#the same hero that Sacrifices himself to save Bakugou??
haunth0use · 3 months
Every time I remember that Bakugou got revived on Kirishima’s birthday the more insane it becomes. Like, you CANNOT tell me that wasn’t planned in some way and if that is the case?? That’s too fucking funny to me, I keep giggling about it. Krbks, we so won that day LMFAO.
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theetwinkleboy · 2 months
this is really obvious and well laid out in the manga, but i just really like the way that all might and bakugou's final fights both center around closure for the things they said to izuku in chapter 1. and both of those fights are clearly a culmination of multi-faceted character arcs for both characters, but i still find it really interesting that the centerpiece for those fights is the way that they are both forced to confront, one more time, the incorrect things they told izuku in chapter fucking one.
All Might in chapter 1 tells Izuku that quirkless people can't be heroes. Even in chapter 1, we can see how this statement is almost as much about him and his own anxieties about his limitations as it is about Izuku. And that's expanded on in his character arc throughout the series, which focuses on power and powerlessness as he gives up his quirk and has to figure out how he fits into the world as a quirkless person. And here in the end, we see repeated flashbacks to that first conversation on the rooftop as he fights all for one quirkless, despite tsukauchi telling him he can't do it without a quirk.
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Other things in that final fight act as culminations of his character development--All Might, once a pretty bad teacher, using support equipment that showcases the quirks of the students he's come to love; All Might, who spent so much of the series with the expectation that he would sacrifice both his body and his life to heroism, instead surviving the fight because he wanted to live. But the clear central theme of the fight was All Might, experiencing the powerlessness he once saw in Izuku, and being a hero in spite of that perceived powerlessness (the same way he saw izuku step up that afternoon).
Like All Might's fight, there are many culminating themes in Bakugou's fights with Shigaraki and All for One--the boy who viewed himself as All Might's end getting to save his hero, the boy who was once left to die in the hands of a sludge villain brought back to life by a new trio of heroes (that was a point someone else made, link me the post if you can find it because I sure can't).
But the central theme in that fight is clearly tied to his words in chapter 1, when he tells Izuku how worthless he is, tells everyone else in his class that they're just secondary characters in his story, and notably tells izuku to kill himself if he wants to have a quirk (wants to be worthy) so bad.
So then! Of course! In his fight with Shigaraki, Shigaraki tells him that he's worth nothing outside of who he is to izuku, basically calls him a supporting character in somebody else's story. And then! Bakugou walks back into the fight, knowing he's gonna die, and his last thoughts are if he will ever reach izuku (will he be worthy?).
And like. Then he comes back to life, accepts izuku's hand, accepts help from all might, says a sincere thank you to edgeshot, says, 'this is our tale!' and 'i'm the guy that steps in when the nerd can't handle it on his own!' and 'yeah i never coulda hoped to beat that, at least not alone.' because he's not the only character in the story, but that doesn't mean that he's weak or worthless. and, just like all might, at the culmination of bakugou's fight, we get the flashback to chapter 1 izuku, and bakugou changing his answer to izuku:
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anyway, people have talked all this to death but i just! really really like the way that these fights bring everything back to the beginning of the whole story, the way they turn the words that both characters spoke to izuku back on themselves, and the way that they both answer the 'original sins' of bakugou and all might, and showcase just how much both characters have grown and developed over the course of the series. it's just. so well done!
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red-sneakers · 1 year
I know I'm pretty late to come to this realization but a lot of anti-bakugous/anti-bkdks out there saying how Izuku didn't go crazy over Katsuki but over the others (he went crazy over everyone being hurt in my opinion but maybe more specifically kachhan dying) and how me made 'Such an offended face' when he saw the all might card ruined.
So what are your thoughts on this?
Thanks for sending an interesting question! I’ll preface this by saying my view is definitely biased. I have more fun purposefully watching/reading mha through shipping goggles, so if it can be seen romantically, I’m gonna see it romantically.
Something I love about Midoriya Izuku is how emotional he gets about all his peers. He is each of their biggest fans, and he’d do anything to save them.
That said, to Izuku, Katsuki is definitely different. He’s his image of victory. Izuku possesively shouts, “Give him back to me!” when Katsuki gets abducted. He unlocks a new quirk because of how angry he gets when Monoma insults Katsuki. Izuku goes so feral it’s basically a new form the first time Katsuki sacrifices himself to save Izuku. Out of all his friends begging him to come back to UA, it is only Katsuki who succeeds in bringing Izuku home.
So, most recently, when Izuku sees Katsuki’s body, we readers expect him to go feral again, and we do see the beginnings of it. But this isn’t just a story about love (imo), it’s also the story of a boy growing up to be the world’s number one hero, and so he has to grow. We know he’s been learning to control his heart, and with Mirio’s help, that’s exactly what he does.
I stay out of the antis discourse as much as possible, so I haven’t seen people apparently saying Izuku looks offended about the All Might Card, but that’s quite a strange leap. Why would he be offended? He’s horrified and then gutted to see Katsuki with the same All Might card Izuku probably also still kept (the ones they both got together).
Romantic or not, Izuku and Katsuki’s relationship is the most central relationship of the plot. That’s just true. As our Big Bad puts it, Bakugou Katsuki is “the closest person to Midoriya Izuku.”
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decarbry · 1 year
Noooooo but what's the UA staff and kids reactions to seeing nomuzawa? Like my heart low-key is breaking for them bc the teacher that just fought for them, with no regard to his own safety, was not only taken from them after stalling long enough for backup, but now he's a nomu and fighting them? And mic? Midnight? Allmight? Ughhhhhhh????!!! (But no o love this au so so much lmao)
I'm saving the actual Nomu reveal and reactions to it for later once I decide on a storytelling format but here are some initial reactions to the abduction
all of the students naturally share some level of guilt, even though they only knew Aizawa for a handful of days. nature of heroes in training and good hearts, plus, yeah, they watched this man sacrifice himself for their safety. this version of the event definitely impacts them harder than it does in canon. Not quite their Oboro moment but boy it's the closest so far any have had
Midoriya is Midoriya and is smart enough to know that in the end his (lack of) ability would never have been able to change the end result but still lets the failure riddle him for the rest of his life. Definitely still in crying mode this early on
Bakugou is left shell-shocked by this, possibly to an overreaction. As a tactician he also knows deep down he did his best (as a kid that has been in hero school for literally just a few days) but isn't willing to accept it. He should have been able to do something more. But we all know Bakugou and this is just fuel on the fire
All Might is understandably guilt-ridden as well, since he's "never failed to save someone after arriving", but the situation isn't as straightforward as one would think. It's one thing if a student is hurt/killed/taken but a pro is another, and Aizawa knew what he was getting into by jumping into a 1 v 40 combat scenario. That's just what pros sign up for. All Might is ready to leap into action the moment those investigating need assistance or have a location and certainly does some of his own investigating on the side as time allows
Thirteen feels frustration in herself initially but is able to take solace in the fact that she and Aizawa did what they were meant to do, and knows that Aizawa would be feeling the exact same way
Nezu makes only a single public statement out of respect for Aizawa's dislike of his name in the press, it's short and sweet and truthfully paints Aizawa as a hero that did his job and saved the lives of 20 students. He does commit the school's resources to assisting authorities in recovering the teacher but unfortunately that's where it ends since he needs to focus on the safety of the students as priority and UA can't just go around playing police (until the government makes them lmao)
Midnight was among the majority of the responding faculty that decided to arrive together in a show of power and so didn't witness Aizawa being taken, but is understandably very upset that one of her remaining high school friends is now gone. She's able to steady herself as a rock for Mic out of necessity (unhealthily suppressing her own more-volatile reaction for his sake) and is really the only reason Mic didn't just up and run out to do something unhelpful and reckless. In the hours after the event she cannot leave his side for fear of him running off
Mic is, naturally, the worst impacted. He refuses to wait for the teachers to gather into a group and ran in after All Might but before the rest, and so was the only pro/faculty to get a front-row seat to the abduction as All Might was distracted by the Nomu. He immediately wants to go guns-blazing but without any hint as to where Aizawa was taken or what they plan to do with him, is forced to sit by and wait. He ends up walking away from the school out of frustration after about a month without answers, but no one blames him and they're honestly just shocked he had the self-control to wait that long
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class1akids · 2 years
There is nothing that kills my involvement in a story so fast as a “shock value” death. Even if it’s fake. Even if it gets later fixed. I’ve checked out of entire fandoms over badly executed, empty deaths.
 And Bakugou’s is just truly horrible and senseless. He just gets tortured and humiliated and he stands up and powers up and before he can do anything with it, he just.... dies. He dodges... and then he doesn’t. 
Even that small spark of Tenko is not Bakugou, it’s f%cking Mirio. 
 I’ll wait and see how the next chapters start to shape up, but I think BNHA may be over for me with 362 in an emotional sense. I don’t think Bakugou is perma-dead, I don’t even think this is his big moment, but the kind of roles he’s likely to be given in the endgame (rage fodder for Deku, testing Deku’s resolve to save a villain, fighting as part of Deku, hyping up Deku when all hope is lost) are just not personally interesting to me and the overall message his character arc sends at this point is truly disheartening. Deku can be a hero and get away with whatever bullshit and beat villains way out of his league, but all Bakugou gets to do on his own power and merit and smarts is to be beat down and defeated and suck Deku’s dick. 
The kind of ending in sight is only fun for certain parts of the BKDK crowd and while I used to like the ship, I have found over the last 2-3 years that I’ve lost all taste for it, because I can’t stand to see my boy as being the “lesser” part of any relationship. 
If he goes out, I want him to go out with a bang and not whatever this is. If he stays, I want him to be given agency and choice and leadership and to display what he can achieve through his own hard work.  
I’ll follow the story to the end, because I want to see what happens with my kids, but I’m already feeling myself emotionally disengage. 
Another unfortunate side effect is that the more everyone else is efforts and sacrifices are made to mean nothing, the more I find myself disliking Deku. I can’t root for him in good heart when everyone else is being torn down for his sake so he can show off his fancy powers that kind of just fell into his lap. 
Bakugou pulled a “Deku”. Even though it’s not like he never analysed a fight before or hurt himself from over-exertion, it’s all credited explicitly to Deku. But Deku wins, and Bakugou just... loses. I’m sure Horikoshi is laughing now with all the trolling and he thinks he will fix it later by giving Bakugou some super-saiyan BS moment, but will it be HIS moment? 
People love Kirishima’s arc not because he beat some powerful villain, but because he kept standing during a fight out of his own strength, limited as it may be. It’s what he made of himself. I’ll hate it if Bakugou is not given the same opportunity to shine on his own. 
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justatalkingface · 1 year
it is deeply infuriating to me how bakugou can say things like "[Izuku] never thinks of himself" with ZERO self-awareness about why he's like that
Yeah. It feels like Hori is trying to do the bullet points of a redemption arc, without putting the meat of it in between each point.
Like, if you looked a really simplified summary of MHA, you'd think he got better right? After all, he: learned not to look down on people, learned to work together with others, moved without thinking to protect Izuku, apologizing, and... I-
Alright. I can't figure out to dryly sum up 1A vs Izuku and his... speech to SFO while making them look actually positive, but the point is that Hori put up the framework of a redemption arc, but the key is the moments between those points:
When, right after learning not to look down on people, he promptly starts calling everyone extras again. When, before saving Izuku, he threatened him, and then shrugged off being impaled to make his 'sacrifice' empty basiclly seconds later because clearly it didn't do all that much, and then following up by going back to treating Izuku the same.
When his teamwork with his pseudo-friend group (composed of people he constantly insults) is largely him just barking orders.
When his apology is empty, one-sided, devoid of context, and in front of an audience, with Izuku physically and emotionally unable to reply and topped by him saying it won't change anything.
When he goes to 'heroically' rescue Izuku by hunting him down with a mob to start attacking him, ironically mirroring his completle lack of growth by repeating the scene from chapter one of him heading a mob to attack Izuku, only it's with his friends and classmates randomly somehow brainwashed to follow Bakugou and attack him, and it being portrayed as a good thing (and Bakugou looking ferally delighted at it, no less).
When his 'heroic speech' to SFO is just about himself, and doesn't nothing to actually address to societal concerns SFO brings up.
The piece of resistance: when he correctly identifies that Izuku has absolutely no self-worth, like you said, only to promptly blame All Might for it (and wow. All Might just isn't allowed to win anything, is he? Or to be able to do anything at all competently, really. God, why did Hori make this man so important if he just seems to hate him so much?), someone who, while influential to Izuku and others was not at all involved in his life until the beginning of the manga, even though said empty apology happens maybe two chapters later.
And all those time in-between those moments of development where he yells at everyone he sees, attacks Izuku for being happy or talking about his Quirk, insults dead heroes, and just in general acts like as much of an asshole as usual, only it's portrayed in a positive light, with everyone tolerating it like he's about to blush and call them 'baka', instead of... not doing that, attacking them, and continuing the behavior. The behavior that was shown, from the very beginning of the story, to be bad, but we all like Bakugou now, so it's fine!
Pro-tip, Hori (not that you'll ever read this): character development is more than a character showing just a few, scattered scenes of different behavior, only to revert back to normal afterwards. Just like in real life, it's a marathon of steady effort, not just a few preformative displays. Development means the character actually changes consistently, and shows said changes in their behavior on a regular basis, which increase in frequency as their development progresses until it has replaced the old behavior, not just sugar coated it for the audience, because then you'll only make your character seem like a pathological liar, actively deluding themselves, or an idiot.
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neonscandal · 1 year
Hi....if you don't mind, can I ask something from BNHA? What do you think are Midoriya and Bakugou’s greatest personality strengths and weaknesses? Why? What do you love about their dynamic? Sorry if you've answered these questions before.....Thanks....
No need to apologize, if anything, thank you for asking me anything! I tried to keep my response spoiler free and, since I had trouble clarifying what I value as strengths vs weaknesses when I wrote in prose, I broke it out below with the Why's highlighted for simplicity. Still a pretty long read so buckle up, buttercup!
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I will probably never have a reason to use this gif otherwise but feel this AU is hilarious and important.
I recently thought about the headspace of these characters here and here.
Midoriya Strengths
I feel like this goes hand in hand with the crybaby hero trope but he has an incredibly strong sense of justice where he's compelled to do what's right even at the expense of doing something that would be otherwise frowned upon. This trend toward Chaotic Good keeps things interesting.
A forgiving heart with an enduring spirit that allows him to seek understanding with those who oppose him because he tries to see them as people in need of saving as well, where possible. Same could be said for Tanjiro Kamado or Usagi Tsukino I feel like, so, just MC vibes. But the limits of this are certainly tested.
He's unapologetically a little weirdo who's finally seeing his dreams take shape after years of being miserable and he does absolutely nothing to keep his cool about it. Kid is unabashedly a nerd with his incessant muttering and social awkwardness and Class 1A is just like, "well he's our fanboy". He's secretly being coached by his idol who is a teacher at his school and his dorm looks like a shrine to said teacher. Like... bro, get it together. I highkey feel like Midoriya is basically y/n if y/n finally got their Censored Wizarding School letter.
Midoriya Weaknesses
He's overwhelmingly naive when it comes to hero society despite being a fanboy of it. It takes time and a lot of heartache for him to get to a point where he can think critically about those he admires or the systemic failures within hero society. Simply, he's just a kid. Can't really blame him for not knowing any better but I think it really emphasizes how far off his dream of being a hero really was.
He's hardwired for martyrdom. Given enough time, anyone can rationalize breaking bones to master OFA when Recovery Girl is like right there, sure (still unhinged behavior but go off). But, considering the great mind he has for strategy, his default setting being a willingness to sacrifice himself and his body is dissonant. I think it's compounded by a desperation to measure up to All Might and he eventually grows from overt displays of this over time. Bakugo being captured at the training camp and his dissatisfaction with being incapable of doing anything about it was the impetus, but, sometimes, I wonder if the martyrdom stems from lack of other options or just having spent so long being ground down by his quirklessness that it's just second nature for him to think he has to suffer. Lowkey, Bakugo is wired the same way. This weakness just kind of makes me sad from all the things I think this complex stems from.
Bakugo Strengths
He is a perfectionist with a one track mind. Bakugo knows what he wants and works towards it relentlessly. This nerd is incredibly disciplined (hello senior citizen bedtime) with an aptitude for combat that doesn't stem from being a hero family legacy. Which means, any conditioning that made him good stock for UA came from his individual contribution as someone who is driven to be #1. Not to mention, he doesn’t have All Might personally coaching him so any growth yielded from constructive criticism while at UA is a product of Aizawa’s lessons, a sprinkle of Best Jeanist and Bakugo figuring things out himself. Case in point, learning from All Might that his “Win to Save” mentality needed to be tempered with a “Save to Win” mentality to be successful. He cultivates his own personal growth which allows him to be more communicative and slightly less hot-headed to enact a winning battle strategy in the exercise against Class 1B. Not to mention, Midoriya is getting a lot of real life experience that Bakugo isn’t but he manages to keep pace with Deku and still embody a determination to not accept any casualties (RE: Midoriya taking down Stain, taking down Muscular at the training camp, fighting and surviving Overhaul, taking down Gentle Criminal and everything that follows the initial Paranormal Liberation Front takedown).
As best he can, he cares about the people around him. You cannot accept Shoto Todoroki's shortcomings when he first got to UA and condemn Bakugo for his when they are arguably both products of hostile upbringings. That being said, in his own way and through the limited perspective of an unreliable narrator, he respects Ochako Uraraka as his equal where other boys of Class 1A are shown to not view girls as formidable adversaries (during the sports fest and the face off with Class 1B), Aizawa and Denki praise him for his strength of character, he makes it a point to pull aside that kindergartener who was teetering down the same path he followed during the extra provisional lessons, he goes out of his way to protect Class 1A during the Cultural Festival, and he is notably less of a jerk to Todoroki considering his home life. Since it's Bakugo, that care and concern just looks a bit different. Where Todoroki's character growth is staked in how he cultivates relationships with Class 1A (which isn't from a point of outright antagonism) and working to forgive his family, Bakugo's growth is tied more intimately to Midoriya whose first person perspective is a bit limited or biased.
He's hilarious to me. Like, sir, is there anything you respect? He's even a brash asshole to All Might, his idol. Where Midoriya has tunnel vision when it comes to All Might, I think Bakugo is able to reconcile the fact that All Might is still fallible while remaining in awe of him. It's why he keeps his secret after all although even he admits it’s not for All Might. Plus, as far as deuteragonists go, he's perfectly incendiary and goads Midoriya (and subsequently their classmates) to level up which Aizawa notes is what makes Class 1A something special.
Bakugo Weaknesses
Hand in hand with that last strength, for all of Bakugo's barking, he has issues with self worth and insecurity. While the viewer really only witnesses this when he's lashing out, it becomes clear this is something he deals with internally as it's a big factor in why he and Midoriya are at odds. Though Midoriya struggles with the same issues, Bakugo’s manifests violently and make him a ticking time bomb until his emotions finally explode.
He is immature and emotionally constipated. He is hard pressed and shitting diamonds before he'll ever admit his remorse for how he treated Midoriya, how he may not be good enough, or any other uncomfortable feeling that isn’t strictly confident superiority. His inability to communicate emotions and frustration to do so is what makes him unlikeable to people who don't bother to understand the nuance of his character and how that relates to Midoriya.
I tend to process things a lot better when read vs. watched so reading the manga and appreciating the exposition into their relationship while still being deprived of most of it has been fun to pick apart because we’re given Midoriya’s perspective and forced to interpret beyond what he’s able to do at the time. It's easy to forget the story tends to be from a first person perspective so we're left with some legwork to read between the lines using other characters (my favorite being Aizawa) who offers additional insight into the unbiased reality of their characters and, at times, their relation to one another.
They make each other better. As stated previously, Aizawa has observed that their rivalry not only draws out the best in them but it also forces those around them to be better as well.
By design, they are two halves of the same whole. All Might recognizes that, with Midoriya’s “Save to Win” and Bakugo’s “Win to Save” mentalities, their imitation of him is incomplete. You can’t have one without the other in order to be successful and he even proposes that they would make an unstoppable team.
They understand one another. Midoriya provides insight into Bakugo during the Sports Festival to Uraraka which Aizawa explains better. Bakugo (implied spoiler?) tells two mentors that he knows Deku best and is able to pinpoint what antics he's gotten himself into, too. While shown to be largely non-communicative, they have a penetrating understanding of one another that Horikoshi hasn't really explained. From our perspective, they were childhood friends and then they simply weren't around the time that Deku didn't get his quirk (so around 4 or 5). So how do they continue to understand one another so implicitly? I'm anticipating a big reveal into more of their childhood in coming chapters. If you're caught up in the manga, you see we've already gotten a taste (if you're not, mind the spoiler warnings in the links above).
They respect one another. I know this seems unfounded considering how shitty Bakugo is shown to be to Midoriya BUT, when Bakugo encourages Kirishima that there's strength in being unrelenting during Kiri's moment of insecurity.. I very much think that he's thinking of Midoriya. Meanwhile, unique from the reasons above, Midoriya is undeterred from engaging with Bakugo despite his mistreatment because he's determined to be recognized by him and stand shoulder to shoulder with him. This is actually found to be something that they both obsess over. They want to be one another's equals.
They imitate one another. Deku incessantly imitates Bakugo. From his fight style which Iida and others have remarked to his trash talking when he wants to be victorious as he observed himself. Bakugo mutters/strategizes like Deku and I also feel like when I read the manga I recall thinking about how we focus on Deku imitating Bakugo but his AP Shot put me in the mind of Deku's Full Cowling. I'll have to dig through the notes I took while reading and continue my MHA Manga With Me posts but they are frequently shown to make similar faces and are constantly looking to one another for inspiration. Horikoshi has, throughout the story, linked them in this way. While not readily apparent (I'm chalking it up due to Midoriya's POV blind spot), we also see this between Kirishima and Mina (search "Kirishima v Mina" to get to the good stuff), Mirio and Tamaki, Ochako and Midoriya (but a sprinkle of confusion with Toga). @dekacchannn talks about this here.
To one another, they are worth saving. They both have a tendency of being a little self-sacrificing. Quirkless Midoriya throws himself at the Sludge Monster for Kacchan's sake, he goes back and grabs Bakugo's unconscious body during their exam, he runs on pure adrenaline at the training camp to go after Bakugo despite shattered bones and.. the list continues. For all of Bakugo's strength, most people assume he can take care of himself. Worse, many people assume he's simply irredeemable, with a temperament that teeters on villainy as discussed when he was kidnapped by the League of Villains. But Midoriya will always have an outstretched hand ready for Kacchan. Being mindful of spoilers, Bakugo will break and crack if it means he will Win to Save. He proves this when Deku is threatened because, despite his newfound power and exponential growth, despite being The Chosen One... at the end of the day, he needs someone to take him into account because he's simply "screwed up in the head" to do it himself and Bakugo knows this better than anyone.
Thank you for your patience in reading this rant and your curiosity in asking! I hope someone kisses you on both cheeks today because you made my day =)
Your question didn't seem ship specific so I didn't answer with that in mind. If I interpreted your question incorrectly, feel free to let me know though you can probably infer from the above.
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While Bakugou's death and character doesn't seem as irrelevant, I think Midoriya's decision wouldn't be as affected as most of the fandom makes it out to be and focusing so much on this takes away Midoriya's autonomy as a character. Something to consider since the war arc and that was accentuated in his solo arc (even though much of the fandom believes that the power of friendship solves everything) is the way in which Midoriya sees himself , as readers we know that Izuku isn't taken into account, what's more his motivation during the manga goes from wanting to be a hero like All Might to wanting to be strong so that no one have to worry about him, this means that while Midoriya is willing to sacrifice himself for others the opposite isn't acceptable. During the war arc he saw mentors, friends, etc. get injured and almost die, that unleashed his anger and there came a point where he was blinded so that AfoMura had a blow that Bakugou receives, now what does AFO do after this? he mocks and says that the sacrifices made were useless, especially the last one (Bakugou), this is a trigger for Midoriya because AFO treats the lives and sacrifice of people as it means nothing and the most important thing Midoriya failed again, it wasn't the strong enough, fast enough and someone sacrificed themselves for him (it's no coincidence that minutes before he was telling himself not to be the same Deku who can't do anything).
Now and the reason why I developed the above, during the final moments of the war Midoriya manages to connect with Shigaraki within OFA and manages to see not only Tenko, but Tomura himself being used and his first instinct is to crawl and yell at AFO to leave him and these actions continue much later, now you will say, what is important about this? The important thing is that all these decisions were made by Midoriya even before he knew if Bakugou was alive or not, Midoriya put aside his anger because he saw someone in pain and this was repeated throughout the arc because even feeling a grudge he wanted to understand and save Tomura.
Even now beyond Horikoshi's cheap way of giving prominence to Bakugou with "you are the person closest to Midoriya", funny that when this happens the only one close is Bakugou because the reaction would be the same with Todoroki, Uraraka, Iida or any of his friends. Again he does AFO here, he tells Midoriya to make excuses, to blame anyone but him, mocking and Midoriya falls into anger again because he sees all the injured heroes, Mirio, Tamaki , Mirko (almost without limbs and leaning on a tree), a corpse and again it's his fault because he let himself be separated from the group that corresponded to him, because again someone else pays for his mistakes and even so Mirio manages to calm him down and Midoriya asks specifically about Tomura . What's more, the central point of Midoriya's character is the way of seeing injured people and wanting to help them, whether they're heroes, villains or civilians. It's what differentiates him from Bakugou who doesn't understand Midoriya's behavior and who tried to save him even without deserving it in the first chapter just because "it looks like you needed to be saved", it's the reason why he begged both Gentle and Tomura not to get up because he didn't want to fight anymore, the reason why he gave his hand to Lady Nagant and Aoyama. Midoriya is going to save the people around him but this salvation doesn't mean redemption but the simple fact that in his eyes everyone deserves to be saved.
All of this. At the end of the day Izuku is a character that will aim to save everyone because he feels everyone deserves a second chance or not. Whether this is a positive or negative trait doesn’t matter, it’s part of Izuku’s character.
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bitchlessbkg · 2 years
Bakugou and the Burdens of Self Sacrifice (Part 2 of 2)
Link to Part 1
Remember though - this goes against Bakugou’s perfect victory. Hell, his own death did! And this possible death for his revival will be another burden and consequence for him due to him imitating the flaws of self sacrifice — the same ones he criticized in Deku and grew from already.
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While heroic and noble, self sacrifice is a flaw implemented in the old generation (shown by Allmight and Deku’s imitation of him as well as Bakugou’s old mindset to win on his own like Allmight) that the new generation has to fix, that Bakugou told Deku they will fix together. And Deku may just be the key to helping Bakugou overcome the turmoil he’s sure to be in over this, just like Bakugou was there for him during VH to remind him that they’re doing this together. I mean, he was the one to save him from himself in the Allmight exam. (there’s a lot more to say here but that’s another meta lol).
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So what does this mean for Bakugou? Well, in the end he can’t get his perfect victory (atleast, not in the way that he hoped) since his actions (that went against the growth he did to prevent this btw) contributed to the sacrifice being made now. He bears some responsibility, and this is his consequence.
But this doesn’t mean that he can’t ensure that this is not the reality for everyone else. Other characters like Deku and Iida have shown understanding of the burden Bakugou carried from Allmight’s fall, and this is another one added.
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It reminds me of what Ochako said during her speech - heroes bear the burdens so others won’t have too. He’ll be the hope for the new generation for a different kind of victory — one where everyone is saved and wins and reaches their dreams together. Through Monoma we already get a glimpse of this, imagine the other reactions from his class, teachers and friends when he eventually rises.
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With his hero name as homage to Allmight and costume as homage to Jeanist and Edgeshot, it’s symbolizing the burdens Bakugou carries of the lessons he’s learned so that perfect victory for the new gen is possible. It’s like he achieves his dream and doesn’t at the same time - it’s bittersweet.
Cause he knows more than anyone what it feels like to be on the receiving end of these sacrifices - he understands these flaws.
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And as for society (which again, brings me back to Ochako’s speech) they’ll probably now understand the weight of the burdens he carries for them too, after being dismissive of his experiences before (calling him sludge kid and “kid who ended Allmight” and “villainous/no future”)
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kramaku · 2 years
I'll be honest, I too am a little bothered by that. A lot of people are saying it's silly (before we're even getting the official release) and I'm sure people (who hate him) are also upset that Bakugou is coming back.
Nowadays, I really feel like everyone wants everything to be top tier and written to perfection. Always having high expectations instead of enjoying something as it is.
It reminds me of people complained about the OVAs that were meant to simply be comedic. It's ridiculous.
Some people in this fanbase expect too much.
It's not like BNHA was entirely written to be something so serious. We have a kid with tape for a quirk, another with balls on his head, a guy who yells for a living, another who can manipulate fibers, etc. It doesn't even stop at quirks.
Just even how the characters' personalities are, how they're designed and how some scenes are written to be played for laughs.
I'm just real tired of people thinking every piece of media should be perfect. It should be enough that it's entertaining.
Don't like it. Leave.
You're right and I've talked a lot about how every chapter can't be a masterpiece. But messing up a "death" of the 2nd main character is a mistake not to make.
Now I'll be honest, when I first read the leaks, at the end, I stopped and thought... "is that a joke? Hell no." Because I somehow understand the hate towards this chapter (this isn't a hate post only positivity here!!). But let's resolve the love and hate Horikoshi receives this week, shall we?
Bakugou's death is sad, respectful, beautiful, but to me, its quality depended a lot on rather he would come back to life or not because we have to take the story in consideration. My Hero Academia is a story that gives hope, it's not meant to be a tragedy... so can you imagine a kid that dreamed to be the top hero and to have a happy future with his childhood friend to just die.. and that's it? Can you imagine Izuku even able to grieve and show the glimpse of a smile after Bakugou's death? To consider himself the strongest hero if he couldn't save his best friend? No. And what kind of life long rivalry ends with "can i keep up with you?"?? Theyre not even fighting side by side once?? The bromance/romance between the two is a huge pilar of the story and it ends with them not even being officially friends at least??? There's still a lot of details that sold how Bakugou definitely couldn't be off the story for good but we're not here to talk about that. His death is well written to me because of the way it comes with sacrifice and of the fact that it ends with revival. Now... is his revival well written? Well, unlike this morning when I first read the leaks, I believe that it's gonna be well written.
I understand why people are angry.. if they believe that, that's it, Bakugou's back to life and will go running again next chapter. If it happens I'll be the first to cry when I read this bullshit, I swear. Because 1st, Bakugou being back so fast feels useless. What was his death for?? If it just causes the death of a pro hero we barely saw in the story, then better not do it at all. Was it written just to make a good cliff hanger and keep people excited for the next chapter each week?? That's it????? No. I don't think so. Horikoshi isn't like that. He even dared to draw the my villain academia arc, despite how risky it was. People read hero comics for the heroes, they don't usually want dozens and dozens of chapters about the "bad guys". Yet he did it because he wanted to (and it happened to be one of the best arcs, congrats). Anyway, just to say, fans want consequences to Bakugou's death. At least Izuku going feral seeing the carnage Shigaraki did, Izuku proving once again how villains and heroes are two sides of the same coin and how the differences between the two can be very thin, so thin that Izuku could give himself to rage and act very unheroic... villainous. That could lead to talk again about morals, the good and the bad, the values of a hero- it could've opened the door to so many good stuff!! But here we are, with... nothing. Nothing because the revival act feels (currently) empty. Edgeshot is a character that had almost no screen time, has never been relevant to the story whatsoever and never even spoke to Bakugou but now he comes out of nowhere and saves him, dies for him. Like that. I'm an edgeshot fan, he's cool, I'm happy to see some actual ninja stuff from him, but rn I get why people are mad. Edgeshot basically came like "Hi! My name is plot armor! Let's pretend nothing happened so there's absolutely no consequences and none of your awesome theories will come true!"
If bakugou really stands up next chapter, izuku arrives and they just fight together, then yes this is utter crap. Every chapter between 356 to 364 would feel meaningless.
But I have trust in Horikoshi and im convinced that Edgeshot's sacrifice is just the first step of the resurrection. Jeanist still has to do an insane job, the other heroes have to hold back Shigaraki, some will probably die too, and Bakugou will surely still be very much dead when Izuku arrives so we'll get Izuku's reaction and all the good stuff that comes with it. I'm excited and trust Horikoshi on this one.
If the revival is wrote like that, well handled, then the 364th chapter is a good one. It's not the kind of chapter you can judge on its own, but unfortunately, seems like a lot of fans (now haters..?) did that today.
I'll either praise of shit on this chapter after we get next week's. On a side note, I really loved the All for One stuff, the Stars and Stripes with All Might moment, the Mirko moments, there's good stuff!! For now I'm just watching how Horikoshi plans to handle this. Patience, everyone 👍
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ofmermaidstories · 2 years
oh merms! if you were to write surrender today, do you think anything would change about bakugou or bakugou and reader's relationship considering what's happening in the manga rn?
oh my gosh how did you KNOW that i have been PLAGUED by this question? i actually think part of what’s making working on something so hard is the fact that like, i wanna retcon things so badly LOL. i’m not, if only because surrender has it’s own canon-verse now that has to be obeyed, lest everything reads wonky, but… i want to. 🥺
if i was going to rewrite it, the fundamentals of Bakugou and Weed’s relationship wouldn’t change. he’d still be overly cautious with Weeds, both because he’d still feel too rough to handle someone who isn’t made of the same kind of firepower, and also because he would know, more than anyone else, just how shaky the promise of tomorrow would be for a Pro Hero. in fact, i’d probably go in hard on that angle—because i think an adult!Bakugou would absolutely be prepared to lay down his life whenever he needed to, for whoever he needed to. i wouldn’t say he’d be completely self-sacrificial—save to win—because having Edgeshot’s sacrifice (???) on his shoulders would definitely be something he’d want to honour and carry on for, but Hori has driven home again and again that as an adult your duty is to do right by the next generation and pave the way for them. and i think i’d show that more in Bakugou’s interactions with Haru!
the hesitation that surrender!bakugou has about letting himself fall in love would be the same, i think—if not even worse lmfao, again, thanks to his earlier lessons about how short life can truly be. 🥹 like, i’ve always imagined surrender!bakugou to be in his mid-to-late twenties—not that much younger than Edgeshot now, in the comic. 🥺 older than shiggy currently is. 🥺 he’d be keenly aware he’s on borrowed time, and just to hammer that in i’d make Reader keenly aware of it, too.
aside from stuff like that (and more scar porn LOL), i wouldn’t want to change the essence of surrender—which to me has always been about the hope that comes from looking at someone and thinking: yes. i choose you. i choose this. i choose this beginning and i choose however this ends and most importantly—i choose all the moments we will have, in-between.
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marunalu · 2 years
the way bkdk and bakugou stans want Midoriya to just freak out and go for the kill because ShigAFO hurts Bakugou is sick, their only argument is "last time he freaked out because he hurt Bakugou", last time he had also hurt people dear to Izuku and AFO called Bakugou's sacrifice useless, this is important because Izuku would never forgive himself if someone risked their life or died for him and AFO called Bakugou's sacrifice useless. However, they seem to want to forget that even lying on the ground during the war he only thought of saving Tomura, that even knowing that Bakugou could have died his first argument with all the users was to save Tomura, that his arc was based on not getting him out of his head and about AFO, that even knowing that Aoyama had been the traitor he didn't harbor any ill will (even if he had inadvertently hurt Bakugou) and even defended him saying that he could still be a hero and that he had even in his fear tried to frustrate the kidnapping and later his argument with Uraraka is like despite noticing the destruction the league had caused he couldn't ignore the crying child. At this point nothing indicates that Midoriya is going to shoot to kill for Bakugou and for no one in general, he is going to fight AFO but he doesn't want to kill Tomura, Izuku already understood it and to do otherwise would be to go back in his development arc. It seems sick to me how shippers and stans want to round out Midoriya's entire character in Bakugou as if the only time he got out of control was because of him, it is seen that Overhaul and Muscular don't count for them.
If izuku would go for the kill everytime someone hurts or says something bad about bakugou, then I wonder why iida, tokoyami, denki, sero, sato, monoma, aoyama, tomura and pretty much most of class a are still alive?! Or how comes it that izuku never stopps them from saying something "mean" (the truth) to bakugou?!
Izuku is someone who sees himself as worthless! To him, seeing someone getting hurt or almost killed for his sake, is the most terrible thing he can think of. Because in izukus eyes he is so worthless, only HE is allowed to do this kind of dangerous things for the sake of others, no one FOR HIM, because he believes he is not worth it! What most people still dont seem to get is, that izuku HATES himself! He still sees himself as a weak, useless and worthless nothing for good! Not even all of his archievments and called a worthy successor of ofa were able to change his view about himself!
The reason why izuku completly lost it after bakugou was stabbed, has less to do with bakugou, but the fact that someone put himself in harms way to protect him! In that moment it wouldnt have mattered if it was bakugou or someone else! It could have been MINETA and izuku would have lost it the same, espicially after he witnessed aizawa and gran torino almost killed in front of his eyes (something he blaimes himself for, because afo and shigaraki are after HIM). Bakugou was just the last straw that broke the camels back!
Izuku will NOT kill shigaraki for hurting bakugou! First, because izuku is aware that shigaraki is under afos control right now, second because he already swore to himself to safe tomura and third because it would completly destroy izukus development regarding his growing understanding of why people turn into villains and what part of their society plays into that!
Right now, Izukus first priority is to safe tomura! Bakugous broken arm and ego wont change that! Thats just wishfull thinking of shippers and will not happen!
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quirkwizard · 2 years
What do you think about the theory that not only was Midoriya born with a quirk that was taken from him but it was this very quirk that was eventually given to a quirkless Tenko Shimura by AFO (timeline would be a little close assuming it was stolen when he was a baby and immediately gave it to Tenko). It would not only add further parallels between the two characters and connect them beyond being there roles as successors but also explain there personality’s contradictions, (1/5)
where as Tomura despite himself saying he only wants to destroy everything over time has made room for his friends and ultimately sees the injustices in there society as a something that needs to be destroyed so no one would suffer like he did, meanwhile Midoriya selflessness and intense desire to save everyone with no regard to his own self slowly destroys himself in the process. If a quirk has an impact on personality then logic would dictate the body would try to balance this, but if you remove an intense “negative” emotions then it leaves an imbalance of intense “positive” emotions, (2/5)
which is why Midoriya has the personality of a cinnamon roll with an unnatural drive to break every bone in his body to help everyone. There’s also the fact OFA (possibly) seems to manifest differently depending on the users desires with the power, All Might wanted to be a symbol so that’s why he can bulk up, and Midroiya desires to have power to save people, even if it destroys him in the process. You can see that the injuries Shigaraki had during the end of the Redestro fight are drawn almost the exact same as Midoriya’s broken limbs during the sports tournament with Shoto when he repeatedly breaks his fingers over and over. (3/5)
I think this would work as a better reveal than a “I am your father” line as it would allow AFO to point out that Midoriya’s mere existence was the cause of so much suffering, and he could possibly even twist the idea that Midoriya subconsciously recognized his quirk all this time and that he didn’t want to save Tomura and instead he just wanted his quirk back (totally a lie AFO would use to unnerve him and make him question his ideas and motivations). (4/5)
If this is the case then that means not only would Shigaraki learn that everything bad that happened to him was AFO’s fault but there is the chance that as Midoriya has slowly builds his form in the realm of OFA, he may end up “regrowing” the decay quirk back, and use it to destroy AFO by making some kind of ultimate sacrifice, at best being unable to be a hero and at worst dying. (5/5)
I’ve talked about this before, but I really want to discuss want you presented.
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I've never liked the theory, and I think you talking about it made me like it even less. Going by the evidence you presented, you need to make some seriously massive leaps with what we already know or ignore what has been established. Like how their Quirks match up with their personalities. You need to take some steps to try and justify that. Okay, so Tomura has some friends. That doesn't change the fact that he wants to destroy everything out of a sense of nihilism and misanthropy. Just because a character has some depth beyond their Quirk doesn’t mean it’s not their Quirk. Just because Bakugou wants to save protect people doesn’t mean "Explosion" isn’t his Quirk. Which do you think lines up better with "Decay"? Izuku "I will do everything in my power to save and protect everyone" Midoriya, or Tomura "I hate everything, thus I want to destroy everything without any regard for the people I am hurting" Shigaraki? Then there's stuff about personality and emotions, which doesn't line up with anything we've seen or know. And you're trying to tell me that Izuku isn't a culmination of all the positive and negative influences on his life, with his need to sacrifice being a mix of the heroic qualities of All Might and the sense of inferiority, but because some Quirk made him that way. We also already have an explanation for why Izuku hurts himself when he uses "One For All," and it’s not because it manifests differently for people, so why add another one?
Even if you get to the meat of the topic, I still don’t believe it. On top of all the logical hoops you have to jump through to justify that Izuku had a Quirk in the first place, you need to do a lot more to justify that he had "Decay". As they are five years apart, Izuku would have had to manifest this Quirk as a one year old. If Izuku had "Decay" as a one year old, how is he or anyone around him even alive? We saw what happened when Tenko used it. You're seriously telling me an infant had one of the most dangerous and uncontrollable Quirks in the series and didn't kill themselves or their parents by accident? I don't buy it. And yes, these characters have parallels, a lot of them. But how does that justify Izuku having "Decay"? What would be the point of any of this? To give Izuku another connection to Tomura? There are already plenty of those in the story, ones that don't require such massive leaps in logic. Trying to make Izuku guilty? That seems really off as well, because how could you possibly justify blaming someone or yourself for something they have zero control over? That's like someone knocking you out, stealing your kidney, using it to save a mob boss, and then trying to blame you for all the crimes he committed. And all that stuff you mentioned about how it would change the story? You could very easily still have that. Just have it be Tomura’s thing instead of passing it to Izuku. Have him realize all the awful things All For One has done to him and have Tomura turn "Decay" on him, either killing him or weakening him. It would be much stronger to give Tomura that moment than Izuku's.
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sasukesun · 1 year
Thank you very much for answering my ask Bella!!! I consider that everything you said is very interesting and honestly I have noticed it's true that many fans feel uncomfortable with the relationship between Sasuke and Naruto, the same as how the Naruto's sexuality is a topic of discomfort for many readers.
It also seems interesting to me using bkdk as an example, since I consider that it's possibly due to the popularity of the manga that this ship is one of the most vocal and always searched for validation that proves their ship, the comparison with SNS is constant and above all the excuse of that Horikoshi has been inspired by Naruto, therefore this would be equivalent to bkdk = SNS. However, this is where I would contribute, like you said, even if both ships have similar moments at the narrative level, they have a different weight and intention that is far from the shippers view more than anything because the moments of "my body moved by itself" in bnha have an interpretation according to the work. In case of Midoriya it's to show that he can be a hero, above all he marks a path that is followed much later, Midoriya is going to save to whoever needs it hero, villain, friend or enemy, at the same time that it's a parallelism with All Might his mentor. In Bakugou's case something that many shippers seem to forget is that supposedly at the narrative level Bakugou must redeem himself and learn to be a hero for which even if his body moved on its own to shield Midoriya, this is further explained with the character finding the part of the sacrifice that a hero does and that he owes Midoriya for the past. These are other moments but there are others that can be read as romantic if one simply empties the characters of their narratives and characteristics, which doesn't happen with SNS, Sasuke had no reason to put Naruto's life and dreams above his own ambition, Naruto never stopped looking for Sasuke and never gave up on him because that was never an option, Sasuke had more than one opportunity to kill Naruto and he couldn't, even in his final fight turns off the Sharingan when he was going to deliver his final blow.
I think what makes SNS so special, is that they chose each other to be a special person, they both could have just been ex teammates, but Kishimoto made them choose each other over and over again, even when Naruto had Konoha telling him to give up on Sasuke, or Sasuke knowing that Naruto was the only bond he had left, that killing Naruto was necessary not because he represented a power level threat to fulfill his plan but because he could never be alone while Naruto was alive, etc, there are so many moments between them that take your breath away. In a certain way I envy their relationship because how these two love each other so deeply.
your addition about bkdk is great! you said “midoriya is going to save whoever needs it” and it’s true, that moment adds to izuku’s narrative and journey to become a hero, especially because izuku doesn’t even have one for all in that moment, and yet he is dedicated to save people even when you might think he’s not capable of doing it by himself, like- that moment is much more relevant to his hero narrative than to his relationship with bakugou, much differently than naruto and sasuke in land of waves, in which sasuke changes naruto’s heart forever and his sacrifice makes him realise how much influence naruto has over him, and that scares sasuke. you’re absolutely right and i’m glad my last ask made sense to you. naruto and sasuke are truly special, most gay ships i see around in shonen are 100% shipper glasses… itafushi, bkdk, akiangel, never read haikyuu but i can tell that the ships are also like that, the fandom seems messy af… and then people say that they are like naruto and sasuke… please
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haleigh-sloth · 2 years
how do you feel about the themes of the old gen sacrificing themselves for the new gen conflicting with bakugou’s idea for zero casualties/perfect victory? i also found it weird that his death went against all he’s learned and stood for as a character with his development (went in alone, extreme self sacrifice, not allowing himself to be saved by jeanist telling him not to do that and overall no teamwork displayed by his decision) but now it’s looking the revival of that is gonna deny him of his dream, and in the end his continued hero dream to save everyone to win with no casualties sits on top of someone’s else’s life sacrifice? idk it’s racking my brain. it’s like he regressed and died for a lesson he already knew and worked towards fulfilling, and that previously from self sacrifice being placed in a bad light in his arc via allmight and deku now it’s good and necessary? idk
Well, first off I agree with @class1akids and what she says here.
I think it's too soon to really buckle down and say that Edgeshot is toast, precisely for the reasons you listed pertaining to Bakugo's arc. Perfect victory means no casualties, and I think it's fair to assume that Edgeshot has a decent chance at surviving. I also happened to remember recently how Compress basically cut himself in half and survived, which means Edgeshot can use whatever muscles to fill in Bakugo's heart or whatever and still be fine. I mean, nothing that happens will be anatomically correct, so it doesn't matter how it works. But I think it's fair to say Edgeshot will likely be fine. But, we will see.
Moving onto my own thoughts:
I've been saying it over and over since we returned to this ShigAFO/Bakugo fight--Bakugo is not being heroic.
There is still NOTHING showing that he is in any type of mindset that is set on saving the enemy. There just isn't. Given how big of a moment it was for Shouto, Ochacko, and Deku to all come to this realization that they need to save their villains, it should ALSO be given the same dramatic focus with Bakugo, if not more. Because Bakugo is...well, Bakugo. Of all the kids, it would be surprising for him to be down with teaming up with the enemy.
All that to say, Bakugo getting roughed up and shit talked and smacked in the face with the very inferiority complex he's been battling the entire manga, kinda falls in line with the rest of the narrative consequences that he's endured that have slowly shaped him up to be better.
What DOESN'T fall in line with those previous consequences is 1. Dying, and 2. Waking up and finding out that someone died FOR him, when that goes against what he's wanted to do as a hero.
So, my thoughts on it are that--because of the very thing Bakugo wants as a hero, I don't think it would make sense to kill off Edgeshot, as irrelevant as he is, for the sake of Bakugo of all people. Hence me thinking he has a real chance at surviving whatever is happening.
The general theme of the older generation sacrificing for the new is fine, and it's a pretty common theme in coming of age stories, which BNHA is for both the hero kids AND the league of villains. But--it doesn't have as much impact when it's just any rando over the age of 25 who is considered the "old gen" who is obligated to sacrifice, regardless of the impact or lack thereof they've had on the kids we're focusing on in the story.
With that being said--this is not a complaint I really have. Or more like, I really don't care. It technically makes more sense for All Might, the hero who contributed to the outcome of Shigaraki Tomura, to make some sort of sacrifice within this final battle. But--I've said it already and I really do mean it--I really am not invested in how Bakugo comes back, just that he does. And I'm not worried because he will, but a part of me knew that there was gonna be some clownery involved with it, some goofiness.
On that theme though--the story isn't just focusing on passing the baton off (correctly, AFO's way of passing the baton is NOT It, technically neither is All Might's lmao), it's also focused on making the adults learn.
Aizawa being the main focus for this. All Might....was going to be, and might still be some part of this lesson by the end alongside Gran Torino, but Aizawa is the main contender here.
I do think the coming of age portion is the biggest aspect of the story, but it's also about learning and changing and growing no matter what generation you are a part of. I fully expect Aizawa to hold up his end of this, when we FINALLY fucking get to him lol.
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class1akids · 2 years
as a katsuki stan who puts him first over ships i feel so seen by your takes even if you think they're negative. it's been a string of losses for us and the specifics of whatever vestige bs happens going forth will really make or break the series for me. (try as i might i care very little about most other characters) i don't know how people can theorize about him getting stuck in the vestige world forever or dying with his ultimate feat being boosting up deku a little while deku gets to be the greatest hero and not think it's a tragic fate for a seventeen year old with dreams that big. katsuki and izuku have had the same dream since the start of the series but since the sludge villain we've been seeing the (story) underdog role reversing until katsuki doesn't just end almost every arc on an emotional down, but until he loses physically now too apparently. time and time again he's just not given the same opportunities to keep fighting as deku, his plus ultra moments are for naught (would it have hurt to show shigaraki at least a little banged up from his moves?) and suddenly he's looking at deku for inspiration to win as if he hasn't always been the symbol of victory? even the rest of his arc with learning teamwork might be undermined by the possible vestige plan he didn't share with the class (also if they planned this it means deku agreed to let bakugou sacrifice himself which is not deku like AT ALL) and has already been undermined by no one being allowed to lift meaningful finger while he's brutalized. i dunno I'm just... i don't know how hk can pull off a meaningful conclusion that's good for HIS characters arc and not just him in relation to deku. the thought of him being the only classmate who dies while the rest of them get to grow old and be happy occasionally remembering to thank him cuz he gave deku his quirk that one time is just sickening
I'm trying to keep away from the doom and gloom, personally, but I don't think there are great ways to go from here. Options (now regardless of the specifics):
Option 1: Bakugou gives Deku rage-up and challenge of his beliefs about saving Tenko, does something in the Vestige world and is "revived" to fight in the real world relatively soon -> fandom will call it a cheap fakeout (and they wouldn't be wrong)
Option 2: Bakugou stays in the Vestige realm for the rest of the endgame. It means he's encroaching on Deku's distinct arc, Bakugou cannot interact meaningfully for the rest of the story with anyone else and Bakugou's own power will be meaningless to the endgame - only Deku can use it maybe -> shits on Bakugou's arc, fridges him for Deku's sake while his own contribution will be just ghostly assists.
Option 3: This was it. We said good-bye to Bakugou. Deku will be mad. Class A will be sad. Dudebros will be glad. -> One of the better MHA characters is thrown away in a frankly pathetic manner to prop up inferior characters.
I personally prefer it to be a fakeout, though I could see Hori going for option 2 and reviving Bakugou only at the very end - which I would hate a lot. Option 3 is clearly the worst (and least likely).
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