#taxi in Celebration
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okletsgetnuts · 9 months
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illochens · 2 months
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cutie pie marty done by me for a graphic design project 🙈🙈
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beachballlz · 3 months
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PART 7904 trying to figure out why Edward Norton didn't think Robert de niro was "good looking"
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appalachy · 1 year
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#like in general#but also last weekend was literally like a skins episode what the fuck im still processing it#we went to see a football match#then spent over an hour getting back to our dorms on foot bc the trams were packed#we were JUST abt to reach the dorm building byt there were these 3 guys standing and they were like#'hiii girls look we reallyREALLY urgently need to get to the club but we re too drunk to call for a taxi wchi means you gotta walk us there#so we were like no fucking way obv we didnt know them AND THEN WENT WITH THEM ANYWAY#we stopped by this one place where young ppl usually meet up to drink bc our friend was partying there#drank her beer lool the boys convinced their friend to go with us qnd this girl turned out to be our mutual friend which is jdjeisbwjkw#so anyway on our way to teh club theres fierworks and ppl shouting celebrating the match we watched#we get to the club we get drinks we start dancing#THE GUY WHO I WENT OUT WITH ONCE AND WHOS OBSESS3D WITH ME BUT NOW PRETENDS I DONT EXIST IS IN THE VERY SAME CLUB AT THE SAME TIME#man#thinks get heated between me and one of these guys we just met#long story short we made out (s&m by rihanna in the background)#at like 3am we left the club and got back and i was glad to finally go to sleep BUt my friend just had to mention that she had whiskey#so we stayed up till 6am in front of our dorm building drinking and being stupid in general#ive got photos of me braiding one of the guys hair and laying on teh ground lol#so anyways#oh also one of the guys lost the fucking thingy ? they give you when youre leaving your stuff in the cloakroom or whatever#so while we were waiting for the cloakroom guy to return with his jacket he was like 'listen i lost the fucking thing#'the moment he returns with my jacket you grab it and we fucking run out of here you hear me?'#and we fucking did 💀#most importantly i got told im a good kisser that night 💯💯💯 but still all that kissing and touching did nothing for me like i said#felt bad for the guy bc he was ..... hmmmmm eager and he was fukcing trying ok so i was out there fake moaning so he doesnt feel bad lol💀
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need to be kissed by robert de niro
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whirling-fangs · 11 months
[[ pointless little munday rant/apology under the cut!! ]]
I just wanted to say: i'm sorry for being really clingy at times and especially as of late. Things aren't going well with IRL interpersonal relationships recently, I've been having a lot of autistic breakdowns at work which make me isolate myself and act rude to others without realizing it, and I figure that's why people are (understandably) rejecting me a lot in return... so I turn to online spaces even more than usual. I rely too much on current plots/threads I'm excited about in order to maintain a good mental health balance ;-;
I'm really sorry for always being up in people's notifications or sometimes DMs/discord, when I should probably give everyone more space (or on the contrary, nurture the friendship more, it's either 0% or 100% with me haha). I know I can't force friendships, sometimes you'll click with another person and sometimes you don't, but I've probably been trying to force things when I should just accept that I can't be BFFs with everyone everywhere. It's not anyone's job on here to help me feel better, friendships should be natural and I can't rely on tumblr for therapy haha.
I know that having only one muse to offer means that scenarios I can write are limited, and I can be very self-obessessed and I probably make things about my muse too much, and I also wanted to apologize about that. It's frustrating when I can't give the people I want to write with the kind of content they seem to really enjoy, but again, I shouldn't try to force it.
Tl;dr: if I've ever misread signs and acted either too clingy or too distant, I'm super super sorry!! i'm learning every day and I just hope to find that sweet spot between enjoying my time here and having a fulfilling real life experience that doesn't make me want to escape online 24/7. I'm working on it. Thank you for sticking with me ♥
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localgirl12 · 8 months
one of my besties almost made out with a dutch guy and i asked him about the birthday boy :)
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nellarw95 · 7 months
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Happy Birthday Martin 🥳🎂🎈🎁🎉
November 17,1942
Buon Compleanno 🥳🎂🎈🎁🎉
17 Novembre 1942
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15000bugs · 10 months
aint no way i just saw a swiftie commenting on another swifties post about going to the tour 4 times like “ermm not only are you taking spots from other fans but youre also polluting the environment with unnecessary flights” ??? LIKE. oh boy! youre gonna love it when i tell you this. you know who ELSE loves unnecessary flights?
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rlewisphilly · 4 months
Can you pop that cork?
National Drink Wine Day (2/18)Today’s the day to call for a cab. A cab?  It’s the wine America drinks the most…Cabernet Sauvignon.   Best Taxi cab conversation: Cabbie says “I love my job, I’m my own boss, no one tells me what to do”.  I said:  “Great, turn left at the next light”. I hope your day turns out right.
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zeotaxi · 5 months
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Cab Service in Lucknow
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ur-mag · 7 months
‘Taxis of the future’ which FLY at 200mph and can finish an airport pick-up in 13 seconds are closer than ever | In Trend Today
‘Taxis of the future’ which FLY at 200mph and can finish an airport pick-up in 13 seconds are closer than ever Read Full Text or Full Article on MAG NEWS
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asfarion · 7 months
im on an extremely crowded train so im already losing my mind, but somewhere in this swarm of people, someone is playing the cbat version of careless whisper
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alpha-mag-media · 8 months
Girl, 16, ‘lured rapist taxi driver into woods so her brothers could strangle and leave him hanging by a rope’ | In Trend Today
Girl, 16, ‘lured rapist taxi driver into woods so her brothers could strangle and leave him hanging by a rope’ Read Full Text or Full Article on MAG NEWS
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bixiaoshi · 1 year
i should've gone to the airport and say goodbye to 127 like a wife who's letting her husband go for war
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