#the serpent's pass
oneatlatime · 5 months
Journey to Ba Sing Se, Part 1: The Serpent's Pass
Alternate title: Gimme Appa Back, Take Two.
Bit of a mouthful for a title. I will definitely be watching this apparent two parter as two single episodes. There's commentary too, but that'll wait for a rewatch.
The previously on segment seems to point to Suki making an appearance. I didn't like her in her original episode, so this bodes ill.
That was incredibly ominous title card music.
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Explain this to someone who's never seen the show. Also, air mattress made of ice is a very efficient way to get hypothermia.
Sokka saying "no more distractions' actually summoned a distraction. He should look into harnessing that power.
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This brings up a point I've been thinking about. So the Earth Kingdom are smart enough to house refugee transportation underground, presumably because they've figured out that fire can't dig. So why didn't the entire population of the Earth Kingdom just become mole people at the first sign of fire nation attack?
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Get yourself Iroh's brand of chill. It's dearly bought in his case, but he has such a good way of looking at life. Also, half of Zuko's face is like an inch higher than the other half, and that haircut is not doing him any favours.
Oh god it's fuckboy. I'd take a million Sukis over fuckboy. Nice to see that the majority of his posse seems to have come to their senses and deserted him though.
She's got a point about destruction of the ecosystem, but unless there was woodworm in that cart, that platypus bear is guilty of needless destruction of cabbage guy's possessions.
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I loved this. The double punch of getting stymied by bureaucracy and undermined by cosplayers. There are some wacky ideas in this episode.
Aang! You may have lost Appa but you still have your glider! You don't need a passport or a ticket! Just fly to Ba Sing Se and make puppy dog eyes at the Earth King to make him send a boat to collect your friends!
You know that part in Harry Potter where Ron and Harry miss the train and decide the only logical course of action is to steal a flying car rather than, I don't know, wait for a responsible adult? I have a feeling this show is going to do the same type of thing with the whole Serpent's Pass. And I have to say, it's a brilliantly accurate way to do a plot that involves pre-teens, because they will often reach for the most out-there, illogical course of action no matter their intelligence. Curse those still-developing neural pathways. It also makes perfect sense in a kids' show, where the audience mostly wouldn't be caught dead turning down an adventure in favour of asking a responsible party (or a bureaucracy) for help.
"It is your pleasure" Get wrecked bitch!
I love seeing Toph weaponise that which previously kept her caged. I love to see Toph winning at life. Actually, I love to see Toph.
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Get yourself some friends who'll commit to the bit no questions asked like these guys.
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Get yourself a man who says your name the way Sokka says SUKI!!!:D Get yourself a girl who's so into you, she'll flirt with you in front of your entire found family.
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Momo knows what's up. He's a good judge of character.
It's rare for me to advocate for criminal behaviour on this show, but after that bureaucracy lady denied them any sort of solution for the refugees who got their tickets stolen, I was kind of hoping that Katara would just say 'fuck it' and steal one of those ferries. Or even smuggle people on to them. They've got two waterbenders; they could make ice boats to take them out to the ferry, or even across the whole lake presumably. Plot dictates they go face this serpent thing, because this appears to be a monster of the week episode, but boy did that ferry lady need smacking.
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Sokka's acting funky.
Is corniness one of the side effects of pregnancy?
No one in their right minds thinks that a pass called "the SERPENT'S Pass" in a universe like this one is named for its aesthetic qualities. Nice try at misdirection, but there will be a Sneky Boy in that water.
Aang's kind of right about the whole 'hope is a distraction' thing. Hope can too easily go from fuel to crutch.
It didn't occur to anyone to hide from the Fire Nation ship until it passed?
Toph's just saving everyone's bacon today huh?
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Am I sensing some post-Yue trauma?
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I would love to know the context behind Zuko knowing this very niche skill.
Jet has this fascinating ability to do objectively good deeds in such a sleezy way that you end up siding with the greedy oppressors. Weird.
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This makes so much sense. Aang zipped into the Avatar State so hard and fast in the desert that he probably scared himself, so now he's keeping a lid on things so hard that he's scaring everyone else with his newfound apathy. He's 12, and this episode he feels 12. This is probably the first time he's met emotions this big; of course he doesn't quite know what to do with them.
You know, Katara doesn't get paid enough to put up with this.
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Suki. Honey. I'm pretty sure there's a girl code about not flirting with a guy in front of his ex.
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Has Suki been filled in on the whole moon thing? Or is she just really confused right now?
You know, Smellerbee is just as unusual a name for a girl.
Jet talks the talk, but I don't believe he'll be able to walk the walk, despite second chances being one of the big themes of this show. Something about him still feels off.
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Hope you guys can swim!
Katara to the rescue again. I'm liking this new level-headed action-oriented Katara that appeared in The Desert, and I'm glad she wasn't just a one-episode character.
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Momo here fulfilling one of my childhood dreams. There was an aquarium room at my local zoo that had a tunnel you could walk through. Seven year old me would have sold my soul to be able to glorp through the glass and swim with the fishes like this.
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Once again, Toph saves the day. She's doing a lot of heavy lifting this episode.
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Big Sneky Boy has the colour palette of an exercise video from the 80s aerobics phase. Kind of detracts from the terror when he's wearing a leotard.
Number one sign of irresponsible pet ownership: sacrificing your lemur to Cthulhu.
Aang just bitchslapped Big Sneky Boy.
Why didn't they go with a big ice bridge in the first place?
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Yeah that's a problem. Could she make rock skate blades and attach them to her feet maybe? Would that help her see?
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Guys. Just. Send someone out there for her. The ice doesn't have handrails. Come on.
Suki can swim in like half a tonne of armour. I bet they have swimming with armour on drills on Kyoshi Island.
"You can go ahead and let me drown now." That is EXACTLY my sense of humour.
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Unlike goldfish, Big Sneky Boys can be flushed down the toilet.
"Now it's nothing but smooth sailing to Ba Sing Se." *Something immediately goes wrong* Has Sokka thought about harnessing his ability to speak things into existence?
Tragically, it makes perfect sense that Katara knows exactly how to deliver real human things.
"You know, as soon as I saw your scar I knew exactly who you were." Jet's little speech here got the biggest laugh out of me yet. I had to pause so I wouldn't miss dialogue. He's so deliciously wrong.
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This episode's Beat Up Sokka quota is fulfilled by a baby that has yet to be born.
"I want our daughter's name to be unique" TAKE COVER FOLKS! UNNECESSARY VOWELS INCOMING!
Didn't you guys just nearly get killled by a pass that told you to abandon Hope? Are you sure about that name?
Ok it isn't pregnancy that makes you corny. It's being a character in this episode. While I'm glad to see the back of Stoic Aang, this is getting to be a bit on the cheesy side.
Hell yeah Katara deserves that cry. And that hug.
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I'm watching this at my mom's house and I need to report that when Sokka said "You came along, to protect me?" my mom audibly went "awww!"
On a more serious note, this is exactly what Sokka needs after the Yue situation. A badass girlfriend who not only can and does take care of herself, but who also can and does take care of Sokka. Boy needs some pampering.
That is one hell of a wall.
That is one hell of a Big Sneky Boy.
"Appa's gonna have to wait" hit like a tonne of bricks. Another step in the journey to turn Aang from carefree monk to repsonsible Avatar. Appa having to wait is a genius story beat, but I want Appa NOW.
Final Thoughts
I had to check out my window for flying pigs before I started typing this section, because Zuko was consistently the most reasonable character in the B plot, perhaps in the whole episode. Apparently the 'make Zuko decent' project is finally seeing results. Have we turned over a new leaf? Dare I hope? It helps that he was juxtaposed with one of the single most batshit crazy characters from season one, but still.
I also need to issue a formal apology to Suki and all of her fans. I didn't like her in The Warriors of Kyoshi, and while I'm still not overly fond of that episode, I love what they've done with her character here. A good standalone character with her own strengths, goals, and responsibilities, and a good match for Sokka. I'd go so far as to say she's a better match for Sokka than Yue was, for all that both ladies have a startling amount in common: a position of responsibility, devotion to those who regard them as a leader, good taste in water tribe ass, etc.
I'm also going to hypothesise that Sokka is, in universe, the hottest member of the Gang. He's now had four girls expressing their interest: Suki, then Yue, then Azula's pokey pink friend whose name currently escapes me, and now Toph too! And she can't even see him, so his hotness is more than skin deep.
This episode was another stealth character episode in the style of The Blue Spirit. You think it's an action episode but it's actually character work with some fights for spice. It's got: -payoff for Katara's new-found levelheadedness -the other side of the coin on Aang's desert freakout -Toph doing just ALL the heavy lifting in the absence of Appa (seriously, teach her to fly and you won't need Appa as anything but a friendly couch) -Toph also getting an incredibly logical weakness that she learns she can rely on her friends to surmount -Sokka getting some Yue resolution from a frankly ironic source -Zuko getting what I'm sure is going to turn into a dark mirror
Speaking of fuckboy, there was nothing in this episode that hinted that Jet's turn to good was anything but genuine, but something about him still really makes my teeth itch. So I'm calling it now: based not on any evidence, but entirely on my own feelings, Jet's turn to good isn't going to stick.
There was some corny stuff in this episode, but it's a kids' show. It gets way more allowance for corny than an adult show does. I'll let it slide, so long as it doesn't become a habit.
This was part one of a two part episode, but it certainly didn't feel that way. There was the Big Metal Sneky Boy plot hook at the very end, but other than that it was a self-contained story.
I had predicted last episode that the rest of season two would be spent getting to Ba Sing Se, and they did it in one episode. So I'd like to announce my retirement from predicting the future because I am not good at it. I have no idea where we're going beyond next episode. I guess I'll have fun finding out!
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artbytala · 5 months
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juniperhillpatient · 1 year
Oh, & another thing that I enjoyed about this episode was the small scene where Iroh accidentally misgenders Smellerbee & she walks away & Longshot follows her.
“I know. As long as I’m confident in who I am, it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks.”
I had to look it up but apparently this came out in 2006. Avatar gets slammed now by people on the internet who wanted it to be more progressive than it was, but it’s actually pretty freaking neat that a kid’s cartoon managed to slide that line in regarding gender in 2006. Trans Smellerbee is all but confirmed canon, I’m just saying 🏳️‍⚧️
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It’s also just a neat moment & I enjoy the message & the soft moment between friends. I love the Freedom Fighters.
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take-that-you-rock · 11 months
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One Scene from Every Episode
2.12 The Serpent's Pass
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theowritesfiction · 1 year
'The Serpent's Pass'
I love this episode because two sorely missed characters - Suki and Jet - make their return.
I loved how after having to be an absolute rock during the previous episode, this one starts off with Katara getting to be playful and just enjoy herself. I loved her waterbending bomb. She's adorable.
The worsening refugee situation is yet another aspect of the war revealed very effectively by this episode. Can't fault the people for thinking that Ba Sing Se is safe...
Ah, the return of Jet! Immediate Jetko rights. There is some serious Jetko bonding in this chapter and it's great to see. Jet and Zuko's little operation to liberate the food for refugees... @juniperhillpatient, for how dysfunctional Jetko can be, you have to admit, they worked together very efficiently! Also, hearing Jet speak about how he has re-evaluated his life and is going to BSS for a second chance... why the fuck did they have to kill him off? He could have played such an interesting part in the story.
I'm glad Iroh is approaching his return to Ba Sing Se with the grace and dignity... of a complete and utter clown. Sometimes I wonder what the hell is wrong with that old man. Misgendering Smellerbee, what the fuck? 40 Jerk Points.
Damn, the Sukkka reunion is hideously sweet. Suki playing the tough guard and playfully harassing Sokka was so gosh darn cute. I re-watched that part at least four times. Sokka being super protective of Suki after what happened to Yue makes so much sense, even if he comes off annoyingly overbearing, it's still fun to see him trying to protect Suki from a spider. Sokka still missing Yue is a tearjerker moment. I'm glad Sokka pulled himself together at the end though. With how criminally little screen time Suki is given in this show, Sokka you better take any chance you have to kiss that girl.
I am going to give Aang huge credit for agreeing to guide the refugees through the Serpent's Pass even if he's depressed and lacking motivation. I want to slap Sokka for complaining about that, especially when he wanted to use the pass in the first place. Also, I can completely understand Katara being horrified by Aang's talk of abandoning hope. Katara is someone for who hope means everything.
I really enjoyed the action while fighting the giant serpent. Katara's waterbending has come such a long way. The awkward moment of Toph kissing Suki while thinking she was saved by Sokka was funny, but also kind of... weirdly set up? So all the previous abuse Toph hurled at Sokka was because she secretly liked him? I don't know how to feel about that.
Could my admiration for Katara grow any higher? The way she takes charge of the situation after the refugee lady goes into labor is impressive. At the age of 14, she's helped Kanna deliver babies back at the South Pole. When I think back to what I was like when I was 14, it just makes me blush and cringe.
Seeing Aang regain his hope at the end of the episode was so touching. I also remember how at the start of Book 2, I thought to myself: meh, this is the season where they started to push Kataang. Except... they haven't? Only Cave of Two Lovers contained traces of Kataang. This episode? It's all about sweet and caring friends energy, sorry.
Also I love the cliffhanger this episode ends on, the shot of the Fire Army drill was so ominous, like... I don't know what the hell is that thing, but it's scary.
Okay, so only Iroh was supposed to get Jerk Points for this chapter, but I'm going to touch on something that ties into the previous episode. I've always felt that Katara is criminally underappreciated by the fans and the ATLA writers, but also by the other characters on the show, she is literally ALWAYS just taken for granted. She put up with so much BS leading the group out of the desert alive, and yet she received no recognition for it, not even a single thank you? I'm giving the rest of the Gaang 30 Jerk Points each for taking Katara for granted.
Jerk Points for Book 2:
Iroh - 550 Azulon - 300 Ursa, General Fong  - 200 Aang - 160 Zuko - 120 Ozai, Toph Beifong - 100 Sokka - 70 Bumi, Lao Beifong - 50 Pakku - 30
Iroh is really pulling away at the top... can anyone challenge him this season? Long Feng has his work cut out for him.
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comradekatara · 2 months
aang and sokka have by far the most underrated dynamic in atla. they’re very cute and silly together, but they’re also insane. like, aang’s central tension concerns refusing to let his values be shaped by war and the imperialist logic of his oppressors, whereas sokka’s entire value system has been defined by war, by his experience as a colonized subject. in many ways, the ultimate tragedy of aang’s character, that he may become too cynical to appreciate his cultural values of joy, friendship, freedom, harmony, and peace, is the tragedy that he might someday become what sokka already is.
if aang is a force for good in sokka’s life, showing him how to play, to appreciate living in the moment and connecting with others, then sokka is quite literally a corrupting influence. “there, that’s how it’s done,” he says, and you know he’s not just posturing, because you’ve already seen him kill people before without remorse. sokka is aang’s big brother, his friend, his protector. he plays his games, makes him laugh, shows him kindness and undying loyalty. but he is also everything that aang must constantly strive to never become. he is a ruthless tactician, a hyperlogical cynic, a killer.
sokka would do anything to survive and protect his loved ones against the cruelty of the world. so he chastises aang for refusing to kill, for being soft and idealistic. he in fact almost kills aang after he accidentally hurts katara. while aang can never let himself sink into despair, to adopt the colonial mindset of his oppressors, to close off his heart to hope and feeling, sokka already has. yes, aang shows him joy and friendship and the potential for freedom, but in truth, it’s too late for him. and perhaps if katara cannot retrieve her brother’s humanity, his very soul, from the hollow shell of who he has since become, she has a second chance now, with aang.
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mtg-smash-or-pass · 2 months
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naffeclipse · 3 months
Btw looking at the little naga multiverse that’s going on. I love it sm lol Into the Naga!Clip-Verse am I right??
How would a BH!Eclipse fit as a naga? And how would he interact with the others? :0
Ahahah, it really is! And tossing the bounty hunter into the mix? Oh man
Bounty Hunter!Eclipse as a naga takes after the Rainbow Boa. He possesses deep red scales with black saddle-shaped markings along his tail, and his sun rays are made of black and orange frills. He's nocturnal and sticks to the trees, preferring solitude and avoiding anything that walks along the ground, except for, of course, our lovely Y/N. He does not interact with the others. The reason is if he's compelled, he will act violently, horribly, and it will end will blood everywhere. So, he's better off alone while he struggles with his urges.
He carries a captivating rainbow iridescent sheen to his scales that is rarely seen, but Y/N manages to snap a picture of it, mistaking BH!Eclipse for only a snake and not a naga. Oops.
BH!Eclipse is none too pleased to be photographed and as such gives Y/N a warning with some terrifying hissing and threats to crush them. He looms over them and the brush of his coils gives Y/N shivers of death but ultimately, he refrains from his impulse to smother them. He orders them to show him the picture. When Y/N reveals the photo with shaking hands, he's stunned by how nicely Y/N captured him. As if he's not entirely violent and deadly. It stirs something deep in his cold heart.
He orders Y/N to leave. They bolt out of there like a gazelle but little do they know the impression they just left.
BH!Eclipse wants to see them again (he wants to see how nicely they bruise, how pretty their sanguine blood is—no, no, no) he wants to see if they'll take more pictures. He wonders how well they can handle seeing him again after he scared them.
What's one more thing to try and get right?
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pointyfruit · 20 days
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I could not tell you what this is. Snake, bug, flower, fish, thing.
It is my creature though so I love them regardless.
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fanfic-lover-girl · 3 months
Questions + Thoughts from the Serpent's Pass Episode
Why didn't Katara, Toph or Aang just make a bridge for people to pass? That makes more sense than walking on the ocean floor. How didn't oxygen run out down there?
Katara has to ask Aang to help her with waterbending. Compared to how Katara immediately went to Aang's side to help him with the serpent.
Toph and Aang have such easy chemistry in their interactions. I am not a huge Taang shipper but I see the appeal.
I am shocked at how everyone left Toph behind! I know Sokka forgetting her blindness is a gag but they literally endangered her life. Sokka never noticed until he reached land! There was no need for Toph to almost drown :(. But I understand that it is easy to forget about Toph's disability when she seems so competent all the time.
Toph is struggling in the water and my man Sokka is wasting time with his shoes while Queen Suki literally jumps straight in with her bulkier clothing and makeup. And looked good doing so! Ah Suki, always showing up Sokka like a champ.
Where is Aang supposed to find rags?
Katara being trained as a midwife further highlights the maturity level difference between her and Aang. Her older brother is even acting childish at the prospect of childbirth lol. Katara's adultification is so tragic.
Why can't we have a moment where Aang is Katara's emotional support? It's just so unfair.
So nice that there is at least one healthy ship in ATLA! Sukka for the win.
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tincanneddrawings · 1 year
Servant of the serpent
Before you read if you like this au PLEASE reblog instead of like it means a lot to me 
Also there’s a mention of psychedelics in here at the very end so if you don’t like that simply ignore it or do not read at all it is entirely up to you
I PRESENT TO YOU...My AU that’s now 100% finished :)
Servant of the serpent is an au where instead of dying Kallamar, Shamura and Heket lock themselves away into their crowns essentially attaching their life force onto their crowns, while Leshy protects their crowns. With further instructions from Shamura, Leshy travels away from the lands of the old faith acompanied by his priest Pura, to a land dominated by a cult with a different faith.
Prior to their sacrifice the bishops looked quite different.
Shamura was quiet and reserved but would often be the voice of reason when it came to decisions and would often be seen wandering around silk cradle when they did not have other things to attend to. Being the bishop of war, they often held ritualistic fightpits among their followers and would sometimes share their battle strategies with their followers in exchange for sacrifices.
It was not often you would see them with their siblings but they did and still do care very much for them, unlike with their followers Shamura loves their siblings and would never wish to harm them this includes Narinder. They feel immense guilt and sadness over locking away their brother and often blame themselves for causing their siblings’ injuries.
Shamura has travelled to many places before settling down in the lands of the old faith, one of these places being the rich rain forest of Bouros where they met bishop Ouro. Their relation to Ouro is not known to many except Narinder, whom has his opinions of it but does not seem opposed to it.
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As for sacrificed Shamura... They are a little different.
While still retaining almost all of their memories they have acquired a rather pessemistic view on the living, while not outright wishing death upon anyone it often takes Leshy more effort to convince them that it isn’t as horrible as they say.
Leshy often visits them to hear stories about the past and to hear their wisdom.
Their view of their siblings has not changed at all however and they still very much care about them, no longer feeling the overwhelming guilt of their actions they are much more satisfied and content being trapped in their crown.
The inside of Shamura’s crown is similar to silk cradle with a few changes. Those being, it is considerably more bright and things are covered in silk similar to spider silk while not being too sticky, although the type of spider silk often varies depending on WHERE it is.
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Kallamar was rather anxious and often found himself alone in the most empty places in Anchordeep. Although often rather anxious this did not stop him from doing his job, that being curing and casuing disease.
He’d often be found polishing his many weapons and treasures in his temple when not busy attending to sermons or curing followers of disease. Kallamar was rather passionate about getting creative with ways to punish dissenting followers and heretics.
Sometimes he would feel bad for his siblings since he has an inury that is relatively minor compared to them, this often resulted in him apologizing when having done nothing that would actually need to have him apologize.
His closest relation is Heket, being twins they spent most of their time together when Narinder and Shamura weren’t there to look after them. He loves his sister and all his other siblings of course but since the bannishment of Narinder he became more anxious and a little more distant, though he did still attempt to have a connection with his siblings and didn’t entirely cut them off.
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Sacrificed Kallamar is much less anxious however.
Having been safely locked away in his crown, Kallamar is now much more relaxed and content, no longer having to fear the red crown killing him.
He is often the one Leshy consoles when he is anxious and fearful, when in need of calmness and peace. 
While still remembering most of what has happened before he was locked away he no longer feels inferior to his siblings and is at peace in his lonesome.
The inside of his crown is similar to anchordeep aside from the lack of buildings or any form of homes, lit only by the many colorful crystals scattered around.
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Heket was rather aggressive when it came to her followers and sometimes even her siblings. Often going by the idea of ‘’tough love’’ she’d be rather harsh towards Kallamar and Leshy and rarely showed any emotion.
Her specialty was cooking for her siblings as it was something she was rather passionate about, even if she was the bishop of famine. Often showing her love and appreciation for her siblings by cooking she’d often be found trying to make new dishes while not attending harvests.
She often put her siblings’ wellbeing before her own, even if that meant she gets hurt in the proccess, often feeling guilt when she isn’t able to help everytime something went even the tiniest bit wrong.
Although Heket doesn’t show it very often she cares for her siblings quite a lot even if she seems very harsh about it.
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Compared to her free counterpart sacrificed Heket is rather calm.
After being locked away she lost most of the memories of the old faith and the times before Narinder was sealed away, she is rather forgetful and sometimes says the wrong things but she does mean well. 
Leshy often visits her when he needs reassurance and comfort as he finds her voice rather soothing to listen to. If it is silent enough sometimes very faint singing can be heard emminating from her crown.
Her opinion of her siblings has not changed and she still loves them dearly, although she does fear Narinder as she doesn’t remember him as anything other than a monster whom hurt her family.
The inside of Heket’s crown is similar to anura with a few exceptions, such as there being very little variety between the types of mushrooms growing there. There is also not many places with water which anura has.
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Narinder has not changed all that much.
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He remains chained, waiting for the time he is freed. Although he did not expect his siblings to lock themselves into their crowns and chose Leshy out of all of them to protect them.
The youngest of the bishops now tasked with protecting their crowns and their lives is a rather intense fellow. He fears disappointing his older siblings and avoids conflict with other gods that he comes across as much as he can, preferably avoiding mortals as well. 
Before being tasked with protecting his siblings’ crowns and their lives he was incredibly energetic and a hunger for chaos, often being the cause of a lot of disaster around the land of the old faith. Eventually the other bishops gave him a gift, a snake, which he named Orun. He was incredibly attached to Orun and would let her eat dissenting followers most of the time when he didn’t feel like doing so himself.
Though, sadly, Orun was not immortal and sadly passed away peacefully many years after Leshy had gotten her. He was heartbroken and it took him a long time to heal and he never quite fully recovered.
Leshy had a strong attachment to Shamura and would often seek guidance from them before anyone else, of course he loved all his siblings but he saw Shamura and a better example to follow than his other siblings.
He can become rather emotional at times, often having outbursts of anger when things don’t go the way he wished they would or become upset at random as he sometimes overthinks a lot of things.
Now most mortals refer to him as ‘’The forest guardian’’ as he guards Ouro’s realm of life.
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Shortly after Orun’s passing Leshy acquired a priest named Pura whom was at first imported as a slave for the bishops but was turned into a priest by him.
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Pura is a very inexperienced priestess but strangely enough Leshy accepts that fact and does not blame her when she does wrong. Coming from a land far away she is not quite accustomed to the climate of the lands of the old faith or bouros for that matter, often needing to find warmer places to warm up in order to not be too cold. 
The other bishops do not think very highly of her, as she is not a very good priestess but as Leshy accepts her there is not much to be done about it. 
Often plagued by remembering what has happened in her past she sometimes  zones out and has to be brought back to reality, finding comfort in her leader is not uncommon although most look down upon it. 
When not attending a sermon or any other event she often picks flowers, writes and sometimes goes along with Leshy to cause chaos.
Moving onto the important figures from the rain forest called Bouros and some more about the realm itself.
Bouros is a tropical rain forest filled with mainly reptiles and amphibians, though other animals is not uncommon. The only bishop of the old faith to have seen this place is Shamura. There are a few towns scattered about the realm with smaller villages making up most of the population.
The bishop/god of this realm is called Ouro.
She is often called ‘’Lady Ouro’’ or ‘’The infinite serpent’’ depeing on whom is addressing her and is often just called ‘’Beloved’’ by Shamura.
Other gods call her a cowards as she chooses to not fight unless she is forced to, typically she would prefer to have a peaceful conversation with whatever god is passing through her realm, this does not mean she is not opposed to violence though.
The difference between how she treats fellow gods and her followers is rather large, as she enjoys watching dissenting followers suffer she employs her own creative torture methods.
These can range from rather tame ones to incredibly gruesome used for incredibly persistent dissenters.
When not taking joy in watching her followers suffer she keeps her many snakes company, she keeps all the serpents in her realm well and healthy as they are seen as important to their cult’s faith.
While not open about it, Ouro sees her priests as her only family as in order for her to even bear life’s crown she has had to kill her mother and her countless siblings. (which she doesn’t regret lol)
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Since serpents are looked upon as very valued it would only make sense for Ouro’s priests to be serpents themselves.
Usiu is a non-binary black mamba and is the youngest priest.
They often hold sermons and minor events in honor of Ouro.
Usiu is often the one to take part in fights with intruders and heretics as they find it enjoyable to fight, they sometimes spar with other followers and sometimes with Asaph when she feels like it.
They are less patient with followers than Asaph and will often resort to threatening a follower that is not cooperating. 
When not holding smaller events or preaching sermons Usiu likes relaxing in the many warm ponds located around the realm of Bouros and sometimes enjoys a good nap.
They have an amulet tied around their neck that holds a sliver of Ouro’s crown’s power, which both makes them immortal and more powerful than the average mortal.
When not frustrated by followers and being annoyed by other animals they are rather friendly, mainly towards gods as instructed by Ouro.
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Asaph is the eldest priest and is a king cobra.
Asaph holds the more important events and oversees the bigger towns.
She is much calmer than Usiu and typically does not resort to violence unless needed, much like Ouro.
Asaph can often be found meditating by herself in one of the few caves located around the realm of bouros, she would prefer to be alone when meditating but does not mind other meditating with her as long as she is not disturbed.
Aside from meditating, when she’s not holding events or looking after followers she likes sunbathing (like literally every other snake) and soaking in water with Usiu.
Before becoming a priest she was often questioned about her calm nature, since king cobras are stereotyped as being rather aggressive, she simply answered that she did not feel like being aggressive.
She is often praised for her wisdom and sometimes compared to that of a god, she however shuts that down rather quickly as she does not see herself as one and does not wish to be greater than Ouro.
Very good at hypnotising.
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Small stuff about Ouro’s cult.
It is different from The Old Faith as it does not hold the same values as it.
Instead of fight pits to solve feuds between followers, they hold a dance competition (as strange as that sounds) the goal is to immitate the movements of a snake and the one who does it the best is the winner.
The cult praises the mother of nature whom they believe is a long serpent called The Ouroboros which is why snakes are looked upon to highly.
Sacrifices made are in honor of nature and the cycle of nature.....usually
It’s very rare to see anyone be brought back to life as the cult holds a kind of ‘’return from whence you came’’ sort of value, once you die you do not return as your body is given back to nature.
Sometimes the dance ritual is used as punishment for someone who has done a very minor thing where the victim has to dance while under the effects of psychedelics, or when the victim cannot handle such things they are simply hypnotized and forced into a trip.
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crowleyholmes · 3 months
Not me wondering if in the GO universe the whole Medusa story is actually Crowley… now I’m sad
Honestly, just aesthetically, Crowley with snakes as his hair is something I think about on a regular basis... 👀
Anyway, if it wasn't him personally, then I'm sure he would sympathize.
Oh of course now my traitorous brain is coming up with more background to this idea.... ohno.... what have you DONE.
Furiously opens good-omens-drawing-ideas doc AGAIN and jots something down
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gennianydots · 9 months
Sokka: Suki, are you okay? You have to be more careful. C’mon!
Toph: Thanks for saving my life, Toph. Hey, no problem, Sokka.
Toph: Oh Sokka, you saved me! Mwah! *kisses Suki on the cheek*
Suki: Actually, it’s me.
Toph: Oh, well, you can go ahead and let me drown now.
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juniperhillpatient · 1 year
The Serpent's Pass Re-watch
Ooh, I love this episode so much - the return of Jet & Suki, two characters with criminally low amounts of screen time! Also, I'll admit I'm a sucker for storylines about hope & what it means to regain it during a dark time in the characters' journeys. Call me corny, but I love it. The baby being named "Hope" in the end gets me every time.
Seeing Katara have fun at the start of this episode is so endearing. I love her water-bending bomb. I do wish that the Gaang could've taken a moment to thank Katara or acknowledge how brave she was in the last episode because she was kinda treated like crap despite being the hero & now everything is back to normal.
Suki popping up & pretending to harass Sokka as a guard is so cute. I love their dynamic in this episode & I love the complex layer added by Yue. I've been waiting for my favorite moon girl to haunt the narrative a little more & here she is. I'm obsessed with this shot.
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'The Swamp' hinted that Sokka was struggling with guilt over Yue's death & I'm so glad that they went somewhere with that arc for Sokka in this episode. Sokka was tasked with protecting Yue & even though she chose to sacrifice herself, that's going to weigh heavy on Sokka. I loved that in the end, it was the knowledge that Suki had come along to protect him that allowed Sokka to move past his fear of getting close & his obsession with protecting Suki from harm & kiss her.
Suki is a character that I've always said I love on the surface, but I wish the writers had dived just a little deeper. She's a warrior, but she's also a girl. We see in this episode the way she teases Sokka & the entire dynamic between them that she's brave but she's also goofy. She's also vulnerable & deeply understanding & forgiving (a lot of people would have been more hurt by Sokka's brief rejection.) There's a layer of complexity to Suki that is scratched in episodes like this but she's simply not given enough screen time or background which is a shame. Oh well, I really enjoyed her in this episode. +1000 iconic behavior points for rescuing Toph & +100 to Suki & Sokka each for their goodbye kiss. (Sidenote - why isn't Suki/Toph a more popular ship after that accidental kiss?)
Katara & Aang's arc in this episode is great. It's funny I keep saying how much I love their dynamic & what they mean to each other because I think that most of my mutuals & followers know I dislike them as a romantic pairing. But, this re-watch is reminding me how much I love their friendship (the first time I watched, I never even knew they were meant to be a serious romantic pairing until toward the end of the show, I thought it was just a fleeting crush from Aang.) I shouldn't have let parts of the fandom / the comics ruin that for me for a bit, & I'll try not to from now on & instead just focus on what I like in the actual show. Aang feeling hopeless because of Appa's loss is just.... heartbreaking. This line especially got to me: "Hope is not going to get us into Ba Sing Se and it's not going to help find Appa. We need to focus on what we're doing right now and that's getting across this path." It's a reflection of Aang's character development, in my opinion, that he is continuing to try to be strong. This isn't the same goofy kid from Book 1, he's grown & accepted his responsibility as the Avatar, & he's trying so hard to be strong despite his own inner hurt. And for Katara, someone who believes so strongly in hope, to have to hear that...ouch. We saw it last episode & we see it again in this episode, Katara is completely motivated by hope & idealism against all odds. She can't just focus on the moment, she has to believe in a better future. So, of course, it's her, in the end, who brings that hope back to Aang. Also, +1000 Iconic Behavior Points for delivering a baby at 14 years old. She is now in the lead, even surpassing Azula.
Jet is back!!! And he's on his own journey to redemption. I gotta say, I feel like Sokka & Suki's scenes & Jet & Zuko's scenes kept happening back to back & like these two duos were sort of the a plot b plot romances of the episode, like I'm just saying -
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I'm going to play devil's advocate & say that Iroh joking about being a tourist wasn't quite the dick move many fans say it is. I don't think Iroh actually thinks of himself as a tourist, I feel like he was just trying to cheer Zuko up because Zuko was feeling so upset about the idea of being a refugee. Which - I mean, understandable. Zuzu is used to being a pampered prince, of course, he's freaking out about eating grubby food but there's more to it too. He's being hunted by his own nation - his own sister. On his father's orders.
Then along comes Jet, & Zuko has his bisexual awakening & decides to help "liberate some food." Be gay do crime anyone? +1000 iconic behavior points each. Genuinely though, this episode gives us yet another look at Jet's more heroic traits. Even in Jet's titular episode where is an antagonist, we see a traumatized kid who is trying to take care of other traumatized kids, whether he goes about it the right way or not. Now we see that Jet still considers himself an outcast, & cares deeply about looking after other outcasts & victimized people - just now without quite such violent methods. What changed though? I would love to know more about what Jet & the Freedom Fighters were up to during the time between Book 1 & this episode. Jet seems to deeply regret his past -
Jet: I've done some things in my past that I'm not proud of, but that's why I'm going to Ba Sing Se: for a new beginning. A second chance.
Iroh: That's very noble of you. I believe people can change their lives if they want to. I believe in second chances.
Jet & Zuko's journeys parallel each other so strongly. They meet while they're both questioning everything & feeling lost & uncertain, both heading to Ba Sing Se because they hope for a better future - & "hope" as a theme makes itself known again! This episode hurts more upon re-watch because I know that Jet won't actually get to experience the hope for a better future or second chance that the narrative is hinting is possible. Also, I want to throw in that I think it's heavily hinted that Katara's anger was the catalyst for Jet's change of heart about his methods. What happened after the Gaang left? I guess the villagers now know that Jet & the Freedom Fighters were planning on flooding them out...Maybe Jet was confronted by some of the people that he planned to hurt, & he was forced to face his own intentions & consider why they were wrong?
Jet: You know, as soon as I saw your scar, I knew exactly who you were. You're an outcast, like me. And us outcasts have to stick together. We have to watch each other's backs. Because no one else will.
Zuko: I've realized lately that being on your own isn't always the best path.
I'm supposed to just move on with my life after this scene?
Also, sorry but - "In case you haven't noticed, I'm weird. I'm a weirdo. I don't fit in & I don't want to fit in. Have you ever seen me without this stupid wheat in my mouth? That's weird."
Legitimately though, the way that they set up Jet & Zuko as both on a similar path to redemption & the potential for Jet to face the idea that the Fire Nation prince isn't so different from him after all & that they work well together & for Zuko to bond with one of the people his country believes should be wiped out & crushed & to see himself in this other broken kid....I'm so normal & fine about them it's great 🙂
This is a great episode, possibly my favorite non-Azula Book 2 episode thus far. I loved the Sokka/Suki & Jet/Zuko scenes, I found Toph & her moment with Suki funny & cute, I loved Katara's perseverance & hope against all odds, & I loved Aang regaining his hope in the end - followed, of course, by a scary cliffhanger with the appearance of the drill!
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ask-sebastian · 8 months
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In honor of your silly crab:
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madsceptictrooper · 7 months
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I decided to make a Smash or Pass tierlist of the characters from The Slayers anime.
I actually made this Smash or Pass meme as a joke, though I do love Jillas and want to unironically smash him.
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