#sylvie laufeyson
ineffablepixie · 6 months
I literally cannot make this shit up. Sophia Di Martino has obliterated the 'canon' ship. It has sank deeper than the titanic I'm afraid.
She called it "weird", "same person". The kiss was not romantic, meaning she just wanted to "go through with her plan" of killing He Who Remains.
"It's been fun, dude...so see ya" LMAOOO
I would be so embarrassed if Tom said that about Mobius💀
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rainybearstudio · 1 year
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This may come as a surprise to some of you (or maybe not? Lol) but I’m a Sylki fan too 😋
This is doing its rounds on Twitter so I figured I’d post it here as well!
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neyafromfrance95 · 7 months
remember that sylvie can't grow up bc of her trauma. she is stuck in that same mental & emotional state she was in when the tva first kidnapped her. she is angry and feral and wants her world back. so much of her characterization comes down to that - her rudeness, her stubbornness, straightforwardness, hot temper, her fighting, her being so sure in her righteousness, her not knowing how to socialize properly. sure, her radical pursuit of free-will and revenge against the oppressive system is profound, but even it comes down to her being childishly single-minded.
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xsunnysworld · 10 months
Loki (2023)
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Loki | Season 2 | Icons & Banner
like or reblog if you want more content.
content credits by me.
why don't you repost this? that would be cool.
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ilovemarvelcu3000 · 7 months
Ok wtf is up with this show and foul relationships like what's up with x-5 and dox, like why is he on this old lady titty??
We asked for loki x mobius
Not Loki self-cest
Not Loki x mobius x sylvie
Not whatever the fuck kinda love triangle Victor, ravonna, and miss minutes got going on
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nerdby · 9 months
"I would like to remind you that it was you who kissed me." -Loki, Probably
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0rb0t · 4 months
"When Sylvie is cold and unapproachable, it's because she's an AWFUL MEAN BITCH. But when Loki is cold and unapproachable, it's because he's a sad puppy ;_;"
Look, I tend to prefer male characters in shows and games and such too, but like, do yall hear yourselves,,
They're BOTH Loki, they both act like this, they just come from different stories, but they're all LOKI.
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andy-888 · 7 months
My theory is that in the blast everyone was sent to their og timeline, but Loki's and Sylvie's time lines had been reseted/deleted so they will be sent wherever and they'll have to search for the TVA agents in their respective time lines. Maybe we'll see Mobius in a Jet Ski and B-15 before they got her bc I feel like nobody talks about B-15 enough.
Edit: Though I have my doubts that they will use the "I don't know you trope again" is possible that the Mobius/B-15 they find is the one before the kidnapped and who kidnapped them was Loki (a popular theory from what ive seen) and would also explain Mobius fixation on Loki variants even if he doesn't remember
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thesimulationswarms · 7 months
Loki and Sylvie's dynamic could be so good and interesting and yet. What are they even trying to do. Like seriously what is the point. Do they even want to make it romantic? Cause not even that is working. It's awkward and weird, there is no real chemistry that could be interpreted as romantic and it comes off as more of a weird obsession on loki's side.
I absolutely love Sylvie, I think she's a fascinating character and I loved how she and Loki worked together during that fight scene. I did want to see more scenes of them cause obviously their dynamic is so interesting. I mean come on! Same people different font! But it seems like they're going for that romantic thing which is so icky to me, it just doesn't feel right with them. I'm not saying their relationship should be "siblings" cause they're the "same person" or whatever, but more of what Renslayer and Mobius had at the beginning of S1, just fun, platonic, casual banter, while also, considering they're "the same", understanding each other so intrinsically and deeply unlike anyone could ever.
There is this huge potential with them that SHOULDN'T end in just romance and it feels like they're going to waste it. There's still the whole season ahead but idk. It will really suck if they go the romance route but oh well. I just wanna see my girl Sylvie</3
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lifesucksheres20bucks · 7 months
Didn’t think Brad ( X-5) would be the voice of reason this episode but he was just spitting fact after fact! Thank you for saying Loki and Sylvie’s relationship is weird king 🙏🏼
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anstarwar · 7 months
Anybody that follows me here watch Loki?
I am puzzled about S2 Ep2 events and I’d love to hear people’s thoughts
Major Spoilers under the cut
Ok I may have missed this but why was Sylvie upset that all the branches got bombed? I mean I understand why she’s upset cuz of all the deaths but she had to have known that was a potentiality when she made the choice to kill He Who Remains?
She just looked at Loki like “how dare you let this happen??” When like…he tried to stop her?
I love Sylvie, Im just confusion about her accusatory glare at Loki before she dipped
Probably I just missed something, there was a lot to unpack in that episode
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ineffablepixie · 6 months
The ending scene was them pining for each other.
Mobius' echo of "let time pass" reaching Loki and making him tear up confirming he was watching over Mobius.
Mobius leaving the TVA because Loki isn't there anymore.
Mobius being completely miserable whereas Sylvie is seen happy and care free and time hopping with only a "it's weird that Loki's not here, isn't it?"
Loki going to seek Mobius first for comfort when faced with the moral dilemma of choosing who lives and dies.
Loki staring at his hand wistfully, with tears in his eyes while he watches Mobius slip away.
Mobius being the first to notice something was wrong when Loki started walking towards the loom.
The fact that Mobius was present when Loki said "I know what kind of god i need to be... for you" means the director(s) and writer(s) are seeing him as a possible romance arc in the future for Loki that's why they put him there with Sylvie to claim plausible deniability.
The season one kiss being retconed.
Loki not killing Sylvie (which he contemplated at first) means he wants to give her the chance to go write her own story like she's always wanted without running. And we can see her being happy (without Loki) at the end because she's finally free.
At the end, Sylvie is comforting Mobius because he's hurting more and evidently more miserable.
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trapezequeen · 10 months
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neyafromfrance95 · 9 months
how people expected sylki reunion to go:
sylvie - *begging on her knees* - "i'm so sorry loki, i'm so bad for betraying you, will you ever forgive me?" - *starts tearing up*
loki - *unalives her and kisses morbius*
how sylki reunion actually went:
loki - *has that sadness in his eyes that you only see in eastern european gay p0rn, melancholic desire for sylvie's d!ck*
sylvie - 😐
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ralexsol · 7 months
Okay, so I just rewatched S1 of Loki. And since the last time I watched, so many opinions of mine have changed. Instead of focusing all on Lokius and their character arcs, I went into this viewing instead looking at Sylvie, completely throwing my initial dislike of her out the window to be unbiased.
And MAN, am I glad I did that. Because I connected to Sylvie on a WHOLE NOTHER LEVEL.
In my eyes, I see her as a trans allegory. Lokis are usually genderfluid, right? I mean, that's the impression I get - our main 2012 Loki, who's only difference from the Sacred Timeline was escaping with the Tesseract, is classified as genderfluid. And that makes perfect sense, he's a shapeshifter and all that, yadda yadda stuff that's already been said, love it.
But here's the thing. The thing that made Sylvie a Variant, to our knowledge, was that "she is a woman!" So, let's think about this for a second. She's different because she's STRICTLY a woman. Not genderfluid. She/her in her bio. And it finally clicked for me that she's... trans. Literally trans. AND THATS WHAT GETS HER ARRESTED BY THE TVA! She wasn't the right gender, she dared to do something nobody wanted her to. She was different, unexpected... a Variant. And she had to be annihilated because of that.
I know, I know, I'm just stating what all of us already know, we KNOW thats why she was arrested. But you have to actually think past the annoying "oohhh she's the only girl Loki great original idea Marvel" in order to sympathize with her character, because she is VERY sympathizable.
She's literally just a kid, living as her truest self. She's ripped from her family by essentially the government of the universe. She's taken to a trial that nobody walks away from innocent. But Sylvie is different. Lokis are the definition of chaos, the unexpected, defiance. And she's the most defiant of all, because she defied even the preset she was given as a physical person. Nah, she didn't want to be a man or even nonbinary. She was a woman, and they wouldn't let her be. That wasn't allowed. They would hunt her down just for fucking existing in a way that didn't match up with their perception of Lokis.
Her entire life was fighting against a system that wanted her dead. They would rather have order and their precious little clean, easy system (that in reality is harder to maintain than letting people be free) than to let her just fucking exist as she wanted to.
The resentment grows. Of course you want to take down the entire system. Of course you want to burn it all down. Because not only did the government hunt you down, they had already hunted down an infinite number of people just like you. People who didn't find happiness in what was force-fed to them. People who didn't want to tread down the only path provided.
Isn't that what all of us people in the LGBTQ+ community want? To tear the system to pieces, to start over anew? I mean, that's what I want. Because it's flawed right to the very core - at least, where I'm from (the USA), it is. It was made to keep rich, white cishet men in power. A system built from discrimination and power-hoarding cannot be reformed. And even if you tried, it would take too long. It HAS taken too long, and it's cost countless innocents their lives.
You can't undo all that trauma instantaneously. Of course Sylvie would burn it all down. Of course she would kill He Who Remains. Of course she wouldn't want the TVA to keep existing. Yes, there are people in the TVA now that want to change it for the better. Yes, she needs to open her heart and realize burning it down doesn't fix everything. Because you can't rip everything to shreds and not create something new in its place. Fighting tyranny doesn't just end with kicking the dictator out of power - you have to set fair rules to prevent the same thing or worse happening again.
I understand why she didn't want to come back. She had fulfilled what she thought was her only purpose, and finally settled down into the life she utterly deserves. But her story isn't over yet. She can be at peace with having created a new world in which the tyranny is over. In which everyone makes their own choices. In which she can be a woman and never fear time itself imploding. It's just hard to let go of something you've been holding onto for so long. You've been fighting to keep yourself alive and true, and it's hard to accept when maybe... you are winning.
You are not a Loki because you are Sylvie. You broke your guidelines so deeply that you are your own person. There is nobody like you because deep in your very soul, you are the truest Loki to ever exist. You defy. You survive. You and your glorious purpose, to smile and know you are a woman and nobody can tell you any differently. You are exactly whatever you choose to be.
THATS NOT EVEN ALL OF IT THOUGH. THERE'S MORE. And yes, it's about our main Loki and Sylvie's relationship.
I'll come right out of the gate: I've been a Lokius shipper since literal day 1, and nothing will ever change that. I don't ship Sylki and I never will, end of story. I don't see them as romantic at all. What I DO see, however, is looking yourself in the mirror and feeling love for yourself, having survived everything and still more. Let me explain what I mean.
The whole first season, Loki gets to know Sylvie and more of her backstory. And obviously they have the fun dynamic of being two "Lokis" (I hesitate calling Sylvie a Loki anymore) because they're both insanely arrogant and backstabby, yadda yadda. But Loki becomes fonder of Sylvie. Why?
Because they see this other version of themself that went through something so similar yet so incredibly different than them. They are still genderfluid - and bisexual - and they went through that journey of self discovery. They realized they didn't exactly fit the mold, classic trans story. But the difference is that while their family came to accept that and they got to live their life as themself, they see this distorted mirror of what could've been. They see a life where Odin and Frigga didn't accept them. They see the life they were lucky to escape, a life of hardship and a battle they never had to fight.
Sylvie was so brave. But she's been broken time and time again, and she's lonely, and she's never had anyone to care about her. It's you. She's alone and you've just been told by an old friend that you will be alone until the end of time. That you are unlovable. You are the same. You feel so much empathy and you realize something important.
You're looking at this beautiful person. A person who has endured so much pain, and she is beautiful because she is herself. She fought so hard to exist and she has never had a win and she's never had anyone who ever truly understood her. She is you but not you because she is herself.
It's a similar feeling to looking into a mirror and seeing yourseld as a child. Different but the same. Your lives as a whole are completely different. But you still face the same issues. You look in the mirror and the other you is broken. The other you, just like you, thinks they are unlovable.
But you know what they are going through. And you love them more than anyone ever could. You understand more than anyone ever could.
As someone who is on the aroace spectrum and struggles to parse if I'm feeling romantic or platonic feelings (I won't even get into that), I see the Sylki kiss as a complicated but understandable action. The idea of feeling romantic feelings towards yourself is something unfathomable as nothing really can equate to it in our world. I won't get into the morality of it, because honestly, the answer to that is completely based on subjective opinion, since it's an abstract concept. Anyways, my point.
My POINT is that Loki has a lot of feelings and doesn't really know how to express them. Also, like, I'm pretty sure Sylvie only kissed him because she wanted to trick him into letting his guard down to kick him back to the TVA lollll.
As for the end of S2? Well, after the incredible mind-boggling Ep4, I have no idea what way the plot will turn from here. But as for character arcs, I think Sylvie will come to realize that this new TVA can be a force for good. With a new code for keeping the timeline safe from multiverse jumpers who wish the conquer multiple planes - AHEM Kang or others -, and NO PRUNING INNOCENT TIMELINES, why not keep it around? It's a whole different system at that point. It's no longer forcing people to be exactly as intended. It let's them live out their lives however they want to, safe from existential threats.
Sylvie can sit in the back of her truck looking up at the stars in her McDonald's uniform, breathing in fresh air, and thinking about how good it is to be no longer the only one like her.
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ilovemarvelcu3000 · 7 months
Awww Victor and ourobouros having their little nerdgasm is so adorable.
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