#teen boba fett
anstarwar · 9 months
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Buncha commissions I’ve done over the last few months. Love the creativity of everyone and getting to hear all the HCs and stories. Thank you to everyone who has commissioned me!
I have a wee bit of a waiting list, but if you're interested and would like to get on the list, you can fill out my form!
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itsagrimm · 2 years
The Fire
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Cad Bane X she/her able-bodied reader
Beta read by the amazing @queenquazar , Duros biology got some input by the equally amazing Spoiledyoghurt (Ao3)
Note: kinda forgot that we actually have Cad Bane’s official ship name. Just pretend I always used “The Justifier”. sorry.
CN: violence, mentions of alcohol and being drunk, guns and weapons, bit of stalker-ish behavior, fighting, arson, getting carried and grabbed, biting, tracking, hunting
5k words
The Hat Collection Masterlist
After three rotations of travel, the ship left hyperspace and Nar Shaddaa - the smuggler's moon and heart of the galactic criminal world - was in front of you.
It was an implausible sight. While sitting in the co-pilot's seat you stared at it, yet unable to grasp what your eyes perceived. You had read about Coruscant, Nar Shaddaa and other ecumenopolis, where entire surfaces of planets or moons were covered in urban sprawl. Yet seeing it felt like seeing a droid’s absurd dream.
“Dank farrik.” You whispered.
Boba pushed a few buttons and commenced landing while you had little choice but to watch and wait. You did not know how to pilot and had little experience traveling through space. It was expensive and you were not the type of person swimming in credits.
A jolt went through the ship as it tilted and you finally landed on the plattform. With the gravity shift, you suddenly had to crawl out of the cockpit to follow Boba to the exit where he turned towards you.
“Remember,” he said. “This is just a quick stop to mostly get some attention. Stay close to me. It’s dangerous here.”
You nodded without arguing. At some point he had to look away from you, giving you a chance to slip away. Better to keep Boba in the illusion of your humility.
“Let’s go.” Boba called and stepped off the ship.
The landing platform and local harbor sprawled as far as you could see. Trask had a decent size harbor, bringing in a steady amount of travelers into your cantina. This was bigger than any harbor you had ever seen. Ships landed and started wherever you looked, and people of all kinds moved and scurried around. It was a fascinating sight.
All of them were armed.
Suddenly Boba with his head to toe armor did not appear as outlandish as he had on Trask. Rather it was you who was noticeably off without a blaster or practical protective gear in your simple, unwashed, and partially borrowed clothing.
I look weak.
Instantly you lifted your head up and straightened your shoulders in a sorry attempt to hide that. The last thing you needed in escaping Boba was getting caught by somebody else.
“We’ll walk around a bit. Do some shopping first.” Boba explained and took you by the hand.
It was an odd gesture, nearly like a child gripping their parent’s hand.
You squeezed reassuringly to not betray your plans of getting away from him the first moment he would let go.
Boba led you through several streets and alleys until you reached a huge place on the surface full of neat market stands offering every imaginable or unimaginable thing in the galaxy. Droids and sentiments with the ability to fly, moved above your head, carrying around packages of what must be goods from the market. And voices called around you - some in Galactic Basic, Huttese or Ryl but most foreign and unknown to you.
Boba elbowed his way through, while dragging you behind him.
At a market stand for fruits and meal kits he stopped, ordered a bunch of things to be delivered to the ship, before turning towards you.
“Do you need anything?”
“Oh, I have a say in that?” You stared at him in disbelief.
“What?” He shrugged. “Do you think after 3 rotations of you shivering and borrowing my clothes, I won’t ask? No, my dad taught me to treat women better.”
“Oh, Boba,” You could not help yourself teasing him. ”Are you worried about me or about running out of clean socks?”
Boba tilted his head. With his helmet it was hard to tell what he was thinking.
“Both,” He finally admitted.
“How chivalrous. Your dad must be proud.”
He paused. “We will travel on for a while after this. If you need something, now is the time to get it.” He finally explained.
“Do I get a permanent toothbrush spot in the refresher too?”
You felt like you accidentally developed x-ray-sight for you could see how Boba rolled his eyes under his helmet. “I have a few things I need.” You returned to a more casual tone, dropping the teasing. Best to leave Boba the illusion of you staying close to him.
Boba nodded as you listed a few plausible things - toiletries and some clothes. Again, like a man on a mission, Boba took you by the hand and moved you to one stall after another to get your things. Silently, he paid for everything and ordered it to be delivered to the ship before pushing his way out of the market area and into a darker alley. Dutifully, and without a chance to escape his iron grip, you tagged along.
“Now that we got everything,” Boba started, “Let’s get us some attention.”
“Have you come up with something?” You inquired, hoping it was something to help you get out.
“Yes.” Boba swallowed audibly through the modulator. ”We're gonna pick a fight in a cantina.”
You raised an eyebrow. “Pretty sure just a cantina fight will not draw enough attention. They happen here every day.”
Having seen all those weapons everybody on Nar Shaddaa wore around so casually, you weren’t particularly keen on starting a fight.
“We will have to make it convincing then. It will work.” Boba stated without much room for argument.
Stars help me.
Cad Bane had promised himself only to pass through the market where TODO had claimed to see her. Bane swore that he hadn’t packed up quickly and wasn’t actively looking for his lil’ loth cat. And, he nearly persuaded himself that he didn’t take a detour to his ship just for the chance of catching a glimpse for her.
No, this was ridiculous and he needed to get it together. He needed to return to his life as a bounty hunter and ban all thoughts of her into that sorry little corner of his mind, where he ventured only during especially dark, lonely or drunk moments of his life.
He stalked through the shadows of the backstreets; always on the lookout and avoiding being seen out of habit for all those enemies and unfriendly acquaintances he had made on the long way to becoming who he was now.
“I wonder how she got here to Nar Shaddaa?” TODO babbled right next to him. ”I accidentally passed her and would not believe my photonic receptors, so I scanned her just to make sure but-”
Bane growled to shut the droid up. The last thing he needed was a droid giving input about the woman he tried to forget. Already being here was a vulnerability Bane hated to admit to.
Pushing his hat down, he made his way nearly to the space harbor before coming to an abrupt halt.
Right in front of him, only a few short steps out of the shadows, and about to enter a sleazy cantina, was the lil’ loth cat. Gravity pulled him towards her like she was a massive star and he - nothing but a little rock drifting in space, getting crushed and set ablaze just by her presence.
He stared at her, unable to move.
She walked with her chin high and her back upright. As always, she punished the world around her with a gaze that could melt Hoth if the glaciers there gave her a reason to. Combined with it, was the nearly ever present teasing smirk on her lips, ready to laugh even Death in the face. And yet, with his sharp Duro senses he saw her little human heart beat and that delicious spot at her neck move rhythmically.
Brave lil’ one.
He could not suppress his admiration for her. Even being in one of the most dangerous places in the galaxy and with her heart beating in fear, lil’ lady proved herself admirably stoic from the outside.
Someone called her and grabbed her by the hand.
It irked Bane how harshley this stranger grabbed her, suppressing a disapproving growl to not draw attention to himself. He followed the armored arm up with his eyes to the face of the sorry creature Bane briefly considered tearing into pieces for touching her like that, before he froze in motion.
It was Jango’s helmet.
You glanced around the cantina. It was not much different than the one you worked at back home.
What a funny thing to think of now. There was no way you could ever return there, it would be the first place for the bounty hunters to look for her.
Another thought you pushed away to concentrate on the here and now.
The room was mostly lit by the rays of natural light falling through the transpari steel windows and illuminated screens showing bounties and the local menu. You rolled your eyes at the menu.
3 brands of cheap spotchka and thinly brewd kork beer.
The professional barkeeper in you was disappointed. The people of Nar Shaddaa deserved better drinks.
“You want a drink?”, Boba asked and pushed you softly towards the counter.
“Hoth, no.”
He tilted his helmed head in question, making you sigh.
“Kork beer is basically just water,” You explained. “And ‘Blue Yonder’, ‘the Spirit’s Spirit‘ and ‘Abyss’ are famously bad spotchka brands. I would even be hesitant calling ‘Blue Yonder’ spotchka.”
It was true. As a barkeeper you had tried basically every liquor brand tolerable to humans at least once. You had to know what you were serving to your customers after all. But as much as cutting costs was necessary in every cantina you worked before, all those brands and especially the most affordable ‘Blue Yonder’ was known to be no more than ethanol mixed with a bit of meiloorun juice to give it some flavor and coloring. It tasted like someone mixed ship fuel with sweetener. You vividly remembered the burning, nearly painful sensation of the little sample. You had shared it with your boss, before collectively deciding that even the cheapest way to get to blue yonder was not worth ‘Blue Yonder’.
“That bad, huh?” Boba concluded.
“Oh, yes. Drinking this feels like aging a thousand times faster on the spot.”
“Well, you will know more about aging,” The teen chuckled.
“Oi,” you protested playfully, “Have a little more respect for your elders.”
Boba just chuckled more and leaned against the counter.
“Okay, who should we start with?”He asked.
“Boba,” you asked carefully, eyeing him with worry. “Are you suggesting you just beat one of them up?”
“Why not?”
You were at a loss of words.
“Boba, no…” You tried.
“What? Are you scared?”
“Don’t dare me like a kid,” Annoyance dripped off your words. “This just feels a bit … excessive. Is that really necessary?”
“It will give us the attention we need.”
You looked around the sorry cantina guests staring into their cups, mumbling with each other or sleeping in varying positions of comfort.
“Are you sure this-” You stilled as a tall shadow appeared in the entrance.
Bane retreated more into the shadows of the alley to consider his next steps. The Duro hunting instinct pushed him to just get into the cantina, blasters blazing and get his woman.
But she wasn’t his. He had pushed her away. He didn't even know how she got here. Maybe she wanted this.
His mouth sunk into a disapproving curve. It was rude and invasive of him to perceive her this way, but something pushed him to check if she was okay and find out how she got here. And then he would back off and leave her be.
Yeah, just check. This means nothing. But this armor…
“TODO,” he growled, “Get to the Harbor and request the list of ships currently docked.”
“But I am not a protocol-” 
Bane groaned in annoyance.
“After you get it, send it to me before returning to The Justifier and preparing my ship for take off. Got it?”
“Of course, Master Bane.” The droid chirped and went off.
Alone, the bounty hunter leaned against the wall and collected his thoughts. The last news he had of Jango Fett, his former partner, was of his death. And yet someone was here, wearing exactly that armor right next to his - no, the lil’ lady. He was sure it was the same armor, even with the change in color. He had seen that armor so often, memorized every dent, every scratch, every clasp he had to open to get the skin beneath it. Bane was ready to swear on his life and a considerable amount of his fortune that this was Jango’s armor.
But how?
and why?
He snarled disapprovingly. Jango had left years ago only to get himself killed by a Jedi. Damn Jedi. Another reason to hate them. They had taken the chance from Bane to ask Jango what had made him leave and then, considering Jango’s reason, maybe beheading the old rattle box himself. But Jango was dead. And yet someone was there wearing the armor and dragging the loth cat lady around.
Bane felt his Duro hunting instincts tingle. He took a deep breath not to get lost in the deep detached and concentrated Duro-on-the-hunt-state. As much as he enjoyed the simplicity of the fight, he needed his mind clear and present.
He peeked under the brim of his hat and considered his options.
Cold sweat gathered on your temples at the sight of Aurra and Bossk entering the cantina. Aurra stalked closer with steady and determined steps while Bossk stopped and leaned next to the only exit in sight, guarding it.
“Well, well, well,” Aurra purred in a strange friendly voice as she reached the bar. “Look who we got here?”
“Aurra, good to see you.” Boba greeted equally superficially before casually stepping in front of you and getting his armored body between you and the tall armed bounty hunter.
“Hi,” You managed, already regretting speaking up. You really needed to learn how to shut up.
Aurra shot you a look and you suppressed a flinch, instead smiling politely.
“Boba,” Aurra continued while leaning casually against the bar. ”Care to introduce us? I recall seeing this human on Trask before you left us there out of the blue…”
“Yeah, about that.” Boba continued. “This is my aunt. You understand that in my circum-”
“Your aunt?” the woman sneered. “From your mothers side?”
With fast and strong fingers she grabbed Boba at the side of the helmet and slammed him on the top of the bar counter before Boba could reply anything.
“Don’t give me this bantha crap, Boba.“ Aurra hissed. “Who is this woman? Does she have a connection to Bane? Did you get her away from us so that you would not have to share the reward from luring him out and bringing him in?”
Boba staggered and gripped the counter to recover from the hit.
He groaned.
You stared at the two bounty hunters in front of you. Boba might be your kidnapper but he was effectively a polite, somewhat troubled kid. Aurra on the other hand… You felt a rush of deep seated fear surfacing as she looked up and stared at you with piercing eyes.
“Enlighten me,” she challenged. “Who are you and what do you have to do with Bane?”
“Oh,” You managed while stepping backwards before being able to stop yourself. “Sorry for causing so much trouble. I haven’t seen my nephew in years. His mother and I drifted apart so I did not recognize dear little Boba first. Hadn’t seen each other in years.”
Aurra smiled maliciously.
Shit, You said something wrong.
You felt yourself lean against the counter to get closer to anything you could use as a weapon.
“Oh yeah? So Boba is your sister's son?”
Boba huffed and straightened up again.
You peeked over the counter. Just big spotchka bottles, cups and a few boxes of matches. Kriff.
“U-hu. One big happy family reunion” You managed.
“Touching. Family truly is something special.”
Aurra drew her blaster from the holster on her thigh and aimed at you.
You stopped breathing.
“Stop playing around. I hate being lied to and I retaliate on principle for it.”
“Aurra.” Boba spoke up again. “I can explain, lower your weapon. Please.”
A part of you registered the teens pleading tone for your life. But most of you could not think about anything other than the massive blaster trained at you. You were going to die. You felt yourself getting shaky and weak in the knees before you took a quick breath.
No, kriff them all. This ain’t the end of it yet.
You smiled at Aurra, not averting your gaze from her, and pushed down your fear.
“It was disappointingly easy to predict you would go to Nar Shaddaa, Boba.” Aurra hissed. “It's always Coruscant, Tatooine or Nar Shaddaa with the beginners. And Nar Shaddaa was the closest. But now tell me who this woman is, for she sure as Hoth is not your aunt. Or, I'll shoot her.”
Before Aurra could trigger the blaster, she stumbled. Boba had tackled her, using her being distracted by you. A blaster bolt hissed past you and you crouched down to avoid more shots.
You looked around, everything fell apart around you. Aurra and Boba rolled over the floor and fought to get the upper hand. Other customers of the cantina drew their weapons and encircled the two fighters on the floor while others crawled under the table to hide from more possible blaster bolts.
Someone grabbed you by the neck from behind.
“Tell me, why are you so much trouble? You must be valuable.” It was another customer. A tall, human and unfortunately strong man had picked you up as if you weighed nothing.
“Let me go!” You demanded, kicking and shoving against him.
He only laughed at you before you lashed out at him, scratching at him and aiming for the eyes. In surprise he let go of you, dropping you onto the floor. Disoriented, you tried crawling away from him but he caught you by the leg and pulled you closer. You cried out in surprise and kicked at his hand, hearing an ugly sound of some bones breaking. The man yelled in pain yet did not let go. You kicked again, aiming at the other hand grabbing onto your leg.
Before you could land another hit someone jumped over you and crashed into the man. You did not waste time checking who it was and stumbled up, turning to the door. The cantina had completely fallen into chaos with customers brawling, Aurra holding Boba in a headlock while the teen kicked his head back up to land a hit at her jaw, Bossk and your attacker behind you interlocked in another violent mess of limbs and heavy breathing. So it must have been the trandoshan who had intervened for you.
With Bossk gone from guarding the door, there was nothing stopping you from fleeing. You made a short step in the direction of the door before reconsidering and grabbing a few bottles of cheap spotchka and matches. With the heavy load in your hands you stumbled through the fighting mess, before making it to the door. Quickly you opened the bottles and started pouring them out in the doorway. You needed to gain time to flee, making it hard or impossible for the bounty hunters to follow you.
Determined you lit up a match and threw it at the blue liquid.
Instantly the cheap spotchka caught fire, roaring high and hungry and - most importantly - making it pretty impossible for anyone to follow you outside this way.
You stumbled away from the flames and into the alley. Smoke was rising up and you coughted, first time becoming aware of how heavy you were breathing and how hot you felt from the fight.
You turned around and started to run as fast as possible, leaving the angry shouts behind you and ignoring the pain in your lungs. As fast as you could you made through the alleys - further and further into the deep dark streets of Nar Shaddaa - running, stumbling, crawling. At some point you left the surface and went down using the stairs and lifts in the hope of shaking off any possible pursuer and even jumping over a few chasm’s between walkways just to make sure. 
After you felt like you would pass out from your lungs hurting, you dared stopping at a little, secluded corner and leaned against a wall. 
Tired and defeated, you slid down. You took a few deep breaths of air to help the pain in your lungs subside. After a while of controlled breathing you started to feel better, your legs still shaky yet not as boneless as the last few desperate jumps you made to escape.
You bend your knees who had gotten bruised at some point, and hug yourself before finally allowing yourself to feel. Tears started to roll down your cheeks and little gasps escaped you, fighting for air again as everything came crashing down on you.
You had fought.
You had fought for your life and then you had set a fire to help you escape. You had been kidnapped, attacked, threatened, insulted, yelled at - all for a man that wasn’t even there.
Frustrated, you punched against the wall next to you.
Kriff, that hurt.
You wanted to go home, back on Trask to crawl into your bed and sleep. You wanted to take a long hot bath, get some fresh clothes and then lament about the whole experience to Luna while stealing some of the good spotchka from the cantina. You wanted to have a good cooked meal with some time to enjoy it and be alone for a while. You wanted to forget that boy Boba who talked about hurting people as if it’s nothing. Or Bossk who stared down at you like you were nothing. Or Aurra who’s piercing stare made you feel looked at like a little insect under a magnifying glass.
But instead you had become the perceived key for all of them to a man who obviously was gone - yet everybody was out there to remind you of him.
Cad Bane, if I ever cross your path again, I’m gonna slap you for this.
You allowed yourself a few more luxurious moments of wailing and self-pity. As the tears washed away a little bit of that burden resting on your shoulders, you hugged your bruised knees closer to your body and started thinking about what to do now.
Cad Bane would have starred at the lil’ loth cat lady doing arson with raised eyebrows if he had any body hair. Watching her splashing and pouring the spotchka generously into the doorway and then torching up the place took guts. And it had been an effective way to stop anyone following her, maybe even killing a few of her pursuers.
He felt himself nodding silently in appreciation for her displayed work. Maybe the lil’ loth cat had it under control, finding her path through the galaxy and doing what needed to be done to ensure her safety without his help. She clearly did not need anyone as far as Bane was concerned. He had seen professionals doing worse. Maybe it was time to leave; do some work, whore around and get drunk to forget her.
He was about to leave as he watched Bossk finally shoot through the reinforced transpari steel window and stumble out of the burning cantina. Right after him was Aurra, a bunch of people Bane did not recognize, and the person in Jango Fett’s armor. All of them coughed, wretched or collapsed into the street.
“Where issss she?” Bane heard Bossk yell between coughs. “Where did ssssshe go? Can’t sssseel a kriffing thing due to the sssmoke.”
Aurra coughed violently and shook her head.
“Boba!” The huge trandoshan managed to call between coughs before getting up to his full size and grabbing the person in Jango’s armor.
“Who issss that woman, Boba?” The trandoshan growled, squinting his eyes. “Tell me now or I sssswear you will die here on the ssssspot.”
Boba, the person wearing the armor, stayed silent. Bane had to give the stranger some credit for not whimpering and breaking instantly under Bossk’s angry gaze.
The trandoshan sighed, ripped off the helmet and pushed Boba against the next wall.
Bane felt like something was off with gravity. The revealed face under Jango’s helmet was Jango. Younger maybe. But it was identical.
Anger, rage and regret roared up their ugly heads inside of him, clawing from his mind at his sanity. This was impossible.
It can’t be Jango.
“Okay, okay. I’ll talk” said the boy with Jango’s face and voice. Bane flinched at the sound.
“The woman is connected to Bane. Maybe his lover or girlfriend. Not sure what exactly but worth a try to draw him out this way. That's why I brought her here.” The boy coughed. “By causing enough ruckus he would hear about her being in danger and show up. Let me go and I’ll find her.”
Bane felt gravity shift a second time. He was the reason she was in danger. Instead of ensuring her safety he was the reason his lil’ loth cat was in danger. And from none other than his closest colleagues and competitors Aurra and Bossk.
And whoever that miniature-Jango over there was.
But why? Why this interest in finding him? Bounty hunter came and went. And he just had taken a bit of time off. 
Something wasn’t adding up.
Bane closed his eyes, listened to Aurra, Bossk and Boba coughing their lungs out in the hopes of gathering more intel only to hear nothing except more painful and dry gasps.
Impatiently Bane drummed with his finger against the brim of his hat.
He had to find her first, he was sure of that.
Just to make sure she was safe, nothing more of course.
And he had to apologize for causing her all of this.
This mess with the Hutts, the wrong Jango, Aurra and Bossk had to wait.
He needed to track her first.
His mind calmed as Bane slipped into his predatory hunting state of mind, thinking of nothing but her, remembering her warm human skin, her hair, her proud gaze and most and foremost - her smell.
Bane stalked through the streets of Nar Shaddaa tracking the lady. It was rare for him to tap into his duros predatoriness this much. He liked using his mind more instead of relying on purely his tracking instincts. And in a world full with spaceships and racers they rarely were useful anyway. But now, he needed the sharpness of his senses focused to find her despite the many distracting smells around him, the smoke from the arson, or her attempts to loosen any pursuers.
He crouched down.
She had touched the ground here, maybe stumbled and rolled over the floor before getting up again to run.
Bane made a face at the thought of her hurting herself and lifted his hat. He needed to get close to get her scent. Pushing all the thoughts away thinking about how odd it was and how rarely he did this, he licked. A few molecules of her scent danced on his tongue and he closed his eyes to concentrate on it. It was a sweet smell, making him remember more pleasurable things than crouching in the dirt. It was a smell that made him want to bite. 
He got up and put his hat back on to calm himself. The excitement of the hunt was dangerously close to overcoming him.
She wasn’t his prey.
Bane started moving to follow her, driven by the will to find her. Her smell was a beacon in the dark. He chased her while passing people that quickly gave way. He must look ferocious with his eyes gleaming and his bared teeth. She had gone far away, running deeper and deeper into the maze-like structure of Nar Shaddaa but Bane stalked her with a steady pace, sometimes close enough to hear her steps running and running and running away from him. Sometimes she was nearly gone. Bane growled and listened for her, his sharp senses ignoring everything but the target, no not target she was not-
Her heartbeat was close by, on the other side of a chasm between walkways. He jumped after her without much consideration for himself.
He picked her scent again, her smell being close by.
She had touched the wall to catch herself, the humidity and heat still visible on the permacrete for his sharpened eyes. Bane put his own long hand next to her’s on the wall to ground himself.
She was so small, so human.
More of her smell made it onto his tongue as he licked the wall in instinct for more of her.
She was close and her smell was…
He started running.
Something was hurting her. The agony a bitter taste in his mouth, making his teeth grind painfully and drawing blood from biting into his lips in a sorry attempt for control.
He jumped down a few more stairs, leaning into his instincts to track her and protect her from any possible attackers, before rushing down a longer secluded corridor and scanning for attackers or a sign of her.
He growled, pacing around and looking for his loth cat lady. Her scent was so strong she must have been here.
Something moved in the corner of his eyes between some pipes so he jumped with bared teeth and his hands up for attack, slamming into whoever it was.
The smell of her hit him like a wall, her heartbeat fast like of a little animal, little fearful sounds escaped her as she struggled against his iron grip and his teeth -
He stumbled back while letting go of her.
She was there in front of him. Starring in surprise with teary eyes and her hand raised on her shoulder where he had bit her.
He felt his mouth go dry at the sight of the wound.
“I am sorry. I-”, he started while raising his hands in a soothing gesture.
“Bane?!” She yelled with a voice dancing between anger, pain and the incoming shock. “ Did you just kriffing bite me?!”
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dumbbitchenergy17 · 11 months
Clan of Three (BOBF) - Chapter 1
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Chapter One: The Mandalorian and the Jedi
Plot: A Mandalorian, an infant with a history of the jedi, and a teenager with similar powers with a slowly discovering lineage. With the child off with the Jedi, the close-knit pair continues their travels through the galaxy.
Word Count: 5.7K
Pairing: Father Figure!Din Djarin x Platonic!Teen!Reader
Warnings: fighting/violence, injuries, semi-angst, slight ptsd, some wholesome moments, father-daughter moments
The streets are empty besides the few that travel with the star that the space station orbits around and lights sections of the streets before incasing it into darkness. Gentle footsteps were barely noticeable unless you were skilled in listening out for them. The men work away in the slaughterhouse the smell of raw meat and blood fills the air as the butches cut into the large slabs of meat a shadow passing by and one looks back catching something in the corner of his eye but shaking it off not seeing anything. Hidden behind the slaughterhouse is a makeshift officer who works the corrupt side hidden behind the facade of a meat packing industry. A Klatooinian sits at his desk working away while others stand around either talking to one another or making sure the man at the desk is well protected.
“Kaba Baiz…” A voice speaks out and they all look over at a hooded figure resting against one of the walls, “You sure are a difficult man to find.” They speak out as the men surrounding Kaba brandish weapons but the figure raises their hand, “You don’t want to hurt me.” The voice calming but commanding as Kaba watches his men lower their weapons obeying this stranger's orders. Looking back jumping back slightly seeing the hooded figure in front of the desk their hands resting on the table.
“I don’t know who you’re talking about…you’re looking at the wrong person.” He says and the figure chuckles and he can see their shoulders move with their laughter. “Trust me Kaba I’m looking at him. So here’s your option you either kindly follow me so I can turn you in and get my money or someone who won’t care if you’re alive is going to come. Your choice.” The person speaks and Kaba can see just a glimpse of their mouth as they smile waiting for his decision. He wasn’t sure if this person was insane or just dumb enough to think he would listen. The voice sounded young and to think whoever they were was trying to threaten him.
“Get lost. I won’t tell you again, I’m not your guy.” He says and he sees their shoulders slump. They reach out and grab a credit hold it up to the light seeing the integrity of it before dropping it back down.
“I did warn you..” They say and heavy footsteps grow closer to the room he turns to look back at the hooded figure finding them gone right as the plastic curtains open revealing a rugged man in shiny beskar armor. He should’ve taken their advice.
The night air cools your skin as you rest on a metal railing looking up at the space that was looking down at you. The cloak and mask covering your face were pulled back as you watched the stars move past you. The sounds of fighting faint coming from the building as you wait for it to die down before you hear footsteps though it sounds like something is being dragged as well.
“I’m guessing he didn’t take my deal.” You say looking over at the bounty hunter in his hand a sack that you assume contains Kaba's head. You instantly notice him limping and you quickly join his side, “What did you do?” You ask looking at his leg and seeing the large burn on his upper thigh the skin badly injured.
“I’m fine,” He says waving you off and taking a step forward but he can’t stop the groan from escaping his mouth and your body goes under his arm supporting his bad side, “What did I tell you about speaking to the bounties? What if they-” He speaks up his tone scolding and you roll your eyes.
“They didn’t see my face Din, and if they had you probably already took them out.” You say as you travel through the streets of Glavis Ringworld, you’ve both been traveling for bounties for information on the coverts of Mandalorians. With Din being reinstated into the Guild you could have some credits to keep you afloat but with no ship or a permanent home, you’ve bounced around planets and worlds following after the hardened Mandalorian. “We’re in this together…I’m not leaving you to do all the work.” You say leaving the grimy streets of Glavis to a more glitzy area, people dressed in silks and clothes covered in jewels. The two of you probably stuck out like sore thumbs you mainly, while Din had the shiny beskar armor you were dressed in layers of clothes. After the Jedi and Grogu left you and Din traveled with the group to see him get turned in from the New Republic before you both took off. It took time with the limited credits Din had from bounties though you put your effort in a pickpocket or two you never told the man. You were able to rebuild a new outfit. Your old one was too ripped up and covered in blood and you didn’t like the memories associated with the clothes.
Din didn’t say anything following your comment the both of you entered a turbolift with a Caskadag inside who moves to stand towards the side far away from the two of you. He could sense the unease in the man. Din glances down at you still reliving his weight off his bad leg, your gaze was straight forward a permanent frown etched on your features. You refused to speak about what happened on Moff Gideon’s cruiser as if the incident never existed but he could see the few moments the mask you put up cracked for just a second. The flash of panic in your eyes when someone touched you without warning, or when he caught you once as they traveled on a train after a bounty your gaze was focused on your hands. You hadn’t realized Din was watching as you flexed your hands curling them in and out of fists tracing the scars on your knuckles. You had completely shattered your knuckles and needed surgery luckily getting it from a medical droid on the cruiser, the little things you thought he didn’t notice he saw.
You were older…more mature. It was only a year from when he met you when you were seventeen but things had changed now. You smiled less, his poor excuses for jokes were met with laughter that didn’t reach your eyes, and you would stare off shutting out the world around you, when you fought you were vicious but you dissociate during them and once they were over your mind was a blur of what you did. He knew whatever Gideon had done to you would stick with you forever but keeping it all in wasn’t healthy. You had too much on your plate with the weapon that is technically yours but now resting on his. The Darksaber, you refused to touch it or glance at it, hearing the history and meaning of owning this weapon. To bring the people of Mandalore together and rule as Mand’alor but you rejected it and the title that weighs you down. He would think back on what that Jedi said when you rejected his offer to go train with him.
“Your connection to the force is driven by your emotions without proper guidance you walk a thin line that can have you fall down the path of the dark side,”
He wasn’t going to force you to train with the Jedi but he was still nervous when in moments punches wouldn’t be held back or threats to quarries weren’t a fear tactic. The turbolift reaches the floor you’re meant to go to and you and Din step forward the music of the lounge fills your ears. Din feels the helpful hand leave his side and he’s forced to limp forward just catching the hood and mask of your cloak coming on and you disappear without seeing where you went. It was a skill you had acquired with still being a target to the small remnants of the empire and it didn’t take long for news to spread of being the ancestor of a famous Jedi and the Mandalore Duchess. It was being hidden from the last bits of the empire that wishes to rid of the jedi, bounties looking for a highly valued bounty, and the New Republic with a possible political player. Din moves towards the private lounge reaching a table covered in an assortment of foods with people surrounding the table.
From the bar, you had a clear view of Din as he spoke to the contractor for the bounty. Raising your hand briefly to the bartender who comes over and a glass of spotchka is slid over to you and you in return place a credit on the bar, your gaze is still focused on Din as he speaks to them and you could sense the frustration coming from the Mandalorian.
“Hey, you wanna buy death sticks?” A voice calls out to you and you glance over at a man standing beside you holding out fluorescent sticks a smirk on his face.
"You don't want to sell me death sticks." You say with a slight wave of your hand and he steps back, "I don't wanna sell you death sticks." He says putting the sticks away.
"You want to go home and rethink your life." You say another small wave of your hand and he looks almost ashamed of his decision, "I wanna go home and rethink my life.” He says and you watch him turn to leave the lounge. You smirk pulling down your mask slightly to take a sip of the spotchka your lips curling at the burn from the liquid. You see Din taking the credits while placing the bag on the table before heading off. You leave the drink at the bar following after him sliding into the lift after him it ascends down. From the corner of your eye, Din examines the burn on his upper thigh.
Leaving the lift you back outside the cool air blows past you as you walk further from the glitz and glam of part of Glavis Ringworld to where the crimes lie and those who don’t want to be found. When there were only your and Din’s footsteps you pull the hood and mask off your face slowly trailing behind the limping Mandalorian. The loud machinery from the railway above you as you move deeper into the industrial layout, you see Din move his hand to his helmet as he scans the alley,
“What do you see?” You ask as he suddenly moves down an alley the sounds of the railways fading away,
“A path..” Din says and you follow after him as he continues after this trail apparently only he can see before you reach a hatch in the wall, “This is the place.” He says as he opens it entering with you close behind the doorway and shutting it behind you. Following down a stairwell that reveals the underneath of Glavis like its own city of metal bridges and platforms under the ring space station. A ladder leads down to a platform but how easy it could be to take a wrong step and fall straight into space and the rusty ladder doesn’t help either. Din heads down first taking it slow, especially with his leg everything was fine until his leg hits the rung and he slips down. Your hand grabs his wrist as you half hang off the top platform as he clutches the ladder.
“Din…are you okay?!” You ask panic in your eyes, it would be so easy to slip and fall off and you had reacted so fast down almost upside down on this ladder your other hand holding onto the railing.
“I’m fine kid,” He hisses in pain in his legs, “I gotta help you though,” He tries moving up to help your hanging body but you shake your head.
“Just head down I’ll be fine.” You reassure him as he painfully heads down the rest of the ladder and once he’s down he looks up at you as you try bringing yourself up but your body is so far off the ladder.
“Kriffff…” You sigh before fixing your grip on the ladder, “Make sure to grab me if I fall and die.” You call out to him, “What do you mean fal-Maker kid!” Din yells seeing you fully flip your body off the platform your hands twisting on the rung as your back hits and you lose your grip falling straight off the ladder. Your hands grip the side of the floor your hold quickly losing and your weightless falling straight into space.
A harsh grip on your wrist as your held above the vast amount of space and you look up at Din who’s holding you up with one hand, “Give me your hand kid,” You can hear the strain in his voice from holding you with one hand and his leg digs into the metal grating. Swinging your other arm and you grab his arm as he pulls you up and you swing your leg catching onto the platform rolling onto it. You lay on your back trying to calm your heaving breaths as Din sits back trying to calm his own rapidly beating heart, this kid was going to give him a heart attack one of these days.
“Don’t…do that…again.” He pants and you nod holding a thumbs up, “Yeah…thanks for catching me.” You respond weakly before you push yourself to stand holding out your hand to Din, “Come on old man,” You say and you can feel the look he gives you through his helmet but gladly accepts your hand groaning when putting weight on his leg. Heading through the platform as it opens up more area and further ahead on a jutted-out platform you saw the female Mandalorian sitting with her weapons besides her looking to be praying. Din walks forward down a small step but his leg gives out and he grabs his leg, you rush to his side looking over his leg which looked worse.
“Tend to him.” The Armorer calls out and you hear footsteps seeing a very tall and buff Mandalorian compared to Din, “I didn’t know if I would ever see you again.” The man says with a gruff deep voice as he holds a medpack with him,
“Thank you for saving me on Nevarro,” Din says as your hand grazes the burn and he shudders in pain, “Sorry..” You whisper before rubbing your hands on your pants to get rid of sweat, “I don’t know if I’ll be as good as the child when he did it..” You explain before bringing your hand to rest over his thigh and focusing. Breathing through your nose focusing on the breathing and the energy you put it to heal him. Your focus is broken when you’re shoved away from Din falling and you push yourself on your elbows.
“We do not wish for your jedi witchcraft.” The Mandalorian hisses at you and you look at him in shock from the venom in his tone.
“Don’t touch her.” Din tries moving to your defense but groans in pain from his leg.
“Calm yourself Paz Vizsla…the girl is of Mandalore blood.” The Armorer warns him standing up and watching the interaction.
“She does not wear Mandalorian armor. She does not Walk the Way…she is a jedi. She is no Mandalorian.” Vizsla aims his words at you and you can feel his glare through the beskar. His hand moves to point at you and a screech fills the air an orange blade is aimed at him. He recoils back from the heat the blade gives off the kyber crystal producing a powerful and quite destructive blade.
“Touch me again and you will walk no way Mandalorian…” You hiss your body tense on the defensive your threat weighs heavy in the air.
“Kid..” Din calls out and your glare shifts from Vizsla to your guardian, you can feel the look he was giving you and the blade retracts as you quickly stand glaring down at Vizsla. You’re already moving heading off to Maker knows where just wanting to be anywhere but here.
Your legs hang over the platform though no railing might be scary to others you felt at peace having them dangling over the edge. Your fingers trace the raised skin on your knuckles, the shattering pain with each blow you gave flashes of his face and all that blood.
“This is the non-diplomatic option,”
You hiss in pain your hand instinctively rests on your stomach though no scars lie there the memories and the phantom pain forever haunts you.
“Ibic cuyir te ara.” A voice whispers out into the air and you turn towards it finding nothing around you but silence. Swinging your legs back to safety walking on the catwalk back towards the three Mandalorians trying your best to ignore the unease that coats your body.
You can hear large metal moving as you draw closer and you see Din and Vizsla connecting large tubes to what looks like the smelter back in the tunnels on Nevarro.
“Where did you come upon the Darksaber?” Vizsla ponders looking at the weapon attached to Din’s belt, “She defeated Moff Gideon.” Din responds while connecting another tube,
“Then why do you wield it?” Vizsla asks and Din pauses sensing your presence and seeing you have now joined but you sit away from them but certainly in hearing distance. You were leaning against a crate your nose in one of the old texts that you’ve re-read multiple times. He didn’t fully understand some of them not even in Basic but you read them like someone else was hidden within the pages. He saw the disdain and hatred you would give to the weapon he wielded but only for the use of it not as its owner. It’s owner refuses to touch it.
“I can not answer that.” Din replies and they continue working, “Did she kill him.” Hearing Paz’s question his mind could only go back to the light cruiser.
Your fists cave in the warlord’s face the fury in your eyes and blood paints your body. Screams of rage and hysterics as you beat the life out of the man that had tarnished the last glimpse of your innocence. Standing above him the wildness in your face as you hold the Darksaber ready to deliver the killing blow. “He has to die! I’ll kriffing kill him. Gideon has to!”
It was a wrath Din never expected to come from you but you were tainted by that man. Whatever was said to you before Gideon had attacked you was burned into your mind. It was violent and graphic that he hadn’t thought would be occurring to you out of all people, you were kind, compassionate, and caring of others, but Gideon took that from you and he paid the consequences.
“No,” He says shaking his head trying to get rid of those thoughts, “But he was sent off to the New Republic for interrogation, and he will face justice for his crimes.”
“Death would have been justice for his atrocities,” Paz says and Din can’t help to agree. If his priority wasn’t you or the child and the knowledge he has for the New Republic, Gideon’s guts would be spread across that light cruiser.
“This is true. The blood of millions of our kind is on his hands.” The Armorer replies as the smelter powers up flames appearing highlighting the beskar armor.
“Then he will be executed for his crimes by the New Republic Tribunal.” Din says stepping forward as the Armorer moves from the flames to a cupboard, “We shall see. The songs of eons past foretold of the Mythosaur rising up to herald a new age of Mandalore. Sadly, it only exists in legends. Where did you come upon the beskar spear?”
Din moves forward pulling the spear off his back and holding it out for the Armorer to take, “It was the gift of a Jedi. It can block a lightsaber. I used it to rescue the child.” The Armorer examines the weapon hitting it to the ground as the pure beskar rings through the air,
“It can also pierce beskar armor. Its mere existence puts Mandalorians at risk. Mandalorian steel is meant for armor, not weapons.” She says and Din pauses before glancing over at the girl still away from them and the small child off with the Jedi.
“Then forge it into armor.” He says and the female Mandalorian nods, “The Darksaber is a more noble weapon for you to wield. Though the true owner of the weapon should wield this weapon.”
The Armorer puts the beskar spear on top of the smelter glowing a bright red as it heats to a level to melt Din takes a seat before the woman working, “Have you ever heard of Bo-Katan Kryze?” The name has your head perking up, you and Bo-Katan following Grogu’s departure with the jedi had little time to learn of each other. Even then you were practically out of it the world blurring by you as your father’s aunt tried to learn about you and your father but only short sentences or no responses came. Your conversation ended there as Din pulled you away with Cara’s help to get you cleaned up and seen by the medical droid, your blood and…his was still drying on your skin and your knuckles were shattered.
“Bo-Katan is a cautionary tale,” The Armorer explains thinking back on her history of the Kryze House as she pours the melted liquid from a tube into a container to solidify, “She once laid claim to rule Mandalore based purely on blood and the sword you now possess. But it was gifted to her and not won by Creed. Bo-Katan Kryze was born of a mighty house, but they lost sight of the way. Her rule ended in tragedy. They lost their way, and we lost our world. Had our sect not been cloistered on the moon of Concordia, we would have not survived the Great Purge. Those born of Mandalore strayed away from the path. Eventually, the Imperial interlopers destroyed all that we knew and loved in the Night of a Thousand Tears.”
You could feel the tension coming off both Mandalorians and the sadness coming off Din, “Only those that walked the way escaped the curse prophesized in the Creed. Though our numbers were scattered to the winds, our adherence to the way has preserved our legacy for the generations until we may someday return to our homeworld.” The Armorer says before looking back at Din, “What shall I forge?”
Din glances at you and your gaze darts from him having been caught listening in, “Something for foundlings.” He suggests and the Armorer has an idea who one of them is and she nods “This is the way. Who is the other foundling?”
“The child…Grogu.” Din says and his chest aches with the reminder his other foundling was not with him, a part of his heart empty, his clan incomplete.
“He’s no longer in your care. He is with his own kind now.” The Armorer reminds him and the bounty hunter nods, “I want to see him, make sure he’s safe.” He says and the Armorer looks down at the man.
“In order to master the ways of the Force, Jedi must forgo all attachment.” She explains and Din hates to hear that. Was the child meant to let go of both himself and you, just forget to be able to properly train? Was this why you rejected the Jedi’s request? But was he a problem with stopping you from mastering the Force, this attachment you had for him for others?
“That is the opposite of our Creed. Loyalty and Solidarity are the way.” Din replies and the Armorer nods, “What shall I forge for the foundlings?”
You watch behind your book as the Armorer works around the smelter and other equipment clearly in her element and you can’t clearly see what she creates but she works diligently. Your focus is glued to the Mandalorian working away you didn’t notice your own Mandalorian’s presence near you.
“Kid..” Din’s touch is gentle on your shoulder but not accounted for as you stiffen your head snapping towards the foreign encounter. Your body relaxes once you realize it was only Din and you look forward to watching the Armorer work. “Kid.” He calls out again and you hum letting him know you have his attention, “You alright..just with what happened earlier and all.” He asks and your gaze returns back to the man though you can no longer see his face you could imagine the concern hidden behind his helmet, his brows furrowed, a frown painting his mouth, and his eyes filled with worry. You nod trying to reassure him.
“I’m fine Din,” You say trying to ignore the venom that burns your skin from Vizsla’s words, “It made sense to be wary of me, aren’t Jedi and Mandalorians sworn enemies or something.” You avert your gaze.
“Well, some still believe that,” He starts but seeing the hurt in your eyes he quickly backtracks, “I mean...I don’t believe that. You hear me. I could never hate you.” He grabs your hand and your gaze is still forward.
“But I’m no Mandalorian,” You say and Din gives you a look, “Of course, you are you’re-” “I know that physical...yes, I’m from Mandalore..I have the Dark-” You stop yourself before finishing the sentence your gaze briefly meeting the weapon before you quickly look away trying to calm your rapid heartbeat, “But I’m not like you. I don’t wear the armor, I don’t speak your Creed, I don’t walk the way.” An empty laugh leaves you as your gaze looks at the saber attached to your belt, “Could hardly call myself a jedi either.” You neither walked the way of the Mandalorians nor the way of the jedi. Din looks at the defeated look on your face before he stands up,
“Olaror. Laam,” (Come. Up,) He calls out holding a hand and you look at his hand before he gestures for you to take it. You’re pulled to your feet, “See you already understand what I’m saying. Already closer to being Mandalorian.” He says and starts away from the Armorer who is still working away. Following after him finding yourself on the catwalk from before as he stops turning to face you. “Okay come at me.” He holds his hands out and you look at him with a slight form of shock,
“What?” “Come on, no weapons, no powers, just straight fists.” He says and you shake your head, “Din I’m not fighting you,”
“Well, I’m not stopping until you do.” He says and before you could get another word a fist is flying toward your face. Leaning back avoiding the attack as you look at him in shock, “Come on,” He flexes his fist and you look at him before dodging another attack spinning around him so you both are on opposite sides. Your hands flex at your sides watching his movement, his fighting was fluid with powerful strikes while also thinking about his weak spots. There was a reason he was a well-feared bounty hunter. You had only got the jump on him a few times was pure luck on your end. In a real fight against him without using your saber or the force you were screwed.
“Stop worrying,” He calls out, “You know I’m stronger than you in a hand-to-hand fight, but you’re smarter use your wits to help you,” Din says looking over at you and you nod. He aims another punch toward you and you dodge kicking your leg out it connecting with the healing burn on his calf he grunts grabbing your ankle and twisting it forcing you to hit the ground. He tries pinning you but you spin around landing another kick right on the side of his ribs where the beskar plate doesn’t protect him. He’s quick with defense his fist striking against your chest and the wind is slightly knocked out of you as you fall back clutching your chest trying to catch your breath. He stalks towards you his hand grabbing your ankle and dragging you forward. When you’re close to him your free foot kicks against his chest your arms gripping his shoulders and with all your strength you throw him over you. He flips over not expecting it as he hits the ground and you hear a groan come from him. You stand rubbing your hand to your chest as he too stands as well both out of breath he nods,
“Good…you did good.” He says and you nod your breath calming down the pain in your chest now dull. Looking down he notices the Darksaber had unclipped from his belt and he moves to grab it, “You’re smart to target weakness you did good…kid? Kid..?”
You’re frozen looking at the weapon before you. Trapped unable to breathe or move. There was no flight or fight. You could only hear the blood pumping wildly through your body and your head spun making you weak. You felt restrained..back on the cruiser…back with…him. His touch sears your skin his words toxic as they drown you. You were overwhelmed by it unable to move, to think, to breathe, you were trapped within your own body. Bile fills your throat as your hands flex and unflex remembering the pain from your hands trying to focus on anything but what happened…what he did..just him.
“y/n..” You felt hands on your body and you reacted your vision blinded as they collided with something fighting them off and shoving them away. A yell fills the air before arms wrap around you pinning your arms to the side. Your thrash violently screams tearing through your throat as you’re brought to the ground.
“Stop Kid! Y/n…kid! You’re alright breathe!” The voice clears the fear as your hands shake violently gasping for air as hands grab your face forcing you to look at the beskar helmet. “Breathe…breathe.” He says showing an exaggerated inhale and exhale as you copy with your shaky inhales and exhales.
“I...I’m sorry…I’m sorry…I’m sorry.” You frantically apologize trying to push him off, he shouldn’t see you weak. He didn’t need that baggage but he shushes you pulling you into his chest and your hands are like vices clutching the cape on his back your face cool against the beskar. “You’re fine..you’re fine cyar’ika.” He mumbles his hand smoothing over your hair the other rubbing your back gently as you weakly mumble apologies.
“She’s a danger to rebuilding our covert.” Paz Vizsla’s voice makes you jump and Din holds you close to him pulling back to look at the Mandalorian that was breathing heavily with anger. Din had known when you pulled into yourself or dissociated following a fight be cautious around you not sure how you could react. But Vizsla had just appeared and the next thing either of them knew you were shoving the man off the catwalk. Luckily he had his jetpack to return him to safety but it was unprovoked and just instinct. Din had to restrain you when your hand moved for your saber unaware of what you would do when in a state of panic.
“She’s a child and my ward,” Din says ready to fight tooth and nail to keep you safe beside him. Especially against this man for the threat against his clan member.
“She leaves or I will do it myself.” Vizsla threatens, stepping forward and Din shifts putting you behind him aiming his blaster only to get one in return.
“You lay one finger on her-”
“Enough!” The Armorer’s voice breaks through the fight about to break out both lower their blasters before the female Mandalorian turns over to Viszla, “Paz Vizsla, have you ever removed your helmet?” She asks and Vizsla shakes his head firmly,
“Has it ever been removed by others?” 
“Never.” He says confidently and the Armorer nods, “This is the way.” Vizsla quickly repeats the saying. The Armorer then turns to Din looking at him.
“Din Djarin, have you ever removed your helmet?” Din is frozen and you were fearful about the response. You knew he had…he had taken it off for you and the child. “Have you ever removed your helmet? By Creed, you must vow.” She repeats again when he remains silent.
“I have.” He says.
“Then, you are a Mandalorian no more.” She says and Din moves forward towards the woman, “I beg you for your forgiveness. How can I atone?” 
“Leave, apostate.” Vizsla hisses at him stepping forward but the Armorer holds up her hand, “According to Creed, one may only be redeemed in the Living Waters beneath the mines of Mandalore.” She explains as you listen but flashes of an open cave filled with waters return from your memory. But that was only a dream…or a vision.
“But the mines have all been destroyed.” Din replies and the woman looks at him, “This is the way.” She says before holding out something wrapped in cloth and the Darksaber which Din accepts. Looking at the two Mandalorians now an apostate he turns to the girl still on the ground watching the interaction before he helps you to your feet and you give one final look at the pair before following after Din. Returned to the streets of Glavis you look at the silent Manda... bounty hunter as he walks through the streets. Would you be able to call him a Mandalorian anymore? It’s silent as you walk side but side but he leads before you speak up.
“I’m sorry..” Your voice breaks the silence as he glances down at you, “It’s my fault you’re an apostate..if I hadn’t protected the child on Thyton we wouldn’t have been taken…you wouldn’t have to come after us..you wouldn’t have to take off your helme-” “Stop kid.” He cuts your rambling off and you look at him ready for his scolding or just more silence.
“I took my helmet off because I wanted to…our mishaps had nothing to force that.” He says and you nod slowly before your hand slides into his squeezing it and he returns one, “What do we do now..”
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ooOooOOOooooO it is i, a totally anonymous person OOoOOoOO also i think immaybe a ghost. anyway OOoooooOOOoOooO you wanna draw boba fett ooOOooOoo boba feeettttt oooo
AAAH ghosts.....scary,,,,...,.
Tumblr media
heres your little guy
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padawansuggest · 1 year
Din: *comes outside when he hears a ship on the landing pad, looks over to find Fennec and Boba leaving Slave II on the far side of the field, sighs, picks up the bean and starts walking in their direction*
Boba: Long time no see, Fennec and I just wanted to see you’re still alive.
Din: Did you scour the whole planet to find my cabin?
Fennec: No, we asked Greef.
Din: ??? And he told you?
Boba: We gave him collateral so he wouldn’t think we were here to steal you.
Greef’s Office
Greef: *looking at the small group of mod teenagers* so… you are Boba Fett’s… apprentices?
Drash: He said the gai bal manda for us after the first week of being with him.
Skad: It was kind of confusing. I’ve never had a parent before. He’s always trying to feed us.
Greef: Amazing. Mandalorians really work fast like that.
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engagemythrusters · 13 days
i need to give 20yo boba fett a bag of garden salsa sun chips and a whole shelf of tequila
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carebooks · 1 year
YES I WILL ELABORATE. So I basically formed this crack theory up during the middle of the movie and in the midst of texting my cousin my on-air reaction.
Also, I'm not the biggest fan of mpreg, to each their own but I'd rather not have that be the explanation. So instead of that here's a tale of a clone baby inspired by Superboy, the love child between Lex Luthor and Clark Kent (specifically a one-sided not-so-love child)
Eli is the biological child of Derek Hale and Stiles Stilinski. How? Let’s discus:
- Five years after the events of S6 (four years after Allison’s death), Derek manages to get himself kidnapped yet again.
- It’s not surprising, it happens like once a season.
- This time it’s a Dread Doctor that took him. It’s said that the Beast fatally mauled them all, but for these purposes I’m going to have the Geneticist survive.
- (if you didn’t know it, the Geneticist was female) Over the years she’s been repairing herself and nursing herself back to her previous conditions. Now without the other doctors, she’s on her own and while she wants to continue her experiments and push the boundaries of science and alchemy even further, she also wanted revenge. The Beast was supposed to be their masterpiece but these teenagers destroyed everything they had worked for. She wouldn’t have care that much usually, the Beast was always the Surgeon’s obsession. But still, they belittled all of them, two of them dead, one barely alive, and all their experiments gone and demolished.
- She needed to start from scratch. Begin again and bring back the meaning of dread in Dread Doctor. But she’d require new specimens to work off of.
- Werewolves were always unusually loyal to their pack. And she’d need muscle, so she started with that. But she didn’t just want any werewolf, she wanted a prime specimen from one of the oldest families with the affliction. Scott McCall might’ve been a True Alpha, but he was a bitten rarity, something that all three doctors agreed wouldn’t be possible to replicate. Still, he was no Hale. Hale’s had gone back hundreds of years. The only family capable of shifting into an actual wolf. And now her options were limited thanks to that horribly intrusive werewolf hunting family.
- Peter Hale, nowhere to be found. Though not a prime subject, his wolf form was more beast than animal. And, as records show, he had been killed before and brought back which depleted his abilities. UNSUITABLE
- Malia Hale, also difficult in locating but not impossible. Last seen, helping the McCall Pack against hunters near the Sierra Forest, Ca. Capable of shifting into a coyote but that is not the intended target. Her coyote DNA could infect the entire experiment. The Doctor required loyalty, coyote’s weren’t exactly famous for it. UNSUITABLE.
- Cora Hale, last scene traveling in South America and heading North to cross the border to meet with her older brother. While a prime target, she hasn’t achieved her evolved shifting quite like her older brother has. Too far to locate but the only other specimen that was a probability. TBD.
- Derek Hale, traveling with Scott McCall and the rest of the McCall Pack. Currently in an on-going fight against hunters that left Beacon Hills to finish them off. And the only Hale alive capable of shifting into a wolf. SUITABLE.
- She decides to go with Derek Hale.
- She kidnaps him.
- He’s missing for a few weeks before his friends find a way to locate him. I’ll come up with that later.
- During that time she figures out she can’t just grow a new copy from just his set of DNA, she needs two sets, as that’s what builds a person or whatever, to be honest I’m going off Superboy logic just like how Lex Luthor grew a baby with Superman bc he had a crush on Clark.
- She decides to use a human’s DNA as it will balance out the wolf genes. She can’t use her own, it’s effed up over the years. Besides, someone’s tripped her silent alarms that lead to her secret lab.
- It’s two of McCall’s pack members, the human and the beta. She knocks them out fast, the beta took more work whilst the human ran to find the Hale. She knocked him out too. As she’s chaining them up she realizes that a viable human subject has just delivered itself to her doorstep.
- She takes Stiles’ DNA.
- Once she’s done with that, the rest of the pack show up and she’s outnumbered. She grabs her equipment, including both DNA specimens she took from the men and bolts.
- It takes her a year of experimentations and botched results but she was finally growing her Hale specimen. She made sure to age up the child so as to not deal with an infant.
- The experiment took that year to fully grow and look like the age of a ten year old child. The perfect age to adapt and be impressionable upon, but not so young he’d be traumatized for the rest of his life.
- He escaped the second he could. He couldn’t explain why, he could smell it in the air, something was wrong with whoever that thing— person was.
- He has two sets of DNA in him, that came with some unintentionally leftover memories in his head. He found himself in Beacon Hills. Something about it seemed so familiar but it also… pulling at him somewhat.
- He found what remained of the Hale House.
- He visited the high school and narrowly escaped from questioning and curious adults about a random 10 year old.
- It wasn’t long before a Sheriff’s Deputy found him when he stole food from a food truck.
- He refused to say a word. And then he met the Sheriff.
- He was easy to talk to, he felt like he could trust him, and then he told him about what he remembered- about where he came from. He told him about the Hale memories in his head and the Sheriff thought it best to call the only Hale who could handle this.
that’s all i got so far but i’ll get into him meeting Derek (and Stiles) at some point. any thoughts? any ideas? feel free!
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iconsfinder · 2 years
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radioactivepeasant · 1 year
Fic Prompts: Star Wars Wednesday
(Set immediately after the Book of Boba Fett finale)
"You sure about this?" the bounty hunter sounded like he was frowning under his helmet.
"Quit worrying!" Fennec scoffed. "Do you want to practice with the Darksaber or not?"
Boba stepped past them and slapped Din on the back. "Come on, beyora. The foundling is in good hands."
After a moment’s hesitation, Din sighed. "Alright."
He crouched down to set Grogu in front of the teenagers and said sternly, "You be respectful. You know what I mean."
Grogu squealed happily. "Bweer!"
Of course, Din instantly melted.
"I...no, no you can't come with Buir this time."
"Bweer! Bweer!"
"No, sorry buddy. You'd break the training remote. But I promise, we'll be back before bedtime, okay?"
Din scooped the toddler back up to gently tap his helmet to his forehead.
"You be good for Drash, okay? Leave the rancor alone."
"Hey, why does Drash get to be in charge?" Skad complained playfully.
Boba narrowed his eyes at him.
"You know why."
The other Mods snickered as the boy folded his arms and grunted, "Sneak out to teach the rancor tricks one time and you never live it down-"
"Well first of all, you let yourself get caught," Fennec snorted.
"Yeah, because Junior ratted me out!" Skad laughed.
"Fennec is right. Work on your stealth, Skad'ad," Boba said, a smirk betraying his feigned sternness, "and don’t let Grog'ika talk you into bothering Junior. After what Bane put him through, he needs his rest."
"Junior?" Din echoed, bewildered.
"The rancor," Drash supplied helpfully.
"You named the rancor Junior?"
"You named your 'ad Grogu?" Boba shot back.
"No I didn't! That was already his name!" Din protested.
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Star Wars Textposts [1 of ?] [x]
Nihlus is a Terrible Role Model, and Boba needs very little encouragement for Violence
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bojangos · 2 years
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i see your mullet boba’s and a raise you wolfcut boba
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nonromanceable-npc · 2 years
The Boba Fett show really does emphasize how wild Tatooine is and how it is even more wild that Luke ended up just being a normal guy when we first met him
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itsagrimm · 2 years
The Confusion
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Cad Bane X she/her able-bodied reader
Beta read by the amazing @queenquazar
CN street clothes on bed, blood, fantasies of violence against a loved one, painfully bad communication skills a la toxic masculinity Bane, food, mentions of not eating enough, mentions of food insecurity and poverty trauma, fear of getting murdered and attacked, firmely saying no to the sexual assault tropes but characters vaguely think about this as something happening and existing in the galaxy, guns and gunfight, mentions of sex, fighting, more blood, injury, the bounty hunters know how to tussle, homicidal droid, general note about trandoshans and hutts being antisemitic stereotypes
8k words
You woke up, once again, to the humming sounds of a spaceship. Surprised, you looked around, checked yourself and tried to recollect how you got here.
You were in a bunk - Bane’s bunk?!
Kriff. Okay.
You were still in your clothes, yet barefoot with a huge bacta patch on your neck.
The bite! The memory of Bane rushing at you with gleamy, hungry, predatory eyes and then him with blood - your blood - running down his chin from his barred fangs flashed before your eyes.
That ass of a bantha.
If you could get your hands on him you would - you stopped, remembering how he always towered above you with red eyes, sharp teeth and terrifying strength in his lanky body.
You grimaced.
Your options about what you could do with your hands alone were rather limited in regards to Cad.
 You meant Bane. Not sure you two were still on a first name basis after everything.
You rolled over and screamed your frustrations into the pillow before turning again and taking a few calming deep breaths.
What a mess.
When you were younger you remembered dreaming about someone stepping into your world and changing your life. Now, as it happened, you felt nothing but anger and annoyance for being taken away from your everyday comforts and safety, your home, your income - your life. Yes, anger was good. It was better than the disturbing feeling of powerlessness creeping up in your belly. Rage felt better than resignation.
You got up.
Time to deal with this. Time to tackle the zillo beast. Grab the Zabrack by the horns. Stare the Duro in the Eyes.
What was it now? Another kidnapping? Another mildly veiled threat? Another day without caf and the morning news holos..
Remember - anger, missing caf with a passion.
The outside of the bunkroom was calm. Quickly, you moved around the ship into the cockpit. You needed to know where you are and how you got here. The cockpit was a great place to start with the first.
The dim little area was illuminated with its usual lights from the buttons and screens. You halted in your steps. Through the viewport in front of you, Nar Shaddaa, the smuggler's moon, could be seen. The sight of a fully urbanized celestial body still seemed implausible, a view you struggled with after seeing it before.
Someone knocked.
You turned around, anticipating Bane or another attacker, kidnapper or other bane on your existence but instead it was TODO 360, the droid. A different kind of bane.
“Master Bane instructed me to let you rest and ensure your well-being.” He squeaked, “I had objected about taking up the tasks of a nanny droid. But master Bane insisted on you being more comfortable with a droid than him due to your incapacitated state. I’m glad this is over, for now I can return to my more important duties.”
You raised an eyebrow. 
“I am sure I was not much of a hassle while I was out,” you deadpanned.
“You don't sleepwalk. I heard some of your species do that,” TODO continued. “I would have used a stun shot on you if you’d done that.”
Your mouth went dry. A thinly veiled threat kind of day it was then.
“Well, I feel so cared for by you. Thanks. Where is Bane?”
“Master Bane is doing some maintenance on the hyperengine generator.”
You rolled your eyes.
“I am sure Master Bane will be most pleased with you being helpful while keeping me safe.”
The droid stared at you before turning around leaving you alone without any more words. Maybe his memory storages were overflowing with his artificial adoration for Bane and he had no capacity for being nice to you.
You took one last look at the magnificent sight of Nar Shaddaa. It was breathtaking, helping you to calm your confused thoughts and ground yourself in the here and now. You were one little human in this inconceivably big galaxy full of wonders and horrors like the populated moon before your eyes. You would deal with whatever awaited you however you could, taking it in stride instead of panic. It was all you had left now, anyways as you headed down deeper into the ship.
The engine room was a space you had never visited before during your previous  encounters with Bane. It simply wasn’t where one naturally gravitated to when looking for a space to fuck. So it took you a few moments to find it, wandering around the ship and past places where Bane had bent you over, or against, or pushed you down before.
You shook your head. This wasn’t the moment to think about what you had done to each other. How he tasted. That gruff sound he made when he came. Or, how it had felt when-
“You’re awake.”
Banes' curt greeting snapped you back into reality and you turned around. He was shirtless, marked in grime from working on the engine, a handful of tools in his hands with his discarded shirt lying on the floor. Stars, he looked good as he stared down on you, the hat making him appear even taller.
“I ‘ad started to worry about ya’ dying on me due to blood loss. Took you a long time to get up.”
Still as caring as always then.
“Well, I’m alive.” You managed to reply. The machine oil on his dark blue skin glinted distractingly.
He nodded.
You shifted awkwardly, suddenly not feeling angry or annoyed, but hyper aware of how out of your element you were.
Bane cleared his throat.
“There is some caf powder upstairs,” Bane said,his raspy voice felt liberating from the oppressive silence. “Take a sonic and some of ma’ clothes. I’ll just finish up here.”
You grimaced.
“Do I look that shitty?”
“No. That’s not-” Bane stopped.
Both of you stared at each other.
His red eyes burned into your skin and you felt yourself getting hot under his heavy gaze.
“Sonic sounds good,” you huffed, stepping away.
He hummed and your eyes fell onto his chest again, drawn in by the deep vibrating timbre.
You remembered being pressed against a wall by that chest, scratching over it in excitement, tracing the ink and scars on it before falling asleep.
Firmly, you turned around and marched to the refresher while collecting a few pieces of clothing on the way.
The door of the refresher unit slammed behind you, as if you did not put thin plastisteel between you and the rest of the world, but solid granite scratching over the floor.
Alone, you closed your eyes and leaned against the door.
Everything on this ship reminded you of him and of the lovely little trysts you had. Bane pushed you away, though, then caused you to get kidnapped.
You wanted to forget those delicious memories, wanted to be angry for what his presence had brought to your life.
And you were.
Void, you would hammer against his pretty blue grime covered chest first chance you got with your little fists if that would help. But it didn’t.
You stripped out of your clothes and turned on the sonic, washing yourself mechanically. What you needed was regaining control over your life. Not some fantasies about a man you once thought of saving you. And you would start conquering back control now.
Bane bared his teeth at the engine. He heard her steps,the movement of clothes around her body, as he continued his work. He had kriffed up again. He wanted to be considerate, show her he wanted her to be fine and well after everything he’d caused her. But instead, he made her even more uncomfortable than she was. Her lost gaze roaming over his body as in wonder if he would expect some kind of payback for his service. He shook his head in disgust. Bane remembered being powerless and lost, at the mercy of others. He had been kicked down most of his life. Which is exactly why he became who he was now. He would be damned to do that to her.
But his rough attitude helped little when he tried -and failed at- comforting her. Maybe at least keeping her safe and well, would make up for everything. Maybe the hot sonic would alleviate some of her stress, run down her body, her back, her ass, the back of her legs as she closed her eyes and-
He hissed as he accidentally cut himself on the sharp fan blades of the cooling system.
He needed to avoid thinking about her that way.
The droid trotted around the corner. “Yes, master Bane?”
“Finish up here. It needs to be patched up again.”
The droid nearly pranced at the outlook of doing the work of a techno service droid for once.
“I will not let you down, master Bane! It will be done in no time. I will-”
“Yes.” The Duros hissed and patted the little droid absentmindly on the head. Maybe he should return to the Twi’lek technician and tweak TODO’s personality as she recommended. Maybe seeing her friend again could cheer up the lil’ lady.
“Oh,” Todo sighed. Bane looked down, noticing his head on the droid's head. If TODO could blush, Bane was sure the droid would.
Bane lifted his hand.
For once in his silicone based life, the droid stayed silent without being told to - just staring up  with his big, loyal, visual sensors.
“Gotta go,” the bounty hunter growled.
Upstairs in the little kitchen area, he disinfected the cut on his hand. It was minor but in his line of work, he needed his hands to be in healthy condition. A wound infection, even a small one, could get dangerous when on the hunt.
While waiting for her to finish in the refresher unit he cleaned himself up at the kitchen sink and got a fresh shirt before making caf. She had looked tired. And, if he remembered correctly, she enjoyed a good cup of the warm liquid before work. Not that something like “morning” existed up in orbit where time became an abstract.
The door to the refresher unit hissed open. Bane closed his eyes with her smell, now faint, covered by the scent of the soap, allured him as always. He opened his eyes again as he heard the fabric around her ruffle and rustle around her hips as she stepped into the kitchen.
“Sorry, I didn’t want you to keep you waiting,” she muttered.
He was willing to wait for her years if needed be. But he could hardly say that.
Instead, he just nodded.
“I made caf,” he grumbled, passing her a cup.
She leaned against the kitchen counter in front of him and pursed her cute little lips to blow over the hot caf to cool it.
Bane wanted to kiss those lips and feel her breath on him again.
Instead he took a sip from his cup and nearly burned himself.
“How are you feeling?” Cad grit out, ignoring the pain of the burn.
She halted her movements.
They both sipped from their cups, only the clanking sounds of TODO working down in the ship breaking the awkward silence. In all his years as a bounty hunter Bane never felt so tense about saying something wrong. Why was this so hard?
She took another sip from her cup, him mirroring her action.
Shit, speak!
He opened his mouth and closed it. What was he supposed to say? He’d rather walk through the tatooine sea of dunes instead of feeling this clueless.
She stared at him expectantly, looking so good in his shirt.
Looking so angry at him. He closed his mouth.
“Do I get anything after getting abducted, insulted, and attacked due to you?” she asked. “Do I get anything after being attacked by you?”
His mind went blank with her eyes gleaming at him, the rage simmering below her irises. How was he supposed to fix this?
Frustrated, she slammed down her cup and turned around to leave.
“Good talk,” she hissed.
You marched into Cad’s little bunk room to calm down.
Bane, not Cad.
Getting rescued like a stray tooka was a surprisingly positive turn. But he was aloof, laconic and confusing. It drove you mad.
Quackling of a man.
Why did he bother to save you if he was going to turn around and ignore you? What was the point? You stalked around the little space, massaging your temples while hating the confusion raging in yourself. Since you came aboard his ship, he had kept his distance, always making sure to leave an arms length between you and him, even tasking TODO to care for you instead of doing it himself. If it was out of consideration, you very much appreciated it as a polite and charming gesture. But knowing Bane and how he had broken off, it was because he wanted that distance. You were nothing but an ex-lover to him. Most likely he saved you out of convenience, hurt ego or maybe a smidge of guilt. The Duros was a loner - prideful and uncommunicative, not even bothering to tell you why you were here.
Maybe he just saved you to use you for information. What else could he gain from you now?
You choked on your next breath.
What if he throws you out of the air lock as soon as you lose whatever value you held for him?
As sob escaped your mouth. Your hands catching any other sound of weakness you couldn’t afford right now. Apparently you survived the sarlacc pit only to die in the dune sea. 
You looked around for an escape.
On the crate with Banes stuff was a holopad. Maybe he had forgotten it there. You had to find something about Duro’s anatomy or this ship or TODO or anything that could help you escape.
You turned on the holopad and established a holonet connection.
Nervously you drummed on the frame with your fingers before typing in Cad Bane’s name.
Back at home on Trask you had avoided doing this. Who could blame you? Now, you stared at countless entries. A barrage of red flags you were not sure what to do with.
Dank Ferrik.
Fascinated and scared, you scrolled through a few articles.
“Bane, the Bane of the Underworld.”
“Infamous Bounty Hunter Cad Bane Terrorizes Galactic Senate!”
“Some have a bone to pick with him, others want to bone him - Cad Bane and 8 things we know about the mysterious dashing gunslinger”
“Jedi Killer on the Loose”
For a split second you considered reading the article about the mysterious dashing gunslinger, your mind trying to find comfort in the absurd before turning serious again. Luna had been adamant about Cad Bane being dangerous and a Jedi Killer. And back then, in the safety of your house, you had pushed her concerns aside. Now, heavily reliant on ‘the Bane of the Underworld’ and hoping he wouldn’t kill you at his first convenience, you had to reconsider. You turned off the holopad and leaned back to fight back the rising panic.
Those articles made it very clear that Bane was not just any bounty hunter. He was a dangerous individual to be around. Memories of him on Nar Shaddaa and other bounty hunters like him flashed before your eyes. Instinctually you reached for the bacta patch on your neck with your hands.
Those hands - you had fought too. And you had set fire to the cantina, possibly hurting and killing everyone inside. Nausea threatened to rise up in your throat. You took a deep calming breath. It was self-defense! And Cad, probably had reasons too-
Kraytspit. Bane! His name was Bane.
You froze, feeling the cold wetness of your tears only after they had trailed down your face. No pushing aside all the pain and fears, no rational, no thoughts, no words.
What was even left to say.
TODO had finished the repairs about an hour ago and was running tests to ensure the ship's safe operation. Soon, Bane would be forced to make a decision. Where would he go from here?
No, they.
It was two of them now, only the lady had appeared to be less delighted to share air with him.
He bared his teeth.
Damn woman.
What was he supposed to say? That he was sorry for everything that happened to her? That he did not want her to be harmed and that he would make sure she would be safe? And that he really had missed her, so much so that he honestly considered how he felt about somebody else except himself for once? He growled in frustration.
He should have said all that.
He re-adjusted his hat and leaned back into the pilot seat. Maybe he would tell her that - later. It wasn’t his fault she had marched out of the kitchen like a furious tooka. When she wasn’t sulking and angry and - Bane cocked his head, his sharp Duros hearing picked her up, silently sobbing, trying to muffle the sound.
The corners of his mouth twisted downwards.
Damn woman.
Damn smart, witty and oh so kriffing beautiful woman.
He really could not stand her being in pain. With a sigh, he got up and followed the sound.
He found her sitting on his bunk with her knees pressed to her body and her arms hugging around her legs. She stared at the wall with fearful, teary eyes.
He knocked at the door frame.
Startled, she jumped up, quickly recovering and putting up a neutral face.
“Can I come in?” He rasped.
“It’s your ship.”, she managed with a nearly steady voice.
“That’s not an answer.”
They stared at each other, Cad unsure of what to say. His eyes wandered down to the holopad, a photo of him below a headline he couldn’t read.
“You looked me up.”
“It scared you.”
She nodded weakly.
Wordless he slowly moved in and settled next to her, close enough to talk but far enough to give her space and leave at any moment if she wanted.
He leaned forward onto his knees, the silence thickening the recycled air. He summoned all his courage.
“I cannot remember having a’ honest conversation with anyone since I was a hatchling,” he offered quietly.
She turned her head and looked at him as he continued.
“At this point, I don’t really know how to have one.” He practiced those words to himself moments ago, yet each syllable had to be forced out just to be whispered. “I am sorry for everything that happened to ya’. It wasn’t my intention to cause you harm.”
She hummed and looked up in the air as if thinking.
“This shit is kriffed up,” she finally said. “I can’t believe that a semi-regular cantina hook-up got me into this.”
She looked at him with the same look bounties had given him before.
“Will you kill me?”
He couldn’t help but stare at her in surprise. He was Cad Bane. Infamous bounty hunter and best one in the galaxy. A murderer for hire. He had done heinous things, spilled so much blood he would have been able to drown in it.
But harming her? 
Not considering his every move just not to spook her? Hearing her sob?
“Never,” he admitted.
She lowered her legs from the bunk and turned her full body towards him, “It's a bit hard to believe. Is it a trick?”
“If it would be a trick, I’d hardly tell ya’,” he argued with a low rumble in his voice.
She smiled, a sad smile on those pretty lips.
He wanted to reach over to her to hold her, keep her safe from all that scared her and show her how little she had to fear from him.
He did nothing.
“I am sorry for losing my patience in the kitchen,” she said, breaking the silence. “It's all a bit much.”
“Ya’ did surprisingly well for a beginner. Saw the arson,”He nodded approvingly, happy to move into more familiar waters.
Her nervous smile turned genuine. 
“Can I ask you a question?” Her voice was steady, not angry or teary anymore.
He nodded.
“What’s with the bite?”
He regretted agreeing to the question. 
“Lil’ lady, you really cut right down to it.” He considered his next words carefully, grimacing. “Crossed ya’ path by accident on Nar Shaddaa and it struck me as odd to see ya there. So, I followed a bit. Ya’ seemed to be doing just fine and I was about to leave as I heard Bossk, Aurra and Boba talk about ya. I figured it would be in both our interests if they didn’t catch you; so, I got to you first. I had to rely on my duro’s hunting instincts for that. They got the better of me for a moment.”
“Wait. You stalked me? Like prey?”
His mouth went dry and he tilted his head, the brim of his hat exaggerating the movement.
“Another question,” She declared, “What now? Unless you change your mind about throwing me out of the airlock, I imagine you don’t want your one night stand to stick around forever.”
Yes, I would very much like that.
“We need to figure out why they were searching for me,” He replied instead. “Same thing could happen to ya’ again, otherwise. After that, I can get you to any place in the galaxy. Whatever ya’ want, lil lady.”
“Really. If I wanted to force you to stay here on this ship, I would lock you up in the holding cell. But ya’ run around as you please, right?”
She considered his words.
“Right,” she finally admitted, dragging the word unwillingly along.
Relief washed over him as if he had managed another senate hostage situation or broke into the Jedi temple a second time. She hadn’t cried again because of him. And she had stopped staring at him like a tooka seeing a massif for the first time.
Maybe he was a doomed man for caring about that.
They settled on Tatooine as their next destination. If one could talk about a “they”. It would be a few days until they arrived on the desert planet where Cad Bane planned on fixing this mess with Jabba the Hutt. Apparently, Cad had worked for Jabba a few times, counting on his former employer to have enough patience to explain why the Hutt Clan collectively placed a bounty on him. You shrugged off what sounded like a suggestion. Intergalactic criminal politics weren't your cup of tihaar and you knew too little to object, nor did you feel you had any actual say in the matter.
Traveling with Cad was uneventful.
Bane - traveling with Bane was uneventful. 
Bane kept to the cockpit, even sleeping there while you mostly stayed in the bunkroom he had retreated from. You avoided meeting the Duros, still unsure of what to make of this situation and if you had any chance to survive it.
At least he fed you. 
You hadn’t quite figured out why, but the value you had was enough for him to spare some rations, keep you free to roam the ship, and not object as you borrowed his clothes or used his holopad.
“You need to finish the ration pack,” he growled from across you during meal time, one of the few situations you did see each other. “You did not finish the last one, either.”
Without any joy you poked around the rehydrated nuna and beans meal, searching for your will to finish it.
“If ya’ keep eating morsels, ya will lose strength,'' he added.Bane had finished his portion, always eating with a gusto and speed as if starved and someone could steal his plate at any second.
“I’m not particularly hungry, maybe I can finish it later,” you explained, puttingt down the cutlery.
Bane hissed in disapproval. “Later, there will be more for ya’ to eat.”
You raised an eyebrow. “Will I need my strength for anything in particular? Are you preparing me for something? ”
He crossed his lanky arms in front of his body.
“I did not save ya’ only to watch ya’ waste yourself away. We are traveling to Tatooine and not back to Trask. Y’a need every bit of energy ya’ can get. Planet ‘s harsh.”
You grimaced, looking at the unappetizing meal in front of you.
“Listen,” he continued, “I’m not traveling with a woman for a few days only to have her collapse first thing after gettin’ off ma’ ship.”
“Yeah, what would the people think?” She questioned sarcastically. “Someone harmed on Cad Bane’s ship? The scandal!”
“Funny,” he hissed, ”It’s as if you know what I do for a living.”
“I have my moments. Life’s too short to waste them.” You crossed your arms, mirroring his pose.
“If you won’t finish the food, I will,”he hissed, already reaching over the table as he returned to his original point.
“How nice of you to ask and wait for my answer,” you hit back, annoyed about being lectured by what felt like your second kidnapper.
“Better than wait and waste food like you do.” Bane glared back at you, while finishing your meal in record speed.
“There wasn't even that much left. Why do you care?”
“Hate throwing away food.”
You studied Bane as he finished your portion. Despite finally knowing what he did for work and spending quite some time together now, you hardly knew anything about him. It was one thing to know what face they made when cuming, but another thing to know what they liked and where they came from. And one of those things was significantly overestimated as ‘personal’.
You figured you’d dare to ask.
“Why do you hate throwing away food?”
Bane put down the bowl, meticulously empty from scratching out even the tiniest amount of food, and looked at you.
“I know what it's like to be hungry, so I hate throwing away food. It’s a luxury to be fed regularly, to have a choice, what and when ya’ eat, lady.” Hee paused, his eyes strangely unfocused for a moment, as if in thought before continuing softly, “Next time, finish ya’ meal. Yes?”
You nodded as he got up to clear the table to retreat back to the cockpit. Bane shared something with you he clearly valued a lot.
“Yes,” you rasped before he left.
You started to tiptoe more around the ship, venturing from the security of the bunkroom. There was little to do except for lounging around, reading or watching holos. So, you started pitching in with chores. It wasn’t that different from running a cantina and better than being bored.
There were food and drinks to worry about - meals for Cad and you, energy recharges for TODO, the occasional sip of water for the hydroculture plants in the ship's air filtering system.
Things to repair or keep clean - at one point when looking for a clean shirt you found a stash of old clothes and started tailoring them to your own needs while waiting for the sonic cleaner to finish.
Unpleasant beings to be around yet had to be endured - TODO, mostly TODO. The little droid managed to give you the dirtiest looks despite relying solely on a pair of sensory units for it.
“Is that master Bane’s jacket?” TODO enquired with an oddly sour tone for a droid.
“I found it broken, I repaired it,” you answered while going through the collection of meal kits.
“I see.”
You looked up.
The droid was still standing in front of you, silently staring at you.
“Anything I can help with, TODO?”
The droid blinked.
“I was ordered by Master Bane to inform you that we will reach Tatooine soon. You are hereby informed.”
You waited for the droid to say something more or leave.
“Thank you, TODO. You can leave now.” you replied as nothing came of the droid.
“I’m glad you will leave soon too.” The droid declared and waddled away.
You grimaced.
The menacing little companion stoked your fears you had managed to keep down by occupying yourself. Yet, he was right. You would leave soon, still not entirely sure if you’d make it out unharmed.
Swallowing down that possibility, you picked the most delicious sounding meal kit.
Yes, raid your possible attackers fridge. Make it count.
You fished out an interesting sounding soup as Cad strode in.
BANE! By the glaciers of Hoth, Bane.
He nodded as a greeting, his hat as always accentuating the movement before grabbing his own meal and starting to rehydrate it.
“Ya’ ever been to Tatooine before?” He asked in his usual growling low voice.
“No. I haven’t traveled much. Not everyone has a ship or can pilot.” You got out the cutlery, set the table and sat down to wait for Bane to finish with his food.
He growled, “Should have told me before. Could have shown ya’ how to fly The Justifier past rotations.”
Puzzled, you reached for the bowl he handed you. Why teach a hostage how to get away?
They started eating. Despite your best efforts, you didn’t manage.
Banehissed in disapproval, finished with eating in the blink of an eye, as always.
“These are Duros portions. Not human portions.” You felt defended yourself from his hot red glare as he reached over the table in familiar fashion for your bowl, “Also, how do you eat so fast?“
“That is the most not-informing-answer. Obviously it’s a habit.”
He put down the bowl, slowly blinking through his glare
“Yeah? Want me to tell ya’ a story about ma’ harsh childhood with lots of siblings on a poor Durese satellite city where food was scarce and ya’ hadda’ eat quickly before someone stronger could snatch it away?”
“Yes, tell me about that.”
“I just did.”
You swallowed your remark, exhaling a soft.
“Oh,” your voice flat and deflated. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine. Better than coming from Trask.”
“Hey! I’m not from there. I’m from Naboo. I kind of accidentally ended up on Trask- and it’s not that bad!”
“Yeah,” the Duros snorted. “If ya’ like fish, sailors, and sailors who smell like fish.”
“Don’t be mean. It’s a job. I’m sure bounty hunting is not that appetizing at times either.”
He paused.
“Gotta point there, lady.” He reached behind his back and drew a blaster, laying it flat on the table.
You froze, your breath catching in your throat. This was it. This was the end. You had outlived your usefulness for Bane and now you would die.
“I know ya’ can use that ol’ blaster ya’ had back on Trask, but can ya’ use these?”
You blinked.
“Loth cat got ya’ tongue?”
“Uhm,” you swallowed. “Not sure. They look fancy. Never had one like these in my hands.”
“Of course ya’ haven’t. They’re custom. I got nothing else lying around that would fit ya’ otherwise. I can’t have ya’ run around with a heavy rifle ya’ can hardly carry, but also can’t have ya’ unarmed on Tatooine.”
Your head spun around to pull out at least one useful thought as you reached for the pistol. It was heavy and violent, yet scary and beautiful.
“Don’t lose it. The LL-30 is part of a pair.”
“I-, I am not planning to,” you managed to speak.
“Good. Or I’m having ya’ neck otherwise.”
You gulped as he rose from the chair.
“Gear up and get ready for landing. Tatooine is business.”
Tatooine was in fact business. But not for you. Cad landed the ship outside of Moss Eisley, one of the bigger settlements on the planet, showed you how to use the LL-30, and tasked you to guard the ship and TODO.
As fascinating as it had been to watch the ship approach the planet, it was now inadvertently boring to stare into the dusty horizon. You wondered why you had to gear up, dressed in long sleeved and covering clothes to shield from the sun, when all you did was sit around in the ship's shadow.
“Anything on the comms?” you called into the ship.
“Master Bane has not contacted me. I am instructed to inform you and follow your commands when I receive news.”
You raised an eyebrow. You could order TODO around - no wonder the droid sounded even more pissed than usual.
Instead of getting on the droid's synthetic nerves, you opted for a little stroll around the ship. It was a short-lived pleasure. As soon as you left the shadow, you felt like every bit of strength burned out of you. Maybe you needed a hat too for a bit of shade? Or something similar to the tusken’s traditional head coverings for your head. Obviously, unlike you, the local sentient population was clever enough to dress for the doubly sunny occasion.
Bored and sweaty, you retreated back into the shadows and took a seat on the little stairs leading into the ship.
If you wanted to run away, this was your chance. But looking at the endless dunes in the oppressive heat, and having TODO behind you, right next to the controls of The Justifier’s canons, you quickly discarded the idea.
Maybe this was okay?
Maybe you could slip away in a more survivable environment later. Or maybe Cad did plan on letting you go at some point. He had been …nice. You had expected something different, like getting locked up … or other things.
You shock your head, refusing to follow that pattern.
Instead, Cad had given you a gun and every space you needed away from him.
The many memories of him back on Trask, the articles about him as a dangerous bounty hunter, the holding cell in his ship, the many weapons, the groans and hissed sounds of chasing pleasure, the little talks during meal time, him biting you and glaring down at you as your memory faded away, his smell on the clothes you wore, his gun in your hands as you waited for him to return - it all swirled into one shape.
Cad Bane.
Confused, you buried your face in your hands.
The darkness of your closed eyes and shielding hands was comforting, the stairs below you piercing into the flesh of your thighs grounding you - and moving?
You opened your eyes the second the stairs drew back, throwing you into the ship and closing the hatch. You landed on your back with a yelp. Rolling over, you struggled to press to your feet, stumbling against the  ship's inside wall.
“TODO! What’s going on?”you yelled over the noise of the starting ship.
“Oh, you are inside.”the droid sounded disappointed. “Thought you didn’t hear my call. We got a message from Master Bane. He requires back up.”
“Fucking Hoth, TODO! I swear I’ll flatten you into scrap metal myself as soon as I get my fingers on you!” You hissed while staggering into the cockpit.
“Who else would fly the ship then?” the droid replied calmly while pressing a few buttons.
You slumped next to him into the co-pilot's seat.
“You better do it well, TODO! Your homicidal tendencies might be appreciated by Bane, but they are very much not welcome by me and I’m tempted to give vengeance a try. Yes, even if that means that I'll walk.”
The droid flew a long curve, zoning in on a large bastion like building in the middle of the desert. 
“Master Bane is in there.”
“What is that? Did he say anything more?”
TODO pressed a few more buttons and readied the guns.
“That is Jabba's palace. He might need bacta.”
The walk through the desert was tedious. But it was better than landing the Justifier with her next to Jabba’s goons. So instead, Cad Bane clenched his fangs and walked. The Tatooine suns and sandy surface were harsh. Only a fool or a fierce warrior would walk the desert by foot. Bane wasn’t sure which of those he belonged to anymore.
He remembered his time with Jango. He had called Bane a fool.
Mostly for kriffing up something during hunts. But not always. Sometimes it was a different kind of foolishness Jango attested in Bane - a sweeter, more tender kind of foolishness. During down time between contracts or in the safety of hyperspace after Bane had shelled Jango out of his damn armor and after they had caught their breaths again, Jango had called Bane a fool before kissing him.
Jango had been right. Somehow, the old Mandalorian Merc had kept a distance, leaving Bane behind without any warning like the fool he was.
Back then, as Jango vanished only to get himself killed after leaving behind a horrific amount of clones with his face and voice to haunt Cad, Bane had been furious at Jango for shutting him out. Furious and hurt. Now, after figuring out how to kill the clones as quickly as possible, Bane did not think about dead Jango much anymore.
Who was the fool now, Jango?
Kriff, it’s still me. I am walking through the Dune Sea just to make sure she is safe.
He adjusted his hat for more shade and kept on walking.
Fool or no fool - he could wallow in old memories and self-pity when he got off Tatooine. The coarse sand already chafing his skin under his clothes and adding to his sullenness as he marched on, surveying the horizon for treats. 
Reaching Jabba’s palace  entrance portal and annoyed from the tedious walk, he pounded against the thick metal.
“Let me in, Jabba! Ya’ know this has been comin’ a long time!” he bellowed before Bib Fortuna or any other of Jabba’s underlings could do something so stupid as to ask what he wanted in the middle of nowhere.
“Who are you?” One of the gamorrean grunted through a little window in the portal.
“Take a guess, son.”
Instead of an answer, the portal opened for Cad Bane to step through. Bib Fortuna, the Twi’lek advisor to Jabba, greeted him before asking him to leave his weapons.
“Bib Fortuna, ya’ know as much as I do that I am no less dangerous without my weapons. I will not part with them. Skip the formalities and let me through. I am not in the mood for chit chat.”
The Twi-lek just shrugged his shoulders, “You will be escorted then.”
Fortuna turned around to walk up the palace stairs to the throne room as strangely familiar faces circled Bane.
“Bossk, Aura- good to see y’all,” Bane growled as they moved.
“Likewise,” Aurra replied with a devious smile while Bossk only grunted.
“Tell me, who is the kiddo in ya’ tow, wearing Jango’s armor?” Bane continued as they all strode up the stairs.
“Don’t think that’s any of your concern, old man,” the kid hissed with a young Jango voice. 
Must be another Clone then.
“Behave, Boba,” Bossk snarled.
Bane filed the information for later. He had to face a crime boss for now. They reached the top of the gloomy stairs and stepped into the throne room.
Many different species and people holding various professions populated the room, as always. An inattentive observer would think it a strange choice, or born out of need to socialize for Jabba to have so many guests. Bane knew better. This was politics and he better treaded lightly on the courtly floors.
Gritting his fangs he lifted his hat, and bowed deeply in front of Jabba, the lord of Tatooine and master of this palace.
“I greet you, Jabba,” Bane declared loudly for everyone to hear. Next to him, a protocol droid shuffled in place and started translating what Jabba, the huge slug-like creature from the throne, declared.
“The honorable Jabba is most pleased to finally see you, Cad Bane.” The droid’s yellow eyes flickered hazily.
“Likewise. May I ask why ya’ and ya’ fellow Hutt placed a bounty on my head to bring to ya’ alive? I’mma here now without anyone forcing me to. Could have just asked.”
Jabba laughed and the droid dutifully translated.
“The honorable Jabba was saddened by the bounty on your head after you, a close confidant, were lost for a few rotations.”
“But, he is willing to convince the council to lift the bounty from you and restore the trust between us.”
If Bane were a less controlled man, he would have cursed the Hutt right then and there. Instead he replied, “That would be very appreciated. I assume ya’ want me to do ya’ a favor as well?”
Another raucous laugh from the mighty Hutt up on the dais.
“The honorable Jabba applauds your way with words. Yes, the honorable Jabba requires a favor from you for his help.”
So like a job, but I’m not getting paid for it. 
“Go on,” Bane growled, unwilling to suppress any more of his distaste for this whole charade.
The Hutt waved him to step closer and Bane obeyed.
“Koose je myo nephews killer. Koose je sy snootles dead mo alive um u are free.” (Bring me my nephew's killer. Bring me Sy Snootles dead or alive and you are free.)
Bane bared his teeth.
“Pay me, Jabba, and I’ll do it.”
“Mee'm paying gee myo good will tah lift doe bounty of u. Um mee'm gifting u gee doe life of do cheeka.”
(I'm paying with my good will to lift the bounty on you. and I'm gifting you with the life of your woman.)
Bane bared his teeth, but Jabba already leaned back with his raunchy laughter as his court mocked Bane with an echoed laugh.
“The honorable Jabba knows you will do him the favor,” the droid continued his translations through the noise and laughter. “Until then you are dismissed.”
Bane clacked his teeth, feeling the need to bite and scratch and spill Hutt blood. This had been a trap. He had become an enforcer for an internal Hutt family matter.
And he wouldn’t even be paid for it. Jabba knew about her and there was little Bane could do about that. Her safety was Jabba's security for Bane’s loyalty.
He hissed and turned around to march off.
On the stairs he stopped.
Jabba's court was still highly amused by his misfortune. However, Bossk, Aurra and the kid called Boba, trailing after him instead of staying with the Huttese court.
“Whaddaya want?” Bane growled. He wasn’t in the mood for more games.
“Isn’t it obviousssss?” Bossk replied. “The bounty on you issssn’t lifted. Sssstep out of the palace and you are ripe for harvesssst.”
“Over ma’ dead body,” Bane bit.
Bane turned and studied his soon to be opponents.
Aurra and Bossk were capable fighters, but Bane was faster. And the new kid moved like a fighter but he likely was a beginner. It was tempting to go against them, to work off some of his frustrations.
He pressed his comm instead. He had other things to worry about. “TODO, get the ship here. Plan 7.”
Aurra chuckled, “That’s a new low for you, Bane. Are you running away from a fight?”
“Is this ya’ attempt to pressure me into a fight? I’ve seen you do better, Aurra.” Bane countered and started to slowly descend the stairs towards his soon to be arriving ship, with canons. 
And a little droid without an ethics check module behind the controls.
He just had to make it to the ship and with his blasters-
Shit, he was down a blaster.
“Go on, Bane. Leave the palaccccce. Sssstep out of the protection of Jabba’sss court.”, Bossk hissed as Bane approached the portal, the ship visible from afar yet still a few klicks away.
Bane’s fingers twitch into fists.
This was dirty play and he hated being on the receiving end of it. But, he could be patient.
“Tell ya’ what. Y’all need to shut up. We all know how this will go, so don’t waste ya’ breath.”
“Awwww,” Aurra teased. “Will you really just run away into the safety of your ship like a coward?”
“I’m not in da mood, Aurra. Cut it,” he deadpanned, leaning against the frame of the open portal, certain no one would attack him as long as he was in the palace. Yet, guards and servants started to back away, feeling the rise of the tension as the ship kept getting closer and closer and closer.
“Guess my father Jango was wrong about you being one of the best hunters he ever met.”
It was the young clone's voice, modulated by Jango’s helmet.
It cut through the hot air like a blade, hit right at that one spot close to Bane’s heart he had learned to carefully avoid. Checking for the approaching ship one last time, Bane turned around.
“Ya need a handful, son. And then-” he hissed with rage dripping off his fangs as he drew his pistol and fired, “-ya need to shut up about Jango!”
The kid in Jango’s armor flew back from the hit in the chest, instantly passing out from the impact on his protective beskar chest armor. Aurra raised her rifle but the huge weapon was unhandy and slow in close combat. Bane’s next hit caught her in the leg, making her pass out from shock.
Good, not out for blood among colleagues.
A furious cry erupted, drowning out even the fearful cries and grunts by the servants and guards. Bane swirled around only to be knocked over by Bossk. The trandoshan had drawn a huge knife and Bane barely avoided it by knocking it out of Bossk’s hands.
The trandoshan laughed, using his bigger body mass to his advantage as they rolled over the floor and fought for the upper hand. Bane growled with rage, clawing at Bossk’s eyes while the trandoshan aimed for Bane’s neck as a shot fired right next to them into the sand.
They stilled, looking for the origin of the shot.
The Justifier had finally made it.
“Get off me, Bossk.” Bane hissed, “This has been fun but I gotta go.”
The trandoshan loosened his grip on Bane while Bane retracted his claws from Bossk’s face. 
“Yesssss. Ssssee you around,” the trandoshan answered as they both got up and fixed their appearance, little drops of blood falling into the sand as they pretended not to be in pain.
“Tell Aurra to get well soon and that I’m mildly sorry. And that kid to shut up or I’ll shoot him dead next time.” Bane added before turning around and walking to the ship.
Bossk chuckled as he reached for his knife.
“Will do, Bane. Will do.”
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dumbbitchenergy17 · 11 months
Clan of Three (BOBF) - Chapter 2
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Chapter Two: Return of the Mandalorian
Plot: A Mandalorian, an infant with a history of the jedi, and a teenager with similar powers with a slowly discovering lineage. With the child off with the Jedi, the close-knit pair continues their travels through the galaxy.
Word Count: 6.1K
Pairing: Father Figure!Din Djarin x Platonic!Teen!Reader
Warnings: Wholesome fluff, father-daughter moments, just generally happy for one
An apostate, a child off with the jedi, and a teenage girl with similar powers unsure of her Mandalorian or Jedi past. It was an unlikely group to have come together but now only two as they arrive at a spaceport, the crowds of people going towards their ship to take them to whatever planet in the galaxy or other is returning from parts of the galaxy. Your hand stayed clutched in the former Mandalorian’s as he leads you through the crowd. Luckily his intimidating appearance people moved out of the way making an easy path, you weren’t sure where he was taking you but you would follow him anywhere he goes.
“Attention, please. Flight 1020, nonstop service to Tatooine, is now ready for boarding at gate number one. All passengers, please proceed to the boarding area immediately.” An announcement goes off as Din follows the signs toward flight 1020.
“We’re going to Tatooine?” You ask and you see the boarding ship and both walk through a gate but the alarm goes off and a security droid appears, “Excuse me, you’re both going to have to remove your weapons.”
“I’m a Mandalorian. Weapons are part of my religion.” Din argues but the droid is adamant, “I’m sorry, sir, you can’t board a commercial flight with your weapons.” Din sighs frustrated about having to part with his weapons, “If you wish to discuss this with my supervisor, I will gladly book you on tomorrow’s flight.”
“Fine.” He says taking a card to open the check-in luggage in front of you both. Quickly pull out your blaster, and your vibro-knife placing them inside the crate, you hesitate with your saber before placing it inside. Watching Din as he places his blaster, shakes out the whistling birds, and slides the bullet capsules off his bandolier and you see people boarding the ship as he looks over before speeding up. Pulling out a pair of pliers you didn’t even know he had, the other bandolier he had strapped to his ankle, the charges on his belt, removing the wire from his vambraces coiling it up, before holding out the Darksaber before placing it in the case and closing it. Taking out the card he points at the droid,
“I know everything that’s in there.” “Proceed.” Din gives one last look at the droid before you both board the ship. The passenger lounge area filled with different people with you and Din settled in your seats. You had snatched up the window seat watching as you depart from Glavis Ringworld.
“Hey kid,” Din calls out and you turn away from the window looking at the man, “You were up real early. Try getting some sleep.”
You wave him off turning to look back at the window, “I’m fine…I’m not even tired.”
You snore quietly leaning against Din’s shoulder, it was the second they entered hyperspace you were out. Looking down at you Din fixes the hood that was slowly coming off your head and you shift mumbling something in your sleep before you are fast asleep. Though your mask covered everything minus your eyes he could see the total relaxation in your face the crease between your brows smoothed out as you peacefully dream. Din glances away at the cloth holding the two gifts for his children he only hoped you both enjoyed them. It was tradition for Mandalorians to gift the foundlings with small portions of beskar that they had earned. A flash of movement comes in front of him and he looks meeting the gaze of a Rodian child backward on his seat looking at him. The child stares at him before raising a hand and waving at him, Din makes no notion in return and his mother quickly pulls him back down to sit while scolding the small child. Din sighs trying to relax but he couldn’t with the dreaded news of becoming an apostate, Mandalore had been abandoned for years the planet apparently cursed a toxin for all. If he wished to be accepted again into the clan he would have to figure a way to get to Mandalore and bathe in the living waters…that’s if those even exist anymore.
You're gently awoken as you rub the sleep from your eyes as you follow Din exiting the ship where you see the same security droid waiting with the luggage card, “Welcome to Mos Eisley.” It greets you both as Din puts the card to open the luggage finding all your items still intact. Returning your weapons back to their rightful places and Din is back in full Mandalorian armor plus weapons he returns the card to the droid.
“On behalf of all our crew, thank you for traveling Star Liner Travel. We wish you a pleasant stay and hope to see you again very soon.” The droid wishes well as you both head off into Mos Eisley. It’s been a long time since you’ve been back to Mos Eisley just to your home planet in general, it felt natural being home. The sand beneath your shoes, the dual suns shining down on you the heat however for some unbearable it’s a welcoming feeling. Following Din through the streets before you grow closer to the Mos Eisley docking bay to return to a familiar friend. Entering the bay and heading towards a specific hanger you hear yelling coming from hangar 3-5 as you come down the stairs and Din whips out his blaster firing it at the womp rat killing it.
“Oh, good. Oh, boy!” Peli stands up looking at her savior spotting the two of you, “Hey, look, everyone. It’s Mando.” You see the droids cheer though hesitant with the man’s former anti-droid sentiment. Following behind as you pull off your hood and mask now out of the public eye and the woman spots you.
“Kid? That you! Look at you, you’re all grown up and sweet duds.” She compliments your new outfit and the growth since you were last here.
“What do we owe the pleasure? You here to slay another dragon? Chasing down some elusive bounty?” Peli asks wiping the sand off her pants as she moves around her hangar with the two of you following after, “I got your message.” Din says and she turns to look at you.
“Message? What message?” “You said you found me a replacement for the Razor Crest,” Din says and she snaps her fingers remembering.
“Yeah, that’s right. That’s what I said. That’s what I do. I’ve been working my butt off, yeah. Did you bring the cash?” She holds out her hand and Din pulls out the latest bounty tossing it to her, “It’s right here.”
“Mind if I count it? Not that I don’t trust you. I just wanna make sure you don’t give me too much.” She starts counting them before turning towards where her droids are poking at the dead womp rat, “Hey, droids, make yourself useful. Count this up, and then fire up the grill before that thing gets gamey. Right, this way. Wait till you get your eyes on this baby. So, where is your other unlikely companion?” She says over her shoulder as you follow,
“I returned him to his own kind.” Din explains and Peli gives him the most shocked look, “Why the hell would you do that? I could’ve made good money off that thing. Open a petting zoo.” She grumbles though laughs at her own joke.
“Where’s the ship?” Din asks and Peli gestures to follow to another hangar out from the sun, “Right this way. Ready to have your mind blown?” She says the businesswoman in her coming out as she moves in front of something covered in a tarpaulin before she pulls it off revealing a modified N-1 starfighter. Both of you have two different reactions.
“Holy shit!” “Where’s the Razor Crest?”
“I never said I had a Razor Crest. I said I had a replacement for a Razor Crest.” Peli clarifies though giving pizzazz hands towards the ship and you looking at the ship in awe…all the modifications that could be down. Though Pre-Empire this ship was good but better than the Razor Crest in aspects.
“I don’t have time for this.” Din turns to leave but Peli holds her hands up calling him back, “Hang on a second. Do you have any idea what this is? This is an N-1 starfighter, handmade for the royal guard and commissioned personally by the Queen of Naboo.” She explains slapping her hand on one of the engines and part of the cover falls off and you wince. Yeah, this wasn’t going well
“This is a pile of junk.” He deadpans and Peli sighs, “Do you want your credits back?”
“Yes.” He says and she wipes her hands, “No skin off my dip-swap. Droids, bring this lovely man his money. Here you go. It’s that easy. Sorry to waste your time. Okay?” You give Din a scolding look and he gives one right back both of you silently communicate as Peli sighs dramatically.
“While we’re waiting, can I tell you a little something about this honey?” She asks and Din has no choice but to listen as you both wait for the credits, “I know she doesn’t look like much, but you got here a lot earlier than I expected, and I didn’t get a chance to finish. I mean, clearly, you can see I’ve got all the parts right here,” Din fully pulls out a part of the ship that wasn’t meant to come out none of it fully put together as Peli opens a panel looking in, “Hmm? It all has a home. Okay? Oh, look, a family of scurriers. Let’s not disrupt the nest. You know how hard it is to find all original parts from way back in the Galactic Republic? I mean, these are all handmade. No droids. And not only that, what I’m gonna do, just because I like you, is I’m gonna add on some custom modifications that’ll make her faster than a fathier, and because this baby’s pre-Empire, she’s off the grid.” Peli says continuing to move around the ship as you both look at it. You could see the potential and you really did need a ship unless you were going to continue riding commercial flights or seedy transportation. “And did I mention, she can jump into hyperspace with no docking ring? I mean, come on! You gotta see the potential. Whoo! I’m telling you, Mando, you gotta believe me. This is a classic. Look, at least let me put her together before you decide. Can you give me that?” She says with a convincing tone as you look at Din who is silently looking at the ship before he sighs and nods.
Peli claps her hands together in glee, “There you go. Hmm? Get this baby up and goin’.” Before moving to start working on the ship before glancing at the two of you, “You know, it’d be a lot faster if you two helped.”
You’re already moving forward pulling your bag and cloak off ready to get down and dirty, “Really kid?” Din says seeing you quickly move to help to grab a piece of fabric to pull your hair back away from your face.
“I’m sorry I’m given the chance to work on an N-1 Starfighter yeah I’m not letting this opportunity pass.” You grin. For the first time in a long time, there was a smile on your face and excitement in your eyes and Din didn’t want to see that leave even though Peli is going to make you do all sorts of odd jobs.
“Actually Mando and I have this ship to work on,” Peli says and the smile fades slightly and your shoulders slump. Did she think you weren’t capable of working on this ship? Din could tell her about how you helped with the Razor Crest all the time. “However there is another project I need help with, you get it up and running while we work on this.” She says and you perk up, you get to work on a ship by yourself…you had died and entered heaven. Peli moves to another more secluded part of the hangar to another tarp covering a ship and she pulls it off your jaw drops and you're frozen in shock. Both Din and Peli look at the shocked expression on your face. You haven’t moved an inch just staring at it, if you blink it’s going to disappear.
“Kid-” “Holy kriffing shit!” You yell out in complete awe and jaw as you race toward the ship looking all around it in awe turning the corner and seeing a droid waiting beside it as well as beeps seeing someone. “There’s a droid too!”
“It’s a ship kid.” Din says not fully understanding your excitement and you run around to see Din again, “Not just any ship! This is a T-65B X-wing Starfighter used during the Rebellion and this model!” You point at the ship behind you, “Was used by kriffing Luke Skywalker when he destroyed the Death Star.” You ramble internally and externally freaking out being in the presence of this kind of ship, you whip your head over Peli, “Who’s ship is this, man I would die a happy girl if I ever got to fly this thing.” You sigh looking back at the ship.
“It’s a good thing it’s yours.” “Yeah my ship, she must be a luck-” You cut yourself when you register the words coming from her mouth, and you slowly turn back to face the two adults. “My…my ship?” Your voice cracks and Peli crosses her arms nodding,
“Yeah just need to fix it up since I was working on both at the same time.” Peli explains and you look at Din who looks also confused by this, “I didn’t get this for you.” Now you’re confused if Din didn’t get it then who…
“It’s a gift…” Peli says continuing to work on the N-1 barely glancing at you, “Some Marshal I think pretty good on the eyes told me to find this specific model plus the droid came as a bonus. Said it’s to count for the missed birthdays.” Peli goes back to working on Din’s ship while you turn to look at the X-Wing well your ship. You hear footsteps coming up and you glance at Din whose looking at the ship as well.
“Why didn’t you say your birthday passed?” He asks and you look up and him. He felt guilty being so busy with the bounties and keeping them afloat that he hadn’t even acknowledged the fact that you turned older. It just happened when someone mentioned your age and it switched from seventeen to eighteen. You shrug, “I don’t know, we seemed so busy with other things that it just didn’t seem important.” You completely forgot about your own birthday until you happened to see the date following it and realized you were eighteen. With Tatooine always hot there were no seasons to remind yourself but the only indicator of remembering your birth following your parents’ death was that four days after Empire Day you were born. Though the holiday was no longer celebrated when the day arrived and people would give their disgust and their ill comments to the Empire you would be reminded four days later that would be your birthday. Din goes to speak, to give you the gift resting in his satchel burning with its reminder but he’s called away by Peli.
Looking at the ship you hear a beep coming from your side looking at the droid, it was an astromech model similar to the blue and white one that Skywalker had, this one was red and white though a bit scratched up and dirt compared to the pristine one. “Alright, buddy I’m assuming you’re going to help me fix up this ship?” You ask and it beeps excitedly shaking side to side, “Alright R4 well I’m Y/n very nice to meet you.” You pat the top of its head as it beeps more. You stand up looking at the X-Wing that needed a lot of work.
“Okay let’s get to work.”
It was relaxing to just work at it, every ounce of work put in by your hands as you get it to function status before you could start modifying it. You were deep inside the X-Wing the canopy taken off resting to the side as you sat in the pilot’s seat, well after you had taken out the small nest of scurriers that seemed to have taken base in both yours and Din’s ship. The fusion cutter rest between your teeth as you fuse wires together having to change some of them which resulted in the panel right beside you being taken out showing an inside view of all the wires and parts of the controls.
“R4 turn just the tiniest bit..thank you!” You thank your droid as the light from its arm shines into the panel. Putting the new wire into the panel to have the navigation work the cables long fried and corroded. Climbing out landing on the sand looking over seeing Peli walk in with a turbonic venturi power assimilator.
“Great news! I found you a turbonic venturi power assimilator. You’re gonna be the fastest ship on the Outer Rim.” Peli says entering with the engine part and you come over R4 following behind you as you wipe some of the greases off your hands with a spare rag. Din looks over at the engine part in shock, “Where did you get this?”
“It’s brand-new. Well, Jawa-new.” Peli explains and Din still eyes the part, “The Jawas had a turbonic venturi assimilator from a Galactic Republic-era starfighter?”
“Well, they didn’t have it. They got it.” Peli explains as if it was obvious and anyone who has interacted with Jawas knew that. They were scavengers if you looked away from your belonging longer than a blink a Jawa would come and scoop it up and sell it to someone else.
“From where?” Din questions. “Tatooine is a garden of many bounties.” Peli exaggerates the sand-covered planet.
“I don’t understand.” Still, confused Din asks, “She gave them a list,” You speak up taking a drink of water that one of Peli’s droids was offering. Peli snaps her fingers at you for getting it right. “If you got a decent relation with some Jawas you can ask for things and they’ll find them for you.” You explain. For someone who stole and swindle through their pre-teens, she had gotten a good deal with some Jawas. The items she stole to give her parts that she would give to other Jawas for something better, this working for her speeder and other things she did to improve Mos Pelgo.
“A true Tatooine girl,” Peli says glad someone understood how it worked on this planet. “I don’t ask. They don’t tell. They give me what I ask for. In exchange, I let ’em pick through my dumpster.”
“Can I meet them?” Din asks and Peli nods, “Yeah, sure. R5! See if the Jawas are still out back,” You see the R5 droid zoom around the corner to go fetch the Jawas, “Dated a Jawa for a while. They’re quite furry. Very furry. Lot of issues.” You make a face when she smacks her lips together when speaking about them being furry. You hear the Jawas arriving from the back, “Oh, here they are.” She greets them.
“If I give them a list of parts, could they get them for me?” Din asks and Peli turns translating for Din before turning back to him, “They said make a wishlist and they’ll see what’s available.”
“Okay, I’m looking for mostly bolt-on aftermarket speed mods. This is all hand-built, custom. I’m guessing we need vintage hyperware if it’s gonna fit this antique.” Din says trying to think ahead about what might not be available.
“Listen to you. Don’t worry about the shape and size. Just get the parts you want with the specs you need, and I’m gonna make it work, all right? I dated a Jawa. I know what I’m doing, right?” Peli explains and one of the Jawas makes a comment about what Peli was doing but she waves them off, “Oh, that’s okay. I’m working on me right now. Just go find the parts.”
After Din gave his list to the Jawas and you added in one of your own you returned back to your ship to continue working. 
“I don’t know why you’re always in such a hurry. ‘Build me a ship. Fix my blaster holes.’ You know, I never went anywhere, and look how good I got it.” Peli chats to the silent Mandalorian as he works away letting the woman ramble, “You know, I’ve never even been off-world. That’s all right. I’m a local gal. Oh. Let me see that doohickey. Oh, yeah. Oh, that’s good. Good find. What else you got in there?” Din continues working before seeing the vapor manifold is missing,
“The entire vapor manifold is missing.” He brings up but the mechanic waves him off, “Trust me, the last thing you want strangling your thrust capacitor is a vapor manifold. I fabricated you this induction intake charger that’s gonna double your output coefficient.”
“It’ll also blow the shaft out of my motivator block.” He retorts but she shakes her head, “That’s why I’m reinforcing your compression housing, and you can access it by using this Kineso-switch right here. You hit this button, you’re gonna evacuate your exhaust manifold, if you know what I mean.” She flips a cover switch before pointing to a red button. Din has no choice but to listen and hopes she nods to what she’s doing. He had some familiarity with ships him having to be the one to take care of the Crest if they weren’t by anywhere but not a deep knowledge when it comes to experimenting with equipment.
He hears a crash come from a part of the hanger and his head whips to see you laying on the sand laughing your head off as the droid now on its side shakes and beeps frantically as you help it up while still laughing and speaking to it between giggles. Hidden behind beskar a smile grows on his face seeing your own happiness. It seemed too long since you were actually happy and for once you were relaxed though doing manual labor you seemed to enjoy it. Din would glance over at you seeing you work around the X-Wing as you contorted your body to fit in small spaces with the help of your droid. The item in his satchel weighs him down as a reminder but the slight fear of you not liking it holds him back to give it to you. You already seemed so happy with this gift how would you ever like his?
“Okay R4 let’s get some power to this while we wait.” You call out to the droid as it speaks to the MPH power droid that begins working. Sitting down on the sand you take in the pretty good-looking X-Wing, just needs the thruster you hope the Jawas have, a diagnostic check, a cleaning, and maybe a paint job and it’ll be set. You sigh pushing your hair back unintentionally getting grease on your head. You’ll have to take a sonic shower to clean up. The red and white droids come by you as you pat its head and it beeps from the praise, “We’re a pretty good team huh, R4?” It beeps agreeing with your comment. The sound of Jawas entering as they pull a cart of parts.
“That was fast,” Din says astonished by the speed as he looks over the parts some of the others he assumes are for your ship he was surprised by the parts you asked for some he doesn’t know the purpose. “These critters could find a skud in a krill pond. Will that do?” Two Jawas come in holding a cryogenic density combustion booster.
“Where did they get a cryogenic density combustion booster?” You ask looking at the piece in shock, “Do you really wanna know?” Peli asks and you nod genuinely curious as Peli turns to speak to them.
“I got it. They said they crawled under a Pyke spice runner and crimped it off while they were refueling.” Peli says and Din nods, “Gutsy little fellas.”
“Let me tell you something, Pykes do not mess around. Ever since they’ve been moving spice through the system, everything’s gone to hell. Everyone’s afraid of ’em and law enforcement won’t even go near ’em.” Peli warns you both and Din nods taking in the new information, “Well, thanks.” Din says before taking a small bag of credits and tossing it to one they all race off in glee as Peli looks in shock.
“What’d you do that for? You’re gonna spoil ’em. Are you trying to make me look bad?”
Finishing up with the help of Peli’s droid you let R4 run one last diagnostic check while you clean up. You forgot how little the sonic showers did vibrate the grease and dirt off your body, you felt cleaner but you were dying for an actual shower. Maker, you missed the Razor Crest sometimes.
You come out your hair slightly frizzy still wearing your grease-stained clothes and you see the pit droids drive out the now completely silver N-1 fighter minus a stripe of yellow that reminds you of the Crest.
“Looking good.” You comment leaning against a table as Din looks over at the ship nodding “Think she’s ready?” Din asks looking to Peli who wipes her greasy hands onto her dirty jumpsuit.
“Ready as she’ll ever be. Start her up.” She agrees and Din looks at her in surprise.
“Really?” He asks and she nods, “Yeah, start her up.” You smile watching him enter the ship getting comfortable, you see him try to start it up but the engine just sputters,
“It’s not turning over.” Din's voice comes through the comm, “Give it a little bit more juice.” Trying again the engine whirs before roaring to life.
“That’s a lot of engine for a little ship.” “Yeah, well, see what she can do!” Peli says excitedly to see the ship in action.
“Shouldn’t we run a diagnostic first?” Din questions but she reassures him, “Nah! I can hear her! She’s purring! Send her up!” You watch him take the N-1 up into the air before he flies further away from the ship. Peli turns to you seeing you watching the fighter leave,
“Come up let’s get yours out and up in the air.” You look at her surprised before a grin covers your face as you race over to your ship. With the help of Peli’s pit droids, they bring the ship out it is already fueled up and R4 enters the droid port, “Ship good R4.” You ask climbing on the ladder and hopping into the pilot’s seat. R4 beeps confirming your question as the pit droids remove the ladder the helmet that usually came with the X-Wing is long gone as you close up the canopy.
“You ever flown a ship before?” Peli's voice comes through your comms as you begin flipping up switches. Screens and buttons light up as you fire up the engine and it produces a satisfying roar before turning to a hum. You hear R4 fear from your possible first time flying. “A few fun trips that Mando definitely doesn’t know of.” The few times on the Crest when Din was sleeping and you had exited hyperspeed earlier so you took control, you’ve seen him do it a thousand times. You were actually pretty good though you did almost flip the Crest. The blaring of the ship woke up Din and you quickly put the blame on the child he believed it. Though more recently you were off on some planet and Din was off after a quarry while you were back at an inn. You had received a call on your comm from him needing your help and telling you to get there by any means possible. You had booked it finding you at the spaceport and though he never found out stole a starfighter. You had quickly learned on the go avoiding the other ships flying through but also the ones chasing you. You had lied when you arrived that you had stolen a speeder which you did end up doing when you were leaving with Din. He never found out about your little escapade with the starfighter.
Taking the joystick you depart from the hangar looking around at Mos Eisley, “Peli where did Mando head off to?” You ask and she quickly responds, “Told him to head to Beggar’s Canyon I’m sure you can catch up to him.” She says as you flip a switch watching the small screen load, guess you were testing the engine now.
“Yeah I got it, R4 buckle up.” You say as it beeps nervously, “Come on excited beeps…excited beeps.” Your body vibrated with excitement but also nerves as the progress screen just completed, “Alright punch it R4!” The overdrive thruster roars and you’re flying forward speeding toward Beggar’s Canyon. You hear the squeal from the droid as your laughter fills the cockpit. People on the streets feel the gust of air as the X-Wing zooms past them as you make your way after Din.
“Maker kid!” You hear Peli yell out seeing your departure, “What did you do to that ship?!” You grin at the civilization far behind you as the canyon grows closer, your hands grip the joystick adrenaline running through your veins.
“Let’s go R4!” You shout as the canyons appear quickly weaving through the twists and turns, “R4 get in contact with Din,” You say making your wave through the canyon and you hear the transmission go through.
“Din! Where are you at?” You call out reaching the ends of Beggar’s Canyon but finding no starfighter, silence comes through and you call out to him again, “Din…? Din can you hear me? R4 we’re clear, right? Get me Din’s coordinates” You ask and the droid beeps, so you were going through. A beep appears on your navigation system a set of coordinates.
The line cuts and you are frozen in fear..what happened? Did he get caught by someone…did the empire find him? Flipping switches to get the navigation connected to the coordinates sent, “R4 get that thruster ready again.” You say pulling the joystick straight towards you as you fly straight up out of the atmosphere heading towards him.
Din in the N-1 keeps his gaze forward as the two New Republic officers speak to him in their X-Wings. He had gone too fast on a commercial flight but he was more worried that they would recognize him. “Sorry, officer, I got a little carried away there. Transmitting now.” He transmits his beacon as the younger pilot comments, “Hmm. Your engine model doesn’t match your power drive.” 
“We just built her. I was taking her up for a test flight. Haven’t been able to update the registration just yet.” Din explains,
“We’re gonna need to see your title tabs. Send us a ping.” The pilot requests and Din curses slightly under his breath, “Yeah, sorry, officer, but my transmitter isn’t hooked up yet. I’ll head right back to Mos Eisley and get it sorted out.” Silence fills the space and the man speaks up,
“Relinquish your flight controls for remote-control access.” “Hold on a second there, Lieutenant. I think we can let him off with a warning this time.” The other pilot speaks up and Din sighs in relief.
“Thank you, officer. I’ll have that taken care of.” He thanks him preparing to leave, “One thing before you go.” He freezes definitely recognizing the voice of the other pilot.
“Yes?” “Your voice is mighty familiar. Did you used to fly a Razor Crest?” He asks. Kriff he was screwed but he just had to keep his head clear. He should have taught the kid how to fly, you were probably with Peli waiting for him to return.
“I think you have the wrong guy, officer.”
“That ship showed up on a transponder log back in Nevarro in an incident involving Imperial remnants. I’m just connecting some dots here. You mind answering a few questions?” The man says and Din slowly turns his head to look at the pilot to his left. Yeah, he knew him and that guy knew him.
“Hey officers, I would like to report a crime.” A new voice enters the transmission and suddenly both ships are spinning out of control Din takes the opportunity to travel sublight straight toward Tatooine. Both ships stabilize as the officers look seeing the same model ship before them. Reed and Teva see a girl wave at them before the ship jolts forward deep into space before they could go after and realize the Mandalorian is gone too.
“How did it jump? She didn’t even power up her hyperdrives.” Reed asks Teva as the older pilot thinks back remembering the young girl's voice on that Razor Crest the same one coming from the X-Wing.
“Didn’t jump, kid. Modified engine, I’ve never seen anything like it.” Teva responds and Reed sighs looking at his transmission, “There’s no trace of him or the girl on our sensors. We reporting this?”
“You want to go back to base, fill out reports all day?” Teva asks with a chuckle and Reed thinks about it before responding, “No, sir.”
Din arrives back at the hangar landing the canopy sliding open as Peli comes over, “Whoo! Well? How was it?”
“Wizard.” He responds climbing out and Peli chuckles right as another ship arrives maneuvering to land beside his ship. The canopy flips open and not even waiting for the ladder you’re bounding off landing on the sand as the astromech droid removes itself from its port.
“Yeah, I can die happy with this thing.” You say running your hand along the nose of the ship a grin on your face. Din was surprised to see you flying the ship, especially your arrival with the New Republic.
“When did you learn to fly like that?” Din asks and you freeze slightly, “Umm I’m naturally gifted..” You lie on the spot and he knows you’re clearly lying, “Okay I may have flown the Crest a few times…and also stolen a starship during your weeklong bounty.” You rapidly spill out the ending and he barely catches it.
He was less mad about the Crest at least he was there but you stealing a ship. “Kid.” He gets ready to scold you but Peli quickly jumps in.
“Mando you gotta admire it, you should’ve seen her fly. Whatever you did to that ship…Maker, you got a gift.” She compliments and you smile before giving a look at Din. See someone appreciates me fixing ships, “Those J-type pulse engines really tighten the old evacuation port, don’t they? Oh, by the way, an old friend of yours dropped by, said she was looking for you.” She says remembering what she was meant to tell you both. You look at Din confused he didn’t really have friends, especially women.
“A friend of mine?” He says and Peli waves him in reassurance, “Don’t worry. I told her I didn’t know where you were. Then I locked her out and engaged the hangar security system.” 
“She tell you her name?” Din asks trying to think of who it might be.
“Fennec Shand.” A shriek comes from Peli as Fennec’s voice comes through the intercom. There resting on a high platform the former assassin as she begins scaling down.
“I thought you said that the hangar security system was on,” She looks over at her droids that start running from her scolding, “Don’t get away from me. You come right back here. This is the third mistake this week. Someone’s getting deprogrammed.”
“By any chance, are you looking for work?” Fennec comes to stand before you two, “I could be.”
“The pay is good.” Fennec brings up a bag of credits tossing it to Din as he weighs it, “What’s the bounty?” He asks and she shakes her head.
“No bounty. We need muscle.” She explains, “For Boba Fett.” You say and she nods looking over at you quickly taking in this older version of yourself. You did meet when you were covered in blood and trying to kill…well him.
Fennec nods, “He sure would appreciate it.” She says and Din returns the bag, “Tell him it’s on the house. But first, I got to pay a visit to a little friend.” Hearing his response you had a feeling you knew who it was you were visiting.
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mandokarla-mavrok · 1 year
fmk: boba fett, javier pena, derek hale
Fornicate: Boba Fett
Marry: Derek Hale
Kiss: Javier Peña
You never specified the K 👀
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cc-cobalt-1043 · 2 years
No flying necessary:
*the bad batch juniors are playing a boys Vs girls game and as part of it they're trying to get feathers from a bird nest*
James: how do we get them without flying
Boba: easy, like this
*Boba started climbing up the tree.*
*Meanwhile the girls are planning*
Cynthia: so how do we get the feathers
Omega: I've got an Idea
*She pulled out a datapad and played a bird call*
*The bird flew from the tree and gave Omega some feathers*
Zoey: nice one Omega
*Suddenly Boba fell from the tree*
Boba: *waving his arms, which hold feathers, as though he was flapping wings* TIMBER
*Boba fell into a bush and got to his feet*
Boba: *dazidly* no flying necessary *he fell backwards*
Joey: quick grab him
*The boys all grabbed Boba and ran for it*
Daniel: we're getting a lead on them
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