very detailed. Just minuscule bits of information because you couldn't connect physically to the computers. It’s a line of script here and there that didn't make much sense to you because you weren't super tech-y. Though every line counted and that you knew. Several addresses also pop up.
Finally, after what feels like an eternity, your panel signals that the download is complete. Seven minutes reads the timer. Double shit.
You scramble backwards knowing that you’ve done all that you can. Somehow managing to turn yourself around in the small space. You’re almost at the vent when you foot clangs against the side of the vent.
You freeze, no alarms go off, but then again why would they? The timer is still ticking and you continue on, sliding out of the vent. You fumble with the screws, attempting to get them back in in case your cover hadn't already been blown. You then plant your feet, push off and flip down to the ground. You land nimbly in a rolling crouch and then pop to your feet and take off, sprinting for the tree line.
They come from the shadows. Dozens of them. All focused in on you.
You suck in a breath and draw your longswords.
“Bring it on Goonies!” You call and they surge forward all at once. Some with guns, electric batons, and swords.
You stalk forward, meeting them in the middle. You begin slashing immediately at arms, legs, torsos, anywhere that wasn’t too lethal. You weren't a killer.
Except there were just so many, the sword in your left hand falls from your grip and you pull out a disc, throwing it into the incomers. It explodes, blinding some and wounding others. 
You yank s taser out from your belt and stab it into an attackers neck while blocking an attack with your sword. And then it happens. A baton smacks into the back of your head and you stumble forward, dizzy. A blade slashes your thigh, splitting skin and muscle. A cry comes fro, your lips and you lash out desperately with your one remaining longsword. You're able to down the foe who had slashed you.
Two more take his place and then a dagger rips through your abdomen from behind. You scream, falling to your knees. Just as it gets put through your thigh, followed by your shoulder. You land in the grass face first and the world goes dark, sound fading out.
‘Dick.’ Is your last thought.
Dick is staring at the timer that is displayed by his make. 00:00:05. 00:00:04. 00:00:03. 00:00:02. 00:00:01. And the dreaded number... 00:00:00. It blares red and he stares at the forest, fists clenched. Where was she?
Tim steps forward and places a hand on his shoulder. “Give her five minutes okay? She’s smart. You know how these missions sometimes go overtime. She’s got this.”
“We never should have sent her in alone. It was too risky. Damn it!”
His fist rockets into a tree. He considers going after Bruce, giving him a piece of his mind. Then decides that it isn’t worth it and begins to prepare to go in after his love.
He makes sure to grab the miniature cauterizer and some other emergency medical supplies, stuffing them into the pouches on his belt.
“Wait, Nightwing, we’ll go together. We need a plan!” Damian calls.
His heart is pounding out of his chest and he can’t breathe. ‘What if he was too late? What if she was already gone?’
He doesn’t want to wait for a plan, time was ticking. He pushes past his adoptive brother.
“Dick wait!” Jason calls trying to grab his arm. But he keeps going, breaking for the trees to find her.
Jason and Tim look at each other, then they both look at Damian. “Stay here.” They say simultaneously/
“No way!” He yells back at his brothers.
The three of them take them off after Nightwing. And Bruce, having watched all his children run into danger, follows them in.
Nightwing is pushing through vines and branches, not caring if he makes noise or not. He knows the rest of his family will follow him, but quietly.
His mail enhances his vision in the darkness. He draws a thumb over his own panel and it activates the heat censor on his mask. Dick Grayson pushes forward quickly, scanning frantically for her heat signature.
And then he sees it. She’s always run cold. Her fingers and limbs always frozen. A small prone figure, running colder than the other surrounding bodies. He kicks up his pace, heading for her because he just knows.
“Phantom!” he yells, followed by, “Robin! I think I found her!”
He skids to a halt and falls to his knees, he can see the stab wounds. The way her blood has soared into the ground beneath her. 
Nightwing rolls her over, jamming his fingers under her neck to find a pulse. It’s there. But weak.
He rips the cauterizer out of his belt and drapes her body over him just as Jason appears. 
“Is she..?”
“Alive.” He grunts, “Not for much longer I need to..”
Jason helps him rip the uniform away enough so Dick has enough room to maneuver.
“Hold her down!”
Jason does as he’s told and Dick places the cauterizer to her skin.
“Only do what you have to, we need to get out of here. And soon.”
He pushes the two flaps of skin together and places the sparking tool to it. The heat melds the skin together. She’d need to be pumped full of antibiotics in case any of the blades were dirty and risked infection.
She only stirs slightly, too disoriented from her loss of blood. He talks to her the whole time he works on her.
He only does her abdomen, knowing that it’s her most serious injury. It might not even hold from the jolting and jostling that would occur in the journey back. Dick stabs a painkiller into her thigh, just in case she were to awaken.
He motions to Tim and Damian, who had been standing guard, to take up the rear. Grayson then scoops up his girlfriend, cradling her to his chest.
“Jason. Take point. Let’s get her home.”
He sits by her bedside. His hands are covered in her dry blood, along with his suit. He hadn’t bothered to change.
Y/N had needed a blood transfusion and he had offered immediately, hence why there was a needle in his arm funneling blood into girlfriend. Alfred had stitched do her wounds and hooked her up to an IV for hydration and anti-infection purposes.
She’d been changed out of her uniform after she was stable for cleanliness reasons and was now wearing one of his black shirts.
He’s holding her hand, his thumb tracing over the pulse point of her wrist occasionally.
It would be a long road to recovery for her though they all knew that she would bounce back and attempt to get back in to the field as soon as she could walk.
It’s days later when she finally wakes, her eyelids fluttering.
“Dick.” She whispers.
He’s right there, just like he had been, he’d only left briefly to shower but he ate and slept at her side. Jason had covered both of your patrols, with Bruce helping out.
“I’m okay. You’re okay, babygirl.” He places a hand on her face and she leans her head into his touch.
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honey-dewey · 3 years
Soulmate Imagines
Another short not drabbles but not full stories either! I was completely inspired by a post made by @absurdthirst and really really wanted to write the boys in these scenarios! So I completely ignored both of my active WIPS and wrote this instead. Oops? Enjoy these long and indulgent soulmate imagines!
Total Word Count: 5,179
Permanent Taglist: @phoenixhalliwell @star-wars-hell
Din Djarin:
Soul Tattoo AU
You hummed, turning your head over, vision fuzzy. Din was rushing around the Crest, and you could see red painting his beskar. Was he hurt? You tried to stand, and then it hit you. Oh. You were hurt.
“Din,” you rasped out, blinking as his fuzzy image came into more clarity.
Din looked at you, helmet trained on your face. “Cyar’ika,” he said, taking your cold hands. “How do you feel?”
“Like I got run over by a herd of Banthas,” you said, shifting and wincing. “What happened?”
“Bomb,” Din explained, gesturing to your torso, where you were wearing a thin robe and nothing else. “Hit your side. Patched you up best I could.”
You nodded, swallowing thickly. “Did it scar?”
Din hesitated. “Some of it will. Nothing on your back though.”
Relief flooded you. You had no idea why you were so worried about your soul tattoo, but you were. The beautiful star map to Aq Ventina spanned your entire back, from shoulders to tailbone, the sides creeping over your waist. You’d done research about Aq Ventina years ago, when the curiosity had finally peaked. You’d read up on the history and knew that it no longer existed, decimated by a droid attack decades before you’d even known it existed.
“It’s a beautiful tattoo,” Din said softly, out of nowhere.
“Thank you,” you said, looking at his helmet. “It’s my soul tattoo.”
Din nodded. “I figured.”
And that was the last it was spoken of for almost five months. The next time it was relevant was during a two day long bounty hunt, when Din left to shower and you sat in your shared inn room, cooing at Grogu.
The shower water turned off, and you heard Din drying off. Then he called your name.
“Come here.”
Worried, you stood and headed to the bathroom. “Din?”
“Come here.” His voice bordered on urgent, and you immediately shoved the door open.
You were met with Din, completely shirtless yet still wearing the helmet, in the bathroom, no urgent problem in sight. However, instead of being mad, you were focused entirely on the tattoo that spread across Din’s back.
It was identical to yours.
“Din?” Your voice was tiny, so apprehensive.
He sighed, looking at you and taking your hands. “I’m sorry I didn’t say anything earlier,” he said. “But Aq Ventina was my home, so you have to understand that it was odd and a bit painful seeing the star map on your back.”
You nodded. “We’re soulmates,” you breathed. “I didn’t even know you had a soul tattoo.”
Din chuckled. “It’s not like I expose much skin,” he reasoned.
That drew a laugh out of you. “Yeah. But still.” Your fingers danced over the exposed edge of the star map that crept over Din’s side. “Soulmates.”
Din nodded, resting his forehead against your head. “Soulmates,” he agreed. “But only if you’ll have me.”
You smiled. “As if I could ever say no.”
Marcus Moreno:
Color Soulmate AU
To say you were stressed was an understatement. A huge project for Heroics was cradled in your arms, all sorts of papers and binders and information you were carrying to the filing room to be sorted. The stack was tall, which was probably why you didn’t see your boss until you ran directly into him.
“Fuck!” You shouted as you fell on your back, folders going everywhere. Marcus Moreno, your boss, was toppled next to you, also swearing.
“I am so sorry!” You said hurriedly, scrambling to gather the papers, eyes focused on your task. “I really should’ve looked where I was going and-“ you looked up, shock killing your words.
Marcus’s eyes were brown. Very very brown.
You gasped, your task entirely forgotten. “Oh.”
Marcus was staring at you with just as much shock as you were staring at him with. “Oh,” he echoed.
Your fragile moment was shattered by the click of heels and another employee coming over to check on you, her voice frantic.
“We’re fine,” Marcus reassured, standing and dusting himself off. Without saying anything else, he walked quickly away.
Once all the files were secure, you headed back to your desk and pulled out a small box of crayons. You’d never seen color, not ever, so this would be interesting. At least it would be if your hands would stop shaking.
One of your coworkers, Matt, came up to you as you used a teal crayon, marveling at the color. “Oh? You met your soulmate?”
You nodded, looking up and noticing the vibrant purple color to Matt’s tie. “Yeah. Bumped into him in the hall. Literally.”
Matt grinned. “Who is it?”
You cringed, the embarrassment setting in. “Mr. Moreno.”
“Mr. Moreno?” Matt practically yelled. “He’s our boss!”
“Yeah, I know!” You retaliated, checking your clock and scrambling up. “Fuck! I gotta go, that huge meeting is in ten.”
Matt smiled. “Good luck!”
Despite Matt’s wishes, you were fairly certain the presentation was a disaster. Marcus was missing, which was odd, and you ended up tripping over your words and getting a huge migraine halfway through the presentation. After sheepishly explaining the scenario, you were told to go home and adjust, you could redo the presentation tomorrow.
Of course, tomorrow was just as bad. Marcus was actually present, wearing a yellow tie that kept distracting you and forcing your words out in a jumble.
After the train wreck of a presentation, you decided this was a situation that called for a large hot chocolate. Getting one and settling in the cafeteria, you sighed, swirling your drink with a spoon. You were a certifiable mess.
The creaking of the chair brought your attention back to planet earth, and you looked up, nearly choking on your spit. “Mr. Moreno!”
“Please, I think we should be on a first name basis,” Marcus said. “So.”
Marcus tapped the table. “I’m sorry I ran off yesterday. I just, well, I haven’t seen color since my- Since Clara died.”
You nodded. “I understand if you don’t want this,” you murmured, looking back down at your drink. “I’m sorry.”
“Sorry?” Marcus asked. “No! I’m, well, a little excited.”
That shocked you. “Excited?”
“Yeah.” Marcus nodded. “Excited. Missy’s over the moon, of course.”
You grinned. “Thanks. Sorry I’m so nervous. I’ve never seen any of this before.”
“Really?” Marcus said. “Oh I definitely know what we’re doing first.”
Marcus smiled, taking your hands. “You’re going to love sunsets.”
Max Phillips:
Black Mark Soulmate AU 
“Oh no.”
You stared at your boss with nothing short of mild fear. Max fucking Phillips. There was no goddamn way. You’d known him very briefly in college, but this, this was unexpected.
He smiled at the employees, shaking hands as if it were the most natural thing in the world.
As if his right palm wasn’t the color of fresh stained ink.
He walked up to you, holding out his ink stained hand. You were hesitant to accept. After all, your right hand was equally black. But handshakes were common, very common among soulmate meets. Max Phillips was not your soulmate.
You were able to tell yourself that until the moment your hands touched, the blackness turning into a beautiful swirl of bright colors.
Max’s eyes widened as he looked at you. “Your hand.”
“Yours too,” you said, letting go of Max’s hand and letting him examine the watercolor of reds and purples that spread across his skin.
Max took a nervous breath. “No. Something must be wrong.”
You were shocked. “Max. Is it really that bad?”
“You don’t understand!” Max snapped, scaring you a tiny bit. He leaned closer, so you could see the devilish gleam in his eyes. “I have no soul.”
Your blood chilled as you saw the overly sharp teeth and the hint of red behind the deep brown in Max’s eyes. “Max.”
But he was gone, disappeared from right in front of you. Blinking a few times, you turned to your computer, determined to uncover the truth about your mysterious boss and the still tingling rainbow of colors on your palm.
Frankie ‘Catfish’ Morales:
Countdown Soulmate AU
The countdown timer was surprisingly unnerving.
Actually, was it really that surprising? It was counting down to the most important day pretty much ever. Yours had always had years and years, much longer than any of your friends, but you didn’t mind. That was just more time to prepare.
Of course, when you woke up one day to find that the timer that had read seven months suddenly read twelve hours, you freaked the hell out. Taking deep breaths, you calmed yourself and got dressed, texting your best friend and asking him when he wanted you over for movie night. He responded with eight, and promised that you’d love his friends.
With one last deep breath and a glance around your apartment, you left for the day.
And ended up with a popped tire on the side of the road ten minutes before eight.
Screaming your frustration into the night darkened woods and frightening some poor birds, you sighed and called roadside service. An hour, at least, before they could get to you.
Your next call went to Benny, who you apologized to and told him you’d make it up to him.
Your final call was to no one. You simply sat back in your car and waited for roadside service while you tapped away at some mind numbing game you’d downloaded on a whim.
Headlights were visible in the distance not even ten minutes later, which shocked you and then worried you. Who the hell was out on this road this late at night? Were you about to be murdered? Who would find your body? Would Benny still hold true to his promise and wear a lime green tutu to your funeral?
The car stopped when it saw you, and your anxiety skyrocketed. You quickly texted Benny one last time and locked your car.
“Hey!” A few sharp knocks and a face in the window. “Do you need help?”
You were trembling, trying to keep a brave face. “Tire popped.”
“Oh.” The voice sounded genuinely worried. “That sucks. Where are you headed?”
“A friend’s house.”
“Did you call roadside?”
“An hour.”
“Oof. Hungry?”
“What?” You looked over, seeing the dimly lit silhouette of a man holding up what was probably a granola bar. “Yeah actually, I am.”
The man’s cheeks lit up, and you assumed he was smiling. “Well you’re gonna have to open up if you want it.”
You hesitantly cracked the door and watched the man step back. The car lights illuminated him fully, revealing a very attractive man holding a slightly squished granola bar.
Turning in the seat so that your legs were hanging out the car, you took the offered food, smiling as you ate. “Lord this is good! Thank you!”
The man shrugged. “No problem. I’m Frankie.”
You mumbled your name around the granola bar, and then froze as your wrist burned warm and then cold, a clattering alerting you to the fact that your timer had fallen off.
And from the look on Frankie’s face, so had his.
He looked back up at you, seemingly nervous. “So can I get in the car now? I promise I’m not a creep.”
You nodded, still slightly shocked as Frankie got into your car, sitting in the passenger seat. It was silent for a minute before you spoke. “So. Soulmates.”
“Soulmates,” Frankie agreed. “I’m glad I shared that granola bar with you.”
Your phone pinged, and you swore softly, answering Benny’s text and then rereading it. “Do you, by any chance, know a Benny Miller?”
“Yeah,” Frankie said. “I was headed to his place when I saw you.”
“Me too.” You showed him the text, which read ‘Dude! Be careful! My buddy Frankie’s coming along, so if you get attacked, he’ll totally protect you. Also, totally not wearing that tutu because you’re not dying first.’
Frankie smiled. “You’re in on the tutu thing too?”
You laughed. “Oh god! Not you too!”
“Yeah!” Frankie said, laughing along with you. “Benny totally already has it, y’know.”
You sighed. “Damn. That’s wild.”
The hour until roadside service arrived was filled with stories and bonding. After your car was towed, you got in Frankie’s truck and headed to Benny’s, arm in arm.
“Hey, Frankie found the murder victim!” Benny said happily, opening the door. “Oh shit, dudes I was starting to get worried about you.”
Frankie shook his head. “Actually, it couldn’t have played out better.”
Jack ‘Whiskey’ Daniels:
First Words Soulmate AU
You sighed, taking a breath. Today you were meeting your baby brother’s coworkers at a work party. It wasn’t supposed to be so damn nerve wracking, but your stomach was a ball of anxiety. “Danny, are you sure about this?”
Danny, or as he was better known at work, Tequila, nodded. “Hell yeah, it’ll be fun.”
You tugged your bracelet, trying to cover the words winding across your wrist.
What’s a pretty little thing like you doing in a place like this?
The Statesman Fourth of July party was apparently a big deal. There were sure as hell a lot of people. You stuck by Danny’s side, smiling at his coworkers and eventually sitting with a woman named Ginger. She was nice, and when Danny wandered off to flirt with someone, she stayed with you, giving you names to attach to faces.
“Oh, and that’s Jack,” she said, pointing to someone talking to Champ. “One of the longest lasting agents we have.”
You eyed Jack. He was handsome, especially with that cowboy hat. He must’ve noticed your staring, because he wandered over and sat down at the table.
“So, what’s a pretty little thing like you doing in a place like this?”
You took a breath, gripping the hem of your shorts and trying to think without looking awkward. A thousand responses rushed through your head, and you finally picked one you hoped wasn’t weird. “I dunno cowboy, why do you ask?”
Jack recoiled as if he’d just had ice water poured on his head. Ginger stood, shocked as Jack ran away. “What just happened?”
You were nearly speechless, tears starting to well up. “I think my soulmate just ran away from me.”
After a good long crying session in which you sobbed openly into Danny’s jacket and he vowed to absolutely murder Jack, Ginger gently explained Jack’s past with his previous soulmate. Which sent you into another round of crying and made Danny even more pissed.
He ended up taking you home early to watch shitty movies and eat tons of ice cream, comforting you as you numbly ate half a pint of Ben and Jerry’s on the couch.
When he left for work the next day, you made him swear not to hurt Jack.
You got a call from Ginger two hours later telling you to come pick Danny up.
Marching into Statesman again, you found Ginger at the entrance, lips pressed tight. She led you to the infirmary, where Danny was proudly sporting a black eye and a split lip. Jack was laying in a bed next to him, pressing ice to his cheek.
“Control your fucking brother!” He yelled as soon as he saw you, sitting up in the bed. “He nearly killed me!”
“Oh shut the fuck up!” You snapped back. “You best be glad I’m not petty, or else I’d have let him kill you.”
Jack was, wisely, silent as you helped Danny up and out of the building. Danny was also silent, but was definitely smug about it.
“Y’know I totally won that fight,” he said as you exited the building.
You sighed. “Sure. Whatever. Let’s go home.”
The next day, you got a call from an unknown number.
“This is Jack,” the voice on the other end said when you picked up. “I’m calling to apologize for beating your brother up.”
“Apparently he won the fight.”
Jack snorted. “Sure he did. Look, I’m sorry.”
“Apology accepted.”
A pause. “Cool. See you around.”
“Yeah. See you.”
He hung up first, leaving you with a dead hole in your chest. When you would see that cowboy again, you didn’t know, but when you did, oh boy was he in for it from you.
Pain Sharing Soulmate AU
You were screaming.
Well, screaming may not have been the word to describe the feeling. No, the agony in your right arm was numbing pain, the kind of pain that brought out animalistic noises and made spots dance across your vision. You writhed on the floor, clutching your upper arm and begging someone, anyone, to make the pain stop. A few nurses you worked with tried to dose you with painkillers, but nothing could touch soulmate pain.
Finally, after what seemed like hours, the pain began to fade. You’d had some aches in that arm after a stab that was really painful and you’d assumed some kind of injury that your soulmate had sustained was being treated. But that, that harsh, indescribable pain that had you sweating and panting on the floor with your head spinning, you had no explanation for that.
After that, the nurses set you up in the break room with fluids and a light snack. Your right arm still hurt like hell, but it was manageable now. As time passed, the pain passed, until it was no more than a dull ache once more, with some odd numbness that lingered in your fingertips.
Of course, on the day you decided to try working for a few hours, your soulmate went and got himself fatally injured again.
Gasping and falling sideways, you gritted your teeth through a scream as your gut lit on fire, as if someone had driven a knife into your belly. It was the second time in three days that your soulmate had put you through this. What the hell was he doing?
Yet again, you were put in a room to wait out the pain, probably scaring patients with your sobs and pleads for any merciful god to put you out of your misery. This pain refused to fade, and you completely missed the wail of emergency sirens as a new patient in critical condition arrived.
Eventually, finally, the pain forced you unconscious.
You woke a few days later, breathing deeply as you realized you weren’t in any pain. The faint voice of a doctor met your ears as you slowly regained your senses.
“We’re all shocked they survived. With pain like that, I surely wouldn’t have been as strong as they were. First it was their arm, and then their stomach. We still don’t really know what happened.”
The doctor turned to you, and smiled when he noticed your open eyes. “Finally, you’re awake. We have someone who wants to talk to you.”
You grumbled, trying to string together the past few days. “What?”
The doctor gestured to a man sitting in the other bed in the room. “This is Ezra, our critical patient from a few days ago.”
“I was too busy being stabbed in the stomach to notice any crit patients,” you pointed out.
“Yes, well,” the doctor said with a smile. “He may have some answers for you.”
You sat up, rubbing your aching head and facing the other man in the room.
He looked like hell, face sunken and shining with post injury sweat. You reasoned that you probably didn’t look much better. But the interesting thing about the man was his bandage wrapped right arm. Or more accurately, his lack of an arm that was wrapped in bandages.
“Hi Ezra,” you said slowly, rubbing your temples. “Is this my headache or yours?”
Ezra chuckled. “I think it’s yours,” he said. “I can’t feel any of my own pain right now.”
You sighed. “Doc, can I get some painkillers? I got a headache.”
The doctor nodded, grabbing a few pills, but you shook your head. “The good shit, please.”
Smiling, the doctor picked up a syringe and lifted your left arm, considering your right still felt a bit numb. “Countdown?”
The doctor gave you the painkillers, and you watched Ezra wince at the pinch from the needle as it hit your skin. Laying back as the painkillers took effect, you sighed, looking at Ezra. “I’d love to stay and chat,” you murmured sleepily. “But this stuff works fast.”  
Ezra smiled. “Don’t worry songbird,” he said. “I’ll be here when you wake.”
Javier Peña:
Soulmate’s Name on Wrist AU
“Get up! New client!”
You groaned, adjusting your top and trotting into the hall, standing with the group of women waving and giggling at the new client. He looked up at your group, a light grin on his face.
“He’s cute,” you said to the woman next to you.
She nodded. “He’s a regular at places like this,” she said. “Says his name’s Javier.”
You froze, the small name tattooed on the inside of your wrist practically burning. “Javier? He got a last name?”
“Not that he’ll share.”
In the end, you were Javier’s lucky victim, mostly because when he asked your name and you responded, his watch-covered wrist twitched. So he was your soulmate. Or at least you were his. He showed you bliss, paid you handsomely, and left without a word but with a spark.
Two weeks later, you ran into him again. You’d been in touch with a man at the US embassy about cartel stuff, mostly that the cartels had been reaching out to people like you and you wanted to stay safe, and the man had invited you to come over and give a statement. You were hesitant, of course, but the man looked kind enough, and the other employees knew him well enough that you felt secure.
“This is my partner, agent Peña,” the man said as he gestured you into a room. “But,” he said slowly, eyeing the bare name on your wrist. “I think you knew that already.”
“I did.”
Javier took a breath. “Can we get this done with?” He said, trying to sound annoyed but only succeeding at stressed.
Your statement was quiet and precise, and before you knew it, Javier was walking you out.
“Javier,” you tried.
“Don’t,” Javier growled. “Just go, forget you ever met me.”
“I can’t!” You all but yelled, grabbing his wrist so he couldn’t walk off. “I’ve been wearing your name since the day I was born, you think I can just forget all of that?”
Javier was quiet. “You think I want a soulmate?” He asked quietly, and you froze.
“I’m sorry?”
“No!” Javier growled, shaking his head. “I mean, fuck. This job, if they find out you’re connected to me, they’ll kill you.”
Your blood went cold, but you kept your composure. “Hate to break it to you,” you said, shoving Javier’s sleeve up and exposing your name written on his wrist. “But we’re already connected.”
From that day forward, you were under protection. You quit your job, moved reluctantly to an apartment that was secured by the embassy, and barely left the brand new apartment for anything. The war on drugs dragged on, and every so often, Javier would shuffle across the hall and find solace in your arms, always leaving before dawn.
One night, after a particularly hard day, you and him were tangled together on the couch, name wrists pressed against each other. Your skin burned and prickled at the intimate contact, but Javier was so lost he didn’t even notice.
You smoothed through his hair. “Will we ever be safe enough to be soulmates?”
Javier was quiet. “I don’t know.”
You sighed. “One day, I hope we will.”
Another long silence, and then Javier spoke up. “Me too.”
That morning, you woke up in his arms instead of in an empty bed, wondering exactly how life would shake out now that you had fallen in love with your soulmate.
Maxwell Lord:
Dream Sharing Soulmate AU
“I’m going to cry,” you groaned, pressing your head to the table. “He hasn’t slept in days.”
Your coworker, Ellie, sighed. “Hon, you just gotta keep trying. Go home, rest up. Get some sleep.”
You stood. Ellie was right. Just because Max wasn’t sleeping didn’t mean you had to punish yourself. You’d been going rounds with him for months, and it was really starting to weigh on your own sleep schedule. All you needed, all you wanted was to go home and sleep for days to correct your broken internal clock.
Your apartment was cold when you got back, and you quickly fiddled with the thermostat before stripping and falling into bed, cuddling up with the blankets and falling asleep almost immediately.
Just as with every night your soulmate didn’t sleep, you didn’t have a soul dream. Instead, you had your regular dreams, all nonsensical and silly. You woke up at one point to eat before falling back into bed, still exhausted.
This time, your dreams were different. You were in a soul dream, which meant he was finally sleeping.
No response as you ran around the elementary school, but you quickly skidded to a stop, seeing bullies mock a young boy for his lunch. That was your Max as a child, and you immediately rushed to his aide.
The real Max, the one who was asleep right now, looked at you with worry, finally tearing his eyes off the bullies. “You.”
“Me,” you said softly. “You need more sleep.”
Max shrugged. You knew who he was, after all, who didn’t? But the suave businessman you knew on TV was very different from the scared man you knew from your dreams. “Wasn’t tired.”
“For three days?” You asked. “Max, that isn’t healthy.” You felt a tug on your gut, a signal that your dream was starting. “C’mon.” You held a hand out, offering Max a reprieve. “My dreams are kind.”
He accepted, taking your hand as you led him to your dreams. In your subconscious reality, you were a child again, laughing and ice skating with your parents.
“Can you skate?” You asked Max, still holding his hand. He shook his head.
You smiled. “That’s okay, you can learn.” You snapped your fingers and skates appeared on both of your feet. “C’mon!”
Turned out, Max was an abysmal skater, but he was laughing by the time your bodies were ready to wake up.
“I don’t wanna go,” he admitted, and you grinned, squeezing his hands tight. “Can we do this again?”
“Tomorrow night,” you promised. “I’ll find you.”
For almost a month, you rescued Max from embarrassing or painful dreams, taking him to your more comforting dreams. Occasionally, he’d do the opposite for you when you had a nightmare, but you mostly spent the nights in your dreams, watching fireworks or going swimming. His darkest secrets were no longer secret, and he trusted you with everything.
“Y’know,” he said softly as you and him watched a Fourth of July fireworks show from when you were seven. “We could do this in real life.”
“We could,” you murmured, leaning closer to him. “The fourth is, what, next week? Doesn’t DC do a beautiful fireworks show?”
Max nodded. “We could make our first shared memory.”
You smiled. “We could,” you agreed. “We will. I’m not too far from DC, I can totally drive down on the fourth. I’ll pick you up from work, how’s that sound?”
“Sounds perfect,” Max murmured softly. “Dreamlike even.”
You laughed. “Dork.”
“Hey, you fell in love with me!”
“Yeah,” you said, looking at Max’s firework illuminated face. “I did.”
Pero Tovar:
Color Soulmate AU 
You pressed the leaf between your fingers, trying to gauge how sick the plant was. The grey color didn’t worry you, because you were fairly certain it was still green. “It just needs more water,” you determined, standing and brushing yourself off. “Try watering these plants daily instead of every other.”
The woman you were helping nodded, and you smiled at her as you walked back to your own garden. Rolling your sleeves up, you got to work tending to your plants.
It was hours before you looked up, alerted by the sound of hooves on the ground. A mysterious man was sitting atop a horse, his hair long and greasy, his face creased from what you imagined was a grueling ride. He jumped off the horse and stumbled in your direction, leaning against the fence. You stood, abandoning the plants in favor of helping the man.
He shook off your help, but stopped the second his hand connected with yours and both your worlds exploded with color.
You stumbled back, the sudden colors shocking you as the man reeled from you, his sun battered face full of shock.
“I’m sorry!” You said quickly, steadying yourself and reaching out to the man. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” the man said firmly, right before he passed out.
Two days later, the man woke up, his partner by his side. The blond man had showed up yesterday, introducing himself as William and the mystery man as Pero Tovar.
Pero looked around, nervous as he saw you in the corner, slowly and methodically mending his shirt. “William, quien es este.”
William shrugged. “I don’t know. Not a nurse, from what I can tell.”
“Diles que se vayan.”
“I’m not leaving,” you said, without looking up. “And please continue to talk about me in a language you assume I don’t understand.”
Pero blinked a few times. “You’re smart.”
“I pick up on languages fast,” you said, setting down the mended shirt. “Who are you, Pero Tovar?”
William looked between you two before finally speaking up. “Should I leave?”
“Please,” you said.
William left, and you crossed your legs. “So, who are you?”
“No one you should know,” Pero growled, getting up and grabbing his shirt. “Just forget you ever met me. You have your colors, go live a happy life.”
You frantically tried to keep him in the village, but he left with William as soon as the local medic deemed him okay.
For the next week, you slowly learned colors, finding your favorites with much trial and error. Some of the village women who had lost their soulmates in battles consoled you as you grieved for a man you barely knew, a man who had given you a universe of change and then left as if it had been nothing.
Almost exactly one week later, the sound of hooves rang out again, and this time, you didn’t look up from your gardening. At least, not until the visitor entered your garden, standing in front of your vegetables.
You looked up at him, taking in a much neater and more groomed Pero. He seemed nervous, shuffling from foot to foot.
Standing, you raised an eyebrow. “Can I help you?”
Pero nodded, handing you his dagger.
You took the weapon. “What’s this?”
“In my culture,” Pero began. “When a man is ready to settle with his soulmate, he must give them his most prized weapon as a way of showing he is ready to stop fighting and raise a family.”
The dagger gleamed in the sunlight, and you smiled. “Well then, I guess I should make dinner for two, shouldn’t I?”
Pero grinned. “Yes, that would be nice. I’m hungry.”
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iztarshi · 4 years
My Murderbot Musical
This is so dumb, but I started out thinking about how a novella so focussed on Murderbot’s interiority and voice would make a better musical than a film and then before I knew it I had 2,000 words of how I’d adapt All Systems Red into a musical if I knew a damn thing about writing musicals. Murderbot would probably have Pin-Lee sue me for making this too sappy.
I’m putting it up anyway though, because if I can’t post my dumb ideas on tumblr, where can I post them?
The stage is divided into four, the front of the stage and three platforms behind it with a screen behind each platform.
The show opens with the novella’s opening lines. “I could have become a mass murderer after I hacked my governor module, but then I realized I could access the combined feed of entertainment channels carried on the company satellites. It had been well over 35,000 hours or so since then, with still not much murdering, but probably, I don't know, a little under 35,000 hours of movies, serials, books, plays, and music consumed. As a heartless killing machine, I was a terrible failure.”
The lights then rise on Mensah standing at the front of the stage with a Company representative standing behind a desk across from her, behind the Company representative stands Murderbot, in full armour with the faceplate blanked and perfectly still. The first number, Sanctuary (Moon) takes place with Mensah and the Company representative arguing in the foreground about why she doesn’t want to take a SecUnit with her. This fills us in on a lot of background about what SecUnits are and what Mensah would need one for and also shows us that despite arguing that what’s done to them is wrong Mensah is still falling into treating the actually present SecUnit like it’s unaware. In the background clips from Sanctuary Moon and other shows play on the screens, while characters from it act out scenes on the three platforms. They frequently take over the song with a much fuller and brighter song about fictional events. We can see that this is the inside of Murderbot’s head, that it’s playing media on the feed while the humans argue about its nature in front of it. The song ends with Mensah giving in and leaving and Murderbot being packed into a crate as the lights go down on the stage.
The lights rise with Dr Bharadwaj and Volescu in the crater, Murderbot standing by. There is a clip from Sanctuary Moon playing silently on the screens, which is suddenly superseded by images of the monster coming out of the crater. The song Client Retrieval Protocol starts, a fast, rhythmic but not frantic song. Murderbot sings the instructions to itself, to the systems as code flashes on the screens, and describes what’s going on in rapid, professional, but also witty commentary (basically its narrative voice as a patter song). There’s a discord when the HubSystem tries to send the abort command, and we see it on the screen, but it’s rapidly dismissed by Murderbot. The music softens when Murderbot takes its helmet down to reassure Volescu but once again we get caught back up in the rapid patter of its divided attention and things it needs to do. The song ends on the big “No!” to Ratthi as he tries to retrieve the bags and the hopper takes off just in time.
Murderbot’s cubicle is represented by a small white platform in the middle of the front stage. We see it shed its armour, pull an emergency blanket around itself and sit down. Despite not being small, it looks alone and vulnerable like this. Mensah enters, following the trail of blood-stained armour it’s left across the stage, and sings a short song, You Didn’t Leave, thanking it for staying with Volescu when the MedSystem was telling it he would be fine by himself. Murderbot’s responses are spoken rather than sung and obviously awkward as it looks anywhere but at her.
The next song, Too Much Media, shows Murderbot, still not in its armour, walking through the scene with Volescu as it rewinds and replays it, now seeing what it actually said to Volescu and wondering what the hell it was doing. It sings to him, asking questions about his family, and we see the family on the platforms as Volescu sings his answers. Murderbot’s questions are sung very tentatively, in contrast to the parts of its song sung in its own head. The song breaks for a while as Mensah calls it to answer questions and offers to let it stay in the crew area. The song resumes for a few lines as Murderbot curls up in its cubicle again, regretting how much it’s given away to the humans both with its questions to Volescu and with its terror at being offered a place among them.
It’s Not Right is sung by the humans as they try to figure out whether they’ve been sabotaged or whether the company is just cheap and also try to figure out how to treat their SecUnit now they know it’s a person. The humans are shown arguing among themselves during the mapping expedition, up on the platforms while Murderbot is with another group on the stage, although Gurathin doesn’t join in. Ratthi’s attempt to talk to Murderbot about its feelings is moved to the way back rather than the trip to DeltFall, with Overse and Ratthi singing their argument. Murderbot gets its one line in the song “Dr Mensah, a message” as it sends the clip to her and the song ends with her telling Ratthi to drop it. When they return to the habitat, Volescu tells them that DeltFall can’t be contacted and Murderbot insists on coming with them when they check it out.
We open at the DeltFall habitat, deliberately spooky in design and lighting. Murderbot sings Murderbots (it’s what we do). We’ve heard it use the name for itself in its own songs before, but here it’s referring to the rogues it believes have wiped out DeltFall. Flashes of unrealistic and murderous SecUnits from media play across the screens, along with contextless flashes of a mine. The song is angry, Murderbot singing about its intention to hunt down these rogues who killed their humans, no matter what the humans might have done to deserve it.
We see the fight, Murderbot taking down other SecUnits and getting hurt in the process, and we see Dr Mensah coming to rescue it. Murderbot tries to convince her to go with You Have To Leave (You Didn’t Leave Reprise) as she refuses and drags it out with her. Finally it realises what the combat module is, tells her to kill it and then grabs the gun itself as the stage goes dark.
Murderbot is on the white platform again, this time lying down with all the humans gathered around it. Gurathin tells them about the hacked governer module and he and Volescu start arguing about whether Murderbot is dangerous with It’s Not Right (Reprise). Murderbot suddenly joining in by singing “the company isn’t trying to kill you” is as startling for the audience as for the humans. From then on it joins the song, for the first time singing with the humans the same way it sings in its own head, as it falls into the rhythm of the song and argues for itself. There’s a brief musical callback to Murderbots (it’s what we do) when Gurathin brings up the mining incident, but it’s subtle. The song ends with Murderbot grabbing Gurathin and Mensah interrupts the increasingly frantic rhythm they’ve built up by saying her next line.
Gurathin and Pin-Lee leave to shut down HubSystem, Bharadwaj and Volescu go to check the download package, and Arada, Overse, Ratthi, Mensah and Murderbot sing EvilSurvey as they work out that there might be a third survey group on the planet out to get them. Murderbot is more subdued now and won’t face the humans, but it’s still singing its lines and gets lines like “the company could be bribed to conceal the existence of several hundred survey teams on this planet”. It’s a group song and Murderbot is part of the group now.
After leaving the habitat and finding a place to camp, Mensah talks to Murderbot about leaving its helmet down and asks if it’s okay. We then get Because You Need Me a distant duet between them sung to the audience rather than each other. Murderbot considers what it means to be seen as a person who wants to help and chastises itself for forming an emotional connection to a client. Mensah thinks about how much it means to her that someone who has so many reasons to distrust humans is starting to open up to her and her guilt at leaning on someone who’s in such a bad situation themselves.
Murderbot finds out who Mensah is and that she’s Preservation’s government from Ratthi before leaving with Gurathin to retrieve the drones. Gurathin prodding it about the mine and whether it wants revenge on humans becomes  a reprise of Murderbots (it’s what we do), this time much more sarcastic as Murderbot rejects the idea of revenge killing sprees as a human thing.
We see the video play on the screens as Murderbot watches GrayCris’s message and then the lights go down as Murderbot announces it has a plan.
We follow Murderbot’s approach to GrayCris and conversation with them up until they demand Mensah accompany them and Murderbot has to disguise itself as a Deltfall SecUnit. As the plan falls apart Murderbot starts to sing There Is No Fucking Protocol (Client Retrieval Protocol Reprise) as it talks us through the plan and what it’s doing the way it did back then but with full acknowledgement of how out of its depth it is. We see the other humans on the platforms, in Murderbot’s awareness thanks to drones. The song builds up, getting more and more frantic as Murderbot knows the launch is coming closer and Mensah’s still too close, before ending as it grabs her and the explosion knocks it over. We see it give the “this unit is at minimal functionality and it is recommended that you discard it” message and Mensah respond “shut the fuck up, we’re not leaving you” before the stage lights go down.
Murderbot wakes up on the platform again, but is swiftly retrieved by Pin-Lee and Ratthi. When it rejoins the humans they’re in normal clothes. They’re more colourful than their work clothes, and the environment is prettier now too, echoing the fictional characters in Sanctuary (Moon) earlier and the way they were bright and colourful then. The humans cheerfully sing Preservation as they tell Murderbot about their world and about how it can come home with them now. Murderbot is no longer singing with them, only speaking when it responds.
Murderbot sings You Didn’t Leave (Final Reprise) about how astonishing it is the humans didn’t abandon it, that they even bought it, and yet how confused it is at the idea of being somewhere it isn’t needed. It moves to talking about not wanting to be owned, not wanting to be told what it wants, and gets up and starts walking through the port as it does, stealing a rucksack and slinging it over its shoulder. Its last few lines make it clear it’s leaving a message to Dr Mensah and then it ends with “that’s why I had to leave” as the stage goes black.
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scribble-blog · 4 years
Soulmate AU part 5!!
First • Previous • Here • Next
Tim growled as he kept searching. There were no messages sent from Paris in the last five years in the League’s database. There weren’t any mention of a Hawkmoth, a Ladybug, or a Chat Noir in any news site. As far as he could tell, the girl had been lying to him almost entirely.
Except that she was Damian’s soulmate. And there was no faking the sheer exhaustion in her eyes when she spoke about Paris being besieged for the last four years.
And his gut was telling him to keep looking.
After an hour, and switching his location so he appeared to be operating out of France, he finally found two leads- one, a juvenile blog that had some questionable information interspersed with straight up tabloid trash, and the other an app, which he eagerly downloaded to his phone, waiting.
Finally the app popped up, showing a little Ladybug icon, and he clicked it. LadyBugOut! Sprung to life on his screen, and he perused the small icons. Small and stylized animals, a ladybug, a black cat, a bee, a turtle, a fox, a snake, a dragon, a peacock, and a butterfly. From what he remembered of his chat with Marinette, one of the heroes was Ladybug, so he clicked it.
It showed him a long line of posts, mostly videos. The girl in them was short, with dark blue-black hair and bright blue eyes, and a glaringly red and black spotted suit and mask.
“Salut, Paris! Back again with an update and a few things to address regarding the recent akuma, Lady Silence.”
He flicked to the next one.
“Salut, Paris, I’m here with Reine Abeille today,” the camera moves to another hero in yellow and black, blond hair in a high bun as opposed to Ladybug’s pigtails. “You’ve all sent in quite a few questions, and we wanted to take the time to respond today!”
“Salut, Paris! Just a quick update, I know many of you have been wondering about the recent addition to our team, Viperion.”
“Salut, Paris. I’d like to start this video with a moment of silence and recognition for the 73 lives lost in the recent attack by-“
Tim pauses it. A team of four, possibly more heroes? Perhaps nine to match the icons? A publicly revered and loved hero, to the point where she does question and answers with them. A villain that caused a death toll of seventy three people less than a month ago.
How in the world could they have missed this?
“By Evilutionist. We ask that if you know one of these victims you reach out to them and offer a hand, a hug, or even just a smile as they go about their days.”
He leant back in his chair, bewildered. Lives lost, but still there to be comforted, and going about their lives?
He got up to go find another cup of coffee. He was starting to understand how long his night was going to be.
Before he started watching through the whole long list of posts, he checked the other tabs. The black cat had a map that was currently inactive, but also logs of past maps detailing a red line, a purple line, and a larger area shaded in grey. They were labeled accordingly, Ladybug’s Path, Akuma’s Path, and Area of Attack/Destruction.
There were hundreds of maps logged.
The Bee contained large organized lists of homes and businesses that had registered as safe shelters during akuma attacks, a compilation of helplines and websites where you could learn more about staying safe during an attack, how to stay prepared and aware, and what necessities to keep stocked in cases of longer term akuma attacks.
The Fox seemed open to the public, where they could present their own posts alongside Ladybug’s about good, happy things.
The Turtle was a series of videos and posts about relaxation, meditation, coping, and self-care that could build the emotional strength to resist akumas.
The Dragon was a series of videos featuring another superhero- he assumed it was the Dragon themed one- and Ladybug, demonstrating self defense techniques and other strategies for avoiding, outrunning, fighting, or otherwise protecting yourself from akumas.
The Snake was, to his surprise, just a series of playlists, seemingly cultivated by each hero.
The Peacock held another map, also inactive, until the app chimed loudly. As he watched, a notification popped up, similar to an Emergency Alert System notification, that said in all capitals, AKUMA ATTACK.
He pressed the X on it, and watched as the Black Cat symbol seemed to glow green. He switched back, and the map was now accessible, a purple dot glowing near the Eiffel Tower. It started moving, and the shaded grey filled in around it, following the dot. He turned back to his computer and started searching frantically for some sort of news coverage. After a minute, he found a Facebook profile and opened it, and someone’s livestream was rolling.
He looked back at his phone to see that the red Ladybug dot had appeared near the edge of the grey, closing in on the purple dot. The livestream drew him back. It showed an apartment view of the Seine, and the road of broken detritus that trailed behind the akuma’s path.
“-Quel connard ne passe pas une bonne nuit alors, je suppose, mais honnêtement, cela ne devrait pas être mon problème.” The camera flipped to the face of a tired woman. “J’ai du travail en quatre heures et je ne me suis endormi que trois heures plus tôt, mais un trou du cul supersonique fait voler en éclats les fenêtres de gauche et de droite.” The camera flipped again, showing not the view but the clearly broken window. “Baise ça, mec, j'essaye de DORMIR,”
-some asshole isnt having a good night then, i guess, but honestly that shouldnt be my problem. ive got work in four hours and i only fell asleep three hours ago but some supersonic asshole is shattering windows left and right. fuck this, dude, im trying to SLEEP,
The feed went silent as the akuma lunged back into view down by the water. It was a large red woman, with wires that sprouted from her and trailed along like muscles, enhancing what seemed to be the speakers that her body was made of.
He could see her open her mouth and roar, right as a smaller red figure bounded in, dodging the concentrated sound blast and grabbing something from around her neck and snapping it in half.
The woman on the street reverted in a flash of light to a more normal appearance, and Tim watched awestruck as Ladybug tossed her yo-yo into the air and shouted something.
The wave of light that spread outward was dazzling, lighting up Paris’ night sky. In front of the camera, as the light washed over the holder, their window was suddenly whole and unbroken again. The street beneath was clean.
“Merci, Ladybug,” the tired narrator muttered. “Bonne nuit.”
The camera shut off.
Tim stared, awestruck.
“She fixes it all,” he breathed. “That’s why she was talking about people being alive after they die, they come back to life. She fixes all the damage. It probably destroys most records of the damage as well.”
The app was accessible because of her direct part in making it, he would assume. He saved the video.
Time to get Bruce.
@the-fusionist @rebecarojas07 @lowandco @kotaleartzu @resignedcatservant @alenee13 @mystery-5-5 @ladybug-182 @actual-disaster-human @loysydark @rumbelle18 @magic-miraculous @vixen-uchiha @athena452 @mochegato @ash-amg @worlds-tiniest-spook-pastry @thestressmademedoit @sassakitty @doriebell @toodaloo-kangaroo @myazael @theatreandcomicfreak @mer-mel @dahjokester @northernbluetongue @abrx2002 @area51qt @jessigurl-design @renscorpio @cici-schnee @multplelifes @redscarlet95 @razzledazzle247 @rosep16 @emotionalsupportginger @kceedraws @tired-butterfly @kuroko26 @catthhay @moonystars14 @shamefullove @shreky-boi @imanerddealwith @chaosace @captainmac6 @purple-people-eaters-productions @crazylittlemunchkin @weird-pale-blonde-person @bigpicklebananatree
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macgyvermedical · 4 years
Omg I know probably everyone has seen this by now but I just watched it for the first time and... it’s amazing. It is the most accurate to medical drama thing I have ever seen. I have watched it like 6 times now and I’m dying laughing.
So the non-med-people can enjoy this as much as I did:
“We have a 35 year old male- he was at the gym, he got hypertensive”
Hypertensive means high blood pressure. Most people at the gym are doing something strenuous and therefore have blood pressure that would be considered really, really high if they had it at rest. So unless this guy was having chest pain or a bad headache or confusion or some other symptom of hypertension that was causing damage, which in report they should have lead with, in other words... he’s totally fine.
“They were able to monitor everything on his apple watch” / “We’re just going to monitor everything right through the apple watch”
I know they’re referring to a very specific episode of a very specific show but I’m blanking right now on what it was (New Amsterdam, maybe?). Also the apple watch can monitor pulse, sense falls, and record a 1-lead EKG (with an app that can be downloaded separately) that can detect a heart rhythm called sinus rhythm (normal) and atrial fibrillation (generally not life threatening), but nothing else, meaning this does not explain literally anything they talk about in this video.
“He had a blood pulse that was really really high”
They’d just say something like “his heart rate was _____ bpm” which everyone in the room would know how to interpret. Also it’s just a pulse or heart rate, not a “blood pulse”.
“Can we go ahead and start fluids? Let’s go with Jevity 1.5 Cal” / “I’m just gonna run this straight through the IV pump”
Jevity 1.5 Cal is a type of tube feed (that has 1.5 calories per milliliter) that would go through a feeding tube. You cannot put this through an IV (it would kill the patient), and you can’t run it on an IV pump (none of the tubes or connectors can connect to each other as a safety feature... so you don’t accidentally run it through an IV and kill someone).
“We’re gonna need access to his cardiovascular system- I think I’m going to have to put in a peripheral IV right at the bedside since the ORs are busy.”
A peripheral IV is just what you think of as an IV. They’re almost always put in at the bedside (meaning they can be put in right in the patient’s room).
“Does someone want to call family and get consent?”
There’s no indication that this patient cannot give their own consent, and if he was unconscious and consent was implied (we assume you would want to be helped if you were in medical distress so bad you were unconscious), they wouldn’t waste time getting the family’s consent for something as small as an IV. Which was probably already put in by the paramedics on the way there.
“I’ll go ahead and get gowned up”
IVs are a “clean” but not “sterile” procedure, meaning that we don’t need to wear a gown for them (unless there’s another reason we should be wearing one, like contact precautions for infectious disease). Also he is wearing the gown backwards.
“I’m not seeing anything, he’s so hypertensive.”
HYPERtension (high blood pressure) generally does not make a difference in how difficult it is to find veins, in fact, it might make it a little easier. HYPOtension (low blood pressure) does make it harder to find veins to put IVs in.
“If I do this right there is going to be a flash”
A “flash” in the context of an IV start is a small amount of blood that pops into a window in the IV start device, which tells you the IV catheter is in the vein. It is not a literal flash of light. Little misinterpretations of things like this are everywhere in medical fiction.
“It is in the femoral artery, we now have access to his cardiovascular system”
The femoral artery is in the leg and it is not something you put a peripheral IV in. A central line maybe, but that actually would be done in an OR as a sterile procedure.
“The bladder scanner’s reading 0, we need to go ahead and place a foley”
A bladder scanner is used to determine if a patient is keeping urine in their bladder even after they urinate. A reading of 0 is ideal because that means there is no urine in the bladder. You would not place a foley (a catheter that goes in the bladder and continuously drains urine out) for this patient, because they’re voiding fine on their own. Medical dramas misinterpret test results like this all the time, or use tests that don’t make sense (like this guy’s bladder scan for hypertension).
*hooks up foley to suction*
Urine drains out of foleys to gravity, it does not need to be hooked up to suction. When you’re watching medical dramas they do a lot of “hook it up wherever, the audience won’t know the difference” which is what they’re poking fun at here.
“Patient’s still in tachycardia, I need to go ahead and begin mild compressions”
Tachycardia just means a heart rate above 100 (or 120 depending on your hospital). The only thing you’d do for this (assuming sinus tach) is figure out what’s causing it (dehydration, anxiety, pain, fever, etc...) and correct that. If it’s something called supraventricular tachycardia, you might give a drug called adenosine or try having the patient bear down, but you would never start compressions for tachycardia unless the patient’s heart was beating so fast they lost a pulse. And there’s no such thing as “mild compressions”- it’s compressions or no compressions. There’s nothing in between.
“This is Blake on 4b, we’re calling a supercode.”
The term “megacode” is sometimes used (especially in training) to refer to a code where you’re using the whole algorithm for a cardiac arrest to work the patient. There is nothing called a “supercode”, though a lot of times they’ll say random words with Code attached to sound medical in medical dramas but that don’t mean anything.
“We just got an alert he’s in V-fib, we can stop compressions”
V-fib, or ventricular fibrillation, is a pulseless rhythm, and that’s when you would START compressions typically. Also, an apple watch cannot sense v-fib.
“The patient’s desatting- he’s not tolerating room air oxygenation”
This would actually be said “the patient’s desatting (the percentage of the patient’s hemoglobin molecules that have oxygen attached to them are dropping), he’s not tolerating room air” So there’s just a few extra words here that make the character look like he’s never been in a hospital before.
“I think we need to go ahead and intubate with a bag mask”
Intubation (putting a tube down a person’s throat to deliver air/O2 directly into their lungs) is a different thing than oxygenating with a bag valve mask (basically just pushing air into the patient’s lungs without a tube). Then he goes ahead and puts a non-rebreather (type of oxygen mask that doesn’t have anything to do with either of the two things he just mentioned) on the patient upside down. He then hooks the oxygen tubing up to the same suction he attached the foley to earlier.
“The bag’s not inflating all the way- I think I’m going to have to go in manually”
Squeezing the bag on a non-rebreather does nothing useful. Swearsies.
“Good news- his oxygen is coming down and his BP’s going up”
He’s here for... hypertension, right? Like, we want the opposite of that to happen.
*on the phone with x-ray* “The blood in his body is going clockwise???”
This is both not a result you can get, and also not a result you’d get from x-ray anyway, which is something that happens all the time in medical fiction. Random results that don’t make sense from departments they wouldn’t have come from.
“Team- everything we learned in school- throw it out the window, we’ve gotta save this guy!”
No one is that dramatic irl. You’d get laughed out of the room.
“His potassium level is 10.8- we’re gonna go ahead and we’re gonna need more potassium!”
10.8 is an absurdly lethally high amount of potassium. No wonder that guy is in v-fib. You would not put more potassium in this guy. You would be getting the insulin and D50 out of the Pyxis (med machine) and frantically paging anyone with an MD or DO after their name for an order to give it to bring the potassium down.
“Someone get me a banana” *spikes the banana like it’s an IV bag* “I know they didn’t teach us this in school, but it’s all we have”
I feel like that’s referencing the scene in Off the Map where they spike the coconut. Which, turns out, actually a thing. Unlike the banana.
Also they’re in a hospital. There are many forms of potassium in a hospital, which is a misconception you also see a lot in medical fiction- improvisation when it’s completely unnecessary.
“Sir, this may burn a little bit”
Oh, hey, something they got right! Potassium does burn given IV! Just like in medical fiction, they’ll get one little thing bizzarly correct in the midst of all that.
“The apple watch is dying! Does anyone have a charger??”
Another moment of “we definitely don’t need to be improvising this... we’re in a hospital” which I could totally see them doing in a medical drama.
“I think we have to open up his airway- we need an incentive spirometer chest tube”
Like when they were talking about intubating him with the “bag mask” he’s talking about two completely different things. A chest tube is a tube that goes into the chest and drains air or fluid so the lungs can expand fully. An incentive spirometer is a device used to encourage deep breathing in patients (which prevents fluid from building up in the lungs). What’s shown in the video is an incentive spirometer that’s apparently been hooked up to the chest tube. Which is another excellent misinterpretation that I could totally see being made from google research.
“I’m going to go ahead and check for PERRLA” *looks in mouth*
PERRLA is an acronym for an assessment of the pupils and how they react to light and accommodate distance. While you might want to check it in a code, you would not look in the mouth...
“We can cancel the supercode, also there’s no need for the MRSA nasal swab”
In the context of transferring him to the floor instead of the ICU, you genuinely wouldn’t do the nasal swab for MRSA (more necessary in an ICU setting, and many ICUs require one (and put anyone who comes up positive in isolation) to prevent spread of antibiotic resistant infection). HOWEVER, this is another thing that hospital shows do where they misunderstand the importance of certain things, or what would be deliberately ordered versus be a part of a routine order set that wouldn’t even really get mentioned. Like the MRSA swab for the ICU.
Nurse Blake really hit the nail on the head with this. I love it to pieces!
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too-lit-for-fanfic · 4 years
A Traitor In Our Midst
Summary: Cal Kestis x ex-Galactic Empire!OC, but can be treated like an x reader, ugly secrets from her past are resurfaced. In light of the truth Cal and crew no longer feel as if they can trust the newest member to the trio. Tempers flare, sacrifices are made, and the truth finally comes out.
Warnings: It’s fucking long (sorry not sorry) and this part is mostly a set up for the next bit, but still CRUCIAL. The two first parts gets dark, like holy shit kind dark. Angst, Blood, Violence, Swearing.
“We’re coming under heavy fire! One of you get back to the ship as soon as possible, we can’t hold them off much longer!” Cere’s panicked voice wafted through the com-link, her voice scratchy and filled with static as the connection failed and reconnected.
Cal shot a glance over his shoulder, his bright eyes connecting with the much darker pair belonging to his companion, Aylin, her eyebrows knit together with barely concealed concern. The interaction was brief, broken as a trooper tackled Cal to the ground, his saber knocked flying as BD-1 shrilled in the background. The fiery haired male gasped for breath as the wind was knocked from him, the troopers heavy boot digging under his ribs forcing the little air left from his lungs. Just as the trooper raised its blaster Aylin materialised, knocking them to the ground with a harsh swing of her stun baton, their helmet splintering under the force. Cal grinned sheepishly at the woman as she handed him his saber, an angular eyebrow raised as the red head scrambled to his feet.
“You stay here until BD’s finished downloading the maps,” the pair glanced towards the little droid, whirring and buzzing as its eyes flickered. “I’ll go help the others at the ship, meet us there as soon as you can.”
Cal went to retort, his mouth opening with a disgruntled look upon his pale features. He did not like the idea of the pair separating, not at all.
“Don’t do anything stupid.” The blonde grinned, patting the slightly taller male on his shoulder as she began to head off, jogging in the general direction of the landing pad. Cal sighed as she raced away, dodging out of the troopers blaster fire with ease, she’d be the death of him one day; being on edge for another’s safety all the time couldn’t be good for his health, he muttered, he’d be having a stroke before long.
Before long Aylin had reached the landing pad, which was actually just a flat area in amongst an abundance of trees, but they couldn’t be picky. She caught her breath for a moment, surveying the scene below: Cere was huddled behind a stack of crates, exchanging blaster fire with several troopers just inside the tree line, Greez was still stranded on the ship, using his small blaster to ward off another two troopers flanking the opposite side. It didn’t look good. Deciding to pick the easier route for once, she ambled towards the two troopers penning Greez in the ship, hoping with the addition of him she’d have more of a chance against the five troopers currently engaged with Cere.
Crouching low, she shimmied her way through the thick shrubbery, uncaring for the spiky fauna that scratched at the exposed skin on her face and neck, her dark eyes trained on her closest trooper. Her knuckles turned white with the force she gripped her baton as she sprung from the brush, ramming the closest trooper with the electrically charged end to her weapon. The man yelled before he collapsed, alerting his companion of her presence. Greez yelled something to her but she barely payed him any mind, repositioning her baton just in time to deflect the oncoming blaster fire, the end of her weapon shattering upon impact. She grinned as the troops blaster faulted to recharge, discarding her broken baton to tackle him to the ground. Her teeth ground together as the man struggled, her arm locking around his neck, pinching at the unarmoured flesh. His legs kicked wildly as his hands clawed at her arm, unable to tear himself free. With a cry the trooper managed to flip the pair onto their backs, Aylin’s arm still constricting his airways as they struggled.
“Come on!” She begged, reaching for the newly charged blaster just out of reach, skimming the handle with her dirt stained fingers. Catching onto her actions the trooper also reached for the gun. Aylin panicked, knowing the troopers longer arm could reach the discarded weapon. Throwing her leg over his reaching arm she wound her legs around his torso, trapping him in place as she wriggled further, dirt and leaves meshing into her hair. “Come on.” She finally grasped the blaster, immediately pressing the cool barrel on the underside of the mans helmet and firing. He fell limp as she pushed him from her, scrambling to her feet.
She leans over, hands on her knees as she gasped for breath, blaster still grasped in her shaky hand. “You okay kid?” Geez called, hurrying down the ramp as fast as his little legs would allow. Ayling looked toward the small Latero, eyes wide. She looked feral, her short hair a mess a top her head, dirt and debris caked across her figure and blood splattered onto her jugular and jaw.
“I could’ve- could’ve used your help back there.” She gasped out, rubbing her chest to ease the pain the troopers helmet had caused as he had thrashed against her. Greez spluttered, gesturing wildly.
“I didn’t want to shoot you-!”
“Fine, fine.” She reloaded the blaster, not wanting to receive the same fate as the unfortunate troop strewn in front of her. She gazed at the unknown man for a little too long, the familiar white uniform striking uncomfortably at her heartstrings. As much as she detested herself for it, and as much as she would never admit to it, the uniforms always gave her a sense of home, of comfort, of familiarity, of belonging. The corner of her bust lip pulled down slightly, her eyes flickering over the troops number engraved onto his suit. That could of been her, and the reality of that caused something fowl to twist in her gut - she glanced back to Greez, who didn’t seem to notice her momentary destraction, if she dwelled on the subject too long she’d surely go mad. “Come on, we’ve gotta go help Cere.”
The two rounded the corner of the ship, ducking behind a nearby crate. Aylin pocked her head around the side of the small object, gnawing on her lip. There was no way they could interfere from their current position, they’d be dead before they could even start firing.
“Do you fancy causing a destraction?” She turned to the short male, said Latero staring back at her with wide eyes.
“Go and cause a destraction.”
“You go cause a destraction.” He huffed, Aylin rolled her almond shaped eyes. “Why does it have to be me? You’re faster and I actually want to reach the age of sixty.”
“I’m the better shot.” She bragged, reaching to grab his blaster. He recoiled, hugging it to his chest. “You’re not going to need it.” She stressed, pulling it from his hesitant grasp. “But I will, this blasters not got much left to it. Better safe th-“
“-Than sorry.” Greez sighed. Beginning to head off into the foliage. “I hate it when you’re right.”
The young woman turned back to the task at hand, blaster gripped tightly in her hand as she awaited Greez’s move. She glanced down at her stolen blaster momentarily, brows furrowing further when she remembered the five troopers awaiting her. There was no room for any mistake, one wrong hit and they’d all be dead. More crucially, she’d likely be dead first. She cursed as she watched Greez amble around the perimeter, a large rock grasped in his hands. Cere, not realising the plan, finally spotted Aylin from her position, eyes widening when she saw the blaster in the girls hand. Even from such a distance Aylin could see the worry on the older woman’s face, frantically mouthing ‘don’t do it’ as the blaster fire assaulted Cere’s own crate. Forcing a shaky grin onto her lips, Aylin gave the woman a thumbs up, indicating she had no intention of listening to her, at all.
Greez yelled something incomprehensible from the brush, launching the rock at the closest troopers head. Stupidly, all five turned towards the noise, Greez legging it back into the cover of the dense woodland. Aylin sprang from her spot, blaster aimed and loaded, glaring down the barrel of the gun as if her life depended on it, because it did. Each shot had barely left the the blaster before the other was fired, all hitting their mark. The ease by which she possessed as graceful as that of a ballet dancer, muscle memory doing the work - the same routine, the same outcome. One by one each trooper went down, her aim deadly accurate and unforgiving.
The three stood alone in the clearing, Aylin with her blaster still raised, Cere finally able to emerge from her hiding spot, holstering her own weapon once again. Greez also reappeared, a large grin on his thick lips.
“Thank god you came back when you did, it took you long enough.” Cere playfully jibed, a gracious smile sent the young girls way as she approached. “Are you okay?”
“Never better.” The blonde smiled, already forgetting about her bust lip and bruising chest. “Are you good? Can’t believe there was so many on you.”
“We always get through it. Where’s Cal?”
Aylin shrugged nonchalantly, knowing the boy was more than capable. “He should be back any minute now. BD was still-“
It all happened at once, and the rapidity of it all almost gave Aylin whiplash just thinking about it. Cal had called her name as he emerged from the forrest, BD perched hazardously on his broad shoulders. She had turned with a smile upon her lips, her guard down, blaster lowering just a fraction, and that’s all it took. One final trooper had crashed through the brush, weapon trained on the woman who had killed the last of his squadron. Aylin didn’t even have time to blink as Cal screamed, the shot hitting her square in the shoulder and sending her tumbling to the ground, her head connecting with the stony earth, plunging her into the dark abyss.
She came to moments later, Cal kneeling over her as Cere and Greez ran over, shouting. The pain hit her immediately and she grimaced, Carl’s worried eyes staring right back into her own, his hands cupping either side of her face.
“You’re back.” He sighed, dropping the now empty stim as relief flooding his system. The few seconds it had taken for her to regain consciousness were agonisingly slow and Cal had been close to tears. The shining dew drops threatening to spill from the corners of his bloodshot eyes at the relief. His hands fell from her angular face as his attention turned to her wound, the blood already soaking her shirt and jacket. BD booped loudly on his shoulder, practically screeching. “Thank Kriff it didn’t hit your chest.”
He gently tugged at her leather jacket, his fingers sliding across the material and coating in the fresh crimson blood. He barely noticed. Aylin lurched as the material brushed against her wound. A low groan catching in the back of her throat as her head fell back, suddenly feeling nauseatingly dizzy.
“Sorry. Sorry.” Cal murmured, brows furrowing as he tried to see the extent of the damage. Immediately noticing her deteriorsting state he propped her up, crouching next to her with a firm grip around her waist and her uninjured arm slung over his shoulders, grasping her hand in his bloody one. “We’ve got to get you in the ship.”
“Are you alright?” Cere skidded into view, Greez hot on her trail. Aylin gazed up at her languidly, already beginning to feel the haze of blood-loss.
“She’s in shock and she needs medical attention. A stim won’t fix this.” With the help of Cere Aylin finally stood properly, unstable on shaky legs, the pair guiding her towards the entrance to the ship as Greez scuttled inside, clearing a space on the sofa.
“I don’t feel great.” Aylin groaned, the pounding of her skull from where she had collided with the rocks below causing her to trip and stumble. “I think I’m con-concu-“ she couldn’t remember the word. Cal sat her down on the plush orange sofa as Cere left to collect some medical supplies.
“We’ve got to get this off.” Cal began tugging her jacket off, pulling the sleeve gently over her wounded shoulder. Aylin grimaced again, hands balling into fists as she shrugged the tattered jacket off. “You know,” he mumbled, draping the jacket over the holographic table. “I think this is the first time I’ve seen you without this on.”
“Don’t get used to it.” She joked, smile twisting into a grimace when her shoulder knocked against the backrest as she readjusted the brace on her lower arm, blood smearing onto the metal. “I already miss it.” Cal laughed at her comment as his fingers fluttered over the scorched flesh of her shoulder, his hand resting delicately on her bicep to keep her steady. Aylin had been travelling with the company for about a year now, and even though it had taken a while for them to trust each other in the current climate, Cal couldn’t even remember what life had been like until she had stumbled into it, quite literally. He could feel his heart begin to race at the mere though of what could of happened if the troops aim had just slightly moved to the left. His throat tightened at the thought, the alternative wasn’t worth dwelling on. Cal was drawn back from his thoughts by Cere, who sat down opposite the pair, a bundle of medical supplies in her arms.
“Look at me.” Cere commanded, a small flashlight in hand. Both turned towards her, Cal with a look of curiosity, Aylin with a half conscious glance.
“Cere what-“ the older woman grabbed the blondes chin with a firm grip, forcing her head forward as she shone the small light into her amber eyes. Aylin jumped back, wincing, her hands coming up to grab at either side of her head.
“Fuck Cere I’ve already got a migraine, no need t-“
“You’ve got a concussion.” She quips, rolling her eyes. Cal hides a laugh into his elbow as Aylin glares at the woman, fingers still roughly massaging her scalp.
“Cere is this the time? The kids got a hole in her shoulder.” Greez meanders into the living quarters, desperately trying to avoid gazing at the mangled mess of Aylins shoulder.
“Concussions can be deadly. I can fix that shoulder no problem.” Without warning Cere sticks a syringe into Aylins left bicep, the uninjured one, and injects a purple liquid into her system. Cal actually saw the difference, the scowl of pain instantly lifting from her face and her shoulders slacking at the release of tension.
“Better?” Cal grinned, thumb absentmindedly massaging her upper arm.
“Much better.” BD shrilled loudly from Cal’s shoulder, hopping up and down excitedly. She smiled softy at the droid, reaching out to run her fingers along its antenna. “Thanks buddy.”
“Cal can you come and sit over here? I need you to hold her arm still.” Cere shuffled over to allow Cal to crouch in front of the pair, antiseptic-drenched cloth in each hand. Cere turned towards Aylin, who had paled in colour considerably upon noticing the rags in her hands. “This is going to hurt, you’re going to have to stay still.”
“We don’t have any painkillers?” Aylin questioned, her eyes widening a fraction. At her lack of response Aylin purses her lips. Cal frowned as his grip tightened against the junction between her neck and shoulder, his other grasping just above her elbow. Greez immediately excused himself from the room, speed walking back to the cockpit. Cal’s lips pressed into a thin line as he glanced down at the wound, fresh blood seeping from the singed flesh. Her whole arm drenched in the crimson substance. Hopefully it just looked worse than it actually is.
“It’ll be over before you know it.” He offered in comfort, lying between his teeth, giving her shoulder a reassuring squeeze. BD booped despondently.
“Right.” She sighs, “Just get it over with.”
Without warning Cere presses both rags on the entrance and exit wounds, digging deep to be rid of all infection. Aylin, unprepared, screeches and almost leaps from her chair, if not for Cal’s hands pinning her in place. She’d had plenty of blaster wounds before and no matter how many times she went through the process, it always stung like a bitch. Her head slammed against the head rest as her foot stomped onto the floor, anything to distract her from the fiery inferno engulfing her shoulder. She clamps her mouth shut in an attempt to regain some control, the scream desperate for release reverberating about her chest and sticking in her throat. Cal’s eyes never leave her face, his own body just as rigid as hers, watching as her features twist and contort. Cere pulls back, dragging the drenched cloth in a meek attempt to try and clean up the bloody mess. Aylin sighs in relief, body falling limp.
“Not so bad, was it?” Cal whispers cheekily, removing his hand from her shoulder to pat her thigh gently, his other hand remaining just above her forearm.
She gazes back at him, trying to appear unamused though she found his comment endearing. “I’m so glad you’re here Cal, it’s always a pleasure-” She stutters as Cere begins applying the healing ointment, her arm jerking involuntarily. Cal’s hand slips to rest against the brace on her lower arm and before he can retract it a memory hits him in full force.
He’s in a market, at a vendors stall with an assortment of accessories laid out on a plush purple cloth. He can’t seem to make out where he is, but a bright sun hangs over head and a soft breeze whips sand into the air. The market is busy, full of all sorts of creatures speaking differing dialects and in the midst of it all the familiar blonde approaches, but he can tell something is different about Aylin and he frowns at the uncomfortable feeling in his gut. What powerful memory could she have of simply buying an arm brace?
He steps up next to her as she exchanges cash with the small merchant, plucking the familiar leather binding from the table. As soon as she turns away from the small creature she tugs the thin cotton material of her shirt up, exposing her forearm for the briefest moment before securing the brace in place.
All colour drains from Cal’s face as he watches her flex her fingers, a content smile tugging at her chapped lips. It had only been for the briefest of moments but he had seen it. He had seen the small ink black tattoo etched onto her tanning skin. He had seen who she really was; TX-5579.
Cal lurches away from her, falling onto his elbows along the ships floor. Both women stare down at him incredulously as he breaths heavily. BD-1 beeps as he hops over, concern evident in the little boops he released. Cal pays him no mind, his eyes transfixed on the woman before him, on the stormtrooper before him. He felt like throwing up.
“Cal are you-” Aylin stops in her tracks as Cal scrambles to his feet, his eyes never leaving the leather binding on her forearm. She knew Cal had some strange abilities with the use of the Force, and she paled as she realised what he might have seen. “Cal, no-”
“Cere get away from her.” His voice is both panicked and stern, both hurt and enraged. He felt like his chest was being ripped open, that he couldn't breathe. The dark haired woman glances up from her work on Aylin’s shoulder, unamused.
“Cal, what are you-”
“I saw.” He stammers, pointing a finger accusingly at the young woman. “I saw you, I saw-”
“Cal, please, it’s not-” She tries as Cere backs away, going to stand alongside the distraught redhead. Greez emerges from the cockpit, alerted by the commotion.
“You’re one of them.” He turns to Cere. “She’s a stormtrooper.”
The air inside the ship froze, the only sound the whirring of the hull and a string of beeps from BD. No one moved and the atmosphere was so full of tension it could be sliced with a knife.
“Cal,” she tries, raising from her seat. “please, I-”
“Take it off.” He all but bellows, gesturing wildly to her leather brace. “Take it off and prove me wrong.” She freezes, there was nothing for her to do. This was it.
“I can’t-”
“Aylin-” Cere interrupts, her eyes begging her for it to not be true. Aylin struggled to meet her gaze.
“Why can’t you?” Cal steps forward, his voice uncharacteristically cold. His brows furrowed as she took a step back, still cradling her injured arm, the brace pressed against her chest. “Why, can’t, you?”
“Because what you saw is true!” She snapped, finally pulling the binding from her lower arm and dropping the heavy material onto the holographic table. The bold lettering stood out from her pale skin like a bruise, TX-5579 permanently branding her as a token of the Galactic Empire.
Greez mutters an almost inaudible “kid” at the revelation and Aylin could swear she visibly heard her heart shatter along with his.
Aylin’s mouth hung open as she tried to formulate a sentence, her mind still half preoccupied with the throbbing pain emanating from her shoulder. “I-” she tried, glancing at each of her companions in turn. Greez looked as if he had just been slapped in the face by a particularly disgusting specimen, Cere’s arms were crossed tightly across her chest, her eyes ablaze with the fury of a thousand suns. Finally, her sights landed on Cal, and she almost winced at the expression painted across his features. He looked completely and utterly betrayed, his brows furrowed together and his lips pulled into a thin line. His arms were tense at his sides, she clenched her jaw upon realising his hand rested against his saber, ready. “I’m not a stormtrooper, I-”
“You were.”
“I was never a stormtrooper.”
“If you weren’t a trooper, what were you?” Cere interrupts, pushing Cal back who had strode closer and closer to the blonde. “What did you do?”
“I-” Aylin stammered, she couldn’t tell them, she couldn’t. If this was their reaction to her being a trooper, how on earth would they react when they found out who she really was? Another wave of nausea hit her and she collapsed back onto the couch, elbow propped against the table. “I-”
“Dammnit Aylin answer the goddamn question.” Greez spoke up from beside Cal, the whole situation putting him in a bad mood. She panicked, her eyes constantly searching for a way out, for a way to just disappear.
“It’s non of your fucking business.” She bit back, her hands clenching into fists. “I’m not who I was, I defected. I-”
“You didn't tell us. You didn't tell me.” Cal was furious, his hand clenching and unclenching around his saber. “And you’re still lying. You’ve been with us for over a year and we still don’t know anything about you.”
“Stop with the bullshit Kestis.” Her outburst shocked everyone in the room, including herself. Throwing caution to the wind she continued on, she was tired, she was in pain and she’s had enough. “I’ve never given any of you a reason not to trust me. I’ve constantly put my life on the line for you all, time and time again. Yeah, fine, you don't know shit about my past but you know me, you know how much I hate the ocean, how much I love flying, how I fucking like my tea- you know me, not my past, me. If I wanted you dead, I would have done so a long time ago. I defected and it was the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life, and you lot are not going to give me shit for doing the right thing.”
The room enveloped in silence once again, the tension growing thicker with each passing moment. Carl’s eyes bore into her own and Aylin fought the urge to let her eyes wander. She had done nothing wrong, she had no reason to feel the way she was feeling; the fowl something clawing at her chest and twisting her stomach, so many things she wanted to say that clogged her throat. Their eyes locked as Cal took another step forward, ignoring Ceres hand against his shoulder. The icy blue contrasted against her earthly hazel; fire and ice, the sun and moon, water and earth, they were incompatible, Cal was only now beginning to realise. He was the first to break the intense stare. His voice a fragile whisper, far more hesitant than seconds prior.
“Is your name even Aylin?”
“Yes,” she stressed, free hand absentmindedly wrapping around her right forearm, hiding the branding from view. “They don’t take names from sup-“ She immediately cut herself off, eyes closing as she realised her mistake.
“You were a superior officer-“ Cal couldn’t believe what he was hearing.
“What is your last name?” Cere questions from behind Cal, tone accusatory, leaning her shoulder against some shelving. Aylin’s fiery eyes snap towards the woman, flickering from conflicted to purely distraught. After a tense moment, the blondes features finally caught up with her emotions, settling on absolutely enraged.
“Don’t you fucking dare, Cere.” Instead of shouting, as the four others had expected, her voice was eerily monotone, an icy edge under toning every word. Cal only felt further sickened when he realised this was most likely an attribute she had learnt from her time with the Empire. “You don’t get to judge me for this, they do,” she motioned harshly to BD, Cal and Greez, who shared a confused glance with one another. “but you can go fuck yourself before you try to play the innocent role with me. I know what you did, I know all about Trilla.”
“How do you-“ Cere had visibly paled at the revelation. Cal, Greez and BD’s focus flitted from one woman to the other, BD’s little head spinning so fast he began to whirr, his circuit fans trying to cool his joints down. Cal was by far the palest of them all, his stomach churning as the reality of things came crashing down. He had trusted these people, he had finally found a home, and now, that home was crumbling through no fault of his own, the pillars of lies at its foundation destroyed with each fatal truth surfaced.
Trust only in the Force. His masters final words echoed back to him, he worked his tense jaw at the memory. Why couldn’t he just listen for once?
Greez was completely and utterly lost, he really didn’t understand the crooks of the situation, and with how everyone around him was acting, he didn’t think he wanted to. He glanced towards Cal, and upon seeing the dazed look in his eyes, reached up to place a comforting hand against his shoulder.
“It doesn’t matter how I know, but I do, and if I’m going to be held accountable for my past, so are you.”
“Cere what is she on about?”
“Not now Cal.” She snapped back, eyes never leaving the dark blondes from across the room.
“No, I think he deserves to know.” Aylin interrupted the exchange, finally gathering enough strength to stand, hip propped against the table. “Cere told you her padawan didn’t make it, right?” Cal nodded stifly, gaze flickering to Cere. “Well that’s not entirely true. You see, after Order 66 Cere was taken in for questioning and then requisitioning, as were a majority of Jedi Masters. Unlike the majority of Jedi Masters, Cere still lives to tell the tale. Do you ever wonder how? Why her, of all masters, survived?”
Cere’s fists clenched as Aylin took a step forward, her full attention on Cal.
“She didn’t die so her padawan could live. She sacrificed her padawan so that she” the blonde glared pointedly. “could live. Cere escaped and left Trilla behind, and now she’s the Second Sister.”
“You have no idea what it was like-“ the dichotomy of both the plea for understanding aimed at Cal, combined with the seething venom aimed towards Alylins accusations created an unusual tone, the woman’s dark eyes shifting with emotion as they landed on each separate individual in the room. Cere’s tone was something Cal had never witnessed before, on any living creature, but for Aylin it was as familiar as the brightened tone to a child’s laugh, or the sullen croak of those laden with grief. She had seen this instance time and time again, traitor upon traitor, prisoner upon prisoner, begging for understanding yet grounded in conviction.
“For you personally, no I don’t. But I know exactly what it entails. So many masters before and after you didn’t break under the presssure, most barely splintered. And yet you’re going to try and persuade me - him -“ she gestured to Cal, gathering her discarded jacket in her arms. “that you’re circumstances were significantly different. Own up to your mistakes Cere. I don’t pretend to be something I’m not, you do.”
The room plunged into another bought of sickening silence, the tension thick enough that it began to suffocate the tall redhead pressing himself against the wall, desperate to just get away. It was too much, the yelling, the arguing, the hatred and the anger seeping into him through the force from those around him. Two outcomes lay before him, and with solemnity he realised which path was inevitable, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t try his damnest to try and salvage what he could from the fiery inferno before him.
“As much as you may hate to admit it, none of us are perfect. Not me, not you,” Aylin pointed to Cal and Greez. She turns to Cere. “and certainly not you.” Spinning on her heel she practically marches to her sleeping quarters, her clenched fists hidden beneath the jacket she gripped to her chest.
Cal scrambled after her retreating figure, his blood pounding in his ears as the panic began to consume him; if this wasn’t resolved, this could be it. Somehow he managed to get in front of her, gripping both of her shoulders “We need to talk about this.”
“There’s nothing more to talk about.”
“No, there is. We can fix this, everyone just needs to calm down-“
Aylin felt nauseated at the hope theat lingered in the depths of Carl’s crystalline pools that bore into her. The swirling blue now redrimmed with the stresses of the day. As much as she stood by what she had said to Cere, she would sooner die than recount every last word, she knew, deep down, Cere also spoke the truth. She couldn’t be trusted, not after all the monstrous things she had done. It was foolish to believe other wise. She was foolish to think she ever had a chance. “21.” Bursts from her lips before she could prevent it, her small lips pressing into a thin line as Cal’s grip on her shoulders tightened and his brows furrowed. In some sick way, she was thankful for the pain seeping from her shoulder as his grip tightened; it grounded her, and inadvertently, even if Cal didn’t realise what he was doing, it was payback. Payback for the pain she was about to inflict.
“What?” His voice was airy, preparing for whatever blow he was about to hit full force.
“That’s the number of Jedi I helped the Empire capture. 21.” His hands immediately retracted, as if the contact burnt the very flesh from his palms. Aylin ignored the horror in his eyes, burying her own regret with the monotonous stare she had mastered. She didn’t give him a chance to leave before she continued, he deserved to know. “Atleast 10 were younglings, padawans, whatever you call them. They all died, I gave the orders.” He looked pale, too pale, a thin sheen of sweat covered every inch of exposed skin she could see. His features acted completely on their own; there was no more restraint, no more hiding - complete and utter horror, anguish and fury swirled with the depths of his pale yet drakened features, she could practically sense the disgust that rolled off of him in waves.
She knew this image would forever be burned into her mind, alongside all the other horrors she had faced, and she knew this would be the image to haunt her beyond the grave.
Regardless, she continued; she had dug this hole, and she wasn’t finished yet, she wanted to dig until the rays of the overhanging sun failed to reach her, until she was cast into the dark abyss and forgotten, along with the horrors she had committed. “I was a superior officer, I was awarded one of the highest positions in the Galactic Empire, I answered directly to Lord Vader himself.” She sidestepped the young man, heading to her dorm. He didn’t turn to watch her, but he could still hear every ragged breath that parted her lips. “It was a game for me Cal, and I was winning, and I lived for it.”
Cal usually had a hard time reading her emotions through the force, she was always disconnected, in a sense, but now she was an open book, each emotion crashing into him like the most ferocious tsunami; the pride that had gripped her with every fallen Jedi; the thrill of the chase; the glee at another puzzle to solve and destroy.
“But that’s not who I am anymore, Cal.”
He felt the conflict she had hidden for so long; the anguish once she realised the consequences of her actions; the regret; the terrror; the disgust; the pain; the loathing that had gripped every fibre of her being, that now threatened to suffocate them both.
She took one final breath as she stepped into the boundaries of her room, turning to face Cal with an indescribable look plastered upon her features.
“I’m not who I was, but there’s no changing who I used to be.”
And then the door slid shut.
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the skeld - a miraculous x among us AU
Marinette- pink, a flower circlet. A fashionista with a hamster ball because she loves hamsters and fashion…
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Adrien- lime, kitty cat ears. Channeling his inner Chat Noir…
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Alya- orange, dum sticker. Reporter extraordinaire! Dum sticker is courtesy of the lovely Marinette!
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Nino- blue, headphones. He's just chilling...
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Chloe- yellow, crown. *ahem ahem*, Queen Bee!
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Sabrina- white, bunny ears. *sigh* I know that the outfit looks weird, but I tried my best! She looks pretty innocent though...
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Kagami- red, sword in head. Fencing, ahaha, am I right?
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Luka- cyan, mohawk. He looks awesome. Just awesome. Has some inner rockstar in him :)
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Lila- brown, long weird funky hair. Hehe my friend and I couldn’t resist doing this!
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Felix- black, top hat. Dark, and mysterious, perfect…
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Life on The Skeld was rough. The stress of running a spaceship and doing tasks, based on a small tablet with the rules and instructions, was piling on top of the ten high school students. Some of them were friends, while others were enemies. Unfortunately, the fights couldn’t be prevented. Luka hated that Marinette chose Adrien. Alya hated that she couldn't blog what was going on. Nino hated that his headphones wouldn’t work. Chloe hated not being in the comfort of her daddy’s hotel. Kagami hated that Adrien was so caught up with Marinette, that he wouldn’t even practice fencing with her. Felix hated that his parents probably wouldn’t worry about him. Sabrina hated that she left her lucky pin - the one Chloe gave her - with her father, back in Paris. Adrien hated that Felix had to be one of the unlucky ten on the ship. Marinette hated not being in the bakery; her home. And Lila hated that she was all alone on the spaceship - even Chloe the brat had a friend! Unfortunately, as the days went on, things got worse, and worse. It was impossible to run a spaceship - where there were normally over 50 staff members! Little did Marinette know that on the 13th day, misfortune would strike once again.
“Body in Storage. I repeat, body in Storage.” Felix reported. An emergency meeting was held straight away.
“Oh no! Sabrina!” Marinette gasped.
“What?!?! Someone killed my friend! This is ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous!” Chloe snapped.
“Friend? I thought she was your servant, Chloe,” Alya smirked.
“Um, well, well she’s both!” Chloe’s face went red.
“Wait, a second, Sabrina’s dead?” Nino asked.
“Yes. Found her body in Storage. Didn’t see anyone.” Felix stated.
“Hold up. Our fellow crewmates are dying? Do you guys know what this means?” Alya nervously asked.
“Alya, what’s happening?” Adrien asked.
“There is someone, on this ship, who wants to take over.”
There is an impostor among us.
Marinette was the first to leave the table. She had to swipe her ID card, so she headed to Admin. Beep! Perfect. It only took one swipe. She noticed that someone else had come into Admin.
“Well hello there, Princess. Fancy seeing you here.” Adrien grinned.
Marinette tried not to crack a smile, but Adrien’s smile was adorable. She remembered Alya’s warning. There is an impostor among us. Be careful. Trust no one. She had said ‘Trust no one’, but come on! This was Adrien! Dorky, funny, and adorable Adrien! She really didn’t think he could kill someone.
Adrien carefully studied Marinette. Yes, his girlfriend had her game face on. She was probably determining the chances of him being the killer. “Marinette,” he looked into her eyes, and grabbed her hands, interlocking them with his, “I promise you, I’m not the impostor. I’d never kill anyone.”
Marinette showed a tiny smile. Adrien was telling the truth. She could see it in his eyes. “Alright, kitty. How about we stick together and protect each other?”
Her boyfriend grinned. “Yes! We could be secret agents! Hmmm, we need code names. Umm, oh, I’ll be Chat Noir. Yeah, Chat Noir. The Black Cat.”
Marinette laughed. “Well, if you're a black cat, I’ll be Ladybug. I mean, good luck is the opposite of bad luck, right?”
If it was possible, Adrien’s grin grew even more. “Woah, we’ll be two parts of a whole!” He raised his eyebrows, up and down. “And that fits us pretty well, right?”
Marinette blushed, but smiled. “Yes, Chaton. It fits us pretty well.”
Chloe thought this situation was ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous! Sabrina was dead, so she didn’t know how to do her tasks! Ugh, where were her tasks anyway? She pulled up her tablet, which contained her tasks.
“Fix wires in Electrical. Where am I supposed to find Electrical?” She blurted out furiously.
She thought about the times before Sabrina was killed.
”Oh, you have a task in Electrical? No worries, Chloe! I can show you how to get there!” Sabrina joyously exclaimed.
Chloe tried to bite back her smile, but couldn’t help it. She was too happy to have a real friend on the spaceship.
Sabrina led her to Electrical. “Hey, Chloe, do you need help with your task?” Chloe was furiously messing with her distributor.
“I don’t know how to do this thing!” She yelled furiously.
“Oh Chloe, it’s alright. I can show you how. So what you want to do is calibrate it. Match the pointy part to the…
Chloe blinked twice, snapping herself out of the flashback. She needed to finish her tasks. She needed to. Sure, she had no friends left, but she had to do it. For Sabrina. Filled with a new burst of determination, she pulled up the map on her tablet. She found herself, a yellow crewmate, in Cafeteria. She also located Electrical. “Okay, so if I go down into Storage, then make a right, Electrical will be on the left. Got it.” Chloe took a breath in, and started her journey.
But as soon as she arrived in Electrical, she noticed something wrong. There, standing in the doorway, was Felix, holding a bloody knife. She saw Kagami’s bloody body behind him. Felix’s eyes widened when he saw Chloe, but relaxed.
“Felix? You’re the killer?” Chloe was too surprised to move.
Felix smirked. “No, I’m not the killer. You are.” He took his megaphone from his backpack, and raised it into the air. Chloe looked at him with a murderous gaze. “You wouldn’t dare…”
“Oh, I would. Body in Electrical. I repeat, body in Electrical.” Everyone around the ship headed to Cafeteria.
“Another body. Felix, see anything?” Marinette asked.
“Oh, Felix saw something, alright! I just saw Felix coming out of Electrical, where Kagami’s body is! It’s a self report!” Chloe yelled.
“Quite the opposite, actually. Marinette, to answer your question, I did indeed see something. Chloe ran into Electrical while Kagami and I were doing tasks, and sliced Kagami. I luckily saw her run away.” Felix calmly stated.
Marinette narrowed her eyes at both of them. “Felix and Chloe, what was your reason for going to Electrical?”
“Well, I had to download some important information regarding the electrical supply. I was going to upload it to the Admin HQ after.” Felix answered.
“Well, I was there to do a task.” Chloe bluntly stated.
Marinette got a bit annoyed. “What task, Chloe?”
Chloe froze. What task, what task, what task? “Oh, um, ah, I forgot.”
Marinette looked at her suspiciously. “How do you forget which task you have?”
“Well, before, Sabrina always helped me with my tasks,” Chloe looked at her nervously.
“Well, sorry Chloe, but Sabrina’s dead.” Nino said.
“Yeah, that sounds suspicious. I’m voting Chloe.” Alya stated.
“So am I, as I saw her do it.” Felix aimed a smirk at Chloe. Chloe glared at him.
“No please, you have to believe me. Please!” She desperately looked at Marinette. “Please, Marinette. If there’s an impostor, they would’ve killed Sabrina too. You know I’d never kill Sabrina!” Now here, Marinette was confused. All of the evidence pointed to Chloe, but this confused her. She knew how much Sabrina meant to Chloe…
“Lies. I saw her do it. I caught her in the act. The impostor is indeed Chloe.” Felix stated, once again. He was sure Chloe wouldn’t be able to escape his plan.
Chloe didn’t care about what Felix said. She just focused on Marinette. “Please, Marinette. If you don’t believe me, vote Felix out first. Then vote for me. I just don’t want to let anyone else get killed.”
Marinette thought that the idea was fair. “Alright. I will be voting Felix.” She glanced at Felix, who was stunned. He was sure his plan would work!
Alya and Felix were the ones who voted for Chloe, while the others voted out Felix. Adrien and Luka grabbed Felix by the arms and led him to Marinette, who opened the airlock that led to space. The three of them launched Felix outside, and watched his body shrivel up, floating in space.
Felix was ejected.
Chloe gulped. She knew it was her turn now.
Marinette called another emergency meeting. The rest of the crewmates turned to Chloe. “I’m sorry Chloe, but this is the only way to make sure one of you was the killer.” Marinette looked at her, apologizing with her eyes.
“It’s alright. I had this idea. At least no one will be murdered anymore.” Taking a deep breath in, she waved her hand. “Bye, everyone. It was fun working with you,” She turned around, ready to be launched into space.
“Chloe, it was fun working with you too. You’re so brave. You’re sacrificing yourself in order to protect your fellow crewmates. It’s an honor to call you my friend.” Marinette smiled at her.
Chloe gasped, but a tear of joy slid down her face. “Thank you, Marinette. I’ll never forget you.”
When she was blasted into space, there was only one thought in her mind. And it was. She was a ghost now. She glided through walls, frantically looking for Sabrina. Suddenly, she saw a pale, white-colored ghost sobbing.
“Sabrina?” Chloe whispered.
The pale ghost jumped up, but then studied Chloe.
“Chloe? Is that really you?” Sabrina asked. Chloe nodded. The two ghosts, yellow and white, ran to each other, but then realised that they couldn’t give each other hugs.
“Oh Sabrina, I missed you so much!” Chloe sobbed out.
Sabrina looked at her happily. “I did too. I hated that I couldn’t talk to you. But I’ve always been there. I followed you, wherever you went.”
“You did? Oh Sabrina, I’m so happy to see you again,” A fresh new wave of tears ran down Chloe’s face.
“I am too. But don’t ever worry, Chloe. I’ll always be with you. In here.” Sabrina gestured to Chloe’s heart.
Chloe looked at her friend. Perhaps death wasn’t that bad. She was reunited with her friend. Her friend.
Marinette blinked back tears. From the moment she arrived on the spaceship, she always thought Chloe was a brat. But no. She was wrong. Chloe was kind, so brave. Marinette would always remember Chloe. She picked up the crown that Chloe always wore, and placed it in the center of the meeting table. “She died a hero. She died protecting others. For that, we should honor her spirit.” There was a moment of silence.
Alya spoke up after a minute. “Okay, so now we are sure to have the killer out. Right?”
Marinette wiped the tears coming out of her eyes. “Yes, there should be no murders. Crewmates, continue on with your tasks.” Everyone shuffled out of Cafeteria, but Adrien stayed behind.
“I’m sorry about Chloe, Princess. But we had to. To protect the others, we needed to do it.”
Marinette looked at him. “I know, kitty. But I can’t help but be mad at myself for not realizing how kind Chloe was back then.” She looked at him wearily. “I’ve known her for years, and I’ve always thought she was snobby. But her spirit lives on, in the spaceship.”
Adrien cracked a smile at her. “Well, to cheer you up, how about we go on a task date?”
Marinette laughed at him. “Sure, kitty-cat. Let’s head to Weapons. I want to make sure there aren’t any asteroids that might hit our ship.”
The couple headed to Weapons, but as soon as they arrived, the lights went out. “Hey, that’s not good. No one has access to the lights except me,” Marinette suspiciously looked around, but she couldn’t see anything. “Adrien, Adrien where are you?” She reached her hand out.
“I’m here, Marinette,” Her hand touched another hand, and she immediately clasped it.
“We have to get to Electrical to fix the lights, Adrien.” Marinetet whispered.
“Okay, let’s go,” Adrien responded. They took baby steps, making sure there wasn’t anyone else around. They reached Electrical, and Marinette stepped to the lights panel. She flicked the switches until they all were light green. The lights started to come back on, one by one.
“Okay, that problem is fixed. Any idea why it happened?” Adrien asked Marinette, clearly able to see her now. He headed to the back of Electrical.
“No, I have no idea, unless-” She was interrupted by Adrien’s gasp. She ran to the back, and saw a bloody sight.
Standing on Alya’s body was Lila, whose back was turned around. When Lila heard Adrien’s gasp, she turned around.
“Oh, hi guys! Do you want to hear about the time I helped astronauts from Polus-” but she stopped when she noticed the dead body at her feet. She looked up at Marinette and Adrien, who had wide eyes. “Oh, guys, I swear, it’s not what it looks like-”
“Body in Electrical. I repeat, “Body in Electrical.” Marinette reported, glaring at Lila. Marinette and Adrien escorted Lila to Cafeteria. Couple seconds later, Nino showed up, and then Luka did.
“What?! Alya’s dead?! Oh god whoever killed her…” Nino looked at the ground with sad eyes, trying to hold back tears.
“Oh Nino, we’ll get justice for you. Because the killer is, drumroll please,” Adrien grinned, but Marinette shot him a death glare. “Lila.”
Nino gasped when he heard that. “Lila? How?”
“She was standing on Alya’s body. I’m really sorry, Nino,” Marinette went to comfort Nino, giving him a bear hug.
“No! I didn’t kill her! I was just trying to do my wires! I swear! It wasn’t me!” But no one believed Lila. When the time came, Adrien and Luka picked her up and launched her into space. Marinette watched Lila’s body shrivel up with a grim expression. Adrien put an arm around Marinette’s shoulders.
“I can’t believe Alya’s dead. My best friend,” She was still in shock.
“Hey, Princess. We got them all justice, right? Felix and Lila were the killers, so all of them got justice.” Little did the couple know that the ghosts were actually yelling at their stupidity, but they couldn't blame them. Lila was a liar, so the real impostor framing her was a genius idea.
Suddenly, the reactor meltdown alarm went off. Marinette’s eyes widened. No, this wasn’t good, not good at all. It meant that there was still an impostor among them. But who?
Marinette and Adrien ran to Reactor, one going up, other going down, to scan their hands to stop the meltdown. Luka and Nino weren’t in sight.
“Oh god, Adrien. We need to call an emergency meeting. We have to!” Marinette raced to Cafeteria, Adrien following her in hot pursuit. Marinette slammed the red button, and the emergency meeting siren was sounded throughout the ship. In a couple seconds, Luka showed up from Admin, but Nino was not in sight. 2 minutes passed, 5 minutes passed, 7 minutes passed, 10 minutes passed. Nino never showed up.
There was a sinking feeling that occurred in Marinette’s stomach. Nino was dead. That meant… it meant that Luka was the killer. Luka was the impostor among them all.
Adrien looked at her, and she looked at him. They slowly looked at Luka, who tried to look as innocent as possible.
“Well, Adrien, you tried. But you got caught,” Luka tried to frame Adrien.
Adrien glared at Luka. “Are you sure about that?”
“Yep. Well, Marinette,” Adrien didn’t like how Luka said his girlfriend’s name, “who do you think it is?”
Marinette looked at Luka with eyes that said, ‘Do you think I’m dumb?’. “Oh! Well, me and Adrien were on a task date,” Adrien smirked at Luka, who rolled his eyes, “sooo the only person who could have killed would be, hm, oh yeah! You!”
Luka fake gasped. “What? Why are you accusing me!? You’re probably helping Adrien…”
“This is so dumb. Princess, can we just launch him out?” Adrien was getting mad at Luka.
“Yeah, okay, we can.”
Adrien and Marinette tried to escort Luka to the airway, but Luka elbowed Adrien in the chest and grabbed Marinette’s hand. Adrien slammed into the window, groaning. Marinette thought he was unconscious. “Oh no, we’re launching you, Adrien.” Luka smiled.
“Adrien! No!” Marinette yelled.
Luka looked at Marinette. “Oh, sweet melody. I’ve always loved you. And now, you shall love me!” he laughed evilly. Marinette was still shocked that Luka killed so many innocent people.
“I can’t believe that this is the real you, Luka. I never would’ve guessed. I actually thought you were kind!” Marinette felt the tears burning her eyes. If Luka managed to launch Adrien, it was over. ‘Deep breaths, Marinette. You’ve got this. Just make a plan,’ she told herself.
Luka was only grabbing her arm, so her feet were pretty movable. She calculated the distance from her foot to Luka’s chest, then calculated how far away Adrien was. She'd have to hurt Luka pretty bad if she wanted her plan to work. On the count of three, she hurled her foot and it perfectly hit Luka’s chest. Luka fell onto the floor, groaning, but he made no sign of getting up. Marinette wasted no time of sprinting to Adrien, who was finally conscious. She helped him up.
“Okay, Adrien. We need to get Luka outside. We have to! Otherwise…”
“Don’t worry, Princess. I think we can do it.” Adrien answered.
They picked him up, and dragged him to the airlock. Marinette pressed her ID to the key lock, and the airlock opened. Using the last remaining strength that either of them had, they both pushed Luka out of the airlock.
“Did it work?” Adrien asked, out of breath.
Luka was ejected.
“It did. It worked!” Marinette threw her arms around Adrien. Adrien returned the gesture. They both started crying, as the loss of their friends finally sank in.
Alya, Marinette’s first friend on the spaceship. She welcomed Marinette, showed her how to do most of her tasks. Marinette would always be thankful for Alya’s love and help.
Nino, Adrien’s first friend. Adrien had a toxic life before coming to the spaceship, but Nino made him laugh everyday, whether it was funny turtle memes, or just being himself. Adrien would always be thankful for Nino’s love and help.
Kagami. Even if Kagami had a crush on Adrien at some point in time, she was still a very good friend of Marinette and Adrien. If someone criticized Marinette’s decision, for example if she wanted to build a new reactor, Kagami would always be there to back her up. Adrien and Marinette would always be thankful for Kagami’s love and help.
Sabrina. Sabrina was their latest recruit, but she’d been so helpful, whether it be setting up the tables for dinner, or cleaning the Cafeteria. Marinette, Adrien, and the whole crew would be thankful for Sabrina’s help.
Lila. Well, Lila was a liar, but there were some noble moments. She helped explain to Adrien how the trash chute worked. She waited to watch people’s medscan. Even if she was mean sometimes, she truly was a pretty good person.
Finally, Chloe. Chloe was mean to Marinette in the beginning, but that was just out of jealousy. She was jealous of how many friends Marinette had. She was jealous of Marinette’s position. But even if she was mean, she was kind at the end. She sacrificed herself in order to protect others. She was brave, so brave, and Marinette was guilty for not seeing it until the end. But as the golden crown sits in the middle of the meeting table, all the ghosts, who used to be crewmates on the ship, remain on the ship. Their spirit lives on.
The couple sat down on the nearest sofa, exhausted from their blood filled day.
“Marinette, do you think our friends are still with us?” Adrien asked.
“Of course they are. They will always be with us, in here.” Marinette gestured to her heart.
The couple gazed out at the starry night of the galaxy, wishing for a better day of the Skeld.
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madeofstardust17 · 5 years
Whumptober prompt 4. Human shield
Rating: G
Tw: none
Keith & pidge
Pidge was tiny. 
She was. It was just a fact. Lance was lanky, Shiro was buff and Pidge was tiny. 
But the thing was Keith never truly realized just how small she was until he was hugging her close to his chest, his whole body wrapped around her as flames erupted everywhere around them. 
The thing was, Keith wasn’t scared. Nope. He was downright annoyed.
This was supposed to be the easiest mission ever. 
Get into the abandoned galran base, figure out what had chased the galra away from this sector, and leave. 
A two person job. Pidge was supposed to hack into the servers and download the security cameras’ feed while Keith watched her back. Simple.
But then the ambush happened. 
It was so stupid. The base had been conquered by pirates weeks ago, and when they found out voltron was planning to visit, they placed boobytraps everywhere, the traps being either tiny explosives, toxic gas or shockers (Keith had stepped on one, but the armour had thankfully stopped most of the electric current). Then they hid and waited. 
It was a trap. And they had fallen right into it. 
He scolded himself for not foreseeing it as he closed the door, still hearing the pirates shouting and jeering from the other side pounding at the door. 
They had tried to contact the other the moment they realized their mistake, but something was blocking the signal.
Panting with his hands on his knees, he looked at Pidge, who was already working on the computer
“Now what?”
“I’m going to try to override every boobytrap from here, so that the gas ones all go off simultaneously”
After a few seconds she groaned in frustration 
“Every single trap has an access code, a 20 digit password, I would need to hack every trap, one at a time, in order to set them off” a bang from the door cut her off “and we don’t have that kind of time”
Keith thought for a second
“What if you overload the system entirely?”
She frowned “that would make the traps explode. We would basically be turning the entire base into a bomb”
“Which takes care of our pirate problem. We’ll call our lions, have them wait for us and once you overload the system, we’ll get out”
Pidge frowned as she tapped at her forearm, making a 3D map of the base appear.
“We’re currently here” she pointed to a room at the east wing “the nearest exit is through here, two corridors ahead. We could, in theory, crawl through the vents, get out in this corridor and run to the hanger” she grinned at him “this could actually work”
She turned to the computer “I’ll make a timer. We have 10 ticks to get to the hanger”
“What about the video feeds we came for?”
“The pirates deleted it all, this was pointless”
“Great” he took a deep breath “okay let’s go”
Pidge set the timer, and they ran to the vent on the wall. The moment Keith started crawling, he heard the door that led to the room slammed open. Confused shouts followed by a few animalistic grunts were heard, and the aliens ran out of the room. 
Keith felt offended that they had been fooled by these idiots. 
Everything seemed to be going according to plan. 
Until it all came crashing down. 
“One dobos left!” Pidge told him as they sneaked through the second corridor. Keith sighed in relief as the hangar door appeared as they rounded the corner. But then from the corner of his eye his saw movement, and one of the pirates raised their gun. He was pointing at Pidge. He heard the sound of a blaster charging.
Keith didn’t have time to think. He lunged and tackled the girl to the ground, pushing the girl against his chest. 
For a moment, he didn’t feel anything, and he felt relief pour down his body. Pidge reacted faster than him and sat up, pointed her bayard at the pirate and a second later, the criminal was on the ground, unconscious (or dead) from the electric current of Pidge’s grappling hook 
She looked at the timer “33 ticks”
Keith sat up and immediately grunted, biting back a scream. He looked at his side and immediately wished he hadn’t. 
The blast from the gun had melted the thick undersuit and blood was steadily dripping to the floor. The few seconds he had been laying on the floor, a steady pool of blood had already former around him. 
Pidge must have noticed too, because she went pale 
“Oh shit”
But nevertheless, Keith stood up, swaying on the spot. Pidge immediately pulled his arm around her shoulders, supporting his weight. 
“Ten ticks”
“We’re not gonna make it”
She didn’t respond. They stumbled their way towards the hangar door, already opened. 20 feet… 10 feet…
The timer beeped. Keith looked behind them at the wall of fire and blast of hot air that was coming their way. 
He grabbed Pidge and hugged her close, as he had done barely a minute ago.
Please he wasn’t sure who he was praying at let Pidge be okay. 
The heat seared his skin, and his injury was agony. He couldn’t breathe, he was suffocating, his was wound screaming in pain, his arms still tight around Pidge. 
When he opened his eyes again, he was laying down on his side, surrounded by fire, and he thought of his father, about how he was going to die the same way he had.
And then Pidge was there, struggling in his arms.
“We have to go!” She shouted. He stared at her. She looked scared but determinate as she struggled to get him to sit up. 
He struggled to stand up and she ended up half dragging him to where the green lion was waiting, her golden eyes glinting as she opened her mouth.
Then he passed out. 
He came to when a hand shook his shoulder. 
“C’mon bud, wake up” he groaned
“That’s right buddy. I’m gonna pick you up now, okay?”
Keith didn’t really feel like walking, so he nodded. Strong arms surrounded his back and the back of his knees and then he was being scooped up. 
His side burned, and he buried his face in his brother’s shoulder to stifle the whine that rose from his throat.
“I know bud. Don’t fall asleep yet, okay?”
Too late. 
He didn’t exactly fall asleep. He was in and out, seeing his surroundings in flashes. 
They were on a hallway, and he was being carried by Shiro. His eyes closed 
They entered the infirmary, and sound exploded, making him flinch and hide his face in his brother’s shoulder. He noticed Shiro wasn’t wearing his armour, but he was. Why? He couldn’t remember. His eyes closed on their own before he could figure it out. 
He was sitting down on one of the cots, his head resting on Shiro’s shoulder as he helped Hunk manhandle him into one of the white suits. He didn’t even have the energy to be embarrassed. He let them maneuver him until some time later he was being scooped up in someone’s (probably Shiro’s) arms again and he was carried to the pods. His eyes rolled to the back of his head before he was placed into the cryopod.
He woke up, fully this time, when he started falling from the pod. 
He scrambled to catch himself, but it wasn’t necessary because a pair of strong arms held him up, taking his weight as his sleep-added legs fully woke up. 
The person holding him chuckled, and the sound vibrates on Shiro’s chest, pressed to his ear. It felt nice.
“You alright, Keith?”
“I hate pods”
“He’s fine then” another voice called, sounding happy but relieved.
Keith finally managed to stand on his own two feet, but Shiro stayed beside him with an arm around his waist to support him. 
“What happened?”
“You were on a mission, remember?”
“No I-“ 
And then it all came back. 
The mission. The ambush. The timer. The fire. 
He suddenly stood up completely straight, his eyes searching frantically for something. Or someone 
“Pidge” he said, looking up at Shiro “where’s Pidge?”
Shiro frowned “she’s in her room, bud. We sent her to sleep off the mision”
He had to check she was okey. He had to.
He made a run for it and was close to the door when and arm wrapped around his waist and pulled him back.
“You’re gonna make yourself pass out, man”
When had Hunk arrived?
“I have to-“
“I know” he said, and Keith had a feeling he did understand 
“Just… take it easy, alright? You lost a lot of blood” he sounded kind of queasy when he said this, and Keith immediately felt guilty for worrying them. So he nodded, admitting he did feel tired, and let hunk walk him to the corridor.
They didn’t have to walk very far though.
Pidge came running from around the corner, and just sped up when he saw Hunk and Keith. 
She barreled into Keith, but he was ready for it, and he wrapped his arms around her. 
She was clinging to his neck, her legs wrapped around her waist. The added weight, made his knees buckle, and he landed on his knees, still refusing to let go. She stepped away first and Keith let her, but his hands stayed on her shoulders. He scanned her for injuries and found that she was okay, even though her eyes shone with tears.
“Never do that again” she sniffled, rubbing her right eye “You scared me half to death, you asshole”
He felt the ball of guilt tighten in his chest again 
“It’s fine” she sniffled again “But next time you try shielding me from a gun or an explosion, I’m kicking you where it hurts”
He huffed out a laugh “no promises”
Shiro sounded mad, worried and alarme all at the same time. Keith's eyes widened 
“You didn’t tell them?”
“Consider it revenge for getting hurt at my expense” she smiled at him.
“Thank you” she muttered a moment later “you saved my life”
“You saved mine” they smiled at each other. 
“Alright” Hunk sounded close to tears as he hauled Keith to his feet “Let’s get some food into you before Shiro kills you” 
Keith smiled as Hunk’s arm surrounded his shoulder and he was pulled close into his side. Pidge grabbed his hand and squeezed it. He squeezed back.
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heart-eyes-kippen · 5 years
Minecraft headcanons that no one asked for
TJ and Amber both love it and play it constantly, sometimes on their phones and sometimes on PC
They DEFINITELY both had minecraft youtuber phases (might be projecting a bit with this one ngl)
Marty and Jonah also love it and when they find out that TJ and Amber play they start joining them on minecraft realm servers
When they download maps to play TJ is ALWAYS the one with cheats and when they’re done he’s that guy who randomly summons the ender dragon or the wither, effectively killing everyone but him
He eventually convinces Cyrus to play, and he’s the only person TJ will give access to cheats to. (He always summons a bunch of cats and dogs and some fish and bones so he can tame them, and TJ is like uwu)
Buffy and Andi eventually play, Andi because of peer pressure from Amber and Buffy because of peer pressure from Marty
When they’re all on a server together it’s absolute chaos, they’re all trying to work their way up to defeating the ender dragon but Cyrus is always coming up with side quests like colouring their sheep and naming them or building super grand castles with massive walls and making friends with villagers, TJ always entertains them bc he’s in love and what about it??
Cyrus lets TJ live with him in his giant castle, and in exchange TJ pretty much becomes his body guard
Whenever anyone tries to steal Cyrus’ possessions TJ kills them instantly
Buffy tried to borrow like (1) emerald to trade with a villager without asking and TJ literally killed her (but used cheats to get her stuff back )
Cyrus lowkey enjoys this power he seems to have bc TJ owns the server, and one time when he’s out in a jungle and he spots a cat, he asks TJ to give him a few fish so he can tame it. With anyone else it would’ve been an instant ‘no’ but TJ is all like ‘ofc underdog 🥰🥰’
Buffy builds a giant treehouse and only allows Marty to come up bc he’s always mining and he has a lot of supplies, so they end up living there together
They’re the most productive pair out of all of them, and they have the most advanced gear + enchantments too (Marty sometimes sneaks some of their stuff to the others, and Buffy is all like ‘cYRUS HOW DO YOU SUDDENLY HAVE AN ENCHANTED DIAMOND SWORD’
Jonah lives with Andi and Amber in their quaint little cottage on the edge of an ocean, where they have a farm and an army of cats, as well as multiple lesbian/pan/ace/aro flags decorating their entrance. The trio go fishing together, go get animals together, tame cats together, etc. Jonah eventually builds up his levels to the point where he can enchant all of their gear, because he’s a pacifist and he never dies
One night, TJ logs on and names all of their farm animals ‘jeff.’ It takes a few days of chocolate chocolate chip muffins and constant puppy dog eyes to win Cyrus back. (‘They had names, TJ! They had lives! And you took all of that away for a meme!’)
TJ is at Cyrus’ house one day and they’re logged on, going mining. Cyrus is looking in a chest when TJ places a sign in front of him that says ‘I’m too nervous to say this out loud but I lowkey (highkey) like you more than just as a friend’
Cyrus closes the chest and reads the sign, and he immediately gasps and logs off, turning to TJ, who’s just sitting there smiling kinda timidly. He’s like ‘I LIKE U TOO U DORK’ and they go on a date 🥰🥰
It takes them a solid few months of playing for everyone to finally feel confident enough to start seeking out the ender portal. Marty’s tactic of constantly charging and swinging his sword frantically gets him killed about 10,000 times. Cyrus and TJ both focus on the towers, while Amber, Jonah and Andi, who have now become the official bow experts, shoot from the ground
Collectively, after a bunch of dying, they all finally defeat the dragon and keep playing in that world, adding to what they’ve built. Cyrus continues to add to his list of things he wants to build, like theme parks, haunted houses, etc, and he’s always enlisting TJ’s help for red stone because he watched a bunch of videos when he was younger and still remembers a lot about it. He always gets Buffy, Marty, Jonah, Amber and Andi to play his maps when he’s done building them.
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gwaciechang · 4 years
Love Run (9/15)
“And as the world comes to an end I’ll be here to hold your hand ‘Cause you’re my king and I’m your lionheart.”
This chapter is written entirely from Bobby’s POV and will contain no fluff whatsoever. Spoilers for the episode “Run Rabbit Run” of Stan Lee’s Lucky Man are all over this part. I’ve also tried my best to be inclusive by avoiding Robin’s name, and by using gender neutral pronouns whenever possible, which might not be the pronouns you use. I’ve also changed Chloe’s name to Maisie because “Chloe Choi” looks super weird to me when it’s written out. There is also a near-relapse for Bobby, as well as references to a stabbing murder, implications of prostitution, mention of human trafficking, and implications of dismemberment.
@wackiekebab @sunflowergrlpwr @danilanidingdong @scratching-wingless-thing @farewellfelidae @whatevermonkey @the-winter-witcher  
Bobby jerked up at the sound of the gunshot, heart almost ready to pound out of his chest. He strained his ears, but he couldn’t hear anyone over the screaming of other people who also heard the gunshot. It took one count of six off the bed, two counts of six to the door, three counts of six down the stairs, and four counts of six to the tire tracks and glitter on the ground. It took nine counts of ten before he could kneel down and pick up the pieces of Robin’s phone.
One, two, three, four-wait. He looked at the pieces in his hand. Except for the glass screen, they were all whole. Phones don’t shatter like that, he thought, breaking into their individual components. Someone specifically designed this phone to break in a way that, if he could put all the pieces back together, would be returned to perfect working order. He spent nearly three hundred counts looking for the pieces before going back inside.
The world fell away, silent, as he worked. By the time the sun came up, he realized he didn’t have the SD card. But he couldn’t possibly have missed it, he’d practically combed the ground. Just as he was about to go back outside and look for it again, the phone rang.
Without the memory card of stored contacts, the screen just showed the number, so he had no idea who he was answering. “Hello?”
“Robert Hayes, where the fuck is my youngest sibling?”
His throat closed up at the idea of talking to a lady he’d never met. But Maisie had agreed to store hard drugs, to lend her car to take him to a methadone clinic, and most importantly, had previously gone to extraordinary lengths to find the person he was looking for, too. “Someone with a gun took them. I didn’t see who, I just heard the gunshot, and there are tire tracks next to where I found the pieces of their phone. I didn’t find any blood,” He could feel bruises forming on his arms from how hard he was tapping.
Someone typed frantically on the other side of the line. “Turn your computer on.”
“W-what?” he had been expecting her to scream abuse at him, to which he would respond with endless apologies.
Maisie hissed something under her breath before saying, “You put the phone together, so you’re clearly very good at technology. You looked for blood on the ground, so you care about Robin’s wellbeing. Now, go to your lab or office or whatever, and turn your computer on. I’ve just emailed you a map of the area with convenience stores and banks highlighted, since they’re the most likely to have working security cameras. I already logged the kidnapping with the MET and I’m in the process of registering myself as lead investigator, so I need you to make a detective inspector’s ID for me. You can pull any picture of me within the year.”
“How did you-”
“I’ll be there in twenty minutes, have the footage loaded and ready.”
Having clear instructions helped immensely. He knew how to hack into cameras, he knew how to analyze security camera footage, and he knew how to make fake identification cards. He would be able to help Maisie find Robin, because the alternative was unacceptable. 99% of kidnappings ended in death within 24 hours, and the clock was ticking.
The camera from the front gate ran out of battery in the middle of his download.
The footage from the bank was useless, due to a large food truck passing in front of the camera.
The footage from the first convenience store was useless because of the same food truck. The camera from second convenience store was knocked into a different angle before he could see anything useful. When he got to the footage from the third store and discovered some sort of interference distorting it, he stood up to go to Maisie’s car for his emergency stash.
“Robert, I’m coming in,” Maisie called as she unlocked the door. Bobby felt angry for a second before relief flooded his system. She’d probably saved his life, and Robin’s, by extension.
Bobby checked the time. “You’re late,” he said. “You said twenty minutes, that was more than forty minutes ago. Do you not care?”
“I had to see a friend,” she said cryptically. “You have the footage?”
“Yes, and I’ve isolated the time frame we need, but they’re all obscured.” He’s tapping and counting, everything smelled like blood, any second Pearl was going to ask what was wrong with him, and once she knew she wouldn’t allow him to help her look for Robin, and he couldn’t-
“What do you mean, obscured?” Maisie motioned for him to sit down next to her without making a single move to touch him.
“There’s always something blocking it, or moving the camera. Here, some bird knocked into the camera. Here, there’s interference from a different device. Here, here, and here, there’s a food truck!” his voice echoed off the wall. Oh god, he’d been shouting.
“Show me the last one with the delivery truck,” Maisie spoke like he hadn’t said anything. “Aaaaaand pause, look,” she pointed to the reflection of the cars on the other side of the food truck from the store across the street. “Screenshot all those license plates.”
Bobby just stared at her for a few seconds. Was this what it felt like to have a reasonable voice in one’s head, instead of a voice that screamed out for heroin?
“Now, please,” she didn’t raise her voice, but it echoed through his head all the same, and he could only obey. It only took a few seconds, which he felt a little bit proud of. “Do you have a way of finding out who drives each of those vehicles from here?” she asked once he was done.
“I can find out from here,” he was already running the program when he spoke.
“I need to make a call. And don’t bother trying to take your heroin while I’m gone, I already went into my car and put it where you’ll never find it. Well, probably,” Maisie took out her phone and pressed a single key. “Laurie? It’s Maisie Choi. I need you to listen carefully.”
The rest of the conversation was too muffled to hear, but Bobby didn’t care, because he had a list of several names. He pulled out his phone and dialed the nice detective.
“Is everything alright, son?”
“Robin’s been kidnapped. There was a gunshot, but I don’t think it hit them. I’ve got their sister here, and we’re looking together. I’ve used the license plate to match owners with cars that drove near the apartment complex.” He left out the bit about the detective’s badge, he didn’t think Harry would approve of it as much.
“Who’s on your list?”
“Um, Alice North, Daniel Simon, Pierre Aladin, Connor Anderson-”
“Go back, what was that last one? Before Connor?”
“Pierre Aladin.”
“Send me that list, and don’t do anything until I get there.”
“Toss that idea right in the trash, Det. Clayton,” Maisie suddenly took the phone from Bobby. “We don’t have time to wait for you to meet with Elsa and then come here. We’ll go to you.”
“Who are you?” Harry demanded.
“I’m looking for a bracelet to match my hairpin,” Maisie said before twisting her necklace.
Bobby’s call cut out.
“Laurie hasn’t heard from Pierre for a few hours, ever since somebody broke into their apartment this morning. Interesting, huh?” Maisie smiled knowingly.
“You have a signal jammer in your necklace.” Bobby’s eyes flicked up to the pink butterfly on her hair. “Is your hairpin another signal jammer?”
“No,” she took it off so Bobby could see the USB drive under the center pearl. “There’s a tracker on Robin’s phone, attached to-”
“To the SD card,” Bobby made to snatch the hairpin out of her hand, but she moved her wrist at the last second and stuck the drive into the computer herself, and she kept her hand on it the whole time. “Why didn’t you say you could just find them?”
“I needed to know who took Robin in order to know how to move forward, and I need a way to keep you busy, so you didn’t overdose in my car,” her voice was ice-cold.
“I wouldn’t, not when,” his throat closed up before he could finish. He almost had. “How did you know Pierre Aladin was involved?” he asked instead.
“I’ve cleaned up enough of his hits that I know what kind of car he drives,” she said absently, focusing on the shrinking dot on the screen until it pinged an exact location. “Give me a plastic bag for this,” she said, producing a bloody cleaver out of nowhere. “They’re in the cabinets under the counter, to the right of the sink. And if there’s any liquid left in the green bottle with the words you can’t read, pour it out so Robin needs to go out and get better wine. Wow, this is a very good badge,” she pocketed the fake ID he made. “Come on, chop chop,” she clapped as best she could while one hand was wrapped around a giant knife when she noticed he was staring.
He decided not to ask about the knife and just do what she said.
“Thanks,” she said, now with her hair tied back and two pink pearls dangling from her ears. “Let’s go,” she motioned with a hand holding a piece of folded paper.
Rather than walk toward where her car was parked, Maisie went to where several men had just finished loading the garbage truck and hopped in the back. She cleared a space for him and motioned for him to sit down, something he wouldn’t have done if he hadn’t essentially spent the last two days covered in various bodily fluids of his own and Robin’s.
“Why are we taking the garbage truck?” Bobby asked as he settled in.
“Because we need to pick up your friend,” Maisie responded cryptically. She didn’t say another word, preferring to twist her earrings.
“We’re wasting time!” Bobby finally exploded. He was getting itchy. “They could be doing anything to Robin!”
“They’re not,” she closed her eyes and gestured to her earrings.
Bobby stared at her until he understood. “You can hear them.”
Maisie hummed her assent and closed her eyes as a man fell somewhere behind Bobby. “We picked up your friend,” she said by way of explanation. “Please don’t interfere,” she said. “I’m trying to do you several favors.”
Bobby twisted his head to see Harry looking just as bewildered as he felt.
“And what favors are those?” Harry asked warily.
“Sheldon Blake, for one. And the stabbing at The Catalyst is also of interest to you, isn’t it?” Maisie smiled at Harry’s gobsmacked face.
“Do you know everything that happens?” he asked suspiciously.
“This is our stop,” Maisie linked Bobby’s arm with hers and hopped off the truck, steadying him when he almost fell. A flop and a groan a few seconds later let Bobby know that Harry was following them to the building that seemed abandoned, except for a single man in a blue tweed jacket and a surprising amount of makeup at the door.
“Hello,” the man waved cheerfully.
“Hello,” she purred back, nearly draping her body over his. “And who might you be?”
“Dixie,” he answered with an easy grin.
“What a beautiful name!” Maisie stepped back and showed him her badge. “Now, Dixie, would you mind taking me and my friends inside?”
Dixie swallowed. “I-I can’t-”
“You won’t get in trouble,” all the fake seduction fell away, replaced by soft concern. She whispered something in his ear before unfolding the paper she had taken from Robin’s apartment. “Go to this address right here and tell Shelley King that a friend of Laurie’s sent you. He’ll let you in. And then tell him the knife is in Callum Ballimore’s apartment.”
Dixie gave her an odd look, but didn’t leave even when Maisie gestured for him to go. “Miss, I don’t mean to insult you, but do you know what’s in there?” he asked, pointing his thumb to the building behind him.
“A human trafficking operation, right? One that took in two very willful people today as punishment for aiding investigations into Sheldon Blake.”
Harry gasped and stiffened next to Bobby, who felt like he might faint. He’d known Robin had been kidnapped for what he helped Harry with, but hearing it spelled out made him want to shower until he flayed himself.
Wait, two people?
“But here’s what he doesn’t understand: the past catching up to you refers to both your enemies coming to harm you and your friends coming to rescue you. There’s no sadness without joy, too. Now, let Shelley protect you and extend my apologies for making him do this again.”
This time, when Maisie pointed, Dixie ran.
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jeanvaljean24601 · 4 years
Watch Dogs: Legion Hands-On — A World Worth Exploring
Watch Dogs: Legion follows the series’ established hack-heavy formula, but the new recruitment system adds a refreshing layer of intrigue underneath your run of the mill missions. All of which still have the fun of outsmarting enemies or finding the right angle to solve a puzzle, download a key/file, or wreak havoc from afar. But the most appealing part of Watch Dogs: Legion is finding and recruiting new people. From potential new weapons to lovable characters with fascinating backgrounds and recruitment missions, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by expanding DedSec.
Watch Dogs Legion’s Degrees of Dystopian.Set in near-future London, the bombings DedSec was framed for have led to an authoritarian state in which Albion - a private military corporation - has taken over policing while an intelligence community, led by Signal Intelligence Response Service (SIRS), spies on London’s citizens. In an attempt to clear DedSec, you’re tasked with finding out who is responsible for the London bombings. Villains include Nigel Cass, CEO of Albion, and Mary Kelly, leader of an organized crime syndicate in London. x96 tv box
In keeping with the series norms, Watch Dogs: Legion operates in the extremes of tech-gone-too-far and corporations-up-to-no-good. It’s what I expect, but  as an exaggeration of where society could head, some storylines are more believable and intriguing than others. An Albion security guard making a janky deal to get medicine felt like a natural extension of the current ways governments fail their people, but an evil CEO shooting someone with a room full of high-powered witnesses felt more cartoonishly evil than cleverly dystopian.
Making every character playable is a narrative risk, but it’s one Watch Dogs: Legion seems to pull off based on what I’ve played so far. Those who felt Marcus Holloway’s cutscene persona didn’t match his mid-mission murders may have a hard time buying into the idea of convincing anyone on the street to join what’s publicly viewed as a terrorist organization — favors aside.
The script differences highlight each character as a unique individual rather than a generic stand-in. From the reserved yet no-nonsense attitude of the old lady I added to my team to my recently recruited Albion guard frantically chatting while she drives through London as if to say “Oh my god; I can’t believe I’m actually doing this.”
And at the end of the day, there’s nothing wrong with things being a bit video game-y if the ends justify the means, and in Watch Dogs: Legion they seem to do just that. Playing as anyone goes as narratively smoothly as it can, given the gameplay, and the experience of recruiting randos makes for a joyous open-world experience. android tv box
While there are plenty of new elements to Watch Dogs: Legion, such as ridable cargo drones, the fundamentals are still present. Take over cameras to redirect power, download data, or interact with nearby objects to create distractions or explosions. Distract enemies by sending something to their phones. Or go straight into combat, which leans even more heavily on player choice with enemies only using melee attacks against you until you pull out your gun and decide it’s time for a firefight. This is particularly convenient for those looking to stealth and hack their way through encounters.
My demo dropped me to the midpoint of the game where missions were a routine to-do list of heading from location to location, hacking drones to scope out the area, and then hacking cameras to download access keys or cause mayhem. At this point in the game the ability to cloak enemy bodies was available, allowing for a more aggressive playstyle, with stealth easier to pull off without alerting foes. London’s various buildings, tourist spots, and construction sites made for a fun playground to strategize my way through each gig.
The loop may be familiar, but that doesn’t make it any less fun. As usual, I found that causing destruction without getting my hands dirty was far more amusing than doing stealth takedowns of less than intelligent A.I who have dull walking patterns and are easily lured or distracted. Seeing how many enemies I can kill by stringing hacks to set off carefully timed explosions before I even step foot in a building never ceased to satisfy. If I was spotted, I found it easier to lean on whatever guns I had available than to bother regaining my cover or fighting hand to hand.
Fast travel still exists and some characters even have their own vehicles (often equipped with useful tech), but otherwise there’s good old-fashioned carjacking. A clever, futuristic touch is the option to steal a self-driving car (just look for the icon on the windshield). No driver or passenger punching required!
Driving still feels arcade-y at heart but some vehicles control better than others. The narrower and more roundabout-filled London streets make for a slower, more challenging drive than speeding down San Francisco. Of course, there isn’t much of an immediate penalty for running over lampposts or even pedestrians.
However, upon closer examination you’ll notice that running over someone makes them like you less. Good luck recruiting the person you just hospitalized (still possible! But an awkward icebreaker once they recover). Albion may come after you if they see you commit a crime, but losing them isn’t too difficult as long as you put enough distance between the two of you. Some nice touches include the fact that they can follow you into buildings — your safe house is inaccessible when you’re under pursuit — and if you’re cornered, an electrical device can latch onto your car, rendering it undrivable.
Making Your Team is a Dream.By far, Watch Dogs: Legion’s biggest and most impressive differentiator is the ability to play as anyone. Though getting complete intel on a person (down to their schedule) requires you to upgrade the DeepProfiler by using Tech Points you find hidden in the world. Getting to know them will tip you off to what they’re looking for and unlock their recruitment missions to turn an initial No into a Yes. x96 tv box
The borough uprising system lets you take on missions to empower a borough and give them a more positive outlook on DedSec. Some recruitments will be mandatory as part of the campaign, such as an Albion guard, but you mostly have free reign. If you just want to get the best of the best, DedSec will mark a few people of interest on your map who have been predetermined as good recruits, such as a Drone Expert and Bee Keeper. But you’re also free to recruit whoever is roaming around London.
The first person who caught my eye was an adorable old lady who was looking for some Darts competition. To recruit her, the first step was to go to the pub and play her in Darts, which is one of the most appealing mini-game side quests I’ve ever had the option to do. Hell yes, I want to play this old lady in Darts to get her to join DeadSec! Winning led to her recruitment mission of investigating how her job replaced the 300 workers who were laid off.
I could see this recruitment loop getting stale over time but, during my brief session, I adored every moment of it because I was doing it for my new recruit and my reward was having her there for the rest of my adventure - despite the fact that the mission itself was nothing special.
Unfortunately, she was arrested shortly after being recruited.  Despite previous plans for mandatory permadeath, no one dies in Watch Dogs: Legion unless you opt-in to play with permadeath on. Instead, they just get arrested or hospitalized and locked by a timer. You can go to the police station and potentially get them out early but the easier solution is to just switch to a different operative. Having certain operatives on your team such as Albion guards, police officers, or EMTs will decrease your time in jail or the hospital.
A Dynamic and Diverse Group.Each character has their own loadouts, perks, professions, personalities, and backgrounds. Weapons and tools are shared across your team and can be swapped, but there are some gadgets and guns that are locked to certain types of recruits.
Uniform Access allows for certain characters to enter restricted areas more easily. So walking into a construction site as a construction worker means I can more freely walk through the area and it takes longer for enemies to detect my presence. However, they can still realize I don’t belong there so it’s not an instant win.
My assassin had a slew of powerful guns at her disposal but the graffiti artist had a paintball gun and would spray folks in the face after executing a takedown. Even across folks from the same background there’s some level of variation. android tv box
For instance, one construction worker will have a different set of tools than another.There were some rough edges in the build I played. When characters are defeated the animation looks a bit goofy, and there are some questionable drivers. But some of these may be cleared up by launch. Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed my time with Watch Dogs: Legion and grew attached to the different characters, their arsenals, and their sparkling personalities. The lack of a primary main character doesn’t detract from the story. Instead, it incentivizes exploring and immersing myself in a world I otherwise may have ignored in favor of mainlining the story.
Watch Dogs: Legion’s gameplay follows the established formula of hacking devices to accomplish your task at hand with the option to go in guns blazing - though it’s the less enticing route when you have plenty of gadgets at hand and drones overhead.
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parkkimjinjin · 4 years
Park Eunbi entered the room through the open door, her gaze down on the floor so she didn't have to see what was in front – no, she didn't want to face the reality yet. 
It had been all too sudden.
She walked up to the closed coffin with the framed picture of a smiling young man and placed a white chrysanthemum on top of all the others that had been put there before hers. Eunbi was indeed a bit late to this funeral – putting this off for as long as possible. It was the last day to pay respect to the deceased son of the Sun family; the last hour to see her best friend Jinki for the last time. She took a step back from the picture and went – even though a little clumsily – on her knees to bow deeply with her forehead only a few inches over the ground, choking back the tears that were trying to come out since the last two days. There was no way she would be able to start crying here – with all the people she didn't know. Even his parents weren't shedding tears any more; they just had lost and empty faces with reddened eyes staring at the awfully ignorant smile of their son's photograph. Who was she to start crying in front of them? Eunbi took a deep breath before raising her head again, meeting his eyes and she knew, she couldn't stand to be in this room any longer. The thought of him lying behind that picture, not moving or breathing, was unbearable. And the longer she kneeled there, looking at this picture reminding them  of a happy time with him; she realised: he was no more. He was gone. The only person in her life that mattered left without her. She bowed to his parents and was about to leave – she needed fresh air. But more importantly, she needed to be alone. “Miss Park”, Jinki's mother stopped her as Eunbi was about to pass through the door and walked up to her. “I hope I am not asking too much of you, but it would mean a lot to us if you could stay a little and tell us about...” she lowered her gaze and gulped before continuing: “...about our son?” Eunbi was glad she didn't say his name out loud – she was not ready yet to hear his name in this kind of setting. “I don't know if I can tell you much” Eunbi offered her a forced smile and looked at the watery eyes of Jinki's mother. “Please” she pressed her palms together, “We haven't heard of him for so long... and now he...” she didn't continue. Eunbi looked from her to Jinki's photograph and then nodded, “I will stay a little bit”. The mother gave her a thankful smile and grabbed her hand to slightly squeeze it, “Thank you”. They sat down at one of the few empty tables next door and as soon as Eunbi was sitting she was bombarded with questions. She wanted to avoid thinking back to the time she spend with him. It just hurt too much. “Are you his girlfriend? Did you marry? Are there any children?” Eunbi could only shake her head – his parents must have thought they eloped judging by the questions they asked. “We were so worried – Jinki wasn't the kind to suddenly leave the country” Jinki's father said and his wife took his hand in hers. Eunbi looked down onto her hands, not sure if she could tell them that Jinki had planned for some time to just leave the country without telling anyone. That the pressure to get good grades he got from his parents had been too much for him and drove him to that point.
He had never wanted to be a lawyer – but his parents didn't know or they deliberately chose to ignore that. Eunbi wasn't sure and she had never asked him. She didn't say much and the time went by dreadfully long. His parents were talking about a whole different Jinki and she didn't feel comfortable with bursting their bubble of a perfect son when they were still mourning. So she excused herself and slipped on her shoes before going outside. She looked back one last time, seeing his parents talking with another relative, and just left. Eunbi went to the nearest subway station to retrieve her backpack from one of the many lockers. Everything in that bag was all of her possession – since she was used to travel around a lot she tried to carry as little as possible. She was not really sure what she wanted to do now. She had no one or no place she could go to, no job or any money left. For now she should look for a place to stay the night, which wouldn't be easy with only 2.400 Won in her pocket. She took a quick look at her phone and sighed as she downloaded a dating app and sat down in a café. Her battery was almost dying and one thing she knew about Korea was that smartphones are so important that you can charge it anywhere. “Good afternoon, what can I do for you?” the waitress asked as Eunbi sat down and put her backpack next to her. “Ehm, water please” she said and opened the app, ignoring the reserved look she got from the waitress. She wasn't on a lookout for a new date but rather for someone who would be willing to give her their couch to sleep on. Time went by and the glass of water was almost empty even though Eunbi was drinking as slowly as possible so they wouldn't throw her out and no one answered her desperate plead yet. When Junki did it in the past people were more eager to help them out – but maybe it was more his profile picture who did the job.
“Excuse me, Miss.” The waitress approached her. Eunbi turned around to look at her. “I'm sorry. But if you aren't going to order anything I have to ask you to leave”. Eunbi looked at her phone, 66 percent battery. That should last her for now. “Oh, yeah. I'm sorry”, Eunbi hurried to gather her stuff and left the café. For about an hour she wandered around the inner town – looking onto her phone every minute hoping someone had answered. However, it always remained fruitless. Until the hour passed and Eunbi was on her wits end, her phone vibrated signalling an incoming message. It was a reply with an address attached. It was at the other end of town and Eunbi didn't want to spend all her money on a subway ticket, so she walked all the way back she had come from. The sun was already setting when she arrived and she should have known that it was a bad idea. It was a shady neighbourhood and the house the address had lead her to screamed serial killer. She was sure if she went inside there was no guarantee that she would leave it alive. She swallowed away the upcoming tears and looked around as if the solution to her problem was somewhere in the air. She was tired, her leg hurt and she was hungry. She missed him so much. In moments like these he always knew what to do or at least what to say to not loose hope. With him she always felt safe and would have done all sorts of crazy things just to get around. But alone... She could act all strong however she liked but right at this moment she wanted nothing more to just sit on the street and cry. Cry for as long as it needed to get Junki back to live. Maybe – if there was a god somewhere up there – he finally would have pity on her and revive him. Shouldering her backpack Eunbi decided to solve the next best problem she was able to solve - to quieten her stomach and still her hunger. With her 2.400 Won she should be able to get something at a cheap fast food chain and looking at the map in her phone there was one not that far away. Then she could finally sit down – eat a little and think about the next step she should take. She got in line to order a hamburger and when it was her turn she reached into her backpack for her wallet... but it wasn't there. “One moment” she said to the cashier who looked like he couldn't care less and would much rather be somewhere else right now. She went a bit to the side, squatted down and emptied the whole bag, her hands moving more frantically with every second. The cashier proceeded with taking the orders of the people behind her as she turned every object. It was not there!
She fell backwards onto her behind and couldn't hold the tears any more. They just came streaming down. The fast food store went awfully quiet as they heard her bawling her eyes out. Awkward glances were exchanged until one of the older employees went over to her and crossed his arms, forcing a cough out of him to gain her attention. With a tear-stained face she looked up at the man and realized where she was and looked around. All the people were looking at her and muttered things to each other.
She collected all her things and hid her face as she hurried out of the store.
Eunbi sat down on a nearby bench, looking up at the dark sky. No star was in sight – all she could see was a wall of thick smog. She wiped the tears from her face with her sleeve and snuffled a few times before deciding to find a tissue. While rummaging through her bag she found her book – the only one she owned and one of the few books she ever read. She took it and flipped through the worn out pages, reading over the lines she highlighted – some because they were inspirational and some just because they were funny. Suddenly a napkin fell out with a number scribbled on it. To make good for the missed breakfast
Her hands automatically went to her phone and dialed the number. Just right before she pressed the call button she regained her common sense – can she really? After a year? And more over, it was just one night.
But on the other hand, what did she have to loose? Her thumb hovered over the button.
She quickly looked around, to make sure no one could witness her doing such a stupid thing. However, she would cling to every straw she encountered. It took some time for the other end to answer, “Hello. Who is this?” “Kim Seokjin? I am Eunbi, Park Eunbi. We met last year...” It was quiet for a few seconds. “What... what can I do for you?” “I was wondering if... and only if it is no trouble or anything, but I wanted to ask... canistaythenight?” She said quickly. The other end went quiet again and she heard him shift in his seat. “I am sorry, but I can't let you... I live together with my roommates”.
Tears started to roll down her face again. He couldn't let her down like this. He was the last person she could turn to. “Are you crying?” “No, it's just...” she snuffled and hid her face behind her hand, “I am god knows where... I have no money, nearly got killed, I have nowhere to go and... I am all alone!” She said too quickly between sobs for Seokjin to fully understand her. “Cal-calm down, everything will be alright, okay? I-” he seemed to think about something, “I will ask my roommates, I can't promise anything, but I will try, okay? I will call you back in a minute, okay?” he said and she could just hum in agreement. The line got disconnected and she leaned forward, waiting for him to call her back. Time went by slowly – it felt like an eternity while she was sitting there, hoping he would call her back. But as time went on the suspicion grew that he just said that to put her off. She couldn't blame him. She didn't know how she would react when a one-night-stand calls back after a year to ask to stay the night...
After she waited for around 20 minutes she decided to just go into a bar. She would probably survive this night and if someone would buy her a few drinks she wouldn't be that picky. Self-respect was not what she should be preserving in these times. She stood up and walked along the street deciding to walk into the first bar or club she encountered. Suddenly her phone rang again making her pause her step. Quickly her hands fumbled her phone out of her pocket and answered the yet unsaved caller. “Hello?” “Hey, I asked them and it's okay- but only for one night!” he said. She took a deep breath and felt all the worries fall off her like a big, heavy rock. “I will text you the address and please don't take any pictures and keep your face hidden when you enter” he added. Eunbi wanted to ask why but decided to do so when she actually saw him in person.
“Thank you.”
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