#sun mi hwang
samireads · 6 months
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Some more Korean reads 🇰🇷📚
난 요즘 많이 좋아 😌
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patticalkosz · 1 month
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Pet-ty Book Review no. 9
The Hen Who Dreamed She Could Fly, by Sun-Mi Hwang
reviewed by: Sweetie
“This moving tale about a hen trapped in a chicken coop who longs to be a mother is a brilliant allegory about transcending the circumstances of your birth to achieve the destiny you choose. It features one of the most life-affirming endings of any story ever, which is especially important for non-cats, who don’t get nine tries.”
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prbni · 5 months
"Shipped the actors but not the characters"
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I actually shipped the characters in this case as well
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aideshou · 2 years
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"Then, i must be something like the moon, using the light of a star like you?" ~ Go Mi Nam
"But the moon is not completely useless.. because even though there are may other stars at night, the only thing i can see is the moon.." ~ Hwang Tae Kyung
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korelist · 3 months
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UYARI : Yazılar genel olarak spoiler içerebilir. İçermeyedebilir.
İmdb puanı: 7,6 Benim puanım: 8
Drama: She Was Pretty (literal title)
Hangul: 그녀는 예뻤다
Director: Jung Dae-Yoon
Writer: Jo Sung-Hee
Date: 2015
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
Cast: Hwang Jung-Eum, Park Seo-Joon, Koh Joon-Hee, Choi Si-Won, Shin Hye-Sun, Shin Dong-Mi
2015 MBC Drama Awards - December 30, 2015
Best Actress (mini series) (Hwang Jung-Eum)
Excellent Actor (mini series) (Park Seo-Joon)
Best Supporting Actress (mini series) (Hwang Suk-Jung)
Ten Star Award (Park Seo-Joon/Hwang Jung-Eum)
Best Netizen Award (Park Seo-Joon/Hwang Jung-Eum)
Best Actor or Actress Selected by Directors (Hwang Jung-Eum)
Best Screenplay (Jo Sung-Hee)
Best Child Actor (Yang Han-Yol)
Park Seo-Joon için başlayıp, Choi Si-Won için devam edilecek eğlenceli bir dizi!! Kill Me Heal Me izleyen her kdrama hayranı bana katılacaktır ki; KMHM’de Oh Ri On ve Oh Ri Jin rolünde kardeşleri oynayan Hwang Jung-Eum ve Park Seo-Joon bu dizide çift oldukları duyurulunca oldukça izleyici çektiler.
Kim Hye-Jin (Hwang Jung-Eum) varlıklı bir ailenin popüler ve güzel kızıdır. Okulda şişman gözlüklü zorbalığa uğrayan Ji Sung-Joon(Park Seo-Joon) ile arkadaş olurlar. Aynı zamanda komşudurlar. Yıllarca en yakın arkadaş olan bu ikili Ji Sung-Joon’un Amerikaya taşınması ile bölünür. Aradan geçen yıllar Hye-Jin’e hiç güzel davranmamıştır. Babasından aldığı genler okul sonrasında iyice ortaya çıkınca kıvırcık saçlı, kırmızı yanaklı çilli bir kadına dönüşmüştür. Dizide “çirkin” olarak anlatılsa da bence oldukça sevimli bir tipi vardı. Tabi Kore standartlarına uymayan bu görünümü nedeni ile beğenilmiyordu.
Amerika’da büyüyen Sung-Joon ise zayıflamış, yakışıklı ve başarılı bir genç adama dönüşmüştür. The Most isimli dergide editörlük yapmaktadır. Şirket Kore’deki şubeye çekidüzen vermesi için onu memleketine gönderir. Memleketine dönerken de yakın arkadaşına mail atıp, ülkesine döneceğini görüşmek istediğini yazar. Burada bir tık madem iletişim kurabiliyordunuz bunca yıl niye hiç iletişim kurmadınız diye sorasım gelse de susuyorum.
Efendim bu iki eski arkadaş buluşmak için havuz başına giderler. Kızımız paspal ve “çirkin” hali ile dururken, şişman olmasın beklediği arkadaşı bütün endamı ile yanından geçip gider. Onu tanımaz. Kızımızın bütün özgüveni, hayat enerjisi vakum ile çekilince de düşünür taşınır “ev arkadaşım ve en yakın arkadaşım olan Min Ha-Ri(Koh Joon-Hee) benden daha güzel dur buluşmaya o gitsin” diye dahiyane bir fikir bulur. Evlerden ırak bu fikir klişesini yüzümüze çarptıktan sonra şimdiki en yakın arkadaşını ikna edip eskiden en yakın arkadaşına gönderir. Bu noktada klişeler çığ gibi büyümeye başlıyor. Hye-Jin The Most dergisinde işe giriyor. Sung-Joon The Most dergisine editör müdür olarak geliyor. Hye-Jin diye Ha-Ri’den garip bulsa da hoşlanmaya kendini zorluyor. Gibi gibi böyle ne gerek vardı diyeceğiniz tatta ilerliyor. Hye-Jin iş yerindeki ilk gününde çalışma arkadaşı Kim Shin-Hyuk(Choi Si-Won) ile tanışıyor. Shin-Hyuk son derece renkli, eğlenceli, dolambaçları olmayan dümdüz bir insan. Ona hemen bayılıyorsunuz. Çorapları ve ayakkabıları nedeni ile ilk günden son bölüme kadar Hye-Jin’e Jackson lakabını takıp, öyle sesleniyor. En sevdiğim detaylardan biriydi bu. Aynı zamanda bize inanılmaz bir ikinci adam krizi de yaşattı, onu da atlamayalım.
Min Ha-Ri aslında çok tatlı bir karakterdi. Son derece lüks, şık, net bir karakter olan Ha-Ri kimseye hiçbir mekanda arkadaşını ezdirmeyen, her zaman onun yanında olan bir karakterdi. Sanki küçükken zorbalara karşı Sung-Joon’un yanında olan Hye-Jin büyüyünce bu davranışı için Ha-Ri ile ödüllendirilmiş gibi düşünebilirsiniz. Ama gel gör ki, senarist bu karaktere çok cömert davrandığını düşünmüş olacak ki neden ben bunu da aynı adama aşık etmiyorum demiş. Kimselere tam anlamı ile güvenmeyen, çıktığı hiçbir erkeği “erkek arkadaşım” olarak görmeyen, kısa süreli ilişkiler inanı Ha-Ri; Sung-Joon’dan etkilenmesin mi!!!
Ve yetişkin Ji Sung-Joon; küçüklüğündeki o çalışkan kitap kurdu, kibar, düşünceli, nazik çocuktan eser kalmamış. Kaba, sert, düşüncesiz, herkese tepeden bakan bir patrona dönüşmüş. Gerçek Hye-Jin’e de etmediğini bırakmıyordu. Şimdi eğri oturup doğru konuşalım. 2013-14-15 yıllarında çıkan dizilerin hepsinde başroldeki erkek kadını itin götüne sokup sokup çıkardıktan sonra karakter gelişimi olmaksızın köpek gibi peşinden koşuyor şeklinde ilerliyor. Bu dizide bundan süper nasiplenmiş. Kızımız ilk aşkı diye sanki o ne yaparsa yapsın kabul edip sineye çekmek zorundaydı. Keşke birazcık olsa “sen kim köpeksin” tadında bir çıkma yaşansaydı. Bu dönemin dizilerindeki karakter gelişimleri tam bir facia ne yazık ki.
Dizide bu 3lünün arasındaki aşk dışında The Most dergisinin satışlarını arttırmak, dergi sahibinin yeğeninin ekipten kim olduğunu bulmak, çok ünlü yazar Ten’in kim olduğunu bulup dergiye röportaj vermesini sağlamak, ekibin genel ikili ilişkileri, dergi yöneticisi çılgın yaşlı kadının halleri, çirkinlik güzellik algıları gibi gibi konular işleniyordu. Kızımızın çilli ve pasaklı olması nedeni ile çirkin atfedildiği bu nadide senaryo da bir noktadan sonra saçlarını düzleştirip makyaj yapıyordu. Bence kesinlikle paspal hali daha güzeldi. Canım Kim Shin-Hyuk’da benimle öyle düşünüyordu. Jackson kendine ne yaptın diye tepki verdi.
The Most ekibi eğlenceli bir ekipti. Aynı zamanda baya yetenekli bir ekipten oluşuyordu. An Se-Ha, Shin Dong-Mi, Shin Hye-Sun gibi isimler vardı. Hwang Jung-Eum hala aynıydı. Kill Me, Heal Me’den beri hiç değişmemiş gibi geldi bana. Bu rol biraz daha ona gitmişti ama hala beraber oynadığı insanlarla yan yana koyulacak kadar başarılı bir oyuncu değildi.
Dizideki zorlama yerlere gelecek olursak, kesinlikle karakter gelişimleri yok diyebilirim. Sung-Joon belli bir noktadan sonra yanlış kişiye Hye-Jin dediğini fark ediyor, jet hızı ile değişiyordu. Ne fark eder, sen yıllar içinde pislik bir insan olmuşsun, kendi arkadaşına tanımıyorum diye it gibi davranmışsın. Yok ben anlamlandırmadım. Bana oturmadı. Yaşadığımız ikinci adam krizi ise boğazımızda kaldı valla. 1.adam Park Seo-Joon olunca… ister istemez ikinci adamı tutamadık. Oda başka şekilde mutlu olsun istedik, canı gönülden…
Ha-Ri’yi dizinin kötü karakteri yapmalarından da hiç hoşlanmadım. Bana sorarsanız Hye-Jin ile aralarındaki puzzle sahneleri tamamen çekim hatasıydı. Küçüklüğünden beri Sung-Joon’un verdiği puzzle parçasını saklayan Hye-Jin, gerçek olduğunu onunla kanıtladı. Ama bu kanıtı ilk Ha-Ri puzzle ‘ı izinsiz alarak kullandı. Yani puzzle’ın yerine nasıl döndüğünü hiç bilmiyoruz. Eline puzzle parçası olan her kadın ben oyum diyebilicek gibiydi.
Dizideki karakteristik aksaklıklar az da olsa sevimliydi. Hye-Jin’in strese girince dişlerini birbirine vurması, Sung-Joon’un bir şeye konsantre olduğunda başka hiçbir şeyi fark edememesi gibi… bütün beğenmediklerimi arka arkaya sayınca sanki kötü bir hava yarattım gibi oldu. Öyle değil, 2015 dizisi olmasına rağmen son derece keyifli kaliteli bir diziydi. Oyunculara denilecek hiçbir söz yoktu. Genel eleştirim tamamen senaryoya. Ve son olarak da Kim Shin-Hyuk rol için biçilmiş kaftandı. Dizinin seviyesini yükselttiğini söylersem birçok insan bana katılacaktır. Karakterini ayrı oyuncuyu ayrı beğendim. Kore standartlarına ters düşen sakalları, ofis ciddiyetinden uzak eğlenceli kişiliğiyle, aşkını ifade etmesiyle… her şeyi ile on numaraydı. Sırf ona düşüp izleyebilirsiniz.
Choi Siwon - Only you
Park Seo-Joon - A Long Journey
Raven Melus
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quotingmyjourneys · 3 months
She was a lovely companion to the gallant rooster. Sprout was envious. She wondered if she had ever been that elegant. And she’s going to hatch an egg! I want to know what that’s like. I wish I could be just like her. Sprout had never paid attention to the way she looked. But she knew she was particularly unattractive right now—bedraggled and featherless. Suddenly ashamed, she huddled into herself and blinked back tears. She didn’t want anyone staring at her bare neck. To console herself, she remembered that she had escaped the coop and was with the yard animals now. Soon I’ll be able to lay an egg. Soon enough! But then she remembered her departure orders. Her future looked bleak. And she was starving.
— The Hen Who Dreamed She Could Fly by Sun-mi Hwang (Nomoco (Illustrator), Chi-Young Kim (Eng. Translator), first pub. 2000, Korea
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gaymer-hag-stan · 4 months
Tiffany, Dara and Sunmi will perform a hag tribute stage together I am NOT OKAY
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mrlancer · 1 year
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This was a book that was recommended to me by a friend, but is definitely something I would have checked out by myself eventually! I love reading stories from an animals perspective, so I would have found this eventually!
This is the heartbreaking story of a dog who lives with an old family in the countryside. They live in extreme poverty and there are so many bad things that happen throughout the dogs life.
I had been informed when I went into this book that it was a sad book, so I came in prepapred!
I loved the storytelling aspect of this book. It built up such a good story and it was really heart wrenching. The story wasn't overly complex, but not all stories need to be. It touched on a lot of complex themes, but didn't go too far with them because we are living the story through the dog's perspective.
In the end, this was a really sad story, but it was also really well written and definitely a book to check out.
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coinywords · 2 years
Only if you live through winter do you understand what it’s hiding.
— The Dog Who Dared to Dream
Sun-Mi Hwang
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samireads · 7 months
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September wrap up, a pretty good month ✌🏻
Calling it now, October will only have a max of three books I reckon.
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twentysnoir · 2 months
Especial KRP — Sobrenomes Coreanos
Cansado de Lee? Kim? Seo? Song? Choi? Hwang? Park? Abaixo do "Read More" você vai encontrar alguns sobrenomes mais incomuns que pode usar em seus personagens coreanos.
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Ah, A (아 - A)
Ae (애 - É)
Ban, Bahn, Van, Vahn, Pan, Pahn (반 - Ban)
Beon, Bun, Buhn, Veon, Vun, Vuhn (번 - Bón)
Beom, Bum, Buhm, Veom, Vum, Vuhm (범 - Bóm)
Bo, Vo (보 - Bô)
Bok, Vok (복 - Bôc)
Bong, Vong (봉 - Bông)
Boo, Bu, Voo, Vu (부 - Bú)
Bi, Vi, Bee, Vee (비 - Bi)
Bin, Been, Bean, Vin, Veen, Vean (빈 - Bin)
Bing, Beeng, Ving, Veeng (빙 - Bing)
Da (다 - Dá)
Dam (담 - Dam)
Dan (단 - Dan)
Dang (당 - Dang)
Dae, Dai (대 - Dé)
Dok, Dock (독 - Dôc)
Dokgo, Dokko (독고 - Docô)
Don (돈 - Dôn)
Dong (동 - Dông)
Dongbang (동방 - Dôngbâng)
Deung (등 - Dûng)
Deungjeong, Deungjung (등정 - Dûngdjóng)
Eogeum, Uhgeum, Ugeum (어금 - Ógûm)
Eun (은 - Ûn)
Eum (음 - Ûm)
Hak, Hahk (학 - Rác)
Hae (해 - Ré)
Hyeong, Hyung, Hyoung (형 - Rióng)
Ho, Hoh (호 - Rô)
Hwa, Hwah (화 - Ruá)
Hwangmok (황목 - Ruangmôk)
Hwangbo (황보 - Ruangbô)
Hoo, Hu (후 - Ru)
Ja, Jah (자 - Já)
Jeom, Jum (점 - Djóm)
Je, Jeh (제 - Djê)
Jegal, Jekal (제갈 - Djegál)
Jeo, Juh (저 - Djó)
Jong (종 - Djông)
Jwa, Joa, Jua (좌 - Djuá)
Jeung (증 - Jûng)
Kangjeon, Kangjun, Gangjeon, Gangjun (강전 - Gangdjón)
Ka, Ga (가 - Ga)
Kal, Gal (갈 - Gal)
Kam, Gam (감)
Kan, Gan (간 - Gan)
Kae, Gae (개 - Gué)
Kyun, Kyeon, Kyoun, Gyun, Gyeon, Gyoun (견 - Guión)
Kyung, Kyeong, Kyoung, Gyung, Gyeong, Gyoung (경 - Guióng)
Kye, Gye (계 - Guiê)
Kok, Gok (곡 - Gôc)
Kwan, Gwan (관 - Guân)
Kwok, Gwok (궉 - Guóc)
Kyo, Gyo (교 - Guiô)
Kuk, Guk, Kook, Gook, Kuck, Guck (국 - Guc)
Kung, Koong, Gung, Goong (궁 - Gung)
Kwok, Gwok, Kweok, Gweok (궉 - Guóc)
Keun, Geun (근 - Gûn)
Keum, Geum (금 - Gûm)
Ki, Gi, Kee, Gee (기 - Gui)
Kil, Gil (길 - Guil)
Lin, In, Rin, Leen, Een, Reen (인 - In)
Man, Mahn (만 - Man)
Mangjeol, Mangjul (망절 - Mangdjól)
Mae (매 - Mé)
Maeng (맹 - Méng)
Myung, Myeong, Myoung (명 - Mióng)
Mo, Moh (모 - Mô)
Mok, Mock (목 - Môc)
Myo (묘 - Miô)
Moo, Mu (무 - Mu)
Mubon, Moobon (무본 - Mubôn)
Muk, Muck, Mook, Moock (묵 - Muc)
Mi, Mee (미 - Mi)
Nan (난 - Nan)
Namgoong, Namgung, Namkoong, Namkung (남궁 - Namgung)
Nang (낭 - Nang)
Nae (내 - Né)
Noi, Nwe (뇌 - Nê)
Ok, Ock (옥 - Ôc)
On, Ohn (온 - Ôn)
Ong (옹 - Ông)
Pan, Pahn (판 - Pan)
Paeng (팽 - Péng)
Pyeon, Pyun, Pyuhn (편 - Pión)
Pyeong, Pyung, Pyuhng (평 - Pióng)
Po, Poh (포 - Pô)
Pyo (표 - Piô)
Pung, Poong (풍 - Pung)
Pi, Pee (피 - Pi)
Pil, Fil, Peel, Feel (필 - Pil)
Ra, La, Rah, Lah (라 - Lá)
Ran, Lan (란 - Lan)
Rang, Lang (랑 - Lang)
Ryeo, Ryuh, Lyeo, Lyuh (려 - Lió)
Roe, Loe, Roi, Loi, Rwe, Lwe (뢰 - Lê)
Sa, Sah (사 - Sá)
Sakong, Sagong (사공 - Sagông)
San, Sahn (산 - San)
Sam, Sahm (삼 - Sam)
Sang, Sahng (상 - Sang)
Seomun, Seomoon, Suhmun, Suhmoon, Sumun, Sumoon (서문 - Sómún)
Seonu, Seonwu, Seonwoo, Seonoo, Sunu, Sunwu, Sunwoo, Sunoo (선우 - Sónú)
Seob, Sub, Seop, Sup, Suhb, Suhp (섭 - Sób)
Sobong (소봉 - Sobông)
Soo, Su (수 - Su)
Sun, Soon (순 - Sun)
Seung (승 - Sûng)
Si, Shi, Xi, See, Shee, Xee (시 - Xi)
Tak, Tahk (탁 - Tác)
Tan, Tahn (탄 - Tan)
Tang, Tahng (탕 - Táng)
Tae (태 - Té)
Uh, Eo, Eoh (어 - Ó)
Wan, Wahn (완 - Uán)
Wang, Wahng (왕 - Uáng)
Wun, Un, Woon, Oon (운 - Un)
Wi (위 - Uí)
Ya, Yah (야 - Iá)
Yeop, Yeob, Yup, Yub, Yuhp, Yuhb (엽 - Iób)
Yeong, Young, Yung (영 - Ióng)
Ye, Yeh (예 - Iê)
Yo (요 - Iô)
Yong (용 - Iông)
Yook, Yuk (육 - Iúk)
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byunbaekhyunie · 4 months
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2023 : IN REVIEW !
tagged by @baekhyunnybyun @okaysign @bethereforme @lenteur @suuho @dokyunqsoo @pinktaeyeon thank you all so much for tagging me ! it's an honor being mentioned so many amazingly talented creatives ♡
tagging my beloved @possession1981 like i'm a child showing my older sibling my ugly drawings (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶) ♡
rules: link your favorite and/or most popular post from each month this year <3 (it’s totally fine to skip months!) and tag some CCs you love!
it was really fun looking back at everything i've made this year ! i definitely learned a lot and improved the quality of my gifs. i've also made one of my most favorite gfx to date ^^;
JANVIER. #1 : EXO ’첫 눈 (First Snow)’ @ SMTOWN LIVE (230101) NEO's pick : L★EY(519)
FÉVRIER. #1 : BAEKHYUN : W Korea Selfie Booth #1 NEO's picks : The Valentine's Special, WELCOME BACK BAEKHYUN, COUNSELOR BAEKHYUN, 백현 ‘편지’ (orig. 김광진)
MARS. #1 : KYUNGSOO : 신(神)인 카이 데뷔 평가회 Pt. 1
AVRIL. #1 : 오늘도 영원히 사랑하자 ♡ #11YEARSWITHEXO NEO's pick : EXO-K ’Sabor A Mi’ @ KBS 뮤직뱅크 in Mexico (141113)
MAI. #1 : KAI : Japan Special Live 2023 NEO's picks : CANDY by BAEKHYUN, BAEKHYUN @ a-nation 2018
JUIN. #1 : Greetings from ZZAR and her 아빠 | CHANYEOL EP.1 NEO's pick : BAEKHYUN @ 2017 KBS 가요대축제
AOÛT. #1 : DOH KYUNGSOO’s sketch film | Marie Claire Korea
SEPTEMBRE. #1 : DOH KYUNG SOO as HWANG SUN WOO NEO's picks : D.O. ’기대’ Countdown Live, BAEKHYUN in TEMPO
OCTOBRE. #1 : ‘그래도 돼 (Good Enough)’ by CHANYEOL NEO's pick : baekhyunie is a 10 but…
NOVEMBRE. #1 : KYUNGSOO & KRYSTAL @ the 44th Blue Dragon Film Awards NEO's picks : BAEKHYUN @ LoL Worlds23 Media Day, CHANYEOL (151212)
DÉCEMBRE. #1 : forever exo’s baby NEO's pick : exo asks series
a big, big thank you to everyone who reblogs and likes and to all my lovely followers ! i could not do it without your support i'm sending my love and wishing you all a plentiful, prosperous 2024 ♡
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itsnamjoonssi · 1 year
rain will make the flowers grow | hwang hyunjin | zombie apocalypse au pt. 1
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title taken from “little fall of rain” from les mis
Genre: angst angst angst, slight horror, little bit of angst, a LOT of angst :((, and some angst ;)
Pairing(s): hyunjin/reader
Excerpt: You wanted to blame the stinging in your eyes on the heat as well, say you had overheated so much that sweat had fallen into them.
But you had never been a good liar.
/////should I be posting this rather than part 3 of the Niragi fic??? No. Am I doing it anyway????
Yessir 🫡🫡🫡
Hyunjin held tightly to your hand, dragging you behind him as you followed the other 7 boys to a chain-link fence. The hoard behind you followed your group at a steady pace.
You had just finished fighting off a few zombies that had taken you by surprise, there had only been five but even trying to be as quiet as you could, the sounds of the scuffle drew the hoard’s attention.
You felt the heat of the sun beating down on your shoulders, causing the hand Hyunjin gripped to grow slick with sweat. You wanted to blame the stinging in your eyes on the heat as well, say you had overheated so much that sweat had fallen into them.
But you had never been a good liar.
The wrist attached to the hand Hyunjin held throbbed, the torn and bleeding skin was hidden by your jacket sleeve but you felt its presence nonetheless. You didn't know how to tell the boys, but you weren't sure you would've had the time anyway. It happened so fast and then you were running for your lives.
“C’mon, baby, almost there!” Hyunjin called back to you, you were breathing hard and you felt a small fear in your heart that maybe the virus was spreading faster because your blood was pumping through your veins so quickly.
You reached the fence, Chan had given Jeongin and Felix a boost before climbing to the top of the fence and waiting to lift his members up and over, one by one. Seungmin and Changbin dropped to the ground on the other side of the fence, retrieving the backpacks they had tossed over it. Minho neglected to take his off, simply twisting his body away from the fence so his bag wouldn't catch on it.
You quickly shrugged yours off as Jisung scrambled up the fence, landing on one knee with a hiss of pain.
“C’mon, c’mon, c’mon.” Chan muttered, reaching impatiently for your hand. You evaded it to toss your bag up at him. You didn't know what to do, you could feel your head start to pound, your blood starting to boil in your very veins. Your limbs started to feel heavier by the minute, your eyes burned and you couldn't blame it on sweat this time. You moved to the other side of Hyunjin and started to climb alongside him.
Chan, seeing that neither of you needed help swung his leg over and jumped to the ground a few seconds before Hyunjin did. They each grabbed their bags, tightening and buckling the straps and preparing to run again.
“Y/n, come on!” Hyunjin spun back around at Jisung’s frantic call. He turned to see you, right at the top of the fence, not having moved to swing your leg over. Your gaze was focused on him though he noticed a haze in your usually sharp eyes.
You had a white knuckle grip on the fence, your legs were trembling and each heaving breath you took was raspy. Sweat trickled down your face, and you looked pained.
“Baby, c’mon. Let's go, just climb over sweetheart.” Hyunjin coaxed, trying to stay calm even as the hoard stumbled closer. You didn't move.
“Y/n—“ Minho had started to snap, stepping forward alongside Hyunjin. You seemed to snap out of your trance, your eyes cleared slightly and—
You released the fence, dropping back to the ground on the other side. Hyunjin darted forward amidst the panicked cries of the others even as you backed away. He struggled to undo the buckles on his bag, his eyes fixed on you.
You stumbled back and away.
“Y/n, what are you doing?!” Jisung cried, his voice rising in pitch. Chan began climbing the fence again, backpack be damned, he wasn’t leaving one of his own behind. But he jerked to halt at the top, shocked to see you holding up your previously unmarred wrist.
“Go. I’ll only slow you down.” You whispered, they barely heard you over the growing sound of the hoard.
A perfect half-circle of teeth stood out in the light, it was ugly and bleeding sluggishly. Felix broke into sobs, Seungmin held a wide-eyed Minho back from moving. Chan’s heart had fallen to his stomach. How? When?
Changbin had let out curse after curse, fingers gripping the fence tightly. Jeongin and Jisung were silent in their horror. And Hyunjin—
His fingers were trembling as he continued to struggle with his bag straps.
“Y/n, you get your ass over this damned fence before I come get you myself.” He demanded, his voice nearly a whimper. He refused to look at your wrist. If he looked then that would make it real. And if it were real… then he would lose you. So he refused. To look.
The hoard was growing closer and nobody was moving. Nobody was moving to save you, not even yourself. Your feet were planted firmly even as your shoulders had started to slump with the weight of the sickness crawling through you. You had dropped your wrist, almost as if it were too heavy to hold up anymore. Why wasn’t anyone moving?
Hyunjin had started climbing. His backpack hung half-hazardly from his shoulders, his chest was heaving with held back sobs as he made it halfway up.
It seemed his movement had spurred the others into action as well. They began working together seamlessly even with eyes blurred by tears. They collected your bag, securing it and pulling out their weapons, preparing to die for you if need be.
You couldn’t have that. You stumbled back further, almost losing your balance. The boys stopped moving, switching their tactics. The closer they got to you the further away you would move.
“Please, please just come back to the fence, Y/n.” Chan said, holding onto Hyunjin even as the younger tried to struggle away and go get you.
“You won’t slow us down, we’ll carry you if we have to, y/n/n.” Jisung sobbed, holding up his cricket bat. Their hopeful, tearful eyes would’ve pulled at your heartstrings if you could concentrate on them. His words encouraged the others, they began calling to you, hoping to get through to you.
You shook your head, stumbling away from them, moving further from their safety and closer towards the monstrous creatures that would pull you apart limb from limb for the slightest taste of flesh.
“Y/n— y/n!” Changbin called, trying to catch your straying attention.
“Baby, please!” Hyunjin nearly screamed, veins in his throat bulging as he struggled against his Hyung. You shuffled away, your head drooping as you dragged yourself further and further from him.
“NO! No no no nononononooooooo-“ Hyunjin’s scream had broken off into a moan as he struggled to drag himself to you, he would’ve fallen had it not been for their leader who watched with parted lips and wet eyes as you sunk into the waiting arms of the hoard. They watched you disappear as clawing hands and grinding teeth overwhelmed you.
“Let me go, hyung - you have to- y/n, baby-“ Hyunjin choked and sobbed, his hands uselessly outstretched, the only hands reaching back were those of the undead, those taken by the same disease you had only just succumbed to. The others were shocked, silent and gaunt with grief.
It was with a heavy heart that Minho climbed up and helped pull Hyunjin down, even as the younger gripped at the fence and sobbed your name.
“Y/n, please just come back.” He keened, even as Changbin gripped him under the arms and dragged him away.
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altheasmeadow · 1 year
Grandmas Know Best
Pairing: Hwang Hyunjin X reader
Summary: In which two Grandmas this, I just let their grandchildren up on a blind date. Surprisingly, it works out perfectly.
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The quaint cafe was buzzing with conversation as people passed throughout the morning, two elderly women sat sipping their tea contently as they spoke fondly of their favorite people.
“My Hyune is so dramatic, always finding a way to make the smallest thing into a huge story.”
“My Mira has such a way with animals it's so mesmorizing, I’ve never seen someone so connected with nature.”
The women passed stories together, they did this every week, on Sunday at noon. They’d meet at this exact cafe and talk about life, almost always leading the conversation back to what their grandchildren had done that week. 
“Hyune is so focused on work, he needs to find a girl and settle down,” Mi-Sun commented as she stirred a bit of cinnamon into her tea.
“When was the last time he mentioned a girl?” Soo-Yun wondered, she hadn’t seen the young boy since he was in diapers. 
“Before he debuted with his group around 2017.”
“My Mira, hasn’t really been into dating for a while either. Claims her animals need her more than any man could.”
And with that the two women plotted, scheming the perfect way to get their precious grandchildren to get away from work. After all who could say no to their sweet faces.
“Yah! Seriously?!?” She groaned as she watched the intern struggle to feed their recently saved fox. She had actually been the one to bring him in, he was found with broken legs and some spinal damage from being hit by a car. He wouldn't be able to be sent back out into the wild sadly, so she built the best enclosure she could to ensure the last bit of his life would be happy. 
She directed the trainee in what to do, trying to get her to do it right, but the trainee was too worried about the fox suddenly deciding she was a snack instead. 
“Ya know what, go organize the barn or something.” She dismissed, annoyed by the intern. 
She made her way to the fox who yipped happily upon realizing who it was, “Hey little one, are you ready to start eating regularly again?” she smiled warmly at the fox who nuzzled into her leg the best he could. The medicine they had put him on to help with the pain a bit sadly didn’t react well with a foxes regular diet, leading him to have a liquid diet for a few days. She could tell he was ready for the good stuff again.
She started giving him bits of food at a time, when her phone vibrated. She always kept it on vibrate to not spook any of the animals.
“Hello?” She asked, answering through her ear piece so no sudden movements made the eating fox get defensive.
“My Mira! How’re you my dear?” Her grandmother greeted over the phone, her brittle voice sounding a bit sleepy as it was coming up on her nap time.
“I’m well, can I ask why you called? You never call while I’m at the sanctuary.” she wondered, eliciting a hum from the elder woman.
“Oh I was wondering if you’d be interested in a date with my friend's grandson?” She blurted, never being the one to beat around the bush, she was less than amused with the suggestion.
“Oh you know Mi-Sun, her grandson is your age and we were talking at lunch today and we talked about how compatible you two are, and we think both of you could definitely benefit from a relaxing lunch together.”  Her grandmother rambled a bit, continuing on about how they had both been overworking themselves and how they’ve been talking it over for almost a month before mentioning it. she sighed, she loved her grandmother, and she knew that she just wanted the best for her.
“I really don’t think a blind date is in my comfort zone.” 
“Just try! Just this once, please?”
 “I’m sorry what?” Hyunjin blurted in the middle of the practice room as he was on the phone with his grandmother, who had been rambling on about her latest scheme to get him away from the agency for some relaxation.
His members looked confused as they watched him tensely pace and run a hand through his hair.
“Oh honey, don’t worry. It’s not a complete stranger, you met when you were younger and she doesn’t even know who stray kids are so it's not like she’s an obsessed fan.” His grandmother reasoned but Hyunjin was having none of it.
“I don’t know this woman, grandma, why would I want to go on a date with someone I’ve met as a child and don’t even remember.”
“I can tell you right now, this woman? She’s something special, trust me. It’ll definitely be worth your time.”
“I don’t have time for this.”
“That’s a lie, you have a week break after each song gets completed, so after you finish filming for your song, we’ll set you up with a place and time.”
He mentally cursed himself for telling the elder his schedule.
Neither parties involved were excited for a date with someone they didn’t know, they simply wanted to enjoy their time with their separate passions alone. Neither feeling the need for romance at the time, but the desire to finally have someone else was tempting, both would love someone to go home to every day.
Maybe it could be the perfect match.
She nervously sat in the seat at the small table in the cafe that was seemingly more quiet than what her grandmother had told her it may be. She flipped her phone a few times in her hand waiting for the clerk to bring out her hot chocolate with cinnamon. 
Hyunjin was walking into the cafe, nerves bursting out of him, though he didn’t exactly want the date. It was still a date. He scanned the area looking for anyone as nervous as him, landing on a woman who was awkwardly flipping her phone as she rested her head on the palm of her hand that was propped up. He honestly wouldn’t have noticed her anxiety if he didn’t see her legs tapping rapidly. 
Surely this couldn’t be her, he had thought as he took in her beauty, she had fair skin, practically flawless aside from a scar running over her plump lower lip. Her hair fell to her waist but was braided intricately to stay out of her face. Just a few strands loose around her face to frame it, her cheek bones were very prominent; he wondered how high they’d look when she smiled. She had tattoos, a lot of them from what he could see, her right bicep being covered in a nature scene, and a few resting on her thighs where the rip in her pants revealed the soft skin. Her left arm held a couple more tattoos and he could see a bit of a tattoo peeking through her cleavage that was partially on display. 
His breath hitched in his throat as the woman looked up making eye contact with him, she sent him a comforting smile before he went and asked the hostess if his date was here and to also order his americano. As soon as he was pointed into the direction of the woman he had been ogling he secretly sent a mental thank you to his grandmother before walking over as soon as his order was placed.
“Hi.” He greeted shyly as she looked up at his approaching figure.
“You must be Hyunjin” She questioned, moving to bow to him, but he simply shook his head motioning her to stay seated, before leaning down to place a quick peck on her cheek in greeting.
“Did you order your drink already?” He asked, suddenly noticing the lack of a drink in front of her.
“I did, they are making it now, they hand make the chocolate mix for hot chocolate here so it takes a bit longer.” She explained, still flipping her phone.
“So what do you do for a living? Grandma wouldn’t tell me much.”
“I recue animals, how about you?”
“I’m a performer.” Hyunjin brushed off not really wanting to blatantly call himself an idol, he didn’t want her to think he was bragging.
“That’s cool, a dancer, right?” She guessed making Hyunjin tilt his head at her in confusion. “Your legs, adn the way you walk. I used to play this game when I was younger and going out with my Grandma, we would guess which hobbies people had like sports, arts, anything really based on their bodies and style. It was a fun game.” 
He gaped slightly, it was an odd quirk but he honestly thought it was adorable. “Yea, I’m a dancer, a singer and a rapper.” He smiled genuinely, taking in her interested gaze. He was so used to most people just admiring him from the stands that being here with a person and getting to know her personally was such an odd experience.
The two chatted for a while, just getting to know each other with basic questions, but by the end they were very much aware that they wanted to see each other again.
And so they did.
She hummed softly as she stroked the brush through the small tiger cubs fur, the tiger loving every touch. 
“How do you do it?” Devon, an intern from the United States wondered as he leaned outside of the enclosure.
“Do what?” She wondered, not seeing anything odd about her actions.
“How do you make every animal warm up to you like this?”
“Ah now that I have no idea. I remember when I was three and I came across an injured squirell, she could hardly walk, but she entrusted me with both her and her babies lives, so I got them help. She lived outside my window for so long after that, once her kids grew they would thump against my window for attention.” She reminisced, still looking fondly at the cub.
“Cute story.” a new voice hummed, making her turn her head quickly only to find Hyunjin looking at her with a grin.
“Oh hi! Did we have plans today?” The two had gone out a couple times, getting closer each and every time since their first date. The only downside was Hyunjin was working a lot on filming music videos so they rarely saw each other, but she understood, especially when he was taking time off and she had a massive inclination in animals so she couldn’t make much time for him either.
“No, I just wanted to bring you lunch.” He shyly responded holding the bag in his hand up, Devon quickly took his leave, not before hyping the girl up over the man's shoulder mouthing about how hot he was.
“Hmm, that sounds nice, let me finish grooming Kiki real quick, okay?” She offered, earning a nod from the man who was more than content to just watch her in her zone for hours.
She took a few more strokes, putting the now resting tiger to the side before heading over to Hyunjin.
“So, How’s the video coming?” she wondered, well aware that the group was filming yet another video this week.
“It’s going so good, the vocals on the song are insane!” He excitedly gasped before going into rambles about the video and what the concept of it is, all while she simply watched his expressions admiringly, she had grown fond of the man fast, quickly becoming engrossed in the way his eyes sparkled and how expressive he was without meaning to be.
“That’s good, this is for lonely street right?” She wondered, hoping it was, she had heard snippets of the song, along with Charmer and Venom. She very much liked the vocals in them from what she heard, though Hyunjin didn’t want her looking into their music too much until the videos came out since it gave a whole new standpoint with the video.
“How’s work here?” He wondered, having heard from her she was having to get rid of a few workers for neglecting their duties.
“Tiring, Devon is the only one willing to get close to the animals, and Ae-Cha is the only one willing to help keep this place together.” She sighed, leaning her head onto his shoulder as she pouted.
Hyunjin simply wrapped his arm around her and traced the exposed tattoo on her arm, made visible by the muscle t shirt she was wearing.
“How about you come spend the day with me tomorrow, to relax.” He offered still stroking her skin with such a gentle touch, she felt dizzy.
“You’re filming tomorrow.”
“And I want you to come see me, I come see you work.” He reasoned but she was still unsure. “Come on, the boys have been begging me to meet you.” 
She sighed and gave a slight nod. I can come by after I feed the animals tomorrow.” she offered, making him wiggle excitedly in his seat.
Clammy hands had to be her worst enemy. They made everything difficult, everything stuck to them, they made it clear to everyone you touched that you're nervous and not to mention it's just all around gross.
“Are you here for Hyunjin?” a voice spoke causing her to jump a bit from the scare, she turned to see a man a little older than her standing there professionally with a slight grin. “I’m Stray Kids’ manager, Hyunjin asked me to come and wait for you.” He reassured, bowing politely which she returned quickly.
“Nice to meet you, sorry for jumping. I’m really not used to being around people.” She tried to brush off her nerves but the manager simply shook his head with a warm smile now.
“Hyunjin warned me, He talks about you often.” was all he said before he motioned for her to follow him and walked away.
It was like he had a sixth sense for her, he was talking to Jeongin and suddenly stopped mid sentence and turned around leaving the poor maknae so confused.
“Hey!” He grinned, rushing to hug the woman who had entered the building cautiously. Everyone turned to look at the scene, watching as Hyunjin pulled the girl into his arms and whispered about how everything would be okay.
He tugged her over to his friends as soon as they pulled away excitedly introducing the 8 to each other.
“Guys this is her, this is Jeongin, Seungmin, Lee Know, Felix, Chan, Changbin and Han.”
She bowed in greeting, still clutching onto her friend tightly.
“Ah the girlfriend.” Seungmin hummed with a mischievous grin the Jeongin mimicked as he added, “We’ve heard all about you!”
“Ignore them, It’s nice to finally meet you! Would you like a water?” Chan asked, and just like that she fell into a rythym. While she was here to see Hyunjin she actively engaged with all of the members during the breaks. 
She helped Chan monitoring the boys states making sure none of them were wearing down too much, she teamed up with Minho and moved small things to create minor inconveniences, Changbin and Han had her cackling with their jokes, Felix had taken to her quickly cuddling up to her side and showing her different games he had on his switch that he took with him today for entertainment. Seungmin and Jeongin spent their breaks picking on her and telling her every embarrassing story about Hyunjin they could think of.
“Okay that's enough, Me now!”  Hyunjin whined, throwing his weight ontop of her body as she giggled with Felix.
“Aw, was I now giving you enough attention?” She laughed, seemingly a lot more confident than before, making his heart warm. “Okay Jinnie, I’m all yours.”
The simple sentence she hummed made his heart flutter in ways he had never felt before and man did he want it to happen again.
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namjoonswaifu · 2 years
Chapter Five- Royal Residences Part One
warnings: mentions of weight, AFAB character, mentions of female body parts, references to the weight of M/C, loosely based on my own research of the ancient Korean royalty system, bullying, loneliness, anxiety, money problems, mentions of how other people view characters body
message me if you feel I need more warnings
3.4k words
You made your way to the front, the sound of your name, leaving nearly everyone shocked but your best friend, who had the biggest grin on her beautiful face. No one had expected you to get through, not even yourself. A blush blankets your face as you make your way to the line at the front. A moment passes as everyone waits for the ladies who did not get through to leave the smaller courtyard.
"Congratulations ladies" you hear Hoseok speak, breaking the silence, whilst looking over each and every one of you. You don't know if you were just imagining it, but the tall and handsome man had sent an almost imperceptible smile your way, making your eyes go wide. "Now, myself and Jungkook will tell you your residences, and we will also assign you 2 maids and a manservant for you to use at your convenience"
"Let's start with the furthest away from this little courtyard shall we?" Jungkook questioned, though the question was rhetorical.
"Bae Suzy, You are in the Sapphire Apartment. Along with the manservants, you brought along with you, you are also being assigned Shin Won-ho as your manservant and Kim Tae-Yeon and Chou Tzu-yu as your maids. Please proceed to your apartment"
"Next we have the Chariote Apartment, the person who will be staying there is Han Sun-Hwa. You are being assigned Lee Jong-Hyun, Jeon So-Yeon and Kwon Yu-Ri. Please proceed."
The process carried on.
"Ruby Apartment is for Hwang Yeji, You are assigned Kang Dong-Ho, Ahn Sol-Bin and An Yu-Jin. Please proceed.
"Opal Apartment. Kim Seol-Hyun. Woo Ji-Ho, Son Chae-Young, Cho Seung-Hee"
"Carnelian Apartment. Kwon Eun-Bi. Yoo Ki-Hyun, Lee Hae-in and Lee Young-Yoo"
"Amber Apartment. Choi Mi-Young. Doh Kyung-Soo, Bae Woo-He, Baek A-Yeon"
"Azurite Apartment. Kim Si-Jeong. Lee Byung-Hun, Go Woo-Ri and Park Hye-Won"
At this point, everyone had left apart from you. "Miss Seo, as you were an unexpected candidate, your apartment is still getting ready and the maids needed a few more moments, so we were trying to prolong this for as long as possible. You have been assigned Moon Jong-Up, Ahn Hye-Jin who goes by Maria or Hwa-Sa and Jun Hyo-Seong. I hope that they treat you well. To prolong this even longer as we have not received the signal that they are ready, we are going to give you a tour, are you okay with that?" The pair asked.
"Perfectly." You responded. "It would be my honour" You carried on with a smile. "Please, Lead the way". The two young men smiled at you, before moving down the stairs towards you. Suddenly, you felt incredibly nervous, these incredibly attractive young men were looking directly at you, with no signs of distate anywhere on their faces or bodies. The men took a space on either side on your, Hoseok moving his arms to point the way out of the courtyard. "Do you have a flower that you appreciate the most?" Jungkook asked "Good question Kookie" Hoseok said, the nickname making your eyes widen again, almost not expecting the men to be so close that they were using nicknames. "We might have your favourite here in one of the gardens"
"Cherry blossoms, Chief State Councillor and High Councillor. My most appreciated flower of all is Cherry Blossom." The two men share a look between each other. "That is our Gracious King's favourite, so much that he has a garden dedicated to it, coincidentally, the garden is right next to your apartment" A small gasp left your lips, the excitement evident not just on your face but on your whole body as you turned to both of them, your hands clasping together joyfully. "Really!?! Can we go there?" You asked hopefully. Both men smiled at your excited state before telling you that you could, and led the way, right to the entrance of the garden. There was a small bridge to cross before you would actually be in the park, and you ran quickly across it, accidentally forgetting about the two men behind you. You span round quickly, a giant smile on your face, trying to look everywhere at everything.
"I take it that you like the garden," a voice behind you, which you quickly identified as Hoseok, spoke. "Almost more than anything in the world," You said without thinking. Both men let out a laugh, which made you look at them with a questioning gaze. "You have almost the same reaction as the Good King". This very sentence made you stop in your spot, your face dropping, looking almost horrified to be compared to the King. "Omo, I am not worthy of being compared to our gracious King" You spoke, anxiously wringing your hands together. "My apologies Lady Seo, we didn't mean to make you anxious," Jungkook said. You noticed a young woman run up to the two men and yourself. She spoke quietly to the men, before bowing and turning away. The two men turned to you, smiling slightly "Your apartment is ready Lady Seo, let us lead you there" Hoseok said. Nodding, you spoke gently "Please do lead the way". You bow gently, allowing the men to turn around and lead the way out of the garden that you had fallen in love with, and almost didn't want to leave.
It took barely two minutes before you arrived in front of the apartment. "This is the Emerald apartment. Next to you, there is the Queen Dowager's Garden, you are not allowed to enter that space without her explicit permission" Jungkook stated sternly. "And on your other side is Lady Hwang" Hoseok finished. This made you smile, your apartments here, being closer to each other than the houses in your town were. "Lady Hwang Yeji is my best friend," You spoke gently, a small but warm smile on your face at the mention of your best friend. "We have known each other since we were born, my eomma likes to say that I have two sets of parents, both our parents raised both of us..." you paused, your smile turning into a frown "well my eomma and Yeji's parents, my appa..." you spoke again, your frown becoming bigger. "You don't need to tell us, Lady Seo" Hoseok said calmly, laying a gentle hand on your shoulder. You look up, and into the handsome man's eyes, your eyes slightly blurry with tears, making something flash in Hoseok's eyes. "I feel like I almost need to" you spoke "My appa, he used to be a good man, until he fell from grace, he lost a lot of his respect, and therefore money, and the money he did keep, he used to drink. He would blame me for his drinking, he would tell me it was my fault, that he wished it was I who died and not my sister. Before I left, he attacked me for the first time, he dragged me by my hair to the floor and yelled at me. My eomma, she's a wonderful woman, she grabbed him by the ear and dragged him out of the house once she realised he was in my room and harming me. Appa had a bruise on his ear still, when I left for the procession. My bruises still remain intact too, but when I remember what my eomma did, the fire in her eyes, I feel proud to be her descendant" You finally finished your story.
You could see anger clearly on both men's faces. "I know I need not worry about my eomma whilst I'm here, she is as fierce as the summer in the sky in the summer sky." The warm smile lay on your lips, remembering your eomma. "She sounds like a wonderful woman" Jungkook spoke, a smile that could be perceived as genuine if there were someone looking on from the outside in.
"Anyway's my Chief Councillor and High Councillor, I must leave your warm presence and settle myself into my apartments. I hope to see you soon Your Honours. May the sun warm your cheeks, and the food fills your bellies" You speak eloquently, bowing low before the two handsome men, before turning and leaving their presence to enter your apartments.
The apartment that you entered was spacious and homely. In the room stood your friends Chan and Changbin with large grins on their faces, along with your assigned manservant and maids.
"My Lady, Your room is this way, would you like me to help you redress" Hyo-Seong spoke, her hand pointing to an area separate from the room you all stood in. The room was separated from the room you were in by a wall of sliding doors. The entire apartment was decorated in green and brown, the sliding doors were made of oak, and the cloth was painted with the seal of the kingdom in the colours your apartment was named after. It was a beautiful sight to behold, and you knew that if you had any spare time, you would ask your maids to retrieve any painting items they could get a hold of so that you could show this image to your eomma when you got home again. You knew that she would take great delight in your painting, and knowing how an apartment within the royal castle looked and would love the painting even more so, knowing it came from her daughter.
"That would be lovely Miss Jun" you spoke to the woman. She nodded her head as a slight bow, walking to the room you now identified as your bedroom. In the room, there was a large box placed near the window, on top of it was a new hanbok ready for you to wear. "Would you like a bath Lady Seo?" Hyo-Seong asked. You shook your head, a feeling of exhaustion coming over you in a quick wave. "Do you think it would be possible to sleep for a short period Miss Jun?" You asked hopefully. "Unfortunately not, My Lady, there is much to do. As you have reached the second stage, you must prepare for a meeting with Queen Dowager. You will soon also be accepting gifts from the royal family, of which I am unsure, but you must prepare to receive them. We must also start preparing you for your interview, and the luncheon that is happening tomorrow. There is also a Royal Banquet that we must prepare you for. I assume you have attended a banquet before, but a royal banquet is much more different to the ones of the high class" The maid in front of you explained your schedule for the coming potential one to two weeks that you would be residing in a royal apartment.
"Very well, then we must begin," You say a small polite smile on your face. "What's first?" you ask. "First My Lady, we must dress you," she says, returning your attention back to the box that had caught your attention when you first walked into the room. You didn't recognise the hanbok, remembering all the ones that you owned. "I apologise, but this is not my hanbok," you tell your maid "No My Lady, the Queen Dowager sent this. It's the first gift from the royal family." Excitement fills your body, knowing that this was something that the Queen Dowager herself had someone make and be sent. "But only 6-7 were predicted, and I'm not the average size", you questioned slightly, the anxiety that you had felt earlier in the day returning in full force. "The Queen Dowager had this one sent specifically, it was a hanbok she had in her storage, she wore it when she was pregnant with the King. She sent a letter along with it" you were told before being handed the letter
Dear Lady Seo,
The Royal Family apologises for not having anything prepared for you. I did not have a gift prepared for you, however, your crest is a crest that has a long line, and the crest on your hanbok is a phoenix. This was my family crest before I married King Sejong, the King's late father. It was a hanbok I wore when I was pregnant with the King. I hope that it does you well, as it is now yours. Please meet me in my gardens at 3.
Her Royal Highness, The Queen Dowager Kim Eun-Ji
"What time is it?" You ask loudly, waiting for anyone in the household to respond. "2:30" you hear someone yell, unsure of who it was due to the closed doors between you. You feel your face pale. Turning to your maid you speak again "We must hurry, please call Miss Ahn in, time is not on our side". The maid nods, before running the door and calling in the other woman.
Within 20 minutes, your hair had been brushed and moved into a restyled updo, behind held back with a purple dwikkoji, your under clothes being changed for cleaner ones, and then the gifted hanbok was placed onto your body. It fit almost like a glove like it was made for you. The jeogori was a gorgeous dark purple colour, decorated with golden detailing featuring a phoenix, the goreum was also in an off-gold colour. The chima was a black colour with the same golden detail. Your beoseons were black as well as your shoes which were decorated in the same gold detailing. With a few minutes to spare, your maids applied some basic makeup consisting of plant ash to apply a dark brown colour to your eyebrows, safflower was used to apply a light rouge to your lips and cheeks and cherry blossom petals took right from the very cherry blossom garden you had just been in (it was a perfume that was on the dressing table when you got here, you had just assumed it was a gift everyone received) mixed with water was used to make a delicious spelling perfume.
With exactly 10 minutes left before the Queen Dowager wanted to see you, you left your apartment, your manservant Moon Jong-Up directing you, almost acting as your guard as well as your guide. When you arrived outside the Queen Dowagers garden, which only took moments as you quickly found out was right next to your apartment, Mr Moon stepped aside to let you enter first, before following you slightly behind, allowing you to look like you had found the garden yourself.
It doesn't take long to notice the Queen Dowager, it shocked you slightly when you saw that she was wearing the same colours just the other way around. The lady in front of you turns towards you, hearing your footsteps. She waits at the top of the stairs of the Pavilion she was standing in. Once you reach the bottom of the stairs, you bow as low as possible to the elegant woman before you. "You're early Lady Seo" the woman speaks. "My apologies Your Majesty, I was excited to meet you once again." You speak, not allowing your nerves to take over your anxiety.
“Don’t be, it is a good thing for a woman to have, to have time management perfected, especially for a woman. Especially for a woman who may be the future mother of the kingdom, the future queen.” She says, her very words making you blush.
“You speak of me too highly My Queen,” you say. “I am eternally grateful for your gracious gift. The fabric is the softest thing I have ever had touch my skin. If there is anything I can do to show my thankfulness, please allow me to do it. Would you like some tea, Your Royal Highness?” you ask, noticing the teapot and teacups whilst you were looking around in nervousness. 
“You need not worry Lady Seo, this is no longer a test, you do not need to pour my tea for me,” she says, her voice full of authority, before nodding slightly to a man that you almost hadn’t seen when you entered the pavilion. “You intrigue me, Lady Seo, you are so unlike the other candidates, both in looks and mentality. Most of your candidates, when I had asked them why they were doing this, responded with generic answers” she speaks “For his Royal Highness the King’s happiness, to get to know you Your Highness” she carries on, her voice changing to mimic the people she was speaking about, at the sound of her change in voice you let out a giggle, covering your mouth. “But your answer, it was different, you wanted to make your family proud. This was something I wanted when I was a candidate to marry the King's late father” she finishes, the words turning the mood serious once more. A lady, small and almost meek approached the table, taking the teapot and pouring tea into both the cups on the table, before retreating to her spot against the wall of the garden. “You have a beautiful garden My Queen,” you tell her trying to achieve the once jovial mood the pavilion had a matter of minutes ago. “I spent a few brief minutes in the cherry blossom garden, and I truly believe that it was the happiest moment of my life,” you tell her, allowing the smile to fill your face as your mind retrieves the memory you were talking of. 
“The King’s favourite spot is also in the cherry blossom garden, he begged his father to plant the trees when he was still King, persuading him by telling him that he would propose to his future queen in that very garden,” the Queen Dowager tells you, allowing you a little into the past of the King, who you were yet to set eyes upon. 
Before thinking, you blurt out “Were you scared when you made the application to become the late King Se-Jeong’s wife?” A few moments pass, and just as you go to open your mouth to apologise, the dowager stops you. “I was, in fact, I was terrified, to tell you the truth, I never wanted it, but I needed to do it for the pride of my family. I was lucky that I fell in love with the King eventually, and we had a good, long and happy life,” she answers with a small smile on her face, reminiscing on the memories of her past. “I actually have a few questions for you myself if you don't mind”
“It would be my honour to answer your questions My Queen” you respond, nervousness filling your body even more. 
“The king is very… uh… close with his closest men. Would that be a problem with you?” she starts. “Of course not, if our Great King is happy, then I myself shall be happy,” you respond, hoping your answer satisfies her. She nods, with a small hum of approval. 
“And concubines? What are your opinions on the concubines?” she continues her questioning. 
You pause, this was something you had thought about. “Well My Queen, I have a feeling that if I was ever to become Queen, the other two candidates that would have gotten through, would be my school bullies-” the queen cuts you off after hearing of your bullies “Your bullies are in the palace?” She questions with an eyebrow raised. 
“Yes Your Highness, Kim Seol-Hyun and Kwon Eun-Bi, their apartments are Carnelian and Opal if I remember correctly”, the Queen Dowager nods again. “So what would you do if you became Queen and them the concubines?” She asks, her interest even more peaked. 
“Part of me would want to through them into the dungeons like they had threatened they would do with me earlier today. Another part of me would want all of the king's concubines gone but the biggest part of me wants the King to be happy, and if the concubines make My Great King happy, then I shall live with the concubines.” The Queen Dowager looks almost shocked. “The Kings happiness, at the end of the day, will always be my source of happiness, whether I get through to the final round, or I don’t. The King, from what I have heard in rumours spread across cities and towns, near and far, is that when the King is happy, the land thrives, and the people are well. My family are part of his people, and as well as making them proud, I desperately want them to be happy… even my father.” you tell her.
“Your father?"
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quotingmyjourneys · 3 months
“Why can’t I live in the yard? I’m a hen, too, just like she is.” “Ha! Silly chicken. What makes you think that? Yes, you’re both hens, but you’re different. How do you not know that? Just like I’m a gatekeeper and the rooster announces the morning, you’re supposed to lay eggs in a cage. Not in the yard! Those are the rules.” “What if I don’t like the rules? What happens then?”
— The Hen Who Dreamed She Could Fly by Sun-mi Hwang (Nomoco (Illustrator), Chi-Young Kim (Eng. Translator), first pub. 2000, Korea
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