#that I managed to reach
twisted-lover-boys · 2 years
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I just…!
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beescake · 13 days
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paint a bunch of heads then struggle to fit them all on one canvas
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puppyeared · 4 months
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happy valentines day <3 i wanted to do more, but sadly i only had enough time to complete these two
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please also don't forget Rafah is under attack and urgently needs help. you can buy esims, check the BDS boycott list, click the daily donation button and email your representatives (USA).
there will also be a global strike february 18 - 24.
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utter bullshit that we stop growing at a certain age.
humans should grow (both taller and wider) at a continuous rate throughout our lifespans. i want to be 80 years old with the proportions of an average human being except i am the height of a multistory building. that would be so fun. that would require so much societal rearrangement. this isn't a want it's a need
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bietrofastimoff23 · 1 month
and only when his firstborn is killed, Aegon will realize how little time he spent with his children. but instead of spending time with the living, he will give himself completely to the war, because he wants revenge for dead one. and when will he part with his children during the escape for their own safety, he may think that he has a whole life ahead of him to make up for lost time with them, to fix what he can never do with Jaehaerys, but he couldn't know for sure that he would never see his children again.
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potatoes-tomatoes · 10 months
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Instagram ask doodle— someone requested Lola as Barbie!
I think of the deleted exchange she had with lebron in SJ2, where she says “Looney is who [Bugs] is and what he does. I’m not like that.” and I mourn the executive meddling. It was supposed to be satirical, critical and maybe even a lil more cynical and all Looney… but too many mandated rewrites left a sour taste in my mouth, especially when it comes to Lola. She doesn’t really have a place in the world of LT outside of being Bugs’ arm candy and “Basketball”…..Sj2 coulda had that conversation. poor gal
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canisalbus · 4 months
Im sure u get a ton of asks but I just wanted to say I followed your art on deviantart when I was a kid like seven years ago and it was one of my biggest inspirations as an artist, its been really cool to see your style and technique develop and be honed into what it is now. Also it’s cool and hopeful? To see Machete’s arc through all of that and I’m glad he’s found peace.
I think theres like a sort of trauma? In the transition to being a kid/teen to being an adult. But then on the other side you come to peace with the things you struggled with or at least figure out how to cope with them. Idk if that makes sense but,, that’s how the evolution of your art makes me feel.
Also I’m curious if characters like Riaro and Masque exist in your headspace anymore or if they are long gone ?
It makes me honestly really moved to think that there's people out there that I've never met and never will, but my art has meant something for them. From what I've gathered, there's quite a few that found my work when they were young but continue to relate to it as adults, maybe from a different perspective but still.
I'd imagine that if you're roughly my age, you probably were going through the teen/early twenties angst around the same time I was. I think some improvement has happened recently, especially during the past year or so, and while I'm still struggling with serious mental health stuff every day I feel like I might've gained some semblance of stability and sensibility and ability to feel joy, at least for now. It would be wonderful if that was perceivable through my art in a way or another. I don't know, this is just stream of consciousness stuff. I guess I'm lowkey wishing the same kind of recovery and growth for people that suffered with me when I was hopelessly depressed. It's entirely possible I could slip back eventually, but right now I'm feeling more alive and inspired than I've felt in years and I'm trying to maintain this course.
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tategaminu · 3 days
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Aye guys so not only the framing is similar with them in a high place and Callum holding her chin to get her closer just like Rayla did with his scarf, they were in sunset/sunrise in the original animatic as well. I'm so normal right now
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seance · 10 months
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two birds on a wire / one tries to fly away and the other / watches him close from that wire / he says he wants to as well, but he is a liar (insp.)
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The new scene has me in a chokehold
Thank you @andengeu for perfectly capturing the momentary shock of Nayeli and Blade being close to each other, and being aware of each other.
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lavenoon · 1 year
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self care is making the bounty hunter deal with my nonverbal episodes <3
@naffeclipse I softened up your bounty hunter and will not apologize
self insert is not a girl (he/she)
og detective au by sunnys-aesthetic!
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gaycrittercentral · 7 months
Welp it’s not Halloween anymore (and actually these pictures are from last year hkkhljhl) but who give a shit y'all wanna see my goofy lil Sam costume :D if you were here for my Halloween stream then you already saw this but if not then LOOKIT MY SUIT BOY
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Fun fact, I made all this last year and meant to post it then but I was just too lazy whoops. So I'm tryin to do better this time around, lmaoooo. Anyway yeah! Samb costume!! If you wanna hear how I made some of the elements for this and gathered up the rest, feel free to check out my ramblings under the cut :Dc
This was such a fun project. A lot of elements were of course just staples of businesswear, like I found the suit jacket at H&M and the pants at Target (and hemmed them because I love men's pants but they don't love my short-ass legs), but some parts were a bit more complicated. The hat, for example, I also found at Target, but it had the wrong kind of band, so I just took that off and hand sewed on a length of wide black ribbon in its place. I ain't no milliner or haberdasher or what have you but I feel like it came out pretty ok! And the ears were an element that I figured would be a fun addition lol, they are made of fleece I believe? I forget. I gave them a bit of soft stuffing so they're basically two soft pillows, and then safety-pinned them into the inner brim of the hat--that way I can look like a normal person if I ever decide to wear the hat in public lmao.
The tie was an absolute delight to work on. And also torture. Y'know, kind of a 'why not both' moment. I ended up reverse engineering a tie I already had and cannibalizing its inner fabric to make the new one, since I knew I wasn't going to wear the original. The new tie is made with a silky blue fabric that isn't silk that I don't remember what it is because I have a sponge for a brain. Sorry ^^; But basically I replaced the original outer part of the tie with my new fabric and sewed her up by hand (it's not really a machine job as far as I can tell), then painted on the stripes with watered down black fabric paint. I had hoped that watering it down would prevent it from making the fabric stiff, but that didn't end up working because it required so many layers to be opaque, oof. There's probably better ways to go about it, so if you're making your own Sam tie it's worth it to do some more research! Plus, they do sell regular blue ties out there that you could paint. I'm just insane. And tbh I wish I had just bought one but at least I can say I've made a tie now lmaoooo
And I suppose the last element of this is the paper bag Max puppet! I love him so dearly, he was a delight to make ^^ I'd tell you how to make him but why do that when obviously I learned from the original? Make sure to put one in your car ok it's really important
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God I love this comic. And I also dearly dearly love how faithfully they adapted it in the cartoon <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
Anyway that's it that's all I got!! Also because I've never worn this thing out of the house it doesn't have shoes to go with, I just got some brown socks. I figure it fits with Sam as a shoe-hating person lmaooo. ok that's all bye thanks for looking hope y'all had a happy Halloween!!!!
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endlesspaint · 2 months
They feared for their lives as they hear the screams of another.
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Arc I : Betrayal
Post- Movie 1
Click for better quality, my notes about this art is under the cut 👇
Finally got to show you all art about Arc 1! YAY!! This Au has 3 Arcs in total, the first one is Post Movie 1, the second one is basically a retelling of Movie 1 but with a twist, and the last arc is a combination of the second and third movie :3
I have mixed feelings about this art cause I think everything blends together but at the same time not?? It's not really my favorite (._.). I do like the concept of it though, I really want to capture the fear and I don't really think I did that well...so meh-- I might redraw this next time. Idk maybe 👀. Hope you all like it!
For context on what is happening, check this post!
Here's the sketch version:
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mel-loly · 3 months
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-Thank you very much for the +1.5k followers! <3
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canisalbus · 8 months
If Machete and Vasco were roommates before they became a couple, there had to have been moments of innocent touching/body contact, followed by deep gay panic.
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so-that-was-okay · 1 day
Re Bobby's cookbook and Tommy's little garden.
What was initially created as a single book for Bobby's birthday became a real book. They actually publish it, low copies, just for the people around them, friends, family, other firegfighters and coworkers, but it ends up being a success and they need to print more. This time, they add small sections on some of the recipes, "Tommy's Garden", where Tommy gives some advice to grow your own herbs and other easy to keep alive vegetables that you can use in the recipe.
All the team has their own little sections on various recipes to add a comment or a twist to the recipe, Karen and Maddie too, all the kids even rate the recipes so people know if various children liked it or not, and why.
As a surprise for Tommy, Buck created his own lasagna recipe, called "Daddy's Favorite Lasagna" and he's very proud of it lol
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